• Essay Editor

The Best Gift I Have Ever Received

1. introduction.

The significance of meaningful gifts in personal relationships is a topic that delves into the ways in which gift-giving can strengthen and deepen connections between individuals. This essay aims to explore the various aspects of meaningful gifts in personal relationships, including the psychology behind gift-giving, the impact of thoughtful presents on relationships, and the cultural and societal significance of exchanging meaningful gifts. By examining these facets, we seek to provide a comprehensive understanding of the importance of meaningful gifts in personal relationships and the implications they have on human connection and interaction. Furthermore, this essay will also touch upon the different types of meaningful gifts, the occasions they are commonly exchanged, and the role of reciprocity in gift-giving within personal relationships. Through this exploration, we aim to highlight the ways in which meaningful gifts contribute to the enrichment and sustenance of personal connections and the emotional bond between individuals.

1.1. Overview of the Topic

When examining the significance of meaningful gifts in personal relationships, it is important to consider the various ways in which gift-giving can communicate emotions, strengthen bonds, and create lasting memories. This section will provide an overview of the topic, delving into the psychological and emotional impact of thoughtful gifts, the cultural and social significance of gift-giving rituals, and the role of reciprocity in personal relationships. By understanding the multifaceted nature of meaningful gifts, we can gain insight into their power to enhance and deepen personal connections. The overview will also explore the role of intention and thoughtfulness in gift selection, as well as the impact of individual preferences and values on the perceived significance of a gift. Additionally, we will examine the potential for gifts to serve as symbolic representations of love, gratitude, and appreciation, and the ways in which they can contribute to the overall quality of interpersonal relationships. By considering these various aspects of the topic, we can develop a comprehensive understanding of the importance of meaningful gifts in personal relationships and the ways in which they contribute to the emotional well-being of individuals.

2. The Psychology of Gift-Giving

Gift-giving is a universal human behavior that is deeply rooted in psychological motivations. The act of giving a gift is often driven by a desire to establish or strengthen personal relationships, express feelings of love and appreciation, or fulfill social expectations. According to psychological research, the act of giving a gift can also stimulate feelings of happiness and satisfaction in both the giver and the recipient, promoting positive emotions and strengthening the bond between individuals. Additionally, gift-giving can serve as a form of self-expression, allowing individuals to communicate their values, intentions, and emotions through the selection of a thoughtful and meaningful gift. Moreover, the psychology of gift-giving is influenced by various factors, including cultural norms, social influences, and individual personality traits. The motivations behind gift-giving may vary from person to person, and understanding these motivations can provide insight into the significance of meaningful gifts in personal relationships. In summary, the psychology of gift-giving is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human behavior that directly impacts the dynamics of personal relationships and plays a crucial role in the expression of emotions and the establishment of connections between individuals.

2.1. Motivations Behind Gift-Giving

The motivations behind gift-giving are deeply rooted in psychological and social aspects. People give gifts for various reasons, such as to express love and affection, to show appreciation and gratitude, to strengthen or maintain relationships, or to fulfill an obligation or expectation. In some cases, gift-giving is also a means of communication, conveying messages and emotions that words alone may not fully capture. Understanding the motivations behind gift-giving can provide valuable insights into the dynamics of personal relationships and the significance of meaningful gifts. One common motivation behind gift-giving is the desire to strengthen or maintain relationships. The act of giving a thoughtful gift can serve as a tangible expression of care and concern for the recipient, fostering a sense of connection and intimacy. Additionally, gift-giving can also be driven by societal or cultural expectations, as individuals may feel compelled to exchange gifts on special occasions or holidays. Furthermore, the psychological principle of reciprocity suggests that when someone receives a gift, they may feel obligated to reciprocate, thus perpetuating the cycle of gift-giving within relationships. Furthermore, the motivations behind gift-giving can be influenced by individual differences, such as personality traits and personal values. For example, individuals who prioritize acts of kindness and generosity as important aspects of their identity may be more inclined to give gifts as a means of expressing their values and reinforcing their self-concept. Moreover, the social context in which gift-giving occurs can also impact motivations, as individuals may be influenced by factors such as social norms, expectations, and the perceived significance of the relationship. Understanding the complex interplay of motivations behind gift-giving is essential for comprehending the role of meaningful gifts in personal relationships and their overall significance.

3. The Impact of Meaningful Gifts on Relationships

Meaningful gifts have a significant impact on personal relationships, especially in terms of building and strengthening bonds. When a gift is thoughtfully chosen, it communicates a deep understanding of the recipient's desires, interests, and needs. This level of attentiveness fosters a sense of closeness and emotional connection between the giver and receiver, thereby strengthening the relationship. Additionally, meaningful gifts have the power to create lasting memories and experiences that can further solidify the bond between individuals. These shared moments can serve as a foundation for a deeper and more meaningful connection, ultimately contributing to the overall health and longevity of the relationship. Furthermore, meaningful gifts can act as symbols of appreciation, gratitude, and love, which are essential elements in nurturing healthy relationships. They can convey heartfelt sentiments and reinforce the value and significance of the relationship, affirming the bond between the individuals involved. Whether it is a small token of appreciation or a grand gesture, meaningful gifts have the potential to leave a lasting impression and contribute to the overall happiness and satisfaction within the relationship. In this way, the impact of meaningful gifts on relationships goes beyond material value, playing a crucial role in the emotional and psychological well-being of the individuals involved. Thus, it is evident that thoughtful and meaningful gifts can play a vital role in building and strengthening bonds within personal relationships.

