Background Information

Definition of background information, types of background information, examples of background information in literature, example #1:  politics and english language (by george orwell).

“ Now , it is clear that the decline of a language must ultimately have political and economic causes: it is not due simply to the bad influence of this or that individual writer. But an effect can become a cause, reinforcing the original cause and producing the same effect in an intensified form, and so on indefinitely. A man may take to drink because he feels himself to be a failure, and then fail all the more completely because he drinks. It is rather the same thing that is happening to the English language.”

Example #2: I Twitter, Therefore I am (by Peggy Orenstein)

“I came late to Twitter. I might have skipped the phenomenon altogether, but I have a book coming out this winter , and publishers, scrambling to promote 360,000- character tomes in a 140-character world, push authors to rally their “tweeps” to the cause. Leaving aside the question of whether that actually boosts sales, I felt pressure to produce. I quickly mastered the Twitterati’s unnatural self-consciousness: processing my experience instantaneously, packaging life as I lived it.”

Example #3: Is Google Making Us Stupid (by Nicholas Carr)

“For me, as for others, the Net is becoming a universal medium, the conduit for most of the information that flows through my eyes and ears and into my mind. The advantages of having immediate access to such an incredibly rich store of information are many, and they’ve been widely described and duly applauded.”

Function of Background Information

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Background information identifies and describes the history and nature of a well-defined research problem with reference to contextualizing existing literature. The background information should indicate the root of the problem being studied, appropriate context of the problem in relation to theory, research, and/or practice , its scope, and the extent to which previous studies have successfully investigated the problem, noting, in particular, where gaps exist that your study attempts to address. Background information does not replace the literature review section of a research paper; it is intended to place the research problem within a specific context and an established plan for its solution.

Fitterling, Lori. Researching and Writing an Effective Background Section of a Research Paper. Kansas City University of Medicine & Biosciences; Creating a Research Paper: How to Write the Background to a Study.; Background Information: Definition of Background Information. Literary Devices Definition and Examples of Literary Terms.

Importance of Having Enough Background Information

Background information expands upon the key points stated in the beginning of your introduction but is not intended to be the main focus of the paper. It generally supports the question, what is the most important information the reader needs to understand before continuing to read the paper? Sufficient background information helps the reader determine if you have a basic understanding of the research problem being investigated and promotes confidence in the overall quality of your analysis and findings. This information provides the reader with the essential context needed to conceptualize the research problem and its significance before moving on to a more thorough analysis of prior research.

Forms of contextualization included in background information can include describing one or more of the following:

  • Cultural -- placed within the learned behavior of a specific group or groups of people.
  • Economic -- of or relating to systems of production and management of material wealth and/or business activities.
  • Gender -- located within the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with being self-identified as male, female, or other form of  gender expression.
  • Historical -- the time in which something takes place or was created and how the condition of time influences how you interpret it.
  • Interdisciplinary -- explanation of theories, concepts, ideas, or methodologies borrowed from other disciplines applied to the research problem rooted in a discipline other than the discipline where your paper resides.
  • Philosophical -- clarification of the essential nature of being or of phenomena as it relates to the research problem.
  • Physical/Spatial -- reflects the meaning of space around something and how that influences how it is understood.
  • Political -- concerns the environment in which something is produced indicating it's public purpose or agenda.
  • Social -- the environment of people that surrounds something's creation or intended audience, reflecting how the people associated with something use and interpret it.
  • Temporal -- reflects issues or events of, relating to, or limited by time. Concerns past, present, or future contextualization and not just a historical past.

Background information can also include summaries of important research studies . This can be a particularly important element of providing background information if an innovative or groundbreaking study about the research problem laid a foundation for further research or there was a key study that is essential to understanding your arguments. The priority is to summarize for the reader what is known about the research problem before you conduct the analysis of prior research. This is accomplished with a general summary of the foundational research literature [with citations] that document findings that inform your study's overall aims and objectives.

NOTE: Research studies cited as part of the background information of your introduction should not include very specific, lengthy explanations. This should be discussed in greater detail in your literature review section. If you find a study requiring lengthy explanation, consider moving it to the literature review section.

ANOTHER NOTE: In some cases, your paper's introduction only needs to introduce the research problem, explain its significance, and then describe a road map for how you are going to address the problem; the background information basically forms the introduction part of your literature review. That said, while providing background information is not required, including it in the introduction is a way to highlight important contextual information that could otherwise be hidden or overlooked by the reader if placed in the literature review section.

YET ANOTHER NOTE: In some research studies, the background information is described in a separate section after the introduction and before the literature review. This is most often done if the topic is especially complex or requires a lot of context in order to fully grasp the significance of the research problem. Most college-level research papers do not require this unless required by your professor. However, if you find yourself needing to write more than a couple of pages [double-spaced lines] to provide the background information, it can be written as a separate section to ensure the introduction is not too lengthy.

Background of the Problem Section: What do you Need to Consider? Anonymous. Harvard University; Hopkins, Will G. How to Write a Research Paper. SPORTSCIENCE, Perspectives/Research Resources. Department of Physiology and School of Physical Education, University of Otago, 1999; Green, L. H. How to Write the Background/Introduction Section. Physics 499 Powerpoint slides. University of Illinois; Pyrczak, Fred. Writing Empirical Research Reports: A Basic Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences . 8th edition. Glendale, CA: Pyrczak Publishing, 2014; Stevens, Kathleen C. “Can We Improve Reading by Teaching Background Information?.” Journal of Reading 25 (January 1982): 326-329; Woodall, W. Gill. Writing the Background and Significance Section. Senior Research Scientist and Professor of Communication. Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions. University of New Mexico.

Structure and Writing Style

Providing background information in the introduction of a research paper serves as a bridge that links the reader to the research problem . Precisely how long and in-depth this bridge should be is largely dependent upon how much information you think the reader will need to know in order to fully understand the problem being discussed and to appreciate why the issues you are investigating are important.

From another perspective, the length and detail of background information also depends on the degree to which you need to demonstrate to your professor how much you understand the research problem. Keep this in mind because providing pertinent background information can be an effective way to demonstrate that you have a clear grasp of key issues, debates, and concepts related to your overall study.

The structure and writing style of your background information can vary depending upon the complexity of your research and/or the nature of the assignment. However, in most cases it should be limited to only one to two paragraphs in your introduction.

Given this, here are some questions to consider while writing this part of your introduction :

  • Are there concepts, terms, theories, or ideas that may be unfamiliar to the reader and, thus, require additional explanation?
  • Are there historical elements that need to be explored in order to provide needed context, to highlight specific people, issues, or events, or to lay a foundation for understanding the emergence of a current issue or event?
  • Are there theories, concepts, or ideas borrowed from other disciplines or academic traditions that may be unfamiliar to the reader and therefore require further explanation?
  • Is there a key study or small set of studies that set the stage for understanding the topic and frames why it is important to conduct further research on the topic?
  • Y our study uses a method of analysis never applied before;
  • Your study investigates a very esoteric or complex research problem;
  • Your study introduces new or unique variables that need to be taken into account ; or,
  • Your study relies upon analyzing unique texts or documents, such as, archival materials or primary documents like diaries or personal letters that do not represent the established body of source literature on the topic?

Almost all introductions to a research problem require some contextualizing, but the scope and breadth of background information varies depending on your assumption about the reader's level of prior knowledge . However, despite this assessment, background information should be brief and succinct and sets the stage for the elaboration of critical points or in-depth discussion of key issues in the literature review section of your paper.

Writing Tip

Background Information vs. the Literature Review

Incorporating background information into the introduction is intended to provide the reader with critical information about the topic being studied, such as, highlighting and expanding upon foundational studies conducted in the past, describing important historical events that inform why and in what ways the research problem exists, defining key components of your study [concepts, people, places, phenomena] and/or placing the research problem within a particular context. Although introductory background information can often blend into the literature review portion of the paper, essential background information should not be considered a substitute for a comprehensive review and synthesis of relevant research literature.

Hart, Cris. Doing a Literature Review: Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998; Pyrczak, Fred. Writing Empirical Research Reports: A Basic Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences . 8th edition. Glendale, CA: Pyrczak Publishing, 2014.

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What is Background Information in an Essay

Publication Date: 24 May 2022

Many of our readers might have never heard of the background information in an essay. Nevertheless, it is a very common and rather popular element, often used in college and university essays by students. Like with many things in life, background information in an essay is a double-edged sword: there are many examples of how it can sharply enhance the value of one’s text when used in the right way, just as there are many examples of how much it can diminish the persuasive value of one’s point or position.

Background Information in an Essay

What is Background Information in an Essay?

Background information in an essay is typically a short additional piece of information, which can explain, persuade, describe, or classify the writer’s position or thesis statement.  There is a strict guideline as to where this type of information is positioned in an essay – in 99% of cases it is placed in the introductory part, right after the hook or the thesis statement. On rare occasions, it may be placed in the bottom page footnotes or even appendixes.

All major examples of background information in an essay have it italicized, i.e. formatted in italics font style.

Unless you are absolutely sure that background information will indeed add value to your introduction, you should not bother and attempt to include it there. Too long information would almost certainly distract the reader from the main topic or point, whereas badly phrased or inappropriately formulated background information would stop the audience from reading further.

