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  • Published: 11 March 2021

A meta-analysis of Watson for Oncology in clinical application

  • Zhou Jie 1 , 2   na1 ,
  • Zeng Zhiying 3   na1 &

Scientific Reports volume  11 , Article number:  5792 ( 2021 ) Cite this article

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  • Medical research

Using the method of meta-analysis to systematically evaluate the consistency of treatment schemes between Watson for Oncology (WFO) and Multidisciplinary Team (MDT), and to provide references for the practical application of artificial intelligence clinical decision-support system in cancer treatment. We systematically searched articles about the clinical applications of Watson for Oncology in the databases and conducted meta-analysis using RevMan 5.3 software. A total of 9 studies were identified, including 2463 patients. When the MDT is consistent with WFO at the ‘Recommended’ or the ‘For consideration’ level, the overall concordance rate is 81.52%. Among them, breast cancer was the highest and gastric cancer was the lowest. The concordance rate in stage I–III cancer is higher than that in stage IV, but the result of lung cancer is opposite ( P  < 0.05).Similar results were obtained when MDT was only consistent with WFO at the "recommended" level. Moreover, the consistency of estrogen and progesterone receptor negative breast cancer patients, colorectal cancer patients under 70 years old or ECOG 0, and small cell lung cancer patients is higher than that of estrogen and progesterone positive breast cancer patients, colorectal cancer patients over 70 years old or ECOG 1–2, and non-small cell lung cancer patients, with statistical significance ( P  < 0.05). Treatment recommendations made by WFO and MDT were highly concordant for cancer cases examined, but this system still needs further improvement. Owing to relatively small sample size of the included studies, more well-designed, and large sample size studies are still needed.

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With the rapid development of human society, cancer-related knowledge is also growing exponentially, which has caused a knowledge gap for clinic physicians 1 . With the increasing understanding of each patient, more and more information need to be absorbed from the literature in providing evidence-based cancer treatment. Research shows that clinic physicians can only spend 4.6 h a week to acquire the latest professional knowledge 2 , resulting in a relative delay in information absorption, leading to an increasing gap between the results achieved by academic research centers and the actual situation 3 . However, compared with physicians in other clinical disciplines, clinical oncologists urgently need to acquire evidence-based medicine knowledge in time to support patients' personalized treatment plans. Consequently, clinicians need some new types of tools to bridge this knowledge gap, support and adopt new treatment methods in an evidence-based manner, so that more patients can benefit from social investment in research and development 4 , 5 . Artificial intelligence (AI) first appeared in the early 1950s, which refers to the creation of intelligent machines with functions and reactions like human beings 6 . The goal of AI is to replicate human mind, that is to say, it can perform tasks such as identification, interpretation, reasoning and transformation, and it is good at the areas that human beings are not good at, such as absorbing a large amount of qualitative information that can recognize the patterns of relevant information 7 , 8 . Now AI has gradually entered medicine. Image recognition using AI has been successfully applied to image-based clinical diagnosis, such as melanoma recognition in dermoscopy images 9 or detection of diabetic retinopathy in retinal fundus photographs 10 , and more and more researches on AI are also carried out in oncology 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 . AI aims to enhance human capabilities, enable human beings to apply more and more complex knowledge to clinical decision-making, and bring more and more diversified and complex patient data into personalized management. Due to the recent development of cognitive computing technology, its application in clinical oncology still lacks large-scale data, and there are clinical differences in different regions and ethnic groups. Watson for Oncology (WFO), an artificial intelligence assistant decision system, was developed by IBM Corporation (USA) with the help of top oncologists from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK). It took more than 4 years of training, based on national comprehensive cancer network (NCCN) cancer treatment guidelines and more than 100 years of clinical cancer treatment experience in the United States, and can recommend appropriate chemotherapy regimens for specific cancer patients. As for supported cases, the treatment recommendations provided by WFO are divided into 3 groups: Recommended, i.e. green "buckets", which represents a treatment supported by obvious evidence; For consideration, i.e. yellow "buckets", which represents a potentially suitable alternative; and Not recommended, i.e. red "buckets", which stands for a treatment with contraindications or obvious evidence against its use. In order to compare the consistency between WFO and clinicians in different countries and regions in various aspects and on a large scale, many hospitals have formed Multidisciplinary Team (MDT), which is composed of oncologists, surgeons, pathologists and radiologists, etc. They discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each candidate treatment scheme and finally determine the treatment scheme. If the concordance is achieved when the MDT recommendation is in the ‘Recommended’/‘Recommended’ or ‘For consideration’ categories of WFO, it is defined as concordant; Otherwise, it is discordant. The results showed that there were obvious differences in the concordance rate of different regions and types of cancers. And so far, there has been no published meta-analysis comparing the consistency of WFO and MDT. Therefore, this study aims to systematically review the literature and provide the latest evidence of WFO's clinical use, analyze the consistency, advantages and disadvantages between WFO's treatment scheme in cancer patients and that of clinicians, and further summarize and analyze WFO's clinical practice, so as to provide references for further clinical application of WFO.

Materials and methods

This meta-analysis is registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) trial registry (CRD42020199418). In addition and where applicable, the general guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) Statement were followed. And this study was performed and prepared according to the guidelines proposed by Cochrane Collaboration ( ).

Literature search

Since WFO started commercial use in 2015, literatures from 2015 onwards were searched. Cochrane Library, PubMed, Excerpta Medica Database (EMbase), China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), CQVIP and Chinese Biomedicine (CBM) databases (updated until December 31, 2019) were searched using the following terms: artificial intelligence, clinical decision-support system, Watson for Oncology, neoplasm, treatment, Multidisciplinary Team, concordance and comparative study. Other potentially qualified articles were also screened manually.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

The studies meeting the following criteria would be included:

(a) The clinical use of WFO has been focused on regardless of cancer type, (b) the studies contain at least one subgroup of analysis data, (c) the studies should be original research articles published either in Chinese or English regardless of nationality, (d) the studies have compared the consistency of treatment schemes determined by WFO and MDT, and (e) there is no limit to whether the article is a prospective or a retrospective study and whether blind methods have used.

