emac dissertation award

EMAC/Sheth Foundation Sustainability Research Competition

EMAC acknowledges the support of the Sheth Foundation for its support of the EMAC-Sheth Foundation Sustainability Research Competition.

The broad topic of sustainability is of increasing importance for marketing stakeholders around the globe. In recent years, many companies have discussed the need for firms to have a purpose that goes beyond mere shareholder value maximization. More and more politicians are talking about the need for accountable capitalism. Environmental, Social, and Governance goals (ESG) are becoming common for companies in many countries. Academic research has started to look deeper into these issues. Many important questions about sustainability remain unanswered.

The EMAC–Sheth Foundation Sustainability Research Competition is designed to encourage rigorous research on sustainability. We invite research proposals that address important issues related to sustainability. These include, but are not limited to, responsible production and consumption, gender equality; preservation of physical environment; reduction of poverty and inequality; and improvement of health and wellbeing. Proposals should have a clear marketing focus and address issues of importance to at least one set of marketing stakeholders (e.g., managers, consumers, and public policymakers).

EMAC/Sheth Foundation Sustainability Research Competition 2021 Results

Polina Landgraf, IE Business School, Spain “Approaching Data Sustainability: How to Nudge Consumers (and Firms) to Adopt Sustainable Data Management Practices”

Jochen Hartmann, University of Hamburg, Germany “The Business Value of Diversity”

EMAC/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Competition 2020 Results

First Place: Ms. Chi Hoang, Nanyang Business School, National Technological University, “Resolving Humorous Incongruity in Advertising”

Second Place: Ms. Sila Ada, Vienna University “Quality Issues in Online Display Advertising”

Third Place: Mr. Sebastian Schubach, University of Passau “Online Shopping Beavhior and SEA Strategies”

2019 Results

First Place: Sara van der Maelen, EDHEC Business School “The Clash of the Titans: On Retailer and Manufacturer Vulnerability in Conflict Delistings”

Second Place: Michiel van Crombrugge, Erasmus School of Economics “The Impact of Adding a Brick-and-Mortar Direct Channel on  the Performance of the Online Direct Channel and Indirect Retail Channels”

Third Place: Sally Bitterl, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business “When Consumers Become Project Backers: The Psychological Consequences of Participation in Crowdfunding”

The first, second and third place winners were awarded €5,000, €3,000, and €1,000 respectively.

2018 Results

First Place:

Niels Holtrop, Maastricht University “No Future without the Past? Predicting Churn in the Face of Customer Privacy”

Second Place:

Andreas U. Lanz, University of Mannheim “Climb or Jump – Status Based Seeding in User-Generated Content Networks”

Third Place:

Tetyana Kosyakova, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management “Measuring Substitution and Complementarity among Offers in Menu-Based Choice Experiments”

Cash awards of €5,000, €3,000, and €1,000have been forwarded to the first, second and third place winners. The winners were announced in the EMAC Newsletter on Monday (June 11, 2018).

emac dissertation award

ABS researcher wins 2022 EMAC dissertation award

9 June 2022

emac dissertation award

Cossu’s work The Disability Premium: Consumers Reward Brands for Including Models with Disabilities examined the impact such models have on brands’ perceptions. For example, the sport attire company Nike used an amputee model in one of its commercials. Her research demonstrated that while models with disabilities are uncommon in advertising, their presence in commercials can generate positive results for brands and increase product choice.

emac dissertation award


‘People with disabilities are substantially underrepresented in consumer research, in marketing campaigns, and in the media more generally. This leads to a common feeling of “invisibility” among people with disabilities’, says Cossu. Her research represents the first investigation of disability issues in consumer research. The jury selected this dissertation for the award due to the work’s innovative character and contribution to consumer welfare. Cossu’s research will hopefully act as a kickstarter for more brands to use disabled models in their marketing and communication. In addition to the award, Cossu also received a cash prize and presented her research at the EMAC annual conference held in Budapest in late May.

The European Marketing Academy (EMAC) is a professional society for people involved or interested in marketing theory and research. EMAC was established in 1975 and serves as a platform and network for promoting the exchange of information in the field of marketing. The Academy has over 1,000 members from more than 50 countries around the world.

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Chair of Technology Marketing

Dr. david finken wins european's most prestigious dissertation award in marketing.

