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Written by Mary Kate Miller | June 1, 2021

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Components of market research

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Market research is a cornerstone of all successful, strategic businesses. It can also be daunting for entrepreneurs looking to launch a startup or start a side hustle . What is market research, anyway? And how do you…do it?

We’ll walk you through absolutely everything you need to know about the market research process so that by the end of this guide, you’ll be an expert in market research too. And what’s more important: you’ll have actionable steps you can take to start collecting your own market research.

What Is Market Research?

Market research is the organized process of gathering information about your target customers and market. Market research can help you better understand customer behavior and competitor strengths and weaknesses, as well as provide insight for the best strategies in launching new businesses and products. There are different ways to approach market research, including primary and secondary research and qualitative and quantitative research. The strongest approaches will include a combination of all four.

“Virtually every business can benefit from conducting some market research,” says Niles Koenigsberg of Real FiG Advertising + Marketing . “Market research can help you piece together your [business’s] strengths and weaknesses, along with your prospective opportunities, so that you can understand where your unique differentiators may lie.” Well-honed market research will help your brand stand out from the competition and help you see what you need to do to lead the market. It can also do so much more.

The Purposes of Market Research

Why do market research? It can help you…

  • Pinpoint your target market, create buyer personas, and develop a more holistic understanding of your customer base and market.
  • Understand current market conditions to evaluate risks and anticipate how your product or service will perform.
  • Validate a concept prior to launch.
  • Identify gaps in the market that your competitors have created or overlooked.
  • Solve problems that have been left unresolved by the existing product/brand offerings.
  • Identify opportunities and solutions for new products or services.
  • Develop killer marketing strategies .

What Are the Benefits of Market Research?

Strong market research can help your business in many ways. It can…

  • Strengthen your market position.
  • Help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Help you identify your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses.
  • Minimize risk.
  • Center your customers’ experience from the get-go.
  • Help you create a dynamic strategy based on market conditions and customer needs/demands.

What Are the Basic Methods of Market Research?

The basic methods of market research include surveys, personal interviews, customer observation, and the review of secondary research. In addition to these basic methods, a forward-thinking market research approach incorporates data from the digital landscape like social media analysis, SEO research, gathering feedback via forums, and more. Throughout this guide, we will cover each of the methods commonly used in market research to give you a comprehensive overview.

Primary vs. Secondary Market Research

Primary and secondary are the two main types of market research you can do. The latter relies on research conducted by others. Primary research, on the other hand, refers to the fact-finding efforts you conduct on your own.

This approach is limited, however. It’s likely that the research objectives of these secondary data points differ from your own, and it can be difficult to confirm the veracity of their findings.

Primary Market Research

Primary research is more labor intensive, but it generally yields data that is exponentially more actionable. It can be conducted through interviews, surveys, online research, and your own data collection. Every new business should engage in primary market research prior to launch. It will help you validate that your idea has traction, and it will give you the information you need to help minimize financial risk.

You can hire an agency to conduct this research on your behalf. This brings the benefit of expertise, as you’ll likely work with a market research analyst. The downside is that hiring an agency can be expensive—too expensive for many burgeoning entrepreneurs. That brings us to the second approach. You can also do the market research yourself, which substantially reduces the financial burden of starting a new business .

Secondary Market Research

Secondary research includes resources like government databases and industry-specific data and publications. It can be beneficial to start your market research with secondary sources because it’s widely available and often free-to-access. This information will help you gain a broad overview of the market conditions for your new business.

Identify Your Goals and Your Audience

Before you begin conducting interviews or sending out surveys, you need to set your market research goals. At the end of your market research process, you want to have a clear idea of who your target market is—including demographic information like age, gender, and where they live—but you also want to start with a rough idea of who your audience might be and what you’re trying to achieve with market research.

You can pinpoint your objectives by asking yourself a series of guiding questions:

  • What are you hoping to discover through your research?
  • Who are you hoping to serve better because of your findings?
  • What do you think your market is?
  • Who are your competitors?
  • Are you testing the reception of a new product category or do you want to see if your product or service solves the problem left by a current gap in the market?
  • Are you just…testing the waters to get a sense of how people would react to a new brand?

Once you’ve narrowed down the “what” of your market research goals, you’re ready to move onto how you can best achieve them. Think of it like algebra. Many math problems start with “solve for x.” Once you know what you’re looking for, you can get to work trying to find it. It’s a heck of a lot easier to solve a problem when you know you’re looking for “x” than if you were to say “I’m gonna throw some numbers out there and see if I find a variable.”

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How to Do Market Research

This guide outlines every component of a comprehensive market research effort. Take into consideration the goals you have established for your market research, as they will influence which of these elements you’ll want to include in your market research strategy.

Secondary Data

Secondary data allows you to utilize pre-existing data to garner a sense of market conditions and opportunities. You can rely on published market studies, white papers, and public competitive information to start your market research journey.

Secondary data, while useful, is limited and cannot substitute your own primary data. It’s best used for quantitative data that can provide background to your more specific inquiries.

Find Your Customers Online

Once you’ve identified your target market, you can use online gathering spaces and forums to gain insights and give yourself a competitive advantage. Rebecca McCusker of The Creative Content Shop recommends internet recon as a vital tool for gaining a sense of customer needs and sentiment. “Read their posts and comments on forums, YouTube video comments, Facebook group [comments], and even Amazon/Goodreads book comments to get in their heads and see what people are saying.”

If you’re interested in engaging with your target demographic online, there are some general rules you should follow. First, secure the consent of any group moderators to ensure that you are acting within the group guidelines. Failure to do so could result in your eviction from the group.

Not all comments have the same research value. “Focus on the comments and posts with the most comments and highest engagement,” says McCusker. These high-engagement posts can give you a sense of what is already connecting and gaining traction within the group.

Social media can also be a great avenue for finding interview subjects. “LinkedIn is very useful if your [target customer] has a very specific job or works in a very specific industry or sector. It’s amazing the amount of people that will be willing to help,” explains Miguel González, a marketing executive at Dealers League . “My advice here is BE BRAVE, go to LinkedIn, or even to people you know and ask them, do quick interviews and ask real people that belong to that market and segment and get your buyer persona information first hand.”

Market research interviews can provide direct feedback on your brand, product, or service and give you a better understanding of consumer pain points and interests.

When organizing your market research interviews, you want to pay special attention to the sample group you’re selecting, as it will directly impact the information you receive. According to Tanya Zhang, the co-founder of Nimble Made , you want to first determine whether you want to choose a representative sample—for example, interviewing people who match each of the buyer persona/customer profiles you’ve developed—or a random sample.

“A sampling of your usual persona styles, for example, can validate details that you’ve already established about your product, while a random sampling may [help you] discover a new way people may use your product,” Zhang says.

Market Surveys

Market surveys solicit customer inclinations regarding your potential product or service through a series of open-ended questions. This direct outreach to your target audience can provide information on your customers’ preferences, attitudes, buying potential, and more.

Every expert we asked voiced unanimous support for market surveys as a powerful tool for market research. With the advent of various survey tools with accessible pricing—or free use—it’s never been easier to assemble, disseminate, and gather market surveys. While it should also be noted that surveys shouldn’t replace customer interviews , they can be used to supplement customer interviews to give you feedback from a broader audience.

Who to Include in Market Surveys

  • Current customers
  • Past customers
  • Your existing audience (such as social media/newsletter audiences)

Example Questions to Include in Market Surveys

While the exact questions will vary for each business, here are some common, helpful questions that you may want to consider for your market survey. Demographic Questions: the questions that help you understand, demographically, who your target customers are:

  • “What is your age?”
  • “Where do you live?”
  • “What is your gender identity?”
  • “What is your household income?”
  • “What is your household size?”
  • “What do you do for a living?”
  • “What is your highest level of education?”

Product-Based Questions: Whether you’re seeking feedback for an existing brand or an entirely new one, these questions will help you get a sense of how people feel about your business, product, or service:

  • “How well does/would our product/service meet your needs?”
  • “How does our product/service compare to similar products/services that you use?”
  • “How long have you been a customer?” or “What is the likelihood that you would be a customer of our brand?

Personal/Informative Questions: the deeper questions that help you understand how your audience thinks and what they care about.

  • “What are your biggest challenges?”
  • “What’s most important to you?”
  • “What do you do for fun (hobbies, interests, activities)?”
  • “Where do you seek new information when researching a new product?”
  • “How do you like to make purchases?”
  • “What is your preferred method for interacting with a brand?”

Survey Tools

Online survey tools make it easy to distribute surveys and collect responses. The best part is that there are many free tools available. If you’re making your own online survey, you may want to consider SurveyMonkey, Typeform, Google Forms, or Zoho Survey.

Competitive Analysis

A competitive analysis is a breakdown of how your business stacks up against the competition. There are many different ways to conduct this analysis. One of the most popular methods is a SWOT analysis, which stands for “strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.” This type of analysis is helpful because it gives you a more robust understanding of why a customer might choose a competitor over your business. Seeing how you stack up against the competition can give you the direction you need to carve out your place as a market leader.

Social Media Analysis

Social media has fundamentally changed the market research landscape, making it easier than ever to engage with a wide swath of consumers. Follow your current or potential competitors on social media to see what they’re posting and how their audience is engaging with it. Social media can also give you a lower cost opportunity for testing different messaging and brand positioning.

SEO Analysis and Opportunities

SEO analysis can help you identify the digital competition for getting the word out about your brand, product, or service. You won’t want to overlook this valuable information. Search listening tools offer a novel approach to understanding the market and generating the content strategy that will drive business. Tools like Google Trends and Awario can streamline this process.

Ready to Kick Your Business Into High Gear?

Now that you’ve completed the guide to market research you know you’re ready to put on your researcher hat to give your business the best start. Still not sure how actually… launch the thing? Our free mini-course can run you through the essentials for starting your side hustle .

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About Mary Kate Miller

Mary Kate Miller writes about small business, real estate, and finance. In addition to writing for Foundr, her work has been published by The Washington Post, Teen Vogue, Bustle, and more. She lives in Chicago.

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How to Do Market Research: The Complete Guide

Learn how to do market research with this step-by-step guide, complete with templates, tools and real-world examples.

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What are your customers’ needs? How does your product compare to the competition? What are the emerging trends and opportunities in your industry? If these questions keep you up at night, it’s time to conduct market research.

Market research plays a pivotal role in your ability to stay competitive and relevant, helping you anticipate shifts in consumer behavior and industry dynamics. It involves gathering these insights using a wide range of techniques, from surveys and interviews to data analysis and observational studies.

In this guide, we’ll explore why market research is crucial, the various types of market research, the methods used in data collection, and how to effectively conduct market research to drive informed decision-making and success.

What is market research?

Market research is the systematic process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting information about a specific market or industry. The purpose of market research is to offer valuable insight into the preferences and behaviors of your target audience, and anticipate shifts in market trends and the competitive landscape. This information helps you make data-driven decisions, develop effective strategies for your business, and maximize your chances of long-term growth.

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Why is market research important? 

By understanding the significance of market research, you can make sure you’re asking the right questions and using the process to your advantage. Some of the benefits of market research include:

  • Informed decision-making: Market research provides you with the data and insights you need to make smart decisions for your business. It helps you identify opportunities, assess risks and tailor your strategies to meet the demands of the market. Without market research, decisions are often based on assumptions or guesswork, leading to costly mistakes.
  • Customer-centric approach: A cornerstone of market research involves developing a deep understanding of customer needs and preferences. This gives you valuable insights into your target audience, helping you develop products, services and marketing campaigns that resonate with your customers.
  • Competitive advantage: By conducting market research, you’ll gain a competitive edge. You’ll be able to identify gaps in the market, analyze competitor strengths and weaknesses, and position your business strategically. This enables you to create unique value propositions, differentiate yourself from competitors, and seize opportunities that others may overlook.
  • Risk mitigation: Market research helps you anticipate market shifts and potential challenges. By identifying threats early, you can proactively adjust their strategies to mitigate risks and respond effectively to changing circumstances. This proactive approach is particularly valuable in volatile industries.
  • Resource optimization: Conducting market research allows organizations to allocate their time, money and resources more efficiently. It ensures that investments are made in areas with the highest potential return on investment, reducing wasted resources and improving overall business performance.
  • Adaptation to market trends: Markets evolve rapidly, driven by technological advancements, cultural shifts and changing consumer attitudes. Market research ensures that you stay ahead of these trends and adapt your offerings accordingly so you can avoid becoming obsolete. 

As you can see, market research empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions, cater to customer needs, outperform competitors, mitigate risks, optimize resources and stay agile in a dynamic marketplace. These benefits make it a huge industry; the global market research services market is expected to grow from $76.37 billion in 2021 to $108.57 billion in 2026 . Now, let’s dig into the different types of market research that can help you achieve these benefits.

Types of market research 

  • Qualitative research
  • Quantitative research
  • Exploratory research
  • Descriptive research
  • Causal research
  • Cross-sectional research
  • Longitudinal research

Despite its advantages, 23% of organizations don’t have a clear market research strategy. Part of developing a strategy involves choosing the right type of market research for your business goals. The most commonly used approaches include:

1. Qualitative research

Qualitative research focuses on understanding the underlying motivations, attitudes and perceptions of individuals or groups. It is typically conducted through techniques like in-depth interviews, focus groups and content analysis — methods we’ll discuss further in the sections below. Qualitative research provides rich, nuanced insights that can inform product development, marketing strategies and brand positioning.

2. Quantitative research

Quantitative research, in contrast to qualitative research, involves the collection and analysis of numerical data, often through surveys, experiments and structured questionnaires. This approach allows for statistical analysis and the measurement of trends, making it suitable for large-scale market studies and hypothesis testing. While it’s worthwhile using a mix of qualitative and quantitative research, most businesses prioritize the latter because it is scientific, measurable and easily replicated across different experiments.

3. Exploratory research

Whether you’re conducting qualitative or quantitative research or a mix of both, exploratory research is often the first step. Its primary goal is to help you understand a market or problem so you can gain insights and identify potential issues or opportunities. This type of market research is less structured and is typically conducted through open-ended interviews, focus groups or secondary data analysis. Exploratory research is valuable when entering new markets or exploring new product ideas.