The following are the major exclusion criteria:

(a) The studies only describe the simple use of WFO and do not involve any data or only WFO research and development process data, (b) the article does not compare the treatment schemes between WFO and MDT, and (c) book chapter, comment, case reports, and other forms without detailed data.

Data extraction and quality assessment

Two investigators evaluated the quality of the literatures and extracted the data independently. Any disagreements were discussed and consulted by an additional independent arbitrator for further resolution. The lack of original data is supplemented by contacting the original author via e-mail. The data were extracted with a standardized table, including (a) general information, such as the title of the publication, first author’s surname, the original document number and source, year of publication and country, (b) research characteristics, such as the eligibility of the research, the characteristics of the research object, the design scheme and quality of the literature, the design scheme and quality of the literature, the specific contents and implementation methods of the research measures, relevant bias prevention measures, and the main test results; (c) data needed for this meta-analysis, such as the total number of cases in each group, and the number of cases of events were collected by the second classification.

According to the Cochrane Reviewers’ Handbook 6.1 ( ), the quality of the literature was evaluated including 7 aspects: random sequence generation (selection bias), allocation concealment (selection bias), blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias), blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias), incomplete outcome data (attrition bias), selective reporting (reporting bias) and other bias, and the judgment of "yes" (low bias), "no" (high bias) and "unclear" (lack of relevant information or uncertainty of bias) is made respectively. Review Manager statistical software (RevMan, version 5.3.5, Cochrane Collaboration Network) was applied to assess the risk-of-bias and provide visual results.

Statistical analysis

RevMan 5.3.5 was also applied to analyze the extracted data. The main purpose of this study was to compare the consistency of treatment schemes determined by WFO and MDT in different cancer types, so the statistical data were dichotomous data (coincidence or non-coincidence). In the analysis, odds ratios (ORs) and the 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were performed for clinic-pathological features (TNM stage, histopathological category, etc.). Q test or I 2 test was used to judge the heterogeneity among the studies. When P  < 0.05 or I 2  > 50%, there was significant heterogeneity among the studies. On the contrary, there was no heterogeneity. When there was no statistical heterogeneity between studies, the fixed effect model was used to merge the results. If there was statistical heterogeneity, we analyzed the causes of heterogeneity, and adopted subgroup analysis or sensitivity analysis. For the documents that still could not eliminate heterogeneity, the data could be combined from the perspective of clinical significance. Random effect model was adopted for combination analysis, and the results were carefully interpreted. If the data provided could not be meta-analyzed, only descriptive analysis would be done.

Characteristics and quality evaluation of eligible studies

A total of 367 relevant publications from January 2015 to December 2019, were obtained from the preliminary search. There were 237 English literatures (Pubmed: 102, Embase: 106, Cochrane Library: 29) and 130 Chinese literatures (CNKI: 43, CQVIP: 47, CBM: 40). After reading the title, abstract and full text successively, 8 articles 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 and 1 conference abstract 23 were finally included, all of which were Non-RCTs published between 2017 and 2019, 7 studies 15 , 16 , 17 , 19 , 20 , 22 , 23 were published in English, and 2 studies 18 , 21 in Chinese. The basic process of publication selection, the main characteristics and quality evaluation of included publications have been shown in Fig.  1 , Table 1 , Supplementary Fig. 1 , 2 , respectively. Of the 9 studies, 7 studies 15 , 16 , 17 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 clearly defined the method of selecting cases, and other studies did not indicate the "randomization" of the included samples. In all studies, WFO and MDT treatment schemes were formulated successively for the same patient in the group, so there was no allocation bias. 7 studies 15 , 16 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 did not indicate specific blind method implementation plan or did not adopt blind method, but the result judgment and measurement will not be affected. Although two studies 16 , 22 did not provide detailed four-category data, they did not completely affect our meta-analysis, so we believed that all studies had no obvious bias in selective reporting results and ensured the basic integrity of the data, but other biases were still unclear. Because it was of little significance to use Begg’s funnel plot and Egger test to detect publication bias when the number of documents was too small (< 10), no publication bias analysis had been performed in this study. Due to the little difference in the quality of the documents included in this meta-analysis, no further sensitivity analysis had been made. After subgroup analysis, most I 2 test results were less than 50%, and there was lower heterogeneity among the studies included in this system evaluation.

figure 1

Flow diagram of the study selection process.

Results of meta-analysis

Overall analysis of consistency between wfo and mdt.

Of the 9 included studies, a total of 7 studies 15 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 23 provided four types of complete data (including WFO three types of treatment schemes and unavailable cases) on the consistency of treatment schemes determined by WFO and MDT in different cancer types, involving seven types of cancers including breast cancer, rectal cancer, colon cancer, gastric cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer and cervical cancer. Of the 1738 cases included (shown in Supplementary Fig. 3 ), 959 (55.18%) cases were WFO ‘Recommended’ schemes (green schemes) that were consistent with MDT treatment schemes, 503 cases (28.94%) were ‘For consideration’ (orange schemes), and the sum of the two was 1462 cases (84.12%). However, there were 166 cases (9.55%) that were ‘Not recommend’ scheme (pink scheme) and 110 cases (6.33%) that were not supported by WFO (‘Not available’ scheme).

