5 Digital Media Resume Examples & Writing Guide

Looking to land a digital media job? A well-written resume is key. This guide breaks down 5 real-world examples of digital media resumes that work. Learn how to structure your resume, what to include, and tips for making your skills and experience stand out. Follow the advice to create a resume that will impress hiring managers and help you get the job.

Digital Media

A strong resume is essential for landing a job in digital media. But writing a resume that grabs the attention of employers can be tricky. What should you include? How should you structure it? What skills and experiences should you highlight?

This article provides five real-world examples of digital media resumes that worked. Use them as inspiration for crafting your own. You'll also find a step-by-step guide on how to write each section of your resume, from the summary to the skills.

Whether you're looking for your first job in digital media or aiming to take the next step in your career, these tips will help you create a resume that stands out. Learn how to showcase your unique value and impress hiring managers in the digital media field.

Common Responsibilities Listed on Digital Media Resumes

  • Developing and implementing digital marketing strategies
  • Managing social media campaigns and content
  • Analyzing and interpreting web analytics data
  • Creating and optimizing website content for SEO
  • Designing and executing email marketing campaigns
  • Managing pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns
  • Collaborating with designers and developers on digital projects
  • Monitoring and reporting on campaign performance metrics
  • Staying up-to-date with digital marketing trends and best practices
  • Identifying and targeting relevant audience segments
  • Creating and editing multimedia content (videos, graphics, etc.)
  • Conducting market research and competitor analysis

Resume ATS Scanner

Drop your resume file here to scan for ATS compatibility.

How to write a Resume Summary

The summary or objective section of a resume provides an opportunity for you to introduce yourself and offer a succinct narrative of your capabilities. When applying for a digital media position, this section summarizes what you bring to the table, but more critically, it frames your narrative in a way that aligns with prospective employer's needs and values.

The first rule is to be clear and concise. Detailed descriptions about your skills, achievements, and experience should be saved for other parts of the resume. This section is about painting a broader picture of who you are as a professional.

Start with your professional title, for example, "Experienced Digital Media Specialist". This serves as a headline for your preceding narrative. It's a good way to capture attention, and immediately clarifies the role and level of expertise.

Next, articulate your biggest career achievements or unique value proposition. As a rule of thumb, avoid vague descriptors, always favor concrete, measurable achievements over general frequently used buzzwords. For instance, instead of stating "experienced in content production", bring up a specific result like, "boosted brand engagement by 40% through unique content production strategy".

Follow with your soft and hard skills. Mentioning soft skills like "team player" or "effective communicator" can create an image of you as a well-rounded candidate. Coupling these soft skills with hard skills - "proficient in content management systems", or "knowledge in SEO best practices", paints a picture of a well-balanced professional.

Lastly, showing some personality never hurts. If you are a literature nerd or a chess enthusiast, bring it up. It may create a personal connection with your reader.

In essence, the summary should tell a captivating story about your professional persona. It should pack a punch within a few sentences. It needs a balance of analytical achievements, professional growth and a personal charm that makes you uniquely you. Don't forget, this narrative should be tailored to align with the employer's goals and values, thus showcasing your understanding and alignment to their vision.

Writing a resume summary is a subtle, delicate art. Take your time, craft and reflect until you get it right. Remember, this could be the first impression you create in the mind of your potential employer. Make it count.

Strong Summaries

  • Results-driven Digital Media Specialist with 5+ years of experience, skilled in creating multimedia campaigns, developing social media strategies, and improving SEO. Proven ability to collaborate with teams and meet deadlines
  • Accomplished media designer with a passion for digital art and a proven history of creating efficient digital marketing campaigns. Expert in utilizing various forms of media software and skilled in HTML and CSS coding languages.
  • Highly creative Digital Media Professional with 7 years of experience managing successful social media campaigns. Skilled in analytics and developing end-to-end brand experiences. Excels in a high-paced environment and managing multiple projects.
  • Digital Media marketer with a passion for storytelling and creating engaging online experiences. Adept at creating digital strategies, implementing SEO best practices, and using analytics tools to increase reach and engagement.
  • Innovative digital media professional with broad experience in all aspects of digital marketing, from SEO and SEM to content management and email marketing. Proven ability to drive customer engagement and build brand visibility.

Why these are strong ?

These examples are good because they provide a concise summary of the candidate's skills, experience, and accomplishments in the field of digital media, clearly indicating their role as a professional in the field. They include specific details about the candidate's capabilities, such as 'creating multimedia campaigns', 'improving SEO', 'developing social media strategies', 'managing successful social media campaigns' which are crucial skills in digital media jobs. Moreover, they also highlight the individual's prowess in handling multiple projects, meeting deadlines, collaborating with teams, and thriving in a high-paced environment which are desirable traits in a professional setting. Hence, these summaries are crafted carefully to appeal to potential employers in the digital media sector.

Weak Summaries

  • Avid video gamer with a high score in Fortnite, looking for a job in digital media
  • I honestly don't have much experience in digital media but really think the industry is cool and I could do a good job if given chance
  • Digital media specialist fully skilled in Microsoft Word and Excel
  • I have managed my personal Instagram page, therefore I am ready to take on a professional role in digital media

Why these are weak ?

These are bad examples of a professional summary for a digital media resume because they lack specificity, professional skills or experiences, and focus on irrelevant or unprofessionally represented details. The first example, speaks about a hobby not a professional skill. The second example lacks confidence and the discretion of relevant skills. The third example mentions skills irrelevant to digital media. The fourth underlines an inability to differentiate between running a personal social media profile and managing a professional digital media campaign, thus showing a lack of understanding of the industry. For a good practice, the professional summary should be concise, outline relevant skills, experiences, and achievements in the field.

Showcase your Work Experience

Whether you're a seasoned professional in your sector, or you're launching your career within the Digital Media landscape, perceiving the significance of the Work Experience section in your resume is unmissable. In the trenches of job applications, this part of your resume becomes an essential passport to demonstrating your capacities and skills gained throughout your professional life.

Understand the Breadth of Your Work Experience

Formulating a remarkable work experience section starts with recognizing its inclusivity. This realm extends beyond your salaried, full-time positions. Unpaid internships, volunteer assignments, part-time positions, side businesses, and even periods of self-learning or certain projects can be integrated within this domain.

The key lies in decoding how each of your experience links to the position you're aspiring for. Each element of relevance earned during these roles gets accentuated in this section. Analogous tasks, similar target markets, alike challenges that you've solved; these aspects shape the weave of your expertise narrative.

Quantify your achievements and impact using concrete numbers, metrics, and percentages to demonstrate the value you brought to your previous roles.

Rendering Your Experience

Although there are multiple methods to format the work experience section in your resume, often job professionals counsel adhering to a reverse chronological format. Displaying your most recent role at the pinnacle, continuing down your professional history until you reach your earliest relevant work experience.

For each role, enumerate your job title, the company or organization you worked for, and the dates of your tenure. You must also provide a brief yet comprehensive view of your responsibilities or achievements during the role. Utilize clear, concise language and focus on the outcomes or impact of your work.

Ideally, you should showcase instances where you’ve shown improvement, resolved prominent challenges, innovated, or demonstrated leadership. Each listed point can either be a responsibility you held or a target you accomplished. To further increase efficiency, use action verbs, metrics, or percentages to make your bullet points vivid and impressive.

Use Industry Relevant Skills and Keywords

Industry jargons and job-specific skills can make up a vital part of your work experience. They help ascertain your knowledge of the Digital Media space and demonstrate your readiness for the role. Punctuate your work experience section with fitting, role-specific abilities that you've mastered across your professional journey.

Ensure these spark familiarity and resonance with recruiter expectations and job description prerequisites. Strike balance between making yourself understood and displaying knowledge of the industry-related terminologies, especially because applicant tracking systems (ATS) often review your resume before a human does.

A potent, laser-sharp work experience section can enhance your value and presentation on your resume. Aim for reflections of your potential, emphasize on your differentiating factors, and remember, authenticity scores much higher than an artificial inflation of skills. The best resume is the one that makes an accurate depiction of you. Tailor it accordingly.

Whilst examples are indeed influential, keeping your context and candidature specific conditions in mind are supremely important. For it's these elements that make up the tone, content and length of your work experience section.

Strong Experiences

  • Led a team of 5 to develop and implement a new social media strategy that increased engagement by 30%.
  • Implemented SEO strategies that led to a 20% increase in organic website traffic.
  • Managed the creation and distribution of digital content, including website updates, blogs, and email campaigns.
  • Utilized Google Analytics to track online marketing trends and optimize strategy accordingly.
  • Developed and executed campaigns across various digital channels to drive brand awareness and lead generation.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure consistent messaging across all platforms.

The above examples are good because they're descriptive and show that the individual not only completed tasks, but also brought measurable improvement to their digital media roles. Each bullet point begins with a strong action verb that's specific to the digital media industry, such as 'Implemented' and 'Managed', which highlights the value of their work. They use specific numbers to emphasize the impact of their work, boosting their credibility. In addition, they mention tools or platforms relevant to digital media, like Google Analytics, demonstrating their familiarity and competence with industry-standard technologies.

Weak Experiences

  • I know Photoshop.
  • Have made Facebook ads.
  • Worked with some clients.
  • Social media.
  • Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign.
  • I can use Microsoft Office.
  • Great team player.

These examples demonstrates bad practices in bullet points in a digital media resume for a number of reasons. Firstly, phrases such as 'I know Photoshop' and 'I can use Microsoft Office' are too vague and don't give a clear indication of level of proficiency or tangible experience. 'Have made Facebook ads' doesn't describe the results of such work or the scale of the projects. 'Worked with some clients.' is too general and fails to specify the type of clients, the work carried out, or the results achieved. Similarly, 'Social media.' is too broad and would benefit from specific platforms and actions being mentioned. 'Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign' are just listed without any context of how they were used. 'Great team player' is a subjective statement that fails to offer any evidence of teamwork skills. Instead, skills and experience should be detailed, quantifiable, and specific to showcase clear competence and achievements.

Skills, Keywords & ATS Tips

In a resume, when you are heading towards a role in digital media, two sets of skills matter most: hard skills and soft skills. But what are they and why are they so critical? Hard skills are teachable and measurable abilities, like software utilization or data analysis. In contrast, soft skills, sometimes also known as people or interpersonal skills, are much less tangible but equally important, denoting your ability to interact effectively with others, like teamwork and communication.

Hard Skills in Digital Media

Hard skills in digital media are technical, learned abilities that you've mastered through education, training, or hands-on experience. They're specific, practical, and often relate to any technical demands or expectations of the job. Some examples might include proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite, content management systems (CMS), search engine optimization (SEO), or social media marketing. Such skills can often be quantified, verified, and tested, making them critical to list on a resume. The goal here is to assure potential employers that you have the hands-on experience needed to succeed and deliver results in the role.

Soft Skills in Digital Media

Your soft skills are typically more abstract, relating to emotional intelligence, interpersonal effectiveness, creativity, and the capacity to work productively in a team or independently. They are more about who you are rather than what you know. Examples include problem-solving, adaptability, teamwork, and good time management. In digital media roles, these are of extreme value, as teamwork, client interaction, content creation, and problem-solving all demand a strong set of soft skills.

Keywords, ATS, and Matching Skills

When creating your resume, you have to consider an automated system called the Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This system is programmed to scan your resume for particular keywords to check if your skills match those required in the job posting. If your resume lacks these keywords, the ATS might discard your application even before it gets to a human recruiter.

Keywords are often both hard and soft skills listed in the job description. By mirroring the language used in the job posting and including those keywords in your resume, you maximize the chances of your application passing the ATS review. Yet remember to only include those skills you genuinely possess, as false information can result in job loss.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Carefully read job descriptions and identify keywords.
  • Use these keywords in your resume 'skills' section.
  • Balance both your hard and soft skills.
  • Never lie or exaggerate your skills.

In essence, hard skills showcase your technical capability, soft skills highlight your personal attributes, and the right balance of the two meets the expectations of the ATS and the recruiting team. By understanding and applying this knowledge, you can craft a comprehensive digital media resume that makes a powerful impact.

Top Hard & Soft Skills for Full Stack Developers

Hard skills.

  • Graphic Design
  • Video Editing
  • Web Development
  • Social Media Management
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Digital Marketing
  • Content Creation
  • Data Analysis
  • UI/UX Design
  • Photography
  • Motion Graphics
  • Email Marketing
  • Copywriting
  • Brand Strategy

Soft Skills

  • Adaptability
  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Time Management
  • Attention to Detail
  • Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking
  • Organization
  • Flexibility
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Client Management
  • Multitasking

Top Action Verbs

Use action verbs to highlight achievements and responsibilities on your resume.

  • Photographed
  • Strategized
  • Brainstormed
  • Conceptualized
  • Collaborated
  • Implemented
  • Communicated
  • Coordinated
  • Facilitated
  • Prioritized

Education & Certifications

Adding your education and certificates to your resume is a critical step to establish your competence and expertise. Start by creating a section titled 'Education' or 'Certifications' in your resume. After that, list down your qualifications - starting with the most recent one. Include the institution name, degree obtained, and the graduation date. For certifications, the process is the same. Make sure to include the name of the certification, the institution, and the date received. Certifications relevant to Digital Media like Google Digital Garage should be emphasized.

Some of the most important certifications for Digital Medias

Certification demonstrating proficiency in Google Analytics

Certification demonstrating proficiency in Facebook advertising and marketing

Certification demonstrating proficiency in content marketing strategies

Certification demonstrating proficiency in social media marketing

Certification demonstrating proficiency in YouTube channel management

Resume FAQs for Digital Medias

What is the ideal format for a digital media resume.

The ideal format for a digital media resume is a clean, well-organized layout that highlights your relevant skills, experience, and accomplishments. A combination resume format, which blends chronological and functional styles, is often recommended for digital media roles.

How long should a digital media resume be?

A digital media resume should typically be one page in length for entry-level or early career professionals, and up to two pages for those with more extensive experience. The key is to be concise and highlight only the most relevant information.

What sections should be included in a digital media resume?

A digital media resume should include sections such as a summary or objective statement, relevant work experience, technical skills (e.g., software proficiency, coding languages), projects or portfolio highlights, and any relevant certifications or training.

How can I make my digital media resume stand out?

To make your digital media resume stand out, tailor it to the specific job you're applying for, quantify your achievements and impact, showcase your creativity through design or multimedia elements (if appropriate), and ensure it is error-free and visually appealing.

A Digital Media role involves developing, implementing, and analyzing digital marketing strategies across platforms. To craft an effective resume: Highlight content creation skills and experience with tools like Adobe Creative Suite. Demonstrate expertise in social media management, SEO, and data analysis. Showcase your ability to adapt to evolving digital trends and technologies. Quantify successes through metrics.

Highly creative and versatile Digital Media professional with a track record of delivering innovative content strategies and engaging multimedia experiences. Adept at collaborating with cross-functional teams to develop compelling digital campaigns that drive brand awareness and audience engagement. Passionate about leveraging emerging technologies to create immersive and interactive user experiences.

  • Developed and executed digital media strategies for high-profile clients, resulting in an average 35% increase in brand engagement.
  • Collaborated with creative teams to produce compelling video content, infographics, and interactive experiences for social media and web platforms.
  • Managed a team of 5 digital media specialists, fostering a culture of creativity, innovation, and continuous improvement.
  • Conducted in-depth audience research and data analysis to optimize digital campaigns and improve ROI.
  • Led the development of an award-winning interactive campaign that generated over 1 million user engagements and a 25% lift in product sales.
  • Produced high-quality digital content across multiple platforms, including articles, videos, and podcasts.
  • Developed and implemented SEO strategies to improve content visibility and drive organic traffic growth by 150%.
  • Collaborated with designers and developers to create visually engaging and user-friendly content experiences.
  • Managed content calendars and ensured timely delivery of assets while maintaining high quality standards.
  • Created a series of viral videos that generated over 10 million views and significantly increased brand awareness.
  • Managed social media accounts for BuzzFeed's various brands, growing total followers by 200% over 18 months.
  • Developed and executed social media content strategies to increase engagement, shares, and conversions.
  • Monitored social media metrics and created reports to track performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • Collaborated with editorial and video teams to create shareable content optimized for each social platform.
  • Launched a successful influencer marketing campaign that resulted in a 30% increase in social media referral traffic.
  • Digital Media Strategy
  • Video Production
  • Interactive Design
  • Project Management
  • Team Leadership
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Google Analytics
  • Sprout Social

A Digital Media Producer creates engaging multimedia content like videos, podcasts, and social media campaigns. When crafting a resume, emphasize relevant experience with video editing tools, digital platforms, and project management. Showcase a creative portfolio and highlight achievements in driving engagement. Emphasize collaboration, attention to detail, and meeting deadlines.

Highly creative and versatile Digital Media Producer with over 8 years of experience in developing engaging content across various platforms. Skilled in video production, graphic design, and social media management. Proven track record of creating viral campaigns and increasing brand visibility. Passionate about leveraging digital media to tell compelling stories and drive business growth.

  • Led the production of high-quality video content for BuzzFeed's social media channels, generating over 100 million views
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and execute innovative content strategies, resulting in a 25% increase in engagement
  • Managed a team of 5 producers and editors, ensuring timely delivery of projects while maintaining brand consistency
  • Conceptualized and produced a series of sponsored videos, securing partnerships with major brands such as Samsung and Coca-Cola
  • Optimized video content for various platforms, improving overall performance and increasing view duration by 30%
  • Produced and edited video content for Vox's YouTube channel, contributing to a 40% growth in subscribers
  • Developed and implemented SEO strategies to improve video discoverability, resulting in a 20% increase in organic traffic
  • Collaborated with journalists and subject matter experts to create informative and engaging explainer videos
  • Managed the production pipeline, ensuring efficient resource allocation and timely project completion
  • Continuously explored new video formats and techniques to keep content fresh and appealing to the target audience
  • Assisted in the production of digital content for Tribune's news websites, including the Chicago Tribune and KTLA
  • Edited and optimized video content for web and mobile platforms, improving user experience and engagement
  • Collaborated with reporters and photographers to create compelling multimedia stories
  • Monitored analytics to identify trends and inform content strategy, resulting in a 15% increase in page views
  • Provided technical support and training to journalists on video production best practices and emerging technologies
  • Video production
  • Video editing
  • Graphic design
  • Motion graphics
  • Social media management
  • Content strategy
  • Storytelling
  • Project management
  • Final Cut Pro
  • Problem-solving

A Digital Media Planner strategizes digital advertising campaigns across online platforms to reach target audiences effectively. Their expertise lies in audience research, platform selection, ad rate negotiation, and performance analysis. When crafting a resume, exhibit proficiency in digital marketing, data analytics, advertising tools/platforms, budget management, and target-oriented mindset. Present relevant skills and experience engagingly within a concise format.

Innovative and data-driven Digital Media Planner with a proven track record of developing and executing successful digital marketing strategies. Adept at leveraging analytics to optimize campaigns and drive ROI across multiple platforms. Collaborative team player with strong communication skills and a passion for staying on the cutting edge of digital media trends.

  • Led the development and execution of multi-channel digital media plans for high-profile clients in the fashion and beauty industry, resulting in an average 25% increase in brand awareness and 15% increase in online sales.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to create data-driven audience targeting strategies, improving campaign efficiency by 30%.
  • Managed a team of five junior planners, providing mentorship and guidance to support their professional growth and development.
  • Conducted regular competitive analyses and market research to identify emerging trends and opportunities, informing strategic planning and positioning clients as industry leaders.
  • Presented campaign results and insights to senior leadership and clients, effectively communicating the value of digital media investments and securing buy-in for future initiatives.
  • Developed and managed digital media plans for a diverse portfolio of clients across the automotive, CPG, and financial services industries.
  • Leveraged advanced analytics tools to optimize campaign performance in real-time, achieving an average 20% improvement in click-through rates and 15% reduction in cost per acquisition.
  • Collaborated with creative teams to ensure alignment between media strategy and brand messaging, resulting in more cohesive and impactful campaigns.
  • Managed relationships with key media partners, negotiating favorable rates and securing high-value placements for clients.
  • Trained and mentored junior team members on digital media planning best practices and tools, contributing to the development of a highly-skilled and efficient team.
  • Supported the development and execution of digital media plans for clients in the entertainment and technology industries.
  • Conducted in-depth audience research and segmentation analyses to inform targeting strategies and media selection.
  • Monitored campaign performance and generated regular reports, identifying opportunities for optimization and improvement.
  • Assisted in the management of client relationships, preparing and delivering presentations on campaign results and insights.
  • Participated in agency-wide initiatives to promote knowledge sharing and foster a culture of innovation and collaboration.
  • Digital Media Planning
  • Programmatic Advertising
  • Campaign Optimization
  • Audience Targeting
  • Cross-channel Marketing
  • Media Buying
  • Facebook Ads Manager
  • Client Relations
  • Presentation Skills

A Digital Media Manager strategizes and executes online marketing initiatives, overseeing social media channels, website content, digital advertising, and analytics. When crafting a resume, emphasize expertise in analytics tools, content management systems, SEO, and digital marketing platforms. Highlight quantifiable achievements from previous campaigns, showcasing your ability to drive engagement and conversions. Tailor your resume to align closely with the specific responsibilities outlined in the job description.

Innovative and results-driven Digital Media Manager with over 8 years of experience in developing and executing comprehensive digital strategies that drive brand growth and engagement. Proven track record of leveraging data-driven insights to optimize campaigns and deliver measurable ROI across multiple platforms. Skilled in team leadership, project management, and fostering collaborative partnerships with cross-functional teams and external stakeholders.

