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how does the phd program work

10 things you need to know before starting a PhD degree

So you want to do a PhD degree, huh? Here we've got everything you need to know about getting started.

So you want to do a PhD degree, huh? Are you sure about that? It’s not going to be an easy decision, so I’ve put together a list of 10 things you need to know before starting a PhD degree. Oh, and don’t panic!

I have recently graduated from the University of Manchester with a PhD in Plant Sciences after four difficult, but enjoyable, years. During those four years, I often felt slightly lost – and there was more than one occasion on which I didn’t even want to imagine writing up my thesis in fear of delving into fits of panic.

On reflection, I realise that – to quote a colleague – commencing my PhD was like “jumping in the deep end with your eyes closed.” If only I’d known to take a deep breath.

1. Are you sure you want to do a PhD degree?

Let’s be under no false impressions, completing a PhD isn’t easy. There will be times when you feel like Wile E Coyote chasing after the Roadrunner – a little bit out of your depth a lot of the time. It’s four years of your life, so make sure it is what you really want to do.

If you want to pursue a career in science, a PhD isn’t always necessary.

It is possible to make great inroads into industry without a doctoral degree. That said, a PhD can also be a very useful qualification with many transferable skills to add to your CV.

By the time you’ll have finished, you can include essentials such as time management, organisational skills, prioritising workloads, attention to detail, writing skills, presenting to an audience – and most importantly – resilience, to name but a few.

2. Choose your project, and supervisor, wisely.

This is  very  important.

Time after time, our experienced scientists at EI, including Erik Van-Den-Bergh (and I agree) say, “ make sure you’re extremely passionate about exactly that subject. ” When I saw the PhD opening that I eventually was offered, I remember being demonstrably ecstatic about the project before I’d even started it.

I was always interested in calcium signalling and organised a meeting with my potential supervisor immediately, which (to quote Billy Connolly) I leapt into in a mood of gay abandon.

Not only does this help you to keep engaged with your project even through the painstakingly slow times, it also greatly enhances your ability to sell yourself in an interview. If you can show passion and enthusiasm about the project and the science then you’ll be that one step ahead of other candidates – which is all the more important now that many studentships are competitive.

You have to  be the best  out of many, often exceptional candidates.

However, as important as it is to be passionate about your project, make sure that the person who will be supervising you is worthy.

Does your potential supervisor have a prolific track record of publishing work? What is the community of scientists like in the lab you may be working in? Are there experienced post-doctoral scientists working in the lab? Who will your advisor be? Is your supervisor an expert in the field you are interested in? Is the work you will be doing ground-breaking and novel, or is it quite niche?

There is nothing more frustrating – and I know many PhD degree students with this problem – than having a supervisor who is rarely there to talk to, shows little interest in your work, and cannot help when you are struggling in the third year of your project and some guidance would be much appreciated.

Personally, and I was very lucky to have this, I think it’s incredibly useful to have two supervisors. My PhD degree was split between the University of Manchester and the Marine Biological Association in Plymouth. Between my supervisors, I had two people with expertise in different fields, who could give me some fantastic advice from different perspectives. This also meant that I had two people to check through my thesis chapters and provide useful comments on my drafts.

PhD students networking during the last Student Symposium

Make sure you are passionate about your subject before taking it to PhD level. And by passionate I mean  really  passionate.

For a start, you will most likely have to write a literature review in your first three months, which if done well will form the main bulk of your thesis introduction and will save you a lot of stress and strain when it comes to writing up.

At the end of your first year, you will have to write a continuation report, which is your proof that you deserve to carry on to the end of your three or four years. This doesn’t leave much time for lab work, which means time management is incredibly important. If you think you’ll be able to swan in at 11 and leave at 3, think again.

Fundamentally, never, ever rest on your laurels! As tempting as it may be to slack-off slightly in the second year of your four year PhD, don’t.

4. Be organised.

This is a no-brainer but still, it’s worth a mention. Take an hour on a Monday morning to come up with a list of short-term and long-term goals. You’ll probably have to present your work at regular lab meetings, so it’s always worth knowing what has to be done (lest you look a pillock in front of the lab when there’s nothing to show for your last two weeks.)

It’s always good to have a timeline of what will be done when. If you have a PCR, maybe you can squeeze in another experiment, read a few papers, start writing the introduction to your thesis, or even start collecting the data you already have into figures.

The more good use you make of your time, the easier it’ll be to finish your PhD in the long run. Plus, it’s lovely to sit back and look at actual graphs, rather than worry about having enough to put into a paper. Once you’ve typed up your data, you’ll realise you’ve done far more than you had anticipated and the next step forward will be entirely more apparent.

5. Embrace change – don’t get bogged down in the details.

Felix Shaw – one of our bioinformatics researchers at EI – put it best when he said, “ it felt like I was running into brick walls all the way through [my PhD]… you’d run into a brick wall, surmount it, only to run straight into another. ”

You’ll find that, often, experiments don’t work. What might seem like a great idea could turn out to be as bad as choosing to bat first on a fresh wicket on the first day of the third Ashes test at Edgbaston. (Yeah, we don't know what that means either - Ed).

Resilience is key while completing your PhD. Be open to change and embrace the chance to experiment in different ways. You might even end up with a thesis chapter including all of your failures, which at the very least is something interesting to discuss during your  viva voce .

6. Learn how to build, and use, your network.

As a PhD student, you are a complete novice in the world of science and most things in the lab will be – if not new to you – not exquisitely familiar. This matters not, if you take advantage of the people around you.

Firstly, there are lab technicians and research assistants, who have probably been using the technique you are learning for years and years. They are incredibly experienced at a number of techniques and are often very happy to help show you how things are done.

There are postdocs and other PhD students, too. Not only can they help you with day-to-day experiments, they can offer a unique perspective on how something is done and will probably have a handy back-catalogue of fancy new techniques to try.

There are also a bunch of PIs, not limited to your own, who are great to talk to. These people run labs of their own, have different ideas, and might even give you a job once you’ve completed your PhD.

Don’t limit yourself to the labs directly around you, however. There are a massive number of science conferences going on all around the world. Some of them, such as the Society of Biology Conference, take place every year at a similar time in different locations, attracting many of the leaders in their respective fields.

If you are terrified by the prospect of speaking at a full-blown science conference and having your work questioned by genuine skeptics, there are also many student-led conferences which will help you dangle your fresh toes in the murky waters of presenting your work.

One such conference, the Second Student Bioinformatics Symposium, which took place at Earlham Institute in October 2016, was a great place for candidates to share their projects with peers, who are often much more friendly than veteran researchers with 30 year careers to their name when it comes to the questions at the end of your talk.

Another great reason to attend conferences, of course, is the social-side too – make the most of this. You never know who you might meet and connect with over a few drinks once the talks are over and the party commences.

7. Keep your options open.

You should be aware that for every 200 PhD students,  only 7  will get a permanent academic post , so it’s  incredibly unlikely that you’ll become a Professor  – and even if you make PI, it probably won’t be until your mid-forties.

You may also, despite having commenced along the academic path, decide that actually, working in a lab environment isn’t for you. Most PhD graduates, eventually, will not pursue an academic career, but move on to a wide range of other vocations.

It might be that Science Communication is more up your street. This was certainly the case for me – and I made sure that I took part in as many public engagement events as possible while completing my PhD. Most Universities have an active public engagement profile, while organisations such as STEM can provide you with ample opportunities to interact with schools and the general public.

You might also consider entrepreneurship as a route away from academia, which might still allow you to use your expert scientific knowledge. There are a variety of competitions and workshops available to those with a business mind, a strong example being Biotechnology YES.

I, for example, took part in the Thought for Food Challenge, through which I have been able to attend events around the world and meet a vast array of like-minded individuals. Many of the participants from the challenge have gone on to set up successful businesses and have even found jobs as a result of the competition.

10 things phd fire

8. Balance.

Remember that you still have a life outside of your PhD degree – and that this can be one of the greatest opportunities to make amazing friends from around the world.

A science institute is usually home to the brightest students from a variety of countries and can provide a chance to experience a delightful range of different people and cultures. Don’t just stick to the people in your lab, go to events for postgraduate students and meet people from all over campus.

There are usually academic happy hours happening on Fridays after work where you can buy cheap beer, or some lucky institutions even have their own bar. At Norwich Research Park, we not only have the Rec Centre, along with bar, swimming pool, calcetto, samba classes, archery, and a range of other activities, but there are also biweekly “Postdoc pub clubs” which are very fun to join on a Tuesday evening.

Maintain your hobbies and keep up with friends outside of your PhD and you’ll probably find it’s not that gruelling a process after all.

Plus, the people you meet and become friends with might be able to help you out – or at least be able to offer a sympathetic shoulder.

10 things phd relaxing

9. Practical advice.

If, after reading all of this, you’re still going to march forth and claim your doctorhood, then this section should be rather useful.

Firstly, make sure your data is backed up. It’s amazing how many people don’t do this and you’d be bonkers not to. Keep your work saved on a shared drive, so that if your computer decides to spontaneously combust upon pressing the return key, you won’t have lost all of your precious work – or have to go through every one of your lab books and type it all up again.

Secondly, don’t leave your bag in the pub with your half-written thesis in it. I did this, the bag was fine, I was in a state of terror for at least half an hour before the kind person at Weatherspoons located said bag.

Thirdly, read. Read broadly, read anything and everything that’s closely related to your project – or completely unrelated. It’s sometimes amazing where you might find a stroke of inspiration, a new technique you hadn’t thought of … or even in idea of where you might like to go next.

Finally, ask questions – all of the time. No matter how stupid it might sound in your head, everyone’s probably been asked it before, and if you don’t ask, you don’t get.

You’ll probably look far less stupid if you just ask the person standing next to you how the gradient PCR function works on your thermal cycler rather than standing there randomly prodding buttons and looking flustered, anyway.

10. Savour the positives.

At the end of all of this, it has to be said that doing a PhD is absolutely brilliant. There’s no other time in your life that you’ll be this free to pursue your very own project and work almost completely independently. By the time you come to the end of your PhD, you will be the leading expert in the world on something. A real expert! Until the next PhD student comes along …

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What Is a PhD? Definition, Types of PhDs, and How to Get One

What is a PhD and is it really worth my time? This is a common question among professionals across a variety of fields, both within and outside academia, who contemplate grad school at some point in their journey. If you’ve ever wondered what a doctorate is and whether you should pursue one to advance your career and gain access to better job opportunities, read on.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through key definitions, including what a PhD actually is, the common requirements you need to complete a PhD degree, and the best degree programs available for a wide range of industries. It will also discuss the main benefits of becoming a Doctor of Philosophy, as well as the most common ways to fund your studies.

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What is a doctorate.

A doctorate is a research-based academic degree. It is considered a terminal degree in most disciplines, meaning it represents the highest level of education a student can obtain in their chosen field.

A doctorate is awarded to students who have undergone a lengthy research process and made a significant contribution to the body of knowledge in their field of study. It takes multiple years to complete, during which students work closely with a supervisor and focus on a specific dissertation topic. Completing a doctorate might also involve teaching and comprehensive examinations.

A doctorate serves as solid proof of a person’s level of knowledge and expertise. It demonstrates that you have mastery over your chosen subject, and helps establish you as an expert. This level of expertise comes with top-tier job opportunities and the potential to earn top salaries in your chosen profession.

Doctorate vs PhD: Key Differences

While many people use the terms doctorate and PhD interchangeably, there are key differences between the two. These differences have to do with the application of these degrees. However, both terms refer to terminal degrees, so they hold the same value.

A Doctor of Philosophy degree, or PhD, is a research-oriented degree that demonstrates a person’s ability to contribute new knowledge to their chosen field. A student who pursues a PhD usually does so to answer a specific question, conduct original research to provide an answer, and use their findings to advance their field.

On the other hand, the term doctorate is broader and typically refers to a professional or clinical degree. This means that a person who obtains it has demonstrated an ability to apply advanced knowledge in a particular field in their professional life. Professional doctorates of this kind are awarded, for instance, to medical doctors or doctors of juridical science.

PhD Requirements: How to Get a PhD

While each PhD degree program will have unique requirements depending on the school and field of study, there are some common requirements you need to complete to get a PhD. Keep reading to find out about the most common requirements to earn your advanced degree.

PhD Statement of Purpose

A PhD statement of purpose is a document that clearly outlines your goals for your PhD, your academic credentials, and the reasons why an academic committee should approve your project. It is typically between 500 to 1,000 words long and gives prospective students an opportunity to explain how their research project will make a relevant contribution to their field.

How Many Credits Is a PhD?

Typically, it takes between 90 and 120 credits to complete your PhD studies. However, this number can be as low as 60, depending on the degree type, area of study, and state, regional, or institutional requirements. Credit hours for graduate students are usually divided between course work, research hours, and dissertation work.

Other Common Requirements for a PhD

  • Coursework. While coursework is not the main focus of a PhD, students will usually have to enroll in a few core courses during their first or second year of grad school. They might also have the opportunity to enroll in elective courses, which offer a chance to learn about other fields of study.
  • Qualifying exams. A common component of many PhD programs is a set of qualifying exams. Students must successfully pass these comprehensive exams toward the end of their degree in order to demonstrate their level of competence in their field. These tend to be oral exams.
  • Teaching. Many PhD programs include a teaching component. Students are required to teach basic courses, typically to fresh undergrad students, which helps them develop teaching skills.
  • Research. Conducting original research on a particular subject is typically the main component of a doctorate program, and takes up the bulk of doctoral candidates’ time.
  • Dissertation. Throughout their program, PhD candidates need to complete a dissertation based on the original research they’ve conducted. Graduate students do this under the guidance of a qualified faculty member.
  • Dissertation defense. Once the dissertation is approved, PhD students need to successfully defend their research in front of a panel of experts in their field before they are awarded their degree. This is the final step in the dissertation process.

How Do PhD Programs Work?

Typically, PhD degree programs work based on a mix of coursework and research conducted over three to four years, although this can last longer depending on the program and the pace at which a student completes their research. Coursework is typically completed towards the beginning of the program, and towards the end, the dissertation or thesis becomes the main focus.

In addition, students must fulfill other program requirements throughout this period. This might include teaching undergraduate students, completing a residency, passing qualifying exams, or attending conferences or colloquia. The final step is usually an oral defense in front of a panel of experts, who are selected to evaluate the quality of the research and the value of the results obtained.

Do You Need a Master’s to Get a PhD?

No, a master’s degree is not always required to pursue PhD studies. Many programs in the US allow students to apply to a PhD program straight after completing their bachelor’s degree. Other programs offer dual degrees, meaning that you will obtain a master’s degree while you work toward your doctorate.

What Comes After a Doctorate Degree?

In many fields, the usual step after a doctorate degree is a postdoc. This is an option for those wishing to pursue a career in academia and continue doing research in their field. However, an academic career is not the only option. Because a doctorate is a terminal degree, graduates can easily move on to professional positions in other types of organizations in their chosen field.

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PhD Dissertation vs Thesis

The main difference between a dissertation and a thesis is the scope of the research being conducted and the type of degree you are awarded after completing it. Often, the terms are used interchangeably, or they can hold different meanings in European countries, which causes some confusion regarding their nature. Keep reading to understand the differences between a PhD dissertation and a thesis in the US.

What Is a PhD Dissertation?

A PhD dissertation is a piece of scholarly work that presents the original research carried out by a doctoral student during the length of their program. It discusses the scope, methodology, results, and conclusions of the research at length. The end goal of a doctoral dissertation is to produce results that help advance human knowledge in a given field.

PhD Dissertation Defense

A PhD dissertation defense is the process in which a PhD candidate defends their research in front of a panel of experts in their field. During the defense, members of the panel ask questions regarding the information presented, providing the candidate an opportunity to back up their work and demonstrate the level of expertise they’ve achieved after years of dedicated work.

What Is a PhD Thesis?

In the US, as opposed to some European countries, the term thesis refers to a shorter academic paper that is usually presented for the completion of a master’s degree. It can also sometimes be a requirement for honors students completing a bachelor’s degree. The information presented in a thesis is usually drawn from existing sources, rather than from original research conducted by the student.

PhD Thesis Defense

A thesis defense is usually not a mandatory requirement for master’s students, although this varies according to your school and department. The thesis is still an in-depth piece of scholarly writing and serves as a testament to a student’s mastery of a given subject, and a defense serves as an opportunity to engage a panel of experts and defend the contents of your paper.

How Long Does It Take to Earn a Doctorate?

Most doctoral programs are designed to be completed in four to six years. However, it can take up to seven and a half years to earn a doctoral degree from the start of graduate school, according to data presented by the National Science Foundation.

A number of factors can affect how long it takes students to earn their PhDs. They include the structure of their chosen program, the type of research being conducted, and the support provided by the institution. On average, students completing doctoral programs in science and engineering fields finish faster than their counterparts in non-science and engineering fields.

How Hard Is It to Get a PhD?

