Welcome Speech for Chief Guest

Welcome speech for chief guest is the speech given by student, teacher, principal or a host at any event organized in the school, college or university to welcome the honourable chief guest. Here we have provided six welcome speeches for chief guest for various events like award ceremony, annual day, Independence Day, etc. You can select and use any of the welcome speech according to the event organized at school or college to welcome your invited chief guest. So, enjoy the following welcome speech for chief guest:

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest at School and College

Welcome speech for chief guest by the principal at annual day.

Good evening everyone,

I heartily welcome you all on the behalf of ABC Public School, Noida, for the prestigious occasion of our school celebrating its 25 th Annual day on the event of completing its 25 golden years, in other words, celebrating its Silver Jubilee. It is very difficult to believe that what was once dreamt is being fulfilled now. The idea of putting the foundation of an educational institution is so inspiring: what was once planted as a sapling is now all grown into a large tree. Here I can see a blend of extraordinary and smart students and their parents who have made this day arrive; they have come to us from each and every corner of the city.

Every year, I find it to be my pleasure to address you people who are the young minds of today and the responsible citizens of tomorrow. I and whole of our dedicated teachers’ team appreciate the efforts put in by the parents along with their wards. So, here I feel privileged to extend my warm welcome to all the dear parents who are constantly extending their support & love to pupils as well as faculty members of this school.

Taking our evening further and to begin with the Annual Function, I on the behalf of everyone present here, heartily welcome the inaugurator and the dignitary of the priceless function today, the Guest of honour, Mr.XYZ Kapoor, who is the social worker, educationist and philanthropist. I am especially thankful to him as when we approached him with the invitation card & requested him to grace the evening as the Chief Guest, Mr Kapoor accepted our request and readily agreed when he looked at today’s event and its program.

Mr.Kapoor is a well known name in the matters related to Women Empowerment. He has put in a lot of efforts for promoting the education of girl child, for this he has even set up many small education centres for girls and ladies. His initiative of setting up an orphanage and the old age home is what everyone is talking and praising about, nowadays.

So, give a huge round of applause as I call upon Mr. XYZ Kapoor, for the lamp lightening ceremony and request him to speak a few words about his endeavours and his life experiences.

Thank you all!

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest by Principal at the Annual Sports Day

Good afternoon everyone,

On the behalf of St. JKL Academy, I extend a very warm welcome to all of you present here on the 14 th annual sports meet of our school. Sports are an integral as well as necessary part of our lives.

Sports, whether team based or individual are a great activity for children that provide us a variety of benefits other than physical fitness. Participation in sports can help build self-esteem, confidence and can motivate children to excel academically and can help build their social skills. It can even teach children the ways and benefits of goal setting & practice.

So, with this purpose, we organise a sports meet every year in an order where 100% participation is encouraged and each participant is rewarded and it is the participation of children that is most important for us and gives us immense joy. This year our school has been declared as one of the best institutions of the city which has included and is following extra-curricular activities in the daily time-table. I wish to thank and congratulate each one of you dear parents for, without your support, it would not have been possible for us. Dear parents, what you see today, is the culmination of massive, continuous efforts put in by the students and teachers. So, sit tight and cheer our students with your generous applause.

I am pleased to share that the distinguished guest to honour us with her presence today as the Chief Guest of our Sports day is none other than Ms Babita Kumari Phogat, the legendary Indian wrestler & Olympian. After a biopic (“Dangal”) has been made over their inspiring life stories,  I believe almost all of you must be aware of Phogat sisters who epitomise unfailing spirit to succeed despite all odds. Miss Phogat is one of the Indian women wrestlers who have made their nation proud many a times by their outstanding performance in the area mostly dominated by men.

Her valiant struggle backed by her strong determination brought her all the way where she is now. She has won 3 Gold medals and 1 Silver medal for India in Commonwealth Wrestling Championship along with 2 Bronze medals in World Wrestling Championship & Asian Wrestling Championship. It is a privilege for all of us gathered here to have such a celebrity between us as our esteemed guest of honour.

So, with a huge round of applause, let us please call upon Miss Babita Phogat to grace the dais and share her inspiring life story with all of us here.

Hope you all have a great time.

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest by the Student at Annual day

Hon’ble Chief Guest, Mr. XYZ Kapoor, Chairman Mr Deepak Aggarwal, Principal Ma’am Mrs Rekha  respected teachers, and my dear friends, a very good evening to one & all present here.

This is PQR, student of class12th -C and Cultural Secretary of our ABC school. It is my privilege and pleasure to welcome all of you here on the auspicious day of our school completing its 25 years and celebrating its Silver Jubilee function. I feel it is needless to say something about the importance and value of today for all of us. The glittering faces tell that already. We all are extremely happy for our institution and we heartily congratulate all the members on the completion of 25 golden years of our school’s and for the successful leap it has taken. We are now at a junction where an academic chapter closes and a new one begins.

I’ve been a part of the school since I was in 4 th standard and what a journey it has been with each year having its own triumphs and struggles & yet unique in many ways. All our teachers, instructors, trainers have been quite co-operating and helpful throughout. Our school apart from being awarded as the best school of Noida in academic sector also focuses on extra-curricular activities for every student.

Now, in order to begin with our cultural performances, I am glad to respectfully & cordially welcome the chief guest of the evening, Mr.XYZ Kapoor, who is known all over the country as an educationist, social worker as well as a philanthropist. Our Guest of honour doesn’t require any formal introduction as you all must have heard about his deeds, endeavours and endless contribution towards the society. He is a very respectable personality who is widely known to have put in a lot of efforts in encouraging women empowerment, girl child education, and setting up of old age homes, orphanages and many more accomplishments in the area of social service.

It is a great pleasure to welcome such a noble personality as our Chief Guest tonight. So, on the behalf of one & all present here, let me please extend a welcome to you Sir.

Last but not the least, I welcome and extend my thanks to all my teachers, guardians, friends and all the staff members for taking a keen part in this annual function and making it successful.

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest by the student at the academic award ceremony

Hon’ble Chief Guest, Mr. DM , Mr. DG , Director, Mrs. P, Principal , Mr. VP , Vice Principal, dignitaries on the dais, respected teachers, parents and my dear friends, a very Good Evening to one & all present in the Auditorium. It is a great pleasure of mine to address and share with you this delightful evening to celebrate and reward the academic achievements of the students of “ XYZ School ”.

This is Abc , the Head Boy and student of class 12 th -A. School & I am extremely honoured and have this opportunity to address you at this prestigious moment when our institution, XYZ School is celebrating its 15 th Annual Academic Award Ceremony where our school rewards the scholars for their hard work and motivate them to keep their aspirations higher.

Aside, from the fact that this ceremony underlines, our institution’s successful back to back 15 years, in the realm of imparting education to the children, this day is also going to witness the showcasing of the talents of the young minds of our school.

Education is about far more than what happens within the four walls of the classroom and we are very fortunate to have such teachers, trainers and instructors who recognises this. If this building and teachers are the two resources available to the school, then certainly, we the students are the third. Really, one of the joys of teaching is to draw that creative, academic, sporting potential out of their students.

Our school believes that they are not just looking for Academic Qualifications but also for personal qualities like Leadership & teamwork, Determination & Flexibility, Confidence & Self -Belief, Respect & Consideration etc.

I on the behalf of the school and behalf of myself feel delighted to see the hard-work done by the students of 9 th &10 th standards even more than we used to do and our fingers crossed for them as they await their results to be declared tonight. I would also give a great deal of credit to all of the students who worked hard and could hit their targets.

The duty which I am bestowed today is to welcome everyone to this grand celebration of encouraging students. So, Firstly, I would like to welcome our Hon’ble Principal Ma’am, the life blood of our school who sleeps less and works more in planning about the betterment of the school and students. We welcome you in the most humble & prestigious programme. It is a special pleasure to heartily welcome all the dearest parents who have constantly extended their love & support to all the high prospects of our institution.

I am glad to respectfully & cordially welcome the Chief Guest of the evening, who does not need any formal introduction as almost all of us gathered here are aware of his deeds done for the development and improvement in the city’s infrastructure and environment. He is the person who has ensured the safety of girls and ladies at prior along with his social services done for the poor and needy people by providing them with shelters. He is none other than Mr. DM , the District Magistrate of the city.

So, with a huge round of applause, May I please call upon Mr. DM on the stage so as to get an opportunity for all of us to listen to such a great personality.

Welcome speech for the Chief Guest on the Annual Day at your College

Hello everyone,

I am extremely privileged to have the opportunity to address you at this important moment when our institution ABC College is celebrating its 23rd Annual Day today. It is always an honour to be able to motivate young minds. Today’s children are the future of our state and the country. Brilliant faces that I am witnessing today, receiving awards and exhibiting their talents will grow up to be the citizens of our beloved nation tomorrow. They may grow up to achieve great success, name and fame and earn a decent living for themselves. But at the same, we wish them to be good human beings too, and make this world a better place to live in.

I would like to take pride in saying that the talent they have displayed here today is the proof that they have the potential to become worthy citizens of our society and help themselves and others in various ways.

We have gathered here on this Annual Day to motivate and inspire young minds to showcase their talent which has given them this recognition. This is a highly important occasion for us because apart from the fact that this celebration highlights our school’s continuous success in the area of education, this platform is also an opportunity to welcome our Chief Guest of the evening today.

On behalf of the ABC College, I cordially and respectfully welcome Mr._____, who is a renowned cardiologist and serving as the Heart Specialist in the prestigious XYZ Hospital. We are certainly grateful to him for courteously and gladly accepting our invitation to become the chief guest of this occasion today. Our chief guest doesn’t need any formal introduction as he is a philanthropist and a distinguished figure in the society. He is been highly respected and known for his kind deeds and professional services in medical as well as social service field. He runs his private clinic too, where he treats the people below poverty line for free of cost. He has ties with some Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) which arrange for free medicines and equipment for the needy. He is indeed a multifaceted personality and society needs several such people. We are all aware of his impeccable treatments which have saved lives of many. He is a highly respectable figure in the society and well-known for his accomplishments and achievements in the field of medical science. It’s really an honour to have him as the chief guest today.

I would also like to welcome all the parents who have continuously supported us in our endeavour to spread the light of true knowledge.

Lastly and importantly, I would like to welcome all the teachers, staffs and students who are the integral part of this college and have always supported the vision and mission of the college. I request all for your kind co-operation throughout the programme and making it a grand success.

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest on Independence Day Celebration in your School

The land of various gods and goddesses, languages, festivals and customs where individuals from different communities, religions, cultures celebrate, enjoy and live together as one i.e. Indians. No wonder, India is incredible.  On 15 th of August our nation got Independence 70 years ago, and we are proud to say that we have earned this achievement after a lot of struggle and innumerable sacrifices. As we have gathered here today, I take this opportunity to wish every student and our teachers a very Happy Independence Day!

This dais is a big opportunity for me to welcome our chief guest today who is the renowned political figure in the society. He is the Member of the Legislative Assemble (MLA) in our district. He is also a renowned philanthropist and known for his noble deeds. He is the founder of an NGO that works for the poor and deprived children. He is a highly literate person. After completing his graduation from IIT Kharagpur, he joined the Government and contributed towards the construction of several roads and bridges in our town. Our chief guest loves to write in his spare time and he has written several verses, especially focusing on social issues like poverty, unemployment, etc. It is really an honour to have such a distinguished figure as the chief guest today and having his presence is motivational and inspirational for the students of our school.

I would also utilize this platform to thank and welcome sincere parents, who have extended their unconditional love and support to the missions and vision of the school which has been of tremendous help in achieving our goals. The parents have shown tremendous trust in the school which has always been a motivation for the school to reach the zenith of excellence.Last but not the least, I would like to thank all the teachers, students and all staff member of the school who have always been proactive, hard-working and dedicated to make every event a grand success.

As we are aware that every year we celebrate this occasion with several cultural programmes, this year too we are celebrating our Independence with various cultural programs to be performed by the students of our school. These students belong to different communities but they share the feeling of oneness irrespective of their caste, creed, culture, religion or economic background. School teaches everyone to become a good human being above anything else.

I would like to request everyone to first pay respect to our nation and to all the soldiers who fought fearlessly to earn this freedom. May I request you all to stand up and sing together the National Anthem? After that, I would request the honourable chief guest to light the lamp and host the national flag and enlighten us with his motivational speech.

Note * Dear students you can alter the speeches given above according to your need and requirement by replacing the underlined names of chief guest, student, school, principal, vice principal, etc.

More Information:

How to Write and Deliver a Welcome Speech

Welcome Speech for Fresher’s Party

Welcome Speech for Seminar

Welcome Speech on Teachers’ Day by Students

Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet

Welcome Speech for Award Ceremony

Welcome Speech on Annual Day

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Welcome Speech for Chief Guest on Independence Day Celebration

Here are Easy Formats of Welcome Speech . Every Student can use these according to his\her need. Necessary changes can be done.

Dear Principal, Honorable Chief Guest, and Students,

Good Morning! I am highly honored to welcome you all on this auspicious occasion. I feel immense pleasure to be a part of the school who always values its country’s morals and patriotism is not just a feeling but an act of freedom celebration. Every year, our school celebrates Independence Day with full passion and fervor. We invite different personalities to our schools to deliver some words of wisdom and tell us tales of our independence. Therefore, I would like to welcome Mr. XYZ as an honorable chief guest in today’s event. He is an educationist and book writer. He has written many books over the decades on our country’s independence because of experiencing everything at the time in real makes his work more efficient and structured. We are fortunate, enough to be present here and be able to listen to real historic stories from himself. Let’s welcome him with a big round of applause.

