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Doctoral degrees that prepare you to lead and inspire, and to improve education

Through its doctoral degree programs, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College prepares education leaders, scholars and innovators with evidence-based coursework drawing on more than $60 million of annual research expenditures.

Two PhDs — in Learning, Literacies and Technologies; and Educational Policy and Evaluation — empower scholars to create knowledge and insight into important questions about teaching, learning and the impact of education policy. And an award-winning Doctor of Education degree prepares leader-practitioners to make evidence-based decisions that improve the performance of education organizations and systems.

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ASU English education doctoral graduate committed to student success

Portrait of graduating ASU student Rebecca Chatham-Vasquez.

Rebecca Chatham-Vasquez, courtesy photo

Editor’s note:  This story is part of a series of profiles of notable  fall 2023 graduates .

Originally from Livingston and Great Falls, Montana, Rebecca Chatham-Vazquez came to Arizona State University in 2018 to pursue a PhD in English (English education) . But she wasn’t just a student. While studying, attending conferences, conducting research and writing a dissertation, she also made huge differences in the community.

With boundless dedication and creativity, Chatham-Vazquez served as the English education representative for Graduate Scholars of English Association (GSEA) and created fun and engaging activities for students during the pandemic, including an online yoga and meditation series held via Zoom . Chatham-Vazquez, a certified yoga instructor, believes that breathing and moving together help connect us.

Also, for two years while an ASU graduate student, Chatham-Vazquez was president of the Arizona English Teachers Association (AETA) , a statewide professional organization for K–college language arts teachers. During her presidency, she served as their newsletter editor and steered the association to host an online conference during the pandemic — when many other state affiliates of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) canceled or postponed conferences. Because of her perseverance and enthusiasm against all odds, the membership in AETA doubled. She worked diligently with fellow English education students to rejuvenate and rebuild AETA to a now-flourishing organization that supports teachers across Arizona.

Chatham-Vazquez also acted as a reviewer for NCTE Annual Conference proposals and volunteered at the 2019 national conference in Baltimore with the local affiliate to help them host the conference. More locally, she worked with President’s Professor James Blasingame to help host the annual Día De Los Niños, Día De Los Libros celebration at ASU, and volunteered for ASU's Open Door event in 2020 , where she portrayed Professor McGonagall for “Hogwarts Spellcasting Sessions.” 

Chatham-Vazquez defended her dissertation "'Culture Grows between Our Toes’: Beginning to Understand the Benefits and Challenges of being a Secondary English Language Arts Educator in Rural Spaces” on Nov. 3. Her qualitative study sought to answer questions about the benefits and challenges of being a rural English teacher, such as teacher recruitment and retention in rural areas. As fate would have it, she and her husband recently moved to the small town of Moorhead, Minnesota, right across the Red River from Fargo, North Dakota. Chatham-Vazquez is an assistant professor at North Dakota State University. “We love it up here!” she said. “The summers are hot and humid, and the winters are cold and snowy. The whole area has about 200,000 people and I never have to drive on the freeway! We definitely miss getting dim sum at Phoenix Palace, but we wouldn't trade our new home for anything.”

We caught up with Chatham-Vazquez to ask a few more questions about how she arrived at her beloved Midwest destination.

Editor's note: Answers may have been edited for length or clarity.

Question: What was your “aha” moment, when you realized you wanted to study in your field?

Answer: In hindsight, this is what I have always been destined to do. From the age of 6, I knew I wanted to be a teacher, and I hadn't really ever thought about being anything other than a grades 6–12 English language arts educator. In fact, teaching sixth grade English was probably the most fun I've ever had in a classroom because sixth graders are weird and hilarious and sweet and wonderful!

But, in my undergrad, some of my classmates used to say that I would be "the next Beverly," referring to our methods professor, Beverly Ann Chin , at the University of Montana. I admired her so much, and I thought there was no way I would ever be a master teacher of her caliber (I'm still not, but with another 30-or-so years of practice, I might get there). Then, when I went to pursue my master's degree at the University of Arkansas, one of my English 101 students said, "Miss C, have you ever thought about teaching teachers? If I had had more English teachers like you in high school, I would have actually liked English." In that moment, it really clicked for me that I could be good at teaching teachers, that I had something to offer.

