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Experiment: How Fast Your Brain Reacts To Stimuli

How fast do you think you are? Do you know what a reflex and a reaction are? This lesson plan tells all about the quickness of your nervous system and the muscular system, which the nervous system innervates.

What will you learn?

In this experiment you are going to be introduced to what a reflex and reaction are and how we go about measuring them. Do not worry we won't be throwing soccer balls at your face. . . yet!

Prerequisite Labs

Note: Backyard Brains has released a digital reaction timer that uses your body's electrical signals to measure your reaction time! If you enjoy this experiment and want to take it to the next level, check out the Backyard Brains Reaction Timer !

The speed of your reactions play a large part in your everyday life. Fast reaction times can produce big rewards, for example, like saving a blistering soccer ball from entering the goal. Slow reaction times may come with consequences.

reaction speed experiments

Reaction time is a measure of the quickness an organism responds to some sort of stimulus. You also have "reflexes" too. Reflexes and reactions, while seeming similar, are quite different. Reflexes are involuntary, used to protect the body, and are faster than a reaction. Reflexes are usually a negative feedback loop and act to help return the body to its normal functioning stability, or homeostasis. The classic example of a reflex is one you have seen at your doctor's office: the patellar reflex.

reaction speed experiments

This reflex is called a stretch reflex and is initiated by tapping the tendon below the patella, or kneecap. It was first independently described in 1875 by two German neurologists, Wilhelm Heinrich Erb and Carl Friedrich Otto Westphal. In their original papers Erb referred to the reflex as the "Patellarsehnenreflex" while Westphal denoted it as the "Unterschenkelphanomen". Thankfully, we now refer to it as the patellar reflex.

This reflex is also known as a "reflex arc". It is a negative feedback circuit that is comprised of three main components:

reaction speed experiments

Quick! We're timing you...

The knee reflex arc is a spinal reflex, and the circuit is drawn above. This picture shows how the sensory (afferent) neuron sends information through the dorsal root ganglion into the spinal cord; where the signal splits into two different paths. The first is the motor neuron (efferent) leading back to the quadriceps. When your quad muscle's motor neuron receives the information it fires and causes your lower leg to spring forward up in the air. The second signal from the sensory neuron travels to an interneuron which sends a signal to the motor neuron (efferent) leading to the hamstring. This signal tells your hamstring to relax so there is no negative force acting on the quadriceps muscle when it contracts. Both signals work together and all of this happens in the spinal cord without going to the brain. It never needs the brain.

You may be asking how a knee reflex arc and a soccer player dealing with an oncoming ball are different. Are both not reflexes? While it may seem that a soccer player negotiating an oncoming ball is a simple fast reflex, it is actually a symphony of hundreds of thousands of neurons working together to produce a conscious decision. Does the player catch, dodge, or bat away the ball? This choice is what makes a reaction.

reaction speed experiments

When a soccer player realizes the ball is blistering towards him, there is visual information that has to be processed and decisions regarding a correct course of action. The brain then needs to send many signals to various muscles. Feet begin to move, hands might travel in front of the face, and eyes may close shut, along with many more processes. This is the work of many neurons as well as numerous systems and circuits in the brain, and what's more, and you can train and enhance your skill through practice. This is how you get better at sports over time.

Like all science, the history of the reaction time discovery is peculiar. Dutch physiologist F.C. Donders in 1865 began to think about human reaction time and if it was measurable. Prior to his studies scientists thought that human mental processes were too fast to be measured. This assumption was proved incorrect with the help of Charles Wheatstone, an English scientist and inventor. In 1840 Wheatstone invented a device, much like his early telegraph system invention, that recorded the velocity of artillery shells. Donders used that device to measure the time it took from when a shock occurred on a patient's foot until when that patient pressed a button. The button had to be pressed by the left or right hand matching the left or right foot that was shocked. His study tested 2 conditions: in the first, the patient knew in advance which foot was to be shocked; in the other condition, the patient did not know. Donders discovered a 1/15 second delay between patients who knew which foot was to be shocked versus patients that did not know. Notably, this was the first account of the human mind being measured!

reaction speed experiments

These efforts continue today, with the improvement of "non-invasive" imaging technologies like fMRI, PET, EEG, etc... You may have had one of these scans in the hospital.

reaction speed experiments

How quickly neurons move information is called the "speed of neural transmission"; we studied it in experiment 11 when we measured the conduction speed of axons in earthworms. This is only one of the speed bottlenecks though. You also have to deal with the synapse (which we studied in experiment 8). Furthermore, the quickness of reaction times can differ depending upon what type of stimulus you are reacting to and what kind of task you are doing.

In this experiment you and a friend will be testing each other's reaction times using a simple 12 inch ruler. You will be testing not only visual stimulus, but also auditory and tactile stimuli.

This experiment will be broken into two phases. The first test will use one ruler, while the second test will use two.

Experiment 1: In this phase you and your partner will test visual, auditory, and tactile reaction times using one ruler.

reaction speed experiments

Here is the table for the first experiment:

reaction speed experiments

Experiment 2: In this phase you and your partner will test visual and auditory reaction times using two rulers.

Here is the table for the second experiment:

reaction speed experiments

In your chart above you are going to take all the centimeter measurements you have collected and convert the measurement in centimeters to seconds. This will tell you how long it takes, in seconds, an object (the ruler) to fall a certain distance. The formula below is comprised of three variables.

reaction speed experiments

Here is an example of the equation being used:

reaction speed experiments

It may seem tedious to convert by hand each number you recorded so instead you will be provided with a quick chart to convert your centimeter measurement to seconds. However, there are several values missing in the table. You will need to fill them out to complete the table. Use the equation above to fill out the remainder of the chart. If you are savvy you can also design a computer program to do this.

reaction speed experiments

After using the chart and converting your centimeter measurements into seconds you will have your ruler reaction time in seconds. Looking at your data you might be thinking how you compare to the human average reaction time. Here it is! The average reaction time for humans is 0.25 seconds to a visual stimulus, 0.17 for an audio stimulus, and 0.15 seconds for a touch stimulus.