4. Descriptive research

As its name implies, descriptive research seeks to describe a market, population or phenomenon in detail. It involves collecting and summarizing data to answer questions about audience demographics and behaviors, market size, and current trends. Surveys, observational studies and content analysis are common methods used in descriptive research. 

5. Causal research

Causal research aims to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables. It investigates whether changes in one variable result in changes in another. Experimental designs, A/B testing and regression analysis are common causal research methods. This sheds light on how specific marketing strategies or product changes impact consumer behavior.

6. Cross-sectional research

Cross-sectional market research involves collecting data from a sample of the population at a single point in time. It is used to analyze differences, relationships or trends among various groups within a population. Cross-sectional studies are helpful for market segmentation, identifying target audiences and assessing market trends at a specific moment.

7. Longitudinal research

Longitudinal research, in contrast to cross-sectional research, collects data from the same subjects over an extended period. This allows for the analysis of trends, changes and developments over time. Longitudinal studies are useful for tracking long-term developments in consumer preferences, brand loyalty and market dynamics.

Each type of market research has its strengths and weaknesses, and the method you choose depends on your specific research goals and the depth of understanding you’re aiming to achieve. In the following sections, we’ll delve into primary and secondary research approaches and specific research methods.

Primary vs. secondary market research

Market research of all types can be broadly categorized into two main approaches: primary research and secondary research. By understanding the differences between these approaches, you can better determine the most appropriate research method for your specific goals.

Primary market research 

Primary research involves the collection of original data straight from the source. Typically, this involves communicating directly with your target audience — through surveys, interviews, focus groups and more — to gather information. Here are some key attributes of primary market research:

  • Customized data: Primary research provides data that is tailored to your research needs. You design a custom research study and gather information specific to your goals.
  • Up-to-date insights: Because primary research involves communicating with customers, the data you collect reflects the most current market conditions and consumer behaviors.
  • Time-consuming and resource-intensive: Despite its advantages, primary research can be labor-intensive and costly, especially when dealing with large sample sizes or complex study designs. Whether you hire a market research consultant, agency or use an in-house team, primary research studies consume a large amount of resources and time.

Secondary market research 

Secondary research, on the other hand, involves analyzing data that has already been compiled by third-party sources, such as online research tools, databases, news sites, industry reports and academic studies.

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Here are the main characteristics of secondary market research:

  • Cost-effective: Secondary research is generally more cost-effective than primary research since it doesn’t require building a research plan from scratch. You and your team can look at databases, websites and publications on an ongoing basis, without needing to design a custom experiment or hire a consultant. 
  • Leverages multiple sources: Data tools and software extract data from multiple places across the web, and then consolidate that information within a single platform. This means you’ll get a greater amount of data and a wider scope from secondary research.
  • Quick to access: You can access a wide range of information rapidly — often in seconds — if you’re using online research tools and databases. Because of this, you can act on insights sooner, rather than taking the time to develop an experiment. 

So, when should you use primary vs. secondary research? In practice, many market research projects incorporate both primary and secondary research to take advantage of the strengths of each approach.

One rule of thumb is to focus on secondary research to obtain background information, market trends or industry benchmarks. It is especially valuable for conducting preliminary research, competitor analysis, or when time and budget constraints are tight. Then, if you still have knowledge gaps or need to answer specific questions unique to your business model, use primary research to create a custom experiment. 

Market research methods

  • Surveys and questionnaires
  • Focus groups
  • Observational research
  • Online research tools
  • Experiments
  • Content analysis
  • Ethnographic research

How do primary and secondary research approaches translate into specific research methods? Let’s take a look at the different ways you can gather data: 

1. Surveys and questionnaires

Surveys and questionnaires are popular methods for collecting structured data from a large number of respondents. They involve a set of predetermined questions that participants answer. Surveys can be conducted through various channels, including online tools, telephone interviews and in-person or online questionnaires. They are useful for gathering quantitative data and assessing customer demographics, opinions, preferences and needs. On average, customer surveys have a 33% response rate , so keep that in mind as you consider your sample size.

2. Interviews

Interviews are in-depth conversations with individuals or groups to gather qualitative insights. They can be structured (with predefined questions) or unstructured (with open-ended discussions). Interviews are valuable for exploring complex topics, uncovering motivations and obtaining detailed feedback. 

3. Focus groups

The most common primary research methods are in-depth webcam interviews and focus groups. Focus groups are a small gathering of participants who discuss a specific topic or product under the guidance of a moderator. These discussions are valuable for primary market research because they reveal insights into consumer attitudes, perceptions and emotions. Focus groups are especially useful for idea generation, concept testing and understanding group dynamics within your target audience.

4. Observational research

Observational research involves observing and recording participant behavior in a natural setting. This method is particularly valuable when studying consumer behavior in physical spaces, such as retail stores or public places. In some types of observational research, participants are aware you’re watching them; in other cases, you discreetly watch consumers without their knowledge, as they use your product. Either way, observational research provides firsthand insights into how people interact with products or environments.

5. Online research tools

You and your team can do your own secondary market research using online tools. These tools include data prospecting platforms and databases, as well as online surveys, social media listening, web analytics and sentiment analysis platforms. They help you gather data from online sources, monitor industry trends, track competitors, understand consumer preferences and keep tabs on online behavior. We’ll talk more about choosing the right market research tools in the sections that follow.

6. Experiments

Market research experiments are controlled tests of variables to determine causal relationships. While experiments are often associated with scientific research, they are also used in market research to assess the impact of specific marketing strategies, product features, or pricing and packaging changes.

7. Content analysis

Content analysis involves the systematic examination of textual, visual or audio content to identify patterns, themes and trends. It’s commonly applied to customer reviews, social media posts and other forms of online content to analyze consumer opinions and sentiments.

8. Ethnographic research

Ethnographic research immerses researchers into the daily lives of consumers to understand their behavior and culture. This method is particularly valuable when studying niche markets or exploring the cultural context of consumer choices.

How to do market research

  • Set clear objectives
  • Identify your target audience
  • Choose your research methods
  • Use the right market research tools
  • Collect data
  • Analyze data 
  • Interpret your findings
  • Identify opportunities and challenges
  • Make informed business decisions
  • Monitor and adapt

Now that you have gained insights into the various market research methods at your disposal, let’s delve into the practical aspects of how to conduct market research effectively. Here’s a quick step-by-step overview, from defining objectives to monitoring market shifts.

1. Set clear objectives

When you set clear and specific goals, you’re essentially creating a compass to guide your research questions and methodology. Start by precisely defining what you want to achieve. Are you launching a new product and want to understand its viability in the market? Are you evaluating customer satisfaction with a product redesign? 

Start by creating SMART goals — objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Not only will this clarify your research focus from the outset, but it will also help you track progress and benchmark your success throughout the process. 

You should also consult with key stakeholders and team members to ensure alignment on your research objectives before diving into data collecting. This will help you gain diverse perspectives and insights that will shape your research approach.

2. Identify your target audience

Next, you’ll need to pinpoint your target audience to determine who should be included in your research. Begin by creating detailed buyer personas or stakeholder profiles. Consider demographic factors like age, gender, income and location, but also delve into psychographics, such as interests, values and pain points.

The more specific your target audience, the more accurate and actionable your research will be. Additionally, segment your audience if your research objectives involve studying different groups, such as current customers and potential leads.

If you already have existing customers, you can also hold conversations with them to better understand your target market. From there, you can refine your buyer personas and tailor your research methods accordingly.

3. Choose your research methods

Selecting the right research methods is crucial for gathering high-quality data. Start by considering the nature of your research objectives. If you’re exploring consumer preferences, surveys and interviews can provide valuable insights. For in-depth understanding, focus groups or observational research might be suitable. Consider using a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods to gain a well-rounded perspective. 

You’ll also need to consider your budget. Think about what you can realistically achieve using the time and resources available to you. If you have a fairly generous budget, you may want to try a mix of primary and secondary research approaches. If you’re doing market research for a startup , on the other hand, chances are your budget is somewhat limited. If that’s the case, try addressing your goals with secondary research tools before investing time and effort in a primary research study. 

4. Use the right market research tools

Whether you’re conducting primary or secondary research, you’ll need to choose the right tools. These can help you do anything from sending surveys to customers to monitoring trends and analyzing data. Here are some examples of popular market research tools:

  • Market research software: Crunchbase is a platform that provides best-in-class company data, making it valuable for market research on growing companies and industries. You can use Crunchbase to access trusted, first-party funding data, revenue data, news and firmographics, enabling you to monitor industry trends and understand customer needs.

Market Research Graphic Crunchbase

  • Survey and questionnaire tools: SurveyMonkey is a widely used online survey platform that allows you to create, distribute and analyze surveys. Google Forms is a free tool that lets you create surveys and collect responses through Google Drive.
  • Data analysis software: Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets are useful for conducting statistical analyses. SPSS is a powerful statistical analysis software used for data processing, analysis and reporting.
  • Social listening tools: Brandwatch is a social listening and analytics platform that helps you monitor social media conversations, track sentiment and analyze trends. Mention is a media monitoring tool that allows you to track mentions of your brand, competitors and keywords across various online sources.
  • Data visualization platforms: Tableau is a data visualization tool that helps you create interactive and shareable dashboards and reports. Power BI by Microsoft is a business analytics tool for creating interactive visualizations and reports.

5. Collect data

There’s an infinite amount of data you could be collecting using these tools, so you’ll need to be intentional about going after the data that aligns with your research goals. Implement your chosen research methods, whether it’s distributing surveys, conducting interviews or pulling from secondary research platforms. Pay close attention to data quality and accuracy, and stick to a standardized process to streamline data capture and reduce errors. 

6. Analyze data

Once data is collected, you’ll need to analyze it systematically. Use statistical software or analysis tools to identify patterns, trends and correlations. For qualitative data, employ thematic analysis to extract common themes and insights. Visualize your findings with charts, graphs and tables to make complex data more understandable.

If you’re not proficient in data analysis, consider outsourcing or collaborating with a data analyst who can assist in processing and interpreting your data accurately.

Enrich your database graphic

7. Interpret your findings

Interpreting your market research findings involves understanding what the data means in the context of your objectives. Are there significant trends that uncover the answers to your initial research questions? Consider the implications of your findings on your business strategy. It’s essential to move beyond raw data and extract actionable insights that inform decision-making.

Hold a cross-functional meeting or workshop with relevant team members to collectively interpret the findings. Different perspectives can lead to more comprehensive insights and innovative solutions.

8. Identify opportunities and challenges

Use your research findings to identify potential growth opportunities and challenges within your market. What segments of your audience are underserved or overlooked? Are there emerging trends you can capitalize on? Conversely, what obstacles or competitors could hinder your progress?

Lay out this information in a clear and organized way by conducting a SWOT analysis, which stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Jot down notes for each of these areas to provide a structured overview of gaps and hurdles in the market.

9. Make informed business decisions

Market research is only valuable if it leads to informed decisions for your company. Based on your insights, devise actionable strategies and initiatives that align with your research objectives. Whether it’s refining your product, targeting new customer segments or adjusting pricing, ensure your decisions are rooted in the data.

At this point, it’s also crucial to keep your team aligned and accountable. Create an action plan that outlines specific steps, responsibilities and timelines for implementing the recommendations derived from your research. 

10. Monitor and adapt

Market research isn’t a one-time activity; it’s an ongoing process. Continuously monitor market conditions, customer behaviors and industry trends. Set up mechanisms to collect real-time data and feedback. As you gather new information, be prepared to adapt your strategies and tactics accordingly. Regularly revisiting your research ensures your business remains agile and reflects changing market dynamics and consumer preferences.

Online market research sources

As you go through the steps above, you’ll want to turn to trusted, reputable sources to gather your data. Here’s a list to get you started:

  • Crunchbase: As mentioned above, Crunchbase is an online platform with an extensive dataset, allowing you to access in-depth insights on market trends, consumer behavior and competitive analysis. You can also customize your search options to tailor your research to specific industries, geographic regions or customer personas.

Product Image Advanced Search CRMConnected

  • Academic databases: Academic databases, such as ProQuest and JSTOR , are treasure troves of scholarly research papers, studies and academic journals. They offer in-depth analyses of various subjects, including market trends, consumer preferences and industry-specific insights. Researchers can access a wealth of peer-reviewed publications to gain a deeper understanding of their research topics.
  • Government and NGO databases: Government agencies, nongovernmental organizations and other institutions frequently maintain databases containing valuable economic, demographic and industry-related data. These sources offer credible statistics and reports on a wide range of topics, making them essential for market researchers. Examples include the U.S. Census Bureau , the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Pew Research Center .
  • Industry reports: Industry reports and market studies are comprehensive documents prepared by research firms, industry associations and consulting companies. They provide in-depth insights into specific markets, including market size, trends, competitive analysis and consumer behavior. You can find this information by looking at relevant industry association databases; examples include the American Marketing Association and the National Retail Federation .
  • Social media and online communities: Social media platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter (X) , forums such as Reddit and Quora , and review platforms such as G2 can provide real-time insights into consumer sentiment, opinions and trends. 

Market research examples

At this point, you have market research tools and data sources — but how do you act on the data you gather? Let’s go over some real-world examples that illustrate the practical application of market research across various industries. These examples showcase how market research can lead to smart decision-making and successful business decisions.

Example 1: Apple’s iPhone launch

Apple ’s iconic iPhone launch in 2007 serves as a prime example of market research driving product innovation in tech. Before the iPhone’s release, Apple conducted extensive market research to understand consumer preferences, pain points and unmet needs in the mobile phone industry. This research led to the development of a touchscreen smartphone with a user-friendly interface, addressing consumer demands for a more intuitive and versatile device. The result was a revolutionary product that disrupted the market and redefined the smartphone industry.

Example 2: McDonald’s global expansion

McDonald’s successful global expansion strategy demonstrates the importance of market research when expanding into new territories. Before entering a new market, McDonald’s conducts thorough research to understand local tastes, preferences and cultural nuances. This research informs menu customization, marketing strategies and store design. For instance, in India, McDonald’s offers a menu tailored to local preferences, including vegetarian options. This market-specific approach has enabled McDonald’s to adapt and thrive in diverse global markets.

