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about bravery award in hindi essay

रोंगटे खड़े कर देने वाली है वीरता पुरस्कार पाने वाले 22 बच्चों की कहानियां

22 बच्चों को राष्ट्रीयता वीरता पुरस्कार देने के लिए चयन किया गया है। इन सभी बच्चों की कहानियां अपने आप में रोंगटे खड़े कर देने वाली हैं।

रोंगटे खड़े कर देने वाली है वीरता पुरस्कार पाने वाले 22 बच्चों की कहानियां

  • मध्य प्रदेश
  • हिमाचल प्रदेश
  • जम्मू-कश्मीर
  • पश्चिम बंगाल
  • धर्म-अध्यात्म
  • पॉजीटिव न्यूज

National Bravery Awards: कोई भाई की खातिर लड़ा तेंदुए से, किसी बच्चे ने जलती कार और बाढ़ से बचाई लोगों की जान

National bravery awards: राष्ट्रीय वीरता पुरस्कार भारतीय बहादुर बच्चों को दिया जाता है। जिन्होंने अपनी जान की परवाह न करते हुए और अपनी उम्र से बढ़कर वीरता की कोई मिसाल पेश की हो।.

National Bravery Awards

पिछले 2 सालों से आयोजित नहीं हो रहा राष्ट्रीय वीरता पुरस्कार समारोह इस वर्ष फिर से आयोजित होने जा रहा है। गौरतलब है इस बार पिछले दो सालों सहित कुल 56 राष्ट्रीय वीरता पुरस्कार बालकों को दिए जाएंगे। इसमें 2020 के 22, 2021 के 16 और 2022 के 18 राष्ट्रीय वीरता पुरस्कार शामिल हैं। आइये जानते हैं इनमें से ऐसे तीन बाल वीरों की कहानी।

क्या है राष्ट्रीय वीरता पुरस्कार?

भारत में, राष्ट्रीय वीरता पुरस्कार भारतीय बाल कल्याण परिषद (ICCW) द्वारा प्रतिवर्ष 25 वीर बच्चों को दिए जाने वाले पुरस्कारों का एक समूह है, जिन्होंने कठिन परिस्थितियों में बहादुरी दिखाई है। पुरस्कार के तौर पर विजेताओं को एक पदक, एक प्रमाण पत्र और एक नकद पुरस्कार मिलता है। पुरस्कार भारतीय प्रधानमंत्री द्वारा प्रत्येक वर्ष गणतंत्र दिवस के दिन प्रदान किए जाते हैं। विजेताओं का चयन पूरे देश से किया जाता है और बच्चे की आयु 6-18 वर्ष के बीच होनी चाहिए।

भाई के लिए तेंदुआ से लड़े नितिन

12 जुलाई 2021 को रुद्रप्रयाग के निवासी नितिन और उसका भाई, नारी देवी चंडिका मंदिर में महायज्ञ के लिए जा रहे थे। रास्ते में नितिन को प्यास लगी और वह पानी पीने के लिए रुक गया। मगर उसका भाई आगे निकल गया। जहां नितिन पानी पीने के लिए रुका, उससे कुछ दूरी पर ही एक तेंदुआ घात लगाए बैठा था। नितिन को इस बात की भनक तक नहीं थी कि उसके आसपास कोई जंगली जानवर भी है। नितिन को अकेला देखते हुए तेंदुए ने उस पर हमला कर दिया।

नितिन ने बचने के लिए बहुत संघर्ष किया। खून से लथपथ होने के बावजूद नितिन ने तेंदुए के दोनों पैर पकड़ लिए और अपनी जिंदगी की लड़ाई लड़ता रहा। जैसे ही नितिन के भाई ने उसकी चीखें सुनी तो वह भागते हुए नितिन के पास पहुंचा और उसने तेंदुए पर एक पत्थर से वार किया। जिसके बाद तेंदुए ने नितिन को छोड़ उसके भाई को अपना निशाना बना लिया। दरअसल, तेंदुए ने नितिन के भाई पर बहुत तेजी से हमला किया था। अपने भाई की जान खतरे में देख नितिन ने पास में पड़ी एक लकड़ी उठाई और तेंदुए पर बहुत तेजी से फेंकी। चीखना-चिल्लाना सुनकर आसपास के गांव वाले भाग कर उनके पास आ गए और भीड़ को देखकर तेंदुआ जंगल की तरफ भाग गया। नितिन ने जब यह साहस दिखाया तब उसकी उम्र महज 16 वर्ष थी।

जलती कार से 4 बच्चों को निकाला बाहर

यह बहादुरी की दास्तां पंजाब के संगरूर जिले में अमनदीप कौर की है। दरअसल, 15 फरवरी 2020 को एक वैन में आग लग गई थी और उसमें 12 स्कूली बच्चे सवार थे। अमनदीप की कम उम्र होने के बावजूद उनका हौसला सबसे ज्यादा था। उन्होंने अपनी जान की परवाह न करते हुए उस जलती वैन से 4 बच्चों की जान बचा कर अपनी वीरता दिखाई। उस वैन से अमनदीप द्वारा बचाए चार बच्चों सहित आठ बच्चों को रेस्क्यू कर लिया गया। मगर दुर्भाग्य से 4 बच्चों ने अपनी जान गंवा दी।

जब अमनदीप से इस हादसे के बारे में पूछा गया तब उन्होंने कहा कि "जैसे ही वैन चली, मैंने सर (शिक्षक-सह-चालक दलबीर सिंह) से कहा कि वैन से कुछ गंध आ रही है... लेकिन ड्राइवर ने वैन चलाना शुरू कर दिया। मैंने फिर दोहराया कि बदबू बढ़ रही है, लेकिन वह इधर-उधर देखने लगे और फिर अपने पास बैठे नाबालिग बच्चों को देखने लगे। बाद में आग दिखाई दी और हमें वैन के शीशे तोड़कर बाहर निकलने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ा।" उन्होंने यह भी कहा कि "मैंने एक खिड़की तोड़ी और बाहर निकल गई। फिर मैंने चार बच्चों को बाहर आने में मदद की। कुछ और लोग भी थे जो मदद के लिए आए थे। मैं उन चारों बच्चों को लेकर स्कूल की बिल्डिंग की तरफ भागी जो फूट-फूट कर रो रहे थे।"

बाढ़ में एक महिला और उसके बच्चे की बचाई जान

जुलाई 2019 में असम के सोनितपुर में भयंकर बाढ़ आई हुई थी। तब वहां के रहने वाले 10 वर्षीय उत्तम टंटी ने बाढ़ में फंसी एक महिला और उसकी 3 वर्षीय बच्ची की जान बचाई थी। दरअसल, दिघलीजन नदी का बाढ़ के कारण बहाव बहुत तेज और जलस्तर ऊंचा हो गया था। बावजूद इसके, अंजलि नाम की एक महिला अपनी दो बेटियों- रिया (3 वर्षीय) और दिप्ता (18 माह) के साथ नदी पार करने की कोशिश कर रही थी। इस दौरान उनका बैलेंस बिगड़ गया और अपनी दोनों बेटियों के साथ नदी के बहाव में बह गई।

उत्तम ने जब महिला और उसकी दो बेटियों को नदी के बहाव में बहते देखा तब उसने बिना समय गवाएं पानी में छलांग मार दी और अंजलि और उसकी 3 साल की बेटी को नदी किनारे खींच लाया। दुर्भाग्य से अंजलि ने अपनी 18 माह की बेटी दिप्ता को खो दिया क्योंकि वह नदी के बहुत तेज बहाव के साथ बह गई। उत्तम से जब उनके इस साहसी कार्य के बारे में पूछा गया तब उन्होंने कहा कि "मैं छुट्टियों के दौरान अपने धान के खेत में अपने परिवार की मदद करता हूं। मैं किसी की भी जान बचाने के लिए नदी में गोता लगा सकता हूं, मुझे डूबने का डर नहीं है।"

ये भी पढ़ें- राजू श्रीवास्तव की बेटी भी हैं 'असली फाइटर', 12 साल की उम्र में ऐसा काम कर जीत चुकी हैं वीरता पुरस्कार

national awards

about bravery award in hindi essay

आज का राशिफल 25 अगस्त 2024 - सितारे साथ मिलकर लाएंगे किस्मत

about bravery award in hindi essay

मेष राशिफल आज, 25 अगस्त, रविवार - ऊर्जा और दृढ़ संकल्प आपका मार्गदर्शन करेंगे!

about bravery award in hindi essay

धनु राशिफल आज, 25 अगस्त, रविवार - रोमांच और हंसी से आपका दिन बेहतर होगा!