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Reaction Time Ruler

Activity length, activity type.

How fast can you  react?

In this activity, the students participate in a simple ruler drop experiment and learn about the body’s response behind it.

When your friend drops the timer in the experiment, you see it start to move. A nerve signal travels from your eye to your brain then to your finger muscles. Your finger muscles move to catch the timer. The whole process takes between 150 and 220 milliseconds.

The neural pathway involved in a reaction time experiment involves a series of neural processes. This experiment does not test a simple reflex. Rather, this activity is designed to measure the response time to something that you see. 

Catching a dropped ruler begins with the eye watching the ruler in anticipation of it falling. After the ruler is dropped, the eye sends a message to the visual cortex, which perceives that the ruler has fallen. The visual cortex sends a message to the motor cortex to initiate catching the ruler. The motor cortex sends a message to the spinal cord, which then sends a message to the muscle in the hand/fingers. The final process is the contraction of the muscles as the hand grasps the ruler. All of these processes involve individual neurons that transmit electrochemical messages to other neurons. 

A person’s reaction time depends on a couple of things that can be improved and a couple that cannot.

Practice does make perfect because you can create a “muscle memory” that means you do not have to think so much to catch the ruler. You can take the time it takes to decide things out of the equation. Much of the time it takes you to react to the ruler dropping is the time it takes electrical signals to travel along your nerves. Moving at about 100 metres per second, a signal telling a finger to move has to travel from your brain down your spinal cord and into your arm. Signals for muscle control generally move faster than other ones. (Pain signals for example, move very slowly, often less than one metre per second). But these signals are “involuntary” which means that no matter how hard you try, you cannot control how quickly they occur.

The distance the reaction timer travels before you catch it has been converted to time using the equation d =1/2 a t² where  a  is the acceleration due to gravity.

This is a recommended pre-visit activity to Science World.

Describe how the nervous system responds to a stimulus.

Per Student Pair: copy of reaction timer template printed onto stiff card or attached to a ruler with tape

Key Questions

  • How fast is your reaction time?
  • What had to happen in your body for you to catch the ruler?
  • How can reaction time be improved?
  • Does your reaction time improve with practice?
  • Why was the ruler caught in the middle (after a lag period) rather than at the end (instantaneously)? What causes this hesitation?


  • Photocopy and cut out the reaction timer (double-check the size is accurate).
  • Glue or tape it to a piece of stiff cardboard or ruler (unless printed onto card).
  • Have students form partners for the activity.Each pair should decide who is number 1 and who is 2.
  • Give each pair a ruler.

reaction speed experiments

  • Student number 1 will drop the ruler sometime within the next 5 seconds and student number 2 must try to catch the ruler as fast as they can after it is dropped.

reaction speed experiments

  • Swap positions so that student number 1 can test their reaction time.

Conversion Table (modified from Neuroscience for Kids):

2 in (~5 cm) 0.10 sec (100 ms)
4 in (~10 cm) 0.14 sec (140 ms)
6 in (~15 cm) 0.17 sec (170 ms)
8 in (~20 cm) 0.20 sec (200 ms)
10 in (~25.5 cm) 0.23 sec (230 ms)
12 in (~30.5 cm) 0.25 sec (250 ms)
17 in (~43 cm) 0.30 sec (300 ms)
24 in (~61 cm) 0.35 sec (350 ms)
31 in (~79 cm) 0.40 sec (400 ms)
39 in (~99 cm) 0.45 sec (450 ms)
48 in (~123 cm) 0.50 sec (500 ms)
69 in (~175 cm) 0.60 sec (600 ms)
  • Explain that in order to catch the ruler a lot of messages have to be passed along different nerves:
  • The eye sees the ruler drop.
  • The eye sends a message to the visual cortex in the brain.
  • The visual cortex sends a message to the motor cortex in the brain.
  • The motor cortex sends a message to the spinal cord.
  • The spinal cord sends a message to the hand/finger muscle.
  • The finger muscle contracts to catch the ruler.

This happens almost instantaneously. How fast it actually happens is called the reaction time .

When comparing hands, students will usually find that their dominant hand is faster. Because the dominant hand is used more often every day, the neurons that carry messages between that hand and the brain are faster at transmitting electro-chemical signals. They are communicating along well-worn pathways. By running the same messages along the same pathway repeatedly, students can improve their motor skills.  The phrase “practice makes perfect” is scientifically accurate.

  • How did we know where the marks should go? Can you make a longer timer? Do you need to?
  • Do students who play sports or musical instruments have faster reaction times?
  • How does your reaction time change if you use your peripheral vision?
  • Make the experiment more interesting by substituting candy bars (or another long snack) for the rulers. The students with the quickest reaction time get to eat the candy bar.

Other Resources

University of Washington | Faculty of Education | Neuroscience for Kids

About the sticker

Artist: Jeff Kulak

Jeff is a senior graphic designer at Science World. His illustration work has been published in the Walrus, The National Post, Reader’s Digest and Chickadee Magazine. He loves to make music, ride bikes, and spend time in the forest.

Comet Crisp

T-Rex and Baby

Artist: Michelle Yong

Michelle is a designer with a focus on creating joyful digital experiences! She enjoys exploring the potential forms that an idea can express itself in and helping then take shape.

Buddy the T-Rex

Science Buddies

Artist: Ty Dale

From Canada, Ty was born in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1993. From his chaotic workspace he draws in several different illustrative styles with thick outlines, bold colours and quirky-child like drawings. Ty distils the world around him into its basic geometry, prompting us to look at the mundane in a different way.

