Sketchbook Ideas
Sketchbook assignment ideas.
Current HS Sketchbook Assignment Handout :
Sb assigns-adv hs art q3 2018-19, sb assigns-adv hs art q2 2018-19a.
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Requirements for my HS Art Sketchbook Assignments:
You must complete a minimum of 4- 5 assignments listed below in each 9-week period.
- Drawings should fill the ENTIRE sketchbook page (points will be deducted for small drawings.)
- Include DETAILS (include textures & value, unless otherwise specified.)
- Spend a minimum of 45 minutes on each assignment.
- Each sketchbook counts as a QUIZ grade!
- Sketchbooks handed in late will be accepted but 30 points removed for lateness, 2 days late will receive a “0”.
- DRAWINGS NEEDS TO BE FROM DIRECT OBSERVATION ie: you LOOKING at the objects ! That means NOT from memory, photos, or imagination. (except where otherwise noted). Pay close attention to proportions (size relationships)
YOU MUST LABEL EACH PICTURE at the top with the appropriate title (ex: SB #1: Black & White Design )
Size 0-5
Effort 0-10
Creativity 0-8
Title 0- 2
25 pts.
Sketchbook Assignments:
Below are just some of the sketchbook assignments we have done throughout the years. Not listed are the essential contour line & gesture drawings that are required throughout the year.
SB #2: Juxtaposition Drawing: Create a new object by combining 2 unrelated objects-one needs to be from nature, the other needs to be mechanical. Render with full shading. Medium: colored pencil
SB #3: Contour line: Look in your backpack or purse, pull out 5 things you use on a regular basis (phone can not be one!) arrange them in an interesting way, then draw a contour line drawing (outline only) of the composition. Medium: drawing pencils
SB #4: Scissor Metamorphosis : Use a pair of scissors as a beginning point, creatively transform the scissors into something else- a monster, a robot, a machine, a vehicle, an animal. Change its scale & it purpose. Render with full shading . Medium: colored pencils
SB #5: Student Choice: Choose your own subject and complete a drawing using skills & techniques learned in class. Medium: Your Choice
SB #6: Preposterous Cross-links: Choose any 2 words below to combine together in one image:
Turtle Octopus Snake Bird Bee Rat Fish Cat
Pencil Saw Hammer Pliers Scissors Tire Clock Drum
Medium: colored pencil
SB #7: Futuristic Mutation : Take an everyday object and use your imagination to redesign it with a futuristic look. Medium: colored pencils
SB #9: Shoe: Draw one of your shoes from your closet. Or a shoe that you think is very interesting (ballet, boot, etc.) ADD FULL SHADING Medium: colored pencil
SB #10: Wheels : Draw something with wheels (Real or imaginary). Medium: your choice
SB #11: 2D & 3D Arrows : Create a full page composition using a combination of 3-dimensional and 2-dimensional arrows. Use overlapping to break up the spaces into interesting positive and negative shapes. Medium: Outline with sharpie and fill the shapes with markers
SB #12: Non-objective: Create a non-objective drawing using lines, shapes (geometric) & color-use a color scheme ! Look at artwork by Wassily Kandinsky for inspiration. Medium: Markers or colored pencils
SB #13: Pet Portrait : Draw a picture of your pet or the pet you would LOVE to have. Medium: Colored Pencils
SB #15: Hand Value Study: Draw your hand in 2 different appropriate positions (both on the same page). Render with full shading. Medium: drawing pencils
SB #16: Eye Study: Find 4 different eyes in magazines. Cut them out & glue them to your sketchbook page. Draw the eyes underneath the picture & render with a FULL range of shading. Medium: pencils or colored pencils
SB #17: Color Scheme: Choose your own subject, create an obvious focal point and complete the drawing by coloring it in a color scheme of your choice. Label what color scheme you used next to the title. Medium: Colored Pencils, Paint, or Markers
SB #18: Realistic VS Abstract: Choose one object to draw (an interesting one! NOT simple!) Divide you sketchbook page in half with a pencil line. Label at the top of one side “Realistic” & on the other side label “Abstract.” Under the Realistic side, use a pencil to draw the object as realistically as you possibly can. On the Abstract side, distort your object so that it is still somewhat recognizable-use abstracted colors to color it. Medium: Colored Pencils
SB #19: Crushed Soda Can: Draw a crushed soda can, include details like the logo. Render with full shading. Medium: drawing pencils
