The Anti-Boring Academic Life Coach

How to Establish a Homework Routine on Weekends

by Gretchen | Oct 1, 2012 | Academic Coaching , Organization , Procrastination | 0 comments

fun weekend homework

So how should students manage their time during their precious weekend time? When is the best time to do homework, and when is the best time to relax?

In my experience, most students want to save their homework until Sunday night. While understandable (Homework is distasteful! Why not push it off until the last possible moment?), this habit often gets them in trouble, as they usually have more homework than can possibly be accomplished between 6-9pm on Sunday.

Secondly, the date can end in a bad mood. For example, tell him that you read books by Dawkins or other scientific atheists, and megapersonal hookup the new acquaintance’s eyes fill with blood because he’s a deeply religious person. Although such things could have come up during the correspondence stage.

I know many parents who want their kids to get homework started on Saturday mornings. If a student is motivated to do it, this is a fine suggestion. However, I’m a big believer that kids need a break from school work, just like adults do. I’d HATE my life if I worked every day of the week; why should it be any different for kids?

Sunday ritual to the rescue!

Recently I stumbled upon this blog entry by Cal Newport about how to create a ritual that starts on Sunday morning and continues for the rest of the day. As Cal says, “Friday and Saturday are a time to be social. Sunday morning and afternoon is a time for you to regroup, get organized, and get prepared for the upcoming week.”

The ritual he proposes includes a big breakfast, a swing by the library to do some planning for the day, getting some exercise, and then some time later for thinking through the upcoming week.

Cal writes for college students, not high school students, and so the Sunday ritual he proposes is quite a bit more elaborate than I’d advocate for younger students. You’ll note that it doesn’t include time for homework, just for planning for the week (I’m guessing that Cal proposes trying to get most homework done during the school week itself).

However, I love the idea of creating a routine, and I especially love that the routine includes exercise. I recommend that students design their own rituals, and include time for:

  • planning for the week (in the morning)
  • exercise (in the late morning)
  • homework (after exercise…given that the brain is most ready for learning after at least 20 minutes of exericse)

Of course, family schedules are complex, and this routine may not work for everyone. So often my coaching clients will tell me, “I wanted to do my homework when we planned, but my mom made me help her around the house.” Perhaps this is true! Perhaps it is ALSO true that the teen didn’t tell her mother that she HAD a plan in the first place.

Regardless, having a Sunday ritual that works for the whole family will make these kinds of excuses a moot point, and lead to greater productivity AND a greater sense of control. Not to mention, the opportunity to relax and enjoy Sunday evening without having to finish last minute assignments.

If you are a parent having trouble getting buy-in from your teen about establishing Sunday rituals, a few sessions of academic coaching (to brainstorm ideas with a non-annoying adult) might be just the thing. Feel free to contact me for more information.

Do you have a weekend routine? Tell me about it in the comments!

P.S. Did you enjoy this post? Get more helpful and happening ideas by signing up for free email updates !

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fun weekend homework


How to make homework fun – 9 ways to switch things up.

fun weekend homework

Homework.  This word holds different associations for different people. As a teacher, I’ve heard all sorts of opinions on the topic of homework and have been informed about all of the negative aspects of assigning homework for students. However, I don’t believe that setting homework is necessarily a bad choice. Not when it’s done correctly. Also, many schools still require that homework is set for students.

So, as teachers, how can we make sure we are approaching homework the right way, in order to provide enriching opportunities for student learning to take place? Well, here are a few simple ideas to get you started:

Use Task Cards

Task cards are so versatile and are the easiest way to get the same content out to your students that you would put on a worksheet, but in a more interesting format.

Here’s an example of how you can use them for homework. Say you’re working on revising perimeter with your students. Instead of giving them a quiz worksheet, break the questions up into task cards. Create a game out of the cards and ask them to complete a recording sheet as they work through the cards. Hey, presto! You’ve now got the student data you need to assess their knowledge of perimeter, all while your students have had fun playing a game with the task cards you sent them home with. Now, that’s a win-win. 

If you are working on perimeter with your students, but you’re thinking you don’t have time to put together your own task cards – you can get my   ready-to-use Perimeter Task Card Set here !

fun weekend homework

Playing games is an effective way to keep students engaged in a task, and there are many fun games that you can use as homework activities. A great part about sending games home with kids for homework is that it encourages parents to get involved in their children’s learning. For example, if you’re having students work on their times table facts, you can use a game like  Times Table Bingo . This game is simple for students and parents to understand the rules of, and it allows children to use the strategies that they find most helpful for working out the times table facts.  

fun weekend homework

Make It Personal

Do you know what we all love talking about? Ourselves. Yep, and our students are no different. If you want to get them interested in homework again, give them a chance to share something about themselves. This not only keeps them engaged, but it also helps you get to know them better! If you’re after some resources that provide opportunities to get to know your students, I have a  Getting to Know You Bundle available here.

fun weekend homework

Try Puzzles

Puzzles are such a fun educational tool! They can be used for almost any subject area and are especially easy to incorporate into your homework routine. One way this can be done is by using addition  puzzles . In the example shown below, students need to use their addition skills to put three numbers together that equal one hundred. You can adapt this strategy as you need to so that the puzzles focus on whichever learning area your students are spending their homework time on.

fun weekend homework

Set a Challenge

Setting a learning challenge can be a helpful motivator for kids. I have often used   holiday challenges   like the one shown below with my students, but there’s no need to wait until the holidays! Think of some different activities that suit the topics you’re covering in class and put together a challenge for your students to work on during their homework time. If you want to save yourself some planning time, I have some ready-made maths and literacy challenges available here .  

fun weekend homework

Make It Practical

Have you tried asking your students to do everyday tasks for homework, such as cooking? This is a great way to engage those learners who find it difficult to sit still and focus for long periods of time. Plus, it encourages parents to get involved too! If you want to give this a try, you can start with  part 2 of my Cooking With Maths series , which involves calculating the ingredients needed to bake some yummy vanilla cupcakes!

fun weekend homework

Utilise Student Choice Boards

I’m an advocate for using student choice boards in the classroom, which is why I often talk about them in my posts. The great thing about choice boards is that you can easily combine more than one subject area in the one board and can switch up the options as often as you like. If you’re after some choice boards for upper primary / elementary students, I have a bundled set available here . 

fun weekend homework

Remember That Less is More

When it comes to homework, teachers and students can tend to overcomplicate things. Although it can be tempting to pack as much into your homework routine as possible, homework is often much more effective when it is simple. Choose one or two activities that are easy for students to understand and let them spend their time on that. Remember that sometimes less is more.  

Give Your Students The Night Off

Every now and then there will be times when you and your students just need the night off. That’s when I like to use tokens like these  sweet ‘No Homework’ Passes   to make a night of no homework seem like a special, well-earned treat for students. Although, when your homework activities are as fun as the ideas above, your students might be a little disappointed to have the night off anyway!

fun weekend homework

I hope that these ideas inspire you to try something new with your homework routine. You can use the links to buy your own copies of any resources I’ve referenced in this blog post. 

P.S. I love to hear how my tips and resources are helping you in your teaching, so leave a comment to let me know!

Do you want some more homework tips that are specific to times table practice while you’re here? Then have a read through my   list of engaging times table homework activities .

Have a question or a request? You can contact me at  [email protected] .

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How to Make Homework Fun

How to make homework fun

  • Post author By admin
  • September 6, 2023

Discover engaging strategies for how to make homework fun. Explore personalized study spaces, gamification, collaboration, and more to make learning enjoyable.

Hey there, homework warriors! Let’s face it, homework often gets a bad rap for being a total buzzkill. The mere thought of it can make us want to escape to a world of video games, socializing, or anything but those looming assignments. But guess what? It doesn’t have to be that way!

In this article, we’re about to embark on a journey to uncover the secret sauce of making homework downright fun. That’s right, we’re flipping the script and turning the dreaded “H-word” into an exciting adventure.

So, if you’re ready to banish the boredom and inject some pizzazz into your study sessions, keep reading. We’ve got 15 game-changing tips coming your way to transform homework from a chore into a choice activity!

Table of Contents

How to Make Homework Fun?

Have a close look at how to make homework fun:-

Design a Homework Haven

Transforming a corner of your room into a cozy study nook is all about creating an inviting space that inspires productivity. Consider adding a:

Comfy Chair

Choose a chair with good lumbar support and a cushioned seat for long study sessions.

Soft Cushions

Scatter a few soft cushions on your chair or on the floor to make the nook extra inviting.

Motivational Posters

Hang up posters with motivational quotes or images that resonate with your goals. For instance, a poster featuring a quote like “You’ve Got This!” can provide daily encouragement.

Set a Homework Schedule

Creating a daily study schedule tailored to your rhythm can significantly boost your productivity. Here’s how to go about it:

Identify Your Peak Hours

Pay attention to when you feel most alert and focused during the day. Are you a morning person, or does your energy peak in the evening?

Designate Prime Study Time

Once you’ve identified your prime hours, set aside that time for your most challenging subjects or tasks. For example, if you’re a night owl, designate 8 PM to 10 PM as your prime study time.

Set Goals and Rewards

Setting goals and rewards can turn studying into a thrilling game. Here’s how to make it work:

Task-Based Rewards

Break your study session into smaller tasks. For instance, if you have a 2-hour study session, set a timer for every 30 minutes. When you complete a task within the allotted time, reward yourself with a mini-break or a quick treat.

Dance Breaks

After accomplishing a particularly tough assignment or study session, treat yourself to a five-minute dance break to your favorite upbeat song.

Group Study Sessions

Studying with friends can make homework a social and interactive experience. Here’s how to organize a productive group study session:

Choose Study Buddies

Invite friends who are equally committed to studying. Avoid distractions and focus on collaborative learning.

During breaks, enjoy some snacks and refreshments together. It’s an excellent opportunity to bond and recharge.

Gamify Your Homework

Turning your assignments into a game can make them engaging and competitive. Here’s an example:

Math Challenges

For every correct math problem you solve, award yourself points. Set a target, like 100 points. Once you reach that goal, treat yourself to a favorite dessert or activity.

Use Technology Wisely

Leveraging educational apps and websites can make learning enjoyable. Consider:

Learning Languages

Apps like Duolingo and Babbel gamify language learning with interactive lessons and quizzes.

Science Simulations

Websites like PhET Interactive Simulations offer fun science experiments and simulations.

Listen to Music

Creating a playlist for different study moods can set the tone for productive work:

Upbeat Playlist

Compile lively tunes for subjects like math or science to keep your energy high.

Chillout Playlist

Use calming melodies for reading assignments or essay writing to stay focused.

Change Your Study Materials

Enhance your study materials with colors and visual appeal:

Colorful Notes

When taking notes, use different colored pens for headings, key points, and examples. Highlight important concepts with bright markers.

Create a Homework Playlist

Crafting a motivational playlist can boost your enthusiasm for study sessions:

Personalized Mix

Include songs that motivate you. Whether it’s energetic rock, inspiring pop, or calming instrumental, curate a playlist that resonates with you.

Relate Homework to Real Life

Connecting assignments to real-life situations can make them more meaningful. For example:

Applying Math

If you’re learning about percentages, practice by calculating discounts while shopping online. It’s a practical application of what you’re studying.

Ask for Help When Needed

Don’t hesitate to seek assistance when you’re stuck:

Online Tutors

Utilize online tutoring services like Khan Academy or Chegg when you need clarification on complex topics.

Celebrate Your Achievements

Reward yourself for completing challenging assignments:

Mini Rewards

After finishing a tough essay or solving a set of difficult problems, treat yourself to a favorite snack or a short episode of your favorite TV show.

Use Colorful Visual Aids

Visual aids can make complex topics easier to understand:

Timeline for History

Create a timeline of historical events using colorful markers and sticky notes. It helps you visualize the sequence of historical occurrences.

Stay Organized

Organization is key for effective studying:

Digital Planner

Use digital tools like Google Calendar or Todoist to keep track of assignments and due dates. Set reminders to stay on top of your tasks.

By incorporating these detailed strategies and examples, you can transform your homework routine into an enjoyable and productive experience tailored to your preferences and learning style.

These examples demonstrate practical ways to infuse fun and engagement into your homework routine, making the learning process more enjoyable and productive.

What are ways to make homework fun?

  • Create a Comfortable Space: Design a cozy study spot with your favorite things.
  • Set a Schedule: Stick to a regular study routine that suits you.
  • Break Tasks Down: Divide homework into smaller, manageable chunks.
  • Reward Yourself: Treat yourself after completing tasks or goals.
  • Study with Friends: Make it social by studying with buddies.
  • Use Apps: Try fun and educational apps for learning.
  • Listen to Music: Create a motivating study playlist.
  • Make It Visual: Use colors and visuals to make notes pop.
  • Connect to Real Life: Relate homework to everyday situations.
  • Stay Organized: Use planners to stay on top of assignments.

These simple tips can make homework less daunting and more enjoyable.

How do I make my homework less boring?

Want to jazz up your homework and banish the boredom? Here’s the lowdown:

Create Your Happy Place

Start by transforming your study spot into a haven of fun. Add some quirky decorations, fairy lights, or even a cozy blanket fort – whatever makes you smile.

Slice and Dice

Homework can feel like a mountain, right? Well, cut it into bite-sized chunks. Tackling one piece at a time feels way less overwhelming.

Goals with a Side of Rewards

Set yourself mini-goals and sprinkle rewards on top. Finish that math problem? Treat yourself to a victory dance or a mini snack party.

Study Squad

Invite a friend for a study date. You can help each other out and share some giggles during breaks.

Homework Gamified

Turn your homework into a game. Assign points or rewards for completing tasks. Hit a certain score, and it’s time to indulge in your favorite treat.

Dive into educational apps or websites. Learning becomes a blast when it’s interactive and entertaining.

Musical Motivation

Craft a playlist with your favorite tunes. Pop on some energetic beats for those math equations, or soothing melodies for reading assignments.

Colorful Creativity

Don’t just take notes, make them a work of art with colorful pens and highlighters. Visuals can make studying way more interesting.

Real-World Homework

Connect your assignments to real life. If you’re tackling percentages, apply them to calculate discounts while shopping online.

Stay Organized and Sane

Keep your homework organized using planners or digital tools. No more last-minute panics about forgotten deadlines.

With these tricks up your sleeve, homework will become a breeze, and you might even have some fun along the way!


How do I make myself enjoy homework?

Making yourself enjoy homework can be a challenge, but it’s possible with a few mindset shifts and strategies:

Find Purpose

Understand why you’re doing the homework. Connect it to your long-term goals and how it benefits you. Knowing the “why” can make it more meaningful.

Positive Mindset

Approach homework with a positive attitude. Focus on the sense of accomplishment you’ll feel when you complete it.

Set Realistic Goals

Break your homework into smaller tasks and set achievable goals. Completing each part can give you a sense of progress and satisfaction.

Create a Comfortable Space

Design a cozy and organized study area that you enjoy spending time in. A pleasant environment can make a big difference.

Mix up your subjects and tasks to avoid monotony. Switching between different assignments can keep things interesting.

Set a Schedule

Establish a study routine that suits your natural rhythm. Find the time of day when you’re most alert and use it for more challenging tasks.

Reward Yourself

Treat yourself after completing homework or reaching specific milestones. It can be as simple as a small snack, a short break, or doing something you love.

Stay Engaged

Try to actively engage with the material. Ask questions, discuss concepts with classmates, or relate it to real-life situations.

Study Groups

Consider joining or creating study groups with friends. Discussing topics and helping each other can make the process more enjoyable.

Celebrate Progress

Celebrate your achievements, even small ones. Recognize your efforts and improvements.

Mindfulness Techniques

Practice mindfulness or relaxation techniques before starting homework to reduce stress and increase focus.

If you’re struggling with a particular subject, don’t hesitate to ask for help from teachers, classmates, or online resources.

Visual Aids

Use visual aids like diagrams, charts, or flashcards to make studying more engaging and easier to grasp.

Incorporate Interests

If possible, relate homework topics to your interests or hobbies. It can make the material more relatable and enjoyable.

Use planners or digital tools to keep track of assignments, due dates, and progress. Being organized can reduce stress.

Remember that enjoying homework might not happen overnight, but by implementing these strategies and maintaining a positive mindset, you can make the process more enjoyable and rewarding.

How can I make my high school homework fun?

Making high school homework fun requires creativity and a positive attitude. Here are some tips to make your high school homework more enjoyable:

Personalize Your Space

Create a study environment that reflects your personality and interests. Decorate your study area with posters, photos, or artwork that inspires you.

Set a Homework Routine

Establish a consistent homework routine that aligns with your energy levels. Determine the best time of day for you to focus and stick to it.

Break Tasks into Smaller Steps

Divide your assignments into smaller, manageable tasks. Completing each step feels like an accomplishment and keeps you motivated.

Incorporate technology into your homework. Explore educational apps and websites that make learning interactive and engaging.

Study with Friends

Organize study groups with friends to tackle assignments together. You can explain concepts to each other and share different perspectives.

Gamify Your Learning

Turn your homework into a game. Set challenges, time limits, or point systems for completing tasks. Reward yourself when you meet your goals.

Create playlists for different subjects or moods. Upbeat music can boost your energy for math, while calming tunes can help you concentrate on reading assignments.

Experiment with different study materials. Use colorful pens, highlighters, or digital tools to make your notes visually appealing.

Real-Life Applications

Relate your homework to real-life situations whenever possible. For example, if you’re studying economics, analyze current events or business news .

Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to ask for help when needed. Reach out to teachers, classmates, or online resources for clarification or guidance.

Celebrate Achievements

Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Reward yourself with a treat, a short break, or an activity you enjoy after completing homework.

Use planners, to-do lists, or digital tools to stay organized and track assignments and deadlines.

Challenge Yourself

Set personal challenges to make homework more engaging. Aim to finish assignments faster or with higher accuracy than before.

Whenever possible, relate homework topics to your interests or future career goals. It can make the material more relatable and engaging.

Stay Positive

Maintain a positive attitude toward your homework. Focus on the sense of accomplishment and knowledge gained through your efforts.

By incorporating these strategies into your high school homework routine, you can make the experience more enjoyable and productive while achieving academic success.

In conclusion, making homework fun is not just a distant dream; it’s a practical approach that can transform the way you tackle your assignments.

By personalizing your study space, setting goals and rewards, collaborating with friends, and gamifying your learning, you can turn the once-dreaded homework into an engaging adventure.

Incorporating technology, music, colorful materials, and real-life connections adds an extra layer of enjoyment. Remember to celebrate your achievements along the way and stay organized to reduce stress.

With a positive mindset and these strategies in your arsenal, you can embark on your homework journey with enthusiasm, making it not only bearable but genuinely enjoyable.

So, let’s turn the page and dive into the exciting world of learning, one fun homework assignment at a time!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i really make homework fun.

Absolutely! With the right approach and mindset, homework can be an enjoyable part of your academic journey.

What if I can’t concentrate with music?

Not everyone finds music helpful. Experiment with different study environments to discover what suits you best.

How do I avoid procrastination?

Creating a schedule and setting achievable goals can help you stay on track and avoid procrastination.

What if I still find a particular subject boring?

Try to connect it to your interests or real-life situations to make it more engaging.

How can I make studying with friends productive?

Ensure that your study group remains focused on the task at hand and avoids distractions.

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Making The Most Of Your Weekends In High School

by Christian | Jun 24, 2016 | Student Success , Time Management | 0 comments

Weekends in High School

This post is part of a series focusing on Time Management for Teens, Students, and High Schoolers.  Get the complete online course here or order the book here !

What Are Weekends In High School Really For?

How you use your weekends in high school - what you do, who you see, and how you schedule yourself - is one of the major choices of high school. It separates high-honor roll students from everyone else.

You don’t have to give up on having fun on the weekends. The key is balance, planning and prioritization (and following the top 3 rules of good time management !)

You see, each weekend in high school is a “mini-vacation” - circling around once per week to give you some choice in how you spend your time.

What weekends and vacations have in common is this: While some people use their vacations to laze around, others find a way to enjoy themselves AND get stuff done.

Plan Your High-School Weekends In Advance

PLANNING your weekends in advance is simple… yet it’s one of the most important ways of getting more out of your Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

The trick is to always use Friday after school to plan your weekend.

Or better yet, use the end of each weekend to plan the coming weekend in advance.

Keep A “Weekend Journal” In High School

As I’ve mentioned elsewhere,  keep a journal ! Possibly even a specific “Weekend Journal.”

Notice and record how you spend your weekends, and what you can improve upon.

Remember that the purpose of the weekend is to get stuff done…  and  get time to relax and have fun.

So, don’t just record what you get done , also journal about what you do for  fun .

The purpose of this weekend journalling is to experience insights and power over your weekends. This will help you feel happy and fulfilled in life.

High School Weekends Are Practice For Real Life

High school weekends are a great time to practice for “real life.” School days are so rigorously scheduled, but weekends are generally so unstructured - they’re  up to you .

Think of your weekends, and what you choose to do with them, as practice .

You’re getting a preview of the free-flowing time management you’ll experience when you graduate into the “real life” working world.

Balance Sleep And Energy On Your Weekends In High School

One of the top priorities of any high school weekend is to catch up on sleep , but don’t overdo it. Too MUCH sleep can be as bad as not ENOUGH sleep.

The real secret of having energy on the weekends is to have a sense of purpose.

What do you plan to do  with your weekend? What are you going to accomplish ? What will you  enjoy  on Saturday and Sunday?

When you’re excited about what you’ll  do on the weekend, you won’t want to spend the whole day sleeping!

How To Get Your Homework Done Over The Weekend

Unfortunately, the weekends in high school aren’t ALL about sleep, fun, and life purpose.

We also have to get our weekend homework  and  major assignments done before Monday rolls around again.

How do you prioritize, and when do you do your schoolwork on the weekends?

Well, like everything else, starting early is key.

For example, if you start your assignments midday on Saturday , instead of waiting till Sunday after dinner, you’ll carry less stress over the entire weekend.

Or, if you start homework Sunday morning  instead of Sunday night , you will lower the risk of a panic situation.

Plan Weekend Homework Around Your Energy Levels

So, how do YOU handle your weekend homework?

Do you do your weekend homework in the mornings? Or, do you wait till the afternoon or evening?

Here’s another place where journaling will help. Take note of when you are at your highest  and lowest  energy levels on Saturday and Sunday. Use this information to plan your upcoming weekends.

You should try to get your hardest assignments done when your energy on the weekend is highest .

Planning your weekends in advance, do your weekend assignments as early as you can, and maximize your “high energy” points.

You’ll find that you get a lot  more done on your weekends without  needing to sacrifice much time relaxing, sleeping, or hanging out with your friends .

Get Ahead Of Other High Schoolers On The Weekends

99% of high schoolers sleep late on weekend mornings.

On Saturday morning, most of your friends will probably be asleep.

Nothing entertaining is really going on since no one is awake.

That makes weekend mornings the perfect  time to do your hardest weekend schoolwork. Just get it over with!

