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6 Great Teaching Personal Statement Examples (How to Write)

Personal statements are used for different purposes, but their primary function is to convey the story of who you are and why you are apt for a job position. This guide will help you create the best statement for a teaching job so you stand out from the others.

Personal Statement

A personal statement allows an academic institution, an organization, a workplace, or a potential client to know more about you. The statement will be slightly different, but each one should highlight why you are the right candidate for the program or the position. You should also use past experiences and accomplishments to support the statement.

There is a fundamental difference between a personal statement and a cover letter , as the former is written casually and informally, while the cover letter is a formal document. 

Perfect Examples

Sample Letter of Introduction for College Teacher 01

Writing it for Teaching Job

Begin the statement by researching the institution that will read it. Read the organization’s mission statement , history, and recent news or bulletins to determine their value in a student or potential employee.

Write for a specific job

Each institution and organization will seek content specific to its mission and objectives. Do not send the same statement to several institutions and personalize each one you write.

For example, if you apply to a college that emphasizes community service and involvement, you will need to highlight your service work in that statement. However, another school may value academics more for that school and your grades.

Describe the education and experience

While you should not include a complete list of accomplishments in your statement, some of the most important ones are worth mentioning. Writing a list of your actions will help you remember each one and determine which ones to include.

The following are some formal accomplishments you can consist of:

  • Academic degrees and certificates
  • Scholarships, internships, and grants
  • Awards or distinctions from academic institutions (departmental distinctions and list of honors.)
  • Promotions, reviews, and workplace evaluations
  • Speak at a conference, convention, or workshop
  • Published works in the field of specialization
  • Official recognition for community service or contributions

Show your passion

Remember, you have to impress. Start by saying how excited you were about this position and how happy you would work for this institution. Your first sentence should emphasize your passion for this job, your interest in the institution, and perhaps emphasize why you want this job. Write a list of experiences and turning points in your life that led you to develop your current career or academic interests.

The following are some questions worth asking yourself:

  • When did you start showing interest in the field of your choice?
  • What do you like the most about teaching?
  • Why do you think a teaching position is important?
  • What experiences have you had that helped you develop expertise in teaching?
  • Have you missed other dreams or expectations to focus on this position?

Some institutions may ask some questions. Write your text in a way that answers these questions. These are usually questions to know a little about you, your reasons for choosing the program, and what you can add if you teach at the institution.

Put emphasis on your value

When talking about you , talk about your projects, interests, and experiences that helped you grow as a human being. Remember to name even failures (if any) if you have added some exciting learning.

What can you add to the program? Think about what they might have from you: your skills on the subject, recognized research you have developed in the field, your experiences, and acquired knowledge to enrich the program. What is good offers the institution without extolling pride or excess vanity.

Typically, you will only have 1 or 2 pages to include all the information in return. Outlining it before writing it will ensure that you include the most salient points in the limited space. Try to pick 2 or 4 critical issues to have. Prioritize the purpose of the statement in the outline.

Address the job that the institution or organization has specifically mentioned. If there is a topic that the reader demands to see, please include it in the statement.

Show your personality

The opening paragraph should grab the recruiter’s attention. A strong introductory paragraph will present the thesis or the topic of the statement , and at the same time, create a narrative sense as if you were giving a story. Use an anecdote to hook recruiters with your personality. Avoid starting with common phrases or clichés like “The most important moment of my life was when.”

A better way to present that “important moment” would be to start simply by describing it in an informal and personal way. Provide as much detail as possible in the first paragraph. Present the main idea of ​​the statement and explain how it connects to the narrative. However, save any elaborate details or related notes and experiences for the body of your essay.

One of the best ways to avoid sounding like everyone else in your statement is to omit some of the most used phrases. For example, don’t say that you are a “hard worker” or that you “go above and beyond.” Try to find unique ways to explain who you are. One way to do this is to focus on particular examples: show them who you are, rather than tell them.

Use this Checklist

Before the final submission of the statement for the teaching job, it is necessary to polish the statement to maximize your chances of getting selected. Use this checklist to help you with the process:

Many individuals just spend a few minutes proofreading, trying to spot some obvious mistakes that surface on the page. But particularly after you’ve worked long, a simple and cursory reading typically misses a great deal. Acting with a definite strategy that encourages you to consistently look for forms of mistakes is easier.  The ideal is to wait some time after writing to do the review because if you do it right away, some errors under your nose may go unnoticed.

Edit and draft

As soon as you complete your first draft, editing is something you start doing. For starters, you reread your draft to see if the document is well-organized, the transitions between paragraphs are seamless, and the proof supports your point. It is possible to edit on many levels.


Does each paragraph have a simple sentence about the topic? Does one key definition stick to each paragraph? Are there any sentences in any of the paragraphs that are irrelevant or missing? Don’t forget to use short sentences and short paragraphs. Large blocks of text impair the understanding of the message where a line of reasoning begins and ends.

Spelling and grammar

A text full of misspellings can wipe out all the authority that you have struggled so hard to build, so review all the content you produce, not just to find errors but to see if it fits the standards mentioned above.

Once you are satisfied with the content, review it once to correct necessary spelling and grammar errors. Then, put the statement aside for 3-4 days and look at it again with fresh eyes. You may come across some mistakes that you missed during the first reading. Once you have resolved these issues, your statement is ready for you to submit.

Prove your writing skills

In the personal statement , you will have the opportunity to express yourself more fluently and show the reader your writing skills and your commitment to describing yourself. Remember to use a captivating and persuasive style, use keywords related to the position and the sector, and communicate enthusiasm.

Keep a positive tone

Write in an optimistic and confident tone, even if you tackle difficult topics. The statement should show how you will address problems and create solutions, and the style should reflect this. Avoid vague or weak phrases like “I’m not sure, but I think I would be a good candidate for the show.” Even when discussing the challenges or difficulties you have faced, focus on the triumphs rather than the problems.

Expand the statement if it is too short

The first draft can be as long or as short as you need it to be, but many institutions or organizations have a word or page limit for statements. If yours is not long enough, then you have space to add more additional information. When expanding your statement, look for ways to detail the information you already have. Include more specific details to create a complete description. Alternatively, you can make another point that contributes to the overall purpose of the statement.

If your statement has a short, full-page paragraph but contains all the relevant information, you do not have to expand it.

Shorten the statement if it is too long

When narrowing down the statement, check it for any parts that do not directly address the point. You should also remove any points that only serve to provide background information. You can also consider reducing the number of main points if any do not seem especially significant. Unlike a short statement, a lengthy statement cannot stay that way. Many job programs will not allow you to press the submit button until the return is of the proper length. That means if it is too long, you will have to shorten it.

Read it aloud

Reading the document out loud will give you a more accurate idea of ​​how it sounds. As you read, listen for mistakes or unclear phrases. You should also notice if there are sentences that seem out of place or inappropriate. When you hear the statement, ask yourself if it sounds like your natural voice. If you were to describe these things in person, would the way you speak sound like what you have written?

Tips for a Strong Statement

That you will get the job will depend much more on you, but we can give you some tips that will help in your approval process in the selection:

  • Do not be wordy; it is not the number of words that will guarantee your approval; on the contrary, the limit of words usually imposed is to avoid this.
  • The clearer and more objective, even if you emphasize some detail, the better your text will be. Find that balance.
  • If you have difficulties with this, train, ask for help. But do not make that mistake.
  •  Never lie! Even if your resume is not extensive, trust and bet on your qualities and your talent; focus on that. Don’t you think your information will be verified for accuracy? Yes, they will be. So, be sincere and do not overdo it. Believe in your potential and bet on it.

The focus should be on you, your work, and what you will have to share with the institution.

  • One of the best ways to avoid sounding like everyone else in your statement is to omit some of the most used phrases in cover letters. For example, don’t say that you are a “hard worker” or that you “go above and beyond”. Try to find unique ways to explain who you are. One way to do this is to focus on particular examples: show them who you are rather than tell them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Generally, 500-550 words are allowed in a personal statement.

It is not necessary to include it on a CV unless it is required.

Yes, you can talk about hobbies if they complement the application.

A personal statement gives a chance to highlight your story, experiences, and struggles. If written properly, it can be a real difference in getting a teaching position.

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Christopher Taylor

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Writing a Personal Statement

how to start a personal statement for a teaching job

Going for your first NQT post can be a daunting prospect... especially when in teaching, you need to write a personal statement to support your application form.

Schools use your personal statement to help short list candidates for a position by checking off the criteria of the person specification that they can see in your statement. It is always a good idea to write your personal statement alongside the person specification, ensuring that you have included all the "essential" criteria and as much of the "desirable" criteria you can that are assessed through the application.

Where possible, you should also use the language of the school you are applying to - their vision, values, mission and ethos statements will help you here and should be available on the school's website. You will also sometimes find these in the application pack. Read this carefully and then read it again, reading between the lines of what they might be looking for.

Here is an example of the structure of a personal statement for a trainee teacher applying for their first NQT job:

Begin with an impact statement that summarises your philosophy on teaching or that refers to the mission/vision/values/ethos of the school you are applying to:

I believe that it is, as Einstein said, the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. As a passionate teacher, dedicated to ensuring the very best outcomes for all students I teach, this statement resonates with me as I endeavour to awaken joy in all of the learners within my classroom. It was your belief all young people have the right to a transformational educational experience, that will enable them, no matter what their starting point, to fulfil their potential and realise their ambitions that first attracted me to your school as it aligns with my own personal and professional philosophy on education.

Throughout my practice, I constantly encourage pupils to participate and contribute in an atmosphere highly conducive to learning. I have consistently set high expectations of pupils in different training contexts. There are high levels of mutual respect between me and pupils. I am very effective in promoting learners’ resilience, confidence and independence when tackling challenging activities. In my lesson, I generate high levels of enthusiasm, participation and commitment to learning.

Back this up with an example from your training.

I have also assumed a high level of responsibility for the attainment progress and outcomes of the pupils I have taught. I have demonstrated confident judgement in planning for pupil progression both within individual lessons and over time and I am able to articulate a clear and well-justified rationale as to how I am building on prior achievement. Within my lessons, I seek to actively promote engaging and effective methods that support pupils in reflecting on their learning. I have demonstrated that I am able to set appropriately challenging tasks, drawing on a sound knowledge of the pupils’ prior attainment, which has been obtained through systematic and accurate assessment. I regularly create opportunities for independent and autonomous learning. As a result the majority of pupils make very good progress.

In order to plan effective lessons, I draw on my in-depth subject and curriculum knowledge of [your subject or phase] to plan confidently for progression and to stimulate and capture pupils’ interest. Throughout my training, I have demonstrated very well-developed pedagogical subject knowledge, by anticipating common errors and misconceptions in my planning. I am astutely aware of my own development needs in relation to extending and updating my subject, curriculum and pedagogical knowledge in my early career and have been proactive in developing these effectively during my training. I always model very high standards of written and spoken communication in all professional activities. I also successfully identify and exploit opportunities to develop learners’ skills, in communication, reading and writing.

I plan lessons that often use well-chosen, imaginative and creative strategies, and that match individuals’ needs and interests. I am highly reflective in critically evaluating my practice. I am able to accurately judge the impact of my practice on individual and groups of learners and can use my evaluation to inform future planning, teaching and learning. During my training, I have shown initiative in contributing to curriculum planning and developing and producing effective learning resources in my placement settings.

I have been able to quickly and accurately discern my learners’ strengths and needs and I have been proactive in differentiating and employing a range of effective intervention strategies to secure progression for individuals and groups. I have an astute understanding of how effective different teaching approaches are in relation to impact on learning and engagement of learners

I can confidently and accurately assess pupils’ attainment against national benchmarks. I use a range of assessment strategies very effectively in my day-to-day practice to monitor progress and to inform future planning. In my practice, I systematically and effectively check learners’ understanding throughout lessons, anticipating where intervention may be needed and do so with notable impact on the quality of learning. I have shown that I am able to assess learners’ progress regularly and work with them to accurately target further improvement and secure rapid progress.

