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My Brother Is My Hero Essay

My brother is my hero essay (in 10 lines).

  • My brother is my hero.
  • He has always been there for me.
  • He supports me through the ups and downs of life.
  • He is hardworking and determined.
  • He inspires me to aim higher and work harder.
  • He is kind and compassionate.
  • He volunteers his time and resources to help others.
  • He is a great leader and role model.
  • He has taught me important values like honesty and respect.
  • I am grateful for his presence in my life.

My Brother Is My Hero Essay (300 Words)

Having a hero in one’s life is a great source of inspiration and motivation. My brother is one of the people who has had a significant impact on my life, and he is my hero. He is older than me by a few years, and I have always looked up to him as a role model. In this essay, I will explain why my brother is my hero and how he has influenced my life.

First and foremost, my brother has always been there for me. He has supported me through the ups and downs of life, and I know that I can always count on him. Whenever I face a difficult situation, he is the first person I turn to for advice and guidance. He listens patiently to my problems and offers practical solutions that have helped me overcome many challenges.

Moreover, my brother is an incredibly hardworking and determined person. He has always been passionate about his career and has worked tirelessly to achieve his goals. He has inspired me to be diligent and perseverant in pursuing my own dreams. Seeing his success has motivated me to aim higher and work harder to achieve my goals.

In addition to being a hard worker, my brother is also a kind and compassionate person. He volunteers his time and resources to help others, and he always puts the needs of others before his own. His selflessness has taught me the importance of giving back to society and helping those in need.

Furthermore, my brother is a great leader and a role model to many people. He has a strong moral compass and always does the right thing, even when it is not the easiest or most popular choice. He has taught me to be honest, respectful, and responsible, and I strive to emulate his positive qualities in my own life.

In conclusion, my brother is my hero because he has always been there for me, inspired me to work hard, shown me the importance of giving back to society, and been a positive role model. I am grateful for his presence in my life, and I hope to continue to learn from him and follow in his footsteps.

My Brother Is My Hero Essay (700 Words)


A hero is someone who inspires us, motivates us and brings out the best in us. They are the people who make a significant impact on our lives and leave an indelible mark on our hearts. My brother is one of those people, and he is my hero. He has been a constant source of support and inspiration, and he has influenced my life in many ways. In this essay, I will explain why my brother is my hero and how he has impacted my life.

Always There for Me

My brother has always been there for me, no matter what. He has supported me through the ups and downs of life, and I know that I can always count on him. Whenever I face a difficult situation, he is the first person I turn to for advice and guidance. He listens patiently to my problems and offers practical solutions that have helped me overcome many challenges.

When I was in college, I was struggling to balance my coursework and my part-time job. I was feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, and I didn’t know how to manage my time effectively. I called my brother, and he spent hours talking me through my problems and helping me come up with a plan. He encouraged me to prioritize my responsibilities and showed me how to create a schedule that would allow me to get everything done. Thanks to his guidance, I was able to get back on track and succeed in my studies.

Hardworking and Determined

My brother is an incredibly hardworking and determined person. He has always been passionate about his career and has worked tirelessly to achieve his goals. He has inspired me to be diligent and perseverant in pursuing my own dreams. Seeing his success has motivated me to aim higher and strive for excellence in everything I do.

One example of his determination is when he decided to pursue a master’s degree while working full-time. He had to juggle his job, his studies, and his family responsibilities, but he never gave up. He stayed up late at night studying, woke up early in the morning to go to work, and still found time to spend with his family. He graduated with honors, and I was so proud of him. His work ethic and determination have been a great example for me to follow.

Kind and Generous

My brother is also one of the kindest and most generous people I know. He is always willing to lend a helping hand, whether it’s to a family member or a complete stranger. He volunteers at a local charity and donates a portion of his income to support various causes. He has taught me the importance of giving back to the community and helping those in need.

