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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, how to express intellectual curiosity in college essays.

I want to write a college essay that highlights my intellectual curiosity and love for learning. Can anyone share some examples or tips on how to write an engaging essay on this topic? I'm a little stressed about getting this right, thanks!

While it is understandable that you want to showcase your intellectual curiosity in your college essay, it's important to choose a specific story or experience that best represents this aspect of your personality. Many college applicants would consider themselves intellectually curious, so it's crucial that your story is personal and detailed enough to show what makes your curiosity distinct. Here are a few tips and examples to guide you in writing an engaging essay on this topic:

1. Focus on a specific experience or realization: Rather than trying to cover every single instance where you've exhibited intellectual curiosity, choose one particular event, realization, or even a project that sparked your interest and led you to dive deeper into a subject. Use this experience as the focal point of your essay, and demonstrate how it showcases your innate love for learning.

Example: You encounter a challenging math problem that you are unable to solve initially, but rather than giving up, you devote your time and energy to working it out and advancing your math skills.

2. Show, don't tell: As with any essay, it's essential that you use vivid, descriptive language and anecdotes to show your intellectual curiosity, rather than simply stating that you have a desire for knowledge. Explain the process of learning or exploration, and describe the emotions you experienced as you pursued your interests.

Example: Describe the late nights spent reading research papers or attending seminars, the joy of uncovering a new concept, or the frustration of encountering an unfamiliar theorem and how you overcame it.

3. Discuss the impact and personal growth: To illustrate the broader importance of your intellectual curiosity, explain how your passion for learning has influenced your life and personal growth. Focus on the skills you've developed or the lessons you've learned, and make connections to your goals and aspirations for college - admissions officers need to understand why this story is relevant to understanding what kind of college student you'll be.

Example: By immersing yourself in independent research on a scientific topic that fascinates you, you discovered a potential career path or academic interest that you might otherwise not have considered, inspiring you to pursue advanced studies in that field.

Finally, consider either taking advantage of CollegeVine's Free Peer Essay Review Tool or submitting your essay for a paid review by an expert college admissions advisor through CollegeVine's marketplace. Sometimes, getting a more objective set of eyes on your essay is just the thing that takes it from good to great.

Remember, overall your college essay is an opportunity to showcase who you are as an individual, beyond test scores and grades. By providing specific examples and anecdotes, and relating your intellectual curiosity to your personal growth and future college experience, you can create an engaging essay that leaves a lasting impression on admissions officers.

Happy writing!

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How to Show Intellectual Curiosity on Your Top College Application

How to Show Intellectual Curiosity on Your Top College Application

Imagine an admissions officer sifting through a mountain of applications. Her eyes are scanning for that elusive spark that sets certain candidates apart. What exactly is she looking for? Intellectual curiosity.

But what exactly does it mean to be intellectually curious? Why is it so highly prized by admissions officers? And how can you showcase this coveted trait on your college application? Join us as we explore intellectual curiosity and give you effective strategies for showcasing it to top colleges.

What is Intellectual Curiosity?

The phrase “intellectual curiosity” is sprinkled throughout the admissions websites of top universities like the Ivy League, Stanford, and MIT. Princeton says, “We look for students with intellectual curiosity, who have pursued and achieved academic excellence.” And Northwestern states, “Students who are passionate, intellectually curious, and academically driven fit into the idea of Northwestern."

But what exactly does it mean to be intellectually curious, and why is it so highly prized by admissions officers?

Intellectual curiosity isn’t just a trait; it's a mindset. It's a drive to understand the world around us. It's about asking questions and thinking critically to deepen our understanding of various subjects.

In the words of Crimson Strategy Consultant Tze Kwang Teo, “The heart of intellectual curiosity lies not at the activity arising from the curiosity, but with the attitude and self-motivation. It goes beyond pages in a textbook, beyond the confines of a classroom, beyond subject silos.” 

Another way to think about it: learning can start with a textbook but should never end with it.

Why is Intellectual Curiosity Important in the College Admissions Process?

Admissions officers at elite universities don't just look at test scores and GPAs. They seek students who show a genuine hunger for knowledge. Why? Because intellectual curiosity is a strong indicator of a student's potential for academic success and their ability to contribute meaningfully to campus life. 

Students who show intellectual curiosity are not just passive learners. They don’t do it for the sake of good grades. They actively engage with their studies and seek out opportunities for intellectual growth. They are the ones who will enliven classroom discussions, challenge conventional wisdom, and push the boundaries of knowledge.

On a college application, intellectual curiosity transforms a candidate from a set of high scores to a multi-dimensional asset to the campus.

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Admissions Officers’ Expectations of Intellectual Curiosity

So why do colleges place such a premium on intellectual curiosity? They understand that a vibrant learning community thrives on the exchange of ideas, perspectives, and experiences.

By admitting intellectually curious students, colleges create an environment where creativity thrives and critical thinking skills are honed.

Colleges are in the business of nurturing the next generation of leaders, innovators, and change-makers. Intellectual curiosity prepares students to tackle the complex challenges of the future.

We urge you not to think of intellectual curiosity as a box to tick on your college application. Rather, let it shape your approach to learning, problem-solving, and engaging with the world. And if the idea of intellectual curiosity sounds boring or strange to you, then a top university might not be your ideal destination!

As you embark on your journey to an elite college, remember to cultivate your intellectual curiosity for its own sake — it just might be the key that unlocks the doors to your dream school.

Ideas for Demonstrating Intellectual Curiosity

So, you’ve determined that you’re intellectually curious. How do you showcase that on your college application? Admissions officers want to see how you've pursued knowledge and engaged with ideas both in and out of traditional academic settings.

The key is to actively pursue ideas and topics that interest you. In doing so, intellectual curiosity will propel you towards rewarding experiences.

Here are 48 strategies for demonstrating your intellectual curiosity and passion for learning:

  • Enroll in advanced placement (AP) or honors courses in subjects that interest you.
  • Take on additional coursework or independent study projects outside of the regular curriculum.
  • Participate actively in class discussions and ask insightful questions.
  • Write a letter to the editor at a local or even national publication.
  • Pursue dual enrollment or college-level courses to challenge yourself academically.
  • Conduct original research under the guidance of a mentor or faculty member. (Check out Indigo Research to ​​get research mentorship from top professors and PhD teaching fellows to transform your academic passion into publishable research!)
  • Take part in academic competitions such as Science Olympiad, MathCounts, or Model UN.
  • Attend lectures, seminars, or workshops on topics of interest outside of regular coursework.
  • Seek out internships or job shadowing opportunities in fields related to your academic interests.
  • Collaborate with peers on group projects or study groups to deepen your understanding of course material.
  • If you enjoy learning languages, take proficiency exams.

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Extracurricular Activities

  • Join clubs or organizations related to your academic interests, such as robotics club, debate team, or environmental club.
  • Start a club or initiative focused on a niche area of study or social issue.
  • Plan and execute an independent capstone project in an area of interest.
  • If you enjoy reading and discussing books, launch your own book club.
  • Volunteer for community organizations that align with your intellectual passions.
  • Participate in cultural or language immersion programs to broaden your perspective.
  • Engage in creative pursuits such as writing, painting, or music composition.
  • Take on leadership roles within extracurricular activities to demonstrate initiative and organizational skills.
  • Attend conferences, symposiums, or conventions relevant to your academic interests.
  • Volunteer as a tutor or mentor to share your knowledge with others.
  • Participate in hands-on projects such as building a robot, designing an app, or conducting a scientific experiment.
  • Seek out opportunities for outdoor exploration and experiential learning, such as hiking, camping, or nature photography.
  • Read books and listen to podcast s about your academic interests — you never know when inspiration will strike.
  • Start a publication like a blog or podcast on a particular theme.
  • Learn a new skill or subject and document your progress with a blog, podcast, social media account, or Youtube channel.

Essays and Personal Statements

Your application essays are an opportunity to speak directly to admissions officers and showcase qualities like critical thinking, growth, and reflection. Here are some ways your writing could showcase intellectual curiosity.

