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Cause and Effect of Online Shopping | Best Homework Writers

Online retailing is a type of e-commerce that facilitates or gives a platform for buyers to purchase services and goods online. Recently, online shopping has gained fame, and more people are turning to online shopping. There are particular reasons which lead people to shop; however, online shopping norm has an impact not only on the businesses but also the economy.

The need for a wider selection of goods and to have a comparison of goods. This is one of the major reasons why most buyers prefer to purchase goods from an online store. A majority of buyers rarely know what they are looking for when going shopping. Therefore, turning to online shopping, they can have access to various products that are in stock (Lim et al. 403). For instance, by using Amazon only, a buyer can access items from different categories, e.g., books, electronics, furniture, detergents, among others. The need to access a variety of goods goes hand in hand with the need to have a better comparison of commodities. Buyers do not have time to move from one physical location to another to compare commodities. They choose to from online stores since they can compare the quality, quantity, and price of products. Some products are counterfeit and may have different pricing on different platforms. Going through the review section of the item helps one understand the quality and durability of the product. Likewise, one can determine which platform has the best rates for a particular product. The customer requires a wider range of products to choose from.

Other causes of online shopping are convenience and the need to save on time. Shoppers enjoy the freedom of purchasing commodities conveniently from home (Bucko et al.). All they need is to have access to the internet, choose the products you wish to buy, make an order, and they will be delivered at your doorstep. Buyers do not have to travel to the physical location of the retailer to buy what they need. Also, they do not struggle to get a product of their choice; it is easier to identify which store is selling a particular product. It’s different from offline stores where one must move from one retailer to the other in the search for the desired products. Most people usually look for easier ways to shop without wasting much of their time. Through online shopping, buyers will not waste their time by visiting supermarkets and other retailers to buy goods. Also, they save on time that is wasted by shoppers making long queues in supermarkets. Online shopping saves buyers the hustle of looking for a car park and the time wasted switching products that are not necessary from the shopping trolley. Technological inventions help businesses improve their business and serve clients better, and therefore, buyers are looking for a retailer that is convenient.

Online shopping has affected offline retail shops in several ways. One, they have decreased the loyalty of customers towards a certain brand. Shoppers don’t keep on buying items from one store since they have a variety to choose the best, depending on what fits them best. Using online reviews, buyers are able to make a clear decision of what they want to buy before visiting the stores, unlike when people used to depend on shop attendants for advice. Organizations have been forced to create websites where they update relevant information regularly. They inform customers of new products, discounts and also customers are allowed to make a review of particular products. This has affected engagement between the company and its customers. The company is able to create a direct connection with its clients.

Online shopping may be convenient, but what most people do not realize is that it affects our health. The habit of online buying could be making our body weaker day by day without people’s knowledge. It is convenient since it does not involve carrying shopping bags, among other items, from shop to home, but this ruins the body muscles. Body muscles wear out more so as people grow older; however, this may be reduced through body exercise. Therefore, online shopping accelerates wearing out of body muscles. People are at the risk of becoming obese or adding weight extraordinarily since all they do is just sitting at home without body exercises. Offline shopping facilitates some form of body exercise by walking to shops and back home. People are bound to lose weight through body exercise but at the same time add weight if they spend more time sited.

People who are addicted to online shopping have a high probability of developing agitation, depression, isolation, and boredom. People who spend their time shopping online may develop depression due to a lack of enough money to purchase needed products. Online buyers behave like they are in isolation since they spend most of their time on phones and laptops searching for what to buy (Hsu and Pham). Most of their time is spent online, and they rarely interact with other people. They have a poor social life compared to that of other people. Agitation is a type of mood disorder that develops from stress (Lee et al., 2011). In this case, agitation can be caused by a lack of money when order is not delivered on time, among others. Online buyer’s minds are occupied by activities of online shopping and rarely involve themselves with other activities.

Too much of anything is poisonous, and so is online shopping. Most online buyers spend a larger percentage of their time, which results in addiction (Bhargava and Kiran). It develops some odd or weird behaviors to the affected persons to the extent that they may not realize it. It forms some kind of irresistible shopping habit that is beyond limits or excessive purchase of products. Such habits can be termed as compulsive buying and might result in the abuse of resources or regrets. Compulsive buying is a disorder that develops a kind of cycle similar to that of drug addiction. At this time, shopping becomes a routine or rather habit; it is done in order to alter our mood. Such people are forced to shop more and more despite having enough shopping in order to achieve some kind of satisfaction.

In conclusion, there are particular reasons which lead people to shop; however, online shopping norm has an impact not only on the businesses but also the economy. People opt for online shopping due to several reasons. One is the need to have a wider selection and comparison of goods. Convenience and the need to save time has also caused people to turn to online shopping. The norm of online buying has not only reduced the loyalty of customers to particular brands but also made it harder for companies to compete with each other.  In addition to the lack of privacy and increased fraud cases, online shopping has led to a reduced collection of sales taxes by the local state.