3.1. Building and Strengthening Bonds

Gift-giving has long been recognized as a powerful tool for building and strengthening bonds in personal relationships. When a thoughtful and meaningful gift is given, it can provide a tangible expression of love, appreciation, and understanding, which can deepen the connection between the giver and the recipient. The act of carefully selecting a gift that resonates with the recipient's values, interests, or needs can communicate a deep level of understanding and empathy, further solidifying the bond between the individuals involved. Furthermore, the process of selecting and giving a meaningful gift can also create opportunities for shared experiences and memories, which in turn can contribute to the growth and development of the relationship. The act of giving and receiving a meaningful gift can foster a sense of reciprocity, generosity, and gratitude, all of which are important elements for maintaining strong and healthy relationships. In this way, meaningful gifts can serve as a catalyst for deepening the emotional connection and sense of closeness between individuals. Moreover, the impact of meaningful gifts on relationships extends beyond the immediate moment of gift-giving, as these acts can also serve as a lasting reminder of the bond between the individuals involved. The presence of a meaningful gift in one's life can serve as a constant symbol of the relationship, evoking positive emotions and memories associated with the giver. This can be especially important during times of distance or difficulty, as the tangible reminder of the bond can provide comfort, reassurance, and a sense of connection. Overall, the act of giving and receiving meaningful gifts has the potential to significantly impact and strengthen personal relationships, fostering a deeper sense of understanding, appreciation, and connection between individuals.

4. Personal Reflections on the Best Gift I Have Ever Received

Reflecting on the best gift I have ever received, it is clear that the most meaningful gifts are those that come from the heart. The gift in question was a handmade quilt, lovingly crafted by my grandmother. This gift holds significant sentimental value as it represents not only her skill and craftsmanship but also her enduring love and care for me. Each stitch in the quilt tells a story of the time and effort she put into creating something special just for me, and it serves as a constant reminder of her presence and affection in my life. The quilt itself is a beautiful patchwork of colors and patterns, each square meticulously sewn with precision and care. My grandmother chose fabrics that she knew held personal significance to me, and even incorporated pieces of clothing from my childhood into the design. The end result is a unique and deeply personal creation that embodies the warmth and comfort of her love. Whenever I wrap myself in the quilt, I am enveloped in a sense of security and connectedness, as if my grandmother's embrace is right there with me. This gift has not only provided physical comfort but has also strengthened the bond between my grandmother and me. It serves as a tangible representation of our relationship and a cherished memento of her thoughtfulness and devotion. The quilt is more than just a practical item - it is a symbol of love and a testament to the power of meaningful gifts in nurturing and deepening personal relationships.

4.1. Description of the Gift

In considering the significance of meaningful gifts in personal relationships, it is important to provide a detailed description of the gift that holds particular importance. This gift represents not only its physical characteristics but also the emotional and symbolic value it holds within the context of the relationship. The description should encompass the tangible aspects of the gift, such as its appearance, material, and craftsmanship, as well as the intangible aspects, such as the sentiment behind the gift and the emotions it evokes. When describing the gift, it is essential to capture the essence of its meaning within the relationship. This may involve recounting the circumstances surrounding the giving of the gift, the thought and effort put into its selection, and the specific ways in which it has had an impact on the recipient. Additionally, the description should delve into the unique qualities of the gift that make it stand out among others, as well as the ways in which it has contributed to the strengthening and deepening of the personal bond. Furthermore, the description of the gift should provide insight into the recipient's reaction and response upon receiving it, offering a glimpse into the profound effect it had on the individual and the relationship as a whole. By providing a comprehensive and detailed portrayal of the gift, one can effectively convey its significance and the enduring impact it has had on the personal relationship.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, this essay has delved into the significance of meaningful gifts in personal relationships, highlighting the various ways in which gift-giving can strengthen and deepen these connections. Throughout the discussion, it has become clear that meaningful gifts play an important role in expressing emotions, building trust, and fostering intimacy between individuals. The act of giving a gift can communicate thoughtfulness, empathy, and understanding, all of which are essential for nurturing healthy and fulfilling relationships. Furthermore, the essay has underscored the importance of considering the recipient's preferences, values, and needs when selecting a gift, as this demonstrates a genuine interest in their happiness and well-being. It has also been shown that the thoughtful selection of a gift can create lasting memories and contribute to the creation of positive experiences, which in turn can strengthen the emotional bonds between individuals. Importantly, the essay has highlighted the need for sincerity and authenticity in gift-giving, emphasizing that the true value of a gift lies not in its material worth, but in the sentiment and meaning behind it. Ultimately, this essay has provided valuable insights into the role of meaningful gifts in personal relationships, and has shed light on the ways in which gift-giving can contribute to the overall health and happiness of these connections. By recognizing the power of meaningful gifts, individuals can enhance their relationships and create lasting impressions that resonate deeply with their loved ones.

5.1. Key Takeaways and Implications

In conclusion, the significance of meaningful gifts in personal relationships cannot be overstated. The act of giving and receiving gifts has multifaceted implications for the dynamics of personal relationships. Meaningful gifts serve as tangible expressions of love, care, and appreciation, strengthening the emotional bond between individuals. They have the power to convey messages that words alone may not effectively communicate. Moreover, the process of selecting and presenting a gift reflects thoughtfulness and consideration for the recipient, further deepening the connection between the gifter and the recipient. Additionally, the act of giving meaningful gifts can lead to positive psychological effects for both the giver and the recipient. It can evoke feelings of joy, satisfaction, and gratitude, fostering a sense of happiness and well-being in both parties. Furthermore, the act of giving a meaningful gift can contribute to a sense of reciprocity and mutual understanding within the relationship. It creates a cycle of giving and receiving, reinforcing the emotional connection between individuals. Acknowledging and understanding the significance of meaningful gifts in personal relationships can therefore enrich and strengthen the bonds between individuals, adding depth and meaning to their interactions.

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The Best Gift I Have Ever Received

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Personal Writing: The Best Gift I Ever Received

This worked up example isn’t perfect by any stretch! It is my work, not from a student, and so it might give ‘middle aged mummy’ vibes rather than feeling like the authentic voice of a teenager. Nonetheless, I think it’s helpful for students to see how to structure a piece of personal writing and keep it focused on the topic. 

