Essay vs Research Paper: What Sets Them Apart?


Table of contents

  • 1.1 What Is an Essay?
  • 1.2 What Is a Research Paper?
  • 2.1 Purpose and Objective
  • 2.2 Structure and Organization
  • 2.3 Length and Depth
  • 2.4 Sources and Evidence
  • 2.5 Voice and Style
  • 2.6 Audience and Presentation
  • 3 Essay vs Research Paper: 10 Points of Difference
  • 4 What Is the Difference Between Research Paper and Different Types of Papers
  • 5 Let’s Sum Up

Every student needs to write some academic papers for the university. However, even young people with experience can’t determine the difference between an essay and a research paper. Although these two areas of academic writing have many similarities, the requirements are still significantly different.

  • We will outline the key differences between these two types of academic writing.
  • In this article, you will get a clear definition of an essay and research paper.
  • You will learn more about the organization, structure, essay, and research paper requirements.

Before we dive into the detailed definitions, let’s first explore the key differences between an essay and a research paper.

Criteria Research Paper Essay
Focus Explores and presents various viewpoints on a topic while also including the writer’s insights and ideas. Primarily expresses the writer’s point of view.
Length Typically spans at least 8 pages in length. Typically short, with an average length of 5 paragraphs.
Depth of Understanding Requires a deep understanding of the topic, gained through thorough research. Does not always require an in-depth understanding of the topic.
Familiarity with Sources Demands familiarity with research writings related to the chosen subject. May or may not need familiarity with other research or writings.
Skill Development Enhances the writer’s knowledge about the topic. Develops the writer’s skills in presenting ideas clearly and effectively.
Approach Examines and compares different sources of information on a topic, ultimately presenting an overview of the findings. The writer practices organizing thoughts logically and coherently.
Types and Variations Research papers come in various forms such as compare and contrast, argumentative, analytical, cause and effect, and subject-based papers, with the latter being the most common. A specific subject or topic is chosen, researched, and then written about in detail. Essays come in different types such as academic, narrative, and philosophical. Academic essays often include a literature review that evaluates, describes, summarizes, and clarifies the selected material.
Process and Presentation After gathering detailed information on the topic, the writer organizes and presents it from their perspective, using citations from the research to support their analysis. In an essay, the writer conveys personal thoughts and ideas. The purpose and type of essay are considered, along with the intended audience. The writing must be well-structured, clear, and supported by relevant facts and examples.

Definitions and Overview

What is an essay.

An essay is a short piece of writing that presents a personal opinion on a specific topic. Essays can be formal or informal, but in an academic setting, they are usually formal. The main purpose of an essay is to inform the reader or argue a particular perspective.

Essays do not always aim to be scientific but require a clear structure. This structure typically includes an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Following this format lets you organize your thoughts and communicate them effectively.

With their versatility, essays can cover various topics, from complex ideas to everyday subjects. What makes your essay unique is the creativity and originality of your ideas. Before you begin, it is important to  drafting an essay  carefully. This process involves brainstorming fresh ideas and planning how to present them. Although your classmates might use the same basic structure, your writing skills and unique perspective will help your essay stand out. Focus on making your ideas compelling, rather than just sticking to the format.

What Is a Research Paper?

A research paper explores a specific scientific topic in detail. It provides analysis, interpretation, and argument based on careful study. Unlike essays, research papers focus less on personal opinions and more on thorough examination of the subject. They require you to use different sources and add new insights to the academic discussion.

In a research paper, it is not enough to just present facts or share personal views. You need to study the topic in depth, understand what others have said about it, and clearly outline your approach. This type of assignment involves more than just collecting information. You must also evaluate the information to build a strong argument.

Teachers expect you to show your ability to analyze information, choose reliable sources, and have a deep understanding of the topic. Research papers require you to go beyond basic knowledge and present your findings in a clear and organized way.

A typical research paper consists of several key elements that are crucial for presenting your argument and findings clearly:

  • Introduction: The paper begins with an introduction that sets the stage and includes a thesis statement.
  • Body: The body follows, providing detailed analysis and evidence to support the thesis, using information from reliable sources.
  • Research Paper Outline: Creating an outline helps organize these sections, ensuring a logical flow of ideas throughout the paper.
  • Conclusion: This part ends with a summary of the main points and a restatement of the thesis.

Whether writing a research paper or a term paper, maintaining this clear structure is essential for demonstrating a thorough understanding of your topic.

Key Differences Between Essay and Research Paper

The central difference is the goal of these academic assignments. The essay aims to express an individual point of view and find a creative, fresh approach to an existing topic. A good research paper seeks to introduce scientific novelty by examining existing data and conducting new experiments to analyze the information obtained.

Purpose and Objective

The first and main difference between an essay and a research paper is the purpose of writing . An essay as an academic task has the goal of developing students’ creative thinking. It also teaches us a structured presentation of thoughts regarding a certain topic. The student is required to have a non-standard approach, fresh thoughts, and reasoned conclusions on the given topic.

The purpose of the research work is to study a scientific topic in detail. This academic assignment is aimed at assessing the student’s analytical abilities and competence to determine cause-and-effect relationships, filter sources, and formulate logical conclusions. Such work requires theoretical knowledge, preliminary study of existing scientific works, and the ability to formulate goals and research methods.

Moreover, a student is supposed to show the capacity to draw comprehensive conclusions based on available data and information obtained during independent research. This task may seem complicated to students, so they opt for resorting to the help of PapersOwl writing service to save time.

Structure and Organization

To start with, the basic structure of any college essay involves a text consisting of five paragraphs, divided into three main factions: introduction, body part, and conclusion. When students lack time to compose a nicely structured academic essay, they can always pay to write a research paper and have their tasks done by a professional. The introduction presents the topic, sets the main direction for further text, and also works as a bait to motivate the reader to study further work. The introduction is followed by three body paragraphs. Each of the three body paragraphs presents a separate idea.

The last paragraph of any essay is a conclusion. In this paragraph, the college or university student must resume the arguments and ideas presented in the text, summarizing them into the main message of the essay. Often, the idea that you present in your conclusions will be most memorable to the reader.

Consequently, let’s overview the structure of a research paper. Compared to the structure of an essay, the organization of a research paper is much more ornate. This type of work requires a title page and abstract that go before the main body of text. On the title page, the student describes his topic of work, as well as gives contact details. An abstract is a short description of the main ideas and research methods of your work. The research work itself consists of an introduction, background, main part, and conclusions. Also, at the very end, they often add acknowledgments and a list of references, which must be formatted following the required international format.

Length and Depth

The length and depth of analysis between these two academic assignments also differ significantly. As for the essay, it is often a short prose piece whose length does not exceed 1000 words. You are faced with the task of fitting a large array of ideas into a small amount of text. The essay format itself rarely requires rigorous and thorough research of the topic, but you should work on creativity and the presence of a message in your essay. Most academic papers fall in the 300 to 600-word range.

On the other hand, a research paper is a scientific project that includes many theoretical aspects that require analysis and clarification. Thus, the volume is significantly bigger. Basic research paper lengths range from 4,000 to 6,000 words. In this case, you will no doubt have to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the selected sources, formulate a research vector, and spend time conducting your experiments, or ask PapersOwl to do a research paper for you . A research paper is a scientific project that includes many theoretical aspects that require analysis and clarification.

Sources and Evidence

The presence of theoretical sources and references is not a mandatory requirement for an essay. You can state your own thoughts on a given topic without resorting to the help of existing sources. Present your ideas on the topic, giving arguments that seem logical to you. If you do decide to base your paper on existing works, you must be sure to indicate where the information was taken from. And yet, the teacher needs to see your own thoughts rather than a dry listing of existing ideas.

Unlike an essay, a quality research paper must include primary and secondary sources, as well as a specific citation format. Surely, you are not the first person to study this scientific topic. In order not to repeat existing thoughts, you need to conduct a search to form a reliable basis for your study. If you skip this step, you risk basing your paper on misleading scientific findings.

Voice and Style

The very specificity of the essay as an academic paper is the subjective presentation of information. A large percentage of your essay should consist of your perspective and vision of the chosen topic. For this reason, essays often use a less formal and more subjective tone. However, you can still use a large amount of colloquial vocabulary, completely disregarding the norms of formal style. Students often have trouble figuring out the right style for their university assignments. In such cases, a reasonable solution is to seek help from a specialist. When you buy custom-written essays from PapersOwl, you’ll always get a perfectly balanced academic paper.

On the other hand, a research paper is a serious scientific work. The student must maintain a formal tone while complying with all structural requirements. Also, in investigative work, there is little room for subjectivity and a personal approach since an objective style is required. At the same time, do not oversaturate your research work with formalism and standard clichés.

Audience and Presentation

The essay format can be used both in the educational process and in an independent literary style. Therefore, the audience for such a written assignment can be wide and varied. When you’re writing an essay, make sure it’s understandable in academia and for a wide audience.

Research work, on the contrary, is aimed at a range of professionals in the chosen field. Written in scientific language, the goal of this work is to attract the attention of scientists and students of certain majors. Your scientific work should be rich in theory and related terms.

Essay vs Research Paper: 10 Points of Difference

As you may have noticed, research papers and essays have many differences, both global and specific. These two types of academic assignments differ in the purpose of writing, have different structures and formats, and are aimed at testing different skills. And yet, every day, students face difficulties in understanding the basic requirements, which leads to incorrect execution of the task. To summarize the main differences, let’s look at the table below.

research paper vs essay

What Is the Difference Between Research Paper and Different Types of Papers

There are many types of papers, each focusing on different topics, serving different purposes, and requiring a specific structure. Those are different types of essays that share a common ground but differ in the way they present information and arguments.

Analytical paper. The purpose of such an essay is an in-depth analysis of the chosen topic, studying different approaches and points of view, and formulating one’s own conclusions based on the information studied and scientific evidence.

Argumentative paper. This type of essay takes as a basis an ambiguous topic; the author must take a certain position and provide a number of arguments.

Informative paper. It has an informative purpose — a presentation of information to the reader, preceded by careful analysis and selection of data.

Persuasive paper . The purpose of this paper is to present convincing arguments, using chosen writing techniques, confirming the author’s position regarding the selected scientific topic.

To get a high grade, you need to understand the requirements of academic requirements. No matter how informatively rich your work is, if it does not meet the requirements, it cannot be highly appreciated. Each type of academic assignment has its own clearly defined, unique format. It’s necessary to know the difference between a research paper vs argumentative essay so as not to get confused while completing a college assignment. So before you start writing an assignment, make sure you understand the type of academic writing required of you.

Let’s Sum Up

Research papers and essays are aimed at testing various skills of the student, following different structures, and having several requirements. An essay is a more creative writing task, which involves showing originality and expressing a personal opinion on a certain topic. At the same time, a research paper is a type of scientific writing that adheres to a strict structure and uses a formal tone. Understanding the main differences will make your writing process easier, saving you time researching the requirements. Remember that knowing the essence of the assignment is a key factor in writing a decent paper.

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difference between research essay and paper

Essay vs. Research Paper

What's the difference.

An essay and a research paper are both academic writing assignments that require students to explore a specific topic and present their findings in a structured manner. However, there are some key differences between the two. An essay is typically shorter in length and focuses on presenting the writer's perspective or argument on a particular subject. It often includes personal opinions and experiences, and the writer's voice is more prominent. On the other hand, a research paper is more extensive and involves in-depth research and analysis of various sources. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic and often requires the use of citations and references to support the writer's claims. Additionally, a research paper is usually more formal and objective in tone compared to an essay.

AttributeEssayResearch Paper
LengthVaries, typically shorterVaries, typically longer
PurposeExpress personal opinions or ideasPresent findings or arguments based on research
StructureIntroduction, body paragraphs, conclusionAbstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion
ResearchMay or may not involve researchRequires extensive research
CitationsMay or may not include citationsRequires proper citations and references
ToneCan be subjective or personalObjective and formal
Source of InformationPersonal knowledge, experiences, or opinionsAcademic journals, books, credible sources
OriginalityCan include original thoughts or ideasRequires original research or analysis

Further Detail


When it comes to academic writing, two common forms of assignments that students often encounter are essays and research papers. While both serve as means of evaluating a student's understanding of a particular topic, they differ in several aspects. This article aims to explore and compare the attributes of essays and research papers, shedding light on their unique characteristics and purposes.

