• Introduction 1
  • Characters 2
  • Awakening 4
  • Destiny Islands 5
  • Traverse Town 6
  • Wonderland 7
  • Olympus Coliseum 8
  • Deep Jungle 9
  • Traverse Town Redux 10
  • World Revisit 12
  • World Revisit Part 2 14
  • Atlantica 15
  • Halloween Town 16
  • Neverland 17
  • Pre-Hollow Bastion 18
  • Hollow Bastion 19
  • World Revisit Part 3 20
  • Re: Hollow Bastion 21
  • End of the World 22
  • Hundred Acre Wood 23
  • Trinity Marks 24
  • Dalmatians 25
  • Gummi Ship 26
  • Optional Bosses 27
  • Item Synthesis 28
  • Mushrooms 29
  • Phil Cup 30
  • Pegasus Cup 31
  • Hercules Cup 32
  • Hades Cup 33
  • Gold Match 34
  • Platinum Match 35
  • The Jungle Slider 36
  • Vine Jumping 37
  • Introduction 38
  • Characters 39
  • Traverse Town 41
  • Olympus Coliseum 43
  • Wonderland 44
  • Halloween Town 46
  • Atlantica 47
  • Neverland 48
  • Hollow Bastion 49
  • Hundred Acre Wood 50
  • Twilight Town 51
  • Destiny Islands 52
  • Castle Oblivion 53
  • Reverse/Rebirth 54
  • Hollow Bastion 55
  • Neverland 58
  • Traverse Town 59
  • Atlantica 60
  • Olympus Coliseum 61
  • Wonderland 62
  • Halloween Town 63
  • Destiny Islands 64
  • Twilight Town 65
  • Castle Oblivion 66
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Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX

Kingdom hearts final mix walkthrough, deep jungle, sabor, danger ¶.

As you gain control of Sora you will immediately be in a fight against Sabor. This cat has minimal attacks but it’s slashes can hurt. He’s pretty easy to beat though, so just let him have it. When you regain control, head outside and grab the barrel. Bring it back in and position it close enough to the steps that you can run up them. At the second level exit and turn left, jumping the small gap. It seems like a dead end here, but you can actually jump around the corner to a platform with a ladder. Climb the ladder and jump the gap on the roof to find a Chest with a Protect Chain .

Drop down to the netting below the treehouse and you can spot another Chest on a second tier, it holds a Mega-Potion . Jump down into the canopy of trees to land in a new area. There is a Save Point and a Chest containing a Mega-Ether on a second level platform. When you are ready, jump into the hollow log and go along for the ride. Taking this shortcut throws you right into camp. Enter the tent to find Jane and be reunited with Donald and Goofy. Put them both in your party so you can utilize the Trinities.

Sora can make the jump (left) to reach a ladder. That ladder will let you onto the roof with a chest (right).

Sora can make the jump (left) to reach a ladder. That ladder will let you onto the roof with a chest (right).

Camp Exploration ¶

You receive the Protect-G that Donald and Goofy found after the scene. Start by opening the Chest for a Mythril Shard then exit the tent. Go to the left side past the table to find Trinity Jump #9 – it spawns a Chest with Dalmatians 34, 35 and 36 . Check the grandfather clock near Clayton for Recipe Card 1 then check the flagpole just outside the tent for Recipe Card 2 . Head to the stove pot and “Examine” it to place a Potion inside. Target the stove and cast Fire to receive a Hi-Potion .

Head back to the clothesline and check the pink shirt for Research Note 1 then search the globe near the tent for Research Note 2 . There is also a third note, examine the record player for Research Note 3 . Head to the lab table and “Examine” the flasks to place a Potion inside. Cast Blizzard and you’ll receive Ether x2 .

Find the various Recipe Cards and Research Notes (left) and take the to the table (right).

Find the various Recipe Cards and Research Notes (left) and take the to the table (right).

Now you need to collect all six slides around the camp:

  • Slide 1 - Atop the camp tent. Reach it by climbing the briefcases.
  • Slide 2 - Atop a dresser to the right of the tent.
  • Slide 3 - To the left of the tent near an easel.
  • Slide 4 - Atop the pile of crates in front of the tent.
  • Slide 5 - Climb atop the camp tent and run along the white canopy.
  • Slide 6 - On the briefcases to the left of the tent.

Black Ballade ¶

Black Ballade looks like their wizard counterparts (left). Stand back to see the real bob up and down (right).

Black Ballade looks like their wizard counterparts (left). Stand back to see the real bob up and down (right).

The Black Ballade is a wizard, like a Red Nocturne or Blue Rhapsody, but unlike them it doesn’t use offensive and instead plays a game. The magic it casts splits itself into 5 total Black Ballades but only one of them is the right one. They line up, so stand far enough back to see all of them. One of the Black Ballades will bob up and down then the group will rotate positions pretty quickly. Follow the one that moved and hit it after they stop. You’ll get Tech Points, some Munny, and HP balls for getting the right one, but choosing the wrong one and you get zapped. Mess up three times and you’re out, the Black Ballades leave. Items have a 10% chance of dropping when you hit the right Black Ballade and a 100% chance if you hit the right one four straight times.

Kerchak, Friend ¶

Return to Jane and place the slides in the projector. After a scene you can leave the tent, only to be ambushed by Sabor again! Head down the left side to enter Hippo’s Lagoon. Jump across all the Hippos to reach a Chest with Dalmatians 25, 26 and 27 . Now swim over to the platform at your right and climb up the right set of trees to reach a Chest with a Mega-Potion . On the opposite side of the river you can spot another chest. You’ll need to jump from the other side and swing the Keyblade at the perfect time to make it, but it is possible. If you can’t make the jump you can always come back later when you learn a new skill. The Chest has a Meteor-G inside.

Head back towards the entrance and climb the vine to reach Vines (not to be confused with the Vines 2, which is coming up). Swing across the vines to another platform, then swing from here to a Chest – a Mythril . Continue to swing from vine to vine until you reach Vines 2. After the scene swing across to the next platform and open the Chest to find Dalmatians 28, 29 and 30 . Now swing back to the platform you started at and climb the vine to reach the Climbing Trees.

This chest in the Hippo’s Lagoon can be reached with a well timed swing of the keyblade. Swing from vine to vine (right) to reach the Chest with Dalmations inside.

This chest in the Hippo’s Lagoon can be reached with a well timed swing of the keyblade. Swing from vine to vine (right) to reach the Chest with Dalmations inside.

Attack of the Wild ¶

Follow the path around to Trinity Jump #10 which reveals a Chest with a Thundara-G . Enter the Tree House area from here to start another scene. Jump off the edge near the bottom of the area, where you can see a plank extended out and rope hanging down below. You’ll land in the Cliffs where Sabor will ambush you once again. Defeat him and climb to the upper tier to find two Chests – a Mega-Potion and Mythril Shard . Return to the Camp Tent for a scene.

Powerwild ¶

These Heartless jump and roll around to dodge your attacks. It’s best to just get up in their face and don’t let them attack. You will get blocked but not parried and if you take some damage it’s not a big deal since they drop so many HP balls.

Powerwilds (left) and Bouncywilds (right) look similar, but watch out for the bananas the Bouncywild will throw.

Powerwilds (left) and Bouncywilds (right) look similar, but watch out for the bananas the Bouncywild will throw.

Bouncywild ¶

Much like their counterpart, the Bouncywild will move around often but these Heartless are a bit faster. They also chuck banana peels to make Sora slip and lose munny, though they too can slip on them and their drops are modified for the better if they do so.

Save the Gorillas ¶

The objective now is to stop Clayton from getting the gorillas. Start out at the Camp and defeat the Powerwilds. You’ll go to a few other areas that you’ve already been to and receive a reward each time you save a gorilla.

Camp - Protect-G

Bamboo Thicket - Fire-G

Cliff - Aeroga-G

Climbing Trees - Aeroga-G

Tree House - Shell-G

Pink Agaricus ¶

Hit the Pink Agaricus as many time as you can (left) and you will recieve Tech Points for the number of hits you get (right).

Hit the Pink Agaricus as many time as you can (left) and you will recieve Tech Points for the number of hits you get (right).

The Pink Agaricus appears in two locations, one of which is the Tree House in Deep Jungle. When you enter the Tree House you’ll find three White Mushrooms that are Stopped. Cast Stop on them and they’ll animate then drop clear orbs. After you animate all three, check inside the Tree House for the Pink Agaricus. The objective is to cast Stop on the Heartless then hit it as many times as you can before it can move again to increase the drop rate. Having Aeroga on Sora and using Ragnarok is the best way to get a high number, though having to hit Triangle will also force Donald and Goofy to hit the Pink Agaricus and actually lower your hit count. At 40, 50, and 60 hits there is a 10% drop chance. At 70, 80, and 90 its 20%. In the original Final Mix it is possible to get 100 hits for 100% drop but it is not possible in this version.

Return to Jane after saving the gorillas then head out to the Bamboo Thicket to find Sabor waiting for you.

BOSS - Sabor ¶

Sabor has been dogging you since you arrived, it’s time to end this.

Sabor has been dogging you since you arrived, it’s time to end this.

Sabor isn’t messing around anymore. He is faster, stronger, and has more HP. In this area he also has the benefit of jumping in and out of the thicket. Using Fire and Sonic Blade work out really well this time around. You may find using Guard and then countering to work out as well. Either way, Sabor still isn’t a large threat and should go down after a few combos. If for some reason you are having trouble, remember to Dodge Roll away from his attacks and then Dodge Roll back into him to close the gap. Follow this up with a combo and watch the combo finisher knock Sabor across the battlefield. Blasting Sabor with Fire is always a good idea too.

Save Jane Too! ¶

After you defeat Sabor you’ll view a scene with Jane. Head back to the tent then back to the Climbing Trees. Your objective is to find the four black unbloomed flowers and cast magic on them so that they open. One is right at the beginning, another is on the tree in the center. The third is up above the Tree House entrance and the last one is where Jane and Terk are, you’ll need to use Fire after locking on. Once they are all opened attack the large fruit hanging from the tree to free your friends.

Return to the Camp and save your game. You’ll want to swap out Donald for the next battle because he’s going to be useless. Take off Healing Herb and Wind Armor from Tarzan’s abilities and instead equip the two Critical Plus abilities he has. The amount of physical damage that Tarzan deals will really help in the coming fight. Give Goofy a bunch of Potions then head to the Cliff to find Clayton.

