The 30 Best Movie Inspirational Speeches

Cinema's most stirring oratories and spirit-raising team talks.


In times of trouble, you need a little help getting up and going, and film can often provide just that. Cinema has a long and storied history of providing great words of motivation and encouragement, sometimes for the characters' own benefit and occasionally to the audience. Here, we've chosen 30 of the best that should fit almost any occasion - but if you're really pressed for time, here are 40 condensed into a two-minute span { =nofollow}. If you have a little longer, read on!

Also: The 25 Best Movie Bollockings

The Great Dictator

Made at a time when the shadow of World War II was looming over Europe, Charlie Chaplin’s speech here – he’s playing a poor Jewish barber in disguise as a preening dictator and forced to address a Nuremberg-style rally – is a heartfelt plea for sanity and compassion in a time of madness. It’s the perfect antidote to extremism, and uses fiery rhetoric for good. If only we’d be able to pull this switcheroo in real life.

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Independence Day

Sure, there are cheesemongers with less cheese on offer than you see here and OK, the American jingoism doesn’t work at all for those of us not of a Yank disposition. But Bill Pullman’s slightly sheepish style blends here with steely determination, and he delivers the American St Crispin’s Day speech with conviction. Then, like any US President, he leaps into his fighter jet and flies off to battle aliens.

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For those who prefer a little humour in their motivational speeches, try the pitch-black streak in this opener, establishing Russell Crowe’s Maximus Decimus Meridius as a leader of men and a helluva guy. Galloping around the Legions in his cool armour and fur-lined cloak, you might question whether he really needs an entire army to back him up, but you’ll never doubt for a moment that they’d choose to follow him as he unleashes hell.

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Any Given Sunday

There’s a lot to be said for a little personal touch to leaven your high-flung rhetoric, and it’s a trick that Al Pacino uses well here, in the first of three American football speeches we’re going to include (hey, we can’t help it if the heavily-padded sport produces some great pep talks). Pacino’s troubled Tony D’Amato unveils his own problems with brutal honesty before using his own failures as a spur to rev on his team to greatness, speaking of team spirit and commitment as someone who has been known to suck at both.

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Friday Night Lights

The film has been somewhat overshadowed nowadays by the equally good TV show that followed it, but watch Billy Bob Thornton here and be reminded that Kyle Chandler isn’t the only fundamentally decent man who can inspire a team of small-town boys to great efforts in pursuit of perfection. It’s also worth noting that he puts his emphasis here on excelling and not winning, making it clear that victory isn’t only measured by the scoreboard. Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.

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It is, and will probably always be, the greatest inspirational speech ever made. It’s endlessly flexible, and works even when not declaimed by the classically trained (see this Renaissance Man version for proof). And it’s by Shakespeare, still the best writer in Hollywood. We have, controversially perhaps, chosen Branagh’s version over Olivier’s because the latter sounds a little shrill to the modern ear, while Branagh convinces us that he could convince his men. This speech, given by the titular monarch to a vastly outnumbered force about to fight the French, obviously works especially well for English people, but by God, Harry and St George, it’s universal in its rousing effect.

Buy Henry V

This is a little-known film in the UK but it’s revered in certain communities in the US. Sean Astin’s Rudy has overcome dyslexia, poor grades and his relatively small stature to win a place on Notre Dame’s famous Fighting Irish American football team. Only problem is that he’s never been off the bench, and with his final game approaching he threatens to quit the team if he isn’t allowed to play – prompting this inspirational speech / telling off from a friend who points out that he’s being whiny and entitled and needs to grow a pair. Soon he’s back on the bench and given a starting position when his entire team threatens not to play unless he’s given a shot.

An honourable mention for Hector’s pep talk but Achilles wins the battle of the inspirational speeches just as he wins their duel (c’mon, that’s not a spoiler; it’s in the 2000 year-old Iliad). This is a short snippet, but then godlike Achilles, the man-killer, is a man of action rather than words. And what he does say – focusing on lions, glory and the manifold abilities of his small, hand-picked group of Myrmidons – would convince a rock to fight any Trojan who dared oppose it.

Animal House

Not every inspirational speech is about trying to inspire his cohorts to kill people or batter them up and down the length of a football field. Some aspire to a higher goal. Some aspire to debauchery, drinking and probably nudity. Some aspire to party like 1999 might have done had it tried harder. Some aspire to a particular kind of grubby, deranged greatness. One such is John Belushi’s Bluto, and this is the greatest night of his life.

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The Goonies

Come the hour, cometh the man – and in this case the man is a small, asthmatic Sean Astin, inspiring his fellow Goonies to never say die and to keep going in their quest to find treasure and save their community. In his yellow rain slicker and with his voice on the edge of breaking he may not look like a modern Napoleon, but he has the same effect on his exhausted and discouraged troopers. He’s so good you’ll almost forget to laugh at his mentions of One-Eyed Willy. snigger

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The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King

Death comes to us all, and Aragorn ain’t going to lie about it. But he still gees up his troops with the assurance that their civilisation will survive the onslaught of the forces of Mordor. Sure, they’re vastly outnumbered and sure, it seems likely that Frodo has failed in his quest to destroy the Ring in Mount Doom (especially if you’re watching the Extended Edition) but Viggo Mortensen’s Aragorn ensures that no one will be quitting any time soon. Not this day!

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Bill Murray isn’t usually the guy you turn to for sincere, inspiring words of comfort. He’s more the type to puncture any attempt at same, and probably to fast-talk his opponents into giving up and going for a karaoke session while he’s about it. But after his heart grows two sizes during the course of Scrooged, he makes a plea for kindness and niceness from all mankind. He still does it in a recognisably Murray, manic and scattershot way, but that just makes him all the more compelling. Someone hire this man to play Santa Claus.

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Stirring sports speeches are limited to American Football. Miracle On Ice chronicles the based-on-truth tale of how the US Olympic hockey team triumphed over their Russian rivals. Kurt Russell's the speech-giver here, playing coach Herb Brooks. "Tonight, we are the greatest hockey team in the world," he tells them. You'll feel a swell of pride and inspiration too.

