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12 Free Platforms For Writers To Publish Articles Online

Free publishing platforms For writers to publish articles online

Are you a new writer looking to publish your articles? Choosing the right digital publishing platform might be a little confusing at first.

Before looking for the best publishing options, you need to decide which platforms are suited to your topic or writing style. Are you interested in writing opinion pieces, sharing personal experiences, providing expert advice, or publishing on academic topics?

Every platform has its own strengths and weaknesses. It’s all about finding one that aligns best with your writing style, topics, and intended audience.

You can check the suggestions in this article to help you decide which platforms will offer you the best chance of finding new readers.

Article Contents

You can publish articles online right now

With digital publishing, it is easy for anyone to learn how to write and publish articles .

There are many online publishing platforms for writers, so you can publish your writing in a matter of minutes.

What works for one writer might not work for the other. Are you writing essays or how-to guides ? It is also important to know who your audience is when choosing article publishing sites.

Do you want to reach teens, young adults, or adults? Are you trying to reach young entrepreneurs or established business owners?

Are you writing poems? There are also many free sites where you can publish your poetry .

Consider the types of articles you want to write and the audience you want to write for. Then, you can go ahead and find the best online publishing platforms.

There are also plenty of free writing apps to help you write great content that readers will love. But you should always use a reliable online grammar checker to make sure your writing is as perfect as possible.

Then, you can bring your vision and ideas to the world with digital content. With so many people reading articles and online content on laptops, smartphones, and tablets, there is always an audience for new writers.

There are many online magazines and sites that accept articles for free. It’s up to you to find the best digital publishing solution to suit your needs.

To get you started, here is a list of platforms offering free article publishing.

publish you articles on medium

Medium is a very popular free publishing site where you can share your writing. You can connect with more sophisticated and dedicated readers than you might find on other social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook.

However, it is similar to a social network in its ease of connecting with other Medium users. But it is best suited to long-form writing.

It is very easy to create and set up your Medium account. Then, take a quick tour and read the FAQs. You are now ready to be published online with your first article.

The publishing tools are super easy to use with click and edit or drag and drop to move elements.

Your content on Medium should be full-length articles that are highly informative. Using original images is highly recommended.

Be aware, though, that it is not a publishing platform suited to short and obvious promotional blog posts.

You can read our how-to-use Medium guide for more detailed information about the submission guidelines. But they are quite straightforward.

2. Linkedin Articles

publish you articles on linkedin

You are probably already on Linkedin. So why not publish your articles there?

Follow the instructions for publishing LinkedIn articles , and you are ready to go.

With so many people on the site, you are bound to find readers for professional articles.

It has to be one of the best places to help you gain readers.

3. Publish PDF

Publish a PDF

This really is the easiest way to publish your writing online.

You don’t even need to have a website or blog.

All you need is a PDF file and your Google account.

Best of all, Google indexes PDF documents , so yours may appear in Google Search.

Read our quick tutorial on how to publish a PDF article online , and you will be ready to publish immediately.

4. Scoop.It

publish you articles on

Scoop.It is one of the most popular free publishing platforms for new writers.

You can publish great magazines on this website, and it does what it promises.

There is a function where you can find great content to help as inspiration.

Simply use appropriate keywords, and you will be flooded with information.

publish you articles on issuu

You can find some excellent content on Issuu  and some entertaining writing as well.

It is a user-friendly platform where anyone can create digital publications.

You don’t need to use any publishing software.

You can also sell your digital magazine directly from the website, making it possible to earn some money.

Issuu is definitely one of the leading platforms for anyone who has something worthwhile to say.

With more than 15,000 updates daily, it is clear why it is so popular with article writers.

It also gives you the opportunity to reach a lot of people with your writing. It doesn’t matter what your passion is; there is a place for you on this platform.

Your magazine can be about anything from cats to basketball, so there are no boundaries.

publish you articles on Yudo

If you are a photographer who wants to share your multimedia with the world, you might find that Yudo is for you.

On this platform, you can mix your writing, videos, photographs, and audio.

Who wouldn’t like to read a digital magazine that offers all of these features?

It makes for a more exciting read, so it could be worth a shot.

All you need to have is a passion and start working hard at it.

7. ArticleSeen

publish you articles on articleseen

ArticleSeen  prefers original content. But that is what you should do when posting your articles online.

If you want free exposure for your writing, this is a good site to help you on your way.

There is a good choice of categories, which means you are sure to find one that suits your writing topic.


publish you articles on pub html5

PUB HTML5 is free of charge, so you can see if it is the right digital publishing tool for you.

The design is sleek and simple, which is what you want as a beginner.

You don’t want websites that are confusing to use.

But the great thing about this platform is that your publications will appear professional on all devices.

It can be a computer or a mobile device. The results are the same.

You can publish interactive elements in magazines, catalogs, and brochures and create rich-media flipping books.

If you are trying to get your name out there as an influential writer, you might want to give this website a try.

Joomag publishing

With over 500,000 publishers using this website, you can understand why I included Joomag  in this list.

You can manage your subscribers on this platform and add more when you please.

It gives you full control over your publications.

Use a good grammar checker to help you write flawless articles. Then, you can launch your own campaign.

You can use your mailing list to notify all of your subscribers when you publish a new article.

As a plus, you can send emails that you write for your subscribers to make them feel part of the team.

It is an easy way to promote your work.

10. ArticleBiz

ArticleBiz logo

ArticleBiz offers you the chance to get your articles picked up by online publishers.

It’s very easy to submit your articles.

When you do, you will also complete a resource box. It is a short bio about yourself. You can include your email and website address information.

You can choose from a huge range of categories for your articles.

It has an Alexa ranking of 210,908. So it certainly gets a lot of traffic and readers.

If you are new to article writing, it is a great site to make a start with your online publishing.

11. Substack

substack logo

For writers open to a different approach in publishing, Substack is well worth investigating.

It’s a free platform you can join to post your articles. But the big focus with Substack is on getting readers to subscribe to your writing.

Your articles will certainly be available online. But if your sole aim is to get your articles to rank high on search engines, Medium might be a better option.

However, if you want to build a loyal readership, there’s no better way than to attract email subscribers.

You can start by offering your articles for free. But if you can build some traction and your mailing list, there is an option to monetize your writing later.

Many high-profile writers are already earning money from paid subscribers, but some new writers are also succeeding.

If you only want to publish one or two, it’s not the platform for you.

But if you want to make writing your passion and publish regular articles on your topic, Substack might be precisely the right publishing option for you.

12. Google Sites

Google Sites

When you want to have more control over your articles, you might consider using Google Sites .

It’s a simple website builder from Google. The two big advantages are that it’s free and very easy to use.

All you need is your Google account to log in and get started.

You can set up your new site in only a few minutes. Just make sure you make it available online.

Once you start adding your articles, you then have a chance of them being indexed by Google.

Like other website platforms, you can add gadgets to create interest. But they are basic.

Submitting your articles to a lot of different sites can be time-consuming and difficult to track.

But with your own site, you are in control of all your content.

Google Sites is a great option when all you want is a free, simple, and easy way to publish your articles in one place.

When you see the choices you have, there are no limits today on interactive content creation and digital publishing.

Anyone can learn to publish articles once they decide to start. All you need to do is find new topic ideas .

With all these fantastic platforms available to you, all you have to do is get to work and start writing.

Many have native apps for iOS, Android, and Google Play. Check your App stores.

Before you know it, you are going to be writing for free article submission sites .

All you need is to use your drive and passion to get you heading toward your goals.

Give one of these websites a try, and you will be publishing your fantastic articles in no time at all.

Related reading: Where To Publish Short Stories Online

About The Author

Avatar for Derek Haines

Derek Haines

More articles.

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52 thoughts on “12 free platforms for writers to publish articles online”.

Avatar for Phil Langlotz

I am a retired man with a technical background. I have written many articles on varied subjects but have never published. The subject matter includes science, religion, political and current events. The articles vary in length from one page to 20 pages. Have you ane suggestions for an appropriate posting site?

Avatar for Derek Haines

You cover a lot of topics, and different lengths, Phil.

It might be difficult to find one platform for them all.

Perhaps setting up a free blog, such as with Blogger or WordPress, might be a better move.

Thanks, I’ll look into that.

Avatar for Uma Gupta

I have written quite a few articles, most of them being inspirational. Some are in the form of messages learnt from incidents in everyday life. I also feel that as a citizen on this planet, it is my duty to share the good things I have learnt, so others can benefit too. Am wondering where would be a good place to begin publishing. Thanks.

Avatar for Ms. Anonymous

Derek, I am a decent lady, not available for romance, but just want you to know that I like your way; I just like your website & the way you make your comments and respond to questions. There’s just something about you. I like you.

Thank you. I’m happy to hear that you enjoy the content of the site.

Avatar for Rachel

I think writing story’s and publishing them and seeing how people comment, will help me when i get older and see what I want to be. I haven’t chosen yet I’ve always wanted to be a journalist or a media worker, honestly, I don’t yet…

Avatar for Dzeani

I notice that as a new writer, I have strong passion to publish. But I believe there is the need to learn to make my writing ‘clean’, mistake-free and perfect for my readers before publishing. What writing training apps would you recommend to help me ‘sanitize’ my writing?

I would suggest Prowritingaid for a new writer. It’s got everything you need to edit and improve your writing.

Avatar for Victoria

Will be paid for publishing articles on this platform listed above?

Avatar for Wycliffe Obiero

Will try this

Avatar for Michael L. Ball

I’m seventy-two and have been writing for a long time. I have a folder full of articles and I also have a folder full of science fiction stories. I have poetry and comics. I need a platform that allows me to publish as I please.

Avatar for Samuel Mathore

I’m an unpublished writer with several manuscripts. Do these platforms here publish novels?

No, Samuel. These sites are only suitable for publishing articles.

If you want to publish novels, try Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) or Draft2Digital.

Avatar for Paul Amupitan

Hello Derek, I’m new to writing articles, but I wasn’t to write articles focusing on Young People and their struggles. I would like to build some readership for my article. What site do you recommend? Thank you.

You can use any site, Paul. But before you do, make sure your writing is perfect. In your comment, I’m sure you meant, wanted to write, and not wasn’t to write. You can’t expect to find readers if you make errors like this. Always, always check your writing before you hit the button.

Avatar for Paoletta

Dear Derek, I would like to write articles about personal awareness and development. I am a new writer and I would like to reach a large odience eventually .. which platform would you recommend, please?

The best platform is always the one that you feel will work for you, Paoletta. But if you are looking at building a readership, Medium and Substack are two you might consider.

Avatar for Francis Ekongang Nzante

I’m really grateful to have stumbled on this site which I believe will greatly help me in publishing my articles. I do news articles that focus much more on culture. But I sort of publish stuff that is newsworthy so I also write on crisis in Africa.

Avatar for Anna

Be aware that on Medium your articles and you as an author won’t be searchable until you get a critical mass of readers and followers/claps. Which means that you need to actively promote your writing, for strangers to find your page on any given day (except the few first hours of the publication). Very disappointed.

Medium is no different from any other form of publishing articles. You need a certain amount of traction before it can rank in Google Search.

For a blog post, you need backlinks. On Medium, you need followers and claps.

It’s pretty standard stuff, but not disappointing if you know how to promote what you post.

There are no free rides at getting articles to rank. You still need to work on it to be successful.

Avatar for Joyce A Valley

i need to publish my story about chronic kidney disease and kidney transplants, the need for kidney donors and how this need is affected by the Covid pandemic.; and my personal need for a transplant to save my life. Where is the best place to submit my article?

Use any of the sites listed in this article. But I would try Medium first.

Avatar for Serenee Osman

I need to publish my article which are explain about lidar technology. Where can I publish my article?

Avatar for sisay kelemu

Dear sir I need to publish my paper which concerns on climate. so how can I publish it?

Avatar for Bhaswati

Really grateful to get these platforms to publish my article. Thanks to you for gifting us such information for these platforms.

Avatar for erum

how I can publish the article ??

Avatar for Tzvi

Good information but why did you not include Substack?

Avatar for mary kawira Kithinji

this is great where do i publish my scholarly articles and class modules

Avatar for Muvro

Hi Derek, Impressive Collection shared on Free Publishing Articles. Would like to know where we can share technical content.

Avatar for Emily

Ok how can I publish

Avatar for Simeone Nkosi

Hey this is Simeone here. I already participate in the Medium corporative community, it is a good platform for publishing your stories online. I only have a technical problems with the platform. I’m hoping to enjoy my writing of articles with these other platforms.

Avatar for Ishika Agrawal

According to me the best usage of time is writing. It makes an individual to think widely on every aspect. Writing enable person to do brainstorming over the topic. This improves the writing work of writer.

Avatar for Edina Back

Thank you very much! I spent about 2-3 hours and looked at these sites. Medium appears to be educational and very helpful for beginning writers! I will use it and promote it! See where I am with it by the end of the year! Thank you again! Edina Back, Executive Establishment Officer, Personnel Efficiency Foundation

Avatar for Paul Ayinbuomwan

Good morning. Please I am a prolific writer. I write on a broad range of topics and areas ranging from Marriage, Relationship, Politics, amongst others. How do I publish my articles please?

Avatar for Dinah Modipa

Fine, thank you.

Avatar for Akanshi Mittal

I want to publish my poetries. Where I can get it published?

Avatar for C R PETTY

I have 200 pages of musings and poetry in RHYMING format. Deep thoughts and shallow—-should it be published? C R Petty Col USMC Ret.

Avatar for Sizwe Mhlungu

I’m looking for free publishing platform. I want to publish an article I wrote while I was in college. This an academic article for educators (teaching profession). What is the appropriate website for that.

Avatar for Diksha kumari

Hlo sir/mam, we are the students of masters. Sir we want to publish our research article in your site. So sir please give us the details regarding publication criteria or fees. We shall be thankful to you for this kind of purpose.

Avatar for Tshepo Motlou

As they say always seek knowledge I would like to seek knowledge and become one of the best poets ever in history by explaining to people about what’s love

Avatar for Ved Vineet Gautam

Kindly please keep providing me the work related to writing . Iam hard working and dedicated.

Avatar for Maseipone Jacqueline

“Life is my teacher and living is my lesson.” I believe everyday you live, you learn alot from life. When you stop living is when the lessons stop. Article is informative and useful. Reading it has set me in motion. I now know how to proceed. The lessons are a step forward in the right direction.

Avatar for Darealprisonart

Very valuable information. Lot of secrets, thank you.

Avatar for Ubai

Hello Lisa, Great article. Thanks for bringing these tools on one platform for the world. Keep up the good work. Regards

Avatar for Nsigaye Andrew

Hello we are publishing house based in Rwanda Africa, we would like to get in touch with you for more information on the on how we can work with you in publishing working in have books for kids both fiction and non fiction kindly tell me how we can work together. Waiting from you soonest Best Regards Andrew.

Please use our site contact form if you wish to get in touch with us.


I want to publish a book. What is the process ? Can I contact you ?Nearest office ?

We only offer advice articles on our site, Abraham. Sorry, but we do not offer personal support or coaching.

Avatar for Monali Elwatte

Is it possible to publish a small article regarding medical science

Avatar for Jembi Lokou

Frankly speaking, and as human beings, we always learn from one another. You may good in x and I’m good at y, for that reason I may need your help and you may need my help. It’s a mutual learning.

Hi Derek Haines, I would like to publish my short gospel articles, Where do I start?

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How to Write an Article Online in 11 Easy Steps

Neil April 23, 2024 Blog Post Idea Generator Leave a Comment

Ever felt like a story or idea is bubbling up inside you, ready to be shared with the audience who are awaiting it? Writing an article is a fantastic way to do just that! 

GIF of Seth Meyers saying "That's is a freakin' great idea!!"

Source: Giphy

We completely understand it’s not easy or as simple as it seems. In fact, it’s daunting, especially for those new to writing or who lack confidence in their skills. But with some great tips to write a blog , we’re quite confident you can write just like other professional blog writers . 

This step-by-step guide on how to write an article online has it all for you. Remember, each step you take brings you nearer to developing an article your readers will enjoy. Plus, we’ll touch on some popular publishing platforms to publish your article once you’re done. 

Feel free to scroll around this article to get 💡s and begin writing content that works for you! 

Why Is Online Article Writing So Popular?

Graphic of a girl thinking about how to write an article online in front of a screen

Source: Freepik

Article writing for websites is getting very popular in the here and now. Let’s discuss four strong arguments below for why it is so.

  • First, the internet has made it super-easy for readers to access online articles anywhere, at any time, and on any device (💻 or 📱). Traditional print media cannot match this level of ease. This growing demand for online content opens up a big market for writers and publishers.  
  • Second, online writing offers a flexible schedule. On top of this, it can be done from anywhere. This makes it an ideal career choice for a student, a stay-at-home parent, or anyone with a passion for writing.
  • Third, businesses and websites are constantly looking for fresh content. This drives a high demand for talented writers.
  • Last, you can establish yourself as an expert in a particular field by consistently producing valuable content. Plus, a personal blog is a great profitable idea to learn and grow as a writer.

How to Write an Article Online That Readers Will Love

Sketch of a girl thinking about how to write an article online

Ready to explore how to write an article online? These note-worthy tips to write a blog will help get your creativity flowing by keeping you on track.

Do your research.

The key to writing a standout article online is thorough research. Collect insightful stats, trendy quotes, and relatable examples from credible sources like reputable websites, books, and expert interviews. Don’t forget to verify facts and include the latest information in your content.

Once you have valuable insights, organize your notes to reference them while writing. Boosting credibility, proper research provides a strong foundation for crafting an engaging article. It shows you really know what you’re writing about!

Pick the right niche.

Focusing solely on trends and choosing popular niches without considering your expertise may initially boost views. But it’s unsustainable in the long run. 

When picking the right niche, consider your expertise, interests, and the audience’s needs. Research the market to ensure there’s demand for it. Selecting the right niche is beneficial in three ways. It:

  • Helps you establish yourself as an authoritative writer.
  • Attracts a dedicated audience. 
  • Increases your chances of monetization. 

Pro Tip: Remember, the more specific your niche, the less competition you’ll face. 

Focus on an appropriate keyword.

Conduct keyword research to find relevant terms your readers are likely to search for, making your content easier to find. 

Ensure the core keyword you select has a high search volume and low competition. Moreover, make sure to add it such that it flows naturally within your content. This improves your article’s search engine ranking and visibility.

Generate abundant title ideas.

Once you come up with high-potential keywords, generate a variety of article ideas. Use our Free Blog Post Idea Generator to get unlimited options for any and all keywords. This helps you explore different angles of the topic to curate your compelling SEO headline (H1).

While curating a title, keep it concise and descriptive to capture a reader’s attention instantly. An SEO-friendly and compelling title will encourage clicks and enhance search visibility.

Create an outline before you begin.

‘ Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. ’ Abraham Lincoln’s words highlight the value of preliminary work for a strong start. Similarly, creating an outline before writing keeps things organized and serves as a roadmap. That’s because you’ll have all your key points at hand and thus save time. 

Use our Free Blog Outline Generator to brainstorm content outline ideas. Once you create an outline, finishing your article becomes easier and faster. Your outline should consist at least of the following. 

  • An H1 title,
  • Headings and subheadings , and
  • Supporting details for each section.

Choose your tone in accordance with the mood of your topic.

Your writing tone should resonate with your audience, creating a sense of connection and comfort. As a beginner, experiment with different tones to find what suits your niche and audience best. Set the pace and match your tone to the mood of the topic to engage readers.

A skilled writer can adjust the topic’s pulse (focus) according to the situation. Look into whether your subject is serious, lighthearted, or informative. Then, choose a consistent tone and style to make your writing more effective.

Write for your target audience.

Writing with your target audience in mind is, no doubt, good. But instead of writing for everyone, try to write for an ideal reader. Address one problem and offer a solution to it. This rule of 1 will keep you focused and create more depth in your article. It is exactly like leveraging persona creation in UI/ UX . 

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Avoid jargon.
  • Use examples your audience can relate to.
  • Structure your content ideally for skimmers/ scanners to attract more readership.

Watch this content writing tutorial to make the process easier and create content in under a minute.

Use graphics.

Include images, charts, and infographics to break up text and highlight key points. Visuals can make complex information easier to digest, keeping readers interested.

Let’s take the Content Gorilla blog as an example. We love to add memes as often as possible. Why? Because we believe a meme instantly grabs the reader’s attention by establishing a connection. It adds humor and enhances our posts, making them more engaging. And isn’t that what keeps making you come back for more? 😉

Make it easy to read.

Don’t treat website articles as lengthy essays; just don’t. The goal of your content should be to get readers from A→B as quickly as possible.  

It’s time for some more quick tips:

  • Use bullet points to keep a reader happy and engaged throughout the article.
  • Scrub the fluff to keep your readers’ snooze😴 button far away.
  • Avoid filler words as much as possible.

In short, keep👏sentences👏short👏!

Optimize for SEO.

The next step is to optimize your online articles for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Use relevant keywords naturally in your H1 title, meta tags, and body (headings + paragraphs). 

Structure your article with skimmable headings and subheadings to improve readability. Include suitable internal and external links, where possible. These techniques improve your articles’ visibility and reach in terms of search engine algorithms.

Pro Tip: Perform on-page optimization to rank higher in SERPs, just as these SEO article examples do.

Proofread and edit.

Now that you have written and SEO-proofed your article, it’s finally time for proofreading and editing. Double-check the grammar, sentence structure, punctuation errors, and stats mentioned. Ensure the flow and readability of your content are pristine. 

Here’s a smart (yet weird) tip for proofreading: Read your content aloud. That’s because your ears are a better editor than your eyes! This process refines your article to keep your content concise, informative, and engaging. 

Following our step-by-step guide on how to write online articles , you can craft a read-worthy article. These free tools for content writing will further help you to write and edit your content to make it ready to publish.

Where Can You Publish an Article Online?

Graphical illustration of online publishing

After exploring how to write an online article in detail, let’s talk about the platforms to publish your article once you’ve crafted the perfect one – or several!

  • Personal website – Share content directly on your website to attract and engage visitors.
  • WordPress Blog – Leverage your blog as a platform for sharing articles with your audience.
  • Publishing Platforms – Share your work on Medium or LinkedIn to reach a broader audience.
  • Guest Post – Contribute articles to other websites in your niche for greater exposure.
  • Ghostwritten Article – Write articles for others to publish, either as a freelancer or as part of a partnership.

Read our interesting guide on the title tag in WordPress to take care of an important thing while publishing.

So, if you want to write an article online, the above-mentioned helpful tips will give you a head start. Instead of second-guessing yourself, give these a shot! Remember, all great writers were not born writers. Instead, they improved their skills with effort and experience. You might just find yourself hooked on the experience once you begin, so don’t give up!

how to start writing articles for websites

I am a full-time online marketer, for over a decade now. Helped over 100,000+ people & generated well over $12M in online sales.

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how to start writing articles for websites

How to Write an Amazing Article In 10 Simple Steps

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Writing articles is like waving a magic wand to create ripples in a vast ocean. With each stroke of your pen, you conjure waves of inspiration that reach shores far and wide, touching the hearts and minds of people worldwide. Whether you’re just starting out or enhancing your writing skills, mastering the art of article writing can open doors to endless possibilities. 

Make your mark on the web. Create on

In this guide, we’ll cover the essential steps and techniques to help beginner bloggers, journalists, and freelance writers craft compelling articles. You’ll learn:

  • The basics of article writing
  • Structuring your content effectively
  • Refining your writing style
  • Polishing your work through editing and proofreading

With these tips and templates in your toolset, you’ll be ready to showcase your work to a vast audience, connect with like-minded individuals and establish a professional online presence. We’ll show you how’s user-friendly platform makes the process seamless.

Ready to get started?

In this article:

Informative Articles

Opinion pieces, how-to guides, feature articles, news articles, interview articles, 1. how to identify your target audience , 2. how to choose a topic, 3. how to write a headline, 4. how to conduct quantitative and qualitative research, 5. how to craft an angle , 6. how to write an outline, 7. how to write an intro, 8. how to write the body section , 9. how to write a conclusion , 10. how to edit the article , web writing best practices , best tools for writing articles, 1. the problem-solution template, 2. the listicle template, 3. the step-by-step guide template, 4. the comparative analysis template, write amazing articles and publish them on, types of articles .

Articles can be of different types that serve different purposes and cater to various reader interests. Let’s look at some of the most common types of articles: 

These aim to provide readers with valuable information, facts, or explanations on a particular topic. They focus on educating the audience and are typically well-researched.

Example: vs What’s the Difference?

how to start writing articles for websites

These express the writer’s personal viewpoint or perspective on a specific subject. These articles allow writers to share their thoughts, insights, and arguments while encouraging readers to think critically and engage in discussions.

Example: define: Brand

how to start writing articles for websites

These provide step-by-step instructions to help readers accomplish a specific task or learn a new skill. They break down complex processes into easy-to-follow steps, enabling readers to achieve their goals.

Example: How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Website

how to start writing articles for websites

These are presented in a list format, featuring a series of items or points related to a specific theme. They offer readers a convenient and organized way to consume information. Listicles are often used to highlight top items, tips, or recommendations.

Example: Best Small Website Builder: The Top Options Compared (2020)

how to start writing articles for websites

These are in-depth and extensively researched pieces that explore a topic or profile of a person or event. They go beyond basic facts and delve into the nuances and details, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding.

Example: Meals for One

how to start writing articles for websites

These report on recent events, developments, or noteworthy stories. They aim to provide readers with factual information objectively and concisely. News articles typically adhere to journalistic principles.

Example: ‘Breakthrough’ geothermal tech produces 3.5 megawatts of carbon-free power

how to start writing articles for websites

These feature conversations or discussions with individuals of interest or expertise in a particular field. These articles often include quotes or insights from the interviewee, providing readers with unique perspectives and valuable insights.

Example: Automattic Women: Selena Jackson

how to start writing articles for websites

Depending on your goals, target audience, and subject matter – you can choose the appropriate type of article to communicate your message and engage readers effectively.

How to write an article in 10 steps 

The basic structure of an article contains 4 parts:

  • Opening paragraphs (introduction)
  • The main discussion (body section)
  • Closing paragraphs (conclusion) 

how to start writing articles for websites

However, there are more than just 4 steps to writing an amazing article. Doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or a pro; following a structured approach can help you create better articles faster. You can follow this proven 10-step process for that. 

  • Identify target audience
  • Choose a topic 
  • Write a headline 
  • Conduct quantitative and qualitative research
  • Craft an angle 
  • Write an outline
  • Write an introduction
  • Write body section
  • Write conclusion 
  • Finish editing 

Let’s discuss each step briefly. 

how to start writing articles for websites

Target audience refers to the person or group you are writing for. If you’re writing for everyone, you’re writing for no one. You need to identify who you are writing for to ensure you effectively communicate your message to the audience. 