When I went back to the high school classroom after earning my master's degree, I found myself mentoring first-year teachers and also being invited by Dr. Chin to co-direct the Montana Writing Project, in which I worked with current classroom educators with experience ranging from one year to 30 years in the classroom. After seeing myself in these positions and helping other teachers, it became clear to me that I needed to pursue my PhD in English education.

Q: What’s something you learned while at ASU — in the classroom or otherwise — that surprised you, that changed your perspective?

A: In terms of life, I learned that metro areas are not for me! I'm just not a big city girl. I like to visit big cities, but I prefer to live some place much smaller. So that was good for me to know, especially when I was on the job market. In terms of my education and preparation to be a professor, I really learned to see that less is more. When I was an undergraduate, I spent all of my waking hours either studying or hanging out with friends or doing both at once. ASU's current undergraduates — and undergrads across the country — are living a very different life than I did. They have full-time jobs, they commute, they have children and they have (more than likely) a lot of loans, meaning that they can't take courses just for fun due to the increased cost of college.

Approaching this population as a teacher means that I need to make every second of class count; I need to choose readings and projects that are worth students' time; I need to be mindful of what they can give and what I need to give them in order for them to be successful. This is a realization that I've been coming to for years, even since I was teaching high school in Arkansas. It's important to adapt to the changing world and changing students not only to continue to ensure the relevance of our programs but also the success of our students. I was happy to be challenged to meet students where they are because there's nothing better than seeing students succeed!

Q: Why did you choose ASU?

A: When looking at PhD programs, I created a gigantic spreadsheet that included things like cost of living, job availability for my partner, proximity to the airport, ease/cost of flying in and out, availability of a variety of courses and probably about 10 more columns that I can't remember now. I applied to ASU because I wanted to be housed in an English department, had noted the prestige of the program and wanted to work with Dr. Blasingame, whom I had met years previously when he presented at a conference in Montana. He was good friends with my mentor from University of Montana, Dr. Chin, and she assured me that I would be well looked after if I came to ASU. I was lucky to be accepted and given the teaching assistantship, which enabled me to pursue my PhD. And Beverly wasn't wrong: Dr. B has looked after me from the moment I came to ASU for my campus visit in March of 2018, until I got into my U-Haul in June of 2023. Honestly, he still looks after me, and I am so grateful for his mentorship.

Q: Which professor taught you the most important lesson while at ASU?

A: James Blasingame, of course! He taught me a million lessons, and I still learn something new from him every time we talk. I've learned so much from him that I don't know if I could narrow it down to one lesson. I guess if I had to choose, I can always hear him saying, "Don't worry, Becca. It'll get done." And he was right!

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’d give to those still in school?

A: Always remember that you are there to get your degree. No matter what, don't let anything stop you from finishing your dissertation. A good dissertation is a done dissertation.

Q: What was your favorite spot for power studying?

A: Honestly, the airplane! I spent a lot of time traveling in my first year at ASU because my dad was sick and I was also planning my and Kevin's wedding, so I was on the plane about every four to six weeks. Then, after my first year and "after" the pandemic, I spent a lot of time traveling for conferences. I'm a captive audience in an airplane, and there is no way to escape the work, so I always get a lot done while flying.

Q: What are your plans after graduation?

A: I am in a tenure-track position as an assistant professor at North Dakota State University with a joint appointment, half in English and half in education. Each semester, I teach one course for English and one for education, usually young adult literature, grammatical structures and English methods courses (methods of teaching reading and writing). I am also continuing with my state-level service with English language arts teachers in North Dakota and Minnesota, university-level service on the retention and recruitment committees in both of my departments, and national-level service with the National Council of Teachers of English and the Assembly on Literature for Adolescents of NCTE. My partner and I moved up to the Fargo/Moorhead area in June of 2023, and we bought a home. I gave birth to our baby girl, Elena, in August of 2023, so I've been learning to juggle being a mom, a wife and a professor, which has been a lot of fun!