For more on teaching personal writing, read  this blog post , and download my free Personal Writing Guide for students which you can download here:

Write a speech for your classmates about the best gift you ever received.

The wind whipped around the front garden, gathering leaves into a mini tornado which whirled and swirled before me. Why was I sitting in front of the living room window, staring intently at the leaves, on this breezy autumn Saturday? Year 11, if I told you that this was the single most significant morning of my whole life, you might think I was exaggerating, but the truth is always much stranger than fiction. Come with me back in time to that momentous morning in October 2020 when I received the best gift a lonely, grieving young girl could ever have asked for.

Don’t launch straight into the gift itself. Make the reader wait. Instead, set the scene. Try opening with the weather. 

Address your listeners by name. Speak to them by inviting them into the story, e.g. Come with me …/Let’s journey back in time …/Imagine this …

The reader wants specifics – when, where, what happened. Avoid being vague.

Use repetition to create structure in a paragraph. In this case, anaphora. ‘We all …’ is repeated three times.

This story doesn’t really begin on that Saturday, if I’m being perfectly honest with you. I have to go back further. It was March of 2020 and the world around me was beginning to crack under pressure. I was 12 years old and I was about to become alone in the world. I was about to lose two things that were most dear to me: my freedom and my favourite person. Yes, this story is not just my story; it’s one we all shared. We all watched the news. We all listened to the scare stories. And then we all listened as Boris broke us. He told us that Covid-19 was spreading too quickly to be contained, and that we all had to stay inside.

Yes, I know you are thinking: “So what?” This happened to everyone across the world. Stop being so selfish and look beyond yourself. But this is my story, so you have to give me a minute! I was 12 and my world was already small. It was just the girls: granny, mummy and me. The three musketeers, mum always said. She said it even when no-one listened, because it made her feel better about the state we were in. No money, no treats and no big family to spend time with. Just the three of us. That is, until Covid-19 viciously ripped away one of our triplet: my granny didn’t stand a chance against that new and determined demon.

Suit your style to your audience – in this case, your class are your audience, so use a conversational, chatty style.

Create imagery through similes or metaphors. Here, a metaphor is used to compare covid to a demon.

Be real with your reader; personal writing is meant to be personal. Describe emotions, thoughts and feelings to help your reader to bond with you and feel what you feel.

Vary your sentence length. Note the three one-word sentences at the end of the paragraph – the full stops create long pauses which slow it down and make it feel more significant and emotive.

We said our heartbroken farewells to Granny at Roselawn Cemetery on a wet April day. Frosty mornings were giving way to the brighter spring weather but we didn’t notice; we felt only loss and sadness. Granny had lived a good life, but it was cut short and I wasn’t sure I could ever get over it. Mummy was also devastated and when we got home that afternoon, the house seemed to mourn. The walls were the same but the air was different. Sadder. Heavier. Darker.

Ok, ok, I can hear you all losing interest. You want to know about the gift, right? Well, let’s fast forward a few months. The summer had passed quietly; I missed my granny more than I could really describe. It was the companionship, chats and giggles I missed the most. My friends kept mostly to themselves and the covid rules were still in place, so I never really met up with anyone. I chatted to friends on facetime every now and then, but I was mostly alone when my mum was at work, and when she came home, the loss of granny seemed even bigger in the house. Someone was missing and we couldn’t get over it.

At this point, you might need to refocus on the topic – check the title and ensure you are moving towards a clear focus and a climax of the story.

Here is a little distraction, or a red herring, to keep your audience engaged. It’s short and relatable and keeps the reader waiting for a moment longer for the big reveal, the best gift you ever received.

Mum texted me that Saturday morning. She told me to wait at the window for a surprise. I figured she had been quick off the mark to get some of those cinnamon swirls we kept missing from the bakery. Every Saturday, we slept in and they were always sold out by the time we got there. Maybe mum had been in luck today.

I saw her car pull up and she got out, empty handed. My tummy gurgled and growled with both hunger and disappointment: “No cinnamon swirl for me then,” I thought angrily. Why would she tease me like this!

Give living attributes to anything you can (‘my tummy … growled … with disappointment’) to exaggerate feelings.

Repeating an idea from the start is a great way to add structure – the echo back to the start reminds the reader of the setting in this case.

She moved to the back of the car and opened the boot. Those swirling leaves didn’t distract me now as I watched her carry a large cardboard box towards the house. What on earth was it? I met her in the hallway and I opened the box as she closed the front door. I couldn’t believe my eyes; a beautiful, golden Labrador pup looked up at me with big brown eyes that I will never forget. She was absolutely beautiful and I lost my heart to her then and there.

Year 11, I won’t bore you with how much I cared for her, played with her and spent every waking moment with her, but I think those of you who know me, know how much Maggie means to me. Maggie was my granny’s name, and now a part of her lives on in Maggie the pup. Well, she’s not a pup anymore but you know what I mean! Mags has taught me to have fun again. She gets me outside, reminds me how to laugh and most of all, she has brought joy and happiness back to our home that we thought was gone forever after granny died. 

Talk to the audience regularly through the speech. Remind the reader of the bond you have (‘those of you who know me…’).

Use triplets/groups of three (cared for her, played with her and spent every waking moment with her) to create structure and rhythm to your sentences. This is more enjoyable to read, almost musical in its sound.

Go back to the title of the task – be very (very) clear that you are well focused on the main topic and have fully answered the task. Reflect at the end e.g. Looking back now …/I know for sure that …/This gift is …

Maggie the pup is, without question, the best gift I have ever, or could ever receive. I will never forget Granny Mags and she can never be replaced, but Maggie the pup is a brilliant friend who has picked me up and helped me keep going. Not only can I never forget my wonderful granny, but I will also never forget the kindness of my mum in seeing what I really needed in those lonely months and doing everything she could to get it for me, even though it came at a big cost to her pocket. Thank you, mum, for this amazing gift!

