10+ Sales PowerPoint Presentation Examples To Get Inspired!


One of the biggest challenges B2B sales and marketing teams face is creating sales presentations that impress potential customers and lead to conversions.

So, what does an excellent sales presentation look like? Today, we'll explore some of the best examples to help you craft your own outstanding presentation. And that’s not all, we’ve interviewed our head of sales, Robert Juul Glaesel , to provide you with the BEST insights to unlock success. So…let's dive in!

sales and business development presentation ppt

We’ll be covering the following topics

What is a sales presentation?

Sales presentation vs. sales deck vs. pitch deck.

  • Sales Presentation PPT Examples - and why they were successful

Sales Powerpoint Presentation Templates

Sales presentation video examples, get ready to create the best sales presentation: tips from our sales expert, unlock success: expert support for your sales presentation design.

Let’s start from the top! - Or, as always, you can skip to your preferred section.

A sales presentation is a crucial part of the sales process. It refers to a meeting where a sales team showcases their product or service , persuading potential customers to purchase.

This meeting typically takes place after initial contact with the prospects , either through marketing efforts, cold calls, or expressions of interest from potential customers themselves.

In this meeting, the sales team usually provides a comprehensive overview of the product or service. They address key points such as:

  • What is the product or service?
  • How is it used?
  • What distinctive features does it have?
  • What problem does it solve?
  • Why is this their best option?
→ Free Download: 10+ Sales PowerPoint presentation template [Access Now]

The sales presentation and sales deck are pretty similar. On one hand, a sales presentation is designed to persuade potential customers about the value of your product or service. It typically includes detailed information about your product, its features, benefits, pricing, case studies, testimonials, and more.

On the other hand, a sales deck is essentially a condensed version of a sales presentation . It is usually concise and only includes key highlights.

In contrast, a pitch deck is a presentation created for investors to secure funding. It generally contains information about the company's vision, the problem it aims to solve, market opportunities, business model, and financial projections.

Sales Presentation PPT Examples: and why they were successful

Below are several sales presentation examples you can use as inspiration to create your own. Let’s look at each of them and see exactly why they were successful.

sales and business development presentation ppt

Spendesk is a powerful spend management platform designed to help users save time and money by offering a clear view of their company expenses. Their sales presentation is the definition of a successful sales presentation: it is incredibly clear and straightforward . It clearly defines the problem it solves and introduces you to the solution, highlighting how it stands out from the competition.

As you’ll see, this presentation is not overloaded with text - it's simple and easily shows you how the product works. And most importantly, it’s branded! Which is key for brand positioning and visual consistency .

To check it out, click here .

Reddit Advertisement Sales Presentation

sales and business development presentation ppt

Reddit's sales presentation is definitely one of a kind. By incorporating memes and other pop-culture images throughout their deck, they engage the audience and stay true to their brand identity . This approach not only resonates with the Reddit community but also sets them apart from mundane sales pitches.

The presentation not only provides valuable data and showcases the effectiveness of its product but also does so effortlessly, proving that a presentation does not have to be overly serious to be effective.

Click here to explore Reddit's engaging sales presentation.

sales and business development presentation ppt

Zuora, a SaaS platform for subscription billing, takes a compelling approach in its sales presentation. It starts by highlighting the industry's changing landscape , effectively showing the importance of adapting to these changes.

But Zuora doesn't stop there. Throughout their presentation, they also showcase what their platform can do for the audience and provide social proof to back it up . This includes quotes from CEOs and other business executives who have successfully used their platform to improve their subscription billing process.

See for yourself and check out one of the best sales deck examples here .

sales and business development presentation ppt

Drift, a web-based live-chat tool for sales and marketing, takes a unique approach to its sales presentation. They begin by highlighting a common problem that many businesses face : how traditional communication methods, such as email, calls, and forms, are insufficient.

The presentation then goes on to showcase how Drift can provide a solution to this problem. They demonstrate how their live chat tool offers a more personalized approach to communication that can lead to impactful results.

Check out Drift's impressive sales presentation here .

sales and business development presentation ppt

Salesforce, an integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, provides a valuable lesson about creating sales presentations that convert . They start by explaining how the industry has undeniable changes and how we need to adapt to keep our businesses successful.

But they don't stop there. They continue showing us what things can look like, in other words, "the promised land," and how their product can change everything about how companies do things. And obviously, they finish with the greatest success stories from CEOs and clothes executives.

Click here to get inspired by the Salesforce presentation.

→ Free Download: 10+ Sales PowerPoint presentation PDF [FREE]

Snapchat Advertising

sales and business development presentation ppt

Snapchat Advertising's sales presentation stands out not only for its visually appealing design but also for its unique features. The presentation begins by emphasizing the vast reach of its platform and key age demographics, providing valuable insights for those looking to make the most of their marketing campaign .

In addition, Snapchat Advertising effectively compares itself to the competition, showcasing its unique features and advantages. And, of course, the presentation is visually branded with the company's iconic ghost character , making it instantly recognizable.

Check out their captivating sales presentation here .

sales and business development presentation ppt

Klima’s sales presentation is a special one. This climate change app’s presentation makes sure we know they are a company that focuses on “what truly matters.” It presents itself as a business with real, global impact.

