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Book Review: You’re Invited by Amanda Jayatissa

By doreen sheridan.

your invited book review

Amaya Bloom has problems. Once a brash young woman ready to take on the world, nowadays she’s content to run a small spice shop in California and quietly stalk her former best friend on social media. Kaavi Fonseka seems to have everything Amaya once thought was within her reach, too: a glamorous life of wealth and influence, documenting her award-winning charitable efforts as well as her skincare routine and fashion tips for her legions of adoring fans worldwide. But most of all, Kaavi has a loving, tight-knit family that Amaya desperately misses, though it’s been five years since Amaya last had contact with any of them:

Things change as you grow. As you understand the world for what it is. That we overcompensate in our memories because we didn’t know any better at the time.    That was how I was expecting things to be with Kaavi and the Fonsekas.   I had hoped that it was all in my head. That I’d put them on some sort of pedestal because I’d missed them so much. That I had been looking at my past through glasses that were so rose-tinted that everything was just fluorescent pink at this point. But with Kaavi, it was the opposite. In our time apart, I’d withered away to less, and she’d blossomed to be more.

When Kaavi announces she’s getting married, Amaya is taken aback, then completely flips out after realizing the groom-to-be is Amaya’s own ex-boyfriend Matthew Spencer. Spencer, as he’s known, and Amaya had a bad break-up five years ago, an event that preceded the rupture in her own friendship with Kaavi. Seeing the two of them together now, loving and beautiful on all of Kaavi’s social media accounts, triggers something in Amaya. When she gets the invitation to Kaavi’s wedding in Colombo, Sri Lanka, she knows she has to do everything in her power to stop the wedding, even if the results could turn deadly.

There is so much I cannot say about this book because I do not want to spoil a single second of the reading experience for you. While several of the earlier plot twists seem telegraphed, Amanda Jayatissa is merely lulling jaded crime readers like myself into a false sense of complacency before delivering a series of knockout blows that had me gasping loudly, unable to put down the book till after I’d turned that last, memorable page.

And more than just being a devastatingly twisty thriller, the trenchant insight into being a modern woman—and even more specifically a modern woman navigating the tensions between the liberties taken for granted by Western culture and the more rigid expectations of a post-colonial Asian society—lent a greater depth and force to the badly behaved goings on of the characters here as they schemed and plotted their ways to their goals. Amaya, for example, hates her privilege but isn’t above using it when she must:

The panic on the security guard’s face made me feel like a real villain. I knew what I was doing. He knew what I was doing. I was playing my Colombo 07 Privilege Card. The card I hated everyone else in this town for playing. Where I would use my perfect westernized English and the wealth I had the luck of being born into to make someone else feel so small, so insignificant, so afraid of their status in life that they felt that they had no choice but to let me do what I wanted. Rich kids, the children of the politically connected, did it every day. Standing in lines, stopping for traffic cops, following procedure in public administration buildings wasn’t for them. For us.

As a Malaysian emigre who has firsthand experience with this kind of thing, reading this book made me feel like the living embodiment of the “I’m in this and I don’t (know if I) like it” meme. I was already deeply affected by Ms Jayatissa’s debut novel, My Sweet Girl . That was a head-rush of a thriller, a book that trapped its main character between the racism of her California home and the ghosts of her Sri Lankan upbringing. In her sophomore effort, the author brings her scarily sharp insight to bear on Sri Lankan society itself, skewering the pretentious and downright cruel without ever patronizing the culture or characters (though even as a self-possessed eldest child, I did think Tehani got the short end of the stick. The poor woman is trying her best, okay?!) 

Self-aware, suspenseful and scandalously witty, You’re Invited is one of my favorite reads this year so far. It’s the homicidal version of Kevin Kwan’s Crazy Rich Asians , and deserves to be just as much of a blockbuster.

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I’m going to read this. I’ll be sure to come back. thanks for sharing. and also This article gives the light in which we can observe the reality. this is a very nice one and gives in-depth information. thanks for this nice article

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This book is worth reading. Great work by the author. Congratulations.

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Thanks for sharing such a good article.

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That’s a great opinion.

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Submitting a book for review, write the editor, you are here:, you're invited.

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I had jumped at the opportunity to review Amanda Jayatissa’s debut novel, MY SWEET GIRL, because it sounded so unique. It offered exotic locations and characters I was not familiar with, along with an opportunity to escape into a different type of story. I had no idea that I was entering into one of the best reads of 2021, which ended up winning Best First Novel at this year’s International Thriller Awards. So you can imagine how excited I was to read her second novel.

I am pleased to report that YOU’RE INVITED is a worthy follow-up, a well-plotted mystery that will have readers puzzled right up until the final chapter.

"Jayatissa has immediately gained must-read status on my bookshelf, and I look forward to seeing what she has in store for us next."

Amaya is invited to the wedding of her childhood friend, Kaavi, in Sri Lanka. Kaavi just so happens to be marrying Amaya’s college sweetheart, Matthew Spencer. Amaya and Kaavi have not spoken in years, so you can imagine Amaya’s surprise when she receives a personal invitation from Kaavi and her family. She accepts and shows up with one thought in mind --- she must stop the wedding from happening. However, it turns out that Amaya’s motivation might not be mere jealousy but something else altogether.

The book’s structure is quite interesting. Scenes are written days prior to and following the wedding. Interspersed between these chapters are individual interviews between a local investigator in Sri Lanka and each of the attendees. The understanding is that the wedding never took place because something happened to Kaavi. The extent of this mishap is never fully told, which is all part of the genius plot that Jayatissa keeps close to the vest.

Each passing interview with a guest seems to uncover different secrets and resentments, providing numerous motives for various characters to have acted nefariously against the bride. Suddenly, falling back on blaming poor Amaya seems almost passe and far too easy a red herring to fall for. There are plenty of terrific plot twists and jaw-dropping revelations that will keep readers alert as their heads are spinning.

It is difficult to get into too much detail here without giving away a juicy tidbit that deserves to remain hidden and discovered. Jayatissa has immediately gained must-read status on my bookshelf, and I look forward to seeing what she has in store for us next.