Structure and Organization

One of the primary distinctions between essays and research papers lies in their structure and organization. Essays typically follow a more flexible and fluid structure, allowing the writer to present their ideas in a creative and engaging manner. They often consist of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In contrast, research papers adhere to a more rigid structure, often requiring specific sections such as an abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. The structure of a research paper is designed to provide a comprehensive and systematic analysis of a particular topic.

Purpose and Focus

Essays and research papers also differ in terms of their purpose and focus. Essays are generally shorter in length and aim to present a concise argument or viewpoint on a specific topic. They often require critical thinking and analysis, allowing the writer to express their own opinions and interpretations. On the other hand, research papers are more extensive and focus on investigating a particular research question or problem. They require in-depth research, data collection, and analysis to provide evidence-based conclusions. Research papers aim to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on a given subject.

Research Requirements

As the name suggests, research papers heavily rely on extensive research to support their claims and arguments. They require the writer to gather information from various sources such as scholarly articles, books, and reputable websites. Research papers often involve conducting experiments, surveys, or interviews to collect primary data. On the other hand, while essays may also require some research, they typically rely more on the writer's existing knowledge and understanding of the topic. Essays often prioritize critical thinking and analysis of the available information rather than extensive research.

Writing Style and Tone

The writing style and tone of essays and research papers can also differ significantly. Essays often allow for a more personal and subjective writing style, enabling the writer to express their thoughts and emotions. The tone of an essay can vary depending on the topic and purpose, ranging from formal and academic to more conversational and informal. In contrast, research papers require a more objective and formal writing style. They should be written in the third person and avoid personal opinions or biases. The tone of a research paper is typically neutral and focused on presenting factual information and analysis.

Citation and Referencing

Both essays and research papers require proper citation and referencing of sources used. However, the extent and complexity of citation may differ between the two. Essays often require the use of in-text citations and a reference list or bibliography at the end of the document. The citation style may vary depending on the academic discipline or the instructor's requirements. Research papers, on the other hand, typically follow a specific citation style, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago, and require more detailed and comprehensive referencing. They often include in-text citations, footnotes or endnotes, and a detailed bibliography or works cited page.

Evaluation and Assessment

Essays and research papers are evaluated and assessed based on different criteria. Essays are often graded on the writer's ability to present a coherent argument, critical thinking skills, and the clarity of their writing. The focus is on the writer's ability to convey their ideas effectively. Research papers, on the other hand, are evaluated based on the depth of research, the quality of data analysis, and the validity of the conclusions drawn. The assessment of research papers often considers the writer's ability to contribute to the existing knowledge on the topic and their understanding of research methodologies.

In conclusion, while essays and research papers share the common goal of evaluating a student's understanding of a particular topic, they differ in various aspects. Essays offer more flexibility in structure and allow for personal opinions and interpretations, while research papers adhere to a more rigid structure and require extensive research and analysis. The purpose, focus, writing style, citation requirements, and evaluation criteria also set them apart. Understanding these differences can help students approach each assignment appropriately and effectively meet the expectations of their instructors.

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Research Papers Vs. Essays (Differences and Similarities)


In high school, college, university, and even professional life, you will write many assignments, including research papers and essays. In school, instructors and professors use essays and research papers to test your understanding of concepts taught in class. It is, therefore, imperative to know the difference between essays and research papers.

You came to the right place if you struggle to get the facts right about essays vs. research papers. This guide guides you through the similarities and differences between the two common papers written at all academic levels.

In a nutshell, research papers focus on facts to argue a point, while essays focus on an individual's understanding of a topic. Understanding the difference between these two pieces of writing will help you succeed in school.

With that said, here is an overview of essays and research papers.

What is an Essay?

An essay is a short piece of writing demonstrating your comprehension, critical thinking, analytical skills, creativity, and awareness of a given topic. The length of the essay will determine the citations it should have and how long it takes to write it. So for a 500 words essay, the instructor will require at least five verifiable sources. Since they are short in length, they usually have five paragraphs starting with an introduction, followed by the body, and then a conclusion.

The main objectives of an essay are to:

  • Inform the reader by providing accurate and proven information about a particular topic
  • Convince the audience of a specific headline using researched evidence
  • Explain a topic by providing in-depth information with flowing content
  • Entertain the readers through humor and other funny statements

Check out our comprehensive guide on how to write a good essay .

Format and Structure

The basic format of an essay is an introduction, body, and conclusion. You must fashion all the ideas- one at a time - in the order that makes sense. To successfully deliver the content to the readers, you must attend to their logic. You have to introduce the arguments, analyze all the data, provide counterarguments and conclude the topic.

You should consider every part of the essay answering basic questions the reader is probably asking. These questions are: what, how, why.

The "what" explains what evidence leads you to your thesis statement, and you must therefore examine all the evidence demonstrating the truth of your fact.

The "how" explains how other arguments can counter your thesis statements. In other words, how does another way of looking at things affect your claims?

The "why" shows why the readers should care about your statements and allows them to learn more about what you are saying in a larger context.

An essay follows different formats depending on the academic style of writing requested; it could be MLA, APA, or Chicago format. For example, the APA style is used in social and health sciences, MLA in liberal arts, Language, Literature, and humanities, and the Chicago style in literature, history, and arts.

However, the structure is as follows:


The introduction paragraph sets the stage for what is to come. It has three main parts:

  • Background information
  • Thesis statement

The first sentence of the introduction should grab the reader's attention . Next, you should arouse curiosity through an eye-catching statement for the reader to continue reading the essay. You can achieve this by using a joke, statistics, or research findings.

Background Information

Give the readers the context of the essay by providing some background information depending on the essay's subject. Don't give too much information — mention just a few points you will divulge later in the text. Just make sure you save the evidence for the body of the essay. The length of this information will depend on the scope of your essay.

Thesis Statement

A thesis statement sums up the main ideas of your topic and helps control the essay's narrative. Therefore, the statement should state clearly the main idea you want readers to grasp.

Body (Arguments)

The body is the longest part of the essay, which is organized into different paragraphs. Each paragraph elaborates on one idea and contains between four to five sentences. Every paragraph contains three sections starting with the topic sentence, followed by a supporting sentence and a concluding sentence.

The topic sentence informs the reader about the paragraph, and the supporting sentence expounds on the central idea. And the concluding sentence summarizes what you have talked about.

The conclusion is the last paragraph of the essay. It aims to summarize the essay's main parts, show the essence of your argument, and leave the reader with a sense of closure.

When writing the conclusion paragraph of an essay , you should restate the thesis statement to remind the reader what you talked about, followed by a summary of your arguments and counterarguments. Finally, the last sentence of the paragraph should state your concluding thought.

Types of Essays

There are different types of essays, each with its own objectives. They include:

  • Descriptive
  • Argumentative

Narrative Essays

Narrative essays are mostly personal, and they tell a story. This essay is written from a first-person perspective.

Descriptive Essays

Descriptive essays describe something— object, person, place, emotion, or situation from your own perspective.

Expository Essays

Expository essays aim at explaining a topic with facts. This is where you analyze a given piece of information and explain in detail how you have reached your conclusion.

Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay presents both sides of an argument to inform the reader. An instructor will give this type of essay to gauge your debating skills.

Persuasive Essay

The persuasive essay aims to convince the reader. The writing presents logical information with an emotional appeal to the reader to believe your point of view.

What is a Research Paper?

A research paper is academic writing that involves supportive evidence about a given topic. It provides a perspective on a given topic using various sources supported by qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Research papers are usually similar to essays, but they are much longer and involve in-depth research conducted independently. In addition, you must spend time investigating and evaluating multiple sources to offer an interpretation of a given text.

Since the main aim of a research paper is to develop a new argument, you must include a literature review. A literature review is a foundation and support for your research, and it is a survey of academic sources on a given topic that helps you identify theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research.

They are more formal as they involve rigorous and thorough research resulting in a central idea. Only when a paper meets this requirement will the instructor give a good grade. Their aim is to differentiate between opinions and facts, provide a detailed understanding of a given topic, and critique previously written work.

To effectively write a research paper, you must clearly define your research question. If your instructor has already assigned you a topic, there is no need. If not, try to choose an interesting research question.

Choose a research strategy by analyzing the materials you will use for your research. Then evaluate all the sources by focusing on their credibility and whether they support your research question.

Like essays, research papers also have paragraphs and follow the same academic writing formats, but their structure is much different. Their structure is as follows:

  • Materials/methods


A title page contains all the vital information about the paper you are writing. The page is usually placed in front of the research paper. It contains your name, the name of the project, and your learning institution. Since it's the first page the reader will see, it should be well formatted. The title on the page should clearly display your thesis statement.

The abstract highlights the main points of your projects to help inform the readers what the paper is about. They are recorded along with keywords to help readers find your content more easily. The abstract should be clear and accurate.

An introduction part allows you to define the topic and establish your voice. The introduction should be interesting enough to get the reader hooked. It usually aims at:

  • Presenting the problem statement, topic, and research investigation in the first part of the introduction
  • Establish the aim and focus of your research in the second part
  • Present the summary of your arguments in the third part

Research papers also have a thesis statement, like essays mostly found at the end of the introduction. It aims to explain what you are trying to prove and provide the main points in the research.

Materials/ Methods

The material/ methods section clearly defines what materials you used to perform your research. The aim is to direct readers to specialized materials, general procedures, and methods to weigh the value of your project. For example, these materials could be questionnaires that provide information about your paper. The materials should be specific and relevant to your field of study.

You should describe in detail how you conducted the analysis in their personal narrative and briefly list the methods used.

The results section is where you report what your findings are based on all the information you gathered with the materials you had. You should state the findings without biases or interpretation, allowing the reader to do that themselves. The findings should only be from your study, and they could be:

  • Quantitative information - is data that can be measured and is presented in graphs, tables, or charts.
  • Qualitative information - which is brief descriptions or explanations and is often presented as lists or essay like form

The discussion section shows the results and outcomes of your paper. It reviews and interprets the findings of the research and allows the readers to see the connection between all the parts of the paper. The discussion should include the following:

  • Results you gathered from the research
  • Discussion of related research
  • Comparison between the research and your initial hypothesis

You must demonstrate your critical thinking skills when developing your arguments and establishing the relationship between each part the same way you would in an essay.

The conclusion section outlines why the research is important to the reader and why they should care. It summarizes all the parts mentioned in the paper and demonstrates the implications of your research. The writing should be on point to deliver your message to the readers.

The acknowledgment section appreciates all the contributors for their efforts in the research. You should mention all the contributors directly involved in your research. They could be:

  • Funding Organization/ Donor
  • Administrative personnel
  • Your professors
  • Work supervisors

The reference section is the last part of your research paper. This section shows that you have clearly and carefully conducted your research. It demonstrates that your work is credible, and readers can rely on it. You should list all the research material used. The average number of references in most research papers is 45.

Types of Research Papers

Like essays, there are different research papers, each requiring different preparation. These are argumentative and analytical research papers:

Argumentative Research Paper

When writing an argumentative research paper, you discuss your topic and then choose the stand you will be taking. The hope is to persuade the reader to take your stand.

Analytical Research Paper

You state your topic in an analytical research paper and take a neutral stance. You will then provide your arguments and facts, leaving the reader to choose their stance. The aim is not to persuade the reader but to present a well-supported analysis of a given topic.

Survey Research Paper

Survey research involves collecting data from a group of people through quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Experimental Research Paper

Based on experimental research or empirical research, this type of paper provides information about the procedures you have used in your research. It is mainly written as a scientific or empirical paper following the IMRAD format.

Definition Paper

In definition papers, you will describe an argument's facts without sharing personal emotions and only provide a list of facts without analyzing them.

What is the Aim of the Research Paper?

Learning how to write a research paper is to:

Provide Knowledge

Through research, you will gain new insights about a particular topic making you more knowledgeable.

Boost the Success, Not Business

The findings of a research paper will influence decision-makers to take positive action. For instance, if you wrote a paper about the importance of using laptops in schools, more laptops will be provided even to learners.