Respected Principal, Chief Guest, and My Dear Fellows,

Assalam-o-Alaikum, I heartily welcome you all on behalf of our esteemed and prestigious school on the Independence Day event. We all know how many lives have been sacrificed for this country. There wasn’t one bloodshed but several more that follows and the sacrifices are not just confined to independence but to every day we breathe in this air of freedom. We are gifted to live this peaceful life without any hesitation because of the brave soldiers and sons of this country. There are hundreds and thousands of mothers who sacrifice their son for this nation so we can sleep at night peacefully whilst they fight with enemies on the border. Today, we decided to pay tribute to the mothers of the martyr, mothers of the nation. As a chief guest today, we have Mrs. Xyz who happens to be a principal of Army Public school and also the mother of martyr brave son. We all are grateful to her for the biggest sacrifice she made for our homeland and in the name of patriotism.

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Welcome Speech for Independence Day in English for Students and Children

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Welcome Speech for Independence Day:  From the capture of the British Government, many brave sons and daughters fought for their lives and freedom, made extreme sacrifices for our nation India.

People organized many freedom movements; the British Government captured, tortured, hanged, and injured the Indians in this freedom struggle. After all the hard work, India finally gained independence on 15th August 1947.

This day we celebrate Independence Day every year to pay our tributes to our brave martyrs and our armed forces by arranging different programs in our schools and colleges. We also arrange parades in the red fort to showcase our arm powers globally.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long And Short Welcome Speeches for Independence Day In English for Kids And Students

We are providing a long Welcome Speech on Independence Day of 500 words and a short speech on the same topic of 150 words along with ten lines to help the readers understand the topic.

These speeches will be useful for the students of schools and colleges, teachers, and the hosts who deliver a welcome speech on Independence Day in their educational institutes for the audience.

Long Welcome Speech for Independence Day is helpful for students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Short Welcome Speech for Independence Day is helpful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Welcome Speech for Independence Day 500 Words In English

Good Morning. Welcome to the celebration of Independence Day in our school.

In this Independence Day celebration , we all should feel proud of being a part of this Independent nation that gives us the freedom to live our lives in our way. But this was not the scenario 73 years ago when India was under the rule of the British Government. The British Government ruled over India for almost 200 years, and with the continuous struggle by the Indians led by the renowned freedom fighters, India finally gained independence on 15th August 1947. For the first time, on this day, our first prime minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, raised the Indian flag on red fort. Since that time, we all are celebrating Independence Day annually. In every government organization, schools, and colleges, everyone organizes Independence day events and related cultural programs.

India was once used to known as “Sone ki Chidiya,” which means that India was full of resources. We had productive land with an ample amount of minerals and rocks. We were known to be the home for the largest spice market. The productive human workforce was one of our strengths. All these factors made the British Government capture our country and use those resources for their benefits.

With the help of the “Divide and Rule policy,” they slowly gained control over the country. The Britishers easily deceived Indians and gained control. We became slaves to the British Government, and they ruled on us for a significant amount of time.

After some time, few eminent personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, and Jawaharlal Nehru prominently emerged as the leaders who inspired everybody about India’s scenario and how it is crucial to fight back for their rights. Many freedom struggles took place, and everybody actively participated in it. All those led to the fruitful result of free and independent nations.

Being Independent gives us many benefits like freedom of speech and freedom of fundamental rights. Without freedom, we would become a slave. We should always thank our freedom fighters, who fought for this country until their last breath, which gave us Independence.

But being India’s citizen, it is our responsibility to build our nation of pride by doing pure deeds like keeping the roads and surroundings clean, helping the poor people, maintaining the traffic rules. A responsible citizen is the one who values the nation.

Independence Day also shows the world about the courage and bravery which our country achieved. Our arm forces arrange a parade in the red fort displaying different fighting equipment to the world, portraying India as a superpower on the global platform. Different schools and Colleges organize cultural programs to celebrate this day.

Patriotism is the feeling above everything which every Indian should have. Our upcoming generation should know about the importance of patriotism and how they can be the main leading factor in building our nation. At last, I wish everyone Happy Independence Day and hope for building a beautiful nation together.

10 Important Points about Independence Day  are discussed here.

Short Welcome Speech for Independence Day 150 Words In English

Short Welcome Speech for Independence Day 150 Words In English

Happy Independence Day and a warm welcome to everyone present here.

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose explained the desire to die for making India live inspired each citizen of India to fight for their freedom from the British Government rule.

Independence Day is a national celebration of India that we celebrate to remember the struggles and sacrifices of our martyrs for a long span of 200 years. India witnessed a lot of events that made our freedom fighters concerned for a better future.

The event of Jalianwala Bagh, the faulty land settlement systems, racial discrimination, endless slavery, and torture led the freedom fighters to arrange different freedom movements against the British Government. We enjoy a better future today because of all the efforts and contributions of freedom fighters.

This day makes every citizen of India remind how we all Indians should glorify India’s past present and future. We should always maintain unity to strengthen our country.

You can also look at how to write an  Independence Day Essay  in English from here.

10 Lines On Welcome Speech for Independence Day In English

  • We celebrate Independence Day to pay tribute to our great freedom fighters who gained Independence from India’s struggles and sacrifices.
  • This day teaches us about the power of unity among Indians and how it can strengthen our nation.
  • It reminds us of the feeling of nationalism and patriotism towards our nation.
  • We pay tribute to all the Indians who went through the struggle and fought back against the British Government.
  • We organize programs in our schools and colleges, which involves hoisting our national flag, singing the national anthem, and paying honor to the martyrs.
  • This day also helps India to display their developments in social, political, and economic departments on a global platform.
  • India’s prime minister from the Red Fort conveys the nation and hoists national flag every year.
  • With pride, all Indians celebrate Independence Day.
  • We all should help our young generation to understand the importance of this day.
  • Every Indian, whether rich or poor, having different caste or culture, comes together to celebrate Independence Day every year.

10 Lines On Welcome Speech for Independence Day In English

FAQ’s On Welcome Speech for Independence Day

Question 1. In 2020, how many years of Independence Day we will be celebrating?

Answer: We will be celebrating the 73rd year of Independence Day on 15th August 2020. Our Independence was on 15th August 1947.

Question 2. What is another name by which Mahatma Gandhi is famous?

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi is known as the nation’s father for his excessive contributions to the freedom struggle. With immense freedom movements, struggles, and sacrifices, he helped us to gain Independence.

Question 3. Who gave the slogan “Jai Hind”?

Answer: Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, one of the renowned freedom fighters, gave the slogan “Jai Hind” to the citizens of India.

Question 4. British Government ruled over India for how many years?

Answer: For about 200 years, the British Government ruled over India. With different rules and policies, they made us do slavery for them, which made Indians anxious and led them to fight for Independence. For that, every citizen of India made an extreme number of struggles and sacrifices.

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Simple English Welcome Speech For the Chief Guest for Students and Children

Welcome speech for chief guest is the speech given by the student, teacher, essential or a host at any occasion composed in the school, school, or college to respect the honored chief guest. Here we have given six welcome speeches to chief guests for different occasions like award functions, yearly day, Independence Day, and so on. You can choose and utilize any of the welcome speeches as per the occasion sorted out at school or school to respect your welcomed chief guest. In this way, I appreciate the accompanying welcome speech for the chief guest.

Example #1 of Simple English Welcome Speech For the Chief Guest for Students and Children

Great evening everybody,

I generously welcome all of you for the sake of City School, for the esteemed event of our school praising its tenth Annual day on the occasion of finishing its ten brilliant years, as such, commending its Silver Jubilee. It is hard to trust that what was once envisioned is being satisfied at this point. Putting the establishment of an instructive foundation is so rousing: what was once planted as a sapling is presently all developed into an expansive tree. Here I can see a mix of phenomenal and savvy students and their folks who have influenced this day to arrive; they have come to us from every single corner of the city.

Consistently, I observe it be my pleasure to address you individuals who are the youthful personalities of today and the dependable residents of tomorrow. I and the entire of our committed teachers’ group value the endeavors put in by the guardians alongside their wards. Along these lines, here I feel favored to stretch out my warm welcome to all the dear guardians who are continually stretching out their help and love to students just as employees of this school.

Taking our night further and regardless of the Annual Function, I, for the sake of everybody present here, healthily welcome the inaugurator and the dignitary of the precious capacity today, the guest of respect, Mr.XYZ, who is the social specialist, educationist, and humanitarian. I am particularly appreciative of him as when we moved toward him with the welcome card and mentioned him to elegance the night as the Chief Guest, Mr. XYZ acknowledged our solicitation and promptly concurred when he took a gander at the present occasion and its program.

Mr. XYZ is a notable name in the issues identified with Women’s Empowerment. He has put in a lot of endeavors for advancing the instruction of young lady youngsters; for this, he has even set up various little training habitats for young ladies and women. His drive to set up a shelter and the maturity home is what everybody is speaking and lauding about these days. 

In this way, give a large round of commendation as I call upon Mr. XYZ for the light helping function and solicitation him to express a couple of words about his undertakings and his background.

We are much obliged to all of you!

Example #2 of Simple English Welcome Speech For the Chief Guest for Students and Children

For the benefit of St. ABC Institute, I stretch out a warm welcome to every one of you present here on the fourteenth yearly games meet of our school. Sports are indispensable, just an essential piece of our lives.

Regardless of whether team or individual, sports is an incredible movement for youngsters that give us an assortment of advantages other than physical wellness. Interest in games can help assemble confidence certainty and spur kids to exceed expectations scholastically, and help construct their social abilities. It can even show kids the ways and advantages of objective setting and practice.

Along these lines, for this reason, we compose a sports meet each year in a request where 100% cooperation is supported, and every member is, and it is the investment of kids that is most significant for us and gives us tremendous euphoria. This year our school has been proclaimed as a standout amongst the best foundations of the city. This has included and is following additional curricular exercises in the everyday timetable.

I wish to thank and salute every last one of you, dear guardians, for, without your help, it would not have been feasible for us. What you see today, special guardians is the zenith of monstrous, nonstop endeavors the students and teachers put in. Along these lines, sit tight and cheer our students with your liberal commendation.

In this way, with a great round of applause, let us please call upon Miss XYZ to elegance the dais and offer her moving biography with us all here.

Expectation, all of you, have an extraordinary time.

Much thanks to you!

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  • Welcome Speech for Independence Day in English for Students: Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav


Read Short Welcome Speech for Independence Day 2023

Indian Independence Day is one of those occasions which calls for a welcome speech because we as Indians celebrate this day as a festival. After 200 years of slavery under the British Empire, it was on August 15, 1947 that India became an independent nation.  This year marks the 77th year of India’s independence, which is being celebrated with zeal across the country as ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2023.’

After many years of struggles, where our freedom fighters were hanged, imprisoned, and tortured, we could see the light of the day. On this day, schools across the nation honour their legacy and sacrifices by conducting the program. This can be presented as a long welcome speech for Independence Day or a short welcome speech for Independence Day.

Indian Independence Day 2023

“At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India shall awaken to freedom.” With these golden words of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, India claimed her rightful independence on 15th August 1947 after almost 200 years of British Raj.

India’s freedom was the result of years of struggle against British Imperialism which was fought by our freedom fighters, many of whom gave their lives for the nation so that their future generations could live in a free country. Several prominent leaders and revolutionaries come to mind when we talk about the freedom movement, including Jawaharlal Nehru, who became our first Prime Minister, Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Vallabhai Patel, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh and many more.

We should always remember and cherish this freedom that we struggled for so long and at the end of a long road, we finally achieved our rightful position as a sovereign nation.

The Meaning of Independence for India

While the Independence of India was a glorious event in the country’s history, it was also a very painful one. Independence came with the condition of partition, two dominions of India and Pakistan were created and people who had lived together for centuries were divided from each other. This shall always teach us that freedom is not free and the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

When we became independent, India was an extremely backward country with more than 75 percent of our population living in poverty, and food shortages, famines and illiteracy was rampant. We took an oath to make our nation one of the most advanced nations of the world and have been on that mission for the last eight decades.

Quotes on Indian Independence Day

"Freedom in mind, faith in our hearts, memories in our souls. Let's salute the Nation on Independence Day!" - Unknown

"Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. What would a man not pay for living?" - Mahatma Gandhi

"Let new India arise out of peasants' cottage, grasping the plough, out of huts, cobbler and sweeper." - Swami Vivekananda

"One individual may die for an idea, but that idea will, after his death, incarnate itself in a thousand lives." - Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose

"Even if I died in the service of the nation, I would be proud of it. Every drop of my blood... will contribute to the growth of this nation and make it strong and dynamic." - Indira Gandhi

This year India is celebrating its 77th Indian Independence Day 2023 and it is a time when the entire nation should come together as one to celebrate our journey till now and march to an even glorious future where we create a better India so that our progeny can be proud of ourselves. 

Students can use this welcome speech in English for Independence Day celebration 2023 in their schools and deliver a great speech to begin the auspicious day.


FAQs on Welcome Speech for Independence Day in English for Students: Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav

1. Who led the freedom movement of India?

The Freedom Movement was an umbrella term that stood for a diverse set of individuals who wanted freedom for India and were willing to fight for it. The most important part of this freedom movement that led to the mainstream freedom struggle for a large part of the 20th century was the Indian National Congress. There were other parties too which had their own interest but all of the leaders were united in their dream of a Free India. You can read more about it on Vedantu website and download it in PDF format.