I have been able to rapidly adapt to the different circumstances in which I have trained, working confidently within the frameworks established in different settings and applying rules and routines consistently and fairly. I have also demonstrated an ability to adapt to remote working and remote delivery in response to the Global Pandemic. I consistently have high expectations and understand a range of strategies that experienced teachers use to promote positive behaviour and apply these very effectively, including use of school sanctions and rewards, and use of praise, in order to create an environment highly supportive of learning. I am able to manage pupil behaviour with ease so that learners display very high levels of engagement, courtesy, collaboration and co-operation. Where it is needed, I actively seek additional support in addressing the needs of pupils where significantly challenging behaviour is demonstrated.

During my training, I have been proactive in seeking out opportunities to contribute in a significant way to the wider life and ethos of the school. I have built strong professional relationships and have demonstrated that I am able to work collaboratively with colleagues on a regular basis. I have taken responsibility for deploying support staff in my lessons and for seeking advice from relevant professionals in relation to pupils with individual needs. I deliberately seek out opportunities to develop my own professional learning and respond positively to all the feedback I receive. I have also demonstrated that I can communicate very effectively, both verbally and in writing, with parents and carers in relation to pupils’ achievements and well-being when required to do so formally, but I am also proactive in communicating in relation to individual pupils’ emergent needs.

I always treat pupils with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect, and at all times observing proper boundaries appropriate to a teacher's professional position. I realise the need to safeguard pupils' well-being, in accordance with statutory provisions. I show tolerance of and respect for the rights of others. I do not undermine fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. I always ensure that personal beliefs are not expressed in ways which exploit pupils' vulnerability or might lead them to break the law. I am always punctual and have good attendance. I have attended numerous CPD sessions and will continue to do so. I have also completed a weekly duty (before school and at break} and attends daily briefings (whole school, subject or pastoral). I have taken on board the policies of the school and maintain a high standard in all my practices. I have a good understanding of the framework within which I work and my professional duties

End with a statement that implies/assumes you will be invited for interview:

I would relish the opportunity to work at your school and look forward to discussing this further with you at interview.

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Writing a teaching personal statement

Crafting a Compelling Teaching Personal Statement

Your teaching personal statement needs to give an insight into your personality, teaching style & unique qualities only you hold. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of writing a compelling teaching personal statement.

The best personal statements are more than just a list of experiences and achievements. A personal statement which tells a compelling story will always compel the reader to want to find out more. If you keep your philosophy as the central theme and ensure that you use examples of practice which link back to that, it will ensure that your personal statement is a coherent and interesting piece of writing.

What Inspired You:

Begin by reflecting on what motivated you to become a teacher. Headteachers want to understand your background, inspiration, the reason you trained as a teacher and why you want to teach your specialism. Highlight your passion for teaching and your genuine desire to make a positive impact on students’ lives.

Showcase Key Achievements:

Highlight your career achievements, qualifications and teaching milestones that you’re most proud of. Demonstrate your ability to drive student progress and results through concrete examples throughout your teaching personal statement. If you’re an early career teacher, discuss your teaching placements, voluntary work, or even include any quotes from observation reports.

Showcase Teaching Skills:

Demonstrate your teaching skills by providing specific examples. Discuss successful teaching strategies you’ve employed, innovative lesson plans you’ve created, or how you’ve adapted to meet the needs of diverse learners. Highlight any extracurricular involvement, such as coaching sports teams or leading clubs, which showcases your dedication to students’ holistic development.

Keep It Concise and Well-Structured:

Teaching personal statements should be clear, concise, and well-structured. Aim for a maximum of 500-600 words. Use headings or bullet points to organize your content. Start with a captivating opening paragraph and conclude with a strong summary of your qualifications and enthusiasm for teaching.

Proofread and Edit:

Thoroughly proofread your teaching personal statement to eliminate grammatical errors, typos, or awkward phrasing. Consider seeking feedback from mentors, colleagues, or friends to ensure clarity and impact. Editing is crucial to present yourself as a professional and detail-oriented teacher.

Show Enthusiasm:

Infuse your teaching personal statement with enthusiasm and optimism. Convey your passion for teaching, showcase your qualifications, and demonstrate your commitment to fostering student growth. A positive and enthusiastic tone can be infectious and leave a lasting impression.

To conclude, your teaching personal statement is your chance to shine as a teacher. Get personal. Write about what makes YOU in the classroom.

For further support and tips, please reach out to Gemma Yates.

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Free Examples of Effective Teaching Personal Statement

Table of Contents

The personal statement is an important part of the teaching application process. It allows you to provide information about yourself that doesn’t appear in your resume or transcripts.

When writing your personal statement, be sure to focus on the qualities that make you a good teacher. Before giving you  examples of personal statements for teaching jobs , we have a few tips to help you.

Important Tips for Writing a Personal Statement for a Teaching Job

When creating your personal statement , it’s important to remember why you want to become a teacher. We dive further into this and more in this section of the article.

Start With Why You Chose Teaching As a Profession

What do you love about teaching? What drives you? Define what makes a great teacher for you and explain how your experiences have prepared you for this career.

Be specific and honest in describing both your strengths and weaknesses as they relate to teaching. Ultimately, the goal is for the recruiter to understand why you’re the best choice for the job.

Explain How You Have Developed This Passion

Your statement should explain how you developed your passion for teaching. Choosing teaching as a profession isn’t enough. How did you nurture this passion?

Describe Any Experience You Have Had Working With Students

You need to describe your previous experience working with students. Doing this helps demonstrate your ability to handle students and work in a school environment.

Highlight Your Strengths and Skills As They Relate to Teaching

Don’t be shy to highlight your teaching strengths and skills. You’re competing with others for the job. Only qualified candidates with skills related to the job get interviewed. Highlight any experience or qualifications that are relevant to the role.

Tailor the Statement to the Job Description

Like any job opening, be sure to read the job description. This helps ensure you tailor your personal statement specifically for the position you’re applying for . 

It is unbecoming for a teacher to submit a statement full of errors. Proofread and edit your statement carefully before submitting it.

Examples of Personal Statements for Teaching Jobs

man and woman sitting on chairs

We have some of the best examples of personal statements for teaching jobs for you. Read through to see what your personal statement should look like.

Teaching has been a lifelong passion of mine. I began working with children as soon as I was old enough to volunteer in my local Sunday school program. Since then, I have continued to work with students of all ages in many different settings, including public schools, after-school programs and summer camps. My experience has taught me that nothing is more rewarding than helping young people learn and grow. 

I am confident that my skills and passion for teaching would make me an excellent educator. In addition to having classroom experience, I possess strong organizational and communication skills, which are essential for successfully managing a classroom environment.

Above all, however, what makes me an ideal teacher is my dedication to the success of each individual student. Every child deserves the opportunity to find their own unique strengths and passions. It is my goal as a teacher always be there to help them discover these things within themselves.

I am a compassionate and dedicated teacher with years of experience in the field. Above all, I believe that teaching is not simply a profession. Rather, it is a calling that allows me to share my knowledge and help others learn and grow. 

My approach is student-centered. I adapt my instruction to meet their unique needs while fostering an environment where they can feel comfortable taking risks and making mistakes. In addition to having strong classroom management skills, I have a proven track record of developing engaging curricula tailored for students at different levels. Ultimately, I view teaching as an opportunity not only to impart important academic knowledge but instill lifelong values such as curiosity, resilience, and compassion.

It’s always nerve-racking to go through the application process for a teaching job. If you put some thought into it, it becomes easier. Focus on what’s important: the skills, strengths, and experience that make you right for the job. 

Free Examples of Effective Teaching Personal Statement

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Teaching personal statement examples

Giving you the chance to show why you'd be a great teacher, your personal statement is an important part of your application and worth taking the time over

What is a teaching personal statement?

Your personal statement is used to explain why you want to become a teacher and your suitability for the role. While your application form briefly outlines your qualifications, skills and work experience, your teaching personal statement is where your personality shines through.

Take your time with it. Many candidates often spend a few weeks on this part of the application as you don't have to write it all at once. You should get someone to read over it and be prepared to receive constructive feedback and write a few drafts before you send it off.

It's important to:

  • use examples based on your recent teaching experience
  • tailor your personal statement according to the school/age group
  • use good, clear, written English, using first person terms such as 'my' and 'I'
  • be original and honest
  • avoid clichés and general statements, such as 'I've always wanted to teach'
  • demonstrate a passion for teaching.

While it's crucial to get it right, your teaching personal statement is only a small part of the application process. Find out how else you'll need to prepare to  get a teaching job .

How to write a personal statement for teaching

Your personal statement should be between 500 and 1,000 words. It's crucial that you  don't copy  and that the statement you provide is  your own work .

This is your opportunity to:

  • write about any relevant skills and experience you have
  • explain your understanding of why teaching is important
  • detail why you want to become a teacher
  • list any extra skills or experience you have, such as volunteering or first aid.

See  personal statements for postgraduate applications  for more guidance.

The nature of your personal statement will vary, depending on the type of teaching you'd like to pursue. Take a look at some of our example personal statements to get an idea of how they differ.

Personal statement for PGCE primary

As well as focusing on roles in which you've gained experience with primary-age children, a PGCE primary personal statement should demonstrate your well-rounded personality and any skills that could be useful for the range of extra-curricular activities primary schools provide (such as the ability to read music for recorder lessons, or drama experience to help with school plays).

Personal statement for PGCE secondary

Many good PGCE secondary personal statements acknowledge the challenges involved in teaching older pupils and provide examples of where the candidate has worked to overcome these problems. As secondary teaching roles are geared towards teaching a specific subject, training providers are looking for more evidence of your subject and degree knowledge.

Personal statement for School Direct

If you're applying for the salaried School Direct route, you should discuss the experience you've gained in the classroom prior to your application. One of your references will need to be from an employer, or someone who can comment on your work ethic and suitability for teaching. Don't worry if your degree is unrelated to the subject you'd like to teach - you may still be able to apply by completing a subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) course .

Find out more

  • Discover how to structure a teaching CV .
  • Find out what it's really like to be a primary or secondary school teacher .
  • Search postgraduate courses in teaching .

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How to write a teacher personal statement

A teacher talking to students while they're working.

Your personal statement is your first opportunity to show the school you’re a great fit for the job, and gets you closer to being shortlisted for an interview. The more you show how your skills and interests match the school’s ethos and values, the better. We’ve spoken to a range of teachers to get their top tips for success.

What experience do you have?

Schools want to hear about your trainee experience with different subjects, key stages, types of school, and working with a range of pupils.

Think about your approach to teaching, how you keep pupils engaged, and how you communicate with different kinds of people (children, staff, parents and carers). Ensure you provide evidence for how you have improved student engagement and built positive relationships with pupils.

Schools will be interested in your approach to behaviour management, so think about your go-to strategies.

Are you engaged in teaching theory and research?

Think about any research that has affected your teaching practice. Explain what has worked well and if it didn’t, what you learnt.

Are you up to date on safeguarding statutory guidance?

You need to demonstrate your awareness of the importance of safeguarding and the requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education . Include any examples of how you worked with a Designated Safeguarding Lead.

What are your skills and qualities?

Are you a well-organised, confident, and motivated teacher? Say it, and provide examples! Schools are looking for great communicators, team players and relationship builders. Make sure you say how you create a positive learning environment, and consider skills like time management, organisation, and flexibility. Schools will also want to know how you overcome challenges.

How can you contribute to wider school life?

Set yourself apart by showing how your hobbies and achievements could contribute to the wider school community. Could you run an after school club or organise school trips?

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how to start a personal statement for a teaching job

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Teach.com / Online Education / Education Degrees / Online Master of Arts in Teaching Programs (MAT) / Applying for Your Master’s / How to Write a Personal Statement


Before you start outlining your statement, ask yourself a few questions to get an idea of what you’ll need to include. Jot down each of the following questions and leave some space to answer them.