Types of Background Information in an Essay

Before we move to particular examples of background information in an essay, let’s briefly outline the main types of background information:

  • Descriptive background information. This is the most common type, which helps the reader to understand the topic. It usually appeals to both common sense and emotions, and often uses particular examples from one’s life and experience.
  • Biographical background information. A type of background information in an essay (usually a narrative type) where the author provides his biographical information, including childhood, education, work experience, and family details.
  • Definition background information. Sometimes, when we write an essay on a scientific topic, or simply need to use a specific term, our readers may not share the same vocabulary and knowledge as we do. In such cases, providing a definition of a term or phenomenon mentioned in the introduction will aid the reader’s understanding.
  • Persuasive background information. Writing a persuasive essay type or simply aiming to influence the reader, we may need to support our thesis statement with additional background information, which often includes examples from real life.
  • Classification background information. This type of background information in an essay is used to further interest the reader by in-depth classification of the used terminology. This can be a simple attribution of a term to a particular group, or a detailed list of examples of all possible terms within a group or a category.

student write essay

Examples of Background Information in an Essay

Here is an example of background information (combining definition and classification types) in an essay on the topic “The virtual reality is more than simply a fun tool”:

Virtual reality has come to make our lives more vivid and fun. It is widely used in the computer games industry, and kids are constantly enjoying new and more real-like computer games with advanced virtual reality algorithms. However, virtual reality is much more than just fun.

The term “virtual reality” with its modern meaning came into existence in the 1950s. It was borrowed from science fiction and denoted an alternative experience. Close to virtual reality is another widely used term “augmented reality”, which means a combination of both the real world and virtual reality elements.

Another example of background information in an essay (this time of a persuasive type) comes from the sphere of social media – “Should teenagers be held legally accountable for their posts on social media?”

A rather frivolous look at social media posting prevails among today’s teenagers. They grow up with smartphones in hand, which provide easy access to social media applications and make social communication as easy as playing computer games. Virtually anyone with a social media profile and a large group of followers can easily influence the public and either spread useful or harmful information with long-term implications. I think anyone, including teenagers, should be held legally accountable for their posts on social media platforms.

A famous Norwegian mass killer, Anders Breivik, has posted a series of anti-globalization and anti-social calls on his social media channels before committing mass murder. The vast majority of readers strongly criticized his posts and his actions, while a small group of marginal and radical teenagers was influenced by Breivik’s ideas, which have planted seeds of violence for similar crimes in the future.

The Key Takeaway

Background information in an essay is a double-edged sword – it can be extremely useful, as well as harmful to one’s essay. There are many examples of how brief and sharp background information has helped writers to grab their readers’ attention and significantly enhance the value of their essay texts. Anyone should think twice about the nature and type of background information before including it in their writing.        

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What is a Background in an Essay: Introducing Information

What is a Background in an Essay: Introducing Information

Writing A Background in an Essay

Writing A Background in an Essay

Background in an essay refers to material provided in a nonfiction essay. It can also be defined as work that explains the context of the issue you will explore in the essay.

This information is connected to the hook or opening statement, and then to the thesis statement, which you will write last at the end of the introduction.

background information essay definition

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What is Background Information in an Essay

The background information is the supporting points you employ to demonstrate your argument or viewpoint. It is the grounds on which you base your point of view to prove your argument. background information is found in the introduction, just after the opening statement or the hook.

essay introduction

The amount and type of background material depend on the goal and topic of your essay.

You may need to provide definitions or an overview of the problem you discuss in the essay.

The background information in an essay will depend on the topic.

The background information in an essay on a scientific test may include test parameters, test objectives, test site conditions, sample kinds, sample size, and other background material.

If your essay is about COVID 19, your background information may touch on diverse points. These may include what kind of virus it is, its origins, and how many countries it has affected.

It may also include how many people have contracted it, and how it is transmitted from one person to another, among other things.

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How to Write Background Information in an Essay                          

The key to writing background information in an essay is to master the art of the introduction. Grabbing the reader’s attention at the beginning allows you to include the information they need to comprehend your work.

The first paragraph/section of an essay is the introduction, and it is critical to creating an excellent paper. The introduction helps you begin the essay by grabbing the reader’s attention.

Then, you provide background information plus map out the core topic, direction, and objective of your essay.

Usually, an excellent introduction starts with a discussion around the essay’s topic. After that, you move on to the specific ideas you will explore in the body.

How do you Write the Introduction and include background information in an Essay?

Example of essay background

Use an effective hook to make a solid first impression. This piques the curiosity and attention of readers, encouraging them to keep reading.

Provide background information about the main topic of the essay. It establishes a general framework for the paper by providing readers with the information they require before reading it.

It should start with broad concepts and then narrow down to the thesis (a single-focused idea).

Conclude with a concise thesis statement that indicates your motivation for writing, expresses the main idea/argument, and gives the body of the work a direction or outline.

The hook is the tool that captures attention and makes the readers want to keep reading. You can shape it as a question, an interesting fact or statistic, a quotation, or a story.

You can also use any other intriguing idea that piques readers’ curiosity and encourages them to continue reading.

Regardless of which option you choose, ensure the hook links to the essay’s topic in some way.

The background information sets the stage for the essay by offering a high-level summary of the topic. It introduces the broad topic(s) and eases the reader into the subject with general information.

Also, it may comprise concepts, facts, history, definitions, and other material that helps comprehend the specific information offered in the body.

It is critical to understand your audience and evaluate what readers may or may not know about the topic to provide relevant background information.

Besides, it enables you to offer readers the information they require before continuing to read the essay. So, presenting background information in the introduction acts as a link that connects the reader to the issue.

The length and depth of this bridge depend on how much information you believe the reader will need to comprehend the topic and realize why the difficulties you are looking at are essential.

Your thesis statement highlights the key idea or main argument and your motivation for writing the essay. You can also use it to outline the supporting ideas you explore in the body. It is usually the final sentence of the introduction.

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Examples of Background Information in an Essay

1.”gettysburg address” abraham lincoln.

The hook in Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” was that the founding fathers believed that all men are created equal. Then he gave some background on the current state of the Civil War:

Gettysburg address

Now we are in the midst of a major civil war, which will determine whether that nation or any other nation so conceived and dedicated, can last for a long time.

And we have met on one of the war’s most important battlegrounds.

We’ve decided to devote a piece of the field as the last resting place for those who gave their life here so that this country could live. It is entirely appropriate for us to do so.

2. “Goodbye to All That” by Joan Didion

Notice how the introduction hooks your attention and then swiftly offers you some background information about Joan Didion’s life in this personal essay by Joan Didion:

The origins of things are easy to perceive, but the endings are more difficult to see. I can pinpoint when New York began for me now, with a clarity that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

But I can’t pinpoint when it ended or cut through the ambiguities and second starts and broken resolves to the precise point on the page where the heroine is no longer as optimistic as she once was.

I was twenty when I first saw New York. It was summer, and I got off a DC-7 at the old Idlewild temporary terminal in a new dress.

It had seemed very smart in Sacramento but had already seemed less smart, even in the old Idle wild temporary terminal.

The warm air smelled of mildew, and some instinct, programmed by all the movies I’d ever seen and all the songs I’d ever heard sung and all the stories I’d ever read about New York.

Josh Jasen

When not handling complex essays and academic writing tasks, Josh is busy advising students on how to pass assignments. In spare time, he loves playing football or walking with his dog around the park.

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11.5: Background Information (or Helping Your Reader Find a Context)

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  • Steven D. Krause
  • Eastern Michigan University

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It is always important to explain, contextualize, and orientate your readers within any piece of writing. Your research essay is no different in that you need to include background information on your topic in order to create the right context for the project.

In one sense, you’re giving your reader important background information every time you fully introduce and explain a piece of evidence or an argument you are making. But often times, research essays include some background information about the overall topic near the beginning of the essay. Sometimes, this is done briefly as part of the introduction section of the essay; at other times, this is best accomplished with a more detailed section after the introduction and near the beginning of the essay.

How much background information you need to provide and how much context you need to establish depends a great deal on how you answer the “Getting Ready” questions at the beginning of this chapter, particularly the questions in which you are asked to consider you purpose and your audience. If one of the purposes of your essay is to convince a primary audience of readers who know little about your topic or your argument, you will have to provide more background information than you would if the main purpose of your essay was to convince a primary audience that knows a lot about your topic. But even if you can assume your audience is as familiar with the topic of your essay as you, it’s still important to provide at least some background on your specific approach to the issue in your essay.

It’s almost always better to give your readers “too much” background information than “too little.” In my experience, students too often assume too much about what their readers (the teacher included!) knows about their research essay. There are several reasons why this is the case; perhaps it is because students so involved in their research forget that their readers haven’t been doing the same kind of research. The result is that sometimes students “cut corners” in terms of helping their audience through their essay. I think that the best way to avoid these kinds of misunderstandings is for you to always remember that your readers don’t know as much about your specific essay as you do, and part of your job as a writer is to guide your reader through the text.

In Casey Copeman’s research essay at the end of this chapter, the context and background information for the subject matter after the introduction; for example:

Example \(\PageIndex{1}\):

The problems surrounding corruption in university athletics have been around ever since sports have been considered important in American culture. People have emphasized the importance of sports and the significance of winning for a long time. According to Jerome Cramer in a special report published in Phi Delta Kappan, "Sports are a powerful experience, and America somehow took this belief of the ennobling nature of sports and transformed it into a quasi-religion" (Cramer K1).

Casey’s subject matter, college athletics, was one that she assumed most of her primary audience of fellow college students and classmates were familiar with. Nonetheless, she does provide some basic information about the importance of sports team in society and in universities in particular.

Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: Background Information

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  • Making an Outline
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  • Grading Someone Else's Paper

Background information identifies and describes the history and nature of a well-defined research problem with reference to the existing literature. The background information should indicate the root of the problem being studied, appropriate context of the problem in relation to theory, research, and/or practice , its scope, and the extent to which previous studies have successfully investigated the problem, noting, in particular, where gaps exist that your study attempts to address.

Structure and Writing Style

Providing background information in the introduction of a research paper serves as a bridge that links the reader to the topic of your study . Precisely how long and in-depth this bridge should be is largely dependent upon how much information you think the reader will need to know in order to fully understand the topic being discussed and to appreciate why the issues you are investigating are important.

From another perspective, the length and detail of background information also depends on the degree to which you need to demonstrate to your professor how much you understand the research problem. Keep this in mind because providing pertinent background information can be an effective way to demonstrate that you have a clear grasp of key issues and concepts underpinning your overall study. Don't try to show off, though! And, avoid stating the obvious.