BOSS: Clayton and Stealth Sneak ¶

When Clayton’s mount takes enough damage it will become visible (left). Once you take it out you can focus on Clayton (right).

When Clayton’s mount takes enough damage it will become visible (left). Once you take it out you can focus on Clayton (right).

The initial fight is against a few Powerwilds and Clayton. It’s easy to just hit Clayton a few times to start the real battle. He appears riding the invisible boss, the Stealth Sneak. You’ll want to go all out against Stealth Sneak so that it becomes visible and easier to hit. You’re going to take damage so be ready to toss yourself a Potion if Goofy doesn’t do it for you. The battle ends when Clayton is defeated but it’s hard to take him out when the Stealth Sneak is pummeling you so take out the lizard first. Using Sonic Blade should deal quite a bit of damage and could stun the Stealth Sneak which is useful for additional combos. Listen for Clayton to yell, “Gotcha!” so you can dodge his shots and keep attacking Stealth Sneak. Eventually the lizard becomes immune to damage so switch to Clayton and be on the look out for the lizard’s vicious Eye Beam attack. The beam itself travels pretty slowly but it is homing so you have to Dodge Roll to avoid, if you don’t it’s going to hurt. When the Stealth Sneak leaves its trance you can take it down to 1 HP before it goes back into it. Focus Clayton down and he’ll start burning through Potions to stay alive. You’ll be able to down the Stealth Sneak and then Clayton once the trance is over. Keep your health high and use your MP!

Waterfall Secrets ¶

Your reward for this fight is the power of healing; Sora obtains Cure . After Kerchak boosts you up, enter the Waterfall Cavern. Head to the end of the cavern and jump up to the Chest for a Mythril Shard . Turn around and jump even higher to another Chest and Dalmatians 31, 32 and 33 . Turn around yet again and jump higher still to a Mythril in a Chest . Across from here is a Chest with an Orichalcum inside. You can exit at the top to seal the keyhole to Deep Jungle and receive a Navi-G Piece , the Jungle King Keyblade, and learn the power of Red Trinity , Trinity Charge. Head back to Traverse Town when you are finished.

The Waterfall holds a handful of Chests so you want to make sure you grab them all before you leave.

The Waterfall holds a handful of Chests so you want to make sure you grab them all before you leave.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Member of the Tribe

Seal the keyhole in Deep Jungle.

Trophy icon

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research note 1 kingdom hearts

Guide Information

  • Publisher Square Enix
  • Platforms, PS3, PS4
  • Genre Action RPG
  • Guide Release 27 July 2014
  • Last Updated 12 December 2020
  • Guide Author Greg Boccia

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Follow the adventures of a young boy, Sora, who joins the fight against the Heartless, unknown creatures of Darkness, who invade his homeland and separate him from his friends. He is given the Keyblade, a legendary weapon giving the wielder power to fight off the Heartless. Along the way, he is joined by a cast of well-loved characters and some very well-known places. Final Fantasy and Disney collide in a surprisingly powerful and memorable story.

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Deep Jungle walkthrough

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Walkthrough [ ]

After the crash you will be separated from Donald and Goofy, and immediately have to fight Sabor alone. You do not have to win, but he does provide some EXP if you do. He mainly relies on swipes and pounces, and cannot be staggered by normal hits, although finishers do work. You can Dodge Roll and avoid some of his moves, but otherwise Sabor does not have the staying power (only 90 HP) to outlast Sora. Regardless of the outcome you will afterwards be joined by Tarzan , an agile melee attacker who notably can cast Healing Herb and Wind Armor , his equivalent of Cure and Aero , making him a very reliable support companion. Before you follow Tarzan, you can find another Protect Chain ( Protera in the original version) on-top of the Tree House's roof.

After following Tarzan you will have to jump down the hollow tree trunk to engage in a minigame called Jungle Slider . Jump over or avoid tree branches blocking your path, or hit them if you want, until you land in the Camp. Enter the tent and talk to Jane , and reunite with Donald and Goofy (you also receive a Protect-G ). You can only have two party members, and although Tarzan is for now clearly superior, you cannot activate Trinity Marks without the other two. He also does not have enough AP for all his abilities . Note that absent party members still gain EXP, but their actual new abilities are deferred until their next level-up in your presence. Now exit the tent and collect the slides scattered around the camp, you can also find research notes which let you brew a few extra items in two experiments.

After returning the slides and viewing the cutscene you will again be attacked by Sabor when you exit the tent, but should have no trouble with a full party at your disposal. Sabor will show up at random in a few areas of Deep Jungle, serving as combat due to the absence of the Heartless . Head to the left exit, the Hippos' Lagoon, where you can obtain a few items, when done climb the vine stuck to the tree at the start of the area. Use the vines to swing from platform to platform until you reach Vines 2, where a cutscene plays. You can now also play the Vine Jump minigame, started by examining the yellow flower in the Vines area, although it offers no rewards.

Climb the vine on the nearby tree to enter Climbing Trees, from where you can reach the Tree House, where you will watch a cutscene. Afterwards, jump off the net again and make your way back to the Camp. Return to Jane, after which you will begin to encounter Heartless, who are attacking the gorillas. These Heartless, called Powerwilds , are agile melee attackers, but will not prove too much of a threat. Rescued gorillas reward you with gummi blocks , and you can save one each in the Bamboo Thicket, Cliffs, Climbing Trees, and the Tree House.

During this time you might also encounter Bouncywilds , which act as ranged support to the close combat Powerwilds. They will run away and toss banana peels if you get too close, causing you to lose a large amount of munny if you slip on them. They mostly drop munny when defeated, and their peels can cause other Heartless to drop items and munny if they slip on them. Eventually you must go talk to Jane, followed by going to the Bamboo Thicket for the final bossfight against Sabor.

Sabor will have twice as much HP, and can also jump into the bamboo thicket surrounding the area, only to emerge elsewhere. Regardless he proves little threat against a full party at this point. Equip the White Fang you receive afterwards, then return to Jane, then to Climbing Trees for another large fight. This time Powerwilds will endlessly respawn, allowing you to farm them if you wish, but if you don't, cast magic on all the flower buds in the area to cease the constant reinforcements. Regardless, hit the big fruit until it is destroyed, freeing Jane and Terk. Return to the tent to save and prepare for a bossfight, then head for the Cliffs.

Clayton and Stealth Sneak bossfight [ ]

Deep Jungle gameplay 2

Clayton mounted atop the Stealth sneak.

it is recommended to replace Donald with Tarzan for this bossfight, which consists of two phases. In phase one Clayton will be aided by Powerwilds, which should be ignored in favor of Clayton, who will use his rifle to perform powerful shots with a high range and accuracy, and a small area of effect on impact. Sometimes he uses a melee attack, but he will otherwise repeatedly jump away to gain distance, forcing you to chase after him. If you give him the chance he will also heal himself. Time Dodge Rolls properly to avoid his bullets and close the distance, at which point you can rely on staggering him with your attacks until he takes enough damage to start phase two.

In the next phase he will be riding an invisible Heartless, the Stealth Sneak . Clayton no longer will need to avoid you himself, as he cannot be staggered by your attacks, and can utilize his high seating to gain a better angle on you. In return, Stealth Sneak's movements will repeatedly stop him from being able to aim and fire at you, balancing it out. Stealth Sneak itself can and will jump around frequently, while relying on on swipe attacks with its claws, which can also cast a medium ring wind blade attack. Aside from this it can also charge forwards and use its rear legs to swipe at anything behind it. For now the Heartless will rely largely on its frontal attacks, so aim for the sides until it goes visible.

Clayton will try to heal it sometimes while he is mounted, but eventually will jump off and resort to his phase one tactics. He is the main target and defeating him ends the fight, although it can be difficult with the Stealth Sneak still active. The Stealth Sneaks itself only offers a minor EXP reward (only thirty) however, so taking it out might not be worth the risk. Once its eyes begins to glow it will start shooting homing orbs from its eyes, which can be deflected back at it, or avoided entirely by dodging. It will be unable to die while doing this, but once it is death you can finish off Clayton. Note that if you take too long Clayton can teleport back onto the Heartless, forcing you to knock him back off.

You will receive the power of healing afterwards; Cure , which is by far the most useful magic spell, and is a good reason not to waste MP on offensive spells and abilities all the time. With Cure you no longer need to spend time to select Potions , or hope an ally heals you on time. Enter the Waterfall Cavern nearby and climb the platforms until you reach a cave, where you will seal the Keyhole , receive another Navi-G Piece , and the Trinity Charge ability. Tarzan will give you the Jungle King as a reward back at the tent, which is stronger than your Kingdom Key , with a much better range as well.

After sealing the Keyhole you must go back to Traverse Town for the second visit , but before that you can return to the Jungle Slider minigame to play it properly, which involves collecting fruit on each course. Collect all ten each time to unlock a rare item as a reward, and to unlock the next course, of which there are five in total. While in Deep Jungle's Bamboo Thicket you might also encounter, or already have encountered, the unique Black Ballade enemies, which play a shuffle game, requiring you to hit the right one.

Optional superbosses ( ) ( )
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: 90 : 15

Sabor isn’t too tough but he’s quick and hits hard. You’ll need to make use of Dodge Roll to avoid his attacks. Watch for when he crouches down before lunging. Dodge Roll to either side of him and then attack him from behind. Repeat this process until you knock him out.

After your encounter with the vicious Sabor Tarzan enters and chases the leopard away for the time being. After Tarzan joins your party jump over the treehouse railing to the netting below. Search up underneath the treehouse for a chest with a Mega-Potion .

Now jump over the edge of the netting. You’ll land near Tarzan in the Tunnel. Here you’ll find a save point and a chest containing a Mega-Ether . From here walk or jump into the open tree trunk. After some tree surfing you’ll end up at the camp.

Enter the tent for a cut scene. You’ll receive a Protect-G that Donald and Goofy found in the Bamboo Thicket. After that you’ll have a choice of party members. Keep Donald and Goofy for now. Then open the chest in the tent for a Mythril Shard .

Outside use the blue trinity mark to rescue Dalmatians 34, 35 and 36 . Then go find the barrel by Clayton. Smash it to get a Potion and some HP balls.