Under the condition that the MDT recommendations were consistent with the ‘Recommended’ or ‘For consideration’ categories of WFO, we conducted meta-analysis according to different clinical stages of patients (stage I–III vs. stage IV). A total of 8 studies 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 23 were included in the analysis. Of the 1807 cases included, 1473 (81.52%) WFO treatment schemes were consistent with the MDT. The concordance rate of stage I–III was 86.00% (1026/1193), which was higher than 80.78% (496/614) of stage IV. But the meta-analysis results showed that there was a significant statistical heterogeneity (I 2  = 83%) at different stages, the meta-analysis was conducted using random effect model (shown in Fig.  2 A). The results showed that the difference was not statistically significant, P  = 0.20 [OR 1.68, 95% CI (0.76, 3.74)]. In order to further analyze the consistency between MDT and WFO, we analyzed the situation that only WFO ‘Recommended’ was included but ‘For consideration’ was excluded. A total of 9 studies 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 were included in the analysis. Of the 2463 cases included, 1299 (52.74%) WFO treatment schemes were consistent with MDT. The consistency of stage I–III was 56.46% (962/1704), which was greater than 44.40% (337/759) of stage IV. The meta-analysis results showed that there was significant statistical heterogeneity (I 2  = 90%) in different stages (shown in Fig.  3 A), so we also conducted the meta-analysis using random effect model. The results also showed that the difference was not statistically significant, P  = 0.08 [OR 1.77, 95% CI (0.93, 3.40)]. Meta-analysis showed significant statistical heterogeneity (I 2  > 50%), so subgroup analysis was further adopted according to tumor classification.

figure 2

Forest plot of consistency between WFO (‘Recommended’ or ‘For consideration’) and MDT for patients with various cancers. Treatment was considered concordant if the delivered treatment was rated as either ‘Recommended’ or ‘For consideration’ by WFO and discordant if the delivered treatment was either ‘Not recommended’ by WFO or was physician’s choice (not included in WFO). Overall concordance of various cancers in stages I–III and IV ( A ). Concordance of various estrogen and progesterone receptors (ER+/PR+ vs. ER−, PR−) in breast cancer ( B ). Concordance of various pathological types (small cell vs. non-small cell) in lung cancer ( C ).

figure 3

Forest plot of consistency between WFO (only ‘Recommended’) and MDT for patients with various cancers. Treatment was considered concordant if the delivered treatment was rated as ‘Recommended’ by WFO and discordant if the delivered treatment was rated as other options by WFO or was physician’s choice (not included in WFO). Overall concordance of various cancers in stages I–III and IV ( A ). Concordance of various estrogen and progesterone receptors (ER+/PR+vs. ER−, PR−) in breast cancer ( B ). Concordance of various performance status (ECOG 0 vs. ECOG 1–2) in colorectal cancer ( C ). Concordance of various age (< 70-year-old vs. older) in colorectal cancer ( D ). Concordance of various pathological types (small cell vs. non-small cell) in lung cancer ( E ).

Subgroup analysis of consistency between WFO and MDT

Consistency between wfo (‘recommended’ or ‘for consideration’) and mdt.

Under the condition that the MDT recommendations were consistent with the ‘Recommended’ or ‘For consideration’ categories of WFO, we conducted meta-analysis according to different clinical stages of patients (stage I–III vs. stage IV). The results showed that the consistency of stage I–III was greater than that of stage IV except lung cancer (shown in Table 2 and Fig.  4 ). A total of 3 studies 17 , 20 , 21 (n = 890) were included in our meta-analysis of breast cancer, the results showed that the difference was statistically significant, P  = 0.001 [OR 2.29, 95% CI (1.37, 3.82)]. A total of 4 studies 16 , 17 , 18 , 23 (n = 398) were included in our analysis of colorectal cancer, the results showed that the difference was statistically significant, P  < 0.0001 [OR 3.44, 95% CI (1.91, 6.17)]. A total of 3 studies 17 , 18 , 23 (n = 181) were included in our analysis of colon cancer, the results showed that the difference was statistically significant, P  = 0.04 [OR 2.31, 95% CI (1.06, 5.05)]. A total of 2 studies 17 , 23 (n = 148) were included in our analysis of rectal cancer, the results showed that the difference was not statistically significant, P  = 0.17 [OR 3.31, 95% CI (0.60, 18.25)]. A total of 2 studies 15 , 17 (n = 107) were included in our analysis of gastric cancer, the results showed that the difference was statistically significant, P  = 0.07 [OR 9.81, 95% CI (0.86, 111.5)]. A total of 3 studies 17 , 19 , 23 (n = 374) were included in our analysis of lung cancer, the results showed that the difference was not statistically significant, P  = 0.08 [OR 0.32, 95% CI (0.09, 1.13)].

figure 4

Forest plot of consistency between WFO (‘Recommended’ or ‘For consideration’) and MDT for patients (subgroup).

In addition, a total of 3 studies 17 , 20 , 21 (n = 890) provided data on estrogen and progesterone receptors (ER+/PR+ vs. ER−, PR−) in breast cancer patients, so meta-analysis was further carried out. The results showed (shown in Fig.  2 B) that there was not statistically significant difference, P  = 0.47 [OR 0.85, 95% CI (0.54, 1.34)]. A total 2 of studies 17 , 19 (n = 262) provided data on pathological types (small cell vs. non-small cell) of lung cancer patients. The results showed that the consistency of small cell lung cancer was higher than that of non-small cell lung cancer (shown in Fig.  2 C), and the difference was statistically significant, P  = 0.02 [OR 3, 95% CI (1.20, 7.48)].