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  • National Bravery Awards Know Brave Story Of Childrens

22 बच्चों को राष्ट्रीय बाल वीरता पुरस्कार, जानें- जांबाज बच्चों की बहादुरी की कहानियां

वीरता पुरस्कारों के लिए जिन 22 बच्चों को चुना गया है, उनमें से हर एक की कहानी प्रेरणा देने वाली है। किसी ने दोस्तों को बचाने में अपनी जान गंवा दी तो किसी बच्ची ने हादसे में पूरे परिवार को बचा लिया। आइए जानते हैं बालवीरों की कहानी....


रेकमेंडेड खबरें

डॉक्टरों की सुरक्षा पर फिर उठा सवाल, हड़ताल के बाद काम पर लौटे रेजिडेंट डॉक्टर के साथ हुई मारपीट


10 Lines on National Bravery Award

National Bravery Awards are distributed & constituted by the Government of India & Indian Council for Child Welfare (ICCW). Annually set of some 25 Indian National children from 5-16-year age group (Below than 16 years) are honoured for their “Meritorious Acts of Bravery Against all Odds”. In 1957, This award was introduced & constituted. There are five categories of awards under National Bravery Awards.

Ten Lines on National Bravery Award

1) On 2 nd October 1957 while watching a performance at the Red Fort India’s 1 st PM Pt. J.L. Nehru confronted a rescue action by 14-year-old Scout.

2) Harish Chandra Mehra, 14-year-old Scout helped several people from the fire break out caused by a short circuit in the tent.

3) He rescued a thousand people by ripping off the tent by his knife, and the whole incident inspired Nehru for the establishment of the National BraveryAward.

4) After a discussion with authorities, Nehru established the National Bravery Award for the appreciation of fearless acts performed by children across the nation.

5) The first National Bravery Award was presented to Harish Chandra on 4th February 1958.

6) In the Memory of “Chopra Children” Sanjay Chopra Award & Geeta Chopra Award was established in, 1978.

7) Geeta Chopra & Sanjay Chopra lost their lives while confronting their kidnappers.

8) Another category of National Bravery Award is Bapu Gaidhani Awards & It was established in 1980.

9) Another category of National Bravery Award is The Bharat Awards & It was established in 1987.

10) Every year on 14 November or in January National Bravery Awards are announced.

1) On the eve of Republic Day, National Bravery Awards are presented by the Prime Minister.

2) After the prize distribution ceremony, President hosts a reception party for introducing the brave faces to the media.

3) These National Bravery Award recipients also take part in the Republic Day Parade at Rajpath, New Delhi.

4) Applications for the National Bravery Awards are applied and sent by the various officials at the local & district level.

5) Last date for National Bravery Awards application submission is 30, September.

6) There is a committee constituted by the ICCW for selecting the Awardees of National Bravery Awards.

7) Representatives from government & non-government organizations are the members of the National Bravery Awards selection committee.

8) First National Bravery Award was addressed to Sowmith for saving a child from drowning.

9) Every year various applicants sent their applications for selection in the specified category of National Bravery Award.

10) Sadly, there are various children honoured posthumously by National Bravery Awards.

National Bravery Awards were established for recognizing and appreciating the brave efforts made by the all young Indian National children who saved several lives by their fearless and smart efforts, without thinking about the consequences, these young souls fearlessly rescued thousands of lives.

Some of the Brave child warriors even lost their lives while saving other lives. Some of us still facing fear over various natural & man-made calamities, but there are dozens of children who not only act wisely but they also take risk of their lives for others, so this kind of act should be saluted and honoured by a lifetime recognition.

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राष्ट्रपति 22 नन्हें बहादुरों को देंगे राष्ट्रीय वीरता पुरस्कार

राष्ट्रीय वीरता पुरस्कार 2019 के लिए 10 लड़कियों और 12 लड़कों समेत 22 बच्चों को नामित किया गया है. इंडियन काउंसिल फॉर चाइल्ड वेलफेयर (ICCW) ने जिन 22 बच्चों को चुना है, उनमें से एक को यह पुरस्कार मरणोपरांत दिया जाएगा.

राष्ट्रीय बाल वीरता पुरस्कार के लिए चयनित बच्चे

कमलजीत संधू

  • 21 जनवरी 2020,
  • (अपडेटेड 21 जनवरी 2020, 11:20 PM IST)

about bravery award in hindi essay

  • 22 बच्चों में से 10 लड़कियां
  • एक को मरणोपरांत अवॉर्ड

ये सभी बहादुर बच्चे देश के 12 अलग अलग राज्यों से हैं. केरल के रहने वाले 15 वर्षीय मास्टर आदित्य भी इस पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किए जाएंगे. वे 15 साल के हैं. उन्होंने साल 2019 में नेपाल में 40 लोगों की जान बचाई थी जब एक टूरिस्ट बस में आग लग गई थी. बस सीमा से 50 किलोमीटर पहले जब भारतीय सीमा में पहुंचने वाली थी, तभी उसमें आग लग गई थी.

बस में आग लगते ही ड्राइवर भाग गया, तब आदित्य ने ​हथौड़े से पीछे की खिड़की तोड़कर 40 यात्रियों की जान बचाई थी. इस हादसे में बस का डीजल टैंक फट गया था, जिससे पूरी बस आग के गोले में बदल गई और जलकर राख हो गई. अपने भविष्य के सपने को लेकर आदित्य मु​स्कराते हुए कहते हैं, "मैं इंडियन एयरफोर्स ज्वाइन करना चाहता हूं." वे अपनी योजना समझाते हुए कहते हैं, "मैं स्कॉलरशिप का इस्तेमाल करके मेहनत से पढ़ाई करूंगा."

मोहम्मद मोहसिन को मरणोपरांत वीरता पुरस्कार

केरल के ही एक और बहादुर बच्चे को यह पुरस्कार मिला है, लेकिन वह इतना सौभाग्यशाली नहीं था. मोहम्मद मोहसिन अकेले ऐसे वीरता पुरस्कार विजेता हैं, जिन्हें यह पुरस्कार मरणोपरांत दिया जाएगा. मोहसिन को अभिमन्यु अवॉर्ड से नवाजा जाएगा. कोझिकोड में मोहसिन ने गहरे समुद्र में डूब रहे अपने तीन दोस्तों को बचाने के लिए अपनी जान दांव पर लगा दी थी. तीनों दोस्त तो बच गए, लेकिन दोस्तों की जान की कीमत मोहसिन को अपनी जान देकर चुकानी पड़ी. मोहसिन का परिवार उसकी बहादुरी को लेकर भावुक भी है और उसके न होने से दुखी भी है. उनके पिता भावुक होकर कहते हैं, "मेरे बच्चे को एक बहादुरी से भरी मौत नसीब हुई. यह पुरस्कार सभी बहादुर बच्चों के लिए है."

जम्मू कश्मीर के भी दो बहादुर

यह पुरस्कार पाने वाले दो बच्चे जम्मू कश्मीर के हैं. सरताज मोहिउद्दीन मुगल और मु​दासिर अशरफ. सरताज का परिवार लाइन ऑफ कंट्रोल (LoC) पर रहता है. सरताज ने पाकिस्तान की ओर से हो रही गोलीबारी में फंसे अपने परिवार को बचाया था. उनके घर पर एक शेल आकर गिरा और घर ध्वस्त हो गया, लेकिन सरताज ने अपने परिवार को वहां से सुरक्षित निकाल लिया. इसी तरह मुदासिर ने फरवरी 2019 में बडगाम में इंडियन एयर फोर्स की स्ट्राइक के दौरान जवानों को बचाने में उनकी मदद की थी.

