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Welcome Speech in English: Best Samples, Examples & Tips

Why are welcome speeches necessary.

Most of the gatherings and ceremonies are held with a purpose. They are either planned events or spontaneous gatherings. In both cases, it is important to know how to organize such events. We must prepare ourselves to conduct the event properly.

Let us imagine that you are hosting a gathering. You have prepared everything, including food, drinks, decorations, etc., and even set up the stage. However, you forgot one thing – a welcome speech. What happens next? Do you start talking immediately without waiting for everyone to arrive? Of course not!

The same goes for a meeting. How many times did you attend meetings where people didn’t introduce themselves? Or worse, they talked about themselves too much during the meeting. In addition, some speakers talk directly to the audience without introducing themselves. This makes it difficult for the attendees to comprehend the event’s process and connect with its objectives.

So why is a welcome speech in English needed? To begin with, it is necessary to give a brief overview of the topic. Secondly, it helps to provide information about the organization and its history. Thirdly, it allows us to highlight our achievements. And finally, it creates a good impression on guests. Otherwise, they might ask questions like “Where is this event going?”.

Significance of welcome speech

The significance of the welcome speech won’t be apparent without understanding what makes up the history of an event. An event can be defined as a sequence of activities carried out over a period of time. These activities are usually organized into stages, each with a specific purpose. For example, an event may start with opening remarks, followed by a keynote address, and finally concluded with closing remarks. Each stage of an event has a different set of responsibilities.

In the case of a welcoming ceremony, the welcome speech is considered to be one of the most important parts of the whole gathering. In fact, it is the most crucial aspect of the entire event. This is because the welcome speech serves several purposes.

First, it introduces the guests to the host. Second, it provides information regarding the upcoming program. Third, it creates a positive impression among the attendees. Fourth, it helps in creating a sense of unity among the participants. Fifth, it helps in establishing good relations between the hosts and the guests. And finally, it ensures that the guest feels comfortable during the occasion.

Objectives of a Welcome Speech in English

The objective of a welcome speech in English is to introduce yourself and the rest of the attendees at the event. This is done through a short introduction about who you are, what you do, why you’re attending, etc. The following are the objectives of a welcome speech:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Provide Information regarding the event
  • Create a positive impression among attendees
  • Establish good relations between hosts and guests
  • Ensure guests feel comfortable during the event
  • Help build unity among participants
  • Explain the purpose of the meeting/event
  • Set up the agenda for the meeting/event
  • Make introductions
  • Give background info about the organization
  • Highlight achievements (if any)

Welcome Speech Samples in the Education Field

There is a number of school gatherings that require welcome speeches, be it an official school gathering or an informal event. In this segment, we’ve sorted samples according to the typical events organized in schools. Take note of each paragraph and determine its purpose. You’ll be able to create a workable framework or basis for your current and future speech requirements.

Welcome Address in English For Students

It’s natural for attendees of any event to expect an introductory speech, which sets the tone for the occasion. A host can easily command attention with an effective welcome. Even the longest speeches have the capacity to hold an audience’s interest when delivered in a catchy and impressive manner.

A short opening speech for a commencement ceremony

To everyone present, good morning. A very warm welcome to our respected faculty, our remarkable parents, and our dear students. Special recognition is due for our Chief Guest (name of chief guest). It’s a true honor to have such a successful alumnus (or state the chief guest’s job title). We express our biggest gratitude for accepting our invitation to deliver today’s keynote speech.

I’m standing here as a lucky witness to our dear students’ academic journey. Our school is very proud of everything you have accomplished and your small but not minor contributions to society. You’ve brought prestige to our name and deserve the title of one of our school’s most successful and dedicated batch of students.

With your teachers’ guidance and parents’ support, you’ve reached remarkable heights. I’d like to take this time to extend my gratitude to our faculty and our parents, for understanding, encouraging, and nurturing our students.

Graduates, you are about to start another chapter in your life. An exciting yet scary period. From now on, you will face more challenges, but I am confident that you’re adequately equipped to face any tribulation that comes your way. Remember that with conviction and self-belief, no mountain is too high to climb. The laurels you’ve brought back to our school are only the beginning. I am genuinely excited to see the astonishing feats that your futures hold.

A long opening speech for a commencement ceremony

Good morning everyone! I would like to extend a very warm welcome to our esteemed faculty, astounding parents, and our dear students. I’m honored to open our commencement ceremony and stand here where many of our accomplished alumni who I look up to once stood.

I extend a particularly warm welcome to our Chief Guest (name of chief guest), who as one of our outstanding alumni, has really set the standard for exemplary accomplishments.

(enumerate key achievements of chief guest)

Her/his professional and philanthropic endeavors attest to their upbringing and the values she/he lives by. We want to thank you for responding positively to our invitation to be the keynote speaker on today’s auspicious occasion.

As another academic year reaches its end, I’m sure that our dear students are anxious and also filled with hope and excitement. This is their final school event in our renowned school/college/university (name of school). But hopefully, it won’t be their last awarding ceremony.

We are extremely fortunate to have such a talented and passionate group of graduates who have earned laurels in honor of our school, adding to its distinction and great reputation. The amazing encouragement and unconditional support of our parents throughout the school year have been extraordinary. They have stood by their children in every school event. Our teachers and staff are truly thankful for the trust you’ve given us. Your children’s journey wouldn’t have been a huge success without your guidance and nurture.

It’s been a remarkable experience to witness the passion and commitment our students have exhibited in all their undertakings. I am filled with certitude that you will achieve whatever goal you’ve set your mind on. Adulthood is going to be jammed with more trials you’ve never imagined before. I am kidding. Maybe. Joking aside, you will win as long as you work hard and believe in yourself.

Remember that you are valuable and take every challenge you face as an opportunity to prove your worth and get better. Also, surround yourselves with people who are good for your well-being and treat them the way you’d like to be treated.

Maintain your sense of humor because not much else will get you through when the going gets rough. Life can be very special and you can truly make a mark, which doesn’t always need to have global proportions. Be accountable for your mistakes and learn from them. Keep nurturing your passions and remain as driven, bright, and astonishing as you are today. You are all wonderful and I can’t wait to see your future accomplishments, because they will be great.

Thank you and do us proud!

Welcome Speech for a College Function

(General greeting, i.e. good morning/afternoon/evening) to all (the audience attending the event, e.g. the parents, teachers, students, etc.) and our respected Principal (name of principal). It’s with great pleasure that I welcome everyone to (name of school)’s (name of event or ceremony).

Our college nurtures the ideologies of discipline and pride in one’s work and aims to hone our students as responsible and productive members of society. It is in this spirit that we celebrate today.

To commence our festivities, allow me to introduce one of our most esteemed alumni. Our Chief Guest (title and name of chief guest) has embodied the values fostered by our prominent and respected college. (Enumerate the main accomplishments of the chief guest). We honor you for your contributions to society and our city, most especially, which future generations will surely benefit from. With your hard work, dedication, and charitable spirit, you have set the goalposts we aspire to reach in order to make the world a much better place than we’ve found it.

(Initiate a round of applause)

Welcome Speech for a Yearly Function

(General greeting, i.e. good morning/afternoon/evening to all)

Honorable Chief Guest (name of guest), our beloved Principal (name of principal), our amazing faculty and staff members, our dearest parents and fellow students, and to everyone present, I welcome you all to (name of school/college/university)’s annual function.

My name is Lakshmi Gupta, a student of the Information Technology Department, and also the president of our school’s Cultural Exchange Organization and founder of the Languages Club.

It is with tremendous pride that I announce our prestigious school’s Silver Jubilee anniversary. We’re gathered today to celebrate 25 years of estimable service and success. The remarkable accomplishments of our elite school since its foundation won’t be possible without its long history of dedicated and respected teachers and passionate students, its tireless staff, and the unconditional support from our parents.

It’s also a great honor to introduce our Chief guest and keynote speaker. Any introduction won’t do justice to the extraordinary achievements she/he has attained throughout her/his career. (Enumerate the main accomplishments of the chief guest). She/he is truly one of the most treasured and incredible alumni our school has produced. Without further ado, let’s give a round of applause to (title and name of chief guest).

Welcome Speech for the School Principal

Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning!

I’m truly pleased and honored to welcome our new principal (title and name of principal). He has previously worked for 5 years at Lumos International as principal and has succeeded in revitalizing their academic standing and programs, especially in English and Cultural Studies.

I have gotten to know her/him over the last few days during the transition phase and found her/him to be a brave and progressive intellectual, with a great ideology and vision for the future of (name of school), our beloved school.

On behalf of the current administration, our board of trustees, the faculty, the staff, and our student body, we wholeheartedly extend a great welcome to you (title and name of principal).

We hope that with your leadership, energy, and enthusiasm, we shall start a new era of learning and reach greater excellence.

Congratulations and welcome!

Welcome Speech for Teachers Day

Good morning! We welcome everyone today who is here to celebrate this annual event for their beloved teachers. We don’t always get to thank our teachers, but on this day, we pay tribute to our second parents.

They have provided guidance and given their light to educate and lead us to a journey of wonder, discovery, and knowledge. For their efforts, they deserve the greatest of honors and our utmost respect.

Our steadfast yet affectionate teachers should be our role models. They inspire us daily and motivate us to reach our greatest potential. They impart wisdom so that we don’t only excel academically, but as good people and responsible members of our society.

So on Teacher’s Day, it’s all about them and giving them the honor that many take for granted. Thank you, dear teachers!

Welcome Speech for Children’s Day

Good morning everybody!

Today we extend our appreciation and the warmest embrace to our beloved students to celebrate Children’s Day!

It’s been a blessing to be a part of nurturing children’s sense of wonder and imagination. These are qualities we often lose as we grow up, and it’s awesome to witness them happen every day.

Children’s innocence and love are incomparable and difficult to resist. Their smile is the closest thing to heaven that we can glimpse in the world.

School is your children’s second home, and we teachers are their second parents. We thank you for the opportunity to take care of and guide your little angels.

Join us to celebrate our students and make this day as eventful and fun as it can be!

Welcome Speech for Freshers Party

Welcome everyone to our Fresher’s party!

We’ve all gathered here today to celebrate the gift of possibilities and commence the experience of a new beginning.

It’s of utmost pleasure to welcome everyone, especially all my freshers to today’s festivities. I extend my deepest gratitude to all my teachers and everyone who helped make this event a reality. Look at this place, it’s amazing!

University or school life isn’t just about getting a higher education – brace yourself for the adventure of a lifetime! This is the period to create good memories and meet people who can be a permanent part of your academic and later professional lives. May you develop the relationships and acquire the necessary skills to succeed in life.

But for now, let’s leave our worries and cares out in the hall. Let’s celebrate your wise decision to matriculate in our institution. Our college has prepared special events and an entertainment program highlighting some of our talented students.

The next few hours will be memorable and exciting! Thank you for listening and let’s get on with it!

Have a good time!

Welcome Speech Samples for Business

Much like in academic settings, there are more formal events that happen in professional contexts. Some may need a welcome address to introduce special guests or welcome the attendees of a conference. Some are informal events that welcome those who are invited to special occasions at the office and the people they’re honoring. Note down the key phrases and objectives of the samples below and use the same structure in your own welcome or introduction speech in English.

Sample of Welcome Speech for a Goodbye Get-together

Good evening everyone!

Welcome to my farewell party. I know, I know. You all said you’re sorry to see me go, but that you all would need food and entertainment first to deal with your sadness. So here we are. I shall deliver.

As the Semisonic song goes “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” And so it is with great gratitude that the VP in Japan decided to retire early, so the end of his role can mark the beginning of mine. To Toni Takitani, thanks for deciding you’ve had enough!

Kidding aside, I’d like to thank my friends who made this very corporate event a huge success. Look at this, my goodness!

Most importantly, I want to impart my profound gratitude to my boss (name of the boss). Without you, this party won’t have a band. I couldn’t ask for a better mentor. Or I could, but none of them would have changed my life as positively as you have. It saddens me to leave you the most, but it comforts me that you were my biggest source of encouragement to go. Or it may have been your plan all along. Genius!

So to everyone who came, thank you. I’ll have time to thank you properly later, but for now, let’s eat!

Welcome Speech Sample for a Business Conference

Good morning to everyone who came out to join us here today. My name is Julius Kaizer and I’ll be hosting today’s events.

Before anything else, I’d like to take this moment to thank Merville & Posque Inc., their CEO Mr. Hyori Asano and his team for putting this event together in record time. It won’t be possible without your tireless dedication and contributions. I also want to thank everyone who came, our remarkable associates from Osaka, Chiang Rai, and Quezon, our wonderful clients who have stuck with us through thick and thin, and our amazing consultants in various fields of energy conservation. Your interest and patronage are very much appreciated.

A great welcome to all our extraordinary employees and staff members, some of whom have worked and grown along our company’s 23-year history. A big welcome, too, to our interns who have recently joined and brightened our corporate offices.

Today marks the 15th annual MPBC and it’s an honor to be a host in this glorious congress. I myself will be staying for the conference’s entirety to learn what I can about sustainable energy systems and their various implications and impact on the future of our planet.

The activities today will include an overview of all the forums, seminars, and exhibits around the MPBC complex. Second, we will have the inauguration of the new bio-dome on the grounds where we will also honor this year’s retirees. The afternoon’s seminars will kick off after lunch, and I encourage you to attend the discussions and learn about our future plans and projects. Finally, I’d like to encourage everyone to help yourselves to the snack stations in the hallway. Refreshments and sandwiches are on us for the duration of the conference.

I won’t keep you long and let’s begin the day. I wish all of you a valuable and wonderful time! Thank you.

Welcome Speech for a Business Workshop

Good afternoon everyone!

I am so pleased to see you all here. Welcome to my workshop, or should I say “our” workshop. I am truly overjoyed and excited about learning together and helping you reach a breakthrough in industry-scale coding practices.

This workshop aims to cover new software and the importance of earning certificates in several computer applications such as VM Suite, Landscape 5.0, and NF Tech.

I hope you’ll learn a lot in the next few hours and I promise to try to make our activities as engaging and hands-on as possible. Good luck and thanks again for participating in our workshop.

Welcome Speech for Office Events

My name is (your name), the (position in the company), and your host for this meeting. To our CEO (title and name of the CEO), (next are the dignitaries for the company hierarchy if any), all the staff members and their loved ones, and our beloved employees. I welcome you all to the (name of the event) of (name of company).

We are here today to honor our employees’ achievements in their respective fields and departments. Your efforts to attain and sustain the standards we keep aren’t unnoticed. This awarding ceremony seeks to remind us about the value and pride we should have in our accomplishments, and the significance of collaboration and teamwork. It is our spirit of community and faith in our abilities that represent the vision of (name of company). May we continue to grow through hard work, accountability, and cooperation.

To start off with our first award, let’s call up (title and position of the presenter), (name of the presenter).

Welcome Speech Samples for Family Functions

Huge family events often have speeches: weddings, birthdays, farewell parties, funerals, anniversaries, and so on. Some of these events normally have hosts and esteemed guests. Here are some tips and samples to inspire you.

Tips on Welcoming the Chief Guest?

If you’re searching for tips on how to make a welcome speech for guest, here are some things you can do:

  • When drafting your speech, do the research.
  • Highlight the key qualities that are worth mentioning in an opening welcome speech for event.
  • Take note of the welcome address speech sample in this article and create a framework from them.
  • Look up welcome speech quotes and choose the best one to use somewhere in your speech.
  • Greet the chief guest at the event personally and introduce yourself if you don’t know each other.
  • Extend your hard for a handshake and smile to express that they are honored and welcome to the event.
  • Smile and suggest they are being welcomed.
  • Address them formally with the usual Miss or Mr.
  • Escort the chief guest before you assume host duties.

Welcoming the Chief Guest with a Short Speech

It’s a great honor to welcome our Chief guest and tonight’s keynote speaker. I was worried at first about how to introduce (title and name of Chief guest) because any introduction would pale in comparison to the reality and immensity of her/his accomplishments.

(Enumerate the main accomplishments of the chief guest).

She/he is the ultimate inspiration for young professionals everywhere who want to succeed in the field of international trade. Here to inspire us with her career journey and all the experiences she accumulated along the day, join me in giving a round of applause to (title and name of chief guest).

Welcoming the Chief Guest (Longer Version of the Speech)

Introducing our next attendee is a great pleasure of mine. When she/he accepted our invitation to be tonight’s Chief guest and keynote speaker, I almost jumped for joy. Then I realized I would naturally receive the task of introducing her/him. At first, this gave me great anxiety. How would I be able to pull it off and deliver an introduction that would give her background justice? Then I thought, no introduction would ever compare, so it was foolish to aim for success when failure is guaranteed. So I decided to just do it. Our chief guest has accomplished the following, to name a few:

As I looked at her/his professional and personal successes, I realized here is a woman/man who was faced many times with the certainty of failure but had given her circumstances a grad twist by attaining success against all odds. Then I thought, perhaps I should aim for success in this speech, after all.

