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Writing a maternity leave request letter + example letters.

maternity leave application letter after delivery pdf

The Anatomy of a Strong Maternity Leave Request Letter

Know your workplace, example 1: casual letter, example 2: formal letter, example 3: tailor to corporate guidelines.

Maybe you’re a successful businesswoman, rising to new heights in your career. Or maybe you’re a young professional, just starting to get a feel for your workplace environment. Wherever you are on your professional journey, pregnancy might seem like a roadblock to your career. How do you handle your pregnancy and childbirth in a professional way without losing the progress you’ve made?

If telling your boss you’re pregnant in person isn’t your style, the next best alternative is to write a maternity leave request letter.

Getting this letter to your boss in a timely manner is an effective way to communicate your commitment to the company, your plans for leave, and your hopes for the future.

It’s also a great idea to attach your maternity leave plan to your request letter, so you look super prepared and dedicated to your company.

Together we will walk through how to write a stellar maternity leave request letter that shows your devotion to your company and passion for your career.

When you’re writing your maternity leave request letter, there is some essential information you’ll want to include. This will allow your boss to have the details of your maternity leave clearly laid out and easily accessible. A strong maternity leave letter includes:

  • Your name, title, and employee number if applicable. In big companies, your boss might need a reminder of who you are or which department you work for. Adding these details helps keep things professional.
  • Your due date and how many weeks of leave you’re planning to use. It can also be helpful to schedule your last day in the office a week or two before you’re due so your office can better plan for your absence. Babies come when they want to, but scheduling your last day can give you some peace of mind.
  • The name of a trusted colleague or teammate who will be handling your duties and responsibilities. If you trained someone to help while you’re gone, be sure to mention it in your maternity leave request letter!
  • Clear boundaries for maternity leave . Are you ok receiving work emails while on leave? What about phone calls? Letting your boss know what you are or aren’t comfortable with in writing can help with possible disputes in the future.
  • Excitement about returning to work. Your employer wants to know that they aren’t going to lose a valuable employee. Showing that you are excited about coming back to work gives your boss an extra boost of confidence about your commitment to the company.

Helpful tip: Attach your complete maternity leave plan to the letter for bonus points with your company!

After you’ve included these important details, submit your request letter as soon as possible. If your leave falls under FMLA guidelines, you will need to provide your employer at least 30 days notice. However, more notice is always better, since this will give your office time to prepare. Once you’re in a pregnancy safe zone (generally after 12-15 weeks), anytime is a good time to bring up maternity leave with your boss!

By highlighting a clear plan and timeline for your maternity leave, you are assuring your boss that you are committed to your company and willing to do everything you can to make your time away as smooth as possible.

Every office is different, so it’s important to know the environment of your workplace. Some offices have employee handbooks that might give you insight into the HR policies in place for maternity leave. Company culture also plays a huge part in what type of maternity leave request letter you should write to your employer.

Below I have included three maternity leave request prompts that vary in formality. Feel free to pick one that fits your company best and adapt it for your needs.

If you work for a small company where you know your boss well, you can write a more casual maternity leave letter. You can include less information since your boss likely knows you better. An easy way to send this is via email. Be sure to cc your HR representative on your email to your boss.

Subject: Maternity Leave Request

Dear Mr./Mrs. [Recipient’s Name],

As you know, I am now approaching the end of my pregnancy. I am due [due date] and plan to start my maternity leave on [starting date] and return to the office by [tentative joining date]. Barring any unforeseen issues regarding my pregnancy and delivery, I expect to be back to work at my previous position and workload.

I have been working closely with [colleagues name] and they are prepared to handle my responsibilities while I am away.

If my plans change for any reason, I will let you know as soon as possible. Thank you for allowing me this time to spend with my newborn.

See my attached maternity leave plan for further details.

Yours Sincerely,

[Your Name]

If you work for a larger company and are less comfortable having a casual conversation with your boss, you will likely want to print out a physical letter to hand to your boss and HR director. Including more information can help you feel confident asking for maternity leave.

[Manager name]

[Business address]

This letter is to inform you that I am pregnant and plan to take maternity leave. My due date is [date] and I plan to continue working until [date or suggest working from home until your due date or delivery]. I plan to take [number] weeks of maternity leave. I don't expect to have any problem returning to my current position and delivering the same quality of work I do now.

While I'm on leave I suggest [name] be in charge of [specific parts of your job]. If you have any concerns, please let me know so we can address them.

While I'm on maternity leave, I am happy to reply to emails in my available free time, however I ask that phone calls please be avoided. Please let me know if there are any forms you require from me before I go on maternity leave. Thank you for allowing me to take this time to physically recover and care for my new baby.

[Handwritten signature]

If you work for a large company with many supervisors, it can be tricky to know the correct way to write a maternity leave request letter. Your corporation will likely have a much clearer guideline for maternity leave than smaller companies. Be sure to let your boss know who you are and that you are aware of your allowed leave. This is also a good letter to print out and hand deliver.

The purpose of this letter is to apply for maternity leave as mentioned in our organization’s policy. I would like to use my maternity leave for a period of [number of weeks] weeks, beginning [start date] with my return to the office being [end date]. I hope that this request will be approved in a timely manner.

During my time away, I have asked [colleague’s name] to assist with handling my responsibilities and duties. In the case of an unmanageable emergency, please contact me at [contact number].

If my plans change, or unforeseeable circumstances arise, I will be sure to let you know. Please let me know of any information or forms, such as a doctor's note, that you will require from me before or during my maternity leave. I look forward to working with you to ensure a smooth transition to maternity leave and back to work.

A maternity leave request letter is an effective way to set expectations for your time away from the office. Your boss will be thankful to have one document to find your due date, the length of time you will be gone, and an expectation for communication. Don’t be shy about your passion for your company and excitement to return to work when your leave is over.

If you’re wanting a way to take your maternity leave request letter to the next level, be sure to read our guide on how to create a maternity leave plan (it even includes a template!)

Your maternity leave is a time to adjust to parenthood and bond with your new baby. A clearly communicated leave plan with your company can let your time at home be as peaceful as possible, allowing you to return to your career with joy.

#career #maternityleave #katiedanilich

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17+ Free Sample Maternity Leave Letter Templates – MS Word, PDF

For new mothers, balancing work and taking care of a newborn can be a stressful juggling act. Companies typically offer maternity leave to help ease this transition, but it can still be daunting to approach your employer and request the time off. This is where a maternity leave letter template can come in handy.

Table of Contents

From providing proper notice of when you plan to start and end your leave, to outlining any special requests or arrangements you may need to make your transition back to work smoother, a well-crafted maternity leave letter can make all the difference in ensuring a smooth and stress-free leave. With a readily-available template, new moms can feel empowered to advocate for themselves and their families during this important time.

Download Free Sample Maternity Leave Letter Templates

Doctor Short Maternity Leave Letter Template

How to Request Maternity Leave in a Letter

Becoming a new parent is an exciting and nerve-wracking experience, especially when it comes to requesting time off work for maternity leave. It’s important to inform your employer of your intentions to take time off to prepare for your new arrival and adjust to the new lifestyle changes that come with being a parent.

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Writing a letter requesting maternity leave can be somewhat daunting, but with a little guidance, the process can be simple. By following a few key steps and providing the necessary information, you can ensure that your employer has all the information they need to make the process smooth and stress-free for both parties.

Maternity Leave Letter Sample

Importance of Maternity Leave Letter

As a new mother, the thought of returning to work after a few weeks of bonding with your newborn can be daunting. That’s why a maternity leave letter is so important. It’s not just a formality to inform your employer of your leave. A well-written letter can help you secure your job, maintain a positive relationship with your employer, and set expectations for your return.

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It also gives your employer time to plan and prepare for your absence. By taking the time to craft a thoughtful and professional maternity leave letter, you can alleviate some of the stress and anxiety that often comes with returning to work after giving birth. So take a deep breath, put pen to paper, and let your employer know that you are committed to both your new family and your career.

Professional Employee Maternity Request Process

Guidelines for Writing an Effective Maternity Leave Letter

The arrival of a new member of the family is a special time that requires some restructuring of your life. As an expecting mother, you may need to take some time off work to adjust to the new addition. Writing an effective maternity leave letter can help prioritize the needs of your family while maintaining smooth operations at your workplace. It is important to follow some key guidelines while composing this letter to ensure that it is professional, courteous, and informative.

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Your maternity leave letter should provide essential details about the duration of your absence, your anticipated return date, and relevant contact information during your leave. Additionally, it is always a good idea to express your appreciation for your employer’s understanding and support of this exciting life event. By crafting a thoughtful and comprehensive maternity leave letter, you can move forward with confidence, knowing that your employer is well-informed and supportive of your needs as a new mother.

How to Create a Maternity Leave Letter Template

As an expectant mother, preparing for your upcoming maternity leave can be both exciting and overwhelming. There are several things you need to take care of before you leave, including informing your employer about your absence. One of the most important pieces of information you need to provide your employer is a maternity leave letter.

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Start with the Basics

Begin by including your full name, job title, and address at the top of your letter. Next, include the name and address of your employer, followed by the date of the letter. This information should be aligned to the left of the page.

Let Your Employer Know About Your Absence

The first paragraph should be an introductory paragraph stating the purpose of the letter, which is to inform your employer of your maternity leave. Include the expected date of delivery and expected return date. This paragraph should be concise and straight to the point. You can start by writing “I would like to inform you that I will be taking maternity leave for…”

Explain Your Absence

In the next paragraph, explain the reason for your absence in detail. Ensure that you mention that your absence is due to your pregnancy and that you need time off to recover. Be sure to mention any medical conditions or doctor’s orders that support your need for time off. You can write, “As per my medical condition and doctor’s orders, I will need to take some time off work in order to recover from childbirth.”

Outline a Plan of Action

Next, discuss how you are planning to handle your workload before your leave and during your absence. Mention any pending projects and how they will be delegated to colleagues. You can also offer to train a replacement or mentor a colleague who can take over your responsibilities. You can write, “I am working on a plan to ensure that all my pending projects are completed before I go on leave. I will delegate specific tasks to my colleagues and provide them with the necessary training…”

In the final paragraph, restate your appreciation for the opportunity to work with your employer. Inform them that you will keep them updated on any changes and ensure a smooth handover of responsibilities. Finally, thank them once again for their understanding and support during this period. You can write “I appreciate the support and understanding that the company has offered me during this period and I am looking forward to returning to work and resuming my responsibilities. I will keep you updated on any changes…”

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Leave Request Letter

Pregnancy Leave Request Letter

A pregnancy leave request letter is a formal letter that informs your employer you intend to take leave to welcome and bond with your new baby. A pregnancy leave request is also called a maternity leave request. Address your request letter to your immediate manager as well as your human resources administrator. Offer all the necessary information your employer needs to understand your pregnancy leave request.

This request letter is a formal document, and you should write in a professional letter format and use a professional tone. This article will teach you how to write a pregnancy leave request letter. We offer a format for writing your request letter. We have also added a sample letter to provide some inspiration.

Plan for Your Maternity Leave

The first step in writing your letter is to make some decisions about your maternity leave. Here are some of the things you should know before you begin to write your leave request.

  • The date you plan to begin your pregnancy leave
  • The anticipated status of your workload
  • If you are willing to work from home before or after giving birth
  • How you want your employer to contact you during your leave
  • How long you plan to be away
  • The date on which you plan to return from leave
  • Ideas about who could handle your workload while you are gone

If you are unsure about returning full-time when your maternity leave is completed, wait to discuss this when you are sure. If you are certain you wish to make a change to your work schedule upon return, you can add this information to your letter

How to Write Your Maternity Leave Request Letter

1. Begin your letter with your request. You can simply write “I am writing to inform you that I am pregnant, and I would like to take maternity leave.”

2. Offer the leave details. Outline important information about your leave here. Include all of the following.

  • Your due date
  • The last date you plan to work in your workplace
  • If you would like to work from home before your due date
  • How long you plan to be on leave
  • The date you plan to return to work

3. Discuss your workload status and suggest options. Your employer needs to know what you will have completed before you leave and what will need to be done while you are on leave. Suggest one or more coworkers who you know are willing and capable of helping with the extra workload while you are on maternity leave.

4. Provide contact information. Provide your preferred method of contact. Email may be preferable because it will not interrupt your newborn’s rest – or your own. You might want to check-in when you feel ready to begin communicating with the office after the baby is born. If you want to offer to work from home at any point after your baby is born, add that information here.

5. Thank your employer. Also, offer to answer questions and further discuss your leave.

Pregnancy Leave Request Letter Format

{your name}

{your address}

{recipient name}

{recipient position title}

{company name}

{company address}

Dear {recipient name},

I am writing to inform you that I am pregnant, and I would like to take maternity leave.

My due date is {date}. I plan to continue to work until {date}. {If you would like to work from home during the last weeks of your pregnancy, discuss this possibility here.} I would like to take {number of weeks} weeks of maternity leave and return to work on {date}. I anticipate returning full-time and resuming my duties with the same dedication and high-quality work I now deliver.

{Discuss the anticipated status of your work on your leave begin date; Detail any long-term projects that need to be worked on while you are on leave.}

While I am on leave, I suggest {coworker name} be in charge of {project or part of workload}. {Detail your plan for the distribution of your workload here.} Please consider these suggestions as the beginning of an ongoing discussion about handling my workload while I am on maternity leave. I am happy to discuss this proposal and any concerns you may have.