And that’s not all. One standout feature of Klima's sales presentation is its visually appealing design. The slides effectively showcase the app's interface and demonstrate its key features. This visual representation really helps prospects consider getting an employee benefit with purpose .

Click here to get inspired by one of the greatest b2b sales deck examples.

Are you ready to create the best Sales PowerPoint presentation? We’ve got great news for you! Discover our sales presentation templates that you can download for exactly $0 .

sales and business development presentation ppt

Any of these templates could be a GREAT starting point for your next sales presentation . And what’s best…they are completely free for you to download at our Templates platform ! You’ll find not only these ones but also hundreds of other PowerPoint templates, for ANY industry, completely at your disposal.

Sales presentations can take various forms, including videos. Video presentations can effectively engage and captivate the audience by combining visual content, audio narration, and sometimes animations or graphics. Here are a few examples of sales presentations that are delivered in video format:

sales and business development presentation ppt

Medallia's video presentation showcases the effectiveness of using video to clearly represent their platform. The video highlights the platform's features, demonstrating how it can be a powerful tool for businesses.

By utilizing video, Medallia effectively shows viewers what the platform looks like and what they can expect to access and analyze in terms of data. The detailed exploration of each feature gives potential clients a comprehensive understanding of the platform's capabilities and how it can benefit their business.

Click here to check it out.

sales and business development presentation ppt

Moodcaster, a digital casting platform, starts with the main problem: how time-consuming castings can be and how tedious auditions are . It then shows you how they can be a great solution and how the platform works.

This video presentation truly shows what the client can expect when using the platform , by showing the process step-by-step. And if they are not convinced yet, it ends up listing all the fantastic features it has one by one, leaving the best impression.

Click here to view Moodcaster’s incredible video sales presentation.

sales and business development presentation ppt

Viable, the pioneering experience analysis platform, doesn't just identify the problem you're facing; it swiftly transitions to showcasing how they can provide the solution . They offer a real-time demonstration of how their platform works, providing concrete insights into how it can improve your business.

Finally, they conclude by highlighting all the advantages, features, and versatile applications that can benefit your specific needs.

Click here to take a look at Viable’s video sales presentation.

We know that creating the best sales presentation is key for your business. So, in order to provide valuable insights, we consulted Robert Juul Glaesel , head of sales at 24 Slides, who understands the importance of a good presentation for your business.

Let’s take a look at some insights from our head of sales:

Insight #1: Take elements out instead of adding elements in

Remember that quality is always more important than quantity . So, keep in mind not to overload your presentation with excessive text, because your audience’s attention will go directly there, instead of your speech. In Robert’s words:

“If you incorporate too many elements, it results in clutter, obscuring the main message and making it more challenging for the presenter to effectively convey their message.”

Insight #2: Don’t rely on your slides

We know this might sound counterintuitive, given that all this article is about creating your presentation, but remember that the presentation and the story are yours . As Robert says:

“Make sure that your presentation supports your story, it shouldn't tell your story. You, as the presenter, are the storyteller. Therefore, presentations should emphasize key points.”

Bonus insight #3: Brand your sales presentation !

This is one of your most crucial presentations; it should reflect who you are . There should be consistency between what they see on your website, social media, etc., and what they will see in this presentation. So, it is extremely important that you show that you care about your image and pay close attention to detail.

Creating a sales presentation is an incredibly important task, so it's best to leave it to the experts. Here at 24Slides , we can assist you in creating an amazing sales presentation that perfectly aligns with your brand. All you need to do is share the content you want to include and your brand guidelines. In less than 48 hours, you'll have your presentation ready for sales!

sales and business development presentation ppt

Want to learn more? Check out these articles!

  • The Best Sales Presentation Services for Winning Sales Decks
  • How to Create the Perfect B2B Sales Presentation
  • Learn How to Start an Effective Sales Presentation
  • Top 20 Free Templates for Corporate and Business Presentations
  • +20 Self Introduction PowerPoint Templates: Download for free!

Create professional presentations online

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Sales presentations: templates, examples and ideas on how to present like a pro

Sales Presentation

A good sales presentation is more than a simple pitch, a demo or a list of facts and figures. Done well, at the right time in your sales process , it’s a tool for getting your prospects’ attention, drumming up excitement and moving prospects toward a buying decision.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to use the power of storytelling to drive decision-making and close more deals. We’ll also cover the fundamental elements of an effective sales presentation strategy, what to include in your sales decks and practical ideas on how to deliver them.

What is a sales presentation?

A sales presentation is a live meeting where your team showcases your product or service and why it’s the best option for your prospect.

Although the terminology differs from company to company, a sales presentation is not always the same as a sales pitch.

A sales pitch is what your sales professionals do all day long, on the phone, over Zoom or in person with clients.

A sales presentation (although it’s still a sales pitch) is a point-in-time event that usually happens when your sales team is trying to close a more lucrative deal. It’s not a simple phone call, as it often involves a meeting and a demo.

Because you’re likely presenting to a group of senior decision-makers and executives, sales presentations require ample prep time and coordination across multiple team members.

How (and why) to use storytelling in your sales presentation

Use stories in your presentations to help people remember and relate to your brand.