Reviewed by Ray Palen on September 10, 2022

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You're Invited by Amanda Jayatissa

  • Publication Date: August 9, 2022
  • Genres: Fiction , Psychological Suspense , Psychological Thriller , Suspense , Thriller
  • Hardcover: 384 pages
  • Publisher: Berkley
  • ISBN-10: 0593335120
  • ISBN-13: 9780593335123

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your invited book review

The Book Dutchesses

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Review | You’re Invited – Amanda Jayatissa

I downloaded this eARC on a whim to be honest, but as soon as I started it I was invested. So today I want to share my thoughts on this adult psychological thriller. Let’s jump in!

Review | You’re Invited – Amanda Jayatissa

What could be worse than your ex-boyfriend marrying your childhood best friend? Getting accused of her murder… From the author of My Sweet Girl comes a dangerously addictive new thriller about a lavish Sri Lankan wedding celebration that not everyone will survive. When Amaya is invited to Kaavi’s over-the-top wedding in Sri Lanka, she is surprised and a little hurt to hear from her former best friend after so many years of radio silence. But when Amaya learns that the groom is her very own ex-boyfriend, she is consumed by a single thought: She must stop the wedding from happening, no matter the cost. But as the weeklong wedding celebrations begin and rumors about Amaya’s past begin to swirl, she can’t help but feel like she also has a target on her back. When Kaavi goes missing and is presumed dead, all evidence points to Amaya. However, nothing is as it seems as Jayatissa expertly unravels that each wedding guest has their own dark secret and agenda, and Amaya may not be the only one with a plan to keep the bride from getting her happily ever after…

Our main character in this psychological thriller is Amaya. And she just found out her ex-bestfriend is getting married to her ex-boyfriend. You can maybe imagine how she’s feeling. The book starts the morning of the wedding and it is clear something has happened and Amaya is involved. From that first chapter I was invested. I love dark and twisted thrillers and this was one of those for sure!

The book is set in Sri Lanka which made it pretty unique right away, I loved that we got a different setting. You can also tell that the author herself is from Sri Lanka. There was quite some commentary on Sri Lankan culture and traditions, which I found fascinating. It also reminded me a bit of Crazy Rich Asians in that regard.

“More like over her dead body. I mean, I could just kill that bitch.”

Amaya does not come off as a likeable person, just how I like my thriller main characters to be honest. She is obsessive, her thoughts scared me a bit at times, she self harms and is involved in BDSM. But there were also this little mentions of her past that made me question how she became the way we see her now. And are Spencer (the ex-boyfriend in question) and Kaavi (the ex-bestfriend) who they are portrayed to be. You mostly see Kaavi through her social media account and through Amaya’s eyes and that never gives an accurate portrayal of someone.

After that initial chapter we start three months before the wedding and we slowly make our way to the day off. In between chapters however we read investigator interview transcripts. And those definitely made me question what happened. I loved the twists and turns in this book. There were something I did see coming but others I was for sure surprised by. And isn’t that the best feeling? I also thought the ending was very satisfying and not what I was expecting.

“I’ll never be a victim.”

For me, at the core this book was about a -strained- friendship. There was quite some talk about the heartbreak that comes after breaking up with your best friend and I wish there were more books, movies or songs about that. Wherever you look you can find something about being heartbroken after a romantic breakup but we need meer about friend breakups!

Overall I really enjoyed this book. I couldn’t put it down and finished it so fast. It was a compelling psychological thriller with an interesting setting, good twists and an unique setting. I highly recommend this one!

your invited book review

Had you heard of this one? And have you read this previous book by this author? I’m definitely keeping a look out for her next work. Do you plan on picking this one up? Let me know in the comments!

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“You’re Invited” by Amanda Jayatissa

Amanda Jayatissa

S et in a five Colombo beach resort in times more tranquil than Sri Lanka’s turbulent present, Amanda Jayatissa’s new novel, You’re Invited , begins when a young woman named Amaya notices dried blood under her fingernails and bruises on her knuckles just before her former best friend Kaavi weds Amaya’s ex-boyfriend, Spencer. Moments later, Amaya hears a knock on the door. Kaavi is missing and a search for her is underway. The mystery may appear solved before the story begins, but there are plenty and twists and turns to come. For the first two-thirds of the book, the chapters finish with an investigator’s interview with a member of the bride’s family or one of the guests. This structure gives voice to more than just the main characters and after each interview there seems to be another possible suspect in Kaavi’s disappearance.

 Amaya has a compulsive personality, always looking for numbers that will bring her good luck, whether it’s the time on a digital clock or a number on a room key. She also has a habit of imagining horrific endings for friends and acquaintances who say something to annoy her, even if these comments are not directed at her. But it’s the Colombo setting that gives this book extra flavor, starting with Amaya’s childhood home. Her British father had long returned to England and her Sri Lankan mother had passed away from cancer years earlier.

The house itself worked in layers. The outer ring was the veranda, which was dotted with large cane armchairs that were perfect for snoozing or reading. My mother never really used them, from what I can remember, and neither did I. The next ring was after you step inside the front door—the open corridor that led to our rooms… And finally, the last ring. The epicenter around which the house has been built. A spacious open courtyard sat right in the middle of the house, where a large Araliya tree spread its branches. When the flowers bloomed and the smell wafted through the house, it was like my mother hadn’t left at all.

You're Invited, Amanda Jayatissa (Berkley, August 2022)

Amaya and Kaavi were childhood friends in an exclusive neighborhood—Colombo 07—who both end up going to university in San Francisco. It’s in the Bay Area that Amaya meets Matthew Spencer—who goes by his surname—and the two date until they suddenly break up after graduation. She also has a falling out with Kaavi and the two go their separate ways. Now in her late twenties, Kaavi has become an Instagram influencer back in Colombo with her charity to help educate low-income Sri Lankan girls. This hasn’t gone unnoticed by Amaya, who out of envy has been stalking Kaavi on Instagram with fake accounts. Out of the blue, Kaavi invites Amaya to her wedding to the ex-boyfriend Spencer. Amaya is angry and curious enough to fly back to Colombo from California to see this wedding for herself.