13 साल की बच्ची को भी मिलेगा पुरस्कार

अलाइका ने मात्र 13 साल की उम्र में अपने परिवार की जान बचाई थी, जब उनकी कार का एक्सीडेंट हो गया था. अलाइका को यह पुरस्कार मिलने पर उनके परिवार को गर्व महसूस हो रहा है. परिवार का कहना है, "वह हमारी इकलौती बेटी है. वह हमारी बेटी भी है और बेटा भी. उसने यह साबित किया है कि लड़कियां लड़कों से कहीं भी कमतर नहीं होतीं."

इस साल 5 पुरस्कारों की घोषणा

ICCW संस्था ने इस साल पांच नए पुरस्कारों की शुरुआत की है: मार्कंडेय अवॉर्ड, ध्रुव अवॉर्ड, अभिमन्यु अवॉर्ड, प्रह्लाद अवॉर्ड और श्रवण अवॉर्ड. ICCW मा​र्कंडेय अवॉर्ड उत्तराखंड की 10 वर्षीय राखी को दिया जा रहा है. राखी ने तेंदुए के हमले से अपने 4 साल के भाई को बचाया था. तेंदुए से भाई को बचाने में राखी को गंभीर चोट आई थी. इसी तरह ध्रुव अवॉर्ड 16 साल की पूर्णिमा गिरि और 15 साल की सबिता गिरि को दिया जाएगा. इन दोनों ने मिलकर मगरमच्छों से भरी नदी में से 12 लोगों को डूबने से बचाया था. यह हादसा नाव के डूबने की वजह से हुआ था.

10 साल की बच्ची ने ट्रेन एक्सीडेंट में बच्चे की जान

प्रह्लाद अवॉर्ड के लिए 10 वर्षीय श्रीमति बादरा को चुना गया है. बादरा ने एक ट्रेन एक्सीडेंट में जान गंवाने वाले एक बच्चे को बहादुरी से मदद की जिससे उसकी जान बचाई जा सकी. कश्मीर के सरताज को श्रवण अवॉर्ड से नवाजा जाएगा.

इन्हें भी मिलेगा बहादुरी का पुरस्कार

पुरस्कार पाने वाले अन्य बच्चों में असम के मास्टर श्री कमल कृष्ण दास, छत्तीसगढ़ की कांति पैकरा और वर्णेश्वरी निर्मलकर, कर्नाटक की आरती किरण सेठ और मास्टर वेंकटेश, केरल के मास्टर फतह पीके, महाराष्ट्र की जेन सदावर्ते और मास्टर आकाश मछींद्र खिल्लारे को दिया जाएगा. इसके अलावा मिजोरम के तीन बच्चों और मणिपुर व मेघालय से एक एक बच्चों को वीरता पुरस्कार के लिए चुना गया है.

कैसे हुई थी वीरता पुरस्कारों की शुरुआत

यह पुरस्कार भारत के पहले प्रधानमंत्री जवाहरलाल नेहरू ने शुरू किया था. 2 अक्टूबर, 1957 को गांधी जयंती के दिन नेहरू लाल किले पर दिल्ली के रामलीला मैदान का प्रदर्शन देख रहे थे. प्रदर्शन के दौरान शार्ट सर्किट के कारण शामियाने में आग लग गई. इसी दौरान एक 14 साल के हरिश्चंद्र मेहरा ने बड़ी फुर्ती से अपने चाकू की मदद से शामियाने को फाड़कर बाहर निकलने की जगह बनाई और शामियाने में फंसे सैकड़ों लोगों की जान बचाई.

इस घटना से नेहरू बहुत प्रभावित हुए. उन्होंने अधिकारियों को आदेश दिया एक ऐसी संस्था की स्थापना करें जो देश के बहादुर बच्चों को पुरस्कृत करे. देश का पहला आधिकारिक वीरता पुरस्कार हरिश्चंद्र मेहरा और एक अन्य बच्चे को दिया गया था. यह पुरस्कार 4 फरवरी, 1958 को खुद नेहरू ने प्रदान किया था. इंडियन काउंसिल फॉर चाइल्ड वेल्फेयर की तरह से तब से यह परंपरा जारी है. इस पुरस्कार के अंतर्गत एक मेडल, प्रमाणपत्र और रुपये दिए जाते हैं.

सबसे तेज़ ख़बरों के लिए आजतक ऐप

Inspiring Stories of Children who Receive National Bravery Awards 2019 from President of India

Early this month, we at Travel Beats covered a story on how 11-year-old Indian American Advaik Nandikotkur saved a 34-year-old adult from drowning. The inspirational story about the boy’s heroic act elicited so overwhelming response from all quarters that it went viral on social media. Such inspiring stories of children and their achievements are galore in India. It is evident from the list of 26 Indian kids who President Ram Nath Kovind honored with innovation and bravery awards at the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar ceremony in New Delhi yesterday.

Among the 26 children awarded at the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar ceremony 2019 are 10-year-old Adrika Goyal and 14-year-old Kartik Goyal. They have jointly been honored with the Bal Shakti Puraskar for their exemplary act of bravery and selflessness during a riot. We at Travel Beats, an Indian Diaspora portal by Indian Eagle Travel , handpicked few other young honorees to share their inspiring stories.

Bravery Award: Adrika Goyal and Kartik Goyal

National Bravery Awards 2019, Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar recipients 2019, Adrika Goyal Kartik Goyal

Morena, a town in Madhya Pradesh witnessed the worst and the best on April 2, 2018. A socio-political agitation was raging in different parts of north and central India, in protest against the dilution of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Act. A riot ensued from the agitation and hit the pulse of Morena town in Madhya Pradesh. The rioters blocked the passage of the Uttar Pradesh- Chhattisgarh Express train, pelted stoned at the coaches profusely, and held the passengers captive.

The innocent sibling duo – Adrika and Kartik – who live nearby Morena Railway Station, came to the rescue of the passengers who were left hungry and thirsty.

They rushed home to fetch food and water for the passengers. Risking their own safety in the hands of the rioting goons, Adrika Goyal and Kartik Goyal ran from one coach to the other serving food and water to the passengers. Inspired by the kids, some of the locals joined them on the humanitarian errand. Naturally, the Goyal siblings deserved to have received the bravery award from none other than President Kovind.

Among the awardees, Adrika Goyal and Kartik Goyal have other feathers in their caps. Kartik holds a national distinction of being the youngest sketcher, and Adrika is the district-level brand ambassador of the ‘Save Girl Child’ campaign.

Social Service Award: Eiha Dixit  

6-year-old Eiha Dixit is one of those awarded the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar 2019 in the social service category. A budding environmentalist, Eiha Dixit planted as many as 2500 saplings on her birthday last year . She promotes forestation and environmental wellbeing in local events. Notably, Eiha Dixit is the youngest of the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar awardees in 2019.

Bravery Award in Sports: Shivangi Pathak  

In sports, 17-year-old Shivangi Pathak and others have been felicitated by President Ram Nath Kovind. A t the age of 16, Shivangi from Haryana became the youngest Indian girl to climb Mount Everest . Inspired by Arunima Sinha, the first Indian amputee to summit Mount Everest, Shivangi Pathak has also climbed Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa and Mt Elbrus in Europe.

Bharat Award: Guru Himapriya and Soumya Dip Jana

Among the recipients of the National Bravery Awards 2019, 8-year-old Guru Himapriya and 13-year-old Soumya Dip Jana bagged the topmost honor ‘Bharat Award’, a new addition this year, for exercising their presence of mind to save their respective families during the terrorist attack at Sunjuwan Army camp in Jammu on February 10, 2018. Soumya Dip Jana had suffered injuries from a grenade attack while trying to escort his mother and sister to a safe shelter away from the terrorists. He was in coma for three months.

