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If exams officers need to contact JCQ regarding exams administration related queries, please email [email protected]  – for other queries see contact details here

JCQ information

Refer to the Exams Office section of the JCQ website where you will find the most essential JCQ documents which will help you in your role as an examinations officer. This section has been structured in line with the key activities of the exam cycle, ranging from key dates, access arrangements, conducting exams to results and post results services.

Also refer to additional information on the JCQ website including:

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Centres delivering JCQ member awarding body qualifications which come under the common arrangements must conduct exams and assessments in accordance with JCQ’s current regulations, guidance and instructions which include:

  • Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments

(Last published 14 August 2023; Revision one: 20 September 2023)

  • A guide to the awarding bodies’ appeals processes

(Last published June 2024)

  • A guide to the special consideration process

(Last published 14 August 2023) Note that any queries regarding special consideration must be directed to the relevant awarding body and not to JCQ

  • General Regulations for Approved Centres

(Last published 4 September 2023)

  • Instructions for conducting examinations (ICE)

(Last published 14 August 2023; Revision one: 15 September 2023; Revision two: 19 January 2024; Revision three: 6 March 2024)

  • Instructions for conducting coursework

(Last published 14 August 2023; Revision one: 12 December 2023)

  • Instructions for conducting non-examination assessments

(Last published 15 August 2023; Revision one: 12 December 2023)

  • Post-Results Services

(Last published 12 April 2024)

  • Suspected Malpractice: Policies and Procedures

(Last published 18 September 2023; Revision one: 6 March 2024)

invited to join the Independent Commission into Malpractice…

Following the JCQ’s announcement in July 2018 of the launch of an independent industry-led Commission into examination malpractice chaired by Sir John Dunford,  confirmed they would be contributing to the work of the Commission

was the only Exams Officer representative organisation invited to join the Commission

JCQ 2024/25 publications

Below is a useful overview of publications as made available by JCQ on its website for 2024/25 – for all the most essential  JCQ documents, please visit the Exams Office area of the JCQ website here .

These include:

(published July 2024)

(A guide to the awarding bodies’ appeals processes) Effective from June 2024 examination series (published June 2024)


(published June 2024)

(published May 2024)

(published April 2024)

(published April 2024)

(published December 2023)


JCQ 2023/24 publications

These include:

(published July 2024)

(published May 2024)

(published May 2024)

(updated April 2024)

June 2024 examinations (published March 2024)

Infographic – (updated March 2024)

(published February 2024)

– guidance updated (Revision one: 2 February 2024)

to the JCQ AI Use in Assessments guidance and AI Use support documents to provide more support to teachers and students (published February 2024)

Effective from November 2023 (published November 2023)

(published 13 October 2023)

(published September 2023)

(published September 2023)

Effective from 1 September 2023

Videos added to

(published August 2023)

(published August 2023)

 and  (updated August 2023)

Effective from 1 September 2023 (published August 2023):

for conducting GCSE & GCE Modern Foreign Languages & Irish Listening examinations

 – Effective from 1 September 2023 (published August 2023)

– With effect from 1 September 2023 (published August 2023)

(published August 2023)

Adjustments 2023-2024 (published August 2023)

Effective from 1 September 2023:


(published August 2023)

 (published August 2023)

Effective from 1 September 2023 (published August 2023):

Reviews of marking – centre assessed marks
(GCE coursework, GCE and GCSE non-examination assessments, Project qualifications) 



 (published August 2023)


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Jcq publishes detailed guidance on appeals.

The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) has today published detailed guidance on the appeals process in place for summer 2021 results which are based on teacher assessment. This summer's appeals process provides an important safety net in the event that a student, including a private candidate, thinks something has gone wrong with the result they receive in August.

The JCQ guide covers appeals for GCSEs, AS and A Levels, FSMQ, Core Maths, Entry Level, EPQ and OCR's Cambridge Nationals and Cambridge Technicals. Endorsements (for GCSE English Language, and A Level Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Geology) are also subject to the same appeals guidance.

The document provides detailed guidance on administering the two-stage process in place for summer 21 appeals, on who can appeal and the reasons for allowing students to appeal their grade where they believe there has been an error. It also confirms the deadlines. Alongside detailed guidance on the process, the JCQ also provides some helpful checklists for schools and colleges on the procedures and the documentation they can check to spot errors and ensure students get the right grades on results day, as well as an infographic summarising steps to help minimise the need for appeals. 

The grounds for an appeal

  • Administrative - a factual error such as transposing grades for students with similar names
  • Procedural - whether a school or college followed procedures properly and consistently in arriving at the grade being challenged or in conducting its review. Areas of concern may include: mitigating circumstances, access arrangements, and/or internal standardisation or authentication involved in determining student work
  • Unreasonable exercise of academic judgement - for the selection of evidence used to decide a grade or the grading decision.