  • Led the development and execution of digital media strategies for a portfolio of Fortune 500 clients, resulting in an average 25% increase in brand engagement and a 15% increase in conversions.
  • Managed a team of 12 digital media specialists, providing mentorship and guidance to drive performance and foster professional growth.
  • Implemented a data-driven approach to campaign optimization, leveraging advanced analytics and A/B testing to continuously refine targeting and maximize ROI.
  • Spearheaded the agency's first influencer marketing program, partnering with top-tier influencers to drive brand awareness and generate over $2M in incremental revenue.
  • Collaborated with creative and account teams to develop innovative, cross-platform campaigns that pushed the boundaries of digital storytelling and consumer engagement.
  • Managed digital media campaigns for a diverse portfolio of clients, driving an average 20% increase in reach and engagement across platforms.
  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive social media strategy for a major CPG brand, resulting in a 30% increase in followers and a 25% increase in user-generated content.
  • Led the agency's programmatic advertising initiatives, leveraging data-driven targeting and real-time optimization to deliver a 10% increase in ROAS.
  • Collaborated with data science and analytics teams to develop advanced attribution models and performance dashboards, providing clients with unparalleled visibility into campaign performance.
  • Mentored junior team members and contributed to the development of agency-wide best practices and thought leadership initiatives.
  • Developed and executed digital media plans for a range of entertainment and technology clients, consistently exceeding client expectations and delivering strong results.
  • Managed day-to-day relationships with media partners, negotiating favorable rates and securing high-impact placements across digital channels.
  • Conducted in-depth competitive analyses and market research to inform strategy development and identify new opportunities for growth.
  • Collaborated with creative teams to develop engaging, platform-specific content that drove awareness and consideration among target audiences.
  • Contributed to new business efforts, participating in pitch meetings and helping to secure several major client wins for the agency.
  • Paid Social Media Advertising
  • Content Marketing
  • Data Analysis & Insights
  • Cross-Platform Campaign Management
  • Team Leadership & Mentorship
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Creative Collaboration
  • Strategic Planning
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Omnichannel Marketing

A Digital Media Specialist develops and executes content strategies across digital platforms. To craft an effective resume, showcase tech proficiency in areas like Adobe Creative Suite and video editing software. Highlight a portfolio demonstrating successful digital campaigns with measurable impacts on metrics like web traffic or engagement. Emphasize strong collaboration and communication abilities to work cross-functionally.

Creative and strategic Digital Media Specialist with a proven track record of developing and executing innovative digital marketing campaigns that drive engagement, brand awareness, and revenue growth. Skilled in social media management, content creation, SEO, and data analytics. Passionate about leveraging the latest digital trends and technologies to deliver measurable results.

  • Developed and executed comprehensive digital media strategies for multiple high-profile clients, resulting in an average 25% increase in online engagement and a 15% increase in lead generation.
  • Managed social media accounts across various platforms, creating and curating compelling content that drove a 30% increase in followers and a 20% increase in website traffic.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to create data-driven, targeted digital advertising campaigns that yielded a 150% return on ad spend.
  • Conducted in-depth keyword research and implemented SEO best practices, improving organic search rankings for key pages by an average of 3 positions.
  • Analyzed campaign performance data and generated reports to provide actionable insights and optimize future digital marketing efforts.
  • Assisted in the development and execution of digital marketing campaigns across multiple channels, contributing to a 20% increase in overall website traffic.
  • Managed and optimized paid social media campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, reducing cost-per-click by 15% while maintaining lead quality.
  • Created engaging blog content and infographics that drove organic traffic and improved search engine rankings for targeted keywords.
  • Monitored and analyzed website performance using tools such as Google Analytics, providing regular reports and recommendations for improvement.
  • Supported the development and distribution of email marketing campaigns, achieving an average open rate of 25% and click-through rate of 5%.
  • Assisted in the creation and scheduling of social media content across multiple platforms, contributing to a 15% increase in follower growth.
  • Monitored social media channels for customer inquiries and feedback, providing timely and professional responses in line with brand guidelines.
  • Conducted research on industry trends and competitor activities to inform social media strategy and content creation.
  • Participated in brainstorming sessions to generate new ideas for social media campaigns and initiatives.
  • Analyzed social media performance data and created monthly reports to track progress and identify areas for improvement.
  • LinkedIn Campaign Manager

StandOut CV

Media CV example

Andrew Fennell photo

The media industry is fast-paced and competitive, so to land yourself a role, your CV needs to make a serious impact.

But whether you’re looking to break into the sector after graduating or seek your next step up the ladder, this guide has you covered.

I’ve compiled all the information you need to produce a compelling application and secure interviews, including an example media CV.

Here’s what I’ll cover in the guide:

Guide contents

  • Structuring and formatting your media CV
  • Writing your CV profile
  • Detailing work experience
  • Your education
  • Skills required for your media CV

CV templates 

Media CV-1

The media CV example above shows you how to demonstrate your information in an organised yet attention-grabbing way.

It doesn’t take long to pinpoint this candidate’s key skills and capabilities, which is sure to please time-strapped recruiters!

CV builder

Build your CV now 

Media CV structure & format

As a media professional, you’re probably aware of keeping information clear, concise and easy-to-digest – and it should be no different with your CV!

Recruiters are always short on time, so it’s vital to ensure the  structure  and  format  of your CV are well thought out.

They should be able to navigate through your CV with ease and pick out your key skills, qualifications and experience at a glance.

CV structure

Formatting Tips

  • Length: The ideal CV length is no more than 2 sizes of A4 . This forces you to focus on the most relevant information, whilst keeping your application punchy.
  • Design: It’s best to keep things simple, with a muted colour palette and clean, legible font. If you’re a savvy designer and want to add a splash of personality to your CV design, you should prioritise readability over everything.
  • Readability:  Using plenty of formatting techniques, such as bullet points, columns, lists and line breaks, makes for a better reading experience. You should also make sure your CV section headings are clearly visible, using a bold or a (slightly) larger font.
  • Things to avoid:  There’s no need to add photos or logos to your CV. If you want to display work, it’s best to add a link to an online portfolio, rather than cluttering up your CV.

Structuring your CV

Whilst writing your CV , organise your content into the following sections:

  • Contact details – A brief note of your key contact details.
  • Profile – A brief introduction which summarises your skills, experience and qualifications; tailored to the target role.
  • Work experience / Career history – Starting with your current role and working backwards, detail your work experience.
  • Education – Record your qualifications, especially those which are related to the media industry.
  • Interest and hobbies – An optional section to document any interests, projects or hobbies that will further pinpoint your suitability for media positions.

Quick tip : If you’re a recent graduate, it might be beneficial to switch up your CV structure and place your education section before your work experience section. At this stage of your career, you might not have much work experience to list, so it makes sense to talk in detail about your degree and the skills you gained at university.

CV Contact Details

Contact details

Kickstart your CV by sharing your up-to-date contact details.

You only need to include the basics, such as:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Location  – Stick to your vague town or city, such as  ‘Brighton’ , rather than your full address.
  • If you have one, add a hyperlink or QR code to your LinkedIn profile and/or a portfolio of work.

Media CV Profile/Personal Statement

Your CV profile (or personal statement for graduate/entry-level candidates) is a short, sharp and punchy introductory paragraph.

It should sum up your key selling points and pinpoint why you’re the best fit for the role.

Your profile is often the first thing that recruiters or hiring managers read, so it needs to hook their attention immediately and encourage them to read further.

CV profile

Tips to consider when creating your profile:

  • Keep it short and snappy: If you’ve got a few years of experience under your belt, your CV profile should be around 5-10 lines. For junior and graduate candidates, you can dedicate a little more space to this section – but don’t go over 15 lines.
  • Tailor it:  Your profile, as well as the rest of your media CV, should be tailored to the specific role you’re applying for. Spend some time reading over the job description and researching the industry as a whole, making a list of the key skills and experience needed. Then, incorporate your findings throughout your CV, aiming to match the requirements as closely as you can.
  • Avoid clichés:  You might think that  ‘Hardworking team player with a go-getter attitude’ sounds good, but recruiters here similar phrases numerous times per day – plus, they have no reason to believe your bold claims. Instead, focus on highlighting your suitability for the role with hard facts, results and tangible examples of how you’ve used your skills.

What to include in your media CV profile or personal statement?

  • Level of experience – Are you a recent media graduate or a seasoned professional with years of experience? Make your career level obvious from the get-go.
  • Relevant experience  – Summarise your relevant experience to date, briefly touching upon the hard skills used, industries worked in and types of companies worked for. For junior candidates with little experience, voluntary roles, freelance work, placements and personal projects can be used.
  • Sector-specific qualifications – Highlight your highest and most relevant qualification, whether that is a media, journalism or marketing degree, HND or A levels. Junior candidates may also want to discuss highly relevant modules and assignments. Remember to mention valuable sector-specific qualifications, too, such as an NCTJ certificate for journalists.
  • Hard skills – Mention your valuable, industry-specific hard skills, tailoring them to the job requirements. Examples might be video editing, copywriting, research, proofreading, operating cameras, but what you include  will depend on the type of media role you’re applying for.
  • Motives (junior/graduate candidates only) –  Experienced candidates should save this type of information for the cover letter. However, if you’re a graduate, briefly detail the types of roles you’re seeking and why. Bear in mind that graduate employers want to hire employees who have aligned interests and who’re truly passionate for their field, especially in the case of the competitive media industry.

Core skills section

Next up is your core skills section, which is a great way to help time-strapped recruiters see that you’re a good fit for the role.

Use 2-3 columns of snappy bullet points for this and use your research to match yourself up perfectly to the job.

Prioritise  hard and technical skills (HTML, video editing, Photoshop) over soft skills (communication, teamwork, self-motivation).

CV core skills

Work experience/Career history

Now it’s time to dig deeper into the detail of your experience.

Starting with your most recent role and working backwards, outline your relevant media experience so far.

Work experience

If you’re a recent graduate without much full-time experience to your name, you can draw upon voluntary positions, freelance work, personal projects and university placements , too.

You can also list part-time and summer jobs, but do make sure to focus on pinpointing the transferable skills you gained from them.

Structuring your roles

If you don’t work to a defined structure, your work experience section can easily become cluttered and disorganised.

So, help busy recruiters to navigate through your roles by using the simple 3-step structure shown below:

Role descriptions

Start with a short summary of the company you worked within, what your role entailed and the department you were part of.

“Responsible for the planning and delivery of assigned story ideas for a local magazine’s music, culture and food columns; reporting to the assistant editor.”

Key responsibilities

Next, create a bullet-pointed list of your key duties within the position.

Tailor this to the role you’re applying for by mentioning any relevant skills and software you used.

  • Attended local events to capture footage and edited 1-minute shorts using Adobe Premier Pro.
  • Interviewed artists, event coordinators, guest speakers and community members.
  • Uploaded finished articles to the magazine’s website using WordPress and HTML.

Key achievements

Finish up each role by adding a snappy list of key achievements .

This can be anything that added value to the company you worked for or their client.

If you can, quantify your examples with relevant facts and figures to really prove your impact.

  • Published over 200 online articles with average views of 100k.
  • Won several local awards for digital reporting skills.
  • Grew magazine blog clicks by 40% by self-learning SEO techniques and optimising content.

You should have already mentioned your stand out qualifications in your profile, but you can use your education section to further detail your academic background.

Experienced candidates should prioritise space for their work experience and, therefore, only need to mention their highest relevant qualification, as well as any vocational courses which are particularly relevant to the role. Make sure to list the name of the course and institution, the dates of study and the grade achieved.

However, if you’re a junior or graduate candidate, you should go into greater detail here. Detail your highest media qualifications and discuss relevant projects, modules and assignments in more depth. You could also add a section which details the specific skills you picked up from the course(s).

Then, list any other vocational training courses you’ve completed. You should also summarise your GCSEs and A-Levels (eg: ‘ 10 GCSE’s: A-C and A-Level Media, English & Art: ABB’ ).

Interests and hobbies

This section is completely optional but can be useful for inexperienced candidates who want to showcase how their interests or talents align with the sector.

For example, if you’re a keen photographer, run a blog, produce videos, write scripts or are a member of a film or media club, it’s worth mentioning as it’ll highlight your passion to employers.

So, look to include any interests,  hobbies or personal projects that demonstrate skills or an interest related to the role you’re applying for.

Essential skills for your media CV

Media roles are varied, so each profession will require a specific set of skills. However, some of the most common include:

Sound and lighting production  – Recording of sound on set or on location and set up of lighting equipment.

Photography & video  – Operating cameras for both stills and video and capturing high-quality footage or images, often in line with a brief.

Post-production & editing  – Ability to edit images, video and sound, with competency with all major software.

Research – Researching and collating information and evidence to support a feature or story.

Interviewing – Finding potential interviewees, prepping questions and conducting live and recorded interviews.

Writing – Writing scripts, stories, blogs, reports, headlines, etc.

Graphic design – Creating graphics and animations for film, TV, websites, animations etc.

Idea generation – Coming up with creative ideas and concepts, such as story/feature ideas, games, apps, etc.

Writing your media CV

Media is a competitive field, but a strong CV can help you to land a great role and build upon your experience.

If you combine tailored CV content with a well-organised and visually pleasing CV structure, you’ll be able to hook the attention of recruiters.

Good luck with your job search!

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How to craft a data-driven social media resume that stands out (template included)

Written by by Carly Hill

Published on  February 24, 2022

Reading time  6 minutes

Gone are the days of the Times New Roman, stark resume. Now, in some fields at least, there’s more room for creativity and personality in these one-sheeters—cue a collective sigh of relief for anyone creating a social media resume.

When it comes to the bustling field of social media, it pays to stand out. In the last decade, jobs seeking people to fill this role have increased more than 1,000% . Social media is becoming the proven work of future CMOs —not just additional intern work.

But as the popularity and opportunity for career growth in this field grows, so does the competition. And with recruiters spending just six seconds looking at each resume , you need a resume that stands out clearly and quickly.

Follow this guide to understand the do’s and don’ts of creating a social media marketing resume. Then, download our social media resume template to put these tips into action.

The do’s of a social media resume

Do include data-driven experience.

Skills that every social media manager must have , like communication, creativity or organization, won’t make you stand out.

Showing how you’ve used those skills to create impact will.

Using metrics in your resume to quantify the impact you made in past positions differentiates you from other applicants in the stack.

This not only shows what you did—it shows what you accomplished. After all, what sounds more impressive: “Posted engaging content” or “Created content that consistently achieved an average of 100,000 impressions”?

Here are a few KPIs to consider including in a data-driven resume:

  • Audience growth: Grew X channels by 10,000 followers in X months, or increased followers by X% in X months
  • Ability to build brand awareness: Increased monthly impressions by X% month over month, or grew Facebook post reach from 4,000 to 12,000 people
  • Stats around revenue : Contributed to increasing revenue by $X, or contributed to selling out 200-ticket events through audience targeting
  • Engagement impact : Maintained a 4% average engagement rate on Instagram posts, or increased average monthly engagements by 10,000 across all channels
  • Paid social stats : Decreased ad CPC by $X by adjusting audience targeting
  • Successful campaigns you managed and the KPIs around them

Use Sprout Social’s reports to quickly and easily pull these metrics. The Profile Performance Report can highlight your impact and metrics per network, while Cross-Channel Reports give you a big picture look at outcomes across all social profiles.

Sprout Social's Instagram Profile report

If you don’t have access to a tool like Sprout or exact data points, try these workarounds:

  • Quantify how many influencers you worked with
  • Include the budget you managed for paid social
  • Mention follower growth: If you don’t remember how many followers your company had when you started, use the Wayback Machine to look at their followers on your start date
  • Include posting frequency and the number of channels you managed
  • Highlight strategy by numbers—for example, did you streamline the number of times your company posted on social daily?

Highlight hard and soft skills

Hard and soft skills represent two sides of the same creative coin, and you should include both in your resume.

Hard skills are more specific and measurable—think social media tools and software you have experience with, like Sprout, or skills like content creation, being bilingual and photography.

Soft skills are more abstract, but important—think communication, hard-working and detail-oriented.

Experts suggest limiting yourself to six to 10 of your most relevant skills to keep them concise and trustworthy.

Job descriptions for social media professionals will include a mix of hard and soft skills, so look at job postings you’re interested in to identify which are most relevant.

Take a look at a few skills, hard and soft, we identified in a social media manager position at Beyond Meat :


Pro tip: Use your work experience descriptions to prove these skills with accomplishments and metrics. If Sprout is in your hard skills section, prove how you used it in your experience section.

Use keywords from the job description

Customizing your social media resume and skills for each job you apply to goes a long way, landing you in the top 5% of applicants before a human being even sees your application.

Many larger companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes, scanning them for relevant keywords to find the most qualified candidates. Using keywords can prevent you from falling through the automated cracks and, once at a hiring manager’s desk, can make you stand out.

What does this look like in practice? Let’s use this job posting for Calm as an example:


Here’s how you can translate the keywords identified above into the work experience section of your resume:

  • Developed cross-platform brand and content campaigns across our TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter channels
  • Led the creation of a video content strategy to grow my company’s TikTok channel by X views and videos in X months
  • Created data reports to share with cross-functional collaborative partners from the Marketing, Content and Partnerships teams

Celebrate certifications

If you’ve been in the work world for a while, including certifications in your resume—like Google Analytics or Sprout Certifications —can highlight your commitment to continuing education in an ever-changing field, as well as your proficiencies.

If you’re a recent graduate, adding digital marketing certifications to your resume can emphasize your hard skills—even before you have full-time experience to tout.

Emphasize experience over education

Before this sparks the most heated discussion since whether or not social media managers need masters degrees , hear me out.

Social media professionals can come from a range of diverse backgrounds—some never studied marketing.

Large organizations weigh experience more heavily than education 44% of the time, with some leading companies dropping their four-year degree requirement altogether. And one study found that 45% of hiring managers and recruiters weigh potential as the most important element of an application.

Nope — Anthony Yepez (@AnthonyYepez) February 14, 2022
Nope, got a language degree 😊 — Shaneen (she/her) (@olmos_shnn) February 15, 2022
Nope! English literature girl over here 🤓 — Dakota Jeane | The Social Media Manager (@dakotajeane) February 14, 2022

The takeaway? De-emphasize your education section and lead with experience.

There are a few exceptions to this rule. Leading with education can help recent graduates alleviate gaps in their early resume. For applicants with five to 10 years of experience , several professionals recommend moving your education further down on your resume. They also suggest removing your graduation date after 10-15 years to limit age bias—with the exception of continuing education, like a Ph.D. or notable certifications.

Pro tip: If you don’t have a degree, you can still apply for a job that requires one if your experience speaks for itself. Flexjobs recommends including a line that says, “in lieu of a bachelor’s degree, I have X years of proven experience” to get through an ATS.

Include an objective statement if it adds value

A career objective consists of a few short sentences at the top of your resume describing you, your accomplishments and what you hope to achieve next.

With already limited real estate in your resume, is this necessary? Not always.

If you’re changing fields, applying for an entry-level position or if you just moved , a career objective can provide background that fills in job gaps and provides more context .

At the end of the day, it’s up to you—just ask yourself the question, “does a career objective add value?”  

The don’ts of a social media resume

Don’t be dishonest.

This goes without saying—don’t lie on your resume. Only include skills, experience and stats that are truthful.

If you need to beef up your experience, identify the skills in job postings that you lack and go from there. Can you find lower-level positions or certifications that can help you build these skills? You can even look into freelancing to gain more hands-on experience and refine skills you already have.

Don’t overdo the visuals

When it comes to a social media resume, a splash of color here and a personal logo and icons there add a touch of design flair that proves your keen visual eye.

But don’t go overboard. How do you react when you see a resume with wild fonts, multiple colors and too many visual elements?

Not to mention, that applicant tracking system we mentioned earlier may not register resumes with images or lines in them that can appear as jumbled messes of code.

Pro tip: Skipping photos in your resume is recommended. At best, they don’t add value. At worst, they can influence discrimination.

Don’t forget to spell check

A resume highlighting your copywriting skills and attention to detail can lose all credibility from one typo.

Don’t just rely on spell check in Word or Google Docs—read through your resume carefully a few times, and ask a friend or family member to do the same.

Use this template to write a social media resume that resonates

You know you have what it takes to land that incredible TikTok-centric job you’ve been dreaming of—now prove it. Create a social media marketing resume that is clear, to-the-point and most importantly, makes you shine.

Download the template

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How To Write a Social Media Manager Resume [Free Templates]

Want to land your dream job in social media marketing? Learn how to make a great social media manager resume with our free templates!

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Table of Contents

If you’re looking to get a job in social media marketing, you need to create a social media manager resume. And not just any resume—one that’s visually appealing, succinct, and shows exactly why you’re the person for the job.

Job hunting and resume-building can be stressful. However, if you’ve got the right skill set and the right resume, you can easily highlight your best qualities and get that interview.

This article is going to cover why you need a social media manager resume, how to make one that will grab the hiring manager’s attention, share a couple of free templates, and more.

Bonus: Our free social media manager career toolkit includes resume, cover letter, and portfolio templates, along with a complete guide to social media job descriptions and frequently asked interview questions. You got this!

What is a social media manager resume and why do you need one?

A social media manager resume is a document created by someone looking for a social media manager role within a company’s marketing team.

This document lists out skills and accomplishments that make the job seeker suitable for the role they’re applying for. Some of the major elements of a social media manager’s resume include:

  • Personal information: Include your name, contact information, and public social media profiles
  • Objective/summary: Explain the purpose of your resume (i.e., to get a job as a social media manager) and why your skills make you the perfect candidate
  • Work experience: Include experience directly related to the role you’re applying to, whether it’s past jobs, internships, etc.
  • Skills: List out any skills you have that pertain specifically to the job description of the role you’re applying for
  • Accomplishments: Share any big results you’ve gotten for a client or company to prove your expertise
  • References: Many companies like to call references—past employers/colleagues/classmates—to get an idea of your work ethic and skills before bringing you on board

A resume is an important document that helps hiring managers understand which applicants might be right for the role at a glance. Creating a resume is a key step in getting a new job, so you want to spend enough time to make sure you’ve catered it towards each role you apply for.

Your resume isn’t a one-and-done project. We’ll talk more about this later, but you’ll want to adjust it to fit each role you apply for based on what each company has specifically listed in its job description.

Pro tip : Want to know more about what a social media manager does on a daily basis? We break down the skills you’ll need to thrive as a social media manager in a related post.

how to write a resume for media

Download our Social Media Career Report for stats on social media manager salaries, benefits, job satisfaction, mental health, and more.

How to make a social media manager resume

We’ve touched on some of the most important parts of a resume for a social media manager position. But let’s dive deeper and help you pull together a resume that’s going to land you an interview.

We’ll use one of our templates to walk through each section of a good social media manager’s resume and how to fully flesh it out.

Personal information

The very top of your resume should include your personal information—who you are and how interested companies can get in touch with you. Start by putting your name in big letters at the very top of your resume. (This is all about you, after all.)

The very top of your social media manager resume should include your personal information—who you are and how interested companies can get in touch with you

You can then include information like:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Public social media platforms
  • Professional headshot

This gives potential employees all of the upfront information they need to get in contact with you about the role. Place all of this information at the very top of your resume. You can also include it in a sidebar if you use that element in your resume design.


