
PHY101 Assignment No 2 Solution Spring 2023

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Phy101 assignment no 2 solution spring 2023 – vu assignment solution – vu spring assignment solution.

The PHY101 Assignment No 2 Solution Spring 2023  of Virtual University (VU) course assignment, and I will share with you today the solution I came up with. Always come back to StudySolution for the most recent updates regarding the answers to your assignments.

PHY101 Assignment No 2 Solution Spring 2023

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Study Solution is an educational platform that offers students a free VU assignment solution to further their education. The solutions to the VU assignments provided by this site are the product of the professional and extensive experience of educators who are acknowledged authorities in their respective areas.

PHY101 Assignment No 2 Solution Spring 2023  This assignment solution for Virtual University has been crafted with careful consideration given to the particular needs of the students as well as the course material. Study Solution provides a solution for completing assignments associated with Virtual University that is dependable, accurate, and up-to-date.

The VU assignment solution file will be available at no cost during the Spring 2023 semester. You can use all VU assignment solution files for your VU assignments . We can guarantee that if you use our VU assignment help, you will improve the grades that you receive on your assignments.

We know that the Virtual University can be a complex learning environment, particularly for students just starting. That is why we provide the Virtual University Assignment Solution to assist you. Please contact us using the comment box to let us know about any Virtual University Assignment Solution requirements you may have.

PHY101 Assignment No 2 Solution Spring 2023  The assignments play a significant role in the educational experience at VU, which is consistently ranked among the nation’s best universities. There are a lot of students that struggle to finish their VU assignments on time; this is where Study Solution comes in.

Assignment No 2

Spring 2023

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(PHY101) Assignment # 2 Solution Semester: SPRING 2023 PHYSICS (PHY101)

Total Marks: 25 Due Date: 24th July, 2023

The assignment has been designed to enhance your

knowledge and understanding about Laws of Physics and

application of Physics in our daily life.


 Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:  To solve this assignment, you should have good command over 16 to 38 video lectures.  The assignment will not be accepted after due date.  Zero marks will be awarded to the assignment that does not open or the file is corrupt.

 The assignment file must be an MS word (doc) file format; Assignment will not be accepted in any other format.  Use Math Type or Equation Editor etc for mathematical symbols.  Zero marks will be awarded to the assignment if copied (from other student or copied from handouts or internet).  Don’t wait for the last date to submit your assignment.

For any query about the assignment, contact only [email protected]

Do not post queries related to assignment on MDB.

In a series circuit, the current remains the same at any given point. This is because the current flowing through one component is equal to the current flowing through any other component connected in series. When current flows through a resistor, it encounters resistance. According to Ohm's Law, if the resistance (R) increases, the current (I) will decrease for a given voltage (V). As the current passes through the resistor, energy is dissipated in the form of heat due to the resistance. However, the total current entering the resistor must be the same as the total current leaving it since the circuit is in series.

Therefore, the current remains constant both before and after passing through the resistor.

Question # Marks = 05

Using the law of Physics, explain this concept, “why do waves changes path when their speed changes”? Explain this phenomenon, for instance, using the mechanical comparison in the photo shown.

Refraction of waves involves a change in the direction of waves as they pass from one medium to another. Refraction, or bending of the path of the waves, is accompanied by a change in speed I and wavelength of the waves. So if the media (or its

properties) are changed, the speed of the wave is changed. Thus, waves passing from one medium to another will undergo refraction.

In given figure we clearly see that is first path is straight and it medium is dry road, and it enters into Water(ice) its change its speed and path as well by the phenomenon of refraction

Question # 3 Marks = 05

A physics student asserted that he had determined that a substance (material) had a refractive index of 0. Give your professional judgement on this claim. Give a good argument to support it or negate it.

Question # 4 Marks = 10

What portion (percentage) of this iceberg lies beneath the surface of the water? Use the density values listed in the figure. Use the law of physics to compute it.