Stages of appeals

Stage 1: a centre review.

A centre review is the first stage of a summer 21 appeal. Students can ask schools and colleges if an administrative or procedural error has occurred. These error checks can also take place before results have been issued where prompted by a school's or college's own quality assurance processes. Requests for a Centre Review post results must be made directly by students to the school or college which submitted the grade. If a school or college finds an error in the grade they submitted, they need to send exam boards a correction request. If we agree with the revised grade, and the reason for it, we'll issue a changed grade for sharing with the student. 

Stage 2: An appeal to an awarding organisation

Before students can request stage two of the appeals process, students must first have asked their school or college to review whether an administrative or procedural error has been made i.e. completed Stage One of the appeals process. If the school or college does not agree about the error, but the student still thinks there has been an administrative or procedural error, or thinks a teacher has exercised an ' unreasonable academic judgement ' in deciding a grade, a student can ask them to submit an appeal to us. All the evidence on which the judgement was made must be submitted with the appeal. We will ask independent reviewers to consider if the original teacher assessed grade was a reasonable exercise of academic judgement. Our independent reviewers would only decide if there had been an unreasonable exercise of judgement if the teacher assessed grade was clearly wrong, i.e. if there was no basis upon which the grade could properly have been given. 

Timescales for centre reviews

16 August 2021 (for priority appeals - for students applying to higher education who did not attain their firm choice, i.e. the offer they accepted as first choice, and wish to appeal an A Level or other Level 3 qualification result) 

3 September 2021 (for non-priority appeals)

Deadlines for appeals to awarding organisations

23 August 2021 (priority appeals - as above)

17 September 2021 (for non-priority appeals) 

The JCQ guide sets out appeals in the context of grades determined by teacher assessment this summer due to exceptional circumstances. It provides a reminder of what information to share with students and their parents to minimise the likelihood of appeals on results days, such as the evidence used to determine grades, as well as centre policies. The appeals process is a further safety net, alongside other measures such as quality assurance by schools and colleges and by awarding organisations, to command confidence in grades this year and support student progression. 

Today's JCQ guide follows the policy set out by Ofqual and the DfE for this summer and is designed to implement Ofqual's regulations and guidance. The consultation decisions relating to Ofqual's guidance on appeals were also published today by Ofqual.

Standard post results services that are normally in place after exams do not apply to results based on teacher assessment this summer.

How to appeal a GCSE or A-level exam grade


The exam results period is a tense time for students and school staff. A lot hinges on the outcomes of GCSEs and A levels and for some young people these results will decide whether they go on to study at university.  

For that reason, if a student, school or college has doubts about the marking of an exam, they have options through which to review that process.

Can I request a GCSE or A-level exam re-mark?

Not exactly. Your paper will not be re-marked but you can request to see the paper or for the existing marking to be reviewed. 

Once students receive the results of their GCSE or A-level exams, there is a time window in which they (or the school or college) can request a review of marking. Following this review process, if a student or centre is still unhappy, it is then possible to appeal against the mark given. 

How do I request to see an exam paper? 

The first step in questioning an exam grade is to request the exam paper. This will enable the student and/or teacher to read the paper to check if an error or mistake has occurred in the calculation of the grade. 

To request the exam paper, the school or college’s exams officer will need to contact the exam board. Some papers are immediately available online, whereas others require a request to be submitted. 

However, if the student is waiting to confirm a place on a further education or university course that is dependent on the exam result, it is recommended that instead of requesting the paper, a submission is made for a priority review of marking. 

How do I request a marking review? 

A review of marking is when the exam paper is checked by another examiner. This request should come via the school’s exams officer. However, the student must give their consent for the review to take place. 

Under a review of marking, the mark can go up, down or stay the same. Exam boards may charge a fee for this service. 

If a student or centre believe a mistake has been in the marking of an exam there are three options available: 

  • Clerical recheck (service 1) - this is a request to have the marking administration verified to ensure that the mark has been correctly calculated.  
  • Review of marking (service 2) - this is a request to have the marking itself checked for errors and ensure that the mark scheme has been applied correctly. For A levels or similar qualifications where a place of further study is at stake, it is possible to request a priority service 2.  
  • Review of moderation (service 3) - this is a request to check whether the assessment criteria has been applied correctly. 

What are the results dates and the deadlines for requesting a marking review?

After exam results are released, students have a short window within which they can request a marking review. The key dates for marking reviews are as follows: 

  • Thursday 15 August 2024: A-level results released to students 
  • Thursday 22 August 2024: Deadline for requests for priority review of marking   
  • Thursday 26 September 2024: Deadline for review of marking 
  • Thursday 22 August 2024: GCSE results released to students
  • Thursday 26 September 2024: Deadline for review of marking

A priority review of marking can take around 15 days, whereas a normal review can take around 20 days. 