This section is optional but is a great way to provide a quick snippet of your expertise before the hiring manager even dives deeper into your resume. If you choose to add either or both an objective or summary, follow these tips.

The About Me or Objective section should mention your social media manager resume’s intentions or why you’re applying for the role.

Your objective should mention your resume’s intentions or why you’re applying for the role. This could be as simple as “To get a social media manager role for a company I admire.”

However, as with everything in a competitive job landscape, try to take it a step further. Create goals for yourself in this role. Say something like, “To help an eCommerce company use their social media channels to improve customer retention and reach $1MM ARR.”

Your summary highlights your professional accomplishments and why you’re the best person for the job. If you decide to include this, make sure to cater it to each job you apply for, using key terms from the job description in case the company uses resume-scanning software.

Place your objective and/or summary right below the header of your resume.

Work experience

The next section is where you include your work experience. However, you don’t need to include all of your work experience—just the ones that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Even if you’re applying for an entry-level social media manager role, your high school jobs don’t need to be listed here (unless they directly apply to the position, like helping with a local company’s social media profiles or working in customer service).

In the experience section of your social media manager resume, include all of your past (relevant) roles in reverse chronological order.

List these in reverse chronological order starting with your most recent position. Include information like:

  • Your job title
  • Name of the company/organization
  • Location in city/state format (or type “Remote”)
  • Time period you worked there
  • Description of your main tasks at this position

In your description, include tasks that pertain directly to the role you’re applying for as well as any major results you may have achieved for the company. This will help position you in a better light for the role you’re applying for.

If you have a college degree related to your field, you can input your education here. If your degree was in a different field and you’ve pivoted to marketing, consider omitting this section or using it to share details of any marketing-related certifications you may have picked up along the way.

The education section of your social media manager resume is laid out in a similar fashion to your work experience: reverse chronological order with your major, school, location, and time spent at the school.

Your education will be laid out in a similar fashion to your work experience: reverse chronological order with your major, school, location, and time spent at the school. If you choose to include certifications, share the name of the certification, where you received it, and when.

Potential employers want to know what your top skills are, and they can be difficult to ascertain just from descriptions of your past employment. This is why you’ll want to create a section that shows off your best skills—as well as your proficiency in some of the skills listed in the job description.

Create a section of your social media manager resume that shows off your best skills—as well as your proficiency in some of the skills listed in the job description

There are a couple of ways to showcase your top skills:

  • Use a progress bar to demonstrate your skill level with each
  • Include descriptors like “Beginner,” “Intermediate,” “Advanced,” or “Expert”
  • Share a simple list of skills that are relevant to the job description
  • Create a header for each skill and describe your experience in bullet points below

Again, be sure to only list skills that are relevant to the job you’re applying to. Bonus points if you list skills that are specifically mentioned in the job description (but only if you’re actually skilled in those areas).

Other items

There are a few other items that you might decide to add to your resume to further set yourself apart from other applicants.

Leave room for other interesting and relevant information on your resume, like notable achievements, certifications, or hobbies.

Those include things like:

  • Accomplishments
  • Certifications
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Volunteer work
  • Special awards
  • Publications
  • Big projects
  • Languages you speak

Don’t make your resume too busy—but be sure to highlight any special skills you bring to the table.

Social media manager resume template

If you’re ready to get started creating your own social media manager resume, it’s a good idea to start with a template. This takes the grunt work out of creating your resume and gives you a starting point for where each of your resume sections should go.

To start inputting your own information, download our free social media manager resume templates now.

These Google Doc templates can be fully customized to fit your skills and personal brand.

While you’ll need to update all of the text within the template, a few other elements you might want to change include:

  • Letter case
  • Letter style/weight

Make sure your resume represents you and your skill set perfectly so you can start getting calls or emails from hiring managers to set up interviews.

Best practices for your social media manager resume

Let’s make sure your resume is the favorite of the bunch. Keep these best practices in mind to help your social media manager resume stand out and get you an interview.

1. Quantify your achievements

Have you helped a company generate a ton of followers? Did you run an ad campaign that brought in a lot of sales?

Put it on your resume!

But do you know what sounds better than “a ton of followers” or “a lot of sales?” Numbers. Quantify your achievements by being specific.

For example:

  • Grew XYZ’s Instagram followers by 100,000
  • Ran a retargeting Instagram ad that generated $25k in sales
  • Increased social media engagement by 25%

Don’t those statements sound much more gratifying? The numbers are also going to grab attention and help you make an even bigger impact with the hiring manager.

2. Use compelling action verbs

Passive statements like “Duties include this, that, and the other thing” have become commonplace in resume-writing. But compelling action verbs read much better.

  • Achieved a positive ROI in 97% of all ad campaigns
  • Executed a cohesive social media strategy across six different platforms
  • Managed a four-person marketing team

These action verbs make your resume sound even more powerful, helping to position you as a stellar candidate.

3. Make sure it’s ATS-friendly

ATS stands for “application tracking system,” and it’s a common tool for large companies to use when reviewing hundreds (or even thousands) of applicants and resumes. This software scans resumes (like we mentioned earlier) and helps hiring managers to pinpoint the closest matches.

This is why it’s so important to cater your resume to specific job descriptions, making sure you use keywords from their list of qualifications, responsibilities, and requirements.

A few tips to make an ATS-friendly resume include:

  • Use the job title as your headline (right below your name)
  • Add relevant skills you found in the job description
  • Create a simple PDF resume that isn’t too graphical or the software can’t read it
  • Use traditional resume headlines and formatting

While you want to stand out, doing so with your resume design isn’t always the best option. Instead, use your words to help your resume make the cut in a company’s ATS.

4. Use bullet points

Use bullet points to describe your work experience rather than paragraphs. It’s easier to read and will help you get past the ATS.

When adding bullet points, stick to 5 or 6 maximum .

  • Adding too many bullet points can make your resume too long
  • It can also give hiring managers too much to read through.
  • Keep it short and succinct, using your bullet points to highlight your biggest achievements and the biggest parts of each role.

(And yes, these bullet points are too long for a resume—but wasn’t that easier to read?)

5. Stick to a single page

Try to keep your resume to just one page . If you have 10-15+ years of experience, it’s okay to go up to two if needed, but a single-page resume is the most common and readable length.

You can use a sidebar or two-column design to help make the most of your space, reduce the number of bullet points you use, remove your education section, or decrease the number of relevant jobs you share.

Also make sure your header isn’t taking up too much space on the page. You want to maximize the amount of information you can share within a single page without making it too cluttered.

Frequently asked questions about social media manager resumes

What should a social media manager put on a resume.

A social media manager should always include their public social media platforms, top social media-related skills, work experience related to the job they’re applying for, metrics or results they’ve achieved for a client, and any other big accomplishments.

How do you list social media skills on a resume?

Include your top 3-5 social media skills by explaining how skilled you are at each one or by listing which platforms and skills you have experience with. You might decide to include which platforms you’ve worked on (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) or what your top skills are (i.e., strategy building, social media advertising, data analysis).

What is the job objective of a social media manager?

A social media manager is responsible for managing all of a company’s social media efforts. This includes tasks like:

  • Creating a strategy for each platform
  • Creating and publishing content on each platform
  • Analyzing social media results
  • Creating social media ads
  • Monitoring social media comments and messages
  • Communicating with customers and social media followers

Hootsuite makes your life as a social media manager easier. Manage your social channels, collect real-time data, and engage with your audience, all in one place — so you stay organized, prepared, and inspired.

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Chloe West is a digital marketer and freelance writer, focusing on topics surrounding social media, content, and digital marketing. She's based in Charleston, SC, and when she's not working, you'll find her playing card games or watering her plants.

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Melissa Anderson (123) 456-7890 [email protected] LinkedIn | Portfolio Miami, FL 12345

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  • Public relations
  • Social media strategy


  • Content Marketing Certification, HubSpot Academy, 2022
  • Social Media Marketing Certification, HubSpot Academy, 2021

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Marketing Miami Dade College, Miami, FL September 2017 – June 2021

Skyler Thompson (123) 456-7890 [email protected] LinkedIn | Portfolio Boston, MA 12345

A social media marketing expert with seven years of experience defining digital strategies and brand messaging for clients across a variety of industries. A proven track record of successfully growing audiences by up to 300%. Adept at interfacing with users and building online communities to enhance engagement.

Social Media Manager, New England Social, Boston, MA July 2019 – present

  • Lead webinars for clients to provide insights and strategies for using social media to support marketing initiatives, resulting in a 92% client retention rate
  • Increase Instagram followers by 400% and Facebook followers by 250% in less than six months for a major client account valued at $800,000
  • Coordinate with internal marketing teams and client stakeholders to support growth initiatives and global marketing efforts for enterprise companies
  • Wrote two case studies on social media that were published in industry publications

Social Media Specialist, Rayne Marketing Consultants, Boston, MA June 2016 – July 2019

  • Tracked clients’ social metrics daily and provided recommendations to improve user engagement and grow audiences, resulting in a 50% to 100% increase on average
  • Produced effective and engaging content for a variety of client brands, including nonprofits, medium-sized businesses, health care organizations, and Fortune 100 companies
  • Designed, managed, and executed sponsored Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns for over 15 clients concurrently and performed A/B testing to optimize messaging
  • Brand messaging
  • Community management
  • Digital marketing
  • Editorial calendars

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Marketing Boston College, Boston, MA September 2012 – June 2016

  • Meta Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate, Coursera, 2019
  • Content Marketing Certification, HubSpot Academy, 2017
  • Social Media Marketing Certification, HubSpot Academy, 2016

Raheem Richardson (123) 456-7890 [email protected] LinkedIn | Portfolio Seattle, WA

A results-oriented marketing leader with over 10 years of experience building successful social media accounts for a wide range of businesses and corporations. A proven track record of managing in-house social media teams to increase user engagement and raise brand awareness. Adept at defining public relations and crisis communication strategies to repair brand image and mend relationships with customers.

Director of Social Media, Ballard Funding Inc., Seattle, WA March 2016 – present

  • Oversee all aspects of social media strategy for a $50 million personal loan company, develop and execute high-impact digital marketing campaigns, and grow followership by 500% across all social media platforms, contributing to a 5% increase in annual revenue
  • Collaborate with marketing, sales, and advertising teams to enhance brand messaging and ensure alignment with target audiences and demographics
  • Improve social media customer engagement with compelling content and strategic use of Sprout Social, resulting in a 120% increase in engagement
  • Determine return on investment for social media and present data results to the marketing department and executive team

Social Media Manager, Cadence Technologies, Seattle, WA June 2013 – March 2016

  • Developed innovative digital marketing strategies for a technology start-up with over $10 million in venture capital funding, coordinated with senior leadership to establish brand identity, and executed a variety of digital media campaigns
  • Grew followership across LinkedIn and Facebook by 300% and developed style guidelines for the marketing department to ensure consistency of brand messaging
  • Crisis management
  • Cross-functional leadership
  • Google Analytics
  • Social media marketing
  • Sprout Social

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Marketing University of Washington, Seattle, WA September 2009 – June 2013

  • Professional Certified Marketer (PCM) in Digital Marketing, AMA, 2016
  • Content Marketing Certification, HubSpot Academy, 2014
  • Social Media Marketing Certification, HubSpot Academy, 2013

Social media is a vital component of digital marketing campaigns, and companies need skilled strategists to reach target audiences on social platforms. Despite the large number of opportunities available, you’ll need to market yourself effectively to prospective employers, mentioning your skills in copywriting, digital marketing, brand messaging, and more. The best way to accomplish this is by crafting a results-driven resume that highlights the strongest aspects of your social media background. We’ll provide valuable insights to help translate your experience into an impactful marketing document.

1. Create a profile by summarizing your social media qualifications

As a social media professional, you already understand the importance of grabbing the reader’s attention quickly. If your Facebook or Twitter post isn’t engaging, it’ll be quickly passed over by audiences. The same is true for the resume, so creating a strong opening summary that provides an engaging snapshot of your career is essential. Emphasize your ability to create impactful content and brand marketing strategies, skill sets highly coveted by marketing departments.

Senior-Level Profile Example

A marketing executive with over 10 years of experience building successful social media accounts for a wide range of businesses and corporations. A proven track record of managing in-house social media teams to increase user engagement and raise brand awareness. Adept at defining public relations and crisis communication strategies to repair brand image and mend relationships with customers.

Entry-Level Profile Example

2. create a powerful list of your social media experience.

To create an accomplishment-driven professional experience section, feature numbers, monetary figures, and metrics for your achievements. Hiring managers are heavily interested in your results, so include as many relevant data points as possible in your bullet points. For example, if your social media tactics increased followership, engagement, or conversions, you’d highlight these percentages prominently on your resume.

Senior-Level Professional Experience Example

Director of Social Media, Ballard Funding Inc., Seattle, WA

March 2016 – present

Entry-Level Professional Experience Example

Social Media Coordinator, TriFecta Technologies, Miami, FL

February 2022 – present

  • Leverage Google Analytics and Facebook Insights to evaluate campaign performance, develop reports on social media effectiveness, and identify opportunities to refine the marketing approach
  • Verify compliance of all brand content with company search engine optimization (SEO) and social media optimization (SMO) strategies and approve the release of all company-owned social media

3. List any education and certifications relevant to social media

In addition to your education, social media professionals should consider pursuing additional certifications. This will show prospective employers you’re committed to furthering your knowledge of digital marketing and remain current with industry trends. Hootsuite’s Social Media Marketing Certification is strongly recommended, especially if you’re just starting your career. You could also consider pursuing brand marketing or other digital marketing credentials to emphasize your versatility as a social media professional.

  • [Degree Name]
  • [School Name], [City, State Abbreviation] [Dates Enrolled]
  • Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Marketing
  • Boston College, Boston, MA September 2012 – June 2016
  • [Certification Name], [Awarding Organization], [Completion Year]

4. List your key skills and proficiencies for social media

To generate interviews on the open market, incorporate keywords that match the needs of the organization you’re applying to. This will ensure compliance with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and show hiring managers you have the right qualifications for the role. Be sure to provide a mix of both technical and non-technical skills on your resume. Companies want candidates who can utilize social media tools and software effectively, but they also need professionals who excel in marketing strategy and communication. Below is a list of key skills you may encounter during the job search:

Key Skills and Proficiencies
Brand awareness Brand marketing
Campaign management Communication
Digital marketing strategy Facebook Marketing
Google Analytics Hootsuite
Instagram marketing Key performance indicators (KPIs)
LinkedIn marketing Paid search campaigns
Product marketing Project management
Public relations SEO
Social media marketing Sprout Social
Strategy development Twitter marketing

How To Pick the Best Social Media Resume Template

As a social media marketing professional, consider selecting a template that has more visual appeal. That being said, ensure the aesthetics of the template won’t distract the reader from your qualifications and career achievements. Seek a healthy balance that emphasizes your creativity without compromising the integrity of your document.

Frequently Asked Questions: Social Media Resume Examples and Advice

What are common action verbs for social media resumes -.

As a social media specialist, it’s important to differentiate your usage of verbs during the resume-building process. Hiring managers will be assessing your ability to deliver high-impact content, and if your bullet points seem repetitive, this can negatively impact your chances of landing the interview. We’ve compiled a list of verbs you can use to enhance the readability of your document:

Action Verbs
Analyzed Built
Coordinated Created
Developed Drove
Enhanced Executed
Generated Identified
Implemented Improved
Increased Led
Managed Optimized
Oversaw Partnered
Spearheaded Supported

How do you align your resume with a job description? -

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , social media jobs are expected to grow 8% between 2021 and 2031. Despite these strong growth indicators, social media marketing is a highly competitive field, and you’ll need to align your resume with the job descriptions to pursue the most lucrative opportunities.

For example, if a company is looking for a social media specialist who excels in brand marketing, highlight your experience redefining brand messaging to align with target audiences. If an organization is seeking a candidate with expertise in public relations, you may want to showcase your experience defining communication strategies. By tailoring your resume to individual job opportunities, you’ll maximize your chances of landing your dream role.

What is the best social media resume format? -

Social media professionals should use a reverse chronological format in most instances. This will ensure that your most recent experience is featured at the top of your resume. Functional resumes are generally considered outdated by recruiters, as skill-based resumes fail to detail the candidate’s qualifications and career experience properly.

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Frank Hackett

Frank Hackett

Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

Frank Hackett is a professional resume writer and career consultant with over eight years of experience. As the lead editor at a boutique career consulting firm, Frank developed an innovative approach to resume writing that empowers job seekers to tell their professional stories. His approach involves creating accomplishment-driven documents that balance keyword optimization with personal branding. Frank is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PAWRCC).

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Social Media Manager Resume Examples For 2024 (20+ Skills & Templates)

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Looking to score a job as a Social Media Manager?

You're going to need an awesome resume. This guide is your one-stop-shop for writing a job-winning Social Media Manager resume using our proven strategies, skills, templates, and examples.

All of the content in this guide is based on data from coaching thousands of job seekers (just like you!) who went on to land offers at the world's best companies.

If you want to maximize your chances of landing that Social Media Manager role, I recommend reading this piece from top to bottom. But if you're just looking for something specific, here's what's included in this guide:

  • What To Know About Writing A Job-Winning Social Media Manager Resume
  • The Best Skills To Include On A Social Media Manager Resume

How To Write A Job-Winning Social Media Manager Resume Summary

How to write offer-winning social media manager resume bullets.

  • 3 Social Media Manager Resume Examples

The 8 Best Social Media Manager Resume Templates

Here's the step-by-step breakdown:

Social Media Manager Resume Overview: What To Know To Write A Resume That Wins More Job Offers

What do companies look for when they're hiring a Social Media Manager?

Companies love candidates who can create engaging content tailored to their target audience, using analytics to drive insights, build strategies, and measure success. Companies also value candidates who can manage multiple platforms effectively and are proficient with social media tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, Sprout Social, and others.

Additionally, when hiring a Social Media Manager, skills in trend analysis, brand consistency, and effective communication are also valued for aligning social media efforts with overall marketing goals.

Your resume should show the company that your personality and your experience encompass all these things.

Additionally, there are a few best practices you want to follow to write a job-winning Social Media Manager resume:

  • Tailor your resume to the job description you are applying for: Tailor your resume for each application, aligning your skills with the specific requirements of each job description.
  • Detail previous experiences: Provide detailed descriptions of your roles, emphasizing hard and soft skills related to the job description.
  • Bring in your key achievements: Showcase measurable achievements in previous roles and share your best work.
  • Highlight your skills: Highlight your skills in Communication, Content, Marketing, and more.
  • Make it visually appealing: Use a professional and clean layout with bullet points for easy readability. Also, ensure formatting and font consistency throughout the resume and limit it to one or two pages.
  • Use keywords: Incorporate industry-specific keywords from the job description to pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS) and increase your chances of being noticed by hiring managers.
  • Proofread your resume: Thoroughly proofread your resume to eliminate errors (I recommend Hemingway App and Grammarly ). Consider seeking feedback from peers or mentors to ensure clarity and effectiveness!

Let's dive deeper into each of these so you have the exact blueprint you need to see success.

The Best Social Media Manager Skills To Include On Your Resume

Keywords are one of the most important factors in your resume. They show employers that your skills align with the role and they also help format your resume for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

If you're not familiar with ATS systems, they are pieces of software used by employers to manage job applications. They scan resumes for keywords and qualifications and make it easier for employers to filter and search for candidates whose qualifications match the role.

If you want to win more interviews and job offers, you need to have a keyword-optimized resume. There are two ways to find the right keywords:

1. Leverage The 20 Best Social Media Manager Keywords

The first is to leverage our list of the best keywords and skills for a Social Media Manager resume.

These keywords were selected from an analysis of real Social Media Manager job descriptions sourced from actual job boards. Here they are:

  • Social Media
  • Communication
  • Influencers
  • Best Practices
  • Writing Skills
  • Manage Multiple Projects
  • Detail-Oriented

2. Use ResyMatch.io To Find The Best Keywords That Are Specific To Your Resume And Target Role

The second method is the one I recommend because it's personalized to your specific resume and target job.

This process lets you find the exact keywords that your resume is missing when compared to the individual role you're applying for.

Social Media Manager Hard Skills

Here's how it works:

  • Open a copy of your updated Social Media Manager resume
  • Open a copy of your target Social Media Manager job description
  • In the widget below, paste your resume on the left, paste the job description on the right, and hit scan!

ResyMatch is going to scan your resume and compare it to the target job description. It's going to show you the exact keywords and skills you're missing as well as share other feedback you can use to improve your resume.

If you're ready to get started, use the widget below to run your first scan and get your free resume score:

how to write a resume for media

Copy/paste or upload your resume here:

Click here to paste text

Upload a PDF, Word Doc, or TXT File

Paste the job post's details here:

Scan to compare and score your resume vs the job's description.


And if you're a visual learner, here's a video walking through the entire process so you can follow along:

Employers spend an average of six seconds reading your resume.

If you want to win more interviews and offers, you need to make that time count. That starts with hitting the reader with the exact information they're looking for right at the top of your resume.

Unfortunately, traditional resume advice like Summaries and Objectives don't accomplish that goal. If you want to win in today's market, you need a modern approach. I like to use something I can a “Highlight Reel,” here's how it works.

Highlight Reels: A Proven Way To Start Your Resume And Win More Jobs

The Highlight Reel is exactly what it sounds like.

It's a section at the top of your resume that allows you to pick and choose the best and most relevant experience to feature right at the top of your resume.

It's essentially a highlight reel of your career as it relates to this specific role! I like to think about it as the SportsCenter Top 10 of your resume.

The Highlight Reel resume summary consists of 4 parts:

  • A relevant section title that ties your experience to the role
  • An introductory bullet that summarizes your experience and high-level value
  • A few supporting “Case Study” bullets that illustrate specific results, projects, and relevant experience
  • A closing “Extracurricular” bullet to round out your candidacy

For example, if we were writing a Highlight Reel for a Social Media Manager role, it might look like this:

Social Media Manager Resume Bullet #1

The first bullet includes the candidate's years of experience in the role and encompasses the skills that make them fit for the role, as well as the results they helped achieve.

The next two bullets are “Case Studies” of specific results they drove for companies they worked for. The last bullet wraps up with extracurricular information.

This candidate has provided all of the info any employer would want to see right at the very top of their resume! The best part is that they can customize this section for each and every role they apply for to maximize the relevance of their experience.

Here's one more example of a Social Media Manager Highlight Reel:

Social Media Manager Resume Bullet #2

The content of this example showcases a candidate transitioning from an Office Manager Manager role to a Social Media Manager role, leveraging their experience with communication. Their next resume bullets brings in measurable results, and the last one wraps up with a high-value extracurricular activity.

