How to Write a Science Fair Project Report

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Writing a science fair project report may seem like a challenging task, but it is not as difficult as it first appears. This is a format that you may use to write a science project report. If your project included animals, humans, hazardous materials, or regulated substances, you can attach an appendix that describes any special activities your project required. Also, some reports may benefit from additional sections, such as abstracts and bibliographies. You may find it helpful to fill out the science fair lab report template to prepare your report.

Important: Some science fairs have guidelines put forth by the science fair committee or an instructor. If your science fair has these guidelines, be sure to follow them.

  • Title:  For a science fair, you probably want a catchy, clever title. Otherwise, try to make it an accurate description of the project. For example, I could entitle a project, "Determining Minimum NaCl Concentration That Can Be Tasted in Water." Avoid unnecessary words, while covering the essential purpose of the project. Whatever title you come up with, get it critiqued by friends, family, or teachers.
  • Introduction and Purpose:  Sometimes this section is called "background." Whatever its name, this section introduces the topic of the project, notes any information already available, explains why you are interested in the project, and states the purpose of the project. If you are going to state references in your report, this is where most of the citations are likely to be, with the actual references listed at the end of the entire report in the form of a bibliography or reference section.
  • The Hypothesis or Question:  Explicitly state your hypothesis or question.
  • Materials and Methods:  List the materials you used in your project and describe the procedure that you used to perform the project. If you have a photo or diagram of your project, this is a good place to include it.
  • Data and Results:  Data and results are not the same things. Some reports will require that they be in separate sections, so make sure you understand the difference between the concepts. Data refers to the actual numbers or other information you obtained in your project. Data can be presented in tables or charts, if appropriate. The results section is where the data is manipulated or the hypothesis is tested. Sometimes this analysis will yield tables, graphs, or charts, too. For example, a table listing the minimum concentration of salt that I can taste in water, with each line in the table being a separate test or trial, would be data. If I average the data or perform a statistical test of a null hypothesis , the information would be the results of the project.
  • Conclusion:  The conclusion focuses on the hypothesis or question as it compares to the data and results. What was the answer to the question? Was the hypothesis supported (keep in mind a hypothesis cannot be proved, only disproved)? What did you find out from the experiment? Answer these questions first. Then, depending on your answers, you may wish to explain the ways in which the project might be improved or introduce new questions that have come up as a result of the project. This section is judged not only by what you were able to conclude but also by your recognition of areas where you could not draw valid conclusions based on your data.

Appearances Matter

Neatness counts, spelling counts, grammar counts. Take the time to make the report look nice. Pay attention to margins, avoid fonts that are difficult to read or are too small or too large, use clean paper, and make print the report cleanly on as good a printer or copier as you can.

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Teaching Resources & Guides > How to Teach Science Tips > Writing a Science Report  

Writing a Science Report

With science fair season coming up as well as many end of the year projects, students are often required to write a research paper or a report on their project. Use this guide to help you in the process from finding a topic to revising and editing your final paper.

Brainstorming Topics

Sometimes one of the largest barriers to writing a research paper is trying to figure out what to write about. Many times the topic is supplied by the teacher, or the curriculum tells what the student should research and write about. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes the student is given a very broad concept to write a research paper on, for example, water. Within the category of water, there are many topics and subtopics that would be appropriate. Topics about water can include anything from the three states of water, different water sources, minerals found in water, how water is used by living organisms, the water cycle, or how to find water in the desert. The point is that “water” is a very large topic and would be too broad to be adequately covered in a typical 3-5 page research paper.

When given a broad category to write about, it is important to narrow it down to a topic that is much more manageable. Sometimes research needs to be done in order to find the best topic to write about. (Look for searching tips in “Finding and Gathering Information.”) Listed below are some tips and guidelines for picking a suitable research topic:

  • Pick a topic within the category that you find interesting. It makes it that much easier to research and write about a topic if it interests you.
  • You may find while researching a topic that the details of the topic are very boring to you. If this is the case, and you have the option to do this, change your topic.
  • Pick a topic that you are already familiar with and research further into that area to build on your current knowledge.
  • When researching topics to do your paper on, look at how much information you are finding. If you are finding very little information on your topic or you are finding an overwhelming amount, you may need to rethink your topic.
  • If permissible, always leave yourself open to changing your topic. While researching for topics, you may come across one that you find really interesting and can use just as well as the previous topics you were searching for.
  • Most importantly, does your research topic fit the guidelines set forth by your teacher or curriculum?

Finding and Gathering Information

There are numerous resources out there to help you find information on the topic selected for your research paper. One of the first places to begin research is at your local library. Use the Dewey Decimal System or ask the librarian to help you find books related to your topic. There are also a variety of reference materials, such as encyclopedias, available at the library.