Western Dinosaur

Time-Travel T-Rex

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Science Projects > Physics & Engineering Projects > Reaction Time Science Project  

Reaction Time Science Project

For Olympic runners and swimmers, a fraction of a second is often the difference between winning a gold medal or a bronze!

Indeed, it’s the distance between winning any medal or returning home with nothing but hopes at another chance in four more years.

And while its impact is most dramatic in running events, speed isn’t only a matter of crossing the finish line first.

In sports, reaction time, the interval between stimulation and reaction, often determines who wins and who loses. Even more importantly, in real-life situations, like when driving a car, it can mean the difference between life and death.

Measure your reaction time with the following project.

What You Need:

  • Meter stick
  • Dollar bill (optional)
  • Flat, sturdy surface, like a tabletop or desktop
  • One or more partners
  • Reaction time table PDF

What You Do:

1. Have your partner sit or stand with their arm on the flat surface so their wrist extends beyond the edge.

test your reaction time experiment

2. Hold the meter stick vertically above your partner’s hand, with the “0” end of the stick just above their thumb and forefinger, but not touching them.

3. Instruct your partner to catch it as quickly as possible as soon as they see it begin to fall.

4. Without warning your partner, drop the meter stick.

reaction time experiment

5. Record how far it fell before your partner caught it. Consult the reaction time table to determine reaction time. Repeat at least two more times.

6. Switch places with your partner and repeat.

What Happened:

In this experiment, your reaction time is how long it takes your eyes to tell your brain that the meter stick is falling and how long it takes your brain to tell your fingers to catch it. We can use the distance the meter stick fell before you caught it to figure out your reaction time. The following formula is the basis: d = 1/2 gt 2 .

In this formula, “d” equals the distance the object fell, “g” equals gravitational acceleration (9.8 m/s 2 ), and “t” is the time the object was falling. To simplify the process, we’ve provided a reaction time table with the calculations already done.

Try it again with a dollar bill, only start with the bill halfway between the catcher’s thumb and pointer finger. If you’re really brave, you can up the ante and allow whoever catches the dollar bill to keep it. Unless someone anticipates the dollar bill being dropped, the 6-inch bill should fall completely through the catcher’s fingers before the typical human reaction time (about 1/4 second) allows them to catch it.

For further study:

  • Talk about what sports depend on having a fast reaction time. How about real-life situations?
  • Try the experiment on a variety of people of different ages. Whose reaction time is faster? Boys or girls? Adults or kids?
  • Repeat the experiment, only this time, have the catcher whistling throughout. Did that make reaction time faster, slower, or the same?
  • Can you improve your reaction time by repeating the experiment several times daily? Practice for a week then test yourself again to see.

More Sensory Projects:

  •   Eye Chart Vision Test
  •   Two-point Discrimination
  •  Using the Five Senses 

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April 28, 2016

React Fast: How Size Determines Rate

A fizzy science project from Science Buddies

By Science Buddies

reaction speed experiments

Bubble up with this fun test of reaction times. See which size makes the biggest fizz!

George Retseck

Key concepts Chemistry Physics Reaction Surface area

Introduction Did you know that flour can explode? Luckily, this does not happen spontaneously on your kitchen counter, but only if the conditions are right. You need a very fine powder of flour to make an explosion happen. In fact, any solid flammable material that is dispersed in the air as a dust cloud will explode if it comes into contact with flame (a reason extreme caution must be used where there is a large amount of grain dust, such as in storage facilities). Why is that? It has to do with the particle size of the solid material, which determines how rapidly a chemical reaction takes place. In this activity, you can try this for yourself—skipping the explosion and creating a big fizz instead!

Background Some chemical reactions happen very fast (think vinegar and baking soda), whereas others take a very long time (such as rust forming on metal). In chemical reactions that include a solid as one of the reactants, you can actually change the reaction rate by varying the size of the solid that reacts with the liquid or the gas. How does this work? For a chemical reaction to happen, the molecules or atoms of the reactants need to collide with each other. This can only happen at the surface of the solid, as all the molecules trapped within the body of the solid cannot react until they meet the molecules of the other reactant. However, if you take the same material and break it into smaller pieces, there is much more surface area exposed that can interact with the other components—allowing the chemical reaction to occur much more quickly.

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Take a flammable material (such as flour) as an example: If you heat up a lump of flour, it will not burn at all or will start burning away slowly in a controlled manner because there is only a limited surface area available that can react with the oxygen in the air. However, the same flammable material dispersed into the air as a fine powder would allow for much greater surface area exposed to the air, allowing for a rapid explosion if ignited. Increasing the surface area of a reactant does not only increase the quantity of material available to react, but will also increase the rate of the reaction. In this activity, you will demonstrate this effect by measuring the rate of a different kind of chemical reaction: the dissolution of sodium bicarbonate from an effervescent antacid tablet in water.  

Effervescent antacid tablets (at least four)

Sheet of paper

Four clear 12-ounce (or larger) drinking glasses

Measuring cup


Take four antacid tablets out of their packages. Take care not to break them, as the tablets are very brittle.

Put one whole antacid tablet aside for now.

Take the second tablet and break it into half and set both halves aside.

Take the third tablet and break it evenly into quarters. First, break it into halves and then break the halves again into two parts. Set all four pieces aside.

Take the fourth tablet and ground it into a powder. To do this, put the tablet to be ground inside a clean, folded piece of paper. Place the folded paper on a solid surface and use a spoon to carefully crush the tablet into a powder. Keep the powder folded into the paper and set it aside.

Use a measuring cup to add about 250 milliliters (about eight ounces) of tap water to each of the four glasses. The temperature of the water should be the same in each.

Take one of the glasses with tap water and the whole antacid tablet and put them in front of you.