Understanding your target audience is crucial for creating content that resonates with them. Consider their demographics, interests, and needs. Research their preferences, pain points, and what they expect from your article. This knowledge will help you tailor your writing style, tone, and content to appeal directly to your intended readers.

Once you’ve researched the audience, create a user persona with common traits and then write for that one person.  Creating a user persona is not just a list of data points. It’s like an imaginary person with a name and specific characteristics that help you understand their needs.     

By focusing on your target audience, your content will speak directly to them, which will help you increase engagement and build a loyal readership base.

Before you embark on the exciting journey of article writing, you must first conquer the challenge of finding the perfect topic. The topic you choose sets the foundation for your entire piece, influencing its success and impact.

First, select a topic that interests you and aligns with your goal of writing. You don’t want to write about everything and anything. Start by considering something that aligns with your knowledge and expertise. Writing about something you’re passionate about or have expertise in makes the process more enjoyable and lets you provide valuable insights to your readers. 

Or you can also focus on solving specific or common problems in your niche. Identifying common challenges or problems and providing practical tips, step-by-step guides, or sharing personal experiences can make your content highly valuable and relevant to readers.

Researching trending topics is another easy way to find a suitable topic. Stay updated with the latest trends and discussions in your industry or niche. Explore popular blogs, news sites, and social media platforms to identify topics currently gaining traction. This ensures your article addresses timely issues and captures readers’ attention.

Lastly, take a data-driven approach through keyword research. Use keyword research tools like keyword planner or SEMrush to look for keywords with decent search volume and low competition. It ensures organic traffic.

how to start writing articles for websites

“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy.” David Ogilvy, copywriting legend

The headline is the first component someone reads. One single word can attract or repel them.

The first step in crafting a great headline is to analyze every word. Is every word necessary? If you remove a word, will the headline still make sense? No removable word in the headline is considered a tight headline, with nothing extra to distract from the meaning. So, keep a headline direct and persuasive so the reader is engaged.

Next, aim to craft headlines that are:

  • Ultra-specific

Including all these elements in one headline might not be possible, so aim for at least one or two. Doing so will strengthen the headline and encourage readers to read on.

Here are a few more insights on keeping your readers engaged:

  • Use proven headline formulas to upgrade your headline to a better level
  • Keep the main idea and the keywords of the headlines relevant
  • Focus on benefits. Benefit-driven headlines get more clicks
  • Inject power words to command attention
  • Trim unnecessary words

Solid research strengthens the credibility of your article. When you use the right data, it makes your article stronger and more convincing. 

What is quantitative data?

Quantitative data is objective data that can be measured and assigned a numerical value.

What is qualitative data?

Qualitative data cannot be measured or assigned a numerical value. Instead, it is information that is referenced not by numbers but by concepts, feelings, characteristics, and emotions. Qualitative data is subjective.

For quantitative research, you can use Google to dig out data, statistics, and surveys to support your claims and add credibility.

For qualitative research, you can conduct interviews, gather anecdotes, or explore case studies to provide valuable insights and real-life examples.

To stand out against multiple articles on a similar topic, find a unique angle that sets your piece apart. Consider what makes your article different or special. It could be a fresh perspective, a unique approach, or new insights. Determine your article’s unique selling point and emphasize it throughout your writing. Maybe it’s an expert opinion, an authentic recipe, a top-secret method, or a completely new discovery. 

For example, instead of writing a generic article on “how to deal with depression,” – write:

how to start writing articles for websites

By offering something distinct, you’ll capture readers’ attention and give them a reason to choose your article over others.

An article outline is a structure that guides your writing process and ensures your article stays focused and well-structured. Once you start using outlines, you’ll find writing articles become much easier.

Start by listing the main points or sections you want to cover based on your research and angle. Then, under each section, jot down the sub-points or supporting details. Don’t hesitate to revise and refine your outline as you progress. Whenever you find something new, add it in its respective position. 

Google Docs is great for creating an outline for your article. Or you can also use Workflowy to organize your ideas into sections and subsections. 

Here’s an example outline I made for my article on ‘how to write an amazing article.’

how to start writing articles for websites

Click for more tips and templates for creating outlines .

The introduction sets the tone for the entire article by grabbing the reader’s attention. The introduction is your opportunity to hook the readers and provide them with a clear understanding of what your article is about. 

Begin with a compelling opening sentence that grabs attention and sparks curiosity. Then, give a bit of background information and context to set the stage for your topic. Finally, conclude the introduction by stating your article’s main objective or thesis, giving readers a preview of what they can expect.

Example: “Did you know that humans can actually hold their breath for more than 20 minutes underwater? By following some techniques and enough practice, you, too, can extend your underwater breathing time. This article will equip you with seven expert tips to enhance your underwater breathing and unlock the wonders beneath.”

When structuring your article, it’s important to divide it into well-organized sections or paragraphs that delve deeper into the key points you want to convey. By using subheadings, you can break up the text and provide readers with a clear roadmap, making it easier for them to navigate and understand the content.

Each section should begin with a concise topic sentence that introduces the main idea or focus of that particular section. This is a signpost for readers, helping them anticipate what they will learn or explore next. 

For instance, if you’re writing an article about the benefits of exercise, one section could be titled “Improved Mental Health,” with a topic sentence like: “Engaging in regular exercise has been shown to have profound effects on our mental well-being.”

Support your statements with evidence, examples, and relevant data to ensure credibility and engagement. This adds depth and persuasion to your article. For instance, if you claim that exercise reduces stress levels, cite scientific studies or share personal anecdotes that illustrate how exercise has helped individuals manage their stress effectively.

To maintain a seamless flow of ideas, use smooth transitions between paragraphs. This allows readers to easily follow your train of thought as you progress from one point to another. Transitions can be achieved through the use of transitional words or phrases, such as “in addition,” “furthermore,” or “on the other hand.” These help establish connections and guide readers through the logical progression of your article.

This is where you end your article. A good conclusion can leave a lasting impression on the readers. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion and summarize the key points discussed in the body of your article, emphasizing their significance and relevance. Avoid naming their conclusion “Conclusion.” 

Avoid generic headings for your conclusion heading. Be specific like:

  • Learn more about [topic]
  • Why is [topic] important?
  • Does [topic] make sense for your business?

If you must be generic in the conclusion’s heading, then go for:

  • Closing Thoughts
  • Final Words
  • To Sum It Up
  • To Wrap It Up

Recapping the whole article helps the reader remember the list of tips. After the recap, tell them what to do next. If someone reads your whole piece, chances are, they’re invested and will take action on your Call to Action ( CTA ). Don’t let that power and impact go to waste. Guiding them to bookmark the page or follow a link to another relevant article is 100x better than stopping at the recap.

The conclusion should be short and should give the reader a clear sense of finality. Ensure you don’t leave the reader confused about the information presented or your stance on a particular topic. 

Once the draft is finished, you’re well on your way, but there’s still a bit more to do – editing. It’s a vital part of good writing. It shapes a piece of raw coal into a glittering diamond.

No matter how good you are, the first draft is always full of mistakes, and there is usually room for improvement.  

When you have the draft, take a break from writing so you can start editing with fresh eyes again. You’ll see a lot of things that you missed earlier. Review your article for clarity, coherence, grammar, and spelling errors. Ensure your writing flows smoothly and effectively communicates your ideas. To make things easier, use some tools to help you edit; I’ll discuss those in a later section.

Next, remove anything unnecessary from your article. Anything that doesn’t add any value to your article shouldn’t be there. Then, check to see if you’ve missed any necessary information. Add statistics and relevant information to solidify your writing. 

If you have the option, have a friend read the draft. A new perspective can usually detect problems. Make necessary revisions and proofread multiple times until you are confident in the quality of your final piece.

By following these ten steps, you can create a well-crafted and engaging article that captivates your audience from start to finish. 

  • Stay true to your unique perspective:   As a writer, your unique perspective and voice are your most valuable assets. Embrace your individuality and bring your authentic self into your writing. Avoid replicating existing content or mimicking other writers. Instead, focus on expressing your thoughts, opinions, and experiences. Your distinctive viewpoint will set your article apart from others and create a personal connection with your readers. Be confident in your voice and don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through.
  • Offer valuable insights: To engage your audience and leave a lasting impression, your article must provide genuine value. Research your topic thoroughly to unearth valuable insights, fresh data, or unique angles that haven’t been extensively covered before. Share your expertise, research findings, or personal experiences to enrich the reader’s understanding. Offering something new and valuable establishes you as a reliable source of information and keeps readers coming back for more of your content.
  • Strive for clarity and coherence in your writing: Clear and coherent writing is the hallmark of an effective article. Ensure your ideas flow logically and smoothly from one paragraph to another. Use clear and concise language to convey your message without ambiguity. Avoid using jargon or overly complex terms that might confuse your readers. Utilize transition words and phrases to create seamless connections between sentences and paragraphs. When your writing is clear and coherent, readers can easily follow your train of thought, making the reading experience enjoyable and memorable. 
  • Keep it short and simple: Use simple and easily understandable words to communicate your ideas effectively. Break down complex concepts into smaller, digestible chunks. Short sentences are easier to read and comprehend, allowing readers to grasp your message quickly. Also, don’t stretch your paragraphs too much. A paragraph should contain 3 to 4 lines maximum. Longer paragraphs create a wall of text that discourage readers from continuing.
  • Do not copy/plagiarize: Originality is key when creating web content. Plagiarism is unethical and can have severe consequences. Always credit and properly cite any sources or references you use in your article. Provide your unique insights and perspectives to add value to the reader’s experience. Plagiarism damages your credibility and hinders your growth as a writer.
  • Use subheadings and make it scannable: Web readers often skim through articles rather than reading them word by word. Help them navigate and grasp your content easily by using informative subheadings. Subheadings break up the text, making it scannable and allowing readers to find the information they are interested in quickly. Use clear and descriptive subheadings that accurately represent the content of each section.
  • Use pictures and tables: Visual elements such as pictures, infographics, and tables can enhance the overall reader experience. Images can help illustrate your points, make your article visually appealing, and provide a welcome break from the text. Tables are useful for presenting data or comparisons in a structured and organized manner. Ensure that your visuals are relevant, high-quality, and appropriately sourced.

There are many tools out there to help your writing journey. Let’s introduce you to some of the most useful tools you can get for free to take your article writing to the next level. 

how to start writing articles for websites

  • ChatGPT:   ChatGPT is an AI-powered writing tool that helps writers generate ideas, write sections, conduct research, and fix grammar. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, a technology that allows machines like ChatGPT to understand human language and respond with natural-sounding text. While AI is powerful, it’s essential to fact-check its outputs since it can sometimes make mistakes in providing accurate information. Use ChatGPT wisely, and it can be your helpful writing companion!
  • Grammarly: It’s a popular writing tool that helps writers improve their grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It works as an automated proofreader and editor, checking your text for errors and offering suggestions for improvements. The pro version also has a built-in plagiarism checker. 
  • Wordtune: It’s an AI-powered writing tool that assists in rephrasing and improving your sentences. It offers alternative wordings and suggestions for stronger vocabulary and can even rewrite entire sentences to improve readability and style. Wordtune can be especially useful when you want to convey your message more engagingly and concisely. 

These tools can greatly support your writing and editing process, making it easier to produce high-quality articles. However, it’s important to note that while AI tools like ChatGPT, Grammarly, and Wordtune offer valuable assistance, they are not substitutes for human creativity and critical thinking. Reviewing and revising your work personally is essential to ensure that it aligns with your unique voice and meets your intended goals for the article.

Article templates 

Templates can serve as a helpful starting point to structure your content effectively. Here are four commonly used article templates:

This template is ideal for addressing a specific problem or challenge and providing a solution to your readers. It consists of the following sections:

  • Introduction: Present the problem or challenge, and explain its significance or impact.
  • Problem Analysis: Dive deeper into the issue, providing relevant facts, statistics, or examples to support your claims.
  • Solution Presentation: Introduce your proposed solution(s), explaining how they can address the problem effectively.
  • Implementation and Benefits: Discuss how readers can implement the solution and the potential benefits they can expect to achieve.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the problem, restate the solution, and leave readers with a call to action or a final thought.

Listicles are popular for their easy-to-read and scannable format. This template organizes content into a numbered or bulleted list, providing concise information or tips. It typically includes the following sections:

  • Introduction: Present the topic and explain its relevance or importance.
  • List Items: Present each point on the list, with a brief description or explanation for each.
  • Elaboration: Provide further details, examples, or insights for each list item.
  • Conclusion: Recap the main points covered in the list and offer a closing thought or a call to action.

This template is useful for providing a detailed process or instructions on how to accomplish a specific task. It follows a sequential structure and includes the following sections:

  • Introduction: Introduce the task or process and explain its significance or benefits.
  • Step 1: Describe the first step of the process, including any necessary background information.
  • Step 2: Detail the second step, and continue with subsequent steps until the process is complete.
  • Tips and Considerations: Offer additional tips, tricks, or important considerations to enhance the reader’s understanding or success in following the steps.
  • Conclusion: Recap the steps covered, emphasize key takeaways, and provide a closing remark or call to action.

This template is suitable when comparing and contrasting two or more subjects, products, or ideas. It follows a structured approach and consists of the following sections:

  • Introduction: Present the subjects being compared and explain the purpose or context of the analysis.
  • Comparison Criteria: Identify the specific criteria or factors used to evaluate and compare the subjects.
  • Comparison Sections: Dedicate separate sections to each criterion, providing a detailed analysis and comparison of the subjects based on that criterion.
  • Overall Assessment: Summarize the main findings and provide an overall assessment or conclusion based on the comparisons made.
  • Conclusion: Reinforce the main points, highlight any recommendations or conclusions, and encourage readers to share their thoughts or experiences.

Other than these short templates, you can find millions of examples online. Simply search for a similar article you want to write, and click on the first few links to see the structure they’ve used. 

Congratulations! You’ve now gained a comprehensive understanding of how to write amazing articles. By following the steps and techniques in this guide, you are well-equipped to embark on your writing journey and captivate your target audience.

Remember, writing articles is not only about conveying information; it is also about connecting with readers on a deeper level, inspiring them, and sparking meaningful conversations. 

The next step is to find a good place to publish your amazing articles now that you have the tools to get started. You can easily get started with a website from It’s quite simple to get started once you follow some super simple guidelines from support.    

So, what are you waiting for? Start creating your account today, unleash your writing prowess, and let the world discover your remarkable talent!

Happy writing!

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About the author, mehedi hasan shoab.

Mehedi is a freelance writer for SaaS, marketing and finance businesses. He's the founder of Mehedi is growing businesses with sizzling writing, one piece at a time.

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How to Write an Article: A Proven Step-by-Step Guide

Tom Winter

Are you dreaming of becoming a notable writer or looking to enhance your content writing skills? Whatever your reasons for stepping into the writing world, crafting compelling articles can open numerous opportunities. Writing, when viewed as a skill rather than an innate talent, is something anyone can master with persistence, practice, and the proper guidance.

That’s precisely why I’ve created this comprehensive guide on ‘how to write an article.’ Whether you’re pursuing writing as a hobby or eyeing it as a potential career path, understanding the basics will lead you to higher levels of expertise. This step-by-step guide has been painstakingly designed based on my content creation experience. Let’s embark on this captivating journey toward becoming an accomplished article writer !

What is an Article?

what is an article

An article is more than words stitched together cohesively; it’s a carefully crafted medium expressing thoughts, presenting facts, sharing knowledge, or narrating stories. Essentially encapsulating any topic under the sun (or beyond!), an article is a versatile format meant to inform, entertain, or persuade readers.

Articles are ubiquitous; they grace your morning newspaper (or digital equivalents), illuminate blogs across various platforms, inhabit scholarly journals, and embellish magazines. Irrespective of their varying lengths and formats, which range from news reports and features to opinion pieces and how-to guides, all articles share some common objectives. Learning how to write this type of content involves mastering the ability to meet these underlying goals effectively.

Objectives of Article Writing

Objectives of Article Writing

The primary goal behind learning how to write an article is not merely putting words on paper. Instead, you’re trying to communicate ideas effectively. Each piece of writing carries unique objectives intricately tailored according to the creator’s intent and the target audience’s interests. Generally speaking, when you immerse yourself in writing an article, you should aim to achieve several fundamental goals.

First, deliver value to your readers. An engaging and informative article provides insightful information or tackles a problem your audience faces. You’re not merely filling up pages; you must offer solutions, present new perspectives, or provide educational material.

Next comes advancing knowledge within a specific field or subject matter. Especially relevant for academic or industry-focused writings, articles are often used to spread original research findings and innovative concepts that strengthen our collective understanding and drive progress.

Another vital objective for those mastering how to write an article is persuasion. This can come in various forms: convincing people about a particular viewpoint or motivating them to make a specific choice. Articles don’t always have to be neutral; they can be powerful tools for shifting public opinion.

Finally, let’s not forget entertainment – because who said only fictional work can entertain? Articles can stir our emotions or pique our interest with captivating storytelling techniques. It bridges the gap between reader and writer using shared experiences or universal truths.

Remember that high-quality content remains common across all boundaries despite these distinct objectives. No matter what type of writer you aspire to become—informative, persuasive, educational, or entertaining—strive for clarity, accuracy, and stimulation in every sentence you craft.

What is the Format of an Article?

What is the Format of an Article?

When considering how to write an article, understanding its foundation – in this case, the format – should be at the top of your list. A proper structure is like a blueprint, providing a direction for your creative construction.

First and foremost, let’s clarify one essential point: articles aren’t just homogenous chunks of text. A well-crafted article embodies different elements that merge to form an engaging, informative body of work. Here are those elements in order:

  • The Intriguing Title

The title or heading is at the top. It’s your first chance to engage with a reader. This element requires serious consideration since it can determine whether someone will continue reading your material.

  • Engaging Introduction

Next comes the introduction, where you set expectations and hint at what’s to come. An artfully written introduction generates intrigue and gives readers a compelling reason to stick around.

  • Informative Body

The main body entails a detailed exploration of your topic, often broken down into subtopics or points for more manageable consumption and better flow of information.

  • Impactful Conclusion

Lastly, you have the conclusion, where you tie everything neatly together by revisiting key points and offering final thoughts.

While these components might appear straightforward on paper, mastering them requires practice, experimentation with writing styles, and a good understanding of your target audience. 

By putting in the work to familiarize yourself with how to create articles and how they’re structured, you’ll soon discover new ways to develop engaging content each time you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard!). Translating complex concepts into digestible content doesn’t need to feel daunting anymore! Now that we’ve tackled the format, our focus can shift to what should be included in an article.

What Should Be in an Article?

What Should Be in an Article?

Understanding that specific items should be featured in your writing is crucial. A well-crafted article resembles a neatly packed suitcase – everything has its place and purpose.

Key Information

First and foremost, you need essential information. Start by presenting the topic plainly so readers can grasp its relevance immediately. This sets the tone of why you are writing the article. The degree of depth at this point will depend on your audience; be mindful not to overwhelm beginners with too much jargon or over-simplify things for experts.


Secondly, every article must have an engaging introduction—this acts as the hook that reels your audience. Think of it as a movie trailer—it offers a taste of what’s to come without giving away all the details.

Third is the body, wherein you get into the crux of your argument or discussion. This is the point at which you present your ideas sequentially, along with supporting evidence or examples. Depending on the nature of your topic and personal style, this may vary from storytelling forms to more analytical breakdowns.

Lastly, you’ll need a fitting conclusion that wraps up all previously discussed points, effectively tying together every loose thread at the end. This helps cement your main ideas within the reader’s mind even after they’ve finished reading.

To summarize:  

  • Critical Information: Provides context for understanding
  • Introduction: Sheds further light on what will follow while piquing interest  
  • Body: Discusses topic intricacies using narratives or case studies
  • Conclusion: Ties up loose ends and reemphasizes important takeaways

In my experience writing articles for beginners and experts alike, I found these elements indispensable when conveying complex topics articulately and professionally. Always keep them at hand when looking to produce written material.

How should you structure an article?

How should you structure an article?

Crafting a well-structured article is akin to assembling a puzzle – every piece has its place and purpose. Let’s look at how to create the perfect skeleton for your content.

The introduction is your article’s welcome mat. It should be inviting and informative, briefly outlining what a reader can expect from your writing. Additionally, it must instantly grab the readers’ attention so they feel compelled to continue reading. To master the art of creating effective introductions, remember these key points:

  • Keep it short and precise.
  • Use compelling hooks like quotes or intriguing facts.
  • State clearly what the article will cover without revealing everything upfront.

Moving on, you encounter the body of your piece. This segment expands on the ideas outlined in the introduction while presenting fresh subtopics related to your core story. If we compare article writing to crossing a bridge, each paragraph represents a step toward the other side (the conclusion). Here are some tips for maintaining orderliness within your body:

  • Stick closely to one idea per paragraph as it enhances readability.
  • Ensure paragraphs flow logically by utilizing transitional words or sentences.
  • Offer evidence or examples supporting your claims and reinforce credibility.

As you approach the far side of our imaginary bridge, we reach an equally essential section of the article known as the conclusion. At this point, you should aim to wrap up your message neatly while delivering on what was initially promised during the introduction. This section summarizes the main points, providing closure and ensuring readers feel satisfied.

Remember this golden rule when writing the conclusion: follow the  “Describe what you’re going to tell them (Introduction), tell them (Body), and then summarize what you told them (Conclusion).”  It’s a proven formula for delivering informative, engaging, and well-structured articles. 

One final tip before moving on: maintaining an active voice significantly enhances clarity for your readers. It makes them feel like they’re participating actively in the story unfolding within your article. In addition, it helps ensure easy readability, which is vital for keeping your audience engaged.

Tips for Writing a Good Article

Tips for Writing a Good Article

A persuasive, engaging, and insightful article requires careful thought and planning. Half the battle won is by knowing how to start writing and make content captivating. Below are vital tips that can enhance your article writing skills.

Heading or Title

An audience’s first impression hinges on the quality of your title. A good heading should be clear, attention-grabbing, and give an accurate snapshot of what’s contained in the piece’s body. Here are a few guidelines on how to create an impactful title:

  • Make it Compelling: Your title needs to spark interest and motivate readers to delve further into your work.
  • Keep it concise: You want to have a manageable heading. Aim for brevity yet inclusiveness.
  • Optimize with keywords: To boost search engine visibility, sprinkle relevant keywords naturally throughout your title.

By applying these techniques, you can increase reader engagement right from the get-go.

Body of the Article

After winning over potential readers with your catchy title, it’s time to provide substantial content in the form of the body text. Here’s how articles are typically structured:

Introduction:  Begin by providing an appealing overview that hooks your audience and baits them to read more. You can ask poignant questions or share interesting facts about your topic here.

Main Content:  Build on the groundwork set by your introduction. Lay out detailed information in a logical sequence with clear articulation.

Conclusion:  This reemphasizes the critical points discussed in the body while delivering a lasting impression of why those points matter.

Remember that clarity is critical when drafting each part because our objective here is to share information and communicate effectively. Properly understanding this approach ensures that the writing experience becomes creative and productive.

Step By Step Guide for Article Writing

Step By Step Guide for Article Writing

How do you write an article that engages your readers from the first line until the last? That’s what most writers, whether beginners or seasoned pros are trying to achieve. I’ll describe a step-by-step process for crafting such gripping articles in this guide.

Step 1: Find Your Target Audience

First and foremost, identify your target readers. Speaking directly to a specific group improves engagement and helps you craft messages that resonate deeply. To pinpoint your audience:

  • Take note of demographic attributes like age, gender, and profession.
  • Consider their preferences and needs.
  • Look into how much knowledge they are likely to possess concerning your topic.

Knowing this will help you decide what tone, language, and style best suits your readers. Remember, by understanding your audience better, you make it much easier to provide them with engaging content.

Step 2: Select a Topic and an Attractive Heading

Having understood your audience, select a relevant topic based on their interests and questions. Be sure it’s one you can competently discuss. When deciding how to start writing an article, ensure it begins with a captivating title.

A title should hint at what readers will gain from the article without revealing everything. Maintain some element of intrigue or provocation. For example, ‘6 Essentials You Probably Don’t Know About Gardening’ instead of just ‘Gardening Tips’.

Step 3: Research is Key

Good research is crucial to building credibility for beginners and experts alike. It prevents errors that could tarnish your piece immensely.

Thoroughly explore relevant books, scholarly articles, or reputable online resources. Find facts that build authenticity while debunking misconceptions that relate to your topic. Take notes on critical points discovered during this process—it’ll save you time when creating your first draft.

Step 4: Write a Comprehensive Brief

Having done your research, it’s time to write an outline or a brief—a roadmap for your article. This conveys how articles are written systematically without losing track of the main points.

Begin by starting the introduction with a punchy opener that draws readers in and a summary of what they’ll glean from reading. Section out specific points and ideas as separate headings and bullet points under each section to form the body. A conclusion rounds things up by restating key takeaways.

Step 5: Write and Proofread

Now comes the bulk of the work—writing. Respect the brief created earlier to ensure consistency and structure while drafting content. Use short, clear sentences while largely avoiding jargon unless absolutely necessary.

Post-writing, proofread ardently to check for typographical errors, inconsistent tenses, and poor sentence structures—and don’t forget factual correctness! It helps to read aloud, which can reveal awkward phrases that slipped through initial edits.

Step 6: Add Images and Infographics

Introduce visuals such as images, infographics, or videos into your piece to break text monotony and increase comprehension. They provide aesthetic relief while supporting the main ideas, increasing overall engagement.

Remember to source royalty-free images or get permission for copyrighted ones—you don’t want legal battles later!

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Article Writing

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Article Writing

Regarding article writing, a few pitfalls can compromise the quality of your content. Knowing these and how to avoid them will enhance your work’s clarity, depth, and impact.

The first mistake often made is skimping on research. An article without solid underpinnings won’t merely be bland – it might mislead readers. Therefore, prioritize comprehensive investigation before penning down anything. Understanding common misconceptions or misinterpretations about your topic will strengthen your case. 

Next, sidestep unnecessary jargon or excessively complex language. While showcasing an impressive vocabulary might seem appealing, remember that your primary objective is imparting information efficiently and effectively.

Moreover, failing to structure articles effectively represents another standard error. A structured piece aids in delivering complex ideas coherently. Maintaining a logical sequence facilitates reader comprehension, whether explaining a detailed concept or narrating an incident.

A piece lacking aesthetic allure can fail its purpose regardless of the value of its text. That’s where images come into play. Neglecting them is an all-too-common mistake among beginners. Relevant pictures inserted at appropriate junctures serve as visual breaks from texts and stimulate interest among readers.

Lastly, proofreading is vital in determining whether you can deliver a well-written article. Typos and grammatical errors can significantly undermine professional credibility while disrupting a smooth reading experience.