She/he is an inspiration to many, not only for all the fields of expertise she has earned and the extreme success that went with the process, but she/he has also set the benchmark for philanthropy and good deeds. She/he has done this quietly, too, and she/he might strangle me for revealing it to the public. I didn’t even know half of the wonderful things she/he has done for our community before my research.

Without further ado, and here to inspire us with her wisdom and grand skill, join me in welcoming our Chief guest (title and name of chief guest).

Welcome Speech for Parents

Hi everyone!

As host and brother of the groom, I’d like to take this time to introduce the parents of the bride. Without them, my brother wouldn’t be the lucky and happy man he is today. More than that, I have witnessed how they accepted my brother and treated him as a son long before the engagement. I often tag along on family trips and have spent hours of wonderful conversations with them. Apart from my own parents, they are two of the most affectionate and hospitable people I’ve ever met. If I could meet a woman whose parents are just like them, I’d consider myself half as lucky as my brother.

Let’s give a round of applause for (names of the bride’s parents). Thank you for embracing my brother into the fold.

Welcome Speech Samples for National Holidays

Below is a sample of a welcome speech typically delivered during Annual Day. Substitute the appropriate details to match your information and use the framework in other speeches reserved for national holidays.

Welcome Speech for Annual Day

I am overjoyed to have this chance to welcome all of you to our elite institution’s 25th Annual Day. Today’s children are the hope of the next generation. All these graduates we see today, receiving awards for their achievements will go on to lead successful lives. Let them live up to the expectations set before them.

I am very happy to be a member of such an elite school where we learned from such great professors who teach us beyond the boundaries of the ordinary classroom. They’re also the minds and hands behind such a big event every year. I’d like to use this chance to organize such a wonderful event this year. It’s also a great pleasure of mine to introduce our Chief Guest.

Welcome speeches are necessary at events. They usually set the tone or expectations of the people who attended or participated in the occasion. There are many ways in going about delivering a welcome address speech. Review the samples in this article and do your due diligence to craft an outline, framework, or skeleton from the contents that you can use in welcome speeches of your own.

Frequently Asked Questions

A good welcome speech has the following qualities: * It is sincere. * It can hold the attention of the audience. * The ideas don’t ramble. * Welcome address quotes are used. One for a short welcome speech, and 2 for a longer one. Never 3, unless the speaker is trying to be funny. * The contents are relevant to the event. * It has an impressive anecdote. * The length doesn’t exceed 5 minutes.

The last segment of this article contains tips on welcoming chief guests, esteemed guests, or guests of honor. The tips contained here can be divided into things to consider while drafting the welcome speech, and things to do at the event itself when meeting the chief guest.

A simple thank you would suffice. Make sure you reiterate your gratitude. Some welcome speeches can end with a line that welcomes the guest of honor.

Depending on the context, a welcome speech doesn’t always need to be impressive. In some situations, a straightforward introduction is all you need. However, in some circumstances like commencement ceremonies, farewell parties, dinners, and some others, the audience is prepared to listen to long speeches. In this case, the speech needs to catch the attention of the attendees and maintain their interest. An impressive welcome speech often has an emotional element. Not just parroting big words to describe a person’s achievements or flatter them. Try to use humor if you’re funny by nature or if you can deliver the punchline well. Use popular quotes in your speech. Tell anecdotes relevant to the attendees. Or reveal an epiphany. These are how you should draft a welcome speech set to impress.

Make sure that it is relevant to the content of your welcome speech or the point you’re making. You can use phrases such as the following: * According to… * As the old saying goes… * There’s a quote that has always stuck with me… * Events like this always remind me of one of my favorite quotes… Try to find quotes that are unique and not cliche. You can find some in the lyrics of contemporary music, or lines and dialogues from books and movies, and so on.

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William Landry

William is a professional English and ESL teacher with over 15 years of experience. He has taught students of all ages, from children to business executives, and has worked with ESL learners from all over the globe. With a degree in English Education, William has developed curriculum for learners of all levels and interests. He is passionate about helping people learn English effectively and shares his knowledge with the LillyPad community. When he’s not teaching or writing, William enjoys spending time with his wife and two young children.

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welcome speech quote in english

50 Inspirational Quotes For Welcome Address: Inspire and Uplift

inspirational quotes for Welcome Address

Starting off a welcome address can be a daunting task, but fear not! We’ve compiled a list of 50 unique and original quotes that will kick off your welcome address with a bang. From motivational quotes to heartwarming messages, these quotes are sure to set the tone for a memorable event. Get inspired and make your welcome address one to remember!

50 Inspirational Quotes For Welcome Address

1. “Welcome to this extraordinary gathering where dreams meet possibility, and inspiration knows no boundaries.”

2. “In this room, we ignite the flame of motivation and set our spirits free to soar towards greatness.”

3. “Each person here carries a unique story, and together, we create an epic symphony of inspiration and accomplishment.”

4. “Welcome to a place where ordinary becomes extraordinary, and every step taken leads to new heights.”

5. “Open your hearts and minds to the endless possibilities that await us on this remarkable journey.”

6. “As we gather here today, let us remember that the power to inspire lies within each of us, waiting to be unleashed.”

7. “Welcome to a world where inspiration is not just a fleeting moment, but a constant companion on the path to success.”

8. “In this room, we are catalysts of change, shaping the future with our shared vision and unwavering determination.”

9. “Welcome to an oasis of inspiration, where creativity blooms and dreams take flight.”

10. “Together, we form a tapestry of resilience, weaving threads of inspiration that will withstand the test of time.”

11. “In this community, we celebrate diversity and embrace the brilliance that each individual brings to the table.”

12. “Welcome to a sanctuary of possibilities, where ideas come alive and transform lives.”

13. “In this gathering, we unlock the doors of potential and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.”

14. “Let the energy in this room ignite your passion and propel you towards the extraordinary.”

15. “Welcome to a place where limitations are shattered, and the impossible becomes the fuel for our wildest dreams.”

16. “In this space, we believe in the power of dreams, for they hold the key to unlocking our true potential.”

17. “May this gathering serve as a reminder that inspiration knows no boundaries, and together, we can move mountains.”

18. “Welcome to a world where stepping out of your comfort zone becomes an act of courage and self-transformation.”

19. “In this room, we are not mere spectators; we are the architects of our destiny, sculpting a life filled with purpose.”

20. “Let us embrace the power of unity and collaboration as we embark on a collective journey of inspiration and innovation.”

21. “Welcome to a haven of endless possibilities, where every idea has the potential to change the course of history.”

22. “In this gathering, we give wings to aspirations and paint the sky with the colors of imagination.”

23. “May the camaraderie in this room inspire you to push beyond your limits and reach for the stars.”

24. “Welcome to a symposium of inspiration, where minds meet and brilliance flourishes.”

25. “In this space, let us remember that the power to inspire lies not only in our words but in our actions and deeds.”

26. “As we come together today, let us celebrate the power of resilience and the triumph of the human spirit.”

27. “Welcome to a gathering where curiosity is nurtured, and the thirst for knowledge is quenched.”

28. “In this room, we create ripples of inspiration that have the potential to create waves of change in the world.”

29. “Welcome to a sanctuary of possibility, where limitations are shattered and new horizons are embraced.”

30. “Let the energy of this gathering ignite a spark within you, propelling you towards your greatest aspirations.”

31. “In this space, we honor the courage it takes to dream and the determination required to turn those dreams into reality.”

32. “Welcome to a symphony of ideas, where minds harmonize and innovation thrives.”

33. “In this room, let us remember that failure is not the end but a stepping stone towards growth and ultimate success.”

34. “Welcome to a place where challenges are embraced as opportunities for growth and transformation.”

35. “May this gathering be a catalyst for self-discovery and a journey towards authenticity and fulfillment.”

36. “In this community, we embrace the power of empathy, compassion, and collective action to create a better world.”

37. “Welcome to an ecosystem of inspiration, where ideas collide and give birth to transformative breakthroughs.”

38. “In this space, let us be the change we wish to see, inspiring others through our words, actions, and deeds.”

39. “May this gathering be a reminder that success is not defined by external validation but by the joy and fulfillment found in pursuing our passions.”

40. “Welcome to a forum of collaboration, where diverse perspectives converge to create groundbreaking solutions.”

41. “In this room, we rise above the noise and distractions, focusing on what truly matters—our dreams and aspirations.”

42. “May the connections made in this gathering be the foundation of lifelong friendships and meaningful collaborations.”

43. “Welcome to a sanctuary of inspiration, where ideas dance and innovation thrives.”

44. “In this space, we unleash the power of imagination, unlocking new possibilities and reshaping our reality.”

45. “May this gathering be a testament to the human spirit’s resilience and our capacity to overcome adversity.”

46. “Welcome to a haven of creativity, where innovation flourishes, and boundaries are pushed beyond limits.”

47. “In this room, we celebrate the journey of personal growth and the transformation it brings to our lives.”

48. “May this gathering serve as a reminder that each of us has the power to make a difference in the world, no matter how small.”

49. “Welcome to a gathering where dreams are not only welcomed but nurtured and supported by a community of like-minded individuals.”

50. “In this space, let us embrace the power of gratitude, acknowledging the blessings in our lives and inspiring others to do the same.”

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90+ Best Welcome Speech Quotes, And Sayings

Are you looking for welcome speech quotes? Here is the right place to get the best collections of  welcome speech quotes  and messages.

Share these quotations with your friends and family.

An open door is a welcome that makes a stranger into a friend.

Today, on behalf of the Academy, I welcome you all to this annual sports day, year . Sports is an integral part of our life which gives us health and vitality.

Sunshine is a welcome thing. It brings a lot of brightness -Jimmie Davis

It’s my pleasant duty to bid you all a genial welcome.

Welcome Speech Quotes

welcome speech quote in english

Welcome out of the cave, my friend. It’s a bit colder out here, but the stars are just beautiful. — Plato

We are made for goodness. We are made for love…We are made for all of the beautiful things that you and I know. We are made to tell the world that there are no outsiders…all are welcome.

Our desire is to extend a gracious and inclusive welcome to all of you. For now, let’s put aside our differences and instead celebrate what brings us together!

Along with studying in schools, it is very important to have sports as well; therefore, in our school, students are given facilities for education as well as sports.

The bitter past, more welcome is the sweet.

Small cheer and great welcome make a merry feast.~ William Shakespeare

Welcome home to my native place bent upon returning bosom all day burning.— Thomas Hardy

A smile is a welcomed sight that invites people in.

On behalf of my colleagues, I wish you all a convivial welcome. We are going to have a merry and enjoyable time together.

We are made for goodness. We are made for love. We are made for friendliness. We are made for togetherness. We are made for all of the beautiful things that you and I know. We are made to tell the world that there are no outsiders. All are welcome: black, white, red, yellow, rich, poor, educated, not educated, male, female, gay, straight, all, all, all. We all belong to this family, this human family, God’s family. ~ Desmond Tutu

welcome speech quote in english

It’s a welcomed gift to encourage others to achieve greatness.

A smile is a universal welcome. – Max Eastman

Physical education brings confidence and inspiration into the lives of children which is why every year we organize an annual sports day in our school so that children can further develop their sportsmanship.

Welcome to those who believe in the power of dreams and who would like to join me in my exploration of life.~ Bertrand Piccard

Welcome home my dear, you arrive. — Elton John

Welcome to those who believe in the power of dreams and who would like to join me in my exploration of life.

The flags are flying. The balloons are ready for release. It’s a great day, one we’ve been planning and waiting for. I’m sure you’ll concur, this is an agreeable welcome.

Another great pleasure is that this year our school has been given the status of the best institution and our effort will always be such that our institute can get precious status here every year.

Advice is seldom welcome, and those who want it the most always like it the least.

All strange and terrible events are welcome, but comforts we despise. — Cleopatra

welcome speech quote in english

Small cheer and great welcome make a merry feast.

When struggles and challenges are holding you down, a simple welcoming hand toward you is all you need to lift you up.

It’s gratifying to look around and see so many familiar faces. That’s a pleasing welcome to what I know is going to be a great conference.

Welcome to my heart! Let me open the door.

I would like to thank my school teachers as well as the parents who encouraged their children to progress in education as well as sports.

One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn’t as individuals.~ Jean Vanier

Sometimes the hurdles aren’t really hurdled at all. They welcome challenges and tests. — Paul Walker

Welcome joy with an open heart and an even more open mind.

One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn’t as individuals.

Do you know what’s great about these events? You are always assured of a pleasant welcome. This is feel-good central and we aim

If you are fearful, a horse will back off. If you are calm and confident, it will come forward. For those who are often flattered or feared, the horse can be a welcome mirror of the best in human nature.

welcome speech quote in english

It only takes one cat – or person – to make another feel welcome and special.

So welcome with respect our chief guest, the sports minister of our state Mr. __ who has won three gold medals and two bronze medals for our country in the first Olympics.

Sometimes, challenges and struggles are exactly what we need in our lives…May you welcome every effort, every struggle, and every challenge…May you open your wings and fly! — Miranda Kerr

A genuine smile of welcome can take a bad day into a good one.

Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on a new day as another special gift from your Creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday…Today will never happen again.

Famous Welcome Quotes to Brighten Your Day

Once again…welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely, and leave something of the happiness you bring.

Looking around I can see many familiar faces – peers, and past and present colleagues. What a companionable welcome! It’s great to see you all here.

Sunshine is a welcome thing. It brings a lot of brightness.

It gives me a warm welcome for everyone present in the interest of the entire school committee.

These all quotes are the opinion or thoughts of some famous people on welcome, You can read them and get to know what famous people think about welcome.

welcome speech quote in english

Welcome the challenges. Look for opportunities in every situation to learn and grow in wisdom.— Brian Tracy

Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on a new day as another special gift from your Creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don’t waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail. ~ Og Mandino

When you need a warm, welcoming quote to inspire or brighten your day, look no further than some of the greats. Celebrities and authors alike leave little snippets of wisdom. Get inspired by these famous quotes.

If the sign on your heart says Welcome the love will come pouring in from everywhere.

Many of you have made a huge effort to join us today. On behalf of us all, we are deeply appreciative and offer you our most grateful welcome.

You are a good friend and we welcome you.

I might likewise want to offer my thanks to our regarded judges who have acknowledged our encouragement to direct this school workshop for self-improvement.

Sunshine is a welcome thing because it brings brightness, it means you should welcome everyone of that thing which is not only helpful for you, but also it gives you something best.

Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear, and another hand reaches out to take up our arms. — Che Guevara

That you need a village, if only for the pleasure of leaving it. Your own village means that you’re not alone, that you know there’s something of you in the people and the plants and the soil , that even when you are not there it waits to welcome If you are fearful, a horse will back off. If you are calm and confident, it will come forward. For those who are often flattered or feared, the horse can be a welcome mirror of the best in human nature.- Clare Baldingyou.- Cesare Pavese

Today is the day we begin to learn to look through the eyes of others; to find out and experience what the world is like for them. It is also the day we grow bigger than our differences and offer to everyone regardless of historical rights and wrongs, a friendly welcome, and an outstretched hand.

Off to bed. If squirrels take over in the night, I, for one, welcome our new bushy-tailed scampering overlords, and I know where the nuts are.

welcome speech quote in english

The school organizes seminars consistently for students to gain information and to be effectively associated with school exercises.

Most people shook hands or held each other into arms the first time the meeting, but some sweet welcoming words made this meeting more pleasant or interesting. It is the way by which you are expressing your kindness as well as humbleness to others.

If the sign on your heart says WELCOME, the love will come pouring in from everywhere. ~ Susan Jeffers

We must welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past; and we must respect the past, remembering that it was once all that was humanly possible. — George Santayana

If you are fearful, a horse will back off. If you are calm and confident, it will come forward. For those who are often flattered or feared, the horse can be a welcome mirror of the best in human nature. – Clare Balding

Giving encouragement to others is a most welcome gift.

Wow, what a gathering we have here tonight. We’ve got dignitaries, celebrities, fans, and organizational members all brought together for one cause. Ours. Here’s an appreciative welcome to you all.

Each subject chose the greatest interest to students of this school. In additionally guaranteed that the subject members are enjoyed and preferred.

It is a mixture of your love and respect for others, Which is surely going to make you down to earth quality carrying person.