During my leave, please contact me at {your email address or phone number}. I am sure my baby and I will need rest, so please leave me a message. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you have questions or require any further information, please contact me at {your work email or phone number}. Thank you for allowing me this time to care for my newborn.

{your signature}

Sample Pregnancy Leave Request Letter

Elizabeth Berkshire

200 West Seminole Avenue

Mannford, OK 89726

March 30, 2032

Jessica Haversham

Manager, Customer Service

Acme Aircraft Manufacturing

300 South Jamestown

Dear Mrs. Haversham,

My due date is June 22. I plan to continue to work in the office until June 12. I wish to take twelve weeks of maternity leave and return to work on September 22. I anticipate returning to work full-time and resuming my duties with the same dedication and high-quality customer service I now deliver.

I plan to have all my accounts in order, my records up-to-date, and my reporting finished before June 12. Weekly and monthly reporting will need to continue in my absence, however.

While I am on leave, I suggest Andrea Jones and Jason Howard handle customer service for my clients. I would like to inform my clients that I will be on maternity leave and let them know who they can count on while I am gone. Please let me know if this is acceptable. Please consider these suggestions as the beginning of an ongoing discussion about handling my workload while I am on maternity leave. I am happy to discuss this proposal and any concerns you may have.

During my leave, please contact me at [email protected] or on my cell at (268) 399-4227. I am sure my baby and I will need rest, so please leave me a message. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you have questions or require any further information, please contact me at [email protected] . Thank you for allowing me this time to care for my newborn.

Pregnancy Leave Request Letter (Word Template)

maternity leave application letter after delivery pdf

  • State your request clearly.
  • Provide leave details.
  • Discuss your workload status.
  • Offer solutions for handling your workload during your leave.
  • Provide contact information.
  • Thank your employer.

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11 Maternity Leave Application Formats to ease the Process!

Maternity leave application letter.

Entering the realm of maternity leave? Discover the importance of a well-crafted maternity leave application letter for seamless transitions and professionalism

Expecting mothers, have you thought about how you'll handle your upcoming maternity leave?

Taking maternity leave is an exciting and important time for new mothers, but it can also be a source of stress and uncertainty. How will your duties be handled in your absence?

A well-written maternity leave letter can help alleviate these concerns and ensure a smooth transition for both you and your employer. 

Keep reading to learn the key elements of a successful maternity leave application and get tips for crafting your own. You'll be ready to confidently request your maternity leave in no time!

On this page

  • What is Maternity leave and reasons to take leave
  • Maternity Leave Application Format
  • First time mother
  • adoption of child
  • School teachers
  • paternity leave
  • rejoining application
  • option to work from home

Maternity Leave application

Introduction to maternity leave

Reasons for taking maternity leave

There are many reasons why someone might choose to take maternity leave, including:

  • To bond with and care for a newborn or newly adopted child
  • To recover from childbirth or a related medical condition
  • To allow the child's other parent (if applicable) to bond with and care for the child
  • To allow the child to breastfeed if the mother is the primary caregiver
  • To allow the mother to rest and recuperate after childbirth

Taking maternity leave can also have positive effects on the child's development, as well as on the mother's physical and mental health. In many countries, maternity leave is legally protected, and employers must provide some time off to employees who are expecting or have recently given birth.

In many cases, adoptive parents may also need to take time off work to travel for adoption or attend any necessary medical appointments or procedures for the child. Taking maternity or paternity leave after adopting a child can help provide the necessary time and support to ensure that the child and the adoptive parents have a smooth transition.

Maternity Leave Application Samples

Watch our video on how to write a maternity leave application

The maternity leave application letter should be written professionally. It should include the 

  • Employee's name
  • Your maternity leave request
  • The expected due date of the employee's baby
  • A statement confirming that the employee has informed their supervisor of their pregnancy and the expected due date
  • A request for a specific number of weeks of maternity leave
  • A statement confirming that the employee intends to return to work after their leave
  • And the estimated return date.

5 Samples to help you Ace your One Day Leave Application

How to write a Leave Application for maternity

Writing a professional maternity leave letter is essential for getting the leave approved by your employer. Here are a few tips to help you write a successful formal letter: - 

  • Include all relevant information, such as your job title, the expected delivery due date, and how long the leave will last. 
  • Use a professional tone and avoid using overly emotional language. 
  • Include any medical documentation that may be required. 
  • Be sure to include information about who will be responsible for your other children while you are away.
  • Include details about how you plan to stay in contact while on leave. - Ask your employer if they have any specific requirements for maternity leave applications.

Samples of maternity leave letter

We make your life easier on how to write a maternity leave letter. We give you 10 maternity leave application samples which you can choose from depending your context.

It may be helpful to consult with HR or the employee's supervisor to ensure that all necessary information is included in the formal letter.

(download the maternity leave letter samples as a s a pdf)

1. Format of maternity leave application letter for first-time mother

Hello [Employer],

Subject: maternity leave application

I would like to inform you that I am pregnant and expecting my baby on [Expected Due Date]. I want to request a maternity leave starting from [Start Date] and ending on [End Date].

I am requesting a total of [Number of Weeks or Months] of maternity leave. I plan to return to work on [Expected Return Date].

I understand that I must provide [Company Name] with [Number of Weeks/Months] notice before my leave begins, and I am doing so with this letter.

The letter from my doctor confirming this is attached. If any forms need to be filled out or any other documentation is required, please let me know, and I will provide it as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, 

Alternatively you can use the following indicating the company policy

Subject: Maternity Leave Application - [Your Name]

Dear [Supervisor's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request maternity leave in accordance with the company's maternity leave policy. My expected due date is [Due Date], and I intend to start my maternity leave from [Start Date] for a duration of [Number of Weeks] weeks.

I have reviewed the maternity leave policy and understand the documentation required for processing my leave. I have attached the necessary medical documents as per the policy's guidelines.

I assure you that I have planned and organized my work to ensure a smooth transition during my absence. I will also be available for any handovers or guidance that might be needed before I begin my leave.

I am grateful for the support and understanding of [Company Name] in this important phase of my life. I am confident that the team's collaboration and support will ensure that my responsibilities are well-managed during my maternity leave.

Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to a positive response and appreciate your understanding.

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Employee ID] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address]


  • Medical documentation for maternity leave as required.

How to Craft an A+ Application to Principal for Sick Leave for school

2. Format of a maternity leave application to bond with the child

To the Manager,

Subject: Maternity leave application

I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be expecting my first child in early ____ and would like to take maternity leave starting in late ____. 

My last day of work will be (date), and I would like to return on (date)

I understand the company's policy requires covered employers to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for the birth or adoption of a child.

The letter from my doctor confirming this is attached. Please let me know if there are any other forms I need to complete or if you need any additional information from me. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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3.  Format of maternity leave application letter due to pregnancy complications

Dear [Employer],

Subject: Application for maternity leave

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] to recover from childbirth and any related medical conditions.

I recently gave birth to a healthy baby, but I have experienced some complications that require additional rest and medical attention. My doctor has advised me to take at least [length of time] to recover fully before returning to work. I am attaching a medical certificate confirming my pregnancy complications.

I understand that this is a busy time for the company, and I am willing to work with you to ensure that my responsibilities are covered during my absence.

I will be available by phone and email during my leave in case of any urgent need.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to returning to work and sharing my news with you.

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4.  Maternity leave application letter to adjust for new responsibilities

Maternity leave application

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] to allow my family time to adjust to our new dynamic and responsibilities after the birth of our [newborn/adopted] child.

As you can imagine, bringing a new member into our family has been a major life change, and we would like to take some time to focus on our new roles as [parents/parent and caregiver].

During this time, I will be available by phone and email to address any urgent matters, but I will not be able to return to work full-time until [date of return to work].

I understand that this is a busy time for the company, and I am willing to work with you to ensure that my responsibilities are covered during my absence. I will make every effort to keep you informed of our progress and any developments during my leave.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

10+ Easy Formats to Make Your Leave Application for Fever Stress-Free!

5. Format of maternity leave application for adoption of the child

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] to start my maternity leave to  complete the adoption process for a child.

During this time, I will need to attend several legal and counseling sessions, as well as complete any necessary paperwork. The adoption process is expected to be completed by [expected date of placement], and I will return to work on [date of return to work].

I understand that this is a busy time for the company, and I am willing to work with you to ensure that my responsibilities are covered during my absence. I will be available by phone and email during my leave, and I will make every effort to keep you informed of any developments in the adoption process.

Guide To Crafting A Leave Application For Office. Formats & samples

6. Format of Paternity leave application

Subject: Request for a break from work due to paternity leave

I would like to take a break from work from [start date] to [end date] to bond with and care for my [newborn/adopted] child.

As you know, [partner's name] and I have recently [given birth/adopted] a child, and we would like to take some time to focus on our new roles as [parents/parent and caregiver]. During this time, I will be available by phone and email to address any urgent matters, but I will not be able to return to work full-time until [date of return to work].

Ready, Set, Leave: Crafting the Perfect Leave Application for School

7. Format of a maternity leave application for teachers

Dear [Principal],

Subject:  Application for maternity leave

I am writing to request a leave of absence from [start date] to [end date] to bond with and care for my newborn child.

As you know, I am expecting a child in [expected delivery date], and I will need some time off to recover from childbirth and adjust to my new role as a mother. My doctor has advised me to take at least [length of time] to recover fully before returning to work.

During my leave, I will be available by phone and email to address any urgent matters, and I will work with you to ensure that my responsibilities are covered in my absence. I will also be happy to work with you to develop a plan for my return to work, including any necessary accommodations.

Thank you for considering my request. I am excited to welcome my new child into the world and look forward to returning to work and sharing my news with you.

Dear Principal,

Subject: Request for maternity leave

I am writing to apply for maternity leave. I will be due in late XXX and plan to take leave until the end of the school year. 

My due date is XXX, and I would be happy to provide a doctor's note confirming the due date. I want to return to work  on XXX .

I understand that my position may be filled in the meantime, and I am happy to provide a letter of recommendation or any other documentation you may require. 

I am confident that my colleagues will continue to uphold the high standards of this institution in my absence.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to returning to work in the fall.  

[Your name]

Half-Day Leave Application: 8 Formats to Get You Out the Door!

8. Format of maternity leave application for rejoining office after maternity leave 

I am writing to inform you that I am ready to return to work after my maternity leave. My leave began on [start date] and ended on [end date], and I have now completed [length of leave] of time off.

I am excited to return to work and contribute to the team again, and I am confident that I will be able to fulfill my responsibilities to the best of my ability. I am also happy to work with you to develop a plan for my return to work, including any necessary accommodations.

Thank you for your support and understanding during my leave. I am looking forward to returning to work and getting back to business as usual. Sincerely,

[Your Name]

Write Your Leave Application for Urgent Work in No Time - With 10+ Samples!

9. Format of maternity leave application with the option to work from home

Subject: Leave  Application for maternity

I am interested in the option to work from home during my leave, as I believe that this will allow me to continue to contribute to the team while also caring for my child. I am confident that I will be able to fulfill my responsibilities to the best of my ability, even while working remotely.

Thank you for considering my request. I am excited to welcome my new child into the world and look forward to returning to work, whether in the office or remotely.

Maternity leave is a crucial time for both the mother and the baby. It allows the mother to recover emotionally and physically while bonding with her newborn. If you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant, we recommend taking advantage of this benefit. 

Be sure to read our other blog post on different types of leave applications on sick leave , marriage , office leaves etc., to be prepared when the time comes.

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To write a leave application, you should include the following information: the reason for the leave, the dates of the leave, how you will keep in touch (if applicable), and a plan for catching up on any missed work.

You should submit your leave application as soon as you know that you need to take time off. This will allow your employer to plan accordingly and minimize disruption to the workplace.

This depends on your employer's policies and the specific reason for the leave.

In some cases, an unpaid leave of absence may be granted for personal or family reasons. However, it is best to discuss this with your employer to determine what is possible.

Yes, most employers are required to provide maternity and paternity leave to eligible employees. The specific terms of the leave, including the duration and whether it is paid or unpaid, may vary depending on the employer and the individual's situation.

Yes, employees who are called to active military duty are entitled to take a leave of absence for military service. The specific terms of the leave, including the duration and whether it is paid or unpaid, may vary depending on the employer and the individual's situation.

To request a leave of absence, you should first check with your employer to see what their policies and procedures are for taking time off. In most cases, you will need to submit a written request for leave to your supervisor or HR department. Be sure to include the reason for your leave, the dates you plan to be out, and any other relevant information.

Yes, in most cases you can take a leave of absence for personal reasons. However, the specific reasons for which you are allowed to take time off will vary depending on your employer's policies and the laws in your state. For example, some employers may allow you to take time off for personal reasons such as to care for a sick family member, while others may only permit leaves for medical reasons.

Whether your benefits will continue while you are on leave will depend on the specific policies of your employer and the laws in your state. In some cases, your employer may continue to provide benefits such as health insurance and paid time off during your leave, while in other cases, you may need to pay for these benefits yourself or they may be suspended during your leave.

Whether you will have to pay taxes on your leave pay will depend on the specific type of leave you are taking and the laws in your country.