So, when pondering how articles are written, avoiding these mistakes goes a long way toward producing high-quality content that embodies both substance and style. Remember: practice is paramount when learning how to write excellent material!

How to Write an Article with SEOwind AI Writer?

How to Write an Article with SEOwind AI Writer

Using the power of artificial intelligence has been a major step in many industries. One such significant tool is SEOwind AI Writer , which is critical for those curious about how to write an article leveraging AI. In this section, I’ll cover how you can effectively use SEOwind AI writer to create compelling articles.

Step 1: Create a Brief and Outline

The first step in writing an article revolves around understanding your audience’s interests and then articulating them in a comprehensive brief that outlines the content’s framework.

  • Decide on the topic: What ideas will you share via your article?
  • Define your audience: Knowing who will read your text significantly influences your tone, style, and content depth.
  • Establish main points: Highlight the key points or arguments you wish to exhibit in your drafted piece. This helps create a skeleton for your work and maintain a logical flow of information.

With SEOwind:

  • you get all the content and keyword research for top-performing content in one place,
  • you can generate a comprehensive AI outline with one click,
  • users can quickly create a title, description, and keywords that match the topic you’re writing about.

As insightful as it might seem, having a roadmap doubles as a guide throughout the creative process. SEOwind offers a user-friendly interface that allows the easy input of essential elements like keywords, title suggestions, content length, etc. These provide an insightful outline, saving time with an indispensable tool that demonstrates the practicality of article writing.

Step 2: Feed AI with context

The magic ingredient to make your AI content stand out is feeding it with the right kind of information.

1. Define your Brand Voice

  • Your brand’s voice is its heartbeat. We will help you sketch it out. Just provide SEOwind with some sample text.
  • Check out this handy video on  SEOwind Brand Voice Feature
  • Company and product details
  • The more we know about your company, products, services, and audience, the better. This fuels the AI to craft content that truly resonates.
  • Dive into our video on  SEOwind Company data feature

3. Integrate with Google Search Console

  • Authorize GSC integration, so SEOwind can find relevant internal linking opportunities when writing your articles.

4. Choose a model for AI Writing

  • Choose between GPT-4 (which offers a creative flair to your writing) and the Google Gemini 1.5 Pro (which focuses on data precision and accuracy).
  • For more details, check the video  Gemini vs OpenAI

5. Enrich AI with your own insights

To stand out from generic content, it’s essential to enrich your AI-generated articles with your own insights and expertise. This not only adds value to your content but also positions your brand as an authority in your field. In order to add your own insights, just toggle on Your own insights when creating the brief (Section: Include in AI Article within Build your brief) and add your thoughts in the field.

Step 3: Write an AI Article using SEOwind

Once you have a brief ready, you can write an AI article with a single click. It will consider all the data you provided and much more, such as copywriting and SEO best practices , to deliver content that ranks.

Step 4: Give it a Human Touch

Finally, SEOwind’s intuitive platform delivers impeccably constructed content to dispel any confusion about writing an article. The result is inevitably exceptional, with well-structured sentences and logically sequenced sections that meet your demands.

However, artificial intelligence can sometimes miss the unique personal touch that enhances relatability in communication and makes articles more compelling. Let’s master adding individualistic charm to personalize articles so that they resonate with audiences.

Tailoring the AI-generated piece with personal anecdotes or custom inputs helps to break the monotony and bolster engagement rates. Always remember to tweak essential SEO elements like meta descriptions and relevant backlinks.

A quick product tour on how to create AI articles below

So, whether it’s enhancing casual language flow or eliminating robotic consistency, the slightest modifications can breathe life into the text and transform your article into a harmonious man-machine effort. Remember – it’s not just about technology making life easy but also how effectively we utilize this emerging trend!

Common Questions on how to write an article

Delving into the writing world, especially regarding articles, can often lead to a swarm of questions. Let’s tackle some common queries that newbies and seasoned writers frequently stumble upon to make your journey more comfortable and rewarding.

What is the easiest way to write an article?

The easiest way to write an article begins with a clear structure. Here are five simple steps you can follow:

  • Identify your audience: The first thing you should consider while planning your article is who will read it? Identifying your target audience helps shape the article’s content, style, and purpose.
  • Decide on a topic and outline: Determining what to write about can sometimes be a formidable task. Try to ensure you cover a topic you can cover effectively or for which you feel great passion. Next, outline the main points you want to present throughout your piece.
  • Do the research: Dig deep into resources for pertinent information regarding your topic and gather as much knowledge as possible. An informed writer paves the way for a knowledgeable reader.
  • Drafting phase: Begin with an engaging introduction followed by systematically fleshing out each point from your outline in body paragraphs before ending with conclusive remarks tying together all the earlier arguments.
  • Fine-tune through editing and proofreading: Errors happen no matter how qualified or experienced a writer may be! So make sure to edit and proofread before publishing.

Keep these keys in mind and remain patient and persistent. There’s no easier alternative for writing an article.

How can I write an article without knowing about the topic?

We sometimes need to write about less familiar subjects – but do not fret! Here’s my approach:

  • First off, start by thoroughly researching subject-centric reliable sources. The more information you have, the better poised you are to write confidently about it.
  • While researching, take notes and highlight the most essential points.
  • Create an outline by organizing these points logically – this essentially becomes your article’s backbone.
  • Start writing based on your research and outlined structure. If certain aspects remain unclear, keep investigating until clarity prevails.

Getting outside your comfort zone can be daunting, but is also a thrilling chance to expand your horizons.

What is your process for writing an article quickly?

In terms of speed versus quality in writing an article – strikingly enough, they aren’t mutually exclusive. To produce a high-quality piece swiftly, adhere to the following steps:

  • Establish purpose and audience: Before cogs start turning on phrase-spinning, be clear on why you’re writing and who will likely read it.
  • Brainstorm broadly, then refine: Cast a wide net initially regarding ideas around your topic. Then, narrow down those areas that amplify your core message or meet objectives.
  • Create a robust outline: A detailed roadmap prevents meandering during actual writing and saves time!
  • Ignore perfection in the first draft: Speed up initial drafting by prioritizing getting your thoughts on paper over perfect grammar or sentence compositions.
  • Be disciplined with edits and revisions: Try adopting a cut, shorten, and replace mantra while trimming fluff without mercy!

Writing quickly requires practice and strategic planning – but rest assured, it’s entirely possible!

Tom Winter

Seasoned SaaS and agency growth expert with deep expertise in AI, content marketing, and SEO. With SEOwind, he crafts AI-powered content that tops Google searches and magnetizes clicks. With a track record of rocketing startups to global reach and coaching teams to smash growth, Tom's all about sharing his rich arsenal of strategies through engaging podcasts and webinars. He's your go-to guy for transforming organic traffic, supercharging content creation, and driving sales through the roof.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is an Article?
  • 2 Objectives of Article Writing
  • 3 What is the Format of an Article?
  • 4 What Should Be in an Article?
  • 5 How should you structure an article?
  • 6 Tips for Writing a Good Article
  • 7 Step By Step Guide for Article Writing
  • 8 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Article Writing
  • 9 How to Write an Article with SEOwind AI Writer?
  • 10 Common Questions on how to write an article

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The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Starting Your Website Content

Pamela wilson.

How to write website content, even if you're a beginner

You have a brand-new website. Congratulations!

You may be wondering exactly how to write website content, though.

It’s a big job. Where do you start?

If you’d like tools and tips for how to make your writing faster and easier, scroll to the bottom of this post for a helpful video.

If you’re ready to write your website content, let’s get going!

First, it’s important to understand the difference between static, unchanging website pages like your: 

  • Contact page
  • Commerce-style pages like Store, Products, Services, or Work with Me

And website pages that update frequently like your:

  • Blog or podcast content

As we tackle this topic of how to write your website content, we’re going to focus on getting your static pages created first. We’ll get them done, published, and working for you, and then we’ll work on how to write a blog post and other frequently published content.

First, a reality check, my friend. If you’re feeling slightly terrified at the thought of writing all that website content, I get it.

There are few things more intimidating than looking at a big, blank website that you have fill with content. 

Never fear: This post will cover how to write a content for your website, even if it’s brand-spanking new.

How to write website content when your site is new (and blank!)

The way to tackle this job is to prioritize what you’ll focus on.

Here’s how to write website content, in order of priority:

  • Create a Home page where people can land.
  • Create an About page so visitors know who’s behind the website.
  • Create a Contact page so people have a way to reach you.

Once these three pages are complete, you’ve covered the basics.

Now you can focus on adding pages that take longer to create.

The next website content you’ll focus on writing depends on where you are in your business growth.

If you already have products or services to sell, you could create what I call a Commerce page. This is a page that offers links to your products or services. It can take a variety of forms. It might be:

  • A Store page which displays all of your available products with links to purchase them
  • A Services page which explains the services you provide with links to find out more
  • A Work with Me page which details the kind of clients you help, how you work, and shares a way to take the first step toward working with you

If you don’t have anything ready to offer, no worries! You can skip directly to the next area of focus, your Content section.

By definition, this is the part of your website that will be updated frequently.

The most common content type (and the easiest kind to start with) is a blog.

If you’re wondering how to write a blog post, you have come to the right place! I’m going to cover that in detail in the next section.

What should be included in a blog post?

If you’ve never written a blog post before, the process can feel like a big mystery.

You may know a good blog post when you read one, but you may not be sure how to re-create it yourself.

I’ve written blog posts consistently since 2010. My work has appeared on some of the most high-traffic sites on the web, like Copyblogger , Duct Tape Marketing , Smart Blogger , and Problogger .

And I’ve written two much-loved books on content marketing, Master Content Marketing and Master Content Strategy .

I’ll let you in on a little secret that might surprise you …

For decades, I didn’t think I could write.

I was a graphic designer by trade.

I was naturally drawn to the visual side of marketing and became very good at creating logos, publications, brochures, annual reports, and newsletters.

But I was determined to build an online presence. To do that, I knew I had to figure out this “content marketing thing.”

That meant learning to write, even though I didn’t think I’d ever be good at it.

In order to learn from the masters, I started paying attention to the best blog content on the web. Over time, I began to see a pattern emerge.

I discovered that great blog posts — and effective content marketing — contained the same seven elements, over and over.

You can learn to master these seven essential elements of content marketing and use them in all the content you create for your website.

I’ll use a blog post as an example, but the same seven elements can be used to structure a podcast episode, a video (vlog) piece, and other frequently updated content.

Master these seven elements and you’ll know how to write website content that performs well and helps to grow your online business.

How to write a blog post: The 7 essential elements of effective content marketing

The best blog content contains all seven of the elements below.

Each section needs to be strong so it pulls its own weight and does the job it needs to do in your content.

How to write website content: Headline tips

1. Write a compelling headline

Want your blog to be clicked on and read?

Spend lots and lots of time (way more than you think) working on an engaging headline.

My favorite tools to use when I’m working on headlines are:

  • A plain text document where I can brainstorm 10-25 headline ideas
  • A site that allows me to “grade” and compare my best headline ideas. I like the Sharethrough headline analyzer .
  • Coffee! (Or tea). Seriously — writing headlines is hard work. Caffeinate as needed.

Headline resources:

  • My book Master Content Marketing has a whole chapter on writing headlines and includes 50 fill-in-the-blank formulas to help you create winning headlines. Get Master Content Marketing .
  • Read How to Write Magnetic Headlines on Copyblogger.
  • Register and download Headline Hacks from Smartblogger.

How to write website content: First sentence tips

2. Craft an inviting first sentence

The very first sentence of your blog post is a make-or-break moment.

Keep it short, snappy, and casual. Write it like you’re writing to your best friend.

It needs to be inviting. It should be intriguing.

If it’s not, readers will click away and look elsewhere for their information.

First sentence resources:

  • 10 Ways to Hook Blog Readers With Your Opening Line by my friend Amy Harrison .
  • My book Master Content Marketing has a whole chapter on writing your first sentence. Really! Get Master Content Marketing .

How to write website content: Intro section tips

3. Add an intro section

You may not have noticed that most blog posts have an intro section.

The intro section serves as a transition between your first sentence and your main content.

This is the first place on the page where you’re asking the reader to settle in and commit to reading what you’ve written.

Use it to summarize what they’re about to learn. Give them a preview of why you’ll make it worth their while to consume your content.

Intro section resources:

  • The Ultimate Guide to Writing Blog Post Introductions by Neil Patel
  • Master Content Marketing has a chapter on crafting blog post introductions. Get Master Content Marketing .
  • 7 Ways to Write Better Opening Paragraphs for Your Blog Posts by Barry Feldman on Orbit Media.

How to write website content: Subhead tips

4. Write attention-getting subheads

Subheads are one of the most important ways you can make your online content easier to consume.

They serve as “signposts” that move the reader through your blog content.

(The podcast or video equivalent to subheads is the short introduction to a new section of the information being presented.)

In written content, subheads give people who are skimming through your written content a general idea of what it contains.

Subhead resources:

  • How to Write Subheads that Hook (and Re-hook) Your Readers on Copyblogger
  • The No-Nonsense Guide to Writing Online Headlines and Subheads by Enchanting Marketing
  • My book Master Content Marketing includes a chapter on writing subheads, too. It includes information on how to format subheads and shares a compelling reason to write your headline and subheads before you write the rest of your content. Get Master Content Marketing .

How to write website content: Main copy tips

5. Fill in your main copy

What do I mean by the “main copy?” It’s everything else.

It’s all the writing outside of the sections above and the sections below.

It’s the heart of your content, where you deliver the value you’ve promised.

Main copy resources:

  • The best tip for writing your main copy from my book Master Content Marketing ? Write it fast. When you’re working on the first draft of your content, get your ideas down as fast as possible. Don’t re-read, edit, or polish. Get Master Content Marketing .
  • Day Two: How to Fill in the Details of Your Winning Piece of Content on Problogger

How to write website content: Summary tips

6. Wrap it up with a summary

Here’s another content section you may not have noticed before, but the best content features it.

Toward the end of your content, it’s smart to summarize the topic you covered and move readers to the final content element — the call to action.

Your content summary is a way to look back and say, “Here’s what we covered.”

It’s a last opportunity to reinforce the information you shared so your reader retains it.

Summary resources:

  • How to Summarize an Article on WikiHow
  • Here’s what I share about writing a summary in Master Content Marketing . First, refer back to something mentioned at the beginning. Remind your reader about what they learning. Reinforce how they’ll benefit from having consumed the content. Get Master Content Marketing .

How to write website content:Call to action tips

7. Add a call to action

Content marketing and blogging serve a business purpose.

Creating content helps your website get found on search engines. It attracts prospects to your business and it gives you a way to develop a trust-based relationship with them.

But if you don’t ask your readers to take action, you might as well skip the whole exercise!

Your call to action — placed at the very end of your content — will do this for you.

Call to action resources:

  • Powerful Calls to Action: How to Get Your Reader to Take the Next Step on Copyblogger
  • In Master Content Marketing I say “Your call to action is where business happens.” Your “CTA” doesn’t have to ask for a sale — you can request that people leave a comment or share your content on social media. Either way, make sure your call to action is convincing and direct, like this: Get Master Content Marketing .
  • Call to Action: Five resources to help improve your CTA on MainWP

How to write website content like a pro

I hope that this simple breakdown was helpful. You don’t become a content pro overnight.

Take it day-by-day and build your website content in this order:

First, create the foundational pages that won’t change often

  • Build a Home page that explains who you help and how you help them
  • Create an About page so visitors can learn more about the person or people behind the website
  • Build a Contact page so people can reach out

Have something ready to sell?

Have something to offer? Build a Commerce page next.

Use this page to offer your products or services. You can add to it over time. And if you haven’t developed any offers yet, skip this step and get started with the next one.

Finally, begin publishing regular content

Once you have the basics in place, focus on creating and publishing content on a regular basis. The seven essential elements to include in each piece of content are:

  • A compelling tagline
  • An inviting first sentence
  • An intro section
  • At least three subheads
  • Your main copy
  • A call to action

Now that you know how to write website content, do me a favor? (And yes, this is a call to action!)

Click one of the colorful social sharing buttons here and share this content on your favorite social platform.

Improve your online business writing skills — 5 favorite tools and tips

When I started my online business in 2010 I didn’t consider myself a writer.

I taught myself how to write for an online audience by learning and practicing — writing web copy and blog posts. Lots of blog posts!

Since those early days I’ve written three books and many thousands of words on my own site and sites like Copyblogger. If I can do it, so can you, my friend.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel to get all my latest videos, hot off the digital press! Here’s the list of tools I mention in the above video:

  • Hemingway Editor
  • SendCheckIt Subject Line Tester
  • Sharethrough Headline Grader
  • Writesonic (affiliate link)

Remember, they’re only pixels

You may have always wondered how to write content for a website that’s brand new.

Staring at those blank web pages can feel incredibly daunting. But think of it like this — a blank page is an opportunity to carve out your own little corner of the web.

Remember, pixels are easy and fast to update. Don’t be afraid to create content and hit publish with the website content creation tips here.

NOTE: The illustrations in this post are taken directly from Master Content Marketing and were created by the brilliant D.J. Billings .

  • Content Marketing & Copywriting , Online Business , Website Best Practices

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Pamela Wilson coaches people in midlife to build profitable online businesses

I’m Pamela Wilson

In 2010, at the age of 45, I started this site and grew it into a business that offers freedom, flexibility — and consistent revenue.

Master Content Marketing and Master Content Strategy, Second Edition covers

The Master Content Book Series

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How to Get Started with Article Writing: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Compass in flat illustration style, colorful purple gradient colors

So you've always had a way with words, and you've finally decided to dip your toes into the realm of article writing. Congratulations, my friend! Whether you're itching to express your thoughts and insights or aiming to make a career out of crafting captivating content, writing articles can unlock a world of creativity. But where do you begin? Fear not, for this step-by-step guide is here to help you embark on your journey as a budding wordsmith.

From finding your niche to perfecting your writing skills, let's dive in and uncover the secrets to kickstarting your article-writing adventure. Get ready to unleash your inner storyteller and captivate readers one word at a time!

What is Article Writing?

Article writing is the craft of creating written content for various purposes. It involves conveying information clearly and engagingly to a specific audience . Starting with a compelling introduction, an article provides valuable insights and knowledge on a given topic. It is essential to include relevant facts and examples to support your ideas. A well-structured article typically comprises of short paragraphs and uses headings and subheadings to guide readers.

Strong article writing requires good research skills, excellent grammar, and proper formatting. By mastering the art of article writing, beginners can effectively share their ideas and opinions with a broader audience.

Benefits of Article Writing for Beginners

Start for free

Article writing is an excellent starting point for beginners. It helps develop writing skills and boosts creativity. Writing articles enhances critical thinking by requiring research and analysis . It also enables the writer to share knowledge and ideas with others. The process of writing articles improves communication skills and helps build a writer's portfolio. Moreover, article writing allows beginners to explore different topics, positioning them as experts in a specific area.

Step 1: Choose a Topic

Finding a topic that interests you.

Finding a topic that interests you is crucial when starting your article writing journey. Think about subjects you enjoy or have knowledge about. Consider your hobbies, passions, or areas where you excel. It's important to choose a topic that you genuinely care about, as it will make the writing process more enjoyable and help you connect with your readers. Don't be afraid to explore different angles or niches within your chosen topic to make it more unique and engaging.

Remember, the more interested you are in your topic, the more likely it is that others will be interested too. So, choose wisely and have fun!

Researching Popular Topics

Researching popular topics is an essential step in article writing. It not only helps you stay updated with current trends but also enables you to create content that resonates with your target audience . Here are some tips to streamline your research process:

  • Identify your target audience : Define the demographic and interests of your readers to understand what topics are most likely to engage them.
  • Utilize online tools : Leverage search engines, social media platforms, and keyword research tools to identify popular topics in your niche.
  • Analyze competition : Explore articles and blogs written by competitors to gain insights into what topics have performed well for them.
  • Stay updated : Follow news websites, industry publications, and influencers in your field to keep up with the latest trends and topics that are gaining traction.
  • Engage with your audience : Pay attention to comments, feedback, and questions from your readers to identify what they're interested in and shape your content accordingly.

By conducting thorough research, you can ensure that your articles are relevant, engaging, and resonate with your target audience.

Narrowing Down Your Topic

When choosing a topic for your article, it's important to narrow it down to something specific. Start by brainstorming all the potential ideas and then consider which ones interest you the most. Once you have a general idea, try to make it more focused by asking yourself questions like "Who is my target audience?" or "What aspect of this topic do I want to explore?" This will help you create a clear and concise angle for your article, making it easier to write and more engaging for your readers.

Remember, specificity is key!

Step 2: Understand Your Audience

Identifying your target audience.

Identifying your target audience is crucial when writing an article. Who are you trying to reach? Start by defining their demographics - age, gender, location. Dive deeper to understand their interests, needs, and pain points. Are they tech-savvy or more traditional? What challenges do they face? Consider their motivations and desires. By analyzing their behavior and preferences, you can tailor your content to resonate with them.

This will help you engage and connect with your readers on a morepersonal level. Remember, understanding your target audience is the key to creating impactful articles. So, take the time to do your research and get to know them well.

Understanding Audience's Needs and Preferences

In order to be an effective article writer , it is crucial to understand the needs and preferences of your audience. This means taking the time to research and analyze your target readers, their interests, and what they are searching for. By doing so, you can tailor your content to meet their expectations, making it more engaging and relevant.

Whether it’s providing informative guides or entertaining stories, remember to keep your writing concise, easy to understand, and free of unnecessary fluff. By doing this, you will attract and retain your audience's attention, building a loyal readership over time.

Step 3: Conduct Thorough Research

Gathering information from reliable sources.

When writing an article, it is crucial to gather information from reliable sources. This ensures that your content is accurate and trustworthy. Start by identifying reputable sources, such as reputable websites, academic journals, or expert interviews. Use multiple sources to get a well-rounded perspective on the topic. Check for citations and references in the sources you find, as this indicates the information has been substantiated by other experts.

Avoid using sources that lack credibility or have a biased agenda. By gathering information from reliable sources, you can provide valuable and accurate content to your readers.

Organizing Your Research Findings

When it comes to organizing your research findings, it's crucial to have a systematic approach. Here are some tips to help you make sense of all the information you've gathered:

  • Create a clear and logical structure for your article, outlining the main points you want to cover.
  • Determine the most relevant and valuable findings from your research and highlight key data or evidence to support your claims.
  • Categorize your findings into different sections or subheadings, making it easier for readers to navigate through your article.
  • Use bullet points or numbered lists to present concise information or important details.
  • Consider creating an annotated bibliography or reference list to keep track of your sources and ensure correct citations.

By organizing your research findings effectively, you'll be able to present your ideas in a coherent and structured manner, enhancing the clarity and impact of your article.

Step 4: Create an Outline

Structuring your article.

Structuring your article is essential for effective communication. Start with a compelling title that grabs attention. Divide your article into clear sections using subheadings to guide the reader. In the introduction, present the main idea and provide context. Keep paragraphs short and focused, each discussing one key point. Use bullet points or numbered lists for easy comprehension. In the conclusion, summarize the main points and conclude with a thought-provoking statement.

Remember to edit and proofread for clarity and coherence. A well-structured article enhances readability and ensures your message is conveyed effectively.

Outlining Main Points and Subtopics

When starting an article, it is crucial to outline the main points and subtopics you want to cover. This helps you maintain focus and structure throughout your writing. Begin by identifying the main idea or argument you want to convey. Then, list the key points that support or elaborate on this idea. Make sure each point flows logically and sequentially.

Next, break down these key points into subtopics that provide further details or examples. This way, you can organize your thoughts in a clear and coherent manner, ensuring your readers will easily follow your train of thought.

Step 5: Start Writing

Developing a strong body.

Developing a Strong Body is essential for article writing beginners. Regular exercise is key. Start with simple activities like walking or jogging to improve stamina and overall fitness. Include strength training exercises to build muscle and boost metabolism. Focus on workouts that target different body areas such as squats for legs, push-ups for upper body, and planks for core. Consistency is crucial, so aim for at least 3-4 times a week.

Alongside exercise, eat a balanced diet rich in proteins, vegetables, and whole grains to fuel your body and aid in muscle recovery. Hydrate adequately to stay focused and energized during writing sessions. Prioritize self-care and get enough rest for optimal physical and mental performance. With a strong body, writing will become effortless.

Creating an Engaging Conclusion

In order to create an engaging conclusion for your article, consider leaving the reader with something to think about or a call to action. A thought-provoking question or a compelling statement can keep your readers engaged and encourage them to explore the topic further.

Additionally, you can summarize your main points briefly and end on a strong note. Remember, a good conclusion should leave a lasting impression and leave the reader wanting more.

Step 6: Edit and Revise

Checking for grammar and spelling errors.

When you finish writing your article, take a moment to check for grammar and spelling errors. Read it aloud or use a spell-check tool to catch any mistakes. Pay attention to punctuation, capitalization, and word choice. Double-check names, dates, and statistics to ensure accuracy. If possible, ask someone else to proofread your work. Give yourself time between writing and proofreading to identify errors more effectively.

Taking these simple steps can greatly improve the quality of your article and make it more professional.

Improving Sentence Structure and Clarity

To enhance your article writing, focus on sentence structure and clarity. Keep your sentences short and to the point. Avoid lengthy, convoluted sentences that confuse readers. Use active verbs to make your writing more engaging and dynamic. Break up long paragraphs into smaller chunks to improve readability. Use transition words to create smooth transitions between ideas. An automatic solution through which you can achieve all these things in your write-up is by utilizing a paraphrase tool.  Lastly, always proofread your work to eliminate any grammatical errors and ensure clarity. By improving sentence structure and clarity, you can make your article more concise, engaging, and enjoyable for your readers.

Ensuring Coherence and Flow

Ensuring coherence and flow in your article is crucial for keeping the reader engaged. Start by using clear and concise language to express your ideas. Break your article into short paragraphs and vary their lengths to maintain a smooth flow. Use transition words and phrases to connect your ideas and guide the reader through the article.

Additionally, make sure each paragraph focuses on a single point to avoid confusion.

Finally, read your article aloud or ask someone to read it to ensure it flows naturally and is easy to understand. Remember, coherence and flow are keys to effective article writing.

Step 7: Proofread and Finalize

Reading and re-reading your article.

Once you finish writing your article, take a moment to step back and give it a read. Look for any typos, grammatical errors, or awkward phrasing. This initial read-through allows you to catch any obvious mistakes or areas that need improvement.

After this first pass, take a break. Give yourself some distance from the article before coming back to it for a second read. This time, focus on the overall flow and structure of your piece. Does it make sense? Is the information organized logically? Take note of any areas that feel disjointed or confusing.

When you're satisfied with the structure, read it through one final time, paying attention to the details. Check for consistency in verb tenses, formatting, and citation styles. Ensure that your article flows smoothly and that each sentence serves a purpose.