Statistics, facts and figures can help when you’re trying to persuade a prospect to become a customer, but they’re more impactful if you can frame them with a memorable story.

For example, tell a story about a customer who faced the same challenges as your prospect and supplement it with powerful data, they are more likely to listen and want to know more.

Human beings have a deep relationship with storytelling. Stories move, teach and, in a sales context, persuade audiences.

Chip Heath, a Stanford professor and the co-author of Made to Stick , demonstrates the importance of storytelling by doing an exercise with his students. He divides them into groups and asks them to deliver a one-minute persuasive pitch based on data he’s just shown them.

After the pitches are delivered, he asks the class to jot down everything they remember about them. Although most students use stats rather than stories, 63% remember the stories, while only 5% remember an individual data point .

The stickiness of stories makes them a useful tool for developing a sales presentation outline. They help prospects understand and remember the key points of the presentation and your product.

Thomas Dredge Sales Manager, Particular Audience

Start with a problem (and a deadline)

Your presentation is about the solution you’re offering your prospects, but it shouldn’t start with that solution.

Instead, lead with the problem your solution was designed to solve.

“ Value selling is key,” says Bradley Davies, business development at Cognism . “It is important to understand your buyer and tailor their journey to what you can do for them.

“First, you need to understand what is motivating them to have a discussion, which allows you to identify their pains and present how your offering solves their pains. Everything presented to a prospect should be based on the value for them specifically.”

You might choose to tell a story that positions your product as the hero, helping the customer vanquish a villain: their pain point.

Your story should be tailored to the pain points of the prospects in the room. For example, a change to their business, industry or the technology they use.

“If an element of your offering is not relevant, then don't distract them from the important features. It will keep them engaged and help to build their user story,” adds Bradley.

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Digging deep to determine customer pain points and make the sale

Create a sense of urgency around your product: It’s a solution to their problem, but if they don’t act now, they could miss an opportunity. Tell a story about what might happen if your prospect doesn’t change, framing the consequences of inaction.

Focus on outcomes

You’ve outlined the problem and, if you’re doing your job, your audience is nodding along. Now it’s time to start talking about the solution.

However, that doesn’t mean you should launch into the features and benefits of your product just yet.

Rather than presenting your product, a good sales presentation draws a picture of what life could look like for a customer once they start doing things differently. How will their workload or productivity improve? What will they be able to do with additional time and resources? How will they reduce spending and increase revenue?

From there, introduce your solution and the features that can make this brave new world possible. Do this in a few ways:

Position your features against the old way of doing things

Present those features as “superpowers” that will solve your prospect’s problems

Compare those features to competitors’ features

Quantify the value your features bring vs. the cost of doing nothing

Use a combination of some or all of the above

Creating a winning sales presentation slide deck

Most sales presentations include a slide deck to deliver facts, case studies and statistics that convey the value of your solution.

Create your sales pitch deck in an application like PowerPoint or Google slides to ensure your presentation is visible to everyone in the room (or in a virtual setting).

The best sales decks have a few key elements:

A great cover image or opening slide. Like the story you open your presentation with, your cover slide should grab your audience’s attention.

Data and key points . Charts, graphs, infographics, quotes and other information back up your presentation. Your slides should support your presentation by visualizing data, not repeating what you’re saying. You can get metrics from third-party sources or (if appropriate) from your own sales dashboard .

Testimonials and case studies from other customers. Quotes and success stories from or information about other customers, preferably in the same industry as your prospects, will act as social proof and go a long way to backing up your claims.

Competitive context. In all likelihood, your product isn’t the only one a potential customer is evaluating. Savvy sales professionals take the opportunity to proactively communicate how their product stacks up to their competitors’ and anticipate objections.

Customized content. While it might seem tempting to use the same content for every presentation, you should personalize your presentation for each meeting. You might want to use your prospect’s brand colors, find data specific to their market or industry, or reference an earlier exchange. You can find ready-to-use customizable sales decks through a graphic design app, such as Canva.

A glimpse into next steps. Give your prospects an understanding of what new customer onboarding looks like with a slide that includes a direct call to action offering next steps. For some companies, the training and customer support experience can be a value proposition in and of itself.

A note about text in your sales deck : Keep the slides simple and light on text. Your prospects don’t want to look at a wall of words to read. According to data from Venngage , 84% of presenters use visual data in their presentations – and for good reason: You don’t want to overwhelm your audience with text as they listen to you, look at your sales deck and watch the demo.

When you do include text, ensure you use a font (and font size) that can be easily read by everyone sitting in on your presentation.

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What else to bring to your sales presentation

Now that we’ve discussed the story elements of a sales presentation and your slide deck, what else should you bring to the meeting?

Most sales presentations are in-person affairs and include visual elements like a sales deck, handouts or even an in-person demonstration of the physical product. Here are a few things to think about including in your pitch.


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The product.

Nothing sells a product like seeing it in action.

Take Scrub Daddy, a sponge that changes shape depending on the heat of the water. When Aaron Krause, Scrub Daddy’s founder and inventor, presented the product on Shark Tank in 2012 , he demonstrated the sponge cleaning dirty kitchenware and greasy countertops. He also used bowls of water and two 10-pound weights to show the sponge’s amazing morphic abilities.

