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Keele University

MPhil/PhD Education

Keele, United Kingdom

1 up to 6 Years

Full time, Part time


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GBP 4,327 / per year *


* full-time annual tuition fees: International £14,600. Part-time UK/EU annual tuition fees: £2,164. Additional fees may apply.


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Our group has two broad lines of research activity.

The first is concerned with understanding the source, scope and pattern of education policy; that is in exploring the origins of policies, the nature and definition of the problems that education is asked to solve, and the historical, cultural and social practices that filter or mediate policies. The second concerns educational practices and performance and the development of quality in schooling, including work on the educational potential of new technologies, forms of excellence in teaching practice and the performance of schools.

Research into education policy draws on a diversity of intellectual traditions, including critical social policy, poststructuralist theories of governance, feminism, theories of identity and cultural studies. We have recently focused on two interconnected themes; the reshaping of education governance and its consequences for social inclusion/exclusion and education politics, and families, childhood and identity in education. Research into educational practices and performance and the development of quality in schooling focuses on teaching and learning practice school management and leadership. Projects are often run in close collaboration with schools.

Research Interests

Professional identities and professionalisation, and school-based research.

The scope and pattern of education policy.

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About Keele

Keele University was established in 1949 by the former Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University. Founded to meet the needs of a changing world, Keele has always had a pioneering vision to be a different kind of university.

We excel in both teaching and research, with some of the most satisfied students in England, and research that is changing lives for the better at a regional, national, and global level.

Our beautiful 600-acre campus is one of the biggest in Britain – but all the most important services and facilities are on your doorstep, with accommodation, teaching spaces, facilities including a medical centre, sports centre and pharmacy, and a range of shops, eateries, and entertainment venues – including the Students’ Union – clustered around the centre.

Study opportunities for you

We offer taught master's degrees and postgraduate research programmes across a wide range of subject areas. Whether you want to progress your career in Health, Humanities, Business, Social Sciences or Natural Sciences, Keele has a diverse suite of courses to enable you to expand your opportunities.

In addition to our on-campus postgraduate courses, we have developed a suite of 100% online master’s programmes which give you the flexibility and freedom to study from anywhere in the world. We have also introduced distance learning to our postgraduate research provision. Distance learning research degrees enable you to benefit from our excellent reputation for research opportunities and high-quality supervision whilst studying remotely. 

Our student community 

Our student body represents over 120 different nationalities - it's safe to say we are a welcoming campus that recognises the benefits of such a diverse student population. The Keele Postgraduate Association (KPA) is dedicated to postgraduates and representing the student voice, offering postgrads support in various areas such as finance, study, social events, and conferences.

Key facts  

  •  We strive to give our students the best overall university experience. Our suite of facts, figures and achievements evidence this commitment. 
  •  Britain’s best university, as ranked by students (Student Crowd University Awards 2022).
  • 80% of our research was classified as world leading or internationally excellent (REF, 2021).
  •  Global Sustainability Institution of the Year (International Green Gown Awards, 2021).
  • Global Top 200, Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2022.
  • UK Top 10 for research opportunities offered to postgraduate students (PRES, 2019).

Postgraduate open events 

Hosted throughout the year, these events give you the chance, either in-person or virtually, to explore our campus and learn more about the Keele postgraduate experience. Discover more and register for a Keele postgraduate open event.

Postgraduate Open Event details:

The dates of our Postgraduate Open Events are as follows:

  • Wednesday 14 February 2024
  • Wednesday 1 May 2024
  • Wednesday 4 December 2024

How to apply

You can apply directly to a Keele postgraduate taught programme via our course pages. Our postgraduate taught study - how to apply page contains further information. Applications must be supported by documentary evidence of entry qualifications including English language, academic transcripts, and references. For those looking to pursue research degrees, visit our how to apply – postgraduate research page for further information.

Fees and funding 

Tuition fees vary between programmes and are set at different levels for home and international students. Please see our tuition fees page for more information. We offer a range of postgraduate funding and support , including bursaries and scholarships, plus our 20% alumni tuition fee discount (eligibility criteria apply).

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  • Keele Business School
  • Keele (Central)
  • Research Institute Primary Care and Health Sciences
  • School of Allied Health Professions
  • School of Chemistry and Physical Science
  • School of Computing and Mathematics
  • School of Geography, Geology and the Environment
  • School of Humanities
  • School of Law
  • School of Life Sciences
  • School of Medicine
  • School of Nursing and Midwifery
  • School of Pharmacy and Bioenginnering
  • School of Politics, Philosophy, International Relations and Environment
  • School of Primary, Community and Social Care
  • School of Psychology
  • School of Science and Public Policy
  • School of Social, Political and Global Studies

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Postgraduate Study

Is a postgraduate degree the right choice for me.

Deciding whether to undertake postgraduate study can be a complex decision. It is important to consider the benefits, the cost and whether a taught course or research would suit you best. The Keele Careers & Employability team are available on campus to allow you to talk through your options. Details of virtual open days and funding opportunities can be found on the Keele website. 

The  Prospects Website  also provides careers advice and job and course opportunities to help students and graduates to make informed choices about their career options.

Masters students may qualify for the Postgraduate Loan from Student Finance. 

If you're studying a PhD, the Postgraduate Doctoral Loan can help with course fees and living costs.

You may also be able to find financial support from a number of other sources. Making a successful application is not easy and the process can often be long, confusing and strenuous, so start looking as early as possible and persevere if you do not find success at first. Having an idea of what you would like to study or research will help focus your searches and avoid any unnecessary applications. Eligibility for grants, bursaries and scholarships can depend upon if you are a home or international student, in full or part-time study or if you are an undergraduate or postgraduate so check guidance carefully. If you are unsure about your eligibility for an award then contact the provider directly for clarification.

The following links may be helpful:

Keele postgraduate funding opportunities . have a  check list of possible funding sources .  

DSC online databases .

Family Action  grants for families and single parent households. 

International Financial Aid and College Scholarship  offer funds for students who wish to study abroad. Most scholarships are restricted to certain geographical areas so check carefully.


Turn2us  has a useful search tool to help you find available grants.

Scholarship Hub  - you will need to create an account to access their grant search but this is free if you only want to use their basic search.

I'm a current Keele student, how do I apply to continue my studies at Keele?

The University has introduced an easier application process for existing Keele students. You can apply for postgraduate study by going onto eVision and selecting the 'continue your studies at Keele' button, selecting their year of entry and chosen course and then clicking apply.

Postgraduate Taught Degree Classes

You must achieve 180 credits to be awarded a Masters degree, either by passing them outright or through compensation. Your marks will then determine which class you get.

If you don't achieve enough credits, you may still be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate. You must obtain 120 credits for a Postgraduate Diploma or 60 credits for a Postgraduate Certificate.


An average weighted module mark of at least 68% AND at least 60 credits with a mark of 70 or higher.

An average weighted module mark of at least 58% AND at least 60 credits with a mark of 60 or higher.

You have obtained all your credits but your marks don't meet the threshold for a Merit or you've had a module compensated.

Calculating the Average Module Mark

Your average module mark will be weighted based upon the credit value of each module. For example, a standard module is 15 credits so a 30-credit module mark would be counted twice and a 60-credit module mark would be counted four times.

The average module mark will be rounded to the nearest integer (a mark of 0.5 or above will be rounded up).


If you fail a module you may be able to get it compensated, which means the mark stays the same but you are awarded credits as if you had passed. You can get compensation on all taught postgraduate programmes inless your programme specification says otherwise.

To get   a module compensated, you must have a mark of 45-49 and you must have a mark of at least 55 in other modules worth the same amount of credits. You can have up to 30 credits compensated. Dissertation or final project modules cannot be compensated.

Please note, if you have a module compensated you will not be able to achieve a higher award than a Pass.

Research Degrees //

Full guidance on postgraduate research degrees can be found in the Code of Practice on Postgraduate Research Degrees .


Finding a Supervisor

It is very important that you identify an academic who you feel comfortable working with. You need a supervisor who can give you the support you need throughout your studies. There are indicators as to the standard of supervision an academic is likely to provide.

  • Potential supervisors are often your first point of contact when enquiring about potential postgraduate study at an institution and they will be able to help guide you through the application process. It is a good idea to meet with your potential supervisor before you begin your course and, if possible, before you even apply. As a minimum you should be in regular e-mail correspondence or having telephone conversations during the application process.
  • Many departments will list postgraduate students previously supervised by their staff. It is worth investigating how those students careers have developed after their postgraduate study under the supervision of the academic. Occasionally an academic will state on their personal page if they are willing to supervise postgraduates and at what level (taught or research).
  • Do not be surprised if a potential supervisor asks you about your research proposal or to provide an academic CV (a document outlining you academic achievements such as qualifications, grants awarded, publications and conference or training sessions attended, this is perfectly normal and is usually an indication that the academic takes postgraduate supervision very seriously. It is understandable that they might want to know a little about you if they are to invest the time in supervising you.
  • You should have a good idea of some of the leading academics in your field. Try looking on the back cover of their latest book to find which institute they belong to or Google their name. If you have no idea about potential supervisors then visit university department websites with a strong reputation in your field and browse their staff pages. Don’t worry about contacting the wrong individuals, most will simply point you in the direction of a colleague who will be able to help.

