Arizona State University

Agribusiness, PhD

  • Program description
  • At a glance
  • Degree requirements
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  • Tuition information
  • Career opportunities
  • Contact information

approved for STEM-OPT extension, marketing, resources

The discipline of agribusiness applies theory and quantitative methods in economics, finance, marketing and management to issues involved in the production, distribution, and marketing of food and fiber. Doctoral students of agribusiness are involved with research in the following:

  • agribusiness management
  • derivatives, commodity marketing and risk management
  • food and fiber supply chain management
  • food marketing
  • food policy and promotion
  • global agricultural trade and policy
  • strategic marketing by food retailers

The interdisciplinary PhD program in business administration with a concentration in agribusiness produces scholars trained in the latest methods of business and economic analysis who can emerge on the forefront of problem-solving in a vital sector of the global economy. Agribusiness graduates are expected to assume teaching and research positions at top-ranked research universities.

This program is offered by the W. P. Carey School of Business and the Morrison School of Agribusiness.

This program may be eligible for an Optional Practical Training extension for up to 24 months. This OPT work authorization period may help international students gain skills and experience in the U.S. Those interested in an OPT extension should review ASU degrees that qualify for the STEM-OPT extension at ASU's International Students and Scholars Center website.

The OPT extension only applies to students on an F-1 visa and does not apply to students completing a degree through ASU Online.

  • College/school: W. P. Carey School of Business
  • Location: Polytechnic
  • STEM-OPT extension eligible: Yes

84 credit hours, a written comprehensive exam, a prospectus and a dissertation

Plan of Study At least 30 credit hours (including research credit) of the approved doctoral program and 12 dissertation credit hours must be completed after admission to the student's doctoral program. Students may not apply credit hours earned for a previously awarded doctorate degree from ASU or another institution toward their current ASU doctorate. However, at the individual academic unit's discretion, students may apply up to 30 credit hours from a previously awarded master's degree toward their doctoral plan of study.

Agribusiness doctoral students are expected to develop a program of study consisting of three elements. Students study core theory and quantitative methods coursework in economics and management from the Morrison School of Agribusiness as well as advanced courses in at least one of these areas in the W. P. Carey School of Business: economics, finance, marketing, supply chain management or management. Students also complete a three-course sequence of doctorate-level theory and methods from the Morrison School of Agribusiness as applied to issues and concepts specific to the agribusiness sector.

The agribusiness doctorate is designed to allow flexibility with focus, so each student's program of study is distinct, but is designed to produce the highest level of research competency in the student's chosen area of interest.

Comprehensive Examinations Upon completion of all necessary coursework on a student's approved program of study, the academic unit may initiate the student's comprehensive examination process. The comprehensive examination consists of, at minimum, a written exam, and at the discretion of the academic unit an oral exam may also be required.

Candidacy Doctoral students are notified of achieving candidacy status in a letter from the dean of the Graduate College upon passing the comprehensive examinations and successfully defending the dissertation prospectus.

Dissertation Requirements Students are required to present a dissertation to satisfy the research requirement for the doctorate. The dissertation is defended in an oral examination commonly known as the dissertation defense.

Students must be enrolled in at least one credit hour that appears on the plan of study or one hour of appropriate graduate-level credit, such as 795 Continuing Registration, during the semester (including summer session) in which the student defends the dissertation.

For detailed information regarding the university's doctoral degree requirements, students should refer to the Graduate College policies and procedures.

Maximum Time Limit Doctoral students must complete all program requirements within 10 consecutive years.

Applicants must fulfill the requirements of both the Graduate College and the W. P. Carey School of Business.

Applicants are eligible to apply to the program if they have earned a bachelor's or master's degree from a regionally accredited institution.

Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00 = "A") in the last 60 hours of their first bachelor's degree program, or a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00 = "A") in an applicable master's degree program.

All applicants must submit:

  • graduate admission application and application fee
  • official transcripts
  • official GRE general exam or GMAT scores
  • personal statement
  • current curriculum vitae
  • three letters of recommendation
  • proof of English proficiency

Additional Application Information An applicant whose native language is not English must provide proof of English proficiency regardless of their current residency. Complete information on the English proficiency exams and other required documents can be found on the Graduate Admission Services website.

ASU does not accept the GRE® General Test at home edition.

Applicants must submit all the items listed above to complete an application file. Incomplete files will not be reviewed or considered until complete.

An explanation of the applicant's goals should be addressed in the personal statement.

Students should see the program website for application deadlines. Late applications may still be considered for the same application term or for the next term of admission; however, the department reserves the right to deny or not review a late application.

Graduates of the doctoral program in business administration at one of the largest public universities in the U.S. have learned from thought leaders in their respective fields and benefitted from the university's tremendous resources. These graduates are fully prepared for careers in research and academia.

Careers opportunities include:

  • data scientist
  • economic consultant
  • market analyst
  • research economist

Business Administration | SANTN 230 [email protected] 480-727-1586

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phd after mba agribusiness


Take the degree you already have and add two from well-known, reputable universities with the MS-MBA in Food and Agribusiness Management.

Become A Triple Threat

The MS-MBA in Food and Agribusiness Management is the only industry-focused graduate program that allows you to continue your career while pursuing two master’s degrees – an MBA from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business and an MS in agricultural economics from Purdue University’s College of Agriculture.

MS-MBA Plan of Study

The plan of study lists the specific courses you will take at Purdue and Indiana Universities to earn both degrees. The plan of study is the blueprint for the successful completion of the program.

Aug. 4-9, 2024


Held in Bloomington, Ind.

This course will provide students with an introduction to the concept of personal leadership, using the reflective lens of the DLS self-observant leadership model. Topics covered will include building your capacity for personal awareness, creating and leading meaning in your work, internal/external feedback processing through a self-observant lens, and leadership communications excellence. Students will hear from expert practitioners from the field, as well as top-rated Kelley Faculty. Students will have the opportunity to practice each concept in detail throughout the week, and will also be provided the option of seven Executive / Communications Coaching follow-up sessions (4 EC and 3CC) to reinforce key concepts and develop a personal action plan as they begin the Kelley MBA Program. As a result of this course, students will be better able to state their personal values and vision, understand how to drive meaning in their work and be ready to lead themselves through transitional experiences like the Kelley MBA Program.

AGEC 681: Economics for Food and Agribusiness Managers

Aug. 12 – Oct. 31, 2024


Addresses the institutional setting and structure of the food and agricultural markets. Encompasses both the domestic and international dimensions of the food chain, including consumer demand, global sourcing and worldwide production potential. Also focuses on managerial economics as applied to such topics as food system market structure, the nature and dimensions of domestic and global competition, the components of cost and revenue, and the food system value chain.

AGEC 684: Applied Quantitative Methods for Decision-Making

Explores the application of contemporary concepts and quantitative techniques for decision-making in the face of uncertainty and/or multiple conflicting objectives. The focus is on the application of these tools to decisions facing the food and agricultural business manager. Also explores key areas of risk management of the food and agricultural firm including price, production, strategic, regulatory, technology, market/competitor, political, financial, and exchange rate risk.

Purdue Residency

Oct. 13–18, 2024

COURSE TYPE: Residency UNIVERSITY: Purdue (West Lafayette, Ind.)

Purdue residency session to be held in West Lafayette, IN. This residency is a continuation of the distance education courses above.

C521: Managing Accounting Information for Decision-Making

Nov. 4, 2024– Feb. 6, 2025


Provides a user-oriented understanding of how accounting information should be managed to ensure its availability on a timely and relevant basis for decision-making. The first part of the course reviews financial accounting and reporting while the second part of the course focuses on cost-benefit analysis for evaluating the potential value-added results from planning, organizing, and controlling a firm’s accounting information. Cases, forum discussions and computer support are used extensively.

C570: Strategic Marketing Management

An introduction to the process of creating a market-driven organization. Specific topics include marketing strategy, market research and analysis, and the development of products and services, pricing, distribution and promotion. The course employs lecture, classroom discussion through threaded discussion forums, case analysis and field research projects.

Thanksgiving & Winter Break

Thanksgiving Break: TBD

Winter Break: TBD

C540: Financial Management

Feb. 10 – May 1, 2025

Provides a working knowledge of the tools and analytical conventions used in the practice of corporate finance; establishes an understanding of the basic elements of financial theory to be used in the application of analytical reasoning to business problems; and explores the interrelationship among corporate policies and decisions. Coursework will include problem sets, study group preparation of executive summary memos and critiques and use of PC spreadsheets to develop a planning model for a case focusing on funds requirement.

C550: Law and Ethics in Business

The objective is to provide the student of management with a basic knowledge of the American legal system, the legal process and relevant substantive law that is necessary to making informed and effective business decisions. The law develops and evolves in response to changing social, economic, political and technological forces, and business decisions often carry long-lasting, as well as delayed effects. This course emphasizes the study of the law of torts, contracts and product liability. It is hoped that consideration of a study of these legal principles will give prospective managers insight into the dynamics of the legal process to enable them to predict as soundly as possible the future legal environment in which their present decisions will bear fruit.

C580: Operations Management

May 12 – July 31, 2025

Surveys the management of operations in manufacturing and service firms. Diverse activities, such as determining the size and type of production process, purchasing the appropriate raw materials, planning, and scheduling the flow of materials and the nature and content of inventories, assuring product quality, and deciding on the production hardware and how it gets used, comprise this function of a company. Managing operations well requires both strategic and tactical skills. The topics considered include process analysis, workforce issues, materials management, quality and productivity, technology and strategic planning, with relevant analytical techniques. The course makes considerable use of business cases. Most classes will be spent discussing the cases assigned. For each case, students will be asked to review actual company situations and apply technical and managerial skills to recommend courses of action. Most cases will be taken from manufacturing, but some will be service-oriented. Several of the cases will focus on international companies or issues.

AGEC 687: Problem-Solving and Project Management for Decision Makers

Develops a structured approach to problem-solving, including problem definition, development of alternatives, identifying consequences, assessing trade-offs and making informed choices. Research methods and project management concepts will be addressed. A major business analysis project will be framed during the course, to be completed as part of the capstone course in business analysis.

Aug. 3–8, 2025

Today’s business environment forces executives to use every tool at their disposal to create and maintain an effective and adaptable organization. A major source of effectiveness and adaptability is the way in which the company’s efforts are organized — its systems, structures, management process, rewards and strategies. The primary job of senior management today is to design, build and operate organizations that function effectively. What this means is that the organization is in a constant state of change. Understanding the change process is vital. Knowing the roadblocks to effective change is very important. The role of the manager as a change agent becomes critical. Often the problems arise not from the change itself, but the process of making the change. Individuals resist change. It is a natural phenomenon. How and why this change manifests itself is a central issue in this course. Developing the skills to move through the change process not knowing what roadblocks one might encounter is becoming incredibly valuable.

AGEC 685: Quantitative Managerial Decision-Making

Aug. 11 – Oct. 30, 2025

Students explore appropriate statistical techniques to analyze different types of economic data for managerial decision-making. Students will learn about the appropriate design, development, and implementation of surveys followed by an opportunity to put theory into practice with the creation of their own survey. Next, the appropriate analysis and interpretation of survey data is examined from a conceptual and practical perspective. Key areas of risk management for food and agricultural firms are also examined making use of tools, including decision trees, payoff matrices, and scenario analysis

AGEC 682: The Macroeconomic, Trade, and Policy Environment of the Food System

Objectives are to expose students to the nature and importance of linkages between agriculture, international markets and the macro-economy, which are key to the fortunes of U.S. farmers and agribusiness in the future. Examination of theories and methods that might allow students to establish or quantify these linkages and evaluate the consequences of alternative policies, demonstrates the usefulness of economic analysis as a tool for understanding these issues. Also explores current policy issues facing the food and agribusiness industries, including international trade agreements, farm legislation, environmental regulations, and food safety and nutrition labeling rules, among other policy topics.