A relatively new reference resource has become available with the power of technology – the Internet. While the Internet allows the user to access a wealth of information that is often more up-to-date than printed materials such as books and encyclopedias, there are certainly drawbacks to using it. It can be hard to tell whether or not a site contains factual information or just someone’s opinion. A site can also be dangerous or inappropriate for students to use.

You may find that certain science concepts and science terminology are not easy to find in regular dictionaries and encyclopedias. A science dictionary or science encyclopedia can help you find more in-depth and relevant information for your science report. If your topic is very technical or specific, reference materials such as medical dictionaries and chemistry encyclopedias may also be good resources to use.

If you are writing a report for your science fair project, not only will you be finding information from published sources, you will also be generating your own data, results, and conclusions. Keep a journal that tracks and records your experiments and results. When writing your report, you can either write out your findings from your experiments or display them using graphs or charts .

*As you are gathering information, keep a working bibliography of where you found your sources. Look under “Citing Sources” for more information. This will save you a lot of time in the long run!

Organizing Information

Most people find it hard to just take all the information they have gathered from their research and write it out in paper form. It is hard to get a starting point and go from the beginning to the end. You probably have several ideas you know you want to put in your paper, but you may be having trouble deciding where these ideas should go. Organizing your information in a way where new thoughts can be added to a subtopic at any time is a great way to organize the information you have about your topic. Here are two of the more popular ways to organize information so it can be used in a research paper:

  • Graphic organizers such as a web or mind map . Mind maps are basically stating the main topic of your paper, then branching off into as many subtopics as possible about the main topic. Enchanted Learning has a list of several different types of mind maps as well as information on how to use them and what topics fit best for each type of mind map and graphic organizer.
  • Sub-Subtopic: Low temperatures and adequate amounts of snow are needed to form glaciers.
  • Sub-Subtopic: Glaciers move large amounts of earth and debris.
  • Sub-Subtopic: Two basic types of glaciers: valley and continental.
  • Subtopic: Icebergs – large masses of ice floating on liquid water

Different Formats For Your Paper

Depending on your topic and your writing preference, the layout of your paper can greatly enhance how well the information on your topic is displayed.

1. Process . This method is used to explain how something is done or how it works by listing the steps of the process. For most science fair projects and science experiments, this is the best format. Reports for science fairs need the entire project written out from start to finish. Your report should include a title page, statement of purpose, hypothesis, materials and procedures, results and conclusions, discussion, and credits and bibliography. If applicable, graphs, tables, or charts should be included with the results portion of your report.

2. Cause and effect . This is another common science experiment research paper format. The basic premise is that because event X happened, event Y happened.

3. Specific to general . This method works best when trying to draw conclusions about how little topics and details are connected to support one main topic or idea.

4. Climatic order . Similar to the “specific to general” category, here details are listed in order from least important to most important.

5. General to specific . Works in a similar fashion as the method for organizing your information. The main topic or subtopic is stated first, followed by supporting details that give more information about the topic.

6. Compare and contrast . This method works best when you wish to show the similarities and/or differences between two or more topics. A block pattern is used when you first write about one topic and all its details and then write about the second topic and all its details. An alternating pattern can be used to describe a detail about the first topic and then compare that to the related detail of the second topic. The block pattern and alternating pattern can also be combined to make a format that better fits your research paper.

Citing Sources

When writing a research paper, you must cite your sources! Otherwise you are plagiarizing (claiming someone else’s ideas as your own) which can cause severe penalties from failing your research paper assignment in primary and secondary grades to failing the entire course (most colleges and universities have this policy). To help you avoid plagiarism, follow these simple steps:

  • Find out what format for citing your paper your teacher or curriculum wishes you to use. One of the most widely used and widely accepted citation formats by scholars and schools is the Modern Language Association (MLA) format. We recommended that you do an Internet search for the most recent format of the citation style you will be using in your paper.
  • Keep a working bibliography when researching your topic. Have a document in your computer files or a page in your notebook where you write down every source that you found and may use in your paper. (You probably will not use every resource you find, but it is much easier to delete unused sources later rather than try to find them four weeks down the road.) To make this process even easier, write the source down in the citation format that will be used in your paper. No matter what citation format you use, you should always write down title, author, publisher, published date, page numbers used, and if applicable, the volume and issue number.
  • When collecting ideas and information from your sources, write the author’s last name at the end of the idea. When revising and formatting your paper, keep the author’s last name attached to the end of the idea, no matter where you move that idea. This way, you won’t have to go back and try to remember where the ideas in your paper came from.
  • There are two ways to use the information in your paper: paraphrasing and quotes. The majority of your paper will be paraphrasing the information you found. Paraphrasing is basically restating the idea being used in your own words.   As a general rule of thumb, no more than two of the original words should be used in sequence when paraphrasing information, and similes should be used for as many of the words as possible in the original passage without changing the meaning of the main point. Sometimes, you may find something stated so well by the original author that it would be best to use the author’s original words in your paper. When using the author’s original words, use quotation marks only around the words being directly quoted and work the quote into the body of your paper so that it makes sense grammatically. Search the Internet for more rules on paraphrasing and quoting information.

