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Urban Planning Dissertation Topics Ideas and Examples

Published by Owen Ingram at January 5th, 2023 , Revised On March 24, 2023

Urban planning is an essential tool in creating vibrant and healthy communities. It is the practice of balancing the needs of a society with limited resources to ensure equitable development and long-term sustainability. Urban planners work at all scales, from local communities to global initiatives, helping to shape cities, regions and even entire countries.

At its core, urban planning focuses on improving the quality of life through efficient use of land, transportation networks and public services such as education and healthcare facilities.

Planning can be a powerful tool in tackling social issues like poverty, inequality and environmental degradation by finding smart solutions that meet people’s needs while preserving natural resources.

This can include everything from designing walkable neighbourhoods that promote physical activity to creating green spaces that clean air pollutants out of the atmosphere.

Conducting research on urban planning topics is essential for students writing dissertations because it allows them to understand the field better while developing critical thinking skills.

Researching urban planning topics gives students insight into life within various cities and towns worldwide. Knowing how different areas have developed over time can help inform future decisions shaping our society.

Research projects give students hands-on experience conducting surveys and collecting data, which can then be used to formulate opinions about current issues facing cities and regions today.

How to Choose the Best Urban Planning Dissertation Topic

Choosing a dissertation topic for urban planning can be one of the most challenging and rewarding. It’s essential for students to take the time to carefully research and assess different topics, as this will form the basis for their entire dissertation project.

The following tips will help students choose a dissertation topic that connects with their interests while also contributing something new and exciting to urban planning literature.

  • First, students must consider what topics they are passionate about within urban planning.
  • Doing so may reveal potential research gaps or intersections, which could become their project’s focus.
  • Identifying any specific industry trends or current debates in this area is also beneficial and could provide an impetus for conducting original research.

List of Urban Planning Dissertation Topics

  • Chinese urban planning at fifty: an assessment of the planning theory literature
  • Shifting approaches to planning theory: Global North and South
  •  Disintegrated development at the rural-urban fringe: Re-connecting spatial planning theory and practice
  • Computer-supported participation in urban planning from the viewpoint of “Communicative Planning Theory.”
  • Jaqueline Tyrwhitt: a transnational life in urban planning and design
  • A serious Digital game for urban planning: “B3—Design your marketplace!”
  • The value of community informatics to participatory urban planning and design: a case study in Helsinki
  • Urban planning and development in Tehran
  • Application of system dynamics model as a decision-making tool in urban planning process toward stabilising carbon dioxide emissions from cities
  • Property, politics, and urban planning: a history of Australian city planning, 1890-1990
  • The making of urban America: a history of city planning in the United States
  • Slope instability in static and dynamic conditions for urban planning: the ‘Oltre Po Pavese’case history (Regione Lombardia–Italy)
  • The impact of sanitary reform upon American urban planning, 1840-1890
  •  The capital of Europe: Architecture and urban planning for the European Union
  • Settlement history and urban planning at Zincirli Höyük, southern Turkey
  • Urban transportation planning in the United States: history, policy, and practice
  • Beyond the colonial city: Re-evaluating the urban history of India, ca. 1920–1970
  • Shadows of planning: on landscape/planning history and inherited landscape ambiguities at the urban fringe
  • White cities, linguistic turns, and Disneylands: The new paradigms of urban history
  • Analysis of problems in urban green space system planning in China
  • Lagos (Nigeria) flooding and influence of urban planning
  • Reusing organic solid waste in urban farming in African cities: A challenge for urban planners
  • An assessment of public participation GIS and Web 2.0 technologies in urban planning practice in Canela, Brazil
  • City of change and challenge: Urban planning and regeneration in Liverpool
  • Urban planning in Russia: towards the market

What is the Importance of Choosing the Correct Urban Planning Research Topic

Urban planning is a very important topic for students to study, as it helps them understand the complexities of city life and its many related disciplines. When researching an urban planning dissertation topic, students should carefully consider their approach and the structure of their research project.

An excellent urban planning dissertation topic can help students better understand the issues, provide insight into potential solutions, and even develop new ideas for further investigation.

When selecting an urban planning dissertation topic, it is important for students to consider their interests in the subject matter. Choosing a topic that aligns with students’ interests will often result in more meaningful results and may lead to exciting discoveries.

Students should also be aware of current events or trends relevant to their chosen field, as these can provide invaluable insights into urban planning topics.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service!

FAQ’s About Urban Planning Dissertation Ideas

When to choose the urban planning dissertation topic.

In terms of choosing a topic for the dissertation, students should take into account the time of their academic year. Having enough time for research is important. In case you do not have time to write your dissertation, visit our website and see our services .

How do I choose the most appropriate urban planning dissertation topic?

The best way to choose an appropriate topic is by doing research on various topics related to urban planning. Consider what research you want to do and how much time you have to write your dissertation.

Examining journals and publications that explore urban planning issues can give you ideas about potential topics for your dissertation. Additionally, attending conferences or seminars related to urban planning can provide insight into current research in this field.

Can I use these topics for my dissertation?

The topics listed here can be used for your dissertation. There are a variety of topics you can use depending on the type of research project you are doing.

Have other students used these topics already?

These dissertation topics may have already been used by other students. You can order unique dissertation topics on our website if you need topics that have never been used before.

Can ResearchProspect provide unique and customised urban planning dissertation topics?

Yes, ResearchProspect provide unique and customised Urban Planning dissertation topics.

Can you make a research proposal on my selected topic?

Yes, we can develop a research proposal for your chosen topic. On our website, you can order research proposal topics or learn more about our proposal writing services .

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Master’s Theses in Urban and Regional Planning

A chronological checklist.

The following are links to pages with basic details about Masters’ theses  from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  Please see Find Dissertations for more details about locating Masters’ theses in general.   Check the online catalog of IDEALS for Masters’ theses not listed here.

Most call numbers and locations are given after each entry and linked to the online catalog; if not available, search the online catalog under author or title.

Kim, Junghwan. Developing a new job accessibility measurement based on crowdsourced traffic data and GTFS / by Junghwan Kim. Found in IDEALS

Martinez, Susan.

Qayyum, Faizann. Group violence and planning: State and grassroots processes, politics, & outcomes for the Hazara in Quetta / By Faizann Qayum. Found in IDEALS

Roldan, Aline Mazeto. Imagination in the public domain: The case of the homeless workers movement (MTST) in São Paulo, Brazil / by Aline Mazeto Roldan. Found in IDEALS

Sharma, Sukanya. Impact of short term rentals on the rental affordability in San Francisco – the case of Airbnb / by Sukanya Sharma. Found in IDEALS

Wang, Yiyuan. Residential location choices of millennials: Evidence from the urbanized area of Chicago / by Yiyuan Wang. Found in IDEALS

Zaghloul, Tooma. Reflecting on urban resilience based on analyses of al-Zaa’tari Camp for Syrian refugees in al-Mafraq, Jordan / by Tooma Zaghloul. Found in IDEALS

Chistyakov, Ilya Konstantinovich. Development of an alternative approach to transit demand modeling/ by Ilya Konstantinovich Chistyakov. Found in IDEALS

Hsu, Janice A. Globalization, land expropriation, and community resistance: a case study in Wanbao community, Miaoli County, Taiwan/ by Janice Hsu. Found in IDEALS

Kaur, Gurdeep. Increasing social equity in transport planning: a case study in Fortaleza, Brazil / by Gurdeep Kaur. Found in IDEALS

Martins Da Costa, Marcus Vinicius. Merging walkability into tax increment financing: Champaign-IL downtown fringe TIF district case demonstration / by Marcus Vinicius Martins Da Costa. Found in IDEALS

Pan, Haozhi. Advancing PSS with complex urban systems sciences and scalable spatio-temporal models / by Haozhi Pan. Found in IDEALS

Yamano, Norihiko. Development of global inter-country inter-industry system for various policy perspectives / by Norihiko Yamano. Found in IDEALS

Yu, Chenxi. Three papers in urban and regional economic and development / by Chenxi Yu. Found in IDEALS

Gilbert, Dominique Synove. Can the urban forest be managed got lumber values without compromising ecosystem values?/ by Dominique Synove Gilbert. Found in IDEALS

Urban, Angela Bernadette. Wasted treasure in the trash: evaluating the diversion and reduction systems of food waste in an institutional setting based on environmental, economic, and social implications/ by Angela Bernadette Urban. Found in IDEALS

Chantrill, Carolina. Grand Calumet: the linkages between environmental justice, vulnerability and environmental governance/ by Carolina Chantrill. Found in IDEALS

Contractor, Annie. Greenwashing? the global rise of sustainability and forced housing displacement in Fortaleza, Brazil/ by Annie Contractor. Found in IDEALS

Kim, Woo-Lack.  How do Low-Income Housing Tax Credit projects trigger revitalization in shrinking cities? A case of St. Louis, MO.   Found in IDEALS

Prochaska, Natalie. Bristol Place Neighborhood Plan: urban renewal in post-Kelo fiscal policy space/ by Natalie Prochaska. Found in IDEALS

Chintamaneni, Vaneeta. Water supply development amidst growing scarcity: a case study of the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project/ by Vaneeta Chintamaneni. Found in IDEALS

Jiang, Wenjing. Towns Undergoing Changes: a case study on the recovery after the Wenchuan earthquake, China/ by Wenjing Jiang.  Found in IDEALS

Lee, Christina. Risky Business: the foreclosure crisis, Asian Americans, and Asian American-serving community-based organizations/ by Christina Lee.  Found in IDEALS

Lee, Yongsung. Are land use planning and gasoline price increase mutually supportive in getting more transit riders in the US urbanized areas? / by Yongsung Lee.  Found in IDEALS

Dong, Xin. Post-disaster recovery planning and sustainable development – a lesson from the Wenchuan earthquake, China, 2008  /  by Xin Dong  .  Found in IDEALS

Gomez, Janel. Vertical Equity in property taxation : a spatial analysis of Proposition 13 in San Diego County, California / by Janel Gomez.  Found in IDEALS

Mattos, Luciana M. Spatial segregation in medium cities during the 1990s: the case of Ribeirão Preto, SP – Brazil / by Luciana M. Mattos.  Found in IDEALS

Pritchett, Regina K. Land titling as women’s empowerment: critical observations from Recife Brazil / by Regina K. Pritchett.  Found in IDEALS

Sherman, Stephen A. The effects of elite-led power sharing on postconflict urban reconstruction: consociationalism and the Mostar case / by Stephen A. Sherman.  Found in IDEALS

Yu, Chenxi. Does the business cycle matter for convergence testing? Evidence from U.S. commuting zone level data, 1973-2007 / by Chenxi Yu.   Found in IDEALS

Drigo, Marina V. Why Use Agent-Based Models To Explore Social Issues? The Case Of Intimate Partner Violence and Social Support Systems / by Marina V. Drigo.  Found in IDEALS

Gamal, Ahmad. Appropriating decentralization: how urban poverty project triggers advocacy / by Ahmad Gamal.  Found in IDEALS

Vaishnav, Maulik P. Opportunities and obstacles in obtaining air connectivity for the residents of federally designated essential air service communities / by Maulik P. Vaishnav.  Found in IDEALS

Bjerkaas, Todd Philip. Walking Euclid, greening seaside : incorporating pedestrians and stormwater into today’s city planning / by Todd Philip Bjerkaas. 2008. v, 41 leaves, bound ill., maps (some col.) ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 28-30).  Q. 711.40977389 B555w

Rahe, Mallory L. Real eutopia : can we learn from persistently prosperous places? / by Mallory L. Rahe. iii, 107 leaves, bound ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 104-107). Thesis (M.S.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008.  Q. 338.1 Tbm08r

Cornillie, Thomas. Costs and control in a half-century of commuter rail policy / by Thomas Cornillie. 2007. iii, 42 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 40-42). Q. 388.4 C815c

Kim, Jae Hong. Site redevelopment and recovery from the shock of a base closure / by Jae Hong Kim.  Thesis (M.U.P.)– University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006.  vii, 76 leaves, bound ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 64-67) Theses –UIUC –2006 –Urban Planning. Printout.  Q. 355.7 K571s

Sampaio, Clarissa Figueiredo. Urban development and increased socio-spatial inequalities in Fortaleza, Brazil : the role of planning / by Clarissa Figueiredo Sampaio. Thesis (M.S.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2003. vi, 99 leaves, bound : ill. (some col.) maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 91-99). Theses–UIUC–2003–Urban Planning. Printout. /  Q. 307.12098131 Sa472u

Feng, Lei. A virtual-world tool for testing urban design decisions / by Lei Feng. Thesis (M.U.P.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2002. iv, 87 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 44-46). Theses–UIUC–2002–Urban and Regional Planning. Printout. /  Q. 006.7 F356v

Brooks, Joi. Habitat conservation plans as a means of land use planning for endangered species in northeastern Illinois / by Joi Brooks. 2001. iv, 83 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Theses–UIUC–2001–Urban Planning. Printout. Thesis (MUP)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 80-81). /  Q. 333.95416 B791h

Shah, Swasti. Geographic information systems : a tool for community participation in planning / by Swasti Shah. 2001. v, 57 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Theses–UIUC–2001–Urban Planning. Printout. Thesis (MUP)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 54-57). /  Q. 711 Sh133g

Bavikatte, Ramya Shivakumar. Fusing the best elements of centrally and collectively managed irrigation institutions : a study of irrigation management in the indigenous community of Cuzalapa, Sierra de Manantlan Biosphere Reserve, Mexico / by Ramya Shivakumar Bavikatte. 2000. 97 p. : ill., maps ; 28 cm. Printout. Thesis (MUP)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000. Includes bibliographical references. (p. 95-97). 1. Irrigation–Mexico–Management. 2. Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra de Manantlán (Mexico) Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–2000–Urban Planning.  333.9130972 B329f

Haddad, Monica Amaral. Metropolitan governance and the response to the low-income housing problem : a comparative analysis / by Monica Amaral Haddad. 2000. vi, 77 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Printout. Theses–UIUC–2000–Urban Planning. Metropolitan governance and the response to the low income housing problem. Thesis (MUP)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 72-76).  Q. 363.510981 H117m

Carvajal N., Ana Maria. Evaluating the impact of rail-trail conversion projects on property values : empirical evidence from the Illinois Prairie Path / by Ana Maria Carvajal N. 1999. vi, 37 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Printout. Thesis (MUP)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1999. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 34-37). 1. Rail-trails–Illinois–Economic aspects. 2. Real property–Valuation–Illinois. 3. Illinois Prairie Path (Ill.) Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1999–Urban Planning.  796.509773 C253e ;   Found in IDEALS

Saylor, William F. Implementation of the S02 emission allowance trading program of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 / by William F. Saylor III. 1999. vi, 82 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. On t.p. “2” is subscript. Printout. Thesis (MUP)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1999. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 65-69). 1. United States. Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. 2. Air–Pollution–Law and legislation–United States. 3. Air quality management–United States. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1999–Urban Planning.  Q.344.046342 Sa99i

Shankar, Raja. Modeling urban systems on the World Wide Web : public decision-making through informed citizen participation / by Raja Shankar. 1999. vii, 94 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Thesis (MUP)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1999. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 37-39). Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1999–Urban Planning.  Q. 712 Sh18m

Townsend, Melissa Sharon. Politics, participation, and neighborhood planning : a case study of a public-private neighborhood planning intiative / by Melissa Sharon Townsend. 1999. viii, 165 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Printout. Thesis (M.U.P.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1999. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 163-165). Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1999–Urban Planning. Q. 307.12162 T665p

Cederoth, Margaret L. Community participation in the Oukala Project, Tunis, Tunisia : NGO utility as community participation device / by Margaret L. Cederoth. 1998. vii, 101 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Printout. Thesis (MUP)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 97-101). 1. Non-governmental organizations–Tunisia–Tunis. 2. Community development, Urban–Tunisia–Tunis. 3. Housing–Tunisia–Tunis.  Q. 307.141609611 C326c

Mitra, Paromita. Floodplain forest growth simulation : a study of the Illinois River floodplain forests / by Paromita Mitra. 1998. v, 33 leaves ; 28 cm. Printout. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 31-33). Thesis (MUP)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998. 1. Floodplain forestry–Illinois. 2. Illinois River Valley–Environmental conditions. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1998–Urban Planning.  Q. 577.66097735M697f

Willers, Heidi Yvonne. The price effects of an urban growth boundary fifteen years later / by Heidi Yvonne Willers. 1998. iv, 32 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 31-32). Theses –UIUC –1998 –Urban and Regional Planning. Printout.  Q. 333.7309795 W667p

Walker, Roxanne Marie. “Vision for the future” : a history of a pivotal period of federal land management in the greater Yellowstone area / by Roxanne Marie Walker. 1997. xii, 221 leaves, bound: ill. ; $c 28 cm. Printout. Thesis (MUP)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1997. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 197-221). 1. Yellowstone National Park (Wyo.)–Environmental conditions. 2. Ecosystem management–Wyoming–Case studies.  Q.333.783W153v

Agrawal, Bithi. Use of optimal control in a population growth model / by Bithi Agrawal. 1996. ix, 97 leaves, bound : maps (some col.) ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 58-63). Cities and towns –India –Growth. Migration, Internal –India. Urbanization –India. India –Population –Mathematical models. Theses –UIUC –1996 –Urban Planning. Printout.  Q. 304.620954 AG81U

Mukherjee, Jaideep. Environment and development: a study of north-south conflict / by Jaideep Mukherjee. 1996. xvii, 274 leaves, bound : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 264-268).  Q. 333.70285 M896E

Ogbuchiekwe, Edmund Jekwu. Race and economic development : an analysis of East St. Louis and other African-American communities in Illinois / by Edmund Jekwu Ogbuchiekwe. 1996. v, 40 leaves, bound : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 38-39). Theses –UIUC –1996 –Urban Planning. Printout.  Q. 338.9008996 OG1R

Pant, Arun Dev. Integrating geographical information systems in formulating urban growth management policies : an empirical study in determining vacant land activity in urban area / by Arun Dev Pant. 1996. v, 60 leaves, bound : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 59-60). Theses –UIUC –1996 –Urban Planning. Printout.  Q. 307.1416 D49i

Weissman, Lawrence B. Evaluating manufactured housing as a development tool for the city of East Saint Louis, Illinois / by Lawrence B. Weissman. 1996. 60 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 42-43).  Q.711.59W436e

Brodjonegoro, Bambang. Implementation of bilevel programming in calibrating congestion function : a case of Jawa, Indonesia / by Bambang Brodjonegoro. 1995. vii, 82 leaves, bound : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 80-82). Traffic congestion –Indonesia –Jawa –Case studies. Programming (Mathematics). Transportation –Indonesia –Jawa –Case studies. Printout.  Q. 388.31409598 B784I

Ritz, Thomas George. Harbison, South Carolina and Seaside, Florida : an examination of two successful new towns / by Thomas George Ritz. 1995. vi, 182 leaves : maps ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 155-182). 1. New towns–South Carolina–Harbison. 2. New towns–Florida–Seaside.  711.450975R519H

Snider, Paige Anne. Local economic development in the Czech Republic / by Paige Anne Snider. 1995. iii, 70 leaves, bound : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 68-70).  Q. 338.9437 SN32L

Bancroft, Robyn Gayl. The viability of resident initiatives in family public housing as opportunities for social, economic and physical development / by Robyn Gayl Bancroft. 1994. xiv, 144 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 142-144). 1. Poor–Housing–Illinois–Case studies. 2. Public housing–Resident satisfaction–Illinois–Case studies. I. Title.  Q.363.58509773B221V

Choate, Connie Lynn. The Ransom Place information system : a hypermedia system for preservation planning / by Connie Lynn Choate. 1994. ix, 82 leaves : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographic references (leaves 81-82) 1. City planning–Computer programs 2. Historic preservation– Indiana–Indianapolis.  Q.363.69097725C451R

Genskow, Kenneth Dean. Nonpoint source pollution : implications of Clean Water Act revisions on Army combat training and land management / by Kenneth Dean Genskow. 1994. viii, 89 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographic references (leaves 50-52). 1. United States. Army–Maneuvers–Environmental aspects 2Liability for water pollution damages–United States 3. Water– Pollution–United States–Law and legislation.  Q.344.046343G288N

Temperley, Sylvia Mary. Using citizen survey results in policy formation / by Sylvia Mary Temperley. 1994. v, 55 leaves ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 51-55). 1. City planning–Illinois–Champaign County–Surveys. 2. City planning–Citizen participation.  Q.711.40977366T246U

Herfort, Inge. Public support for mass transit in Champaign- Urbana, Illinois : a case study / by Inge Herfort. 1993. vii, 190 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 183-190). 1. Local transit–Public opinion– Illinois –Urbana. 2. Local transit–Public opinion– Illinois– Champaign.  Q.388.4H421P

Maher, Mary Genevieve. The effects of tax increment financing on school revenues in Illinois / by Mary Genevieve Maher. 1993. iii, 45 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 43-45) 1. Education–Finance. 2. Tax increment financing–Illinois.  Q.336.22M277E

Moore, Lisa Christine. The use of citizen participation in the design of land evaluation and site assessment systems (LESA) in Illinois / by Lisa Christine Moore. 1993. v, 80 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 76-80). 1. Land use, Rural–Planning–Illinois–Citizen participation.  Q.333.76160977M784U

Ortiz, Alexandra. The determinants of residential population density and the effects of land use regulation / by Alexandra Ortiz. 1993. iv, 52 leaves, bound : maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 38-39). 1. Zoning. 2. Population density–Mathematical models.  Q.307.33616OR8D

Adanri, Adebayo Adepoju. Institutional lending in urban residential neighborhoods : an analysis of the home mortgage market in the Champaign-Urbana MSA, Illinois / by Adebayo Adepoju Adanri. 1992. v, 34 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 31-34). 1. Housing–Illinois–Champaign–Financing. 2. Housing– Illinois–Urbana–Financing. 3. Mortgages — Illinois– Urbana. 4. Mortgages — Illinois –Champaign.  Q.332.722AD19I

Exo, John F. Determining program effectiveness : a suggested framework for designing evaluations of Wisconsin’s Nonpoint Source Pollution Abatement Projects / by John F. Exo. 1992. iv, 107 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 102-107). 1. Water quality management — Wisconsin –Evaluation. 2. Water– Pollution–Wisconsin.  Q.363.73946EX67D

Hene, David Frank. Comprehensive planning in an airport environment : a recommendation for Chicago’s third airport / by David Frank Hene. 1992. vii, 79 leaves, bound : ill., maps, charts ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographic references (leaves 76-79). 1. Airports–Illinois–Chicago–Planning. 2. Airport noise– Illinois–Chicago.  Q.711.78H386C

Johnson, Erik O. Illinois municipal planning department use of geographic information systems / by Erik O. Johnson. 1992. viii, 117 leaves, bound : ill., forms ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 112-117). 1. Geographic information systems. 2. City planning — Illinois — Data processing.  Q.910.285J631I

Schintler, Laurie Anne. The use of optimal control in determining congestion minimization strategies / by Laurie Anne Schintler. 1992. vii, 56 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 53-56). 1. Traffic engineering–Mathematical models. 2. Traffic flow– mathematical models. 3. Traffic congestion–Mathematical models.  Q.388.4131SCH34U

Shafiq, Ishaq. Economic development in East St. Louis : the Carl Officer administration, 1979-1991 / by Ishaq Shafiz. 1992. iv, 59 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographic references. 1. Economic development — Case studies. 2. Community development, Urban–Illinois–East St. Louis–Case studies. 3. East St. Louis (Illinois)–Economic policy.  Q.307.7609773SH13E

Wilcoxen, David Benedict. State governmental organization, strategic planning, and environmental quality / by David Benedict Wilcoxen. 1992. iv, 89 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 70-76). 1. Environmental impact analysis–Planning. 2. Environmental policy–Illinois. 3. Environmental protection–Planning. 4. Environmental policy–Wisconsin. 5. Environmental policy–Minnesota. I. Title.  Q.363.70977W643S

Braunfeld, Kenneth Richard. The impact of crime prevention and defensible space theory and research on planning practice in Illinois / by Kenneth Richard Braunfeld. 1991. vii, 97 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographic references (leaves 94-97). 1. Crime prevention and architectural design–Illinois.  Q.364.49B738I

Cohen, David Louis. The Reading Terminal Market : its role in the history of public markets in central Philadelphia / by David Louis Cohen. 1991. viii, 87 leaves, bound : maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 84-87). 1. Reading Terminal Market (Philadelphia, Penn). 2. Markets– Pennsylvania–Philadelphia–History.  Q.711.55220974C66R

Kalogeresis, Nicholas Peter. Transfer of development rights in Chicago central area historic preservation : analysis of feasibility. 1991. viii, 83 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 78-83). 1. Historic buildings–Conservation and restoration–Illinois– Chicago. 2. Development rights transfer–United States. 3. Development rights transfer–Illinois–Chicago.  Q.363.69097731K127T

Lateef, Imran. Wetlands in Illinois : a methodology for the calculation of their flood control benefits / by Imran Lateef. 1991. iv, 94 leaves, bound : maps ; 29 cm. 1 map, 41 x 26 cm. folded to 21 x 15 cm in pocket. Includes bibliographic references (leaves 34-36). 1. Wetland conservation–Law and legislation. 2. Wetland conservation–Economic aspects.  Q.333.91816L343W

Demeroukas, Catherine Rosemary Huff. Manifest destiny : problems of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act manifest regulations / by Catherine Rosemary Huff Demeroukas. 1990. v, 82 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographic references (leaves 79-82). 1. United States. Resource conservation and recovery act of 19762. Hazardous wastes — Transportation– Law and legislation–United States.  Q.363.7287D394M

Doak, Jill Ann. Regional economic development marketing : process, preparation and organization / by Jill Ann Doak. 1990. v, 83 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 79-83. 1. Regional planning–Illinois–Economic aspects.  Q.338.9773D65R

Elliff, Brian E. Solving institutionalized constraints that affect federal urban programs : a HUD overview / by Brian E. Elliff. 1990. vi, 65 leaves, bound : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 59-61). 1. United States. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. 2. Urban policy–United States.  Q.352.9418EL55S

Freiberg, Steven Richard. Improvements in military construction methods through the design build process / by Steven Richard Freiberg. 1990. vii, 107 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 105-107. 1. United States. Army. Corps of Engineers — Military construction operations. 2. Architectural practice. 3. Military architecture.  Q.358.22F881I

Gayda, Kathy Smith. What concerns elderly subsidized housing residents? : responses to an optional unstructured survey question / by Kathy Smith Gayda. 1990. viii, 155 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 148-155). 1. Aged–Illinois–Dwellings. 2. Housing surveys–Illinois.  Q.363.5946G254W

Getz, Jay Curtis. The progressive technician and Mr. Urban Renewal : Lawrence Veiller, Edward Logue, and the evolution of planning for low-income housing / by Jay Curtis Getz. 1990. v, 155 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 148-155). 1. Veiller, Lawrence, 1872-1959. 2. Logue, Edward J., 1921- 3. City planning–United States — History–20th century.  Q.307.1216G335P

Robertson, Mary Adamo. External and internal factors influencing knowledge of solid waste management planning / by Mary Adamo Robertson. 1990. v, 84 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographic references (leaves 66-77). 1. Refuse and refuse disposal — Illinois — Management.  Q.363.7287068R545E

Saylor, William F. Implementation of the So2 emission allowance trading program of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 / by William F. Saylor III. vi, 82 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 65-69).  Q. 344.046342 Sa99i

Smith, Janet Lynn. The role of transitional housing programs in creating access to permanent housing for homeless women / by Janet Lynn Smith. 1990. v, 149 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 100-102). 1. Homeless women–United States 2. Shelters for the homeless– United States.  Q.363.592SM61R

Budic, Zorica D. Implementation and evaluation of an expert system for archaeological assessment of urban planning projects / by Zorica D. Budic. 1989. vii, 123 leaves ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographic references (leaves 77-81). 1. Expert systems (Computer science). 2. City planning–Data processing.  Q.307.12160285B859I

Chinn, Joseph Jerome. Economic impacts of property tax abatements and tax increment financing on the public and private sectors / by Joseph Jerome Chinn. 1989. iv, 60 leaves, bound : 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references. 1. Industry–Location. 2. Tax increment financing — United States. 3. Property tax credit — United States.  Q.338.6042C441E

Powers, Claire. Effects of economic development programs on the manufacturing industry : public policy implications / by Claire Powers. 1989. iii, 55 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references. 1. Manufactures. 2. Economic development projects. 3. East Saint Louis (Ill.) — Economic conditions.  Q.338.4767P872E

Spiegel, Daniel Loren. Closing a military base and the community level economic impact : Chanute AFB and the Village of Rantoul, Illinois / by Daniel Loren Spiegel. 1989. vii, 108 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 89-92. 1. Air bases–Illinois–Rantoul–Economic aspects. 2. Rantoul (Ill.)–Economic conditions. 3. Chanute Air Force Base (Ill.).  Q.330.977366SP43C

Stoffel, Bruce Rothel. The enterprise zone as a supply-side response to central city distress : a framework for the design, administration, and evaluation of geographically- targeted financial incentives for business investment / by Bruce Rothel Stoffel. 1989. v, 43 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 41-43. 1. Enterprise zones–United States.  Q.307.340973ST66E

Aegerter, John Fred. Inglewood and Park View : a look at urban expansion and early subdivision in Salt Lake City’s original agricultural plats / by John Fred Aegerter. 1988. iv, 104 leaves, bound : maps ; 29 cm. Theses–UIUC–1988–Urban and Regional Planning. City planning–Utah–Salt Lake City–History. Salt Lake City (Utah)–History. Typescript. Thesis (M.U.P.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988.  Q. 711.40979225 AE23I

Ahern, Cecily P. The economics of preservation : an empirical analysis of the impact of historic district designation on property value in a Chicago neighborhood / by Cecily Pauline Ahern. 1988. viii, 60 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references. 1. Historic buildings– Illinois — Chicago– Conservation and restoration –Economic aspects.  Q.363.69097731AH34E

Ali, Aznan B. Squatter settlements study of Kuala Lumpur : a proposal on squatter management plan / by Aznan B. Ali. 1988. iv, 54 leaves, bound : maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references. 1. Squatter settlements–Malaysia. I. Title  Q.363.509595AL1S

Bastyr, Linda Diane. The role of history in city image / by Linda Diane Bastyr. 1988. iv, 29 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references. 1. City planning. 2. Urban economics. 3. Cities and towns– History. Q.307.76B298R / CPX ; 1988B298 / RBT

Cherniak, Theresa Anne. Trends in infrastructure financing in California / by Theresa Anne Cherniak. 1988. v, 95 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references. 1. Infrastructure (Economics) — California — Finance.  Q.352.109794C423T

Douglas, Judy C. Traffic changes and land use impacts : Carbondale, Illinois / by Judy Carol Douglas. 1988. vii, 62 leaves, bound : maps ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references. 1. Land use, Urban–Illinois–Carbondale. 2. One-way streets– Illinois–Carbondale.  Q.388.41109773D746T

Erb, Clinton Parker. International environmental impact assessment (IEIA) : an institutional approach / by Clinton Parker Erb. 1988. vii, 67 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references. 1. Environmental impact analysis.  Q.720.954M725E

Forrest, Russell William. Contribution of phosphorus and nitrogen from point and nonpoint sources in Illinois stream ecosystems / by Russell William Forrest. 1988. vii, 51 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references. 1. Water–Pollution–Illinois. 2. Sewage– Environmental aspects. 3. Stream ecology –Illinois.  Q.333.916214F761C

Halverson, James Edwin. A multiattribute analysis investigating the desirability of utilizing FGD and FBC technology to abate acid deposition precursors / by James Edwin Halverson. 1988. v, 114 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references. 1. Acid deposition–Prevention.  Q.628.52H169M

Harman Shah, Abdul Hadi B. Inquiring into the Malaysian planning system : a case study : KEJORA regional authority / by Abdul Hadi B. Harman Shah. 1988. vii, 175 leaves, bound : maps. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 172-175. 1. KEJORA Regional Authority (Malaysia). 2. Regional planning– Malaysia.  Q.711.3095951H227I

Jayne, Wendy Louise. Preservation planning workshops: an evaluation / by Wendy Louise Jayne. 1988. iii, 51 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 50-51.  Q. 711.40711 J337P

Mohd Noording, Md. Nazri. Elements of Malaysia architectural heritage and principles for assimilation / by Md. Nazri Mohd Noording. 1988. x, 97 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references.  Q. 720.954 M725E

Omar, Mohd Zaki. Urban planning practice in Malaysia : case study, Urban Development Authority / by Mohd Zaki Omar. 1988. viii, 68 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographic references. 1. Urban Development Authority (Malaysia). 2. City planning — Malaysia — Case studies.  Q.307.1209595OM1U

Petritsi, Hrissoula. Evaluating the impact of financial incentives on regional economic growth / by Hrissoula Petritsi. 1988. iii, 57 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 55-57.  Q. 388.9 P448E

Stocum, Laura Berry. Lessons of the site : evaluating campus heritage / by Laura Berry Stocum. 1988. iii, 55 leaves, bound : ill., plans ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references. 1. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2. Historic buildings — Illinois — Champaign –Conservation and restoration. 3. Historic buildings — Illinois — Urbana — Conservation and restoration.  Q.363.69097736ST62L

Williams, John James. Planning and education at the grassroots level in South Africa / by John James Williams. 1988. iii, 46 leaves, bound ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 42-46).  Q. 379.68 W673P

Desatnik, Brian Alan. Section 8 existing housing program in Chicago in Champaign County / by Brian Alan Desatnik. iii, 40 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 39-40.  Q. 363.58097736 D451S

Kennedy, Mark Aylsworth. The development of religiously-affiliated neighborhood development organizations / by Mark Aylsworth Kennedy. 1987. ix, 79 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 76-77. 1. Community organizations–Illinois–Chicago–case studies. 2. Church and social problems.  Q.361.75K385D

Pratt, Dana L. The National Register as a data base for preservation planning / by Dana L. Pratt. 1987. viii, 111 leaves, bound : ill., maps, forms ; 29 cm. Eight folded leaves of forms, in 2 envelopes. Typescript. Thesis (M.U.P.)–University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1987. Bibliography: leaves 84-86. 1. National Register of Historic Places. 2. Historic buildings– Conservation and preservation. Other: 1. Theses–UIUC–1987–Urban Planning  Q.720.288P888N

Blackstone, Mary Elizabeth. Guiding principles for restoring liveability to distressed neighborhoods / by Mary Elizabeth Blackstone. 1986. iii, 47 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 42-47. 1. Urban renewal–United States. Q.711.5B567G

Bloomquist, Kim Michael. A technique for defining regions of influence for use in socioeconomic impact analysis / by Kim Michael Bloomquist. 1986. viii, 62 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 59-62. 1. Environmantal impact analysis–United States–Case studies. 2. Planning–Economic aspects–United States–Mathematical models. 3. Environment impact analysis–United States–Mathematical models. 4. Planning–Social aspects–United States–Mathematical models. Q.711.14072B623T

Choi, Mack Joong. Optimal lot size and configuration with zoning constraints / by Mack Joong Choi. 1986. iv, 31 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaf 31. 1. Real estate development–Mathematical models. Q.333.38C452O

DuBoe, Robert Neil. An American housing association model : local non-profit administration and reduced federal funding / by Robert Neil DuBoe. 1986. ix, 101 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 98-101. 1. Housing policy–United States. 2. Public housing–United States. 3. Housing–United States. Q.363.580973D852A

Hogue, James Michael. Integrated hazardous waste management : an alternative to landfilling / by James Michael Hogue. 1986. v, 66 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. “State of Illinois hazardous waste management program” : leaves 57-63. Bibliography: leaves 55-56. 1. Hazardous wastes–Illinois–Management. Q.363.7280973H679I

Rediehs, Christopher Robert. Churches, planning, and population growth / by Christopher Robert Rediehs. 1986. iv, 47 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 46-47. 1. Churches–United States–Planning. 2. Church growth. Q.307.12R248C

Wheeler, Irving W. Municipal extraterritorial land development in Illinois / by Irving W. Wheeler. 1986. v, 47 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 43-47. 1. Real estate development–Illinois. 2. Land use–Illinois– Planning. 3. Municipal powers and services beyond corporate limits– Illinois. 4. City planning–Illinois–Legal status, laws, etc. Q.711.409773W564M

Buckley, Mary Virginia. Cultural resource planning for national parks / by Mary Virginia Buckley. 1985. vii, 33 leaves, bound : map ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaf 33. 1. Conservation of natural resources.  Q.333.78B856C

Carlson, Walter Carl. Alternative methods of financing public waterway improvement projects in the United States / by Walter Carl Carlson. 1985. viii, 253 leaves, bound : maps ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 247-253. 1. Waterways–United States–Finance. 2. Waterways–United States–Maintenance and repair. 3. Inland navigation–United States–Finance.  Q.386.10973C197A

Colbert, Bruce Alan. The Panagia Transfer of Development Rights Plan / by Bruce Alan Colbert. 1985. ix, 75 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 68-75. 1. Development rights transfer–Greece–Kavala. 2. Historic buildings–Greece–Kavala–Conservation and restoration.  Q.333.337C671P

Duncan, Michael Joseph. Economic transformation : impacts on cities and workers / by Michael Joseph Duncan. 1985. iv, 99 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 97-99. 1. Urban economics–Social aspects. 2. Employment (Economic theory) 3. Service industries–United States. 4. Industries–United States. 5. United States–Economic conditions.  Q.330.973D912E

Edwards, Alice Marilyn. The expansion of partnerships : certified local governments / by Alice Marilyn Edwards. 1985. iv, 43 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 42-43. 1. Federal aid to historic sites 2. Historic sites– Conservation and restoration–Finance. 3. Historic buildings– Conservation and restoration–Finance.  Q.363.690973ED95E

Hinsman, William John. Reducing the agricultural impact on water quality in Illinois / by William John Hinsman. 1985. iv, 47 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 44-47. 1. Water–Pollution–Illinois. 2. Sediment control–Illinois. 3. Water quality–Illinois.  Q.363.73947H596R

Hirsh, Paula. Evaluating the potential impact of industrial location decisions : economic development for municipalities / by Paula Hirsh. 1985. iv, 40 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 36-40. 1. Industrial sites–Planning. 2. Industry–Location–Economic aspects. 3. Economic development–Evaluation. 4. Factories–Location– Economic aspects.  Q.338.9H617E

Kraintz, Franz Peterlin. An assessment of the retail potential in downtown Champaign, Illinois / by Franz Peterlin Kraintz. 1985. vii, 60 leaves, bound : maps ; 29 cm Bibliography: leaves 59-60. 1. Central business districts–Illinois–Champaign. 2. City planning–Illinois–Champaign.  Q.711.5522K857A

Lorenz, Donald Alan. The impact of the Washington, D.C. convention center on the downtown area / by Donald Alan Lorenz. 1985. iv, 45 leaves, bound : maps, plans ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 44-45. 1. Washington Convention Center (Washington, D.C.). I. Title  Q.711.409753L887I

McRae, Janice. An assessment of the need for minor home repair programs for the elderly in Champaign County / by Janice McRae. 1985. iv, 64 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaf 64. 1. Dwellings–Illinois–Champaign County–Maintenance and repair. 2. Aged–Services for–Illinois–Champaign County.  Q.362.63097736M244A

Raymon, Linda Mary. Solid waste planning in Champaign-Urbana : an evaluation of two disposal practices / by Linda Mary Raymon. 1985. v, 67 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 65-67. 1. Refuse and refuse disposal–Illinois–Champaign–Planning. 2. Refuse and refuse disposal–Illinois–Urbana–Planning. 3. Sanitary landfills.  Q.363.728R213S

Bandele, Ramla. The underdevelopment of black towns / by Ramla Bandele. 1984. vi, 68 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 65-68.  Q. 307.77 B221U