Oct. 12 – 17, 2025

Purdue residency session to be held in West Lafayette, Ind. This residency is a continuation of the distance education courses above.

C550 – Operations Management

Nov. 3, 2025 – Feb. 5, 2026

Recent surveys of senior corporate leaders reveal that finding, growing and retaining top talent is among the very top challenges in leading a contemporary organization. Effective talent management is certainly strategic—how an organization invests in and allocates resources to the attraction, retention and development of its talent pipeline. But talent management is also intensely individual—how effectively members of the organization identify and pursue personal development and are coached to effectively acquire the skill-set they will need to function effectively as a senior leader.

With that in mind, this course is designed to mirror the multi-dimensional nature of talent management in organizations. The first segment of the course will focus on your course text and some of the best writing and cases associated with effective talent management practices in organizations. The second segment will ask you to specifically assess how to integrate talent management processes into an effective management structure.

C522: Information Technology for Managers

Study of information systems management issues including enterprise support applications, systems acquisition and implementation practices, facilitating end-user support, and telework and e-business opportunities. Readings, case analysis and one team project.

AGEC 688: Business Analysis Capstone Course

Feb. 9 – April 30, 2026

Capstone experience where students will work on team and individual projects focused on a comprehensive detailed analysis of an issue facing their employer or an issue of general interest to the student. It is expected that this project will draw on tools and concepts developed throughout the MS-MBA program. In addition, it is expected that the project will lead to an analysis that can be delivered to an appropriate audience of decision makers upon completion.

AGEC 686: Strategic Food and Agribusiness Management

This course explores integration of the functional areas of business at the corporate level. Heavy emphasis is on analysis of the business environment, setting strategic direction, assessing core competencies, choosing a market position and developing competitive advantage, and organizational implementation and control in the context of the food and agricultural markets. The course makes heavy use of case studies based on firms in the food and agricultural marketplace.

International Residency

May 3-9, 2026 (not confirmed)


International residency to be held at an international partner school. This residency is a continuation of the distance education courses above.

Purdue Sessions Complete and Commencement

Aug. 8, 2026

UNIVERSITY: Purdue (West Lafayette, Ind.)

Purdue University Sessions Complete, M.S. Awarded

Credits Earned: 36 (Kelley: 15, Purdue: 21)

Attend the commencement ceremony at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind.

C562: Strategic Management and Business Planning

May 11 – July 30, 2026

This course introduces students to strategic management and planning. In the course, you are asked to develop and execute a business strategy in a business simulation. In the Kelley Direct Online MBA Program, you are asked to develop a wide variety of skills and competencies in management. Developing and executing a business plan is only one of these skills. In addition, many of the skills and competencies addressed in this course will receive progressively greater refining in subsequent courses. As a result, this course should be viewed as in introduction to many issues that you will address again from different perspectives throughout the remainder of the program.

C?? – Advanced Elective (you select)

Please note that the “C??” in the course name indicates that you need to select the specific course code for the advanced elective.

Aug. 10 – Oct. 29, 2026

This course offers an introduction to tools for strategic management. It provides an introductory review of the complexities involved in determining long-term strategies. Rather than assessing the firm’s environment in terms of broadly defined opportunities and threats, we will examine the dynamics of the competitive environment, how both the pace and direction of industry change are influenced by the resources, capabilities and competitive interaction of rivals. The course uses discussion forums, team projects and an interactive simulation.

Kelley Sessions Complete

Indiana University Sessions Complete; MBA Awarded

Total Credits: 57 (Kelley: 36; Purdue: 21)


Over the course of the 27-month program, there are five (5) separate one-week residencies. The first four residencies alternate between Indiana University’s Bloomington, IN campus (once each year in August) and Purdue University’s West Lafayette, IN campus (once each year in October). The fifth residency is a one-week international residency in May of the second year of the program.

Although the residencies allow faculty to cover course material that is more difficult to teach in an online environment, the primary benefit of the residencies is the networking/camaraderie that takes place between the cohort.

Hotel accommodations, breakfast, lunch and some dinners are included in the tuition cost. Transportation to the residency is not provided.


The international residency provides an opportunity for you to focus heavily on business strategy in an international setting. It is a graded activity and associated with the strategy class. Strategy, by the nature of the topic, is a culmination of the topics you will have studied throughout the program and therefore, naturally lends itself to the course that would include the international experience. Transportation to the international residency is not provided but once you are “in-country” Purdue provides all transportation until you are transported to the airport for the flight out of the country.

Capstone Project

This program requires completion of a capstone project, instead of a master’s thesis. The capstone project topic should be useful to you and your firm. It will help you better understand structured problem solving and expand your ability to use literature research, frameworks, and data in problem solving. You should include your supervisor in the topic selection process.

The capstone project is a six-credit project that unfolds in three phases. During phase one, you will select a topic and create a problem statement and development plan with proposed methods and sources of data. During phase two, you will collect and analyze the data if needed.

During phase three, you will be assigned a faculty advisor who has experience with the topic you are working with. You will hold regular meetings with your advisor as you complete your project. The faculty mentor will assign the final project grade.

Capstone projects can be kept confidential and do not become the property of Purdue University.


The course demo gives prospective students a sense of how the program is managed and of the look and feel of course lectures.

Complete the form to receive a brochure containing additional information about the MS-MBA in Food and Agricultural Business. 

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  • 403 Mitch Daniels Blvd West Lafayette, IN 47907
  • [email protected]
  • (765) 494-4247
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  • Agribusiness Review
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phd after mba agribusiness


The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) had its genesis from establishment of an Agricultural School at Saidapet, Madras, Tamil Nadu, as early as 1868 and it was later relocated at Coimbatore.

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phd after mba agribusiness

Ph.D (Agribusiness Management)

Agribusiness management is an emerging discipline in the field of agriculture. The emanation of start-ups and various firms in agro-processing, seed, plant protection, food retailing, agricultural service, banking, agricultural informational technology, etc has led to the development of business management exclusive for agribusiness sectors. The Ph.D programme in Agribusiness Management is a unique programme in management which develops human faculty for research and education in Agribusiness

Why this programme?

The course develops vibrant human capital who can

  • Develop models for agribusiness problems
  • Generate unique professionals for agribusiness management

Study Programme

The Doctorate programme in ABM is a three year degree programme with the following objectives

  • To seek candidates with outstanding academic backgrounds, intellectual curiosity and discipline needed to make a scholarly contribution to the field of Agribusiness Management
  • To provide students with necessary skills to identify and conduct research on complex issues in the field of agribusiness management
  • To create a pool of capable teaching faculty in the specialized functional areas of Agribusiness Management
  • More details on the list of courses and research work experience to be gained is listed here.

phd after mba agribusiness

Colleges offering

The Doctorate programme in Agribusiness Management is offered by the Department of Agricultural and Rural Management in the Coimbatore campus.

Application and Admission

Interested to study MBA (Agribusiness Management)? Find out more about the specific  Admission requirements and the application procedures . If you doubt whether admission is possible, feel welcome  to apply online . The Admission Committee will check your admissibility.

phd after mba agribusiness

Future Career

To replace table content

Doctorate in Agribusiness Management

Doctorate Courses The students undergo major, supporting courses and specialization courses in Marketing, Finance, Human Resource and Operations for 23 credits. These courses help the students to specialise in any of the functional areas of agribusiness. Research The student must undertake research in any of the areas of agribusiness management services.

Student Experiences

phd after mba agribusiness

The course has provided me with a plethora of opportunities to grow holistically and experience new avenues beyond academics such as entrepreneurship, live projects etc. I have been constantly pushed out of my comfort zone, only to become a better version of myself. Apart from the great mentorship and friendship that I have experienced, the beautiful green campus is a bonus. I can safely say that the course has provided me with the wings to fly and roots to come back to.

  • Kalaiarasi, PhD Scholar (Dept. of ARM)

phd after mba agribusiness

ARM dept. of TNAU provides us with the best facilities and professors to enhance the progress of our research. The curriculum is updated and includes recent tools and methods for research purposes. The cost of the PhD programme is also very flexible when compared to other Agricultural Universities. It is a great place for us to develop and boost our career.

  • Haobam Dimashree Devi , PhD Scholar (Dept. of ARM)

Student Alumni

phd after mba agribusiness

At the very outset, I would like to express my heartiest thanks to the Department of ARM and TNAU. The friendly environment and the systematic approach towards imparting Ph.D. education at TNAU made me a competent individual. The motivation and encouragement by my professors of ARM towards active participation in curricular and co-curricular activities helped me to be who I am now. It gave me a platform to push myself and to understand the potentials that was hidden inside me. The years I spent helped me broaden my horizon of my knowledge and helped me discover more about myself.

Lastly, I am proud to study and be a part of Department of ARM and TNAU.

– Dr. P Flowrine Olive, Assistant Professor, School of Agricultural Sciences, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University

phd after mba agribusiness

I’m happy to have graduated from the Department of Agricultural and Rural Management, TNAU. It is one of the best avenues to acquire skills and knowledge, and best placement is guaranteed because of its excellent infrastructure and reputation. The students in the department were guided by the finest faculties.

– Dr. T.S. Senthil Nathan , Assistant Professor

Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Agriculture College

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phd after mba agribusiness

Morrison School of Agribusiness

Select Section

Application deadline

The deadline for submission of the online application and supporting materials is January 1. Admission decisions are usually made in March. The ASU Graduate College notifies the applicant of the decision. Offers cannot be deferred to another year

Application materials


Send all official university transcripts to ASU Graduate Admissions , or request that your original institution submit them directly. A Document Reference Number can be included on each transcript for authentication purposes. For international transcripts, review the ASU Graduate Admissions guidelines .

Test requirements The PhD program accepts GMAT or GRE scores. The GMAT institutional code for W. P. Carey School is 0GZ-1R-80 .

Letters of recommendation Select three individuals who can speak to your personal qualities, career focus and potential for success in the W. P. Carey School of Business PhD program. The university will contact your recommenders directly to secure additional information..

Personal Statement Prepare your personal statement offline and then upload the file as a Word, PDF, or text document through the online application. The personal statement allows you the opportunity to highlight qualities and experiences that distinguish you as a prospective W. P. Carey School of Business doctoral student. The personal statement should be no more than two to four pages long.

The statement should highlight personal background, education, work experiences, achievements, career goals, qualifications, and reasons for wanting to pursue doctoral study in agribusiness in the W. P. Carey School of Business. In review of the personal statement, the Morrison School of Agribusiness Graduate Committee will seek evidence of your maturity, academic preparation and potential, ability to communicate clearly and professionally, and your overall readiness to pursue doctoral work.

Employment summary Prepare a resume/CV offline and then upload via the online application as a Word, PDF, or text document. Your resume/CV should highlight education and work experiences, any recognitions or awards, volunteer service, or other items that may be helpful in the evaluation of your application.

Application fee

Domestic: $70 International: $115

International students

International students applying for doctoral program admission must submit additional information to be considered:

  • International transcripts
  • TOEFL score
  • TSE or SPEAK test score  
  • F-1 and J-1 information
  • Visa documents
  • Financial guarantee form

IIMA logo

Message from the Chairperson

As india's only top-ranked business school program in the world, the post graduate programme in food and agri-business management (pgp-fabm) is unique in more ways than just consistently being ranked number one. starting its journey almost fifty years ago as a two year management program with a specialization package in agriculture, the programme's scope has expanded beyond agriculture to include allied areas like food processing, marketing and rural infrastructure management. with a curriculum focused on providing familiarity with india's agriculture and food policy to understanding the complexities of agriculture finance, food marketing and commodities markets, it prepares aspiring managers in skills that go beyond general management. the programme alumni occupy leadership positions in organizations ranging from development institutions to food companies to famous online ventures like, vineet virmani chairperson, pgp-fabm, the iima edge.