Example 3: Organic and sustainable farming

The shift toward organic and sustainable farming practices in the food industry is driven by market research that indicates increased consumer demand for healthier and environmentally friendly food options. As a result, food producers and retailers invest in sustainable sourcing and organic product lines — such as with these sustainable seafood startups — to align with this shift in consumer values. 

The bottom line? Market research has multiple use cases and is a critical practice for any industry. Whether it’s launching groundbreaking products, entering new markets or responding to changing consumer preferences, you can use market research to shape successful strategies and outcomes.

Market research templates

You finally have a strong understanding of how to do market research and apply it in the real world. Before we wrap up, here are some market research templates that you can use as a starting point for your projects:

  • Smartsheet competitive analysis templates : These spreadsheets can serve as a framework for gathering information about the competitive landscape and obtaining valuable lessons to apply to your business strategy.
  • SurveyMonkey product survey template : Customize the questions on this survey based on what you want to learn from your target customers.
  • HubSpot templates : HubSpot offers a wide range of free templates you can use for market research, business planning and more.
  • SCORE templates : SCORE is a nonprofit organization that provides templates for business plans, market analysis and financial projections.
  • : The U.S. Small Business Administration offers templates for every aspect of your business, including market research, and is particularly valuable for new startups. 

Strengthen your business with market research

When conducted effectively, market research is like a guiding star. Equipped with the right tools and techniques, you can uncover valuable insights, stay competitive, foster innovation and navigate the complexities of your industry.

Throughout this guide, we’ve discussed the definition of market research, different research methods, and how to conduct it effectively. We’ve also explored various types of market research and shared practical insights and templates for getting started. 

Now, it’s time to start the research process. Trust in data, listen to the market and make informed decisions that guide your company toward lasting success.

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Market Research: A How-To Guide and Template

Discover the different types of market research, how to conduct your own market research, and use a free template to help you along the way.



5 Research and Planning Templates + a Free Guide on How to Use Them in Your Market Research


Updated: 02/21/24

Published: 02/21/24

Today's consumers have a lot of power. As a business, you must have a deep understanding of who your buyers are and what influences their purchase decisions.

Enter: Market Research.

→ Download Now: Market Research Templates [Free Kit]

Whether you're new to market research or not, I created this guide to help you conduct a thorough study of your market, target audience, competition, and more. Let’s dive in.

Table of Contents

What is market research?

Primary vs. secondary research, types of market research, how to do market research, market research report template, market research examples.

Market research is the process of gathering information about your target market and customers to verify the success of a new product, help your team iterate on an existing product, or understand brand perception to ensure your team is effectively communicating your company's value effectively.

Market research can answer various questions about the state of an industry. But if you ask me, it's hardly a crystal ball that marketers can rely on for insights on their customers.

Market researchers investigate several areas of the market, and it can take weeks or even months to paint an accurate picture of the business landscape.

However, researching just one of those areas can make you more intuitive to who your buyers are and how to deliver value that no other business is offering them right now.

How? Consider these two things:

  • Your competitors also have experienced individuals in the industry and a customer base. It‘s very possible that your immediate resources are, in many ways, equal to those of your competition’s immediate resources. Seeking a larger sample size for answers can provide a better edge.
  • Your customers don't represent the attitudes of an entire market. They represent the attitudes of the part of the market that is already drawn to your brand.

The market research services market is growing rapidly, which signifies a strong interest in market research as we enter 2024. The market is expected to grow from roughly $75 billion in 2021 to $90.79 billion in 2025 .

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Free Market Research Kit

  • SWOT Analysis Template
  • Survey Template
  • Focus Group Template

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Why do market research?

Market research allows you to meet your buyer where they are.

As our world becomes louder and demands more of our attention, this proves invaluable.

By understanding your buyer's problems, pain points, and desired solutions, you can aptly craft your product or service to naturally appeal to them.

Market research also provides insight into the following:

  • Where your target audience and current customers conduct their product or service research
  • Which of your competitors your target audience looks to for information, options, or purchases
  • What's trending in your industry and in the eyes of your buyer
  • Who makes up your market and what their challenges are
  • What influences purchases and conversions among your target audience
  • Consumer attitudes about a particular topic, pain, product, or brand
  • Whether there‘s demand for the business initiatives you’re investing in
  • Unaddressed or underserved customer needs that can be flipped into selling opportunity
  • Attitudes about pricing for a particular product or service

Ultimately, market research allows you to get information from a larger sample size of your target audience, eliminating bias and assumptions so that you can get to the heart of consumer attitudes.

As a result, you can make better business decisions.

To give you an idea of how extensive market research can get , consider that it can either be qualitative or quantitative in nature — depending on the studies you conduct and what you're trying to learn about your industry.

Qualitative research is concerned with public opinion, and explores how the market feels about the products currently available in that market.

Quantitative research is concerned with data, and looks for relevant trends in the information that's gathered from public records.

That said, there are two main types of market research that your business can conduct to collect actionable information on your products: primary research and secondary research.

Primary Research

Primary research is the pursuit of first-hand information about your market and the customers within your market.

It's useful when segmenting your market and establishing your buyer personas.

Primary market research tends to fall into one of two buckets:

  • Exploratory Primary Research: This kind of primary market research normally takes place as a first step — before any specific research has been performed — and may involve open-ended interviews or surveys with small numbers of people.
  • Specific Primary Research: This type of research often follows exploratory research. In specific research, you take a smaller or more precise segment of your audience and ask questions aimed at solving a suspected problem.

Secondary Research

Secondary research is all the data and public records you have at your disposal to draw conclusions from (e.g. trend reports, market statistics, industry content, and sales data you already have on your business).

Secondary research is particularly useful for analyzing your competitors . The main buckets your secondary market research will fall into include:

  • Public Sources: These sources are your first and most-accessible layer of material when conducting secondary market research. They're often free to find and review — like government statistics (e.g., from the U.S. Census Bureau ).
  • Commercial Sources: These sources often come in the form of pay-to-access market reports, consisting of industry insight compiled by a research agency like Pew , Gartner , or Forrester .
  • Internal Sources: This is the market data your organization already has like average revenue per sale, customer retention rates, and other historical data that can help you draw conclusions on buyer needs.
  • Focus Groups
  • Product/ Service Use Research
  • Observation-Based Research
  • Buyer Persona Research
  • Market Segmentation Research
  • Pricing Research
  • Competitive Analysis Research
  • Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Research
  • Brand Awareness Research
  • Campaign Research

1. Interviews

Interviews allow for face-to-face discussions so you can allow for a natural flow of conversation. Your interviewees can answer questions about themselves to help you design your buyer personas and shape your entire marketing strategy.

2. Focus Groups

Focus groups provide you with a handful of carefully-selected people that can test out your product and provide feedback. This type of market research can give you ideas for product differentiation.

3. Product/Service Use Research

Product or service use research offers insight into how and why your audience uses your product or service. This type of market research also gives you an idea of the product or service's usability for your target audience.

4. Observation-Based Research

Observation-based research allows you to sit back and watch the ways in which your target audience members go about using your product or service, what works well in terms of UX , and which aspects of it could be improved.

5. Buyer Persona Research

Buyer persona research gives you a realistic look at who makes up your target audience, what their challenges are, why they want your product or service, and what they need from your business or brand.

6. Market Segmentation Research

Market segmentation research allows you to categorize your target audience into different groups (or segments) based on specific and defining characteristics. This way, you can determine effective ways to meet their needs.

7. Pricing Research

Pricing research helps you define your pricing strategy . It gives you an idea of what similar products or services in your market sell for and what your target audience is willing to pay.

8. Competitive Analysis

Competitive analyses give you a deep understanding of the competition in your market and industry. You can learn about what's doing well in your industry and how you can separate yourself from the competition .

9. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Research

Customer satisfaction and loyalty research gives you a look into how you can get current customers to return for more business and what will motivate them to do so (e.g., loyalty programs , rewards, remarkable customer service).

10. Brand Awareness Research

Brand awareness research tells you what your target audience knows about and recognizes from your brand. It tells you about the associations people make when they think about your business.

11. Campaign Research

Campaign research entails looking into your past campaigns and analyzing their success among your target audience and current customers. The goal is to use these learnings to inform future campaigns.

  • Define your buyer persona.
  • Identify a persona group to engage.
  • Prepare research questions for your market research participants.
  • List your primary competitors.
  • Summarize your findings.

1. Define your buyer persona.

You have to understand who your customers are and how customers in your industry make buying decisions.

This is where your buyer personas come in handy. Buyer personas — sometimes referred to as marketing personas — are fictional, generalized representations of your ideal customers.

Use a free tool to create a buyer persona that your entire company can use to market, sell, and serve better.

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Free Guide & Templates to Help Your Market Research

Marketing software that helps you drive revenue, save time and resources, and measure and optimize your investments — all on one easy-to-use platform

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How to do market research in 4 steps: a lean approach to marketing research

From pinpointing your target audience and assessing your competitive advantage, to ongoing product development and customer satisfaction efforts, market research is a practice your business can only benefit from.

Learn how to conduct quick and effective market research using a lean approach in this article full of strategies and practical examples. 

article on market research

Last updated

Reading time.

article on market research

A comprehensive (and successful) business strategy is not complete without some form of market research—you can’t make informed and profitable business decisions without truly understanding your customer base and the current market trends that drive your business.

In this article, you’ll learn how to conduct quick, effective market research  using an approach called 'lean market research'. It’s easier than you might think, and it can be done at any stage in a product’s lifecycle.

How to conduct lean market research in 4 steps

What is market research, why is market research so valuable, advantages of lean market research, 4 common market research methods, 5 common market research questions, market research faqs.

We’ll jump right into our 4-step approach to lean market research. To show you how it’s done in the real world, each step includes a practical example from Smallpdf , a Swiss company that used lean market research to reduce their tool’s error rate by 75% and boost their Net Promoter Score® (NPS) by 1%.

Research your market the lean way...

From on-page surveys to user interviews, Hotjar has the tools to help you scope out your market and get to know your customers—without breaking the bank.

The following four steps and practical examples will give you a solid market research plan for understanding who your users are and what they want from a company like yours.

1. Create simple user personas

A user persona is a semi-fictional character based on psychographic and demographic data from people who use websites and products similar to your own. Start by defining broad user categories, then elaborate on them later to further segment your customer base and determine your ideal customer profile .

How to get the data: use on-page or emailed surveys and interviews to understand your users and what drives them to your business.

How to do it right: whatever survey or interview questions you ask, they should answer the following questions about the customer:

Who are they?

What is their main goal?

What is their main barrier to achieving this goal?

Pitfalls to avoid:

Don’t ask too many questions! Keep it to five or less, otherwise you’ll inundate them and they’ll stop answering thoughtfully.

Don’t worry too much about typical demographic questions like age or background. Instead, focus on the role these people play (as it relates to your product) and their goals.

How Smallpdf did it: Smallpdf ran an on-page survey for a couple of weeks and received 1,000 replies. They learned that many of their users were administrative assistants, students, and teachers.

#One of the five survey questions Smallpdf asked their users

Next, they used the survey results to create simple user personas like this one for admins:

Who are they? Administrative Assistants.

What is their main goal? Creating Word documents from a scanned, hard-copy document or a PDF where the source file was lost.

What is their main barrier to achieving it? Converting a scanned PDF doc to a Word file.

💡Pro tip: Smallpdf used Hotjar Surveys to run their user persona survey. Our survey tool helped them avoid the pitfalls of guesswork and find out who their users really are, in their own words. 

You can design a survey and start running it in minutes with our easy-to-use drag and drop builder. Customize your survey to fit your needs, from a sleek one-question pop-up survey to a fully branded questionnaire sent via email. 

We've also created 40+ free survey templates that you can start collecting data with, including a user persona survey like the one Smallpdf used.

2. Conduct observational research

Observational research involves taking notes while watching someone use your product (or a similar product).

Overt vs. covert observation

Overt observation involves asking customers if they’ll let you watch them use your product. This method is often used for user testing and it provides a great opportunity for collecting live product or customer feedback .

Covert observation means studying users ‘in the wild’ without them knowing. This method works well if you sell a type of product that people use regularly, and it offers the purest observational data because people often behave differently when they know they’re being watched. 

Tips to do it right:

Record an entry in your field notes, along with a timestamp, each time an action or event occurs.

Make note of the users' workflow, capturing the ‘what,’ ‘why,’ and ‘for whom’ of each action.

#Sample of field notes taken by Smallpdf

Don’t record identifiable video or audio data without consent. If recording people using your product is helpful for achieving your research goal, make sure all participants are informed and agree to the terms.

Don’t forget to explain why you’d like to observe them (for overt observation). People are more likely to cooperate if you tell them you want to improve the product.

💡Pro tip: while conducting field research out in the wild can wield rewarding results, you can also conduct observational research remotely. Hotjar Recordings is a tool that lets you capture anonymized user sessions of real people interacting with your website. 

Observe how customers navigate your pages and products to gain an inside look into their user behavior . This method is great for conducting exploratory research with the purpose of identifying more specific issues to investigate further, like pain points along the customer journey and opportunities for optimizing conversion .

With Hotjar Recordings you can observe real people using your site without capturing their sensitive information

How Smallpdf did it: here’s how Smallpdf observed two different user personas both covertly and overtly.

Observing students (covert): Kristina Wagner, Principle Product Manager at Smallpdf, went to cafes and libraries at two local universities and waited until she saw students doing PDF-related activities. Then she watched and took notes from a distance. One thing that struck her was the difference between how students self-reported their activities vs. how they behaved (i.e, the self-reporting bias). Students, she found, spent hours talking, listening to music, or simply staring at a blank screen rather than working. When she did find students who were working, she recorded the task they were performing and the software they were using (if she recognized it).

Observing administrative assistants (overt): Kristina sent emails to admins explaining that she’d like to observe them at work, and she asked those who agreed to try to batch their PDF work for her observation day. While watching admins work, she learned that they frequently needed to scan documents into PDF-format and then convert those PDFs into Word docs. By observing the challenges admins faced, Smallpdf knew which products to target for improvement.