2. When was the Indian Constitution formed?

The Constitution of India came into force on the 26th of January, 1950 when India declared itself a republic and gave the Constitution to the people of India. The Constitution of India was prepared by the constituent assembly and it is the largest written constitution in the world. The Indian Constitution derives itself from various sources like the Government of India Act, 1935, etc. The Constitution claims to provide every Indian citizen with liberty, justice and equality. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar is known as the Father of the Indian Constitution.

3. What was the reason for partition?

Partition of India was the result of a long and historic tussle among two factions - Hindus and Muslims, in undivided India. The demand for partition was most prominently raised by the Muslim League, which wanted a separate nation for Muslims under its Two Nation Theory. Initially, Pakistan was divided into two parts, East Pakistan and West Pakistan but East Pakistan liberated itself to form Bangladesh in 1971.

4. What can I do to protect the independence of India?

Though India officially became independent in 1947, there are still a lot of issues that are present in modern-day India which still have not been completely resolved. Indians are still divided among ourselves on the lines of caste, creed, religion and language. A majority of our population is still poor and there are still people in our country who do not have access to clean water and health facilities. Creating awareness about such issues is the duty of every Indian citizen.

5. What should be our goal for the future?

India, for all its achievements, still has a long way to go if it wants to be called a developed nation. We have been a perennially developing nation for the last 76 years and there are many issues that need to be addressed. We lack behind most of the world in almost all of the human development indices. So, our goal should be that we set targets for the next 25 years and work hard to achieve them like removing hunger and poverty. Access to good health facilities for all people and a sense of belonging to the environment must be cultivated among people.

6. What is Independence Day 10 lines?

Independence Day is a significant national holiday in India. Here are 10 lines about it:

Independence Day is celebrated on 15th August every year in India.

It commemorates the day when India gained freedom from British colonial rule in 1947.

The celebration includes flag hoisting, parades, cultural events, and patriotic speeches.

The event is held at the Red Fort in Delhi, where the Prime Minister hoists the national flag.

The day is a reminder of the sacrifices made by freedom fighters for the nation's liberty.

It instills a sense of patriotism and unity among the citizens.

Schools, colleges, and government offices celebrate with various programs.

The national anthem "Jana Gana Mana" is sung during the flag hoisting.

Independence Day is a time to reflect on India's progress and challenges.

The tricolor flag symbolizes the nation's diversity and unity.

7. Which year is the 77th Independence Day?

India will celebrate its 77th Independence Day on 15 August 2023.

8. How old is India country?

India is a very old country with a long and rich history. It is believed that the first humans arrived in India over 50,000 years ago. However, India as a unified country is relatively young. It was founded on 15 August 1947, when the British Indian Empire was partitioned into two dominions: India and Pakistan.

Welcome Speech for Independence Day for Students and Children

Welcome speech for independence day.

Hello Everyone, I am here to present a welcome speech for Independence Day. Today it’s our 72 nd Independence Day and we should feel proud to be a part of an Independent nation that has freedom of speech, freedom to live life in our own way. We do not have to follow anybody’s slavery. But this was not the case 72 years ago when we were a slave to the British Government. India has been ruled by Britishers for almost 200 years and after a continuous struggle by our freedom fighters, we achieved independence on 15 th august 1947. On this day, the national flag was hoisted on red fort Delhi by Prime Minister Shri Jawaharlal Nehru. Since then we are celebrating Independence Day in every government department, school, and college. This is a day of pride and joy for every citizen of the country.

Welcome Speech for Independence Day

How we achieved Independence

India was once called “Sone ki chidiya” which means that we had abundant resources. Our land was productive, we have ample of minerals and rocks. We were home to the largest spice market. We also have a productive human workforce. This made the British government capture our country and use it for our own benefits.

They conspired against us through the “Divide and Rule policy” and slowly gained control over the country. The people of our country being illiterate and ignorant were easily deceived by Britishers and they gained control of our kingdoms. We became cheap slaves to the British government and thus they ruled us for many years.

Later on, some eminent personalities such as Mahatma Gandhi, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Bhagat Singh and many more realized that we should fight for our rights. Later on, many freedom struggles took place and everybody participated in it. After years of fight, struggles, and hard work we finally gained freedom on 15 th August 1947 and became a free and independent nation.

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Value of Independence

Being independent means freedom to speech and freedom to fundamental rights to each and every citizen of the country. Independence is important to lead a life of freedom. In the absence of independence, we would become a slave.  All the people should value the independence which we have achieved and should never forget our freedom fighters.

Independence and Responsibility of Citizens

The citizens of an independent nation also hold responsibility towards it. All the citizens of the country should realize their responsibility to build a nation of pride. One should fulfill their responsibility by doing simple deeds such as keeping the roads and surroundings clean, plant more trees, help poor people in need, following traffic rules, etc. A responsible citizen is a valuable citizen.

Activities  on Independence Day

Independence Day is also a day to show to the world the history of courage and bravery which our country has achieved. On this day our security forces do the parade and march past on red fort, we also show our fighting equipment to the world thus making India a superpower on the global platform. Various schools and colleges also arrange many no.of dance competitions, fancy dress, cultural events to celebrate independence day.

The independence which we have received is the result of fights and sacrifices of our freedom fighters. We should never forget this. Patriotism is above everything and we should inculcate a feeling of patriotism in our children since early childhood.

We should also teach our younger generations to respect our soldiers and also encourage them to have a career in national security. At last, I again wish you all happy independence day and hope together we can build a wonderful nation.

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How to Introduce and Honor Chief Guest in a Function

Whenever there is an event at our school, college, or university, we tend to invite important figures aka chief guests from different fields and with different expertise depending upon the type of the event. The chief of any event is an important individual. Thus, they need to be properly honored and introduced to the audience. Below, there are some of the best ways for you to learn How to Introduce and Honor Chief Guest in a Function.

There are 5 samples to help you learn how to introduce and honor the chief guest in a function. So, you may pick any one of them that you like.

“I am profusely overjoyed to take the opportunity to introduce our chief guest of the day. He is none other than Mr/Miss (insert the name of the chief guest here). He is the CEO of (insert the name of the organization or company here) one of the number one growing organizations of the current era.

Besides, he is also known for his work in different fields such as health, education, and child labor. Thus, a big round of applause for Mr/Miss (insert the name of the chief guest here).”

“Now we request our distinguished chief guest Mr. / Ms. (insert the name of the chief guest here) to address the gathering. And to give his/her precious inputs to our dear students who are seeking to be like him/her. Sir/Madam, You have motivated us all by being a living example of kindness and selfless service to your nation. You have given your best by sharing your expertise and knowledge in every way possible to help poor children get an education. Thus, I am sure that all the parents here are also motivated to support and help their children to be like you. Besides, they also crave to be proud of their children just the way your parents are proud of you. Thus, without wasting any time, I would like to call upon Mr/Miss (insert the name of the chief guest here) to join us on the stage.”

W elcome Speech for School Opening Day in English

“It is a great honor for me to introduce and welcome the chief guest of this startlingly beautiful evening. This man merely requires an introduction, though. He is well known for his work in the field of education and the health of poor children. Besides, he is a published and widely read author of the current era. (insert the title of his book here) is one of his masterpieces that not only has critical acclaim but also international recognition.

Moreover, he is profoundly loved and respected by his readers especially youth on whom he has had great influence due to his character and short stories. With that being said, let us call upon none other than Mr (insert the name of the chief guest here).”

With great pleasure, ladies and gentlemen, let me formally greet our primary visitor for the occasion. Mr./Ms. (insert name of chief guest) is a person of unmatched distinction who has made a lasting impact in the field of (insert name of chief guest’s area of specialty). As the creator of (name of the firm or organization), he/she has spearheaded innovative projects that have greatly aided in the expansion and advancement of our community.

Outside of the boardroom, our special guest has actively engaged in charitable activities, acting as a catalyst for good change. His/her dedication to social concerns, particularly in the fields of (name particular social causes), exemplifies an admirable attitude that we can all aspire to.

With a hearty round of applause, let us all show our appreciation and thanks to Mr./Ms. (insert the name of the main guest here).

Best ideas on how to arrange and organize school or college functions.

It is an honor and privilege to introduce our chief guest, Mr./Ms. (insert name of chief guest here), as we gather here today.” He or she is a role model for vision and leadership, having had a significant impact on the development of (name the area or sector). Mr./Ms. (last name of the chief guest), who is now holding the (name of the post) of (insert the name of the organization), has played a significant role in promoting excellence and innovation.

In addition to her professional achievements, our main guest is a strong supporter of community welfare and education. His or her dedication to developing the next wave of leaders is really motivating.

Let’s greet Mr./Ms. (insert name of the main guest here) and show our appreciation for being here.

How to Introduce and Honor Chief Guest in Function Tips!

If you are chosen to introduce the chief guest of the event, you should:

  • Initially, greet them personally when they arrive. It is better if you do not wait for them to find you. Instead, wait for them at the door as they arrive. Then, welcome them with an energetic and charming handshake and a wide smile to make them feel home and welcome.
  • In accordance with the formality of your relationship with the chief guest, you may want to address them with a formal title. For instance, you can use: ” Dr. John Smith”.
  • If you do not know the chief guest personally, be sure to introduce yourself to him/her before the event.
  • Escort the chief guest around the room to let him meet other people, make connections, build conversations, and most crucial of all feel comfortable at your place.
  • At the end of the function, be sure to thank the chief guest of the function with a handshake for his presence and time.

Related Information

If you are looking for comparing or anchoring script to host any event, there are tons of them down below. Also, if you could not find the one you are particularly looking for, let us know down below.

  • Best Anchoring Script for Convocation Ceremony
  • Anchoring Script for Welcoming Guests in the Function
  • How to Give Welcome Remarks in English
  • 7 Steps to Write a Welcome Speech in English
  • Comparing Script for Welcome Part y

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Welcome Speech For The Chief Guest

Welcome speech for chief guest is given by the student, teacher, principal or any host to welcome the honored chief guest in any event organized in school, college, university. Here we have provided you the speeches to welcome the chief guest which are given in various programs like any award ceremony, annual day, independence day etc. You can choose any speech as per the competition organized in the school or college to welcome your invited chief guest.

Table of Contents

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest in English

Welcome speech to be delivered by the principal to the chief guest on the day of the annual festival.

My salutations to all the respected guests present in the auditorium,

I welcome you all to the 25th Annual Festival of ABC Public School, Noida. This is a very prestigious occasion for our school as we have completed our 25 golden years. In other words, today we are celebrating our Silver Jubilee. It is very hard to believe that the dream we had is now coming true.

The idea of ​​foundation of an educational institution is really inspiring for us which was planted as a sapling 25 years ago it has grown into a big tree today. Today here I see before me extraordinary and smart students and their parents who have come to us from every corner of the city on this day.

Every year I feel happy to address those people who are the youth of today and will be responsible citizens of the country tomorrow. Me and our entire dedicated team of teachers appreciate the efforts put in by their parents for our children. So here today I am privileged to extend a warm welcome to the parents who are continuously extending the dedication and love of the students as well as the teachers of this school.

To take this colorful evening ahead and kick-start the annual celebrations, I, on behalf of all present here, extend a wholehearted welcome to the inaugural who is also the guest of today’s priceless ceremony. I am especially grateful to our guest Mr. XYZ Kapoor, a social worker, educationist and philanthropist, when we approached him with the invitation card for this function and requested him to come as the chief guest in the evening. Kapoor immediately acceded to our request and agreed to today’s event and schedule.

Mr. Kapoor is a well-known name in matters related to women empowerment. He has made a lot of efforts to promote girl’s education. For this he has also established many small education centers for girls and women. Today everyone is telling his initiative of setting up an orphanage and old age home as a commendable step.

So welcome him with thunderous applause as I invite Mr. XYZ Kapoor to the stage for the lamp lighting ritual and request him to speak a few words about his efforts and his life experiences.

Many thanks to all of you!!

Welcome speech to be given by the principal to the chief guest on the day of the annual sports festival

On behalf of St. JKL Academy, I extend a warm welcome to all the attendees to the 14th Annual Sports Festival of the school. Sports is an integral and essential part of our life.

Sports, whether team based or individual, is a great activity for kids that provides us with various other benefits apart from physical fitness. Sports participation builds self-esteem, self-confidence and motivates children to excel academically thereby helping children to build their social skills. It also teaches children how to achieve the set goal and practice continuously.

So for this purpose we organize sports festival every year in which 100% participation of children is encouraged and each participant is rewarded. For us children’s participation is the most important thing that gives us happiness. This year our school has been declared as one of the best institute in the city which strictly adheres to the extra curricular activities in the daily time-table. I want to thank every parent without whose support this would not have been possible for us. I would request all the parents that what you are seeing today is the result of massive continuous efforts by the students and teachers, so encourage the students and welcome them with your applause.

I am extremely happy to state that we have none other than the legendary Indian wrestler and Olympian Kumari Babita Phogat as the distinguished guest of honor on whose inspiring life stories a film (“Dangal”) has been made. I believe you all must know about the Phogat sisters who worked hard against all odds. Babita Phogat is one of those Indian women wrestlers who have made their country proud with their excellent performance in a field dominated by men.

It is because of his strong determination and struggle that he is here today. He has won 3 Gold medals and 1 Silver medal for India in Commonwealth Wrestling Championship and 2 Bronze medals in World Wrestling Championship and Asian Wrestling Championship. It is a matter of good fortune for us that today we are all gathered here and Babita Phogat is present among us as our honored guest.