Now it’s time to play with the lab equipment in the campsite. First examine the grandfather clock and the base of the bamboo pole to find two recipe cards. Then go to the stove. When you examine it Sora puts a Potion in the pot. Hit the stove to open it. Have Sora lock onto the interior and cast fire. You’ll receive a Hi-Potion .

After that examine the pink shirt on the clothes line, the glove, and the gramophone for 3 research notes. Take them to the table and examine it. Sora will automatically put a Potion into a beaker. Target it and cast blizzard on it to receive 2 Ethers .

Now it’s time to find the slides. They’re located in the following locations:

Then go inside and speak with Jane to view the slide show. After that save your game and go outside.

: 90 : 15

Sabor’s actually easier this time round because you have party members to help you. Tarzan can be a big help. Employ the same tactics as last time.

Again the feline escapes but don’t follow. Instead take the exit into Hippo’s Lagoon. Here hop across to the next land section using the hippo’s back. Then jump into the water and swim to the land section that has trees on either side.

Here, if you’re facing the wall you’ll want to hop up the trees to your right. The chest here contains a Mega-Potion . Now use first-person view to look for a chest on the other side of the lagoon. Focus on the treetop just to the right of the one with the chest.

Now, this jump is rather tricky. You’ll need to make a long leap and attack just when you think you’re about to miss. Attacking gives you a little boost that allows you to make the jump. Then hop up to the chest. It contains an Esuna-G . Then drop down to the chunk of land below the tree you’re on.

Now you’ll need to jump across the hippo backs to the last chest. It contains Dalmatians 25, 26 and 27 . After that there are two vines to take out of the lagoon. The one by the Dalmatians box bypasses the entire vine swinging section so remember it for future use. However, there are some items there so you’ll need to take the vine right across from where you entered the lagoon.

At the top of the vine you’ll end up next to a save point and a strange flower. After the tutorial get close to the edge and select “Jump On” from your menu. When Sora gets close to the next vine he’ll automatically target it. When he does press X to jump to the next vine (or “Jump Off” to land).

After swinging to the next treetop turn around and head for the treetop with a chest on it. The chest here contains a Mythril . Then take the vines on the other side of the chest to a long group of treetops. Turn around again and look for a section of treetop that has a branch above it. Swing over and step through to enter Vines 2.

After the cut scene swing over to a long treetop. Then hop over to a chest containing Dalmatians 28, 29 and 30 . Then get back to the spot where your party is waiting and climb the vine here. (Note: this spot is where the other lagoon vine takes you.)

This area is the Climbing Trees. It has three exits. One is where you came in, one leads to the Tree House, and the other leads to the Treetop. Treetop is merely a path to the Tunnel. The Tunnel is where you jumped into the trunk to tree surf. It also has the closest save point.

On one of the platforms in the Climbing Trees you’ll find a blue trinity mark. Activate it and open the chest to rescue Dalmatians 30, 31 and 32 . Then take the exit to the Tree House.

After another cut scene you’ll want to exit the tree house and follow the balcony around to the path. However, instead of taking the path all the way to the entrance to the Climbing Trees you should jump off to the right. You’ll land at the Cliffs where you’ll face Sabor once again.

This battle is exactly like the previous encounter with Sabor. Use the same strategy. You might also want to note that you can fight Sabor in this location at this time as many times as you want. Simply make your way back to the Tree House and drop to the Cliffs again.

Now you have a chance to explore the Cliffs area a bit. Along the back wall you can hop up to a platform with two chests. They contain a Mega-Potion and a Mythril Shard . There’s also a vine at the very top of this wall that takes you to the Treetop area.

Now go by way of the Bamboo Thicket to the Campsite. Enter the tent and save your game. You’ll want to have Tarzan in your party because the Heartless have found their way to Deep Jungle. When you’re ready go outside. You’ll find a gorilla surrounded by a new type of Heartless called Powerwilds. They’re fast and slippery but they yield a good amount of EXP. Get rid of them all to save the gorilla. It rewards you with a Protect-G .

Next go to the Bamboo Thicket to rescue another gorilla who gives you a Fire-G . The gorilla in the Cliffs area gives you an Aeroga-G . Then head to the Climbing Trees to rescue a gorilla who gives you an Aeroga-G . The last gorilla is in the Tree House and gives you a Shell-G . Now, at this point there is an excellent level up opportunity. If you return to the Climbing Trees you will encounter an endless supply of Powerwilds. No matter how many you kill they still keep coming. If you’re a little lazy you can have Sora grab onto a ledge and just hang there while the other two party members fight. You’ll occasionally get knocked off but it’s a simple matter to jump back up.

When you tire of this return to the Camp. Speak with Jane and then save your game. When you exit the tent you’ll hear a gunshot in the direction of the Bamboo Thicket. When you get there all you find is Clayton’s pipe . . . and your last encounter with Sabor.

You should fight this battle just like you’ve fought the previous ones. However, this time Sabor’s HP has doubled and victory yields a significantly higher amount of EXP. For finally taking care of the nasty feline you will receive the White Fang accessory.

Before you have a chance to head back to the Campsite you will be ambushed by a few waves of heartless. In addition to the Powerwilds you’ll face Shadows and another new creature called Bouncywilds. Bouncywilds have very little HP but they are incredibly fast. They also drop banana peels. If you step on them a large amount of your munny will scatter on the ground - you’ll want to pick it back up before it disappears. Also, when you kill a Bouncywild it will yield a lot of munny.

When you finally enter the Campsite you’ll meet yet another new type of Heartless. However, the White Mushrooms are friendly. They simply want to play charades with you. You simply need to cast the correct spell on it and successfully cast that same spell correctly two more times. If you do the mushrooms will reward you with a lot of EXP a spell art of the particular spell you used and possibly another rare item. For more info on the White Mushrooms look them up in our sidequests section.

You’ll find the tent empty but Tarzan tells you they’re somewhere by the Tree House. Then make your way to the Climbing Trees. Jane and Terk are imprisoned in this area. The room is still producing an endless supply of Powerwilds. To end this battle you need to lock onto and attack the large purple fruit attached to the central pole. When it’s destroyed the battle ends.

Now that you know Clayton is the culprit it’s time to teach the selfish hunter a lesson. First save your game in the Tent. After preparing your comrades for battle you’ll want to go directly to the Cliff area - ignoring the Heartless that stand in your way. You’ll need every available resource to fight the upcoming battle.

: 250 : 240

Clayton is accompanied by a group of Powerwilds but don’t let them distract you. Lock on to Clayton and hit him hard and fast to end this preliminary battle.

: 250, : 240 : 750, EXP: 30

The first thing you need to do in this battle is take out the Stealth Sneek. After you deplete a portion of its HP it becomes visible. After that you can continue to use physical attacks or you can hit it with fire. Once the chameleon is out of the way you can finally finish Clayton. When you do you will receive the Cure spell.

After the battle Kerchak will toss everyone to the top of the area opened by the Stealth Sneek. Enter the doorway next to the waterfall and you’ll find yourself in an area behind the waterfall. Hop across these low rock ledges to a higher ledge with a chest on it. The chest contains a Mythril Shard. Now you’ll need to turn around to spot a higher mossy ledge with a chest on it. Jump across and grab onto the ledge. Flip up and open the chest for a Shell-G .

Next you’ll need to turn around again to spot another ledge with moss and vines on the wall next to it. This jump is a little harder but when you make it you’ll get to open a chest with a Mythril in it. Now grab the moss and vines on the wall and inch your way over to the next ledge. The chest here contains an Orichalcum .

Now climb up the vine in the alcove of this ledge. As you climb up you’ll see a ledge pass behind you. When you’re just above it you’ll need to jump backward to land on this ledge. Now you’ll need to hop across ledges heading back towards the entrance but high above it. Your target is a ledge that has what looks like a rocky stream coming out of a cavern.

When you get there go into the cavern. In here you’ll find Deep Jungle’s keyhole. After Sora seals it you’ll find the other Navi-G Piece . Then Tarzan will give Sora his first new keychain - the Jungle King . Keychains transform the Keyblade into a more powerful weapon. Finally your party will also learn the Red Trinity . These rewards open up new opportunities in Traverse Town. However, before going back there it’s time to go to the battle level 2 world - the Olympus Coliseum.


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9. KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX KH1: Deep Jungle

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Upon landing in Deep Jungle, you are immediately put into a battle against Sabor .

Boss: Sabor

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Sabor jumps around a bit, but his attacks are fairly well telegraphed. Even on Proud the battle wasn't that difficult. Magic is pretty effective during this battle. As long as you are locked on to Sabor, the magic should home in on him. Losing this fight does not result in a game over.

After finishing the fight, Sora meets Tarzan and gets the first Journal entry for Deep Jungle . Tarzan will now join your party, replacing the missing Donald and Goofy. He comes with three Potions in his inventory.

You gain control on the balcony of the Tree House. Go back into the Tree House and find the boxes in the far right corner, opposite of the broken stairs. You can jump up onto the boxes and then up onto the next level. Take the long way around the building on this upper level, and jump around the beam at the end to find a ladder. Climb all the way to the top to find a chest holding a Protect Chain .

From that chest, move forward and jump down onto the beam below. Jumping down from here and off the map will drop you right in the Cliff area. Climb the vines here to reach two chests for a Mega-Potion and a Mythril Shard . Head through the Bamboo Thicket to find the Camp. Enter the Tent for a scene.

Sora will get a Protect-G piece, and reunite with Donald and Goofy. The Deep Jungle Chronicles entry updates, and several characters are added to the Journal: Jane Porter, Clayton, and Terk . In the Tent, you can open a chest for a Mythril Shard . Speak to Jane to find out the slides for her camera are missing.

There are a couple of interesting things to do here, but first, slides.

Slide #Location
1On top of the Tent
2On a wardrobe under the white cloth awnings
3Next to the drawing of Tarzan
4On the stack of crates directly opposite the Tent
5On top of the white cloth awnings; jump across from the top of the Tent
6On the pile of suitcases beside the Tent

Next, some fun with items. There are several research notes scattered about the camp that you can find by Examining different things. Examine the globe, the base of the flag pole, the grandfather clock, the clothes rack, and the phonograph. Interact with the stove and follow the directions to create a Hi-Potion . (You have to hit the stove with an Attack in order to open it up.) Interact with the chemistry equipment on the table to create an Ether .

