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215 Religion Research Paper Topics for College Students

religion research paper topics

Studying religion at a college or a university may be a challenging course for any student. This isn’t because religion is always a sensitive issue in society, it is because the study of religion is broad, and crafting religious topics for research papers around them may be further complex for students. This is why sociology of religion research topics and many others are here, all for your use.

As students of a university or a college, it is essential to prepare religious topics for research papers in advance. There are many research paper topics on religion, and this is why the scope of religion remains consistently broad. They extend to the sociology of religion, research paper topics on society, argumentative essay topics, and lots more. All these will be examined in this article. Rather than comb through your books in search of inspiration for your next essay or research paper, you can easily choose a topic for your religious essay or paper from the following recommendations:

World Religion Research Paper Topics

If you want to broaden your scope as a university student to topics across religions of the world, there are religion discussion topics to consider. These topics are not just for discussion in classes, you can craft research around them. Consider:

  • The role of myths in shaping the world: Greek myths and their influence on the evolution of European religions
  • Modern History: The attitude of modern Europe on the history of their religion
  • The connection between religion and science in the medieval and modern world
  • The mystery in the books of Dan Brown is nothing but fiction: discuss how mystery shapes religious beliefs
  • Theocracy: an examination of theocratic states in contemporary society
  • The role of Christianity in the modern world
  • The myth surrounding the writing of the Bible
  • The concept of religion and patriarchy: examine two religions and how it oppresses women
  • People and religion in everyday life: how lifestyle and culture is influenced by religion
  • The modern society and the changes in the religious view from the medieval period
  • The interdependence of laws and religion is a contemporary thing: what is the role of law in religion and what is the role of religion in law?
  • What marked the shift from religion to humanism?
  • What do totemism and animalism denote?
  • Pre Colonial religion in Africa is savagery and barbaric: discuss
  • Cite three religions and express their views on the human soul
  • Hinduism influenced Indian culture in ways no religion has: discuss
  • Africans are more religious than Europeans who introduced Christian religion to them: discuss
  • Account for the evolution of Confucianism and how it shaped Chinese culture to date
  • Account for the concept of the history of evolution according to Science and according to a religion and how it influences the ideas of the religious soul
  • What is religious education and how can it promote diversity or unity?7
  • Workplace and religion: how religion is extended to all facets of life
  • The concept of fear in maintaining religious authorities: how authorities in religious places inspire fear for absolute devotion
  • Afro-American religion: a study of African religion in America
  • The Bible and its role in religions
  • Religion is more of emotions than logic
  • Choose five religions of the world and study the similarities in their ideas
  • The role of religious leaders in combating global terrorism
  • Terrorism: the place of religion in promoting violence in the Middle East
  • The influence of religion in modern-day politics
  • What will the world be like without religion or religious extremists?
  • Religion in the growth of communist Russia: how cultural revolution is synonymous with religion
  • Religion in the growth of communist China: how cultural revolution is synonymous with religion
  • The study of religions and ethnic rivalries in India
  • Terrorism in Islam is a comeback to the crusades
  • The role of the Thirty Years of War in shaping world diplomacy
  • The role of the Thirty Years of War in shaping plurality in Christianity
  • The religion and the promotion of economics
  • The place of world religions on homosexuality
  • Why does a country, the Vatican City, belong to the Catholic Church?
  • God and the concept of the supernatural: examine the idea that God is a supernatural being
  • The influence of religion in contemporary Japan
  • Religion and populism in the modern world
  • The difference between mythical creatures and gods
  • Polytheism and the possibility of world peace
  • Religion and violence in secular societies?
  • Warfare and subjugation in the spread of religion
  • The policies against migrant in Poland is targeted against Islam
  • The role of international organizations in maintaining religious peace
  • International terrorist organizations and the decline of order

Research Paper Topics Religion and Society

As a student in a university or MBA student, you may be requested to write an informed paper on sociology and religion. There are many sociology religion research paper topics for these segments although they may be hard to develop. You can choose out of the following topics or rephrase them to suit your research interest:

  • The influence of religion on the understanding of morality
  • The role of religion in marginalizing the LGBTQ community
  • The role of women in religion
  • Faith crisis in Christianity and Islamic religions
  • The role of colonialism in the spreading of religion: the spread of Christianity and Islam is a mortal sin
  • How does religion shape our sexual lifestyle?
  • The concept of childhood innocence in religion
  • Religion as the object of hope for the poor: how religion is used as a tool for servitude by the elite
  • The impact of traditional beliefs in today’s secular societies
  • How religion promotes society and how it can destroy it
  • The knowledge of religion from the eyes of a sociologist
  • Religious pluralism in America: how diverse religions struggle to strive
  • Social stratification and its role in shaping religious groups in America
  • The concept of organized religion: why the belief in God is not enough to join a religious group
  • The family has the biggest influence on religious choices: examine how childhood influences the adult’s religious interests
  • Islamophobia in European societies and anti-Semitism in America
  • The views of Christianity on interfaith marriage
  • The views of Islam on interfaith marriage
  • The difference between spirituality and religion
  • The role of discipline in maintaining strict religious edicts
  • How do people tell others about their religion?
  • The features of religion in sociology
  • What are the views of Karl Marx on religion?
  • What are the views of Frederic Engels on religion?
  • Modern Islam: the conflict of pluralism and secularism
  • Choose two religions and explore their concepts of divorce
  • Governance and religion: how religion is also a tool of control
  • The changes in religious ideas with technological evolution
  • Theology is the study of God for God, not humans
  • The most feared religion: how Islamic extremists became identified as terrorist organizations
  • The role of cults in the society: why religious people still have cults affiliations
  • The concept of religious inequality in the US
  • What does religion say about sexual violence?

Religion Essay Topics

As a college student, you may be required to write an essay on religion or morality. You may need to access a lot of religious essay topics to find inspiration for a topic of your choice. Rather than go through the stress of compiling, you can get more information for better performance from religion topics for research paper like:

  • The origin of Jihad in Islam and how it has evolved
  • Compare the similarities and differences between Christian and Judaism religions
  • The Thirty Years War and the Catholic church
  • The Holocaust: historic aggression or a religious war
  • Religion is a tool of oppression from the political and economic perspectives
  • The concept of patriarchy in religion
  • Baptism and synonym to ritual sacrifice
  • The life of Jesus Christ and the themes of theology
  • The life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and the themes of theology
  • How can religion be used to promote world peace?
  • Analyze how Jesus died and the reason for his death
  • Analyze the event of the birth of Christ
  • The betrayal of Jesus is merely to fulfill a prophecy
  • Does “prophecy” exist anywhere in religion?
  • The role of war in promoting religion: how crusades and terrorist attacks shape the modern world
  • The concept of Karma: is Karma real?
  • Who are the major theorists in religion and what do they say?
  • The connection of sociology with religion
  • Why must everyone be born again according to Christians?
  • What does religious tolerance mean?
  • What is the benefit of religion in society?
  • What do you understand about free speech and religious tolerance?
  • Why did the Church separate from the state?
  • The concept of guardian angels in religion
  • What do Islam and Christianity say about the end of the world?
  • Religion and the purpose of God for man
  • The concept of conscience in morality is overrated
  • Are there different sects in Christianity?
  • What does Islam or Christianity say about suicide?
  • What are the reasons for the Protestant Reformation?
  • The role of missionaries in propagating Christianity in Africa
  • The role of the Catholic church in shaping Christianity
  • Do we need an international religious organization to maintain international religious peace?
  • Why do people believe in miracles?

Argumentative Essay Topics on Religion

Creating argumentative essay topics on religion may be a daunting exercise regardless of your level. It is more difficult when you don’t know how to start. Your professor could be interested in your critical opinions about international issues bordering on religion, which is why you need to develop sensible topics. You can consider the following research paper topics religion and society for inspiration:

  • Religion will dominate humanity: discuss
  • All religions of the world dehumanize the woman
  • All men are slaves to religion
  • Karl Marx was right when he said religion is the return of the repressed, “the sigh of the oppressed creature”: discuss
  • Christianity declined in Europe with the Thirty Years War and it separated brothers and sisters of the Christian faith?
  • Islamic terrorism is a targeted attack on western culture
  • The danger of teen marriage in Islam is more than its benefits
  • The church should consider teen marriages for every interested teenager
  • Is faith fiction or reality?
  • The agape love is restricted to God and God’s love alone
  • God: does he exist or is he a fiction dominating the world?
  • Prayer works better without medicine: why some churches preach against the use of medicine
  • People change religion because they are confused about God: discuss
  • The church and the state should be together
  • Polygamous marriage is evil and it should be condemned by every religion
  • Cloning is abuse against God’s will
  • Religious leaders should also be political leaders
  • Abortion: a sin against God or control over your body
  • Liberty of religious association affects you negatively: discuss
  • Religious leaders only care about themselves, not the people
  • Everyone should consider agnosticism
  • Natural laws are the enemy of religion
  • It is good to have more than two faiths in a family
  • It is hard for the state to exist without religion
  • Religion as a cause of the World War One
  • Religion as a tool for capitalists
  • Religion doesn’t promote morality, only extremisms
  • Marriage: should the people or their religious leaders set the rules?
  • Why the modern church should acknowledge the LGBTQ: the fight for true liberalism
  • Mere coexistence is not religious tolerance
  • The use of candles, incense, etc. in Catholic worship is idolatrous and the same as pagan worship: discuss
  • The Christian religion is the same as Islam

Christianity Research Paper Topics on Religion

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Christian or not as you need to develop a range of topics for your essay or project. To create narrow yet all-inclusive research about Christianity in the world today, you can consider research topics online. Rather than rack your head or go through different pages on the internet, consider these:

  • Compare and contrast Christian and Islam religions
  • Trace the origin of Christianity and the similarity of the beliefs in the contemporary world
  • Account for the violent spread of Christianity during the crusades
  • Account for the state of Christianity in secular societies
  • The analysis of the knowledge of rapture in Christianity
  • Choose three contemporary issues and write the response of Christianity on them
  • The Catholic church and its role towards the continuance of sexual violence
  • The Catholic church and the issues of sexual abuse and scandals
  • The history of Christianity in America
  • The history of Christianity in Europe
  • The impact of Christianity on American slaves
  • The belief of Christianity on death, dying, and rapture
  • The study of Christianity in the medieval period
  • How Christianity influenced the western world
  • Christianity: the symbols and their meaning
  • Why catholic priests practice celibacy
  • Christianity in the Reformation Era
  • Discuss the Gnostic Gospels and their distinct historic influence on Christianity
  • The catholic church in the Third Reich of Germany
  • The difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament
  • What the ten commandments say from a theological perspective
  • The unpredictable story of Moses
  • The revival of Saul to Paul: miracle or what?
  • Are there Christian cults in the contemporary world?
  • Gender differences in the Christian church: why some churches don’t allow women pastors
  • The politics of the Catholic church before the separation of the church and the state
  • The controversies around Christian religion and atheism: why many people are leaving the church
  • What is the Holy Trinity and what is its role in the church?
  • The miracles of the New Testament and its difference from the Old Testament’s
  • Why do people question the existence of God?
  • God is a spirit: discuss

