Julfikar Ali

  • Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur

How to Determine the Hypothesis in a Qualitative Study?

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qualitative research have hypothesis

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qualitative research have hypothesis

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qualitative research have hypothesis

  • Auerbach, C. F. and Silverstein, L. B., (2003), Qualitative Data: An Introduction to Coding and Analysis, New York University Press, New York, (see: Chapter 1 & 2, Introducing/Designing Qualitative Hypothesis-Generating Research pp. 4-30.)

qualitative research have hypothesis

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Chapter 1. Introduction

“Science is in danger, and for that reason it is becoming dangerous” -Pierre Bourdieu, Science of Science and Reflexivity

Why an Open Access Textbook on Qualitative Research Methods?

I have been teaching qualitative research methods to both undergraduates and graduate students for many years.  Although there are some excellent textbooks out there, they are often costly, and none of them, to my mind, properly introduces qualitative research methods to the beginning student (whether undergraduate or graduate student).  In contrast, this open-access textbook is designed as a (free) true introduction to the subject, with helpful, practical pointers on how to conduct research and how to access more advanced instruction.  

Textbooks are typically arranged in one of two ways: (1) by technique (each chapter covers one method used in qualitative research); or (2) by process (chapters advance from research design through publication).  But both of these approaches are necessary for the beginner student.  This textbook will have sections dedicated to the process as well as the techniques of qualitative research.  This is a true “comprehensive” book for the beginning student.  In addition to covering techniques of data collection and data analysis, it provides a road map of how to get started and how to keep going and where to go for advanced instruction.  It covers aspects of research design and research communication as well as methods employed.  Along the way, it includes examples from many different disciplines in the social sciences.

The primary goal has been to create a useful, accessible, engaging textbook for use across many disciplines.  And, let’s face it.  Textbooks can be boring.  I hope readers find this to be a little different.  I have tried to write in a practical and forthright manner, with many lively examples and references to good and intellectually creative qualitative research.  Woven throughout the text are short textual asides (in colored textboxes) by professional (academic) qualitative researchers in various disciplines.  These short accounts by practitioners should help inspire students.  So, let’s begin!

What is Research?

When we use the word research , what exactly do we mean by that?  This is one of those words that everyone thinks they understand, but it is worth beginning this textbook with a short explanation.  We use the term to refer to “empirical research,” which is actually a historically specific approach to understanding the world around us.  Think about how you know things about the world. [1] You might know your mother loves you because she’s told you she does.  Or because that is what “mothers” do by tradition.  Or you might know because you’ve looked for evidence that she does, like taking care of you when you are sick or reading to you in bed or working two jobs so you can have the things you need to do OK in life.  Maybe it seems churlish to look for evidence; you just take it “on faith” that you are loved.

Only one of the above comes close to what we mean by research.  Empirical research is research (investigation) based on evidence.  Conclusions can then be drawn from observable data.  This observable data can also be “tested” or checked.  If the data cannot be tested, that is a good indication that we are not doing research.  Note that we can never “prove” conclusively, through observable data, that our mothers love us.  We might have some “disconfirming evidence” (that time she didn’t show up to your graduation, for example) that could push you to question an original hypothesis , but no amount of “confirming evidence” will ever allow us to say with 100% certainty, “my mother loves me.”  Faith and tradition and authority work differently.  Our knowledge can be 100% certain using each of those alternative methods of knowledge, but our certainty in those cases will not be based on facts or evidence.

For many periods of history, those in power have been nervous about “science” because it uses evidence and facts as the primary source of understanding the world, and facts can be at odds with what power or authority or tradition want you to believe.  That is why I say that scientific empirical research is a historically specific approach to understand the world.  You are in college or university now partly to learn how to engage in this historically specific approach.

In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Europe, there was a newfound respect for empirical research, some of which was seriously challenging to the established church.  Using observations and testing them, scientists found that the earth was not at the center of the universe, for example, but rather that it was but one planet of many which circled the sun. [2]   For the next two centuries, the science of astronomy, physics, biology, and chemistry emerged and became disciplines taught in universities.  All used the scientific method of observation and testing to advance knowledge.  Knowledge about people , however, and social institutions, however, was still left to faith, tradition, and authority.  Historians and philosophers and poets wrote about the human condition, but none of them used research to do so. [3]

It was not until the nineteenth century that “social science” really emerged, using the scientific method (empirical observation) to understand people and social institutions.  New fields of sociology, economics, political science, and anthropology emerged.  The first sociologists, people like Auguste Comte and Karl Marx, sought specifically to apply the scientific method of research to understand society, Engels famously claiming that Marx had done for the social world what Darwin did for the natural world, tracings its laws of development.  Today we tend to take for granted the naturalness of science here, but it is actually a pretty recent and radical development.

To return to the question, “does your mother love you?”  Well, this is actually not really how a researcher would frame the question, as it is too specific to your case.  It doesn’t tell us much about the world at large, even if it does tell us something about you and your relationship with your mother.  A social science researcher might ask, “do mothers love their children?”  Or maybe they would be more interested in how this loving relationship might change over time (e.g., “do mothers love their children more now than they did in the 18th century when so many children died before reaching adulthood?”) or perhaps they might be interested in measuring quality of love across cultures or time periods, or even establishing “what love looks like” using the mother/child relationship as a site of exploration.  All of these make good research questions because we can use observable data to answer them.

What is Qualitative Research?

“All we know is how to learn. How to study, how to listen, how to talk, how to tell.  If we don’t tell the world, we don’t know the world.  We’re lost in it, we die.” -Ursula LeGuin, The Telling

At its simplest, qualitative research is research about the social world that does not use numbers in its analyses.  All those who fear statistics can breathe a sigh of relief – there are no mathematical formulae or regression models in this book! But this definition is less about what qualitative research can be and more about what it is not.  To be honest, any simple statement will fail to capture the power and depth of qualitative research.  One way of contrasting qualitative research to quantitative research is to note that the focus of qualitative research is less about explaining and predicting relationships between variables and more about understanding the social world.  To use our mother love example, the question about “what love looks like” is a good question for the qualitative researcher while all questions measuring love or comparing incidences of love (both of which require measurement) are good questions for quantitative researchers. Patton writes,

Qualitative data describe.  They take us, as readers, into the time and place of the observation so that we know what it was like to have been there.  They capture and communicate someone else’s experience of the world in his or her own words.  Qualitative data tell a story. ( Patton 2002:47 )

Qualitative researchers are asking different questions about the world than their quantitative colleagues.  Even when researchers are employed in “mixed methods” research ( both quantitative and qualitative), they are using different methods to address different questions of the study.  I do a lot of research about first-generation and working-college college students.  Where a quantitative researcher might ask, how many first-generation college students graduate from college within four years? Or does first-generation college status predict high student debt loads?  A qualitative researcher might ask, how does the college experience differ for first-generation college students?  What is it like to carry a lot of debt, and how does this impact the ability to complete college on time?  Both sets of questions are important, but they can only be answered using specific tools tailored to those questions.  For the former, you need large numbers to make adequate comparisons.  For the latter, you need to talk to people, find out what they are thinking and feeling, and try to inhabit their shoes for a little while so you can make sense of their experiences and beliefs.

Examples of Qualitative Research

You have probably seen examples of qualitative research before, but you might not have paid particular attention to how they were produced or realized that the accounts you were reading were the result of hours, months, even years of research “in the field.”  A good qualitative researcher will present the product of their hours of work in such a way that it seems natural, even obvious, to the reader.  Because we are trying to convey what it is like answers, qualitative research is often presented as stories – stories about how people live their lives, go to work, raise their children, interact with one another.  In some ways, this can seem like reading particularly insightful novels.  But, unlike novels, there are very specific rules and guidelines that qualitative researchers follow to ensure that the “story” they are telling is accurate , a truthful rendition of what life is like for the people being studied.  Most of this textbook will be spent conveying those rules and guidelines.  Let’s take a look, first, however, at three examples of what the end product looks like.  I have chosen these three examples to showcase very different approaches to qualitative research, and I will return to these five examples throughout the book.  They were all published as whole books (not chapters or articles), and they are worth the long read, if you have the time.  I will also provide some information on how these books came to be and the length of time it takes to get them into book version.  It is important you know about this process, and the rest of this textbook will help explain why it takes so long to conduct good qualitative research!

Example 1 : The End Game (ethnography + interviews)

Corey Abramson is a sociologist who teaches at the University of Arizona.   In 2015 he published The End Game: How Inequality Shapes our Final Years ( 2015 ). This book was based on the research he did for his dissertation at the University of California-Berkeley in 2012.  Actually, the dissertation was completed in 2012 but the work that was produced that took several years.  The dissertation was entitled, “This is How We Live, This is How We Die: Social Stratification, Aging, and Health in Urban America” ( 2012 ).  You can see how the book version, which was written for a more general audience, has a more engaging sound to it, but that the dissertation version, which is what academic faculty read and evaluate, has a more descriptive title.  You can read the title and know that this is a study about aging and health and that the focus is going to be inequality and that the context (place) is going to be “urban America.”  It’s a study about “how” people do something – in this case, how they deal with aging and death.  This is the very first sentence of the dissertation, “From our first breath in the hospital to the day we die, we live in a society characterized by unequal opportunities for maintaining health and taking care of ourselves when ill.  These disparities reflect persistent racial, socio-economic, and gender-based inequalities and contribute to their persistence over time” ( 1 ).  What follows is a truthful account of how that is so.

Cory Abramson spent three years conducting his research in four different urban neighborhoods.  We call the type of research he conducted “comparative ethnographic” because he designed his study to compare groups of seniors as they went about their everyday business.  It’s comparative because he is comparing different groups (based on race, class, gender) and ethnographic because he is studying the culture/way of life of a group. [4]   He had an educated guess, rooted in what previous research had shown and what social theory would suggest, that people’s experiences of aging differ by race, class, and gender.  So, he set up a research design that would allow him to observe differences.  He chose two primarily middle-class (one was racially diverse and the other was predominantly White) and two primarily poor neighborhoods (one was racially diverse and the other was predominantly African American).  He hung out in senior centers and other places seniors congregated, watched them as they took the bus to get prescriptions filled, sat in doctor’s offices with them, and listened to their conversations with each other.  He also conducted more formal conversations, what we call in-depth interviews, with sixty seniors from each of the four neighborhoods.  As with a lot of fieldwork , as he got closer to the people involved, he both expanded and deepened his reach –

By the end of the project, I expanded my pool of general observations to include various settings frequented by seniors: apartment building common rooms, doctors’ offices, emergency rooms, pharmacies, senior centers, bars, parks, corner stores, shopping centers, pool halls, hair salons, coffee shops, and discount stores. Over the course of the three years of fieldwork, I observed hundreds of elders, and developed close relationships with a number of them. ( 2012:10 )

When Abramson rewrote the dissertation for a general audience and published his book in 2015, it got a lot of attention.  It is a beautifully written book and it provided insight into a common human experience that we surprisingly know very little about.  It won the Outstanding Publication Award by the American Sociological Association Section on Aging and the Life Course and was featured in the New York Times .  The book was about aging, and specifically how inequality shapes the aging process, but it was also about much more than that.  It helped show how inequality affects people’s everyday lives.  For example, by observing the difficulties the poor had in setting up appointments and getting to them using public transportation and then being made to wait to see a doctor, sometimes in standing-room-only situations, when they are unwell, and then being treated dismissively by hospital staff, Abramson allowed readers to feel the material reality of being poor in the US.  Comparing these examples with seniors with adequate supplemental insurance who have the resources to hire car services or have others assist them in arranging care when they need it, jolts the reader to understand and appreciate the difference money makes in the lives and circumstances of us all, and in a way that is different than simply reading a statistic (“80% of the poor do not keep regular doctor’s appointments”) does.  Qualitative research can reach into spaces and places that often go unexamined and then reports back to the rest of us what it is like in those spaces and places.

Example 2: Racing for Innocence (Interviews + Content Analysis + Fictional Stories)

Jennifer Pierce is a Professor of American Studies at the University of Minnesota.  Trained as a sociologist, she has written a number of books about gender, race, and power.  Her very first book, Gender Trials: Emotional Lives in Contemporary Law Firms, published in 1995, is a brilliant look at gender dynamics within two law firms.  Pierce was a participant observer, working as a paralegal, and she observed how female lawyers and female paralegals struggled to obtain parity with their male colleagues.

Fifteen years later, she reexamined the context of the law firm to include an examination of racial dynamics, particularly how elite white men working in these spaces created and maintained a culture that made it difficult for both female attorneys and attorneys of color to thrive. Her book, Racing for Innocence: Whiteness, Gender, and the Backlash Against Affirmative Action , published in 2012, is an interesting and creative blending of interviews with attorneys, content analyses of popular films during this period, and fictional accounts of racial discrimination and sexual harassment.  The law firm she chose to study had come under an affirmative action order and was in the process of implementing equitable policies and programs.  She wanted to understand how recipients of white privilege (the elite white male attorneys) come to deny the role they play in reproducing inequality.  Through interviews with attorneys who were present both before and during the affirmative action order, she creates a historical record of the “bad behavior” that necessitated new policies and procedures, but also, and more importantly , probed the participants ’ understanding of this behavior.  It should come as no surprise that most (but not all) of the white male attorneys saw little need for change, and that almost everyone else had accounts that were different if not sometimes downright harrowing.

I’ve used Pierce’s book in my qualitative research methods courses as an example of an interesting blend of techniques and presentation styles.  My students often have a very difficult time with the fictional accounts she includes.  But they serve an important communicative purpose here.  They are her attempts at presenting “both sides” to an objective reality – something happens (Pierce writes this something so it is very clear what it is), and the two participants to the thing that happened have very different understandings of what this means.  By including these stories, Pierce presents one of her key findings – people remember things differently and these different memories tend to support their own ideological positions.  I wonder what Pierce would have written had she studied the murder of George Floyd or the storming of the US Capitol on January 6 or any number of other historic events whose observers and participants record very different happenings.

This is not to say that qualitative researchers write fictional accounts.  In fact, the use of fiction in our work remains controversial.  When used, it must be clearly identified as a presentation device, as Pierce did.  I include Racing for Innocence here as an example of the multiple uses of methods and techniques and the way that these work together to produce better understandings by us, the readers, of what Pierce studied.  We readers come away with a better grasp of how and why advantaged people understate their own involvement in situations and structures that advantage them.  This is normal human behavior , in other words.  This case may have been about elite white men in law firms, but the general insights here can be transposed to other settings.  Indeed, Pierce argues that more research needs to be done about the role elites play in the reproduction of inequality in the workplace in general.

Example 3: Amplified Advantage (Mixed Methods: Survey Interviews + Focus Groups + Archives)

The final example comes from my own work with college students, particularly the ways in which class background affects the experience of college and outcomes for graduates.  I include it here as an example of mixed methods, and for the use of supplementary archival research.  I’ve done a lot of research over the years on first-generation, low-income, and working-class college students.  I am curious (and skeptical) about the possibility of social mobility today, particularly with the rising cost of college and growing inequality in general.  As one of the few people in my family to go to college, I didn’t grow up with a lot of examples of what college was like or how to make the most of it.  And when I entered graduate school, I realized with dismay that there were very few people like me there.  I worried about becoming too different from my family and friends back home.  And I wasn’t at all sure that I would ever be able to pay back the huge load of debt I was taking on.  And so I wrote my dissertation and first two books about working-class college students.  These books focused on experiences in college and the difficulties of navigating between family and school ( Hurst 2010a, 2012 ).  But even after all that research, I kept coming back to wondering if working-class students who made it through college had an equal chance at finding good jobs and happy lives,

What happens to students after college?  Do working-class students fare as well as their peers?  I knew from my own experience that barriers continued through graduate school and beyond, and that my debtload was higher than that of my peers, constraining some of the choices I made when I graduated.  To answer these questions, I designed a study of students attending small liberal arts colleges, the type of college that tried to equalize the experience of students by requiring all students to live on campus and offering small classes with lots of interaction with faculty.  These private colleges tend to have more money and resources so they can provide financial aid to low-income students.  They also attract some very wealthy students.  Because they enroll students across the class spectrum, I would be able to draw comparisons.  I ended up spending about four years collecting data, both a survey of more than 2000 students (which formed the basis for quantitative analyses) and qualitative data collection (interviews, focus groups, archival research, and participant observation).  This is what we call a “mixed methods” approach because we use both quantitative and qualitative data.  The survey gave me a large enough number of students that I could make comparisons of the how many kind, and to be able to say with some authority that there were in fact significant differences in experience and outcome by class (e.g., wealthier students earned more money and had little debt; working-class students often found jobs that were not in their chosen careers and were very affected by debt, upper-middle-class students were more likely to go to graduate school).  But the survey analyses could not explain why these differences existed.  For that, I needed to talk to people and ask them about their motivations and aspirations.  I needed to understand their perceptions of the world, and it is very hard to do this through a survey.