  • Reflect on a formative academic experience and how it shaped your intellectual journey.
  • Share a moment of intellectual curiosity or discovery that inspired you to pursue a particular field of study.
  • Discuss a challenging academic project or research endeavor you undertook and what you learned from the process.
  • Write about a book, article, or piece of art that profoundly influenced your thinking.
  • Explore a controversial or complex issue from multiple perspectives in your essay.
  • Highlight instances where you sought out opportunities for intellectual growth and self-directed learning.
  • Use vivid storytelling and descriptive language to bring your intellectual pursuits to life on the page.
  • Connect your academic interests to your future goals and aspirations in your essay.
  • Share how you have overcome academic challenges or setbacks and what you learned from the experience.
  • Offer insights into your intellectual curiosity and passion for learning that go beyond your transcript or resume.

Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation are an often-overlooked way to demonstrate intellectual curiosity.

According to Janela Harris, a Former Haverford Admissions Officer and Crimson Senior Strategy Consultant, “As an admissions officer, I actually used the letters of recommendation as my number one source for assessing intellectual curiosity. My advice now to students is: work on your participation in class and make a point to talk with teachers about independent extracurricular projects, interests, summer plans, advice on major or career paths, etc.”

Teacher Recommendations help substantiate and contextualize the claims you make in your application — from a trusted source who knows you well.

  • Develop a good relationship with your teachers from day one of class. Ask thoughtful questions, and participate actively in discussions.
  • Request letters from teachers or mentors who can speak to your creativity, intellectual potential, and readiness for college-level coursework.
  • Provide recommenders with specific examples of your academic achievements, contributions to class discussions, and independent projects.
  • Ask recommenders to highlight instances where you demonstrated initiative, critical thinking, and a thirst for knowledge.
  • Share with recommenders personal anecdotes that illustrate your intellectual curiosity and passion for learning.
  • Ask recommenders to discuss how you stand out intellectually compared to your peers.
  • Ask recommenders to provide specific examples of how you have gone above and beyond in pursuit of your intellectual interests.
  • Thank your recommenders for their support and guidance throughout your academic journey.

As you can see, the key to getting effective letters of recommendation is starting from day one and being consistent. Building strong relationships with your teachers will eventually help you show intellectual curiosity!

Additional Components

  • Create a portfolio showcasing your academic achievements, research projects, and creative endeavors.
  • Include samples of your writing, artwork, or other creative works that highlight your intellectual curiosity.
  • Participate in interviews or admissions workshops where you can discuss your intellectual interests and aspirations.
  • Use social media or online platforms to engage with communities of scholars, researchers, and intellectuals in your field of interest.

By incorporating these strategies into your academic and extracurricular pursuits, you'll set yourself up to showcase intellectual curiosity when it’s time to craft your application.

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Concrete Examples of Demonstrating Intellectual Curiosity

When it comes to showcasing your intellectual curiosity on your college application, providing concrete examples of your engagement and initiative can make all the difference. Here are some inspiring examples of how Crimson students have demonstrated their passion for learning and exploration. (Note: Names have been changed.)

Eric: “Hacking” Entrepreneurship

Former Crimson student Eric had a passion for computer science. While many students express a general interest in the field, Eric's intellectual curiosity took him down a unique path. Instead of just aspiring to a lucrative career in coding, Eric delved into the world of hacking. Of course, hacking usually has a negative connotation. Bu Eric saw hacking differently — he recognized its potential to identify vulnerabilities in company firewalls and turned it into a lucrative entrepreneurial venture. At just 16 or 17 years old, Eric was already making money from his hacking skills. 

His entrepreneurial spirit didn't stop there; he further honed his skills and knowledge by attending Launch X, a premier program for technology and entrepreneurship for students. Eric's journey is a testament to the power of intellectual curiosity, sparked by real-world experiences and driven by a relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovation.

Matthew: The Art of Data Science

Former Crimson student Matthew was initially drawn to the world of data science. His exploration led him to algorithm-building and its application in promoting efficiencies. But Matthew harbored a secret passion for art — a side of himself he never thought could be monetized. 

Matthew discovered a way to marry his love for art with his data science expertise by organizing an art competition bridging the U.S. and China. With deep connections to the Chinese community in a large U.S. city, he recruited over 2000 individuals in the inaugural event. 

What's more remarkable is how Matthew ingeniously utilized data science to enhance the competition's outreach and recruitment efforts. By analyzing participant data, Matthew crafted algorithms to optimize future recruitment strategies. This showcased a merger of art, data science, and entrepreneurship. 

Matthew's pursuit of knowledge extended beyond his endeavor. He earned a prestigious data science certificate from Harvard, completing eight rigorous courses while still in high school — an impressive feat by any measure. Matthew exemplifies the boundless possibilities when intellectual curiosity meets innovation and determination.

Amir: Veganism and Economics

Amir is a passionate environmentalist and vegan — lifelong commitments that shape his worldview. Leveraging his interest in economics, Amir conducted research with a college professor through Indigo . His findings culminated in an initiative titled "BEEF: Better Economic and Environmental Futures for Schools." 

With a touch of humor, Amir channels his passion for veganism into a policy-driven agenda, advocating for sustainable practices and economic reform. Focused on addressing food deserts in his hometown of Atlanta, he collaborated with urban cooking collectives to empower underserved communities with culinary skills and access to fresh, local produce. Together with his sister, an accomplished illustrator, Amir created a vegan cookbook that not only nourishes bodies but also sparks conversations about sustainability and social change. 

How to Highlight Intellectual Curiosity on Your College Application

You've spent years exploring academic subjects and immersing yourself in extracurricular activities that reflect your intellectual curiosity. Now, as you apply to college, it’s time to convey this passion and drive on your application. 

Admissions officers will “read between the lines” and make inferences about your intellectual curiosity based on your academic and extracurricular information. But there are some things you can do to ensure your intellectual curiosity shines through:

1. Craft a compelling personal statement. Use your personal statement to tell a story that highlights your intellectual journey. Share moments of discovery, challenges overcome, and the evolution of your interests over time. This is your opportunity to showcase not only what you've learned but also how you've grown as a thinker and a learner.

2. Select thoughtful letters of recommendation. Choose recommenders who can speak to your intellectual curiosity and academic potential. Provide them with specific examples of your engagement in class discussions, independent research projects, or intellectual pursuits outside the classroom. Their letters should not only attest to your academic abilities but also your passion for learning and exploration.

3. Maximize Additional Application Components. Take advantage of supplemental essays, portfolios, or resumes to further illustrate your intellectual interests and pursuits. Use these platforms to showcase projects, research papers, or creative endeavors that demonstrate your curiosity and initiative. 

4. Tailor your application materials to align with the mission and values of each college you're applying to. Emphasize your fit within their academic community. For tips on how to do this, see How To Answer The “Why This College” Essay Prompt.

By strategically highlighting your intellectual curiosity throughout your college application, you'll not only stand out to admissions committees but also present yourself as a dynamic and engaged learner ready to make a meaningful impact on campus and beyond.

The Bottom Line

As you navigate the daunting landscape of college applications, remember this: intellectual curiosity is your secret weapon. It's the X-factor that can elevate your application from good to outstanding. It can capture the attention of admissions officers and set you apart from the crowd.

So, as you craft your personal statement, select your recommenders, and prepare your supplemental essays, keep the spirit of intellectual curiosity alive in every word you write. Let it guide your academic pursuits, inspire your creative endeavors, and fuel your passion for learning. After all, it's not just about getting into your dream college — it's about embracing a life of intellectual exploration and discovery.

Further Reading

  • Examples Of Extracurricular Activities That Look Great On College Applications

What Makes Crimson Different

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Essay Hell

Common Application Prompt 6: Be Warned!

by j9robinson | Feb 18, 2017

common application prompt 6

Big Red Flag on this New Common Application Prompt 6!

The Common Application added two new prompts for 2017-18.

Now students can choose from seven prompts (instead of five) to inspire their personal statement “Common App” essay.

The seventh new Common Application prompt basically allows you to write about anything you want, and you can learn more about it and the new prompts in New Common Application Prompts for 2017-18 .