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Deep Blue Sea

“You think water’s fast? You should see ice.” Samuel L. Jackson’s been around the block more than once, and he’s seen the worst of mankind. It’s with the weight of that history behind him that he takes charge and orders his fellow survivors of a marine disaster to start pulling together and quit arguing. His speech also has what is, unquestionably, the greatest punchline on this list. Still, it achieves the desired effect once everyone has quit screaming.

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If in doubt, steal from classical history, something that David Wenham’s Dilios demonstrates with aplomb here. In actual history, the one survivor of the 300 was so shamed by his survival that he executed a suicidal one-man attack on the Persians at this Battle of Plataea, but Wenham seems more in control and also like he has quite a bit of back-up. “The enemy outnumber us a paltry three-to-one,” notes Dilios triumphantly. Why, it was hardly worth the Persians turning up.

Good Will Hunting

Here’s an inspirational speech well-suited to highly-paid sports teams and the enormously talented. Ben Affleck’s argument is, basically, that if you’re lucky enough to get extraordinary chances in your life, it’s your duty to the rest of us schmoes to actually take those chances and run with them as far as you can. If you can get past the shellsuit and the hair, he’s basically Yoda-like in his wisdom.

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Most people only remember the last word – “Freedom!” – but the rest of the speech is pretty killer too. Mel Gibson’s William Wallace starts off by puncturing his own legend, and acknowledges the urge to cut and run in the face of a far superior English force. But then he reminds his men what they’d be missing if they do, and soon they’re all back on side and facing down the hated English. By the end of this speech, you’ll all hate the English with them – even if you are one.

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Coach Carter

You’d expect the inspiration in this basketball film to come from the titular no-nonsense coach, played by a fiery Samuel L. Jackson. But in fact it’s one of his players who nabs the best lines, as he and the team sit studying to keep their grades as high as their scores. There is a little cheating here: Rick Gonzalez’ Timo actually steals his inspirational speech from Marianne Williamson (it’s sometimes wrongly attributed to Nelson Mandela) but he delivers it well so we’re going to allow it.

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While it’s his skills in the ring that he is most lauded for, Rocky Balboa is something of a poet to boot. An incoherent one, certainly; a poet who says “I guess” a lot more often than Wordsworth might like, but a poet nevertheless. His moving words here, as he single-handedly ends the Cold War and ushers in a new era of East-West relations, are just one example. Another is…

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Rocky Balboa

If his last speech was incoherent – in fairness, his rhythm may have been thrown off by the translator – this one verges on incomprehensible when he really gets going. Still, there’s real passion in Rocky’s plea for one last shot and an argument that’s applicable to all sorts of situations of institutional injustice or unfeeling bureaucracy.

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Stand And Deliver

Those who've watched him on the modern Battlestar Galactica know that Edward James Olmos is a past master at giving speeches. This is him from a little earlier in his career, playing Jaime Escalante, a real-life teacher who inspired his students to stop dropping out and start taking calculus seriously. Here, he's handing out as pop quiz, so anyone having to home school their kids can take note.

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Good Night, And Good Luck

This one is couched particularly at media moguls, but there’s a call for excellence and the highest moral standards here that we would all do well to live by. David Strathairn’s Edward R. Murrow, in a speech lifted directly from Murrow’s actual address to the Radio and Television News Directors Association in 1958, pleads for TV to inform as well as entertain. We feel that if more people saw this speech, Made In Chelsea would be cancelled immediately and reality TV would be banned, so spread the word!

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Anyone who has ever flirted with a romantic interest knows the risk of being knocked back, and Jon Favreau's Mike is experiencing a crisis of confidence. Luckily for him, he has Vince Vaughn's Trent to talk him back into the game, and Alex Désert's Charles to remind him that he's so money. He's a bear! And she's a bunny! Everything is going to be fine.

Buy Swingers

Charles Dutton’s second appearance on this list, after Rudy, sees him once again reminding lesser men (and women) to get with the programme, pull the finger out and generally stand up and be counted. But this time they’re facing unstoppable acid-blooded xenomorphs rather than American football players, so he has to be extra-emphatic.

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Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End

Remarkably few women get to deliver inspirational speeches in movies – apparently they’re relegated to clapping admiringly from the sidelines. Thank goodness for Elizabeth Swan (Keira Knightley) who is elected King of the Pirates and rouses her troops into action for a last-ditch fight against the Lord Beckett’s overwhelming forces, led by the Flying Dutchman. She may not have quite the lungs of others on the list, but there’s no doubting her conviction as she calls for them to “Hoist the colours!” – the Jolly Roger – and sail out one last time.

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The Replacements

One doesn’t expect lengthy speeches from Keanu “Woah” Reeves (although he’s done his share of Shakespeare actually) but he’s rarely more succinct and to the point than in this chat with his fellow Replacements. And in fact there are few speeches more likely to be effective in motivating an exhausted team for one last effort. “Chicks dig scars” could be used by virtually every example here to drive on the listeners.

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Bill Murray at it again, and once more an unconventional speech. This time out, he's John Winger, a loser who decides that he and best pal Russell Ziskey (Harold Ramis) will join the Army. Stuck with a group of oddballs, and, after a night of partying, decides to rally his fellow troops. It works... Sort of. But Murray's typically laconic style works well for the speech itself.

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The Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King

All seems lost for Samwise Gamgee (Sean Astin again) and Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood) as they lie, exhausted, on the slopes of Mount Doom. Frodo’s beyond endurance and raving as the influence of the Ring grows ever stronger on him, and his desperate straits drive Sam to one last push. It’s barely a speech, really – he uses his words better here – but there are few moments more inspirational.

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The Shawshank Redemption

A quiet moment between Tim Robbins' Andy Dufresne and Morgan Freeman's Red became one of the more memorable moments in Shawshank , a movie with no shortage of them. And for those who are spending more time inside than perhaps they might be used to, Andy's musing on what he would do if he got out of prison are inspirational in themselves, even before he gets to that iconic line.

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Avengers: Endgame

Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America, is not shy of breaking out speech mode when the moment calls for it. And inspiring the Avengers as they're about to embark on a trip through space and time to retrieve the Infinity Stones certainly seems like that moment. "Whatever it takes," indeed.