Each supervisor-student relationship is different depending on the personalities involved. However, as a postgraduate remember that you should be treated as an adult and that your study/research is yours. Your supervisor should trust you to manage your work and other commitments, meet deadlines, organise your work schedule, develop timelines and to ask for help when needed. 

Sit down with your supervisor early on and develop a clear plan of work to be completed and when it is to be completed by. If your circumstances change and you won't be able follow this plan, speak to your supervisor about your problems and do not wait for issues to build up. The relationship with your supervisor should be open and honest - you should be able to trust one another’s judgement and be comfortable enough to express how you are feeling.

After meeting with your supervisor, write brief notes of what you discussed and agreed, and ideally you should both sign and date the notes once you are agreed they are an accurate reflection of your meeting. This will help avoid any misunderstandings or conflict if there are any problems later on in your study.

Problems with Your Supervisor

You can make a request for a different supervisor to the PGR Director. Normally, any change of supervisor will be by mutual agreement between the student and the University. 

Separate to this, if you are unhappy with any aspect of your time at Keele you have the right to submit a complaint. You should try to resolve issue informally first by contacting your lead supervisor or another member of staff.  If you then want to follow the formal complaints process, you can visit our Complaints page for guidance.

Your Learning Plan

Your Learning Plan acts as a log of your work including:

  • Details of you supervisory team
  • Projected start, progression and completion/submission dates
  • Progress reviews
  • Supervisory meetings
  • Research training completed
  • Research activities (grants, conferences, field work etc.)
  • Leave of absences taken

It is important to complete your Learning Plan as fully as possible and keep it up to date. It acts as a useful guide to preparing and organising your PhD as well as a record of achievement in case of conflict or misunderstanding. You should discuss your Learning Plan on a frequent basis at meetings with your supervisor.

Preparing for Progression

Progression takes place 10 months after you start your studies (or 20 months for part-time students). The purpose of the progression is to identify if you are likely to complete your thesis to the expected standard. The four possible outcomes are as follows:

  • You are suitable and may progress to doctoral study
  • You are not suitable for doctoral study and will prepare a thesis for submission for a research master’s degree
  • You are not suitable for doctoral study and will be required to withdraw
  • You are not yet suitable for progression and will be given a programme of work to complete over a period not exceeding 2 months, at which point you will again be reviewed 

The process varies depending on your research institute. Speak with your RI administrator about organising your progression well in advance. Progression boards can take a while to organise due to busy academic schedules so you might need to continue reminding your RI about your impending progression.

Speak with your supervisor about what you can expect to be asked. Some general indicators might include:

  • What made you decide to research your chosen topic?
  • How have contemporary developments shaped your work thus far?
  • What contribution will your research make to the wider community?
  • How did you come to define you key terms?
  • What are the key skills you have learnt so far and where do you feel you need to train further?
  • What might you have done differently up to this point?
  • What are your plans for the rest of your research project?

Continuation Status

Continuation is an extended period of time in which to write up your thesis and therefore you may not have access to all the resources you had previously. If you feel you will be unable to submit your thesis on time you should tell your supervisor and RI as soon as possible.

You may only be on continuation mode of attendance for a maximum of 12 months (24 months for part-time students) and you must have competed your minimum period of supervision, usually 3 years (6 for part-time students). You must also have completed your 30 month review (60 month for part-time students). You will still have to pay tuition fees but only at a 15% the full-time rate. You should expect to have access to the following:

  • Your supervisor for reading draft thesis chapters
  • The library and other IT services
  • Computing facilities in your research institute

There are also council tax implications for moving onto continuation status. Many local councils do not consider those students on continuation to be full-time but the councils in the Keele area have now agreed to continue exemption. Your name should be included on the list of full-time students sent to the local councils but if you're having any problems with the council, please get in touch with us.

Preparing for Your Viva

A viva voce is an oral examination of your knowledge of your thesis. A viva voce is conducted by two examiners - one internal and one external - and an independent chair. If you wish, your supervisor may be present with the prior permission of the Research Degrees Committee. None of your supervisory team may sit on the examination committee for a viva voce.

There are seven possible outcomes:

  • Award a doctorate
  • Award a doctorate once requested revisions have been made
  • Resubmit for a further oral examination within two years for a doctorate

Only for original submissions - not for re-submissions:

  • Award a Masters
  • Resubmit for a further oral examination within two years for a masters

Only for original submissions and for doctoral candidates - not for resubmissions or Masters students:

  • Make no award and allow no resubmission
  • Unable to make a joint recommendation- new examiner(s) will be added to resolve the situation

If you have been in regular contact and have had a positive working relationship with your supervisory team, you should have a general indication of your likely result (1-3, 4-5 or 6) before the viva voce takes place since any potential major issues will have already been flagged up at progression or supervisory meetings. However, if you are worried about your progress, or have issues at any time during your studies you can always discuss your concerns with ASK.

Finding Teaching Experience

You may want teaching experience to provide an extra income and/or to gain experience. However, unless you are on a Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA), teaching is not guaranteed. There are several ways in which you can increase the likelihood of teaching opportunities and experience:

Tag Teach - Make sure academics in your school and research institute are aware of your research topic and any potential teaching crossovers with their modules. You may be able to suggest taking a lecture or part of a lecture where relevant to your research.

Teaching Register - Sign up to a teaching register where students list their teaching and research interests. Academics who are then seeking teachers in related fields will search the register. This avoids sending out lots of pointless and often irritating e-mails to module leaders.

Other institutions - Try contacting other Higher and Further Education institutions to see if there is teaching opportunities. Larger institutions are more likely to have the funding and modules that you can apply your research to.

Non-academic - Not all teaching experience has to be in a lecture theatre, lab or seminar room.  Volunteer  to help out in local projects or sign up to summer schools. Any environment whereby you can demonstrate teaching skills could prove invaluable.

Modules - Take modules from the Learning and Professional Development Centre that require teaching as part of the module.

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  • +44 (0)1785 904490
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  • MSc Management
  • MSc Management with Marketing
  • MSc Management with Sustainability
  • MSc Management with Data Analytics
  • MSc Management with Human Resources
  • MSc Management with Healthcare Management
  • MSc Management with Project Management
  • MSc Computer Science
  • MSc Computer Science with Data Analytics
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100% online MA Education Leadership and Management

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  • 180 credits •
  • Complete in as little as 14 months

This is Keele:

  • 100% online MA – 14 months full-time or 2 years part-time
  • Top 10 in England for Education*
  • Top 300 in the World for Education**
  • Britain's Best University , as ranked by students***
  • 80% of research 'world leading' or 'internationally excellent'****
  • £7,440 total fees with option to pay per module
  • Keele alumni discount available

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An online master’s designed to develop inspirational educational leaders for a wide range of professional contexts.

The 100% online MA Education Leadership and Management from Keele University is an innovative master’s degree that has been designed to develop educational leaders for public, private and not-for-profit organisations by providing them with the knowledge, skills and behaviours to lead educational developments in the modern world.

The programme equips educators for progression in and promotion to careers such as school headships, heads of divisions, subject leaders, peer-mentors, policy developers, curriculum advisors, as well as business development directors and project managers. Our education graduates have gone on to diverse careers in educational settings as well as in politics, the civil service, policy think tanks, business, national and international NGOs, local authority and creative industries, both in the UK and internationally.

Flexible online study, designed by education professionals - for education professionals

The online MA Education Leadership and Management is a bespoke master’s course that has been designed to be compatible with the considerable time pressures of busy professional practice combined with family commitments. What sets this master’s degree apart is the flexible course structure and delivery that enables you to access course content on demand and study at the times that are convenient to you, in the locations that work for you.

Your education studies are part-time, allowing you to continue working full-time and apply what you learn to your current role whilst continuing to earn and boosting your employability. With six starts a year, you can begin academic study within weeks.

There is no need to ever visit campus for face-to-face sessions or press the pause button on your current career, because your education studies are part-time, allowing you to continue working full-time and apply what you learn to your current role whilst continuing to earn and boosting your employability. With six starts a year, you aren’t tied to the traditional academic year and can begin within weeks. The entirely online modality of this postgraduate degree has been specifically incepted to ensure that students across the UK and around the world are able to study it without needing to relocate.

Keele University has developed a specially designed online learning environment within which you will interact with module tutors and will collaborate with and learn from fellow postgraduate students from around the world, in group learning activities and discussion groups via online forums. This provides you with a rich learning experience, the opportunity to learn from peers of diverse backgrounds and an invaluable means of expanding your global professional network.

