local self government essay

Lex localis - Journal of Local Self-Government

About the journal.

Lex localis - Journal of Local Self-Government (ISSN:1581-5374, E-ISSN:1855-363X ) is an international journal for the study of the politics, administration, and management of local affairs published four times a year (in January, April, July, and October). The journal publishes articles that contribute to the better understanding and practice of local self-government and which are of interest to scholars, policy analysts, policymakers, and practitioners. The focus of the journal is on the critical analysis of developments in local governance throughout the world. Lex localis - Journal of Local Self-Government provides a unique forum for the consideration of all issues related to sub-national levels of government. Articles appearing in Lex localis - Journal of Local Self-Government are abstracted and indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) (Web of Science), Essential Citation Index (Web of Science), CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, Current Geographical Publications, CSA PAIS International, Academic's OneFile (Gale), ERIH Plus, International Political Science Abstracts, ProQuest, Scopus, International Bibliography of Periodical Literature (IBZ), International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS).

Current Issue

local self government essay

The Status of Elected Women Representatives in Rural Assam, India: Their Performance in Local Self Government

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Dual Systems of Urban Villages: Autonomy and Informal Governance Mechanisms of Yuan Village in Guangzhou

Huma betang-based resolution of mining land conflicts: belom bahadat legal culture of bakumpai dayak community in central kalimantan, indonesia, cultural diversity under sino-myanmar policies: local policies to promote cultural expression and diversity, the increasing importance of intergovernmental transfer revenue in local finance in poland and the flypaper effect, the urgency of forest governance: learning from brazil's sustainable tourism development, the influence of trust in tax administration and gender on tax compliance in slovenia, how to make the low-powered incentives mode of the public sector play a high-powered incentive effect- evidence from china's government performance management reform, does the internal control system play a strong safeguarding role against fraud in local communities, smart practice of integrating administrative management and human resources of chinese local governments under the background of digital transformation, is there a demand for extensive financial reporting on local government from the most important stakeholders: residents, the analysis of the influence of government diversity policy intervention, service innovation and competitive performance on social governance from the perspective of inclusiveness, local social capital: revisiting the measurement and establishing manageable indicators, latest publications, information.

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