Bravery Award: Camelia Kathy Kharbyngar 

12-year-old Camelia Kathy Kharbyngar from Meghalaya received the Bravery Award at the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar 2019 ceremony for saving the life of her mentally-challenged elder brother when their house caught fire on July 6, 2017. The moment she realized that her elder brother was inside, she rushed into the house on flames and got him out safe.       

Bravery Award: Late Nitisha Negi

Of the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar 2019 honorees, 15-year-old Nitisha Negi from Delhi could not turn up to receive the award at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. She lost her own life while saving a friend from drowning at Adelaide Beach in Australia on December 10, 2017. She was in Australia for a football tournament. “My daughter had always been the brave one in our family, the one who went out of her to help others,” said her father.

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2 thoughts on “ inspiring stories of children who receive national bravery awards 2019 from president of india ”.

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It was really helpful. Thanks !!

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Super this is real I think ?

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National Bravery Award Uttarakhand

National Bravery Award winner from Uttarakhand Arjun Singh , He received the award from the President on January 26 and was also a part of the Republic Day parade.

In July 2014, a tiger entered 16-year-old Arjun Singh’s house in Uttarakhand. He showed extreme courage and fought it off, saving his mother’s life who had fainted as soon as the tiger entered. Arjun went into a room and picked up a sickle to fight the tiger. As it was too small to hit from a distance, Arjun grabbed a stick and waved it towards the tiger. He did not stop until the villagers reached there and the animal ran away on seeing the crowd. Arjun received the Sanjay Chopra award.

arjun singh sanjay chopra award

He was honored for showing indomitable courage in saving his mother from an attack by a leopard in July 2014. The Governor, who is also the ex-official chairman of the State Child Welfare Council, showed great appreciation for Arjun’s valor and honored him on behalf of the council. The courage exhibited by Arjun Singh was a great source of inspiration for the youth of the state.

“It taught us that even in the face of great odds, we must not lose courage and patience”, Paul added.

State Child Welfare Council deputy chairman Dr IS Pal said the council would support Arjun’s education. Later, the bravery award recipient met Chief Minister Harish Rawat.

arjun singh tehri

Arjun is a resident of Malgaon Badiyar village in Tehri district and a student of class XII at the GIC Inter College at Mad Kudisain in Tehri district. Arjun’s mother Vikrama Devi, child council’s deputy chairperson Madhu Berry, general secretary BK Dobhal and joint secretary KP Bhatt were also present.


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Muhammed Muhsin Wins Bravery Awards, Father Recounts His Courage

I am not sad at all: he gave his life for a good cause. he has died a brave death, his father says.

Muhsin Bravery Awards 2019

[E C Muhammed Muhsin's family. (Photo: manoramaonline.com)]

New Delhi: As a teen growing up in Kerala, Muhammed Muhsin E.C. told his two younger sisters that they will be famous once he became an IAS officer. Little did the lad know that he would indeed become famous, but for displaying indomitable courage in the face of death.

The 16-year-old Muhsin, hailing from Kozhikode district, is the only posthumous winner among the 21 children nominated across the country for the Indian Council for Child Welfare National Bravery Awards 2019.

"I am proud of Muhsin. I am not sad at all: He gave his life for a good cause. He has died a brave death. My wife Nasila remembers him with tears in her eyes, but says Muhsin did what no ordinary person can do," Muhsin's father Mustafa (45), who works in Qatar, told IANS.

"I can never forget what all my three kids talked about. Muhsin used to tell his sisters Minha Fatima, 11, and Ayesha Mehrin,8, that their names too will be famous one day because of him once he became an IAS officer," Mustafa added.

A resident of Thikkodi village, Muhsin had gone to play cricket along with his friends on October 21 last year at Kodikkal beach. Mustafa recalled that the weather warning came late in the day.

"By the time the weather warning came, the children were already on the sea shore, struggling with the waves."

Muhsin's three friends ventured far into the rough sea. Though many people were present on the shore that fateful day, nobody tried to save the children.

"Muhsin jumped into the sea and brought two friends to the shore. However, he hit his head on a boulder hidden under the sea water and died. His body floated to the seashore three days later," the teenager's father recalled.

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PM presents National Bravery Awards


about bravery award in hindi essay

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today presented the National Bravery Awards to 18 children. Three of these awards were presented posthumously. Interacting with the awardees, the Prime Minister said their deeds of bravery are discussed extensively, and also highlighted by the media. Therefore, he added, they inspire other children, and often engender a sense of self-confidence among other children.

The Prime Minister remarked that most of the awardees are from rural and humble backgrounds. He said that perhaps their daily struggles had helped instil resilience in them, to deal courageously in adverse situations.

The Prime Minister congratulated all the award winners, their parents and schoolteachers. He also appreciated those, who recorded their instances of bravery, and helped draw attention to them.

Shri Narendra Modi said that after such recognition, future expectations from the awardees become higher than usual. He wished them well in their future endeavours.

The Minister for Women and Child Development, Smt Maneka Gandhi, was present on the occasion.

Met the winners of the National Bravery Awards 2017. In the next set of Tweets, I would be talking about every winner and his or her bravery. Their acts of courage will leave you amazed and inspired! pic.twitter.com/8gh4cxAprT — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 24, 2018

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What The 24 Kids Who Won The National Bravery Awards This Year Did Will Both Amaze And Inspire You

Meet the 24 bravehearts who showed immense courage and saved many lives by their presence of mind and bravery. From jumping into deep waters to jumping into deadly fires, from throwing mangoes at a leopard to offering themselves as hostage, their stories will give you goosebumps and inspire you to the core.

What The 24 Kids Who Won The National Bravery Awards This Year Did Will Both Amaze And Inspire You

Meet the 24 bravehearts who showed immense courage and saved many lives by their presence of mind and bravery. From jumping into deep waters to jumping into deadly fires, from throwing mangoes at a leopard to offering themselves as hostage, their stories will give you goosebumps and inspire you to the core.

“ B ravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death ,” said Omar N. Bradley, the great soldier. And we could not agree more as we hear the amazing acts of bravery when people, even children, have risked their own lives to help others.

Every year, 24 children are acknowledged for their extra ordinary courage and presented the National Bravery Award on Republic Day. This year too, Prime Minister Modi awarded 24 amazing bravehearts who showed incredible courage in the face of adversity or danger, some of whom even losing their own lives while helping others.

PM Narendra Modi awarded 24 brave kids for their extra ordinary courage.

Photo: narendramodi.in

Their stories will give you goosebumps and you cannot help but get inspired from these young souls. Here is the list of 24 bravery award winners of 2014 who were awarded on January 24th and were also part of the Republic Day Parade on 26th January, 2015

1. Zeal Jitendra Marathe


This 13-year old girl from Vadodara, Gujarat showed exemplary courage and presence of mind when her school bus lost control and kids started falling out. She managed to come out of the bus safely through a window, saved a few kids and also called the ambulance and the police using her teacher’s phone. With her prompt actions, she managed to keep many kids conscious and even called their parents.

2. Anjith P


Kerala-based Anjith’s excellent swimming skills came in handy when he heard a cry for help from the nearby river. The 12-year old saw two older boys drowning in the 20 feet deep river and without any hesitation, he jumped into the deep water and pulled both the boys to safety.

3. Late Gaurav Kumar Bharti

Photo: ICCW

15-year old Gaurav from Uttar Pradesh showed great courage when he saved his friend’s life who was drowning in the Ganges. While Gaurav managed to save his friend, he could not save his own life and succumbed to the whirlpool.

4. Sahanesh R


When Karnataka’s 13-year old Sahanesh’s school bus fell into the paddy field, he showed great presence of mind and did not panic like the others around him. He broke the front glass of the bus and pulled the stuck students and driver out, saving many lives.