Case study Pedagogy

Case study Pedagogy

Pioneered by harvard university, iima was the first institution in india to adopt the case study method- a thought-provoking, interactive process of recognising pertinent, real business issues & arriving at practical solutions to overcome organisational & leadership challenges..


A prestigious line-up of globally renowned faculty, who are celebrated leaders in their respective fields. They bring an amalgamation of theoretical pedagogy as well as contemporary and relevant experiences from real life to teaching, resulting in holistic learning.


Through research across diverse fields of study, our community (faculty, students) identifies the most important and interesting challenges facing the business world. This knowledge is then disseminated through publications, conferences and books to broaden the impact.

Global Exposure

Global Exposure

Pgp-fabm student exchange programme is offered in collaboration with essec, paris, france (international food industry management), university of british columbia (ubc), vancouver, canada (master of food & resource economics), antai college of economics and management, shanghai jiao tong university (sjtu), china and nhh norwegian school of economics, norway with a view to enhancing the international exposure for the pgp-fabm students. under this exchange programme (i) second year students of the pgp-fabm programme spend a term in essec, paris, ubc, vancouver and sjtu, china (ii) students of the essec , paris, ubc, vancouver, sjtu, china and nhh norway spend a term at iim, ahmedabad., mba-fabm experiences, at iima, i have learnt that my expertise in one field should not hold me back from asking for help in another wherein i am not very comfortable. the whole idea is to be aware of the various areas of improvement and then work upon them on a regular basis till they are converted into strengths instead; one at a time..

Dhyanesh Bhatt Attended PGP-FABM

Here at IIMA, every problem is looked upon as an opportunity to learn and reflect. The sheer presence of the distinguished professors stimulates your thought process and the benchmarks are so high that one is compelled to think beyond the boundaries of the obvious.

Anurag Dwivedi Attended PGP-FABM

The unique pedagogy of the Case Study method has been a new concept for me. This is a stellar example of participatory learning. Most of the cases are real-life cases, so it's quite easy to comprehend them and relate to real-life situations.

Parashar Vinayak Attended PGP-FABM

Snapshot of MBA FABM Class Profile - 2022

Sector wise work experience.

FMCG / Food

Farm Mechanization



31-Jan-24 "Navigating the IIMA FABM Interview Maze: Strategies for Success Prof. Viswanath Pingali 6:00 PM

Student Connect

Students’ Affairs Council

Students’ Affairs Council

The elected student body at the institute to manage all the extra-curricular & co-curricular student activities on campus.

“ IIMA Student Blog- a space to connect, discuss and decide! “

Students’ Affairs Council

Student Managed Associations

Connect with fellow students sharing the same interests & hobbies to promote mutual growth & development.

What time of the year is your placement program?


  • Summer Internship: The summer placement program for selecting interns typically runs in the month of November.  The internship is held between April and May.
  • Lateral Placements: Lateral placements happen over an extended period in the final term for students having substantial work experience with firms offering higher than entry-level positions. It stars in mid December and last upto January. 
  • Final Placement: Final placements happen during the month of February. 

For PGPX, Final Placements runs on rolling basis and it typically runs from December to March.

Please write to [email protected] if you have any query or to know the exact dates of any placement process. You will be assigned a relationship manager who will be your point of contact on campus.

Where can I get a placement brochure (includes placement guide and student profiles)?

Please write to [email protected] to get the placement profile of the respective programmes.

What are the typical steps in the placement process?

The typical steps in the placement process would be:  • Communication of interest in the placement program by sharing JDs and company profile (you may write to [email protected])  • Corporate Presentation/PPT  • Finalizing an initial interview date  • Submission of CVs/Applications by students  • Shortlisting of students  • Interviews  • Extending offers to selected students

What information is essential to provide in a PPT/Corporate Presentation?

The information that students typically look for in corporate presentations/PPT is:

• Profile of the company  • Profile of the career roles and responsibilities  • Likely growth path after joining the organization  • Locations where students are likely to be posted

What amenities/infrastructure are available for a presentation/placement process on campus?

The campus is equipped with state-of-the-art physical, communication and computing infrastructure to facilitate a smooth placement process. Computing facilities, projection facilities for multimedia presentations; telecommunication facilities for teleconferencing and video-conferencing; seminar rooms and presentation halls for presentations/workshops can be arranged as your specific need by writing to your relationship manager (RM) with the details. You may write to [email protected] if you do not know who is your RM.

What are the various ways I can recruit remotely?

In cases where you are unable to come down to the campus placement processes can be conducted through teleconferencing, videoconferencing, Skype etc.

Is there a fee for placement?

Placement Fees is not applicable for the hiring of summer interns. It is applicable for the final & lateral placements (full-time hire). However, if the firm extends a PPO to the summer intern, the fees will be applicable. 

Placement Fee is appliable for the full time hire from any of the programmes (i.e. PGP, FABM, FPM and PGPX). Placement fees will be waived off to the firms, who falls under the defined waiver criteria. To know more about placement fees, please contact your relationship manager or [email protected]

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MAB, Agribusiness

A professional degree focused on the food and agribusiness sector with emphasis on integrating economic, quantitative, and business analysis methods for decision making. Case-based instruction and research, management and analytics are emphasized.

Degree Type: Masters

Degree Program Code: MAB_AGBU

Degree Program Summary:

This degree is designed for students who wish to acquire specialized training in agribusiness. The program blends business and economics with the applied science of agriculture, providing methods for solving real-world problems. An internship and technical report are required in lieu of a thesis. Graduate study is offered at both the masters and doctoral levels. The Master of Science (MS) in agricultural and applied economics and the Master of Science (MS) in environmental economics degrees require 27 hours minimum of course work and three hours of thesis. A Master of Agribusiness (MAB) degree consists of a minimum of 36 hours of course work including a technical report in lieu of a formal thesis. The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree consists of a minimum of 63 hours of course work beyond the bachelor’s degree, satisfactory performance on written and oral examinations, and a formal dissertation.

Graduate instruction and research may be undertaken in the following areas of specialization: agricultural marketing and consumer demand, agricultural business management, production economics, natural resources and environmental economics, and international trade and development.

Graduate research is coordinated with the department’s overall research program. Students may select a research topic related to the department’s current research projects or an approved area of sponsored research. Exceptional computer facilities, software, and support are available for departmental research.

Financial assistance is available to graduate students on a competitive basis in the form of departmental research assistantships. Paid internships are also available from regional and national agribusiness firms.

Locations Offered:

Athens (Main Campus)

College / School:

College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

147 Cedar Street Athens, GA 30602



Agricultural and Applied Economics

Graduate Coordinator(s):

Jeffrey D. Mullen

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The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Ininew, Anisininew, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. More

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

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University of Manitoba

University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, R3T 2N2

The Department of Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics offers graduate instruction leading to an MSc degree.  The PhD program is offered through the Department of Economics.

Master program

Pursuing a master degree, you can focus on one of three streams: agricultural economics, agribusiness, and environmental and resource economics. Within each stream, there is a thesis option and a comprehensive option.

In the thesis option, students will complete a thesis and pass an oral examination based primarily on the thesis. These students present two graduate seminars open to the public. The first presentation shall be on the thesis proposal, and the second presentation will be on the completed research. The thesis must be in the area of the student’s selected stream.

Under the comprehensive option, students complete a research paper and pass an oral examination based primarily on the paper. These students shall present a graduate seminar open to the public based on the completed research. The research paper must be in the area of the student’s selected stream.

Group of smiling students.

Areas of study

The thesis option graduate program requires 18 credit hours with at least 9 credit hours at the 7000 level; the comprehensive option, 27 with at least 18 credit hours at the 7000 level. Other course work will normally be at the 7000 level as well. Exceptions to specific course requirements must be approved by the Department Graduate Advisory Committee (DGAC).

Each of the following program is designed with mandatory courses specific to your selected stream. Within your program, you may often take courses from other departments, for example, economics, business, statistics, with approval of an advisor.

Agricultural economics stream

ABIZ 7940 Production Economics and: ABIZ 7950 Advanced Agricultural Demand Analysis or ECON 7722 plus: a course in Econometrics, Management Science, or Statistics, normally at 7000 level

Agribusiness stream

ABIZ 7410 Agricultural Finance an additional 6 credit hours in agribusiness or related area, normally at 7000 level a course in Econometrics, Management Science, or Statistics, normally at 7000 level Note: The Agribusiness stream is available to a limited number of students. Please see the departmental Graduate Student Handbook.

Environmental and resource economics stream

ABIZ 7940 Production Economics and: ABIZ 7950 Advanced Agricultural Demand Analyses or ECON 7722 plus: a course in Management Science, or Statistics, normally at 7000 level and ABIZ 7430 Advanced Theory of Resource Economics and an additional course related to environment and resources

Agribusiness graduate courses

  • BIZ 7110 Attributes of Market Organization
  • ABIZ 7140 Resource Efficiency and Allocation in Agriculture
  • ABIZ 7230 Agricultural Market Regulation
  • ABIZ 7240 Research in Agricultural Marketing
  • ABIZ 7260 Econometrics with Applications in Food, Agribusiness and Resources
  • ABIZ 7270 Research Methodology
  • ABIZ 7300 Topics in Agricultural Economics
  • ABIZ 7310 Agricultural Economic Development
  • ABIZ 7330 Transportation Economics and Research
  • ABIZ 7350 Regional Development
  • ABIZ 7360 Current Issues in Policies Relating to Agriculture
  • ABIZ 7380 Agricultural Policy
  • ABIZ 7400 Forecasting and Simulation Models
  • ABIZ 7410 Agricultural Finance
  • ABIZ 7430 Advanced Theory of Resource Economics
  • ABIZ 7460 Research Management
  • ABIZ 7630 Theory of International Trade
  • ABIZ 7940 Production Economics
  • ABIZ 7950 Advanced Agricultural Demand Analysis

Course outlines

Program information is available in the Academic Calendar

Program admission and requirements

An equivalent of the BSc degree in Agribusiness or an Honours degree in Economics from The University of Manitoba, or any other degree which provides an equally strong basis for a graduate program in the department is required. With deficiencies of more than 12 credit hours, successful completion of a pre-Master program may be required before being admitted to the graduate program.

Acceptance of students intending to pursue graduate studies is based upon a careful appraisal of their academic records and the recommendations of references.

The following courses, or their equivalents, are basic prerequisites to the graduate program and indicate the scope and level of training required for admission:

  • A course in introductory calculus and linear algebra e.g. MATH 1310 Matrices for Management and Social Sciences (or any equivalent course in linear algebra, e.g. MATH 1300), and MATH 1520 Introductory Calculus for Management and Social Sciences (or any equivalent course in calculus, e.g. MATH 1500); (Or the former MATH 1680 Mathematics for Agriculture and Related Sciences)
  • Microeconomic Analysis 1 (ECON 2450 regular or ECON 2700 Honours)
  • Macroeconomic Analysis 1 (ECON 2470 regular or ECON 2800 Honours)
  • Introduction to Econometrics (e.g. ABIZ 3080)
  • ECON 6040 Survey of Mathematical Topics for Economics is highly recommended, and is normally taken in late summer/early fall at the beginning of the Graduate program.

Application process

Application Deadlines: The program begins at the beginning of September. Applications are due on February 1 for international students. Applications for Canadian and U.S. students are due on June 1, but these students should apply by February 1 if they are seeking funding or fellowships. Applications to begin the program in the Winter or Summer terms will only be considered under exceptional circumstances. 