The structure and writing style of your background information can vary depending upon the complexity of your research and/or the nature of the assignment. Given this, here are some questions to consider while writing this part of your introduction :

  • Are there concepts, terms, theories, or ideas that may be unfamiliar to the reader and, thus, require additional explanation?
  • Are there historical elements that need to be explored in order to provide needed context, to highlight specific people, issues, or events, or to lay a foundation for understanding the emergence of a current issue or event?
  • Are there theories, concepts, or ideas borrowed from other disciplines or academic traditions that may be unfamiliar to the reader and therefore require further explanation?
  • Is the research study unusual in a way that requires additional explanation, such as, 1) your study uses a method of analysis never applied before; 2) your study investigates a very esoteric or complex research problem; or, 3) your study relies upon analyzing unique texts or documents, such as, archival materials or primary documents like diaries or personal letters that do not represent the established body of source literature on the topic.

Almost all introductions to a research problem require some contextualizing, but the scope and breadth of background information varies depending on your assumption about the reader's level of prior knowledge . Despite this assessment, however, background information should be brief and succinct; save any elaboration of critical points or in-depth discussion of key issues for the literature review section of your paper.

Background of the Problem Section: What do you Need to Consider? Anonymous. Harvard University; Hopkins, Will G. How to Write a Research Paper . SPORTSCIENCE, Perspectives/Research Resources. Department of Physiology and School of Physical Education, University of Otago, 1999; Green, L. H. How to Write the Background/Introduction Section . Physics 499 Powerpoint slides. University of Illinois; Woodall, W. Gill. Writing the Background and Significance Section . Senior Research Scientist and Professor of Communication. Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions. University of New Mexico.

Writing Tip

Background Information vs. the Literature Review

Incorporating background information into the introduction is intended to provide the reader with critical information about the topic being studied, such as, highlighting and expanding upon foundational studies conducted in the past, describing important historical events that inform why and in what ways the research problem exists, or defining key components of your study [concepts, people, places, things]. Although in  social sciences research introductory background information can often blend into the literature review portion of the paper, basic background information should not be considered a substitute for a comprehensive review and synthesis of relevant research literature.

Hart, Cris. Doing a Literature Review: Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998.

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  • Background Information

Background information provides context and foundational knowledge about the subject matter and helps readers understand the topic and its significance.

Background information provides context and foundational knowledge about the subject matter. Some other important features are as follows.

  • It helps readers understand the topic and its significance.
  • It includes historical facts, definitions of key terms, relevant statistics, or key events.
  • It establishes the framework for the essay .
  • It orients the reader and ensures they have a solid understanding of the topic.
  • It provides a basis for the thesis statement and helps the reader grasp the relevance and importance of the topic.

Types of Background Information

Table of Contents

  • Historical Background : It provides information about the historical context relevant to the topic such as key events, periods, or developments that have shaped the subject matter.
  • Conceptual Background : It explains important concepts, theories, or frameworks related to the topic, ensuring that readers have a clear understanding of the fundamental ideas.
  • Definition of Key Terms : It clarifies the definitions of specific terms or terminology used in the essay to avoid confusion.
  • Statistical Background : It presents relevant statistics, data, or facts that support or contextualize the argument or analysis.
  • Literary or Textual Background : It offers background information about a literary work, author, or text that is being analyzed or discussed in the essay, providing the necessary context for understanding the text’s themes, historical context, or authorial intent.
  • Social or Cultural Background : It explores the social or cultural aspects related to the essay’s topic, such as societal norms, cultural practices, or prevailing attitudes that influence or intersect with the subject matter.
  • Policy or Legal Background : It provides an overview of relevant policies, laws, or regulations that are pertinent to the topic, establishing the legal framework or context within which the subject matter operates.
  • Scientific or Technical Background : It presents scientific principles, technical information, or methodologies crucial for comprehending the scientific or technical subject matter.
  • Biographical Background : It offers biographical details or information about individuals relevant to the topic, such as historical figures, authors, or key personalities.
  • Geographical or Spatial Background : This type provides geographical or spatial information essential for understanding the subject matter.

Functions of Background Information in an Essay

  • Foundational Context : Background information serves as the foundation for the essay, providing essential context and knowledge to understand the subject matter.
  • Establishing Relevance : It establishes the relevance of the topic and its significance within a broader context, highlighting why it is worthy of discussion or analysis.
  • Reader Orientation : It orients the reader by familiarizing them with key concepts, terms, or historical events related to the topic.
  • Enhancing Understanding : Background information enhances the readers’ understanding of the subject matter by providing essential information, statistics, or explanations.
  • Supporting Thesis Development : Background information supports the development of the thesis statement by providing the necessary groundwork for the main arguments.
  • Promoting Credibility : By incorporating well-researched and accurate background information, the essay gains credibility and demonstrates the knowledge of the writer/student.
  • Avoiding Assumptions : Background information helps avoid assumptions by ensuring that readers, regardless of their prior knowledge, have access to the necessary information.
  • Fostering Engagement : By establishing a strong foundation of background information, the essay engages the reader and invites them to explore the topic further.
  • Integration with Analysis : Background information seamlessly integrates with the essay’s analysis, providing a solid framework for the interpretation, evaluation, or critique of the subject matter.
  • Continual Reference Point : Background information also serves as a continual reference point throughout the essay, grounding the discussion and reinforcing the relevance and context of the arguments.

Examples of Background Information and Explanation

During the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, there was a significant shift from agrarian societies to urbanized industrial centers. This transformation brought about profound changes in manufacturing processes, transportation systems, and the overall socioeconomic landscape.This example provides historical background information to contextualize the essay’s discussion on the impact of the Industrial Revolution on society. It sets the stage by highlighting the period and the broad social changes that it witnessed.
In psychology, cognitive dissonance refers to the mental discomfort experienced when an individual holds contradictory beliefs or attitudes. This theory, developed by Leon Festinger in the 1950s, explores the mechanisms individuals employ to reduce cognitive dissonance and maintain consistency in their thoughts and behaviors.Here, the background information introduces the concept of cognitive dissonance in psychology. It helps readers understand the theoretical framework underlying the  analysis of decision-making processes and human behavior.
According to recent studies conducted by the World Health Organization, approximately 1 in 4 adults worldwide is affected by hypertension, a chronic medical condition characterized by high blood pressure. Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and other health complications.This example provides statistical background information to underscore the prevalence and significance of hypertension as a health issue. It supports the discussion on the importance of early detection, prevention, and management of hypertension.
In Japanese culture, the concept of “omotenashi” holds great importance. Omotenashi refers to traditional Japanese hospitality and the philosophy of selfless service, ensuring the utmost comfort and satisfaction of guests or customers.Here it offers insights into the cultural values and practices of Japan. It sets the context for discussing the significance of omotenashi in the hospitality industry and its impact on customer experiences and satisfaction.

Suggested Readings

  • Connelly, Mark. Get Writing: Paragraphs and Essays . Cengage Learning, 2012.
  • Taylor, Gordon. A Student’s Writing Guide: How to Plan and Write Successful Essays . Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Wingersky, Joy, Janice K. Boerner, and Diana Holguin-Balogh. Writing Paragraphs And Essays: Integrating Reading, Writing, and Grammar Skills . Cengage Learning, 2008.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, background information essay examples: what to include.

I'm working on a background information essay for my college application, but I'm struggling with what kind of information I should be including. Does anyone have any suggestions or examples of what would make a compelling essay? Thanks!

Hi there! Writing about your background in a college essay can be a great opportunity to showcase your unique experiences and perspectives. The key is to make sure your essay is both engaging and meaningful. Here are some suggestions on what to include in your background information essay:

1. Significant life events or challenges: Discuss events that shaped your values, outlook on life, or personal development. This could be a childhood memory, a family tradition, or a personal challenge you've overcome.

2. Your passions and interests: Show your genuine interests and how they have influenced you. Explain why these activities matter to you and how you plan to continue pursuing them in college.

3. Cultural identity: Share your cultural background and the impact it has had on your experiences, beliefs, and decisions.

4. A unique quality, talent, or perspective: Highlight any special skills or unique perspectives that set you apart from other students.

When writing your essay, remember to keep the focus on how these elements have shaped you as a person and why they're significant to your college application. Your storytelling and reflections should provide valuable insights to help the admissions committee understand who you are beyond your academic achievements. Good luck!

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CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.


The Research Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Introduction
  • Select Topic
  • Identify Keywords
  • Background Information
  • Develop Research Questions
  • Refine Topic
  • Search Strategy
  • Evaluate Sources
  • Primary & Secondary Sources
  • Types of Periodicals
  • Organize / Take Notes
  • Writing & Grammar Resources
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Literature Review
  • Citation Styles
  • Paraphrasing
  • Privacy / Confidentiality
  • How to Read Research Article
  • ChatGPT and the Research Process

background information essay definition

If you can't find an encyclopedia, dictionary or textbook article on your topic, try using broader   keywords   or ask a reference librarian   for help. For example, if your topic is "global warming," consider searching for an encyclopedia on the environment.

Using Wikipedia for Research

Finding Background Information

Once you have identified keywords, the next step is to find background information on your topic.

Background information serves many purposes:

  • If you are unfamiliar with the topic, it provides a good overview of the subject matter.
  • It helps you to identify important facts related to your topic such as terminology, dates, events, history, and relevant names or organizations.
  • It can help you refine your topic.
  • Background research might lead you to bibliographies that you can use to find additional sources of information.

Sources of Background Information

Background information can be found in:

  • dictionaries
  • general encyclopedias
  • subject-specific encyclopedias  
  • article databases
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Home Essay Samples Life Writing Experience

Understanding the Background in an Essay: Context and Significance

Table of contents, defining the background, the importance of context, establishing relevance, creating engagement, conclusion: framing the narrative.