Islam Research Paper Topics

As a student of the Islamic religion or a Muslim, you may be interested in research on the religion. Numerous Islam research paper topics could be critical in shaping your research paper or essay. These are easy yet profound research paper topics on religion Islam for your essays or papers:

  • Islam in the Middle East
  • Trace the origin of Islam
  • Who are the most important prophets in Islam?
  • Discuss the Sunni and other groups of Muslims
  • The Five Pillars of Islam are said to be important in Islam, why?
  • Discuss the significance of the Holy Month
  • Discuss the significance of the Holy Pilgrimage
  • The distinctions of the Five Pillars of Islam and the Ten Commandments?
  • The controversies around the hijab and the veil
  • Western states are denying Muslims: why?
  • The role of religious leaders in their advocacy of sexual abuse and violence
  • What the Quran says about rape and what does Hadiths say, too?
  • Rape: men, not the women roaming the street should be blamed
  • What is radicalism in Islam?
  • The focus of Islam is to oppress women: discuss
  • The political, social, and economic influence of modernity on Islam
  • The notable wives of prophet Muhammad and their role in Islam: discuss
  • Trace the evolution of Islam in China and the efforts of the government against them
  • Religious conflict in Palestine and Israel: how a territorial conflict slowly became a religious war
  • The study of social class and the Islamic religion
  • Suicide bombers and their belief of honor in death: the beliefs of Islamic jihadists
  • Account for the issues of marginalization of women in Muslim marriages
  • The role of literature in promoting the fundamentals of Islam: how poetry was used to appeal to a wider audience
  • The concept of feminism in Islam and why patriarchy seems to be on a steady rise
  • The importance of Hadiths in the comprehension of the Islamic religion
  • Does Islam approve of democracy?
  • Islamic terrorism and the role of religious leaders
  • The relationship of faith in Islam and Christianity: are there differences in the perspectives of faith?
  • How the Quran can be used as a tool for religious tolerance and religious intolerance
  • The study of Muslims in France: why is there religious isolation and abuse in such a society?
  • Islam and western education: what are the issues that have become relevant in recent years?
  • Is there a relationship between Islam and Science?
  • Western culture: why there are stereotypes against Muslims abroad
  • Mythology in Islam: what role does it play in shaping the religion?
  • Islam and the belief in the afterlife: are there differences between its beliefs with other religions’?
  • Why women are not allowed to take sermons in Islam

Can’t Figure Out Your Religion Paper?

With these religious research paper topics, you’re open to change the words or choose a topic of your choice for your research paper or essay. Writing an essay after finding a topic is relatively easy. Since you have helpful world religion research paper topics, research paper topics on religion and society, religion essay topics, argumentative essay topics on religion, Christianity research paper topics, and Islam research paper topics, you can go online to research different books that discuss the topic of your choice.

However, if you require the assistance of professional academic experts who offer custom academic help, you’ll find them online. There are a few writing help online groups that assist in writing your essays or research paper as fast as possible. You can opt for their service if you’re too busy or unmotivated to write your research paper or essay.

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The Best 50 Religion Research Topics to Use for Students

Religious Research Paper Topics

In our multi-religious and multicultural society, crafting a great research paper on religion is a challenging task. Indeed, this challenge starts from the first stage of preparing your paper: identifying a good religious research paper topic. Further, it is almost impossible to write a paper without offending one or more religious feelings, especially when working on the history of religion. To make writing your paper easy, you must start by picking good religious paper topics.

In this paper, we list 50 religion research paper topics and a guide for selecting the best. If you want to get good grades, start with the right step- the best topic.

Why You Need the Best Religion Research Paper Topics

When working on any research paper, the most important step is identifying the topic. Indeed, the topic determines the direction you will take with the paper. Here are other benefits of selecting the best topics for a religious research paper.

  • It allows you to work on the preferred area of interest.
  • With a good topic, you do not get bored midway.
  • A great topic offers you the opportunity to fill knowledge gaps in the field of religious studies.
  • It is your opportunity to make your contribution felt.
  • Picking the best topics is the first step to better grades.

How to Pick the Best Topics for a Religious Research Paper

Now that you know the benefits of selecting the best topics for your religious papers, you might be wondering, “How do I pick it?” Here are some useful tips to help you identify the best:

  • Brainstorm your religious study subject. This will help you to get the best ideas to work on.
  • Comprehensively research your area of interest. For example, you might be interested in the history of religion, church and social action, creationism, or modernism and religion.
  • Look at the latest happenings. Things such as religious involvement in economics and education might inspire your paper ideas.
  • Follow your teacher’s recommendation. Often, professors give guidelines to students on the areas they should work on. For example, if you were covering a certain area in your religious education studies class; your teacher might ask you to pick topics from that section only. But in most cases, teachers leave the topics open for students to select on their own.
  • Read other research on religious studies. Most researchers point at gaps that exist in the niche so that later students can work on them. This is a great place to commence your research paper.

The Best Religious Topics for a Research Paper

Whether you prefer working on religious controversial topics or philosophy of religion essay topics, we have listed the best 50 ideas to get you started. Check them and pick them as they are or tweak them to fit your preferred format.

  • Christian and economics.
  • Religion and homosexuality.
  • Black churches.
  • Christianity history.
  • Comparing and contrasting Christian and Islam history.
  • A closer look at world religions without gods.
  • The concept of religion and soul.
  • The impact of religious laws on morality.
  • The phenomenon of trickster gods.
  • The impact of Greek religion on European culture.
  • Impact of religion on American culture.
  • Impact of religion on Chinese culture.
  • Comparing the similarities of images of gods in different religions.
  • How does gender affect religion?
  • Islam in modern India.
  • What is the future of religion?
  • Afterlife: What are the differences in diverse religions?
  • What are the main causes of the faith crisis?
  • Analyzing the influence of female clergy on religion.
  • Relooking at the reincarnation concept.
  • What role do men have in religion?
  • The impacts of yoga on religion.
  • Can faith remove the harshness of adolescence?
  • Why is Ramadhan referred to as the holy month?
  • Comparing religious counselors to classical psychologists.
  • A closer look at the main differences between the bible and Koran.
  • What is the importance of Christmas for Christians?
  • Creationism.
  • Religion and science.
  • How do people implement different religious practices today?
  • Should atheism be considered another form of religion?
  • Judaism: A closer look at its history.
  • Analyzing attitudes towards sex in the Christian religion.
  • Children: Are they considered innocent in all religions?
  • A closer look at the history of Hinduism.
  • A closer look at the existence of God as a supernatural being.
  • Comparing and contrasting monotheistic cultures.
  • Female goddesses.
  • Chaplain-ship: How does it trigger peace and harmony?
  • Impact of women in the history of Christianity.
  • What are the implications of forced religion on people?
  • Religion and terrorism.
  • Religion in the workplace.
  • Religion and evolution.
  • Nordic mythology.
  • A world without religion: Is it possible?
  • Applying religion to address global problems.
  • The primal religions.
  • Do you think religion should play a role in modern politics?
  • Do you think religion influences societal virtues?

Got the Best Religion Topics to Write About – What Next?

Now that you have a list of the best world religion research paper topics, it is important to appreciate that the journey of writing your assignment has just started. The next step is to write down your paper in line with your teacher’s guidelines. This is where your writing skills come into play. Well, it is never easy for many students. Often, some lack good writing skills, have other engagements, or acquire the right resources is a challenge. For others, the deadline is too tight and almost impossible to beat. The best idea is to seek affordable college assignment writing help.

After selecting the best topics, be they sociology or religion research topics or religious debate topics, writing help is provided by experts with years of experience in academic writing. They have handled such papers before and are willing to help you craft the best paper for top grades. Well, do not let that religious research paper stress you anymore, let a professional help you!

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Interesting Religion Research Paper Topics To Write About

Updated 01 Jul 2024

Religion has been a part of our societies since the beginning of time. From primitive animalistic beliefs to complex polytheistic pantheons, it has changed and evolved to suit our civilizations. This is what makes religion research paper topics so fascinating.

When choosing a topic, you can take several approaches. You can focus on the history of a certain religion, its specifics in terms of beliefs and rituals, how it has impacted society, and its potential future, or focus on religion systems in general, analyzing the differences between them and what might’ve caused them.

While the list of potential religion essay topics is endless, choosing the right one is important. Religion is often an extremely personal matter, so a careless approach might lead to conflict and hurt. Moreover, it is hard to avoid personal bias while talking about religious experiences.

That’s why we offer you this list of relevant topics that are interesting to explore. Choosing intriguing religion research paper topics can be challenging, so if you're feeling stuck, you might consider the option to pay someone to write my paper to ensure thorough research and insightful analysis. Choose the one that suits you best and explore human beliefs' nature and history.

Choose the Best Religion Topics For a Research Paper

Selecting the right item from the list of religious essay topics can be challenging, so here are some tips that might help you:

  • Select a topic you’re at least somewhat interested in – this way it will be easier for you to concentrate on the research and ensure the quality of your work;
  • Make sure there are scientific sources related to the topic, and they are not limited to opinion pieces – facts have more weight in the research than opinions;
  • Avoid topics that are based on a biased view of a certain religion;
  • Avoid attacks and critique of religious leaders and personalities;
  • If there are several views on a topic – make sure to cover all of them, or avoid it.

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List of Religion Research Paper Topics

The societal impact of organized religion and religious beliefs as a whole is immense. Researching it gives us a glimpse into how human civilization has changed and how our value system has evolved. However, a lot of religious research topics are too complex. So, here are some of the most relevant religion research paper topics you can have fun completing.

Historical and Comparative Studies

  • The evolution of monotheism in ancient civilizations.
  • Comparative analysis of creation myths across different cultures.
  • The role of women in Hinduism versus Christianity.
  • The impact of the Reformation on European society.
  • Religious syncretism in the Caribbean: A study of Vodou and Santería.
  • The Crusades: Religious fervor, politics, and impact on East-West relations.
  • Ancient Egyptian religion and its influence on later Abrahamic religions.
  • The spread of Buddhism along the Silk Road.
  • The role of prophecy in Abrahamic religions: A comparative study.
  • Shamanism in indigenous cultures: Practices and worldviews.

Religion and Society

  • The influence of religion on modern legal systems.
  • Secularism and its effects on contemporary religious practices.
  • Religion and its role in the integration of immigrants.
  • The impact of social media on religious organization and practice.
  • Religious extremism: Causes, consequences, and responses.
  • Interfaith dialogue: Challenges, successes, and impacts on global peace.
  • The role of religion in public education: A comparative analysis.
  • Religion and LGBTQ+ rights: A global perspective.
  • The economics of religion: How faith contributes to wealth and poverty.
  • Religion and environmental ethics: Spiritual responses to climate change.