It can be very hard to get a PhD. Working for several years on a particular dissertation topic can be very trying. Aside from the time commitment, the depth of research that is part of the dissertation process can also be challenging. Admissions to a top education institution can be extremely competitive, as usually there are only a handful of positions available for hundreds of applicants.

What Is the Easiest PhD to Get?

PhDs in the humanities, social sciences, and education are typically regarded as the easiest to obtain. However, this truly comes down to how interested you are in your chosen dissertation topic and your level of commitment to making a relevant contribution to human knowledge, both of which can greatly influence your perception of the difficulty of the degree.

How Much Does a PhD Cost?

According to data from the National Center for Education Statistics, the average yearly cost of graduate programs in the US is $19,792. Data from the QS World University Rankings suggest that the yearly cost of a PhD in the US ranges from $28,000 to $40,000. The total cost of a PhD can greatly vary depending on the university, length of the program, and funding options available for doctoral study.

Best PhD Programs

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Benefits of a Doctoral Degree: Why Do a PhD?

There are many concrete benefits to completing a doctorate, such as career advancement opportunities, expertise in your field, and the chance to earn better salaries. Keep reading to find out about some concrete reasons why you should do a PhD to advance your career.

Career Advancement Opportunities

Holding a doctorate can provide you with great opportunities to advance your career. Many top-tier jobs in various industries require applicants to be experts in their field. For instance, a PhD in Business Administration can make you a strong candidate for senior, managerial, or executive positions in world-class companies in the public or private sector, or help you launch an independent career as a consultant.

Even for jobs where this type of formal training is not required, you may still find yourself in fierce competition with other applicants. A PhD can help you stand out as a candidate, as it demonstrates your ability to conduct research, work independently, and succeed in pursuing your long-term goals.

Increased Earning Potential

One of the top benefits of completing your doctoral degree is the potential for earning better salaries. For example, the average yearly income for a professional with a Master’s Degree in Physics is $99,000, while someone with a PhD in Physics can expect to earn up to $119,000 yearly.

Expertise in Your Field

Earning a doctorate helps solidify your status as an expert in your field. If there is a topic that you are deeply passionate about, your PhD is your chance to fully immerse yourself in it. Through this process, you will be making important contributions and developing groundbreaking practices in your area.

Transferable Skills

Aside from your ability to work independently and conduct research in your area of expertise, you will also develop a variety of transferable skills that will be useful to you no matter what you choose to do after graduation.

Throughout your program, you will be participating in committees, teaching, organizing conferences, publishing your work, and meeting other experts. As a result, you will develop multipurpose skills, including time and project management, communication and interpersonal skills, and leadership skills.

While you pursue your academic degree, you will be participating in academic conferences, workshops, seminars, and colloquia. This, in turn, means you will have ample opportunities to connect with other doctoral students in your field and in other areas of knowledge. The connections you make through your PhD can lead to career opportunities and expand your social circle in new and interesting ways.

How to Earn a Doctoral Degree

So, how do you earn a doctoral degree? While there is work to be put in, the process is actually quite straightforward. Keep reading to find out how you can embark on the path toward your PhD.

The first step to earning your doctorate is to complete a bachelor’s degree at the undergraduate institution of your choice. Depending on your chosen field, you might need to obtain a degree in a specific discipline, which can then pave the way for your graduate studies.

If a bachelor’s degree is not an option right away, you can start by obtaining an associate degree , which can even be done through the best online community colleges . While you obtain your undergraduate degree, make sure to seek out career advice from experts who can help you decide how to best use your time and embark on the right academic path.

While earning a master’s degree is not mandatory to apply to a PhD program, doing so can offer you a competitive advantage. It will give you a chance to deepen your knowledge on a particular topic, connect with professors and gather recommendations, and test the waters regarding your chosen field.

In order to successfully apply to a master’s degree program, you will have to provide your GPA, letters of recommendation, and sometimes standardized test scores. For instance, if you’re interested in pursuing a Master’s Degree in Mathematics , you will need to prep for the GMAT and submit your scores. Be sure to check the requirements of your chosen school and department.

Whether you have completed your master’s or are applying straight after your bachelor's, make sure to spend some time choosing your specific research area and the type of PhD you wish to pursue. This is also an excellent time to assess funding opportunities and contact potential supervisors to gauge their interest in and ability to support you during your studies.

In order to enroll in a doctoral program, you will need to provide quite a few documents with your application. Every school is different, but the most common requirements are transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a strong statement of purpose. Make sure you check the specific requirements of your chosen program, and prepare to be interviewed by faculty members.

After being accepted into a doctoral program, you should outline what the next few years will look like. What requirements do you need to complete to earn your PhD? Spend time crafting a realistic timeline that can help you stay on track and complete every step successfully. This includes teaching, participating in conferences, and successfully completing your qualifying exams.

The final step to obtaining your PhD is to successfully complete your research and compile your results in your dissertation. Once it is reviewed and approved by your supervisor and readers, you will have to defend it as well. It can be a trying process, but the results will be worth it.

How to Choose a PhD Program

In order to choose a PhD program that is right for you, there are several factors you should consider. A PhD is a strong commitment both in terms of time and money, so the decision shouldn’t be made lightly. Keep reading to find out how to choose a PhD program.

PhD Acceptance Rates

The PhD acceptance rates of a university give you an idea of how likely you are to be admitted to your chosen program. This number is a reflection of how competitive a program is and the funding the department receives. Use this information to orient yourself to the selection process, as applying to a variety of programs with different acceptance rates can increase your chances of being accepted into one of them.

Keep in mind that acceptance rates are usually measured by department, not university. For instance, Columbia University has an acceptance rate of four to six percent for its psychology PhD program , and an acceptance rate of five to seven percent for its history PhD .

PhD Dropout Rates

PhD dropout rates are important to consider, as they give you an idea of how supported students are in a particular program and how likely you are to complete your doctorate. In the US, PhD attrition rates, or dropout rates, can range from 40 to 50 percent , so take your time to find a university and program with a high success rate to ensure you will be able to finish and obtain your degree.

Faculty Members

One of the key relationships you will have during your time as a PhD student will be with your supervisor. You will also be working closely with other members of your department. As such, make sure to research the faculty to ensure that their interests and research projects align with your own. During the research stage, you can even reach out to them to find out about the department, ask about funding opportunities, and receive relevant career advice.

Funding Opportunities

A PhD can be costly, but there are many ways to offset those costs to make it more manageable. Be it scholarships, grants, or work opportunities, make sure to research all funding opportunities available so you can select a program that aligns with your financial situation. Many universities offer fully-funded programs to outstanding students, so do your homework and find a program that doesn’t leave you financially crippled in the long run.

When you commit to a PhD, you are also committing to several years of work. Unless you are planning to complete your program fully online, you should take into account the place where you will be moving to continue your studies.

Do you prefer big cities or small college towns? Which part of the country would you be willing to relocate to? Take some time to reflect on your preferences so you can choose the best location according to your needs and preferences.

Best Online PhD Programs

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What Can You Get a Doctorate In?

You can get a doctorate in a wide variety of topics. Below is a list of common fields in which you can pursue this type of degree:

  • PhD in Psychology
  • PhD in Education
  • PhD in Nursing
  • PhD in Social Work
  • PhD in Economics
  • PhD in Business
  • PhD in Computer Science
  • PhD in Data Science
  • PhD in Business Administration
  • PhD in Accounting
  • PhD in Mathematics
  • PhD in Statistics
  • PhD in Engineering
  • PhD in Cyber Security
  • PhD in Information Systems

Best PhD Programs and Their Potential Jobs

The best PhD programs offer you the training you need to succeed in your field and access top jobs in your industry. Keep reading to find out about common programs in a variety of fields, both in-person and online, as well as the jobs you’ll have access to once you finish.

A PhD in Psychology provides you with the formal training required to conduct scientific research in the field, practice professionally with patients, or both. With a PhD in Psychology, you will be able to advance human knowledge on behavioral disorders, strategies for diagnosis, and treatment plans that are on par with the latest scientific discoveries.

Psychology PhD Programs

  • PhD in Psychology at Stanford University
  • PhD in Psychology at University of California, Berkeley
  • PhD in Experimental Psychopathology & Clinical Science at Harvard University

Online PhDs in Psychology

  • Online PhD in Psychology at Liberty University
  • PhD in Counseling & Psychological Studies at Regent University  
  • PhD in Counseling Psychology at Loyola University Chicago

PhD Psychology Jobs 

  • Organizational Development Director | Average Salary: $118,140
  • Research Director | Average Salary: $107,634
  • UX Researcher | Average Salary: $88,914

PhD Psychology Salary 

According to statistics presented by PayScale, the average base salary of a professional with a PhD in Psychology is $95,000 per year. This can vary depending on your location, company, position, and level of experience.

A PhD in Education prepares students to conduct education research and is typically chosen by those interested in pursuing a career path in academia. Holders of this type of PhD are qualified to work as curriculum specialists, policymakers, teacher educators, instructional leaders, and, of course, education researchers.

Education PhD Programs

  • PhD in Teaching and Learning at New York University, Steinhardt
  • PhD in Education Policy at the University of Pennsylvania
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education at Harvard University

Online PhDs in Education

  • PhD in Education – Educational Technology and Online Learning at Regent University
  • PhD in Education at Concordia University
  • Doctor of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

PhD Education Jobs 

  • Elementary, Middle, and High School Principals | Average Salary: $98,420
  • Postsecondary Education Administrators | Average Salary: $96,910
  • Postsecondary Teachers | Average Salary: $79,640

PhD Education Salary 

The average annual salary for a professional with a PhD in Education is $82,000, according to PayScale. Those with jobs as professors in postsecondary or higher education can expect a range between $56,000 and $188,000, while professionals in executive positions can make up to $171,000 per year.

A PhD in Nursing is a perfect option for nurses seeking to work in academia or conduct research. It is the highest degree that can be obtained by professionals in this area who have opted to advance their field from the lab instead of doing so in a clinical setting.

Nursing PhD Programs

  • Doctorate of Nursing at Johns Hopkins University
  • PhD in Nursing at the Univerity of Washington
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Online PhDs in Nursing

  • Online PhD in Nursing at the University of Central Florida
  • PhD in Nursing Science at Vanderbilt University
  • PhD in Nursing at Walden University

PhD Nursing Jobs 

  • Dean of Nursing | Average Salary: $113,399
  • Nursing Director | Average Salary: $93,943
  • Nursing Instructor | Average Salary: $64,253

PhD Nursing Salary 

PayScale estimates that the average annual salary for a professional with a PhD in Nursing is $93,000. A nursing instructor can expect an estimated salary ranging from $53,000 to $93,000, while a nursing director can expect a salary ranging from $85,000 to $156,000.

Students who pursue a PhD in social work gain the skills and knowledge to act as leaders in social work research and social work education. Graduates from these programs are prepared to become involved in the creation and analysis of social policy, planning, and administration. They can work with governments, nonprofit organizations, or in the private sector.

Social Work PhD Programs

  • Joint PhD Program in Social Work and Social Science at the University of Michigan
  • PhD in Social Work at The University of Chicago
  • PhD Program in Social Welfare at the University of Washington 

Online PhDs in Social Work

  • Doctorate of Clinical Social Work at the University of Southern California
  • Doctorate of Social Work at Rutgers University
  • Online Doctor of Behavioral Health – Management at Arizona State University

PhD Social Work Jobs 

  • Director of Clinical Services | Average Salary: $90,983
  • Executive Director | Average Salary: $81,329
  • Nonprofit Program Director | Average Salary: $59,621

PhD Social Work Salary 

The average annual salary for a professional with a PhD in Social Work is $76,000, according to data presented by PayScale. A program director for a nonprofit organization can make between $49,000 and $84,000.

The best doctorates in economics prepare graduates to make decisions that increase the profitability of businesses, maximize the use of resources, and inform public policy. Over years of analyzing economic trends, deepening their knowledge of local and global economics, and conducting research, graduates will be ready to work in the public or private sector.

Economics PhD Programs

  • PhD in Economics at Arizona State University
  • PhD in Economics at John Hopkins University
  • PhD in Economics at Syracuse University

Online PhDs in Economics

  • PhD in Public Policy – Economic Policy at Liberty University
  • PhD in Business Administration at the University of Maryland – Global Campus
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration at Hampton University

PhD Economics Jobs 

  • Financial Manager | Average Salary: $131,710
  • Economist | Average Salary: $105,630
  • Professor of Economics | Average Salary: $97,190

PhD Economics Salary 

According to PayScale, the average annual income for someone with a PhD in Economics is $112,000. Whether you obtain your PhD in person or through an accredited online PhD program , you’ll be able to make an impact and earn well while doing so.

A PhD in Business prepares you to become a successful professional in either the public or private sector. With this type of degree, you can go on to work in corporate finance, international business, or industrial organization. You’ll gain in-depth knowledge about markets, competition, and government regulation.

Business PhD Programs

  • PhD in Business Economics at Harvard University
  • PhD in Business at Stanford Graduate School of Business
  • PhD in Finance at New York University

Online PhDs in Business

  • Doctorate in Business Management at Atlantic International University
  • Executive Doctorate in Business at Drexel University
  • Doctorate of Business Education at Creighton University

PhD Business Jobs 

  • Senior Director of Strategy | Average Salary: $156,566
  • Chief Operating Officer (COO) | Average Salary: $144,743
  • Vice President of Operations | Average Salary: $133,086

PhD Business Salary 

According to data presented by PayScale, the average annual salary of someone holding a PhD in Business is $150,000. This type of degree opens the door to top positions in various industries, almost all of which come with lucrative salaries.

The best PhDs in Computer Science are flexible degrees that open doors in a variety of fields. Whether you choose to get this degree in person or opt for one of the best online PhDs in computer science , you will gain valuable experience and deepen your knowledge of computational science theory, cyber operations, and information assurance.

Computer Science PhD Programs

  • PhD in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University
  • PhD in Computer Science at Boston University
  • PhD in Computer Science at Arizona State University

Online PhDs in Computer Science

  • PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at University of California, Berkeley
  • PhD in Computer Science at Indiana University
  • PhD in Computer Science at Mississippi State University

PhD Computer Science Jobs 

  • Chief Data Scientist | Average Salary: $190.365
  • Chief Information Officer | Average Salary: $169,334
  • Senior Computer Scientist | Average Salary: $153,972

PhD Computer Science Salary 

According to PayScale, the average salary for a professional holding a computer science PhD is $131,000 per year. As with any other industry, your salary will be determined by your level of experience, your position, and your location.

A PhD in Data Science is a research-intensive degree that helps you cultivate skills and knowledge in programming, statistics, data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. With it, you can launch a successful career   

Data Science PhD Programs

  • PhD in Data Science, Analytics, and Engineering at Arizona State University
  • PhD in Computational Sciences and Informatics at George Mason University
  • PhD in Statistics and Data Science at Yale University

Online PhDs in Data Science

  • PhD in Data Science at Northcentral University
  • PhD in Information Science at the University of North Texas
  • Online PhD in Data Science and Technology Management at Northcentral University

PhD Data Science Jobs 

  • Computer and Information Research Scientist | Average Salary: $131,490
  • Mathematician or Statistician | Average Salary: $96,280
  • Medical Scientist | Average Salary: $95,310

PhD Data Science Salary 

PayScale does not offer salary information specifically about data science PhD holders. However, statistics do exist for computer science PhD holders, which is a close match. They show that the average salary for a professional with a PhD in Computer Science is $131,000.

A PhD in Business Administration prepares students for successful careers leading business ventures across all industries. It is a highly interdisciplinary degree that includes aspects of marketing, economics, information systems, finance, and human resource management. Accredited online PhDs in Business Administration offer busy students the opportunity to complete their degree in a fully remote modality.

Business Administration PhD Programs

  • PhD in Business Administration at Duke University
  • PhD in Business Administration at Harvard University
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration at George Washington University

Online PhDs in Business Administration

  • Business Administration PhD at Temple University
  • Doctor of Business Administration at Liberty University
  • Doctor of Business Administration at the University of Maryland Global Campus

PhD Business Administration Jobs 

  • Information Systems Manager | Average Salary: $159,010
  • Human Resources Manager | Average Salary: $126,230

PhD Business Administration Salary 

The average salary of a professional with a PhD in Business Administration is $105,000, according to PayScale. Salaries for information systems managers with PhDs in this field can be close to $160,000 per year. On the lower end of the spectrum, university professors in the field can take home around $80,000 per year.

A Doctorate in Accounting is typically pursued by students interested in focusing their careers on research rather than the practice of their profession. This can be accomplished both in academic institutions and research organizations. Teaching is another common avenue for those who pursue this type of degree.