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Best Movie Monologues Top Ranked for Writers and Actors Featured

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Best Movie Monologues — Top 20 Ranked for Writers & Actors

M ovies have been known to transport us to different worlds, times, and experiences through the power of storytelling. And one of the most magical ways that movies do this is through the use of monologues. From inspiring speeches that make us want to stand up and take action to heart-wrenching confessions that bring us to tears, the best movie monologues can capture the essence of a film and stay with us long after the credits have rolled. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the best monologues in movie history that have left an imprint on our hearts and minds. 

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Best Monologues from Movies

20. call me by your name  (2017).

Call Me By Your Name Monologue 

In the film Call Me By Your Name , Elio’s father, played by Michael Stuhlbarg shares a powerful monologue with his son as they sit quietly together. The father reflects on his own experiences with love and heartbreak, and shares a powerful message about the importance of embracing life's challenges and being courageous in the face of uncertainty. 

The monologue is a poignant moment of connection between father and son, and a reminder to all of us to live fully in the present moment, and to never be afraid to take a chance on love, no matter where it may lead us.

Best Movie Monologues in Dramas

19. manchester by the sea (2016).

Manchester by the Sea Police Station Scene

Manchester by the Sea is a powerful film that deals with themes of grief, loss, and redemption. One of the most memorable moments in the film comes in the form of a monologue delivered by the character Lee Chandler, played brilliantly by Casey Affleck, in a police station. 

The monologue is a raw and heartbreaking exploration of the human condition and is a testament to the film's incredible writing and acting. The scene is a pivotal moment in the story and showcases the power of cinema to move us deeply and challenge our understanding of the world around us.

Best Monologues from Movies 

18. gone girl (2014).

Gone Girl  •  Cool Girl Monologue

In Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl , one of the most memorable and chilling moments comes in the form of the "cool girl" monologue by Rosamund Pike playing Amy Dunne. The monologue is both a scathing critique of societal norms and a poignant examination of the masks we wear to fit in.

With razor-sharp prose and a gut-punch of a message, the "cool girl" monologue is a standout moment in an already-iconic novel.

Famous Movie Monologues

17. hidden figures (2016).

Hidden Figures Bathroom Speech Scene

This powerful monologue from the award-winning   Hidden Figures is short, but powerful. As one of the few black women working as mathematicians at NASA during the Civil Rights era, Katherine Johnson, played by Taraji P. Henson, is constantly faced with discrimination and segregation. 

Her words ring with a raw truth and an unflinching determination to fight against the systemic racism that surrounded her every day. The bathroom may seem like a small issue, but it becomes a poignant symbol of the larger struggle for equality and dignity in a world that seeks to diminish the humanity of those who do not fit into its narrow mold.

Oscar Winning Best Monologues from Movies

16. everything everywhere all at once.

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Everything Everywhere All at Once  •  Monologue 

One of the most recent monologues on this list comes from The Daniels’ iconic Everything Everywhere All at Once  (2022). The scene features the character of Ling, played by Michelle Yeoh, who reminisces about a past life where she wished to share the mundane yet intimate moments of daily life with someone she loved. 

We brought the monologues into StudioBinder’s screenwriting app to analyze it further and see how it helped land Ke Huy Quan his first Oscar.

The monologue is a testimony to the emotional depth and subtlety of the film's storytelling, and it will surely leave a lasting impression on anyone who watches it.

15. The Tragedy of Macbeth (2021)

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow 

While the writing of the monologue itself can’t be attributed solely to the Coen’s, their adaptation of it on the screen as well as Denzel Washington’s brilliant performance gives it a spot on this list. 

In this  adaptation  of  Macbeth from the Coen Brothers , Denzel Washington delivers a haunting performance in the iconic "Tomorrow Tomorrow Tomorrow" monologue. The Coen Brothers' haunting imagery , coupled with Washington's unforgettable performance, makes this one of the most captivating and memorable adaptations of Shakespeare's tragedy.

Tarantino’s Best Movie Monologues

14. inglorious basterds (2009).

Inglourious Basterds Monologue

Brad Pitt's opening monologue in one of Quentin Tarantino's best movies , Inglourious Basterds , is a tour de force in cinematic storytelling. Playing the role of Lt. Aldo Raine, Pitt delivers a fiery and captivating speech that sets the stage for the entire film.

His aggressive and almost comical demeanor adds to the intensity of his words, as the audience is pulled into the world of WWII-era Europe. 

As an actor, Pitt brings a larger-than-life quality to the role that perfectly captures Tarantino's punk rock style of filmmaking. Overall, Pitt's opening monologue in Inglourious Basterds is a masterclass in acting and writing, and sets a tone for the film that is both exciting and unforgettable.

Famous Movie Monologues in Voice Over

13. american psycho (2000).

Morning Routine  •  American Psycho

The morning routine voice-over monologue in American Psycho has become one of the most iconic and recognizable scenes in film history. Christian Bale's portrayal of the psychotic Patrick Bateman perfectly captures the absurdity and darkness of the character's morning rituals. 

The monologue's absurdity and dark humor have made it a favorite among fans, and it has since been parodied and referenced in countless films, TV shows, and even internet memes. Bale's mesmerizing performance and the monologue's unique mix of horror and humor have solidified its place in cinema history as one of the most memorable and iconic monologues.

Best Movie Monologues in Action Films

12. the matrix (1999).

Blue Pill or Red Pill  •  The Matrix

"Red or blue? The choice is yours." These famous words spoken by Morpheus in the sci-fi blockbuster, The Matrix , have become synonymous with the idea of making life-altering decisions. The moment when Morpheus holds out his palms, offering Neo the choice between the red pill and the blue pill, is a pop culture classic. 

The red pill or blue pill monologue is more than just a movie quote, it's a metaphor for the truth-seeking journey we all embark on at some point in our lives. Whether we choose the red pill and accept the harsh realities of the world or the blue pill and live in blissful ignorance, this moment in The Matrix will forever be remembered as a pivotal point in cinematic history.