Theology and Philosophy

  • The concept of evil in different religious traditions.
  • Free will and predestination in Islamic theology.
  • Theological responses to the problem of suffering.
  • Mysticism in Christianity and Islam: A comparative study.
  • The influence of Greek philosophy on early Christian thought.
  • Religious pluralism: Theological and philosophical perspectives.
  • The concept of the soul in world religions.
  • Faith and reason in the Age of Enlightenment.
  • The role of meditation in Eastern and Western spiritual practices.
  • Death and the afterlife: How religions interpret the end of life.

Contemporary Issues in Religion

  • The role of women in contemporary religious leadership.
  • Religious responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The impact of globalization on indigenous spiritual practices.
  • Atheism and secular humanism: Philosophical foundations and societal impact.
  • The intersection of religion and technology: Ethical considerations.
  • Religious symbolism in popular culture.
  • The politics of religious freedom in the 21st century.
  • Conversion and religious identity in the modern world.
  • The role of pilgrimage in contemporary religious practice.
  • Religious dietary laws and their significance in a globalized world.

Specific Religious Studies

  • The development of Zen Buddhism in Japan.
  • Sufism and its contribution to Islamic art and culture.
  • The significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls for understanding early Christianity.
  • Hindu festivals and their socio-cultural significance in India.
  • The evolution of Jewish thought from the Torah to modern Zionism.
  • Indigenous African religions and their resistance to colonialism.
  • Sikhism: History, practices, and global diaspora.
  • The Bahá'í Faith: Principles, persecution, and global community.
  • Neo-Paganism and the revival of ancient European religions.
  • Scientology: Origins, beliefs, and controversies.

Christianity Research Paper Topics

Christianity is one of the biggest religions around the world, with billions of followers. Its impact on the history of the world cannot be overestimated. So, here are some of the most interesting aspects you can learn more about:

  • The Development of the Early Christian Church
  • The Influence of Martin Luther and the Reformation
  • Christian Mysticism and Spiritual Practices
  • The Role of Christianity in the Abolition of Slavery
  • Comparative Study of Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy
  • Christianity and Science: Historical Perspectives
  • The Impact of Vatican II on the Catholic Church
  • Christianity and Contemporary Ethical Issues
  • The Growth of Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Christian Symbols and Their Meanings

Buddhism Essay Topics

Buddhism is another major ideology that should not be overlooked. Its Eastern roots make it distinctly different from a lot of other religions around the world. So, there is a lot to learn about it, especially if you’re not closely familiar with it:

  • The concept of emptiness (Śūnyatā) in Mahayana Buddhism.
  • The role of meditation in achieving enlightenment in Theravada Buddhism.
  • The influence of Buddhism on contemporary Western culture.
  • A comparison of Zen Buddhism in Japan and Chan Buddhism in China.
  • The Four Noble Truths and their relevance to modern life.
  • The spread of Buddhism along the Silk Road: Historical impacts and cultural exchanges.
  • The ethical implications of the Buddhist Five Precepts in the context of global issues.
  • The evolution of Buddhist art and architecture across Asia.
  • The Dalai Lama's role in modern Tibetan Buddhism and global peace efforts.
  • The intersection of Buddhism and science in understanding the mind and consciousness.

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Theology Research Paper Topics

Theology applies a scientific approach to religious practices. So, while talking about religion research topics, it’s important to mention the research of theological methods and the history of this branch of science. Here are some of the themes you can consider:

  • The concept of God in Christian and Islamic theology: A comparative study.
  • Liberation theology and its impact on social justice movements.
  • Theological responses to the problem of evil in different religious traditions.
  • The role of women in the theology of the early church.
  • Process theology and its implications for understanding divine action.
  • The influence of Augustine's theology on Western Christian thought.
  • Eco-theology: Exploring religious perspectives on environmental conservation.
  • The development of Trinitarian doctrine in the early Christian church.
  • Theological perspectives on human suffering and divine providence.
  • The intersection of theology and technology: Ethical considerations in the digital age.

Islam Research Topics

Islam is another major religion that deserves thorough research and careful consideration. The image of it is often demonized in the West, but there is a lot more to it. Here’s what you can write about it:

  • The evolution of Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh) through history.
  • Sufism and its role in shaping Islamic spirituality and practice.
  • The impact of Islam on the development of science and philosophy in the Golden Age.
  • Gender roles and rights in Islamic law: A contemporary analysis.
  • The concept of Jihad in Islam: Historical and modern interpretations.
  • Islamic finance and banking: Principles and global impact.
  • The significance of the Hajj pilgrimage in Muslim life and society.
  • The role of the Prophet Muhammad in Islam compared to prophets in other religions.
  • Modern Islamic political movements: Origins and objectives.
  • Interfaith dialogue between Islam and other world religions: Challenges and opportunities.

Siddhartha Essay Topics

Siddhartha is the birth name of the founder of Buddhism, and it is the name of the novel about the spiritual journey of his contemporary. Both deserve research in the religious and philosophical context:

  • The journey of self-discovery in Hermann Hesse's "Siddhartha."
  • The role of the river as a symbol in "Siddhartha."
  • Comparing and contrasting Siddhartha's relationships with Kamala and Govinda.
  • The theme of enlightenment in "Siddhartha" versus traditional Buddhist teachings.
  • The significance of names and identity in "Siddhartha."
  • The influence of Indian philosophy on Hesse's "Siddhartha."
  • The concept of time in "Siddhartha" and its impact on the protagonist's spiritual journey.
  • The role of nature in Siddhartha's quest for enlightenment.
  • Siddhartha's changing views on wealth and materialism throughout the novel.
  • The portrayal of teacher-student relationships in "Siddhartha" and their importance in Siddhartha's spiritual development.

Religion Systems Topics

  • The role of ritual in establishing and maintaining religious systems.
  • Comparative analysis of monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
  • The impact of colonialism on indigenous religious systems.
  • The evolution of religious systems in response to modernity and secularism.
  • Syncretism: How different religious systems merge and influence each other.
  • The function of myth in religious systems across cultures.
  • Religious systems and their influence on gender roles and norms.
  • The relationship between religious systems and political power structures.
  • The role of pilgrimage in various religious systems.
  • The future of religious systems in a globalized world: Trends and predictions.

Advice on How to Write a Religion Essay

Writing an essay about religion has a lot of pitfalls. If you want to get a good grade on your task, you need to do it right. Here are some tips that might help you write an excellent essay on a religious topic:

  • Avoid including personal biases and opinions – criticizing any religion is a slippery slope, but doing it from an emotional or experienced-based standpoint is even worse. Remember that the views and values of one person do not define the views of the whole group;
  • Structure your paper – a well-structured paper is easy to read and understand. It will better illustrate your point and will show your organized and systematic approach to research;
  • Check your sources for credibility – unfortunately, there are a lot of pseudoscientific opinions and works around religious topics. Even if some of them have certain merit, it is better not to include them in your work;
  • Explore your religion research topics from different perspectives – the best way to avoid bias in your research is to present the opinions from opposite sides. This will result in a well-rounded paper that will not claim to know a “single truth”, but rather apply scientific methods to religious research;
  • Try to provide the context – religious texts are often complex and filled with symbolism. You can easily find contradicting statements in them, but, in order to present them fairly, you need to provide the context for them. This does not require a retelling of the whole text, but the general situation needs to be mentioned.

If these tips still do not help, we’re ready to assist you. Visit our research paper writing services , choose a professional author that suits you, and get help with your religion research paper right now!

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Exploring Faith and Belief: Religious Research Paper Topics


Table of contents

  • 1 Challenges in Religious Research Paper Topics
  • 2.1 Christian Research Paper Topics
  • 2.2 Islam Research Topics
  • 2.3 Siddhartha Essay Topics
  • 2.4 Buddhism Essay Topics
  • 2.5 Hinduism Research Paper Topics
  • 2.6 Judaism Religion
  • 2.7 Theology Research Paper Topics

Exploring the realm of religion opens a multitude of avenues for scholarly inquiry. Research papers on religion delve into profound questions that have captivated humanity throughout history. These studies not only illuminate the intricacies of faith and belief systems but also examine their profound impact on culture, society, and personal identity.

Choosing a research topic about religion requires a thoughtful consideration of a wide spectrum of beliefs, practices, and philosophical interpretations. From the rituals that bind communities to the spiritual philosophies that drive individual conduct, religion research topics offer a rich tapestry of areas for academic exploration. With such diversity, the challenge lies in pinpointing a singular path that resonates with both current discourse and timeless questions of the human experience.

Challenges in Religious Research Paper Topics

Navigating religious research paper topics presents a unique set of challenges. Crafting research questions about religion demands sensitivity and a deep understanding of diverse belief systems. Scholars often grapple with the subjective nature of spirituality, striving to maintain academic rigor while exploring profoundly personal and often religious controversial topics. The multifaceted nature of religious research paper topics also requires an interdisciplinary approach, intersecting with history, sociology, psychology, and theology.

Additionally, researchers must balance insider and outsider perspectives, often working to gain the trust of faith communities while preserving critical distance. Research papers on religion must also contend with varying interpretations of sacred texts and practices, which can vary widely even within a single tradition. Moreover, the dynamic nature of religion, constantly evolving in the face of modernity and globalization, poses a challenge to researchers aiming to capture the contemporary religious landscape accurately. The task, then, is to approach these topics with a blend of scholarly curiosity, methodological precision, and cultural competence.

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List of 70 Religion Topics to Write About

Embark on an intellectual journey with this curated list of 70 religion topics, each offering a unique window into the diverse ways faith shapes and is shaped by the world we live in.

Christian Research Paper Topics

Diving into Christianity offers a rich vein of inquiry for scholars. These biblical topics for research papers present fresh perspectives on age-old discussions, inviting a deeper understanding of one of the world’s most-followed faiths.

  • The Evolution of Christian Thought in Postmodern Society
  • Analyzing the Role of Women in Early Christian Communities
  • The Influence of Christian Ethics on Modern Business Practices
  • Cross-Cultural Interpretations of Christian Symbols in Global Contexts
  • The Impact of Digital Media on Christian Worship and Community
  • Environmental Stewardship and its Theological Roots in Christianity
  • The Psychological Effects of Christian Practices on Mental Health
  • A Comparative Study of Christian Mysticism and Contemporary Spiritual Movements
  • The Political Expressions of Liberation Theology in Latin America
  • Christian Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence and Bioethics

Islam Research Topics

The study of Islam uncovers a tapestry of cultural, theological, and historical themes. These research topics on religion provide a platform for a nuanced exploration of Islam’s multifaceted impact on the world.