“Data is really good for discovery and validation, but there is a bit in the middle where you have to go and find the human.”

3. Conduct individual interviews

Interviews are one-on-one conversations with members of your target market. They allow you to dig deep and explore their concerns, which can lead to all sorts of revelations.

Listen more, talk less. Be curious.

Act like a journalist, not a salesperson. Rather than trying to talk your company up, ask people about their lives, their needs, their frustrations, and how a product like yours could help.

Ask "why?" so you can dig deeper. Get into the specifics and learn about their past behavior.

Record the conversation. Focus on the conversation and avoid relying solely on notes by recording the interview. There are plenty of services that will transcribe recorded conversations for a good price (including Hotjar!).

Avoid asking leading questions , which reveal bias on your part and pushes respondents to answer in a certain direction (e.g. “Have you taken advantage of the amazing new features we just released?).

Don't ask loaded questions , which sneak in an assumption which, if untrue, would make it impossible to answer honestly. For example, we can’t ask you, “What did you find most useful about this article?” without asking whether you found the article useful in the first place.

Be cautious when asking opinions about the future (or predictions of future behavior). Studies suggest that people aren’t very good at predicting their future behavior. This is due to several cognitive biases, from the misguided exceptionalism bias (we’re good at guessing what others will do, but we somehow think we’re different), to the optimism bias (which makes us see things with rose-colored glasses), to the ‘illusion of control’ (which makes us forget the role of randomness in future events).

How Smallpdf did it: Kristina explored her teacher user persona by speaking with university professors at a local graduate school. She learned that the school was mostly paperless and rarely used PDFs, so for the sake of time, she moved on to the admins.

A bit of a letdown? Sure. But this story highlights an important lesson: sometimes you follow a lead and come up short, so you have to make adjustments on the fly. Lean market research is about getting solid, actionable insights quickly so you can tweak things and see what works.

💡Pro tip: to save even more time, conduct remote interviews using an online user research service like Hotjar Engage , which automates the entire interview process, from recruitment and scheduling to hosting and recording.

You can interview your own customers or connect with people from our diverse pool of 200,000+ participants from 130+ countries and 25 industries. And no need to fret about taking meticulous notes—Engage will automatically transcribe the interview for you.

4. Analyze the data (without drowning in it)

The following techniques will help you wrap your head around the market data you collect without losing yourself in it. Remember, the point of lean market research is to find quick, actionable insights.

A flow model is a diagram that tracks the flow of information within a system. By creating a simple visual representation of how users interact with your product and each other, you can better assess their needs.

#Example of a flow model designed by Smallpdf

You’ll notice that admins are at the center of Smallpdf’s flow model, which represents the flow of PDF-related documents throughout a school. This flow model shows the challenges that admins face as they work to satisfy their own internal and external customers.

Affinity diagram

An affinity diagram is a way of sorting large amounts of data into groups to better understand the big picture. For example, if you ask your users about their profession, you’ll notice some general themes start to form, even though the individual responses differ. Depending on your needs, you could group them by profession, or more generally by industry.


We wrote a guide about how to analyze open-ended questions to help you sort through and categorize large volumes of response data. You can also do this by hand by clipping up survey responses or interview notes and grouping them (which is what Kristina does).

“For an interview, you will have somewhere between 30 and 60 notes, and those notes are usually direct phrases. And when you literally cut them up into separate pieces of paper and group them, they should make sense by themselves.”

Pro tip: if you’re conducting an online survey with Hotjar, keep your team in the loop by sharing survey responses automatically via our Slack and Microsoft Team integrations. Reading answers as they come in lets you digest the data in pieces and can help prepare you for identifying common themes when it comes time for analysis.

Hotjar lets you easily share survey responses with your team

Customer journey map

A customer journey map is a diagram that shows the way a typical prospect becomes a paying customer. It outlines their first interaction with your brand and every step in the sales cycle, from awareness to repurchase (and hopefully advocacy).

#A customer journey map example

The above  customer journey map , created by our team at Hotjar, shows many ways a customer might engage with our tool. Your map will be based on your own data and business model.

📚 Read more: if you’re new to customer journey maps, we wrote this step-by-step guide to creating your first customer journey map in 2 and 1/2 days with free templates you can download and start using immediately.

Next steps: from research to results

So, how do you turn market research insights into tangible business results? Let’s look at the actions Smallpdf took after conducting their lean market research: first they implemented changes, then measured the impact.

#Smallpdf used lean market research to dig below the surface, understand their clients, and build a better product and user experience

Implement changes

Based on what Smallpdf learned about the challenges that one key user segment (admins) face when trying to convert PDFs into Word files, they improved their ‘PDF to Word’ conversion tool.

We won’t go into the details here because it involves a lot of technical jargon, but they made the entire process simpler and more straightforward for users. Plus, they made it so that their system recognized when you drop a PDF file into their ‘Word to PDF’ converter instead of the ‘PDF to Word’ converter, so users wouldn’t have to redo the task when they made that mistake. 

In other words: simple market segmentation for admins showed a business need that had to be accounted for, and customers are happier overall after Smallpdf implemented an informed change to their product.

Measure results

According to the Lean UX model, product and UX changes aren’t retained unless they achieve results.

Smallpdf’s changes produced:

A 75% reduction in error rate for the ‘PDF to Word’ converter

A 1% increase in NPS

Greater confidence in the team’s marketing efforts

"With all the changes said and done, we've cut our original error rate in four, which is huge. We increased our NPS by +1%, which isn't huge, but it means that of the users who received a file, they were still slightly happier than before, even if they didn't notice that anything special happened at all.”

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Market research (or marketing research) is any set of techniques used to gather information and better understand a company’s target market. This might include primary research on brand awareness and customer satisfaction or secondary market research on market size and competitive analysis. Businesses use this information to design better products, improve user experience, and craft a marketing strategy that attracts quality leads and improves conversion rates.

David Darmanin, one of Hotjar’s founders, launched two startups before Hotjar took off—but both companies crashed and burned. Each time, he and his team spent months trying to design an amazing new product and user experience, but they failed because they didn’t have a clear understanding of what the market demanded.

With Hotjar, they did things differently . Long story short, they conducted market research in the early stages to figure out what consumers really wanted, and the team made (and continues to make) constant improvements based on market and user research.

Without market research, it’s impossible to understand your users. Sure, you might have a general idea of who they are and what they need, but you have to dig deep if you want to win their loyalty.

Here’s why research matters:

Obsessing over your users is the only way to win. If you don’t care deeply about them, you’ll lose potential customers to someone who does.

Analytics gives you the ‘what’, while research gives you the ‘why’. Big data, user analytics , and dashboards can tell you what people do at scale, but only research can tell you what they’re thinking and why they do what they do. For example, analytics can tell you that customers leave when they reach your pricing page, but only research can explain why.

Research beats assumptions, trends, and so-called best practices. Have you ever watched your colleagues rally behind a terrible decision? Bad ideas are often the result of guesswork, emotional reasoning, death by best practices , and defaulting to the Highest Paid Person’s Opinion (HiPPO). By listening to your users and focusing on their customer experience , you’re less likely to get pulled in the wrong direction.

Research keeps you from planning in a vacuum. Your team might be amazing, but you and your colleagues simply can’t experience your product the way your customers do. Customers might use your product in a way that surprises you, and product features that seem obvious to you might confuse them. Over-planning and refusing to test your assumptions is a waste of time, money, and effort because you’ll likely need to make changes once your untested business plan gets put into practice.

Lean User Experience (UX) design is a model for continuous improvement that relies on quick, efficient research to understand customer needs and test new product features.

Lean market research can help you become more...

Efficient: it gets you closer to your customers, faster.

Cost-effective: no need to hire an expensive marketing firm to get things started.

Competitive: quick, powerful insights can place your products on the cutting edge.

As a small business or sole proprietor, conducting lean market research is an attractive option when investing in a full-blown research project might seem out of scope or budget.

There are lots of different ways you could conduct market research and collect customer data, but you don’t have to limit yourself to just one research method. Four common types of market research techniques include surveys, interviews, focus groups, and customer observation.

Which method you use may vary based on your business type: ecommerce business owners have different goals from SaaS businesses, so it’s typically prudent to mix and match these methods based on your particular goals and what you need to know.

1. Surveys: the most commonly used

Surveys are a form of qualitative research that ask respondents a short series of open- or closed-ended questions, which can be delivered as an on-screen questionnaire or via email. When we asked 2,000 Customer Experience (CX) professionals about their company’s approach to research , surveys proved to be the most commonly used market research technique.

What makes online surveys so popular?  

They’re easy and inexpensive to conduct, and you can do a lot of data collection quickly. Plus, the data is pretty straightforward to analyze, even when you have to analyze open-ended questions whose answers might initially appear difficult to categorize.

We've built a number of survey templates ready and waiting for you. Grab a template and share with your customers in just a few clicks.

💡 Pro tip: you can also get started with Hotjar AI for Surveys to create a survey in mere seconds . Just enter your market research goal and watch as the AI generates a survey and populates it with relevant questions. 

Once you’re ready for data analysis, the AI will prepare an automated research report that succinctly summarizes key findings, quotes, and suggested next steps.

article on market research

An example research report generated by Hotjar AI for Surveys

2. Interviews: the most insightful

Interviews are one-on-one conversations with members of your target market. Nothing beats a face-to-face interview for diving deep (and reading non-verbal cues), but if an in-person meeting isn’t possible, video conferencing is a solid second choice.

Regardless of how you conduct it, any type of in-depth interview will produce big benefits in understanding your target customers.

What makes interviews so insightful?

By speaking directly with an ideal customer, you’ll gain greater empathy for their experience , and you can follow insightful threads that can produce plenty of 'Aha!' moments.

3. Focus groups: the most unreliable

Focus groups bring together a carefully selected group of people who fit a company’s target market. A trained moderator leads a conversation surrounding the product, user experience, or marketing message to gain deeper insights.

What makes focus groups so unreliable?

If you’re new to market research, we wouldn’t recommend starting with focus groups. Doing it right is expensive , and if you cut corners, your research could fall victim to all kinds of errors. Dominance bias (when a forceful participant influences the group) and moderator style bias (when different moderator personalities bring about different results in the same study) are two of the many ways your focus group data could get skewed.

4. Observation: the most powerful

During a customer observation session, someone from the company takes notes while they watch an ideal user engage with their product (or a similar product from a competitor).

What makes observation so clever and powerful?

‘Fly-on-the-wall’ observation is a great alternative to focus groups. It’s not only less expensive, but you’ll see people interact with your product in a natural setting without influencing each other. The only downside is that you can’t get inside their heads, so observation still isn't a recommended replacement for customer surveys and interviews.

The following questions will help you get to know your users on a deeper level when you interview them. They’re general questions, of course, so don’t be afraid to make them your own.

1. Who are you and what do you do?

How you ask this question, and what you want to know, will vary depending on your business model (e.g. business-to-business marketing is usually more focused on someone’s profession than business-to-consumer marketing).

It’s a great question to start with, and it’ll help you understand what’s relevant about your user demographics (age, race, gender, profession, education, etc.), but it’s not the be-all-end-all of market research. The more specific questions come later.

2. What does your day look like?

This question helps you understand your users’ day-to-day life and the challenges they face. It will help you gain empathy for them, and you may stumble across something relevant to their buying habits.

3. Do you ever purchase [product/service type]?

This is a ‘yes or no’ question. A ‘yes’ will lead you to the next question.

4. What problem were you trying to solve or what goal were you trying to achieve?

This question strikes to the core of what someone’s trying to accomplish and why they might be willing to pay for your solution.

5. Take me back to the day when you first decided you needed to solve this kind of problem or achieve this goal.

This is the golden question, and it comes from Adele Revella, Founder and CEO of Buyer Persona Institute . It helps you get in the heads of your users and figure out what they were thinking the day they decided to spend money to solve a problem.

If you take your time with this question, digging deeper where it makes sense, you should be able to answer all the relevant information you need to understand their perspective.

“The only scripted question I want you to ask them is this one: take me back to the day when you first decided that you needed to solve this kind of problem or achieve this kind of a goal. Not to buy my product, that’s not the day. We want to go back to the day that when you thought it was urgent and compelling to go spend money to solve a particular problem or achieve a goal. Just tell me what happened.”

— Adele Revella , Founder/CEO at Buyer Persona Institute

Bonus question: is there anything else you’d like to tell me?

This question isn’t just a nice way to wrap it up—it might just give participants the opportunity they need to tell you something you really need to know.

That’s why Sarah Doody, author of UX Notebook , adds it to the end of her written surveys.

“I always have a last question, which is just open-ended: “Is there anything else you would like to tell me?” And sometimes, that’s where you get four paragraphs of amazing content that you would never have gotten if it was just a Net Promoter Score [survey] or something like that.”

What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative research?

Qualitative research asks questions that can’t be reduced to a number, such as, “What is your job title?” or “What did you like most about your customer service experience?” 

Quantitative research asks questions that can be answered with a numeric value, such as, “What is your annual salary?” or “How was your customer service experience on a scale of 1-5?”

 → Read more about the differences between qualitative and quantitative user research .

How do I do my own market research?

You can do your own quick and effective market research by 

Surveying your customers

Building user personas

Studying your users through interviews and observation

Wrapping your head around your data with tools like flow models, affinity diagrams, and customer journey maps

What is the difference between market research and user research?

Market research takes a broad look at potential customers—what problems they’re trying to solve, their buying experience, and overall demand. User research, on the other hand, is more narrowly focused on the use (and usability ) of specific products.

What are the main criticisms of market research?

Many marketing professionals are critical of market research because it can be expensive and time-consuming. It’s often easier to convince your CEO or CMO to let you do lean market research rather than something more extensive because you can do it yourself. It also gives you quick answers so you can stay ahead of the competition.

Do I need a market research firm to get reliable data?

Absolutely not! In fact, we recommend that you start small and do it yourself in the beginning. By following a lean market research strategy, you can uncover some solid insights about your clients. Then you can make changes, test them out, and see whether the results are positive. This is an excellent strategy for making quick changes and remaining competitive.

Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld, and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.

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What Is Market Research?