By interviewing students and recent graduates, I was able to discern particular patterns and pathways through college and beyond.  Specifically, I identified three versions of gameplay.  Upper-middle-class students, whose parents were themselves professionals (academics, lawyers, managers of non-profits), saw college as the first stage of their education and took classes and declared majors that would prepare them for graduate school.  They also spent a lot of time building their resumes, taking advantage of opportunities to help professors with their research, or study abroad.  This helped them gain admission to highly-ranked graduate schools and interesting jobs in the public sector.  In contrast, upper-class students, whose parents were wealthy and more likely to be engaged in business (as CEOs or other high-level directors), prioritized building social capital.  They did this by joining fraternities and sororities and playing club sports.  This helped them when they graduated as they called on friends and parents of friends to find them well-paying jobs.  Finally, low-income, first-generation, and working-class students were often adrift.  They took the classes that were recommended to them but without the knowledge of how to connect them to life beyond college.  They spent time working and studying rather than partying or building their resumes.  All three sets of students thought they were “doing college” the right way, the way that one was supposed to do college.   But these three versions of gameplay led to distinct outcomes that advantaged some students over others.  I titled my work “Amplified Advantage” to highlight this process.

These three examples, Cory Abramson’s The End Game , Jennifer Peirce’s Racing for Innocence, and my own Amplified Advantage, demonstrate the range of approaches and tools available to the qualitative researcher.  They also help explain why qualitative research is so important.  Numbers can tell us some things about the world, but they cannot get at the hearts and minds, motivations and beliefs of the people who make up the social worlds we inhabit.  For that, we need tools that allow us to listen and make sense of what people tell us and show us.  That is what good qualitative research offers us.

How Is This Book Organized?

This textbook is organized as a comprehensive introduction to the use of qualitative research methods.  The first half covers general topics (e.g., approaches to qualitative research, ethics) and research design (necessary steps for building a successful qualitative research study).  The second half reviews various data collection and data analysis techniques.  Of course, building a successful qualitative research study requires some knowledge of data collection and data analysis so the chapters in the first half and the chapters in the second half should be read in conversation with each other.  That said, each chapter can be read on its own for assistance with a particular narrow topic.  In addition to the chapters, a helpful glossary can be found in the back of the book.  Rummage around in the text as needed.

Chapter Descriptions

Chapter 2 provides an overview of the Research Design Process.  How does one begin a study? What is an appropriate research question?  How is the study to be done – with what methods ?  Involving what people and sites?  Although qualitative research studies can and often do change and develop over the course of data collection, it is important to have a good idea of what the aims and goals of your study are at the outset and a good plan of how to achieve those aims and goals.  Chapter 2 provides a road map of the process.

Chapter 3 describes and explains various ways of knowing the (social) world.  What is it possible for us to know about how other people think or why they behave the way they do?  What does it mean to say something is a “fact” or that it is “well-known” and understood?  Qualitative researchers are particularly interested in these questions because of the types of research questions we are interested in answering (the how questions rather than the how many questions of quantitative research).  Qualitative researchers have adopted various epistemological approaches.  Chapter 3 will explore these approaches, highlighting interpretivist approaches that acknowledge the subjective aspect of reality – in other words, reality and knowledge are not objective but rather influenced by (interpreted through) people.

Chapter 4 focuses on the practical matter of developing a research question and finding the right approach to data collection.  In any given study (think of Cory Abramson’s study of aging, for example), there may be years of collected data, thousands of observations , hundreds of pages of notes to read and review and make sense of.  If all you had was a general interest area (“aging”), it would be very difficult, nearly impossible, to make sense of all of that data.  The research question provides a helpful lens to refine and clarify (and simplify) everything you find and collect.  For that reason, it is important to pull out that lens (articulate the research question) before you get started.  In the case of the aging study, Cory Abramson was interested in how inequalities affected understandings and responses to aging.  It is for this reason he designed a study that would allow him to compare different groups of seniors (some middle-class, some poor).  Inevitably, he saw much more in the three years in the field than what made it into his book (or dissertation), but he was able to narrow down the complexity of the social world to provide us with this rich account linked to the original research question.  Developing a good research question is thus crucial to effective design and a successful outcome.  Chapter 4 will provide pointers on how to do this.  Chapter 4 also provides an overview of general approaches taken to doing qualitative research and various “traditions of inquiry.”

Chapter 5 explores sampling .  After you have developed a research question and have a general idea of how you will collect data (Observations?  Interviews?), how do you go about actually finding people and sites to study?  Although there is no “correct number” of people to interview , the sample should follow the research question and research design.  Unlike quantitative research, qualitative research involves nonprobability sampling.  Chapter 5 explains why this is so and what qualities instead make a good sample for qualitative research.

Chapter 6 addresses the importance of reflexivity in qualitative research.  Related to epistemological issues of how we know anything about the social world, qualitative researchers understand that we the researchers can never be truly neutral or outside the study we are conducting.  As observers, we see things that make sense to us and may entirely miss what is either too obvious to note or too different to comprehend.  As interviewers, as much as we would like to ask questions neutrally and remain in the background, interviews are a form of conversation, and the persons we interview are responding to us .  Therefore, it is important to reflect upon our social positions and the knowledges and expectations we bring to our work and to work through any blind spots that we may have.  Chapter 6 provides some examples of reflexivity in practice and exercises for thinking through one’s own biases.

Chapter 7 is a very important chapter and should not be overlooked.  As a practical matter, it should also be read closely with chapters 6 and 8.  Because qualitative researchers deal with people and the social world, it is imperative they develop and adhere to a strong ethical code for conducting research in a way that does not harm.  There are legal requirements and guidelines for doing so (see chapter 8), but these requirements should not be considered synonymous with the ethical code required of us.   Each researcher must constantly interrogate every aspect of their research, from research question to design to sample through analysis and presentation, to ensure that a minimum of harm (ideally, zero harm) is caused.  Because each research project is unique, the standards of care for each study are unique.  Part of being a professional researcher is carrying this code in one’s heart, being constantly attentive to what is required under particular circumstances.  Chapter 7 provides various research scenarios and asks readers to weigh in on the suitability and appropriateness of the research.  If done in a class setting, it will become obvious fairly quickly that there are often no absolutely correct answers, as different people find different aspects of the scenarios of greatest importance.  Minimizing the harm in one area may require possible harm in another.  Being attentive to all the ethical aspects of one’s research and making the best judgments one can, clearly and consciously, is an integral part of being a good researcher.

Chapter 8 , best to be read in conjunction with chapter 7, explains the role and importance of Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) .  Under federal guidelines, an IRB is an appropriately constituted group that has been formally designated to review and monitor research involving human subjects .  Every institution that receives funding from the federal government has an IRB.  IRBs have the authority to approve, require modifications to (to secure approval), or disapprove research.  This group review serves an important role in the protection of the rights and welfare of human research subjects.  Chapter 8 reviews the history of IRBs and the work they do but also argues that IRBs’ review of qualitative research is often both over-inclusive and under-inclusive.  Some aspects of qualitative research are not well understood by IRBs, given that they were developed to prevent abuses in biomedical research.  Thus, it is important not to rely on IRBs to identify all the potential ethical issues that emerge in our research (see chapter 7).

Chapter 9 provides help for getting started on formulating a research question based on gaps in the pre-existing literature.  Research is conducted as part of a community, even if particular studies are done by single individuals (or small teams).  What any of us finds and reports back becomes part of a much larger body of knowledge.  Thus, it is important that we look at the larger body of knowledge before we actually start our bit to see how we can best contribute.  When I first began interviewing working-class college students, there was only one other similar study I could find, and it hadn’t been published (it was a dissertation of students from poor backgrounds).  But there had been a lot published by professors who had grown up working class and made it through college despite the odds.  These accounts by “working-class academics” became an important inspiration for my study and helped me frame the questions I asked the students I interviewed.  Chapter 9 will provide some pointers on how to search for relevant literature and how to use this to refine your research question.

Chapter 10 serves as a bridge between the two parts of the textbook, by introducing techniques of data collection.  Qualitative research is often characterized by the form of data collection – for example, an ethnographic study is one that employs primarily observational data collection for the purpose of documenting and presenting a particular culture or ethnos.  Techniques can be effectively combined, depending on the research question and the aims and goals of the study.   Chapter 10 provides a general overview of all the various techniques and how they can be combined.

The second part of the textbook moves into the doing part of qualitative research once the research question has been articulated and the study designed.  Chapters 11 through 17 cover various data collection techniques and approaches.  Chapters 18 and 19 provide a very simple overview of basic data analysis.  Chapter 20 covers communication of the data to various audiences, and in various formats.

Chapter 11 begins our overview of data collection techniques with a focus on interviewing , the true heart of qualitative research.  This technique can serve as the primary and exclusive form of data collection, or it can be used to supplement other forms (observation, archival).  An interview is distinct from a survey, where questions are asked in a specific order and often with a range of predetermined responses available.  Interviews can be conversational and unstructured or, more conventionally, semistructured , where a general set of interview questions “guides” the conversation.  Chapter 11 covers the basics of interviews: how to create interview guides, how many people to interview, where to conduct the interview, what to watch out for (how to prepare against things going wrong), and how to get the most out of your interviews.

Chapter 12 covers an important variant of interviewing, the focus group.  Focus groups are semistructured interviews with a group of people moderated by a facilitator (the researcher or researcher’s assistant).  Focus groups explicitly use group interaction to assist in the data collection.  They are best used to collect data on a specific topic that is non-personal and shared among the group.  For example, asking a group of college students about a common experience such as taking classes by remote delivery during the pandemic year of 2020.  Chapter 12 covers the basics of focus groups: when to use them, how to create interview guides for them, and how to run them effectively.

Chapter 13 moves away from interviewing to the second major form of data collection unique to qualitative researchers – observation .  Qualitative research that employs observation can best be understood as falling on a continuum of “fly on the wall” observation (e.g., observing how strangers interact in a doctor’s waiting room) to “participant” observation, where the researcher is also an active participant of the activity being observed.  For example, an activist in the Black Lives Matter movement might want to study the movement, using her inside position to gain access to observe key meetings and interactions.  Chapter  13 covers the basics of participant observation studies: advantages and disadvantages, gaining access, ethical concerns related to insider/outsider status and entanglement, and recording techniques.

Chapter 14 takes a closer look at “deep ethnography” – immersion in the field of a particularly long duration for the purpose of gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation of a particular culture or social world.  Clifford Geertz called this “deep hanging out.”  Whereas participant observation is often combined with semistructured interview techniques, deep ethnography’s commitment to “living the life” or experiencing the situation as it really is demands more conversational and natural interactions with people.  These interactions and conversations may take place over months or even years.  As can be expected, there are some costs to this technique, as well as some very large rewards when done competently.  Chapter 14 provides some examples of deep ethnographies that will inspire some beginning researchers and intimidate others.

Chapter 15 moves in the opposite direction of deep ethnography, a technique that is the least positivist of all those discussed here, to mixed methods , a set of techniques that is arguably the most positivist .  A mixed methods approach combines both qualitative data collection and quantitative data collection, commonly by combining a survey that is analyzed statistically (e.g., cross-tabs or regression analyses of large number probability samples) with semi-structured interviews.  Although it is somewhat unconventional to discuss mixed methods in textbooks on qualitative research, I think it is important to recognize this often-employed approach here.  There are several advantages and some disadvantages to taking this route.  Chapter 16 will describe those advantages and disadvantages and provide some particular guidance on how to design a mixed methods study for maximum effectiveness.

Chapter 16 covers data collection that does not involve live human subjects at all – archival and historical research (chapter 17 will also cover data that does not involve interacting with human subjects).  Sometimes people are unavailable to us, either because they do not wish to be interviewed or observed (as is the case with many “elites”) or because they are too far away, in both place and time.  Fortunately, humans leave many traces and we can often answer questions we have by examining those traces.  Special collections and archives can be goldmines for social science research.  This chapter will explain how to access these places, for what purposes, and how to begin to make sense of what you find.

Chapter 17 covers another data collection area that does not involve face-to-face interaction with humans: content analysis .  Although content analysis may be understood more properly as a data analysis technique, the term is often used for the entire approach, which will be the case here.  Content analysis involves interpreting meaning from a body of text.  This body of text might be something found in historical records (see chapter 16) or something collected by the researcher, as in the case of comment posts on a popular blog post.  I once used the stories told by student loan debtors on the website studentloanjustice.org as the content I analyzed.  Content analysis is particularly useful when attempting to define and understand prevalent stories or communication about a topic of interest.  In other words, when we are less interested in what particular people (our defined sample) are doing or believing and more interested in what general narratives exist about a particular topic or issue.  This chapter will explore different approaches to content analysis and provide helpful tips on how to collect data, how to turn that data into codes for analysis, and how to go about presenting what is found through analysis.

Where chapter 17 has pushed us towards data analysis, chapters 18 and 19 are all about what to do with the data collected, whether that data be in the form of interview transcripts or fieldnotes from observations.  Chapter 18 introduces the basics of coding , the iterative process of assigning meaning to the data in order to both simplify and identify patterns.  What is a code and how does it work?  What are the different ways of coding data, and when should you use them?  What is a codebook, and why do you need one?  What does the process of data analysis look like?

Chapter 19 goes further into detail on codes and how to use them, particularly the later stages of coding in which our codes are refined, simplified, combined, and organized.  These later rounds of coding are essential to getting the most out of the data we’ve collected.  As students are often overwhelmed with the amount of data (a corpus of interview transcripts typically runs into the hundreds of pages; fieldnotes can easily top that), this chapter will also address time management and provide suggestions for dealing with chaos and reminders that feeling overwhelmed at the analysis stage is part of the process.  By the end of the chapter, you should understand how “findings” are actually found.

The book concludes with a chapter dedicated to the effective presentation of data results.  Chapter 20 covers the many ways that researchers communicate their studies to various audiences (academic, personal, political), what elements must be included in these various publications, and the hallmarks of excellent qualitative research that various audiences will be expecting.  Because qualitative researchers are motivated by understanding and conveying meaning , effective communication is not only an essential skill but a fundamental facet of the entire research project.  Ethnographers must be able to convey a certain sense of verisimilitude , the appearance of true reality.  Those employing interviews must faithfully depict the key meanings of the people they interviewed in a way that rings true to those people, even if the end result surprises them.  And all researchers must strive for clarity in their publications so that various audiences can understand what was found and why it is important.

The book concludes with a short chapter ( chapter 21 ) discussing the value of qualitative research. At the very end of this book, you will find a glossary of terms. I recommend you make frequent use of the glossary and add to each entry as you find examples. Although the entries are meant to be simple and clear, you may also want to paraphrase the definition—make it “make sense” to you, in other words. In addition to the standard reference list (all works cited here), you will find various recommendations for further reading at the end of many chapters. Some of these recommendations will be examples of excellent qualitative research, indicated with an asterisk (*) at the end of the entry. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. A good example of qualitative research can teach you more about conducting research than any textbook can (this one included). I highly recommend you select one to three examples from these lists and read them along with the textbook.

A final note on the choice of examples – you will note that many of the examples used in the text come from research on college students.  This is for two reasons.  First, as most of my research falls in this area, I am most familiar with this literature and have contacts with those who do research here and can call upon them to share their stories with you.  Second, and more importantly, my hope is that this textbook reaches a wide audience of beginning researchers who study widely and deeply across the range of what can be known about the social world (from marine resources management to public policy to nursing to political science to sexuality studies and beyond).  It is sometimes difficult to find examples that speak to all those research interests, however. A focus on college students is something that all readers can understand and, hopefully, appreciate, as we are all now or have been at some point a college student.

Recommended Reading: Other Qualitative Research Textbooks

I’ve included a brief list of some of my favorite qualitative research textbooks and guidebooks if you need more than what you will find in this introductory text.  For each, I’ve also indicated if these are for “beginning” or “advanced” (graduate-level) readers.  Many of these books have several editions that do not significantly vary; the edition recommended is merely the edition I have used in teaching and to whose page numbers any specific references made in the text agree.

Barbour, Rosaline. 2014. Introducing Qualitative Research: A Student’s Guide. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.  A good introduction to qualitative research, with abundant examples (often from the discipline of health care) and clear definitions.  Includes quick summaries at the ends of each chapter.  However, some US students might find the British context distracting and can be a bit advanced in some places.  Beginning .

Bloomberg, Linda Dale, and Marie F. Volpe. 2012. Completing Your Qualitative Dissertation . 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.  Specifically designed to guide graduate students through the research process. Advanced .

Creswell, John W., and Cheryl Poth. 2018 Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing among Five Traditions .  4th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.  This is a classic and one of the go-to books I used myself as a graduate student.  One of the best things about this text is its clear presentation of five distinct traditions in qualitative research.  Despite the title, this reasonably sized book is about more than research design, including both data analysis and how to write about qualitative research.  Advanced .

Lareau, Annette. 2021. Listening to People: A Practical Guide to Interviewing, Participant Observation, Data Analysis, and Writing It All Up .  Chicago: University of Chicago Press. A readable and personal account of conducting qualitative research by an eminent sociologist, with a heavy emphasis on the kinds of participant-observation research conducted by the author.  Despite its reader-friendliness, this is really a book targeted to graduate students learning the craft.  Advanced .