Return the slides to Jane's camera for a scene. As you leave, Sabor will attack again. This battle works just like before, only now you have some friends to help.

With the leopard defeated a second time, head towards the Hippo's Lagoon. Jump across the first hippo's back, then climb the trees off to the left to find a Mega-Potion in a chest. Jump down onto the hippo in the water directly below, then across to the landing with another chest, this one with puppies no. 25/26/ 27. Climb up the vine here to get to the gorillas. Kerchak and Kala will be added to the Journal.

After the scene, climb the vine straight ahead to get to the Climbing Trees area. From here, run up the ramp and jump a small gap to get back to the Tree House. After the scene here, use the same shortcut to jump down to the Cliff area. Sabor will attack again, but you should be wise to his tricks by now. Return to the Tent.

Did you notice the distinct lack of Heartless in this World? Well, they're here now! Leave the Tent to encounter the Powerwild enemy. Defeat them all to save the gorilla and earn a Protect-G . Sora must now travel all over Deep Jungle, saving all the gorillas. Hot tip: use Blizzard when they are all together to hit them all at the same time.

Start by going to Bamboo Thicket, then to the Cliff. The gorillas here will give Sora a Fire-G and an Aeroga-G . On your way back through the Bamboo Thicket, you will run into a pink Heartless known as a Bouncywild . These enemies will drop banana peels that, if Sora steps on one, cause him to fall prone and lose a bunch of munny. After dropping a few peels, the Bouncywild will disappear, so watch where you are going!

There are some rare Heartless that have a chance to spawn: Black Ballade in the Bamboo Thicket, and White Mushrooms in the Camp. These are dealt with later on in the Synthesis Item Farming section. It isn't worth your time to deal with them right now.

Head to the Hippo's Lagoon, by way of the Camp, and climb up to Jungle: Vines. Using the save point is probably a decent idea.

In Jungle: Vines, Sora must swing from vine to vine to cross over a large gap. Falling off a ledge or a vine drops him back in the Hippo's Lagoon. There is a flower bud on the ground when you get here; Examine it to start Vine Jump . There are four courses: Jump, Trap, Acrobatic, and Expert. Attempting any one of them adds them all to the Journal, whether or not you finish it.

Use the reaction command to Jump On to the vines, then use regular commands to Jump Next or Jump Off. There is only one path through Vines, so as long as you don't head towards your party members, you shouldn't get lost. After the second set of vines, open the chest for a Mythril . Once you reach the other side, head into Vines 2. Swing across the first set of vines, then jump a small gap and grab the chest over here for puppies no. 28/29/ 30 . Continue swinging to the end. This is where you climbed up from Hippo's Lagoon before. Climb these vines to get back to Climbing Trees.

Defeat the Powerwilds here to receive another Aeroga-G piece, then head up to the Tree House. There is another gorilla trapped in the building, and it will give you a Shell-G piece.

Proud: Returning to Climbing Trees after saving the Gorilla but before saving Jane and Terk causes Powerwilds to spawn infinitely. At 4p per kill, this is an excellent place to grind out some levels early. I went from level 14-16 in about 15 minutes. One full combo and a Fire was enough to take out a single Powerwild.

Make your way back to the Camp however you like and speak with Jane. Venture into the Bamboo Thicket for the final fight against Sabor.

Drops: White Fang He has a new trick now, where he jumps into the bamboo and warps around the outside of the map. As long as you keep locked on to him, however, he can't surprise you. Everything else is the same, and if you can get a combo chain going, this fight will be over before you know it.

The Chronicles entry for Deep Jungle will update after defeating the leopard once and for all. Check in at the Tent, then climb all the way back up to Climbing Trees. Lock on to the big black fruit and start combo-ing away to free Jane and Terk. It takes fewer that 8 combos to destroy, depending on your difficulty and Sora's Strength stat.

After freeing the ladies, enter Treetop and cross the small area to Tunnel. There is a chest as soon as you enter that holds a Mega-Ether , and a save point on the ground. Enter the stump to slide down some tree branches with Tarzan, just like in the movie! This will drop you right in the middle of the Camp. Cross through to the Cliff for a scene, and a quick fight with Clayton and some Powerwilds. After another quick scene, the real boss battle begins. Clayton joins this battle atop his mighty steed, Stealth Sneak .

Boss: Clayton & Stealth Sneak

research note 1 kingdom hearts

There are several chests in this room, and thanks to the wonderful camera, they are relatively easy to find. Straight across from the entryway on a ledge is a Mythril Shard . Turn around from the chest and jump up to the next ledge (the edge has some vines on it) to get puppies no. 31/32/ 33 . Turn around again, and jump up to the next level.

Immediately grab the Mythril , then climb the vines or jump across the gap for some Orichalcum . Keep hopping up ledges and climbing vines until you reach a doorway to ???. Sora will find and seal the Keyhole for Deep Jungle, and get a Navi-G piece. After a scene featuring the villains, Sora will receive the Jungle King Keyblade from Tarzan, and the group will learn the ability to use Red Trinity marks.

Now that the Keyhole has been sealed, you can return to the Tunnel and start Jungle Slider . The objective is to get to the end of the course while collecting 10 pieces of fruit. Doing so grants Sora an item, and unlocks the next step of the course. Sora must re-do each step each time, and collect the next 10 pieces of fruit to keep going. Below is a list of rewards. Jungle Slider is added to the Journal regardless of whether or not you finish the first route.

Green SerpentElixir
Splash TunnelAP Up
Jade SpiralDark Matter
Panic FallDefense Up
Shadow CavernPower Up

Upon returning to the gummi ship, and Achievement will unlock, and the gang will decide to return to Traverse Town to talk to Leon. If you haven't already, swing by Olympus Coliseum first. Complete the events there for the Thunder magic spell, and attempt Gummi Mission 2 for Traverse Town.

Seal the keyhole in Deep Jungle.

Member of the Tribe


Begin by landing at Camp: Tent. There is a Blue Trinity over by the chemistry equipment that brings out a chest containing puppies no. 34/35/36 . Head into Hippo's Lagoon and use a combination of High Jump and Glide to get the last chest on the treetops here. With Meteor-G in hand, use the vines to climb to Jungle: Vines. Cross to Vines 2, then jump across and climb the tree into Climbing Trees.

Enter the door to Treetop first. There is a Green Trinity in the center of this area. Use it for a Mythril Shard and a bunch of munny. Go back to Climbing Trees and Glide across to the entrance to the Tree House. There is a Blue Trinity to materialize a chest with a Thundara-G .

Enter the Tree House and Glide over to the small boat hanging from the opposite end of the Tree House. Open the chest in here for a Mythril .

Jump off the ledge to the left to land back at the Cliff. Climb through the Waterfall area to the top where Sora sealed the Keyhole and use the White Trinity to find an Orichalcum .


The first item you can grind for is the Lightning Stone. Land at Camp: Tent and head into the Bamboo Thicket. You are looking for a black mage heartless hovering over the small hill in the center of the arena.

This Heartless, the Black Ballade , splits into five of itself. The real one will jump, and then they all scatter about, before reforming in a line. You need to keep track of the real one, and smack it in the line-up. You need to repeat this five times, and they move faster each attempt.

If you hit the wrong enemy, Sora gets a minor shock. It is avoidable with a perfectly timed doge, but the damage is so small that it really isn't worth it. If you fail enough times, however, the Black Ballade will simply leave, and you will need to respawn it again.


I found exactly two instances of a Lightning Stone dropping during the cycle. So if you're lucky it is possible to get two Stones in a single run.

You need a total of five Lightning Stones to complete all synthesis items.

The second item you are looking for here is Serenity Power, which drops from Pink Agaricus . You want to have as much MP as possible for this. Sora's other stats are irrelevant. Equip everything that gives more MP. The Diamond Dust Keyblade, Atlas Armlet, Cosmic Arts, and Crystal Crown were my go-to setup for this. At level 93, I had 18 MP. You also want to have at least Stopra and Aerora, but the -ga versions are better.

Begin by landing at Jungle: Tunnel. Hop up the ledges and enter Treetop, then go across to Climbing Trees. Glide across and enter the Tree House. You are looking for a White Mushroom standing up the ramp right as you enter. If no enemies are around, leave and respawn the room. You need to find the three White Mushrooms that are hiding in the Tree House and cast Stop on them all. This spawns the Pink Agaricus inside the building.

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The trick here is to get as many hits as possible on the Heartless. The higher your hit count, the greater the chance of having a Serenity Power drop. To do this, lock on to the Heartless then cast Aerora on Sora and Stopra on the creature. Now do as many air combos as you can on it's head. Each of your hits will add up with the hits from Aerora. When Stop runs out, you will get a running experience tally of your hits, with item drops every 10.

research note 1 kingdom hearts

Having Aeroga means more hits per second, and Stopga means it will stay frozen for longer. Some people like to equip Ragnarok and use that to add hits, but I found it was unreliable. The more MP Sora has, the longer Stop will affect the creature. You aren't trying to kill it.

You need a grand total of seven Serenity Powers to complete all synthesis items.

You can also grind White Mushrooms for their items here. Three of them appear at the camp. You cannot get every item from them here, so please see KH1: Synthesis Guide for more information on what they drop, and the best places to farm them. Below are some instructions on how to get what you can.

The first thing to look for are the various "Arts" items. These are obtained by casting the same spell three times on one mushroom. Casting Fire three times in a row gets you Fire Arts, casting three Blizzards gets Blizzard Arts, etc. The White Mushrooms here in Deep Jungle only ask for Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, and Cure.

Finally, Mystery Goo is dropped when you successfully cast three spells on the White Mushroom. It does not matter what order they are cast in, as long as you get all three correct. This does not guarantee a Mystery Goo, but gives the best chance for the drop.

It is best to leave Mystery Goo farming for after you get all the "Arts" items from the White Mushrooms, so that you can focus on casting each random spell and not have to wait for the same one to appear each time.

You need a total of 10 Mystery Goo to complete all synthesis items.

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Treasure chests are scattered across the various worlds, filled with rare items and equipment. Sora can open these chests by approaching them and selecting the Open command.

Treasure chests are often tucked away in hard-to-find or hard-to-reach places! Be sure to inspect each area thoroughly; you may have to return with a new ability later on in order to reach some chests.