The wedding was held at the Mount Lavinia Hotel, a real hotel with a history of more than 200 years; iIn the novel, it’s the same venue where Kaavi’s parents wed decades ago. Once Amaya was led out of her room while her room was searched for signs of Kaavi, she noticed hotel staff all around her that brought her back to another era.

There were security guards swarming everywhere I looked, as well as in-house guards. The security were in beige and brown, sticking out against the old portraits and colonial interior of the hotel, but the in-house guards were decked out in their postcolonial glory—white knee-length shorts, white knee-high socks, and wide-brimmed white safari hats. It was like stepping into a time capsule whenever I saw them.

The story is not told in chronological order and jumps around between the different days leading up to and after Kaavi’s disappearance. Several days before that, Amaya speaks with some of the aunties and they start making comments about Los Angeles, where Amaya now lives. One of the aunties starts in on the differences between Americans and the British.

“And you know, no matter what, I just can’t understand what those Americans are saying half the time. They are butchering the English language, I tell you. Absolutely butchering it.” Another round of laughter. Sri Lankan aunties have always been more protective of the queen’s English than the queen herself.

Jayatissa combines humor with local color for an engaging mystery in a place near and dear to her.

Susan Blumberg-Kason is the author of Good Chinese Wife: A Love Affair with China Gone Wrong .

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ARC Review: You’re Invited by Amanda Jayatissa (8/9/22)

You’re Invited by Amanda Jayatissa Expected Release Date: August 9, 2022

HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOY! This was WAYY better than I expected. Kudos. What a ton of fun this was to read!

Recommended: yep For a flashback timeline mystery, for a tricky narrator, for a mystery where everyone has motive

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When Amaya is invited to Kaavi’s over-the-top wedding in Sri Lanka, she is surprised and a little hurt to hear from her former best friend after so many years of radio silence. But when Amaya learns that the groom is her very own ex-boyfriend, she is consumed by a single thought: She must stop the wedding from happening, no matter the cost.

But as the weeklong wedding celebrations begin and rumors about Amaya’s past begin to swirl, she can’t help but feel like she also has a target on her back. When Kaavi goes missing and is presumed dead, all evidence points to Amaya.

However, nothing is as it seems as Jayatissa expertly unravels that each wedding guest has their own dark secret and agenda, and Amaya may not be the only one with a plan to keep the bride from getting her happily ever after…

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The book is almost entirely set in Sri Lanka besides a few portions of current day and flashback that are set in the United States with Amaya. An important note right there: the story does have a good number of flashbacks. You could in fact argue that almost the whole thing is a flashback, as it starts with Amaya being detained and picks up at that point late in the book after establishing how everyone got there. It also intersperses narrated chapters with interview transcripts of people in the story, usually one seen in the previous narrated chapter. I loved this, as I find some variation in the type of text gives the story a lot more texture ( text ure 😁).

The setting does come into play a bit, particularly with language and customs. Most of the commentary is about the heat, and it is largely set in a fancy hotel, so there’s not a lot of “sightseeing” as it were. But ultimately, it does matter that they’re in and from Sri Lanka, so it’s not just a flashy setting. The reason behind the conflict between Amaya and Kaavi’s family was a bit underwhelming to me, to the point that I actually had to think while writing this to remember what it actually was. It felt so insignificant to me that it took the air out of the breathless fire of the earlier story. When the characters are that dramatic about what to me is not at all worth what they did, it made them seem unlikable and stupid in hindsight. To be fair, they were mostly all unlikable anyway, but in a deliberate, wonderful way. They all shifted between unsettling and outright menacing over and over so I could never get a read on them. It kept everything flowing and slipping through my fingers as I tried to work out what all the loose ends were. I guessed about ten different theories to each different mystery, and what was most enticing was that I kept getting pieces of them correct. They felt almost true, but with gaps that left me wanting to read more to get the whole picture. If you’d asked me how it would have ended, I would have definitely missed that. If you’d asked me some basic key questions, I would have NAILED them.

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Author: Jennifer

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7 thoughts on “ ARC Review: You’re Invited by Amanda Jayatissa (8/9/22) ”

Flashback timelines can be a lot of fun! Though I peeked at the spoilers you posted, and I really don’t see how either of those Major Conflicts is really that bad at all. *shrug*

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Yeah they left me scratching my head a little bit, but I was able to just let it go since it was towards the end anyway haha

I don’t usually mind the flashback timeline when it comes to mysteries/thrillers! This one sounds really intriguing and I don’t think I’ve ever read a book set in Sri Lanka before so it makes me even more curious to see how that aspect plays into the story. Glad to hear this one ended up being better than you anticipated. Great review!

I hadn’t read a book set in Sri Lanka either! To be honest I’d passed on this book from BOTM and then bought it secondhand from someone else when they were done haha but it was one of the better BOTM books I’ve read!

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How did that book end? Book spoilers to jog your memory.

Amanda Jayatissa | You’re Invited

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The Book: 

You’re Invited by Amanda Jayatissa Published August 9, 2022 by Berkley Books Date read: August 4, 2022

The Characters: 

Amaya Kaavi

Buy it on | Amazon

The Plot (from Goodreads ):

When Amaya is invited to Kaavi’s over-the-top wedding in Sri Lanka, she is surprised and a little hurt to hear from her former best friend after so many years of radio silence. But when Amaya learns that the groom is her very own ex-boyfriend, she is consumed by a single thought: She must stop the wedding from happening, no matter the cost.

But as the weeklong wedding celebrations begin and rumors about Amaya’s past begin to swirl, she can’t help but feel like she also has a target on her back. When Kaavi goes missing and is presumed dead, all evidence points to Amaya.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Caroline (@howdidthatbookend)

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Nadia (Kaavi’s youngest sister, adopted by her parents) was actually Amaya and Spencer’s daughter. Spencer was abusive and a pedophile, and Amaya gave Nadia up to get her away from him. Spencer didn’t know Nadia was his daughter.

Amaya needed to stop the wedding to keep Spencer away from Nadia (and to protect Kaavi from his abuse). Amaya and Kaavi had made a plan for Kaavi to escape. When Amaya went looking for Kaavi, she found her in a shed with Spencer. Amaya ended up shooting Spencer with Kaavi’s gun.