Bhargava, Neha Ramnani, and Kiran Gehani Hasija. “Effect of Online Shopping Addiction on Mental Illness among Youth.” Gnited Minds Journals, 2019, ignited.in/p/89567.

Bucko, Jozef, Lukáš Kakalejčík, and Martina Ferencová. “Online shopping: Factors that affect consumer purchasing behavior.” Cogent Business & Management 5.1 (2018): 1535751.

Hsu, Shu-Hung, and Pham Minh Luan. “The Perception Risk of Online Shopping Impacted on the Consumer’s Attitude and Purchase Intention in Hanoi, Vietnam.” Journal of Business & Economic Policy 4.4 (2017): 19-29.

Lee, J., Park, D. H., & Han, I. (2011). The different effects of online consumer reviews on consumers’ purchase intentions depending on trust in online shopping malls.  Internet research .

Lim, Yi Jin, et al. “Factors influencing online shopping behavior: the mediating role of purchase intention.” Procedia Economics and Finance 35.5 (2016): 401-410.

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A Guide to Writing a Cause and Effect Essay

Lindsay Kramer

In your academic career, you’ll write a lot of essays. You’ll write some to inform your readers about a topic and others to analyze an idea. Some will argue for or against a specific position, while others will persuade the reader to take action. Authors use various strategies to achieve each of these goals, and one of the strategies they use to inform readers is the cause and effect essay .

As its name implies, a cause and effect essay explains how certain causes result in specific effects. Knowing how to write an effective cause and effect essay is an important skill for students in just about every academic field to develop. Give your writing extra polish Grammarly helps you communicate confidently Write with Grammarly

What is a cause and effect essay?

A cause and effect essay is a type of expository essay that explores its topic by discussing the issue’s causes and consequences. For example, a cause and effect essay about deforestation’s role in climate change might discuss a few of deforestation’s specific causes, like a demand for wood and the clearing of land for grazing pastures, and then explain how these causes create effects that contribute to climate change. 

As with other types of expository essays, the purpose of a cause and effect essay is to educate the reader. As an expository essay writer, think of yourself as the informed explainer who gives their readers the information they need to think critically about a topic and reach their own conclusions. Your goal isn’t to persuade, argue, or entertain your readers—although there are instances when authors of argumentative and persuasive essays use cause and effect rhetoric in their writing. It’s also possible to write a creative essay using the cause and effect format. However, within the realm of academic essay writing , a cause and effect essay is an expository piece of writing. 

Cause and effect essays are similar to other kinds of expository essays in that they present facts in a clear, logical format. They employ an objective, analytical tone and stay away from flowery and inciting language. This is how they differ from argumentative, persuasive, and descriptive essays. You might use the passive voice more frequently in cause and effect essays than in other kinds of essays, especially in cause and effect essays you write for your science courses. 

How to structure a cause and effect essay

Structurally, a cause and effect essay is similar to other types of essays. It starts with an introduction paragraph where you hook your reader, state your thesis, and give a quick preview of the points you’ll make to support your thesis. 

Following the introduction, each point supporting your thesis has its own section. Each section can be as short as one paragraph or contain a few paragraphs, depending on how much information you need to convey and whether your essay must adhere to a word count or page limit. There are a few different ways to organize your essay’s body paragraphs. You can discuss each cause, section by section, and then discuss each effect afterward (if there is only one effect, include just a single section about it). Alternatively, you can discuss each cause and effect pair individually, giving each pair its own section. 

The best structure for your essay depends on a few factors:

  • How many causes you’re including
  • How many effects you’re including
  • The essay length requirement, if applicable
  • How closely related the causes and effects are to each other

For example, if your essay is about a single effect with multiple causes, it might be most logical to discuss all the causes first and then write a section on their shared effect. Or if the causes and effects are more isolated from each other and you need room to explain how they fit into the bigger picture, the logical choice might be to give each cause and effect pair its own section and then tie them together in your essay’s conclusion.

As with other kinds of academic writing, the most logical structure is typically the best approach. If you aren’t sure how to structure your essay, ask your instructor for guidance. 

After writing the body paragraphs, write your essay’s conclusion . This final section summarizes the points you made in the body, underscores your thesis, and brings your essay’s position to a logical conclusion. 

How to write a cause and effect essay

To write a cause and effect essay, follow the same writing process that you follow when you’re doing other kinds of writing. Start with brainstorming your topic and jotting down any insights you have, questions you want to answer, associations you plan to make between topics, and facts you intend to reference. 