  • How It Works
  • Primary vs. Secondary
  • How to Conduct Research

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How to Do Market Research, Types, and Example

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Market research examines consumer behavior and trends in the economy to help a business develop and fine-tune its business idea and strategy. It helps a business understand its target market by gathering and analyzing data.

Market research is the process of evaluating the viability of a new service or product through research conducted directly with potential customers. It allows a company to define its target market and get opinions and other feedback from consumers about their interest in a product or service.

Research may be conducted in-house or by a third party that specializes in market research. It can be done through surveys and focus groups, among other ways. Test subjects are usually compensated with product samples or a small stipend for their time.

Key Takeaways

  • Companies conduct market research before introducing new products to determine their appeal to potential customers.
  • Tools include focus groups, telephone interviews, and questionnaires.
  • The results of market research inform the final design of the product and determine how it will be positioned in the marketplace.
  • Market research usually combines primary information, gathered directly from consumers, and secondary information, which is data available from external sources.

Market Research

How market research works.

Market research is used to determine the viability of a new product or service. The results may be used to revise the product design and fine-tune the strategy for introducing it to the public. This can include information gathered for the purpose of determining market segmentation . It also informs product differentiation , which is used to tailor advertising.

A business engages in various tasks to complete the market research process. It gathers information based on the market sector being targeted by the product. This information is then analyzed and relevant data points are interpreted to draw conclusions about how the product may be optimally designed and marketed to the market segment for which it is intended.

It is a critical component in the research and development (R&D) phase of a new product or service introduction. Market research can be conducted in many different ways, including surveys, product testing, interviews, and focus groups.

Market research is a critical tool that companies use to understand what consumers want, develop products that those consumers will use, and maintain a competitive advantage over other companies in their industry.

Primary Market Research vs. Secondary Market Research

Market research usually consists of a combination of:

  • Primary research, gathered by the company or by an outside company that it hires
  • Secondary research, which draws on external sources of data

Primary Market Research

Primary research generally falls into two categories: exploratory and specific research.

  • Exploratory research is less structured and functions via open-ended questions. The questions may be posed in a focus group setting, telephone interviews, or questionnaires. It results in questions or issues that the company needs to address about a product that it has under development.
  • Specific research delves more deeply into the problems or issues identified in exploratory research.

Secondary Market Research

All market research is informed by the findings of other researchers about the needs and wants of consumers. Today, much of this research can be found online.

Secondary research can include population information from government census data , trade association research reports , polling results, and research from other businesses operating in the same market sector.

History of Market Research

Formal market research began in Germany during the 1920s. In the United States, it soon took off with the advent of the Golden Age of Radio.

Companies that created advertisements for this new entertainment medium began to look at the demographics of the audiences who listened to each of the radio plays, music programs, and comedy skits that were presented.

They had once tried to reach the widest possible audience by placing their messages on billboards or in the most popular magazines. With radio programming, they had the chance to target rural or urban consumers, teenagers or families, and judge the results by the sales numbers that followed.

Types of Market Research

Face-to-face interviews.

From their earliest days, market research companies would interview people on the street about the newspapers and magazines that they read regularly and ask whether they recalled any of the ads or brands that were published in them. Data collected from these interviews were compared to the circulation of the publication to determine the effectiveness of those ads.

Market research and surveys were adapted from these early techniques.

To get a strong understanding of your market, it’s essential to understand demand, market size, economic indicators, location, market saturation, and pricing.

Focus Groups

A focus group is a small number of representative consumers chosen to try a product or watch an advertisement.

Afterward, the group is asked for feedback on their perceptions of the product, the company’s brand, or competing products. The company then takes that information and makes decisions about what to do with the product or service, whether that's releasing it, making changes, or abandoning it altogether.

Phone Research

The man-on-the-street interview technique soon gave way to the telephone interview. A telephone interviewer could collect information in a more efficient and cost-effective fashion.

Telephone research was a preferred tactic of market researchers for many years. It has become much more difficult in recent years as landline phone service dwindles and is replaced by less accessible mobile phones.

Survey Research

As an alternative to focus groups, surveys represent a cost-effective way to determine consumer attitudes without having to interview anyone in person. Consumers are sent surveys in the mail, usually with a coupon or voucher to incentivize participation. These surveys help determine how consumers feel about the product, brand, and price point.

Online Market Research

With people spending more time online, market research activities have shifted online as well. Data collection still uses a survey-style form. But instead of companies actively seeking participants by finding them on the street or cold calling them on the phone, people can choose to sign up, take surveys, and offer opinions when they have time.

This makes the process far less intrusive and less rushed, since people can participate on their own time and of their own volition.

How to Conduct Market Research

The first step to effective market research is to determine the goals of the study. Each study should seek to answer a clear, well-defined problem. For example, a company might seek to identify consumer preferences, brand recognition, or the comparative effectiveness of different types of ad campaigns.

After that, the next step is to determine who will be included in the research. Market research is an expensive process, and a company cannot waste resources collecting unnecessary data. The firm should decide in advance which types of consumers will be included in the research, and how the data will be collected. They should also account for the probability of statistical errors or sampling bias .

The next step is to collect the data and analyze the results. If the two previous steps have been completed accurately, this should be straightforward. The researchers will collect the results of their study, keeping track of the ages, gender, and other relevant data of each respondent. This is then analyzed in a marketing report that explains the results of their research.

The last step is for company executives to use their market research to make business decisions. Depending on the results of their research, they may choose to target a different group of consumers, or they may change their price point or some product features.

The results of these changes may eventually be measured in further market research, and the process will begin all over again.

Benefits of Market Research

Market research is essential for developing brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. Since it is unlikely for a product to appeal equally to every consumer, a strong market research program can help identify the key demographics and market segments that are most likely to use a given product.

Market research is also important for developing a company’s advertising efforts. For example, if a company’s market research determines that its consumers are more likely to use Facebook than X (formerly Twitter), it can then target its advertisements to one platform instead of another. Or, if they determine that their target market is value-sensitive rather than price-sensitive, they can work on improving the product rather than reducing their prices.

Market research only works when subjects are honest and open to participating.

Example of Market Research

Many companies use market research to test new products or get information from consumers about what kinds of products or services they need and don’t currently have.

For example, a company that’s considering starting a business might conduct market research to test the viability of its product or service. If the market research confirms consumer interest, the business can proceed confidently with its business plan . If not, the company can use the results of the market research to make adjustments to the product to bring it in line with customer desires.

What Are the Main Types of Market Research?

The main types of market research are primary research and secondary research. Primary research includes focus groups, polls, and surveys. Secondary research includes academic articles, infographics, and white papers.

Qualitative research gives insights into how customers feel and think. Quantitative research uses data and statistics such as website views, social media engagement, and subscriber numbers.

What Is Online Market Research?

Online market research uses the same strategies and techniques as traditional primary and secondary market research, but it is conducted on the Internet. Potential customers may be asked to participate in a survey or give feedback on a product. The responses may help the researchers create a profile of the likely customer for a new product.

What Are Paid Market Research Surveys?

Paid market research involves rewarding individuals who agree to participate in a study. They may be offered a small payment for their time or a discount coupon in return for filling out a questionnaire or participating in a focus group.

What Is a Market Study?

A market study is an analysis of consumer demand for a product or service. It looks at all of the factors that influence demand for a product or service. These include the product’s price, location, competition, and substitutes as well as general economic factors that could influence the new product’s adoption, for better or worse.

Market research is a key component of a company’s research and development (R&D) stage. It helps companies understand in advance the viability of a new product that they have in development and to see how it might perform in the real world.

Britannica Money. “ Market Research .”

U.S. Small Business Administration. “ Market Research and Competitive Analysis .”

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How to do market research: The complete guide for your brand

Written by by Jacqueline Zote

Published on  April 13, 2023

Reading time  10 minutes

Blindly putting out content or products and hoping for the best is a thing of the past. Not only is it a waste of time and energy, but you’re wasting valuable marketing dollars in the process. Now you have a wealth of tools and data at your disposal, allowing you to develop data-driven marketing strategies . That’s where market research comes in, allowing you to uncover valuable insights to inform your business decisions.

Conducting market research not only helps you better understand how to sell to customers but also stand out from your competition. In this guide, we break down everything you need to know about market research and how doing your homework can help you grow your business.

Table of contents:

What is market research?

Why is market research important, types of market research, where to conduct market research.

  • Steps for conducting market research
  • Tools to use for market research

Market research is the process of gathering information surrounding your business opportunities. It identifies key information to better understand your audience. This includes insights related to customer personas and even trends shaping your industry.

Taking time out of your schedule to conduct research is crucial for your brand health. Here are some of the key benefits of market research:

Understand your customers’ motivations and pain points

Most marketers are out of touch with what their customers want. Moreover, these marketers are missing key information on what products their audience wants to buy.

Simply put, you can’t run a business if you don’t know what motivates your customers.

And spoiler alert: Your customers’ wants and needs change. Your customers’ behaviors today might be night and day from what they were a few years ago.

Market research holds the key to understanding your customers better. It helps you uncover their key pain points and motivations and understand how they shape their interests and behavior.

Figure out how to position your brand

Positioning is becoming increasingly important as more and more brands enter the marketplace. Market research enables you to spot opportunities to define yourself against your competitors.

Maybe you’re able to emphasize a lower price point. Perhaps your product has a feature that’s one of a kind. Finding those opportunities goes hand in hand with researching your market.

Maintain a strong pulse on your industry at large

Today’s marketing world evolves at a rate that’s difficult to keep up with.

Fresh products. Up-and-coming brands. New marketing tools. Consumers get bombarded with sales messages from all angles. This can be confusing and overwhelming.

By monitoring market trends, you can figure out the best tactics for reaching your target audience.

Not everyone conducts market research for the same reason. While some may want to understand their audience better, others may want to see how their competitors are doing. As such, there are different types of market research you can conduct depending on your goal.

Interview-based market research allows for one-on-one interactions. This helps the conversation to flow naturally, making it easier to add context. Whether this takes place in person or virtually, it enables you to gather more in-depth qualitative data.

Buyer persona research

Buyer persona research lets you take a closer look at the people who make up your target audience. You can discover the needs, challenges and pain points of each buyer persona to understand what they need from your business. This will then allow you to craft products or campaigns to resonate better with each persona.

Pricing research

In this type of research, brands compare similar products or services with a particular focus on pricing. They look at how much those products or services typically sell for so they can get more competitive with their pricing strategy.

Competitive analysis research

Competitor analysis gives you a realistic understanding of where you stand in the market and how your competitors are doing. You can use this analysis to find out what’s working in your industry and which competitors to watch out for. It even gives you an idea of how well those competitors are meeting consumer needs.

Depending on the competitor analysis tool you use, you can get as granular as you need with your research. For instance, Sprout Social lets you analyze your competitors’ social strategies. You can see what types of content they’re posting and even benchmark your growth against theirs.

Dashboard showing Facebook competitors report on Sprout Social

Brand awareness research

Conducting brand awareness research allows you to assess your brand’s standing in the market. It tells you how well-known your brand is among your target audience and what they associate with it. This can help you gauge people’s sentiments toward your brand and whether you need to rebrand or reposition.

If you don’t know where to start with your research, you’re in the right place.

There’s no shortage of market research methods out there. In this section, we’ve highlighted research channels for small and big businesses alike.

Considering that Google sees a staggering 8.5 billion searches each day, there’s perhaps no better place to start.

A quick Google search is a potential goldmine for all sorts of questions to kick off your market research. Who’s ranking for keywords related to your industry? Which products and pieces of content are the hottest right now? Who’s running ads related to your business?

For example, Google Product Listing Ads can help highlight all of the above for B2C brands.

row of product listing ads on Google for the search term "baby carrier"

The same applies to B2B brands looking to keep tabs on who’s running industry-related ads and ranking for keyword terms too.

list of sponsored results for the search term "email marketing tool"

There’s no denying that email represents both an aggressive and effective marketing channel for marketers today. Case in point, 44% of online shoppers consider email as the most influential channel in their buying decisions.

Looking through industry and competitor emails is a brilliant way to learn more about your market. For example, what types of offers and deals are your competitors running? How often are they sending emails?

list of promotional emails from different companies including ASOS and Dropbox

Email is also invaluable for gathering information directly from your customers. This survey message from Asana is a great example of how to pick your customers’ brains to figure out how you can improve your quality of service.

email from asana asking users to take a survey

Industry journals, reports and blogs

Don’t neglect the importance of big-picture market research when it comes to tactics and marketing channels to explore. Look to marketing resources such as reports and blogs as well as industry journals

Keeping your ear to the ground on new trends and technologies is a smart move for any business. Sites such as Statista, Marketing Charts, AdWeek and Emarketer are treasure troves of up-to-date data and news for marketers.

And of course, there’s the  Sprout Insights blog . And invaluable resources like The Sprout Social Index™  can keep you updated on the latest social trends.

Social media

If you want to learn more about your target market, look no further than social media. Social offers a place to discover what your customers want to see in future products or which brands are killin’ it. In fact, social media is become more important for businesses than ever with the level of data available.

It represents a massive repository of real-time data and insights that are instantly accessible. Brand monitoring and social listening are effective ways to conduct social media research . You can even be more direct with your approach. Ask questions directly or even poll your audience to understand their needs and preferences.

twitter poll from canva asking people about their color preferences for the brand logo

The 5 steps for how to do market research

Now that we’ve covered the why and where, it’s time to get into the practical aspects of market research. Here are five essential steps on how to do market research effectively.

Step 1: Identify your research topic

First off, what are you researching about? What do you want to find out? Narrow down on a specific research topic so you can start with a clear idea of what to look for.

For example, you may want to learn more about how well your product features are satisfying the needs of existing users. This might potentially lead to feature updates and improvements. Or it might even result in new feature introductions.

Similarly, your research topic may be related to your product or service launch or customer experience. Or you may want to conduct research for an upcoming marketing campaign.

Step 2: Choose a buyer persona to engage

If you’re planning to focus your research on a specific type of audience, decide which buyer persona you want to engage. This persona group will serve as a representative sample of your target audience.

Engaging a specific group of audience lets you streamline your research efforts. As such, it can be a much more effective and organized approach than researching thousands (if not millions) of individuals.