For example, if you are taking a leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in the US, the pay you receive during your leave may be tax-free.

However, if you are taking a personal leave of absence without pay, you will not receive any pay and therefore will not have to pay taxes on it.


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Written by admin • October 11, 2023 • 7:59 am • Employee Support • 15 Comments

Maternity Leave Application: Tips and Samples

Maternity Leave Application Samples

Table of Contents

Maternity leave application is a formal letter or email written by an expectant mother to her employer requesting time off from work due to pregnancy and childbirth, outlining the intended leave period and return date. Maternity leave signifies the interval during which a woman takes time off from work due to pregnancy or after giving birth to her child. This period is of utmost importance as it allows the mother to prepare for childbirth, recover post-delivery, and bond with the newborn.

The duration of the maternity leave will vary by company. Maternity leave for employees has been increased in India under the Maternity Benefit Act from 12 to 26 weeks . All ESIC-insured employees are guaranteed maternity leave.

Below are samples illustrating how a prospective mother can construct a maternity leave application tailored to her workplace’s specific requirements.

Tips to Write a Convincing Maternity Leave Letter

When crafting your maternity leave letter, follow these essential tips for a convincing and accepted request:

Attach Relevant Documents If applicable, attach any necessary doctor’s letters (unless sensitive) to serve as proof of your situation. This will substantiate your request and evoke empathy, potentially expediting the approval process.

Delegate Responsibilities: Provide reassurance by stating that you have delegated your duties to a competent individual familiar with the tasks. This demonstrates your commitment to ensuring a smooth workflow in your absence.

Adhere to the 7 Cs of Communication:

  • Concise: Be succinct and to the point, avoiding unnecessary details.
  • Clear: Clearly state your request and the reasons behind it.
  • Concrete: Provide specific information and details to support your request.
  • Correct: Ensure accuracy in grammar, spelling, and information provided.
  • Coherent: Present your points logically, making it easy for the reader to follow your request.
  • Complete: Include all necessary details, leaving no room for ambiguity.
  • Courteous: Maintain a polite and respectful tone throughout your communication.

Include Signature, Place, and Date (for Printed or Handwritten Letters): If submitting a print-out or handwritten letter, add your signature at the end. Additionally, don’t forget to include the place and date of writing to provide a formal touch to your application.

Adhering to these guidelines shall help you enhance the effectiveness of your leave application, increasing the likelihood of a positive response.

Components of Maternity Leave Application in India

Understand Your Company’s Policy Before drafting your maternity leave application, thoroughly read and comprehend your company’s maternity leave policy. Understand the duration of the leave, whether it’s divided into pre-natal and post-natal periods and any special provisions or benefits you are entitled to. Pay attention to specific rules regarding the application process, advance notice requirements, and the designated person or department you need to inform.

Format Your Application Follow a formal letter format. Place your name and address on the top left or right corner, followed by the recipient’s details below. Craft a clear and concise subject line indicating the purpose of your letter, such as ‘Maternity Leave Application.’

Salutation Use a professional salutation based on the recipient’s position and your workplace culture. For instance, ‘Dear Mr Smith’ or ‘Dear Ms Patel.’ If you’re unsure, it’s better to err on the side of formality.

Clearly State the Purpose In the opening paragraph, clearly state that you are writing to request maternity leave. Specify the exact number of days you plan to take off, including both pre-natal and post-natal periods. Mention your expected due date if applicable. Be clear and precise to avoid any misunderstandings.

Outline Work Coverage Describe how you plan to delegate your responsibilities during your absence. If you’ve discussed this with your supervisor, summarise those arrangements. Include the names of colleagues who will handle your tasks and specify any ongoing projects. If remote work is an option, state your availability hours and the mode of communication you’ll use.

Communication Preferences State your communication preferences during your leave period. Specify if you’re open to receiving work-related calls and emails or if you prefer minimal communication. Provide an alternate contact number or email address if necessary. Make it clear if you’ll be available during specific hours.

Future Work Schedule (Optional) If you anticipate changes in your work schedule after returning from leave, briefly mention them. For example, if you plan to work part-time initially, you can express your intent here. Alternatively, you can choose to discuss this upon your return, especially if your plans are not yet finalised.

Express Gratitude Express your gratitude for the support and understanding of your manager and colleagues. Acknowledge their cooperation during this important phase of your life. A brief thank-you note demonstrates your professionalism and appreciation.

Signature and Proofreading Sign the letter with your handwritten signature if it’s a hard copy. If you’re sending it electronically, you can omit the signature and type your full name below. Proofread the entire letter carefully to eliminate errors, ensuring it’s polished and free from grammatical mistakes.

Timely Submission Submit your maternity leave application well in advance, adhering to the company’s policies regarding notice periods. Ensure the application reaches the appropriate person or department within the specified timeframe to facilitate the smooth processing of your leave request.

Maternity Leave Application: Format & Samples

A woman may apply for maternity leave in a number of different ways:

  • By sending an email or letter requesting maternity leave
  • By speaking face-to-face with the employer
  • Using the phone

In order to assist you in successfully creating a convincing application for maternity leave, this blog will give several maternity leave application samples and writing advice.

Maternity Leave Application Format

[Today’s Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Designation] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, Zip Code]


[Your Full Name] [Your Signature] [Your Email Address] [Your Contact Number]

Maternity Leave Application Format

Sample 1: Maternity Leave Application for Teachers

Since 2016, I have had the privilege of teaching social science to fifth and sixth-grade students. I am writing to inform you that I am expecting and anticipate giving birth on October 9, 2023. As per the organisation’s policies, I kindly request maternity leave commencing from August 29, 2023, until January 20, 2024.

During my absence, I have taken the initiative to identify capable substitute teachers whose resumes are provided for your reference. Rest assured, I will diligently transfer all necessary materials and information to ensure a seamless transition for both you and the replacement teacher. I have already covered more than half of the curriculum, thus facilitating a smooth continuation of the lessons.

I sincerely appreciate your understanding and support during this period. Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Leena Fai Mob: 8787541908 Home phone number: 0389-2376854 Social Science Teacher ABC School

Sample 2: Maternity Leave Application for Manager

Dear Parth,

I am writing to inform you that I will be taking my allotted 26-week-long maternity leave starting 29/08/2023, as my due date is 09/09/2023. Should everything go according to plan, I should be able to return to the office by the second week of February 2024.

I have made it a priority to complete all pending projects before I go on my leave. Mr Sebastian Knight, the assistant manager, will assume my roles and responsibilities in my absence. Moreover, I will check in weekly via phone or email to ensure that the team continues to work productively and all deadlines are met.

If there are any changes in my plan, I will let you know as soon as possible.

I thank you for your understanding and attention to this matter.

Jessica Vali Manager Quality Assurance Department Mob: 9857879732 Home phone number: 011-2346954 Company abc

Sample 3 – Application for Maternity Leave

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I, [Your Name] , a member of the [Department/Team Name] , am writing to formally request maternity leave, as I am currently [X months] pregnant. I kindly request leave starting from [start of maternity leave] to [end of maternity leave] , as per the organisation’s policy.

During my absence, I have arranged for Mr. Anirban Aditya and Miss Anna Hmar to manage my tasks efficiently. For any necessary communication, please find my contact details below. If there are any changes to my plans, I will promptly inform you.

Attached herewith is my doctor’s letter confirming my pregnancy and due date for your records.

I sincerely appreciate your understanding and attention to this matter. Thank you for your support.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Department/Team Name] [Contact Information]

Sample 4 – Maternity Leave Letter

Subject: Maternity Leave Application

Dear Mr./Mrs.{Recipient’s Name},

I’m sending you this email to let you know that my due date is August 27, 2023. Since I’ve planned to take my maternity leave on the “start date” and return to work on the “end date,” I’d like to take advantage of the organisation’s offered “No of Weeks” of maternity leave.

Miss Nina Rami has volunteered to assume my obligations and responsibilities while I’m away and delegate them as necessary.

If, for any reason, my plan changes, I will let you know as soon as possible. In case you ever need to get in touch with me, my home and personal phone numbers are listed below.

Thanking you,

{Your Name} {Phone Number} {Designation}

Sample 5 – Maternity Leave Request

Subject: Maternity Leave Request

I hope this message finds you in good health. I am writing to inform you that I am currently in the third trimester of my pregnancy, and my doctor has advised immediate bedrest before my due date on 27/08/2022. Consequently, I would like to avail myself of the allotted maternity leave starting from [Mention your Maternity Leave Starting Date] till [Mention Your Maternity Leave End Date] .

In my absence, Mr. Anil Kapoor and Miss Poonam Rai will divide my duties and responsibilities. They have been briefed to ensure a seamless transition during this period. For any urgent matters or crises, please do not hesitate to reach me at the contact number provided below.

I have attached the necessary doctor’s letters for your reference, confirming my situation and due date. Should there be any changes in my plan, I will inform you promptly.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time.

[Your Name] [Job Profile] [Department Name] [Contact Number]

Sample 6 – Application for Maternity Letter

Subject: Application for Maternity Letter

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request maternity leave from [Mention Start Date of Maternity Leave] to [Mention End Date of Maternity Leave] . I have attached the necessary documents from my doctor confirming my pregnancy and due date for your reference.

During my absence, I have made arrangements for Mr. Aman Singh to manage my roles and responsibilities. He will provide regular updates on work progress thrice a week. My contact details are provided below for any urgent matters or if you need to reach me.

I assure you of my commitment to ensuring a smooth transition of my tasks. Should there be any changes in my plan, I will promptly inform you.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I am looking forward to your positive feedback.

Maternity Leave (ML) in India: Act, Eligibility & Benefits

In India, the Maternity Benefit Act of 1961 ensures that women employed in factories, mines, plantations, and organisations with 10 or more employees are entitled to maternity leave benefits. To be eligible, a woman must have worked with her employer for at least 80 days in the 12 months preceding her expected delivery date. Meeting this criterion makes an expecting mother eligible for the mandated maternity leave and any additional leave or benefits provided by her employer.

Eligibility Criteria

Maternity leave is extended to:

  • Pregnant women,
  • Women adopting a child,
  • Women experiencing a miscarriage,
  • Surrogate or commissioning mothers.

For surrogate mothers, the 26-week maternity leave period begins from the day the newborn is handed over to the adoptive parents.

Covered Sectors

Maternity leave benefits apply to women employees in both the public and private sectors, safeguarded by the Maternity Benefit Act of 1961. This Act encompasses establishments employing 10 or more people, ensuring female employees receive maternity benefits during pregnancy, childbirth, and post-delivery.

It’s important to note that the Maternity Benefit Act doesn’t extend to self-employed women or those working in establishments with less than 10 employees.

Understanding your maternity leave eligibility is crucial, ensuring you can avail of the benefits rightfully due to you during this important life event. If you have further questions or concerns, it’s advisable to consult with your HR department or legal advisor.

Maternity Leave Benefits

In India, the Maternity Benefit Act of 1961 provides essential support for working mothers, acknowledging their vital role during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Maternity Leave Period According to the Act, first and second-time mothers are entitled to 26 weeks, or 6 months, of paid maternity leave. Subsequent pregnancies allow for 12 weeks, ensuring mothers receive their full salary during this period. Importantly, this leave is not just about time off; it’s about supporting mothers during a significant life transition.

Additional Maternity Leave Benefits Recognizing the multifaceted challenges of motherhood, the Act ensures comprehensive support. Mothers are granted provisions for childcare, and upon return, they have the right to resume their previous positions. Additionally, if a mother requires more time to recuperate and adjust, her employer must grant extra leave days, promoting the physical and emotional well-being of both mother and child.

Protection for Pregnant Employees Pregnant employees deserve a safe and supportive work environment. The Act mandates that workplaces must provide essential facilities, including hygienic restrooms, comfortable seating, and safe drinking water, ensuring pregnant women can work in a healthy and secure manner.

Moreover, it’s crucial to note that under the Maternity Benefit Act, employers cannot terminate or dismiss women employees solely due to their pregnancy, labour, or post-childbirth recovery. This protective measure secures the livelihood and dignity of expectant and new mothers, fostering a workplace environment that values and supports every stage of a woman’s life.

How To Write An Email To HR Asking About Company Maternity Leave Policy

When inquiring about your company’s maternity leave policy, there are two primary communication methods you can opt for either verbal or written communication.

  • Verbal Communication: You can request a meeting with your HR representative to discuss the maternity leave policy in person. Alternatively, you could initiate a conversation with them via a phone call to address your queries.
  • Written Communication: Another effective approach is to send an email or a letter to HR. Composing a well-crafted email allows you to clearly articulate your questions about the company’s maternity leave policy and provides a documented record of the conversation.

Dear Mr./Mrs. [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. My name is [your name], and I am a member of the [your department] at [Company Name]. I joined the company on [joining date/month/year]. I am reaching out to inquire about our company’s policy concerning maternity leave as I am in the early stages of my pregnancy.

I would be greatly appreciative if you could provide me with the relevant document or link outlining the maternity leave policy. Additionally, I would like to arrange a private discussion at your earliest convenience to seek clarification and address any queries I may have.

Attached to this email, you will find the doctor’s letter confirming my pregnancy for your reference.

Thanking you for your prompt attention to this matter.