  • Modern Interpretations of Sharia Law in Various Islamic Societies
  • The Role of Sufism in Contemporary Islamic Practice
  • Islamic Economic Principles and Their Application in the 21st Century
  • Gender Dynamics within Islamic Theology and Practice
  • Islamic Artistic Expression in the Digital Age
  • The Influence of Islam on Classical Scientific Discovery and Philosophy
  • The Political Significance of Islam in Non-Majority Muslim Countries
  • Interfaith Dialogues between Islamic and Western Philosophical Traditions
  • The Evolution of Islamic Educational Institutions from Classical to Modern Times
  • The Representation of Islam in Western Media and its Societal Impact

Siddhartha Essay Topics

Hermann Hesse’s “Siddhartha” is a rich narrative ripe for exploration, intertwining themes of self-discovery and spirituality. These religion topics to write about offer a pathway to understanding the profound messages embedded in this classic tale.

  • The Concept of Enlightenment in Siddhartha Versus Traditional Buddhist Teachings
  • River Imagery as a Symbol of Life’s Journey in Siddhartha
  • Siddhartha’s Relationship with Nature as a Reflection of His Spiritual Quest
  • The Influence of Hermann Hesse’s Personal Beliefs on the Portrayal of Religion in Siddhartha
  • Comparing Siddhartha’s Ascetic Life with Modern Minimalist Movements
  • The Role of Mentorship and its Impact on Siddhartha’s Spiritual Evolution
  • The Dichotomy of Material Wealth and Spiritual Fulfillment in Siddhartha
  • Siddhartha’s Search for Authenticity Amidst Societal Expectations
  • The Function of Love in Siddhartha’s Journey Towards Self-Actualization
  • Relevance of Siddhartha’s Lessons in the Context of Contemporary Religious Practice

Buddhism Essay Topics

Buddhism, with its profound philosophical foundations and global influence, provides a fertile ground for scholarly exploration. These religious research topics and world religion paper topics delve into the heart of Buddhist doctrine and its practical implications in today’s world.

  • The Intersection of Buddhist Philosophy and Contemporary Psychotherapy
  • Ethical Consumption and Environmentalism through the Lens of Buddhist Teachings
  • The Role of Meditation in Modern Healthcare as Influenced by Buddhism
  • Analysis of Buddhist Responses to the Challenges of Globalization
  • The Adaptation of Zen Aesthetics in Western Art and Architecture
  • Buddhist Principles in Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Efforts
  • The Impact of Technological Advancements on Traditional Buddhist Practices
  • A Study of Gender Roles within Buddhist Monastic Communities
  • The Influence of Buddhism on Western Philosophical Thought
  • Exploring the Growth of Buddhist Tourism and its Cultural Impacts

Hinduism Research Paper Topics

Hinduism’s rich tapestry of mythology, philosophy, and cultural practices presents an expansive field for academic inquiry. The following religion topics for research paper encompass both the depth of Hindu traditions and contemporary issues, offering a platform for insightful discourse.

  • Analyzing the Impact of Hinduism on India’s Environmental Policies
  • Feminine Divinity in Hinduism and its Influence on Gender Roles
  • The Evolution of Hindu Temple Architecture Over Centuries
  • Caste System Interpretations in Modern Hindu Society
  • Yoga as a Global Phenomenon: Origins and Transformations from Hindu Traditions
  • The Role of Hinduism in Forming India’s National Identity
  • The Philosophy of Karma and its Relevance to Modern Ethics
  • Ayurveda: Ancient Hindu Science of Health in the Modern Wellness Industry
  • The Dynamics of Hindu Pilgrimage: Economy, Ecology, and Tradition
  • Hindu Rituals and their Psychological Implications in Contemporary Practice


Judaism Religion

The exploration of Judaism offers insights into one of the world’s oldest monotheistic religions, rich with history and tradition. While the following topics are not centered on religion research paper topics, they reflect the depth and diversity inherent in Jewish studies.

  • The Influence of Jewish Mysticism on Contemporary Religious Thought
  • The Preservation of Jewish Traditions in Diaspora Communities
  • Jewish Perspectives on Bioethics and Modern Medical Dilemmas
  • The Role of the Synagogue in Jewish Cultural and Religious Life
  • The Impact of the Holocaust on Theological Understandings in Judaism
  • Jewish Contributions to Interfaith Dialogue and Peacebuilding
  • The Evolution of Kosher Laws and Their Application in the Food Industry
  • The Intersection of Jewish Law and Modern State Legislation
  • The Role of Hebrew Language Revival in Jewish Identity Formation
  • Jewish Feminist Theology and its Quest for Gender Equality in Religious Practice

Theology Research Paper Topics

Theology, the systematic study of the divine, invites scholars to probe the depths of religious belief and practice. These theology research paper topics are designed to inspire critical thought and original analysis on various aspects of spiritual inquiry.

  • The Role of Prophecy in Abrahamic Religions Comparative Study
  • Liberation Theology’s Influence on Social Justice Movements
  • Theological Responses to the Problem of Evil in Different Faiths
  • The Impact of Feminist Theology on Traditional Religious Practices
  • The Integration of Theology and Science in the Modern World
  • The Concept of the Afterlife in Theological and Philosophical Perspectives
  • Ecumenism and the Pursuit of Christian Unity in Theology
  • Theological Underpinnings of Contemporary Environmental Ethics
  • The Influence of Digital Media on Theological Education
  • The Role of Ritual in Expressing and Shaping Theological Beliefs

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Religious Studies

  • ISSN: 0034-4125 (Print) , 1469-901X (Online)
  • Editor: Yujin Nagasawa Department of Philosophy|University of Oklahoma|455 West Lindsey|Dale Hall Tower Room 605|Norman, OK 73019-2006|USA
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Maria Rosa Antognazza (1964-2023)

 It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Professor Maria Rosa Antognazza, an esteemed member of our journal's editorial board, on Tuesday, March 28th, after a short illness. Professor Antognazza was a former president of the British Society for the Philosophy of Religion and an accomplished scholar in the philosophy of religion, the history of philosophy, and epistemology. She authored numerous books, including Leibniz: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2016), Leibniz: An Intellectual Biography (Cambridge University Press, 2009), Leibniz on the Trinity and the Incarnation: Reason and Revelation in the Seventeenth Century (Yale University Press, 2007) and Thinking with Assent: Renewing a Traditional Account of Knowledge and Belief (Oxford University Press, forthcoming). We extend our deepest sympathies to her family, friends and colleagues during this difficult time.

 ' Leibniz de Deo Trino: philosophical aspects of Leibniz's conception of the Trinity ' - Professor Antognazza's paper published in the March 2001 issue of  Religious Studies   

Tributes from the British Society for the History of Philosophy

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Theistic expansive naturalism: which God?

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What doesn't kill me makes me stronger? Post-traumatic growth and the problem of suffering

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Religion Research Paper Topics

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More than 500 Religion Research Paper Topics

Ancient religions research paper topics.

1. Aztec religion 2. Canaanite religion • Baal 3. Egyptian religion • Akhenaton • Amon • Horus • Osiris • Ptah 4. Gnosticism 5. Greek religion • Adonis • Apollo • Athena • Diana • Hermes • Orphism • Zeus 6. Inca religion 7. Indus Valley religion 8. Manichaeism 9. Maya religion 10. Mesopotamian religions • Gilgamesh • Inanna 11. mystery religions • Eleusis • Isis, Isaic religion • Mithra 12. Nordic religion • Celtic religion • druids • Loki • Thor • Wotan 13. prehistoric religions 14. primal religion 15. Roman religion • Juno • Jupiter • Mars • Venus 16. Zoroastrianism • Parsees • Zarathustra • Zend Avesta

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Get 10% off with 24start discount code, buddhism research paper topics.

17. Amida 18. arhat 19. Asoka 20. Avalokitesvara 21. Bardo Thodol 22. Bodhidharma 23. bodhisattva 24. Buddha, the 25. Buddhism in America 26. Buddhist festivals 27. councils, Buddhist 28. Dalai Lama 29. dharma in Hinduism and Buddhism 30. Diamond Sutra 31. Dogen 32. four noble truths 33. four unlimited virtues 34. koan 35. Lotus Sutra 36. Mahayana Buddhism 37. Maitreya 38. mappo 39. Mara 40. Nichiren 41. nirvana 42. prajna 43. Pure Land Buddhism 44. samsara 45. sangha 46. scriptures, Buddhist 47. Soka Gakkai 48. stupa 49. Tara 50. Tathagata 51. Theravada Buddhism 52. Vajrayana Buddhism 53. zazen 54. Zen Buddhism

Christianity Research Paper Topics

55. Acts of the Apostles 56. Amish 57. Anglicanism 58. Anselm 59. Antichrist 60. apostles 61. Aquinas, Thomas 62. Armenian Church 63. Assemblies of God 64. Augustine of Hippo 65. baptism 66. Baptist churches 67. Benedictines 68. Calvin, John 69. Canterbury 70. cardinals 71. Carnival 72. cathedral 73. charismatic movement 74. Christ 75. Christian Science 76. Christianity in America 77. Christianity, independent 78. Christmas 79. Congregationalism 80. Constantine, Emperor 81. Coptic Church 82. councils, Christian 83. creeds 84. cross 85. Crusades 86. dogma and doctrine 87. Dominicans 88. Easter 89. Eastern Orthodox Christianity 90. ecumenical movement 91. Episcopalianism 92. epistles 93. Eucharist 94. Evangelical Christianity 95. Fall, the 96. Francis of Assisi and Franciscans 97. fundamentalism, Christian 98. gospels 99. grace 100. Grail 101. Halloween 102. heresy 103. Holiness movement 104. incarnation 105. India, religions in 106. inquisition, the 107. James 108. Jehovah’s Witnesses 109. Jesuits 110. Jesus 111. Joan of Arc 112. justification 113. King, Martin Luther, Jr. 114. kingdom of God 115. Latter-day Saints 116. Lent 117. liturgy 118. Lord’s Prayer 119. Luther, Martin 120. Lutheranism 121. magi 122. Mary 123. Mary, apparitions of 124. Mary Magdalene 125. Mennonites 126. Methodism 127. Nazarene, Church of the 128. New Testament 129. New Testament, Apocryphal 130. ordination 131. papacy, the 132. Paul, the apostle 133. Pentecostalism 134. Peter, epistles of 135. Peter, the Apostle 136. Presbyterian and Reformed churches 137. Protestantism 138. Protestantism in America 139. Puritanism 140. Q source (New Testament) 141. Quakers 142. Rapture 143. Reformation, Protestant 144. restoration movement 145. Revelation, book of 146. revivalism 147. Roman Catholicism 148. sacrament 149. Salvation Army 150. Seventh-Day Adventism 151. Shakers 152. televangelism 153. Thomas, Gospel of 154. Trappists 155. Trent, Council of 156. trinity 157. Unitarianism 158. United Church of Christ 159. universalism 160. Vatican Councils 161. virgin birth 162. Waldensians 163. Wesley, John