Destiny Islands Treasures

Reward Area Location Screenshot
Cove In a cave near the zipline ladder; move the nearby box to reach it

Traverse Town Treasures

Reward Area Location Screenshot
First District Unseal the near the cafe.
First District Open the safe near the doors to the Second District.
First District On the roof of the Accessory Shop.
First District Cast on the candles to unlock the chest on the counter.
Gepetto's House In a green chest along the far wall.
Gepetto's House Examine the ceramic pot on the shelf in the far corner.
Donald's Nephews' Shop Strike the ceiling fan by jumping from the stairs.
Accessory Shop Above a cabinet across from the fireplace.
Item Workshop Examine the flyer on the wall.
Item Workshop In a chest on the far table.
Item Workshop In a chest on the far table.
Second District On a store awning; jump from the lightpost.
Second District On a ledge in front of the Gizmo Shop.
Second District On top of the roof with storefronts.
Gizmo Shop Step on three pressure plates and examine the clock. Must first cast on exposed wiring in Third District.
Red Room In a red chest along the front wall.
Green Room In a blue chest on the small circular table.
Green Room Strike the clock above the door to the Red Room nine times; the chest will appear on the dresser.
Alleyway Behind a group of crates in the south corner.
Alleyway On an awning at the edge of the hotel's balconies.
Alleyway On the hotel balcony nearest to the waterway.
Alleyway Behind large wooden crates; accessible by unsealing the in the First District.
Secret Waterway Unseal the across from the mural.
Secret Waterway Just inside the stairwell leading to Merlin's Study.
Mystical House On a stone near the perimeter behind Merlin's House. Requires shared ability .
Mystical House Unseal the in front of the boxes next to Merlin's House.
Third District Examine the corner of the balcony; accessible through the rooftop of the Second District.

Wonderland Treasures

Reward Area Location Screenshot
Rabbit Hole Defeat three waves of Heartless near the save station; the chest will appear near the wall.
Rabbit Hole Defeat three waves of Heartless near the save station; the chest will appear near the wall.
Rabbit Hole Defeat three waves of Heartless near the save station; the chest will appear near the wall.
Rabbit Hole Unseal the in the center of the room.
Bizarre Room (Upright) Unseal the inside the furnace.
Bizarre Room (Sideways) Lighting the first torch reveals a chest from the lion head decoration.
Queen's Castle On a ledge across from the save station. Accessible from Lotus Forest.
Queen's Castle On a ledge near the entrance to Lotus Forest. Accessible from upside down Bizarre Room.
Queen's Castle On a ledge across from the entrance to Lotus Forest. Accessible from side ways Bizarre Room.
Lotus Forest On a lillypad near the center of the area; jump on the nearby mushrooms to reach it.
Lotus Forest On a lillypad in the northeast corner; accessible with near-pixel-perfect jump or shared ability .
Lotus Forest Cast on the pink flowers in the alcove along the west wall.
Lotus Forest On a high ledge in the southwest corner. Requires shared ability .
Lotus Forest Cast on the pink flowers in the alcove accessible through the painting in sideways Bizarre Room.
Lotus Forest Unseal the in the alcove accessible through the painting in sideways Bizarre Room.
Tea Party Garden On the cottage balcony; move the bear and clock in Bizarre Room to access.
Tea Party Garden On a hedge along the south wall; accessible from Lotus Forest passage requiring shared ability .
Tea Party Garden On a hedge along the south wall; accessible from Lotus Forest passage requiring shared ability .
Tea Party Garden On a hedge in the northeast corner; accessible from Lotus Forest passage requiring shared ability .

1 Must acquire chest before providing evidence to the Queen of Hearts. 2 Must acquire chest after providing evidence to the Queen of Hearts but before sealing the Keyhole in Hollow Bastion . 3 Accessible after sealing the Keyhole in Hollow Bastion .

Olympus Coliseum Treasures

Reward Area Location Screenshot
Gates Unseal the in front of the statue on the left.
Gates Unseal the in front of the statue on the right.
Gates Behind the pillars to the left of the Vestibule doors.
Gates Examine the purple vase behind the pillars to the right of the Vestibule doors; accessible after clearing the .
Gates Unseal the in the center of the area.
Gates Cast on all braziers; a chest will appear along the west wall.
Gates Cast on all braziers; a chest will appear along the east wall.
Vestibule Complete the , , and .

Deep Jungle Treasures

Reward Area Location Screenshot
Tree House On the roof of the treehouse; accessible via ladder on the east side.
Tree House On a ledge made of netting, under the treehouse.
Tree House In the rowboat suspended in front of the tree house; accessible with Glide or jumping from the roof and attacking.
Tunnel On a ledge near the entrance to Treetops.
Camp Unseal the near the lab table.
Tent On the ground in front of the projector.
Climbing Trees Unseal the in front of the entrance to the Tree House.
Hippo's Lagoon On a ledge along the wall across from the hippos.
Hippo's Lagoon On ledge along the wall nearest the hippos, accessible with High Jump or by jumping and swinging.
Hippo's Lagoon On the far side of the lagoon, accessible by jumping on the hippos.
Vines On a ledge in the center of the area; accessible using the vines on the right.
Vines 2 On a ledge in the center of the area; accessible using the vines.
Cliff On the ledge in the northeast corner; accessible using the nearby pole. Chest on the left.
Cliff On the ledge in the northeast corner; accessible using the nearby pole. Chest on the right.
Waterfall Cavern On the lowest ledge on the far side of the area.
Waterfall Cavern On a ledge halfway up the falls; just under a wall covered in vines.
Waterfall Cavern On the highest ledge on the far side of the area.
Waterfall Cavern On a ledge near a climbable vine wall.
Cavern of Hearts Unseal the in the center of the area.

Agrabah Treasures

Reward Area Location Screenshot
Plaza At ground level in a corner across from the Storage Room.
Plaza On a ledge along the eastern wall.
Plaza On a high ledge in the southwest corner; accessible from passage through Aladdin's House.
Storage Room Along the wall behind a group of wooden crates.
Storage Room Unseal the near the wall with shelving.
Main Street On a ledge near the entrance to the Bazaar.
Main Street On a ledge in the northwest corner, accessible from high passage in Plaza.
Main Street On a ledge to the right of the alternate entrance to Palace Gates; requires High Jump.
Alley On a ledge in the corner across from the entrance to the Plaza.
Aladdin's House In the corner nearest the save station.
Aladdin's House In the center of the room, on a step.
Bazaar On a ledge in the northeast, accessible by jumping across the awnings.
Bazaar On the highest ledge in the northwest corner, accessible by climbing onto the northern ledge.
Palace Gates On top of the storefront along the west wall, accessible from high entrance to Main Street.
Palace Gates On the highest ledge in the southwest corner; requires shared ability .
Palace Gates On the highest ledge in the northwest corner; requires shared ability .
Cave of Wonders: Entrance On top of a platform along the west wall, near the entrance to the Hall.
Cave of Wonders: Entrance On top of a pillar near the entrance to the Hall, accessible using , , or a well-positioned jump from a barrel.
Cave of Wonders: Entrance Unseal the near the entrance.
Cave of Wonders: Hall On top of the platform with the water-spewing statues.
Cave of Wonders: Hall In an alcove in the northwest corner.
Cave of Wonders: Bottomless Hall On a small platform near the entrance to the Hall, accessible with High Jump or a well-positioned jump while attacking.
Cave of Wonders: Bottomless Hall On top of the platform with the water-spewing statues, across from the passage to the Treasure Room.
Cave of Wonders: Bottomless Hall On a far ledge across the chasm, accessible from alternate route in the Hall.
Cave of Wonders: Silent Chamber Unseal the in the center of the area.
Cave of Wonders: Dark Chamber On a small platform in the corner; jump from the save point to reach it.
Cave of Wonders: Dark Chamber On a small platform along the wall, accessible from Relic Chamber passage opened by Abu.
Cave of Wonders: Dark Chamber On a raised platform accessible from the Relic Chamber passage opened by Abu; climb the waterfall and use Abu to lower it.
Cave of Wonders: Dark Chamber On a platform in the center of the area; accessible by swimming up a waterfall in the Relic Chamber.
Cave of Wonders: Relic Chamber On a small platform in the corner; push the block in the Bottomless Hall to reach it.
Cave of Wonders: Relic Chamber On a small platform in the corner, accessible by swimming and climbing the stairs.
Cave of Wonders: Hidden Room Activate the statue to open the nearby wall; requires or .
Cave of Wonders: Hidden Room Activate the statue to open the nearby wall; requires or .
Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room Above the fireplace along the eastern wall.
Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room On top of a pile of treasure in the south.
Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room On a ledge near the entrance to Bottomless Hall, accessible from on top of a pile of treasure in the south.
Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room On top of a pile of treasure along the west wall; use Abu to activate the gemstone.

Monstro Treasures

Reward Area Location Screenshot
Mouth Near Gepetto on the ship, accessible after defeating .
Mouth On a wooden platform across from the ship, accessible with .
Mouth Unseal the on top of the ship.
Mouth On the highest platform nearest Monstro's teeth, accessible with .
Mouth On the highest platform along the east wall, accessible with .
Mouth On a high platform along the west wall, across from the ship; accessible with .
Chamber 2 At ground level, near the entrance to Chamber 3.
Chamber 2 On a small platform with barrels, accessible from the higher level of Chamber 3.
Chamber 3 At ground level, near a passage blocked by wooden planks.
Chamber 3 On the upper level, under a green platform.
Chamber 3 On a bluish-green platform, just above the previous chest.
Chamber 3 On a bluish-green platform, just above the entrance to Chamber 2.
Chamber 5 At ground level, across from the entrance to Chamber 6.
Chamber 5 At ground level, across from the entrance to Chamber 6.
Chamber 5 On a bluish-green platform, across from the entrance to Chamber 4.
Chamber 5 On a high ledge on top of a barrel, across from the entrance to Chamber 4.
Chamber 6 At ground level, across from the passage to Chamber 5.
Chamber 6 On a high bluish-green platform, across from the entrance to Chamber 4.
Chamber 6 On a high bluish-green platform, across from the previous chest.
Chamber 6 On a high ledge, across from an alternate entrance to Chamber 1.
Chamber 6 Unseal the across from the entrance to Chamber 3.