By actively reading and re-reading your article, you can catch errors, improve clarity, and deliver a polished final piece that engages and informs your readers.

Formatting and Styling

Formatting and styling is crucial when it comes to writing an article. A well-structured article enhances readability and grabs the reader's attention. Start with a catchy headline that summarizes your content. Use subheadings to break up the text and make it more scannable. Keep your paragraphs short and to the point. Bullet points and numbered lists are great for conveying information concisely. Incorporate relevant images to engage your readers visually.

Lastly, proofread your article for grammar and spelling errors. Taking the time to format and style your article properly will greatly improve its impact and readability.

Reflecting on Your Article Writing Journey

As you near the end of your article writing journey, take a moment to reflect on how far you've come. Think about the skills you've acquired, the topics you've delved into, and the challenges you've conquered. Remember the moments of frustration and the triumphs that followed. Embrace the growth you've experienced and the knowledge you've gained along the way. Appreciate the progress, no matter how small, and use it as fuel to continue honing your craft. Remember, every step counts and every article is an opportunity to improve. Keep writing, keep learning, and keep pushing yourself to new heights.

Taking Next Steps to Improve as a Writer

Now that you've taken your first steps into article writing, it's time to take the next ones in order to improve as a writer. One way to do this is by reading extensively. Pick up different genres and styles of writing to broaden your horizons. Another crucial step is to write consistently. Make a writing schedule and stick to it, even if it's just for a few minutes each day.

Additionally, seek feedback from others. Join writing groups or ask friends to read your work and provide constructive criticism. Remember, practice, exposure to different writing styles, and feedback are key to becoming a better writer.

Wrapping up

Writing articles can be a daunting task for beginners, but with this step-by-step guide, you'll be well on your way to becoming a proficient article writer.

First, choose a topic that interests you and conduct thorough research to gather all the necessary information. Then, create an outline to organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow in your writing. When crafting the introduction, aim to grab your readers' attention with a compelling hook. In the body of the article, present your ideas clearly, providing evidence and examples to support your claims. Use subheadings and bullet points to enhance readability. Once the main points are covered, wrap up your article with a conclusion that summarizes your key takeaways and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. Remember to proofread and edit your work to eliminate any errors or inconsistencies. With practice and perseverance, you'll develop your own unique writing style and become an accomplished article writer.

How to Start Content Writing (For Beginners)

By: Author Paul Jenkins

Posted on Published: September 26, 2021  - Last updated: December 6, 2021

Categories Writing

Are you ready to make content writing your full-time job? To become a professional writer? If so, there are a few steps that will help you succeed. Whether it’s your first time writing content or you want to take your skills to the next level. This article is an insider guide on how to start content writing and become a successful content writer.

What Is Content Writing

Content writing is a profession that requires certain skills. Not just writing skill!

Content writers must be able to research various topics and perhaps even interview several people on a topic to find out the most important points.

Even before they start outlining, drafting, and writing.

If you’re running your own website, you may also need to learn SEO (search engine optimization), topic research, and on-page optimization. Plus some WordPress skills!

Content writing is a fundamental part of digital marketing, therefore acquiring the skill can help foster a career in marketing.

You don’t learn these things overnight! Becoming a web content writer is hard work, but very rewarding!

Types of Content Writing

There are many different types of content writing, such as:

  • writing content for websites
  • writing content for newspapers and magazines
  • writing content for online marketing
  • writing content for public relations (PR)
  • SEO writing

There are many different subjects that a good content writer could write about.

For example, it could be recipes or travel guides. Or spirituality and philosophy.

Often, though, content writers tend to specialize in areas in which either they have prior experience or ones in which they develop expertise over time.

Writing SEO articles is a special type of content writing because SEO content writers need to know how keywords work so that the articles can be optimized for the search engines.

Examples of Good Content

It’s a good idea to look at excellent examples of website content online first.

For example, you could search Google for successful content writers and then find their work on various websites. That way, you can look at some of the different types of content writing and content marketing, as well as examples of the best content that’s been written.

The Working Time of a Content Writer

Content writers spend their time in different ways.

They may spend time researching a particular topic, interviewing different people to gather information, and then writing the content when they feel they’ve enough information.

Online research plays a huge role.

The content writer can then spend time editing and rewriting the material to make sure it’s as good as it can be.

Creativity and Content Writing

Although content writing is largely about formulating a topic, researching, and creating outlines to structure the content, there’s also a considerable creative component to this work.

While it’s possible to dig into the more technical aspects of content writing, such as research and editing, the content writer must also develop creative ideas and present them clearly and concisely.

A content writer can even be tasked with presenting a new perspective on a topic, showing how it works and how it can be better understood and used.

You also need to be able to write creatively to develop a story or something that’s compelling.

In content writing, you need to be able to look at a topic from a different perspective. The job of a content writer is to put themselves in the reader’s perspective and ask, “What if it were such and such?” This can be a difficult skill to learn, but a content writer must’ve some creative ability to be successful.

Content writing is a profession that depends on putting one’s thoughts and ideas into words in a way that the reader can understand. In this way, content writing can’t only be a lot of fun, but also a good income for those who do it well.

Content Strategy vs Content Writing

Content strategy is the art and craft of planning, organizing and publishing content. Thus, it encompasses both content creation and content marketing.

Content strategies are developed for different purposes. Some content strategies are created to help websites rank better in search engines. This is to attract more customers. Other content strategies aim to attract customers by engaging with them through content. This type of content strategy aims more to involve customers in the content creation process so that they’re engaged with the company.

It’s not limited to websites or social media marketing but is also an important part of advertising.

Content strategy is about understanding what you want your content to achieve and how you can use it to achieve it.

Content writing is part of content strategy.

Effective Content Writing

It’s important to write content in a way that’s effective.

This means that your copy needs to be written in a way that serves the purpose of the content.

For example, if you’re writing an article on your website to help readers in the kitchen, you need to make sure that you focus on teaching them how to make and use things in the kitchen!

When you’re writing about kitchens, you don’t want to write about something that the reader may not have wanted to know about. If you focus, your readers will be more likely to stay on your website to read more articles.

You need to learn to write clearly so that your readers understand what you’re writing about.

You also need to make sure that you use the right writing style for your audience so that they understand what you’re trying to say, and resonate with the content.

If you don’t make your content focused and clear, your audience won’t enjoy reading it and won’t learn anything.

Freelance Writing Niches

As a rule, it’s a good idea to specialize in niches as a freelance content writer. This means that you specialize in areas where you know your stuff or have a lot of experience to share.

By sharing this knowledge, you help others learn more about the things that interest them.

When you have clear niches, it’s usually easy to get more work. People see that you’re an expert in your field and hire you because they assume you know what you’re talking about.

They also find you more easily online, where they can consult your resume, work samples, and other information.

Having niches also makes writing articles much easier and faster!

Remember that certain niches pay more money for content writers than others. For example, writing SEO articles, medical newsletters, or articles for the legal industry, provided you have the necessary qualifications and expertise.

Writing Mindset

It’s a good idea to cultivate a consistent and helpful mindset as a writer.

This is important because it allows you to approach writing assignments with a certain amount of composure.

Writing daily is a helpful way to approach things. This allows the writer to write something every day, even if it’s just a few sentences, and then edit and rewrite it. It helps the writer develop his/her content writing skill.

A good attitude is also important.

No matter what your experience as a writer, it’s important to remember that no one is perfect and that you can always learn.

If you don’t have any experience as a writer, don’t worry. No one knows everything about writing when they start out. Most experienced writers will tell you that they’re still learning something new every day.

If you want to write for a living, you need to realize that writing is a business, and it’s important to approach the work with the right attitude. That doesn’t mean all work and no play!

If you’re working, you’ll probably be sitting at the computer for hours, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.

Learning to write can be an exciting adventure. It’s fun to see your first articles published, whether it’s on a blog or in an online magazine.

Even if you’ve been writing for a while, it’s fun to see your earnings grow. It’s not easy to get money and work. So when you’re successful, you’ve to appreciate it. That’s part of the business of being a writer.

The benefits of writing every day include the following:

  • You can work on a regular schedule, so you can plan your life around your writing.
  • You can write a specific workload every day.
  • You’ll have a regular number of articles with which to build a portfolio.
  • You’ll have a regular number of articles that you can submit to online magazines and other publications. This will help you build a good reputation.

Know What to Write

When you set out to write a text, it’s important that you know what you want to write. In this respect, content writing is very different from writing fiction, for example.

When you’re writing content, you need to know what your message is and how you want to present it.

So before you start writing, you need to do some research and ask yourself some questions.

  • What’s the topic?
  • How will you approach the topic?
  • How will you structure the article?
  • Where will you publish the article?
  • How exactly do you want to be in the article?
  • How will you format the article?

These questions and the decisions you make will help you write high-quality content.

Stick to the Point

You may be tempted to write about something other than the subject of a particular article or content job, but you need to learn to focus on your message and stay on point.

This is a crucial part of being a content writer. You need to find a way to stay focused on the topic you’ve been assigned, and you also need to keep your audience engaged.

You need to keep your content clear and concise. Only talk about what’s relevant to the article!

The best way to do this is to figure out the main topic of the article and use it as a guide throughout the writing process.

  • Focus on the main topic of the article.
  • What do you want to achieve with the article?
  • What’s the main argument of the article?
  • What’s the main reason someone wants to read the article (the “search intent”)?

This is easier if you have a clear topic and audience.

If you know what you want to say and who you’re addressing, you can approach the topic from different angles, but you’ll still be able to get to the heart of your text.

Provide Value

Writing valuable content means that

a) the text is valuable to the audience, and b) it’s useful to the company for whom you are writing (which might be your own).

Content writing is a valuable business, and if you learn how to create valuable content, you’ll be able to make a good income from it.

When you think about what you’re sharing with your audience, make sure you’re giving them the information they can use.

For example, if you’re writing about how to bake the perfect apple pie, make sure you provide information about what ingredients are needed, how to mix them together, how to bake the pie, etc.

You need to make sure that your readers can use the information you give them. You’re not doing anyone a favor by giving them the information they can’t use!

Don’t Choose Random Topics

You might think that a website content writer will sit down and pick a topic out of a hat. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Each topic is chosen with a clear goal in mind.

Whether it’s to get more organic search traffic to a website, with SEO writing to get backlinks that improve SEO rankings, to generate leads for a company’s products or services, to promote a company’s products or services, or to drive traffic to a company’s landing page.

It can also be about increasing leads for a business, establishing a new brand name, making people aware of the brand, or selling a product.

It can also be about getting people to sign up for a mailing list or download a free eBook.

You get the point. Each topic is chosen with a specific goal in mind.

It’s important to be aware of this because it’ll help you write more effectively.

Pay Attention to Keywords

Even if as a writer you get an assignment where the keyword research is already done for you, it’s still important to think about the keywords when writing a content piece.

If you don’t include the keywords in the article, the article isn’t technically optimized for the keyword and someone searching for that keyword may not find the article even if your article is the best answer to their question.

Keywords help you structure your article and focus on the main topic.

For example, if you’re writing an article about how to make a perfect organic smoothie, you will need to know what’re the most important keywords for this article.

Don’t Keyword Stuff

You need to avoid the so-called ‘keyword stuffing’ in your work.

Keyword stuffing is when you don’t focus on the topic of the content piece, but try to pack in as many keywords as possible.

Content writing is all about creating the best content possible. If you try to cram keywords into an article without structuring it thematically, you’re doing yourself (and your client and readers) a disservice.

You should only use keywords when they naturally fit the topic. For example, if you’re writing about organic smoothies, make sure you use words like “organic” and “smoothie.”

Match Search Intent

The best way to meet search intent is to really understand what the person searching for the keyword is trying to find. Think about how and why they searched for the keyword.

In other words:

  • Why are they searching for the keyword?
  • What do they want to accomplish with the information?
  • What’ll they do with the information after they read it?

Your goal as a content creator should be to provide the most comprehensive and helpful answer to the search query.

Get to the Point

As a rule, it’s a good idea to avoid long, wordy introductions.

Get straight to the point.

The same advice applies to paragraphs. Keep them short and to the point.

Because your main goal is to give your audience the information they’re looking for, and you don’t want to tell them over much. Whether they match a buyer persona or are simply looking for information.

Your job is to get right to the heart of the matter.

Write only the words that are necessary to get your message across!

Sometimes it can be a really good idea to tell a story in an article.

However, if you do this, you should make sure that you tell the story in a way that serves the purpose you want to achieve.

For example, if you’re writing about the organic smoothie mentioned above, you could also tell a story about how you learned about the health benefits of smoothies.

Efficient Research

Efficient research is at the heart of any good writing. You need to find a way to research in such a way that you don’t get bogged down in details.

Avoid rabbit holes!

Remember, you only have a limited amount of time to write your content, so you need to be able to research quickly and effectively.

The best way to do this is to use a combination of online and offline tools.

  • Start with free sources like Wikipedia. Find the best sources of information on the topic.
  • Use crowdsourcing websites like Quora to ask experts about the topic.
  • Use Google to refine your search for information.
  • Use tools like Answer the Public to find out what questions people are really asking.
  • Tools like SEMRush can help you find out what keywords people are searching for.

Don’t ignore personal experience and experiments.

Let’s say you’re writing about boomerangs and you want to know how to throw them most effectively and efficiently.

The best way to do your research might be to start throwing boomerangs yourself!

In other words, go out and buy a boomerang and use it for several weeks.

This way you’ll get a good understanding of how the boomerang moves through the air and what’s an effective and what’s an ineffective boomerang throw.

You can develop a much better understanding of what you want to write about, and some fun stories, that will make it much easier to write a quality article.

Avoid Plagiarism

It’s critical to be clear about what plagiarism is.

Plagiarism is when you copy another person’s work and pass it off as your own.

When writing content for clients, you need to make sure that you never plagiarize someone else’s work or ideas.

Back up your work with your own research and opinion.

If you take the example above – the boomerang – you could simply copy and paste the information you find on the Internet about boomerangs into your content.

That would be plagiarism.

It’s important that you build on your research, expand it, and improve it. Never simply copy and paste information from other sources.

Cite your sources properly. Either with direct links in the body text or with a list of sources.

If you use a quote from a book or article, put it in quotation marks.

Understand Fair Use

Fair use means that you use copyrighted material without the author’s permission, but only for a limited and “reasonable” purpose, and that you use only as much of the copyrighted material as is necessary for your purpose, and that you credit the source of the material.

You use a copyrighted work for a limited and “transformative” purpose.

The copyright owner can still sue you if you use content without permission, but if you use it according to the rules of fair use, you aren’t technically in violation of copyright.

Mastering Opening Lines

Opening lines are very important when writing content. Whether it’s the beginning of a text or the beginning of a story, the opening is what draws your audience in.

It’s your way of grabbing the reader’s attention and enticing them to read the whole story.

Opening lines can pique the curiosity and interest of your readers and/or customers.

You make them wonder, “What’s going on here? I want to find out.”

That’s why you should avoid clunky, boring, and tedious opening sentences.

Remember that you want your text to grab the attention of your target audience and captivate them.

For example, if you’re writing a testimonial, you could start with a bold statement like “This product has changed my life”.

You can start with a question or a statistic or fact.

The most important thing is that you grab the reader’s attention. The first words – together with its headline – are the most important part of your article.

You can write captivating content, but if you don’t manage to grab the reader’s attention with the first line, they won’t read to the end of the first paragraph.

Imagine writing an article about how to throw a boomerang.

You could write:

“The best way to throw a boomerang isn’t to throw the boomerang.”

This is a snappy, creative, and interesting opening line. You can use it to grab the reader’s attention and get them excited about the article.

Get Great at Outlining

The more content you write, the better you’ll get at creating an outline quickly.

You’ll reach a point where you’re able to write a full article in a few minutes.

That doesn’t mean you’ll be able to write a great article in a few minutes, but you’ll be able to formulate the outline of an article in a few minutes.

It means that you’ll know all the important points of the article and you’ll be able to write those points down quickly.

The reason why you should write your outline quickly is that you want to make sure that you get to the heart of your ideas and concepts quickly.

In my opinion, there’s nothing better than mind mapping to quickly and easily outline your ideas and concepts and then flesh them out into a full text.

The advantage of a mind map is that you can easily see how all the ideas and concepts relate to each other.

This way you can make sure you cover all the areas and provide the most benefit to your readers.

You should always write the title in the middle of the mind map. Then you should write down the most important points and arrange them around the title.

Once I’ve outlined and restructured the article in the mind map, I export it as markdown and take it into my favorite text editor. With markdown, all the branches and sub-branches of the mind map appear as headings in the text.

Write…a LOT

When you start writing content, guess what? You actually have to write!

A lot of it.

I’d recommend at least a thousand words a day, but that’s only for beginners. If you’re a veteran, I’d recommend at least two thousand words a day.

Part of that’s making a schedule for yourself and committing to putting in the hours.

Personally, I write at least 4,000 words a day. It’s a discipline.

The more you write, the better you get.

It’s not always easy. It’s not always fun.

But it’s necessary.

You’ll get better.

You’ll become faster.

You’ll get better at developing ideas.

You’ll get better at organizing your ideas.

You’ll get better at writing.

You’ll get better at writing complete content.

Over time, your skills will improve.

So don’t give up after one, two, or three posts.

Keep writing.

And keep improving.

Have a Writing Den

Having your own place to write will help you get ready to write. If you get up, go to a specific area, and start writing, it’ll be much more effective than if you write in the same area where you do all your other tasks.

When you get up and go to a specific area, you can concentrate better. It makes you more productive.

It makes you a better professional content writer.

You can create your own space in different ways. You could set up a home office. You could set aside a room in your house for that purpose. You could set up a special room in one part of your house.

The most important thing is that you create a space specifically for writing.

This will help you start writing, get in the writing mood, and get the most done.

Time Management and Tracking

Since I use a Mac, the wonderful Session app is very useful for keeping track of time and remembering to take breaks.

However, there are many ways to track how much time you spend writing and how much time you spend on each article or piece of content.

If you get your time management right, you can become more efficient.

I recommend the Pomodoro Technique, where you work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break.

First, try to write for 25 minutes at a time and then take a break.

Then increase the time you write.

Then extend the break time.

Remember that writing is only part of the job. You usually need to allow time for other tasks as well, such as research, editing, and formatting.

Master a Variety of Writing Styles

If you’re freelancing, it’s helpful to develop different writing styles that fit the tone and style of the publication you’re working for.

This will also help you build an impressive writing portfolio.

For example, if you’re writing a business-related blog post, you’ll need to develop a slightly different writing style than if you’re writing an article for a lifestyle magazine.

Each of these publications has a different target market.

Therefore, the tone of the article will be different, as will the way the article is structured.

Freelance writers who work with a variety of publications and learn to develop a unique writing style for each publication are more valuable to a variety of clients.

In my blog, I use a light, modern, and sometimes humorous tone.

In some of my assignments, I use a formal, academic style.

On some other assignments, I use a playful style.

You shouldn’t use the same writing style for all your projects.

You should make sure you use the style that best suits your audience.

Compelling Content Using the Right Words

As you progress with content writing, you’ll start to acquire knowledge about copywriting.

Although content writing is different than copywriting, it can be helpful to incorporate a little copywriting into your content. This way, you’ll create more compelling writing.

For example, you could use a headline that’s identical to the headline of a direct response ad. Or you could use a call to action that would appear in a direct response ad. Or you could create a list that’s in the style of a direct response ad.

You don’t have to do any of that, but you can.

Don’t try to copy a direct response copywriter. Instead, learn from the best and use some of the techniques to create better content.

Get Good at Editing

The ability to quickly hack into a first draft to see the forest for the trees is really valuable.

In most cases, content is better when it’s a little shorter.

Aim to cut 15 to 20 percent of your first draft.

Remember, you shouldn’t edit the first draft while you’re still in the writing flow.

You should set it aside and come back with fresh eyes.

If you’re looking for a really good first revision solution, I recommend taking a look at Instatext . With the ability to correct an entire text with one click and choose the tone and region, it’s a really cool tool. One of the benefits is that it helps keep tone and style consistent.

At a later stage of editing, I use Grammarly Premium to make fine corrections (although I find that it’s often too tedious to make all the suggested changes – I reserve that for particularly valuable content).

Format Like Your Life Depended on It

If you publish your articles in WordPress (and I recommend using the built-in Gutenberg for this), make sure the article is easy to read for users reading it on a mobile device.

The best way to do this is to reduce the size of the window you’re working in to mimic the proportions of the mobile device in portrait mode.

Be Easy to Read

People don’t want to read difficult content. They want to read great content that they can understand quickly.

If you’re writing for the web, you need to make sure you’re able to write quality content in a way that’s accessible, but at the same time educates, informs, and entertains.

Hemingway App is a great tool to make sure you’re writing in a way that’s easy to understand. There’s a readability score based on Flesch Reading Ease and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level.

I like this app because it provides a clear, clean, and quick assessment of a text’s readability.

The tool tells you if you’re using the passive voice, how many words are in each sentence, and how hard the text is to read.

Quotes Away

A great way to spice up your written content is to use relevant quotes.

Make sure you attribute the quote, of course!

Best tools for Content Writing

For a whole article on content writing tools, check out this article I wrote recently.

Finding Work and Money as a Content Writer

Maybe you want to make money writing content as a freelancer.

In that case, I’d advise you to find online publications in your niche, read them, see what they write about, and then approach those publications about publishing content you want to write for them.

Regardless of your level, you can always approach companies in your niche and offer your services.

You might find employment in a content writing company (or set up a content writing business yourself!), Watch out that it is not a content mill, that might wear you down and degrade your skills.

As a freelancer, start small, take on jobs you’re confident you can do, and build a client base.

There are certain marketplaces that have a good reputation, including WriterAccess, ProBlogger, and some of the gigs on Upwork.

The problem with some of these sites is that you can get lost in the crowd, and it can be difficult to get the attention of the companies you’d like to work with.

Still, you can find a freelance writing job on these sites , and they can help you earn an income.

If you can get copywriting jobs, they generally will pay more than content writing.

Have a Portfolio

One of the best ways to build a portfolio and get freelance writing jobs is to set up a blog and write regularly.

You can use your articles as writing samples. If you have a blog, people can see how well you write.

Remember that not all jobs are right for you, and not all clients are either. You have the absolute right to turn down a job if the client is too demanding or if you suspect that payment won’t be made on time or at all.

A quick Google check on potential employers can work wonders!

For your part, act like a professional. Deliver what you promise, build a reputation for quality work, and for quick revisions (within reason). Make sure you follow content guidelines and client instructions to the letter.

Have and Keep Goals

Keep SMART goals in mind when planning which assignments to accept and which to reject. SMART goals mean that the objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.

When writing, it can be easy to get lost in the words and lose sight of the overall context of the business. This is another good reason to measure the time it takes you to write certain types of content.

Your goal should usually be to increase the number of words per hour.

Dictation can be a great way to achieve this, as can an AI writing assistant like Sudowrite (which I’m using to write this article!).

Keep reviewing your goals throughout your freelance writing career.

How do I get started writing content from home?

The best way to start writing content from home is to create and grow a blog and then do freelance work for online publications. You can also approach certain companies and ask if you can offer your services.

How can I start writing content with no experience?

If you don’t have experience, you can start writing content by writing for your own blog and then using that blog for assignments.

What’re the basics of content writing?

The most important thing when writing content is that the content is relevant to the target audience and that it can be found.

What’s SEO Content Writing?

SEO Content Writing is the art and craft of writing content so that it’s seen by search engines and ranks well in search engines.

What’s the format in content writing?

The format in writing content is to make it as readable, accessible, and exciting as possible. If you can do that, you’ll do well in content writing.

What are types of content writing?

Types of content writing include blog posts, web content, articles, reviews, e-books, magazines, white papers, videos, scripts, technical writing, digital content, and presentations.

What are content writing examples?

You can find good content writing examples at major publishers like Mashable, Forbes, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, Inc, Business Insider. Pick a topic that interests you and read through some of the articles. Look at how they’re formatted, how they’re written, and what grabs your attention.

What are good Content Writing courses?

There are a number of good online courses to learn content writing. I’d be crazy not to mention my own: The Content Writing Course on Udemy.

what is article writing

What Is Article Writing? Your Guide to Writing Winning Articles

An article is a piece of instructive, persuasive, or explanatory content that is typically non-fiction. The demand for article writers is stronger than ever. News and specialty publications need good articles, but so do businesses.

Article writing is increasingly an essential component of the content marketing strategy for small to enterprise-level businesses, therefore, they all need writers.

A quality piece of writing not only gets noticed by search engines but also helps build a relationship with potential customers or keep current customers engaged and informed.

In this article, you will learn the article writing format for a winning article and how you can get paid to write. This blog includes:

  • What Is Article Writing and Its Types?

The Article Writing Format

How should an article be written, how can i start writing articles, freelance or employment, every industry needs article writers, grow your article writing with a focused niche, how do i know it’s a good niche, where to find work as an article writer, resources for article writers, the rich world of article writing, what is article writing and the four types.

An article is an effective format to package and deliver information to a larger audience. Depending on its purpose, an article will most likely fit into one of four types: expository, persuasive, narrative, or descriptive.

The type of article you are writing will also dictate your style and tone . Here is how these four types are commonly seen in business writing.

Expository Writing

Expository writing shares facts and information with the target audience. It includes everything from ‘how to’ articles to research articles published in scientific journals.

Expository articles follow a logical progression and guide the reader to a new understanding. Many of the articles published on the web today are expository because companies are positioning themselves as authorities in their field. They want to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise, offering value to the reader.

Persuasive Writing

Persuasive writing evokes more emotion than expository writing. It is the article writing format for a sales page or anytime you want the reader to feel motivated to take a specific action.

In a persuasive piece of writing, you connect with the reader’s current experience or the problems they are trying to solve. Then, you lead them to understand how they can resolve those problems or benefit by taking your recommended action.

Narrative Writing

Narrative writing is essentially storytelling. It can be a form of persuasive writing, but a good narrative article has a strong introduction followed by rising action, a climax, and a resolution.

The purpose of narrative writing can be to inform, persuade, or connect. You want to take the reader on a journey and lead them to a new understanding through the example of another’s experience.

Narrative writing is a useful way for businesses to engage with customers, share their stories, or build a sense of community.

Descriptive Writing

If you are writing an article that describes a product, its features, and its benefits, you may employ descriptive writing. Descriptive writing sets the scene and delivers concrete, sensory information about a place, thing, or experience.

Descriptive writing is used when you want to set the scene for your reader by giving them all of the sensory information you can. You want to describe the atmosphere, the environment, and what is happening in this piece of writing.

To grab a reader’s attention, articles must be eye-catching. That is why you want to format it correctly with a heading, body, and conclusion.