Breck, Kevin Hamilton. Financing transit services and the new federalism / by Kevin Hamilton Breck. v, 64 leaves, bound : 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 63-64.  Q. 388.4042 B742F

Briassoulis, Helen. Evaluation of the use of the gravity shopping models from a planning viewpoint / by Helen Briassoulis. 1984. vii, 77 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 73-77. 1. Shopping–Mathematical models. 2. Stores, Retail–United States–Planning.  Q.658.8340724B76E

Cordwell, Ian Edward. Laying the foundation for the resource protection planning process in Illinois / by Ian Edward Cordwell. v, 46 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 45-46.  1984 C812

Douglas, Steven George. Evaluating the role of energy consumption in “more” and “less” developed countries : using causal modeling and path analysis / by Steven George Douglas. 1984. xiii, 145 leaves, bound : ill., map ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 144-145. 1. Energy consumption–Mathematical models. 2. Energy consumption–Developing countries.  Q.333.7913D747E

Harned, Catherine Corum. The effective inventory : building a preservation base / by Catherine Corum Harned. 1984. vii, 157 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Maps in pockets: leaves 127, 129, 131. Bibliography: leaves 134-157. “Recommended reading”: leaves 114-117. 1. Historic buildings–Kentucky–Hardin County–Conservation and restoration. 2. Historic sites–Kentucky–Hardin County–Conservation and restoration.  Q.720.9769845H229E

Hazelton, Thomas Joseph. Paratransit in medium-size cities / by Thomas Joseph Hazelton. 1984. iv, 66 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 64-66. 1. Local transit. 2. Personal rapid transit.  Q. 388.042 H338P

Jacobson, Bonnie Deborah. Municipal help for neighborhood planning : a look at three cities / by Bonnie Deborah Jacobson. 1984. iii, 47 leaves, bound : ill. ; 30 cm. Bibliography: leaves 46-47. 1. City planning–Citizen participation–Case studies. 2. City planning–Georgia. 3. City planning–Oregon. 4. City planning–Minnesota. 4. Portland (Or.)–City planning. 5. Saint Paul (Minn.)–City planning. 6. Atlanta (Ga.)–City planning.  711.1j157M

Marlatt, Richard Marvin. Environmental preferences and nonmetropolitan growth turnaround in Illinois / by Richard Marvin Marlatt. 1984. iii, 86 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Library’s copy misssing leaf 78. Bibliography: leaves 83-86. 1. Urban-rural migration–Illinois. 2. Illinois–Population.  Q.304.81M343E

Nedd, Rolda Verna. Improvement of squatter settlements : a policy analysis with implications for Trinidad and Tobago / by Rolda Verna Nedd. 1984. v, 88 leaves, bound : map ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 85-88. 1. Squatter settlements–Developing countries–Social policy. 2. Squatter settlements–Trinidad–Social policy. 3. Squatter settlements–Tobago–Social policy.  Q.363.51N283I

Swenson, Andrew Duane. The concept of auto restricted zones : a proposal for the town of Kavala, Greece / by Andrew Duane Swenson. 1984. viii, 63 leaves, bound : maps ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 60-63. 1. City traffic–Greece–Kavala. 2. City traffic–Developing countries. 3. Traffic engineering–Greece–Kavala. 4. Traffic engineering–Developing countries. 5. Urban transportation–Greece– Kavala.  Q.388.41314SW42C

Trujillo, Matthew Vincent. Encouraging small businesses through economic development efforts / by Matthew Vincent Trujillo. 1984. vi, 63 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Appendix A: State financial and technical assistance programs. Bibliography: leaves 62-63. 1. Small business–United States–Economic conditions. 2. Small business–United States–Economic policy.  Q.338.6420973T849E

Walden, Bruce Keith. A planner’s guide to tax increment financing in Illinois / by Bruce Keith Walden. 1984. viii, 71 leaves, bound : 29 cm. Bibliography: leaf 71. 1. Tax increment financing–Illinois. 2. Urban renewal– Illinois–Finance.  Q.336.014773W144P

Blewitt, Craig Roberts. A methodology for designing an island lake transfer of development rights program / by Craig Roberts Blewitt. 1983. iv, 81 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 79-81. 1. Development rights transfer. 2. Second homes. 3. Lakes–Recreational use.  Q. 333.784 B617M

Dory, William Adam. Investment incentives for businesses locating in urban enterprise zones. 1983. ix, 58 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 53-58. 1. Enterprise zones. 2. Investment tax credits–United States. 3. Urban renewal–United States.  Q. 338.973 D739I

Hoffman, Terrence Joseph. Preliminary development and application of a bimodal equilibrium assignment model / by Terrence Joseph Hoffman. 1983. vi, 94 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 92-94. 1. Transportation–Planning–Mathematical models. 2. Choice of transportation–Mathematical models.  Q. 711.7 H675P

Johannesson, Bjarki. Urban revitalization modes : a comparative study of England, Sweden and the United States / by Bjarki Johannesson. 1983. vi, 90 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 85-90. 1. Urban renewal–Great Britain. 2. Urban renewal–Sweden. 3. Community development. 4. Urban renewal–United States.  Q. 711.5 J597U

Johnson, Rhonda Kay. Minimizing travel time, distance, and inconvenience for airport users within the terminal / by Rhonda Kay Johnson. 1983. iv, 67 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 64-67. 1. Airports–Design and construction. 2. Terminals (Transportation). 3. Airports–Planning.  387.742 J636M

Jordan, Vallmer Wayman. Measuring the interest of high school students to plan in their neighborhoods / by Vallmer Wayman Jordan. 1983. v, 59 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 57-59. 1. Community leadership–Study and teaching. 2. Community development. 3. High school students–Illinois–Chicago.  Q. 373.0115 J767M

Kingma, Hildy Lynne. The role of the local church and synagogue in neighborhood revitalization / by Hildy Lynne Kingma. 1983. iv, 65 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 63-65. 1. Church and social problems. 2. Urban renewal–Illinois–Chicago. 3. Community development–Illinois–Chicago.  261.8K559r

Oakes, Kevin Donald. Economic development in a boomtown region / by Kevin Donald Oakes. 1983. vi, 101 leaves, bound : map ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 99-101. 1. Cities and towns–Growth. 2. Lincoln County (Wyo.)–Economic policy. 3. Uinta County (Wyo.)–Economic policy.  Q. 307.14 OA4E

Okafor, Wilfred Ike. Comparative new town implementation strategies : toward an implementation model for the proposed Kalamitsa satellite new town expansion program at Kavala, Greece / by Wilfred Ike Okafor. xiii, 156 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 151-156. 1. New towns. 2. City planning–Greece. 3. Kalamitsa (Greece)–City planning. 4. Kavala (Greece)–Social conditions.  711.409495 K119O

Petrie, Patricia Donahoe. To TIF, or not to TIF : that is the question : a manual for local decision-making / by Patricia Donahoe Petrie. vi, 65 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 55-65. 1. Tax increment financing.  336.2014 P448T

Prem, Clyde Eliot. The impacts of energy prices on urban development and change / by Clyde Eliot Prem. iv, 79 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 76-79. 1. Power resources–Costs. 2. Energy consumption. 3. City planning. 4. Community development, Urban.  Q. 711.14 P916I

Rimavicius, Lucia Egle. Weaknesses of Illinois property tax abatement as a redevelopment tool / by Lucia Egle Rimavicius. 1983. iv, 69 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 64-69. 1. Urban renewal–Illinois. 2. Property tax credits–Illinois. 3. Tax remission–Illinois.  Q. 336.22509773 R46W

Sjursen, Nancy Joy. The Lowry model : development and extensions / by Nancy Joy Sjursen. 1983. vi, 167 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 164-167. 1. City planning–Mathematical models.  Q. 711.12 SJ76L

Skov, Mitchell McCormick. Sprawl and infill in small communities : some theoretical and practical considerations / by Mitchell McCormick Skov. 1983. v, 62 leaves, bound : 1 fold. map in envelop ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 61-62. 1. City planning. 2. Land use, Rural–Planning. 3. City Planning–Illinois–Monmouth. 4. Monmouth (Ill.)–City planning. Stiles, Sandra Larson. Improving the energy efficiency of buildings in the rental housing sector / by Sandra Larson Stiles. 1983. v, 88 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 86-88. 1. Rental housing. 2. Energy conservation.  Q. 333.77 SK58S

Stiles, Sandra Larson. Improving the energy efficiency of buildings in the rental housing sector / by Sandra Larson Stiles. v, 88 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 86-88.  Q. 333.7917 ST53I

Ancar, Robert Peter. A matrix method : an approach to evaluating the Federal regulatory impacts of increased coal use. iii, 65 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 64-65. 1. Coal mines and mining–Law and legislation–United States. 2. Coal mines and mining–Environmental aspects. 3. Energy policy–United States. 4. Environmental policy–United States.  343.07752 AN13M

Chinn, Karen Leah. Federal mandates, local results : an evaluation of relocation housing maintenance in Champaign, Illinois / by Karen Leah Chinn. 1982. iv, 35 leaves ; 30 cm. Bibliography: leaf 35. 1. Relocation (Housing)–Illinois–Champaign. 2. Dwellings–Illinois–Champaign–Maintenance and repair.  Q. 363.58C441f

Jordan, Brevetta Omega. Neighborhood visual quality : a comprehensive checklist / by Brevetta Omega Jordan. v, 51 leaves, bound ; 30 cm. Bibliography: leaves 48-51. 1. Human ecology–Public opinion. 2. Neighborhood. 3. Aesthetics. 4. Visual perception.  Q.307.32J761n

Lieberman, Judith Ruth. The federal landlord : a case study of redevelopment under the HUD multifamily property disposition program / by Judith Ruth Lieberman. iv, 72 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 71-72. OTHER NAME: United States. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. 1. Housing–United States–Finance. 2. Public housing–Law and legislation–United States. 3. Foreclosure 4. Housing–Illinois–Champaign.  363.58 L621F

Montarzino, Alicia. The migrating capitals of the world : past and present / by Alicia Montarzino. iv, 91 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 87-91. 1. Migration, Internal. 2. Capitals (Cities)  307.2 M762M

Poyant, Denise Marie. Neighborhood change in the twentieth century : a planner’s perspective / by Denise Marie Poyant. iv, 67 leaves, bound : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 62-67. 1. Neighborhood. 2. City planning. 3. Urban renewal. 4. Housing–Finance.  711.58 P876N

Przypyszny, Karen Ann. Assessing neighborhood change : a manual for conducting impact evaluations for Neighborhood housing service programs / by Karen Ann Przypyszny. ix, 95 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 93-95. 1. City planning. 2. Housing–Finance. 3. Neighborhood. 4. Urban renewal.  711.58p958a

Siyanbade, Akindele Olusegun Adeniran. Managing urban growth in Nigeria : applicability of capital improvement programming / by Akindele Olusegun Adeniran Siyanbade. 1982. vii, 73 leaves, bound : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 71-73. 1. City planning–Nigeria. 2. Cities and towns–Nigeria–Growth.  Q. 711.409669 SI99M

Tarr, Julie Elaine. Limited equity cooperatives : an alternative for low and moderate income housing planning / by Julie Elaine Tarr. 1982. 46 leaves, bound ; 30 cm. Bibliography: leaves 43-46. 1. House buying. 2. Housing, Cooperative.  Q. 346.0433 T17L

Young, Vivian. Toward a more effective design review process / by Vivian Young. 1982. vi, 59 leaves, bound ; 30 cm. Bibliography: leaves 57-59. 1. City planning. 2. Aesthetics.  Q. 307.32 Y87T

Zimmerman, Clare Elizabeth. Identifying and rehabilitating inactive toxic waste sites in Illinois / by Clare Elizabeth Zimmerman. 1982. iii, 50 leaves : maps ; 30 cm. Bibliography: leaf 50. 1. Hazardous wastes–Illinois. 2. Reclamation of land–Illinois.  Q.344.0462Z66i

Castilia, John Allen. Agricultural areas : implications for Illinois / by John Allen Castilia. vii, 213 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 189-198. 1. Land use–Planning–Illinois. 2. Land use, Rural–Planning–Illinois.  333.76 C278A

Devitt, Mary Louise. Nursing home resident councils : taking stock / by Mary Louise Devitt. v, 93 leaves ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 59-63. 1. Nursing homes. 2. Nursing home patients.  362.16 D496N

Lenski, William Ross. Creating harmony out of dissonance : a strategy for coordinating planning activities under Circular A-95 / by William Ross Lenski. iv, 69 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 61-65. 1. Regional planning–Law and legislation–United States. 2. City planning and redevelopment law–United States.  346.045 L548C

McDaniel, Gregory Edward. The evolution of the Comprehensive employment and training act and implications for future planning and policy development / by Gregory Edward McDaniel. iv, 92 leaves ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 70-71. 1. Comprehensive employment and training act. 2. Manpower policy–United States. 3. Vocational education–Law and legislation–United States.  331.11 M141E

Mandel, Robert Gordon. Assessing the human capital approach to manpower policy : an analysis of Job Corps impacts on employment and earnings / by Robert Gordon Mandel. iv, 56 leaves ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 53-56. 1. Manpower policy–United States–Evaluation. 2. Occupational training–United States–Evaluation.  331.11 M3122A

Mathien, James Arthur. A theory of design and livability / by James Arthur Mathien. vii, 87 leaves : ill., plans ; 28 cm. Bibliography : leaves 82-87. 1. Shopping malls–Designs and plans. 2. Architecture–Human factors. 3. City planning.  711.5522 M426T

Rocker, Lois Christine. Downtown change in Urbana, Illinois : trends and prospects / Lois Christine Rocker. vi, 61 leaves : maps, plans ; 30 cm. Bibliography: leaves 60-61. 1. Central business districts–Illinois–Urbana. 2. City planning–Illinois. 3. Urbana (Ill.)–City planning.  711.40973UR1r

Westervelt, James Dahl. Development and demonstration of LAGRID : a grid-cell data base management and analysis package. vii, 182 p. leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 89-92. 1. Computer graphics. 2. LAGRID. 3. Cartography–Data processing.  526.80285W525d

Cook, Warren Jay. Public intervention opportunities in Illinois coal mining operations / by Warren Jay Cook, Jr. viii, 116 leaves : charts, maps ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 74-77.  333.82217 C773P

Perry, Gregg Ellis. Rental housing recession / by Gregg Ellis Perry. iii, 57 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm. Bibliography: leaves 55-57. 1. Rental housing–United States.  Q. 363.5 P429R

Adegboro, Coker. A proposal for village planning in Nigeria / by Coker Adegboro. 1979. vii, 149 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 145-149. 1. Community development–Nigeria. 2. Nigeria–Rural conditions.  309.25 AD27P

Cahill, William Dean. The participation of urban community development corporations in the community development block grant program / by William Dean Cahill. i, 28 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 20-21. 1. Community development corporations. 2. Grants-in-aid–United States. 336.39 C119P

Campbell, Ann Raymond. The distribution of circuit-breaker benefits to the elderly / by Ann Campbell. v, 82 leaves : maps ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 75-77. 1. Property tax–Illinois–Deductions. 2. Aged–Illinois.  336.22 C15D

Fleming, Beverly Ann. The costs and benefits of applying a historic preservation strategy to residential rehabilitation in central city neighborhoods / by Beverly Ann Fleming. 1979. iv, 96 leaves ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographies.  711.58 F62C

Munshaw, Nancy Clare. A case study of participation in the Shaw neighborhood / by Nancy Clare Munshaw. iv, 80 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 73-76.  307.76 M92C

Olanipekum, Olayinka Akanni. Optimal transportation network : a case study of western Nigeria / by Olayinka Akanni Olanipekun. vii, 143 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 139-143. 1. Transportation–Planning. 2. Transportation–Nigeria.  Q. 711.7 OL1O

Russelmann, Anita Marie. Land banking for urban redevelopment / by Anita Marie Russelmann. iv, 56 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 53-56.  307.76 R19L

Lin, Ching-Fung. Formulation of a low rent public housing allocation model and its application to Champaign-Urbana, Illinois / by Ching-Fung Lin. 1978. ii, 100 leaves : ill., fold.maps ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 59-61. 1. Public housing–Illinois–Urbana. 2. Public housing–Illinois–Champaign.  331.833 L63F

Reeder, Kirsten Ruth. Illinois preservation commission : some mechanisms for enhancing their roles / by Kirsten Ruth Reeder. 1978. vii, 146 leaves. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 93-96. 1. Historic buildings Conservation and restoration–Illinois. 2. Historic buildings–Law and legislation–United States. 3. Historic sites–Law and legislation–United States. 4. Historic sites–Illinois.  Q. 917.73 R25I

Rees, Susan Elizabeth. Planning CETA public service jobs: a case study and suggested approaches / by Susan Elizaeth Rees. 1978. v, 151 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 149-151. 1. Manpower policy–United States. 2. Comprehensive employment training act of 1973.  331.11 R252P

Sands, Carolyn Marie. The Illinois Cooperative Extension Service : its role in rural historic preservation in Illinois / by Carolyn Marie Sands. 1978. iii, 106 leaves ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographies.  917.73SA571

Suwanamalik, Nuntana. Economic impact of Lake Shelbyville on Moultrie and Shelby Counties, Illinois / by Nuntana Suwanamalik. 1978. viii, 158 leaves : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 157-158. 1. Shelbyville, Lake (Ill.)–Economic aspects.  627.44 SU92E

Thornbury, Gregory Myron. Flood Related Land Use Allocation Program (FLUAP) / by Gregory Myron Thornbury. 1978. x, 182 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaf 82. 1. Flood damage prevention. 2. FLUAP (computer program). 3. Floodplains.  Q. 627.4 T39F

Wood, Anthony Christopher. The perils of preservation : a study of the criticisms of historic preservation / by Anthony Christopher Wood. 1978. ix, 198 leaves ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 179-186.  917.3 W852P

Majors, Karen Louise. Revenue-sharing and local government reorganization / by Karen Louise Majors. 1977. x, 99 leaves. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 96-99. 1. Revenue sharing. 2. Metropolitan government. 3. Local government–Illinois.  336.185M288R

Page, John Michael. Assessment of highway impacts : an application of factor analysis / by John Michael Page. 1977. iv, 163 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 142-144. 1. Roads–Environmental aspects. 2. Environmental impact statements.  301.3 P143A

Canzoneri, Sarah Edwards. The price of risk : mortgage lending in the inner city : a study of the causes of redlining and policy responses. Urbana [1976]. v, 78 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 75-78. 1. Mortgage loans–U.S. 2. Urban renewal–France.  332.72C16p

Harris, Arnold Davis. A case study of an innovative California social planning program : the action plan for the social responsibilities of cities. Urbana [1976]. ix, 185 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 180-185.  309.1794H24c

Isley, David Lee. A planning retail evaluation model. Urbana [1976]. iii, 120 leaves : maps ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 87-90. 1. Shopping centers–Planning–Mathematical models. 2. Regional planning–Mathematical models. 3. Shopping centers–Champaign, Ill.  711.552Is4p

Widell, Charles D. Landmark preservation: perspective, techniques, prospects / by Charles D. Widell. 1972. 122 leaves, bound ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 91-97).  Q. 720.973 W63l

Ghareb, Mohamed Noshy Mohamed. Planning for rural development in the U.A.R. (Egypt). Urbana [1971]. ix, 108 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 106-108. 1. Community development–Egypt. 2. Egypt–Economic policy.  338.962 G34P

Daniel, Robert Earl. Local residential mobility in Decatur, Illinois, 1962 to 1968. Urbana [1969]. ix, 234 leaves : maps ; 29 cm. 1. Residential mobility. 2. Decatur, Ill.–Population.  301.32D226l

Porter, Diane Marie. An analysis of zoning changes : a case study of Norwalk, Connecticut. Urbana [1969]. xii, 84 leaves : ill., map ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 82-84. 1. Zoning–Norwalk, Conn. 2. Zoning.  711.5173N83p

Spore, James Knox. Metropolitan open space : a procedure for analysis and program formulation. Urbana [1969]. vi, 91 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 89-91.  719.32Sp67m

Urbonas, James Edward. The changing role of urban desing as a public planning function. 1969. vi, 131 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references.  Q. 711.4 UR18C

Youngman, Robert Paul. An analysis and critical evaluation of areal units in urban planning at the city level. Urbana [1969]. vi, 70 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 60-63.  711.1Y88a

Beal, Franklyn Harry. Policies planning : a review of the various concepts. Urbana [1968]. v, 106 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 104-106. 1. Cities and towns–Planning.  309.26B36p

Button, Patricia Alice. Normative indices for use in the evaluation of metropolitan plan alternatives. Urbana [1968]. v, 85 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 81-85.  711.4B98n

Carroll, Michael Anthony. An exploration of the relationship between urban planning and human behavior : toward the identificaiton of professional responsibilities. Urbana [1968]. v, 222 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 208-222. 1. Cities and towns–Planning. 2. City planners.  711.01C23e

Galloway, Kaye Bruce. The treatment of urban planning in the magazine press. Urbana [1968]. 95 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 86-95.  711.1G13t

Hock, Joan Carol. Planning the multi-purpose neighborhood service center. Urbana [1968]. viii, 96 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 88-96. 1. Social settlements. 2. Community organization.  361.43H65p

Levy, Michael Vincent. Possible paths of responsibility for the professional urban planner. Urbana [1968]. v, 153 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 142-153. 1. City planners.  711.12L57p

Mariner, Richard Dean. The arts in urban America : new responsibilities for government. Urbana [1968]. iv, 94 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 90-94. 1. Art and state–U.S.  Q.706.9M33a

McLaughlin, James Francis. Application of linear programming to urban planning. Urbana [1968]. vii, 124 leaves : maps, diagrs. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 121-124. 1. Cities and towns–Planning–Mathematical models. 2. Linear programming.  711.12M22a

Muscovitch, Arthur Sol. Design for renewal of an ethnic neighborhood. Urbana [1968]. vi, 120 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 118-120. 1. Urban renewal–Chicago.  711.09M97d

Pollock, Leslie Stuart. Driver distraction as related to physical development abutting urban streets : an empirical inquiry into the design of the motorist’s visual environment. Urbana [1968]. vii, 311 leaves : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 247-250.  614.862P76d

Smith, Allan John. Determining shopping needs. Urbana [1968]. v, 106 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 103-106. 1. Shopping centers. 2. Retail trade.  711.552Sm5d

Thomas, Gareth Brynmor. Study of the cost of rehabilitation projects and its implications in urban renewal areas. Urbana [1968]. vi, 136 leaves : 7 fold. maps (in pocket) ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 127-129. 1. Urban renewal–Finance. 2. Urban renewal–Chicago.  711.59T363s

Anderson, DeWayne Henry. Housing objectives and housing consequences : toward a better balance. Urbana [1966]. viii, 145 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 135-145.  728An2h

Davis, Paul Thomas. The public responsibility for design in urban renewal : a case study. Urbana [1966]. vi, 61 leaves : ill., maps, photos ; 29 cm. mup Bibliography: ll 60-61. 1. Urban renewal–Chicago.  711.59D29p

Gelman, William Thomas. An examination of the dispersed metropolis concept and its application to East Central Illinois. Urbana [1966]. vii, 82 leaves : ill., map ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 81-82.  301.36G28e

Gilchrist, Martin Charles. Planning for University expansion into the community : the University of Illinois : a case study. Urbana [1966]. viii, 202 leaves : ill., fold. maps ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 197-202. 1. Illinois. University–Buildings.  711.57G42p

Juengling, Charles Edward. Towards the development of a plan design model : a case study of Decatur, Illinois. Urbana [1966]. viii, 133 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 131-133.  711.12J93t

Mendelson, Robert Eugene. Case studies in planning initiation and implementation. Urbana [1966]. vi, 125 leaves : ill., photos ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 118-125.  711.40973Sp84m

Schneidermeyer, Melvin Joseph. The Metropolitan Social Inventory : procedures for measuring human well-being in urban areas. Urbana [1966]. vi, 110 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 105-110.  301.36Sch52m

Weaver, Robert Lawrence. Disparities between actual and potential planning in a modern large-scale development : Elk Grove, Illinois. Urbana [1966]. xv, 88 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 85-86. 1. Land subdivision. 2. Cities and towns–Planning–Elk Grove Village, Ill.  333.38 W37d

Bareta, Anthony Steve. The inhibiting effects of regulatory requirements : a survey of opinions on zoning and subdivision regulation requirements as they apply to the development of single-family residential areas. Urbana [1965]. vi, 96 leaves : ill. (part fold.) ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 80-81.  711.58B23i

Conner, James Boliver. Urban blight analysis for community renewal. Urbana [1965]. vi, 192 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 186-192. 1. Urban renewal–U.S.  711.59C763u

Hatcher, Harris Daniel. Downtown employment (service-financial-office) as a factor affecting metropolitan central business district retail sales. Urbana [1965]. v, 78 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 46-52.  711.552H28d

Kolste, Lamonte Ellis. Planning the urban university area : design policy and potential. Urbana [1965]. vi, 149 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 144-149. 1. Universities and colleges–U.S. 2. Cities and towns–Planning–U.S.  711.57K83p

Lewis, Charles Fielden. Planning against decline : opportunities for state government in the revitalization of eastern Kentucky. Urbana [1965]. vi, 99 leaves : ill., map ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 83-86.  338.973L58p

Scheck, Charles Springer. Planning the community’s schools : the cases of Champaign and Urbana, Illinois. Urbana [1965]. vii, 147 leaves : maps ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 119-124.  371.6Sch2p

Simon, Charles Herbert Leopold. Factors affecting the creation of visual edges by major urban highway lines. Urbana [1965]. iv, 117 leaves : ill., plates ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 106-109. 1. Roads–Design.  625.72Si5f

Stuart, Darwyn Gale. Community planning for pedestrian circulation. Urbana [1965]. iii, 81 leaves ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 80-81. 1. Walking. 2. Cities and towns–planning.  711.74St9c

Wasmann, Jean Claire. Commercial linkages : a study in optimal spatial arrangements. Urbana [1965]. ix, 209 leaves : ill. (part fold.) ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 205-209. 1. Shopping centers. 2. Cities and towns–Planning.  711.552W28c

Womack, Edwardd Peters. A design study of Champaign’s central business district : with emphasis on the re-use of vacant upper floor spaces. Urbana [1965]. viii, 123 leaves : ill., maps (1 fold. in pocket) ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 122-123. 1. Central business districts–Champaign, Ill. 2. Cities and towns–planning–Champaign, Ill.  711.552W84d

Albert, Frank Lynn Ballif. The initiation of urban renewal in a middle size community : a case study of Champaign, Illinois. Urbana [1964]. vii, 66 leaves : ill., maps (1 fold.) ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 58-59. 1. Urban renewal–Champaign, Ill.  Q.711.59Al1i

Haar, Herbert Raymond. Capital improvement programming aspect of metropolitan planning : Washington, D.C. : a case study. Urbana [1964]. ix, 121 leaves : ill., map ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 119-121. 1. Cities and towns–Planning–Washington, D.C.  711.40973W277h

Harris, Paul Clyde. Work programs of metropolitan planning agencies : a study of variations in concept and content. Urbana [1964]. vi, 66 leaves : fold. ill. (1 col.) ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 64-66. 1. Cities and towns–Planning.  711.173H24w

Issel, William Edgar. Physical and spatial aspects of urban migrant neighborhoods. Urbana [1964]. viii, 129 leaves : ill., maps (1 fold), photos ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 127-129. 1. Migration, Internal–U.S. 2. Migration, Internal–Decatur, Ill. 3. Cities and towns–Planning–Decatur, Ill.  711.13Is7p

Kaminsky, Jacob. An analysis of migration patterns between a central city and its surrounding towns : a case study of Decatur and its urban hinterland. Urbana [1964]. vi, 96 leaves : ill. (part fold.), fold. maps ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 94-96. 1. Migration, Internal–Decatur, Ill. 2. Migration, Internal–Illinois. I. Title: Migration patterns between a central city and its surrounding towns.  711.13K12a

Malik, Bir Bal. An exploration of the need for integrated planning at the state level in India with special reference to agricultural development in Punjab. Urbana [1964]. iv, 76 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 73-76.  630.9545M29e

Susman, Newton Bradley. A general systems approach to urban growth and development. Urbana [1964]. iv, 89 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 87-89.  711.1Su8g

Adams, Edwin Carl. Implications for comprehensive planning of centralized versus decentralized urban renewal operations : Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D.C. Urbana [1963]. vi, 97 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 84-85.  711.59Al17i

Bailey, Donald Edgar. Public policy effects on residential land development costs : a case study of the urban fringe in Lexington, Kentucky. Urbana [1963]. vi, 85 leaves : ill., maps, tables ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 83-85.  711.43B15p

Fondersmith, John Addison. The rehabilitation of areas into prestige neighborhoods. Urbana [1963]. vi, 105 leaves : ill., maps, plans ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 98-102. 1. Cities and towns–Planning–U. S. 2. Urban renewal–U.S. 3. Urban renewal–Chicago.  711.59F73r

Freund, Eric Conrad. The birth of a New Town : the development of Crawley, Sussex, England. Urbana [1963]. xx, 364 leaves : ill., maps (1 fold. in pocket) ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 325-328.  711.4092C859f

Kanhere, Gopal Krishna. Visual characteristics of small communities : a comparative study of Mahomet, St. Joseph, and Tolono, Illinois. Urbana [1963]. v, 52 leaves : ill., plates ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 51-52.  711.4K13v

Richter, Alan Charles. Analysis of the demographic characteristics of residents in the Plaza Square Apartments in St. Louis. Urbana [1963]. viii, 104 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 82-84. 1. Housing–St. Louis. 2. St. Louis–Population. 3. Apartment houses. I. Title  331.833R41a

Robinson, Raymond Clifford. The neighborhood park : its functions in relation to its surrounding residential areas : case studies, Champaign, Illinois. Urbana [1963]. vii, 122 leaves : ill., plates, tables, forms ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 116-118.  711.558R55n

Schenk, Carl John. Changes in metropolitan freight yard patterns and some urban planning applications. Urbana [1963]. vii, 103 leaves : ill., maps, tables ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 97-102.  711.75Sch2c

Schmidt, Allan Henry. Urban planning implications which may result from the use of public schools as public fallout shelters. Urbana [1963]. vii, 110 leaves : ill. (5 in pocket) ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 104-108.  711.40973Sch53u

Suddleson, Roger Lee. Park Forest, Illinois : a case study of the application of selected design principles in new town development. Urbana [1963]. vi, 82 leaves : ill., plates, maps, tables ; 28 cm. Bibliography: l. 82.  711.4Su2p

Williams, Erwin Lewis. The functions of a suburban county planning agency operating within a multi-county metropolitan complex. Urbana [1963]. vi, 79 leaves : tables ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 70-72.  711.43W67f

Ellis, Franklin Courtney. The small community airport : its role in community development planning. Urbana [1962]. vi, 104 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 95-97  711.78 El5s

Hauersperger, Richard Charles. Locational factors of urban motels in moderate-sized communities : case studies in three east central Illinois cities. Urbana [1962]. vii, 97 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 82-84.  711.557 H29l

Powers, William Francis. Industrial movement into Chicago : a study of firms which have entered the city since 1947. Urbana [1962]. vi, 72 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Bibliography: l. 67.  338.4P87i

Richter, Robert William. Planning for the suburban commuter railroad. Urbana [1962]. vi, 76 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 73-76.  711.75R418p

Sulzer, Kenneth Edward. Achieving urban renewal goals : a case study of projects Hyde Park A and B, Chicago, Illinois. Urbana [1962]. vii, 77 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 70-71.  711.59Su5a

Wilding, Theodore Gene. The capital improvement programming function in state planning. Urbana [1962]. vi, 101 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 91-93.  711.3W646c

Brinkman, Charles Louis. Flood damage prevention : a review of the problem with special reference to administration and planning. Urbana [1961]. v, 83 leaves : maps, diagrs. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 81-83.  627.44B77f

Choudhury, Gopal Krishna. Housing in Calcutta : planning standards for low income families. Urbana [1961]. viii, 68 leaves : ill., maps, plans ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 67-68. 1. Housing — Calcutta.  331.833C457h

Hopkins, Edward Leasure. The relation of residence to work place : a study of the labor force location of four selected industries in Decatur, Illinois. Urbana [1961]. vii, 70 leaves : maps (part fold.) ; 20 cm. Bibliography: leaves 69-70.  331.112H77r

Kaliszewski, Ronald Edmund. The master plan : its functions, potential, and limiting factors. Urbana [1961]. viii, 51 leaves ; 28 cm. Bibliography: l. 51.  711K125m

Laird, David Alexander. The potential industrial use of abandoned strip mines in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Urbana [1961]. vii, 114 leaves : ill., maps (2 fold. col.) ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 101-104.  333.73L14p

Rahman, Anis Ur. Ribbon commercial development : a case study of University Avenue, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. Urbana [1961]. ix, 131 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 107-109.  711.552R12r

Reed, Wallace Elzie. Institutional evolution and land use change : a case study of the wholesale produce industry, with special reference to Chicago. Urbana [1961]. v, 85 leaves : ill., maps ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 74-76.  333.77 R251i

Teska, Robert Bents. Parking in the CBD core : a guide to the planning and evaluation of terminal parking facilities. Urbana [1961]. vii, 78 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 73-75.  388.33T283p

Aichbhaumik, Debajyoti. An approach to physical planning of the villages in West Bengal, India. Urbana [1960]. iii, 81 leaves : ill., maps ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 74-78. 1. Cities and towns–Planning–West Bengal. 2. Villages–West Bengal. 3. India–Economic policy. I. Title: Physical planning of the villages in West Bengal, India.  Q.711.40954Ai16a

D’Alessio, Mario Walter. Growth in commercial areas of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, 1947-1959. Urbana [1960]. viii, 122 leaves : maps, tables ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 100-102. 1. Champaign, Ill. –Comm. 2. Urbana, Ill.–Comm. 3. Cities and towns–Growth. II. Title: Commercial areas of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, 1947-1959.  Q.381D15g

Jentsch, Robert William. The changing satellite community, 1950-1959 : case studies of Mahomet, St. Joseph, and Tolono, Illinois. Urbana [1960]. vii, 98 leaves : ill, maps ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 96-98. 1. Mahomet, Ill. 2. St. Joseph, Ill. 3. Tolono, Ill. 4. Champaign, Ill.–Suburbs.  301.362J45c

McCullough, David Ray. An analysis of the powers of the Toledo, Ohio, Administrative Board and an evaluation of how those powers were exercised from 1946 through 1954. Urbana [1960]. vii, 104 leaves : ill, maps ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 102-104. 1. Toledo–Administrative Board. 2. Zoning–Toledo.  711.5173T575m

Neville, Donald Clay. Trends in commercial areas of three satellite communities in Champaign County. Urbana [1960]. vi, 113 leaves ; 28 cm.  711.552 N416t

Porter, Douglas Roger. The changing edge of downtown : determinants of land use in the consumer-oriented fringe of downtown Champaign, Illinois. Urbana [1960]. vi, 79 leaves : maps, diagrs. ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 71-73. 1. Land–Champaign, Ill. 2. Central business districts–Champaign, Ill.  333.7P833c

Smart, Clifton Murray. Design and the development of the institutional community : the University of Illinois–a case study. Urbana [1960] viii, 206 leaves : ill., col. plans (part fold.) ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 203-206.  C Il6uWs

Adekoya, Olatunde Cole. The potential usefulness of the process of state planning in the western region of Nigeria. Urbana [1959]. vi, 91 leaves : ill., maps ; 28 cm. Bibliography: : leaves 86-91. 1. Regional planning–Nigeria.  710.2Ad3p

Lamont, William. Industrial location factors in east central Illinois. Urbana [1959]. vii, 83 leaves : map, tables ; 28 cm. Bibliography: ll 81-83. 1. Industries, Location of–Illinois.  338.4L19i

Milliner, Walter Thomas. Planning for land uses near jet airports. Urbana [1959]. vii, 82 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 80-82. 1. Airiports–Planning.  711.78M62p

Einsweiler, Robert Charles. Galena, Ill. : visual values in planning a small town. Urbana [1958]. vii, 99 leaves : ill. (part col.), maps ; 29 cm. Bibliography: leaves 98-99. 1. Cities and towns–planning. 2. Cities and towns–Planning–Galena, Ill.  711.40973G31e

Giltner, Robert Eugene. The effect of high traffic volumes on residential areas. Urbana [1958]. vi, 65 leaves : ill., maps, forms, tables ; 28 cm. Bibliography: : l. 62. 1. Real property–Denver. 2. City traffic–Denver.  333.3G428e

Macris, Dean Louis. Social relationships among residents of varied housing types in a planned community. Urbana [1958]. v, 62 leaves : ill., maps, tables ; 28 cm. Bibliography: l. 62.  301M24s

Peterson, John Eric. Location requirements for civil airfields serving heavy turbojet aircraft. Urbana [1958]. vi, 100 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. Bibliography: : leaves [84]-87.  711.78 P44L

Saber, Abdel-Aziz Mohamed. Planning for Egypt : a development program for tourism. Urbana [1958]. ix, 99 leaves : ill., maps ; 28 cm. Bibl. : leaves 98-99. 1. Tourist trade–Egypt.  916.2Sa13p

Bobotek, Walter. Location of new industrial establishments in three central Illinois urban communities. Urbana [1957]. vi, 25 leaves : maps, tables ; 28 cm.  338.4 B632l

Mandalia, Gopaldas Maganlal. Neighborhoods for tomorrow, an evaluation of moderate-sized communities. Urbana [1957]. xii, 135 leaves : ill, maps, plans, tables ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 130-135.  710.1M312n

Minnoch, James Edward. Planning the annexation of unincorporated fringe areas in Illinois. Urbana [1957]. vi, 48 leaves : ill., maps ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 47-48.  352.0773M66p

Gucker, Richard Arnold. A planning guide for Monticello, Illinois. Urbana [1955]. vii, 74 leaves : ill., maps ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 73-74.   1955 G933

Scmitt, Miriam White. The elementary school–nucleus for community development. Urbana [1955]. vii, 122 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Bibliography: leaves 120-122.  Q.727.1 Sch56e

Davis, Dean Allen. A citizen’s summary of planning for West Palm Beach, Florida. Urbana [1954]. ii, 138 leaves : ill., maps, plans ; 28 cm. Bibliography: (l. 138). 1. Cities and towns–Planning–West Palm Beach.  710.1D291c

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Urban Studies and Planning Dissertations and Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Embodied Urban Political Ecology of Oil: Social Reproduction in Oil ‎Geographies Case Study: Ahwaz, Khuzestan, Iran , Maryam Amiri (Dissertation)

Three Essays on Communicative Planning: From the Perspective of East Asians , Minji Cho (Dissertation)

The Central Role of Perceived Safety in Connecting Crash Risk Factors and Walking Behavior , Kyu Ri Kim (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

E Hui me ke Kaiāulu: To Connect with the Community , Heather Kayleen Bartlett (Thesis)

The Affective Discourses of Eviction: Right to Counsel in New York City , Hadley Savana Bates (Thesis)

A Just Futures Framework: Insurgent Roller-Skating in Portland, Oregon , Célia Camile Beauchamp (Thesis)

Factors Affecting Community Rating System Participation in the National Flood Insurance Program: A Case Study of Texas , Ryan David Eddings (Dissertation)

LEED Buildings and Green Gentrification: Portland as a Case Study , Jordan Macintosh (Thesis)

Wasted Space , Ryan Martyn (Thesis)

The Use and Influence of Health Indicators in Municipal Transportation Plans , Kelly Christine Rodgers (Dissertation)

Uncovering the Nuance and Complexity of Gentrification in Asian Immigrant Communities: A Case Study of Koreatown, Los Angeles , Seyoung Sung (Dissertation)

Defining Dementia-Friendly Communities From the Perspective of Those Affected , Iris Alexandra Wernher (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Heat, Wildfire and Energy Demand: An Examination of Residential Buildings and Community Equity , Chrissi Argyro Antonopoulos (Dissertation)