The tactic paid off: Scrub Daddy partnered with Lori Greiner for $200,000, in return for 20% equity in the business and is now considered one of Shark Tank’s most successful products.

Not all products are easy to demo, so you may have to improvise.

With a physical product, think of the perfect environment for a demo. What would show the product at its best?

With a digital product, make sure you have the technology on hand to show what your product can do (and check beforehand that the tech works). If it’s a mobile app, have your prospects download it. If it’s a platform, consider producing recorded or interactive product demos that can be embedded in your sales presentation.

For items that are too big to be brought in or which are location-specific, you may have to rely on a video as part of the presentation.


7 steps to putting together a brilliant sales demo

Leave behinds.

Depending on the nature of your solution, you may want to have materials you can leave with the prospects in the room.

This can be as simple as contact information or sales literature you pass out at the end of the presentation. It can also be something that’s part of the presentation, like a QR code that allows them to download the demo on their phones. Whatever format you choose, make sure the material is concise and to the point.

Tailoring your sales presentation to speak to your audience

Once you develop a strong sales deck template, it’s tempting to use it over and over with your target audience. Remember, personalization is essential in sales.

During lead generation , prospecting and sales calls, you know that prospects are more interested in buying if your pitches are tailored to them. It’s the same with your sales presentations, especially if you have an unusual prospect.

Let’s say your product is a CRM that’s normally used by sales organizations, but a human resources department is interested in using it to create a recruiting pipeline.

You wouldn’t use a sales deck with sales-related examples to sell it during the presentation.

Instead, you’d research talent acquisition challenges, ask your product department to create a template or a demo aimed at recruiting and build your sales deck accordingly.

Different industries have unique challenges and opportunities. It’s your responsibility to tailor your value proposition and key bullet points accordingly.

“To craft the perfect sales presentation pitch,” advises Danny Hayward, Sales Manager at Unruly , “ensure you take care of these three things:

Ask the right questions beforehand to understand the needs of the client, especially their flaws

Learn your product inside and out

Rehearse, rehearse and rehearse again

Danny Hayward Sales Manager, Unruly

How to nail your sales presentation delivery

Here are a few tried and true sales presentation techniques to make sure you close the deal.

Whether you’re presenting solo or as part of a team, it’s important to plan in advance. Follow these sales presentation tips for preparation.

Practice, practice, practice . You’ll need to get the timing right, especially if your presentation has a lot of moving parts. Go through it to make sure your timing works, so that you can nail the meeting itself.

Make sure everything works . You don’t want to go into a meeting with a faulty PowerPoint presentation or a broken sample – or find out there is no whiteboard when one is integral to your demonstration. Do your best to make sure everything goes to plan.

Decide on everyone’s roles . This one is just for those presenting as a team. Will different sales reps speak through each section? Will one rep talk while the others handle the sales deck and demo? Decide who will do and say what ahead of time.

Know your attendees. Make sure you know who from the prospect company will be in the meeting, their titles and the roles they each play in the buying process. Conducting light social media research can also clue you into attendees’ past experiences or alma maters (information that can fuel pre-presentation small talk and forge closer connections with your audience).

Practice confident body language

Presentations usually happen in person, which is why you need to practice strong body language. You want to look relaxed and confident (even if you’re shaking in your shoes).

Here are some ways you can improve your body language:

Eye contact . Make and maintain eye contact, even in virtual meetings. This shows people you’re interested in them and invested in what they have to say.

Stand up straight . Pull your shoulders back and straighten your spine; fixing your posture is an easy way to convey confidence. You’ll also feel better if you’re not hunched over.

Chin up. It’s hard when you’re in front of people, but don’t look at the floor or your shoes. Face straight ahead and make eye contact (or look at the back wall rather than the floor.)

Have a firm handshake. Some people judge others by their handshakes. Offer a firm handshake to make a good first impression.

Engage your audience

Presentations can span 30 to 60 minutes or more, so you need to be able to hold your prospects’ attention. There are a number of ways to keep everyone interested:

1. Understand your audience’s attention span

The beginning and the end of your presentation are the most memorable, so that’s where you want to use your strongest material.

Rather than leading with your product’s features, use the first few minutes of a presentation to briefly introduce yourself, and share the compelling story we mentioned earlier. If your demo itself is compelling, lead with that.

Then talk about product features and pricing. Your prospects might have already researched it or can look it up afterward, so it’s fine that it’s occupying real estate in the middle of the presentation.

Lastly, finish strong. Return to your story, sharing how your product solved an important problem. Close with confidence, and open the floor for questions.

2. Be funny

Humor can be tricky, so if you’re not comfortable making jokes, don’t force it. If, however, humor is part of your brand voice and you think it will be well-received by your audience, go for it. Humor can be a good way to connect with prospects, make your presentation memorable and relax everyone in the room.

3. Use a little showmanship

The best thing about a sales presentation is that it lets you show off your product. Unlike a pitch, a presentation lets you pull out the stops, make a splash and showcase your solution.

Use this to your advantage and be as memorable as you possibly can.

Sophie Cameron Business Development Representative, CAKE

What to do after the sales presentation to close the deal

The sales cycle isn’t over when the sales presentation ends. Here are some tips on how to wrap up loose ends and close the deal.