Pick up the whole tablet and hold it above the water surface.

Get your stopwatch ready.

Drop the whole tablet into the water and at the same time start the stopwatch. What happens once the tablet hits the water? Can you see a chemical reaction happening?

Stir the water gently and steadily with the teaspoon. Observe the tablet closely in the water. What do you notice about the tablet? What reaction do you think is taking place?

Once all the solid material of the tablet has dissolved in the water and the chemical reaction is completed, stop the stopwatch and write down the reaction time on a sheet of paper. How long did the reaction take? Do you think this reaction is fast or slow?

Get a fresh glass of water and this time take the antacid tablet that you broke in half.

Take both pieces of the tablet and hold them above the water surface. What do you think will change once you put the two pieces of the tablet into the water compared to the whole tablet?

Reset your stopwatch and get it ready.

Drop both pieces of the tablet into the water and start the timer again. Compared to the whole tablet, do you see the same reaction happening in the water?

Again, stir the water gently and observe how the two tablet pieces dissolve in the water. Do you see more or fewer bubbles forming? Do you think this reaction will be complete faster or more slowly than with the whole tablet?

Once all the solid tablet material has completely disappeared and the bubbles have stopped forming, stop the stopwatch and record the reaction time. Did the reaction time change compared to the whole tablet? Was this reaction faster or slower? Why do you think this is the case?

With the two remaining glasses, repeat the antacid-adding steps with the antacid tablet that you broke into four pieces and the tablet that you crushed into a powder. Do you observe any changes in the chemical reaction happening in the water? How fast or slow are these tablets dissolving compared to the other tablets? Do you notice any correlation between the reaction time and the size of the tablet pieces?

Extra: Can you think of other chemical reactions that you could use to test how the surface area of one of the reactants affects the reaction rate with water? Think of other ingredients in your kitchen that come in various sizes and forms, such as sugar crystals, cubes or powder. Will the same effect be observable for these substances?

Extra: What other factors can change the rate of a chemical reaction? Repeat this activity, but only use whole antacid tablets, and this time, vary the temperature of the water in which you dissolve the tablets. How do you think the temperature will influence the reaction rate? Will the tablet dissolve faster or more slowly in hot water compared to cold?

Observations and results Did you find that the tablet powder dissolved much faster than the whole tablet? What you probably observed in all of your trials was some vigorous bubbling once you dropped the antacid tablet into the water. Effervescent antacid tablets are made from aspirin, citric acid and sodium bicarbonate. When sodium bicarbonate dissolves in water, it reacts with hydrogen ions from the citric acid and forms carbon dioxide. Because carbon dioxide is a gas, it forms bubbles inside the water that you can see as foam on the surface.

The fizzing and bubbling was probably more pronounced the smaller the tablet pieces were that you dropped into the water. At the same time, you probably noticed that the whole tablet took the longest to dissolve, whereas the tablet powder dissolved really quickly. This is because with smaller tablet pieces, there is more surface area of the tablet available that can react with the water, which results in a faster disintegration of the antacid tablet, as you observed.

Cleanup Pour the water with the dissolved antacid tablets into a sink.

More to explore Surface Area and Reaction Rate , from ADLC Educational Media Harmless Flour Is an Incredibly Explosive Substance , from AweSci Big Pieces or Small Pieces: Which Reacts Faster? , from Science Buddies Science Activity for All Ages!, from Science Buddies

This activity brought to you in partnership with Science Buddies

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How to test your reaction time

August 31, 2022 By Emma Vanstone 1 Comment

Do you think you have fast reactions? Have you ever measured your reaction time? Did you know you can test your reaction time using just a ruler?

Reaction time is the time it takes for a person to respond to a stimulus. For example, if you touch something very cold, there is a slight delay between touching it and moving your hand away. This is because it takes time for the information to travel from your hand to your brain, where it is processed. Many sports and activities require fast reactions!

What’s the difference between a reflex and a reaction

Reactions are different to reflexes which are involuntary. Reflexes are faster than reactions.

How to test reaction time with a ruler

You can test reaction time s using just a ruler.

Simple ruler drop reaction time test

What you need.

Pen and Paper

Hold the top of the ruler with your arm stretched out. Your fingers should be on the highest measurement.

Ask a friend to put their thumb and index finger slightly open at the bottom of the ruler, with the ruler between their fingers. They need to grab the ruler as soon as it drops.

Drop the ruler and record the measurement on the ruler where the other person’s fingers are.

Repeat for all participants. Let each person have three attempts and record the average value.

The person with the fastest reaction time is the one who catches the ruler at the lowest measurement, as the sooner the ruler is caught, the less time it has to fall.

Hand about to catch a ruler for a reaction time test

How does this work?

Our eyes see that the ruler has been dropped and send a signal to the brain, which sends a signal to the muscles in the arm and hand to tell them to catch the ruler. Our body is very clever, and these signals travel very, very quickly.

Information from the eyes is sent to the brain and then to the hand via neurons. The brain processes the information and decides what to do next. The human brain contains around 100 billion neurons!

Your reaction time depends on the time taken for the signals to travel between your eye, brain and hand.

Reaction Time Challenges

Design a table to record the results.

Investigate to discover whether reaction time can be improved with practice. Does muscle memory help speed up your reaction time?

a piece of paper with the results from a reaction time test written in pencil

More Reaction Time Tests

Repeat the investigation using your non-dominant hand to investigate whether this makes your reaction time slower.

Design an investigation where you work out the average reaction time for different age groups.

Tie a piece of string to a toy car and let it run down a ramp. Measure how far the car travels before a person can stop it.

Can you think of any more ways to test reaction time ? What would you consider a slow reaction time?

Print the reaction time template below to see how fast your reaction times are!

Reaction time ruler printable

Learn more about the brain with our play dough brain model .