One of my fondest memories of my brother’s kindness was when he surprised me with a birthday present that he had been saving up for months. He knew that I had been wanting a new laptop, but I couldn’t afford it at the time. He secretly saved up money from his salary and bought me the laptop as a birthday gift. I was so touched by his generosity and love.

In conclusion, my brother is my hero for many reasons. He has always been there for me, supported me, and inspired me to be the best version of myself. His hard work, determination, kindness, and generosity have left a lasting impact on my life. I am grateful to have him as my brother and my hero.

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Essay on My Brother

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Brother in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Brother


My brother is an integral part of my life. His name is John, and he is three years older than me. He is not just a sibling, but also my best friend.

His Personality

John is a kind and caring person. He always helps me with my homework and supports me in my interests. He is also very funny and makes me laugh a lot.

We share many common interests like playing soccer and watching movies. We often have friendly competitions which bring us closer.

In conclusion, my brother is a wonderful person who enriches my life. I am grateful to have him.

250 Words Essay on My Brother

My brother, an indispensable part of my life, has been a constant source of inspiration and motivation. His presence in my life has been instrumental in shaping my character and perspective towards the world.

As a role model, my brother has always demonstrated the importance of perseverance and hard work. His dedication to his career, coupled with his commitment to personal growth, has taught me the value of setting and achieving goals. He has shown me that success is not an accidental occurrence, but a result of consistent effort and determination.

Support System

In times of difficulty, my brother has been my rock, providing emotional support and guidance. His wisdom and empathy have helped me navigate through life’s challenges, teaching me to face adversity with courage and resilience. He has always encouraged me to believe in my abilities and to never give up on my dreams.

Life Lessons

From my brother, I have learned essential life lessons. He has taught me the importance of humility and respect for others, regardless of their status or background. His actions have demonstrated the power of kindness and compassion, inspiring me to strive for these qualities in my own life.

In conclusion, my brother’s influence on my life has been profound. His values, principles, and actions have shaped me into who I am today. His presence has enriched my life, teaching me valuable lessons and providing a model of the person I aspire to become.

500 Words Essay on My Brother

My brother, an integral part of my life, is a person who has greatly influenced my growth and development. Despite the occasional squabbles and disagreements, his role in my life has been pivotal in shaping my personality, values, and understanding of the world.

My Brother, the Mentor

My brother has always been my mentor. His wisdom and guidance have been instrumental in navigating through the complexities of life. He has taught me about the importance of perseverance, resilience, and determination. The way he tackles challenges and overcomes obstacles is a testament to his strength and resilience. He has shown me that it’s not about avoiding difficulties, but about facing them head-on and learning from them.

My Brother, the Friend

Beyond the role of a mentor, my brother has also been a trusted friend. He has been my confidante, my partner in crime, and my most reliable ally. Our shared experiences, from childhood games to adolescent adventures, have fostered a bond that is unbreakable. He has always been there to share in my joys, to offer comfort in times of sorrow, and to provide a listening ear when I needed it most.

My Brother, the Inspirer

My brother is not just a sibling; he is an inspirer. His unwavering dedication towards his goals and his relentless pursuit of excellence have always inspired me. He is a living example of the adage, “Hard work pays off.” His achievements, both academic and personal, are a testament to his commitment and dedication. His success serves as a beacon, guiding me towards my own aspirations.

My Brother, the Role Model

In conclusion, my brother’s influence on my life is immeasurable. His role as a mentor, friend, inspirer, and role model has shaped me into the person I am today. He has enriched my life with his wisdom, companionship, inspiration, and exemplary character. I am grateful for his presence in my life, and I look forward to the continued growth and learning that our relationship will undoubtedly bring in the future.

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My Hero Is My Older Brother

To me a hero is someone I look up to, respect and admire for various reasons. A hero is someone you want to model at least some aspects of yourself after. A hero is first off successful, they will not stop until they have achieved their goals, whatever the goals they have set might be, they will be persistent until they have ultimately gotten what they wanted.