That’s all folks!

Thanks for reading, and please comment below if you have tips or suggestions on how to teach personal writing. We love to share ideas.

You can find the  mark scheme for CCEA GCSE Personal Writing on p10-13 in this link.

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Feb 2023 edit: read  this article , in which I get ChatGTP to write the same essay!

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Describe the best gift or present you have received, describe the best gift or present you have received..

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Describe the best gift you have ever received – IELTS Cue Card

Janice Thompson

Updated On Dec 27, 2023


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Describe the best gift you have ever received – IELTS Cue Card

Predicted 50 + IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics 2024

In the IELTS Speaking section, one of the most common question types is the Cue Card Speaking prompt. The IELTS Cue Card topics will prompt you to formulate a response and speak on the given topic. To attempt this question, you must narrow down the essential questions on the given topic to answer within the given time. Consider the sample Cue Card below. Study the types of questions that have been formulated based on the cue card and how to go about with your response:

Describe the best gift you have ever received

You should say:

  • What was the gift?
  • Who gave it to you?
  • When did you receive it?
  • And explain why it is the best gift you have ever received

Sample Answer 1

Gifts, are always prized by everyone who receives them. Many people would argue that gifts, are an essential part of almost every special occasion. Gifts are a symbol of gratitude and never fail to uplift a person. One gift that always comes to my mind when I think of gifts is the birthday present I received for my 13th birthday. I had my heart set on a particular bicycle, and I received it for my 13th birthday.

This gift was given to me by my father. I had asked him for a bicycle to ride in the evenings around the neighbourhood for a long time, and he finally agreed to give me one for my 13th birthday. When he asked me what kind of bicycle I would like, I told him I would love a cycle with multiple gears. Although an expensive gift, my father bought it for me.

I received this gift on May 26 2013, and it was a Friday. I distinctly remember that day when my father agreed to take me to the bicycle showroom. I accompanied him on his bike, and we went to a specific bicycle shop on the other side of the city since bicycles with multiple gears were rare.

After we reached the shop and my father had a talk with the store manager, he asked me to pick a colour from the available options. I was elated, and my cheeks blushed with joy as I started to judge which bicycle colour was the best looking. I finally settled on the colour black, and my father made the purchase. After the bicycle arrived at our residence, I wasted no time before I started riding it around our house. That bicycle made my 13th birthday truly memorable and is one of the most cherished gifts I have ever received.

Sample Answer 2

Here is the sample for “Describe the best gift you have ever received” topic:

Gifts speak volumes about the love and care somebody has for you. Although, since childhood, I’ve received plenty of gifts from my relatives and family, one of them that I can never forget was a huge, orange-coloured doll and a battery-operated doll that was sitting on a cake and playing the piano. Just with the click of a button, the cake began revolving, and the doll sang a happy birthday song.

These gifts were given to me by my elder sister on my 12th birthday.

To begin with, it was the first-ever time when my sister had planned a surprise birthday party for me. She had decorated the room, placed these beside a huge cake, and had invited all of my friends – without my knowledge. Although she was merely two years older than me, I still hadn’t expected anything from her because she never used to express her emotions. However, that day, with such a grand gesture, she said a lot of things without expressing herself verbally. Another reason why all of these gifts and the party were special to me was that I didn’t know it was going to be my last birthday with her. She passed away after a few months because of a brain haemorrhage. So, the gifts remained memorable to me.

Sample Answer 3

Gifts are the most endearing thing one can receive. They are a proclamation of love, and they symbolize a feeling shared by the giver. As human beings, we have two ways of expression – Words and Action. When words aren’t enough to describe your emotions, they turn to action. Through gifting, a human being tries to express what words cannot encapsulate. 

The best gift I have received is my pup, Bruno. He is a German Shepherd and the cutest furball I have ever seen. Dogs are simply the most loyal companions one could ask for. They don’t love you for any worldly possessions of yours, they don’t love you for your wealth, they love you for you, and that is a beautiful thing. Dogs don’t care if you’re rich or poor, they just want to be happy, and they want to see you happy. Dogs are simply phenomenal. 

I received Bruno as a gift around 11 months ago. It was a surprise and the minute I saw his ecstatic little face, I knew we had an instant bond. Bruno is the kindest and pleasant dog I have ever met. He loves to take walks and play fetch. The minute he hears someone opening a snack, his ears perk up, and he comes running to get a piece too! He loves sweets and will definitely bring you a ball if he sees you upset. He’s the best gift I’ve ever received because he makes me happier than I thought I could be. He’s my best friend.

Here are the vocabularies for “Describe the best gift you have ever received” with examples:

  • Endearing : inspiring affection. Ex : Amanda was endearing to nearly everyone she met because of her kind heart.  
  • Proclamation : a clear declaration of something. Ex : The authorities issued a proclamation forbidding public meetings
  • Encapsulate : express the essential features of (something) succinctly. Ex : It was very difficult to encapsulate the story of the revolution in a single one-hour documentary.
  • Phenomenal : remarkable or exceptional, especially exceptionally good. Ex : California had experienced a phenomenal growth in population.
  • Ecstatic : feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement. Ex : Sally was ecstatic about her new job.