If you like this activity, you might also like our collection of sporty science experiments for kids .

Quick Summary

Reaction time is the time it takes you to react to a stimulus .

Information is sent around the body via nerve cells called neurones . These form the peripheral nervous system . The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord.

labelled diagram of a neuron showing nucleus, axon, myelin sheath, dendrites and axon terminal

Science Concepts

  • Reaction time
  • Nervous system

Easy reaction time test using a ruler - #reactiontimetest #scienceforkids

Last Updated on May 23, 2024 by Emma Vanstone

Safety Notice

Science Sparks ( Wild Sparks Enterprises Ltd ) are not liable for the actions of activity of any person who uses the information in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources. Science Sparks assume no liability with regard to injuries or damage to property that may occur as a result of using the information and carrying out the practical activities contained in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources.

These activities are designed to be carried out by children working with a parent, guardian or other appropriate adult. The adult involved is fully responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out safely.

Reader Interactions

' src=

November 05, 2019 at 7:41 pm

I was going to do a grade 8 science fair. and I decided to do reaction times. Thank you for giving me a way to test reaction times!

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Display headings.

This test analyzes your reflexes and measures how fast you can react to the on-screen prompts. It precisely calculates how fast you click and displays the result in milliseconds. The average score of this reaction time test is 273 ms. A lower number means your reaction to the on-screen prompt took less time to click. A higher score means you were slower to react and click.

So, if you score lower than 273 ms, you are already in a good place. However, if you scored a higher number, you will need to practice more and hone in on your reflexes. Also, the score is a bit exaggerated by the latency of your computer. When you click on your mouse, the signal from the mouse travels through the system and is then shown on the display.

This process can take about 10–50ms, which is also added to the score. Without the computer latency, your reaction time score could be even better. Using a high refresh rate monitor with a faster computer will result in a better score. Also, avoid doing this test if your computer is connected to a TV. That’s because TVs can have over 100 ms of latency, pushing the score into a worse category.


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Understanding Cognitive Performance: The Impact of Reaction Time vs. Speed in Research

The potential risks of relying on a single measure without considering its reciprocal.

In the intricate world of cognitive science and psychological research, the tools and methods we employ to measure cognitive performance are not just scientific instruments; they are the lenses through which we perceive and interpret human cognition. One such critical tool is the performance measure, particularly the choice between mean reaction time and mean speed. This decision, often made for convenience, has far-reaching implications that extend beyond mere data collection, influencing the very conclusions we draw from our research.

Overview of the Issue

At first glance, mean reaction time and mean speed might appear to be two sides of the same coin, mere mathematical reciprocals that serve the same end. However, the decision to use one over the other in cognitive experiments is a subject of considerable debate among researchers. This choice is not trivial; it fundamentally shapes the way we understand cognitive processes. Each measure offers a different perspective on performance, and the selection can significantly alter the outcomes of cognitive studies.

Wainer's Argument

Howard Wainer, a prominent figure in the field, brought attention to this issue in his 1977 paper. Wainer argued that the choice between using speed or reaction time as the dependent variable is a critical one that can influence the order of effects observed in cognitive studies. This challenges the previously held notion that the selection was a mere convenience. Wainer’s insights suggest that this decision can result in different experimental groups being ranked differently, leading to completely divergent interpretations of the same data.

Implications for Research

The implications of this insight are profound. In cognitive research, where understanding the nuances of human cognition and processing is paramount, the choice of measurement can be a deciding factor in the validity and reliability of findings. It can be the difference between uncovering a genuine cognitive phenomenon and misinterpreting data due to methodological oversight. This choice, therefore, is not just about data collection; it’s about how we frame and understand cognitive performance itself.

The Team Sports Car Race Analogy

Introduction to the Analogy

In his insightful 1977 paper, Howard Wainer employs a compelling analogy to illustrate the complexities involved in choosing the right measure for cognitive performance. He compares this decision to a team sports car race between two cities, an analogy that elegantly simplifies yet perfectly encapsulates the dilemma faced by cognitive researchers.

Description of the Race Rules

Imagine a race where the rules are seemingly straightforward: the winning team is the one that traverses the distance most quickly on average. However, a twist in interpretation arises. One team believes that victory hinges on having the fastest average speed, while the other team interprets it as having the least average time to complete the course. This difference in understanding leads to a significant dispute, revealing that the two interpretations are not as equivalent as they might seem.

Relevance of the Analogy to Cognitive Research

This analogy is not just a theoretical exercise but mirrors a real-world dilemma in cognitive research. Much like the differing interpretations of the race rules, the choice between using mean reaction time or mean speed in cognitive experiments can lead to contrasting conclusions . This analogy brings to light a key issue: the same data can be interpreted differently based on the measurement chosen, leading to potential misinterpretations in cognitive studies.

The Case of Sternberg’s Paradigm

Wainer specifically references Sternberg's paradigm in cognitive research, where the dependent variable of response time is often used without transformation. This practice underscores the potential risks of relying on a single measure without considering its reciprocal. The analogy suggests that, much like in the race, the choice of measurement can fundamentally alter the outcome of the experiment.

Implications of the Analogy

This sports car race analogy is a powerful tool for understanding the impact of measurement choice in cognitive research. It vividly illustrates that what might seem like a subtle or technical decision can have profound implications for the results and interpretations of cognitive experiments. It serves as a cautionary tale, urging researchers to carefully consider their choice of performance measures.

Case Studies and Real-Life Examples – The Impact of Measurement Choice in Cognitive Research

Introduction to Real-World Applications

In the domain of cognitive research, the choice of measurement is not just a statistical preference but a crucial decision that can pivot the entire direction of a study. Howard Wainer’s argument about the choice between mean reaction time and mean speed finds its strength and validity in real-world research scenarios. These case studies and examples serve as tangible proof of the profound impact of this choice.