5. Ashwini Bandu Ughade


Ashwini, a 13-year old girl from Maharashtra, literally freed her sister from a death trap when a leopard attacked them while returning from a neighbouring farm after collecting mangoes. The leopard had Rohini’s (Ashwini’s younger sister) head in its jaws. When Ashwini saw this, she started throwing mangoes at the leopard. This act drove the leopard away and she managed to pull her sister out from the horrific incident.

6. L Brainson Singh


This 10-year old boy from Manipur saved the life of his younger brother when he got electrocuted in the house. There was no one in the house when the incident happened and Brainson showed great bravery, even suffering pain and injury, to save his 6-year old brother’s life.

7. G Tooldev Sharma


This 9-year old boy from Manipur, who did not know swimming, jumped into a six feet deep pond without thinking twice to save the life of a 3-year old kid. When he reached the drowning kid, he held his collar with one hand and took support of a bamboo stick with another, while calling for help.

8. Ripa Das


When a fire broke out in her neighbourhood, 7-year old Ripa from Tripura showed great courage and saved the life of her one year old brother. While her mother and grandmother panicked and left the house, she did not lose her cool and with immense presence of mind, managed to save her life along with her brother’s. She is also the youngest recipient of the award this year.

9. Balram Dansena


Yet another braveheart is 11-year old Balram from Chhattisgarh, who quickly jumped into a 15 feet deep pond and saved the life of an eight year old boy who was drowning in the deep water.

10. Rajdeep Das


This 16-year old boy from Jharkhand saved not just one but three lives! During Laxmi Visarjan in his village, he got the news that some girls were drowning in a nearby pond. He jumped into the eight feet deep pond and searched rigorously for the girls. Even though he started getting tired, he did not give up for a long time. He managed to pull them out of the water and also gave them first aid.

11. Hiral Jitubhai Halpati


A four-month old infant fell into the river from a 30 feet high bridge. When 17-year old Hiral from Gujarat saw this while returning from school, he jumped into the river without giving a second thought and saved the baby’s life.

12. Aqil Mohammad NK


9-year old Aqil heard a mother’s cry for help. When he reached the spot, he saw 3.5 year old Ashmil drowning in the deep Chaliyar river in Kerala. The boy’s mother did not know how to swim so she was left with no choice but to wait for someone to lend a helping hand. Aqil came at the right moment. He immediately jumped into the wild water and managed to save the kid’s life.

13. Midhun P.P.


When this 14-year old Kerala boy heard a few children crying, he reached the spot and saw an 8 year old boy drowning in an eight meter deep well. He wasted no time in jumping into the well and saving the kid’s life.

14. Stevenson Lawriniang


This 14-year old boy from Meghalaya is yet another amazing example of true bravery and courage. He jumped into the six to eight feet deep pond to save life of a drowning boy.

15. Late Mesak K Remnalalnghaka

photo: ICCW

Mesak, a 14 year old boy from Mizoram, wasn’t lucky enough and sacrificed his life in an effort to save a drowning young boy. Mesak did not know swimming, but he still jumped into the flowing river to save a life. However, the current was too strong for him, he did not succeed in his efforts and both the lives could not be saved.

16. Mhonbeni Ezung


When Ezung’s grandmother fell unconscious while fishing and started drowning, 8 year old Ezung from Nagaland tried hard to pull the old lady out of the river, in spite of her heavy weight. Ezung gave her some food and ran for several kilometres to get some help from villagers, who then rushed her grandmother to the hospital.

17. Labhanshu


The 15-year old boy from Uttarakhand saved not one but two lives from drowning in the Ganges at Rishikesh. When his friend saw someone drowning, he jumped in to save him. But his efforts weren’t enough. Seeing this, Labhanshu also followed him in and saved both the boys.

18. Devesh Kumar


This 16 year old youth from Uttar Pradesh showed extra ordinary courage while confronting two chain snatchers who took away a school principal’s chain. Kumar, who wants to join the army or police force and fight criminals, also had to take a bullet on his waist while dealing with the snatchers.

19. Late Riya Chaudhary

Photo: ICCW

Riya, a 15-year old girl from Lucknow, sacrificed her life to save her father last year. When some miscreants forcefully entered her house and started assaulting her family, one of the gunmen shot a bullet aimed at her father. She came in the way, taking the bullet on herself. She managed to save her father’s life but died on the spot.

20. Rumoh Meto


Rumoh risked his own life while saving a 32-year old man who was stuck to a 33 KV high voltage line. Rumoh sustained serious injuries and burns in his first attempt to free the man from the live wire, but he did not give up and pushed him again with greater strength to get rid of the wire. The brave act saved a life.

21. Vishal Becharbhai Katosna


Just 10 years old, Vishal from Gujarat carried two 7 year old boys on his shoulders when he saw them drowning and pulled them out on to the banks, saving the precious lives. Such extra ordinary courage indeed.

22. Late Monika

Photo: ICCW

Monika sets an example of true bravery. The 16 year old girl from Uttarakhand was washing clothes at the bank of the Alaknanda river in Chamoli district when she saw her 10 year old neighbour falling into the water. She jumped in after him and pulled him out by his hair. But she could not save herself from the strength of the current and sadly drowned.

23. Resham Fatma


17-year old Resham Fatma’s 38-year old uncle poured acid on her head when she refused to marry him. He further wanted to kill her, but Fatma showed great courage and pushed him off the car. She then managed to escape and went directly to the police station. The culprit was arrested within a week and committed suicide in jail.

24. Gunjan Sharma


Gunjan is an epitome of courage and selflessness. This young girl offered herself to be taken as hostage to save her friends. She, along with her classmates, were abducted in a school van in Assam. The miscreants took her to the jungle and even put a pistol in her mouth to prevent her from shouting when security personnel came looking for her. She was eventually freed by the gunmen and we salute her for immense courage and for standing up for her friends.

We salute each and every recipient of this award. They are the true heroes.

All pics otherwise mentioned: Narendra Modi Twitter Account

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वीरता पर निबंध | Essay On Bravery In Hindi

वीरता पर निबंध Essay On Bravery In Hindi : नमस्कार साथियों आपका हार्दिक स्वागत है आज हम वीरता/ बहादुरी/ शौर्य पर निबंध (Bravery Essay) आपके साथ शेयर कर रहे हैं.

स्टूडेंट्स के लिए यह वीरता क्या है महत्व अर्थ पर भाषण, निबंध, अनुच्छेद, पैराग्राफ के रूप में इस आर्टिकल को तैयार किया गया हैं.

वीरता व्यक्ति का आंतरिक गुण है जो विपरीत हालातों के बीच अमुक लोगों में ही दीखता हैं. हम में से कोई स्वयं को कायर नहीं समझता है इसका मतलब यह नहीं कि हम सभी सच्चे वीर और शौर्यपुरुष हैं.

सामान्य हालातों में स्वयं को बहादुर कहने वाले अक्सर लोग जरा सी तकलीफ में मुरझा जाते हैं या छिप जाते है जो उसके मूल चरित्र के दिक्दर्शन करवाता हैं.

वीरता के दर्शन भी मित्रता की तरह ही हैं क्योंकि हमेशा सबसे अच्छा मित्र कहने वाला हमारा कितना हितैषी है यह तभी पता चलता है जब हम किसी विपदा या कठिनाई में पड़े हो.

सेना, पुलिस में वीरता के लिए सम्मान एवं मेडल प्रदान किये जाते हैं. हालांकि वे पदक व्यक्ति की बहादुरी को ब्यान तो नहीं करते मगर समाज, सरकार व देश द्वारा उन्हें सम्मानित करने का यह रिवाज हैं.

सच्ची वीरता के दर्शन करने हो तो भारतीय सैनिक को ही देख लीजिए गर्मियों में 45 डिग्री का तापमान हो या शरीर को जमा देने वाली ठंड वो सदैव अपनी जिंदगी की फ़िक्र किये बगैर अपने कर्तव्यों को निभाने में लगा रहता हैं.