After brainstorming , take your notes and create an organized outline . Remember, your essay outline is a guideline for you to follow as you write, not a final script your essay has to follow. List each section as a header in your outline and below it write down the bullet points you plan to cover within that section. Outlining makes it easy to visualize how your final essay will look and to determine where each body paragraph logically fits into the structure. 

Once your outline is finished, it’s time to write! But before you dive into your first draft, nail down your thesis statement , if you haven’t already. This is a concise and informative statement that tells the reader exactly what your essay is about. It goes in your introduction paragraph, and each body paragraph that follows should support this statement. 

With your thesis statement prepared, write your body paragraphs using your notes from your brainstorming session. Remember what kind of essay you’re writing and frame its body paragraphs accordingly—if a supporting paragraph doesn’t clearly show how its subject is a cause leading to a specific effect, reframe it to fit this format. Remember, you’re only on the first draft, and there will be time to revise it later. 

Once you’re finished writing, give your essay time to cool off. Ideally, take about twenty-four hours before you edit it. When you go back and edit, pay close attention to how you’ve presented each cause and effect. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is the relationship between each cause and associated effect clear?
  • Are the causes and effects presented in a logical, coherent manner?
  • Does this essay make my position clear?
  • Does the essay leave the reader room to draw their own conclusion, or does it attempt to persuade or convince them of my position?

With the answers to these questions in mind, revise your essay to ensure that the content is presented in the clearest, most logical way possible. At this stage, also make sure your essay’s tone is appropriate and that there are not any glaring spelling or grammatical errors. You’ll check for these again when you proofread; the editing stage is primarily for revising your essay’s content. 

With a clean, revised second draft in hand, give it another proofread for grammatical mistakes. Grammarly can help you with this. Once it’s cleaned up, you’re ready to submit your work. 

Example outline of a cause and effect essay

As we mentioned above, there are a few different ways to structure a cause and effect essay. Here is one: 

  • Introduction

This format isn’t ideal for every essay, though. In some cases, a format like this makes the content clearer:

When you’re revising your essay, feel free to play around with the format and see which makes more sense for the information you’re writing about. You’ll likely use each of these formats in different essays depending on their specific content. 

Cause and effect essay FAQs

A cause and effect essay is an expository essay that explains the relationships between specific conditions and their consequences, often within the context of a big-picture issue. These conditions are known as “causes,” and their consequences are known as “effects.” 

What is the purpose of a cause and effect essay?

The purpose of a cause and effect essay is to educate the reader about how specific conditions are linked to certain repercussions. 

How do you structure a cause and effect essay?

There are a few different ways to structure a cause and effect essay. Here are two of the most common: 

online shopping cause and effect essay

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The Effects of Online Shopping

Sources; Prexel

The world is new and ever-changing, and in today’s digital world, the fast, simple acquiring of goods and services is greatly desired. At a glance, people can be seen walking with their cellphones in hand, listening to music, texting, checking their bank accounts, and even shopping. The ways of old are becoming obsolete with brick-and-mortar retailers being swallowed alive by the online giants, such as Amazon and eBay. On Monday, September 18, 2017, the popular toy-store chain, Toys”R”Us, filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy after being afflicted with a $5 billion debt and the ever-growing online juggernaut, Amazon. Toys”R”Us decided to close some of its under-performing stores and, in turn, expand online operations. Toys”R”Us is not the only brick-and-mortar business that suffered at the hands of online retailers; businesses such as Blockbuster, Barnes & Noble, and Walmart have all been affected by online business.

Despite its hard hit on physical businesses, online shopping has proved to have many positive advantages for consumers. Online stores are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so the issue of a store closing before the consumer can make it on time is completely eliminated. Online shopping is exceptionally efficient during the holidays; shoppers do not have to bother with the long, exasperating lines, and they get to cut back on gas spending by staying indoors. Due to the lack of operating costs, online retailers can sell goods at lower prices; this makes the experience of online shopping not only faster and convenient, but it is also far cheaper than going to the physical store.

Although these facts may make online shopping look like the best course of action, there are many downsides to doing online business. Back-order goods can prove to be exceedingly trying for shoppers, especially during the holidays. Shoppers also lose the person-to-person communication that an online retailer cannot provide. If issues arise during a purchase, having a human contact can resolve an issue faster and, oftentimes, more efficiently; it is also easier to be refunded as well.

Online shopping is becoming an ever-growing replacement to brick-and-mortar business. This change can definitely be seen as a positive progression, but it could also prove to be a great downfall. The loss of brick-and-mortar business can render many individuals jobless; this can hurt many people financially, and job opportunities for individuals in the labor force could drop significantly.

Samuel Svonavec

Why Online Shopping Makes You So Happy

Overhead View Of Young Woman Doing Online Shopping With Laptop

O nline shopping is more than a hobby for those who get a thrill out of traversing the biggest mall in the world: the internet. It’s also a sport.