Accounting PhD Programs

  • PhD in Accounting at the University of Colorado, Boulder
  • PhD in Accoutning at Stanford University
  • PhD in Accounting at the University of Pennsylvania

Online PhDs in Accounting

  • PhD in Accounting at Capella University
  • DBA in Accounting at Drexel University
  • DBA in Accounting at Liberty University

PhD Accounting Jobs 

  • Chief Financial Officer (CFO) | Average Salary: $140,445
  • Corporate Controller | Average Salary: $104,674
  • Financial Controller | Average Salary: $87,309

PhD Accounting Salary 

Once you obtain your accounting PhD, you’ll be able to earn a salary of $109,000 per year on average, according to data from PayScale. With jobs on the low end of the spectrum, you might earn $59,000 per year on average, while on the higher end of the spectrum you’ll be looking at an average annual salary of around $230,000.

A PhD in Mathematics can be extremely challenging to obtain, and these programs are usually highly competitive and admit only a handful of applicants each year. With this degree, you’ll be using your analytical and critical thinking skills in fields such as education and academic research, technology development and services, or the pharmaceutical industry.

Mathematics PhD Programs

  • PhD in Mathematics at Columbia University
  • PhD in Mathematics at Harvard University
  • Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Science Mathematics Degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Online PhDs in Mathematics

  • Doctorate in Mathematics at Atlantic International University
  • PhD in Mathematics Education at the University of Wyoming
  • PhD in Mathematics at Edith Cowan University

PhD Mathematics Jobs 

  • Data Scientist | Average Salary: $108,660
  • Actuary | Average Salary: $105,900

PhD Mathematics Salary 

The average salary for a mathematics PhD holder , according to PayScale, is $110,000. If you opt for a career as a data scientist, you can expect a salary ranging between $75,000 and $141,000. As a mathematician, that range can be between $66,000 and $135,000. 

A PhD in Statistics is useful in various fields, such as the medical industry, education, and economics. During this program, you will learn how to better understand data, calculate risk, and successfully measure uncertainty, all of which have applications across fields and in both the public and private sectors.  

Statistics PhD Programs

  • PhD in Statistics at Boston University
  • PhD in Statistics at Columbia University
  • PhD in Statistics at University of California, Berkeley

PhD Statistics Jobs 

  • Statistician | Average Salary: $96,280
  • Biostatistician | Average Salary: $77,924

PhD Statistics Salary 

The average annual salary of a PhD in Statistics graduate is $116,000, according to PayScale. As a statistician, your average salary can range from $71,000 to $133,000, and as a biostatistician, you can earn a salary ranging from $66,000 to $139,000.

Depending on the university and program you choose, a Doctorate in Engineering might be a PhD, an EngScD, a Doctor of Science in Engineering, or a DEng, Doctor of Engineering. This type of degree is heavily focused on technical research and can branch out into a variety of fields, such as biomedical, electrical, or mechanical engineering. Whatever the specialization, this doctorate will teach you to understand and solve problems using your technical knowledge.

Engineering PhD Programs

  • PhD in Biomedical, Computer, or Electrical Engineering at Boston University
  • Doctor of Science in Engineering at Columbia University
  • PhD in Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Online PhDs in Engineering

  • PhD in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics at the University of Alabama
  • PhD in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Maine
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Reliability Engineering at University of Maryland

PhD Engineering Jobs 

  • Chief Engineer | Average Salary: $86,920
  • Manufacturing Process Engineer | Average Salary: $77,452
  • Applications Engineer | Average Salary: $74,529

PhD Engineering Salary 

With a PhD in engineering, you can earn an average salary of $147,000 , according to PayScale. As an applications engineer, you can earn a salary ranging from $67,000 to $100,000, while as a chief engineer your salary might range from $105,000 to $273,000.

Cyber security is a growing field, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that there will be a 33 percent growth rate for information security analysts over the next 10 years. A PhD in Cyber Security prepares you for senior-level cyber security jobs across various industries, as well as for research positions. 

Cyber Security PhD Programs

  • PhD in Computer Science with a Specialization in Cyber Security at the University of Rhode Island
  • PhD in Security at the University of Colorado
  • PhD in Computer Science (Cybersecurity) at Arizona State University

Online PhDs in Cyber Security

  • PhD in Cybersecurity at Capitol Technology University
  • PhD of Science in Cybersecurity at Marymount University
  • Online PhD in Technology and Innovation Management – Cybersecurity at Northcentral University

PhD Cyber Security Jobs 

  • Chief Information Security Officer | Average Salary: $170,271
  • Cyber Security Architect | Average Salary: $129,369
  • Lead Security Engineer | Average Salary: $120,827

PhD Cyber Security Salary 

According to data presented by PayScale, you can earn an average annual salary of $172,000 with a PhD in Cyber Security . This type of degree grants you access to senior roles, including director of operations, education program director, chief information security officer, penetration tester, and cyber security architect.

A PhD in Information Systems provides students with the education needed to understand and solve complex information technology problems, as well as conduct relevant research to propose new solutions and innovate in their chosen field.

Information Systems PhD Programs

  • PhD in Business Administration With a Concentration in Computer Information Systems at Arizona State University
  • PhD in Information Systems at Dakota State University
  • PhD in Information Systems and Operations Management at Emory University

Online PhDs in Information Systems

  • PhD in Information Systems at Northcentral University
  • PhD in Information Technology at the University of the Cumberlands
  • PhD in Management With a Specialization in Information Systems Management at Walden University

PhD Information Systems Jobs 

  • Computer and Information Systems Manager | Average Salary: $159,010
  • Database Administrator or Architect | Average Salary: $98,860

PhD Information Systems Salary 

The average salary for a professional with a PhD in Information Systems is $141,000. As with any other industry, this figure varies according to your position, level of experience, location, and the company you work for.

Can You Get a PhD Online?

Yes, you can get a PhD online. Many reputable universities in the country offer accredited online degree programs in a variety of disciplines. This education format is ideal for students who are unable to relocate or who prefer more flexible learning modalities.

Program Title School Online Tuition Admission Requirements
Doctor of Science in Computer Science Aspen University $30,500/year Object oriented programming (OOP) skills; master’s degree; GPA of 3.0 or higher; statement of purpose indicating academic, professional, and personal goals
PhD in Computer Science Clarkson University $1,533/credit Statement of purpose, resume, three letters of recommendation, official transcripts, GRE test scores
PhD in Information Systems Dakota State University $464.90/credit Master’s Degree in Information Systems,
minimum GPA of 3.0, statement of purpose
PhD in Education and Educational Leadership Drexel University $140/credit Minimum GPA of 3.25, official transcripts, GRE test scores, three letters of recommendation, writing sample
PhD in Media and Communication Indiana University of Pennsylvania $516/credit (in state); $593/credit (out of state) Official transcripts, statement of purpose, two letters of recommendation, writing sample
DBA in Project Management Liberty University $595/credit Master’s degree with 30 credits of graduate business courses, minimum GPA of 3.0,
official transcripts, online application, application fee
PhD in International Business Southern New Hampshire University $16,000/year Master’s degree in related subject, three letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, official transcripts
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science University of California, Berkeley $10,123.75/semester (in state); $17,674.75/semester (out of state) Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, minimum GPA of 3.0, three letters of recommendation, statement of purpose
PhD in Information Technology University of the Cumberlands $500/credit Minimum GPA of 3.0 in a relevant master’s degree, official transcripts, statement of purpose, online application, application fee
PhD in Mathematics Education University of Wyoming $399/credit (in state), $1,018/credit (out of state) Master’s degree with 3.0 GPA, GRE scores, three years of P-12 teaching or other relevant professional experience, statement of purpose, online application

Most Affordable Online PhD Programs

  • PhD ​in ​Education ​and ​Educational ​Leadership at Drexel University. Tuition: $140/credit
  • PhD in Mathematics Education at University of Wyoming. Tuition: $399/credit (in state)
  • PhD in Information Systems at Dakota State University. Tuition: $464.90/credit
  • PhD in Information Technology at University of the Cumberlands. Tuition: $500/credit
  • PhD in Media and Communication at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Tuition: $516/credit (in state)

Free Online PhD Programs

Unfortunately, there are no free online PhD programs. However, a multitude of funding opportunities do exist to help you cover the cost of your program. These include scholarships and grants, loans, and various forms of financial aid. Fully funded PhD programs also exist in a variety of universities and fields to support outstanding students looking to obtain their degrees.

How to Pay for a PhD

PhD programs are usually quite expensive. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways you can finance your studies. Keep reading to find out about the main ways to fund your PhD.

PhD Scholarships and Grants

Scholarships and grants consist of funds provided to students so they can cover the cost of their doctoral degrees. They can either be need-based or be awarded based on character or merit. Recipients of this type of funds usually do not need to pay the money back. They can be awarded by universities or other institutions, such as charities or research foundations.

PhD Financial Aid

Universities typically offer a wide range of financial aid options to prospective and current students to help them cover the cost of their programs. This might include, but is not limited to, tuition grants, stipends, computer or equipment subsidies, and access to funds for research or travel. Make sure to consult with your department to find out what forms of financial aid might be available to you.

Fully Funded PhD Programs

Many PhD programs are fully funded, meaning they waive tuition and associated fees entirely for outstanding students. Sometimes, the full funding can also include book stipends or funds for travel and research. While these tend to be highly competitive programs, they also offer the best option to complete your doctorate while avoiding the financial burden involved.

What Can You Do With a PhD?

With a PhD, you can gain access to senior, executive, or managerial positions in your industry. You can also have a successful career as a researcher in either the public or private sectors as you continue to expand the body of knowledge in your field. You can also choose to stay in academia and work as a college professor.

How Much Do PhD Professors Make?

On average, PhD professors earn an average salary of $143,823 per year, according to data presented by the American Association of University Professors pertaining to the 2021-22 academic year. This number can vary greatly depending on your field and whether you work for a public, private, for-profit, or not-for-profit institution.

What Jobs Can You Get With a Doctorate Degree?

  • Senior Data Scientist | Average Salary: $128,060 . Senior data scientists use data to create strategies and orient the growth of organizations. They also serve as team leaders.
  • Senior Software Engineer | Average Salary: $121,578 . Senior software engineers are experts in their field and are tasked with developing innovative information systems to help organizations reach their goals.
  • Senior Research Scientist | Average Salary: $106,142 . Senior research scientists work in laboratory settings across various industries. They conduct research and experiments, which can have industrial, commercial, or academic purposes.
  • Top Executive | Average Salary: $98,980 . The main task of a top executive, regardless of the industry they work for, is to devise strategies and policies to ensure their organization meets its goals.
  • Postsecondary Teachers | Average Salary: $79,640 . Postsecondary teachers instruct students beyond the high school level. The subjects they teach depend on their academic track and areas of expertise.

Conclusion: Is a Doctoral Degree Worth It?

Yes, a doctoral degree is worth it if you want to position yourself as an expert in your field, gain access to senior, executive, or managerial positions, and enjoy higher salaries. It is also a great option if you wish to contribute new knowledge to your field by conducting groundbreaking research on a particular topic.

Completing a doctoral degree requires endurance, commitment, and an ability to overcome obstacles. It involves a strong time commitment of several years, as well as a considerable financial commitment, but it usually pays off. Whether you plan to work in academia, a private research firm, or any other public or private organization, a PhD will arm you with the skills and knowledge you need to help your career flourish.

About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication .

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  • How to Apply For a PhD: Step-By-Step

Written by Hannah Slack

Deciding to do a PhD is a big step and the road to submitting applications can seem long. To help you wade through all the information out there we’ve put together a simple step-by-step guide to the PhD application process.

Complete with top tips and links to further information, applying for a PhD has never looked simpler.

Step 1: choose your research area

The first, and most obvious, step to applying for a PhD is to decide what research area you want to work in. Whether you’re looking for an Arts and Humanities PhD or a STEM one, each individual subject is made up of a vast array of research topics.

Most PhD courses will expect students to have a degree in a relevant field, although your previous qualifications do not have to be in the exact same discipline as the PhD you apply for. Students with a Masters in History, for example, may apply to research within the Religious Studies department. As long as the nature of research is similar and your chosen topic correlates with your experience, it’s possible to apply for a degree in a different department.

It’s worthwhile spending a bit of time considering what department you might want to join and what type of research you want to conduct.

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Step 2: decide what kind of PhD you want to do

There are two main types of PhDs: predesigned projects and self-proposed projects. The route you choose to take will mainly depend on your personal preference and situation.

While STEM subjects tend to have more predesigned projects, there are many students who choose to plan their own. Similarly, most Arts and Humanities PhDs are self-proposed but there are also many advertised projects out there.

Predesigned project

Advertised projects usually come in three different forms:

  • Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT)
  • Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP)

The main difference between these three types of PhDs is the level of industry experience offered to students, DTPs usually having the least industry involvement and iCASEs the most. However, all three do offer internship opportunities.

Some of these terms are used interchangeably, but you can read more about the differences between predesigned studentships in our guide.

The benefit of predesigned projects is that they are typically fully-funded four-year studentships. There are also many that come with an integrated Masters during the first year for those applying with only a Bachelors degree.

You also won’t have to research and plan your own project, which can save a lot of time.

However, as multiple students will be applying for the same advertised PhD opportunities, places can be competitive. Your choice of projects will also be limited to whatever research is currently advertised.

Design your own project

Many students in all fields choose to design and propose their own research project for PhD study. This option can be extremely rewarding as it allows students a lot more control over their work.

The downside is that not every self-proposed PhD is funded. While there are lots of funding opportunities available, there is not enough to cover the amount of PhD applications each year. Students may have to apply for part-time work or small grants throughout their studies.

Additionally, you will have to put in more time to your application as you need to design a viable PhD project.

For students choosing this route some additional steps are needed:

Step 2.1: research

To be able to propose a viable research project, you will need to spend a significant amount of time researching your chosen field. You may have already conducted some research during your previous degrees, giving you a good starting point.

The point of this step is to become familiar with the main academic arguments in your research area. You should then be able to identify a gap in the academic discussion which you will be able to fill in the timeframe of a PhD. This could include discussing an underused or new source base, criticising an academic argument or applying a new or different theory to the current discussions.

You should then look to identify a preliminary source base and decide how you intend to use the information.

Step 2.2: draft a research proposal

After completing a period of research, you should write up a draft research proposal. While this won’t be your final piece for submission with your application, having a draft can be useful when it comes to step three, contacting prospective supervisors. You can find out more about how to write a good PhD proposal in our guide.

Step 3: contact prospective supervisors

Once you have decided on which projects you intend to apply for, or drafted a research proposal, it’s time to reach out to prospective supervisors. This is an important step as it allows you to gain more insight into how your potential PhD might go. Our top tips for getting in contact with potential PhD supervisors can help you to reach out.

For predesigned projects the supervisor will be listed in the advertisement. By contacting them you can introduce yourself and discuss the research in more detail.

If you are proposing your own PhD research then you will have to search for potential supervisors yourself. The research stage of step two should mean that you have a good grip on the prominent academics in your field. This is a good place to start. It is also worthwhile looking through staff lists on university websites to find other experts who are perhaps earlier on in their career.

Contacting prospective supervisors is a good opportunity to receive feedback on your ideas and research proposal. You should first ask if they are able to take a look at your draft after briefly explaining who you are and summarising your project. Any feedback can be extremely useful as their expertise and experience could help them notice any holes in your proposal that you should consider and fix before applying.

Receiving feedback from an inhouse academic will also help you tailor your proposal specifically to the expertise of your prospective institution and supervisor expertise.

Step 4: check entry requirements

The next major step is to check the entry requirements of the institution or project. Most PhD applicants should have a Masters degree in a relevant field as well as a history of strong academic achievement.

PhD without a Masters

Some funded studentships will allow Bachelors graduates to apply. There is also the possibility to apply for an integrated programme that will include a year of Masters level training before beginning PhD research.

International applicants

If you are applying as an international student, make sure to check what visas may be required and how to obtain them. To study in the UK, international applicants will need a Student Route visa. To apply for this, you will need:

  • a confirmation of acceptance into a university
  • proof of sufficient funds
  • proof that you meet the English language requirements

Make sure to check beforehand the eligibility criteria of the visa you need to apply for in case you need to undertake a language exam or entry test .

Step 5: check fees and potential funding options

Once you have decided which PhD opportunities you want to apply for, and know that you’re eligible, it’s time to look more deeply at the financial practicalities. PhD study is not cheap and often has many unforeseen costs such as books, equipment, travel and conferencing fees. Knowing your potential funding options can help you plan ahead.

Funding options

Practically all PhD applicants hope to be fully-funded. If you are applying for an advertised project then you will typically receive full funding if successful. This funding most commonly comes from Research Councils who outline their own restrictions on how the money can be used and deadlines for thesis submission. It’s a good idea to read the funder’s terms and conditions and make sure you understand what would be required of you as a researcher.

Those designing their own PhD are likely to apply for Research Council funding. Unfortunately, there is only a set amount of money available from Research Councils for self-proposed projects and so some PhDs are unsuccessful in their application. However, this does not mean you can’t go on and complete a successful PhD.