Consistency between WFO (only ‘Recommended’) and MDT

Under the condition that the MDT recommendations were consistent with only the ‘Recommended’ categories of WFO, we conducted meta-analysis again according to different clinical stages of patients (stage I–III vs. stage IV). Similarly, the results showed that the consistency of stage I–III was greater than that of stage IV except lung cancer (shown in Table 3 and Fig.  5 ). A total of 3 studies 17 , 20 , 21 (n = 890) were included in our meta-analysis of breast cancer, the results showed that the difference was not statistically significant, P  = 0.37 [OR 1.33, 95% CI (0.72, 2.47)]. A total of 5 studies 16 , 17 , 18 , 22 , 23 (n = 1054) were included in our analysis of colorectal cancer, the results showed that the difference was statistically significant, P  < 0.0001 [OR 3.70, 95% CI (1.93, 7.11)]. A total of 4 studies 17 , 18 , 22 , 23 (n = 837) were included in our analysis of colon cancer, the results showed that the difference was statistically significant, P  = 0.0004 [OR 2.49, 95% CI (1.50, 4.14)]. A total of 2 studies 17 , 23 (n = 148) were included in our analysis of rectal cancer, the results showed that the difference was statistically significant, P  = 0.0001 [OR 5.87, 95% CI (2.36, 14.58)]. A total of 2 studies 15 , 17 (n = 107) were included in our analysis of gastric cancer, the results showed that the difference was statistically significant, P  = 0.01 [OR 3.48, 95% CI (1.28, 9.43)]. A total of 3 studies 17 , 19 , 23 (n = 374) were included in our analysis of lung cancer, the results showed that the difference was not statistically significant, P  = 0.18 [OR 0.36, 95% CI (0.08, 1.57)].

figure 5

Forest plot of consistency between WFO (only ‘Recommended’) and MDT for patients with various cancers in stages I–III and IV (subgroup).

In addition, a total of 3 studies 17 , 20 , 21 (n = 890) provided data on estrogen and progesterone receptors (ER+/PR+ vs. ER−, PR−) in breast cancer patients. The meta-analysis results showed that the consistency of hormone receptor-positive patients (Luminal A and Luminal B) was lower than that of negative patients (HER2 positive and triple negative), and the difference was statistically significant, P  = 0.02 [OR 0.72, 95% CI (0.54, 0.95)] (shown in Fig.  3 B). A total of 2 studies 16 , 22 provided data of different performance status (ECOG 0 vs. ECOG 1–2) and age (< 70-year-old vs. older) of colorectal cancer patients. The results showed that the consistency of ECOG 0 patients was higher than that of ECOG 1–2 patients and the difference was statistically significant, P  = 0.003 [OR 1.59, 95% CI (1.17, 2.17)] (shown in Fig.  3 C); the consistency of patients under 70 years old was higher than that of older, the difference was statistically significant, P  = 0.03 [OR 4.06, 95% CI (1.18, 13.97)] (shown in Fig.  3 D). A total of 2 studies 17 , 19 (n = 262) provided data on pathological types (small cell vs. non-small cell) of lung cancer patients. The results also showed that the consistency of small cell lung cancer was higher than that of non-small cell lung cancer, and the difference was statistically significant, P  < 0.00001 [OR 11.05, 95% CI (4.93, 24.77)] (shown in Fig.  3 E).

Consistency analysis between WFO and MDT

On the whole, it is found that the consistency of stage I–III of other cancers except lung cancer is better than that of stage IV, and most of the results are statistically significant ( P  < 0.05), regardless of setting WFO consistent with MDT at the ‘For consideration’ level (‘Recommended’ or ‘For consideration’) or at the ‘Recommended’ level (only ‘Recommended’). At the ‘For consideration’ level, the overall concordance rate of breast cancer is the highest (88.99%), while that of gastric cancer is the lowest (57.94%). The consistency of small cell lung cancer in patients with lung cancer is higher than that of non-small cell lung cancer, and the difference is statistically significant. At the ‘Recommended’ level, the overall concordance rate of rectal cancer is the highest (81.76%), while that of gastric cancer is still the lowest (29.90%). The consistency of hormone receptor-positive patients (Luminal A and B) of breast cancer is lower than that of hormone receptor-negative patients (HER2 positive and triple negative). In colorectal cancer patients, the consistency of ECOG 0 is higher than that of ECOG 1–2 and under 70 years old is higher than older. However, in lung cancer patients, the consistency of small cell lung cancer is still higher than that of non-small cell lung cancer, and the difference is statistically significant.

Advantages of WFO

Besides showing high consistency with MDT in most cancers, WFO, as an artificial intelligence clinical decision support system also has the following advantages: (a) WFO improves doctors' work efficiency and reduces workload. Hu’s study 18 showed that using WFO can save an average of 8.2 min per case (the average time for obtaining reports is 7.3 ± 2.2 min, and the average time for MDT consultation is 15.5 ± 6.1 min). There is no need to wait for MDT to discuss together helps to reduce the time required to formulate chemotherapy scheme 24 , thus shortening the hospitalization time of patients. (b) WFO can prevent man-made calculation errors. Chemotherapy schemes and drug selection involve complicated and time-consuming processes, and there may be errors in selection 25 , 26 ; it can realize accurate medication through computer programs to prevent such errors 20 , 27 . (c) WFO can improve the quality of doctor-patient communication and prevent doctor-patient disputes. Nowadays, due to a variety of reasons, patients' distrust of doctors is increasing in China 28 , 29 . The more patients participate in the decision-making of their own therapeutic regimen and understand the incidence of adverse events and other information, the more they have confidence in the therapeutic regimen and will cooperate with doctors more actively 30 . (d) WFO can reduce the burden on patients. It can eliminate the time wasted by patients in consultation in various large hospitals, help patients to obtain the more accurate treatment as soon as possible, avoid fatigue caused by transportation, and reduce travel and accommodation costs while avoiding fatigue caused by travel. (e) WFO can improve the professional level of young doctors. It can significantly shorten the time that junior doctors must spend on consulting relevant documents. At the same time, WFO will give reasons for selection, evidence documents and drug use instructions for each scheme, and update the system once every 1–2 months, thus improving the ability of junior doctors to make accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendations in a short time and improving self-confidence.