What you will learn

The online MA International Education Leadership and Management draws on educational research and develops a critical understanding and theoretical perspectives on a broad range of matters related to educational leadership and management. It equips you to demonstrate to employers a level of critical and intellectual rigour that can place you at the forefront of key educational leadership and management careers across sectors and around the world. It encourages professional development and enables you to reflect critically on aspects of your own professional experience as a leader or manager and on the practice of others.

On this master’s programme, you will learn how to address the needs of executives and managers in today’s dynamic field of education by focusing on strategic leadership in the context of complexity and change, as well as organisational management with respect to working together in an organisation, business ethics and the identification, mitigation and management of organisational risk and sustainability.

Knowledge and skills taught include:

  • Leading in a complex world
  • People management in organisations
  • Inclusive education
  • International education in a globalised world
  • An interconnected view of education, employment and professional identity
  • Reflective practice
  • Research design
  • Qualitative and quantitative research methodologies
  • Preparing and developing a dissertation

A University with leading rankings in Education and student satisfaction

Keele University is proud to have been ranked in the top 10 universities in England for Education in the Complete University Guide 2021. The University’s education credentials at a global level are also demonstrated by being ranked in the top 250 in the world in the Times Higher Education World Rankings 2021.

Key to attracting accolades of this kind in education has been the quality of teaching, research and student experience delivered by the Education Department at the University. In the latest Research Excellence Framework, 80% of our research was rated ‘world leading’ or of ‘international importance’.

You will learn from a team of education experts, many of whom are contributors to research that is shifting the dial for a variety of global issues. The department’s close ties with industry partners have helped to develop programmes that are specifically geared towards career progression and success in educational leadership and management positions.

Keele consistently ranks amongst the top universities for student satisfaction, including ranking 1st in England for overall course satisfaction in the Guardian University rankings 2019.

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Entry requirements for home and international students

  • A minimum of 2:2 undergraduate degree or a UK Master’s degree (or international equivalent).
  • A third-class honours degree or an ordinary degree (without honours) or UK equivalent professional qualification with a minimum of two years’ appropriate work experience.
  • Applicants who do not hold a recognised degree will be asked to provide evidence which demonstrates a minimum of three years’ relevant experience in education. This can include a wide range of educational experiences, ranging from teaching practice, educational development, educational consultancy and advising, and a range of positions in educational organisations other than schools, universities and further education colleges, such as recruitment agencies, companies specialising in the analysis of educational institutions, government organisations, local councils, charities and NGOs/ INGOs. The evidence will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

English language requirements

If English isn’t your first language you may need to provide evidence of your English language ability. We accept the following qualifications:

  • IELTS at 6.0 overall with no individual component below 5.5
  • TOEFL overall minimum 79
  • PTE Academic overall minimum 50
  • Cambridge (CAE & CPE) overall 169 with minimum scores of 162 in Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking
  • Duolingo with 95 overall including minimum 85 in each element
  • A degree qualification taught in English and completed within the last two years

Technical requirements

As these programmes are delivered 100% online, you will be required to have access to a desktop computer or laptop, with an up-to-date operating system and the ability to use an up-to-date web browser such Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Webcam access would be beneficial to online learning, as some modules require submission of videos for assessment and feedback. Usage of Microsoft Office 365 is also required (access is included at no extra cost to Keele Students). Additionally, students will be required to access their learning resources using Canvas via a web browser. 

Canvas LMS Browser and Computer Requirements  

Programme Start dates

If you are based in the UK or the EU, you may be eligible for a government postgraduate loan to cover the full course fees.

Keele alumni discount: if you have successfully completed an undergraduate degree at Keele, you are eligible for a 10% tuition fees reduction, reducing total fees payable to £6,696.

You pay tuition fees for each module taken, either module-by-module or in full at the start of your course.

If you pay module-by-module, you will pay in instalments of £620.

Leading in a Complex World

Leading and managing in today’s global working environment is complex. This module addresses the needs of managers and leaders in today’s dynamic environment and focuses on strategic leadership in the context of complexity and change. It explores the origins and history of leadership thinking to provide a foundation for understanding contemporary leadership theory. The pivotal role of the senior leader in the process of understanding and shaping organisational culture is supported by key leadership tools and skills including: the identification of different types of leadership problems and approaches to solving them; understanding and making sense of change; and the leaders role in power, politics, ethics and diversity.

People, Work and Organisations

This module looks closely at the role of management in organisations. It explores how organisations are structured and how they function, with a focus on how people work together in the organisational context. You will explore a range of topics that impact on the role of the manager such as: business ethics; the identification, mitigation and management of organisational risk; organisational sustainability; and creating entities that attend to decisions. You will also develop an understanding of sustainability and the way that organisations interact and impact on society and the communities around them through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The module investigates the need for organisational continuity and robustness in an increasingly global context of increased risk, competition, crisis and disasters, as well as the legislative issues that impact on organisations.

Online and Blended Learning Design

This module introduces the principles of learning design for online and blended education courses and activities. Students engage with pedagogical and course design literature, as well as selected learning theories to develop an understanding of the learning process and of suitable teaching strategies to create engaging and pedagogically rigorous online materials. The module engages students in debates on different design approaches and educational theories to develop their knowledge around the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ of teaching and learning with digital technology. Students build their own learning designs, justifying the proposed use of technologies to support learning in a variety of contexts for learners with a variety of needs.

Global Education Issues

This module explores the changing world of education in the context of social, political, economic and cultural globalisation. It reflects on the nature of international identity, both for teachers and students, and critically explores what `international’ means, educationally, in this context. The module enables you to understand, and reflect critically on the expansion, origins, tensions, and challenges experienced in international education. It invites you to critically examine the primary aspects of globalisation and their impact on education in any setting and to explore the concept of professional identity in the context of a globalised education policy and practice.

Reflecting on Practice

This module analyses the significance of reflective practice in enabling you to develop informed insights and perspectives on key philosophical, socio-cultural and political debates about educational and workplace settings. You will engage actively with a variety of theories and practices associated with reflective practice, with more thoughtful reflection being put forward as the key to reflective practice. You will reflect on an aspect of your practice and develop an action plan for future practice.

Education, Employment and Professional Identity

This module enables you to critically explore the changing relationships between work and education and the implications for individuals and society. In the module, you are encouraged to interrogate the wider social and historical connections between policies, socio-economic change, education and work. You are invited to critically analyse the links between education, employment and the various social constructions of self-identity. The module examines in-depth, using a range of materials, the ways in which professional identities are constructed and informed by wider social and economic factors.

Research Design

This module introduces you to key issues and methodologies underpinning research in the social sciences. You will be introduced initially to how to construct a research project by looking at how to develop and build research questions and how these might be operationalised in your own study. You will be encouraged to begin close planning of your own project. The outcome of the module will be for you to begin to develop both a design and a methodological rationale for your work and the methods you will choose to use.

Research Methods

This module explores a range of research methods – both qualitative and quantitative – and it introduces you to the advantages and pitfalls of these as research tools. You will be supported throughout to reflect on your own understanding of the social world and its implications for developing justified strategies for carrying out your research project. The aim of the module is to enable you to develop concrete plans for the development of the research methods and approaches in relation to your proposed thesis topic.

Preparing a Dissertation

In this module you will specifically focus on the structure of your final dissertation. The module will equip you to develop specific sections of your dissertation which will include writing an introduction, doing a literature review, writing a methodology chapter, choosing an appropriate approach to data analysis and drawing conclusions. In the module, you will also be introduced to research ethics and will be supported to complete a research ethics application so that you can start data collection.

Dissertation – Main Research Project

The dissertation module provides you with the opportunity to carry out and write up an original piece of education research at master’s level. You will draw on the knowledge you developed in the Research Methods module, as well as knowledge and skills gained throughout your academic study in other modules, to conduct your research. The project could be empirical, text-based or a combination of both approaches. Through independent study, you will design and undertake your project in close collaboration with your supervisor and submit a dissertation upon completion.

Top 10 in England for Education (Complete University Guide 2021)

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PhD / MPhil Philosophy

Keele university, different course options.

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Course Summary

Tuition fees, entry requirements, similar courses at different universities, key information data source : idp connect, qualification type.

PhD/DPhil - Doctor of Philosophy

Subject areas

Course type, uk fees course fees for uk students.

For this course (per year)

International fees Course fees for EU and international students

PhD, MPhil and DMs usually require an Honours degree with a first or 2.1 classifications, or the equivalent if you have been educated outside the UK

Philosophy MA

Birkbeck, university of london, philosophy pg cert, philosophy pg dip, philosophy (mres), politics, philosophy and economics msc.