How else to explain Monica Corcoran Harel’s reaction to the news that there’s a flash sale at one of her favorite online stores? “I get very, very excited and incredibly competitive,” she says, hitting refresh over and over to land the best deal. If a family member happens to enter the room while she’s hovered over her computer, “I’m like, ‘flash sale! I have a flash sale!’” In other words: do not disturb.

Corcoran Harel, 53, who lives in the Los Angeles area and runs Pretty Ripe, a lifestyle newsletter for women over 40, has been shopping online for years. She relishes the ability to visit dozens of shops at once, comparing prices before clicking “buy now,” and the promise of quick delivery, all without stepping out of her house. Online shopping is “beyond intoxicating,” she says. “I’m probably partially responsible for the downfall of brick-and-mortar stores.”

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But what exactly makes these orders feel so good? Experts explain the psychology behind online shopping—along with tips on how to show restraint if your virtual cart is overflowing.

Online shopping increased during the pandemic

Online shopping transformed from novelty to normality years ago: Amazon launched nearly three decades ago, in 1995, as an online bookseller, and now reports that customers buy around 7,400 products per minute from its U.S. sellers. But the pandemic shifted consumer habits in a way that favored buying even basic necessities like toilet paper online. According to the Annual Retail Trade Survey , e-commerce sales increased by $244 billion—or 43%—in 2020, jumping from $571 billion in 2019 to $815 billion in 2020.

That surge was at least partially driven by a desire to avoid indoor venues. But experts say it could also have to do with self-soothing behaviors. Research has long suggested that retail therapy can actually be therapeutic. A study published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology in 2014 , for example, indicates that making purchases helps people feel instantly happier—and also fights lingering sadness. One reason, the study authors speculate, is that making purchase decisions confers a sense of personal control and autonomy.

Another study, published in Psychology & Marketing in 2011 , found that going shopping leads to “lasting positive impacts on mood,” and is not associated with feelings of regret or guilt about spontaneous purchases.

Shopping is, in many ways, motivated by emotion, says Jorge Barraza, program director and assistant professor in the online master of science in applied psychology program at the University of Southern California. “When we’re sad, when we’re stressed, we’re more likely to engage in this kind of behavior,” he says. In some cases, he notes, the spark of joy a fancy new dress or gadget triggers might not last, especially if the buyer knows they’re mismanaging their money. “That boost in mood might be transitory, if you’re spending more than you can afford, but at least temporarily it does appear to restore a sense of control, and reduce any residual sadness that people might be experiencing.”

Why online shopping makes people so happy

In many ways, online shopping catapults the pleasure of in-person shopping to a different, almost overwhelming stratosphere. “It’s psychologically so powerful,” says Joshua Klapow , a psychologist and adjunct associate professor of public health at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. (He’s also the new owner of three inflatable pool floats, a collapsible whisk, two jars of almond butter, and 50 pounds of bird seed, all of which he ordered online.)

Compared to shopping in person, “it’s a much more gratifying experience overall, because there’s less friction, less barriers, less behavioral cost, more specificity, and more choice,” he says. Plus, “the shopping is totally tailored to us. We can shop quickly or slowly.”

Part of the reason why online shopping is so appealing is convenience. When we go shopping in-person, Klapow points out, we have to walk or drive or figure out some other way of getting there, and then we have to stride through aisle after aisle to locate what we’re looking for. Even at stores that offer contactless pay, there’s some effort required to make a transaction: swiping a credit card or Apple Pay on your phone, for example. Then, a shopper needs to travel back home. “For a lot of people, these incredibly minor inconveniences just start picking away at the overall perceived value of the purchase,” he says.

In addition to being easier, online shopping delivers the satisfaction of accuracy. If Klapow heads to a big-box store, he might not find the shirt he’s looking for in the right size or color. If he’s shopping online, he’s more likely to snag exactly what he wants with far less hassle.

Doing so is a form of immediate gratification , which we’re all wired to crave, says Joseph Kable, a cognitive neuroscience researcher at the University of Pennsylvania. “This is a tendency that’s universal among people and is shared across much of the animal world,” he says. “People and other animals tend to discount outcomes in the future, relative to outcomes that are immediate. This means we prefer to have good things as soon as possible, and to postpone bad things as far as possible in the future.”

Interestingly, online shopping is also associated with another, more delayed type of gratification: anticipation for the order’s arrival. Awaiting something exciting is “like Christmas every day,” Klapow says, likening the ability to track a package to monitoring Santa’s whereabouts on Christmas Eve.

That resonates with Corcoran Harel, who works from home and enjoys looking out the window to see if a package has arrived. “I’m vigilant about getting my packages,” she says. “I’m so excited to rip it open and try something on—and the knowledge that you can return something easily just makes it better.”