Your article writing format is the framework you use to present information in an easy-to-consume way. It’s essential to have a clear purpose for each article. You want to build the reader’s expectation with your heading and deliver on that expectation in the body of your article.

The heading should be a concise and accurate description of what your article will discuss. If you are writing an article for the web, including a keyword in your heading helps search engines understand the content. You also want to format your heading as H1.

Your heading must be eye-catching but also informative. If you grab the reader’s attention with a witty headline that has little to do with your content, you will lose their attention. Search engines clock how long someone looks at your article, so that kind of bait-and-switch works against you.

Your heading will be in title case. It is important to know what to capitalize in a title .

For many articles, you will add a byline with your name under the heading. This depends on if you are writing for a publication that will credit you as the author or if you are ghostwriting.


The introduction is an essential element of a good article. Your introduction needs to both draw a reader in and also confirm they are in the right place and will find the information they expect in your article.

Once you’ve introduced your topic, you can dive into the meat of the content in the body of your article. You can determine the length of your article as you are writing it, or you may be given a target word count by your employer.

For the web, you want to divide your content into clear sections with H2 or H3 headings that identify the content that follows. Keep your paragraphs short and make your article body easy to scan. This will help readers get the information they want and stay engaged with your article for as long as possible.

Your conclusion can have a descriptive heading or be called, ‘conclusion”. It is a final paragraph or two that leaves the reader with an appeal, recommended action, opinion, or closing thought.

How should you format your article, how to write a good blog, writing an article

Now that you know the types and format of an article, you may want to understand the process of how to write one. Here are the steps to follow when writing an article.

  • Choose your topic . An ideal topic is focused enough to address in a single article.
  • Think about your target audience. What questions are they asking about this topic? What are the most important answers you can deliver to them? You want to speak directly to your reader, so having your target audience clearly in mind is a critical step.
  • Gather your facts and data. Do they support the points you plan to include in the article?
  • Write an outline, including the headers. Does it flow? Can you cover this topic adequately in the space of an article?
  • Write your rough draft.
  • Edit. Some writers read their drafts aloud to check for flow and avoid common grammar mistakes . You can use tools like the Hemmingway app or Grammarly to help with this step.

To apply for jobs and freelance projects requires work samples . You need to understand web formatting and at least the basics of SEO.

However, if you have no work samples ready, there are several ways to develop a portfolio. The pay for these first steps is little to nothing… but you’ll gain experience and take the first important steps to become an article writer.

To develop a portfolio, you can:

  • Write for a content mill or agency that accepts beginners .
  • Write and submit articles for publication in online magazines .
  • Submit guest blog posts in your areas of expertise.
  • Offer content to friends and family to publish on their business websites.
  • Take over some of the writing responsibilities for your current employer.
  • Before you sign up for any article writing opportunity online, research that company. There are many legitimate opportunities for every skill and experience level, but there are also scams.

Two important things as you get started:

  • Do not pay to get work! Legitimate work opportunities don’t charge membership fees.
  • In article writing, as in life, if it seems too good to be true, it probably isn’t.

If you’re new to writing, developing your portfolio is a chance to get familiar with different industries, subjects, and formats. Some will be more natural and enjoyable for you. If you don’t like the first thing you try, keep going. There are many more opportunities out there.

How to build a portfolio to become an article writer, how to build a portfolio to be a writer, write for magazines

The choice between freelance and employment can be “a little of both.” You don’t have to make a hard and fast choice – take opportunities as they come!

Both working freelance and finding a job require prospecting for work. Success in prospecting requires focused effort. Read on to learn how to begin with an advantage and then pick the one that fits you best and go for it.

Advantages of Freelance

  • You can begin before you quit your current job
  • You’re building your own service business
  • Variety of work
  • Over time, your rates can grow to be substantial
  • In some cases, you have more control over format, content, and tone
  • You choose your specialties and industries
  • You can work from home or anywhere
  • You can choose your hours

Disadvantages of Freelance

  • It takes months or years to build
  • Inconsistent income
  • Constant prospecting and networking for new projects
  • You may work for very low rates for a while
  • Freelance websites have fierce competition
  • You have to motivate yourself each day

Advantages of Employment

  • Steady paycheck
  • External accountability
  • Consistent work
  • Become an expert in that business

Disadvantages of Employment

  • Unless employed by an agency with multiple clients, limited content variety
  • You may have less choice concerning format, content, and voice
  • You work on their schedule

A freelance business is a small business . Freedom comes with responsibility. For some, it’s more than worth it. Others prefer the structure and support of steady employment.

If you’re ready to join the gig economy, give yourself the financial breathing room to ramp up slowly. Start something on the side and build from there.

What interests you? What experience do you have? What would you like to learn?

From video games to healthcare to finance… every industry needs article writers. As the web grows, so does the importance of consistent, original, quality content. Primarily because it works! Content marketing generates about three times as many leads as traditional marketing .

The demand for skilled content writers keeps growing. No matter what interests you, someone needs your expertise.

As you add to your portfolio of work, you can prospect for new jobs and clients. Here’s where the advantages of a niche come into focus.

It’s easier to win a job when you’ve got relevant samples to show them. Writing new samples for every application or bid gets old… fast! On some of the popular freelance websites like Upwork or Guru, employers can get dozens of bids in minutes on their article writing projects. As a freelancer, the better you match an employer’s target criteria, the easier you stand out from the crowd.

You may be skilled enough to research and write on any subject. However, the less you know about a topic, the longer it takes to complete a project. As you develop expertise in a niche, you cut down your writing time and deliver equal or better quality work. When you freelance for a living, less time per project means more money per hour.

Of course, you can have multiple niches! You don’t have to limit yourself to just one and can add more later.

If you enjoy the topic, your writing will flow better and feel less like work. You’ll also be more apt to insights that engage and hook your audience. It’s a good niche if you enjoy the subject.

One exception to the follow your heart rule here… if you love fashion but are colorblind, perhaps pick another interest for your first focus. If you think you want to write tech articles but your natural voice is flowery and romantic, you’ll struggle to fit into tech but shine in marketing. It’s better to play to your natural strengths.

The best niche is an in-demand topic you enjoy that aligns with your natural strengths.

Once again, your path towards paid article writing presents options. Which is the best fit for you?

You can apply your skills as an article writer in any of your favorite industries. Avenues to find work in your areas of interest include:

  • Job listings for content writers
  • Sites where freelancers bid on projects like Freelancer
  • Work through web builders, digital marketing companies, or content providers
  • Find sites you want to write for and pitch to the owners
  • Join a startup company in your area of interest
  • Advertise your services locally or online
  • Network with your Chamber of Commerce or other business networking groups
  • Network through Facebook and LinkedIn

Start with one or two methods of prospecting for work. With steady effort, you’ll find the routes that work for you.

The more people who know your services are available, the better. The bottom line to steady work is to get in front of as many potential employers as possible!

Improve and refine your blog writing with free online tools. Many grammar checkers offer a free version of their editor. They catch tone and agreement issues missed by Word.

The Hemingway Editor aids with readability by identifying complex and hard-to-read sentences. It tells you the grade level of your writing, highlights passive voice, and offers simpler word alternatives.

To increase the appeal of your headlines, the Advanced Marketing Institute created a free headline analyzer .

If you find yourself repeating words, WordHippo is an online thesaurus that helps keep the word variety interesting.

Whether your dream is to work as an article writer for your current employer or to build your name in the journalism world, there is a demand for your voice and skill. What’s important is to keep writing and continue learning.

In the beginning, the road may be bumpy. Even if you have an idea of who you are as a writer and a clear picture of where you best fit, there will be challenges. It happens to all writers at first.

Or, you may have no idea what interests you or what format works with your natural strengths as a writer. Stay calm! You will continue to learn as you go. The road will become smoother once your work is published and assignments start to fill your email.

When writing is done well, it is a seamless part of the audience’s experience. Article writers shape how content is presented and can influence how people think. Even when writing someone else’s vision, your skill makes it worth reading.

The web is full of people sharing their online success stories. Hopefully, reading this is one small step in your writing journey to success.

Joan Weisman

Joan Weisman’s strong research skills, SEO knowledge, adaptability of style and voice, and passion for staying current make her an asset for freelance web content, SEO, and copywriting.

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  • How to Write a Web Article

how to start writing articles for websites

Dave Schools , Former Digital Strategist

Article Category: #Strategy

Posted on April 18, 2016

Follow this simple and proven framework to organize your writing for effective delivery on the web.

F o l l o w t h i s s i m p l e a n d p r o v e n f r a m e w o r k t o o r g a n i z e y o u r w r i t i n g f o r e f f e c t i v e d e l i v e r y o n t h e w e b .

how to start writing articles for websites

When I first started writing on the web, I knew nothing. I was scared of the gavel-wielding, faceless, Redditesque crowd (whom I now love). But I found my first footing when I submitted an article to a niche blog I liked and followed (more below).

Since then, I’ve been able to write several top stories on Medium, including my best one: I sat down with a millionaire who operates 10 businesses while sailing around the world with his family , which has 7.2k recommends and has been picked up by several publications including Business Insider, The Observer, Quartz, et al.

I’m not trying to be boasty (intentional new word — trying it out), I’m just saying there is a structure that works for single-topic web articles. My hope is that it will help new writers take the leap as I did.

Credit for this structure goes to Crew and to Andrea Ayres Deets , who is an amazing writer and inspired me to write several years ago.

The first time I ever freelanced, I submitted an article to the Crew Blog and Andrea replied with the loose and simple formula they use for structuring their posts — one that I still use today and the one I am about to show you now.

Let it be known, there is no perfect formula for a successful blog post . It takes more than words and pictures — a lot of which is out of our control (i.e., network algorithms, timing, audience, etc.). But sometimes you need a good framework (the one below built up a 1 million+ visitors) to get started. I did. So here it is.

how to start writing articles for websites

(Anecdote) Start with an experience from your own life. Write a story in the first person. Be vulnerable. My favorite writer, James Altucher , says to “ Bleed in the first sentence .” This builds personal connection with your reader, even if you are representing a big brand. To me, this is where the good writers distinguish themselves from average writers; the best writers can tell a short, gripping, and humorous story in less than five sentences.

(Transition) After the opening anecdote, you need to transition to the thesis. Tie the personal story to the thesis by writing a sweeping statement with broad application.

(Thesis) Answer the reader’s question: why should I read this? You’ve cast your net widely with the transition, hoping to catch as many readers as possible, now laser in to a specific and compelling case. Make the time they spend reading your article a rewarding experience.

Your thesis should be damn similar to your title. The reader clicked the title because they thought it sounded interesting; if they leave the article after reading your thesis, then it means you mistitled your post (click-baiter!). The title-to-thesis relationship should be monozygotic.

II. Main argument 1   Lose yourself here. Now that the reader has agreed to listen, quote experts, cite research, and draw from history. Do not insert your own opinion here. Rely on the authority and experience of big names. 

This needs to be a research-backed argument. Bring in science to support your claims. No one can argue with science.

[show chart or diagram graphic]

Also, its super helpful to give readers a 1–3 sentence description of the research you cite, just in case people don’t have the time to go to another link to read it themselves. 

III. Main argument 2   Continue building momentum. Except this time use case studies from various sources. You’ve stated your point and given facts to back it up, now tell a story showing it worked for someone.

[show picture of person/people in story]

Once you’ve told the story, knit argument 1 and argument 2 together. Show how the scientific proof manifested in the story. This congruence creates a neural connection between the right and left brain of the reader, resulting in the foundation of a memory .

IV. Takeaways (3–5 depending on length)

  • Use a bulleted or numerical list
  • to give the user specific and
  • actionable ways to implement the thesis

Remember, takeaways should be backed by examples and research for why these ways and methods are superior (or why these will get readers the results they desire).

V. Conclusion Circle back to your beginning anecdote. Finish the story, or mention how you would do it differently now that you know the thesis. This has a satisfying “bookend” effect on the article.

Finally, zoom out to a bird’s eye view and show the macro-impact of the thesis. The goal is to leave the reader inspired.

So there it is. I hope that makes it easier for you to write your next web article. It helped me. 

But can I be honest for a moment?  I don't always use this format. And actually, I hope you don't always use this format. How boring would that be? Use it as a guide. As Pablo Picasso said:

"Learn the rules like a pro so that you can break them like an artist."

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how to start writing articles for websites

How to Write an Article (the Complete Guide)

  • Sarah Neidler, PhD
  • February 9, 2021

Did you just launch your new website and want to fill it with content? Or would you like to work as an article writer  and you’re asking yourself, how do I write an article that actually gets results? 

In both cases, you want to know how to write an article. 

This is a step-by-step guide that shows you how to come up with article ideas, get started with writing, and edit after writing. The guide is intended for online articles, but most points also apply to offline, print articles. Also, note that the difference between an article and a blog post is marginal, so most recommendations also apply to blog posts. 

Because it’s crucial that your article ranks in Google, we also cover some basics about search engine optimization (SEO). For more detailed information, I recommend you reading our 25 Point Blog Post Checklist for SEO .

1. Come up with a topic and a focus keyword

Before you start writing, you have to decide what you want to write about. That should be obvious. But what makes a good idea for an article?

Writing an article takes a lot of time and effort. Your articles should help you to generate traffic to your website. One of the most important factors that decide how much traffic you get is Google ranking.

Ideally, you want your article to rank for a high volume keyword. If 10.000 people per month type a specific keyword into Google and your article is the first to come up, many people will click on it and thereby land on your website.

When it comes to ranking, you should not only consider the search volume but also how difficult it is to rank for this keyword. A huge search volume is useless when your article appears on page number 256 of the search results.

It’s best to use a keyword research tool to find out the keyword difficulty (KD). We recommend Ahrefs because it provides you with accurate keyword data and many other functions that help you rank in Google.

how to start writing articles for websites

There are two main ways to come up with article ideas:

  • You have some ideas in mind; then you use a keyword research tool to find out if there are good keywords for these topics.
  • You do a keyword search, come up with a list of suitable keywords and then decide which ones to cover in an article.

The focus keyword reflects the topic of your article. It can consist of one or two words or multiple words. As an example, the focus keyword of this article is “how to write an article.”

If you struggle to find good ideas, I recommend you read my article about how to find blog topics .

2. Find the search intent behind the keyword

When typing keywords into Google, you have a problem that you want to solve. You might want to learn more about a particular topic, you have a specific question, or you are looking for products to buy. The content of your article has to match the user’s search intent behind the keyword.

“How to” keywords make it easy: They phrase a question, and your article should answer this question. When someone searches for “best Italian restaurant in town,” the person doesn’t want to know what an Italian restaurant is, but how to find the best one.

Google knows this and will display local Italian restaurants with the best reviews. Also, rating websites like Tripadvisor make it to the top search results because they deliver the information the user is looking for: A short review about the best Italian restaurants, explaining why they are the best ones.

Because Google has, in most cases, a good idea about the search intent behind keywords, googling the keyword you want to rank for is always a good idea.

how to start writing articles for websites

3. Find out how long your article needs to be

How long your article should be, depends on the topic and the competition. Some topics can be covered comprehensively in a short article. There is always the possibility to write more, but more is not always better. Again, keep the search intent in mind.

If the keywords indicate that the user looks for a simple, short answer, it’s better to keep it short. A long, detailed article would instead repel those readers. Take as an example: “How many strings does a guitar have.” This is a very basic question, and the person typing this into Google expects a short, simple answer. He or she doesn’t want to read a 1000-word article to find out.

But many topics are worth covering in detail. Someone who searches for “How to find the best electric bass guitar” would be thankful for a long, comprehensive article that answers all his questions. For these kinds of topics, you need to find out how long your article should at least be to have a realistic chance to rank for it. Googling your focus keyword is the easiest way to find out. Just check how long the top-ranking articles are and write one that is at least that long.

When you notice that your article is getting much longer than planned, decide if the added points are that important. If they truly add value, keep them. Check if they are highly related to the topic. If not, you can always cover them in a separate article.

4. Read competing articles

Take a close look at the articles that rank for your focus keyword. See if you can find good ideas in there and take some notes. This is not about copying your competition. It’s about getting inspired to make your article better.

5. Research the topic

Do deep research about the topic you want to write about. And simply googling your focus keyword and reading the top-ranking articles does not count as research. Ideally, you should already be knowledgeable about the topic.

The less you know, the more research you have to do. But even if you already know the subject in and out, check if there is new information available. For instance, when you write about CBD oil for anxiety, you may already know that CBD oil can help with anxiety and why. But there may still be a new study that you don’t know about. Covering the latest research that your competition hasn’t written about gives you a leading edge.

6. Brainstorm information to include

Once you know what you want to write about and gathered all the important information, you should do some brainstorming about what you want to cover in the article. There may be many points, likely, you won’t keep all of them. But writing them all down helps you to make sure that you don’t forget any vital information.

how to start writing articles for websites

7. Come up with unique ideas

When you’re done with brainstorming, make sure that you have ideas with unique content that you cannot find anywhere else. If your article summarizes the top 5 ranking articles, you’re not providing value to your readers.

There are many ways to make a text unique, and it depends on the kind of article. If you’re an expert on the topic, you can give an expert opinion with unique insights. When it’s an informational article, try to find information you cannot find anywhere else.

And even if there’s no additional information, you can still provide value. For instance, by explaining a complex problem better than anyone else does. Or by illustrating a point with a story. There are many ways, be creative!

8. Write an outline

Before you start writing, write an outline to give the article some structure. It is not set in stone, and you can change it while writing. But it makes the writing process much more manageable.

No matter what kind of article you write, it should always have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

Further, each article should answer three questions in the following order:

  • What (is it about)?
  • Why (is it important)?
  • How (to implement it)?

Answering these three questions gives your article a logical flow.

First, you have to let your readers know what the article is about. When you write about something that not everybody is familiar with, you’ll also have to explain what it is and give background information. For instance, when you write an article about magnesium, you should first mention that it is an essential mineral and review its role in the body.

The next step is then to explain why it’s important and why people should care. You would mention how common a magnesium deficiency is and what symptoms it causes. 

In the last step, you would address the how and tell your readers how they can prevent a magnesium deficiency.

In how much detail you answer each of these questions is very individual and depends on the kind of article you write. When you write a “How to …” article, like the one you are currently reading, answering the “How” is the main part. Readers looking for “How to do something” already know what it is and why it’s important. So you can briefly answer the first two questions in the introduction and then spend the rest of the article answering the “How.”

But you can also have articles focusing on the “Why.” After briefly answering the “What,” you explain in detail why it is important. The “How” can then be a simple call to action, leading the reader to an article addressing the “How” or to a product that is solving the problem.

If you wrote about the detrimental health consequences of eating too much sugar, this would answer the question, “Why too much sugar is bad for you.” After your readers are convinced that too much sugar is very unhealthy, you can end the article with a call to action to your article about how to eat less sugar.

The What, Why and How questions can serve as a template that you can apply to any article.

9. Follow the rule of one

Following the rule of one is probably the most important advice when writing an article, and most writers don’t follow it. Yet, articles that fulfill this rule are the most successful ones. So when you apply it, you write better articles than most others.

The rule sounds simple but is not easy to follow. It means that you should dedicate the content to one single topic and don’t deviate from it. For instance, in the article you are currently reading, I stick to advice about how to write an article. I don’t tell you how to write an ebook .

You might think that many people who write articles also write ebooks, and this information might be of interest to them. This might be true. But it’s also true that people who don’t know how to get started with an article are probably not ready to write an ebook yet. That’s why I don’t include any advice about ebook writing and instead would link to an article about how to write an ebook.

You have to put yourself into the shoes of your readers. Keep the search intent of your focus keyword in mind. Someone who types these words into Google is looking for specific information. By deviating from it, you risk boring your readers and losing them.

That’s the last thing you want. And the good thing when writing online articles is that linking to other articles is very easy. So if you are not 100% sure if the information is of interest to all article readers, leave it out and simply link to the content with further information.

10. Avoid the curse of knowledge

It’s good to write about something you’re knowledgeable about. In the end, you have something to tell and to teach.

But when you write about a topic that you are very familiar with, you quickly fall into the trap of the curse of knowledge.

This can have two negative consequences, and you should avoid both like the plague.

  • You tell your readers everything you know about the topic, or even worth, everything that is even loosely related to it

This is related to the rule of one. Many writers throw too much information at their readers, mostly because they want to demonstrate how much they know about a certain topic. They think that this signals credibility. What it really does is deviating from the subject and boring your readers.

  • You don’t write in a way that your audience easily understands

The second danger is that you are using words your audience isn’t familiar with and assume your readers know something they don’t. Simply because you know so much about a certain topic, you cannot imagine how it is not knowing it. As an author, this problem can be very hard to spot. This is why editing is so important (see point 20)

But you’re losing people that way. Your readers might think that you’re smart, but they will nevertheless stop reading your content because they either find it not interesting or because they don’t understand it.

11. Include references from reliable sources

You should try to provide sources for the information you include. This makes you look credible and also gives your readers the chance to find out more. How many references you have to provide largely depends on the kind of article and the topic.

When you write about a personal experience, you won’t have to provide many sources, and even not mentioning any might be fine. When you write about how CBD oil can help with anxiety, you certainly want to link to some scientific studies proving your point.

how to start writing articles for websites

12. Link to further information

No matter how long your article is, there is always more information about this topic. An easy way to provide value to your reader is to link to useful information. This can be to another article on your website or an external source.

Linking internally to other articles is also a valuable tool to stick to the point. When you catch yourself covering something that is not directly related to the topic, write a separate article about it and link to it.

Here’s an example of a link from one article to another.

how to start writing articles for websites

13. Make it “snackable”

People who read online are often looking for quick information. They don’t sit down for three hours to read about a specific topic as they might do with a book. When they click on a Google search result, they skim through the article to see if it provides the information they are looking for. And even if they decide that the article is worth reading, they don’t want to read large text blocks.

For these reasons, you should

  • Write short paragraphs
  • Use many subheadings (as a rule of thumb, you should have at least one subheading every 300 words)
  • Use bullet points where it makes sense
  • Bold important information
  • Use supporting infographics and pictures
  • Summarize the most important points after a paragraph covering a lot of information

how to start writing articles for websites

14. Make it an easy read

This point is related to the advice to make the content “snackable.” Furthermore, you should use uncomplicated language. Try to keep your sentences short and simple. Write in an active voice.

And avoid technical terms unless you’re 100% sure that your audience is familiar with them.

How “easy” the content is, depends, of course, on your audience’s background knowledge. To be precise, it should be an easy read for your audience, not necessarily for everyone.

15. Use the language of your audience

When you write an article for medical doctors, your tone and language differ from when you write for laypeople. Always keep your audience in mind and try to adopt their language. This way, your content relates to them, and it is easier to connect to them and build trust.

16. Write a compelling introduction

The introduction should explain why the article is relevant and how it solves the reader’s problems. You should keep it short and come straight to the point. The intro helps readers decide whether the article answers their question and it’s worth reading or whether they should look further.

For this reason, your introduction should raise the reader’s interest, but it should also reflect the content of the article. If you make false promises in your intro, you’ll disappoint your readers, and you risk that they won’t read your content in the future.

Mentioning a statistic, a quote, or an interesting, relevant fact is also an excellent way to start an article.

I personally prefer to write the introduction after writing the body of the article. I may write some notes before writing the article and then write it out later. Once the article is written, you have a clearer picture of the article’s content and how to lead into it.

17. End with a strong conclusion

It is a good idea to write the conclusion last. But when writing the article, you should already know what the conclusion is so that you can build up to it. As for the introduction, you can write down the points you want to mention and write them out later.

There are many different ways to write the conclusion. In many cases, it’s a good idea to summarize the article and emphasize the main takeaway. A call to action is also an excellent way to end an article.

I n the end, your article has a purpose, and you want your readers to do something after reading it.

You can guide them to further content, your products or ask them to sign-up for your newsletter, enquire about a product, service, or read an article. These are just a few examples; there are many more!

Here’s an example of a clear call to action for ketogenic meal plans.

how to start writing articles for websites

18. Remove non-important and redundant information

Some people say that they try to shorten their text by one third once they are done writing. How much you have to shorten your text depends on your writing style. If you tend to write very wordy, include non-relevant information, and even repeat information, you’ll have to shorten a lot. When you already write concisely, removing a little bit here and there will be enough. But in general, shortening your text during the editing process will make your article a better read.

This doesn’t mean that you cannot write long articles. But they should be packed with information. That means that to fill a long article, you need a lot of information. Take this article as an example. It’s 3,500 words +, but it provides 21 useful tips, and every single one is valuable. So, your article should have substance. The worst thing is reading an article that says nothing. It’s a waste of time for your readers (and also a waste of time writing it).

19. Edit, edit, edit

Once you’re done writing, the editing starts. Editing can take as long as the writing itself or even longer. You often find the advice not to edit while writing because writing and editing are two separate processes. I don’t think this applies to everyone and largely depends on your writing style.

When you try to get everything perfect in the first draft, writing takes much longer, but you save time editing. When you write everything down as fast as possible, you’re done writing in no time, but editing will probably take longer than writing.

20. Ask someone for feedback

Having someone to edit your article and to provide feedback will always improve your article. This person will likely notice a few language flaws, even if you are a native speaker and your grammar and writing is very good.

The person can also tell you if the article’s structure makes sense and if the transitions are easy to follow. Most importantly, the editor can tell you whether everything is easy to understand. For this reason, it can be an advantage to have a non-expert. This is especially important when writing for lay people.

21. Make a final grammar check

Once the article went through some rounds of editing, you should do a final grammar check. Grammarly is a popular choice that detects most grammar flaws, suggests synonyms, and also checks punctuation. This is especially important when you’re not a native English speaker. But even if you’re native, a grammar checking program can make the text better.

how to start writing articles for websites

The bottom line

Writing an article may seem simple, but it involves many steps. It’s not only about the writing; it’s also about finding ideas, doing research, and editing the article. Altogether, they can take more time and effort than the writing itself. 

Outsourcing articles can save you a lot of time and lets you focus on other parts of your business. Writing Studio has expert writers who can take care of all these steps. They know how to write articles that rank in Google and drive high-value traffic to your website.

Don’t forget to share this article!

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Basics of Article Writing

Writing different types of articles, writing for specific platforms, writing articles for websites, writing newsletter articles, utilizing ai in article writing, making money through article writing.

Welcome to the world of writing! Whether you're a pro or just starting, this guide on how to write an article is here to help you become a better writer. We'll cover the basics, explore different types of writing, and even see how technology like AI can make your writing journey more exciting.

If you've ever wondered about writing for websites, newsletters, or making money through your words, you're in the right place. This guide is your roadmap to becoming a skilled writer and maybe even turning your passion into a paycheck.

So, whether you're here to polish your skills or discover new ways to write and earn, let's get started on this writing adventure with our scholarship paper writers .