Q: If someone gave you $40 million to solve one problem on our planet, what would you tackle?

A: I would tackle climate change. Especially now that I am a mom, I feel even more conscious about the kind of world I want to leave behind for Ellie and other young people. It's important that, as adults, we view ourselves as good ancestors for those who come after us, and I think climate is one of the most important concerns when I view myself that way.

Written by Sheila Luna

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Anne Snell

Student Information

Anne Snell is a Ph.D. student in Public Administration and Policy at ASU School of Public Affairs and Graduate Student Fellow at the Center for Organization Research and Design (CORD). Her current research interest is in public management and political/administrative collaboration dynamics. Working as a Graduate Research Assistant at CORD, she is involved in projects related to leadership development in public organizations. 

Anne received her B.S. degree in Political Science from Aarhus University (2020) and her M.S. degree in Political Science from Aarhus University (2023), with a stay abroad at the Department of Government at the University of Texas at Austin (2022). Her initial impressions of the United States and her passion for research made her go back to pursue a PhD. at ASU.

B.S. Political Science, Aarhus University

M.S. Political Science, Aarhus University

Misa engaging in conversation with Global Launch students.

Experiencing American culture and improving English with Global Launch as a Japanese LEAP participant

Helping to strengthen international higher education bonds with japan from eight months of professional development at asu.

The Long-term Educational Administrators Program ( LEAP ) for international exchange is a 10-month professional development program sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology ( MEXT ) of Japan. The purpose of this training program is to improve the quality of Japanese higher education by increasing the internationalization of Japanese universities. This is achieved by sending university staff abroad to learn by observing and sharing with American higher education specialists. 

Group of Global Launch students posing for a photo before attending an Arizona State University football game on Tempe campus.

As a LEAP participant, I spent my  first eight weeks at Montana State University, focusing on English language study and learning about the U.S. higher education system. Then, I was assigned to a different U.S. university for an eight-month practicum experience, which I did with  Global Launch , at Arizona State University (ASU).

asu english education phd

My goals were to strengthen the relationship between my school,  Hiroshima University , and ASU, and to learn about ASU and its relationships with its local communities. I also focused on improving my English skills and making good friends. 

Throughout the practicum experience, I learned a lot of things, like how Global Launch operates. I also learned that Global Launch has great diversity, with students from different backgrounds all around the world. I interacted with both staff and students; every day was full of surprises.

asu english education phd

I realized what ‘common sense’ is to me might not be to other people, so it is important to accept differences and respect others. I learned that English proficiency is important to build good relationships with people from other countries. In these eight months, I made some unforgettable memories. It was my first time living and working outside of Japan and this experience expanded my horizons. 

I returned to Japan in Spring to work at Hiroshima University, where students from around the world are learning together with English as a common language. My experience at Global Launch has been very helpful in teaching me how to better support them. I strive to be a staff member who contributes to student success by applying what I have learned at Global Launch about compassion, patience and diversity.

asu english education phd

Misa Odahara  is a staff member at the Department of Integrated Global Studies, School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University, where she supports students and faculty. She enjoys traveling, yoga, cooking, music, Japanese calligraphy, pets and flowers, as well as Shorinji Kempo.

Her academic focus on the English language helps her enhance her communication skills, learning to speak and read more effectively as well as refine her academic writing.

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English Education, MA

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English Education, English language arts, Secondary writing instruction, secondary reading instruction, teacher inquiry, teacher research

As a current or aspiring secondary English language arts teacher, you are empowered to conduct classroom-based research, strengthen teaching practices and expand your professional knowledge base. You can achieve this through instruction and mentoring provided by dynamic faculty who specialize in teaching secondary writing, young adult literature, literacy and social justice.

The MA in English education is a one-year, intensive program designed to prepare practicing and transitioning teachers for careers as exemplary educators, teacher-researchers and leaders in English language arts instruction.

Students in the program develop a deep understanding of the English language arts by learning how to access, analyze and apply research and best practices for teaching secondary students (grades 7-12). This program balances the refining of disciplinary knowledge with pedagogical application of that knowledge in classrooms. Students take a variety of dynamic, contemporary methods courses, including advanced methods courses in research in English education, methods of teaching writing and text, teaching postcolonial young adult literature and teaching writing in an era of standardization.