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30 + Difficult IELTS Cue Card Topics with Answer pdf

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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essay about my best gift


Posted on Nov 26, 2023

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The Power of Giving: Meaningful Gifts for Special Occasions

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The Power of Giving: Meaningful Gifts for Special Occasions. (2016, Apr 21). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/my-best-gift-essay

"The Power of Giving: Meaningful Gifts for Special Occasions." StudyMoose , 21 Apr 2016, https://studymoose.com/my-best-gift-essay

StudyMoose. (2016). The Power of Giving: Meaningful Gifts for Special Occasions . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/my-best-gift-essay [Accessed: 15 Jun. 2024]

"The Power of Giving: Meaningful Gifts for Special Occasions." StudyMoose, Apr 21, 2016. Accessed June 15, 2024. https://studymoose.com/my-best-gift-essay

"The Power of Giving: Meaningful Gifts for Special Occasions," StudyMoose , 21-Apr-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/my-best-gift-essay. [Accessed: 15-Jun-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). The Power of Giving: Meaningful Gifts for Special Occasions . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/my-best-gift-essay [Accessed: 15-Jun-2024]

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The Power of Giving: Meaningful Gifts for Special Occasions essay

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Essay on My Birthday Gift

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Birthday Gift in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Birthday Gift


My birthday is always a special day for me. This year, it was made even more special with a unique gift.

The Surprise

I was overjoyed to see my dream gift. It was not just a bicycle, but a symbol of my growing independence.

This birthday gift made my day memorable. It was a reminder of the love and care my parents have for me.

250 Words Essay on My Birthday Gift

The anticipation.

As the days neared my birthday, the excitement grew. The anticipation of the gift was not about its monetary value, but the sentiment attached to it. I was curious about what my loved ones had chosen for me, what they thought would make me happy.

The Unveiling

The day arrived, and as I unwrapped the gift, my eyes fell on a beautiful, vintage record player. It was not just a gift, but a gateway to a world of music that I had always wanted to explore. The record player was a symbol of my passion for music and the vintage touch signified my love for all things classic.

The Significance

The gift was not merely an object; it was a reflection of the understanding and love of those who gifted it to me. It showed their knowledge of my interests, passions, and the little things that bring me joy. The record player was not just a music device but a means of connecting with my soul.

In conclusion, the best gifts are not always the most expensive ones but those that carry a personal touch, understanding, and thoughtfulness. My birthday gift was more than just a present; it was a testament to the love and care of my dear ones. It was a gift that will always remind me of the beautiful bond I share with them.

500 Words Essay on My Birthday Gift

Introduction: the anticipation.

Birthdays are often associated with joy, celebration, and a sense of growing older and wiser. But beyond the cake and the candles, there’s always that one thing that makes the day even more special – the birthday gift. This year, my birthday gift was not just an object, but a profound life lesson that would forever change my perspective.

The Unconventional Gift

Symbolism and reflection.

The Bristlecone Pine sapling was not just a plant, but a symbol of resilience, longevity, and the beauty of life itself. These trees are known to withstand harsh conditions and still live for thousands of years. This gift was a gentle reminder that despite the adversities we face in life, we can still grow and thrive, just like the Bristlecone Pine.

Life Lessons from the Gift

The sapling taught me several valuable life lessons. Firstly, it emphasized the importance of patience. Just like the tree that takes years to grow and mature, achieving our goals also requires time and patience. We cannot rush growth or success; it’s a gradual process that requires consistent effort and perseverance.

Secondly, it highlighted the significance of resilience. The Bristlecone Pine withstands harsh weather conditions and still manages to live for thousands of years. Similarly, we must also learn to navigate through life’s challenges and emerge stronger, without losing our essence.

Conclusion: The Gift That Keeps Giving

In conclusion, my birthday gift was much more than a physical present. It was a poignant life lesson, a symbol of resilience, and a call to action for a greener planet. This gift will continue to grow and thrive, just like me, and serve as a constant reminder of the lessons it holds. It was indeed the best birthday gift, not just because it was unique, but because it carried a message that resonated deeply with me. In the end, the best gifts are not always the most expensive or luxurious ones, but those that touch our hearts and inspire us to be better.

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essay about my best gift

My Best Gift Essay Example

My Best Gift Essay Example

  • Pages: 1 (261 words)
  • Published: September 22, 2017
  • Type: Essay

Gift is an object which is given freely without anticipating anything to the nearest and Dearest on peculiar juncture as a item of Expressing their gratitude. love and friendly relationship. Gifts will be remembered for longer clip or life clip. Some of the common occasions are Birth Day. Marriage. Anniversaries. Festivals. Personal Celebrations etc. . Anterior to Summer Vacation. My Ma and Dad have promised me that they will acquire some surprise gift for me. Around the same clip. My ma was looking for replacing her 2 twelvemonth old Mobile. They started looking for a simple Mobile to accommodate her demands chiefly to have and to name when needed.

At the same clip my summer holiday started. My Ma and Dad took me to Samsung Exclusive salesroom. after looking a

t the standard 1s. they started looking at Smart phones. You know they took “Samsung Galaxy” . My ma Said it is excessively expensive and was non in Need. But My pa said. It’s for Sathvick with footings and conditions that this summer he uses as Gaming Console and You use as a Telephone.

It was a Big Surprise Gift of this Summer. Samsung Galaxy was my gift. I like it the most because of its Look and experience. Awesome characteristics. It has Touch Screen. Fantastic Camera with Video entering. Excellent Music Player. FM. Bundle of Wonderful Apps and Marvelous Gaming Box. We besides got many Paid games. I played games like Temple Run 1 and 2. Fruit Ninja. Piano Perfect and other head boggling games. Most of my vacations were spent with the Galaxy Mobile.

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Home — Essay Samples — Economics — Donation — The Gift of Life: Organ Donation


The Gift of Life: Organ Donation

  • Categories: Donation

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Words: 551 |

Published: Jun 13, 2024

Words: 551 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, body paragraphs, the critical need for organ donation, the life-saving benefits of organ donation, dispelling myths and misconceptions, ethical considerations and legislative support.

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essay about my best gift

essay about my best gift

Walnut and Me

By Sam Anderson Illustrations by Gaia Alari

Listen to Episode 1 of the series, where Sam Anderson explains his love for his dog, Walnut. Find all episodes of ‘Animal’ at nytimes.com/animal .