All applications are done online through the Faculty of Graduate Studies website. Supporting documents are to be uploaded to the application. The Department of Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics also requires the following items:

  • biographical sketch
  • GRE (Optional) All students graduating from a university outside of North America are strongly advised to take a Graduate Record Examination
  • two letters of recommendation

Official transcripts will only be required by the Faculty of Graduate Studies once an applicant is recommended for admission. All official transcripts are to be sent directly to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. To be considered official, transcripts must arrive in envelopes that have been sealed and endorsed (stamped across the back flap) by the Main Records Office of the issuing institution. All international transcripts must be accompanied by degree certificates that indicate that the degree has been awarded.

Doctoral program

Student sitting beside a computer.

A PhD is offered through the Department of Economics, Economics and Econometrics Stream with a Research Specialization in Agricultural Economics.

Typically, applicants for admission to the PhD program must have completed the entrance requirements and the program requirements of a master degree in Economics or Agricultural Economics equivalent to that awarded by the University of Manitoba.

All applicants to the PhD program in economics indicating a desire to study agricultural economics will be evaluated by the Department of Economics, then further evaluated by a selection committee composed of 3 members from the Department of Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics. In order for the application to be approved by this selection committee, at least one member of the Department of Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics must indicate a willingness to serve as the student’s advisor.

Faculty of Graduate Studies - Economics

Graduate student resources, student information and forms.

  • Graduate Studies supplemental regulations
  • Agribusiness and agricultural economics graduate student handbook (PDF)
  • Cheating, plagiarism, and fraud
  • MSc Stream request form for Agribusiness or Environmental and Resource Economics

Departmental graduate student awards

  • J.C. Gilson Agribusiness Fellowship
  • Daryl F. Kraft Graduate Fellowship
  • Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Graduate Fellowship
  • Icelandic National League of North America
  • Department of Agribusiness Graduate Fellowships application form (PDF)

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Department of Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics 352 Agriculture Building 66 Dafoe Road University of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada

Is it Possible to Get My PhD After My MBA?

MBA graduate contemplating PhD degree

In academia, numerous accomplishments can be achieved. You can earn a dual degree and have expertise in multiple fields, or further your career potential by going back to school . But what about progressing from an MBA to a PhD? 

In regards to higher education, many consider earning a PhD, or doctorate degree, the pinnacle of success. Usually, due to passion for a particular industry or subject, a PhD candidate will spend years of rigorous research to unpack its intricacies and become a leading expert in the field.  At the end of their studies, they are able to finally see their work come to fruition when they receive their doctorate and join alongside other scholars. However, is it typical for an MBA graduate to move onto pursuing their PhD? And is there a specific purpose? Are there different types of PhD programs? What is the difference between a PhD and DBA?

To answer the budding question: yes, you can pursue your PhD after earning your MBA, and choosing to earn a doctorate is entirely up to you and your aspirations. To help you better understand if getting a PhD is the right choice, we look at the path an MBA graduate can take to earn their PhD, one of the higher purposes of a doctorate, and the different types of academic programs. 

What is a PhD, and What is it Used For? 

By definition, a PhD is a Doctor of Philosophy in a particular discipline, which is why it's also referred to as a doctorate. This focus is typically for individuals highly passionate about a specific subject matter, driven by the pursuit to understand it better through rigorous research. A majority of students seeking their PhD are eager researchers, although there are always exceptions, and each carries out years of highly intensive research to conclude their original thesis and earn their doctorate. 

In terms of translating your education into a career, a doctorate can be used in a plethora of fields, especially if one’s thesis is around a wider subject matter and can be a discipline applied to various industries (take organizational development, for example). For those who are passionate about a career in research, a doctoral degree is a perfect fit. Possibly the most popular field for those with a doctorate is a fruitful career in academia, teaching their subject matter to others interested in the same area. Many graduates become faculty members at business schools upon completing their PhD and provide their expertise to their students. Regardless of which industry you choose, you can be assured that a PhD will provide you with numerous opportunities. 

How Long Does it Take to Progress from an MBA to PhD?

The timeframe for earning your PhD can vary depending on program and location. Many countries have varying timelines of how long the completion of a doctoral program will take. In the United States, the average is around 4-5 years of completion after receiving your Master of Business Administration. 

Do You Need an MBA to Get a PhD?

To be accepted into a doctoral program, you must have a master’s degree. It does not have to be a Master of Business Administration, but it does need to be a master’s of some form. Depending on your area of specialization, it could be advantageous to earn your MBA in pursuit of a PhD if you are planning to embark on a career in business upon completion of your doctorate. Additionally, one important aspect to consider is the program itself. It is important to look into a program’s requirements before applying to meet the eligibility criteria. 

The Difference Between a DBA and a PhD 

For those specifically interested in a career in business, a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a highly beneficial doctoral program. A DBA focuses on a broader spectrum of business disciplines, dedicating research toward multiple corporate facets, and practical implementation. On the contrary, a PhD narrows into a specific area of discipline and research, emphasizing theory, and it’s potential implications. While both are heavily centered around research and implementation, a DBA sets business executives and leaders on a path to discover new possibilities for their organizations and businesses. In a way, it allows established business professionals to “trailblaze” the way for new and innovative ideas that can disrupt the market and set a precedent for the future of business.

Get Your MBA or DBA at Pepperdine Graziadio Business School

At Pepperdine Graziadio, we proudly offer degrees to accommodate business professionals at any stage of their lives and careers. Our full and part-time MBA programs are designed to prepare candidates for a successful career in values-based business leadership. All of our MBA programs offer a personalized learning approach executed by our world-class faculty. Each program is characterized by its top-ranked business curriculum that can be coupled with an academic concentration. 

Our Executive Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program has been carefully designed for the tenured business leader looking to drive groundbreaking innovations. This rigorous program allows candidates to gain in-depth knowledge and finetune their expertise through applied research. Also, executives enjoy learning alongside changemakers in various industries and participating in exclusive opportunities available only to DBA candidates.

Learn more about which programs fit your career aspirations and academic interests.

Learn more about how to achieve your career goals with a degree from Pepperdine Graziadio Business School.

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Agri Business

Career Opportunities in Agribusiness Management: Top 10 Jobs After Agribusiness Management

Table of contents, what is agribusiness management, agribusiness management: navigating a complex landscape, career pathways in agribusiness management, different sectors or opportunities for agribusiness management, top 10 job opportunities after agribusiness management.

A career in Agribusiness Management will unlock the doors to a prosperous future. Immerse yourself in sustainable agriculture, economics, and strategic planning. Learn how to bridge the gap between agriculture and business to ensure food security and economic development. Your path to prosperity begins in the center of agribusiness.

Career Opportunities in Agribusiness Management

Career Opportunities in Agribusiness Management

Management of Agribusiness is the discipline of combining agricultural and business practices. It involves making agriculture both productive and profitable. Consider it as operating a farm like a business, using strategies to grow crops efficiently, manage resources judiciously, and market your products successfully. Agribusiness Managers ensure that the entire process, from the planting of seedlings to the consumption of food, runs smoothly and sustainably. It is where agricultural and savvy business practices intersect.

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Soil Testing

Efficiency and competitiveness in agribusiness require investments and the incorporation of cutting-edge technology. Innovative fertilization techniques, innovative irrigation techniques, and global market strategies are important factors. This discipline encompasses the farming, production, management, and marketing of crops and livestock, combining science, economics, and statistics.

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Loan Officer Assisting Farmer in Financial Allowance Application

Additionally, it includes conservation, ranching, and commerce. The scope of agribusiness includes processing, distribution, and retail. Significant proficiency is required in resource management, cultivation, and marketing. Agricultural management, economics, and agribusiness disciplines generate research.

Modern agribusiness entails complex crop and animal production, packaging, distribution, and retailing for financial gain. In terms of economic factors, there are services, value addition, and marketing. Planning, supervision, planting, harvesting, bioengineering, and mechanization are all components of farming expertise. Professionals in business assist producers in sales and land management. Employees in the agribusiness sector supervise farming and contribute to its success.

  • Innovative Technology: Agribusiness develops with the use of cutting-edge technology for efficiency.
  • Holistic Fusion: In agribusiness, science, economics, and marketing are integrated.
  • Diverse scope: From conservation to processing, agribusiness has a diverse scope.
  • Global Strategies: With strategic approaches, agribusiness flourishes on a global scale.
  • Expert Farming: Successful agriculture requires planning, sowing, and harvesting.

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Modern Smart Farm Management

In India, academic institutions play a role by providing students with specialized degrees in Agribusiness Management that connect them with trade associations and the expansion of different domains. Programs in agriculture business management focus on the commercial aspects of agricultural production and international commerce.

This expanding field includes finance, sales, crop production, and land management, among other related disciplines. These classes are designed to cultivate skilled business executives in the agriculture, food, and related industries. A degree in Agribusiness in India opens doors to positions in agricultural production financing, marketing, and management.

Numerous career opportunities exist in the field, including agricultural law, business ownership, international trade, natural resource management, farm and ranch management, financial consulting, commodity trading, marketing, and transportation and logistics in small and large enterprises. Agribusiness professionals are sought after by a variety of industries, including food production, processing, retail marketing, and cultivation.

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Man with Clipboard in Corn Field

Food Manager, Agribusiness Office Assistant, Agribusiness Marketing Coordinator, Farm Appraiser, Agricultural Analyst, and Market Analyst are examples of job titles in the Indian agribusiness sector, which includes agricultural and food production firms and public and private retail and wholesale marketing sectors. As India’s agribusiness sector flourishes, the range of opportunities expands; those who embrace this dynamic field have a promising future.

  • Agricultural Production and Farming : Graduates can engage in modern farming practices, sustainable agriculture, and crop management.
  • Leading Companies: ITC Agri-Business, Godrej Agrovet, Rallis India, Jain Irrigation Systems.
  • Agri-Food Industry : Opportunities exist in food processing, packaging, and distribution, contributing to the supply chain.
  • Leading Companies : Nestle India, Britannia Industries, Amul, Parle Agro.
  • Agribusiness Consulting : Graduates can provide expertise in market analysis, risk assessment, and business strategy.
  • Leading Companies: Ernst & Young, Deloitte India, KPMG India, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

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Manager Making Notes

  • Agri-Input Supply Industry : Roles involve managing the distribution of agricultural inputs like seeds, fertilizers, and machinery.
  • Leading Companies : Mahindra & Mahindra, Bayer CropScience, Syngenta India, UPL Limited.
  • Retail and Marketing : Graduates can excel in retail chains, agribusiness marketing, and brand management.
  • Leading Companies : Reliance Fresh, BigBasket, Future Retail (Big Bazaar), Metro Cash & Carry.
  • Financial Institutions : Opportunities include agribusiness financing, microfinance, and rural banking.
  • Leading Companies : HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, NABARD, Axis Bank.
  • Supply Chain and Logistics : Graduates can opt for the manage movement of agricultural products from farms to consumers.
  • Leading Companies : DHL Supply Chain, Safexpress, Mahindra Logistics, FedEx.
  • Technology and Agtech : Roles involve leveraging technology for precision farming, data analysis, and innovation.
  • Leading Companies: TAFE, Mahindra Agribusiness, CropIn, DeHaat.
  • Government and NGOs : Graduates can work in policy formulation, rural development, and agricultural extension services.
  • Leading Organizations : Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, NGOs like PRADAN and BAIF Development Research Foundation.
  • Agri-Export and International Trade : Graduates can engage in export-import activities, ensuring the global reach of Indian agricultural products.
  • Leading Companies: APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority), EIC (Export Inspection Council), Indian Agribusiness Systems.
  • Agribusiness Journalism and Communication : Graduates can contribute to spreading awareness about agricultural practices, trends, and innovations.
  • Leading Media: The Indian Express – Agri-Business, Agriculture World, Krishi Jagran, FarmNest, Agri Farming.