[Your Name] [Phone Number] [Job Profile]

Maternity Leave Extension Letter

At times, women require maternity leave extensions due to childcare or health issues. Addressing frequently asked questions about these extensions, consider the following key points in your request letter:

  • Reasons for Extension: Explain the specific reasons for the extension. For childcare, mention the need to care for your newborn or your child’s health and well-being. If it’s related to health issues, provide brief details about your condition and how it impacts your ability to return to work.
  • Duration of Extension: Clearly specify the duration of the extension you are requesting. State the exact start date and the anticipated end date of the extended leave period.
  • Documentation: Provide any necessary medical certificates or documents supporting your request. This could include a doctor’s note outlining your health condition or a childcare professional’s recommendation for an extended leave period.
  • Work Arrangements: If possible, propose a temporary work arrangement during the extended leave period. This might include remote work options, reduced hours, or specific tasks you can manage from home. Be clear about how you plan to manage your responsibilities remotely.
  • Communication Plan: Specify how you plan to stay in touch during the extended leave period. Provide alternative contact information and assure your availability for important work-related matters.
  • Assurance of Smooth Transition: Express your commitment to ensuring a smooth transition during the extension. Assure your employer that you will take the necessary steps to hand over your responsibilities or delegate tasks appropriately before your extended leave begins.

Maternity Leave Extension Letter Sample

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request an extension of my maternity leave, which commenced from [start date] to the initially agreed end date of [original end date]. I recently gave birth to my baby boy through a caesarean delivery, necessitated by health concerns. As advised by my doctor, my recovery requires additional weeks of bed rest, thus requiring an extension of my maternity leave until [new end date].

I have already coordinated with [name of the person in charge of your roles and responsibilities], who has kindly agreed to cover my duties during my absence.

Enclosed with this letter, please find the doctor’s letter confirming my health condition and the need for an extended maternity leave period.

I sincerely appreciate your understanding and support in this matter. Your consideration is highly valued.

Thanking you for your understanding.

FAQs about Maternity Leave Letter

What to include in a maternity leave extension letter.

  • Duration: Specify your leave's start and end dates as per the initial agreement.
  • Reasons: Briefly explain your reasons without oversharing.
  • New Date: Request the new end date for your extended maternity leave and seek your employer's approval.
  • Doctor's Letter: Attach a doctor's letter to validate your situation and request.
  • Courtesy: Maintain a courteous tone, expressing gratitude, which can significantly impact the approval process.

When should I submit my maternity leave application?

It's advisable to submit your maternity leave application well in advance, typically a few weeks before your intended leave start date. This allows your employer ample time to plan for your absence and make necessary arrangements.

What information should be included in a maternity leave application?

A maternity leave application should include your personal details, expected due date, the duration of the leave, and the date you plan to return to work. It's also essential to mention if you intend to take the entire leave entitlement or a partial period.

Should I customise my maternity leave application based on company policies?

Yes, it's crucial to tailor your application according to your company's policies and guidelines. Familiarise yourself with the maternity leave policy to ensure your application aligns with the company's rules and regulations.

Is there a specific format for a maternity leave application?

While there isn't a strict format, a maternity leave application should be formal and concise. It's recommended to use a professional tone, include a clear subject line, and organise the content in a structured manner.

The above maternity leave application samples and tips should help you write and submit a convincing application for maternity leave.

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Welcoming a new member into the family is an exciting time, but it’s important to plan ahead, especially when it comes to your professional commitments. One of the most important things to begin from the professional front is applying for maternity leave at the office. Your maternity leave request should communicate your leave for pregnancy while remaining professional and clear.

Whether you are a new mom-to-be or you just want to improve your approach for the second time around, this guide will walk you through tips and an overall strategy on how to apply for maternity leave at the office with leave application samples below.

A maternity leave letter is a formally presented leave request or a leave application from expectant mothers at their workplace. The maternity leave request is written to inform your manager, employer, or HR department that you plan to take time off from work for a certain period due to pregnancy, childbirth, or caring for a newborn child.

The leave request typically includes information about the expected date of birth, the beginning and end dates of maternity leave, as well as information about the employee’s role and responsibilities during the absence. The letter serves as a formal notice that the employee intends to take maternity leave, according to the company’s policies and legal requirements.

Before moving on with our maternity leave application tips and samples, let’s get a quick understanding of the specifics of maternity leave requests. In India, according to the Maternity Benefit Act 1961, there are certain rights and benefits provided to women during pregnancy including maternity leave, maternity pay, and job protection. Here, female employees are eligible to take maternity leave for up to 6 months, or 26 weeks. The maternity leave application in India grants a full salary during this period. 

how to write a maternity leave application

  • Tips to Write a Maternity Leave Application for Office

Here is a detailed guide to help you write a maternity leave letter during pregnancy.

Your maternity leave request should state the subject of your application. Therefore begin your maternity leave application with a clear and to-the-point heading that states your reason for leave. For example, “Application for Maternity Leave” or “ Request for Maternity Leave Absence”

Clearly state the purpose of your maternity leave and mention the duration of the leave request. Remember to mention the expected date of the commencement of the pregnancy leave and the anticipated date of return to work.

Include relevant details such as your employee identification number, department, and designation to facilitate processing by the HR department. Also, mention the date of childbirth, if known.

Express your gratitude to your employer for providing support and understanding during this significant event in your life. Assure your commitment to the job and the company even during the period of your absence.

Example: Thank you for your support. I’m committed to a smooth handover and excited to return to work.

Offer to coordinate with your colleague or designated replacement before the commencement of your leave. This shows your commitment and dedication to the job role and the company thereby, ensuring a smooth transition in the team.

Remember to provide contact information for emergencies or any critical inquiries during your absence.

Here are the 5 best maternity leave format templates to help you draft a perfect maternity leave application request right before your D-Day!

[Your Name]

[Your Employee ID]

[Your Department/Division]

Subject: Maternity Leave Application

Dear [Supervisor/HR Manager],

I am writing to inform you of my pregnancy and to request maternity leave. My expected date of childbirth is [Date], and I would like to commence my maternity leave from [Start Date] until [End Date]. I intend to return to work on [Return Date].

I am committed to completing any pending tasks and facilitating a smooth handover of responsibilities before my departure. Please let me know if there are any additional procedures I need to follow or documents I need to submit.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time. I look forward to returning to work and contributing to the team upon my return.

Subject: Maternity Leave Request

I am writing to formally request maternity leave following company policies. My expected date of childbirth is [Date], and I would like to begin my maternity leave from [Start Date]. I anticipate taking [Number of Weeks/Months] of leave and plan to return to work on [Return Date].

I have already begun organizing my workload and will ensure a smooth transition before my departure. Please let me know if there are any specific tasks or responsibilities you would like me to prioritize during this time.

Thank you for your support and understanding. I am looking forward to the new chapter ahead and returning to work with renewed energy.

Best regards,

Example 3: Maternity Leave Extension Request

[Your Name]  

[Your Employee ID]  

[Your Department/Division]   


Subject: Request for Extended Maternity Leave  

Dear [Supervisor/HR Manager],  

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request an extension of my maternity leave due to unforeseen circumstances. As you are aware, I began my maternity leave on [Start Date], with the original plan to return to work on [Return Date]. However, after discussions with my healthcare provider, it has become apparent that I will need additional time to fully recover and care for my child.  

I am requesting an extension of [Number of Weeks/Months] to my maternity leave, to return to work on [New Proposed Return Date]. I understand the impact that my extended absence may have on the team and will ensure that all necessary arrangements are made to minimize disruption.  

I am committed to completing any pending tasks and facilitating a smooth transition of responsibilities during my absence. If there are any specific tasks or projects that require my attention before I extend my leave, please do not hesitate to let me know.  

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time. I am grateful for the flexibility that [Company Name] has shown in accommodating my circumstances, and I look forward to returning to work with dedication once I have fully recovered.  

Warm regards,  

Subject: Application For Maternity Leave

I am writing to formally request maternity leave as I am expecting a child. My expected date of childbirth is [Date], and I would like to commence my maternity leave from [Start Date]. I plan to take [Number of Weeks/Months] off and return to work on [Return Date].

I want to assure you that I am committed to completing any pending tasks and ensuring a smooth handover of responsibilities before my departure. If there are any specific tasks or projects that require attention during my absence, please let me know, and I will make appropriate arrangements.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this important time. I am looking forward to becoming a parent and returning to work with renewed focus and dedication.

Warm regards,

Example 5: Simple Maternity Leave Letter

[Your Department/Division]  

[Company Name]  

Subject: Maternity Leave Request  

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to formally request maternity leave as I am expecting a child. My expected date of childbirth is [Date], and I would like to commence my maternity leave from [Start Date]. I plan to take [Number of Weeks/Months] off and return to work on [Return Date].

I assure you that I will complete all pending tasks and ensure a smooth handover of responsibilities before my departure. If there are any specific tasks or projects that require attention during my absence, please let me know, and I will make appropriate arrangements.

Please kindly approve my request for maternity leave. Thank you for your understanding and support during this important time.

Best regards,  

Writing an application for maternity leave takes a lot of time and effort, but it’s worth it in the end. With the help of these tips in this guide and the leave application example provided, you’ll be able to create an application that’s both professional and comprehensive, meeting both your and your employer’s needs. Remember to submit your leave application prior as this will help your team members make the necessary arrangements before your leave.

We wish you good health as you move into this new stage of your life!

Related Read: How to Write Casual Leave Application for Office – With Samples

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Maternity Leave Letter of Intent Template

Maternity Leave Letter of Intent Template

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Updated July 21, 2023

Use ContractsCounsel to draft this LOI!

A maternity leave letter of intent is submitted to an employer by an employee requesting time off to give birth, recover, and care for a newborn baby.

Contrary to popular belief, federal law does not require paid leave. It only protects an individual’s job during the maternity leave period.

Minimum Timeframe

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA)  allows an employee to take up to twelve (12) unpaid weeks off to care for their newborn. The father or mother is guaranteed to have their job back at the end of the leave.

Review the  Employer’s Guide to the FMLA provided by the Department of Labor for specific rules and conditions.

Maternity Leave Letter of Intent – Sample

Date: January 1st, 2010

Gary Mugato 456 Avenue Ave Real City, MT, 12345

Dear Gary Mugato,

I am writing to inform you that I am pregnant and intend on taking maternity leave.

My physician has estimated that the baby is expected on May 23rd, 2010 and I would like to remain working until April 23rd, 2010. I plan to take twelve (12) weeks off and, barring no medical issues or complications, I anticipate no problem with resuming my current position as Senior Accountant following my absence.

If you have any questions, I can be contacted via email at [email protected] or by telephone at (555) 555-5555. Please inform me of any forms, doctor’s notes, or other information you require to enable this transition into my maternity.

Joan Harris


Letter of Intent for Maternity Leave

Email delivery.

Last updated March 21st, 2023

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Maternity Leave

A  letter of intent for maternity leave is sent to an employer by a pregnant employee to ask for time off for the birth and care of their baby . The letter relays the employee’s job position, expected delivery date, and the dates they wish to begin and end their maternity leave. By drafting a letter of intent (LOI), the employee puts their request in clear terms and shows respect to their employer by delivering a formal letter.

What’s Included

An LOI for maternity leave will generally include the following information:

  • Salutation and introduction – In a formal letter, it’s customary to begin with a salutation addressing the recipient, such as “Dear _____,” and a brief introductory paragraph that presents the reason for the letter in simple terms.
  • Contact information – The sender should include a mailing address, phone number, and email address so that they can be easily contacted by the letter recipient as needed.
  • Expected delivery date – The date that a medical professional has estimated for the baby’s delivery should be included to provide context for the requested time off.
  • Maternity leave period – The sender will need to indicate the desired start date and duration of their maternity leave. Although they are guaranteed a certain amount of time off, the exact start date may be negotiated with their employer.
  • Job position – Due to the fact that the sender will be returning to their current position at the end of their leave, they can include their job title to ensure that there is no confusion with their employer.

The Family and Medical Leave Act ( § 29 U.S. Code § 2612(1) ) grants new mothers up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave with the guarantee of maintaining their job position. Individuals approved for adoption or foster care can also request maternity leave. However, the employing organization must have at least 50 employees and the person requesting time off must have worked at least 1,250 hours in the prior year.

Paid Maternity Leave

In addition to the federally-mandated unpaid maternity leave, the following states have laws that provide for paid maternity leave :

  • Connecticut
  • Massachusetts
  • Rhode Island

Once an individual discovers that they are pregnant, or has been approved for adoption or foster care, they have the right to take time off work. To request maternity leave, the person should draft an LOI addressed to their employer and send it to them by hand, mail, or email .

The employer may negotiate a period of time off that is different from what is expressed in the letter, and some employers will offer paid family leave. As long as the employee is within their rights, they will be guaranteed up to 12 weeks time off without pay while retaining their job.

Supporting Documentation

To retain their right to maternity leave, the employee will likely require the following documentation ( Dept. of Commerce ):

  • Birth certificate
  • Consular report of birth abroad
  • Healthcare documentation
  • Hospital admission form for baby’s delivery
  • Adoption placement agreement (for adoptions)
  • Foster care placement record (for foster care placements)

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Date: [DATE]




I am writing to inform you that I am pregnant and intend on taking maternity leave.