Enhance Public Awareness

By writing compelling research about a given headline and sharing it with the public, you give them an understanding of your ideas. Providing detailed and well-researched information will help the readers see the relevance of your conclusion.

What Are the Differences Between an Essay and a Research Paper?

After looking at each of them individually, what are the differences between them?

  They Have Different Purposes

Even though they are both academic writings, they have different purposes. When an instructor assigns you a research paper, they want to know your deep understanding of a given topic by sharing how you have come to that realization. In other words, it demonstrates your opinions and those of other scientists. On the other hand, an essay shows your opinion about something even though you will research your information, and your point of view about the topic should be unique.

  A Research Paper is More Formal

A research paper involves in-depth research from reputable sources, which you should prove in the form of references. On the other hand, an essay doesn't need in-depth research; it mainly relies on your thoughts and opinion. They are also not as complex as a research paper in terms of headings and subheadings.

  More Time and Effort Are Needed in Writing a Research Paper Than an Essay

A research paper is a long piece of academic writing that requires multiple sources and a deeper understanding of information to reach a conclusion. Since there is tons of information to find and go through, more time is taken to do the research.

So while an essay can be completed in a few hours, a research paper can take days or even weeks to complete.

  Differences in Length

Both essays and research papers are organized the same way. An essay has three parts: an introduction which includes a thesis statement, a body, and a supportive conclusion. You will need to hook your readers when writing the introduction for them to proceed with writing. The body usually has between four to five paragraphs which must be arranged systematically to make sense to the reader. Their word count ranges between 500 and 1000 words with about 5 citations.

They are both academic styles of writing

A research paper requires thorough research about a topic with more citations, while essays need a basic understanding with a few citations

Both require a comprehensive understanding of a given topic

Research papers help in building your knowledge about a given topic, while essays test your writing skills

They both have a thesis statement

A research paper is a long form of writing with about 8 pages or more, while the words in essays range between 500 to 1000

They both have an organizational structure

It takes days or weeks to write a research paper compared to an essay which needs a few hours

Because research papers require in-depth research, they are much longer than essays and are usually referred to as multipage writing. A research paper typically has nine parts arranged in order with between 8 to 100 references. Regardless, both forms of academic writing follow the same organizational structure.

Here is a table that shows the similarities and differences between the two.

Similarities and differences between research paper and essays

More differences and similarities between essays and research papers ( source )

Final Words

An essay and research paper are common types of academic writing assigned to high school, college, and university students. Essays are the shortest pieces of writing which show your understanding of a given topic during a research paper. The above difference will help you in your academic writing journey.

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Essay vs Research Paper: Understanding the Differences

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by  Antony W

June 26, 2024

difference between research essay and paper

This is the most comprehensive guide on essay vs research paper . 

We’ll look at the differences and similarities between the two papers so that you can approach either assignment with clarity and certainty.

To begin with, essays and research paper examine your research, writing and analytical skills. They also require adherence to strict formatting and the inclusion of citation and bibliography.

What’s an Essay?

what's an essay

An essay is a written academic assignment that requires you to look into an issue and then provide your personal opinion while using credible sources and verifiable evidence to support your work.

In addition to knowing the different types of essays , you need to have excellent research and writing skills to earn full marks.

The length of an essay varies from topic to topic, with the shorter one being 500 words and longer ones can go up to 4,000 words. 

Shorter essays don’t require extended research and you can therefore write them in one sitting.

Longer essays, on the other hand, demand in-depth research and attention to details. They can be quite time consuming to write and edit, which part of the reasons why students seek for writing help. 

What Essays Do Students Write in School? 

types of academic essays main

The following are some of the most common essays that you’ll write in high school, college, or university.

1. Descriptive Essays

If asked to write a descriptive essay, focus on explaining the characteristics of a subject or issue.

Descriptive essays require some literary devices ,  such as similes and metaphors, to read well and communicate your message.

2. Comparison Essays

In a compare and contrast essay ,  you have to explain the differences and similarities between two subject. You can organize your writing based either on individual points or on the subjects.

3. Analytical Essays

Analytical essays don’t just appear in academic journals, newspapers, and magazines. They’re also common in academic settings.

In analytical essay writing ,  your work is to provide a substantive analysis of the topic without being biased.

3. Reflective Essays

In reflective essay writing ,  students have to examine experiences and explore the changes, challenges, developments, and growth that those experiences bring.

The standard format for a reflective essay is the same for all, but the format may change a little depending on the audience.

4. Argumentative Essays 

In argumentative essay writing ,  you have to take a stance on an issue and use objective evidence to support your position.

5. Academic Essays 

Written at college and university levels, academic essay cover content in your coursework to gauge your writing skills and intelligence’s level.

These essays tend to be longer with the word count ranging between 3,000 and 5,000 words.

What’s a Research Paper?

research paper steps

A research paper   is an academic assignment that requires students to express their views on a subject using supportive sources such as books and journal articles.

They’re longer than typical essays and therefore take more time to research, write, and proofread.

In the case where you have more demanding assignments and a research paper waiting for you to complete, you can take advantage of our research paper writing service to get the project done in time.

Types of Research Papers

what is a research paper types

The following are the common types of research papers that you’ll write in college or university:

1. Analytical Research Paper

With this type of research paper, you choose a topic, collect information from credible sources, and use the data to draw your conclusion on the subject.

Maintain a neutral position when writing an analytical research paper.

2. Argumentative Research Paper

In argumentative research paper, you look into two controversial issues in the same document.

While you’ll look into both sides of the argument, you’ll have to take a side and use information from different reliable sources to persuade reader to take your side.

3. Experimental Research

Experimental research papers are practical in form. Your instructor expects you to describe procedures you used in your experiment, accompanied by in-depth data analysis and a written report.

4. Survey Research Paper

With survey research papers, you have to collect information from as many respondents as you can find. Then, you have to analyze the information and write a final report.

Essay vs Research Paper: What are the Differences?

essay vs research paper details

In this section, we’ll look at the differences between essays and research papers to give you more insight.

Differences in Writing

Since the primary objective of a research paper is to present a deeper knowledge of the subject, you have to do extensive research from different sources. 

You also have to do a deep data analysis before writing so you can make a concrete conclusion. 

Moreover, you have to be very conversant with the primary sources   on the subject to write a good research paper.  

With an essay, your goal is to show your teacher that you have good research and writing skills and can articulate your ideas in a way that shows your understanding of the given topic.

As such, essays won’t require deep research. In essay writing,   you don’t necessarily have to be familiar with the main sources on a given subject although it’s important to.

Differences in Outline and Length

An essay has three parts: an introduction, the main body, and a conclusion. The body section has at least 3 paragraphs , but there can be more depending on the subject, research, and the number of ideas you’d like to present.

A research paper has more sections. Your work needs to feature a title page, an abstract (summary of the research), the main body (divided into sections such as methodology and results), a conclusion, references, acknowledgements, and references.

An essay can be as short as one page, especially if it’s on a topic that doesn’t require extensive research. In some cases, you may have to make your essay longer .  So check the prompt to know how long your instructor expects you to make the essay.

On the other hand, a research paper is longer than a typical essay’s length and can span up to 8 pages or more.

Differences in Presentation

In essay writing,   students present their personal views on a given issue or subject and use reliable academic sources to support their opinions.

In research paper writing, you have to present other scientists and researchers’ point of views of a subject and also add your opinion as a writer. Therefore, you must not only logically organize your ideas but also formulate them academically.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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Learn about the Difference Between Research Paper and Essay

Updated 25 Jul 2024

difference between research paper and an essay

The purpose of this guide is to help you understand the difference between essay and research paper writing tasks as you encounter them. We shall study the features, see relevant academic definitions, and analyze the key elements that help set them apart. Learning about the differences and similarities, we shall identify the elements required for an essay or research paper. If you require academic writing help and the finest customer service, then the best writing service is a great option for you.

What is an Essay?

When you are a high school learner or a college student, the chances are high that you will encounter both essay writing and conducting your first research paper. That's when you start to think about who can write my college essay . The majority of essays that students encounter often have a creative element to them and require the presence of good writing skills. It's a reason why these are often seen as an easier task since research papers require a synthesis of available information and, as the title implies, researching.

Starting with the small essays that you encounter in school to persuasive college writing to help your readers choose a certain point, an essay can be defined as a piece of academic writing where the writer's opinion is presented with the use of at least three pieces of evidence to support these thoughts. They are not as complex as research writing and are usually only up to five paragraphs in length.

Speaking of the key research paper vs essay elements that help to set an essay apart from other types of writing, these are the rules to remember:

  • An essay is usually a piece of writing that is up to 1,000 words or shorter. 
  • Writing an essay usually relates to a particular subject or so-called 'essay prompt'. 
  • In certain cases, essays are written as a response to a proposition or a question set by the college professor. 
  • Essays are not complex in terms of headings and sub-headings, which are typical for research papers. 
  • Essays, however, do require the use of quotes and references for anything that is not your personal opinion. 
  • The use of a subjective tone is often met for this type of writing. 
  • The purpose is to analyze and criticize the given topic. 
  • The use of photographs and multimedia elements is not that frequent in essay writing.

In most cases, an essay’s structure will contain an introduction with a thesis statement, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion part where an author has a right to write one’s thoughts down as a reflection, analysis, or a part of the creative writing task. Unlike a typical research paper where a methodology and samples data must be used, essays do not require these elements. At the same time, writing such a type of paper has its own specifics, and using essay editing services can be your advantage.

What is a Research Paper?

Although it is technically an essay, it has a different purpose and structure when compared to classic essay writing. It's necessary to include information and synthesis based on specific data by turning to external sources that may include books on the topic, scientific articles, interviews, web sources, and first-hand surveys. Exploring the difference between research paper and essay, remember that the main purpose here is to bring a selection of the different academic views on a subject by turning to facts and concepts as you also interpret information to create an accessible, readable framework.

The research paper should always contain the following elements that are not typical for general essay writing:

  • Every research paper contains a methodology, which can be either qualitative or quantitative. In certain cases, it can be a mixture of both, depending on your subject. 
  • There is a conceptual framework with the implementation of a school of thought, theoretical, or model-based writing. 
  • An introduction part will implement at least one research question. 
  • A literature review must be included to explain what kind of information you have used. 
  • Your methods and objectives must be set clear. 
  • It's necessary to include the results of your findings by talking about what aspects have been achieved and what has proved helpful for your take on things. 
  • The conclusion part also contains the author's discussion of the outcomes and a list of possible recommendations. 
  • Unlike an essay, research papers talk about limitations that have been encountered during the process of writing and researching. 
  • Research papers set the problem and provide certain solutions or assumptions that may be helpful as you address a particular issue or an event. 
  • The presence of good sources is essential for a successful outcome of any academic research.

In addition, research papers also use references, endnotes and footnotes, appendices for those large chunks of information, acknowledgments, and the author's short biography paragraph for some Master's or Ph.D. works. As a rule, such research papers are quite lengthy and can take up to fifty pages or even more. Since almost every research paper these days is composed independently, it usually sounds challenging for college students when it only requires a different approach and more time to get things done right. 

The Key Differences Between Essay and Research Paper

Let’s sum up the key aspects as we explore the difference between essay and paper meant for research. The table below compares things and points out the major differences that will help you understand the purpose of each academic paper type:

It aims to represent your personal point of view.

A good research paper focuses on researching and exploring various points of view, depending on what topic you set while adding a personal touch and the author's voice regarding ideas and concepts mentioned. 

Essays are mostly short in length and often contain five paragraphs (introduction, three body paragraphs, and the conclusion). 

Research papers are almost always lengthy and can reach up to eight pages on average. 

The majority of essays do not ask for a deep understanding of a particular topic. For example, dealing with creative writing, you may use only your personal opinion. 

It's necessary to study the subject in advance to gain a comprehensive understanding of a certain topic by exploring what is available. 

The essays tend to help writers build their writing skills and address a particular topic individually. 


The purpose is to help an author gain better knowledge of a particular topic. 


An essay provides you with an opportunity to improve your writing skills as you have to present your thoughts by using style, academic formatting, logic, and other mechanics of writing. 