The Connections Between Innovation, Culture, and Expertise in Water Infrastructure Organizations , Alice Brawley-Chesworth (Dissertation)

The New Shiny Penny? Regenerative Agriculture Beliefs and Practices Among Portland's Urban Agriculturalists , Melia Ann Chase (Thesis)

Fortunate People in a Fortunate Land: Dwelling and Residential Alienation in Santa Monica's Rent-Controlled Housing , Lauren E.M. Everett (Dissertation)

In Favor of Bringing Game Theory into Urban Studies and Planning Curriculum: Reintroducing an Underused Method for the Next Generation of Urban Scholars , Brian McDonald Gardner (Thesis)

Transportation Mode Choice Behavior in the Era of Autonomous Vehicles: The Application of Discrete Choice Modeling and Machine Learning , Sangwan Lee (Dissertation)

An Analysis of the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Tulsa Remote Program, As an Effective Economic Development Strategy , Kristen J. Padilla (Thesis)

Geographies of Urban Unsafety: Homeless Women, Mental Maps, and Isolation , Jan Radle Roberson (Dissertation)

The Impact of New Light Rail Service on Employment Growth in Portland, Oregon , Lahar Santra (Thesis)

Examining Emergency Citizen Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Emergent Groups Addressing Food Insecurity in Portland, Oregon , Aliza Ruth Tuttle (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Nature-Based Solutions in Environmental Planning: Ecosystem-Based Adaptations, Green Infrastructures, and Ecosystem Services to Promote Diversity in Urban Landscapes , Lorena Alves Carvalho Nascimento (Dissertation)

Gas Stations and the Wealth Divide: Analyzing Spatial Correlations Between Wealth and Fuel Branding , Jean-Carl Ende (Thesis)

'There are No Bathrooms Available!': How Older Adults Experiencing Houselessness Manage their Daily Activities , Ellis Jourdan Hews (Thesis)

The Mode Less Traveled: Exploring Bicyclist Identity in Portland, OR , Christopher Johnson (Thesis)

The Soniferous Experience of Public Space: A Soundscape Approach , Kenya DuBois Williams (Dissertation)

Short-term and Long-term Effects of New Light Rail Transit Service on Transit Ridership and Traffic Congestion at Two Geographical Levels , Huajie Yang (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Waste Management in the Global South: an Inquiry on the Patterns of Plastic and Waste Material Flows in Colombo, Sri Lanka , Katie Ann Conlon (Dissertation)

Unpacking the Process and Outcomes of Ethical Markets: a Focus on Certified B Corporations , Renée Bogin Curtis (Dissertation)

The Persistence of Indigenous Markets in Mexico's 'Supermarket Revolution' , Diana Christina Denham (Dissertation)

The Electronic Hardware Music Subculture in Portland, Oregon , James Andrew Hickey (Thesis)

"I Should Have Moved Somewhere Else": the Impacts of Gentrification on Transportation and Social Support for Black Working-Poor Families in Portland, Oregon , Steven Anthony Howland (Dissertation)

The Impacts of the Bicycle Network on Bicycling Activity: a Longitudinal Multi-City Approach , Wei Shi (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

"Poverty Wages Are Not Fresh, Local, or Sustainable": Building Worker Power by Organizing Around (Re)production in Portland's "Sustainable" Food Industry , Amy Katherine Rose Coplen (Dissertation)

Manufacturing in Place: Industrial Preservation in the US , Jamaal William Green (Dissertation)

Can Churches Change a Neighborhood? A Census Tract, Multilevel Analysis of Churches and Neighborhood Change , David E. Kresta (Dissertation)

An Examination of Non-waged Labor and Local Food Movement Growth in the Southern Appalachians , Amy Kathryn Marion (Thesis)

Making Imaginaries: Identity, Value, and Place in the Maker Movement in Detroit and Portland , Stephen Joseph Marotta (Dissertation)

Recognizing and Addressing Risk Ambiguity in Sea Level Rise Adaptation Planning: a Case Study of Miami-Dade County, Florida , Mary Ann Rozance (Dissertation)

The Impact of Implementing Different Cordon Size Designs on Land Use Patterns in Portland, OR , Asia Spilotros (Dissertation)

Gentrification and Student Achievement: a Quantitative Analysis of Student Performance on Standardized Tests in Portland's Gentrifying Neighborhoods , Justin Joseph Ward (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Environmental Justice in Natural Disaster Mitigation Policy and Planning: a Case Study of Flood Risk Management in Johnson Creek, Portland, Oregon , Seong Yun Cho (Dissertation)

Our Town: Articulating Place Meanings and Attachments in St. Johns Using Resident-Employed Photography , Lauren Elizabeth Morrow Everett (Thesis)

Millennial Perceptions on Homeownership and Financial Planning Decisions , Margaret Ann Greenfield (Thesis)

Utilitarian Skateboarding: Insight into an Emergent Mode of Mobility , Michael Joseph Harpool (Thesis)

Consciousness Against Commodifcation: the Potential for a Radical Housing Movement in the Cully Neighborhood , Cameron Hart Herrington (Thesis)

News Work: the Impact of Corporate Newsroom Culture on News Workers & Community Reporting , Carey Lynne Higgins-Dobney (Dissertation)

Recent Advances in Activity-Based Travel Demand Models for Greater Flexibility , Kihong Kim (Dissertation)

An Analysis of the BizX Commercial Trade Exchange: the Attitudes and Motivations Behind Its Use , Ján André Montoya (Thesis)

Between a Rock and a Hot Place: Economic Development and Climate Change Adaptation in Vietnam , Khanh Katherine Pham (Thesis)

Neighborhood Economic Impacts of Contemporary Art Centers , Steve Van Eck (Closed Thesis)

Urban Geocomputation: Two Studies on Urban Form and its Role in Altering Climate , Jackson Lee Voelkel (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Explaining Unequal Transportation Outcomes in a Gentrifying City: the Example of Portland, Oregon , Eugenio Arriaga Cordero (Dissertation)

Identifying Clusters of Non-Farm Activity within Exclusive Farm Use Zones in the Northern Willamette Valley , Nicholas Chun (Thesis)

Drivers' Attitudes and Behaviors Toward Bicyclists: Intermodal Interactions and Implications for Road Safety , Tara Beth Goddard (Dissertation)

Grassroots Resistance in the Sustainable City: Portland Harbor Superfund Site Contamination, Cleanup, and Collective Action , Erin Katherine Goodling (Dissertation)

Responsible Pet Ownership: Dog Parks and Demographic Change in Portland, Oregon , Matthew Harris (Thesis)

The Tension between Technocratic and Social Values in Environmental Decision-making: An'Yang Stream Restoration in South Korea , Chang-Yu Hong (Dissertation)

Regulating Pavement Dwellers: the Politics of the Visibly Poor in Public Space , Lauren Marie Larin (Dissertation)

Making Software, Making Regions: Labor Market Dualization, Segmentation, and Feminization in Austin, Portland and Seattle , Dillon Mahmoudi (Dissertation)

Knowing Nature in the City: Comparative Analysis of Knowledge Systems Challenges Along the 'Eco-Techno' Spectrum of Green Infrastructure in Portland & Baltimore , Annie Marissa Matsler (Dissertation)

Assessing the Impact of Land Use and Travel on Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Portland, Oregon , Zakari Mumuni (Thesis)

Trade-offs: the Production of Sustainability in Households , Kirstin Marie Elizabeth Munro (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Kazaks of Istanbul: A Case of Social Cohesion, Economic Breakdown and the Search for a Moral Economy , Daniel Marc Auger (Thesis)

Citizen-led Urban Agriculture and the Politics of Spatial Reappropriation in Montreal, Quebec , Claire Emmanuelle Bach (Thesis)

Travel Mode Choice Framework Incorporating Realistic Bike and Walk Routes , Joseph Broach (Dissertation)

Cyclist Path Choices Through Shared Space Intersections in England , Allison Boyce Duncan (Dissertation)

Star Academics: Do They Garner Increasing Returns? , James Jeffrey Kline (Dissertation)

Configuring the Urban Smart Grid: Transitions, Experimentation, and Governance , Anthony Michael Levenda (Dissertation)

The Effects of Frequency of Social Interaction, Social Cohesion, Age, and the Built Environment on Walking , Gretchen Allison Luhr (Dissertation)

The Village Market: New Columbia Goes Shopping for Food Justice , Jane Therese Waddell (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Developing Key Sustainability Competencies through Real-World Learning Experiences: Evaluating Community Environmental Services , Erin Lorene Anderson (Thesis)

Beyond Fruit: Examining Community in a Community Orchard , Emily Jane Becker (Thesis)

Challenges, Experiences, and Future Directions of Senior Centers Serving the Portland Metropolitan Area , Melissa Lynn Cannon (Dissertation)

Building Social Sustainability from the Ground Up: The Contested Social Dimension of Sustainability in Neighborhood-Scale Urban Regeneration in Portland, Copenhagen, and Nagoya , Jacklyn Nicole Kohon (Dissertation)

The Effects of Urban Containment Policies on Commuting Patterns , Sung Moon Kwon (Dissertation)

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Attitudes: An Exploration of a Landscape of Choices , Mersiha Spahic McClaren (Dissertation)

The Impact of Communication Impairments on the Social Relationships of Older Adults , Andrew Demetrius Palmer (Dissertation)

The Scales and Shapes of Queer Women's Geographies: Mapping Private, Public and Cyber Spaces in Portland, OR , Paola Renata Saldaña (Thesis)

Caring for the Land, Serving People: Creating a Multicultural Forest Service in the Civil Rights Era , Donna Lynn Sinclair (Dissertation)

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Determinants of Recent Mover Non-work Travel Mode Choice , Arlie Steven Adkins (Dissertation)

Changing the Face of the Earth: The Morrison-­Knudsen Corporation as Partner to the U.S. Federal Government , Christopher S. Blanchard (Dissertation)

Participation, Information, Values, and Community Interests Within Health Impact Assessments , Nicole Iroz-Elardo (Dissertation)

The Objective vs. the Perceived Environment: What Matters for Active Travel , Liang Ma (Dissertation)

Implications of Local and Regional Food Systems: Toward a New Food Economy in Portland, Oregon , Michael Mercer Mertens (Dissertation)

Spirituality and Religion in Women's Leadership for Sustainable Development in Crisis Conditions: The Case of Burma , Phyusin Myo Kyaw Myint (Dissertation)

Street Level Food Networks: Understanding Ethnic Food Cart Supply Chains in Eastern Portland, OR , Alexander G. Novie (Thesis)

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Diffusion of Energy Efficient Technology in Commercial Buildings: An Analysis of the Commercial Building Partnerships Program , Chrissi Argyro Antonopoulos (Thesis)

Faulty Measurements and Shaky Tools: An Exploration into Hazus and the Seismic Vulnerabilities of Portland, OR , Brittany Ann Brannon (Thesis)

Sustainable, Affordable Housing for Older Adults: A Case Study of Factors that Affect Development in Portland, Oregon , Alan Kenneth DeLaTorre (Dissertation)

The Historical, Political, Social, and Individual Factors That Have Influenced the Development of Aging and Disability Resource Centers and Options Counseling , Sheryl DeJoy Elliott (Thesis)

Neighborhood Identity and Sustainability: A Comparison Study of Two Neighborhoods in Portland, Oregon , Zachary Lawrence Hathaway (Thesis)

Neighborhood Commercial Corridor Change: Portland, Oregon 1990-2010 , Kelly Ann Howsley-Glover (Dissertation)

Public Space and Urban Life: A Spatial Ethnography of a Portland Plaza , Katrina Leigh Johnston (Thesis)

Green Mind Gray Yard: Micro Scale Assessment of Ecosystem Services , Erin Jolene Kirkpatrick (Thesis)

The Impacts of Urban Renewal: The Residents' Experiences in Qianmen, Beijing, China , Yongxia Kou (Dissertation)

The Dynamics of Creating Strong Democracy in Portland, Oregon : 1974 to 2013 , Paul Roland Leistner (Dissertation)

Neighboring in Strip City: A Situational Analysis of Strip Clubs, Land Use Conflict, and Occupational Health in Portland, Oregon , Moriah McSharry McGrath (Dissertation)

Bicycle Traffic Count Factoring: An Examination of National, State and Locally Derived Daily Extrapolation Factors , Josh Frank Roll (Thesis)

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The thesis is a requirement of the Masters of Science in Urban Planning Program. In its simplest description, a thesis is an individually-researched and analyzed answer to a planning question. The goal of a thesis is to teach students to carry out independent research – whether using interviews, statistical analysis, literature review, or other types of fieldwork (or some combination of all of these) – and to hone their professional writing skills in presenting their research.

Starting in Fall 2019, a new parallel option is offered. Professional Capstone, also a 6-point, two-semester requirement, will be supervised closely by a UP faculty member. It requires students to apply knowledge and skills gained from the curriculum to address important planning issue(s). It provides an opportunity to demonstrate understanding of the dynamics of the issue(s), constrains, and potential solution(s). It should focus on an applied, real-world project for an actual client; the only exception is a project conducted under close faculty supervision in a research setting.

Theses produced in recent years by graduates of the Urban Planning Program are listed below. Theses produced prior to 2012 include the title and abstract for each thesis; these titles are housed in Special Collections, Avery Library, and may be requested through the library. Theses produced since 2012 are available digitally through Academic Commons, the University’s digital research repository, and can be accessed by clicking on the titles below. Graduating students have the option of deferring the publication of their thesis on Academic Commons for up to two years and therefore theses from the past 2 years may not yet be available.

*denotes a thesis awarded a prize at graduation

Kirthi Balakrishnan

Computer Vision for Ethnographic Research

Parking Future of New York City with Deployment of Shared Autonomous Vehicles: A Discrete Event Simulation Model

Natalie Bartfay

Offshore wind ports and the Just Transition: Community-based planning and power in New York City’s industrial waterfront communities

Sebastian Bielski

Centro Francesco Datini Prato (Capstone)

Ariana Bon-Hodoyan

Caring for Abolition (Park): The Spatial Politics of Care

Christian Budow

Shinkansen versus InterCity Express, which Net-work is more suitable for Texas?

Hudson Yards for Whom: Analysis of the Contribution of Hudson Yards in High-quality Public Space to New Yorkers

Tomas Carrillo

“Policies in Concrete: A Tale of Two Mayors and Their Inclusionary Housing Legacies in New York City”

Michelle Chen

Alerting the Masses: Examining San Francisco’s Emergency Public Warning Ecosystem

Kimberly Cheung

Preserving Chinatown: The Impact of Borough-Based Jails on Manhattan’s Chinatown

Inclusive Transportation Planning: Empowering the Public via Digital Tools in Bus Planning (Capstone)

Kit Nga Chou

Aging in place: planning for intergenerational play

Gabrielle Coleman

Preserving Place Identity & Place Attachments: Perceptions on Prioritizing Community Connections Over Urban Redevelopment in Harlem, NY

Rozette De Castro

From Belonging to Being and Becoming: how urban planning can bridge the gap between immigration and a Just Transition, one recipe at a time

Eliza Dekker

Hot Market?! Assessing the Stability of Naturally-Occurring Affordable Housing Via Extreme Heat and Development Pressure in Phoenix, Arizona (Capstone)

Zhaoxuan Duan

Imperialism, Urban Warfare, and Urban Planning: Russia’s Invasion, Governance, Rebuilding and Planning of Mariupol, Ukraine

Margaret Hanson

Playing With/In The City: An Observational Approach to Ludic Public Space Interventions in New York City

Calvin Harrison

Preservation with a Donkey’s Leg: Nostalgia, Neighborhood Identity, and Heritage Preservation in Heliopolis

Nabila Fisra Hawli

Urban Politics of Land in Planning The New Capital City Nusantara of Indonesia

Resilient Streets: Cloudburst Management and the Right-of-Way in New York City (Capstone)

HaoChe Hung

Evaluating Dashboards To Enhance Community Engagement For Street Trees (Capstone)

Public Space: The Critical Connection in a Sometimes Lonely City (Capstone)

Dmitri Johnson

Exploring the Effectiveness of 311 Data in Disaster Recovery and Response: A Case Study of Hurricane Sandy in New York City

Jim Lammers

Co-Designing Public Spaces with Kids: Building PS32’s Community Fitness Hub (Capstone)

The Civic and Political Engagement of the 1.5 and Second Generation of Korean Immigrants in São Paulo

Yea Won Lee

“Evaluating the “Road to Reform” for New York City’s Property Tax System: Considerations for Single-Unit Residential Properties and Predictive Modeling as Practice for Local Governance”

Victoria Lin

No Country for Old Chinatowns: Better Cultural Governance of Toronto’s Chinatown West

The Preservation and Expansion of Non-market Rate Housing on the Upper West Side (Capstone)

The Relationship Between Infrastructure and Land Use Patterns and Cardiovascular Disease Risk In New York City

Carlos Miranda Pereyra

Shareholder Expectations and Experiences with New York HDFC Cooperatives

Public-Private Partnership in Affordable Housing, Comparing Current Practices in Jinhua, China and New York City

Alisa Nurmansyah

Equity in Visitation of Remote Access Public Green Spaces: Exploring the History, Management, Perceptions of Governors Island

Sebastian Salas

Paths To Urban Regeneration in Chile (Capstone)

Robert Sanchez

Smart Sustainable Cities’ Use of Information and Communication Technologies to Meet the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: A Case Study of Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town

Matthew Shore

Crown Jewel of the Bronx or Nail in the Coffin? Assessing the City’s Public Visioning Process for the Kingsbridge Armory’s Redevelopment and Buy-in for Community Ownership in the Northwest Bronx

Eshwatti Sookram

Braving the Storm Together: Understanding the role of social cohesion in local-level climate adaptation planning in New York City

Sabina Sethi Unni

Non-Resilient Resiliency: Informal Land Stewardship as Climate Counterplanning in Rockaway

Curb Space Management Methods for the City of Prague (Capstone)

Mia Winther-Tamaki

Eyes of the Street: Surveillance Urbanism from Above and Below in Prospect Park and Surrounding Neighborhoods

Andrea Wong Magnalardo

Urban Form and Mobility in Guayaquil, Ecuador: An Evaluation of Transit Accessibility in Vía a la Costa

Ya Hsuan Yang

Small Property Ownership in Chinatown (Capstone)

Community building and building the community: a case study of the bottom-up community development in Shanghai, China

Shreya Arora

Urban Politics of Death: Memorabilia and Mutual Aid Amid COVID-19 Pandemic In New York City

Derek Brennan

Crisis Management: Bureaucracy, Austerity, and Managing Homelessness in the Temporal Camp

Leila Collins

Hidden Alpha - A Path Towards More Rental Assistance Housing

An Interactive Dashboard: Building Energy Efficiency Justice Analysis In New York City (Capstone)

Evaluation of Local Zoning Regulation and Policy On Housing Affordability Crisis in New York City

Wake Up All the Builders: Fatigue and Utopia In Washington Heights and Inwood

Jackson Fordham

Modeling Toll Price Impacts on Traffic Volume in New York City (Capstone)

Developing a New York City Open Streets Economic Impact Study Plan

Gizem Karagoz

Beyond The Flood Maps: Post Hurricane Ida Flood Risk, Housing Informality and Community Based Recovery To Adaptation Narratives

The New York City Subway: Invisibility, Crisis, Materiality, Fantasy

Are Parks Equitable For New Yorkers? Examining the Equity of Acreage and Safety of Parks

Moses Narayan Levich

Prioritizing Streets for Multipurpose Green Infrastructure: A Spatial Framework for New York City (Capstone)

Evaluating the Street Greenery Equity In New York City, Miami, and Los Angeles

Flood-Related Climate Risk Resilience In New York City: The Adaptation of Climate Justice After Sandy

Jonathan Marty

The Transfer of the Commons

Sarah Mawdsley

Planning for Whom? How The Bias of Urban Planners Impacts Street Improvements

David McNamara

Managed Retreat In New York City: An Avenue for Climate Justice?

Brady Meixell

Predicting the Point: New York City’s De Blasio Era Neighborhood Rezonings, Points of Agreement, and How Neighborhoods Navigated These Complex Negotiations

Yixuan Ouyang

The Relationship Between Urban Density and COVID Spreading: A Case Study of Wuhan

Eve Passman

Investigating Data-sharing In Hudson County, New Jersey (Capstone)

Mauricio Enrique Rada Orellana

Urban Morphology: A Study of Local Dependencies on Well-Being Metrics In Bogota, New York, and San Francisco

Danielle Roberts

That’s Rad? Nuance, Complexity, and the Future of US Public Housing

Al-Tariq Shabazz

Free The Land: Radical Creative Placemaking In the Time of Black Power

Yining Shen

New York’s Attractiveness to Chinese Home Buyers

Yuanyuan Shen

Informing New York City Subway Flooding Solutions Through Sociotechnical Infrastructure

Katherin Sibel

Deconstructing the Puerto Rican Reconstruction from the Global North and South Perspective

Erik Strand

Subsidizing Gentrification?: Neighborhood Change and the Expansion of the 421a Geographic Exclusion Area

How Environment Colors Shape Neighborhoods: The Case of New York City

Tiffany Vien

Evaluating the Built Environment of Innovation Districts

Evaluating Bikers’ Experience In Guangzhou, China

Modeling Containerized Waste Pattern for New York City Housing Authority (Capstone)

The Role of Stakeholders and Their Participation Network in Urban Regeneration Decision-Making In China: A Case Study of Yongqing Area, Guangzhou

The Challenges of Deploying Battery Energy Storage Infrastructure in New York State

Myles Agudelo

Luring Investment through Higher Taxes: Evaluating the Impact of New York City Business Improvement Districts on Property Development

Regina Alcazar

Sandbox: Evaluating Smart City Technologies

Sebastian Andersson

Preserving Modernism in Post-Explosion Beirut

Natalie Baldacci

Examining Affordable Housing Policy Impacts on Local Development Trends in California

Justin Barton

Municipal Annexation, Race, and Local Power: Evidence from Four U.S. Cities

Tihana Bulut

Resilience Planning as a Means for Disaster Risk Reduction, Recovery, and Preparedness in the Rockaways: Insights from Hurricane Sandy & COVID-19

Riley Burchell

Between Essentialisms: An Exploration of Non-binary Racial Identity and Placemaking

How NGO Benefits their Local Communities: a Stakeholder Analysis and Evaluation of Dayu’s Role in the Regeneration Process of Old Residential Compound in Shanghai

Exploring Private Capital’s Approach in the Renovation of Old Urban Residential Areas in China: A Case Study of Jinsongbei Community

Ashley Esparza

Housing Freedom: Navigating Access and Affordability in Search of Home: A Survey of Housing Policy in New York City, 1934 - present

Camille Esquivel

Responsibly Powering the Philippine Islands with Geothermal Energy

Lanier Hagerty

Small Town, Global City: The Changing Landscape in Muscatine, Iowa from 2010 to 2020

Colin Hancock

Enchanting Practices: the Mescalero Apache Nation’s Story of Planning in the State of New Mexico

Sanjukta Hazarika

‘On Reclaiming the Streets for the People’: Understanding Equity in Public Space Planning Strategies Through an Analysis of the Open Streets Program in New York City

Elaine Hsieh

EnhanCE: Assessing the structure and efficacy of public-sector community engagement in New York City

Market Analysis of Rural Tourism in China’s Urbanizing Suburbs: A Case Study of Chengdu SanSheng Hua Village

Jin Hong Kim

Public Private Partnership in Equitable Urban Tech Delivery: LinkNYC

Geon Woo Lee

Crossing Borders: Policy Transfer of Slum Upgrading Practices in Southeast Asia

Hongseog Lee

Implementation of smart mobility policy for metropolitan and medium-sized cities in South Korea

A Framework for Sustainability Assessment of Urban Regeneration: The Case of Battery Park City

Qingyuan Li

How Population Size and Density Affect the Spread of COVID-19 A Quantitative Study of the United States at the County Level

Urban Building Energy Prediction at Community Scale: A Case Study Using Data-Driven Methods in Jianhu City, China (Capstone)

The Collaboration Models of Practices of Aging in Place in Different Contexts

Priska Marianne

The Land-Water Nexus in a Sinking City: The Case of Jakarta

Jason Mencher

Renter Protections against Eviction: Identifying and Analyzing Laws, Policies, and Procedures in Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, and New York City

Juan Moreno

The Urban, Social, and Environmental Impact of Centralized Waste Systems: A Study on Segregation and Local Alternatives for the Doña Juana Landfill in Bogotá, Colombia

Madeline Pena

Investing in the Inner City Through Urban Public Schools: Evaluating California’s Equitable Education Finance Policy

Nicholas Perry

Retrofitting “Edge City”: Lessons From Perimeter Center, Georgia

Zeineb Sellami

Youth-driven action, participatory planning, and the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals in Tunisian cities

Earlier-built Danwei (Unit) Communities: Are They Working Well for the Elderly?

The Two Tales of a New Retail Ecosystem: Analyzing How E-commerce Reshapes the Urban Retail Landscape through a Case Study in Shanghai, China

Hanzhang Yang

Outdoor Dining during COVID? Analyzing the Impact of New York City’s Open Restaurants Program

Envision Spring Creek: Resilience Assessment and Recommendations for Addressing Layered Risks (Capstone)

Shinichi Yoshihara

Rebuilding a Historic City: Post-Disaster Housing Reconstruction in Bhaktapur, Nepal

Haochen Zhang

ESG Disclosure and Sustainability Performance of Residential REITs: Empirical Study on Development Projects in New York City

Haoran Zhang

The Child-Friendly City, Planning Analysis in Beijing: The Case Study of Beijing Shuangjing Community

Conor McKay Allerton

Shared Land in High Demand: Community Land Trusts In New York City

Dare Brawley

Tracing Speculation: Real Estate Geographies in Pre- and Post-Crisis Philadelphia

Alanna Browdy

Creating a Cultural Innovation District at Lincoln Center (Capstone)

Mariya Martha Chekmarova

The Role of Civic Technology In Facilitating Citizen-Government Engagement: A Study Of NYC311

Planning For The Next Generation: Composting In New York City

Rebecca Cook

Protest & Public Space: Challenging Notions of Sociospatial Distance in New York City

Grace Dickinson

Mapping Maternal Mortality: Resilient Journeys in the Face of Disparities (Capstone)

Maya Ephrem “Addis Ababa bete (Home)”: Contesting Socio-Spatial Exclusion and/in Suburban Futures

Aline faiwichow estefam.

The Fallacy of Consensus: How Conflicts Can Be Essential To Determine Community Participation

Emilio Flamenco Slamming Shut That Golden Gate: The Role of New Media & The Unlikely Coalitions Against Regional Planning In The San Francisco Bay Area

Kate galbo san francisco sustainable neighborhood dashboard (capstone), yuan gao thermal comfort design in public outdoor space: the influence of spatial configuration and implications in urban design, shreya ghoshal.

Urban Juxtaposition: Balancing Heritage and Development through Transfer of Development Rights in New York City Special Districts

Christine Ghossoub Associations of ‘Eyes On The Street’ With The Perception Of Safety In New York City

Jake mayer golvin what is the range of impacts federally mandated special economic zones impose on the socioeconomic conditions of low-income new yorkers, luis argelis gonzalez.

Stop Filling the World with Trash: A Study of Circular Waste Management Strategies in NYC

Yue Han How to Integrate Traditional Urban Planning Model and Big Data To Conduct Land-Use Survey? -Take Shanghai City For Example

Yingwen he determinants of housing prices: evidence from thirty-five cities in china, joy huang on fractured grounds: the economic viability of planning as a local regulatory tool for hydraulic fracturing, zhengzhe jia evaluate the impact of disruptions on new york city subway system, ju hwa jung the comparative cross-sectional study on the affordable housing finance policy for low-income households: lessons from nyc and seoul, emily junker preservation through the self-help housing movement, kevin kim enhancing new york city’s online service capacity: citizen-centric service experience, raissah kouame build operate transfer: a model for maintaining abidjan’s markets as places of urban vitality, yining lei the impact of open spaces on residential property values in new york city, richard “ri” le “things that quicken the heart”: analyzing the affective footprint of urban ambient media, lorraine liao assessing the publicness of pedestrian plazas built under the 2007 nyc plaza program, lingyu (simon) li technologies and urban traffic - how new technologies impact a conventional intersection, xinyu liu stakeholder analysis of community planning in shanghai: a case study of caoyang new village, zheyu liu spatial pattern of street vendors: a case study of central manhattan, shiyu ma residential planning at neighborhood scale: global precedents and china’s neighborhood life-circle planning, sean nelsen testing durability: property restitution and refugee return in post conflict bosnia, tola oniyangi.

Beyond the Blue Dot: A Storytelling Platform for Humanizing Urban Data (Capstone)

Andrea Partenio Retrofitting Resilience in Red Hook: A Roadmap for Neighborhood-Scale Integration of Green Infrastructure (Capstone)

Anish pendharkar exploring correlations between groundwater level change and settlement planning in national capital territory of delhi, james piacentini interactive web mapping as a tool for planning advocacy: modeling 21st century climate migration in west africa (capstone), helen pierson equity-driven outreach for bicycle planning and beyond: let’s bike oakland as a case study, garrett riha heat vulnerability and cooling opportunities: recommendations for the city of san diego (capstone), luyun shao social production of public space: a resettlement neighborhood in shaanxi, china, kirthana sudhakar food and farming in hawaii: a study of the obstacles to establishing resilient systems of local food production in hawaii, caroline thompson renewing renewal: community involvement in redevelopment after the expiration of urban renewal plans, chongyuan wang is parking essential to transit-oriented development, jade watkins air quality monitoring along the 14th street busway: public health impacts in an urban planning context (capstone), savannah wu enablers of circular economy at the urban scale: a case study of the circular fashion ecosystem in new york city, zheng xin design methods and planning strategies to enhance street safety in new york city, claire liu yang.

Curb Value Capture: Tech Enabled Infrastructure on Sidewalks for Community Equity Goals

Rawnak N. Zaman Around the World in 40 Blocks: Small Business Perspectives On The Effects of Diversity On The Retail Corridor In Jackson Heights, Queens

Xuantong zhang comparison of affordable housing financing policies between china and the us, eddy almonte.

Queer Nightlife as Social Infrastructure: Nightlife Regulation Initiatives in New York and London

Madeline Berry

U.S. Route 1: Catalyst of Maine Corridor Community Planning & Preservation

Suprima Bhele

Solid Waste Management in Kathmandu

Srujana Bhoopanam

Alternative modes of transportation and BART A proposal to integrate competing transportation systems in the San Francisco Bay Area, California

Caitlin Bone

Fragmented + Unequal: A Study on Municipal Incorporation and Spatial Exclusion in St. Louis County, Missouri

Kevin Borja

Planning for Urban Resilience through Biomimicry in the Design of Public Waterfront Spaces

Julie Burros

Exploring Creative Community Engagement

Tyrene Calvesbert Rivera

Municipal Services and Urban Planning in the Context of Puerto Rico Addressing the Impact of Austerity Measures at a Local Level

Studying on Settlement Patterns and Networking of Low-Skilled Chinese Immigrants in the United States

Visitors’ Perception Based Authenticity in Tourism Development Project: A Case Study of Xietang Old Street in Suzhou, China

Pauline Claramunt Torche

Resource-extraction, urban infrastructure, and resilient planning: Addressing the impact of the LNG industry in Soyo, Angola

Nengjing Deng

Exploring Links Between Transit Hubs and Built Environment in Asian Cities

Exploring the Driving Forces of Urban Expansion in Beijing, 1999-2013

Chaouki El Rassi

Tripoli’s Sustainable Development Strategy

Madeline Entrikin

Bordered: Land Use Development in El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico

Guilherme Rocha Formicki

Upgrading Favelas: Funding Schemes and Their Effects on Economic Opportunities, Infrastructure Provision, and Safety

Walkability in an Aging-Friendly Neighborhood: making of aging-supportive streets in East Harlem

Shuyang Huang

A policy evaluation of green infrastructure plans in the context of reducing stormwater overflow: A case study of Gowanus, Brooklyn

Ethan Hudgins

Urban Planning in Remote, Extreme Environments

Yaxin Jiang

Land Use Control in Beijing and New York City: The Role of Community Level Institutions

Nicholas Kunz

Unsupervised Learning for Submarket Modeling: A Proxy for Neighborhood Change

Exploring the Impacts of Railway Station Accessibility on Property Value: A Case Study of Beijing

Zoning for Wind Energy in New York City

Examining the Extent to which Talent Housing Policy Acts as a Catalyst for Innovation Development in China

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): An analysis of changing political climates, welfare policies, and their subsequent impacts on immigrants and their families in San Diego, California

Transit-Induced Urban Transformation: A Comparative Study of Tokyo and Hong Kong

Danting Luo

Changing Roles of Planners in Smart Neighborhood Practice: A Case Study of Sidewalk Toronto Project

Michael Montilla

Observations from Autonomous Vehicle Testing in Phoenix, Noteworthy Ways Existing Political Practices and Commuting Behaviors Will Affect Planning for Self-Driving Vehicles

Timothy O'Grady

Community Planning in 21st Century Los Angeles: Assessing the Effectiveness of LA’s Neighborhood Council System

Shiori Osakata

How has New York City developed as a smart city? Evaluating smart city contributors in New York City

Yichen Ouyang

Fiscal Decentralization and its Influence on Housing Price–A Case Study in China

Laura Postarini

Identifying strategies for multi sectoral partnerships in public space projects for young vulnerable communities

Yufi Priadi

Evaluating Community Advocacy in Response to Mayor de Blasio’s Homeless Shelter Development

Stakeholders and Partnership in Urban Regeneration: The Case of Shanghai West Bund

William Reis

Eminent Domain and Land Disposition: Urban Renewal in Upstate New York

Glòria Serra Coch

Neighborhood Mapping and Neighborhood Planning: Revealing the Relationship in New York City, 1970-2015

Shelby Smith

Going the Extra Mile: An Analysis of energy efficiency City-State Partnerships through the Massachusetts Stretch Energy Code Program

Analyzing Vulnerability of Low-income Population to Extreme Heat in New York City, 2013

Anna Stokes

Governance and Transportation in Nairobi, Kenya: Understanding How Policy, Planning, and Levels of Governance Alter Mobility through a Multi-Modal Network Analysis

Chengqi Tian

Challenges and Opportunities of Cultural Planning in China: A Case Study of Tianqiao Performing Arts District Planning in Beijing

Luis Sebastián Ugás

Lima: Planning Implementation Challenges for a Fragmented City

Kenneth Warner

Queerying Neighborhood Change: The Role of Displacement and Historical Narrative in the Urban Form of the West Village, Chelsea, and Hell’s Kitchen

Study on the Resource Curse in Lvliang City

Qianyu Xiang

Impacts of Organizational Structure on the Effectiveness of Emergency Response System

Dynamics of the Restaurant Industry in Chinatown, Manhattan: A Policy Analysis

Transforming Our Democracy: Participatory Budgeting and the Importance of Deliberation in Civic Engagement

Jialin Zhai

New Area As A Solution To Urban Congestion: An Assessment of Xiongan New Area Planning Outline Based on the Lessons Learned from London New Town

Liying Zhang

Impact of Policy Promoting Tenant-Owner Right Equality on the Housing Market in Guangzhou

Shulin Zhang

Putting Sharing Economy into Perspectives: An Assessment of Sharing Economy in Mainland China

Junteng Zhao

The Feasibility of the Rockefeller Foundation Engagement in the Chinese Healthy City Programs

Runpeng Zhao

Public Space in Beijing: A Comparative Case Study of Two Riparian Spaces, Beijing South Moat Park and Madrid Rio Park

Jiacheng Zhou

Shaping Urban Resilience: Whether Social Media Data Can Aid in Improving Disaster Management

Jingjing Zhou

Accessibility to Metro of Affordable and Commercial Housing Complexes in Shanghai

Mohammed Al Khalifa

Rethinking Transportation and Land Use in Bahrain

Resident Satisfaction of Affordable Housing: The Case of Qingdao, China

Stephanie Yee-Kay Chan

Innovation, Intention and Inequities: Addressing the Potential Social Impacts of Innovation Districts in Post-Industrial Waterfront Zones Upon Working Class and Minority Neighborhoods

Avery Dement

Community Land Trusts: Building Affordable Housing and Community

Jiaohong Du

A Policy-focused Comparative Study for Urban Rail PPP Development Between Japan and China

Emily Fesette

Planning for Humanity: An Urban Planning Perspective on Mental Illness, Deinstitutionalization and Supportive Housing in New York City

Eri Furusawa

Subsidizing the Resilience Commons: A Study on the Community Rating System and CRS Research

Alexander Gallo

Public Private Partnerships: A look inside using private sector expertise to build public sector needs

Maria Garces

Lessons Learned from Chile, Evaluating Strategic Reconstruction Master Plans in Post-Disaster Scenarios

Parcel Delivery and Urban Form: A Case Study of Greater London

Augustus Haney

Flood Influence & Real Estate Development: How Risk & Incentives Shape the Urban Fabric

Tara Heidger

The Land of One Thousand Villages; Examining Rural Resettlement Planning as a Driver for Poverty Reduction in Post-Conflict Rwanda

Geographic Distribution of Urban Retail and its Spatial Relationship with Subway Network: A Case Study of Retail POI Data in Shanghai

Exploring Real Estate Financing in China and the U.S.: A Comparison Case Study Approach

Faisha Namira Indrakesuma

Maneuvering Mobility: Measuring Multimodality in New York City’s Selected Transit Hubs

Signs in Urban Spaces in Ethnic Enclaves: A Case Study of Manhattan Chinatown

Nicholas Johannes

Libertarian-Endorsed Urban Planning Tool: Exploring the Use of Performance-Based Zoning for Addressing the Affordable Housing Crisis

Film directors as hubs: how do the social networks of film crews interact with the spatial networks of physical locations?

Tatiana Marie Kopelman Martin

Viajemos Seguras and Mejoramiento Barrial: Institutionalizing the fight against gender-based violence in Mexico City’s public realm

Affordable Housing and Its Impact on Economic Diversity of New York City Neighborhoods

Sense of Community in Mixed-income Housing Project in China–Learning from a Case Study in Beijing

Distribution, Benefits, Challenges, and Recommendations of Urban Agriculture in New York City

Place Attachment in rapid urbanization areas-a case study of Zhu Village

Ángel Felix López Zamora

Picturing Poverty: Developing Best Practices in Poverty Research and Map Making

Explore the Complaint Towards Street Vendors in Manhattan: Discussion About Distribution and Influential Factors

Melinda Martinus

Politics and Urban Development Focus on Jakarta’s Shopping Center Trajectory

Lingran Meng

Planning for Improving High-Tech New Towns’ Attraction to Talents - Case Study of Changsha, China

Rebecca Noble

Revitalizing Cemeteries: Interventions for America’s Aging Urban Burial Places

Yashesh Panchal

Developing housing for a changing demography: Analyzing the implications of the regulations governing the development of small-housing unitsy

Eric Pietraszkiewicz

Predictive mapping and its applications for urban planning

Ramya Ramanathan

Repurposing Abandoned Residential Infrastructure in New York City to Curb Homelessness

Wesley Thomas Rhodes

Moving Forward by Retreating: Lessons Learned From the Post-sandy Buyouts on the East Shore of Staten Island for Future Flood Resilience Strategies

Rachel Rizzo

Engaging Anchor Institutions in the 21st Century: An Analysis of Strategies for Sustainable Economic Growth and Health Equity

Carsten Rodin

Broadcasting Exclusion: The Representation of “Illegal Housing” in Rockland County, NY

Charles Romanow

Improving Bus Service in New York

Justin Romeo

A Spatial Equity Survey of Houston’s’ Bus Network

Savannah Ryder

The Effects of Silicon Valley Companies on the Bay Area Housing Crisis

Laura Semeraro

Approaches to Transit Oriented Development: How Existing Infrastructure can lend itself to implementation of Transit Oriented Development Techniques

Shruti Shubham

WATCH THEM SEGREGATE-Analyzing patterns of economic segregation and STEM jobs in commuter zones

Associations between Sense of Community and Perceived Recovery from the Deepwater Horizon Explosion

Bikeshare Paradigms, User Perceptions, and the Urban Experience: A Comparative Analysis of Mobike Shanghai & Citi Bike NYC

Sheng-Yi Xu

Displacement Within the City: Perceiving Shanghai’s Historic Alley Communities Through Residents’ Perspective

Retail Revolution in the Digital Era: Examining the Changes in the Retail Landscape of New York City

Kaiqi Zhang

The Limitation of Multi-criteria Feasibility Evaluations in High-Speed Rail Projects in the US

Junhong Zhou The Effects of Sharing Economy: Does Airbnb Exacerbate The Rental Housing Market In New York Neighborhoods?