If you want more details on writing a killer Highlight Reel, check out my full guide on Highlight Reels here.

Bullets make up the majority of the content in your resume. If you want to win, you need to know how to write bullets that are compelling and value-driven.

Unfortunately, way too many job seekers aren't good at this. They use fluffy, buzzword-fill language and they only talk about the actions that they took rather than the results and outcomes those actions created.

The Anatomy Of A Highly Effective Resume Bullet

If you apply this framework to each of the bullets on your resume, you're going to make them more compelling and your value is going to be crystal clear to the reader. For example, take a look at these resume bullets:

❌ Social Media Manager with 7+ years of experience in marketing.

✅ Innovative Social Media Manager with 7+ years in branding & digital marketing, driving 50% increase in engagement.

The second bullet makes the candidate's value  so much more clear, and it's a lot more fun to read! That's what we're going for here.

That said, it's one thing to look at the graphic above and try to apply the abstract concept of “35% hard skills” to your bullet. We wanted to make things easy, so we created a tool called ResyBullet.io that will actually give your resume bullet a score and show you how to improve it.

Using ResyBullet To Write Crazy Effective, Job-Winning Resume Bullets

ResyBullet takes our proprietary “resume bullet formula” and layers it into a tool that's super simple to use. Here's how it works:

  • Head over to ResyBullet.io
  • Copy a bullet from your resume and paste it into the tool, then hit “Analyze”
  • ResyBullet will score your resume bullet and show you exactly what you need to improve
  • You edit your bullet with the recommended changes and scan it again
  • Rinse and repeat until you get a score of 60+
  • Move on to the next bullet in your resume

Let's take a look at how this works for the two resume bullet examples I shared above:

First, we had, “Social Media Manager with 7+ years of experience in marketing.” 

ResyBullet gave that a score of 46/100. Not only is it too short, but it's missing relevant skills, compelling language, and measurable outcomes:

Example Of A Bad Social Media Resume Bullet

Now, let's take a look at our second bullet,  “Innovative Social Media Manager with 7+ years in branding & digital marketing, driving 50% increase in engagement.”

ResyBullet gave that a 75 / 100. Much better! This bullet had more content focused on the experience in the Social Media Manager role, while also highlighting measurable results:

Example Of A Good Social Media Resume Bullet

Now all you have to do is run each of your bullets through ResyBullet, make the suggested updates, and your resume is going to be jam-packed with eye-popping, value-driven content!

If you're ready, grab a bullet from your resume, paste it into the widget below, and hit scan to get your first resume bullet score and analysis:

Free Resume Bullet Analyzer

Learn to write crazy effective resume bullets that grab attention, illustrate value, and actually get results., copy and paste your resume bullet to begin analysis:, 3 social media manager resume examples for 2024.

Now let's take a look at all of these best practices in action. Here are three resume examples for different situations from people with different backgrounds:

Social Media Manager Resume Example #1: A Traditional Background

Social Media Manager Resume Example - Traditional Background

Social Media Manager Resume Example #2: A Non-Traditional Background

For our second Social Media Manager Resume Example, we have a candidate who has a non-traditional background. In this case, they come from a background as an Office Manager  but leverage experiences that help them transition to a Social Media Manager role. Here's an example of what their resume might look like:

Social Media Manager Resume Example #2 - Non-Traditional Background #New

Social Media Manager Resume Example #3: No Experience

For our third Social Media Manager Resume Example, we have a candidate with no experience. Here's an example of what their resume might look like when applying for a Social Media Manager role:

Social Media Manager Resume Example #3 - No Experience

At this point, you know all of the basics you'll need to write a Social Media Manager resume that wins you more interviews and offers. The only thing left is to take all of that information and apply it to a template that's going to help you get results.

We made that easy with our ResyBuild tool . It has 8 proven templates that were created with the help of recruiters and hiring managers at the world's best companies. These templates also bake in thousands of data points we have from the job seekers in our audience who have used them to land job offers.

Just click any of the templates below to start building your resume using proven, recruiter-approved templates:

how to write a resume for media

Free Job-Winning Resume Templates, Build Yours In No Time .

Choose a resume template below to get started:.

how to write a resume for media

Key Takeaways To Wrap Up Your Job-Winning Social Media Manager Resume

You made it! We packed a lot of information into this post so I wanted to distill the key points for you and lay out next steps so you know exactly where to from here.

Here are the 5 steps for writing a job-winning Social Media Manager resume:

  • Start with a proven resume template from ResyBuild.io
  • Use ResyMatch.io to find the right keywords and optimize your resume for each role you apply to
  • Open your resume with a Highlight Reel to immediately grab your target employer's attention
  • Use ResyBullet.io to craft compelling, value-driven bullets that pop off the page
  • Compare the draft of your resume to the examples on this page to make sure you're on the right path
  • Use a tool like HemingwayApp or Grammarly to proofread your resume before you submit it

If you follow those steps, you're going to be well on your way to landing more Recruiter interviews and job offers.

Now that your resume is taken care of, check out my guide on how to get a job anywhere without applying online!

how to write a resume for media

Paula Martins

Paula is Cultivated Culture's amazing Editor and Content Manager. Her background is in journalism and she's transitioned from roles in education, to tech, to finance, and more. She blends her journalism background with her job search experience to share advice aimed at helping people like you land jobs they love without applying online.

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Resume Worded   |  Proven Resume Examples

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7 Content Creator Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

Content creation is currently one of the fastest-growing, if not the fastest-growing profession in the world. with the spread of technology and the internet, anyone with a phone or computer, and an internet connection can become a content creator. but to be a content creator that businesses are willing to pay, you have to go the extra mile. this guide will show you how to craft a strong content creator’s resume that will have businesses eager to collaborate with you..

Hiring Manager for Content Creator Roles

In simple terms, a content creator formulates, creates, and publishes material intended for entertainment, instruction, or marketing. When we say content creation these days, we are almost always referring to digital content. Some forms of digital content creation include social media posts (the most recognized), blogs, newsletters, articles, digital marketing material, etc. 

Content creators may work alone and may create their own brand and following and then collaborate with brands at a fee; this is the case for most social media influencer content creators. Alternatively, content creators can also be hired by a company to work solely on their brand as in-house content creators. Content creators can also work on a freelance basis, and work with a handful of companies/clients at a go.

Unlike most professions, there is no traditional way to begin as a content creator. The only prerequisite is that you be highly creative, disciplined, business savvy, and that you produce engaging content. However, an educational background in a creative field such as graphic design, production, or art would be highly beneficial in building up your skillset and proving your capabilities to potential employers. 

Content Creator Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Content Creator
  • Digital Content Creator
  • Video Content Creator
  • Marketing Content Creator
  • Social Media Content Creator
  • Content Strategist

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Content Creator Resumes

Content Creator Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Related Marketing Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 7: Content Creator Resume Example

A content creator will create engaging content to be delivered via various mediums and for a variety of purposes. Sometimes they want to increase sales of a product, while other times they may want to gain followers for an organization or cause. Whatever, the purpose, a content creator needs to be highly creative and multi-skilled in the production process. For a general content creator resume, it is necessary the highlight the breadth of your content creation experience. Including all the different forms of content you have created will, therefore, work to your benefit. Furthermore, like this sample resume, you will want to list all the tools you are familiar with for creating content. This will give potential employers, a strong understanding of your capabilities and what standard of content they can expect from you.

A content creators resume sample that highlights skills in the production process and new technologies.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Content Creator resume in 2024

   include all skills in the various stages of content production..

As a general content creator, being able to highlight your skills in planning, admin, editing, production, marketing, etc, will give you a leg up over other content creators who only specialize in writing content. So be sure to list any additional skills used in the stages of production.

Include all skills in the various stages of content production. - Content Creator Resume

   Stay up to date with new technologies.

There are always new technologies and programs that can be used for content creation. Maintaining an updated tools section with the latest content creation technology is a good indication to potential employers that you are current and knowledgeable about the industry. If you do not know how to use the latest technology, take a crash course online before adding it to your resume.

Stay up to date with new technologies. - Content Creator Resume

Skills you can include on your Content Creator resume

Template 2 of 7: digital content creator resume example.

A digital content creator specializes in creating content for digital platforms. These platforms may include social media, blogs, websites, etc. Because of the digital aspect, this position calls for someone with expertise in the internet, SEO, social media trends, online advertising trends, etc. So ensure that you list any educational background that indicates knowledge in any of the above, or experience that will indicate the same. You will also want your experience to show that you are skilled in more than one digital platform. So don’t fall into the trap of only listing social-media-related tasks that you have completed. It may be very popular currently, but employers might be looking for a content creator for other digital platforms as well.

Digital content creator resume sample that highlights applicant's value addition and digital related skills.

Tips to help you write your Digital Content Creator resume in 2024

   quantify the value addition of your content to previous clients..

Companies do not just hire content creators for cool content. A company’s end goal is almost always to make money or increase brand awareness. So they need content that will connect with their client base and convince them to make purchases. If you have figures of how much money a previous client made thanks to your content, be sure to include that in your resume.

Quantify the value addition of your content to previous clients. - Digital Content Creator Resume

   List digital-related skills.

If you are creating a digital content creator resume, ensure that your skills section is equally specific to digital-related skills. Include skills like SEO expertise, social media analytic expertise, WordPress expertise, etc.

List digital-related skills. - Digital Content Creator Resume

Skills you can include on your Digital Content Creator resume

Template 3 of 7: video content creator resume example.

As the name suggests, video content creators specialize in producing video material for their clients. The video content may range from advertising material to instructional videos to just pure entertainment. You may be able to create this content on your own, with your team, or with the client’s team. Because of the time and money it takes to produce videos, communication skills are incredibly important to ensure that all involved parties are on the same page before and during production. Your resume should highlight your video-producing experience and any success your previous content has had. Even more importantly, you will want to clearly list all video editing software or other video production software & hardware that you are experienced with. This sample resume does both very effectively.

Video content creator resume sample that highlights experience in video production and software program experience.

Tips to help you write your Video Content Creator resume in 2024

   include experience in all stages of video production..

Creating video content is a multi-step process from concept development, to video production, to editing and publishing. To have your resume stand out from the crowd, highlight any experience in as many of the stages of production as possible. A client is more likely to hire someone who can create a script for a video and edit the video, as opposed to someone who can only create the script.

Include experience in all stages of video production. - Video Content Creator Resume

   Get certified in new content creation programs.

Technology is always advancing, and content creation programs are always improving. Ensure that you stay up-to-date with the latest software programs. And if you want to bolster your resume, get yourself certified as an expert in those programs. You can get certified by taking a short course offered by the software company or by an e-learning platform. It’s just one way to put you above the rest.

Get certified in new content creation programs. - Video Content Creator Resume

Skills you can include on your Video Content Creator resume

Template 4 of 7: marketing content creator resume example.

A marketing content creator specializes in conceptualizing and creating engaging content that will result in higher sales or visibility for their client. Beyond creating the content, you will be expected to create marketing strategies, and monitor how well a marketing campaign is doing using analytical tools. Having an educational background in digital marketing would be highly beneficial, as would any digital marketing experience you have had in the content creation field or outside of it. In addition, having strong communication skills is essential, as you will most likely find yourself collaborating with others in the course of the marketing campaign.

Marketing content creator resume sample that highlights applicant's success and marketing background.

Tips to help you write your Marketing Content Creator resume in 2024

   quantify the success of your marketing campaigns..

At its core, the goal of marketing is sales. So showing potential employers how effective your content is at creating sales is paramount. Include figures of how many sales your marketing content brought in, to impress your potential employers and stand out from the crowd.

Quantify the success of your marketing campaigns. - Marketing Content Creator Resume

   Include any marketing-related certification.

Potential employers need to feel confident that you actually have expertise in marketing and are not just a general content creator. An easy way to prove this is to list any marketing-related certification you may have. This may be from your educational background, or a marketing-specific course you did online. For bonus points, take a marketing course that is content-creation-specific.

Include any marketing-related certification. - Marketing Content Creator Resume

Skills you can include on your Marketing Content Creator resume

Template 5 of 7: social media content creator resume example.

As a Social Media Content Creator, you're the beating heart of a brand's online presence. It's all about understanding the brand's voice and showcasing it creatively and consistently across different platforms. On one hand, you have to stay on top of ever-evolving algorithms, new features, and the latest trends like short video content and interactive stories. On the other, you can't lose sight of the brand's identity and audience. When crafting your resume, remember that you're telling a story - your story. It's not a dry list of skills, but a vivid illustration of how you've used those skills to engage audiences and boost brands.

Screenshot of an engaging resume for a Social Media Content Creator.

Tips to help you write your Social Media Content Creator resume in 2024

   highlight your platform-specific expertise.

Don't just say you're experienced in social media - that's too broad and vague. Specify the platforms you've used, whether it's Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, or others. For each one, give examples of how you've created unique content, grown follower counts, or improved engagement rates.

Highlight your platform-specific expertise - Social Media Content Creator Resume

   Showcase your creative abilities

A Social Media Content Creator needs to be a master of creativity. Demonstrate this on your resume by citing campaigns you've designed, posts you've crafted, or graphics you've created. If you've ever redefined a brand's social media strategy or pioneered a new content format, make sure you shout about it.

Showcase your creative abilities - Social Media Content Creator Resume

Skills you can include on your Social Media Content Creator resume

Template 6 of 7: social media content creator resume example.

As the name suggests, social media content creators create content meant for release on social media platforms. Many social media content creators are also ‘influencers’ and will be paid to attract the attention of their sizeable followers to a specific brand or product. Other social media content creators will work within a company or as freelancers, creating content for the company’s social media channels. Being a social media content creator requires you to have an acute understanding of each social media channel, the algorithms behind it, and what kind of content attracts engagement. Show your understanding of social media on your resume by showing the success of your previous campaigns, or by listing any certifications you have taken that are social media related.

Social media content creator resume sample that highlights the applicants social media knowledge and platforms.

   Include your social media information.

For many social media content creators, access to their social media following is what they are selling. If this is the kind of content creator you are, include your social media handles, in your resume and some information on your following’s demographic and engagement rates. It will make it easier for potential clients to identify if your followers are part of their customer base.

   Show differentiation in social media platforms.

Every social media platform works very differently from the next. Likewise, the content that may work on one platform may not be very effective on another. Because of this, Ensure that you specify in your experience, what content you created for which platform and how effective it was. Do not group all social media platforms together if at all possible.

Template 7 of 7: Content Strategist Resume Example

A content strategist is a savvy marketing professional who uses an array of content creation skills to create inbound interest in a company or product. Content strategists typically develop and execute a brand’s content strategy by using several marketing channels. They oversee content planning, social media content, production and distribution, search engine optimization, and more. To get a job as a content strategist, you’ll need a bachelor's degree in marketing, English, or communications. Hiring managers will like to see previous related experience, particularly with social media or digital marketing. Prior roles as a social media analyst, digital marketing associate, or content creator will help you land this role. In addition, hiring managers may be looking for a candidate with experience in video editing, webpage creation, blogging, and more.

A resume for a content strategist with a BA in English and experience as a social media analyst and digital marketing consultant.

Tips to help you write your Content Strategist resume in 2024

   make note of what results you’ve achieved in previous content roles.

The content strategist is tasked with ensuring a company's content and online presence is effective in garnering new traffic and sales. As such, a hiring manager will be looking for a candidate with a previous track record of success in publishing engaging online content. If content you delivered in a previous role helped raise follower count or increase webpage visits, it’s important to detail those achievements on your resume.

   Consider making a portfolio

An easy and effective way to show content you’ve created in the past is to create a portfolio of your past work. You can create a webpage portfolio that can easily be emailed to potential employers alongside your resume. As long as you have permission to share your previous work, this is a great way to allow hiring managers to get a real feel for your talent.

Consider making a portfolio - Content Strategist Resume

Skills you can include on your Content Strategist resume

We spoke with hiring managers and content leads at companies like BuzzFeed, Vox Media, and HubSpot to gather their top tips for creating a winning content creator resume. They shared insider advice on what they look for when hiring for these roles, and how you can make your resume stand out. Here are their top tips:

   Showcase your content creation skills

Hiring managers want to see concrete examples of the content you've created. Instead of just listing your responsibilities, highlight specific pieces of content you're proud of.

  • Wrote and edited 10+ articles per week on personal finance topics, resulting in a 25% increase in organic traffic
  • Created a viral TikTok video on budgeting tips that received over 500,000 views and 50,000 likes

Avoid vague or generic descriptions of your work, like:

  • Responsible for creating content
  • Wrote articles and social media posts

Bullet Point Samples for Content Creator

   Highlight your specialty areas

Content creation is a broad field, so it's important to showcase your specific areas of expertise. Whether it's a particular industry, content format, or platform, emphasize what sets you apart.

  • Specialize in creating long-form blog content on B2B marketing topics
  • Extensive experience creating short-form video content for Instagram and TikTok
  • Deep knowledge of the travel industry from 5+ years as a travel writer and editor

Avoid broad or unspecific descriptions like "experienced content creator." Get specific about where you shine.

   Quantify your impact

Whenever possible, use numbers and data to show the impact of your work. Hiring managers love to see measurable results.

  • Increased email open rates by 10% and click-through rates by 25% through A/B testing and optimization
  • Grew Facebook following from 5,000 to 50,000 in 6 months through creating engaging video content

Don't just say you "improved" or "increased" metrics. Quantify by how much, over what time period. Numbers speak louder than words.

   Show your versatility

The best content creators are versatile and adaptable. Show that you can create content across different formats, platforms, and styles.

  • Wrote blog posts, created infographics, and produced videos for company's content marketing efforts
  • Adapted brand voice and tone for B2B vs. B2C audiences across web, email, and social channels

Try to avoid pigeonholing yourself into one narrow type of content creation. Emphasize your range.

   Mention content strategy and SEO

Great content creators don't just churn out content - they think strategically. Mention how you incorporate SEO best practices and align your content with broader strategies.

  • Developed quarterly content plans aligned with product launches and key messaging
  • Optimized blog posts for target keywords, resulting in first-page Google rankings for 10+ terms

Bad example of what not to say:

  • Wrote 5 blog posts per week

The bad example just mentions output, not strategic impact or SEO.

   Tailor your resume for the role

Not all content creator roles are the same. Research the company and role, and tailor your resume accordingly. A resume for a TikTok creator role should look different than one for a B2B blog writer position.

Before: Creative and versatile content creator with 5 years of experience writing blog posts and creating social media content. After: Content creator specializing in short-form, viral-optimized video content for platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels. Experienced in jumping on trending audio and video formats to boost views and engagement.

The "After" version is tailored specifically for a short-form video creator role, while the "Before" is too generic. Customization is key.

Writing Your Content Creator Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. put your name front and center.

Your name should be the most prominent element in your header, typically in a larger font than the rest of your contact details. This helps hiring managers quickly identify whose resume they're reviewing.

Here's an example of how to format your name in your header:

  • Samantha Thompson

Avoid formatting your name like this, which can look cluttered and hard to read:

  • samantha thompson

2. Include essential contact details

In addition to your name, your header should include key contact details such as:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Location (City, State)
  • LinkedIn profile URL
  • Portfolio or website URL

Here's an example of a well-formatted contact details section:

[email protected] | 555-123-4567 | Seattle, WA | linkedin.com/in/samanthathompson | samanthathompson.com

Keep your contact details concise and easy to read. Avoid this common mistake:

Samantha Thompson, Content Creator Extraordinaire. 123 Main St, Apt 456, Seattle, Washington, 98101. [email protected] . 555-123-4567. linkedin.com/in/samanthathompson. samanthathompson.com.

3. Showcase your personal brand

As a content creator, your header is valuable real estate for conveying your unique personal brand. Consider adding:

  • A one-line personal branding statement or tagline
  • Relevant social media handles (e.g. Twitter, Instagram)
  • Links to your best writing samples or projects

Here's an example of a header that effectively showcases a content creator's brand:

Samantha Thompson Creative Storyteller | Crafting Compelling Content for Top Brands [email protected] | 555-123-4567 | Seattle, WA linkedin.com/in/samanthathompson | @samthompsonwrites | samanthathompson.com/portfolio

Just be sure to keep your branding statement brief and avoid clichéd buzzwords like this:

Samantha Thompson Content Creation Guru and Ninja | Synergistically Crafting Disruptive, Epic Content that Goes Viral


A resume summary for a Content Creator is optional, but it can be a great way to provide additional context about your experience and skills that may not be immediately apparent from the rest of your resume. It's especially useful if you're changing careers or have a diverse background that doesn't directly align with the Content Creator role you're targeting.

When writing your summary, focus on highlighting your most relevant qualifications and achievements. Avoid repeating information that's already covered in other sections of your resume. Instead, use this space to emphasize your unique value proposition and the key skills that make you an ideal candidate for the position.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Content Creator resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Content Creator resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Content Creator Resume Summary Examples , or Content Creator Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to the specific Content Creator role

When crafting your resume summary, it's essential to tailor it to the specific Content Creator position you're applying for. This means highlighting the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job description.

For example, if the role emphasizes video content creation, your summary might look like this:

Creative and skilled Content Creator with 5+ years of experience in producing engaging video content for various platforms. Proficient in scriptwriting, filming, and editing, with a keen eye for storytelling. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and execute content strategies that increased brand awareness and audience engagement.

On the other hand, if the position focuses more on written content, your summary should reflect that:

Experienced Content Creator with a background in video production and editing. Skilled in scriptwriting and collaborating with cross-functional teams to develop content strategies.

2. Quantify your achievements and showcase your impact

When possible, use numbers and metrics to quantify your achievements and demonstrate the impact of your work as a Content Creator. This helps hiring managers understand the scope and significance of your contributions.

  • Created engaging content for various platforms
  • Wrote blog posts and articles on a variety of topics

Instead, try to be more specific and include measurable results:

  • Produced 50+ videos that generated over 1 million views and increased subscriber count by 25%
  • Wrote 100+ blog posts that drove a 30% increase in website traffic and improved search engine rankings

By quantifying your achievements, you provide concrete evidence of your skills and value as a Content Creator, making your resume more compelling to potential employers.


The work experience section is where you'll spend the most time tailoring and tweaking your resume for each job application as a content creator. Hiring managers and recruiters want to see that you have the right experience and skills to excel in the role.

In this section, we'll cover what to focus on and include (and what to leave out) to make your work experience section stand out.