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Geography with Business Management

a lecturer and a student talking

Geography with Business Management - BA (Hons)

Are you interested in tackling global challenges and understanding the fundamentals of business management? Do you want to examine the dynamics of human behaviours and social inequalities? Our Business Management and Geography BSc allows you to engage with these themes, learn from expert academics and develop a multifaceted skillset.

We are currently refreshing our curriculum for 2025/26 to reflect best practice and academic development, and updated course content and modules will be available on this course page in September 2024.

Year of entry

  • 2025 - for 2025 entry see here - for 2024 entry see here

Course type

  • Combined Honours
  • Keele University campus

Subject area / School

  • Keele Business School School of Geography, Geology and the Environment

Duration of study

  • 3 years / 4 years with international, placement or entrepreneurship year

Why study Geography with Business Management at Keele University?

Reasons to choose geography with business management.

Studying Geography, Geology and the Environment at Keele

Hear from our students and staff – who share their personal experiences of studying and teaching at Keele.

View video transcript >


Course overview.

This interdisciplinary Business   Management  and Geography   BA programme offers a great opportunity to study two engaging subjects which will equip you with a diverse set of skills and knowledge to enhance your employability.

Within the business management component of the degree you will increase your understanding of management and how the modern business world needs individuals who can critically think about management, organisations and the people who are employed by them. You will be introduced to the key areas of international business such trade, investment and international management.

You will analyse human behaviour in organisations, organisational behaviour and explore the key concepts and issues in operations and quality management. You will examine business strategy and activities including a virtual business game simulation that will give you the opportunity to put the theory you've been learning on the course into practice.

Geography is uniquely positioned between the physical and social sciences enabling geographers to provide broad-ranging perspectives on a range of key societal challenges. The flexibility of our programme enables you to explore the full breadth and depth of this dynamic discipline.

The geography component of this programme enables you to explore the spatial interactions between human behaviours and society and the inter-relationships between the environment and political, economic and social forces. Our focus on climate change, global responsibility, sustainability, and the application of professional geographical skills to real-world situations will prepare you for a wide range of careers and for life as a responsible global citizen.

You'll undertake a range of geography modules which encourage you to consider themes such as space and society and practical human geography whilst having the flexibility to tailor your studies through our optional modules. As you progress on the course you will develop an appreciation of the dynamic and research-based nature of geography and will learn how to use geographical evidence to explain the spatial interactions between human behaviours and society.

Through the entire course you will have the opportunity to tailor your learning to your career aspirations or interests by choosing from a variety of optional modules. Topics range from accounting, digital marketing and communications and contemporary issues in management to health inequalities, rural geographies, people and the environment, and weather, climate and society.

At Keele, you'll have a variety of opportunities to enhance your academic and professional development. Imagine broadening your horizons by studying abroad, learning a foreign language, completing a work placement or undertaking an entrepreneurship year. See below for the specific opportunities available on our Business Management and Geography BA (Hons).

Learn from our campus - our own living laboratory

Our unique 600-acre rural campus is a fantastic natural environment to test new ideas, discover solutions to problems and bring your learning to life. From taking soil samples and surveying, to measuring water quality - Keele's diverse habitats and environments enable you to learn in an authentic environment whilst practicing sustainably. We even have our own on-campus wind turbines and solar energy park!

Sustainability is at the heart of our programme

At Keele we're leading the sector in sustainability, not just in our ambitions to become carbon neutral by 2030 but also through our teaching and our ground-breaking research into climate change and renewable technologies. We are proud to be named Global Sustainability Institution of the Year (International Green Gown Awards, 2021), which demonstrates our commitment to embedding sustainability into all that we do.

From the benefits to businesses to green their operations, employment opportunities in the field of sustainability and the implications of economic developments on the natural environment - sustainability modules are embedded throughout our programme.

Find out more about Keele’s commitment to sustainability .

  • How to apply

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  • Business Management and Media
  • Business Management and Music Production
  • Business Management with Analytics
  • Environmental Science and Geography 
  • Esports Business Management
  • Geography (Human)
  • Geography (Physical)
  • Geography and Sociology
  • Geology and Physical Geography
  • Sports Business Management

Studying at Keele Business School

Hear from our students and staff – who share their personal experiences of what it's like to be a part of Keele Business School.

View video transcript


Teaching excellence framework gold.

Keele TEF Gold 2023

Keele University has been awarded the highest rating of gold in the teaching excellence framework (TEF), 2023. The TEF assessment identifies excellence in the educational experience and outcomes of our students, focusing on all undergraduate courses and students.

Test content container for modules

Course structure

Modules for geography with business management.

The module details given below are indicative, they are intended to provide you with an idea of the range of subjects that are taught to our current students. The modules that will be available for you to study in future years are prone to change as we regularly review our teaching to ensure that it is up-to-date and informed by the latest research and teaching methods, as well as student voice. The information presented is therefore not intended to be construed and/or relied upon as a definitive list of the modules available in any given year.

Our courses are designed to develop the skills, experience and expertise you'll need to succeed in your chosen career, informed by the latest research and teaching methods, as well as student feedback and employer insights. The module details given below are representative of what we intend to deliver on the course.

Please note that modules may change to reflect best practice and academic development. This information should therefore not be seen as a definitive list of available modules.

This programme is also eligible for Global Challenge Pathways optional modules, Keele's exciting route of elective study. GCP allows you to explore current debates, enhance your understanding and employability, and complement your chosen subject.

Compulsory modules

Academic, Professional and Field Skills  This module will introduce you to the essential skills required of Geographers, Geologists and Environmental Scientists. To introduce these skills to you we will explore our ‘living lab’ campus and take you on a series of four, one-day field courses in Staffordshire. The module will help you develop your own academic and professional practice, providing you with the foundations for not only completing your degree successfully, but also helping you think about future study or employment.

Human and Physical Geographies for a Changing World   This module explores the heart of Geography, connecting Human and Physical topics to help you achieve a detailed understanding of our increasingly complex world. Geography is an integrative subject, and we combine the study of landscape, climate change, and natural hazards with topics such as social exclusion, modernization, identity politics and (counter-)urbanisation. Putting this material in the context of big ideas like scientific uncertainty and Geography’s colonial framing, the module provides a strong foundation for further study in the subject. 

Exploring Business Foundations: Principles and Practices  This module introduces you to the essential concepts and practices in business, including basic economics, management principles, and the roles of marketing and finance. You will learn about the structure of various business organizations and begin to understand the dynamics of the business world. The module allows you to think about the implications of different aspects of business functioning in an industry of your choice. 

Sustainable Staffordshire  In this module you will explore sustainability within Staffordshire (Keele’s local area). Topics include environmental issues, renewable energy, and community-led conservation efforts. You will examine regional case studies, engage with local sustainability initiatives and learn how these activities build on Staffordshire's rich geology, geography and history. Through interactive learning on and off campus, you will develop your knowledge of sustainability practices and identify strategies to enhance Staffordshire's ecological resilience and community well-being, and how these can be implemented beyond Staffordshire. 

Optional modules

Conservation Policy and Practice Whether it is natural resource depletion, changing climate, protecting wilderness, saving endangered species, or living during a pandemic, we worry about the impacts society has on nature and vice versa. Conservation practices have emerged to safeguard the parts of the natural world we particularly value. However, our ideas about nature are often multiple and contradictory; and discussions about our duties to nature often disguise deeper claims about economic benefits and social equity. This module engages with interdisciplinary ideas about nature focusing on conservation approaches in policy and practice. 

Environmental and Sustainability Impact Assessment: Methods and Research Design Enhance your employability with this hands-on module. You will acquire the specialist field, laboratory, social survey and computer-based research skills required to work in the environmental sector. You will acquire these skills by completing an Environmental and Sustainability Impact Assessment on Keele campus. By completing the module, you will also gain the research, fieldwork and data analysis skills required to conduct your third-year research project. 

Lake District Field Course  The Lake District course provides you with hands-on experience in one of the UK's most iconic landscapes. This module involves a weeklong residential, intensive field study focusing on the region's unique physical geography, ecology, culture and built environment. You will conduct various fieldwork activities, including data collection, environmental analysis, and ethnographic observation. This immersive experience enhances practical skills in geographical and environmental research and fosters a deeper understanding of the interactions between natural environments and human activities within the Lake District.

GIS and remote sensing  Geographical Information Systems and remote sensing are essential tools and techniques for spatial data analysis and visualization. This module will teach you to collect, manage, and interpret data from satellite imagery and aerial photography. The course covers GIS software applications, spatial analysis, and map creation, emphasizing practical skills through hands-on projects. By the end of the module, you will be proficient in using foundational GIS and remote sensing technologies to solve real-world geographic and environmental problems. 

Space and Society Studying space and society explores the conceptual frameworks and ideas that shape our understanding of human activities and spatial relationships. In this module you will engage with foundational texts and contemporary research to enhance your understanding of key theories and the value of theory in making sense of the social world. Emphasis is placed on critical thinking and the application of theory to real-world geographic issues. These include identity politics, the regulation of space and mobility and social exclusion. 