  • Smith, John. "The Art of Effective Background Writing." Journal of Academic Writing, vol. 25, no. 2, 2018, pp. 87-104.
  • Jones, Emily. "Context Matters: The Role of Background Information in Comprehension." Reading Research Quarterly, vol. 41, no. 3, 2006, pp. 386-401.
  • Johnson, Robert. "Crafting Engaging Backgrounds: Techniques for Captivating Readers." Writing Techniques Quarterly, vol. 18, no. 4, 2020, pp. 55-67.
  • Thompson, Laura. "The Significance of Context in Essay Writing." Academic Insights, vol. 12, no. 1, 2019, pp. 23-38.
  • Williams, David. "The Power of Relevance: Creating Lasting Impressions Through Effective Backgrounds." Rhetoric and Composition Journal, vol. 30, no. 2, 2015, pp. 120-135.

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Organizing Academic Research Papers: Background Information

  • Purpose of Guide
  • Design Flaws to Avoid
  • Glossary of Research Terms
  • Narrowing a Topic Idea
  • Broadening a Topic Idea
  • Extending the Timeliness of a Topic Idea
  • Academic Writing Style
  • Choosing a Title
  • Making an Outline
  • Paragraph Development
  • Executive Summary
  • Background Information
  • The Research Problem/Question
  • Theoretical Framework
  • Citation Tracking
  • Content Alert Services
  • Evaluating Sources
  • Primary Sources
  • Secondary Sources
  • Tertiary Sources
  • What Is Scholarly vs. Popular?
  • Qualitative Methods
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Using Non-Textual Elements
  • Limitations of the Study
  • Common Grammar Mistakes
  • Avoiding Plagiarism
  • Footnotes or Endnotes?
  • Further Readings
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Dealing with Nervousness
  • Using Visual Aids
  • Grading Someone Else's Paper
  • How to Manage Group Projects
  • Multiple Book Review Essay
  • Reviewing Collected Essays
  • About Informed Consent
  • Writing Field Notes
  • Writing a Policy Memo
  • Writing a Research Proposal
  • Acknowledgements

Background information identifies and describes the history and nature of a well-defined research problem with reference to the existing literature. Background information in your Introduction should indicate the root of the problem being studied, its scope, and the extent to which previous studies have successfully investigated the problem, noting, in particular, where gaps exist that your study attempts to address.  Introductory background information differs from a literature review in that it places the research problem in proper context rather than thoroughly examining pertinent literature.

Importance of Having Enough Background Information

Background information expands upon the key points stated in your introduction but is not the main focus of the paper. Sufficient background information helps your reader determine if you have a basic understanding of the research problem being investigated and promotes confidence in the overall quality of your analysis and findings.

Background information provides the reader with the essential context needed to understand the research problem . Depending on the topic being studied, forms of contextualization may include:

  • Cultural -- the issue placed within the learned behavior of specific groups of people.
  • Economic -- of or relating to systems of production and management of material wealth and/or business activities.
  • Historical -- the time in which something takes place or was created and how that influences how you interpret it.
  • Philosophical -- clarification of the essential nature of being or of phenomena as it relates to the research problem.
  • Physical/Spatial -- reflects the space around something and how that influences how you see it.
  • Political -- concerns the environment in which something is produced indicating it's public purpose or agenda.
  • Social -- the environment of people that surrounds something's creation or intended audience, reflecting how the people around something use and interpret it.
  • Temporal -- reflects issues or events of, relating to, or limited by time.

Background information can also include summaries of important, relevant research studies . The key is to summarize for the reader what is known about the specific research problem before you conducted your analysis. This is accomplished with a general review of the foundational research literature (with citations) that report findings that inform your study's aims and objectives.

NOTE : Research studies cited as part of the background information of your introduction should not include very specific, lengthy explanations. This should be discussed in greater detail in your literature review section.

Background of the Problem Section: What do you Need to Consider? Anonymous. Harvard University; Hopkins, Will G. How to Write a Research Paper . SPORTSCIENCE, Perspectives/Research Resources. Department of Physiology and School of Physical Education, University of Otago, 1999; Green, L. H. How to Write the Background/Introduction Section. Physics 499 Powerpoint slides. University of Illinois; Woodall, W. Gill. Writing the Background and Significance Section. Senior Research Scientist and Professor of Communication. Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions. University of New Mexico.  

Structure and Writing Style

Providing background information in the Introduction of a research paper serves as a bridge that links the reader to the topic of your study . But precisely how long and in-depth this bridge should be is largely dependent upon how much information you think the reader will need in order to understand the research problem being discussed and to appreciate why the issues you are investigating are important.

From another perspective, the length and detail of background information also depends on the degree to which you need to demonstrate to your professor how much you understand the topic. Keep this in mind because providing succinct background information can be an effective way to show that you have a clear grasp of key issues and concepts underpinning your overall study. Don't try to show off, though!

Given that the structure and writing style of your background information can vary depending upon the complexity of your research and/or the nature of the assignment, here are some questions to consider while writing :

  • Are there concepts, terms, theories, or ideas that may be unfamiliar to the reader and, thus, require additional explanation?
  • Are there historical elements that need to be explored in order to add needed context, to highlight specific people, issues, or events, or to lay a foundation for understanding the emergence of a current issue or event?
  • Is the research study unusual in some way that requires additional explanation, such as, a) your study uses a method never applied before to the research problem you are investigating; b) your study investigates a very esoteric or complex research problem; or, c) your study relies upon analyzing unique texts or documents, such as archival materials or primary documents like diaries or personal letters, that do not represent the established body of source literature on the topic.

Background of the Problem Section: What do you Need to Consider? Anonymous. Harvard University; Hopkins, Will G. How to Write a Research Paper . SPORTSCIENCE, Perspectives/Research Resources. Department of Physiology and School of Physical Education, University of Otago, 1999; Green, L. H. How to Write the Background/Introduction Section. Physics 499 Powerpoint slides. University of Illinois; Woodall, W. Gill. Writing the Background and Significance Section. Senior Research Scientist and Professor of Communication. Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions. University of New Mexico.

Writing Tip

Background Information vs. the Literature Review

Incorporating background information into the Introduction is intended to provide the reader with critical information about the topic being studied, such as highlighting and expanding upon foundational studies conducted in the past, important historical events that inform why and in what ways the research problem exists, or defining key components of your study [concepts, people, places, things]. Although in social sciences research introductory background information can often blend into the literature review portion of the paper, basic background information should not be considered a substitute for a comprehensive review and synthesis of relevant research literature.

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How can I write background information effectively?

background information essay definition

This is the third and final chapter about Background Information . To complete this reader, read each chapter carefully and then unlock and complete our materials to check your understanding.   

– Consider what makes for effectively written introductory background information

– Provide five pieces of advice for effective writing

– Use an example paragraph to demonstrate background-information mistakes

Chapter 1: What is introductory background information?

Chapter 2: Which background elements are important?

Chapter 3: How can I write background information effectively?

Before you begin reading...

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This third and final chapter about writing background information for the introductory paragraph of an academic essay focuses on the general tips and advice that (if followed carefully) should lead to more effective writing, which we’ve organised into five key areas. Once you’ve read and understood these five pieces of advice, you may wish to then unlock our beginner-, intermediate- and advanced-level worksheets to check your understanding of this topic.

1. Consider the Elements

As was described in some detail in Chapter 2, there are four key elements which may be included as introductory background information , which are (a) introducing the topic, (b) providing a hook, (c) defining key terms, and (d) highlighting topic importance. An effective writer should know when to vary both the length and inclusion of these elements depending upon the topic of their essay . If, for example, the subject matter of your essay lacks subject-specific vocabulary , then perhaps you shouldn’t worry about defining any terminology. Likewise, should your essay focus be on something important or significant – such as global warming or achieving world peace, then remember to detail this significance clearly for your reader.

2. Include Key Sources

One aspect of writing background information that students often neglect is the inclusion of key sources . First remember that sources should almost always be included in introductory background information, particularly when providing key statistics, definitions or theoretical concepts. Remind yourself here that referencing is intended to not only provide acknowledgement to the sources used and to avoid plagiarism , but to also assist the reader in locating those sources more easily.

Another consideration when citing sources during the introduction is to make sure that the key research for that specific topic has been included. Which authors and sources conducted the initial investigations about that topic, for example? And if you’re evaluating a theory, then which sources posited that theory first, and which later sources further developed those concepts? As is shown below, it may also be worth including a key multiple-source citation within your introduction:

Background Information 3.1 Multiple-Source Citation

3. Be Concise but Comprehensive

The third piece of advice about writing effective background information reminds the writer to be concise but also comprehensive. It’s not easy to find the right balance between including as few words as possible while still making sure that all the information necessary to sufficiently contextualise your essay has also been provided. One way of achieving this might be to first include all of the key information that your introduction requires without concerning yourself with aspects of concision. Once written, a writer is then able to carefully edit their work, rewriting any phrases or sentences that are able to carry the same meaning but in fewer words. Ultimately, by remembering the concept that academic writing requires the clear and concise conveyance of a writer’s ideas and arguments , you should be on the right path to academic success. 

4. Be Specific but Relevant

Two additional and important aspects of academic writing are specificity and relevance. It’s no secret that to write effectively, you should try to avoid having vague language throughout your essay – particularly in the introduction . The more specific a writer can be without providing unnecessary detail, the clearer and less ambiguous their writing will appear and therefore the more convincing their argument will likely be.

At the same time as being specific, a writer should try to be ruthless and critical in whether or not their background information is strictly relevant to their essay question and thesis statement . Ultimately, if such information lacks relevance, then those details should be deleted without question or repurposed elsewhere. Beyond a sentence or two to set the context, one good rule here is to avoid mentioning anything in your background that isn’t then further explored in the body section of your essay . Remember that most persuasive essays do not have the word count available for providing description within the body paragraphs, and so any concept that requires explanation should be briefly introduced and explained in the introductory background information first. 