The other prompt, the new Common Application Prompt 6, essentially asks you to write about one of your intellectual passions.

The New Common Application Prompt 6

6.  Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?  

I like Common Application prompt 6 because it gives you a chance to highlight your heady side (how you think).

Because it has a more concept-related theme and is new, I believe many students will be attracted to it.

However, I believe there could be a potential pitfall in writing an essay about one of your intellectual passions.

No matter how much you love any “topic, idea or concept,” it can still be challenging to write about in a way that is interesting and compelling.

It’s not impossible, but can be tricky.

First, there’s the trap of writing an essay that is more like an academic essay instead of a personal statement because the topic itself is “intellectual.”

It’s critical that whatever “topic, idea or concept” you write about for Common Application prompt 6 allows you to make most of the essay about YOU—as opposed to a report-like essay simply about whatever “topic, idea or concept” you decide to write about.

For example, if you want to write about the “topic” of climate change (because you feel passionately about that topic), try not to make your essay a piece only about what that is, why it’s a concern and why it fascinates you.

Instead, search for a way to make the topic more personal in your essay; to personalize your topic. The goal is to use your “topic, idea or concept” to showcase your “intellectual curiosity.”

“Intellectual curiosity” is a fancy way of saying  how you think and learn .

common application prompt 6

How to Personalize Common Application Essay Prompt 6

Two Hot Tips for Common Application prompt 6: Include a story and a problem (usually these go together anyway).

Look for a personal story to illustrate the main point you want to make about whatever “topic, idea or concept” you write about.

(Don’t believe the Common Application folks are looking for real-life stories in these essays? They stated it directly on their web site announcing the new essay prompts for 2017: The goal of these (essay prompt) revisions is to help all applicants, regardless of background or access to counseling, see themselves and their stories within the prompts. )

Find a real-life experience or moment to illustrate what inspired your interest or something related to your interest in this topic. That way, the essay naturally shifts to being more about you than simply the topic.

One idea would be to start your essay recreating one of the moments when you “lost track of time”  or were “captivated” by your “topic, idea or concept.”

Then you can go onto explain why it “captivates” you so much (ie, why you love it so much), and then share how you sought to learn more.

common application prompt 6

Here’s another Red Flag for Common Application Essay prompt 6:

If you simply answer each of the questions in this prompt, you will have a potentially bland explanation of why the “topic, idea or concept” excites you.

You will only “tell” us about it and how you learned more about it. Good chance this won’t reveal a lot about you and how you think (reason, analyze, etc.) and what you value—your “intellectual curiosity.”

That is why it’s helpful to work in some type of challenge/problem/obstacle related to your “topic, idea or concept” so you create a platform in your essay to share your intellectual curiosity beyond a general explanation.

Ideally, you want to show your critical thinking, reasoning, analytical ability and insights in action in a personal statement and your essay for Common Application prompt 6.

Just because whatever topic, idea or concept you chose to write about is fascinating, both on its own and to you personally, does not necessarily mean your essay will be equally compelling.

It’s up to you to find a way to feature your own personality as it relates to the “topic, idea or concept” to make your essay meaningful.

common application prompt 6

How to Inject Interest in Common Application Prompt 6 to Create Interest

Another way to inject interest into an essay about what turns you on intellectually is to think of a “time” that you faced any type of obstacle (which is a type of problem) learning more about the “topic, concept or idea” you are writing about.

Or any “time” where your passion or pursuit of learning more caused you some type of problem or challenge.

By introducing a problem or obstacle related to your passion or curiosity in a certain “topic, concept or idea,” you can then go onto explain how you handled that issue and what you learned from it.

(When you share what happened with that problem or obstacle, you will naturally tell a little story. Bingo! You will have both an engaging personal story and an interesting problem to feature in your essay.)

I know this sounds hard, but I guarantee that using some type of problem related to your “topic, idea or concept” will juice up your essay in a natural way, and help you work in more about yourself and how you think, feel and learn.

What you don’t want is an essay that goes…

When I learned about the concept of quantum physics in high school, I was hooked. It was so complex and interesting, and made me think in ways I never did before. I went home and read as much as I could on the Internet and checked out books from the library to learn as much as I could….

Your fascination for quantum physics could be a good topic, but you would need to make it personal. The writing above was too general, and didn’t reveal anything about the writer’s personality or character.

Notice how there was nothing personal or specific. No story and no problem. Dullsville,

Quantum physics is fascinating, but why did it hook YOU? That’s where you need to inject something about your background or experience that shows the reader more about your interest.

After you include a story the relates to the “topic, idea or concept” you are passionate about, and how you pursued learning more about it, don’t stop there.

Shift into what you learned from that pursuit to dig deeper into your intellectual curiosity .

Here are a few questions you could ask related to your “topic, idea or concept”:

  • Did you learn anything you never expected to learn about it, or YOURSELF?
  • Share both the good and the bad about what you learned. (Nothing is black and white.)
  • Did you learn any life lessons from delving into your “topic, concept or idea” (something you learned about YOURSELF)?
  • Why does what YOU learned about your “topic, idea or concept” matter–to you, to others and to the world?
  • Did learning about this topic, concept or idea lead you to other ideas or passions in your life?
  • While trying to learn more about your topic, concept or idea, what did you learn about YOURSELF and how you think and learn?
  • Looking back at your exploration of this topic, concept or idea, what did you learn about what YOU value most in your life?
  • Are you still learning about this topic, idea or concept? Is so, why is that good, too?

For college admission counselors, English teachers, parents and educational counselors who have worked with the Common Application prompts in the past:

This new Common Application prompt 6 reminds me of the old Common App prompt: “Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content.”

It was ditched by The Common Application folks last year, purportedly because it failed to inspire strong personal statements.

Word on the street among admissions counselors and college application essay wonks like myself (and based on what I saw with my students) was that it prompted dull and often sappy essays.

I believe this new Common Application prompt 6 has the same potential pitfalls.

Instead of describing a place, it asks about a “topic, idea or concept.” Instead of being “perfectly content” there, it should make you “lose all track of time.” Same ideas. Same pitfall.

People like to say, oh yay, a positive prompt like this Common Application prompt 6 because it doesn’t directly ask the students to include some type of problem or “bad thing”.

But there’s a good reason for soliciting problems in essays. (Notice almost all the other prompts include some type of problem, in the form of obstacles, stories, setback, challenge, failure, problem, question, etc.)

There’s good reason for this: When students wrote about their blissful places, the essays were often terrible because they were boring.

It’s hard to write an essay about what you love if nothing happens. I love the library, or I love visiting my grandparents or I love hiking in the woods. Those are great things to love, but if all you write about is how much you love them and why, chances are the essay isn’t all that compelling.

What makes essays interesting are stories. Something has to happen. And for something to happen, something has to go sideways—a problem.

If you knocked over a shelf of books onto the head librarian, or your grandparents home flooded during a hurricane or you came face-to-face with a mama bear on your hike, then your essay could be interesting.

Why? Because we suddenly feel for you and want to know how you handled the problem and what happened. This is why real-life stories are so powerful and the best college admissions essays include them.

My guess is that Common Application prompt 6 will inspire a lot of dull essays for the same reason as the old “perfectly content” one: It asks students to write about something they love.

It will be up to counselors, teachers and parents to help students push themselves with this essay prompt to make sure something happens, that it includes not only reflection and thinking but an experience or moment.

This is a generalization, but I believe the very students who will want to write about Common Application prompt 6 are the same ones who will need to be encouraged and coached to make sure to not let it get too scientific or weighed down in esoteric or technical language or theme.

These are often the same students (those who are interested in chemistry, gaming, engineering, technology, physics, computer science, etc.) who need that extra push to find ways to make their essay readable, personal and non-academic.

The magic bullet?

Find a juicy problem (a personal experience) that related to whatever “topic, idea or concept” you write about!

Once you have a little story, you are on your way to an excellent essay.

Here’s a sample outline that is intended to help you get started and make sure to address the questions in the prompt. There are many ways to approach your essay, so use this if it makes sense and feel free to take it in any direction you want.