This innovative course of study culminates with an inquiry project related to English language arts instruction in secondary classrooms. The program empowers students to employ teacher research and inquiry to address questions they have about their own students' learning and their own teaching practice.

  • College/school: The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Location: Tempe
  • STEM-OPT extension eligible: No

Acceptance to the graduate program requires a separate application. Students typically receive approval to pursue the accelerated master’s during the junior year of their bachelor's degree program. Interested students can learn about eligibility requirements and how to apply .

30 credit hours including the required applied project course (ENG 593)

Required Core (12 credit hours) ENG 501 Approaches to Research (3) ENG 506 Methods and Issues in Teaching Language (3) ENG 507 Methods and Issues in Teaching Composition (3) ENG 606 Advanced Studies in English Education (3)

Electives or Research (12 credit hours)

Other Requirements (3 credit hours) ENG 594 Conference and Workshop (3)

Culminating Experience (3 credit hours) ENG 593 Applied Project (3)

Applicants must fulfill the requirements of both the Graduate College and The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Applicants are eligible to apply to the program if they have earned a bachelor's or master's degree in English, creative writing, English education, secondary education or secondary curriculum and instruction, or a master's degree in education or a closely related field from a regionally accredited institution. Current certification in secondary English language arts (grades 6-12), or equivalent certification, or a minimum of two years teaching English language arts in a school setting is required.

Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00 = "A") in the last 60 hours of their first bachelor's degree program, or a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00 = "A") in an applicable master's degree program.

All applicants must submit:

  • graduate admission application and application fee
  • official transcripts
  • statement of purpose
  • resume or curriculum vitae
  • two letters of recommendation
  • proof of English proficiency

Additional Application Information An applicant whose native language is not English and has not graduated from an institution of higher learning in the United States must provide proof of English proficiency regardless of their current residency. Applications will not be processed without valid proof of English proficiency; official scores must be sent to ASU in order for the application to be processed.

Applicants must submit a well-considered, one- to two-page statement of purpose in which they explain how their experience and training have prepared them for the English education program, their goals in pursuing the MA in English education and plans for the future.

Two letters of recommendation are required; a third is optional. The letters should provide a clear picture of the applicant's potential for successfully completing a master's degree, so at least one of the letters should be from a university professor who is familiar with the applicant's academic work and with master's-level academic programs.

Session A/CIn Person 06/15Final
Session A/CIn Person 01/15Priority

Program learning outcomes identify what a student will learn or be able to do upon completion of their program. This program has the following program outcomes:

  • Students will demonstrate the ability to recognize various qualitative and quantitative research methods as appropriate and effective means for pursuing specific lines of classroom-based teacher inquiry and explain the pros and cons of a given methodological approach in terms of their classroom research.
  • Students will be able to locate, analyze and synthesize qualitative or quantitative teacher research studies specific to important issues in their own English language arts classrooms or schools.
  • Students will demonstrate the use of appropriate, effective qualitative or quantitative research methods as they design and implement studies for the purpose of improving curriculum and instruction in their own school districts and sharing their findings in a public forum.
  • Students will be able to identify important educational issues they face in teaching English language arts, survey a variety of resources (i.e., research literature, expert opinion and educational policy), and synthesize their learning into plans for best practice.
  • Students will be able to interrogate their own pedagogical practices (i.e., curriculum and instruction, differentiation, English language learners, cultural responsiveness, assessment, digital and new literacies) in the teaching of English language arts (reading, writing, speaking, listening, use of language, technology) and make appropriate adaptations to best meet all students' needs.

Careers for English education graduates include professions related to the field of secondary language arts and literacy education in secondary schools.

Career examples include:

  • curriculum development
  • dual enrollment teachers
  • faculty positions at colleges and universities
  • instructional leaders
  • literacy coaches
  • middle and high school English teachers
  • teacher leadership and research

Students who complete the Master of Arts in English education may have the appropriate degree to be qualified to teach dual-credit English education courses.