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Photo credit: Ryan Carll/Upstate Images

Sam Anderson is a staff writer for the magazine. He has written about rhinos, pencils, poets, water parks, basketball, weight loss and the fountain of youth.

Gaia Alari is a self-taught illustrator and animator, specializing in a traditional frame-by-frame style of hand animation.

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100 Best 'Happy Birthday' Wishes for Friends

Look to these unique yet simple messages to share with your best friend, new friend or work friend.

preview for 8 Ways to Wish Your Bestie Happy Birthday

Funny birthday wishes for friends

Thoughtful birthday wishes for friends, birthday blessings for friends.

With our huge list of birthday wishes for a friend that range from sweet and sentimental to short and funny, you can find the right words to express how you feel about the birthday boy or girl. There are thoughtful quotes and unique messages you can use to wish your best friend of 20 years the happiest birthday ever. Then, for, say, c0-workers, there are short ways to say "Happy Birthday!" without going overboard. And if your friend is more like family, you can also take a look at our best birthday wishes for sisters and great messages for brothers .

Short and sweet birthday wishes for friends

a woman carries a birthday cake celebrating with a group of people and confetti in the air

  • Wishing my bestie, the absolute best on her best day of the year!
  • Cheers to more fun, more memories and cake! Happy birthday.
  • HBD to my favorite secret keeper!
  • Wishing my bestie, the best day ever!
  • I can’t imagine life without my best friend. Happy birthday!
  • Friends make everything better. Happy birthday!
  • I can’t think of a better gift than your friendship. Happy birthday!
  • Cheers to another trip around the sun! Keep shining.
  • Happy birthday to the best confidante!
  • Let the cake games begin! Happy birthday!
  • You’re the brightest star in the galaxy! Happy birthday, bff!
  • Wishing my favorite partner in crime a very happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday to my best friend in the whole wide world!
  • Cheers to your personal new year! Let’s live it up.
  • Today a true queen was born and I’m so happy to be in your court.
  • You’re one of a kind and deserve everything that this special day brings!
  • Wishing you the best birthday yet.
  • Happy birthday to the person who knows all my secrets
  • I hope all your wishes come true today, my friend.
  • You make the world a better and brighter place. Happy birthday, bestie!
  • Happy birthday to my beautiful friend! You're the best!
  • Enjoy your special day to the fullest, bestie!
  • Happy birthday to my gorgeous, smart, and loyal friend. Live your best life!

best friends enjoying a birthday party in a backyard with one young woman blowing out her birthday candle

  • They say the older you are, the smarter you become. At your age you must be a genius! Happy birthday!
  • As we age looks may fade, but personalities never change. Good thing it’s always been about your personality! Happy birthday.
  • If you’re waiting on your birthday gift, close your eyes and make a wish. Surprise, it’s me! Happy birthday!
  • Stop counting the candles, it will take you until your next birthday to finish! Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday to the most fabulous woman I know. Oh wait, it’s not my birthday!
  • Happy birthday to an old lady who still knows how to party!
  • You’re still hot after all these years, but not as hot as your cake with all those candles!
  • Your birthday is the perfect time to recognize all your wonderful qualities, including the fact that you’re older than me.
  • Follow These Steps: 1) Eat cake. 2) Eat cake. 3) Eat cake. 4) Repeat until you’ve had a Happy Birthday.
  • I must be insane because I don’t know anyone else crazy enough to endure you! Happy birthday, bestie!
  • Here’s to another year of our silly shenanigans! Happy birthday to my crazy bestie.
  • At this rate, the candles should represent every decade of your life — otherwise, the cake could catch fire if they represented every year. Happy birthday!
  • We may need to call the fire department to help blow out all those candles. Happy birthday!
  • Let’s get to the real reason to celebrate cake! Happy birthday, BFF.
  • We’re both getting old, but who’s counting? Happy birthday!
  • I’m sure you feel pretty lucky to call me a friend. Not everyone is as fortunate as you. Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday, bestie. I hope you’re not looking for a present because my presence is my precious gift to you.
  • Without you, my therapy bills would be outrageous! Happy birthday, BFF.
  • Don’t focus on getting another year older, just think of it this way: you’re one year closer to getting all those senior citizen perks!
  • Don't worry, they are not gray hairs, they are wisdom highlights. You just happen to be extremely wise!
  • Best friends are awesome, especially yours. Happy birthday, gorgeous!
  • May all your birthday wishes come true — except for the illegal ones.
  • Getting older is inevitable. Growing up is a choice! Happy birthday, to the biggest kid I know.
  • We’ve been friends for so long I can’t remember which one of us is the bad influence! Happy birthday!
  • Don't think of it as aging, think of it as becoming a classic!

birthday girl blowing candles on a birthday cake and making wish surrounded by friends with party hats blowing streamers