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Agronomist Working on Laptop at Bee Farm

  • Agri-Tourism and Rural Hospitality : Roles include developing and managing agri-tourism initiatives and rural hospitality services.
  • Leading Initiatives : Agri-tourism farms, eco-resorts in rural areas, and farm-stay experiences.
  • Agribusiness Education and Training : Graduates can become educators, trainers, and consultants, helping others understand agribusiness dynamics.
  • Leading Institutions: Agricultural Universities, Management Institutes, and Skill Development Organizations
  • Agribusiness Policy and Advocacy : Opportunities involve contributing to policy formulation, lobbying for favorable regulations, and advocating for farmers’ interests.
  • Leading Organizations: Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)—National Council on Agriculture, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)—Agriculture Committee.
  • Agribusiness Data Analysis and Technology Solutions : Roles include analyzing agricultural data, creating software solutions, and leveraging technology for better yields.
  • Leading Companies : AgNext, Stellapps, Agribazaar, and Skymet Weather Services.
  • Research and Development : Opportunities lie in agricultural research, biotechnology, and developing new crop varieties.
  • Leading Organizations: Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), private agribusiness research firms.

Agribusiness Startups : Starting a startup ecosystem provides opportunities to innovate and bring new solutions to the industry.

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Food Quality Control Expert Examining Lemon

  • Farming Planner
  • Agricultural Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Market/Risk Analyst
  • Agri-Food Industry Expert
  • Agribusiness Consultant
  • Supply Chain Specialist
  • Agtech Innovator
  • Rural Development Officer
  • Agribusiness Journalist

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Agronomist Working in Organic Fruits Orchard

In Agribusiness Management, a multitude of diverse and rewarding career paths unfold. From strategic planning to sustainable farming, graduates navigate roles that shape the future of agriculture and its integration with business dynamics.

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phd after mba agribusiness

MBA in Agriculture


  • Updated on  
  • Apr 13, 2023

MBA in Agriculture

The need for food has drastically grown in the past decade. The rapid urbanization of agricultural land has added to the challenges faced in meeting global food demands. Even in this 21st century, there are villages that do not have a sustainable agricultural model. The need for professionals who can contribute to the growth and development of agriculture at the global level has never been so high. Comparatively very fewer people pursue a career in this field. However, there is a place for individuals who wish to gain managerial skills and intensive knowledge of the business aspects of agriculture. Let’s take a look at the various universities offering an MBA in Agriculture along with some other courses in the discipline.

This Blog Includes:

Why pursue an mba in agriculture, mba in agriculture eligibility, entrance exams for mba in agriculture, mba in agriculture admission process, average tuition cost and fees for mba in agriculture, universities offering mba in agriculture, mba in agriculture in india, royal agricultural university (rau), university of nicosia, southern arkansas university, university of alberta, kazan federal university, purdue university, other master’s degree courses in agriculture, mba in agriculture syllabus, popular courses after mba in agriculture, mba in agriculture from ignou, mba in agriculture in the usa, career after mba in agriculture.

  • MBA in Agriculture Salary 

With technological advancement and industrial development, the agricultural sector is deteriorating even though it is a crucial component in the economy of a country. This brings the need for professionals engaged in managing the agricultural well-being of the world. Various international universities and colleges have come up with specialized courses in Agriculture, with an MBA in Agriculture being a prominent one for students aspiring to become leaders in the agrarian sector.

  • Agricultural Engineering / Dairy Science / Dairy Technology / Fisheries / Food Science / Food Technology / Forestry / Home Science / Horticulture / Veterinary Science, etc. Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture or allied disciplines (Agricultural Engineering / Dairy Science / Dairy Technology / Fisheries / Food Science / Food Technology / Forestry / Home Science / Horticulture / Veterinary Science, etc.) from any Agricultural
  • Many schools and institutions want Master’s Degree candidates to have a business background, whether through education or work experience.
  • Students with less experience who want to pursue an M.B.A. (Agriculture) can typically find programs that meet their criteria. Students pursuing an M.B.A. in Agriculture must submit applications, transcripts, and GRE results.

There are no specific entrance exams for MBA in Agriculture. Most universities offering this specialisation accept scores of popular management entrance exams like GMAT, CAT, XAT, CMAT , ATMA and KIITEE. 

For admission to the program, candidates must pass either of the applicable entrance tests, which are followed by rounds of Group Discussion and Personal Interviews in the final stages. The primary entry tests for the course include the CAT, MAT, XAT, CMAT, and other similar exams.

Common Aptitude Test
Management Aptitude Test
Xavier Aptitude Test
Common Management Admission Test

Also Read: Best Countries for MBA

The average tuition fee for MBA in Agriculture or related specialization is somewhere between INR 8 to 15 Lacs. The tuition fees vary depending upon the country and university.

A management degree in Agriculture can act as a launchpad for your career in Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics . Let’s take a look at some of the leading universities in the field of agriculture :

In recent years, the demand for top agriculture business management colleges that deliver MBA in Agribusiness management programs has increased dramatically. In India, there are over 100 MBA in Agri-Business Management schools. The top Agriculture Management colleges in India that offer an MBA in Agriculture are listed below:

MBA in Agribusiness2 years CAT/ATMA/XAT/MAT/CMAT/ISAB, GD and PI
MBA in Agribusiness2 years CAT/CMAT/MAT, GD and PI 
MBA in Agribusiness2 years CAT/CMAT/MAT, GD and PI 
MBA in Agribusiness2 years SNAP, GD, Written-test, PI
Post Graduate Diploma in Management Agriculture 2 years CAT, GD, PI
Post Graduate Programme in Agribusiness Management2 yearsCMAT/CAT, WritteN test, GD, Extempore, PI
MBA in Business Management2 yearsCAT/XAT/X-GMT/GMAT, Written Test, PI
MBA in Agribusiness2 yearsUPES Management Entrance Test
Post Graduate Programme in Rural Management2 yearsCAT/XAT, GD, PI
MBA Agribusiness Management2 yearsMerit based
MBA in Agribusiness2 yearsMAT/XAT/ATMA/CMAT/SNAP/CAT
Post Graduate Programme in Agribusiness Management2 yearsCAT, GD, PI
MBA in Agribusiness Management2 yearsCenturion university entrance exam

MBA in Agriculture Abroad

The following are the top universities to pursue MBA in Agriculture:

UKMBA Innovation in Sustainable Food and Agriculture
CyprusMBA in Agribusiness and Food Enterprise Management
MagnoliaMBA with Agri-Business Emphasis
Canada Integrated MBA & Masters of Agriculture
Russia MBA in Agriculture
and (Integrated Degree)USMS-MBA in Food and Agribusiness Management
International School of Agri ManagementSpain International Agribusiness Management
New Zealand Master of Management in Agribusiness
New Zealand Master of Management Studies – Agribusiness
USA Master of Agribusiness and Professional Master of Business Administration

Located in the UK, Royal Agricultural University offers a dynamic 1-year (full time) or more than 2-year (part-time) MBA in Innovation in Sustainable Food and Agriculture to meet your professional needs. This course is primarily a distance learning for students interested in business or the food and agriculture industries. With an IELTS score of 6.5 and a general experience in management, you can seek admission in RAU. 

Known to be the largest university in Cyprus, the University of Nicosia was established in 1980. It offers an MBA in Agribusiness and Food Enterprise Management spanning for a duration of 1.5 years for both part-time and full-time. The coursework aims in providing students with a solid foundation in Agribusiness Management enabling them to become leaders in Agribusiness. 

Offering an on-campus and online MBA with Agri-Business Emphasis , Southern Arkansas University trains students in various aspects of Agribusiness such as accounting, agriculture markets and prices, finance, marketing, organizational theory, business analytics, strategic management, supply chain management, etc. 

Among the top universities in Canada, the University of Alberta is ranked 81st in the list. Through its extensive Integrated MBA & Master of Agriculture degree program, the university aims at helping students to explore the broader perspective of the business of agriculture production.

Founded in 1804, the Kazan Federal University is located in Russia. Offering an MBA in Agriculture , the university provides students with the basics of Agribusiness Management and Economics, Human Resources Management, Organizational Management, Management of Agricultural Production and Finance and Accounting in Agribusiness. 

A research university in the US, Purdue University offers a comprehensive MS-MBA in Food and Agribusiness Management . The program allows you to pursue two degrees at two of the best universities in the US – an MBA from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University and an MS in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University’s College of Agriculture.

Also Read: MBA Admission Process

There are a variety of other postgraduate courses to consider if you plan to grow in the field of agriculture. Some of these courses with its related institutes are discussed in the table below:

Master of Global Food and Agricultural Business
MS in Food and Agribusiness Management
MSc in Agricultural and Resource Economics
M.Sc in Agri-food Technology
M.A in Agrifood Business Management
MSc in Agricultural Economics
MSc in Agricultural Production Chain Management
MSc Economics – Agribusiness

Master of Agriculture – Agribusiness
Master of Science in Agricultural and Resource Economics
Master of Agriculture in Agribusiness

PgDip Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise – Business Communication
Master of Agribusiness
Master of Science in International Agribusiness
Master of Science in Agribusiness and Applied Economics

Also Read: Diploma in Agriculture: Syllabus, Universities & Careers

The following are the topics included in the syllabus of MBA agriculture:

Financial Markets
Financial Reporting and Analysis
Individual Dynamics
Legal Aspects of BusinessManagerial ComputingMarketing-I
Operations Management-I
Quantitative Methods 1A
Quantitative Methods 1B
Written Analysis and Communication
Human Resource Management I
Costing and Control Systems
Quantitative Methods 2
Financial Markets
Human Resource Management II
Transforming Business through Information Technology
Interpersonal Group Processes
Macroeconomics and PolicyMarketing II
Government Systems and Policy ProcessInternet – Enabled BusinessesMarketing III
Organizational Dynamics
Strategic Management
Managerial Analysis and Communication
Flexicore Courses (FC)
Rural, Social and Institutional Environment
Agricultural & Food Policy
Agricultural Finance
Marketing of Agricultural Inputs
Strategic Food Marketing
International Agri-Food Trade
Value Chain Management – Applications in Agribusiness
CINE: Understanding Creativity, Innovation, Knowledge, Networks And EntrepreneurshipFood and Agri-business International Strategies and Organisations
Micro Finance Management
Food Supply Chain Management
Analyzing and Building Competencies Carbon Finance
Public Policy
Social Entrepreneurship: Innovating Social Change
Sales and Distribution Management For Agriculture
Management for Agribusiness  Projects
Agribusiness Entrepreneurship
Agribusiness Leadership
Agricultural Futures and Option Markets
Agricultural Markets and Pricing
Economics of Food Quality
Applied Agricultural Trade and Policy Analysis
Managing Sustainability
Managing Energy Businesses
Investigating Corporate Social Irresponsibility

Here are some popular courses to pursue after MBA in Agriculture-

  • PhD in Agriculture
  • PhD in Agribusiness Management
  • PhD in Agriculture and Food Security
  • PhD in Agricultural and Extension Education.
  • PhD in Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics.
  • PhD in Agri-Environmental Economics.
  • PhD in Transformation of Global Agri-Food.