As receiving fully-funded studentships can be very competitive, it’s important to know other potential sources of funding. These can include:

  • Universities – Many institutions offer their own funding , ranging from small fee discounts to full studentships. Make sure to research any financial support your chosen universities may offer and what you and your project could be applicable for.
  • Charities, trusts and societies – some independent organisations offer to partially (and sometimes fully) fund PhD students if their research correlates with the groups’ interests. Support is available for a large variety of subjects so make sure to do some research.
  • PhD loans – The UK government offers doctoral loans to English and Welsh PhD students who were unable to secure a full studentship. This will not usually cover the full cost of a PhD. Students wishing to self-fund with the help of a PhD loan will potentially have to take up part-time work such as teaching within the university.

PhD funding

Find out more about PhD funding options and how it works on FindAPhD.com.

Step 6: prepare to apply

Now that you have thought about the practicalities of PhD study you can start to gather the required documents to apply.

The most important thing to note down when starting to prepare is the PhD application deadlines. Many universities will have different deadlines and if you are applying for funding, applications may need to be submitted even earlier.

It’s a good idea to aim to submit your application with plenty of time to spare, taking into account any difficulties that might arise gathering together the relevant paper work.

The documents you need for your application will depend on the university and funding you are applying for. Some things you may be asked to provide are:

  • Personal statement / cover letter
  • Research proposal
  • Details of at least two referees (make sure to contact them beforehand so they know what you are applying for and why)
  • Academic transcript

International students may also need to provide:

  • Proof of language proficiency
  • Proof of funds
  • Student visa

Step 7: submit your application

Once you have written, polished and gathered all the documents you need, it’s time to apply. Most PhD applications are done through the university’s application portal. Many also allow you to start your application and come back to it at a later date, so don’t feel like you have to submit everything all in one go.

If you are applying for funding separately make sure to read the details of how to apply on the funder’s website. Typically, Research Council funding is applied for with the same application you submit to the university. Other sources of funding may have a different application system.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Education

Ph.D. Commencement robing Martin West and Christopher Cleveland

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The Harvard Ph.D. in Education trains cutting-edge researchers who work across disciplines to generate knowledge and translate discoveries into transformative policy and practice.

Offered jointly by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Ph.D. in Education provides you with full access to the extraordinary resources of Harvard University and prepares you to assume meaningful roles as university faculty, researchers, senior-level education leaders, and policymakers.

As a Ph.D. candidate, you will collaborate with scholars across all Harvard graduate schools on original interdisciplinary research. In the process, you will help forge new fields of inquiry that will impact the way we teach and learn. The program’s required coursework will develop your knowledge of education and your expertise in a range of quantitative and qualitative methods needed to conduct high-quality research. Guided by the goal of making a transformative impact on education research, policy, and practice, you will focus on independent research in various domains, including human development, learning and teaching, policy analysis and evaluation, institutions and society, and instructional practice.   

Curriculum Information

The Ph.D. in Education requires five years of full-time study to complete. You will choose your individual coursework and design your original research in close consultation with your HGSE faculty adviser and dissertation committee. The requirements listed below include the three Ph.D. concentrations: Culture, Institutions, and Society; Education Policy and Program Evaluation; and Human Development, Learning and Teaching . 

We invite you to review an example course list, which is provided in two formats — one as the full list by course number and one by broad course category . These lists are subject to modification. 

Ph.D. Concentrations and Examples

Summary of Ph.D. Program

Doctoral Colloquia  In year one and two you are required to attend. The colloquia convenes weekly and features presentations of work-in-progress and completed work by Harvard faculty, faculty and researchers from outside Harvard, and Harvard doctoral students. Ph.D. students present once in the colloquia over the course of their career.

Research Apprenticeship The Research Apprenticeship is designed to provide ongoing training and mentoring to develop your research skills throughout the entire program.

Teaching Fellowships The Teaching Fellowship is an opportunity to enhance students' teaching skills, promote learning consolidation, and provide opportunities to collaborate with faculty on pedagogical development.

Comprehensive Exams  The Written Exam (year 2, spring) tests you on both general and concentration-specific knowledge. The Oral Exam (year 3, fall/winter) tests your command of your chosen field of study and your ability to design, develop, and implement an original research project.

Dissertation  Based on your original research, the dissertation process consists of three parts: the Dissertation Proposal, the writing, and an oral defense before the members of your dissertation committee.

Culture, Institutions, and Society (CIS) Concentration

In CIS, you will examine the broader cultural, institutional, organizational, and social contexts relevant to education across the lifespan. What is the value and purpose of education? How do cultural, institutional, and social factors shape educational processes and outcomes? How effective are social movements and community action in education reform? How do we measure stratification and institutional inequality? In CIS, your work will be informed by theories and methods from sociology, history, political science, organizational behavior and management, philosophy, and anthropology. You can examine contexts as diverse as classrooms, families, neighborhoods, schools, colleges and universities, religious institutions, nonprofits, government agencies, and more.

Education Policy and Program Evaluation (EPPE) Concentration

In EPPE, you will research the design, implementation, and evaluation of education policy affecting early childhood, K–12, and postsecondary education in the U.S. and internationally. You will evaluate and assess individual programs and policies related to critical issues like access to education, teacher effectiveness, school finance, testing and accountability systems, school choice, financial aid, college enrollment and persistence, and more. Your work will be informed by theories and methods from economics, political science, public policy, and sociology, history, philosophy, and statistics. This concentration shares some themes with CIS, but your work with EPPE will focus on public policy and large-scale reforms.

Human Development, Learning and Teaching (HDLT) Concentration

In HDLT, you will work to advance the role of scientific research in education policy, reform, and practice. New discoveries in the science of learning and development — the integration of biological, cognitive, and social processes; the relationships between technology and learning; or the factors that influence individual variations in learning — are transforming the practice of teaching and learning in both formal and informal settings. Whether studying behavioral, cognitive, or social-emotional development in children or the design of learning technologies to maximize understanding, you will gain a strong background in human development, the science of learning, and sociocultural factors that explain variation in learning and developmental pathways. Your research will be informed by theories and methods from psychology, cognitive science, sociology and linguistics, philosophy, the biological sciences and mathematics, and organizational behavior.

Program Faculty

The most remarkable thing about the Ph.D. in Education is open access to faculty from all Harvard graduate and professional schools, including the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Harvard Kennedy School, the Harvard Law School, Harvard Medical School, and the Harvard School of Public Health. Learn about the full Ph.D. Faculty.

Jarvis Givens

Jarvis R. Givens

Jarvis Givens studies the history of American education, African American history, and the relationship between race and power in schools.

Paul Harris

Paul L. Harris

Paul Harris is interested in the early development of cognition, emotion, and imagination in children.

Meira Levinson

Meira Levinson

Meira Levinson is a normative political philosopher who works at the intersection of civic education, youth empowerment, racial justice, and educational ethics. 

Luke Miratrix

Luke W. Miratrix

Luke Miratrix is a statistician who explores how to best use modern statistical methods in applied social science contexts.

how does the phd program work

Eric Taylor

Eric Taylor studies the economics of education, with a particular interest in employer-employee interactions between schools and teachers — hiring and firing decisions, job design, training, and performance evaluation.

Paola Uccelli

Paola Uccelli

Paola Ucelli studies socio-cultural and individual differences in the language development of multilingual and monolingual students.

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View Ph.D. Faculty


The following is a complete listing of successful Ph.D. in Education dissertations to-date. Dissertations from November 2014 onward are publicly available in the Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH) , the online repository for Harvard scholarship.

  • 2022 Graduate Dissertations (265 KB pdf)
  • 2021 Graduate Dissertations (177 KB pdf)
  • 2020 Graduate Dissertations (121 KB pdf)
  • 2019 Graduate Dissertations (68.3 KB pdf)

Student Directory

An opt-in listing of current Ph.D. students with information about their interests, research, personal web pages, and contact information:

Doctor of Philosophy in Education Student Directory

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Program Highlights

Explore examples of the Doctor of Philosophy in Education experience and the impact its community is making on the field:

Callie Sung

The Human Element of Data and AI

Gahyun Callie Sung's journey to HGSE and the LIT Lab is reflected in her research into data and using AI to improve student outcomes

Mary Laski

Improving the Teacher Workforce

With her research work, doctoral marshal Mary Laski, Ph.D.'24, is trying to make teaching in K–12 schools more sustainable and attractive

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What is a PhD?

As the highest degree level achievable, completing a PhD shows that you've made a meaningful new contribution to your research field

PhDs at a glance

  • Involves three or four years of full-time study, or up to seven part time.
  • Typically undertaken after achieving a Masters degree.
  • Can either be funded or self-funded.
  • Assessed through a written thesis and oral exam.
  • Many Doctoral graduates choose to pursue an academic or research career.

What does PhD stand for?

The term PhD or Doctorate of Philosophy is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase 'philosophiae doctor'.

A PhD degree typically involves students independently conducting original and significant research in a specific field or subject, before producing a publication-worthy thesis.

While some Doctorates include taught components, PhD students are almost always assessed on the quality and originality of the argument presented in their independent research project.

What are the most popular PhD subjects?

  • clinical psychology
  • creative writing
  • computer science
  • engineering.

How long does a Doctorate degree take?

Full-time PhDs usually last for three or four years, while part-time PhDs can take up to six or seven. However, the thesis deadline can be extended by up to four years at the institution's discretion. Indeed, many students who enrol on three-year PhDs only finish their thesis in their fourth year.

While most PhD studentships begin in September or October, both funded and self-funded PhDs can be undertaken at any point during the year.

Do I need a Masters to do a PhD?

The majority of institutions require PhD candidates to possess a Masters degree , plus a Bachelors degree at 2:1 or above. However, some universities demand only the latter, while self-funded PhD students or those with significant professional experience may also be accepted with lower grades.

You may need to initially register for a one or two-year Master of Philosophy (MPhil) or Master of Research (MRes) degree rather than a PhD. If you make sufficient progress, you and your work will then be 'upgraded' to a PhD programme. If not, you may be able to graduate with a Masters degree.

If you need an MPhil or MRes before enrolling on your PhD, search Masters degrees .

What does a PhD involve?

A standard PhD by thesis degree is typically split into three stages. A three-year PhD may follow this pattern:

  • First year - You'll meet with your supervisor to discuss your research proposal and agree an action plan with deadlines. You'll then complete your literature review, in which you'll evaluate and critique existing works to inform the direction of your project and ensure that your research will be original.
  • Second year - Your focus will shift to gathering results and developing your thesis, and potentially begin writing chapters of your thesis. You may also present your results and ideas at academic conferences, gain teaching experience, collaborate with other students on similar projects, communicate the benefits of your research to the general public through workshops, lectures and presentations, or submit work for publication in an academic journal or book.
  • Third year - Primarily involves writing your thesis, though your research may still be in progress. After your supervisor gives their approval, you'll submit your thesis before undertaking a one to three-hour oral exam ( viva voce ) in which you'll discuss and defend your thesis in the presence of at least one internal and external examiner.

How do I find a PhD?

As a PhD is different to other degrees, you're committing to more than simply an advanced qualification. You've chosen to engage in a large-scale independent research project and so you'll need to take into account a range of factors that will drive your search.

A methodical approach to the process is required and you'll need to consider the subject you're interested in carrying out research in and the type of Doctorate you're looking for, making sure this is the right project for you. Only when you're fully prepared and have a good idea of your research proposal should you search for PhD opportunities .

What other types of Doctorate are there?

Alternative types of PhD include:

  • Higher Doctorate - These are usually granted on the recommendation of a committee of internal and external examiners, which assesses a portfolio of published, peer-reviewed research you've undertaken over the course of many years. This type of Doctorate is usually for those with several years of academic experience. Common award titles include the Doctor of Civil Law (DCL), Doctor of Divinity (DD), Doctor of Literature/Letters (DLit/DLitt/LitD/LittD), Doctor of Music (DMus/MusD), Doctor of Science (DS/SD/DSc/ScD) and Doctor of Law (LLD).
  • Integrated/New Route PhD - This four-year PhD course is offered by over 30 universities and involves taking a one-year MRes before studying a three-year PhD. It combines taught elements with independent research, allowing students to learn different methodologies while building their transferable skills.
  • Professional Doctorate - Geared towards students of vocational subjects such as medicine, education and engineering, professional Doctorates are focused on teaching and so normally involve smaller research projects and thesis component. They're often favoured by those aiming for a career outside of academia and are usually supported by employers.

Read more about the different PhD pathways at 5 routes to getting a Doctorate .

How much does a PhD cost?

Tuition fees vary, but usually fall between £3,000 and £6,000 per year for UK students and those from the European Union (EU) with settled status. UK Research Councils pay universities £4,786 per year (from 2024/25) on behalf of each funded PhD student, so this gives a good indication of the average figure.

For EU students looking to pursue a Doctorate in 2024/25, you'll need to have gained settled or pre-settled status to be eligible for student finance - see PhD loans .

Non-EU students may pay considerably more for their tuition fees.

Despite this, many PhD students are now part or fully funded - scholarships and bursaries are widely available, and particular attention should be paid to Research Council grants .

PhD studentships and assistantships involving a mixture of research and teaching are also common, with scientific studentships usually paid at a higher rate.

Read more about funding postgraduate study .

How do I apply for a PhD?

Some students propose their own research area and apply for funding, while in some cases a supervisor may already have funding for a project and advertise it like a job. When making a PhD application, you'll typically be asked to submit:

  • an academic CV
  • your academic transcripts
  • two or three academic references
  • a personal statement
  • a research proposal.

International students without settled UK status looking to study certain courses in medicine, mathematics, engineering and material sciences are required to comply with the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) .

This involves undergoing a security clearance process with the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. International students may also have to prove their English proficiency.

Can I study a PhD abroad?

As the aim of postdoctoral research is to stretch the boundaries of understanding within your chosen field, you may find that the best place to begin your research lies overseas.

According to the Higher Education Student Statistics: UK, 2021/22 , 113,000 postgraduate research students are based in the UK, with 46,350 of these identified as international PhD candidates.

While studying in the UK has proved a strong draw for foreign PhD students, a number of other countries have also proved themselves to be research-orientated nations.

The following 15 countries all feature within the top 100 of the QS World University Rankings 2024 :

  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Switzerland

If you're interested in studying a PhD abroad, explore our country profiles .

What can I do next?

Your ability to critically analyse, display intellectual maturity, and research independently and honestly is highly valued within academia and the workplace.

Many students who undertake a PhD get an academic job or become an industry researcher, possibly following the PhD with postdoctoral study, then a fellowship or lectureship.

Other career options will depend on your study area. For instance, according to HESA's Graduate Outcomes 2020/21 data, a significant number of PhD graduates went on to work in teaching, natural and social science, therapy, and business, research and administrative careers.

Consider what else a PhD degree can lead to at your PhD, what next?

Find out more

  • Get help with choosing your PhD supervisor .
  • Discover 5 challenges faced by PhD students .
  • Explore professional qualifications .

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Your Guide to a Strong Ph.D. Application

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The Graduate School at Duke University

Rarely is there discussion of how to prepare for doctoral programs in professional master’s programs. So when I came across a workshop on preparing Ph.D. applications by Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Development J. Alan Kendrick , I jumped right into it even though it was scheduled to be around midnight in my time zone. (Yes, graduate school remotely from Pakistan is tough and disorienting, but that is a topic for a different blog post.) Here was someone who, in addition earning a Ph.D. himself, has years of experience in selecting Ph.D. applicants, so there could not have been a better opportunity to get introduced to the process! In this piece I’ll touch upon some major points highlighted by Dr. Kendrick to explain what it means to aim for a Ph.D. program and build a solid Ph.D. application.

THe Master's Versus the Ph.D.

Starting off, it is crucial to know the difference between a master’s program and a Ph.D. program. Whereas a master’s degree will generally be more specific than an undergraduate degree and usually span one to three years, a Ph.D. program usually entails a more focused set of question(s) within a discipline and usually spans five or more years. In a Ph.D., the cost of attending is often covered through a combination of fellowships and stipends. Schools are more likely to look for applicants who secured funding from external sources, but this it is not always necessary.  So, a good yardstick to measure your readiness and commitment for a Ph.D. program is your willingness and ability to work consistently for years on the academic inquiry you wish to pursue to push the frontiers of existing human knowledge. Scholars in STEM fields such as microbiology or solid-state physics usually spend most of their time in labs, so it is essential to get to know the work environment, culture, and expectations in your prospective labs.

A Strong Application

After getting clarity on what a Ph.D. program demands, let’s get into some major elements of a strong Ph.D. application. Broadly speaking, a Ph.D. application consists of previous academic grades, competitive examination scores, work experiences, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement. For a Ph.D. program, all previous academic grades are weighted and assessed including undergraduate transcripts, while standard examination scores (i.e., the GRE) are now becoming optional at many institutions. And while top-tier grades are a great foundation, they are not decisive as each application is looked at holistically with all its elements to give a better picture. Letters of recommendation from previous academic supervisors are weighted heavily along with your personal statement.