Management Essentials: People, Processes, and Performance  Building on foundational knowledge, this module focuses on operational aspects of managing business - both small and large. Topics include the management of people and resources, understanding operational processes, and techniques for improving organisational performance. You will explore case studies and participate in simulations to see management theories in action. The module allows you to think how people, processes and performance operate in an industry of your choice. 

Making Better Worlds In this module your will interrogate the theories and practices aimed at creating a more equitable and sustainable world. Key topics include environmental sustainability, social justice and civil rights. You will explore historical and contemporary movements for change, the role of technology in societal improvement, the benefits of volunteering and the impact of protests and grassroots initiatives. Through critical discussions of case studies, you will develop practical skills and visionary thinking necessary for fostering positive global transformation. 

Dissertation For the capstone Dissertation project you will conduct independent research on a topic of your own choice within your field of study. Guided by an academic advisor, you will establish research objectives, undertake fieldwork or data collection, and analyse your findings. This module emphasizes critical thinking, methodological rigor, and effective communication of results. Completing the dissertation allows you to demonstrate your expertise, contribute to subject knowledge, and prepare for professional careers or postgraduate study.

Strategic Business Insights: Innovating and Competing  This advanced module focuses on strategic thinking and decision-making within the business environment. You will examine how businesses can formulate strategies to maintain competitive advantage, adapt to changing markets, and innovate. The module includes discussions on global business challenges, sustainability, and the role of technology in business transformation. The module allows you to focus on strategic challenges facing organisations in an industry of your choice.  

International Geographical Field Course  This international field course gives you the opportunity to put your learning into practice in an international setting. Our current location is Geneva and the French Alps where you can explore diverse geographical phenomena in a renowned mountainous region. Through hands-on fieldwork, you can investigate topics such as glacial processes, alpine ecosystems, and cultural landscapes. Field activities may include observational data collection, geographical mapping, and environmental analysis. This immersive experience enhances your understanding of geographical concepts and methodologies while fostering problem-solving skills in challenging terrain. 

Sustainable Futures Consultancy The Sustainable Futures Consultancy module will equip you with the knowledge and skills to address environmental and/or societal challenges through sustainable practices. Focusing on a real-world application you will work with other students on a consultancy project to develop strategies for sustainable solutions in a particular sector. Emphasis is placed on critical thinking, stakeholder engagement, and practical implementation, preparing you for careers in regional planning, sustainability consultancy or environmental management. 

Applied GIS This module will provide you with the broader context of GIS applications to address real-world societal and environmental issues within human and physical geography, geology and environmental sciences. You will gain essential skills in acquiring, analysing and displaying spatial data and explore how GIS can be integrated with environmental impact assessment and be used to support decision-making. By the end of the module, you will gain GIS skills that are important across all sectors in business, government, and science, thereby enhancing your future employability.

Sustainability in the Global South  This module provides you with an in-depth, critical understanding of key debates on global sustainability. You will explore poverty, climate change adaptation, development aid, decolonisation, gendered vulnerabilities, and marginalised or Indigenous knowledges. You will learn how capitalism, race, power, and the legacies of colonialism and empire shape today’s economies, societies and cultures. And you will assess ‘what works’ in enhancing agency among people from the Global South to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.

Social and Spatial Justice  Learn to identify and address injustices in various geographic contexts, through case studies and critical discussions. Case studies will include health inequalities, migration and mobility, and spatial and social justice in rural communities. A common theme across all case studies is the impact of anthropogenic climate change and deep-rooted inequalities for social and spatial justice. Emphasis is placed on developing your analytical skills to propose solutions for promoting fairer and more sustainable societies. 

Clean Technology  Learn about how to accelerate energy transitions away from fossil fuels with a specific focus on: energy efficiency, clean energy generation and storage, electrification and their integration within smart energy systems. You will develop and enhance your energy literacy skills, which will equip you for careers and research opportunities available in the sustainable energy sector. 

Blue Economy: Sustainable futures with an Ocean Focus  Growing interest in ocean and coastal development needs collaboration because marine spaces and ecosystems are interconnected. Blue Economy approaches are presented as “sustainable” but are contested. You will explore the wonders and complexities of our blue planet and develop evidence-based analysis of, and advocacy for, a sustainable ocean. You will develop knowledge through concepts derived from exploring case studies, ocean advocacy and solutions for an ocean-focused sustainable future.

Academic expertise

Keele business school.

Our staff in Keele Business School are active researchers in core areas such as accounting, finance, economics, human resource management, marketing and management. Their academic work will inform your learning, incorporating recent theories and current themes to open discussion in your subject area. There are professional support staff on hand to answer any queries you may have during your undergraduate studies at Keele.

Our academics in Keele Business School are multicultural and multinational, bringing an international aspect to the School’s teaching, research and business activities.

Engage with practitioners

Academics in the School of Geography, Geology and the Environment are practitioners beyond academia. This means you will benefit from studying modules that have been informed by the research and active work they are carrying out in their area of expertise.

Research specialisms in the School include:

  • Sustainable places and societies - improving health and well-being, securing social inclusion and developing sustainable rural and urban places, mobilities and practices.
  • Sustainable Environments (natural and built) - assessing, adapting and resilience to climate, ecosystems and environmental change, including deep time, earth geo-processes and geohazards.
  • Sustainable Energy and Geo-resources - developing smart, sustainable and ‘just’ energy transitions and geo-resources as well as enhancing understanding of the subsurface to promote low-carbon sustainable solutions for harnessing energy, carbon storage and geo-resource extraction.


Additional opportunities, the keele difference.

There are a range of additional opportunities available when studying this course. Please note, undertaking one may impact upon the availability of another.

Strengthening your employability

Work placement year*.

In an increasingly competitive job market, employers are seeking to recruit employees who have high-level knowledge, skills and an understanding of the workplace. Choosing a work placement year between your second and third year, is a fantastic way to gain industry experience. It can provide a valuable insight into what working in a specific area of business is like, gives you the chance to familiarise yourself with the professional working environment and develop professional networks, and provides the opportunity to apply the theory you’ve learnt on your degree course.

*Students who require a visa to study in the UK may be able to add in a work placement depending upon the programme. The ability to add a work placement is dependent upon the UK Immigration rules at the time of the request. It may be that for some programmes students will not have the option to request a placement period to be added to their programme before they arrive in the UK and would need to apply for a new visa. There is no guarantee that a placement will be provided and that students who have a visa are subject to a number of restrictions on the type of work, including placements they can undertake.

Fieldwork opportunities are fully integrated into the geography component of the curriculum to enable you to apply your theoretical knowledge to the real world. These practical experiences provide you with the opportunity to develop and refine the skills required for a career within industry.

In previous years our students have undertaken field courses in the UK to the Lake District and localities around Staffordshire and overseas destinations including Barcelona and Iceland.

International year

In between years two and three of your studies you can choose to spend a year or a semester studying abroad. This exciting opportunity enables you to understand your field from different cultural perspectives and to establish international networks. It also shows you have the personal attributes to embrace new experiences which can enhance your employability. We offer exchange opportunities with a wide variety of partner institutions .

Entrepreneurship year

An entrepreneurship year provides you with the opportunity to showcase your innovative abilities and ideas to develop your business aspirations. If you’ve ever wanted to establish your own start-up or have been inspired by your studies this entrepreneurship year is an amazing opportunity to develop your own business idea. You will undertake your entrepreneurship working within Keele’s Smart Innovation Hub.

The entrepreneurship pathway is available to UK and international students. For international students, the availability of the entrepreneurship pathway is subject due to the latest visa regulations.

Entry requirements

Keele strives to be a place where learning, living and working is a positive experience for our entire community, and we're committed to ensuring equality of opportunity to all our applicants with the potential and motivation to succeed, regardless of background. That's why we operate a range of 'alternative offer' schemes with clear eligibility criteria, including contextual offers, offers for those studying within the Keele region, and recognising a range of additional qualifications in your offer. If you are looking for the 2023 schemes please see here .

The entry grades outlined in this section indicate the likely offer or range of offers which would be made to candidates along with any subject specific requirements. This is for general information only. Keele University reserves the right to vary offer conditions depending upon a candidate's application.

Read more about our undergraduate entry requirements for United Kingdom and International students .

Not got the grades?

If you don't think you'll meet the entry requirements specified, you may be able to gain entry to this course via a Foundation Year .

Preparation programmes for international students

International students who do not meet the direct entry requirements for this course have the opportunity to study an International Foundation Year programme .

These courses are designed to prepare international students to enter into Keele University undergraduate degrees.


Content for X country

Vivamus rutrum sed est at dapibus. Sed eu arcu dignissim, pulvinar orci non, sagittis lorem. Praesent eget risus imperdiet diam luctus sodales.