Here’s a Sample Outline for Common Application Essay Prompt 6

  • Start by sharing a moment, incident or experience that illustrates something about (or is related to, or an example of) the topic, idea or concept you are writing about. Try to include some type of problem (an obstacle, challenge, mistake, setback, etc.) This is called an “anecdote.” (1 to 2 paragraphs)
  • Back story: Now provide some background or context for that moment, incident or experience and explain more about your topic, idea or concept. Include your main point: Why you love it so much.
  • Share more about your experience with this topic, idea or concept using other real-life examples that further support your main point (Why you love it so much). If you included some type of “problem” related to your topic, idea of concept, explain how you handled it.
  • Go onto share the steps you took to learn more about your topic, idea or concept. If you included a problem, this is where you can go into the step you took to deal with it—and then share what you learned. Include how you thought about it, how you felt, who you worked with, etc.
  • MOST IMPORTANT: Reflect (look back) on this experience related to your topic, idea or concept and describe what you learned—not just about the topic, idea or concept–but what you learned about yourself (how you learn, what you value, etc.)
  • Link back to the start of your essay and give a status update on that problem or moment you described at the start of your essay. Then restate the main point that you learned about your topic,idea or concept and about YOURSELF. End with how you expect to apply what you learned in your future dream and goals.

Please don’t let all my warning scare you off this prompt if it speaks to you.

More Brainstorming Tips for Common App Prompt 6

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This really Helped me on my College application because it asked the same exact question.

Justin Moyer

Great Help! thank you. Loved the outline you provided

Mohammad Naim

it would be better if you added a example of this

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college essay intellectual curiosity

The What, Why & How of Intellectual Curiosity

One crucial aspect of engagement during high school is intellectual curiosity—when a student goes above and beyond the requirements of a class or dives deep into a subject on their own time. Here's how adolescent psychologist Michael W. Austin defines intellectual curiosity:

The intellectually curious person has a deep and persistent desire to know. She asks and seeks answers to the "why" questions. And she doesn't stop asking at a surface level, but instead asks probing questions in order to peel back layers of explanation to get at the foundational ideas concerning a particular issue.

Intellectually curious students spend their free time learning just for the fun of it. They dive deep into topics and subjects in which they're interested. They routinely seek knowledge and often engage with others in the pursuit of understanding. Intellectual curiosity makes learning a lot more organic—and much less of a chore. Universities want academically curious people – some colleges even ask specifically about it. For example, on their Common Application supplement, Stanford asks applicants: "Stanford students are widely known to possess a sense of intellectual vitality. Tell us about an idea or an experience you have had that you find intellectually engaging."  Intellectual curiosity can be demonstrated in academic records, the application essay, the resume, and other items in your admissions application.

college essay intellectual curiosity

The College MatchPoint Guide to Engagement In High School

The most successful college applicants have engaged in activities that are based on their interests, aptitudes, and motivations. This guide presents our i4 framework and walks you through how your student can optimize their interest, involvement, initiative, and impact to successfully engage during high school and develop into a strong college applicant.

How do you awaken and nurture your student's intellectual curiosity? Here are 3 steps for parents to focus on with their children:

1. Encourage them to embrace intellectual challenges 

Encourage your teen to explore subjects that interest them when selecting high school classes. Students who love math should challenge themselves with AP, IB, or other honors courses that will prepare them for advanced math in college. If your student enjoys languages, encourage them to choose one and study it to the highest level offered. And if your teen is curious about elective high school courses—from Philosophy or Psychology to Macroeconomics or Film—support them in diving into these subjects. High school is the perfect time to explore areas of interest while taking as challenging a course load as the student can handle while still earning excellent grades. Extracurricular and summer activities can also provide avenues for students to deepen their interests.

2. Figure out what makes them tick

Many high school students need a bit of time—and perhaps some guidance—to explore potential interests. In middle and high school, make space for your student to experiment with different possibilities for intellectual engagement. Encourage them to notice which activities or questions spark their interest, and then feed their curiosity with books, podcasts, documentaries, YouTube videos, music, projects, or any other medium that lets them plunge into their topic of choice.

Strive to be enthusiastic about your student's interests. You may have a vision of your child's future college, major, or career, but true intellectual curiosity ignites when a student has the chance to explore—in their own way—a subject that resonates with them. One of the most exciting things about nurturing your middle or high schooler's curiosity is that you never know where it may lead them. 

"I personally have never seen a student that was not curious about something. I have seen many students who have suppressed their curiosity when they enter school to such an extent as to be nearly undetectable, but it is still there. Human beings are hardwired to be curious and being curious is a major activity of childhood and young adulthood." – Ben Johnson, author of Teaching Students to Dig Deeper

3. Support them in becoming an active learner

Being intellectually curious doesn't mean spending high school with your nose stuck in a textbook. Your teen may be the kind of person who learns best through participation in projects, experiments, or other hands-on activities. Active learners dive into hands-on activities that bring the concepts they're studying to life. Once they've found a topic they think about endlessly, help them find ways to engage—through classes, clubs, mentorship, research, volunteering, or a job—with people who share their interest. 

Here are a few examples of active learning:

  • A student who excels at physics may nurture a budding interest in mechanical engineering by taking a summer job in an auto repair shop and learning how to revamp an internal combustion engine. 
  • A book lover with a passion for education might start a club that teaches literacy skills to underserved children. 
  • A student who is curious about diseases could do an independent research project with a mentor from their school or participate in research at a local university. 

Students who challenge themselves intellectually, figure out what makes them tick, and engage in their fields of interest in high school gain a deeper sense of their priorities and values. This is excellent preparation for helping them choose a college and their eventual career.

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2 Terrific Tufts University Essay Examples

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Tufts is a highly-selective college located right outside of Boston. With small class sizes and an abundance of eager applicants, it’s important that your application stands out with strong essays. In this post, we’ll share real essays students have submitted to Tufts, and share what they did well and how they could be made even better (Names and identifying information have been changed, but all other details are preserved).

Please note: Looking at examples of real essays students have submitted to colleges can be very beneficial to get inspiration for your essays. You should never copy or plagiarize from these examples when writing your own essays. Colleges can tell when an essay isn’t genuine and will not view students favorably if they plagiarized. 

Read our Tufts essay breakdown to get a comprehensive overview of this year’s supplemental prompts.

Prompt: It’s cool to love learning. What excites your intellectual curiosity? (200-250 words)


With your big handwriting”

I’d just texted a friend about how much I was enjoying the 27-problem, AP Calculus worksheet our teacher had assigned for homework that night. I wasn’t quite sure how to reply; I knew she was joking, but she wasn’t entirely wrong. I asked Mr. Gearhart for extra problems regularly. But what’s more, I enjoyed applying my knowledge to concepts I was passionate about. I’d use my knowledge of geometric series to learn about the money multiplier in economics. I’d use my knowledge of logarithms to learn about the twelve-tone equal temperament tuning system in western music. And yes, I’d do so with giant handwriting.

It wasn’t just that I wanted to apply the mathematical concepts; I wanted to see new perspectives. To apply math to music, I had to understand how the two interacted— look at math through music-based lenses. Every time I’d grasp another application, I’d gain another set. And by the end of a month or so, I’d have filled a drawer of lenses, categorized by subject. One could call me a lens collector. But I call myself curious, always wanting to gain new viewpoints. Why? They allow me to take more pictures, wear a myriad of glasses, see a fresh outlook on the world. Every latest perspective is like coming back to a puzzle after taking a break— so many new insights to act upon. So that’s what I replied:

“I just find them as fun little puzzles haha”

What the Essay Did Well

One of the reasons this essay is so powerful is because it takes a single moment in time and expands on the thoughts and feelings behind that experience. The entire essay is sandwiched between two text messages, but because it is so focused, it allows the student to delve into how she is perceived as an overachiever and what it means to her.

This student does an excellent job of showing the reader how they go above and beyond and what they get out of it. They don’t just say they like to do extra practice to see how math affects the real world (a basic answer). Instead, they specifically connect geometric series to economic concepts and logarithms to music. By doing this, the reader sees the different academic interests this student has and how they take an interdisciplinary approach to learning.