You may be directing your research toward existing users of your product. To get even more granular, you may want to focus on users who have been familiar with the product for at least a year, for example.

Step 3: Start collecting data

The next step is one of the most critical as it involves collecting the data you need for your research. Before you begin, make sure you’ve chosen the right research methods that will uncover the type of data you need. This largely depends on your research topic and goals.

Remember that you don’t necessarily have to stick to one research method. You may use a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. So for example, you could use interviews to supplement the data from your surveys. Or you may stick to insights from your social listening efforts.

To keep things consistent, let’s look at this in the context of the example from earlier. Perhaps you can send out a survey to your existing users asking them a bunch of questions. This might include questions like which features they use the most and how often they use them. You can get them to choose an answer from one to five and collect quantitative data.

Plus, for qualitative insights, you could even include a few open-ended questions with the option to write their answers. For instance, you might ask them if there’s any improvement they wish to see in your product.

Step 4: Analyze results

Once you have all the data you need, it’s time to analyze it keeping your research topic in mind. This involves trying to interpret the data to look for a wider meaning, particularly in relation to your research goal.

So let’s say a large percentage of responses were four or five in the satisfaction rating. This means your existing users are mostly satisfied with your current product features. On the other hand, if the responses were mostly ones and twos, you may look for opportunities to improve. The responses to your open-ended questions can give you further context as to why people are disappointed.

Step 5: Make decisions for your business

Now it’s time to take your findings and turn them into actionable insights for your business. In this final step, you need to decide how you want to move forward with your new market insight.

What did you find in your research that would require action? How can you put those findings to good use?

The market research tools you should be using

To wrap things up, let’s talk about the various tools available to conduct speedy, in-depth market research. These tools are essential for conducting market research faster and more efficiently.

Social listening and analytics

Social analytics tools like Sprout can help you keep track of engagement across social media. This goes beyond your own engagement data but also includes that of your competitors. Considering how quickly social media moves, using a third-party analytics tool is ideal. It allows you to make sense of your social data at a glance and ensure that you’re never missing out on important trends.

cross channel profile performance on Sprout Social

Email marketing research tools

Keeping track of brand emails is a good idea for any brand looking to stand out in its audience’s inbox.

Tools such as MailCharts ,  Really Good Emails  and  Milled  can show you how different brands run their email campaigns.

Meanwhile, tools like  Owletter  allow you to monitor metrics such as frequency and send-timing. These metrics can help you understand email marketing strategies among competing brands.

Content marketing research

If you’re looking to conduct research on content marketing, tools such as  BuzzSumo  can be of great help. This tool shows you the top-performing industry content based on keywords. Here you can see relevant industry sites and influencers as well as which brands in your industry are scoring the most buzz. It shows you exactly which pieces of content are ranking well in terms of engagements and shares and on which social networks.

content analysis report on buzzsumo

SEO and keyword tracking

Monitoring industry keywords is a great way to uncover competitors. It can also help you discover opportunities to advertise your products via organic search. Tools such as  Ahrefs  provide a comprehensive keyword report to help you see how your search efforts stack up against the competition.

organic traffic and keywords report on ahrefs

Competitor comparison template

For the sake of organizing your market research, consider creating a competitive matrix. The idea is to highlight how you stack up side-by-side against others in your market. Use a  social media competitive analysis template  to track your competitors’ social presence. That way, you can easily compare tactics, messaging and performance. Once you understand your strengths and weaknesses next to your competitors, you’ll find opportunities as well.

Customer persona creator

Finally, customer personas represent a place where all of your market research comes together. You’d need to create a profile of your ideal customer that you can easily refer to. Tools like  Xtensio  can help in outlining your customer motivations and demographics as you zero in on your target market.

user persona example template on xtensio

Build a solid market research strategy

Having a deeper understanding of the market gives you leverage in a sea of competitors. Use the steps and market research tools we shared above to build an effective market research strategy.

But keep in mind that the accuracy of your research findings depends on the quality of data collected. Turn to Sprout’s social media analytics tools to uncover heaps of high-quality data across social networks.

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How to Do Market Research: A Definitive Guide

article on market research

Article Snapshot

Section 1: introduction to market research.

Before we dive into the intricacies of market research, let's first establish a solid understanding of what it entails. Market research is the systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data about a target market or industry. It involves gathering information about potential customers, their needs and preferences, as well as assessing the overall market landscape and identifying opportunities for growth.

Market research plays a vital role in shaping business strategies and decision-making processes. It helps businesses identify market trends, evaluate product or service viability, understand customer behavior, and develop effective marketing campaigns. By leveraging market research, companies can minimize risks, optimize resources, and increase their chances of success.

Section 2: Preparing for Market Research

Before embarking on any market research endeavor, it is crucial to establish clear objectives and determine the appropriate research methodology. In this section, we will guide you through the essential steps of preparing for market research.

Defining Research Objectives

The first step in any market research project is to define clear research objectives. These objectives should align with your business goals and provide a framework for your research efforts. Whether you aim to understand customer satisfaction, evaluate market potential for a new product, or analyze competitor strategies, defining specific and measurable objectives is essential to ensure the research is focused and effective.

Choosing the Right Research Methodology

Once you have defined your research objectives, the next step is to select the most appropriate research methodology. There are various methodologies available, each with its strengths and limitations. Qualitative research methods, such as interviews and focus groups, allow for in-depth exploration of customer opinions and perceptions. On the other hand, quantitative research methods, like surveys and data analysis, provide statistical insights and numerical data.

Creating a Research Plan

To ensure the success of your market research endeavor, it is essential to develop a comprehensive research plan. A research plan outlines the steps, timeline, budget, and resources required for your market research project. By creating a well-structured plan, you can effectively manage your research activities, allocate resources efficiently, and stay on track to achieve your research objectives.

Section 3: Conducting Primary Market Research

Primary market research involves collecting firsthand data directly from your target audience. This section will explore various primary research methods and provide insights into how to conduct effective primary market research.

Survey Research

Surveys are a popular and effective method for gathering primary research data. They allow businesses to collect a large volume of data from a diverse audience. Designing effective survey questions, selecting appropriate survey administration methods, and maximizing response rates are crucial elements to consider when conducting survey research.

Interviews and Focus Groups

Interviews and focus groups offer a more in-depth understanding of customer opinions and behaviors. By engaging directly with participants, businesses can explore complex topics and gain valuable insights. This section will cover techniques for conducting successful interviews and focus groups, as well as analyzing and interpreting the qualitative data obtained.

Observational Research

Observational research involves observing and analyzing consumer behavior in real-life situations. This method provides rich insights into consumer interactions, preferences, and decision-making processes. We will discuss different types of observational research and address ethical considerations associated with this methodology.

Section 4: Gathering and Analyzing Secondary Market Research

Secondary market research involves gathering existing data and information from various sources. This section will explore reliable sources for secondary research data, data collection methods, and techniques for analyzing and interpreting secondary research findings.

Sources of Secondary Research Data

Identifying reputable sources for secondary market research data is crucial for obtaining accurate and reliable information. We will explore a wide range of sources, including market research firms, industry reports, government publications, and online databases.

Data Collection and Analysis

Once you have gathered the secondary research data, the next step is to organize and analyze it effectively. This section will provide insights into various data collection methods and techniques for analyzing and interpreting secondary research findings. We will also discuss the utilization of data visualization tools to present data in a visually appealing and informative manner.

Section 5: Utilizing Market Research Findings

Market research findings hold immense value only when they are effectively utilized to drive business growth. In this section, we will explore how to interpret and apply research findings, communicate results, and continually monitor and evaluate market research efforts.

Interpreting and Applying Research Findings

Interpreting research findings accurately is vital to extract actionable insights. We will discuss techniques and strategies for interpreting research findings and applying them to make informed business decisions. Real-world case studies will be presented to illustrate the practical application of market research findings.

Communicating Research Results

Effectively communicating research results is essential for ensuring that the insights gained are understood and utilized by key stakeholders. This section will provide tips for creating visually appealing and informative research reports and delivering impactful presentations to stakeholders and decision-makers.

Monitoring and Evaluating Market Research

Market research is an ongoing process, and continuous monitoring and evaluation are crucial to stay abreast of market trends and changes. We will explore strategies for tracking market dynamics, monitoring the effectiveness of research efforts, and adjusting research strategies based on feedback and evolving market conditions.

Understanding the Importance of Market Research

Market research is an indispensable component of any successful business strategy. It provides crucial insights into customer behavior, market trends, and competitor analysis, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge. In this section, we will explore the significance of market research and its role in driving business success.

The Value of Market Research

Market research serves as a guiding light for businesses, helping them navigate the complex landscape of consumer demands and market dynamics. By conducting thorough research, businesses can gain a deep understanding of their target audience, identify unmet needs, and develop products or services that truly resonate with their customers.

One of the primary benefits of market research is its ability to minimize risk. By gathering data and insights before launching a new product or expanding into a new market, businesses can assess market potential, evaluate customer preferences, and anticipate potential challenges. This proactive approach reduces the likelihood of costly mistakes and increases the chances of success.

Moreover, market research plays a vital role in identifying and capitalizing on market opportunities. By staying attuned to market trends, businesses can spot emerging consumer needs, industry shifts, and technological advancements. Armed with this knowledge, they can adapt their strategies, develop innovative solutions, and stay ahead of the competition.

Market research also provides a solid foundation for effective marketing campaigns. By understanding the target audience's preferences, motivations, and pain points, businesses can tailor their messaging, positioning, and communication channels to effectively reach and engage their customers. This targeted approach not only increases customer acquisition but also enhances customer loyalty and brand advocacy.

The Risks of Neglecting Market Research

Failing to conduct market research can have dire consequences for businesses. Without a deep understanding of their target audience, businesses risk developing products or services that do not meet customer needs or preferences. This can lead to low customer satisfaction, decreased sales, and ultimately, business failure.

Additionally, neglecting market research can result in missed opportunities. In a rapidly evolving marketplace, failing to track consumer trends, competitor strategies, and industry shifts can leave businesses lagging behind. By the time they realize the need for change, it may be too late to catch up, leading to lost market share and diminished competitiveness.

Furthermore, without market research, businesses may struggle to effectively allocate their resources. They may invest in marketing campaigns that do not resonate with their target audience or allocate resources to markets with limited potential. This misalignment of resources can drain finances and hinder overall business growth.

The Role of Market Research in Decision-Making

Market research serves as a compass for decision-making, guiding businesses in making strategic choices based on data-driven insights. Whether it is launching a new product, entering a new market, or adjusting pricing strategies, market research provides the necessary information to make informed decisions.

By conducting market research, businesses can gain a comprehensive understanding of their target audience's preferences, needs, and behaviors. This knowledge allows them to develop products or services that align with customer expectations, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and increased sales.

Market research also empowers businesses to assess the competitive landscape. By studying competitors' strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning, businesses can identify gaps and opportunities for differentiation. This knowledge enables them to develop unique value propositions and competitive strategies that set them apart from their rivals.

Additionally, market research helps businesses evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. By measuring key performance indicators (KPIs) and analyzing consumer responses, businesses can identify areas for improvement and refine their marketing strategies. This iterative approach ensures that marketing budgets are optimized and yields the highest return on investment (ROI).

In conclusion, market research is an invaluable tool for businesses aiming to thrive in a competitive marketplace. By understanding the importance of market research and leveraging its insights, businesses can make informed decisions, minimize risks, seize opportunities, and ultimately drive sustainable growth. Now that we have established the significance of market research, let's delve into the practical steps of preparing for and conducting market research.

Preparing for Market Research

Before diving into market research, it is crucial to lay a solid foundation by preparing for the research process. This section will explore the essential steps involved in preparing for market research, including defining research objectives, selecting the appropriate research methodology, and creating a comprehensive research plan.

Clearly defining research objectives is the cornerstone of any successful market research project. Research objectives serve as guiding principles that outline the specific goals and outcomes you hope to achieve through your research efforts. These objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

When defining your research objectives, consider what you aim to accomplish. Are you seeking to understand customer preferences for a new product? Do you want to assess market potential for a specific geographic region? Defining clear and focused research objectives will help you stay on track and ensure that your research efforts yield actionable insights.

Once you have defined your research objectives, the next step is to select the most appropriate research methodology. Different research methodologies offer unique advantages and are suited for different research objectives.

Qualitative research methods, such as interviews and focus groups, provide in-depth insights into customer opinions, attitudes, and perceptions. These methods allow for rich, nuanced data collection and are particularly useful for exploring complex topics or understanding the underlying motivations and emotions driving consumer behavior.

Quantitative research methods, on the other hand, involve the collection and analysis of numerical data. Surveys and questionnaires are common quantitative research tools that allow for large-scale data collection. These methods are useful for measuring customer satisfaction, analyzing customer preferences, and identifying statistical relationships between variables.

It's important to choose a research methodology that aligns with your research objectives, budget, and time constraints. Consider the advantages and limitations of each methodology and select the one that will provide the most relevant and accurate data for your specific research needs.

A well-structured research plan is essential for conducting market research efficiently and effectively. A research plan serves as a roadmap that outlines the steps, timeline, budget, and resources required for your research project.

By creating a comprehensive research plan, you can ensure that your market research efforts are well-organized, efficient, and yield valuable insights. The plan will also serve as a reference point to track progress and make adjustments as needed throughout the research process.

Now that you understand the importance of preparing for market research, we will delve into the practicalities of conducting primary market research in the next section.

Conducting Primary Market Research

Survey research is one of the most commonly used methods for collecting primary research data. Surveys allow businesses to gather a large volume of data from a diverse audience efficiently. They can be conducted through various channels, including online surveys, phone interviews, or in-person questionnaires.

When designing a survey, it is important to carefully craft the survey questions to ensure they are clear, unbiased, and relevant to the research objectives. Use a combination of open-ended and closed-ended questions to gather both qualitative and quantitative data. Open-ended questions provide respondents with the opportunity to express their opinions and provide detailed feedback, while closed-ended questions offer predefined response choices that can be easily analyzed.