Comparative Religion Research Paper Topics

164. abortion and religion 165. afterlife in world religions 166. alchemy 167. altar 168. ancestor worship 169. angels 170. animals and religion 171. apocalyptic literature 172. archaeology and religion 173. architecture, religious 174. art, religious 175. asceticism 176. astrology 177. atheism 178. Bible, biblical literature 179. birth rituals 180. brain, mind, and religion 181. cannibalism and religion 182. cats and religion 183. celibacy 184. charms and amulets 185. children, religion of 186. church and state 187. cinema and religion 188. circumcision 189. clothing, religious 190. clowns, religious 191. computers and religion 192. cosmogony 193. cosmologies 194. creation and world cycles 195. cults and sects, religious 196. dance and religion 197. death and religion 198. denomination 199. devils and demons 200. devotion, devotionalism 201. diet and religion 202. drama, religious 203. dreams and religion 204. drugs and religion 205. epics, religious 206. eschatology 207. eternity 208. ethics and religion 209. evil 210. evolution and religion 211. exorcism 212. fairies 213. faith 214. family and religion, the 215. fasting 216. fire and religion 217. flood stories 218. folk religion 219. founders, religious 220. free will and determinism 221. fundamentalism 222. games, play, and religion 223. ghosts 224. God 225. God, existence of 226. goddesses 227. guru 228. healing, religious 229. heaven 230. hell 231. heroes and hero myths 232. holy, idea of the 233. homosexuality and religion 234. humanism, religious 235. humor and religion 236. images, icons, idols in religion 237. incense 238. initiation, religious 239. judgment of the dead 240. kingship and religion 241. lotus 242. magic 243. marriage and religion 244. martial arts and religion 245. martyrdom 246. masks and religion 247. May Day 248. meditation 249. messiah 250. millenarianism 251. miracles 252. missionaries 253. monks and nuns 254. monotheism 255. mountains and religion 256. music and religion 257. mysticism 258. myth and mythology 259. nationalism, religious 260. nature and religion 261. New Year festivals 262. occultism and esotericism 263. pacifism, religious 264. persecution, religious 265. pilgrimage 266. politics and religion 267. polytheism 268. prayer 269. preaching 270. priests and priesthood 271. purification, religious 272. reincarnation 273. relics 274. religion, theories of the origin of 275. religious experience 276. resurrection 277. rites of passage 278. ritual 279. sacrifice 280. saints 281. salvation 282. Satan 283. science and religion 284. scripture 285. seasons and religion 286. sexuality and religion 287. sin 288. soul, concepts of 289. suicide and religion 290. Sun and religion, the 291. symbolism, in religion 292. taboo 293. theodicy 294. theosophy 295. visions 296. war and religion 297. water and religion 298. wisdom literature 299. witchcraft 300. worship

Confucianism Research Paper Topics

301. Analects of Confucius 302. Confucius 303. I Ching

East and Central Asian Religions Research Paper Topics

304. Bon 305. China, religions of 306. feng shui 307. Japanese religion 308. Korean religion 309. Tibetan religion 310. Vietnamese religions 311. yin/yang theory

Hinduism Research Paper Topics

312. Agni 313. ahimsa 314. atman 315. avatar 316. Banaras 317. Bhagavad-Gita 318. bhakti 319. Brahma 320. brahman 321. brahmin 322. cakras 323. caste in Hinduism 324. dharma in Hinduism and Buddhism 325. Durga 326. fundamentalism, Hindu 327. Gandhi, Mohandas 328. Ganesa 329. Ganges River 330. gunas 331. Hanuman 332. Hindu festivals 333. Hinduism in America 334. Hinduism, new movements in 335. Indra 336. jivanmukti 337. Kabir 338. Kali 339. karma 340. Krishna 341. Krishnaism in the West 342. kundalini 343. Lakshmi 344. lila 345. mandala 346. mantra 347. Manu 348. maya 349. mudras 350. om 351. Parvati 352. prana 353. puja 354. Puranas 355. Rama, Ramayana 356. Ramakrishna 357. sadhu, sadhvi 358. sakti, Saktism 359. Sankara 360. Saraswati 361. sati (suttee) 362. Siva 363. Tantrism 364. Upanishads 365. Veda 366. Vedanta 367. Vishnu 368. Vivekananda 369. Yama 370. yantra 371. yoga

Indigenous and Cross-Cultural Religion Research Paper Topics

372. African religions 373. African-American religions 374. Arctic religions 375. Australian religions 376. cargo cults 377. Islam, Nation of 378. Kwanzaa 379. Malcolm X 380. Native American religions • Ghost Dance • Sweat Lodge 381. Pacific Ocean religions 382. Rastafarians 383. Santeria 384. shamanism 385. Spiritualism 386. tricksters 387. Voodoo

Islam Research Paper Topics

388. Aga Khan 389. Allah 390. al-Qaeda 391. assassins 392. Ayatollah 393. Druze, the 394. fundamentalism, Islamic 395. Hadith 396. Hamas 397. imam 398. Islam in America 399. jihad 400. Kaaba 401. Mecca, pilgrimage to 402. mosque 403. muezzin 404. Muhammad 405. Qur’an 406. Ramadan 407. Rumi 408. salat 409. Shariah 410. Shi’ite Islam 411. Sufism 412. Sunni Islam

Jainism Research Paper Topics

413. Mahavira

Judaism Research Paper Topics

414. Aaron 415. Abraham 416. Adam 417. Amos 418. anti-Semitism 419. Apocrypha 420. Baal Shem Tov 421. Babel, tower of 422. bar/bat mitzvah 423. covenant 424. Daniel 425. David 426. Day of Atonement 427. Dead Sea Scrolls 428. Elijah 429. Essenes 430. Esther 431. Eve 432. Exodus 433. Ezekiel 434. Ezra 435. Genesis 436. halakhah 437. Hanukkah 438. Hasidism 439. Holocaust, the 440. Hosea 441. Isaac 442. Isaiah 443. Jacob 444. Jeremiah 445. Jerusalem 446. Jewish festivals 447. Job 448. Jonah 449. Joseph 450. Judaism in America 451. kabbalah 452. Lilith 453. Micah 454. Moses 455. Nehemiah 456. Noah 457. Passover 458. Pharisees, the 459. prophets, biblical 460. Psalms 461. Purim 462. rabbi, rabbinate 463. Rebekah 464. Samaritans 465. Sarah 466. Saul 467. scriptures, Hebrew 468. Solomon 469. synagogue 470. Talmud 471. Ten Commandments 472. Torah 473. Zionism

New Religions Research Paper Topics

474. Africa, new religious movements in 475. Baha’i 476. Brazil, new religious movements in 477. Japan, new religions in 478. Konkokyo 479. New Age movement 480. New Thought movement 481. Paganism, Modern 482. Rosicrucianism 483. Scientology 484. Spiritualism 485. Tenrikyo 486. UFO religions 487. United States, new religions in the

Shinto Research Paper Topics

488. Amaterasu 489. Ise 490. Izanagi and Izanami 491. kami 492. Shinto festivals

Sikhism Research Paper Topics

493. Adi Granth 494. Gobind Singh 495. Nanak

The Study of Religion Research Paper Topics

496. animism 497. archetype 498. dialogue 499. Durkheim, Emile 500. dynamism 501. Eliade, Mircea 502. feminism 503. Frazer, James George 504. Freud, Sigmund 505. functionalism 506. Jung, Carl Gustav 507. Levi-Strauss, Claude 508. Malinowski, Bronislaw 509. Marx, Karl 510. Otto, Rudolf 511. religion, defi nition of 512. religion, history of 513. religion, study of 514. theology 515. totemism 516. Weber, Max 517. worship

Taoism Research Paper Topics

518. Chuang-tzu 519. Lao-tzu 520. Tao Te Ching


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130 Pressing Religious Research Paper Topics You Should Highlight

Religion is the oldest and still so much-needed invention of humanity. First, people had pagan rites and idols, then joining the larger religious communities. The significant place in the series of events is held by conflicts that have grown up on religious grounds. The question then arises if religious canons say a person should live in harmony with himself and others, then how to view all these wars and armed conflicts.

Religion is studied in most colleges and teaches us to be tolerant. Thus, college students are often assigned to write theology research topics. PaperCoach writing platform can provide you with all the required information on this issue and even create a paper on theology from scratch.

Picking Up a Religious Topic for Research Papers

  • Understand the assignment. Before writing, you should consider the following things: how many pages you have to write, what kind of research your teacher asked for, how long your bibliography should be, etc.
  • Brainstorm topics you are interested in and put them down.
  • Refine, narrow, and direct your religious research topic in a more specific area.
  • Discuss your topic with an advisor or classmates to understand if your topic is catchy for an audience.
  • Find and read resources related to your possible topics.
  • Develop research paper questions to be sure you will be able to point them out in your paper.

Steps in Writing a Religious Research Paper Topic

  • Formulate the research problem. It’s a question in your mind before you start researching it.
  • Make a literature review. Read theoretical material that has been written on a particular problem.
  • Develop a hypothesis (a possible answer to your question).
  • Formulate a method of conducting your research.
  • Collect relevant data on your research. You might use any tools of data collection like interviews, questionnaires, or rating scales.
  • Analyze the research information you have studied.
  • Draw the conclusion after evaluating your hypothesis.
  • Make a report telling about your research flow and its conclusion.

To ease your search and choice of topics, we have developed 130 theological questions to investigate. Scroll the page to the end to find the most appropriate theology paper topic.

130 Exciting Religious Research Paper Topics to Create for Students

World religions research paper topics.

  • Impact of Religion on Humans Today: Faith as a State of Being Ultimately Concerned
  • Worshiping in Different Religions
  • How Does Religion Explain Ancestor Worship?
  • Role of Women in the Islamic Society
  • Dalai Lama as the Leader of Buddhism
  • Who Are the Maccabees?
  • Reincarnation in Hinduism
  • The Main Difference Between Hinduism and Buddhism
  • The Study of Lao Tzu
  • Basic Differences Between Judaism and Christianity
  • Beliefs and Practices in Paganism
  • What Can Ahimsa Teach Us?
  • The Buddhist Monks Teaching
  • Imperialism of English in Islam
  • Shintoism in Japan and Its Aspects

Knowledge of the population's religious background helps to understand the economic and social geography of different countries better. The role of religion in society keeps being important today. The right choice of the world religion paper topic will prove it.

Catchy Topics on Religious History

  • History of Ramadan
  • Life of Jesus Christ
  • The Role Played by Men in Hindu Religion
  • Julian of Norwich as the Main Religion Figure for Contemporary Religion
  • Early Christian Church
  • Prominent Religious Events in the US History
  • Representation of Religion and Violence in Solomon Northup From “12 Years a Slave”
  • The Emergence of Islam
  • The Confucianism Teaching
  • Judaism: From the Very Beginning to Our Days
  • The Development of Modern Japan’s Religion
  • Impact of Ancient Greek Mythology on Present-Day World
  • The Emergence of Modern Religions Without God
  • How Did New Religions Appear?
  • Outstanding Figures in Various Religions

Theology research paper topics are attractive for those who want to dive into ancient times and find out how religious teaching emerged and developed. The following topics can be flexible enough and generate new ones.