So welcome to the thunderous applause of Miss Babita Phogat whom I would like to invite on stage to share her inspirational life story with us.

Hope you all enjoy the sports festival.

Thank you !!

Welcome speech to be given by the student to the chief guest on the day of the annual festival

Honorable Chief Guest Mr. XYZ Kapoor, Chairman Mr. Deepak Agarwal, Prominent Madam Mrs. Rekha, Respected teachers and my dear friends A loving greetings to all of you from my side,

My name is PQR and I am a class 12th-C student and also the cultural secretary of ABC School. It is my privilege to be present in front of you all today on the auspicious day of our school completing 25 years and celebrating our Silver Jubilee celebrations.

I think I need not say anything about the importance and value of this day for all of us. The brightness of everyone’s face is telling everything clearly that how happy you all are to be here today. Today we are all very happy for our institution and I congratulate all the members for completing 25 golden years of our school. We are now in a position where our academic chapter ends and a new chapter begins.

I have been a part of this school since the fourth grade and each year my journey has been immensely enjoyable due to the struggles and ups and downs. All our teachers and coaches supported me at every step during my journey. Apart from being recognized as one of the best schools in Noida in academics, our school also pays equal attention to extra curricular activities for each and every student.

Now before starting our cultural programmes, I am extremely glad to welcome our Chief Guest tonight Mr. XYZ Kapoor who is recognized all over the country as an educationist, social worker and philanthropist. Our Chief Guest present amongst us today is in no way required a formal introduction as you all must have heard about his works, efforts and his endless contribution towards the society. Our chief guest has a very respectable personality. He has widely contributed in the field of women empowerment, girl child education, old age homes, establishment of orphanages and social service.

I feel extremely fortunate to have such a great personality as our chief guest tonight. Therefore, on behalf of everyone present here, I would like to invite our chief guest on the stage.

Before concluding my speech, I would like to welcome all our teachers, parents, friends and all the staff of the school who made their invaluable contribution to make this annual function a success.

Welcome speech to be delivered by the student to the chief guest on the day of the Academy Awards ceremony

Honorable Chief Guest, Mr. DM, Mr. DG, Director, Mrs. P, Principal, Mr. VP, Vice President, Dignitaries on stage, respected teachers, parents and my dear friends. My salutations to all of you, I am fortunate to be present in the auditorium. I have had the opportunity to address this delightful evening to celebrate and reward the academic achievements of all “XYZ School” students.

I am ABC, head boy and student of class 12th-A. I feel extremely fortunate that I have got this opportunity to address you at this prestigious moment when our school is celebrating its 15th Annual Educational Awards Ceremony where our school awards scholars for their hard work. are given and motivated to keep their aspirations high.

Apart from this, the organization of this function shows how successful our institution has been in the field of providing education to the children in 15 years. Even today this function is a witness to showcase the talents of the young minds of our school.

The importance of education is not confined within the four walls of the classroom but it is much more than that and we are very fortunate to have such teachers, trainers who recognize its importance. If it is the building and the teacher are the two resources available in the school then surely we students are the third resource. In fact the real joy of teaching is how it brings out the creative, educational, playful abilities of its students.

Our school believes that they are not just looking for academic qualifications but also personal qualities like leadership and teamwork, determination and flexibility, confidence and self-confidence, respect and consideration etc.

I am very happy to see the hard work put in by the students of class 9th and 10th on behalf of the school and myself as they are many times more diligent than us and are waiting for their results to be declared tonight. I also want to give credit to all those students who are working hard and have the power to achieve their goals.

The task entrusted to me today is to welcome everyone to this grand ceremony of encouraging students. So first of all I would like to welcome our honorable principal mam who is the basis of life force of our school. Which works less for the comfort and more about the well being of the students of the school. We welcome you all to this prestigious program of our school. A wholehearted welcome to our dear parents who have continuously nurtured all the high potentials of our institution with their love and support.

I extend a warm welcome to our Chief Guest of this evening who does not need any formal introduction as you are all aware of his work for the development and improvement of the city’s infrastructure, environment. Our chief guest is the person who has ensured the safety of girls and women and provided social services as well as shelter to the poor and needy people. He is none other than the District Magistrate of our city, Mr. DM.

So with applause I would like to call Mr. DM on the stage so that we all get the privilege of hearing such a great personality.

Welcome speech for the chief guest to go to the college on the day of the annual festival function

Today our ABC College is celebrating its 23rd Annual Day. I feel extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to address you at this crucial moment. It is always an honorable moment to get a chance to inspire young minds. Today’s children are the future of tomorrow. On the basis of showcasing the talents of the bright faces who are getting the awards today, we can say that they will bring glory to the country tomorrow. They may get great success, name and fame in their life but we expect them to become good human beings too and make this world a better place to live in.

I feel extremely proud to say that the talent displayed by the students here today is a proof that they have the potential to become worthy citizens of the society and can help themselves and others in various ways.

Today we have gathered here on the annual day to encourage the youth to show their talent due to which they got a different identity. This is a very important occasion for us as this festival signifies the continuous success of our school in the field of education. Apart from this, we have also got the opportunity to welcome our Chief Guest of the evening from this platform.

On behalf of ABC College, I respectfully welcome Mr. _____, who is a renowned Cardiologist and works as a Heart Specialist in the prestigious XYZ Hospital. We are certainly grateful to you, for humbly accepting the invitation to be the Chief Guest on this occasion. Our chief guest does not need any formal introduction as he is a philanthropist and a distinguished figure of the society. Our Chief Guests are highly respected individuals and are known for their deeds and professional services in the medical as well as social service sector.

He also runs his own private clinic where people below poverty line are treated free of cost. He also has links with some Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that arrange free medicines and equipment for the needy. He is indeed a versatile personality and the society needs many such people. We all are familiar with his remedies due to which he has saved many lives. Our Chief Guest is a highly respected figure in the society and well known for the achievements made in the field of Medical Science. It is our privilege that he is here with us today as the chief guest.

I would also like to welcome all the parents who have consistently supported us in our endeavor to spread the light of knowledge.

Lastly one more thing I would like to welcome all the faculty, staff and students who are integral part of this college and always support the vision and mission of the college. I request everyone for your cooperation during my program and to make it a success.

Thank you !

Welcome speech for the chief guest to go to school on the day of Independence Day

India is the land of various deities, languages, festivals and customs. People of different communities, religions, cultures live here united. It is no wonder that our country India is truly incredible. 70 years ago on 15th August our country got independence and we are proud to say that we have achieved this achievement after lot of struggle and innumerable sacrifices. As we have gathered here today so I take this occasion to wish every student and all our teachers a very Happy Independence Day.

Today I have got a great opportunity to welcome the Chief Guest from this platform, who is a well-known political figure in the society. Our chief guest is the member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) of our district. He is also a famous philanthropist and is recognized for his great works. Our chief guest is also the founder of an NGO which works for the poor and underprivileged children. He is highly literate person.

After completing his graduation from IIT Kharagpur he joined the government and contributed for the construction of many roads and bridges in our city. Our chief guest loves to write in his spare time and has written many articles specially focusing on social issues like poverty, unemployment etc. The presence of such an eminent person as the chief guest today is inspiring and inspiring for the students of our school.

I take this platform to thank and welcome all the parents who gave unconditional love and support to the mission and vision of our school which helped us a lot in achieving our goal. All the parents present here have shown tremendous faith in the school which has always been the motivation of the school to reach the peak of excellence. In the end I would like to thank all the teachers, students and all the staff members of the school who are always active, hardworking and dedicated and working day and night to make every moment a grand success.

As we know that every year we celebrate this day with many cultural programs, this year also we are celebrating our independence with various cultural programs performed by our school students. These students belong to different communities but they share the spirit of unity irrespective of their caste, creed, culture, religion or economic background. School teaches everyone to be good human beings.

I request everyone to first bow down to our country and all the soldiers who have fought fearlessly for this freedom. All of you are requested to stand up and sing the national anthem together. After this, I request the respected chief guest to light the lamp, hoist the national flag and encourage us with his motivational speech.

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Welcome Speech for Chief Guest - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

Welcome speech for chief guest.

A welcome speech for a chief guest is a formal address given to introduce and honour a distinguished guest at an event. It typically includes an introduction of the guest, a brief overview of their accomplishments and contributions, and an expression of gratitude for their presence. The speech may also include a brief overview of the event and its significance, as well as any expectations for the guest's participation or involvement.

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

10 Lines Welcome Speech for Chief Guest

Good morning/afternoon everyone, and welcome to our event.

It is my pleasure to introduce our chief guest, [Name of Chief Guest], who has graciously accepted our invitation to join us today.

[Name of Chief Guest] is a highly accomplished individual in the field of [their field of expertise].

We are honoured to have [Name of Chief Guest] with us today to share their insights and experiences with our students and faculty.

Today, we will be discussing [topic of event], and I am confident that [Name of Chief Guest] will provide valuable insights and perspectives on this important subject.

On behalf of our school community, I would like to extend a warm welcome to [Name of Chief Guest] and thank them for taking the time to be with us today.

I am sure that this interaction with our chief guest will be a valuable learning experience for all of us.

With that, I invite [Name of Chief Guest] to come forward and address our esteemed gathering.

Let's give a round of applause to welcome our chief guest.

Thank you again for being here with us today, [Name of Chief Guest]. We are honoured to have you with us.

Short Welcome Speech for Chief Guest

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to our event today. Today, we have the privilege of hosting [Name of Chief Guest], a renowned leader in [their field of expertise].

[Name of Chief Guest] has achieved great success in their field and has significantly contributed to the community and society. Their achievements and dedication to their work serve as an inspiration to us all.

About the School

We are committed to providing our students with the best education possible as a school community. This includes not only academic learning but also the opportunity to learn from and interact with successful professionals in various fields.

Today’s Event

Today, we are privileged to have [Name of Chief Guest] with us and eager to hear their insights and experiences. The topic of our event today is [topic of event], and I am confident that [Name of Chief Guest] will provide valuable perspectives and insights on this important subject.

As we move forward with our event today, I encourage everyone to actively engage with [Name of Chief Guest], to ask questions, and to listen attentively to their words of wisdom. The time we spend with [Name of Chief Guest] today will undoubtedly be a valuable learning experience for all of us.Please join me in welcoming [Name of Chief Guest] with a round of applause.

Long Welcome Speech for Chief Guest

Good evening, esteemed guests, distinguished chief guest, dedicated teachers, and dear students. It is my great honour and privilege to welcome you all to this evening's school function.

Introduction to Chief Guest

First and foremost, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our chief guest, [Name], who graciously accepts our invitation to be with us this evening. [Name] is a remarkable individual, who has achieved great success in [his/her] field of expertise, be it in the field of science, technology, art, literature, sports or any other field. [He/She] is a true inspiration for many, and we are honoured to have [him/her] grace us with [his/her] presence. [He/She] has been a source of inspiration to many, and [his/her] words of wisdom and encouragement will undoubtedly motivate our students.

About the Function

This evening's event is a celebration of the achievements and progress of our school. [Name of the school] has been an institution of excellence dedicated to providing quality education to its students. Our teachers have worked tirelessly to ensure that our students receive the best education possible, and our students have reciprocated that effort by giving their best in every endeavour.

The school's curriculum is designed to provide students with a well-rounded education, focusing on academics, extracurricular activities, and character development. A well-rounded education is essential for the overall development of our students and will prepare them for future challenges.

The event is an opportunity for us to showcase the talents and abilities of our students, and we have planned a variety of performances that will highlight their abilities. The program will feature various cultural and literary performances, including music, dance, drama, and poetry recitation, all of which have been rehearsed and perfected by our students.

Furthermore, we will also be recognising the academic achievements of our students and the hardworking teachers. We will be presenting awards and trophies to students who have excelled in their studies and to teachers who have made a significant impact in the lives of their students. The teachers have been instrumental in the academic and personal growth of the students, and it is important to acknowledge their hard work and dedication.

Safety and Refreshment

We have also made arrangements for the safety and well-being of our guests. At the conclusion of this evening's event, we would like to invite all of our guests to join us for refreshments. We have arranged a variety of delicious and mouth-watering snacks and beverages for everyone to enjoy.

In conclusion, I want to express my gratitude to all of you for being here. Your presence is greatly appreciated, and we are honoured to have you join us in this celebration. I want to remind our students to take this opportunity to learn from our chief guest, and to strive to achieve their own goals and aspirations. To our teachers, thank you for your dedication and hard work. Our chief guest, thank you for taking the time to be with us this evening.

Once again, welcome to this evening's school function, and we hope you enjoy the performances and the recognition of the achievements of our school.

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We Appeared in

Economic Times

Independence Day Speech by our Chief Guest

Lt. Col. Prateek Sandbhor addressed us on this our Independence Day. He commenced by saying that Independence Day is an occasion to celebrate one’s homeland, patriotism and of course freedom.

welcome speech for chief guest on independence day

For families of soldiers, Independence Day is a day espousing patriotism and duty. But the day is also an emotional reminder of the sacrifices which come along with it. When the entire country is home celebrating Independence with family, shielded from external threats, the soldier is away from family, defending the country at its frontiers.