My physician has estimated that the baby is expected on [DATE] and I would like to remain working until [DATE] . I plan to take [NUMBER OF WEEKS] weeks off and, barring no medical issues or complications, I anticipate no problem with resuming my current position as [POSITION TITLE] following my absence.

If you have any questions, I can be contacted via email at [EMAIL ADDRESS] or by telephone at [PHONE NUMBER] . Please inform me of any forms, doctor’s notes, or other information you require to enable this transition into my maternity.




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10 Samples Maternity Leave Application Letters For Workers After Delivery

Maternity leave applications are a joy to write; it is just like announcing the arrival of one’s baby. The happiness is doubled if it is the first child, in which case the mothers are often so ecstatic that they almost completely forget to apply for maternity leave. Even when they do remember, they are often at a complete loss as to what to write.

If you find yourself in such a joyous situation, then you have come to the right pace. This post is full of samples and templates which you can easily edit and then submit to your employer.

One thing that makes this even easier is the fact that your employer has had several months’ notice; pregnancies are difficult to miss. However, for record purposes, maternity leave applications are a norm. Here is how to write them.

Pregnant lady

10 Maternity Leave Application Letter Samples

The following maternity leave application sample is very good for a teacher who has to write her principal to get leave from work so as to have her baby.

Applying For Maternity Leave As A Teacher

The Principal,

[Name of School]

Subject: Maternity Leave Application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m writing to officially request maternity leave, as I am almost due to be delivered of a baby. My doctor has given the expected due date as [enter due date]. But to err on the side of caution, I would like to commence the leave on [Start due date] and till [enter end date]. The few days upfront is to enable me prepare ahead.

I have already spoken extensively with my colleague [Mrs. So so], who teaches the same subject as I do, and she has stated her willingness to cover my classes for the entire period of my absence. This should ensure that there is minimum disruption of the learning process of my students.

On my return I will carry out a compressive review with my students.

I have attached a note from my doctor to this letter to serve as a reference.

Thank you for your kind understanding.

[State Your Name]

[Teacher’s Rank or Designation] [Class/Subject Handled]

Yes, the maternity leave will unquestionable leave a vacuum in your place of employment; they will miss the services of a dedicated and competent teacher like you. However, some employers may resent the idea of you making a selection of your replacement. You can avoid that tension by using the template below.

As A Teacher With A Domineering Boss

I’m writing to appeal for maternity leave, as the expected date for the delivery of my baby is almost here. My doctor’s given date is [enter due date]. But I would like to start the leave on [Start due date] and till [enter end date]. This means taking a few days ahead in order to prepare accordingly.

I understand that my absence will create a vacuum, but there are several capable hands able to cover my absence. [Mr. so and so] or [Mrs. So and so] teach similar subjects as I do, and I am sure that whoever you choose will do well.

When I return on [enter end date], I will begin the process of reviewing everything with my students.

I have attached a note from my doctor for reference purposes.

The sample above is almost guaranteed to get the desired result; it is respectful, direct, and efficient. Let us now look at a sample that is not based on a school environment. How do you approach your boss to get a maternity leave?

For Those Working In Corporate Offices

The Manager,

[Name of Company]

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},

I am writing to officially inform you of my intention to take the allotted {Number of weeks} of maternity leave available to me. I am almost at my due date which is expected to be {enter due date}, and so I plan to start my maternity leave on {enter starting date}, and return to the office by {enter end date}, barring any unforeseen occurrences regarding my pregnancy.

If the made plans should change in any way, I will let you know as soon as possible. I have attached a letter from my doctor for reference purposes.

Please contact me via phone if you need any additional information.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your Name}

{Your Position in the Company}

The template above will serve great for those who have a specified amount of days allotted to them as maternity leave. However, not every employer has that luxury. Some depend on flexibility and good understanding between all in the work environment.

When Such Terms Are Not Spelled Out In Your Contract

I am writing to request maternity leave as I am almost due to be delivered of my baby. The doctor’s given due date is [enter due date], and so I plan to start my maternity leave on [enter start date]. The 3 days ahead is to err on the side of safety. I expect to be back at my desk by [enter end date], barring any unforeseen events.

If the plans should change in any way, I will inform you immediately. Attached to this letter is a note from my doctor for confirmation and reference purposes.

Depending on the particular place of employment, it may not be necessary to draft someone to replace you at your desk. Work may move at a slower pace, but that is often acceptable because it will only take a while before your return, and then the office will be at full strength.  In the example below the applicant works for a government agency.

For Those Working At Government Agencies

The Controller,

[Enter Sector, Agency]

I am [state Your Name], an officer of [so so rank], in this establishment. I write to inform you of my intention to take [so so amount of time] out of the [so so amount of time] allotted to me as maternity leave. The reason is that I am almost due to be delivered of my baby.

The doctor’s given expected date of delivery is [enter due date], and so I plan to start my maternity leave on [enter start date], returning to my position on [enter end date]. The 2 days ahead is as a precautionary measure.

If the plans should change in any way, I will inform you immediately. I have attached to this letter a note from my doctor for confirmation and reference purposes.

{Your Rank or Position}

{Your Sector or Section}

The template above is good for a person who has a purely official relationship with his boss. The letter is merely a courtesy; the superior has no authority to refuse. However, not everyone has such leverage. Sometimes you need to beg for it, and the length of time available may be up to the employer. The template below is much a maternity leave application sample.

When Tact Is Needed To Get The Maternity Leave

I am writing to request maternity leave as the expected date for the delivery of my baby is almost due. The doctor’s given due date is [enter due date], but for reasons of caution, I plan to start my maternity leave on [enter start date], coming back to work on [enter end date].

I hereby plead that you grant me this request, as I need the time welcome the baby, perform all the cultural ceremonies, and adjust to a new routine.

Attached to this letter is a note from my doctor for confirmation also to serve as a reference.

I shall be available for communication via telephone should my attention be needed on any matter at all.

Thank you in anticipation.

As mentioned in the introduction, it is highly unlikely that a maternity leave application will be refused. This is because the employer or superior has already seen your protruding tummy, and so knows what to expect. Even a small business gains clout and good PR when it is seen offer good working conditions.

For those working in small businesses, the following template may be most effective.

For Small Business Employees

The Owner/Director,

[Name of Company or Business Enterprise]

As you are aware, my husband and I are expecting our first child. Therefore, I am writing to beg a leave of absence from {enter starting date}, till {enter end date}. This is for me to have my baby, carry out the cultural obligations, and build a new routine.

My expected date of delivery is [enter due date], and the two days ahead is as a precaution.

During my absence, I will be available to offer my services via phone, if my attention should be needed in the office in any way.

I have attached a note from my doctor. Please contact me via phone if you need any additional information.

{Your Loyal Employee}

The sample maternity leave application is almost romantic; the very basis of the application is the good, friendly rapport between the employee and boss. This is common in small businesses where everything is on a first name basis. However, in the template below, the writer does not even know who she is writing to. This happens in very big offices, or government establishments.

Maternity Leave Application Letter For a Big  Office

The Human Resources Manager,

[Enter Agency]

Dear Sir/Ma

I am [state Your Name], an officer of [so so rank], attached to the [so so office] in the [so so] sector of the [so so agency]. I have been directed to write this letter to inform you of my intention to take [so so amount of time] out of the [so so amount of time] allotted to me for maternity leave.

I am almost due for delivery; the doctor’s expected due date is [enter due date]. Therefore, I plan to start my maternity leave on [enter start date], returning to my position on [enter end date]. As you have observed, I have taken 2 days ahead as a precaution.

If the plans should change in any way, I will write to you immediately. I have attached to this letter a note from my doctor, and a letter previously written to my immediate superior.

{The Agency You Work For}

In the example above, the writer has already written to his immediate superior, who has now directed her to apply to a higher authority. Even so, neither the higher authority nor the immediate superior will likely refuse the application which is for record purposes.

The template below is an example in which the writer is an employee at a big organization with clearly stipulated rights and privileges.

As A Worker In A Big Organization But Able To Assign Duties

[Enter Company Name]

Subject: Maternity Leave Required

My purpose of writing this email is to apply for maternity leave as stipulated in the company’s policy. This is in line with the organization’s policy for female employees, and spelled out in my employment contract.

I want to avail myself of this privilege for a period of {Number of weeks} weeks, starting from {enter start date} to {enter end date}. My due date of delivery is [Enter due date]. I am confident that this request will be sanctioned.

As I will be away for a considerably long period of time, I have briefed my colleague {Mr. or Mrs. Colleague’s name} on how to cover my responsibilities and duties. However, I will be available to the office via phone on [enter phone number] should the situation arise.

I have attached a letter from my doctor for confirmation and reference.

In the template above, the writer may be a senior member of staff in the organization, probably having an office junior or assistant working with her. In any case she has the power to assign a person to cover for her while she is away. This makes life a lot easier for the person in charge.

In the template below, it is assumed that she does not have that power. The good rapport with the superior officer will nevertheless produce the desired results, even if the work must suffer for some time.

When There Is A Good Rapport With Your Boss

[Enter Branch Name]

As you may know, I am approaching the end of my pregnancy. My doctor has given my expected due date as {Mention date}. Therefore, I write to apply for maternity leave as suggested by the doctor. Please let it start from {start date} to {end date}.

In my absence, either of my colleagues Mr. {colleague’s name} or Mrs. {colleague’s name} can carry out the most important of my tasks. I have given them both the necessary guidelines. I am confident that whomever you choose will perform well.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am confident of your positive reply.

{Position in Establishment}

What To Remember When Applying For Maternity Leave

A maternity leave request is mostly a complementary gesture to your superiors. In most well organized establishments it is clearly spelt out in the employment contract, and so it is a right that cannot be denied.

In most organizations, a maternity leave request simply goes into the record. It may be used for future reference purposes, and to ensure reciprocity which is an important part of ensuring a cordial work atmosphere.

Your colleagues and employer has already seen that you are pregnant, and will be unavailable for some time. Writing to request a leave of absence shows professionalism and respect.

Even small businesses will be happy to give time off; however this is greatly helped when you have a good working relationship with your employer and colleagues.

Some times when a person is a team leader or heads a section of an office you have the knowledge of who can best fill your shoes in your absence. Taking the step to train the person ahead shows that you are proactive, and that you have the best interest of the office at heart.

However, sometimes it is not your position to select the best person to fill in your shoes. Sometimes capacity is not the only quality that your superior is looking for; it may be honesty, transparency, or flexibility. Therefore, it may be best to consult with your boss before assigning someone to carry out your duties.

Sometimes, your boss may even feel insulted when you assign your duties to someone else without his consent. Therefore, it may be best to consult your boss first before making such a step. Even when such a choice has been made, it is still vital to put it down in reference in the application letter.

Another way to show you have the best interest of the organization at heart is to volunteer to assist the office via phone if necessary. This is especially so when you hold a sensitive position in the establishment.

The maternity leave applications above are templates requiring minimum editing such as input of dates and names. However, if you are unable to find one that matches your exact circumstances, then you only need to be a little more creative, and so make the needed changes on any of the examples provided above.

Please present the letters in person where possible, and do with a smile. Everyone at work is happy for you, as you are about to have a baby.

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11+ Maternity Leave Letter Templates – PDF

When you are well into your pregnancy, you will need all the support you can get before you return to work. Due to baby care, you cannot settle for anything less than being taken good care of and having enough support from everyone who can give it, while you’re making preparations, especially if you have a full-time job templates and when there is a solution that offers a more comfortable experience for you while you are expecting. Usually, people prepare for this while they are in their early stages. Above everything else, your health and that of your unborn baby should be prioritized. This is because you are in charge of not one, but two lives. It is only right to come prepared with gadgets, clothes, food, OB appointments, the hospital, and all. You can also see more on different types of Letter Templates here.

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maternity leave application

How to Write Maternity Leave Application with Examples

A maternity leave application is a formal request to your employer to grant you leave before & after your delivery.

Usually, maternity leave varies between 12 weeks and 26 weeks. However, if you are planning an extension, you are suggested to inform your manager in advance.

A brief idea of the maternity application letter

As you are requesting your manager to grant you a maternity leave, the pregnancy leave letter must have a formal tone. It should have the necessary details to support your requested break.

The leave letter should mention the starting date of the break and re-joining date. It should keep your employer updated about how long you are going to take a break for pregnancy and childbirth.

How to write an application for maternity leave?

Go through the company rules to know how many days of maternity leave you can avail yourself. You can get in touch with HR for a better understanding.

After having a complete idea of the rules, you need to start with your application procedure. You must comply with the rules to avail the mentioned benefits.

Mention date and address

It is the basic rule of all kinds of formal letter writing to give the date and address at the top of the letter.

Add subject line

Give a subject line to the letter. A subject line must go like ‘Request for maternity leave.’ It gives an insight into the letter.

Greet you Manager

Start the letter by greeting the recipient. Use professional language where you will be using the recipient’s name with the surname.

State the purpose in the first paragraph

Be precise in your application. State the purpose of the letter in the first paragraph, and mention the number of days you will be applying for leaves.

To remain clear with your statement, it is suggested to mention the start and end date of leave

Present an alternative work plan

As you will be on leave for a period of time, you may provide an alternative work plan to your employer. It will show your sincerity towards work.

State your preferred mode of communication

Mention your preferred mode of communication – Your personal number or email ID for your manager/team to reach out to you in case of any support required.