They also go a step further than just explaining what excites their intellectual curiosity by explaining why it excites them. There is even more great use of imagery when the student compares the interdisciplinary study of math and music to a new lens to view the world through. By referring to themselves as a “lens collector”, it paints a clear picture that this is a student who is always learning new things and eager to gain new perspectives. Tufts is looking to admit “lens collectors”, so showcasing how your curiosity impacts your outlook on the world is an excellent way to take this prompt above and beyond.

What Could Be Improved

Although this is a well-written essay with a great story, the one area for improvement would be the inclusion of the text messages. While it sets up a good context for the response, when the first thing the reader sees are three disjointed lines, it makes the hook less effective. It does create some mystery and suspense, but it makes the reader take a step back and try and process what is happening. The person reading an essay should be enthralled from the beginning and shouldn’t have to try and figure out what the author is referring to.

This hook would be stronger and less disjointed if it only had one text from the student’s friend saying they were an overachiever. The fact about the big handwriting is personable, but ultimately unnecessary. The student could jump into why they are seen as an overachiever and why they actually enjoy doing extra work sooner if the opening line looked like this:

“ My phone buzzed and one big word flashed across the screen: Overachiever.”

Lunch is served. Falafel, salad, humus, pita, tzatziki sauce and mint lemonade. The common denominator: made by me. My family gathers around quietly filling their plates with my creations. They sit and the conversation begins to flow. My sister shares that King Louis XIV only showered twice in his life. My physics-obsessed grandpa urges us to read Thinking, Fast and Slow. My grandma pitches a business proposition for me to open a restaurant. My mom looks disgusted when my sister shares the not-so-fun fact. My dad joins my grandpa and demands my sister and me to read the dense book. The food is almost gone but the conversation still lingers. Maybe there is something magical in the little balls of chick-peas that prompt my family to speak of everything that crosses their mind. I don’t chat much but I enjoy listening and smiling to the continuous exchange of information. This is what excites my desire for knowledge, each member of my family knows something different and they bring it to the table. Each member fills a particular gap in my world of knowledge just like my dishes fill their bellies with the five essential nutrients. And when the conversation comes to a lul: Dessert is served.

The use of imagery and tangible descriptions really makes this essay stand out. Right away, any hungry reader’s mouth is watering at the description of a delicious meal, and we learn that this talented student made it all. But then we really feel like we are sitting at the table and listening to their family’s conversation. It’s all in the details for this essay. If it just said, “My sister mentioned a fun fact she learned in history class, while both my grandpa and dad suggested a book to read,” we wouldn’t feel like we were transported to this family’s meal, which wouldn’t make us engage with the story as much.

This student also employs some creativity to connect her family’s stories to her interest in cooking. It’s never said that cooking excites their intellectual curiosity, but it is implied since that’s what this student brings to the table. We don’t need to be explicitly told that food excites them because the way they write about cooking for their family, and the effects it has on them, is enough to understand their passion for this topic.

One thing that could improve this essay is changing the order of the family members’ conversations to make the story flow smoother. For example, since the mom’s contribution to the meal is directly related to the sister’s, her reaction should have directly followed the sister’s comment on Louis XIV. Likewise, the dad agrees with the grandpa on the book, so those should have been bundled together. 

Improving the structure and flow of the essay would make it a faster read and reduce any confusion. Admissions officers race through essays, and the last thing you want is for them to have to pause and go back to understand what is happening. By the time we hear the student’s mom was disgusted at the sister’s story or the dad likes the book, we’ve heard other family members’ stories and might not remember what they are referring to. Simple changes like this can make big differences to the quality of an essay.

Where to Get Feedback on Your Essay 

Want feedback like this on your Tufts University essay before you submit? We offer expert essay review by advisors who have helped students get into their dream schools. You can book a review with an expert to receive notes on your topic, grammar, and essay structure to make your essay stand out to admissions officers.

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college essay intellectual curiosity


The traits that help you stand out, intellectual curiosity.

Admissions officers often value intellectual curiosity above all other traits.

Intellectual curiosity is the desire to learn because of a genuine interest or passion. An intellectually curious person constantly learns new things in their free time simply because it fascinates them.

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious." -Albert Einstein

Why Do Colleges Value This Trait So Much?

Successful people tend to have a genuine passion for learning rather than a passion for getting good grades or getting into a good college. Yet, how do colleges determine if a student is intellectually curious?

Certain things in a student’s application help strengthen his or her case for being ‘intellectually curious.’ Taking a summer class or class not necessary for high school is one example. Doing independent research on a subject that fascinates them is another. There are multiples way to show this trait, but it's important that it is genuine . For example, doing research on how the mitochondrial DNA of rats is affected throughout each generation is cool and all- but is that really genuine intellectual curiosity for you?

Showing intellectual curiosity requires going above the required:

I’ll use an example of what I did over the summer to show independent research of a more authentic origin. The area I live in- Horsham, PA,- had some turmoil following a lowering in the acceptable limits of a certain chemical in the water supply. With the new limits, the Horsham water supply was found to be in excess of this chemical. I made it a research goal to learn about this and eventually helped find the point of use filter that best filtered this chemical as traditional filters are surprisingly ineffective.

I only talk about this to show an example of how something can have a more genuine origin of- ‘wow I actually want to learn about this’ rather than ‘let’s pad my application.’ The key is to be motivated by a genuine desire to learn and show that through your presentation of what you did.

The Importance of Intellectual Curiosity

As admissions officers read your application, they try to determine your level of intellectual curiosity which is, of course, a very subjective process. It is crucial to keep strengthening your case for having intellectual curiosity in a genuine and cohesive manner.

I’m sure a lot of you have seen the “ This essay got a high-school senior into 5 Ivy League schools and Stanford ” essay. If you haven’t, the essay is a recounting of a story of her as a child running through Costco and being curious about things. Why is this considered such a ‘good’ essay? Sure it is fairly well written and semi entertaining, but far more importantly it shows a genuine intellectual curiosity. Through this essay she argues that intellectual curiosity is not just a trait she possesses but is a fundamental, core, defining trait for her established at a very young age.

You don't have to use your essay to show your intellectual curiosity as you can show it throughout the application or in other ways. But it certainly makes for a good essay if delivered correctly and genuinely.

Intrinsic Motivation

There is nothing inherently wrong with being externally motivated; in fact, most people are often driven by external factors. Competing with peers, winning the pride of parents/ faculty, and earning admission into a prestigious university are all examples of strong external motivators.

The motivation that is often more likely to endure and manifest itself in future successes, though, is internal/ intrinsic motivation.

If you compete with yourself then you don't need external reference points to accomplish and improve. Your accomplishments are byproducts of your internal motivators. For example, starting a club to help feed those in the local community can be a byproduct of a strong empathetic motivator. Getting good grades can be a byproduct of intellectual curiosity.

Intellectual curiosity and intrinsic motivation are inherently connected because intellectual curiosity is an example of an intrinsic motivator . A lot of traits can be intrinsic motivators.

Showing your intrinsic motivators and internal drive is crucial to constructing a compelling application.

When I stress the importance of ‘authentic/ genuine origins’ of the demonstrations of intellectual curiosity in the above section, I am saying- doing what you do because of an intrinsic motivator can be more powerful and more likely to result in serious achievement.

Showing that an achievement is a byproduct of intrinsic motivation grants more credibility to the achievement, makes your application more cohesive, and allows you to show an integral part of your character.

Showing your character is thus not restricted to the college essay, as the rest of your application can (and should) do so. If you do this effectively you can achieve what admissions officers refer to as a ‘cohesive application.’

Intrinsic motivation is, in some ways, an overarching theme of most compelling college applications. I will expand upon it more in the coming ‘College Essay’ section.

Admissions officers are human. If they don’t like you, they won't accept you. Showing meanness or, really, not showing any kindness kills your chances. Colleges don’t want the smartest kids; they want the smartest, kindest, most intellectually curious kids. That group of kids will do better together than the smartest kids would.