Before diving into the writing process, it's crucial to define the purpose of your article and identify your target audience. Whether you're aiming to inform, entertain, persuade, or a combination of these, a clear understanding of your goals will shape the tone, style, and content of your article. Knowing your audience helps tailor your language and content to resonate with them, creating a more engaging and impactful piece.

Consider an example: If you're writing articles about sustainable living for a tech-savvy audience, your language and content might emphasize innovative eco-friendly gadgets or apps. Knowing your audience intimately allows you to tailor your approach, ensuring that your writing resonates and engages effectively.

basics of article writing

Importance of a Captivating Headline

Your headline is the ambassador of your article, making the crucial first impression. Beyond reflecting the essence, it should be a strategic teaser that leaves readers curious and eager to explore further. A headline like 'Revolutionizing Green Living: The Tech Gadgets You Didn't Know You Needed' not only encapsulates the core message but also sparks curiosity by hinting at undiscovered innovations.

Crafting compelling headlines involves a delicate balance. Too vague, and readers may scroll past; too specific, and you risk giving away too much. Think of your headline as a movie trailer – it should offer a glimpse but not the entire plot.

Crafting a Compelling Introduction

Much like when learning how to write an essay , the introduction for your article is your narrative's launchpad, a brief yet powerful invitation to the reader. Imagine opening an article on sustainable living with a striking statistic: 'Did you know that a single reusable water bottle can save over 1,000 plastic bottles in a year?' This not only captivates with a surprising fact but also seamlessly introduces the broader theme of sustainability.

Anecdotes, statistics, or thought-provoking questions serve as effective tools. For instance, 'Picture this: a world where every household embraces a sustainable lifestyle. Is it an ambitious dream, or can it be our reality?' Such questions not only engage but also lay the groundwork for the exploration that follows.

Structuring the Body of the Article

  • Paragraph Organization: Break down your content into well-structured paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on a single idea or point, making the article easier to follow.
  • Use of Subheadings: Subheadings act as signposts, guiding readers through different sections of your article. They also help break up large chunks of text, enhancing readability.
  • Creating a Logical Flow: Ensure a smooth transition between paragraphs and sections. Your article should have a logical flow, with ideas progressing in a natural sequence. This coherence makes it easier for readers to understand and retain the information presented.

how to write a summary of an article

How to Write a Summary of an Article

Summarizing an article involves distilling its key points concisely while preserving its core message. Here's a comprehensive guide on crafting an effective article summary from our article review writing services :

Identify Key Points:

  • Read the article thoroughly and identify its main arguments, supporting evidence, and conclusions.
  • Highlight key information, ensuring you capture the essence of the author's message.
  • Example: If summarizing an article on climate change, focus on crucial data, major findings, and proposed solutions.

Maintain Objectivity:

  • Present the information objectively without injecting personal opinions.
  • Resist the urge to add interpretations; your goal is to convey the author's perspective accurately.
  • Example: Instead of saying, 'The author brilliantly suggests,' maintain neutrality with statements like, 'The article proposes.'

Condense Effectively:

  • Keep your summary succinct by condensing information without losing its meaning.
  • Aim for clarity and coherence, ensuring the summary flows logically.
  • Example: If the original article delves into multiple case studies, select the most representative ones to include in your summary.

Provide Attribution:

  • Attribute key ideas and quotes to the original author, maintaining transparency.
  • Use proper citation formats as required.
  • Example: 'According to Jones (2024), the study reveals a direct correlation between deforestation and rising global temperatures.'

Check for Accuracy:

  • Verify your summary against the original article to ensure accuracy.
  • Pay attention to details, such as statistics and quotations, to avoid misrepresentation.
  • Example: Double-check numerical figures and verify direct quotes to maintain the integrity of the summary.

How to Write a Newspaper Article

Writing news articles requires a blend of informative storytelling and journalistic precision. Here's a step-by-step guide to crafting a compelling newspaper article. And, if you ever need professional help, you can always ask us to - write a paper for me .

Craft a Catchy Lead:

  • Start with a compelling lead that grabs readers' attention.
  • The lead should encapsulate the essence of the article, answering the who, what, when, where, why, and how in a succinct manner.
  • Example: 'In a groundbreaking discovery last night, scientists unveiled a new species of marine life thriving in the depths of the Pacific Ocean.'

Incorporate the 5 W's and H:

  • Ensure your article answers the fundamental questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how.
  • Present the most crucial information upfront and follow up with supporting details.
  • Example: 'The research team, led by Dr. Pattison, identified the new species, tentatively named 'Abyssal Wonder,' during a month-long expedition off the coast of Hawaii.'

Balance Facts and Storytelling:

  • Combine factual information with engaging storytelling to maintain reader interest.
  • Use quotes from experts, eyewitnesses, or officials to add credibility and human interest.
  • Example: 'Witnesses on the research vessel described the moment of discovery as both awe-inspiring and surreal, shedding light on the mysteries that continue to unfold beneath the ocean's surface.'

How to Write a Magazine Article

Crafting a magazine article involves a more narrative and immersive approach. Here's a guide on how to start writing articles effectively:

Emphasize Narrative Elements:

  • Weave a compelling narrative that draws readers into the story.
  • Utilize descriptive language, vivid imagery, and storytelling techniques to create an immersive experience.
  • Example: 'As the first rays of dawn kissed the rugged mountain peaks, a lone climber embarked on a quest to conquer one of the world's most challenging summits.'

In-Depth Research and Interviews:

  • Conduct thorough research to provide readers with comprehensive insights.
  • Incorporate interviews with experts, eyewitnesses, or individuals directly involved in the story to add depth and authenticity.
  • Example: 'In an exclusive interview with renowned mountaineer Sarah Everest, we delve into the physical and emotional challenges she faced during her daring ascent.'

Craft a Unique Voice and Style:

  • Develop a distinctive voice and style that aligns with the magazine's tone and target audience.
  • Experiment with creative elements, such as anecdotes, humor, or reflective commentary.
  • Example: 'In this exploration of human resilience, our article combines a sense of adventure with introspective reflections, inviting readers to embark on a journey beyond the physical summit.'

How to Write an Opinion Article

Writing an opinion article involves articulating a clear perspective on a specific topic while persuading readers to consider and potentially adopt that viewpoint. Here's a guide to effectively craft an opinion article review example :

Identifying a Clear Perspective:

  • Clearly define your stance on the issue at hand.
  • Your opinion should be specific, well-founded, and capable of sparking thoughtful discussion.
  • Example: 'In the ongoing debate about climate change policies, this opinion article argues in favor of implementing stricter regulations to curb carbon emissions.'

Supporting Opinions with Evidence:

  • Back your perspective with solid evidence, facts, or examples.
  • Use credible sources to lend authority to your arguments.
  • Example: 'Research conducted by leading environmental scientists indicates a direct correlation between carbon emissions and the alarming rise in global temperatures.'

Engaging the Reader through Persuasion:

  • Employ persuasive techniques to make your argument compelling.
  • Appeal to emotions, logic, or shared values to connect with your audience.
  • Example: 'By envisioning a future where sustainable practices are embedded in our daily lives, we can collectively mitigate the environmental impact and ensure a healthier planet for future generations.'

Acknowledge Counterarguments:

  • Address opposing viewpoints to demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the issue.
  • Rebut counterarguments with well-reasoned responses, reinforcing the strength of your position.
  • Example: 'While some argue against stringent regulations due to economic concerns, it is crucial to recognize the long-term economic benefits and job opportunities that arise from transitioning to a green economy.'

Encourage Reader Reflection and Action:

  • Conclude with a call to action or an invitation for readers to reflect on the presented opinions.
  • Encourage dialogue by inviting readers to share their perspectives in the comments section or through social media.
  • Example: 'As we navigate the complexities of environmental policy, it is imperative for each of us to consider our role in shaping a sustainable future. Share your thoughts on this critical issue and join the conversation for positive change.'

Ever Wondered if Your Ideas Could Dazzle?

Whether you're penning news, whipping up opinions, or concocting tales, let's transform your thoughts into a spectacle.

how to start writing articles for websites

Writing articles for websites requires a nuanced approach, considering the online medium's characteristics and the preferences of digital readers. Here's a guide to crafting compelling website articles:

SEO Optimization:

  • Incorporate relevant keywords naturally to enhance search engine visibility.
  • Create engaging meta descriptions and titles to attract clicks from search engine results.
  • Example: 'Explore these eco-friendly gadgets that blend sustainability with cutting-edge technology – your guide to a greener lifestyle.'

Utilizing Multimedia Elements:

  • Enhance reader engagement by incorporating visuals, such as images, infographics, or videos.
  • Break up text with subheadings, bullet points, and other formatting elements for better readability.
  • Example: 'Check out our interactive infographic showcasing the impact of plastic waste on marine life – a visual journey into the importance of sustainable living.'

Understanding Online Readership:

  • Cater to the shorter attention spans of online readers by delivering concise and scannable content.
  • Use hyperlinks to connect related articles and keep readers exploring your website.
  • Example: 'In a world of information overload, our bite-sized articles deliver quick insights and actionable tips – making your online reading experience efficient and informative.'

Crafting articles for newsletters involves creating content that captures attention amidst a reader's inbox clutter. Here's a guide on how to write newsletter article effectively: 

Brief and Engaging Content:

  • Keep newsletter articles concise, focusing on delivering valuable information in a short format.
  • Use compelling language and storytelling techniques to captivate readers from the first sentence.
  • Example: 'In just three minutes, discover the latest trends in sustainable living – our newsletter delivers quick insights to keep you informed and inspired.'

Tailoring Content for the Target Audience:

  • Understand the interests and preferences of your newsletter subscribers.
  • Personalize content to cater to the specific needs and expectations of your audience.
  • Example: 'For our tech-savvy subscribers, explore the newest eco-friendly gadgets making waves in 2024 – a curated selection for the environmentally conscious tech enthusiast.'

Encouraging Reader Interaction:

  • Include calls to action, encouraging readers to respond, share, or participate in discussions.
  • Utilize feedback from previous newsletters to refine and tailor future content.
  • Example: 'Join the conversation! Share your thoughts on our featured article or suggest topics you'd like us to cover in our next newsletter – your input shapes our content.'

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in article writing has revolutionized content creation, offering efficiency and creativity in tandem. Here's a guide to AI writing articles effectively:

Explore AI Writing Tools:

  • Familiarize yourself with AI writing tools like OpenAI's GPT-3, which can generate human-like text based on prompts.
  • Experiment with platforms that offer AI-driven content suggestions, grammar checks, and even entire article generation.
  • Example: 'Harness the power of AI with tools like OpenAI's GPT-3, enabling you to streamline your writing process and access creative content suggestions.'

Enhancing Productivity with AI:

  • Use AI to automate repetitive tasks, such as generating ideas, formatting, and even initial drafts.
  • Leverage AI to speed up research processes by extracting relevant information from vast datasets.
  • Example: 'Increase your writing productivity by letting AI handle routine tasks, allowing you to focus on refining your unique voice and creativity.'

Balancing AI Assistance with Human Creativity:

  • Recognize the symbiotic relationship between AI and human creativity.
  • Use AI as a tool to enhance your writing process while preserving the authenticity and individuality that human creativity brings.
  • Example: 'Think of AI as your writing companion, offering valuable assistance in generating ideas and improving efficiency while you infuse your work with the distinct touch that only human creativity can provide.'

Writing articles can be a lucrative venture. Here's a guide on how to make money writing articles through various avenues:

Freelance Opportunities:

  • Register on freelance platforms like Upwork or Fiverr to offer your writing services.
  • Pitch your skills to businesses, blogs, or individuals seeking content creation on platforms like LinkedIn.
  • Example: 'Unlock freelance opportunities by showcasing your expertise on platforms like Upwork, connecting with clients seeking your writing talents.'

Content Marketing and Sponsored Articles:

  • Collaborate with businesses for content marketing, creating articles that align with their brand.
  • Explore sponsored article opportunities where companies pay for content placement within relevant platforms.
  • Example: 'Monetize your writing by partnering with businesses for content marketing, creating engaging articles that seamlessly integrate with their brand narrative.'

Monetizing Personal Blogs and Websites:

  • Establish your online presence through a personal blog or website.
  • Monetize through advertising, sponsored posts, or even offering premium content for subscribers.
  • Example: 'Transform your passion into profit by monetizing your blog or website – from advertising revenue to sponsored posts, your writing becomes a source of income.'

In this guide, we've covered the essentials of articles writing, from mastering the basics to exploring diverse writing platforms and incorporating AI tools. Whether you're crafting news articles, opinion pieces, or content for websites and newsletters, each section provides actionable tips and examples.

As you navigate the dynamic field of article writing, remember that practice and continuous learning are key. Whether you're a seasoned writer or a beginner, the world of article writing invites you to explore, experiment, and share your unique voice!

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The 11 Golden Rules of Writing Content for Your Website

  • Website Tips
  • February 6, 2019

Golden Rules for writing content

Capturing readers’ interests with good website content can be really challenging. Most visitors will spend just a few seconds on a web page before deciding what to do next.

Good website writing is the key to beating these odds. Well-written content that’s optimized for the web rises to the top of search results and holds readers’ attention.

Some writing tips apply regardless of whether your text appears on screen, in print, or carved into a pyramid wall. Other tactics are especially relevant for professional writer/author websites and online stores . Follow these 11 principles to make sure your website content gets the attention it deserves.

Learn how to start your website today!

1. know your audience.

It sounds simple, but so many writers put pen to paper—or finger to keyboard—before thinking about who it is they’re trying to reach. Before drafting content, ask yourself these questions: Who is my primary audience? What about a secondary audience who can influence and inform my primary audience? How will they find my site online?

For example, say you’re creating a coaching website or an online portfolio . Your primary audience might be existing clients. However, your secondary audience is much broader and could include other professionals, reporters, or anyone who might need your services in the future. You’ll need to make sure your content is both accessible and interesting to all of these audiences. What kind of questions might these groups ask about a particular topic? Where are they most active online? What kind of information do they need?

Audiences find web content through many different paths—social media sharing, links from other websites, email sharing, and search engines . That last method is especially important when you write for the web. Text could be extremely well-written and informative, but if it’s not optimized for search engines, chances are few people will find it. Think of your audience again: what search terms would they type into Google? If you’re posting a resume online or making a website for your freelance work , what kind of jobs are you looking for? Make sure to include those terms in headlines and sub-headers.

2. Follow the “inverted pyramid” model

Web readers have short attention spans—they’ll decide whether your site has the information they need in seconds. Structure your content like an upside-down pyramid or cone. The most important messages go at the top of the page. Then, gradually drill down to the more specific, supporting information.

For example, say you’re creating a web page about a conference. The most pertinent details—a description of the theme, date, and location—would appear at the top of the page. Supporting details like speakers and their lecture topics would follow. The less important information—such as conference organizers, the history of the conference series or a list of related resources—would appear at the bottom of the page.

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These two graphs helped guide our own  website makeover  and can help you conceptualize the structure of your site.

The Cone Principle of Organizing Content on a Website

3. Write short, simple sentences

Long sentences are for Charles Dickens—the short attention span of today’s reader demands sentences of 35 words or fewer. So website content that’s accessible and easy to read will naturally reach a wider audience.

Focus on using nouns and verbs. Use adverbs and adjectives sparingly. Don’t use words like “equanimity” or “obfuscate” when words like “calm” or “confuse” will do.

If you’re not sure how to judge your own writing, then it’s useful to check how your texts score with an online readability tool. Most of the popular models are based on the length of words and sentences in a text. Your text’s readability is then scored by a number or an education level. These three tools will scan your text and score its readability:

  • The Readability Test Tool
  • The Readability Calculator
  • Microsoft Word

Can your text be easily understood at a 7th to 9th-grade reading level? Check how it scores on the  Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level  to find out.

4. Stick to active voice

Use active rather than passive verbs, and specify the subject of the sentence. For example, rather than writing “products can be ordered on our website,” say “You can order products on our website.”

Active voice helps create succinct, reader-friendly sentences. It’s also more direct; when you speak directly to the audience (“You can do it”) it’s more engaging than saying “It can be done.” This is important on your website FAQ page as well.

5. Show, don’t tell

Don’t limit your prose to generalities and high-level statements. Specific, real-world examples help readers better understand and visualize your messages. Consider these two descriptions:

This is the best dog toy money can buy.

We made the “Rough Rover” dog toy from durable, 100 percent natural rubber, designed to resist punctures and tears from even the most dedicated of chewers.

Which version gives you a clearer picture of the type of toy you’re buying? Specific details in the second description show readers the dog bone rather than tell them about it.

As an added bonus, more specific, descriptive product information helps your website’s SEO and gives customers the information they need to make those purchases.

We love the product descriptions on Zingerman’s website—they explain in mouthwatering detail why their gourmet foods are the best choice. Here are more tips to writing great product descriptions for your online store .

Example of a detailed product description

6. Nix the jargon

The web is for everyone—not just technical experts. So make sure information is understandable for the educated non-specialist. Spell out acronyms on first reference. Avoid insider language. Explain complex or niche terms. And provide hyperlinks to other articles where readers can get more background information on a particular topic.

Consider this sentence:

The journalist grabbed a SOT from the MOS, drove back to the station and put the story in the can.

Many of these terms are comprehensible only to broadcast journalists. A reader-friendly revision would be:

The journalist interviewed a bystander about the incident, and recorded her statement to include in the story.

This tip is especially important if you work in a technical industry, but want your website to attract non-expert customers. Remember that you need to write for your audience (see point #1) and not for your colleagues. Using accessible language will help you come across as approachable and open—just what you want to convey to future customers.

7. Mix up your word choice

Words are like cookies—we all have our favorites. But when it comes to keeping your visitors interested, variety is key! Word clouds are fun to use and can help you vary your word choice by visualizing which words you use the most. Just copy and paste your text into a free word cloud tool to generate your cloud. The more you use a word, the bigger it will look in your cloud. Have you overused a certain word? Type it into to find new synonyms to enhance your text.

Negative words standing out in your cloud? Now you know exactly what to tweak for a more positive tone. Keep an eye out for your website keywords as well: these should appear several times in your text, so it should be easy to recognize them in a word cloud.

Here’s the exception:  keep key terms consistent across your site to avoid confusing your visitors. For example, if you’re a photographer, don’t offer “photoshoots” on one page then call them “photography sessions” on the next.

Make a list of terms that describe your company and group together any words you use to mean the same thing. Pick your top choice and stick to it everywhere on your website. Like this:

Use: invoice .

Use: photoshoot

Not: photography session, photo appointment, shoot

Do you call your customers clients, patients, or users? Do you refer to services, packages, or plans? Once you have this list or glossary, you can use it to review any text before you publish it.

8. Make text scannable

In addition to putting the most important information up top, make sure text is easy to skim. Most web readers will scan the page to find the specific piece of information they’re looking for—if they don’t find it easily,  they’ll move on .

Don’t believe it? Try paying attention the next time you open a webpage you haven’t seen before. Are you reading every word beginning to end? Or is your eye jumping around, looking for the information you want?

  • Instead of text-heavy paragraphs,  use bulleted or numerical lists . Instead of one long page of text, organize content into labeled tabs.
  • Always include “white space.”  This is the empty space that surrounds paragraphs, images, and other elements on your web page. Though it may seem like this is just wasted space, it’s actually a web designer’s best friend. Comfortable amounts of white space around text make it more legible , and more enjoyable to read.

Example of using headings to break up text on the page

  • What Is Climate Change?
  • Drivers of Climate Change
  • Current and Projected Impacts of Climate Change
  • Solutions to Reduce Emissions

These sub-headers not only help readers navigate the page, they’ll help search engines find your content.

9. Incorporate multimedia

Research shows that most the human brain is visual, and people process visual information many times faster than text.

An easy-to-read chart or graph can also do a better job of explaining a complex topic than text alone. If you’re not a graphic designer by trade, there are lots of ways to use visuals on your website and some great services out there to help you make graphics yourself, like Canva and Piktochart.

Images also help break up text, making your page easier to read. We recommend having at least one image on each page of your website. Here are more tips for how to optimize your website images .

10. Layer website content

The great thing about a website is that it’s easy to direct readers from one page to another. Help readers find more great content by hyperlinking certain words or phrases to other relevant resources, especially those on your own website. This will help keep people engaged with your content and moving through your site.

For example, say this sentence appeared on your cooking website: Ratatouille is a low-fat dish that consists of seasonal ingredients like eggplant, squash, and tomatoes. You could hyperlink “low-fat dish” to a page with other blog posts on healthy eating.

Building these internal links within your own site also helps your SEO, but keep in mind that links should always be relevant and helpful. Visually, if you overload your text with links, people won’t know what to click on.  Google recommends  keeping the amount of hyperlinks on a page to a “reasonable number.”

11. Leave them wanting more

Here’s an example of what a call-to-action button can look like on your website.

Good websites end each page with a strong  call-to-action  (or CTA for short). Is there a person a reader should contact for more information? An interesting video they should watch? How about a related blog post they can read or a report they can download? This strategy helps direct readers to other areas of your website and encourages them to promote your content to their friends and family.

Keep these calls-to-action succinct, and start them with action verbs like “Download,” “Share,” “Join,” “Sign Up,” “Learn More” or “Watch.” And of course, make sure to include a link that actually allows readers to fulfill the action you’re asking them to take.

Writing, in general, is hard work—writing content for your website, even more so. But remember, you don’t need to write perfect texts first time around! Once your content is live, you can do  monthly website checks  to monitor and optimize its performance. With these tips, you’re prepared to create effective content that resonates with even the most flighty and time-pressed of internet readers.

And once your content is written,  read this checklist for designing easy-to-read text  on your site.

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how to start writing articles for websites

A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Compelling Article Introduction

Wouldn’t it be great if every single person who clicked on one of your articles read it from start to finish, unable to pull their eyes away from the screen?

We think we both know the answer to that question.

To achieve this goal, however, you must master the art of writing intriguing introductions.

Wait a second , you’re thinking. Writing introductions? Isn’t that kind of a small detail of a 2,000-word article? Unfortunately, no. Your article intro is not a small detail.

The introduction to your article is often the difference between engaging readers and having a bounce rate high enough to make a click-baiter cringe .

Think about it. If you don’t grab your readers right away, you’ll lose them.

You went through all that work of writing a killer article, right? You worked hard at it. You spent a lot of time on it. You did a ton of research but if your introduction sucks, your efforts will be all for nothing. You’ll have lost before you even got started!

If you want to write great content , improve the success of your marketing campaigns, and increase the loyalty of your fans, you must master writing introductions.

Let us show you how.

5 Steps to Write an Article Introduction

Here’s how you write a blog introduction that doesn’t stink:

  • Master the opening line
  • Have something unique to say
  • Keep it simple
  • Speak directly to the reader
  • Explain what the article is about

Step 1 – Master the Opening Line

To have a strong introduction, you need to open with a strong first sentence.

The millisecond your reader hits the page, they have an extremely high likelihood of leaving the page.

Data graph of probability of leave the page vs time visiting the page so far in seconds.

Data says so.

The first sentence has one single purpose: to entice the reader to read the next sentence. In doing so, it sets the tone for the rest of the article, hooking the reader in, one step at a time.

If you fail at this, you readers won’t scroll. That’s why its often best to have your first sentence act as a hook to engage a readers attention. The easiest way to do this is to cite a relevant fact or statistic that you know the reader will be interested in that relates to your article’s topic.

This is a histogram showing how far people scroll through Slate article pages.

And if they don’t scroll, they won’t engage.

Check out this article by Dilbert author Scott Adams to see how the first sentence is done. by Scott Adams example.

He writes this:

I went from being a bad writer to a good writer after taking a one-day course in “business writing.”

That’s a great opening line.

Why? Because it makes you want to know  more!

  • How did he become a good writer?
  • What did he learn?
  • Could I benefit from it too?

Adams nailed it. He drew us in by making us ask questions.

If you don’t know how to craft an intriguing first sentence, the remaining words of your article will be a complete waste.

Luckily for you, with a few simple tricks, writing a phenomenal first sentence can be quite easy.

The first thing to keep in mind is that you want to keep the first sentence short. This makes it easy for the reader to digest the first bits of information and prevents them from losing interest quickly.

But there is more to it than that.

You have to make sure that the first sentence grabs the reader’s attention and holds it for the rest of the article.

Here are a couple of tried-and-true tactics that make for super compelling first lines.

Ask the reader a question

This is an easy way to get the reader’s attention and get them engaged without a whole lot of effort on your part.

For example, if you are writing an article on quitting your job and starting your own company, you could open with the question: “Did you know that almost 70% of Americans report being actively disengaged from their careers?” Remember we mentioned using a statistic earlier?

Why does this work?

It has to do with the brain’s “ limbic reward system .”

The Limbic Reward System lights up when curiosity is piqued.

When this system is activated, dopamine is released. And dopamine gives us a sense of reward and pleasure.

When we are intrigued by a question, i.e., experience a sense of curiosity, the limbic reward system lights up. And that’s why we want to keep reading—it’s rewarding to satisfy curiosity.

Here’s an example. Writer Olga Khazan asks a question that’s on everyone’s mind, causing the reader to be instantly interested:

Making the Brain Less Racist by Olga Khazan introduction to article example

We want to know the answer to that question, so we keep reading.

That’s why a question is a great opening line. You can even use the question as the article title.

Tell a story

The brain also lights up when it encounters a story.

According to the theory of neural coupling , certain portions of the brain are activated when a reader thinks about the same mental and physical activity that a character in a story is doing.

How storytelling affects the brain informational image.

James Clear usually starts his blog articles with a story, often a true story.

How long does it actually take to form a new habit? (backed by science) article by James Clear introduction to article example.

The story makes his readers interested in the article and keeps them reading to the very end.

Use a shocking quote

Another great way to start your article is to use an attention-grabbing quote.

Let’s say you are writing an article on world travel. A great way to introduce the article would be with the quote from Helen Keller:

“Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all.”

Using a quote like this will grab the readers attention and make them want to learn more.

Tell the reader to imagine

Sparking the imagination is an instant way to draw the reader into the experience of the article.

Notice how this article begins:

Example of the word, "imagine" being used in introduction to article.

The reader tries to obey the imperative by imagining. This effort compels the reader to read further, drawing them into the article.

Writers for The Atlantic are experts at their craft. This writer does the same thing—asking the reader to imagine.

Why You Should Believe in the Digital Afterlife by Michael Graziano use of the word "imagine" in introduction to article example.

Share an interesting fact

In a day and age when the Internet is so rife with untrustworthy information and fraudulent “gurus,” people are skeptical. They have every reason to be.

Opening your article with a relevant fact or statistic is a great way to establish trust and authority from the first sentence and let readers know you’ve done your research — like we said before.