SB #20: Worm’s Eye Point of View: Draw your choice of subject matter from a worm’s eye point of view. From below looking up at the subject. Add shading to indicate highlights & shadows. Medium: drawing pencil
Sketching Improves Your Skills
SB #21: Bird’s Eye Point of View: Draw your choice of subject matter from a bird’s eye point of view. From above looking down at the subject. Add shading to indicate highlights & shadows. Medium: drawing pencil
SB# 22: Paper Airplane: Fold a paper airplane, place it in front of you & draw from direct observation as accurately as you can. ADD FULL SHADING Medium: drawing pencil
SB #23 : Creative Hand Drawing: Trace you hand -yes I said Trace your hand on your page (tracing is usually forbidden). Use your imagination to turn you hand into something totally different. Add details-make it creative and interesting! Medium: colored pencil
SB #24 : Cloth Drawing : Draw the cloth that is hanging on the art room wall. ADD FULL SHADING Medium: Drawing pencil or Charcoal pencil (spray when finished)
SB #25: Interactive Drawing & Photo : Fine a photo either of yourself or someone else (can be from a magazine). Cut the person out & brainstorm how you can create a drawing that combines the two so that they interact with each other. ADD FULL SHADING Medium: drawing pencils
SB #26: Flat to 3D- Come Alive: Look at the two examples below of a flat drawing-mostly lines/no shading that slowly transforms to become 3D with full shading. See MC Escher’s Drawing Hands for an example. Design your own drawing that morphs from flat to 3D. Medium: drawing pencils
SB #27: Visual Puns : Illustrate 2 visual puns (a visual rendering of a two-word noun phrase that illustrates the combination of the nouns with their literal meaning). Look at artist Don Stewart’s artwork Examples: hot dog, cat fish, hair brush, two face, fish face, bone head, Angel fish, Bat man, iron man, flower bed, Bed Bug, Boxing Match, Car pool, Card Shark, deviled Eggs, Fire Drill, Fish Tank, Football, Fruit Flies, Hammerhead, Handbag, Home Run, horse Fly, Jail Bird, Lightening Bug, Photo Bug, Strong Box, Submarine Sandwich, Swordfish, Watch Dog, Bird Brain, French Fries Medium: colored pencil
SB #28: Procreate Or Sketchbook App Drawing: Use your iPad to create an ORIGINAL drawing of subject matter of your choice. Medium: ipad
S B #29: Botanical Study: Find a flower or plant from nature. Study it carefully before drawing. Draw the whole plant on 2/3rds of the page. Select 3 areas to “magnify” & draw smaller, partial up-close drawings of those 3 areas including all the details. ADD FULL SHADING Medium: watercolor, watercolor pencil, or drawing pencils
SB #31: Mixed Media Experiments: Have fun experimenting with mixed media techniques. Do the experimenting on other paper, then cut out the different experiments & glue them in your sketchbook. Label each experiment with a brief description of how you created it. Try at least 6 of these different experiments. Use up a minimum of 2 pages in your sketchbook. Medium: various art supplies
SB #32: Collaged Music Sheet Drawing: Glue a music sheet onto a page in your sketchbook-Let it dry completely (do at least one day in advance). Choose an image or two to draw with India ink & draw it directly onto the music sheet. Add color with watercolors or colored pencils. Medium: collage, ink, watercolors or colored pencils
Sketching Challenges Your Design Concepts
SB# 34: Line Inventory: Draw two rows of four squares; one row of four vertical rectangles; and one row of four circles. When you have drawn your blank template, place four different kinds of lines in the first row of squares. Refer to the example below, but do not copy — come up with your own kinds of lines. Then, invent a series of variations on each line in the remaining columns. Medium: ink or sharpie
SB #35: Tool Metamorphosis: See Idea from Stan Winston School Choose a tool (hammer, ax, wrench, pliers, drill) as a beginning point, creatively transform the head of the tool into something else – a monster, a robot, a machine, a vehicle, and instruments, an animal, etc. Change its scale & it purpose. Render with full shading . Medium: colored pencils
SB #36 Balance Sketchbook Assignment: Draw 3 squares or circles. Use shape templates & rulers to create non-objective design examples of each type of balance (symmetrical, asymmetrical, & radial). See Types of Balance Lesson. Use Shape templates to create designs that illustrate each type of balance. Fit ALL designs on one page. Label & color them with colored pencils or markers. Medium: colored pencils or markers