IGNOU is one of the most popular open universities in India. They offer a wide range of programmes and courses to students who wish to study remotely and gain valuable skills to advance in their careers. IGNOU does not offer an MBA in Agriculture, rather the institution offers PG diploma, certificate and diploma courses in the field of agriculture. Here is a list of courses offered by IGNOU-

  • Post-Graduate Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management 
  • Post-Graduate Certificate in Agriculture Policy
  • Diploma in Dairy Technology 
  • Diploma in Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables 
  • Diploma in Watershed Management 
  • Diploma in Meat Technology 
  • Certificate in Sericulture 
  • Certificate in Water Harvesting and Management 
  • Certificate in Poultry Farming 
  • Certificate in Beekeeping 
  • Certificate in Organic Farming 
  • Awareness Programme on Dairy Farming

MBA in Agriculture is a popular MBA specialisation in the USA. It is offered by universities like North Dakota State University, Northwest Missouri State University , University of Minnesota, Indiana University Bloomington and North Dakota State University. Here are some popular courses for MBA in Agriculture in the USA-

  • MBA in Agribusiness
  • MS in Food and AgriBusiness Management
  • MS in Applied Economics
  • MS in Supply Chain Management
  • MBA/MS in Agricultural Economics
  • MBA/MS in Business Analytics

The need for innovation in the agricultural industry is increasing more than ever. To achieve the goal, companies require professionals who can strategise and implement new ideas to boost the production and effective distribution of food. The industries that offer jobs to graduates with an MBA in Agriculture include: 

  • Food Production Companies
  • Farming Industries
  • Public and Private Sector
  • Marketing Industries 
  • Retail Industries
  • FMCG Companies
  • Tea/Coffee Plantation Gardens
  • FCI Offices
  • Colleges & Universities
  • Food Processing Companies

Job Profiles & Career Prospects After MBA in Agriculture

There are an array of job profiles in agribusiness that you can find while choosing a career in Agriculture. Here are some of the job positions you can take after an MBA in Agriculture:

  • Agricultural Manager
  • Agriculture Operations Specialist
  • Marketing Analyst
  • Accounting Manager
  • Bioterrorism Consultant
  • Financial Analyst
  • Agribusiness Owner/Manager
  • Alternative Energy Consultant
  • Business Manager
  • Operation Officer
  • Credit Analyst
  • Sales Manager
  • Rural Manager
  • Commercial Executive
  • Investment Analyst
  • Sales Representative
  • Relationship Manager

MBA in Agriculture Salary  

Some of the most popular employment options available following an MBA in Agri-Business are listed below along with an annual salary.

Farm AppraiserINR 4 Lac
Agriculture Policy AnalystINR 3-4 Lac
Market analystINR 6 Lac
FinancerINR 6 Lac
Quality ControllerINR 5 Lac
Marketing HeadINR 7 Lac
Bio compost sales headINR 5 Lac
Relationship managerINR 4-10 Lac
Operation ManagerINR 4-5 Lac
  • Marketing Skills
  • Interpersonal and Communication Skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Management skills
  • Analytical and Problem-solving skills

Also Read: MBA Without Work Experience

Agriculture Management, also known as Master of Business Administration in Agriculture, is a postgraduate course in agriculture management. Students in the M.B.A. (Agriculture) program learn about the food and fiber processing and distribution processes, as well as related business concepts.

Yes, it most certainly does. After completing a BSc in agriculture, one may pursue an MBA in agribusiness. Various top b-schools, such as IIM Ahmedabad, Lucknow, XIMB, IRMA Gujrat, and others, offer MBA programs in ABM and Rural management.

Agribusiness Office Assistant, Agribusiness Marketing Coordinator, Farm Manager, Farm Auditor, Agribusiness Food Manager, Agricultural Analyst, Market Analyst, Crop Producer, Quality Controller, and other positions are available to apply for.

Top Agricultural Courses in India are: M.Sc in Agricultural Economics. M.Sc in Plant Physiology M.Sc in Plant Biotechnology. M.Sc in Seed Science and Technology. M.Sc in Soil Science. M.Sc in Animal Husbandry. M.Sc. in Plant Pathology. M.Sc in Sericulture. M.Sc in Sericulture

Agriculture Field Officer salaries range from 6.3 lakhs to 10.4 lakhs, according to available data.

Highest Paying Jobs in Agriculture Industry: 1.Biochemist 2.Food Scientist 3.Environmental Engineer 4.Agricultural Lawyer 5.Agricultural Operations Manager

The agricultural industry is a whole new world to explore with a collection of job profiles. If you’ve made up your mind to pursue an MBA in Agriculture, our counselors at Leverage Edu are here to help you in choosing the right university to take the first big step towards a cultivated career. For the latest updates around study blogs, you can follow us on Instagram , Twitter , Facebook & also subscribe to our newsletter.

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MBA in Agri-Business: Course, Admission, Syllabus, Entrance Exams, Colleges, Jobs, Salary 2024

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Master of Business Administration [MBA] (Agribusiness) - Latest Notifications

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MBA in Agri-Business is one of the fastest- growing sectors to be in, both as an entrepreneur and a professional. The course is related to the business of crop cultivation, food production and the various related business concepts in agriculture. The curriculum explores the whole range of agronomic products grown in India, their importance and their needs. The course attempts to understand and innovate ways and means to protect and preserve agrarian sources, and also focuses on their related objectives and effectiveness in commercial operations, besides conducting constant research in farm- maintenance.

MBA in Agri-Business is a 2-year course, following the basic rules of a course in management and consisting of 4 semesters.

In India, the course is offered at an average annual fee ranging between INR 3 to 8 Lacs, however, the fee varies according to differences in the institute providing the course. As a basic criterion of eligibility, to pursue this course the candidate needs to have attained a basic qualification of graduation in Agriculture or allied fields, from a recognized institute of higher learning. The next step in the procedure is to qualify for any of CAT , MAT , XAT etc. A college may also have its admission procedure on the State level.

The average annual starting salary offered in India to successful postgraduates of an MBA in Agri-Business ranges between INR 2 to 10 Lacs, depending on the reputation of the college and skills of the post-graduating candidate. Job positions in the country like Farm Appraiser, Agricultural Policy Analyst, Farm Manager, Quality Controller etc. are offered to successful postgraduates of the course.


MBA in Agri-Business: Course Highlights

Tabulated below are some of the major highlights of the course.

Name of the course Master of Business Administration in Agri-Business
Course Level Post Graduate/ Professional Degree
Duration 2 years, full time
Stream Agriculture Management
Examination Type Semester System
Eligibility Graduation from any stream with at least 50% marks in aggregate
Admission Process Based on counselling sessions after clearing Entrance Tests (CAT/ MAT) or direct admission in some cases
Average Course Fee INR 3 to 8 Lacs
Average Starting Salary INR 2 to 10 Lacs
Top recruiting Companies All of the Agriculture Industry

MBA in Agri-Business: What is it About?

With India being ranked 2 nd in the world in agricultural and farm output, this course promises a good career scope for pursuers of the discipline. This course has all kinds of links with the area like agriculture input, agriculture processing, agriculture production, agriculture marketing and manufacture. This course also covers a range of aspects of economics besides broader sectors of management like Finance, including lending, commodity training, microfinance, supply chain management, taxation, marketing, and essentially, rural marketing. The course involves concepts of production, marketing and trading of agriculture-related products.

MBA in Agri-Business: Who Should Opt?

Candidates with a flair for agriculture as an academic field and an interest in exploring and resolving agriculture and farmer-related grievances in the Indian farm landscape may opt for this specialization. The course is ideally suited for candidates driven to cause positive changes through research and practical application in the agricultural scene of the country.

MBA in Agri-Business: Admission Process

Candidates need to pass any of the relevant entrance exams conducted for admission to the course, followed by rounds of Group Discussion and Personal Interviews in the final stages. The main entrance exams held for the course are CAT, MAT, XAT, CMAT etc.

MBA in Agri-Business: DIPLOMA

There are colleges in the country which provide a 1- year diploma course in the discipline.

Eligibility for MBA In Agri-Business

Candidates wishing to apply for MBA in Agri-Business are needed to meet the following minimum criteria of eligibility:

  • A minimum aggregate score of 50% at the level of graduation, completed from a recognized institute of higher learning.
  • Graduation with agriculture or allied farming as main subject.
  • Candidates waiting for their final year graduation results are welcome too.

Entrance Exams for MBA In Agri-Business

Some popular Entrance Exams for MBA In Agri-Business are: 

Exam Name Exam Details

Top Institutes Offering MBA In Agri-Business

Some of the leading institutes in the country offering the course are listed in the table below along with their locations and respective fees charged by them.

Name Of College City Average Annual Fees
International Agri-Business Management Institute Anand (Gujrat) INR 5 Lac
Bikaner INR 3 Lac
College of Agri-Business Management Pantnagar INR 6 Lac
Ahmedabad INR 10 +
Hinjewadi INR 6 Lac
Hyderabad INR 5 Lac
Lucknow INR 6- 7 Lac

MBA in Agri-Business: Syllabus

The course is evenly divided across 4 semesters covered over 2 years, and a semester-wise breakup of the course is tabulated here:



Candidates enrolled to this program also undergo practical training sessions. The training periods typically last for a minimum of 8 weeks at a reputed organization and industrial training is done in the relevant subject. All students upon the completion of their 2 nd semester are required to go for such training. Stipends depend upon the policies of the concerned organization. Some training/ internships are paid and some are unpaid.

MBA in Agri-Business: Career Prospects

There is several options open in terms of career to successful postgraduates of the program, some of which are listed here.

  • Candidates may either go for employment in any of the private and government-relevant industries.
  • Candidates interested in further studies in the discipline may go for Ph. D.
  • Candidates may also choose the field of academia and go for teaching the subject in universities and colleges.
  • Often, candidates go for dual degrees in the same course.

Career opportunities for postgraduates of the course are mostly offered in the agricultural industry. The average annual salary package of candidates entering the industry as freshers is INR 2 to 6 Lacs.

Listed below are some of the top recruiting industries/ companies that hire successful postgraduates of the course.

Tabulated below are some of the most popular job positions offered after an MBA in Agri-Business. Also listed are the corresponding job descriptions and the salaries offered for each role.

Job Profile Description Average Annual Salary
Farm Appraiser Responsible for assessing the value of a farm, its employees and facilities. They spring into action when the farm is mortgaged, sold, insured, developed. INR 4 Lac
Agriculture Policy Analyst Responsible for developing and analysing policies that affect agriculture business INR 3-4 Lac
Market analyst Responsible for analysing the financial condition of the agri-business economic market INR 6 Lac
Financer Responsible for providing financial assistance for agri-businesses, such as matching crop suppliers with farms INR 6 Lac
Quality Controller Responsible for focussing on improving the output and quality of a farm’s production. INR 5 Lac
Marketing Head Responsible for leading marketing strategy of a firm, building awareness and buzz. INR 7 Lac
Bio compost sales head Responsible for creating awareness amongst local customers and driving sales- promotional activities. INR 5 Lac
Relationship manager Responsible for dealing with individual retail customers and advising them on various banking and financial products and services offered by the bank, and catering to the corporate clients like SME's or large corporations. INR 4-10 Lac
Operation Manager Responsible for improving the operational systems, processes and policies in support of organization mission- specifically better management reporting, information flow of management, business process and organizational planning. INR 4-5 Lac

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82 Reviews found

Utkal University: My 2nd Home

Loan/ scholarship provisions.

Utkal University is a very good college for pursuing MBA.MBA in Financial Management: A two-year postgraduate course with a total tuition fee of INR 100,000. Students also pay a hostel fee of INR 11,700. The course focuses on corporate finance, investment management, financial markets and instruments, international finance, and marketing of financial services. It provides a good environment for the students to pursue MBA.

Campus Life

The range and accessibility of books and journals available in the library is huge. A student can access to any books or journals related to projects or study related issue. Many facilities such as AIR CONDITIONED Classrooms are there. Most of the senior students run many social groups and clubs which created a good impact on our life

College review from the depth of my heart.

There is no such festival celebrtions but the freshers and farewell and and some other days which are celebrated here. There is a library which is very large have almost all the books and study material which you will need during your course. Extra curricular activities are there including competetions sports inter college and intra college or intra unviversity games.

Placement Experience

You will get placement only after completing your course. There are several companies like Garda Chemicals, crystal crop protection, bayer, PI industries. They have placed average of 3-4 students. Highesht package was of one student about 8 lakh per annum in LDC company. Only 30%student got placed. You have to search at your own the companies.