Dr. David Finken wins the prestigious Enginius-Dissertation Award at The European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference in Bucharest.

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emac dissertation award

At the European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC) in Bucharest, our Postdoctoral researcher secured the prestegious Enginius Dissertation award for his overall contributions and rigour in his Dissertation. David Finken holds a Ph.D. from the University of Lucerne and spend a year abroad in the United States (University of Michigan, Ross School of Business) as visiting scholar.

His dissertation unveiled suprising psychological underpinnings tied to product display with Augmented Reality. His results reveal that people feel closer to products (i.e., more proximity) if they inspect products in Augmented Reality. In addition, his dissertation unveil insights on why individuals gravitate towards #inferiorversions of products if they are displayed through Augmented Reality.

Through a comprehensive examination of multiple projects, David's work not only enlightens stakeholders on the strategic advantages of Augmented Reality in product display for brands and retailers but also underscores the importance of exercising caution. While Augmented Reality holds immense potential, David and his co-authors advocate for a nuanced approach, mindful of potential downstream consequences.

🏆 We thank Prof. Arnaud De Bruyn, Prof. Elif Karaosmanoglu, and Prof. Morana Fudurić for serving as independent judges on this year's EMAC-Enginius Doctoral Dissertation Competition. A heartfelt congratulations also to Yufei Shen (second place, Nova School of Business and Economics) and Dr. Maximilian Beichert (third place HEC Paris).


Welcome to the online paper submission for the EMAC McKinsey Marketing Dissertation Award. Please make sure to read carefully the submission guidelines before submitting your paper. Before you submit, please make sure that:

  • No author information is mentioned on the paper, as papers will be double BLIND reviewed. If you submit a paper that contains any information identifying you or your co-author(s), the paper shall be removed from the system, and you will be invited to resubmit. It will be YOUR responsibility to resubmit.  
  • You submit your paper in PDF format (a free PDF converter is offered on this site).   
  • Papers should consist of: -  a dissertation summary of no more than 30 pages, including all tables, figures, and references. and -  an optional technical appendix of up to 20 pages explaining your methodology, (if desired). -  an abstract as a separate document (no more than 2 pages) -  if relevant, a table of the papers of your dissertation, as a separate document, with the names of the co-authors and if published in which journal (no more than 1 page) The total length with technical appendix  (not including abstract & table of the papers) should not exceed 50 pages ; shorter submissions are welcome.   
  • Your submission meets all the requirements of the submission rules (please click HERE to view the submission guidelines).  
  • Read carefully the Privacy Policy and Terms of Participation .

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Our Privacy Policy also applies to this service and we will not provide any of your data to third parties in connection with it.

EMAC and McKinsey guarantee that we will treat the information you submit and your personal data with the utmost confidentiality and will use it soley to contact you.  

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Photo: UHH/Denstorf

EMAC 2023 Enginius Doctoral Dissertation Competition Award

26 May 2023, by customer insight


Photo: Thomas Reutterer

Martin Reisenbichler wins 1st place at EMAC 2023 Enginius Doctoral Dissertation Competition Award

At this year's EMAC 2023 Conference in Odense, Denmark, Martin Reisenbichler won 1st place for his dissertation. The jury around Arnaud De Bruyn, Elif Karaosmanoglu, and Thomas Otter honored his work on the application of LLMs in Search Engine Marketing (SEO and SEA). We are happy with Martin about this great award and congratulate him!

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BI PhD candidate wins prestigious marketing award

Chi Hoang has won the world-renowned 2020 EMAC/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Award for her dissertation, which studied how firms can use humour in their brand advertising to shape firm-level competence.

Chi Hoang

The award is one of the most prestigious awards of the European Marketing Academy and goes to doctoral work with high potential contribution to marketing thought. The EMAC/Sheth Foundation’s aim is to recognize and encourage emerging talent within the field of marketing.

Hoang defended her PhD at BI in 2019, and is currently a Research Fellow at Nanyang University in Singapore.

‒ It is my honour that my doctoral dissertation is recognized as one of the best doctoral dissertations in the field of marketing across Europe this year. I feel extremely grateful to my doctoral advisors, professors Luk Warlop and Klemens Knöferle, and to everyone at the Department of Marketing at BI. I believe that this award win is a team effort. I have earned it thanks to the all the wonderful support from my colleagues at BI, says Hoang.