  • Why do I want to be a teacher?
  • How should I address my academic record?
  • How can my experiences enhance my application?
  • Who is my audience?

Now take a few minutes and come up with some answers to these questions. Don’t spend too much time on this step; just write down your general thoughts. Once you do that, you will be ready to dive in and start writing your personal statement.

The Introduction

Your introduction needs to grab the reader’s attention at once. Remember that they are most likely staring at a pile of applications, and yours will be one of many they’ll read in this sitting. You need to be memorable right from the start. Follow this general form for a solid intro.

  • HOOK:  Grab the admissions officer’s attention with a broad, but strong statement about the teaching profession.
  • LINE:  Write two to three sentences that develop that idea and narrow it down to focus on you.
  • SINKER:  Deliver your thesis. This is where you state specifically why you want to study education at their school.

Begin with a short summary of your educational background. Do not turn this into a resume; just briefly give an overview of your studies in both your major (English, math, etc.) and in your education concentration. If you have any inconsistencies in your academic record, this is where you should address them. Do not give excuses, but if there are reasons why you did poorly in an area, state them here.

The second body paragraph is where you get to tell your story. Why do you want to become a teacher? What inspires you about this profession? What type of teacher do you see yourself becoming? How did your student teaching experience inspire you to continue on this path? Anecdotes are best, but don’t get carried away. Keep it concise and to the point.

Once you have explained who you are and what your professional goals will be, the third body paragraph should explain why you think you are a good fit for that particular school. Hopefully you did some research before applying, and you have some concrete reasons for choosing this college. Tell them your reasons, but don’t go overboard with platitudes. They know what awards they have won and where they rank in the U.S. News college rankings. Be honest and explain what attracted you to their program of study and what you hope to get out of it.

In order to ensure the clarity of your work, each body paragraph should be formatted the same. This way the reader will be able to quickly read without losing track of the point. After the first body paragraph, begin each subsequent paragraph with a transition phrase or sentence, and then provide a clear topic sentence. Support that topic sentence with solid evidence. Finally, provide examples to back up that evidence.

The Conclusion

Conclusions are hard, and they are hard for a reason. Ideally, you have made your case in the body of your personal statement, so you understandably ask yourself, “What else can I say?” Try one of these strategies:

  • Widen the focus a bit and validate your thesis without being redundant.
  • Project where you see yourself in 10 years after completing your degree and becoming a successful teacher.
  • Reaffirm your passion for your subject area.

However you decide to close, do not fall back to your middle school days and simply restate your case in the conclusion. Take some time to craft a closing that will leave them with an overall positive impression.

The Nuts and Bolts of Academic Writing

It is certainly worth noting a few of the technical aspects of writing your personal statement. Many programs will have specific items they want you to cover in your statement. Be sure you have carefully read and then answered their questions. Use a basic font like Times New Roman or Calibri and either a 10- or 12-point font. Always use 1-inch margins and single space your document. The general suggested length is 500 to 1,000 words. Don’t feel like you have to hit the word limit, but don’t only get halfway there either.

More from  Applying for your Masters in Teaching: The Complete Guide

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How to write your personal statement for teacher training.

Gemma Fairclough

28 Sept 2023, 09:24

The information in this article is based on the Apply for Teacher Training service personal statement, with hints and tips that will be useful when completing the form.

Teaching personal statement

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Your personal statement is a crucial part of the application and your chance to stand out from the crowd. You should write between 500 and 1000 words for your personal statement. See two sample personal statements at the end of this article.

Your statement must be concise, enthusiastic and sell your potential to be a successful teacher. It should explain why you want to teach, your suitability to teach that age group, and/or your chosen subject (if you’re applying for secondary teaching). Here are some ideas on what to write about in your personal statement:

  • Your interest in the subject or age group you want to teach.
  • An appraisal of the demands and rewards of teaching, with evidence of your motivation, showing an understanding of teacher training and the role of a teacher.
  • The skills and qualities that would make you an effective teacher, such as communication, teamworking and leadership. You can evidence how you have developed these using examples from your degree and work experience.
  • How you could contribute to a school outside of the classroom, for example, giving details of any specific skills that you have, that could be useful for the range of extracurricular activities the schools provide.
  • Any school work experience you have. You might discuss areas of the national curriculum you observed, age groups you worked with, subjects you covered and types of schools you visited (and for how long).
  • Any other experience working with children or young people, and what you learned from this.
  • Any other activities you have undertaken, such as first aid courses or volunteering, reflecting on how the skills you have gained will help you become an effective teacher.
  • Your thoughts on welfare and education.
  • The subject of your undergraduate degree and/or relevant modules you studied as part of your degree. You could also talk about your A Level subjects, postgraduate qualifications (if applicable), or expertise you’ve gained at work if this is relevant for the subject or age group you want to teach.
  • If you are applying for primary courses, you could mention any specialist knowledge relevant to teaching the range of subjects in the national curriculum.

If you do not currently live in the UK, explain why you want to study in the UK; if relevant, provide evidence (through UK ENIC for example) that your qualifications are at the required standard. Check that your language skills are sufficient to complete the training programme as requirements vary between institutions.

Explain anything not made clear elsewhere on the application, such as reasons for gaps in your education or working life.

Tips for writing and checking your personal statement

  • Remember that you can only write one personal statement for all your choices, so make sure it reflects the route or routes you have applied for.
  • Give yourself enough time to write a few drafts.
  • Write your statement using a word processing programme so you can check it for spelling and grammar errors. Cut and paste it into the application form as you go along to make sure you do not go over your word limit.
  • Keep it simple and natural in style.
  • Personalise your statement by writing in the first person, using 'me', 'I' and 'my'.
  • Use action verbs such as 'coordinated', 'established' and 'managed'.
  • Provide evidence of your motivation, experiences and qualifications as well as your understanding of teacher training and the role of a teacher.
  • As the word count is limited for each section, make sure each sentence contributes something useful.
  • Show your personal statement to a school recruiter, careers adviser or tutor for feedback.
  • Copy your application, particularly the personal statement, before sending it so that you can remind yourself of the content when going for interviews.
  • Make sure the personal statement is all your own work, as all statements are put through the CopyCatch similarity detection system.

Discover our top tips for writing a more refined personal statement by reading how to write a great personal statement for a teaching job .

Note: if you’ve already started to apply before the next application cycle begins in September 2023, you may see two sections for your personal statement instead of just one. This includes a section on “why you want to teach” (maximum 600 words) and “your suitability to teach a subject or age group” (maximum 400 words). If your application is unsuccessful this time and you apply again, the two sections of your personal statement will merge. When this happens, you will be asked to review your statement before applying again.

Primary school teacher training personal statement

Read this example of a personal statement for primary school teacher training.

Secondary school teaching personal statement

Read this example of a personal statement for secondary school teaching.

Next: search graduate jobs, schemes and internships

  • View graduate teaching jobs .

Written by Gemma Fairclough, Manchester Metropolitan University, July 2023

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How to write a teacher training personal statement or Initial Teacher Training application

Teacher training personal statements: the dos and don'ts

An Initial Teacher Training (ITT) or teacher training personal statement is a key part of any initial teacher training application – it's your chance to sell yourself.

Your personal statement gives teacher training providers an opportunity to find out more about you – your motivations for pursuing a career in teaching, your reflections on any school experience you have and the skills, competencies, values and attitudes that you bring to the table. What can you offer teaching? What will make you an outstanding teacher who will inspire, engage and challenge pupils? 

A teacher training personal statement shouldn’t be a list of all your jobs or qualifications – those are set out elsewhere in your application. Nor should it simply be a factual account of what you have observed or what you did in a classroom during your school experience. While it's important to give a brief context of this, it's much more important to explain what you learnt during your time in school; skills you developed and reflections on what you observed or did. Teacher training providers or ITT partnership schools need to see that you have thought about your experience carefully.

It's also worth reiterating how important it is to check your spelling and grammar. You're going to be in charge of educating the next generation – you must have strong written communication skills.

Examples can be a great way of demonstrating what you have learnt

Steer away from overusing general teaching related statements such as “I’ve always wanted to work with children”, especially when writing a primary school teacher training personal statement. Obviously, teacher training providers want to see that you have an interest in working with children but this can be demonstrated through your reflections on what you learnt during any school or similar experience and what you found rewarding about the work.

Examples can be a great way of demonstrating what you have learnt. Think about the skills that  make a good teacher  and give examples of any relevant projects you've worked on or any children you've worked with (always remember to anonymise the people involved). What was challenging about the situation, what did you learn and what were the outcomes you achieved?

By all means draw on skills you've gained elsewhere, maybe in a different career field or in your own education or family life. If you've overcome obstacles or challenges that you believe show your resilience and adaptability, draw on that experience to demonstrate how you would handle the pressurised environment of teaching and working in a school.

Your teacher training personal statement should be coherent and well-structured

If you hold a non-subject specific degree and you know you have some gaps in your subject knowledge, it’s a good idea to mention this in your teaching training personal statement but to also offer the provider a solution. You can demonstrate that you've done some research and you've already considered a solution to this challenge by mentioning that you would like to do a  subject knowledge enhancement  (SKE)  course prior to starting your teacher training to bring your knowledge up to the level you need to teach.

Find out more about about SKE

There are plenty of guides on how to write a personal statement for teacher training which outline the basics, but the most important thing remains your own personal reasons for applying. Be clear about what motivates you. A personal statement that suggests you haven't thought through your reasons for going into teaching will not help your application to succeed. Teacher training providers are less likely to be concerned about someone who has had a diverse career but is now committed to teaching than someone who says they have always wanted to teach but can’t give clear reasons why. If you’re not currently based in the UK, include reasons why you want to pursue your teaching career here. And last but definitely not least, your personal statement should be coherent and well-structured.

In summary:

  • Draw on your experiences  (especially teaching experience) to show what you've learnt and what you will bring to the teaching profession
  • Evidence your skills , competencies and values, with relevant examples if possible
  • Be clear about your motivations  for going into teaching
  • Make sure your statement is  coherent and accurate
  • Don’t copy!  Your statement should be entirely your own work; do not copy online examples.

Good luck! Further advice from UCAS can be  found here .

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How to Write a Personal Statement for a Teaching Job – 7 Step Guide

Education / August 9, 2020 by admin / Leave a Comment

When you’re applying for a new teaching job, you want to do everything that you can to impress your future employer. You want them to see your potential and understand why you’d be such a good fit for the job. Luckily, your personal statement can help you show them exactly that.

how to start a personal statement for a teaching job

A personal statement is your chance to leave that unique mark on your application and make it more memorable. It will help you stand out from the rest of the candidates and show your personality. All you have to do is know how to write it. Don’t worry, because we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to find some of the best tips on writing a personal statement for a teaching job.

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Let’s break it down together.

1. Write For a Specific Job

First things first, each personal statement that you write needs to be written for a specific job that you have in mind.

That means that you shouldn’t have one generic personal statement and send it out to all teaching job openings.

Instead, you need to rewrite it paying attention to:

  • The job description
  • Type of work it requires
  • Type of skills they’re looking for

After you analyze the job description, you can start brainstorming and getting ready to write your personal statement. Adjust it to the job description, and it’s going to have more success than you expect.

how to start a personal statement for a teaching job

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2. Share Your Education & Experience

Your personal statement should include your previous education and experience that you’ve had so far. But, since you’ll be sending your CV as well, don’t go into too much detail in this part of the personal statement. Make it short and mention,

  • Formal education
  • Professional experience
  • Skills you’ve acquired

You can make it a one to two-sentence introduction since it’s a more technical part of your personal statement. Then, you can move on to a more personal level.

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3. Share What Drives You

Every potential employer wants to see the passion and drive in their candidates. Since you’re applying for a teaching job, it’s very important that you show your love for the job.

A teacher needs to be motivated and ready to walk the extra mile just to reach all their students.