Then, when all the fun starts in the AFTERNOONS and EVENINGS of the weekend, you can go have fun. You’ll have much less homework hanging over your head!

Weekends are prime time for SAT prep and ACT prep . Work on your practice tests and homework sections.

Weekends are also IDEAL for long sessions of free reading to improve your speed and comprehension

You can also specifically work on building your vocabulary .

Weekends are also one of the only  times you can get ahead on college apps and scholarship research and applications .

You could use the time on weekend mornings to start my  Winning College Scholarships course .

Take small steps weekend by weekend. While your friends are sleeping in, you’ll be earning THOUSANDS of dollars in college funds.

That’s money you WON’T have to pay back later - meaning, when you’re done with college, you’ll be WAY ahead in life.

All from a few Saturday and Sunday mornings while everyone else is sleeping!

Find Motivation To Make Your Weekends Meaningful

The use of weekends in high school gives you a chance to get a financial head start.

That might mean a nicer living situation or more choices in life.

The ability to travel or buy a car after college…

Or whatever  it means to you to have some extra money.

What’s it worth to YOU?

Are you ready to lose a little sleep on Saturday morning in order to live an exciting and rich life?

I know I am.

Sports and Activities Take A Lot Of Weekend Time In High School

If you’re taking part in sports or activities in high school , you’ll also find that these things eat up a LOT of your time on the weekends.

You’ll be involved in events like practices, games, meetings, and performances.

It’s up to you  to ANTICIPATE how draining this can be of your time and energy.

It’s also your job to predict the SOCIAL element that eats up time before and after these events.

For example, if on Friday after school you’re supposed to go early to the game for warm-up and stretching, and then stay late as the team goes out for pizza….

That’s going to cut into your weekend time for homework and relaxing. It’s also going to cost you a lot of energy and focus.

Budget Extra Time On For Weekend Activities

You should budget double  time - twice as much as you think you’ll need - for  weekend sports and activities.

That way you have time to socialize and recover  your energy after participating.

At worst, you’ll have a little extra time to pad your schedule with. At best you’ll have prevented a panic situation or homework disaster.

On particularly busy weekends when you are tied to teams, groups, and other people’s schedules, don’t try to pack too much in.

Instead, reduce your to-do list and focus on choosing your priorities wisely.

Social Life On Weekends In High School

This same rules also apply to your weekend social life in high school .

Sure, weekends are great - and you should enjoy them with friends.

But, you also need sleep . One really late night on the weekend can mess up your whole upcoming week of school and activities.

And please don’t do anything dumb  on the weekends… or at least don’t get caught  doing anything stupid!

I know that some teenagers use alcohol and drugs. These things slow you down, harm your health and can lead to SERIOUS trouble.

The kind of trouble that can cancel out  all the hard work you’ve put in to high school.

I won’t start sermonizing, because my point is that you need to have fun with your friends. But please - do it in a smart way that doesn’t harm your health or steal all your energy for the upcoming busy week.

Make Sure You Get Some Downtime Each Weekend

Finally, there’s the need for some downtime on the weekend - whether you realize it or not.

I’m not talking about  social  downtime - that takes energy!

And I’m not talking about sleep  downtime either…

Use Your Weekend Downtime For Mellow Activities

The weekend downtime I’m talking about is mid-level brain engagement.

Activities like free reading , taking a long walk, listening to music….

Watching high-quality  shows, documentaries, or classic movies.

Playing board games… and all sorts of other mellow activities like these ones.

You might be learning an instrument for fun, or practicing your cooking skills.

It’s NOT something to do with school, it’s NOT “just sitting around,” and it’s NOT an obligation you have for someone else.

For me, reading, motorcycling, and playing guitar and piano fill this need for an fun activity, but one that’s not too high-pressure (but also not too lazy!)

I want you to pause now for a moment and brainstorm your own ideas for a list of fun, but relaxing downtime activities that fit YOUR personality.

Summary Of Using Your Weekends In High School

Here are the takeaways for this article:

Why Weekends in High School Are Great:

  • Weekends are one of the best times in high school.
  • Weekends are they’re like a “mini holiday” that comes every week.
  • Top priorities for each weekend are to recover, get homework done, and get some personal time.

How to Handle Weekend Schoolwork:

  • Get your homework and studying done as SOON as possible.
  • Get work done when your friends are still sleeping.
  • Work on your SAT and ACT prep on weekends. It’s tough to set aside time during the week.
  • Or, use that time for college and scholarship applications.

Weekend Sports and Activities:

  • Take part in sports and activities that add additional structure to your weekend.
  • But, be careful of the time and energy commitment that these activities require.
  • Don’t overcommit to stuffing your calendar on weekends.

Weekend Social Life in High School:

  • Hang out with your friends in afternoon or evening after you’ve already been productive.
  • Be smart and safe. Don’t get into trouble.
  • Don’t stay up till three in the morning just because it’s the weekend.

Use Weekends for Personal Development:

  • Use your free time for something more worthwhile than just watching TV.
  • Use the weekends to work on your favorite hobbies and interests OUTSIDE of school.
  • Think of weekends as a mini-college preview, since they give a taste of scheduling freedom.

What Do YOU Do With Your Weekends In High School?

So, what do YOU currently do with your weekends in high school?

Do you have a good reason to leap out of bed on Saturday and Sunday?

Or, do you feel like you sleep  all weekend long - and maybe it feels like you NEED it?

I’m REALLY curious to hear how you spend the average weekend in high school.

What you think your “ideal” normal weekend would look like?

For most of us, weekends are one of the best things in school and in life.  I think it’s fun to talk about them 🙂

Describe your current  weekends and your ideal  weekend in the comments section below and I’ll see you in the next article!

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10 Helpful Ways to Make Homework Fun and Engaging

Sidrah Qayyum Education , Learning , Learning Skills , Life , Parent , Parenting 0

Homework… The word alone is enough to bring on a huge yawn. Your children come home after spending a long day at school and now you want them to sit down quietly and do their homework. What kind of torture is that?

After hours and hours of staring at the board, surrounded by books and quizzes, and listening to lectures, there is a possibility that kids will throw a small tantrum when you ask them to complete their assignments. Well, let’s fight off the scowls and tears, and turn the nightmarish homework time into a productive and fun-filled sessions. Here are a few tips that will make even math equations bearable!

Table of Contents

1. A Funky Timer

Monday blues are real, and after an adventurous weekend, it can be hard to settle back to your old routine. That’s why it is important to have a fixed schedule. Even on weekends, don’t go completely lax and try to set some time apart for school work. When your child comes home from school, allow them to play and rest after lunch. Once they are well-rested, it is time to begin the work. Most kids find it difficult to start their homework.

One way to avoid the troubled beginnings is to use a timer. A colorful and funky timer can do the trick. Place it on their desk, set the time and go! Children love having their own little things and a cutesy timer may motivate them to apply themselves and plug away. Most of the time, one uninterrupted hour is more than enough to finish the daily tasks. Reset if needed.

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2. Work Together

“How come you are watching television while here I am… slaving away? That so not fair, mom! (or dad!).” Yes, parents, your school days are long gone, and you are not obliged to spend hours hovering over a pile of books. But hey, such is life! Your child needs your attention and support. They definitely don’t want to feel left out of the fun. You must have some of your own little tasks to sort out. Take this quiet time to wrap up those. Sit next to your child and while they are working on their assignments, you can work on your chores. It can be an office presentation, monthly budgeting or even a novel you really want to finish… Err… this year. At the same time, you can attend to your little ones when they need your help with the homework.

3. Beneficial and Productive Rewards

Honestly speaking, I am not in a favor of offering rewards in return for completing homework, but they can be useful sometimes. I hated math as a kid. It was so painful for me to solve all the word problems and fractions. To get me down to work, my mom would tell me I could play Scrabble with her once I finish my mathematics homework. It worked! I loved Scrabble and loved playing it with my mom even more. My baby brother didn’t make a good competitor for obvious reasons.

When a child absolutely loathes a task and there is no way around it, you can bribe them with a board game, time for some crafty activity, a quick run or play outside, an educational field trip or something equally beneficial.

Don’t promise them video games, extra television hours, screen time or even sugary treats as it can adversely affect their concentration.

4. A Platter of Scrumptious Snacks

Come on, you know how it goes! When you are having a hard day at work, and suddenly a colleague appears with a large box of freshly baked brownies, things start to look up. You gobble down a couple of them, and the day doesn’t feel so bad all of a sudden. Similarly, you can brighten up things for you child with yummy treats in between the tasks. Keep it in balance though and offer them healthy and creative snacks such as cupcakes, homemade cookies, smoothies, fruit salads, pretzels, and chips with delicious dips.

If your child usually does their homework in evening, it is likely they will feel slightly hungry. Having healthy snacks can give them a much-needed boost of energy and may even help them look forward to homework sessions. Be sure to give them snacks in a limited amount. You don’t want them to skip their dinner because they are feeling too full!

5. Let the Creative Juices Flow

Don’t know how to make your child understand the laws of Newton? Get creative! For instance, drawing and labelling can solve many issues. During Botany lectures, I couldn’t understand a thing about different parts of plants. But when I saw the drawings, it was far easier to comprehend apical and axillary buds. For many children, sitting still like a statue and pouring over the books just won’t cut it. They need to reinvent and improvise. Together you can act out a part from the play they are currently studying in class, or they can create a presentation to understand the complicated rules of Organic Chemistry.

For preschoolers, finger-painting the letters and numbers, singing out the poems, and educational toys can help them engage their senses and grasp the concepts. For fidgety children who can’t stay still, exercise balls, fidget toys and bands can help them focus.

6. Their Own Little Nook

Homework can be extremely fun when a child has their own productive space dedicated to their books and their studies. You can set up a study table or a small desk and place a compact bookshelf alongside it. Add some unique pencil holders, a study lamp, and a globe. Make sure the chair is comfortable but not too much or it might put them to sleep. Help them arrange their books neatly on the book rack. Don’t place any gadgets and screens nearby to avoid unnecessary distractions.

Having a special spot for homework can help encourage a child to be productive and creative. Encourage them to use the space for quiet time and reading on a rainy day too. Teach them how to keep their own space neat and tidy and somewhere they can be proud of.

7. A Dose of Colors

Colors instantly brighten up a dull day! In their study corner, hang a colorful board on the wall and put up their weekly timetables along with motivational quotes and pictures of their favorite characters. Visuals, especially when they are delightfully appealing, can give your child motivation to work.

Use a colourful planner where they can list all the things they have to do, they will know what tasks they have to finish and how much is left. Once they are done, they will enjoy crossing completed tasks off the list.

Similarly, colorful stationery and crisp notebooks can do wonders. Take a trip to a stationery shop, or have a look online and allow them to choose some cool-looking school kits especially for use at home.

8. Short Breaks are Essential

Kids are energetic little munchkins and expecting them to sit still for hours is highly unreasonable. When homework sessions are longer than usual, or exams are near, let them study efficiently by allowing them short breaks in between. They can use this time to wander around the house to stretch their muscles and have some snacks and drink, perhaps even read a couple of pages from a favourite story book. Don’t let them use smartphones or devices during these breaks or they might feel demotivated to return to books.

An ideal break would be about 5 minutes long after every 20 minutes or so. Research has shown that 20 minutes is really the optimum amount of time that the brain can function at it’s peak. Anything more than that, and things typically start to become stagnant – think staring at same page and reading the same thing over and over again.

Of course, if something is particularly engrossing for your child, whether it’s a new art piece or they’ve finally cracked those Algebra problems, don’t stop them mid-way.

9. Come Back to it Later

There are times when it feels as if you are talking to a wall. You’ve tried to explain a concept hundreds of times, in a million different ways – You talked them through it, you’ve given brilliant examples, and you’ve even drawn a superb illustration to simplify the concept. Yet sadly, they just aren’t able to grasp it.

When times like that occur, and they undoubtedly will (and you wonder exactly what is going on in school), remind yourself to take a step back and come back to it later.For some reason, my brother took a long time to spell ‘exercise’ correctly. It was frustrating for my mom but she eventually managed to help him memorise with a silly song.

Some concepts, like ‘telling the time’ or ‘fractions’ even learning the alphabet and reading are things that require a certain maturity of thought and some kids will learn certain things faster while others will just take a while to piece certain things together.

Some days are just hard on both parents and kids. Don’t push too hard, especially if they are already trying their best but just aren’t able to perceive it. Often it helps to come back to it, after a break, with a fresh mind.

10. Step Back – Help Them See the Bigger Picture

Sometimes your kids are happily doing their homework when they stumble upon something that requires some revision. For instance, in math, to understand new knowledge and concepts, all the prior principles must be clear. It is like a puzzle. To appreciate it, all the pieces must be in place.  Moreover, children need to learn mathematics with understanding. It is not something that they can just memorise.

Haven’t we all wondered, ‘When will I ever need to use Algebra in my life?’ or ‘Why should I need to know how to calculate molar ratios?’ To make it fun and engaging, help them incorporate their learning in to everyday life. This helps your kids see how their learning can be useful in everyday life such as, angles in cutting up a pizza, how to calculate percentage discounts during a sale, monthly budgeting and totalling up grocery bills.

While academic learning may not always seem relevant to life, sometimes, it is useful to be able to call upon knowledge and principles that we already know.

Gear up, parents! You know you can do it. Just keep your cool and don’t lose patience. Your child’s school going days may seem never-ending now and homework sessions are painful, but they will be gone in a blink of an eye. Before you know it, they will be off to college waving you goodbye.

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11 Strategies to Make Homework Fun and Manageable

Posted by Erica Warren on May 11, 2021

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Homework Don'ts:

  • Never pair homework with a punishment. When this is done, students associate homework with unpleasantries, and it can have a negative impact on future assignments.
  • Don't call home assignments, "homework." Who wants to take their work home? Besides, when it is called work, it becomes work. Personally, I like to call it, "home fun!"

Homework Dos:

  • Create enticing names for home assignments. For example, I never teach script or cursive. I teach roller-coaster letters! 
  • Generate excitement about upcoming assignments by sharing your own excitement and enthusiasm for the content. 
  • Bring creative options such as drawing, sculpting, and music into assignments.
  • Introduce the fun factor to your lessons. Many students enjoy making games as well as playing them, so try to weave these into the curriculum. Encouraging these entertaining options can make academics more memorable too. 
  • Bring color into assignments. Instead of requiring your students to write in pencil or a black pen, encourage them to use an array of erasable colors, highlighters, and pens.  Personally, I love to use Frixion pens , highlighters , and markers .
  • Offer a variety of assignment options. Students possess different strengths, and they also have their own preferred ways of learning . Providing options allows them to share their knowledge and choose an approach that appeals to them. 
  • Limit the amount of homework. Students are often cognitively exhausted after a long day of schooling, and they need time to relax and also get involved in other afterschool activities.
  • Offering students extra credit for completing home assignments can be very motivating.  One of my favorite assignments is offering students the opportunity to make test corrections. This way, students can learn from mishaps and any misconceptions can be corrected.
  • Offer homework passes: We all need personal days.

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How to Do Homework: 15 Expert Tips and Tricks

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Everyone struggles with homework sometimes, but if getting your homework done has become a chronic issue for you, then you may need a little extra help. That’s why we’ve written this article all about how to do homework. Once you’re finished reading it, you’ll know how to do homework (and have tons of new ways to motivate yourself to do homework)!

We’ve broken this article down into a few major sections. You’ll find:

  • A diagnostic test to help you figure out why you’re struggling with homework
  • A discussion of the four major homework problems students face, along with expert tips for addressing them
  • A bonus section with tips for how to do homework fast

By the end of this article, you’ll be prepared to tackle whatever homework assignments your teachers throw at you .

So let’s get started!


How to Do Homework: Figure Out Your Struggles 

Sometimes it feels like everything is standing between you and getting your homework done. But the truth is, most people only have one or two major roadblocks that are keeping them from getting their homework done well and on time. 

The best way to figure out how to get motivated to do homework starts with pinpointing the issues that are affecting your ability to get your assignments done. That’s why we’ve developed a short quiz to help you identify the areas where you’re struggling. 

Take the quiz below and record your answers on your phone or on a scrap piece of paper. Keep in mind there are no wrong answers! 

1. You’ve just been assigned an essay in your English class that’s due at the end of the week. What’s the first thing you do?

A. Keep it in mind, even though you won’t start it until the day before it’s due  B. Open up your planner. You’ve got to figure out when you’ll write your paper since you have band practice, a speech tournament, and your little sister’s dance recital this week, too.  C. Groan out loud. Another essay? You could barely get yourself to write the last one!  D. Start thinking about your essay topic, which makes you think about your art project that’s due the same day, which reminds you that your favorite artist might have just posted to you better check your feed right now. 

2. Your mom asked you to pick up your room before she gets home from work. You’ve just gotten home from school. You decide you’ll tackle your chores: 

A. Five minutes before your mom walks through the front door. As long as it gets done, who cares when you start?  B. As soon as you get home from your shift at the local grocery store.  C. After you give yourself a 15-minute pep talk about how you need to get to work.  D. You won’t get it done. Between texts from your friends, trying to watch your favorite Netflix show, and playing with your dog, you just lost track of time! 

3. You’ve signed up to wash dogs at the Humane Society to help earn money for your senior class trip. You: 

A. Show up ten minutes late. You put off leaving your house until the last minute, then got stuck in unexpected traffic on the way to the shelter.  B. Have to call and cancel at the last minute. You forgot you’d already agreed to babysit your cousin and bake cupcakes for tomorrow’s bake sale.  C. Actually arrive fifteen minutes early with extra brushes and bandanas you picked up at the store. You’re passionate about animals, so you’re excited to help out! D. Show up on time, but only get three dogs washed. You couldn’t help it: you just kept getting distracted by how cute they were!

4. You have an hour of downtime, so you decide you’re going to watch an episode of The Great British Baking Show. You: 

A. Scroll through your social media feeds for twenty minutes before hitting play, which means you’re not able to finish the whole episode. Ugh! You really wanted to see who was sent home!  B. Watch fifteen minutes until you remember you’re supposed to pick up your sister from band practice before heading to your part-time job. No GBBO for you!  C. You finish one episode, then decide to watch another even though you’ve got SAT studying to do. It’s just more fun to watch people make scones.  D. Start the episode, but only catch bits and pieces of it because you’re reading Twitter, cleaning out your backpack, and eating a snack at the same time.

5. Your teacher asks you to stay after class because you’ve missed turning in two homework assignments in a row. When she asks you what’s wrong, you say: 

A. You planned to do your assignments during lunch, but you ran out of time. You decided it would be better to turn in nothing at all than submit unfinished work.  B. You really wanted to get the assignments done, but between your extracurriculars, family commitments, and your part-time job, your homework fell through the cracks.  C. You have a hard time psyching yourself to tackle the assignments. You just can’t seem to find the motivation to work on them once you get home.  D. You tried to do them, but you had a hard time focusing. By the time you realized you hadn’t gotten anything done, it was already time to turn them in. 

Like we said earlier, there are no right or wrong answers to this quiz (though your results will be better if you answered as honestly as possible). Here’s how your answers break down: 

  • If your answers were mostly As, then your biggest struggle with doing homework is procrastination. 
  • If your answers were mostly Bs, then your biggest struggle with doing homework is time management. 
  • If your answers were mostly Cs, then your biggest struggle with doing homework is motivation. 
  • If your answers were mostly Ds, then your biggest struggle with doing homework is getting distracted. 

Now that you’ve identified why you’re having a hard time getting your homework done, we can help you figure out how to fix it! Scroll down to find your core problem area to learn more about how you can start to address it. 

And one more thing: you’re really struggling with homework, it’s a good idea to read through every section below. You may find some additional tips that will help make homework less intimidating. 


How to Do Homework When You’re a Procrastinator  

Merriam Webster defines “procrastinate” as “to put off intentionally and habitually.” In other words, procrastination is when you choose to do something at the last minute on a regular basis. If you’ve ever found yourself pulling an all-nighter, trying to finish an assignment between periods, or sprinting to turn in a paper minutes before a deadline, you’ve experienced the effects of procrastination. 

If you’re a chronic procrastinator, you’re in good company. In fact, one study found that 70% to 95% of undergraduate students procrastinate when it comes to doing their homework. Unfortunately, procrastination can negatively impact your grades. Researchers have found that procrastination can lower your grade on an assignment by as much as five points ...which might not sound serious until you realize that can mean the difference between a B- and a C+. 

Procrastination can also negatively affect your health by increasing your stress levels , which can lead to other health conditions like insomnia, a weakened immune system, and even heart conditions. Getting a handle on procrastination can not only improve your grades, it can make you feel better, too! 

The big thing to understand about procrastination is that it’s not the result of laziness. Laziness is defined as being “disinclined to activity or exertion.” In other words, being lazy is all about doing nothing. But a s this Psychology Today article explains , procrastinators don’t put things off because they don’t want to work. Instead, procrastinators tend to postpone tasks they don’t want to do in favor of tasks that they perceive as either more important or more fun. Put another way, procrastinators want to do long as it’s not their homework! 

3 Tips f or Conquering Procrastination 

Because putting off doing homework is a common problem, there are lots of good tactics for addressing procrastination. Keep reading for our three expert tips that will get your homework habits back on track in no time. 

#1: Create a Reward System

Like we mentioned earlier, procrastination happens when you prioritize other activities over getting your homework done. Many times, this happens because homework...well, just isn’t enjoyable. But you can add some fun back into the process by rewarding yourself for getting your work done. 

Here’s what we mean: let’s say you decide that every time you get your homework done before the day it’s due, you’ll give yourself a point. For every five points you earn, you’ll treat yourself to your favorite dessert: a chocolate cupcake! Now you have an extra (delicious!) incentive to motivate you to leave procrastination in the dust. 

If you’re not into cupcakes, don’t worry. Your reward can be anything that motivates you . Maybe it’s hanging out with your best friend or an extra ten minutes of video game time. As long as you’re choosing something that makes homework worth doing, you’ll be successful. 

#2: Have a Homework Accountability Partner 

If you’re having trouble getting yourself to start your homework ahead of time, it may be a good idea to call in reinforcements . Find a friend or classmate you can trust and explain to them that you’re trying to change your homework habits. Ask them if they’d be willing to text you to make sure you’re doing your homework and check in with you once a week to see if you’re meeting your anti-procrastination goals. 

Sharing your goals can make them feel more real, and an accountability partner can help hold you responsible for your decisions. For example, let’s say you’re tempted to put off your science lab write-up until the morning before it’s due. But you know that your accountability partner is going to text you about it tomorrow...and you don’t want to fess up that you haven’t started your assignment. A homework accountability partner can give you the extra support and incentive you need to keep your homework habits on track. 

#3: Create Your Own Due Dates 

If you’re a life-long procrastinator, you might find that changing the habit is harder than you expected. In that case, you might try using procrastination to your advantage! If you just can’t seem to stop doing your work at the last minute, try setting your own due dates for assignments that range from a day to a week before the assignment is actually due. 