Disadvantages of WFO

Recent studies showed that the consistency between WFO and MDT for cancer patients is not completely consistent, especially in patients with advanced cancer, there is a significant decrease in consistency. It is confirmed that WFO still has certain limitations, which lead to differences in the consistency rate when the system is applied in other countries. The limitations are shown as follows: (a) Different treatment schemes: yellow and white people have significant differences in sensitivity and tolerance to certain specific chemotherapeutic drugs due to their different constitutions and key enzyme groups of drug metabolism, so that clinical guidelines between different countries and regions must also have certain differences. For example, the mutation rate of EGFR in lung cancer in European and American countries is about 15%, while that in China is more than 50% 31 , 32 . In China, primary research drugs Icotinib and Endostar 33 , 34 , 35 are used to instead of other first-generation epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase inhibitor (EGFR-TKI) and bevacizumab, because studies have shown that they are as effective as EGFR-TKI and bevacizumab in lung cancer patients in China 36 , 37 . Liu et al. 19 and others have proposed that if WFO system can provide these two alternative therapeutic regimens in ‘Recommended’ or ‘For consideration’, the overall consistency of lung cancer in China can be increased from 65.8 to 93.2%. Xu et al. 21 also believe that the difference in first-line treatment of advanced breast cancer can also be attributed to the fact that CDK4/6 inhibitors cannot be used because they are not listed in China. Similarly, WFO recommended panizumab targeted therapy in colon cancer patients, but it is not listed in China and patients cannot choose it 38 . (b) Different drug choices: WFO recommended chemotherapy regimen complies with NCCN guidelines, but it also includes thousands of clinical practice cases from MSK 16 . For example, due to the large difference between the surgical methods and guidelines for adjuvant treatment of gastric cancer in China and the United States 39 , 40 , the WFO applied research on gastric cancer in the study shows poor concordance rate. On the contrary, the adjuvant therapy and drug selection for colon cancer in eastern and western countries are more consistent, so the concordance rate between WFO and MDT is obviously increased. Liu et al. 19 also suggested that WFO recommended concurrent chemoradiation during the treatment of lung cancer, whereas China performs sequential chemoradiation (up to 67%). Chinese patients often cannot tolerate concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy because their physique is usually weaker than that of western patients. The physique of Chinese patients is usually weaker than that of western patients, which leads to the decrease of coincidence rate between WFO and MDT. (c) Complications: comprehensive treatment for cancer patients is continuous, and patients may suffer from reversible and transient organ function damage. WFO may sometimes exclude some available schemes in the process of selecting the candidate scheme only based on the transient abnormal biochemical results of the patient 41 . In Hu's study 18 , a biochemical blood test of a colon cancer patient showed creatinine clearance rate < 30. WFO did not recommend CapeOX (oxaliplatin + capecitabine) scheme for the patient, but MDT considered that this was only the result of transient biochemical abnormality of the patient, so creatinine clearance rate was rechecked one week later and the result was > 30, so CapeOX scheme treatment was still carried out. In Liu's study 19 , a patient with active pulmonary tuberculosis was also diagnosed as stage III squamous cell lung cancer. If the standard chemoradiotherapy recommended by WFO is accepted, tuberculosis may spread rapidly, resulting in rapid death. Therefore, Liu et al. modified the treatment strategy to oral anti-tuberculosis drugs before radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Therefore, it is believed that if such individualized information can be incorporated into WFO, the coincidence rate between WFO and MDT will be greatly improved. (d) Economic factors: for example, in the treatment of breast cancer, WFO recommends the use of trastuzumab for HER2 positive patients, but patients in China are often forced to choose chemotherapy first due to the high price of this drug 38 . In the Republic of Korea, both WFO and MDT recommend regorafenib for patients with stage IV rectal cancer 42 , but some patients still received 5-fluorouracil (5-Fu)-base chemotherapy, because regorafenib is not only expensive, but also not covered by the national health insurance system 16 . Similarly, China also needs to consider the issue of medical insurance reimbursement, which also affects the consistency between WFO and MDT. If WFO can make targeted improvements to the treatment recommendations for patients with advanced cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, breast cancer with hormone receptor-positive and colorectal cancer with ECOG 1–2 or older (age > 70), it will be more suitable for clinical use in other countries.

Characteristics and limitations of this meta-analysis

Although WFO has been gradually developed in many countries and regions, and the types of cancers supported are also gradually increasing, so far there is still a lack of evidence-based medicine research for this system. In order to understand the consistency between WFO and MDT, WFO advantages and disadvantages in clinical use, and to solve the practical problems encountered in the practical use of the system, we carried out a targeted meta-analysis. Unlike most of the original studies, which only carry out the consistency research at the ‘For consideration’ level (‘Recommended’ or ‘For consideration’) or at the ‘Recommended’ level (only ‘Recommended’), this research respectively carries out meta-analysis of the above two aspects, which further supports some statistical results obtained from the original studies and provides new statistical evidence. It not only reminds clinicians to pay enough attention to patients with advanced cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, Luminal A and B breast cancer and colorectal cancer with ECOG 1–2 or older (age > 70) in the future when using WFO, but also provides clinical evidence for improvement of WFO. Of course, this meta-analysis still has certain limitations, which are mainly manifested in the following aspects: (a) The possibility of selection bias may exist in a few included studies; (b) The number of samples included in some studies is relatively small, and some study results are not fully reported, lacking complete data of the four classifications. (3) Most studies did not mention the relevant data of WFO's advantages such as shortening consultation time and coincidence between junior or senior doctors and WFO, which leads us to fail to further analyze some of WFO's advantages. (d) All data are published research or conference summaries, lack of grey literature, and possible literature selectivity bias. In addition, 182 cases were included in the initial stage in Liu's study on lung cancer 19 . In the further study, a total of 33 cases were excluded from the study without the support of WFO, and the remaining 149 patients were included in the study. However, the clinical stages of these 33 cases are not listed in detail and cannot be included for further Meta-analysis. Moreover, the distribution of patients in this study is unbalanced, that is, there are fewer patients in early stage, which is obviously different from the situation that there are more early-stage patients than late-stage patients in other cancers. All these may lead to different conclusions about lung cancer from other cancers. Of course, the sample size included in our systematic evaluation is small, so larger sample size, multi-center and high-quality randomized controlled trials are still needed for further verification in order to reach more reliable conclusions.