Therefore, make sure that you cover the following:

  • Why you love teaching
  • How you first started doing it
  • What makes transferring knowledge so special for you
  • What is it about this job you’re so passionate about

Tell them why you love teaching and just how passionate and motivated you are to wake up every day to a job you love. This will make sure they recognize you as a potentially great employee.

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Now it’s time to distinguish yourself from all the candidates that will apply for the same job. There could be tens and even hundreds of them applying. 

So, why you?

There’s nothing wrong with distinguishing yourself from the rest of the candidates and saying why you are the obvious choice.

how to start a personal statement for a teaching job

Make sure that you share:

  • Your vision for this job opening
  • The contribution you’d make
  • The opportunity it would give you to show your skills and talents
  • The specific reason why you would be perfect for it

Don’t just say, “I’d be a perfect fit for this job.” Instead, share something more specific like:

 “Thanks to my year working with children with special needs, I learned how to be patient and adjust to the needs of every student.”

Give actual examples and make this section the strongest one in your personal statement.

5. Show Your Personality

A personal statement gives you the chance to show your personality and help the hiring managers get to know you better.

Unlike a CV, which is more technical in terms of structure and content, a personal statement makes room for you to be yourself.

Make sure that you:

  • use everyday language
  • show our personality
  • add your spice to it

Don’t make your personal statement too reserved or uniform. Instead, make it more about you and tailor it to fit your personality.

This will impress hiring managers and potential employers.

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6. Make it Short

A personal statement needs to be short yet powerful. 

If you make it too long, it will seem like you think too highly of yourself. Also, you might come across as unprofessional and unable to distinguish the most important facts they want to hear.

how to start a personal statement for a teaching job

This is why the length and structure of your personal statement plays an important role.

Here’s a couple of rules to follow:

  • Keep your sentences short
  • Make every word count
  • Avoid fluff words
  • Be to the point
  • Keep the whole thing up to 600 words long (unless they specifically require a different length)

Make sure your personal statement is informative and packed with valuable information. Don’t waste any words on making the sentences sound poetic.

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7. Watch Your Accuracy

Finally, before you turn in the personal statement, you have to ensure you’ve written it like a true academic worker. 

As a teacher, your writing accuracy is highly valuable and will be appreciated by the hiring managers. That’s why you have to check your accuracy.

That implies:

  • Proofreading
  • Removing any spelling or grammar mistakes
  • Adjusting your vocabulary
  • Checking sentence structure

You can use one of the  writing services  if you need help with this, and polish your personal statement to perfection.

This will show you’re educated, professional, and detail-oriented.

Final Thoughts

Writing a personal statement for a teaching job is a process that requires some strategic planning and preparation. You need to make sure your personal statement is unique and shows you in the best possible light.

Use the tips we’ve shared above to write a killer personal statement for a teaching job. Make sure you submit a memorable statement that will help you outshine the rest of the candidates. 

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how to start a personal statement for a teaching job

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Your NQT Personal Statement – 13 Tips to Make it Stand Out

When you’re applying for your first NQT teaching job it can be quite challenging. You might feel like you’re all alone, with no one to help and advise you. We don’t want you to struggle and perhaps lose the opportunity to get that teaching position you have set your eyes on. Therefore, we’ve created this post just for you.

Once you’re ready to start looking for a teaching position, one of the first things you will need to prepare is your application. There are usually three main components to an effective application, and these elements are:

  • The application form
  • A supporting statement or letter of application
  • An executive summary to show how you comply with the criteria, and that you are the person the school is looking for.

In this article we will be focusing on your NQT Personal Statement. 

Your NQT personal statement is likely to be the first impression that you will make with this new school or NQT pool and an ideal opportunity to show your unique qualities that make you the best person for the position on offer. 

Therefore, you will want this opportunity to promote yourself to the school in the best way possible. So it’s important that your writing is coherent, focused and clearly explains your reasoning behind wanting to be a teacher. In addition, a strong NQT personal statement will set you apart from other candidates in the competitive marketplace. 

Just like a resume and cover letter for a regular job, your personal statement should be rewritten for every position you apply for.

Never use the same NQT personal statement for multiple applications. Generic personal statements are super easy for employers to spot. And after all, you want to shine, right? Plus, you don’t want to copy someone else’s statement. Your employer might screen all personal statements using a similarity detection service like Copycatch. This could really hurt your application right out of the gate. And quite possibly end up in the bin. 

Remember, your personal statement is your chance to show your personality and enthusiasm, relevant to the school and prove you understand what they are looking for.

Your personal statement also shows your communication skills. That’s why you want to grab their attention, just like you want to with your students at the start of every lesson.

What is the NQT personal statement?

The NQT personal statement is an important document which schools use to understand why you want to become a teacher and whether you are suitable to teach at their school.

Of course, your application form will lay out all your qualifications, your skills, your strengths and weaknesses and also any relevant work experience. But your NQT personal statement is where you allow your unique personality to shine.

It is important to put your heart into writing your statement. And be prepared to write multiple drafts.

How do you write an effective NQT personal statement?

Your application and your NQT statement are going to be the first steps in securing the position you are looking for. Therefore, you obviously want to make a great first impression. Be ready to go through multiple drafts. Take your time, and get feedback from friends and family members.

I’m sure you have a ton of questions, such as:

  • How do I write a killer, successful NQT statement?
  • Where do I start?
  • What should I include in my NQT statement?

These are all important questions. And I’m sure you have many more. So, let’s dive in and show you how to write an NQT statement which will stand out and give you the best chance of getting hired in your chosen teaching position.

Are you ready to write your killer NQT personal statement?

Great. Here are some important tips to help you.

1. The first rule when writing a successful NQT statement is to know your audience.

Before you start, it’s a great idea to step back for a minute and put yourself in your hiring manager’s shoes.

Think about what's important to them. What are they passionate about? What are they looking for? How can you improve their life?

When you think about what your hiring manager is looking for, you’ll have a much better chance of writing a concise and effective personal statement.

It’s a good idea to write a list of 10 things you think will be important to them.

However, the most critical step at this stage is to do your research and find out exactly what is required for this specific application. Different schools or LEA’s will have different requirements for the personal statement and should have guidelines somewhere in their application advert or portal.

Clearly your first task is to make sure that the personal statement you prepare is tailored to the requirements that have been set out for that job.

2. What is your objective?

  • What is the purpose of your personal statement?
  • Why should they hire you?
  • What action are you trying to get the reader to take?

You need to be clear on this before you start writing your personal statement. If the answer isn't clear to you, it certainly won't be clear to your potential employer.

3. Why do you want to be a teacher?

Seems a simple question on the surface. But this is a great opportunity to show you’ve thought through this question. You could mention a past teacher who inspired you. Or the challenges and rewards of teaching. You could also talk about any lessons you have observed or taught previously which impacted you. You could also discuss particular teaching styles and your interests in using technology in the classroom.

Key tip: Think about creating a story for this question. Remember, the hiring manager is first and foremost a human being. Many new teachers make the mistake of forgetting this vital point. You are equal to them in this respect. Use emotional language to touch your reader. Help them imagine themselves in the situation you are describing. Help them feel what it was like in the situation that drove your desire in becoming a teacher. This is a major key in rousing your reader’s emotions.

4. Make sure you start your personal statement strongly.

Just like a great book or movie, your opening sentence should stand out. Make it memorable, without being overly dramatic. Effective personal statements often start with what inspired you to enter teaching in the first place.

  • Did a high school teacher inspire you?
  • Was it your own experience of learning?
  • Was it a good or bad teacher you had previously?

This is a great opportunity to show some passion. Like point no.3 above, use some emotional language.

5. Why do you want to teach a particular age group?

Be ready to explain why a certain age group appeals to you. Mention specific examples of your experience with this age group.

For example, anyone who has taught kindergarten knows how much energy the students have. Lessons are always full on. And as cute as the kids are, if your lessons are not jam-packed with active, high-energy games, you’re going to lose them. 

Similarly, elementary students are at a stage where they are slowly beginning to think for themselves and many of them think they already know it all. At this age role-playing is effective, as the students like to see themselves as tiny adults. 

If your chosen age group is teenagers, you’ll be aware that this age group has its own challenges. Being a teenager has never been an easy task, and with so many changes going on in their lives and their bodies, their confidence is up and down. 

So, when you answer this question, you’ll need to show that you can relate to what is going on in your chosen group’s world. Show you are able to look back to when you were their age, relate to the age group and show how you keep your lessons relevant and exciting.

6. What experience do you have?

Relevant teaching experience is always going to help you when applying for any position. But it is also important to reflect on how that experience has helped you develop as a teacher. If you haven’t had much classroom time:

  • Do you have any experience in voluntary teaching?
  • Have you coached a sports team or been involved with a summer camp?

Obviously, as a new teacher, you can’t recite years of experience. Help your hiring manager imagine you in action. For example, you could describe a particular lesson which was either a success or failure. Think about retelling a memorable or challenging experience with a student, or a description of what your classroom looks and sounds like on a typical day. This will be much more valuable to enable them to envision your teaching experience than to cite pedagogical terms or talk vaguely about your teaching experience.

Always use specific examples of how your experiences have developed your teaching skills.

7. You should highlight your achievements, strengths and skills

Explain what you can bring to the school. Show how you differ from the other candidates. You could mention past experience and achievements, your unique talents, as well as your professional goals. You could also add specific classroom strategies you have developed and how they helped your students.

Many applications will make it clear that they want you to cover your specific qualifications, skills and understanding of elements of the National Curriculum, your classroom and educational skills plu your short and long term goals for making a difference to the education of your pupils.

The exact requirements should be set out in the application guidelines which should also tell you what you need to focus on.

8. How long should your NQT personal statement be?

This is not an essay. It’s simply a summary of you, your skills and your experience, and how they relate to the position you are applying for. Therefore, you should be specific and keep your personal statement short and informative.

This will help you keep your personal statement under a widely recommended  500-word limit. The school will not be impressed by minor childhood achievements, so keep your statement pertinent and focused.

That said, again, check the specific requirements in each case. Some applications will welcome a longer NQT personal statement, as is the case with Lambeth where we are happy to read up to three pages of A4, but no more.

If there is no guidance then the 500 word range is a very solid guide.

9. Make every word count

It’s a good idea to take a leaf out of a professional copywriter’s book here. Don’t waffle. Make every word count. Use powerful words where possible, without being overly dramatic. Avoid weak words like may, maybe, hope, wish, try, and perhaps. Instead, use words like will and can to help your personal statement command attention.

10. Take your time

Edit and then re-edit your personal statement. Besides being difficult to read, misspelled words and grammatical errors will destroy your credibility. Once you think you’ve written a great personal statement, it’s a good idea to leave it for a day or two. Then come back and see if you can improve it.

11. Read your statement out loud

This next tip is super-effective, and one many people fail to do. Read your statement out loud. If you do this, you’ll spot areas that don’t flow properly. And if you stumble when reading your statement out loud, you can be sure your potential employer will have the same trouble.

Key tip: Why don’t you record yourself as you read out your statement? This is simple to do with your phone. Then play it back and see if you can spot areas you can improve.

12. Let friends and relatives read your personal statement

Make sure whoever you ask to read your personal statement knows you want them to be critical. The whole purpose of this exercise is to improve your statement, not to make you happy that they love it. Choose your feedback team carefully. 

13. Finish strongly

The way you finish your personal statement should reinforce your enthusiasm for your career in teaching. Acknowledge that hard work is necessary, but also make your excitement stand out.

Your personal statement for PGCE primary

You should explain the experience you’ve gained with primary-age children.

The PGCE primary personal statements usually demonstrate your personality and the various skills you have which would benefit primary schools such as being artistic, your musical talents or your sporting prowess. 

All these types of skills would be very useful during primary schools’ extracurricular activities.  

Your personal statement for PGCE secondary

In this type of personal statement, you will want to make it clear you understand the challenges of teaching older students.