One thing Dr. Kendrick emphasized was to not just get recommendations as mere “character profiles” but rather what he called “ strong recommendations.” Before you ask for faculty recommendations, share your résumé with them, sit down with them over a Zoom call (at least during the pandemic) and share your aspirations and objectives, and then ask for strong recommendations. Additionally, you should waive your right to review recommendation letters in your applications as doing this will indicate that the referee has been candid in your assessment for the admissions committee.

Mastering the Personal Statement

Finally, I come to the part where the ball is really in your court: the personal statement! I say this because while other elements of your application—grades and transcripts, previous work experiences, etc. are no longer alterable—the personal essay is your space to unapologetically express your true self and how you have evolved to be the person you are today. You can explain how your intellectual life has brought you to your specific academic area and where you see yourself going forward. Your statement should make it clear why you are interested in the field, the institution and program you are applying for as well as your research and career goals. Your essay should be tailored to the institution and/or program. Red flag here: if you end up with an essay where you can just replace institution names, then you haven’t met your goal. Additionally, your statement should include details about your background that can help the faculty better understand your motivation for pursuing their program. This can be anything—people, events, challenges, and achievements that have aided your growth and add to your fitness for the program. Additionally, you should address any noticeable discrepancies or gaps in your profile or transcripts that are worth mentioning.

While the personal statement is crucial to your application and speaks on your behalf in a room full of faculty who are judging your application, it is important to understand that there is no standard format or template that you should follow. This space is supposed to be personal, and it is supposed to be yours. It is also equally important to understand that the faculty judging applications are humans like us and often have diverging opinions about different profiles. Also remember that funding and positions for Ph.D.s are often limited and hence a rejected profile does not necessarily make it an incompetent or ineligible one.

In a nutshell, for a strong Ph.D. application, you need academic questions that keep you up at night and the discipline to follow the guidelines Dr. Kendrick shared, so that you can demonstrate your willingness and ability to work under supervision to answer those academic questions. This session with Dr. Kendrick brought me much-needed clarity to tackle my Ph.D. applications, and I hope this post does the same for you!

Editors’ note: You can find additional resources on preparing a strong application on The Graduate School’s website.

Soman Ul Haq

Soman ul Haq

Master's candidate, Environmental Management, Nicholas School of the Environment

Soman is a Fulbright Scholar from Pakistan and a first year Master of Environmental Management candidate at the Nicholas School of the Environment concentrating in Energy and Environment. He is currently focused on energy access in developing countries, sustainable development, energy transition, and behavioral changes with energy transition and access. Prior to joining Duke, Soman worked with the German International Development Cooperation (GIZ) as a technical advisor for energy access in off-grid areas and energy transition in industrial sector in Pakistan. As a mechanical engineer, he has experience consulting commercial and industrial sectors in developing energy efficient practices to achieve their sustainability goals. He tweets at @somaanulhaq

how does the phd program work

  • How to Apply for a PhD – Application Process Explained
  • Applying to a PhD

This guide explains the PhD application process and outlines the steps you will need to follow, and information you will need to provide when applying to a PhD programme.

How to Apply for a PhD – Application Process

There is no single guide that can cover the entire application process for applying to PhDs, as it differs not only between universities, but also between programmes. In the same sense, what a supervisor might consider a strong application for one of their programmes, they may consider a weak application for another of their programmes.

Furthermore, the process of applying for a PhD in the UK can be slightly challenging to navigate as there is no centralised application system, as is the case with undergraduate degrees, and the process can vary from university to university.

Regardless of this, the below outlines the most common steps you will need to follow when applying for a PhD. Pay particular attention to each stage, as slipping on a single one of them can significantly affect your chances of securing the PhD you want.

1. Find Research Projects you like

Identify research areas that align with your research interest.

This should be done by thinking about all topics, courses, projects, recent publications, recurring questions or experiences that have caught your curiosity over the past year.

Once you have a better understanding of your preferred research area, browse through our PhD listings  or the ‘postgraduate research degree’ and ‘research centre’ sections of a university’s website if you already have a particular one in mind.

This is probably the most important thing to consider before you apply to PhD programmes given you will be working on your project for the next three to eight years – make sure not to rush it.

Note: If you intend to study part time or via distance learning, make sure to check the university offers this option as not all do.

2. Contact Potential PhD Supervisors

If you are proposing your own research project, which is usually the case with a self-funded postgraduate programme, you will need to find your own potential supervisor.

The best way to find a suitable PhD supervisor is to review the staff profiles on the department’s webpage and examine the topics they have published on in the past two years, as well as the research projects of the students they have supervised in the past. This will help you decide whether their research interests coincide with yours. Outside of research interests, there are other aspects you will want to look for, such as their level of support and patience, and how successful their former students have been. For further information on this, you can learn how to find a good PhD supervisor here .

If you are applying to a pre-determined research project, which is usually the case with funded programmes, you do not need to find a supervisor, as they already have a supervisor assigned to them.

Before you formally apply to funded PhD projects, most PhD supervisors will prefer you to apply informally by  sending them an email with your CV. This is so they can better understand your motives for applying and where your academic strengths lie before you start the formal application process.

3. Online Application Form

Once you have found a research programme you are interested in, most universities will require you to make a formal application via their online application portal. The below outlines the supporting documentation you will likely require when completing your online application form.

Academic Qualifications and Transcripts

If you have completed your studies, you will be asked to provide original or certified copies of your academic qualifications.

If you are still studying, you will need to provide an interim transcript of the grades you have received to date and details of any previous qualifications you have acquired.

Academic CV

An academic CV outlines your contact details, academic background and relevant experience. You can read our guide on how to prepare an effective academic CV  here .

Cover Letter

An academic cover letter can be requested alongside your CV. An academic cover letter explains why you are applying for the particular PhD project, why you are a strong candidate for the position and what you can offer the department as a research student. You can read our guide on how to prepare a strong cover letter  here .

Personal Statement

Instead of a cover letter, you may be asked to submit a personal statement. A personal statement is a short document describing your interest in the research programme and explaining why you believe you are suitable for it.

Research Proposal

Most universities will require you to submit a research proposal, especially if you are not applying to a pre-determined research project.

A research proposal is a short document describing your proposed research project. It outlines your research question, which topic it concerns and why you consider it valuable. It is used to show you have the potential for postgraduate-level research by showing that you can communicate complex ideas and evaluate them at their fundamental level. A research proposal also allows the academic department to match you with a suitable PhD supervisor with the expertise to support you if needed.

To support your application, you will be asked for an academic reference, ideally from one or more academic referees.

This is so the university has evidence from another academic source that you are a person who is capable of undertaking PhD study, not only in terms of your credentials and academic abilities but also in terms of your character, as someone who demonstrates commitment, perseverance, independence and the ability to communicate effectively.

To ensure the legitimacy of your references, universities often have strict requirements for how they are to be provided, such as requiring the use of official letterheads and original signatures from the reference provider. Therefore, you must check the specific requirements of each institution and forward them to your referee to minimise the risk of any rejections.

Other Supporting Information

Most online forms also have sections where you can upload any additional supporting information. This can include example evidence, such as previous papers you have published or conferences you have participated in.

Note that e xample evidence, especially of scientific research, is rarely required for STEM subjects

4. Entry Requirements

Academic qualifications.

The entry requirement for most UK universities is a 2:1 (Upper Second Class Honours) undergraduate degree, or equivalent qualification, in a relevant subject.

Note that while many universities require a Masters degree, not all do; it’s possible to  enrol in a PhD programme with just a Bachelors degree , as many students have successfully done so in the past.

In both cases, you will be asked to submit a copy of your degree certificate if you have completed your undergraduate study.

English Language Requirement

If you are an international student from a non-native English speaking country, most universities will require you to either meet their English language requirements or complete an English course with them before starting your PhD.

The two most common tests used to examine English language proficiencies for postgraduate study are the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) and the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language).

Although the score requirements will vary depending on the course and institution, the typical requirements are:

  • IELTS – Overall score of 6.5, and no less than 6.0 in each test category.
  • TOELF – Overall score of 88.

International Applicant

If you’re an international student, you may need a Tier 4 (General) Student Visa to study in the UK. If this is the case, the university will require your passport details or a copy of your first page and photo page.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

5. Other Things to Keep in Mind

In most countries, including the UK, a PhD studentship starts in September or October of each academic year. However, it’s worth noting that most PhD projects are flexible and can therefore start at any time throughout the year.

Application Deadline

The deadline for a PhD position will be indicated in its advert description, however, you should apply to them as early as possible as a PhD position can sometimes be filled before its official closing date.

As well as monitoring the course deadline, also be aware of the closing dates of associated doctoral research funding opportunities. This is because some funded PhD projects require you to apply individually to both the course and the funding opportunity.

Standardised Tests

Depending on the type of doctorate you are applying for, you may need to take examinations as part of the application process.

While this is uncommon in the UK, most graduate schools in the US and Canada integrate standardised tests into their doctoral course admissions process, with minimum test scores set as an entry requirement for their PhD programs.

MPhil Registration First

In the UK, most PhD students first have to register for an MPhil ( Master of Philosophy ) for the first year of their studies, and only if they pass it, which usually requires the production of a report and an informal interview, will their course be upgraded to a PhD.

Making Several Applications

Unfortunately, for various reasons, you may not always get your preferred supervisor or research project, so it is best to apply for several projects on one or more research topics you interest you.

Please note that the application process for a professional doctorate, such as a DBA or EngD, is slightly different from the one mentioned in this guide . Therefore, please consult the guidelines of the university you wish to apply to before applying.

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9 things you should consider before embarking on a PhD

June 23, 2021 | 15 min read

By Andy Greenspon

Andy Greenspon

The ideal research program you envision is not what it appears to be

Editor's Note:  When Andy Greenspon wrote this article, he was a first-year student in Applied Physics at Harvard. Now he has completed his PhD. — Alison Bert, June 23, 2021

If you are planning to apply for a PhD program, you're probably getting advice from dozens of students, professors, administrators your parents and the Internet. Sometimes it's hard to know which advice to focus on and what will make the biggest difference in the long-run. So before you go back to daydreaming about the day you accept that Nobel Prize, here are nine things you should give serious thought to. One or more of these tips may save you from anguish and help you make better decisions as you embark on that path to a PhD.

1. Actively seek out information about PhD programs.

Depending on your undergraduate institution, there may be more or less support to guide you in selecting a PhD program – but there is generally much less than when you applied to college.

On the website of my physics department, I found a page written by one of my professors, which listed graduate school options in physics and engineering along with resources to consult. As far as I know, my career center did not send out much information about PhD programs. Only after applying to programs did I find out that my undergraduate website had a link providing general information applicable to most PhD programs. This is the kind of information that is available all over the Internet.

So don't wait for your career center or department to lay out a plan for you. Actively seek it out from your career center counselors, your professors, the Internet — and especially from alumni from your department who are in or graduated from your desired PhD program. First-hand experiences will almost always trump the knowledge you get second-hand.

2. A PhD program is not simply a continuation of your undergraduate program.

Many students don't internalize this idea until they have jumped head-first into a PhD program. The goal is not to complete an assigned set of courses as in an undergraduate program, but to develop significant and original research in your area of expertise. You will have required courses to take, especially if you do not have a master's degree yet, but these are designed merely to compliment your research and provide a broad and deep knowledge base to support you in your research endeavors.

At the end of your PhD program, you will be judged on your research, not on how well you did in your courses. Grades are not critical as long as you maintain the minimum GPA requirement, and you should not spend too much time on courses at the expense of research projects. Graduate courses tend to be designed to allow you to take away what you will find useful to your research more than to drill a rigid set of facts and techniques into your brain.

3. Take a break between your undergraduate education and a PhD program.

You are beginning your senior year of college, and your classmates are asking you if you are applying to graduate school. You think to yourself, "Well, I like studying this topic and the associated research, and I am going to need a PhD if I want to be a professor or do independent research, so I might as well get it done as soon as possible." But are you certain about the type of research you want to do? Do you know where you want to live for the next five years? Are you prepared to stay in an academic environment for nine years straight?

Many people burn out or end up trudging through their PhD program without a thought about what lies outside of or beyond it. A break of a year or two or even more may be necessary to gain perspective. If all you know is an academic environment, how can you compare it to anything else? Many people take a job for five or more years before going back to get their PhD. It is true though that the longer you stay out of school, the harder it is to go back to an academic environment with lower pay and a lack of set work hours. A one-year break will give you six months or so after graduation before PhD applications are due. A two-year gap might be ideal to provide time to identify your priorities in life and explore different areas of research without having school work or a thesis competing for your attention.

Getting research experience outside of a degree program can help focus your interests and give you a leg up on the competition when you finally decide to apply. It can also help you determine whether you will enjoy full-time research or if you might prefer an alternative career path that still incorporates science, for example, in policy, consulting or business — or a hybrid research job that combines scientific and non-scientific skills.

I will be forever grateful that I chose to do research in a non-academic environment for a year between my undergraduate and PhD programs. It gave me the chance to get a feel for doing nothing but research for a full year. Working at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in the Space Division, I was the manager of an optics lab, performing spectroscopic experiments on rocks and minerals placed in a vacuum chamber. While my boss determined the overall experimental design, I was able to make my own suggestions for experiments and use my own discretion in how to perform them. I presented this research at two national conferences as well — a first for me. I was also able to learn about other research being performed there, determine which projects excited me the most, and thus narrow down my criteria for a PhD program.

4. Your current area of study does not dictate what you have to study in graduate school.

You might be studying the function and regulation of membrane proteins or doing a computational analysis of the conductivity of different battery designs, but that doesn't mean your PhD project must revolve around similar projects. The transition between college or another research job to a PhD program is one of the main transitions in your life when it is perfectly acceptable to completely change research areas.

If you are doing computation, you may want to switch to lab-based work or vice versa. If you are working in biology but have always had an interest in photonics research, now is the time to try it out. You may find that you love the alternative research and devote your PhD to it, you might hate it and fall back on your previous area of study — or you may even discover a unique topic that incorporates both subjects.

One of the best aspects of the PhD program is that you can make the research your own. Remember, the answer to the question "Why are you doing this research?" should not be "Well, because it's what I've been working on for the past few years already."While my undergraduate research was in atomic physics, I easily transitioned into applied physics and materials science for my PhD program and was able to apply much of what I learned as an undergraduate to my current research. If you are moving from the sciences to a non-STEM field such as social sciences or humanities, this advice can still apply, though the transition is a bit more difficult and more of a permanent commitment.

5. Make sure the PhD program has a variety of research options, and learn about as many research groups as possible in your first year.

Even if you believe you are committed to one research area, you may find that five years of such work is not quite what you expected. As such, you should find a PhD program where the professors are not all working in the same narrowly focused research area. Make sure there are at least three professors working on an array of topics you could imagine yourself working on.

In many graduate programs, you are supposed to pick a research advisor before even starting. But such arrangements often do not work out, and you may be seeking a new advisor before you know it. That's why many programs give students one or two semesters to explore different research areas before choosing a permanent research advisor.

In your first year, you should explore the research of a diverse set of groups. After touring their labs, talking to the students, or sitting in on group meetings, you may find that this group is the right one for you.

In addition, consider the importance of who your research advisor will be. This will be the person you interact with regularly for five straight years and who will have a crucial influence on your research. Do you like their advising style? Does their personality mesh with yours? Can you get along? Of course, the research your advisor works on is critical, but if you have large disagreements at every meeting or do not get helpful advice on how to proceed with your research, you may not be able to succeed. At the very least, you must be able to handle your advisor's management of the lab and advising style if you are going to be productive in your work. The Harvard program I enrolled in has professors working on research spanning from nanophotonics to energy materials and biophysics, covering my wide range of interests. By spending time in labs and offices informally chatting with graduate students, I found an advisor whose personality and research interests meshed very well with me. Their genuine enthusiasm for this advisor and their excitement when talking about their research was the best input I could have received.

6. Location is more important than you think — but name recognition is not.

The first consideration in choosing a PhD program should be, "Is there research at this university that I am passionate about?" After all, you will have to study this topic in detail for four or more years. But when considering the location of a university, your first thought should not be, "I'm going to be in the lab all the time, so what does it matter if I'm by the beach, in a city, or in the middle of nowhere." Contrary to popular belief, you will have a life outside of the lab, and you will have to be able to live with it for four or more years. Unlike when you were an undergraduate, your social and extracurricular life will revolve less around the university community, so the environment of the surrounding area is important. Do you need a city atmosphere to be productive? Or is your ideal location surrounded by forests and mountains or by a beach? Is being close to your family important? Imagine what it will be like living in the area during the times you are not doing research; consider what activities will you do and how often will you want to visit family.

While many of the PhD programs that accepted me had research that truly excited me, the only place I could envision living for five or more years was Boston, as the city I grew up near and whose environment and culture I love, and to be close to my family.