Kaavi’s mom had supplied the gun and helped Kaavi with the real plan. Amaya was their backup plan for a scapegoat.

The Review: 

Who wouldn’t want to travel halfway across the world to attend their ex-boyfriend’s wedding?

I chose You’re Invited as my BOTM pick after giving a five-star review to My Sweet Girl last year. I’m a big fan of thrillers where weddings go wrong, and this cover sold it for me!

My favorite part of You’re Invited , similar to My Sweet Girl , was reading about Sri Lankan customs. I especially liked how it was applied to wedding etiquette in this case–I learned a lot about this multi-day affair that sounds like a blast!

Amaya is certainly an imperfect main character, and some may find her hard to like at the beginning of the book. She is obsessed with her ex-best friend and her life revolves around stalking Kaavi on her various social media platforms. She self-harms, which is described but never addressed. Rest assured, though, that her actions begin to make sense as the story progresses!

This book starts off slow, but a whole bunch of twists unravel at once in the end. Amanda Jayatissa certainly has a lot of skill as an author, and I will certainly be picking her books up again in the future.

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What could be worse than your ex-boyfriend marrying your childhood best friend? Getting accused of her murder… From the author of My Sweet Girl comes a dangerously addictive new thriller about a lavish Sri Lankan wedding celebration that not everyone will survive. When Amaya is invited to Kaavi’s over-the-top wedding in Sri Lanka, she is surprised and a little hurt to hear from her former best friend after so many years of radio silence. But when Amaya learns that the groom is her very own ex-boyfriend, she is consumed by a single thought: She must stop the wedding from happening, no matter the cost.   But as the weeklong wedding celebrations begin and rumors about Amaya’s past begin to swirl, she can’t help but feel like she also has a target on her back. When Kaavi goes missing and is presumed dead, all evidence points to Amaya.   However, nothing is as it seems as Jayatissa expertly unravels that each wedding guest has their own dark secret and agenda, and Amaya may not be the only one with a plan to keep the bride from getting her happily ever after…

Penguin Random House

Apple books, barnes & noble,, books-a-million, google play, praise for you're invited, "amanda jayatissa is back with another gripping read whip smart and expertly plotted with perfectly arranged clues and an explosive finale, you’re invited will have readers guessing who they can trust and who the real villain is in this wickedly good thriller." —mary kubica,  new york times  bestselling author of  local woman missing, “you're invited reads like crazy rich asians' deranged, bloodthirsty sister—slick, twisted, and relentlessly juicy. amanda jayatissa's sophomore thriller is both a dizzying hall-of-mirrors pageturner and a cutting examination of privilege, power, and complex female friendships. i couldn't put it down.”, — andrea bartz,  new york times  bestselling author or  we were never here  and  the herd, "amanda jayatissa has done it again filled with kaleidoscope twists and turns i could not turn the pages fast enough in this delicious follow-up to my sweet girl. when amaya receives an invitation to the lavish sri lankan wedding of her ex-boyfriend and her ex-best friend, her decision to attend is only the first mystery at the heart of this unputdownable thriller."  — greer hendricks , #1  new york times  bestselling co-author of  the wife between us, "devilishly wicked, deliciously twisty, and insanely propulsive, you’re invited is an absolute triumph--a rollercoaster of a thrill-ride that will have you guessing at every corkscrew turn. richly layered and told through multiple points of view...this heady thriller is knives out meets the guest list and will leave a gillian flynn-shaped hole daggered through your heart.” —may cobb, author of  the hunting wives, “what a talent: no writer can make me choke back laughter and gasp in the same sentence like amanda jayatissa. you’re invited is a brilliant dissection of the powers and pitfalls of maintaining a good reputation in a world where influence means everything – and on top of that, it’s red-hot, wicked fun. jayatissa’s signature sly, darkly funny voice shines in this arresting thriller that manages to skewer influencer and ruling class culture while giving readers all the vicarious pleasures of life among the sri lankan elite. i would follow jayatissa’s razor-sharp wit anywhere.” --ashley winstead, author of the last housewife , “brilliant.” —book riot.

The Last Reader

Book Review | You’re Invited by Amanda Jayatissa

Author : Amanda Jayatissa Published on : August 9, 2022 Publisher : Berkley Books Genre : Fiction, Thriller, Mystery

*Thanks to PRH for providing a free digital review copy via NetGalley. This did not affect my overall opinion of the book.

When Amaya is invited to Kaavi’s over-the-top wedding in Sri Lanka, she is surprised and a little hurt to hear from her former best friend after so many years of radio silence. But when Amaya learns that the groom is her very own ex-boyfriend, she is consumed by a single thought: She must stop the wedding from happening, no matter the cost.

But as the weeklong wedding celebrations begin and rumors about Amaya’s past begin to swirl, she can’t help but feel like she also has a target on her back. When Kaavi goes missing and is presumed dead, all evidence points to Amaya.

However, nothing is as it seems as Jayatissa expertly unravels that each wedding guest has their own dark secret and agenda, and Amaya may not be the only one with a plan to keep the bride from getting her happily ever after…

Content warning: self harm, BDSM, gaslighting, domestic violence

Amaya’s former bestfriend Kaavi is getting married. Their friendship fell apart five years ago and Amaya is cyber stalking her ever since. Amaya is determined to stop the wedding especially when she finds out that she is marrying her very own ex-boyfriend. After getting an inivtation to the wedding, Amaya flies to Sri Lanka. But things start to look bad for her when Kaavi goes missing on the day of her wedding.

I instantly became a fan of Jayatissa after reading her debut novel My Sweet Girl last year so I was very excited to read her new book. You’re Invited was a gripping and entertaining read.

I loved reading books with unreliable character and this book has a lot of them. Amaya was an intriguing character. Being in her head was fascinating and unsettling at times. I would have like to know when or how her fixation with lucky numbers started.