You could mention specific examples of situations and challenges you have faced teaching this age of students, and how you overcame them.  

You’ll also want to document how your degree ties in with the position you are applying for.

Final thoughts on your NQT Personal Statement

So, that is the nuts and bolts of what your NQT personal statement should include. The basic foundation for an effective personal statement is that it’s all about the pupils. What the school wants for the pupils, what you can provide for the pupils.  

You should always write your personal statement, and indeed your whole application from the angle of what will benefit the pupils, not what’s best for you.  The school is not interested at this stage in what’s good for you, it’s more interested in what’s good for its pupils, and if you can provide that. 

Now you know the structure of a strong NQT personal statement, we hope you will be in a perfect position to write an effective statement to get that dream job you’ve had your eyes on.

There’s more on the specific requirements of what Lambeth are looking for in the NQT personal statement for the Lambeth NQT pool on pages 10 and 11 of the NQT Information Pack which you can download here .

Remember that, as we said at the start of this article, each job you apply for should come with clear requirements for the application and hopefully some guidance. In the case of Lambeth we have a requirement for your NQT personal statement to clearly cover how your skills, knowledge and experience meet the requirements of being an NQT, and we outline a set structure that helps you do that.

Download our NQT Information Pack now to learn more.

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Your teacher training personal statement

Your personal statement is your chance to make yourself memorable with teacher training providers and show them why you’ll make a great teacher.

You do not have to write it all at once – you can start it and come back to it. Successful candidates often take a few weeks to write their personal statements.

How long should my teacher training personal statement be?

Your personal statement can be up to 1000 words. 90% of successful candidates write 500 words or more.

You could include:

  • skills you have that are relevant to teaching
  • any experience of working with young people
  • your understanding of why teaching is important
  • your reasons for wanting to train to be a teacher
  • any activities you’ve done that could be relevant to teaching (such as first aid courses, sports coaching or volunteering)

Teacher training providers want to see your passion and that you understand the bigger picture of teaching.

How to write your personal statement

When writing your personal statement you should make sure you check your spelling and grammar in your application. You want to make the best possible impression.

You can use ChatGPT or other artificial intelligence (AI) tools to help you write your personal statement. You should not rely on it to write your entire statement because:

AI tools use bland language and will not be able to give details about you as a person. Using them may result in your application being unsuccessful

your account to apply for teacher training may be blocked if you consistently submit personal statements that look like they have been written with AI tools

Do I use the same personal statement for each application?

You can use the same personal statement for every course you apply to.

However, there may be some instances where you’d like to tailor it to different courses.

For example, if you want to apply to train to teach maths and also to train to teach physics. In this case, you might want to change your personal statement to talk more specifically about the subject you’re applying to train to teach.

Should my personal statement be different if I’m training to teach primary or secondary?

You should use your personal statement to explain why you feel passionate about teaching a specific age range or subject.

If you’re applying for a primary course with a subject specialism, or you’re particularly interested in certain primary subjects, you can talk about that, too.

If you’re not sure if you want to teach primary or secondary, you can find out more about teaching different age groups .

Do I need school experience?

You do not need school experience to apply for teacher training, but it can help strengthen your personal statement.

Teacher training providers like to see that you have a good understanding of teaching, how the school system works and what your transferable skills are. You need more than just good subject knowledge and school experience can be a great way to get this.

Getting some school experience can also be a good way to make sure teaching is right for you before you apply for a course.

Find out how you could get school experience .

Get help with your personal statement

You can get help with your personal statement from our teacher training advisers . They have years of teaching experience and can give you free, one-to-one support by phone, text, or email.

Advisers can also help you understand more about what teaching is really like, which can help improve your application.

Having a teacher training adviser was really beneficial when editing my personal statement and preparing for interviews. My top tips for the application process would be to get an adviser, and to think about what transferrable skills you have when writing your personal statement and answering interview questions. Felix, former teacher trainee

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UCAS personal statements | 10 ways to support your child

Applying to university can be a long and complex process as your child explores what and where they want to study, making decisions that will shape their future career and happiness..

Although this is a journey only they can take, you can offer both practical and emotional support as they prepare their application – and that includes helping them as they plan and write their personal statement.

What is a personal statement?

Why are personal statements important, what should a personal statement include, why must personal statements be unique, how can i help my child with their personal statement, tips for international parents.

A personal statement is a key element of your child’s UCAS application. Submitted online with their application, it’s a mini essay they must write that showcases their ambitions, skills and experience.

Even though they can apply to up to five courses at once in a single UCAS application, they only need to write one statement.

For your child, a personal statement is their first opportunity to impress a university with their passion and flair for their chosen degree. In their own words they can show what makes them the best candidate for the course. It can make their application stand out.

For admissions staff, a strong personal statement that shows your child’s suitability for their course and commitment to their chosen subject, can tip the balance in favour of making them an offer.

Your child has just 4,000 characters (including spaces) to create a well-rounded personal statement. It needs to be impactful and reflect their personal and academic journey. It should include:

  • an engaging introduction that shows their passion for their subject, setting the tone for the rest of their statement
  • their achievements and interests and how these have prepared them for their chosen course
  • any relevant experience – from work experience to placements, internships and volunteering – especially if these relate to their course
  • extracurricular activities that have helped them grow and learn and that demonstrate transferable skills such as resilience, teamwork, and leadership
  • skills and personal attributes that make them a strong candidate
  • their ambitions and career goals, and how their course will help them achieve their dreams
  • a strong conclusion that shows they're ready for university life

A personal statement has to be your child’s own work. It must be unique to them. They shouldn’t copy anyone else’s statement or share their own.

UCAS has a dedicated verification team that checks applications and personal statements for fraud and similarities with previous applications. This includes similarities to text on the internet if, for example, an AI chabot has been used to generate the statement.

Any incidents are flagged and the relevant universities alerted, potentially stopping them from making offers.

The guidance from UCAS is simple: your child’s personal statement should be just that – personal and written by them.

PS blog 4

Even though your child must write their own personal statement, there are things you can do to help them.

  • Talk to them about why they want to go to university, their experiences, achievements and ambitions – it’ll spark ideas about what they want to include, and why.
  • If they want to start writing straight away – great! It not, encourage them to make notes that they can come back to. But don’t let them leave it too long.
  • Help them organise what they want to say into sections – it’ll allow them to focus on what’s most important to include.
  • Once they’ve written a draft, offer to read it. You might be able to suggest improvements, spot grammar or spelling mistakes.
  • Don’t over-edit their work. This is their personal statement, expressed in their words, not yours.
  • Be encouraging – it could take several rewrites before they’re happy with their personal statement.
  • Make sure they know the deadline for completing their personal statement.
  • Some schools/colleges review students’ personal statements before submission. If this is the case, encourage your child to make the most of the feedback.
  • Don’t be upset if your child doesn’t want your help. They’re growing up and this might be something they want to do on their own. Respect that. But if you know they’re running out of time, or suspect they’re floundering, ask them what you can do.
  • Download our guide to writing a personal statement – it’s packed with helpful, practical tips, as well as insights from our staff about what admissions teams look for in personal statements.

Your child’s personal statement must be written in English so, if that’s not your native language, it can be difficult to support them practically. But there are still things you can do.

Encourage your child to research the UK university system, the requirements of their chosen course, and what universities are looking for in applicants. This will help guide the content of their personal statement.

UCAS’s official website features a range of resources to help your child plan and structure their personal statement. Once they’ve registered with UCAS and set up their online Hub, they’ll also be able to access a personal statement builder.

Online educational forums in your country can offer useful insights, while grammar and spell-checking tools can provide valuable language support.

Similarly, English-speaking friends or teachers familiar with the UCAS system can offer valuable feedback, and help your child’s abilities, dreams, and ambitions shine through in their personal statement.

Although we use the terms parent/child in this blog for simplicity, it is intended for anyone fulfilling a parenting role.

Support your child with their application - DOWNLOAD our guide to personal statements

Published By Judith Charlton on 30/08/2024 | Last Updated 30/08/2024

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Employment law clinic—significant achievements for 2023-24.

During the past academic year, the Employment Law Clinic has continued its work helping pro se plaintiffs in employment discrimination cases in federal court. This work includes representing pro se plaintiffs as their Settlement Assistance Counsel in individual discrimination cases and representing pro se plaintiffs in their appeals to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. In addition, the Employment Law Clinic has expanded its work with pro se plaintiffs by participating in the William J. Hibbler Memorial Pro Se Assistance Program. This program allows students in the Employment Law Clinic to provide pro se plaintiffs with advice about procedural issues in their cases. Some of the significant developments in a few of the Clinic’s cases are detailed below.

Settlement Assistance Cases

Clinical Professor Randall D. Schmidt and his students are appointed on a regular basis to provide representation to pro se plaintiffs at settlement conferences. Since starting this project in early 2021, Professor Schmidt has been appointed as Settlement Assistance Counsel for pro se plaintiffs in twenty employment discrimination cases. Although most of these cases were pending in the Eastern Division of the Northern District of Illinois, he has also been appointed in cases pending the Western Division of the Northern District of Illinois and in the Central District of Illinois.

These cases allow students to interview the client, research the legal and factual issues in the case, draft a settlement demand letter, represent the client at a settlement conference, and, if the case settles, draft the settlement agreement.

Professor Schmidt and his students have been very successful in resolving these cases. Of the twenty cases Professor Schmidt and his students have handled, fourteen were settled after one of more mediation sessions. Five are still pending awaiting the initial or follow-up settlement conference. One case did not settle and the plaintiff recently lost her case when the court granted the defendant’s motion for summary judgment.

Below are a few examples of cases that Professor Schmidt and his students handled during the 2023-24 academic year. Each of these cases resulted in a settlement after one or more mediation sessions. Pursuant to the settlement agreements in these lawsuits the details of the settlements are confidential.

Jackson v. Robert W. Baird & Co. , No. 1:22-cv-04852 (Settled 09/11/23)

In October 2016, Devonia Jackson began working for Robert W. Baird & Co. (“Baird”) as an Administrative Assistant in its Milwaukee, Wisconsin office. Baird is a global investment-banking firm that provides private investment services to mid-market businesses.

While employed by Baird, Ms. Shaw received several promotions and pay increases in recognition of her excellent performance. In 2018, Ms. Jackson relocated to Baird’s Virginia office. In two months she raised concerns over the abusive behavior of a lead banker and transferred to the Chicago office.

In 2020, Ms. Jackson began reporting to a new supervisor. From the beginning of their professional relationship, the new supervisor treated Ms. Jackson differently from other employees. The supervisor was often dismissive of Ms. Jackson’s concerns. Without asking Ms. Jackson, she reassigned Ms. Jackson’s to work with junior bankers. The supervisor told Ms. Jackson that she was “scared of working” with her, despite being Ms. Jackson’s supervisor.

Suddenly and without warning, Baird discharged Ms. Jackson in August 2021. In support of its decision to discharge Ms. Jackson’s termination, Baird cited two incidents in which Ms. Jackson was allegedly insubordinate. Ms. Jackson disputed that she was insubordinate during either incident. Moreover, no one at Baird raised concerns about either incident until Ms. Jackson was discharged. Ms. Jackson’s supervisors neither warned Ms. Jackson about the incidents before her termination nor gave her a chance to explain herself, even though she had a history of being a high-performing employee.

In addition, Baird did not terminate other similarly situated, substantially younger, Administrative Assistants whose job performance and/or behavior at work was alleged to have been insubordinate. After discharging Ms. Jackson, Baird assigned Ms. Jackson’s duties to younger employees.

Finally, after Ms. Jackson left Baird, she found out that between August 2020 and August 2021 Baird terminated ten administrators, all of whom were over the age of forty. The employees who had been terminated were also highly experienced—many had over ten years of experience at Baird— and in an older age group. They, too, were replaced by younger employees.