Giving encouragement to others is a most welcome gift, for the results of it are lifted spirits, increased self-worth, and a hopeful future.

welcome speech quote in english

You might also like these introduction quotes about the possibilities of something new.

Sometimes, challenges and struggles are exactly what we need in our lives…May you welcome every effort, every struggle, and every challenge…May you open your wings and fly!

Ladies and gentlemen , the room is ready. The tables are set. The band is playing our theme song. And the waiting staff are preparing to take your orders. This is a superb welcome, fit for royalty, and that’s what you are to us.

I’m open to choices. I always welcome new ideas. I’m always eager to learn. I’m never going to close my mind to learning.

Last year, the seminar was based on Accent Improvement which has greatly helped the students in achieving an excellent accent in the English language.

A kind courtesy does at least save one’s feelings, even if it is not professing to stand for a welcome. -Mark Twain

Sometimes, challenges and struggles are exactly what we need in our lives…May you welcome every effort, every struggle, and every challenge…May you open your wings and fly

Whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.— J. K. Rowling

You are as welcome as the flowers in May.

To our special guests; look around. See the smiles on everyone’s faces? We are truly delighted to welcome you here today.

The stories we love best do live in us forever.

The reason for the class was to assemble our students just as staff, to communicate in English easily and effectively, and also to emphasize the significance involving, tension, stagnation, and pitch while talking.

I hope you like these quotations. Thanks for visiting us, Share on Whatsapp status, Facebook, Instagram, and social media platforms. Keep smile be happy.

Adam Christing

20 Great Quotes To Help You Deliver A Killer Speech

Want to make your next speech more powerful ? Use superb quotations and use them well. In this article, I will share 20 of my favorite quotations for beginning and professional speakers. And I will tell you when and how to use them.

But before we get into these specific sayings, here are a few introductory suggestions for using quotations when you are a keynote speaker , giving an inspirational message, annual report, sales presentation, after-dinner talk, Sunday sermon, teaching lesson, or any speech you are preparing.

  • Use no more than 3 to 5 quotations in your speech. Remember that a quotation is like seasoning on a fine meal. Don’t overuse quotations in your talk. That’s like dumping an entire saltshaker worth of salt on top of your meal. Think of quotes as delicious flavor additives, not the main dish.
  • Avoid using quotes that are already well known to your audience. The real (secret) power of a great quotation is its ability to surprise your listeners.
  • Take the time to find the ideal quotes for your talk. Go deeper than a google search. Read inspiring books, check out relevant articles, visit your local bookstore or library. Keep a journal and collect the sayings, proverbs, quotations, and bits of wisdom that move your heart and mind.
  • Whenever possible, cite the source of your quotation. Give credit where credit is due. And be sure your source is accurate. You will lose credibility if you quote George Washington as an expert on social media! If you cannot track down the original source of your quote, you can simply say, “It has been said…”
  • Make sure your quotations support your main message . Sometimes it’s tempting to sneak a great quip or quote into your talk because you love it. First decide if it’s apt for what you want to communicate.

Here Are 20 of the Best Quotations for Your Next Speech Use One of These Great Quotes When You Want to…

Create laughter.

Quoting a comedian, famous wit, ancient proverb, or even a child’s wisdom can generate an instant laugh during your presentation. And trust me, your audience wants to laugh! Here’s the key: Pause before and after you share the funny quotation or short joke. A humorous quotation will surprise, shock, exaggerate, and often convey a tough truth in a way that delights.

“If you’re looking for a helping hand, there’s one at the end of your arm.” ~Yiddish Proverb

Make them THINK

A powerful quotation will give your audience food for thought. First of course, you must determine what you want your audience to understand, believe, and embrace. Then, choose a quotation that packs a punch.

“He not busy being born, is busy dying.” ~Bob Dylan

Grab their ATTENTION

Usually the shorter the quotation, the more powerful the punch. Long quotes, like long speeches, will leave your audiences yawning. To open your speech, you may want to grab your listener’s attention with a short quotation or aphorism. If you are giving a talk about dream casting or goal-setting for example, here’s a fine quotation:

“If you know what you want, you can have it.” ~RH Jarrett

Prove your POINT

You don’t have to agree with every source you quote. Sometimes who you quote, is as important as what you quote. Here’s an example. Though I obviously detest this famous leader, this quotation makes a powerful point. When I am stressing the power of passion, I sometimes share this one. Note: After I give the source—which always shocks the audience—I remind them that he was evil and that we must use the power of passion for good.

“Only a storm of hot passion can turn the destinies of people. And he alone can arouse passion who bears it within himself.” ~Adolf Hitler

Illustrate an IDEA

A good quotation is like a good story. It’s a window in your house. Use it to let the light in. Help your audience see what you are saying. A good metaphor is one of the most helpful tools in a speaker’s toolbox. To get your idea across, use a strong word picture. Imagine giving a talk to a group of schoolteachers. Your goal is to affirm them for the great work they are doing. You want to remind them that what they do—educating children—matters forever.

“A school is a building with four walls, with tomorrow inside.” ~Lon Watters

INSPIRE your audience

The best speeches lift hearts! If your goal is to motivate your audience, insert a quotation designed to inspire the dreams of your audience members. Connect with their emotions. Choose a statement that is filled with hope and encouragement. Here’s one of my favorites, because it strikes such an emotional chord:

“If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme.” ~Jiminy Cricket, Pinocchio


You can use a quotation to sound an alarm. You may want to shake your hearers into stopping/starting a behavior. The key here is choosing a quotation that lights a fire under your people. What mindset do you want them to change? What do you want them to do?

“Unassertive salespeople have skinny kids!” ~Zig Ziglar

Make people CARE

Many speakers make the mistake of thinking that their talk is primarily about content. While content is important, the best speakers transfer their conviction to an audience. Your group doesn’t want more information. They are looking for takeaways and transformation.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~Maya Angelou

Capture an INSIGHT

Many times the quotes that will rock your speech are what I call “zingers.” What is a “zinger”? It’s a pithy statement that expresses a flash of insight. Zap your audience with a truth in capsule form. People love to read the fortune inside their fortune cookie—and often the words apply to their lives. When I am giving a speech that talks about how we learn, I love to share this one:

“I respect wisdom but I obey pain.” ~12 Step Recovery Saying

EDUCATE your attendees

Don’t make the mistake many speakers make. Never confuse a statistic with a quotation. Remember: facts tell, stories sell. Search out stories and quotations for your talk that provide “teaching moments.” Tip: Do an Amazon search for aphorism. You’ll discover some great gems and nuggets for your next speech. An aphorism, like a proverb, teaches a memorable lesson-in-a-few-words.

“Don’t expect your ship to come in—unless you’ve sent one out.” ~Belgian Proverb

photo of a mic at an event before introducing funny speaker

STRENGTHEN your case

Know exactly what you want to say to an audience. Then you will be in a position to find the perfect quote(s) for your next keynote speech, workshop or seminar. If you are giving a talk on leadership, select a quotation from an inspiring leader. Are you motivating athletes? Choose a motivational saying from an accomplished football, basketball, or soccer player. Most importantly, know your audience. This will help you know which quotation will best support your speech.

“We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.” ~Anais Nin

Make your speech MATTER

A good question to ask yourself is: “Who cares about what I am saying?” By the way, this is the very question your audience is asking when you start your speech. How does this matter to me ? Reverse engineer your speech. Think about the big takeaway you want your group to get from your presentation. Then craft your message—and the quotes that will make it pop—based on the actions you want your audience to take.

“The meaning of communication is the response you get.” ~NLP maxim

Use the power of REPETITION

One of the great speeches in U.S. history is Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. And one of the factors that makes it so powerful? MLK’s repeated use of his awesome title: “I Have a Dream.” Consider repeating a strong quotation again and again during your talk. This can help you re-state your core message. You can also hammer home a big point with a quotation that repeats certain words to great effect. Notice how Winston Churchill did this often. (“Never, never, never give in…”), He and MLK are two of the greatest orators of the 20th century. Both leaders repeated words to maximize the impact of their language.

“We are all worms. But I do believe that I am a glow-worm.” ~Winston Churchill


Maybe you will give your speech at a wedding, an anniversary party, or an awards program. You can pump up the proceedings with a special quote. Identify a sparkling statement that will raise spirits…and maybe wine glasses. Here’s the key to doing this well: Keep the focus on who/what is being celebrated. Your quotation should amplify the purpose of the event. Honor the bride, toast the award-winner, congratulate the champion. Get clear on the reason for festivities. Your quotation should put a spotlight on what your guests are celebrating together.

“Life is short, wear your party pants.” ~Loretta LaRoche

Want to make sport of a competitor? Handle a heckler? Or lampoon an idea you don’t like? A good quote can work wonders. Just be careful about coming across as mean-spirited. Humor helps.

“Lord, help me make my enemies look ridiculous.” ~Voltaire (French Philosopher)

Increase your AUTHORITY

Don’t get the wrong idea here. Quotations are not the source of your authority, you are. But a compelling quote can boost your credibility as a speaker. Select a quote that comes from a recognized name or organization that will resonate with your audience. Quote an expert. Better yet, become one.

“I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.” ~Muhammed Ali


Want to know a speaking secret? Your listeners aren’t paying that much attention to what you say. But they are tuned in to how you say it. They are listening for your confidence. What do you do if you don’t feel confident? Act like you are. And to take it to the next level—instill confidence in your audience too. Model it.

“Feel the fear and do it anyway.” ~Susan Jeffers


One of the gifts you can bring people via your message is clarity. Help your audience see the path, cut through the clutter, and take decisive action. Make a statement, or share a quotation, that simplifies things for people. Sometimes this can be phrased as a question like, “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” Other times you will want to give them the answer straight up. A great quote can help you do just that. You want to communicate with great clarity. And show your audience the way forward.

“If you don’t have a plan for your life, somebody else does.” ~Michael Hyatt

Issue a call to ACTION!

You can wrap-up your speech with a mighty quotation to finish strong. Make sure that your final phrase captures the heart of your main message. Don’t end on something cliché like, “Thanks for listening” or “My name is Blah Blah.” Your end quote, if you use one, should empower your audience and echo the main thrust of your talk. And get this: You want to invite your audience to take action.

“The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing.” ~Walt Disney

Create your own CATCH PHRASE

Few people remember speeches, but many people remember speakers. Can you create an original quotation that fits your personal brand? Tap into what makes you unique. What makes your message special? The final words of your speech can remind people about who you are and what you had to say. What is your signature “sign off” sentence? It might be a parting piece of advice. It could also be a statement you design to capture the way you want the group to remember the experience you created for them.

“The tribe has spoken.” ~Jeff Probst, “Survivor”

By finding and utilizing quotations that appeal to you, you will heighten the impact of your speech. Plug one or two of the above quotations into your next speech or special presentation. Better yet, discover the pitch-perfect quotes for your talk. Weave them into your speech and speak with gusto. You’ll be glad you did. And your audience will be pleased too. You can quote me on that.

Adam Christing is a professional keynote speaker, master of ceremonies , and author . He has written four humor and personal transformation books including: Comedy Comes Clean 1 & 2: A Hilarious Collection of Wholesome Jokes, Quotes, and One-liners, Your Life is a Joke: 12 Ways to Go from Ha Ha to AHA! and Bob Dylan Can Change Your Life: 61 Ways to Invent a Legendary You.  Adam has been studying and collecting quotations for more than 25 years.

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How to Write a Welcome Speech

Last Updated: July 29, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,676,253 times.

Are you on welcome speech duty for an upcoming program or event? You’ve got nothing to worry about—with the right format and tone, it’s super easy to write and present a welcome speech for just about any occasion. We’ve outlined everything you need to know, from your opening greetings and acknowledgments, to establishing the right tone and nailing your closing remarks. You’ve got this in the bag!

Greeting the Audience

Step 1 Welcome the audience using serious language for a formal occasion.

  • Keep the tone more serious if it's an important occasion. Use more formal language and don't crack any inappropriate jokes. For example, at a wake, you might say, "We're so glad to have you all here tonight. We appreciate your presence at this difficult time."

Step 2 Greet guests informally by using light-hearted language.

  • For an event with close friends and family, more informal language might be appropriate. Include a few jokes and keep your speech more lighthearted.

Patrick Muñoz

Patrick Muñoz

Grab your audience's attention with a strong opening. Start with a loud voice and a strong presence that welcomes everyone and gets them involved. Ask a question they can respond to or tell a joke — anything to connect with the audience. Do something that grabs their attention and excites them and makes them thrilled about the event.

Step 3 Add individual greetings for any special guests.

  • Special guests include any people of honor, those that may play a particularly important part in the event, or those who have traveled a long way to be there.
  • Make sure that you practice all of names, titles, and pronunciations of the special guests before your speech.
  • For example you could say, "We'd like to extend a special welcome to our guest of honor, Judge McHenry, who will be speaking later tonight."
  • Alternatively to welcome a group of people you might say, "While we're excited to have you all here tonight, we'd especially like to say welcome to the students from Johnson Middle School."

Step 4 Introduce the event itself.

  • For an informal event such as a birthday party, you could say, "We're so happy to have you here tonight to eat, drink, and celebrate another year of Jessica's life. Now, let's get to it."
  • For a more formal event such as one run by an organisation, you could say, “We are so excited to have you all here to participate in our 10th annual pet’s day, organised by the Animal Rescue Group.”

Forming the Body of the Speech

Step 1 Acknowledge those who have played an important part in the event.

  • An example of acknowledging individual people is saying, “We couldn’t have pulled off this fundraiser without the hard work and dedication of Grace and Sally, who worked tirelessly from day 1 to make today a reality.”
  • Avoid reading off a long list of people or sponsors, as your audience will begin to get bored. Stick to just a handful of highlights.

Step 2 Mention any parts of the event that are of special importance.

  • For instance, at a conference, you might point out when the dinner will be held, or where particular sessions will take place.
  • At a wedding reception, you might note when dancing will start or when the cake will be served.

Step 3 Reiterate your welcoming line.

  • Alternatively, you could end the body of your speech during an informal gathering by saying, “I can't wait to see you all out on the dancefloor!”

Ending the Speech

Step 1 Say that you hope the audience enjoys the event, if applicable.

  • You could also say that you hope that the audience takes something away from the event. For example, “I hope that today inspires ideas and discussions around the ways that we can make our city a better place!”

Step 2 Introduce the next speaker if necessary.

  • At a formal event, you might say, "Now, for our speaker. Rebecca Roberts comes here from Montreal, Canada, and she is a leading expert in the study of the human brain. She'll be speaking tonight on what drives humans to make decisions. Let's welcome her."
  • For a more informal event such as a party, you could say, “Next up is Sam, who has been Kyle’s best friend for 10 years strong. He has a decade of embarrassing stories about Kyle to share with us tonight!"

Step 3 Thank the audience for attending.

  • Alternatively you might say, “Thank you again to everyone for being here tonight to celebrate Joe and Kathleen’s 50th wedding anniversary! Let the celebrations begin!”

Step 4 Keep your speech within a suitable time limit.

  • If you are unsure, ask the organiser or host what an appropriate length of time for your speech will be.

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Patrick Muñoz

To write a welcome speech, start with a greeting to your audience that’s appropriate to the situation. For example, you could try “Good evening ladies and gentlemen” if you’re introducing a formal event, or “Thank you everyone for coming on this sunny day” for a more relaxed occasion. After you’ve finished the greeting, introduce the event by talking about who organized it and what its purpose is. In the main body of your speech, acknowledge 2 or 3 people who played important parts in organizing the event. You should also emphasize special parts of the event that people should pay attention to, such as where dinner will be or where a conference session will take place. When you’re ready to conclude your speech, tell the audience to enjoy the event by saying something like “I hope you all enjoy the exciting speakers to come.” Finish your speech by thanking the audience for attending. For tips on how to introduce people at a special occasion, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to write a welcome speech in 3 steps

With a printable welcome speech planner, outline and a sample welcome speech

By:  Susan Dugdale  

So, you've been asked to give a short welcome speech for an event. Congratulations! And now you want to be doubly sure you get it right. The right content. The right tone. Plus, the right length!

You'll find everything here you need to do that easily, from start to finish. 

Jump in. You are just three steps away from a completed welcome speech. Shall we start?

The fastest and best way to get your speech done is to:

  • skim read this page to get an overview of the speech writing process, ( the welcome speech template and the planner you're going to use), to  read the example welcome speech , and to find out more about the function of a welcome speech and the importance of its tone .
  • then download, print and complete the welcome speech planner .
  • and lastly, use the notes you made in the planner to write your welcome speech . To help with that, you can download and print the outline of my example welcome speech to use.  Edit, and add your information to make the speech your own.