What runs as an undercurrent to the experiences of being a soldier or a member of a defense family is – Sacrifice. It is essential that we utilize this day to remember the struggles of our freedom fighters and appreciate the freedom that we have taken for granted.

welcome speech for chief guest on independence day

We at Mumbai are lucky and gifted with restful and peaceful lives. Our very own soldiers are protecting us at the frontiers. There is nothing more touching to those brave men than our appreciation and gratefulness for the tough lives they lead while protecting us.

He reminded the students to question themselves as to, what they give the country rather than what the country gives them? He further said that we Indians must value our freedom. He gave a strong message to all of us present and fortified it by saying Firstly, WORK HARD Secondly, RESPECT YOUR ELDERS , TEACHERS AND PARENTS and Lastly, MAINTAIN A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP with those whom you interact. He concluded with the Patriotic Song – Kadam Kadam Badhaye jaa…….. JAI HIND!

welcome speech for chief guest on independence day

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welcome speech for chief guest on independence day

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Welcome Speech In English: Guest Introduction, How to Welcome Chief Guest

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Reported by Pankaj Bhatt

Published on 6 June 2024

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest : Speeches are important to any professional or formal function. Expressing gratitude to the people who joined and became a part of the ceremony is essential. Whether in a School, University, or any organization, you will need a welcome speech to influence the people you want to address.

Welcome speeches generally include welcoming the eminent Chief guests and the others present. You will need an influential speech to make people sense the welcome. Here, we are presenting such welcome speeches that you can use to overwhelm your guests. We have listed these speeches under different heads. You can use any of these for your upcoming events.

Welcome Speech In English

Welcome Speech in English for Annual Day

Greetings to each one of you present here!


“I am extremely overwhelmed to get this opportunity to address you all on this auspicious occasion of the 50th Annual Day of our elite institution. Children are the future of tomorrow. All these students we witness today, receiving honors for their talents, will grow up to be responsible citizens of tomorrow. May they grow up to make us proud and achieve the highest human values.

I feel proud to be a part of such an elite institution where we are taught by great teachers whose teaching goes beyond the classroom. Also, they will be thanked for organizing such a huge function. We all have assembled here today to motivate and cherish our young minds. Apart from that, this is a great occasion to welcome our Chief Guest of today”.

Chief Guest Introduction Speech

“On behalf of the school, I welcome our chief guest, Mr. [name of the chief guest], dean of the most renowned institution functioning under the government of India. She is working towards connecting young minds to strive toward success and achievement. We are grateful to him for accepting our invitation and becoming a chief guest of today’s event.

Our chief guest doesn’t require an introduction as he is a well-recognized figure in our city. She is known for his wonderful administration and high achievements of the Institution she is in charge of. Apart from this, she is a Philanthropist and renders selfless services to society. She has molded the lives of students and served people with her kindness.

We are honored to have her as the Chief guest for the evening. I am certain that all the parents here are moved by her and want their children to be like her.

Welcoming Parents

“Parents are the world for children. Not to overlook that we are here, joined by the wonderful parents who have raised this school’s best students. With immense admiration and affection, we welcome all the parents who tried to join this ceremony.

Finally, I would like to thank all the teachers, other staff members, and all the students present here for making this ceremony worthwhile.

Welcome Speech for Freshers Party

Good Morning to everyone present here!

“We all have gathered here today during a Fresher’s party. Welcoming people is part of Indian culture, followed for centuries. We maintain this custom and welcome the fresh faces in the college with a fresher’s party today.

I thank all my teachers and everyone who gave me this opportunity to welcome all my freshers today. It’s a moment of great pleasure for me to welcome you all.

University life will give you much more than just a degree – get ready for all the adventure!

My dear friends, studying in our institution is pure joy. The professors, students, and other staff members are the epitome of compassion, and we are quite sure you will be perplexed by their sagacity.

All in all, I would like to say that you have made an absolutely secure decision to be a part of this institution. Our college welcomes all the students joining us today. I hope all of you will operate along with the values of the college and magnify its reputation at every go of life.

Now, I will halt my words and start with the programs for the day, which include some astounding performances by our college students.

I guarantee your next few hours will be delightful and memorable. Thank you for being a patient audience and hearing my thoughts.

Enjoy the day!

Welcome Speech for a Farewell Party

“I welcome you all on this occasion of the farewell party, for which we have assembled here today.

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” Semisonic

First, I would like to thank everyone who gave me this opportunity to welcome all my seniors and teachers on this memorable occasion.

School life is undoubtedly the best phase of life for everyone. Our parents, teachers, and friends all made this phase of life so memorable for us. We learned so many things from our inspiring teachers, made mistakes, made memories with friends, and whatnot. It was a long journey in itself.

Today marks the end of this school life, a life of sweet and bitter moments to cherish all our lives. We do feel a touch of sadness, but it is the nature of life to move forward. So, today, we will celebrate this moment with our beloved teachers and friends to bid a good farewell to all who have to leave now, with a smiling face.”

Welcome Speech for College Function

Good Morning to all!

“Honourable Chief Guest Mr. XYZ, Principal Sir Dr. ABC, Staff Members, and all the students present here. I welcome you all to the annual function of our esteemed college.

My name is Lakshita Kumar. I am a B.Sc. student and the secretary of cultural programs organized under our college’s authority.

I feel extremely proud to announce that our elite college has completed 25 years and we all have gathered today to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of the same. Behind huge success over the years are the dedicated teachers, motivated students, and helpful staff who give their best to make the college achieve great heights of success.

Also, It is a great honour for me to pronounce that today we are joined by a lady who hardly needs an introduction. She is well known for her work in educating poor children. Besides, he is a published and extensively read contemporary world author. (the title of his book) is one of her treasures that has gained a huge international acknowledgment.

Moreover, she is extremely loved and respected by her readers, including the country’s youth population, whom she has influenced the most with her writing. That said, let us call upon none other than Miss/ Mrs. (name of the chief guest).”

Welcome Speech for Teachers Day

Respected Principal, Sir, Teachers, and dear students!


“We welcome you all today to celebrate this auspicious occasion of Teacher’s Day. We celebrate Teacher’s day every year on 5 September to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

“Those who educate children well are more to be honoured than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well.”  Aristotle

This quotation cannot be more true! Teachers are parents to children when needed. They light us up and lead us through the pathway of life. They seek nothing but respect in return for their persistent efforts to give their best.

Teachers are our ideals. They inspire us each day and make us strive towards success. They equip us with the power of knowledge and propel us with endless wisdom to become better future citizens.

On that note, I would like to invite our Principal mam on the stage and deliver her thoughts on the day”.

Welcome Speech for Children’s Day

Good Morning Everyone!

“We welcome all the students as we celebrate Children’s Day today.

“There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.” Walt Streightiff

It is true the imagination of a child is incomparable. Children are a creation of God, and their smile is irresistible not to make us smile alone. Their innocence is overwhelming.

We celebrate Children’s Day every year on 14th November in memory of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, a great admirer of children. We celebrate this day on his birth anniversary.

School is a second home for children, and teachers are equivalent to the parents when students need them the most. This day is celebrated with many events, which cannot be possible without the contribution of our lovely teachers.


Thanking you all, I would like to start the day’s events without further delay”.

Sample Welcome Speech for Seminar

Good Morning to each one of you present today!

“It is a moment of extreme pleasure to welcome the guests who are present here to attend this workshop.

On behalf of the Institution, I offer my regards to all the judges and the people joining us. I convey my regards to the chief guest of the day, Mr. ABC . Thank you so much, Sir, for accepting our invitation and coming over for the seminar.

The seminar schedule will focus on (your topic) and include more issues to address all aspects of the topic.

I hope this conference enlightens us all and provides solutions to tomorrow’s problems.

Thanks to everyone who made this conference possible with their opinions and views”.

Welcome Speech for the Workshop

Good Morning, everyone!

“I am thoroughly pleased to witness you all in this workshop. It’s my privilege to address you all on behalf of Mr. ABC. I welcome all the participants in the workshop. We are truly delighted with your presence.

We all have gathered here today to attend this workshop to enhance managerial skills. We as a company aim to achieve great heights. This workshop intends to resolve the practical hurdles faced by the Institution during this difficult time.

Closing the speech, I hope everyone is well aware of the themes concerning the workshop. We had a great time having you all and looking forward to many more such workshops engaging more people and on a greater level”.

To conclude, I wish you all great success in your pursuits!

Welcome Speech Sample for the Conference

First, I would like to thank each of you for joining this one-day inter-school conference. I am proud to say that our school has organized this conference for over five years and has chronicled huge success each year. The school organizes such conferences to enlighten young minds and promote the participation of students at all levels.

I bid a very warm welcome to all the renowned speakers and delegates who took their valuable time and joined us today to be a part of this conference. We are honored to have you all with us.

I also thank everyone who made this seminar functional in such hard times. Last year, the theme of the conference was based on global problems, which hugely helped the students in inducing a thought for the problems the world is sustaining.

This year, the theme is sustainability to help students understand the results of human actions. The conference will focus on the major issues, solutions, and long-term effects associated with human activities. In addition to this, students will also learn about social skills. The conference will include debates and the judges’ votes.

Even though this conference marks the success of our Institution, it also allows us to meet some of the country’s brilliant minds, who will be the chief guests on this occasion.

With all those words, I’m extremely delighted to announce that the chief guest for the day is none other than the state’s Education Minister. I also welcome all the speakers and eminent delegates who have joined us today. I guarantee the conference will be productive and worth your precious time.”

Sample Welcome Speech for Any Event

“Thank you to everyone who joined us this evening. Today marks the 2nd anniversary of our prestigious institution. I am extremely delighted to be the host for the evening and address you all.

Before we proceed with the events, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who made this occasion a reality and this institution successful. This could not have been possible without your contributions. We are all part of this Institution due to our shared passion for its vision. Our passion unites us, and our hard work strengthens the Institution.

On that note, let me introduce and welcome the chief guest of this startlingly beautiful evening, Mr ABC, a renowned Social activist who has made the country a better place through his work.

Without any further delay, I would like to start with the events. We would be delighted to have your suggestions and questions at the end of the event. Enjoy the Event!”

Thank you very much!

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest

“I am profoundly delighted to take an opportunity to introduce the chief guest for the day/ evening. He/ She is none other than Mr./ Miss ABC. He/ She is the CEO of XYZ, one of the topmost companies in this city.

Other than this, he/ she is known for her work in girl child education. He/ She has uplifted many little girls’ lives with the light of education. So, heavy applause for the chief guest is much needed!

Now, we request the honorable chief guest to address the gathering and cast the light of his/ her knowledge upon us. His/ Her comments are quintessential for the students who want to be like him one day. Sir/ Ma’am, you have motivated us enough by being an example of light in the darkness. We would be delighted with your expertise and knowledge in every way possible.

So, without consuming any time, I would like to call upon Mr/Miss ABC to accompany us on the stage to enlighten us with his/ her words of true wisdom.”

How to Welcome the Chief Guest?/ Chief Guest Introduction

Is there an upcoming event where you need to introduce a chief guest, and you don’t know how to invite a chief guest on stage for a speech?


Then we are here to the rescue. We have some great tips for you all, which you can use in your next upcoming ceremony/ occasion.

  • The first step in welcoming a chief guest is greeting them in person. As soon as the chief guest arrives, it is best to go ahead and greet them personally. Welcome them; a handshake will be the best way to do so!
  • Smile and suggest they are being welcomed.
  • Always address the chief guest with a formal title. If someone is a doctorate, do not forget to use the formal title of Dr or, in other cases, use Mr./ Miss/ Mrs.
  • Introduce yourself to the chief guest before the formal event and escort him to the venue.
  • At the end of the event, make sure to bid thanks to the chief guest.

How to Write a Welcome Speech?

A welcome speech should contain : An Introduction Acknowledgment Event Purpose Concluding Next Part

Why welcome speech is important?

Welcome Speech shows your gratitude to the person who wants to be a part of your function or ceremony. Therefore, a welcome speech is important.

How do you start a Welcome Speech?

The best way to start a welcome speech is by warmly welcoming everyone who joined the ceremony. Give a brief introduction about the occasion and then continue with the main aim of the ceremony.

How to write a guest introduction?

A guest introduction should be majorly focused on the guest. His professional work, life achievements, and introducing him to the audience who may not know him/ her properly.

What to say while welcoming the chief guest?

While presenting a formal welcome to a person/ Chief Guest, use warm welcome tones and greetings. For example: “I feel delighted to welcome you” “It’s my pleasure to have you” “We are looking forward to having you again as our chief guest.” “I am thoroughly pleased to witness you” “I am extremely overwhelmed.”

How to write a welcome speech for a Seminar?

Writing a welcome speech for a Seminar. Give a short welcome to everyone attending the seminar. Stress a little on the topic of the seminar and describe what the seminar has to offer to the people. Describe the themes and topics to be discussed before proceeding with the seminar. At last, do not forget to thank all the people who listened to you with patience.

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Pankaj Bhatt

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భారత స్వాతంత్య్ర దినోత్సవం

భారత స్వాతంత్య్ర దినోత్సవం

ఎందరో మహనీయుల పోరాటం, త్యాగాల ఫలితం నేడు మనం అనుభవిస్తున్న స్వాతంత్య్రం. భారత్‌‌లో వలస పాలకులకు వ్యతిరేకంగా సుమారు 200 ఏళ్ల పోరాటం కొనసాగింది. చివరికి 1947 ఆగస్టు 15న భారతదేశానికి స్వాతంత్య్రం సిద్ధించింది. భారత స్వాతంత్య్ర సంగ్రామంలో కీలక ఘట్టాలు, మితవాద, అతివాద దశలు, సిపాయిల తిరుగుబాటు ఉద్యమం తదితర వివరాలు.., మొదటి సాయుధ పోరాటం, సిపాయిల తిరుగుబాటు, అహింస పోరాటం, ఒక్కతాటిపై నడిపించిన గాంధీ నాయకత్వం, మహిళల పాత్ర అజరామరం, జలియన్‌వాలాబాగ్‌ మారణకాండ, ఖిలాఫత్‌ ఉద్యమం, సహాయ నిరాకరణ ఉద్యమం, క్విట్ ఇండియా ఉద్యమం.