Here’s what we mean. Let’s say you have a math worksheet that’s been assigned on Tuesday and is due on Friday. In your planner, you can write down the due date as Thursday instead. You may still put off your homework assignment until the last minute...but in this case, the “last minute” is a day before the assignment’s real due date . This little hack can trick your procrastination-addicted brain into planning ahead! 


If you feel like Kevin Hart in this meme, then our tips for doing homework when you're busy are for you. 

How to Do Homework When You’re too Busy

If you’re aiming to go to a top-tier college , you’re going to have a full plate. Because college admissions is getting more competitive, it’s important that you’re maintaining your grades , studying hard for your standardized tests , and participating in extracurriculars so your application stands out. A packed schedule can get even more hectic once you add family obligations or a part-time job to the mix. 

If you feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions at once, you’re not alone. Recent research has found that stress—and more severe stress-related conditions like anxiety and depression— are a major problem for high school students . In fact, one study from the American Psychological Association found that during the school year, students’ stress levels are higher than those of the adults around them. 

For students, homework is a major contributor to their overall stress levels . Many high schoolers have multiple hours of homework every night , and figuring out how to fit it into an already-packed schedule can seem impossible. 

3 Tips for Fitting Homework Into Your Busy Schedule

While it might feel like you have literally no time left in your schedule, there are still ways to make sure you’re able to get your homework done and meet your other commitments. Here are our expert homework tips for even the busiest of students. 

#1: Make a Prioritized To-Do List 

You probably already have a to-do list to keep yourself on track. The next step is to prioritize the items on your to-do list so you can see what items need your attention right away. 

Here’s how it works: at the beginning of each day, sit down and make a list of all the items you need to get done before you go to bed. This includes your homework, but it should also take into account any practices, chores, events, or job shifts you may have. Once you get everything listed out, it’s time to prioritize them using the labels A, B, and C. Here’s what those labels mean:

  • A Tasks : tasks that have to get done—like showing up at work or turning in an assignment—get an A. 
  • B Tasks : these are tasks that you would like to get done by the end of the day but aren’t as time sensitive. For example, studying for a test you have next week could be a B-level task. It’s still important, but it doesn’t have to be done right away.
  • C Tasks: these are tasks that aren’t very important and/or have no real consequences if you don’t get them done immediately. For instance, if you’re hoping to clean out your closet but it’s not an assigned chore from your parents, you could label that to-do item with a C.

Prioritizing your to-do list helps you visualize which items need your immediate attention, and which items you can leave for later. A prioritized to-do list ensures that you’re spending your time efficiently and effectively, which helps you make room in your schedule for homework. So even though you might really want to start making decorations for Homecoming (a B task), you’ll know that finishing your reading log (an A task) is more important. 

#2: Use a Planner With Time Labels

Your planner is probably packed with notes, events, and assignments already. (And if you’re not using a planner, it’s time to start!) But planners can do more for you than just remind you when an assignment is due. If you’re using a planner with time labels, it can help you visualize how you need to spend your day.

A planner with time labels breaks your day down into chunks, and you assign tasks to each chunk of time. For example, you can make a note of your class schedule with assignments, block out time to study, and make sure you know when you need to be at practice. Once you know which tasks take priority, you can add them to any empty spaces in your day. 

Planning out how you spend your time not only helps you use it wisely, it can help you feel less overwhelmed, too . We’re big fans of planners that include a task list ( like this one ) or have room for notes ( like this one ). 

#3: Set Reminders on Your Phone 

If you need a little extra nudge to make sure you’re getting your homework done on time, it’s a good idea to set some reminders on your phone. You don’t need a fancy app, either. You can use your alarm app to have it go off at specific times throughout the day to remind you to do your homework. This works especially well if you have a set homework time scheduled. So if you’ve decided you’re doing homework at 6:00 pm, you can set an alarm to remind you to bust out your books and get to work. 

If you use your phone as your planner, you may have the option to add alerts, emails, or notifications to scheduled events . Many calendar apps, including the one that comes with your phone, have built-in reminders that you can customize to meet your needs. So if you block off time to do your homework from 4:30 to 6:00 pm, you can set a reminder that will pop up on your phone when it’s time to get started. 


This dog isn't judging your lack of motivation...but your teacher might. Keep reading for tips to help you motivate yourself to do your homework.

How to Do Homework When You’re Unmotivated 

At first glance, it may seem like procrastination and being unmotivated are the same thing. After all, both of these issues usually result in you putting off your homework until the very last minute. 

But there’s one key difference: many procrastinators are working, they’re just prioritizing work differently. They know they’re going to start their homework...they’re just going to do it later. 

Conversely, people who are unmotivated to do homework just can’t find the willpower to tackle their assignments. Procrastinators know they’ll at least attempt the homework at the last minute, whereas people who are unmotivated struggle with convincing themselves to do it at a ll. For procrastinators, the stress comes from the inevitable time crunch. For unmotivated people, the stress comes from trying to convince themselves to do something they don’t want to do in the first place. 

Here are some common reasons students are unmotivated in doing homework : 

  • Assignments are too easy, too hard, or seemingly pointless 
  • Students aren’t interested in (or passionate about) the subject matter
  • Students are intimidated by the work and/or feels like they don’t understand the assignment 
  • Homework isn’t fun, and students would rather spend their time on things that they enjoy 

To sum it up: people who lack motivation to do their homework are more likely to not do it at all, or to spend more time worrying about doing their homework than...well, actually doing it.

3 Tips for How to Get Motivated to Do Homework

The key to getting homework done when you’re unmotivated is to figure out what does motivate you, then apply those things to homework. It sounds tricky...but it’s pretty simple once you get the hang of it! Here are our three expert tips for motivating yourself to do your homework. 

#1: Use Incremental Incentives

When you’re not motivated, it’s important to give yourself small rewards to stay focused on finishing the task at hand. The trick is to keep the incentives small and to reward yourself often. For example, maybe you’re reading a good book in your free time. For every ten minutes you spend on your homework, you get to read five pages of your book. Like we mentioned earlier, make sure you’re choosing a reward that works for you! 

So why does this technique work? Using small rewards more often allows you to experience small wins for getting your work done. Every time you make it to one of your tiny reward points, you get to celebrate your success, which gives your brain a boost of dopamine . Dopamine helps you stay motivated and also creates a feeling of satisfaction when you complete your homework !  

#2: Form a Homework Group 

If you’re having trouble motivating yourself, it’s okay to turn to others for support. Creating a homework group can help with this. Bring together a group of your friends or classmates, and pick one time a week where you meet and work on homework together. You don’t have to be in the same class, or even taking the same subjects— the goal is to encourage one another to start (and finish!) your assignments. 

Another added benefit of a homework group is that you can help one another if you’re struggling to understand the material covered in your classes. This is especially helpful if your lack of motivation comes from being intimidated by your assignments. Asking your friends for help may feel less scary than talking to your teacher...and once you get a handle on the material, your homework may become less frightening, too. 

#3: Change Up Your Environment 

If you find that you’re totally unmotivated, it may help if you find a new place to do your homework. For example, if you’ve been struggling to get your homework done at home, try spending an extra hour in the library after school instead. The change of scenery can limit your distractions and give you the energy you need to get your work done. 

If you’re stuck doing homework at home, you can still use this tip. For instance, maybe you’ve always done your homework sitting on your bed. Try relocating somewhere else, like your kitchen table, for a few weeks. You may find that setting up a new “homework spot” in your house gives you a motivational lift and helps you get your work done. 


Social media can be a huge problem when it comes to doing homework. We have advice for helping you unplug and regain focus.

How to Do Homework When You’re Easily Distracted

We live in an always-on world, and there are tons of things clamoring for our attention. From friends and family to pop culture and social media, it seems like there’s always something (or someone!) distracting us from the things we need to do.

The 24/7 world we live in has affected our ability to focus on tasks for prolonged periods of time. Research has shown that over the past decade, an average person’s attention span has gone from 12 seconds to eight seconds . And when we do lose focus, i t takes people a long time to get back on task . One study found that it can take as long as 23 minutes to get back to work once we’ve been distracte d. No wonder it can take hours to get your homework done! 

3 Tips to Improve Your Focus

If you have a hard time focusing when you’re doing your homework, it’s a good idea to try and eliminate as many distractions as possible. Here are three expert tips for blocking out the noise so you can focus on getting your homework done. 

#1: Create a Distraction-Free Environment

Pick a place where you’ll do your homework every day, and make it as distraction-free as possible. Try to find a location where there won’t be tons of noise, and limit your access to screens while you’re doing your homework. Put together a focus-oriented playlist (or choose one on your favorite streaming service), and put your headphones on while you work. 

You may find that other people, like your friends and family, are your biggest distraction. If that’s the case, try setting up some homework boundaries. Let them know when you’ll be working on homework every day, and ask them if they’ll help you keep a quiet environment. They’ll be happy to lend a hand! 

#2: Limit Your Access to Technology 

We know, we know...this tip isn’t fun, but it does work. For homework that doesn’t require a computer, like handouts or worksheets, it’s best to put all your technology away . Turn off your television, put your phone and laptop in your backpack, and silence notifications on any wearable tech you may be sporting. If you listen to music while you work, that’s fine...but make sure you have a playlist set up so you’re not shuffling through songs once you get started on your homework. 

If your homework requires your laptop or tablet, it can be harder to limit your access to distractions. But it’s not impossible! T here are apps you can download that will block certain websites while you’re working so that you’re not tempted to scroll through Twitter or check your Facebook feed. Silence notifications and text messages on your computer, and don’t open your email account unless you absolutely have to. And if you don’t need access to the internet to complete your assignments, turn off your WiFi. Cutting out the online chatter is a great way to make sure you’re getting your homework done. 

#3: Set a Timer (the Pomodoro Technique)

Have you ever heard of the Pomodoro technique ? It’s a productivity hack that uses a timer to help you focus!

Here’s how it works: first, set a timer for 25 minutes. This is going to be your work time. During this 25 minutes, all you can do is work on whatever homework assignment you have in front of you. No email, no text messaging, no phone calls—just homework. When that timer goes off, you get to take a 5 minute break. Every time you go through one of these cycles, it’s called a “pomodoro.” For every four pomodoros you complete, you can take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes.

The pomodoro technique works through a combination of boundary setting and rewards. First, it gives you a finite amount of time to focus, so you know that you only have to work really hard for 25 minutes. Once you’ve done that, you’re rewarded with a short break where you can do whatever you want. Additionally, tracking how many pomodoros you complete can help you see how long you’re really working on your homework. (Once you start using our focus tips, you may find it doesn’t take as long as you thought!)


Two Bonus Tips for How to Do Homework Fast

Even if you’re doing everything right, there will be times when you just need to get your homework done as fast as possible. (Why do teachers always have projects due in the same week? The world may never know.)

The problem with speeding through homework is that it’s easy to make mistakes. While turning in an assignment is always better than not submitting anything at all, you want to make sure that you’re not compromising quality for speed. Simply put, the goal is to get your homework done quickly and still make a good grade on the assignment! 

Here are our two bonus tips for getting a decent grade on your homework assignments , even when you’re in a time crunch. 

#1: Do the Easy Parts First 

This is especially true if you’re working on a handout with multiple questions. Before you start working on the assignment, read through all the questions and problems. As you do, make a mark beside the questions you think are “easy” to answer . 

Once you’ve finished going through the whole assignment, you can answer these questions first. Getting the easy questions out of the way as quickly as possible lets you spend more time on the trickier portions of your homework, which will maximize your assignment grade. 

(Quick note: this is also a good strategy to use on timed assignments and tests, like the SAT and the ACT !) 

#2: Pay Attention in Class 

Homework gets a lot easier when you’re actively learning the material. Teachers aren’t giving you homework because they’re mean or trying to ruin your weekend... it’s because they want you to really understand the course material. Homework is designed to reinforce what you’re already learning in class so you’ll be ready to tackle harder concepts later.

When you pay attention in class, ask questions, and take good notes, you’re absorbing the information you’ll need to succeed on your homework assignments. (You’re stuck in class anyway, so you might as well make the most of it!) Not only will paying attention in class make your homework less confusing, it will also help it go much faster, too.


What’s Next?

If you’re looking to improve your productivity beyond homework, a good place to begin is with time management. After all, we only have so much time in a it’s important to get the most out of it! To get you started, check out this list of the 12 best time management techniques that you can start using today.

You may have read this article because homework struggles have been affecting your GPA. Now that you’re on the path to homework success, it’s time to start being proactive about raising your grades. This article teaches you everything you need to know about raising your GPA so you can

Now you know how to get motivated to do homework...but what about your study habits? Studying is just as critical to getting good grades, and ultimately getting into a good college . We can teach you how to study bette r in high school. (We’ve also got tons of resources to help you study for your ACT and SAT exams , too!)

These recommendations are based solely on our knowledge and experience. If you purchase an item through one of our links, PrepScholar may receive a commission.

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Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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11 Ways to Deal With Homework Overload

Last Updated: August 17, 2024 Fact Checked

Making a Plan

Staying motivated, starting good homework habits, expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Jennifer Kaifesh . Jennifer Kaifesh is the Founder of Great Expectations College Prep, a tutoring and counseling service based in Southern California. Jennifer has over 15 years of experience managing and facilitating academic tutoring and standardized test prep as it relates to the college application process. She takes a personal approach to her tutoring, and focuses on working with students to find their specific mix of pursuits that they both enjoy and excel at. She is a graduate of Northwestern University. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 256,569 times.

A pile of homework can seem daunting, but it’s doable if you make a plan. Make a list of everything you need to do, and work your way through, starting with the most difficult assignments. Focus on your homework and tune out distractions, and you’ll get through things more efficiently. Giving yourself breaks and other rewards will help you stay motivated along the way. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you get stuck! Hang in there, and you’ll knock the homework out before you know it.

Things You Should Know

  • Create a checklist of everything you have to do, making sure to include deadlines and which assignments are a top priority.
  • Take a 15-minute break for every 2 hours of studying. This can give your mind a break and help you feel more focused.
  • Make a schedule of when you plan on doing your homework and try to stick to it. This way, you won’t feel too overwhelmed as the assignments roll in.

Step 1 Create a checklist of the tasks you have.

  • Make a plan to go through your work bit by bit, saving the easiest tasks for last.

Step 3 Work in a comfortable but distraction-free place.

  • Put phones and any other distractions away. If you have to do your homework on a computer, avoid checking your email or social media while you are trying to work.
  • Consider letting your family (or at least your parents) know where and when you plan to do homework, so they'll know to be considerate and only interrupt if necessary.

Step 4 Ask for help if you get stuck.

  • If you have the option to do your homework in a study hall, library, or other place where there might be tutors, go for it. That way, there will be help around if you need it. You'll also likely wind up with more free time if you can get work done in school.

Step 1 Take a break now and then.

  • To take a break, get up and move away from your workspace. Walk around a bit, and get a drink or snack.
  • Moving around will recharge you mentally, physically, and spiritually, so you’re ready to tackle the next part of your homework.

Step 2 Remind yourself of the big picture.

  • For instance, you might write “I need to do this chemistry homework because I want a good average in the class. That will raise my GPA and help me stay eligible for the basketball team and get my diploma.”
  • Your goals might also look something like “I’m going to write this history paper because I want to get better as a writer. Knowing how to write well and make a good argument will help me when I’m trying to enter law school, and then down the road when I hope to become a successful attorney.”

Step 3 Bribe yourself.

  • Try doing your homework as soon as possible after it is assigned. Say you have one set of classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and another on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Do the Monday homework on Monday, instead of putting it off until Tuesday.
  • That way, the class will still be fresh in your mind, making the homework easier.
  • This also gives you time to ask for help if there’s something you don’t understand.

Step 3 Try a study group.

  • If you want to keep everyone accountable, write a pact for everyone in your study group to sign, like “I agree to spend 2 hours on Monday and Wednesday afternoons with my study group. I will use that time just for working, and won’t give in to distractions or playing around.”
  • Once everyone’s gotten through the homework, there’s no problem with hanging out.

Step 4 Let your teacher know if you’re having trouble keeping up.

  • Most teachers are willing to listen if you’re trying and legitimately have trouble keeping up. They might even adjust the homework assignments to make them more manageable.

Jennifer Kaifesh

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fun weekend homework


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53 fun things you can do this weekend.

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Are you worn-out and jaded from the same old routine? Why not try and plan some fun weekend activities?

It is common for people to start being a little stereotypical or monotonous over a period. However, one must identify when such time comes and take steps to bring back the same gusto in their life.

If you have fallen victim to such dull life, then contemplate fun things to do this weekend.

You can plan something with your family or friends and get out of your regular boring comfort zone. Or you may also check the local adverts and plan for fun things going this weekend in your city. It would surely require some effort on your part.

After all, no one will pick you up from your couch in front of the TV. That part is only to be done by none other than – YOU!

However, if you have run out of ideas or options, we have some great ideas about fun things to do over the weekend. Peruse the coming sections to check out cheap, entertaining, fun, and amazing ideas that we have jotted down.

Here are some fun things to do on weekends:

1. go for a walk:.

One of the simplest and most fun things on weekends is going out for a walk. It’s healthy and doesn’t cost a penny.

2. Go For a Run:

Once again, running will not require spending any money, only your energies. You can keep your body healthy and at the same time admire nature’s beauty.

3. Learn to Juggle:

Juggling is fun and improves concentration. You can learn more about juggling through this guide that can help you learn the basics.

4. Go Swimming:

Swimming is good for your health and keeps you fit. If you fall in love with it, you might make it a regular fun thing to do on a Sunday.

Drumming with or without equipment can help you remain occupied in a fun way. You can work out a groove and enjoy it at the same time.

Resolve to have extreme fun this weekend with dancing. You can use a radio, speaker, or TV and start dancing to your favorite tune. Who knows, it might become one of your top fun things to do on a Saturday.

7. Community Sports:

If you are looking for fun stuff to do this weekend, why not check out the community sports in your vicinity. It gives you the opportunity to play your favorite sport and know you community in a better way.

Check Out Your Local Community

8. watch wildlife:.

If you want something to do this weekend, then head out to the nearest local park and watch nature in action.

9. Head to the Playground:

There is no age discrimination at a playground. If you want to enjoy this weekend, why not spend it within the bounds of your community garden and have fun on the joy rides?

10. Do Some Gardening:

Gardening is one of the best fun activities this weekend if you are not committed elsewhere. It also helps you gain a lot of positivity.

11. Car Boot Sales:

Plan a car boot sale yourself or visit your neighbor who organized it. Interact with your community and keep yourself occupied with this fun activity.

12. Check your Community Calendar:

There is always something exciting going on in the community, and you can check your council’s website for further details on any upcoming events.

13. Join a Film or Book Club:

You can plan to join a book club or film club to keep you occupied in a fun way over the weekend. It also opens up the possibility of meeting some exciting people.

14. Visit Friends:

Meeting friends and old colleagues help you get out of the rut and have fun. Plan an outing with them or invite them over for lunch or dinner.

15. Volunteer Work:

You can consider doing volunteer work to contribute to society and feel good. Nothing gives more satisfaction than giving back to the community.

16. Visit Free Museums:

On visiting your local council’s website, you can procure details about the free museums in your vicinity and make plans to spend time there on weekends.

17. Visit a Zoo or Wildlife Reserve:

As you plan for fun things this weekend, consider visiting a zoo or wildlife reserve if you have kids in your family.

18. Become a Dog Walker:

Why not be a good neighbor and help them become a dog walker. Besides having a good time, you can expect to make some money too!

19. Volunteer at a Race Track:

Every race track needs marshals for their regular events, and you can volunteer to help them over weekends.

Stay Indoors

20. make some bread:.

Making your own bread can be a great mood booster over weekends. It is a simple and cost-effective habit that keeps you occupied. You can learn how to bake a loaf here.

21. Make Healthy Snacks:

Take a break and make some snacks. This cooking errand will surely help to lift your mood. Here are some healthy snacks recipes .

22. Organize a Budget Food Contest:

Make your weekends fun by organizing food content. Make it competitive by keeping small rewards. It will make things more exciting and fun.

23. Netflix:

If you do not wish you move out of the comfort of your home since you are tired, you can plan to watch Netflix. There are numerous movies and TV shows that can keep you occupied. Choose the video based on your choice and spend your weekend leisurely.

24. Free Films on YouTube:

If you don’t want to spend on OTT platforms such as Netflix, simply start YouTube and type “full movie” in the search bar. It will display numerous movies that you can enjoy over the weekend.

25. Go On a YouTube Marathon:

YouTube is amazing when it comes to finding interesting videos. You can go on a YouTube marathon and search for “most funniest” or “most scariest” videos and turn your weekend into a fun day.

26. BBC iPlayer (Europe Only):

If you reside in Europe, you can avail yourself of the advantage of BBC iPlayer. Numerous programs can keep you occupied over the weekend and offer valuable insight.

27. Play Free Online Games:

If you are a computer geek, use the online gaming arena and play free games. It will keep you relaxed over the weekend. If you want some inspiration, then check Lifehack’s Relaxing Games guide.

28. Search Wikipedia:

Wikipedia is a source of immense knowledge. There are so many things that we still do not know. Use your weekends productively by searching for credible information from this knowledge source.

29. Craigslist/Freecycle:

Craigslist and Freecycle have become pretty useful in finding information about the interesting events nearby. You can use the local version of these websites and scout for anything that interests you.

If you want to share your knowledge with the world, why not start your blog using WordPress ? You get the opportunity to present your views and pass the information to the readers. Make the best use of your weekends by writing blogs and connecting with people worldwide.

31. Have a Board Game Day:

Not interested in using your mobile or laptop? Try the traditional board games. Call your friends or family members to join you in classic chess games or snakes or ladder. You can choose the game of your choice to make it a fun weekend.

32. Make a Homemade Pizza:

There will be nothing more exciting for you if you are a foodie than making a pizza at home. Use this guide to make the perfect homemade pizza.

Get Creative

33. make a paper fortune teller:.

You can try this fun activity for the weekend as it’s good for all ages. It is a simple activity that amuses every participant. Here is a free guide to trying paper fortune tellers.

34. Play Pen and Pencil Games:

Many games can be tried with the help of a simple pen or paper. Tick-tac-toe, battleship, or hangman are a few such examples.

35. Play the Sentence Game:

It is a fun game where the participants take turns to write a sentence on a piece of paper and pass it on to others. The resultant story sometimes becomes pretty hilarious. It’s a fun activity that can become very exciting for everyone.

36. Make a Kite:

Kites are amazing, and making them yourself becomes fun too! You can use this simple guide to making a homemade kite , and when you are done, you can fly them anywhere you want.

37. Have a Go at Origami:

Use this traditional Japanese art to have fun over the weekend. It requires paper and a certain skill. You can master this game from websites like Origami Instructions .

Let your imagination take over your weekend. Take a paper and start drawing whatever your mind tells you to. Experiment a little with colors, too, and have fun.

39. Write a Letter:

People don’t write letters anymore. Why not use your free weekends to bring back the forgotten art. It is bound to impress and even awe your friends or relatives when they receive it.