What to do if you think you have a problem

Researchers define compulsive buying as “a preoccupation with buying and shopping, frequent buying episodes, or overpowering urges to buy that are experienced as irresistible and senseless.” There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to whether your online shopping habit is problematic, Barraza says, but it’s generally a good idea to ask yourself if your purchases are interfering with your quality of life.

Compulsive buying disorder (or any other type of shopping addiction) is not included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). However, it’s been recognized for more than a century: the German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin is credited with first describing the disorder in 1915, calling it “oniomania”—the Greek word “onios” means “for sale,” and “mania” was interpreted as “insanity.” As the authors of a 2012 article in Advances in Psychiatric Treatmen t point out, experts continue to debate whether shopping addiction is “a valid mental illness or a leisure activity that individuals use to manage their emotions or express their self-identity.”

In a study published in 2014 in the Journal of Behavioral Addictions , researchers presented several factors that might predispose someone to developing an online shopping addiction, including having low self-esteem, low self-control, a negative emotional state, a penchant for anonymity , and an internet diet that includes exposure to lots of graphics and pop-up messages.

Another research article , published in 2017 in Frontiers in Psychology , focused on developing a scale that could measure online shopping addiction. According to the authors, six elements are required to meet the definition of addictive behaviors, including salience (which means online shopping would be the most important activity in the person’s life); mood modification, like feeling a buzz after placing an order; conflict, perhaps with family members; and relapse, or resuming the behavior after trying to stop. In those cases, a person addicted to online shopping might benefit from working with a professional and undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy , Klapow says.

Concerns about shopping addiction and over-spending are especially relevant now, as inflation hits its highest peak in the U.S. in four decades . Klapow recommends focusing on making intentional decisions about what to buy. “There’s nothing wrong with saying, ‘I want this, so I’m going to get it,’ but we do need to be careful that we’re not calling all our wants ‘needs,’” he says.

Here are a few tips if you’re concerned about over-spending online:

Before checking out, review each item in your online cart and ask yourself: “Do I want this, or do I need it?” Klapow instructs his clients to do this cognitive exercise, and it can be helpful, he says. “It forces you to kind of look in the mirror, and you’d be amazed at how many items you end up putting back or saving for later.”

Attach a helpful Post-it note to your computer screen. This is one of Klapow’s favorite ways of modifying the environment to resist the siren call of e-commerce. Write your monthly budget in big letters on the sticky note, or a message directing yourself to check the total cost before clicking “buy now.” The visual reminder can help ground you when you’re caught up in the excitement of a new find.

Don’t store your credit card information online. Lots of people store information for multiple credit cards online, expediting the ability to make a purchase. Ideally, you wouldn’t store even a single card, Klapow says—”not from a safety standpoint, but from an impulse standpoint.” Having to manually input your payment details requires an extra minute to breathe and perhaps reevaluate the purchase.

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Ultimate Guide to Writing a Cause and Effect Essay

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There are a lot of different kinds of essays that you might be asked to write. The cause and effect essay is one type that you might have to write. In this type of essay, you will look at how two events or situations are related to each other and how one leads to the other.

A cause and effect essay is a type of expository writing that tries to explain why things happen and what happens as a result. It is a common assignment in many academic fields, such as history, sociology, psychology, and environmental studies .

Understanding causes is an important part of being able to think critically and solve problems. To make good decisions and predict what will happen in the future, it’s important to be able to figure out what caused an event or situation and how it all fits together.

In this complete guide to writing a cause-and-effect essay , we’ll look at how to choose a topic, make an outline, and write a strong essay. This guide will give you the tools you need to write a well-structured and convincing cause and effect essay, whether you are a student or a professional writer.

What You'll Learn

Elements of a Cause and Effect Essay

To write a cause and effect essay, you need to know how events or situations are related to each other. There are a few things to think about if you want to learn more about this relationship.

1. Understanding the cause and effect relationship: When writing a cause and effect essay, the first thing you need to do is figure out how the two things you are writing about are related. To do this, you need to know how to tell the difference between direct, indirect, and contributing causes. It’s also important to think about what might happen as a result of the causes you find.

2. Importance of structure and organization: A well-written cause and effect essay should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should include background information about the topic and a clear thesis statement that shows how the two events or situations are connected. The body should be organized around the causes and effects you have found, with each paragraph focusing on one cause or effect. The conclusion should restate the thesis statement and summarize the main points of the essay .

3. The role of evidence and analysis: To support your arguments in a cause and effect essay, you need to provide evidence that demonstrates the relationship between the causes and effects you have identified. This may include statistical data, expert opinions, or historical examples. It is also important to analyze the evidence you present and explain how it supports your thesis statement. .

How to Choose a Topic for a Cause and Effect Essay

Choosing a topic for a cause and effect essay can be challenging, especially if you are unsure where to start. Here are some tips to help you find inspiration and narrow down your topic.