Shaochun Zhou

Are Public Housing Projects More Dangerous Than Their Neighborhood? A study on public housing crime and causative factors with New York as study area

Jahnavi Aluri

Shifting from Driving to Riding: a study of the impacts of on-demand cab services on public transit ridership and vehicle ownership in Hyderabad, India

Vicente Arellano

Is There a Municipal Role in Immigration Policy? Examining Case Studies in Four Cities in the United States To Build A Typology of ‘Immigration Localism’

Rebecca Book

The Geography of Resettlement: Housing and Employment Trajectories in Diverse Urban Destinations

Mingda Chen

Impact of Zhengzhou Subway System on Adjacent Migrant Neighborhoods

Elizabeth Cohn-Martin

Situating Urban Agriculture: What, Where, and Why in New York City

Jessica Cruz

Impact of Gang Violence on “Transporte Colectivo Público Urbano” in Guatemala City

Ubaldo Escalante

There Goes the Barrio: Measuring Gentefication in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles

Yixiao Fang

An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Fiscal Autonomy and Economic Growth - The Case of China

James Gerken

Getting the Wheels Turning: Assessing Strategies for Financing & Advancing Mass Transit Infrastructure in the 21st-Century

Steven Getz

Examining the Extent to which Affordable Housing Development Acts as a Catalyst for Neighborhood Economic Development

Christopher Giamarino

Spatial Ethno-geographies of ‘Sub-cultures’ in Urban Space: Skateboarders, Appropriative Performance, and Spatial Exclusion in Los Angeles

Shahneez Haseeb

Satellite Cities of the Twentieth Century: A Sustainability Analysis of Milton Keynes and Reston

Evaluating Public Housing for Migrants in China: A Case Study of Public Rental Housing in Dongguan

Jon Tristan Jackson

Cool Roofs as a Municipal Strategy in Zone 5 Climate Cities

Effect of Local Context on Flood Vulnerability Identification: A comparison between New Orleans’ flood vulnerability assessment tools and globally applicable vulnerability indices

Neha Krishnan

Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction into Urban Planning - Mumbai’s Disaster Management Plan In A Global Context

Androniki Lagos

Planning to Grow: Progress & Challenges to Implementing Baltimore’s Grow Local Urban Agriculture Plan

Hyun Seung Lee

Creative Small Businesses and Their Economic Imapct on New York City’s Neighborhoods

Jose Lemaitre

Assessing Inclusionary Housing Policy in Santiago, Chile: Residential Segregation by Income, 2006-2016

Residential Development and Its Impact on School Access in New York City

Melissa Loomis

The Politics and Policies of New York City’s Manufacturing Industry

Dorothy MacAusland

Exporting Expertise? Rotterdam’s Planners and the Flood Adaptation Industry

Richard Martoglio

Uncovering the Effectiveness of Post-Sandy Housing Recovery Efforts in New York City

Madeleine McGrory

Riot: Community Organizations and Public Communication Following Crown Heights and Tompkins Square

Joseph McKenzie

Resilience Planning in a Coastal Urban Environment: An Analysis of climate change planning policy and procedure in Charleston, South Carolina

Sahra Mirbabaee

Vying for Fiber: A Comparative Analysis on Local Government Decision-Making for Fiber Internet

Matthias Neill

Cutting Back the Car - Lessons on Reducing Suburban Automobile Dependence from the US & Germany

Lauren Ossey

Policy Approaches to Energy Use Reduction in Tenant Spaces

Krithika Prabhakaran

Five Years Later: Are We Learning from the Storm? The Importance of Institutional Learning and Community-Centric Approaches to Building Local Resilience

Cameron Robertson

Arts & Cultural Districts and Preservation Policy: A Neighborhood Analysis of the River North (RiNo) Art District

Brandon Robinson

Green Jobs, Green Skills, and the Green Economy: A Survey of New York, with Broader Implications

Lia Soorenian

Land Use and Sea level Rise Vulnerability in New York City: Addressing Environmental Justice Through Zoning

Charles Stewart

Operationalizing the SoHo Effect: An Analysis of Affordable Artist Housing in Bridgeport, Connecticut

Jacquelyne Sunwoo

Aging Population and Slum Resettlement in Guryong Village, Seoul, South Korea

Evaluating State Based Economic Development Policy: Learning from Atlantic City

Mengyao Wang

Urban Conservation in China: The reasons and conflicts of historical neighborhood preservation

Mingze Wang

Spatiotemporal Relationships between the Change of Urban Residential Prices and its Driving Factors – A Case Study of Wuhan, China

Maryam Yaghoubi

Policies and Innovation Hubs: Evaluating Policies that Support and Sustain the Tech Industry in New York City

Analysis of urban expansion and transportation characteristics

Taylor Young

Effect of Complete Streets Infrastructure and Design on Street Life

Impacts of Public Art Projects on Underutilized Urban Spaces in NYC

Huitian Zhou

Superblocks in Beijing: a Survey Centric Study for the Feasibility of Opening Up Superblocks and Other Potential Solutions to Alleviate Their Problems

Tyler Atwood

The Good City Sidewalk: Assessing the Impact of Greenmarkets on Food Inequity in NYC

Jorge Casar Rodriguez

Freeing the Invisible Hand: The Unexpected Consequences of Land Deregulation in Queretaro, Mexico

Catherine Chao

Planning for the Unplanned Aging Community

Jiangyu Chen

Regulating Affordable Senior Services - It Shapes Assisted Living Programs in New York State

Veronica Chuah

Beyond the Core: The Role of Co­working Spaces in Local Economic Development

Jay Logan Clark

If You Build It They Will Come: New Bus Ridership Patterns in Connecticut’s Capitol Region Following the Introduction of Bus Rapid Transit

John Robert Darcey

At Home in the City: Refugee Lives in New York - A Case Study of the Park Hill Liberians

Alexandra Paty Diaz

Tweet-Sourcing Caracas: Using E-Participation for Urban Planning in Global South Cities

Prospect of Using Rail-Plus-Property Model for Transit Financing in China: Based on Comparative Case Studies of Shenzhen and Hong Kong

Timothy Douglas

Exclusion Resolved? A Case Study of Zoning Reform in Pound Ridge, NY

Evelyn Ellis

Optimizing Multifunctional Green Infrastructure as a Societal Co-Benefit Catalyst in New York City Policies for Coastal and Stormwater Management

Aaron Febuary

Tent City: An Analysis of Honolulu’s Homeless Communities

Andrea Forsberg

The Impact of Growth on Urban Form in the Oslo Region

Valentina Gaido

Creating Business Improvement Districts in Chile: Commercial District Strengthening Pilot Program

Shengye Guo

Historic Preservation and Open Space: Mutual Reinforcement of the Dual Characteristics - A Case Study of Yuan Dynasty City Wall Relics Park in Beijing, China

Zhiyuan Han

Integration of Bicycle Commuting to Public Transit in New York City

Privatization of NYCHA Public Housing

Patrick Kazyak

Planning for Oppression: Israeli Policies and Palestinian Access to Housing in East Jerusalem

Water Always Flows Downhill: The Strategy of Low Impact Development Practices for Urban Waterlogging Control in Shenzhen, China

Andrew Lassiter

Congestion Pricing: A Step Toward Safer Streets? Examining the Relationship Between Urban Core Congestion Pricing and Safety on City Streets

The Effects of Gentrification on Subsidized-Housing Programs in New York City

Seung Whan Lee

The Statistical Relationship Between the Elderly Population and Allocation of Welfare Facilities in Seoul, South Korea

When is Leaving Preferable to Staying? Exploring the Factors Essential to A Successful Residential Relocation

Impacts of Environmental Mass Incidents: A Comparative Analysis of Three Cases in China

The Implementation of Financing Strategies in Urban Rapid Transit Infrastructure: How Could Chinese Cities Do Better?

Juan Maquilon

Yachay, Knowledge City: An Analysis of Planning, Politics and Citizen Involvement

Mark Meiklejohn

“Residential Segregation and Interracial Economic Disparities” Revisited

Emily Kerns Minogou

Spatial Networks & Housing: An Analysis of Foreign Born West African and Chinese Populations in NYC and LA

Kaylee Moon

North Korean Defectors in South Korea: A Study of the Relationship between Levels and Desirability of Spatial Assimilation and of Other Assimilation Indicators

Hacking as Adaptation: A New Agenda for Planning Through the Lens of Copenhagen’s Sharing Economy

Briana Peppers

Rising While Black: A Qualitative Study on Black-Led Gentrification and Socioeconomic Mobility in Central Harlem

Michael Perles

The Production of Just Space: Climate Change and the Future of the New York City Housing Authority

Michael Andrew Phillips

The Repercussions of Minimum Parking Requirements on the Economic Viability and Historic Character of Traditional Downtowns

Mehak Sachdeva

Urban Resilience and Urban Sustainability

Jeongwon Seo

Impact of a Home Sharing Platform on the Rental Housing Market in New York City

Anjali Singhvi

Social Mobility through Rural-Urban Migration: A case of ‘Manganiyar’ and ‘Langa’ desert tribes of Rajasthan, India

George Todorovic

Commingled Recycling Policies: Can the Introduction of Single Stream Recycling Co-exist with the New York State Bottle Bill and the Operation of New York City’s Redemption Centers?

Frances Irene Uy

Energy Pricing in the Philippines and its Effect on Economic Growth

Is “Rail plus Property” in Hong Kong a Scalable Strategy for Funding Public Transit? Based on Case Studies of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and New York City

The Role of Neighborhood Space in Fostering Sense of Community In Affordable Housing Communities In Shanghai

Zhipeng Zeng

An Analysis of Power Relations in the Redevelopment of Urban Villages – Three Case Studies in Guangzhou, China

Yuting Zhang

Employment Policy and Sustainable Livelihoods of Landless Peasants in China: A Study in Zhengdong New Area

How Uneven Elementary School Education Quality Leads to Social Stratification in Beijing, China

Meagan Aaron

Public Private Partnerships: An Off Balance Experience

Jawaher Al Sudairy

Implications of Religious Tourism Planning on Makkah Residents: A Critical Analysis of the Land Expropriation Process

Alexander Altskan

Public Housing Redevelopment and Crime Displacement: The New Communities Initiative, Washington, DC

Philip Betheil

Community Involvement and the Reuse of Rail Rights-Of-Way

Eric Blair-Joannou

Designing for Disconnection: Changing Intentions and Uses of the Waterfront in Post-Erie Canal New York City

Ariana Branchini

Tourism and its Economic Impact in Italy: A Study of Industry Concentration and Quality of Life

Redevelopment of Industrial Land: Interaction Between Policy and Private Development

Quality or Quantity? Factory Outlet Center Planning and Development as a Retail Innovation in Beijing

Shuran Chen

Ekibiru (Station Building) and its Relation with Surrounding Land Value

Olga Chernomorets

Walkability: Implementation Challenges in the Suburbs of North Central Texas

Gentrification of New York City after Hurricane Sandy

Making Room for Change: Community School Space and Shifting the Educational Paradigm

Bingruo Duan

Impact of Social Media Marketing on the Popularity of Museum Programs in China

Ola El Hariri

The Role of Institutions in Responding to the Syrian Refugees Crisis in Lebanon: The Humanitarian Aid Framework of Saida

Sarah Ellmore

Transforming Long Island City: Examining the Impacts of Rezoning

Peter Erwin

Visualizing Affordability: Testing Whether Low-Income Housing Tax Credits Produce the Housing Architecture that Planners Desire, and Envisioning a Better Future

Alexandria Fiorini

Accommodating Airbnb: Managing the Presence of Peer-to-Peer Accommodations Companies in New York City

Hannah Fleisher

Spreading the ‘Wealth’ in the Far North of Ontario, at What Cost?

Jessica George

The Cost of Global Competitiveness: Assessing the Impacts of Special Economic Zone Policy on the Working Class in Bangalore

Franziska Grimm

Peak Car and the Future of Urban Mobility. Exploring 21st Century Urban Trends and their Implications for the Automotive Industry

Laura Groves

Is There a Role for Preservation Planning in a Favela?

What Affects Theme Park Performance: A Comparative Case Study of Disney Theme Parks in East Asia

Mengxun Han

Localization of Transit-Oriented Development Concept around China’s High-Speed Rail Stations: The Case of Jinan

Daniel Hewes

Community Led Disaster Planning: Lessons Learned in Red Hook, Brooklyn Post Superstorm Sandy

Maxwell Holdhusen

Good Governance and Equity: Analyzing Saint Paul, Minnesota’s Capital Improvement Budget Process

Delocalization of Expenditures: The Role of Foreign Actors in Infrastructural Public Private Partnerships

Patrick Jalasco

The Importance of Political Empowerment in Urban Planning: A Case Study Analysis on the Passage of Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992 in the Philippines

Ji-Hyeon Jeong

Mayoral Political Ideology and Affordable Housing: A Comparative Analysis of the Koch and Bloomberg Administrations in the City of New York

Olivia Maria Jovine

Improving Recycling: An Analysis of Formal and Informal Recycling in New York City

Jordanna Lacoste

Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings and Transferable Development Rights: An Exploratory Analysis

Rachel Levy

Contextual Zoning as a Preservation Planning Tool in New York City

Design and Planning of Commercial Streets in Beijing with Cultural Attraction Theme

Beneficiaries of New York City’s 421a Tax Exemption Program

Impacts of High Speed Railway Station on Small Cities in China: A Case Study of Wuhan-Guangzhou Line

Collaborative Planning in Environmental Policy in China: A Case Study of the New Jiangwan Wetland Redevelopment Project

Houston: Planning for Urban Life without Zoning

Aleksey Martynyuk

Measuring Impact of Increase in High-Skilled Workers on the Livelihoods of Medium- and Low-Skilled Workers

Erica Mollon

Measuring the Social Impacts of Preservation on Disadvantaged Communities

Sharon Moskovits

Ferry Service in New York City: Analyzing the East River Ferry as a Model for Ferry Expansion

Anna Oursler

Mining Urban Heat

David Perlmutter

Privatizing the Metro Card: Transportation Equity in an Open-Loop Smartcard Fare Payment System

Xiaomin Qian

Planning Senior Living Homes for the Satisfaction of Active Elderly

Kellie Radnis

Chicago’s Lakefront Park System: A Study of the Burnham Plan and Its Implementation

Jet Richardson

Toward Regional Urban Planning Support in Post-Conflict Environments West Africa

Houman Saberi

Urban Digital Divides and Community WiFi: A Case Study of Red Hook, Brooklyn

Xiaotian Sun

Chinese FDI: A Study of the Impact of Chinese Infrastructure Investments in Kenya, Africa

A Study of Mixed Income Housing Projects in New York City: The Effects of Inclusionary Housing Program on Residents Living in Affordable Units and Neighbors’ Interaction

Ushma Thakrar

Back to the City, the Kitchen and the Suburbs: Trends in Residential Settlement, Food Culture, and Domestic Labor Practices since WWII

How New Yorkers Prefer to Take Public Transport: A Comprehensive Analysis Based on 2010-2011 Regional Household Travel Survey

Yesmín Vega

Service Provisions in the Slums: The Case of La Perla in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Crystal Wang

Does the Great Streets Initiative in Los Angeles Serve the Goals of Urban Planning from the Implementation Side?

Does Government Favor High End Housing Development around a Representative TOD Project Instead of Improving Transit Access for Residents Nearby? An Exploration of Transit Equity, Institutional Issues and TOD in Shenzhen, China

Xuzheng Wang

Electronic Commerce Platform, Logistics and Local Economic Development: A Case Study of Global Innovation Center in Qingdao City

Chunxiao Xu

Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and Urban Land Use Evolution: Did the 2008 Olympics Benefit Local Communities?

Rural Migrant Workers’ Integration into City under the Reform of Household Registration (Hukou) System in China–A Case Study of Zhenjiang City

Under What Circumstances Will Land Value Capture Work to Finance Public Transit? Based on Case Studies of Hong Kong, Tokyo and New York City

Sarah Almukhtar

The Effects of Urban Conflict and the Role of Community-Based Initiatives in Baghdad

*Fatema Alzeera

The Implications of Planning Failure: Evaluating the Impacts of Land Reclamation Policies on Fishermen Communities in Bahrain

Lissa Barrows

Planning with Character: Gotouchi Kyara and Place Branding in Japan

The Impact of the Congestion Charging Scheme on Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollutants Emissions in London

Tiancheng Cai

Exploring the Impact Factors on Frequency of Applications for Zoning Amendment in the City of New York

Ellis Calvin

Small Scale/Global Ambition: Strategies of Architectural Production and Global Urban Competitiveness in Medellín, Colombia

Beijing Parking Issue – A Case Study in Lama Temple Area

Real-name Registration System as a Way to Improve Social Service Security: A Case Study of Migrant Construction Workers in Nanjing

*Peter Chung

Living Globally: Exploring the Need for Foreign Enclaves in Shanghai

Sustaining Art Ecosystem: Social Diversity and NGO-­‐Government Cooperation in Song Zhuang Art Village

Benjamin Engle

The Changing Values of Planning: Comprehensive Planning in White Plains and Westchester County, NY

Aleena Farishta

The Impact of Syrian Refugees on Jordan’s Water Resources and Water Management Planning

Emily Gordon

Pittsburgh School Closures: The Impact on Physical and Social Neighborhood Dynamics

Governance and Gentrification in Creative Industry Clusters - A Case Study of Three Creative Clusters in Beijing

Emily Heard

Evaluating the Effect Urban Rail Expansion on Regional Density Distribution in Portland, OR

Demolition and the Shrinking City: Philadelphia and Camden

The Impact of Informal Network on Rural-Based Creative Sectors in China

Anne Krassner

Where do Political Will and Community Needs Meet? The case of the Aerial Cable Cars in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Taylor Miller

Vacant Space + Temporary Use: Understanding Development Cycles in Berlin’s Neighborhoods of Friedrichshain + Kreuzberg

Matthew Mueller

Equity of Transit in the Twin Cities: A Benefit-Based Study of the Racial Equity of Access to Transit

Planning for Resource-Rich Communities: Learning through Comparisons of Energy Booms and Busts in the American West

Wenting Pang

The Effects of Land Use Right Transaction Approaches on Residential Property Price – A Case Study of Beijing, China

Natalie Quinn

From Rhetoric to Reality: A Look at the Implementation of Transit-Oriented Development Plans Along the Gold Line in Los Angeles County

Shraddha Ramani

Investigating the Impact of Smart Growth Policies on Floodplain Development

Sarah Shannon

Are Resiliency Plans Addressing Climate Change in an Equitable Way?

Justine Shapiro-Kline

The Impact of the Public Process in Rebuild by Design

Heidi Smith

Changing Retail Composition in Greenwich, CT 2000-2013

Gillian Sollenberger

Patient Accessibility to Primary Healthcare in Brooklyn, New York

Julie Sophonpanich

Embracing Water: A Study on How Cities Have Planned for Floods in the Past

Business Composition Change in the 798 Art District of Beijing, and Reasons Behind It

Teens and Improvised Spaces: a Study of Appropriation of Outdoor Places

Sherrie Waller

Positive Youth and Community Development in Brownsville, Brooklyn

Christine Wen

State vs. Local Management of Groundwater: The cases of California and Nevada

Chuanxi Xiong

What Type of Neighborhoods into Which the Chinese Tend to Move: A Study of the Chinese Americans in the City of New York, 1970-2010

The 2009 Health Care Reform and Insurance Coverage for Migrant Construction Workers in Beijing, China

Neighborhood Conservation Districts: An Assessment of Typologies, Effectiveness, and Community Response

Carbon Finance Opportunities in Transportation and Clean Development Mechanism in Developing Countries– Examining The Interplay Of Investment, Emission Reduction, and Carbon Credit Revenue

*Xiaowan Zhang

The Making of Public Open Space Accessible to Underserved Populations in Urban Village

Social Capital, Entrepreneur Network and Small City Development in Central and Western China: A Case Study of Xixia City

Shichen Zhang

Location Analysis of 3D Printer Manufacturing Industry

Zhewu Zhuang

Correlation between Land Use and Metro Rail Ridership in Los Angeles

After Losing Land: Reemployment Opportunity for Landless Peasants in China, A Case Study of Yangguanzhai Village

Linghong Zou

Addressing Declining Bicycle Use in China: Factors Associated with Bicycle Ownership and Use

Sean Ansanelli

Development Beyond Growth: Exploring the Potential of Alternative Community Development Strategies in Detroit

Cassandra Bellew

Superfund Remediation: Ingredients for Improving Feasibility of Site Reuse

Danielle Berger

A GIS Suitability Analysis of The Potential for Rooftop Agriculture in New York City

Rosemary Bolich

Planning for Climate Change Adaptation: How Does the MTA Compare?

Nicole Buchholz

Low-Impact Development and Green Infrastructure Implementation: Creating a Replicable GIS Suitability Model for Stormwater Management and the Urban Heat Island Effect in Dallas, Texas

Francesca Camillo

Are Green Roofs an Answer to New York City’s Combined Sewer Overflow Problem?: Using Stormwater Utility Fees to Incentivize Green Roofs

Clara Chung

Rural Educational NGOs and Urban Aspirations: Lessons on Skill Planning in Cambodia

Leslie Deacon

Planning Sidewalks: Implications of Regulating Sidewalk Space in the East Village

Naomi Delphin

The Role that Off-Street Parking and Curb Cuts play in the Urban Environment

Danielle Dowler

Local Booze and Brews: An Examination of the Microbrewery and Craft Distillery Industries in New York City

Violeta Duncan

ICT, Lost in Translation: How Western Development Epistemoplogy Constrains the Growth of the Kenyan knowledge Society

Daniel Dykema

Land Value and the Financing of Urban Rapid Transit Infrastructure

Lola Feiger

New York Hearts Tech: Tech in the City Under Bloomberg

Katherine Gilmore

A Process Evaluation of New York City’s Zoning Resolution (ZR) § 74-79: Why Is It Being Used So Infrequently?

*Norabelle Greenberger

Changing Retail Dynamics in Greenpoint, Brooklyn

Simone Greenbaum Gross

Legal Constraints on Neighbors’ Use of Community Benefits Agreements in New York City

Peter Harrison

Alone, Together: An Examination of the Organizational Capacity of the Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village Tenants Association

Isabelle Hazlewood

Barriers to Utility-­‐Scale Wind Development in New York State

Lauren Hoogkamer

Assessing and Managing Cruise Ship Tourism in Historic Port Cities: Case Study Charleston, South Carolina

Jinny Khanduja

Shared Tastes: Economic Development, Local Food, and Kitchen Incubators in New York City

Millay Kogan

Planning for Social-Mix Housing Policies in Paris, France and its Implications on Community Cohesion

A Renaissance City: Analyzing the Role of Arts and Cultural Infrastructure in the Revitalization of Cleveland

Steven Loehr

Mixed-Use, Mixed Impact: Re-Examining the Relationship between Non-Residential Land Uses and Residential Property Values

The Geographic Distribution of Pedestrian Safety Projects In New York City: What Social Equity Implications?

Alley Lyles

In Case of Emergency, Tweet This: A Case Study of Emergency Response Methods During Hurricane Sandy

Meg MacIver

The Logic of Place Promotion: Constituting the Unique in the City of Lancaster, PA

Luke McGeehan

Throwing Out the Trash: Waste to Energy in New York City an Analysis of Environmental Justice and NIMBY Concerns

*Sara Elisa Miller

Policy and Politics: The Effects of Facility Regulation on Abortion Access in Virginia

Greg Mirza-Avakyan

Adaptive Reuse of Historic Churches in New York City: The Opportunities and Challenges for Community Development

Lucrecia Montemayor

Shifting power and Institutional Relationships: The role of Stakeholders in Shaping Cananea, Mexico

Dianne O'Brien

Measuring the Full Economic Impacts of Local Historic District Designations

Cuthbert A. Onikute

Low-Tech Approaches to Infrastructure Development: Anaerobic Digestion and Waste Management in Sub-Saharan West Africa

Max Podemski

The New-New York: Upzoning Neighborhoods in the Era of Bloomberg

Lucy Robson

Gold Without the Games: Analyzing Unsuccessful Olympic Bids as Policy Windows

Daleen Saah

Surreal Estate: A Historical Case Study of Manhattan’s East Village + Lower East Side Squatter History, 1970-2000

Joshua Saal

The Changing Dynamics of Non-Primary Housing in New York City and its Implications on Housing and Planning Policy

Kazuki Sakamoto

Participatory Planning: Gaining a Voice in The Digital Divide

Jordan Salinger

Economic Development Policies Through Business Incubation and Co-working: A Study of San Francisco and New York City

Ranjani Sarode

The Housing Landscape in Los Angeles: Studying Financial Resiliency of Neighborhoods in the Aftermath of the Foreclosure Crisis

Abby Scattergood

La Marqueta: Examining the Retail Landscape of East Harlem

Amewusika Sedzro

Harnessing Indigenous Institutions in Decentralized Governance of Public Services: An Examination of Household Solid Waste Collection in Accra

*Stephanie Shellooe

Wheels When Who Wants Them: Assessing Social Equity and Access Implications of Carsharing in NYC

*Rajlaxmi Teli

Welfare through Skills Development : A Case of Tradtional and Modern Construction Workers in Pune, India

Baiyue Tian

Rental Price Adjustment, Volatility and Clustering

Christopher Velasco

From Rural to Urban: The Creation of Water Markets, Agriculture and Farmworkers in California’s Imperial Valley

Brownfield Remediation and Redevelopment in China: Legal and Regulatory Frameworks, Processes, and Actions

Marla Weinstein

From Waste to Plate: Examining the Role of Urban Biosolids in Recycling Phosphorus

Sarah Welton

Over-Leveraged: An Analysis of the Impact of Fringe Banking Establishments on Suicide Rates in New York City

John Benjamin Woodward

“Last-Mile” Deliveries in High-Density Urban Residential Areas of Manhattan

Chongqing’s Technology Assets and Opportunities in the Context of National Industrial Reconstruction

Why Chinatown has Gentrified Later than Other Communities in Downtown Manhattan: A Planning History

Protecting Local Livelihoods in Urban Sustainable Development: Environment - Employment Tradeoffs of Jardim Gramacho in Rio de Janierio, Brazil

Bhyar Abdullah

Foreclosure Crisis and Its Socio-Economic Impacts on Evicted Renters Who Have Been Helped by Legal Aids and Legal Services in New York City

Heather Anderson

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round: Transportation for Homeless Students in Los Angeles County

Caroline H. Bauer

Gypsum Recycling in PlaNYC 2030: Spaces for Government Intervention

Institutionalizing Citizenship Participation: The Role of NGOs in Democratizing Land Security in Phnom Penh

Yasmin Bijani

Putting the Citizen at the Heart of Water Management: A Study of Water in Bangalore

The Effectiveness of Using Incentives in Spatial Zones to Promote Renewable Energy: A Case Study: New York City’s Solar Empowerment Zone Program

Examining the Completeness of Six Los Angeles Cities

Varying Significance of Influencing Factors in Development High-Tech Clusters – Using Cities of the U.S. and China as an Example

Michael Curley

Response of Residential Property Values to the Replacement of Limited-Stop Bus Service with Bus Rapid Transit: An Analysis of New York City’s Bx12 Select Bus Service

Alioune B. Dia

African Immigrants’ Views of Gentrification in Central Harlem

Julian L. Ferraldo

Zoning For Exchange: Creative-Industrial Incubators In North Brooklyn And The Formalization Of Innovation

Caitlin Laura Fitzpatrick

Do Public Private Partnerships Create Sustainable Economic Development in the State of Connecticut?

Caitlin Hackett

Coordinating Planners’ Perceptions of Neighborhood in De-Industrialized Detroit

Patrick Timothy Hoffman

Brick by Brick: Self-Interest and Real Estate Investment at Four Universities

Claudia Huerta

Transit Funding; Why the Politics? A Comparative Study of Public Transportation Infrastructure Funding in New York City and Los Angeles

Benjamin Huff

Analyzing the Effects of Industrial Retention Policy on New York City Neighborhoods

Priyanka Jain

Limited Right to City: The Changing Meaning of Public Space

Eminent Domain Abuse: A Look at How to Address Eminent Domain Reform through Urban Planning Processes

Doneliza Joaquin

Olympic Transportation Planning: The Legacies of Barcelona and Beijing

Jacqueline Louise Keliiaa

AlterNATIVE Economic Development Models For Native American Tribes: A Case Study on the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California

*Kyle M. Kirschling

An economic analysis of rapid transit in New York, 1870-2010

Tsz Kiu Liu

San Francisco’s Sit/Lie Ordinance: Perceptions, Realities, and Desires

Erin Lavelle

A Local Approach to Emergency Management: Knowledge Dissemination and Household Preparedness in Central Massachusetts

*Megan Marini

Building Adaptive Capacity: An Analysis of Innovations in Information and Communication Technology in Post-Earthquake Haiti

Devin J. McDowall

Planning on Noise: The Implementation of Noise Compatibility Zoning in the Northeast United States

Alexander McQuilkin

Building Economies: Real Estate Investment and the Fnance Sector in Shanghai’s Pudong Special Economic Zone

Arvind Murthy

Protecting New York City from Homegrown Terrorism: The City’s Role in Radicalization and Counter-Radicalization

Jae Young Paek

Planning for Resettled Communities: A Study of International Regulations in the Extractive Industries in Ghana

Edgar Pedroza

Provincial Reconstruction Teams | Iraq: Effective Review, Planning and Standards of Practice

Charles-Antoine Perrault

Assessing Urban Density: a Multidimensional Model

Lauren A. Racusin

Locked in: The Silent Siege of Dubrovnik by the Tourism Industry

Jacob Schabas

Transit-Oriented Governance: A Comparison of the Impact of Regional Government Structures on Public Transit Use in Toronto and Vancouver

Stephanie Servetz

Improving Disaster Preparedness in NYC through Widespread Education

The Urban Political Ecologies of Vancouver: Sustainable Development and Affordability

Trevor Shanklin

The Balance of Affordable Housing in New York City: A Spatial Analysis of the City’s Assisted Affordable Housing Landscape and Whether the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program Compromises the Potential to Achieve a Balance

Susana T. Siman

Bridging the Communication Gap; Real Estate Developers and the Local Community: A Look at Online Platforms used for Community Engagement in Real Estate Development

Vanessa Monique Smith

Social Networks Matter: A new Approach to Assess Clusters, Cultural Vitality, and Their Implications for Planning Processes in Rio de Janeiro’s Historic District, Praça Tiradentes

*Michael Snidal

Suburbs of their Own: African-American Outmigration and Persistent Segregation in Chicago

Maxwell L. Sokol

Theorizing Planning Practice: Collaborative Planning for Smart Growth on Long Island, New York

Diana Switaj

An Examination of Neighborhood Retail and Small Businesses in Post- 9/11 Lower Manhattan

Alternative Transportation Modes: How to Create More Options in Los Angeles

Victor S. Teglasi

Why Transportation Mega-Projects (Often) Fail? Case Studies of Selected Transportation Mega-Projects in the New York City Metropolitan Area

Alex J. Wallach

Understanding Park Usership: An Examination of the Role of User Studies in Park Planning

Dispersal Consistency of Subsidized Affordable Housing and Low-income Households in Santa Clara County, California

Jeffrey Yuen

Hybrid Vigor: An Analysis of Land Tenure Arrangements in Addressing Land Security for Urban Community Gardens

Michelle Young

Community-based Approaches to the Implementation of the New York State Electronic Waste Recycling Law in New York City

Public Space Use in New York City, its Relationship to Space Design Character, Surrounding Context and User’s Perception of Publicness through Space Management and Control

Youngji Bae

Shelter from the Storm: Questioning the State’s Role in Embracing Informal Residents in East Berlin

Georgia Bullen

Communicating through the Cloud: Civic involvement in planning via New Media & Technology

Jennifer Shin-Yi Chung

Are Cities in Los Angeles County Planning for Sustainable Development? An Evaluation of City Comprehensive Plans

Jorge U. Colin Pescina

Neighborhood Characteristics’ Effects On Academic Performance And Potential Policy Implications: The Case Of Mexico City’s High Schools

Planning for Coming Land Changes: From the First Generation to the Second Generation Biofuel

Emilie C. Evans

Historic Preservation in Shrinking Cities: Neighborhood Strategies for Buffalo and Cleveland

James Finegan

Turning Value into Revenue: New York’s MTA

Tanya Fonseca

Increasing Food Sovereignty: Opportunities and Barriers in New York City for Regional Farmers

Christina Ghan

The Role of Climate Change Adaptation in Municipal Coastal Planning in New York City

Benjamin Hedrick

The Girard Avenue-Route 15 Streetcar Project: An Analysis of the Relationship between Public Transit and Economic Development in Philadelphia

Susana Isabel Mira

City marketing: A state tool for planning within the market rules

*Heidi M. Gen Kuong

The Community Benefits Agreement Movement and its Implications for Development Practices in California

Milagros Lecuona

Effects of a national policy on local communities: The Westchester Affordable Housing Pact

Kye Joon Lee

Housing Bubble: A Risk to The Korean Economy

Eugenia Manwelyan

Good Food for All: Understanding Nutritional Insecurity and the Potential Role of Food Cooperatives in the ‘Food Deserts’ of New York City

Julia Melzer

Examining New York City’s Inclusionary Housing Program: Part and Parcel of the Rezoning Process

Dynamic Tug of War between State and Market planning: Investigating South and North Korean Industrial Development Strategies and the Consequent Urban and Regional Planning

*Amelia Pears

Holding Back the Sustainable City: NYC’s Minimum Parking Requirements vs. PlaNYC2030

Francis Tan

Evaluating the Unified New Orleans Planning process in light of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2

Nathan Tinclair

Should Cities Fund Public Art? An Analysis of Percent for Art Funding Mechanisms

Pixie Ann Alexander

Quinnipiac Terrace: Networked Financing Streams And New Urbanist Planning Ideals Pitch A Dream On An Old Public Housing Site

Christopher R. Bauman

LEED as a Sustainability Regulatory Mechanism: The Promises and Pitfalls of the Green Building Rating System

Audra Brecher

Spaces for Art: Appropriation and Bricolage in Brooklyn, New York

Lindsay Casper

Negotiating Community: Assisted Living in the Aging Experience

Gillian Connell

Preserving Early 20th Century Lakefront Communities: Impetus and Strategy

Caitlin R. Dourmashkin

Interactive Mapmaking and Public Participation in Planning: Engaging Citizens Through Web-Based Communication

Renata Dermengi Dragland

Green Line. Bus Rapid Transit System Toward a Sustainable Future, Curitiba, Brazil

Louise Dreier

Urban Onanists, Flashers, Gropers and Other Perverts: Street Harassment and the Built Environment in New York City

*John M. Dulac

The Road to Sustainable Urban Transportation: Understanding the relationship between urban transport sector emissions, household travel behavior and land use development

The Ontario Municipal Board in the 21st Century: Still a Tribunal out of Time?

Vikram Gill

Investigating the Impact of Densification Zoning on Residential Affordability: The Vancouver Case

Michal Gross

Shifting Public Housing Demographics: A Statistical Analysis of the Hispanic Population in Public Housing

Christina Huan

Rebuilding Bushwick, Brooklyn After Foreclosure

Margaret Hudson

Planning for a Healthy and Sustainable Food System: Supplying New York City Bodegas Through Urban Agriculture

Sanggyun Kang

Deregulation of Urban Bus Transit and its Impact on Transportation Accessibility and Urban Structure: A Case Study of Bus Transit Deregulation in Gran Santiago de Chile

Airport Access to John F. Kennedy International Airport

David Krulewitch

A Portrait of Neighborhood Change: Analysis of Demographic Trends in 20 Manhattan Neighborhoods from 1950 to 2000

Sophia Lalani

Setting a Sustainable Agenda: Economic Development, the Built Environment and Water Resource Management in Amman, Jordan

Kevin Leichner

Public-Private Development and New Markets Tax Credits: Balancing Investor Returns and Community Benefits

Is Bus Rapid Transit Serving Existing Bus Riders Well? A Passenger Study of New York City’s BX 12 Select Bus Service

Chinese Land Banking in Urban Development: Long-Term Planning or Short-Term Expedient?

Alison Mayer

Rewarding High Performers? A Look at the Relationship Between Tenant Satisfaction and Funding Allocation for English Social Housing Providers

Leah Mosall

Institutionalized Intolerance: Understanding New York City’s Graffiti Policies

Victoria Okoye

Bringing the Community In: Expanding the Space for Community Planning in Water Provision in Lagos, Nigeria

The Impact of Business Improvement Districts on Retail Establishments in New York City

Kristian Ongoco

Residential Locations of Asian Immigrants in Three Metropolitan Areas

Jennifer L. Pehr

Running the Risk: The co-location of urban planning and public health and the barriers created to high-risk, pregnant, and parenting teens’ ability to access educational and support services in New York City

Brendan Shera

Cyclist Preference for Bicycle Facilities and Parking in New York City

James Simmons

Urban Poverty and New Markets Tax Credits: Implications for the Planning Profession

Yihong Song

Connectivity between Local Transit Systems and Intercity Rail Terminals: Assessing the Potential for Increasing Railway Mode Share

Itir Sonuparlak

The Impacts of Socio-Economic Factors on Recycling Diversion Rates in New York City

Gita Subramony

Community Food Assessment for Recipients of Nutritional Assistance in Brooklyn

Josef Szende

Improving Walking and Transit Use for Senior Citizens

*Kevin Thurman

The Zoning and Rezoning of Dutch Kills, Queens: Narratives From Local Residents and Business Property Owners and Lesson in New York City Land Use Policy

Matthew Viggiano

Development and the Planner’s Role in Real Estate Development Negotiations

The Creative City Strategy: An Analysis of the Michigan Cool Cities Initiative

Andrew Watanabe

The Social and Spatial Imperatives of Contextual Zoning during in New York during the Bloomberg Administration

Demographic, Travel and Spatial Patterns of Carpool Behaviors in Beijing, China

Hun-Hwoi Yoo

Impact of Baby Boomers on the Housing Market in South Korea: Was the Baby Boom Generation a Critical Factor to Housing Market?

Can Retrofitting Suburban Shopping Centers Realize Smart Growth Objectives

Catherine Barnes-Dömötör

Water Ways: The Politics of Planning the Anacostia Waterfront Initiative in Washington, D.C.

Thomas Bassett

Globalized Space: Creating New Centralities in São Paulo, Brazil

*James Cocks

Preserving Racism

Kyle Daniels

Funding Sources for Fixed Guideway Transit Projects: A Comparison of Federal New Starts Funding to Local Funding

Therese Diede

Modal shift to VÉLIB’: A Cognitive Mapping Approach

Tyler Fairbairn

Rethinking Public Investment: Professional Sports Stadiums and Arenas as Drivers for Downtown Revitalization

Stefannie Lynn Garry

How Can Information Communication Technologies Address Socioeconomic Inequalities?