40. Raid Pinterest for DIY Ideas:

Social media has opened wild doors, and you can open any of these doors to keep you occupied over weekends. Pinterest is one such portal that presents awesome design ideas. You can even get creative DIY ideas from here that you can try over weekends at home.

41. Volunteer at Your Local Theater:

Check with the local theatre in your neighborhood if they need any volunteers, from being an usher to giving out tickets. It might also be a great experience for you.

42. Audition for a Play:

Why not become an artist in a local play. Give auditions over the weekend and check if you would be fit to play any part that you find exciting.

43. Creative Writing:

Write whatever comes to your mind. Use your thoughts and imagination and bring them to life on paper. You may even use a computer to type away and use your creativity.

Have fun with kids

44. play hide and seek:.

Kids can keep you occupied for hours. Hide and seek is often the most favored game by small kids. It also gives great fun to adults. So use your weekends to plan fun hide-and-seek activities with your kids.

45. Hopscotch:

While you might already know how to play hopscotch, your kids might have never heard about this game. Teach them and in the process, have fun playing it too. Here is a basic guide to hopscotch.

46. Build a Fort:

You can literally build a fort anywhere in your home. You just need a few places to fix up a blanket or a set of cardboard boxes. Be creative and make an awesome mini-for for your little ones. Have fun over the weekends by becoming a child yourself. Check out this video on how to make one:

47. Have a Kip:

You cannot imagine what short naps can do. It works wonders in restoring your energy. Even a short kip can make you feel fresh and rejuvenated.

48. DIY or Cleaning:

Look around and see if you have any pending home errands like washing clothes, cleaning shelves, or fixing the sink. Use your weekends productively by working on such tasks. Involve your kids so that they learn and have fun with it.

49. Make Bubbles:

Kids love bubbles, and you can try to make them in different ways. Use this quick guide to learn how to make bubbles with household products .

Learn Something New

50. listen to the radio or podcasts:.

Get yourself a good radio or start listening to podcasts. They provide ample information and are a very good source of entertainment.

There is hardly any better way to enjoy your quiet time at home over the weekend. Pick up a novel you forgot to read since you were so busy. Here is a list of books for inspiration .

52. Learn a Foreign Language:

It’s really fun learning a new language. Take up courses that teach French, Italian, or any other language that excites you. You can even check out Babbel or Verbalplanet , which offers various language courses.

53. Take an Online Course:

Websites like Coursera and Teachable offer innumerable options for learning across various domains. You can browse through and choose the skills you find interesting and then register to use your weekends to learn them.

Final Words

Many of us feel relaxed on weekends, but others have no idea how to make weekends fun. It is for them that we have prepared this list. Peruse the detailed options and choose the ones that tickle your minds.

You can even create your fun activity besides the ones mentioned above. After all, it’s about what makes you feel good on your fun day!

What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend: A Short Guide to Making the Most of Your Days Off

A short read, but full of good ideas for making the most of your weekend.

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11 Tips for Making Homework Time Fun

Oaklee’s Guest Post By Mandy Ginsberg, CEO of

According to The National Center for Family Literacy, almost 50% of parents feel they can’t help their child with homework because they don’t understand the material. And let’s face it, for most parents it’s been a long time since they’ve been in a classroom.

Below are tips to make homework time fun (really) and stop the tears, complaints and stress that both kids and parents face:

  • Set up a homework routine.  If you don’t have a routine set up yet, do it as soon as you can. Kids work better when they have a routine that is right for them. Some kids do better right after school. Other kids need to come home and decompress for a while before they can face their homework. It doesn’t matter what time you choose, just make a conscious choice with your child and try to stick to it.
  • You can help, but not too much.  If you’re lucky enough to understand your child’s homework, it’s tempting to help a bit too much. It is okay to do one sample problem with them to get them “unstuck”, but don’t do three or four or soon you are the one doing the homework.
  • Make it Fun.  It is easier than you think! If your daughter is a visual learner go online and find a great video that can help her. Or, if your child is studying and needs to memorize equations for a test, help them create a goofy song. This helps make kids more relaxed and ready to learn.
  • Become a Time Management Ninja.  Middle school and high school students need to balance academics, extracurricular activities and their social life. Help your children put together a schedule either online or use an erasable whiteboard– whatever works for your family.Make sure you add in study/homework time each school night to help your child see when he/she is truly free. Several months in your child may be able to take over the calendar with less help.
  • Big Projects? Start Small.  Older children have more long-term assignments such as a research paper or essay assigned in October but due in November. It’s easy to procrastinate and then find your son or daughter in a panic a few days before the due date. Help them map out a plan where they complete a piece of the assignment every few weeks such as going to library for research followed by completing an outline. Having regular due dates will help keep projects on track and reduce last-minute meltdowns.
  • It All Counts.  If your child is planning on going to college, their freshmen GPA will go on their college transcript. Make sure your child is taking the right mix of classes and see what support is available at the school. You can make an appointment with your child’s school counselor to ensure you are on the right track.
  • Take A Break.  Research shows students don’t concentrate well for long periods. Rather than demanding your child finish all his/her homework in one sitting, encourage him/her to take breaks every 20-30 minutes. That’s a great time to check their phone, get a snack or just get up and stretch. They’ll complain less and be more productive.
  • Not Good at Math or Writing? Don’t Tell Your Kids.  Instead tell them you understand math or writing is really tough but you know they can do it. If you can’t help, make sure you know who can or look online for great resources like tutorials and videos that break down tough concepts.
  • Time to Tell the Teacher.  If your child has worked on a problem for hours and is no closer to getting it, then it’s time to write a note to the teacher. The teacher will be glad to know that your child had problems with the assignment and needs some extra help.
  • Celebrate.  A great biology grade, finished essay or a week of completed homework assignments deserves some recognition. Come up with something that works for your family – maybe it’s dessert at your favorite ice cream shop or a new app. Your child will appreciate being celebrated!

Mandy Ginsberg is the CEO of, the world’s largest and highest-rated online tutoring company with a community of more than 3,000 expert tutors, and almost 10 million one-to-one online tutoring sessions served. Professional tutors are available 24/7 in 40 plus subjects, including AP courses and SAT test prep. Ninety percent of students who use get better grades, feel more confident and complete their homework on time., an IAC company, powers tutoring and homework help programs for the Department of Defense; thousands of public libraries, school districts, colleges and universities; and the states of Alabama, Alaska, Louisiana, Montana, North Dakota, Rhode Island and the District of Columbia.

13 Exciting Homework Ideas for EFL/ESL: No worksheets!

Who likes homework? Nobody, right? Especially not if it’s the same dreary worksheets and textbook exercises every time.

I used to find setting homework a challenge in EFL/ESL classes. What can you do to give them good practice and develop confidence without boring them to tears?

1. Word Hunts

A Word Hunt is a vocab acquisition activity (a technique I describe in my article How to Elicit Vocabulary ).

Any student who has their own phone can do this activity. For younger kids, you’ll need the support of the parents.

2. Narrative Telephone

The way it works is the teacher records themself reading a short story and sends it to one of their students. That student listens ONCE. Then they record themself re-telling the story and send it on to the next student who does the same.

When choosing a story, keep it relatively short (a couple of paragraphs at most) and use it to introduce or consolidate new vocab and grammar.

3. What Do You See?

For beginners, this can just be individual words. For intermediates it could be sentences like “I see a woman jogging with her dog.” And for advanced students, challenge them to create a full description of the place, taking into account all the senses.

4. Write a Blog

This one isn’t great for young kids who aren’t used to using tech yet, although if their parents are on board, they can help get things set up.

It’s super easy to set up a blog nowadays, and students can post articles from home or from their phone while travelling.

You could make it an account of what they did that week, an explanation of something they know a lot about, or a review of a film or series they recently watched.

5. Record a vlog

A word on privacy and safety. If you’re going to do this with students under 18, DEFINITELY get their parents’ permission. Most will be perfectly fine with this.

6. Scavenger photos

With beginners, this can be household items, food, common things in the city, etc. It’s a great way to introduce new vocabulary.

Challenge students with more abstract things, like “something that is squishy” or “something that you can’t break”.

And go a step further: “something you couldn’t live without” or “something which terrifies you”, or “something worth over a million dollars”.

7. Watch films & series

A word on subtitles: Advanced students should try to watch the English version without subtitles. For most, though, this is too difficult. Just make sure subtitles are in English, not their native language, otherwise you lose all benefits of the activity.

8. Write a journal

9. listen to podcasts.

Podcasts get more and more popular with every year. You can find them on pretty much any topic, and they provide excellent listening practice.

10. Write to a pen pal

Alternatively, write the responses yourself. Have an ongoing back and forth of letters between you and your students, where you can get to know each other (and give some helpful corrections!)

11. Prepare a mini-presentation

Mini-presentations are a great peer-teaching activity. Give students a topic (can be anything: grammar, a famous person, a favourite hobby, etc.) and have them do a 1-minute presentation on it in the next class.

12. Read the news

For more advanced learners, any news network is great. I prefer BBC News for the quality and clarity of writing.

13. Enjoy some English Music

This one applies to learners of all ages and levels. Many students will already listen to music in English, as it’s popular around the world.

You can make this a structured homework, assigning specific songs, with the aim of recognising certain words or grammar structures. Supplement this by studying the lyrics in class.

With younger kids, just having them listen to English songs is enough. Give parents a playlist to put on in the car or when they wake up in the morning.

The important thing is to know your students and keep things varied – that way you won’t have to chase your students up every week.

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13 Fun Homework Ideas: The Best Ways To Make Homework Fun For Kids Quickly & Easily

Ellie Williams

Figuring out how to make homework fun can be a tricky task for parents.

Does it feel like you’re constantly nagging your kids to do their homework? If your answer is yes then worry not as we’ve all been there! It’s natural for parents to want their children to progress and do well in school, but after an entire day of paper, pencils, and books many youngsters will resist getting on with their homework – and that’s putting it mildly!

Top Tips To Make Homework Fun:

  • Work together
  • Use rewards and incentives
  • Sort them a snack
  • Make it visual
  • Try different learning apps
  • Set up a homework play date
  • Turn it into a game
  • Let them play teacher
  • Use a timer
  • Create a special homework space
  • Remember to be positive
  • Get help if you need i t

Thankfully, there are ways of making homework less boring and that little bit more fun for your child. Whether they need to practice spellings, learn their times tables or revise for an important exam, our top fun homework ideas will help you to magically take the ‘work’ out of homework.

13 Fun Homework Ideas: The Best Ways To Make Homework Fun For Kids Quickly & Easily

KS2 Maths Games and Activities Pack

A FREE downloadable games and activity pack, including 20 home learning maths activities for KS2 children. Bring maths into your home in a fun way.

1. Work together

Fun Homework Ideas

Adults often work best in the company of others, and the same can be said of kids, so why not sit with your child while they’re studying and get on with some of your own work or life admin?

Whether you’re returning emails, doing your online banking or organising the next primary school PTA fundraiser, creating a shared workspace and modelling focused work is a great way to spend quality time together while they complete their homework. Win-win!

Quick win : Whilst your child is tackling their fractions homework, you could sit down with them and take a look through your finances or even test yourself on the work that your child will be doing in their SATs .

2. Use rewards and incentives

Rewards and incentives are great when it comes to getting your children to follow your household rules and routines, and homework is no different. Things like stickers or the promise of time on their iPad or games console for slightly older children can all work wonders in getting them to do their homework without a battle.

Quick win: For every few questions they answer they could get a minute of screen time!

3. Sort them a snack

Fun Homework ideas

Let’s face it: A hungry child is an unfocused, unmotivated and unhappy child.

Most children come out of school ravenous, so let them nibble on a nutritious after-school snack while they get on with homework; things like popcorn, apple slices, grapes, flapjacks, or crackers and cheese are all great snack options.

If you’re feeling a bit more adventurous, Netmums has a list of healthy after-school snack ideas and recipes to try.

Quick win: One of the best brain foods for kids is a nice and crispy apple! So when your child is craving something sweet just cut up an apple and let them munch away.

4. Make it visual

Help to eliminate the late night ‘Oh, I forgot to do that’, and create a weekly homework chart so your child can see what they have to do each day and check off each homework ‘To Do’ as it’s been completed.

Again, Pinterest has some great free printables to help keep kids organised. Get them involved by letting them colour it, or decorate it with their favourite stickers, and pin it up somewhere at their height, where they will see it easily every day as a reminder. Some exciting new stationery and colourful pens might help too.

Quick win: An easy way to make homework fun is to grab a piece of paper and get your child to draw out and decorate a ‘homework chart’ consisting of 5 days. Stick it on the fridge and add a sticker to each day after they’ve done their homework, when they’ve collected 5 stickers they get a treat!

5. Try different learning apps

Make Homework Fun

If your child prefers to be online, there are some great online apps around that children will have fun using, yet encourage learning too. Here are our favourite free maths websites for example. Speak to your child’s teacher too and see which apps the children use in school so you can support what they’re doing at home.

Quick win: One of our favourite apps that makes homework fun is Times Tables Rockstars!

6. Set up a homework play date

Holding a homework playdate where your child can invite one of their best school buddies over to do homework together can be a great way for them to learn and make sure the work gets done, especially slightly older primary children.

Plus, it’s likely that their parents will be delighted!

Younger children may need a bit more support and guidance but can still gain a lot from the experience of learning together with a friend – think of this as a mini-educational play date for them – with a special tea afterwards of course!

Quick win: Let your child and their friend play for a while, and then get them to work through their homework with the incentive of a yummy ‘tea party’ when they’ve completed all of their homework.

7. Go outside

Fun Homework Ideas

If the weather allows, create a comfortable outside study space and allow your child to do their homework outdoors.

The fresh air can help kids with their concentration if they’ve been stuck in a classroom all day, and studies also show that being outside, closer to nature, can increase productivity. The reward of a quick game of Frisbee or a kick-around of a football between tasks will help them stay motivated too.

Quick win: Check out this fun outdoor maths activity for some inspiration of ways you can make homework fun. 

8. Turn it into a game

Who said home learning had to be boring? If children enjoy what they’re learning, they’re more likely to remember what they’re being taught, so turn their learning into a fun game. Using sweets like Smarties to help with maths and number work can turn the experience from a chore into a treat. If they get the right answer, they get to eat some!

Another trick that you can use when your child is learning spellings is to write them in foam or in magnetic letters. It sounds simple, but  we can guarantee that it will make homework a lot more fun for your child.

These maths games for kids and times tables games are a great place to start.

Quick win: If you’re looking for some fun homework ideas then check out this simple multiplication activity you can do at home, it’ll even get in one of your child’s five a day!

9. Let them play teacher

Make another fun homework game by creating your own mini-classroom and letting your child step into the role of teacher.

Have your child explain a concept to you as a teacher, as you, or their sibling, plays the role of the student. This game works particularly well with subjects that require theory, like Science for example, as it will improve their understanding of the concept and build logic and reasoning skills.

Quick win: Make homework fun by getting your child to choose their favourite teddys and toys and setting them up in their own mini classroom. Start off with registration, ‘mummy’ ‘present’, ‘mr teddy’ ‘here’ etc. You’ll soon notice that your child is growing in confidence regardless of the topic as children love playing teacher!

Ideas to make homework fun

10. Use a timer

Some children may have difficulty working for prolonged periods of time without a break, so using a timer can be great for getting them to complete homework without the whining. For example, if your child is given 20 maths problems for homework, you can say “Complete the first 10 questions then we’ll take a 5-minute break, then complete the next 10 questions”.

Many children will need a mental break and will work more effectively when given the opportunity to take one. At the end of the task, they get to pick an activity of their choice. If your child gets easily distracted, a timer game can work well to keep them focused on the task in hand.

Quick win: Put the timer on your phone so that your child can see the countdown whilst they’re working.

11. Create a special homework space

A special study space can make homework more fun and help motivate your child to get it done! Choose a space in your house that’s least likely to distract your child, and create a simple, organised, and kid-friendly homework HQ.

You could hang up some of their artwork above the desk, and have all their school essentials nearby so everything is close to hand.

Quick win: Make sure that they aren’t surrounded by things that will distract them. Televisions and iPads are a no go at homework time!

12. Remember to be positive

Remember to always be upbeat and positive about school and the importance of their homework. Give your child lots of praise and encouragement about how well they’re doing to help them stay motivated and on track.

Quick win: After every homework session spend five minutes talking through what your child has accomplished. If you’re running out of activities to do, have a look at our list of home learning packs – all free to download.

13. Get help if you need it

Homework can be frustrating if your child doesn’t understand the material or gets bored easily. If your child is struggling, get them some expert help!

A Third Space Learning online tutoring lesson exploring the value of digits in numbers up to 10,000,000.

Quick win:  Third Space Learning has plenty of advice on learning maths for kids and parents but if you need more support, our primary school maths tutors are easy to organise and very affordable.


Every week Third Space Learning’s maths specialist tutors support thousands of students across hundreds of schools with weekly one to one tuition designed to plug gaps and boost progress.

Since 2013 these personalised one to one lessons have helped over 169,000 primary and secondary students become more confident, able mathematicians.

Learn how pupils make accelerated progress or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your school’s needs and how we can help.

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Use as a prompt to get pupils started with new concepts, or hand it out in full and encourage use throughout the year.

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fun weekend homework

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5 stages of doing homework on the weekend.

5 Stages Of Doing Homework On The Weekend

Here it is, the weekend! The weekend is the best. You can sleep in, go out late, and know that you have a few days to relax and just enjoy life. However, there is one thing that needs to be done before Monday rolls around: homework. The worst thing ever, and the only thing that ruins weekends every weekend. Here are the 5 Stages of Doing Homework:

1. Realizing it is Sunday, and you have approximately five hours of homework to do.

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7 types of students you will meet in college, you wish you could be #5, but you know you're probably a #6..

There are thousands of universities around the world, and each school boasts its own traditions and slogans. Some schools pride themselves on sports , while others emphasize their research facilities. While there is a myriad of differences among each and every school, there will always these seven types of students in class.

1. The one who sits in the front row

2. the one who is always online shopping.

It doesn't matter whether it's fall, winter, spring or summer - these people are online shopping every single lecture. They usually sit a row or few in front of you, and while the professor is lecturing, instead of taking notes or even trying to act like they're listening, they just aimlessly scroll through Aritzia, Forever 21 and Zara. The only time their eyes ever leave their computer screen is when class ends, so they're basically just there for giggles.

3. The one who always falls asleep

This person comes to class every day, but somehow never stays awake for more than 20 minutes. You can sometimes hear the occasional snore from a corner of a large lecture hall, or catch their heads nodding like a pendulum near the front of the class if they're the studious type . But let's be real here: we've all been one of those students at some point.

4. The one who never pays attention

This category of students is probably the most common. Sure, they'll go to class, but all they do is surf through memes on Facebook or watch others play Fortnite. These people are in class for the attendance grade, not to learn. On occasion, they may raise their hand in class to ask a generic, vague question that has already been covered but hey, gotta get that participation grade. They're just doing everything they can to survive college, and honestly, it's a mood.

5. The one who never studies (but still aces the class)

Standing as probably the most frustrating category of people in this list, these students won't know about a midterm until two days before. The day before the exam, they'll be chilling in Malibu and partying at night. They go to class every once in a while when the class time doesn't clash with one of their many elaborate social plans, but never pay attention. Somehow, they still ace all their exams and end up with the top grade in the class.

6. The one who is always stressed

These people will start studying for a midterm at least two weeks before hand, and will be so stressed about homework and classes that they spend more time worrying about the workload than actually doing the work itself. They're in desperate need of a relaxing vacation that they're too stressed to plan, and they disappear from the outside world for weeks at a time. You can usually find them in a study room in a library, where they probably have been in for the past week.

7. The one you've never seen before

You didn't even know that they were in your class to begin with because they never show up until it's exam week. Are they too smart for the class or struggling too hard to care ? The world may never know. Maybe they're just straight chilling in their apartments being lazy, but most of time, they probably didn't even put this class on their schedules. Catch them going to Disneyland on a weekday at least once a month, which is more than the frequency that they attend class.

15 Rhyme Without Reason Greek Life Function Ideas

When you have no ideas for what to wear to this date function.

I am going to a rhyme without reason date function and I have looked at so many different rhyming words and I figured there need to be a new list of words. At these functions, there are usually at least two rockers and boxers and an umpteenth amount of dogs and frogs. I have come up with a list of creative and unique ideas for these functions.

If you like what you see, get a shopping cart going with these costumes .

1. Dime and a Mime

I think that this one would be super cute except one of the dates would have to not talk the entire function which would be extremely difficult.

2. Ramp and a Lamp

This is my personal favorite except it would be difficult to dress up like a ramp.

3. Hooters and Shooters

For this you could have one person dress up like hooter's girl and have one person wear plastic shot glasses with color glue in them.

4. Sherlock and Woodstock

For this one person could wear a cape and a Sherlock hat with a magnifying glass and the other person could dress up like the bird Woodstock or the festival.

5. Spaghetti and a Yeti


This would be the coolest idea to do. To dress up like a bowl of spaghetti and a Yeti. The only thing you would have to watch would to make sure that the Yeti didn't eat the spaghetti.

6. Whale and snail

This would be very cute. You could use a backpack or a laundry basket for the shell.

7. Ladder and Bladder

I don't know if you have seen the bladder cartoon but just imagine someone dressed up like that. Wouldn't that be so cute?

8. Rake and Snake

The snake could use the rake. This would be a very easy to dress up for.

9. Jam and Ham

You could dress up like a thing of jam or like a dollop of jam and just wear a single color.

10. Pig and a Twig

You could dress with pink and then the other person could dress with brown.

11. Banana and Nana

All you need for this one is a banana costume and old lady clothes

12. Dairy and Fairy

One person would dress up as a milk carton and the other as any kind of fairy.

13. Hibachi and Versace

I think that this is the most creative pairing that has ever been thought of. The hibachi person would definitely have to have one of those tall hats they wear.

14. Trash bag and American Flag

You could put your arms through the straps that come out of the trash bag and just wrap an American flag around yourself (as long as it doesn't touch the floor).

15. Gumball Machine and American Dream

This would be super cute if the person who was the gumball put puffballs onto their shirt and wore silver pants.

What is a rhyme without reason date function?

A rhyme without reason date function is a social gathering when partners show up wearing outfits that rhyme with each other. It opens up an opportunity for creativity. It is most popular on college campuses, though it can be extended to other parts of society as a fun way to play dress-up. It also gains additional popularity around Halloween time, given the interest in costumes and dressing up for that holiday.

What are some top ideas for a rhyme without reason?

There are so many options: A Dog and a Frog could be fun. A Ramp and a Lamp, a Whale and a Snail, a Rake and a Snake, a Trash Bag and a Flag, and Bob Ross and Dental Floss are just some ideas for a rhyme without reason date function. Using your own creativity, you could think of countless more options and if you explore the web, you'll find lists out there to provide inspiration . Rhyming without reason at the end of the day is all about having fun.