11. The Godfather  (1972)

THE GODFATHER  •  Opening Scene

While there are a few great monologues in one of the greatest gangster films of all time The Godfather perhaps the most iconic is found in the opening scene.

"Bonasera, Bonasera." These two simple words, uttered by Salvatore Corsitta have become synonymous with cinematic brilliance. The opening monologue delivered by Corsitta is a masterful display of storytelling that sets the tone for what is to come. In just a few short minutes, we are transported into the world of the Corleone family and understand the power dynamics at play. 

The melancholic music, coupled with the somber tone of the scene is a stark contrast to the violence that lies ahead. Salvatore Corsitta's monologue is not only a scene-setting device but also an iconic moment in cinematic history. 

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Robin Williams’ Famous Movie Monologues

10. good will hunting (1997).

Robin Williams' Speech  •  Good Will Hunting

Robin Williams' performance in Good Will Hunting was unforgettable, particularly his powerful monologue in the park scene. In that scene, Williams, who played the character of therapist Sean Maguire, talked to Matt Damon's character Will Hunting about love, loss, and life.

It was a perfectly written and performed monologue that achieved exactly what it had to for the plot, character, and emotional story

Williams' performance in Good Will Hunting remains a testament to his incredible talent and his ability to connect with audiences in meaningful ways. His work in the film will be remembered for years to come as a true cinematic masterpiece.

9. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

The Shawshank Redemption  •  Rehabilitation

Through his measured and melodic delivery, Freeman brought a sense of wisdom and gravitas to his monologue in The Shawshank Redemption , making it a standout moment in the film. He spoke with empathy and insight about the challenges of re-establishing oneself in society after being incarcerated.

Critics and audiences alike praised Freeman for his performance, which was a testament to his incredible talent as an actor. His portrayal of Redding remains one of the highlights of his career, and his monologue is often considered to be one of the most poignant and memorable moments in the film.

Brando’s Best Movie Monologues

8. apocalypse now (1979).

Apocalypse Now: Marlon Brando Horror Speech 

It would be difficult to have any sort of best monologue list without one mention of Marlon Brando. In one of Francis Ford Coppola’s best films Apocalypse Now , Brando's character, Colonel Kurtz, delivers a haunting speech in which he reflects on his experiences during the Vietnam War.

Despite the notorious challenges on set with Brando, his performance in the monologue scene is truly mesmerizing. He was given free reign to improvise (since Brando never read the script) which in the end contributed to the truly immortal performance.

Overall, Brando's monologue in Apocalypse Now is a testament to his talent as an actor. Despite the challenges, he was able to deliver a performance that is still talked about and revered today.

Monologues Movies Female Performances

7. fences (2016).

Fences  •  The Same Spot As You Scene

Viola Davis' performance as Rose in the film Fences cements her as one of the best actors working today. As Rose confronts her husband (Denzel Washington) about his infidelities and his failure to appreciate her sacrifices, Davis delivers a raw and emotional performance that leaves a lasting impact on the audience. 

Her words are filled with pain and frustration, yet also with a deep sense of resilience and determination. Through her powerful delivery and aching vulnerability, Davis captures the essence of a woman who has endured years of hurt and betrayal but refuses to be broken. It's a stunning moment in a truly unforgettable film.

Great Monologues in Movies

6. to kill a mockingbird (1962).

All Men Are Created Equal  •  To Kill a Mockingbird

In the film adaptation of Harper Lee's masterpiece novel, To Kill a Mockingbird , Gregory Peck delivers a stunning closing argument monologue that leaves a lasting impact on the viewer. 

Peck plays Atticus Finch, a small-town lawyer defending a black man falsely accused of rape. With unwavering conviction, Peck captures the essence of Atticus, delivering a poignant speech that speaks to the human spirit and embodies the virtues of courage, compassion, and equality.

His masterful portrayal of Atticus Finch is a testament to his exceptional talent as an actor and solidifies his place as a Hollywood legend.

5. Pulp Fiction (1994)

Pulp Fiction  •  The Gold Watch monologue

In the iconic film Pulp Fiction , Christopher Walken proves his ability to captivate audiences even when he has only a few minutes of screen time. Playing the role of Captain Koons, Walken's character regales a young Butch Coolidge with the history of the watch, which had been passed down through generations of Coolidge's family. 

The intensity in Walken's voice and delivery captures the attention of audiences as he recounts the watch's journey from a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam to Coolidge's father, who died with the watch hidden in his rectum. 

Rocky’s Best Monologues from Movies

4. rocky balboa (2006).

Rocky Balboa's inspirational speech

In the 2006 film Rocky Balboa , Sylvester Stallone delivers an inspiring monologue as Rocky Balboa, the boxing legend, as he motivates his son. 

Stallone's delivery is masterful, depicting the wise and grounded wisdom of a seasoned fighter imparting his knowledge to his son. It is a powerful speech that resonates with anyone who has had to face struggles and hardships in life, and it serves as a reminder that the only things that can truly hold us back are the limits we place on ourselves.

3. Persona (1966)

Persona  •  Alma’s Confessions

The 1966 film Persona features a riveting monologue delivered by Bibi Andersson in her role as Alma, a nurse caring for a mentally unstable actress. In the monologue, Alma pours out her innermost thoughts and feelings, confessing her darkest secrets and desires to the actress. 

The monologue provides a deep understanding of who Alma is, giving the audience insight into her complex psyche.  The monologue beautifully explores the themes of identity, self-discovery, and the blurred lines between reality and fiction. 

Spielberg’s Dramatic Monologues from Movies

2. jaws (1975).

Jaws  •  The Indianapolis Speech Scene 

The Indianapolis Speech monologue in one of Spielberg’s best films Jaws is considered one of the most iconic movie monologues of all time. In the scene, Quint, played brilliantly by Robert Shaw, tells the story of the sinking of the USS Indianapolis and the horrific events that followed. 

Shaw's delivery of the monologue is spellbinding, drawing the audience in with his captivating storytelling and vivid descriptions of the shark attack, the struggle for survival, and the aftermath. Even decades after the movie's release, the Indianapolis Speech remains a powerful moment in one of cinema’s most unforgettable films. 