5. Edit Carefully

Finally, as with all aspects of essay writing and academic assessments in general, an effective writer should always remember to edit and proofread their work carefully. Although even experienced writers make occasional typos and produce minor errors, non-native speakers of English also often make mistakes with other aspects of the language – such as word forms or subject-verb agreement . With this in mind, try to make sure that you, and perhaps also a peer, look carefully over your writing before the final submission deadline.

To highlight more clearly to you what might happen if the five tips we’ve outlined above are not followed, we’ve provided below a modified version of our Chapter 1 background information . This modified example demonstrates ineffective background that lacks sources , concision , specificity, relevance and careful editing :

Foreign Aid is Effective in the African Continent. Discuss.

The question of whether a country should provide assistance to a nation is not a contemporary one. 1 In fact, recent evidence suggests that cultures as ancient as the Egyptians may have been at war with their foreign neighbours on a yearly basis (Smith, 2016). 2 Something that may be taken as being somewhat ironic is that the majority of countries and nations that now depend upon foreign AID and investment exist firmly within the many countries that make up the African continent. 3 AID, or Assisting to International Developing, is however an relatively recent conceptual, with $1.7 trillions now spent annually on providing international support for little affluence countrys. 4 Many researchers have claimed that as much as 65% of this has failed to achieve its intended purpose. 5 With poverty levels increased year up to year, the questions off whether Africa has a promising future is an importance one.

Background Information 3.2 Example Problems

To reference this reader:

Academic Marker (2022) Background Information . Available at: (Accessed: Date Month Year).

  • Brandeis University Writing Resources
  • EAP Foundation
  • Hull University Library Guides


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Topic Guide - Developing Your Research Study

  • Purpose of Guide
  • Flaws to Avoid
  • Independent and Dependent Variables
  • Glossary of Research Terms
  • Reading Research Effectively
  • Narrowing a Topic Idea
  • Broadening a Topic Idea
  • Extending the Timeliness of a Topic Idea
  • Academic Writing Style
  • Choosing a Title
  • Making an Outline
  • Paragraph Development
  • APA 7th Edition
  • Executive Summary
  • The C.A.R.S. Model
  • Background Information

Importance of Having Enough Background Information

Structure and writing style, writing tip.

  • The Research Problem/Question
  • Theoretical Framework
  • Citation Tracking
  • Content Alert Services
  • Evaluating Sources
  • Primary Sources
  • Secondary Sources
  • Tiertiary Sources
  • What Is Scholarly vs. Popular?
  • Qualitative Methods
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Using Non-Textual Elements
  • Limitations of the Study
  • 10. Proofreading Your Paper
  • Writing Concisely
  • Common Grammar Mistakes
  • Avoiding Plagiarism
  • Footnotes or Endnotes?
  • Further Readings
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Types of Structured Group Activities
  • Group Project Survival Skills
  • Multiple Book Review Essay
  • Reviewing Collected Works
  • Writing a Case Study
  • Writing a Research Proposal
  • Bibliography

Background information identifies and describes the history and nature of a well-defined research problem with reference to the existing literature. The background information should indicate the root of the problem being studied, appropriate context of the problem in relation to theory, research, and/or practice , its scope, and the extent to which previous studies have successfully investigated the problem, noting, in particular, where gaps exist that your study attempts to address. Background information does not replace the literature review section of a research paper; it is intended to place the research problem in a proper context.

Background information expands upon the key points stated in the beginning of your introduction but is not intended to be the main focus of the paper. It generally supports the question, what did we know about this topic before I did this study? Sufficient background information helps your reader determine if you have a basic understanding of the research problem being investigated and promotes confidence in the overall quality of your analysis and findings. This information provides the reader with the essential context needed to understand the research problem and its significance before moving on to the literature review.

Depending on the problem being studied, forms of contextualization may include one or more of the following:

  • Cultural -- placed within the learned behavior of specific groups of people.
  • Economic -- of or relating to systems of production and management of material wealth and/or business activities.
  • Gender -- located within the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with being male or female.
  • Historical -- the time in which something takes place or was created and how that influences how you interpret it.
  • Interdisciplinary -- explanation of theories, concepts, ideas, or methodologies borrowed from other disciplines applied to the research problem rooted in another discipline.
  • Philosophical -- clarification of the essential nature of being or of phenomena as it relates to the research problem.
  • Physical/Spatial -- reflects the space around something and how that influences how you see it.
  • Political -- concerns the environment in which something is produced indicating it's public purpose or agenda.
  • Social -- the environment of people that surrounds something's creation or intended audience, reflecting how the people around something use and interpret it.
  • Temporal -- reflects issues or events of, relating to, or limited by time.

Background information can also include summaries of important, relevant research studies . This is particularly important if there is an essential or groundbreaking study about the research problem or a key study that refutes or supports your thesis. The key is to summarize for the reader what is known about the specific research problem before you conduct the analysis. This is accomplished with a general review of the foundational research literature [with citations] that document findings informing your study's aims and objectives.

NOTE : Research studies cited as part of the background information of your introduction should not include very specific, lengthy explanations. This should be discussed in greater detail in your literature review section.

Background of the Problem Section: What do you Need to Consider? Anonymous. Harvard University; Hopkins, Will G. How to Write a Research Paper . SPORTSCIENCE, Perspectives/Research Resources. Department of Physiology and School of Physical Education, University of Otago, 1999; Green, L. H. How to Write the Background/Introduction Section . Physics 499 Powerpoint slides. University of Illinois; Woodall, W. Gill. Writing the Background and Significance Section . Senior Research Scientist and Professor of Communication. Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions. University of New Mexico.  

Providing background information in the introduction of a research paper serves as a bridge that links the reader to the topic of your study . Precisely how long and in-depth this bridge should be is largely dependent upon how much information you think the reader will need to know in order to fully understand the topic being discussed and to appreciate why the issues you are investigating are important.

From another perspective, the length and detail of background information also depends on the degree to which you need to demonstrate to your professor how much you understand the research problem. Keep this in mind because providing pertinent background information can be an effective way to demonstrate that you have a clear grasp of key issues and concepts underpinning your overall study. Don't try to show off, though! And, avoid stating the obvious.

The structure and writing style of your background information can vary depending upon the complexity of your research and/or the nature of the assignment. Given this, here are some questions to consider while writing this part of your introduction :

  • Are there concepts, terms, theories, or ideas that may be unfamiliar to the reader and, thus, require additional explanation?
  • Are there historical elements that need to be explored in order to provide needed context, to highlight specific people, issues, or events, or to lay a foundation for understanding the emergence of a current issue or event?
  • Are there theories, concepts, or ideas borrowed from other disciplines or academic traditions that may be unfamiliar to the reader and therefore require further explanation?
  • Is the research study unusual in a way that requires additional explanation, such as, 1) your study uses a method of analysis never applied before; 2) your study investigates a very esoteric or complex research problem; 3) your study introduces new or unique variables that need to be taken into account ; or, 4) your study relies upon analyzing unique texts or documents, such as, archival materials or primary documents like diaries or personal letters that do not represent the established body of source literature on the topic?

Almost all introductions to a research problem require some contextualizing, but the scope and breadth of background information varies depending on your assumption about the reader's level of prior knowledge . Despite this assessment, however, background information should be brief and succinct; save any elaboration of critical points or in-depth discussion of key issues for the literature review section of your paper.

Background of the Problem Section: What do you Need to Consider? Anonymous. Harvard University; Hopkins, Will G. How to Write a Research Paper . SPORTSCIENCE, Perspectives/Research Resources. Department of Physiology and School of Physical Education, University of Otago, 1999; Green, L. H. How to Write the Background/Introduction Section . Physics 499 Powerpoint slides. University of Illinois; Woodall, W. Gill. Writing the Background and Significance Section . Senior Research Scientist and Professor of Communication. Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions. University of New Mexico.

Background Information vs. the Literature Review

Incorporating background information into the introduction is intended to provide the reader with critical information about the topic being studied, such as, highlighting and expanding upon foundational studies conducted in the past, describing important historical events that inform why and in what ways the research problem exists, or defining key components of your study [concepts, people, places, phenomena]. Although introductory background information can often blend into the literature review portion of the paper in social sciences research , basic background information should not be considered a substitute for a comprehensive review and synthesis of relevant research literature.

Hart, Cris. Doing a Literature Review: Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998.

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Informative Essay

Nova A.

What is an Informative Essay and How to Write One?

11 min read

Published on: Aug 11, 2021

Last updated on: Jan 31, 2024

Informative Essay

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Good Informative Essay Topics for All Academic Levels

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Have you been assigned an informative essay but don’t know where to start? This guide has got you covered! 

An informative essay is a common assignment for school or college students. The goal is to provide detailed information to the readers about the specific topic. 

Read on to find simple step-by-step instructions for writing an interesting and engaging informative essay. You’ll also get to read helpful examples and tips you can follow to make your essay even better! 

Let’s dive in!

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Informative Essay Definition 

The informative essay can be simply defined as,

"A form of essay writing that aims to educate and inform the reader about a specific topic."

Informative essays can cover a variety of topics. It could be written about a particular thing, event, or natural phenomenon, etc. 

This type of essay highlights the objective facts and evidence without reflecting the writer's subjective point-of-view about the topic. 

What is the Purpose of an Informative Essay?

An informative essay presents objective and verifiable information about a topic. It relies on factual evidence and reliable sources. 

The main goal of writing an informative essay is to;

  • Inform the reader about something.
  • Explain a particular subject.
  • Transmit verified knowledge clearly and concisely.

Types of Informative Essay

There are several types of informative essays, and each type has its own purpose and style. Here are some of the informative essay types that you need to know.

  • Descriptive Essay 

A descriptive essay is an essay that describes something about an event, person, place, or idea in detail. The descriptive essay aims to provide enough information to the readers to visualize or imagine the matter described.