Lune, Howard, and Bruce L. Berg. 2018. 9th edition.  Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences.  Pearson . Although a good introduction to qualitative methods, the authors favor symbolic interactionist and dramaturgical approaches, which limits the appeal primarily to sociologists.  Beginning .

Marshall, Catherine, and Gretchen B. Rossman. 2016. 6th edition. Designing Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.  Very readable and accessible guide to research design by two educational scholars.  Although the presentation is sometimes fairly dry, personal vignettes and illustrations enliven the text.  Beginning .

Maxwell, Joseph A. 2013. Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach .  3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. A short and accessible introduction to qualitative research design, particularly helpful for graduate students contemplating theses and dissertations. This has been a standard textbook in my graduate-level courses for years.  Advanced .

Patton, Michael Quinn. 2002. Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods . Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.  This is a comprehensive text that served as my “go-to” reference when I was a graduate student.  It is particularly helpful for those involved in program evaluation and other forms of evaluation studies and uses examples from a wide range of disciplines.  Advanced .

Rubin, Ashley T. 2021. Rocking Qualitative Social Science: An Irreverent Guide to Rigorous Research. Stanford : Stanford University Press.  A delightful and personal read.  Rubin uses rock climbing as an extended metaphor for learning how to conduct qualitative research.  A bit slanted toward ethnographic and archival methods of data collection, with frequent examples from her own studies in criminology. Beginning .

Weis, Lois, and Michelle Fine. 2000. Speed Bumps: A Student-Friendly Guide to Qualitative Research . New York: Teachers College Press.  Readable and accessibly written in a quasi-conversational style.  Particularly strong in its discussion of ethical issues throughout the qualitative research process.  Not comprehensive, however, and very much tied to ethnographic research.  Although designed for graduate students, this is a recommended read for students of all levels.  Beginning .

Patton’s Ten Suggestions for Doing Qualitative Research

The following ten suggestions were made by Michael Quinn Patton in his massive textbooks Qualitative Research and Evaluations Methods . This book is highly recommended for those of you who want more than an introduction to qualitative methods. It is the book I relied on heavily when I was a graduate student, although it is much easier to “dip into” when necessary than to read through as a whole. Patton is asked for “just one bit of advice” for a graduate student considering using qualitative research methods for their dissertation.  Here are his top ten responses, in short form, heavily paraphrased, and with additional comments and emphases from me:

  • Make sure that a qualitative approach fits the research question. The following are the kinds of questions that call out for qualitative methods or where qualitative methods are particularly appropriate: questions about people’s experiences or how they make sense of those experiences; studying a person in their natural environment; researching a phenomenon so unknown that it would be impossible to study it with standardized instruments or other forms of quantitative data collection.
  • Study qualitative research by going to the original sources for the design and analysis appropriate to the particular approach you want to take (e.g., read Glaser and Straus if you are using grounded theory )
  • Find a dissertation adviser who understands or at least who will support your use of qualitative research methods. You are asking for trouble if your entire committee is populated by quantitative researchers, even if they are all very knowledgeable about the subject or focus of your study (maybe even more so if they are!)
  • Really work on design. Doing qualitative research effectively takes a lot of planning.  Even if things are more flexible than in quantitative research, a good design is absolutely essential when starting out.
  • Practice data collection techniques, particularly interviewing and observing. There is definitely a set of learned skills here!  Do not expect your first interview to be perfect.  You will continue to grow as a researcher the more interviews you conduct, and you will probably come to understand yourself a bit more in the process, too.  This is not easy, despite what others who don’t work with qualitative methods may assume (and tell you!)
  • Have a plan for analysis before you begin data collection. This is often a requirement in IRB protocols , although you can get away with writing something fairly simple.  And even if you are taking an approach, such as grounded theory, that pushes you to remain fairly open-minded during the data collection process, you still want to know what you will be doing with all the data collected – creating a codebook? Writing analytical memos? Comparing cases?  Having a plan in hand will also help prevent you from collecting too much extraneous data.
  • Be prepared to confront controversies both within the qualitative research community and between qualitative research and quantitative research. Don’t be naïve about this – qualitative research, particularly some approaches, will be derided by many more “positivist” researchers and audiences.  For example, is an “n” of 1 really sufficient?  Yes!  But not everyone will agree.
  • Do not make the mistake of using qualitative research methods because someone told you it was easier, or because you are intimidated by the math required of statistical analyses. Qualitative research is difficult in its own way (and many would claim much more time-consuming than quantitative research).  Do it because you are convinced it is right for your goals, aims, and research questions.
  • Find a good support network. This could be a research mentor, or it could be a group of friends or colleagues who are also using qualitative research, or it could be just someone who will listen to you work through all of the issues you will confront out in the field and during the writing process.  Even though qualitative research often involves human subjects, it can be pretty lonely.  A lot of times you will feel like you are working without a net.  You have to create one for yourself.  Take care of yourself.
  • And, finally, in the words of Patton, “Prepare to be changed. Looking deeply at other people’s lives will force you to look deeply at yourself.”
  • We will actually spend an entire chapter ( chapter 3 ) looking at this question in much more detail! ↵
  • Note that this might have been news to Europeans at the time, but many other societies around the world had also come to this conclusion through observation.  There is often a tendency to equate “the scientific revolution” with the European world in which it took place, but this is somewhat misleading. ↵
  • Historians are a special case here.  Historians have scrupulously and rigorously investigated the social world, but not for the purpose of understanding general laws about how things work, which is the point of scientific empirical research.  History is often referred to as an idiographic field of study, meaning that it studies things that happened or are happening in themselves and not for general observations or conclusions. ↵
  • Don’t worry, we’ll spend more time later in this book unpacking the meaning of ethnography and other terms that are important here.  Note the available glossary ↵

An approach to research that is “multimethod in focus, involving an interpretative, naturalistic approach to its subject matter.  This means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them.  Qualitative research involves the studied use and collection of a variety of empirical materials – case study, personal experience, introspective, life story, interview, observational, historical, interactional, and visual texts – that describe routine and problematic moments and meanings in individuals’ lives." ( Denzin and Lincoln 2005:2 ). Contrast with quantitative research .

In contrast to methodology, methods are more simply the practices and tools used to collect and analyze data.  Examples of common methods in qualitative research are interviews , observations , and documentary analysis .  One’s methodology should connect to one’s choice of methods, of course, but they are distinguishable terms.  See also methodology .

A proposed explanation for an observation, phenomenon, or scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation.  The positing of a hypothesis is often the first step in quantitative research but not in qualitative research.  Even when qualitative researchers offer possible explanations in advance of conducting research, they will tend to not use the word “hypothesis” as it conjures up the kind of positivist research they are not conducting.

The foundational question to be addressed by the research study.  This will form the anchor of the research design, collection, and analysis.  Note that in qualitative research, the research question may, and probably will, alter or develop during the course of the research.

An approach to research that collects and analyzes numerical data for the purpose of finding patterns and averages, making predictions, testing causal relationships, and generalizing results to wider populations.  Contrast with qualitative research .

Data collection that takes place in real-world settings, referred to as “the field;” a key component of much Grounded Theory and ethnographic research.  Patton ( 2002 ) calls fieldwork “the central activity of qualitative inquiry” where “‘going into the field’ means having direct and personal contact with people under study in their own environments – getting close to people and situations being studied to personally understand the realities of minutiae of daily life” (48).

The people who are the subjects of a qualitative study.  In interview-based studies, they may be the respondents to the interviewer; for purposes of IRBs, they are often referred to as the human subjects of the research.

The branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge.  For researchers, it is important to recognize and adopt one of the many distinguishing epistemological perspectives as part of our understanding of what questions research can address or fully answer.  See, e.g., constructivism , subjectivism, and  objectivism .

An approach that refutes the possibility of neutrality in social science research.  All research is “guided by a set of beliefs and feelings about the world and how it should be understood and studied” (Denzin and Lincoln 2005: 13).  In contrast to positivism , interpretivism recognizes the social constructedness of reality, and researchers adopting this approach focus on capturing interpretations and understandings people have about the world rather than “the world” as it is (which is a chimera).

The cluster of data-collection tools and techniques that involve observing interactions between people, the behaviors, and practices of individuals (sometimes in contrast to what they say about how they act and behave), and cultures in context.  Observational methods are the key tools employed by ethnographers and Grounded Theory .

Research based on data collected and analyzed by the research (in contrast to secondary “library” research).

The process of selecting people or other units of analysis to represent a larger population. In quantitative research, this representation is taken quite literally, as statistically representative.  In qualitative research, in contrast, sample selection is often made based on potential to generate insight about a particular topic or phenomenon.

A method of data collection in which the researcher asks the participant questions; the answers to these questions are often recorded and transcribed verbatim. There are many different kinds of interviews - see also semistructured interview , structured interview , and unstructured interview .

The specific group of individuals that you will collect data from.  Contrast population.

The practice of being conscious of and reflective upon one’s own social location and presence when conducting research.  Because qualitative research often requires interaction with live humans, failing to take into account how one’s presence and prior expectations and social location affect the data collected and how analyzed may limit the reliability of the findings.  This remains true even when dealing with historical archives and other content.  Who we are matters when asking questions about how people experience the world because we, too, are a part of that world.

The science and practice of right conduct; in research, it is also the delineation of moral obligations towards research participants, communities to which we belong, and communities in which we conduct our research.

An administrative body established to protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects recruited to participate in research activities conducted under the auspices of the institution with which it is affiliated. The IRB is charged with the responsibility of reviewing all research involving human participants. The IRB is concerned with protecting the welfare, rights, and privacy of human subjects. The IRB has the authority to approve, disapprove, monitor, and require modifications in all research activities that fall within its jurisdiction as specified by both the federal regulations and institutional policy.

Research, according to US federal guidelines, that involves “a living individual about whom an investigator (whether professional or student) conducting research:  (1) Obtains information or biospecimens through intervention or interaction with the individual, and uses, studies, or analyzes the information or biospecimens; or  (2) Obtains, uses, studies, analyzes, or generates identifiable private information or identifiable biospecimens.”

One of the primary methodological traditions of inquiry in qualitative research, ethnography is the study of a group or group culture, largely through observational fieldwork supplemented by interviews. It is a form of fieldwork that may include participant-observation data collection. See chapter 14 for a discussion of deep ethnography. 

A form of interview that follows a standard guide of questions asked, although the order of the questions may change to match the particular needs of each individual interview subject, and probing “follow-up” questions are often added during the course of the interview.  The semi-structured interview is the primary form of interviewing used by qualitative researchers in the social sciences.  It is sometimes referred to as an “in-depth” interview.  See also interview and  interview guide .

A method of observational data collection taking place in a natural setting; a form of fieldwork .  The term encompasses a continuum of relative participation by the researcher (from full participant to “fly-on-the-wall” observer).  This is also sometimes referred to as ethnography , although the latter is characterized by a greater focus on the culture under observation.

A research design that employs both quantitative and qualitative methods, as in the case of a survey supplemented by interviews.

An epistemological perspective that posits the existence of reality through sensory experience similar to empiricism but goes further in denying any non-sensory basis of thought or consciousness.  In the social sciences, the term has roots in the proto-sociologist August Comte, who believed he could discern “laws” of society similar to the laws of natural science (e.g., gravity).  The term has come to mean the kinds of measurable and verifiable science conducted by quantitative researchers and is thus used pejoratively by some qualitative researchers interested in interpretation, consciousness, and human understanding.  Calling someone a “positivist” is often intended as an insult.  See also empiricism and objectivism.

A place or collection containing records, documents, or other materials of historical interest; most universities have an archive of material related to the university’s history, as well as other “special collections” that may be of interest to members of the community.

A method of both data collection and data analysis in which a given content (textual, visual, graphic) is examined systematically and rigorously to identify meanings, themes, patterns and assumptions.  Qualitative content analysis (QCA) is concerned with gathering and interpreting an existing body of material.    

A word or short phrase that symbolically assigns a summative, salient, essence-capturing, and/or evocative attribute for a portion of language-based or visual data (Saldaña 2021:5).

Usually a verbatim written record of an interview or focus group discussion.

The primary form of data for fieldwork , participant observation , and ethnography .  These notes, taken by the researcher either during the course of fieldwork or at day’s end, should include as many details as possible on what was observed and what was said.  They should include clear identifiers of date, time, setting, and names (or identifying characteristics) of participants.

The process of labeling and organizing qualitative data to identify different themes and the relationships between them; a way of simplifying data to allow better management and retrieval of key themes and illustrative passages.  See coding frame and  codebook.

A methodological tradition of inquiry and approach to analyzing qualitative data in which theories emerge from a rigorous and systematic process of induction.  This approach was pioneered by the sociologists Glaser and Strauss (1967).  The elements of theory generated from comparative analysis of data are, first, conceptual categories and their properties and, second, hypotheses or generalized relations among the categories and their properties – “The constant comparing of many groups draws the [researcher’s] attention to their many similarities and differences.  Considering these leads [the researcher] to generate abstract categories and their properties, which, since they emerge from the data, will clearly be important to a theory explaining the kind of behavior under observation.” (36).

A detailed description of any proposed research that involves human subjects for review by IRB.  The protocol serves as the recipe for the conduct of the research activity.  It includes the scientific rationale to justify the conduct of the study, the information necessary to conduct the study, the plan for managing and analyzing the data, and a discussion of the research ethical issues relevant to the research.  Protocols for qualitative research often include interview guides, all documents related to recruitment, informed consent forms, very clear guidelines on the safekeeping of materials collected, and plans for de-identifying transcripts or other data that include personal identifying information.

Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods Copyright © 2023 by Allison Hurst is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.


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Visually hypothesising in scientific paper writing: confirming and refuting qualitative research hypotheses using diagrams.

qualitative research have hypothesis

1. Introduction

2. overview of visual communication and post-positivist research, visual communication in post-positivist qualitative research, 3. understanding qualitative research (and hypotheses): types, notions, contestations and epistemological underpinnings, 3.1. what is qualitative research, 3.2. types of qualitative research and their epistemological underpinnings, 3.3. what is a research hypothesis can it be used in qualitative research, 3.4. analogical arguments in support of using hypotheses in qualitative research, 3.5. can a hypothesis be “tested” in qualitative research, 4. the process of developing and using hypotheses in qualitative research.

“Begin a research study without having to test a hypothesis. Instead, it allows them to develop hypotheses by listening to what the research participants say. Because the method involves developing hypotheses after the data are collected, it is called hypothesis-generating research rather than hypothesis-testing research. The grounded theory method uses two basic principles: (1) questioning rather than measuring, and (2) generating hypotheses using theoretical coding.”

4.1. Formulating the Qualitative Research Hypothesis

  • The qualitative hypothesis should be based on a research problem derived from the research questions.
  • It should be supported by literature evidence (on the relationship or association between variables).
  • It should be informed by past research and observations.
  • It must be falsifiable or disprovable (see Popper [ 77 ]).
  • It should be analysable using data collected from the field or literature.
  • It has to be testable or verifiable, provable, nullifiable, refutable, confirmable or disprovable based on the results of analysing data collected from the field or literature.

4.2. Refuting or Verifying a Qualitative Research Hypothesis Diagrammatically (with Illustration)

“A core development concern in Nigeria is the magnitude of challenges rural people face. Inefficient infrastructures, lack of employment opportunities and poor social amenities are some of these challenges. These challenges persist mainly due to ineffective approaches used in tackling them. This research argues that an approach based on territorial development would produce better outcomes. The reason is that territorial development adopts integrated policies and actions with a focus on places as opposed to sectoral approaches. The research objectives were to evaluate rural development approaches and identify a specific approach capable of activating poverty reduction. It addressed questions bordering on past rural development approaches and how to improve urban-rural linkages in rural areas. It also addressed questions relating to ways that rural areas can reduce poverty through territorial development…” [ 16 ], p. 1
“Nigeria has legal and institutional opportunities for comprehensive improvement of rural areas through territorial development. However, due to the absence of a concrete rural development plan and area-based rural development strategies, this has not been materialized”.
  • Proposition 1: Legal and institutional opportunities that can lead to comprehensive improvement of rural areas through territorial development exist in Nigeria .
  • Proposition 2: However, due to the absence of a concrete rural development plan and area-based rural development strategies, this has not been materialized .
  • Independent variables: legal and institutional opportunities; incessant structural changes in its political history; and policy negligence.
  • Dependent variable: comprehensive rural improvements through territorial development.