Atlantica Treasures

Reward Area Location Screenshot
Undersea Valley Cast on the red clam on a platform near the eastern wall.
Undersea Valley Strike the clam in the small cave along the eastern wall.
Undersea Valley Strike the clam on the platform near the ocean floor, below the red clam.
Undersea Valley Strike the clam in the covered alcove along the east wall, near the previous clam.
Undersea Valley Strike the clam on the pillar near the west wall.
Undersea Valley Strike the clam on the platform along the west wall.
Undersea Cave Strike the clam in the small alcove in the wall, about halfway up.
Undersea Gorge Cast on the blue clam in the southwest corner, near the entrance to Undersea Cave.
Undersea Gorge Strike the clam on a platform in the center of the area.
Undersea Gorge In a large wooden chest near Ariel's Grotto; accessible using a jetstream in the Sunken Ship.
Undersea Garden Strike the clam along the far wall.
Ariel's Grotto In a chest at the ground level, near the grandfather clock.
Ariel's Grotto In a chest on a shelf about halfway up, just under several volumes of books.
Ariel's Grotto In a chest on a shelf about halfway up, with some vases and a picture frame.
Triton's Palace Strike the clam on the ocean floor in the corner, near three pillars.
Triton's Palace Strike the clam on the ocean floor, below the entrance to the Undersea Gorge.
Triton's Palace Strike the clam on the ocean floor, between the large shell structure and the entrance to the Throne Room.
Triton's Palace Cast on the yellow clam on a pillar, near the entrance to the Throne Room.
Triton's Palace Unseal the in the center of the large shell structure.
Sunken Ship In a chest on the ocean floor, behind the wreckage of a smaller ship.
Sunken Ship In a chest on the ocean floor, inside the wreckage of a turned over ship.
Sunken Ship: Below Deck In a chest towards the back of the ship, near the broken window.
Sunken Ship: Below Deck In a chest in the corner, across from the large broken window and near the stairs.
Sunken Ship: Below Deck Strike the clam on the ocean floor, in a hole below the stairs.
Cavern Nook Strike the smaller clam on the left.
Ursula's Lair Case twice on the purple urchin near the clam in the wall to reveal a chest.

Halloween Town Treasures

Reward Area Location Screenshot
Guillotine Square On a ledge inside a pumpkin structure, accessible with .
Guillotine Square Ring the spider doorbell on the house three times.
Guillotine Square Under the stairs leading to the house.
Guillotine Square Inside the mouth of a pumpkin-like structure, accessible with .
Guillotine Square Inside the mouth of a pumpkin-like structure, accessible with .
Research Lab Examine the bookcase across from the Doctor.
Graveyard Inside the exploded pumpkin, after clearing the Mayor's challenge.
Moonlight Hill Unseal the in front of the hill.
Bridge On a small ledge above the sewer entrance to Guillotine Square.
Bridge On a small platform under the bridge.
Bridge On a small ledge in the far corner of the area.
Oogie's Manor Unseal the near the archway at ground level.
Oogie's Manor Just outside the front door of the manor.
Oogie's Manor In a cage across from the front door to the manor.
Oogie's Manor Just inside the front door of the manor.
Oogie's Manor In a higher cage about halfway up the manor; more easily accessible after activating the switch in the Evil Playroom.
Oogie's Manor In an alcove halfway up the manor; must activate the switch in the Evil Playroom first.
Cemetery To the right of a mausoleum with stairs and a + on the front.
Cemetery To the left of a spider-like tombstone.
Cemetery In the far corner, near a tombstone with "RIP" on it.
Cemetery In the far corner, behind a tree with a hanging skeleton.

1 If this chest is not acquired prior to defeating Oogie's Manor, they will appear in a hole in the center of Manor Ruins thereafer. See screenshots for reference.

Neverland Treasures

Reward Area Location Screenshot
Ship: Hold On the upper rafters along the west wall, requires .
Ship: Hold On the upper rafters along the east wall, requires .
Ship: Hold Unseal the in the Hold, in the chest farthest from the door.
Ship: Hold Unseal the in the Hold, in the blue chest nearest the door.
Ship: Hold Unseal the in the Hold, in the green chest on rolls of canvas.
Ship: Hold Unseal the in the Hold, in the red chest on the highest shelf.
Ship: Galley In the corner nearest the stove.
Ship: Cabin Along the wall near the save station.
Captain's Cabin Next to the bed, near the side window.
Pirate Ship In the crow's nest nearest the front of the ship.
Pirate Ship Unseal the near the ship's wheel.
Clock Tower In the corner of the balcony.

Hollow Bastion Treasures

Reward Area Location Screenshot
Rising Falls At the lowest level, behind a set of stalagmites.
Rising Falls On a floating platform about a quarter of the way up the falls.
Rising Falls On a floating platform about halfway up the falls.
Rising Falls Enter the third-highest bubble to reach the chest under the ice.
Rising Falls On a floating platform about three quarters of the way up the falls.
Rising Falls Unseal the near the archway about halfway up the falls.
Rising Falls Enter the fourth bubble about halfway up the falls; accessible after completing first story episode.
Base Level On a small platform behind the movable block, accessible through the higher bubble.
Base Level On a platform near a blue crystal, accessible using the movable block.
Base Level On a platform near the node leading to Castle Gates, accessible using .
Waterway Accessible via unsealed passage at Base Level, use Beast's Call command.
Waterway Just behind the save station; area is accessible using the lower bubble at Base Level.
Waterway Cast on the bubble in the hallway, then use it to jump to the high ledge.
Dungeon In the back-right corner. Room is accessible from Waterway using Beast's Call command.
Dungeon In the back-right corner. Room is accessible from Waterway using Beast's Call command.
Entrance Hall Climb the pillar to the right of the Heartless sigil door, then jump across to the left pillar.
Library Rotate the pillar on the second floor, near the exposed red button.
Library Rotate the upper part of the pillar from above the bookcase along the west wall.
Library Rotate the lower part of the pillar near the bookcase along the west wall.
Library Rotate the pillar between two bookcases on the second floor.
Library On top of the bookcase along the south wall, nearest the ground floor passage to the Entrance Hall.
Lift Stop Cast on the small floating platform above; area accessible from passage in Library.
Lift Stop Cast on the small floating platform above; area accessible by activating node the Lift Stop passage from the Library.
Lift Stop Examine the node in the corner; this area accessible from passage through the Waterway.
Lift Stop Cast on the small floating platform above; area accessible using node in Lift Stop after Heartless sigil door.
Lift Stop Cast on the small floating platform above; accessible from the passage behind the blocks with the Heartless sigil at High Tower.
Lift Stop Cast on the small floating platform above; area accessible by activating the switching node at High Tower, then activating the node at the Lift Stop passage from the Library.
Castle Gates Cast on the small floating platform above; located in the far corner accessible using .
Castle Gates On a lone pillar in front of the castle; accessible by activating the moving platforms and using .
Castle Gates On a high ledge near the metal gates; accessible by activating the moving platforms and using .
Great Crest Along the castle's wall, accessible after riding the large circular platform across the front of the castle.
Great Crest In a corner near some rubble, on your immediate left after passing through the Lift Stop.
High Tower Cast on the small floating platform above, on the right side of the area near the entrance to the Lift Stop.
High Tower Cast on the small floating platform above, on the left side of the area accessible through the Lift Stop.
High Tower On a high ledge, accessible by activating the nodes that move the blocks with the Heartless sigil.
Grand Hall On a high ledge, across from the portal to the Dark Depths; accessible during second story episode.
Grand Hall On ledge to the left of the portal leading to the Dark Depths.
Grand Hall Along the right wall, near the stairs.

End Of The World Treasures

Reward Area Location Screenshot
Final Dimension The first green chest along the invisible path.
Final Dimension The second green chest along the invisible path; chest will spawn Heartless.
Final Dimension The third green chest along the invisible path.
Final Dimension The red chest near the midpoint of the invisible path; chest will spawn Destroyed Behemoth.
Final Dimension The fourth green chest, just past the midpoint of the invisible path.
Final Dimension The fifth green chest, past the midpoint of the invisible path.
Final Dimension The sixth green chest, past the midpoint of the invisible path; chest will spawn Heartless.
Final Dimension The second red chest, near the end of the invisible path.
Final Dimension The seventh green chest, near the end of the invisible path on the far left.
Final Dimension The eighth and final green chest, at the end of the invisible path; chest will spawn Heartless.
Giant Crevasse Near the top of the area with some stalagmites.
Giant Crevasse On a high small ledge under a room covered in purple webbing; Heartless will spawn in here.
Giant Crevasse On a ledge near the middle of the area.
Giant Crevasse On a ledge near the middle of the area, connected by two narrow ledges.
Giant Crevasse On a small ledge under a room covered in purple webbing; Heartless will spawn in here.
World Terminus: Traverse Town In the corner to the right of the fountain.
World Terminus: Wonderland Along the wall under some hanging pictures.
World Terminus: Olympus Coliseum In the northeast corner, behind the foot of the statue.
World Terminus: Deep Jungle On the mossy rock near the center of the area.
World Terminus: Agrabah On the highest platform in the southwest corner of the Palace Gates.
World Terminus: Atlantica On the ocean floor, near the caved in passage on the far wall.
World Terminus: Halloween Town On the highest platform with the orange-colored button.
World Terminus: Neverland In the corner of the Galley, near the stove.
World Terminus: Hundred Acre Wood Just near the save station.
World Terminus: Hollow Bastion Inside the inner room, along the southwest wall.
Final Rest Along the wall near the save station.

Hundred Acre Wood Treasures

Reward Area Location Screenshot
Meadow In the end of the hollowed out log in the center of the area.
Pooh's House Strike the chimney on the roof; the item will fall onto the floor inside.
Pooh's House Open the cabinet in the corner.
Bouncing Spot Inside the stump in the center of the area.
Bouncing Spot Strike the darkened part of the log near the back of the area.
Bouncing Spot In a small alcove behind Tigger & Roo's see-saw.
Bouncing Spot On a high ledge in the northwest; have Tigger launch you from the see-saw.
Bouncing Spot Jump into the hole in the top of the tree nearest Pooh; have Tigger launch you from the see-saw.