Best Monologues from Movies of All Time

1. the great dictator (1940).

Charlie Chaplin  •  Final Speech from The Great Dictator

Charlie Chaplin's closing monologue in the film The Great Dictator is a powerful plea for peace, unity and compassion, and it remains one of the most iconic speeches in cinema history. The speech denounces fascism, anti-Semitism, and intolerance, and calls for humanity to embrace love, respect and brotherhood. The speech's universal message is as relevant today as it was when the film was made over 80 years ago. 

It continues to inspire people all over the world to strive for peace and to stand up against hate and oppression. Chaplin's eloquent words remind us that, as human beings, we have the capacity to create a better world for ourselves and for future generations. 

The Best One-Liners in Cinema

On the opposite end of the monologue is the cinematic one-liner. Check out our next article to see some of the best single-line deliveries in all of cinema, ranging from comedies to dramas.

Up Next: Best One-Liners→

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The Cinemaholic

15 Best Movie Speeches of All Time

 of 15 Best Movie Speeches of All Time

Dialogues and speeches are the string, which binds the beads of a good cinema. Acting, cinematography, production they can all fall apart if the writing sucks. There are so many movies with great stories who aren’t impactful, because of lame dialogues. On the other hand, people remember even mediocre movies because of a powerful speech. These speeches are so inspirational that they make the listener believe that anything’s possible. The sheer power of words is strong enough to move mountains. In these speeches, the speaker enthralls the audience with his wisdom and experience and motivates them to carry out the impossible in life. We, at the Cinemaholic, made a list of top movie speeches ever that will inspire you. Be ready to get motivated!

15. Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End (2007) – “Hoist The Colours”

Consider this. A fleet of pirate ship have been surrounded by the elite force of Her Majesty’s Royal Navy. The pirates are broken, without any command and their faith lies in their pirate queen Elizabeth who probably due to a turn of fate, became their leader. Tricked into a cornered position, by a cunning lord Beckett, she is left with no choice but retaliate with whatever she has. And she choses this moment to rise to the occasion. She thunders at her fellow pirates, asking them to fight like free men and not surrender meekly like cowards. And it resonates with pirates, irrespective of their clans and they roar as every version of Jolly Roger starts flying high in the wind.

14. V For Vendetta (2005) – “The Revolutionary Speech”

Just like Hitler crafted a dictatorship, disguised within a so-called superior race driven government, in a not so distant future version of London, the chancellor Adam Sutler formed a reign where in the name of security, privacy was looted. In return of order and peace to the society, the people traded their foremost weapon – consent. In the garb of protecting the people, the reigning government unleashed tyranny and oppression. In such times, one fine day, every TV gets tuned into a channel where a man wearing a Guy Fawkes mask speaks to them. He reminds them of Guy Fawkes, who brought a revolution to the people 400 years ago. To end this cruelty and meek submission, he asks everyone to join him in exactly one year later, on 5th of September on the gates of the Parliament. This speech sets in motion, of the events of ‘V for Vendetta’.

13. The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013) – “I’m not fuckin’ leaving”

The high flying, corrupt and megalomaniac Jordan Belfort is finally caught and as a part of the deal with the FBI, he’s supposed to leave Stratton Oakmont and never ever indulge in the market of share trading, which made him so rich. He appears in his office and makes an announcement about his stepping down from the company, in front of his beleaguered colleagues. He explains his pain in leaving them in lurch and how he’s going to miss them all. While talking about their collective effort to make money overcoming their individual struggles in life, all of sudden he realizes, this is place where he belongs after all. And despite the warning of FBI, he screams his lungs out – ‘I’m not fuckin’ leaving !!’

12. Rocky Balboa (2006) – “It ain’t about how hard you hit”

Rocky Balboa is an ageing boxer, who has left the sport, only to come back to it again. His wife’s dead and his son is sick and tired of the name and pressure of being related to Rocky. His father’s fame has started to affect him professionally and personally as well. So he gets the news of his arthritic father, gearing up for another bout of boxing, he discourages him by stating his example of being a failure, despite of being a Balboa. Rocky thunders when he says, ‘It’s ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.’ He asks him to stop blaming others for his failure. It’s an moving speech with some profound advice for life. Life’s meant to be unfair and its sole plan is to keep you down. Instead of cribbing, you’ve to accept your loses and move forward. That’s how you win.

11. Any Given Sunday (1999) – “Life’s a game of inches”

Before an all important play off game, coach D’Amato, played by Al Pacino gathers around his players. Through many difficulties and infightings, they’ve reached a place where one mistake can cost them everything. He begins the talk with comparing their current position to being in a shit hole and it’s totally up to them to get beat the shit out of themselves or fight hard to come back. He cites his own example of being a broken man who lost money, family and himself for taking bad decisions in life. But life is just like a game of football . It’s all about the margin of error. Just like a game of football, where once one starts losing, he gets the drift of the game and then tries crawl into those inches. He urges them to come together as a team and win it for themselves.

10. Wall Street (1987) – “Greed, for lack of a better word, is Good”

Wall street is about money. Wall street is about power. Wall street is about greed. And greed, ladies and gentlemen, for the lack of a better word, is good. That’s what Gordon Gekko believed in. In a speech to the investors of a loss making paper company Teldar, he explains meticulously that the sole reason the company lost so much of money is because of inefficient people at the top and not because he broke the company to pieces. He argues that his greed of making money actually liberates loss making industries. Greed is an evolutionary trait and it’s greed which has made man go for more, be it knowledge, technology or profit. It’s an amazing take on something which itself is labelled as a biblical sin. Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko, gives an amazing performance.

9. Dead Poet’s Society (1989) – “Carpe Diem, seize the day boys”

In a school, where discipline is revered, a new English teacher comes in a breather among the strict disciplinarians. To a motley group of students, he reaches out and asks them to come out of their shell. He tells them to live their lives in their own way and not to someone’s expectations. One’s life duration is limited and eventually everyone will die. What will be left, is his legacy. So instead of living a dull life, one should do something to make it extraordinary. That’s the essence of Carpe Diem. The character of John Keating was played by the late Robin Williams , who demonstrates the importance of individuality to the students through this inspiring speech. He inspires them to be achieve greatness rather than to be successful.