Chelsea Gleis

The Decentralization of Passenger Train Stations in the United States

Karolina Grebowiec-Hall

Contextual Zoning in New York City: Measuring the Effects on Adjacent Neighborhoods

Jessica Van Houten

Barriers to Green Building: The Perspective of the Contractor in the Hudson Valley

Catherine Kim

Customer Relationship Management in the Public Sector: A Study of New York City’s 311 Service and Its Implications for Shaping the Urban Landscape

Inbar Kishoni

New Urbanism: Remedy or Malady? An Investigation into the Reality of the Goals of New Urbanism

Stakeholders Involvement and Public Input on the Park 101 Project: A Highway Cap in Los Angeles California

Stephanie Lim

How can information communication technologies (ICT) address socioeconomic inequalities? Closing the Digital Divide in The Bronx

Kathryn Lipiecki

Achieving Sustainability through Community Sustainability Plans: Two New Jersey Case Studies

Access Fee and Reform Options for Chinese Railways

*Andrea Marpillero-Colomina

Planning for Chain Retail: Case Studies from New York

Matthew E. Schwartz

Do Transit Oriented Developments Change Travel Behavior? A Case Study of the Rahway and South Orange New Jersey Transit Villages

*Qianqi Shen

Guanxi and the ‘Non-Miracle’ in China: Tacit Relationships and Impacts on Local Economic Development

Preeti Sodhi

The City is a Skatepark: How can planning best respond to skateboarding in New York City?

Patrick Streeter

Thinking Inside the Box: An Assessment of the Multimodal Waste Containerization and its Effects on New York’s Environmental Landscape

Exploring Politics of Government Action: An Evaluation of Plan NYC 2030

Do Empowerment Zones Really Work? A Case Study of the Harlem Empowerment Zone in New York City

Leslie Alba

Community Group Effect on Neighborhood Based Commercial Corridor Revitalization

Rimma Ashkinadze

Wireless Broadband Networks for Municipal Use

Marc Bleyer

Implementation Barriers for Energy Efficiency Policy in New York City Buildings

Does President Bush’s Mortgage Foreclosure Mitigation Plan Meet the Needs of America’s Cities?

*Devanne Brookins

Integrated Development Planning: Creating Housing Sustainability for the Urban Poor in Johannesburg

Gavin Browning

Defense and Dispersal: Highlighting Anti-Urban Federal City Planning Recommendations in New York City in the 1950s

Basha S. Estroff

Section 74-711’s Effect on Landmarks: Ladies’ Mile Historic District Applications

Jennifer Ewing

Green Public Procurement and Intercity Collaboration: Assessing the Impacts of the European Local Environmental Management Systems and Procurement (LEAP) Project on Organizational and Policy Co-Evolution

Municipal Environmental Sustainability Planning: Motivations, Implementations, Documents, and Impacts in Highland Park, New Jersey

*Marguerite Grady

The FreshDirect Effect: How Does Food Choice Affect a Neighborhood’s Appeal?

Julie Greenwalt

Community Participation in Post-disaster Recovery: The Cases of New Orleans and Sri Lanka

*Yoav Hagler

Back on Track: An Examination of Current Transportation Networks and Potential High-Speed Rail Systems in Three U.S. Megaregions

Christopher S Hayner

Escaping the Dutch Disease: A Comparison of Diversification Strategies for the Oil Economies of Houston and Edmonton

Nasozi Kakembo

Fortifying Institutional Gaps in Rural Participation: The Role of the Citizen in Uganda’s Industrial Development

*Alison Laichter

Reentry and the Roles of Bridge Programming: Reconnecting Former Prisoners and Their Communities

Sara Levenson

The Disposition of Public Property: Firehouses in New York City

Alex Maisuradze

Equitable Financing Options for the Revitalization of Old Tbilisi

Shane Muchow

Paying For Parks: An Analysis of Alternative Park Financing Mechanisms in New York City

Minna V. Ninova

Urban Development and Manipulation of Cultural Infrastructure: Vienna’s Museums Quartier Project

Hye Jung Park

Public Participation and the State in South Korean Democracy and Development

Matthew J. Roe

Naked Streets for the Naked City: Planning and Design of Shared Space on Commercial Streets in New York City

Seth Ruggiero

Synthetic Landscapes and Artificial Nature in New York City Parks and Public Spaces: An Analysis of Environmental Justice and Risk Assessment Related to Synthetic Turf

Humberto René Salinas

Habitat Program in Ciudad Victoria: Opportunities for Improvement by Community Participation

Public Space and Planning for Informal Workers: The Case of Street Vendors in Mumbai, India

Robert J. Viola Jr.

Construction and Demolition Waste in New York City: Overcoming the Barriers to Increased Recycling

The Rehabilitation of Public Facilities and Spaces in New Orleans through the Application of a Civic Works Program

Caitlin Warbelow

Air Pollution, Health, and Environmental Justice in Harlem: Particulate Matter Monitoring, GIS, and Spatial Data Analysis for Policy and Planning

William Pepper Watkins

Are Historic Access Corridors an Effective Tool for Promoting Historic Preservation in Virginia

MUP Theses + Professional Projects

Students in the Master of Urban Planning program may do a thesis or a professional project. Titles and authors for student theses and professional projects are sorted by year below. Theses can be viewed on the UW ResearchWorks Archive , and hard copies prior to 2012 may be held in the College of Built Environments Library – both of which are accessible to the public

Forms and guidelines regarding theses and professional projects for currently enrolled students can be accessed on the MUP Forms webpage.

Redeveloping Gas Station Sites to Pocket Parks in the City of Seattle – A Benefit-Cost Analysis (Thesis)

Anzlovar, Isaac

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Whittington

The role of urban parks in crisis communications: A content analysis of local park and recreation department online communication strategies during a public health emergency using COVID-19 as a case study (Thesis)

Archer, Megan

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Nicole Errett and Professor Andrew Dannenberg

Accessing Assessibility: The Role of Data in Pedestrian Accessibility Planning (Professional Project)

Brown, Rachel Lee

Chair of Supervisory Committee:

The COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Access to Culturally Sensitive Food in Seattle (Thesis)

Chen, Tristan

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

The Legacy of Redlining and the Disproportionate Exposure to Extreme Heat in Seattle, Washington (Thesis)

D’Aquila, Kellee

Becoming Green Places: Attachment to Public Green and Recreational Space Among Multi-Unit Dwellers in Ballard (Thesis)

Claire Farrington

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christopher Campbell

Coastal Forests as a Tsunami Mitigation Measure in Pacific Northwest Coastal Communities (Thesis)

Goodwin, Brook A.

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ken Yocom and Professor Daniel Ambramson

The Social Life of Privately-Owned Public Spaces (Thesis)

Harrang, Owen

Environmental Justice Analysis of the Washington State Stormwater Financial Assistance Program (Professional Project)

Hohlbien, Charlotta

Chair of Supervisory Committee

An Equity Analysis of the Scooter Share Program in Seattle, WA (Thesis)

Hong, Barnabas Soonhoo

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Community Engagement is Harming Cities: Disrupting Racial Planning for a Planning End of Shared Well-being (Thesis)

Johnson, Markus

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Mark Purcell

“Where’s My Money?” Analysis of Federal COVID-19 Rent Relief in Washington Local Governments (Thesis)

Lansing, Arthur

Safe and Slow Seattle: Pedestrian Safety and Racial Bias on City Streets (Professional Project)

Larson, Nicole

How We Faced a Pandemic: Narrative Approaches to Disaggregating Asian Pacific American COVID-19-Related Experiences through a Cultural, Place-Based Lens (Thesis)

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jeffrey Hou and Professor A.Gita Krishnaswamy

Minecraft as a Tool for Investing Adolescents in Climate Adaptation: A Case Study in Westport Washington (Thesis)

Lukins, Sarah

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel Ambrason and Professor Ken Yocom

Night Riders: Accessibility, Land Use, and Late-Night Transit (Thesis)

Margetic, Benjamin

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Himanshu Grover

E-Governance in Urban Planning: Use and management of websites in Puget Sound planning offices  (Thesis)

McDaniel, Sarah Johanna

Why Don’t We Plan for Climate Change? Reaffirming Planners’ Roles and Ethical Responsibilities in the Climate Crisis  (Thesis)

Mu, Adela Hah Chin

The Kernel-Up Polycentric Model: A Modular, Community-based Urban Development Framework (Thesis)

Perkins, Jona

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel Ambramson

Bicycle Access to Opportunity in Bellevue, Washington: An Assessment of Proximity, Comfort, and Network Connectivity between People and Places  (Professional Project)

Piller, Andreas G.

Defining A Cultural Landscape: A Mixed-Modal Conversation on Whidbey Island  (Thesis)

Pitts, Joshua Robert

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Pedestrian Safety Implications on the Lack of Sidewalks Along Aurora Ave N in Seattle, Washington (Thesis)

Popoca, Pedro

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Rachel Berney

Beyond the Status Quo: What’s Possible Under a Form-Based Code in Central Issaquah (Professional Project)

Smith, Tyler

Prioritizing Locations for the Implementation of Multimodal Mobility Hubs (Professional Project)

Randall, Andrew

Federal Subsidy Overlap in Affordable Rental Housing in the United States (Thesis)

Ressler, Samara N.

Portland’s 20-Minute Neighborhoods after Ten Years: How a Planning Initiative Impacted Accessibility (Thesis)

Simon, Chaim

Perceptions of Homelessness in Seattle’s Green Lake/Lower Woodland Park (Thesis)

Smith, Carmen Claire

The Goat Next Door: An examination of the underlying community dynamics in agrihoods and the policy strategies that can assist in the expansion of this model (Thesis)

Stinnett, Antonia

Opportunities and Challenges of Light Rail Station Development for Women and/or Minority Owned Businesses in Seattle, Washington (Thesis)

Urban Faith-Based Organizations and Community Economic Development: Understanding the Characteristics and Context of a Movement (Thesis)

Tempel, Flora Shannon

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

“Dancing Until…?” A Community Strategy for Preserving the Black and Tan Club’s Cultural Heritage in Seattle’s Chinatown International-District (Thesis)

Tevlin, Liam

Formal Planning and Neighborhood Change in Ballard, Seattle: An Assessment of the Impacts of 1990’s Planning Policy on Attachment and Identity (Thesis)

Trevino, Anna

Sustainable Transportation for all: An Analysis of Non-Motorized Transport (Thesis)

Turner-Brady, Ryan-Alexander

Established and emerging group build (Baugruppen) development processes (Thesis)

Walker, Benjamin

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Sofia Dermisis

Does Climate Investment Funding Intensify Green Gentrification in San FranciscoOakland-Berkeley Bay Area? (Thesis)

2021 MUP Thesis and Professional Projects

The Cost of Cruise: Estimating a Shadow Price of Carbon for the Port of Seattle’s Shore Power Infrastructure (Thesis)

Abunaja, Michelle

Baker, Olivia

Equity of the Pierce Transit System: A Geospatial Comparison of Accessibility for Key Population Groups (Thesis)

Bean, Veronica Michelle

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Qing Shen

Community and Agency Perspectives on Local Self-Reliance in Disasters (Thesis)

Cano-Calhoun, Christina Geneva

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel Ambramson and Professor Cynthia Chen

Cheung, Theodore

Examining the Effects of Common Carrier Lockers on Residential Delivery (Thesis)

Diehl, Caleb

A Proposal for Using Geonarratives in Hazard-Adaptive Planning: Coastline Change in South Beach, Washington (Thesis)

Donovan, Cara

Intermodal Transfers to Light Rail: Using smartcard data to estimate transfer barriers in Seattle, WA (Thesis)

Eager, James Mccall

Access to Opportunity and Locational Equity in the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program: A Case of the Seattle Metropolitan Area (Thesis)

Efthimiadis, Nicholas

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Sofia Dermisi

Urban Traffic Congestion Pricing: Literature Review and Real-world Applications (Thesis)

Pre-Pandemic, Pandemic, and Post-Pandemic Engagement: A Qualitative Look at the Changes to Engagement Cause by the COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impacts on the Future of Engagement (Thesis)

Hagstrom, Gillian

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer

A Comparative Study of Transit-Oriented Development Projects in China and the United States (Thesis)

Huang, Jing

Visual interactive urban design in commemorative public spaces (Thesis)

Huang, Liang

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel Winterbottom and Professor Daniel Ambramson

How variations in design, site selection and regulations affect ADU programs (Thesis)

Kennedy, Stephanie

Krause, Gregory

Diversity, Inclusion, Underrepresented Communities, and Historic Preservation: A Study of Preserving Jewish Heritage in the Seattle Central Area Engaging an Intersectional Framework (Thesis)

Merriman-Cohen, Jamie Elyse

From Past to Present: An Examination of the Effects of Historic Redlining on Net Worth Within Seattle (Thesis)

Mitchell, Dejai

Child Walkability Across Seattle Census Tracts: Comparing Child-Friendliness Through Geospatial Analysis and an Equity Lens  (Thesis)

Mulhausen, Eli

Policing Art: An Investigation of Protest Art, Policy, and Identity in Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA. (Thesis)

Nauert, Laura

Cities for the People: Evaluating Democratic Spatial Practices in Bogotá and New York City (Thesis)

Nautiyal, Arpana

Romaneko, Aleksandr

Incremental Housing as a Strategy to Address Coastal Hazard-Related Housing Precarity and Vulnerability for Rural Low-Income Households: A Case Study in Westport, WA (Thesis)

Ross, Courtney

Creating Maximum Pedestrian Benefit in an Open Street Design: A Case Study of Alki’s Keep Moving Streets Project 

Sliz, Jordan

Shoreline Master Program Competitive Grant Pilot Program Application for the City of Westport, Washington (Professional Project)

Smith, Trajan Coke

Estimating Carbon Sequestration of Green Roofs and Elevated Green Courtyards in Seattle  (Thesis)

Steinberg, Jason

Exploring Tax Base Implications of Sea Level Rise in Westport, WA  (Thesis)

Stevens, Lauren

Hubs and Stewards: A Proposed Expansion of the Seattle Community Emergency Hubs in West Seattle and the South End  (Thesis)

Stueve, Nathan F

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana and Professor Jeffrey Hou

EV Friendly Cities: A Comparison of Policy and Infrastructure in Sixteen Global Cities  (Thesis)

Suravi, Romana, Haque

Do Complete Streets Offer Cyclists High Levels of Service? Applying David Harkey’s Bicycle Compatibility Index to Seattle and Copenhagen’s Complete Street Networks  (Thesis)

Tiedeman, Kerry Ann

Barriers to Transportation and Well-being in King County: An exploration of how subsidized public transportation could eliminate barriers to transportation and increase opportunities for improved well-being (Thesis)

Walsh, Jason

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Rachel Berney and Professor William Daniell

Investigating the Relationship Between Transit Planning for Leisure and Household Vehicle Ownership in King County (Thesis)

Young, Grace

How do socioeconomic and urban form factors affect the spatial distribution of coworking spaces? The case of Shanghai, China  (Thesis)

Zhai, Liwangzhi

A Case Study of COVID-19 Impact on Public Transportation Ridership in Seattle — From Social Demographic Perspective  (Thesis)

Zhang, Yunkai

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Rents in the City of Seattle limits  (Thesis)

Zhu, Jianxia

Living With Water: How Flexible Structure Types Build Resilience in a Dynamic Landscape? (Thesis)

Zou, Jianeng

Urban Experience Design: A Human-Centered Method Applied to University District in Seattle (Thesis)

Bu, Jingjing

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer and Professor Daniel Winterbottom

Exploring the Potentials of Interdisciplinary Studios in the University of Washington College of Built Environments (Thesis)

Cai, Yuansi

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born and Professor Julie Johnson

Pedestrian Exposure to PM2.5 in Commercial Core, Seattle (Thesis)

A study of senior-friendly transportation services in Beijing (Thesis)

Cheng, Linya

Efficacy of Military and Community Compatibility Planning in the Puget Sound Region (Thesis)

Cloutier, Daniel

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Freitag

Does Rail Transit Induce Displacement? A Longitudinal Study of 24 US Metro Areas From 2000-2017 (Thesis)

Clute, Eric

Prioritizing Areas for King County Metro Transit’s Feeder-to-Fixed Route Flexible Services: A Preliminary Approach for the Systematic Locational Prioritization of Future Services (Thesis)

Cowick, Morgan

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Qing Shen and Professor Joaquín Herranz

Planning for Meaningful Public Art & Youth Engagement Around Transit in Bellevue, WA (Professional Project)

Gray, Joseph

Cultural Resilience in Diasporic Communities: The Case of the Arab Community in Greater Seattle Area (Thesis)

Hasan, Rawan

Community governance and Urban Design in an Historic Preservation District: The Case of Pingjiang Historic Block in Suzhou, China (Thesis)

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dan Abramson

Design Implication from Public Life Data Around Bus Stations: Two Case Studies in Seattle (Thesis)

Reclaiming the Right of Way: A New Infill Model for the Urban US A Seattle Case Study (Thesis)

London, Kristian Tapio

Site-specific Transportation Demand Management in Seattle: A review of transportation management programs in Downtown and South Lake Union (Thesis)

McKnight-Slottee, Mairin

Investigating Grassroots Strategies for Sea Level Rise Adaptation A Review of Island County’ Sea Level Rise Strategy Study (Thesis)

Mulkern, Dorothy

Munkel, Daniel

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Qing Shen and Professor Joaquín Herranz

The Impact of Light Rail Station Type on Single Family Residential Property Value in the City of Portland, OR (Thesis)

Ning, Siman

Documenting the Impact of Lifeline Service Disruptions on Healthcare System Performance Following Earthquakes Since 2000: A Reconnaissance Report Analysis (Thesis)

Pederson, Katherine

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Himanshu Grover and Professor Nicole Errett

Building a Better Bus Lane A Quantitative Analysis of Dedicated Bus Lane Traffic Control Devices on Bus Reliability and Non-Bus Driver 

Phillips-White, Alexander

Exacting the Sidewalk: Legal Bases for Right-of-Way Improvements Under Nollan/Dolan Criteria (Professional Project)

Riddle, Mary

A False Promise of Green, Equitable Urban Growth? A Critical Review of the Literature and Implications for Seattle (Thesis)

Shields, Chloe

Tactical Urbanism Demonstration Projects as Community Participation (Thesis)

Simpson, Charles

The Seattle Waterfront an Exploration in Site Analysis (Thesis)

Wallace, Sarah

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born and Daniel Winterbotom

The Use of Braess Paradox for Urban Planning A Case Study Analysis in Downtown Seattle (Thesis)

Xia, Zhengguo

Let the Street Dance Back into the Street: How a Danceable Public Realm May Support a More Inclusive Seattle (Thesis)

Growth Management Planning’s Effect on Employment Trends in Washington State Rural Counties (Thesis)

Alcorn, Samuel

Equity Impacts of Central Link (Thesis)

Armstrong, Jacob B

23 rd and Union: Land Value Patterns in an Upzoned Urban Village (Thesis)

Barimani, Curowsh Ali

Investigating the Asset Based Approach to Housing and Homelessness: a Phenomenological Case Study (Thesis)

Campbell, Hayden

Free-floating Bikeshare: Lessons for Transit Integration (Thesis)

De Simone, Anthony Generoso

Emotional Infrastructure: Through time, place and disruption, fostering a culture of care in post-earthquake Christchurch, New Zealand (joint thesis with Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning) (Thesis)

Durgerian, Laura

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Rachel Berney and Professor Lynne Manzo

Factors associated with the rate of bike plan implementation in American cities (Thesis)

Frazier, Jonathan

Privatized Public Spaces in Seattle: Incorporating Well-designed Water Features as a Focal Point for Engagement Opportunities (joint thesis with Public Administration and Urban Planning) (Thesis)

Hoerr, Lauren A

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer and Professor Joaquin Herranz

Keep Your Habitat: Preventing the displacement of vulnerable homeowners in Seattle’s Central District  (Thesis)

Johnson, Benjamin

Exploring the Impact of Mixed-Impact/ Mixed-Use Redevelopments in Building Community Cohesion at Seattle’s Yesler Terrace (joint thesis with Public Health and Urban Planning) (Thesis)

Joseph, Jonathan

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born and Professor William Daniell

Seattle Municipal Golf Courses: A Hole in One for Affordable Housing  (Thesis)

Kapsa, Marlo

Analysis of TNC passenger and driver responses to curb-space allocation in urban land use contexts (joint thesis with Public Administration and Urban Planning) (Thesis)

Kennan-Koch, Jackson A

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti and Professor David Layton

Incorporating Social Equity in Transit Service and Capital Planning: A Preemptive Analysis of Preliminary Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Design in King County, Washington (joint thesis with Public Administration and Urban Planning) (Thesis)

Kowalski, Ian

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington and Joaquin Herranz

Analysis of the Intended Implementation Strategies of Municipal Climate Action Plans  (Thesis)

Mathurin, Zachary

The Black Spatial Imaginary in Urban Design Practice: Lessons for Creating Black-affirming Public Spaces  (Thesis)

Nunez Pedraza, Ishmael

Street Vitality: A Socio-Spatial Analysis of S Jackson St  (Thesis)

Design for Trust: A Relationship-Centered Approach to Community Engagement in City Planning (joint thesis with Public Administration and Urban Planning) (Thesis)

Prusia, Kizz S

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christopher Campbell and Professor Joaquin Herranz

Racial Justice-Oriented Grantmaking: A Community Driven Improvement Plan Design for Seattle’s Equitable Development Initiative Fund (joint thesis with Public Health and Urban Planning) (Thesis)

Rasmussen, Elise

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christopher Campbell and Professor A. Gita Krishnaswamy

Traffic Impacts of an SOV Mode Split Target Policy: Evaluating Seattle’s New Transportation Concurrency System (joint thesis with Public Administration and Urban Planning) (Thesis)

Simons, Lucas Tyler

Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington and Professor Joaquin Herranz

Urban Design for Resilience to Multiple Uncertain Hazard Scenarios Robust Strategies for Coastal Resilience in Westport, Washington  (Thesis)

Sreenivasan, Sreya

The Legacy We Leave Behind: Rehabilitating Single Room Occupancy Hotels in Seattle’s Chinatown International District through Use of a Legacy Development Fund  (Thesis)

Surber, Michelle

A Different Kind of Gentrification: Seattle and its Relationship with Industrial Land  (Thesis)

Tomporowski, David

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ed Donald McCormack

Planning for Seattle’s Mandatory Retrofitting Policy: A Retrofitting Plan for the Northern Pacific Hotel  (Thesis)

Vickers, Rachel Ashley

Planning for Climate Change in Seattle, Exploring Energy Infrastructure through Scenario Planning Processes  (Thesis)

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Identifying Valued Community Resilience Indicators and Dimensions for King County (Thesis)

Argiroff, Emma L

The impact of peer-to-peer ridesharing on travel mode: empirical study of Uber effects on travel mode in Seattle (Thesis)

Examining the efficacy of rent control: an empirical analysis for consideration of rent control in Seattle (Thesis)

Conley, Allison

Pedestrianizing Pike Street: continuing to re-envision the right of way of Pike Street in Capitol Hill (Thesis)

Cotchett, Kyle

Regional open-space conservation strategies: a case study of the Intertwine Alliance’s Regional Conservation Strategy (Thesis)

Curry, Travis Richard

Comfort, safety, delight & aesthetics: an evaluation of S Henderson Street’s pedestrian realm (Thesis)

Duffy, Kaylie

Rethinking the right-of-way: exploring Seattle’s autonomous future (Thesis- joint with Landscape Architecture)

Gawne, Joshua D

Co-Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professors Manish Chalana and Ken Yocom

Planning for community resilience: a spatial planning approach to New Orleans’ Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard (Thesis)

Green, Timothy

Preparing for an autonomous future: transportation planning for autonomous vehicles in the Puget Sound Region (Thesis)

Halberg, Alicia Anne

Examining opportunities to improve the pre-construction schedule performance of Seattle Public Utilities scope in Seattle Department of Transportation capital projects (Thesis- joint with Public Policy & Governance)

Herrera, Marlon Dylan

Co-Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professors Jan Whittington and Joaquin Herranz

An investigation of evaluation methods of weighted-point landscaping policy — in Seattle and Malmö (Thesis)

Hoff, Joshua B

[Dis]placed by illness : Lyme disease as a case for re-imagining everyday places to recognize invisible chronic illnesses (Thesis- joint with Landscape Architecture)

Janicki, Sylvia H

Co-Chairs of Supervisory Committee: Professors Rachel Berney and Ken Yocom

Equitable improvements to public space in the right-of-way (Thesis)

Killebrew, Chase

Retail spaces in mixed-use developments: supporting small businesses and creating place in Seattle’s neighborhoods (Thesis)

Lee, James Adam

Increasing access to solar energy in Seattle, Washington through the framework of energy democracy (Thesis)

Membrino, Pauline

Approaches to scenario planning at the intersection of urbanization and climate change (Thesis)

Moore, Lauren

Urban Forest Restoration and Park Design, A Study of Improvements in Habitat Conditions and Open Space Amenity in Kirkland, WA (Thesis)

O’Brien, Hallie

Urban freeway removal: building a case for the re-purposing of I-5 through downtown Seattle (Thesis)

Ryan, Lee Ann

Seattle’s year-round neighborhood-scale farmers markets: a study of inclusivity (Thesis)

Sampson, Meredith Anne

From process to product: An analysis of Seattle’s Design Review Program (Professional project)

Scott, Meagan,

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor, Manish Chalana

Serving the public in neighborhood design review: a case study of Seattle’s Capitol Hill design guidelines (Thesis)

Settlemeyer, Diana

Observing goods delivery activities and identifying opportunities to improve the design of commercial vehicle load zones in Seattle (Thesis)

Sheth, Manali

Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ed McCormack

The effects of Commute Trip Reduction Program on employee non-SOV travel frequency (Thesis)

Wu, Xiatian

Comparative research on rural redevelopment planning in the linpan landscape: case study of Sandaoyan town, Chengdu (Thesis)

Zhu, Liying

What makes people feel at home? Reframing home and homelessness through stories from Seattle’s Tent City 3 (Thesis)

Al-Abweh, Ru’A

The influence of climatic conditions, demographic variations, and water demand management policy on domestic per-capita water use in the United States ( Thesis)

Cai, Yingying

Analyzing Measurements of Housing Affordability (Thesis)

Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Coastal Military Installations: Design and Planning Principles for Naval Facilities Engineering Command (Thesis)

Caponigro, Michelle

Planning for equity: recommendations for drainage and wastewater system planning at Seattle Public Utilities (Professional Project)

Combs, Connie Elizabeth

Developing a quantitative method for the measurement of public life-supportive urban form: eight test sites and applications in Seattle, WA and Copenhagen, Denmark    (Thesis)

Crozier, Ian

Are Neighborhood Bicycle Greenways the Answer? Analyzing the Impact of Bicycle Greenways on Collisions between Bicycles and Motor Vehicles (Thesis)

Gibson, Grant M

A post-design evaluation of park design and usage: Cal Anderson and Judkins Park (Seattle, WA) (Thesis) Harris, Melanie R

Barriers to a successful and sustainable dynamic car-pooling system (Thesis)

He, Xinchang

Urban nature for well-being: design recommendations for psychological benefits in urban public spaces (Thesis)

Kaiserman, Joanna

Commercial zoning code revisions for the city of Bellingham, Washington (Professional Project)

Keim, Elise K

Disasters are not inevitable: social vulnerability, hazard losses, and adaptive learning in communities of the Atlantic and Gulf coastal watersheds (Thesis)

Lambrick, Jennifer E

A Case Study in the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Great Plains Regional Office Division of Facilities Pilot Project (Thesis)               

Langley, Mathew I

Native cultural design: exploring design to address historical trauma and assist with village relocation on the Quinault Indian Nation in Taholah, WA (Thesis)

Lehman, Timothy Archer

Equity analysis of paid parking at King County Metro park & rides (Professional Project)

Manford, Brian T

Sustainable Urban Transportation: Examining Cargo Bike Use in Seattle (Thesis)

Masterson, Ali Rose

Seattle neighborhood greenway evaluation (Thesis)

Miller, Joel M

Exploring walkability: a spatial analysis of vibrancy in New Holly, a new urbanist community in south Seattle, WA (Thesis)

Nautsch, Annegret H

An equity analysis of bicycle infrastructure around light rail stations in Seattle, WA (Thesis)

Osmonson, Bryanna L

Training wheels: designing traffic playscapes into Seattle’s Safe Routes to School program (Thesis) Panganiban, Justin M

Reflections on recovery: analyzing disaster recovery frameworks for the cities of Seattle and Wellington through a lens of reflexive sociology (Thesis)

Ripley, Samuel John

What Contributes to Successful Commute Trip Reduction in the State of Washington? A Focus on Transit Accessibility (Thesis)

Wieben, Zachary James

Beyond Integrity: Prioritizing Historic Significance over Historic Integrity for a Representative Landscape of Built Cultural Heritage in Seattle’s Central District (Thesis)

Yellin, Michelle

Public Risk Interpretation and Community Resilience Planning: A Case Study in Aberdeen, Washington  (Thesis) Bennis, Ashley

Business Signage Control in Seattle’s Chinatown International District, Pursuing Healthy Balance of Preservation and Commercial Vitalization in a Historic Commercial Districts   (Thesis) Cartier, Misa

Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Alterations to the Public Right-of-Way (Thesis) Faulkner, Katherine

Redefining Urban Alleywalls: Urban Design for Active Public Space in Maynard Alley, Chinatown-International District, Seattle (Thesis) Liu, Jialing

Policy and Design Guidelines for Trees in a Growing Seattle (Thesis) Moll, Elizabeth

Design Guidelines and Development Policies for an Adaptable Historic Urban Street: The Case of West Street in Quanzhou, Fujian, China (Thesis) Pan, Meicheng

The Impact of Light Rail Transit-Oriented Development on Residential Property Value in Seattle, WA (Thesis) Wang, Ze

Under the Bridge: Utilizing Covered Liminal Spaces for Formal Homeless Encampments in the City of Seattle (Thesis) Baker, Maxwell

Thinking local about self-driving cars : a local framework for autonomous vehicle development in the United States (Thesis – joint with Public Policy & Governance) Brett, Jacob

From process to product : an analysis of Seattle’s design review program (Thesis) Cutler, Scott

The relationship of built environment and weather with bike share : evidence from the Pronto Bike Share System in Seattle (Thesis) Ding, Wei

Urban design guidelines for human wellbeing in Martian settlements (Thesis) Donoghue, Matthew

Place and urban experience in the suburbs : Microsoft’s campus location and its long-term competitiveness (Thesis) Flanigan, William

Privacy in the smart city : implications of sensor network design, law, and policy for locational privacy (Thesis) Gaughan, Melissa

Public land for affordable housing : an evaluation of a HALA proposal in Seattle (Thesis) Janet, Joshua

Case study : commercial gentrification in the Pike/Pine corridor (Thesis) Johnson, Elizabeth

Promote neighborhood character : a case study of Pike/Pine neighborhood (Thesis) Liu, Jingchen

Multimodal Transportation in Northeast Seattle: An Integrated Design (Thesis) Martinucci, Domenico

Traffic-Related PM2.5 Air Pollution and Schools in Proximity to Major Roadways in Shanghai, China (Thesis) Lu, Yougeng

Relocation and Resilience: Exploring Co-Benefits in Aberdeen, WA (Thesis) Poff, Colin

Portland’s Urban Growth Boundary and Lessons for Shanghai and Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou Urban Agglomeration, China (Thesis) Pu, Ziqin

A Review of the Residential Parking Management Program in Bellevue, WA (Thesis) Roth, Dillon

Therapeutic streetscapes : a new bell street designed to accommodate those on the Autism Spectrum (Thesis – joint with Landscape Architecture) Saitelbach, Joshua

Expanding bicycle access to transit : providing increased secure bicycle parking at light rail stations in the Seattle area (Thesis) Scanlan, Brandt

A Site Analysis for Programming Public Art on the University of Washington’s Burke-Gilman Trail  (Thesis) Seivert, Ana

An Exploratory Assessment of Parklet Usage in Seattle: Methods and Findings (Thesis) Smith, Ellie

Online Video as a Tool for Planning Education and Engagement: A Content Analysis of U.S. City Planning Departments’ YouTube Channels (Thesis) Velasco, Stephanie

Modeling Seasonal and Weather Impacts on Cycling Count (Thesis) Zhao, Weiran

An Investigation of the Potential for Side Sewer Infiltration to Local Freshwater Systems – Thornton Creek, Seattle WA: A Case Study (Thesis) Hockett, Angelique

Rose color light (Thesis – joint with Landscape Architecture) Ray, Finis

A New Direction for Bellevue: From Cars to People and a Livable Community (Thesis) Wagner, Solomon

Corporate Real Estate Office Building Leasing Strategy: Case: T-Mobile Bellevue Campus Maximization Project : A professional project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Urban Planning, University of Washington  (Professional Project – joint with Real Estate) An, Junyong

Urban Planning and Housing: An Assessment of Fair Housing Laws Providing Protective Status to Veterans (Thesis) Davidson, Lisa

Protecting Neighborhood Character: Pike/Pine’s Conservation Overlay District (Thesis) Piona, Amber

Bellevue College connection multimodal transportation corridor : transportation urban design concept (Professional Project) Abed, Stela

Lightning in the Night: Transgression in Urban Design (Thesis) Castagno, Cory

Historic Alley Reactivation in Seattle’s Chinatown International District  (Thesis) Chan, Ching

A Comparative Study of Design Guidelines for Chinatowns in North America: A Reference for Façade Design Regulation in Seattle’s Chinatown – International District (Thesis) Jiang, Xiao

Applying Climate Change Models to Risk Assessment and Flood Hazard Scenario Modeling in Snohomish County (Thesis) Veith, Stephen

Accessibility and Population Density in the Linpan Landscape: A Study of Urbanization in the Chengdu Plain, Sichuan, China (Thesis) Wang, Xingyu

Buying Time for the Farmers of Chengdu: Settlement Form, Labor Time Allocation, and their Implications for Resilient Land Use Planning in a Rapidly Urbanizing Region (Thesis) Xiao, Lei

Let’s Bury I-5: An Urban Design Framework for Freeway Lids in Downtown Seattle (Thesis) Bonjukian, Scott

Incorporating and measuring social equity in transit service allocation (Thesis) Brick, Andrew

A Study of backyard cottage policy in Seattle, Washington: existing conditions study, capacity analysis, and survey in conjunction with Seattle’s Department of Planning and Development (Thesis) Buker, Gerald

Community-driven public spaces : strategies for developing Seattle’s pavement to parks program (Professional Project) Burgesser, David

Shared Transit Parking in Multifamily Developments: A Geospatial Analysis for King County Metro Transit (Thesis) Burseth, Sonja

Equity & The Public Meeting: Are Public Meetings Engaging the Community? (Thesis) Cubillos, Sarah

The Location of Public Schools: Implications for Communities and Planners, and School District Decision-Making in the Puget Sound Region (Thesis) Garnham, Jason

Adaptive Reuse and Rehabilitation: Connecting Historic Preservation and Affordable Housing Developments in Seattle, Washington (Thesis) Joe, Monica

The Impact of New Urbanism on Single Family Housing Values: The Case of Issaquah Highlands (Thesis) Kim, Jinyhup

Parking in and around mixed-use buildings in designated growth areas with frequent and reliable transit service : a Puget Sound Region study (Profesisonal Project) Kopca, Cole


The Walking City is a Better City: Promoting Human Social-Spatial Understanding as a Foundational Framework for Urban Planning (Thesis) McFarland, Ross

Residual San Francisco: Evaluating Identity and Creating Distinction for Bayview’s PDR Districts (Thesis – joint with Landscape Architecture) Murillo, Erik

SEATTLE CENTER: Exploring ways to document, designate and reactivate the Modern era exposition site as a historic district (Thesis) O’Lone, Katie

Bicyclists’ Stopping Behaviors: An Observational Study of Bicyclists’ Patterns and Practices (Thesis) Silva, Catherine Marie Caverly


Urban Forestry in a Time of Climate Change: Can Seattle, Washington Become More Resilient Through the Effective Management of Urban Forests? (Thesis) Titcomb, Sarah

Quantifying and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Local Government Cement and Asphalt Purchasing (Thesis) Tracy, Jacob

An equity analysis of the 2014 Seattle Bicycle Master Plan: initial findings and recommended methods improvements (Thesis) Ullmer, Michael

Suggesting future uses of Mercer Street parking garage through real estate market assessments and stakeholders’ interests identification (Professional Project) Wong, Sing

The Impact of Transit-Oriented Development on Residential Property Value in King County, WA (Thesis) Xu, Simin

Establishing a framework for landscape narrative exploration within Seattle’s Pioneer Square Historic District (Thesis – joint with Landscape Architecture) Garnier, Ian

Physiosocial landscape interventions for the Holy Child Program, a school for children with behavioral difficulties in Beit Sahour, Palestine (Thesis – joint with Landscape Architecture) Giampietro, VeraEve

The Good, the Bad, and the Robust: Climate Change Adaptation Choices for the Port of Rotterdam, Port of San Diego, and Naval Base Kitsap – Bremerton  (Thesis) Smith, Riley

Title: How an Asset-Based Appreciative Inquiry Risk Assessment Approach Could Improve the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Risk Map Process Student Name: Maximilian Dixon Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Maximizing Ecological and social Benefits of Habitat Restoration in the Lower Duwamish River: A Spatial Framework for Site Selection Student Name: Tess Brandon Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: Evaluating the Impacts of Discount Function and Rate Selection on the Net Present Valuation of Coastal-Wetland Ecosystem Services: An Exploratory Meta-Analysis Student Name: Kristen A Vitro Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Traffic-Related Air Pollution, PM2.5: The Case of Shanghai Student Name: Shijia Ling Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Economic Approaches to Managing Stormwater Runoff in the Seattle Area Student Name: Mori Wallner Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Washington State Vehicle Miles Traveled Reduction Benchmarks: How Might They Be Reached? Student Name: Jonathon Olds Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: The Use of Patient Capital to Promote Real Estate Development in Walkable Communities Student Name: Francisco Traverso Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Operationalizing Jan Gehl’s 12 Quality Criteria on Ballard Avenue Student Name: Aaron C Lykken Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: Sustainable Urban Community Development: A Case Study of Flood Design in Sonqualmie, WA, USA Student Name: Huang Pin-Hao Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: Howard Street Artisan Manufacturing District: Operationalizing the Quadruple Bottom Line in Corridor Design and Development Student Name: Stacy Cannon Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ronald J Kasprisin

Title: The Lake City Commons: A Catalytic Approach for Generating Urban Coherence Student Name: Katy Haima Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ronald J Kasprisin

Title: A Review of the Traffic Safety Culture in Europe to Improve Pedestrian Safety in the U.S.: Lessons from France and Sweden Student Name: Jean Kim Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: Landscape Infrastructure Strategies for Post-Industrial Reuse Student Name: Jessica N Michalak Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jeffrey Hou

Title: A Preliminary Assessment of Adding New Retail Space in the City of Snoqualmie, Washington: The Case of Highway 18/Interstate 90 Interchange Student Name: Lynn Marion Fredenburg Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frederick Wagner

Title: Assessing the Relationship between City Growth and Electricity Use Over Time: A Comparative Analysis of Chandigarh and Seattle Student Name: Reid R Haefer Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: 1000 Campus Parkway: Seattle’s New Gateway to the University of a Thousand Years Student Name: Nathan Daum Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Tactical Urbanism and the Right to the City Student Name: Lana K Alisdairi Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Mark Purcell

Title: Sharing the Street: Shared Space in an American Context Student Name: Gregory Behrens Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ronald J Kasprisin

Title: Public Involvement as an Opportunity for Multicultural Sociability in an Urban Context Student Name: Ian Nunley Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Mark Purcell

Title: Process Based Learning in Planning Studio Pedagogy: A Theoretical Model for Planning Education Student Name: Kelly R Hostetler Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christopher Campbell