College's review

Teachers are good they are very cooperative...but there are teachers who does not co-operate at all.. they think that students are nothing to them and students does not matter to them. I interact with teachers daily and then they help us.....but then they think that we don't know anything

Course Curriculum Overview

Timings of exams were good But the teachers doesmot complete the syllabus on time and when the exams come then they say that you need to complete the syllabus by your own...they provide only the presentation in the classroom that's we have to complete the syllabus by our own.

RPCAU at a glance

Campus life is good with students from all over the India. As it is a central university students from all states are present here. Good campus life while learning different different cultures and languages. University is having a central library for all the students and faculties where we can access to all types of books and journals. The university is also having different different units such as mushroom unit, honey processing unit, sugarcane unit etc.

Scholarship are available in form of ICAR AIEEA Scholarship and NTS scholarship from ICAR. Fees are not so high in PG courses but for ABM-MBA it is somehow more like 2,40,000 in two years. In NTS students will get 5k per month while in ICAR PG schoolaship students will get 15k per month.

CCSHAU, HISAR : A Review of Campus Life

It's includes all the different type of courses in agriculture stream with different topics like agronomy , horticulture , soil science , plant pathology , computer science. Wide range of scope is there but teacher is not much knowledgeable they only copy from notes and then delivered lectures to the students. It's very poor for teacher

Yes, participate in blood donation camp , Also training for one week in village under Nss Volunteer , horticulture training in different university , polio camp , awareness rally for cleanliness ... Also great opportunity for mountain climbing students in university

Cheap and excellent education for MBA AGRIBUSINESS

Specially is management course in agribusiness and qualification of the faculty is PhD and have 10 to 20 years teaching experience well qualified professors. 1:4 is the ratio of faculty and students . Every faculty member have specific knowledge on their subject.

After 3rd semester students are eligible for campus placement in general and department. ICICI, HDFC, fertilizer companies visited. Offers made by these 4lpa to 5 lpa. So it is right place for your professional education .

SHUATS- The heritage of Naini, Prayagraj.

The SHUATS annual fest is held at their huge campus and the students enjoy a lot during the fest. There is also a huge Central Library which has a plethora of books for all departments present in SHUATS. The Classrooms had ACs, a Stage with a mic, and projectors that made the classes more modern. SHUATS holds various sports including Cricket, Football, etc and there are many other extra curricular activities on the campus like NCC, etc. SHUATS also various groups for people from different states which provided the students a great opportunuty to connect and network with the other studnets on campus.

The students in ABM start searching for Internships in the second semester. During our time several companies visited the college for Internships like Bayer, Indofil, VNR, Yara, etc. The highest package grabbed by the students was 6 LPA. Almost about 85% of the students had got a placement and the rest of the students didn't either sit for the campusing or had other plans in the future. I started an IT company along with my friends and did not take part in the campusing drive arranged by the college.

100% Placements, Effective Curriculum, Four Internships, Great Faculty

I graduated as an agriculture student and was interested in working in companies that are related to the course so I think Agri-Business Management was the best fit. One of the standout features is the commitment of out faculty to offer guidance on academic matters, internships, and beyond. The professors are not only highly knowledgeable but also stay up-to-date of the industry trends. What sets our faculty apart is their distinguished academic background, with many being alumni of prestigious instituitions such as IIMs, IRMA, IIT. There are 4 semester exam which are scheduled every six or four month gap depending on the internship period and mid sem for every semester. The curriculum has general MBA subjects and agri business subjects like supply chain, agri input marketing, agri finance etc and it prepares and helps the student to identify there areas of interest

100% Placements and every student gets internship opportunities. Till now, in our 2022-24 batch the highest package is 8.8 LPA, with an impressive average package of 5.5LPA. Companies: FMCG (Adani Wilmar, NDDB, Reliance Retail, ITC, Nestle, Amul, Bisk Farm); Agri Input (Bayer, Adam, UPL, Seed Works, VNR, Pan Seeds, Zydex); Banking and Microfinance (BFIL, HDFC, ICICI Securities, Bandhan, Avanti Finance, Annarpurna); Agritech and supply chain (Big Basket, Dehaat, Vegrow, Mahindra) etc. The emphasis is evident from the very first semester, where the students receive guidance for GD and Mock PI sessions. But formally the placement training starts from second year by KIIT Kareer School having aptitude and psychometric tests and expert guidance on resume and interview etc.

Review about the MBA Agribusiness Mangement Program

In terms of placements, students undergo extensive training to hone ktheir skills in Group Disscusions (GD), Personal Interview (PI) and aptitude tests, ensuring their readiness for the recruitment process. The average placement package for graduates is commendable, standing at 5.5 Lakhs per annum (LPA), while the highest recorded package reaches an impressive 9.5 LPA. The placements is charaterized by various renowned companies accoss various sectors. For agri input - UPL, Bayer, U.S Agri , VNR, Crystal, PAN, Nuziveedu etc. Banking intitues such as - ICICI , HDFC, Avanti finance, Bandhan Bank,etc. Fmcg companies - Adani, Emami , Bisk Farm , Nestle, Amul etc. Supply chain and Procurement companies - Vegrow, NDDB, etc.

The MBA Agribusiness Management program is a residential program which spans four semsters and including various components such as Field segment, Live Projects, Summer Trainings etc. Completing the course requires earning 84 credits. Teacher : Ratio 1 :8 The faculty members at the institute hailing from premier institutions such as IIT,s , IIM's, IRMA etc. They have a remarkable commitment to fostering an open and supportive learning environment. They devote attention to each student, fostering overall development through academic journey. This is facilitated through mentor meeting, regular check -ins and counseling sessions. The term exam happens every 6 months of tenure.

Here students can live a good university life and the package rate is also 98%. Whatever specialty a university should have, the campus is amazing.The university is excellent in terms of fees.

Fests are organized here, attention is given to all the extracurricular activities of the students, other parties are organized here from time to time, there is a very good advanced library facility here. There is also a big computer lab for students to study. There is also an AC classroom with projector and advanced classroom. There is a separate block for sports activities, very good sports activities are provided, national international state sports programs are organized. If the rest of the students want to do anything extra from their side, the university provides full support.

Because my basic graduation in agriculture field that's why I take admission in this course.The faculty of ITM is dedicated to the future of the students and keeps conducting tests and some new activities on a daily basis.and overall maximum students support their facilities and learn new things and extraordinary.well educated faculty in this university and teaching methods is professional. Overall 2 midterm and semesterwise exam conduct in this university. Depend on students basic education qualification to pass this university exams.

Good infrastructure

I have chosen this course because it has more scope than any other course. 1:10. All facilities are highly qualified and most of them have done a PhD. Term exams are very scheduled and the difficulty level of the paper is not that much because all teachers teach very nicely.

Fees have to be submitted 50% before mid-term and 50% before main terms. Yes, there is a scholarship for girls they have to fill out the form. Also, there is a scholarship for the lower category. Fees must be taken without any late fees from the student.


From the 2nd semester onwards the students are getting trained in the placement and training cell as after the completion of the semester the campus placement is started. Silver Oak has a recruiters pool that contains more than 900 companies. The main tie-up is with TATA, RELIANCE, COCA-COLA, MEDKART, and AMAZON. The student is trained in such a way that he is able to crack the best of the deal. The package offered here is from 5LPA to 10LPA.

Other than academics, silver Oak organizes an annual fest which is also known as JUNOON which is held for 3 days and the students can show their hidden talents. Even they conduct events based on the fields every month and also plan the sports event between the staff members and students. There are numerous facilities provided in the classrooms such as smart class(projectors), Wi-Fi, and Air Conditioned classrooms.

AMU MBA agribusiness

The annual fee is 15355 for an academic year. There is always a fest going on on campus as they have a separate department for it. It has the largest library in the Asia Maulana Azad library so all the Books are easily available. the classroom is well-furnished and it is funded by ICAR. As there is a Separate department for sports too and they have a separate field for each game football cricket hockey swimming horse riding and many more. A wing of desire and thousands of groups and students association work here on campus to help society.

Their fee is very less as poor people can easily effort as I already mentioned for the master they cost 15 thousand for a whole academic year and it includes a hostel facility also. some of the universities are raising their fee so poor students can't afford the quality of education. There is a lot of scholarship available in the university NSP. state scholarship. sir Syed fellowship. Bharat Sewa trust scholarship and many more

MBA Agri business:Fee, Scope and Future Opportunity

I choose the course of agribusiness because like after BSc in agriculture you can go for MSc in agriculture or MBA in agribusiness. I don't want to prepare for Ph.D. in the government sector so there is a better scope of an MBA in the private sector rather than an MSc in agriculture. Another reason for doing MBA is placement. The placement ratio of MBA students is better than students and salaries are also good. Another reason is in the private sector and MBA degree holders will get better promotions than average MSc degree holders. On my campus, there are 46 students in MBA agribusiness and 7 to 80% of them will surely get a minimum package of 350000 and a maximum package of 8 lacs. The guest faculty of MBA agribusiness is quite good. There are some teachers who are not as good as others but there is a 100% guarantee of course completion. Semester exams are not quite easy or too difficult if you will focus a little bit on your studies you will easily get pass. Semester exams are delayed.

There are two fests conducted each year one freshers' party and another a convocation. Apart from this seminars and webinars are conducted from time to time on campus. The central library of the University is very big and has a large number of books but they are not useful for MBA students. There is a separate library for MBA students in the MBA department. In the MBA department, there are two clubs run by the department and the joining fee is rs 1000.

All Info About MBA-ABM From Integral University Lucknow.

The scholarship is there from the government side you have to apply for that sometimes students get scholarships and sometimes don't. there are no scholarship arrangements from the university side. in a branch of MBA-ABM, there is very difficult that you will get a campus placement.

Internships Opportunities

internship opportunities are very low many students have to arrange their internships on their own. if you go for an internship on the university side then you will face many issues. related with locations, time, etc. better if you find an internship on your own.

Software development & solar energy improvements

First off all this university well organized & impressive infrastructure, and provides better placement this reason you choose. All teachers are well qualified & 98% of teachers have Dr degrees so you are the best option. Teachers are friendly behavior & good teaching skill. Yes, this is a very difficult exam of midterm and final exam but you are daily attending lectures so there is very easy exams.

This university provides sports, education, medical, everything. Available central library and variety of book around 1.5 lakh books available there are 2 libraries one main campus and sub-campus. Well organized classroom wifi & ac/nonac classrooms with lab, all of the lab provide project room.

Journey at CAM

One best part of CAM is the placements Its legacy in corporate is since 2006 and now all alumni are well settled in Head position so they come for the campus. Students eligible after 2nd semester, MNC companies such as Bayer, Corteva, FMC, and Axis bank many companies come for a campus visit 98% of students get placement After a degree join any company for the job

An annual function name Panthan mostly organised in January Then food fest also in January There is a big library where all books are given to students for studying as per the syllabus and need Social clubs are 4 always active

OUAT Review

The total cost will be 2 lakhs over the course of two years. Hostels are inexpensive. Around 15,000 will cover the entire semester's expenses, including food and lodging. In comparison to other universities, it is quite cost effective. Some government-funded scholarships are available to students. Because it is a government institution, any government-provided facility is applicable. I have not yet applied for any scholarships. I'm a first-year student, so I don't know anything about it.

MBA - ABM is an emerging area in today's world that offers excellent employment opportunities. You can work in the financial sector or apply for off-campus or on-campus placements. Exams are held at the end of each semester. The midterm will be worth 30 points, the semester will be worth 55 points, and the assignment will be worth 15 points.