This is why having community service and things that demonstrate a genuine caring for others is so important. Just racking up community service hours, though, is not the best way to go about it. Just like with demonstrating intellectual curiosity it is important that your kindness is displayed through a genuine and authentic origin.

Initiating your own community service event, volunteering at a children’s hospital, and starting a club to help others are all examples of showing kindness. This can be strong if kindness is a defining trait for you, but if it isn’t (and that’s okay) you won’t want to do or won’t have done these types of things.

Still, it is crucial to show some kindness even if it is not your strongest trait.

Colleges have too many kind, smart applicants to accept any unkind ones.

While stressing the importance of establishing yourself as likeable in the ‘kindness’ section, it seems fitting that I talk about leadership positions next.

High school clubs are often primarily run by the advisors (teachers) and colleges are aware of this. Being in a leadership position shows that you were brave enough to go for it.

Having election-based leadership positions is often more valuable; leadership is a great indicator for admissions officers of your likeability and how respected you are amongst peers.

Positions like Student Body President or Student Council President are often quite valuable- colleges know that most of the students in your school voted for you.

Being well-respected is, after all, the first step to becoming a leader.

I will address the controversial idea of diversity in college admissions, but only because it relates to how you present yourself.

Colleges look to construct a diverse class of students that will bring to the table different experiences, backgrounds, and interests. This helps their students learn about the world and become more open-minded as they are exposed to a variety of perspectives.

Races are often good indicators of different backgrounds and experiences, though.

Showcasing your uniqueness and character is crucial and involves focusing on your strongest intangible(s) or desirable trait(s).

This article from BusinessInsider has quotes from a former admissions officer about the ‘secrets’ of admissions. It mainly focuses on race.

"you do find that some Asians can be disadvantaged in the process, and not only because admissions committees think about Asians in a specific way, but because recommenders do too. When reading recommendations you see these words—"diligent," "hardworking"—because people tend to see East Asians in a certain way. You rarely see "creative" or "strong intellectual bent," and they are less likely to be seen as "freethinking." Same with issues of character. A lot of secondary teachers find it difficult to connect culturally with Asian Americans and the type of things they end up doing, so they won't see as much talk about character. " ---- Business Insider

I share this to stress the importance of differentiating yourself in the college process particularly if you are in the more ‘common’ demographics. If you understand all the other intangibles that I discuss and understand the process, though, you are on the right track to differentiating yourself as a candidate.

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What is “intellectual curiosity” and 3 places you’ll find it.

college essay intellectual curiosity

Intellectual curiosity is one of those Yale™ phrases—it’s one of our core values, plastered all over the admissions website, reiterated every year during speeches and welcomes… In fact, for the class of 2023, president Peter Salovey dedicated his entire opening address to celebrating Yale’s “culture of curiousity.” He encouraged students to embrace their humility and admit that they have a lot left to discover. But what is intellectual curiosity,  really?  Are Yale students just natural intellectual curiosity monsters, dedicated to always searching for more information, more reading, more debate? 

The answer is no. We are normal college students (mostly), but there is something about loving the process of learning that binds us together. And it isn’t that we love readings, problem sets, or writing essays! Intellectual curiosity is a big phrase for something that’s actually very simple—the passion for hearing each other out, learning from each other, and wanting to know more. We are all curious. At Yale, you are allowed to be. So, where can you find this coveted “intellectual curiosity” on campus?

1. In the dining hall

Dining hall conversations can go in pretty much any direction. When I sit down at Saybrook’s long table—a row of tables pushed together in Saybrook’s dining hall—I never know where our “intellectual curiosity” will land us. One day we might be talking about the hidden messages in Taylor Swift’s Instagram posts and whether she is going to surprise drop another album (my money is on December 26th, 2021, but let’s check back in about it). The next the conversation might be about prison abolition and what alternatives to incarceration are most likely to be implemented first. 

2. On the walk home 

Whether you’re walking from class to the Schwarzman center, from the LGBT co-op to your residential college, or from the shops around the New Haven green to your section in the Humanities Quadrangle, you will probably pass through Cross Campus. Cross Campus is the area of campus located right in front of Sterling Memorial Library. It is a big courtyard with lots of paths that intersect with each other. Functionally, this means that Cross Campus is the perfect spot for student groups to set up their information tables. On the walk home, you can stop and learn about the Yale Undergraduate Prison Project (YUPP), Sustainability at Yale, or Dwight Hall’s Volunteering efforts. Be curious and don’t shy away from the pamphlets!

3. In the classroom

This one’s a no-brainer. The seminar table is like an intellectual curiosity rap-battle. 

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Emerging Educational Consulting

What Will Get Me Into College? Why Intellectual Curiosity Matters

Stack of Journals with Opened One on Top

The college admissions process is stressful. Students are bombarded with the pressure and expectation that they will have top scores, an abundant activity list, and write a personal statement that will blow everyone away. In my college educational consulting practice, I find that most parents and students are confused and bewildered by the abundance of information. As a top consultant in the field, I strive to provide researched-based and timely information so that students are informed with accurate advice. This month, I have been exploring the topic: What are colleges looking for? In last week’s post, we explored the topic of DRIVE as one of the traits that admissions directors seek. The student’s job is to PROVE these traits by aligning personal narratives to the qualities inherent in Drive. Students who prove drive tell stories such as:

Examples of DRIVE

  • When I didn’t make the volleyball team, I joined rock climbing and now I climb 2 x’s a week and compete on a traveling team.
  • I struggled in Chemistry and instead of switching to the easier class, I started meeting with my teacher during her office hours.
  • I wanted to place in speech and debate so I found a mentor to work with me and now I am placing-and striving to place in nationals.

What is Intellectual Curiosity?

  • Intellectually curious students spend their free time learning for the fun of it, challenging their own views, and pondering new ideas.
  • These students will go above and beyond their coursework to gain a deeper understanding of the subjects and topics that interest them, such as by going on to the internet to learn more.
  • They love finding unique connections between their areas of interest and formulating new ideas.

Why does Intellectual Curiosity matter?

  • Colleges know that students who are deeply interested in a subject or topic are more likely to succeed in classes, contribute to the college community, and be successful after graduating.
  • They want to empower intellectually curious students to make an impact on their chosen field.

Top 10 Tips to Prove Intellectual Curiosity

  • READ, READ READ. Students who read are more interesting and have more to say about the world.
  • Listen to podcasts to expand interests and passions.
  • Subscribe to magazines on topics that pique interest.
  • Documentaries are a great way to dig deeper beyond the classroom walls.
  • Sign up for academic programs in the summer that inspire and inform.
  • Write an opinion piece for the local newspaper and submit it for publication.
  • Secure an internship in an area of interest.
  • Get to know teachers and meet with them on a regular basis.
  • Engage with a mentor and pursue a research project.
  • Keep track of all your efforts in a spreadsheet as many colleges require a list of how a student has pursued their interests.

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college essay intellectual curiosity

What's Interesting to Them?

Hello all, I am a high school senior currently working on my QuestBridge application, as well as the Common Application and some fly-in applications. Essays often are regarded as the place where you really shine, and I wanted some advice as to what really makes for a polished applicant. I know of the don’ts in an essay, but I am unsure of the dos. One expert here had told me to write about what “they don’t know”, and to “convince them that you’d add a lot to their campus” but I am having trouble finding out what they like to hear in regards to my passions. I had a few topics in mind, but wasn’t sure of their appeal. I will list my thoughts and the prompts that inspired them below: PROMPT 1: We are interested in learning more about you and the context in which you have grown up, formed your aspirations, and accomplished your academic successes. Please describe the factors and challenges that have most shaped your personal life and aspirations. How have these factors helped you to grow? POSSIBLE POINTS:

  • Earning high on national tests in specific subjects created an interest
  • Working at my job has caused me to meet new people and develop social skills I would have never had otherwise (This is a very important EC that has taught me A LOT) PROMPT 2: Tell us about a concept, theory, or topic you have explored simply because it sparked your intellectual curiosity. Why do you find it intriguing? How do you want to explore it further? IDEAS:
  • Biology has intrigued me due to research regarding it heavily influencing the future of mankind
  • Birds have been very interesting creatures to me for over 5 years due to their uncanny intelligence, unique physical features, and quirkiness as an animal. I have explored them by purchasing pets of my own that I regularly observe as well as creating fictional bird-human hybrid creatures in my artistic works to test the waters as to how compatible our anatomies are. I will continue to explore these works by polishing these creatures in professional works as I come to take detailed biology/anatomy classes as well as creating works about birds themselves (I feel like this could be really good, as it would tie in the first prompt with a very quirky twist that may show my uniqueness as a candidate as well as on campus; however, I couldn’t really go into detail as to why biology as a subject intrigues me. The amount of content in this idea may indicate that this is good to continue with, I don’t know) PROMPT 3: Describe an experience that caused you to change your perspective and/or opinion. IDEA:
  • Talk about my job again, except talk about the hardships of the job rather than the joys (Considering the first prompt is required and I will be talking about my job there, I don’t think I should do this, should I?)