5. Discussion and Conclusion

Acknowledgments, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

TypesApproach to Research or EnquiriesData Collection MethodsData Analysis MethodsForms in Scientific WritingEpistemological Foundations
NarrativeExplores situations, scenarios and processesInterviews and documentsStorytelling, content review and theme (meaning developmentIn-depth narration of events or situationsObjectivism, postmodernism, social constructionism, feminism and constructivism (including interpretive and reflexive) in positivist and post-positivist perspectives
Case studyExamination of episodic events with focus on answering “how” questionsInterviews, observations, document contents and physical inspectionsDetailed identification of themes and development of narrativesIn-depth study of possible lessons learned from a case or cases
Grounded theoryInvestigates proceduresInterviews and questionnaireData coding, categorisation of themes and description of implicationsTheory and theoretical models
HistoricalDescription of past eventsInterviews, surveys and documentsDescription of events developmentHistorical reports
PhenomenologicalUnderstand or explain experiencesInterviews, surveys and observationsDescription of experiences, examination of meanings and theme developmentContextualisation and reporting of experience
EthnographicDescribes and interprets social grouping or cultural situationInterviews, observations and active participationDescription and interpretation of data and theme developmentDetailed reporting of interpreted data

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Chigbu, U.E. Visually Hypothesising in Scientific Paper Writing: Confirming and Refuting Qualitative Research Hypotheses Using Diagrams. Publications 2019 , 7 , 22. https://doi.org/10.3390/publications7010022

Chigbu UE. Visually Hypothesising in Scientific Paper Writing: Confirming and Refuting Qualitative Research Hypotheses Using Diagrams. Publications . 2019; 7(1):22. https://doi.org/10.3390/publications7010022

Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene. 2019. "Visually Hypothesising in Scientific Paper Writing: Confirming and Refuting Qualitative Research Hypotheses Using Diagrams" Publications 7, no. 1: 22. https://doi.org/10.3390/publications7010022

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7.4 Qualitative Research

Learning objectives.

  • List several ways in which qualitative research differs from quantitative research in psychology.
  • Describe the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research in psychology compared with quantitative research.
  • Give examples of qualitative research in psychology.

What Is Qualitative Research?

This book is primarily about quantitative research . Quantitative researchers typically start with a focused research question or hypothesis, collect a small amount of data from each of a large number of individuals, describe the resulting data using statistical techniques, and draw general conclusions about some large population. Although this is by far the most common approach to conducting empirical research in psychology, there is an important alternative called qualitative research. Qualitative research originated in the disciplines of anthropology and sociology but is now used to study many psychological topics as well. Qualitative researchers generally begin with a less focused research question, collect large amounts of relatively “unfiltered” data from a relatively small number of individuals, and describe their data using nonstatistical techniques. They are usually less concerned with drawing general conclusions about human behavior than with understanding in detail the experience of their research participants.

Consider, for example, a study by researcher Per Lindqvist and his colleagues, who wanted to learn how the families of teenage suicide victims cope with their loss (Lindqvist, Johansson, & Karlsson, 2008). They did not have a specific research question or hypothesis, such as, What percentage of family members join suicide support groups? Instead, they wanted to understand the variety of reactions that families had, with a focus on what it is like from their perspectives. To do this, they interviewed the families of 10 teenage suicide victims in their homes in rural Sweden. The interviews were relatively unstructured, beginning with a general request for the families to talk about the victim and ending with an invitation to talk about anything else that they wanted to tell the interviewer. One of the most important themes that emerged from these interviews was that even as life returned to “normal,” the families continued to struggle with the question of why their loved one committed suicide. This struggle appeared to be especially difficult for families in which the suicide was most unexpected.

The Purpose of Qualitative Research

Again, this book is primarily about quantitative research in psychology. The strength of quantitative research is its ability to provide precise answers to specific research questions and to draw general conclusions about human behavior. This is how we know that people have a strong tendency to obey authority figures, for example, or that female college students are not substantially more talkative than male college students. But while quantitative research is good at providing precise answers to specific research questions, it is not nearly as good at generating novel and interesting research questions. Likewise, while quantitative research is good at drawing general conclusions about human behavior, it is not nearly as good at providing detailed descriptions of the behavior of particular groups in particular situations. And it is not very good at all at communicating what it is actually like to be a member of a particular group in a particular situation.

But the relative weaknesses of quantitative research are the relative strengths of qualitative research. Qualitative research can help researchers to generate new and interesting research questions and hypotheses. The research of Lindqvist and colleagues, for example, suggests that there may be a general relationship between how unexpected a suicide is and how consumed the family is with trying to understand why the teen committed suicide. This relationship can now be explored using quantitative research. But it is unclear whether this question would have arisen at all without the researchers sitting down with the families and listening to what they themselves wanted to say about their experience. Qualitative research can also provide rich and detailed descriptions of human behavior in the real-world contexts in which it occurs. Among qualitative researchers, this is often referred to as “thick description” (Geertz, 1973). Similarly, qualitative research can convey a sense of what it is actually like to be a member of a particular group or in a particular situation—what qualitative researchers often refer to as the “lived experience” of the research participants. Lindqvist and colleagues, for example, describe how all the families spontaneously offered to show the interviewer the victim’s bedroom or the place where the suicide occurred—revealing the importance of these physical locations to the families. It seems unlikely that a quantitative study would have discovered this.

Data Collection and Analysis in Qualitative Research

As with correlational research, data collection approaches in qualitative research are quite varied and can involve naturalistic observation, archival data, artwork, and many other things. But one of the most common approaches, especially for psychological research, is to conduct interviews . Interviews in qualitative research tend to be unstructured—consisting of a small number of general questions or prompts that allow participants to talk about what is of interest to them. The researcher can follow up by asking more detailed questions about the topics that do come up. Such interviews can be lengthy and detailed, but they are usually conducted with a relatively small sample. This was essentially the approach used by Lindqvist and colleagues in their research on the families of suicide survivors. Small groups of people who participate together in interviews focused on a particular topic or issue are often referred to as focus groups . The interaction among participants in a focus group can sometimes bring out more information than can be learned in a one-on-one interview. The use of focus groups has become a standard technique in business and industry among those who want to understand consumer tastes and preferences. The content of all focus group interviews is usually recorded and transcribed to facilitate later analyses.

Another approach to data collection in qualitative research is participant observation. In participant observation , researchers become active participants in the group or situation they are studying. The data they collect can include interviews (usually unstructured), their own notes based on their observations and interactions, documents, photographs, and other artifacts. The basic rationale for participant observation is that there may be important information that is only accessible to, or can be interpreted only by, someone who is an active participant in the group or situation. An example of participant observation comes from a study by sociologist Amy Wilkins (published in Social Psychology Quarterly ) on a college-based religious organization that emphasized how happy its members were (Wilkins, 2008). Wilkins spent 12 months attending and participating in the group’s meetings and social events, and she interviewed several group members. In her study, Wilkins identified several ways in which the group “enforced” happiness—for example, by continually talking about happiness, discouraging the expression of negative emotions, and using happiness as a way to distinguish themselves from other groups.

Data Analysis in Quantitative Research

Although quantitative and qualitative research generally differ along several important dimensions (e.g., the specificity of the research question, the type of data collected), it is the method of data analysis that distinguishes them more clearly than anything else. To illustrate this idea, imagine a team of researchers that conducts a series of unstructured interviews with recovering alcoholics to learn about the role of their religious faith in their recovery. Although this sounds like qualitative research, imagine further that once they collect the data, they code the data in terms of how often each participant mentions God (or a “higher power”), and they then use descriptive and inferential statistics to find out whether those who mention God more often are more successful in abstaining from alcohol. Now it sounds like quantitative research. In other words, the quantitative-qualitative distinction depends more on what researchers do with the data they have collected than with why or how they collected the data.

But what does qualitative data analysis look like? Just as there are many ways to collect data in qualitative research, there are many ways to analyze data. Here we focus on one general approach called grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). This approach was developed within the field of sociology in the 1960s and has gradually gained popularity in psychology. Remember that in quantitative research, it is typical for the researcher to start with a theory, derive a hypothesis from that theory, and then collect data to test that specific hypothesis. In qualitative research using grounded theory, researchers start with the data and develop a theory or an interpretation that is “grounded in” those data. They do this in stages. First, they identify ideas that are repeated throughout the data. Then they organize these ideas into a smaller number of broader themes. Finally, they write a theoretical narrative —an interpretation—of the data in terms of the themes that they have identified. This theoretical narrative focuses on the subjective experience of the participants and is usually supported by many direct quotations from the participants themselves.

As an example, consider a study by researchers Laura Abrams and Laura Curran, who used the grounded theory approach to study the experience of postpartum depression symptoms among low-income mothers (Abrams & Curran, 2009). Their data were the result of unstructured interviews with 19 participants. Table 7.1 “Themes and Repeating Ideas in a Study of Postpartum Depression Among Low-Income Mothers” shows the five broad themes the researchers identified and the more specific repeating ideas that made up each of those themes. In their research report, they provide numerous quotations from their participants, such as this one from “Destiny:”

Well, just recently my apartment was broken into and the fact that his Medicaid for some reason was cancelled so a lot of things was happening within the last two weeks all at one time. So that in itself I don’t want to say almost drove me mad but it put me in a funk.…Like I really was depressed. (p. 357)

Their theoretical narrative focused on the participants’ experience of their symptoms not as an abstract “affective disorder” but as closely tied to the daily struggle of raising children alone under often difficult circumstances.

Table 7.1 Themes and Repeating Ideas in a Study of Postpartum Depression Among Low-Income Mothers

Theme Repeating ideas
Ambivalence “I wasn’t prepared for this baby,” “I didn’t want to have any more children.”
Caregiving overload “Please stop crying,” “I need a break,” “I can’t do this anymore.”
Juggling “No time to breathe,” “Everyone depends on me,” “Navigating the maze.”
Mothering alone “I really don’t have any help,” “My baby has no father.”
Real-life worry “I don’t have any money,” “Will my baby be OK?” “It’s not safe here.”

The Quantitative-Qualitative “Debate”

Given their differences, it may come as no surprise that quantitative and qualitative research in psychology and related fields do not coexist in complete harmony. Some quantitative researchers criticize qualitative methods on the grounds that they lack objectivity, are difficult to evaluate in terms of reliability and validity, and do not allow generalization to people or situations other than those actually studied. At the same time, some qualitative researchers criticize quantitative methods on the grounds that they overlook the richness of human behavior and experience and instead answer simple questions about easily quantifiable variables.

In general, however, qualitative researchers are well aware of the issues of objectivity, reliability, validity, and generalizability. In fact, they have developed a number of frameworks for addressing these issues (which are beyond the scope of our discussion). And in general, quantitative researchers are well aware of the issue of oversimplification. They do not believe that all human behavior and experience can be adequately described in terms of a small number of variables and the statistical relationships among them. Instead, they use simplification as a strategy for uncovering general principles of human behavior.

Many researchers from both the quantitative and qualitative camps now agree that the two approaches can and should be combined into what has come to be called mixed-methods research (Todd, Nerlich, McKeown, & Clarke, 2004). (In fact, the studies by Lindqvist and colleagues and by Abrams and Curran both combined quantitative and qualitative approaches.) One approach to combining quantitative and qualitative research is to use qualitative research for hypothesis generation and quantitative research for hypothesis testing. Again, while a qualitative study might suggest that families who experience an unexpected suicide have more difficulty resolving the question of why, a well-designed quantitative study could test a hypothesis by measuring these specific variables for a large sample. A second approach to combining quantitative and qualitative research is referred to as triangulation . The idea is to use both quantitative and qualitative methods simultaneously to study the same general questions and to compare the results. If the results of the quantitative and qualitative methods converge on the same general conclusion, they reinforce and enrich each other. If the results diverge, then they suggest an interesting new question: Why do the results diverge and how can they be reconciled?

Key Takeaways

  • Qualitative research is an important alternative to quantitative research in psychology. It generally involves asking broader research questions, collecting more detailed data (e.g., interviews), and using nonstatistical analyses.
  • Many researchers conceptualize quantitative and qualitative research as complementary and advocate combining them. For example, qualitative research can be used to generate hypotheses and quantitative research to test them.
  • Discussion: What are some ways in which a qualitative study of girls who play youth baseball would be likely to differ from a quantitative study on the same topic?

Abrams, L. S., & Curran, L. (2009). “And you’re telling me not to stress?” A grounded theory study of postpartum depression symptoms among low-income mothers. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 33 , 351–362.

Geertz, C. (1973). The interpretation of cultures . New York, NY: Basic Books.

Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, A. L. (1967). The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research . Chicago, IL: Aldine.

Lindqvist, P., Johansson, L., & Karlsson, U. (2008). In the aftermath of teenage suicide: A qualitative study of the psychosocial consequences for the surviving family members. BMC Psychiatry, 8 , 26. Retrieved from http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-244X/8/26 .

Todd, Z., Nerlich, B., McKeown, S., & Clarke, D. D. (2004) Mixing methods in psychology: The integration of qualitative and quantitative methods in theory and practice . London, UK: Psychology Press.

Wilkins, A. (2008). “Happier than Non-Christians”: Collective emotions and symbolic boundaries among evangelical Christians. Social Psychology Quarterly, 71 , 281–301.

Research Methods in Psychology Copyright © 2016 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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What is qualitative research?

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31 min read You may be already using qualitative research and want to check your understanding, or you may be starting from the beginning. Learn about qualitative research methods and how you can best use them for maximum effect.

Qualitative research is a research method that collects non-numerical data. Typically, it goes beyond the information that quantitative research provides (which we will cover below) because it is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations.

Qualitative research methods focus on the thoughts, feelings, reasons, motivations, and values of a participant, to understand why people act in the way they do .

In this way, qualitative research can be described as naturalistic research, looking at naturally-occurring social events within natural settings. So, qualitative researchers would describe their part in social research as the ‘vehicle’ for collecting the qualitative research data.

Qualitative researchers discovered this by looking at primary and secondary sources where data is represented in non-numerical form. This can include collecting qualitative research data types like quotes, symbols, images, and written testimonials.

These data types tell qualitative researchers subjective information. While these aren’t facts in themselves, conclusions can be interpreted out of qualitative that can help to provide valuable context.

Because of this, qualitative research is typically viewed as explanatory in nature and is often used in social research, as this gives a window into the behavior and actions of people.

It can be a good research approach for health services research or clinical research projects.

Free eBook: The qualitative research design handbook

In order to compare qualitative and quantitative research methods, let’s explore what quantitative research is first, before exploring how it differs from qualitative research.

Quantitative research

Quantitative research is the research method of collecting quantitative research data – data that can be converted into numbers or numerical data, which can be easily quantified, compared, and analyzed .

Quantitative research methods deal with primary and secondary sources where data is represented in numerical form. This can include closed-question poll results, statistics, and census information or demographic data.

Quantitative research data tends to be used when researchers are interested in understanding a particular moment in time and examining data sets over time to find trends and patterns.

The difference between quantitative and qualitative research methodology

While qualitative research is defined as data that supplies non-numerical information, quantitative research focuses on numerical data.

In general, if you’re interested in measuring something or testing a hypothesis, use quantitative research methods. If you want to explore ideas, thoughts, and meanings, use qualitative research methods.

quantitative vs qualitative research

Where both qualitative and quantitative methods are not used, qualitative researchers will find that using one without the other leaves you with missing answers.

For example, if a retail company wants to understand whether a new product line of shoes will perform well in the target market:

  • Qualitative research methods could be used with a sample of target customers, which would provide subjective reasons why they’d be likely to purchase or not purchase the shoes, while
  • Quantitative research methods into the historical customer sales information on shoe-related products would provide insights into the sales performance, and likely future performance of the new product range.

There are five approaches to qualitative research methods:

  • Grounded theory: Grounded theory relates to where qualitative researchers come to a stronger hypothesis through induction, all throughout the process of collecting qualitative research data and forming connections. After an initial question to get started, qualitative researchers delve into information that is grouped into ideas or codes, which grow and develop into larger categories, as the qualitative research goes on. At the end of the qualitative research, the researcher may have a completely different hypothesis, based on evidence and inquiry, as well as the initial question.
  • Ethnographic research : Ethnographic research is where researchers embed themselves into the environment of the participant or group in order to understand the culture and context of activities and behavior. This is dependent on the involvement of the researcher, and can be subject to researcher interpretation bias and participant observer bias . However, it remains a great way to allow researchers to experience a different ‘world’.
  • Action research: With the action research process, both researchers and participants work together to make a change. This can be through taking action, researching and reflecting on the outcomes. Through collaboration, the collective comes to a result, though the way both groups interact and how they affect each other gives insights into their critical thinking skills.
  • Phenomenological research: Researchers seek to understand the meaning of an event or behavior phenomenon by describing and interpreting participant’s life experiences. This qualitative research process understands that people create their own structured reality (‘the social construction of reality’), based on their past experiences. So, by viewing the way people intentionally live their lives, we’re able to see the experiential meaning behind why they live as they do.
  • Narrative research: Narrative research, or narrative inquiry, is where researchers examine the way stories are told by participants, and how they explain their experiences, as a way of explaining the meaning behind their life choices and events. This qualitative research can arise from using journals, conversational stories, autobiographies or letters, as a few narrative research examples. The narrative is subjective to the participant, so we’re able to understand their views from what they’ve documented/spoken.