The book is written in Amaya’s perspective and towards the end we get Kaavi’s. I also enjoyed reading the investigator’s transcripts of interviews. It gave the readers some clues which made it even more harder to predict the next scenes. I thought this style was incredible and very effective. One of my favorites was reading and learning about Sri Lankan culture and wedding traditions. The food, ceremonies, the gossiping Aunties, and family dramas.

As much as I loved the shocking twists and turns, I was not one hundred percent satisfied with the ending. I will not mention which part because I don’t want to spoil anything. Aside from family and friendship, this book also talks about power, money, and privilege.

You’re Invited is a very compelling read that will keep you guessing until the end. It’s definitely one of my favorite reads this year. I’m looking forward to reading more from this author.

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You're Invited by Amanda Jayatissa

You're Invited

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by Amanda Jayatissa

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Welcome to the wedding from hell! We’ve got lost dresses, tabloids, private investigators, and an unexplained murder.

Good to know

Family drama


When Amaya is invited to Kaavi’s over-the-top wedding in Sri Lanka, she is surprised and a little hurt to hear from her former best friend after so many years of radio silence. But when Amaya learns that the groom is her very own ex-boyfriend, she is consumed by a single thought: She must stop the wedding from happening, no matter the cost.

But as the weeklong wedding celebrations begin and rumors about Amaya’s past begin to swirl, she can’t help but feel like she also has a target on her back. When Kaavi goes missing and is presumed dead, all evidence points to Amaya.

However, nothing is as it seems as Jayatissa expertly unravels that each wedding guest has their own dark secret and agenda, and Amaya may not be the only one with a plan to keep the bride from getting her happily ever after . . .

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Free sample, morning of the wedding.

I woke up with bruised knuckles and blood under my fingernails, more rested than I have been in years. I guess this is who I am now. The kind of person who would finally get a good night’s sleep after attacking someone else. The kind of woman who would fly halfway around the world to stop my ex–best friend from marrying my ex-boyfriend. If that’s one too many exes for you, well, it certainly is for me. But I’m also the kind of woman who does whatever it takes, so here I am.

Balancing my teacup in one hand, I opened the sliding door that led out onto the small balcony attached to my room at the Mount Lavinia Hotel. It overlooked the expansive private beach, which was deserted.

Of course it was. It was too early in the day for anyone to be out there. Maybe later on, but then again, who knows how things will pan out? The wedding would definitely be canceled now. The guests would all shuffle home, dispirited and upset. Or maybe they wouldn’t. Maybe they would just be grateful for the all-expenses-paid weekend, and take advantage of the beautiful beach and open bar. They would definitely mull around, gossiping and curious about what transpired. Aunties would have their own theories, no doubt, and phones will light up with messages about what happened to the unfortunate bride, Kaavindi Fonseka. This is Colombo after all.

It flickered in my stomach then—the first flutter of nervousness. I knew I couldn’t keep it away for long. It had been a simple plan, of course. But like all simple plans, it could be quite complicated unless you teased everything out. Laid everything bare. And like all simple plans, it had the potential to go very, very wrong.

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Why I love it

Andrea Bartz

Andrea Bartz

Author, We Were Never Here

If you loved Crazy Rich Asians but wished there were a little blood spattered across its gilded halls and sparkling jewels, have I got the thriller for you. You’re Invited is a slick, twisted, and relentlessly juicy novel with a quick-witted protagonist you’ll simultaneously love and distrust.

At the start of the story, Amaya scores a coveted invitation: Her former best friend, Kaavi, is marrying none other than Amaya’s ex in the Sri Lankan wedding of the century. Amaya, estranged from Kaavi and still raging about their falling-out, can’t believe she made the invite list but decides to go in order to stop the troubling union.

Then, mere hours before she’s supposed to walk down the aisle, Kaavi disappears. Investigators are stumped, wedding guests are imprisoned in their hotel rooms, and Amaya—who wakes with blood beneath her knuckles—thrums with panic. Through a carefully paced rewind of the months leading up to the disappearance, along with interview transcripts with those who knew Kaavi (and Amaya) best, we begin to see that beneath this celebration’s lavish exterior, secrets, lies, and betrayals are all brewing.

I can’t get enough of thrillers with complex female friendships at the center, and You’re Invited is pitch-perfect in its patient untangling of Amaya and Kaavi’s sordid past. It’s also a perfect poolside read for anyone with a penchant for travel and a fascination with the lifestyles of the rich and famous—I could watch Kaavi’s glamorous family plan a South Asian, high-society wedding all day. With dizzying, hall-of-mirror twists and a cutting examination of privilege and power, You’re Invited is a bloodthirsty beach read you won’t be able to put down.

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  • How to Make Meaningful Connections in the Age of Zoom, According to the Author of <em>You’re Invited</em>

How to Make Meaningful Connections in the Age of Zoom, According to the Author of You’re Invited

T he ability to influence other people can be learned—at least according to author Jon Levy.

Best known as the founder of the Influencers Dinner —an exclusive dining experience created in 2009 that brings industry leaders ranging from Nobel laureates to Olympians to celebrities together to cook and share a meal—Levy has spent the past 12 years fostering a community of exceptional people. In addition to hosting the events, Levy runs a consulting firm that works with companies to help them connect with their employees and customers through applying research in neuroscience, psychology, behavioral economics and more.

Levy shares his approach to making connections in his new book, You’re Invited: The Art and Science of Cultivating Influence , out May 11. The book breaks down Levy’s so-called “Influence Equation”—how influence is determined by the integrity of your relationships and the strength of the community you’re part of, or trying to build—to demonstrate his way of forming bonds with others.

TIME spoke with Levy about the book, the evolving definition of “influencers,” and what the past year has taught him about how to effectively connect with people online.

Your “influence equation” aims to map out the factors that contribute to a person’s effectiveness in forming connections with others. But we’re emerging from a year that has been defined by social distancing and isolation. How did the pandemic change things?

If we’re willing to accept the idea that who we’re connected to, how much they trust us, and the sense of belonging that we share defines our influence to a large degree, then the issue is that as people become more isolated, they often believe they’re not deserving of connection with others. That can really hinder their ability to live a quality life.

What lessons have you gleaned from a year of using online platforms to keep in touch?