Secondly a hero is very intelligent, they pride themselves on being brilliant. To be considered brilliant, at least in my opinion one must make his or herself knowledgeable in a wide variety of subjects rather than just gaining expertise concerning a single area of anything.

To have such an impact on some ones life that they write about you in their 12th grade English paper entitled My Herol then you must be a very smart person, who always at least seems to know what your talking about.

Another trait I found very important when selecting my hero was confidence.

If you donit exude confidence in yourself, why would you expect anyone else to have confidence in you? This goes back to quality one and two, if you make sure you donit speak about things of which you have no knowledge then you can be confident that you will not make a fool of yourself, hence avoiding costing yourself some of your precious dignity. Also if you know that you will not stop trying for something until you have achieved your goal and you have proven this to yourself at least a few times over you can go into any endeavor with complete confidence in yourself.

my brother is my hero essay

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This, I feel is the most important quality in a person who you look up to, or a hero. The willingness to take chances will be the one thing that can make you as happy and content as you could possibly be, or make you as miserable and unhappy as anyone can imagine, and a hero should be willing to take chances to achieve happiness or whatever it might be that they want at the moment. To Isell yourself shorti is to give up on yourself as a person and my hero would never do such a thing.

My hero is my older brother, he is in his mid-twenties, and is one of the most successful, confident and daring people I know of. I admire my brother so much because he has everything he has ever wanted, and it wasnit handed to him, he went out and did whatever it took to get the things he wanted. He owns 3 of his own business, selling alphanumeric pagers, a Ofirst of its kindi auto body repair shop, and an online business finder, all of which are doing very well. He has a beautiful girlfriend that he never stops impressing, he is my role model, and for the purposes of this paper, he is my hero.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — My Heroes — My Mother is My Hero


My Mother is My Hero

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Words: 610 |

Published: Feb 8, 2022

Words: 610 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Works Cited

  • Johnson, M. (2018). Parental Influence and Role Models in Adolescence. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(7), 1939-1951.
  • Smith, R. (2016). The Importance of Parental Support in Adolescence. Journal of Youth Studies, 19(3), 369-385.
  • Brown, S., & Manning, W. D. (2017). Family Boundary Ambiguity and Parent-Child Relationships: The Mediating Role of Parental Role Fulfillment. Journal of Marriage and Family, 79(2), 613-628.
  • Williams, S. K., & Fredrickson, B. L. (2018). Mother-Child Relationships and Emotional Well-being: Associations of Positive and Negative Affection with Emotion Regulation and Depression. Journal of Family Psychology, 32(7), 909-919.
  • Brooks, J., & Goodall, J. (2019). Teacher-Student Relationships: Adding a Touch of ‘Mothering’ to Effective Teacher Pedagogy. Teaching and Teacher Education, 83, 43-53.
  • Steinberg, L. (2014). The Ten Basic Principles of Good Parenting. Retrieved from
  • Walsh, F. (2016). Family Resilience: A Framework for Clinical Practice. Family Process, 55(4), 550-566.
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness. (n.d.). Understanding Depression. Retrieved from
  • Migraine Research Foundation. (n.d.). Migraine in Children and Teens. Retrieved from
  • (n.d.). Sewing for Beginners: Learn How to Sew with These Basic Lessons. Retrieved from

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my brother is my hero essay

Paragraph on My Elder Brother- by Jenny

my brother is my hero essay


Not many of us are blessed or lucky enough to have an elder brother who is always our pillar of strength and support.

However, I am very fortunate enough to have an elder brother to whom I could turn around for all my needs at any point of time.

A very strong and supportive person, yet very authoritative too, he is. I just love him, no matter what.

My Big B and me:

We are just two siblings and I am the youngest to my parents. Right from my childhood, my brother has always been my Hero and will always continue to be too. I have always looked upon him for all the things that I do. He is so organized, systematic and has great values and I learn all these values from him. Though many at times, we do fight and quarrel, he is the best. One minute we fight like cats and dogs and the next minute we are so much in reunion that I have seen my mom stare at us in surprise!!