Department of English | RBHL 170 [email protected] 480-965-3168 Admission deadlines

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  • Type: municipal district with 57,500 residents
  • Description: municipal district in Russia
  • Category: second-level administrative division
  • Location: Novosibirsk Oblast , Western Siberia , Siberia , Russia , Eastern Europe , Europe
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  • Zarechnyi Hamlet, 4 km southeast
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  • Komsomol’skiy Locality, 6 km southeast

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  • Stantsiya Kainsk Barabinskiy Railway station, 8 km southeast
  • Ozero Yabalyk Lake, 8 km northwest
  • Ozero Bol’shoy Kayly Lake, 10 km south
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As One of the Top 100 Chinese Internet Companies, 37 Interactive Entertainment (Stock code: 002555) can be described as a highly influential cultural enterprise in China's A-shares market.

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The company has a well-known game development studio, THREE SEVEN GAMES, and multiple game publishing platforms, including 37Online, 37Mobile, and 37GAMES. In addition, we run MiaoCode, a high-quality online education platform.

In order to further promote corporate social responsibility, 37 Interactive Entertainment has established the Guangdong Youxin Charity Foundation, with cumulative donations of almost 60 million RMB.


1. Teach English to students of kindergarten, primary school, and adult levels, focusing on speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. 2. Create engaging and interactive lesson plans that cater to the individual needs of each student. 3. Provide constructive feedback to students to help them improve their language abilities. 4. Foster a positive and inclusive learning environment for all students.

  • Nationality: United States (Preferred)
  • Education Required: Bachelor or above

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  • Years of Experience: 1-2 Years
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Competitive salary based on qualifications and experience.

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  1. English (English Education), PHD

    The PhD in English (English Education) prepares students to become national leaders in the field of English education as tenure-track faculty at research universities and teaching colleges, as well as secondary English language arts curriculum specialists for school districts, state and federal departments of education, and private education agencies.

  2. English (English Education), PhD

    Program description. Degree awarded: PHD English (English Education) The PhD program in English with a concentration in English education prepares students to examine the writing and reading practices of secondary students. Students also learn about the instructional practices of secondary English language arts teachers through emphasis of the ...

  3. English Education (PhD)

    Choose two other graduate English classes from ENG 504, 506, 507 and 540. A graduate class in linguistics, English as a second language or teaching composition. Inquiry and Analysis (12). Mandatory: ENG 500 Research in the Teaching of English. Mandatory: Two ENG 598 Special Topics courses offered by English education faculty members.

  4. English Education

    The PhD in English education prepares students to become national leaders in the field as tenure-track faculty at research universities and teaching colleges, as well as secondary English language arts curriculum specialists for school districts, state and federal departments of education, and private education agencies. ... 2016 ASU News ...

  5. Doctoral degrees

    Lead, inspire, and improve education Doctoral programs at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College prepare education leaders, scholars and innovators. Our EdD program prepares leader-practitioners to make evidence-based decisions that improve the performance of education organizations and systems. Our PhD programs empower scholars to create knowledge and insight into important questions about teaching ...

  6. ASU English education doctoral graduate committed to student success

    Originally from Livingston and Great Falls, Montana, Rebecca Chatham-Vazquez came to Arizona State University in 2018 to pursue a PhD in English (English education). But she wasn't just a student. While studying, attending conferences, conducting research and writing a dissertation, she also made huge differences in the community.

  7. English (Literature), PHD

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  8. Graduate Degrees

    English (English Education), PHD This doctoral program is designed for students with a background in secondary language arts teaching who have diverse interests and professional goals. It is ideal preparation for your career as an expert teacher of English, or as a scholar, researcher, curriculum developer, teacher educator or leader in the ...

  9. Anne Snell

    Anne Snell is a Ph.D. student in Public Administration and Policy at ASU School of Public Affairs and Graduate Student Fellow at the Center for Organization Research and Design (CORD). Her current research interest is in public management and political/administrative collaboration dynamics.