Research Paper Topics on Religion in the Present-Day World

  • Role of Genders in Religion
  • How Does Religion Affect Politics?
  • Importance of Christian Ethics in Business
  • Causes of Faith Crisis in the Modern World
  • Mecca as a Tourist Location
  • Religion and Terrorism
  • Contemporary Political Establishments in Islamic Society
  • Up-to-Date Religious Celebrations
  • Importance of Religion Events for Teenagers
  • Religious Books Everyone Should Read
  • Meaning of Life in Current Pace of Life
  • The Worldview by Christians
  • Why Teach Religion in Schools?
  • Animalism in the Present-Day World
  • Fields of Life That Religion Concerns

Religion is an integral part of the modern world, as it performs vital social functions. The key factor in understanding the role of religion in the various processes is a scientific understanding of this phenomenon.

Ethics and Religion Topics for Research Paper

  • Morality Reasoning of Teenagers
  • What Is Religious Ethics?
  • Ethical Questions in Religious Traditions
  • Aspects of Hinduism Ethics
  • Is the Bible an Ideal Guide to Solve Ethics Issues?
  • Should We Follow Religious Ethics to Be Truly Good?
  • Religious Ethics of Sex Issues in Different Religions
  • What Does It Mean to Be Ethical to Another Religion?
  • Islamic Ethical Principles
  • Ethical Attitude to Religions Without God
  • Ethical Value of the Statement, “If You Believe in God, You Know What Is Right or Wrong”
  • The Necessity of Essays on Biblical Worldview for College Students
  • Tolerance to Atheism: What Does It Mean?
  • World Religious Issues and Ethical Approach to Them

Each religion develops ethical rules, ethical standards, and values that guide believers in secular, daily, personal, and social situations. All codes are based on a special approach to religious ethics, according to which ethical behavior is considered an integral part of spiritual growth.

Interesting Topics About Philosophy of Religion

  • Philosophy of Karma
  • Philosophical Approach to Buddhism Teaching
  • Philosophical Ideas in “Traveling Mercies” by Anne Lamott
  • What is God?
  • Does Jihadi-Salafism Really Include Philosopic Teaching?
  • Finding Philosophy in Yoga Practice
  • Islamic Philosophy
  • Why Is the Soul Immortal?
  • The Paradox of Hedonism
  • Religion as a Way to Make Our Life Better
  • Does God Approve the Act of Self-Sacrifice?
  • Why Are Students Assigned to Write a Research Paper on the Existence of God?
  • What Will Happen to People Who Stop Believing in God?
  • Philosophical Questions That Religion Can Answer

The main point of philosophy of religion topics is to teach you to see the issue core and find possible solutions. Researching any of these topics, you will be able to learn something valuable and useful for yourself.

Understanding of Religious Mythology Topics

  • Facts We Know About Druids
  • Gods and Characters in Greek Mythology
  • What Do Mythological Tales Teach Us?
  • The Working Principles of Mythotherapy
  • Effect of Mythology on Religion
  • Difference Between Greek and Roman Mythology
  • The Beginning of Greek Mythology
  • Ancient Greek Literary Works and Their Meaning for Religion
  • Basic Aspects of Gender in Mythology
  • Religious Symbols in Mythology
  • Impact of Medieval Legends on Religion
  • Mythological Creatures in Early Religion Teaching
  • Why Is Studying Mythology So Important in College?
  • Common Things Between Greek Mythology and Paganism
  • Modern Interpretation of Mount Olympus

You might have overread catchy Greek myths and legends in childhood and didn't even think about their influence on world religions. Now it’s time to see the other side of your favorite ancient story.

Topics for Discussion Religious Architecture

  • Religious Impact on Architecture
  • Religious Buildings as Places of Worship
  • 10 Religious Buildings You Have to Visit
  • Postwar Religious Buildings Across the World
  • Traditions in Creating Religious Buildings
  • Types of Religious Structures
  • Importance of Religious Constructions
  • Most Famous Temples in India
  • Mosques That Are Worth Visiting
  • The Main Aims to Visit Synagogues
  • Who Is Responsible for Building Religious Shelters?
  • What to Wear to Different Types of Religious Places?
  • Ways to Preserve Old Religious Constructions
  • Reasons to Visit Mosques

Religious architecture can be taken in different ways as a place of interest for tourists or a sacred spot to get off your chest. No matter how you consider religious buildings, each building is unique and has its own history.

Worship and Ritual College Research Paper Topics

  • The Existence of Black Magic
  • Beliefs and Practices in Buddhism
  • Sacred Animals in Various Religions
  • Psychology of Rituals
  • Where Does Worship Come From?
  • Theory of Islamic Rituals
  • Religious Rituals in the USA
  • Halloween Rituals in the UK
  • Ritual as a Performance
  • Ancestors Worship in the Chinese Culture
  • Spiritual Rituals and Its Consequences
  • Ritual Practice in Christianity
  • The Tradition of Animals Worship
  • Rituals in Paganism
  • Impact of Ancient Rituals on Religion

People have always wondered about things that others worship. This topic usually raises a bunch of controversial ideas and tricky questions. Why not look into the situation and highlight the main issues concerning worshipping and rituals?

Research Topics on Religion and Politics

  • Reasons Why Politics and Religion Can’t Be Separated
  • Historical Religious Roots in Politics
  • Religious Institutions and Its Cooperation With Government
  • Can Religion Dictate Rules to Politicians?
  • Religious Beliefs in Politics
  • Results of Religious and Political Leaders Collaboration
  • Why Does Church Support Officials?
  • Role of Religion in the American Political Society
  • How Does Religion Help in Political Issues?
  • Implementation of Religious Practices in the Political World
  • Should Society Insist on Separating Religion and Politics?
  • Religious Rituals as a Way to Defeat Rivals: Myth or Reality?
  • Examples of Politicals Leaders Who Are Involved in Religion Issues

Politics and religion have always been interconnected. However, the nature of the relationship has changed. To get to know how the deep collaboration of politics and religion is, you might investigate a lot of things and structure a good paper to support your facts.

Have you picked up a research topic in theology, but still have no idea how to structure your work? Make a point of your practical and simple tips to arrange your research well.

Parts of Research Paper

  • Introduction. Say why you do this study and what benefits your work can bring to the current field. You also have to provide background information to evaluate the present study without referring to the previous one.
  • Methods and materials. You need to describe what methods you used to conduct the study on a biblical thesis topic.
  • Results. Answer what you found and show the detailed results in the natural order.
  • Discussions. In this section, don't forget to tell what your results mean and explain the research's wider implications.
  • Conclusions. It’s a final statement that leads back to the introduction. The results of the findings you are looking for in your introduction should be shown in your conclusion.

The writing-process of Christian research topics requires a lot of energy and time, and, as a result, some students feel drained at an early stage. So, if writing is not your strong suit, you had better get professional help from PaperCoach experts. Could you imagine how much time you can save entrusted with creating a thesis topic for Christianity or theology issues? No need to guess! Just buy an essay from our writers, and you will be surprised how professionally and quickly your paper could be written!


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  • Writing a Paper on Theological Topic
  • Tips for Creating a Theological Paper
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  • Women in Church Leadership (Paper Example)
  • Biblical Worldview Essay
  • The Holy Bible (Sample)


Religious Studies: Topics

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General Websites

  • American Religious Identification Survey Funded by the Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society & Culture, the ARIS surveys the religious affiliations of the American public through direct telephone surveys. In contrast to reports from church leaders or organizations, this methodology makes it a unique study of how people self-identify their religious affiliations.
  • Association of Religion Data Archives Data on American religion; membership numbers and surveys and polls. Browse by category, alphabetically, most popular, or newest additions, or use a search engine.
  • US Religion Census Provides a county-by-county measure of religious bodies in the US. The study is currently sponsored by the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies. The survey includes maps, reports, and data sets of survey results. 2010 RCMS was released May 1, 2012. An overview of the study can be found here. Full regional reports can be searched through the ARDA.
  • Divining American: Religion in American History Contains essays by leading scholars on various aspects of religion in American history.
  • The Pluralism Project Harvard University's Pluralism Project uses affiliates (including WKU) to document America's multi-religious society.
  • Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life The Pew Forum conducts surveys, demographic analyses and other social science research on important aspects of religion and public life in the U.S. and around the world. The site has landing pages for reports based on religious affiliations: Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Other Affiliations (incl. Hindus, Buddhists, Baha’is, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, Unitarians, New Age groups and Native American religions), and Unaffiliated.
  • International Religious Freedom Reports The International Religious Freedom Report is an annual report issued by the Department of State documenting religious freedom around the world. The report is organized by country and provides a look at how much freedom governments grant to religion.

Professional Societies

  • American Academy of Religion AAR are the largest scholarly society dedicated to the academic study of religion, with more than 5,000 members around the world. Their mission is to foster excellence in the academic study of religion and enhance the public understanding of religion.
  • Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability ECFA is an accreditation agency dedicated to helping Christian ministries earn the public’s trust through adherence to Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship™, which focus on board governance, financial transparency, integrity in fundraising, and proper use of charity resources.
  • The Society of Christian Ethics The purpose of the Society is to promote scholarly work in Christian ethics and in the relation of Christian ethics to other traditions of ethics, and to social, economic, political and cultural problems; to encourage and improve the teaching of these fields in colleges, universities and theological schools; and to provide a community of discourse and debate for those engaged professionally within these general fields.
  • Society of Christian Philosophers The Society of Christian Philosophers mission is to promote fellowship between Christian philosophers and to provide occasions for intellectual interchange among Christian philosophers on issues that arise from their joint commitment.
  • The Council of Societies for the Study of Religion The Council of Societies for the Study of Religion is a federation of learned societies in religion interested in developing greater coordination of the field as a whole.
  • John Templeton Foundation The John Templeton Foundation funds research and catalyzes conversations that inspire people with awe and wonder.

Religious News

  • Religion News Service Daily postings from “the only secular news and photo service devoted to unbiased coverage of religion and ethics exclusively.” Other parts of the site are available via a paid subscription.
  • Religion News on the Web The Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life “seeks to promote a deeper understanding of issues at the intersection of religion and public affairs . . . The Pew Forum conducts surveys, demographic analyses and other social science research on important aspects of religion and public life in the U.S. and around the world. It also provides a neutral venue for discussions of timely issues through roundtables and briefings.”
  • The Revealer “A daily review of religion in the news and the news about religion. We’re not so much nonpartisan as polypartisan-- interested in all sides, disdainful of dualistic arguments, and enamored of free speech as a first principle. We publish and link to work by people of all persuasions, religious, political, sexual, and critical.”
  • BeliefNet A popular-level site that covers all religions as well as news and aspects of life connected with religion
  • ReligionWriters.com Religion Stylebook An authoritative guide created for journalists who report on religion in the mainstream media.