The following section details our typical entry requirements for this course for a range of UK and international qualifications. If you don’t see your qualifications listed, please contact us to find out if we can accept your qualifications. If you don't think you'll meet the entry requirements specified, you may be able to gain entry to this course via a Foundation Year .

Typical offer

Please ensure that you read the full entry requirements by selecting your qualifications from the dropdown menu below. This will include any subject specific, GCSE/Level 2 Maths, and English language requirements you may need.

Please select your qualification from the drop-down list below for the full entry requirement information

BBB in three A Levels.

Contextual Offer: BCC in three A Levels.

You will also need: an English language qualification (see below).

BTEC Extended Diploma / National Extended Diploma

DDM in any BTEC Extended Diploma / National Extended Diploma.

Contextual Offer: DMM in any BTEC Extended Diploma / National Extended Diploma.

BTEC National Diploma / Diploma

Distinction and Distinction in any BTEC National Diploma / Diploma and C in one A Level, or Distinction and Merit in any BTEC National Diploma / Diploma and B in one A Level.

BTEC National Extended Certificate / Subsidiary Diploma

Distinction in any BTEC National Extended Certificate / Subsidiary Diploma and BC in two A Levels, or Merit in any BTEC National Extended Certificate / Subsidiary Diploma and AB in two A Levels.

Merit in any T Level.

International Baccalaureate Diploma

555 in three Higher Levels or 30 points.

Contextual Offer: 544 in three Higher Levels or 28 points.

International Baccalaureate Career-Related Programme

We encourage applications with the IBCP but recognise that your combination of qualifications may differ depending on where you are studying.

If you are taking a BTEC National Diploma / Diploma with one or more Higher Levels, your offer will be similar to our BTEC + A Level offer (see 'BTEC National Diploma / Diploma') but with an HL requirement of 6 for A, 5 for B, or 4 for C.

For any other combination, please contact the University Admissions Team for advice.

Access to HE Diploma

122 UCAS points in any Access to HE Diploma including Distinction in at least 30 Level 3 credits.

Welsh Baccalaureate / Bagloriaeth Cymru

The Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate is equivalent to one full A Level at the same grade and can be included alongside 2 other A Levels in a standard A Level offer for this course (see A Level). All subject specific requirements will still need to be met.

Scotland - Highers and Advanced Highers

BBBCC in five Highers, or CC in two Advanced Highers and CC in two Highers, or CCC in three Advanced Highers.

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

If you have B or higher in the EPQ and are studying A Levels, BTEC, the International Baccalaureate Diploma, or an Access to HE Diploma, you will typically receive an alternative offer which will be lower than the standard offer. Please see 'Alternative and contextual offers' below.

If you have B or higher in Core Maths and are studying A Levels, BTEC, the International Baccalaureate, or an Access to HE Diploma, you will typically receive an alternative offer which will be lower than the standard offer. Please see 'Alternative and contextual offers' below.

Ireland - Leaving Certificate

H3, H3, H4, H4, H4, H4 in the Irish Leaving Certificate.

China - Gaokao

73% in the Gaokao.

India - Standard XII

Average of 70% from four subjects in the ICSE, CBSE or Western Bengal Standard XII, or average of 75% from four subjects in any other Standard XII.

Germany - Abitur

2.2 overall average in the Abitur.

France - Baccalaureate

13 in the French Baccalaureate / International Option Baccalaureate, or 12.5 in the Baccalauréat Français International.

Hong Kong - Diploma

444 from two electives and one core subject in the HKDSE.

Spain - Bachillerato

Overall average of 7.4 in the Título de Bachillerato.

Italy - Diploma di Esame di Stato

80% in the Esame di Stato.

Cyprus - Apolytirion

18 / 86% in the Apolytirion.

Overall average of 15.5 in a Secondary Certificate.

Canada - Diploma

65% / BBBCC in five courses in the Grade 12 Diplomas.

Kenya - KCSE / Diploma

We do not accept the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education for direct entry. However, you can apply to study an International Foundation Year at Keele University International College. On successful completion, you can progress to an undergraduate degree at Keele.

We may accept a two year Diploma. Please contact the University Admissions Team for advice.

Nigeria - Senior School Certificate / OND

We do not accept the Senior School Certificate (WAEC or NECO) for direct entry. However, you can apply to study an International Foundation Year at Keele University International College. On successful completion, you can progress to an undergraduate degree at Keele.

We may accept an Ordinary National Diploma with GPA of 2.5 or a Merit / Lower Credit. Please contact the University Admissions Team for advice.

USA - Advanced Placement

444 from three Advanced Placement subjects.

We do not accept the West African Senior School Certificate Examination for direct entry. However, you can apply to study an International Foundation Year at Keele University International College. On successful completion, you can progress to an undergraduate degree at Keele.

Sri Lanka - Advanced Level

BBB in three Advanced Levels.

Malaysia - STPM

BBB in three Principal Level subjects in the STPM.

Pakistan - Secondary School Certificate

We do not accept the Secondary School Certificate for direct entry. However, you can apply to study an International Foundation Year at Keele University International College. On successful completion, you can progress to an undergraduate degree at Keele.

Singapore - A Levels (H2)

BBB in three H2 Levels.

European Baccalaureate

72% overall.

Pass NCUK Foundation Year with BBB and a C in EAP English Language module and grade B in EAP for Law courses.

Uganda - Advanced Certificate of Education

BBB in three Principal Level subjects in the Advanced Certificate of Education.

Zimbabwe - Advanced Level GCE

BBB in three Advanced Level subjects.

English language requirements

All of our courses require an English language qualification or test. For most students, this requirement can be met with a 4 or C in GCSE English. Please see our English Language guidance pages for further details, including English language test information for international students. For those students who require an English language test, this course requires a test from Group A.

Alternative and contextual offers

We're committed to ensuring equality of opportunity to all our applicants with the potential and motivation to succeed, regardless of background. That's why we operate a range of alternative offer schemes with clear eligibility criteria, including contextual offers, offers for those studying within the Keele region, and recognising a range of additional qualifications in your offer.

General information

The entry grades outlined in this section indicate the typical offer which would be made to candidates, along with any subject specific requirements. This is for general information only. Keele University reserves the right to vary offer conditions depending upon a candidate's application.

Our Facilities

Co-located with businesses at keele business school.

Keele Business School

Keele Business School is at the heart of the Keele University Science & Innovation Park, one of the leading developments of its kind in the UK. The Park offers companies a business environment that provides an innovative research culture, combined with academic expertise and the University’s specialist resources, with a variety of opportunities for students to get involved, from internships, knowledge exchange partnerships, and student enterprise initiatives.

The School of Geography, Geology and Environment

The School benefits from a dedicated teaching space in Keele’s state-of-the-art Central Science Laboratories (CSL). Featuring 80 new polarising microscopes and 20 new low powered microscopes, the CSL allows us to innovate and enhance the teaching experience of our students and supports a highly tailored approach to practical learning.

Other facilities in the School include:

We are pioneers in teaching our undergraduate students how to use, process and analyse drone generated data - in fact some of our former students have even entered careers in this quickly growing sector. During your studies you will learn about and have the opportunity to use our fleet of drones while working on research projects.

Woodlands Laboratory

In addition to the CSL resources, the school has additional dedicated space with facilities that students can access to complete their own project work, including facilities for water, sediment and ice analysis.

Weather station

Keele's weather station provides valuable data locally, nationally and for teaching and research in the school. This includes data for wind speed and direction, rainfall, humidity, sunshine/radiation, air and ground temperatures.


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Fees and funding

Tuition fees for 2024/25 academic year.

  • International: Band 3, £20,700 for the 2024/25 academic year

Please note, our 2025/26 entry fees have not yet been set. We set our fees on an annual basis and they will be updated here once set.

For continuing international students, fees will increase annually by RPIX, with a maximum cap of 5% per year.

For details of our international fee bands please see our Undergraduate tuition fees web page.

Going to university can be a daunting as well as an exciting experience. It can be difficult to understand the true costs of being a student, as well as the financial support that is available to help you meet those costs.

Our Student Financial Support team offers confidential advice and guidance to help you to manage your money, so that you can make the most of your time at Keele. We can help you to resolve issues with your Student Finance, create a budget, and help you to explore your options if you’re facing financial hardship. We are also able to ensure that you receive any funding for which you may be eligible, such as bursaries and scholarships.

View our money advice and guidance section for information on tuition fees.

For more information visit our undergraduate fees and funding section .

PRME Champions

Keele Business School (KBS) has been selected for the 2024-2025 cohort of PRME Champions. Consisting of 47 businesses and management schools from around the world, The Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) is an initiative of the United Nations Global Compact, focused on raising the bar for sustainable business education.  More information about PRME Champions can be found here.

The logo for PRME champions


Supporting you, student support.