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  • Invitation Letter For Chief Guest

Invitation Letter for Chief Guest | Check Format and Samples

Chief guests play a very important role in every event. It is indeed a great honour to have a well-known personality as the chief guest, and their presence in our event makes it successful and grand. In order to invite a person to be present at the event as the chief guest, you will have to write an invitation letter for the same.

Table of Contents

How to write an invitation letter to the chief guest, chief guest invitation card for restaurant opening.

  • Invitation Letter for the Chief Guest for a School Function

Frequently Asked Questions on Invitation Letter for the Chief Guest

An invitation letter to the chief guest is a type of formal letter , written in a humble tone, requesting the person to join you in the event as the Chief Guest. Make sure your letter sounds respectful and genuine. For a better understanding of the format of writing an invitation letter for the chief guest, check the sample letters provided below.

The letter must include the details of the event, should convey what you are expecting him to contribute to the event, and also give details about yourself. Refer to the samples provided below for a better understanding of it.

Samples of Invitation for the Chief Guest

448, Saheed Nagar

Bhubaneswar – 751007

2nd March, 2022

Sri. Dharmendra Pradhan

Education Minister

Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Sub: Invitation to preside as chief guest

Respected Sir,

I am Theena Navin, a student representative from Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. I would like to invite you to preside over as chief guest for the annual fest of our university, that is to be held on the 1st of April, 2022. Like every year, we are organising the college fest inside the university campus. We have planned a number of events which will start from 3 p.m. We are expecting you to inaugurate the function and also give your thoughts on college life.

Kindly consider this letter as a formal invitation and revert to us at the earliest. We are looking forward to positive response from you. Please feel free to get back to us for any further information. Attaching the permission letter from the Dean along with this letter.

Contact number – 999999

Mail ID – [email protected]



Student Representative

Utkal University


  • Confirmation letter from the Dean

56, Satya Nagar

Bhubaneswar – 751002

Meera Parida

President, Indian Federation of Culinary Associations

Sub: Invitation for restaurant opening

I would like to invite you as the Chief Guest of the grand opening of my restaurant named ’16th February’, which is located at Saheed Nagar near the State Bank of India. We are planning to open the restaurant at 4 p.m. on 20th March, 2022. I would like you to join us for the event, and grace the occasion with your presence. Waiting for a positive response from you.

Feel free to contact us in case of any queries or concerns.


Contact – 99999

Mail ID – [email protected]

Invitation Letter for the Chief Guest for a Function at School

Subhalaxmi Bhanja

Sadhna Mishra

President, The Arts and Culture Association

Sub: Invitation for Annual Day

I am Subhalaxmi Bhanja, TGT SST of Vikash Residential School, Khandagri, Bhubaneswar. I am writing this letter to invite you to our school’s annual function, which is to be held on 15th April, 2022 from 9 a.m. onwards. Your graceful presence will be invaluable to us, and we shall be grateful to you for the same.

Expecting a positive response from you. Please do not hesitate to connect with us.


Contact – 999999

What is an invitation letter for the chief guest?

An invitation letter for the chief guest is a formal letter inviting someone as the chief guest of an event. An invitation letter should be written in a formal language requesting him/her to join your event.

How do we write an invitation card for the chief guest?

To write an invitation card for the Chief Guest, you can follow the below format.

I am ______, writing this letter to invite you to _____ as the Chief Guest of the grand event. Your presence shall be really appreciated.

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welcome speech for chief guest on independence day

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Welcome Speech for Chief Guest

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest at School and College

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Welcome speech for chief guest is the speech given by student, teacher, principal or a host at any event organized in the school, college or university to welcome the honourable chief guest. Here we have provided six welcome speeches for chief guest for various events like award ceremony, annual day, Independence Day, etc. You can select and use any of the welcome speech according to the event organized at school or college to welcome your invited chief guest. So, enjoy the following welcome speech for chief guest:

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest by the Principal at Annual day

Good evening everyone,

I heartily welcome you all on the behalf of ABC Public School, Noida, for the prestigious occasion of our school celebrating its 25 th  Annual day on the event of completing its 25 golden years, in other words, celebrating its Silver Jubilee. It is very difficult to believe that what was once dreamt is being fulfilled now. The idea of putting the foundation of an educational institution is so inspiring: what was once planted as a sapling is now all grown into a large tree. Here I can see a blend of extraordinary and smart students and their parents who have made this day arrive; they have come to us from each and every corner of the city.

Every year, I find it to be my pleasure to address you people who are the young minds of today and the responsible citizens of tomorrow. I and whole of our dedicated teachers’ team appreciate the efforts put in by the parents along with their wards. So, here I feel privileged to extend my warm welcome to all the dear parents who are constantly extending their support & love to pupils as well as faculty members of this school.

Taking our evening further and to begin with the Annual Function, I on the behalf of everyone present here, heartily welcome the inaugurator and the dignitary of the priceless function today, the Guest of honour, Mr.XYZ Kapoor, who is the social worker, educationist and philanthropist. I am especially thankful to him as when we approached him with the invitation card & requested him to grace the evening as the Chief Guest, Mr Kapoor accepted our request and readily agreed when he looked at today’s event and its program.

Mr.Kapoor is a well known name in the matters related to Women Empowerment. He has put in a lot of efforts for promoting the education of girl child, for this he has even set up many small education centres for girls and ladies. His initiative of setting up an orphanage and the old age home is what everyone is talking and praising about, nowadays.

So, give a huge round of applause as I call upon Mr. XYZ Kapoor, for the lamp lightening ceremony and request him to speak a few words about his endeavours and his life experiences.

Thank you all!

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest by Principal at the Annual Sports Day

Good afternoon everyone,

On the behalf of St. JKL Academy, I extend a very warm welcome to all of you present here on the 14 th  annual sports meet of our school. Sports are an integral as well as necessary part of our lives.

Sports, whether team based or individual are a great activity for children that provide us a variety of benefits other than physical fitness. Participation in sports can help build self-esteem, confidence and can motivate children to excel academically and can help build their social skills. It can even teach children the ways and benefits of goal setting & practice.

So, with this purpose, we organise a sports meet every year in an order where 100% participation is encouraged and each participant is rewarded and it is the participation of children that is most important for us and gives us immense joy. This year our school has been declared as one of the best institutions of the city which has included and is following extra-curricular activities in the daily time-table. I wish to thank and congratulate each one of you dear parents for, without your support, it would not have been possible for us. Dear parents, what you see today, is the culmination of massive, continuous efforts put in by the students and teachers. So, sit tight and cheer our students with your generous applause.

I am pleased to share that the distinguished guest to honour us with her presence today as the Chief Guest of our Sports day is none other than Ms Babita Kumari Phogat, the legendary Indian wrestler & Olympian. After a biopic (“Dangal”) has been made over their inspiring life stories,  I believe almost all of you must be aware of Phogat sisters who epitomise unfailing spirit to succeed despite all odds. Miss Phogat is one of the Indian women wrestlers who have made their nation proud many a times by their outstanding performance in the area mostly dominated by men.

Her valiant struggle backed by her strong determination brought her all the way where she is now. She has won 3 Gold medals and 1 Silver medal for India in Commonwealth Wrestling Championship along with 2 Bronze medals in World Wrestling Championship & Asian Wrestling Championship. It is a privilege for all of us gathered here to have such a celebrity between us as our esteemed guest of honour.

So, with a huge round of applause, let us please call upon Miss Babita Phogat to grace the dais and share her inspiring life story with all of us here.

Hope you all have a great time.

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest by the Student at Annual day

Hon’ble Chief Guest, Mr. XYZ Kapoor, Chairman Mr Deepak Aggarwal, Principal Ma’am Mrs Rekha  respected teachers, and my dear friends, a very good evening to one & all present here.

This is PQR, student of class12th -C and Cultural Secretary of our ABC school. It is my privilege and pleasure to welcome all of you here on the auspicious day of our school completing its 25 years and celebrating its  Silver  Jubilee function. I feel it is needless to say something about the importance and value of today for all of us. The glittering faces tell that already. We all are extremely happy for our institution and we heartily congratulate all the members on the completion of 25 golden years of our school’s and for the successful leap it has taken. We are now at a junction where an academic chapter closes and a new one begins.

I’ve been a part of the school since I was in 4 th  standard and what a journey it has been with each year having its own triumphs and struggles & yet unique in many ways. All our teachers, instructors, trainers have been quite co-operating and helpful throughout. Our school apart from being awarded as the best school of Noida in academic sector also focuses on extra-curricular activities for every student.

Now, in order to begin with our cultural performances, I am glad to respectfully & cordially welcome the chief guest of the evening, Mr.XYZ Kapoor, who is known all over the country as an educationist, social worker as well as a philanthropist. Our Guest of honour doesn’t require any formal introduction as you all must have heard about his deeds, endeavours and endless contribution towards the society. He is a very respectable personality who is widely known to have put in a lot of efforts in encouraging women empowerment, girl child education, and setting up of old age homes, orphanages and many more accomplishments in the area of social service.

It is a great pleasure to welcome such a noble personality as our Chief Guest tonight. So, on the behalf of one & all present here, let me please extend a welcome to you Sir.

Last but not the least, I welcome and extend my thanks to all my teachers, guardians, friends and all the staff members for taking a keen part in this annual function and making it successful.

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest by the student at the academic award ceremony

Hon’ble Chief Guest,  Mr. DM ,  Mr. DG , Director,  Mrs. P,  Principal ,  Mr. VP , Vice Principal, dignitaries on the dais, respected teachers, parents and my dear friends, a very Good Evening to one & all present in the Auditorium. It is a great pleasure of mine to address and share with you this delightful evening to celebrate and reward the academic achievements of the students of “ XYZ School ”.

This is  Abc , the Head Boy and student of class 12 th -A. School & I am extremely honoured and have this opportunity to address you at this prestigious moment when our institution,  XYZ  School is celebrating its 15 th  Annual Academic Award Ceremony where our school rewards the scholars for their hard work and motivate them to keep their aspirations higher.

Aside, from the fact that this ceremony underlines, our institution’s successful back to back 15 years, in the realm of imparting education to the children, this day is also going to witness the showcasing of the talents of the young minds of our school.

Education is about far more than what happens within the four walls of the classroom and we are very fortunate to have such teachers, trainers and instructors who recognises this. If this building and teachers are the two resources available to the school, then certainly, we the students are the third. Really, one of the joys of teaching is to draw that creative, academic, sporting potential out of their students.

Our school believes that they are not just looking for Academic Qualifications but also for personal qualities like Leadership & teamwork, Determination & Flexibility, Confidence & Self -Belief, Respect & Consideration etc.

I on the behalf of the school and behalf of myself feel delighted to see the hard-work done by the students of 9 th  &10 th  standards even more than we used to do and our fingers crossed for them as they await their results to be declared tonight. I would also give a great deal of credit to all of the students who worked hard and could hit their targets.

The duty which I am bestowed today is to welcome everyone to this grand celebration of encouraging students. So, Firstly, I would like to welcome our Hon’ble Principal Ma’am, the life blood of our school who sleeps less and works more in planning about the betterment of the school and students. We welcome you in the most humble & prestigious programme. It is a special pleasure to heartily welcome all the dearest parents who have constantly extended their love & support to all the high prospects of our institution.

I am glad to respectfully & cordially welcome the Chief Guest of the evening, who does not need any formal introduction as almost all of us gathered here are aware of his deeds done for the development and improvement in the city’s infrastructure and environment. He is the person who has ensured the safety of girls and ladies at prior along with his social services done for the poor and needy people by providing them with shelters. He is none other than  Mr. DM , the District Magistrate of the city.

So, with a huge round of applause, May I please call upon  Mr. DM  on the stage so as to get an opportunity for all of us to listen to such a great personality.

Welcome speech for the Chief Guest on the Annual Day at your College

Hello everyone,

I am extremely privileged to have the opportunity to address you at this important moment when our institution ABC College is celebrating its 23rd Annual Day today. It is always an honour to be able to motivate young minds. Today’s children are the future of our state and the country. Brilliant faces that I am witnessing today, receiving awards and exhibiting their talents will grow up to be the citizens of our beloved nation tomorrow. They may grow up to achieve great success, name and fame and earn a decent living for themselves. But at the same, we wish them to be good human beings too, and make this world a better place to live in.

I would like to take pride in saying that the talent they have displayed here today is the proof that they have the potential to become worthy citizens of our society and help themselves and others in various ways.

We have gathered here on this Annual Day to motivate and inspire young minds to showcase their talent which has given them this recognition. This is a highly important occasion for us because apart from the fact that this celebration highlights our school’s continuous success in the area of education, this platform is also an opportunity to welcome our Chief Guest of the evening today.