What are some sources of rhyme without reason inspiration?

For starters, TikTok has a whole collection of rhyme without reason ideas. You could browse those for quite some time and find plenty of inspiration. You might also look toward Her Campus for plenty more ideas or our handy list . There's no shortage of options around the web, but some of the best ideas may come from you. Start with the rhyming perspective and then think about what fun pairings would be for a real-life rhyme without reason costume party.

A long over due thank you note to my greatest passion.

Dearest Yoga,

You deserve a great thank you.

Never would I have thought a few years ago that I would be such a huge yoga fanatic, that I would be hitting the gym almost every day to get to class, and that I would be forming all these amazing relationships with so many incredible people who also share a love for you. You've enhanced my way of life in numerous ways that I need to thank you for.

Thank you for showing me my true strength. Not only physical strength, but more importantly mental strength. You've shown me that I am more than what others may think of me, and that I can rise above any obstacle that comes through my path.

Thank you for helping me to walk through life with grace and passion. To love what I do and love the life that I share with those around me. Before experiencing yoga, I never truly understood what it was like to be passionate about something. Now that I have, not only do I know what it's like to be passionate, but also have a willing to be passionate.

Thank you for teaching me what it is like to appreciate the small things in life. Which has only helped me more to appreciate the big things. You've shown me to not only appreciate the life around me, but also to give myself the appreciation that I deserve. And more importantly, give others the appreciation that they deserve.

Thank you for allowing me to let go. Whenever I feel as if I need a break from the world, the yoga studio is the first place I think of. As soon as I enter the studio, the outside world leaves my mind. You've allowed me an escape that I will be forever thankful for.

Thank you for turning me into a mindful person. Having mindfulness is harder than it seems, especially here in today's society. Over the past couple years, I have become more mindful to the world around me, I have been able to truly be myself and let everyone else be themselves -- all thanks to yoga.

And lastly, thank you for allowing me to breathe. As simple as it sounds, breathing is the one thing that I carry around most with me off the mat. Deep breaths are what get me through the day. Throughout tough situations, emotional battles, and stressful times, I always know to come back to my yoga, to come back to my breath.

I only hope that those around me feel the same way as I do about you, yoga. You have truly transformed my life in the best way imaginable. It is a gift and a great privilege to be able to experience the practice. Thanks to you, I have grown as a person, proved to myself the true strength I have, become more aware and have ultimately started living a better life.

You're the best,

Your Yoga-Obsessed Friend

Epic Creation Myths: Norse Origins Unveiled

What happened in the beginning, and how the heavens were set in motion..

Now, I have the everlasting joy of explaining the Norse creation myth. To be honest, it can be a bit kooky, so talking about it is always fun. The entire cosmos is included in this creation myth, not just the earth but the sun and the moon as well. This will be a short retelling, a summary of the creation myth, somewhat like I did with Hermod's ride to Hel.

The Norse cosmos began with two worlds, Niflheim and Muspellheim. These two worlds, the worlds of primordial cold and fire , were separated by a great fissure called Ginnungagap. The waters from the well Hvergelmir, at the center of Niflheim, by many rivers flowed into Ginnungagap and "when those rivers, which are called Elivagar, came so far from their source, the poisonous flow hardened like a slag of cinders running from a furnace, and became ice. ...Then layer by layer, the ice grew within Ginnungagap" (Byock 13). The northernmost regions of the gap filled with hoar frost and rime, but the southernmost were "the regions bordering on Muspell [and] were warm and bright" (Byock 13). Where the cold of Niflheim's ice and the warmth of Muspellheim's fire met in Ginnungagap the ice thawed, and "there was a quickening in these flowing drops and life sprang up" (Byock 14). From the ice came Ymir, known as Aurgelmir by the giants, the origin of all frost giants. As the wise giant Vafthruthnir says, "'down from Elivagar did venom drop, / And waxed till a giant it was; / And thence arose our giants' race, / And thus so fierce are we found'" (Bellows 76-77).

25 Throwback Songs You Forgot About

But you know you still know every word..

We all scroll through the radio stations in the car every once in a while, whether its because we lost signal to our favorite one or we are just bored with the same ol' songs every day. You know when you're going through and you hear a song where you're just like "I forgot this existed!" and before you know it, you're singing every word? Yeah, me too. Like, 95% of the time. If you're like me and LOVE some good throwback music, here's a list of songs from every genre that have gotten lost in time, but never truly forgotten.

1. "Big Pimpin'" - Jay-Z ft. UGK

Jay-Z gives us a ballad about, you guessed it, pimpin' big in NYC. Jay-Z's rhymes paired with that catchy beat is just bound to get stuck in your head for the rest of the night.

2. "Mr. Brightside" - The Killers

If you say that you don't know any of the words to this song, you're the worst kind of person... a liar. This classic has left stamps of its lyrics on 99% of the population, and has a forever spot in my soul.

3. "Lose Yourself" - Eminem

This song always leaves me feeling like I could sign a record deal and launch my career as a rap/hip-hop legend... and craving spaghetti.

4. "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) - Toby Keith

A ballad for the ages that brings the overly patriotic American badass out of all of us.

5. "Drop It Like It's Hot" - Snoop Dogg ft. Pharrell Williams


6. "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" - Green Day

This song makes me want to walk down a lonely road, preferably a dark one, and reflect on all of my life choices. Nevertheless, it's still a fantastic song.

7. "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" - Panic! At The Disco

If your friends don't "chime in" by screaming the chorus at the top of their lungs in the car with you, it's time to leave them there and find new friends. Also, did anyone ever tell the groom what his bride has been up to?

8. "Semi-Charmed Life" - Third Eye Blind

A life anthem for all of us. Third Eye Blind has recently released another album. My inner child is tingling.

9. "Baby Got Back" - Sir Mix A Lot

Nicki Minaj sampled this in her song "Anaconda" in 2014. Take a minute to realize that some people have heard that, but not the REAL jam that the sample came from. Now, cry.

10. "Get Low" - Lil Jon ft. Ying Yang Twinz

The real question is which version is better: Lil Jon's or Sandra Bullock's?

11. "Check Yes Or No" - George Strait

You don't have to be a country lover to know this song. My hardcore rocker/screamo friend even knows the chorus. Don't try and tell me you don't. I don't like liars.

12. "Ride Wit Me" - Nelly

"Ayyyyye, must be the monaaayyy!" - frequently screamed lyric

13. "Pony" - Ginuwine

Even though I can't hear this song without seeing Channing Tatum's half naked body in my mind, it's still one of my favorite songs to hear. Instant day brightener when I hear that funky beat at the beginning.

14. "Cleanin' Out My Closet" - Eminem

As sad as these lyrics are, Eminem really hit this one out of the park.

15. "Gangstas Paradise" - Coolio

10/10 would recommend listening to Weird Al's parody of this song.

16. "It Was A Good Day" - Ice Cube

The first time I heard this may have been on Grand Theft Auto, but that doesn't mean that it isn't a great song.

17. "What's Your Fantasy" - Ludacris

Another song that I knew most of the lyrics to that I probably shouldn't have at a young age.

18. "Everybody (Backstreets Back)" - Backstreet Boys

They really were back, and we all wish they had stayed.

19. "Misery Business" - Paramore

I can't tell if I want to be Hayley Williams or be ON Hayley Williams. I'd be okay with either. #girlcrush

20. "Steal My Sunshine" - Len

This feel good song makes me want to rip open a popsicle and ride my bicycle around town.

21. "Fly" - Sugar Ray

As repetitive as this is, this song will never get old.

22. "Song 2" - Blur

23. "buddy holly" - weezer.

Weezer may have hated this song, but we are glad they recorded it.

24. "No Rain" - Blind Melon

Maybe it's just me who is obsessed with this song, but if you haven't heard it, I highly recommend.

25. "99 Problems" - Jay-Z

I have 99 problems, and this playlist solves all of them.

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30 Amazing Weekend Activity Ideas

February 9, 2023 //  by  Randi Smith

We all wish we could spend more time with our families, but with the hustle and bustle of work, school, and other obligations, quality time often gets pushed aside or rescheduled. Whether it’s just you, or your whole family, there are loads of free and fun things you can do on the weekends to squeeze in some precious family time. We’ve put together a list of 30 free or affordable weekend activities to get you started!

1. Go on a Scavenger Hunt in the Park

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Try going on a scavenger hunt in the park or your backyard. This little egg carton scavenger hunt is a fun way to get the kids outside and have some educational fun. We even found a cute little Scavenger Hunt grid for the kids!

Learn More: Instagram & Teach Starter

2. Have a Family Movie Night

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Don’t let the rainy weather spoil your fun. Spend those bad weather weekends with your family watching a favorite movie! Make some popcorn and pile up on the couch for some downtime.

Learn More: Live at West Fifth

3. Cook Dinner with Your Family

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One of the best ways to spend time together is by cooking dinner. Get everyone involved in making a meal and then sit down and enjoy it together!

Learn More: UCANR

4. Take a Family Bike Ride

Take the kids on a bike ride to the park or around the neighborhood. This is a great way to get some exercise and spend time together! Bring plenty of water and snacks!

Learn More: Mom Steam

5. Go Mini-Golfing

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Spending an afternoon at the mini-golf course is a fun and affordable weekend activity. There’s nothing better than some family-friendly competition that makes everyone smile.

Learn More: Smugglers Golf

6. Start a Kindness Rock Garden

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Start a kindness rock trend in your neighborhood. Paint smooth stones with fun designs and hide them around your neighborhood. Anyone who finds one will have something bright and cheerful to make them smile.

Learn More: Teach Starter

7. Volunteer in the Community

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Volunteering together at a local animal shelter or soup kitchen is an excellent way to spend time with family. Not only will you be helping others, but it’s also a great opportunity to create lasting memories.

Learn More: AARP

8. Visit the Library

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The public library is great for spending a rainy weekend with your family. Most libraries are open on Saturdays and offer books, movies, and games that you can check out to share with each other.

Learn More: ALSC

9. Visit the Farmer’s Market

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Farmers’ markets are a great place to spend a Saturday and get everyone involved in cooking. You can pick up fresh produce, eggs, and meat from local farmers and delicious baked goods from your favorite vendors.

Learn More: Kids Activities Blog

10. Have a Dance Party

fun weekend homework

Turn on some music and get dancing! At-home activities like these are the best ways to have fun without breaking the bank. Compile a family-friendly dance party playlist to help you get your groove on.

Learn More: Wondermom Wannabe

11. Bake Cookies

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Baking cookies with your kids is a great way to spend quality time together. There are tons of recipes out there that are kid-friendly and easy enough for the whole family to enjoy. Baking is also an excellent opportunity to build fine motor, listening, and life skills.

Learn More: OT Mom Learning Activities

12. Go Window Shopping

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A trip to the mall is both a free and fun activity. You can window shop, eat at your favorite restaurant, or just walk around and people-watch.

Learn More: E-Shopy

13. Visit the Local Zoo

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Spending a day with your kids at the local zoo is fun. Many zoos are quite affordable and some even offer free or reduced memberships to teachers and their families.

Learn More: Zoo Atlanta

14. Check out History Museums or Art Galleries

fun weekend homework

Do some research and find out if there are any museums or art galleries near you that you can go to and explore. Some of them might even be free! A rainy weekend is a perfect time to hit the museums.

Learn More: To and Fro Fam

15. Board Game Night

fun weekend homework

Board game night is always a blast. With the variety of card games and board games out there,  there’s something for everyone! Choose a favorite game from childhood to share with the kids!

Learn More: Happy You, Happy Family

16. Have a Picnic in the Park

fun weekend homework

Picnics are great weekend activities, especially if you’re going to be in the park. Pack snacks and drinks, find a nice spot in the shade, and enjoy! Make your picnic more fun by adding some fun games while you’re there!

Learn More: Mom Junction

17. Start a Blog

fun weekend homework

Start a blog if you’re looking forward to a quiet weekend and love to write. Choose something interesting and use a free online platform to start a blog. It’s an easy and fun way to decompress and grow your writing skills.

Learn More: Jenny in Neverland

18. Take a Road Trip

fun weekend homework

A road trip doesn’t have to be a week-long trip. Load up the car and go on a road trip to somewhere nearby. Maybe there’s a museum or attraction you’ve had your eye on, and a quick trip gives you a nice change in routine.

Learn More: Road Trippers

19. Visit a Coffee Shop for Tasty Treats

fun weekend homework

Find a new coffee shop. The atmosphere is inviting, the smells are incredible, and you can catch up on those lesson plans while enjoying tasty beverages. Some coffee shops even offer social gatherings, clubs, and open mic nights. Bring your favorite book and read the day away!

Learn More: Clear Trip

20. Put Together a Jigsaw Puzzle

fun weekend homework

Putting together a jigsaw puzzle is fun for all ages. There are so many different puzzles available, ranging from simple ones for children to complex ones for adults. Taking the time to assemble a jigsaw puzzle can be an incredibly rewarding experience.

Learn More: Crafting Cheerfully

21. Visit Garage Sales for Hidden Treasures

fun weekend homework

Garage sales are a great way to find hidden treasures and save money. Visiting garage sales is a fun and exciting way to spend a weekend morning. The thrill of searching for unique items at bargain prices makes it so enjoyable. And teachers, yard sales are the BEST places to find fun books and quirky additions to your classroom!

Learn More: BobVila

22. Spend Some Solo Time Listening to Podcasts

fun weekend homework

Listen to a few podcasts. Your smartphone is perfect for listening on the go, and you can learn about new topics while walking through your neighborhood or around town.

Learn More: Evergreen Podcasts

23. Head for the High School Football Game

fun weekend homework

High school football games are unlike any other type of sporting event. The smell of freshly cut grass, the roar of the crowd, the snacks, and even just watching your team fight their way to victory—it’s an experience that everyone can enjoy. Grab your foam fingers and go cheer them on!

Learn More: Sweety High

24. Tour a Winery & Attend a Wine-Tasting 

fun weekend homework

This one is just for the grown-ups, but visiting a local winery and sampling the different types is a fun way to spend an afternoon. Very often, wine tastings are absolutely free! Check their website for upcoming events, and ensure you have someone to drive you home!

Learn More: Georgia Winery  

25. Learn a New Skill in an Online Class

fun weekend homework

We all know teachers are lifelong learners, so use some downtime to learn a new skill. Find something completely unrelated to the classroom and dive in! Knitting, sculpting, and digital art are just a few topics for which you can find free courses on the Internet, and some of them even offer certificates for completion (a good addition to your resume).

Learn More: Well and Good

26. Go Through Your Closet & Donate to Charity

fun weekend homework

You have to admit, that pair of heels you bought your first year teaching…they haven’t been touched in years. And that stuffy suit you wore to your first interview, well, that’s been swapped in for teacher tees and jeans. Spend a little time this weekend going through your closet. Gather what you don’t need anymore, and donate it to charity.

Learn More: Utica OD

27. Take a Hike

fun weekend homework

Get outside and take a hike in the woods with your family. You could try out a nature trail or a National park in your area. This is a great way to enjoy nature, and you might even see some wildlife!

Learn More: Georgia Family Magazine

28. Create a Time Capsule

fun weekend homework

Time capsules are a fun way to commemorate important events in your life. They can be used to remember significant days, people, or events you want to remember later. Have your family help you bury it and set a date in the future to dig it up and look through your cherished memories.

Learn More: Lovely Lucky Life

29. Finish that DIY Project (or start a new one)

fun weekend homework

You know that bedroom needed painting over a year ago; take some time this weekend to wrap up that project. It’ll give you a sense of accomplishment, and you can include the whole family. Even kids can run a paint roller!

Learn More: Home Digest

30. Do a Fun Kitchen Science Experiment

fun weekend homework

There are loads of kitchen science experiments on the web that are perfect for a bit of family fun on the weekend. Take them outside to cut down on the mess, and have at it! We love the idea of a pumpkin volcano!

Homework Assignment: Have A Bit Of Fun

  • Est. reading time: 2 min.

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30 Days to a Better Relationship Background Image of couple

According to Dr. John Gottman, sharing humor with your partner is one of the most effective ways to strengthen your relationship. Whether it’s enjoying playful banter or sharing inside jokes, you can fill your time together with a sense of laughter and joy. As Dr. Gottman explains in “ The Relationship Cure ,” all that playfulness requires is a “willingness to turn toward another’s sense of silliness… and have a little bit of fun!” 

Look for the fun

Be intentional about moments that have the potential for fun. Are Saturday mornings a rare time that you’re both not busy with work and other responsibilities? Surprise your partner with a date or make breakfast together. You may even for a ritual of connection.

Laugh often

Pay attention to what makes your partner laugh. Maybe they love a particular comedian or funny movie. Perhaps there’s a book or storyteller who always makes your partner giggle. The closer you can get to the things that bring your partner joy, the more you can share in the fun together.

Make the choice

In everyday situations, you often have the chance to react to situations in different ways. A tedious moment washing the car can turn into a playful water fight. Awkward tension can be relieved with a witty remark.

Start practicing by applying these principles to your own life, and watch the connection between yourself and your loved ones deepen and thrive!

The Gottman Institute’s Editorial Team is composed of staff members who contribute to the Institute’s overall message. It is our mission to reach out to individuals, couples, and families in order to help create and maintain greater love and health in relationships.

  • Publish Date: April 25, 2014
  • Last Updated: March 4, 2024

Recommended products

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Gottman Relationship Adviser

$ 250.00 Original price was: $250.00. $ 179.00 Current price is: $179.00.

Transform Your Relationship

The Gottman Relationship Adviser is a complete approach to relationship wellness. Measure your relationship health with the research-based Gottman Assessment, analyze five key areas of your partnership to identify your strengths and weaknesses, then start a tailored, step-by-step digital program proven to heal and strengthen your connection—all on your schedule and from anywhere.

The Adviser uses the legendary scientific Gottman Method to help you understand what’s really going on in your relationship—and gives you exactly what you need to improve it.

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Gottman Relationship Coach: How to Make Your Relationship Work

$ 119.00 Original price was: $119.00. $ 79.00 Current price is: $79.00.

Research-based Foundations for a Lifetime of Love.  The Gottman Relationship Coach is an inspiring and educational multimedia experience designed to enhance the well-being of relationships. Participants will be guided through research-based tools and communication skills that can transform relationships—all based on the popular Gottman Method. The first program, “How to Make Your Relationship Work”, is now available and includes:

  • The Gottman Method and How to Make Your Relationship Work
  • How do we predict the future of a relationship?
  • How to build a Sound Relationship House
  • What to do when the destructive Four Horsemen enter your relationship

“Buy Now” will take you to GOTTMAN CONNECT to purchase and view this product.

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The Art and Science of Love – Virtual Events

$ 599.00

Created by “the Einstein of Love” (Psychology Today), this two-day workshop is grounded on what actually works in relationships that are happy and stable. See for yourself why millions of couples worldwide have benefited from the Gottman Method.

Quote from participant in most recent Live Virtual Workshop:

The Art and Science of Love workshop- where do I begin? It was an absolute stellar workshop. We were looking forward to this for weeks, and it exceeded our expectations! It was well-structured, and well-organized, and provided a wealth of information with real-time demonstrations of how to work through specific scenarios. The outstanding support that was provided throughout the exercises with therapists on standby- WOW! Priceless!

Includes the Art & Science of Love box set.   Please allow time for shipping.  Please Note: This is a live online event. To attend, you will need a reliable internet connection. Our staff will reach out to you with your personal registration and access information.

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Top Events this Weekend in St. Pete

  • September 13, 2024
  • • By Bob Carskadon

Picture of Bob Carskadon

Here’s what’s happening this weekend in the Sunshine City

Here are the events happening this weekend in st. petersburg, florida  this event guide is updated every thursday. click here to submit your events to our calendar events outside of st. pete, fl are labeled as “beyond the burg” and are brought to you by our friends at visit st. pete-clearwater ., subscribe now, never miss the best events in st. pete each week 🙌, 🙌 stay in the know 🙌.

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These Types of Events: Mycildren Launch Party primary image

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NWA FTW St Pete September Slam primary image

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40 Projects You Can Get Done Over a Long Weekend

Jenny Stanley

By Jenny Stanley

Updated Apr. 08, 2024

For DIYers, long weekends are for getting stuff done at home. Make the most of the upcoming extra time by checking one of these projects off of your to-do list.

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Remove Wallpaper

Set aside a full long weekend with the best wallpaper removers for this messy, tedious project. It’s not the most fun DIY project you’ll ever do, but the time and effort you put in to removing wallpaper the right way, repairing any drywall damage and prepping the clean surface for paint will be well worth it in the end.  Here, we’ll show you the best way to remove wallpaper.

Fold Up Workbench Lead

Build a Fold-Up Workbench

FH06APR_466_51_033 umbrella table pool

Umbrella Table

Sipping a cool drink in the shade of a patio umbrella is the ideal way to spend a hot afternoon. And this stylish umbrella table (and how to build a table story) will set your umbrella off beautifully and provide a stable base to avoid accidents when the wind picks up.You’ll need moderate skills to complete this project. For example, using  pocket screws  and  operating a miter saw,  but you should be able to finish it over a weekend.

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Seal the Driveway

An asphalt driveway can last almost 30 years. But you can’t achieve that long life span unless the driveway was installed properly and you perform regular maintenance, like filling cracks annually and driveway sealing when needed . It’s not a glamorous project, but it’s a must-do when you have some extra time.


The mid-century modern movement in furniture has exploded in recent memory. With this Ikea Kallax hack , mimic a mid-century modern classic by turning a simple shelving unit on its side, wrapping it with plywood inside and out, and attaching legs.

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Install a Simple Stone Path

Kitchen Stool

Kitchen Stool

Kitchen stools can be incredibly helpful for reaching the upper cabinets if you, or someone you love, are vertically challenged. This particular one is designed in the shaker-style and features two steps and dowel joinery. However, the most important step in the construction is the use of a router and template to create the side parts.

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Garden Arbor

This combination arbor and swing may look like a challenging, weeks-long project, but it’s not. If you can drive screws and handle a saw, you can build it in a weekend.

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Completely Organize Your Garage

Is ‘clean up the garage’ always on your to-do list? You can check it off in just one long weekend with these DIY tips and projects. We’ll show you how to clean the garage floor, create storage space for all of your stuff and more.

classic garden cart

Classic Wooden Cart

If you enjoy gardening but not making multiple trips to collect tools, fertilizer, flats of plants, mulch, a garden hose and a weed bucket, you’ll love this simple cart. It’s lightweight and easy to maneuver, but it works like a heavyweight. It’s easy to build with these step-by-step plans.

fun weekend homework

Remove a Wall

People are always asking remodeling contractors, ‘Can I remove this wall?’ And the answer is, ‘Yes, any wall can be removed. But there are a lot of factors that affect the difficulty and cost of the job.’ We’ll explain these factors, including how to tell if the wall is load bearing, what hidden costs you may encounter, and what professional services you’ll need to hire to get the job done.