If any of you have any free time whatsoever to help me in constructing and then critiquing my essays, please message me! I also have some short responses in need of review… This is one of the most important parts of my application, and I have writing ability, but sometimes I have trouble addressing the prompt and staying on task without rambling. Writing is very important to me. I would greatly appreciate any assistance you have!

“Show, not just tell.” It means you don’t just explain an interest or hardships. Or just say you’ll do X. You need to include examples that show strengths they look for, for their campus community. So, first you need an idea of what traits matter to them. And these need to be relevant to campus life.

You won’t be taking your birds to college. They aren’t looking for “uniqueness” as much as how you actually fit- a sort of conformity. If you write about a job it should “show” how you grew and came to impact others, not just at work. The adcoms should be able to feel this and agree, as they read, (not just have to take your statementas at face value) and see how you fit at ther colleges, will be an asset. You want to be cautious about basing this on prior poor social skills. And it can be an issue to say scoring created an interest. The higher the tier, the more they want to know it wasn’t just scores or grades (not, Hey, I got an A and got interested.)

Easiest is to pick a challenge you overcame. Just enough to describe it, then how you evolved, what you’re now involved with that demonstates a turn around or growth. And remember, relevant.

I can understand this to an extent, but if this is the case, why would a prompt about a topic interesting to you surface? Isn’t that a kind of prompt to show that kind of unique, yet valuable asset a candidate can have? I figured that topic would show my “intellectual curiosity” and how my mind tends to deviate into unconventional paths for the sake of fun and mental exercise. I thought it would simultaneously show something new and fun to bring to students at school X and an inner, core quality I share with most of the students at school X. Someone on a separate forum even encouraged a topic about birds, but of course, I didn’t specify this direction. Man, I thought it would be good…

Google “how to hack the college essay”. You don’t have to follow the prompts so tightly, btw. While you can refer to what you do, you really want to show who you are. Personally, I think it’s easier to do this by writing as about an incident-- an interaction at your job that sparked you, something you observed in your bitds that made you reflect on something in your life or about yourself.

My advice is to whip out every essay you are thinking about then see what you have. Some parts may feel cliche, some like they are wasting space, and some may sing. You may end up melding certain parts into something new. Based on your posts, you write well and easily, so it’ll be about revealing who you are.

I agree to draft a couple of ideas and see what works best. Personally I think the birds idea has potential if done well

“why would a prompt about a topic interesting to you surface?” Because they ARE looking for how you choose and deliver your answer, whether it fits what they WANT to learn, helps them see you as both the sort they like and likely to be engaged in college in the ways they want. This shows them you understand that college target is about and your match.

Eg, using a former poster’s fav example, you may be a kid who juggles while riding a unicycle. That’s not what gets you an admit.

Intellectual curiosity isn’t about the questions you ask, what’s curious to you, but how you pursue it, in several ways. And that means with others, not just peers, but on a deeper level. What do you do? Even so, it’s NOT about the unconventional.

I don’t see your ECs, so we get no idea what else fits.

To briefly mention my ECs since I’m at work, here are the ones I have:

  • Hostess at Old Chicago (job, strongest EC)
  • Lab intern at Lee University
  • Business assistant for Finish Your Plates (my father’s business)
  • Member of National Honors Society (lots of community service at school)
  • I will begin a volunteer position at a local retirement home next week or so

I don’t know if this helps.

You’ve talked about your birds many times, and it sounds like something that really captivates you. I think you can work with this. But make it about you and how you think.

It’s not about what’s interesting to them. It’s about what’s interesting to you and how you make that interesting to them. You can do that via “show don’t tell”.

I read a really nice essay from a kid who got into Caltech whose essay was about his love of rollercoasters. He described the thrill of the ride, but also how he couldn’t help also thinking about all the physics principles. I think your bird essay could be equally interesting.

FWIW my younger son wrote essays for several prompts and then figured out which one actually had the best story about him.

I took what advice you guys said and wrote the two essays required of me. I feel as if they’re interesting. (Of course, I don’t like to feel confident in myself because that’s usually indicative that I do worse than I think) I’ve been working for hours to cut them down, but one is 100 words over (limit 500) and the other is 200 words over (limit 800). I had to stop at these numbers so I could sleep. I will work on them more tomorrow in addition to finalizing a couple fly in apps since they’re due soon. Could any of you help me in cutting them down and critiquing them? Also, to be safe, should I also get started on the additional writing supplements for all QB partners I plan to apply to if I don’t get matched as a finalist? This is a lot of writing… that’s around 12 different supplements. Not a lot of time to do it either. I still have to complete fly-ins. I’ve just been trying to bulk up my QB app quick. Is there any benefit to submitting the app early or are they all reviewed at once?

I agree with @gardenstategal - sketch a couple of topics out and see how they work. I have birds and agree they are captivating and could be a good topic. I was working on a homework assignment with my daughter this afternoon in the same room with our parrot and, whenever one of us asked a question, the bird responded “No” very firmly. She obviously catches the upward inflection in questions, but the idea that the bird is paying such close attention to us and studying what we do is really interesting to me. I’m not sure it would be essay material unless I could tie it into what I wanted to study, but maybe there is something there. I think it’s very tempting to try and game the essays and give the AOs what they want, but I can’t help thinking that must be very boring for the AOs. I am inclined to take them at their word that they would rather be surprised, or learn something, or read something that gives them insight into who you are.

Not sure why, on many threads, posters tell kids a great, on-point essay is boring. It’s not gaming. They want the eureka moment of finding a match. That does offer latitude, but it needs to end with more than it started, make a point- and that’s about the college, what they do look for.

Show, not just tell. When people say they wrote about something more random, I think they forget it’s not just the topic. It’s what is delivered. The “She gets it!” moment.

I’ve edited both essays to where they’re in the word limit. Anyone want to critique them?

Birds. Of all the things you mentioned, it was the only one that jumped off the page. It tells something about you. It shows how you think. When they say they want to know how you will contribute to campus, don’t take it too literally. That doesn’t mean you have to take birds to school with you. It just means how you will contribute your unique individuality. Having a student who is passionate about birds IS a contribution to campus.

Sometimes it helps to know what others have written about. My son is a musician (but not majoring in it) and wrote about how he always has music going through his head. He described various situations and the movement of the classical piece that fit each situation and how that enhanced his life. Another student I know wrote about how much she loves puns and uses them every day. She gave examples of some of the very creative puns she thinks about. Both of these students are going/went to top schools, one of them HYP.

Editing - probably the hardest part of writing. A terrific writer explained it this way. Think of the word limit as valuable real estate. Every word is worth X. Does it belong on the page? Are you mixing low rent words in the high rent district? He taught me two things:

  • Make sure every word counts
  • (Equally or more important) Make sure the sentence, paragraph, or thought matters. It may be written well, but "who cares?" Does is need to be said? Does it add context and flow or is it redundant and filler? If it's just taking up space, eliminate it. He calls that, "Don't be afraid to shoot your darlings."

Yup, the editor’s mantra: be brutal. A college app essay is so different than hs writing. You make your initial point quickly, then move on. No quoting needed, no thesis statement, no extraneous details. And it generally needs to end on an arc: how you grew, got more involved, stretched, did more for others, etc. They read it with the college context in mind.