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The welcome speech template

To be effective your welcome speech needs to meet expected, as well as any specific, requirements dictated by the occasion.

The 6 standard welcome speech content ingredients

A woman with a cookbook reading a welcome speech recipe. Plus, a list of ingredients.

There are six common or standard content items in a good welcome speech.

  • Greetings to welcome everyone and thanking them for coming along.
  • Acknowledgement of special guests, if there are any.
  • An introduction of the event itself and a brief overview of special highlights the audience will want to know about.
  • Any important housekeeping information, for instance: where the bathrooms are, where lunch will be served and when...
  • An introduction for the next speaker, if there is one.
  • Thanking everyone for coming once more and then concluding having made everybody feel at ease, eagerly anticipating what is to come.

Numbers 1, 3, and 6 are basic essentials you cannot do without. Numbers 2, 4 and 5 may, or may not, be applicable. Pick what you need from them to fit your occasion.

dividing line dark green

Short sample welcome speech for a conference 

Now let's put all six ingredients into an example of a short welcome speech to open a conference that you can adapt for your own speech.

* (This speech is pure fiction! I made it up to show you how it's done. You'll see its tone is formal rather than informal to fit the occasion. I don't think there is a group called Parents United. However, there are others with a similar mission: 10 Inspiring Organizations that Promote Literacy and Education .)  

Example welcome speech - "Readers by Right"

"Sue-Ellen Thomas, Jim Smith, Jane Brown and all of our guests, good morning!

My name is April Molloy, and it's my privilege and great pleasure on behalf of Parents United to welcome you all here today.

We are delighted to have you with us to participate and share in this special occasion, our 5th annual Children's Day Conference. Thank you for coming. That many of you have willingly traveled long distances to be here serves as a reminder to us all just how important our work is.

Quote extract: We want all children, regardless of race, creed or circumstance to achieve their full potential.

Parents United is committed to actively raising the quality of life for every child. We want all children, regardless of race, creed or circumstance to achieve their full potential. Our task is to make it possible. Our mission is to provide practical, step by step assistance.

This year our theme is literacy. We've named the day 'Readers by Right'.

Thanks to the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we are aware of 'rights' in many spheres, including education.  Article 26 declared it should be compulsory and free for children.

That goal is as pertinent today as it was then. And it's a goal I know we all share - the full development of every child. As a body, Parents United recognizes good reading skills established in childhood as the foundation of fulfilling, and ongoing education.

Quote extract: Jim and Jane bring their passion and knowledge of how to reach those in our communities who are frequently overlooked or bypassed.

We are honored to have Sue-Ellen Thomas, Jim Smith and Jane Brown with us today. All three are esteemed specialists in teaching young children to read.

Sue-Ellen has worked for a long time with educational authorities to establish programs putting in place necessary pre-reading skills. Her hard work needs no introduction. The results speak for themselves.

Jim and Jane bring their passion, and knowledge of how to reach those in our communities who are frequently overlooked or bypassed. Their work among disadvantaged English-as-a-second-language families has bridged gaps that were deep dark chasms.

Prepare yourself to be challenged, excited and inspired.

And before I handover to Lesley Watts, our coordinator for 'Readers by Right', who will outline the day's various events, I want to say once more on behalf of the Parents United organizing committee, welcome. It's wonderful to see so many of you here." 

Get your welcome speech started

To shortcut wondering, "Should I say this?" or "Maybe I should say that?" and "Then again there's also ...", I have a very simple solution for you.

Get yourself a printable welcome speech planner

Illustration of an audience listening intently with text overlay saying: Click to download a welcome speech planner

Download and print my  special greeting address planner .

It covers ALL the necessary ingredients that go into preparing a successful welcome speech. It's simple to use and easily filled out. Once it's done, writing your speech will be a lot less hassle as you'll have the core content ready to work with.

Writing your welcome speech

Tips to help you get your speech right.

When you're entering information into your speech planner:

  • ensure you've got all the names of individuals or special guests you need to mention specifically and, that you know how to pronounce each of them. Also check that you know and use their preferred pronouns: them/they, she/her, he/him...
  • double check the remarks you're going to make about them, or anything else, are factually correct.

Use your introduction of your guests/or the event, as a "teaser" for what is going to come. It will help create anticipation in the audience. Don't ruin it by giving too much away! Just enough to tempt and no more.

Keep it brief. One to two minutes is generally sufficient.

(The word count of my sample welcome speech is 357. It will take approximately 2 minutes to say .) 

Use the S-S-S formula for success: Short, Simple and Sincere. Your listeners will appreciate it.

Infographic: SSS speech formula: simple, short and sincere

Get a printable welcome speech outline

If you would like to use and adapt the structure I used in my sample speech as the foundation for your welcome speech, click the link to download the printable: welcome speech outline .

Then edit; delete, amend and add, until you are done.

Illustration of an audience listening intently with text overlay saying: Click to download a welcome speech outline

Get a hand with vocabulary

If you're stuck for words, here's a large selection of  adaptable welcoming phrases with example s entences.  Reading through them could help you to find exactly what you want.

What does a good welcome speech do?

Audience members listening intently.

An effective welcome speech has three important functions. It:

  • signals the official beginning of an event . It says to the audience, hush, sit down, stop talking and listen. What you came for is starting!
  • sets the tone for the occasion through the choice of language used . For example, using light-hearted and informal words to welcome guests to a dear friend's birthday party may be completely appropriate.  However, the same type of language to welcome family and friends to a memorial service is unlikely to be. In that setting, people generally expect a more solemn and formal word choice. They could be deeply offended and think the use of casual language is disrespectful.  Understanding and getting tone right is a key element in the overall success of your welcome speech.  
  • unites the audience . It draws everyone together in the common purpose at the heart of the occasion. For example, at a birthday party, the welcome speech invites everyone to join in celebrating the person whose birthday it is. The welcome speech opening a specialist conference will affirm its principal purpose: the coming together of people with mutual interests to meet and share new knowledge. Or if a welcome speech is given to newcomers in a workplace, club or educational setting, its purpose is to give an introductory overview of how things work to help them feel more at ease in their new situation - to help them develop a sense of belonging.

Getting the tone right for an event

What is tone.

Tone is the combined impact of the words chosen to express something, with how they are structured and, delivered.  All three elements come together to create tone * . 

Get tone wrong, and your welcome speech is a disaster.

Get it right, and it's a triumph!

(Yes, that's hyperbole but I'm sure you get the idea. ☺)

* Tone - a mood, quality or feeling

How to choose the right words

The beginning of getting tone right is to think about your audience and the event itself. Your goal is to unite and bring them together in the main purpose at the core of the occasion. What type of language will do that most appropriately and easily?

Infographic illustrating the principal differences between formal and informal language to create tone

To answer that question, think about the common interest everybody shares - the principal reason behind them getting together.  It will help guide your language choice.

Is it a fun event like a birthday party for close friends and family? If so, then informal language is likely to be the most apt.

You might hear something along the lines of: "Well, here we all are! The big day has finally arrived. Jean-Marie is 50! Half a century! How on earth did that happen?"

If it's a remembrance service for someone who has recently died, the language you're likely to hear is more formal.

For example: "Friends, family, colleagues, thank you for joining us today to celebrate and give thanks for our dear Jean-Marie. Your presence is gratefully appreciated." 

What is appropriate? What is expected?  Do spend some time thinking tone through. Misunderstanding and getting it wrong can be very embarrassing for everyone. If in doubt, ask someone whose opinion you trust.

Related helpful pages

Help rehearsing your welcome speech.

Get  step by step instructions on how to rehearse  including how to make and use cue cards.

Image: Young man rehearsing his welcome speech.

And please do rehearse. It makes a huge difference! You'll sound, and look better. Taking the time to rehearse shows respect for yourself, the audience and the event. Truly.

Help to manage pre-speech jitters

Label: 14 ways to manage public speaking fear.

Nervous? If you're shaking in your boots at the thought of having to speak in front of an audience, click  overcoming public speaking fear  for assistance. Take your time. The page has 14 tried and tested suggestions to consider.

Help with other types of welcome speeches

Or perhaps you need  welcome to the family speeches   or a  church welcome speech sample ? Click the links to find easily adaptable examples.

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Subscribe for  FREE weekly alerts about what's new For more see  speaking out loud  

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How to Write a Great Welcome Speech

Table of Contents

Writing an effective welcome speech is a form of art. It requires a delicate balance of knowledge, wit, charm, and the right dash of emotion to make your audience feel valued and at home.

Knowing how to write a welcome speech that resonates with people and draws them in is no small feat — it takes practice and finesse!

In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of writing a successful welcome speech. This will help you confidently greet guests, create lasting impressions, and set the tone for any event.

What Is a Welcome Speech?

A welcome speech is an important part of any event that marks the beginning of a new journey or celebrates a milestone. It sets the tone for the rest of the event and helps create a sense of community amongst guests and participants alike.

A well-crafted welcome speech should have a captivating opening, personalized introductions, acknowledgments, humor, and appreciation for those present. It must also highlight other key elements to ensure that everyone in attendance has an enjoyable experience.

Crafting such a speech can be gratifying as it gives a voice to people’s collective enthusiasm and will help make the event truly special.

Great Tips on How to Write a Welcome Speech

We have compiled some effective tips on how to write a welcome speech that will set the tone and engage the audience. Follow these suggestions and make your speech stand out.

Establish a Connection

Greet the guests at your event with warmth and enthusiasm, welcoming them to the occasion. A few personalized touches can go a long way in making attendees feel welcome and appreciated.

Set the Tone of the Event

Start by thanking everyone for coming, and be sure to use language that reflects the tone of your event. This is especially important if you are having an informal gathering versus a more formal one.

Express Gratitude

Make it a point to thank special guests or anyone who went above and beyond to help make the event possible. Doing so will show how much their efforts were appreciated.

Give an Overview

Summarize what attendees can expect from the event and provide any key information they should know before participating.

Offer Words of Encouragement

Provide encouraging words to guests and remind them why attending this particular event was important to them. Invite them to make the most out of this experience while also stressing the importance of taking some time to relax as well.

End on a High Note

Conclude the speech by wishing everyone a good time. Express your appreciation once again, or provide an inspiring quote that encapsulates the purpose of the gathering. Be sure to thank each person present for being part of the day.

A white Welcome text LED light over a black background

Examples of Effective Welcome Speech

Take inspiration from the examples below to help you write an effective welcome speech based on your requirements.

Example 1: Welcome Speech for a Corporate Event

Good evening everyone, and welcome to our special corporate event. I’d like to start by introducing myself; my name is [Name], and I’m honored to be here with all of you today.

I would like to extend a warm greeting to our esteemed guests who joined us this evening. Your presence truly makes this night that much more special. It’s great to see such a lively audience here tonight!

As we begin, let me remind each of us how essential it is to include the various perspectives gathered in this room. Only when we come together can we form solutions tailored to fit each individual’s needs.

So without further ado, let’s get started on making this an unforgettable night. Thank you for being here!

Example 2: Welcome Speech for a Church Event

Greetings and welcome to our church event! Let us take a moment to express gratitude for the many blessings and the special opportunity to come together like this today.

We are delighted to introduce you to the amazing speaker who will be presenting here today. He is an individual with vast knowledge of the topic at hand. He has graciously agreed to work with us and share their wisdom with us.

I’m sure by the end of the presentation, we’ll be feeling invigorated, enlightened, and ready to put into practice what we have learned today. So let’s show appreciation for this good fortune, and bid our guest a warm welcome!

Example 3: Welcome Speech for a Cultural Event

Greetings, everyone! Welcome to our cultural event of the evening!

I want to thank all of you for coming here today and participating in this unique experience. I am confident all of us will leave with an appreciation for our cultures and a better understanding of how similar we truly are.

This is a great opportunity to learn about different customs and traditions from around the world. With luck, skill, and hard work, this year could bring success to our mission of global unity through shared experiences.

Good luck to everyone who is showcasing their talent or displaying traditional artifacts! We are eager to witness your ingenuity and creativity. Like all meaningful endeavors, there will be challenges along the way, but the rewards will outweigh them if we work together.

So let’s make sure that this cultural event succeeds by collaborating effectively and celebrating each other’s differences!

Example 4: Welcome Speech for a Fundraising Event

Good evening everyone. I am honored to be here on this very special occasion! Let’s all take a moment to show our respect for the people who have come together tonight with one common purpose. That is – raising funds for an incredibly important cause.

I want to welcome each and every one of you warmly in a formal manner to this function which we are hosting annually. As many of us know, the money raised tonight will go toward helping those affected by natural disasters in our own country. We need your help to make this event successful so we can continue providing aid in the upcoming year.

So let’s make tonight count and work together to reach our fundraising goals! Thank you again for joining us; it is truly appreciated.

Example 5: Welcome Speech for a College Event

Good evening everyone! I am excited to welcome you all to the annual college event tonight. It has been my privilege and joy to be a part of this school and see the amazing students come through each year. So it is a special night when we get together to celebrate our achievements!

I want to take a moment to recognize the incredible job our staff has done in the past year. They helped us focus on improving our skills and growing as individuals. Our faculty members are some of the best around, and they are truly committed to seeing every student reach their highest potential.

Finally, let’s not forget why we’re all here: to have fun and enjoy the company of friends. We’ve worked hard and deserve a break, so with that said, join me in celebrating another successful year for our college. Enjoy the rest of the evening!

This article explains how to write a welcome speech effectively, along with examples. Nail your welcome speech by making it personal, informative, friendly, and outgoing.

The key to a great welcome speech is a brief and well-crafted introduction. As the first speaker, it is important that you establish rapport with your audience. It will leave them in a positive and receptive mood , leading to a successful event for everyone present.

How to Write a Great Welcome Speech

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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welcome speech quote in english

+24 Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

welcome speech quote in english

Welcome to a place where dreams come true and hearts find their home.

In this gathering, let us embrace diversity and celebrate unity. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

In this gathering, let us embrace diversity and celebrate unity.

May this welcome address be the beginning of a beautiful journey together. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

May this welcome address be the beginning of a beautiful journey together.

With open arms and warm hearts, we welcome you to our community. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

With open arms and warm hearts, we welcome you to our community.

Let the power of kindness and compassion guide us in welcoming one another. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

Let the power of kindness and compassion guide us in welcoming one another.

In this place of warmth and acceptance, you are always welcome. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

In this place of warmth and acceptance, you are always welcome.

May the spirit of inclusivity shine bright in every welcome we extend. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

May the spirit of inclusivity shine bright in every welcome we extend.

Welcome, dear friends, to a place where you are seen, heard, and valued. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

Welcome, dear friends, to a place where you are seen, heard, and valued.

In this space of belonging, let us create memories that will last a lifetime. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

In this space of belonging, let us create memories that will last a lifetime.

Welcome to a community that believes in the power of connection and collaboration. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

Welcome to a community that believes in the power of connection and collaboration.

May this welcome address inspire you to embrace new beginnings and endless possibilities. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

May this welcome address inspire you to embrace new beginnings and endless possibilities.

In this place of friendship and support, may you find comfort and inspiration. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

In this place of friendship and support, may you find comfort and inspiration.

Welcome, dear guests, to a haven of love, laughter, and lifelong friendships. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

Welcome, dear guests, to a haven of love, laughter, and lifelong friendships.

Let us embark on a journey of growth and transformation together. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

Let us embark on a journey of growth and transformation together.

May this welcome address ignite a fire within you to chase your dreams fearlessly. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

May this welcome address ignite a fire within you to chase your dreams fearlessly.

In this sanctuary of acceptance, may you find solace and strength. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

In this sanctuary of acceptance, may you find solace and strength. See also Daily Quotes · 8 min read +32 For The Love Of Horses Quotes

Welcome to a place where your voice matters and your opinions are valued. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

Welcome to a place where your voice matters and your opinions are valued.

In this gathering, let us build bridges of understanding and forge lasting bonds. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

In this gathering, let us build bridges of understanding and forge lasting bonds.

May this welcome address be the start of a beautiful chapter in your life. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

May this welcome address be the start of a beautiful chapter in your life.

Welcome, dear friends, to a place where you are celebrated for being your authentic selves. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

Welcome, dear friends, to a place where you are celebrated for being your authentic selves.

Let us embrace the beauty of diversity and create a harmonious tapestry together. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

Let us embrace the beauty of diversity and create a harmonious tapestry together.

In this space of warmth and acceptance, may you find the courage to be your truest self. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

In this space of warmth and acceptance, may you find the courage to be your truest self.

Welcome to a community that believes in the power of love and acceptance. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

Welcome to a community that believes in the power of love and acceptance.