Folding Adirondack Featured

Build A Folding Adirondack Chair

You’ve fled the office for your special retreat. You change into your comfiest clothes, grab a long book and a tall drink, find a spot with a view and a breeze, and slide into a spacious, comfortable chair. The chair? It’s an Adirondack chair, of course. Our version is designed for maximum comfort. It has a deep seat with a rounded front edge, spacious arms, and a curved, laid-back back.

When summer’s gone, fold up the chair for easy moving and storage. You can build these chairs from a variety of wood species. If your chair will live outdoors, redwood, cedar, white oak or Philippine mahogany would be good choices. They can be left unfinished to weather naturally, or given a clear preservative finish. I built mine with cedar, which is lightweight, readily available and moderately priced, check it out!


Put in a Boardwalk

Paths built with concrete, stone or pavers are expensive and labor intensive. They require a lot of digging, hauling of tons of materials and the disposal of tons of soil. If you’re looking for an easier path, consider a wooden walkway, especially for wet or sloped sites .

Peg Board Storage Featured

Build a Sliding Pegboard Storage System

If you’ve got a couple of hours to hang out in your shop on Saturday morning, you can build this brilliant pegboard storage system. This project takes workshop storage to a whole new level, employing both sides of seven pieces of pegboard, all housed inside a compact box.

FH07JUN_482_50_005 stud space cabinet storage

Create Storage Space

The space behind a door often gets wasted, but with a little ingenuity, you can turn it into a handy storage area . Use it for storing cleaning products (here’s a handy kitchen cleaning checklist ), storing small utensils mini bakeware items, or even as extra space for small food storage containers. And because the back is made from pegboard, you can hang items as well.

Cantilever End Table Featured

Cantilever End Table

It’s always fun to add flair to a room with new furniture, but furniture is expensive. This stylish end table, however, won’t break the bank, and you can build it in a morning. It’s a super clean design—just a box on stilts—that you can customize to suit your needs.

fun weekend homework

Build a Raised Garden Bed

Build a raised garden bed from natural rough-cut stone that blends perfectly into the landscape . Using standard tools and a diamond-grit circular saw blade you can build this project in a long weekend.


Rearrange Your Rooms

Before you start sliding the couch across the living room, decide first which furniture will go where. Sketch a floor plan with the correct measurements of each room, measure your furniture and create your layout. Then, as you move things, you and your helpers can place your furniture in the correct spot and not have to touch it again. Plus: Check out these brilliant tips for moving.


Take Out a Stump

You’ve been staring at that stump in the front yard for years; it’s finally time to remove it!  You can remove a stump by renting a power stump grinder, but another way is to buy a can of stump remover (available at most garden or home centers). Most brands are made of powdered potassium nitrate, which speeds up the rotting process.

Folding Mobile Workbench 4Folding Mobile Workbench

Folding Mobile Workbench

Build this handy mobile workbench that folds up to only 7 in.

fun weekend homework

Improve Drainage in Your Yard

Nurture the land in your yard and protect the environment by channeling rain water and runoff from gutters into a rain garden planted with deep-rooted, colorful native plants. We’ll show you how to do it step by step.

Upgrade Flooring Hardwood install

Replace Flooring

If the carpet in your living room is looking worn, remove it and install some hardwood flooring.

finished and painted cornhole boards

Make (and Play!) Backyard Games

This classic backyard game is easy and inexpensive to make yourself. And with legs that fold up, it’s easy to tote along for tailgating, camping and more. Plus, watch the video tutorial for a quick how-to!

blue painting

Paint a Room

Choose a paint color and give a room a fresh look. If you have a few days off strung together, painting is a quick project to complete, so you can get things back in order ASAP.

Stacking Totes Lead

Stacking Totes

Have a couple of hours free this weekend? Build these stacking totes using 1/2-in. plywood for an inexpensive and very useful solution for stowing toys, shoes, blankets and other clutter out of sight. Perfect for a kid’s room or entryway, these stacking totes will hide a lot of clutter but still keep items easily accessible.

island deck

Build an Instant Deck

The simplicity of this ground level deck makes it fast to build. With a helper and all the materials ready to go first thing in the morning, you can have a completed ground level deck before sundown.

paint door with airless sprayer

Paint Your Doors

Freshly painted doors can make a huge improvement on the look of a home’s interior. An airless sprayer simplifies painting in two ways: First, if you want to speed up a job that requires several gallons of paint, you can apply it twice as fast as with a roller or brush. And second, if you want a glass-smooth finish on woodwork or doors, the airless sprayer can lay the paint on flawlessly.  We show you how the machine works, good painting techniques and how to avoid mistakes .

Exterior of large playhouse

Construct a Playhouse for Your Kids

Most playhouses stand empty after the kids get older. But this one won’t. Dave Mensch made it large enough for big kids (or even adults) and finished the interior like a house. Complete with insulation and electricity, it will evolve from a playhouse into a place for sleepovers or a quiet homework spot as his girls grow up. Check out more photos of this playhouse.

fun weekend homework

Add Design Elements

Create the look of traditional paneled walls for your bedroom or living room with painted MDF strips. For very little money you can completely transform the appearance of your house.

fun weekend homework

Start Your Lawn Over

This one will take more time than just a long weekend, but if starting your lawn over is a big project on your to-do list this season, getting started with the first steps as soon as possible is very important. Learn how to completely restart your lawn with this step-by-step guide.

fun weekend homework

Resurface the Garage Floor

Cleaning and resurfacing the floor usually takes one day (on the other hand, clearing out your garage so you can work may take weeks!).  As a first-timer, you might achieve a perfectly smooth, flat finish. Or you might end up with a few rough spots and small ridges. But even if your work is far from flawless, you’ll still make a bad floor look much better. And remember this: If you make some major mistakes, you can add a second coat—this time with the benefit of experience.

garden closet

Build a Garden Closet

If you don’t have room in your yard for a large, freestanding shed, you can still create plenty of space for garden tools with a shed attached to the back or side of the house. This garden closet project is easy to build, even for a beginner. If you’re an experienced builder, you can build this shed in a long weekend.

cleaner cleaning dirty carpet

Clean the Carpet

Dirt is like thousands of little blades that cut carpet fibers. When you walk across a dirty carpet, you grind sharp dirt particles against the yarn, making tiny nicks in the fibers. All that fuzz mixed in with the dirt in your vacuum cleaner bags is your beautiful carpet headed out the door one bag at a time. That’s why it’s important to deep-clean your carpet once in awhile , and a long weekend is the perfect time to get it done.

FH05FEB_455_51_025 kitchen cabinet drawer rollouts pots and pans storage and organization

Install Cabinet Rollouts

The lower cabinets in your kitchen often waste space, as they’re deep and it’s hard to bend down to reach right to the back. But custom cabinet rollouts use the space more efficiently and also save your aching muscles from all that bending and reaching. By choosing affordable materials, you can build rollouts to house pots and pans, bakeware, food items like cans and boxes, and even your waste and recycling bins. And check out our other kitchen storage and organization tips to save even more space.

self watering planter

Start a Vegetable Garden

Build a r aised bed for planting your favorite veggies, and you’ll reap the rewards for many months to come.

fun weekend homework

Tile a Backsplash

Tiling a backsplash above the counter is one of the easiest ways to upgrade an old, tired kitchen on a tight budget. You can choose from the vast array of handsome ceramic tiles available, including easy-to-install square ones or more difficult mosaic tiles.

garden path mulch

Make a Garden Walkway with Mulch

This garden path is as easy to build as it is to look at and walk on. A bundle or two of cedar shakes, a roll of landscape fabric and a few bags of mulch is all it takes. Here’s how to do it.

FH98JUN_REVWLR_01-4 refinishing hardwood floors floor refinishing refinishing wood floors refinished hardwood floors

Refinish Hardwood Floors

Sanding hardwood floors might seem like a pros-only project. It’s a big job that creates big disruptions in your household. And then there’s that big, scary sanding machine. But it’s really not that difficult. Our veteran floor finisher will show you how to successfully prep your floors for a new finish. 

fun weekend homework

Fix a Sinking Driveway

It’s normal for asphalt driveways to sink a bit over time. But when your driveway repair has sunk to the point where it’s 4 or 5 in. lower than your garage floor, it’s time to fix it . If you don’t, water will pool in the depression, seep into the soil below, and eventually destroy the driveway.

shed plus shelter finished

Finally, Build Your Dream Shed

This shed has a large sliding door on one end to access the 8 x 16-ft. storage area, three windows for lots of light and a front entry door for extra convenience. But the best feature is the large covered porch where you can work on projects or just hang out in the shade with friends. We’ll talk you through how to build this dream shed step by step.

Originally Published: March 20, 2021


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65 Fun & Unusual Things to Do in St. Petersburg, Florida

things to do in St. Petersburg, Florida

  • 52 Pinterest

Nicknamed “The Sunshine City” for its year-round fine weather, St. Petersburg could be one of the best family-friendly places to vacation on Florida’s Gulf Coast.

Endowed with gleaming white sands and tranquil clear waters, St Pete Beach is often voted one of the nicest in the country — the perfect place for sunbathing or paddleboarding. Its secluded barrier isles are an ideal place to get away from it all and a trip to its many lush parks and preserves are just some of the best things to do in St. Petersburg .

Explore up to 150 species of palm and cycads, as well as the nearly 500 different plants at Gizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum. Then, head to St. Pete Pier for the best green space near the sea!

The city has a thriving downtown district with a distinctly bohemian culture and many arts and cultural places to visit, including some of the country’s top museums and galleries.

The nearby cities of Tampa and Clearwater, with their world-famous theme parks and attractions, are always just a stone’s throw away. But what to do first?

Want to dive straight in? Browse our catalog now!

  • St Petersburg tours

1 – Be astounded at The Dalí (Salvador Dalí Museum)

Salvador Dalí Museum, St Petersburg, Florida

One of the 20th Century’s most genre-defying and vital artists, Salvador Dali’s work was as technically brilliant as it was unique. The Spanish-born artist revolutionized the art world with his surrealistic images and flamboyant personal flair.

The Dali Museum is a collection of thousands of items related to the great artist’s career.  Combining a spectacular purpose-built museum with exhibition areas, gardens, a cafe and a center for the avant-garde, this waterfront gallery is one of the most fun places to visit in St. Petersburg.

The James Family Wing holds the museum’s permanent collection of Dalí works, including 96 paintings created by the artist from 1918 to 1970 as well as holograms, sculptures and a lobster telephone.

2 – Cruise the historic city on a segway tour

segway tour in St Petersburg, Florida

Why take a bus tour when you can segway? Cruise the city streets on two wheels with these fun segway tours of historic St. Petersburg. Hit all the best sites, including the Victorian-style homes of the Old Northeast, the Tampa Bay area, and the St. Petersburg Museum of History.

Pick up some history on the area’s most famous residents, including the Native American princess Pocahontas, and see historic sites, including the departure point of the world’s first commercial flight, the St. Petersburg-Tampa Airboat.

Though they may look tricky to maneuver, segways are suitable for everyone and you’ll get the hang of it in no time. Make the most of your time in St. Petersburg, Florida and explore the city on a fun and lively segway tour.

  • segway tours in St. Petersburg

3 – Stroll along the St. Pete Pier

Saint Petersburg Pier, Florida

The new recreation center of the city, St. Pete Pier has a lot to discover, from shopping, dining and entertainment to sports and parks you’ll find it all here. Dine in style on the rooftop of Pier Teaki or grab a snack at the Driftwood Cafe.

Cool off from the summer heat at the Splash Pad or stroll around the Benoist Centennial Plaza before relaxing on the Bayfront Health Tilted Lawn, there’s something here for the whole family.

Take in the sea views and that fresh sea air as you check out some of the piers artworks, including the Morning Stars Mosaic, the water-inspired sculpture Olnetopia and the stunning net sculpture Bending Arc.

The pier is sure to be your new favorite place to go in St. Petersburg.

4 – Catch a Rays game at Tropicana Field

Rays game at Tropicana Field, Florida

Home to the Major League Baseball team, The Tampa Bay Rays, Tropicana Field is a must-visit for sports fans while in St. Petersburg. Commonly referred to as “The Trop” by locals, the stadium is the only indoor venue in Major League Baseball capable of hosting events all year long.

  • Tropicana Field tickets

As well as baseball games it has also hosted college basketball, football, and pro hockey tournaments. Some of the world’s biggest stars have also performed here including David Bowie, Janet Jackson and the rock group, Kiss.

Check out a Tampa Bay Rays game or see the website to find out what’s happening at The Trop during your time in St. Petersburg.

  • Tampa Bay Rays tickets

5 – Find inspiration at the Museum of Fine Arts

Museum of Fine Arts, St Petersburg, Florida

For the avid art enthusiast, there’s one place to visit in the city that will appeal above all else – the Museum of Fine Arts . The permanent collection covers almost 5,000 years of human history and creativity and is represented in thousands of objects in various media.

Visitors can see ceramics and porcelains from all over the globe and the museum features a large collection of decorative arts as well as folk art, artworks from indigenous cultures and ceremonial pieces.

You will also find more traditional works such as paintings, sculptures and prints. It has a rotating program of temporary exhibitions alongside its permanent collection and hosts a monthly series of lectures, talks and even cinema screenings. Art lovers won’t want to miss this one.

6 – Hike at Boyd Hill Nature Preserve

Boyd Hill Nature Preserve, St. Petersburg

If you would like to make the most of your time in St. Petersburg and explore the very best of the city’s natural landscape, Boyd Hill Nature Preserve is a great place to start. It is home to the Lake Maggiore Environmental Education Centre which teaches visitors about the many natural marvels of the preserve.

Looking for a peaceful place to camp? The Terry Tomalin Campground offers primitive camping inside the nature preserve as well as organized nature camps and bike tours. This is especially great for young campers who can learn all about the fascinating web of nature and how it functions inside the preserve.

During your visit to Boyd Hill, why not join one of many nature programs. Take a night hike through the park or catch a speaking presentation on the natural history of the area. As well as its wild and unspoiled beauty, Boyd Hill Nature Preserve really has a full season of activities to enjoy.

7 – Soar over Tampa Bay on a helicopter tour

helicopter tour in St. Petersburg

Okay, what could be better than a helicopter tour over St. Petersburg city and Tampa Bay? Enjoy the invigorating thrill of hovering high above the city on one of these unique helicopter cruises.

Take to the skies in an air-conditioned chopper and see the sites in a truly unique way. Glimpse famous landmarks such as St. Pete’s Pier, John’s Pass and Treasure Island as only a few people get to.

You will cruise over the sparkling waters of Tampa Bay and the luxury beachfront resort, Don CeSar. When soaring high above the barrier islands, keep your eyes peeled for dolphins and other wildlife in the waters below. This is sure to be an experience you will never forget.

  • helicopter tours in St. Petersburg

8 – Climb the Weedon Island Preserve observation tower

Weedon Island Preserve, Florida

The huge 3,000-acre Weedon Island Preserve is a must-visit for nature lovers in St. Petersburg. Here you can explore the diverse wetland and upland ecosystems that make up important habitats for local plants and wildlife.

The park has a lot of great routes to hike and almost two miles of boardwalk trails, making it accessible to most people. Visitors can check out the preserve’s education center and even borrow a backpack full of useful trail maps and field guides.

You can follow the boardwalk trail through mangrove forests and tidal streams to the park’s observation tower, which on a clear day provides fantastic views of the preserve as well as Tampa Bay and the city’s of St.Petersburg and Tampa. Why not discover this serene slice of Florida countryside for yourself?

9 – Explore the Chihuly Collection at Morean Arts Center

Morean Arts Center, St. Petersburg

The Morean Arts Center is a fun and engaging contemporary art space on St. Petersburg’s Central Avenue. It is open daily and puts on a series of art and creative classes, events and parties and also has an artist in residence program.

It houses the first permanent collection of works by American artist, Dale Chihuly in a purpose-built facility. Chihuly is known for his abstract and colorful glass constructions and has pioneered the production methods of elaborate glass artworks during his career. On entering, visitors to the gallery are met with a 20-foot sculpture created specifically for the site.

Admission is free, so why not take a class or explore the artworks during your time in the city. It could just be one of the best cultural things to do in St. Petersburg.

10 – Play and learn at Great Explorations Children’s Museum

Great Explorations Children’s Museum, St. Petersburg

If you’re looking for fun and educational things to do with kids in St. Petersburg, stimulate their curiosity at the Great Explorations Children’s Museum . Here they can meet the Explorasaurus and play and discover through interactive games and exhibits.

Try the augmented reality sandbox, where a regular sandbox becomes an entire world with gushing rivers and rocky mountains. Explore the creativity in all of us by imagining what simple tools like a pencil and paper can create.

Great Explorations puts on regular workshops with a focus on environmental topics as well as readings and discussions with authors. It also has a store that sells educational toys, of which 100% of the proceeds go back into the museum. Younger kids are sure to love this!

11 – Spot wildlife at Sawgrass Lake Park

Sawgrass Lake Park, Florida

Home to one of the largest Maple swamps on Florida’s Gulf Coast, Sawgrass Lake Park is a haven for local and migratory wildlife. The park is home to many species of birds, including egrets, ibis, herons, and a few reptiles too, such as native turtles and alligators.

It is a popular stop for migrating birds in the spring and fall seasons and, as such, the park attracts a large number of bird spotters who are eager to catch a glimpse of rare wildlife.  It is also an ideal place to see plants and colorful butterflies in their natural habitats.

Why not bring some snacks and make use of the picnic shelter and barbecue facilities after taking a stroll along the boardwalk nature trail and enjoying the sights. Sawgrass Lake Park surely has something for everyone.

12 – Visit the Florida Holocaust Museum

Florida Holocaust Museum

Dedicated to remembering the millions of murdered men, women and children, Florida’s Holocaust Museum is one of the largest of its type in the country. It houses both permanent and temporary exhibitions and is a vital resource for learning about the horrors of the holocaust and the levels of persecution European Jewish people faced.

The museum was founded in 1992 by Walter P. Loebenberg, a local businessman and philanthropist. Loebenberg himself escaped Nazi Germany for Florida and then joined the United States Armed Forces to serve in World War II.

The poignant exhibitions include one of the few surviving boxcars which were used by the Nazis to transport Jews and political prisoners to the death camps of Auschwitz and Treblinka. It also keeps an archive of video interviews with holocaust survivors as an integral memento for future generations.

13 – Beat the clock in an escape room

escape room in St. Petersburg

One of the most fun things to do in St. Petersburg, for those who like thrills, puzzles and games in equal measure, is to try an escape room challenge! Gather together your team of friends and family and test your powers of deduction and problem-solving in one of these themed games.

Think outside the box as you solve problems and gather clues in these immersive adventure games. You’ll have to work together to make sure you crack all the puzzles in time and escape the room.

Outerlife Studios is one of the city’s premier escape rooms and allows visitors to choose from themed experiences and settings, including a superhero’s headquarters, a locked apartment with a ticking time bomb or a building set to burn. Will you complete the challenge in time?

  • escape rooms in St. Petersburg

14 – Relax under the trees at North Straub Park

North Straub Park, St Petersburg, Florida

If the Florida sun is proving too much for you, why not take a stroll down to North Straub Park. Located on the bayfront between St. Pete’s Pier and 5th ave NE, the park has plenty of shady trees to lounge under, including some big old banyan trees with an unusual-looking aerial root system.

The park has plenty of shaded walkways so it’s the ideal place to go for a refreshing stroll in the cool ocean breeze. It also offers stunning views of the north shore and Tampa Bay and you can take a seat right on the waterfront to check out the yachts in the harbor.

Your four-legged friend needn’t miss out either as North Straub Park has a dedicated dog park and keep your eyes and ears open for year-round events and live music occurring on its permanent stage area.

15 – See gopher tortoises at Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge

Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge, Florida

Stuck out on its own in the mouth of Tampa Bay, Egmont Key has been an important ecological preserve since 1974. The island’s strategic position means it has played a major role in many domestic wars and includes the remains of Fort Dade as well as a 100-year-old lighthouse.

It is now an important nesting site for sea turtles, tortoises and hundreds of thousands of sea birds. A visitor favorite on the island is its large colony of gopher tortoises who definitely aren’t shy of people and can be seen trudging around the pathways and roads of Egmont Key State Park. Brown Pelicans are also a common sight in the area with over 600 of the birds calling the island home.

Egmont Key will be one of the most interesting things to do for nature and history lovers in St. Petersburg. Visitors can check out the historic Fort Dade and its large coastal gun battery, Battery McIntosh and the remains of Battery Burchsted, which now floats just off the island.

16 – Get your tickets to the Grand Prix of St. Petersburg

Grand Prix of St. Petersburg

Taking place every March is the event of the year for car lovers in Florida – the Grand Prix of St. Petersburg !

Head down for a racing good time, witnessing the premier racing series of North America, as you learn about the seasoned drivers, and see some of the new talents on the race car scene. Experience one of the most beloved sports in the U.S.!

Do some celebrity spotting while you’re in attendance, and check out the other tons of fun available at the event. Listen to the live entertainment, participate in interactive and race car-themed games, and so much more!

Chill out a bit after the fun at the Speed Zone, or better yet, get to the Beer Gardens for a proper refreshment. Don’t leave without getting your driver’s autograph!

  • Grand Prix of St. Petersburg tickets

17 – Go fishing at Skyway Fishing Pier State Park

Skyway Fishing Pier State Park, St. Petersburg

St.Petersburg is home to a very unique and cool fishing spot in the shadow of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge which spans Tampa Bay. When the Sunshine Skyway was built in the mid-1980s, the old bay bridge was left in place and quickly became popular with local anglers.

It is now considered the world’s longest fishing pier and gives fishermen unrestricted access to the deeper bay waters. What’s better still is that you can drive your car right up to your favorite fishing spot, pretty neat!

You can catch a wide selection of fish here. Common varieties caught at the pier include grouper, Spanish mackerel, red snapper and black sea bass and the bridge is even lit up after dark so you can fish late into the evening.

18 – Check out The James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art

The James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art, St Petersburg, Florida

Yeehaw! The James Museum of Western and Wildlife Art is enough to make even the most skeptical of souls feel patriotic. Its collection features contemporary works, mostly created since the 1980s and includes, paintings, sculptures, jewelry and more.

Many of the themes include historical subjects and recently the museum has focused on a selection of works by living Native American artists. It has separate exhibition spaces devoted to the early west, native life, western frontier and wildlife among others.

The collection of jewelry produced by Native American artists is particularly stunning as well as the diverse and dynamic sculptures depicting powerful images of the old west. Definitely check this museum out during your time in St. Petersburg and renew your appreciation for the good ol’ US of A.

19 – Go kayaking at St. Pete Beach

kayaking in St. Petersburg

Consistently voted one of the best beaches in the United States, St Pete’s Beach really has it all. Pure and soft white sands, turquoise water and a relaxed and laid-back vibe, what more could you need?

St Pete’s Beach is a great place for families to relax with the calm gentle gulf waters which are perfect for bathing, and action is just a step away. With fun sports to try right here on the beach such as snorkeling, kayaking and standup paddleboarding there’s enough to amuse those who just can’t sit still.