Step 2 – Have Something Unique to Say

Okay, so you’ve crafted an excellent first sentence, and you have your reader’s interest.

Now, you have to hold that interest by having something interesting and uncommon to say.

Very few people take the time and energy to regularly produce new, thought-provoking content. If you do, you’ll set yourself apart from the herd in a big way.

Forget re-purposing of old articles or rewriting stuff from other people’s websites. If you want to have the reader’s respect and attention, you have to say something they’ve never heard before.

Unfortunately, a lot of the stuff you read today has been regurgitated 28 times before.

Let’s imagine you run a travel blog. Based on our advice, you write a number of 3,000-word comprehensive “How-To Guides.”

Whenever a reader opens your guide on financing their way around the world trip, they’ll expect to read all about airline rewards programs, frugality, and credit card points.

And that information is great, but it is also very generic.

A better introduction would be something like this:

How would you like to save up enough money in the next 6 months to spend all of 2017 traveling the world? That would be pretty epic, right? Well, this is entirely possible, and in today’s article, we’re going to show you how you can do this. It’s not by skipping your morning latte or spending thousands of dollars with your credit cards on a few hundred miles either. We’re going to show you how you can create a life of mobility and freedom by leveraging the skills you already have, tactically selecting your destinations, and using a little known tax secret that will save you thousands of dollars! Sound good? Let’s get to it.

It’s hard to be different. We realize that.

Sometimes, in order to create unique stuff, we simply have to work harder, think longer, and research more than our competition.

Here are some ways you can develop that unique voice in your article introduction:

  • Share a personal story or fact. You’re the only you  there is. You can share a story or experience no one else can. One way to tell such a story is to write, “If you know me…”
  • Get your emotions in it. People have an emotional reaction to emotions. When we convey our emotions in our writing, people tend to respond. Besides, emotion is also a unique and personal thing. How do you communicate this in an introduction? Easy: “Want to know how I feel about it? I feel….”
  • Share your goals or vision. If you have a guiding goal or vision for life, you can communicate this in your introduction. “That’s one of the reasons we wrote this post. Our goal in life is to…”
  • Make a promise. A promise is a personal and attention-grabbing thing. Give your readers a promise, and it will secure their loyalty and their interest. “We promise that we’ll do our dead-level best to….”

Unique isn’t easy . But it’s worth it.

Step 3 – Keep it Simple

We live in a world where most people have an attention span of only a few seconds.

Apparently, our attention span is getting shorter!

Average attention span infographic by Bloomberg.

After a few seconds, we get bored and move on to the next shiny object.

If you want your readers to make time in their days to read what you have to say, make sure you present things as simply as possible .

Longer articles, of course, deserve longer introductions. But it’s important to respect people’s time and attention. You can’t change what is (people’s short attention spans) by writing a long introduction based on what should be (longer attention spans).

Avoid rambling about how great your information is, and just share it already!

Step 4 – Speak Directly to the Reader

Whenever you are writing educational material for other people, you want to use the word “you” as much (and as naturally) as possible.

In this article, We’ve used some variation of the word you more than 100 times. Why? Because we’re talking to you! We want you to know this information. We want you to benefit from it.

By emphasizing the word “you” in your article, you show the reader you are directly addressing them and their situation and not just writing a generic article to the general populace.

But there’s another side to this. I should refer to myself as well. My goal is to convey a personal feel to this article. After all, it’s me talking to you, right? So it’s only natural that I would refer to myself too — although more sparingly.

Step 5 – Explain What the Article is About

The point of an introduction is exactly that: to introduce the content that will be presented in an article.

We cannot tell you the number of times online articles left us confused even after we had read a few of their paragraphs.

We couldn’t tell whether the authors were teaching us how to run successful Facebook ads , or telling us a weird story about their childhood.

That’s why its crucial to take a few sentences, and clearly explain what the article is going to cover without giving away too many details.

This will build suspense around the subject matter while still letting your audience know what they may be in for.

A great example of this comes from the Buffer blog. Notice how the introduction poses a question and then proposes to answer that question.

Example blog by Ash Read introducing a question and then proposing to answer the question in the article.

Your curiosity stays high, but the introduction sets the stage.

Explain the importance of the article

Once you’ve explained what the article is, now it’s time to explain why people should care.

Everyone on the Internet approaches every new piece of information with a simple question: “ What’s in it for me ?”

Image of man holding a card that has WIIFM? written on it.

If you want to write introductions that hook the reader and help your content go viral , you have to master the art of explaining what the reader stands to gain from the information you are sharing.

How will it benefit your readers’ lives? How will it solve a problem they are facing? How will it cure a pain they are feeling?

If you understand how to quickly and efficiently answer these questions, you’ll keep your readers glued to your article till the last word.

Few things can make or break your article as easily as an introduction.

If you can master the art of the first few paragraphs, you’ll be able to increase reader engagement, improve sales, and earn a reputation as a phenomenal writer.

It’s not an easy skill to master, but like many things in Internet marketing, it’s fairly straightforward.

If you put in the work, you’ll get results.

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How to Write a Good Article—Quickly

Written by MasterClass

Last updated: Sep 3, 2021 • 3 min read

Bloggers, freelance writers, copywriters, and other content creators are often faced with a seemingly impossible task: producing a great article under a tight deadline. That’s why it’s important to develop writing skills that can help you create great content in a short amount of time.

how to start writing articles for websites

How to Write An Article: Get Started With These 12 Steps

Award-winning writer Kathy Widenhouse has helped hundreds of nonprofits and writers produce successful content and has gained 600K+ views for her writing tutorials. She is the author of 9 books. See more of Kathy’s content here.

Updated 5.30.24

My first “official” writing course taught me how to write an article and break into print. Back then, the internet was still fairly new. Magazines were one of the main avenues to accumulating clips and experience. Many a freelance writer got their start by writing feature articles for trade and consumer publications – myself included.

Plus, learning how to write an article yielded more than bylines. I’ve been able to apply those skills as I write other kinds of content. Some project-specific details vary, but the principles are the same.

This set of 12 tips outlines how to write an article. Complete each step, one at a time, and you’ll acquire those skills. Plus, you’ll have completed an article that you can submit to a magazine or blog or publish on LinkedIn, Medium, or another article sharing platform. 

How to Write an Article: Take These 12 Steps

Step 1: brainstorm topics.

Start writing your article with a fun brainstorming session to gather a pool of ideas in a short amount of time. If you have zero ideas of what to write about, then brainstorm a list of topics that are interesting to you . If you have a topic in mind for your article, then brainstorm a list of different subjects associated with that topic. 

For example, let’s say you need to brainstorm a general list of topics that interest you and you come up with …

Or let’s say you’re interested in the weather and you need to brainstorm a list of subjects associated with that topic. Your list might look like …

Step 2: Choose a topic slant

If you’re writing an article about the weather for a bride’s magazine, then slant to outdoor wedding plans for inclement weather. If you’re writing a column for a regional newspaper, then your slant can be how to prepare for the upcoming hurricane season. Maybe the publication is for entrepreneurial leaders … preteen boys … firefighters … NASCAR enthusiasts. Know the publication’s audience and slant your topic to that readership.

Step 3: Research 

An article is a source of information. ( Blog posts, editorials, essays, and copywriting, on the other hand, use facts but also inject opinion. ) In order to write helpful, credible, well-constructed articles, you need source material.

Research your topic and gather facts, statistics, anecdotal evidence, quotes.  Go to reference works, periodicals, news sources, books, recorded interviews, government publications, nonprofit publications, case studies to gather background. Gather two times as much information as you need for your article. 

What should you do with all the extra? You’ll tag it with keywords and keep it in your files to use for another writing project at another time.

Step 4: Write a premise 

Once you’ve collected information about your topic and processed it, you’ll have determined a main point you’d like to make to a specific set of readers. Write that point as a premise or thesis statement – a sentence summarizes your main idea and presents your position. It’s the core tool I use in persuasive writing, including articles, letters, web pages, landing pages, social media posts, case statements, books, grant applications … literally any piece of persuasive content.

(If you struggle to drill down to your key point, use this handy tool that helps me find my article main idea every time.)

Then you can keep your thesis statement in front of you as your write to allow you to stay on message.

Step 5: Write the outline

Review your list of ideas and look for patterns. Sometimes the outline format is evident right away. If not, ask yourself two questions:

An outline is simply a plan . It’s a plan you follow as you write so that you make your point. Yours can be a detailed, beautifully formatted document with multiple points, sub-points, and sub-points to sub-points. Or it can be 3 words scribbled on the back of a napkin.  Style matters less than simply having a plan.

Tip 6: Write the hook

Step 7: write the body.

You’ve done a good job researching your topic and writing your outline. Now that you’ve hooked your reader, work your way through each section of your outline. Make each point and support it with a fact, statistic, quote, an anecdote or example. Use transitional phrases to move logically from one idea to the next, either starting with your strongest argument to the weakest … working chronologically … following a step-by-step order … or building your case sequentially.

What should you do with the extra content that you cannot use in the main body of the article? Where possible, include a sidebar – a short “article within an article” – that adds value to your content. Your “5 Day Trips to U.S. Civil War sites near Baltimore,” for instance, can include a sidebar that lists addresses and hours for the five sites in your article.

Step 8: Quote at least one expert

A carefully-chosen quote instills authority. Choose a respected or credentialed source for your quote. And choose the shortest quote possible – one that is memorable, such as a pithy statement, vivid example, or colorful turn of phrase. Your purpose in quoting an expert is not to repeat their work but support your point or argument. 

Step 9: Finish strong (and short)

Step 10: edit and revise.

Review your article until it is as clear and accurate as you can make it. Then you’re ready to …

Step 11: Submit your article

If you submit your article for publication in a print or online magazine, be sure to offer first rights – that is, the right for that publication to be the first to print your masterpiece. This way, after publication you can offer reprint rights to other publications and get your article before more eyeballs.

Step 12: Repeat

Go back to Step #1 and start the process again – with another article. Your stable of clips will grow. And so will your bank account.

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  • EXPLORE Random Article

How to Start Writing Articles

Last Updated: November 3, 2022

This article was co-authored by Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA . Stephanie Wong Ken is a writer based in Canada. Stephanie's writing has appeared in Joyland, Catapult, Pithead Chapel, Cosmonaut's Avenue, and other publications. She holds an MFA in Fiction and Creative Writing from Portland State University. This article has been viewed 97,336 times.

Maybe you’ve read a wikiHow article and thought to yourself, I could write a better article than this! Or maybe you’re more interested in writing articles for other publications, like your school newspaper or another print publication. Many writers start out by submitting work to local publications to get experience and build up their clips, or number of published articles. Other aspiring writers may go to school to study journalism and writing.

Submitting Work to Local Publications

Step 1 Keep a running list of story ideas.

  • Using a writing prompt, such as "That One Time I..." or a "Day in the Life" of someone you find interesting. You may also consider using every day events at school as jumping off points for possible ideas for an article.
  • Brainstorming different angles on a current topic or subject. For example, police brutality against African American men. Write the current topic or subject in the center of a piece of a paper. Then, write down other related words or terms around the central idea. Continue adding words or terms until you feel you have written down enough. Read over the terms and circle or highlight any terms that seem useful or that could lead to a possible angle or slant on the topic.

Step 2 Write for websites you frequent and enjoy reading.

  • Check the sites for open submissions, or calls for submissions. Some websites, especially online magazines, have themed issues with open calls for work around a certain theme or idea.
  • One of the big pet peeves for editors is receiving submissions from writers who have never read the publication before and are submitting blind. Avoid this by taking the time to read several articles on the site, and get a feel for the voice and tone of the articles.

Step 3 Pitch articles to your local paper.

  • Check out each section of the publication, such as Arts & Lifestyle, Music, or Local News, to see what type of writing you might want to pitch to the publication. If you’re interested in music reviews, look at the byline (which states who the article is written by) to find the music editor of the publication.
  • Contact the editor with a brief email expressing your interests in writing music reviews for the publication. Avoid contacting the editor-in-chief of the publication directly. Always go for the editor of the section you would like to write for.

Step 4 Start a professional blog

  • Use your blog as a way to share your opinions on a topic or to delve into deeper research and investigation on the topic. You may then be able to use posts from your blog to pitch story ideas to publications.

Step 5 Add each article to your portfolio of clips.

  • Many writers have online portfolios. They will then link to their portfolio in their pitch letter or in their initial email to an editor. There are many tools you can use to create an online portfolio with basic computer skills. Platforms like WordPress and Pressfolio are popular and easy to use. You can create a basic site to collect your clips so you look professional to editors and other writers. [3] X Research source

Building Up Your Writing Contacts

Step 1 Reach out to other writers and journalists.

  • If you are looking to get published in the paper the reporter works for, you may ask if they would be willing to pass on a pitch from you to the editor or if they can connect you to a contact that will help you get published.
  • Avoid sending a casual or informal email to a writer or journalist. Always be professional in tone and don't take up too much of the reporter's time by writing a long-winded email or letter.

Step 2 Get involved in your local writing scene.

  • Don't afraid to ask for feedback if you get a rejection on a pitch letter or a first draft of an article, and use the editor's notes to improve your writing. This will serve you well as you move forward in your career, as each article you write will become better and better with each small adjustment or improvement to your writing style.

Going to School for Journalism

Step 1 Research possible programs and schools.

  • Look at the curriculum of each class and program, as well the course descriptions and the length of the program. Some programs will state they are catering to beginning journalists, mid-career professional, or full time working journalists.
  • Focus on programs that offer opportunities for professional growth and resume buildings. For example, internships, speaker series, and apprenticeships can all help to build your portfolio and connections in the industry.
  • You should also consider the physical location of the program. You should be comfortable in the area you will be studying, living, and working in. Think about if you can afford the cost of living in a certain city or town while going to school.

Step 2 Talk to the admissions office.

  • The admissions office can also give you more details on what is required for your application, such as a portfolio, letters of reference, and the necessary transcripts.

Step 3 Apply early for programs.

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Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA

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How to Write an Article

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Writing is a complex skill. A very complex skill.

Not only do we put students under pressure to master the inconsistent spelling patterns and complex grammar of the English language, but we require them to know how to write for a variety of purposes in both fiction and nonfiction genres.

On top of this, writing is just one aspect of one subject among many.

The best way to help our students to overcome the challenge of writing in any genre is to help them to break things down into their component parts and give them a basic formula to follow.

In this article, we will break article writing down into its components and present a formulaic approach that will provide a basic structure for our students to follow.

Once this structure is mastered, students can, of course, begin to play with things.

But, until then, there is plenty of room within the discipline of the basic structure for students to express themselves in the article form.

Visual Writing


how to write an article, article writing | journalism writing prompts | How to Write an Article |

With over  FORTY GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS in this  ENGAGING   UNIT, you can complete a  WEEKLY  journalistic / Newspaper reporting task  ALL YEAR LONG   as classwork or homework.

These templates take students through a  PROVEN  four-step article writing process on some  AMAZING  images. Students will learn how to.


how to write an article, article writing | different articles 1 | How to Write an Article |

The Cambridge Dictionary defines an article as, “a piece of writing on a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine, or on the internet.”

An article’s shape and structure will vary depending on whether it’s intended for publication in a newspaper, magazine, or online.

Each of these media has its own requirements. For example, a magazine feature article may go into great depth on a topic, allowing for long, evocative paragraphs of exposition, while an online blog article may be full of lots of short paragraphs that get to the point without too much fanfare.

Each of these forms makes different demands on the writer, and it’s for this reason that most newspapers, magazines, and big websites provide writers with specific submission guidelines.

So, with such diverse demands placed on article writers, how do we go about teaching the diverse skill required to our students?

Luckily, we can break most types of articles down into some common key features.

Below we’ll take a look at the most important of these, along with an activity to get your students practicing each aspect right away.

Finally, we’ll take a look at a few general tips on article writing.


The headline.

The purpose of the headline is to capture the reader’s attention and let them know what the article is about. All of this in usually no more than 4 or 5 words!

There is an art to good headline writing and all sorts of literary devices (e.g alliteration and metaphor) can be used to create an eye-catching and intriguing headline.

The best way for students to learn how headlines work is to view some historical samples.

Newspaper headlines especially are known for being short and pithy. Here are just a few examples to whet the appetite:

  • Hitler Is Dead
  • Lincoln Shot
  • Men Walk On The Moon
  • Berlin Wall Crumbles

You could encourage students to find some pithy examples of their own. It’s amazing how much information can be condensed into so few words – this is the essence of good headline writing.

Headlines Practice Activity:

Give students opportunities to practice headline writing in isolation from article writing itself. For example, take sample stories from newspapers and magazines and challenge students to write new headlines for them. Set a word limit appropriate to the skills and age of the students. For example, younger, more inexperienced students might write 9-word headlines, while older, more skilled students might thrive with the challenge of a 4-word limit.


Subheadings give the reader more information on what the article is about. For this reason, they’re often a little longer than headlines and use a smaller font, though still larger (or in bold) than the font used in the body of the text.

Subheadings provide a little more of the necessary detail to inform readers what’s going on. If a headline is a jab, the subheading is the cross.

In magazines and online articles especially, there are often subheadings throughout the article. In this context, they let the reader know what each paragraph/section is about.

Subheadings also help the reader’s eye to scan the article and quickly get a sense of the story, for the writer they help immensely to organize the structure of the story.

Practice Activity:

One way to help organize paragraphs in an article is to use parallel structure.

Parallel structure is when we use similar words, phrases, and grammar structures. We might see this being used in a series of subheadings in a ‘How to’ article where the subheadings all start with an imperative such as choose , attach , cut , etc.

Have you noticed how all the sections in this ‘Key Features’ part of this article start simply with the word ‘The’? This is another example of a parallel structure.

Yet another example of parallel structure is when all the subheadings appear in the form of a question.

Whichever type of parallel structure students use, they need to be sure that they all in some way relate to the original title of the article.

To give students a chance to practice writing subheadings using parallel structure, instruct them to write subheadings for a piece of text that doesn’t already have them.


Writing good, solid paragraphs is an art in itself. Luckily, you’ll find comprehensive guidance on this aspect of writing articles elsewhere on this site.

But, for now, let’s take a look at some general considerations for students when writing articles.

The length of the paragraphs will depend on the medium. For example, for online articles paragraphs are generally brief and to the point. Usually no more than a sentence or two and rarely more than five.

This style is often replicated in newspapers and magazines of a more tabloid nature.

Short paragraphs allow for more white space on the page or screen. This is much less daunting for the reader and makes it easier for them to focus their attention on what’s being said – a crucial advantage in these attention-hungry times.

Lots of white space makes articles much more readable on devices with smaller screens such as phones and tablets. Chunking information into brief paragraphs enables online readers to scan articles more quickly too, which is how much of the information on the internet is consumed – I do hope you’re not scanning this!

Conversely, articles that are written more formally, for example, academic articles, can benefit from longer paragraphs which allow for more space to provide supporting evidence for the topic sentence.

Deciding on the length of paragraphs in an article can be done by first thinking about the intended audience, the purpose of the article, as well as the nature of the information to be communicated.

A fun activity to practice paragraphing is to organize your students into groups and provide them with a copy of an article with the original paragraph breaks removed. In their groups, students read the article and decide on where they think the paragraphs should go.

To do this successfully, they’ll need to consider the type of publication they think the article is intended for, the purpose of the article, the language level, and the nature of the information.

When the groups have finished adding in their paragraph breaks they can share and compare their decisions with the other groups before you finally reveal where the breaks were in the original article.

Article Photos and Captions

how to write an article, article writing | article images | How to Write an Article |

Photos and captions aren’t always necessary in articles, but when they are, our students must understand how to make the most of them.

Just like the previous key features on our list, there are specific things students need to know to make the most of this specific aspect of article writing.

  The internet has given us the gift of access to innumerable copyright-free images to accompany our articles, but what criteria should students use when choosing an image?

To choose the perfect accompanying image/s for their article, students need to identify images that match the tone of their article.

Quirky or risque images won’t match the more serious tone of an academic article well, but they might work perfectly for that feature of tattoo artists.

Photos are meant to bring value to an article – they speak a thousand words after all. It’s important then that the image is of a high enough resolution that the detail of those ‘thousand words’ is clearly visible to the reader.

Just as the tone of the photo should match the tone of the article, the tone of the caption should match the tone of the photo.

Captions should be informative and engaging. Often, the first thing a reader will look at in an article is the photos and then the caption. Frequently, they’ll use the information therein to decide whether or not they’ll continue to read.

When writing captions, students must avoid redundancy. They need to add information to that which is already available to the reader by looking at the image.

There’s no point merely describing in words what the reader can clearly see with their own two eyes. Students should describe things that are not immediately obvious, such as date, location, or the name of the event.

One last point, captions should be written in the present tense. By definition, the photo will show something that has happened already. Despite this, students should write as if the action in the image is happening right now.

Remind students that their captions should be brief; they must be careful not to waste words with such a tight format.

For this fun activity, you’ll need some old magazines and newspapers. Cut some of the photos out minus their captions. All the accompanying captions should be cut out and jumbled up. It’s the students’ job to match each image with the correct accompanying caption.

Students can present their decisions and explanations when they’ve finished.

A good extension exercise would be to challenge the students to write a superior caption for each of the images they’ve worked on.


Now your students have the key features of article writing sewn up tightly, let’s take a look at a few quick and easy tips to help them polish up their general article writing skills.

1. Read Widely – Reading widely, all manner of articles, is the best way students can internalize some of the habits of good article writing. Luckily, with the internet, it’s easy to find articles on any topic of interest at the click of a mouse.

2. Choose Interesting Topics – It’s hard to engage the reader when the writer is not themselves engaged. Be sure students choose article topics that pique their own interest (as far as possible!).

3. Research and Outline – Regardless of the type of article the student is writing, some research will be required. The research will help an article take shape in the form of an outline. Without these two crucial stages, articles run the danger of wandering aimlessly and, worse still, of containing inaccurate information and details.

4. Keep Things Simple – All articles are about communicating information in one form or another. The most effective way of doing this is to keep things easily understood by the reader. This is especially true when the topic is complex.

5. Edit and Proofread – This can be said of any type of writing, but it still bears repeating. Students need to ensure they comprehensively proofread and edit their work when they’ve ‘finished’. The importance of this part of the writing process can’t be overstated.

And to Conclude…

how to write an article, article writing | article writing guide | How to Write an Article |

With time and plenty of practice, students will soon internalize the formula as outlined above.

This will enable students to efficiently research, outline, and structure their ideas before writing.

This ability, along with the general tips mentioned, will soon enable your students to produce well-written articles on a wide range of topics to meet the needs of a diverse range of audiences.


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Learn web development

Welcome to the MDN learning area. This set of articles aims to provide complete beginners to web development with fundamental skills for coding websites. The aim is not to take you from "beginner" to "expert" but to take you from "beginner" to "comfortable." From there, you should be able to start making your way, learning from the rest of MDN , and other intermediate to advanced resources that assume a lot of previous knowledge.

If you are a complete beginner, web development can be challenging — we will hold your hand and provide enough detail for you to feel comfortable and learn the topics properly. You should feel at home whether you are a student learning web development (on your own or as part of a class), a teacher looking for class materials, a hobbyist, or someone who just wants to understand more about how web technologies work.

Where to start

If you are not sure about committing to learning web development in-depth and want to begin with a taster session, we'd recommend that you start by working through our Getting started with the web guides. Beyond that, you should start by learning the following topics:

HTML provides structure for web content, whereas CSS provides instructions to style and lay out that content. See Introduction to HTML and CSS first steps for essential starter information.

JavaScript allows you to code interactive functionality on websites. Begin with JavaScript first steps .

After mastering the essentials of vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you should learn about client-side web development tools , and then consider digging into client-side JavaScript frameworks . You should also consider learning the basic concepts of server-side website programming .

Note: Our glossary provides terminology definitions. Besides, if you have a specific question about web development, our Common questions section may have something to help you.

Looking to become a front-end web developer?

If you want to become a front-end web developer and are not sure what to learn first, we'd suggest using the MDN Curriculum to plan your learning. It provides a structured learning pathway covering the essential skills and practices for being a successful front-end developer, along with recommended learning resources.

Get started

Topics covered

The following is a list of all the topics we cover in the MDN learning area.

Provides a practical introduction to web development for complete beginners.

HTML is the language that we use to structure the different parts of our content and define what their meaning or purpose is. This topic teaches HTML in detail.

CSS is the language that we use to control our web content's style and layout, as well as adding behavior like animation. This topic provides comprehensive coverage of CSS.

JavaScript is the scripting language used to add dynamic functionality to web pages. This topic teaches all the essentials needed to become comfortable with writing and understanding JavaScript.

Web forms are a potent tool for interacting with users — most commonly, they are used for collecting data from users, or allowing them to control a user interface. In the articles listed below, we'll cover all the essential aspects of structuring, styling, and interacting with web forms.

Accessibility is the practice of making web content available to as many people as possible regardless of disability, device, locale, or other differentiating factors. This topic gives you all you need to know.

Web performance is the art of making sure web applications download fast and are responsive to user interaction, regardless of a user's bandwidth, screen size, network, or device capabilities.

MathML is the language that we can use to write mathematical formulas in web pages using fractions, scripts, radicals, matrices, integrals, series, etc. This topic covers MathML.

This topic covers the tools developers use to facilitate their work, such as cross-browser testing tools, linters, formatters, transformation tools, version control systems, deployment tools, and client-side JavaScript frameworks.

Even if you are concentrating on client-side web development, it is still useful to know how servers and server-side code features work. This topic provides a general introduction to how the server-side works and detailed tutorials showing how to build up a server-side app using two popular frameworks: Django (Python) and Express (Node.js).

Tasks and assessments

In the Learn web development section of MDN, there are many self-contained tasks and assessments for you to complete. These come in two main types:

  • "Test your skills" tasks, for example in Making decisions in your code — conditionals .
  • More in-depth assessments at the end of some modules, for example Image gallery .

Each one has an associated marking guide and recommended solution available to help you assess your work. There are patterns that make it easier to find these resources, for example:

  • The test your skills task linked above has a marking guide and resources available at .
  • The assessment linked above has a marking guide and resources available at .

Note: Most of the marking guides and other resources for the tasks and assessments are available in mdn/learning-area , although some are in mdn/css-examples .

Getting our code examples

The code examples you'll encounter in the Learning Area are all available on GitHub . If you want to copy them all to your computer, the easiest way is to download a ZIP of the latest master code branch .

If you prefer to copy the repo in a more flexible way that allows for automatic updates, you can follow the more complex instructions:

  • Install Git on your machine. This is the underlying version control system software that GitHub works on top of.
  • Open your computer's command prompt (Windows) or terminal ( Linux , macOS ).
  • To copy the learning area repo to a folder called learning-area in the current location your command prompt/terminal is pointing to, use the following command: bash git clone
  • You can now enter the directory and find the files you are after (either using your Finder/File Explorer or the cd command ).