Kingdom Hearts/Ansem Reports

  • Kingdom Hearts

Table of Contents

  • Walkthrough

research note 1 kingdom hearts

  • Destiny Islands
  • Traverse Town
  • Olympus Coliseum
  • Deep Jungle
  • Traverse Town (2nd Visit)
  • Halloween Town
  • Traverse Town (3rd Visit)
  • Hollow Bastion
  • Traverse Town (4th Visit)
  • Hollow Bastion (2nd Visit)
  • The End of the World
  • Keyblades & Other Weapons
  • Heartless & Other Enemies
  • Secret Bosses
  • Ansem Reports
  • Trinity Marks
  • 100 Acre Wood
  • Championship Cups
  • 1 Ansem Report 1
  • 2 Ansem Report 2
  • 3 Ansem Report 3
  • 4 Ansem Report 4
  • 5 Ansem Report 5
  • 6 Ansem Report 6
  • 7 Ansem Report 7
  • 8 Ansem Report 8
  • 9 Ansem Report 9
  • 10 Ansem Report 10
  • 11 Ansem Report 11 (Final Mix)
  • 12 Ansem Report 12 (Final Mix)
  • 13 Ansem Report 13 (Final Mix)

Ansem Report 1 [ edit | edit source ]

Much of my life has been dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. That knowledge has guarded this world well. Not a soul doubts that I am blessed with my people's smiles and respect. But though I am called a sage, there are things I do not understand. I believe darkness sleeps in every heart no matter how pure. Given the chance, the smallest drop can spread and swallow the heart. I witnessed it many times.

Darkness... Darkness of the heart. How is it born? How does it come to affect us? As a ruler of this world I must find the answers. I must find them before the world is lost to those taken by darkness.

Ansem Report 2 [ edit | edit source ]

It is my duty to expose what this darkness really is. I shall conduct the following experiments:

  • Extract the darkness from a person's heart.
  • Cultivate darkness in a pure heart.
  • Both suppress and amplify the darkness within.

The experiments caused the test subject's heart to collapse, including those of the most stalwart. How fragile our hearts are! My treatment produced no signs of recovery. I confined those who had completely lost their hearts beneath the castle.

Some time later, I went below and was greeted by the strangest sight. Creatures that seemed born of darkness... What are they? Are they truly sentient beings? Could they be the shadows of those who lost their hearts in my experiments?

Ansem Report 3 [ edit | edit source ]

The shadows that crawl beneath the castle... Are they the people who lost their hearts, or incarnations of darkness? Or something entirely beyond my imagination?

All my knowledge has provided no answer. One thing I am sure of is that they are entirely devoid of emotion. Perhaps further study will unlock the mysteries of the heart.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of test samples. They are multiplying underground even as I write this report. They still need a name. Those who lack hearts... I will call them the Heartless.

Ansem Report 4 [ edit | edit source ]

The Heartless appear in groups, and are multiplying rapidly. I've provided them both living and nonliving samples. They've responded only to the living. They seem to multiply after absorbing something from the living creatures. Their prey vanishes without a trace.

I believe the Heartless are taking hearts. They are born from those who've lost their hearts, and thrive on hearts seized from others. The hearts taken by the Heartless become Heartless themselves.

Though I lack proof, I am confident in this hypothesis. I must also study their behavioral principles. Though they lack emotions, they do seem to have some intelligence. How to communicate with them?

It's just occurred to me: Could they be the darkness in people's hearts?

Ansem Report 5 [ edit | edit source ]

To study the Heartless behavior, I picked one out for observation. It wiggled its antennae and, as if sensing a target, headed deep into the castle. In the deepest part of the castle, its antennae began vibrating, as if searching for something. Suddenly, a strange door appeared. I'd never known of its existence.

I had a large keyhole, but didn't seem to be locked. SO I opened the door. What I saw on the other side mystified me. What was that powerful mass of energy. That night I observed a great meteor shower in the sky. Could it be related to the door that I have opened?

Ansem Report 6 [ edit | edit source ]

A massive core of energy lay beyond the door sought by the Heartless. It may be the ultimate goal of the Heartless. But what is that energy? I have devised a hypothesis, based upon my observations of the Heartless.

The Heartless feed on other's hearts, and they yearn for that energy core. That thing beyond the door must be a heart, too--the heart of this world. There is no proof, but, having felt that immense energy, I am certain. That was the heart of the world.

The Heartless are trying to take hearts not only from all living creatures, but from the planet itself. But what do they mean to do with the heart of the world?

Ansem Report 7 [ edit | edit source ]

I am studying material from the meteors that rained down that fateful night. What a find! The material is foreign to our world. It is elastic to the touch, and when two pieces are combined, they bond easily. None of the records even mention such a substance.

Was it introduced to this world when I opened the door? I wonder how many other such materials drift through the atmosphere of this tiny world... I wish I could soar off and find out! Could there be uncharted worlds up there? My curiosity never ceases to grow.

But I should stop speaking of such unrealistic dreams. For now, there is no way to venture outside this world. My people and I are all but prisoners of this tiny place.

Ansem Report 8 [ edit | edit source ]

There is no doubt that the Heartless are deeply connected to the people's hearts. Further study may unravel both their motivations and the mysteries shrouding the heart.

As a start, I have built a device that artificially creates Heartless. By recreating the conditions that spawn the Heartless naturally, I should be able to produce them artificially. This device is the culmination of all my research thus far. The machine's test run successfully created a Heartless.

This may be a step toward creating a heart from nothing. The artificially and naturally created Heartless showed nearly identical traits. But the two types remain distinct for the purpose of the experiment. So, I will mark the ones that are created artificially.

Ansem Report 9 [ edit | edit source ]

Simply astonishing! Today I had a guest from another world. He is a king, and his vessel is built of the material that composed the meteors. He called the pieces “gummi blocks.” It seemed that my opening the door has opened a path to interworld travel.

We talked for countless hours, but one story in particular caught my interest: that of a key called the “Keyblade.” The Keyblade is said to hold phenomenal power.

The legend says its wielder saved the world, while another says that he wrought chaos and ruin upon it. I must know what this Keyblade is. A key opens doors. It must be connected to the door I have opened.

Ansem Report 10 [ edit | edit source ]

Just as people have hearts, so do worlds. The same can be said of stars in the night sky. And deep within each world lies a door to its heart. The Heartless desire those hearts. Born out of darkness in people's hearts, they seek to return to a greater heart.

Yes that's it. The Heartless come from people's hearts, as does the darkness. Is the core of the world's heart the world of the Heartless? I will pursue the answer there and become all knowing.

My path is set. I shall seek out the wielder of the Keyblade, and the princesses. My body is too frail for such a journey, but I most do this. I will cast it off and plunge into the depths of darkness.

Ansem Report 11 (Final Mix) [ edit | edit source ]

In opening the door that stores a world's hearts, the wall around that world is broken down. We see this as a shooting star. Through this, I have been able to understand the reason why the material known as Gummi Blocks has the ability to allow travel to other worlds.

The cause of a world's wall collapsing is the appearance of the Heartless, but finding a world's door takes time. And robbing a world of its heart is a similar case.

If the door has been closed by the key known as the Keyblade, you probably cannot reach that world's heart again. Before the one with the Keyblade appears in this world, I must take measures to do something.

Supposing that there is a close relationship between the Princesses and the Keyblade, it seems likely that they will resonate with each other...

I have chosen one special girl. I do not know if she possesses a power like that of the Princesses. But, there is a chance, and this is an experiment. She may lead me to the place where the one holding the key is...

I shall send her off to the ocean of other worlds.

Ansem Report 12 (Final Mix) [ edit | edit source ]

I have transcended to an existence of only the heart. I should have come back as a Heartless, but there is no sign of such a transformation.

My body has surely perished. However, I am different from the other Heartless, keeping the memories of before, and I have not taken on the form of a Heartless. It is clear that there are still many things to be studied.

In order to cross over to the dark side, which is not this world, you must go beyond the door of Kingdom Hearts, the place connected to the world's heart.

The innermost part connected to the world's heart, the place connecting to the world of darkness. (I will record the details in another report...)

There are still so many unknown worlds.

The present world. The world of darkness. The world of light.

And, The world in-between.

Where does the true paradise lie, I wonder?

Ansem Report 13 (Final Mix) [ edit | edit source ]

When the heart casts off the flesh, where does the body go?

Heart and soul are separate, and the spirit remains in the body. But can we assume that the leftover body and soul perish?

Certainly when the heart changes into a Heartless the body disappears.

However, that is only this world's story; in another world, mightn't they change forms like the Heartless and exist there?

If we take that to be the case, there must be a you other than yourself existing somewhere.

An existence neither of darkness nor of light. An in-between existence. Cast off by the heart, a mere shell, one who begrudges both the darkness and the light.

This mystery cannot be easily resolved. The relationship between the heart and the flesh is a complex one.

But since we exist here, they cannot be termed as existent. Therefore I shall call them...

"The non-existent ones."

  • Item Synthesis

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  • Hollow Bastion I
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  • Port Royal II
  • Halloween Town II
  • Pride Lands II
  • Space Paranoids II
  • 100 Acre Wood II
  • Twilight Town III
  • The World That Never Was
  • Birth by Sleep Final Mix (Prologue)
  • Land of Departure I
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← Back to Synthesis Materials List

Orichalcum is one of the high-end rare synthesis materials in Kingdom Hearts. In the Final Mix version of the game (which is the most accessible these days), there are no Heartless that drop the valuable ore.

But there are 19 pieces of Orichalcum scattered through the many worlds in the game.

research note 1 kingdom hearts

Though once you reach Hollow Bastion, you can return to the Traverse Town item shop and purchase Orichalcum for 5000 munny a pop. Ain’t cheap, but accessible.

Though with how many chests contain free Orichalcum, consider this a last resort for your Orichalcum needs.