In this place of belonging, may you find joy, inspiration, and endless possibilities. - Welcome Speech Quotes For Welcome Address

In this place of belonging, may you find joy, inspiration, and endless possibilities.

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101 Heartwarming Welcome Quotes To Greet Loved Ones


Welcome Home Quotes That Will Make Your Day

Greetings quotes from books and writers, welcome baby quotes, welcome home quotations, greetings card captions.

Welcome quotes are often used to greet loved ones and bring them happiness.

Welcome quotes are popular in every corner of the planet. Greetings that are full of love create a bond of closeness when people visit your house.

Welcome sayings and welcome speech are great for all occasions. It is therefore imperative that such quotes are sometimes put to use and shared with friends, family, and at gatherings. So, read on to find out, use, and share such interesting quotes to liven up your gatherings.

If you liked this article on welcome sayings then you should also check out these other similar articles on seasons greeting quotes and happy weekend quotes .

Homes are the warmest place for a visitor and wise comforting words make it more special. Check out these quotes collected below for some homely welcoming quotes. You can use some of these quotes to welcome in a new day or a new guest.

1. "We are made for goodness. We are made for love...We are made for all of the beautiful things that you and I know. We are made to tell the world that there are no outsiders...all are welcome."

- Demond Tutu.

2. "Welcome the challenges. Look for the opportunities in every situation to learn and grow in wisdom."

- Brian Tracy.

3. "Welcome to those who believe in the power of dreams and who would like to join me in my exploration of life."

- Bertrand Piccard.

4. "Extend

to the future.

is yet to come!"

- Anthony de Mello.

5. "Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast."

- Balthasar, 'The Comedy Of Errors', Act 3 Scene 1.

6. "One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn't as individuals."

-  Jean Vanier.

7. "Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your Creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday...Today will never happen again."

- Og Mandino .

8. "Once again...welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely; and leave something of the happiness you bring."

- Bram Stoker.

9. "If the sign on your heart says "Welcome", the love will come pouring in from everywhere."

- Susan Jeffers.

10. "A smile is the universal welcome. "

- Max Eastman.

11. "Giving encouragement to others is a most welcome gift... "

- Florence Littauer.

12. "Sometimes, challenges and struggles are exactly what we need in our lives...May you welcome every effort, every struggle, and every challenge...May you open your wings and fly!"

- Miranda Kerr.

13. "You are as welcome as the flowers in May."

- Charles Macklin.

14. "Welcome all experiences. You never know which one is going to turn everything on."

- Jim Rohn.

15. "Good company, good wine, good welcome, can make good people ."

- Guildford, 'The Life Of King Henry The Eighth', Act 1, Scene 4.

16. "I will always welcome joyfully any opportunity that comes my way to be of service to you. "

- Vincent de Paul.

17. "Listening is paying full attention to others and welcoming them into our very beings. The beauty of listening is that those who are listened to start feeling accepted."

-  Henri Nouwen.

18. "Welcome to the present moment. The only moment there ever is."

- Eckhart Tolle.

19. "There is little in life so reassuring as a genuine welcome."

- Robin Hobb.

20. "The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience. "

- Emily Dickinson.

21. "A smile is the universal welcome."

22. "Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you."

- Langston Hughes.

23. "The more we feel concern for others and seek their well-being, the more friends we will have and the more welcome we will feel."

Dalai Lama.

24.  "Welcome those big, sticky, complicated problems. In them are your most powerful opportunities."

- Ralph Marston.

25. "So, you are very welcome to our house. It must appear in other ways than words, Therefore, I scant this breathing courtesy."

- William Shakespeare.

26. "Welcome out of the cave, my friend. It's a bit colder out here, but the stars are just beautiful."

27. "Welcome ever smiles, and farewell goes out sighing."

28.  "Welcome the present moment as if you had invited it. Why? Because it is all we ever have."

- Pema Chodron.

29. "I welcome all creatures of the world with grace."

- Hildegard of Bingen .

30. "Welcome every experience the looms of fate may weave for you."

- Marcus Aurelius.

31. "Joy waits on welcome, not time."

- Robert Holden.

32. "My friends, welcome to the other side of the rainbow."

- Ed Murray.

33. "Embrace the truth. Speak the truth. Be the truth. When we welcome the truth, we live our lives like it's golden."

-Iyanla Vanzant .

34.  "If you've ever been homesick, or felt exiled from all the things and people that once defined you, you'll know how important welcoming words and friendly smiles can be."

- Stephen King.

35. There's no substitute for a great love who says, 'No matter what's wrong with you, you're welcome at this table.'

- Tom Hanks.

36. "True Hospitality is welcoming the stranger on her own terms."

- Henri Nouwen.

37. "And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been."

- Rainer Maria Rilke.

38. "We must welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past..."

- George Santayana.

39. "Confusion is the welcome mat at the door of creativity."

- Michael J. Gelb.

40. "The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience."

41. "Welcome to the free world. We give people the power to choose. They can even choose the wrong thing. Beautiful, isn't it?"

- Lauren Oliver.

42. "To find God, you must welcome everything."

- Rabindranath Tagore.

43. "This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. Welcome and entertain them all!"

44. "Every family should have a room where Christ is welcome in the person of the hungry and thirsty stranger."

-   Saint John Chrysostom.

45. "O welcome pure-eyed Faith, white handed Hope, Thou hovering angel girt with golden wings."

- John Milton.

46. "To you who have never died, may I say: Welcome to the world!"

- Clive Barker.

47. "No matter how far we may wander from the Lord’s perfect will for our lives, we are always welcome back."

- Charles Stanley.

48. "For every person who might reject you if you live your truth, there are ten others who will embrace you and welcome you home."

- Marianne Williamson.

49. "The bitter past, more welcome is the sweet."

50. "When you're locked up in here for life, you learn to welcome the little freedoms "

- Alexander Gordon.

51. "Our valleys may be filled with foes and tears; but we can lift our eyes to the hills to see God and the angels, heaven's spectators, who support us according to God's infinite wisdom as they prepare our welcome home."

- Billy Graham.

52. "Welcome anything that comes to you, but do not long for anything else."

-Andre Gide.

53. "Say ‘hello’ to my little friend!"

54. "The truth is seldom welcome, especially at dinner."

-Margaret Atwood.

55. "We should welcome applause whenever it comes. "

-Emanuel Ax.

56. "Beauty is God's handwriting — a wayside sacrament; welcome it in every fair face, every fair sky, every fair flower, and thank for it Him."

-Charles Kingsley.

57. "To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug."

-Helen Keller.

58. "Un-thread the rude eye of rebellion, and welcome home again discarded faith."

-William Shakespeare.

59." For whom he means to make an often guest, One dish shall serve; and welcome make the rest."

-Joseph Hall.

60. "Humans: become atheists each and all! God will nevertheless welcome you with all his heart!"

-Giovanni Papini.

61. "Time slows down. Self vanishes. Action and Awareness merge. Welcome to Flow."

-Steven Kotler.

62. "The gospel of Christ must always be an open door with a welcome sign for all."

-Johnny Cash.

63." I am never a stranger anywhere I go, and it gives me the opportunity to choose my habitat by literally throwing a dart at a globe. The freedom that permits one to feel welcome where ever the hang their hat cannot be overstated."

-Dean Haglund.

64. " It is equally wrong to speed a guest who does not want to go, and to keep one back who is eager. You ought to make welcome the present guest, and send forth the one who wishes to go."

65. "The most welcome guest in society will ever be the one to whose mind everything is a suggestion, and whose words suggest something to everybody."

- Sarah Josepha Hale.

These are wise words and popular quotes for the wise to understand. You should see the big smile someone carries after a beautiful welcome.

Here's a list of wise quotes from across the globe for you to understand and use. We've collected a few long quotes too, which emphasize how art and greetings can be matched to form great quotes that are easy to understand.

66. “so I will greet you

all loved things

are meant to be greeted

with a tear in my heart

and a poem in my eye.”

― Sanober Khan.

67. “And how are you?" said Winnie-the-Pooh.

Eeyore shook his head from side to side.

"Not very how," he said. "I don't seem to have felt at all how for a long time."

"Dear, dear," said Pooh, "I'm sorry about that. Let's have a look at you.”

― A.A. Milne.

68. “Good-bye and hello, as always.”

― Roger Zelazny.

69. “Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo [a star shines on the hour of our meeting].”

― J.R.R. Tolkien.

70. “How ya doin'?' I always think, What kind of a question is that?, and I always reply, 'A bit early to tell.”

― Christopher Hitchens.

71. “May we greet each other with a smile, hug and speak kind words.”

― Lailah Gifty Akita.

72. “Hope greets your desires warmly while doubts insult your efforts bitterly!”

― Israelmore Ayivor.

73. “May the New Year bring you new grace, new gladness and new glory.”

74. “The question ‘How are you (doing)?’ is the most common way of indirectly saying ‘Ask me how I am (doing)’.”

― Mokokoma Mokhonoana.

75. “Hug one another with a holy kiss.”

(Sometimes, a simple welcome can bring a difference and change in someone's life.)

Here's a select list of welcome quotes to welcome babies. These popular quotes are a thing of beauty and can bring a positive change in your child!

76. "Children make you want to come back to life."

- Muhammad Ali.

77." Do you know what is good about babies? They are like little packages of hope. Like the future in a basket. "

-Lish McBride.

78. "Children are not a distraction from the most important job. They are the most important work."

- C.S. Lewis.

79. "Children have neither past nor future. They enjoy the present, what very few of us do."

- Jean De La Bruyere.

Here's a list of homely quotations to impress all your friends.

80. “We need to learn how to navigate our minds, both the good and the bad, the light and the dark, so that ultimately, we can create acceptance and open our arms and come home to ourselves.”

-Candy Leigh, 'Finding Life In Between: A Journal For Me…To You'.

81. “Yes I'll come get you, and I will bring you home.

I'll come get you, and I will bring you home.

I'll come get you, and I'll say: Welcome home.”

- Tegan Quin.

82. "As they marched, the crowds lining the route broke into applause, a sweet and deeply felt spontaneous pattering that was a sort of communal embrace. Welcome home. "    

-Lance Morrow .

83. "Give your difference, welcome my difference, unify all difference in the larger whole - such is the law of growth. The unifying of difference is the eternal process of life - the creative synthesis, the highest act of creation , the at-onement."

- Mary Parker Follett.

84. "In order to discover truth, we must be truthful ourselves, and must welcome those who point out our errors as heartily as those who approve and confirm our discoveries."

- Max Muller.

85." I don't fear death; I welcome it with open arms and a smirk. But until that wondrous day, I will continue to savor and celebrate all those who have graduated before me."

-Nikki Sixx.

86. "Welcome evermore to gods and men is the self-helping man."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

87. "To men pressed by their wants all change is ever welcome."

-Ben Jonson.

88." A hundred thousand welcomes: I could weep,

And I could laugh; I am light and heavy:


89. "It is our solemn duty, our precious privilege-even our sacred opportunity-to welcome to our homes and to our hearts the children who grace our lives."

-Thomas S. Monson.

90. "Brevity never fatigues; therefore, brevity is always a welcome guest."

-Theophile Gautier.

Here are some witty and funny quotes that go well along with your card.

91. "Do you even know how to fail? Thank you for never learning that! Your help saved me again."

92. "When God was handing out all the talent, he gave you a big chunk of it, didn't he?"

93. "I've thanked you and thanked you and thanked you and thanked you over a hundred times, it seems—man, I'm sick of repeating myself."

94. "In a world filled with sub-par people, you're an above-the-crowd type. Thanks for being annoyingly perfect."

95. "You're like a diamond in the rough—wait, no, that's me—thank you for always helping to polish me up a little. I need it."

96. "Electric is who you are! Electric! You can do anything, fix anything and be anything. Thank you."

97. You're so annoying! All you do is help, help and help. Gheesh, aren't you tired of being dependable."

98. "Thank you for just being the freakishly amazing humanoid you are."


99. "You've never given up on anything, and we're grateful because we needed you this last time. Thanks for being a tenacious so-and-so."

100. "Enough is enough. All you ever do is help, help, and help—aren't you tired of being the goodie-two-shoes helper guy people can count on?...Thanks, dude."

101. "So you did something wonderful, and now I'm forced to send you this card dripping with thanks, gheesh, does it always have to be about you!"

*Do you know where this quote originated? Please email us to let us know at [email protected]

Here at Kidadl , we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for welcome quotes then why not take a look at heartwarming quotes , or happy sunday quotes .

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More for you, 51 secret santa quotes, 32 thought-provoking please quotes, 60 family travel quotes.

Bachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

Georgia Stone Bachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

Georgia is an experienced Content Manager with a degree in French and Film Studies from King's College London and Bachelors degree from Université Paris-Sorbonne. Her passion for exploring the world and experiencing different cultures was sparked during her childhood in Switzerland and her year abroad in Paris. In her spare time, Georgia enjoys using London's excellent travel connections to explore further afield.

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2) At Kidadl, we strive to recommend the very best activities and events. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so it’s important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate for all children and families or in all circumstances. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong.

3) Because we are an educational resource, we have quotes and facts about a range of historical and modern figures. We do not endorse the actions of or rhetoric of all the people included in these collections, but we think they are important for growing minds to learn about under the guidance of parents or guardians.

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Welcome Address Speech - Warm Welcoming Wizard Whiz

A welcome address speech - discover the secret, learn the welcome-acronym and assume the role of a confident and poised speaker.


It's that easy! Follow the guidelines below; visualize them in our example of a welcome speech and then apply the guidelines to suit your personal welcome speech needs.

That's it - Welcoming Wizard Whiz 101 done - you graduated with flying colors !

-dignitaries and special guests by title and surname, where relevant and appropriate

- a general welcome encompassing all attendees

-the audience should briefly learn why they are attending the occasion or address

-identify the company and a brief insight into its vision, aim or purpose

- elaborate on the occasion in more detail

or relevant quote - possibly include an apt quote

- conclude your welcome address speech in a one-liner


Good evening; Professor and Mrs. Smith, Chairman of the Board of Governors, Board Members, Honored Guest and Advocate Green from the Education Council.

May I take this opportunity to welcome you all, and to extend a further word of welcome to everyone here this evening.

The Opening Day of our new School is certainly a moment that we should all savor and enjoy. If you take a quick look around you, I'm sure you will all agree that our School has come a long way in the last few months.

It all started as a dream. [Insert name of company] envisioned the dream of establishing a world class educational institution; a School that would mold and guide future generations of enlightened minds.

We would like to extend our gratitude and thanks to all the role players that have made it possible for the dream to become a reality. Tonight marks this occasion - the Opening and Commencement Ceremony of our School.

In the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Butch says, "Sundance, when we're done, if he is dead, you're welcome to stay !" Well, rest assured, such extreme measured are not needed here tonight.

You are all most welcome to stay here this evening. I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening's program and thank you for sharing this special event with us.

Your welcome address speech should be brief and concise as you aim to welcome the members of the audience and special guests.

If you are the only keynote speaker of the evening, then the welcome speech could preface your actual formal presentation.

You are welcome to use the welcome-acronym...hope it sparks your creative ideas!

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Welcome Quotes

Standart top banner.

welcome speech quote in english

Let us open wide the windows of our hearts, that each family member may feel welcome and 'at home.

It is not true that a man can believe or disbelieve what he will. But it is certain that an active desire to find any proposition true will unconsciously tend to that result by dismissing importunate suggestions which run counter to the belief, and welcoming those which favor it. The psychological law, that we only see what interests us, and only assimilate what is adapted to our condition, causes the mind to select its evidence.

Be good at something. It makes you valuable. Have something to bring to the table, because that will make you more welcome.

welcome speech quote in english

One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn't as individuals.

Extend your arms in welcome to the future. The best is yet to come!

Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast.

Welcome to those who believe in the power of dreams and who would like to join me in my exploration of life.

I will greet this day with love in my heart. And how will I do this? Henceforth will I look on all things with love and be born again. I will love the sun for it warms my bones; yet I will love the rain for it cleanses my spirit. I will love the light for it shows me the way; yet I will love the darkness for it shows me the stars. I will welcome happiness as it enlarges my heart; yet I will endure sadness for it opens my soul. I will acknowledge rewards for they are my due; yet I will welcome obstacles for they are my challenge.

We are made for goodness. We are made for love. We are made for friendliness. We are made for togetherness. We are made for all of the beautiful things that you and I know. We are made to tell the world that there are no outsiders. All are welcome: black, white, red, yellow, rich, poor, educated, not educated, male, female, gay, straight, all, all, all. We all belong to this family, this human family, God's family.