Wainer's Own Research Example

One compelling example comes from Wainer’s own research on the efficacy of various visual displays. In this study, subjects were presented with different displays alongside associated statements. Their task was to quickly respond with 'true' or 'false', depending on whether the statement correctly described the display. The primary measure of interest was the mean response time, assumed to be an effective indicator of each display's efficacy.

However, a surprising turn of events occurred when the measure was switched from response time to speed. The speed measure, calculated as the inverse of response time, led to a complete reversal in the ranking of the displays. What was previously concluded as the most effective display under the mean response time measure became the least effective when speed was considered.

The Significance of This Reversal

This reversal is not just a statistical anomaly but a profound revelation. It underlines Wainer's point that the choice of measurement can fundamentally change our understanding of cognitive performance. In this case, it led to a diametrically opposite conclusion about the efficacy of visual displays, highlighting the potential risks of relying on a single measure without considering its implications.

Broader Implications in Cognitive Research

This phenomenon is not isolated to Wainer's study alone. Across the field of cognitive research, there have been numerous instances where the choice between speed and reaction time as a measure has led to different interpretations and conclusions. These instances serve as a reminder of the far-reaching implications of our methodological choices. They underscore the need for cognitive researchers to be acutely aware of how their choice of performance measures can shape the conclusions drawn from their data.

The Nonlinearity of Transformations

Introduction to Nonlinearity

In cognitive research, understanding the relationship between different types of data transformations is crucial. Howard Wainer's work highlights an important aspect of this: the nonlinearity of transformations between mean reaction time and mean speed. This section delves into why this nonlinearity is significant and how it affects research outcomes.

The Core Concept of Nonlinear Transformation

Nonlinearity in data transformation refers to a situation where the relationship between variables is not direct or proportional. In the context of Wainer's research, this is evident in the relationship between reaction time and speed. Converting from one to the other is not a straightforward process, and this transformation can significantly alter the interpretation of data.

Impact on Cognitive Research Findings

The key issue with nonlinear transformations is that they can lead to misinterpretations when researchers are not careful about their choice of measurement. As Wainer demonstrated, using the arithmetic mean in these transformations can be misleading. The mean of a set of numbers and the mean of their inverses (or reciprocals) do not correspond in the same way as the original numbers. This mathematical reality can lead to erroneous conclusions in cognitive research if not properly understood and accounted for.

Real-World Example from Wainer's Study

A concrete example of this is evident in Wainer's study on visual display efficacy. The mean response time for a display seemed to suggest one conclusion, but when transformed into mean speed, the conclusion was reversed. This outcome was a direct result of the nonlinearity inherent in the transformation between time and speed.

Implications for Data Interpretation

This nonlinearity has significant implications for how we interpret data in cognitive research. It underscores the need for researchers to be vigilant about the measures they choose and to be aware of the mathematical properties of these measures. Understanding the nonlinearity of transformations is crucial to avoid misinterpretation of results and to ensure that conclusions are based on accurate data analysis.

In summary, the nonlinearity of transformations between measures like reaction time and speed is a pivotal consideration in cognitive research. It's a reminder of the complexity inherent in data analysis and the importance of choosing the right tools and methods to interpret our findings accurately. As researchers continue to navigate the intricacies of cognitive performance, a deep understanding of these mathematical relationships is essential.

Proposed Solutions and Alternatives

Introduction to Addressing the Measurement Challenge

In cognitive research, identifying a problem is only the first step. The next, and perhaps more crucial, is finding a solution. Howard Wainer’s work not only highlights the issues with using mean reaction time and mean speed but also proposes practical solutions and alternatives. This section explores these suggestions and their implications for cognitive research.

Wainer's Recommendations for Measurement Choices

Wainer advocates for a more critical approach to choosing measurement methods. His primary recommendation is to examine both mean reaction time and mean speed in studies. If these measures point to the same conclusion, researchers can confidently proceed. However, if they lead to different outcomes, further scrutiny is required.

Use of Medians and Trimmed Means

One of Wainer’s key solutions is the use of medians or trimmed means as alternatives to the arithmetic mean. The median, being less susceptible to outliers, offers a more robust measure of central tendency. Similarly, trimmed means, which involve removing a percentage of the highest and lowest data points before calculating the mean, can provide a more accurate representation of the central tendency, especially in skewed distributions.

Theoretical Justification for Alternative Measures

Wainer’s suggestions are grounded in a strong theoretical basis. He argues that since cognitive processes occur in 'real-time,' responses should ideally be recorded in the same manner. This rationale supports the use of real-time measures like reaction times but also underscores the importance of considering their reciprocals (speeds) to avoid misinterpretation.

Implications for Cognitive Research Methodology

Adopting these alternative measures can have significant implications for research methodology in cognitive science. It encourages researchers to move beyond conventional methods and consider more robust statistical approaches. This shift can lead to more accurate and reliable interpretations of cognitive performance data.

Wainer’s proposed solutions and alternatives present a significant challenge to the traditional approaches in cognitive measurement. By advocating for a more nuanced and thoughtful approach to data analysis, they push for research findings that are not just statistically sound, but also genuinely reflective of cognitive performance. These recommendations are particularly relevant as the field of cognitive research continues to evolve, offering a valuable framework to guide future studies in this dynamic area.

Theoretical Implications and Further Research

Introduction to Theoretical Implications

The insights and recommendations proposed by Howard Wainer in his exploration of cognitive performance measures do not exist in a vacuum. They have far-reaching theoretical implications and open up avenues for further research in cognitive science. This final section discusses these broader implications and the future directions they suggest for the field.

Implications for Cognitive Theory

Wainer's work challenges some of the foundational assumptions in cognitive research, particularly regarding data analysis and interpretation. By demonstrating how the choice of measurement can drastically alter research outcomes, his findings urge a reevaluation of existing theories and models that may have been built on these measures. This reevaluation could lead to significant revisions in our understanding of cognitive processes.