Read more about Chi Hoang’s findings in this article from 2019: Ads that make us laugh, can also make us buy

‒ Exceptional

According to her advisor, Professor Luk Warlop, her achievement is nothing short of historic.

‒ Chi’s award is exceptional in two ways. First, these awards typically goes to students from some of the absolute top research schools in Europe. BI is now part of this list. Secondly, in all these years, the award went almost exclusively to quant modelling research. Only once has it ever been awarded to someone doing consumer research. Chi is one of the very few young consumer researchers in Europe who has gotten this award, Warlop explains.

He also shares some background on Hoang’s research, possibly explaining why the jury deemed her work the most impressive in 2020.

‒ Chi develops a new perspective on the use of humour in advertising. While humour is well studied as a brand persuasion tactic, Chi found that the humour in these ads could also increase general competence perceptions of the advertising firms.

Best among 42 submissions

The submissions for this year’s award went through a review process under the guidance of a selection committee, which selected three finalists to present their work. Hoang emerged as the winner after the committee considered her work to be the best of this year’s 42 submissions.

The 2020 jury consisted of Prof. Eitan Muller (New York University), Michael Haenlein (ESCP Berlin) and Ajay Kohli (Georga Tech). Hoang’s first prize comes with a check for €5000 sponsored by the Sheth Foundation, and her work will be spread through their channels to the global academic marketing community.

Line Lervik-Olsen, Head of the Department of Marketing at BI, was also among the many people to congratulate Chi and her advisors.

‒ This is simply a fantastic achievement and the very best marketing of BI that we can get.

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New generations of marketing experts are crucial to develop the theories and tools that shape the future of our field. The EMAC/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Competition recognizes and encourages this emerging talent. This distinguished award will be presented in 2018 for the second time.

Three finalists will be honored with cash prizes and the opportunity to present their work at the EMAC 47  Annual Conference in Glasgow, UK.



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Selection committee’s decision is final, and entrants have no legal recourse.


Submissions will be judged based on a defined set of criteria:


The selection committee will be comprised of the EMAC VP Publications (Chair), EMAC VP Global Relations, EMAC VP Corporate Relationships. In case a committee member has a conflict of interest with a submission, s/he will not be involved in evaluating that submission, or will be replaced by a Senior Editor of IJRM.

The selection committee chair and the VP Corporate Relationships will select two external review­ers for each submission, unless they judge the summary to be inappropriate or of insufficient quality. Based on the out­side reviews and a subsequent evaluation by the entire selection committee, three finalists will be selected to present their summaries to the committee at the EMAC 47  Annual Conference in Glasgow, UK. The committee will then select the first, second and third place winners, and their names will be announced at the conference.

In order to be considered for the awards, the three finalists must present their research at the EMAC 47  Annual Conference in Glasgow, UK. They will be honored with a certificate a cash prize (1st place: EUR 5,000; 2nd place: EUR 3,000; 3rd place: EUR 1,000).


Please submit the following (all materials must be in English):


 (not including the abstract & table of papers)  . Shorter submissions are welcome.

 should be mentioned   as they will be DOUBLE-BLIND reviewed. 


To consider your submission, we must receive all application materials by 


Submission Link: 


If you have questions on submitting your entry, please contact:

Anne-Laure Marteaux
EMAC / Sheth Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Competition Team
Phone: +32 (0) 2 226 66 67
E-mail: [email protected]


Finalists will be notified in April 2018


                   In partnership with:  


© 2017, EMAC

This edition is certainly special not only because it is the 50th anniversary of this prestigious academic conference, but also its first ever online edition! 

We would like to thank ESIC Business & Marketing School for going to great lengths to organize and host it. It has been undoubtedly a great success.


© 2017, EMAC

  • The organizing committee
  • Detailed programme
  • Doctoral Colloquium
  • Poster session
  • Oral presentations
  • Job Market Simulation
  • Paper submission
  • DC Paper submission
  • Tracks and Track Chairs
  • Conference fee
  • Registration
  • How to get here
  • Visit & Taste Bucharest
  • Optional Social Events




26 th – 28 th of May 2024

The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) and the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) in collaboration with the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, are organising the EMAC 2024 Colloquium for doctoral students in marketing.