Thank the recipient

Thank the receipt and show gratitude toward your manager. Sign the letter and send the maternity leave letter to the right email address. Submitting the letter on time will facilitate the entire process of approving leaves.

Here are some templates to help you.

To: Mail ID

From: Mail ID

Subject: Requesting Maternity Leave (pre-natal & post-natal)                  


Mr./Miss/Mrs. (Name) (Surname)



(Name of the organization)

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I am (your name) (employee ID) of (project name). I would like to inform you that I am pregnant for (number of weeks) and would like to take maternity leave for (number of months). I will resume my duty at your esteemed organization on return from leave.

According to the company’s rule on maternity leave, I am eligible to take leaves for (mention the days/months). I would like to include my pre-natal and post-natal periods in the leave. My expected delivery date is (mention the date).

For any assistance, I would be available on my personal number and through email.

Thank you for your kind consideration. I would be obliged if you grant the aforesaid leave.

Yours Sincerely,

(Your signature)

(Your name)

Subject: Application for maternity leave (From date- to Date)

Dear Mr./Mrs./ Miss,

I am writing this letter to inform you that I would take maternity leave from (date) to (date). As per company rules, I am eligible to take maternity leave for (mention the days/months). I request you to grant me leaves for (mention the days).

My (co-worker’s name) will share the workload in my absence. For any assistance, I will be available on my personal number.

Thanking You,

(Your Name) (Your surname)

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Maternity Leave Letter Examples – Crafting Your Pregnancy Leave Application

Maternity Leave Sample Letter Formats & Email Templates

  • Post author: Meet
  • Post published: March 30, 2023
  • Post category: Leave Request

Maternity Leave Letter – Maternity leave is a critical aspect of the working world for pregnant women. It is an essential period of rest and recuperation after childbirth, allowing new mothers to bond with their newborns while recovering physically and mentally. To apply for maternity leave, it is necessary to submit a letter to the employer stating the expected date of delivery and the duration of the leave. Crafting a well-written maternity leave letter is crucial for ensuring a smooth and hassle-free leave period. In this article, we have compiled 15 examples of maternity leave application letters and formats that can help expectant mothers in drafting their own letters.

Helpful tips for writing a maternity leave letter

  • Begin with a clear and concise introduction, stating the purpose of your letter or email, such as “I am writing to request maternity leave.”
  • Specify the dates you plan to take leave, including the start and end dates. This will help your employer plan and make necessary arrangements for your absence.
  • Check your company’s policy for maternity leave to ensure that you are following the correct protocol and include any required forms or documents with your request.
  • Use a professional tone throughout your letter and avoid oversharing personal information.
  • If possible, give your employer enough notice of your planned leave to allow them to make arrangements for your absence.
  • Offer to collaborate with your employer and colleagues to ensure a smooth transition and completion of your tasks before your leave.
  • Express your gratitude for your employer’s support and understanding.
  • Consider including bellow maternity leave letter samples or examples as a reference to ensure that your request meets the expected format and content.
  • Avoid making demands or being confrontational in your letter or email. Remember that this is a request, not a demand.
  • Proofread your request for any errors or typos before sending it to your employer.

By following these tips, you can write a professional and effective maternity leave request to your boss, in the correct format and with the necessary information.

Formats for maternity leave Letter

1 – formal letter format:.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State Zip Code]

[Employer’s Name]

[Employer’s Address]

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing to inform you that I will be taking maternity leave from [Start Date] to [End Date] in accordance with the company’s maternity leave policy. I am currently [X] weeks pregnant and plan to begin my leave on [Start Date].

During my absence, I will ensure that all my current projects are completed and that my colleagues are fully informed of any outstanding tasks. I will be accessible for any essential correspondence through email or telephone as well.

Thank you for your support and understanding during this time.

2- Maternity Leave Letter – Email Format:

Subject: Maternity Leave Request

I am writing to request maternity leave in accordance with the company’s maternity leave policy. I plan to take leave from [Start Date] to [End Date] to prepare for the arrival of my child.

During my absence, I will ensure that all my current projects are completed and that my colleagues are fully informed of any outstanding tasks. I will be accessible for any required communication through email or phone as well.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,

3 – Short and Simple Maternity Leave Letter Format:

I will be taking maternity leave from [Start Date] to [End Date] in accordance with the company’s maternity leave policy. Thank you for your understanding.

4 – Family-Friendly Format:

I am writing to request maternity leave to prepare for the arrival of my child. I plan to take leave from [Start Date] to [End Date] to ensure that my family is properly cared for during this important time.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

5 – Maternity Leave Letter – Professional Format:

I am writing to inform you that I will be taking maternity leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. I will be using my accrued sick and vacation time, as well as any other available benefits, to cover the duration of my leave.

Before commencing my leave, I will make certain that all ongoing projects are finalized and that my colleagues are thoroughly updated regarding any pending tasks. Moreover, I will remain accessible through email or phone for any essential communication needs.

6 – Grateful Format – Maternity Leave Letter:

I am writing to express my gratitude for your understanding and support during this important time. I will be taking maternity leave from [Start Date] to [End Date] to prepare for the arrival of my child.

During my absence, I will ensure that all my current projects are completed and that my colleagues are fully informed of any outstanding tasks. I am also accessible for any essential communication through email or phone.

Thank you again for your support.

7 – Personalized Format:

I am writing to request maternity leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. During this significant period, I plan to utilize the available time to make adequate preparations for the arrival of my child and ensure that my family receives the necessary care and attention.

I appreciate your support and understanding during this time. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

8 – Positive Maternity Leave Letter Format:

I am thrilled to inform you that I am expecting a child and will be taking maternity leave in accordance with the company’s maternity leave policy. My leave will begin on [Start Date] and end on [End Date].

During my absence, I will ensure that all my current projects are completed and that my colleagues are fully informed of any outstanding tasks. I will also be reachable for any necessary communication through email or phone.

Thank you for your support and understanding during this exciting time.

9 – Informative Format for Maternity Leave Letter:

I am writing to inform you that I will be taking maternity leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. I have attached a copy of the company’s maternity leave policy and completed the necessary forms to initiate my leave.

During my absence, I will ensure that all my current projects are completed and that my colleagues are fully informed of any outstanding tasks. I can be reached via email or phone for any required communication as well.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

10 – Collaborative Format:

I am writing to request maternity leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. I am excited to embark on this new journey and appreciate your support during this time.

To ensure a smooth transition, I would like to work with you and my colleagues to plan for my absence and ensure that all my current projects are completed. I am also happy to provide training or assistance to any colleagues who may need it.

Thank you for your collaboration during this exciting time.

11 – Personal Format:

I am writing to request maternity leave from [Start Date] to [End Date] to prepare for the arrival of my child. I have been looking forward to this moment for a long time, and I want to ensure that I can be there for my child during this important time.

During my absence, I will ensure that all my current projects are completed and that my colleagues are fully informed of any outstanding tasks. I will be available for any necessary communication via email or phone.

12 – Collaborative and Informative Format:

I am writing to request maternity leave from [Start Date] to [End Date] and to initiate the necessary steps to prepare for my absence. I have attached a copy of the company’s maternity leave policy and completed the required forms.

To ensure that my colleagues are fully informed of my responsibilities and to plan for my absence, I would like to work with you and my team to develop a transition plan. I will ensure that all my current projects are completed and that I provide any necessary training or assistance.

13 – Flexible and Grateful Format:

I am writing to request maternity leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. I am excited to welcome my child into the world and grateful for my company’s maternity leave policy, which lets me take the time I need to prepare and bond with my baby.

This might result in certain inconveniences, and I am open to adapting and exploring alternatives to ensure that my tasks are accomplished promptly and effectively. Please let me know how I can best support my team during my absence.

14 – Short and Sweet Format:

Please be advised that I will be taking maternity leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. Thank you for your understanding.

15 – Empathetic and Supportive Format:

I am writing to request maternity leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As much as I love my job, I need to take some time off to focus on my health and the health of my baby.

I understand that this may create additional work for my colleagues, and I am committed to ensuring that my responsibilities are transferred smoothly and without disruption. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to support my team during my absence.

Thank you for your empathy and support.

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Maternity Leave Application

Last Updated On February 22, 2020 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment

Maternity leave is requested by a woman who is about to have a baby or has just had a one. A maternity leave application is addressed to the employer or relevant authority. Many employers have policies and guidelines to manage maternity leave, the number of leave days and whether it is paid or unpaid. Maternity leave can also be planned for the expectant woman to leave the office a few months before the due date.

It is important to request for maternity leave in good time to reduce inconveniences with normal workings. If there are given guidelines for maternity leave in your company, these terms should be addressed in the approval letter for documentation purposes. It is also essential for the employer to receive your request before the day of leaving so that arrangements can be made to appoint somebody to assume your duties.

Tips for writing a maternity leave application

  • Read through the maternity leave guidelines
  • Apply in good time to reduce inconvenience 
  • Use formal and professional language
  • Include the day of leaving and resuming work
  • Describe the leave days you are eligible for
  • Include a signature at the end
  • The reason for the leave should be precise
  • Mention a person to back you up while you are absent

Maternity Leave Application Templates

Is your pregnancy almost due and you need maternity leave? Have a look at the maternity leave application template that you can use and sample letter to guide you through requesting for leave.


Date (date on which letter is written)



Dear _________________,

My name is ____________ and I am pleased to inform you that I am expectant. My delivery date is ____________ and I wish to apply for a maternity leave. I hereby apply for a ____________ months’ maternity leave to give myself time with the baby and rest.

According to the maternity leave policy of this company, I am eligible to ____________ months before delivery and ____________ months after delivery. I wish to start my leave on ____________ and resume work on ____________. It has been a pleasure working in this company and I hope to continue with my career when I return.

____________ will assume my duties in my absence since they are knowledgeable about the work I do. Please also consult ____________ if you need assistance or clarification on the project reports. I can be contacted whenever needed on my mobile ____________ or email ____________. I hope that you will make arrangements for me to have reduced work when I return so that I can ease back to the office.

Thank you in advance.

Yours Truly, 



Date: ______________ (date of writing the letter)

Subject: Maternity Leave application

Respected Sir,

I am _______________ (Name), from _______________ (project). I am pleased to inform you that I am an expecting mother and in my fifth month of pregnancy, and I would like to avail the maternity leave. I request you to please grant me _______________ (no. of days of leave) leave, as _______________ (Reason).

_______________ (backup) will be my backup during my absence. You can also contact _______________ (Point of contact) for any other issues. However I will be reachable on my mobile number _______________ (Mobile number) for any urgent issues.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

_______________ (Your Name)

Maternity Leave Application Samples

You can ask your employer for a maternity leave when you are expecting a baby. To write a professional and quality letter, consult our free maternity leave application sample letter that will help you out.

Kathryn Chambers,

37 Bank Ave.

Aliquippa, PA 15001

United States

Date:____________ (Date on which letter is written)

Asa Curtis,

Topaz Company

8 River Drive

Hummelstown, PA 17036

Sub; application for maternity leave

Dear Mr. Curtis,

I hereby write this letter to notify you that I am pregnant and I wish to apply for maternity leave. I am in my seventh month of pregnancy and my delivery date is 5 th June 2020. I wish to avail of a maternity leave application for four months to nature my child and rest.

I am eligible for one month leave before delivery and three months after delivery according to the maternity leave policy. I hope to start my leave on 1 st May 2020 and resume work on 6 th September 2020. In my absence, Micheal Arellano will cover my post and assume my duties. You can also contact Margret Duke on the status of the current projects. 

Thank you in advance for allowing me time off to take care of my baby. I will be available on my cell 472-470-4890 in case you have any queries. Kindly find the enclosed doctor’s letter with more details.

Kathryn Chambers

Rohini Singh,

PMO Project,

Assistant Manager,

LMP Account,

Pragati Software Solutions Pvt.Ltd.,


Bangalore – 560066.

Date: 17.2.17.

Mr. Karan Mehra,

Project Manager,

I am Rohini from the PMO project. I am pleased to inform you that I am an expecting mother. I am in the sixth month of my pregnancy. My delivery date is on 27/4/17. I want to avail of my maternity leave. I would also require two months of leave to rest and nurture my baby.

Hence, I request you to please grant me eleven months of leave, i.e., from 19/2/17 to 19/1/18. I will be back in the office on 20/1/2018. Mr. Randheer Shukla will be my backup in my absence. Mr. Sandeep Hooda also can be contacted in case of issues related to reports. However, I will be available for calls in case of urgent issues.

Mr. Randheer Shukla will be my backup in my absence. Mr. Sandeep Hooda also can be contacted in case of issues related to reports. However, I will be available for calls in case of urgent issues. Contact: 9036671181

Thank you for understanding.

Yours Sincerely,

Rohini Singh.

Maternity Leave Application Email Format

Is work becoming tougher from your expectancy? It is time to request your boss for leave. With our maternity leave application in an email format, you can drop a professional request in your boss’s inbox.

My name is Kathryn Chambers from the finance team and I am pleased to inform you that I am an expectant mother. I am two months due and I wish to avail of my maternity leave application. I am expecting to deliver on 5 th June 2020 and I request four months’ leave to rest and take care of my baby.

According to the maternity leave policy, I am qualified to take one month’s leave before delivery and three months after delivery. I wish to start my leave on 1 st May 2020 and resume my duties on 6 th September. I am very pleased to work here and I hope to continue my career here.