Once again...welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely; and leave something of the happiness you bring.

Once upon a time' These are the most magical words our world has ever known and the gateway to the greatest stories ever told. They're an immediate calling to anyone who hears them-a calling into a world where everyone is welcome and anything can happen. Mice can become men, maids can become princesses, and they can teach valuable lessons in the process.

Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good.

Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your Creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don't waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail.

A smile is the universal welcome.

If the sign on your heart says "WELCOME", the love will come pouring in from everywhere.

Giving encouragement to others is a most welcome gift, for the results of it are lifted spirits, increased self-worth, and a hopeful future.

Sometimes, challenges and struggles are exactly what we need in our lives...May you welcome every effort, every struggle, and every challenge...May you open your wings and fly!

You are as welcome as the flowers in May.

The wearer of smiles and the bearer of a kindly disposition needs no introduction, but is welcome anywhere.

I will always welcome joyfully any opportunity that comes my way to be of service to you

Good company, good wine, good welcome, can make good people.

Welcome to the human race. Nobody controls his own life, Ender.

Welcome to the present moment. Here. Now. The only moment there ever is.

Joy waits on welcome, not time.


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Welcome Quotes Curator

Copied the quote:, welcome quotes + their meanings/explanations.

"Welcome Quotes" are phrases or sayings that are used to express a warm greeting to someone who has arrived or is being introduced to a new place or situation. These quotes are often used to convey hospitality, friendliness, and a sense of inclusion.

They can be found in various contexts, such as in speeches, signage, or written communication, and are intended to make the recipient feel valued and appreciated. Welcome quotes can range from simple and traditional to creative and personalized, depending on the setting and the relationship between the greeter and the recipient.

Below are various welcome quotes with their meanings/explanations;

Welcome Quotes + Their Meanings/Explanations

“A smile is the universal welcome.”  - Max Eastman

Smiling is the universal welcome. It's a sign of happiness and friendliness, indicating that you're approachable and open to new people and ideas. Smiling also makes you look more attractive, which can lead to more positive interactions in your life. When you smile, you not only make yourself feel better, but also those around you.

“Un-thread the rude eye of rebellion and welcome home again discarded faith.”  - William Shakespeare

Rebellion was once a way of life for many young individuals. They would express themselves in ways that differed from the norm and push the boundaries to see what was possible. However, over time, rebellion can become tedious and unfulfilling. It can be hard to find a cause or purpose behind it all. In some cases, rebellion can even lead to addiction or other negative behaviors.

“You are as welcome as the flowers in May.”  - Charles Macklin

In the springtime, nature is full of color and life. Flowers are in bloom, the days are warm, and everyone is cheerful. It's a time to be happy and enjoy the simple things in life. Just as flowers are welcomed in May, so too should people be welcomed into our community. We should not judge someone by their appearance or how they look to us, but by the content of their character.

“Whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.”  - J. K. Rowling

Whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home. No matter how many times you visit, the magical world of Harry Potter will never lose its allure.

“Sometimes, challenges and struggles are exactly what we need in our lives…May you welcome every effort, every struggle, and every challenge…May you open your wings and fly!”  - Miranda Kerr

Struggles and challenges can be a necessary part of growth and development. They can help us to become stronger, more courageous, and more resilient. Sometimes, they can even be what help us to make the most out of life. Welcome all efforts, all struggles, and all challenges. Let them help you grow and thrive!

“When we are generous in welcoming people and sharing something with them some food, a place in our homes, our time-not only do we no longer remain poor: we are enriched.”  - Pope Francis

When we are generous in welcoming people and sharing something with them, some food, a place in our homes, our time-not only we no longer remain poor, we are enriched. Giving is one of the most powerful things we can do to create change and impact in our lives and the lives of others.

“For each and all I bid thee a grateful welcome home.”  - John Greenleaf Whittier

It is a reminder to the many servicemen and women who have passed away that they are always remembered.

“There is little in life so reassuring as a genuine welcome.”  - Robin Hobb

Many people feel at ease when they know they are being welcomed with a genuine smile. This is likely because people feel that they are being accepted and their presence is not unwelcome. When someone greets you with a warm smile, it sets the tone for the rest of the conversation or encounter. It can be very reassuring to know that you are being welcomed in a positive way, and this can make interactions with others much more pleasant.

Welcome Quotes + Their Meanings/Explanations

“Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your Creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter.”  - Og Mandino

The best way to start your day is by looking at it as a special gift from your Creator. This is another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Whether it's completing tasks you didn't have time for or taking on new challenges, be a self-starter and take advantage of this chance.

“Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast.”  - William Shakespeare

The quote, "Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast," is often used to describe how a small amount of happiness can make for a pleasant occasion. The sentiment is appropriate for the holiday season, when people are usually eager to celebrate.

“Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest.”  - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest. It can be found in nature, people, and things. Beauty is what makes the world go round. It is something that we should appreciate more because it is something we can't take for granted.

“There is no friend like an old friend who has shared our morning days, no greeting like his welcome, no homage like his praise.”  - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Old friends are the best kind. They've shared our mornings, greetings, and homage. They're always there for us, no matter what. We can always count on them to be there for a quick word or a long conversation. They're like family, and we wouldn't want to lose them.

“Welcome home my dear, you are arrived.”  - Elton John

The quote serves as the introduction to an article about a person returning home. It is used to set the tone for what is to come and to introduce the main character.

“Kind voices bade him turn and rest and gentle faces welcomed him.”  - William Makepeace Thackeray

This quote is often attributed to King, but it has never been definitively proven. In any case, it is a beautiful sentiment that reflects King's philosophy of nonviolence.

“We should strive to welcome change and challenges because they are what help us grow. Without them, we grow weak like the Eloi in comfort and security. We need to constantly be challenging ourselves in order to strengthen our character and increase our intelligence.”  -H. G. Wells

Challenges force us to grow and change, which is what makes them so important. If we don't face challenges and threats head-on, we'll become weak and stagnant. We need to constantly test ourselves and push ourselves to be our best in order to stay sharp and learn new things.

“Welcome those big, sticky, complicated problems. In them are your most powerful opportunities.”  - Ralph Marston

Problem solving is a skill that many people claim to have but few actually use. When faced with a difficult problem, it can be tempting to give up quickly or try to figure it out on your own. However, when you are dealing with a big, sticky, complicated problem, these are your most powerful opportunities. Big problems challenge us in ways that small problems cannot and often provide us with the opportunity to learn new things and develop new skills.

Welcome Quotes + Their Meanings/Explanations

“Welcome ever smiles, and farewell goes out sighing.”  - William Shakespeare

People who smile more tend to have happier lives. Smiling has been shown to lower your stress levels, make you more social, and even boost your immune system.

“Kindness is always fashionable, and always welcome.”  - Amelia Barr

Kindness is always fashionable, and always welcome. It is a quality that we can all use more of in our lives, and one that can make people feel good. It can brighten someone's day, and even help them forget their troubles for a little while. It's a simple but powerful thing, and everyone should try to be more kind.

“No one is perfect, and criticism is always welcome and expected.”  - Amitabh Bachchan

Criticism can be a difficult thing to take. It can feel like someone is putting you down, and it's often hard to open up to people about our flaws. But criticism is an important part of feedback, and it's always welcome and expected. It can help us improve our skills, and it can make other people better at their jobs.

“A table full of welcome!”  - William Shakespeare

The quote, "A table full of welcome," is often used as a greeting. It is usually used in restaurants when someone new comes in. It shows that the restaurant is welcoming and wants to make the person feel comfortable.

“The wearer of smiles and the bearer of a kindly disposition needs no introduction, but is welcome anywhere.”  - Orison Swett Marden

Some people are just naturally happy. They don't need to try hard to be cheerful and friendly; it comes naturally to them. But for others, happiness is something that they have to work for. They have to put in a lot of effort to maintain their smile and be pleasant to everyone they meet. These people are often called "nice." Nice people are always welcome anywhere, and they make everyone around them feel better.

“Sometimes the hurdles aren’t really hurdles at all. They’re welcome challenges, tests.”  - Paul Walker

There are moments when the seemingly impossible becomes reality. This is especially true when one is pursuing a goal that one believes in. For some, this means overcoming obstacles on their path. Others may find themselves testing their limits in new and exciting ways. In either case, these challenges can be a source of great satisfaction and even joy.

“The poor dog, in life the firmest friend, The first to welcome, foremost to defend.”  - Lord Byron

There are few creatures as instantly recognizable as a dog. They are often seen as loyal companions, and for good reason - dogs have been known to be some of the most faithful friends a person can have. A dog's loyalty is exemplified in many ways - from being the first to greet their owner when they come home, to being the first to defend them if someone is attacking.

“We must welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past; and we must respect the past, remembering that it was once all that was humanly possible.”  - George Santayana

The future is coming. We know this because we have seen it before. The present is only a moment in time, and the future will come soon. But we can't just sit around and wait for it. We have to welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past. And we have to respect the past, remembering that it was once all that was humanly possible.

“Sunshine is a welcome thing. It brings a lot of brightness.”  - Jimmie Davis

Sunshine is a welcome thing. It brings a lot of brightness and happiness to people's lives. It can also help to improve moods and make people more alert. Sunshine is especially important for people who suffer from depression, since it can help them feel happier and more optimistic.

“Welcome every experience the looms of fate may weave for you.”  - Marcus Aurelius

Welcome, to every experience the looms of fate may weave for you. Some will be happy, some sad, but all will be memorable. The journey is what makes life interesting, and there is no better way to experience it than by living each day to the fullest!

“Good company, good wine, good welcome, can make good people.”  - William Shakespeare

There is something undeniably special about a company that blends great wine with warm hospitality. People who work at these places know that the two go hand-in-hand, and it shows in the way they treat their customers. Whether you're looking for a relaxing evening out or want to make some new friends, good company with great wine is always a winning combination.

“If the sign on your heart says “WELCOME”, the love will come pouring in from everywhere.”  - Susan Jeffers

There's something about a sign that says "Welcome" that sends shivers down your spine. Maybe it's the way the sun streams in through the window, illuminating the lettering and making everything feel warm and welcoming. Maybe it's because you know that whoever is inside will be there for you, regardless of what might come. Or maybe it's just because you're happy to be somewhere new and fun.

“Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air, and you.”  - Langston Hughes

Humor has the power to cleanse and cool the earth, the air, and us. It can be healing, fun, and transformative. It is a powerful tool for coping with stress and managing difficult situations. There is something satisfying about finding humor in even the most difficult circumstances. When we laugh, it helps us release tension and feel lighter. We can even begin to see the world in a new way.

“The more we feel concern for others and seek their well-being, the more friends we will have and the more welcome we will feel.”  - Dalai Lama

In an increasingly connected world, it's easy to feel concern for others and seek their well-being. The more we feel this way, the more friends we will have and the more welcome we will feel. This is because when we focus on others, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and experiences. We become more curious, learn new things, and develop new relationships.

“The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.”  - Emily Dickinson

Ecstatic experiences can be incredibly enriching and transformative, helping us to connect with our deepest inner selves. They can also be incredibly exhilarating and allow us to glimpse into the divine. If we are attentive and open to these moments, they can lead us to greater insight and understanding.

“All strange and terrible events are welcome, but comforts we despise.”  - Cleopatra

Strange and terrible events are always welcomed by people, but some people may find comfort in the company of things they despise. These people may enjoy horror movies or listening to dark music.

“Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms.”  - Che Guevara

Death is a natural part of life, but it shouldn't have to be a surprise. Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms. The awareness and understanding of the importance of cancer research is vital in reducing the incidence and mortality rates from this disease.

“Welcome out of the cave, my friend. It’s a bit colder out here, but the stars are just beautiful.”  -Plato

Welcome to the outside world. It's a bit colder out here, but the stars are just beautiful. Now that you're out, be sure to explore all that the world has to offer. There's so much to see, and so much to learn.

“Extend your arms in welcome to the future. The best is yet to come!”  - Anthony de Mello

You might be thinking, "What does this have to do with anything?" But trust me, extending your arms in welcome to the future is important. Humanity has come a long way since our ancestors embraced each other with open arms. We now have the technology and knowledge to do even more amazing things than ever before. So let's embrace the future and all that it has to offer!

“Welcome the present moment as if you had invited it. Why? Because it is all we ever have.”  - Pema Chodron

Welcome to the present moment. This is all we ever have. Instead of trying to control our thoughts or emotions, let them flow naturally. When we do this, we are more in tune with our own inner voice and can make better decisions. Living in the present moment is not easy, but it is worth it.

“Every house was an inn where all were welcomed and feasted.”  - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

In medieval times, every house was an inn where all were welcomed and feasted. Guests would often stay for days or weeks, sharing meals and stories. These houses served as a meeting place for the community, and many of them still stand today.

“Now that you are back, the steely cold walls of our house will finally feel like the warm and loving walls of a home. Welcome home, dear.”  - Unknown

Our home was not always as it is now. We used to be happy and content, but now.

“Yes I’ll come to get you, and I will bring you home. I’ll come to get you, and I will bring you home. I’ll come to get you, and I’ll say: Welcome home.”  - Tegan Quin

There are few things as reassuring as knowing that someone is on their way to pick up that person and bring them home. For many seniors, this may be the only sign that they are not alone in the world.

“To be welcomed and what an experience is the flow of its air.”  - Liam Ó Comain

What an experience it is to be welcomed into the flow of its air. The crispness of the morning fog, the warmth of the sun on your skin, and the soothing sound of waves crashing against the shore all come together to create a unique and magnificent experience. Breathing in and feeling the life-giving atmosphere is something that can't be found anywhere else in the world.

“Listening is much more than allowing another to talk while waiting for a chance to respond. Listening is paying full attention to others and welcoming them into our very beings.”  - Henry Nouwen

Listening is more than just allowing another to talk while waiting for a chance to respond. Listening is paying full attention to others and welcoming them into our very beings. When we listen, we get to know the person as an individual, not just as a representative of their beliefs or opinions. Listening also allows us to be receptive to what the other person has to say and can often result in productive discussions.

“Welcome the challenges. Look for the opportunities in every situation to learn and grow in wisdom.”  - Brian Tracy

We face many challenges in life. From making difficult decisions to dealing with difficult people, we often find ourselves struggling. However, we can learn a lot from these situations if we look for opportunities to grow in wisdom. By taking the time to reflect on our experiences and learn from them, we can become stronger and better equipped to handle future challenges.

“Though few understand it a life heaven loaned to be welcomed back home.”  - Kurt Philip Behm

Though few understand it, many people have a life-heaven loaned to them from their families and friends. These people often don't realize how much these people have done for them until they're faced with the decision of whether or not to return home.

“Welcome all experiences. You never know which one is going to turn everything on.”  -Jim Rohn

Welcome, all experiences! You never know which one is going to turn everything on. Some people might say that it's the experience of a lifetime that changes their life, while others might say that it's the smallest thing that cracks them open and lets them see the world in a whole new way. No matter what it is, it's worth taking the chance.

“Welcome to the present moment. Here. Now. The only moment there ever is.”  - Eckhart Tolle

We often think of the present moment as a fleeting moment, something that is going to end soon. But if we focus on the present moment, we can learn to live in the only moment there ever is. The following five tips will help you focus on the present moment and live a happier and more fulfilling life.

“So, you are very welcome to our house. It must appear in other ways than words, Therefore, I scant this breathing courtesy.”  - William Shakespeare

This quote is from Shakespeare's play "Macbeth". It is spoken by Lady Macbeth when greeted by the Duncan family. She seems to be trying to show how important it is for her to show hospitality in a way that cannot be expressed in words.

“Welcome home to my native place bent upon returning bosom all day burning.”  - Thomas Hardy

As you step off the plane, the familiar smells and sounds of your home come rushing back. The sun shines down on the endless fields, birch trees line the rolling hills, and the water is cool and refreshing. You can't help but feel a sense of peace and well-being as you wander through your old haunts. This is your home, and it's been bent upon welcoming you back all day long.

“I’m always traveling and spend a lot of time in airports so I know what it feels like to get a personal welcome home. I wish I got more of them.”  - Ben Eine

The airport experience can be either exhilarating or frustrating, depending on the airport and the individual traveler. Some airports are very organized and welcoming, while others can be chaotic and overwhelming. Regardless of the airport, though, a personal welcome home is always appreciated!

Smiling is the universal welcome and it can change someone's day. In some cultures, a smile is the first thing you see when you meet someone. It's an expression of happiness that we all share. Smiling makes people feel good and it shows that you're friendly and happy to be around them. A smile can make someone feel better even if they're feeling down. When we smile, it sends positive messages to others and builds relationships.