आज के दौर में वीरता के साक्ष्य न केवल हमारी सेना के जवान पेश करते है बल्कि  हमारे पुलिसकर्मी, आम नागरिक  खिलाड़ी भी अपनी क्षमताओं से ऊपर उठकर समाज के लिए योगदान करते हैं.

मात्र पदक को ही वीरता माना जाए तो पाकिस्तानी सेना के जनरल पर कपड़े के वजन से अधिक तमगे लटकते हैं. मगर वे किस शौर्य के प्रदर्शन का दिखावा हैं पाक फौज ने किस युद्ध में शौर्यगाथा रची जिसे वह इन पदकों के माध्यम से दिखाता हैं.

प्रत्येक भारतीय वीर पायलट अभिनंदन की गाथा से तो परिचित ही होगा, अपने वतन की वायु सीमा को बचाते हुए उनका विमान दुश्मन के हमले का शिकार हो जाता हैं वह पैराशूट की मदद से गलती से दुश्मन मुल्क में उतरते हैं.

यहाँ तक एक साधारण व्यक्ति की तरह वे अपने दायित्वों का निर्वहन करते हैं. मगर पाक लोगों रेजर्स और पुलिस के द्वारा पकड़ने से पूर्व और बाद में सुझबुझ और जिस अदम्य साहस का परिचय दिया वह प्रत्येक भारतीय सैनिक की पहचान है जिसे दुश्मन भली भांति परिचित हैं.

हरेक नागरिक में वीरता के गुण होने चाहिए ताकि विकट हालातों में वे अपने समाज व देश को संकट से बचाने में जो भी मान वीय योगदान हो सके वह करें.

वीरता तभी जगेगी जब उत्कृष्ट योगदान करने वाले वीरों को यथेचित सम्मान मिले यही सम्मान लोगों को भी शौर्य दिखाने के लिए प्रेरित करता हैं. क्योंकि वीरता का गुण उतना जन्मजात नहीं होता जो उन्हें वातावरण बनाता हैं.

एक शेर के बच्चें को जन्म से ही भेडियो के बीच छोड़ दिया जाए तो भले ही वह संसार का सबसे खतरनाक प्राणी हो वह व्यवहार में दुर्बल भेडिये की तरह की व्यवहार करेगा. इसलिए हमारे बच्चों को वह वातावरण मिलना चाहिए जिससे वे बहादुरी का प्रदर्शन कर सके.

देश की केंद्र सरकार द्वारा राष्ट्रीय वीरता पुरूस्कार के माध्यम से ऐसा ही प्रयास किया जाता हैं. बाल कल्याण परिषद द्वारा वर्ष 1957 में वीरता सम्मान की शुरुआत की गई थी.

जिन्हें 26 जनवरी की पूर्व संध्या पर पदक, प्रमाण पत्र एवं नकद पुरूस्कार उन बच्चों को दिया जाता है जिन्होंने विविध क्षेत्रों में कीर्तिमान खड़े किये है अथवा सामाजिक क्षेत्र में किसी साहसिक कार्य को अंजाम दिया हो.

अब तक देश में ९०० बच्चों को यह सम्मान दिया जा चूका हैं. हमारे बच्चों में वीरता का सद्गुण विकसित करने के लिए बचपन से ही उन्हें हमारे वीर पुरुषों की कहानियां सुनानी चाहिए.

2 अक्टूबर,1957 में पंडित नेहरु के समक्ष एक ऐसी एतिहासिक घटना घटित हुई जिससे प्रेरित होकर उन्होंने अखिल भारतीय स्तर पर वीरता सम्मान शुरू किया गया.

नवरात्र के दिन थे दिल्ली के रामलीला मैदान में पंडित नेहरू, इंदिरा गांधी, जगजीवन राम जैसी हस्तियाँ विराजमान थी, अचानक उस शामियाने की आतिशबाजी में शोर्ट सर्किट हो गया तथा आग की लपटों में सभी घिर गये.

उस समय 14 वर्षीय बालक हरीश मेहरा स्वयंसेवक के रूप में सेवाएं दे रहे थे. स्काउड छात्र हरीश तुरंत बीस फिट ऊँचे लाइट के खम्भे पर चढ़े तथा अपनी ड्रेस में से चाक़ू निकालकर विद्युत् तार को काट दिया.

उनके इस साहसिक कार्य में दोनों हाथ पूरी तरह झुलस गये. मगर हरीश की इस जाबाजी ने एक बड़ा हादसा होने से बचा लिया था.

साहस ही जीवन है निबंध Essay on Bravery is Life in Hindi

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The inspiring stories of 8 children who won the National Bravery Award this year


Wednesday January 24, 2018 , 5 min Read

Eighteen children, including seven girls, have been selected for the National Bravery Awards 2017and will participate in the Republic Day parade this year

about bravery award in hindi essay

Ahead of Republic Day every year, children from different parts of the country are awarded for “ meritorious acts of bravery against all odds ”. Instituted in 1957, the National Bravery Awards have so far been given to 963 children (680 boys and 283 girls).

Eighteen children, including seven girls, have been selected for the National Bravery Awards 2017. Three are being awarded posthumously.

These youngsters, who were honoured by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on January 24, will participate in the Republic Day Parade at Rajpath. Here are some of the tales of the bravery shown by eight of these youngsters.

1. Mamata Dalai

about bravery award in hindi essay

Earlier in April last year, six-year-old Mamata and her sister Asanti were taking a bath in a pond near their house in Kendrapara district of Odisha. A five-feet-long crocodile, which had strayed into the village, suddenly emerged out of the water and attacked Asanti, 7.

Instead of getting scared and running away, Mamata held onto her sister’s left hand and started to pull her out of the crocodile’s grip. Her physical force and loud screams attracted nearby citizens; the crocodile lost its grip on Asanti and slipped into the water. It was caught by the forest officials of the Bhitarkanika National Park.

Mamata is the youngest recipient of the Bravery Awards this year.

2.  Betshwajohn Lyngdoh Peinlang

While his mother was away to wash clothes in the nearby stream, fire broke out in Betshwajohn’s kitchen when he was cooking along with his young three-year old brother. The home was soon engulfed in flames, and they had to run out. Fourteen-year-old Betshwajohn rushed back to the burning house to rescue his brother despite having escaped already. Both the children sustained injuries.

3. Laxmi Yadav

about bravery award in hindi essay

Laxmi and her friend faced harassment on the streets of Raipur. Her friend was beaten up while Lakshmi was abducted on a motorcycle . When they stopped at a secluded place with the intention to rape her, she managed to pick up and throw the bike keys away. Sixteen-year-old Laxmi, who suffers from tuberculosis, immediately fled to the nearest police station . The men were arrested on that very day.

4. Samridhi Sushil Sharma

When a masked man tried to break into her house in Gujarat, 17-year-old Samridhi fought back, despite the intruder putting a knife to her throat. In the ensuing struggle, Samridhi suffered deep injuries to her hand which left one finger damaged. She had to undergo multiple surgeries for her hand.

5. Karanbeer Singh

about bravery award in hindi essay

On 20 September, 2016, a school bus near Attari village hit a wall while crossing a bridge and plunged into a drain, risking the lives of 25 children . The driver was over-speeding.

The bus was filled with water soon and breathing become difficult for the terrified children. Sixteen-year-old Karanbeer, keeping a cool head, broke open the door and ran outside the bus. When he realised that many children were still inside the bus, he went back inside. By now the water level had increased.

Yet, determined to save his friends, he helped other children to escape and managed to save 15 lives while sustaining a deep cut on his forehead.

6. Netravati M. Chavan

On May 13, 2017, 14-year-old Netravati was washing clothes at a pond near a stone quarry when she heard the screams of two boys who were drowning in the pond. Without thinking about her safety (the pond was overflowing due to rain ), she dived into the 30-feet-deep water to save Ganesh and Muthu .

After pulling 16-year-old Muthu to safety, she went back to rescue 10-year-old Ganesh. However, Ganesh gripped her neck in fear. Netravati was suffocated to death while Ganesh drowned.