In my absence, I recommend Micheal Arellano to assume my duties. Kindly also consult Margret Duke if you have any questions or need clarification of the current project. I will be available to assist whenever possible and you can reach me on my mobile 472-470-4890. I also hope that we can arrange flexible working hours when I return so that I can ease back to my duties.

Thank you in and I hope for your approval.

Kind regards,

Pregnancy is a very crucial phase in the life of a female employee that requires care, attention and enough rest. Employers have maternity leave provisions where one can take some time off. In a maternity leave application, it is important to be genuine about the reason for the leave, be specific on the dates you will be away and the name of the contact person who will cover your post.

Megha Kothari

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Related Letters:

  • Maternity Leave Letter
  • Employee Maternity Leave Letter
  • One Day Leave Application Letter
  • Leave Application Email
  • Leave Application Letter
  • School Leave Application
  • Effective Leave Application Letter
  • Pregnancy Leave Letter
  • Leave Letter Sample
  • Sample Paternity Leave Letter
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  • Annual Leave Letter
  • Leave Letter to Boss
  • Medical Leave Letter
  • Leave Letter Writing Tips
  • Leave Letter
  • Thank You Leave Letter
  • Sample Leave Letter
  • Paternity Leave Letter
  • Office Leave Letter
  • Casual Leave Letter
  • College Leave Letter
  • Leave Letter Format
  • Leave Letter Template

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How to write a maternity leave letter (tips for employers) + free template

I know from experience how hard it can be to understand the difference between legal requirements and HR best practice, especially when it comes to maternity leave.

UK employment law allows eligible employees to take 52 weeks of maternity leave from work — but companies can design their own maternity schemes to better suit their needs and those of their team members.

A small business without dedicated HR personnel often lacks the expertise they need to navigate the notoriously kafkaesque maze of UK employment bureaucracy, and don’t have the time to write and respond to maternity leave letters in the first place.

As a small business HR advisor, I’ve helped scores of small businesses stay compliant and on top of the law, while also creating a culture where employees who are expecting children are supported and valued. It’s a tricky balance, but achieving it will make your business a place that values mothers, children and people in general.

In this guide, I’d like to draw on my experience and offer guidance on what maternity leave letters are , how employers should write maternity leave letters, and how templates and HR software can make the process easy while maximizing its benefits.

What are maternity leave letters - and why are they important?

Maternity leave is one of the central processes of HR management. Maternity leave letters are how this process is executed.

Expectant mothers must have the option of going on maternity leave, so they can prepare for the child's birth and be present for the first year of their lives when the child's development is critical. A baby needs their mother, after all.

These letters are a formal documentation of the employee's leave request and your approval as their employer.

In the United Kingdom, there are two main types of maternity leave letters:

  • Employee’s maternity leave letter : This is the first letter sent by the pregnant employee to their employer, formally requesting maternity leave. It includes details like the expected week of delivery and the intended start date of maternity leave
  • Employer’s confirmation of maternity leave letter : When you receive the employee’s maternity leave request, you typically respond with a confirmation letter. Your response acknowledges the request, outlines the terms of the leave (including duration and maternity pay), and outlines the process for the team member returning to work.

Maternity letters are a legal requirement in the UK. They facilitate understanding and transparency between you and your team members and set clear expectations for the maternity leave.

These letters are in place so you can stay compliant with UK employment law and plan for the employee’s absence. As for the employee, having their request documented in these letters secures their right to maternity pay.

Also check out another part of the maternity leave process such as completing a risk assessment template and organising a phased return to work .

How to write a maternity leave letter (from employee to employer)

Once the pregnant employee decides to go on maternity leave and prepare for the pregnancy and birth, it’s important that they put in their request to you as soon as possible.

That way, you can plan for their absence and make any necessary adjustments to make sure that projects are finished and deadlines are met before they go on leave. It also protects your employee’s rights and entitlements.

Your employee’s maternity letter to you should include information such as:

  • The employee’s statement of intention to go on leave
  • The expected week of childbirth, as determined by a medical professional
  • The dates the employee plans to start maternity leave and when they plan to return to work

The employee should send you this letter about 15 weeks before childbirth, or as soon as reasonably possible. The sooner you’re informed about their maternity leave, the better you can plan around their absence so that things continue to get done with the missing team member gone.

Maternity leave letter sample

Here’s an example of how the employee might word their request for maternity leave notice letter:

Subject: Maternity Leave Request - [Your Name]

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing to formally notify you of my pregnancy and my intention to take maternity leave following the statutory requirements. I am currently expecting my baby on [Expected Due Date], and I plan to start my maternity leave on [Start Date of Maternity Leave].

As per the statutory guidelines, I understand that I am entitled to 52 weeks of maternity leave. However, I intend to take [Number of Weeks You Plan to Take] weeks of leave and, barring any unforeseen circumstances, plan to return to work on [Expected Return Date].

I have attached my MAT B1 maternity certificate, confirming my pregnancy and the expected due date of my baby. I understand that this will be used to arrange my Statutory Maternity Pay.

I am committed to making this transition as smooth as possible and will do my utmost to ensure all my responsibilities are up to date before my leave. I am also happy to assist in any way possible in finding a temporary replacement during my maternity leave if necessary.

Please let me know of any information or forms I need to complete before my leave begins. I appreciate your understanding and support during this important time.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

A letter like this provides you as the employer with all the details you need to prepare for their absence. It also shows on the employee’s part that they’re willing to cooperate with the transition and make sure you’re in good hands while they’re gone.

You can download our maternity leave letter template here below as a Google Doc, so you can easily share it with your team members.

Download our maternity leave letter templates

How you respond to a maternity leave letter (from employer to employee)

When you get your employee’s maternity letter, it’s your responsibility as their employer to respond in a timely and professional way.

Your response is officially referred to as a “ confirmation of maternity leave letter ”, which acknowledges the employee’s request and gives them information about their leave period.

Your response to the employee going on maternity leave should include:

  • Confirmation of their maternity leave beginning and end dates
  • Details about the maternity pay they’ll receive
  • Expectations about what will happen at the end of maternity leave, such as when they’ll return to work

You are required by law to respond to a maternity leave request within 28 days of receiving it, confirming the dates and details about your employee’s return to work.

To help you form your response, we made this confirmation of maternity leave letter template to give you a starting point.

You can customise this template according to your circumstances and your company policies - or just fill out the placeholder text, and you’re all sorted!

Sealing the deal: streamlining your maternity leave process with HR software

Maternity leave letters help make for smooth and clear communication between you as the employer, and the employee about to go on maternity leave.

If you don’t have the time or hands-on expertise to formalise your maternity leave process yourself, I got you covered. I or one of the other HR advisors at CharlieHR can give you expert HR guidance, from drafting branded and personalised parental leave policies unique to your business, to reviewing the leave requests themselves. With the guidance of an HR expert, you can rest assured that you'll be on the right side of the law and have a maternity leave policy that values your employees as people.

Also, with CharlieHR’s time off software, requesting and approving parental leave is a piece of cake. Your team members can request maternity leave right in the platform and have them forwarded to you for approval, making sure everyone is on the same page and can plan accordingly.

Keen to see how it works? Try CharlieHR for free today .

maternity leave application letter after delivery pdf

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Return to Work Letters: Samples for Every Maternity Circumstance

Manage the transition back to work by letting your manager know what you need.

Dominique Brooks is a professional writer, editor, and consultant. She is a medical doctor (MD) and has a Master of Business Administration degree.

Learn about our Editorial Policy .

If you're preparing to return to work after maternity leave , you probably have a mile-long to-do list to prepare for this transition. Writing a return-to-work letter, either an email or a hard-copy, to your employer should be one of the things on your list.

Your manager probably knows that you are returning but may not be aware of your specific return date. Writing a letter lets your manager know when to expect you back and gives you the opportunity to ask for any scheduling changes and/or accommodations you'll need upon your return.

Basic Return to Work Letter

A basic return to work letter will work for most situations. You can write your own or use the ones that are provided here. There are some key points to include in any return to work letter. These include:

  • Your return date
  • Date your maternity leave began
  • Accommodations and schedule requests (if any)
  • 7 Things to Avoid After You Give Birth: Tips From Real Moms
  • How to Prepare for a C-Section: A Real Mom's Guide
  • Business Closing Letter Templates & Tips to Ease You Through the Process

Along with your return to work letter, you may want to include other documentation, such as:

  • Note from healthcare provider
  • Copy of your original maternity leave request letter
  • Copy of confirmation letter of maternity leave approval from HR

You can download and use the return to work letter below to send to your manager to let them know your plans. If you need help downloading the printable letter, check out these helpful tips.


Return to Work Letters for Special Circumstances

There may also be a special circumstance when you need to make some modifications for your return to work. In that case, you'll need a specific type of return to work letter that fits your situation. The letters below can be used to help you get the accommodations that you need to make your transition more effective.

Letter for Returning to Work Early

Some parents need or prefer to shorten the length of their maternity leave and return to work early. In some cases, this may be for financial reasons, or a desire to return to the work they love. Whatever the reason, it's important to notify your employer that you are returning to work earlier than planned.

Your letter does not need to include the specific reason(s) for your early return, but you do need to let your manager know your expected return date. Some employers require a certain period of time for notice (e.g., 2 weeks), so be sure to check with your human resources department to ask how much notice is required.

Extended Leave Letter

Although many employers are receptive to a conversation about extra maternity leave , it's important to make your wishes known in writing. Before you ask for an extended leave, check in with human resources to ask how much time you have available to take off with pay or without pay. Every organization is different, so make sure you understand your company's policies for extra time off.

  • How to Get Extra Maternity Leave

Your extended leave letter must be sent well in advance of your expected return date. This gives your employer the opportunity to find (or keep) your replacement to cover your duties during your absence.

Return to Work with a Schedule Change

As a new parent, you may find that your previous schedule will no longer work for you and your family. You may want to switch to part-time work, need to change your starting time or end time, or need breaks throughout the work day.

Before writing the letter, work with your supervisor to create a schedule that works for you and your employer. It is helpful to let your boss know why you are requesting a schedule change and how you plan to make this work not only for yourself but also for your employer. This sample return to work letter (below) should be sent after you've discussed your proposed new schedule with your supervisor.

Breastfeeding Accommodations When Returning to Work

Continuing to breastfeed after returning to work may mean that you need certain accommodations. This may include a quiet place to pump milk , scheduled breaks for pumping, a place to store the milk , and/or other alterations to your schedule and workplace.

The federal " Break Time for Nursing Mothers " law requires that all employers are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to provide basic accommodations for breastfeeding mothers at work, which includes time to express milk and private space that is not a bathroom to pump.

This example letter is easy to modify according to your own circumstances and will serve as documentation of your request. Send this letter well in advance of your return to work to allow your company the opportunity to make appropriate arrangements.

Unable to Perform Job Duties Letter

After the birth of your baby, there may be certain parts of your job that you are unable to perform. For example, lifting heavy objects or sitting for an extended period of time. A work restriction or modification should only be asked for if medically necessary, and your letter should state the reasons(s) why you are unable to perform specific duties.

If this is a temporary problem such as needing additional time for c-section incision to heal, you can discuss your modified needs with your supervisor. However, if the problem is longer term, your workplace may require a letter from your healthcare provider in order to provide appropriate accommodations. It's best to use this letter as a follow-up to a conversation with your employer.

Tips for Crafting the Best Return to Work Letter

Return to work letters do not have to be very long. Short, sweet and succinct is typically all it takes to get your point across. Here are some pointers on how to write a good return to work letter:

  • Choose email or mail format . Email may be okay, but some companies require hard copies/mailed letters on official letterhead. Check in with your HR department about which they prefer.
  • Show enthusiasm . Though you may have mixed feelings about leaving your new baby, showing enthusiasm about your return helps set the tone for a positive return. It may be helpful to thank them for the time off during this life-changing event.
  • Touch base with other parents . If you have fellow parents at your workplace, reach out to them to ask for advice on how to best handle your letter/request/return. They may have some good tips and pointers to make the transition a little easier on you and your baby.
  • Communicate clearly . Clearly state your return date and any requested scheduling changes and accommodations in the letter without beating around the bush.
  • Check company policies . If your company has specific rules or your contract states guidelines for maternity leave and work returns, make sure you are aware of them. This way, you're not asking for accommodations that are not within your company's ability to grant.
  • Add your own voice. The template letters provided are a good start, but it's always a good idea to add your own 'voice' to your letter so it doesn't feel stale or generic.

More Resources

Need more help crafting your return to work letter? Books that offer letter writing tips and sample letters may be at your local library or available for purchase at your local bookstore or online. There is a lot of information online but sometimes you just want to hold a book and flip through the pages. If this is you, we've compiled some options for you.

Helpful letter-writing books include:

  • Webster's New World Letter Writing Handbook
  • 1,001 Letters For All Occasions: The Best Models for Every Business and Personal Need
  • Writing That Works: How to Communicate Effectively in Business.

As you prepare for your return to work, communicate with your manager and coworkers as clearly and consistently as possible. Other parents may be able to help guide you through the transition and provide support. And above all, remember to be patient with yourself as you navigate this stage of the parenting process.