To maximize response rates, it is essential to carefully consider the survey administration method. Online surveys are cost-effective and convenient, allowing respondents to complete the survey at their convenience. Phone interviews provide a personal touch and allow for follow-up questions, while in-person questionnaires enable businesses to interact directly with respondents. Choosing the appropriate survey administration method depends on factors such as target audience demographics, research objectives, and available resources.

Additionally, it is crucial to consider respondent fatigue and survey length. Long and tedious surveys can lead to decreased response rates and inaccuracies in responses. Keep the survey concise, focused, and engaging to ensure higher participation and reliable data.

Interviews and focus groups provide valuable qualitative insights into consumer opinions, preferences, and behaviors. These methods allow businesses to engage directly with participants and gain a deeper understanding of their thoughts and motivations.

Interviews can be conducted in-person, over the phone, or through video calls. They provide an opportunity to ask probing questions, delve into specific topics, and explore in-depth responses. The interviewer can adapt the questioning based on the participant's responses, allowing for a dynamic and personalized conversation.

Focus groups involve bringing together a small group of individuals to discuss a specific topic or product. This method allows participants to interact with one another, share their opinions, and generate insights through group discussions. Focus groups provide a unique perspective by capturing the collective thoughts and experiences of the participants.

To conduct successful interviews and focus groups, it is essential to carefully plan the session. Develop a discussion guide or interview script that includes a set of key questions or topics to cover. This will ensure consistency and enable comparability across interviews or focus groups. Actively listen to participants, encourage open and honest responses, and create a comfortable environment for sharing opinions.

Qualitative data obtained from interviews and focus groups require careful analysis. Use techniques such as thematic analysis or coding to identify recurring themes, patterns, and insights. These qualitative insights can provide valuable context and depth to complement quantitative data collected through surveys or other methods.

Observational research involves observing and analyzing consumer behavior in real-life settings. This method allows businesses to gain insights into consumer interactions, preferences, and decision-making processes. It can be particularly useful in retail environments, public spaces, or during product usage.

Participant observation involves immersing oneself in the context being studied and actively participating in the observed activities. This method allows researchers to gain firsthand experience and capture the nuances of behavior and interactions. Non-participant observation, on the other hand, involves observing from a distance without directly engaging with the participants. This method allows for more objective observations and avoids potential biases that may arise from researcher-participant interaction.

When conducting observational research, it is essential to consider ethical considerations and obtain necessary permissions, especially in public spaces or when observing sensitive behavior. Maintain confidentiality and anonymity of participants and ensure that the research does not infringe upon their privacy.

Observational research often involves recording observations through notes, photographs, or video recordings. These records serve as valuable data for analysis and interpretation. Analyze the collected data by identifying patterns, behaviors, and trends. Observational research findings can be used to supplement and validate other primary research methods, providing a comprehensive understanding of consumer behavior.

As we have explored the various primary research methods, it is important to note that choosing the appropriate method depends on the research objectives, target audience, available resources, and the depth of insights required. By carefully selecting and conducting primary market research methods, businesses can uncover valuable insights about their target audience, preferences, and behaviors.

Gathering and Analyzing Secondary Market Research

While primary market research provides valuable firsthand data, secondary market research involves gathering existing data and information from various sources. This section will explore the sources of secondary research data and provide insights into data collection methods and techniques for analyzing and interpreting secondary research findings.

Secondary market research relies on existing data and information that has been collected by others. There are various sources from which businesses can gather secondary research data, including:

When gathering secondary research data, it is crucial to consider the reliability and credibility of the sources. Ensure that the data comes from reputable sources and is up-to-date. Cross-referencing information from multiple sources can help validate the accuracy and consistency of the data.

Once you have gathered the relevant secondary research data, the next step is to organize and analyze it effectively. The process of data collection and analysis involves several key steps:

Secondary research findings should be interpreted and used in conjunction with primary research data to gain a comprehensive understanding of the market landscape. Combining primary and secondary research data allows for triangulation, validation, and a more holistic analysis of the research objectives.

By effectively gathering and analyzing secondary research data, businesses can gain valuable insights into market trends, consumer behavior, and industry dynamics. These insights serve as a foundation for informed decision-making, strategy formulation, and staying ahead of the competition.

Utilizing Market Research Findings

Interpreting and analyzing research findings is a critical step in extracting actionable insights that can drive business decisions. Here are some key considerations when interpreting and applying research findings:

Remember that market research is an iterative process, and new insights may emerge as you delve deeper into the data. Continuously revisit and refine your interpretation of the research findings to ensure that you capture the most accurate and valuable insights.

Effectively communicating research results is crucial to ensure that the insights gained are understood and utilized by key stakeholders. Here are some tips for communicating research results:

Market research is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and evaluation. Here are some key aspects to consider when monitoring and evaluating market research efforts:

By monitoring and evaluating market research efforts, you can ensure that the insights gained are effectively utilized and that your research strategies remain aligned with the evolving market landscape.

In conclusion, effectively utilizing market research findings is essential for driving business growth and staying ahead of the competition. By interpreting and applying research findings, communicating results effectively, and continuously monitoring and evaluating research efforts, businesses can make informed decisions, improve customer experiences, and seize market opportunities.

Conclusion: The Power of Market Research

Market research is a powerful tool that empowers businesses to make informed decisions, understand their target audience, and gain a competitive edge. Throughout this comprehensive guide, we have explored the various aspects of market research, from understanding its importance to conducting primary and secondary research, and utilizing research findings effectively. Now, let's recap the key points and emphasize the power of market research in driving business success.

Market research serves as a compass for businesses, guiding them through the complex landscape of consumer demands, market trends, and competitor analysis. By conducting thorough research, businesses can gain valuable insights into their target audience, identify market opportunities, and mitigate risks. Market research enables businesses to make informed decisions, optimize resources, and drive sustainable growth.

One of the primary benefits of market research is its ability to provide a deep understanding of customer preferences and needs. By gaining insights into customer behavior, businesses can develop products and services that truly resonate with their target audience, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Market research also enables businesses to stay ahead of the competition. By monitoring market trends, tracking competitor activities, and assessing industry dynamics, businesses can identify emerging opportunities and adapt their strategies accordingly. This flexibility allows businesses to maintain a competitive edge and seize market opportunities before their competitors.

Furthermore, market research plays a vital role in effective marketing campaigns. By understanding consumer preferences, motivations, and pain points, businesses can tailor their messaging, positioning, and communication channels to reach and engage their target audience more effectively. This targeted approach increases customer acquisition, enhances brand perception, and drives business growth.

However, market research is not a one-time endeavor. It requires continuous monitoring and evaluation to stay attuned to evolving market trends, consumer preferences, and competitive dynamics. By monitoring key metrics, tracking market trends, and gathering ongoing customer feedback, businesses can refine their strategies, identify areas for improvement, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

In conclusion, market research is an indispensable tool for businesses aiming to thrive in a competitive marketplace. By understanding the importance of market research, preparing thoroughly, conducting primary and secondary research effectively, interpreting and applying research findings, and continuously monitoring and evaluating research efforts, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their target audience, make informed decisions, and drive business growth. Embrace the power of market research and unlock the endless opportunities it holds for your organization.

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What Is Market Research?

Market research is a process where businesses collect and analyze data on specific markets, customers and consumers.

Matthew Urwin

With the goal of becoming a customer-focused company , organizations will follow research methods to gain a better understanding of their desired audiences and how to interact with them. Any information gathered provides insights into how companies can make their products more appealing to potential customers.  

What are the main purposes of market research?

  • Knowing what people want ahead of time enables companies to make more informed business decisions.

Releasing a product or service without knowing how it will perform presents a huge risk. Market research exists to gain more insight before going all-in on a new product. Companies conduct research to determine what problems their audiences face and how their products can resolve these issues. 

Understanding customer preferences has become crucial to saving companies time and money, making market research a key component of the product development process. Rather than just releasing products into the market, businesses take the time to determine how these products will perform. This approach enables companies to spend resources more efficiently while earning the trust of consumers with more relevant products.

What are the types of market research?

  • Different circumstances call for unique types of market research, which range from one-on-one interviews to focus group conversations.

Market research takes on many forms, so teams must determine the types of market research that best serve their needs. If a company wants to elicit feedback from larger samples, surveys and focus groups are ideal options. However, businesses should keep in mind that these practices deliver breadth at the expense of depth. 

Interviews cater more to companies that want to dive into specific details with customers. Unique value propositions may require these more intimate interactions as businesses pursue ways to improve customers’ experiences with their products. Observations and field tests also provide genuine customer reactions, but with a subtler approach. Companies can decide on the best method by defining the initial problem and goals for their research.

What are the steps in the marketing research process?

  • Before marketing teams undertake product launches , they need to gather extensive insights into audience preferences and general market trends.

To enhance a product or service, a company must gather plenty of information on its ideal customers and competitors. Defining a target audience allows teams to get a sense of what issues customers may face and how their products can address those concerns. In addition, conducting a competitor analysis lets teams know what companies in their market are doing and how they can help their product stand out from similar ones.  

Once marketing teams sort out these details, they can focus their attention on executing a research plan. Determining the sample size and desired outcome helps members decide what type of research methods they want to employ. By following these practices, companies can craft more minimum viable products , which customers will find better suited to their needs.

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AI is revolutionizing the market research industry. Here’s how—and why

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers marketing leaders the ability to understand the “why” behind customer motivations, preferences, and behaviors on a deeper, more granular level. 

AI is revolutionizing the market research industry. Here’s how—and why

[Source Photo: Ron Lach /Pexels]

BY  Ron Howard 3 minute read

In a groundbreaking shift for the marketing world, artificial intelligence (AI) is granting professionals a power previously out of reach—the ability to deeply understand the elusive “WHY” behind consumer behavior and feedback. This significant advancement in AI technology means marketers can now review and digest vast amounts of qualitative data, processing thousands of responses with precision to not only expose comprehensive insights but also strategically arrange them. This capability presents a transformative opportunity for marketers to gain detailed, actionable understanding of customer motivations, preferences, and behaviors, driving more effective, precisely targeted strategies—within minutes.

It seems so obvious but so many companies are desperate to find out “why” yet avoid asking the question directly when they execute research studies. They often give participants a set of choices that they think may be “why,” but that is such a poor substitute for allowing participants to tell you in their own words, expressing their views along with enthusiasm, or anger, or confusion, or in other ways.

Sadly, many companies have long avoided the use of open-end qualitative questions in their research studies. And the reason goes to the heart of what AI fixes: qualitative open-end responses are very complicated to interpret. It takes a great deal of analyst time and expertise to accurately extract the primary and subtle meanings expressed in open-end responses. Furthermore, what is the message expressed by specific segments such as young people versus older, men versus women, Republicans versus Democrats, or current customers versus lapsed customers. Again, it’s very expensive to analyze multiple open-end questions for a number of audience segments.

Use AI To Better Understand Consumers

AI’s capability extends beyond understanding consumer behavior, offering a lens into the work-life dynamics that influence these behaviors. By dissecting the complex interplay between professional and personal spheres, AI equips marketers with a deeper awareness of how work-life balance—or the lack thereof—affects consumer choices. This holistic understanding empowers marketers to tailor their strategies not only to the immediate needs and wants of their audience but also to the broader context of their lives, enhancing personalization and relevance.

The fusion of work-life insights with consumer behavior analysis heralds a new frontier in marketing. It offers a more nuanced appreciation of the factors driving consumer decisions, ensuring that marketing campaigns are not only effectively targeted but also resonate on a more personal and human level. As boundaries between work and personal life become increasingly fluid, the impact of these shifts on consumer behavior becomes more significant. AI’s ability to untangle these influences is a testament to its transformative potential in market research.

The intersection of AI and market research transforms vast volumes of qualitative, text-based data from a challenge to be managed into a valuable asset to be leveraged. This shift enables companies to move beyond the superficial layers of data analysis, reaching a deeper understanding of their consumers, markets, and themselves.

A New Frontier For Marketing

The true potential of AI in market research lies in its ability to process natural language responses at scale, understanding nuances and variations in human communication that would take humans considerably longer to analyze. This helps save time and money, and enriches the data pool with a depth of insights previously too costly to consider. Properly directed, AI can author amazingly insightful reports that expose the most important issues expressed in responses. It can also reveal secondary subtle motivations that truly tell the story, all in minutes, without fatigue, and without bias—based purely on the responses provided.

Looking forward, the role of AI in market research is set not just to grow, but to become indispensable. The richness of insights available through open-ended questions, when combined with the analytical power of AI, holds the promise of a future where the motivations, preferences, and unmet needs of consumers are understood with unprecedented clarity.

Companies that are early adopters of this integrated approach to asking “why” and employing AI-driven analysis will not only gain a competitive edge but will also forge stronger, more meaningful connections with their audiences. These connections are built on a foundation of genuine understanding. 

The question of “why,” powered by the capabilities of AI, is more than just a methodological choice. It represents a strategic imperative for those looking to navigate the complexities of modern markets and consumer behavior with confidence. The future belongs to those who ask, listen, and act on the truths revealed by their audiences. 

Recognize your technological breakthrough by applying to this year’s Next Big Things in Tech Awards before the final deadline, July 12. Sign up for Next Big Things in Tech Awards notifications here .


Ron Howard is the CEO of Mercury Analytics , a research technology firm that helps companies use better technology to drive better insights, and better decisions.   More

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Understanding market research for your business plan.


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When you’re building a business plan, market research needs to happen pretty early in the process. It’s where you learn about your audience’s wants and needs and the financial trends in your industry, and where you combine the data, and uncover trends that tell you what customers want and how to provide it most effectively.

The results of that research and analysis will shape aspects of the rest of your business plan. Assessments of your market and competition inform critical decisions in areas such as product design or service offerings, price, marketing methods, and business location.

That means accurate and comprehensive market research matters. To be comprehensive, your information and analysis should answer every possible question about the market you plan to enter and the consumers you believe will buy your product or service, including (but not limited to):

• Demand: Do consumers want what you’re offering?

• Economic indicators: Do they have the money to buy your product/service?

• Pricing: How much will they pay for your product/service?

• Location: Where do they live, and where are they likely to make their purchases?

• Saturation: How many other options do they currently have for that product/service?