The beach is located just 10 minutes from downtown St. Petersburg, so you’re never far from the lively city center. Hit the beachfront bars and restaurants to try out the best fresh seafood dishes or stroll along the waterfront at sunset to experience the best of this low-key beach town.

  • kayaking in St. Petersburg

20 – Take a boat out from Demens Landing Park

Demens Landing Park, St Petersburg, Florida

Another of the city’s fantastic waterfront green spaces, Demens Landing Park occupies the space which was formerly the city’s first railway pier. It is named after its creator, Peter Demens.

Laying directly on the waterfront between the Central and South Yacht Basins and in close distance to the AI Lang Stadium and Saturday Morning Market, this park is in the most bustling part of the city’s harbor. It has plenty of benches to sit and relax on as well as large green spaces if you want to throw a frisbee around.

If you plan to venture out onto the water while in the city, the park is a good launch point and has a boat ramp that is available for use. There are also picnic benches and public restrooms. This centrally located park is a great place to visit and soak up the atmosphere.

21 – Explore the Gizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum

Gizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum, St Petersburg, Florida

It’s hard to believe that the lush 2-acre tropical gardens of Gizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum were a mini-golf course not so long ago. This beautiful collection of exotic palms is well worth a visit during your time in the city.

The transformation began in 1976 after a donation of 60 palms of ten different species was gifted by longtime palm admirer, Miss Gizelle Kopsick. The Arboretum was dedicated to Miss Kopsick one year later to celebrate her 100th Birthday.

Over nearly 50 years, the collection has grown to include 150 species of palm and cycads and 500 individual plants. The arboretum is wheelchair accessible and as part of St. Petersburg’s city parks, is free admission.

You’ll never have to go far to find amazing history here, and the Jungle Prada Site is a particularly compelling spot.

After all, it was here that some of Florida’s earliest residents made their homes!

22 – Learn some unique stories on the Jungle Prada Site history tour

Jungle Prada Site history tour in St. Petersburg

The Tocobaga tribe was a major influence in the region for centuries, and some of their ceremonial mounds are still intact today.

You’ll get to see these remarkable constructions up close, and spend some quality time exploring the remnants of their daily lives, as well as the impact of Spanish colonization in the 1500s.

You’ll even be able to look at many of the items used by those long-gone locals!

  • Parasailing in St. Petersburg

23 – See amazing Contemporary glass art at Imagine Museum

Imagine Museum, St Petersburg, Florida

The newly opened Imagine Museum is one of the first institutions dedicated solely to contemporary glass art in the US. Its collection includes over 1,500 pieces from all over the world as well as a core collection of 500 American studio glass artworks.

This inspiring museum is sure to uplift everyone who visits as it stretches our concept of the applications of glass as a material. The unique pieces collected here display the ingenuity of the individual artists and the wide range of techniques applied in the modern studio glass scene.

The museum displays both permanent and temporary exhibitions and visitors can opt to join a tour of the gallery to gain a deeper insight into the artworks on display. This is a must-see for art lovers but the pieces on display have a diverse appeal that will be fascinating and beautiful to most people.

Definitely check this out.

  • Imagine Museum tickets

24 – Cycle the Pinellas Trail

bike tour in St Petersburg, Florida

Whatever your preferred way to explore outdoors, be it jogging, walking, cycling or skating — you are bound to enjoy the Fred Marquis Pinellas Trail. The trail starts in St. Petersburg and runs all the way to Tarpon Springs, covering a distance of 50 miles.

The trail runs through a number of towns on the way including South Pasadena, Palm Harbor and Clearwater. This unique and level passageway used to be the route of the Atlantic Coast Line and Seaboard Air Line Railroads which were abandoned in the 1980s.

Why not take a bike tour of the city to learn a little more about its history and the best places to cycle and walk. The Pinellas Trail has some super-scenic stops to visit along the way including Honeymoon Island near Dunedin and Wall Springs Park in Palm Harbor.

  • bike tours in St. Petersburg

25 – Sunbathe at Fort De Soto Park

Fort De Soto Park, Florida

Pinellas County’s largest public park, Fort De Soto Park covers over 1,100 acres and has a huge amount of things to see and do.

The park is spread out over five islands sitting in the mouth of Tampa Bay and features coastal areas, wetlands, forests and meadows, as well as one of the region’s finest beaches. You’ll find plenty here to explore.

Wildlife lovers can spend the day spotting the wide variety of creatures that live in the area. Since the 1960s, 328 species of bird have been documented in the park. Visitors can hike over six miles of trails that stretch between both coasts and past the historic fort.

The park also has over seven miles of waterfront, almost half of which is blanketed with white sandy beaches, two fishing piers and a canoe trail. With two large swim centers, picnic areas and campgrounds, as well as the Quartermaster Museum, you’ll definitely fall in love with Fort De Soto Park.

26 – Spot manatees at Coffee Pot Bayou

Coffee Pot Bayou, St. Petersburg

The scenic waterfront road, Coffee Pot Boulevard, which skirts by Coffee Pot Bayou has picturesque views of Snell Isle and could be one of the most enchanting spots in St. Petersburg for a stroll.

The Bayou is a great year-round place to spot manatees but especially in the cooler months of the year when the water remains warmer than the surrounding Gulf of Mexico.

The area has charming old waterfront homes with European and Spanish designs and cool tree-lined avenues to explore. The walk over Snell Isle Bridge offers nice views of the historical Renaissance Vinoy Resort and the upmarket neighborhood of Snell Isle.

27 – Pet an alligator at Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center

Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center, St. Petersburg

Ever wanted to get up close to an alligator? Well now’s your chance! The Alligator and Wildlife Discovery Center allows visitors to do just that, you can even kiss one if you really want to?!

The center offers shelter and rehabilitation to surrendered gators that were bought as pets and outgrew their homes. Visitors get the unique opportunity to see alligators up close and pet and hold them under careful supervision.

Though the primary draw of the Alligator & Wildlife Discovery Center is going to be alligators, there are also plenty of other creatures to get up close to. The center is home to a bunch of unusual and interesting residents including fish, snakes, skunks, lizards, pigs and more.

Don’t forget to show them some love!

28 – Treat yourself to a Yacht dinner cruise

Yacht cruises in St. Petersburg

Time to treat yourself like a rock star – with the perfect watercraft to match! Yachts are the perfect way to enjoy this beautiful region, taking you on a luxurious trip around the Gulf.

Live music will add a little extra pizzazz to the trip, as you gaze out at all of the breathtaking views around you. And it’s an especially lovely option in the evenings, when the vivid sunset forms a backdrop like no other.

As an added bonus, there are optional dining packages that offer up some of the finest meals in town for you to savor – and the perfect nautical venue!

  • Dinners in St. Petersburg

29 –  Bike around Maximo Park

Maximo Park, St. Petersburg

Located on Boca Ciega Bay, Maximo Park is both a beautiful waterfront park and also an important archeological site in the city. For thousands of years, the park was home to indigenous American people who fished and lived on these shores. There is information throughout the park about the tribes that once settled here.

Why not take some time to rest under the shady trees and play a game of Tocobaga Disc golf on the specially built 18-hole course. Explore the boardwalk trails and climb the 50-foot observation tower to glimpse some amazing panoramic views of the park.

For the keen fisherman, the park has seven boat ramps giving access to the bay water as well as shoreline fishing areas for those who prefer it. There is also a large selection of picnic shelters available and two playgrounds which is sure to keep the kids entertained.

Maximo Park has something for everyone.

30 – Climb aboard a family-friendly pirate ship

pirate ship cruise in St. Petersburg

Hoist the sails, don the eyepatch, and get ready for an adventure above the towering Royal Conquest pirate ship! Setting sail from Madeira Beach on Gulf Boulevard (just a short drive north of Treasure Island and St Pete Beach), this stunning vessel promises an amazing day out on the Gulf of Mexico waters for kids and adults alike.

The youngsters can compete in limbo contests, work up a sweat during a little dance party, or cool off in a squirt gun battle — the crew runs interactive activities throughout the 90-minute journey, sure to keep the little ones occupied.

As for the big kids (read: adults), things get even more exciting with the free onboard beer and wine. With several departure times throughout the day (11 am, 1.30 pm, 4.30 pm and 7 pm), you can squeeze it in regardless of your schedule! But ask any former swashbuckling traveler and they’ll attest: the sunset ride is hard to beat.

  • pirate ship cruises in St. Petersburg

31 – Camp at Shell Key Preserve

Shell Key Preserve, St. Petersburg

Part of the reason people return to St. Petersburg year after year is for the abundance of unspoiled natural environments it offers, Shell Key Preserve is one such place. An important habitat for nesting birds, Shell Key Preserve includes one of Florida’s biggest areas of undeveloped barrier Islands.

The center of the reserve is a protected area, so not accessible to visitors, but the outer edges have overnight camping facilities which offer the perfect place to really get away from it all. Sleep out under the stars to the sound of the sea lapping the shore and the gentle cry of birds. Paradise!

The Preserve is a great place for wildlife spotting and is a nesting site for sea turtles. Besides turtles, visitors may be lucky enough to spot starfish and fiddler crabs as well as egrets, spoonbills and plovers. Shell Key Preserve is accessible only by boat so plan ahead. Its beautiful beaches are waiting.

32 – Ride the Iron Gwazi at Bush Gardens Tampa

Bush Gardens Tampa

Busch Gardens hardly needs any introduction. This Tampa Theme Park and Zoo has been entertaining visitors for over 60 years with its thrilling white-knuckle rides and attractions. Its newest ride, Iron Gwazi, is the tallest hybrid roller coaster in North America as well as the fastest and steepest in the world.

If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, you can choose from 25+  nausea-inducing roller coasters that will spin you every which way around. For those that like the more sedate life, take a safari ride and view some of the park’s 200 species of animals, including rhinos, elephants and gorillas.

After a busy day of thrills and spills why not take in some live family entertainment. Busch Gardens has jaw-dropping ice skating extravaganzas, storytime shows for kids, and live music by No.1 tribute bands. A day at Busch Gardens is one of the most action-packed things to do in St. Petersburg and is something the whole family will love.

  • Bush Gardens tickets

33 – Pay your respects at War Veterans Memorial Park

War Veterans Memorial Park, St. Petersburg

The sight of a Walker Bulldog tank may not be the most reassuring thing to see in a park but War Veterans Memorial Park is dedicated to honoring the memory of its Military Veterans.

The park has five dedications, one for each branch of the United States Armed Forces. It also has a battlefield cross monument dedicated to the 18 local members of the armed forces who died in the Gulf War.

The park has some nature trails to explore as well as a playground for the kids and even a boat ramp. Check it out while you’re in the area.

Fun fact! The Bulldog tank you see on entering the park is actually a four-man tank from the Korean War era and was built by Cadillac!

34 – Explore the colorful world of Fairgrounds St. Pete

Fairgrounds St. Pete

Those expecting Ferris wheels and funhouses won’t be disappointed for long. Fairgrounds St. Pete is an immersive and explorable art and technology exhibition that is a collaboration of 60 artists. It’s a very unique attraction and you won’t find anything like this elsewhere in the state of Florida.

The perfect place to escape reality, even if just for a while, this playful self-contained world has exhibits based on the weird and wonderful stories and history of the region. It allows you to choose your own interaction and offers visitors multiple ways to engage.

This colorful and abstract world will draw you into its narrative, divulging small chunks of information piece by piece until you are hooked. You may find yourself returning to Fairgrounds St. Pete again and again.

35 – Unwind (with a drink in hand) on a tiki boat!

tiki boat cruises in St. Petersburg

Bringing the laid-back vibe of the tropics to Florida’s Gulf Coast, Tiki Boat tours are all about the open-air party lifestyle.

Each tour runs for between 90 minutes and two hours and is fully equipped with a sound system, coolers and a licensed captain — so all you need to do is BYO food, drinks, and party hats (even if they’re metaphorical), and you’ll be all set.

Whether it’s a birthday, bachelor party, or even something as simple as a family outing on the water, these quirky vessels promise a great couple hours on the later (especially if you set sail in the late afternoon, in time to catch a sunset).

  • tiki boat cruises in St. Petersburg

36 – Crack up with the stand-up talent at Spitfire Comedy House

Spitfire Comedy House, St. Petersburg

From sketch, stand-up, and improv, enjoy the different comedic stylings of St. Petersburg’s local comedians as well as national ones at the Spitfire Comedy House !

The shows are typically held Friday-Saturday nights, with some shows taking place on Thursdays and Sundays as well, making it the perfect activity to do in St. Petersburg!

Enjoy a variety of shows, from a 40s-style murder mystery improv musical to a freeform comedy showcase, and interactive comedy shows where the audience participates!

If you’re feeling up for it afterward, you can ask about the improv comedy classes that the club offers to build up your own comedy chops!

With a seating capacity of up to 40 people, enjoy the shows in a small group setting. Children can attend, but it is held at the discretion of parents.

37 – Discover handmade beauty at the Museum of the American Arts & Crafts Movement

Museum of the American Arts and Crafts Movement, St Petersburg

If you need the inspiration to take up a craft, this is where you’ll find it. Step into a showcase of some of America’s best arts, pottery, textiles and more at the Museum of the American Arts and Crafts Movement .

This unique museum is dedicated to the movement that spread across America in the late 1800s and early 1900s, as more people turned to creating their own crafted pieces in retaliation against the mass-produced items of the industrial era.

It features over 2,000 items in a stunning gallery that includes a restaurant, cafe and a children’s gallery that will entertain the kids. Admire the furniture, lighting, photography, tiles and jewelry that Americans created and expressed themselves through.

Located in downtown St. Petersburg, the Museum of the American Arts and Crafts Movement will take you on a journey through the beauty of everything handmade.

38 – Start your weekend with a bang at St. Petersburg Saturday Morning Market

St. Petersburg Saturday Morning Market

One of the most fun things to do in St. Petersburg on a weekend is to drop by the Saturday Morning Market . Start your day the right way with freshly cooked food, locally farmed groceries and live music.

With over 120 vendors on site selling everything from fresh vegetables, meats and cheeses, teas and coffees and even artisan vegan popsicles, you know you’ll find something here you’re gonna love. The market also has stalls selling freshly cooked international dishes so you better bring your appetite.

Pick up some jewelry from one of the artisan craft stalls or choose some locally produced chocolates as a souvenir of your time in St. Petersburg. A trip to the Saturday Morning Market is a must-do thing while in the city and you can find it opposite Pioneer Park and a stone’s throw from Demen’s Landing.

39 – Spot dolphins at play on a boat tour

dolphin watching in St. Petersburg

The calm waters of Florida’s Gulf Coast offer some of the country’s best conditions for boating. The gentle currents and clear green waters, which are lit up by year-round sparkling sunshine, may make you feel like you’ve found paradise on Earth.

One of the most fun things to do in St. Petersburg is to take a boat tour of the surrounding coastline. There are so many different tours to try that there is bound to be something to suit your tastes. Are you an adventurous speedboat kind of traveler, or a laid-back tiki bar boat kind of person?

Maybe you want to explore under your own steam on a kayak or go out to the deeper waters to spot dolphins playing in the surf? There are so many options you are really spoiled for choice.

Simply choose your departure point, whether from St. Petersburg, Tampa or nearby Clearwater and then enjoy the cruise. This is what St. Pete’s vacays are all about!

  • dolphin watching in St. Petersburg

40 – Watch the sunset at Albert Whitted Park

Albert Whitted Park, Florida

With its privileged position at the southern end of St. Petersburg’s downtown seafront district, Albert Whitted Park has uninterrupted views of those spectacular Florida sunsets. The park is located near the airport and has an airplane-themed children’s playground.

It gained its name from the man who brought commercial aviation to the city in the early 1900s. With beautiful views of the yacht marina as well as some of the city’s most attractive buildings, including The Dalí Museum and Mahaffey Theater, this quiet park is a great place to just kick back and relax.

On busier days it’s a good place to watch the city’s Firestone Grand Prix or catch sight of old-fashioned biplanes taking off and landing at the nearby waterfront airport.

41 – Set sail on a magical sunset cruise

sunset cruise in St. Petersburg

Relaxing, beautiful, and oh-so-very romantic, a St. Pete’s sunset cruise sells itself as the perfect way to end a long day of Florida sightseeing.

Hop aboard a luxurious yacht and take in some of the most incredible views St. Petersburg has to offer — from its striking buildings and sandy shorelines, to the colorfully illuminated Skyway Bridge.

With several companies offering these trips — whether it’s with a group of fellow travelers on a 45-foot modern catamaran or a private charter in an intimate sailboat — you can choose an evening cruise that suits your schedule (and budget).

And for something extra special, there are companies who make a point of venturing into high-traffic dolphin areas!

  • sunset cruises in St. Petersburg

42 – See the baseball collection at the St. Petersburg Museum of History

St. Petersburg Museum of History, Florida

It may seem like a dubious title but St. Petersburg’s Museum of History is home to the world’s largest collection of autographed baseballs. It has 4,999 signed baseballs in its collection, including balls autographed by four US Presidents and even Fidel Castro.

Why not 5,000 you ask? The plan is for Hollywood legend, Tom Hanks, to sign the 5,000th baseball when pandemic measures allow it. More than just a baseball collection though, the museum uses these autographed trophies to tell key moments in the country’s history and tell the story of modern American achievements.

There is even a baseball signed by the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong, how is that for iconic! The museum also has an archive of thousands of photos and over 30,000 artifacts in its collection. Take a look around this fascinating museum during your time in the city.

43 – Float between sky and sea on a parasailing trip

Parasailing in St. Petersburg

If you happen to be strolling around Madeira Beach, you might spot something unusual: floating humans! But don’t worry, this is no apparition; it’s just some folks enjoying a bit of parasailing… and trust us, you’ll soon want to join them!

After all, it isn’t every day that you can get strapped to a giant parachute and hover above the surface of the sea!

Go by yourself or a couple of travel buddies, and embark on an unforgettable journey that lets you briefly experience a true bird’s eye view of your surroundings.

With an expert captain driving the boat and the wind as your co-pilot, you can enjoy your bit of sky time!

44 – Drive the Sunshine Skyway Bridge

Sunshine Skyway Bridge, Florida

While in St. Petersburg you have to take a cruise over the Sunshine Skyway Bridge to see the exceptional views of Tampa Bay and the nearby cities.

Constructed in the late-1980s to cross Tampa Bay, after the old bridge was badly damaged and collapsed, the current Sunshine Skyway Bridge spans from St. Petersburg South to the north of Terra Ceia. The bridge extends for over 4 miles and at places is towers 190 feet above the water to give the necessary clearance for boats traveling beneath it.

This iconic sight on the Tampa Bay skyline is the second bridge on the site to be named the Sunshine Skyway, the first one was built in the 1960s. Why not take an aerial tour of the bay to and get see the bridge from above? Join a helicopter or light aircraft tour for a unique tour you’ll never forget.

Tip: Be sure to stop by in the evening to enjoy the spectacular Skyway light show !

45 – Be amazed by glass art at Duncan McClellan Gallery

Duncan McClellan Gallery, St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is the place to be for glass art. The Duncan McClellan Gallery is another of the city’s major exhibitions of studio glass and it resides in the most unlikely of places.

Based in a former fish and tomato packing facility, its 7,800 square feet of exhibition space displays work by some of the leading internationally known glass artists. Be sure to stop by the hot shop to watch some artisans creating their latest masterpieces!

An intrinsic part of the St. Pete art community, the Gallery is located in the center of the city’s Warehouse Art District. It houses work by dozens of artists and hosts regular exhibitions of contemporary glass art.

46 – Soak up the Florida sun on a boat tour

boat tour in St. Petersburg

Enjoy the sunset views from the Gulf of Mexico, as you board the St. Petersburg, Florida: Sunset and Skyway Lights Boat Tour. See as the golden sun sets behind the water, and the lights of the Skyway Bridge begin as you enjoy fresh fruit and refreshments.

The S. Saint Petersburg Pier to Egmont Key Cruise is a 60-minute ferry ride to the stunning Egmont Key. Enjoy views of the turquoise waters, and nature around. Once at Egmont Key, you’ll enjoy 2 hours on its shores to explore the historic lighthouse, nature, and wildlife.

And of course, no Floridian trip would be complete without a few dolphin-watching cruises, where you can keep an eye out for energetic pods at play!

  • boat tours in St. Petersburg

47 – Take a run in Vinoy Park

Vinoy Park, St Petersburg, Florida

In a perfect position looking out over Tampa Bay, Vinoy Park is one of the city’s most visited attractions. It hosts some of the city’s major outdoor shows like the Tampa Bay Blues and Reggae Rise Up music festivals, The Festivals of Speed Car Show and food fests throughout the year.

featuring lengthy trails throughout, it’s an ideal place to walk or cycle and if you’re looking for somewhere to take your morning run, this place can’t be beaten. The cool breezes blowing in off the bay and sea views are sure to give you all the inspiration you need to get outside and run.

48 – Cruise the bay on a jet boat

jet boat in St. Petersburg

A surefire way to see bottlenose dolphins in Tampa Bay is to take a ride on the Dolphin Racer speedboat . Cruise the beaches and waterways of the Gulf Coast on these thrilling and fun adventure rides.

The local population of bottlenose dolphins are a curious bunch and are drawn to the Dolphin Racer as it powers through the bay. They love to play and surf in the boats wake and jump alongside to catch a glimpse of the people onboard.

The trips last for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours and features narration from the team members. The crew is so confident that you will spot dolphins that they even offer a free ride to those who don’t. What are you waiting for?

  • Speed boat in St Petersburg

49 – Explore the lush and tranquil Sunken Gardens

Sunken Gardens, St Petersburg, Florida

A tropical paradise in the middle of the city, The Sunken Gardens has been wowing visitors to the area for 100 years. It contains some of the best established tropical plants in the region and its collection includes 50,000 specimens including plants, flowers and grasses.

This tropical wonderland was created as a hobby garden by a local plumber in the early 1900s on a six-acre piece of land that formerly held a lake. The rich and fertile soil of the lake bed made the perfect environment for The Sunken Gardens botanical collection.

Visitors can explore its landscaped miniature waterfalls and flowing ponds and see the gardens flock of pink Florida flamingos. Visiting this secret garden in the midst of the busy city might be one of the most invigorating things to do in St. Petersburg and is sure to be a big hit with nature lovers.

50 – Shop, eat and relax at John’s Pass presented by Nathan Shirk Realty

John's Pass, St Petersburg, Florida

If you’re looking for a one-stop destination for shopping, dining and entertainment in St. Petersburg, John’s Pass will likely fit the bill. With stores selling everything from clothing, apparel and jewelry to sweets, collectibles and Cuban cigars, there’s a lot to see here.

Take a family tour with lunch on the triple decked ship, Calypso Breeze , or board a tiki bar boat for a relaxing booze cruise around the bay. Try your hand at fishing or visit Splash Harbor Water Park for a wild afternoon on the slides.