SB #37 Adult Portrait: Find a frontal view of an adult male or female. Cut it out or print it out. Open your sketchbook so it is showing 2 pages (a spread), glue onto the left side your sketchbook. On the right side use what we learned about adult human facial proportions to draw the portrait from the picture. Use light shading to indicate major values (highlights & shadows) or to lightly shade the nose. Medium: drawing pencils
SB #38 Refraction Drawing: Refraction is the visual distortion that happens when an object is viewed through a glass container filled with water (or some liquid). Find an interesting glass container (drinking glass, vase, jar, etc) and place a spoon or fork inside. Fill the container only half-way with water and place it on a light colored surface. Carefully observe the distortion. Use observational drawing skills to draw the glass, spoon, water & any lights/ shadows you see on the table surface. Medium: drawing pencils
SB #39 Illuminated Letter : Choose a letter to draw. Go on a computer & play with the letter in different fonts- choose one & print it out. Look up examples of illuminated letters for inspiration. Draw the letter large in your sketchbook in pencil. Add decoration to the letter, possibly even a border Medium: colored pencils, sharpies & markers
Sketching is an integral part of the creative process
SB #40 Fantasy Landscape: Use your imagination to draw a fantasy landscape. It can be anytime period on earth, in space or some other world. What type of plants, flowers, and trees would you see? What does the typography look like? can you see other worlds from the planet you are on? Are there buildings? What is gravity like in the land you are drawing? Medium: colored pencils
SB #42 Color Mood- Know about colors and their effect. Certain colors inspire certain emotions; learn to use them! Choose a color to explore, compose a realistic, abstract or non-objective drawing based on the emotion produced by a single color. Use the tints and shades of a color to add different values to the drawing. Medium: colored pencils, watercolor pencils, or markers
- Black – authority, discipline, strength and promoting independence.
- Blue – cool, calming, relaxing, and promotes feelings of tranquility and peace.
- Green – balance, refreshing, normalizing, and promotes emotional growth.
- Orange – cheerful, commanding, and stimulates goodwill, conversation and appetites.
- Pink – calming, accepting, and encourages affection and socialization.
- Purple – comforting, spiritual, and generates mystery and a good sense of intuition.
- Red – empowerment, stimulation, drama, competition and passion.
- White – purification, energy, unity, and gives vigor to other colors it is used in combination with.
- Yellow – cheerful, expanding, and increases energy.
SB #43 Cast Shadows: Choose an object that has a lot of broken negative space (like a bike wheel). Using either natural light (Sun) or a lamp, position the light on the object so it creates a long and interesting cast shadow ( see bike example ). Compose a drawing that shows only a portion of the object & MOSTLY the cast shadow . Add value to the SHADOW, the rest can be contour line only. Medium: drawing pencils
How to Draw Steampunk Books:
SB #45 Broken Object Drawing : **ASK parents for an object that is not valuable. Break the object a little and then draw it showing all the broken fragments, tears, and loose debris. ***If you break something glass or metal, please wear protective gear (gloves and goggles) See Example by Armin Mersmann Medium: drawing pencils or colored pencils
SB #46 Travel Drawing : Draw a place you want to visit. Find a reference picture and create your drawing from that. Idea is from Art is Medicine Medium: colored pencils, drawing pencils, or watercolor pencils
SB #48 Merging Animals: Combine 2 real animals to become a fantasy creature. Use characteristics of both and colors of both in the new design Medium: colored pencils
SB #49 Animal Eyes: Choose an eye to draw from these 4 types of creatures: Animal (land or sea), Bird, Reptile, and Insect. Draw 2 per page so they take up approximately ½ the page. Render with full shading. Medium: colored pencils or Pen & Watercolor
Sketching brings new ideas & techniques to the surface