To sum up, we should regard WFO as "a tool, not a crutch" 43 . If WFO is properly used, it will be regarded as a valuable tool. Proper use requires WFO to be only in the position of a complement to the doctor's work, instead of relying on it completely. Oncologists can integrate it with traditional resources such as colleagues' experience and scientific journals to choose the most effective method to provide chemotherapy schemes for patients, to help patients obtain more accurate and effective treatment, fasten and improve their treatment results. Of course, WFO should also make continuous improvement according to clinical use in other countries. People often say that AI will change medicine. In fact, through examples like WFO, we can look forward to how AI can enable people all over the world to obtain the best quality medical services fairly, no matter where or who the patients are 44 .

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Scientific Research and Technology Development Program of Guangxi (NO. Guike 14124004) and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi (NO. GXNSFAA118147).

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These authors contributed equally: Zhou Jie and Zeng Zhiying.

Authors and Affiliations

Department of Gynecologic Oncology, Guangxi Medical University Cancer Hospital, Key Laboratory of Early Prevention and Treatment for Regional High Frequency Tumor, Ministry of Education, Nanning, 530021, Guangxi, People’s Republic of China

Zhou Jie & Li Li

Department of Gynecology, The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China, Hengyang, 421001, Hunan, People’s Republic of China

Department of Anesthesiology, The Second Affiliated Hospital, University of South China, Hengyang, 421001, Hunan, People’s Republic of China

Zeng Zhiying

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Conceptualization, L.L. and Z.J.; software, Z.Z.; validation, L.L. and Z.J.; investigation, Z.J.; resources, Z.J.; data curation, Z.Z.; writing—original draft preparation, Z.J.; writing—review and editing, L.L.; visualization, L.L.; supervision, L.L.; project administration, L.L.; funding acquisition, L.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Li Li .

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Jie, Z., Zhiying, Z. & Li, L. A meta-analysis of Watson for Oncology in clinical application. Sci Rep 11 , 5792 (2021).

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Received : 21 July 2020

Accepted : 25 November 2020

Published : 11 March 2021


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ibm watson case study pdf

Ethics of Medical AI: The Case of Watson for Oncology

Danish translation forthcoming in: 8 Cases i Medicinsk Etik

25 Pages Posted: 8 Aug 2019 Last revised: 5 Dec 2019

Ezio Di Nucci

University of Copenhagen

Rasmus Thybo Jensen

Aaro tupasela.

University of Copenhagen - Faculty of Law

Date Written: August 5, 2019

Let’s be honest: one of the big motivators for studying medicine is its job prospects: namely plenty of well-paid safe jobs. That is why medical artificial intelligence (medical AI) should scare you: because it is coming after your jobs. In this chapter we will discuss IBM Watson for Oncology (from now on just Watson for short) as a case study in the emergence of medical AI. We will analyse the most interesting ethical and philosophical questions raised by medical AI in general and Watson in particular. Watson is “a decision-support system that ranks cancer therapeutic options” based on machine learning algorithms, which are computer systems that are, according to cognitive scientists, able to “figure it out on their own, by making inferences from data”. So you can double down on your fear already, dear medics: those machines are coming after your jobs and they are also coming after the jobs of their own programmers – that’s how greedy they are. They clearly won’t stop until they have taken over the whole world, which is in fact what technophobes and their extremist friends, the techno-apocalypsts, are afraid of. How does Watson work? Based primarily on its access to up-to-date medical research publications and patient’s health records, Watson’s algorithm – developed by IBM engineers together with oncologists from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York - generates cancer treatment recommendations that oncologists can review and use in consultation with patients.

Keywords: Medical AI; Watson for Oncology; Bioethics

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Ezio Di Nucci (Contact Author)

University of copenhagen ( email ).

Nørregade 10 Copenhagen, København DK-1165 Denmark

University of Copenhagen - Faculty of Law ( email )

Studiestraede 6 Studiestrade 6 Copenhagen, DK-1455 Denmark

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Unseen person walking between his colleagues while they applaud him for the promotion

Jon Lester was working in the future. And he didn’t want to come back to the present. 

Why not? Because Jon was in a future where the skills of his colleagues in IBM’s HR department were being used effectively, such as on workforce planning, and not wasted on busywork, such as gathering data from multiple systems. It’s a future where once-onerous data gathering tasks are done automatically, helping save time and energy for HR staff to focus on delivering equitable processes and reviews in support of personnel and promotion decisions.

We could all benefit from this future. So how did Jon get there? 

Faster deployments

In a pilot for IBM Consulting in North America, IBM saved 12,000 hours in one quarter

Faster execution

In the same pilot, completed work that normally took 10 weeks in 5 weeks

Jon was Director of HR Service Delivery & Transformation at IBM, managing HR operations teams in six delivery centers around the world. The role meant that he regularly received new IBM innovations in the AI and automation space—before they became available to external clients—to test their limits in real-world business scenarios.

One day in 2021, Jon and his team received a new technology developed by the IBM Watson® Research Lab—a trial version of software now known as the IBM watsonx Orchestrate solution. 

They thought it was a new iteration of familiar digital assistant and conversational AI technology, until they began working with it. Soon they were creating a digital worker to assist real IBM HR employees, automating 12,000 hours of previously manual data-gathering and data-entry tasks in one quarter (see detail later in this article). They understood that the capabilities of this new software were about to transform daily work not just for IBM’s HR department, but potentially for businesses everywhere.