Take questions

Encourage questions to show prospects you care about their experience.

Sometimes prospects may want a question answered right in the middle of a presentation. Interactivity is a great sign of engagement. If that happens, stop the presentation and take their questions head-on to show you’re listening and validate their thoughts.

Other times they may sit silently waiting for you to give them all the information they need.

In either case, proactively ask for questions once you’ve ended your presentation. Encourage them to share their concerns. This is a consultative selling approach that works to build a relationship with your prospects.

By the end of your sales pitch, your prospect should be ready to come along with you and start your business relationship.

Outline the next steps of the process. The first could be offering a trial of your product, scheduling a follow-up meeting or sending over a proposal.

Whatever the steps, make sure they’re clearly defined. If you don’t hear from the prospect soon after the proposal, check back in with a follow-up email or call.


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Great sales presentation examples (and why they worked)

Here are some sales pitch examples you can use to inform your next sales presentation; these examples range from great sales decks to presentations and we’ll explain why they worked so well.

The successful demo

Stephen Conway of vegan chocolate brand Pure Heavenly opened his elevator pitch on the UK’s Dragons’ Den in 2019 by handing out samples of his chocolate. The product, paired with Stephen’s story about wanting to create an allergen-free treat that his young daughters could enjoy, led to three offers.

Why it worked: Conway knew the strength of his product and packaged it in a personal story, betting (correctly) that it would sell itself.

The data-driven presentation

Lunchbox is a restaurant technology company that specializes in online ordering, customer loyalty and guest engagement software. The sales deck the company used to raise its $50 million Series B in 2022 relied on bold visuals and graphs to illustrate its market opportunity, ARR history and competitive differentiators.


Why it worked: The deck tells two stories, one about the company itself and another about the way consumer dining habits have changed in the wake of COVID-19. Lunchbox used data to show how it met the industry’s new pain points for both itself and other companies.


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The presenters with overwhelming confidence

When Brian and Michael Speciale went on Shark Tank in 2017 to pitch their product, The Original Comfy, they had very little – no numbers or inventory, just a prototype of a big fleece blanket/hoodie and video of that hoodie being worn everywhere from the couch to the beach. What they did have was a good product and confidence in that product. Their presentation earned them an offer of $50,000 for 30% from Barbara Corcoran.

Why it worked: Corcoran says she bought in because the Speciale brothers had a good idea, the guts to present it and knew they had to strike while the iron was hot. While you probably should be more prepared for your own sales presentation, the Original Comfy story shows just how important confidence is in a sales presentation.

Begin your sales presentation by capturing your audience’s attention and establishing a solid foundation for the rest of your presentation. Here are some steps to consider:

Greet and introduce yourself

Establish rapport

State the purpose and agenda

Address the pain points

Present a compelling hook

Outline the benefits

Establish credibility

Set expectations

Remember to maintain a confident and enthusiastic demeanor throughout your presentation.

The ideal length of a sales presentation can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the product or service, the audience’s attention span and the context in which the presentation is being delivered. However, keeping a sales presentation concise, focused and within the timeframe is generally recommended.

The conclusion of a sales presentation is a significant opportunity to leave a lasting impression and inspire action from your audience. Here are a few steps you should take to end your presentation effectively.

Include a call to action

Summarize key points

Showcase success stories

Open the floor to questions

Offer additional resources

Here’s an example of how to end your presentation:

“To quickly recap, we’ve covered these key points today: [Summarize the main features and benefits briefly].

“Now, let’s revisit our success stories. Our clients, like [Client A] and [Client B], achieved [mention their specific results]. These successes demonstrate how our product/service can deliver tangible benefits for your business.

“I’d be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have. Please feel free to ask about anything related to our offering, implementation process or pricing.

“Before we finish, I’d like to encourage you to take the next step. Schedule a demo, request a trial or start a conversation with our team. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the advantages firsthand.

“Lastly, we have additional resources available, such as case studies and whitepapers, to provide you with more insights. Feel free to reach out to our team for any further assistance.

“Thank you all for your time and consideration today.”

Final thoughts

It can be tempting to play it safe with a sales presentation by keeping it to a sales deck and a speech – but a sales presentation should be a show-stopper.

The best sales presentation tells your customer’s story, validates with data, offers a demo and more. It’s a major undertaking that shows the strength of your product. Done well, it keeps your prospects engaged and will make them want to do business with you.

Show customers how your product can push their business forward (or better yet, how your product can make them the superhero) and you’ll have a winning sales presentation that sparks your customer’s interest and drives revenue.

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Sales collateral gives customers the right information to make a decision. Build this toolbox of 13 revenue-driving resources to help push deals forward.

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Business Development Presentation Template

Create an engaging presentation on your company’s history and showcase its portfolio..

The gradient colors of this template are sure to draw the readers in while the evenly spread content helps you break down difficult topics and keep their attention engaged all throughout the presentation.

Use this presentation template to educate your audience on matters of developing their own business, how they can gain sponsorships, what are the dos and don’ts in a particular field, etc.

  • Change colors, fonts and more to fit your branding
  • Access free, built-in design assets or upload your own
  • Visualize data with customizable charts and widgets
  • Add animation, interactivity, audio, video and links
  • Download in PDF, PPTX, MP4 and HTML5 format
  • Share online with a link or embed on your website

Share business development strategies with your audience using this creative presentation template, or take a look at our vast library of presentation templates to find your perfect match.