We offer a multi layered student support structure to help you meet your academic and personal needs. Our student-first approach enables you to engage with us directly, meaning you can seek support, gain feedback or discuss any matters on a regular basis. You will benefit from the support of an assigned academic mentor and a member of staff from Keele's Student Experience and Support team .

We have a wealth of student-led societies here at Keele which cover a diverse range of interests. Joining a society related to business or geography is a great opportunity to continue to develop your skills away from your studies. This is another excellent way of demonstrating your genuine interest for the area and can be beneficial when it comes to applying for graduate roles. It’s also a great way to make friends and share interests with fellow students.

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Your future career

95% of Keele students are in employment or further study within 15 months of finishing their studies (HESA Graduate Outcomes, 2019/20)

Studying b usiness m anagement and geography   will give you skills which are highly valued by employers and are relevant to a broad range of careers. They also provide ideal training for postgraduate study and research.

Jobs that a graduate of this course could go on to include:

  • Cartographer
  • Environmental Consultant
  • Geographical Information Systems Officer
  • Geospatial Data Analyst
  • International Development Worker
  • Logistics Manager
  • Market Researcher
  • Planning and Development Surveyor
  • Residential Surveyor
  • Science Teacher
  • Systems Developer
  • Town Planner
  • Management Consultant
  • Chartered Management Accountant
  • IT Consultant
  • Sales Executive
  • Investment Analyst
  • Operational Researcher
  • Financial Trader
  • Investment Banker
  • Chartered Accountant
  • Management Accountant
  • Tax Adviser
  • Insurance Broker

Enhance your employability

Keele’s Careers and Employability team (Shortlisted for Best University Careers Employment Service - National Undergraduate Employability Awards, 2021), offer a variety of personal and professional development opportunities to enhance your employability. From mock interviews and CV advice to arranging networking events, they will help you make the most of your time and support you throughout your studies.

Find out more about our careers and employability services , including career planning, alumni mentoring, jobs, internships, starting your own business and much more.

"Studying geography gave me a wide range of knowledge and skills – I was able to use my interview to talk about water resources, environmental management and GIS. Showing some of the work I had done at Keele, especially my dissertation, played a key role in getting a job with a company that I am really interested in. The degree made sure I had a lot of transferable skills including report writing, analytical skills and crucial time management, as well as knowing how to write an effective CV and job application in the first place. " Joe, Geography


Teaching, learning and assessment, teaching in business management.

At Keele Business School we use a range of different teaching and learning methods depending on the subject theme and module level. This may include:

  • Tutor-led seminars
  • Problem based tutorials, often based on real world scenarios
  • Practical, computer laboratory based classes
  • Directed independent study
  • Web based self-study exercises using Keele's virtual learning environment the KLE
  • Students who undertake a placement year also complete a skills audit

Assessment in business management

A wide variety of assessments are used on this programme that reflect the broad range of skills and knowledge you will develop as your progress on the course. Assessment methods may include:

  • Class tests
  • Final examinations
  • Individual reports
  • Group presentations
  • Reflective diaries
  • Work placement reflection

Teaching in geography

We offer a personalised learning experience in an environment where you can feel part of a community. Our small class sizes will enable you to gain individual attention from your lecturers, forge close connections with other students and study in a focused environment. To ensure you receive a high-quality learning experience, teaching will be delivered through a diverse range of methods. Some classes are taught in workshop format integrating both lecture and practical material. Fieldwork provides a deep, immersive learning experience that puts geological processes and their products into their four-dimensional context.

Methods of teaching include:

  • Field courses
  • Independent study and project work
  • Online learning via the Keele Learning Environment (KLE)

Assessment in geography

The programme includes a range of assessments to develop both academic and employability skills. These include:

  • Dissertations
  • Field course exercises
  • Literature reviews
  • Oral and poster presentations
  • Research proposals
  • Technical and laboratory reports

Central Science Laboratory

Our Central Sciences Laboratory facility enables us to rethink the way our science subjects are taught with transformational teaching in a space designed to encourage and enable collaborative and interdisciplinary working.


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Foundation year

Our Foundation Year provides an excellent alternative route to Keele, providing a unique opportunity to better prepare for your chosen degree, and with guaranteed entry onto your undergraduate course once you successfully complete your Foundation Year.

This extra year of study can improve your academic skills, expand your subject knowledge, give you a better understanding of higher education and, perhaps most importantly of all, build your confidence.

Keele University is consistently ranked among the top universities for student satisfaction, and we have over 70 years' experience of teaching a foundation year to students. On the Keele Foundation Year, you'll study on campus, joining our undergraduate community from the outset, with access to all the facilities and support that you'd get as an undergraduate student at Keele.

The information in this Foundation Year section is for UK/Home applicants. Where an international Foundation Year is available, please see the 'Information for international students' tab.

The information within this page is for students wishing to start their studies in September. If you would like to start this course in January, please visit our  January pages  for further details.

Course Content

Our  Foundation Year  allows you to develop your critical thinking, academic reading, writing, and communication study skills along with subject-specific knowledge and skills. Upon meeting the progression criteria and successfully completing our Foundation Year, you will automatically progress into your Keele undergraduate degree with the confidence that you have the skills, and knowledge needed to successfully complete your course.

Our combined honours Foundation Year is a two semester programme which provides a tailored pre-degree programme of study to better prepare you for the BSc (Hons) Business Management and Geography degree. For example, the Foundations of Business 1 module helps you develop appropriate investigative skills in order to analyse financial information and make informed business decisions. Course content has been developed in collaboration with degree teaching teams, so that by the time you begin Year 1, you will be ready to excel at your studies, as the majority of our Foundation Year students do.

Find out more about the Keele Foundation Year, including information about teaching and assessment methods by visiting the Foundation Year  homepage . 

Course Structure

The module details given below are indicative, they are intended to provide you with an idea of the range of subjects that are taught to our current students. The modules that will be available for you to study in future years are prone to change as we regularly review our teaching to ensure that it is up-to-date and informed by the latest research and teaching methods. The information presented is therefore not intended to be construed and/or relied upon as a definitive list of the modules available in any given year.

Semester One Modules

FYO-00247 15 credits
FYO-00249 15 credits
FYO-00251 15 credits
FYO-00253  15 credits 

Semester Two Modules


30 credits

30 credits

The entry grades outlined in this section indicate the likely offer or range of offers which would be made to candidates along with any subject specific requirements. This is for general information only. Keele University reserves the right to vary offer conditions depending upon a candidate’s application. Read more about our undergraduate entry requirements for  United Kingdom ,  European Union  and  International students .

  • 40 UCAS points including at least one Level 3 qualification (such as an A level, BTEC, Access Course, or T level)
  • Plus C in GCSE English/Level 2 Functional Skills English 

How to apply 

Students will need to apply for BSc (Hons) Business Management Foundation Year ( UCAS code: N7L3 ) through UCAS at You will then be contacted to confirm your second subject by a member of our team.

Direct entry students

If you already have your qualifications, are not expecting any further results and only wish to apply to Keele, please contact the  Admissions Office directly.

We also offer a January start for some of our Foundation Year courses. Adopting a blended learning approach, the January start is particularly useful for students wishing to return to education following time out of studying, or who are seeking a flexible approach to their Foundation Year studies. Our January start is available across most of our Science, Humanities, Social Science and Business courses.

Whilst still being a full-time course, our blended delivery model combines live teaching sessions - both online and on-campus - with self-directed study, enabling you to predominantly study at a time that suits your lifestyle. You will benefit from weekly online taught sessions which encourage you to engage with your teachers and peers.

In addition to online study there will be a series of full study days that you will be required to attend throughout each semester. These sessions may include lab-based activities, group work, review of course and assessment materials studied online. They will emphasise opportunities for you to deepen your knowledge and understanding of your chosen route.

Please refer to the September start tab for more information about the entry requirements and what you will study. The modules that you will take on a January start Foundation Year will be similar to those for the September start, but on a compressed timescale and tailored to a blended learning approach (with the majority of learning taking place online).

For more information, including fees, the UCAS code for this course, how to apply, and how you will be taught, please visit our January Start Foundation Year webpage .

Our International Foundation Year is delivered on campus through Keele University International College (KUIC). Find out more about the International Foundation Year options on the KUIC website .


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Keele University Enquiries Form

Please submit your question in the form below and a member of our enquiries team will be in touch with you shortly.

Upon submitting this form, your enquiry will be forwarded on to our enquiries team who will contact you to answer your question and provide further details about the course that you are interested in.

Your Preferences

Please keep me informed via:

What we're going to do with your data and why?

We will securely store your data and send you essential information (examples include updates on an application or booking confirmations for events such as Open Days).

We would also like to send you useful information about studying at University (particularly Keele) and/or the courses that you have shown an interest in. To do this we need your consent and information on which communication channels you would like to hear from us on (please see opt-in boxes above).