The colloquium will be held at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies in Bucharest, Romania, between 26 th and 28 th of May, 2024, prior to the EMAC Annual Conference.

The Colloquium provides outstanding doctoral students in marketing who want to pursue a career in academics with an opportunity to discuss their dissertation research with other doctoral students and leading academics in the field of marketing. All topics and methodological approaches within the broad field of marketing will be considered.

The Colloquium will mostly proceed in parallel tracks based on the topical and/or methodological angle of participants’ work as well as on the stage of the dissertation process. Students will discuss their work with their fellow students and with three track faculty, who are renowned experts in the field. Doctoral students in different stages of their dissertation process can apply for participation in the doctoral colloquium.

The Doctoral Colloquium will be held in a collaborative, open and friendly atmosphere. In respect to this philosophy, participants are required to attend the entire Colloquium.

Submission Deadline: 24 th of January 2024 (16:00 CET Time)

Kapil Tuli (Singapore Management University, Singapore)

Consumer Behavior - Beginner Chair: Steven Sweldens (Erasmus University, The Netherlands) Co-chairs: Vicki Morwitz (Columbia University, USA) Robert Smith (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) Consumer Behavior - Intermediate/Advanced Chair: Bart De Langhe (KU Leuven, Belgium) Co-chairs: Nailya Ordabayeva (Dartmouth College, USA) Szu-Chi Huang (Stanford Business School, USA)

Marketing Models - Beginner Chair: Katrijn Gielens (UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School, USA) Co-chairs: Renana Peres (the Hebrew University Business School, Israel) Paulo Albuquerque (INSEAD, France) Marketing Models - Intermediate/Advanced Chair: Maarten J. Gijsenberg (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) Co-chairs: Dominik Papies (University of Tübingen, Germany) Gaia Rubera (Bocconi University, Italy)

Marketing Strategy - Beginner Chair: Stefan Wuyts (The Pennsylvania State University, USA) Co-chairs: Kenneth Wathne (University of Stavanger & BI Norwegian School of Management, Norway) Steven Seggie ( ESSEC, France) Marketing Strategy - Intermediate/Advanced Chair: Kelly Hewett (University of Tennesse, USA) Co-chairs: Lopo Rego (Indiana University, USA) Sundar Bharadwaj (University of Georgia, USA)

Detailed programme for Doctoral Colloquim:


EMAC 2024 Annual Conference

Bucharest, Romania

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My name is Gijs Overgoor. Let me tell you a little more about myself! 

I am an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Saunders College of Business at RIT.

I will be joining Southern Methodist University Cox School of Business in January of 2024! 

I received my PhD in Marketing from the University of Amsterdam and during my PhD I spent most of my time in the United States as a Visiting Researcher at North Carolina State University. 

My research is focused on applying methods from Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Econometrics to solve Marketing problems.  My research has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , International Journal of Research in Marketing and California Management Review . My dissertation was selected as the runner-up for the EMAC-Aimark doctoral dissertation award 2022 .

 You can find more information about my research here.

In my free time I like sports – practicing, playing or watching. Mostly, I am into CrossFit and Soccer and when I can I go on hiking trips with my wife and/or friends!

Learn more about me , how to pronounce my name , or access my CV

emac dissertation award

  • College of Engineering

Awards and Recognition

  • UTEP Led Workshop Carves Out International Collaborative Research Opportunities
  • UTEP Civil Engineering Professor Receives Grants from TxDOT
  • Dr. Ann Gates Wins National Education Award
  • Dr. Raymond C. Rumpf Appointed to Endowed Professorship
  • Dr. David Zubia Appointed to Endowed Professorship
  • Regents Recognize 10 UTEP Faculty as Outstanding Teachers

New Major Grants

  • UTEP Receives $1.4 Million to Increase Focus on Nuclear Engineering
  • UTEP Receives $2.1 Million to Develop All-in-One 3-D Electronics Printer
  • U.S. Department of Defense Awards Professor Nearly $400,000 Grant
  • UTEP Part of Team Receiving Millions to Clean Up Drinking Water
  • U.S. Government, UTEP Officials to Celebrate Opening of America Makes Satellite Center
  • UTEP EM Lab Wins $400,000 Keysight Equipment Award
  • NASA Awards $5 Million to UTEP to Develop Next Generation Rocket Engines