Edit this template with our  Presentation Software

Template Specifications

15 Slides, 1366 x 768 pixels – 16:9 Aspect Ratio (HD Presentation Quality)


This template can be fully customized. You can edit content, change image(s), apply custom colors, input your own fonts and logo, and more.

Download as a PDF to share with your recipient or generate a shareable link for online sharing.


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Free Presentation Templates by Visme

Marketing is all about communication, yes - but it's also about making the best possible impression on your target audience. What you're saying is important, but how you choose to say it is equally so. You can only make one first impression, so you'd better make it the best one that you can - and now, thanks to Visme's presentation templates, it's easier than ever to do precisely that.

Loaded with countless stunning, versatile and totally customizable presentation templates , Visme's presentation software makes it possible to design the engaging, creative collateral that you need without requiring years of design experience under your belt. Visme offers presentation templates for every conceivable industry that you're a part of, making sure that the tools are always available to guarantee that your audience will pay attention to your every word.

Our presentation templates are equal parts colorful, visual, vivid and attractive - but they're also easy to use and even easier to edit, as well. These presentation templates also come with a massive number of free stock images for you to use, guaranteeing that you'll always be able to broadcast your message in exactly the right way at exactly the right moment in your relationship with your audience.

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Free Presentation Templates by Visme

Home PowerPoint Templates Sales

Sales PowerPoint Templates & Sales Presentation Slides

Download creative sales PowerPoint templates and e-commerce presentation designs that you can use to prepare reports in PowerPoint, innovative dashboards, and presentations to impress your audience and make the job easier for sales managers.

Our easy-to-edit Sales PowerPoint Templates ease the stress of creating designs from scratch. After downloading, you can customize any of these templates to suit your brand or personal needs.

With our Sales Presentation Templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides, all you need to do is to replace all our placeholder texts with your sales content. It will save you time, energy, and cost. Whether you’re creating a report on your company’s latest sales figures or presenting a new product to potential clients or stakeholders, our templates will help you achieve your sales goals.

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A Sales Presentation is used to inform potential customers about the benefits and features of your product or service. Sales managers and business development professionals often use it to showcase their products or services to their stakeholders and potential customers to generate interest and leads.

An effective Sales Presentation must be able to introduce the product or service and sell it. Many people view Sales Presentations as showcasing the product or service, but you can use them to reach a broader audience and take them through their buyer journey from leads to sales.

Using Sales Templates is crucial for your business growth as they provide a consistent visual look for your presentations. They also help to save time and resources by providing pre-designed layouts, charts, and graphics that you can easily customize to fit the specific needs of your presentation. Hence, it helps you focus on the content of the presentation and the message you want to convey rather than spending time creating design elements from scratch.

Sales Templates can also improve your presentation effectiveness by providing a visual guide for the audience. Using charts, graphics, and other design elements can make complex information understandable and provide a more engaging experience for your audience. It ultimately leads to more leads, sales, and better communication with potential customers, which is the ultimate goal of any sales presentation.

What is a Sales Presentation?

A Sales Presentation is a formal or informal template used to inform and persuade potential customers about a product or service. It is used to inform potential customers about the benefits and features of your product or service. Sales managers use it, and business development professionals showcase their products or services to potential customers, generating interest and leads.

What is the difference between a Sales Presentation and a Sales Pitch?

The major difference between a Sales Presentation and a Sales Pitch is the scope and duration of the presentation.

A Sales Presentation is a more detailed and comprehensive presentation that provides in-depth information about the product or service. At the same time, a Sales Pitch is a shorter, more focused presentation designed to persuade the customer to purchase or take a specific action.

What are the 7 steps to making a good sales pitch?

The seven steps to making a good sales pitch include:

  • Identifying the target audience.
  • Researching the product or service.
  • Creating a clear and compelling message.
  • Tailoring the pitch to the audience.
  • Building rapport with the customer.
  • Addressing objections and concerns.
  • Closing the sale.

What should be in a sales presentation?

A Sales Presentation should include the following:

  • An introduction of the product or service.
  • Detailed information about the features and benefits of the product or service.
  • Testimonials or case studies from satisfied customers.
  • Comparison of the product or service to competitors.
  • Information about the company and its history.
  • A call to action.
  • A Q&A session.

You consider using accurate graphical visual design elements such as charts, graphs, and images to help illustrate the information and make the presentation more engaging.

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sales and business development presentation ppt

Free Sales and Business Development Template

Free Sales and Business Development Template in PDF, PowerPoint, Google Slides, Apple Keynote

Free Download this Sales and Business Development Template Design in PDF, PowerPoint, Google Slides, Apple Keynote Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.

The exclusive Sales and Business Development Presentation PPT by Template.net is not just a presentation – it's a catalyst for success. Editable and customizable, it transforms your ideas into tantalizing narratives. Conquer markets with this powerful tool. Seize the future of business development with a presentation that speaks your language!

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Business Development PowerPoint Template

Presentation with explanations and diagrams for a business development manager.