You can update the learning-area repository with any changes made to the master version on GitHub with the following steps:

  • In your command prompt/terminal, go inside the learning-area directory using cd . For example, if you were in the parent directory: bash cd learning-area
  • Update the repository using the following command: bash git pull

If you want to get in touch with us about anything, use the communication channels . We'd like to hear from you about anything you think is wrong or missing on the site, requests for new learning topics, requests for help with items you don't understand, or any other questions or concerns.

If you're interested in helping develop/improve the content, take a look at how you can help and get in touch! We are more than happy to talk to you, whether you are a learner, teacher, experienced web developer, or someone else interested in helping to improve the learning experience.

An excellent resource for aspiring web developers — Learn JavaScript in an interactive environment, with short lessons and interactive tests, guided by automated assessment. The first 40 lessons are free, and the complete course is available for a small one-time payment.

A great interactive site for learning programming languages from scratch.

Interactive site with tutorials and projects to learn web development.

Features a free and open-source full-stack curriculum, from beginner to advanced.

The MDN blog has articles from the MDN team and guest writers about new developments on the site, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web development news.

Our newsletter for web developers, which is an excellent resource for all levels of experience.

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how to start writing articles for websites

How to Start an Online Business in 2023

Starting an online business isn't easy. There are so many important decisions to make.  What should you sell ? Who should you sell to? How will you get customers?

If that's not enough, every other week there seems to be a new business trend online. There's chatbots, cryptocurrencies, Facebook ads, Instagram influencers, and many more. What should you pay attention to? What actually matters?

If you want to know how to start an online business in 2023, we've got you covered. In this quick and simple article, we'll take you through how to start a small business online, step-by-step. Consider this as a starting an online business for dummies guide, as we cover everything in plain English and list simple, actionable instructions to help you start. 

How to Start a Business Online (From Scratch)

#1: don't start building yet.

When looking to start a business , it can be tempting to jump into action.

So, if you're feeling the urge to build a website, choose a business name, or create a logo , hold off for now.

If you want to start a successful online business, first, you need a strategy. And steps two, three and four of this article will show you how to create your online business strategy.

#2: Choose a Business Model

When learning how to build an online business from scratch, it helps to know about some tried-and-tested online business models.

Here are six types of online businesses to consider:

  • Affiliate Marketing : Promote other business's products and services online, and receive a commission for each sale you make with this passive income idea .
  • Freelancing : Provide a service to other individuals and businesses using a skill that you have, such as advertising, writing, designing, or programming.
  • Coaching and Consulting : Become a coach or a consultant and sell your expertise, advice, and guidance.
  • Information Products : Package and sell your expertise in ebooks, worksheets, templates, and online courses .
  • Software as a Service (SaaS) : Create a piece of software or application, and charge users a recurring subscription fee.
  • Ecommerce : Use a service like Shopify to set up a website and sell physical products online.

Want more online business ideas to help inspire you? Check out our guide, '25 Small Business Ideas to Make Money'.

#3: Identify Your Target Market

Next, you need to get clear on your target market. In other words, who are you going to serve?

This step is absolutely vital.

As the marketer Philip Kotler once said , 'There is only one winning strategy. It is to carefully define the target market and direct a superior offering to that target market.'

Here's the trick: Make sure you are part of your target audience.

Think about it. If you've been camping your entire life, you'll understand the problems, desires, and language of other campers. As a result, it'd be much easier to sell camping products online. 

Plus, your marketing will be more successful because you'll have a better understanding of how to communicate with other campers.

On the other hand, if you've never been camping in your life, you'd probably struggle – a lot – to sell camping products online.

choose your target market

So, when choosing a target audience, ask yourself:

  • What are my hobbies and interests?
  • Is there anything that I know a lot about?
  • What do I spend most of my time thinking, talking, and reading about?

#4: Find a Problem to Solve

When learning how to start an online business, it's important to note one key thing: all businesses solve a problem.

Plumbers fix leaking pipes. Hollywood movies fulfill people's boredom, curiosity, interest, and the need to escape and relax. Clothing brands help people express themselves and feel attractive.

Here's the golden rule: The bigger the problem you can solve – and the better you solve it – the more money people are willing to pay.

For example, take healthcare services. They solve a big problem, which is why almost everyone is willing to spend a lot of money on it. 

On the other hand, not many people will pay you to stop their table from wobbling. It's not a big problem, and they don't need help solving it.

Bottom line: If you want to identify how to start an online business, you need to find a good problem to solve.

Here are three examples:

  • Target market : Fashion-conscious teenage boys
  • Problem : The fashion-conscious want to stand out from the crowd without spending too much money.
  • Solution : Create a clothing line that's flamboyant and budget-friendly.

T-Shirt Business - T-Shirt Auswahl

  • Target market : Marketing managers at multinational software companies.
  • Problem : Businesses need to drive traffic to their websites.
  • Solution : Write articles that rank on the first page of Google to drive traffic.
  • Target market : Working Moms with young children.
  • Problem : Many moms want to work out regularly, but they don't have much time.
  • Solution : Create a time-saving fitness program and schedule.

How can you find a problem to solve?

  • Join Facebook groups and online forums and ask people what they need help with.
  • Use Google Keyword Planner to find out what people are searching for.
  • Find successful online businesses and identify the problem they solve, then look for ways to do it better.

#5: Analyze The Competition

Anyone learning how to open an online business shouldn’t sleep on competitor analysis .

Analyzing your competitors helps you stay on the cutting edge of what’s working in your niche, identify successful tactics and new trends, and anticipate shifts in the market. It also helps define your messaging, positioning, and overall business strategy.

So how do you conduct a competitive analysis? Here are some tips: Subscribe to your competitors’ blog

  • Buy a product they sell
  • Abandon a product in their shopping cart
  • Sign up for their newsletter
  • Follow them on social media

While taking these measures, make sure to document your findings with notes on each approach. You want to be able to find relevant insight when you need it.

By analyzing their customer experience and looking at how they engage people via content, you can identify tactics that your competitors are using to drive sales. 

Pro Tip: Consider doing a SWOT analysis to accompany the findings from your research. It’s a blueprint that leans into your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses to define areas of improvement. To learn more about this tactic, check out our guide, “ Everything You Need to Know About SWOT Analysis .”

#6: Cover Your Legal Bases 

Any business you start must be properly aligned with the laws and regulations in your region. So make sure to read up on online business legal requirements when starting a new internet business. 

Just some of the legal aspects you’ll need to consider include:

Business structure

Register as an LLC or sole proprietor for online business? You can research and decide on your own, but it pays to get input from a tax specialist.

Licenses and permits

Depending on what type of business you start, you may need a license to operate it. This varies depending on where you live, so contact your local state department to find out more.

Tax obligations

Most online business owners are required to pay income tax. Additionally, you might have sales tax obligations if you sell products to consumers in certain countries. So before starting your business, consider speaking to an attorney to learn about the applicable taxes and the list of online business documents you’ll need to file them.

how to start writing articles for websites

Copyright, patent, and trademarks

You’ll want to cover these legal elements to avoid trouble down the road. For example, registering your trademark will prevent others from using your brand name, saving you the hassle and cost of rebranding. 

#7: Select Your Sourcing Strategy 

If you’re interested in starting an online ecommerce business, you’ll need to find reliable and trustworthy sources of inventory.

There are several ways to do this:

  • Search for product manufacturers on websites like Alibaba or directories like Kompass , Sourcify , and ThomasNet. 
  • Discover dropshipping suppliers on platforms like DSers .

The last option is highly accessible and gives you a chance to start your business without making a huge upfront investment. 

With dropshipping, your product supplier ships and fulfills an order only after a customer has made a purchase; they handle the storage and logistics part of the business while you handle marketing and customer support.

Check out this list of the best dropshipping suppliers to find valuable partners you can count on for order fulfillment. 

#8: Set Up Your Payment Methods

You’re almost there! Now is the time to decide how your business will accept payments and how you as business owner will receive payouts.

There are several online payment options available to you. The most popular ones include accepting credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.

If you’re planning to use Shopify to start an ecommerce business, you can activate the provider’s integrated payment solution called Shopify Payments . It sets you up to accept all major payment methods and comes with 0% extra transaction fees.

what are shopify payments

For a service-based web business like freelance writing, be sure to check out Transferwise, Payoneer, Stripe, and 2Checkout.

Regardless of the payment method, you should be able to set your payout schedule. You can choose to receive your money daily, weekly or monthly — depending on your preferences when it comes to cash.

#9: Build Your Sales Platform

Once you've identified your business idea and covered your legal bases it's time to build your platform.

Well, if you plan to start an ecommerce business, build a website with Shopify and then find products to sell with DSers.

If you plan to start freelancing, coaching, or consulting, Shopify has the option of plugging in many popular tools like Digital Downloads to sell digital products online , ReCharge to sell subscriptions online, and SendOwl to sell videos online. 

Keep things simple.

At this point, your business is still in the realm of theory. So try not to invest too much money, time, or energy into building a perfect website.

Instead, test your business idea and make sure it works before you invest.

Eric Ries , the author of The Lean Startup, said, 'We must learn what customers really want, not what they say they want or what we think they should want.'

#10: Choose a Marketing Method

When you’re ready to start promoting your online business, you need to choose a marketing method.

There are many different online marketing methods out there. However, when it comes to learning how to start an online business, some are better than others.

Here are four online marketing methods that you can use to land sales relatively quickly:

  • Social Media Marketing : Use social media to create and share content, engage with your target audience, and drive traffic to your website to land sales.
  • Direct Outreach : Reach out to individuals at companies to pitch your services .
  • Paid Advertising : Advertise on platforms like Facebook , Instagram , Google , and YouTube to increase brand awareness and drive sales.
  • Influencer marketing : Team up with influencers to promote your products directly to their existing followings.

Summary: How to Start an Online Business?

Wondering how to start an online business in 2023? Here are 10 steps to starting an online business:

  • Create a good business strategy before you start building things.
  • Choose an online business model that suits your skills, interests, and preferences.
  • Identify your target market – and make sure that you are part of it.
  • Identify a problem that your target audience has, and find a way to help solve it.
  • Study your competitors to identify opportunities for improvements.
  • Fulfill the legal requirements, including getting a business license.
  • Choose a sourcing strategy that streamline your order fulfillment.
  • Set up your payment gateway and payouts to collect and receive payments. 
  • Build a basic sales platform to test your business idea.
  • Choose a marketing method and start promoting your business.

Finally, it can take a while to learn how to start an online business successfully.  So don’t worry if your first online business doesn’t take off immediately. Many of the most successful entrepreneurs failed multiple times before achieving success.

As the co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, once said , “I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance.”

Bonus: Additional Resources to Help You Build and Start Your Online Business  

  • How to Build Your Own Brand From Scratch in 7 Steps
  • 9 Best Shopify Tools for New Entrepreneurs
  • How to Get Free Media Coverage for Your Business
  • Decoding Product Life Cycle Stages (And Optimizing For Them)
  • 15 Ways to Increase Social Media Engagement Quickly
  • What You Need to Know About Pricing Before You Launch
  • Ecommerce Shipping Solutions: Guide to Ecommerce Delivery
  • Product Page Tune-Up: 9 Timeless Ways to Increase Conversions
  • 10 Tips on How to Handle Customer Complaints
  • 9 Ways to Earn Customer Trust When You Have Zero Sales

Uploading a project to GitHub

Learn how to upload the files for your project to GitHub.

In this article


This tutorial will show you how to upload a group of files to a GitHub repository.

Uploading your files to a GitHub repository lets you:

  • Apply version control when you make edits to the files, so your project's history is protected and manageable.
  • Back up your work, because your files are now stored in the cloud.
  • Pin the repository to your personal profile, so that others can see your work.
  • Share and discuss your work with others, either publicly or privately.

If you're already familiar with Git, and you're looking for information on how to upload a locally-stored Git repository to GitHub, see " Adding locally hosted code to GitHub ."


  • You must have a GitHub account. For more information, see " Creating an account on GitHub ."
  • You should have a group of files you'd like to upload.

Step 1: Create a new repository for your project

It's a good idea to create a new repository for each individual project you're working on. If you're writing a software project, grouping all the related files in a new repository makes it easier to maintain and manage the codebase over time.

In the upper-right corner of any page, select , then click New repository .

Screenshot of a GitHub dropdown menu showing options to create new items. The menu item "New repository" is outlined in dark orange.

In the "Repository name" box, type a name for your project. For example, type "my-first-project."

In the "Description" box, type a short description. For example, type "This is my first project on GitHub."

Select whether your repository will be Public or Private . Select "Public" if you want others to be able to see your project.

Select Add a README file . You will edit this file in a later step.

Click Create repository .

Step 2: Upload files to your project's repository

So far, you should only see one file listed in the repository, the file you created when you initialized the repository. Now, we'll upload some of your own files.

  • To the right of the page, select the Add file dropdown menu.
  • From the dropdown menu, click Upload files .
  • On your computer, open the folder containing your work, then drag and drop all files and folders into the browser.
  • At the bottom of the page, under "Commit changes", select "Commit directly to the main branch, then click Commit changes .

Step 3: Edit the README file for your project's repository

Your repository's README file is typically the first item someone will see when visiting your repository. It usually contains information on what your project is about and why your project is useful.

As we learned in the " Hello World " tutorial, the README file ( ) is written in Markdown syntax. Markdown is an easy-to-read, easy-to-write language for formatting plain text.

In this step, we'll edit your project's using Markdown so that it includes some basic information about your project.

From the list of files, click to view the file.

In the upper right corner of the file view, click to open the file editor.

  • You will see that some information about your project has been pre-filled for you. For example, you should see the repository name and repository description you completed in Step 1 displayed on line 1 and line 2.

Delete the existing text apart from # , then type a proper title for your project.

  • Example: # About my first project on GitHub .

Next, add some information about your project, such as a description of the project's purpose or its main features.

Note: If you're not sure what to write, take a look at other repositories on GitHub to see how other people describe their projects.

To apply more sophisticated formatting, such as adding images, links, and footnotes, see " Basic writing and formatting syntax ."

Above the new content, click Preview .

Screenshot of a file in edit mode. Above the file's contents, a tab labeled "Preview" is outlined in dark orange.

Take a look at how the file will render once we save our changes, then toggle back to "Edit".

Continue to edit and preview the text until you're happy with the content of your README.

In the top right, click Commit changes .

In the dialog box that opens, a commit message has been pre-filled for you ("Update") and, by default, the option to "Commit directly to the main branch" has been selected. Leave these options as they are and go ahead and click Commit changes .

You have now created a new repository, uploaded some files to it, and added a project README.

If you set your repository visibility to "Public," the repository will be displayed on your personal profile and you can share the URL of your repository with others.

As you add, edit or delete files directly in the browser on GitHub, GitHub will track these changes ("commits"), so you can start to manage your project's history and evolution.

When making changes, remember that you can create a new branch from the main branch of your repository, so that you can experiment without affecting the main copy of files. Then, when you're happy with a set of a changes, open a pull request to merge the changes into your main branch. For a reminder of how to do this, see " Hello World ."

Most people want to keep working on their files locally (i.e. on their own computer), and then continually sync these locally-made changes with this "remote" (in the cloud) repository on GitHub. There are plenty of tools that let you do this, such as GitHub Desktop. To get started, you'd need to:

  • Install GitHub Desktop. For more information, see " Getting started with GitHub Desktop ."
  • Clone the remote repository, so you have a copy of it on your own computer. For more information, see " Cloning and forking repositories from GitHub Desktop ."
  • Continually sync your local changes with this remote repository. For more information, see " Syncing your branch in GitHub Desktop ."

To learn more about other tools available for working with repositories hosted on GitHub, see " Connecting to GitHub ."

Further reading

  • " About READMEs "
  • " Managing files "
  • " Cloning a repository "

how to start writing articles for websites

‘An intergenerational crime against humanity’: what will it take for political leaders to start taking climate change seriously?

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Honorary Climate Research Fellow, School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, The University of Melbourne

Disclosure statement

Dr Joelle Gergis has received funding from the Australian Research Council and the Australian Government's Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources in the past. She is currently funded by The Australia's Institute's Writer in Residence program.

University of Melbourne provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation AU.

View all partners

In February 2024, I attended the annual conference of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society – the peak group for scientists working in all branches of weather and climate research. Over the past decade, the mood of our gatherings has become increasingly sombre. Some presenters have taken to apologising in advance for their confronting results, with some attempting to soften the blow by including funny animated gifs or photos of soothing sunsets to comfort the audience.

It’s not hard to understand why. This year we had a plenary address by a distinguished IPCC veteran. The speaker began by saying that the world has “Buckley’s chance” of achieving the 1.5°C target, and even 2°C is going to be a stretch. If emissions continue at the current rate, the 1.5°C threshold could be breached as soon as 2028.

Forget the critical decade, what happens every single month during the next handful of years is crucial in determining how quickly we drain the remaining carbon budget needed to achieve the temperature goals of the Paris Agreement.

People who have been working in the field for decades are no longer sugarcoating the bad news – they want us to feel an appropriate level of alarm and outrage so we can get on with the job of doing something about the terrible situation we find ourselves in. We need you to stare into the abyss with us and not turn away.

Even a cursory look at the latest figures released by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) shows that the situation we are facing is extremely serious. The 2023 Emissions Gap Report – subtitled “Broken Record: Temperatures hit new highs, yet world fails to cut emissions (again)” – explains that, even in the most optimistic scenario, the chance of limiting global warming to 1.5°C is just 14%, with various scenarios indicating a 90% probability of warming between 2°C and 3°C by the end of the century.

If currently implemented policies are continued with no increase in ambition, there is a 90% chance that the Earth will warm between 2.3°C and 4.5°C, with a best estimate of 3.5°C.

Despite all the political rhetoric you might have heard in the news, the scientific reality is that the planet is still on track for catastrophic levels of warming. Even if nations make good on their net zero promises – which is a big “if” because right now many nations’ pledges have no finance, weak implementation or limited political ambition, so are effectively empty promises – there is a 90% chance that we are still on track for 2.4°C of global warming under this best-case scenario, which will lock in centuries of irreversible changes to the climate system.

I know these numbers are hard for most people to absorb, so perhaps the best way to grasp the reality of climate change in Australia is to consider the impacts we’ve already witnessed so far with 1.2°C of global warming.

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Australia’s vulnerability to climate change

As the driest inhabited continent on the planet, Australia is particularly vulnerable to climate change. Our nation is a huge island surrounded by the Pacific, Indian and Southern oceans, resulting in dramatic swings in our weather. You can think of Australia’s background climate as essentially a tug of war between warm tropical influences from the north and cool temperate systems from the south.

The weather experienced from season to season is driven by differences between the rate of warming of the hot land and surrounding cool ocean. These contrasting temperature and air pressure gradients set the scene for the complex interaction of atmospheric and ocean cycles that drive Australia’s highly variable climate.

These factors make weather and climate forecasting very difficult in our part of the world – there are a lot of complicated dynamic processes that are hard to represent with the mathematical equations used to drive climate models. It’s a bit like trying to reduce the functioning of each part of the human body down to lines of computer code. It’s very, very difficult – if not impossible – to capture the full complexity of behaviour.

This is especially true in a rapidly warming climate which is now altering historical weather patterns, making them more erratic and harder to predict. Nonetheless, there is still a huge amount we can say about the operation of the Earth’s climate, with advances in computing technology and our fundamental understanding of the science rapidly improving our models with every passing year.

To add to the complexity, the landmass of Australia stretches from the tropics in places like Far North Queensland to the temperate mid-latitudes of Tasmania, generating an enormous range of climate zones that sustain rainforests, coral reefs, deserts and alpine environments. This is why we can have tropical cyclone conditions, extreme heatwaves and bushfires happening at the same time across the country, challenging emergency services.

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Australia is also the flattest continent on Earth, meaning that weather systems can travel vast distances without being tripped up by rugged terrain, unleashing destruction over large areas. The mountain chain that moderates the weather and climate of Australia’s east coast is the Great Dividing Range, a feature that stretches 3,500 kilometres from the northern tip of Queensland, running the entire length of the east coast before disappearing into the central plains of western Victoria.

When weather systems collide with mountains, there can be rapid uplift of air masses, leading to atmospheric instability that can result in severe thunderstorms and torrential downpours that trigger flash flooding and destructive winds. But essentially, away from the eastern seaboard, Australia is mostly a flat, dry desert with wet coastal fringes that house our capital cities. Today, close to 90% of Australia’s population lives within 50 kilometres of the coast, and that number is increasing, leaving us particularly exposed to the threat of sea level rise.

When thinking about the effects of a warming planet, it is important to understand that the world does not heat up uniformly. Because of the presence of oceans, mountains, glaciers and forests, different areas of the Earth warm at different rates. The geographical characteristics of Australia mean that the continent is warming faster than the global average – temperatures have risen by 1.5°C since 1910, compared with the 1.2°C global increase since pre-industrial times.

Given that around three-quarters of Australia is already classified as arid or semi-arid – with half of the country receiving less than 300 millimetres of rainfall each year – further warming threatens to make life on an already very dry continent even harder. We are very vulnerable to intense swings in rainfall that cause droughts and floods, relentless heat, and the risk of permanent inundation of low-lying areas from rising seas.

As global warming continues, Australia’s climate is fast becoming more extreme and unpredictable, edging us closer towards breaching thresholds that will make it very difficult, if not impossible, to adapt to. This is especially the case when there are simultaneous disasters unfolding in different regions, or a rapid succession of back-to-back disasters that undermine the ability of communities to recover. If there is not enough time between destructive events, the damage begins to compound. We see the continued degradation of our natural environment and the weakening of social resilience that will eventually lead to the permanent displacement of people from their homes and ongoing impacts on our economy.

We don’t need to use our imagination to picture what this scenario looks like. The Black Summer bushfires of 2019–20 and the 2022 east coast floods highlighted Australia’s lack of preparedness. Our emergency services were alarmingly under-resourced and stretched thin across vast areas, which left many local communities to fend for themselves.

During the catastrophic flooding of the town of Lismore, in northern New South Wales, in 2022, we witnessed extraordinary scenes of locals rescuing each other from rooftops in their boats, jet skis and kayaks when the handful of State Emergency Service crews were overwhelmed by the needs of 45,000 residents. People in rural areas set off in their boats with cordless angle grinders to cut people out of the roof cavities of their homes where they’d been forced to retreat. The situation was so bad that the army had to be called in, but it did not show up until a full five days later, leaving the terrified community feeling abandoned.

Over two years on, people from Lismore are still displaced from their homes and uncertain about how to move forward. Do they plan to relocate the town and pray that another once-in-a-century flood won’t happen again, or is the writing already on the wall and it is time simply to abandon ship?

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Climate tipping points

Despite our inherent vulnerabilities, Australia still does not have a national climate change adaptation plan, as other parts of the world do. Although the government is in the process of developing a national strategy – essentially, we have a plan to make a plan – the pace of progress has been disastrously slow, given the urgency of the crisis we face.

While all states and territories have adaptation plans of some kind, the lack of national leadership has meant that regions have had to go it alone without adequate operational resources. Without national coordination and funding, these plans are little more than words on a page.

How many disasters does it take to wake people up to the fact that Australia’s climate is becoming more extreme, with today’s destruction set to be dwarfed by things to come? Do people realise that adapting to climate change won’t be possible in some parts of the country? Exactly how much do we need to lose before our political leaders decide to take this seriously?

The scientific reality of a rapidly warming world is very confronting, especially in Australia. As the years since our Black Summer have shown us, the prospect of a future of dealing with back-to-back disasters across the country every year is ultimately going to be impossible for our ecosystems and communities to adapt to.

The conditions experienced in 2023 have many experts worried that we may have breached regional and global tipping points that will unleash a cascade of changes that will be with us for thousands of years. The problem is that we will only know if we have definitively crossed critical thresholds for planetary stability in hindsight, so we have to move forward armed with the best available science while we still can to minimise the damage.

The latest research shows that several tipping points, such as the disintegration of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets, may be triggered within the Paris Agreement range of 1.5°C to 2°C of global warming. This means it is possible that the Earth will experience major transformations even if we manage to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.

In a 2024 report released by the CSIRO on the risks of tipping points to Australia, the authors warn:

The effects of tipping points on the global climate are generally not currently accounted for in projections based on climate models. This means that effects of tipping points are also not included in national climate projections and impact assessments for Australia and may represent significant risks on top of the changes that are generally included.

The report suggests the need to plan for “low likelihood high impact” scenarios that include climate tipping points. For example, the construction of new critical infrastructure should incorporate global sea-level rise scenarios of around two metres by 2100. Given that we are a highly coastal nation, the adaption challenge of planned relocation and retreat will be enormous.

While it may be possible to protect vulnerable areas with sea walls or the restoration of natural dunes for a while, these are only band-aid solutions that will not stem the rising tide for long. Hard decisions will need to be made by local councils around the country about how and when they plan to withdraw residents from high-risk areas. As the Australian Academy of Science notes: “Under high levels of warming and sea level rise, retreat is likely to be the only feasible long-term strategy.”

Scientists know the situation is very bad, but we also know exactly what we need to do to stabilise the Earth’s temperature and avoid triggering a domino effect of impacts in other components of the climate system. If we don’t put the brakes on industrial emissions immediately, children alive today will inherit this nightmarish future.

It makes me wonder if people in decades to come will look back at the world’s collective failure to shut down the fossil fuel industry in time and see it for what it really is: an intergenerational crime against humanity.

This is an edited extract from Highway to Hell: Climate Change and Australia’s Future (Black Inc.)

  • Climate change
  • Environment
  • Climate science
  • Book extract

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Dean (Head of School), Indigenous Knowledges

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Business Improvement Lead

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Senior Research Fellow - Curtin Institute for Energy Transition (CIET)

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Laboratory Head - RNA Biology

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Head of School, School of Arts & Social Sciences, Monash University Malaysia


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    Make sure that you start writing and editing from the top to the bottom of the article, so you can save time on your first draft. 6. Specify your subject matter. Break down the key points for each section of the outline, so you can stay on track with your article.

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    In the upper-right corner of any page, select , then click New repository. In the "Repository name" box, type a name for your project. For example, type "my-first-project." In the "Description" box, type a short description. For example, type "This is my first project on GitHub." Select whether your repository will be Public or Private.

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  28. 'An intergenerational crime against humanity': what will it take for

    If currently implemented policies are continued with no increase in ambition, there is a 90% chance that the Earth will warm between 2.3°C and 4.5°C, with a best estimate of 3.5°C.

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    Starting with a project in mind, compose each of the following prompt components and then compile them into a single set of instructions (up to around 3,000 words) that ChatGPT will use to generate an output. 1. Project description. Write one or two sentences that describe your project, its purpose, your intended audience or end users for the ...