In person, a happy hour can be a really fun way to catch up with friends. But if you just pick that up and put it on Zoom, it gets boring really quickly because it doesn’t actually catalyze human interaction. To do something effectively on a digital platform, we need to take into account at least three things. One is that it needs to be entertaining and enlightening; you have to actually provide something that’s a draw. The second is that human beings fundamentally have a need for connection. You don’t just go to a concert to hear the music—you go to a concert because there are people around you who you can interact with. The third is that it needs to be an environment where people have the ability to make an impact. If we’re going to do digital experiences in an effective way, we need to design them for the platform—not just take what we already know and put it online.

Your blueprint for success centers on who you surround yourself with. How do you account for privilege, or lack thereof, in that model?

If you grow up in an environment where your parents are incredibly successful or wealthy, you’ve been born into a network that has a higher potential to accomplish what you care about. I’m not going to say it’s not harder when you’re starting off with nothing. But I really believe that if you can come up with something novel that gets people’s attention, it gives them an excuse to connect with you. And if you start off small and then continue to expand, it’s human nature that people will want to engage with you.

'You're Invited' by Jon Levy

In You’re Invited , you recount the success stories of a wide range of influential people—from Weight Watchers founder Jean Nidetch to American abolitionist Frederick Douglass to South African rugby coach Jake White. Which of these stories were you personally most inspired by?

The story of Jean Nidetch, a woman who started an international organization that helped people find a safe place to discuss their health and well-being in a time when she couldn’t even get a credit card [ without her husband cosigning ], is incredible. I also hadn’t looked back at the abolitionist movement since high school. And when I saw that people literally still use that playbook, it gave me hope for today’s social movements.

You founded the Influencers in 2009. How do you feel about the term “influencers” taking on an entirely different meaning in the age of social media? Has it ever made you consider rebranding?

I have an incredible respect for the people who can produce popular content, but I don’t think most of them even like the term “influencers.” It’s become synonymous with avocado toast and bikinis. When I originally named the organization Influencers, it was about what actually impacts our behavior, our decisions, our industries. And I don’t think most people who hold the kinds of jobs that really have industry impact have the time to produce additional content for Instagram or Twitter. So yes, I’ve considered rebranding several times, but nothing seemed to stick.

Your first book, The 2 AM Principle , explores the way to live a fun, adventurous life. Was there anything you learned in writing that book that you were able to apply this time around?

The most important lesson was that adventures are generally best shared. It was the people I surrounded myself with that made the experience of a great night out or a trip really extraordinary. We’re better off being at a terrible party with people we really enjoy than at the greatest party in the world with people who are miserable. And I think that holds true for anything we do: the people we are with define the quality of our life.

Correction, May 7

The original version of this story misstated the publication date of You’re Invited . It’s May 11, not May 15.

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Write to Megan McCluskey at [email protected]

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You&#39;re Invited: The Art and Science of Cultivating Influence

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Jon Levy

You're Invited: The Art and Science of Cultivating Influence Audio CD – MP3 Audio, May 11, 2021

MP3 CD Format

Everyone reads success books, but few succeed. Why? Jon Levy, behavioral scientist and founder of the private community of Nobel Laureates, celebrities, and executives called “The Influencers,” decided to find the answer. You’re Invited reveals the surprising formula that you too can use to create exceptional levels of success.   Want to grow your influence and develop deep and meaningful relationships with the people who could have the biggest impact on your goals, habits, aspirations, and causes?

Behavioral scientist, Jon Levy, achieved the seemingly impossible. Having no money, reputation or status, he got groups made of Nobel laureates, Olympians, celebrities, Fortune 100 executives, Hall of Fame athletes, and even an occasional Princess to not only give him advice, but cook him dinner, wash his dishes, sweep his floors, and then thank him for the experience. Thus began the private community called, “The Influencers.” With thousands of members, The Influencers is the largest private group of its kind worldwide. 

In You're Invited you'll apply the secrets Jon discovered to accelerate your own ability to connect with influential people, build deep trust with everyone you meet, grow a thriving remarkable community, and achieve all you desire, while actually enjoying the process.

Through his research and community, Jon realized influence doesn't need to depend on wealth, family, or extroversion, but instead comes from characteristics anyone can master: You’re Invited is about the stories and science behind successful organizations and people, and the specific steps you can use to start applying these principles, today.

  • Print length 1 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher HarperCollins B and Blackstone Publishing
  • Publication date May 11, 2021
  • Dimensions 5.3 x 7.5 inches
  • ISBN-10 1665077255
  • ISBN-13 978-1665077255
  • See all details

Editorial Reviews

"From his research and long experience, Jon is a master of building connections between people and enriching their lives in the process. This book explains, simply and engagingly, how he does it."

"This book will make you as confident and good looking as your mother says you are."

About the Author

Product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ HarperCollins B and Blackstone Publishing; Unabridged edition (May 11, 2021)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Audio CD ‏ : ‎ 1 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1665077255
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1665077255
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2.92 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.3 x 7.5 inches

About the author

Jon Levy is a behavioral scientist and NY Times Best Selling author known for his work in influence, human connection, trust, and decision making. Jon specializes in applying the latest research to transform the ways companies approach marketing, sales, consumer engagement, and culture. His clients range from Fortune 500 brands, like Microsoft, Google, AB-InBev, and Samsung, to startups.

More than a decade ago, Levy founded The Influencers Dinner, a secret dining experience for industry leaders ranging from Nobel laureates, Olympians, celebrities, and executives, to artists, musicians, and even the Grammy winning voice of the bark from “Who Let the Dogs Out.” Guests cook dinner together but can’t discuss their careers or give their last names. Once seated to eat, they reveal who they are. Over time, these dinners developed into a community. With thousands of members, Influencers is the largest community of its type worldwide.

Jon’s second book, You’re Invited: The Art and Science of Cultivating Influence, was released to critical acclaim quickly rising as an international best seller. In it, Levy demonstrates the importance of trust, and community to accomplishing what is most important to us.