Quantity of slides52
Price / Slide0,94 €
Format of slides16:9 + 4:3
LanguagesDE + EN

Instant Download:

  • 100% Editable Powerpoint Slides / Graphics
  • Outstanding Customer Support
  • SSL Secure Payment
  • Made in Germany
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  • Template (16:9)
  • Template (4:3)

Use planning tools and analysis methods to visualize your business development strategy.

Promoting Growth

Business development (BD) refers to the techniques designed to stimulate a company’s growth. These methods are geared towards developing new business or expanding products or services.

Tactical Measures

Business development affects various areas of a company, such as Marketing, Sales, and Product Development.  With the use of analytical tools, a BD manager can impact how a product or service is put on the market.

This template contains definitions and explanations of BD tasks and strategies. Calendars and project schedules aid in defining individual work steps. Graphs of analytical tools and development phases are ideal for presenting a business development plan.

With the Business Development Template for PowerPoint, You Can

  • visualize you company’s growth strategy
  • obtain useful analytical tools, such as SWOT and STEP
  • develop your strategy with BD planning tools

This PowerPoint Template Includes:

  • a definition of business development
  • organizational types of business development
  • Porter’s Five Forces model
  • a market analysis
  • a target group analysis
  • tasks of the BD manager
  • a project schedule
  • the business development management process
  • SWOT analysis
  • portfolio analysis
  • utility analysis
  • STEP analysis
  • a checklist

Business Development

Project Status Report

Spotlight effect, [new] pocket knife concept, mountain path images, product launch strategy, corporate services.

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What are the key elements to include in a sales and business development presentation PowerPoint (PPT)?

June 24, 2024 /

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Sales Development PowerPoint PPT Presentations

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Free Business Development PowerPoint Template

Business Development PowerPoint Template

Business Development PowerPoint Template is a free business planning template for projects and business development presentations that you can download for free. This free business development plan template has a team working on a new project and business plans with diagrams. You can download this template for presentations on business development and planning presentations . This is a perfect presentation design for those looking for PPT for MBA.

Free Business Development PPT background with men analyzing a building plan is available for download using OpenOffice Impress Linux and PowerPoint 2011 Mac. The slide design has a gray background color and the team with 3 top managers are working hard to figure how to develop the product and business strategy. There is a blueprint paper and the team is taking notes in their notebooks so they can get the most from this meeting with Product Strategy PowerPoint background .

PPT Size: 670.4 KB | Downloads: 136,028

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Sales Planning Process

It seems that you like this template, sales planning process presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Who has the key to success in the business world? Sales are one of the main metrics that determine the performance of a company, but how to excel at that? Perhaps you have the key. Download this new template and use it to talk about the sales planning process. Unravel the secrets in these slides, whose design resembles the windows of an OS. The combination of cream backgrounds with those "windows" in blue and white looks great. Now, you just have to add your content!

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 35 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

How can I use the template?

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This template can be combined with this other one to create the perfect presentation:

Sales Planning Process Infographics

Attribution required If you are a free user, you must attribute Slidesgo by keeping the slide where the credits appear. How to attribute?

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Sales Reports Powerpoint Presentation Slides

silicon valley santa clara california us

Silicon Valley (Santa Clara, California, US)

Jul 10, 2014

270 likes | 456 Views

Silicon Valley (Santa Clara, California, US). Group Members: Ayesha Sohail (070269) Anam Pervaiz (070163) Hafsah Nazir (070289) Arshya tahir Javeria Javed (070360). Location and History.

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  • global climate energy project
  • analytical approaches
  • molecular biology programs
  • median household income
  • small business innovation research


Presentation Transcript

Silicon Valley(Santa Clara, California, US) Group Members: Ayesha Sohail(070269) AnamPervaiz(070163) HafsahNazir (070289) Arshyatahir JaveriaJaved (070360)

Location and History • LocationSilicon Valley is an area that "located on the San Francisco, California, peninsula, radiates outward from Stanford University. It is contained by the San Francisco Bay on the east, the Santa Cruz Mountains on the west, and the Coast Range to the southeast. • History Since the early twentieth century, Silicon Valley has been home to a vibrant, growing electronics industry. The industry began through experimentation and innovation in the fields of radio, television, and military electronics. Stanford University, its affiliates, and graduates have played a major role in the evolution of this area.

Significance • It is the hub of information technology. • Most of the major companies are situated there e.g. • Hewelett-Packard, Intel , Google , e bay , apple etc. • Most of the major inventions had taken place here. • It is like a backbone in US economy.

Demographics • Area: 1,854 square miles • Population: 2.9 million • Jobs: 1,322,634 • Average Annual Salary: $75,390 • Foreign Immigration: +14,264 • Domestic Migration: -3,728 Adult educational attainment: • 11% Less than High School • 18% High School Graduate • 28% Some College • 26% Bachelor’s Degree • 17% Graduate or Professional Degree • Age distribution: • 13% 0-9 years old • 13% 10-19 • 36% 20-44 • 26% 45-64 • 12% 65 and older • Ethnic composition: • 40% White, non-Hispanic • 29% Asian, non-Hispanic • 25% Hispanic • 2.6% Black, non-Hispanic • <4% Multiple and Other

Foreign Born: 36% • Origin: • 58% Asia • 31% Americas • 9% Europe • 1% Oceana • 1% Africa

PEOPLE Population Growth Immigration

Society • Education • Health • Safety • Culture

Place • Environment • Protected open space • Solar installation • Water resources • Electircity

Place • Transportation. • Means of commute • Transit use • Gas prices • Fuel consumption per capita

Place • Land use • Residential density • Housing and development • Home affordability • Renewable energy permitting.