Ms. Jackson filed a pro se complaint against Baird and alleged that its termination of her employment violated the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. During discovery, the parties indicated to the court that they were interested in participating a settlement conference. Accordingly, the court appointed Professor Schmidt to serve as Mr. Lara’s Settlement Assistance Counsel. The parties were able to agree to a settlement during the initial settlement conference and the case was dismissed.

Johnson v. P.F.A. Systems, Inc. , No. 1:22-cv-0719) (N.D. Ill.) (Settled 03/25/24)

P.F.A. Systems, Inc., is a regional trucking company that transports liquid hazardous materials. P.F.A. hired Seneca Johnson as a truck driver in February 2022. At the time he was hired, Mr. Johnson told his supervisor that as an accommodation to his disability (a lower back injury), he needed to be assigned to drive trucks with automatic transmissions. Mr. Johnson was told that it would not be a problem to provide this accommodation to him.

Despite P.F.A.’s assurance that it would provide Mr. Johnson with an automatic transmission truck, P.F.A. forced Mr. Johnson to drive a 13-speed manual transmission truck, which caused severe pain, numbness in his leg and exacerbated Mr. Johnson’s back injury. Mr. Johnson complained to P.F.A. about its failure to assign him to a truck with an automatic transmission. In response, P.F.A. informed Mr. Johnson that the automatic truck had been given to another driver because that driver’s truck had to be fixed.

A few days later, Mr. Johnson again requested that P.F.A. accommodate his disability by assigning him to a truck with an automatic transmission. His immediate supervisor told him that he needed to “deal with it or find another job.” The supervisor also said, “P.F.A. and I don’t care about people with disabilities. We’re not going to make special accommodations for people with disabilities.” Mr. Johnson told the supervisor that he and P.F.A. were discriminating against people with disabilities. The supervisor retorted that P.F.A. does not hire people with disabilities. In response to Mr. Johnson’s statement that it is against the law for a company to turn down a qualified person because of their disabilities, the supervisor said, “Then you are at the wrong company. We don’t play by those rules.”

A week later. P.F.A. discharged Mr. Johnson claiming it did not have enough work for him. At the same time, P.F.A. was running help wanted ads seeking truck drivers.

Mr. Johnson filed a lawsuit against P.F.A. alleging that it violated the Americans with Disability Act by (1) failing to provide a reasonable accommodation for his disability and (2) retaliating against him for asserting his statutory rights. After most of the discovery had been competed in the case, Professor Schmidt was appointed to represent Mr. Johnson as his Settlement Assistance Counsel. The matter was resolved a few months later.

Lara v. Health Track Sports and Wellness, LLC , No. 1:23-cv-00487 (N.D. Ill.) (Settled 03/19/24)

Lazaro Lara worked for Health Track Sports and Wellness, LLC, (“Health Track”), a health and fitness club, for sixteen years. Mr. Lara was diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety, and depression, which qualifies as an impairment under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Early in his employment, Mr. Lara informed his employers of his disability.

Beginning in April 2020, Health Track subjected Mr. Lara to a severe and pervasive hostile work environment. Mr. Lara’s supervisor and his co-workers routinely harassed Mr. Lara on the basis of his disabilities, calling him “crazy” and taunting him that he “suffer[ed] from schizophrenia.” They hounded Mr. Lara about his medical issues, telling him that his medication was not working and that he needed additional medical intervention. They would change his schedule without notice, including forcing him to work in person during the COVID pandemic while others were allowed to stay home. To ensure compliance with their orders, Health Track threatened to strip Mr. Lara of his health insurance.

Mr. Lara suffered damage to his mental health that significantly affected his quality of life because of the severity of Health Track’s hostile work environment. As Lara’s condition worsened, he took two steps to try to stop the harassment. First, he requested a few specific accommodations: that all of his work tasks be put in writing, that he receive clear instructions, that he be put on a schedule to keep track of his hours and to avoid management changing it without notice, and that he have access to a quiet place as needed. Health Track, however, failed to provide these requested accommodations.

Second, after Health Track ignored his requested accommodations, he filed a charge of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in January 2021. In the charge, Mr. Lara alleged that he had requested reasonable accommodations for his disabilities and Health Track refused to provide those accommodations. Mr. Lara further alleged that his co-workers subjected him to harassment because of his disabilities.

Subsequently, in late March 2021, Mr. Lara attended a meeting with his supervisors for the express purpose of discussing Mr. Lara’s accommodations not being met and the harassment. However, during the meeting, the supervisor tried to convince Mr. Lara that he was not mentally stable and that Mr. Lara needed to find someone to “take care of his affairs.” Further, the supervisor told Mr. Lara that he would never allow Mr. Lara to work due to his mental condition—even though Mr. Lara’s doctor had cleared him to work—and that Health Track did not have any hours for him if he tried to return. The supervisor pushed Mr. Lara to resign, guaranteeing him that he could retain health insurance through COBRA or the American Rescue Plan if he chose to resign. Mr. Lara refused to resign at any point during the meeting or thereafter. At the meeting’s end, the supervisor told Mr. Lara to take a few days off, assuring him that Health Track would investigate the issues and get back to him with their conclusions.

The next time Mr. Lara heard from Health Track was two weeks later in April 2021. At that time, Health Track informed Mr. Lara that he had voluntarily resigned and that he was no longer an employee of Health Track.

Mr. Lara filed a lawsuit against Health Track alleging that its actions violated the Americans with Disabilities Act. In his complaint, Mr. Lara alleged that Health Track failed to accommodate Mr. Lara’s disabilities and subjected him to a severe and pervasive hostile work environment due to his disabilities during his employment. Mr. Lara also claimed that his discharge was in retaliation for his filing the EEOC charge and complaining about the discrimination and harassment.

Shortly after the case was filed, the court appointed Professor Schmidt to serve as Mr. Lara’s Settlement Assistance Counsel. After several settlement conferences, the parties were able to agree to a settlement and the case was dismissed.

Shaw v. Chicago School of Professional Psychology , No. 1:23-cv-00631 (N.D. Ill.) (Settled 09/11/23)

Donna Shaw worked for the Chicago School of Professional Psychology (“TCSPP”) for seven years. TCSPP is an accredited, nonprofit university that offers bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree programs in psychology and related behavioral science fields. TCSPP has in-person campuses in seven metropolitan areas, including Chicago and San Diego, and an online campus.

Throughout her time at TCSPP, Ms. Shaw was discriminated against due to her race, color, and age. Most significantly, Ms. Shaw’s superiors created a hostile work environment for Ms. Shaw and repeatedly denied her promotions to positions that she is qualified to fill. On each occasion, instead of promoting Ms. Shaw, TCSPP promoted younger, less qualified, non-Black individuals. When Ms. Shaw complained about her treatment and the denial of promotions, TCSPP retaliated against her.

Ms. Shaw filed a pro se complaint of discrimination against TCSPP. In her complaint, Ms. Shaw alleged that TCSPP’s failure to take steps to end and prevent the hostile work environment and its failure to promote her violated Title and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Shortly after TCSPP filed its answer, the court appointed Professor Schmidt as Ms. Shaw’s Settlement Assistance Counsel and set the case for a settlement conference. The parties were able to reach a settlement during the settlement conference and the case was dismissed.

William J. Hibbler Memorial Pro Se Assistance Program

In early 2024, the Employment Law Clinic expanded its work with pro se litigants by participating in the William J. Hibbler Memorial Pro Se Assistance Program (“Hibler Help Desk”). The Hibbler Help Desk is administered by the People’s Law Center in cooperation with the District Court and the Chicago Bar Foundation. It is “staffed” by volunteer attorneys. It serves pro se litigants in civil cases filed or to be filed in the federal court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern and Western Divisions. A Program attorney provides pro se litigants with limited legal assistance with their cases. In particular, the Hibbler Help Desk provides pro se litigants with help on procedural issues, not substantive legal advice.

The Employment Law Clinic began helping pro se litigants in February 2024. Since then, students in the Clinic have met with and assisted more than twenty-five pro se litigants. The assistance we have provided includes helping clients complete the documents needed to file a pro se employment discrimination complaint; providing guidance on submitting Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a) initial disclosures, written discovery requests and responses; help in complying with the NDIL’s rules regarding motions to compel discovery; explaining the status of the pro se’s case or appeal; referring clients to resources that could assist them with the substantive legal issues in their cases; and referring pro se’s other providers of civil legal services or to social service agencies.

Appellate Cases

The Employment Law Clinic represents clients in a number of appeals in the US Court Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. In some of these appeals, the Employment Law Clinic represents the appellants in their appeals. In other reconsiderations appeals, the Clinic is contacted and asked to participate as amicus curiae. Students working on these appeals write the briefs and present oral argument to the Seventh Circuit. Both Professor Schmidt and Lecturer in Law James Whitehead supervise the students in the appeals pending in the Seventh Circuit.

Bell v. DeJoy Appeal No. 24-1478 (7th Cir.)

Mary Bell is currently working for the United States Post Office (“Postal Service”). On November 22, 2022, Ms. Bell filed her pro se Complaint alleging that the Postal Service discriminated against her with respect to overtime pay and by refusing to downgrade her position. In response, the Postal Service moved to dismiss the complaint, in part, because Ms. Bell had not received a right-to-sue letter from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission before filing her complaint. Thus, according to the Postal Service, Ms. Bell’s complaint was premature. Contrary to the Postal Service’s motion, Ms. Bell had in fact received a right-to-sue letter from the EEOC after filing her complaint and prior to the Postal Service’s filing of its motion to dismiss. This fact was not brought to the court’s attention, even though the Postal Service had received a copy of the right-to-sue letter, the court agreed and dismissed the complaint.

The Employment Law Clinic decided to submit an amicus brief in support of Ms. Bell because this case presents several issues of significant importance to the rights of individuals to pursue federal employment discrimination claims in court. In particular, the Employment Law Clinic argues that the district court incorrectly dismissed Ms. Bell’s claims because she had not filed an Amended Complaint raising the claims within ninety days of her receipt of a right-to-sue letter. The court, however, ignored the fact that she had raised the claims in her prematurely filed complaint before receiving the right-to-sue letter. In so doing, the district court disregarded the Seventh Circuit’s settled law that her receipt of the right-to-sue letter before the dismissal of her complaint had cured the Complaint’s premature filing.

The case is currently being briefed.

Miko Thomas v. JBS Green Bay Appeal No. 24-1404 (7th Cir.)

Mr. Thomas works for JBS Green Bay, one of the world’s largest meat producers. In his complaint, he alleged that his employer discriminated against him due to his color with respect to several terms and conditions of his employment, in violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Relying on the Seventh Circuit’s standard for establishing justiciable adverse employment actions in discrimination cases, the district court dismissed Mr. Thomas’s Complaint and Amended Complaint. The court concluded that the actions he complained of were not “materially adverse” as a matter of law.

Mr. Thomas appealed and asked the Employment Law Clinic to represent him in his appeal. The Employment Law agreed to do so because of its interest in clarifying what adverse actions are actionable under Title VII, the ADA and other anti-discrimination statutes.

After the Employment Law Clinic agreed to represent Mr. Thomas, and six weeks after the district court’s final decision in Mr. Thomas’s case, the US Supreme Court, on April 17, 2024, issued its opinion in Muldrow v. City of St. Louis , 601 U.S. ___, 144 S. Ct 967 (2024). As the Employment Law Clinic predicted, the Court held that, although an employee must show some harm in order to prevail in a Title VII discrimination suit, an employee does not need to show that the injury satisfies a heightened significance test or was “materially adverse.” In doing so, the Court mentions Seventh Circuit precedent as an example of courts using an incorrect standard for determining what actions constitutes adverse action for purposes of Title VII.

Thus, the primary issue in Thomas is whether the district court erred in dismissing Mr. Thomas’s case in light of the Supreme Court’s opinion in Muldrow.

The case is currently being briefed and an oral argument is expected to take place this fall.

Sapp v. Forest Preserves of Cook County , Appeal No. 22-2865 (7th Cir.)