Potential for New Research Directions

The issues and solutions highlighted by Wainer pave the way for new research directions. Future studies could focus on comparing the efficacy of different measurement methods in various cognitive tasks. There is also scope for developing new methodologies that combine the strengths of different measures to provide a more comprehensive understanding of cognitive performance.

Addressing Measurement Challenges in Diverse Settings

Wainer's insights are also relevant beyond laboratory settings. For instance, in educational and clinical psychology, the choice of measurement can have practical implications. Applying Wainer’s recommendations in these contexts could improve assessment accuracy, benefiting both research and practice.

The Importance of Robust Statistical Methods

Wainer's advocacy for robust statistical methods, like the use of trimmed means, highlights the need for cognitive science to embrace more sophisticated statistical tools. This advancement is crucial for the field to adequately address the complexities of human cognition and to produce more reliable and valid results.

Howard Wainer's contributions in the field of cognitive performance measurement extend beyond critique, representing a significant call to action for the cognitive science community. His work is an encouragement for researchers to deeply scrutinize their methodologies and adopt more robust statistical methods. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of continually questioning and refining theoretical assumptions. As the field progresses in its journey to understand the intricacies of the human mind, Wainer’s insights urge us to embrace these lessons, aiming for heightened clarity and precision in our scientific pursuits.

🏃‍♂️💭🕒 TLDR:

  • 🧠🔍 In cognitive research, choosing between mean reaction time and mean speed is crucial, not just convenient.
  • 🏎️🔄 Howard Wainer's sports car race analogy demonstrates how different measurements can lead to opposite conclusions.
  • 📊✨ His studies show that switching from reaction time to speed can completely reverse findings, highlighting the impact of measurement choice.
  • 📈🧐 Wainer advocates for medians or trimmed means over averages for more robust and accurate data analysis.
  • 🎯🚀 Conclusion: Careful selection of performance measures is essential for true understanding in cognitive science.

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The Unseen Opponent: Mental Fatigue in Sports Performance

Mental fatigue in rugby: tackling isn't just about physical force.

How to increase reaction speed

Adding catalyst isn’t the only option

In con­duct­ing chem­i­cal ex­per­i­ments , ex­per­i­menters of­ten face the ques­tion of how to in­crease re­ac­tion speed, or how to start the re­ac­tion, whether it’s a re­versible process or not. Here the fol­low­ing meth­ods are re­quired:

  • raise the tem­per­a­ture;
  • add a cat­a­lyst;
  • in­crease the con­cen­tra­tion of reagents ;
  • change the ag­gre­gate state of reagents, re­duce their size (in­crease the area of con­tact of sub­stances).

reaction speed experiments

Re­ac­tion speed is a char­ac­ter­is­tic of a chem­i­cal re­ac­tion which shows a change in con­cen­tra­tion of one of the reagents in a unit of time.

In­creas­ing the tem­per­a­ture of the re­ac­tion is the most uni­ver­sal and sim­ple method of ac­cel­er­at­ing the in­ter­ac­tion of reagents.

In the in­ter­ac­tion of sub­stances with one an­oth­er, their par­ti­cles col­lide, as a re­sult of which the elec­trons from the out­er or­bitals may move from one atom to an­oth­er. Not all in­ter­ac­tions lead to a change in the state of medi­ums, only par­ti­cles with a high ki­net­ic en­er­gy are ca­pa­ble of “knock­ing out” elec­trons.

The ques­tion of how to in­crease ki­net­ic en­er­gy is solved by heat­ing the sub­stance; the par­ti­cles in­crease their move­ment in medi­ums, and the num­ber of col­li­sions in­creas­es. The re­ac­tion ac­cel­er­ates.

To de­ter­mine the de­pen­dence of the speed of the process on the tem­per­a­ture, you must use the Van ‘t Hoff rule, but it can­not work for all types of chem­i­cal re­ac­tions. It can only be used to give an ap­prox­i­mate es­ti­mate of the in­flu­ence of the tem­per­a­ture in a range from 0 to 100 de­grees Cel­sius.

In the home, you can pre­pare and ex­am­ine the ther­mal de­pen­dence of a chem­i­cal re­ac­tion on the ex­am­ple of the in­ter­ac­tion of a so­lu­tion of io­dine and starch . This is an in­ter­est­ing ex­per­i­ment which can even be rec­om­mend­ed for be­gin­ner chemists. Dis­solve a tea­spoon of starch in a small amount of wa­ter, adding a lit­tle io­dine.

I₂ + (C₆H₁₀O₅)n (starch) ⇄ I₂*(C₆H₁₀O₅)n

The re­ac­tion is re­versible. The com­bi­na­tion ob­tained as a re­sult is un­sta­ble, it col­ors the wa­ter blue, and at high tem­per­a­ture it be­comes col­or­less (the speed of its break­down in­creas­es). When it cools, the wa­ter turns blue once again.

reaction speed experiments

Dozens of experiments you can do at home

One of the most exciting and ambitious home-chemistry educational projects The Royal Society of Chemistry


  1. Experiment: How Fast Your Brain Reacts To Stimuli

    This experiment will be broken into two phases. The first test will use one ruler, while the second test will use two. Experiment 1: In this phase you and your partner will test visual, auditory, and tactile reaction times using one ruler. Have your friend sit at a table with their dominant hand over the edge.

  2. Think Fast! Measure Your Reaction Time!

    The equation to calculate averages is: Average = (trial 1 + trial 2 + trial 3 + trial 4 + trial 5)/5. Use the average distance you calculated in Step 9 and refer to the table below to find the average speed of reaction time for each volunteer. Record this value in the row 'Average Reaction Time' for each column.