On behalf of the ABC College, I cordially and respectfully welcome Mr._____, who is a renowned cardiologist and serving as the Heart Specialist in the prestigious XYZ Hospital. We are certainly grateful to him for courteously and gladly accepting our invitation to become the chief guest of this occasion today. Our chief guest doesn’t need any formal introduction as he is a philanthropist and a distinguished figure in the society. He is been highly respected and known for his kind deeds and professional services in medical as well as social service field. He runs his private clinic too, where he treats the people below poverty line for free of cost. He has ties with some Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) which arrange for free medicines and equipment for the needy. He is indeed a multifaceted personality and society needs several such people. We are all aware of his impeccable treatments which have saved lives of many. He is a highly respectable figure in the society and well-known for his accomplishments and achievements in the field of medical science. It’s really an honour to have him as the chief guest today.

I would also like to welcome all the parents who have continuously supported us in our endeavour to spread the light of true knowledge.

Lastly and importantly, I would like to welcome all the teachers, staffs and students who are the integral part of this college and have always supported the vision and mission of the college. I request all for your kind co-operation throughout the programme and making it a grand success.

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest on Independence Day Celebration in your School

The land of various gods and goddesses, languages, festivals and customs where individuals from different communities, religions, cultures celebrate, enjoy and live together as one i.e. Indians. No wonder, India is incredible.  On 15 th  of August our nation got Independence 70 years ago, and we are proud to say that we have earned this achievement after a lot of struggle and innumerable sacrifices. As we have gathered here today, I take this opportunity to wish every student and our teachers a very Happy Independence Day!

This dais is a big opportunity for me to welcome our chief guest today who is the renowned political figure in the society. He is the Member of the Legislative Assemble (MLA) in our district. He is also a renowned philanthropist and known for his noble deeds. He is the founder of an NGO that works for the poor and deprived children. He is a highly literate person. After completing his graduation from IIT Kharagpur, he joined the Government and contributed towards the construction of several roads and bridges in our town. Our chief guest loves to write in his spare time and he has written several verses, especially focusing on social issues like poverty, unemployment, etc. It is really an honour to have such a distinguished figure as the chief guest today and having his presence is motivational and inspirational for the students of our school.

I would also utilize this platform to thank and welcome sincere parents, who have extended their unconditional love and support to the missions and vision of the school which has been of tremendous help in achieving our goals. The parents have shown tremendous trust in the school which has always been a motivation for the school to reach the zenith of excellence.Last but not the least, I would like to thank all the teachers, students and all staff member of the school who have always been proactive, hard-working and dedicated to make every event a grand success.

As we are aware that every year we celebrate this occasion with several cultural programmes, this year too we are celebrating our Independence with various cultural programs to be performed by the students of our school. These students belong to different communities but they share the feeling of oneness irrespective of their caste, creed, culture, religion or economic background. School teaches everyone to become a good human being above anything else.

I would like to request everyone to first pay respect to our nation and to all the soldiers who fought fearlessly to earn this freedom. May I request you all to stand up and sing together the National Anthem? After that, I would request the honourable chief guest to light the lamp and host the national flag and enlighten us with his motivational speech.

Note * Dear students you can alter the speeches given above according to your need and requirement by replacing the underlined names of chief guest, student, school, principal, vice principal, etc.

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Independence Day (Welcome Speech Sample)

Friends and families, faculties and guest, I’d like to give you all a warm welcome. Today marks another milestone in our history as we set foot to another commemoration and reminding us that we, as a great nation had achieve our independence today.

As we gathered here today, there’s something I have been wanting to tell you about how important is this independence. Have you imagine a country without independence? Can you recall in our history what happens when a certain country have taken over the power of the government to rule among its people? In most of written in history books, there is no country that has never resisted in all the years have conquered them. But why would they resist in the first place? Or why did we? Because being a slave in your own beloved nation is a big disrespect for us. Those conquerors of land and gold have acted ill-mannered towards local people. They treated people differently they classify people from their race and social status creating a big gap towards every member of the community and I don’t think anyone of us would want to feel any justice.

Blood, sweat and tears these are among the prices that were used to pay for what we call freedom. And what does this freedom means to us? The freedom to speak what you have in mind, the freedom to be able to live peacefully without discrimination and freedom to express who you are, are just few of the blessings of what does freedom can do us. And what or how did they manage to get hold of our beloved freedom? It is through a great love to serve the country and serve the people. The heroes of wars have committed their life to protect their love ones and be in service to those who are in need.

Brothers and sisters, many of us here didn’t see the horror and tragedy of what our great grand fathers and mothers have been through. We may not witnessed their courage in the battle field, may not have heard their shout for anguish nor feel the same sorrow they felt when they loss a comrade or a family. But today, we are here to be reminded of these things and learn how to appreciate them. We are here to give constantly honour for their efforts on how gallantly they fought and how they stood tall on every conqueror and every enemies that seeks to subdue us. I understand that there of us, whom easily taken for granted these precious independence that we have as a sovereign, we may think that freedom and independence are small things with no value but in reality, a lot of lives were given just to acquire on what we call ‘independence’. Let us not waste these freedom that we have by exceeding to the limits of our freedom. One example is that, in general idea of morality we are all free to do whatever we want, but if we exceed to the limits of these limits and commit a sin or fault we are wasting the idea of having freedom. Be reminded that every action we take, there’s always a comeback for everything that is why I am asking you all to be patient and loving to every people who are in dire need, because in the end of the day we are all just living proof that our nation and its government have protecting the public to any disturbance.

Let’s not forget that we shouldn’t always ask for what our country can do to us, but more importantly is on what extent can we help to improve our nation as a free country?

welcome speech for chief guest on independence day

welcome speech for chief guest on independence day

Sample Speech by a Chief Guest or Guest of Honor

Ladies and gentlemen,

Distinguished guests,

Faculty members,

Dear students,

I stand before you today with a profound sense of honor and privilege to be invited as the chief guest at this prestigious event. As we gather here, I am reminded of the countless hours of hard work, dedication, and perseverance that have brought us to this moment of celebration.

First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the students who have successfully completed their academic journey. This day marks a significant milestone in your lives, and it is a testament to your commitment to learning and personal growth. Your accomplishments deserve applause, and I am confident that you will continue to achieve greatness in all your future endeavors.

I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the exceptional efforts of the faculty and staff who have guided and nurtured these young minds. Education is the foundation upon which societies are built, and the role of educators cannot be overstated. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to shaping the leaders of tomorrow.

Today's event is not just about individual achievements; it is a celebration of the collective spirit that thrives in this institution. The bonds forged here, the friendships made, and the experiences shared will shape your lives in ways you may not yet fully comprehend. As you step out into the world, remember to cherish these connections and support one another.

While we celebrate this moment of success, we must also recognize the challenges that lie ahead. Our world is rapidly evolving, and with it comes a myriad of global issues, from climate change to social inequality. As the leaders of tomorrow, it is your responsibility to confront these challenges head-on and work towards building a more just and sustainable future.

Embrace innovation, think critically, and foster a spirit of collaboration. The problems we face today require collective solutions that transcend borders and ideologies. I urge you to be the agents of positive change, to be compassionate and empathetic, and to always strive for excellence in whatever you pursue.

Remember that success is not solely measured by individual achievements but also by the impact we have on others and the world around us. As you excel in your chosen fields, consider how you can give back to society and uplift those who are less fortunate. Be role models, mentors, and beacons of hope for others to follow.

Lastly, never forget the value of lifelong learning. Education does not end here; it is a continuous journey of discovery and growth. Keep an open mind, embrace new ideas, and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of knowledge.

Once again, congratulations to the graduating class, and my best wishes to all the students for a bright and promising future. Thank you to the faculty, staff, and everyone involved in making this institution a center of excellence. Together, let us build a world that is compassionate, equitable, and sustainable.

welcome speech for chief guest on independence day

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Welcome Speech for Chief Guest at School and College

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Table of Contents

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest in English – Short and Long Speech

It is the speech given by the person who is in charge of the event to give a welcoming speech to the chief guest. The speech could be given by a student, teacher, Principal, or a host at any event organized in the school, College, or university. The purpose of a welcome speech is to welcome the chief guest and to set the tone for the event. It is important to make the chief guest feel welcome and to ensure that the audience is also aware of the importance of the occasion.

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There are a number of tips which can be useful for anyone who is giving a welcome speech for chief guest. Here we have provided six welcome speeches for chief guests for various events like award ceremonies, annual day , Independence Day , etc. You can select and use any of these welcome speeches according to the event organized at school or College to welcome your invited Chief Guest. So, enjoy the following welcome speech for the Chief Guest:

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest by the Principal at the Annual day

Good evening everyone,

I heartily welcome you all on behalf of ABC Public School, Noida, for the prestigious occasion of our school celebrating its 25 th Annual day on the event of completing its 25 golden years, in other words, celebrating its Silver Jubilee. It isn’t easy to believe that what was once dreamt is being fulfilled. The idea of putting the foundation of an educational institution is inspiring: what was once planted as a sapling is now all grown into a large tree. Here I can see a blend of extraordinary and smart students and their parents who have made this day arrive; they have come to us from every corner of the city.

Every year, I find it my pleasure to address you people who are the young minds of today and the responsible citizens of tomorrow. Our dedicated teachers’ team and I appreciate the parents’ efforts and their wards. So, here I feel privileged to extend my warm welcome to all the dear parents who are constantly extending their support & love to pupils and faculty members of this school.

Taking our evening further and to begin with the Annual Function, I, on behalf of everyone here, heartily welcome the inaugurator and the dignitary of the priceless function today, the Guest of honour, Mr Kapoor, who is the social worker, educationist, and philanthropist. I am incredibly thankful to him as when we approached him with the invitation card & requested him to grace the evening as the Chief Guest, Mr Kapoor accepted our request. He readily agreed when he looked at today’s event and its program.

Mr Kapoor is a well-known name in matters related to Women’s Empowerment . He has put a lot of effort into promoting the education of girl children; for this, he has even set up many small education centres for girls and ladies. Everyone is praising his initiative of setting up an orphanage and a nursing home.

So, give huge applause as I call upon Mr Kapoor for the lamp-lightening ceremony and request him to speak a few words about his endeavors and life experiences.

Thank you all!

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Welcome Speech for Chief Guest by Principal at the Annual Sports Day

Good afternoon everyone,

On behalf of St. JKL Academy, I welcome you to our school’s 14 th annual sports meet speech . Sports are an integral as well as necessary part of our lives.

Sports, whether team-based or individual, are excellent activities for children, providing various benefits other than physical fitness. Participation in sports can help build self-esteem and confidence, motivate children to excel academically, and help build their social skills. It can even teach children the ways and benefits of goal setting & practice.

So, with this purpose, we organize a sports meet every year in an order where 100% participation is encouraged, and each participant is rewarded. Children’s participation is most important for us and gives us immense joy. This year our school has been declared one of the best institutions in the city, which has included and is following extra-curricular activities in the daily timetable. I wish to thank and congratulate each of you, dear parents, for, without your support, it would not have been possible for us. Dear parents, you see today the culmination of massive, continuous student and teacher efforts. So, sit tight and cheer our students with your generous applause.

I am pleased to share that the distinguished Guest to honor us with her presence today as the Chief Guest of our Sports day is Ms Babita Kumari Phogat, the legendary Indian wrestler & Olympian. After a biopic (“Dangal”) has been made over their inspiring life stories, I believe almost all of you must be aware of the Phogat sisters, who epitomize the unfailing spirit to succeed despite all odds. Miss Phogat is one of the Indian women wrestlers who have made their nation proud, often by their outstanding performance in an area mostly dominated by men.

Her valiant struggle, backed by her strong determination, brought her to where she is now. She has won 3 Gold medals and 1 Silver medal for India in Commonwealth Wrestling Championship and 2 Bronze medals in World Wrestling Championship & Asian Wrestling Championship. It is a privilege for all of us gathered here to have such a celebrity between us as our esteemed Guest of honor.

So, with huge applause, please call upon Miss Babita Phogat to grace the dais and share her inspiring life story with us here.

I hope you all have a great time.

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest by the Student at the Annual day

Hon’ble Chief Guest, Mr Kapoor, Chairman Mr Deepak Aggarwal, Principal Ma’am Mrs Rekha, respected teachers, and my dear friends, a very good evening to one & all present here.

This is PQR, a class 12th -C student and Cultural Secretary of our ABC school. It is my privilege and pleasure to welcome you here on the auspicious day of our school completing its 25 years and celebrating its Silver Jubilee function. I feel it is needless to say something about the importance and value of today for all of us. The glittering faces tell that already. We all are extremely happy for our institution, and we heartily congratulate all the members on completing the 25 golden years of our school and for the successful leap it has taken. We are now at a junction where an academic chapter closes and a new one begins.

I’ve been a part of the school since I was in 4 th standard, and what a journey it has been with each year having its triumphs and struggles & yet unique in many ways. All our teachers, instructors, and trainers have cooperated and were helpful throughout. Apart from being awarded as the best school in Noida in the academic sector, our school also focuses on extra-curricular activities for every Student.

Now, to begin with, our cultural performances, I am glad to respectfully & cordially welcome the Chief Guest of the evening, Mr Kapoor, who is known all over the country as an educationist, social worker as well as a philanthropist. Our Guest of honor doesn’t require a formal introduction, as you all must have heard about his deeds, endeavors, and endless contribution to society. He is a very good personality and is widely known to have put in a lot of effort in encouraging women empowerment, girl child education, and setting up nursing homes, orphanages, and many more accomplishments in social service.

It is a great pleasure to welcome such a noble personality as our Chief Guest tonight. So, on behalf of one & all present here, please welcome you, Sir.