8. Remember The Titans (2000) – “Take a lesson from the dead”

At the heights of racism, a black man is appointed as the head coach of a school, where traditionally it’s usually filled up by a white man. Tackling racism and discrimination at every step, coach Boone takes up the challenge. The team suffers from racially motivated conflicts and its success is deterred due to the ever meddling school authorities. Coach Boone takes everything to his stride and takes his team through a gruelling schedule of training at the Gettysburg cemetery where thousands of men died during the battle of Gettysburg. Through this speech, he asks his team to learn from those people, who laid their lives while fighting for each other. He urges them to be better by coming together and play as one team. His speech motivates his team to achieve success. Denzel Washington plays coach Boone in the sports drama ‘Remember The Titans’.

7. Braveheart (1995) – “They may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom”

In an English ruled Scotland, a young William Wallace witnesses the English massacring his family. He flees from the country only to return as a rebel who takes charge to lead the rebellion against the English. As he leads a rag-tag army of Scottish peasants and farmers, he asks them to fight as free men, against the enormous English army. When somebody from the army says that it’s better to hide and live than to fight and die, Wallace roars back by saying that the enemy may take their lives but they will never be able to take their freedom. Mel Gibson acted as well as directed this film, which went on to win five academy awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.

6. Scent Of A Woman (1992) – “When shit hits the fan, some guys run and some guys stay”

At the Baird school, which traditionally has given the country many leaders and achievers, a disciplinary meeting takes place, for an act of mischief. While the reason remains trivial at its best, the focus shifts to two persons, who were supposed to be the witnesses of the events. One of those witnesses is a boy, whose father is a key figure in the school management. Hence he gets off the hook, after naming the suspects. Naturally it’s the other guy Charlie, who despite of being innocent, gets to take the blame. And it almost happens but for the presence of Lt Colonel Frank Slade. He makes his point that while everyone chose to be indifferent to the situation, Charlie showed integrity by not behaving as a snitch. And this is the stuff leaders are made of. Al Pacino played Lt Colonel Slade and gave a performance of a lifetime.

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5. Independence Day (1996) – “Today, we celebrate our independence day”

While the world burns and is at the mercy of aliens, it comes down to a few brave men who decide to join forces to fight against the aliens. After repeated attempts of failure, a final assault is planned in the lines of a kamikaze attack, similar to a suicide mission. The president, himself a pilot mans the mission. Before they leave the base, he reminds them that this mission, incidentally to commence on 4th of July will be the biggest battle of their lives. And should they win, it will no longer be an American holiday. Rather it will be the day, when the world will be liberated of their common enemy. It shall be the world’s independence day. It’s a speech that evokes thunderous applause from everyone, as their belief in their leader becomes firm.

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4. Network (1976) – “I’m mad as hell and am not going to take it anymore”

News these days, are more of shock inducing and eye grabbing details rather than journalism based on facts. In ‘Network’, a TV network’s struggle with declining viewership turns into a full-blown war when its own people start making factory made shows to get ratings. The movie is primarily about how TV controls the life and through it audio-visual medium, can sway public opinion about everything. In a way, this is what controls the masses today. When the veteran news anchor Howard Beale screams at his viewers to shout that they’ re mad as hell and are not going to take it anymore, he vents out his frustration at the growing influence of TV on the people. He cites example of life going astray while the TV shows paint a rosy picture. Many years later, as we see today, the real has imitated the reel and today literally the TV controls everything. This speech is truly pathbreaking.

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3. The Shawshank Redemption (1994) – “Get busy living or get busy dying”

There’s nothing new that can be told about ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ . Arguably the best movie ever, this is Andy Dufresne’s story spanning across nineteen years in the infamous Shawshank penitentiary. While Andy makes the most out of his time at the prison doing various jobs, he also gets into a tiff with a corrupt warden over his discharge which leads him into a solitary confinement. When he’s out, his friend Red becomes afraid that this may break him forever. However a nonchalant Andy tells him about his dream destination and his wish to spend rest of his life there, thus explaining that life is all about hope and at times, it comes down to one simple choice – Get busy living or get busy dying. This speech is also a metaphor for being hopeful in the most hopeless of situations.

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2. A Few Good Men (1992) – “You can’t handle the truth”

A soldier dies at GITMO base camp and the blame goes to couple of fellow soldiers as an act of negligence. While the soldiers plead that they were under order to punish the dying soldier, it comes down to one of the most laziest of military lawyers to take up their case. As the case reaches its final stage, upon repeated provocation from the defence lawyer, Colonel Nathan Jessup becomes enraged and tells that at times, despite being wrong, people need to take decision that may take one life but in return save thousands. Freedom comes at a price and being a provider of the same, that’s what entitles him to take decisions which may or may not be ethical. This’s the truth and that possibly cannot be fathomed by a layman. A stunning performance by Jack Nicholson !

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1. The Great Dictator (1940)- “We think too much and feel too little”

Charlie Chaplin ’s ‘The Great Dictator’ is a political satire, in the garb of comedy and it condemns the ways of the contemporary dictators of the time, namely Hitler and Mussolini. A Jewish barber, who’s also a lookalike of the tyrant ruler of a fictional country gets to replace the dictator and ends up in a podium where he has to deliver a speech. He rises to the occasion when he tells his subjects that instead of ruling everyone as a dictator, he wants to help everyone. As human beings, one should rise above the ever engulfing greed. Though the world has progressed into future through numerous innovations, still it does distinguish people based on their caste, creed and colour. Humanity has been lost its meaning in the countless machinery that does our jobs. We’ve become cynical due to our ever growing penchant for knowledge. And that’s where we all lose as mankind.

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32 Most Inspiring Speeches In Film History

There's nothing better to fire you up than an inspiring speech.

Kurt Russell in Miracle

A lot of great speeches come from sports movies, but that's not the only genre that can make us want to run through walls. Some speeches are so good it has us rooting for the bad guys. Most are by the good guys though, and we'll follow those good guys anywhere. Here is our list of the most inspiring speeches in film history. 