  10. Novosibirsk State University

    Novosibirsk State University. Novosibirsk State University is a public research university located in Novosibirsk, Russia. The university was founded in 1958, on the principles of integration of education and science, early involvement of students with research activities and the engagement of leading scientists in its teaching programmes.

  11. English (Literature), PhD

    Program description. Degree awarded: PHD English (Literature) The PhD program in English with a concentration in literature trains students in various methodologies, pedagogies and areas of inquiry that constitute literary and cultural studies. With a diverse and distinguished faculty, the program offers opportunities for specialization in ...

  12. Japanese intern studies culture and English at Global Launch

    The Long-term Educational Administrators Program (LEAP) for international exchange is a 10-month professional development program sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan.The purpose of this training program is to improve the quality of Japanese higher education by increasing the internationalization of Japanese universities.

  13. English Education, MA

    Program description. Degree awarded: MA English Education. The MA in English education is a one-year, intensive program designed to prepare practicing and transitioning teachers for careers as exemplary educators, teacher-researchers and leaders in English language arts instruction. Students in the program develop a deep understanding of the ...

  14. Top Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) Degrees in Health Care Medical Studies

    1 PhD Degrees in Health Care Medical Studies in Novosibirsk, Russia for 2024. Filters ... English (0) Spanish (0) French (0) Portuguese (0) Language. Study format. On-Campus (1) Distance Learning (0) ... domestic traditions of medical education, and ensuring the competitiveness of NSMU graduates in the domestic and foreign labor markets.

  15. Graduate Admission

    Please plan accordingly when submitting an application. MA English (English Studies) Online, MTESOL Online, MAS in Film and Media Studies: Fall 2024 Admission: July 20, 2024 session A, September 13, 2024 session B (in the application, select "Fall (Aug)") Spring 2025 Admission: December 11, 2024 session A, February 12, 2025 session B (in the ...

  16. Kuybyshevsky District Map

    Kuybyshevsky District. Kuybyshevsky District is an administrative and municipal district, one of the thirty in Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia. It is located in the center of the oblast. Photo: DieselCat, CC BY-SA 4.0. Ukraine is facing shortages in its brave fight to survive. Please support Ukraine, because Ukraine defends a peaceful, free and ...

  17. Novosibirsk State University : Rankings, Fees & Courses Details

    Accomodation fees - $ 20-25 per month. Living costs - $ 120-150 per month. Do not forget the expenses for clothing: jackets and shoes for autumn and winter, and shorts and shales for summer, of course. * Support for new students. The University has an adaptation program for foreign students (pre-arrival support, welcome talk, welcome ...

  18. 37 Interactive Entertainment

    Find jobs on the TeacherRecord. 37 Interactive Entertainment. Job Type:Teach Abroad; Location:[Guangzhou] - China; Industry:Secondary Education; Language:English; Subject:Language; Working Days per Week:5 Days; Payment Method:Bank Transfer ; Degree:PHD, Master, Bachelor; Teaching Certificate:TEFL, TESOL, CELTA.

  19. ASU-SERVIS, OOO, Novosibirsk Oblast

    ASU-SERVIS, OOO - 630089, Novosibirskaya oblast', Novosibirsk, ul. Fedoseeva, d. 12, kv. 191 - INN 5405061547 - OGRN 1215400003565 - Extract from EGRUL, accounting report

  20. English, MA

    The Department of English offers instruction leading to the Master of Arts in English with a track in literature. Graduate students at ASU work closely with world-class scholars and teachers. This is an academic community that cares about its students and prepares them for successful careers in a variety of paths, including education ...

  21. English (Writing, Rhetorics, and Literacies), PHD

    The PhD in English, concentration in writing, rhetorics, and literacies at Arizona State University promotes the study of the production, distribution, and interpretation of texts (oral, written, digital, visual, discursive, material, symbolic) and the rhetorical strategies involved in such processes. Students draw on composition/writing theory ...

  22. PDF ASU's Department of English Degree Types

    Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at [email protected]. You may also want to view. ASU's licensure information or MLFTC's student success site. For other licensure requirements, please contact your state's Department of Education. Master of Fine Arts (MFA): A Master of Fine Arts prepares students for a career in a specific creative area.