Web Graph of Qualitative Research

Qualitative research methods can use structured research instruments for data collection, like:

Surveys for individual views

A survey is a simple-to-create and easy-to-distribute qualitative research method, which helps gather information from large groups of participants quickly. Traditionally, paper-based surveys can now be made online, so costs can stay quite low.

Qualitative research questions tend to be open questions that ask for more information and provide a text box to allow for unconstrained comments.

Examples include:

  • Asking participants to keep a written or a video diary for a period of time to document their feelings and thoughts
  • In-Home-Usage tests: Buyers use your product for a period of time and report their experience

Surveys for group consensus (Delphi survey)

A Delphi survey may be used as a way to bring together participants and gain a consensus view over several rounds of questions. It differs from traditional surveys where results go to the researcher only. Instead, results go to participants as well, so they can reflect and consider all responses before another round of questions are submitted.

This can be useful to do as it can help researchers see what variance is among the group of participants and see the process of how consensus was reached.

  • Asking participants to act as a fake jury for a trial and revealing parts of the case over several rounds to see how opinions change. At the end, the fake jury must make a unanimous decision about the defendant on trial.
  • Asking participants to comment on the versions of a product being developed, as the changes are made and their feedback is taken onboard. At the end, participants must decide whether the product is ready to launch.

Semi-structured interviews

Interviews are a great way to connect with participants, though they require time from the research team to set up and conduct, especially if they’re done face-to-face.

Researchers may also have issues connecting with participants in different geographical regions. The researcher uses a set of predefined open-ended questions, though more ad-hoc questions can be asked depending on participant answers.

  • Conducting a phone interview with participants to run through their feedback on a product. During the conversation, researchers can go ‘off-script’ and ask more probing questions for clarification or build on the insights.

Focus groups

Participants are brought together into a group, where a particular topic is discussed. It is researcher-led and usually occurs in-person in a mutually accessible location, to allow for easy communication between participants in focus groups.

In focus groups , the researcher uses a set of predefined open-ended questions, though more ad-hoc questions can be asked depending on participant answers.

  • Asking participants to do UX tests, which are interface usability tests to show how easily users can complete certain tasks

Direct observation

This is a form of ethnographic research where researchers will observe participants’ behavior in a naturalistic environment. This can be great for understanding the actions in the culture and context of a participant’s setting.

This qualitative research method is prone to researcher bias as it is the researcher that must interpret the actions and reactions of participants. Their findings can be impacted by their own beliefs, values, and inferences.

  • Embedding yourself in the location of your buyers to understand how a product would perform against the values and norms of that society

One-to-one interviews

One-to-one interviews are one of the most commonly used data collection instruments for qualitative research questions, mainly because of their approach. The interviewer or the researcher collects data directly from the interviewee one-to-one. The interview method may be informal and unstructured – conversational. The open-ended questions are mostly asked spontaneously, with the interviewer letting the interview flow dictate the questions to be asked.

Record keeping

This method uses existing reliable documents and similar sources of information as the data source. This data can be used in new research. It is similar to going to a library. There, one can go over books and other reference material to collect relevant data that can be used in the research.

Process of observation

In this data collection method, the researcher immerses themselves in the setting where their respondents are, keeps a keen eye on the participants, and takes notes. This is known as the process of observation.

Besides taking notes, other documentation methods, such as video and audio recording, photography, and similar methods, can be used.

Longitudinal studies

This data collection method is repeatedly performed on the same data source over an extended period. It is an observational research method that goes on for a few years and sometimes can go on for even decades. Such data collection methods aim to find correlations through empirical studies of subjects with common traits.

Case studies

This method gathers data from an in-depth analysis of case studies. The versatility of this method is demonstrated in how this method can be used to analyze both simple and complex subjects. The strength of this method is how judiciously it uses a combination of one or more qualitative methods to draw inferences.

What is data coding in qualitative research?

Data coding in qualitative research involves a systematic process of organizing and interpreting collected data. This process is crucial for identifying patterns and themes within complex data sets. Here’s how it works:

  • Data Collection : Initially, researchers gather data through various methods such as interviews, focus groups, and observations. The raw data often includes transcriptions of conversations, notes, or multimedia recordings.
  • Initial Coding : Once data is collected, researchers begin the initial coding phase. They break down the data into manageable segments and assign codes—short phrases or words that summarize each piece of information. This step is often referred to as open coding.
  • Categorization : Next, researchers categorize the codes into broader themes or concepts. This helps in organizing the data and identifying major patterns. These themes can be linked to theoretical frameworks or emerging patterns from the data itself.
  • Review and Refinement : The coding process is iterative, meaning researchers continuously review and refine their codes and categories. They may merge similar codes, adjust categories, or add new codes as deeper understanding develops.
  • Thematic Analysis : Finally, researchers perform a thematic analysis to draw meaningful conclusions from the data. They explore how the identified themes relate to the research questions and objectives, providing insights and answering key queries.

Methods and tools for coding

  • Manual Coding : Involves using highlighters, sticky notes, and physical organization methods.
  • Software Tools : Programs like NVivo, ATLAS.ti, and MAXQDA streamline the coding process, allowing researchers to handle large volumes of data efficiently.

Data coding transforms raw qualitative data into structured information, making it essential for deriving actionable insights and achieving research objectives.

Qualitative research methods often deliver information in the following qualitative research data types:

  • Written testimonials

Through contextual analysis of the information, researchers can assign participants to category types:

  • Social class
  • Political alignment
  • Most likely to purchase a product
  • Their preferred training learning style

Why is qualitative data important?

Qualitative data plays a pivotal role in understanding the nuances of human behavior and emotions. Unlike quantitative data, which deals with numbers and hard statistics, qualitative data captures the vivid tapestry of opinions, experiences, and motivations.

Understanding emotions and perceptions

One primary reason qualitative data is crucial is its ability to reveal the emotions and perceptions of individuals. This type of data goes beyond mere numbers to provide insights into how people feel and think. For example, understanding consumer sentiments can help businesses tailor their products and services to meet customer needs more effectively.

Rich context and insights

Qualitative analysis dives deep into textual data, uncovering rich context and subtle patterns that might be missed with quantitative methods alone. This kind of data provides comprehensive insights by examining the intricate details of user feedback, interviews, or focus group discussions. For instance, companies like IBM and Nielsen use qualitative data to gain a deeper understanding of market trends and consumer preferences.

Forming research parameters

Researchers use qualitative data to establish parameters for broader studies. By identifying recurring themes and traits, they can design more targeted and effective surveys and experiments. This initial qualitative phase is essential in ensuring that subsequent quantitative research is grounded in real-world observations.

Solving complex problems

In market research, qualitative data is invaluable for solving complex problems. It enables researchers to decode the language of their consumers, identifying pain points and areas for improvement. Brands like Coca-Cola and P&G frequently rely on qualitative insights to refine their marketing strategies and enhance customer satisfaction.

In sum, qualitative data is essential for its ability to capture the depth and complexity of human experiences. It provides the contextual groundwork needed to make informed decisions, understand consumer behavior, and ultimately drive successful outcomes in various fields.

How do you organize qualitative data?

Organizing qualitative data is crucial to extract meaningful insights efficiently. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you streamline the process:

1. Align with research objectives

Start by revisiting your research objectives. Clarifying the core questions you aim to answer can guide you in structuring your data. Create a table or spreadsheet where these objectives are clearly laid out.

2. Categorize the data

Sort your data based on themes or categories relevant to your research objectives. Use different coding techniques to label each piece of information. Tools like NVivo or Atlas.ti can help in coding and categorizing qualitative data effectively.

3. Use visual aids

Visualizing data can make patterns more apparent. Consider using charts, graphs, or mind maps to represent your categorized data. Applications like Microsoft Excel or Tableau are excellent for creating visual representations.

4. Develop a index system

Create an index system to keep track of where each piece of information fits within your categories. This can be as simple as a detailed index in a Word document or a more complex system within your data analysis software.

5. Summary tables

Develop summary tables that distill large amounts of information into key points. These tables should reflect the core themes and subthemes you’ve identified, making it easier to draw conclusions.

6. Avoid unnecessary data

Don’t fall into the trap of hoarding unorganized or irrelevant information. Regularly review your data to ensure it aligns with your research goals. Trim any redundant or extraneous data to maintain clarity and focus.

By following these steps, you can turn your raw qualitative data into an organized, insightful resource that directly supports your research objectives.

Advantages of qualitative research

  • Useful for complex situations: Qualitative research on its own is great when dealing with complex issues, however, providing background context using quantitative facts can give a richer and wider understanding of a topic. In these cases, quantitative research may not be enough.
  • A window into the ‘why’: Qualitative research can give you a window into the deeper meaning behind a participant’s answer. It can help you uncover the larger ‘why’ that can’t always be seen by analyzing numerical data.
  • Can help improve customer experiences: In service industries where customers are crucial, like in private health services, gaining information about a customer’s experience through health research studies can indicate areas where services can be improved.
  • You need to ask the right question: Doing qualitative research may require you to consider what the right question is to uncover the underlying thinking behind a behavior. This may need probing questions to go further, which may suit a focus group or face-to-face interview setting better.
  • Results are interpreted: As qualitative research data is written, spoken, and often nuanced, interpreting the data results can be difficult as they come in non-numerical formats. This might make it harder to know if you can accept or reject your hypothesis.
  • More bias: There are lower levels of control to qualitative research methods, as they can be subject to biases like confirmation bias, researcher bias, and observation bias. This can have a knock-on effect on the validity and truthfulness of the qualitative research data results.

Qualitative methods help improve your products and marketing in many different ways:

  • Understand the emotional connections to your brand
  • Identify obstacles to purchase
  • Uncover doubts and confusion about your messaging
  • Find missing product features
  • Improve the usability of your website, app, or chatbot experience
  • Learn about how consumers talk about your product
  • See how buyers compare your brand to others in the competitive set
  • Learn how an organization’s employees evaluate and select vendors

Businesses can benefit from qualitative research by using it to understand the meaning behind data types. There are several steps to this:

  • Define your problem or interest area: What do you observe is happening and is it frequent? Identify the data type/s you’re observing.
  • Create a hypothesis: Ask yourself what could be the causes for the situation with those qualitative research data types.
  • Plan your qualitative research: Use structured qualitative research instruments like surveys, focus groups, or interviews to ask questions that test your hypothesis.
  • Data Collection: Collect qualitative research data and understand what your data types are telling you. Once data is collected on different types over long time periods, you can analyze it and give insights into changing attitudes and language patterns.
  • Data analysis: Does your information support your hypothesis? (You may need to redo the qualitative research with other variables to see if the results improve)
  • Effectively present the qualitative research data: Communicate the results in a clear and concise way to help other people understand the findings.

Transcribing and organizing your qualitative data is crucial for robust analysis. Follow these steps to ensure your data is systematically arranged and ready for interpretation.

1. Transcribe your sata

Converting your gathered information into a textual format is the first step. This involves:

  • Listening to audio recordings: Jot down every nuance and detail.
  • Reading through notes: Ensure all handwritten or typed notes are coherent and complete.

2. Choose a suitable format

Once transcribed, your data needs to be formatted for ease of analysis. You have several options:

  • Spreadsheets: Tools like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets allow for easy sorting and categorization.
  • Specialized software: Consider using computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) such as NVivo, ATLAS.ti, or MAXQDA to handle large volumes of data efficiently.

3. Organize by themes

Begin to identify patterns or themes in your data. This method, often called coding, involves:

  • Highlighting Key Points: Use different colors or symbols to mark recurring ideas.
  • Creating Categories: Group similar themes together to form a coherent structure.

4. Label and store

Finally, label and store your data meticulously to ensure easy retrieval and reference. Label:

  • Files and Documents: With clear titles and dates.
  • Sections within Documents: With headings and subheadings to distinguish different themes and patterns.

By following these systematic steps, you can convert raw qualitative data into a structured format ready for comprehensive analysis.

Evaluating qualitative research can be tough when there are several analytics platforms to manage and lots of subjective data sources to compare.

Qualtrics provides a number of qualitative research analysis tools, like Text iQ, powered by Qualtrics iQ , provides powerful machine learning and native language processing to help you discover patterns and trends in text.

This also provides you with:

  • Sentiment analysis — a technique to help identify the underlying sentiment (say positive, neutral, and/or negative) in qualitative research text responses
  • Topic detection/categorisation — this technique is the grouping or bucketing of similar themes that can are relevant for the business & the industry (e.g., ‘Food quality,’ ‘Staff efficiency,’ or ‘Product availability’)

Validating your qualitative data

Validating data is one of the crucial steps of qualitative data analysis for successful research. Since data is quintessential for research, ensuring that the data is not flawed is imperative. Please note that data validation is not just one step in this analysis; it is a recurring step that needs to be followed throughout the research process.

There are two sides to validating data:

  • Ensuring that the methods used are designed to produce accurate data.
  • The extent to which the methods consistently produce accurate data over time.

Incorporating these validation steps ensures that the qualitative data you gather through tools like Text iQ is both reliable and accurate, providing a solid foundation for your research conclusions.

What are the approaches to qualitative data analysis?

Qualitative data analysis can be tackled using two main approaches: the deductive approach and the inductive approach. Each method offers unique benefits and caters to different research needs.

Deductive approach

The deductive approach involves analyzing qualitative data within a pre-established framework. Typically, researchers use predefined questions to guide their analysis, making it a structured and straightforward process. This method is particularly useful when researchers have a clear hypothesis or a reasonable expectation of the data they will gather.

Advantages :

  • Quick and efficient
  • Suitable for studies with known variables

Disadvantages :

  • Limited flexibility
  • May not uncover unexpected insights

Inductive approach

Contrastingly, the inductive approach is characterized by its flexibility and open-ended nature. Rather than starting with a set structure, researchers use this approach to let patterns and themes emerge naturally from the data. This method is time-consuming but thorough, making it ideal for exploratory research where little is known about the phenomenon under study.

  • High flexibility
  • Uncovers insights that may not be immediately obvious
  • Time-intensive
  • Requires rigorous interpretation skills

Both approaches have their merits and can be chosen based on the objectives of your research. By understanding the key differences between the deductive and inductive methods, you can select the approach that best suits your analytical needs.

What is the inductive approach to qualitative data analysis?

The inductive approach to qualitative data analysis is a flexible and explorative method. Unlike approaches that follow a fixed framework, the inductive approach builds theories and patterns from the data itself. Here’s a closer look:

  • No fixed framework: This method does not rely on predetermined structures or strict guidelines. Instead, it allows patterns and themes to naturally emerge from the data.
  • Exploratory nature: Often used when little is known about the research phenomenon, this approach helps researchers unearth new insights without preconceptions.
  • Time-consuming but thorough: Due to its comprehensive nature, the inductive approach can be more time-intensive. Researchers meticulously examine data to uncover meaningful connections and build a deep understanding of the subject matter.
  • Flexible and adaptive: This approach is particularly useful in dynamic research environments where the subject matter is complex or not well understood.

In essence, the inductive approach is about letting the data lead the research, allowing for the discovery of unexpected insights and a more nuanced understanding of the studied phenomena.

The deductive approach to qualitative data analysis is a method where researchers begin with a predefined structure or framework to guide their examination of data. Essentially, this means they start with specific questions or hypotheses in mind, which helps in directing the analysis process.

Key elements of the deductive approach:

  • Researchers have a clear idea of what they are looking for based on prior knowledge or theories.
  • This structured framework acts as a guide throughout the analysis.
  • Specific questions are developed beforehand.
  • These questions help in filtering and categorizing the data effectively.
  • The deductive method is typically faster and more straightforward.
  • It is particularly useful when researchers anticipate certain types of responses or patterns from their sample population.

In summary, the deductive approach involves using existing theories and structured queries to systematically analyze qualitative data, making the process efficient and focused.

How to conclude the qualitative data analysis process

Concluding your qualitative data analysis involves presenting your findings in a structured report that stakeholders can readily understand and utilize.

Start by describing your methodology . Detail the specific methods you employed during your research, including how you gathered and analyzed data. This helps readers appreciate the rigor of your process.

Next, highlight both the strengths and limitations of your study. Discuss what worked well and areas that posed challenges, providing a balanced view that showcases the robustness of your research while acknowledging potential shortcomings.

Following this, present your key findings and insights . Summarize the main conclusions drawn from your data, ensuring clarity and conciseness. Use bullet points or numbered lists to enhance readability where appropriate.

Moreover, offer suggestions or inferences based on your findings. Identify actionable recommendations or indicate future research areas that emerged from your study.

Finally, emphasize the importance of the synergy between analytics and reporting . Analytics uncover valuable insights, but it’s the reporting that effectively communicates these insights to stakeholders, enabling informed decision-making.

Even in today’s data-obsessed marketplace, qualitative data is valuable – maybe even more so because it helps you establish an authentic human connection to your customers. If qualitative research doesn’t play a role to inform your product and marketing strategy, your decisions aren’t as effective as they could be.

The Qualtrics XM system gives you an all-in-one, integrated solution to help you all the way through conducting qualitative research. From survey creation and data collection to textual analysis and data reporting, it can help all your internal teams gain insights from your subjective and categorical data.

