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Army updates online tool for selecting assignments

the assignment satisfaction key (ask) website

The Army is updating a program that allows active-duty enlisted soldiers to choose preferences for assignments and locations.

The Assignment Satisfaction Key, or ASK, program has been redesigned by the Army Human Resources Command to be an expanded career development tool, according to an Army news release .

As in the past, soldiers can use the Web-based program to choose their preferences for future assignments and locations. Enlisted soldiers in ranks E-1 through E-8 non-promotable can view requisitions via the online tool, then volunteer for them and indicate their preferences.

When a soldier logs in to ASK, he or she will only see assignments they are eligible for, based on MOS, rank, time on station, and military education. This provides troops with realistic expectations, according to the release.

Once a soldier submits the request, it shows up in the Army's Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System, and Human Resources Command assignment managers will work on the order.

The updated tool allows soldiers to select assignments with lower requisition priority, instead of only showing assignments that have the most in-demand needs to be filled.

This has increased the number of assignments soldiers can view, an HRC spokeswoman said.

"Requisitions are each assigned a priority, based on Army Manning Guidance, that dictates which assignments should be filled first," Lt. Col. Janet Herrick said.

ASK now includes additional priorities, allowing soldiers to select from a higher number of available units and locations, she said.

The updated program now has one screen that's easier to navigate, and it also offers soldiers the option of indicating his or her availability for broadening opportunities, including drill sergeant and recruiter assignments, or other special-duty interests.

Soldiers who nominate themselves for assignment through ASK will receive feedback via email.

The assignment tool is available at https://www.ask.army.mil/ask . An Army Knowledge Online account password is needed to gain access.

Charlsy Panzino covers the Guard and Reserve, training, technology, operations and features for Army Times and Air Force Times. Email her at [email protected] .  

Charlsy is a Reporter and Engagement Manager for Military Times. Email her at [email protected].

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HRC expands scope, effectiveness of Assignment Satisfaction Key tool for enlisted

HRC expands scope, effectiveness of Assignment Satisfaction Key tool for enlisted

Photo By David Ruderman | Arthur Dille, a human resources supervisor with U.S. Army Human Resources Command’s... ... read more read more

Photo By David Ruderman | Arthur Dille, a human resources supervisor with U.S. Army Human Resources Command’s Enlisted Procedures and Soldier Actions Branch, briefs HRC Commander, Maj. Gen. Thomas C. Seamands, on upgrades to the online Assignment Satisfaction Key tool at HRC Headquarters, Fort Knox, Kentucky, Nov. 8, 2016. ASK allows enlisted active duty Soldiers up to the rank of E-8 non-promotable to take greater charge of their future assignments and career paths.   see less | View Image Page


Story by david ruderman  , u.s. army human resources command.