We have had big and small fights. Sometime our fights just last for a few minutes, but at other times we literally fight very badly and may take some time to get reunited. Though he is good at all other things, he is very short-tempered and this leads to fights most of the time. But when he is in good mood, we do play a lot many games and he does makes for me so many small toys that I just love and treasure.

These were all that we used to do as kids. As we grew, our bonds got stronger and stronger, and today he is my best pal. A person, in whom I could confide anything that I want to, is my elder brother. Whenever I have a problem, it is my brother to whom I run first for help. He always has a solution to all my problems.

As time passes by, we have been distanced in our journey called life, in search of our life destinations. However, no matter where we are, we know that we are there for each other and distance have never been a boundary, when we need each other. He has always been by my side at every stage of my life and still continues to be.

No matter how old we may grow or how far we may be, he will always be my Big Brother and I would still remain as his one and only little sister. A brother is blessing which makes you sure that, all through your life, you have a strong shoulder to lean on and wide open arms with a tight hug to comfort you , through all your tested times. I love my brother and he is ‘The Best’, anybody could ever dream off.

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Daily Post Nigeria


Bbnaija s9: ‘i’m not in my 50s’ – evicted housemate, chinne clarifies.

my brother is my hero essay

Evicted Big Brother Naija ‘No Loose Guard’ housemate Chinne has addressed the rumours that she’s in her “50s”.

In an interview with Hero Daniels, Chinne clarified that she’s 31-year-old contrary to the speculations.

She noted that some of the housemates, like the Mbadiwe Twins and Rhuthee, are older than her, while she and Chinwe are age mates.

She added that she’s only nine years older than her niece and partner on the show, Nne, 22.

“I’m just 9 years older than my niece, Mbadiwe twins are far far older than I am, Ruthie is a year older and I and Chinwe are age mates, I wonder why people say I’m in my 50s,” Chinne said.

On the pair she is supporting to win the N100 million grand prize, she said, “I’m close to Kellyrae, I didn’t know he was married to Kassia… He always said he was just helping the tiny girl. I hope they win.”

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Guest Essay

After My Brother’s Overdose Death, Misinformed People Added to Our Grief

A watercolor illustration of a hand that’s blue and purple grasping the whitened-out hand of someone else.

By John Woller

Dr. Woller is an internist in Baltimore.

On a crisp December morning in my small Southern hometown, my mother found my brother unresponsive in his bed. She knew she was too late. His body was cold, stiff and blue. Blood had pooled on one side of his face, causing it to swell. After her initial panic and calls to my father and 911, she was alone with my brother. She instinctively did what any mother would do: She covered him with blankets and lay down with him. She wanted to hold her son one more time.

When law enforcement officers arrived, they performed testing to confirm fentanyl overdose was the cause of death. When the test turned positive, they informed my parents that it was unsafe to enter my brother’s room. They instructed my parents to schedule expensive decontamination cleaning and provided contact information for a “bio cleaning” agency that deals with hazardous substances and environments.

The following day at the funeral home, where my brother’s body awaited cremation, my family and I were told that we would not be allowed to be in the same room with him because of the risk of fentanyl exposure and accidental overdose. It was unsafe for us to breathe the air in the room of someone who died “that way,” we were told. A funeral home employee told stories of family members who had lost consciousness after viewing loved ones who had died from fentanyl overdose, and of one family member who overdosed and died after visiting a deceased relative.

I was intent on seeing my brother. And as a physician who cares for patients who use fentanyl, I knew these claims were incorrect. I informed the employees that their policy was based on false information and incomplete anecdotes, and that they are needlessly depriving families of opportunities to see their loved ones. They relented only when we accepted responsibility for any potential exposure.