First Steps: Budget

You can spend a lot answering these questions. Many large businesses hire firms to do the research and analysis, employing large-scale surveys, focus groups and statistical models, among other methods. However, for entrepreneurs just starting out, marketing budgets are typically too slim to cover that kind of research.

So, the work needs to stay in-house and fit a small marketing budget. Affordable, effective market research is possible. It may not be as specific to your market as the big-budget stuff, but it can get you the information you need to work out a solid understanding of your market.

First Steps: Market-Research Objectives

Before you start your research and analysis, determine your objectives. Decide what you want to learn from the process. It will guide the data you search for and how you use it, so be specific. Write down actual goals – what would give you the most accurate, comprehensive and useful picture of your market? This could include areas such as demographics, competitor offerings and customer pain points.

First Steps: Research Terminology

In market research, you’re basically dealing with two types of research and two types of data:

• Primary research: This is research you perform yourself in order to get very specific insights into your very specific business. It includes methods such as surveys, interviews and direct observations (by visiting competitor locations, for instance). It can help you gather qualitative data. This is data that goes beyond statistics and market trends. It can tell you what your consumers want, what they don’t want and how they feel about your offerings.

• Secondary research: This is research other people have performed and analyzed. To conduct secondary research, you can visit government websites such as the U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as well as private data collectors such as Google and market-research companies. It can help you gather quantitative data. This is generally statistical data and can reveal insights on consumer demographics, spending patterns, market trends and earnings projections.

Where To Start Your Market Research

There’s a ton of existing research out there, and a lot of it is totally free. The Small Business Administration website has a list of free government sources for various types of quantitative data, such as industry statistics, consumer demographics, consumer demand and spending, and sales indicators. Much of it comes from the U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. A simple search will turn up enough places to start gathering secondary research to build a picture of your market.

With a good understanding of your market from secondary sources, you’re in a good position to know which types of primary research, if any, would be worth an investment of your time and energy. Maybe a well-designed survey completed by everyone you know could help fill in some holes.

You can also conduct primary research by visiting and speaking with your would-be competition and their customers; through crowdsourcing forums such as Quora, where you can glean raw data from comments and responses and post questions related to your product, service and market; on social-media websites such as Facebook, where you can parse conversations in relevant interest groups; and by reading product and service reviews on sites such as Amazon or Yelp.

Analyzing Your Market Research

Armed with all your data, you’ll draw conclusions that will help guide many of your business decisions.

But first, make sure all of your data will benefit those decisions. Don’t start analyzing until you weed out extraneous information that will waste your time and hinder focused insights. If it doesn’t relate directly to your business and your market, set it aside.

Then organize the relevant data into tables, graphs, lists and pie charts, and see what trends emerge. What do those trends mean for your business? Your product? Your location? Your planned promotions?

Be open to whatever the data tells you. Even if your research findings are unexpected, embrace them, and make any necessary adjustments. Listening to good market research can save you a lot of headaches down the road: The better you know your consumers, the better your chances of successfully selling to them.

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Market Research Articles and Resources

We've put together this comprehensive and thorough Market Research guide to give you the tools and information you need to manage, strategize, measure and impact all aspects of the Market Research for your business.

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What is a research panel (and should we have one)?

There is often confusion between having a research panel and buying a sample from a third party panel provider. In fact, these are two different solutions to the same need. To help you decide what’s right for you, we break down the difference between managing your own research panel and buying a sample. 10 min read

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Real-time market research insights drive better decisions.

Modern market research means you can track consumer behavior across diverse segments, benchmark your company versus competitors, conduct complex academic research, and capture the insights you need to move the needle.

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Stocks gain with Nvidia, dollar inches up vs yen

Global stock indexes mostly climbed on Tuesday, with shares of AI chipmaker Nvidia bouncing after a three-day sell-off, while the dollar gained slightly against the Japanese yen.

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A Harvard study shows just how hard it is for renters to buy a home today

  • Buying a home has become a pipe dream for millions of Americans, a Harvard University study shows.
  • It found the monthly payment for a median-priced home after taxes and insurance is about $3,100.
  • Just 6% of renters earn the $120,000 required to afford that payment and can cover buying costs.

Insider Today

Owning a home is quickly morphing from part of the American dream to an unattainable fantasy, as housing costs spiral beyond the reach of millions of people.

The median US home sold for 3.2 times the median household income in the 1990s. That ratio jumped to 4.1 in 2019, then 5.1 in 2022, and remained around that level last year.

The multiple exceeds 9 and approaches 12 in the hottest markets, rendering them "impossibly unaffordable," per a recent study .

Meanwhile, the monthly payment for a median-priced home after taxes and insurance has hit about $3,100, the highest level in more than three decades. That's according to "The State of the Nation's Housing 2024" report published by Harvard University this week.

Affording a payment of that size requires a household income of at least $120,000 a year, assuming a 3.5% downpayment and no more than 31% of income is spent on housing, the report said. Adjusted for inflation, that number was $82,000 in the first quarter of 2021.

Only 6.6 million — fewer than 15% — of the 45 million renter households in the US make enough to afford the median payment. That's down from 10.2 million in 2022.

Assume the household needs sufficient cash to make a 3.5% downpayment and cover 3% closing costs, and only 2.6 million or a dismal 5.8% of renter households make the cut, the report's authors calculated using data from the Survey of Consumer Finances.

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The Harvard study also found that households must earn at least $100,000 to afford the median-priced home in 48% of all metro areas, up from 11% in the first quarter of 2021.

Cocktail of challenges

Buying a house has become so expensive partly because prices have soared: the median home cost almost $390,000 last quarter. The report noted that prices have jumped by about 50% since early 2020, and have more than doubled since 2010, to reach record highs this year.

Fewer houses are being listed for sale as well, pushing up prices. Only 1.11 million homes were on the market in March, down 34% from March 2019. Inventory also shrank in 94 of the 100 largest metro areas last quarter, with an average decline of 42% from 2019.

The slump contributed to the sale of only 4.1 million existing homes last year — the lowest figure in nearly 30 years and a 33% decline from 2021, the report found.

Experts have cited years of low interest rates and government stimulus programs during and after the pandemic as major drivers of house-price growth.

The Federal Reserve has also raised interest rates to curb historic levels of inflation, which has driven mortgage rates to two-decade highs and discouraged those who've locked in cheaper rates from selling. The combination of rising prices and more expensive mortgages has fueled an affordability crisis .

At the same time, households are paying higher prices for basics like food and fuel, and shelling out more each month to cover their credit cards, car loans, and other debts. Throw in rising insurance premiums and property taxes, and it's clear that both homeowners and renters face challenges.

Indeed, the Harvard study found that 23% of homeowner households were "stretched worryingly thin," and more than a quarter of renters were paying at least half their incomes toward housing and utilities in 2022. The brutal burden of housing costs has also left the lowest earners with only a few hundred dollars a month to get by.

Many homeowners are seeing their incomes squeezed by steeper prices and interest payments, and many renters have given up on buying a home. These new numbers help to quantify the scale and severity of those challenges and put them in sharp relief.

Watch: Was Italy's $1 home scheme worth it?

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In the media: "Watts happening to work? The labour market effects of loadshedding"

power cuts

Expanded access to electricity has been a boon to development in many low- and middle-income countries, including South Africa, but erratic supply has proved a major constraint to economic growth. Now, in the first study on the effects of load-shedding on employment, Tim Köhler and Prof. Haroon Bhorat of the DPRU find that prolonged and regular power outages are significantly and negatively associated with job retention, working hours, and earnings.

Their recently published research paper “ Watts happening to work? The labour market effects of loadshedding ” considers the labour market effects of ongoing power outages (loadshedding) in South Africa.

The research has also been disseminated via 3 blog/OpEd articles, published by:

  • The Conversation on 29th May:
  • SA-TIED in May:
  • Econ3X3 on 24th June:

UCT also published a press release on the 30th May, titled: High levels of loadshedding are costly for SA’s labour market – report finds

Press/media clippings include:

  • How power cuts have affected employment , BusinessLive -  3 June 2024
  • How load shedding killed jobs and salaries in South Africa , BusinessTech -  2 June 2024
  • Power cuts have hit SAs labour market hard… , Moneyweb -  2 June 2024
  • Power cuts have hit South Africa’s labour market hard: the biggest toll has been on jobs — new research, TimesLive -  30 May 2024

As well as two radio interviews/podcasts :

  • 4 June 2024: Hot Business: Expert: Impact of loadshedding on jobs
  • 5 June 2024: " The Impact of Load Shedding on Labour Market Outcomes "; episode of  “The Economics Minute” podcast; 7 May 2024.

7 reasons Nvidia is poised to soar 67% as its rally continues for the next 2 years, according to a Wall Street research firm

  • Constellation Research said Nvidia stock will soar 65% to $200 per share over the next year.
  • The research firm said it expects Nvidia stock to continue soaring for the next 18 to 24 months as it benefits from its AI dominance.
  • There are seven moats around Nvidia's business that will enable continued growth. 

Insider Today

Nvidia stock will surge to $200 per share over the next 12 months, and its ongoing rally is set to last up to another two years, according to Constellation Research.

Constellation founder R "Ray" Wang told CNBC on Monday that he believes Nvidia has seven moats that will help it maintain its dominant position in the market for GPUs that are fueling the AI boom.

"Nvidia is the foundational stock in the Age of AI. CEO Jensen Huang intends to achieve vertically integrated domination from silicon to software through partnerships and direct routes to market. Unlike the PC age where Microsoft, Intel, and Cisco served as a triumvirate foundational players, this new era will have new players all tied back to Nvidia," Wang told Business Insider in an e-mail on Monday.

These are the seven reasons Wang expects Nvidia stock to soar 65% from current levels.

1. Visionary founder-led CEO

"It's a visionary-led CEO, and that's very very important as you've seen in the valley. Those are the ones that have led, like the Larry Ellisons of the world, the scott Mcnealys, the Mark Zuckerbergs," Wang said.

2. High barrier to entry

"There's few competitors that can come into this chip market, and it takes a long time to get a chip to market, and if you can do that and if you succeed and then if you can actually get the right chip, that's a very hard thing to do."

3. High switching costs

"Once you're in, you're locked in because of the CUDA software and all the access to the chips, the software, and the entire stack. You're going to be locked in for quite some time and they've got quite a lead in terms of doing that."

4. Dominant market share

"Nvidia has had dominant market share, and I think that makes a big difference because they've been in this market for quite some time and the competitors are behind by 24 months."

5. Strong product roadmap

"We're only seeing one-tenth, maybe one-one hundredth of the product roadmap that Nvidia has out there, and that's really exciting for those who actually have some insight into what they have next, because it's more than just chips, and it's more than just what's happening in software. That ability to go from silicon all the way to the end side, that's where we're going to see a lot of the innovation."

6. GPU is the default standard in AI

"The ecosystem has made the GPU a default standard. It's the standard everyone's looking to for AI from inference and testing."

7. The numbers don't lie

"We're seeing some amazing growth here that actually matches the P/E ratio, and that's what everyone is looking at, they're trying to figure out how this is going to continue, but gross margins are 78%, 262% growth compared to a year ago, this is going to continue for at least the next 18 to 24 months."

Wang said the current 14% decline in the stock since it peaked at about $140 per share last week represents yet another buying opportunity for investors.

"The pullback is coming at a macro level. People are worried about the consumer side, people worried about where the economy is going to head, and they're doing some profit-taking before the summer, so I think it's a good time to buy the dip," Wang said.

Wang isn't the only analyst on Wall Street with a $200 price target for Nvidia stock.

Last week, Rosenblatt raised its Nvidia price target to $200 per share on the prospect of the company better monetizing its CUDA software platform.

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    Step 3: Determine which research methods are most effective. Your choice of methods depends on budget, time constraints, and the type of question you're trying to answer. You could combine surveys, interviews and focus groups to get a mix of qualitative and quantitative data.

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    The article indicates that their research found that 79% of respondents asked more questions when they used generative AI. Specifically, on "novelty," the article reports: "AI-led respondents ...

  19. How AI is revolutionizing marketing and market research

    The intersection of AI and market research transforms vast volumes of qualitative, text-based data from a challenge to be managed into a valuable asset to be leveraged. This shift enables ...

  20. Understanding Market Research For Your Business Plan

    It may not be as specific to your market as the big-budget stuff, but it can get you the information you need to work out a solid understanding of your market. First Steps: Market-Research ...

  21. Journal of Marketing Research

    Volume 61, Issue 1, February 2024. pp. 1-184. Browse all issues of Journal of Marketing Research.

  22. What Is a Market Research Analyst? 2024 Guide

    The median salary for a market research analyst in the US is $63,920, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), though salary can differ depending on the industry . Market research analyst vs. similar roles. Market research analysts share much in common with roles that also parse data and deliver strategic insights. Marketing analyst

  23. Market Research Articles & Resources

    Modern market research means you can track consumer behavior across diverse segments, benchmark your company versus competitors, conduct complex academic research, and capture the insights you need to move the needle. Today's market research is predictive and collaborative so everyone in your organization has the same information to drive the ...

  24. Brazil's bioinputs market boasts four times global average growth

    Brazil, the world's biggest soybean, coffee, sugarcane and orange juice exporter, as well as a competitive corn supplier, is a promising market, according to the research. ($1 = 5.4134 reais) Sign ...

  25. Only 6% of Renters Can Afford to Buy an Average Home: Harvard Study

    Only 1.11 million homes were on the market in March, down 34% from March 2019. Inventory also shrank in 94 of the 100 largest metro areas last quarter, with an average decline of 42% from 2019.

  26. In the media: "Watts happening to work? The labour market effects of

    Load-shedding has hit labour market hard, particularly manufacturing sector, the Herald - 31 May 2024. Power cuts have hit the SA labour market hard, threatening employment, the Sowetan - 31 May 2024. Power cuts have hit South Africa's labour market hard: the biggest toll has been on jobs — new research, TimesLive - 30 May 2024

  27. Nvidia Stock Price Outlook: 7 Moats Will Drive NVDA to $200 Per Share

    Nvidia stock will surge to $200 per share over the next 12 months, and its ongoing rally is set to last up to another two years, according to Constellation Research.. Constellation founder R "Ray ...

  28. Stock Market Today: Dow, S&P Live Updates for June 13

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