Want to know more about descriptive essays? Check out this descriptive essay writing blog to learn more.

  • Cause and Effect Essay 

The cause and effect essay describes the cause of an event or idea and then explains its effects on today’s world and people. Also, this type of essay is a common form of organization in academic writing.    

However, the cause-and-effect essay requires strong research skills. Without them, your essay will not become a successful piece of writing. 

  • Compare and Contrast Essay 

In a compare and contrast essay, the writer discusses the similarities and differences between two or more things. This type of essay also requires strong critical thinking skills. 

Therefore, when you start writing the compare and contrast essay , you should identify and analyze the subject from all angles and characteristics.

  • Process Essay 

The process essay is also known as the "How-To" essay. This essay provides information about how a process occurs or about the process of doing something.

  • Problem-Solution Essay 

A problem-solution essay is another common type of informative essay in which you describe a problem and then propose its solution. Its main purpose is to educate the readers on the problem and its significance.  

Looking for more information? Visit our problem-solution essay guide and learn to write perfect problem solution essays.

  • Expository Essay 

The expository essay explains, illustrates, or interprets something in a way that becomes easy for the readers. This essay provides a fair analysis of the subject based on facts without the writer’s opinions.  

Here is a simple video that explains informative writing:

How to Start an Informative Essay?   

Before you can start writing, you have to do some "rewriting." Here are the steps involved in prewriting: 

  • Brainstorm Ideas 

Brainstorming is the first step in writing any type of essay. Here, you brainstorm several topic ideas and generate a list of potential topics. 

So think about all the possible ideas that are related to your interest and subject. This will help you choose an interesting topic for your essay.  

  • Choose a Topic 

Choosing the right topic is essential for writing a great essay. A good topic will not only make your writing process easy but also make the research phase interesting. 

So choose a topic you can easily write about and support it with facts, evidence, and statistics. In short, the topic should be interesting and easy to research.

  • Know Your Target Audience 

Your audience determines the style and tone of your essay. Consider who will be reading your essay and what their background, knowledge, and interests might be.

For instance, if you are writing for school children, your language should be simple, easy, and interesting. Meanwhile, writing for a professional audience requires you to use technical terminology and jargon. 

So always think about who you are writing for and determine your audience before proceeding.

  • Do the Research 

You have to do some research to gather information for your essay. Make sure the information that you collect is reliable and accurate. 

Use a variety of sources for research, including research articles, books, documentaries, etc. You should also take detailed and organized notes to keep track of the information you find, so you can use it later.

  • Create an Outline 

An essay outline helps the writer keep their focus strong and narrow. With the help of an outline, you will easily organize your thoughts and ideas. 

So create an outline of your essay to lay out a structure. 

Don't know how to make an informative essay outline? Don’t worry, read on to find out.

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Informative Essay Outline 

Crafting a well-structured essay involves planning what points to include and how it all ties together. Creating an outline is the best way to ensure that your work is well-structured. 

An informative essay outline is outlined in the following way:

Let’s discuss these outline parts in detail.


  • Start with a captivating hook that grabs the reader's attention. It could be an intriguing fact, a relevant quote, or a thought-provoking question.
  • State your thesis statement . It is the last part of the introduction that clearly presents the main idea or argument of your essay. It should reflect the informative nature of your essay and guide the reader on what to expect.
  • Divide the body of your essay into several paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on one specific aspect or subtopic related to your main thesis.
  • Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main point of that paragraph.
  • Analyze and discuss your supporting evidence. They could be examples, facts, or statistics that provide informative content.


  • Summarize the main points covered in your essay.
  • End with a thought-provoking statement, a call to action, or a suggestion for further exploration of the topic.

Here is an example outline template that you can use to write your informative essay outline

Informative Essay Outline Template

Creating an outline is necessary for writing any type of essay. Check out our 10+ essay outline templates and make excellent outlines with ease!

How to Write an Informative Essay?  

Once you have done the prewriting, you have got everything you need to start. Following the steps below will help you write a great informative essay.  

How to Write an Informative Essay Introduction? 

The introduction of an essay sets the tone of the essay and provides an overview of the topic. Here are some key elements you need to include when writing an informative essay introduction:

  • Attention-Grabber / Hook:

The hook is the first line of the essay that aims to pique the readers’ interest. This can be: 

  • An interesting fact,
  • A thought-provoking question,
  • Or a compelling anecdote related to your topic, etc.

The hook should be related to your topic and should be engaging enough to grab the reader's attention.

Struggling to come up with a good hook? These 200+ hook examples will help you craft an excellent hook!

  • Background Information:

After grabbing the reader’s attention, you have to them to your topic. Discuss some background details on the topic to provide context. 

Also, discuss the relevance or importance of the subject matter. This helps the reader understand the significance of the information you're about to present. Moreover, use clear and concise language to provide essential and interesting details to make the reader want to continue reading. 

  • Thesis Statement:

The thesis statement presents the main topic or idea of the essay in a concise and clear way. It provides an overview of what will be covered.

The thesis statement is the last part of the introduction. It should be specific, focused, and encompass the main ideas you'll be discussing in the body of the essay.

How to Write an Informative Essay Body Paragraphs? 

The body paragraphs are the major chunk of your essay. They provide all the information about your chosen topic. There should be at least three body paragraphs in your essay, although there can be more depending on your topic. 

Here are the key elements of the informative essay body paragraphs:

  • Topic Sentence

Begin each body paragraph with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main point you will be discussing in that paragraph. It is the first sentence of the paragraph and should be clearly related to the thesis.

  • Provide Information and Evidence

In an informative essay, information and evidence should be presented clearly and logically. So present the facts, examples, statistics, or quotations that inform the reader about the topic. This information should come from reliable and credible sources.

  • Discuss and Elaborate

After presenting the evidence, explain and discuss them to ensure a thorough understanding of the information. Clarify any complex terms, concepts, or ideas that may require explanation for understanding the topic effectively.

  • Use Transitional Phrases:

Use transitional phrases or sentences to connect paragraphs and ideas. This helps maintain a cohesive flow of information throughout the essay. 

For instance, transitional words such as "moreover," "furthermore," "on the other hand," or "in addition to" can be used to link ideas logically.

Having a difficult time with smooth transitions? Here’s a list of transition words for essays to help you out!

How to Write an Informative Essay Conclusion?

In an essay conclusion , you wrap up the essay and provide a sense of closure. Writing the informative essay conclusion includes the following steps:

  • Summarize the Main Points:

Revisit the main points covered in your essay's body paragraphs and provide a concise summary of the information presented. Do not introduce any new information or arguments in the conclusion.

  • Restate your Thesis Statement

Begin your conclusion by restating your thesis statement in a slightly different way. This helps remind the reader of the main objective of your essay. 

  • Provide a Thought-Provoking Statement:

End your conclusion with a thought-provoking statement, reflection, or question that leaves a strong impression on the reader. This can help inspire them to continue exploring the topic beyond your essay. 

Edit and Proofread the Essay

Once you are done with your first draft, take some time to proofread and revise you essay. Check for grammar and spelling, format, logical coherence, and clarity. Remove any repetitive statements or unnecessary details. 

Revising your essay will make it even better and more interesting to read.

Informative Essay Examples

Reading some good examples will make writing an informative essay easier for you. Here are a few short informative essay examples that demonstrate how it looks like. Be sure to read them out.

Informative Essay about Stress

Informative Essay on Diabetes

Informative Essay on Netflix

Informative Essay on Tree in Winter

Informative Essay Topics

A good essay topic is a key to a successful essay. Here are a few ideas that will get you inspired:

  • The Benefits of Regular Exercise
  • The Importance of Recycling
  • The Process of Photosynthesis
  • What was the Big Bang?
  • The History of the Internet
  • How did the Dinosaurs go extinct?
  • The Benefits of Meditation
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Ecosystems
  • The Role of Technology in Education

Stuck on choosing your topic? Don’t worry! Check out our list 200 informative essay topics to get inspiration!

To Sum Up, 

This guide introduced everything you needed to start writing an informative essay. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently embark on your informative writing journey.

Are you in a race against the deadline and need professional help? We’ve got you covered!

We are a legit essay writing service with professional essay writers. Our team of experts writes high-quality, original, and customized essays tailored to your unique requirements.               

Our essay writing service has worked on informative essays and academic papers on various topics, with a high rate of customer satisfaction! 

You can also maximize the benefits of our AI writing tool to polish and refine your writing skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should be included in an informative essay.

Here are some points that should be included in an informative essay. 

  • Thesis statement 
  • Strong evidence 
  • Examples 

What is the main topic of an informative essay?

The main topic of an informative essay is to educate the readers on a specific topic.

Nova A. (Literature, Marketing)

As a Digital Content Strategist, Nova Allison has eight years of experience in writing both technical and scientific content. With a focus on developing online content plans that engage audiences, Nova strives to write pieces that are not only informative but captivating as well.

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Research Process :: Step by Step

  • Introduction
  • Select Topic
  • Identify Keywords
  • Background Information
  • Develop Research Questions
  • Refine Topic
  • Search Strategy
  • Popular Databases
  • Evaluate Sources
  • Types of Periodicals
  • Reading Scholarly Articles
  • Primary & Secondary Sources
  • Organize / Take Notes
  • Writing & Grammar Resources
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Literature Review
  • Citation Styles
  • Paraphrasing
  • Privacy / Confidentiality
  • Research Process
  • Selecting Your Topic
  • Identifying Keywords
  • Gathering Background Info
  • Evaluating Sources
  • Gale Ebooks This link opens in a new window Gale Ebooks (formerly named Gale Virtual Library or GVRL) provides a wealth of full-text reference and general subject books in a wide variety of subjects. more... less... Sources offered in the GVRL include multi-volume encyclopedias, biographical collections, business plan handbooks, company histories, consumer health references and history compilations. A wide variety of subjects are covered including arts, biography, business, education, environment, history, law, medicine, multicultural, religion and science.
  • Oxford Bibliographies This link opens in a new window Developed cooperatively with scholars and librarians worldwide, Oxford Bibliographies offers exclusive, authoritative research guides across a variety of subject areas. Combining the best features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia, this cutting-edge resource directs researchers to the best available scholarship across a wide variety of subjects.

background information essay definition

If you can't find an encyclopedia, dictionary or textbook article on your topic, try using broader  keywords  or ask a librarian  for help. For example, if your topic is "global warming," con sider searching for an encyclopedia on the environment.