Spending time with my brother’s body was painful for all of us, but it was important for our grief process. We said goodbye through tears and held my brother’s hand one last time. Most important, it allowed my mother to see him resting peacefully, providing an alternative final image she can carry.

For the past few years, over 70,000 overdose deaths in the United States have involved synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl and its analogues. Most families grieving these deaths won’t have a doctor in the family to dispute misconceptions perpetuated by law enforcement, funeral homes and others. How many American families are being unnecessarily deprived of a somber, sacred moment based on stigma and rumors?

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my brother is my hero essay


The Best of Humanity: Celebrating Positive Contributions by Unsung Heroes

Find below some sample stories celebrating unsung heroes working to effect positive change in their homes, community, or in the world. 

my brother is my hero essay

Mikaila Ulmer: The Young Bee Ambassador

my brother is my hero essay

Kiara Nirghin: Young and Innovative

my brother is my hero essay

Mae Jemison

my brother is my hero essay

Sonia Smith-Kang: Mixed Up Clothing

my brother is my hero essay

Dominique Dawes

my brother is my hero essay

Harry N. Frenchak

my brother is my hero essay

Jackie Robinson

my brother is my hero essay

Kitty Richardson

my brother is my hero essay

Demi Lovato

my brother is my hero essay

Elissa Montanti: Spreading Global Compassion

Middle school essays.

my brother is my hero essay

Paco, My Dyslexic Hero

my brother is my hero essay

Maria Tallchief

my brother is my hero essay

Gabby Douglas

my brother is my hero essay

Kobe Bryant

To find some writing and interviewing tips click here., to submit your essay click on the image below: .

my brother is my hero essay

Organizer created on 8/22/2023 9:15:28 AM by Abigail Richardson

Last edited 8/22/2023 1:53:10 PM by Abigail Richardson

From mud brick home to Olympic podium, Arshad Nadeem is unlikely Pakistani hero

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Athletics - Men's Javelin Throw Victory Ceremony

  • Pakistanis jubilant over first Olympic medal in athletics
  • Arshad Nadeem rose from humble origins, training in fields
  • Brother recalls how they improvised javelins from branches
  • Nadeem says his gold medal is his gift to the nation


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Reporting by Mubasher Bukhari in Lahore and Asif Shahzad in Islamabad; Writing by Asif Shahzad and Gibran Peshimam; Editing by Gareth Jones and Daniel Wallis

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Shahzad is an accomplished media professional, with over two decades of experience. He primarily reports out of Pakistan, Afghanistan regions, with a great interest and an extensive knowledge of Asia. He also reports on politics, economy, finance, business, commodities, Islamist militancy, human rights

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Al Hilal clinched the Saudi Super Cup trophy by coming from a goal down to crush Al Nassr 4-1 on Saturday, with all four of their goals coming in a dominant second half.

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  1. My Brother Is My Hero Essay

    My Brother Is My Hero Essay (300 Words) Having a hero in one's life is a great source of inspiration and motivation. My brother is one of the people who has had a significant impact on my life, and he is my hero. He is older than me by a few years, and I have always looked up to him as a role model. In this essay, I will explain why my ...

  2. Essay on My Brother is My Hero

    High-quality essay on the topic of "My Brother is My Hero" for students in schools and colleges.

  3. My Older Brother: My Hero and Inspiration

    My hero is my older brother Luke I look up to him as he is my older brother and inspires me to help other and to respect and care for others. Luke is a hero for me but is for my whole family and community as he shows love and compassion into it as if was a part of my family. Luke is my chosen hero because of his work ethic and inspiration.

  4. My Brother, My Hero

    My brother left for college three years ago, and ever since that day I have looked at a true role model. Our friendship has strengthened since then and we are best friends.

  5. My Brother

    The hero is not someone known. The hero is the one who leaves in ourselves a big thing, it's trust. Now my hero is my love. And there is one thing I want to tell you: you must have a hero to help you and to talk to you when you have a difficult time that hero will be your hero till death so don't lose him or her.