We will never sell your data to a third party. We only ever share data with companies involved in helping us communicate with you or helping us to manage your data (examples include; Online forms, Printers, Postal services, other University partners etc).

How long are we keeping it?

We will keep your data for the year that you first enquire with us plus 6 subsequent years. This is to ensure that you are legally protected should you have any issues with the use of your data.


By selecting no to the preferences above you will have unsubscribed, however, this does not mean that your data has been deleted. If you would like to invoke your right to be forgotten please refer to the section below.

What to do if I change my mind?

To change your preferences after you have closed this form, simply reopen the link to this page. For further information about how your data is held, including your right to be forgotten, please contact  [email protected]

Discover the Keele difference

Placeholder image

Everything’s on your doorstep at Keele, and you’ll soon feel at home and make friends wherever you go.

  • Undergraduate Courses
  • International Students

Student finance

We help students manage their money and ensure that they receive any funding for which they may be eligible.

Enhance your degree

Make yourself more employable after graduation by taking advantage of the whole host of additional opportunities.


  1. Keele student receives national awards for services to education and

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  2. PhD Studentship In Medical Education At Keele University In UK 2024/2025

    keele uni phd education

  3. Keele Doctoral Academy

    keele uni phd education

  4. Fully Funded PhD Studentship in Medical Education at Keele University in

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  5. Keele University student is among world's top 10 learners!

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  6. Education

    keele uni phd education


  1. Keele's Talented Athlete Programme


  3. Keele's History & Legends

  4. PhD by Distance Learning at Manchester Met Uni

  5. Keele University: an Education sustainability case study



  1. Education

    The Education PhD/MPhil postgraduate degree at Keele University offers a thriving research environment with current research studies in: critical social policy, poststructuralist theories of governance, feminism, theories of identity and cultural studies.

  2. Education

    Education has been taught at Keele for over 50 years and we take pride in combining world-class research with commitment to teaching. Course develops robust understanding of theory, policy and practice in the UK and internationally with an emphasis on educational theory and practical experience via optional placement.

  3. Postgraduate research

    With a wide variety of research opportunities to choose from, Keele University is a popular choice for postgraduate research in the UK. Postgraduate students are central to our learning community, and we can guarantee a warm welcoming community and campus life. ... 95% graduate employability HESA Graduate Outcomes, 2019/20. 93% of our ...

  4. PhD / MPhil Education at Keele University

    We have recently focused on two interconnected themes; the reshaping of education governance and its consequences for social inclusion/exclusion and education politics, and families, childhood and identity in education. Research into educational practices and performance and the development of quality in schooling focuses on teaching and ...

  5. PhD

    Keele University. Keele University is renowned for its exciting approach to higher education, beautiful campus, strong community spirit and excellent student life. It was the first new United Kingdom university of the 20th century, established with degree giving powers in 1949 as the University College of North Staffordshire.

  6. Keele University MPhil/PhD Education

    Our group has two broad lines of research activity. The first is concerned with understanding the source, scope and pattern of education policy; that is in exploring the origins of policies, the nature and definition of the problems that education is asked to solve, and the historical, cultural and social practices that filter or mediate policies.

  7. Keele University Postgraduate Courses

    We offer taught master's degrees and postgraduate research programmes across a wide range of subject areas. Whether you want to progress your career in Health, Humanities, Business, Social Sciences or Natural Sciences, Keele has a diverse suite of courses to enable you to expand your opportunities. In addition to our on-campus postgraduate ...

  8. 57 PhD Postgraduate Courses at Keele University

    Find a PhD Postgraduate Degree at, Keele University using the UK's most comprehensive search engine for postgraduates. Courses Course search ... PhD Economics; PhD Education; PhD Engineering; PhD Environmental Health and Safety, Protection and Conservation;

  9. Postgraduate Study

    You must obtain 120 credits for a Postgraduate Diploma or 60 credits for a Postgraduate Certificate. Distinction. An average weighted module mark of at least 68% AND at least 60 credits with a mark of 70 or higher. Merit. An average weighted module mark of at least 58% AND at least 60 credits with a mark of 60 or higher.

  10. Keele University PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for ...

    Keele University Keele Doctoral Academy. Keele University's Leverhulme-funded Sustainable Rural Futures Programme (SURF) will train a new generation of interdisciplinary rural researchers to tackle contemporary rural challenges. Read more. Supervisors: Prof C Holdswoth, Dr B Anderson. 17 June 2024 PhD Research Project Funded PhD Project (UK ...

  11. Keele University

    It's no wonder that 80% of our research is deemed world-leading or internationally excellent in the Research Excellence Framework (2021). We support Keele University students to find placements, internships, graduate jobs, and become more employable. Appointments with Careers Consultants are now both online using MS Teams and face to face.

  12. Professional Doctorates

    Professional Doctorates at Keele provide rigorous, structured programmes of advanced study and research, equivalent in status to a PhD but usually taken on a part-time basis and reflecting professionally focused contexts. They are normally completed in 6 years. Programmes are delivered using blended face-to-face and online means, as students ...

  13. Online MA Education Leadership and Management

    This is Keele: 100% online MA - 14 months full-time or 2 years part-time. Top 10 in England for Education*. Top 300 in the World for Education**. Britain's Best University, as ranked by students***. 80% of research 'world leading' or 'internationally excellent'****. £7,440 total fees with option to pay per module.

  14. Philosophy, Ph.D.

    At the Keele University, we offer our graduate students a phd programme in Philosophy. The duration of the programme is three years full-time and six years part-time. ... OeAD, Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation. Location not available . Independent provider. Grant. 1000 USD. Deadline. 26 Feb 2025. Dream Chaser Scholarship ...

  15. Health Professional Doctorate at Keele University

    Within the Health Professional Doctorate, students may wish to exit at key points prior to completing the whole programme and in doing so may be awarded either postgraduate diploma or masters in health sciences. This design is intended to provide flexibility for professionals studying whilst working in high pressured health service roles. Modules.

  16. World University Rankings 2022

    The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022 include more than 1,600 universities across 99 countries and territories, making them the largest and most diverse university rankings to date. The table is based on 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators that measure an institution's performance across four areas: teaching, research, knowledge transfer and

  17. Apply

    Funded studentships/research projects. If you are applying for a funded studentship/research project, please apply via the advert. Please note, as part of your application, you will need to submit: Copies of transcripts and certificates verifying your qualifications. If you are an international student, you will also be asked to submit:

  18. Postgraduate study

    Postgraduate study. For postgraduates, our rural campus community provides an environment that is focused, relevant and mature. You will have full access to our respected academics. You will benefit from a reputation for excellence in research. Join us for a Postgraduate Open Event.

  19. PhD program at the Department of Mathematics of the National Research

    Usually a diploma from a non-Russian university must first be approved by the Russian Ministry of Education. This a special procedure (called nostrification) which takes 2-3 months. However, it is allowed to enter the PhD program before the nostrification is fully completed. 4) Four pictures of size 3cm by 4cm;

  20. Study in Russia: the ultimate guide for a PhD in 2025

    Compared to their Western counterparts, Russian universities are very affordable. Tuition fees range between 1,450 and 7,500 EUR per year, and only a few study programmes cost more than 10,000 EUR. Living costs are also very low; most international students can handle all monthly expenses with a budget of 300-600 EUR.

  21. PhD / MPhil Philosophy at Keele University

    Phd in Philosophy Duration: Three years full-time, six years part-time. (Students who need extra time are only required to pay a continuation fee.) Description: The PhD. (Doctor of Philosophy) degree, which earns you the title Dr., is the highest academic degree. It is research only and requires you to write an original thesis (about 70-80,000 ...

  22. Philosophy

    Description viva. On the Philosophy PhD/MPhil postgraduate degree at Keele University you will join a small, friendly and research-intensive environment where everybody knows each other, and postgraduate students have easy access to staff who are engaging with research at the cutting-edge of contemporary philosophy.

  23. Danila Prikazchikov

    After my PhD I spent two years as a postdoc at the Russian State Technical University of Railways (Moscow), working on train dynamics, and was then appointed a Lecturer in Applied Mathematics within the same University. In 2007 I moved to the famous Bauman Moscow State Technical University, where I spent six years before coming to Keele in 2013.

  24. New report reveals key role universities play in boosting growth and

    In their latest report, London Economics analysed the impact of the UK higher education (HE) sector's teaching, research, and innovation activities on the UK economy, focusing on the 2021-22 academic year. The latest figures show the UK higher education sector's teaching, research and innovation activities had an economic impact of £158billion.

  25. Geography with Business Management

    Keele University is consistently ranked among the top universities for student satisfaction, and we have over 70 years' experience of teaching a foundation year to students. On the Keele Foundation Year, you'll study on campus, joining our undergraduate community from the outset, with access to all the facilities and support that you'd get as ...