As a writer, you must compare various chunks of data or publications dealing with your problem as you present a clear, readable, and cumulative analysis of the findings. 

Essay writing also includes various types of academic writing, yet it can also be narrative and philosophical, which is rarely met with research writing. Academic essay writing can be met among high school students and college learners in most subjects. For example, dealing with a literature review is often used as a type of evaluation as your writing skills are evaluated. 

Research papers usually include these types of writing: compare-and-contrast research, argumentation, analysis, cause-and-effect writing, and subject-based tasks. Dealing with a particular subject usually helps to tell a research paper apart. When you choose a subject or a certain topic, you must start with an exploration of what is already available. 

An essay requires putting your thoughts into writing as you focus on the essay-type specifics and consider your target audience. Your writing skills and the use of examples are essential. 

When you research a particular subject, you have to compile information and evaluate it before writing things down. Your task is to restructure and present it through the lens of your methodology and research objectives. 

The use of external sources is not always a requirement. 

The use of a literature review is an obligatory part. 

- What is the most important difference between a research paper and a simple essay?

Comparing research paper vs essay, the most important difference is the use of a strict methodology and research objectives that no research paper can get through without. An essay can be a personal reflection with no sources per se, yet every research paper should explain a problem and set the methods that help to address and, possibly, solve it efficiently. 

Exploring the Similarities

It's only natural to find it hard to differentiate an essay and a research paper, especially if you plan to do some research in either case. So why things are so challenging then? The truth is that both research papers and essays will require the following with a subsequent study of the given grading rubric and will have at least three points that must not be altered in any way. These are:

  • Organizational structure . Both types of papers will have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion part. While there are certain differences when you are planning to conduct research, there are certain similarities as you have to introduce your subject correctly.
  • The presence of a strong thesis statement that poses an opinion, an argument, or an assumption . This part will always remain relevant as your task is to provide a thesis that will be supported by the facts, real-life events, or statistical data. While it may not be obligatory for an essay, the inclusion of this part will help your essay paper sound even more confident.
  • At least basic research is still required! This is where things can easily get confusing, yet the major point is the use of external information. While you may get by with an essay by just checking things, starting with a research paper, you must provide more sources to show that you are researching, not just touching upon the subject in a superficial way!

The other essay vs paper research similarities that you will find helpful include the use of a clear and concise formatting system where your grammar skills must be used to deliver the information. Turning to references and summary in the conclusion is another point that makes research paper writing similar to most essay types that are encountered these days. For example, as you learn how to write an autobiography essay, you may not use any external sources or references, which instantly sets it apart. Still, you may have to use additional statistical data or references, which can make it challenging while still remaining a type of an essay, not a research paper!

If you are still confused about the difference between essay and research paper tasks, the general rule is to look into the structure of the homework paper that you have to complete. When you see the words like “ Literature review ”, “ Methodology ” and “ Samples ” in the structural part of your grading rubric and the length goes beyond 1,500 words, it’s most likely a research paper you are dealing with! 

Get Your Academic Writing Under Control

As you are striving for the best grades, the most important is to choose your essay or research paper title correctly as it will help you to narrow things down and keep focused on your subject or research problem. Those students that take their time to explore and check things twice always win as they are able to keep their writing structured throughout by wasting no minute of their precious time! Remember to take notes, write down the list of helpful sources, and always check your grading rubric twice to ensure that you address every important point as you write! 

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Difference Between an Essay and a Research Paper

The realm of academic writing is extremely varied. Book reviews, literature reviews, summaries, journals, synthesis, and others — there are several types students may come across. However, the top two places in the popularity rating still belong to essays and research papers. While they have numerous similarities, understanding their key differences will assist in completing your assignments without difficulty.

In this guide, let’s pay more attention to their features and see what identifying elements are worth remembering and sticking to in your work. Read on to discover the real nature of an essay and a research paper.

Essays in a Nutshell: Purpose, Structure, and Writing Tips

Creating a piece of academic writing that tells the target audience about an author’s opinion about the target argument means composing an essay. It may have a critical, interpretive, or analytic composition. Compared to other text types, including research papers, it is not as detailed and doesn’t solely focus on interpreting third-party opinions in the field.

From a structural standpoint, there are a couple of strategies to help you present your thoughts in an essay. While the general order with an introduction, body, and conclusion remains the same, you can stick to one of the following to state and prove your arguments:

  • Chronological order — as it implies, this tactic describes a series of events that happened one after another. The introduction part consists of a hook, background, and thesis statement, and the related events will chronologically tell readers how the author has come up to a certain conclusion.
  • Compare and contrast — that is where you find similarities and differences between two notions or phenomena. It is a common approach for argumentative essays and literary analysis texts.
  • Problems, methods, and solutions — in this case, there are different paragraphs that discuss the problems you want to highlight in your essay, what methods and approaches have been used to solve them so far, and your personal perspective on the troubleshooting strategy.

To ensure your essay is as flawless as possible, do not forget to implement transition sentences to ensure that there are smooth connections between different parts of the text. In addition, you can ask for assistance from Write My Papers service. They have the proper specialists to create the best essay for you.

Research Papers in Detail: Overview and Composing Dos and Don’ts

When your task is to create a research paper, it means you will need to complete a piece of academic writing aimed at independent, multifaceted, and in-depth research of a certain problem or argument. The challenge is to bring together facts, evidence, and opinions on the chosen topic and represent your view as well as interpreting the information you emphasize in the paper.

When it comes to composing a research paper, you will have to follow its structure precisely:

  • Abstract — you briefly state the problem you are going to discuss or solve in your research paper, highlighting the key research methods and conclusions.
  • Introduction — that’s where you describe the research problem you will discuss in the paper and why taking an in-depth insight into it is crucial.
  • Methodology — here, you will need to describe the procedures, materials, and research tools that helped you study the target problem from different perspectives as precisely as possible.
  • Results — in this section, you emphasize the summary of your discoveries and findings. Feel free to include different text formats here — visual materials like infographics, graphs, and tables will surely come in handy.
  • Discussion — your task is to interpret the paper’s findings and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your research statement
  • Conclusion — that is a final summary of all your work.
  • List of references — of course, your paper is not only a representation of your thoughts and opinions. You have to prove your point of view by citing other valuable sources. Follow the principles of the target citation style to get things done correctly.

Essays vs. Research Papers: What Is the Difference?

Let’s represent the key features that will help you distinguish these two types of academic writing texts from one another:

  • Length — while essays are typically short and guide the reader through the topic in five paragraphs on average, research papers consist of at least eight pages.
  • View — essays can be personalized, representing your opinion, and research papers are a combination of individual and scientific ideas and insights.
  • Purpose — if you want to boost your writing skills, essays will be efficient. For deepening your knowledge and expertise on the topic, composing a research paper will be a much more sufficient challenge.

Key Takeaways

Research papers and essays are both the most widespread text types in academic writing. They stand out with unique requirements for their length, purpose, objectivity, structure, methodology, and timeframe — it would be a mistake to say that essays are just a shorter form of research paper. With this introductory guide, it will be easier to complete the target assignment and not lose points for its wrong interpretation.

No matter what, choose the topic that sparkles interest and curiosity flares. It will simplify your preparation and research, letting you compose a text that engages readers from its title to the last dot.

About the Author  Kyrie Mattos


Essay vs Research Paper: Understanding the Key Differences and Similarities

In academic writing, distinguishing between an essay and a research paper is crucial for students and scholars. While both serve as means of expressing ideas and presenting arguments, they possess distinct characteristics that set them apart. This essay aims to elucidate the disparities and commonalities between essays and research papers, shedding light on their respective purposes, structures, and methodologies.

What is an Essay?

What is an Essay

An essay is a concise piece of writing that presents the author’s perspective on a particular topic or issue. Its primary purpose is to inform, persuade, or entertain the reader, depending on the type of essay. Common types of essays include:

Argumentative Essay :  

This type of essay presents a central argument or claim supported by evidence and reasoning. For instance, an essay advocating for stricter gun control laws would present arguments supported by statistics, expert opinions, and logical reasoning.

Descriptive Essay :  

Descriptive essays aim to vividly depict a person, place, object, or event through sensory details and vivid language. For example, a descriptive essay about a childhood memory might evoke nostalgia through sensory descriptions.

Narrative Essay :  

Narrative essays recount personal experiences or tell a story, often with a central theme or moral. These essays engage readers through storytelling techniques and may include dialogue, characters, and a plot.

Expository Essay :  

Expository essays provide a balanced topic analysis, presenting facts, statistics, and examples without personal bias. They aim to educate the reader on a subject, such as explaining the process of photosynthesis or discussing the impact of climate change.

What is a Research Paper?

What is a Research Paper

A research paper is a comprehensive and systematic exploration of a specific topic supported by scholarly sources and original research findings. Unlike essays, research papers require in-depth investigation, analysis, and interpretation of data. The process of writing a research paper typically involves:


Conducting extensive research to gather relevant information from credible sources, including books, scholarly articles, and reputable websites.

Critically evaluate and synthesise the collected data to develop a coherent argument or thesis statement.

Presenting Findings:

Organizing the research paper into sections such as introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.

Common types of research papers include:

Analytical Research Paper:

Analytical research papers examine a topic by breaking it down into its constituent parts and analyzing them to gain a deeper understanding. These papers may involve comparing and contrasting different perspectives or theories.

Argumentative Research Paper:

Argumentative research papers present a thesis statement or claim and provide supporting evidence. They aim to persuade readers to adopt a particular viewpoint on an issue or topic.

Experimental Research Paper:

Experimental research papers report the findings of original scientific experiments or studies. They follow a structured format, including an abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion.

Key Differences Between an Essay and a Research Paper: Essay vs Research Paper

StructureTypically consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.Generally, includes sections such as introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.
PurposeTo inform, persuade, or entertain the reader on a specific topic or issue.To present original research findings, analyze data, and contribute to scholarly discourse.
Research RequirementsRelies on existing knowledge and may incorporate some research for supporting arguments.Requires extensive research, including the gathering and analysis of data from scholarly sources and possibly conducting original research.
Writing StyleMay include personal opinions, anecdotes, and expressive language.Emphasizes objectivity, logical reasoning, and citation of sources following a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

Similarities Between an Essay and a Research Paper:

  • Clear Thesis:  Both require a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the central argument or purpose of the paper.
  • Organized Structure:  Both should follow a logical structure with well-defined sections to guide the reader through the argument or research process.
  • Proper Citations:  Both necessitate adequate citation of sources to give credit to the original authors and avoid plagiarism.

How to Write an Essay:

  • Choose a Topic:  Select a topic that interests you and is suitable for the type of essay you intend to write (e.g., argumentative, descriptive).
  • Research:  Gather relevant information and evidence to support your thesis statement.
  • Outline:  Create a clear outline that organizes your ideas and arguments logically.
  • Write the Introduction:  Begin with an engaging introduction that provides background information and presents your thesis statement.
  • Develop Body Paragraphs:  Each body paragraph should focus on a single point or argument supported by evidence and analysis.
  • Craft the Conclusion:  Summarize your main points and restate your thesis, leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

How to Write a Research Paper:

  • Select a Topic:  Choose a research topic that is specific, relevant, and feasible for investigation.
  • Conduct Research:  Gather scholarly sources and conduct thorough research to gather data and information relevant to your topic.
  • Formulate a Thesis:  Develop a concise thesis statement outlining the central argument or research question.
  • Create an Outline:  Organize your research paper into sections such as introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.
  • Write the Introduction:  Introduce the topic, provide background information, and present your thesis statement.
  • Present Findings:  Methodically present your research findings, including analysis and interpretation of data.
  • Discuss Results:  Analyze your findings and discuss their implications, limitations, and potential future research directions.
  • Conclude:  Summarize the key findings, restate the thesis, and suggest avenues for further exploration.

Research paper examples:

Discovering examples of research papers can be a game-changer in understanding the structure, formatting, and content expected in academic writing. Here are a few places where you can find research paper examples:

Academic Journals: 

Many academic journals publish research papers on various topics within their respective fields. Online databases like JSTOR, PubMed, and Google Scholar allow you to search for and access multiple research papers.