7. Nazia Khan

about bravery award in hindi essay

Illegal gambling was rampant for many years in Agra and 18-year-old Nazia decided to report this to the authorities. On 13 July, 2016, she collected related evidence and informed the police . Four people were arrested as a result and the illegal gambling business was stopped.

In retaliation, she received death threats ; her family members were beaten up as well. Soon it became impossible for her to get out of her home or even go to school. She took to social media and tweeted to Uttar Pradesh then-Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav for help. The authorities initiated action against the miscreants.

8. Sebastian Vincent

On a regular day, thirteen-year-old Sebastian was cycling to school with his friends. While crossing a railway track , his friend Abhijeet got his shoes in a tangle and fell on the track. The combined weight of the bicycle and the bag was upon him.

While the children were realising what happened, they saw an incoming train . Everyone fled except Sebastian, who stayed back and tried to help Abhijeet move away from the track. However the extra weight made it difficult.

Sebastian then jumped on to the track and, after multiple attempts, managed to push Abhijeet off the track and somersaulted off the track himself.

Despite fracturing his right hand, Sebastian, with his courage and presence of mind, helped save his friend's life.

  • Republic Day
  • Inspiration


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Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar-2023 conferred upon 11 children by President of India The award ceremony reflects our commitment to providing children with an atmosphere where they can imbibe good values and principles and become responsible citizens of our country, says WCD Minister ,Smt Smriti Zubin Irani Awardees of this year include one each in the category of Bravery and Social Service, two in the category of Innovation, three in Sports, and four in Art & Culture The nominations for the award were received in online mode on the Award portal of the Government of India- www.awards.gov.in. for the first time

Hon’ble President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu conferred the “Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar” instituted by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India on 11 exceptional children today. On this occassion, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani, Union Minister for Women and Child Development, Dr. Munjpara Mahendrabhai, Minister of State for Women and Child Development, dignitaries, senior officials, and young children from various institutions were present in a special function held at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi.

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This year the award has been given to 11 children from 11 States/ UTs, representing the diversity of the nation for their exceptional achievements. The awardees of this year include one each in the category of Bravery and Social Service, two in the category of Innovation, three in Sports, and four in Art & Culture. Out of the 11 awardees, 5 are Girls and 6 are boys.

A book on Baal Veer “Young Heroes of India” was also released during the ceremony by Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani, who presented the first copy to the President of India.

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Union Minister, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani while speaking on the occasion said that in line with the vision of giving children a safe and happy environment, the Ministry of Women and Child Development organizes the Pradhan Mantri Bal Puraskar every year to honour children for their outstanding performance in different arenas. This award ceremony is amongst our most treasured occasions as it reflects our commitment to providing children with an atmosphere where they can imbibe good values and principles and become responsible citizens of our country.

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Congratulating the awardees, the President of India stated that by conferring the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar 2023 upon the children , we are encouraging and honoring their contribution towards nation-building.The categories for today's award ceremony cover the fields which are primarly related to character-building and overall development of society and culture. Today, on the birth anniversaries of two great personalities associated with the freedom struggle, all the countrymen pay respect to their remembrance. In the freedom struggle of 1857, Veer Surendra Sai fought against the oppression of the British and kept fighting against them till he breathed his last. All Indians are proud of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose ,who , risking his life, continued to fight against the British rule right from Europe to Japan. He expressed the spirit of Indian independence even before India attained independence and hoisted the tricolor in Manipur and Andaman.

The President of India stated that philanthropy has been given the highest place in India's life values. The life of those who live only for themselves is incomplete. Life is meaningful only for those who live for others. The feeling of love for the entire humanity and the cultural tradition of taking care of animals, birds and plants is very much a part of Indian life-values. She stated that it made her happy to see that today's children are more environment conscious. Children should always keep in mind that whatever they are doing should not have a negative impact on the environment. She urged all to plant more and more trees and protect the trees. Save energy and motivate elders also for this, she said.The country which has such talented children will definitely be at the forefront. She stated that meeting these talented children strengthens her belief about the golden future of India. In the year 2047, when the countrymen will be celebrating the centenary of independence, these promising children will be shouldering larger responsibilities. She said that they have to make efforts from today itself for India of the year 2047 to be a developed and prosperous nation.

Every year, the Government of India acknowledges the exceptional achievement of children in the age group of 5 to 18 years by conferring the ‘Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar (PMRBP)’ upon them. The awards are given to children for their achievements in 06 categories namely; Art & Culture, Bravery, Innovation, Scholastic, Social Service and Sports which deserves national recognition. Each awardee receives a medal, cash prize of Rs. 1,00,000/-, a certificate and a citation.

The nominations for the award were received in online mode on the Award portal of the Government of India- www.awards.gov.in . for the first time. A total of 742 applications were received on the portal, out of which 684 were found fit for consideration. The selection of awardees was made by a Selection Committee under the chairpersonship of the Union WCD Minister.



Aadithya Suresh

Art & Culture



Aditya Pratap Singh Chauhan




Anoushka Jolly

Social Service



Hanaya Nisar


Jammu & Kashmir


Kolagatla Alana Meenakshi


Andhra Pradesh


M.Gauravi Reddy

Art & Culture



Rishi Shiv Prasanna




Rohan Ramchandra Bahir




Sambhab Mishra

Art & Culture



Shauryajit Ranjitkumar Khaire






Shreya Bhattacharjee


Art & Culture



Join us for #PradhanMantriRashtriyaBalPuraskar2023 where Hon'ble President of India will acknowledge children for their exceptional achievements in various fields View live here: https://t.co/fCVWAk0gN1 . . . @PMOIndia @rashtrapatibhvn @smritiirani @DrMunjparaBJP @indevarpandey pic.twitter.com/QfQbqPhIRu — Ministry of WCD (@MinistryWCD) January 22, 2023

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Ministry of Women and Child Development The award ceremony reflects our commitment to providing children with an atmosphere where they can imbibe good values and principles and become responsible citizens of our country, says WCD Minister ,Smt Smriti Zubin Irani Awardees of this year include one each in the category of Bravery and Social Service, two in the category of Innovation, three in Sports, and four in Art & Culture The nominations for the award were received in online mode on the Award portal of the Government of India- www.awards.gov.in. for the first time

This year the award has been given to 11 children from 11 States/ UTs, representing the diversity of the nation for their exceptional achievements. The awardees of this year include one each in the category of Bravery and Social Service, two in the category of Innovation, three in Sports, and four in Art & Culture. Out of the 11 awardees, 5 are Girls and 6 are boys.

A book on Baal Veer “Young Heroes of India” was also released during the ceremony by Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani, who presented the first copy to the President of India.

Union Minister, Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani while speaking on the occasion said that in line with the vision of giving children a safe and happy environment, the Ministry of Women and Child Development organizes the Pradhan Mantri Bal Puraskar every year to honour children for their outstanding performance in different arenas. This award ceremony is amongst our most treasured occasions as it reflects our commitment to providing children with an atmosphere where they can imbibe good values and principles and become responsible citizens of our country.

Congratulating the awardees, the President of India stated that by conferring the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar 2023 upon the children , we are encouraging and honoring their contribution towards nation-building.The categories for today's award ceremony cover the fields which are primarly related to character-building and overall development of society and culture. Today, on the birth anniversaries of two great personalities associated with the freedom struggle, all the countrymen pay respect to their remembrance. In the freedom struggle of 1857, Veer Surendra Sai fought against the oppression of the British and kept fighting against them till he breathed his last. All Indians are proud of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose ,who , risking his life, continued to fight against the British rule right from Europe to Japan. He expressed the spirit of Indian independence even before India attained independence and hoisted the tricolor in Manipur and Andaman.