Revising and Editing Your Paper

Revising your paper basically means you are fixing grammatical errors or changing the meaning of what you wrote. After you have written the rough draft of your paper, read through it again to make sure the ideas in your paper flow and are cohesive. You may need to add in information, delete extra information, use a thesaurus to find a better word to better express a concept, reword a sentence, or just make sure your ideas are stated in a logical and progressive order.

After revising your paper, go back and edit it, correcting the capitalization, punctuation, and spelling errors – the mechanics of writing. If you are not 100% positive a word is spelled correctly, look it up in a dictionary. Ask a parent or teacher for help on the proper usage of commas, hyphens, capitalization, and numbers. You may also be able to find the answers to these questions by doing an Internet search on writing mechanics or by checking you local library for a book on writing mechanics.

It is also always a good idea to have someone else read your paper. Because this person did not write the paper and is not familiar with the topic, he or she is more likely to catch mistakes or ideas that do not quite make sense. This person can also give you insights or suggestions on how to reword or format your paper to make it flow better or convey your ideas better.

More Information:

  • Quick Science Fair Guide
  • Science Fair Project Ideas

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Science Fair Wizard

  • Pick a topic
  • Determine a problem
  • Investigate your problem
  • Formulate a hypothesis


  • Design an experiment
  • Test your hypothesis
  • Compile your data
  • Write your research paper
  • Construct your exhibit
  • Prepare your presentation
  • Show Time! Pre-science fair checklist
  • Submit your paperwork


Step 8: Write your research paper

Writing your research paper should be a snap! With every step of the process, you have been collecting information for and writing parts of your research paper. As you are composing your research paper, be sure to save your work frequently and in more than one place!

The research paper should include the following sections in this order:

  • Safety sheet
  • Endorsements
  • Table of contents
  • Acknowledgements
  • Purpose & Hypothesis
  • Review of literature
  • Materials and methods of procedure
  • Conclusions
  • Reference list

Keep these points in mind when reviewing your paper.

  • Paper should include a table of contents, abstract, and references.
  • Title page should be in the correct format with signatures.
  • Header information should be in the top left corner with your last name and the title of the project.
  • Paper should be double-spaced, single-sided, with one inch margins on all sides, and in a standard font such as Times New Roman 10 pt. or 12 pt.
  • All pages should be numbered.

Important: Check out the Science Fair Handbook for detailed instructions regarding the content of the research paper. The handbook also includes examples of the title page, abstract, and references. [ Download Handbook ]

Check out the Science Fair Handbook for detailed instructions regarding the content of the research paper. The handbook also includes examples of the title page, abstract, and references.

Click to go to the Student Science Fair website

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Science Fair Report Template

A Science Fair Report Template is a standardized format that students can use to organize and present their findings and conclusions from a science fair project. It helps students structure their report and ensure they include all the necessary components, such as the hypothesis, experimental procedure, data analysis, and conclusion.

Typically, the student who is participating in the science fair would file the science fair report template.

Q: What is a science fair report? A: A science fair report is a document that presents the findings and results of a science fair project.

Q: Why do I need a science fair report? A: A science fair report is required to communicate your project's purpose, methods, results, and conclusion.

Q: What should be included in a science fair report? A: A science fair report should include an introduction, hypothesis, materials and methods, results, discussion, and conclusion.

Q: How should I structure my science fair report? A: You should organize your science fair report with clear headings and sections, following a logical flow of information.

Q: How long should a science fair report be? A: The length of a science fair report may vary, but it is typically around 5-10 pages, excluding any appendices or references.

Download Science Fair Report Template

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Science Fair Written Report

Reports should be neatly bound in an attractive folder and should include:

1. Title Page

The title page bears the title of your project in the center of the page several inches from the top of the page. Your name, school, and grade would be placed in the lower right-hand corner of the page.

2. Table of Contents

List the sections of your paper and the page numbers where they begin.

3. Abstract

The abstract is a shortened version of your entire paper. Others can read your abstract if they do not have time to read your paper. It should include information about yourself at the top: name, school, grade, age, and category of your project. Below this information write three short paragraphs: the Purpose, the Procedure, and the Results.

4. Statement of Purpose

Give a two- or three-sentence statement explaining what you expected to discover by investigating the chosen topic. It should also give the reason why you chose to learn more about the subject.