Title: Preserving Place for Transient Populations in Gentrifying Urban Spaces Student Name: Erica Bush Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jeffrey Hou

Title: Planning Effectively for Legalized Recreational Marijuana Use: An Assessment of Community Land Use Ordinances in Washington State Student Name: Kali F Hollenhorst Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald H Miller

Title: Planning for Small & Ordinary Natural Urban Spaces to Enhance Mental Health & Well-Being: The Psychological Health Benefits from Contact with Nature Student Name: Wren McNally Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer

Title: Walk a Mile in Her Shoes: A Guidebook for Implementing Role-Playing Simulation Games in the Planning Process Student Name: Michele M Hill Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Prioritizing Pedestrian Safety Improvement Locations: A Spatial Analytical Approach Using Network Kernel Density Estimation Student Name: Scott Beckstrom Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: How to Increase Revenue for King County Metro Operations Student Name: Brian Macik Chair of Supervisory Committee: Qing Shen

Title: A Geodesign Inspired Multiple Criteria Decision Tool for Prioritizing Levee Setback Project Sites Student Name: Jesse Reynolds Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald H Miller

Title: Within the Edge: A revised Approach to Urban Containment within the Chandigarh Periphery Student Name: Abigail Weber Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Moving Forward towards Sustainability: Contributions of the Living Building Challenge to Triple Bottom Line Reporting Student Name: Jiajia Ge Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Bicycle Infrastructure Safety: A Review and Application of the Case-Control Methodology Student Name: Lisa Enns Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald H Miller

Title: How Urban Planners can Promote Education Equality Student Name: Sophie Glass Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Sharon E Sutton

Title: Land Value under Growth Control in King County Student Name: Yang Liu Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christopher Bitter

Title: Planning for Self-Organized Homeless Camps: Policy, Community Relations, and Locational Process Student Name: Virginia C Werner Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana & Professor Lynne Manzo

Title: The Cost of On-Site Parking: How Supply-Side Decisions Affect Developers and Tenants of Multifamily Housing Student Name: Jesse London Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Planning for Resilience: A Proposed Landscape Evaluation for Redevelopment Planning in the Linpan Landscape Student Name: Jennifer L Tippins Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel Abramson

Title: Recommendation of Residential Property Taxing for the City of Wenzhou Student Name: Daren Dai Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: From Recess to Community Resource: Adaptive Reuse Options for Mountain View Commons, Port Townsend, Washington Student Name: Anna Kristina M. Gallant Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Swinomish Tribal business Opportunity Program Student Name: Travis English Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: To Evaluate and Recommend a Design Model for the Public Plaza in Overlake Village Student Name: Lawrence Chung Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ronald J Kasprisin

Title: A Preliminary Exploration of the Differences Between Two Financing Options for University Real Estate Projects Under Public-Private Partnerships : A Case Study of 501(c)3 and 63-20 Tax Exempt Bond Processes Student Name: Leanna Man Li Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: Westlake Union Traverse Student Name: Andrea Fitch Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer & Professor Thaisa Way

Title: Waterfront Transit Alternatives Analysis Student Name: Erin Holly Walter Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Up an Urban Creek: The Role of Development Patterns in Stream Health Student Name: Maria Sandercock Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: Factors Associated with Accessory Dwelling Units Student Name: Cynthia Krass Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: The Dilemma of Urban Road Space Reallocation: An Outreach and Engagement Strategy for Bus Rapid Transit on Seattle’s Madison Street Student Name: Drew Dresman Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald H Miller

Title: Seattle’s Experience with Traffic Calming on Arterial Streets Student Name: Stephen K Padua Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Edward McCormack

Title: Seattle Apartment Market Alignment Analysis (2011-2016) Student Name: Adrien Renaud Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christopher Bitter

Title: Turn Left at the Station: How Safety and Way finding Influences the Transit User’s Experience Student Name: Michelle Marie Whitfield Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Evaluating Public Participation Techniques: Improving the Planner’s Tool Box Student Name: Zachary T Ambrose Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald H Miller

Title: Reducing Urban Heat Island Effect in Copenhagen Student Name: Erik Alskog Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Nancy Rottle

Title: Fish and Floods: Implementation of the 2008 Biological Opinion on the National Flood Insurance Program in Washington State Student Name: Margaret Olson Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: Spatial and Process Strategies Toward the Formalization and Integration of the Informal Settlement, Villa 31, In Buenos Aires, Argentina Student Name: Timothy A Trujillo Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Frozen Landscapes, Swirling History: Constructing Meaning at San Juan Island National Historical Park Student Name: David Smolker Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Using GIS to Assist Location and Site Selection Student Name: Adriana Abramovich Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: Exploring the Relationship between Walkability and the Built Environment: A Case Study of Three Intersections in Seattle’s University District Student Name: Laura Barker Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: A Feasibility Analysis of an Affordable Mixed-Use Development: The Case of El Centro de la Raza Student Name: Matthew J Beal Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: The Eatonville Comprehensive Plan: Chapter 8 Shorelines – Mashel River Greenbelt, Town of Eatonville, Washington Student Name: Nicholas M Bond Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ronald Kasprisin

Title: Perspectives on Seattle Women’s Decisions to Bike for Transportation Student Name: Anne Broache Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Qing Shen

Title: Cross-Cultural Communication for International Urban Design Practice: Lessons from a Field Studio in China Student Name: Ting Chen Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: The Civic Waterfront: Public Participation in Urban Megaproject Design Student Name: Magdalena Celinska Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: New Urbanism in Oregon’s Growth Managed Communities Student Name: Cameron AM Duncan Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Raze-or-Retrofit: Institutional Influences on Redevelopment for Energy Efficiency Student Name: Sean Shannon Engle Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ronald Kasprisin

Title: The Exclusionary Benefit in Multifamily Housing Student Name: Michael HK Goldman Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: Ecosystem Service Values in Benefit-Cost Analysis of Flood Mitigation Projects Student Name: Patrick Green Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Tools and Policies for Promoting Social Equity in Seattle Transit Communities Student Name: Erika Harris Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Qing Shen

Title: Feasibility Analysis Case Study: Seattle Central Community College’s Development in the Surplus Space of Sound Transit’s Capitol Hill Light Rail Station Student Name: Janice Ruth Jarman Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe Title: An Analysis of Historic Preservation and Affordable Housing Incentives in Seattle’s Chinatown – International District Student Name: Brian Kalthoff Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: Governance of Public Development Authorities in the State of Washington: Variations and a Prospective Application Generated by a Case-Study Review Student Name: Michael L Lazarus Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Tomorrow Was Yesterday: Urban Options for Preserving Historic, Modern Chandigarh Student Name: Emily Anne C Lindsey Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Vikramāditya Prakāsh

Title: Homestays as Livelihood Strategies in Rural Economies: The Case of Johar Valley, Uttarakhand, India Student Name: Ian Christian Macek Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Potential Initiatives that Military Leadership Can Take to Reduce Automobile Dependency for Service-Members and Employees at Naval Base Kitsap – Bremerton and the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton, WA Student Name: Joel McMillan Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: To Walk or Not to Walk? The Barriers and Facilitators of Walking for Recreation and Transport Student Name: Erin Marie Montgomery Chair of Supervisory Committee: Jan Whittington

Title: Stretching the Limits of Walkability: Comparing Walk and Bus Trips in Urban Seattle Neighborhoods Student Name: John Murphy Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Cynthia Chen

Title: Mobile Food Vending and the Public Realm: A Seattle Study Student Name: Jenny Ngo Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Urban Design for a Local Merchant Community: The Case of “Uptown” Bellevue, WA Student Name: Gloria L Ramirez Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: The Food Access Policy and Planning Guide Student Name: Eva Elise Ringstrom Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: An Empirical Study of Urban/Suburban Residential Location Choice in the Seattle Metropolitan Area Student Name: Eun Jin Shin Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor C-H Christine Bae

Title: New Urbanism and Neighborhood Revitalization: A Case Study Analysis of Social and Economic Development in HOPE VI Student Name: Joshua Richard Vitulli Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ronald Kasprisin

Title: Appropriate Parking Management Strategy for Successful Transit Oriented Development Student Name: Bo Wang Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: The Production of Value: A Study of Urbansism in South Lake Union Student Name: Michael K Ward Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer

Title: Multifamily Residential Parking Demand and Walkable Food Access in Suburban Transit Corridors Student Name: Jonathon Morrison Winters Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Edward McCormack

Title: Urban Heat Island (UHI) Effect in the Puget Sound Region: Adaptation and Biomimetic Strategies to Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change Student Name: Stefanie R Young Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Interim Land Uses: An Analysis of Seattle’s Vacant and Underused Lot Pilot Program Student Name: Diana K Benson Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: The Role of Civil Engineering Design in Addressing Community Need Student Name: Patricia DeMarco Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Living Streets: Woonerf-based, People-oriented Street Policy and Design for the City of Seattle Student Name: Seth Geiser Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Nancy Rottle

Title: Cultural Facilities Planning and Land Use Planning: Seattle Case Study Student Name: Noa Ginger Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Joaquin Herranz Jr

Title: Reducing Vulnerability through Public Participation in Hazard Mitigation: Strategies, Practices, and Lessons Learned from Everett’s Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Process Student Name: Derrick C Hiebert-Flamm Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Mark Purcell

Title: Bicyclists’ Exposure to Air Pollution in Seattle and Seoul: A Hybrid Analysis Using Personal Monitoring and Land Use Regression Student Name: E-Sok Andy Hong Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Chang-Hee Christine Bae

Title: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for Local Governments: Methods, Models and Two Washington State Case Studies Student Name: Jennifer Lail Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Promising Approaches for Reducing Urban Congestion? A Comparative Case Study of Seattle, Washington, and Guangzhou, China Student Name: Yifan Li Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Qing Shen

Title: The Effect of Urban Renewal Act Building Bulk Incentives on Real Estate in Taipei City, Taiwan Student Name: Yi-Chieh Lin Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: A Case Study of Beijing’s Economical and Applicable Housing Program Student Name: Yifei Ma Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: Economic Efficiency of Green Buildings: A Pilot Study of Green and Non-green Buildings Held by Japanese Real Estate Investment Trusts Student Name: Hiroshi Maruyama Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: 130th Avenue NE Light Rail Station Area Bicycle Improvements: Analysis and Recommendations Student Name: Patrick B McGrath Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Rachel Garshick Kleit

Title: Urban Design with Global Publics: West African Immigrants’ Appropriation of Space in the Rainier Valley Student Name: Rachel Miller Supervisory Committee: Professors Manish Chalana and Lynne Manzo

Title: The Influence of Cultural Values on the Text of Environmental Laws and Regulations: Lummi Nation and City of Bellingham Student Name: Helen O’Neil Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer

Title: Lessons Learned from Assessing Three Affordable Housing Models: In Conjunction with the Haines Apartment Project with Capitol Hill Housing in Seattle, WA Student Name: Katie Porter Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: An Evaluation of the Implementation of the Seattle Bicycle Master Plan Student Name: Danielle Rose Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner Title: Applicability of Health Impact Assessment to Road Diets Student Name: Peter Schmiedeskamp Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Public Participation Tools in Megaprojects to Increase Public Acceptance and Support: A Lesson in What Not to Do in Airport Expansions from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Third Runway Student Name: Amanda Snypp Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Mark Purcell

Title: Boulevard Design Guidelines for 148th Avenue SE/150th Avenue SE in Bellevue, WA Student Name: Jessica Elizabeth Stein Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: Developing Capitol Hill Apartments Without On-site Parking: A Literature Review and Real Estate Feasibility Study Student Name: Paul William Allen Symington Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: Resilience and Collaborative Planning for Freight Movements: The Case of the Washington Department of Transportaion Student Name: Chilan Tran Ta Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Edward McCormack

Title: Best Practices in Designing Affordable Multi-story Apartment Buildings for Families with Children Student Name: Courtney E Thomson Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Suitability Analysis of Park-and-Ride Facilities Locations: Case Study of Seattle Student Name: Eiji Torikai Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Qing Shen

Title: Shared Space: Harmony between Movement and Place Guidelines for Adaptation to the Seattle Context Student Name: Adam Chester Webber Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: Seattle’s Historic Unreinforced Masonry Buildings: Mapping, Developing Strategies and Policy Recommendations to Support a Seattle URM Program Student Name: Jeana C Wiser Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Mapping Suitable Locations for Development in King County Using LEED-ND as a Guide Student Name: Jason Woycke Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Reimagining the Waterfront: Revitalizing the Port and City of Blaine, Washington through Connections Student Name: Christy Alexander Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: West Seattle Triangle Urban Design Plan Student Name: Jeff Arango Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: From Ladder to Lattice: A Consideration of Activation in Urban Environmental Stewardship and Citizen Participation Student Name: Weston Brinkley Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Mark Purcell

Title: The Dutch Response to Sea Level Rise: Lessons for the Outer Banks of North Carolina Student Name: Wendy W Buffett Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Don Miller

Title: Seattle’s Link Light Rail System: A Preliminary Examination of the Mount Baker and Othello Stations and the Impact of Policy Changes to Foster Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Student Name: Sung-Zhi Chen Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: Developing a Continuity Plan for the City of Redmond, Washington: A Means for Improving Local Government Disaster Response and Resiliency Student Name: Amanda Engstfeld Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Blurring Edges: Connecting the Seattle Center to Surrounding Neighborhoods Student Name: Jaclyn M Gault Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: Planning for Sustainability: Approaches for the City of Mukilteo, Washington Student Name: Jennifer Gregerson Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: Protecting Seattle’s Auto Row: Next Steps for the Pike Pine Conservation District Student Name: Cecelia Gunn Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Creating Public Value for Public Bicycles Student Name: Max Hepp-Buchanan Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: Urban Consolidation: An Analysis of Accessory Dwelling Units and Backyard Cottages in Seattle Student Name: Nathaniel Taylor Hickey Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Greening or Greenwashing? Indicators of Successful Commute Trip Reduction Student Name: Zachary Northup Howard Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Rachel Garshick Kleit

Title: Using Multicriteria Evaluation to Select Stormwater Management Alternatives for Sums in Sub-Saharan Africa Student Name: Daniel Kastoryano Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: Developing a Guidebook to Environmental Markets for Farmers and Ranchers in Washington Student Name: Katherine Killebrew Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: Transportation Barriers, Health Care Utilization, and Health Outcomes among Urban, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Two-spirit American Indians and Alaska Natives Student Name: Ruth Lindberg Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christopher Campbell Title: The Land Use Policy Project, 1978-1988: Seattle’s First Generation of Land Use Policy Development Student Name: Catherine R McCoy Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Providing Access and Promoting Prosperity: A Proposed Framework for Sustainable Urban Planning in a Constrained-Resource Environment Student Name: William J McGurk Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: Does the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development’s HOPE VI Program Result in Communities of Legible Urban Design? An Evaluation of the Emergent Urban Design Patterns of HOPE VI Communities in the Puget Sound Region Student Name: Douglas Daniel McIntyre Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: Feasibility Study for the Relocation of Peace for the Streets by Kids from the Streets (PSKS) Student Name: Cynthia D Padilla Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: The Process of Seattle’s Clear Alleys Program Student Name: Michael Pickford Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Multicriteria Evaluation of Stormwater Management Systems in Seattle Student Name: Sheena Pietzold Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Sunlight for Solar Panels: The Nexus Between Sustainable Planning and Solar Access Protection in Seattle Student Name: Kirk Rappe Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Chang-Hee Christine Bae

Title: Real Estate Feasibility Study Student Name: Noah U Roehl Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Assessing Multifamily Residential Parking Demand and Transit Service: A Comparison of Two Urban Centers in King County Student Name: Daniel H Rowe Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Chang-Hee Christine Bae

Title: Impact Mitigation of Commercial District Streetscape Revitalization Projects Student Name: Emily Davis Slotnick Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Mixed Use Alternatives for Rainier Beach Economic Development: Low-impact Production Businesses Student Name: John Vander Sluis Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: Ecosystem Services in the Urban Landscape: How to Prioritize the Implementation of Ecological Streets Student Name: Dana Matz Spindler Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald Miller

Title: Reintegrating Isolated Historic Buildings: The Hong Kong Shophouse as a Case for Continuity in Design Student Name: Nathan Arthur Farn-Wing Tseng Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Sound Transit Central Link Light Rail: A Study in Project Planning Student Name: Michael G Xenakis Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jan Whittington

Title: Public Use Bike Share Feasibility Study for King County, Washington: Demand Analysis Student Name: Tyler Benson Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Balancing Recreation Demand and Wildlife Protection: A Compilation of Management Strategies Used in the Pacific Northwest Student Name: Jami Carter Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Gordon Bradley

Title: Discovering and Developing Carbon Forest Indicators: Combating Climate Change at the International Level Student Name: Chia-Yu Joyce Chen Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Gordon Bradley

Title: Making Seattle’s Streets Livable: A Citizen’s Guide to Understanding Seattle’s Transportation Policies and Planning Student Name: Grace Cho Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Effects of Privatization on Cooperative Housing Estates in Poland. Cases of Gdansk, Gdynia and Lublin Student Name: Maja Hadlock Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel Abramson

Title: “When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It”: Urban Reclamation, Placemaking, and Sustainable Traffic Design at Skewed and Multi-Leg Intersections in US Cities Student Name: Casey Hildreth Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Risk Management in LEED-NC Private Development Student Name: Ming-Yi Hsu Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: A Strategy for Preserving Seattle’s Industry: A Systematic Approach to Evaluate the City’s Industrial Land Using a Multi-Criterion Model Student Name: Charles Klocow Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Manish Chalana

Title: Assessing the Food and Fitness Environments of Neighborhood Schools in Delridge and White Center Student Name: Donald Jerome Kramer Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: Quantification of Transportation Demand Management Factors Affecting the Shift from Drive-Alone to Other Commute Modes in Bellevue, WA Student Name: Alexander Lazar Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Planning for Access to Transit: A Proposed Multicriteria Evaluation Matrix for Sound Transit’s System Access Program Student Name: Katherine Jean Lichtenstein Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald Miller

Title: Floodplain Storage Opportunities for Flood Mitigation in the Puyallup River Basin, Pierce County Student Name: Tzu-Yu Lin Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: Farmers’ Perceptions of Farming in King County: The Challenges, Industry Trends and Needed Resources and Services Student Name: Kara E Martin Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: Street Design Components in Hub Urban Villages of Seattle: An Analysis of the Relationships Between Street Design and Context Student Name: Yosuke Oi Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: Implementation of Inclusionary Zoning in Southeast Seattle Student Name: Torence J Powell Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Rachel Garshick Kleit

Title: Denny Regrade (1893– 2008): A Case Study in Historical GIS Student Name: Aaron Raymond Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: Improving Pedestrian Accessibility Around the Northgate Mall Through Urban Design Interventions Student Name: Angie C Salicetti Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: LEED ND as a New Urbanist Metric Student Name: Nicole Sanders Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer

Title: Metropolitan Agriculture: The Changing Face of Farming Student Name: Katherine E Sommers Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: A Case Study Comparison of Bicycle Ridership in Bellevue, Washington and Groningen, the Netherlands Student Name: Sarah Squires Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald Miller

Title: Active Transport to School: Influence, Outcomes, and Implications Student Name: Orion Stewart Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: The Impact of Gasoline Prices on Automobile and Transit Travel in Washington State Student Name: Victor Stover Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Balance on the Urban Waterfront: A Comparative Study of Sustainable, Mixed-Use Development in the Pacific Northwest Student Name: J Scott Surdyke Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Using a GIS Suitability Analysis to Identify Locations for Floodplain Reconnection in Seattle’s Salmon-bearing Streams. Student Name: Scott H Williamson Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: Beyond New Heaven and Earth: Historic City-Center Redevelopment in Qingdao, China Student Name: Jie Yang Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel Abramson

Title: Parking Pricing: Its Potential Impacts on the Economic Vitality of Central Business Districts Student Name: Melissa A Young Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Protecting Customer Parking: Strategies for Businesses near Light Rail Stations in Southeast Seattle Student Name: Michelle D Zeidman Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: A New Era in Urban Ballpark Development in the United States: A Chronological Analysis of Ballpark Development in the United States and a New Model Proposed for Manhattan’s West Side Rail Yards Student Name: Aaron Asis Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: To What Extent Has the City of Seattle Achieved Distributional Equity Within the Neighborhood Street Fund? Student Name: Kadie R Bell Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Joaquin Herranz, Jr

Title: REITs in the Thrift Savings Plan: Should REITs be Available to Service Members? Student Name: Toby Birdsell Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James DeLisle

Title: Achieving Leed for Neighborhood Development in the Center of the City Student Name: Vivian Chang Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: Advancing Urban Ecohousing: Barriers and Pathways to Resource Conservation in Urban Multifamily Housing Student Name: Heather Flint Chatto Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: A Guide to Building a Backyard Cottage in Southeast Seattle Student Name: Andrea R Clinkscales Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald Miller

Title: Creating Connections: Strategies for Improving Accessibility in the High Point Community of West Seattle Student Name: James Kingston Dewar Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Where did the Traffic Go: A Study of Spatial, Modal, and Time-Diversion Resulting from the August 2007 Seattle North Bound Interstate 5 Partial Road Closure Student Name: Wes Edwards Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Improving Bicycle Safety in Seattle: An Analysis of Bicycle-Motor Vehicle Collisions Student Name: Tessa Greegor Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: A Multi-criteria Evaluation of Transit Service Areas on the Tulalip Indian Reservation Student Name: Mark D Hamilton Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Comparing Bus Rapid Transit to LINK Light Rail Transit from the University District of Northgate Student Name: Brian W Henry Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Planning for Sea Level Rise in Seattle, Washington: Seawall Replacement at Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook as a Case Study Student Name: James D Rufo Hill Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: Growing Green: An Inventory of Public Lands Suitable for Community Gardening in Seattle Washington Student Name: Megan Horst Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: A Conservation Framework Proposal for Xijie, a Street in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, China Student Name: Katherine Idziorek Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: Brew Uses for Old Buildings: The Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings as Microbreweries in the Pacific Northwest Student Name: Nicholas J Kindel Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Local Improvement Districts: A Creative Financing Tool for Infrastructure Projects in Seattle Student Name: Chelsea Levy Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald H Miller

Title: An Analysis of Retailing Methods for Superstores in Urban Markets Student Name: David Major Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James DeLisle

Title: Sixth Avenue South Urban Design Study: Reclaiming Urban Remnant Spaces Student Name: Jessica Caroline Majors Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: The City of Bellevue’s 2008 Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Plan Update Student Name: Stephanie R Parkins Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Locating Farmers Markets: An Evaluation Methodology to Inform Site Selection for Farmers Markets Student Name: Matthew J Peters Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald Miller

Title: Assessing Ffarmer Interest and Identifying Barriers to Participation in Washington State’s Farm to School Program Student Name: Meghan E Pinch Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: A Community Compact: The Social Role of Neighborhood Temples in Quanzhou, China Student Name: Lee Stephen Roberts Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: Growing Homes: Increasing House size in King County, 1997-2006 Student Name: Christian Rusby Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Institutionalizing Sustainability at the Woodland Park Zoo Student Name: Joel P Sisolak Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Donald Miller

Title: An Assessment of the Seattle Green Factor: Increasing and Improving the Quality of Urban Green Infrastructure Student Name: Elizabeth Stenning Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: LEED-ing Eustits Florida: An Evaluation and Remediation of Proposed Land Development Regulations for Compatibility with LEED-ND Standards Student Name: John D Tovey III Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel B Abramson

Title: An Evaluation of the Impact of Dwellings on Land in Farm and Forest Zones in Hood River County, Oregon Student Name: Clay Harris Veka Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Suburban Walkability: A Triangulated Approach Strategies for Transportation Planners in Oregon Student Name: Jana A Wright Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: Best Practices and Emerging Trends in TDR Programs Student Name: Jeffrey Aken Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: An Interdisciplinary Tsunami Workbook for Tsunami Planners Student Name: Nicolas Arcos Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: A Tale of Two Cties: An Exploration of Strategies for Acquisitioin of Large Scale Contaminated Properties & the City’s Approach in the Puget Sound Area Student Name: Rebecca A Buttitta Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Hilda Blanco

Title: Urban Redevelopment in Washington State: Legal Issues, Administrative Models and Seattle’s Central Waterfront Student Name: Paul Chasan Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Hilda Blanco

Title: A Community Land Trust in White Center, Washington: Enhancing Residential Stability and Building Community Wealth Student Name: Katherine Cote Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: Increasing Bicycle Trips to the University of Washington Using the Four E’s: A Guide for Promoting Bicycle Use Student Name: Douglas Cox Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Charicteristics of Successful Programs for the Interjurisdictional Transfer of Development Rights Student Name: Mark J Daniel Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: Bicycle Travel: What Can Seattle Learn from Copenhagen’s Success Student Name: Lisa Dulude Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Vernez Moudon

Title: Walk-Up Windows: Study of an Urban Retail Type in Seattle Student Name: Andrew Fenstermacher Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Anne Moudon

Title: Hold-Sell Analysis of an Industrial Property within the North Puget Sound Region and in the Context of Institutional Portfolio Investment Student Name: Thomas Greer Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George R Rolfe

Title: Brownfield Remediation and Associated Financial Instruments in the State of Washington Student Name: Sterling Hamilton Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Hilda Blanco

Title: Integrating Design into Long-Range Regional Planning Through Collaborative Process Student Name: Talia Henze Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Conservation Districts as a Preservation Tool: Responding to Seattle’s Neighborhood Plans Student Name: Heather Hines Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: Two Wheels to Public Transit: How Implementing a Bicycle-Transit Program Can Reduce Personal Automobile Dependency Student Name: Ryan E Jones Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz W Wagner

Title: Understanding Livability: A Case Study of Seattle and the Puget Sound Region Student Name: Sean Keithly Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Columbia City Feasibility Analysis Student Name: Joon H Kim Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Anticipating Commercial Passenger Service at Paine Field: An Application of Scenario Planning Student Name: Jennifer Kipp Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christine Bae

Title: Pedestrians and Bicyclists in the Bel-Red Corridor: Planning for Non-motorized Users Early in the Redevelopment Process Student Name: Wesley Kirkman Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Don Miller

Title: The Challenge of Homeownership for Seattle’s Hispanic Community: A Preliminary Study Student Name: Josue Licea Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: Defabrication of the City: A Plan for Restructuring Urban Form Between Pike Place Market and the Seattle Waterfront Student Name: Kenneth Loen Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: Bicycle Parking and Transit: A Demand Analysis for Bicycle Lockers at King County Metro Park and Ride Lots Student Name: Hannah McIntosh Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Don Miller

Title: Youth-focused Urban Agriculture: Innovative Programs that Meet Multiple Needs Student Name: Jenifer Naas Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Dennis Ryan

Title: Evaluating the Design of Planned Unit Developments: The Case of Mount Vernon, Washington Student Name: Alyce Nelson Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: Using Triage to Priortize Environmental Restoration Student Name: Peter Noonan Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: An Assessment of the Stream Provisions within the 1990 King County Sensitive Areas Ordinance Student Name: Karis Puruncajas Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: Low Impact Development and Transportation Infrastructure: The Puyallup-White Watershed Student Name: Andrew Redman Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: Small Neighborhood Commercial Centers: Seattle Precedents Student Name: Gwen Rousseau Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Robert Mugerauer

Title: Navigating the Fog of Uncertainty: Scenarios for the Puget Sound Nearshore Student Name: Michal Russo Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Marina Alberti

Title: LEED Cost and Value in Private Development: A Sample Methodology Student Name: Jesus Alejandro Sandoval Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor James R DeLisle

Title: Distinguished City of Seattle Professional Work Student Name: Diane Sugimura Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Hilda Blanco

Title: Evaluating a Private Concession Proposal at Saint Edward State Park: Decision Criteria and Case Studies in a Park Planning Context Student Name: Peter Sullivan Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Frank Westerlund

Title: Planning for Third Place Plazas: Creating Meaningful Public Outdoor Living Spaces Student Name: Mary K Warman Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: A Look at the Past, Present and Future Roles of Historic Preservation in Seattle’s Central Waterfront Student Name: Tara Ballentine Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Ron Kasprisin

Title: A Feasibility Analysis of Condominium Conversion and Affordable Home Ownership for Capitol Hill Housing Student Name: Alfredo-Jude Arriola Cari Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Jim DeLisle

Title: Redmond Community Indicators Program Student Name: Jeffrey Douglas Churchill Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Don Miller

Title: ULI Workforce Housing Report: Expanding Housing Options for Seattle Households Student Name: Christine Clifford Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Re-Defining Value: Strategies for Greening Affordable Housing in Compliance with Washington State’s High-Performance Building Legislation Student Name: Ric Cochrane Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Parking Management at University of Washington: An Alternative, Market-based Approach Student Name: Jeremy R Fitcher Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor G Scott Rutherford

Title: Collaborative Conservation in Mount Baker Neighborhood Student Name: Andrea Flower Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Fritz Wagner

Title: Bridging the Digital Divide in Public Participation: The Roles of Infrastructure, Hardware, Software and Social Networks in Helsinki’s Arabianranta and Maunula Student Name: Charles J Gabbe Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Mark Purcell

Title: Bringing Publicly Owned Brownfields to the Private Market in the State of Washington Student Name: Matthew T Hoffman Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Mark Purcell

Title: Property Valuations Student Name: Mark Hoyt Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: Kirkland’s Innovative Housing Demonstration Program: New Housing Choices Within Single-Family Neighborhoods Student Name: Janet L Hyde-Wright Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Daniel Abramson

Title: Redmond Overlake Neighborhood Plan Implementation and Refinement Project: Report on Existing Conditions and Challenges and Opportunities to Redevelopment Student Name: Jayme M Jonas Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Branden Born

Title: Risk Management in Brownfields Redevelopment Student Name: Taketoshi Kawakami Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

Title: A Survey of Attitudes Towards and Understanding of Green Home Attributes Among Green Homebuyers in the Puget Sound Region Student Name: Aaron Keeler Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Christopher Campbell

Title: Beacon Hill and McClellan Light Rail Station Areas Feasibility Analysis Student Name: Douglas J Larson Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor George Rolfe

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Successful thesis proposals in architecture and urban planning


ISSN : 2631-6862

Article publication date: 1 May 2020

Issue publication date: 11 November 2020

The purpose of this research is to improve the understanding of what constitutes a successful thesis proposal (TP) and as such enhance the quality of the TP writing in architecture, planning and related disciplines.


Based on extended personal experience and a review of relevant literature, the authors proposed a conception of a successful TP comprising 13 standard components. The conception provides specific definition/s, attributes and success rules for each component. The conception was applied for 15 years on several batches of Saudi graduate students. The implications of the conception were assessed by a students' opinion survey. An expert inquiry of experienced academics from architectural schools in nine countries was applied to validate and improve the conception.

Assessment of the proposed conception demonstrated several positive implications on students' knowledge, performance and outputs which illustrates its applicability in real life. Experts' validation of the conception and constructive remarks have enabled further improvements on the definitions, attributes and success rules of the TP components.

Research limitations/implications

The proposed TP conception with its 13 components is limited to standard problem-solving research and will differ in the case of other types such as hypothesis-based research.

Practical implications

The proposed conception is a useful directive and evaluative tool for writing and assessing thesis proposals for graduate students, academic advisors and examiners.

Social implications

The research contributes to improving the quality of thesis production process among the academic community in the built environment fields.


The paper is meant to alleviate the confusion and hardship caused by the absence of a consensus on what constitutes a successful TP in the fields of architecture, urban planning and related disciplines.

  • Urban planning
  • Architecture
  • Built environment
  • Postgraduate research
  • Writing successful thesis proposals

Abdellatif, M. and Abdellatif, R. (2020), "Successful thesis proposals in architecture and urban planning", Archnet-IJAR , Vol. 14 No. 3, pp. 503-524. https://doi.org/10.1108/ARCH-12-2019-0281

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2020, Mahmoud Abdellatif and Reham Abdellatif

Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode .

1. Introduction

After the postgraduate student completes her/his coursework in a master programme or passes the comprehensive exam and becomes a doctoral candidate in a doctoral programme, s/he is allowed to submit a “Thesis Proposal” (TP) to her/his department whose main concern is to assess whether the topic is suitable for a graduate study and for the time and resources available ( Afful, 2008 ; Kivunja, 2016 ; Reddy, 2019 ).

The department then sends the submitted TP to higher bodies for official approval. Once approved, the TP becomes a legal binding or “a formal contract” ( Walliman, 2017 ) and “a statement of intent” ( Hofstee, 2006 ) between the researcher and the university. If the student adheres to all prescribed TP requirements within the specified time, s/he will be awarded the degree ( Leo, 2019 ).

Guided by his/her academic advisor, the student prepares the TP within which the researcher explains the research problem, questions, aim and objectives, scope, and methodologies to describe, analyse and synthesize the research problem and develop solutions for it ( Paltridge and Starfield, 2007 ). In addition, the proposal includes a brief about research significance and expected contributions; a preliminary review of literature; thesis structure and approximate completion timeline; and a list of relevant references ( Kivunja, 2016 ; Thomas, 2016 ; Kornuta and Germaine, 2019 ).

1.1 Statement of the problem and research aim

After decades of writing, supervising and refereeing master and doctoral theses in the fields of Architecture and Urban Planning, the authors noticed that TP's differ in format and content from a school to another. This may be considered a healthy matter because it gives room for flexibility that absorbs the variety of research problems and techniques. Yet, the absence of a consensus on what constitutes a successful TP could cause confusion and hardship to both students and advisors ( Kamler and Thomson, 2008 ; Abdulai and Owusu-Ansah, 2014 ). The review of literature indicates that TP writing has been tackled in depth in many fields (see for instance Gonzalez, 2007 ; Balakumar et al. , 2013 ; Eco, 2015 ; Kivunja, 2016 ; Glatthorn and Randy, 2018 ; Kornuta and Germaine, 2019 ). Apart from thesis proposal instruction and guideline manuals posted on universities' websites, the authors believe that there is a lack of in-depth research on the issue of producing successful thesis proposals in the fields of Architecture and Planning.

To propose a successful TP conception which determines the standard components of TP and sets specific definitions, attributes and rules of success for each component.

To apply the proposed conception on several batches of graduate students, then assess its impact on students' performance and output along the years of application.

To validate the proposed conception by getting the insights of experienced academics from architecture and planning schools worldwide, and as such, improve and finalize the conception.

1.2 Research methodology

To propose the Successful TP Conception , the authors relied on two sources: knowledge extracted from their extended experience and a review of relevant studies and instruction manuals and guidelines for preparing TP in several worldwide universities. The Conception has been applied on several batches of master and doctoral students from IAU, KSA for almost 15 years between 2005 and 2020 during their enrolment in three courses in the College of Architecture and Planning, IAU, KSA. These courses are “ARPL 603 Research Methods” and “BISC 600 Research Methods” for the master's level and “URPL 803 Seminar (3): Doctoral Research Methods” for the doctoral level.

From a total of 60 students, 39 students (65%) completed the survey; of whom 12 students (31%) were doctoral and 27 students (69%) were masters students.

- Improve their understanding of the components of a successful TP.

- Enhance their performance in developing their TP's.

- Conduct a more effective self-assessment of their developed TP's.

- Enhance their performance along other stages of producing their theses and dissertations.

- Maintain any other benefits adding to students' research capabilities.

The first part recorded the general characteristics of respondents.

The second inquired about experts' viewpoints on the definitions, attributes and the rules of success of the components of the proposed TP conception.

2. Proposing the Successful TP Conception

2.1 components of a tp for a standard problem-solving research type.

A review of thesis writing guidelines posted on universities' websites and other related literature has indicated that the number of components of a masters' or doctoral thesis proposal varies. After a thorough review of related literature and with their experience, the authors have been convinced that, in its standard form, a TP should include 13 components. Chronically arranged, as appearing in the proposal, they are: title page, abstract, keywords, background, statement of the problem, research questions, research aim and objectives, research scope, research significance and contributions, preliminary review of literature, research methodology, thesis structure and timeline, and references list ( Ostler, 1996 ; Simpson and Turner, 2004 ; Zhou, 2004 ; Davies, 2011 ; Axelrod and Windell, 2012 ; Donohue, 2018 ; Glatthorn and Randy, 2018 ; Kornuta and Germaine, 2019 ). It is worth mentioning that these 13 components will differ in the case of a hypothesis-based research whose aim is to validate a specific hypothesis that a specific variable/s is/are or is/are not the main cause/s of an investigated research problem. This paper is limited only to the standard problem-solving research type.

2.2 Building the Successful TP Conception

Setting a general definition for each component including its meaning, importance, functions and contents.

Outlining the most important attributes that must be considered when writing the component.

Based on step 1 and 2, the authors extracted a list of success rules which provides a concise definition for each component of the TP, and/or describes the relationship between the component and other components of the TP (the list is summarized at the end of Part 2).

2.2.1 Research title

This is the first item that appears to the reader. It invites or detains him/her from proceeding to other contents ( Blaxter et al. , 2010 ). The research title is positioned in the title page along with several basic data, namely, the title; the names of the Department, College, University, study programme, researcher and advisory committee; and submission date.

The research title should be useful, discussing an issue critical to society; true, conveying a real message about the investigated problem ( Donohue, 2018 ); concise, presenting the message with the minimum number of words; adequate, using the right wording to explain the intended meaning; and attractive , stimulating the reader's attention. Iterations in refining the research title go hand-in-hand with refining the research question ( Groat and Wang, 2013 ).

2.2.2 The abstract

It is the first item that appears in the TP after the title and of the same significance; yet, it is the last to be written ( Kornuta and Germaine, 2019 ). It has a marketing function ( Lamanauskas, 2019 ); it calls the reader in or alienates him out. A comprehensive abstract contains a summary of the problem, aim, scope, methodology, importance, contributions and outline ( Koopman, 1997 ).

The Abstract should be concise or brief with a maximum of 200–300 words; adequate, including profiles of all parts of the proposal; clear, expressing its message without ambiguity; and interrelated, serving as a body of sequential, coherent and connected ideas ( Blaxter et al. , 2010 ).

2.2.3 The keywords

These are a set of words or terms used for archiving, tabulation and electronic search on databases. They should include essential “subject terms” describing the research topic, the unique sub-specializations and focus of the research (what is researched), the contextual scope of the research (where and when), and the used research methodology (how to conduct the research) ( Lamanauskas, 2019 ). They are better written by splitting the title into its separate single words or terms which must be found in the abstract, as well ( Mack, 2012 ).

Keywords should be brief, not more than 8–12 words; adequate, conveying the research theme, scope, aim and approach; exact, focusing on the investigated topic and scope; and standard, using scientific terminology used in the field.

2.2.4 The background

This is a gradual preparation of the reader from the larger scientific field to the specific field, from the wider geographic area to the immediate area, and from the larger timeframe to the immediate one. It starts from the strategic level and general scope of the research and gradually reaches the level closer to the examined problem ( Abdellatif and Abdellatif, 2005 ). It places the study within the larger context of the research, creates interest to the reader and catches his attention, and includes quotations and statistics leading the reader to proceed ( Babbie, 2014 ).

The background statement should be striking, drawing the reader's attention to the research; brief, not lengthy; gradual, moving from the general level surrounding the investigated issue to the specific level; and careful, not speeding up in disclosing the study problem, aim or methodology to the reader ( Axelrod and Windell, 2012 ; Pautasso, 2013 ).

2.2.5 The statement of the problem

Statement of the General Research Problem is a narrative describing a negative aspect/s prevailing in the investigated urban environment/ecosystem or architectural setting; it is equivalent to the negative wording of the research aim ( Abdellatif and Abdellatif, 2005 ). It stimulates interest in the study; scientifically explained to convey a simple, clear and specific issue to which a reader can relate and is useful to the society at large ( Balakumar et al. , 2013 ). In the humanities and social sciences many dissertations endeavour to establish the conditions of the problem, not to solve it ( Dorst, 2011 ).

In formulating the research problem, it is useful to consider it a problem which hinders the natural development of the society and/or environment and leads to a decline in the Quality of Life (QOL) or Quality of Environment (QOE) or both. A development problem is a factor/cause leading to either a quantitative or qualitative deficiency in satisfying a human need or both such as a lack of certain service or inadequate provision of the service ( Abdellatif, 2015 ). To arrive at a successful statement of the general problem, the researcher should pinpoint the main cause/s behind the study problem. All what comes next depends on the clarity of the problem statement.