Religious Ethics & Religious Justice

  • Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church recognizes the need to dialogue from and beyond local culture and interconnect within a world church. The network fosters cross-cultural, interdisciplinary conversations about critical issues in theological ethics, shaped by shared visions of hope.
  • Encyclopedia of Religion and Society from Hartford Institute for Religious Research at Hartford Seminary
  • Ethics & Moral Values From the Virtual Religion Index, articles and links on topics like moral theory, social justice, welfare, and the environment.
  • The Society of Jewish Ethics The Society of Jewish Ethics is an academic organization dedicated to the promotion of scholarly work in the field of Jewish ethics, including the relation of Jewish ethics to other traditions of ethics and to social, economic, political and cultural problems.

Religious Liberty in the United States

  • Public Religion Research Institute A non-profit, non-partisan think tank and advocacy organization dedicated to the research and encouragement of cooperation between religion, ethics and morality and government, politics, and policy in both the domestic and foreign arenas.
  • American Center for Law and Justice A public interest law firm committed to ensuring the ongoing viability of constitutional freedoms in accordance with principles of justice as outlined in scripture.
  • American Civil Liberties Union Works to guarantee that all are free to follow and practice their faith – or no faith at all – without governmental influence or interference.
  • Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Promotes a deeper understanding of issues at the intersection of religion and public affairs by delivering impartial information.
  • Anti-Defamation League The ADL fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defends democratic ideals and protects civil rights for all.
  • Religion and the Founding of the American Republic An online exhibition from the Library of Congress with over 200 objects including early American books, manuscripts, letters, prints, paintings, artifacts, and music from the Library's collections and complemented by loans from other institutions.
  • Freedom from Religion Foundation The Freedom From Religion Foundation works as an umbrella for those who are free from religion and are committed to the cherished principle of separation of state and church. As FFRF’s principal founder Anne Gaylor noted, “To be free from religion is an advantage for individuals; it is a necessity for government.”

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Digital Commons @ USF > College of Arts and Sciences > Religious Studies > Theses and Dissertations

Religious Studies Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

The Role of Muslim Women in Nigeria’s Socioeconomic Development Through the Implementation of The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals , Faqiat Afolake Adeaga

The Theoretical Epigenetic Relationship Between Complex-PTSD and ADHD in Holocaust Survivors’ Descendants , Y. Sahara Brodsky

Apertures in Recollections A Mental Trauma Response to the Holocaust Experience , Nicole T. Broxterman

Differentiating Magic: a Call for a Differential Approach , Weston L. Wright

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Interpreting 9/11: Religious or Political Event? , Fadime Apaydin

The need to address religious diversity at work: an all-inclusive model of spirituality at work , Ivonne Valero Cázares

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The Mass is the Medium: Marshall McLuhan and Roman Catholic Liturgical Change , Ashil D. Manohar

White Too Long: Christianity or Nationalism? , Rachel E. Osborne

"Theology" in the Public University , Sarah T. White

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Warfare in Christianity and Islam: Unveiling Secular Justifications and Motivations Behind So-Called Religious Violence , Onur Korkmaz

Legitimizing Violence: Functional Similarities of the Religious and the Secular Violence , Tahir Topal

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

“Living Creatures of Every Kind:” An Ecofeminist Reading of Genesis 1-3 , T. G. Barkasy

Three Theorists on Religious Violence in an Islamic Context: Karen Armstrong, Mark Juergensmeyer, and William T. Cavanaugh , Ayse Camur

Complex Tripartite Hydro Politics of River Ganges , Muttaki Bin Kamal

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Solid Metaphor and Sacred Space: Interpreting the Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Relations Found at Beth Alpha Synagogue , Evan Carter

Growth, and Development of Care for Leprosy Sufferers Provided by Religious Institutions from the First Century AD to the Middle Ages , Philippa Juliet Meek

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Altering Tian: Spirituality in Early Confucianism , Jacob Thomas Atkinson

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

The U.S. Department of State Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives: What does the U.S. engage when they engage `religion'? , Belgica Marisol Cucalon

Rising Above a Crippling Hermeneutic , Luke Steven, Carlos, Armando Thompson

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

From Cosmogony to Anthropogony: Inscribing Bodies in Vedic Cosmogony and Samskara Rituals , Christine Boulos

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Gadamer and Nāgārjuna in Play: Providing a New Anti-Objectivist Foundation for Gadamer’s Interpretive Pluralism with Nāgārjuna’s Help , Nicholas Byle

Shamanism, Spiritual Transformation and the Ethical Obligations of the Dying Person: A Narrative Approach , Ellen W. Klein

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Finding Confucianism in Scientology: A comparative analysis , John Albert Kieffer

Sympathy for the devil: A character analysis of Gibreel Farishta in Salman Rushdie's The satanic verses , Catherine Mary Lafuente

The Babel paradox , Michel Machado

Theology, Spirituality, and the Academic Study of Religion in Public Universities , Don Saunders

Broadening the Spectrum: The Religious Dimensions of the Rainbow Gatherings , Seth M. Walker

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Poetry and Ritual: The Physical Expression of Homoerotic Imagery in sama , Zachary Holladay

Religious Exiles And Emigrants: The Changing Face Of Zoroastrianism , Tara Angelique Migliore

Metropolitan Community Church: A Perfectly Queer Reading Of The Bible , Matthew D. Stewart

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

(Dis)continuity between Sikhism and Islam: The development of hukam across religions , Mark Horowitz

Natural Law Ethics: A Comparison of the Theravāda and Thomistic Traditions , David Lantigua

An analysis Of Origen's charismatic ideology in his Commentary on the Gospel of John , Kimberly W. Logan-Hudson

The proliferating sacred: Secularization and postmodernity , Donald Surrency

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

The commodification of yoga in contemporary U.S. culture , Michelle E. Demeter

The Middle-Class Religious Ideology and the Underclass Struggle: A Growing Divide in Black Religion , Franklin Hills Jr.

The ethics of the spirit in Galatians: Considering Paul's paranesis in the interpretation of his theology , Steven Douglas Meigs

Cicero and St. Augustine's Just War Theory: Classical Influences on a Christian Idea , Berit Van Neste

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

The Origins of Jewish Apocalyptic Literature: Prophecy, Babylon, and 1 Enoch , Sarah Robinson

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Sports and the American Sacred: What are the Limits of Civil Religion? , Frank Ferreri

Radical Religious Groups and Government Policy: A Critical Evaluation , Tori Chambers Lockler

“Symbolism of Language: A Study in the Dialogue of Power Between the Imperial Cult and the Synoptic Gospels” , Sharon Matlock-Marsh

Near-Death Experiences, Religion, and Life After Death , Holly Wallace

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Korean americans are much more likely than people in south korea to be christian.

Korean American adults are much less likely than adults in South Korea to be religiously unaffiliated or to be Buddhist.

Many around the globe say it’s important their leader stands up for people’s religious beliefs

Adults in Indonesia, Bangladesh and the Philippines are the most likely to say it is important to have a leader who stands up for people with their religious beliefs.

Religion and Spirituality in East Asian Societies

Few are religiously affiliated, but many in the region hold religious or spiritual beliefs and engage in traditional rituals.

Majority of U.S. Catholics Express Favorable View of Pope Francis

Most say Francis represents change in the church. And many say the church should allow priests to marry and let Catholics use birth control.

9 facts about U.S. Catholics

Catholics are one of the largest religious groups in the United States, outnumbering any single Protestant denomination.

How common is religious fasting in the United States?

In the United States, 21% of adults overall say they fast for certain periods during holy times.

5 facts about Muslims and Christians in Indonesia

Indonesia is about 87% Muslim and 11% Christian. Roughly 242 million Muslims and 29 million Christians live in Indonesia.

8 in 10 Americans Say Religion Is Losing Influence in Public Life

Most Americans say religion’s influence is shrinking, and about half (48%) see conflict between their own religious beliefs and mainstream American culture.

Around 4 in 10 Americans have become more spiritual over time; fewer have become more religious

Most Americans are spiritual or religious in some way and many also say their spirituality and level of religiosity have changed over time.

China’s Christian population appears to have stopped growing after rising rapidly in the 1980s and ’90s

Between 2010 and 2018, the share of Chinese adults who identify with Christianity remained stable at about 2%.


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Religious Studies

Theoretical/methodological approaches, the enlightenment.

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Use the tabs under "Approaches to Religion", on the left, to find some reading suggestions for each of the major academic approaches to the study of religion. These include anthropological, phenomenological, psychological, and sociological approaches, which trace their roots back to the Enlightenment.

During the European Enlightenment (17th and 18th centuries), important thinkers reworked the intellectual understanding of religion.  No longer strictly a matter of theological and devotional study, religion came to be investigated by philosophers and scientists seeking to uncover "positive knowledge" of the human motivations for religious beliefs and behaviors that were increasingly thought to be irrational.  The Enlightenment paradigm—whereby religion would fade away as empirical knowledge about nature increased—set much of the tone for various other social scientific approaches to religion, and indeed for much of social science as a whole. It fostered a series of new epistemologies focused on knowledge of various aspects of human life—social, psychological, and political—that were increasingly being divorced from earlier theological forms of knowledge .   It may prove useful to consider the Enlightenment's reformulations of religion as you develop your own research.

  • Principal Writings on Religion by David Hume Call Number: B1493 .D52 1993 ISBN: 9780199251889 David Hume is arguably the most important Enlightenment figure in the study of religion. His "Natural History of Religion" advanced the thesis that polytheism predated theism, and that religious impulses were initially the product of negative emotions, such as fear and insecurity. Of chief importance in Hume’s argument is the idea that religious phenomena are human creations. This volume includes Hume's "Natural History of Religion."
  • Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, and What Is Enlightenment by Immanuel Kant Call Number: B2766.E6 B4 1990 ISBN: 0023078251 Immanuel Kant is another important figure for the Enlightenment's understanding of religion, as demonstrated by his essay “What Is Enlightenment?”
  • The Second Treatise of Government, and a Letter Concerning Toleration by John Locke Call Number: JC153 .L85 2002 ISBN: 0486424642 Another major Enlightenment thinker, Locke's “Letter Concerning Toleration” is a significant text in religious studies, philosophy, and political science.
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Religious Studies Research Guide

Developing a Topic

  • Finding Sources
  • Searching Effectively
  • Scholarly and Popular sources
  • Foundational Works, Primary Sources, Secondary Sources
  • Evaluate information
  • Evaluating news and websites
  • ACT UP Evaluating Sources
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Need topic ideas?

A great idea can come from anywhere! Here are some suggested places to start:

  • Class discussions
  • Assigned readings
  • Personal interests
  • Trending topics
  • Browse journals in the field
  • Explore Your Topic
  • Refine Your Topic

religious studies research topics

Before you develop your research topic or question, you'll need to do some background research first. This will help you:

  • begin to understand the context of your topic
  • narrow the topic to a more manageable size
  • direct you to where to do more specific searches

Encyclopedia-style databases offer short overviews of a topic and are good places to start.

Try the library database below to explore your topic. When you're ready, move on to refining your topic.