1. Highlight content creation experience

Hiring managers want to see that you have experience creating content across different channels and formats. Highlight your experience with:

  • Writing blog posts, articles, and web copy
  • Creating social media content and managing social accounts
  • Developing email marketing campaigns and newsletters
  • Producing video content and podcasts

Be specific about the types of content you've created and the channels you've worked with. For example:

Wrote and published 10+ SEO-optimized blog posts per week on topics related to personal finance and investing
Created and managed social media content calendar across Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, growing follower base by 25% in 6 months

2. Use metrics to quantify your impact

As a content creator, metrics are your best friend. Use hard numbers to show the impact and results of your work. Some examples:

  • Grew blog traffic from 10,000 to 50,000 monthly unique visitors in 12 months
  • Increased email click-through rates by 15% by A/B testing subject lines and content
  • Generated 500+ qualified leads through gated content offers

Without metrics, your bullets can look like a generic list of responsibilities:

  • Wrote blog posts on various topics
  • Managed social media accounts
  • Created email newsletters

Aim to include at least one metric or quantifiable result for each work experience entry to show the impact of your work.

3. Showcase your industry expertise

Hiring managers want to see that you have knowledge and expertise in their industry. Use your work experience bullets to showcase your industry-specific skills and knowledge.

For example, if you're applying for a content creator role at a SaaS company, highlight your experience creating content related to:

  • Software and technology
  • B2B marketing and sales
  • Product tutorials and guides
Wrote in-depth guides and tutorials on how to use project management software to streamline workflows and improve team collaboration

Similarly, if you're applying for a role at a healthcare company, showcase your experience with healthcare-related topics:

  • Patient education and resources
  • Healthcare industry news and trends
  • Medical research and innovations

4. Tailor your work experience to the job

One of the biggest mistakes content creators make on their resumes is including every piece of experience they have, even if it's not relevant to the job they're applying for. This can make your resume feel unfocused and generic.

Instead, tailor your work experience section to the specific job and company you're applying to. Look at the job description and identify the key skills and qualifications they're looking for. Then, highlight the experiences and accomplishments from your background that best match those requirements.

For example, if a job description emphasizes SEO and content optimization, prioritize those skills in your bullets:

  • Optimized blog content for search engines, resulting in a 75% increase in organic traffic year-over-year
  • Conducted keyword research to identify high-volume, low-competition keywords to target in content

Leave out experience that isn't as relevant to the specific role, even if it was a significant part of a past job.


The education section of your content creator resume should be concise and highlight your most relevant and impressive academic achievements. Here are some key tips to keep in mind when writing this section:

How To Write An Education Section - Content Creator Roles

1. Put education at the top if you're a recent grad

If you graduated within the past few years, it's best to list your education section above your work experience. This is because your degree is likely your most impressive qualification at this stage in your career.

Here's an example of how to format your education if you're a recent grad:

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, XYZ University, City, State | Graduated: May 2022 Relevant Coursework: Digital Media Production, Copywriting, Social Media Marketing

2. Keep it brief if you have several years of experience

If you've been working as a content creator for several years, your education section should be short and sweet. Hiring managers will be more interested in your professional accomplishments than your academic background.

A bad example would look like this:

  • Bachelor of Arts in English, ABC University, City, State | Graduated: May 2012
  • Relevant Coursework: Creative Writing, British Literature, Journalism 101

Instead, keep it concise like this:

  • BA in English, ABC University

3. Highlight relevant certifications

In addition to your degree, be sure to list any relevant certifications you've earned that relate to content creation. This could include:

  • Google Analytics Individual Qualification
  • HubSpot Content Marketing Certification
  • Hootsuite Social Marketing Certification

These certifications show that you're committed to staying up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in your field. They can help you stand out from other candidates, especially if you don't have a ton of work experience yet.

Action Verbs For Content Creator Resumes

Strong action verbs tell a client your role in the content creation process. Content creation resumes should use action verbs like "Created", "Monitored" or “Edited”. These are strong action verbs that effectively showcase a content creator’s capabilities.

Action Verbs for Content Creator

  • Collaborated
  • Spearheaded

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Content Creator Resumes

Skills for content creator resumes.

When writing your resume as a content creator, you need to include all skills relevant to the production of content. Here are some hard skills suggestions from content creation postings.

Add these skills to the skills section on your resume.

  • Video Production
  • Video Editing
  • Digital Media
  • Video Post-Production
  • Content Strategy
  • Storytelling
  • Broadcasting
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Photography
  • Social Media
  • Videography
  • Digital Marketing
  • Media Production
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Copywriting
  • Content Production
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Web Content Writing

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Content Creator Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

How To Write Your Skills Section - Content Creator Roles

Skills Word Cloud For Content Creator Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Content Creator job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Content Creator Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Other marketing resumes, content writer.

Medical Writer resume example screenshot

Marketing Manager

A resume for a product marketing manager with a master's degree in business and experience as a marketing coordinator.

  • Social Media Manager Resume Guide
  • Creative Director Resume Guide
  • Marketing Manager Resume Guide
  • Digital Marketing Resume Guide
  • Event Coordinator Resume Guide
  • Digital Media Resume Guide
  • Brand Manager Resume Guide
  • Communications Resume Guide

Content Creator Resume Guide

  • E-Commerce Resume Guide
  • Growth Marketing Resume Guide
  • Content Writer Resume Guide
  • Video Editor Resume Guide
  • Marketing Executive Resume Guide
  • VP of Marketing Resume Guide
  • Digital Strategist Resume Guide
  • Brand Ambassador Resume Guide
  • Technical Writer Resume Guide
  • SEO Resume Guide
  • Director of Marketing Resume Guide
  • Brand Strategist Resume Guide
  • Campaign Manager Resume Guide
  • Content Creator Resume Example
  • Digital Content Creator Resume Example
  • Video Content Creator Resume Example
  • Marketing Content Creator Resume Example
  • Social Media Content Creator Resume Example
  • Content Strategist Resume Example
  • Tips for Content Creator Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • All Resume Examples
  • Content Creator CV Examples
  • Content Creator Cover Letter
  • Content Creator Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

how to write a resume for media

  • • Secured over $1.2M in Media Coverage with in-kind trade
  • • Reached 5.5M views with a social lift of 1.5x in one month
  • • Had #1 top post on the site (If You Score 100% On This 2015 Quiz You’ve Got An Excellent Memory)
  • • Developed a Facebook page with more that 160,000 likes
  • • Managing a team of 5 to 8 workers to achieve the monthly target

5 Social Media Specialist Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

In the role of a Social Media Specialist, managing online presence and engaging with audiences across various platforms is crucial. Highlighting experience in content creation, analytics, and community management will strengthen your resume. Consider adding proficiency in social media tools, graphic design software, and data analysis techniques to demonstrate your capabilities. Lastly, mentioning successful campaigns and measurable growth in engagement can effectively illustrate the impact you bring to potential employers.

All resume examples in this guide

how to write a resume for media


how to write a resume for media

Resume Guide

What this guide will teach you., how to write a social media resume, how to make an effective social media resume header, why a social media resume objective or summary is a must, how should you include your work experience on a social media resume, including education on a social media resume, how to list social media skills on a resume, hard skills worth mentioning, social media certifications that get you noticed, big data analysis to give your social media resume new insights, what makes for the best social media resume.

Social Media Specialist resume example

You’ve grown Facebook pages, built engaged communities, created brand identities, but you still can’t seem to land that social media job you want.

What’s going wrong?

Chances are, your social media resume isn’t selling you.

We’ve analyzed thousands of resumes and job descriptions, talked to experts, and put all together into this comprehensive guide.

“[Social media] is becoming a vital part of what companies do, and that's good news for job seekers in a market that—admit it—you know is brutal.”

– Bernhard Warner, editor of Social Media Influence, a London-based industry newsletter

  • How to plan your resume before you start creating it
  • Which social media certifications to include and where to put them
  • How your resume summary can tell a great story
  • How and why to write an experience section that focuses on results

Looking for related resumes?

  • Social Media Specialist Resumes
  • Marketing Resumes
  • Marketing Internship Resumes
  • Brand Ambassador Resumes
  • Copywriter Resumes
  • Brand Manager Resumes
  • Content Marketing Resumes
  • Public Relations Specialist Resumes

You wouldn’t start a social media campaign without a strategy and you shouldn’t start a social media resume without one either.

Begin by planning out what resume sections you want to include. Consider the role you’re applying for and what it’s going to take to show you’re the right candidate. These are the sections we recommend:

The top sections for a social media resume

  • Header with any certification(s)
  • Professional summary
  • Soft Skills
  • Most proud of / Accomplishments

Once you’ve planned out the sections you want, you’ll start at the top: the header.

Your social media resume header is as important as your page title, Twitter handle, or Instagram name. It looks simple but getting it right is critical.

Your header should have:

  • Your name with any certifications (assuming you don’t have too many, in which case put them in their own section)
  • Websites ( LinkedIn , personal sites, social media pages)
  • Contact information

Look at the difference between these examples:

Just changing the information presented makes one resume look far more professional right from the top.

Every social media professional needs to be able to tell a compelling story in a limited number of characters. If you can’t do that on your resume, why would anyone hire you?

Use a resume objective (a short sentence or two) or resume summary (generally more of a paragraph) to tell your story. Explain some combination of who you are, what you’ve accomplished, and why you’re applying to this social media position.

This section should frame the rest of your resume, give it context, and grab the interest of the hiring manager. Here are two examples to see what we mean:

That second example is vague to the point of being meaningless. It adds no value to your resume. The first, on the other hand, tells a story. After reading it, the hiring manager will have a real sense of you as a professional.

Far too many social media resumes fill their experience sections with statements like “managed Twitter and Facebook accounts.”

Problem is, anyone can “manage” an account. Employers want to know what you achieved by managing that account.

  • • Created #brandyourself, garnering 12,500 Twitter mentions in the first two weeks, helping in a product launch which exceeded sales projections by 27%.
  • • After 6 months of management, traffic to the website from the company Facebook page was up 54%.
  • • Successfully handled a wave of negative comments after a scandal with one of our brands.
  • • Managed company Twitter account, creating hashtags and promotional campaigns.
  • • Successfully managed the company Facebook account

Reframing that social media management experience around concrete metrics makes it far more impressive and relevant for any potential employer.

Now that third point about handling the scandal doesn’t have an accompanying number (it’s hard to quantify success in that case) but it’s useful for an employer to know you have experience handling that kind of situation.

Think about the person who will read your resume.What do they care about? Frame your experience around what matters to them, whether that’s boosting sales or increasing brand awareness

Most degrees don’t mean much in the world of social media. If you have a background in marketing it can be helpful, but in general your History degree isn’t worth too much.

Still, it’s worth mentioning if you have a university degree, just don’t waste too much ink on it. A quick mention in an education section with the year you graduated is enough. If you are still studying, make sure to include your expected graduation day in your resume .

Don’t do what every other social media resume does and list things like “excellent communication skills” without any context or examples.

Make sure you’re listing the right skills, then make sure you’re backing them up. Here’s an example:

Of course it’s not always possible to give a specific number to back up a skill, but just trying to explain the context and example is still far better than just listing it.

But which skills should you be including in your resume skill section ?

Soft skills that make the difference

Based on all the things a social media professional has to do in a given day, these are 10 soft skills most employers are looking for:

10 Soft Skills to Consider for Your Social Media Resume

  • Strategic Planning
  • Community Management
  • Communication
  • Troll Handling
  • Detail Oriented
  • Making Deadlines
  • Analytical skills
  • Speaking Multiple Languages

There aren’t as many hard skills involved in being a social media manager. However, the ones that are involved are tremendously important.

For example, you need to know how to interpret data to understand the impact and significance of your work.

4 Key Hard Skills for a Social Media Resume

  • Google Analytics
  • Graphic Design
  • Photography

How to analyze a social media job description to learn what skills you need

Here’s a quoted portion from a real job ad for a social media manager. Let’s analyze just what skills and experience it’s asking for:

“…This person will help execute the social media strategy for TEGNA’s original content verticals and provide social media support to our TV stations across 41 markets . The social media coordinator must be highly organized with clear communication skills , and comfortable working in a fast paced environment .”

  • Provide social media support , the key word is “support”. You won’t be expected to originate your own campaigns and proposals so much as support decisions made elsewhere. This is where experience executing strategies from superiors will come in handy.
  • Across 41 markets, this tells you to emphasize any experience doing social media across many different national or global regions. Speaking other languages, having lived abroad, etc. can also show that you understand how to work with markets different than your own.
  • Highly organized , add examples of when you handled many things at once. This could even be when you worked a full time job while taking a full course load in university (while maintaining your GPA).
  • Clear communication skills , at a bare minimum, your resume and cover letter need to show you have these skills. There’s no better way to show that than by doing it.
  • Fast paced environment , did you used to work in a busy restaurant? Have you had to handle a crisis in a previous social media role? Mention that experience to show you can handle the pressure.

Nothing says “I take social media marketing seriously” better than some proper certifications in the resume . They show you’ve gone above and beyond to develop your skills and are self-motivated.

The top 8 certifications for a social media resume

  • Hootsuite’s Social Marketing Training
  • Digital Marketing Nanodegree from Udacity
  • Twitter Flight School Marketing Leadership course
  • Social Media Certification from Boot Camp Digital
  • Blueprint Certification from Facebook
  • IQ Certification from Google Analytics

You’re not going to be the only one applying for that social media position, so it helps to know what the competition is doing. That’s why we analyzed thousands of social media resumes and job offers to understand what skills each were mentioning.

The gap can show you which skills employers are asking for and which they aren’t seeing often enough on resumes.

social media specialist chart.png

These are the tricks that really make a difference:

  • Plan out your resume and its sections
  • Include certifications in your resume header
  • Use your summary to tell a compelling story
  • Focus your experience on specific examples and results
  • Pick the skills you mention from the job description and back them up

social media specialist resume example

Looking to build your own Social Media Specialist resume?

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How to write a social media resume?

[ Click here to directly go to the complete Social Media resume sample ]

If you are struggling with the same question, then fret not! We got you covered.

A perfect social media resume will ensure an interview you have been dreaming of.

You know that you are great at handling social media, your peers know that too, but that will not land you the dream job.

Your hiring manager should know that you can take their social media platform to the heights of Mount Everest!

But to communicate the same to the recruiters you need to write the perfect social media resume.

You have the talent and the skills along with the required experience but you need to present them to the recruiters through an impeccable social media specialist resume.

Follow the given tips to construct a shortlist worthy resume:

Use the right format to build your social media resume

Incorporate distinct sections in your social media resume to organize your details, frame your header, contact details, and profile title in your social media resume, describe your professional experience effectively in your social media resume, mention your academic and co-curricular accomplishments in your social media resume, call attention to your professional skills in your social media resume, compose a suitable social media resume summary or social media resume objective.

Let us see how you can frame an impactful social media resume in 2023:

It is a known fact that a recruiter spends an average of 6 seconds on a single resume.

6 Seconds is all you get to impress the recruiter through your social media coordinator resume, so you need to make sure that it is interesting enough to hold the readers' attention.

Also, there is the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) that your social media marketing resume needs to get past to be recognized by the recruiters.

It is a tracking system that allows the recruiters to filter through resumes and filter out the ones that do not comply with the industry norms and lacks relevant keywords.

Hence your social media manager resume needs to be built on a suitable ATS-compliant resume format.

So how do you plan on saving your social media evaluator resume from entering the pile of rejection?

We will tell you how.

Use the Reverse Chronological format as it helps the recruiter to recognize your latest and relevant job profile or achievement upfront.

It is ATS-friendly and the ideal format to present your career trajectory in your resume for social media.

There is the Functional resume format but only those professionals looking for a change in profession or need to cover career gaps should use this format.

It is not the best format and hence we do not recommend its use but it has its benefits as it throws focus on your skills to divert the recruiters' attention away from the hiccups that you have in your career trajectory.

You can make use of the Combination resume format especially if you have 10+ years of professional experience.

Its use can help you equally exhibit both your social media resume skills and work experience to get the recruiters' attention towards your professional expertise.

It may all seem a little overwhelming, but you can always visit Hiration's Online Resume Services to pick the most suitable format for your social media strategy resume.

Social media sample resume

Seeing is believing!

And so we have attached the complete social media resume template created from our Online Resume Builder for your reference:

  • Creating and sharing monthly digital marketing performance reports with the CMO & CEO
  • Managed a team of 4 social media associates to increase and generate brand awareness
  • Developed the complete 5 year SEO strategy for the firm
  • Driving relevant SEO content generation as well as getting 10+ backlinks per day
  • Upgraded the page rank of the website, bringing it to the 1st page on google search
  • Publishing 5+ CPC & CPI display Ads per day on leading search engines including Google, Yahoo and Bing
  • Achieved the lowest CPC (Cost Per Click) across the industry: $0.06 per click
  • Leading multiple email based content marketing campaigns to 500k+ subscribed customers
  • Generated 4 new Newsletters curated for different clients and increased their subscriber base by 40%
  • Handling 5+ firm's accounts on leading social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.
  • Launching 2+ ad campaigns on each social media platform including the top ones single handedly
  • Increased the following on Instagram of major clients by 10k+ new followers in the first month
  • Maximized data driven approach with portfolio clients to increase sales by 15%
  • Bolstered the creation and maintenance of the company website to align with brand and business strategies increased traffic by 23%
  • Spearheaded multiple digital ad campaigns on Facebook and LinkedIn with an average CPC of $ 0.6
  • Advised in implementing new marketing strategies and tactics to increase sales by 30% and customer satisfaction15%
  • Improved the seamless flow of information between cross functional partners and be responsible for 15 campaign project managements annually
  • Briefed Marketing and Advertisement associates and senior staff in more than 12 specific projects
  • GPA : 4.0/4.0
  • Social Media Marketing Certificate (Hubspot Academy)
  • Social Media Certification with Boost Camp
  • Digital Marketing Nanodegree with Udacity
  • English: Native
  • Spanish: Fluent
  • Italian: Conversational

Every feature that you see in the attached social media resume example is incorporated to make your resume outshine any other resume.

The given sample social media resume is an ideal representation of all the amazing features that Hiration has to offer you.

So without further delay go ahead and visit our Online Resume Builder today!

There are certain segments of a resume that has to be included at all times while creating a social media marketer resume. And the following are the sections:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Summary/Objective
  • Professional Experience

Every section plays an important part in helping you built your social media marketing resume in a way that can intrigue the recruiters' interest in your potential.

Meanwhile, every segment of your resume is important as it allows you to strategically highlight the different particulars and details that throw light on your suitability for the targeted job profile.

You can add the below-given section whenever deemed necessary to enhance the standard segments listed above:

  • Certifications (if any)
  • Awards & Recognition (if any)
  • Additional Information (if any)

The optional sections on a social media resume can do a lot more than you think.

It gives you the chance to present your extra credits or achievements to potential employers so that they can acknowledge your professional expertise.

To be put together in simple words, every section helps you create a positive image of yourself while presenting yourself as the best applicant through your social media evaluator resume.

The three important details that you need to frame in the topmost segment of your social media manager resume are:

  • Contact Details

Social Media Resume: Header

The resume header refers to your name.

The top part of your resume should be labeled with your name so that the recruiters can keep easy track of your social media marketing resume.

Write your name in 16-20 font size to make your social media coordinator resume header stand out as the largest text in your resume.

Labeling resumes with "CV" and "Resume" is a common mistake that most professionals make but try to avoid becoming a part of the same crowd.

It is a waste of space and time to be mentioning the obvious so stick to writing your name as the resume header and give your social media manager resume its unique identity.

An actual representation of a social media resume header is represented in the below given social media resume example:

Social Media Resume Header

Social Media Resume: Contact Details

Your contact details are very important in your resume for social media and without which there is no point in you creating a social media marketer resume.

A resume without your contact details even if shortlisted will never help you land your dream job because there is no way for the hiring managers to get in touch with you.

Hence, always add the following details to your social media evaluator resume:

  • Active Phone Number
  • Professional Email Address
  • Current Location

Give the contact number through which the recruiters can easily get in touch with you while also make sure to add your email address as it is an easy way for the hiring managers to reach out to applicants.

Your email address should not have any fancy name but your real name because if you add nicknames to your email address, the recruiters may assume that you lack a professional streak.

For your current location, simply mention your city and state. But if you are willing to relocate outside the country for a job then mention your state and country.

Every country, organization, or company follows different hiring guidelines so make sure to read through such guidelines before you give out your personal details.

We have attached a snapshot from our social media manager resume sample showcasing the ideal personal information section of a resume:


Social Media Resume: Profile Title

It is necessary to mention your professional identification in a social media resume.

Profile title can be regarded as your crown in the professional field which you have acquired through your accomplishments both from experience and every other source.

The right profile title can help you describe your latest designation and the functional industry that you are related to while confirming your seniority level.

Lying on a social media marketer resume is never encouraged so make sure that you do not exaggerate or overstate your profile title.

Always mention the explicit title that validates your rightful designation.

Here is an example of a social media resume sample demonstrating an ideal social media professional profile title:


The given example social media resume can be used as a reference to frame any specific profile title for social media on resume.

Are you putting down all your past achievements without any structure, thinking that it is enough to land you the perfect job?

Well, you need to get off that high horse for a minute.

There is a cut-throat competition out there and being a part of this digital world has escalated the competition in the social media field.

So, how to write a social media resume?

Well, you need to describe your achievements in a way that it picks the reader's interest and the following factors can help you achieve the same:

One-Liners: Your points should be comprehensible and hence writing one-liners to narrate your work history will help you achieve the required result.

One-liners are easy to understand while also allows the recruiters to get a crystal clear understanding of your roles and responsibilities as a social media professional.

Simply use bullets points and frame one-liners.

Power-Verb: Start every point with a suitable power verb that throws light in your professional activity.

Doing so can help you elaborate on the different duties performed by you in a broader sense.

Additionally, it can help you avoid unnecessary repetition of words while allowing you to emphasize your duties in a previous or current organization.

Achievement Figures: It is always a plus point to add quantifiable data to explain your achievements as they make a better impact on the recruiter.

Mention achievement figures to define your contributions and results obtained for the higher goals of an organization.

The recruiters can right away make out what you are capable of professionally performing and achieving hence make an assessment of the value you can add to your next organization.

Don’t be generic, use data and your field of expertise to amplify your points.

Bucketing & Bolding: Once your points are listed in one-liners make it a habit to list similar points under relevant buckets by creating significant headings.

This can help you organize your different work details and make it easier for the recruiters to get an insight into the various responsibilities part taken by you in an organization.