Issued Patents

Boland Thomas Magnetic Cell Separation through Inkjet Printing 9/2/2011 9,034,589
Deemer Eva Analytical Technique for Measuring Bound Glycerides in a Biodiesal Composition 4/6/2009 8,476,075
Murr Lawrence Reticulated Mesh Arrays and Dissimilar Array Monoliths by Addictive Layered MAnufacturing Using Electron and Laser Beam Melting 2/15/2010 8,828,311
Nazarian Soheil Movable Seismic Pavement Analyzer: A Device for Monitoring Pavement Conditions 1/1/2001 5,614,670
Polette Lori Improved Color Compositions and Methods of Manufacture 2/10/2005 7,425,235
Polette Lori Color Compositions 2/18/2003 7,052,541
Polette Lori Color Compositions 2/18/2003 7,429,294
Refaei Mohd A Chiral Organic Compound for Use in Chromotagrphy Columns 1/1/2001 8,187,468
Siadati Mohammad Preparation of Amorphous Sulfide Sieves 10/17/2001 7,132,386
Tandon Vivek System and Method for Field Testing a Tack Coat Layer 10/2/2003 7,162,929
Vargas Hernandez Noe Table Board-Partition 3/9/2010 8,539,888
Wicker Ryan Methods and Systems for Rapid Prototyping of High Density Circuits 4/22/2004 7,419,630
Wicker Ryan Hydrogel Constructs using Stereolithography 4/12/2004 8,197,743
Wicker Ryan Hydrogel Constructs using Stereolithography 4/12/2004 7,780,897
Wicker Ryan Methods and Systems for Integrating Fluid Dispensing Technology with Stereolithography 8/6/2004 7,658,603
Wicker Ryan Methods and Systems for Integrating Fluid Dispensing Technology with Stereolithography 8/6/2004 8,252,223
Wicker Ryan Multi-Material Stereolithography 12/1/2003 7,556,490
Wicker Ryan Multi-Material Stereolithography 12/1/2003 7,959,847
Wicker Ryan Methods and Systems for Image-Guided Implants 5/28/2010 8,518,737
Zubia David Methods and Apparatus for Real-Time Monitoring of Camium Ion During Solution Growth of Cadmium Sulfide Thin Films 1/8/2003 7,194,120

New, incoming PhD students for 2016-2017 who are interested in being considered for fellowships are encouraged to apply to graduate school early in the Spring semester (for consideration in the Fall semester) and contact the Program Directors/Department Chairs of their chosen departments for further instructions.

2016-2017 Graduate Fellowship Recipients

Aria Fathi Ph.D in Civil Engineering
Mayra Chavez Ph.D in Civil Engineering
Matthew Vechione Ph.D in Civil Engineering
Abner Moreno Tarango Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering
Emily Herzog Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering
Syed Zia Uddin Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering
Honglun Xu Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering
Fashiar Rahman Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering
Rodrigo Ibanez-Alcala Ph.D in Electrical & Computer Engineering
Aldo Vidana Ph.D in Electrical & Computer Engineering
David Reyes Ph.D in Computer Science
Gerardo Barraza Ph.D in Computer Science
Mohammad Miah Ph.D in Computer Science
Manoj Pravakar Saha Ph.D in Computer Science
Raul Alejandro Vargas Ph.D in Computer Science
Isaac Deaguero Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering
Swadipta Roy Ph.D in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Nishat Tasnim Ph.D in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering

Thesis and Dissertation

Each year the College of Engineering recognizes outstanding Theses and Dissertations as the University award winners. The selection of such awards is done through a comprehensive process established by the Thesis and Dissertation Awards Committee at the College of Engineering. Selected awardees were recognized at the spring 2015 convocation. These are as follows:

Dissertation (PhD) Award:

3D Printed Spatially Variant
Cesar R. Garcia
Raymond Rumpf
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Thesis (MS) Award:

Experimental Evaluation of Flame Stability and Pollutant Emissions from a Multi-Tube Fuel Injector
Sarzina Hossain
Norman Love
Mechanical Engineering

Helpful Links

  • Business Center
  • Engineering IT Resources
  • Event Calendar
  • Questions or Concerns

Connect With Us

The University of Texas at El Paso Eric MacDonald, Ph.D. Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Engineering Building Room A148 500 W University El Paso, Texas 79968