Place • Commercial space • Commercial vacancy • Commercial rents • New commercial development

ECONOMY Employment • Monthly Jobs and Change in Total Nonfarm Jobs • Quarterly Job Growth • Unemployment Rate • Employment Services, Total Number of Jobs by Month • Nonemploying Firms • Major Areas of Economic Activity • Total Business Establishments Jobs in the Core Green Economy

Economy Income • Real per Capita Income • Median Household Income • Income Distribution • Rate of Total Non-Business Bankruptcy Filings per 1,000 Persons • Food Stamp Usage

Economy Innovation • Value Added per Employee • Patent Registrations • Patents Registrations by Technology Area • Green Technology Patents • Venture Capital: Total, by industry, Share of U.S. • Cleantech Venture Capital: Total & by Segment • Initial Public Offerings • Mergers & Acquisitions • Silicon Valley Churn: Establishments

Governance • Civic engagement Voter participation • Revenues City Revenue by Source and City Revenue Trends Municipal Debt Obligations Issued Regional-State Interface

INDUSTRIES(IT & TECHNOLOGY) • The role of Stanford University • Prof. Frederick Terman played a crucial role in the development of the local high-tech industry after and before World War II • During 1930s students of Stanford founded many small electronic companies (Hewlett Packard.) • Stanford industrial park • Defense programs stimulated Silicon Valley growth during 1950s. • In 1950s silicon came to the valley • During 1960s and 1970s, Silicon Valley high tech industry moved from specialized high tech to mass production (Intel) • The PC revolution • Silicon Valley to Internet Valley • Research and development

Venture Capital Industry • The semi conductor industry brought many bioinformatics, or computational molecular biology. • Fairchild's success led also to an extraordinary entrepreneurial expansion on the Peninsula in the • Electronic component businesses and the venture capital industry provided the foundation for Silicon Valley's explosive growth around new system industries such as computing, instrumentation, and telecommunication in the 1970s and 1980s

Biotech Industry and pharmacy • In parallel with the explosion of the information technology industries, the Valley saw the emergence of a new sector, biotechnology, in the second half of the 1970s and in the 1980s with the discovery that DNA could be cloned. • The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), Stanford, and the University of California, Berkeley had strong molecular biology programs – which acted as a breeding ground for scientists as well as the source of key innovations. • Also, the Valley's venture capital industry heavily funded biotechnology businesses and in some cases played a critical role in the formation of biotech corporations • The region's strength in biotechnology and information technologies gave birth to hybrid technologies and industries like bioinformatics, or computational molecular biology. • Today, the region is clearly the national leader in biotechnology

In 2003 venture capital investment in life sciences outpaced investment in all other industry sectors. • Estimates predict that by 2010, the biotech industry will grow by nearly 30 percent.

Clean Tech and Energy industry • U.S. concerns about energy are probably greater today than at any • The more immediate drivers for the interest in alternative energy today are technological improvements and declining costs. • Silicon Valley is advancing in technologies regarding sprayable solar coatings for roofs, cheaper catalytic converters, wave energy, Clarke Energy (natural gas from landfills); and Bowman Power (micro turbines). • At Stanford's engineering school, one of three primary research areas is fossil fuel alternatives, or "clean" technology. ExxonMobil, Toyota, Schlumberger and General Electric together are expected to invest $225 million in the university's Global Climate Energy Project by 2010. • Government regulations • Concept of hybrid cars

Agriculture and Dairy Industry • Before its industrial period, the region was an agrarian economy • By the 1920s, as farms began to industrialize, a big push occurred next in manufacturing, namely in automobile production, shipbuilding, and food canning. • Agriculture accounts for just slightly over 2% of California's $1.85 trillion gross state product • California agriculture is nearly a $36.6 billion dollar industry that generates $100 billion in related economic activity • California is the leading dairy state • The rise of California’s dairy industry from humble beginnings to national and even international prominence is a story of technological innovation, legislative efforts, and masterful marketing, but most of all the cooperative spirit and organizational acumen of its dairymen.

ANALYSIS • Global connections • Global venture capital flows • Foreign born students • Changing global Market • Talent • Demographic patterns in population ability • Occupational concentrations • Flow of foreign born talent.

Analysis • Technological change • Patents, registrations by technology areas and global patent collaboration • Trends in venture capita investment • Industrial composition change

Analysis • Federal policy • Small business innovation research and small business technology transfer awards. • Funding per dollar 1 million GDP • Procurement patterns by agency • Stimulus funds

Silicon Valley Major areas of economic Activity • Community infrastructure • Information products and services • Innovation and specialized services • Other manufacturing • Business infrastructure • Life sciences

ANALYTICAL APPROACHES • PESTEL Analysis • Porter’s 5 forces Analysis • SWOT

Conclusion • Favorable or unfavorable for an investor • Pakistan and need for a Silicon Valley

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