Following the success of this first digital worker project, Jon was offered a new role within IBM HR. He was looking forward to extending the new capabilities to a new area. As Jon puts it: “I told them I want to take the future of work with me.” 

IBM HR Business Partners are HR employees who help IBM business units develop and retain talent. One IBM HR Business Partner and their teammates faced a large workload related to IBM HR’s quarterly promotions process, the purpose of which is to distribute promotions in a fair and timely manner and to help form promotion plans for employees not selected in the current quarter. The process’s success is critical to developing and retaining top talent within IBM. 

But the process was extremely time and labor intensive. It stretched up to 10 weeks out of every 12-week quarter, putting serious time pressure on the HR Business Partners’ other job responsibilities, such as strategic workforce planning, including organizational and skills transformation with a focus on inclusion.

“It was heavily reliant on collecting static data from various systems,” the IBM HR Business Partner explains. This IBM HR Business Partner covered the North America region for IBM Consulting™. But this still involved pulling data on 15,000–17,000 employees, from several systems, into spreadsheets with about 75 columns of data. She’d share that data with the appropriate IBM Talent, HR and business managers and leaders—hundreds in all. “This manual work was a huge obstacle of time and effort standing in the way of our  real work:  helping the business units evaluate the data and identify who was ready for promotion, who was getting close to being ready and who was not, in addition to helping them identify what’s needed to get those that are not ready, ready for a future cycle,” says the IBM HR Business Partner.

Thus, pulling and displaying the data necessary for the promotions process was the first task for which Jon and his team decided to try IBM watsonx Orchestrate. A collaboration between the HR Service Delivery & Transformation team, IBM Watson Research, the IBM IT department and the IBM HR Business Partner and their HR colleagues led to the creation and implementation of IBM’s first digital HR worker. 

The digital worker is called HiRo, and it is dramatically transforming day-to-day work during the promotions process. “HiRo is a rules-based system,“ explains Jon. “It performs many of the repetitive, manual activities that the IBM HR Business Partner or their teammates used to have to do  alongside  their higher value, more strategic work.”

HiRo now handles the information compiling and formatting tasks that used to take so much of the IBM HR Business Partner’s time. The spreadsheets are gone. The employee managers and leaders now receive an updated view of their employees’ data that displays whether the employees have met objective promotion criteria and what steps need to be taken—by the employees and the managers—for fulfilling baseline requirements.

A concern with automation, of course, is that eliminating human work may eliminate human jobs. The use of HiRo shows how automation can  elevate  human jobs. By pulling and displaying data, HiRo gives the IBM HR Business Partner and the employee managers more time to consider which of the employees who meet the baseline, objective criteria should be nominated for promotion. It also affords more time for coaching other employees to help them meet the criteria, if not in the current cycle then in the next. As the IBM HR Business Partner puts it, “The time the HR Business Partners and the managers are saving frees us up to do all the other things that we have to do anyway, and we don't have to work long hours to keep up.”

And although HiRo does not include machine learning capabilities, it does adhere to the ethics underlying IBM’s AI technology by ensuring data privacy and security for personal information (PI), and transparency around where the data is stored and pulled from. The balance of duties between HiRo, the IBM HR Business Partner and the other stakeholders ensures that the actual workforce decisions are made  by people . “Any decision that involves a pay raise or a nomination is made by the manager, the HR Business Partner and the practice lead,” Jon explains. Further, the cross-functional team completed an assessment to ensure that HiRo aligns with these five principles of tech ethics: 

  • Explainability:  earning and maintaining trust by making clear that promotion decisions are made by humans and HiRo makes no decisions or recommendations
  • Fairness:  applying rules consistently and displaying the same data for each employee
  • Robustness:  guarding against adversarial threats and potential incursions to keep systems healthy
  • Transparency:  sharing information with stakeholders of varying roles to reinforce trust 
  • Privacy:  safeguarding data through the entire lifecycle, from training to production and governance

Before the HiRo project, the first question Jon had about IBM watsonx Orchestrate was what makes it different than a chatbot or an RPA robot. One of his team’s recent successes with new technology was creating IBM’s AskHR conversational AI, which automates more than 80 common HR processes. AskHR has strong adoption rates, and it saves the HR department, IBM employees and managers significant amounts of time spent completing or supporting HR processes. 

“Conversational AI and RPA are also useful and valuable for automating manual, objective tasks,” says Jon. But there are things they can’t do that IBM watsonx Orchestrate can. “AskHR does its tasks really well, but it can only do them one at a time. It can’t link transactions across multiple processes or systems. And a chatbot lacks long-term memory. The moment you switch it off, it forgets that you exist. It has no memory of what you did before.” 

When the team began working with IBM watsonx Orchestrate, they quickly noticed the capabilities that set it apart. Jon explains: “It can engage with multiple people, of different roles, at the same time. It remembers what you told it yesterday and can apply that information to actions today, where applicable. Once the rules are set by humans, HiRo will uniformly apply them. And it lets you build its skills: you can train it do certain tasks within one process, but you can easily have it apply those same skills to other processes. So you can build use case after use case. It blows chatbots out of the water. It really is changing our understanding of the future of work.” 

IBM HR first piloted HiRo in the second quarter of 2022, for IBM Consulting in North America. In previous quarters, for each employee manager, it took about eight hours to gather all of the necessary data and fill in the relevant nomination forms. Approximately 1,800 managers used HiRo during the Q2 2022 pilot, and they completed the data-gathering and data-entry work in about 1 hour each, collectively saving about 12,000 hours in that quarter’s promotions process.

The time savings, of course, greatly accelerated the promotions process for the quarter. “We did the work of ten weeks in five weeks,” says the IBM HR Business Partner.