Qualitative methods are catered through templates or advanced survey designs. While you can manually collect data and conduct data analysis in a spreadsheet program, this solution helps you automate the process of qualitative research, saving you time and administration work.

Using computational techniques helps you to avoid human errors, and participant results come in are already incorporated into the analysis in real-time.

Our key tools, Text IQ™ and Driver IQ™ make analyzing subjective and categorical data easy and simple. Choose to highlight key findings based on topic, sentiment, or frequency. The choice is yours.

Some examples of your workspace in action, using drag and drop to create fast data visualizations quickly:

Qualitative research Qualtrics products

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Mixed methods research 17 min read, market intelligence 10 min read, marketing insights 11 min read, ethnographic research 11 min read, qualitative vs quantitative research 13 min read, qualitative research questions 11 min read, qualitative research design 12 min read, request demo.

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  • How to Write a Strong Hypothesis | Steps & Examples

How to Write a Strong Hypothesis | Steps & Examples

Published on May 6, 2022 by Shona McCombes . Revised on November 20, 2023.

A hypothesis is a statement that can be tested by scientific research. If you want to test a relationship between two or more variables, you need to write hypotheses before you start your experiment or data collection .

Example: Hypothesis

Daily apple consumption leads to fewer doctor’s visits.

Table of contents

What is a hypothesis, developing a hypothesis (with example), hypothesis examples, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about writing hypotheses.

A hypothesis states your predictions about what your research will find. It is a tentative answer to your research question that has not yet been tested. For some research projects, you might have to write several hypotheses that address different aspects of your research question.

A hypothesis is not just a guess – it should be based on existing theories and knowledge. It also has to be testable, which means you can support or refute it through scientific research methods (such as experiments, observations and statistical analysis of data).

Variables in hypotheses

Hypotheses propose a relationship between two or more types of variables .

  • An independent variable is something the researcher changes or controls.
  • A dependent variable is something the researcher observes and measures.

If there are any control variables , extraneous variables , or confounding variables , be sure to jot those down as you go to minimize the chances that research bias  will affect your results.

In this example, the independent variable is exposure to the sun – the assumed cause . The dependent variable is the level of happiness – the assumed effect .

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Step 1. ask a question.

Writing a hypothesis begins with a research question that you want to answer. The question should be focused, specific, and researchable within the constraints of your project.

Step 2. Do some preliminary research

Your initial answer to the question should be based on what is already known about the topic. Look for theories and previous studies to help you form educated assumptions about what your research will find.

At this stage, you might construct a conceptual framework to ensure that you’re embarking on a relevant topic . This can also help you identify which variables you will study and what you think the relationships are between them. Sometimes, you’ll have to operationalize more complex constructs.

Step 3. Formulate your hypothesis

Now you should have some idea of what you expect to find. Write your initial answer to the question in a clear, concise sentence.

4. Refine your hypothesis

You need to make sure your hypothesis is specific and testable. There are various ways of phrasing a hypothesis, but all the terms you use should have clear definitions, and the hypothesis should contain:

  • The relevant variables
  • The specific group being studied
  • The predicted outcome of the experiment or analysis

5. Phrase your hypothesis in three ways

To identify the variables, you can write a simple prediction in  if…then form. The first part of the sentence states the independent variable and the second part states the dependent variable.

In academic research, hypotheses are more commonly phrased in terms of correlations or effects, where you directly state the predicted relationship between variables.

If you are comparing two groups, the hypothesis can state what difference you expect to find between them.

6. Write a null hypothesis

If your research involves statistical hypothesis testing , you will also have to write a null hypothesis . The null hypothesis is the default position that there is no association between the variables. The null hypothesis is written as H 0 , while the alternative hypothesis is H 1 or H a .

  • H 0 : The number of lectures attended by first-year students has no effect on their final exam scores.
  • H 1 : The number of lectures attended by first-year students has a positive effect on their final exam scores.
Research question Hypothesis Null hypothesis
What are the health benefits of eating an apple a day? Increasing apple consumption in over-60s will result in decreasing frequency of doctor’s visits. Increasing apple consumption in over-60s will have no effect on frequency of doctor’s visits.
Which airlines have the most delays? Low-cost airlines are more likely to have delays than premium airlines. Low-cost and premium airlines are equally likely to have delays.
Can flexible work arrangements improve job satisfaction? Employees who have flexible working hours will report greater job satisfaction than employees who work fixed hours. There is no relationship between working hour flexibility and job satisfaction.
How effective is high school sex education at reducing teen pregnancies? Teenagers who received sex education lessons throughout high school will have lower rates of unplanned pregnancy teenagers who did not receive any sex education. High school sex education has no effect on teen pregnancy rates.
What effect does daily use of social media have on the attention span of under-16s? There is a negative between time spent on social media and attention span in under-16s. There is no relationship between social media use and attention span in under-16s.

If you want to know more about the research process , methodology , research bias , or statistics , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Sampling methods
  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling
  • Likert scales
  • Reproducibility


  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

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See an example

qualitative research have hypothesis

A hypothesis is not just a guess — it should be based on existing theories and knowledge. It also has to be testable, which means you can support or refute it through scientific research methods (such as experiments, observations and statistical analysis of data).

Null and alternative hypotheses are used in statistical hypothesis testing . The null hypothesis of a test always predicts no effect or no relationship between variables, while the alternative hypothesis states your research prediction of an effect or relationship.

Hypothesis testing is a formal procedure for investigating our ideas about the world using statistics. It is used by scientists to test specific predictions, called hypotheses , by calculating how likely it is that a pattern or relationship between variables could have arisen by chance.

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McCombes, S. (2023, November 20). How to Write a Strong Hypothesis | Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/hypothesis/

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Shona McCombes

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Qualitative Research: Model and Hypotheses Refinement

  • First Online: 18 November 2021

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qualitative research have hypothesis

  • Kerstin Kurzhals 2  

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Despite the active discussion of firms policies to foster innovation generation, few researchers have engaged in analysing RRs, their characteristics and key drivers, be it from a management or a research perspective. On the other hand, conceptual elaborations have been made within the DC literature, and “the dynamic capability framework is drawing support and increased validity by researchers, empirical studies of dynamic capabilities remain relatively rare”. Scattered research has emerged in recent years stating the increased relevance of DCs in firms and conceptually investigating the notion of DCs, hitherto “we have little theoretical or empirical evidence on which to base any suggestions as to how dynamic capabilities can be deliberately built”.

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noventum consulting GmbH is an international IT management consulting group, founded 1996 in Germany. The group is represented in Turkey, Luxembourg and Southafrica. The consulting approach combines strategic and procedural issues with technical solutions. The focus of noventum’s service offering lies in the definition, optimisation and implementation of commercial and IT processes, beside this noventum is active in the field of innovation and future management, where service offerings cover the development of future concepts, future management workshops, innovation and ideas management (source: www.noventum.de )

All interviewees were categorised based on their self-rated level of experience in RR activities, leading to an equal number of interviewees with a high and moderate level of experience in RR activities.

Note from the author: The quotes from the interviews display the original and transcribed outcome of the interviews, which is that often interviewees interrupted sentences, switched their thoughts within the same sentence, and used a rough wording. Nonetheless, to avoid any change of meaning, the quotes were included in its original wording without any grammatical or language corrections.

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Kurzhals, K. (2021). Qualitative Research: Model and Hypotheses Refinement. In: Resource Recombination in Firms from a Dynamic Capability Perspective. Gabler Theses. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-35666-8_4

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-35666-8_4

Published : 18 November 2021

Publisher Name : Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden

Print ISBN : 978-3-658-35665-1

Online ISBN : 978-3-658-35666-8

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Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research — Here’s What You Need to Know

Will Mellor, Director of Surveys, GLG

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Qualitative vs. Quantitative — you’ve heard the terms before, but what do they mean? Here’s what you need to know on when to use them and how to apply them in your research projects.

Most research projects you undertake will likely require some combination of qualitative and quantitative data. The magnitude of each will depend on what you need to accomplish. They are opposite in their approach, which makes them balanced in their outcomes.

Qualitative vs. Quantitaitve Research

When Are They Applied?


Qualitative research is used to formulate a hypothesis . If you need deeper information about a topic you know little about, qualitative research can help you uncover themes. For this reason, qualitative research often comes prior to quantitative. It allows you to get a baseline understanding of the topic and start to formulate hypotheses around correlation and causation.


Quantitative research is used to test or confirm a hypothesis . Qualitative research usually informs quantitative. You need to have enough understanding about a topic in order to develop a hypothesis you can test. Since quantitative research is highly structured, you first need to understand what the parameters are and how variable they are in practice. This allows you to create a research outline that is controlled in all the ways that will produce high-quality data.

In practice, the parameters are the factors you want to test against your hypothesis. If your hypothesis is that COVID is going to transform the way companies think about office space, some of your parameters might include the percent of your workforce working from home pre- and post-COVID, total square footage of office space held, and/or real-estate spend expectations by executive leadership. You would also want to know the variability of those parameters. In the COVID example, you will need to know standard ranges of square footage and real-estate expenditures so that you can create answer options that will capture relevant, high-quality, and easily actionable data.

Methods of Research

Often, qualitative research is conducted with a small sample size and includes many open-ended questions . The goal is to understand “Why?” and the thinking behind the decisions. The best way to facilitate this type of research is through one-on-one interviews, focus groups, and sometimes surveys. A major benefit of the interview and focus group formats is the ability to ask follow-up questions and dig deeper on answers that are particularly insightful.

Conversely, quantitative research is designed for larger sample sizes, which can garner perspectives across a wide spectrum of respondents. While not always necessary, sample sizes can sometimes be large enough to be statistically significant . The best way to facilitate this type of research is through surveys or large-scale experiments.

Unsurprisingly, the two different approaches will generate different types of data that will need to be analyzed differently.

For qualitative data, you’ll end up with data that will be highly textual in nature. You’ll be reading through the data and looking for key themes that emerge over and over. This type of research is also great at producing quotes that can be used in presentations or reports. Quotes are a powerful tool for conveying sentiment and making a poignant point.

For quantitative data, you’ll end up with a data set that can be analyzed, often with statistical software such as Excel, R, or SPSS. You can ask many different types of questions that produce this quantitative data, including rating/ranking questions, single-select, multiselect, and matrix table questions. These question types will produce data that can be analyzed to find averages, ranges, growth rates, percentage changes, minimums/maximums, and even time-series data for longer-term trend analysis.

Mixed Methods Approach

You aren’t limited to just one approach. If you need both quantitative and qualitative data, then collect both. You can even collect both quantitative and qualitative data within one type of research instrument. In a survey, you can ask both open-ended questions about “Why?” as well as closed-ended, data-related questions. Even in an unstructured format, like an interview or focus group, you can ask numerical questions to capture analyzable data.

Just be careful. While qualitative themes can be generalized, it can be dangerous to generalize on such a small sample size of quantitative data. For instance, why companies like a certain software platform may fall into three to five key themes. How much they spend on that platform can be highly variable.

The Takeaway

If you are unfamiliar with the topic you are researching, qualitative research is the best first approach. As you get deeper in your research, certain themes will emerge, and you’ll start to form hypotheses. From there, quantitative research can provide larger-scale data sets that can be analyzed to either confirm or deny the hypotheses you formulated earlier in your research. Most importantly, the two approaches are not mutually exclusive. You can have an eye for both themes and data throughout the research process. You’ll just be leaning more heavily to one or the other depending on where you are in your understanding of the topic.

Ready to get started? Get the actionable insights you need with the help of GLG’s qualitative and quantitative research methods.

About Will Mellor

Will Mellor leads a team of accomplished project managers who serve financial service firms across North America. His team manages end-to-end survey delivery from first draft to final deliverable. Will is an expert on GLG’s internal membership and consumer populations, as well as survey design and research. Before coming to GLG, he was the vice president of an economic consulting group, where he was responsible for designing economic impact models for clients in both the public sector and the private sector. Will has bachelor’s degrees in international business and finance and a master’s degree in applied economics.

For more information, read our articles: Three Ways to Apply Qualitative Research ,   Focusing on Focus Groups: Best Practices,   What Type of Survey Do You Need?, or The 6 Pillars of Successful Survey Design

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  • 1 University of Nebraska Medical Center
  • 2 GDB Research and Statistical Consulting
  • 3 GDB Research and Statistical Consulting/McLaren Macomb Hospital
  • PMID: 29262162
  • Bookshelf ID: NBK470395

Qualitative research is a type of research that explores and provides deeper insights into real-world problems. Instead of collecting numerical data points or intervening or introducing treatments just like in quantitative research, qualitative research helps generate hypothenar to further investigate and understand quantitative data. Qualitative research gathers participants' experiences, perceptions, and behavior. It answers the hows and whys instead of how many or how much. It could be structured as a standalone study, purely relying on qualitative data, or part of mixed-methods research that combines qualitative and quantitative data. This review introduces the readers to some basic concepts, definitions, terminology, and applications of qualitative research.

Qualitative research, at its core, asks open-ended questions whose answers are not easily put into numbers, such as "how" and "why." Due to the open-ended nature of the research questions, qualitative research design is often not linear like quantitative design. One of the strengths of qualitative research is its ability to explain processes and patterns of human behavior that can be difficult to quantify. Phenomena such as experiences, attitudes, and behaviors can be complex to capture accurately and quantitatively. In contrast, a qualitative approach allows participants themselves to explain how, why, or what they were thinking, feeling, and experiencing at a particular time or during an event of interest. Quantifying qualitative data certainly is possible, but at its core, qualitative data is looking for themes and patterns that can be difficult to quantify, and it is essential to ensure that the context and narrative of qualitative work are not lost by trying to quantify something that is not meant to be quantified.

However, while qualitative research is sometimes placed in opposition to quantitative research, where they are necessarily opposites and therefore "compete" against each other and the philosophical paradigms associated with each other, qualitative and quantitative work are neither necessarily opposites, nor are they incompatible. While qualitative and quantitative approaches are different, they are not necessarily opposites and certainly not mutually exclusive. For instance, qualitative research can help expand and deepen understanding of data or results obtained from quantitative analysis. For example, say a quantitative analysis has determined a correlation between length of stay and level of patient satisfaction, but why does this correlation exist? This dual-focus scenario shows one way in which qualitative and quantitative research could be integrated.

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Disclosure: Steven Tenny declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Janelle Brannan declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Grace Brannan declares no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies.

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Conducting and Writing Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Edward barroga.

1 Department of Medical Education, Showa University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.

Glafera Janet Matanguihan

2 Department of Biological Sciences, Messiah University, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA.

Atsuko Furuta

Makiko arima, shizuma tsuchiya, chikako kawahara, yusuke takamiya.

Comprehensive knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research systematizes scholarly research and enhances the quality of research output. Scientific researchers must be familiar with them and skilled to conduct their investigation within the frames of their chosen research type. When conducting quantitative research, scientific researchers should describe an existing theory, generate a hypothesis from the theory, test their hypothesis in novel research, and re-evaluate the theory. Thereafter, they should take a deductive approach in writing the testing of the established theory based on experiments. When conducting qualitative research, scientific researchers raise a question, answer the question by performing a novel study, and propose a new theory to clarify and interpret the obtained results. After which, they should take an inductive approach to writing the formulation of concepts based on collected data. When scientific researchers combine the whole spectrum of inductive and deductive research approaches using both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, they apply mixed-method research. Familiarity and proficiency with these research aspects facilitate the construction of novel hypotheses, development of theories, or refinement of concepts.

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Novel research studies are conceptualized by scientific researchers first by asking excellent research questions and developing hypotheses, then answering these questions by testing their hypotheses in ethical research. 1 , 2 , 3 Before they conduct novel research studies, scientific researchers must possess considerable knowledge of both quantitative and qualitative research. 2

In quantitative research, researchers describe existing theories, generate and test a hypothesis in novel research, and re-evaluate existing theories deductively based on their experimental results. 1 , 4 , 5 In qualitative research, scientific researchers raise and answer research questions by performing a novel study, then propose new theories by clarifying their results inductively. 1 , 6


When researchers have a limited knowledge of both research types and how to conduct them, this can result in substandard investigation. Researchers must be familiar with both types of research and skilled to conduct their investigations within the frames of their chosen type of research. Thus, meticulous care is needed when planning quantitative and qualitative research studies to avoid unethical research and poor outcomes.

Understanding the methodological and writing assumptions 7 , 8 underpinning quantitative and qualitative research, especially by non-Anglophone researchers, is essential for their successful conduct. Scientific researchers, especially in the academe, face pressure to publish in international journals 9 where English is the language of scientific communication. 10 , 11 In particular, non-Anglophone researchers face challenges related to linguistic, stylistic, and discourse differences. 11 , 12 Knowing the assumptions of the different types of research will help clarify research questions and methodologies, easing the challenge and help.