  • Life has its ups and downs, but with a friend like you by my side, I can endure it all. Happy birthday to my best friend!
  • A friend who can make you smile on your darkest day is a bright light that can never be diminished. I’m so grateful for you. Happy birthday!
  • Friends may come and go, but real ones never leave. Thank you for your unwavering friendship. Happy birthday!
  • When I think about some of my favorite memories, you’re always a part of them. Cheers to more fun times together. Best wishes on your birthday!
  • Nothing makes me happier than seeing my best friend happy. Happy birthday, bff!
  • If there’s one person I can always count on, you’re the one. Wishing you a happy birthday!
  • Friends are one of life’s greatest treasures. I cherish you today and always! Happy birthday.
  • Nothing can shake our unbreakable bond — and for that, I’m forever grateful. Happy birthday, bestie.
  • We’ve shared so many good times together and I can’t wait to see what’s next! Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday to the person who can make me laugh when I want to cry. You’re the best friend any girl could have.
  • When we met, I knew that you’d always be a part of my life. I admire your kindness, fun personality and your heart. Happy birthday!
  • A true friend is someone who will go to the ends of the earth to make the other person happy. You’ve done that for me countless times — thank you and happy birthday!
  • A friend doesn’t leave when times get hard. You’ve shown me that you’re here for the long haul and I’m forever grateful. Happy birthday.
  • You have no idea how much your friendship means to me. I may not say it often, but I love you and wish you nothing but happiness today and always. Happy birthday!
  • You shine as bright as the candles on your cake. Keep lighting up every room. Happy birthday!
  • A friend is a friend, but a best friend is even better. Happy birthday to the best friend anyone could ask for!
  • On this day, a very special person came into this world and I’m forever grateful. Happy birthday, BFF.
  • Every year on this day, I am reminded to count my blessings because I get to call you a friend.
  • To me, this day will always hold special meaning since it marks the day that the world was made better by your presence. Happy Birthday!
  • You brighten my life, and I am so grateful to have you by my side. Happy birthday!
  • No one knows me better than you and I hope that today all of your wishes come true. Happy birthday, friend.
  • Today I celebrate you and all the joy you bring into my life. I love and cherish you today and always.
  • I wish everyone could be as lucky as me to find a friend who is as caring, loving and special as you. Happy birthday, BFF.
  • Friends are the family we get to choose and I’m so glad that we chose each other. Happy birthday to my wonderful best friend.
  • We’ve been together through thick and thin and I’m so proud to call you my friend. Wishing you the happiest birthday!

two female friends celebrating at a birthday party as one blows out the candles on a birthday cake

  • God gave me the biggest gift when he blessed me with your friendship! Wishing you a wonderful birthday!
  • When God selected friends, He outdid himself by making you mine. Happy birthday!
  • There’s no bigger blessing than having someone like you in my life. Happy birthday, bestie.
  • Your friendship is one of my biggest blessings and I never take it for granted. Wishing you the best birthday yet!
  • There’s not a day goes by that I don’t pray for you. May God continue to bless and cover you. Happy birthday.
  • Wishing my fellow spiritual partner, a wonderful birthday.
  • May God continue to bless your path, friend. Happy birthday!
  • When you lean on God for everything, you can never go wrong. Happy birthday!
  • I thank God every night for bringing you into my life. Happy cake day!
  • May your personal new year bring an abundance of blessings!
  • As you celebrate turning another year older, don’t forget to give God all the praise. Happy birthday!
  • As you blow out your candles, I hope one of your wishes is for our everlasting friendship. I’m so grateful for you. Happy birthday!
  • One of life’s greatest blessings is the gift of true friendship. I thank God for yours. Happy birthday.
  • Your friendship is absolutely heaven sent. Thank you for being a wonderful friend. Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday! I pray that you’re granted the desires of your heart today and every day.
  • May guardian angels watch over you today and always. Happy birthday, friend.
  • On this day every year, I remember how blessed I am to be able to call you friend.
  • May your birthday be filled with happiness, joy and blessings.
  • I was blessed when the universe brought us together in friendship. Here’s to celebrating a special person. Happy birthday!
  • I feel so blessed to be friends with someone as smart, witty and kind as you.
  • Your life is a gift from God, and I thank him for the many blessings you bring to my life. Happy birthday, bestie.
  • Wishing you divine peace and happiness today and throughout your life. Happy birthday!
  • I pray that you’re blessed with many more years so that we can always celebrate together. I love you, BFF. Happy birthday!
  • May God give you peace on your special day and the year ahead. Happy birthday!
  • I wish you an abundance of blessings today and always. Have a fantastic birthday.
  • It is my prayer that all your wishes come true on your special day.
  • As you ring in your personal new year, I pray that your special day is full of joy.

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How much money should I give my coworker for their wedding gift?

  • Published: Jun. 11, 2024, 6:00 p.m.

What should I give a coworker for a wedding gift?

Show your support and happiness for your coworker with a wedding gift that's heartfelt and significant, but that also honors the professional boundaries at play in the workplace. Canva

  • Danielle Halibey | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com

Work hard, play hard. It’s a phrase that speaks to the importance of a good work-life balance, of course, but it also might be the ideology that inspires your coworker to invite you and other colleagues to their nuptials.

Planning a wedding isn’t cheap, so couples looking forward to their celebrations may limit their guest count to family, friends and those they work closely with. You might be on the same team and hang out with the affianced inside the office and out, perhaps you’re the soon-to-be-wed’s direct report or mentee or maybe you’re the boss to the bride or groom who’s getting married.

Each of these relationships may dictate a different monetary gift, but like we’ve said countless times over, the biggest consideration should be your personal budget. Gifting newlyweds in the year 2024 can get expensive awfully quick, so having a quick-reference cheat sheet can be helpful.

For those who RSVP’ed ‘YES’ to the wedding, gifts like these are suitable:

A colleague turned cohort: $75 to $100. If you were coworkers first, but now consider yourself friends, a gift in this range can reflect your camaraderie well. You can even couple your cash or check with something heartwarming and personal, like a photo frame of the two of you (or your entire team) at a company party or holiday event or a throwback snap of your first day in the trenches together. If you’ve just recently started getting friendly, you can also consider a nice gift card to their favorite coffee spot or a restaurant where you’ve gone for happy hour a time or two.

Boss or mentor: $100 to $150. When it comes to showing appreciation to your boss or mentor through a gift, you’ll want to tread thoughtfully and consider the ethical nuances involved. You should never feel obligated to stretch your budget beyond your means out of fear of retaliation or expectations. If the range is a bit ambitious for you, you can always opt for a cool desk accessory or artwork, office accoutrements or even a gift card to a restaurant you’ve heard them talk about all the time.