With your one-liners organized under unique headings, pick the most significant words and phrases from every sentence and bold them.

Doing so will help you get the attention of the recruiters to the specific points that highlight your professional expertise and potential.

Social media sample resume for the professional experience section

Check out the ideal professional experience section illustrated in our social media resume sample attached below:


How to list social media skills on resume?

Supposedly you have a plethora of information on marketing and managing social media, the next step for you is to put your social media skills on a resume in a way that it makes you the best person for the job.

Never underestimate the power of a good skill set.

Hiring managers widely use the ATS (Application Tracking System) to separate the resumes with the relevant keywords as per the job description.

Hence, add those keywords in your social media marketing resume and raise the chance of your social media marketing resume getting shortlisted for the next round.

Mention only those social media resume skills that you are familiar with and well versed with, be it - creative skills or your communication skills.

The skills section is a really good place to make maximum use of the social media resume keywords , but you are not to blindly list down the keywords that are not relevant to the targeted job profile or not familiar with you.

The mentioned skills of social media on resume should be justified in the one-liners points that you frame in the professional experience section.

Remember that a human will also go through your social media manager resume at a later stage so be smart and just use the relevant keywords you figured out through the job description.

Refrain from using generic terms like Tech Savvy, all the skill sets usually have sub-sets, use them to acquaint the reader with your specific skill set. For example - Hootsuite, HTML, Buffer.

An ideal social media resume skills section should be framed as shown in the given social media resume example:


A social media resume is not just about your work experience and skills.

It is a combination of your academic accomplishments and any co-curricular credits to your name that defines your potential.

List the details of your educational background and any other mention-worthy accomplishments to be acknowledged by recruiters for the same.

Social Media Resume: Education

It is a myth that Social Media Jobs don't focus on the education section of the social media intern resume.

If you are a college graduate then start by:

  • Listing your highest degree first.
  • Then add the name of your college along with the geotag.
  • Don't forget to mention the timeline of your studies.
  • Mention relevant coursework and even your minor if it aligns with the targeted job.
  • Mention your GPA only if it is mention-worthy.

The education section is a must-have for those writing an entry level social media resume because what you lack in work experience you can make up with your educational qualification.

If you have an impressive academic section instead of relevant experience, start with that. You need to make sure to highlight your strongest points and dazzle the recruiter.

The given social media manager resume sample exhibiting the education section is provided to give you an insight into how an ideal education section should be established:


Wondering if there is more to it?

Definitely, Yes!

If you want to make your social media coordinator resume irresistible, you should add a few more sections that are relevant to the profile you are targeting.

Add Certifications and Licenses

By adding this section in your social media intern resume with your credible certificates and licenses, you can boost the chances of getting a call back for an interview.

A certified professional with a license to practice one's work has a higher chance of being shortlisted when the recruiters have to pick the right applicant.

Look at the given social media resume example from our social media manager resume sample exhibiting how your certifications can be listed on a resume for social media:


There are multiple online platforms providing courses for Social Media Jobs, to name a few-

  • Social Media Marketing at Linkedin Learning Hub
  • Hootsuite Social Media Marketing Certification
  • Social Media Certification at Hubspot Academy
  • Search Engine Optimization at Coursera

Hobbies and Interest

Just because the subheading says hobbies and interests it doesn't mean that you can add irrelevant hobbies like knitting, horse riding, or golfing as such.

Add hobbies and interests that will turn you into a better choice for a social media job, like Blogging or Vlogging.

If you have some professional work worth mentioning then do it in this section.

Refrain to do the same in case the work you post on social media is opinionated and pertains to religion or politics because that might backfire.

Language Proficiency

If you are bilingual or multilingual, do specify.

Social media is a global phenomenon and your language skills might come in handy.

Be specific with your proficiency level and always make it a point to not mislead the recruiter with false claims.

Speaking more than one language is always considered an advantageous trait because a certain field of work such as in the social media profession requires one to build communication.

Hence, being bilingual in the social media professions can help you achieve the same and the recruiters will take into account while assessing your qualification.

How to put being a social media influencer on your social media resume

Times have changed and being a social media influencer is in trend.

While you are trying to convince your hiring manager about your social media marketing skills or social media managing skills, you can add your social media profile to support the same.

Doing so will make the recruiter privy to your social media savviness and turn your digital marketing resume or social media manager resume into a success.

You need to remember that the content you produce on your social media shouldn't be political or religious as may create undue bias in the recruiter. In simple words, the content should be relevant to the industry or organization that you are targeting.

It is a known fact that the opening statement of an essay or a book holds great power. The same goes for your social media marketing resume.

Hiring managers tend to receive hundreds and thousands of resumes from aspiring professionals even for a single job post.

Therefore you need to include a social media resume summary or objective to give them an insight into all that you have fabricated in your resume for social media in the best way.

The reality lies in the fact that your resume overview should be composed only after you complete building the rest of the segments in a social media manager resume.

It is to avoid unnecessary editing and avoid missing out on important highlights because the resume overview needs to be created based on your skills, experience, and other relevant sections in a social media resume.

You need to impress the hiring managers with your resume while giving them enough information through an overview of your resume and hold on to their interests.

But to do that efficiently you need to know when to include your social media resume summary or social media resume objective.

Social Media Resume Summary

If you are someone with relevant experience in the said field for more than 3 years, then you should definitely opt for a social media resume summary.

Add quantifiable data in the summary to keep the recruiter engaged and put across your achievements in the best possible way.

Giving quantifiable data helps the recruiter in understanding the value you can bring to their company and hence becomes the best method to convey your professional journey and expertise.

Mention both your skills and the highlights of your career to keep the recruiters fixated on your caliber as a social media professional.

3-4 lines should be enough to give an overview of your resume unless you are a professional with more than 10 years of work experience in which case an exception can be made for 5 lines limit.

Your journey is not interesting until it benefits an organization.

Hence, describe the values that you can contribute through your resume summary while applying for a job profile that requires experienced professionals.

Given below is a social media resume sample showing what an ideal resume summary should look like in a social media resume:


Social Media Resume Objective

The job opportunities in social media aren't just available to people with experience.

If you are a fresher or someone with very little work experience writing an entry level social media resume applicant then make sure to include a social media resume objective.

This opening paragraph doesn't talk about your past achievements like in a social media resume summary, rather it acquaints the recruiters with your goals which should ideally be aligned with the job profile you are applying for.

Although, it's still advisable to use quantifiable data to help support your claims and talents.

Key Takeaways

  • The foremost thing is to format your social media resume template in reverse chronological order to make it ATS friendly.
  • List all your previous social media experiences in one-liners under unique buckets and use quantifiable data to validate the level of your expertise.
  • Tailor your skillset on your social media marketing resume as per the targeted job description.
  • Mention the details of your education and relevant certifications or coursework.
  • Add other sections like certifications, hobbies, and language skills to enhance your resume for social media
  • Make sure your social media resume summary/social media resume objective is enthralling.

These steps will lead you to an impressive and professional social media resume. In case you do not want to spend much time on the resume building process, you can use Hiration's AI-powered Career Building Platform.

It helps you prepare all the documents you need during the recruitment process. You can wipe out your doubts by using its 24/7 online chat support and for additional career related queries, you can contact our experts at [email protected] .

how to write a resume for media

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When & How to Put Social Media on Resume [+Examples]

Klára Červeňanská — Content Manager / Writer

A recent survey found that 67% of employers use social media sites to research potential job candidates. Hence, knowing how to put social media on resume allows you to crack the code and be one step ahead. 

Social media has become a huge part of our daily lives as well as our professional identities. That's why including social media links in your resume can, in many cases, be advantageous and even required. 

However, there's a few things to consider before doing so. Keep reading to find out how to include social media links on your resume in a way that enhances it, rather than damages it. 

This guide will show you:

  • What is the social media section on your resume?
  • When (not) to include social media on resume?
  • Why should you include your social media profiles on your resume?
  • Which social media profiles you should and shouldn't mention?
  • How to put social media on resume?

Why and how to put LinkedIn on a resume?

  • How to include social media skills on resume?

Find out your resume score!

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What is the social media section on a resume?

The social media section is the part of your resume that contains links to your professional social media profiles, such as LinkedIn , your personal social media profiles such as Twitter or Instagram, or links to your online portfolios.

This section usually sits under the contact information part of your resume or somewhere towards the end. It shouldn't take up too much space or grab attention. 

When (not) to include social media on a resume?

While this section isn't necessary for everyone, it adds a nice touch to your resume. Some professions can even showcase their creative side and social media skills, which can ultimately benefit them. 

So, when to include social media on resume? And when is it best to avoid?

By a rule of thumb…

  • If you work in a field where social media are completely irrelevant — only include LinkedIn and nothing else. LinkedIn is pretty much a must for everyone now. 
  • If you're applying for a job in a smaller company or a startup where a cultural fit is important but it's in a field where social media are also kind of irrelevant — include LinkedIn, and possibly other social media platforms which show your personality in a positive light. That is, of course, only if you want. It's not necessary. 
  • If you work in an industry where social media are a big part of the job — include those you're proud of and that are relevant. Wondering which social media are appropriate and how to include them? Keep on reading. 
  • If you work in a creative industry — include the social media (or portfolios) where you show off your work. For example, a developer can share their GitHub, and a motion graphic artist can share their YouTube. 

why include social media in your resume

Why include social media links in your resume?

  • To be one step ahead. The hiring managers will google you anyway. As you get to the last round of interviews, 67% of potential employers check your online footprint. And since your profiles are among the first things that’ll pop up, you should know how to add social media to your resume.
  • To prove your social media management skills. If you’re looking for a job as a social media manager, copywriter, content creator, or any related profession, including your social media accounts is a smart way to demonstrate your skills. 
  • To enhance your professional competency. The purpose of your social media profile doesn’t need to be just sharing memes. You can rather post about new trends in your industry or relevant topics for your profession. In the employer's eyes, doing so enhances your level of professional expertise.
  • To show your personality. It's often the case in smaller companies that even if a candidate lacks a qualification (or two), they can still become a part of the team if the employer thinks they'll fit the company culture. Your social media profiles can help them determine that.
  • To promote your portfolio. Whether you're an architect, a graphic designer, or a web developer, having an online portfolio is essential. Including an interactive link in your resume is a simple and effective way to present it.
  • To highlight your networking skills. For some positions, like sales or PR roles, having an extensive network and strong online presence can be a significant advantage. Including your professional social media accounts can demonstrate your ability to network and maintain professional relationships.
  • To showcase your creativity and branding skills. For jobs that require creativity, such as marketing or advertising roles, your social media profiles can act as an extension of your resume, showcasing your personal brand, creativity, and ability to engage an audience.

You have full control over what hiring managers are going to see when they look you up. Hence, you can use your resume to steer attention towards the profiles you want them to see and make it your advantage. 

Yet, you should keep in mind that there’s more important information on your resume such as your work experience , education or achievements . Consider adding your social media in a way that doesn't steal the attention from other, more important sections. 

social media on resume

Which social media profiles should you include in your resume?

Always. These are the social media and online platforms which should always be included in your resume, no matter the profession. 

  • LinkedIn. Include your LinkedIn on a resume , no matter the industry. Think of it as an extension of your resume — it should contain anything you couldn’t fit on your resume due to space constraints. If you don’t have one, create it as soon as possible. 
  • Professional website or portfolio. Also include your professional website and/or portfolios. Creating your own website is another way to get your resume out there. If you don't have one yet, Kickresume's website builder feature lets you turn your resume into a personal website in one click.

Depends . Including these social media links heavily depends on your profession. So, let's go over them. 

  • Twitter. Only include Twitter if you regularly tweet about relevant trends or interesting studies in your industry. If it’s mostly for personal use, skip it. 
  • Instagram. IG provides a great way to build your personal brand, share samples of your work, showcase your content management skills, or do some not-so professional networking. It's no secret that the number of followers defines you in a way. This is that much more prominent in industries like marketing, social media, and content creation. Having a big following and a neat IG feed in these professions are your biggest assets, so show it off. On the other hand, if your IG is totally unrelated to your work nor does it help to show your personality in a good way — don't include it on your resume. 
  • Youtube. Consider including your YouTube handle in a resume if you're really proud of your channel and if it's relevant to the industry. For instance, professions like motion graphic artists, VFX artists, animators, multimedia designers, and video content creators and editors, can use their channel to demonstrate an expertise within the field. 
  • TikTok . TikTok’s user base is growing rapidly and it’s quickly becoming a great opportunity for creators to build their personal brand and show off their work. Designers can show their designs, stylists show off their outfits, and even teachers share snippets of their lectures. And, similar to IG, if you're applying for a marketing/social media management job and you have a big TikTok following, it'll give you an upper hand.
  • GitHub. Coders and developers use this platform as a repository for code-sharing, collaborating on software projects, or code file management. Including GitHub on your resume can be one of the best ways to demonstrate your coding skills and experience to hiring managers and to differentiate yourself from other job candidates who are seeking the same position. Note: Don't share your GitHub if the projects you work on there are company restricted or confidential. 

Never. As radical as it sounds, these social media platforms should never be included on your resume. Please. 

  • Facebook. Facebook is facing a grim future. Even though it's continuously trying to save itself, the attempts seem to be failing. That's one of the reasons why Facebook is officially a no-go zone in regards to your resume. Importantly, even though Facebook is a no-no, you should still be prepared that an employer will have a look at your profile. So, it should still either look “normal” or be completely private. 
  • Snapchat. Yes, you can still show your creative side on snapchat. But, the difference between other social media and Snapchat is that the sole purpose of it is to make the content disappear after 24 hours. So, it doesn't make much sense, does it? 
  • Reddit. It's one of the most popular websites globally providing a platform for up-to-date news and trends. In theory, it could serve as a window to your industry-related interests, however, with the constant overflow of content and noise, it's hard to keep it focused and maintain the professional nature. 

How to put social media on resume

Did you know that you can turn your LinkedIn profile into a polished resume with just one click.

How to put social media on a resume?

There are many differing opinions and views on how to list social media on a resume which is why in this section we aim to summarize and dissect them. 

Here we go:

  • Create a separate resume section for your social media profiles, if you're absolutely sure about the relevance of these platforms for your profession. Moreover, you should create a separate section if you want to include 3+ profiles. 
  • Fit the social media inside your contact information section at the top of your resume if you only want to include 1–2 profiles. If you only want to include your LinkedIn, it's also better to fit it in the contact info. 
  • If you create a separate section, preferably name it “Social Media” , but in some cases you can try something more catchy, like “Find me online” . We definitely don't recommend any funky headlines if you're aiming for a job in a big company or in the corporate world. Beware of ATS.
  • Place this section after contact Information or towards the end of the resume. Either way is good, it just depends on what you prefer. If it's really important for your profession, place it at the beginning. If it's not, it shouldn't steer attention away from more important sections and should rather be placed towards the end. 
  • NO: https://twitter.com/Kickresume
  • YES: Twitter: @Kickresume
  • YES: www.linkedin.com/in/john-snow-designer
  • Double-check if all hyperlinks work correctly . Though sometimes, including hyperlinks isn't necessary provided that you include your @. 
  • Try using Kickresume to create your resume. Our resume builder lets you add a social media section in an ATS-friendly way ensuring optimal readability and a polished look. Plus, we’ve got icons for every major social platform out there.

Check the examples below. 

Social media on a resume examples

Since sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, here are two examples of how to list social media on a resume in a neat and efficient way, utilizing all the above-mentioned tips — crafted using Kickresume.

First, an example of a separate social media section on a resume.

Social media on resume example

Second, an example of how social media can be included in the contact information section . 

Social media on resume example

We chose to dedicate a separate chapter to LinkedIn, since this business-oriented online service has been ruling the hiring and networking world for a while now. And it’s not going away any time soon. 

LinkedIn is a professional social networking platform which hosts more than 850 million professional profiles. In fact, three people are hired every minute for jobs on LinkedIn.

So, if you're asking whether you need a LinkedIn profile, the answer is yes. Even if you aren’t actively looking for a new job. And, if you don’t want to be an active user, at least don’t forget to update it anytime you have a new job, experience or achievement.

These are the main benefits of having a LinkedIn profile:

  • You can find a new job. You can search LinkedIn’s job board and apply for jobs. Or even spy on companies you want to work for. Don't worry, it’s not stalking — it’s called research.
  • A new job can find you. Even if you aren’t actively searching for a job, you can receive cool job offers from hiring managers. And there’s no harm in practicing your interview skills from time to time.
  • Networking. You can connect with your former or current colleagues, employers, people you met at networking events or conferences. All of these connections may be helpful for your future career.
  • Building your personal brand. Your personal online brand matters more than ever. On LinkedIn, you can also write your own industry-related articles and present yourself as a subject-matter expert.
  • It will be easier to google you. Some employers can google you up before offering you a job. And your LinkedIn profile will most likely show up first.

When it comes to how to put LinkedIn on a resume , there's a few tips you should know about:

  • Personalize the URL to make sure it doesn’t have a string of randomly generated numbers and letters before you add LinkedIn to your resume (open your web browser and go to Linkedin > Me > View Profile > Edit your custom URL ).
  • Include the short form of your LinkedIn URL to your resume. This means leaving out the unnecessary " https://" .
  • Alternatively, only include your LinkedIn name and add a hyperlink to it. However, if you're seeking a job in a big company and a little birdie tells you they use ATS, rather use the short form of your LinkedIn URL. This is due to the fact that ATS may remove the hyperlink before an employer opens your resume.

Social media skills on resume

Since almost every major company has a social media manager at this point, working in this industry has definitely made its way into mainstream professions. And, like a programmer needs to have a strong skills resume section, a social media person should, too. 

So, If you’re an aspiring social media manager, there's two ways how to say you're good at social media on a resume:

  • Social media skills on resume examples: Editorial calendars, reporting and data analysis, social media platforms (e.g. IG, LinkedIn, TikTok), SEO, content creation, social media application tools (e.g. Hootsuite)
  • Create a separate social media resume section where you list all of the profiles you manage. Including your social media accounts is a smart way to demonstrate your real-life skills as well as present the profiles you're really passionate about that are relevant for this industry. 

Final piece of advice: Social media on resume

  • Clean it up. Remove any controversial or offensive content from your social media. Drunk party photos, anything controversial or negative can cost you a job offer.
  • Be consistent. Keep the info on your resume and online consistent. You should always tell the truth on your resume and the same applies to your social media profiles. Make sure your resume doesn’t tell one thing and your social media profiles another.
  • Use social media as your portfolio. It’s the perfect place to integrate a seamless digital brand. Are you a graphic designer or photographer? Create a professional account on Instagram and use it as your digital portfolio.
  • Try to google yourself, first. And spend some time going through the results. See what employers will find when they google you up. Manage your online presence, otherwise it could cost you a job offer.
  • Stay objective and professional. While expressing your personality is important, remember that your social media profiles represent you professionally when included in your resume. Therefore, you need to make sure that your posts reflect professionalism and are in line with the objectives of the job you're applying for. Stick to industry-relevant topics, showcase your work, share related news, and join pertinent discussions.

This article was recently updated. The original article was written by Nikoleta Žišková in 2021 .

Which social media platforms should I include on my resume?

This often depends on the job you're applying for and the industry. LinkedIn is generally encouraged for all professionals, while Twitter can be relevant for communication roles, and Instagram or Behance could be useful for creative fields. Always ensure the platform demonstrates your professionalism and skills relevant to the job.

How should I list my social media profiles on my resume?

Usually, your social media profiles are listed in the contact information section of your resume, alongside your email and phone number. You can include the social media icons followed by your usernames or hyperlinks leading to the profiles.

Should I make my personal social media profiles private when job hunting?

Privacy settings are up to each individual. If you're concerned there might be unprofessional or controversial content on your profiles, it might be a wise choice to set personal accounts to private or ensure public content is employer-friendly.

Is it necessary to include my social media profiles on my resume?

While it's not required, it could be beneficial if your social media profiles add value by demonstrating your professional skills, networking abilities or knowledge about the industry.

What if my social media posts do not align with the company's values?

If you suspect there may be discrepancies between your social media content and the company's values or culture, it would be best not to include these profiles on your resume. It's crucial to present a consistent and professional image that aligns with prospective employers.

Klára Červeňanská — Content Manager / Writer

Klára Červeňanská

Klara recently graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she got an opportunity to write full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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7 Journalist Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

Stephen Greet

Journalist Resume

  • Journalist Resumes by Experience
  • Journalist Resumes by Role
  • Write Your Journalist Resume

In the world of journalism, you’re the story-hunter who brings those hidden tales to light. With a curiosity that goes deep, you dig up facts, break down events, and spin narratives that shape how we see things.

Your knack for catching the heart of a moment keeps the info flowing smoothly to the public. Making a resume that shows off all your skills can be far more intricate than crafting a news piece—but don’t worry, because we’ve got you covered.

We’ve got the job application know-how to steer you toward victory. Just follow our tips and journalist resume examples to impress recruiters and land your next job.

or download as PDF

Journalist resume example with 9 years experience

Why this resume works

  • To make it count in your journalist resume, highlight your collaboration effort with the marketing team to bring in more ads and boost revenue margins.

Student Journalist Resume

Student journalist resume example with online tutoring experience

  • For instance, think about that time in the Newspaper Club, which wasn’t just an after-school activity, but a key chapter for refining your ability to sniff out news, engage with sources, and craft stories that capture the essence of the moment. By spotlighting such a stint in your piece, it’s proof you’re ready to hit the ground running, even in a role that’s usually more about picking up new skills.

Data Journalist Resume

Data journalist resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Take a leaf from Christine’s data journalist resume: statements like “driving an additional 24,897 visitors to the website and boosting engagement metrics by 38%” and “aggregated and cleaned data from 18 tech blogs using Python scripts” are pure gold.

Sports Journalist Resume

Sports journalist resume example with 6 years of experience

  • You’re probably thinking about percentage increases and decreases now. However, naturally blending them with dollar amounts, time savings in hours, number of social media followers or subscribers, and video views brings a much-needed variety to your narration.

Broadcast Journalist Resume

Broadcast journalist resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Can you recall when your piece of targeted content boosted YouTube subscribers, views, or web visitors? Or when you capitalized on your social media management prowess to spark lively conversations online? Spotlighting such moments could be the golden ticket to a job interview with your dream company.

Freelance Journalist Resume

Freelance journalist resume example with 10 years experience

  • For instance, your freelance journalist resume can capitalize on how you created compelling content to increase monthly page views.