E: [email protected] P: (915) 747-5913 F: (915) 747-5437






© 2017, EMAC


  1. ABS researcher wins 2022 EMAC dissertation award

    emac dissertation award

  2. ABS researcher wins 2022 EMAC dissertation award

    emac dissertation award

  3. EMAC 2023 Enginius Doctoral Dissertation Competition Award : Chair of

    emac dissertation award

  4. EMAC Best Paper Award Based on a Doctoral Dissertation

    emac dissertation award

  5. EMAC Best Paper Award Based on a Doctoral Dissertation

    emac dissertation award

  6. Winners EMAC/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Competition

    emac dissertation award


  1. Thalapathy Vijay Transformation

  2. Award

  3. EOaward 2023

  4. 39th IDA Documentary Awards

  5. Core Offering Innovation Category Winners

  6. EOaward 2023


  1. Winners EMAC/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Competition

    EMAC / Sheth Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Competition. Winners. 2020. 1st place: Chi Hoang. Nanyang Technical University. Paper: "Resolving Humorous Incongruity in Advertising". 2nd place: Sila Ada. Vienna University of Economics and Business. Paper: " Quality issues in online display advertising".

  2. EMAC/Sheth Foundation Sustainability Research Competition

    EMAC/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Competition 2020 Results. First Place: Ms. Chi Hoang, Nanyang Business School, National Technological University, ... Cash awards of €5,000, €3,000, and €1,000have been forwarded to the first, second and third place winners. The winners were announced in the EMAC Newsletter on Monday (June 11 ...

  3. EMAC Best Paper Award Based on a Doctoral Dissertation

    University of Bologna. Paper: "Customer Evolution In Sales Channel Migration". 2007. Randolph E. Bucklin & Oliver J. Rutz. University of California, Los Angeles. Paper: : "A Model of Individual Keyword Performance in Paid Search Advertising". Best Paper Award based on Doctoral Work at the EMAC Annual Conference 2024 Lukas Zimmer Trier ...

  4. Winners EMAC-AiMark doctoral dissertation award (2021-2022)

    EMAC Best Paper Award Based on a Doctoral Dissertation; The Susan P. Douglas Award. Winners; EMAC-Enginius Doctoral Competition. Winners (2023-) Winners EMAC-AiMark doctoral dissertation award (2021-2022) Winners EMAC/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Competition (2018-2020) EMAC Junior Faculty Visiting Program. Winners

  5. EMAC-AiMark doctoral dissertation award (2021)

    The EMAC-AiMark doctoral dissertation award recognizes and encourages this emerging talent. Three finalists will be honored with cash prizes and the opportunity to present their work at the online EMAC 2021 Annual Conference ( Madrid, Spain). Eligibility.

  6. ABS researcher wins 2022 EMAC dissertation award

    ABS researcher wins 2022 EMAC dissertation award 9 June 2022. Amsterdam Business School (ABS) assistant professor Martina Cossu (Marketing section) has won the European Marketing Academy's (EMAC) Best European Dissertation award. She received the award on 25 May for her groundbreaking PhD research on using models with disabilities in advertising.

  7. Dr. David Finken wins European's Most Prestigious Dissertation Award in

    🏆 We thank Prof. Arnaud De Bruyn, Prof. Elif Karaosmanoglu, and Prof. Morana Fudurić for serving as independent judges on this year's EMAC-Enginius Doctoral Dissertation Competition. A heartfelt congratulations also to Yufei Shen (second place, Nova School of Business and Economics) and Dr. Maximilian Beichert (third place HEC Paris).

  8. EMAC McKinsey Marketing Dissertation Award

    Welcome to the online paper submission for the EMAC McKinsey Marketing Dissertation Award. Please make sure to read carefully the submission guidelines before submitting your paper. Before you submit, please make sure that: No author information is mentioned on the paper, as papers will be double BLIND reviewed.

  9. Paper Submission for EMAC 2024

    EMAC 2024 Annual Conference. Bucharest, Romania. Terms & conditions Confidentiality policy Cookies policy Cookie settings. Cookies information Strictly necessary cookies Performance cookies Cookie policy. Cookies information. When you visit a website, it may store or retrieve information from your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. ...