“Once again…welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely, and leave something of the happiness you bring.”  - Bram Stoker

Welcome home. It's been a long time since you've been here. Come freely and go safely. Leave something of the happiness you bring behind.

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Short Welcome Speech

Short welcome speech generator.

welcome speech quote in english

“Greetings and Salutations to each and every one of you. My name is Mr. John Smith and I welcome you all to this amazing event.” Now, did that sound familiar? Making welcome speeches for any type of event whether it is for school activities, welcoming important people or even during an important meeting with new people. Don’t worry, this article is going to help you with making a good short welcome speech for an event, for school or for welcoming a chief guest. You are going to get some examples, basically 10+ examples for short welcome speeches, and some tips on making a good short welcome speech and how to present it. Check it out right now.

10+ Short Welcome Speech Examples

1. short welcome celebration speech.

Short Welcome Celebration Speech

Size: 66 KB

2. Formal Short Welcome Speech

Formal Short Welcome Speech

Size: 153 KB

3. Short Welcome Chief Guest Speech

Short Welcome Chief Guest Speech

Size: 136 KB

4. Sample Short Welcome Speech

Sample Short Welcome Speech

Size: 99 KB

5. Short Welcome Conference Speech

Short Welcome Conference Speech

Size: 188 KB

6. Short Welcome Speech Format

Short Welcome Speech Format

Size: 101 KB

7. Short Welcome Dinner Speech

Short Welcome Dinner Speech

Size: 182 KB

8. Short Welcome Directors Speech

Short Welcome Directors Speech

Size: 510 KB

9. Short Welcome Education Speech

Short Welcome Education Speech

Size: 22 KB

10. Short Welcome Governor Speech

Short Welcome Governor Speech

Size: 163 KB

11. Short Welcome Speech Example

Short Welcome Speech Example

Size: 76 KB

The Definition of a Welcome Speech

A welcome speech as the name suggests, is a type of speech that is mostly given by the host or hosts at the beginning of an event or a ceremony. This is where the speaker is showing some gratitude and appreciation for the people who took their time to attend the event. Welcome speeches are mostly used in school events, church events, wedding events, or any type of event that a lot of people attend too.

The Importance of Welcome Speeches

One of the most important things to remember when making welcome speeches is the fact that this is your way of captivating your audiences. This may depend on how well you deliver the speech to draw your audience in to listen. Another thing to remember is that a welcome speech should not be too long or too short. Not too short to forget to mention your guests, nor too long that it drags on.

Tips to Write Short Welcome Speeches

As we all know, welcome speeches can either turn boring or fun, depending on how they are prepared. Nobody wants to hear a speech that is too boring or too long. So to avoid issues like that, here are some tips to write short welcome speeches, followed by tips to present your short welcome speeches.

Tips for writing short welcome speeches

  • Prepare – start by simply preparing. The question here is to prepare what. Start by thinking about what you want to write. What event are you attending that needs a short introduction?
  • Draft – the next thing you should do is to make a draft of your welcome speech. Start with the important details. For example, if you are attending a church event , remember to write the names of the important people. If you are attending a graduation event, the honored guests’ names must be written as well.
  • Choice of Words – Pick your words carefully when writing a short welcome speech. Add some lively details to it but also keep it simple. You are only welcoming people and thanking them for coming . The welcome speech is not used as the main course, but merely an appetizer to the whole event.
  • Revise – After you have written it down, check your whole speech. Make sure the details are there as well as the correct spelling and word usage.
  • Tone – The tone of your writing should match the event you are attending. If it is a lively event, make it as lively as possible, if it is a depressing event, make sure it is as well.

Tips on presenting your welcome speech

  • Voice – Your voice should not be too loud nor too soft. Rather, it is enough to be heard from the back.
  • Practice – Practice on doing your speech before the actual event. Ask someone to give you feedback on how well you presented yourself and work from there.
  • Maintain Eye Contact – remember when talking to people you must make eye contact. Let your audience feel you are happy to see them attend the event.
  • Posture – How you bring yourself when making the welcome speech can say a lot of things. So it is best to stand up straight, be confident, and welcome your guests with a smile.

How many paragraphs does it take to make a short welcome speech?

Just one short paragraph. Welcome speeches are not supposed to be too long or too short. A simple 4 to 5 sentences will do, as long as the necessary details are there.

Is there a shortcut to making welcome speeches?

There is no shortcut but with practice you are able to be good at it in no time.

How do I make my short welcome speech less boring?

Watch your tone, your word usage and how you present yourself and when you read your welcome speech.

“Greetings ladies and gentlemen” this may not be much of a head turner, but it’s a start. How you present your welcome speech also matters. Being familiar with the tips on writing and the tips of giving the speech may help you in the long run. There are no shortcuts to making the best speeches, but with a lot of practice and experiences, giving welcome speeches would be a breeze.


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70 Short Welcome Speech Samples To Address any Event

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A big hello to my chivalrous crowd. How about that for a mind-altering beginning to Short Welcome Speech Samples ? Welcome – the most paramount gesture to make your guest feel attended and addressed and respected! Yes, the host is loaded with uncountable responsibilities to make their guests feel special and counted on. And all of it starts with a nice, heart-warming “#Velkommen” that you mark the event and tell what that day is all about. If you are preparing for an event and need someone to tell you that you are doing great, let it be you. Check on this list of Powerful Quotes to Boost Your Self Confidence , It helped me a lot, see if it could do a little magic for you as well.

Short Welcome Speech Samples That You Can Use

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Feeling stuck and not being able to find just the right words to introduce events is so irritating that it could make you smash your own head (by personal experiences; wink). A welcome could either cheer them up or make them leave the event and rather have cozy sleep at home . Martin Luther King, in 1943, delivered a speech “I have a dream” and that still doesn’t fail to inspire people.

Short Welcome Speech Samples To Address any Event

Welcome speech for annual day.

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome Speech for Annual Day

I am extremely overwhelmed to get this opportunity to address you all on this auspicious occasion of 50th Annual day of our elite institution. Children are the future of tomorrow. All these students we witness today, receiving honours for their talents will grow up to be the responsible citizens of tomorrow. May they grow up to make us proud and achieve the highest human values.

I feel proud to be a part of such an elite institution where we are taught by such great teachers, whose teaching goes beyond the classroom. Also, they are the ones to be thanked for organizing such a huge function. We all have assembled here today, today to motivate and cherish the young minds present among us. Apart from it, this is a great occasion to welcome our Chief Guest of today.

Welcome of the Chief Guest

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome of the Chief Guest

On behalf of the school, I welcome our chief guest Mr. James, who is a dean of the most renowned institution functioning under the government of India. She is working towards connecting young minds to strive toward success and achievement. We are grateful to him for accepting our invitation and becoming a chief guest of today’s event.

Our chief guest doesn’t require an introduction as he is a well-recognised figure in our city. She is known for his wonderful administration and high achievements of the Institution she is in charge of. Apart from this, she is a Philanthropist and renders selfless services to society. She has moulded the life of students and served people with her kindness.

We are so honoured to have her as the Chief guest for the evening. I am certain that all the parents present here are also moved and assuredly want their children to be like him.

Welcoming Parents

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcoming Parents

Parents are the world for children. Not to overlook that we are here, joined by the wonderful parents who have raised the best students this school possesses. With immense admiration and affection, we welcome all the parents who made the efforts to join this ceremony.

At last, I would like to thank all the teachers, other staff members and all the students present here to make this ceremony worthwhile.

Welcome Speech for Freshers Party

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome Speech for Freshers Party

Good Morning to everyone present here!

We all have gathered here today on the occasion of a Fresher’s party. Welcoming people is part of Indian culture, followed for centuries. We maintain this custom and welcome today the fresh faces in the college with a fresher’s party.

I thank all my teachers and everyone who gave me this opportunity to welcome all my fresher’s today. It’s a moment of great pleasure for me to welcome you all.

My dear friends, studying in our institution is pure joy, the professors, students, and other staff members are an epitome of compassion and we are quite sure you will be perplexed by their sagacity.

All in all, I would like to say that you have made an absolutely secure decision to be a part of this institution. Our college welcomes all the students joining us today. I hope all of you will operate along with the values of the college and magnify its reputation at every go of life.

Now, I will halt my words and start with the programmes for the day which includes some astounding performances by the students of our college.

I guarantee, your next few hours will be delightful and memorable. Thank you for being a patient audience and hearing my thoughts.

Welcome Speech for a Farewell Party

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome Speech for a Farewell Party

I welcome you all on this occasion of the farewell party, for which we have assembled here today.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who gave me this opportunity to welcome all my seniors and teachers on this memorable occasion.

School life is undoubtedly the best phase of life for everyone. Our parents, teachers and friends all have made this phase of life so memorable for us. We learned so many things, from our inspiring teachers. Made mistakes, made memories with friends, and whatnot. It was a long journey in itself.

Today marks the end of this school life of sweet and bitter moments to cherish all our lives. We do feel a touch of sadness but it is the nature of life, to move forward. So, today we will celebrate this moment with our beloved teachers and friends to bid a good farewell to all who have to leave now, with a smiling face.

Welcome Speech for College Function

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome Speech for College Function

Good Morning to all!

Honourable Chief Guest Mr. Swamy, Principal Sir Dr. Reddy, Staff Members, and all the students present here. I welcome you all to the annual function of our esteemed college.

My name is Lakshita Kumar, a student of B.Sc. and also a secretary of cultural programs organized under our college authority.

I feel extremely proud to announce that our elite college has completed 25 years and we all have gathered today to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of the same. Behind huge success over the years are the dedicated teachers, motivated students, and helpful staff who give their best to make the college achieve great heights of success.

Also, It is a great honour for me to pronounce that today we are joined by a lady who hardly needs an introduction. She is well known for her work in educating poor children. Besides, he is a published and extensively read author of the contemporary world. (the title of his book) is one of her treasures that have gained a huge international acknowledgment.

Moreover, she is extremely loved and respected by her readers which include the youth population of the country, whom she has influenced the most with her writing. With that being said, let us call upon none other than Miss/ Mrs. (name of the chief guest).”

Welcome Speech for Teachers Day

short-welcome-speech-samples/Welcome Speech for Teachers Day

Respected Principal Sir, Teachers and dear students!

We welcome you all today, to celebrate this auspicious occasion of teacher’s day. We celebrate teacher’s day every year on 5th September, to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.

Teachers are our ideals. They inspire us each day and make us strive towards the route of success. They equip us with the power of knowledge and propel us with endless wisdom to become better citizens of the future.

On that note, I would now like to invite our Principal mam on the stage and to deliver her thoughts on the day.

Welcome Speech for Children’s Day

Good Morning Everyone!

We welcome all the students as we celebrate Children’s day today.

It is true, the imagination of a child is incomparable. Children are a creation of God and their smile is irresistible to not make us smile alone. Their innocence is overwhelming.

For children, school is a second home and teachers are equivalent to the parents in times when students need them the most. This day is celebrated with many events which cannot be possible without the contribution of our lovely teachers.

Thanking you all, I would like to start the events for the day without any further delay. 

Short Welcome Speech Samples That You Can Use-19

It is simply not possible for everyone to come up with the right kind of words to use in a welcome speech. It is something that one has to plan and think about so that the right tone is set for the person you are welcoming to make his or her speech. Plus care has to be taken to ensure that none of the vital details are missed but at the same time, the speech cannot be too long. It is not as simple as writing a heart melting long distance relationship quote and requires a lot more consideration.

Focus on the TONE While Delivering the Introductory Speech For an Event

Short Welcome Speech Samples That You Can Use

Understanding the basic idea and being able to think about the feel is really important in order to make the listener feel connected. Make sure they don’t yawn or even doesn’t end up rolling on the floor laughing too! Your speech should be making them feel eager to know what going to come up next. If at all it is the professional conference that you are conducting, you can’t pour in too much fun in your speech but a family function demands the same. Choosing tone and focus on how you talk to the audience will vary with the different types of event. Decide if its “Howz it going peepz?” event or “Blesses morning, ladies and gentlemen.” event. A few Maid of Honor Speeches if at all you are thinking to make the #Bigday special for your BFF.

Important Points to Consider while Giving Welcome Speech For an Event

Short Welcome Speech Samples That You Can Use

  • What is the purpose of the event and what it aims to achieve out of it? The objective, unless made clear to the audience, leaves the speech incomplete. Be specific as you introduce the event and its significance ’cause being brief helps people register it seriously. Tempting them is all you have to do and then stop – make them feel excited about the event.
  • Welcome speech must address all the guests and the chief guests of the event (if any) thanking them for being present and giving the auspicious event their valuable attention.
  • Make proper introductions of the Chief guests and hosts along with the motive of the function to achieve more attention and appreciation. Make sure you have all the names beforehand and you know how to pronounce them correctly.

SSS Mantra for Appreciable Hosting

Short Welcome Speech Samples That You Can Use

Short-Simple-Sincere, it should be! The speech better not exceed a minute or two. Use simple and understandable language along with a sincere tone and vocab as to make sure your audience gets impressed by your way of expression.

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Wonderful, very Nice, super…..

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awesome content. really worth!

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It’s really wonderful and meaningful it will help for others who is really In need……

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dear sir/madam greetings.very useful tips.thank u… regs veerabadran guna

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Welcome Quotes

100 of the Best Welcome Quotes That Will Bring You Well-being

Welcome is an indispensable part of our life. We welcome friends’ arrival to meet us, we welcome our business guests that are visiting. And we welcome the uncertainty of the future as life is constantly changing.

What is the best way to treat the future and deal with uncertainty? Much of it has to do with proper mindset. That is a simple way to deal with every day life. If you are feeling uncertain,  just reading these welcome quotes  will help inspire you to move ahead without any fear.

Our Favorite Welcome Quotes

1)“A beautiful smile is the best universal welcome. It can make the day a good day easily.”

2)“Welcome the huge, sticky, strong problems. In them there are the most powerful opportunities.”

4)“We have to welcome the coming future and remember that soon it will also be the past.”

5)“You should welcome everything that comes to you, but you should never long for anything else.”

8)“The welcome ornaments of your home are the guests who attend it stay in it.”

9)“When welcome hospitality comes into an art then it loses its very soul.”

12)“Keeping someone’s guests delivered with liquor is the main law to welcome someone.”

13)“People are either born to be hosts to be receive welcome or born to be guests to receive welcome.”

16)“Welcome everyone; welcome everyone as the flowers are in May.”

19)“If you want to keep Jesus Christ in Christmas? Feed the hungry one, forgive the guilty one, welcome the unwanted.”

20)“Welcome to my house. Come free. Go safe and leave something for the happiness.”

23)“When we fetch our power and share the job and responsibility, we can welcome everyone.”

24)“I think that sometimes you can get relief your welcome as no one has to live forever.”

27)“We are having the task of being ourselves so we should welcome love.”

28)“Departure of every year welcomes many new and old memories to relish.”

32)“Tolerance is a bad substitute of embrace that welcomes non dignity.”

33)“May the nature welcome you as a mother welcomes the return of her child after a long gap.”

37)“When you stretch your hand to a stranger you have welcome a heart into your home.”

38)“We every time welcome the New Year with the same weary promises.”

Related: Welcome Home Quotations

44)“You know there is something in you in the people and the plants that even if you are not there it welcomes you.”

47)“Small happiness and great welcome always makes a very merry feast.”

50)“Always welcome your existence, which has been devoted to the clear ideals of goodness and happiness.”

52)“Everything that God sends that is treated as a great welcome.”

55)“Like a welcome rain in summer, humour may suddenly make clean and cool you.”

57)“The soul should always be clear and should always be ready to welcome every good or bad experience.”

60)“Welcome as kindly rains are welcome to the long searched earth.”

61)“Advice be the best welcome, and the people who want it the most they are the people who always like it the least.”

65)“The word which are true, are seldom welcome. That happens especially at dinner.”

66)“Welcome all the challenges you get. Look for opportunities in all situations to grow in wisdom.”

70)“Welcome every new day with a bright and hopeful expectation that will rise you above the ordinary.”

71)“Those people who can welcome death they have only tried it from the ears up.”

75)“Sometimes it is found a carpet of grumpy grass is more welcome than the very luxurious Persian rug.”

76)“You have to revile the rude eye of religion, and welcome back again the discarded faith.”

80)“Welcome your loved ones as happy waves after fears are gone by and by.”

82)“Out of all odd all silence you have to pick a good welcome with a good message.”

85)“Welcome every good thing as kindly shower does for earth and gives her every good.”

86)“Hold your near ones delicacy and welcome your dear ones to your life.”