University Libraries: 

University libraries often have collections of research papers, theses, and dissertations written by students and faculty members. You can visit your university library or check their online databases for access to research paper examples.

Online Repositories: 

Some universities and research institutions maintain online repositories that archive research papers and publications. These repositories may be accessible to the public or limited to institution members.

Writing Centers: 

Many university writing centres provide resources and examples of academic writing, including research papers. You can visit your university’s writing centre or check their website for guides and examples of research papers.

Professional Organizations: 

Professional organizations in various fields often publish research papers and articles related to their areas of expertise. Visiting the websites of these organizations can provide access to research paper examples and other valuable resources.

When searching for research paper examples, pay attention to the quality of the papers, relevance to your topic, and adherence to academic standards. Analyzing examples can help you identify common elements of research papers, such as the structure, citation style, and language used, which you can incorporate into your writing. You can also consider the   research paper writing services to let them check  research paper writing format s.

Essay Examples:

Finding examples of essays can provide valuable insights into different writing styles, structures, and approaches to various topics. Here are some places where you can find essay examples:

Essay Writing Websites: 

A plethora of websites are dedicated to providing essay examples across a wide range of topics and genres. Websites like EssayPro, UK Essays, and Essay Samples offer access to various essays, including argumentative, descriptive, narrative, and expository.

Academic Databases: 

Online academic databases such as JSTOR, ProQuest, and Google Scholar contain many scholarly articles and essays written by academics and researchers. These databases cover various subjects and disciplines, making them valuable resources for finding essay examples.

University Writing Centers: 

Many university writing centres provide resources and examples of essays to help students improve their writing skills. You can visit your university’s writing centre or check their website for access to essay examples and writing guides.

Literary Magazines and Journals: 

Literary magazines and journals publish essays on various topics, including personal essays, literary analysis, and critical essays. Publications like The New Yorker, The Atlantic, and Harper’s Magazine feature essays by renowned writers and thinkers.

Essay Anthologies: 

Anthologies compile essays by multiple authors on a specific theme or topic. These collections often showcase a diverse range of writing styles and perspectives. You can find essay anthologies in bookstores, libraries, and online retailers.

When exploring essay examples, pay attention to the authors’ structure, language, and argumentation strategies. Analyzing examples can help you identify effective writing techniques and develop your writing skills. Additionally, consider the context in which the essays were written and how they engage with their audience and purpose. Understanding your audience and the purpose of your writing is crucial for producing impactful academic work.


Grasping the nuances between essays and research papers is a key to academic triumph. While essays are about succinctly expressing ideas and arguments, research papers demand thorough investigation and analysis. By adhering to the provided guidelines and comprehending the similarities and differences between these two forms of writing, students and scholars can elevate their writing skills and make significant contributions to their respective fields of study. Whether crafting an essay or a research paper, remember to uphold clarity, coherence, and proper citation practices to effectively communicate your ideas and findings. For expert guidance on perfecting your academic writing, visit  My Essay Writer .

While essays and research papers share the goal of communicating ideas and arguments, they differ in their scope, depth of analysis, and methodology. Understanding the distinctions between these two forms of academic writing is essential for students to engage with scholarly discourse and produce high-quality work effectively.

A: An essay is a concise piece of writing that presents the author’s perspective on a specific topic or issue. At the same time, a research paper is a comprehensive exploration of a topic supported by scholarly sources and original research findings. Essays are often shorter and may incorporate personal opinions, while research papers require extensive research and follow a structured format.

A: The choice between writing an essay and a research paper depends on your assignment’s requirements and the depth of analysis required. Essays are suitable for presenting opinions or exploring topics briefly, while research papers are ideal for conducting in-depth investigations and contributing new insights to scholarly discourse.

A: Common types of essays include argumentative, descriptive, narrative, and expository essays. Depending on the nature of the investigation, research papers can be analytical, argumentative, experimental, or based on other research methodologies.

A: To write an effective essay, start by choosing a topic that interests you and conducting research to gather relevant information and evidence. Develop a clear thesis statement, create an outline to organize your ideas, and craft well-structured body paragraphs supported by evidence. Conclude by summarizing your main points and reinforcing your thesis.

A: Writing a research paper involves several steps, including selecting a research topic, conducting thorough research, formulating a thesis statement, creating an outline, writing the introduction, presenting research findings, discussing results, and concluding. It also requires proper citation of sources and adherence to a specific citation style.

A: Examples of research papers can be found in academic journals, online databases, and university libraries. Many universities also provide access to research paper repositories or archives where students can explore published papers related to their field of study.

A: While essay writing services may offer convenience and assistance with writing assignments, exercising caution and ensuring that the service is reputable and adheres to academic integrity standards is essential. Such services should not replace your efforts in learning and improving your writing skills.

A: The format for writing a research paper typically includes sections such as introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. It’s essential to follow the guidelines provided by your instructor or academic institution and adhere to a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) for citing sources.


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Essay vs. Research Paper: What’s the difference?

Is there actually a difference between a research paper and an essay? For some people, these two terms have so many similarities that they use them interchangeably. However, there are quite a few major differences that must be clarified. Let’s compare the key purpose of research papers and essays, their structure, and writing style.

The definition of essay and research paper

An essay is a creative but short composition on a variety of given topics. Its main purpose is to reveal the proposed topic by bringing a number of arguments written in the form of abstracts supported by personal experience and all sorts of examples.

A research paper is a report on the topic chosen by the author or a description of the content of any article, book, or other scientific work. That is, it’s an author’s research that reveals the essence of a given topic, gives different opinions on the researched issue or problem, reflects on it, and represents the author’s findings and ways to solve the problem.

The key purpose

A research paper is based on an analysis of certain literature sources that the writer used when studying the topic. It consists of the facts indicated in the source. While working on it, the writer cannot make up his or her own facts or distort information from the source with his or her own opinion. The key word in this type of work is “information,” and it can’t be taken from personal experience. It’s collected from all kinds of sources: encyclopedic and educational literature, the Internet, magazines, and so on.

Writing an essay, the author strives to show her or his own attitude towards the problem, argue his/her position, and make the reader believe that this position is right. In this case, there are no restrictions for the writer. After all, the main purpose of the author is to express the attitude to the topic and his or her opinion, not being afraid that someone will doubt it.

Differences in writing style

The essay’s arbitrary composition allows the author to use different techniques to enhance the impact on the reader’s perception, like inversions, antithesis, irony, and other kinds of allegory. Its writing style encourages the author to use assumptions, rhetorical questions, and phraseological units. They add stylistic expressiveness to the text.

The research paper, on the other hand, must have a more restricted structure, with academic style of writing prevailing. The author must follow the formal tone of his or her work, carefully choosing each word to suit the topic. It’s the formal nature of the work that puts certain restrictions on using the same units of speech that are considered acceptable when writing an essay. Instead of convincing the reader, the author needs to answer all the questions raised in the paper.

Structural features

The research paper should meet certain stylistic and structural standards. Its obligatory components include an introduction, main part, methodology, findings, and conclusion. The introductory part contains a reference to the sources used in a paper indicating the name of the authors and the date and place of publication. It’s also here that the writer describes the relevance of the topic. Then the writer specifies ways of structuring the work and explains research methods. In the main part, the author sets out the essence of the problem. In the last two parts, the writer lists the results of the analysis and the options for their application.

The structure of the essay consists of an introduction with explanation of the topic’s relevance, the main part of the work, and the conclusion. Due to the content and form, it has many similarities with a composition, but the author faces a more complicated task: he or she must encourage the reader to reflect on the topic using persuasiveness and writing skills and evoke an emotional response.

These differences should be enough for you to understand why an essay and a research paper are not the same things. Still can’t write a single page? Save your precious time for something that really matters – buying research paper and let our creative team handle it for you!

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Essay Vs Research Paper

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Essay Vs Research Paper

An essay and a research paper are two different types of academic writing assignments that students are often required to complete during their academic careers.

An Essay is a piece of academic writing that typically presents the author’s personal opinion or interpretation on a particular topic. It is a relatively short piece of writing that may be persuasive, descriptive, or informative in nature. Essays may be assigned to students as homework, in-class assignments, or as part of an exam.

Research Paper

A Research Paper , on the other hand, is a type of academic writing that involves conducting research on a particular topic, analyzing and interpreting the findings, and presenting the results in a written format. Research papers are usually longer and more complex than essays, and require a more extensive analysis of the topic. Research papers are often assigned to students as part of a course, such as a research methods course or a capstone project.

Difference Between Essay and Research Paper

Here’s a comparison table that highlights the differences between essays and research papers:

EssayResearch Paper
To present the author’s personal opinion or interpretation on a particular topicTo conduct research on a particular topic, analyze the findings, and present the results
Shorter in length, typically a few pagesLonger in length, typically several pages or more
Minimal research required, if anyExtensive research required
May or may not require sources, depending on the assignmentRequires sources to support arguments and analysis
Flexible in terms of structure and formatFollows a specific format and structure, such as an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and conclusion
Can be creative, persuasive, descriptive, or informativeFollows a formal academic writing style and tone
Writing a personal response to a book or articleConducting a literature review and empirical research on a particular topic

Also see Research Methods

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Major Difference Between Essay and Research Paper


Team Desklib

Published: 2023-02-01


Essay and research papers are different forms of articles that have varying styles and formats. A research paper includes a thorough search of information, facts, and evidence to support the statement of the research paper. However, an essay is a piece of writing that is often written from a personal or limited point of view. Understanding the differences between an essay and a research paper will help one to enhance their writing skills. It will also be useful to write effect essay and research paper as one can easily manage the essay vs research paper encounter.

In this blog post, we will provide you with the major differences between an essay and a research paper .

  • Point of view
  • Need for research
  • Writer’s liberty
  • Structuring rule
  • Methodology

These differences will aid you to differentiate clearly between an essay and a research paper.