In his free time, Jon works on outrageous projects. Among them spending a year traveling to all 7 continents, or to the world's greatest events (Grand Prix, Art Basel, Burning Man, Running of the Bulls, etc.) and barely surviving to tell the tale. These Adventures were chronicled in his first book: The 2 AM Principle: Discover the Science of Adventure

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Customers find the book full of useful information that can be applied to their own lives. They also describe it as highly entertaining, inspiring, and full of actionable advice. Readers also mention the book is totally readable and relatable.

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Customers find the book full of useful information and practical applications for individuals, organizations, and companies. They also appreciate the science-based advice and compelling storytelling. Readers describe the book as a great, accessible handbook that can help anyone.

" he created “Influencers” is what makes the book deserving of a deeper and thoughtful read ...." Read more

"...with global industry leaders, but there was still plenty of interesting facts and research that I enjoyed learning about and might use to simply..." Read more

"Jon Levy takes a practical, relatable and science-based approach in this important book about the science of human connection...." Read more

", in the other hand many tips are very educational and useful to test in real life in order to create the community that you you are dreaming of!" Read more

Customers find the book highly entertaining, inspiring, and full of actionable advice. They also say it's well written and instantly engaging.

"This book was such an enjoyable read because it was well written and filled with tons of interesting information and history about why/how people..." Read more

"This book is very well written - instantly engaging with great stories from history, research studies, and the authors experience...." Read more

"You're Invited is an amazing blend of interesting research, fun story telling and practical advice...." Read more

"...You're Invited is fun , engaging, and feels richly informative...." Read more

Customers find the scientific information in the book totally readable and relatable.

"...Lot's of "Aha!" moments. It is a well written , fascinating read with a generous helping of insights one can apply to their own life." Read more

"...Jon Levy’s manner of presentation of scientific information is so totally readable and relatable...." Read more

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You're Invited to a Book Party

BY Laurie Muchnick • April 14, 2020

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It’s amazing how quickly the world has changed; when I see pictures of things that seemed normal a couple of weeks ago, like people crowding onto the subway or attending a Broadway show, I shudder. Don’t they know they should be social distancing? But at the same time, I yearn for connection. When will we be able to go to parties, movies, Seders, or even our offices again? I find myself thinking about Jessica Francis Kane’s Rules for Visiting (Penguin Press, 2019), a lovely novel about a self-sufficient woman who uses an unexpected month off from her job as a university gardener to visit four friends she hadn’t seen for a long time. Our reviewer called May “a winningly eccentric heroine in love with trees and literature,” and her vulnerable journey toward connection may provide a blueprint for the months ahead.

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Douglas Hobbie’s The Day (Holt, 1993) also takes place over the course of a single Thanksgiving, as a family gathers in Connecticut for their annual feast. Hobbie’s writing is intense and funny, and his scenes of family tension are so precise you’ll find yourself ducking for cover.

If you’ve been missing book parties, there are a few options. Olivia Goldsmith’s The Bestseller (HarperCollins, 1996) will plunge you into a world of expensive lunches and gala parties that was disappearing long before the new coronavirus made its appearance. Here’s the gossip at one of the parties: “Everyone had to scramble for bestsellers now just to keep in the business. Look at what had happened at Knopf—another house known for its great literary fiction: When Sonny Mehta had taken over that venerable firm, he acquired Dean Koontz!” OK, so Goldsmith couldn’t see the future, in which Knopf managed to maintain its literary reputation under Mehta, but her book is still a tremendous amount of fun. Kirkus said it was “told with intelligence, wit, and shameless enthusiasm”: I love it when reviews from our archive agree with me!

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Margaret Drabble throws parties in many of her books. The Radiant Way (Knopf, 1987) opens in 1979 at a New Year’s Eve party for 200 people during which Liz, the hostess, discovers through innuendo and indiscretion that her husband is planning to leave her for one of their guests. The book follows Liz and two of her friends over the next five years, as their lives change and Britain changes under Margaret Thatcher. When I interviewed Drabble many years ago, she said, “I enjoy getting unlikely people together, which is what parties are for.” Here’s looking forward to attending parties in the real world, not on Zoom, before too long. 

Laurie Muchnick is the fiction editor.

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  1. Book Review: You're Invited by Amanda Jayatissa

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  2. P.S.-You're Invited

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  3. Amanda Jayatissa

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  4. Book review: You're Invited

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  5. You Are Invited

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  6. Review of You're Invited

    your invited book review


  1. You're Invited by Amanda Jayatissa

    From the author of My Sweet Girl comes a dangerously addictive new thriller about a lavish Sri Lankan wedding celebration that not everyone will survive. When Amaya is invited to Kaavi's over-the-top wedding in Sri Lanka, she is surprised and a little hurt to hear from her former best friend after so many years of radio silence. But when ...

  2. Review: 'You're Invited' by Amanda Jayatissa

    The novel's opening sentence—"I woke up with bruised knuckles and blood under my fingernails, more rested than I have been in years"—is but a taste of the horror to come, all bedecked in yards of the finest fabric and studded with gems from the Fonseka family's jewelry empire. Both Amaya and Kaavi are fascinating characters, foils ...

  3. Book Review: You're Invited by Amanda Jayatissa

    There is so much I cannot say about this book because I do not want to spoil a single second of the reading experience for you. While several of the earlier plot twists seem telegraphed, Amanda Jayatissa is merely lulling jaded crime readers like myself into a false sense of complacency before delivering a series of knockout blows that had me ...

  4. 'You're Invited' Review: Making Connections

    The 10 Best Books of 2023 This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Distribution and use of this material are governed by our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law.

  5. You're Invited

    When Amaya is invited to Kaavi's over-the-top wedding in Sri Lanka, she is surprised and a little hurt to hear from her former best friend after so many years of radio silence. But when Amaya learns that the groom is her very own ex-boyfriend, she is consumed by a single thought: She must stop the wedding from happening, no matter the cost. But as the week of wedding celebrations begin and ...


    Grossness aside, it puts you right there on the scene. A tasty, if not always tasteful, tale of supernatural mayhem that fans of King and Crichton alike will enjoy. 91. Pub Date: June 16, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-9848-2678-7. Page Count: 304. Publisher: Del Rey/Ballantine. Review Posted Online: Feb. 9, 2020.