SHUATS Reviews

The campus life of the college is good. the cultural fest and the college also celebrate the festivals which is the main attraction point for students. Sports activities and competitions are also held in the college. Xpression is a 3-day cultural fest which is organized by the college. The library is full of books the only drawback of the books in the library is that most of the books in the library are outdated.

The placement of the college is okay. The placement committee of the college is supportive and hardworking and they will guide you throughout the placement. The college is able to achieve a 100% placement record. Companies like Nestle, UNR, UPL, Pepsico, visit the campus during the placement drive. The highest package for our batch was 7 LPA and the average package was 4 LPA.

If we are not fight then how can we win.

I choose this course because after the MBA the job opportunity is good and this course related to business management and in our country the business increase day by day in different field/sector. And the faculty in this campus is also good they treat the student like as a friend in learning time and some time strictly when student not doing the work properly. And the ratio of student and faculty is 29:1 it's also too good.but faculty change the period wise or subject wise . And the faculty is available PhD Level. They have good information for providing the students related to study and news. And the teaching method is good with the help of projects, blackboards and communication. The timely was a term of the exam is morning or afternoon base and it's completely in Dec/Jan and second is June/July. And no difficulty for a pass and if the study is good performance in class because the paper come under the syllabus.

The campus is affiliation icar, UGC, aicte, BCI, naac b+. On this campus the life is good. Because time to time on this campus doing different activities like games or programs. These are conducted in different months. The availability of books is good. On this campus a big library. And there different type books present for study material as well as other businessman life & how-to business and what's problem facing. And the newspaper present in different languages or different newspapers. And the amenities is proper branches, projector, blackboard, whiteboard for a projector screen, speaker, and table for teacher instrument. And the sports are doing like as running, basketball, cricket etc. And social groups play in different ways like donations helping or animal welfare. The Instagram id is running by the student is @gurukashiuniversity_ and the follower is 51.5k.

Master of Business Administration [MBA] (Agribusiness) : 12 answered questions

Ques. what is the placement scenario and scope of the iim pgp agri business management (abm) program in general and with special reference to iim lucknow.

● Top Answer By Ashish Singh on 08 Feb 24

Ques. Which college is better for an MBA in Agribusiness Management, SIIB Pune or Manage Hyderabad?

● Top Answer By Rishabh Mishra on 28 Aug 20

Ques. Should I go for a PGPM in MDI Gurgaon or for IIM L ABM?

● Top Answer By Rishika Shindde on 22 Feb 23

Ques. I am interested in PGP-FABM of IIM Ahmedabad. I am 25. X- 86.7%,XII-70.3%, B.Tech-62.5%. AR-17. 1+years of work-ex in Accenture. What are my chances?

● Top Answer By Lalit Kumar on 13 Dec 22

Ques. What should I choose between IIM Ahmedabad PGP-FABM and XLRI Jamshedpur HRM provided that I am an agricultural engineering student?

● Top Answer By Advait Joshi on 20 May 23

Ques. Is it worth joining the IIM Ahmedabad FABM programme after spending Rs. 21 lakhs?

● Top Answer By Debolina Bhattacharya on 26 Jul 21

Ques. How is the MBA agribusiness in Utkal University?

● Top Answer By Anupama Gupta on 02 Nov 21

Ques. Is there a separate shortlist for PGP fabm at IIM Ahmedabad?

● Top Answer By Abhijeet Goyal on 26 Jun 23

Ques. Which course among PGP at IIM Indore and PGP-ABM at IIM Lucknow should one choose if he/she has an interest in Marketing and Operations?

● Top Answer By Amit Datta on 09 Jan 23

Ques. Which course should I choose between IIML ABM, SPJAIN IM and IIM Shillong PGP?

● Top Answer By Himank Agarwal on 16 Jan 23

Master of Business Administration [MBA]

Master of business administration [mba] (finance), master of business administration [mba] (marketing), master of business administration [mba] (human resource management), master of business administration [mba] (information technology), master of business administration [mba] (agribusiness) colleges in india.

Symbiosis Institute of International Business - [SIIB]

Symbiosis Institute of International Business - [SIIB]

Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University - [ANGRAU]

Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University - [ANGRAU]

Punjab Agricultural University - [PAU]

Punjab Agricultural University - [PAU]

Aligarh Muslim University - [AMU]

Aligarh Muslim University - [AMU]

Institute of Agri Business Management - [IABM]

Institute of Agri Business Management - [IABM]

Dr DY Patil Vidyapeeth - [DPU]

Dr DY Patil Vidyapeeth - [DPU]

Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology

Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology

DBS Global University

DBS Global University

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  1. 34 PhD programmes in Agribusiness

    Why do we ask this? By confirming your nationality, we can personalise the content on our site for you. (i.e. we can show you the scholarship, visa and tuition information that is most relevant to you).

  2. Agribusiness PhD Program Overview

    PhD program overview. The STEM-designated PhD in business administration with a concentration in agribusiness is designed for highly motivated students seeking careers in research universities. The program focuses on the state-of-the-art theory and quantitative methods used by academic researchers in addressing business challenges of the food ...

  3. 18 Ph.Ds in Agribusiness in United States

    Find the best Ph.D in the field of Agribusiness from top universities in United States. Check all 18 programmes. Explore; Decide; Apply; Explore. View disciplines. Agriculture & Forestry ; ... (MBA) 0. Master in Management (MIM) 0. Operations and Quality Management 23. Project Management 4. Public Administration 15. Retail Management 1. Risk ...

  4. 33 Ph.Ds in Agribusiness

    Find the best Ph.D in the field of Agribusiness from top universities worldwide. Check all 33 programmes. Explore; Decide; Apply; Explore. ... Executive MBA 0. Fashion Management 1. Finance 188. Financial Management 1. Financial Technology 1. ... PhD Programme. Ph.D. / Full-time, Part-time / On Campus. 21,368 EUR / year.

  5. Agribusiness PhD Academics

    Doctoral students work with the Morrison School of Agribusiness PhD coordinator to develop a program of study, consisting of three elements: ... An MBA or master's degree in economics, business, or related field is recommended. Up to 30 credit hours from a master's degree may count towards the minimum total of 84 hours of coursework.

  6. Agribusiness, PhD

    Accelerated programs allow students the opportunity to expedite the completion of their degree. 3 year programs These programs allow students to fast-track their studies after admission and earn a bachelor's degree in three years or fewer while participating in the same high-quality educational experience of a 4-year option. Students should talk to their academic advisor to get started.


    Become ATriple Threat. The MS-MBA in Food and Agribusiness Management is the only industry-focused graduate program that allows you to continue your career while pursuing two master's degrees - an MBA from Indiana University's Kelley School of Business and an MS in agricultural economics from Purdue University's College of Agriculture.

  8. Ph.D(Agribusiness Management)

    Doctorate in Agribusiness Management. The students undergo major, supporting courses and specialization courses in Marketing, Finance, Human Resource and Operations for 23 credits. These courses help the students to specialise in any of the functional areas of agribusiness. The student must undertake research in any of the areas of agribusiness ...

  9. Agribusiness PhD Doctoral Admissions

    For international transcripts, review the ASU Graduate Admissions guidelines. The PhD program accepts GMAT or GRE scores. The GMAT institutional code for W. P. Carey School is 0GZ-1R-80. Select three individuals who can speak to your personal qualities, career focus and potential for success in the W. P. Carey School of Business PhD program.

  10. IIMA PGP in Food and Agri-business Management

    As India's only top-ranked business school program in the world, the Post Graduate Programme in Food and Agri-Business Management (PGP-FABM) is unique in more ways than just consistently being ranked number one. Starting its journey almost fifty years ago as a two year management program with a specialization package in agriculture, the ...

  11. MAB, Agribusiness

    A Master of Agribusiness (MAB) degree consists of a minimum of 36 hours of course work including a technical report in lieu of a formal thesis. The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree consists of a minimum of 63 hours of course work beyond the bachelor's degree, satisfactory performance on written and oral examinations, and a formal dissertation.

  12. Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics graduate programs

    Agribusiness stream. ABIZ 7410 Agricultural Finance an additional 6 credit hours in agribusiness or related area, normally at 7000 level a course in Econometrics, Management Science, or Statistics, normally at 7000 level Note: The Agribusiness stream is available to a limited number of students. Please see the departmental Graduate Student ...

  13. Is it Possible to Get My PhD After My MBA?

    To answer the budding question: yes, you can pursue your PhD after earning your MBA, and choosing to earn a doctorate is entirely up to you and your aspirations. To help you better understand if getting a PhD is the right choice, we look at the path an MBA graduate can take to earn their PhD, one of the higher purposes of a doctorate, and the ...

  14. Master of Science & Master of Business Administration in Food and

    The MS-MBA program online curriculum mirrors what you would find on each campus. #3. ranked College of Agriculture in North America (Quacquarelli Symonds, 2023). 57. total of credits required. $1,145. Cost per credit hour. The cost of attending Purdue varies depending on where you choose to live, enrollment in a specific program or college ...

  15. Your complete guide to a PhD in Agribusiness

    Agribusiness is a sub-field of business studies, and like the name suggests, it deals with the business side of agriculture and corporate farming. Agribusiness focuses on studying the production, processing, and inventory of agricultural goods. Its focus is the management of agronomic equipment and technologies, raw materials, suppliers, work ...

  16. PhD in Agribusiness at Morrison School of Management ...

    PhD / Doctoral Programs. Arizona State University, Morrison School of Management & Agribusiness. PhD in Agribusiness.

  17. Career Opportunities in Agribusiness Management: Top 10 Jobs After

    Retail and Marketing: Graduates can excel in retail chains, agribusiness marketing, and brand management. Leading Companies: Reliance Fresh, BigBasket, Future Retail (Big Bazaar), Metro Cash & Carry. Financial Institutions: Opportunities include agribusiness financing, microfinance, and rural banking.

  18. What is PhD Agriculture?

    The average tuition fee of the PhD Agriculture course is INR 5,000 to INR 2,00,000. The tuition fee greatly depends on the college where you want to get admitted to. The course offers a number of job profiles to the candidates like farm manager, research scholar, lecturer, etc.The average salary earned by the PhD Agriculture candidates is INR 2 ...

  19. MBA in Agri Business: Subjects, Top Colleges, Fee, Career, Courses

    The backbone of Indian Economy - Agriculture and Agribusiness provides 54% employment to Indian Population. Despite this fact, its contribution to India's GDP has gone down to 16% in recent years. As such, many top management institutes like IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Lucknow have launched MBA Agri Business as one of the separate management programmes on lines of their flagship MBA program.

  20. Best Ph.D Agriculture Business Management Colleges in India

    Check out list of top Ph.D in Agriculture Business Management colleges in India with courses, fees, cut-off, admission, placement, reviews, ranking, latest news, and more on

  21. PhD After MBA in India: Eligibility, Benefits, Salary, PhD Abroad 2022

    To pursue Ph.D. after an MBA in Commerce and Management, a candidate must hold a masters' degree, MBA, or MPhil with a minimum aggregate of 55%. Candidates can seek employment in leading sectors such as Finance, Management, Commerce, etc. with an average salary of INR 3,00,000 - INR 40,00,000. Program Name.

  22. MBA in Agriculture

    MBA in Agriculture is a popular MBA specialisation in the USA. It is offered by universities like North Dakota State University, Northwest Missouri State University, University of Minnesota, Indiana University Bloomington and North Dakota State University. Here are some popular courses for MBA in Agriculture in the USA-.

  23. MBA in Agri-Business: Course, Admission, Syllabus, Entrance Exams

    MBA Entrance Exams. The average annual starting salary offered in India to successful postgraduates of an MBA in Agri-Business ranges between INR 2 to 10 Lacs, depending on the reputation of the college and skills of the post-graduating candidate. Job positions in the country like Farm Appraiser, Agricultural Policy Analyst, Farm Manager ...