SB #50 Small to LARGE Enlargement Drawing : Choose 1-2 small objects to draw (less than 2”). Draw 3 preliminary sketches focusing on an interesting composition that enlarges the object (s) so much that it goes off the page on at least 3 sides of the paper. Medium: drawing pencils
SB #51 Magnification Drawing: Using a magnifying glass, look at an object or insect very closely. Draw the details of what you see. See The Helpful Art Teacher: Drawing Magnified Leaves Medium: colored pencils
SB #52 Sculpted Paper Strips Drawing : Credit- A Faithful Attempt-Curled Paper Drawings Give each student 2 strips of paper (½x11” & 1×11). Have students twist/bend/manipulate them into some type of curl or even add zig-zags. Tape them onto a sheet of paper so they are spread apart. Draw lightly with a HB pencil until they get the proportion just right. Use Drawing pencils 4B to add shading. Medium: Drawing Pencils
SB #55 New & Old: Find 2 objects to draw something new and something old or vintage. It would be most interesting to find an old and new example of one type of object (like phones, computers, mixers, anything that can show the progression of technology) Place them side by side or slightly overlapping each other and then draw them with full shading . Do research on the internet if needed Medium : drawing pencils
SB #56 Grid Journal: Read MilliAnde’s What is Grid Journaling article, watch her video: , and view her examples. Choose a piece of architecture to explore (best to be physically present, but if you cannot then find several reference pictures to work from). In NONE of the grids will you draw the whole structure, you will focus on smaller sections. Following her instructions draw your first box and one detail from the architecture. Next choose another detail to draw, make sure to draw the box to fit the detail. All the boxes should be different sizes. Continue to draw until you have between 7-10 boxes on one page. Medium : Pen & Ink
Sketching Develops Communication Skills
SB #58: Skeleton of Animal Study: Choose an animal (living or extinct) to draw its skeletal structure. First, draw a contour line -outline ONLY- of the animal (FULL body). Second, draw the skeletal structure inside the outline. Third, use a sharpie to fill in the negative space behind the skeleton. Medium: Drawing pencil & Sharpie
SB #61: Realistic & Geometric: Choose an animal to draw a head portrait of. Draw a line down the center of the face vertically. On the left hand side draw the animal realistically with color and shading and go over major lines with sharpie. On the right hand side draw the animal as if it were make up of simple triangles, circles and squares (simple geometric shapes) that follow the major contours and textures of the animal. Go over major lines with sharpie and add shading. See examples here & here . Medium: Sharpies and Colored Pencils
SB #62 See a Need Fill a Need: Think of a common problem that humans or animals struggle with. Design a solution to fixing that problem. Write down what the problem is and write out your intentions to fix the problem. Draw the new solution with full coloring. Add descriptions of gadgets to help us understand your ideas. See Invention Idea List below to kick-start your thinking. Medium: Colored Pencils and Ultra-thin Sharpie
Invention Idea List
- New utensil or tool
- Help someone break a bad habit
- A new way to prevent ___________
- Something to help children who have a certain disability
- Make something safer
- Help find or keep track of _____________
- A better way to ____________
- Recycle ____________ to make or do ____________
SB #63: Texture Spheres: Draw 6 spheres (2-3″). Apply 6 different textures to the different spheres: fur, fish or dragon scales, craters, basket weaving, spikes, lumpy, bricks or stones . Make sure your textures follow the contour of the sphere! Watch Video: Pen & Ink Drawing Tutorials | How to create realistic textures (Part 3) Medium: P en and Ink or sharpies
SB #64: Unique Door Handles: Find a reference photo of a unique door handle. Draw the door handle large on your page including part of the door in pencil, then use watercolor pencils to paint it. Add DETAILS and shading! Medium: Watercolor Pencils
SB #65: Story Dice Cubes Drawing: Use Rory’s Story Cubes to roll 3-4 images. Develop a story or scene with these images and illustrate it in your sketchbook. Medium: Colored Pencils and Ultra-thin Sharpie