1. Finding inspiration for topics: There are many places to find ideas for what to write about in a cause and effect essay. You can start by thinking about things that interest you or that you know something about. Also You can also get ideas from what’s happening now, in history, or in society. You can also look at the relationships between causes and effects in books, movies, and music.

2. Narrowing down your topic: Once you have a list of potential topics, it is important to narrow them down to a specific event or situation. This will help you to focus your essay and provide a clear thesis statement . You can narrow down your topic by considering the causes and effects of the event or situation and selecting the most significant ones.

3. Tips for selecting a strong topic: When selecting a topic for your cause and effect essay, it is important to choose one that is both interesting and significant. Here are some tips for selecting a strong topic:

– Choose a topic that you are passionate about or that you have personal experience with.

– Select a topic that is relevant to current events or social issues.

– Consider the scope of the topic and make sure it is narrow enough to provide a clear focus for your essay .

– Look for a topic that has multiple causes and effects, as this will allow you to explore the relationships between them in more depth.

– Choose a topic with a significant impact, whether it be on individuals, communities, or society as a whole.

– Consider the availability of research materials to support your arguments .

10 Captivating Cause and Effect Essay Examples

When it comes to writing a cause and effect essay, it can be helpful to look at examples of successful essays to gain inspiration and learn from the techniques used by experienced writers. Here are 10 captivating cause and effect essay examples to consider:

1. How Social Media is Changing the Way We Communicate: This essay explores the causes and effects of social media on communication, including the impact it has on personal relationships and the workplace.

2. The Effects of Climate Change on Marine Life: This essay examines the causes and effects of climate change on marine ecosystems, including the impact of rising temperatures and ocean acidification on marine species.

3. The Causes and Effects of the Civil Rights Movement: This essay explores the causes and effects of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, including the impact it had on race relations and social justice.

4. How Technology is Changing Education: This essay examines the causes and effects of technology on education, including the impact of online learning and the use of digital devices in the classroom.

5. The Causes and Effects of Obesity: This essay explores the causes and effects of obesity, including the impact of diet, lifestyle, and genetics on weight gain and related health issues .

6. The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society: This essay examines the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution on society, including the impact of technological advancements on labor, urbanization, and social change.

7. How the Internet is Changing theWay We Shop: This essay explores the causes and effects of the rise of e-commerce and online shopping, including the impact it has on traditional brick-and-mortar stores and consumer behavior .

8. The Causes and Effects of the Great Depression: This essay examines the causes and effects of the Great Depression in the United States, including the impact it had on the economy, politics, and society as a whole.

9. The Effects of Drug Addiction on Society: This essay explores the causes and effects of drug addiction on individuals and society, including the impact of drug abuse on health, crime rates, and social welfare.

10. The Impact of Globalization on Cultural Identity: This essay examines the causes and effects of globalization on cultural identity, including the impact of cultural homogenization and the loss of traditional cultural practices.

50 Cause and Effect Essay Topics

Choosing a topic for a cause and effect essay can be difficult, especially if you are unsure where to start. Here are 50 cause and effect essay topics to consider, along with tips for brainstorming your own topic ideas and choosing a topic that is relevant and engaging:

1. The Causes and Effects of Climate Change

2. The Impact of Social Media on Relationships

3. The Effects of Exercise on Mental Health

4. The Causes and Effects of Poverty

5. The Impact of Technology on Society

6. The Effects of Smoking on Health

7. The Causes and Effects of Drug Addiction

8. The Impact of Immigration on the Economy

9. The Effects of Stress on Mental Health

10. The Causes and Effects of Obesity

11. The Impact of Video Games on Youth

12. The Causes and Effects of Divorce

13. The Effects of Bullying on Mental Health

14. The Causes and Effects of Teenage Pregnancy

15. The Impact of Television on Society

16. The Causes and Effects of Homelessness

17. The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Health

18. The Causes and Effects of Global Warming

19. The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

20. The Causes and Effects of Cyberbullying

21. The Effects of Pollution on the Environment

22. The Causes and Effects of Racism

23. The Impact of Technology on Education24. The Causes and Effects of Income Inequality

25. The Effects of Music on Mental Health

26. The Causes and Effects of Childhood Obesity

27. The Impact of Cell Phones on Society

28. The Effects of Alcohol on Health

29. The Causes and Effects of Parental Divorce on Children

30. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Jobs

31. The Causes and Effects of Air Pollution

32. The Effects of Social Media on Body Image

33. The Causes and Effects of Gender Inequality

34. The Impact of Online Shopping on Retail Stores

35. The Causes and Effects of Mental Illness

36. The Effects of Domestic Violence on Mental Health

37. The Causes and Effects of Food Insecurity

38. The Impact of Education on Employment

39. The Causes and Effects of Single Parenting

40. The Effects of Overpopulation on the Environment

41. The Causes and Effects of Racial Discrimination

42. The Impact of Technology on Communication

43. The Effects of Gaming on Mental Health

44. The Causes and Effects of Human Trafficking

45. The Impact of Social Media on Politics

46. The Causes and Effects of Water Pollution

47. The Effects of Social Media on Self-Esteem

48. The Causes and Effects of Urbanization

49. The Impact of Technology on Privacy

50. The Causes and Effects of Workplace Stress

When coming up with your own ideas for a paper , think about your own interests, current events, and social issues that are important to you. Think about the causes and results of certain events or situations that you know a lot about or that really interest you. Make sure to choose a topic that is specific enough to give your essay a clear focus but broad enough to let you explore the cause-and-effect relationships in depth.

It’s important to choose a topic that is both relevant and interesting. Think about what research materials are available and how your topic might affect people, groups, or society as a whole. By choosing a topic that is both important and interesting, you can write a good cause and effect essay that shows how two events or situations are related in a meaningful way.

Cause and Effect Essay Thesis

The thesis statement is a crucial element of any cause and effect essay. It provides the main argument or focus of your essay and sets the tone for the rest of your writing. Here are some tips for crafting a strong thesis statement and examples of effective thesis statements.

1. Why a thesis is important: The thesis statement is important because it provides a clear focus for your essay and helps the reader understand the purpose of your writing. It should be concise, specific, and arguable, and provide a roadmap for the rest of your essay.

2. Crafting a strong thesis statement: To write a good thesis statement for your cause and effect essay, you should think about how the two events or situations you are writing about relate to each other. Your thesis should explain the cause-and-effect relationship you’re going to look at and give a specific argument you’ll back up throughout your essay . It also needs to be clear, specific, and debatable.

3. Examples of effective thesis statements:

– The rise of social media has led to a decrease in face-to-face communication, resulting in a generation of individuals who struggle to connect with others in meaningful ways.

– The industrial revolution had a significant impact on the environment, leading to increased pollution, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity.

– The causes of poverty are complex and multifaceted, including factors such as lack of access to education, economic inequality, and discrimination.

– The effects of climate change on wildlife are devastating, leading to habitat loss, species extinction, and disruption of ecosystems.

– The use of technology in the classroom has both positive and negative impacts on student learning, including increased engagement and distraction.

– The rise of online shopping has led to a decline in traditional brick-and-mortar stores, resulting in job loss and economic restructuring.

– The causes of the opioid epidemic are varied, including over-prescription of painkillers and lack of access to addiction treatment.

– The effects of bullying on mental health can be long-lasting, leading to anxiety, depression, and even suicide among victims.

– The impact of immigration on the economy is complex, with both positive and negative effects on job creation, tax revenue, and economic growth.

– The causes of the gender pay gap are rooted in systemic discrimination and bias, resulting in a significant disparity in earnings between men and women.

By crafting a strong thesis statement that clearly outlines the cause and effect relationship you will be exploring and provides a specific argument to support your essay , you can set the tone for the rest of your writing and provide the reader with a clear understanding of the purpose of your essay.

Cause and Effect Essay Structure

An important part of writing a cause and effect essay is figuring out how to put it together. Your ideas and arguments will come across more clearly to the reader if your essay is well-structured. Here are some tips to help you choose the right structure for your essay, know the difference between block and chain structures, and make the most of the structure you choose.

1. Choosing the appropriate structure for your essay: A cause and effect essay has two main structures: the block and the chain. The block structure lists all the causes first, then all the effects. The chain structure, on the other hand, lists each cause and its effect in the order they happened. The best way to organize your essay will depend on the topic and how the causes and effects are related to each other. If the relationship between the causes and effects is complicated or there are more than two causes and effects, a chain structure may be better. If the relationship is simple, a block structure may work better.

2. Understanding the difference between block and chain structures: In a block structure, the essay has two main parts: the introduction, which has the thesis statement, and the body, which has the causes in one or more paragraphs and then the effects. In a chain structure, each cause is followed by its effect(s) in the order in which they happened. In the conclusion, the main points of the essay are summed up and the thesis statement is restated .

3. Tips for making the most of your chosen structure: Regardless of the structure youchoose, there are some tips to help you make the most of it:

– Use clear and concise topic sentences to introduce each paragraph and to connect the ideas between them.

– Use transitional phrases to help the reader understand the relationship between the causes and effects, such as “as a result”, “consequently”, “therefore”, and “due to”.

– Provide supporting evidence and examples to strengthen your arguments and to help the reader understand the significance of each cause and effect relationship.

– Use a variety of sentence structures to keep the reader engaged and to vary the rhythm and flow of the essay.

– Use the conclusion to summarize the main points of the essay and to restate the thesis statement in a memorable way.