To identify articles relevant to this topic, we adhered to the search strategy recommended by Gasparyan et al. 7 We searched through PubMed, Scopus, Directory of Open Access Journals, and Google Scholar databases using the following keywords: quantitative research, qualitative research, mixed-method research, deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, study design, descriptive research, correlational research, experimental research, causal-comparative research, quasi-experimental research, historical research, ethnographic research, meta-analysis, narrative research, grounded theory, phenomenology, case study, and field research.


This article aims to provide a comparative appraisal of qualitative and quantitative research for scientific researchers. At present, there is still a need to define the scope of qualitative research, especially its essential elements. 13 Consensus on the critical appraisal tools to assess the methodological quality of qualitative research remains lacking. 14 Framing and testing research questions can be challenging in qualitative research. 2 In the healthcare system, it is essential that research questions address increasingly complex situations. Therefore, research has to be driven by the kinds of questions asked and the corresponding methodologies to answer these questions. 15 The mixed-method approach also needs to be clarified as this would appear to arise from different philosophical underpinnings. 16

This article also aims to discuss how particular types of research should be conducted and how they should be written in adherence to international standards. In the US, Europe, and other countries, responsible research and innovation was conceptualized and promoted with six key action points: engagement, gender equality, science education, open access, ethics and governance. 17 , 18 International ethics standards in research 19 as well as academic integrity during doctoral trainings are now integral to the research process. 20


This article would be beneficial for researchers in further enhancing their understanding of the theoretical, methodological, and writing aspects of qualitative and quantitative research, and their combination.

Moreover, this article reviews the basic features of both research types and overviews the rationale for their conduct. It imparts information on the most common forms of quantitative and qualitative research, and how they are carried out. These aspects would be helpful for selecting the optimal methodology to use for research based on the researcher’s objectives and topic.

This article also provides information on the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative and qualitative research. Such information would help researchers appreciate the roles and applications of both research types and how to gain from each or their combination. As different research questions require different types of research and analyses, this article is anticipated to assist researchers better recognize the questions answered by quantitative and qualitative research.

Finally, this article would help researchers to have a balanced perspective of qualitative and quantitative research without considering one as superior to the other.


Research can be classified into two general types, quantitative and qualitative. 21 Both types of research entail writing a research question and developing a hypothesis. 22 Quantitative research involves a deductive approach to prove or disprove the hypothesis that was developed, whereas qualitative research involves an inductive approach to create a hypothesis. 23 , 24 , 25 , 26

In quantitative research, the hypothesis is stated before testing. In qualitative research, the hypothesis is developed through inductive reasoning based on the data collected. 27 , 28 For types of data and their analysis, qualitative research usually includes data in the form of words instead of numbers more commonly used in quantitative research. 29

Quantitative research usually includes descriptive, correlational, causal-comparative / quasi-experimental, and experimental research. 21 On the other hand, qualitative research usually encompasses historical, ethnographic, meta-analysis, narrative, grounded theory, phenomenology, case study, and field research. 23 , 25 , 28 , 30 A summary of the features, writing approach, and examples of published articles for each type of qualitative and quantitative research is shown in Table 1 . 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43

ResearchTypeMethodology featureResearch writing pointersExample of published article
QuantitativeDescriptive researchDescribes status of identified variable to provide systematic information about phenomenonExplain how a situation, sample, or variable was examined or observed as it occurred without investigator interferenceÖstlund AS, Kristofferzon ML, Häggström E, Wadensten B. Primary care nurses’ performance in motivational interviewing: a quantitative descriptive study. 2015;16(1):89.
Correlational researchDetermines and interprets extent of relationship between two or more variables using statistical dataDescribe the establishment of reliability and validity, converging evidence, relationships, and predictions based on statistical dataDíaz-García O, Herranz Aguayo I, Fernández de Castro P, Ramos JL. Lifestyles of Spanish elders from supervened SARS-CoV-2 variant onwards: A correlational research on life satisfaction and social-relational praxes. 2022;13:948745.
Causal-comparative/Quasi-experimental researchEstablishes cause-effect relationships among variablesWrite about comparisons of the identified control groups exposed to the treatment variable with unexposed groups : Sharma MK, Adhikari R. Effect of school water, sanitation, and hygiene on health status among basic level students in Nepal. Environ Health Insights 2022;16:11786302221095030.
Uses non-randomly assigned groups where it is not logically feasible to conduct a randomized controlled trialProvide clear descriptions of the causes determined after making data analyses and conclusions, and known and unknown variables that could potentially affect the outcome
[The study applies a causal-comparative research design]
: Tuna F, Tunçer B, Can HB, Süt N, Tuna H. Immediate effect of Kinesio taping® on deep cervical flexor endurance: a non-controlled, quasi-experimental pre-post quantitative study. 2022;40(6):528-35.
Experimental researchEstablishes cause-effect relationship among group of variables making up a study using scientific methodDescribe how an independent variable was manipulated to determine its effects on dependent variablesHyun C, Kim K, Lee S, Lee HH, Lee J. Quantitative evaluation of the consciousness level of patients in a vegetative state using virtual reality and an eye-tracking system: a single-case experimental design study. 2022;32(10):2628-45.
Explain the random assignments of subjects to experimental treatments
QualitativeHistorical researchDescribes past events, problems, issues, and factsWrite the research based on historical reportsSilva Lima R, Silva MA, de Andrade LS, Mello MA, Goncalves MF. Construction of professional identity in nursing students: qualitative research from the historical-cultural perspective. 2020;28:e3284.
Ethnographic researchDevelops in-depth analytical descriptions of current systems, processes, and phenomena or understandings of shared beliefs and practices of groups or cultureCompose a detailed report of the interpreted dataGammeltoft TM, Huyền Diệu BT, Kim Dung VT, Đức Anh V, Minh Hiếu L, Thị Ái N. Existential vulnerability: an ethnographic study of everyday lives with diabetes in Vietnam. 2022;29(3):271-88.
Meta-analysisAccumulates experimental and correlational results across independent studies using statistical methodSpecify the topic, follow reporting guidelines, describe the inclusion criteria, identify key variables, explain the systematic search of databases, and detail the data extractionOeljeklaus L, Schmid HL, Kornfeld Z, Hornberg C, Norra C, Zerbe S, et al. Therapeutic landscapes and psychiatric care facilities: a qualitative meta-analysis. 2022;19(3):1490.
Narrative researchStudies an individual and gathers data by collecting stories for constructing a narrative about the individual’s experiences and their meaningsWrite an in-depth narration of events or situations focused on the participantsAnderson H, Stocker R, Russell S, Robinson L, Hanratty B, Robinson L, et al. Identity construction in the very old: a qualitative narrative study. 2022;17(12):e0279098.
Grounded theoryEngages in inductive ground-up or bottom-up process of generating theory from dataWrite the research as a theory and a theoretical model.Amini R, Shahboulaghi FM, Tabrizi KN, Forouzan AS. Social participation among Iranian community-dwelling older adults: a grounded theory study. 2022;11(6):2311-9.
Describe data analysis procedure about theoretical coding for developing hypotheses based on what the participants say
PhenomenologyAttempts to understand subjects’ perspectivesWrite the research report by contextualizing and reporting the subjects’ experiencesGreen G, Sharon C, Gendler Y. The communication challenges and strength of nurses’ intensive corona care during the two first pandemic waves: a qualitative descriptive phenomenology study. 2022;10(5):837.
Case studyAnalyzes collected data by detailed identification of themes and development of narratives written as in-depth study of lessons from caseWrite the report as an in-depth study of possible lessons learned from the caseHorton A, Nugus P, Fortin MC, Landsberg D, Cantarovich M, Sandal S. Health system barriers and facilitators to living donor kidney transplantation: a qualitative case study in British Columbia. 2022;10(2):E348-56.
Field researchDirectly investigates and extensively observes social phenomenon in natural environment without implantation of controls or experimental conditionsDescribe the phenomenon under the natural environment over timeBuus N, Moensted M. Collectively learning to talk about personal concerns in a peer-led youth program: a field study of a community of practice. 2022;30(6):e4425-32.


Deductive approach.

The deductive approach is used to prove or disprove the hypothesis in quantitative research. 21 , 25 Using this approach, researchers 1) make observations about an unclear or new phenomenon, 2) investigate the current theory surrounding the phenomenon, and 3) hypothesize an explanation for the observations. Afterwards, researchers will 4) predict outcomes based on the hypotheses, 5) formulate a plan to test the prediction, and 6) collect and process the data (or revise the hypothesis if the original hypothesis was false). Finally, researchers will then 7) verify the results, 8) make the final conclusions, and 9) present and disseminate their findings ( Fig. 1A ).

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Types of quantitative research

The common types of quantitative research include (a) descriptive, (b) correlational, c) experimental research, and (d) causal-comparative/quasi-experimental. 21

Descriptive research is conducted and written by describing the status of an identified variable to provide systematic information about a phenomenon. A hypothesis is developed and tested after data collection, analysis, and synthesis. This type of research attempts to factually present comparisons and interpretations of findings based on analyses of the characteristics, progression, or relationships of a certain phenomenon by manipulating the employed variables or controlling the involved conditions. 44 Here, the researcher examines, observes, and describes a situation, sample, or variable as it occurs without investigator interference. 31 , 45 To be meaningful, the systematic collection of information requires careful selection of study units by precise measurement of individual variables 21 often expressed as ranges, means, frequencies, and/or percentages. 31 , 45 Descriptive statistical analysis using ANOVA, Student’s t -test, or the Pearson coefficient method has been used to analyze descriptive research data. 46

Correlational research is performed by determining and interpreting the extent of a relationship between two or more variables using statistical data. This involves recognizing data trends and patterns without necessarily proving their causes. The researcher studies only the data, relationships, and distributions of variables in a natural setting, but does not manipulate them. 21 , 45 Afterwards, the researcher establishes reliability and validity, provides converging evidence, describes relationship, and makes predictions. 47

Experimental research is usually referred to as true experimentation. The researcher establishes the cause-effect relationship among a group of variables making up a study using the scientific method or process. This type of research attempts to identify the causal relationships between variables through experiments by arbitrarily controlling the conditions or manipulating the variables used. 44 The scientific manuscript would include an explanation of how the independent variable was manipulated to determine its effects on the dependent variables. The write-up would also describe the random assignments of subjects to experimental treatments. 21

Causal-comparative/quasi-experimental research closely resembles true experimentation but is conducted by establishing the cause-effect relationships among variables. It may also be conducted to establish the cause or consequences of differences that already exist between, or among groups of individuals. 48 This type of research compares outcomes between the intervention groups in which participants are not randomized to their respective interventions because of ethics- or feasibility-related reasons. 49 As in true experiments, the researcher identifies and measures the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable. However, unlike true experiments, the researchers do not manipulate the independent variable.

In quasi-experimental research, naturally formed or pre-existing groups that are not randomly assigned are used, particularly when an ethical, randomized controlled trial is not feasible or logical. 50 The researcher identifies control groups as those which have been exposed to the treatment variable, and then compares these with the unexposed groups. The causes are determined and described after data analysis, after which conclusions are made. The known and unknown variables that could still affect the outcome are also included. 7


Inductive approach.

Qualitative research involves an inductive approach to develop a hypothesis. 21 , 25 Using this approach, researchers answer research questions and develop new theories, but they do not test hypotheses or previous theories. The researcher seldom examines the effectiveness of an intervention, but rather explores the perceptions, actions, and feelings of participants using interviews, content analysis, observations, or focus groups. 25 , 45 , 51

Distinctive features of qualitative research

Qualitative research seeks to elucidate about the lives of people, including their lived experiences, behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, personality characteristics, emotions, and feelings. 27 , 30 It also explores societal, organizational, and cultural issues. 30 This type of research provides a good story mimicking an adventure which results in a “thick” description that puts readers in the research setting. 52

The qualitative research questions are open-ended, evolving, and non-directional. 26 The research design is usually flexible and iterative, commonly employing purposive sampling. The sample size depends on theoretical saturation, and data is collected using in-depth interviews, focus groups, and observations. 27

In various instances, excellent qualitative research may offer insights that quantitative research cannot. Moreover, qualitative research approaches can describe the ‘lived experience’ perspectives of patients, practitioners, and the public. 53 Interestingly, recent developments have looked into the use of technology in shaping qualitative research protocol development, data collection, and analysis phases. 54

Qualitative research employs various techniques, including conversational and discourse analysis, biographies, interviews, case-studies, oral history, surveys, documentary and archival research, audiovisual analysis, and participant observations. 26

Conducting qualitative research

To conduct qualitative research, investigators 1) identify a general research question, 2) choose the main methods, sites, and subjects, and 3) determine methods of data documentation access to subjects. Researchers also 4) decide on the various aspects for collecting data (e.g., questions, behaviors to observe, issues to look for in documents, how much (number of questions, interviews, or observations), 5) clarify researchers’ roles, and 6) evaluate the study’s ethical implications in terms of confidentiality and sensitivity. Afterwards, researchers 7) collect data until saturation, 8) interpret data by identifying concepts and theories, and 9) revise the research question if necessary and form hypotheses. In the final stages of the research, investigators 10) collect and verify data to address revisions, 11) complete the conceptual and theoretical framework to finalize their findings, and 12) present and disseminate findings ( Fig. 1B ).

Types of qualitative research

The different types of qualitative research include (a) historical research, (b) ethnographic research, (c) meta-analysis, (d) narrative research, (e) grounded theory, (f) phenomenology, (g) case study, and (h) field research. 23 , 25 , 28 , 30

Historical research is conducted by describing past events, problems, issues, and facts. The researcher gathers data from written or oral descriptions of past events and attempts to recreate the past without interpreting the events and their influence on the present. 6 Data is collected using documents, interviews, and surveys. 55 The researcher analyzes these data by describing the development of events and writes the research based on historical reports. 2

Ethnographic research is performed by observing everyday life details as they naturally unfold. 2 It can also be conducted by developing in-depth analytical descriptions of current systems, processes, and phenomena or by understanding the shared beliefs and practices of a particular group or culture. 21 The researcher collects extensive narrative non-numerical data based on many variables over an extended period, in a natural setting within a specific context. To do this, the researcher uses interviews, observations, and active participation. These data are analyzed by describing and interpreting them and developing themes. A detailed report of the interpreted data is then provided. 2 The researcher immerses himself/herself into the study population and describes the actions, behaviors, and events from the perspective of someone involved in the population. 23 As examples of its application, ethnographic research has helped to understand a cultural model of family and community nursing during the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak. 56 It has also been used to observe the organization of people’s environment in relation to cardiovascular disease management in order to clarify people’s real expectations during follow-up consultations, possibly contributing to the development of innovative solutions in care practices. 57

Meta-analysis is carried out by accumulating experimental and correlational results across independent studies using a statistical method. 21 The report is written by specifying the topic and meta-analysis type. In the write-up, reporting guidelines are followed, which include description of inclusion criteria and key variables, explanation of the systematic search of databases, and details of data extraction. Meta-analysis offers in-depth data gathering and analysis to achieve deeper inner reflection and phenomenon examination. 58

Narrative research is performed by collecting stories for constructing a narrative about an individual’s experiences and the meanings attributed to them by the individual. 9 It aims to hear the voice of individuals through their account or experiences. 17 The researcher usually conducts interviews and analyzes data by storytelling, content review, and theme development. The report is written as an in-depth narration of events or situations focused on the participants. 2 , 59 Narrative research weaves together sequential events from one or two individuals to create a “thick” description of a cohesive story or narrative. 23 It facilitates understanding of individuals’ lives based on their own actions and interpretations. 60

Grounded theory is conducted by engaging in an inductive ground-up or bottom-up strategy of generating a theory from data. 24 The researcher incorporates deductive reasoning when using constant comparisons. Patterns are detected in observations and then a working hypothesis is created which directs the progression of inquiry. The researcher collects data using interviews and questionnaires. These data are analyzed by coding the data, categorizing themes, and describing implications. The research is written as a theory and theoretical models. 2 In the write-up, the researcher describes the data analysis procedure (i.e., theoretical coding used) for developing hypotheses based on what the participants say. 61 As an example, a qualitative approach has been used to understand the process of skill development of a nurse preceptor in clinical teaching. 62 A researcher can also develop a theory using the grounded theory approach to explain the phenomena of interest by observing a population. 23

Phenomenology is carried out by attempting to understand the subjects’ perspectives. This approach is pertinent in social work research where empathy and perspective are keys to success. 21 Phenomenology studies an individual’s lived experience in the world. 63 The researcher collects data by interviews, observations, and surveys. 16 These data are analyzed by describing experiences, examining meanings, and developing themes. The researcher writes the report by contextualizing and reporting the subjects’ experience. This research approach describes and explains an event or phenomenon from the perspective of those who have experienced it. 23 Phenomenology understands the participants’ experiences as conditioned by their worldviews. 52 It is suitable for a deeper understanding of non-measurable aspects related to the meanings and senses attributed by individuals’ lived experiences. 60

Case study is conducted by collecting data through interviews, observations, document content examination, and physical inspections. The researcher analyzes the data through a detailed identification of themes and the development of narratives. The report is written as an in-depth study of possible lessons learned from the case. 2

Field research is performed using a group of methodologies for undertaking qualitative inquiries. The researcher goes directly to the social phenomenon being studied and observes it extensively. In the write-up, the researcher describes the phenomenon under the natural environment over time with no implantation of controls or experimental conditions. 45


Scientific researchers must be aware of the differences between quantitative and qualitative research in terms of their working mechanisms to better understand their specific applications. This knowledge will be of significant benefit to researchers, especially during the planning process, to ensure that the appropriate type of research is undertaken to fulfill the research aims.