While location is more important than you think, the reputation and prestige of the university is not. In graduate school, the reputation of the individual department you are joining — and sometimes even the specific research group you work in — are more important. There, you will develop research collaborations and professional connections that will be crucial during your program and beyond. When searching for a job after graduation, other scientists will look at your specific department, the people you have worked with and the research you have done.

how does the phd program work

At the Asgard Irish Pub in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Andy Greenspon talks with fellow graduate students from Harvard and MIT at an Ask for Evidence workshop organized by Sense About Science. He grew up near Boston and chose to go to graduate school there.

7. Those time management skills you developed in college? Develop them further.

After surviving college, you may think you have mastered the ability to squeeze in your coursework, extracurricular activities and even some sleep. In a PhD program, time management reaches a whole new level. You will not only have lectures to attend and homework to do. You will have to make time for your research, which will include spending extended periods of time in the lab, analyzing data, and scheduling time with other students to collaborate on research.

Also, you will most likely have to teach for a number of semesters, and you will want to attend any seminar that may be related to your research or that just peaks your interest. To top it all off, you will still want to do many of those extracurricular activities you did as an undergraduate. While in the abstract, it may seem simple enough to put this all into your calendar and stay organized, you will find quickly enough that the one hour you scheduled for a task might take two or three hours, putting you behind on everything else for the rest of the day or forcing you to cut other planned events. Be prepared for schedules to go awry, and be willing to sacrifice certain activities. For some, this might be sleep; for others, it might be an extracurricular activity or a few seminars they were hoping to attend. In short, don't panic when things don't go according to plan; anticipate possible delays and be ready to adapt.

8. Expect to learn research skills on the fly – or take advantage of the training your department or career center offers.

This may be the first time you will have to write fellowship or grant proposals, write scientific papers, attend conferences, present your research to others, or even peer-review scientific manuscripts. From my experience, very few college students or even PhD students receive formal training on how to perform any of these tasks. Usually people follow by example. But this is not always easy and can be quite aggravating sometimes. So seek out talks or interactive programs offered by your department or career center. The effort will be well worth it when you realize you've become quite adept at quickly and clearly explaining your research to others and at outlining scientific papers and grant proposals. Alternatively, ask a more experienced graduate student or your advisor for advice on these topics. In addition, be prepared for a learning curve when learning all the procedures and processes of the group you end up working in. There may be many new protocols to master, whether they involve synthesizing chemicals, growing bacterial cells, or aligning mirrors on an optical table. In addition, the group may use programming languages or data analysis software you are unfamiliar with. Don't get discouraged but plan to spend extra effort getting used to these procedures and systems. After working with them regularly, they will soon become second nature. When I first started my job at Johns Hopkins, I felt overwhelmed by all the intricacies of the experiment and definitely made a few mistakes, including breaking a number of optical elements. But by the end of my year there, I had written an updated protocol manual for the modifications I had made to the experimental procedures and was the "master" passing on my knowledge to the next person taking the job.

9. There are no real breaks.

In a stereotypical "9-to-5" job, when the workday is over or the weekend arrives, you can generally forget about your work. And a vacation provides an even longer respite. But in a PhD program, your schedule becomes "whenever you find time to get your work done." You might be in the lab during regular work hours or you might be working until 10 p.m. or later to finish an experiment. And the only time you might have available to analyze data might be at 1 a.m. Expect to work during part of the weekend, too. Graduate students do go on vacations but might still have to do some data analysis or a literature search while away.

As a PhD student, it might be hard to stop thinking about the next step in an experiment or that data sitting on your computer or that paper you were meaning to start. While I imagine some students can bifurcate their mind between graduate school life and everything else, that's quite hard for many of us to do. No matter what, my research lies somewhere in the back of my head. In short, your schedule is much more flexible as a PhD student, but as a result, you never truly take a break from your work.

While this may seem like a downer, remember that you should have passion for the research you work on (most of the time), so you should be excited to think up new experiments or different ways to consider that data you have collected. Even when I'm lying in bed about to fall asleep, I am sometimes ruminating about aspects of my experiment I could modify or what information I could do a literature search on to gain new insights. A PhD program is quite the commitment and rarely lives up to expectations – but it is well worth the time and effort you will spend for something that truly excites you.


Andy greenspon.

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How to Choose a PhD Program

Successfully completing a doctoral program requires commitment and perseverance. the most important step in this process is to consider whether academic life is right for you and what kind of doctoral program — from discipline to environment — will be the best fit for your goals and preferences., we asked our current students and faculty, “what is key to making this decision” following are some questions they suggested you ask yourself, and answer, in order to select the appropriate program..

First, a basic description of a doctoral program:

As a doctoral student, you will spend the first two years of your program exploring areas of interest through coursework. In the two to three years that follow, you will select and pursue your own research topic, one which will make an original contribution to the existing body of knowledge in your field. Your original research culminates in an extensive written document known as the doctoral dissertation.

General Questions

If you are considering your career options, answering these questions will help you clarify your goals and ambitions — and determine if a doctoral program is the right decision for you.

  • Am I the type of person who is suited for a career in academia? Am I independently motivated to answer questions that I find interesting?
  • Do I want to spend the rest of my career doing research, as well as reading and talking about it?
  • Do I have a strong enough academic background in order to apply and be accepted by the program?
  • Is now the time for me to pursue a PhD?
  • What are my goals after completing the PhD?

Program Questions

If you know you want to pursue a doctoral degree, answers to these questions will help you select the right program for you.

  • How many faculty are working with students?
  • How many faculty members are doing research in areas related to my own interests?
  • What opportunities are there to work with a variety of faculty and to be exposed to different approaches in research (modeling, work with data, experiment design)?
  • Am I technically prepared to learn to do research in this field?
  • Most PhD students change their vision of research and many change their intended concentration area after joining the program and being exposed to a variety of research styles. Does my program of choice offer flexibility needed to do so?
  • Is there financial support for students to attend academic conferences to present their own research?
  • What opportunities are there for students to participate in colloquia, both as an attendee and as a presenter?
  • What is the department’s placement record? What types of jobs do graduates take and where?
  • Finally, how well do graduates of the program perform in the long term (contributing to the field through publication, practice of management and earning tenure)?

Hear From Our Doctoral Community

From undergrad to phd, closing the tenure gap for business faculty of color.

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What to expect from a phd schedule.

Take a look at a current student’s schedule and get the insider perspective from doctoral students and coordinators on what to expect from a PhD schedule.

The life of a PhD candidate can be stressful as you adjust to a rigorous academic and research schedule. Penn and Wharton offer a variety of resources to help support you in the transition to PhD life.

Wharton’s sense of community offers a level of comfort when reaching out to faculty as well as fellow students to help solve problems. Doctoral students and coordinators give the insider view on what to expect from a PhD schedule.

Class and Research First

The first two years of a PhD program are mainly made up of classes and the beginning stages of research. Deborah Small , the doctoral coordinator for the Marketing program , said, “It starts with heavy duty coursework and a lot of specific requirements. At the end of your first year, there are qualifying exams on all the core marketing courses. Second year they still have a lot of coursework to do, but more of that is elective with a focus more on their interests. During those years they’re expected to get started on research.”

In addition to taking classes and getting started with research, the Marketing program requires students to write two papers. The first research paper is due at the end of the second year, the other is due at the end of the third year.

The Real Estate and Business Economics and Public Policy programs run like the Marketing program. Fernando Ferreira , coordinator for the programs, said, “During the first year they complete six core courses. In the second year, the focus shifts to field courses and to independent research. They have two professors advising them in that year.”

After completing the main courses, students shift to conducting independent research. For REAL and BEPP students this means writing three dissertation chapters during the third and fourth years.

Time for Conferences and Seminars

Because coursework is usually completed by the second half of the program, there’s time for students to attend lectures and seminars. Andrea Contigiani , a fifth year student in the Management program, said, “In my fourth year, I usually attended a seminar around lunchtime. Wharton has an incredible seminar series throughout the year, with a good seminar happening almost everyday. Occasionally, I attended other events, like MBA events or speaker series. I then go back to research for most of the afternoon.”

Prof. Small said, “Students are expected to actively participate in seminars and activities. They’re also encouraged to go to academic conferences and try to present their work at those conferences. It is similar to the expectations of being a faculty member, minus teaching.”

Classes take up the majority of the first two years of the programs. When the focus then switches to research, you’re expected to work independently. Sometimes that can be intimidating. You become your own boss, which is an adjustment from being told what to do and when to do it.

So how do you manage it? Get advice from students and coordinators.

Posted: August 4, 2017

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Doctoral Programs

Matthew caulfield.

Hometown Ocean City, New Jersey

Concentration Management and Legal Studies & Business Ethics

Doctoral Stage Second Year

Typical Day at a Glance

8:30 am Wake up and get ready for the day

9:15 am Get to PhD Offices, respond to emails, check philosophy blogs and read news

10:30 am Journal article readings

11:30 am Meet with advisor

12:00 pm Attend departmental seminar speaker and lunch

1:30 pm Attend Wharton Social Impact Doctoral Community meeting

3:00 pm Attend business ethics seminar

5:00 pm Read for class

7:00 pm Meet with nonparametric statistics study group

8:00 pm Complete homework

12:00 am Go home

1:00 am Bedtime

What is your favorite part about Wharton?

First, the faculty are excellent. They are often leading experts in their fields, and they can offer advice that would be hard to find elsewhere.

Second, the other PhD students are just as passionate about research as you would hope. A huge part of my scholarly development has been due to the discussions I have had with other graduate students.

Third, the Wharton name can offer you serious advantages. In the course of research, I think industry practitioners as well as other academics have been more willing to talk or correspond with me because I am a graduate student at Wharton.

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PhD Programs

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Students in our PhD programs are encouraged from day one to think of this experience as their first job in business academia—a training ground for a challenging and rewarding career generating rigorous, relevant research that influences practice.

Our doctoral students work with faculty and access resources throughout HBS and Harvard University. The PhD program curriculum requires coursework at HBS and other Harvard discipline departments, and with HBS and Harvard faculty on advisory committees. Faculty throughout Harvard guide the programs through their participation on advisory committees.

How do I know which program is right for me?

There are many paths, but we are one HBS. Our PhD students draw on diverse personal and professional backgrounds to pursue an ever-expanding range of research topics. Explore more here about each program’s requirements & curriculum, read student profiles for each discipline as well as student research , and placement information.

The PhD in Business Administration grounds students in the disciplinary theories and research methods that form the foundation of an academic career. Jointly administered by HBS and GSAS, the program has five areas of study: Accounting and Management , Management , Marketing , Strategy , and Technology and Operations Management . All areas of study involve roughly two years of coursework culminating in a field exam. The remaining years of the program are spent conducting independent research, working on co-authored publications, and writing the dissertation. Students join these programs from a wide range of backgrounds, from consulting to engineering. Many applicants possess liberal arts degrees, as there is not a requirement to possess a business degree before joining the program

The PhD in Business Economics provides students the opportunity to study in both Harvard’s world-class Economics Department and Harvard Business School. Throughout the program, coursework includes exploration of microeconomic theory, macroeconomic theory, probability and statistics, and econometrics. While some students join the Business Economics program directly from undergraduate or masters programs, others have worked in economic consulting firms or as research assistants at universities or intergovernmental organizations.

The PhD program in Health Policy (Management) is rooted in data-driven research on the managerial, operational, and strategic issues facing a wide range of organizations. Coursework includes the study of microeconomic theory, management, research methods, and statistics. The backgrounds of students in this program are quite varied, with some coming from public health or the healthcare industry, while others arrive at the program with a background in disciplinary research

The PhD program in Organizational Behavior offers two tracks: either a micro or macro approach. In the micro track, students focus on the study of interpersonal relationships within organizations and the effects that groups have on individuals. Students in the macro track use sociological methods to examine organizations, groups, and markets as a whole, including topics such as the influence of individuals on organizational change, or the relationship between social missions and financial objectives. Jointly administered by HBS and GSAS, the program includes core disciplinary training in sociology or psychology, as well as additional coursework in organizational behavior.

Accounting & Management  

Business economics  , health policy (management)  , management  , marketing  , organizational behavior  , strategy  , technology & operations management  .

Ph.D. Program

The training for a Ph.D. in Biology is focused on helping students achieve their goals of being a successful research scientist and teacher, at the highest level. Students work closely with an established advisor and meet regularly with a committee of faculty members to facilitate their progress. The Biology Ph.D. program is part of the larger Biosciences community at Stanford, which includes doctorate programs in the basic science departments at Stanford Medical School. 

There are two tracks within the Biology Ph.D. program:

  • Cell, Molecular and Organismal Biology
  • Ecology and Evolution

(Previously a part of the Department of Biology Hopkins Marine Station is now a part of the Oceans Department within  Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability )

All  tracks are focused on excellence in research and teaching in their respective areas; where there are differences between the tracks, they are indicated in the links below. 

Requirements & Forms

Dissertation defense, cellular and molecular biology training program, stanford biology preview program (bpp): navigating the stanford biology phd application process, career development resources.

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Understanding How Harvard’s Ph.D. Application Process Works

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By Eric Eng

Group of students looking at a laptop while talking.

Applying for a Ph.D. at Harvard University is a significant journey in the pursuit of higher education. This journey consists of numerous stages and necessitates careful planning, strategic focus, and innate dedication. Each step in the application process has its own bearing and significance that, if accurately understood and executed, can dramatically enhance your chances of selection.

The Importance of a Ph.D. from Harvard

Before diving into the intricate procedures of the application process, it’s essential to understand the profound importance and revolutionary impact of obtaining a Ph.D. from Harvard University.

Group of students smiling in the camera.

Harvard University, renowned for its academic excellence and rich history, stands as a beacon of intellectual achievement in the world of higher education. With its distinguished faculty, cutting-edge research facilities, and vibrant academic community, Harvard offers an unparalleled environment for intellectual growth and discovery.

The Prestige Associated with Harvard’s Ph.D. Programs

The prestige factor is undoubtedly one of the primary reasons that drives many ambitious students worldwide to send their application in hopes earning a Ph.D. from Harvard. This distinction is not merely about the brand name but rather the university’s ability to produce critical thinkers who can shape the world.

When you become part of Harvard’s Ph.D. program, you join a community of scholars who have made significant contributions to their respective fields. The rigorous academic standards and the intellectual rigor demanded by Harvard ensure that its graduates are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their chosen disciplines.

Moreover, the prestige associated with a Harvard Ph.D. opens doors to various opportunities. It commands respect and admiration from peers and employers alike, giving you a competitive edge in the global job market.

This privilege accompanies a responsibility to contribute to the world with the knowledge acquired, to stride towards empirical science and enrich the understanding of humanity.

Career Opportunities after a Harvard Ph.D.

A Harvard Ph.D. not only provides you with awe-inspiring credentials but also amplifies your career prospects remarkably. Whether it is academia, an industrial research firm, or even a governmental research agency, a Ph.D. degree from Harvard significantly broadens your options and improves your potential income.

Harvard’s extensive network of alumni, spread across various industries and sectors, can serve as invaluable resources for career guidance and networking. The university’s reputation and connections can help you forge meaningful professional relationships and open doors to exciting job opportunities.

Furthermore, the interdisciplinary nature of Harvard’s Ph.D. programs allows graduates to explore diverse career paths. The skills and knowledge acquired during their time at Harvard make them adaptable and versatile professionals, capable of tackling complex challenges in a rapidly changing world.

Whether you aspire to become a leading academic, a groundbreaking researcher, or a visionary leader in your field, a Ph.D. from Harvard provides the foundation and credibility to pursue your ambitions.

In conclusion, a Ph.D. from Harvard University is not just a degree; it is a transformative experience that shapes individuals into leaders and innovators. The prestige, opportunities, and network that come with a Harvard Ph.D. open doors to a world of possibilities, enabling graduates to make a lasting impact on society and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.

The Initial Steps in the Application Process

It’s important to note that sending an application to Harvard for a Ph.D. program is a highly competitive and rigorous process. The university receives thousands of applications each year, and only a small percentage of applicants are accepted. Therefore, it is crucial to approach the application process with utmost care and preparation.

Female student writing an reading in a library.

Preparing Your Application

A well-rounded application is crucial. Start by introspecting your career objectives and what motivates you to pursue a Ph.D. at Harvard. This is essentially what the admissions committee is looking for in your application.

Take the time to reflect on your academic and personal journey that has led you to this point. What experiences, skills, and knowledge do you possess that make you a strong candidate for a Ph.D. program at Harvard? Consider your research interests, academic achievements, relevant work experience, and any extracurricular activities that demonstrate your passion and dedication.

Once you have a clear understanding of your motivations and strengths, it’s time to organize your application materials. This includes your academic credentials, such as transcripts, test scores, and letters of recommendation. Take the time to gather these documents meticulously, ensuring that they are accurate and up-to-date.