Finding background information

Once you have identified keywords, the next step is to find background information on your topic.

Background information serves many purposes:

  • If you are unfamiliar with the topic, it provides a good overview of the subject matter.
  • It helps you to identify important facts related to your topic such as terminology, dates, events, history, and relevant names or organizations.
  • It can help you refine your topic.
  • Background research might lead you to bibliographies that you can use to find additional sources of information.

Background information can be found in:

  • dictionaries
  • general encyclopedias
  • subject-specific encyclopedias  
  • article databases

These sources are often listed on the "Find Resources" tab of our research by subject guides. You can browse a complete list of the Library's guides by visiting the "Research by Subject" homepage.

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Informative Essay — Purpose, Structure, and Examples

What is informative writing.

Informative writing educates the reader about a certain topic. An informative essay may explain new information, describe a process, or clarify a concept. The provided information is objective, meaning the writing focuses on presentation of fact and should not contain personal opinion or bias.

Informative writing includes description, process, cause and effect, comparison, and problems and possible solutions:

Describes a person, place, thing, or event using descriptive language that appeals to readers’ senses

Explains the process to do something or how something was created

Discusses the relationship between two things, determining how one ( cause ) leads to the other ( effect ); the effect needs to be based on fact and not an assumption

Identifies the similarities and differences between two things; does not indicate that one is better than the other

Details a problem and presents various possible solutions ; the writer does not suggest one solution is more effective than the others

What is informative writing?

Purpose of informative writing

The purpose of an informative essay depends upon the writer’s motivation, but may be to share new information, describe a process, clarify a concept, explain why or how, or detail a topic’s intricacies.

Informative essays may introduce readers to new information .

Summarizing a scientific/technological study

Outlining the various aspects of a religion

Providing information on a historical period

Describe a process or give step-by-step details of a procedure.

How to write an informational essay

How to construct an argument

How to apply for a job

Clarify a concept and offer details about complex ideas.

Purpose of informative essays

Explain why or how something works the way that it does.

Describe how the stock market impacts the economy

Illustrate why there are high and low tides

Detail how the heart functions

Offer information on the smaller aspects or intricacies of a larger topic.

Identify the importance of the individual bones in the body

Outlining the Dust Bowl in the context of the Great Depression

Explaining how bees impact the environment

How to write an informative essay

Regardless of the type of information, the informative essay structure typically consists of an introduction, body, and conclusion.


Background information

Explanation of evidence

Restated thesis

Review of main ideas

Closing statement

Informative essay structure

Informative essay introduction

When composing the introductory paragraph(s) of an informative paper, include a hook, introduce the topic, provide background information, and develop a good thesis statement.

If the hook or introduction creates interest in the first paragraph, it will draw the readers’ attention and make them more receptive to the essay writer's ideas. Some of the most common techniques to accomplish this include the following:

Emphasize the topic’s importance by explaining the current interest in the topic or by indicating that the subject is influential.

Use pertinent statistics to give the paper an air of authority.

A surprising statement can be shocking; sometimes it is disgusting; sometimes it is joyful; sometimes it is surprising because of who said it.

An interesting incident or anecdote can act as a teaser to lure the reader into the remainder of the essay. Be sure that the device is appropriate for the informative essay topic and focus on what is to follow.

Informative essay hooks

Directly introduce the topic of the essay.

Provide the reader with the background information necessary to understand the topic. Don’t repeat this information in the body of the essay; it should help the reader understand what follows.

Identify the overall purpose of the essay with the thesis (purpose statement). Writers can also include their support directly in the thesis, which outlines the structure of the essay for the reader.

Informative essay body paragraphs

Each body paragraph should contain a topic sentence, evidence, explanation of evidence, and a transition sentence.

Informative essay body paragraphs

A good topic sentence should identify what information the reader should expect in the paragraph and how it connects to the main purpose identified in the thesis.

Provide evidence that details the main point of the paragraph. This includes paraphrasing, summarizing, and directly quoting facts, statistics, and statements.

Explain how the evidence connects to the main purpose of the essay.

Place transitions at the end of each body paragraph, except the last. There is no need to transition from the last support to the conclusion. A transition should accomplish three goals:

Tell the reader where you were (current support)

Tell the reader where you are going (next support)

Relate the paper’s purpose

Informative essay conclusion

Incorporate a rephrased thesis, summary, and closing statement into the conclusion of an informative essay.

Rephrase the purpose of the essay. Do not just repeat the purpose statement from the thesis.

Summarize the main idea found in each body paragraph by rephrasing each topic sentence.

End with a clincher or closing statement that helps readers answer the question “so what?” What should the reader take away from the information provided in the essay? Why should they care about the topic?

Informative essay example

The following example illustrates a good informative essay format:

Informative essay format


Background Information-Definition, Guide, and Examples

Background information is any info that informs the decision-making process but isn’t necessarily needed for it to be made. In research, background information is provided to help users. Decision-makers or researchers use this information to understand the context of a situation and how it came about.

For example, when writing a paper, the author may provide background information on their topic. This helps inform readers of the study without launching directly into their opinion.

A Guide on How to Conduct a Background Study

A background study is the information search you conduct to get a better understanding of your topic. Background information on a particular subject is available from various sources, including books and journals. Other valuable resources are encyclopedias, dictionaries, newspapers, magazines, the internet, and other published reports.

However, it’s important to note that different types of information may be more beneficial for your specific project than others. The information you find during your background study will be helpful to some extent. However, understand that this information is not what you are researching.

The steps of conducting a background search are provided below:

  • Identify specific sources to search
  • Establish criteria for evaluating these sources
  • Decide how to cross-reference information
  • Decide how to manage records
  • Keep time open for writing

Following these steps will help ensure your background research is thorough and complete.

Examples of Background Information

The following are some examples of background information:

” Beer Excise Taxation in Columbia”

“In 1977, the District of Columbia passed a bill to reduce the excise tax for small brewers. The Brewers Association favored this law change to allow smaller brewers to remain competitive against larger brewers. “Beer Excise Taxation,” The Brewers Journal, 8 October 2013

In 2010, researchers successfully developed a new brand of soft drink that helps people lose weight. “Sugar-Free Soft Drink Helps People Lose Weight,” The Times Herald, 30 September 2010″

This background information can be referenced by researchers interested in learning more about the health benefits of low-calorie, sugar-free drinks.

“Globalization Has Changed Consumer Behavior”

“While consumers all over the world have different preferences and priorities, globalization has changed how they make decisions. For instance, technological advancements have enabled people from different cultures to share ideas more easily.

In addition, the internet has allowed them to get information about new products or brands with a few clicks of a button.”

This background information can be used by companies looking to expand their customer base across borders.

“The Benefits of Internet Marketplaces”

“An internet marketplace is a site where consumers can buy and sell goods. Consumers use marketplaces rather than traditional distribution channels, such as wholesalers or retailers, to save time and money.

Most major retailers have their marketplaces where they sell products online.

The benefits of internet marketplaces are as follows:

Infomation-sharing: Many marketplaces allow consumers and manufacturers to share information and ideas publicly.

New products: Manufacturers can launch new products and test them with consumers interested in learning more about them.”

This background information could be helpful for a consumer that is interested in buying goods online.

“Privacy-Friendly Email”

“Recently, there has been an increase in public awareness of email privacy. A recent study found that 61% of Americans frequently delete their emails.

However, this is not a practical long-term solution, as users will eventually run out of storage space and need to sort through emails manually.

Privacy-Friendly email is a new type of email that allows users to delete messages after a specified period automatically.”

This background information could be helpful to someone interested in email storage issues.

Areas where Background information is Applicable

  • Law and Regulations
  • Economics and social sciences
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • Management and Organizational Behavior
  • Accounting, financial management
  • Information Systems
  • Operations Management
  • Anthropology and Archaeology
  • Demographics and Statistics
  • Language and Literature 

How do you Write Background Information?

You can conduct background research by gathering everything you can about your subject.

Here are some questions to think about when conducting background research:

  • Who is the subject of your paper?
  • What do you already know about them and their work?
  • Where, when, and how did they work?
  • Who else worked with them?
  • What was going on around them at the time or leading up to their work?
  • Why did they do the things they did?
  • What are some related topics in their field?
  • What events happened after the work they created?
  • Who used their work, and how did it affect them or the people who used it?

The primary purpose of writing background information is to help inform your work. You can write this information in an initial draft or leave it to the end. There are some common ways to write background information, including:


You can call it a prelude, where you introduce the reader to your topic and provide some context on it. A prelude is helpful before the reader continues to read. When writing the background information, an introduction should include:

  • An explanation and a brief history of the subject
  • The impact this subject has had in its field and society
  • Why the author thinks the topic is important or interesting

An abstract

In an abstract, you state the main ideas of your paper and why they are important.

If your background information is lengthy, you can write an outline for it. An outline can help you decide what information to include in your background research.

A bibliography

A bibliography lists all the reference sources you consulted while conducting background research.

An appendix

An appendix is a compilation of information that supplements your research paper. It can include detailed charts, graphs, images, or tables that are relevant to your subject.

What are the Benefits of Background Knowledge in Research?

Background knowledge on a subject presents the following benefits to a researcher:

General overview

Before delving into a specific topic, a researcher can discover the general ideas and other related concepts.  This gives them a better idea of how their paper should be organized.