  • Length :  Length is one of the most important elements of a piece of writing. One of the key differences between an essay and vs research paper is the length. This is because the length of a research paper is usually long as it includes several chapters. However, in an essay, the length can be altered and is usually shorter than in a research paper. The length makes a research paper more time-consuming as it is multi-page writing. An essay can be finished within less time due to its short length. We suggest that writing a research paper would require a long length so keep adequate time in hand.
  • Point of view:   The point of view of an article is extremely important as it determines the purpose of the writing. In the discussion of essay vs research paper, we can say that the point of view is different in both these writing. In an essay, the students can showcase their personal opinion through the article which needs to be backed by supporting sources. However, in a research paper, the point of view of people on a given topic is analyzed. Generally, a scientist or an organization’s perspective on a topic is considered for writing a research paper. The opinion of people that might be related to the research topic area is also included in writing the research paper.
  • Need for research :  We know that an essay vs research paper has several differences among which, the requirement for research is significant. The need for conducting in-depth research is essential to writing a research paper. Types of research papers may need several kinds of research based on the nature of the research topic. While for an essay in-depth research is not mandatory. This is because in an essay individuals can opine their thoughts which may not require in-depth research. A majority portion of an essay comes from a personal viewpoint which is what makes it different from a research paper. In a research paper, a proper investigation of the research issue is required.
  • Aim :  The aim of an essay vs a research paper is different due to the varying nature of the two writing styles. An essay aims to understand the writing skills and capabilities of the writer. Individuals can practice their writing capabilities by writing an essay as one enjoys the liberty of exploring personal ideas to write an essay. On the other hand, a research paper aims to analyze a matter with depth and evidence. Types of essays can differ in their approach to writing style but their aim remains focused on determining the writer's writing skills. A research paper focuses on findings that shed light on the research issue. We can state that the aim is entirely different between essay and research paper which clearly defines its differences.
  • Knowledge :  Knowledge is important to write any piece article. However, the necessity to know about a topic is a key difference between an essay and vs research paper. This is because writing a research paper requires the individual to gain adequate knowledge and understanding regarding the topic. It is essential to have a proper understanding of the research matter to be able to analyze the findings efficiently. In an essay, the individual does not need to have in-depth knowledge about the essay topic. For instance, one may not be entirely familiar with the topic of the essay which is not an issue to write an essay. In the case of a research paper, individuals need to gather relevant knowledge about the topic. We suggest it is better to have basic information regarding the topic for any writing style, for an essay the need is not mandatory.
  • Writer’s liberty :  Types of research papers show that in research the writer needs to abstain from sharing a personal opinion, whereas, n an essay, one has the liberty to share their personal opinion. Essay vs research paper reflects on the writer’s liberty which is significantly different in both write-ups. Essays can expose the personal preference and view of the writer as that freedom is given to the individual. Although, in the case of writing a research paper strictly staying in line with facts and evidence is advisory. We suggest that during writing a research paper keeping personal views away is highly useful as it would help individuals to make sure that the research paper is efficient.
  • Structuring rule :  We understand that structuring is an important part of a writing piece. In the context of essay vs research, paper structuring becomes a major differentiating point. An essay allows an individual to play around with the structure of the essay. Usually, an introduction, main body, and conclusion are broad sections of an essay. Students have the freedom to experiment with the structure depending on the topic and its nature. A non-negotiable structure must be maintained in a research paper. This is due to the strict structuring rule of a research paper that needs to be abided by the writer. A proper introduction, chapters, and conclusion need to be given in a research paper.
  • Types :  Several types of essays are present such as narrative, descriptive, comparative, academic, philosophical, and argumentative. In all these types of essays, the writer requires to write descriptive typewriting. An essay needs to maintain a narration that has a balanced tone throughout the writing. Types of research papers include argumentative and analytical writing. A research paper involves an analytical approach to writing research. The narration is different in an essay vs research paper which needs to be well maintained by the writer. We know that an essay provides with liberty to be flexible with the structure which is why the narration can be descriptive. However, in a research paper, the content has to be concise and to the point, as it is entirely evidence-based. It is essential to make the writing narrative clear right from the beginning to help the reader easily identify whether it is an essay or a research paper.
  • Format :   The formatting is one of the major differences between essay vs research paper writing. The format of an essay has broader divisions into the introduction, main body, and conclusion. Although, the main body usually needs to have 3 paragraphs which can increase based on the total word count of the essay. While in a research paper, several divisions are mandatory. An introduction, body, and conclusion are also included in the research paper. However, an abstract, acknowledgment, references, and title page are important parts of a research paper. The formatting of a research paper has more divisions than an essay. The writer must maintain the formatting styles properly for an essay as well as a research paper. This is because the format reflects the article type.
  • Methodology :  A methodology is a process that describes the methods and steps used to complete a research. We can say that in an essay vs a research paper, a methodology is a mandatory part of a research paper, unlike an essay. Writing a research paper needs to include a particular chapter on methodology in which the steps discussed in detail that has been used to collect data. In an essay, no such requirement is present as a methodology pattern is not maintained in an essay. An essay has a narrative pattern that does not include methodology. A specific methodology needs to be mentioned in a research paper which is not required in an essay as one specific methodology is not used.

Examples of Research Paper;

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Examples of Reflective Essay; 

  • Reflective Essay On Health Education To Delay Type 2 Diabetes Complication In Adults
  • NURSING 3004 - Reflective Essay On Mental Health- Nursing
  • Essay on Mental Health and Mental Illness
  • Essay on Importance of Mental Health
  • Reflective Essay - Paramedic Emergency Clinical Placement
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Essay
  • ALHLT 3933 - Healthcare Issue - Case study
  • Essay on “The Old Gun” by Mo Yan
  • Essay on Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
  • NURS1018 - Obesity in Australia - Essay

To conclude…

Essay and research papers are two different types of writing. We can conclude that the major differences between essays and research papers include the factors related to aim, structure, and format. The aim and purpose of an essay are entirely different from a research paper. An essay provides certain liberties of sharing the personal opinion and thoughts of the writer in the article. In a research paper, we know that the writer's personal opinion cannot be expressed. A research paper is stricter as it maintains a proper structure, formatting style, and methodology. While an essay is more lenient as it has a descriptive narrative in which individuals can explore their perspectives.

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The Difference between an Essay and a Research Paper

If you don't know the difference between an essay and a research paper, you are not alone. The descriptions of the two types of writing are similar, but there are key differences. Most importantly, the difference is the work involved. If you're preparing to write your first research paper, get comfortable. It's going to take time and a lot of study.

Essay vs. Research Paper

For an essay, the most important viewpoint on the topic being written about is the writer's. After an essay writer does some research on their topic, they will develop a thesis statement and write body paragraphs with topic sentences that relate back to the thesis statement in order to develop their argument. An essay ends with a conclusion that summarizes the writer's point of view on the topic.

For a research paper, the most important viewpoint is that of others who have written on the topic. A research paper presents all the findings and conclusions other researchers have drawn.

The average essay will include approximately five paragraphs: an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

A research paper can get quite lengthy. Unless the topic being discussed is very new and there hasn't been a lot of prior research by other scholars, presenting all of the other conclusions reached on the topic may require many pages of writing.

Doing research for an essay is important and finding outside sources to support your argument may take some time, but research for a good research paper should be comprehensive. In other words, you'll need to know what every other scholar has argued about your topic in order to fully complete a research paper.

Essays have four basic types and structures: expository (presenting the information), descriptive (painting a picture for a reader using words), persuasive (arguing your point of view), and narrative (telling a story).

Research papers come in many different forms, but the most common are compare and contrast, argumentative, analytical, cause and effect, and interpretive. While a persuasive essay and an argumentative research paper use similar tones, a research paper must include as many of the existing arguments as possible for the writer's conclusion to be considered soundly formed.

No matter which type of writing you'll do, it's important to pick a topic that interests you. After all, you're going to be doing a lot of reading and writing about it. You'll just do a lot more reading and writing with a research paper than you will with an essay.

  • Robertson Library

What is the difference between a paper and an essay?

Usually, nothing!

Papers and essays are the same thing. A research paper is a paper or essay that uses information from other sources, such as books and articles.

A paper or essay might also be referred to as an assignment . An assignment is any work you need to do for a course. 

Instructors often use project to describe large assignments. Some projects include writing a paper.

If you are unsure of your assignment or paper requirements, ask your instructor. They are the ones who will be marking your work, so they will know what is needed for a good grade.

If you want to know more about how to write a research paper, you should make an appointment at the Writing Centre .

Differences Between an Essay and a Research Paper

The majority of college students will easily identify an essay by stating that it is always shorter and does not contain those complex analytical elements that are always typical for an average research paper. While it’s true to some extent, the core difference with essay writing is that you have to make your opinion and thoughts clear by supporting it with some evidence . Now the research paper will require not only your opinion but the ideas and thoughts of other people. You must present a clever synthesis of the information to show that you have done your research correctly. Without a doubt, the length will also play an important matter, but will not always be the same for every task!

The Main Differences Between an Essay & Research Paper

Personal opinion vs data synthesis., length and structure., the presence of methodology..

A good research paper always implements a certain methodology or the way how you would like to achieve your scientific objectives. It can be quantitative (numeric data and variables), qualitative (sorted by category), or a mixture of both.

Comparison & Presentation.

The different types of essay writing & research.

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What Is The Difference Between Research Paper and Essay

Defference between research paper and essay

Whether you are a high school or university student, it is essential to realize that academic writing involves the development of essays and research papers. The ability to compose these types of assignments is essential for academic achievement. Unfortunately, an essay and a research paper share many similarities, and the majority of students do not comprehend the differences between the two; thus, they wind up producing a research paper instead of an essay, and vice versa.

It is important to note that an essay and a research paper share qualities, such as the necessity for extensive study, writing abilities, a specified length, the requirement for citations, and the ability to construct a bibliography.

Difference between Research Paper and Essay

What Is An Essay Exactly?

An essay is a sort of academic writing that often consists of less than five paragraphs. Writing an essay, unlike other forms of writing, demands a significant level of imagination as well as exceptional writing abilities. Remember that a high-quality paper must be rationally organized and backed by evidence that can be verified.

A common purpose of an essay is to communicate one’s opinion on a certain issue. Your perspective is formed by how you interpret and utilize external sources. The number of citations utilized in an essay is determined by the length of the paper. For instance, the majority of instructors want at least five references for an essay of 500 words.

Essay writing is one of the most common tasks assigned to high school and college students. It is essential to note that essays are often brief writings (less than one thousand words) whose primary purpose is to allow teachers to evaluate students’ writing, reading, persuasive, and analytical abilities.

Types of Essays

The types of classifications for essays are presented below.

Academic Essays

Typically, academic essays are required at the college and university level. Remember that these papers are based on the information supplied in your coursework as well as external sources. These articles are also longer, ranging from 3000-5000 words in length. Most importantly, these tests are meant to evaluate students’ intelligence.

Descriptive Essays

The purpose of descriptive essays is to stimulate the reader’s senses by describing the characteristics of a certain topic or issue. To produce an excellent descriptive essay, you must use the appropriate devices, such as adjectives, similes, metaphors, etc.

Personal Story Essays

A narrative essay is a factual or fictitious summary of your life experiences intended to enlighten the audience. Typically, narrative essays are written in the first person to enhance the reader’s understanding of the author’s experience.

Narrative essays are written from the author’s perspective and are meant to captivate the reader with the story’s progression. To create an engaging story, you must use correct writing techniques, such as character development, setting, climax, and resolution.

Comparative Essays

A comparison essay contrasts and compares two subjects to demonstrate their similarities and differences. It is essential to keep in mind that a comparison essay is intriguing when two contrasting things, such as apples and mangoes, are compared.

The opening paragraph of a comparison essay has a thesis statement that highlights the two subjects to be contrasted. For instance, “organic bananas may be more expensive than naturally grown bananas, but they are worth the extra expense.”

Comparison essays might be organized according to topics or specific points. It is vital to remember that the order depends on the article’s purpose and readership.

Essays on Philosophy

A philosophical essay employs a logical argument to support or defend a stance. The objective of a philosophical essay is to enable you to effectively express ideas to your audience using appropriate language.

The steps to creating an excellent philosophical essay are as follows.

  • Mention the claim to be shown;
  • Support or offer an argument for the claim;
  • Justify why the argument is acceptable;
  • Demonstrate that the propositions are true;
  • Consider and respond to criticism of your claim; and
  • Summarize the evidence presented.

It is crucial to remember that the topic you choose will determine the quality of your philosophical essay. Consequently, ensure that the topic you select is both engaging and capable of withstanding a complete academic investigation.

What Is A Research Paper Exactly?

The research paper is described as an original piece of writing that contains the study’s findings. “Research” refers to the continual investigation of various methods to justify the central purpose statement or issue under consideration. There are typically two types of research papers: quantitative and qualitative.

For cognitively bright children, the word “research paper” elicits a flutter of excitement. This is not always the case, though. In reality, it is best to think of a research paper as an enlarged essay. In general, the framework of both types of writing is similar; however, you may be required to include a thesis question (which is not typically required for other essay types), conduct extensive research, and provide evidence to support your beliefs. It is possible that you may be expected to incorporate a number of trustworthy sources into your work, which will be listed as references. And, perhaps most importantly, focusing on the informative article will be more enjoyable if you choose a topic that you are interested in researching.

Students are encouraged to do research, but their conclusions must be supported by trustworthy sources. The normal length for a research paper is between 5 and 15 pages. After obtaining all necessary material from several sources, the student’s work will be organized into a framework for their consideration. Teachers regularly set these tasks for pupils in order to teach them how to balance their writing abilities and to encourage structural uniformity and the use of the standard format.

In addition, research papers are frequently used to gain authentic information on a particular topic, after which the student collects evidence during the exploratory phase and summarizes the results by providing a basic analysis or disposition. It is advisable that you seek free research paper samples before writing your own, as this will help you grasp the whole concept.

APA, Chicago, and MLA, to name a few, are citation formats frequently used in research articles. The text has a consistent emphasis and considerable study, and it provides precise information and an understanding of the subject while separating opinions from facts. The paper’s results and conclusions are also effective. Among other names, a research paper is sometimes known as a research project and a term paper.

Types of Research Papers

As a student, it is crucial to comprehend the many types of research papers, as each requires a unique writing strategy. The kind of articles that follow is indicated.

Research Analysis

In an analytical research report, you compile information from the findings of other researchers to draw a conclusion on a certain topic. In this essay, it is preferable to maintain objectivity and avoid expressing positive or negative opinions.