In the end, a cause and effect essay looks at how two events or situations are related and shows how one event or situation leads to another. To write a good cause and effect essay, you need to choose a strong and interesting topic , make a clear thesis statement, and present your ideas and arguments in a well-structured way.

The following are some key points to keep in mind when writing a cause and effect essay:

– A cause and effect essay explores the relationship between two events or situations and provides insight into how one event or situation leads to another.

– The key elements of a cause and effect essay include a clear thesis statement, supporting evidence and examples, and a well-structured approach that presents the causes and effects in a logical and cohesive manner.

– When choosing a topic for a cause and effect essay, it is important to select one that is both interesting and significant, and to narrow it down to a specific event or situation.

– To make your cause and effect essay engaging, use transitional phrases, provide supporting evidence and examples, and vary your sentence structures.

– Outlining can help you to organize your ideas and arguments, and create a clear roadmap for your essay.

– There are two main structures for a cause and effect essay: block and chain. The appropriate structure will depend on the specific topic and the relationship between the causes and effects.

– The thesis statement is a crucial element of any cause and effect essay, providing a clear focus for your essay and setting the tone for the rest of your writing.

– Effective revision and editing are crucial to producing a successful cause and effect essay. Be sure to give yourself enough time to revise and edit your work, and to seek feedback from others.

– Working with a writing group or editor can also be helpful in improving the quality of your essay and identifying areas for improvement.

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Essay on Online Shopping 1000+ Words

Online shopping has transformed the way we buy goods and services. With the advent of the internet, the world of commerce has shifted to digital platforms, making shopping easier, more convenient, and accessible to millions. In this essay, we will explore the many advantages of online shopping, from its convenience and affordability to its impact on traditional retail stores and its role in our modern lives.

Convenience at Your Fingertips

Online shopping offers unparalleled convenience. Shoppers can browse and buy products from the comfort of their homes, avoiding long queues and crowded stores. This convenience is especially valuable for people with busy schedules or limited mobility.

A Vast Selection of Products

Online stores provide a vast array of products that cater to diverse tastes and needs. Whether you’re searching for clothing, electronics, books, or specialty items, the internet offers an extensive selection with just a few clicks.

Competitive Prices and Discounts

Online retailers often offer competitive prices and frequent discounts. The ability to compare prices from different sellers allows shoppers to find the best deals, saving them money. Additionally, online coupons and promotions further enhance the affordability of online shopping.

Access to Customer Reviews

Before making a purchase, online shoppers can read customer reviews and ratings. This valuable information helps buyers make informed decisions, ensuring they select high-quality products that meet their expectations.

Convenient Payment Options

Online shopping platforms offer a variety of payment options, including credit cards, digital wallets, and online banking. This flexibility makes transactions convenient and secure for shoppers.

Doorstep Delivery

One of the most significant advantages of online shopping is doorstep delivery. Shoppers no longer need to travel to physical stores; instead, their purchases are delivered to their homes, saving time and effort.

Avoiding Impulse Buying

Online shopping can help shoppers avoid impulse buying. In physical stores, tempting displays and in-store promotions can lead to unplanned purchases. Online, buyers have more control over their choices and can stick to their budgets.

Accessibility for All

Online shopping breaks down geographical barriers. People in remote areas or those with limited access to physical stores can now access a wide range of products and services, leveling the playing field for all consumers.

Impact on Traditional Retail

The rise of online shopping has led to changes in the traditional retail landscape. Many brick-and-mortar stores have expanded their online presence to remain competitive. Additionally, some traditional retailers now offer online shopping options to meet the changing preferences of consumers.

Environmental Benefits

Online shopping can have environmental benefits. With fewer people driving to physical stores, there may be a reduction in carbon emissions. Additionally, some online retailers are committed to eco-friendly packaging and sustainable practices.

Conclusion of Essay on Online Shopping

In conclusion, online shopping has revolutionized the way we shop and has become an integral part of our modern lives. Its convenience, affordability, vast selection, and accessibility have made it a preferred choice for millions of consumers worldwide. As technology continues to advance, online shopping will likely become even more accessible and efficient.

While online shopping offers numerous advantages, it’s essential to exercise caution and practice responsible consumerism. Shoppers should be mindful of their budgets, protect their personal information, and support reputable online retailers.

Online shopping is not just a trend; it’s a reflection of our evolving society and the way we adapt to new technologies. As we embrace the convenience and benefits it offers, let us also be conscious consumers who make informed choices, ensuring that online shopping continues to enhance our lives while respecting the principles of responsible shopping and sustainability.

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Ielts 1009 # online shopping has become more popular, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, nowadays online shopping has become more popular than in-store shopping., is it a positive or negative development.

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Online Shopping vs In-Store Shopping

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Online Shopping

In-store shopping.

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