Multimedia Journalist Resume

Multimedia journalist resume example with 11 years experience

  • Including your three journalist awards for exceptional reporting in your multimedia journalist resume will give recruiters a reason to hire you.

Related resume examples

  • Social Media Manager
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Digital Marketing

Craft a Journalist Resume That Fits the Job

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

Your journalist resume acts as a canvas where your skills paint vibrant stories. Think of it as your chance to shine! Pick out skills that sync up with your dream role and what you’re awesome at. 

Instead of vague or cliche resume skills , dive into specifics. If you’re going for a tech-oriented role, emphasize things like data analysis tools, multimedia software, and content management systems. Journalism’s all about talking the talk, so it’s good to toss in some soft skills too, like smooth interviewing, adaptability, and collaboration. 

Just remember to stay true to what the job wants and what you have experience in. If you’re going for an editor role, weave in some leadership and project management skills as well.

Need some inspiration?

15 popular journalist skills

  • Google Analytics
  • Final Cut Pro
  • Interviewing Skills
  • Photography 
  • Research Methods 
  • Proofreading
  • Adaptability
  • Microsoft Office
  • Google Workspace

how to write a resume for media

Your journalist work experience bullet points

As a journalist, your work experience should be more than just a list of everyday tasks. Sure, tracking down stories, doing interviews, and writing compelling articles is key, but what really shines are the big wins that showcase your impact. 

Sprinkle in some active verbs and plenty of quantifiable metrics to highlight your achievements in more detail. For example, maybe your investigative piece led to a policy change, or you boosted website hits by 50%. 

Being a journalist means shaping how people see the world and driving engagement for your company, so focus on the broader outcomes that prove you can inform, inspire, and connect with audiences effectively.

  • Showcase the impact of your articles by mentioning metrics like social media shares, comments, and interactions.
  • Highlight your ability to attract and retain readers with metrics related to audience growth. 
  • Quantify the reach of your work by mentioning metrics like the number of publications, outlets, or websites your articles have been featured in.
  • If you’ve worked on investigative pieces, mention metrics that show the tangible effects of your work, such as reporting a corporate scandal that led to regulatory actions.

See what we mean?

  • Drove a 61% increase in website traffic through the use of visually interactive infographics and videos
  • Received 3 journalism awards for exceptional reporting, representing a 14% increase in recognition compared to the previous year
  • Managed and optimized the editorial budget, achieving an 8% cost reduction without compromising content quality
  • Secured and conducted interviews with industry experts, with an acceptance rate of 88%

9 active verbs to start your journalist work experience bullet points

  • Interviewed
  • Collaborated
  • Coordinated

3 Tips for Writing a Journalist Resume as a Beginner

  • So, you’re new to the game—no biggie! Flaunt what you’ve learned by talking about projects from your coursework. For example, chat about teaming up with other students to create a captivating multimedia news package, demonstrating your storytelling abilities.
  • Even if they were quick, internships can do wonders for your resume. Show off the real-world skills you developed during your journalism internships, whether you tackled local happenings or wrote up some fun listicles.
  • Don’t underestimate the power of passion projects or hobbies . Got a blog, podcast, or community newsletter? Let the recruiters know! These projects prove your enthusiasm and passion and show that you’re willing to go the extra mile, giving recruiters a glimpse of your potential in a professional capacity.

3 Tips for Writing an Outstanding Journalist Resume if You’re Experienced

  • Flaunt the skills you’ve picked up along the way. Whether you’re a pro at digging into investigations, crunching data for stories, or cooking up multimedia magic, let those talents shine. And if the job clicks with your specializations, the effect will be even more potent.
  • If your articles boosted engagement or helped increase social media followers, put those digits on display. Numbers make your impact crystal clear and prove you’re not just any reporter—you’re the attention-grabbing kind.
  • After a few years on the job, you might be ready to apply for an editor-in-chief position, or you may already have such experiences on your resume. Whether you want to level up to a senior journalist or run a whole department, use your resume to highlight past instances of leadership, such as when you took charge of an interesting story or oversaw a team of junior colleagues.

ATS can be a puzzle, but you’ve got this. Pepper your resume with relevant keywords from the job listing. Mirror the company’s language where you can. And remember, while keywords matter, your actual skills and experience are the stars.

Numbers that show impact are the way to go. Think social media shares, article engagement rates, or growth in readership. Highlight how your reporting caught eyes and sparked conversations.

Only if they’re really relevant. Certifications in data journalism or multimedia storytelling can be impressive, just as things like the NICAR certificate, but if they’re not directly tied to the role, they might not be essential.

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Digital Media Resume Sample

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Work Experience

  • Effectively communicate and educate executive staff and the broad organizations on new methods and improvements
  • Partner with cross-Business Unit partners for consistency
  • Manage digital engagement initiatives and lead cross-functional teams producing those initiatives
  • Manage development and implementation of digital engagement strategy, including using sound communications judgment to research, write, edit and/or produce a broad range of content for Stanford social media communications channels
  • Responsible for ownership and management of multiple digital channels. Oversee editorial and brand strategy and voice (of the content through the channels)
  • Liaise with internal stakeholders such as program teams, service teams, IT, campus partners, and clients to achieve program goals and to ensure coordination
  • Manage constituent complaints and reputational issues and other high priorities on digital channels
  • Work with all other marketing teams to ensure Digital Media programs are fully integrated with all related marketing campaigns to drive maximum customer engagement and sales performance
  • Monitor and communicate performance against effective benchmarks for measuring the impact of Digital Media. Analyze, review, and report on effectiveness of campaigns in an effort to maximize results
  • Work with internal teams to ensure all Digital impressions meet Cabela's brand and style guidelines while delivering best-in-class creatives that lead to exceptional engagement and revenue growth
  • Represent MSS on Web Business Team and attend WBT meetings. Train personnel and agencies to update the site and act as expert contact for them. Organize ongoing updates to the marketing pages of the site with the regional personnel. Act as primary MSS contact in website workflow
  • Finalize website refresh for marketing pages for all languages in conjunction with regional Allison and agency personnel and act as liaison between the project vendors and Marketing. Ensure that Marketing participants understand their roles and responsibilities with respect to ongoing updates to the site. Facilitate collection of translations
  • Process technical information, complex business processes, and feedback to create elegant, relevant and user-friendly communications for internal audiences
  • Manage digital projects and initiatives with marketing agencies as directed
  • Assist with overall activity concerning digital marketing, organize conference calls with appropriate marketing or IT personnel to discuss digital marketing needs and identify requirements. Coordinate plans with agencies and regions for all digital work with events coordinator to fulfill A/V requirements. Assist with drafting the scope of work digital marketing is defined
  • Identify emerging social media technologies and pursue new strategic communications opportunities
  • Monitor effectiveness of social media communications initiatives using analytics and listening tools. Create and present reports on Stanford’s social media effectiveness
  • Interact with other departments, organizations and senior staff
  • Collaboration with Strategy, Analytics and Biz Leaders to ensure alignment with and delivery against client KPI’s
  • Partner selection recommendation and justification designed to deliver on client KPI’s using the most sophisticated use of data and analytics, via multi-faceted, strategic partnerships, while delivering maximum strategic value and efficiency
  • Participate in the development of KPIs and RFP’s with Strategy
  • Provide senior-level guidance and review on campaign reports, research, POV’s, and client presentations to ensure quality and client-readiness
  • Execute against the Digital Media strategy, coordinating with stakeholders across all channels of Cabela's to ensure its effectiveness and maximizing ROAS

Professional Skills

  • Demonstrated strategic thinking skills and organizational skills
  • Demonstrates strong basic “business writing” skills
  • Demonstrated project management, leadership and excellent communication skills
  • Good interpersonal skills and written and verbal communication skills
  • Strong business planning, forecasting and budgeting skills
  • Excellent English writing and copyediting skills required
  • Excellent written communication skills, including good grammar and spelling

How to write Digital Media Resume

Digital Media role is responsible for analytical, business, digital, excel, organizational, presentation, organization, interpersonal, leadership, video. To write great resume for digital media job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Digital Media Resume

The section contact information is important in your digital media resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Digital Media Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your digital media resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous digital media responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular digital media position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Digital Media resume experience can include:

  • Drive improvements of digital marketing processes and efficient delivery of digital communications: Use data across multiple platforms to analyze/improve marketing communications as well as educate business stakeholders about best practices
  • Demonstrates good strategic thinking, good problem-solving skills, and ability to make sound business decisions
  • Demonstrates excellent time management and follow-up skills with proven success in meeting deadlines
  • Excellent computer skills including typing, online searching, and database experience
  • Natural curiosity to media landscape and strong attention to detail, great organizational and people skills and effective team-player
  • Strong computer application skills, including word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software

Education on a Digital Media Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your digital media resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your digital media experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Digital Media Resume

When listing skills on your digital media resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical digital media skills:

  • Customer Service Skills: be able to effectively communicate your message to the appropriate target audience
  • Good interpersonal skills and confident when speaking with stakeholders
  • Comfortable working in teams with good people skills
  • A proven ability to learn and use knowledge is as important as skills in any particular area
  • Strong people skills – conversation, observation, response
  • Strong organizational skills, ability to work on multiple projects/plans and work well under pressure to meet deadlines

List of Typical Experience For a Digital Media Resume

Experience for digital media intern resume.

  • Utilize strong analytical ability to recommend optimal customer experience across multiple channels and customer touch points
  • Assist in developing and executing effective media plans that result in acquiring new audiences & elevating ticket sales
  • Experience of developing comprehensive Display, Social media, native advertising, video advertising, Search and mobile advertising programs
  • Experience with programmatic audience-based planning/buying and retargeting towards conversion goals
  • Strong command of AP writing, spelling, grammar, and style
  • Experience working with any of the following languages: Java, Objective-C, Swift, Groovy, PYTHON, JavaScript, JSON, XML, XSLT, HTML5, CSS 3, PHP 5, C#

Experience For Coordinator, Digital Media Support Resume

  • Assist in documenting changes to the application for the end user prior to routing for final review
  • Experience in driving best in class digital media plans including the use of programmatic, content integration and high impact strategies
  • Strong knowledge of SEM and programmatic buying as well as latest technologies including ad servers, tag management, web analytics, DMPs, DSPs
  • Proven success in driving creative, integrated social/digital campaigns from concept to execution and reporting
  • Demonstrated success defining and launching web and/or app-based product
  • Demonstrated success in creating and executing paid search campaigns that drove engagement and grew audiences
  • Relevant online media experience (implementing and managing Digital Media campaigns through Paid Search)

Experience For Director of Digital Media Resume

  • Business experience in sourcing and procurement, supplier management, or the marketing industry
  • Experience in writing and scripting content for websites and digital communications (quizzes, infographics, explainers)
  • Strong partnerships with lead market marketing teams
  • Experience with programmatic advertising platforms
  • Cultivate relationships with current and existing vendors/partners to improve video services and video delivery experience

Experience For VP, Digital Media Resume

  • Digital marketing experience
  • Experience of working in a financial services or investment institution
  • Stay up-to-date with changes in all social platforms ensuring maximum effectiveness
  • Host regular meetings with customers and develop a solid understanding of their needs and how companies integrate AP content and services in their platforms
  • 10+years traditional media experience within an industry-leading company that supports significant multichannel media budgets
  • Experience developing websites, mobile applications
  • Strong portfolio demonstrating professional design practice with an emphasis on web/interactive design
  • Demonstrated fluency with HTML/CSS and/or other relevant supporting technology

Experience For Digital Media Developer Resume

  • Digital marketing experience, specifically with campaign management and large vendor partnerships
  • Experience managing relationships with large outside agencies
  • Strong understanding of attribution and analytics
  • Experience with creative writing
  • Experience using stored procedures, queries, and views in a database environment
  • Experience with tag management solutions, such as GTM, for conversion tracking and site analytics

Experience For Digital Media Marketing Specialist Resume

  • Strong understanding of the various audience types and best practices to optimize social engagement and drive traffic
  • Confident, energetic and effective in executing on key initiatives in a face paced environment
  • Recruiting industry experience
  • Experience of working on some of the best software applications in the world in a fast-paced environment
  • Digital analytics experience and working knowledge of Adobe/Google is an advantage
  • Develop and optimize robust shopping experiences that flow into online applications seamlessly
  • Strong appreciation of how campaign and result data influences planning decisions
  • Experience defining metadata taxonomy, migration and distribution to be applied within the archival system
  • Previous experience working with broadcast, M.A.M and D.A.M systems

Experience For Digital Media Program Manager Resume

  • Experience working with Fork and Reach Engine
  • Live/VOD video streaming and media workflow experience and in-depth knowledge of current and future video technologies
  • Demonstrated success in developing relationships with corporations, foundations, and other entities
  • Experience utilizing SEO strategies
  • Build and maintain strong relationships acting as the lead point of contact for all independent prospect requests
  • Experience with BI dashboard, reporting, and analytics applications such as Tableau, QlikView, or Power BI
  • Experience with querying large record sets on platforms such as Hadoop or S3
  • Experience working with DFP (DoubleClick for Publishers) data sets and reports

Experience For Group Coordinator, Digital Media Resume

  • Experience with business intelligence reporting, dashboard, and analytics applications such as Tableau, QlikView, and Power BI
  • Establish effective collaborative working with multiple support groups across the company
  • Demonstrates mathematical aptitude to ensure accuracy of accounting documents and media schedules
  • Demonstrates proficient knowledge of social media and ad placement
  • Demonstrates knowledge of current SEM trends and best practices
  • Experience involved in social media strategies and execution required
  • Configuring, operating, and automating digital media input devices for digital media capture, processing, and delivery

Experience For Digital Media Campaign Manager Resume

  • Obtaining & editing product images or videos from manufacturers for website, marketing & social media presentation
  • Tracking conversion rates and making improvements to the website or marketing campaigns
  • Identifying user needs in creating and administering databases
  • Understanding of Meta Tags, Digital Display, Rich Media Advertising, Email Marketing and Google AdWords
  • Assisting in the day-to-day tasks of editorial, marketing, and promotional scheduling and maintenance of our online presence
  • Creating dashboards and telling compelling stories to different audiences

Experience For Digital Media Marketing Manager Resume

  • Entering product data for website and utilizing SEO strategies to insure web visibility
  • Understanding of photo capture, photo manipulation, page layout and video capture/editing techniques
  • Working with the wider sales team and liaising with legal to draft confidential documents (contracts, NDA’s)
  • Meeting and deliverables facilitation, technical leadership and architecture planning
  • Recommending software upgrades for existing programs and systems
  • Writing programs in a variety of computer languages integrating third-party libraries
  • Backing-up and restoring data to prevent data loss

List of Typical Skills For a Digital Media Resume

Skills for digital media intern resume.

  • Strong analytical skills to find what strategies are working or not working
  • Strong digital production/design skills, including photo editing, color correction, image manipulation, page layout, typography and illustration
  • Proven leadership skills with a passion for developing people
  • Highly organized, possessing excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Demonstrable photo editing skills with a strong portfolio

Skills For Coordinator, Digital Media Support Resume

  • Excellent writing and editing skills in order to publish professional, clear messages
  • Media planning and/or buying experience, with 3-4 years online planning/buying experience, preferably CPA buying
  • Practices effective time management by prioritizing critical tasks, delegating work, and utilizing and monitoring the productivity of resources
  • Intermediate meeting facilitations skills including proficiency in hosting online meetings
  • Strong proficiency in extracting and manipulating data using SQL, with a solid focus on data integrity and accuracy
  • Proven record of enhancing game day experience through video and web outlets, replay, directing and producing live events
  • Advanced Excel skills, including understanding of formulas and functions
  • Strong experience developing and presenting media strategies
  • Evidence of a deep commitment to contribute through research, teaching, and/or public engagement to the diversity and excellence of the learning experience

Skills For Director of Digital Media Resume

  • Information gathering and problem-solving skills
  • A comprehensive training programme covering many technologies and agile team skills
  • Able to effectively champion new ideas internally -- navigating organizational sensibilities with diplomacy
  • Professional experience in design and/or 2 years teaching/research experience at the university level
  • Demonstrated experience with managing multiple campaigns with substantial monthly budgets

Skills For VP, Digital Media Resume

  • Evidence of industry experience in the design, development and implementation of marketing plans for a product or suite of services
  • Proven experience of successful social media and internet marketing campaigns
  • Proven experience managing social media
  • Demonstrated knowledge of and experience working with content management systems and digital curation systems, for example: Omeka, WordPress, and Drupal
  • Video Editing skills (advantageous)
  • Exceptional skills in the field of Digital Media & Design Visualization
  • Desire to take on greater responsibilities as skills enhance

Skills For Digital Media Developer Resume

  • Team player with ability to effectively collaborate and work across multiple departments
  • Creative skills to present a compelling visual message
  • Organize information and communicate effectively to both legal and non-legal audiences
  • Develop ideation and concept skills
  • Effectively daily workflow and to-dos
  • Collaborating daily with editorial leads to drive the visual storytelling experience for ESPN’s Snapchat channel
  • Solidifying The Creative Group’s presence in the local marketplace through consistent participation in networking organizations and events
  • Ensuring that database operations operate efficiently and without error

Skills For Digital Media Marketing Specialist Resume

  • Experience designing, optimizing, testing and deploying solutions in a MySQL/MariaDB infrastructure
  • Demonstrated success in obtaining and managing research funding from external agencies, including major grants and sponsored and entrepreneurial projects
  • Demonstrated understanding of digital tagging, tracking, QA, and maintenance
  • Gain experience publishing content to online libraries, including our corporate learning management system and video content management system
  • Experience with sourcing and delivering high quality on-demand and live streaming video products and services
  • Professional experience in data analysis and reporting in one or more of the following fields: digital advertising, e-commerce, and online travel
  • Demonstrated understanding of best practices for developing and debugging software and systems
  • Experience working in a higher education environment supporting distance education with clients including students, faculty and staff
  • The ability to prioritize and maximize your time, convey a sense of urgency, and an understanding of the value of providing amazing service

Skills For Digital Media Program Manager Resume

  • Strong working knowledge of file encoding/transcoding and delivery systems
  • A commitment to knowledge sharing and cross skilling and a general appreciation of the need to eliminate single points of failure
  • 5 – 7 years of experience in digital planning, buying and measurement
  • Excitement about emerging web technologies, digital market (trends, Portals and Sites regarding the market, User Experience, etc.)
  • Proven ability to identify and solve problems as well as be highly flexible and willing to adapt to in an ever-changing digital landscape
  • Digital marketing experience (including paid, owned and earned media platforms)
  • The ability to contribute to the diversity and excellence of the learning experience through innovative research, teaching, and public engagement
  • Experience with design for advertising, branding and/or social media
  • Demonstrated understanding of current and emerging web development technologies

Skills For Group Coordinator, Digital Media Resume

  • Experience with A/V recording or editing
  • Professional experience executing social media/online marketing
  • Demonstrates proficiency in using Microsoft Office programs including PowerPoint and Excel
  • Experience with multicultural and/or cross-cultural marketing strategies for engaging diverse populations and communities
  • Strong interest in marketing, politics, and advertising

Skills For Digital Media Campaign Manager Resume

  • Experience using Facebook advertising, Google AdWords and other analytics tools desired but not required
  • Demonstrated record of delivering quality customer service and working cooperatively within a team
  • Experience with IT platforms and hardware including servers, file storage, networking, workstations, appliances, and peripherals
  • Experience of Client liaison, including acting as a Technical representative in meetings with a Client’s technical and non technical staff
  • Working experience in Digital Marketing and Media
  • Strong knowledge of Encoding Standards (H.264, AAC, GOP structure, I-P-B-frame schemes, bit-rates, aspect ratios, renditions, chroma-subsampling, etc.)
  • Experience with product data entry, importing and exporting data
  • Some experience with programmatic languages, 3D modeling, or 3D printing

Skills For Digital Media Marketing Manager Resume

  • Demonstrated success in creating and executing paid social media campaigns that drove engagement and grew audiences
  • Demonstrated ability in analytical reasoning and creative problem solving
  • Experience managing collaborative digital scholarship projects and working with cross-disciplinary teams
  • Awards – only those that are judged on marketing effectiveness
  • Experience working with online publishers ideally globally or at least multi-market
  • Programs & tools such as but not limited to Alias, V Red, Adobe Creative Suite, Solid Works, Gaming Engines, Rhino, Modo, etc
  • Proven strength in collaboration and working in team-based environments
  • Previous account management experience within an agency environment, specifically managing digital media campaigns
  • Strong initiative towards self-directed learning

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Digital Media Resume

Responsibilities for digital media intern resume.