Technically oriented research (TOR), which places emphasis on the process and procedures as the primary basis of effective design, TOR can be either systematic, or computational, or managerial.

Conceptually driven research (CDR), which can be either psychological or person–environment. The psychological type is driven by the goal of matching knowledge with the nature of the design problem, its components, context and social and environmental requirements. Whereas, the person–environment type places emphasis on the socio-cultural and socio-behavioural factors as they relate to the design process itself and to settings, buildings and urban environments.

Classify the investigated situation to branched dimensions, e.g. demographic, planning, regulatory, economic, social, environmental, etc.

Trace the causes or the influencing factors that lead to the emergence or aggravation of the problem/s in each dimension.

Clarify the problem more by identifying the consequences or adverse effects (the symptoms of the problem) that resulted from those causes. This helps isolate the causes from the consequences to focus on treating the causes not the consequences. Using temporary painkillers will not eliminate the disease; it only tranquilizes the symptoms.

Statement of the consequences of the problem is a narrative that describes the negative effects caused by sub-problems on the investigated environment ( Goetz et al. , 2005 ).

The statement of consequences of the problem should be focused, where each consequence focuses on one independent sub-problem; articulate, not overlapping with other consequences; rooted, relating to one of the roots of the general problems; deep, providing description for specific symptom; and comprehended, could be perceived, described and determined ( Abdellatif, 2015 ).

2.2.6 Research questions

What is the nature of the development problem as defined by the latest findings of previous literature, similar studies and published statistical reports?

What are the key features of the investigated problem according to a direct field survey?

What are the appropriate links between different variables of the study (causes, consequences, etc.) according to the information gathered from the theoretical review and field surveys?

What are the extracted results and the appropriate solutions and/or recommendations to deal with the general research problem and its sub-problems?

What are the critical contributions of the research findings on the life and/or environmental qualities?

How can the research increase the benefits of research results on the ground?

What are the research areas/points that need further investigation?

Research questions should be specific, each question addresses one sub-problem; unduplicated, each question does not repeat itself in a different format; sequential, or arranged according to their importance and order; and interrelated, where each question relates to other questions.

2.2.7 Research aim, goals and objectives

The general aim of the research is a specific and clear statement presenting the overall purpose of the study. It is directed to find an appropriate and effective solution to the general research problem ( Donohue, 2018 ). It is an attempt to fill a gap between a negative reality of an environment/ecosystem/or development situation and a desired positive future to be achieved at the end of the research process ( Glatthorn and Randy, 2018 ). The aim should be properly stated to ensure the success of all the following stages of the scientific research process.

Exploring the problem by defining the research problem, formulating aim and objectives, designing the methodology, defining the scope, and highlighting the expected contributions.

Collecting secondary data by defining basic concepts and terms, reviewing relevant literature and previous studies, and describing the most important characteristics of the investigated environment from secondary sources and statistical reports.

Collecting primary data via direct field surveys and based on the views of concerned population, experts and officials to describe the characteristics of the investigated development problem.

Analysing the gathered data by using theoretical and field data to determine the appropriate links among different variables of the study (e.g. causes, consequences, etc.).

Synthesizing the gathered data by integrating the findings of analysis to build appropriate approaches or solutions to deal with the general problem.

Extracting conclusions and writing recommendations to highlight research findings and make them more useful and effective.

A micro level objective contributes to solving the specific investigated problem (e.g. a specific quantitative or qualitative problem that hinders the development of a sector of society, environment, or eco-system).

A macro level objective contributes to realizing a higher goal (e.g. improving the overall quality of life of a larger community, upgrading the quality of the larger environment, etc.).

Development objectives should apply the SMART goal rule (previously explained); and be non-overlapping by ensuring that each objective is focused and not conflicting with other objectives.

2.2.8 Research scope

Thematic scope clarifies the general and specific areas of the research (e.g. the research falls within the field of sustainable development in general and focuses on social sustainability).

Geographic/Spatial scope specifies the spatial boundaries of the physical environment within which the research is applied (e.g. a specific local or regional setting).

Temporal scope shows the past, present and future spans the research will cover indicating the number of years from the historical information inventory until the expected completion date. If the research aim is to develop future strategies or policies, the span will extend to future target point.

Research Scope should be categorized, by being classified by subject, place and time; focused, by reaching the closest limits of the investigated research problem, environment and time; and clear, by not being so general or ambiguous.

2.2.9 Research significance and contributions

They highlight the most important benefits and the main beneficiaries from solving the research problem; the potential positive impacts of the study on the life and environmental qualities ( Groat and Wang, 2013 ). Contributions differ in nature (theoretical or applied or both) and in size (huge, average, or marginal). There is a positive relationship between the size of contributions and the size of impacted beneficiaries (individuals, groups, institutions, communities, societies), the scale of the impacted geographic boundaries (local, national or global), the type of impacted development sectors (service, production, etc.) and the numbers of the impacted sectors (one, a few, or all sectors). Research significance increases as the size of contributions increases. Specifying the research significance, expected contributions and potential beneficiaries helps promote the research and provides rational justifications for conducting it. The higher the contributions and the greater the sectors of the beneficiaries, the more significant the research is ( Abdellatif and Abdellatif, 2005 ). According to Balakumar et al. (2013) research significance justifies the need for the research that is being proposed.

Research significance and expected contributions should be categorized, in terms of type (theoretical or applied contribution or both), size and nature of the beneficiaries (individuals, institutions, communities, etc.) and geographical extent (small site, district, city, region, nation, etc.); clear, simple and comprehensible to the reader; and realistic, real, accurate and not exaggerated.

2.2.10 The preliminary review of literature

This is an initial review of literature dealt with relevant problems. It aims to build an initial understanding of the problem, identify the most important variables that have been considered, cite methodologies used to deal with the problem; make use of the latest findings and record the various recommendations/solutions suggested to deal with the problem ( Hart, 1998 ; Grix, 2001 ). According to Dunleavy (2003) , it is a critical review on related recent research that is well documented, structured, analysed and synthesized. It offers the researcher an opportunity to engage with other scholars in one's disciplinary community.

In addition to having a separate part, it is useful to combine the literature review with other components of the TP (e.g. the research problem, questions, aim and objectives, and methodology). It is important that the review presents differing perspectives or contrasting views of the topic and reports the complexities of the issue ( Kornuta and Germaine, 2019 ). By conducting the review, the researcher becomes able to build an initial but comprehensive understanding of the causes and consequences of the problem, the methodologies used to study and analyse the problem and the solutions proposed to deal with it by synthesizing various viewpoints of previous studies, thereby, supporting her/his principle argument about the study problem with the results derived from previous literature ( Pautasso, 2013 ).

Definitions of key terms and concepts; standard terms to appear in the research and special concepts which are not formally provided by previous scholars. The definitions must be logic and derived from scientifically recognized sources.

Review of previous studies; focusing on identifying several issues, namely, the most important dimensions and variables of the research problem (the causes of the problem; why the problem has emerged or aggravated; the most important consequences of this problem on the human and/or physical environment); the methods used to deal with the problem; the latest findings of previous studies and the various approaches/solutions suggested to deal with the problem.

Contextual aspects of the investigated development situation; including a review of relevant characteristics of the researched environment (its basic dimensions and elements) as found in previous studies. Contextual aspects may be classified into physical and human components; or into environmental, functional, aesthetic, structural, economic and social design determinants; or into demographic, planning, regulatory, economic, social, environmental sectors or other classifications.

Preliminary review of literature should be indexed, from reliable scholarly sources; categorized or documented according to standard classification system; employed, used wisely to achieve a desired purpose; up to date, recent, however, in topics which address chronological development or evolutionary aspects references could be recent and old; and related, relevant to the study problem ( Hart, 1998 ).

2.2.11 Research methodology

Data collection methods including office methods used to collect secondary data from previous literature and case studies as well as field methods used to gather original data through field visits, surveying, questionnaires, interviews with stakeholders, etc.

Data analysis methods including methods used to analyse both the secondary and primary information collected from office and the field surveys such as Statistical Analysis, Environmental Scanning (SWOT), Development Components Analysis, etc.

Data synthesis methods including methods used to compile, synthesize the analysis and develop appropriate alternative scenarios or solutions to deal with the problem.

Data presentation methods including methods to present the research process and findings such as scientific research paper containing narratives, tables, figures, forms, maps, results and recommendations as well as final visual presentation to review panel to get remarks and write the last version of the TP.

Research methodology should be appropriate, aligned with the purpose/s in which they will be used; achievable, within the reach of the researcher; effective, achieving the purpose fast and with high quality; reliable, previously tested, applied and approved in similar cases; and precise, accurate and specific.

2.2.12 Research structure and timeline

This is a brief statement of the main sections of the master's/doctoral thesis with tentative dates for completing the various stages of the research. Careful preparation of research structure and timeline ensures the effectiveness and integrity of the plan of actions towards the completion of the study ( Kivunja, 2016 ). It is also a criterion to judge the achieved progress and seriousness of the researcher.

Research structure and timeline should be sequential, arranged according to a standard scientific research process; logical, proportionate to the total period available for completion; and balanced, distributing time properly among various stages.

2.2.13 The list of references

This is a list which contains a reasonable number of relevant references on the topic which were actually cited in the TP ( Kornuta and Germaine, 2019 ). Including a list of the references about the topic demonstrates that the researcher is familiar with the basic and latest knowledge on his/her problem.

The list of references should be relevant, closely related to the investigated subject; up to date, recent yet containing old and new according the topic and context; and reliable, published in dependable vessels.

2.3 Extracting the success rules

Based on the above definitions and attributes provided for each of the 13 TP components, the authors were able to extract a number of success rules that took the form of equations, each of which describes an equality function between each component and its counterpart component/s as shown in Table 1 . For instance, rule #1 shows that “research title” is equal to “the general aim of the research” and is equal to “the negative wording of the research problem”.

3. Assessing the Successful TP Conception from students' viewpoints

They better understood the meanings of each component (97% agree and strongly agree and 3% neutral).

They better understood the attributes of each component (94% agree and strongly agree and 6% neutral).

They better understood the rules which control the relations between the various components of the TP (87% agree and strongly agree and 13% neutral).

The process of writing the proposal has become easier and more convenient (100% agree and strongly agree).

The effort, cost and time spent in submitting the proposal have been substantially saved (87% agree and strongly and 12% neutral).

The relationship with academic advisor has improved (87% agree and strongly agree and 12% neutral).

The students' confidence in advancing their own learning abilities has improved (93% agree and strongly agree and 7% neutral).

The students' abilities to address the strengths and weaknesses of their personal skills have improved (93% agree and strongly agree and 7% neutral).

The students' abilities to manage their learning process more independently have improved (90% agree and strongly agree, 7% neutral and 3% disagree).

The students have created a clearer and better mutual understanding with their academic advisors (90% agree and strongly agree and 10% neutral).

The students have reduced their distraction from the original target set out in the proposal (81% agree and strongly agree, 16% neutral and 3% disagree).

The students have been able to finish their research on time (78% agree and strongly agree, 19% neutral and 3% disagree).

They gained better analytical skills (87% agree and strongly agree, 10% neutral and 3% disagree).

They gained better problem-solving skills (87% agree and strongly agree, 10% neutral and 3% disagree).

They gained better critical thinking skills (87% agree and strongly agree, 10% neutral and 3% disagree).

4. Verifying the Successful TP Conception based on experts' viewpoints

Having proposed, applied and assessed the Successful TP Conception, it becomes important to validate it using the insights of experienced academics from Architectural and Planning schools worldwide. This part summarizes the results of the experts' inquiry survey conducted in November 2019 to February 2020. It shows the characteristics of experts and their viewpoints and remarks on the originally proposed definitions, attributes and success rules.

4.1 Experts' characteristics

They were from nine countries, namely, the United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain.

About 75% of the experts were males and 25% were females. About 5% were 35–45 years old, 20% were 45–55 years, 55% were 55–65 years and 20% were 65 years and over.

About 5% were Assistant Professors, 10% Associate Professors and the majority (85%) were Professors.

The experts had teaching experiences in undergraduate and graduate levels (masters, doctoral, diploma, postdoctoral and continuing professional development).

The general specialization of 70% of the experts was Architecture and 30% of experts were specialized in Urban Planning. They taught in several built environment fields (Architecture, Interior Design, Building Technology, Urban Design, Landscape Architecture and Urban and Regional Planning).

The experts had several focus areas, namely, Architecture, History and Theories of Architecture, Assessment of Designed Environments, Design Methods, Pedagogy, Architecture and Digital Technologies, Heritage Conservation, Middle East Architecture and Cities, Construction Project Management, Urban Design, Spatial Development Planning, Landscape, Built Environment and Behaviour, Urban Studies, Techniques and Quantitative Methods of Urban Planning, Urban Conflict, Urban Justice, Community Development, Environmental Management and Planning and Development Approaches.

About 10% of the experts supervised 5 theses, 5% supervised 6–10 theses, 50% supervised 11–20 theses and 35% supervised more than 20 theses.

4.2 Experts' viewpoints and remarks

Concerning the proposed definitions of the TP components, the experts expressed their agreement which ranged between 73 and 96%. Some experts provided additional remarks to help improve the definitions. Table 2 presents the originally proposed definitions, the percentages of agreed experts and their additional remarks.

Regarding the attributes of each component of the TP, the original conception proposed 38 attributes, the experts added 18 attributes resulting in a total of 56 attributes. Table 3 presents a matrix showing the percentages of experts' agreement of the originally proposed attributes as well as the added attributes. The lowest agreement percentage was 59% and the highest was 96%.

Concerning the proposed success rules which were called “equations” in the originally proposed conception, the experts suggested to change the expression into “rules”; which is more appropriate for subjective contents than mathematical expression. Table 4 presents the final 19 success rules for the components/sub-components of a TP and the percentage of experts' agreement which ranged between 57 and 95%.

5. Conclusion

Based on their experience in preparing and supervising masters and doctoral theses and after a thorough review of the literature on preparing thesis proposals, the authors drafted a conception of a successful thesis proposal comprising specific definitions, attributes and rules for each of the 13 components of a standard TP. The conception had been applied over a duration of 15 years (2005–2020) on several batches of master and doctoral students in IAU, KSA. Through an online survey, the majority of students (78–100%) have indicated that understanding and applying the conception helped them improve their performances and outputs during the TP development process and beyond.

The conception was then validated by getting the insights of 39 experienced academics from worldwide architectural schools. The experts accepted the proposed definitions with (73–96%) agreement rate. The experts also accepted the proposed attributes with (59–96%) agreement rate. As for the success rules, the experts' agreed as well with an acceptance rate ranging from (57–95%). The experts suggested constructive remarks which were considered in writing the final version of the conception.

The extracted success rules combine the definitions and attributes of each component of the TP and present them in a concise statement which defines the component and, where applicable, exemplifies its relationship to another corresponding or counterpart component of the TP. For example, rule #1 shows that “research title” should reflect “the general aim and scope of the research” and should also reflect “the negative wording of the research problem”. Extracted also is rule #14 which indicates that “the whole thesis proposal” written in future tenses, should resemble “the introduction of the final thesis” written in past tenses.

A directive tool that assists the researcher in writing a sound TP. Combining the last three tables (2, 3 and 4) into a comprehensive checklist would aid the students in preparing their TP's; enhancing the quality of their performance and outputs.

An evaluative tool that helps in assessing the validity and integrity of the submitted TP's that can be used by the researcher for self-assessment, or by the academic advisor, or by an examiner/evaluator before sending the proposal to higher authorities for approval.

The findings of this paper could be useful not only in evaluating thesis proposals, but also, with proper modifications, in assessing various scientific research documents, including scientific thesis, research papers and others; which is another research topic that will be addressed in the future.

The stages of developing the successful thesis proposal conception

Proposed list of success rules for the TP components

#Research proposal componentEqualsThe corresponding component
1Research title=The general aim of the research
=Solving the main research problem
2The abstract=Profiles of all components of the research proposal
3Keywords=Title in a fragmented manner
=Words that compose the research title
4Background=Gradual preparation of the reader to enter the study
5The statement of the problem
5–1General problem of research=The main cause of quantitative or qualitative deficiency in the investigated environment
5–2Research sub-problems=The secondary causes of each sub-problem of the general problem
5–3Research consequences=Subsidiary symptoms of the general illness of the examined environment
6Research questions=Presenting general problem and sub-problems of the research in the question format
7Research aims, goals and objectives=Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely goals
7–1General aim of the research=Solving the general problem of the research
7–2Procedural objectives of the research=Research stages
=Sections or chapters of the thesis
7–3Development objectives of the research=Solving sub-problems of the study
=Finding a cure for the secondary causes of the problem
8The scope of the research=Thematic, geographical and temporal limits of the study
9Importance of the study and expected contributions=expected positive impacts of research (theoretical, practical or both)
10Preliminary review of literature=Building a comprehensive conception from previous studies about the causes and consequences of the problem, the methodologies used to understand and analyse it, the most important findings and the solutions developed to deal with it
11Research methodology=Techniques, methods and tools used in each stage of study
12Research skeleton and completion timeline=Main chapters of research along the completion timeline
=Stages of the scientific research process along the completion timeline
12List of references=Latest local and international references about the research
14Thesis proposal (using future tenses)=General introduction of the final thesis (Using past tenses)
: Prepared by the authors based on the above definitions and attributes of the TP components

#Component of a thesis proposal% of experts agreement ofExperts additional remarks
Proposed definition%
1Research titleThe first item that appears to the reader. It invites the reader to proceed to other contents73It should be reflective of research topic, questions, objectives, content and approach and convey the aim, the purpose, the scope and the outcome
2The abstractThe first item that appears in the TP after the title and of the same significance. It calls the reader in or alienates him out79Although some experts commented that in several schools an abstract is not a compulsory component of TP, 79% of the experts agreed that the abstract is needed
3KeywordsA set of words or terms used for archiving, tabulation and electronic search on databases75Keywords are better written by splitting the title into its separate single words or terms. They should include essential terms describing the research topic, the unique sub-specializations and focus of the research (what is researched), the contextual scope of the research (where and when) and the used research methodology (how to conduct the research)
4BackgroundA gradual preparation from the larger scientific field to the specific field, from wider geographic area to the immediate area, and from the strategic level to the level closer to the examined problem74The background should place the study within the larger context of the research, create interest to the reader and catch his attention, help him understand why the study is significant, include limitation and arguments of pervious research, and include quotations and statistics leading the reader to go to the next component of the TP
5Statement of the problem
5–1Statement of the general research problemA narrative describing a negative situation prevailing in the investigated urban environment/ecosystem or architectural setting92A statement which stimulates interest in the study; scientifically explained to convey a simple, clear and specific issue to which a reader can relate”; “equivalent to the negative wording of the research aim”; and “in the humanities and social sciences many dissertations endeavour to establish the conditions of the problem, not to solve it
5–2Statement of the research sub-problemsA narrative that describes the general problem in detail; sub-problems are simply the various causes of the general problem84One expert commented that “the above definition is valid and useful in causal research types only; other research types might consider different approaches”
5–3Consequences of the problemA narrative that describes the effects of sub-problems on the investigated environment83None
6Research questionsA set of questions the research tries to answer. Each question usually covers one of the research sub-problems96None
7Research aim/goal/objectivesThe goal should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely96None
7–1General aim of the researchA specific and clear statement presenting the overall purpose of the study96None
7–2Procedural objectives of the researchThe sub-goals emanating from the main aim of the study. They provide a roadmap and illustrate important stages leading to sequential targets towards achieving the general aim79They are articulated sub-goals that in their totality compose the main research aim
7–3Development objectives of the researchThe objectives which focus on solving the research sub-problems and eventually solving the main problem of the investigated situation74None
8Research scopeA statement which defines the thematic, geographical/spatial and temporal limits of research None
9Research significance and contributionsHighlight potential positive impacts of the study on the life and environmental qualities87Expected contributions can only be tentative in the early research proposal stage, the researcher must remain open to unexpected findings upon the finishing stage of his/her study
10Preliminary review of literatureBuilds an initial understanding of the problem, identify the most important variables considered, cite methodologies used; make use of the latest findings and record the various recommendations/solutions suggested91Related directly to the stated research questions; identify areas of controversy in the literature; describe the relationship of each work to others; point the way forward for further research; and be organized into categories or themes
11Research methodologyContains explanation of the appropriate methods to be used in data collection, analysis, synthesis and presentation; for the extraction of results; and for the development of appropriate approaches or solutions to deal with the research problem82None
12Research structure and timelineA brief statement of the main sections of the master's/doctoral thesis arranged on the tentative dates for completing the various stages of the research95None
13List of referencesA list which contains a reasonable number of relevant references on the topic82None
: Prepared by the authors based on the above analysis and the results of expert inquiry

An extracted list of success rules for thesis proposals

Rule #% of experts agreedSuccess rule
Component of a thesis proposalRelationship nature (→)Its concise definition (and/or) its relationship to another component/s
160%Research titleShould reflectThe general aim and scope of the research
The negative wording of the research problem
275%The abstractShould beA concise brief of all necessary components of the research proposal
374%KeywordsShould includeTerms representing research title, topic, unique sub-specializations, methodology and scope
474%Research backgroundShould coverA gradual contextual literary analysis relevant to the study preparing the reader to enter the study
5 The statement of the problem
5–173%Statement of the general research problemShould reflectThe main cause of a quantitative and/or qualitative deficiency in the environment under investigation
The negative wording of the research aim
5–280%Research sub-problemsShould describeThe subsidiary causes of the main problem
5–379%Consequences of the ProblemShould describeSubsidiary symptoms of the general illness of the examined environment
679%Research questionsShould rephraseThe research sub-problems in a question format
The research objectives in a question format
763%Research aims, goals and objectivesShould beSMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely)
7–163%General aim of the researchShould reflectA target responding to the general research problem/question
A potential alternative scenario that may enable the development of solutions
The research title with the same or different wording
7–257%Procedural objectives of the researchShould articulate/representThe sub-goals that compose the main research aim
The stages of the research
The sections or chapters of the thesis
7–370%Development objectives of the researchShould reflectTargeted solutions to the sub-problems of the study
Targeted possible cures/fixes for the subsidiary causes of the problem
883%Research scopeShould coverThematic, geographic and temporal limits of the study
987%Research significance and contributionsShould highlightThe expected positive theoretical or practical impacts of the research or both
1095%Preliminary review of literatureShould coverA well-documented, structured, analysed and synthesized critical review of relevant research
1182%Research methodologyShould explainThe methods, techniques and tools used to accomplish the research objectives in each stage of the study
1282%Research structure and timelineShould articulate/representThe stages/phases of the research and their expected completion dates
The main chapters of the research distributed along the completion timeline
1377%List of referencesShould presentThe references relevant to the research problem
14General ruleThe thesis proposal (using future tenses)Should resembleThe general introduction of the final thesis (using past tenses)

Source(s) : Prepared by the authors based on the above analysis and the results of expert inquiry

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The authors acknowledge the sincere assistance provided by the team of experts from several Architectural Schools worldwide to verify and improve the TP Conception. Appreciation is also extended to the post graduate students of the College of Architecture and Planning, IAU, who have positively responded to the students' opinion survey.

Corresponding author

About the authors.

Mahmoud Abdellatif is a Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, College of Architecture and Planning, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (IAU), Dammam, Saudi Arabia. He received an MSc from Assuit University, Egypt in 1977 and another MSc from Iowa State University in 1981 and a PhD degree from Texas A&M University in 1985. He has taught and practiced Architecture and Urban Planning for more than 45 years in Egypt, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. His main research focus is on research methods, strategic planning and design and development approaches. He is currently the adviser of IAU Vice President for Studies, Development and Community Services. His last book (published in Arabic) entitled The Simplifying-Integrating Approach to Contemporary Design, Planning and Urban Development articulates his own problem-solving approach. He is the principle editor of the Strategic Plan of Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University 2018–2025.

Reham Abdellatif is an Assistant Professor in Architecture, College of Design, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (IAU), Dammam, Saudi Arabia. She obtained an MSc degree from Assiut University in 2003 and a PhD degree from Newcastle University, UK, in 2012. She has taught and practiced Architecture and Interior Design for more than 22 years in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Her main research focus is on Architectural Education and Curriculum Development, Analysing Design Learning Activities, Distant/Online Learning, Communication and Computation, VR and Information Technologies in Architecture. She ran the interior design curriculum development committee in Assiut University and in IAU.

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Thesis:  Breaking The Cycle: How Philadelphia Can Shape Its Rail Park Topic:  Urban Planning & Design  Author:  Kaitlin Mills

Thesis:  Planning for Cannabis Retail Stores in Major U.S. Cities: Best Practices Recommendations for Boston, Massachusetts  Topic:  Urban Policy & Planning Author:   Michael Flanary

Thesis:  Teaching Democracy: The Opportunities and Challenges of Conveying the Micropractices of Democracy through a Community-University Training  Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning Author:  Zoe Ackerman

Thesis:  Reinvigorating a Post-Industrial Small Town: Community Engaged Placemaking in Rural Vermont    Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning Author:  Lylee Rauch-Kacenski

2018 Master's Theses

Thesis: Urban Waterfront Revitalization and Open Space: A Case of Rezoning Waterfront of Yong River in Nanning, China Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning Author:  Xizhi Luan

Thesis:  Assessing Conservation Easements and Their Adaptability to Future Change in Strafford County, New Hampshire Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning Author:  Robert McDonough

Thesis:  Collective Visioning in the Boston Ujima Project Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning Author:  Sarah Jimenez

Thesis:  Planning for Coastal Flooding Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Author:  Erin Coutts

Thesis:  Mega Projects: Worth the Cost? A Study of Three Boston Mega Projects and Their Impact on Their Neighborhoods Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Samantha Pirk

Thesis:  People's Electric Power: Community Energy Solutions to Empower Democracy and Combat Climate Change Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Joel Wool

Thesis:  Impacts of Land Use Change and Export Agriculture on Guatemalan Food Security Topic:  Food Systems Policy Author: John VanderHeide

Thesis:  Home Economics: Reimagining How the Home Can Support Single-Mother Families Topic:  Family and Child Policy Author:  Ashley Clark

Thesis:  Assessing the Economic Viability and Environmental Benefit of Prioritizing Soil Health in Agriculture Policy Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning Author:  Jamie Fanous

Thesis:  The Effects of Social Services in Comprehensive Affordable Housing Developments on Resident Socioeconomic Mobility Topic:  Housing Policy  Author:  Jaissa Feliz

Thesis:  The Arabic Hour: Understanding Arab-American Media Activism and Community-Based Media Topic:  Political Participation and Media Relations Author: Noah Habeeb

Thesis:  An Assessment of the Massachusetts Commercial Food Waste Ban: Implementation and Effectiveness Three Years into the Ban Topic:  Food Systems Policy Author:  Alexandra Raczka

Thesis:  Spatial Accessibility to Health Services: A Study of Hepatitis-C Virus Infection in Massachusetts Topic:  Public Health and Nutrition Policy & Planning  Author:  Sharon Ron

Thesis:  Farmworker Health Landscape: Barriers to Improving Health and Safety in U.S. Agriculture Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning Author: Tessa Salzman

Thesis:  Agriculture and Solar Energy Development as Competing Land Uses in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning Author:  Kathleen Nay

Thesis:  Measuring the Impacts of Cooperative Participation on Vanilla Farmers in Madagascar  Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning Author:  Matthew Amato

Thesis:  Capacity to Participate: a Case Study of resident participation in Somerville, MA  Topic:  Political Participation and Media Relations Author:  Christian Brandt

Thesis:  Hooked on Safety: An Analysis of Commercial Fishing Safety and Training Opportunities Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Margaret Brown

Thesis:  Extending Community Control Over Commercial Development: Community Land Trusts and Community Finance Models Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning Author:  Allison Curtis

Thesis:  Opportunities and Challenges in Farm to Institution: Commonwealth Kitchen's contribution to the movement Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning Author:  Laura Flagg

Thesis:  Expanding the Green Network on Rooftops: A Study of Green Roofs Development as a Part of Urban Green Space Planning Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Ka Lum Fung

Thesis:  Trip Duration and Mode Choice Analysis: A Study of the Below Median Income Households in the Boston Metropolitan Region Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Divya Gandhi

Thesis:  Exploring Factors that are Driving Electric Vehicle Demand in Massachusetts from the Perspective of Built Environment and Socio-economics   Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Anil Gurcan

Thesis:  Steering from Day Zero: How are Cities Safeguarding Their Water Security?   Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Hiromi Hashimoto

Thesis:  From Ownership to Shared Use: The Spatial Patterns of Carsharing  Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Ju-Ying Hung

Thesis:  An Uphill Battle: Nashville's Fight for Inclusionary Zoning Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning Author:  Stephanie Johnson

Thesis:  Green Gentrification in Washington D.C. A Methods Study of how GIS can be used to Assess the Effects of Parks on City-wide Gentrification Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Alyssa Kogan

Thesis:  Investigating Public Participation as a Strategy to Improve Drinking Water Utilities' Infrastructure Investment Practices  Topic:   Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Amanda Kohn

Thesis:  Stacking Green Infrastructure Benefits: A Spatial Multi-Criteria Approach to Green Infrastructure Planning in Seattle, Washington Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Kai Ying Lau

Thesis:  Land Use Change Patterns in Massachusetts 2001 - 2011: A Case Study using NLCD Land Cover Data Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning Author:  Jiao Liu

Thesis:  Hydraulic Fracturing: Groundwater Contamination and the US Regulatory Framework   Topic:  Toxics and Environmental Health Author:  Emrat Nur Marzan

Thesis:  Preparing to Adapt: Municipalities Engaging Stakeholders Around Climate Change Adaptation in Massachusetts  Topic:  Air Quality and Climate Change Policy & Planning Author:  Darya Mattes

Thesis:  Exploration of Inorganic Chemical Pollution in California’s Groundwater (Capstone) Topic:  Toxics and Environmental Health  Author:  Julia Miller

Thesis:  Integrated Valuation of Socio-Environmental and Resiliency Metrics for Conservation in a Changing Climate: A "Climate-Smart" Model for the Optimization of Tidal Salt Marsh Conservation Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning  Author:  Ivy Mlsna

Thesis:  Planning for Low-Carbon Transportation Systems Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author: Paulina Muratore

Thesis:  Travel Behavior and People's Sentiment in Transit Zones: An Exploratory Case Study in New York City Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Wencong Xu

Thesis:  Analyzing New York City's Community-Based Planning Statute Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning Author:  Brennan Corriston

Thesis:  Keeping Passenger Ferries Afloat: What Can Boston Learn From Other Water Transportation Systems Around the Country? Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Jacob Mittleman

2017 Master's Theses

Thesis:  Utilization of Community Development Block Grant funding for façade improvement activities: A study among CDBG entitlement communities in Massachusetts  Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Mary Muter

Thesis:  The Impact of Retirement Communities on Home Prices: An Evaluation of School Achievement and Residential Sale Price Topic:  Economic Development and Fiscal Policy Author:  Monica Gregoire

Thesis:  Municipal-Supported, Citizen-led Placemaking Processes: A Study of Successes, Challenges and Lessons Learned in Five Case Studies  Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning Author:  Adrianne Schaefer

Thesis:  Boston's Emerging Solidarity Food Economy - Lessons in Transformative Change  Topic:  Food Systems Policy Author:  Hannah Sobel

Thesis:  Kitchen Incubators in New England: How an emergent business incubator model is fostering food entrepreneurship Topic:  Food Systems Policy Author:  Heidi Stucker

Thesis:  A Clean Break: Fuerza Laboral's Quest to Incubate a Building Cleaning Cooperative in Rhode Island  Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author: Janaki Blum

Thesis:  Community Participation in Traffic Calming Implementation Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Pat Kelsey

Thesis:  In the Room Where it Happens: Autonomy and Discretion in Home Visitors' Information and Referral Actions Topic:  Public Health and Nutrition Policy & Planning Author:  Sarah Sherman

Thesis:  Assessing the Impact of Offshore Wind in Massachusetts: An Estimate of of C02 Emissions Reductions Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning  Author:  Ryan Bailey

Thesis:  Affordable Housing Creation Through Regulation of the Private Market: Inclusionary Zoning and Linkage Programs Topic:  Housing Policy Author:  Cecilia Nardi

Thesis:  The State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program (SWEEP): A Case Study of Conservation Agriculture and Small Farmers in California  Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning Author:  Danielle Ngo

Thesis:  The Public Dimensions of the Boston Public Market Topic:  Food Systems Policy Author:  Barbara Shepard

Thesis:  Local Governance for the National Framework: Assessing Chinese Subnational Climate Change Policies Topic:  Air Quality and Climate Change Policy & Planning Author:  Timothy Grant

Thesis:  Home Buyouts: One Community's Quest to Retreat from the Coast  Topic:  Housing Policy Author:  Anna McGinty

Thesis:  A world of difference - Stories of planning for diversity from South Africa to Salem Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning Author:  Monique Ching

Thesis:  Priorities for Siting Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Developments in Greater Boston  Topic:  Housing Policy  Author:  Hannah Cross

Thesis:  The Effects of State Energy Policy Changes on Residential Electric Energy Burden   Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Nicolas Dahlberg

Thesis:  Revenue Increase for Water Utilities from Improved Metering—An Empirical Analysis on AMR Meter Installation Project in Livingstone, Zambia  Topic:   Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Yuji Dai

Thesis:  Measuring Transit Accessibility in the MBTA Service Area: Spatial Location of Poor Transit Access Areas and Assessment of the Daily Commute to Employment Locations  Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Mbacke Faye

Thesis:  Impacts and Best Practices of Pedestrian Plazas in Cities  Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Elizabeth Gohringer

Thesis:  Creating River North: A Case Study of Demographic Shifts in Denver  Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning  Author:  Anthony Lechuga

Thesis:  Assessment of the Child Maltreatment in Massachusetts Topic:  Public Health and Nutrition Policy & Planning  Author:  Yuan Li

Thesis:  Investing in Water: Assessing the Feasibility of Establishing a Water Sharing Investment Partnership in Texas' Rio Grande Water Market  Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Lauren Lynch

Thesis:  Knowing Where the Power is Going: Opportunities and Challenges for Disaggregated Household Electrical Usage Feedback Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Nathaniel Mayo

Thesis:  Accessing Opportunity in Massachusetts: The Spatial Consequences of State Statute Chapter 40B  Topic:   Housing Policy Author:  Hana Migliorato

Thesis:  Site Selection Optimization for Wetlands Preservation  Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Jessica Norriss

Thesis:  An Analysis of the Environmental Justice Movement in Massachusetts & Rhode Island Topic:  Environmental Justice Author:  Elizabeth Pongratz

Thesis:  An Investigation of Community Policies and Attitudes Towards Accessory Dwelling Units in Greater Boston Topic:  Housing Policy Author:  Alexandra Purdy

Thesis:  Newspapers Accounts of Neighborhood Economic Change   Topic:  Economic Development and Fiscal Policy Author:  Bradley Putnam

Thesis:  Energy Justice and the Stakeholders Involved: A Case Study of Solar Power in Rural Haiti Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning  Author:  Elijah Romulus

Thesis:  Capstone title: Shared Equity Homeownership Models Topic:  Housing Policy  Author:  Stephanie Savir

Thesis:  An Analysis of Save Haven Locations in New York City Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning  Author:  Brooke Schwartz

Thesis:  Liquor License Distribution in Boston: Exacerbating Economic Disenfranchisement Topic:  Economic Development and Fiscal Policy Author:  Lauren Shuffleton

Thesis:  Exploring Roles for Communities in Green Infrastructure Projects Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Elise Simons

Thesis:  A Cross-State Analysis of Renewable Portfolio Standard Development Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Mariel Marchand

Thesis:  Regional Self-Reliance and Food Security: A food systems modeling case study in the Department of La Paz, Bolivia Topic:  Food Systems Policy Author:  Caitlin Matthews

2016 Master's Theses

Thesis:  Waste not, want not. Putting Urban Metabolism into Practice Topic:  Solid Waste/Pollution Prevention Policy & Planning Author:  Imaikalani Aiu

Thesis:  The Housing Market in Egypt After the Revolution: Opportunities and Challenges for Foreign Direct Investment Topic:  Housing Policy Author:  Mark Attia

Thesis:  Securing the Future of Water Resources for Beirut: A Sustainability Assessment of Water Governance in Beirut, Lebanon Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Ayah Badran

Thesis:  Solar Stimulus: Perceptions of Banks and Credit Unions towards solar PV in Massachusetts  Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning  Author:  Suveer Bahirwani

Thesis:  Networked Community Land Trusts: An Analysis of Existing Models and a Needs Assessment for the Greater Boston Community Land Trust Network Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning Author:  Benjamin Baldwin

Thesis:  The Public Perception of Manufacturing Careers in New England Topic:  Corporate Env. Policy & Industrial Ecology  Author:  Annie Burtoff

Thesis:  Warming Temperatures in a Changing Climate - How Rising Temperatures are Linked to Climate Change in the U.S. Print Media Topic:  Air Quality and Climate Change Policy & Planning  Author:  Betsy Byrum

Thesis:  Arts, Culture, and Creativity: A Case Study of the Arts and Planning Toolkit for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts  Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Jennifer Chin Erickson

Thesis:  Towards a Vision Zero Policy Theory: Examining Emerging Road Safety Initiatives in U.S. Cities  Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Nathaniel Fink

Thesis:  Turkey's 1980's Export-led Growth Policies and Working Class Women's Social Exclusion  Topic:  Economic Development and Fiscal Policy Author:  Deniz Gecim

Thesis:  The Power and Potential of Relationships: An Examination of Juvenile Justice Involved Adolescent Mothers in a Home Visiting Program  Topic:  Public Health and Nutrition Policy & Planning  Author:  Meghan Higgins

Thesis:  Economically, Ecologically and Socially Balanced Agriculture Practices in Northern California and New England Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning  Author:  Matthew Hinds

Thesis:  The Feasibility of Creating a Regional Transfer of Development Rights Program in Barnstable County, Massachusetts Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning  Author:  William Holm

Thesis:  The Built Environment and Walking to School: Findings from a Student Travel Behavior Survey in Massachusetts Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning  Author:  Kate Ito

Thesis:  Using Vacant Land for Stormwater Management: Prioritizing Locations to Maximize Community Benefits  Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Anna Krane

Thesis:  Examining how recreational park programs can contribute to making parks in the City of Boston more Age-Friendly Topic:  Urban Planning & Design  Author:  Megan Krey

Thesis:  Land in Trust: Comparing Acquisition Methods for Farmland Preservation in Rural, Suburban and Urban Contexts Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning  Author:  Victoria Kulwicki

Thesis:  Gritty and Growing: Exploring Commercial Urban Agriculture in Everett, MA  Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning Author:  Kathleen O'Brien

Thesis:  Challenges of Public-Private Partnerships: A Case Study of the Boston Urban Forest Coalition Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning  Author:  Andrew Petit de Mange

Thesis:  Sustainable Livelihood Community Level Assessment in Wayanad, Keiala  Topic:  Sustainable Development Author:  Allison Platt

Thesis:  Bridging the Transportation Finance Gap: Planning Beyond Boundaries for a Connected 21st Century Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Rayn Riel

Thesis:  An Investigation of People's Attitudes about Bicycling in Urban Areas in the US: An Exploration Case Study in Washington DC  Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Yaqi Shen

Thesis:  Cause to Collaborate: Assessing the Role of Regional Conservation Partnerships in Inter-Municipal Collaboration Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning Author:  Jesse-Nathan Steadman

Thesis:  The Establishment of a Casino Gaming Business as a Stimulus/Growth Strategy for a Medium sized "Shrinking City" (Springfield, MA) Topic:  Economic Development and Fiscal Policy Author:  Evan Sullivan

Thesis:  Build It: A Feasibility Study of GIS-Based Analyses of Cycling Infrastructure  Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning  Author:  Ian Thistle

Thesis:  Child Care Use Among Adolescent Mothers Enrolled in a Massachusetts Home Visiting Program Topic:  Public Health and Nutrition Policy & Planning Author:  LunYan Tom