Direct report: $150 to $175. As for gifting someone who looks up to you as their teacher or guide in the professional setting, a gift in the range of $150 to $175 leans genuine and heartfelt, without tipping the delicate balance of office dynamics or showing whispers of favoritism or ostentation (i.e. like going above and beyond to show off your salary or your leadership status in the workplace).

If money seems awkward as a gift, because you ‘technically’ furnish their paycheck on a regular basis, then think about a meaningful gift that might resonate with their personal interests, such as a first-edition book by an author they love, passes to an art exhibit or professional networking event/conference they’ve been eager to attend or tickets to a concert, Broadway show or first-class dining experience you’ve heard them talking about in the break room or at the water cooler.

Teamwork makes the [wedding] dream work

The amount you enclose in their wedding card is entirely up to your discretion; feel free to give more or less depending on what works for your financial situation and how close you are to the marrying pair.

Alternatively, as a “work family,” there’s opportunity to go in on a group gift together. Consider something that reflects their style or interests, or even something that will be helpful in their new life together — like a luxury kitchen appliance, a fun accent or a conversation piece for their home if they like to entertain or a weekend getaway at a nearby bed and breakfast, complete with a note encouraging them to “take the PTO!”

Remember, the beauty of gift-giving lies in the sincerity and thoughtfulness you express, rather than the material worth of the gift. What you can and feel comfortable giving will not impact your job performance or employee satisfaction one way or another!

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I learned a lot on my dad's Wisconsin farm. We need fathers back in kids’ lives. | Opinion

When it’s father’s day in 2024, we should be able to go far beyond gifts – to our failure to define fatherhood..

essay about my best gift

I still see my dad, pushing a wheelbarrow up and down the length of our barn , feeding his cows with his little boy atop the corn pile to help. This is how we learned to work.

I hear myself crying as he comes running after I’ve fallen in the farmyard, and feel him dust my pants off with a smile. This is how we learned he’d always be there, and to get back up.

In my months of becoming a father, I’ve faced a flood of memories, and emotions. But also, strong feelings about the broken state of fatherhood in our country, a problem suddenly more urgent to me than any other.

You’d think by Father’s Day of 2024 , after years of talk about needing fathers in kids’ lives – and many households long sharing bread-winning responsibilities in homes where dads are present, but uninvolved – that we’d have this figured. But in some ways the problem is deeper than ever.

Data shows about one-fifth of men not part of children's lives

First is the continued fatherlessness crisis in our country – one in five men aren’t part of their children’s lives. It crosses all boundaries: fatherlessness is commonly considered an urban problem, but one study showed 34 percent of rural kids without a father, versus 32 percent of urban kids .

But this crisis also goes far beyond absent fathers, to America’s deeply flawed view of fatherhood – a role too ceremonial in the past, and too often treated as irrelevant today. Along the way, we’ve lost fatherhood’s meaning.

I asked myself whether this was real, or just me facing something new. I found America has struggled for decades to define modern fatherhood – as the boundaries evolved, we failed to preserve meaning. It’s the reason fatherhood went unmentioned in the pregnancy classes we took. It’s why when I sought groups for dads I found only shrugs and bottomless voicemail boxes, until finding a few useful corners of the internet.

Then there are the odd reactions to the three weeks of parental leave I took (which I admit was hard for me to imagine, having rarely taken more than a week off work). And the people surprised at how involved I want to be, while others behold a father taking a baby with him around town as a miracle (which I admit makes me feel good).

Instant judgments and criticism drive flawed sense of fatherhood

With such a mess, it’s no surprise more than half of fathers consistently report being criticized or judged, from all kinds of directions .

There’s a risk of sounding like I think I know what I’m doing, or feel aggrieved. Fatherhood has been far too humbling for that – like many new parents I question myself every day, and I’m honored to be a dad. I’m also not making claims about what makes the best family. I’ve seen, including among friends and family, how single parents and couples of all kinds raise healthy children. Often, whatever the kind of family, they value both female and male role models.

But our flawed sense of fatherhood remains, and I was blind to it until Ana arrived. I see her morning smile. I hear her when I sing or whistle one of the many country songs on which she already has strong opinions. I feel the moments her eyes glimmer, big and bright as the moon over the farm where I grew up.  

Baraboo media circus: A father's despicable shove at high school graduation

I can’t imagine the harm of abandoning those moments – to me or her. I don’t view feeding or changing her as outside my role, or an involved father’s special burden. I view it as helping my daughter. Along the way I get to see her grow, and show her things that give life meaning: the outdoors, music, stories. 

We have to help more fathers be part of such moments. It starts with dads doing better: refusing to become another statistic of fatherlessness, and never bringing harm to their home. But we also need to stop tearing fatherhood down, and start building it up with more definition and support.

There’s reason for hope. Research also shows most dads view fatherhood as central to their lives, and prioritize teaching values: hard work, caring for others, honesty . To me, a father is someone who cares for his children like any mother would, while still playing a unique role of teaching daughters and sons alike what to expect of the men they’ll meet.

That’s what I learned from my dad in the farmyard where we fell down and got back up together. Even if times have changed a little since.

Brian Reisinger is a writer who grew up on a family farm in Sauk County. He contributes in-depth columns and videos for the Ideas Lab at the Journal Sentinel. Reisinger has written about the hidden stories of rural America in a wide range of publications, and his forthcoming book “Land Rich, Cash Poor” will reveal the untold history of the disappearing American farmer. Reisinger works in public affairs consulting for Wisconsin-based Platform Communications.

Resources for fathers

Despite the broken state of fatherhood in America, there are organizations out there helping to make a difference:

∎The National Fatherhood Initiative is devoted to addressing the fatherhood crisis in America: www.fatherhood.org/

∎Daddy Boot Camp provides training for new and expecting dads, geared around the unique role they can play: daddybootcamp.net  


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