Find background information:

  • Credo This link opens in a new window Credo is an easy-to-use tool for starting research. Gather background information on your topic from hundreds of full-text encyclopedias, dictionaries, quotations, and subject-specific titles, as well as 500,000+ images and audio files and over 1,000 videos.

religious studies research topics

Now that you've done some background research, it's time to narrow your topic.  Remember: the shorter your final paper, the narrower your topic needs to be.  Here are some suggestions for narrowing and defining your topic:

  • Is there a specific subset of the topic you can focus on?
  • Is there a cause and effect relationship you can explore?
  • Is there an unanswered question on the subject?
  • Can you focus on a specific time period or group of people?

Describe and develop your topic in some detail. Try filling in the blanks in the following sentence, as much as you can:

I want to research  ____ (what/who) ____

and  ____ (what/who) ____

in  ____ (where) ____

during  ____ (when) ____

because  ____ (why) ____.

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  • Last Updated: Sep 16, 2024 3:43 PM
  • URL: https://elon.libguides.com/draft_religious_studies

The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Religious Studies

What this handout is about.

This handout explains several common writing assignments in religious studies and discusses what is unique about writing in this discipline.

Religious studies is an interdisciplinary field

Before starting on your writing assignment, you should know that religious studies is an interdisciplinary field, a fact which will shape how you approach your coursework. The interdisciplinary nature of religious studies is part of what makes the study of religion so interesting. However, it also makes writing in religious studies challenging because your instructors will expect you to use diverse theories and methods. At the same time that religious studies uses many of the same theories and methods as other fields, it is still its own discipline with unique conventions for writing.

What’s the difference between “religion” and “religious studies”?

Writing for religious studies takes place within a secular, academic environment, rather than a faith-oriented community. Religious studies papers, therefore, should not try to demonstrate or refute provocative religious concepts, such as the existence of God or the idea of reincarnation. Such issues are supernatural and/or metaphysical; as such, they cannot be proven with evidence that is available to everyone. Religious studies, in contrast, aims to understand religion from a perspective that can be shared by all.

You may be wondering, “How do I go about investigating religious material without employing a religious perspective?” Remember—religious studies is interdisciplinary, so there are multiple modes of investigation, including literary, historical, cultural, sociological, and anthropological. These approaches tend to contextualize religious phenomena, such as beliefs and rituals. You might, therefore, investigate how Nietzsche questioned the existence of God or a particular Buddhist’s conception of reincarnation. In other words, your reader will likely be more interested in what a particular historical figure, community, or text reveals about these beliefs than in what you actually believe. Every religion arises within a particular context, which affects the development of that religion. When you explore a religion’s context, seemingly mystifying aspects of the tradition can become more comprehensible.

This distinction is especially important when analyzing evidence and making arguments. Don’t let your personal beliefs predetermine your conclusions. Always begin with a fresh evaluation of the evidence. While personal bias is unavoidable, it is critical to be alert to your own preconceptions. If you base your argument on personal beliefs rather than reasoned evidence, then it will not convince readers who do not share your assumptions. Thus, neither faith nor received tradition (such as the lessons you may have been taught in a religious institution) constitutes a valid basis for an argument in academic writing. If you do your best to set aside personal convictions, your final product should be a reasoned argument that gives no indication of your own religious beliefs.

Common writing assignments in religious studies

The interdisciplinary nature of religious studies is reflected in the diversity of writing assignments. If you are not sure about the nature of your assignment, you can consult our handout on understanding assignments or speak with your instructor—you might be working on a project that is not discussed here. Here are some common assignments:

Comparative essays

Comparative essays require that you discuss similarities and differences between the topics you compare, and that your discussion relates to particular theory. In other words, your comparative essay must be more than a list of similarities and differences. Your comparisons should support a theoretical point or issue that is broader than the items under examination. See our handout on comparing/contrasting for more on this type of argument.

For example, if you decide to compare Chinese folk rituals for honoring ancestors and Hindu rituals for honoring deities, you could explain that each ritual is similar in that they usually involve food and candles or lamps. Chinese rituals, however, usually occur without an altar, while Hindu rituals require one. In addition to describing these similarities and differences, you should also discuss what your comparison reveals about food and altars relative to a particular theory of ritual. The theoretical issues of food, altars, and rituals can form the analytical core of your paper.

A thesis sentence for the example above might read:

“Even though Chinese rituals for honoring ancestors and Hindu rituals for honoring deities both involve food offerings, the differences between these rituals regarding their need for an altar demonstrate that Rupert Hemingway’s theory of ritual sacrifice cannot account for cross-cultural variations in ritual practices.”

In sum, a good comparative essay should:

  • Describe each thing that you compare in terms of the social, historical, and cultural environment to which it belongs.
  • Explain the larger theoretical point or issue that forms the analytical core of your essay.
  • Compare each thing with the others at the descriptive level to identify their similarities and differences, and individually compare each thing with your paper’s larger theoretical issue.
  • Conclude your paper by explaining what your comparisons at both the descriptive and theoretical levels reveal about the broader theoretical point.

Critical readings of religious texts

Writing for religious studies may also involve critical analyses of sacred and/or traditionally authoritative texts. While a critical reading of a sacred text might seem irreverent, the point is not to “criticize” the text, but to respectfully “discern” the different aspects of its meaning. The concept of divine inspiration, although often associated with sacred texts, belongs in a faith-oriented environment and, therefore, is not suitable evidence in academic writing. An alternative approach involves treating the texts as literary sources. Literary texts are best understood by assessing the situation surrounding their origin. You can employ methods of literary analysis by evaluating the genre of a particular text to explain how it has been interpreted. Issues related to authorship, source material, and historical context can also be important. You can explore common themes and motifs or undertake a character analysis. A comparative study, utilizing multiple texts, is yet another possibility.

The opening chapters of the biblical book of Genesis, for instance, provide various possibilities for literary analysis. The text actually depicts not one, but two creation accounts. Setting aside the question of whether or not they are reconcilable, you can explore the distinctive features of each. Different authors composed them during different historical periods, and, consequently, they reflect unique interests. The historical context of one account can help you understand its unique themes. Comparing them is another option. You could also investigate the manner in which the two accounts were eventually placed side by side.

The study of religion does not rely exclusively on sacred texts. Your evidence can include non-sacred religious and secular literature, including fiction. Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, for instance, reveals aspects of popular medieval Christianity, while Graham Greene’s The Power and the Glory depicts the political repression of Catholicism in modern Mexico through the tale of an alcoholic priest.

For more suggestions on treating religious sources as literary texts, refer to our handout on writing about literature and our handout on poetry explications .

Ethnographic studies

Ethnography is a research method that involves observing religious actions and interviewing participants. Ethnography is useful when you want to know how contemporary religious actors and communities behave and think. Ethnographic writing is challenging for three reasons:

  • Ethnographic writing actually includes different kinds of writing, including fieldnotes, interview notes, scene notes, and the final paper itself.
  • The primary sources for ethnographic writing come from your own experiences, observations, and interviews with subjects in a fieldwork setting.
  • Ethnographic writing demands your ethical commitment to protect the well-being of the people you are studying.

See our handout on anthropology for more information on ethnographic studies.

Historical analyses

History is a common component of religious studies, particularly at UNC. Similar theories and methods can be applied, for instance, to the study of American religious history and American political history. The historical study of religion may be further divided into specific sub-fields. You can, for instance, examine the social history of early Christianity or the literary history of Persian religious poetry. Primary sources, which include both documentary texts and material remains, are essential to historical analysis. See our handout on writing in history .

Certain aspects of religious traditions, by their very nature, are not susceptible to historical inquiry. For instance, miracles are by definition inexplicable and thus not open to historical investigation. If you undertake an historical study of Jesus, the question of whether or not Jesus experienced a bodily resurrection (a miracle), though significant from a theological perspective, requires an alternative approach. While the mystery of the miracle remains, the literary evidence reporting the resurrection possesses value for historians. An historian could investigate the manner in which early Christian writers depicted the event and make an historical claim related to the development of early Christian theology. A fruitful historical inquiry could consider how early Christians interpreted the resurrection; such an argument constitutes an historical claim.

Journal entries

You can use academic journal entries to analyze your own thinking as a student by raising questions about course materials and experimenting with potential answers. Journal entries are less formal than a fully developed research paper. They give you the opportunity to sharpen your critical thinking skills by cutting to the core of issues quickly and succinctly. Journal entries don’t need to be finished products; rather, they should reflect your current thinking, even (and especially) when you are still puzzling through questions and possible solutions.

Here are examples of questions that can form the basis of your journal entries: Questions about individual source materials

  • What are the main issues raised by your sources? Are these issues handled adequately by your sources, or are there shortcomings? If so, what are these shortcomings, and what strategies could you use to remedy them? What are the strengths and weaknesses of your remedies?

Comparative questions about your sources

  • How do course materials compare with each other? What are the major points of agreement and disagreement? Why do they agree or disagree? Is there a difference or similarity in theory, method, topic, data, or approach? How would you evaluate the relative strengths and weaknesses of each source’s point of view, and which criteria are you using to evaluate them? How would you use the sources to construct an argument? What are the strengths and weaknesses of your point of view?

Questions about your own thinking

  • What are your reactions to the course materials? Why do you find some sources interesting? What do you agree or disagree with? Can you find support for your views, or are your reactions driven primarily by factors beyond the course materials? If the origins of your reactions come from other sources, how will you manage them relative to the core issues raised in your course? Can they be an asset to you as you think through your coursework?

Terminology in Religious Studies

Writing effectively in religious studies depends on vocabulary. To use key terms appropriately, make sure that you thoroughly understand the specialized vocabulary in your course readings. In addition, you may want to use more general religious terms in your writing. For the definitions of terms such as belief, deity, faith, holy books, ritual, and tradition, you should consult either the Oxford English Dictionary or the Harper Collins Dictionary of Religion.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Smith, Johnathan Z., and William Scott Green. 1995. The HarperCollins Dictionary of Religion . San Francisco: Harper.

Tucker, Dennis C. 2000. Research Techniques for Scholars and Students in Religion and Theology . Medford, NJ: Information Today.

Vyhmeister, Nancy Jean. 2014. Quality Research Papers for Students of Religion and Theology , 3rd ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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    Call Number: B1493 .D52 1993. ISBN: 9780199251889. David Hume is arguably the most important Enlightenment figure in the study of religion. His "Natural History of Religion" advanced the thesis that polytheism predated theism, and that religious impulses were initially the product of negative emotions, such as fear and insecurity.

  21. Developing a Topic

    Credo is an easy-to-use tool for starting research. Gather background information on your topic from hundreds of full-text encyclopedias, dictionaries, quotations, and subject-specific titles, as well as 500,000+ images and audio files and over 1,000 videos.

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    Remember—religious studies is interdisciplinary, so there are multiple modes of investigation, including literary, historical, cultural, sociological, and anthropological. These approaches tend to contextualize religious phenomena, such as beliefs and rituals. You might, therefore, investigate how Nietzsche questioned the existence of God or ...