All Orichalcum Locations

World Location
Hundred Acre Wood – Bouncing Spot

Find and give five Rare Nuts to Owl.
Traverse Town – First District

Deliver eight postcards.
Traverse Town – Waterway

Activate the White Trinity
Traverse Town – Second District

Reward for rescuing 72 dalmatian puppies.
Olympus Coliseum

Win the Sora-only version of the Pegasus Cup.
Olympus Coliseum

After clearing the Hades Cup, check the purple vase behind the pillars in the area outside the coliseum.
Wonderland: Lotus Forest

Requires Glide. On a high platform in the southeast corner.
Deep Jungle: Waterfall Cavern

On a ledge near some climbable vines.
Deep Jungle: Cavern of Hearts

Activate the White Trinity.
Halloween Town – Oogie’s Manor / Manor Ruins

Either in a cage across from a door on the manor or in the center mineshaft in the Manor Ruins.
Atlantica – Triton’s Palace

Activate the White Trinity under a clam in the center of the area.
Atlantica – Undersea Gorge

In a big chest near Ariel’s Lair. You’ll need to come in from the Sunken Ship area.
Neverland – Hold

Activate the Yellow Trinity
Neverland – Deck

In one of the Crow’s Nests.
Neverland – Clock Tower

Set the time to 1:00
Neverland – Clock Tower

Set the time to 9:00
Hollow Bastion – Lift Stop

In an elevated chest in the Lift Stop after opening the Sigil Door. Cast Gravity to bring it down.
Hollow Bastion – Castle Gates

Once you’ve started the moving platforms, Glide to the chest’s platform.
Hollow Bastion – Great Crest

Chest near some rubble after exiting the lift stop.
Traverse Town – Item Shop

Available for 5000 munny after visiting Hollow Bastion for the first time.

Using Orichalcum

Good for EXP, Kupo! / KH1.5

Orichalcum doesn’t make the most exciting stuff (though that EXP Bracelet is pretty nice).

But making everything that requires it is a stepping stone to making the really nice stuff such as the Ultima Weapon.

Recipe Items Required Description
Moogle Badge

Increases HP by 6, MP by 1, and AP by 2.


Full Restores a Party Member’s HP and MP

Defense Up

Increases a party member’s DEF by 1.

EXP Bracelet

Increases experience gained by 30%.

  • KH Re:Chain of Memories
  • KH 358/2 Days
  • KH Birth by Sleep Final Mix
  • KH Re:Coded
  • KH 3D Dream Drop Distance
  • KH 0.2 Birth by Sleep
  • KH X Back Cover
  • KH X Dark Road
  • KH Melody of Memory


  • KH Re:Chain of Memories (Sora)
  • KH Re:Chain of Memories (Riku)
  • KH Birth by Sleep Final Mix (Intro)
  • KH Birth by Sleep Final Mix (Terra)
  • KH Birth by Sleep Final Mix (Ventus)
  • KH Birth by Sleep Final Mix (Aqua)

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Did some research

Despite playing almost every single game in the series I never dipped into the mobile/browser game. I knew who the apprentices were and who the master of masters was but that was it. After seeing the secret ending I had to watch all the videos I could and even downloaded the mobile game and after watching all the cutscenes with the MoM I think I can 100% believe that is him in the secret movie. Now I know most of us already believed this but after seeing how he acts and his mannerisms and how he kinda fumbled around before making the heart in the moon I mean who else could it be?

That's all I had to say lol. Just dive deeper into the lore and I think I fully understand everything now.

Also side note, I know kingdom hearts story is know for being "crazy, long, convoluted, confusing" but I always felt it wasnt that hard to understand even before I caught up on the MoM.

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  1. The Amazing Story Of How Kingdom Hearts 1 Came Together

    research note 1 kingdom hearts

  2. Ansem's Heartless Research

    research note 1 kingdom hearts

  3. Kingdom Hearts: The Ultimate Handbook

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    research note 1 kingdom hearts


  1. Deep Jungle Walkthrough (KH1FM)

    KHGuides presents a comprehensive walkthrough and guide to Deep Jungle in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. x19: x4: x4: ... To maximize the number of items you can acquire, you can begin this experiment with only Research Note 1 and Research Note 2 to obtain one Ether; then obtain Research Note 3 and perform the experiment again to obtain two more Ethers.

  2. How to cook and do the experiments in Deep Jungle

    The first note will be found inside the laundry hanging on the western wall. The 2nd note is found in the globe near the tent and the 3rd note is right on the other side near the audio player. Just examine each one a single time to obtain the research note. Finally head back to the experimenting table and drop in your potion.

  3. Walkthrough

    Head back to the clothesline and check the pink shirt for Research Note 1 then search the globe near the tent for Research Note 2. There is also a third note, ... Our guide charts the entire games of Kingdom Hearts and Chain of Memories and includes: A complete walkthrough covering both games from start to finish; All items, stickers and other ...

  4. Deep Jungle

    Examine the bamboo flagpole in the middle of the camp to find Recipe Card 2. The shirt on the clothesline gets you Research Note 1. Check out the globe by the tent to get Research Note 2. Finally, the gramophone near the tent gives you Research Note 3. When you've collected these five items, head over to the stove.

  5. Deep Jungle walkthrough

    This is the walkthrough for Deep Jungle as it is featured in Kingdom Hearts, as well as its Final Mix version. After arriving at the world in interspace, Goofy wondered if King Mickey might be down there, but Donald denied the possibility, as it was a "backwater place". Sora wanted to try anyway to search for his own friends, which Donald refused, and as the two fought over the controls the ...

  6. research notes for recipes

    Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX. research notes for recipes. MKWARRIOR2000 10 years ago #1. where do I find them in tarzan's jungle stage? and what am I supposed to do with them? Zeanoto 10 years ago #2.

  7. Wonderland Walkthrough (KH1FM)

    Keep traveling into the forest until you find a set of three mushrooms; jump on these to reach the Antennae on a lillypad. Return to the alcove where you found your first piece of evidence, and use the mushrooms there to reach the higher lillypads. Enter the passage nearest you to reach the stove-top in the Bizarre Room and obtain the Stench.

  8. Kingdom Hearts Walkthrough

    Slide 1: on top of the tent Slide 2: under the canvas shelter Slide 3: next to the easel and drawing Slide 4: on top of the stacked crates Slide 5: on top of the canvas shelter Slide 6: on top of the luggage next to the tent. Then go inside and speak with Jane to view the slide show.


    Page 9 of the full game walkthrough for KINGDOM HEARTS - HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX. This guide will show you how to earn all of the achievements.

  10. Tips, Techniques and Hints for Kingdom Hearts

    * recipe card 1 by clock - light stove, be careful. * recipe card 2 on flag - put ingredients in pot quickly OK, so stand back from the stove and cast a fire spell into it. You get a hi-potion. Now for the main table. You need 3 parts to the research information. * research note 1 on shirt - recipe for ether - ingredients potion

  11. Treasures List (KH1)

    Strike the clam on the pillar near the west wall. Strike the clam on the platform along the west wall. Strike the clam in the small alcove in the wall, about halfway up. Cast Blizzard on the blue clam in the southwest corner, near the entrance to Undersea Cave. Strike the clam on a platform in the center of the area.

  12. Kingdom Hearts/Ansem Reports

    Ansem Report 10. Just as people have hearts, so do worlds. The same can be said of stars in the night sky. And deep within each world lies a door to its heart. The Heartless desire those hearts. Born out of darkness in people's hearts, they seek to return to a greater heart.

  13. All Orichalcum Locations in KH1.5 (with screenshots)

    Orichalcum is one of the high-end rare synthesis materials in Kingdom Hearts. In the Final Mix version of the game (which is the most accessible these days), there are no Heartless that drop the valuable ore. But there are 19 pieces of Orichalcum scattered through the many worlds in the game. Though once you reach Hollow Bastion, you can return ...

  14. Guide :: Kingdom Hearts 1.5

    Example Professor Achievement is an Achievement for KH1, and Must be earned in KH2 as well. This applies for any Duplicate achievement in this Guide. If you see it for one game, it must be earned in its respective game. Note:2 play-through's If you choose to get 3 end game achievements on Novice.

  15. [KH1.5] Made a Synthesis guide tool : r/KingdomHearts

    Distraught, I decided to vent by making a better way to track my items for complete item synthesis. I used this guide as my reference and developed a tool that allows you to enter in what you have, what you've made, and it'll give you how much more you need to collect to finish making everything. After you enter that in, you can print just page ...

  16. [KH1] [Discussion] An analysis of the first room of Kingdom Hearts

    The final fight of the tutorial is a fight against your own shadow. Now when you defeat it, you actually get swallowed by the darkness. Now this could foreshadow you becoming a shadow later in the game. Another thing I noticed is a voice tells Sora that he will open the door. At the end, Ansem is the one who opens Kingdom Hearts, not us.

  17. Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix: Prima Official Game Guide

    Ames Research Center; Software. Internet Arcade Console Living Room. Featured. All Software; This Just In; Old School Emulation; MS-DOS Games; ... A full scan of the hardcover Prima games Kingdom Hearts 1.5 guide Addeddate 2023-11-03 21:01:08 Identifier KH1.5_guide Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s29zm56s3xp ...

  18. Ansem's Report

    Ansem's Report is a collection of writings that can be collected in Kingdom Hearts.The reports give further insight into Ansem's research that led to the rise of the Heartless during Sora's journey.. Story [edit | edit source] Between Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts [edit | edit source]. Ansem the Wise wrote Report 1 about nine to ten years before Sora's first journey.

  19. Kingdom Hearts Database

    The Kingdom Hearts Database is a collaborative project dedicated to collecting all information about the Kingdom Hearts series, including plot, gameplay, media, history, and development details. Anyone can join our team and contribute to the best resource on Kingdom Hearts news and information! Create an account to get started.

  20. About to start KH1 for the first time. any tips before I fall ...

    Because it was included on the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 collection for PS3 and KH2 was included on 2.5. ... Also on the note of KH1 Magic, Magic strenght is tied to your max mp. Reply reply More replies. ... Research the release order. Pretty much every game involves story and character developments that only get briefly summarized in future games.

  21. KHGuides.com

    kingdom hearts iii. other games. reconnect. support khguides. awakening; dream weapon selection; destiny islands; traverse town; visit 2 • visit 3 • visit 4; hundred acre wood; wonderland; olympus coliseum; phil cup • pegasus cup; hercules cup • hades cup; gold match - ice titan; platinum match - sephiroth; deep jungle; agrabah; monstro;

  22. Ranking every world in Kingdom Hearts 1 : r/KingdomHearts

    This world is undeniably incredible. From the spine-chilling feeling upon first seeing the castle after an arduous climb, to the memorable encounters with Beast, the sense of loneliness that permeates throughout, and the gripping fights against Riku and Maleficent, Hollow Bastion encapsulates the true essence of the final world in Kingdom Hearts 1.

  23. Did some research : r/KingdomHearts

    Also side note, I know kingdom hearts story is know for being "crazy, long, convoluted, confusing" but I always felt it wasnt that hard to understand even before I caught up on the MoM. Locked post. New comments cannot be posted.