Each exam board uses a different pricing structure for their re-marking services:

  • Pearson post-results services
  • AQA post-results services
  • OCR post-results services
  • WJEC post-results services

Specific exam grades are often prerequisites for further study, and students who have not obtained those grades may be prevented from continuing their studies at their chosen education provider. 

In this situation, the student should submit a priority service 2 request, and always keep in contact with the centre where they wish to study to keep them informed of the progress of their appeal. It may be the case that their place can be taken up while they await the results of their appeal or review of marking. 

After the above review process, if the student or centre is still unhappy, it is possible to appeal against the mark given.  

  • GCSEs: Everything you need to know for GCSE results day 2024
  • A levels:   Key dates for those going through university clearing in 2024
  • Sats : Results show slight rise in KS2 Sats scores

How do I appeal an exam grade after a review? 

Following the review process, there is an option to appeal the GCSE or A-level grade. 

There are three different grounds for appeals:  

  • Appeals against the outcomes of post-results services (including clerical rechecks, reviews of marking and reviews of moderation). This covers students who have requested a review of marking and believe a mistake has been made. 
  • Appeals against decisions made in cases of malpractice. This refers to students who have been sanctioned for exam malpractice and wish to appeal. 
  • Appeals relating to access arrangements, reasonable adjustments and special consideration. This refers to students who have access arrangements in place and believe the exam board has not followed them correctly. 

All exam boards will follow the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) guidance on appeals .

For appeals that occur following a review of marking, there is a 30-day window to appeal from the point the school receives the reviewed grade. Once an appeal has been submitted, the school or college will receive a preliminary outcome letter within 42 days. 

After the preliminary stage, the school or college will be told if the case will either be: not upheld, upheld in whole or upheld in part. 

At this point, the school or college has 14 days to request an appeal hearing. To do this, a letter must be sent to the relevant exam board using the JCQ form JCQ/APP1 (see page 18). 


More support

If a student, school or college requires more details on how to appeal an exam grade, they should speak to their exams officer and consult the appeals page on the relevant exam board website.

  • Pearson Edexcel

What if I want to resit an exam? 

If the grade has not improved after the review of marking has been conducted, students may decide they wish to resit the examination.

For students taking GCSEs, only maths and English language can be taken in the autumn. For A levels and all other GCSE subjects, resits will have to be taken in the next summer exam series. 

Find out more about GCSE resits in 2024

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  1. Fillable Online JCQ-Appeal-form-stage-one-review1.pdf Fax Email Print

    jcq coursework appeal

  2. Video & Infographics

    jcq coursework appeal

  3. Video & Infographics

    jcq coursework appeal

  4. JCQ Guidance 10/10

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  1. Appeals

    Home » Exams Office » Appeals. The FAQs below are designed to support the JCQ guide to awarding bodies' appeals processes, June 2024, which can be found at the bottom of this page. Exam officers, the head of centre, teaching staff and other senior leaders within a centre should familiarise themselves with this document.

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    Microsoft Word. PDF. Related Documents. Instructions for conducting coursework 2023-2024 (Amended on 12 December 2023 - see page 9) Reviews of marking (centre assessed marks) suggested template for centres. Form 15 Notification of lost centre assessed work. Contact Us. Registered Address: 124 Finchley Road, London, NW3 5JS.

  3. PDF A guide to the awarding bodies' appeals processes

    25 An appeal hearing is designed to ensure that the appellant has a formal opportunity to present their case to an impartial body. A member of centre staff must represent the centre at the appeal hearing for internal candidate appeals. The procedure followed at the appeal hearing is set out in paragraphs 55-77.

  4. JCQ Information

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    Appeals against decisions made in cases of malpractice 5 Appeals relating to access arrangements and special consideration 7 The procedure for Appeal hearings 9 Further avenues of appeal 13 Timescales 13 Review of other administrative decisions 13 Application for an appeal (Form JCQ/App1) 14 Appendix A - Awarding body contact details 17

  6. JCQ publishes detailed guidance on appeals

    The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) has today published detailed guidance on the appeals process in place for summer 2021 results which are based on teacher assessment. This summer's appeals process provides an important safety net in the event that a student, including a private candidate, thinks something has gone wrong with the result ...

  7. GCSE and A-level appeals: How to appeal an exam grade

    All exam boards will follow the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) guidance on appeals. For appeals that occur following a review of marking, there is a 30-day window to appeal from the point the school receives the reviewed grade. Once an appeal has been submitted, the school or college will receive a preliminary outcome letter within 42 days.

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  12. PDF A guide to the awarding bodies' appeals processes

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  15. PDF JCQ Student Guide

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