  • Proven experience producing strong digital innovation and business results
  • Solid written / verbal communication skills
  • Content experience, including at least 2 years’ experience managing other digital journalists
  • Excel skills, including understanding of formulas and functions
  • Strong experience, familiarity and understanding of popular social medial platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and others)

Responsibilities For Coordinator, Digital Media Support Resume

  • Time Management Skills - The ability to work on multiple tasks productively
  • Communicate effectively across the organization on best practices, developing production capabilities, graphic and video communications strategies
  • Intermediate communication and project management skills
  • Exceptional reporting skills
  • Casual Buyer for Digital Studio – ordering of supplies, equipment, CER purchases – SAP tracking, goods receipts, GRIR reconciliation
  • Experience managing/organizing large amounts of digital assets
  • Experience analyzing audience data and identifying behavioral trends
  • Experience with Internet marketing to promote and manage rating and reviews systems
  • Demonstrate thought leadership and innovation for existing and emerging media efforts

Responsibilities For Director of Digital Media Resume

  • Experience with page layout, photography and photo/video editing
  • Develop a strong understanding of assigned applications and system architecture
  • Utilize Salesforce.com to manage leads as well as to track and report on effectiveness of various marketing campaigns
  • Experience with ad technology, marketing technology, media finance, insertion orders, and attribution
  • Experience with reproducible research, data science, machine learning, analytics, and exploratory data analysis
  • Experience with audience creation through site behavior and data modeling

Responsibilities For VP, Digital Media Resume

  • Customer-first orientation, with deep global experience working with all sizes of Adobe’s business customer segment
  • Genuine desire to carry a number, and proven track record of exceeding sales goals
  • Experience developing strategic media, digital and communications outreach plans and campaigns
  • Experience interacting with clients on behalf of an agency
  • Experience working on various content management systems
  • In Digital Marketing, with focused broader digital media experience a benefit
  • Work on competing priorities in a fast paced environment
  • Experience with basic website editing
  • Extensive experience in creating written vendor requirements and other deliverables

Responsibilities For Digital Media Developer Resume

  • Experience in web production, content management systems, google analytics, social media and email marketing, digital content production and/or journalism
  • Experience in promoting content
  • Prioritize; has a reasonable sense of urgency while maintaining composure under pressure
  • Continuous learning to improve your analytics skill set
  • Able to provide excellent verbal and written communication between customer, manager and project team members in a matrix-managed environment

Responsibilities For Digital Media Marketing Specialist Resume

  • Experience with analytics platforms such as Google Analytics or Omniture Site Catalyst
  • Prioritize Sales requests, traffic schedules, special requests and content deployments
  • Report on key metrics for campaign effectiveness among relevant internal stakeholders
  • Being the lead for the client relationship, building effective relationships with key stakeholders and understanding their aims and objectives
  • Assist with video and audio production and editing of recorded classroom training experiences
  • Experience in video and/or photography production and editing
  • Sales support: review, validate and coordinate with sales on all scheduling activity for the Digital Signage Network

Responsibilities For Digital Media Program Manager Resume

  • Gain hands-on experience with agile development practices as part of a CSG Kanban team
  • Experience in graphic design (Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator)
  • Participating in, providing advice, and contributing to project systems, continuous improvement processes, and development
  • Strategizing with teammates to accomplish weekly business growth goals while remaining accountable for individual growth goals
  • Influencing cross-functional team partners to achieve overarching brand and financial goals
  • Making and testing modifications to database structure when needed
  • Providing training, task assignment and assessment to work-study and “technical apprentice” staff
  • Experiencing in managing branded content partnerships in the digital space

Responsibilities For Group Coordinator, Digital Media Resume

  • Willing to stay up-to-date on current and emerging technologies for video production and social media
  • Offering ideas, input and feedback during brainstorm cycles
  • Working in a client services environment and helping clients succeed
  • Cleaning and transforming data
  • Applying statistical methods in a marketing environment (e.g. logistic regression)
  • Leading and mentoring junior team members
  • Creating and delivering technical product demonstrations, presentations, and technology proofs

Responsibilities For Digital Media Campaign Manager Resume

  • Supporting and contributing to both RFI and RFP process from enterprise accounts
  • Establishing and growing relationships with technical resources at all levels of a customer organization
  • Testing and maintenance of email templates for online email campaigns
  • Compiling the weekly new & updated assets for the eConnect
  • Maintaining databases and update permissions
  • Incorporating old databases into new ones
  • Understanding of the mobile landscape and merits of the different market players

Responsibilities For Digital Media Marketing Manager Resume

  • Understanding of Closed Caption Workflows for both VOD and Live, (SCC, .VTT, Line 21, 608/708 etc)
  • Working across teams in a matrixed organization
  • Creating measurement plans to outline what we want to measure and learn
  • Working with teams and systems for proper measurement set-up
  • Determining the difference between signal and noise
  • Scripting languages and relevant packages (e.g. R & tidyr)
  • Working knowledge of ad server platforms (i.e. DCM) and publisher data
  • Scripting languages and relevant packages (e.g. R & Tidyverse)
  • Understanding client business

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7 Freelance Journalist Resume Examples for 2024

Freelance journalist resumes require a focus on writing experience, published work, and areas of expertise. This article includes proven resume examples and advice on presenting your skills and achievements. Learn how to highlight relevant experience, showcase your portfolio, and structure your resume for success.

Portrait of Grace Abrams

  • 03 Sep 2024 - 5 new sections, including 'Position your educational background', added
  • 03 Sep 2024 - 5 new resume templates, including Aspiring Freelance Journalist (Transferable Skills), added
  • 01 Sep 2024 - Article published

  Next update scheduled for 14 Sep 2024

Here's what we see in the best freelance journalist resumes.

Show Impact With Numbers : The best resumes use numbers to show results. Include metrics common to this job, such as article view counts , social shares , publication reach , and engagement rates . Numbers make your impact clear.

Include Relevant Skills From Job Descriptions : Include skills on your resume that you have and are mentioned on the job description. Some popular ones are SEO , AP Style , WordPress , Google Analytics , and Adobe Creative Suite . Choose skills you have and are mentioned in the JD.

Trend Towards Multimedia Storytelling : More journalists are using multimedia elements. Highlight skills like video production or podcasting to stand out.

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Freelance Journalist Resume Sample

Find out how good your resume is.

ummm here it is

Get your resume scored

Want to know if your freelance journalism resume stands out? Our resume scoring tool gives you a clear picture of where you excel and where you can improve. It checks for key elements that editors and publications look for when hiring writers.

Upload your resume now for an unbiased assessment. You'll get instant feedback on how to make your writing experience and skills shine, helping you land more freelance opportunities.

Position your educational background

As a hiring manager, I recommend you to position your education effectively on a resume. If you are new in the field of freelance journalism or have recently finished a journalism degree or related course, place your education section before your work experience. This will show employers that your recent academic training is the most current and relevant aspect of your professional development.

For those with substantial freelance journalism experience, your work history should take precedence. Your education can then follow to provide context and background, especially if it is in a field that enhances your reporting and writing skills, such as political science or economics. Always ensure your most relevant qualifications are easy to find and at the forefront of your resume.

Breaking into journalism

Start by building a strong portfolio. Include links to published articles and personal blogs in your resume. This shows your writing style and proficiency.

Networking is essential. Attend industry conferences and join journalism groups on social media platforms. Mention any industry memberships in your resume. This demonstrates your engagement and commitment to the field.

Entry-Level Freelance Journalist Resume Sample

Ideal resume length.

Keep your resume concise, aiming for one page, especially if you have less than 10 years of experience. As a freelance journalist, this means including your strongest and most recent work. Prioritize showcasing your most impactful articles, the range of your reporting skills, and diverse publication platforms. Highlight collaborations and key interviews that align with the role you are seeking.

If you have ample experience stretching beyond a decade, consider extending to two pages. Here, focus on depth, including significant investigative pieces or series, high-profile assignments, and leadership in journalistic projects. Always remember to maintain enough white space for readability and to use a layout that naturally guides the reader through your career timeline and accomplishments.

Senior Freelance Journalist Resume Sample

Gaining credibility.

Consider adding a section for quotes or testimonials from editors or readers. This can provide external validation of your work and reliability.

Highlight any niche areas you specialize in, like technology or politics. This helps employers match your skills to their needs and shows you have depth in specific topics.

Freelance Journalist with a Specialization in Technology Resume Sample

Aspiring freelance journalist (transferable skills) resume sample.

  •   Journalist Resume Examples
  •   SAP Consultant Resume Examples
  •   Health and Safety Officer Resume Examples
  •   Senior Business Analyst Resume Examples
  •   Mechanical Engineer Resume Examples
  •   Social Worker Resume Examples
  •   Content Manager Resume Examples
  •   Nursing Assistant Resume Examples

Quick links

Freelance journalist, resume sample #1, resume sample #2, resume sample #3, entry-level freelance journalist, resume sample #4, senior freelance journalist, resume sample #5, freelance journalist with a specialization in technology, resume sample #6, aspiring freelance journalist (transferable skills), resume sample #7, additional resources, questions get in touch.

Job-Winning Virtual Social Media Assistant Resume Example & Tips

Our Resumes are featured in

Tesla Logo

  • • Developed and executed over 15 comprehensive marketing campaigns annually, driving a 20% increase in student enrollments.
  • • Managed the production of diverse marketing materials, coordinating with external agencies and in-house teams, resulting in a 30% cost reduction.
  • • Conducted interviews with students and alumni, crafting engaging articles that boosted website traffic by 25%.
  • • Spearheaded the creation of multimedia content, including videos and infographics, enhancing social media engagement by 40%.
  • • Performed monthly content audits and implemented SEO strategies, improving organic search rankings by 18%.
  • • Coordinated social media content calendars and published posts across multiple platforms, resulting in consistent follower growth and increased engagement rates.
  • • Assisted in the development of content strategy and editorial calendars for digital platforms, driving alignment with overall marketing goals.
  • • Produced high-quality blog posts and social media content, resulting in a 35% increase in online interactions.
  • • Collaborated with SEO agencies to optimize content for search engines, boosting page views by 22%.
  • • Refreshed and updated older blog content to maintain relevance, enhancing organic search performance.
  • • Supported community management by responding to user comments and messages, fostering positive engagement with the brand.

Virtual Social Media Assistants are the unsung heroes, orchestrating an online presence that resonates with your audience. They're the wizards behind the curtain, ensuring that your brand voice is consistent and compelling. In a world so connected, their ability to manage and engage across various platforms becomes invaluable.

To excel, they must be adept in content creation, analytics, and customer engagement. Potential employers will appreciate their knack for creativity, data-driven decision-making, and adaptability in fast-paced environments. For those looking to apply, crafting a standout Virtual Social Media Assistant resume with examples of these skills is crucial.

How to Structure a Job-Winning Virtual Social Media Assistant Resume

When crafting a resume for a Virtual Social Media Assistant position, highlighting specific sections is essential to showcase your qualifications and expertise effectively.

  • Contact information: present your full name, email, and phone number so potential employers have multiple ways to reach you. Include a professional LinkedIn profile or online portfolio link if relevant. Having clear contact details is crucial for demonstrating how employers can connect with you for job opportunities.
  • Summary or objective: start with a brief, engaging statement that highlights your skills and experiences relevant to social media management. This section helps grab the employer’s interest and gives them a snapshot of what you bring to the table. Including specific achievements or targets met in past roles can make you stand out more.
  • Skills: showcase your core competencies, including social media platforms, content creation, and analytics tools. Detailing these skills helps employers see your technical proficiency and ability to perform specific tasks. Make sure to include both hard and soft skills that are relevant to the job.
  • Professional experience: detail your previous roles, focusing on your responsibilities, achievements, and the impact of your work. Highlight your experience with social media campaigns, community management, or content strategy. This shows your practical experience and track record of success in similar roles.
  • Education: list your educational background, including degrees, certifications, and relevant coursework. Highlighting your education helps employers see your foundational knowledge. Include any specialized training or online courses that support your social media skills.

In addition to the main sections, there are other important sections that can enhance your resume.

  • Certifications: mention any professional certificates or short courses you have completed related to social media. Highlighting these shows you are committed to continuous learning and staying updated with industry trends. This can include certifications from platforms like Hootsuite, Google Analytics, or HubSpot.
  • Projects: include specific projects that demonstrate your ability to manage and grow social media accounts. Briefly describe the project, your role, and the outcomes achieved. This provides real-world examples of your expertise and success in executing social media strategies.
  • Volunteer work: list any unpaid work or internships similar to what you would do in a paid position. This shows your passion and dedication which can be very appealing to employers. It also adds depth to your experience, demonstrating your proactive approach to gaining relevant skills.

Top Hard Skills for Virtual Social Media Assistant Resumes

  • Content Creation
  • Graphic Design
  • Data Analysis
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Video Editing
  • Copywriting
  • Social Media Management
  • Web Analytics
  • Email Marketing

Top Soft Skills for Virtual Social Media Assistant Resumes

  • Communication
  • Time Management
  • Adaptability
  • Attention to Detail
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Organization
  • Customer Service

Top Action Verbs for Virtual Social Media Assistant Resumes

  • Collaborated

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should my virtual social media assistant resume be.

A Virtual Social Media Assistant resume should ideally be one page long. This length is often sufficient to showcase your most relevant skills, experience, and accomplishments without overwhelming the reader. It's important to focus on quality over quantity, ensuring each section highlights your capabilities and achievements concisely. If you have extensive experience or notable accomplishments, you could extend it to two pages, but make sure every detail you include adds value and relates closely to the position you are applying for.

What is the best format for a Virtual Social Media Assistant resume?

The reverse-chronological format is highly effective for a Virtual Social Media Assistant resume. This format prioritizes your most recent work experience, making it easy for employers to see your career progression and latest accomplishments. Start with your most recent position and work backward, listing job titles, the companies you worked for, and your key responsibilities. This structure not only highlights your experience but also demonstrates your growth in the field and ability to take on new challenges.

What should I highlight on my Virtual Social Media Assistant resume to stand out?

Your resume should spotlight your ability to create engaging content, manage social media accounts, and analyze performance metrics. Employers look for candidates who can demonstrate a track record of increasing brand engagement and driving social media campaigns that yield measurable results. Highlighting specific tools you are proficient in, like Hootsuite or Buffer, along with any certifications or training in digital marketing can also set you apart. Your achievements in previous roles, such as successfully boosting follower counts or significantly enhancing user engagement, will make your resume more appealing.

What are some ways to quantify my experience on my Virtual Social Media Assistant resume?

Quantifying your experience involves turning your contributions into measurable outcomes. Rather than merely stating that you managed social media accounts, indicate the impact you had, such as 'increased Instagram followers by 50% in six months' or 'boosted post engagement by 30% through targeted content strategies.' Numbers provide clear evidence of your effectiveness and make your achievements more credible. Additionally, detailing specific metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, or reach can help a potential employer quickly grasp the value you bring.

For more inspiration, why not check out our free resource of job-focused resume examples?

Virtual Project Management Assistant resume example

Virtual Project Management Assistant

Virtual Project Management Assistants (VPMAs) make your project journeys smoother and more efficient. Far from just a digital convenience, they help teams manage responsibilities, timelines, and resources with greater accuracy. Their virtual presence bridges gaps, streamlining communication and enhancing productivity. VPMAs must be adept in multitasking, time management, and communication. When applying, you'll value these professionals for their problem-solving abilities and dedication to clear, result-driven coordination. A strong Virtual Project Management Assistant resume should highlight these competencies, setting you apart in your job search.

Virtual Sales Assistant resume example

Virtual Sales Assistant

Virtual Sales Assistants are the unsung heroes behind many successful online sales operations. They tirelessly manage customer interactions, ensuring each client receives personalized attention and support. Their role is vital in building customer trust and loyalty, which translates directly into sales growth. To excel, Virtual Sales Assistants need a diverse skill set that includes excellent communication abilities, technical know-how, and strong problem-solving skills. When applying, have experience in CRM software, multitasking, and customer service to stand out. Your Virtual Sales Assistant resume should showcase these assets clearly and concisely, highlighting your strengths and experiences in the industry.

Virtual Medical Assistant resume example

Virtual Medical Assistant

In the bustling field of healthcare, Virtual Medical Assistants (VMAs) have emerged as indispensable allies. They bridge the gap between overwhelmed medical practitioners and the patients yearning for empathetic, timely care. Your role as a VMA isn't just valuable; it's transformative for both medical teams and patients alike. You must be tech-savvy with a robust knowledge of medical jargon and protocols. Proficiency in electronic health records (EHR) management, patient scheduling, and handling sensitive information will make you stand out. Your Virtual Medical Assistant resume must highlight these skills to reflect your capacity to thrive in this demanding role.


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  2. Social Media Manager CV Example and Writing Guide

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  3. Media Resume Template

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  4. Social Media Resume Sample & Writing Tips

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  5. Media Resume Template

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  6. 5+ Digital Media Resume Examples [with Guidance]

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  1. How to write an ATS-Friendly Resume?

  2. Resume format/How to write a Resume in English/CV in English/Biodata format/#sonushree

  3. Creating a Media Focused Text-Based Resume

  4. How to Write a Resume for Changing Careers

  5. How to Write Achievements in Resume (No Experience)

  6. How to format a resume


  1. How To Create a Digital Media Resume (With an Example)

    2. Start with your contact information. Start your resume with your contact information so that employers can see from the beginning how to reach you. This section may include your name, city and state, email address and phone number. You may also decide to include a link to an online portfolio of your past work.

  2. 3 Digital Media Resume Examples for 2024

    Template 2 of 3: Digital Media Manager Resume Example. The digital media manager is an important part of the digital marketing team. The digital media manager oversees digital content and marketing. In this role, the digital marketing manager may oversee junior content creators, making leadership skills very important.

  3. 5 Digital Media Resume Examples & Writing Guide

    Examples include problem-solving, adaptability, teamwork, and good time management. In digital media roles, these are of extreme value, as teamwork, client interaction, content creation, and problem-solving all demand a strong set of soft skills. Keywords, ATS, and Matching Skills.

  4. How To Write a Media CV in 5 Steps (Plus Template and Example)

    Related: Resume vs. Curriculum Vitae: Differences, Definitions and Tips Which types of employers prefer a media CV? Employers within the media industry may prefer a media CV from potential candidates. Receiving a media CV from a prospect can help them make a faster and more informed decision about whom to hire.

  5. How To Write a Social Media Resume (With Template and Example)

    Follow these steps to write an impressive social media resume: 1. Match your resume to the job. To capture your recruiter's attention, tailor your resume to their job description. Use similar keywords to come across as a good fit for the role. This is especially important when applying for a social media position.

  6. Social Media Resume—Examples and 25+ Writing Tips

    2. Start with a Social Media Resume Objective or Summary. 3. Write a Great Social Media Resume Job Description and Skills Sections. 4. Turn Your Education Section Into a Reason You're Hired. 5. Round Out Your Social Media Coordinator Resume With a Lil' Sumthin' Sumthin' on the Side. Key Points.

  7. Media CV example + how to write a good one [Land a top media job]

    Whilst writing your CV, organise your content into the following sections: Contact details - A brief note of your key contact details. Profile - A brief introduction which summarises your skills, experience and qualifications; tailored to the target role. Work experience / Career history - Starting with your current role and working ...

  8. 20 Social Media Manager Resume Examples for 2024

    Excellent resume bullet point examples. Worked with a social media manager to create 4 funnels, resulting in an 8% increase in form submissions. Boosted engagement by 85% over 2 email campaigns. Connected over 50 influencers across 4 social media platforms.

  9. Craft a Social Media Resume With These Tips & a Template

    A resume highlighting your copywriting skills and attention to detail can lose all credibility from one typo. Don't just rely on spell check in Word or Google Docs—read through your resume carefully a few times, and ask a friend or family member to do the same. Use this template to write a social media resume that resonates

  10. Social Media Manager Resume Examples + Skills for 2024

    Here's how to write a social media resume: Use the reverse-chronological resume format to make it easy on the HR staff. Write a captivating social media resume objective or summary to start things off. Add your relevant social media marketing work experience using cherry-picked duties and accomplishments.

  11. How To Write a Social Media Manager Resume [Free Templates]

    The numbers are also going to grab attention and help you make an even bigger impact with the hiring manager. 2. Use compelling action verbs. Passive statements like "Duties include this, that, and the other thing" have become commonplace in resume-writing. But compelling action verbs read much better.

  12. Social Media Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    A social media specialist with two years of experience specializing in digital marketing, brand messaging, copywriting, and content marketing. Adept at defining creative strategies to maximize campaign performance and customer engagement. HubSpot certified in content, email, and inbound marketing. 2. Create a powerful list of your social media ...

  13. Media Communication Resume Examples

    When you are ready to craft your own, our Resume Builder makes it simple by providing pre-written content recommendations for a variety of media and communications positions, from reporters to translators. Here are a few examples that our Resume Builder may suggest for your media and communications resume: Diversified storytelling techniques to ...

  14. Social Media Manager Resume Examples For 2024 (20+ Skills & Templates)

    The Highlight Reel resume summary consists of 4 parts: 1 A relevant section title that ties your experience to the role. 2 An introductory bullet that summarizes your experience and high-level value. 3 A few supporting "Case Study" bullets that illustrate specific results, projects, and relevant experience.

  15. 7 Content Creator Resume Examples for 2024

    Here's how to write a header that will grab attention and set the tone for your resume: 1. Put your name front and center. Your name should be the most prominent element in your header, typically in a larger font than the rest of your contact details.

  16. 5 Social Media Specialist Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    In the role of a Social Media Specialist, managing online presence and engaging with audiences across various platforms is crucial. Highlighting experience in content creation, analytics, and community management will strengthen your resume. Consider adding proficiency in social media tools, graphic design software, and data analysis techniques ...

  17. Use the right format to build your social media resume

    The top part of your resume should be labeled with your name so that the recruiters can keep easy track of your social media marketing resume. Write your name in 16-20 font size to make your social media coordinator resume header stand out as the largest text in your resume.

  18. When & How to Put Social Media on Resume [+Examples]

    Social media skills on resume examples: Editorial calendars, reporting and data analysis, social media platforms (e.g. IG, LinkedIn, TikTok), SEO, content creation, social media application tools (e.g. Hootsuite) Create a separate social media resume section where you list all of the profiles you manage.

  19. How To Write A Digital Media Resume (With Example)

    Here are some helpful steps to create a resume for the digital media field: 1. Add your contact information. Adding your contact information at the beginning of your resume can help employers connect with you. Make sure the contact information is clearly visible in the resume so that employers know how to reach you.

  20. 7 Journalist Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

    Stephen Greet August 20, 2024. In the world of journalism, you're the story-hunter who brings those hidden tales to light. With a curiosity that goes deep, you dig up facts, break down events, and spin narratives that shape how we see things. Your knack for catching the heart of a moment keeps the info flowing smoothly to the public.

  21. Digital Media Resume Sample

    Digital Media Intern. 09/2008 - 11/2012. Houston, TX. Identify emerging social media technologies and pursue new strategic communications opportunities. Monitor effectiveness of social media communications initiatives using analytics and listening tools. Create and present reports on Stanford's social media effectiveness.

  22. 7 Freelance Journalist Resume Examples for 2024

    Here's what we see in the best freelance journalist resumes. Show Impact With Numbers: The best resumes use numbers to show results.Include metrics common to this job, such as article view counts, social shares, publication reach, and engagement rates.Numbers make your impact clear.

  23. How To Write a Media Planner Resume (With Tips and Example)

    You can use the following steps as guidance for drafting a media planner resume: 1. Choose the appropriate resume format. Depending on your situation, you can choose from several different resume formats. Candidates often use the chronological format because it focuses on their relevant professional experience.

  24. 1 Successful Virtual Social Media Assistant Resume Example And Writing

    For those looking to apply, crafting a standout Virtual Social Media Assistant resume with examples of these skills is crucial. How to Structure a Job-Winning Virtual Social Media Assistant Resume. When crafting a resume for a Virtual Social Media Assistant position, highlighting specific sections is essential to showcase your qualifications ...

  25. AI Resume Writing: How Prompt Confidence Shapes Output and AI

    Timothy M. Ponce's research in professional, technical, and business writing has appeared in Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, Programmatic Perspectives, IEEE Pro Comm, and AMC SIGDOC. His research explores the impact of emerging technologies on professional writing and communication, as well as implications for teaching.