Remember that a comprehensive application to the Harvard’s Ph.D. program that highlights your potential can make a significant impact. Craft a compelling personal statement that showcases your research interests, academic goals, and how the program aligns with your aspirations. Use this opportunity to articulate your unique perspective and demonstrate your ability to contribute to the academic community.

Understanding the Application Timeline

Harvard’s application cycle usually opens in the fall. It is critical to understand the timeline given by the university and keep your documents ready.

Start by familiarizing yourself with the specific deadlines for the Ph.D. program you are interested in. These deadlines may vary depending on the field of study, so it’s important to double-check the information provided by the university.

Once you have a clear understanding of the application timeline, create a detailed plan to ensure that you can submit your application on time. Break down the process into smaller tasks, such as requesting recommendation letters, preparing your personal statement, and gathering all necessary documents.

Pay special attention to deadlines. Delay in application submission can result in rejection or postponement to the next academic cycle. Double-check all dates and adhere to them religiously. It’s always better to submit your application well before the deadline to avoid any last-minute technical issues or unforeseen circumstances.

Additionally, it’s important to note that the application process may involve multiple rounds of review and interviews. Be prepared for potential interviews or additional requests for information from the admissions committee.

Remember, the application process is not just about submitting your materials. It’s an opportunity to showcase your passion, dedication, and potential as a researcher and scholar. Take the time to present yourself in the best possible light and demonstrate why you are a perfect fit for Harvard’s Ph.D. program.

Key Components of the Harvard Ph.D. Application

Moving closer to the submission, it becomes crucial to understand the core components that comprise a successful application.

When it comes to sending an application for a Ph.D. program at Harvard, there are several key components that you need to pay attention to. These components are not only important individually but also work together to create a comprehensive and compelling application.

The Role of the Statement of Purpose

Your statement of purpose is your unique opportunity to directly communicate with the admissions committee. It should meticulously reflect your academic interests, your research achievements, and aspirations.

Female student holding a pen while looking distracted.

When crafting your statement of purpose, it is essential to showcase your passion for the field of study and your dedication to advancing knowledge. You should provide specific examples of your research experiences and highlight how they have shaped your academic journey.

The statement needs to be a precise, coherent, and compelling infrastructure of your professional narrative. This can help spotlight your potential and enhance your chances of selection.

Furthermore, it is important to align your research interests with the faculty members at Harvard who are conducting cutting-edge research in your field. Demonstrating that you have done your homework and are familiar with the ongoing research at the university can make your application stand out.

Letters of Recommendation and Their Impact

Letters of recommendation are critical and carry significant weight in the admissions process. They provide a subjective assessment of your strengths and capabilities.

When choosing recommenders, it is crucial to approach individuals who know you well and can vouch for your academic achievements or research skills. These individuals should be able to provide specific examples and anecdotes that highlight your potential as a Ph.D. candidate.

Additionally, it is important to maintain strong relationships with your recommenders throughout your academic journey. Regularly updating them on your progress and discussing your future goals can help them write more personalized and impactful letters of recommendation.

Remember, the quality of your letters of recommendation can greatly influence the admissions committee’s perception of your abilities and potential as a researcher.

The Significance of Your Academic Transcript

Apart from your recommendation letters and statement of purpose, your academic transcript also plays a pivotal role. Your grades symbolize your academic prowess and persistence through challenging coursework.

Having a strong academic record is essential for a competitive application. Admissions committees look for candidates who have excelled in their coursework and have demonstrated the ability to handle rigorous academic challenges.

If your grades are not as strong as you would like them to be, it is important to address any potential concerns in your application. You can explain any extenuating circumstances that may have affected your academic performance or highlight specific courses or projects where you performed exceptionally well.

An excellent academic record could significantly enhance your application’s competitiveness and increase your chances of acceptance.

In conclusion, the key components of the Harvard Ph.D. application, including the statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, and academic transcript, all play a crucial role in showcasing your potential as a Ph.D. candidate. It is important to approach each component with care and attention to detail, ensuring that they collectively present a comprehensive and compelling application.

The Interview Process at Harvard

Beyond the written application, there exists the equally demanding interview process. The interview is a crucial step in the admissions process, allowing the admissions committee to gain a deeper understanding of the applicant’s qualifications, motivations, and potential contributions to the Harvard community.

Preparing for the Interview

First, acquaint yourself with your research area thoroughly. As a prospective Ph.D. candidate, you are expected to exhibit an in-depth understanding of your chosen field. This includes not only being well-versed in the current literature but also having a clear grasp of the key research questions, methodologies, and debates within your discipline.

Young man staring the his laptop while thinking about something.

Brush up on your past projects and be prepared to explain your ideas coherently and efficiently. Confidence goes a long way and is a valuable asset in this phase of the application process. Reflect on your research experiences, highlighting any significant findings, challenges overcome, and lessons learned. Consider how your previous work has prepared you for the next stage of your academic journey.

Additionally, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the faculty members and their research interests at Harvard. This knowledge will enable you to articulate how your research aligns with the ongoing work at the university and how you can contribute to the scientific community.

What to Expect During the Interview

The actual interview may involve a discussion of your academic interests, research experience, and future plans. The admissions committee is interested in understanding not only what you have accomplished thus far but also your potential for future growth and impact.

During the interview, you might be asked to elaborate on your research intention at Harvard and how you can contribute to the scientific community. It is crucial to communicate your ideas clearly and concisely, demonstrating your ability to think critically and analytically. Be prepared to discuss the specific research questions you hope to address, the methodologies you plan to employ, and the potential significance of your work.

Remember to listen carefully to the questions and answer with calmness and conviction. Engage in meaningful conversations and show your enthusiasm and commitment to the program. The interview is an opportunity for you to showcase your intellectual curiosity, passion for your field, and ability to contribute meaningfully to the academic community.

Furthermore, the interview is also a chance for you to ask questions and learn more about the program. Prepare a list of thoughtful and relevant questions that demonstrate your interest in the research opportunities, resources, and mentorship available at Harvard. Engaging in a dialogue with the interviewers not only shows your genuine interest but also allows you to gather valuable insights that can help inform your decision if admitted.

In conclusion, the interview process at Harvard is a rigorous and comprehensive evaluation of an applicant’s qualifications and potential. It is an opportunity for you to showcase your academic prowess, research experience, and future aspirations. By thoroughly preparing for the interview and engaging in thoughtful conversations, you can present yourself as a strong candidate who is ready to make significant contributions to the Harvard community.

Post-Application: What Happens Next?

Once the application is submitted and the interview completed, it’s time to wait and understand what comes next.

The Admissions Decision Process

Post-submission, your application is thoroughly reviewed by the admissions committee. This process takes time, and it’s essential to stay patient.

The decision may be communicated via mail or through the university’s online portal. It’s critical not to rush and give the committee the time they require to evaluate your application.

Responding to Your Admission Offer

Upon receiving your admission offer, if it’s a positive response, celebrate your achievement. However, it’s essential to respond to the offer within the stipulated time communicated by the university. A delay might risk your admission, so be sure to keep all lines of communication open and timely.

In conclusion, the Harvard Ph.D. application process is meticulous and requires a brilliant blend of strategy, preparation, and patience. But the rewards, as discussed, are immense and can transform your professional journey encapsulating a powerful influence on your individual and professional growth.


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EdD vs PhD – Key Differences Compared

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EdD and PhD programs are degrees in education but cater to distinct career goals. Learn more.

Why should I get an EdD degree?

Are you considering a doctorate to propel your career in education? A master's degree has equipped you with valuable knowledge, but you're hungry to make a bigger impact. Doctor of Education (EdD) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programs offer a path forward, but how do these doctorates differ? The key lies in their focus. 

What is an EdD degree? 

An EdD degree is oriented toward professionals who want to learn to leverage educational leadership skills. Combining research and application, the EdD can be applied to various industries inside and outside of education. With an EdD, you can spearhead educational change at the district or school level, craft innovative curricula, or guide future educators.

EdD vs PhD  

Are you a passionate educator ready to take the next step and become a leader who shapes the future of education? Then, an EdD program might be the perfect fit for you. The focus of an EdD program is on practical application. You'll delve into the latest educational theories and strategies but with a clear emphasis on how to implement them effectively in real-world educational settings. EdD programs are designed for busy professionals, so expect a curriculum that blends rigorous coursework with flexible learning options.

If you’re more interested in delving deeper into the theoretical underpinnings of education or seeing yourself as a future professor who teaches and conducts groundbreaking research, a PhD in education might be a better fit. A PhD program emphasizes original research, pushing the boundaries of educational knowledge.

The key takeaway? Both EdD and PhD programs are degrees in education, but they cater to different career goals. An EdD equips you to be a change agent in the field, while a PhD prepares you to become a scholar who advances educational knowledge.

EdD Degree Online

Arizona Online’s EdD in Educational Leadership – in the Educational Leadership & Policy (EDLP) unit – is designed to advance knowledge and address enduring and future problems in education by:

  • Exploring issues of social justice for educational equity and opportunity
  • Engaging in research situated in socio-cultural, economic, and political contexts
  • Addressing the significance of changing and challenging educational contexts

Students continue to work as full-time practitioners while studying and applying new knowledge to their daily practice.

The benefits extend far beyond the classroom. EdD programs often attract experienced professionals, creating a unique learning environment. Your classmates – who are often current school administrators, deans, and educational professionals – bring much practical experience. This collaborative atmosphere fosters knowledge exchange, allowing you to learn from each other's successes and challenges. The connections you build in the program can evolve into valuable professional networks that propel your career forward long after graduation.

Doctor of Education Salary

EdD degree jobs vary depending on your goals. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), EdD graduates who become school principals, leading middle or high schools, enjoy a competitive median salary of $101,320. According to Payscale, superintendents – responsible for the whole district's success – command even higher salaries, averaging $144,547 nationwide.

But leadership isn't the only option. EdD graduates can also work to develop curriculums and set educational standards. Instructional coordinators, for example, earned a median salary of $66,490 in 2022, according to the BLS.

For those passionate about technology, EdD programs focusing on e-learning can lead to careers overseeing tech initiatives or online programs. Education Technology Specialists, for example, currently earn an average annual salary of $80,965 (Glassdoor).

And, of course, an EdD qualifies graduates to teach. College professors enjoy a median annual salary of $80,840 (BLS, 2022), with varying salaries based on experience and institution.

EdD Programs

If your career goals aren't limited to teaching or research, an EdD is better than a PhD. An EdD goes beyond traditional academics, equipping you with the skills to make a real-world difference in the field of education. An EdD is your springboard to impactful careers across the educational spectrum. Think school administration, curriculum development, or policy leadership in K-12 or higher education. The possibilities extend beyond the school walls, with opportunities in healthcare, government, and even the business sector. Earning an EdD could be the key to unlocking your potential if you're passionate about leading and making a tangible impact.

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Applying to MD-PhD Programs

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Are you considering a MD-PhD program? Here the basics about applying to MD-PhD programs to help you get started.

The MD-PhD dual degree training prepares you for a career that is busy, challenging, and rewarding, and offers opportunities to do good for many people by advancing medical science, developing new diagnostics and treatments for diseases, and pushing back the boundaries of the unknown.

How do I know if a combined program is right for me?

MD-PhD programs are specifically designed for those who want to become physician-researchers, also known as physician-scientists. Graduates of MD-PhD programs often go on to become faculty members at medical schools, universities, and research institutes such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

MD-PhD program students are being prepared for careers in which they will spend most of their time doing research in addition to caring for patients. It is critical that applicants have a passion for doing both—most MD-PhD graduates feel strongly that they would not be fulfilled by only pursuing medicine or science.

How do I apply?

Nearly all MD-PhD programs participate in the application process via the American Medical College Application Service® (AMCAS®) . On the AMCAS application, students designate themselves as MD-PhD applicants and complete two additional essays: one related to why they are interested in MD-PhD training, and the other highlighting their significant research experiences.

What schools offer this type of program?

Nationwide, there are more than 90 MD-PhD programs affiliated with medical schools. The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) supports Medical Scientist Training Programs or MSTPs. They currently provide training grants that partially support MD-PhD programs at 49 degree-granting institutions. You can see which schools offer MD-PhD degrees in the  Medical School Admission Requirements  profiles under “Combined Degrees and Special Programs.” You can also review  Individual MD-PhD Program Information for Prospective Applicants  for easy access to individual MD-PhD program websites.

How long does it take?

Students enter an integrated curriculum that typically takes seven to eight years to complete. During which time, they satisfy the full requirements for both the MD and the PhD degrees.

What kind of work can I do? How much time is spent as an MD? As a researcher?

According to a  study of MD-PhD program outcomes , nearly 80 percent of graduates are following career paths consistent with the goals of their training, including working as full-time faculty in academic medical centers or for the NIH, research institutes, industry, and federal agencies. Those in academia, spend between 50 and 80 percent of their time conducting research, though this can vary by specialty. Their research may be lab-based, translational, or clinical. The remaining time is often divided between clinical service, teaching, and administrative activities.

MD-PhD Application Timeline

AMCAS application opens:  May preceding the year of expected entry Applicants interviewed:  October–March Final decisions sent to applicants:  December–March Applicants revisit program(s) to decide where to matriculate:  March–April MD-PhD programs start:  June–August

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When I was in college, I was in a premed “bubble” a lot of the time. I took many of my courses and labs alongside hundreds of other aspiring physicians. I would see the same people throughout my academic day, and sometimes even outside of the lecture hall. Because of this, I unintentionally overheard conversations […]

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Undergraduate vs. Graduate: Educate Yourself On The Difference

  • Undergraduate Meaning
  • Undergraduate Student And Degree
  • Graduate Meaning
  • Graduate Degree And Student
  • Graduate Origin
  • Postgraduate Meaning

⚡ Quick summary

The main difference between undergraduate and graduate is that undergraduate is always used in the context of the first level of college or university education (the level where you can earn a bachelor’s degree ). In terms like graduate student and graduate degree , graduate refers to a level of advanced education beyond the undergraduate level, especially a master’s degree or doctorate . The noun graduate is more general, simply referring to a person who has completed a level of education (someone who has graduated ).

The difference between undergraduate and graduate is a difference of degrees (*throws graduation cap in the air to celebrate the pun*).

The level of education that each word involves varies depending on how the word is being used, and there are situations in which both words can be used in the same situation. For example, you can become a graduate student after graduating with an undergraduate degree.

The word graduate can mean very different things depending on whether it’s used as a noun (as in recent   high school graduates ), an adjective (as in graduate student and graduate degree ), or a verb (as in I plan to graduate next May ). The same goes for its shortened form, grad , which can be used as a noun (as in Congrats, grads! ) or an adjective (as in grad program ).

Undergraduate can also be used both as a noun (as in I’m an undergraduate at Stanford University ) or an adjective (as in I’m working toward my undergraduate degree ). It can be shortened to undergrad in both cases.

By the end of this article, you’ll have an advanced degree in all the different ways graduate, grad , undergraduate , and undergrad are used, and what they mean in each case.

What does undergraduate mean?

An undergraduate is “a student in a university or college who has not received a first, especially a bachelor’s, degree.” For example, a college student might say I’m an undergraduate at the University of Texas if they were pursuing a bachelor’s degree there.

Undergraduate is also commonly used as an adjective in this same context, in terms like undergraduate student , undergraduate degree , and undergraduate studies.

Undergraduate is often shortened to undergrad as both a noun and an adjective.

In undergraduate, the prefix under- is used to indicate a lower rank or status. The educational status of an undergraduate student is below that of a graduate student.

What’s the difference between wisdom and knowledge ? Here’s a lesson on the two terms.

What is an undergraduate student ? And what is an undergraduate degree ?

An undergraduate student is a student who is pursuing a degree at the first level of higher education (meaning the level after high school) at a college or university. Undergraduate students are typically those working to earn a bachelor’s degree (or, less commonly, an associate’s degree ). These degrees are often referred to with the general term undergraduate degree.

Outside of the US, an undergraduate degree is sometimes called a first degree. There are also other types of undergraduate degrees outside of the US, such as a foundation degree (which, like an associate’s degree, is typically a two-year degree).

What does graduate mean?

As a noun, the word graduate  [  graj -oo-it ] refers to “a person who has received a degree or diploma on completing a course of study.” In other words, a graduate is someone who has completed a particular level of schooling or an educational program—a child who just finished kindergarten and a doctor who just completed medical school are both graduates. It can even be used figuratively , as in She’s a graduate of the school of hard knocks.

As a verb, graduate [  graj -oo-eyt ] means “to receive a degree or diploma on completing a course of study.” The process of graduating—and the ceremony itself—is called graduation .

As an adjective, graduate [  graj -oo-it ] means something more specific. It’s used to indicate that a student, degree, or educational program is an advanced one, beyond the level of a bachelor’s degree. This sense of graduate is most commonly used in terms like graduate degree, graduate school , graduate program, and graduate student.

What is a graduate degree ? And what is a graduate student ?

Graduate degree typically refers to a degree beyond a bachelor’s, most commonly a master’s.