  10. Welcome to EMAC

    EMAC is a professional society for people involved or interested in marketing theory and research established in 1975. Our purpose is to provide a society for persons professionally concerned with or interested in marketing theory and research. ... Winners EMAC-AiMark doctoral dissertation award (2021-2022) Winners EMAC/Sheth Foundation ...

  11. EMAC 2023 Enginius Doctoral Dissertation Competition Award

    Martin Reisenbichler wins 1st place at EMAC 2023 Enginius Doctoral Dissertation Competition Award. At this year's EMAC 2023 Conference in Odense, Denmark, Martin Reisenbichler won 1st place for his dissertation. The jury around Arnaud De Bruyn, Elif Karaosmanoglu, and Thomas Otter honored his work on the application of LLMs in Search Engine ...

  12. BI PhD candidate wins prestigious marketing award

    BI PhD candidate wins prestigious marketing award. 23 June 2020. Chi Hoang has won the world-renowned 2020 EMAC/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Award for her dissertation, which studied how firms can use humour in their brand advertising to shape firm-level competence. The award is one of the most prestigious awards of the European ...

  13. PDF EMAC / Sheth Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Competition (2020)

    The EMAC/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Competition recognizes and encourages this emerging talent. This distinguished award will be presented in 2020 for the fourth time. Three finalists will be honored with cash prizes and the opportunity to present their work at the EMAC 2020 Annual Conference in Budapest, Hungary. Eligibility

  14. PDF EMAC-Enginius Doctoral Competition

    EMAC Annual Conference 2023. The selection committee will then select the first, second and third place winners, and their names will be announced at the conference. Award In order to be considered for the awards, the three finalists must present their research onsite at the EMAC Annual Conference 2024. They will be honoured with a certificate and

  15. 2018 EMAC/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Competition

    This distinguished award will be presented in 2018 for the second time. Three finalists will be honored with cash prizes and the opportunity to present their work at the EMAC 47 th Annual Conference in Glasgow, UK. Increase the reach of your dissertation - apply for the 2018 EMAC/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Competition . Eligibility

  16. Home

    Home | EMAC 2021 Conference. The 50th edition of the European Marketing Academy EMAC Conference has ended successfully! This edition is certainly special not only because it is the 50th anniversary of this prestigious academic conference, but also its first ever online edition! We would like to thank ESIC Business & Marketing School for going ...

  17. Doctoral Colloquium

    EMAC 2024 Doctoral Colloquium: Engage with top academics and peers to discuss marketing dissertation research. Submit by Jan 24, 2024. ... Doctoral students in different stages of their dissertation process can apply for participation in the doctoral colloquium. The Doctoral Colloquium will be held in a collaborative, open and friendly ...

  18. Gijs Overgoor

    My dissertation was selected as the runner-up for the EMAC-Aimark doctoral dissertation award 2022. You can find more information about my research here. In my free time I like sports - practicing, playing or watching. Mostly, I am into CrossFit and Soccer and when I can I go on hiking trips with my wife and/or friends!

  19. Winners

    Winners. Best Paper Award based on Doctoral Work at the EMAC Annual Conference. 2018. Agnes Somosi. Corvinus University of Budapest. Paper:"Customer retention drivers in case of service elimination and post-elimination customer behavior: An empirical investigation in telecommunications". 2017. Svetlana Khimina. Bocconi University.

  20. Awards and Recognition

    Each year the College of Engineering recognizes outstanding Theses and Dissertations as the University award winners. The selection of such awards is done through a comprehensive process established by the Thesis and Dissertation Awards Committee at the College of Engineering. ... [email protected] P: (915) 747-5913 F: (915) 747-5437 THE UNIVERSITY ...

  21. EMAC- Enginius Doctoral Dissertation Competition (2025)

    The EMAC-Enginius doctoral dissertation competition recognizes and encourages this emerging talent. Three finalists will be honored with cash prizes and the opportunity to present their work at the EMAC 2025 Annual Conference. ... Award. In order to be considered for the awards, the three finalists must present their research at the online EMAC ...

  22. Winners EMAC-AiMark doctoral dissertation award

    The Susan P. Douglas Award. Winners; EMAC-Enginius Doctoral Competition (previously EMAC-AiMark doctoral dissertation award) Winners EMAC-AiMark doctoral dissertation award (2021) Winners EMAC/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Competition; EMAC Junior Faculty Visiting Program. Winners; EMAC-Sheth Foundation Sustainability Research ...