Based on this success, HiRo has some growth opportunities of its own. It’s about to be rolled out to other IBM Consulting regions worldwide. “We anticipate that the other regions where we roll this out will achieve similar results. The potential savings over four quarters could be 50,000 hours per year,” says Jon.

Beyond saving time, HiRo and other digital workers’ highest value may be their potential to transform jobs. We are in the midst of a global labor and talent shortage. People are expected to do more with less all the time. This technology can help. “It’s not just that the work of four people can be done by one, it’s also that that one person's role is totally changed,” says Jon. “They can spend a much greater portion of their time on the most strategic work—like workforce planning and equity, and they can use IBM watsonx Orchestrate to supply the data they need to do that important work.”

So what’s next? While HiRo itself will be rolled out to more regions in late 2022, it is about to gain several digital colleagues. The HR department is already using learnings from the promotions cycle to develop new digital workers for other processes. The new prototypes include an Onboarding Assistant and Learning Event Manager, and more processes are in the pipeline for evaluation. 

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  3. The business case for AI in HR

    At IBM, all proposals for building an AI application in HR require a business case. Once the AI applications are running in the business, there is a rigorous, quarterly management system to track the HR, financial and NPS metrics. There are also metrics tracked that are specific to particular AI applications.

  4. PDF The Era of Cognitive Systems: An Inside Look at IBM Watson and How it Works

    Effective navigation through the current flood of unstructured information requires a new era of computing called cognitive systems. Watson teases apart the question and potential responses in the corpus, and then examines it and the context of the statement in hundreds of ways.

  5. PDF Building Cognitive Applications with IBM Watson Services: Volume 6

    3.4.5 Using the Watson Speech to Text (STT) service. In this application, when the user clicks the Record button on the UI, the STT service is invoked and the authorization is checked. If the STT authorization is valid, the recording starts, which calls the recognizeMicrophone() function in the views/index.ejs file.

  6. PDF "The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of IBM Watson Health"

    that IBM Watson was supposed to be a winner from the beginning. Hver, Watson performed against IBM's owe appropriability expectations. In IBM's case, despite the appropriability (potential) being high, appropriation (realization) was low. That is, the realization of the existing potential did not happen as expected. This inability of IBM

  7. PDF The Total Economic Impact of IBM Watson Assistant

    IBM commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic ImpactTM (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by deploying Watson Assistant. The purpose of this study is to provide readers with a framework to evaluate the potential financial impact of Watson Assistant on their organizations.


    This study investigates how IBM Watson facilitates new provisions on programs and the creation of Under Armour record app. Research facilitates the exploration of how multiple actors communicate ...

  9. A meta-analysis of Watson for Oncology in clinical application

    Hu's study 18 showed that using WFO can save an average of 8.2 min per case ... N. et al. Concordance study between IBM Watson for Oncology ... S. P. et al. Early experience with IBM Watson for ...

  10. Practising Value Innovation through Artificial Intelligence: The IBM

    The second phase was based on an in-depth analysis of four case studies and the new practices emerging due to the Watson technologies. In identifying case studies, we referred to the IBM Redbook 'Enhancing the IBM power systems platform with IBM Watson services' (Diener & Piller, 2010) and chose the most

  11. Use Cases

    Using natural language processing (NLP), IBM Watson® Discovery helps your underwriters, claims processors, customer service agents and actuaries find answers and insights from insurance documents, customer and public data faster. That means faster business results, satisfied customers and happier employees. Client stories Meiji Yasuda Life ...

  12. Ethics of Medical AI: The Case of Watson for Oncology

    In this chapter we will discuss IBM Watson for Oncology (from now on just Watson for short) as a case study in the emergence of medical AI. We will analyse the most interesting ethical and philosophical questions raised by medical AI in general and Watson in particular. ... Ezio and Thybo Jensen, Rasmus and Tupasela, Aaro, Ethics of Medical AI ...

  13. PDF Intel Technologies Accelerate IBM Up to 2.7X for Faster

    Bhuma is a strategic IBM watsonx ecosystem partner that helps organizations rapidly build real-time data apps, analytics, and GenAI agents purpose built for modern lakehouses such as watsonx and Presto. Case Study | Intel® Technologies Accelerate IBM Up to 2.7X for Faster Generative AI and Intelligent Decision Making

  14. (PDF) IBM's Watson Analytics for Health Care:

    The IBM Watson Health Cloud for Life Sc iences Compliance can make medical science to do. innovations in m uch simple and effective way, also deploy GxP compliant infrastructure keeping. security ...

  15. LegalMation

    Reaching out to IBM, LegalMation received access to an IBM Watson® Discovery sandbox environment to begin exploring the services. "Watson is the clear leader in AI for businesses," says Lee. "Not only does it offer the natural language capabilities we need, but from a marketing perspective, the Watson brand automatically reduces a lot of the skepticism people in the legal profession may ...

  16. IBM Watson'S Theory


  17. IBM Human Resources

    One day in 2021, Jon and his team received a new technology developed by the IBM Watson® Research Lab—a trial version of software now known as the IBM watsonx Orchestrate solution. They thought it was a new iteration of familiar digital assistant and conversational AI technology, until they began working with it.

  18. Ibm-watsons-theory-case-study (pdf)

    IBM WATSON'S JEOPARDY PROJECT strategic management. Strategic management is defined as <a stream of decisions and actions which leads to the development of an effective strategy or strategies to help achieve corporate objectives.= 3 William F. Glueck Process Of Strategic Management An organization must follow a set of processes for strategic planning to be effective and fruitful.

  19. PDF The Business Case for AI in HR

    initially for internal IBM employee use, delivered such significant value that they are now offered commercially. These include IBM Watson Candidate Assistant, IBM Watson Recruitment, IBM Watson Career Coach, and Your Learning. For the last decade, IBM has been proud to work with clients around the world on their most important transformations.