A graduate student is a student who’s pursuing an advanced degree after having earned their undergraduate degree (such as a bachelor’s degree) by graduating from an undergraduate program. Calling someone a graduate student most often means they are pursuing their master’s degree, but it may be another advanced degree, such as a PhD (You’d most commonly call such students PhD students. Or you might say they are working toward their doctorate or their doctoral degree.)

To earn a graduate degree, graduate students go to a division of a university known as graduate school , and such a program is often called a graduate program. In all of these terms, graduate is often shortened to grad : grad school , grad student , grad program . (A student doesn’t become a graduate student until they take graduate-level courses. For example, if a student graduates with a bachelor’s degree and then later pursues a different bachelor’s degree, they are still an undergraduate student .)

Some graduate studies are referred to in more specific ways: medical students go to medical school to earn their medical degree ; law students go to law school to earn their law degree.

Do you know the difference between these highly-esteemed graduate degrees and titles: PhD, MD, and Dr ?

Where does the word graduate come from?

Graduate comes from the Medieval Latin graduārī, meaning “to take a degree.” It ultimately derives from the Latin gradus, meaning “a step.” Each time you graduate, you take a step to the next level of education.

What does postgraduate mean?

The adjective postgraduate is sometimes used in the same way as the adjective sense of the word graduate, especially in the UK, as in postgraduate student or postgraduate studies.

Postgraduate should not be confused with postdoctoral , which refers to studies, research, or professional work above the level of a doctorate.

How to use undergraduate vs. graduate

The best way to sort out the different meanings of undergraduate and graduate is to determine whether each word is being used as a noun, an adjective, or a verb. Here’s an easy breakdown of the differences.

  • undergraduate (noun): A college student pursuing a non-advanced degree, most commonly a bachelor’s degree. Can be shortened to undergrad.
  • undergraduate (adjective): Used in the context of colleges and university programs ( undergraduate programs ) where students are pursuing a degree (generally referred to as an undergraduate degree ) that is not an advanced degree. Also sometimes shortened to undergrad.
  • graduate (noun): A person who has completed a particular level of schooling or educational program. Can be shortened to grad.
  • graduate (verb): To complete a level of schooling (and, typically, to receive a degree or diploma). You can graduate from kindergarten, high school, college, graduate school, medical school, etc.
  • graduate (adjective): Used in the context of advanced schooling—a level beyond a bachelor’s degree, most commonly a master’s program. Used in terms like graduate student , graduate school , graduate degree , graduate program , graduate courses , etc. Often shortened to grad.

Examples of undergraduate, undergrad, graduate, and grad used in a sentence

Let’s look at some examples of these words in actual, real-life use to get the meanings straight.

  • As an undergraduate, she had studied engineering; as a graduate student, she switched to architecture.
  • I completed my undergraduate degree after five years and a lot of hard work.
  • As a graduate student, you will be expected to complete a thesis.
  • You should start thinking about graduate school applications before you graduate.
  • Most of the applicants for this position are recent college graduates.
  • I’m still an undergrad, but I’m hoping to start grad school next fall.
  • I’m a UGA grad, but I almost went to Georgia Tech.

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Students & recent graduates

Begin your search, pathways program.

The Pathways Program offers federal internship and employment opportunities for current students, recent graduates and those with an advanced degree. There are three different paths available.

New changes are coming soon that will expand opportunities to participants in "qualifying career or technical education programs" (which may include Registered Apprenticeship Programs, Job Corps, Climate Corps, AmeriCorps, and Peace Corps)

The Internship Program is for current students. If you're a current student in high school, college, trade school or another qualifying educational institution, you may be eligible. This program offers paid opportunities to work in federal agencies and explore federal careers while completing your education.

Learn more about the Internship Program .

The Recent Graduates Program is for those who have graduated, within the past two years, from a qualifying educational institution or certificate program. The Recent Graduates Program offers career development with training and mentorship.

You must apply within two years of getting your degree or certificate (veterans have up to six years to apply due to their military service obligation).

Learn more about the Recent Graduates Program .

  • Have completed an advanced degree from a qualifying educational institution or program within the past two years of the annual application opening date.
  • Expect to complete all advanced degree requirements, including the completion or successful defense of any required thesis or dissertation, by August 31 of the next year, from the opening date of the annual application announcement.

Email [email protected] for questions related to the Presidential Management Fellows Program. Questions about a specific announcement found on USAJOBS should be sent to the hiring agency using the contact information in the announcement.

Learn more about the Presidential Management Fellows Program .

Please contact [email protected] with any issues or questions related to the Pathways Programs for students and recent graduates.

Additional hiring options

  • A U.S. citizen or national.
  • Enrolled in or pursuing a bachelor's or graduate degree on at least a half-time basis.

Learn more about the Post-Secondary Student Hiring Authority .

This program is for those who have completed a bachelor's or graduate degree within the last two years. Veterans may have up to six years to apply. The program offers appointments to a permanent position.

Other student programs and opportunities

There are several other opportunities available to students, including:

  • CyberCorps®: Scholarship for Service
  • Department of Defense student opportunities
  • Department of State Student Internship program
  • NASA internship opportunities
  • National security education programs such as Boren Scholarships and Fellowships and English for Heritage Language Speakers scholarships
  • Overseas Seasonal Hire program
  • Summer jobs (for example, a lifeguard)
  • USAID Pathways for Students and Recent Graduates
  • U.S. Department of Energy Community College Internship (CCI)
  • U.S. Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI)
  • Virtual Student Federal Service (VSFS)

How do I know a job is open to students or recent graduates?

In the job announcement look for the This job is open to section. When a job is open to Students you'll see the Students icon: . When a job is open to Recent graduates , you'll see the Recent graduates icon: . There may be other groups listed that can also apply.

You can also select the Students or recent graduates filter. Your results will display all jobs open to students and recent graduates.

Documents you may need

Upload and submit through usajobs.

You can upload and save documents to your USAJOBS profile. Once uploaded, you can submit these forms with your job application as needed. Sign into USAJOBS or learn how to upload documents .

Additional Resources

  • A-Z list of federal agencies External link. Opens in a new window.
  • Federal internship FAQs
  • Federal occupations by college majors
  • Pathways FAQs

Other Hiring Paths

  • Open to the public
  • Federal employees
  • Students & recent graduates
  • Military spouses
  • National guard and reserves
  • Senior executives
  • Individuals with disabilities
  • Family of overseas employees
  • Native Americans
  • Peace Corps & AmeriCorps VISTA
  • Special authorities
  • Skip to main content
  • Skip to main navigation

Master of Social Work

The final deadline to apply for FALL 2024 for our Waco Campus was MAY 1. If you have questions, please email [email protected] . The fall 2025 app will open in September. If you're interested in our online program for fall 2024, head on over to our MSW online page .

Why earn your MSW degree at Baylor?

Students in the Master of Social Work (MSW) program at Baylor receive a well-rounded education focused on social justice and the ethical intersection of faith and practice. Our residential and online MSW degree programs prepare professional social workers who can assess and build on the strengths of persons, families and communities.

Our innovative academics and unique experiential learning opportunities train students to become compassionate and ethical social workers who believe social work is about service and justice, healing and restoration, and the dignity of all people.

Click here to download a free resource guide about the social work profession and career opportunities.

MSW Curriculum

The MSW at Baylor is a research-based program taught by expert faculty with hands-on experience in the profession. Our curriculum provides the best of both time-tested methodology and cutting-edge discovery.

The Garland School of Social Work offers a Master of Social work with two academic specializations (Clinical Practice and Community Practice) and partners with The Hankamer School of Business and Truett Theological Seminary to offer a joint MSW/MBA, MDiv/MSW or MTS/MSW. Our MSW program is fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.

A 10:1 student-to-professor ratio creates an environment of active, meaningful learning; students grow academically and professionally and have opportunities to participate in research projects thanks to outstanding faculty mentorship.

Students can enroll in the Master of Social Work program at either our residential campus in Waco, Texas, or our online campus from almost anywhere.

Social Work Specializations and Concentrations

Baylor’s MSW students can choose to specialize in either Clinical Practice or Community Practice. The MSW Concentration is an option designed to develop a student’s knowledge base more comprehensively in one area of social work practice.

Social Work Practicum Education

Practicum is considered the signature pedagogy of social work education; internships provide the opportunity to apply knowledge to work with clients and the systems that impact them.

  • Diana R. Garland School of Social Work

811 Washington Ave. Waco, TX 76701

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  1. 10 things you need to know before starting a PhD degree

    5. Embrace change - don't get bogged down in the details. Felix Shaw - one of our bioinformatics researchers at EI - put it best when he said, " it felt like I was running into brick walls all the way through [my PhD]… you'd run into a brick wall, surmount it, only to run straight into another. It's true.

  2. Explained: What Is a PhD Degree?

    PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy. This is one of the highest level academic degrees that can be awarded. PhD is an abbreviation of the Latin term (Ph)ilosophiae (D)octor. Traditionally the term 'philosophy' does not refer to the subject but its original Greek meaning which roughly translates to 'lover of wisdom'.

  3. How the PhD Program Works

    How the PhD Program Works. Completing your doctorate at Wharton requires 5 years of full-time study. The first 2 years in the program prepare you for admission to candidacy by taking courses, qualifying exams, and starting research projects. In the last few years, you are primarily conducting research full-time including writing and defending ...

  4. PDF GRAD Guide to Applying to Ph.D. Programs

    A Ph.D. is a research degree that involves the production of original knowledge and scholarship. Doctoral degrees have traditionally been regarded as training programs for academics. As such, a Ph.D. program differs from undergraduate or Master's studies. Most Ph.D. programs involve some initial coursework (specific requirements for ...

  5. What Is a PhD?

    A Doctor of Philosophy, often known as a PhD, is a terminal degree —or the highest possible academic degree you can earn in a subject. While PhD programs (or doctorate programs) are often structured to take between four and five years, some graduate students may take longer as they balance the responsibilities of coursework, original research ...

  6. What Is a PhD?

    Typically, PhD degree programs work based on a mix of coursework and research conducted over three to four years, although this can last longer depending on the program and the pace at which a student completes their research. Coursework is typically completed towards the beginning of the program, and towards the end, the dissertation or thesis ...

  7. Doctor of Philosophy

    A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, Ph.D., or DPhil; Latin: philosophiae doctor or doctor philosophiae) is a terminal degree that usually denotes the highest level of academic achievement in a given discipline and is awarded following a course of graduate study and original research.The name of the degree is most often abbreviated PhD (or, at times, as Ph.D. in North America), pronounced as three ...

  8. How to Apply For a PhD: Step-By-Step

    Step 1: choose your research area. The first, and most obvious, step to applying for a PhD is to decide what research area you want to work in. Whether you're looking for an Arts and Humanities PhD or a STEM one, each individual subject is made up of a vast array of research topics. Most PhD courses will expect students to have a degree in a ...

  9. Doctor of Philosophy in Education

    The Harvard Ph.D. in Education trains cutting-edge researchers who work across disciplines to generate knowledge and translate discoveries into transformative policy and practice. Offered jointly by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Ph.D. in Education provides ...

  10. What is a PhD?

    The term PhD or Doctorate of Philosophy is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase 'philosophiae doctor'. A PhD degree typically involves students independently conducting original and significant research in a specific field or subject, before producing a publication-worthy thesis. While some Doctorates include taught components, PhD students are ...

  11. How Do PhD Programs Work?

    PhD research takes what you have learned through coursework, residencies, and personal experience and focuses it on answering a question about a specific topic. The goal of this research is to add to the body of knowledge related to your degree concentration. There are different research models, and your doctoral mentor will guide you through ...

  12. PhD in USA

    Method of Study. The main difference between a PhD in the US and a PhD in Europe lies in the program structure. Whereas a European PhD essentially consists of a single phase lasting three to four years, an American PhD consists of three different phases, each with its own time frame.. Phase One - The first phase lasts approximately two years and focuses on building a basic foundation for the ...

  13. Your Guide to a Strong Ph.D. Application

    Broadly speaking, a Ph.D. application consists of previous academic grades, competitive examination scores, work experiences, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement. For a Ph.D. program, all previous academic grades are weighted and assessed including undergraduate transcripts, while standard examination scores (i.e., the GRE) are ...

  14. How to Apply for a PhD

    3. Online Application Form. Once you have found a research programme you are interested in, most universities will require you to make a formal application via their online application portal. The below outlines the supporting documentation you will likely require when completing your online application form.

  15. 9 things you should consider before embarking on a PhD

    9. There are no real breaks. In a stereotypical "9-to-5" job, when the workday is over or the weekend arrives, you can generally forget about your work. And a vacation provides an even longer respite. But in a PhD program, your schedule becomes "whenever you find time to get your work done."

  16. How to Choose a PhD Program

    Successfully completing a doctoral program requires commitment and perseverance. The most important step in this process is to consider whether academic life is right for you and what kind of doctoral program — from discipline to environment — will be the best fit for your goals and preferences. We asked our current students and faculty ...

  17. How does a PhD work? The FULL guide!

    So what does a PhD look like and how does a PhD work? In this video we are going to go over how a PhD works and the steps that are required to get through a ...

  18. What to Expect from a PhD Schedule

    The first two years of a PhD program are mainly made up of classes and the beginning stages of research. Deborah Small, the doctoral coordinator for the Marketing program, said, "It starts with heavy duty coursework and a lot of specific requirements. At the end of your first year, there are qualifying exams on all the core marketing courses.

  19. PhD Programs

    Students in our PhD programs are encouraged from day one to think of this experience as their first job in business academia—a training ground for a challenging and rewarding career generating rigorous, relevant research that influences practice. Our doctoral students work with faculty and access resources throughout HBS and Harvard University.

  20. Ph.D. Program

    The training for a Ph.D. in Biology is focused on helping students achieve their goals of being a successful research scientist and teacher, at the highest level. Students work closely with an established advisor and meet regularly with a committee of faculty members to facilitate their progress. The Biology Ph.D. program is part of the larger ...

  21. Understanding How Harvard's Ph.D. Application Process Works

    The Interview Process at Harvard. Beyond the written application, there exists the equally demanding interview process. The interview is a crucial step in the admissions process, allowing the admissions committee to gain a deeper understanding of the applicant's qualifications, motivations, and potential contributions to the Harvard community.

  22. What It's Like to Do an MD-PhD Program

    Sreya: One of the most important aspects to consider for MD-PhD students is the idea that this path is a marathon, not a sprint. There is a lot of temptation to overload on clubs, leadership, research, etc., to keep pace with MD colleagues, but in the long run, an MD-PhD is about the quality and depth of training.

  23. How do PhD Programs Work? Timeline, Milestones, & Stages of PhDs

    Hi Future PhDs!!! I now sell merch! Check out my Merch Shop Here - https://bit.ly/ShopFuturePhD and let EVERYONE know how proud you are to be a #FuturePhD!!!...

  24. EdD vs PhD

    A PhD program emphasizes original research, pushing the boundaries of educational knowledge. The key takeaway? Both EdD and PhD programs are degrees in education, but they cater to different career goals. An EdD equips you to be a change agent in the field, while a PhD prepares you to become a scholar who advances educational knowledge.

  25. What Is a Graduate Degree? Your 2024 Guide

    A graduate degree is an academic program that you can pursue after getting your bachelor's degree. A graduate degree—which includes master's degrees, professional degrees, and doctorate degrees —allows you to further specialize in an area of interest or choose a course that directly relates to or is accredited by the profession you want ...

  26. Applying to MD-PhD Programs

    MD-PhD Application Timeline. AMCAS application opens: May preceding the year of expected entry. Applicants interviewed: October-March. Final decisions sent to applicants: December-March. Applicants revisit program (s) to decide where to matriculate: March-April. MD-PhD programs start: June-August. Are you considering a MD-PhD program?

  27. Undergraduate Vs. Graduate: What's The Difference?

    Here's an easy breakdown of the differences. undergraduate (noun): A college student pursuing a non-advanced degree, most commonly a bachelor's degree. Can be shortened to undergrad. undergraduate (adjective): Used in the context of colleges and university programs ( undergraduate programs) where students are pursuing a degree (generally ...

  28. Online Computer Science & Engineering Degrees

    A master's degree in computer science is a graduate program focused on advanced concepts in computer science, such as software development, machine learning, data visualization, natural language processing, cybersecurity, and more. At this level, you'll often choose a field to specialize in.. Computer science master's programs build on your technical skill set while strengthening key ...

  29. USAJOBS Help Center

    This program is for recent graduates with an advanced degree—either a professional or graduate degree such as a master's, Ph.D. or J.D. You may be eligible if you: Have completed an advanced degree from a qualifying educational institution or program within the past two years of the annual application opening date.

  30. Master of Social Work

    Diana R. Garland School of Social Work. 811 Washington Ave. Waco, TX 76701. [email protected]. (254) 710-6400. Apply Give Admissions Request Info. Discover more about admission to our social work programs at the Garland School of Social Work at Baylor University.