5. The Hypothesis

Students who select an experiment to perform should include a hypothesis in the written report. A hypothesis is an educated guess about what you think will occur as a result from conducting the selected experiment.

6. Background Research

Include work and research conducted by others in the past that relates to your topic and facts that help introduce the readers to the topic.

7. Materials

List all the materials and supplies you used in the project. Quantities and amounts of each should also be indicated, especially if you conduct an experiment.

8. Procedure

List and describe steps you undertook to complete the project, numbering them sequentially.

9. Observations and Results

Tell what you learned from the project. What new information was provided as a result of pursuing the topic? What do you know now that you didn't know before? Include raw, smooth and analyzed data, in all forms including charts, graphs, tables, photographs and diagrams you've created or collected during the course of the project. Be sure that all results, in whatever format, are neat and legible. Accurately and clearly label and title all material.

10. Variables and Controls (for experiments only)

Fully describe each variable and control. Explain its role in the experiment and show how it was managed and/or monitored.

11. Conclusions

This is a brief statement explaining why a project turned out the way it did. Why did the events you observed occur? If an experiment was chosen, begin your conclusion by restating your hypothesis. Next, compare the results to your original hypothesis. The result data may concretely establish your theory to be true or false. However, it is also possible that the results were inconclusive, which means that although there may be a trend in your data, it is not strong enough to prove or disprove your hypothesis.

12. Bibliography

13. acknowledgements.

In one or more sentences, say "thank you" to those who have helped you with your project. You should include those who gave you guidance, materials, and the use of facilities or equipment.

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Table of Contents

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A research report refers to a journal that reflects on a particular research venture’s conclusions or otherwise science studies on or about a particular topic. The functional utility of the research study is heavily dependent upon how it is portrayed to those who are expected to behave on the grounds of research results.

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  13. Science Fair Report Template

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  14. PDF Writing a Research Paper for Your Science Fair Project

    These notes will help you write a better summary. The purpose of your research paper is to give you the information to understand why your experiment turns out the way it does. The research paper should include: The history of similar experiments or inventions. Definitions of all important words and concepts that describe your experiment.

  15. PDF Writing a Science Fair Project Research Plan

    To make a background research plan — a roadmap of the research questions you need to answer — follow these steps: 1) Identify the keywords in the question for your science fair project. Brainstorm additional keywords and concepts. 2) Use a table with the "question words" (why, how, who, what, when, where) to generate research questions from ...

  16. PDF Science Fair Packet

    science with engaging, well-researched projects that clearly answer a specific hypothesis. All students want their science fair projects to succeed, and by following a few simple tips and ideas, they can be off to a promising start. Choose a Good Topic Choosing the right topic is the first step toward a successful science fair project,

  17. Sample Science Fair Report

    Sample Science Fair Report (1) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides guidelines and templates for students to follow when writing a science fair project report. It includes sections for an abstract, problem, hypothesis, research, materials, procedures, data tables and graphs, analysis/discussion, conclusion, reflection ...

  18. Science Fair Research Paper TEMPLATE

    This document provides a template for writing a science fair research report with specific formatting and content guidelines for each section, including the title page, abstract, introduction, methods, results, conclusion, and bibliography. Key details are provided for what should be included in each section, such as stating the purpose and hypothesis in the introduction and presenting data in ...

  19. DOC Science Fair Research Report TEMPLATE

    Science Fair Research Report TEMPLATE. How to Use this Document. Text in BLACK type stays in the document exactly as shown. Text in BLUE type should be REMOVED and REPLACE with your writing. This document is READ ONLY, which means you may not save it to the same file name. Use the File - Save As function to save a new document with your changes.

  20. Science Fair Written Report

    Science Fair Rules. Reports should be neatly bound in an attractive folder and should include: 1. Title Page. The title page bears the title of your project in the center of the page several inches from the top of the page. Your name, school, and grade would be placed in the lower right-hand corner of the page. 2.

  21. Science Fair Research Report TEMPLATE

    Science Fair Research Report TEMPLATE.doc - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  22. DOCX Science Fair Research Report TEMPLATE

    This questionnaire will take 5-10 minutes of your time to complete. All results will be used for research purposes. Be assured that all responses you contribute will be held in the strictest confidentiality. This research is approved by Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University Institutional Review Board Committee.

  23. FREE 10+ Scientific Research Report Templates in PDF

    FREE 10+ Scientific Research Report Templates in PDF | MS Word. A research report refers to a journal that reflects on a particular research venture's conclusions or otherwise science studies on or about a particular topic. The functional utility of the research study is heavily dependent upon how it is portrayed to those who are expected to behave on the grounds of research results.