Last but not least, I welcome and thank all my teachers, guardians, friends, and staff members for taking a keen part in this annual function and making it successful.

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest by the Student at the academic award ceremony

Hon’ble Chief Guest, Mr DM , Mr DG , Director, Mrs P, Principal, Mr VP , Vice Principal, dignitaries on the dais, respected teachers, parents, and my dear friends, a very Good Evening to one & all present in the Auditorium. It is a great pleasure to address and share this delightful evening to celebrate and reward the academic achievements of the students of “ XYZ School .”

This is Abc , the Head Boy and Student of class 12 th -A. School & I are extremely honored and have this opportunity to address you at this prestigious moment when our institution, XYZ School, is celebrating its 15 th Annual Academic Award Ceremony, where our school rewards the scholars for their hard work and motivates them to keep their aspirations higher.

Aside from the fact that this ceremony underlines our institution’s success back to 15 years in the realm of imparting education to the children, this day will also witness the showcasing of the talents of the young minds of our school.

Education is about far more than what happens within the four walls of the classroom, and we are very fortunate to have such teachers, trainers, and instructors who recognize this. If this building and teachers are the two resources available to the school, then certainly, we, the students, are the third. One of the joys of teaching is to draw that creative, academic, and sporting potential out of their students.

Our school believes that they are not just looking for Academic Qualifications but also for personal qualities like Leadership & teamwork, Determination & Flexibility, Confidence & Self -Belief, Respect & Consideration, etc.

I, on behalf of the school and behalf of myself, feel delighted to see the hard work done by the students of 9 th &10 th standards even more than we used to do, and our fingers are crossed for them as they await their results to be declared tonight. I would also give great credit to all students who worked hard and could hit their targets.

My duty today is to welcome everyone to this grand celebration of encouraging students. So, Firstly, I would like to welcome our Hon’ble Principal Ma’am, the lifeblood of our school who sleeps less and works more in planning for the betterment of the school and students. We welcome you to the most humble & prestigious program. It is a special pleasure to heartily welcome all the dearest parents who have constantly extended their love & support to our institution’s high prospects.

I am glad to respectfully & cordially welcome the Chief Guest of the evening, who does not need a formal introduction as almost all of us gathered here know his deeds for developing and improving the city’s infrastructure and environment. He is the person who has ensured the safety of girls and ladies prior, along with his social services done for the poor and needy people by providing them with shelters. He is none other than Mr DM , the District Magistrate of the city.

So, with huge applause, May I please call upon Mr DM on the stage to get an opportunity for all of us to listen to such a great personality.

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Welcome speech for the Chief Guest on the Annual Day at your College

Hello everyone,

I am extremely privileged to have the opportunity to address you at this important moment when our institution ABC College is celebrating its 23rd Annual Day today. It is always an honor to be able to motivate young minds. Today’s children are the future of our state and the country. Brilliant faces that I am witnessing today, receiving awards and exhibiting their talents, will grow up to be the citizens of our beloved nation tomorrow. They may grow up to achieve great success, name, and fame and earn a decent living for themselves. But at the same time, we wish them to be good human beings and make this world a better place to live in.

I want to take pride in saying that the talent they have displayed here today is proof that they have the potential to become worthy citizens of our society and help themselves and others in various ways.

We have gathered here on this Annual Day to motivate and inspire young minds to showcase their talent, which has given them this recognition. This is a significant occasion for us because apart from the fact that this celebration highlights our school’s continuous success in the area of education, this platform is also an opportunity to welcome our Chief Guest of the evening today.

On behalf of ABC College, I cordially and respectfully welcome Mr._____, a renowned cardiologist who serves as the Heart Specialist in the prestigious XYZ Hospital. We are certainly grateful to him for courteously and gladly accepting our invitation to become the Chief Guest on this occasion today. Our chief Guest doesn’t need a formal introduction as he is a philanthropist and a distinguished societal figure.

He runs his private clinic too, where he treats people below the poverty line free of cost. He ties with some Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), which arrange free medicines and equipment for the needy. He is indeed a multifaceted personality, and society needs several such people. We are all aware of his impeccable treatments, which have saved the lives of many. It’s an honor to have him as the Chief Guest today.

I would also like to welcome all the parents who have continuously supported us in our endeavor to spread the light of true knowledge.

Lastly and importantly, I would like to welcome all the teachers, staff, and students who are an integral part of this College and have always supported the vision and mission of the College. I request all for your kind co-operation throughout the program and making it a grand success.

Welcome Speech for Chief Guest on Independence Day Celebration in your School

The land of various gods and goddesses, languages, festivals, and customs where individuals from different communities, religions, and cultures celebrate, enjoy, and live together as one, i.e., Indians. No wonder India is incredible. On the 15 th of August, our nation got Independence 70 years ago, and we are proud to say that we have earned this achievement after a lot of struggle and innumerable sacrifices. As we have gathered here today, I take this opportunity to wish every Student and our teachers a very Happy Independence Day!

This dais is a big opportunity for me to welcome our chief Guest today, a renowned political figure in society. He is a member of our district’s Legislative Assembly ( MLA ). He is also a renowned philanthropist and known for his noble deeds. He is the founder of an NGO that works for poor and deprived children. He is a highly literate person. After graduating from IIT Kharagpur , he joined the Government and contributed to constructing several roads and bridges in our town. Our chief Guest loves writing in his spare time and has written several verses, especially focusing on social issues like poverty, unemployment , etc. It is an honor to have such a distinguished figure as the Chief Guest today, and having his presence is motivational and inspirational for the students of our school.

I would also utilize this platform to thank and welcome sincere parents who have extended their unconditional love and support to the school’s missions and vision, which has been of tremendous help in achieving our goals. The parents have shown tremendous trust in the school, which has always motivated the school to reach the zenith of excellence. Last but not least, I would like to thank all the teachers, students, and all staff members of the school who have always been proactive, hard-working, and dedicated to making every event a grand success.

These students belong to different communities but share the feeling of oneness irrespective of their caste, creed, culture, religion, or economic background. School teaches everyone to become a good human being above anything else.

I want everyone to respect our nation and the soldiers who fought fearlessly to earn this freedom. May I request that you all stand up and sing the National Anthem together? After that, I would request the honorable chief Guest to light the lamp, host the national flag, and enlighten us with his motivational speech.

Note * Dear students, you can alter the speeches given above according to your need and requirement by replacing the underlined names of the Chief Guest, Student, school, Principal, vice principal, etc.

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FAQs on Welcome Speech for Chief Guest at at School and College

How do you give a welcome speech to a chief guest.

To give a welcome speech to a chief guest, begin by expressing gratitude for their presence, mention their notable achievements or contributions, and convey the significance of their presence to the occasion. Make it heartfelt, succinct, and respectful.

How do you start a welcome speech at school?

Start a welcome speech at school with a warm greeting to the audience, a mention of the occasion or significance of the day, and express appreciation for those attending. Incorporate anecdotes or brief stories to connect with the audience and set a positive tone for the event.

How do you welcome a guest?

Welcoming a guest involves a sincere greeting, making them feel valued and appreciated, ensuring their comfort, and extending any necessary courtesies or assistance that makes their visit pleasant.

What do you say as a chief guest in a school function?

As a chief guest in a school function, begin by thanking the institution for the honor, commend the students and staff for their achievements, share relevant experiences or insights that might inspire the audience, and conclude by wishing them success for their endeavors.

How do you introduce a chief guest in English?

Introduce a chief guest in English by first addressing the audience, followed by mentioning the guest's full name, their notable accomplishments or roles, and the significance of their presence. Make sure to use formal and respectful language, ensuring the guest feels esteemed.

How do you write a formal welcome?

A formal welcome is written with a courteous tone. Start by addressing the recipient or audience, mention the purpose or occasion, express gratitude for their presence or participation, and provide any pertinent information or agenda for the event.

How do you welcome and greet guests?

To welcome and greet guests, offer a warm and genuine smile, extend a polite greeting that is suitable for the occasion, ask about their well-being or journey, and make sure they feel at ease throughout their visit.

How can I welcome new members?

Welcome new members by sending a personalized message or note expressing your gratitude for joining, introducing them to the community or group, offering resources or information to get them started, and encouraging open communication for any questions or needs.

How do you greet a chief guest on stage?

Greet a chief guest on stage with a firm handshake or appropriate gesture, address them by their formal title or designation, thank them for gracing the event, and provide a brief overview of the occasion or program ahead.

How do you welcome a guest in anchoring?

While anchoring, welcome a guest with enthusiasm, briefly mention their accolades or significance to the event, and segue into the discussion or activity they are a part of. Ensure smooth transitions and make the guest feel spotlighted and valued.

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Short Welcome Speech

Short welcome speech generator.

welcome speech for chief guest on independence day

“Greetings and Salutations to each and every one of you. My name is Mr. John Smith and I welcome you all to this amazing event.” Now, did that sound familiar? Making welcome speeches for any type of event whether it is for school activities, welcoming important people or even during an important meeting with new people. Don’t worry, this article is going to help you with making a good short welcome speech for an event, for school or for welcoming a chief guest. You are going to get some examples, basically 10+ examples for short welcome speeches, and some tips on making a good short welcome speech and how to present it. Check it out right now.

10+ Short Welcome Speech Examples

1. short welcome celebration speech.

Short Welcome Celebration Speech

Size: 66 KB

2. Formal Short Welcome Speech

Formal Short Welcome Speech

Size: 153 KB

3. Short Welcome Chief Guest Speech

Short Welcome Chief Guest Speech

Size: 136 KB

4. Sample Short Welcome Speech

Sample Short Welcome Speech

Size: 99 KB

5. Short Welcome Conference Speech

Short Welcome Conference Speech

Size: 188 KB

6. Short Welcome Speech Format

Short Welcome Speech Format

Size: 101 KB

7. Short Welcome Dinner Speech

Short Welcome Dinner Speech

Size: 182 KB

8. Short Welcome Directors Speech

Short Welcome Directors Speech

Size: 510 KB

9. Short Welcome Education Speech

Short Welcome Education Speech

Size: 22 KB

10. Short Welcome Governor Speech

Short Welcome Governor Speech

Size: 163 KB

11. Short Welcome Speech Example

Short Welcome Speech Example

Size: 76 KB

The Definition of a Welcome Speech

A welcome speech as the name suggests, is a type of speech that is mostly given by the host or hosts at the beginning of an event or a ceremony. This is where the speaker is showing some gratitude and appreciation for the people who took their time to attend the event. Welcome speeches are mostly used in school events, church events, wedding events, or any type of event that a lot of people attend too.

The Importance of Welcome Speeches

One of the most important things to remember when making welcome speeches is the fact that this is your way of captivating your audiences. This may depend on how well you deliver the speech to draw your audience in to listen. Another thing to remember is that a welcome speech should not be too long or too short. Not too short to forget to mention your guests, nor too long that it drags on.

Tips to Write Short Welcome Speeches

As we all know, welcome speeches can either turn boring or fun, depending on how they are prepared. Nobody wants to hear a speech that is too boring or too long. So to avoid issues like that, here are some tips to write short welcome speeches, followed by tips to present your short welcome speeches.

Tips for writing short welcome speeches

  • Prepare – start by simply preparing. The question here is to prepare what. Start by thinking about what you want to write. What event are you attending that needs a short introduction?
  • Draft – the next thing you should do is to make a draft of your welcome speech. Start with the important details. For example, if you are attending a church event , remember to write the names of the important people. If you are attending a graduation event, the honored guests’ names must be written as well.
  • Choice of Words – Pick your words carefully when writing a short welcome speech. Add some lively details to it but also keep it simple. You are only welcoming people and thanking them for coming . The welcome speech is not used as the main course, but merely an appetizer to the whole event.
  • Revise – After you have written it down, check your whole speech. Make sure the details are there as well as the correct spelling and word usage.
  • Tone – The tone of your writing should match the event you are attending. If it is a lively event, make it as lively as possible, if it is a depressing event, make sure it is as well.

Tips on presenting your welcome speech

  • Voice – Your voice should not be too loud nor too soft. Rather, it is enough to be heard from the back.
  • Practice – Practice on doing your speech before the actual event. Ask someone to give you feedback on how well you presented yourself and work from there.
  • Maintain Eye Contact – remember when talking to people you must make eye contact. Let your audience feel you are happy to see them attend the event.
  • Posture – How you bring yourself when making the welcome speech can say a lot of things. So it is best to stand up straight, be confident, and welcome your guests with a smile.

How many paragraphs does it take to make a short welcome speech?

Just one short paragraph. Welcome speeches are not supposed to be too long or too short. A simple 4 to 5 sentences will do, as long as the necessary details are there.

Is there a shortcut to making welcome speeches?

There is no shortcut but with practice you are able to be good at it in no time.

How do I make my short welcome speech less boring?

Watch your tone, your word usage and how you present yourself and when you read your welcome speech.

“Greetings ladies and gentlemen” this may not be much of a head turner, but it’s a start. How you present your welcome speech also matters. Being familiar with the tips on writing and the tips of giving the speech may help you in the long run. There are no shortcuts to making the best speeches, but with a lot of practice and experiences, giving welcome speeches would be a breeze.


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  24. Short Welcome Speech

    Don't worry, this article is going to help you with making a good short welcome speech for an event, for school or for welcoming a chief guest. You are going to get some examples, basically 10+ examples for short welcome speeches, and some tips on making a good short welcome speech and how to present it. Check it out right now.