Reframe research questions

A researcher can reframe their research question based on the background knowledge they found during their research. Reframing the study questions helps them develop a more relevant and exciting study.

Reframe the purpose of the study

As the researcher gains more knowledge about their subject, they can discover new ways to solve a problem or answer a question. For example, if a researcher is studying the effect of a drug on a group of lab mice, they can reframe their purpose to account for new information.

Increase the quality of the research

A researcher can select a more meaningful study if they have background information on their subject. This is because they understand what has already been done and can design their study accordingly.

Help you develop new research questions

Background knowledge provides a base for setting up a research question. A researcher can use the information they found to develop new questions to explore in their study.

Offer more relevant information

Through background research, a researcher can find relevant studies and experts in the field. These related studies will provide them with more useful information for their research.

Those who write about a topic often forget that the reader has not read what they have written or researched it.

You can write background information in an introduction, abstract, outline, bibliography, appendix, and so on.

There are four main characteristics of background knowledge:

  • First, it should be well organized. The reader can find what they are looking for within the text through headings and subheadings.
  • Second, it should follow the general structure of a research paper. The information should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
  • Another characteristic is that background information provides the reader with the necessary knowledge to understand your paper.
  • Finally, background information should be tied to your research paper. It works with your thesis statement to give a better explanation of your research question.

Background knowledge on a subject presents a general overview where a researcher can discover the ideas and concepts related to a topic.

This knowledge gives researchers a better idea of how their papers should be organized and reframe research questions. It also helps them develop a more relevant and interesting study.

As the researcher gains more knowledge about their subject, they can discover new ways to solve a problem or answer questions.

background information essay definition

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Bernard Mokam interviewed dozens of high school students, parents and counselors about preparing college applications in a new landscape.

Astrid Delgado first wrote her college application essay about a death in her family. Then she reshaped it around a Spanish book she read as a way to connect to her Dominican heritage.

Deshayne Curley wanted to leave his Indigenous background out of his essay. But he reworked it to focus on an heirloom necklace that reminded him of his home on the Navajo Reservation.

The first draft of Jyel Hollingsworth’s essay explored her love for chess. The final focused on the prejudice between her Korean and Black American families and the financial hardships she overcame.

All three students said they decided to rethink their essays to emphasize one key element: their racial identities. And they did so after the Supreme Court last year struck down affirmative action in college admissions, leaving essays the only place for applicants to directly indicate their racial and ethnic backgrounds.

High school students graduating this year worked on their college applications, due this month, in one of the most turbulent years in American education. Not only have they had to prepare them in the backdrop of the Israel-Hamas war — which sparked debates about free speech and antisemitism on college campuses, leading to the resignation of two Ivy League presidents — but they also had to wade through the new ban on race-conscious admissions.

“It has been a lot to take in,” said Keteyian Cade, a 17-year-old from St. Louis. “There is so much going on in the world right now.”

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  1. Expository Essay: Definition and Its Types (Ultimate Guide)

    background information essay definition

  2. Expository Essay: Definition and Its Types (Ultimate Guide)

    background information essay definition

  3. How to write a background for a research paper: mastering the art

    background information essay definition

  4. How to write a background for a research paper: mastering the art

    background information essay definition

  5. Expository Essay: Definition and Its Types (Ultimate Guide)

    background information essay definition

  6. Detailed Introduction and Background Information: Inclusive Education

    background information essay definition


  1. Essay||Definition/Types of essay/listing/ comparison and contrast/ cause and effect/for and against

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  4. Background Meaning

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  1. Background Information

    Definition of Background Information. As the name suggests, background information means all information that a reader requires to increase his awareness of the topic an essay is going to explain. Background information is placed shortly after the hook or attention grabber. Both are intertwined, as the hook cannot be separated from the background information.

  2. Background Information Examples for Essays and Papers

    Learn how to add background information to essays and papers. These background information examples will help you do it perfectly every time.

  3. Background Information

    Background information can also include summaries of important research studies. This can be a particularly important element of providing background information if an innovative or groundbreaking study about the research problem laid a foundation for further research or there was a key study that is essential to understanding your arguments.

  4. What is Background Information in an Essay

    A type of background information in an essay (usually a narrative type) where the author provides his biographical information, including childhood, education, work experience, and family details. Definition background information. Sometimes, when we write an essay on a scientific topic, or simply need to use a specific term, our readers may ...

  5. Background Information in an Essay: How to Write and Example

    When writing the background information section of the essay, start with a broad introduction to your topic. Give a brief overview of the topic's subject matter and its significance. This will set the context of the essay and grab your readers' attention. 5. Give Historical Context if Applicable.

  6. What Is Background Information and What Purpose Does It Serve?

    Background information typically describes the history of the topic or the cause of the problem the topic addresses. It can also establish the topic's importance or show how to solve a problem. Background information is usually three to five sentences and comes after the writer gets the reader's attention. This means they present the principal ...

  7. What is a Background in an Essay: Introducing Information

    The background information is the supporting points you employ to demonstrate your argument or viewpoint. It is the grounds on which you base your point of view to prove your argument. background information is found in the introduction, just after the opening statement or the hook. The amount and type of background material depend on the goal ...

  8. 11.5: Background Information (or Helping Your Reader Find a Context)

    But often times, research essays include some background information about the overall topic near the beginning of the essay. Sometimes, this is done briefly as part of the introduction section of the essay; at other times, this is best accomplished with a more detailed section after the introduction and near the beginning of the essay. ...

  9. Background Information

    Background Information vs. the Literature Review. Incorporating background information into the introduction is intended to provide the reader with critical information about the topic being studied, such as, highlighting and expanding upon foundational studies conducted in the past, describing important historical events that inform why and in what ways the research problem exists, or ...

  10. Background Information

    Definition of Key Terms: It clarifies the definitions of specific terms or terminology used in the essay to avoid confusion.; Statistical Background: It presents relevant statistics, data, or facts that support or contextualize the argument or analysis.; Literary or Textual Background: It offers background information about a literary work, author, or text that is being analyzed or discussed ...

  11. What Is Background Information? (With Types and Sources)

    The information you provide in an essay, report, research, or article to clarify your topic serves as a background for the reader. ... In this article, we consider the definition of background information, highlight its importance, explore six types and how you can apply them to your writing, outline their sources, and provide relevant tips.

  12. Background Information Essay Examples: What to Include?

    Hi there! Writing about your background in a college essay can be a great opportunity to showcase your unique experiences and perspectives. The key is to make sure your essay is both engaging and meaningful. Here are some suggestions on what to include in your background information essay: 1. Significant life events or challenges: Discuss events that shaped your values, outlook on life, or ...

  13. Background Information

    Background information serves many purposes: If you are unfamiliar with the topic, it provides a good overview of the subject matter. It helps you to identify important facts related to your topic such as terminology, dates, events, history, and relevant names or organizations. It can help you refine your topic. Background research might lead ...

  14. Understanding the Background in an Essay: Context and Significance

    In conclusion, the background in an essay plays a pivotal role in framing the narrative and ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the topic. It provides the necessary context, establishes relevance, and engages readers by sparking their interest. Just as a painter carefully selects the backdrop for a masterpiece, writers meticulously craft ...

  15. Organizing Academic Research Papers: Background Information

    Background Information vs. the Literature Review. Incorporating background information into the Introduction is intended to provide the reader with critical information about the topic being studied, such as highlighting and expanding upon foundational studies conducted in the past, important historical events that inform why and in what ways the research problem exists, or defining key ...

  16. How can I write background information effectively?

    1. Consider the Elements. As was described in some detail in Chapter 2, there are four key elements which may be included as introductory background information, which are (a) introducing the topic, (b) providing a hook, (c) defining key terms, and (d) highlighting topic importance. An effective writer should know when to vary both the length ...

  17. Background Information

    Definition. Background information identifies and describes the history and nature of a well-defined research problem with reference to the existing literature. The background information should indicate the root of the problem being studied, appropriate context of the problem in relation to theory, research, and/or practice, its scope, and the ...

  18. Informative Essay

    Informative Essay Definition The informative essay can be simply defined as, "A form of essay writing that aims to educate and inform the reader about a specific topic." ... Background Information: After grabbing the readerâ s attention, you have to them to your topic. Discuss some background details on the topic to provide context.

  19. Background Information

    Background information serves many purposes: If you are unfamiliar with the topic, it provides a good overview of the subject matter. It helps you to identify important facts related to your topic such as terminology, dates, events, history, and relevant names or organizations. It can help you refine your topic. Background research might lead ...

  20. Informative Essay

    Informative essay hooks. Directly introduce the topic of the essay. Provide the reader with the background information necessary to understand the topic. Don't repeat this information in the body of the essay; it should help the reader understand what follows. Identify the overall purpose of the essay with the thesis (purpose statement ...

  21. Background Information-Definition, Guide, and Examples

    Background information is any info that informs the decision-making process but isn't necessarily needed for it to be made. In research, background information is provided to help users. Decision-makers or researchers use this information to understand the context of a situation and how it came about. For example, when writing a paper, the ...

  22. 11 What part of the text provides background information for the

    C. Firstly, this essay will delve into the significance of academic integrity within Higher Education institutions, starting with a definition of academic integrity itself, secondly by a discussion of academic dishonesty, and lastly with an evaluation of the effects of plagiarism on student success and future academic careers. D.

  23. What Is Artificial Intelligence? Definition, Uses, and Types

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is the theory and development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that historically required human intelligence, such as recognizing speech, making decisions, and identifying patterns. AI is an umbrella term that encompasses a wide variety of technologies, including machine learning, deep learning, and ...

  24. After Affirmative Action Ban, Students Use Essays to Highlight Race

    After Affirmative Action Ban, They Rewrote College Essays With a Key Theme: Race. The Supreme Court's ruling intended to remove the consideration of race during the admissions process. So ...