Afterward, hit up one of the cafes or restaurants to grab a bite to eat and an invigorating coffee or cold beer. The choices are huge and you’re sure to find great fresh seafood, tasty grill and barbecue dishes and all your fast food favorites.

51 – See a live show at Duke Energy Center for the Arts – Mahaffey Theater

Mahaffey Theater, St Petersburg, Florida

On the downtown waterfront within a stone’s throw of The Dalí and the Museum of Fine Arts is one of the city’s largest and finest performing arts venues. The Mahaffey Theater opened its doors in 1965 and has been the place to go in St. Pete for live performances of all types.

Now known as The Duke Energy Center for the Arts, Mahaffey Theater hosts, on any given week, orchestral concerts, Broadway musicals and plays, stand-up comedy shows and touring live bands. Its position at the heart of the city’s waterfront makes it a beautiful venue to visit at any time of the year.

  • The Duke Energy Center for the Arts tickets

52 – Revel at the bungalows and landscapes at Historic Kenwood

Historic Kenwood, Florida

Step back over 100 years just a few minutes from Downtown St. Petersburg. Historic Kenwood is a charming neighborhood with bungalows built in the 1920s when real estate in Florida first flourished.

Stroll along brick sidewalks and imagine the old times, as you admire their well-kept landscapes and rows of trees lining the streets. You can time your visit during the Bungalow Fest in November when the homeowners open their doors and give tours to visitors.

See amazing gardens and get some inspiration, while checking out independent locally-owned coffee shops, restaurants, bars and boutique stores. This eclectic place has something for everyone — even for your furry friend like The Dog Bar . If you want to fully experience the vibe of Historic Kenwood, you can stay for a night or more at the art deco Avalon Hotel less than a two-minute drive from the neighborhood.

Hollander Hotel is also highly recommended and has over 20 craft beers and delicious cuisine to indulge yourself in at the Tap Room and Grill. Courtyard St. Petersburg Downtown is a historic hotel with modern amenities that is sure to tick all the boxes.

53 – Pick your aperitivo at Mazzaro’s Italian Market

Mazzaro’s Italian Market, St. Petersburg

Mazzaro’s started out as a coffee roasting business nearly 30 years ago and soon became the locals’ go-to place for anything Italian — stopping by here is one of the essential things to do in St. Petersburg and you won’t leave empty-handed for sure.

This Italian deli has got everything you need to satisfy your Mediterranean cravings such as coffee, wine, cured meats, cheeses, handmade pasta, pizza, bread, pastries, gelato and many more!

Mazzaro’s cellars include the largest selection of Italian wines in Florida. Not sure which wine to bring home? Join one of the free wine tasting sessions every Friday and Saturday lunchtime and get top recommendations from the staff.

54 – Scour the city on a scavenger hunt

scavenger game in St. Petersburg

Looking for a fun way to explore the city? Why not try a scavenger hunt to discover the best of St. Petersburg’s highlights. Gather together your team and hit the streets for a unique self-guided game experience.

This activity takes the tourist experience to the next level, turning the whole town into a treasure map of knowledge.

Simply download the app and follow clues and directions to locations around the city. Here you will have to use your eyes and intuition to answer trivia questions and solve puzzles. Uncover the history of the city, explore at your own pace and enjoy working together in these light-hearted and informative challenges.

  • scavenger games in St. Petersburg

55 – Shop retro at ARTpool Gallery – Vintage Clothing Boutique & Vinyl Record Store

ARTpool Gallery – Vintage Clothing Boutique & Vinyl Record Store, St. Petersburg

If you love to shop for vintage, retro and kitsch items, you’re gonna love ARTpool . This independent gallery, clothing boutique and record store is one of the most fun places to visit in the city to pick up those pre-loved gems from a bygone era.

The gallery portion is not restricted to paintings and prints but reflects the eclectic tastes of its owners. In fact, you may find something here that is so unique it defies explanation. The vinyl record store is a great complement to the vintage clothing on offer and will appeal to the crate diggers and record enthusiasts.

ARTpool hosts regular creative get-togethers and a monthly independent craft market. Beware though, you may come out with something fun and frivolous which you didn’t expect.

56 – Take in a show at Jannus Live

Jannus Live, St. Petersburg

Music enthusiasts, rejoice!

This beloved venue, which opened in 1984, hosts an endless array of concerts, from the large to the up-and-coming and everything in between.

And in true Floridian fashion, it’s all outdoors, letting you breathe in that nice, warm air as you jam out to new and old favorites.

2,000 people can celebrate together here on any given night, but be aware that it is standing room only.

Heck, you might even catch a new DJ or other performer!

  • Jannus Live tickets

57 – See rescued otters at St. Petersburg’s aquariums

St. Petersburg’s aquariums

If you toured the bays and beaches of the region and want to see its most spectacular sea creatures up close, St. Pete has some excellent aquariums to visit.

See rescued native sea creatures at Clearwater Marine Aquarium , including dolphins, sharks, sea turtles and pelicans. Many of the creatures here were in some way injured and cannot be returned to the wild but are well looked after in purpose-built habitats. The aquarium also has freshwater creatures such as its adorable river otters, Walle and Boomer.

The area’s other large facility, The Florida Aquarium , has some fascinating exhibits with native and exotic wildlife habitats. Visit the jungles of Madagascar to see lemurs and tomato frogs, then go deep beneath the sea to witness the elegant dance of the moon jellyfish.

58 – Tour the best craft breweries

best craft breweries in St. Petersburg

After a long day of exploring and beachcombing, you might just be in the mood to check out some of the city’s best craft brews — and where better to go than straight to the source.

3 Daughters Brewery is a great place to start. Sample some of its fruity IPA’s flavored with Florida oranges, mango and watermelon. It also does some more traditional blonde ales, red ales and porters and has a bar with over 40 brews on tap.

For a selection of great beers and whiskies paired with hearty barbecue dishes, URBAN Brew and BBQ is the place to go. This Central Avenue restaurant is family and dog friendly and has a laid-back and relaxed ambiance. This is a great place for bourbon and whisky lovers with a large selection to choose from.

The Cider Press Cafe has a good choice of local and international beers, wines and ciders and also serves up a wide selection of light lunches and snacks. It is a good centrally located place to pick up beers and wines to go.

59 – Experience exciting flavors at the locals’ favorite restaurants

best restaurants in St. Petersburg

Satisfying your taste buds is part of the deal when you’re in town. Make sure to try some of the best restaurants and their unique and modern take on the traditional cuisine highlighting local ingredients —  including, of course, the best fresh seafood.

Head to Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille – Jungle Terrace to enjoy an incredible assortment of seafood and traditional Caribbean cuisine – plus some excellent beverages, of course!

Craving for a home-cooked meal? Famous for its fried chicken, PoFolks Restaurant is known for homestyle Southern cooking whether you want vegetables, catfish or barbecue grilled dishes. Give in to your cravings for fish, steak or chicken in its “all you can eat” on Fridays and weekends.

For classic Mexican dishes and cocktails, Red Mesa Cantina has fantastic traditional dishes and a wide selection of tequila. Taste the Shrimp Los Cabos served with avocado, cilantro, sweet tomato cocktail sauce and fresh tortilla chips. Dine next to the fountain in its outdoor courtyard and enjoy the delightful flavors this family-owned restaurant has to offer.

A local favorite, Bodega on Central is a “hole in the wall” known for its Cuban sandwiches and freshly squeezed fruit juices. Locals also recommend its delicious platters which you can diversify according to your preference (including vegan and vegetarian options). Check out the “Frita of the Month”, a Cuban-style hefty burger with exciting toppings.

60 – Take a trolley pub crawl

pub crawl in St. Petersburg

If you want to sample the St. Pete nightlife, you should definitely try a pub crawl of the city’s best pubs and bars. You could walk, or you could hop on to one of the city’s fun and rowdy trolley tours.

Join other party-goers to pedal your way around the city, stopping at the best drinking holes on the way. Pick up a little history from your trolley captain and best of all, don’t worry about driving.

It’s a wonderful way to make new friends, and get a taste of how and where the locals like to party!

  • pub crawls in St. Petersburg

61 – Huck some blades at Hatchet Hangout

axe throwing in St. Petersburg

Raise your blade and keep your eye on the target – ax throwing is serious business at Hatchet Hangout !

Ok, technically it’s entertaining business; after all, the most important part of this activity is having as much fun as possible with your family and friends.

But let’s face it, the element of competition is equally important, as you duke it out to see who can hit the most bullseyes.

And while the prospect of flinging blades around might seem daunting, this low-key venue is focused on safety as much as fun, with friendly staff standing by to show you the best techniques.

After that, you just have to channel your inner lumberjack and perfect your aim!

62 – Have a drink in the best rooftop bars

best rooftop bars in St. Petersburg

Where better to while away those sunny Florida evenings than in the city’s best rooftop bars. Enjoy the sunset over a cold beer or cocktail and start your evening the right way.

360 Rooftop Lounge , located atop Hotel Zamora, is a popular choice for beverages thanks to its namesake views, with the Gulf of Mexico perfectly laid out in front of you.

Some of the city’s other great rooftop bars include Pier Teaki , at the end of the 2nd Ave NE Pier, Level 11 over at St. Pete Beach and The Cambria Hotel at Madeira Beach. Wherever you choose to go, you’ll be greeted with beautiful sea views to make an evening worth remembering.

63 – Play an infinite number of games at Laser Ops

laser tag in St. Petersburg

Space battles, archery, and Pac-Man… oh my!

Laser Ops is an electronic wonderland that is the place to go for endless hours of fun, with electronic games and immersive activities that span the breadth and depth of arcade history.

Along with classic games and some incredible VR experiences, you can dive into some wonderfully nerdy sporting endeavors.

Take a crack at post-apocalyptic combat with laser tag, where you’ll weave your way through 8,000 square feet of wasteland and try to outwit your rivals.

Or set your sights on some very different targets with a round of Archery Tag, where you’ll channel your inner Robin Hood and fire arrows at each other – foam ones, of course.

And don’t miss the rowdy fun of Bazooka Ball, a hybrid option where you fire orbs from air cannons – or run around trying to avoid them!

64 – Enjoy all the fun for hours at the Historic Manhattan Casino

St. Petersburg's Historic Manhattan Casino

Step in for a fun time at the Historic Manhattan Casino, located in the lively Grand Central District. Historically known as a meeting space since the mid-20s, the casino has been renovated to reflect modern times while maintaining its community and history intact.

Check out the many things to do inside, from eating your heart out at the food hall to enjoying the soirees that take place here.

Check out the packed calendar, where you can attend everything from film screenings and watch parties, to the dozens of opportunities to join fun mixer events, comedy shows, private concerts, fashion shows, and so much more!

Locals recommend visiting for Sunday brunch as well, or the Jazz concerts on Saturday.

65 – Have a laugh at the Bonkerz Comedy Club

Bonkerz Comedy Club, Bonkerz Comedy Club

Making St. Petersburg and the country laugh since 1984, the Bonkerz Comedy Club has won the hearts of many, including a few celebrities, as one of their favorite comedy clubs, originally started in St. Petersburg.

The Bonkerz Comedy Club is one of the main comedy venues in Florida, so if you’re looking for a good show, you’ll find it here! The club hosts many celebrity comedians, as well as locals, from pop culture comedy to crude comedy, and relatable comedy – it’s all here!

Shows are typically held every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month, so be sure to plan ahead!

Pro tip: Buy your ticket ahead of time to receive a $2 discount! Also, seats are first come first serve, so make sure to arrive 1 hour before the show starts!

Where to stay in St. Petersburg?

Check out the comfortable digs inside Crystal Bay Historic Hotel , featuring a 24-hour front desk, shuttle services for guests, and beautiful views out to the terrace and gardens. Breakfast is served daily, which includes vegetarian and vegan options. This hotel is only 3.4 miles away from John’s Pass.

The Holiday Inn Express St. Petersburg North doesn’t disappoint with its highly rated clean rooms, filling breakfast options, and secure free parking. At just a short distance away is the Tropical Sunken Gardens, the Tropicana Field Baseball stadium, as well as a few other notable sights.

Welcoming guest with rows of palm trees, large pools, and beautiful and clean rooms is the Hilton St. Petersburg Carillon Park . Soak up the Floridan way of life at this hotel, and focus on working on your sun tan in the lounge chairs by the pool, or working up a sweat in the state-of-the-art gym.

  • best hotels in St. Petersburg

Where to go next?

If you’re in search of exploring other incredible cities and things to do in Florida , then look no further! Go people-watching at the famous Pier 60 in Clearwater as the sunset rolls in, or better yet, set sail on a Pirate Cruise full of non-stop fun activities!

Get nerdy at the Henry B. Plant Museum in Tampa , and afterward devour the goodies inside Ybor City for a taste of Tampa. Hit the mangroves on a kayak in Sarasota , or for the art lovers, head to the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art for stunning works of art.

Take on all the water parks in Kissimmee , from Island H20 Live to Aquatica Orlando, and then wander back in time through Old Town Kissimmee for night fun! Create the perfect picnic to enjoy at Bok Tower Gardens in Orlando , or learn more about some of the local marine life in Crystal River.

Final thoughts

We hope you enjoyed our list of fun things to do in St. Petersburg! Which one was your favorite? Is it the mouthwatering restaurants, or the historic homes of Kenwood? Or perhaps it’s the stunning beaches like Fort De Soto Park?

Whichever it is, let us know! We hope your future travels take you to this Floridian slice of paradise.

Happy travels!

THE 10 BEST St. Petersburg Rainy-Day Activities

Best activities for a rainy day in st. petersburg.

  • Travelers’ Choice
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Budget-friendly
  • Good for Couples
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Good for Kids
  • Adventurous
  • Hidden Gems
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, number of page views, and user location.

fun weekend homework

1. The Dali Museum

fun weekend homework

2. Duncan McClellan Gallery

fun weekend homework

3. Chihuly Collection

fun weekend homework

4. Imagine Museum

fun weekend homework

5. Tropicana Field

fun weekend homework

6. Florida Orange Groves and Winery

fun weekend homework

7. Museum of Fine Arts

fun weekend homework

8. The James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art

fun weekend homework

9. The Florida Holocaust Museum


10. St. Petersburg Distillery

fun weekend homework

11. Great Explorations Children's Museum

fun weekend homework

12. Duke Energy Center for the Arts - Mahaffey Theater

fun weekend homework

13. freeFall Theatre

fun weekend homework

14. Hatchet Hangout - Axe Throwing St Pete

fun weekend homework

15. Morean Art Center


16. Museum of the American Arts & Crafts Movement

fun weekend homework

17. Win! Derby

fun weekend homework

18. Green Bench Brewing Company


19. Tyrone Square

fun weekend homework

20. The Palladium at St Petersburg College


21. Tranquility Wellness Spa

fun weekend homework

22. Cage Brewing

fun weekend homework

23. St. Jude the Apostle Cathedral Church


24. Kozuba & Sons Distillery

fun weekend homework

25. Craftsman House Gallery


26. Pinellas Ale Works Brewery & Tap Room

fun weekend homework

27. Right Around the Corner - Arcade Bar

fun weekend homework

28. 3 Daughters Brewing

fun weekend homework

29. Dr.Carter G. Woodson Museum


30. Zubrick Magic Theatre

What travelers are saying.



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  3. 13 Fun Homework Ideas: The Best Ways To Make Homework Fun

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  4. Homework Twist Task Cards: 25 Fun Tasks to Make Homework More Fun!

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  5. My Weekend-Homework by Break it Down Now

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  6. 7 Ways To Make Homework Fun For Back To School

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  2. I hate homework 📄 #fypシ゚ #school #homework #weekend #foryou #relatable

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  5. Guduli's weekend homework 👍👍#shorts #studymotivation #weekend

  6. This is your reminder to do your weekend homework. It’s due Sunday night


  1. How to Establish a Homework Routine on Weekends

    As Cal says, "Friday and Saturday are a time to be social. Sunday morning and afternoon is a time for you to regroup, get organized, and get prepared for the upcoming week.". The ritual he proposes includes a big breakfast, a swing by the library to do some planning for the day, getting some exercise, and then some time later for thinking ...

  2. 13 Fun Homework Ideas: The Best Ways To Make Homework Fun

    Televisions and iPads are a no go at homework time! 12. Remember to be positive. Remember to always be upbeat and positive about school and the importance of their homework. Give your child lots of praise and encouragement about how well they're doing to help them stay motivated and on track.

  3. How To Make Homework Fun

    Here's an example of how you can use them for homework. Say you're working on revising perimeter with your students. Instead of giving them a quiz worksheet, break the questions up into task cards. Create a game out of the cards and ask them to complete a recording sheet as they work through the cards. Hey, presto!

  4. Weekend study routine + Study tips for the weekend!

    Here is my weekend study routine and tips for how to stay productive and complete your work during the weekend! ️ {OPEN FOR MORE}F O L L O W M E: @StudyW...

  5. How to Have Fun While Studying (with Pictures)

    Ensure adequate ventilation. Nothing sends a person to sleep faster than lack of air. Get fresh air into your room regularly - even in winter! Make sure it circulates, even if this means using a fan in winter to blow around warm air; this is better than stale, stagnant air. 6. Have good temperature levels.

  6. How to Make Homework Fun

    Break Tasks Down: Divide homework into smaller, manageable chunks. Reward Yourself: Treat yourself after completing tasks or goals. Study with Friends: Make it social by studying with buddies. Use Apps: Try fun and educational apps for learning. Listen to Music: Create a motivating study playlist. Make It Visual: Use colors and visuals to make ...

  7. Making The Most Of Your Weekends In High School

    That makes weekend mornings the perfect time to do your hardest weekend schoolwork. Just get it over with! Then, when all the fun starts in the AFTERNOONS and EVENINGS of the weekend, you can go have fun. You'll have much less homework hanging over your head! Weekends are prime time for SAT prep and ACT prep. Work on your practice tests and ...

  8. 10 Helpful Ways to Make Homework Fun and Engaging

    8. Short Breaks are Essential. Kids are energetic little munchkins and expecting them to sit still for hours is highly unreasonable. When homework sessions are longer than usual, or exams are near, let them study efficiently by allowing them short breaks in between.

  9. How to Make Homework Fun

    Bring creative options such as drawing, sculpting, and music into assignments. Introduce the fun factor to your lessons. Many students enjoy making games as well as playing them, so try to weave these into the curriculum. Encouraging these entertaining options can make academics more memorable too. Bring color into assignments.

  10. How to Do Homework: 15 Expert Tips and Tricks

    Here's how it works: first, set a timer for 25 minutes. This is going to be your work time. During this 25 minutes, all you can do is work on whatever homework assignment you have in front of you. No email, no text messaging, no phone calls—just homework. When that timer goes off, you get to take a 5 minute break.

  11. How to Deal With Tons of Homework: 11 Tips for Success

    1. Take a break now and then. You might think that tearing through all of your homework tasks from start to finish is the fastest way to do it. If you have a ton of homework, however, you'll probably get burnt out if you don't take a break every now and then. At least every two hours, take a 15 minute breather.

  12. 53 Fun Things You Can Do This Weekend

    4. Go Swimming: Swimming is good for your health and keeps you fit. If you fall in love with it, you might make it a regular fun thing to do on a Sunday. 5. Drum: Drumming with or without equipment can help you remain occupied in a fun way. You can work out a groove and enjoy it at the same time. 6.

  13. 11 Tips for Making Homework Time Fun

    Take A Break. Research shows students don't concentrate well for long periods. Rather than demanding your child finish all his/her homework in one sitting, encourage him/her to take breaks every 20-30 minutes. That's a great time to check their phone, get a snack or just get up and stretch.

  14. 13 Exciting Homework Ideas for EFL/ESL: No worksheets!

    The following seven are just as engaging, but a little more focused and "normal". 1. Word Hunts. A Word Hunt is a vocab acquisition activity (a technique I describe in my article How to Elicit Vocabulary). You can do it in class, with students searching for things they don't know the word for in English.

  15. 13 Fun Homework Ideas: The Best Ways To Make Homework Fun

    Set up a homework play date. Go outside. Turn it into a game. Let them play teacher. Use a timer. Create a special homework space. Remember to be positive. Get help if you need i t. Thankfully, there are ways of making homework less boring and that little bit more fun for your child.

  16. 5 Stages Of Doing Homework On The Weekend

    Here it is, the weekend! The weekend is the best. You can sleep in, go out late, and know that you have a few days to relax and just enjoy life. However, there is one thing that needs to be done before Monday rolls around: homework. The worst thing ever, and the only thing that ruins weekends every weekend. Here are the 5 Stages of Doing ...

  17. 30 Amazing Weekend Activity Ideas

    5. Go Mini-Golfing. Spending an afternoon at the mini-golf course is a fun and affordable weekend activity. There's nothing better than some family-friendly competition that makes everyone smile. Learn More: Smugglers Golf. 6. Start a Kindness Rock Garden. Start a kindness rock trend in your neighborhood.

  18. Homework Assignment: Have A Bit Of Fun

    Whether it's enjoying playful banter or sharing inside jokes, you can fill your time together with a sense of laughter and joy. As Dr. Gottman explains in " The Relationship Cure," all that playfulness requires is a "willingness to turn toward another's sense of silliness… and have a little bit of fun!".

  19. Top Events this Weekend in St. Pete

    Saturday Shoppes Taco Festival* 📍Beyond the Burg: ClearwaterSaturday, September 14, 4pm-9pm Saturday Shoppes is hosting a mega-sized food festival and market, alongside live music and games. Plunsana 1-Year Anniversary* Saturday, September 14, 4pm-11pm Enjoy cold plunge + saunas, a wellness market, and even live music and DJs at Plunsauna ...

  20. Things to Do in St. Petersburg This Weekend

    1703 S Missouri Ave. Save this event: Washington Commanders v. Tampa Bay Buccaneers Tailgate Party. Share this event: Washington Commanders v. Tampa Bay Buccaneers Tailgate Party. Washington Commanders v. Tampa Bay Buccaneers Tailgate Party.

  21. 40 Projects You Can Get Done Over a Long Weekend

    Finally, Build Your Dream Shed. This shed has a large sliding door on one end to access the 8 x 16-ft. storage area, three windows for lots of light and a front entry door for extra convenience. But the best feature is the large covered porch where you can work on projects or just hang out in the shade with friends.

  22. 65 Fun & Unusual Things to Do in St. Petersburg, Florida

    38 - Start your weekend with a bang at St. Petersburg Saturday Morning Market credit to St. Petersburg Saturday Morning Market. One of the most fun things to do in St. Petersburg on a weekend is to drop by the Saturday Morning Market. Start your day the right way with freshly cooked food, locally farmed groceries and live music.

  23. THE 10 BEST St. Petersburg Rainy-Day Activities

    26. Pinellas Ale Works Brewery & Tap Room. 45. Breweries. Pinellas Ale Works is a Microbrewery and dog friendly Tap Room and beer garden featuring up to 30 taps, wine, and cider, located at 1962 1st Ave South in the Grand Central district of St Petersburg…. See tours. 27.