Tyler Sapp served as a full-time Police Officer for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Illinois (“Forest Preserves”) from January 5, 2009, until his employment was terminated in January 2019. In 2018, Mr. Sapp went on a leave of absence under the Family and Medical Leave Act so that he could receive treatment for a for bipolar disorder. In July 2018, he was released by his personal doctor to return to work with no restrictions. The Forest Preserves, however, refused to allow him to return to work and required that he undergo an independent medical examination to determine if Mr. Sapp was fit to return to work from his medical leave. Mr. Sapp agreed to do so. The doctor who performed the IME, however, concluded that Ms. Sapp was unfit to return to work as a Forest Preserves Police Officer. Mr. Sapp then requested that the Forest Preserves engage in an interactive process with him to determine if the Forest Preserves could accommodate his condition. The Forest Preserves refused to do so and instead discharged Mr. Sapp.

Mr. Sapp brought a disability-discrimination claim against the Forest Preserves under the Americans with Disabilities Act. He alleged that he is a qualified individual with a disability and that he had been denied the same terms and conditions afforded to his co-workers who were similarly situated. In particular, Mr. Sapp alleged that the Forest Preserves was aware of his disability and failed to reasonably accommodate his disability despite accommodating the disabilities of other Forest Preserves Police Officers.

After the close of discovery, the parties filed cross-motions for summary judgment. The district court issued its Memorandum Opinion and Order granting summary judgment to the Forest Preserves and denying Mr. Sapp’s motion. Mr. Sapp appealed the court’s decision.

On appeal, Mr. Sapp requested that the Employment Law Clinic represent him in his appeal. The Employment law Clinic agreed to do so. The primary issue the Employment Law Clinic planned to address in the appeal was whether the district court erred in granting summary judgment to the Forest Preserves because a reasonable jury could have found that the Forest Preserves’ failure to engage in the interactive process led to a violation of the ADA due to the failure to identify a reasonable accommodation. Instead of engaging with Mr. Sapp to find a solution, the Forest Preserves thwarted discussions by terminating his employment.

Shortly after filing an appearance in the appeal, the matter was set for mediation before the Seventh Circuit’s Mediation Office. After several mediation sessions, the parties were able to reach a settlement in the case and the appeal was dismissed.

Franklin Township Community School Corporation , Appeal No. 23-2786 (7th Cir)

In 2012, Wesley Tedrow was hired by Franklin Township School Corporation (“School Corporation”) as a teacher. In November 2019, Mr. Tedrow was preliminarily offered a higher-paying position to teach sixth grade at a different school in Indiana. The School Corporation, however, refused to provide Mr. Tedrow with a reference, despite having provided such references in the past. The School Corporation’s refusal to provide the reference resulted in the other school resulting in the rescinding of its offer.

Mr. Tedrow filed a charge of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), alleging that the School Corporation declined to provide him with a reference because his sex and disability.

After Mr. Tedrow filed his initial charge, the School Corporation demanded that Mr. Tedrow submit to an Independent Medical Examination to determine if he was using steroids. The IME was inconclusive. The School Corporation then transferred Mr. Tedrow to different school in the district.

Mr. Tedrow filed a second charge with the EEOC alleging that his transfer was discriminatory and in retaliation for his first charge. The EEOC issued Mr. Tedrow a notice of right to sue and Mr. Tedrow filed suit against the School Corporation alleging discrimination and retaliation in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008.

After discovery was completed, the School Corporation filed a motion for summary judgment on all claims, which was granted by the district court. The court dismissed Mr. Tedrow’s discrimination claims on the basis that: (1) he failed to properly plead his allegation that the School Corporation unlawfully refused to provide him with a reference, and (2) his transfer did not constitute an adverse employment action as required by Title VII because it did not include a reduction in compensation or benefits.

The Employment Law Clinic agreed to represent Mr. Tedrow on appeal because the issue of what constitutes actionable adverse action was an issue that was then pending before the US Supreme Court in in Muldrow v. City of St. Louis , 601 U.S. ___, 144 S. Ct 967 (2024), In addition, several other circuit courts of appeal hard recently issued opinions rejecting their prior precedent on what adverse actions are actionable.

Harris v. Vision Energy LLC , No. C-2300406 (Ohio Ct. App.)

The Employment Law Clinic is often requested to submit amicus briefs in cases in pending before the Illinois Supreme Court, the Illinois Court of Appeals, and appellate courts in other jurisdictions. This year, the Employment Law Clinic was asked to submit an amicus brief concerning the history of the Illinois Wage Payment and Collections Act (“IWPCA”) in Harris v. Vision . The Employment Law Clinic previously submitted a similar brief in Johnson v. Diakon Logistics, 44 F.3d 1048 (7th Cir. 2022).

In Harris , Jeff Harris, a resident of Ohio, worked for Vision Energy, an Ohio company. All of the work Mr. Harris provided to Vision took place in Illinois. In exchange for Mr. Harris’s labor, Vision promised him, among other compensation, a four percent equity interest in a yet-to-be-formed corporation. When Vision failed to pay him the value of the promised equity interest, Mr. Harris filed a complaint against Vision in Ohio to recover that sum under the IWPCA. Vision moved to dismiss Mr. Harris’ IWPCA claim based on a choice-of-law provision in the parties’ contract, which stated that the agreement was to be governed by Ohio law. The court granted Vision’s motion and dismissed the IWPCA claim.

Mr. Harris appealed the court’s dismissal of his IWPCA claim and his counsel requested that the Employment Law Clinic submit a brief explaining the history and strong public policy behind the IWPCA. The Employment Law Clinic agreed to do so and submitted an amicus brief on behalf of Mr. Harris.

In the amicus brief, the Employment Law Clinic argues that the history of the IWPCA and Illinois’s prior wage-theft statutes demonstrates the importance that the Illinois legislature has placed on protecting its workers and the centrality of preventing wage theft to Illinois’s public policy. The amicus brief also demonstrates that Illinois has a materially greater interest than Ohio in the resolution of the dispute because Mr. Harris performed all his work for Vision in Illinois. The lower court’s decision that requires Mr. Harris to bring his wage theft claim against Vision under Ohio’s wage laws, is manifestly repugnant to the fundamental policies of Illinois because Ohio’s wage protection laws would not have provided him with a viable claim or with any remedy for the work he performed solely in Illinois.

Finally, the Employment Law Clinic argued that the choice-of-law provision in the Harris-Vision Agreement did not override the territorial limitations of Ohio’s wage protection statutes, which do not apply extraterritorially to work performed exclusively outside of Ohio. Courts across the country, including Ohio courts, have long recognized that a state’s territorial limitations apply even when that state’s law is selected for application by a choice-of-law provision.

The appeal is pending in the Ohio Court of Appeals.

Money blog: 'Disgusting' - Anger as Boohoo closes accounts

Roaming charges for all the major networks, Boohoo upsetting customers and a report suggesting the state pension will rise £400 next year are among today's Money blog posts. Leave a comment on anything we're covering below.

Wednesday 4 September 2024 17:56, UK

  • State pension could rise by more than £400 next year
  • How your pension could be taxed
  • Anger as Boohoo closes accounts
  • European country cracks down on holiday rentals

Essential reads

  • How data roaming charges compare by network
  • 'They have 22-inch pizzas - hello!': Israeli-born chef picks budget eats
  • Big Issue seller reveals how it works financially and his technique
  • Best of the Money blog

Tips and advice

  • Basically... Free school meals
  • Cheapest holidays dates before Christmas
  • Money Problem : 'My dog died but insurance still wants a year's payment'
  • How else to eat Greggs on cheap as O2 Priority scraps freebies

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Oasis have announced two extra Wembley Stadium shows after their tour sold out over the weekend.

Both Liam and Noel Gallagher, as well as Ticketmaster, came under fire over the initial release - as fans spent hours in virtual queues, and some tickets ended up costing more than three times as much due to surge ticket pricing. The government has launched a review into the practice after the backlash.

Announcing two further dates at Wembley Stadium in September next year, Oasis said there would be a staggered "special invitation-only ballot ticket sale strategy", devised "as a small step towards making amends for the situation".

They said it needed "to be made clear" that the band "leave decisions on ticketing and pricing entirely to their promoters and management, and at no time had any awareness that dynamic pricing was going to be used".

Applications to join the ballot for the September shows will be opened first to fans who were unsuccessful in the initial sale.

The band added: "Inevitably interest in this tour is so overwhelming that it's impossible to schedule enough shows to fulfil public demand," the band's statement continued. "But this ticket sale strategy will make the process far smoother for fans by reducing the stress and time it takes to obtain one of the hottest tickets of our time."

Read more on this story here:

Councils have called on the government to end the Right to Buy scheme for new council homes. 

One hundred local councils have warned the financial model for council housing finances is "broken", with a £2.2bn "black hole" in councils' dedicated budgets expected by 2028.

The councils have called for a complete overhaul of the Right to Buy scheme introduced by Margaret Thatcher in 1980 that allows council tenants to buy their council homes at reduced rates.

Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner, who  bought her council house through Right to Buy in 2007 , announced at the end of July the government had started to review increased discounts introduced by the former Conservative government in 2012 and will begin a consultation into the whole scheme this autumn.

Only 4% of homes bought under Right to Buy have been replaced, according to charity Shelter, while an estimated 43% of households living in private rented accommodation and receiving housing benefits are in homes bought under Right to Buy.

Read the full story here ...

Boohoo has caused upset among its loyal customers after cancelling accounts and charging them for returns. 

The online retailer has reportedly started closing some premier accounts due to "unusually high returns activity". 

Earlier this year, it started charging premier customers £1.99 for returns - but many shoppers have complained that they were not informed. 

At the moment, a premier subscription costs £7.99 a year, but it usually costs £12.99. 

Subscribers get unlimited next day delivery, paperless returns and access to exclusive discounts. 

Up until the changes, they were also able to return their items free of charge. 

One X user said she was "disgusted" after Boohoo deactivated her account. 

"Because I order multiple outfits for holidays and night outs or (because your sizes are all over the place) I order two sizes of most things... and because I don't keep everything and send them back, you deactivate my account," she said. 

"I've been a customer for 12 years. Disgusting." 

She wasn't the only one feeling that way... 

Others said they would stop shopping at the retailer altogether. 

The Money team looked through the Premier T&Cs - and it does not mention a limit on the number of returns that can be made, or returns at all. 

But, it does state that the company can terminate accounts at its discretion. 

"We may decide to terminate your Boohoo Premier account and you will be given a prorated refund based on the number of whole months remaining in your membership," it states.

"We will not give any refund for termination related to conduct that we determine, in our discretion, violates these terms or any applicable law, involves fraud or misuse, or is harmful to Boohoo's interests or another user." 

Boohoo isn't the online retailer to make this move. 

Earlier this year, PrettyLittleThing, which is owned by Boohoo, introduced a returns fee and started cancelling accounts that sent back several items. 

Consumer expert Helen Dewdney from The Complaining Cow said there was a growing trend of companies doing this, explaining that returns can be costly for those with small profit margins. 

"If a customer is costing a company more by returning more than they are keeping, then it is perhaps understandable why they are having their account closed," she said. 

But, she noted that where a company has offered unlimited free returns for a fee, without detailing any limits, then this could be considered as "very unfair and misleading".

"Under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 there is a fairness test," she added. 

"For a practice to be unfair under these rules, they must harm, or be likely to harm, the economic interests of the average consumer. 

"It could be considered that paying to have unlimited returns was part of the purchasing decision. Boohoo should be clearer in their terms and conditions as regards what the limit is, and should certainly be refunding the fee to anyone who has had their account closed." 

A spokesperson for Boohoo told Money: "We are committed to providing our customers with easy access to our products and upholding a fair return policy.

"However, like many other online fashion brands, it is important that we balance this with our responsibility to discourage repeat returners, which incur a cost for both the business and the environment."