90)“Welcome every morning heartily and thank the God that you have got another chance to fulfil what you wanted to do yesterday.”

91)“No heaven is heaven to anyone, unless his near and dear one is there to welcome him.”

95)“Welcome is a task. And that task makes you go beyond all possibilities.”

96)“The Kiss of welcome is the kiss of love, of joy and of sorrow and the receipt of fulfilment and the seal of promise.”

100)“An advice which is desired is rarely welcome and that which is not wanted, evidently.”

Use these Welcome Quotes to Connect with Someone today

We hope that above welcome quotes will help you to welcome the future . You have to be ready to welcome new experiences and re-connect with old friends.

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Welcome Speech for an Event in English

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Table of Contents

Welcome Speech for an Event: A welcome speech is a great way to set the tone for an event. It sets the tone for the event and can make attendees feel more comfortable and welcome. Additionally, a well-crafted welcome speech can help to promote the event to those who may not be familiar with it. Finally, a good welcome speech can help to build excitement and anticipation for what is to come.

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A good English speech topic for an event can help to build rapport with the audience, and it can give the audience a sense of what the event is going to be about. Moreover, it should be short, engaging, and to the point. We have come up with this article to help our readers craft the best welcome speeches. Welcome speech for an event, whether it’s a corporate event, school event, college event, or a social event – all the probable speech topics have been covered in a simple and easy-to-understand manner here.

Long and Short Welcome Speech for an Event in English

Here are both short welcome speech , including the long welcome speeches for an event; hence covering all the possible nature of such speeches. You can use this welcome speech for school, So what are you waiting for? Simply visit our website and experience the magic of our content!

Welcome Speech for an Event – Speech 1

Good morning, I extend a warm welcome to all those gathered here today, including our esteemed teachers, parents, and students. I’d like to express our gratitude to our Chief Guest, XYZ, for joining us. We feel privileged to have such a successful writer and businessperson in our midst.

Before we kick start today’s program, I – Abhinav Sharma – the assistant manager of ABC Group in our company and your host for today would like to welcome each and every one of you to this special event. I am extremely pleased to welcome those who have been serving our company for a long time and those as well who have recently joined.

This day, as I am sure most of you would know, marks the 11 th annual group meeting and it is a proud moment for all of us that our company could host this meeting at this spectacular place with all of us.

Secondly, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all my colleagues who were always more than ready to lend their support in making this event a success. It is not possible to take the names of all, so I want to thank everyone who contributed in some or the other way towards this event. It wouldn’t have been possible without the support of you all.

In today’s event, our focus would be all those new volunteers who have recently joined us. Do you know why you all have been appointed by your respective managers? Of course, it’s because you displayed mutual passion and a spirit to work for a company in close association with everyone. Your passion for work helps us to come together and unite the energy that we have in order to realize our goals at both personal and professional levels. Everyone needs everyone here to be able to work towards the growth of the company and that’s why it calls for a celebration that we could have all the like-minded people under one roof.

In the coming months, you will be taught different initiatives with the help of planned seminars, activities, and special events where you (the new volunteers) will be invited and given hands-on expertise. I hope this chain of events will help you grow and become more productive as well as smarter than your present capacity.

I hope I am not taking too much of your time and now without any further ado, I would like to call on stage my manager to let you know about our upcoming projects/activities. Please be ensured that today will be a lot of fun and packed with learning.

Besides, any one of you can come on stage and join me to share your valued suggestions and ideas, including sharing your doubts, questions, etc. Also, you all are requested to collect your food coupons after 12 and before 1 in order to avoid any hassles afterward.

Thank you for being such a wonderful audience and let us give a huge round of applause for my manager/the next speaker.

Hope you have a wonderful day ahead!

Also Read: Welcome Speech for Chief Guest

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Welcome Speech for an Event – Speech 2

To our Hon’ble Directors, Principal, Vice Principal, Colleagues, and Our Lovely Students – Warm Greetings to all of you!

Welcome to the 21 st annual award event in our XYZ School. I – Mrs. Payal Singh, the English Teacher of the higher secondary classes, feel extremely privileged to have been given the opportunity to kick start today’s prestigious award ceremony. This day couldn’t have been more special as our chief guest, Mr. ……….. – The famous author of fiction is amongst us to grace the event.

I, on behalf of the entire school, welcome you Sir and express our gratitude for accepting the invitation and taking time out of your packed schedule for our school. We really acknowledge your kind gesture. Secondly, huge congratulations on the publication of your yet another book… We sincerely hope that it does really well and touch the cord of the masses. I would like to call upon stage our Hon’ble principal to felicitate our guest today, with a bouquet of flowers and a memento. Let us give a huge round of applause for them everyone!

As we all know that this award ceremony is conducted every year to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work, sincerity, and dedication of our working staff as well as students. Clearly, the growth of this school wouldn’t have been possible without the proactive efforts of our administration as well as our highly educated as well as experienced faculty members. Of course, the dedicated efforts of our principal as well as vice principal top it all as since the time of their appointment we can witness a steady growth of our school. We have now become known everywhere and our school is now well-equipped with every necessary infrastructure as well as facilities required for the smooth running of our school.

There is greater contentment in all our working staff and the enthusiasm among our students is higher. Our students are now getting exposed to more and more opportunities whether it’s in academics or other co-curricular activities. In state and national level competitions, we are observing a rising level of our students which is getting reflected in their performances. As a result of which they are able to bag more awards for themselves as well as our school.

However, today we have gathered to acknowledge this year’s achievement of our students and our teachers. This year has been very special for all of us in terms of academic and non-academic achievements. Even more special is the fact our school got listed amongst the top 5 schools of …….. Area by a leading daily newspaper. This is indeed a matter of great pride for all of us and hence calls for celebration.

Now, without any further ado let us commence the award ceremony. The first category is for our teachers and the second category is for our students. I would request all the winners to come backstage and get ready for their names to be called out.

I rest my speech here, thank you!

Also Read: Welcome speech for corporate event

Welcome Speech for an Event – Speech 3

Hon’ble Chief Guests, Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Professors, Dear Friends, and a Lovely Audience – Warm Greetings to all of you!

I – Aakash Sinha and Akanksha Gaur from the humanities stream (3 rd year), welcome everyone to the 10th annual event in our college. It feels great seeing the overwhelming audience and their contagious enthusiasm. Before we kick start the celebration, please allow me to felicitate our chief guest with a small gesture, i.e. bouquet and a gift! For this, I will request our respected principal to come on stage and do the honors.

Everyone let’s put our hands together for a huge round of applause. Now, I would request our chief guest to say a few words to our students and share your personal life experiences, which will I am sure will be a great morale booster.

Now before our Principal Ma’am comes on stage to say a few words, I on behalf of the entire school wish to express my gratitude for paying a visit to our college and giving us such an inspirational speech. I am sure everyone enjoyed your speech as much as I did. Now, may we please call on stage our ma’am to address our students and their parents on this auspicious day?

It was very nice listening to our principal ma’am and she always wins our hearts through her motivating stories and the warmth that she expresses. Now friends, as the ritual goes for our annual college fest, we will first have all our cultural programs followed by the award ceremony and lunch. So brace yourself to the seats and get ready for unlimited fun.

We also have participants from other colleges and I want to specially welcome them and thank them on behalf of our college for coming here in order to showcase their talent. I am sure this is further going to raise the entertainment quotient and will give us unlimited fun. There are going to be 12 performances in total, some of them are dance performances – both classical and western, some singing performances, some will include instrument playing and some would be the dramatic enactment. All the students have worked with a lot of dedication and sincerity so that they can shine through in their performances and make their college proud.

Other than these cultural programs, there would also be a special session dedicated to underprivileged children as well as children with special needs. In this session, our principal ma’am would enlighten all of us about the association which is actively working for these children and how our college is contributing towards this noble cause. So everyone is requested to attend the session and make their contribution in whatever manner they could. This is all I want to say!

Now here I rest my speech and call upon the stage the very first group of performers, i.e. Aarohi Group! Please welcome them with a huge round of applause.

Thank You and Cheers!

Below are the list of speeches on different topics present at IL

Welcome Speech for an Event – Speech 4

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen – I warmly welcome everyone to my yet another fashion event!

I, Neeta Sehgal – have been a fashion designer for 7 years; co-partnered with ABC Group, feel extremely glad to have you all here. My happiness in fact knows no bound today at seeing the success of my brand as well as my partners at the ABC Group. I owe my success to all my clients who have helped me reach where I am today and this is the reason why my brand has become a name in the industry. Secondly, I would also like to give credit to my partners who have always given me fair opportunities to grow and showcase my talent. They have given me the platform to perform and reach out to a worldwide audience which otherwise would have taken me years and years in building such a client base.

I sincerely hope that I continue to be a solid support to my partner company as well as serve my clients by delivering 100 percent client satisfaction. It is very important to remain consistent in our performance and continue raising benchmarks in order to excel in our own personal capacities otherwise it would result in stagnation, and stagnancy is very detrimental to growth.

Now friends, before I take you to my newly furnished store which houses some of my fresh spring and summer collections, I would like to deliver a short Fashion speech on the importance of fashion and why it is so important in our lives. What comes to your mind, when I say the very word – “Fashion”! Fashion according to me instantly brings to mind a pop of colors with a dash of glamour.

I am sure every single person has got that innate desire to look good and be accepted in his/her respective social group. Fashion differs from person to person – for some fashion means simplicity, for some it means a dash of class, style and glamour and for some it simply means comfort.

Of course, when it comes to women – fashion constantly evolves and they are in fact the lead runner in this entire game as they constantly experiment with different styles, looks and textures. Fashion plays a crucial role in an individual’s life as it is meant to be a medium of self-expression. Isn’t it!? The attires and accessories which men and women don help them shape their personalities and to get identified with a group – in terms of lifestyle, religion, profession as well as attitude. Therefore, the very term ‘fashion’ is equated with the overall development of a nation as well.

Various factors help in the growth of fashion as a whole. It is a widely accepted phenomenon that the elite and famous class, the royalty as well as political figures dominate the fashion industry in a big way by becoming the trend setters. Next comes the advertising media, which contributes effectively in informing us about the daily style updates. Therefore, all these things combined help us in designing such outfits which garner appreciation and rewards.

On this note everyone, I would like to rest my speech and would like to take you through the store and take note of your valuable suggestions.

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Also Read: Farewell Speech for Colleague in English

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Welcome Speech for an Event FAQs

How do you start a welcome speech.

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman – I warmly welcome everyone to my yet another fashion event! I, Neeta Sehgal – have been a fashion designer for 7 years; co-partnered with ABC Group, feel extremely glad to have you all here.

Write a welcome speech for guest in english?

Hello everyone and welcome. We are so happy to have you all here with us today. First, let me introduce myself. My name is _______ and I am the host of today's event. It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to our event. I would like to take a moment to thank you all for coming. Your support means so much to us. I would also like to introduce our special guests. We are honored to have _______ with us today. _______ is a _______ and has been a great supporter of our cause. Thank you all for being here. I hope you enjoy the event.

What is a welcome speech in school?

Welcome, parents! We are so excited to have you here with us today. This is a special day for our school community, and we are so glad you could be a part of it. Thank you for supporting your child's education and being involved in their school life. We know that together we can make a positive difference in their future. Thank you again for being here and we look forward to working together to provide the best for our students.

How to write a welcome speech for an event?

Good Afternoon Everyone – Hope you are doing well! Before we kick start today’s program, I – Abhinav Sharma – the assistant manager of ABC Group in our company and your host for today would like to welcome each and every one of you to this special event. I am extremely pleased to welcome those who have been serving our company since a long time and those as well who have recently joined.

Write a welcome speech in English for students?

Hon’ble Chief Guests, Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Professors, Dear Friends and a Lovely Audience – Warm Greetings to all of you! I – Aakash Sinha and Akanksha Gaur from Grade 10, welcome everyone to the 21st annual award event in our XYZ School. It feels great seeing the overwhelming number of audience and their contagious enthusiasm.

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International Yoga Day Speech In English 2024: Short And Long Speech Ideas For School Students!

Yoga day speech 2024: here, you can find a speech on yoga day in english for school students. get a one-minute speech, two-minute speech and five-minute speech on yoga day. .

Akshita Jolly

1-Minute Short Speech On International Yoga Day In English For Students

Hey Everyone, Happy International Yoga Day! Today, we celebrate this ancient practice that’s like a superpower for our minds and bodies. 

Well, yoga isn’t just about fancy poses, it’s about feeling strong and flexible. It teaches us to control our breath, which helps us to stay calm. Yoga can also help to boost our focus. The best part about yoga is that it is for everyone. Yoga doesn’t need any equipment to practise it. 

2-Minute Short Speech On International Yoga Day In English For Students

Hello Friends! Today is International Yoga Day, a day to celebrate this awesome practice that has been there for thousands of years. Think of yoga as a toolbox for your well-being. You can try out different poses called asanas to improve your flexibility. Pranayama or breathing can help to calm your mind. 

Meditation teaches us to focus, and this can prove to be a superpower for the students of our age. Yoga isn’t just about physical stuff. It’s about feeling good inside and out. Anyone can perform yoga. All you need is some practice and then you can do it easily. 

So, this International Yoga Day, why not give it a try with your friends and family? Well, you might be surprised by how much you enjoy it. 

3-Minute Short Speech On International Yoga Day In English For Students

Today, we celebrate International Yoga Day! Yoga might just seem like a simple asana but is the key to living a healthy and happy life. 

Students are always busy with exams, projects and completing deadlines. 

During this time, yoga can prove to be the most effective exercise that can help relieve all the stress. Different yoga poses can help to improve our concentration and focus, making studying more effective. 

Yoga poses can also help us to become more flexible. Yoga isn’t just about the body. It is about feeling calm and relieved by practising these asanas. Taking deep breaths when feeling overwhelmed can help us.

Yoga poses can also help to encourage mindfulness. This helps us to stay present in the moment and avoid getting anxious about the future.  

Top 10 Additional Lines On International Yoga Day (2024)

  • Yoga originated in ancient India, but its benefits are universal. People of all cultures and backgrounds can experience the positivity that comes with practising yoga. 
  • Yoga has many different types of asanas. A beginner can start with simple yoga asanas. 
  • Yoga can be a fun social activity as well. Grab your friends and family and join a group yoga class. 
  • Yoga teaches us discipline and perseverance. It can help to release all the stress and calm your mind as well. 
  • Yoga is a journey and not a destination. Focus on your personal growth. 
  • Yoga is a practice for life. It can also help you to improve your life.
  • International Yoga Day is celebrated to tell people the importance of yoga and that they can include it in their lifestyle. 
  • Take a deep breath and practise the magic of yoga. 
  • Yoga has modifications for many poses. Try each of them and get them into practice. 
  • Yoga doesn’t need any physical equipment. All you need is a mat to practise it. 

International Yoga Day Quotes In English 

  • When you listen to yourself, everything comes naturally. It comes from inside, like a kind of will to do something. Try to be sensitive. That is yoga. 
  • Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance.
  • Embrace the power of yoga to achieve physical well-being, mental peace, and spiritual growth. Happy Yoga Day!
  • Yoga is a light that, once lit will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter your flame.
  • Yoga is a journey within the self, through the self, and back to the self.
  • International Yoga Day 2024: Engaging Anchoring Script For School Students
  • Yoga Asanas to Improve Concentration and Memory: 7 Best Asanas for Students

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International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking — UN Secretary-General's Message (25 June 2024)

Message on International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking by the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres.

Drugs are at the root of immeasurable human suffering.

Drug use eats away at people’s health and wellbeing. Overdoses claim hundreds of thousands of lives every year.

Meanwhile, synthetic drugs are becoming more lethal and addictive, and the illicit drug market is breaking production records, feeding crime and violence in communities around the world.

At every turn, the most vulnerable people — including young people — suffer the worst effects of this crisis. People who use drugs and those living with substance abuse disorders are victimized again and again: by the drugs themselves, by stigma and discrimination, and by heavy-handed, inhumane responses to the problem.

As this year’s theme reminds us, breaking the cycle of suffering means starting at the beginning, before drugs take hold, by investing in prevention.

Evidence-based drug prevention programmes can protect people and communities alike, while taking a bite out of illicit economies that profit from human misery.

When I was Prime Minster of Portugal, we demonstrated the value of prevention in fighting this scourge. From rehabilitation and reintegration strategies, to public health education campaigns, to increasing investment in drug-prevention, treatment and harm-reduction measures, prevention pays off.

On this important day, let’s recommit to continuing our fight to end the plague of drug abuse and trafficking, once and for all.

António Guterres

António Guterres

Goals we are supporting through this initiative, un entities involved in this initiative.


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