Thesis:  Educating Practical Visionaries at Tufts University: A Framework for Community-University Co-Learning Topic:  Education Policy Author:  Rebecca Tumposky


Thesis:  Noise Levels Associated with Sentiment Analysis on Twitter: A Case Study of New York City   Topic:  Public Health and Nutrition Policy & Planning Author:  Xiang Yu

Thesis:  Steel Winds: A Case Study of a Successful Community - Developer Relationship Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Peter Ciurczak

Thesis:  Creating Lasting Affordability Through Community Land Trust: Lessons for Somerville, Massachusetts Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning Author:  Susan Mann

Thesis:  An Assessment of Neighborhood Retail Environment in Union Square, Somerville  Topic:  Economic Development and Fiscal Policy  Author:  Maria Martinez Vazquez

Thesis:  Creating a Culture of Progressive Planning Practice in America's Medium-size Cities  Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning  Author:  James McKeag

Thesis:  Mapping Massachusetts: A Spatial Analysis of Opportunity and Ideal Markets for Participants in the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program   Topic:  Housing Policy Author:  Amelia Najjar

Thesis:  Framing A Regional Landscape-Scale Conservation Plan for the Penobscot River Corridor Using Best Practices and Lessons Learned   Topic:  Regional and State Planning  Author:  Janna Newman

Thesis:  Seed to Student: An Analysis of the Potential Impacts of Recent Federal Legislation on Local Food Systems via School Garden Programs on Cape Cod, Massachusetts  Topic:  Food Systems Policy Author:  Elizabeth Nollner

Thesis:  Telling the Story of Food Justice: A Case Study of the Urban Farming Institute of Boston Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning Author:  Valerie Oorthuys

Thesis:  Youth Voices in Positive Youth Development: A Case Study Topic:  Family and Child Policy Author:  Krysti Turnquest

Thesis:  Critical Factors for Successful Private-Public Partnership (PPP) in Urban and Environmental Infrastructure Projects in Jilin Province, China Topic:  International Policy & Planning Author:  Mengmeng Zhou

Thesis:  Shrinking Cities and Subjective Well-Being: An Investigation of Resident Attitudes and Opinions Via Micro-Blog Sentiment Analysis  Topic:  Political Participation and Media Relations Author:  Andrew Wiley

Thesis:  Groundwater Regulation and the Public Trust Doctrine in California  Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Christina Valerino

Thesis:  Building Footprint Changes in Baltimore Rowhouse Neighborhoods   Topic:  Housing Policy   Author:  Jingyu Tu

Thesis:  Cleaning and Eating Green: A Review of Local Restaurants That Are Purchasing and Using Green Cleaning Products  Topic:  Solid Waste/Pollution Prevention Policy & Planning Author:  Migdalia Tracy

Thesis:  The Energy Ladder: A Valid Model for Fuel Transitions in Sub-Saharan Africa  Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Rebecca Toole

Thesis:  Local, Low Impact Stormwater Management and the Power of the Massachusetts Municipality  Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning  Author:  Jennifer Titus

Thesis:  Air Quality and Sustainable Redevelopment: the Case of Construction in Dudley Square Topic:  Air Quality and Climate Change Policy & Planning Author:  Hanaa Rohman

Thesis:  Framing A Regional Landscape-Scale Conservation Plan for the Penobscot River Corridor Using Best Practices and Lessons Learned  Topic:  Natural Resources Policy & Management Author:  Janna Newman

Thesis:  Community and Economic Development Strategies for Revitalization of Former Mill Towns in Massachusetts  Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning Author:  Christine Madore

Thesis:  Enhancing Rural Community Assets Through Active Transportation Planning: A Case Study of Norway, Maine  Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning  Author:  Kristine Keeney

Thesis:  Disciplinary Trends in Boston Area Schools: Programming to Improve Conflict Resolution Practices and Close the Education Gap Topic:  Education Policy Author:  Breann Jeffries

Thesis:  Active Transportation Among Older Adults in Massachusetts   Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Marguerite Hutcheson

Thesis:  A Golden Ticket: the State of Admissions for Low-Income Youth at Elite Universities Topic:  Education Policy Author:  Brianda Hernandez

Thesis:  Reclaiming Philly's Vacant Properties: An Assessment of Community Discourse in the Formation of the Philadelphia Land Bank  Topic:  Housing Policy  Author:  Kasia Hart

Thesis:  Cumulative Causation: Decision-Making in Food Hub Creation and Development   Topic:  Food Systems Policy Author:  Joanna Hamilton

Thesis:  The Benefits, Drawbacks, and Limitations of Service Coordination Tools: Perspectives from Social Service Providers in Somerville, Massachusetts Topic:  Welfare and Social Services Policy Author:  Kristin Haas

Thesis:  Portuguese Speaking Immigrant Communities in Massachusetts: Assessing Well-Being Through Sentiment Analysis of Microblogging Data Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Cara Foster-Karim

Thesis:  The Parking Benefit District Exploring Business Owner's Perspective on an Innovative Parking Management Model in Jamaica Plain, Boston  Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning  Author:  Dorothy Fennell

Thesis:  Community Land Ownership and Governance in Northern New England: An Analysis of Two Local Approaches to the Community Forest Model  Topic:  Natural Resources Policy & Management Author:  Abby Farnham

Thesis:  Talking About Food: Using Institutional Stories to Build Equity Within Food System Planning in Everett, MA  Topic:  Food Systems Policy Author:  Kimberly Etingoff

Thesis:  The Kingdom of Jordan's Water Policies and Programs: Understanding Water Scarcity and Finding a Path to Sustainable Water Demand Management Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning    2015 Author:  Deema Dabbagh

Thesis:  Sustainability Reporting in New England: An Analysis of Programs and Metrics Reported by Top Public Manufacturers  Topic:  Corporate Env. Policy & Industrial Ecology Author:  Michael Coty

Thesis:  Industry Trade Associations: An Examination of Their Corporate Social Responsibility Programs and Messaging of Those Efforts  Topic:  Socially Responsible Marketing  Author:  Laurie Calvert

Thesis:  Conflict Assessment of Oil Exploration in Southern Belize  Topic:  Natural Resources Policy & Management Author:  Jennifer Bogle

2014 Master's Theses

Thesis:  Impacts of Public Policies on China's Solar Photovoltaics Industry   Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning  Author:  Yunwen Yu

Thesis:  Managing urban Vacancy: Decision Strategies for Vacant Lot Reuse in Baltimore, MD Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Eliza Whiteman, Davenport

Thesis:  Improving Environmental Governance in China: Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessments  Topic:  International Policy & Planning Author:  Katherine Walsh, Paula

Thesis:  Public Space Use, Meaning, and Design Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning Author:  Meera Velu

Thesis:  Bus Transit Reliability in Metropolitan Boston: A Study of MBTA's Dropped Trips  Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Christopher Timmel

Thesis:  Boston Main Streets 2.0: Spreading Boston's Innovation Economy from the Innovation District to the Neighborhoods Topic:  Economic Development and Fiscal Policy  Author:  John Taylor

Thesis:  Parklets in Somerville: A Resource for Implementation   Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Laura Smead

Thesis:  Remixed and Revitalized: Perceptions of the Influences of School and Community Contexts on Student Achievement Topic:  Education Policy Author:  Michelle Sedaca

Thesis:  The Dudley Community Greenhouse: Brownfield Redevelopment toward a more Just and Sustainable Food System Topic:  Food Systems Policy Author:  Jesse Seamon

Thesis:  The Struggle to Own and the Struggle to Stay: The Story of Greater Four Corners and the Coalition for Occupied Homes in Foreclosure (COHIF)  Topic:  Housing Policy  Author:  Rebecca Schofield

Thesis:  Rhode Maps to Meet Local and Regional Needs: A Comparison of Affordable Housing Statutes in Rhode Island and Massachusetts   Topic:  Housing Policy   Author:  Matthew Sarcione

Thesis:  Worker Programs and Resource Use: Evidence from Better Work Jordan   Topic:  Employment/Job Development Policy Author:  Nathan Robins

Thesis:  American Partisan Politics and the Public Policy making Process: An Essay Focusing on the Rising Massachusetts Electorate Topic:  Political Participation and Media Relations Author:  Wilnelia Rivera Diffo

Thesis:  A More Competitive Central Business District: Place-making Strategies for Beijing  Topic:  Economic Development and Fiscal Policy Author:  Yifei Ren

Thesis:  Smart Growth on Cape Cod: Measuring the Effectiveness of the Hyannis Growth Incentive Zone  Topic:  Environmental Education Policy Author:  David Quinn

Thesis:  Municipal Development of Anaerobic Digestion/Combined Heat and Power in Massachusetts Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Brenda Pike

Thesis:  Solar Heating for Cooler Planet: A Case Study of and Lessons Learned from Policies in Austria and South Africa Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Cameron Peterson

Thesis:  Planning Practice and Community Based Food Systems: Understanding Barriers and opportunities for Planners Topic:  Food Systems Policy Author:  Joshua Peters, A

Thesis:  Growing New Farmers: A Survey of Farm Incubator Programs in the United States Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning Author:  Meaghan Overton, A.

Thesis:  Assembling a Closed-Loop System: Applying Lessons from The Plant in Chicago to CERO's Vision for Boston  Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning  Author:  Marcy Ostberg

Thesis:  Cultural Recognition and Food Programming: The Cultural Inclusivity of Community Supported Agriculture Programs in Urban, Low-Income, African American Communities Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning Author:  Ronak Okoye, Dave

Thesis:  Housewife Data: Citizen Science and the Case of Love Canal   Topic:  Environmental Justice Author:  Nolan Nicaise

Thesis:  Digital Inclusion in Rural Ecuador: A Preliminary Analysis of Digital Community Centers Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning Author:  C. Morales, Danilo

Thesis:  Value Capture Transit-Oriented Development: The MBTA Story Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning  Author:  Joseph Monty

Thesis:  The Case for Crowdsourcing in Bicycle Planning: An Exploratory Study   Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Jennifer Molina

Thesis:  The Effect of Economic Freedom on Income in U.S. Metropolitan Areas  Topic:  Economic Development and Fiscal Policy Author:  Matthew Missett

Thesis:  Trends in Organizational Renewable Energy Strategy: From Short-Term Procurement to Long-Term Investment in the EPA Green Power Partnership   Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Ryan Miamis

Thesis:  Reducing Gridlock on the Grid: Utility Trends in Managing Peak Electric load through Residential Demand Response Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Betsy McDonald

Thesis:  Assessment of Displacement Mitigation Efforts Concerning Gentrification in Chicago, Ill  Topic:  Race, Gender, & Elderly Policy Author:  Kiersten Mailler

Thesis:  The Challenge of Bridging Social Movement Activism for Climate Protection and Environmental justice in the City of Boston Topic:  Environmental Justice Author:  Ninya Loeppky

Thesis:  Evaluating Climate Change Action Plans: a Scorecard for Communities Topic:  Air Quality and Climate Change Policy & Planning Author:  Silas Leavitt

Thesis:  Catching Fire: An Analysis of Maine's Combined Heat and Power Energy Incentive Policies  Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Joshua Laufer

Thesis:  Planning for Aging in Community: Making Sense of Multiple Perspectives in Cambridge, Massachusetts Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning Author:  Ellen Kokinda, Bowman

Thesis:  The Journey to School: A Case Study at Mission Hill School Topic:  Education Policy Author:  Christina Kim

Thesis:  Low Income Renewable Energy Programs: Case Studies of State Policy in California and Massachusetts  Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Kaitlin Kelly

Thesis:  Green and Engaging for All: Applying Universal Design to the Rose Kennedy Greenway  Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Laura Jasinski

Thesis:  State Economic Development in Massachusetts' Gateway Cities: Past and Present Topic:  Economic Development and Fiscal Policy Author:  Ian Jakus

Thesis:  Inner-City Grocery Store Development as Community Economic Development: A Case Study of the New York City Food Retail Expansion to Support Health Program (FRESH) Topic:  Food Systems Policy Author:  Tida Infahsaeng

Thesis:  From Bedroom Community to Cultural Destination: Exploring Instrumental Cultural Development Efforts in Arlington, MA  Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning Author:  Margaret Husak

Thesis:  The Natural Gas Dilemma in New England's Electricity Sector: Experts' Perspectives on Climate Issues and Policy Opportunities Topic:  Natural Resources Policy & Management  Author:  Steven Griffith

Thesis:  An Analysis of the Use of Conservation Easements in Farmland Preservation   Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning Author:  Catherine Gregg, Marie

Thesis:  Conservation of the Piping Plover: Strategies for Preserving Wintering Habitat in the Bahamas  Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Gabrielle Gareau

Thesis:  The Black Box of Case Management: Examining Front Line Service Referrals In The Family self-sufficiency Program Topic:  Family and Child Policy Author:  Jacqueline Furtado

Thesis:  Apples, Aerobics, and ABC's: Nutrition and Exercise in Promise Neighborhoods initiatives Topic:  Public Health and Nutrition Policy & Planning Author:  Brean Flynn, Childs

Thesis:  Developing Solidarity: Transformative Community Economic Development and the New Lynn Coalition Topic:  Economic Development and Fiscal Policy  Author:  Jonathon Feinberg, Noah

Thesis:  Energy-Efficiency Retrofits in Small-Scale multifamily Rental Housing: A Business Model  Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Brian DeChambeau

Thesis:  How Should a Waterfront Business Evolve in the Wake of Climate Change? A strategic business plan developed for the long-term threats of sea level rise and coastal flooding  Topic:  Air Quality and Climate Change Policy & Planning Author:  Brooke Davis, A.

Thesis:  The American Woonerf: Creating Livable and Attractive Shared Streets   Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Natalia Collarte

Thesis:  Ecological Sanitation in the U.S.: Barriers and Opportunities in Water Conservation, Resource Recovery, and Green Jobs   Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Lauren Cole

Thesis:  Supermarket Dominance in Malaysia's Food Supply Chain: Implications for Contract Farmers and National Policy Topic:  Food Systems Policy  Author:  Denise Chin

Thesis:  Exploring School-Based Barriers to Family and Community Engagement in Urban Communities  Topic:  Education Policy Author:  Sherra Cates

Thesis:  Greener Peaks: The Economic Rationale of 'Beyond Compliance' Environmental initiatives in the Ski Industry Topic:  Natural Resources Policy & Management Author:  Corey Cameron

2013 Master's Theses

Thesis:  Cultivating Regional Cultural Competency: Exploring Place-based Exclusion and Representation in Urban Planning Research Topic:  Regional and State Planning Author:   Amos Wright IV, J.

Thesis:  City for All? A Geospatial Approach to Equity, Sustainability and Gentrification in Seattle, Washington Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Nicolas Welch

Thesis:  Assessing the Concept of Concentrated Poverty in HOPE VI  Topic:  Welfare and Social Services Policy Author:  Meghan Welch

Thesis:  Whither Flows Beaver Brook? Statistical Estimation of Streamflow Depletion by Groundwater Pumping, and a Policy Evaluation of the Massachusetts Sustainable Water Management Initiative  Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Adam Weinberg

Thesis:  Equity, Climate Adaptation, and Urban Planning: A Case Study of Cape Town Topic:  International Policy & Planning Author:  Axum Teferra

Thesis:  Drivers of City Sustainability: Evidence from Europe Topic:  Sustainable Development Author:  Silvia Tanga

Thesis:  Ecosystem Service Finance: A Case Study in Stow, Massachusetts Topic:  Natural Resources Policy & Management Author:  Brian Szekely

Thesis:  The Grey Zone: A Look at Stream Buffer Zone Protection Regulations for Georgia's Trout Streams Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Anne Sexton

Thesis:  Building a Non-Profit Organization's Evidence-Based Rationale: A Case Study of The Possible Project  Topic:  NGO Management, Policy & Planning  Author:  Caitlin Robillard

Thesis:  Non-Profit and Public Food Security Systems: The Potential for Coordinating Access to Safety net Programs  Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning Author:  Blake Roberts

Thesis:  Wind Energy in Massachusetts: The Role of Municipal Electric Utilities   Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Nathan Rawding

Thesis:  Moving from Philosophy to Reality: The Innovation Agenda in the Cambridge Public Schools  Topic:  Education Policy Author:  Tessa Orbach

Thesis:  Size and Shape Matters: The Modifiable Areal Unit Problem in Neighborhood Effects Research   Topic:  Economic Development and Fiscal Policy Author:  Carl Onubogu

Thesis:  Consider the Dam: Hydropower, Discourse and Politics in Laos Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Kathryn Olson

Thesis:  Identifying and Removing Barriers to Expanding Municipal Aggregation in the Commonwealth Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Micaelah Morrill

Thesis:  A Time Allocation Monitoring Study of RCRA Enforcement at Region I of the United States Environmental Protection Agency   Topic:  Solid Waste/Pollution Prevention Policy & Planning Author:  John Melcher

Thesis:  The Effects of Casinos on Host Communities and the Potential Impact of a Casino on the East Boston Neighborhood Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning Author:  Adrian Madaro Moro

Thesis:  A Comparison of Sprawl in US and China: Applicability of Smart Growth Strategies to Chinese Cities Topic:  International Policy & Planning Author:  Zhi Li

Thesis:  Monitoring-Based Commissioning on University Campuses: Barriers to Adoption Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author: Julia Ledewitz

Thesis:  Urban Citizenship and Spatiality: The Perceptions of Space and Belonging of Expatriate Women in Dubai Topic:  International Policy & Planning Author:  Janet Lau

Thesis:  Redefining Success: Addressing Displacement Associated with Transit Extensions   Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Jason Kurian

Thesis:  Emerging Models of Youth Involvement in Food Policy Councils: Four Case Examples  Topic:  Food Systems Policy Author:  Emma Kravet

Thesis:  Envisioning a Multi-purpose Green Infrastructure Approach: Strategies to Promote Health and Community Well-being in Urban Environments Topic:  Public Health and Nutrition Policy & Planning  Author:  Hannah Kohut

Thesis:  An Anchor in Clean Water: The Role of Anchor Institutions in Managing Great Bay Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Elizabeth Holden

Thesis:  Sidewalk Accessibility, Sidewalk Justice: Conceptions of Equity in Cities' Prioritization of Pedestrian Accessibility  Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning  Author:  Gabriel Holbrow

Thesis:  Power and the Politics of Control: The Institutionalization of Food Movement Projects and the Role of Land Rights in Social Transformation Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning Author:  Caitlin Hachmyer

Thesis:  Towards a "Greener" Chinatown: Re-Visioning a Culturally-Responsive and Inclusive Public Space System in Boston's Chinatown Topic:  Environmental Justice Author:  Rui Guo

Thesis:  The Wrong Side of the Street: Examining Urban Violence and Resilience in Managua, Nicaragua through a Spatial Lens  Topic:  International Policy & Planning Author:  Rachel Gordon

Thesis:  Are Business Improvement Districts Perceived as Effective for Revitalizing Mid-Sized Rust Belt Cities?  Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning Author:  Laura Fox

Thesis:  Moving Toward Completion: Barriers to Complete Streets Implementation in Metropolitan Boston Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Nicholas Downing

Thesis:  Overcoming Challenges to Zero Waste in Massachusetts: Analysis and Recommendations  Topic:  Solid Waste/Pollution Prevention Policy & Planning Author:  Laura Crossley

Thesis:  There Is No Plan for When the Lakes Run Dry: Water Planning Approaches for Climate Change Adaptation in Austin, Texas  Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Molly Cooney-Mesker

Thesis:  Community Supported Fisheries: Establishing New Markets in a Limited Resource Industry  Topic:  Natural Resources Policy & Management Author:  Bronwyn Cooke

Thesis:  Eminent Domain As a Tool for Redevelopment: A Case Study Analysis of Boston's West End and New London's Fort Trumbull Area Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning Author:  Meredith Christensen

Thesis:  African American Grocery Stores: A Framework for Food Policy Development  Topic:  Food Systems Policy Author:  Brytanee Brown

Thesis:  Who's in Control? Mitigating Elite Capture in Community-Driven Development   Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning Author:  Lenz Bayas

Thesis:  Towards a More Transformative Community Economic Development   Topic:  Economic Development and Fiscal Policy Author:  Ian Adelman

2012 Master's Theses

Thesis:  Yellow Card: Potential Neighborhood Impacts of a Soccer Specific Stadium Development in East Somerville.  Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Melissa Woods

Thesis:  Moving from Coal to Efficiency: An Analysis of State-Level Employment Impacts. Topic:  Employment/Job Development Policy Author:  Samantha Weaver

Thesis:  Planning Union Square as an Intercultural Center: Opportunities for a Diverse Community Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning Author:  Jong Wai Tommee

Thesis:  Local Development, Local Data: A Geospatial Study of Small-Area-Change Using Building Permits in Austin, TX. Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Melissa Shakro

Thesis:  Private Real Estate Developer Attitudes Towards Vacant Lot Reuse and Associated Policy Reform: A Case Study of the Homewood Neighborhoods in Pittsburgh , PA.  Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning Author:  Alyssa Rosen

Thesis:  The Greenhouse in the City: The Uses and Roles of Community-Oriented Urban Greenhouses.  Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Alexandra Reisman

Thesis:  Exploring Residential Property Investment Patterns in Somerville, MA: Tools and Techniques for Practicing Planners.  Topic:  Housing Policy Author:  Bradley Rawson, R.

Thesis:  Taxing for Transit: an Exploratory Analysis of Local Option Transportation Taxes Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Lydia Rainville

Thesis:  Moving from Vulnerability to Resilience: A Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Taunton River Watershed.  Topic:  Air Quality and Climate Change Policy & Planning Author:  Loni Plocinski

Thesis:  Are We Planning for Sustainable Food Systems? An Evaluation of the Vision and Goals of Food System Assessments and their Usefulness to Planning. Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning Author:  Marisol Pierce-Quinonez

Thesis:  Reintegration of Internationally Returning Migrants: The Role of Public Programs  Topic:  International Policy & Planning Author:  Nicholas Petschek

Thesis:  Phosphorus Control at Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Topic:  Toxics and Environmental Health Author: Katherine Moore

Thesis:  Crowdsourcing for Transit-Oriented Planning Projects: A Case Study of inTeractive Somerville Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Michael Messina

Thesis:  Food Policy for All: Inclusion of Diverse Community Residents on Food Policy Councils  Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning Author:  Molly McCullagh

Thesis:  The New Markets Tax Credit and the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit: Can They Be Joined Efficiently?  Topic:  Housing Policy Author:  Maritza Martinez

Thesis:  The Effect of Genetic Introgression of Farm-Raised Fish on the Endangered Wild Atlantic Salmon Populations in Maine Topic:  Natural Resources Policy & Management Author:  Christopher Mancini

Thesis:  Enabling Significant Public Contribution to Urban Redesign with Open-Source 3D Modeling Software Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Andrew Likuski

Thesis:  Increasing Urban Open Space Through Pocket Parks Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Alison LeFlore

Thesis:  Assessment of Latino/a Community-Based Organizations: The Case of Arlington Community Trabajando, Inc. in Lawrence, MA.   Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning Author:  Amy Kuykendall

Thesis:  Stop, Collaborate, and Listen: Developing Relationships in New England College Towns Topic:  Community Development Policy & Planning Author:  Alexander Krogh-Grabbe

Thesis:  Moving Consumers Up the Waste Hierarchy with the Paint Product Stewardship Initiative's Oregon Pilot Program Topic:  Solid Waste/Pollution Prevention Policy & Planning Author:  Brielle Amara Megan Kissel

Thesis:  Encouraging Walking in Gilman Square: Physical Interventions to Increase Livability in Urban Neighborhoods Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Catalina Justiniano

Thesis:  Protecting the Commonwealth's Most Vulnerable Agricultural Lands: The Roll of Massachusetts Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) Program.   Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning Author:  Kyle Greaves

Thesis:  Dealing with Dysfunction in the Nation's Increasing Obsolete System for Land Use Management: Guidance from the Past for State-Coordinated Planning and Decision Making.   Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning  Author:  Lum Fobi

Thesis:  Exploring the Roll of Boston's Community Health Centers in Improving Healthy Food Access  Topic:  Public Health and Nutrition Policy & Planning Author:  Kristin Feierabend, E.

Thesis:  Towards a More Transformative Community Economic Development   Topic:  Economic Development and Fiscal Policy Author:  Emily Elizabeth Earle

Thesis:  Planning Skills and Expertise Valued by Food Policy Councils (FPC's): A Case Study Analysis of Four American FPCs Working with Urban and Regional Planners.  Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning Author:  Christina DiLisio

Thesis:  Federal Clean Air Act Authority for Land Use Planning, Coordination, and Consistency.   Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning Author:  Julia Bramley

Thesis:  A Place for Business: An Exploration of Business Location as a Tool in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation   Topic:  Air Quality and Climate Change Policy & Planning Author:  Carl Bickerdike

Thesis:  Linking Climate Change Action to Well-Being in Cities. Topic:  Air Quality and Climate Change Policy & Planning Author:  Kimberly Ake

2011 Master's Theses

Thesis:  Building Energy Codes as a Tool for Energy Efficiency: Examining Implementation in Kentucky  Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Brittany Zwicker

Thesis:  In Hot Water: Temperature TMDLs in the Pacific Northwest   Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Kendall Webster

Thesis:  Constructing a Noise Propagation Model to Assess Community Noise Levels Stemming From Road Traffic: The Case of Somerville, MA. Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Erica Walker

Thesis:  From Active Living to Healthy Planning: Rethinking the Role of Urban Planning in Reducing Obesity Topic:  Public Health and Nutrition Policy & Planning Author:  Laura Tolkoff

Thesis:  21st Century Civilian Nuclear Power and the Role of Small Modular Reactors Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Eugen Taso

Thesis:  Cooperative Purchasing Organizations and Corporate Social Responsibility in Independent Coffee Shops Topic:  Corporate Env. Policy & Industrial Ecology Author:  Rowan Spivey

Thesis:  Fostering Food System Resiliency: Lessons from the Cuban Experience   Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning Author:  Benjamin Simons

Thesis:  Residential Energy Efficiency in Moderate-Income Households  Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning   Author:  Marcus Rozbitsky

Thesis:  Building Established Suburbs Upwards: Two Case Study Developments from Long Island, NY  Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning Author:  Jeanette Rebecchi

Thesis:  Reducing Barriers to Producing Affordable Rental Housing for Extremely Low Income Households in Massachusetts Topic:  Housing Policy Author:  Melisaa Ann Quirk

Thesis:  More Than Noise: What Urban Planners Can Learn From Hip-Hop Music   Topic:  Political Participation and Media Relations Author:  Jennifer Louise Quinn

Thesis:  Reintegration of Internationally Returning Migrants: The Role of Public Programs Topic:  International Policy & Planning Author:  Nicholas Petschek

Thesis:  Zoning Regulations that Promote Local Generation of Energy, Water and Food Resources, with Recommendations for the City of Boston Topic:  Land Use Policy & Planning Author:  Stephen Pantalone

Thesis:  Green Homes Brookline: Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of the One-Stop Shop Model of Residential Energy Efficiency Service Delivery   Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Elizabeth Panella

Thesis:  The Impact of a New Transit Station on Existing Businesses A Case Study of the Davis Square Red Line Station, Somerville, MA Topic:  Economic Development and Fiscal Policy Author:  Emmanuel Owusu

Thesis:  Savings Through Source Control: Evaluating Nonstructural Options for Reducing Phosphorus Loading to the Charles River Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Daniel Nally

Thesis:  Jane Jacobs' West Village Now and Then: An Analysis of Neighborhood Change Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Sarah Moser

Thesis:  Landscape as Infrastructure: Best Practices for Creating Green Urban Networks to Improve Human and Natural Environments Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Michelle Moon

Thesis:  The New Market Tax Credit and the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit: Can They Be Joined Efficiently? Topic:  Economic Development and Fiscal Policy Author:  Maritza Martinez

Thesis:  A Town and Its Ecovillage: A Case Study of Two Massachusetts Communities Topic:  Sustainable Development Author:  Elizabeth Mahaffy

Thesis:  Interdependent Wastewater Management Between Isreal & Palestine: The Case of the Tulkarem - Emek Hefer Region Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Simcha Leventhal

Thesis:  Social Chemistry and Toxic Chemicals: Assessing the Likelihood for Increased Regulation of BPA in the United States Topic:   Environmental Law  Author:  Daniel Latham

Thesis:  Mitigating Displacement due to Gentrification: Tools for Portland, Oregon   Topic:  Housing Policy Author:  Eunice Kim

Thesis:  Analysis of the Coastal Protection Experience in Three Towns on Cape Cod, Massachusetts Topic:  Water Resources and Fisheries Policy & Planning Author:  Peter Kelly-Joseph

Thesis:  Proto-STARS Pilot: A Nine Campus Collaboration to Adapt the STARS Sustainability Assessment to Northeast Boarding Schools   Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Rebecca Hession

Thesis:  Home Visiting Utilization Among a Sample of Teen Mothers: The Full Story   Topic:  Family and Child Policy Author:  Katrine Herrick

Thesis:  Arts and Urban Revitalization Through the Lens of Providence's Arts Organizations  Topic:  Urban Planning & Design Author:  Emma Heffern

Thesis:  A Complex Situation: The Tension between Access and Conservation in the U.S. and U.K. National Parks Topic:  Natural Resources Policy & Management  Author:  Julia Haskin

Thesis:  Climate Change and Small Island Developing States: Arguments for Accelerating Action Topic:  Air Quality and Climate Change Policy & Planning Author:  Samantha Harris

Thesis:  Conservation and Development? Effectively Packaging Land Protection Tools to Preserve Farmland and Manage Growth Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning  Author:  Matthew Hammer

Thesis:  Sustainability Considerations for Music and Arts Festivals in the United States Topic:  Solid Waste/Pollution Prevention Policy & Planning Author:  Eric Giambrone

Thesis:  Building a Forest Conservation Corps: A New Model for Forest Carbon Monitoring in Indonesia Topic:  Air Quality and Climate Change Policy & Planning Author:  Mona Funiciello

Thesis:  Land Tenure Reform as an International Intervention: A Case Study of Aceh, Indonesia  Topic:  International Policy & Planning Author:  Erin Fried

Thesis:  Post-Disaster Redevelopment Planning in Florida: A Resilient Solution to Counteract Reactive Federal Policy Topic:  Regional and State Planning Author:  Adam Frank

Thesis:  Factors Related to Student Food Choice in High Schools: A Case Study at the Boston Arts Academy  Topic:  Agriculture and Food Systems Policy and Planning Author:  Kaleigh Fitzpatrick

Thesis:  Addressing Climate Change in the Developing World: The Role of Core Competency-Aligned Corporate Social Responsibility in Building Adaptive Capacity Topic:  Air Quality and Climate Change Policy & Planning Author:  Ayesha Dinshaw

Thesis:  Participatory Design: History, Examples and Promise Topic:  Political Participation and Media Relations Author:  Amanda Cleveland

Thesis:  Black Carbon and Climate Change: Exploring the Policy Options for Reducing Emissions from Diesel Fuel Consumption in the United States   Topic:  Air Quality and Climate Change Policy & Planning Author:  Elizabeth Carver

Thesis:  Equal or Better: The Story of the Silver Li(n)e  Topic:  Transportation Policy & Planning Author:  Kristopher Carter

Thesis:  Understanding the Complex Components of Community-Based Energy Efficiency Programs: A Study of Two Massachusetts Programs  Topic:  Energy Policy & Planning Author:  Erin Brandt

MSc in Urban Studies

Application are open! MSc in Urban Studies

thesis process

The thesis topic should be in the field of urban studies, and will ideally make use of a student’s previous disciplinary expertise while exploring new grounds. In selecting a topic, students should consider their personal interests, professional expectations, disciplinary background, and the existing expertise of MSc in Urban Studies staff. In the first semester, the involved teachers in the MSc in Urban Studies as well as related researchers will provide a list of thesis topics from which students are strongly encouraged to select a topic.

The thesis development process begins in the very first semester with the selection of a topic and supervisor. During the second semester students will develop their research idea into a research design, supported by the coursework for Research Design in Urban Studies . Various presentation moments are scheduled throughout the two-year process, culminating in the public thesis defence at the end of the fourth semester.

theses from previous cohorts

The titles and authors of all MSc in Urban Studies theses successfully defended are listed below. Those receiving an excellent or very high mark (17-20 in the Belgian system) are highlighted and available for download.

Planning Tank

Urban Planning Thesis/ Research Topic Suggestions (Part 2)


To attain a degree in the field of Planning, one needs to write a thesis inevitably. But writing a thesis may turn into a nightmare if the topic is picked up inappropriately. It is a very careful decision to select a topic that produces a good thesis or else. Below discussed are some important points to be considered while deciding a topic for thesis:


Transport planning, disaster management, energy and carbon emission.

Current urban planning process does not ensure energy efficient cities completely. For instance, urban sprawl which is a result of human activities, is directly related to the global energy consumption. Thus, the promotion of adequate urban planning practices is a key point to create opportunities for reducing energy consumption.

Urban Planning – Land Use

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  1. Urban Planning Thesis/ Research Topic Suggestions (Part 1)

    Urban Planning. Urban Planning is a technical and political process concerned with development of open land or greenfield sites as well as revitalization of existing parts of the city. Primary concern of urban planning is public welfare. Impact of government policies and initiatives (most recent) on urban land use.

  2. Urban Planning Dissertation Topic Ideas

    Published by Owen Ingram at January 5th, 2023 , Revised On March 24, 2023. Urban planning is an essential tool in creating vibrant and healthy communities. It is the practice of balancing the needs of a society with limited resources to ensure equitable development and long-term sustainability. Urban planners work at all scales, from local ...

  3. PDF Urban Planning and Design Thesis Handbook 2022-2023

    Urban Planning and Design at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. The thesis provides an opportunity for students in the department's three master's degree programs to pursue graduate-level research and deeply explore a topic of their interest. This handbook provides a summary of key thesis requirements and provides an overview of the ...

  4. Master's Theses in Urban and Regional Planning

    The following are links to pages with basic details about Masters' theses from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Illinois at ... 29 cm. Theses-UIUC-2001-Urban Planning. Printout. Thesis (MUP)-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 54-57). ...

  5. Urban Studies and Planning Dissertations and Theses

    In Favor of Bringing Game Theory into Urban Studies and Planning Curriculum: ... (Thesis) PDF. Citizen-led Urban Agriculture and the Politics of Spatial Reappropriation in Montreal, Quebec, Claire Emmanuelle Bach (Thesis) PDF. Travel Mode Choice Framework Incorporating Realistic Bike and Walk Routes, Joseph Broach (Dissertation) ...

  6. PDF Urban Planning and Design Recent Theses 2010/11-present

    Kaplan, Jennier. "Rebuildin as Opportunity: Youth Enaeme nt as Planning in Post-Tsunami Miyai." (Advisor: Abby Spinak) Ndam Njoya, Amirah. "Public Markets the Stae o Food Distribution and Urban Dialogues— The ase o Moundi Market." (Advisor: Sai alakrishnan) O'onnor, Eamon. "Sharin More Than Space: Social Integration on a Diverse Urban

  7. PDF Urban Planning and Design Recent Theses 2010/11-present

    MASTER IN URBAN PLANNING (MUP) 2022 Colley, Emma. ^Sticking Together: Community Controlled Housing in New York City. _ (Advisor: Jennifer Molinsky) Dsida, Chris. ^Transit-Oriented Development or Development-Oriented Transit: Measuring the Effect of Proximity to LA Metro Rail on Residential Construction. _ (Advisor: Carole Voulgaris)

  8. Theses

    The thesis is a requirement of the Masters of Science in Urban Planning Program. In its simplest description, a thesis is an individually-researched and analyzed answer to a planning question. The goal of a thesis is to teach students to carry out independent research - whether using interviews, statistical analysis, literature review, or ...


    Thesis Preparation Seminar (GSD 9204) This seminar provides the theoretical and methodological foundation necessary for completing a graduate thesis in the Department of Urban Planning and Design. The seminar is appropriate for both planning and design students.

  10. MUP Theses + Professional Projects

    Students in the Master of Urban Planning program may do a thesis or a professional project. Titles and authors for student theses and professional projects are sorted by year below. Theses can be viewed on the UW ResearchWorks Archive, and hard copies prior to 2012 may be held in the College of Built Environments Library - both of which are accessible to the public Forms and guidelines ...

  11. PDF Guidelines for Starting and Finishing Your Thesis in Urban and Regional

    The thesis option in the Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP) program provides an opportunity to develop expertise in a planning topic, contribute knowledge to the profession, demonstrate facility with research methods, and showcase writing and organizational skills. For those entering practice, it is the best

  12. Urban Design and Planning (UrDP): Research Topics

    Graduate Funding Info Service Assistance with locating funding for research, tuition, travel, and other graduate school-related expenses. Off-Campus Access & Technical Support Using library resources from off-campus and other technical tips. Open Scholarship Commons One-stop shop for knowledge creation and dissemination services.

  13. Best Thesis Topics For Urban Planning & Design

    Also Read: 50 Best Thesis Topics for Transportation Planning. Impact of government policies and initiatives (most recent) on urban land use. Impact of urban sprawl on provision of public services. Implications of airport expansion on the surrounding areas. Assessing linkage between the parent city and satellite town.

  14. Dissertations

    To locate a UCLA U.P. dissertation: Do an Any Field search for dissertations urban planning ucla. To see the most recent dissertations, Sort by Date — newest. You can also browse dissertations by call number. From the Browse search screen, copy and paste the following call number LD791.9 U7; select Call Number from the drop-down menu.

  15. Successful thesis proposals in architecture and urban planning

    1. Introduction. After the postgraduate student completes her/his coursework in a master programme or passes the comprehensive exam and becomes a doctoral candidate in a doctoral programme, s/he is allowed to submit a "Thesis Proposal" (TP) to her/his department whose main concern is to assess whether the topic is suitable for a graduate study and for the time and resources available ...

  16. PDF UPD Thesis Handbook 2017-18

    Department of Urban Planning and Design at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. The thesis provides an opportunity for students in the department's three master's degree programs to pursue graduate-level research and deeply explore a topic of their interest. This handbook provides a summary of key thesis requirements and provides an ...

  17. Master's Theses 2011 to 2020

    2020 Master's Theses. Thesis: The Healthy Incentives Program: Perspectives from Lawrence, Massachusetts Topic: Community Development Policy & Planning Author: Nicole (Cole) Huang. Thesis: Mangroves, Defense from Depth Topic: Natural Resources Policy & Management Author: Sean Hogan. Thesis: Walking the Talk: Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions ...

  18. thesis

    thesis. 30 ECTS of your 120 ECTS programme is dedicated to the master's thesis. In the first year of your studies, you will choose a topic and develop your research design, whereas in the second year you will conduct most of the empirical research and write the actual thesis. Throughout the two-year process, there will be various moments of ...

  19. PDF Master's thesis Urban Studies and Planning

    In addition to traditional anthropological or sociological ethnography, the method of this thesis is inspired by influential urban planning research of William H. Whyte (1988, 1980) and Jan Gehl (2011) who studied public spaces by observation techniques with a mission of improving the experience of public space.

  20. Theses and Dissertations (Town and Regional Planning)

    Towards a narratology of planning - stories of a South African gold mining town. Tesner-Smith, Desirée (University of Pretoria, 2019) The study had a dual objective, namely 1) to add to the body of knowledge of South African planning stories and 2) to consider the possibility of a narratology of planning.

  21. Urban Planning Thesis/ Research Topic Suggestions (Part 2)

    To attain a degree in the field of Planning, one needs to write a thesis inevitably. But writing a thesis may turn into a nightmare if the topic is picked up inappropriately. It is a very careful decision to select a topic that produces a good thesis or else. Below discussed are some important points to be considered while deciding a topic for ...

  22. Fifty Theses on Urban Planning and Urban Planners

    The aim of this essay is to propose a common basis of definitions and principles for the field of urban planning. A general thesis places a number of dilemmas and paradoxes at the heart of ...