The Co-op is experiencing its highest-ever levels of crime and abuse, with some staff members losing an eye or miscarrying as a result, one of its directors has told the House of Lords. 

Speaking to the Justice and Home Affairs Committee, Paul Gerrard said crime had risen by 44% across its stores and violence had increased by 35%. 

"That level of crime in our stores is 1,000 incidents every single day," he said.

"That is the highest level we have ever seen, levels of abuse are at the highest level we have ever seen and violence has dipped slightly in 2024, but it still a very high level." 

He suggested that organised criminals are behind the surge in shoplifting, saying people are "stealing to order huge volumes". 

In some cases, he said people had entered with wheelie bins and building bags to load up with stolen goods. 

"If one of my colleagues gets in the way, there will be a violent threat," Mr Gerrard added. 

"There might be a knife, there might be a syringe. I've had colleagues attacked with a medieval mace, we've had colleagues lose their eye, we've had colleagues miscarry.

"We spend money to keep the colleagues safe in the store. If an incident happens, then we take a number of measures."

Co-op has been a leading voice in campaigns against shopworker violence and is one of the funders of Project Pegasus. 

The group supports police forces in identifying the organised crime groups operating in their area. 

English football clubs are being warned they will face "enormous opposition" if they try to introduce dynamic pricing for match tickets - after two top sides in Spain confirmed they were adopting the controversial practice.

Valencia and Celta Vigo are believed to be the only European clubs to have embraced the system for this season's matches.

Although there are no suggestions dynamic pricing will be introduced into the English game, there has been growing concern clubs are vastly hiking prices, depending on the level of opposition.

It also comes after the huge controversy surrounding the sale of tickets for  next year's reunion shows by Oasis  - where dynamic pricing saw tickets worth £148 being sold for £355 within hours of release.

The Football Supporters Association (FSA) warned against "greedy owners in football" trying to "exploit supporter loyalty" in the English leagues.

In a statement, the FSA said: "With impeccable timing after the Oasis fiasco, voices in football have started to float the idea of infecting football with dynamic pricing.

"Never underestimate the potential for the most greedy owners in football to try and import terrible ideas from other industries to exploit supporter loyalty.

"Match-goers are already mobilising against the recent wave of price rises and attacks on concessions. Any underhand increases will be met with enormous opposition."

When you've forked out hard-earned money for a holiday abroad, the last thing you want is to be landed with an expensive phone bill at the end of it.

Brexit brought an end to the guarantee of free roaming for UK residents who visit countries inside the EU – but the good news is some providers still offer free services up to a certain point for travellers in Europe.

Here, we take a look at the UK's major phone providers and what they're offering customers when it comes to roaming across the globe...

Vodafone splits its roaming charges into four different "zones".

For pay monthly customers who took out their contract on or after 11 August 2021, how much you pay depends on which zone you're headed to:

Zone A - Ireland, the Isle of Man, Iceland and Norway - no extra charge

Zone B - Europe and EU member states (49 destinations) - £2.42 a day for customers without the Xtra Euro Roam plan

Zone C - 32 destinations including the US, Australia, Barbados and South Africa - £7.39 a day for customers without the Xtra Global Roam plan

Zone D - 75 destinations from Argentina to Uzbekistan and Vietnam - £7.39 a day

All charges are dependent on customers adhering to the 25GB fair usage limit.

Countries outside zones A-D are deemed "rest of world zones" by Vodafone - these include destinations such as Belize, Nepal and Angola. Data is charged for each megabyte (MB) used, with charges typically £1.20 per MB. 

Those with contracts before 11 August 2021 pay nothing for Zones A and B, and £6 a day for Zones C and D.

Unlike some other major providers, O2 hasn't brought back EU roaming charges for customers using up to 25GB data abroad.

That means both pay monthly and pay-as-you-go customers heading to its Europe Zone (more than 40 destinations) are free to call, text and use data as they would in the UK.

For anyone travelling further afield, the charges depend on what plan you're on.

Customers whose contract includes the O2 Travel Inclusive Zone can roam in 27 destinations outside Europe, including Australia, New Zealand, the US and southern American countries.

If it's not part of your plan, you can purchase a travel bolt-on for £6 a day which allows for data roaming in 63 destinations.

Contract holders with O2 Travel Inclusive Zone Ultimate can roam freely in 75 destinations outside Europe.

Three's Go Roam Europe service lets pay monthly customers use their data allowance in 49 destinations at a cost of £2 a day.

Those using the Go Roam Global service (22 destinations outside Europe) pay £5 a day while Go Roam Global Extra (92 destinations outside Europe) comes at a cost of £7 a day.

The charges apply to customers who took their contracts out on or after 1 October 2021 - there are no charges for customers who were with Three before that.

Three imposes a 12GB fair usage cap for all customers on a monthly contract when roaming abroad and 9GB for those on pay-as-you-go.

Anyone with an EE plan that began before 7 July 2021 will have EU data roaming included.

For newer customers, it costs £2.47 a day to use data roaming while travelling in its European zone, up to the 50GB fair usage limit.

For customers heading abroad to Europe for 11 days or more, it's cheaper to add on EE's Roam Abroad Pass which costs £25 a month (it can be cancelled at anytime, meaning you can scrap it after your holiday if you want to).

Customers heading to Australia, New Zealand, Canada or the US and wanting to use their data can select the Roam Abroad Pass as an add-on.

Alternatively, they can pay £6.74 a day for 500MB of data only in Canada and the US, £8.45 a day for 500MB in nine countries including Australia, India and China, or use 150MB of data for £8.45 a day in 45 other destinations including Brazil, Japan and Jamaica. 

Customers can use their phones abroad in 47 destinations without paying extra roaming charges with BT Mobile's Roam Like Home scheme.

If travelling outside Europe, BT mobile customers can use still use their phones but will need to buy a Mobile Travel Data Pass to access their data.

It costs £6 for 500MB that must be used within 24 hours. It covers 12 countries, including the UAE, US, Australia and Canada.

Giffgaff lets customers roam for no extra charge within the EU and other selected locations, with a 5GB fair usage cap. If this is exceeded, roaming is charged at 10p per MB.

Anyone travelling outside the 37 locations in the EU and beyond will have to add credit to their account to use their phones as normal.

They'll also be charged a rate per minute, text or MB, which varies depending on where you go.

Tesco Mobile

Until 2025, anyone travelling to one of Tesco's 48 Home from Home destinations can use their phone as normal with no extra charge.

Roaming charges apply for travel outside these countries - but Tesco will cap data usage at £40 for anyone who hasn't already put in a safety buffer, to avoid anyone coming home to a shockingly high bill.

Generally, data costs around £5 per MB and texts 40p, but costs for calls can vary.

Sky's Roaming Passport Plus lets customers access their UK allowances for £2 a day in more than 55 popular holiday destinations, including EU countries, the US, Australia and more.

The pass is valid for 24 hours. Unused data can be carried over but the £2 charge still applies.

Anyone heading to other far-away destinations will see out-of-tariff roaming charges apply.

If you've got a phone or SIM-only contract with iD Mobile you can use your UK monthly allowances in 50 destinations worldwide, up to 30GB.

Roaming has to be activated beforehand through your online account or the iD Mobile app.

Lyca Mobile

Anyone with a Lyca Mobile SIM can roam in the EU or use data in India as normal up to the 12GB fair usage limit.

What about e-SIMS?

Standing for "embedded SIM", e-SIMS are virtual SIMS that have been built into most newer devices like phones, tablets and smartwatches.

While perhaps not so useful inside the UK and for short EU trips, they could be a way to avoid those hefty out-of-tariff fees for travel further afield.

As they can be activated without a physical card, it makes them particularly useful for overseas trips as you can easily switch between several different carriers if you need to. 

To use one, you'll need to purchase an e-SIM for the country you're heading to and adjust the settings on your phone to allow it to be used.

There are many different providers offering e-SIM services at varying prices for different destinations, making them difficult to compare.

On a similar theme to our last post... The pension pot needed for basic retirement has risen more than 60% in the last three years, two thinktanks have found. 

This means the average pension pot required has risen from £68,300 in 2020-21 to £107,800 in 2023-24. 

Rising housing, energy, food and transport prices have all contributed to the increase, a study by the Resolution Foundation and Living Wage Foundation suggests. 

Researchers say a person requires an average income of £19,300 a year in retirement to sustain a "basic" standard of living. 

However, this figure differs depending on whether a person owns or rents their home, and if they live alone. 

For example, single home-owning pensioners need  £13,500 annually while pensioner couples that own their home need £20,600. 

At the moment, the full rate of the state pension is £221.20 a week, or £11,502 a year.

The rest of the "basic retirement" fund would need to come from other sources such as a private pension with a balance of £107,800. 

To reach the amount needed in retirement, the research found a person working full-time on the Living Wage (£11.44 an hour) would need to contribute 9% of their earnings a year from the age of 25 to 68. 

State pensions could rise by more than £400 next year, according to reports.

The triple lock means pensions rise each April by whatever is highest out of inflation, average wage growth and 2.5%

This year that looks set to be wage growth, with figures set to be released next week.

The Treasury's internal working calculations, seen by the BBC, show this would lead to a £400 increase for anyone on the full state pension.

That would take the full state pension to around £12,000.

Pre-2016 retirees who may be eligible for the secondary state pension could see a £300 per year increase.

None of this has yet been confirmed but the Office for Budget Responsibility's spring forecast of earnings growth was 3.7% for the triple lock reference period - which all ties in with the suggested hikes above.

Any decision on a pension increase will be made by Pensions Minister Liz Kendall ahead of October's budget.

Yesterday, Chancellor Rachel Reeves reiterated the government's backing of the triple lock - which this year resulted in a £900 rise.

The Treasury has been contacted for comment.

Keep scrolling for news of a popular European country clamping down on Airbnb and this week's Cheap Eats

By James Sillars , business news reporter

A US-led stock market sell-off is hitting values on this side of the Atlantic for a second day.

The main worry, which was first seen a month ago, continues to be the performance of the world's largest economy.

Weaker than expected US manufacturing data sparked drops in oil and commodity costs, which bled into share prices.

The big losers, however, were tech shares.

Analysts said a decline of almost 10% in AI chipmaker Nvidia's stock was down to some profit-taking on fears the best news for the company's outlook was in the rearview mirror.

Brent crude dropped almost 5% to $73 a barrel.

The FTSE 100 largely mirrored Tuesday's declines at Wednesday's open, falling 0.8%.

Energy and mining stocks were among those worst affected again.

Every Wednesday we ask top chefs to pick their favourite Cheap Eats where they live and when they cook at home. This week we speak to Israeli-born Eran Tibi, executive chef at Michelin-recommended Bala Baya, and Kapara, in London.

Hi Eran, can you tell us your favourite places in London where you can get a meal for two for less than £40?

One of my favourite place has to be Voodoo Rays  (Dalston, London Fields and Peckham) - it serves New York-style pizza which you can't get anywhere. They have 22-inch pizzas - hello! 

You're able to go in, pick slices of whatever pizza you want; they also do a great negroni. It's great value and the quality is fantastic and consistent, so it's a no brainer.

I also love Afghan Kitchen in Angel  -   it's cheap, cheerful, delicious and authentic. It's unique as not many people are familiar with Afghan cuisine; all the dishes are great value and it's a fantastic place to explore new dishes. 

What is your go-to cheap eat to cook at home when you have a night in?

If I'm making something at home, I go to Ridley Road Market in Dalston to pick up my ingredients. Here you'll find the best produce for the most reasonable price.

The go-to for a cheap home cooked eat is roast beef with roasted seasonal vegetables and a slow braised bulgur wheat, covered with some dips (either fresh or from what's left in the fridge).

With dishes like this, the key is to always have a good pantry and look to the freezer; throughout the year, freeze seasonal vegetables and ingredients so when you need an easy and cheap dinner (even out of season), simply take them out and get cooking! 

We've spoken to lots of top chefs - check out their cheap eats from around the country here...

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