  3. Reactions & Rates

    Explore what makes a reaction happen by colliding atoms and molecules. Design experiments with different reactions, concentrations, and temperatures. When are reactions reversible? What affects the rate of a reaction?

  4. Reaction Time Ruler

    The neural pathway involved in a reaction time experiment involves a series of neural processes. This experiment does not test a simple reflex. Rather, this activity is designed to measure the response time to something that you see. Catching a dropped ruler begins with the eye watching the ruler in anticipation of it falling.

  5. Speedy Science: How Fast Can You React?

    On average, reaction time takes between 150 and 300 milliseconds. If that sounds like a long time, think about how much has to happen for you to react. When your eye sees the ruler falling ...

  6. Measuring Reaction Time Experiment

    We can use the distance the meter stick fell before you caught it to figure out your reaction time. The following formula is the basis: d = 1/2 gt 2. In this formula, "d" equals the distance the object fell, "g" equals gravitational acceleration (9.8 m/s 2 ), and "t" is the time the object was falling. To simplify the process, we ...

  7. Reaction Time Experiment

    Procedure. 1. Have your partner sit in a sturdy chair with their forearm extending over the edge of the table. Your partner's job is to catch a dropped ruler between their thumb and forefinger. 2. Hold the zero line of the ruler or meter stick at the top of your partner's thumb and forefinger. 3. Drop the ruler and have your partner catch ...

  8. Experiments on speed of reaction: how to interpret graphs

    The y-value at every point tells us the mass of reaction mixture left. If you draw a gradient at a point, the absolute value tells us the speed of reaction at that point in time. 5. Clock experiments measure the time a reaction takes to complete. For the time graphs that we have talked about, time is the independent variable.

  9. Investigating rates of reaction with on-screen simulations

    The rate, or speed, or a reaction is a measure of how quickly a reaction happens. • Some reactions, like explosions, are very quick - they finish within seconds. ... With these experiments we find that we can speed up and slow down reactions by changing some properties. For example - in general: • when reactants have .

  10. React Fast: How Size Determines Rate

    Take the fourth tablet and ground it into a powder. To do this, put the tablet to be ground inside a clean, folded piece of paper. Place the folded paper on a solid surface and use a spoon to ...

  11. Does Temperature Affect Reaction Rates?

    You can also use the bleaching reaction to investigate how the reactant concentration (dye or bleach) influence the speed of the reaction. Results from these experiments will allow students to derive the complete rate law by determining the reaction order with respect to the bleach and dye based on the information given in Table 1.

  12. How to Test your Reaction Time

    How to test your reaction time. Hold the top of the ruler with your arm stretched out. Your fingers should be on the highest measurement. Ask a friend to put their thumb and index finger slightly open at the bottom of the ruler, with the ruler between their fingers. They need to grab the ruler as soon as it drops.

  13. PDF Experiment 3 Chemical Kinetics

    In order to determine the speed of the reaction we are going to focus here on the permanganate and simply equate the speed with the time it takes to use up the permanganate. Rate = - [KMnO4] ... three experiments you will notice that experiment 2 and 3 are related to 1 in that one of the concentrations is

  14. Reaction Time Test

    Matching Game. This test analyzes your reflexes and measures how fast you can react to the on-screen prompts. It precisely calculates how fast you click and displays the result in milliseconds. The average score of this reaction time test is 273 ms. A lower number means your reaction to the on-screen prompt took less time to click.

  15. PDF Reaction Time How fast does your brain send messages to your body

    5. Using the reaction time chart, convert the distance to reaction time. 6. Use the Reaction time graph to graph your data to measure trends. 7. Change different variables to see what might cause reaction time to be faster or slower. ESTIMATED TIME 15-30 Minutes @home In collaboration with: Funded by:

  16. Reactions: Rates of Reaction

    The rate of a reaction is the speed at which a chemical reaction happens. If a reaction has a low rate, that means the molecules combine at a slower speed than a reaction with a high rate. Some reactions take hundreds, maybe even thousands, of years while others can happen in less than one second. If you want to think of a very slow reaction ...

  17. Measuring The Speed Of A Reaction

    Many lab activities can be conducted with our Wireless, PASPORT, or even ScienceWorkshop sensors and equipment. For assistance with substituting compatible instruments, contact PASCO Technical Support. We're here to help. Students use a spectrometer to determine the order of a reaction and the effect of variables on the reaction rate.

  18. Speed of Reaction

    Browse all O Level Chemistry notes, exam questions, and quizzes on Speed of Reaction. Show all. Notes. Speed of Reaction. Speed of ReactionNotes. 29 Jul 2020. Speeding up reactions with catalysts and enzymes. Catalyse your revision on catalysts and enzymes. NotesSpeed of Reaction.

  19. Reaction Time vs. Speed in Research

    This analogy is not just a theoretical exercise but mirrors a real-world dilemma in cognitive research. Much like the differing interpretations of the race rules, the choice between using mean reaction time or mean speed in cognitive experiments can lead to contrasting conclusions. This analogy brings to light a key issue: the same data can be ...

  20. How to increase reaction speed

    Here the fol­low­ing meth­ods are re­quired: raise the tem­per­a­ture; add a cat­a­lyst; in­crease the con­cen­tra­tion of reagents; change the ag­gre­gate state of reagents, re­duce their size (in­crease the area of con­tact of sub­stances). [Deposit Photos] Re­ac­tion speed is a char­ac­ter­is­tic of a chem­i­cal re ...

  21. PDF Reaction Times and Hypothesis Testing

    Calculate reaction time in seconds as before. A computer-based test of reaction times appear below. Go to the web site and follow the instructions. Method 4: This is a 'choice reaction time test' which tests how fast you can respond to the random appearance of dots in a grid over the course of 30 seconds.