My issue with the birds topic is it’s a more solitary pursuit. It may be difficult to “show” the traits colleges look for. Some kids do write about, say, their dogs. It may be a great look at the affection and interest. But the colleges want to see how it relates to them, how active you might be on campus, how you reach out. And, how you understand the college, what it does want to know, as it builds the class.

IF the bird essay can be written with this in mind, fine. But imo, challenging.

Meh. Colleges want/need people with introverted pursuits too. It shows the way she thinks and gives more insight into who she is. Birding is a pursuit that offers no social capital and therefore conjures an image of a very independent-thinking young person who knows who she is and spends time on things that interests her rather than what’s popular.

^ interesting slant. Could tie back to that point (independent thinker, don’t just go with the flow to please people and fit in, create my own path, etc.)

I talked a lot in my bird essay how my birds motivated me to pursue biology and how it spread to my interest with the human system. I talked about my devotion to study, including collecting feathers for analysis, buying textbooks, and filling sketchbooks with their anatomy and in different positions. I even mentioned how I am up to the challenge in combining bird and human anatomy in a way that is feasible. I think the essay is unconventional. The other one is slightly more conventional, as it asks for a biographical review. It includes things about my job, my dad’s occupation and how I help him, etc. However I emphasized the uniqueness of my dad’s job in a way that may captivate a reader. I’m not sure, though.


Home » Tufts University » How Do You Show Intellectual Curiosity In College Essay?

How Do You Show Intellectual Curiosity In College Essay?

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Intellectual Curiosity Use anecdotes, such as a classroom experience or time you performed independent research, to illustrate your passion for learning . You might also relate a question that inspired you. This is another essay where it’s important to show, not tell.

How would you describe intellectual curiosity?

Here is an intellectual curiosity definition: Intellectual curiosity is a person’s willingness and desire to learn new things and dig deeper than the surface . Intellectual curiosity makes learning a much more natural process, instead of just a duty or a chore.

How do you demonstrate intellectual?

8 Ways to Increase Your Intellectual Capacity

  • Expand your horizons. Expanding your horizons unlocks the world to you by introducing you to possibility.
  • Be imaginative.
  • Pleasure reading.
  • Train your brain.
  • Consistently learn.
  • Physical activity.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • How you dress.

How do you satisfy intellectual curiosity?

10 Ways to Stimulate a Student’s Curiosity

  • Value and reward curiosity.
  • Teach students how to ask quality questions.
  • Notice when kids feel puzzled or confused.
  • Encourage students to tinker.
  • Spread the curiosity around.
  • Use current events.
  • Teach students to be skeptics.
  • Explore a variety of cultures and societies.

How do you show your passion in college essay?

A better guideline: write about what you’ve spent a lot of time on . Start by looking at what you’ve spent the most time on, then figure out which activities you particularly enjoyed, and then remember how you became interested in those activities and detail why they are important to you.

What is intellectual curiosity essay?

How would you describe your intellectual ability.

Intellectual capacity is your ability to think, learn, plan, and execute with discipline . A helpful analogy is to think of it as your processor or operating system—building this capacity allows you to do more in less time and with less energy.

What are examples of intellectual skills?

Memory, comprehension, reasoning, analyzing, and problem solving are examples of intellectual skills that companies desire for their workers. Strength, stamina, coordination, psychomotor, and sensory skills are the top elements needed for physical work.

What sparks your intellectual curiosity?

There are many different things that a person may say when asked what sparks their intellectual curiosity. For some it may be along the basis of greed or want of knowledge. Others may just simply love to learn, and their pleasure from learning is what sparks their curiosity.

How do you demonstrate curiosity in the workplace?

The space for inquisitiveness can be created in small and unexpected ways without any elaborate changes to your lifestyle.

  • Slow down to create time for research and reflection.
  • Be open to the opinions and ideas of others.
  • Practice asking “why” and other good questions.
  • Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

What are colleges looking for in essays?

As part of the college application process, colleges ask prospective students for a personal essay in order to learn more about them. They want to see context on each student’s background, positive traits that the student could bring to campus, and examples of the student demonstrating those qualities .

What should you not write in a college essay?

Many essays included things that you should not do in your college admissions essay including: Never rehash your academic and extracurricular accomplishments . Never write about a “topic” Never start with a preamble.

What makes you a strong candidate for college essay?

Whether reflected in the essay or the thoughtful confluence of the academic course load and extracurricular activities, a successful applicant should highlight an ability to overcome obstacles and garner results . It’s about proving you can produce outcomes, both on the part of the student and the university.

How can I be curious in college?

Encourage them to notice which activities or questions spark their interest, and then feed their curiosity with books, podcasts, documentaries, YouTube videos, music, projects, or any other medium that lets them plunge into their topic of choice. Strive to be enthusiastic about your student’s interests.

What is an intellectual experience?

Common Intellectual Experiences (CIEs) refer to any curricular and/or co-curricular program designed to build a student cohort focused on a common, broad theme .

How do you describe someone’s intelligence?

Some common synonyms of intelligent are alert, clever, and quick-witted . While all these words mean “mentally keen or quick,” intelligent stresses success in coping with new situations and solving problems.

What are intellectual skills for students?

Intellectual skills are defined as the methods an individual can use to evaluate or organize information and data . In the 1950s, educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom created a model of intellectual skills that defined abilities such as application, analysis and synthesis as building on basic knowledge.

How can students improve their intellectual skills?

Teach students to develop divided attention for multitasking . This will help in developing highly functional cognitive skills. Practicing mindfulness a few times a week for children help in concentration. Processing speed is the time taken by the mind to process information or command.

What is an example of curiosity?

The definition of curiosity is anything strange or rare, or having an interesting in learning or knowing something. An example of a curiosity is a little known and interesting fact about a subject . An example of curiosity is always asking questions, reading books and going out to try to learn about the world.

Why is curiosity important for learning?

Encouraging students to embrace their curiosity is an important part of education. Curiosity is key to learning. In fact, studies show that, when we’re curious about a subject, we are much more likely to remember information we learned about that subject .

Why do you want to go to this college essay?

Tips for Writing the “Why This College” Essay Make a list of the reasons you decided to apply . Research unique opportunities related to your academic and extracurricular interests. Pick your top academic reasons for applying, and your top extracurricular/social reasons.

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By Cary Hardy

Hi there! I'm Cary Hardy, an education expert and consultant. I've worked with students of all ages and backgrounds, and I love helping them unlock their full potential. I'm also a big believer in lifelong learning- there's always something new to learn!

I got my start in education as a teacher, working with students in grades K-12. After several years of teaching, I transitioned into the world of educational consulting. I've since worked with schools and districts all over the country, helping them improve their curriculums and instruction methods.

I'm passionate about helping people achieve their dreams, and I believe that education is the key to unlocking everyone's potential. Thanks for reading!

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intellectual curiosity essay

ok so if a school asks abt what excites your intellectual curiosity, does it have to necessarily be about academics/learning?

i was thinking of writing about photography but im not sure if that rly counts as an intellectual curiosity


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  22. How do you show "intellectual curiosity" in your essay?

    It sounds like your post is related to essays — please check the A2C Wiki Page on Essays for a list of resources related to essay topics, tips & tricks, and editing advice. Please be cautious of possible plagiarism if you do decide to share your essay with other users. tl;dr: A2C Essay Wiki. I am a bot, and this action was performed ...

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  24. intellectual curiosity essay? : r/ApplyingToCollege

    No, it doesn't need to be related to the subject you'd be studying. Obviously you should have some place in the application where you talk about why you want to do this program, but this essay is about you and your curiosity. Hey there, I'm a bot and something you said made me think you might be looking for help!

  25. intellectual curiosity essay : r/ApplyingToCollege

    AO585858 Verified College Counselor • 2 yr. ago. If you are writing about the intentions, purpose, theory, and impact of photography, that is intellectual. If you are writing, "I like to take pictures because it's fun," that is not intellectual. Anything can be intellectual curiosity if it shows depth and critical thinking.