Bill Pullman in Independence Day

Independence Day - President Witmore

President Thomas J. Whitmore's ( Bill Pullman ) speech in Independence Day has become one of the most iconic film moments of the last 50 years. While the movie can be polarizing, some people can't get enough of it, others hope to never see it again. Still, it's hard to find anyone who truly hates the speech and that moment in the film. If you ever find yourself fighting against annihilation by a bunch of E.T.s, this is the speech for you. 

Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin in The Hunt for Red October

The Hunt For Red October - Captain Ramius

If you thought you could never get fired up about the Soviet Union picking a fight on the United States during the Cold War, check it out. When Captain Marko Ramius ( Sean Connery ) tells his crew that the salad days of the Cold War are not behind them, and the United States will "tremble again - at the sound of our silence," it makes you want to stand up and fight for communism. At least for a brief moment. 

Al Pacino in Any Given Sunday

Any Given Sunday (Coach D'Amato)

It's used at almost every professional football game in America, almost every Sunday, because in Any Given Sunday , Coach D'Amato implores his team and the rest of us to claw for every inch we can. It might not be Pacino's most award-winning role, but that scene... that scene is some of his finest and most enduring work. 

russell crowe in gladiator

Gladiator (Maximus)

"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius." If those words don't immediately fire you up, it's time to check for a pulse. Audiences spend most of Gladiator waiting for Maximus ( Russell Crowe ) to finally get his revenge on that conniving Commodus ( Joaquin Phoenix ) and finally we get it. Maximus will have his vengeance, in this life or the next.

Billy Bob Thornton in Friday Night Lights

Friday Night Lights (Coach Gaines)

In Friday Night Lights , Coach Gaines ( Billy Bob Thornton ) tells us how to be perfect. It has nothing to do with the final score, or winning. It's about how we treat each other and ourselves. It's about telling the truth and not letting anyone down. Live in the moment, "with joy in your heart." That's what makes us perfect. The swelling music by Explosions in the Sky only adds to the drama of the moment. 

While he doesn't say "Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose," (that comes from the TV show), he does mention his clear eyes and his full heart and afterward, none of us lose. 


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Kenneth Branagh in Henry V

Henry V (Henry V)

It's not just one of the most inspiring speeches in film history, it's one of the most famous speeches in human history. When William Shakespeare wrote the words to the famous St. Crispin's Day Speech in Henry V , he could not have known that it would be used for centuries afterward to inspire men. For we few, we lucky few, we can watch the speech brilliantly delivered by Kenneth Branagh in one of his finest roles , in his film version from 1989. 

John Belushi in National Lampoon's Animal House

Animal House (Bluto)

"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" Of course it wasn't! Bluto (John Belushi) does a lot to inspire the brothers of the Delta house in Animal House but nothing more so than his speech after "Wormer dropped the big one" and suspended the fraternity. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, the men of Delta are inspired to have the best time of their lives, and Wormer? He's a dead man! Marmalard? Dead! Niedermeyer...

Vivien Leigh in Gone With The Wind

Gone With The Wind (Scarlett O'Hara)

Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh) is not the most sympathetic movie character of all time. In fact, she ranks close to the bottom in that category, but you can't deny the power of her speech just before the end of the first part of the movie. Her family's plantation, Tara, is in shambles, her mother is dead, and her father has lost his mind. When all hope is lost, she promises herself she will fix it, and she will "never be hungry again."

American Ferrera in Barbie

Barbie (Gloria)

It's truly a show-stopping moment in Barbie when Gloria ( America Ferrera ) lays out what it's like to be a woman in today's world. The entire essence of the movie's message is summed up in that brilliant speech. It makes everyone want to jump up on their feet and applaud. It's a moment that will forever live in cinema history. 

Robin Williams as Sean Maguire in Good Will Hunting screenshot

Good Will Hunting (Sean Maguire)

It's not just the words that matter. It takes a special actor to deliver a speech like Sean Maguire's in Good Will Hunting . Thankfully there was the great Robin Williams. In a speech that is meant to devastate and inspire Will (Matt Damon), Williams tells him everything he is doing wrong but manages to show him how he can fix it, and open up an entirely new world for himself. It's cutting and loving. And brilliant. "Your move, chief."

Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn in LOTR

Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King (Aragorn)

Like so many other battle scenes in movies, Aragorn's (Viggo Mortensen) speech at the Black Gates in Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King has us willing to fight to the death with our fellow soldiers. There is nothing like a leader riding back and forth on horse inspiring his troops. 


Braveheart (William Wallace)

Always remember, that no matter how badly you are treated by a tyrannical English king, he can never take your freedom! William Wallace (Mel Gibson) brilliantly reminds us of that in Braveheart . While it's easy to mock the poor history telling in the movie (and we argue if it was really one of the best movies of 1995 ), you can never say that the speech Wallace gives before the biggest battle in the movie won't have you ready to take on the entire British Empire. 

Keira Knightly in Pirates of the Caribbean : At World's End

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (Elizabeth)

Speeches made by leaders to inspire men in battle aren't unique in movies. What makes the speech unique in Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is that the speech is made by a woman. Elizabeth's (Keira Knightly) speech isn't a lot different than a lot of its ilk, but it's more inspiring to hear it from a woman because we've never heard that before. So hoist the colors! 

Bill Murray in Stripes

Stripes (John Winger)

John Winger (Bill Murray) is the biggest misfit in a platoon filled with them in Stripes . He's the least likely to inspire the rest with a razzle-dazzle speech firing them up, yet that's exactly what he does before their graduation from boot camp. Bill Murray has some of the best lines in movie history, and this speech is near the top of them. 

Kurt Russell in Miracle

Miracle (Herb Brooks)

"Great moments are born from great opportunity." That is something we can all stand to remember. In Miracle , Herb Brooks inspires his rag-tag team of college kids to defeat maybe the greatest hockey team ever assembled in the Soviet National Team at the 1980 Winter Olympics. The movie is based on a true story and while it's impossible to know exactly with the real Brooks said, if it was anywhere close to what Russell delivers, it's no surprise we all believe in miracles today. 