The President of India stated that philanthropy has been given the highest place in India's life values. The life of those who live only for themselves is incomplete. Life is meaningful only for those who live for others. The feeling of love for the entire humanity and the cultural tradition of taking care of animals, birds and plants is very much a part of Indian life-values. She stated that it made her happy to see that today's children are more environment conscious. Children should always keep in mind that whatever they are doing should not have a negative impact on the environment. She urged all to plant more and more trees and protect the trees. Save energy and motivate elders also for this, she said.The country which has such talented children will definitely be at the forefront. She stated that meeting these talented children strengthens her belief about the golden future of India. In the year 2047, when the countrymen will be celebrating the centenary of independence, these promising children will be shouldering larger responsibilities. She said that they have to make efforts from today itself for India of the year 2047 to be a developed and prosperous nation.

Every year, the Government of India acknowledges the exceptional achievement of children in the age group of 5 to 18 years by conferring the ‘Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar (PMRBP)’ upon them. The awards are given to children for their achievements in 06 categories namely; Art & Culture, Bravery, Innovation, Scholastic, Social Service and Sports which deserves national recognition. Each awardee receives a medal, cash prize of Rs. 1,00,000/-, a certificate and a citation.

The nominations for the award were received in online mode on the Award portal of the Government of India- . for the first time. A total of 742 applications were received on the portal, out of which 684 were found fit for consideration. The selection of awardees was made by a Selection Committee under the chairpersonship of the Union WCD Minister.



Aadithya Suresh

Art & Culture



Aditya Pratap Singh Chauhan




Anoushka Jolly

Social Service



Hanaya Nisar


Jammu & Kashmir


Kolagatla Alana Meenakshi


Andhra Pradesh


M.Gauravi Reddy

Art & Culture



Rishi Shiv Prasanna




Rohan Ramchandra Bahir




Sambhab Mishra

Art & Culture



Shauryajit Ranjitkumar Khaire






Shreya Bhattacharjee


Art & Culture



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  1. रोंगटे खड़े कर देने वाली है वीरता पुरस्कार पाने वाले 22 बच्चों की

    कब हुई शुरूआत . राष्ट्रीय वीरता पुरस्कारों की शुरुआत भारतीय बाल कल्याण परिषद द्वारा 1957 में बच्चों के बहादुरी और मेधावी सेवा के उत्कृष्ट कार्यों के लिए ...

  2. National Bravery Award 2020: पीएम मोदी ...

    दिल दहला देंगी वीरता पुरस्कार पाने वाले इन बच्चों की कहानियां, Ahead of Republic Day every year, children from different parts of the country are awarded for meritorious acts of bravery against all odds.The inspiring stories of 6 children who won the National Bravery Award.

  3. National Bravery Awards: कोई भाई की ...

    National Bravery Awards: राष्ट्रीय वीरता पुरस्कार भारतीय बहादुर बच्चों को दिया जाता है। जिन्होंने अपनी जान की परवाह न करते हुए और अपनी उम्र से ...

  4. National Bravery Award

    The Sanjay and Geeta awards are given to a boy and a girl for acts of bravery. [6] The Bharat Award was established in 1987, and the Bapu Gaidhani Award was established in 1980. In 2001, Scholastic published a commemorative book featuring the winners of the 1999 National Bravery Awards. The book was entitled Brave Hearts. [3]

  5. National Bravery Awards 2020: Know The Brave Stories Of Children

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  6. Stories of 25 Children Who Received the National Bravery Award

    He received the General National Bravery Award. 11. Muhammad Shamnad, Kerala. 14-year-old Muhammad Shamnad showed outstanding courage when he risked his life to save a little girl from drowning in a pond. He received the General National Bravery Award. 12. Mohit Mahendra Dalvi, Maharashtra.

  7. प्रधानमंत्री ने राष्ट्रीय वीरता पुरस्कारों का वितरण किया

    Children Honoured with National Bravery Awards 2016: 1. Bharat Award to Tarh Peeju. 2. Geeta Chopra Award to Tejasweeta Pradhan & Shivani Gond. 3. Sanjay Chopra Award to Sumit Mamgain. 4. Bapu Gaidhani Award to Roluahpuii. 5. Bapu Gaidhani Award to Tushar Verma. 6. Bapu Gaidhani Award to H. Lalhriatpuii. 7. Neelam Dhruv. 8. Sonu Mali. 9. Mohan ...

  8. 10 Lines on National Bravery Award

    Ten Lines on National Bravery Award Set 1. 1) On 2 nd October 1957 while watching a performance at the Red Fort India's 1 st PM Pt. J.L. Nehru confronted a rescue action by 14-year-old Scout.. 2) Harish Chandra Mehra, 14-year-old Scout helped several people from the fire break out caused by a short circuit in the tent.

  9. राष्ट्रपति 22 नन्हें बहादुरों को देंगे राष्ट्रीय वीरता पुरस्कार

    22 बच्चों में से 10 लड़कियां; एक को मरणोपरांत अवॉर्ड; राष्ट्रीय वीरता पुरस्कार 2019 के लिए 10 लड़कियों और 12 लड़कों समेत 22 बच्चों को नामित किया गया है.

  10. Inspiring Stories of Children Receiving National Bravery Awards 2019

    Among the recipients of the National Bravery Awards 2019, 8-year-old Guru Himapriya and 13-year-old Soumya Dip Jana bagged the topmost honor 'Bharat Award', a new addition this year, for exercising their presence of mind to save their respective families during the terrorist attack at Sunjuwan Army camp in Jammu on February 10, 2018.

  11. National Bravery Awards

    An instance of courage in 1957 was the genesis of the National Bravery Awards. On February 4th, 1958 the then Prime Minister Nehru presented the very first Awards for courage and service to two children. Since then Indian Council for Child Welfare (ICCW) confers national awards on children every year. Process of inviting applications

  12. National Bravery Award Winner Arjun Singh

    8477. National Bravery Award winner from Uttarakhand Arjun Singh, He received the award from the President on January 26 and was also a part of the Republic Day parade. In July 2014, a tiger entered 16-year-old Arjun Singh's house in Uttarakhand. He showed extreme courage and fought it off, saving his mother's life who had fainted as soon ...

  13. राष्‍ट्रीय वीरता पुरस्‍कार

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  14. प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी ने प्रधानमंत्री राष्ट्रीय बाल पुरस्कार के

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  15. Muhammed Muhsin Wins Bravery Awards, Father Recounts His Courage

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  16. PM presents National Bravery Awards

    PM presents National Bravery Awards. 24 Jan, 2018. The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today presented the National Bravery Awards to 18 children. Three of these awards were presented posthumously. Interacting with the awardees, the Prime Minister said their deeds of bravery are discussed extensively, and also highlighted by the media.

  17. Stories of the 25 Children Who Won the National Bravery Award in 2017

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  19. वीरता पर निबंध

    वीरता पर निबंध Essay On Bravery In Hindi : नमस्कार साथियों आपका हार्दिक स्वागत है आज हम वीरता/ बहादुरी/ शौर्य पर निबंध (Bravery Essay) आपके

  20. The inspiring stories of 8 children who won the National Bravery Award

    Three are being awarded posthumously. These youngsters, who were honoured by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on January 24, will participate in the Republic Day Parade at Rajpath. Here are some of ...

  21. Press ReleaseI:Press information Bureau

    The awards are given to children for their achievements in 06 categories namely; Art & Culture, Bravery, Innovation, Scholastic, Social Service and Sports which deserves national recognition. Each awardee receives a medal, cash prize of Rs. 1,00,000/-, a certificate and a citation. The nominations for the award were received in online mode on ...

  22. Jalgaon girl gets national bravery award for saving mother from dying

    Jalgaon girl gets national bravery award for saving mother from dying of electrocution; Jalgaon girl gets national bravery award for saving mother from dying of electrocution 🔴 Now a student of class I in Jalgaon's Podar International School, Shivangi was in Senior KG when she saved her mother and younger sister Ishanvi from being electrocuted.

  23. hindi essay on national bravery award

    Click here 👆 to get an answer to your question ️ hindi essay on national bravery award. tjjoice2000 tjjoice2000 02.01.2021 Hindi Secondary School answered Hindi essay on national bravery award See answer Advertisement ... New questions in Hindi. सांपनी‌ किसे कहते है ?D0