  7. You're Invited

    "Darkly humorous and impeccably plotted, Your'e Invited comes to life thanks to the compelling and irreverent characters who fill its pages." —Crime by the Book "Sinister and twisted, Amanda Jayatissa's You're Invited is an unsettling meditation on just how horribly wrong love and friendship can go." —Portland Book Review

  8. Review

    You're Invited by Amanda Jayatissa. Published by Berkley Books on 09/08/2022. Pages: 384. Goodreads. Our main character in this psychological thriller is Amaya. And she just found out her ex-bestfriend is getting married to her ex-boyfriend. You can maybe imagine how she's feeling. The book starts the morning of the wedding and it is clear ...

  9. "You're Invited" by Amanda Jayatissa

    Amanda Jayatissa. Set in a five Colombo beach resort in times more tranquil than Sri Lanka's turbulent present, Amanda Jayatissa's new novel, You're Invited, begins when a young woman named Amaya notices dried blood under her fingernails and bruises on her knuckles just before her former best friend Kaavi weds Amaya's ex-boyfriend, Spencer.

  10. Book Marks reviews of You're Invited by Amanda Jayatissa

    You're Invited is a thoroughly satisfying and beautifully plotted thriller, featuring characters you won't soon forget and a head-spinning twist to top it all off. Read Full Review >> Positive Susan Blumberg-Kason , The Asian Review of Books

  11. You're Invited Kindle Edition

    — Kirkus "Darkly humorous and impeccably plotted, Your'e Invited comes to life thanks to the compelling and irreverent characters who fill its pages." — Crime by the Book "Sinister and twisted, Amanda Jayatissa's You're Invited is an unsettling meditation on just how horribly wrong love and friendship can go."

  12. ARC Review: You're Invited by Amanda Jayatissa (8/9/22)

    The book is almost entirely set in Sri Lanka besides a few portions of current day and flashback that are set in the United States with Amaya. An important note right there: the story does have a good number of flashbacks. ... 7 thoughts on " ARC Review: You're Invited by Amanda Jayatissa (8/9/22) " Nicole @ BookWyrmKnits says: August 9 ...

  13. Amanda Jayatissa

    The Book: You're Invited by Amanda Jayatissa Published August 9, 2022 by Berkley Books Date read: August 4, 2022. The Characters: Amaya Kaavi. ... To comply with FTC guidelines, I receive no compensation for the reviews or promotional content posted. Books received from a third party sponsor have no impact on the honesty of my reviews.

  14. You're Invited

    When Amaya is invited to Kaavi's over-the-top wedding in Sri Lanka, she is surprised and a little hurt to hear from her former best friend after so many years of radio silence. But when Amaya learns that the groom is her very own ex-boyfriend, she is consumed by a single thought: She must stop the wedding from happening, no matter the cost.

  15. You're Invited by Amanda Jayatissa, Hardcover

    "Darkly humorous and impeccably plotted, Your'e Invited comes to life thanks to the compelling and irreverent characters who fill its pages." —Crime by the Book "Sinister and twisted, Amanda Jayatissa's You're Invited is an unsettling meditation on just how horribly wrong love and friendship can go." —Portland Book Review

  16. Book Review

    Aside from family and friendship, this book also talks about power, money, and privilege. You're Invited is a very compelling read that will keep you guessing until the end. It's definitely one of my favorite reads this year. I'm looking forward to reading more from this author. Find this book on Amazon, The Book Depository , LibroFm, and ...

  17. You're Invited by Amanda Jayatissa

    If you loved Crazy Rich Asians but wished there were a little blood spattered across its gilded halls and sparkling jewels, have I got the thriller for you.You're Invited is a slick, twisted, and relentlessly juicy novel with a quick-witted protagonist you'll simultaneously love and distrust.. At the start of the story, Amaya scores a coveted invitation: Her former best friend, Kaavi, is ...

  18. You're Invited: The Art and Science of Connection, Trust, and Belonging

    Jon's second book, You're Invited: The Art and Science of Cultivating Influence, was released to critical acclaim quickly rising as an international best seller. In it, Levy demonstrates the importance of trust, and community to accomplishing what is most important to us. In his free time, Jon works on outrageous projects.

  19. 'You're Invited' Author Jon Levy on Making Connections

    May 7, 2021 9:00 AM EDT. T he ability to influence other people can be learned—at least according to author Jon Levy. Best known as the founder of the Influencers Dinner —an exclusive dining ...

  20. Book review: 'You're Invited' to genre-defying thriller

    From time to time, I love a good thriller, so when I heard about Amanda Jayatissa's new novel, "You're Invited," I wanted to pick it up immediately. This engrossing novel

  21. You're Invited: The Art and Science of Connection, Trust, and Belonging

    Jon's second book, You're Invited: The Art and Science of Cultivating Influence, was released to critical acclaim quickly rising as an international best seller. In it, Levy demonstrates the importance of trust, and community to accomplishing what is most important to us. In his free time, Jon works on outrageous projects.

  22. You're Invited: The Art and Science of Cultivating Influence

    Jon's second book, You're Invited: The Art and Science of Cultivating Influence, was released to critical acclaim quickly rising as an international best seller. In it, Levy demonstrates the importance of trust, and community to accomplishing what is most important to us. In his free time, Jon works on outrageous projects.

  23. You're Invited to a Book Party

    Written more recently but also looking back to publishing's past is The Last Book Party by Karen Dukess (Holt, 2019), a coming-of-age novel in which a young woman gets a job as an assistant to a famous writer in 1987 Cape Cod. "Written with fresh confidence and verve, this first novel is a bibliophile's delight, with plenty of title ...

  24. Book review of You Will Never Be Me by Jessie Q. Sutanto

    In You Will Never Be Me, Jesse Q. Sutanto not only gives readers a voyeuristic glimpse into the lives of mom-fluencers, she pulls off a twist sure to surprise even veteran thriller readers.. Meredith Lee and Aspen Palmer were once friends, but the cutthroat world of influencing has driven them to frenemy status. When they met, Meredith's career as a beauty and fashion influencer was on the ...