  6. My Brother, My Hero

    He was her hero long before they lost their other two brothers, but now he is even more so.


    MY HERO essays are Expository - they use evidence to support an idea. This evidence can be actions the hero has taken, the impact the hero has had on others, and the ways the hero has changed the world, and/or the writer. MY HERO value essays that demonstrate not just the subject's heroic qualities, but why those qualities matter to the writer.

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    In conclusion, my brother is a precious gem in my life, a gift that I treasure. He is not just a brother, but a friend, a guide, a hero, a caretaker, and so much more.

  9. Why My Mother Is My Hero: [Essay Example], 516 words

    My Hero Essay Example. Everyone has someone they look up to and want to be just like one day and everyone has a vision of a true hero. My mother is my hero, whom I want to write an essay about. My mom is my favorite person in the world because she is always there when I need her the most and I don't know where I would be today without her.

  10. 100 Words Essay on My Brother

    High-quality essay on the topic of "My Brother" for students in schools and colleges.

  11. My Brother

    My hero is my brother. The reason is that my brother has won many awards in different competition but I want to become like my brother. Basically, I was a normal student compared to other students. My brother helped me and motivated me to do hard work. He told me what to do and what not to do and gave me the right path to success.

  12. My Hero Is My Older Brother Free Essay Example

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  13. My Mother is My Hero: [Essay Example], 610 words GradesFixer

    My Mother is My Hero. Almost everyone has a hero or someone they look up to, some are actors or athletes, but my hero is my Mom. My mom and I have always been very similar so it was never hard for me to see her do something and know I could do it too. She is a very caring and understanding person as well which has just made our bond stronger ...

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    Paragraph on My Elder Brother- by Jenny. Not many of us are blessed or lucky enough to have an elder brother who is always our pillar of strength and support. However, I am very fortunate enough to have an elder brother to whom I could turn around for all my needs at any point of time. A very strong and supportive person, yet very authoritative ...

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  17. My Mom Is My Hero Essay

    My Mom Is My Hero Essay. A hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Most if not every person has their own hero, whether it be a celebrity, a family member, or some random person who you admire. My hero is someone who means the world to me and that is my mom.

  18. A Description of My Brother as My Hero

    My brother who experienced a very difficult period of his life taught me to never give up. His fight to change makes him my hero. My brother was diagnosed with severe clinical depression early in high school. Medication and doctors did little and he was eventually institutionalized. He ende...

  19. Looking up to My Brother as My Hero

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  20. 77 My Hero Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Looking for a good essay, research or speech topic on My Hero? Check our list of 77 interesting My Hero title ideas to write about!

  21. Inspiring My Hero Essay Examples for Students

    Learn about Examples of My Hero Essays from English. Find all the chapters under Middle School, High School and AP College English.

  22. BBNaija S9: 'I'm not in my 50s'

    Evicted Big Brother Naija 'No Loose Guard' housemate Chinne has addressed the rumours that she's in her "50s". In an interview with Hero Daniels, Chinne clarified that she's 31-year ...

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    My Brother Chris: My Hero Essay | MY HERO. Watch our short introduction video for more information. First African American woman astronaut: "I always knew I would go to space." At just 16-years-old Kiara Nirghin took the worldwide struggle of drought and created a way for agriculture to thrive despite lack of water.

  24. Opinion

    Guest Essay. After My Brother's Overdose Death, Misinformed People Added to Our Grief. Aug. 4, 2024. ... Spending time with my brother's body was painful for all of us, but it was important ...

  25. Examples of MY HERO Essays

    Find samples of essays written for MY HERO about the Best of Humanity: Celebrating Positive Contributions by Unsung Heroes

  26. From mud brick home to Olympic podium, Arshad Nadeem is unlikely

    "My two younger brothers and me abandoned our passion and started jobs to support the family," he added. However, Nadeem's decision to stick with his passion seems set to change the family's fortunes.