Rocky vs Drago in Rocky IV

Rocky IV (Rocky Balboa)

The Cold War inspired a lot of movies, even sports movies like Rocky IV . Early in the Rocky series, Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) wasn't a man of many words, but at the end of Rocky IV , he finds some of the most inspiring words of the whole series, imploring all of us to get along, despite our differences. 

The main characters in Vegas.

Swingers (Trent)

What's a good friend if not someone to pep you up when you're feeling low? That's exactly who Trent (Vince Vaughn) is to Mike (Jon Favreau) in Swingers . Not only does he take him to Vegas for a night of fun, on the way home, after the trip doesn't pep Mike up as much as it should, Trent explains exactly why Mike is so money, and he doesn't even know it. 

Peter Finch stands in the newsroom, looking mad as hell, in Network.

Network (Howard Beale)

It's scary just how much a movie like Network , released almost 50 years ago is still so relevant. We don't need Howard Beale (Peter Finch) to tell us just how bad things are, we just need to him to inspire us to go to the window, open the window and yell to the world that we're not going to take it anymore! 

The Goonies kids

The Goonies (Mikey)

"The Goonies never say die!" When all seems lost in the Goonies quest to rescue their neighborhood from developers, Mikey (Sean Astin) reminds them all exactly how far they've come in the quest for One-Eyed Willie's gold. We don't get a lot of inspirational speeches from kids, but when we do, we love them. 

Alicia Silverstone as Cher Horowitz in Clueless, classroom monologue

Clueless (Cher)

When Cher (Alicia Silverstone) compares her garden party to a refugee crisis, your inclination is to think she's an airhead. But like so many before and after her, there is kind of a subtle brilliance to her thought process. She takes what she knows and uses that to find the emotion we should all feel for her side of the argument. 

Sean Penn stands smiling in a doorway in Milk.

Milk (Harvey Milk)

Milk , based on the true story of Harvey Milk (Sean Penn), is inspiring in and of itself, but Milk's speech on the steps of San Fransisco City Hall at the Gay Pride Rally is a masterpiece. 

Brad Pitt in Troy.

Troy (Achilles)

In another classic example of a military leader inspiring his troops, Achilles' (Brad Pitt) speech reminding his men that they are lions, is enough to get anyone to storm the beaches of Troy. There's a reason the story has been told for thousands of years. 

Sally Field in Norma Rae.

Norma Rae (Norma Rae)

The best thing about Norma Rae's (Sally Field, in one of her best roles ) speech in Norma Rae is that the most important word isn't spoken at all. She simply holds up a sign that says "Union" in the middle of her sweatshop. That's all she needs to "say" to get everyone in the textile mill to agree. It's brilliant. 

Matthew McConaughey in We Are Marshall

We Are Marshall (Jack Lengyel)

We Are Marshall tells the tragic and heroic story of the 1971 Marshall University football team. At the end of the 1970 season, a plane carrying most of the team and its coaches crashed in North Carolina. Before the start of the next season, the new coach, Jack Lengyel (Matthew McConaughey) makes a speech at a memorial for some of the lost players and what he says about never forgetting the past but looking to the future will bring a tear to anyone's eyes.

Reese Witherspoon - Legally Blonde

Legally Blonde (Elle Woods)

More than 20 years after the first Legally Blonde movie was released Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) continues to inspire us. With an address like the one she makes at the end of the movie, as she's graduating, it's easy to see why. "You must always have faith in people. And most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself."

Chris Evans in Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Endgame (Captain America)

In a room full of superheroes, leave it to Captain America to make the hype speech. In Avengers: Endgame , that's exactly when Cap (Chris Evans) psyches the cadre up for their mission to reverse the Snap. "Whatever it takes."

Gene Hackman in Hoosiers

Hoosiers (Norman Dale)

When tiny Hickman High School makes it to the Indiana State Basketball Finals, they are facing a huge school, in a huge arena. Coach Norman Dale (Gene Hackman) takes only a minute or so to lay out what will make them successful, and a minute is all he needs. It's why Hoosiers one of the best sports movies ever made. 

Sean Astin in Rudy

Rudy (Rudy)

The speech in Rudy is a little different. Rudy really has no audience, save for one person, but that doesn't stop him from delivering a first-rate speech that any Notre Dame alum gets goosebumps when they hear it, including the parts he lifted from the great Knute Rockne.

Elliot Page and J.K. Simmons in Juno

Juno (Mac MacGuff)

When Juno MacGuff (Elliot Page) is wondering what her future holds, her father Mac MacGuff (J.K. Simmons) explains simply and succinctly, "The best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are." We couldn't have said it better ourselves. 

Jaime Escalante in Stand and Deliver.

Stand And Deliver (Jaime Escalante) 

Jaime Escalante (Edward James Olmos) is a no-nonsense math teacher who is determined to get the most from his students. He decides he needs to raise the level of expectations inside and outside of the classroom and he starts by breaking down when he is going to be so hard on his students, to get the most out of them. All they need is ganas – motivation. 

Sylvester Stallone in Rocky Balboa

Rocky Balboa (Rocky)

Leave it to Rocky to make a speech in 2006's Rocky Balboa meant to inspire his son to inspire all of us together. It's pure Rocky, leave it all out, don't accept things you don't like, and never make excuses, no matter how hard it is. And it seems like this was advice he took to heart when it became a struggle to make the film . 

David Wenham in 300

300 (Dilios)

Dilios (David Wenham) fires up the Spartans like no other person could. It's truly one of the great hype speeches in film history. It's exactly what you would expect from a civilization of warriors. Whether it really happened or not is irrelevant. The message is the same, "Remember us."

From sports to war, love to education, and beyond, a great speech raises goosebumps like nothing else in film can. These examples are some of the best speeches we've used to inspire us. 

Hugh Scott is the Syndication Editor for CinemaBlend. Before CinemaBlend, he was the managing editor for and, covering celebrity news and debunking false gossip. He has been in the publishing industry for almost two decades, covering pop culture – movies and TV shows, especially – with a keen interest and love for Gen X culture, the older influences on it, and what it has since inspired. He graduated from Boston University with a degree in Political Science but cured himself of the desire to be a politician almost immediately after graduation.

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