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13 Sample Application For Maternity Leave

An employee requesting leave may address a formal letter known as a “ Maternity Leave Application .” Maternity leave format is one of the many reasons that a leave application may be addressed. If you are a teacher, you can address your maternity leave application to the principal of your school or your manager at work. This suggests that in order to adequately care for the newborn child and herself, the lady needs a break from her profession. So, in this article see some samples of application for maternity leave. See this below…

Table of Contents

13 Samples Of Application For Maternity Leave:

There is no mandatory application form for maternity leave applications for college students. Such a statement is made in any form. It indicates the basis for granting leave, and its duration. The original sick leave certificate must be attached to the application itself. Here is an example of an employee filling out an application for granting her maternity leave.

To, The Managing Director, [Company Name] [Company Address]

Subject: Maternity Leave Letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to seek your approval to take my 26 weeks of maternity leave.  I would like to take maternity leave from [Start Date]  to  [End Date] . My expected delivery date would be [Date] ,

I am expecting to rejoin on [Return Date] , in case of any delay due to my health problems I will intimate you as early as possible.

So kindly approve my maternity leave.

Thanks in advance.

Yours sincerely

[Your Name] [Job Designation] [Company Name] [Company Address] [Contact Number]

maternity leave application letter after delivery pdf

Sample 2 Maternity Leave Application for Teachers:

To, The Principal [School Name] [School Address] [Date]

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Name] , have been teaching [Subject] in your prestigious institution for [Years] now. With great respect, I write this letter to inform you that I am pregnant and plan to take maternity leave. My due date is [Date] and I will continue working until [Date] . I plan to take 15 weeks of maternity leave. I don’t expect to have any problem returning to my current position and delivering the same quality work as I serve now.

While I’m on leave I suggest [Colleague Name] be in charge of teaching [Subject] . She has great knowledge of the subject and is familiar with my way of teaching. Also, she has been a substitute English teacher for 10th standard earlier as well. Please consider the recommendations.

While I’m on maternity leave, please contact me at the number or email provided below. Please let me know if there are any other formalities I need to perform before I go on maternity leave.

[Your Name] [Contact no.]

Download Leave Application In MS Word File

Sample 3 Maternity Leave Application for Office:

I am writing this letter to inform you that due to my pregnancy, I want to apply for maternity leave from [Start Date]  to  [End Date] . I am planning to my home town for delivery.

I have completed all my tasks and  [Colleague Name] will take care of my upcoming work. Here I request you to please accept my maternity leave.

This is to kindly inform you that I’m in the second trimester of my pregnancy and wish to apply for maternity leave shortly. I request you to grant me the complete 16 weeks of maternity leave starting from the beginning of my third trimester. My expected delivery date is around [Start Date] . I wish to apply for leave from [Start Date]  to  [End Date] .

In the case of extended postnatal care and child care, I would communicate to you about an additional leave period that I may require. I look forward to your co-operation and support.

I, [Your Name] , have been teaching [Subject] for the last [Years] in your prestigious institution. I’m writing to let you know of my pregnancy and my intention to take a 14-week maternity leave. My due date is [Date] . I anticipate returning back to work on [Date] .

Please allow a temporary substitute teacher to my class during my absenteeism. I plan to try and complete all of my syllabus tasks before I am on leave. I have already completed 75% of the syllabus and will hand over the list of remaining topics to [Colleague Name] before going on leave.

This letter is to inform you that I am pregnant and plan to take maternity leave. My due date is [Date] and I plan to continue working until [Date] . I plan to take [Number] weeks of maternity leave. I don’t expect to have any problem returning to my current position and delivering the same quality of work I do now.

While I’m on leave I suggest [Colleague Name] be in charge of [Specific Parts Of Your Job] . If you have any concerns, please let me know so we can address them.

With all due respect and humble submission I wish to inform you that I am pregnant and I seek maternity leave from [Start Date]  to  [End Date] . It would be very kind of you if you accept my request.

I therefore request you to kindly grant my application for which I shall be forever grateful for your kindness.

I am writing to request leaves of 3 months from [Date] . I am pregnant, and my family’s maternity doctor suggests rest for a few weeks before & after the baby’s birth.

My colleague will handle all the routine tasks during my absence as I have already told her the details. Therefore, I request you to please arrange a teacher in my absence for my subject or assign my subject to [Colleague Name] , coordinator junior section.

I want to inform you that I want to go on maternity leave for [Specify Time] from [Start Date]  to  [End Date] . Therefore, I request you to please assign an alternate teacher for my subject/class during my leaves. If my leave plan changes for any reason, I will inform you accordingly. I can also provide the medical report from my doctor confirming the relevant details if needed.

With due respect, it is stated that I am [Your Name] working as a marketing officer within your organization. It is to inform you that I want to avail the facility of maternity leave, given to female staff as per the policy of our organization. Kindly, make it possible and grant me leave for two months dated from [Start Date]  to  [End Date] . It would be a great favor for me.

writing a maternity leave all the details

I’m [Your Name] serving as [Designation] and requesting maternity leave from [Start Date]  to  [End Date] . I’d rejoin work after [Specify Time] , but I’ll keep you informed regarding the same in cases where I would need an extension. I’ve handed over the responsibility of my work to [Colleague Name] . Kindly contact me in case of emergency work surges, and I’d be happy to assist you on the same.

maternity leave application maternity leave application maternity leave application maternity leave application maternity leave application maternity leave application maternity leave application maternity leave application

Subject: Maternity Leave Application Letter

Respected Sir/ Ma’am,

This is to kindly inform you that I’m currently in my 9th month of pregnancy, and my delivery dates are soon approaching. My doctor has advised me to take admitted into the hospital for delivery on [Mention Probable Date] and would like to apply for maternity leave. I would also like to mention here that I’d be away from work for a few months till my baby turns at least three months old.

In this regard, I kindly request you to grant me leave from [Starting Date]  to  [End Date] and oblige. My probable re-joining date would be [Date] , and I’d confirm the same to you in due course of time. I am looking forward to your kind co-operation and support.

maternity leave application maternity leave application maternity leave application maternity leave letter samples office or school principal maternity leave application samples maternity leave application samples early maternity leave letter

My name is [Your Name] ,  working in your company as a [Your Designation] in [Department] .

I am writing this request letter to apply for maternity leave from [Starting Date]  to  [End Date] . I am carrying sixth-month pregnancy and my expected date of delivery is [Date] .

I have completed all my work and in case of any emergency, I will be available at my mobile number.

So please approve my maternity leave request.

doctor confirming expected due date expected due date write a maternity leave write a maternity leave maternity leave letter format maternity leave letter format maternity leave letter format

An efficient method to lay out your expectations for your time away from the office is using a maternity leave request letter . Your manager will appreciate having a single document with your due date, the duration of your absence, and communication expectations. During your maternity leave, you can get used to parenthood and spend quality time with your newborn. Your time at home can be as calm as possible with a well-communicated leave plan from your employer, allowing you to return to work with enthusiasm.

Q. What does paid maternity leave entail?

A. Every business provides paid time off to its employees in numerous situations, with maternity leave being one of them. Extension term flexibility and other plans made till the person rejoins duty-paid maternity leave can be easily negotiated with business heads depending on the leave regulations of the organization.

Q. Is salary paid throughout the maternity leave period?

A. Paid maternity leave is offered to all workers who have worked for the company for at least 80 days. When determining pay for maternity leave, the salary of the typical day worker is used as a guide.

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Maternity leave letter template

How to respond to your employee's notification.

pen on paper

First published on Thursday, Jun 04, 2020

Last updated on Friday, Jun 14, 2024

When a staff member is pregnant, eventually they’ll need to take time off to prepare for their newborn. After all, they do have maternity leave entitlement.

While it means your business will need to arrange cover, first of all you’ll usually receive a written (or verbal) request for maternity leave .

You’ll also need to acknowledge this request in written form—it’s good business practice to always have important events like this detailed for your records.

But what should you write in your response? This guide takes a look at the requirements.

Maternity leave template letter for employees

Your staff member may approach you about how to format a maternity letter to employers.

It’s possible they simply don’t know, so it’s a good idea to have a template available to supply them with.

A maternity leave letter to employers should include information such as:

  • The fact they’re pregnant and when they expect the childbirth. If they don’t inform you, they can’t legally claim for leave.
  • When they would like the maternity leave to start (the earliest time is 11 weeks before childbirth).
  • Details on whether they qualify for 52 weeks of maternity leave (which most pregnant employees can claim).
  • A suggestion for when the possible return to work date may be.

Remember, you must confirm or deny the notification within 28 days of receiving the letter.

And if you need a sample letter for maternity leave of absence, you can contact us and we provide you with an example of what to expect.

How your business should respond

As part of your maternity leave policy, you should also have a template you can use to send back to your employee.

A maternity letter to employees is good business practice, although it’s not mandatory to keep one on record.

But a maternity leave letter from employer to employee will confirm you've received your their note.

In it, you should point out when their maternity leave begins and ends. But you can also add details such as the rate of pay and any KIT days they need to attend (more on that below).

Keep a copy of your maternity letter to employee on file so you can refer to it at a later date if you need to. But it can also act as a template for the other occasions you may need it.

Seeing as there could be years between the need for maternity leave in your business, it’s good business practice to have it stored for reference at a future date.

As with the sample maternity leave letter to employer, if you need to establish a template response letter then you can contact us directly for support.

Returning to work after maternity leave letter

During your employee’s absence, there could be various keeping in touch days (KITS) —after these your employee will eventually return to work.

Remember that KIT days aren’t mandatory. You might never need to bring the employee into work and they might not want to during their time away from work. Remember, too, that your staff member can decline to attend a KIT day.

But in the build-up to their eventual return, you should draft a return from maternity leave letter template from employer to the employee. In that you can establish how you want to welcome the individual back to work, so you can explain the process they should follow.

If you need advice with how to set up a maternity return to work letter from employer (template), you can contact us for assistance.

Requests for extensions

Do keep in mind, though, that your employee can send you a maternity leave extension letter for baby care.

From your side, an employee can ask for more time off but this is likely to be leave or holiday time they won’t receive pay for.

Need our help?

We can help you with a sample letter for maternity leave and all other issues relating to employee time away from work. Get in touch with us straight away on: 0800 783 2806

Lucy Cobb - Bright HR Expert

Employment Law Specialist

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maternity leave application format & samples

Maternity Leave Application Format | Maternity Leave Letter Samples in English & Hindi

Maternity Leave Application: Maternity leave is the formal letter where a woman takes a certain period of time as a break from work because she is about to have, or has, or just had, a baby. Maternity leave is an important task to plan. Planning this maternity leave application at the perfect time helps the mother and her family experience no financial challenges so that she can enjoy beautiful baby moments & play most of the time with her baby.

For your comfort, we curated the complete information about maternity leave letter such as Format, What should be included, How to Write a maternity leave application along with Samples in the coming modules. Check out many Formal and Informal Letter Writing   Topics and get acquainted with different letter styles so that you can write one on your own as per requirement.

How to Write a Maternity Leave Letter in English?

If you are unaware of How does a Maternity Leave Letter look? Then, refer to the below Format of Maternity Leave Application and take it as a reference while drafting your own. If you are confused about how to write a maternity leave letter, here are some precise steps you should consider:

  • Add specific dates
  • Include a recommendation for your work
  • Address any communication during maternity leave
  • Include requests regarding schedule changes

Along with these steps you can also take some help from the below Maternity Leave Letter Format as it is available in the sharable image and also in the text form for quick access.

Maternity Leave Application Format

Sender’s Name, Address.

Date: XX-XX-XXX.

To, Receiver’s Name, Address.

Subject: Request for Maternity Leave Application Letter for Teachers after Delivery

Sir/Madam (Respected Principal),

Body of the Letter (Describe the application for maternity leave after delivery)

Thanking you.

Your’s Sincerely,

Sender’s signature Name of the sender

Email Format of Maternity Leave Application In English

maternity leave letter email format

Maternity Leave Letter Samples in English & Hindi

In this section, we have placed some images where you find sample maternity leave applications for your reference. You can use these samples & draft your own for required designations like Maternity leave application for private offices, Maternity Leave Letter for the School Principals, Maternity Leave Application for Teachers.

Maternity Leave Application for Manager/Boss of the Office – Sample 1

sample for private offices maternity leave application

Sample 2 – Maternity Leave Application Form for Teachers

maternity leave letter for teachers sample

मैटरनिटी लीव एप्लीकेशन लेटर इन हिंदी | Maternity Leave Application Sample in Hindi

sample of maternity leave application in hindi

FAQs on Maternity Leave Application Writing

1. What is a maternity leave letter?

A maternity leave letter is a formal letter that makes your employer know when you plan to take maternity leave and for how long.

2. What period will be the maternity leave for an employee?

The period of maternity leave alters in many countries and many organizations and usually carries both a legally enforceable maternity leave and maternity pay.

3. What is the rule of maternity leave?

According to the Act, maternity benefits are eligible to a woman who has been working as an employee in an establishment for a period of at least 80 days within the past 12 months.

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  22. Maternity Leave Application Format

    Maternity Leave Application: Maternity leave is the formal letter where a woman takes a certain period of time as a break from work because she is about to have, or has, or just had, a baby.Maternity leave is an important task to plan. Planning this maternity leave application at the perfect time helps the mother and her family experience no financial challenges so that she can enjoy beautiful ...