Research Paper With An Argument

In a single text, an argumentative research paper discusses two disputed topics. It is vital to remember that while writing these essays, you should provide information from several scholars to support either side of the topic, but you should favor one side over the other as you attempt to persuade the reader to your position. In addition, this type of research paper has more than one hundred great argumentative topics.

Descriptive Research Paper

A descriptive research paper delivers information without the author’s personal opinion. It is essential to use a range of sources without evaluating the content when writing this piece.

Survey Study Research Paper

A survey involves collecting data from respondents, analyzing the data, and producing a report with the findings.

Experimental Research Paper

In an experimental research paper, you discuss the procedures used in the experiment, evaluate the outcomes, and then write the report.

Comparisons of an Essay and a Research Paper

The main difference between a research paper and an essay is that research papers are often lengthier than essays, which are typically four to five paragraphs long. A research paper is a longer piece of writing than one page. In contrast to research papers, which usually involve an argument for or study of a topic, essays provide responses to questions.

Research papers use information from various sources to support their points, whereas essays depend mostly on the author’s own opinions and experiences.

The purpose of creating a research paper is to conduct and publish a report that contains the author’s unique and exhaustive study on a particular topic. Essays are written with a specific purpose in mind: to analyze previously published content on a specified topic. When writing essays, one may express one’s own opinions on a certain topic.

A research report reveals the author’s in-depth investigation of a certain issue. This is considered “primary literature” in academic circles. There is no original research included in essays, only already published content. The term for this kind of literature is secondary literature.

Data Collection

After the creation of research questions, the acquisition of raw data, and the preparation of research papers, researchers perform studies. The author chooses a topic and provides a summary of previously published material as well as his or her own viewpoint on the subject.

The content of the research paper is based on the analysis and application of past research. The substance of the articles provides an overview and foundational knowledge of the subject.

A research paper describes each part of the investigation, including the hypothesis, literature evaluation, methods, and findings. On a certain topic, essays summarize existing research and perspectives.

? ? ?Word Count

The word count of a research paper may range between 3000 and 12000. The average length of an essay, on the other hand, is between 3000 and 5000 words.

Due to their similarities, an essay and a research report are difficult to differentiate. In order to prevent confusion when writing, it is crucial for students to comprehend these distinctions. Numerous research papers are around eight pages long, and they are often longer than essays. The length of a research paper makes its composition more challenging than that of an essay.

Frequently Asked Questions

How different are essays and research papers.

An extended essay in which you offer your own analysis, viewpoint, or argument is called a research paper. Writing an essay requires using all you know and have thought about the subject.

What are the similarities between an essay and a research report?

There is a lot of overlap between the essay structure and the research paper format. Each has an introductory and concluding paragraph. Each written assignment features a clear thesis statement or research subject at the outset, often toward the end of the introductory paragraph.

To what end does one typically write such a paper?

A research paper’s goal is not only to educate the reader on what others have said about a topic; rather, it is to intelligently give a separate position on the situation at hand by drawing on and engaging the sources. There are two primary types of research papers used for this purpose.

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Types of research papers

difference between research essay and paper

Analytical research paper

Argumentative or persuasive paper, definition paper, compare and contrast paper, cause and effect paper, interpretative paper, experimental research paper, survey research paper, frequently asked questions about the different types of research papers, related articles.

There are multiple different types of research papers. It is important to know which type of research paper is required for your assignment, as each type of research paper requires different preparation. Below is a list of the most common types of research papers.

➡️ Read more:  What is a research paper?

In an analytical research paper you:

  • pose a question
  • collect relevant data from other researchers
  • analyze their different viewpoints

You focus on the findings and conclusions of other researchers and then make a personal conclusion about the topic. It is important to stay neutral and not show your own negative or positive position on the matter.

The argumentative paper presents two sides of a controversial issue in one paper. It is aimed at getting the reader on the side of your point of view.

You should include and cite findings and arguments of different researchers on both sides of the issue, but then favor one side over the other and try to persuade the reader of your side. Your arguments should not be too emotional though, they still need to be supported with logical facts and statistical data.

Tip: Avoid expressing too much emotion in a persuasive paper.

The definition paper solely describes facts or objective arguments without using any personal emotion or opinion of the author. Its only purpose is to provide information. You should include facts from a variety of sources, but leave those facts unanalyzed.

Compare and contrast papers are used to analyze the difference between two:

Make sure to sufficiently describe both sides in the paper, and then move on to comparing and contrasting both thesis and supporting one.

Cause and effect papers are usually the first types of research papers that high school and college students write. They trace probable or expected results from a specific action and answer the main questions "Why?" and "What?", which reflect effects and causes.

In business and education fields, cause and effect papers will help trace a range of results that could arise from a particular action or situation.

An interpretative paper requires you to use knowledge that you have gained from a particular case study, for example a legal situation in law studies. You need to write the paper based on an established theoretical framework and use valid supporting data to back up your statement and conclusion.

This type of research paper basically describes a particular experiment in detail. It is common in fields like:

Experiments are aimed to explain a certain outcome or phenomenon with certain actions. You need to describe your experiment with supporting data and then analyze it sufficiently.

This research paper demands the conduction of a survey that includes asking questions to respondents. The conductor of the survey then collects all the information from the survey and analyzes it to present it in the research paper.

➡️ Ready to start your research paper? Take a look at our guide on how to start a research paper .

In an analytical research paper, you pose a question and then collect relevant data from other researchers to analyze their different viewpoints. You focus on the findings and conclusions of other researchers and then make a personal conclusion about the topic.

The definition paper solely describes facts or objective arguments without using any personal emotion or opinion of the author. Its only purpose is to provide information.

Cause and effect papers are usually the first types of research papers that high school and college students are confronted with. The answer questions like "Why?" and "What?", which reflect effects and causes. In business and education fields, cause and effect papers will help trace a range of results that could arise from a particular action or situation.

This type of research paper describes a particular experiment in detail. It is common in fields like biology, chemistry or physics. Experiments are aimed to explain a certain outcome or phenomenon with certain actions.

difference between research essay and paper

Significant Differences Between Essay and Research Paper


Written by Sunny

Modified & Updated: 02 Aug 2024

Significant Differences Between Essay and Research Paper

Besides essay writing, another popular academic assignment is research paper writing. These two genres of academic writing are at opposite ends as they are inspired by two very different objectives and possess several fundamental differences in structure, design, and content. It is very important for students to be aware of these distinctions between essays and research papers so that they can properly meet the requirements of their coursework.

Purpose and Focus

The main point of an essay is that the writer wishes to express a view, analysis, or argument. As a result, essays tend to be more subjective and allow the writer to express an opinion, interpretation, and insight about the subject. However, with the understanding that you can potentially be accused of plagiarism if you use Chat GPT, discover how to check your essay for plagiarism in this article . An essay revolves around the ability of the writer to develop a coherent argument, drawing on their experiences, observations, and analytical and critical skills.

On the other hand, a research paper is written to examine a topic impartially and critically. Using the data from the grounds of esteemed sources, the writer gathers new knowledge or insights regarding the topic. A research paper is, hence, a study of a topic beyond the borderline known facts to provide a comprehensive discussion of an issue from an academically unbiased perspective. Sometimes, you can also ask experts to do my assignment here. The purpose of writing a research paper is to identify, analyze, and synthesize information from academic sources to arrive at certain conclusions.

Structure and Organization

Essays tend to be informal in structure in comparison with research papers. A typical essay structure could include an opening that frames the writer’s thesis or central idea, which is divided and supported in body paragraphs, and then wrapped up in a conclusion that reiterates the main points of the essay and provides some closure.

Research papers, by contrast, are more formulaic. Below is a major structural difference between essay writing vs research paper writing:

  • Abstract: A brief description of the objectives, research approach, results, and recommendations of the paper.
  • Introduction: Sets the context, states a research question or hypothesis, and lays out the paper to follow.
  • Literature review: Looks at and critically evaluates the state of the current literature concerning the chosen topic.
  • Methodology: Focuses on the processes applied in the study for data collection and the tools used in the data analysis.
  • Results: This part provides an account of what has been achieved and the results of the study.
  • Discussion: Summarizes the findings of the study, relates them to the program or topic under study, and responds to the consequences of the study.
  • Conclusion: Restates the research conclusions, presents the major contributions of the paper, and mentions possible directions for further study.

In this way, the research paper allows researchers to explore a topic in a disciplined manner, explicating the life of the research from inception and presentation of the hypothesis through design, execution, and presentation of results to interpretation and conclusions.

Content and Sources

The essay is largely constructed out of the writer’s ideas, thinking, and interpretation. External texts—e.g., quotes and references—may be used to support a writer’s case, but the essay is essentially a communication with a sense of personal ownership. An essay is not confined by the need to cover all bases in the way that a report is, and the writer’s primary commitment is to the development of one strong point of view.

Research papers, on the other hand, are based primarily on objective evidence—using material from academic journals, books, reports, and other properly scholarly material—and they aim to address and thoroughly investigate the topic. They review the literature and the researcher’s own findings and insights in a rigorous and philosophical fashion. They are expected to engage with that body of scholarly literature, showing, for instance, that a certain gap in knowledge still needs to be filled or that a particular approach to the field still needs to make its way into conventional thought.

Length and Scope

An essay is also much shorter than a research paper. A typical undergraduate essay runs somewhere between 500 and 800 words; assignments are sometimes even a bit shorter or longer than that, but the 500- to 800-word range is pretty common. The relatively short length of essays makes them suitable for exploring something in depth without having to touch upon all the existing points of view on a topic.

In contrast, research papers are typically much longer—often 2,000 to 5,000 words, or even more than that, depending on how one actually writes and what assignment requirements one has. This additional length in the research paper comes with the ability to conduct a more thorough exploration of the research topic, often including a detailed review of the relevant literature, a description of the research methodology, a presentation of the results, and a substantive discussion of the findings and implications.

Formatting and Citation

Another difference between essays and research papers is how they should be formatted. Essays are typically not formatted stringently. This means the writer has more freedom to style their essay according to whatever best fits the assignment at hand. While there are some institutions and classes that will teach general guidelines for essay formatting, such as 12-point, double-spaced, and one-inch margins, the actual composition of an essay is primarily left up to the writer.

In contrast, research papers tend to follow a style guide, such as the American Psychological Association or the Modern Language Association style guides. These are prescriptive guides that dictate the structure, formatting, and content of a document, including what text headings to use, where to place quotations within the text, putting together a reference list, and more. Papers citing research articles all need to adhere to a shared standard of formatting and layout.

Tone and Voice

Essays are often written in the first person, so we tend to hear the writer’s voice and perspective more directly. They tend to be more personal and less formally distant from us—in an essay, we are more likely to encounter the first-person pronoun (e.g., I, me, and my).

Research papers, by contrast, demand a more formal, sober, and impersonal style, with an emphasis on the reportage of findings and evidence rather than on personal recollections of events or the expression of a private response to commentary. Research papers are written mainly in the third person, frozen out of the activity of writing, and attempt to employ a clear, clipped, and unadorned style devoid of personal opinion or fraught with commentary.

Navigate The Demands of Your Coursework Better

Although both essays and research papers are considered academic genres of writing, after reading this essay versus research paper article, you should know that the two genres differ significantly in their purpose, structure, content, length, format, and tone or style. This understanding is important for students if they want to know how to ‘play the game’ with respect to their writing tasks and to develop the tools essential for academic success.

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  • The four main types of essay | Quick guide with examples

The Four Main Types of Essay | Quick Guide with Examples

Published on September 4, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

An essay is a focused piece of writing designed to inform or persuade. There are many different types of essay, but they are often defined in four categories: argumentative, expository, narrative, and descriptive essays.

Argumentative and expository essays are focused on conveying information and making clear points, while narrative and descriptive essays are about exercising creativity and writing in an interesting way. At university level, argumentative essays are the most common type. 

Essay type Skills tested Example prompt
Has the rise of the internet had a positive or negative impact on education?
Explain how the invention of the printing press changed European society in the 15th century.
Write about an experience where you learned something about yourself.
Describe an object that has sentimental value for you.

In high school and college, you will also often have to write textual analysis essays, which test your skills in close reading and interpretation.