FB  W . gV  V Vi

Here V =Volume of water is displaced by the iceberg =

volume of the iceberg below the surface V =Volume of the iceberg

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Course : Information Technology (IT430)

University : virtual university of pakistan.

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  • More from: Information Technology IT430 Virtual University of Pakistan 276   Documents Go to course

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PHY101 Assignment 2 Sol

Information technology (it430), virtual university of pakistan, recommended for you, students also viewed.

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(PHY101) Assignment # 2 Solution Semester: SPRING 2023 PHYSICS (PHY101)

Total Marks: 25 Due Date: 24th July, 2023

The assignment has been designed to enhance your

knowledge and understanding about Laws of Physics and

application of Physics in our daily life.


 Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:  To solve this assignment, you should have good command over 16 to 38 video lectures.  The assignment will not be accepted after due date.  Zero marks will be awarded to the assignment that does not open or the file is corrupt.

 The assignment file must be an MS word (doc) file format; Assignment will not be accepted in any other format.  Use Math Type or Equation Editor etc for mathematical symbols.  Zero marks will be awarded to the assignment if copied (from other student or copied from handouts or internet).  Don’t wait for the last date to submit your assignment.

For any query about the assignment, contact only [email protected]

Do not post queries related to assignment on MDB.

In a series circuit, the current remains the same at any given point. This is because the current flowing through one component is equal to the current flowing through any other component connected in series. When current flows through a resistor, it encounters resistance. According to Ohm's Law, if the resistance (R) increases, the current (I) will decrease for a given voltage (V). As the current passes through the resistor, energy is dissipated in the form of heat due to the resistance. However, the total current entering the resistor must be the same as the total current leaving it since the circuit is in series.

Therefore, the current remains constant both before and after passing through the resistor.

Question # Marks = 05

Using the law of Physics, explain this concept, “why do waves changes path when their speed changes”? Explain this phenomenon, for instance, using the mechanical comparison in the photo shown.

Refraction of waves involves a change in the direction of waves as they pass from one medium to another. Refraction, or bending of the path of the waves, is accompanied by a change in speed I and wavelength of the waves. So if the media (or its

properties) are changed, the speed of the wave is changed. Thus, waves passing from one medium to another will undergo refraction.

In given figure we clearly see that is first path is straight and it medium is dry road, and it enters into Water(ice) its change its speed and path as well by the phenomenon of refraction

Question # 3 Marks = 05

A physics student asserted that he had determined that a substance (material) had a refractive index of 0. Give your professional judgement on this claim. Give a good argument to support it or negate it.

Question # 4 Marks = 10

What portion (percentage) of this iceberg lies beneath the surface of the water? Use the density values listed in the figure. Use the law of physics to compute it.

FB  W . gV  V Vi

Here V =Volume of water is displaced by the iceberg =

volume of the iceberg below the surface V =Volume of the iceberg

  • Multiple Choice

Course : Information Technology (IT430)

University : virtual university of pakistan.

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phy 101 assignment 2 solution 2023


The virtual university offers program Physics-PHY101 for their students. Here you can download helping materials related to this subject like Handouts, Midterm solved papers and Final term solved papers. These papers have been solved by students up to their best knowledge, but if you find any mistake in solution, or if you find any answer to the unsolved question, then do comment at the bottom of the article with correct answer with proper reference. Click on the below link for download study material related to these subjects.

PHY101 Handouts in Pdf

               2. Download_PHY101 Finalterm Solved Subjective With Reference by Faheem

3. Download_PHY101 Finalterm Solved MCQ’s With Reference by Sono

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  1. PHY101 Assignment No 2 Solution Spring 2023 - StudySolution

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  8. PHY101 Ass#2 Solution 2023 by @studywithhamza25 | PDF - Scribd

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    phy 101 assignment 2 solution spring 2023|phy 101 assignment 2 solution 2023|phy 101 assignment 2

  10. PHY101 Solved Midterm & Finalterm Solved papers with Reference

    The virtual university offers program Physics-PHY101 for their students. Here you can download helping materials related to this subject like Handouts, Midterm solved papers and Final term solved papers.