the assignment satisfaction key (ask) website

FORT KNOX, Kentucky (Dec. 12, 2016) – U.S. Army Human Resources Command has further expanded an online tool that enables active duty, enlisted Soldiers in ranks E-1 through E-8 non-promotable to designate assignment location and broadening assignment preferences, along with the ability to nominate themselves for assignments that help shape their career. The Assignment Satisfaction Key, or ASK, program has been in operation for 15 years, said Arthur Dille, a human resources supervisor with HRC’s Enlisted Procedures and Soldier Actions Branch. It was initially fielded to fill vacant positions in deploying units, but a redesign has transformed it into a career development tool for enlisted Soldiers across the Army. Dille said the ASK redesign was executed by a team of specialists from HRC’s Enlisted Personnel Management and Personnel Information Systems Directorates, who went through the program, screen by screen. They analyzed and re-organized the structure to ensure it is both streamlined and functionally effective, collapsing multiple screens into one, making it easier to navigate. “We wanted an improved look and feel, we wanted it to be usable. We cleaned it up and consolidated it so it is more user friendly,” Dille said. “It allows for Soldiers to see requisitions, volunteer for them and indicate their preferences for assignments. The idea is to empower Soldiers in the assignment process,” said Dille. ASK has been updated to ensure that Soldiers who log in see only assignments for which they are currently eligible based on MOS, rank, time on station as of report date and military education. The only possibilities for self-nomination are open requisitions organized by location. “If there are no authorizations for your MOS and grade, that location is not offered to you as a preference option. It is so Soldiers can have realistic expectations,” Dille said. Importantly, the available pool of assignment opportunities has expanded fourfold due to inclusion of lower requisition priorities. Once submitted, requests show up in the Army’s Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System, or EDAS, within minutes. HRC assignment managers can immediately begin working the requisition. “We’re looking at not only a bigger window, but a lot more requisitions. We want to have more Soldiers have more say in the assignment system with a corresponding increased approval rate. By having more options available, more Soldiers will want to use the tool,” Dille said. “This is an opportunity for the Soldier to become actively involved in the assignment process and take control over their future.” Assignment managers review the Soldier’s preferences, military education, Married Army Couple Program status, time-on-station and other qualifications. If a nomination matches the Army’s requirement, the manager can contact the Soldier with the good news. If a manager wants to reject an ASK assignment, it has to be approved by a branch chief. “Typically, rejection is going to be based on the strength of the losing unit or the Soldier’s professional development,” said Dille. Soldiers can also indicate their availability for broadening opportunities such as drill sergeant and recruiter, or other special duty interests as Airborne or Korea assignments. “While talent management is considerably more difficult among the enlisted ranks due to the scope and size of the force, engaging Soldiers through ASK in determining their own assignments and development helps the process,” said HRC Commander, Maj. Gen. Thomas C. Seamands “As the Army focuses more on talent management, the EPMD team knew we had to provide expanded capabilities for Soldiers to have influence and a greater voice in their career development,” said Col. Alan Kellogg, director of HRC’s Enlisted Personnel Management Directorate, EPMD. “This tool is not only designed to build unit readiness, but also support our Soldiers and their families.” “We want Soldiers to know about the opportunities that the ASK tool provides and we want Soldier to maximize usage,” said Sgt. Maj. Lynice Thorpe, EPMD senior NCO. So far, the redesign is having a positive effect. “We’re accepting over five times more than we were before. Almost two thirds of the assignments that Soldiers nominate for are being accepted,” said Dille. Even so, ASK is not a guarantee of a particular assignment. There remain circumstances under which HRC personnel will have to ensure that Soldiers fill the high priority needs of the Army regardless of their preferences, Dille said. Flexibility remains key to Soldiers finding their best next assignments, said HRC’s Command Sgt. Maj. Wardell Jefferson. Someone who nominates themselves repeatedly for an assignment for which they are not qualified, and then complains the system does not work, is missing the point, and the power, of the ASK tool. “That’s important too. There are requirements and priorities. There is a possibility you may get what you want, but there is also the need to have realistic expectations,” Jefferson said. “Enabling enlisted Soldiers to influence the development of their careers is a plus for both the individual and the Army,” said Seamands. “When a Soldier who wants to go to Fort Hood gets to Fort Hood, that is a happier Soldier.”


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Date Posted: 12.12.2016 14:43
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HRC expands scope, effectiveness of Assignment Satisfaction Key tool for enlisted


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"it's your career take control of it before someone else does.".

the assignment satisfaction key (ask) website

Update to the Assignment Satisfaction Key – Enlisted Module (ASK-EM)

Milper message 21-088 was released with important updates to the ask-em, including reenlistment and efmp., reenlistment program considerations, initial term soldiers.

Soldiers and NCOs on their initial term contract are issued Year-Month-Available to move (YMAV) of “999912”, are not aligned to enlisted manning cycles (EMCs), and are ineligible for ASK-EM market participation until they reenlist.

Upon reenlistment, a valid YMAV date will be issued based on a system review of the Soldier’s record and their current tour type such as 2/3/4 year continental United States (CONUS) tour or based on their outside continental United States (OCONUS) date eligible to return overseas (DEROS).

Mid Career NCOs

Mid-Term NCOs (E5 (promotable)) thru E8 (non-USASMA select)) who are entering their reenlistment window will have their YMAV adjusted to their expiration term of service (ETS) date to allow for retention actions to occur and will no longer align to an EMC nor market.

NCOs who are within eighteen months of ETS, or whose ETS equals less than 10 months time in service (TIS), will use RETAIN as their sole market option, are ineligible to participate in the ASK-EM market, and must contact their local Career Counselor for reassignment options.

Career NCOs

SFC and above or NCOs with greater than ten years TIS at ETS do not fall under this consideration.

Read the full MILPER Message here !

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Army Expands Assignment Satisfaction Tool

The Army Human Resources Command has further expanded an online tool that enables active duty, enlisted Soldiers to designate assignment location and assignment preferences. The Assignment Satisfaction Key (ASK) program was initially fielded to fill vacant positions in deploying units, but a redesign has transformed it into a career development tool for enlisted Soldiers in ranks E-1 through E-8 non-promotable. ASK has been updated to ensure that Soldiers who log in see only assignments for which they are currently eligible based on MOS, rank, time on station as of report date, and military education. Once submitted, requests show up in the Army's Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System (EDAS) within minutes. HRC assignment managers can then immediately begin working the requisition.

For more Army news, visit the Military.com Army section .

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Can anyone help me out getting on the assignment satisfaction key website on a personal Computer on my own network? Certificates are good but can't access the website because my network is unsecure.


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