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Argumentative essays, expository essays, narrative essays, descriptive essays, textual analysis essays, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about types of essays.

An argumentative essay presents an extended, evidence-based argument. It requires a strong thesis statement —a clearly defined stance on your topic. Your aim is to convince the reader of your thesis using evidence (such as quotations ) and analysis.

Argumentative essays test your ability to research and present your own position on a topic. This is the most common type of essay at college level—most papers you write will involve some kind of argumentation.

The essay is divided into an introduction, body, and conclusion:

  • The introduction provides your topic and thesis statement
  • The body presents your evidence and arguments
  • The conclusion summarizes your argument and emphasizes its importance

The example below is a paragraph from the body of an argumentative essay about the effects of the internet on education. Mouse over it to learn more.

A common frustration for teachers is students’ use of Wikipedia as a source in their writing. Its prevalence among students is not exaggerated; a survey found that the vast majority of the students surveyed used Wikipedia (Head & Eisenberg, 2010). An article in The Guardian stresses a common objection to its use: “a reliance on Wikipedia can discourage students from engaging with genuine academic writing” (Coomer, 2013). Teachers are clearly not mistaken in viewing Wikipedia usage as ubiquitous among their students; but the claim that it discourages engagement with academic sources requires further investigation. This point is treated as self-evident by many teachers, but Wikipedia itself explicitly encourages students to look into other sources. Its articles often provide references to academic publications and include warning notes where citations are missing; the site’s own guidelines for research make clear that it should be used as a starting point, emphasizing that users should always “read the references and check whether they really do support what the article says” (“Wikipedia:Researching with Wikipedia,” 2020). Indeed, for many students, Wikipedia is their first encounter with the concepts of citation and referencing. The use of Wikipedia therefore has a positive side that merits deeper consideration than it often receives.

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An expository essay provides a clear, focused explanation of a topic. It doesn’t require an original argument, just a balanced and well-organized view of the topic.

Expository essays test your familiarity with a topic and your ability to organize and convey information. They are commonly assigned at high school or in exam questions at college level.

The introduction of an expository essay states your topic and provides some general background, the body presents the details, and the conclusion summarizes the information presented.

A typical body paragraph from an expository essay about the invention of the printing press is shown below. Mouse over it to learn more.

The invention of the printing press in 1440 changed this situation dramatically. Johannes Gutenberg, who had worked as a goldsmith, used his knowledge of metals in the design of the press. He made his type from an alloy of lead, tin, and antimony, whose durability allowed for the reliable production of high-quality books. This new technology allowed texts to be reproduced and disseminated on a much larger scale than was previously possible. The Gutenberg Bible appeared in the 1450s, and a large number of printing presses sprang up across the continent in the following decades. Gutenberg’s invention rapidly transformed cultural production in Europe; among other things, it would lead to the Protestant Reformation.

A narrative essay is one that tells a story. This is usually a story about a personal experience you had, but it may also be an imaginative exploration of something you have not experienced.

Narrative essays test your ability to build up a narrative in an engaging, well-structured way. They are much more personal and creative than other kinds of academic writing . Writing a personal statement for an application requires the same skills as a narrative essay.

A narrative essay isn’t strictly divided into introduction, body, and conclusion, but it should still begin by setting up the narrative and finish by expressing the point of the story—what you learned from your experience, or why it made an impression on you.

Mouse over the example below, a short narrative essay responding to the prompt “Write about an experience where you learned something about yourself,” to explore its structure.

Since elementary school, I have always favored subjects like science and math over the humanities. My instinct was always to think of these subjects as more solid and serious than classes like English. If there was no right answer, I thought, why bother? But recently I had an experience that taught me my academic interests are more flexible than I had thought: I took my first philosophy class.

Before I entered the classroom, I was skeptical. I waited outside with the other students and wondered what exactly philosophy would involve—I really had no idea. I imagined something pretty abstract: long, stilted conversations pondering the meaning of life. But what I got was something quite different.

A young man in jeans, Mr. Jones—“but you can call me Rob”—was far from the white-haired, buttoned-up old man I had half-expected. And rather than pulling us into pedantic arguments about obscure philosophical points, Rob engaged us on our level. To talk free will, we looked at our own choices. To talk ethics, we looked at dilemmas we had faced ourselves. By the end of class, I’d discovered that questions with no right answer can turn out to be the most interesting ones.

The experience has taught me to look at things a little more “philosophically”—and not just because it was a philosophy class! I learned that if I let go of my preconceptions, I can actually get a lot out of subjects I was previously dismissive of. The class taught me—in more ways than one—to look at things with an open mind.

A descriptive essay provides a detailed sensory description of something. Like narrative essays, they allow you to be more creative than most academic writing, but they are more tightly focused than narrative essays. You might describe a specific place or object, rather than telling a whole story.

Descriptive essays test your ability to use language creatively, making striking word choices to convey a memorable picture of what you’re describing.

A descriptive essay can be quite loosely structured, though it should usually begin by introducing the object of your description and end by drawing an overall picture of it. The important thing is to use careful word choices and figurative language to create an original description of your object.

Mouse over the example below, a response to the prompt “Describe a place you love to spend time in,” to learn more about descriptive essays.

On Sunday afternoons I like to spend my time in the garden behind my house. The garden is narrow but long, a corridor of green extending from the back of the house, and I sit on a lawn chair at the far end to read and relax. I am in my small peaceful paradise: the shade of the tree, the feel of the grass on my feet, the gentle activity of the fish in the pond beside me.

My cat crosses the garden nimbly and leaps onto the fence to survey it from above. From his perch he can watch over his little kingdom and keep an eye on the neighbours. He does this until the barking of next door’s dog scares him from his post and he bolts for the cat flap to govern from the safety of the kitchen.

With that, I am left alone with the fish, whose whole world is the pond by my feet. The fish explore the pond every day as if for the first time, prodding and inspecting every stone. I sometimes feel the same about sitting here in the garden; I know the place better than anyone, but whenever I return I still feel compelled to pay attention to all its details and novelties—a new bird perched in the tree, the growth of the grass, and the movement of the insects it shelters…

Sitting out in the garden, I feel serene. I feel at home. And yet I always feel there is more to discover. The bounds of my garden may be small, but there is a whole world contained within it, and it is one I will never get tired of inhabiting.

Though every essay type tests your writing skills, some essays also test your ability to read carefully and critically. In a textual analysis essay, you don’t just present information on a topic, but closely analyze a text to explain how it achieves certain effects.

Rhetorical analysis

A rhetorical analysis looks at a persuasive text (e.g. a speech, an essay, a political cartoon) in terms of the rhetorical devices it uses, and evaluates their effectiveness.

The goal is not to state whether you agree with the author’s argument but to look at how they have constructed it.

The introduction of a rhetorical analysis presents the text, some background information, and your thesis statement; the body comprises the analysis itself; and the conclusion wraps up your analysis of the text, emphasizing its relevance to broader concerns.

The example below is from a rhetorical analysis of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech . Mouse over it to learn more.

King’s speech is infused with prophetic language throughout. Even before the famous “dream” part of the speech, King’s language consistently strikes a prophetic tone. He refers to the Lincoln Memorial as a “hallowed spot” and speaks of rising “from the dark and desolate valley of segregation” to “make justice a reality for all of God’s children.” The assumption of this prophetic voice constitutes the text’s strongest ethical appeal; after linking himself with political figures like Lincoln and the Founding Fathers, King’s ethos adopts a distinctly religious tone, recalling Biblical prophets and preachers of change from across history. This adds significant force to his words; standing before an audience of hundreds of thousands, he states not just what the future should be, but what it will be: “The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.” This warning is almost apocalyptic in tone, though it concludes with the positive image of the “bright day of justice.” The power of King’s rhetoric thus stems not only from the pathos of his vision of a brighter future, but from the ethos of the prophetic voice he adopts in expressing this vision.

Literary analysis

A literary analysis essay presents a close reading of a work of literature—e.g. a poem or novel—to explore the choices made by the author and how they help to convey the text’s theme. It is not simply a book report or a review, but an in-depth interpretation of the text.

Literary analysis looks at things like setting, characters, themes, and figurative language. The goal is to closely analyze what the author conveys and how.

The introduction of a literary analysis essay presents the text and background, and provides your thesis statement; the body consists of close readings of the text with quotations and analysis in support of your argument; and the conclusion emphasizes what your approach tells us about the text.

Mouse over the example below, the introduction to a literary analysis essay on Frankenstein , to learn more.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is often read as a crude cautionary tale about the dangers of scientific advancement unrestrained by ethical considerations. In this reading, protagonist Victor Frankenstein is a stable representation of the callous ambition of modern science throughout the novel. This essay, however, argues that far from providing a stable image of the character, Shelley uses shifting narrative perspectives to portray Frankenstein in an increasingly negative light as the novel goes on. While he initially appears to be a naive but sympathetic idealist, after the creature’s narrative Frankenstein begins to resemble—even in his own telling—the thoughtlessly cruel figure the creature represents him as. This essay begins by exploring the positive portrayal of Frankenstein in the first volume, then moves on to the creature’s perception of him, and finally discusses the third volume’s narrative shift toward viewing Frankenstein as the creature views him.

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At high school and in composition classes at university, you’ll often be told to write a specific type of essay , but you might also just be given prompts.

Look for keywords in these prompts that suggest a certain approach: The word “explain” suggests you should write an expository essay , while the word “describe” implies a descriptive essay . An argumentative essay might be prompted with the word “assess” or “argue.”

The vast majority of essays written at university are some sort of argumentative essay . Almost all academic writing involves building up an argument, though other types of essay might be assigned in composition classes.

Essays can present arguments about all kinds of different topics. For example:

  • In a literary analysis essay, you might make an argument for a specific interpretation of a text
  • In a history essay, you might present an argument for the importance of a particular event
  • In a politics essay, you might argue for the validity of a certain political theory

An argumentative essay tends to be a longer essay involving independent research, and aims to make an original argument about a topic. Its thesis statement makes a contentious claim that must be supported in an objective, evidence-based way.

An expository essay also aims to be objective, but it doesn’t have to make an original argument. Rather, it aims to explain something (e.g., a process or idea) in a clear, concise way. Expository essays are often shorter assignments and rely less on research.

The key difference is that a narrative essay is designed to tell a complete story, while a descriptive essay is meant to convey an intense description of a particular place, object, or concept.

Narrative and descriptive essays both allow you to write more personally and creatively than other kinds of essays , and similar writing skills can apply to both.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). The Four Main Types of Essay | Quick Guide with Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 22, 2024, from

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Jack Caulfield

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Is there a difference between an APA essay format and APA research paper?

An APA paper (essay, research paper, or something else) all follow the same rules for formatting . You can read about the formatting rules on the  APA Help  guide (especially the Formatting Guide ).

As for the difference between an Essay and a Research Paper, it depends on what your instructor assigned.

  • A Research Paper will obviously contain research sources with citations.
  • An Essay may or may not contain research, depending on what the assignment indicates. Ask the instructor if an assigned essay should contain research and citations.

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    Experimental research paper. This type of research paper basically describes a particular experiment in detail. It is common in fields like: biology. chemistry. physics. Experiments are aimed to explain a certain outcome or phenomenon with certain actions. You need to describe your experiment with supporting data and then analyze it sufficiently.

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    Length and Scope. An essay is also much shorter than a research paper. A typical undergraduate essay runs somewhere between 500 and 800 words; assignments are sometimes even a bit shorter or longer than that, but the 500- to 800-word range is pretty common. The relatively short length of essays makes them suitable for exploring something in ...

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  22. The Four Main Types of Essay

    Argumentative essays. An argumentative essay presents an extended, evidence-based argument. It requires a strong thesis statement—a clearly defined stance on your topic. Your aim is to convince the reader of your thesis using evidence (such as quotations) and analysis.. Argumentative essays test your ability to research and present your own position on a topic.

  23. Is there a difference between an APA essay format and APA research paper?

    Answer. An APA paper (essay, research paper, or something else) all follow the same rules for formatting. You can read about the formatting rules on the APA Help guide (especially the Formatting Guide ). As for the difference between an Essay and a Research Paper, it depends on what your instructor assigned.