In terms of quantitative research data evaluation, four well-established criteria are used: internal validity, external validity, reliability, and objectivity. 23 The respective correlating concepts in qualitative research data evaluation are credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. 30 Regarding write-up, quantitative research papers are usually shorter than their qualitative counterparts, which allows the latter to pursue a deeper understanding and thus producing the so-called “thick” description. 29

Interestingly, a major characteristic of qualitative research is that the research process is reversible and the research methods can be modified. This is in contrast to quantitative research in which hypothesis setting and testing take place unidirectionally. This means that in qualitative research, the research topic and question may change during literature analysis, and that the theoretical and analytical methods could be altered during data collection. 44

Quantitative research focuses on natural, quantitative, and objective phenomena, whereas qualitative research focuses on social, qualitative, and subjective phenomena. 26 Quantitative research answers the questions “what?” and “when?,” whereas qualitative research answers the questions “why?,” “how?,” and “how come?.” 64

Perhaps the most important distinction between quantitative and qualitative research lies in the nature of the data being investigated and analyzed. Quantitative research focuses on statistical, numerical, and quantitative aspects of phenomena, and employ the same data collection and analysis, whereas qualitative research focuses on the humanistic, descriptive, and qualitative aspects of phenomena. 26 , 28

Structured versus unstructured processes

The aims and types of inquiries determine the difference between quantitative and qualitative research. In quantitative research, statistical data and a structured process are usually employed by the researcher. Quantitative research usually suggests quantities (i.e., numbers). 65 On the other hand, researchers typically use opinions, reasons, verbal statements, and an unstructured process in qualitative research. 63 Qualitative research is more related to quality or kind. 65

In quantitative research, the researcher employs a structured process for collecting quantifiable data. Often, a close-ended questionnaire is used wherein the response categories for each question are designed in which values can be assigned and analyzed quantitatively using a common scale. 66 Quantitative research data is processed consecutively from data management, then data analysis, and finally to data interpretation. Data should be free from errors and missing values. In data management, variables are defined and coded. In data analysis, statistics (e.g., descriptive, inferential) as well as central tendency (i.e., mean, median, mode), spread (standard deviation), and parameter estimation (confidence intervals) measures are used. 67

In qualitative research, the researcher uses an unstructured process for collecting data. These non-statistical data may be in the form of statements, stories, or long explanations. Various responses according to respondents may not be easily quantified using a common scale. 66

Composing a qualitative research paper resembles writing a quantitative research paper. Both papers consist of a title, an abstract, an introduction, objectives, methods, findings, and discussion. However, a qualitative research paper is less regimented than a quantitative research paper. 27

Quantitative research as a deductive hypothesis-testing design

Quantitative research can be considered as a hypothesis-testing design as it involves quantification, statistics, and explanations. It flows from theory to data (i.e., deductive), focuses on objective data, and applies theories to address problems. 45 , 68 It collects numerical or statistical data; answers questions such as how many, how often, how much; uses questionnaires, structured interview schedules, or surveys 55 as data collection tools; analyzes quantitative data in terms of percentages, frequencies, statistical comparisons, graphs, and tables showing statistical values; and reports the final findings in the form of statistical information. 66 It uses variable-based models from individual cases and findings are stated in quantified sentences derived by deductive reasoning. 24

In quantitative research, a phenomenon is investigated in terms of the relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable which are numerically measurable. The research objective is to statistically test whether the hypothesized relationship is true. 68 Here, the researcher studies what others have performed, examines current theories of the phenomenon being investigated, and then tests hypotheses that emerge from those theories. 4

Quantitative hypothesis-testing research has certain limitations. These limitations include (a) problems with selection of meaningful independent and dependent variables, (b) the inability to reflect subjective experiences as variables since variables are usually defined numerically, and (c) the need to state a hypothesis before the investigation starts. 61

Qualitative research as an inductive hypothesis-generating design

Qualitative research can be considered as a hypothesis-generating design since it involves understanding and descriptions in terms of context. It flows from data to theory (i.e., inductive), focuses on observation, and examines what happens in specific situations with the aim of developing new theories based on the situation. 45 , 68 This type of research (a) collects qualitative data (e.g., ideas, statements, reasons, characteristics, qualities), (b) answers questions such as what, why, and how, (c) uses interviews, observations, or focused-group discussions as data collection tools, (d) analyzes data by discovering patterns of changes, causal relationships, or themes in the data; and (e) reports the final findings as descriptive information. 61 Qualitative research favors case-based models from individual characteristics, and findings are stated using context-dependent existential sentences that are justifiable by inductive reasoning. 24

In qualitative research, texts and interviews are analyzed and interpreted to discover meaningful patterns characteristic of a particular phenomenon. 61 Here, the researcher starts with a set of observations and then moves from particular experiences to a more general set of propositions about those experiences. 4

Qualitative hypothesis-generating research involves collecting interview data from study participants regarding a phenomenon of interest, and then using what they say to develop hypotheses. It involves the process of questioning more than obtaining measurements; it generates hypotheses using theoretical coding. 61 When using large interview teams, the key to promoting high-level qualitative research and cohesion in large team methods and successful research outcomes is the balance between autonomy and collaboration. 69

Qualitative data may also include observed behavior, participant observation, media accounts, and cultural artifacts. 61 Focus group interviews are usually conducted, audiotaped or videotaped, and transcribed. Afterwards, the transcript is analyzed by several researchers.

Qualitative research also involves scientific narratives and the analysis and interpretation of textual or numerical data (or both), mostly from conversations and discussions. Such approach uncovers meaningful patterns that describe a particular phenomenon. 2 Thus, qualitative research requires skills in grasping and contextualizing data, as well as communicating data analysis and results in a scientific manner. The reflective process of the inquiry underscores the strengths of a qualitative research approach. 2

Combination of quantitative and qualitative research

When both quantitative and qualitative research methods are used in the same research, mixed-method research is applied. 25 This combination provides a complete view of the research problem and achieves triangulation to corroborate findings, complementarity to clarify results, expansion to extend the study’s breadth, and explanation to elucidate unexpected results. 29

Moreover, quantitative and qualitative findings are integrated to address the weakness of both research methods 29 , 66 and to have a more comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon spectrum. 66

For data analysis in mixed-method research, real non-quantitized qualitative data and quantitative data must both be analyzed. 70 The data obtained from quantitative analysis can be further expanded and deepened by qualitative analysis. 23

In terms of assessment criteria, Hammersley 71 opined that qualitative and quantitative findings should be judged using the same standards of validity and value-relevance. Both approaches can be mutually supportive. 52

Quantitative and qualitative research must be carefully studied and conducted by scientific researchers to avoid unethical research and inadequate outcomes. Quantitative research involves a deductive process wherein a research question is answered with a hypothesis that describes the relationship between independent and dependent variables, and the testing of the hypothesis. This investigation can be aptly termed as hypothesis-testing research involving the analysis of hypothesis-driven experimental studies resulting in a test of significance. Qualitative research involves an inductive process wherein a research question is explored to generate a hypothesis, which then leads to the development of a theory. This investigation can be aptly termed as hypothesis-generating research. When the whole spectrum of inductive and deductive research approaches is combined using both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, mixed-method research is applied, and this can facilitate the construction of novel hypotheses, development of theories, or refinement of concepts.

Disclosure: The authors have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

Author Contributions:

  • Conceptualization: Barroga E, Matanguihan GJ.
  • Data curation: Barroga E, Matanguihan GJ, Furuta A, Arima M, Tsuchiya S, Kawahara C, Takamiya Y, Izumi M.
  • Formal analysis: Barroga E, Matanguihan GJ, Furuta A, Arima M, Tsuchiya S, Kawahara C.
  • Investigation: Barroga E, Matanguihan GJ, Takamiya Y, Izumi M.
  • Methodology: Barroga E, Matanguihan GJ, Furuta A, Arima M, Tsuchiya S, Kawahara C, Takamiya Y, Izumi M.
  • Project administration: Barroga E, Matanguihan GJ.
  • Resources: Barroga E, Matanguihan GJ, Furuta A, Arima M, Tsuchiya S, Kawahara C, Takamiya Y, Izumi M.
  • Supervision: Barroga E.
  • Validation: Barroga E, Matanguihan GJ, Furuta A, Arima M, Tsuchiya S, Kawahara C, Takamiya Y, Izumi M.
  • Visualization: Barroga E, Matanguihan GJ.
  • Writing - original draft: Barroga E, Matanguihan GJ.
  • Writing - review & editing: Barroga E, Matanguihan GJ, Furuta A, Arima M, Tsuchiya S, Kawahara C, Takamiya Y, Izumi M.


  1. Publications

    qualitative research have hypothesis

  2. Publications

    qualitative research have hypothesis

  3. Qualitative Research Example Of Hypothesis In Research Paper / Research

    qualitative research have hypothesis

  4. Research Hypothesis: Definition, Types, Examples and Quick Tips (2022)

    qualitative research have hypothesis

  5. Publications

    qualitative research have hypothesis

  6. How to Write a Hypothesis

    qualitative research have hypothesis


  1. Concept of Hypothesis

  2. What Is A Hypothesis?

  3. 10 Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research (With Table)

  4. Hypothesis Tests for Population Proportion P, percentage (sect9.4)

  5. The Difference Between Research Question and Hypothesis

  6. Deductive qualitative research procedure


  1. A Practical Guide to Writing Quantitative and Qualitative Research Questions and Hypotheses in Scholarly Articles

    Unlike in quantitative research where hypotheses are usually developed to be tested, qualitative research can lead to both hypothesis-testing and hypothesis-generating outcomes.2 When studies require both quantitative and qualitative research questions, this suggests an integrative process between both research methods wherein a single mixed ...

  2. How to Determine the Hypothesis in a Qualitative Study?

    First, stating a prior hypothesis that is to be tested deductively is quite rare in qualitative research. One way this can be done is to divide the the total set of participants into so ...

  3. PDF Research Questions and Hypotheses

    research questions remain fixed throughout the study. Use open-ended questions without reference to the literature or theory unless otherwise indicated by a qualitative strategy of inquiry. Specify the participants and the research sitefor the study, if the infor-mation has not yet been given. Here is a script for a qualitative central question:

  4. Planning Qualitative Research: Design and Decision Making for New

    While many books and articles guide various qualitative research methods and analyses, there is currently no concise resource that explains and differentiates among the most common qualitative approaches. We believe novice qualitative researchers, students planning the design of a qualitative study or taking an introductory qualitative research course, and faculty teaching such courses can ...

  5. Qualitative Study

    Qualitative research is a type of research that explores and provides deeper insights into real-world problems.[1] Instead of collecting numerical data points or intervening or introducing treatments just like in quantitative research, qualitative research helps generate hypothenar to further investigate and understand quantitative data. Qualitative research gathers participants' experiences ...

  6. What Is Qualitative Research? An Overview and Guidelines

    Through a critical lens and the power of synthesis, 2 this guide navigates the complexities of qualitative research to provide a clear and structured pathway from conceptualization to implementation. This guide underscores the importance, necessity, and relevance of qualitative methods in addressing real-world issues, and emphasizes the urgency of equipping the next generation of researchers ...

  7. What Is Qualitative Research?

    Qualitative research methods. Each of the research approaches involve using one or more data collection methods.These are some of the most common qualitative methods: Observations: recording what you have seen, heard, or encountered in detailed field notes. Interviews: personally asking people questions in one-on-one conversations. Focus groups: asking questions and generating discussion among ...

  8. Chapter 1. Introduction

    Although qualitative research studies can and often do change and develop over the course of data collection, it is important to have a good idea of what the aims and goals of your study are at the outset and a good plan of how to achieve those aims and goals. Chapter 2 provides a road map of the process.

  9. Publications

    Every research starts with the identification of a problem. In qualitative research, a hypothesis is used in the form of a clear statement concerning the problem to be investigated. Unlike in quantitative research, where hypotheses are only developed to be tested, qualitative research can lead to hypothesis-testing and hypothesis-generating ...

  10. Criteria for Good Qualitative Research: A Comprehensive Review

    Fundamental Criteria: General Research Quality. Various researchers have put forward criteria for evaluating qualitative research, which have been summarized in Table 3.Also, the criteria outlined in Table 4 effectively deliver the various approaches to evaluate and assess the quality of qualitative work. The entries in Table 4 are based on Tracy's "Eight big‐tent criteria for excellent ...

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    In addition, he introduced a negative case and discussed the null hypothesis (1963:44). His phasic career model is thus based on a research design that embraces processual work. ... We have defined qualitative research, or qualitative scientific work, in relation to quantitative scientific work. Given this definition, qualitative research is ...

  12. 7.4 Qualitative Research

    One approach to combining quantitative and qualitative research is to use qualitative research for hypothesis generation and quantitative research for hypothesis testing. Again, while a qualitative study might suggest that families who experience an unexpected suicide have more difficulty resolving the question of why, a well-designed ...

  13. PDF Visually Hypothesising in Scientific Paper Writing: Confirming and

    in qualitative research. Based on its objective of creating an understanding of qualitative research to provide guidelines on how qualitative researchers can use (include formulate, write and test) hypotheses, this study uses the evidence available in the literature to explore and present arguments in support of hypothesis-driven qualitative ...

  14. Qualitative Research: Your Ultimate Guide

    At the end of the qualitative research, the researcher may have a completely different hypothesis, based on evidence and inquiry, as well as the initial question. Ethnographic research : Ethnographic research is where researchers embed themselves into the environment of the participant or group in order to understand the culture and context of ...

  15. How to Write a Strong Hypothesis

    5. Phrase your hypothesis in three ways. To identify the variables, you can write a simple prediction in if…then form. The first part of the sentence states the independent variable and the second part states the dependent variable. If a first-year student starts attending more lectures, then their exam scores will improve.

  16. Qualitative Research: Model and Hypotheses Refinement

    Qualitative research is a means to focus on people's perceptions and meanings in order to explore and understand unknown and complex phenomena in depth and detail (Ticehurst and Veal, 1999, Creswell, 2009). Hence, it has been considered as particularly valuable for the exploration of situations, behaviours or activities (Carson et al., 2001 ...

  17. Qualitative Methods in Health Care Research

    Significance of Qualitative Research. The qualitative method of inquiry examines the 'how' and 'why' of decision making, rather than the 'when,' 'what,' and 'where.'[] Unlike quantitative methods, the objective of qualitative inquiry is to explore, narrate, and explain the phenomena and make sense of the complex reality.Health interventions, explanatory health models, and medical-social ...

  18. The Central Role of Theory in Qualitative Research

    The use of theory in science is an ongoing debate in the production of knowledge. Related to qualitative research methods, a variety of approaches have been set forth in the literature using the terms conceptual framework, theoretical framework, paradigm, and epistemology.

  19. PDF Introduction to Qualitative Research

    Qualitative Research Tends To: ! Answer research questions rather than test a hypothesis. ! Seldom look at the effectiveness of an intervention. ! Examine the perceptions, actions, and feelings of participants. ! Obtained detailed information from interviews, content analysis, or observations. 8

  20. Qualities of Qualitative Research: Part I

    Theory and Methodology. Good research follows from a reasonable starting point, a theoretical concept or perspective. Quantitative research uses a positivist perspective in which evidence is objectively and systematically obtained to prove a causal model or hypothesis; what works is the focus. 3 Alternatively, qualitative approaches focus on how and why something works, to build understanding ...

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    This study stems from an international project with the mission of providing innovative didactic orientations to guide the logic of scientific research (research practice) and the logic of scientific text (scientific writing), specifying concrete routes for reflection and action (Deroncele-Acosta, 2022).Given this, especially for the guidance of research at the master's and doctoral level ...

  22. Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

    Quantitative. Quantitative research is used to test or confirm a hypothesis. Qualitative research usually informs quantitative. You need to have enough understanding about a topic in order to develop a hypothesis you can test. Since quantitative research is highly structured, you first need to understand what the parameters are and how variable ...

  23. Qualitative Study

    Qualitative research gathers participants' experiences, perceptions, and behavior. It answers the hows and whys instead of how many or how much. It could be structured as a standalone study, purely relying on qualitative data, or part of mixed-methods research that combines qualitative and quantitative data. This review introduces the readers ...

  24. Conducting and Writing Quantitative and Qualitative Research

    In quantitative research, the hypothesis is stated before testing. In qualitative research, the hypothesis is developed through inductive reasoning based on the data collected.27,28 For types of data and their analysis, qualitative research usually includes data in the form of words instead of numbers more commonly used in quantitative research.29