SB #69 Personification Drawing: According to Personification is “the attribution of a human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.” Choose a man-made object to draw (stapler, hair dryer, etc) then draw the object, but personify it by giving it a face and other human characteristics. Medium: Sharpie and Colored Pencils
SB #70 Splatter Creature: Splatter some liquid watercolor on your page, blow it around with a straw. Let it dry. Now turn it into a creative creature (obviously fantasy). ADD LOTS OF DETAILS! Medium: Liquid Watercolors, Sharpie and markers
SB #71 Word Illustration: Choose a word (like Autumn, Flower, Candy, Science, etc) and create a FONT in which the letters are illustrations of the word you chose. See for examples of Mr.Henricksen’s 6th grade Word Art Project. EACH letter should be a different illustration of the word (ex: autumn: A-shape of candy corn, u-basket of apples, t-scarecrow, etc.) Medium: Sharpie and Colored Pencils
Sketching Builds Hand-eye Coordination and Develops Fine Motor Skills
SB #72 Ball Point Pen Drawing: Choose a subject to draw. Render it with shading using only a ballpoint pen. Medium: Black or blue ballpoint pen
SB #73 Board Game Observational Drawing: Set up a board game with some of the game pieces on it. Choose a small section of the board to draw from. Render with shading. See Full Project from Nicole Brisco Medium: Drawing Pencils
SB #74 Organic Design Building: Design a building derived from an organic form (form found in nature). Draw the basic organic form and alter it into a building. Add details to the building that are influenced by the shapes, colors and textures of the organic form. See Example at Medium: Colored Pencils
SB #75 Board Game Observational Drawing: Set up a board game with some of the game pieces on it. Choose a small section of the board to compose your drawing. Render with shading. Medium: Drawing Pencils
SB #76 Design Your Dream Swimming Pool: Design your dream swimming pool. What kinds of special features will it have-slides, bridges, pirate ships, fountains, etc. You can either draw from a bird’s eye view (directly above) or from a frontal view. Medium: Colored Pencils
SB #77 Candy Drawing: Choose 3 different pieces of candy (lollipop, ring-pop, gummy bear, peppermint, tootsie roll, candy cane, etc.). Arrange them so the partially overlap each other in an interesting way. Keep the candy in its wrapper (except for lollipops & ring pops). Take a picture of your composition from the viewpoint where you will be drawing from (so you can finish it later if needed). Draw in pencil as accurately as you can while looking at the candy directly. ( Look twice, Draw once ). Once drawn, render with shading in colored pencils. Medium: Drawing & Colored Pencils
SB #78 Thankful : Think of something or someone you are thankful for. Draw it or them with SHADING! Medium: Drawing Pencils
SB #80 8 Ways of Seeing Part 1: (This assignment will be finished in 2 Parts) Website: (my class’s assignment was slightly altered from the article)
Use a full spread (2 facing pages) & divide your sketchbook page into 8 sections- 4 on each page. Choose 1 object to draw & find a reference picture of it (Save to Photos). At the top of each section, write these titles: Symbolic, Gesture, Blind Contour, Simple Shapes, Contrast, Negative Space, Guided Contour, and Cartoon. Medium: 2B Pencil
1: Symbolic: Without looking at the object, draw a simple version of it. Sketch the “idea” of the object, not the specific thing. (think of logo symbols and how simple they are) 2: Gesture: Look at the object and make a very quick sketch of it, using only a few lines. Try to capture the “energy” and “rhythm” of the subject. Work super-fast! 3: Blind Contour: Without looking at your pen or your paper, use your eyes to “trace” the edges of the object, while, at the same time, using your pen to draw the outline in a steady, continuous line. Don’t look at your paper, and don’t pick up your pen! Go slow. 4: Simple Shapes: Stare at the object and break it down into basic shapes in your head. Aim for 3–4 shapes…no more than 6! Draw the shapes on your paper.
8 Ways of Seeing Part 2: Using the same object from SB#5, create these drawings: 5: Contrast: Stare at the object and identify the shadows and darkest parts. Draw ONLY the darkest parts. Don’t draw outlines or lines unless they are the darkest parts. 6: Negative Space: Draw the space AROUND the object. Try to get as much detail in the shape as possible. When you’re done, draw a box around the shape and quickly fill it in. 7: Guided Contour: Look intently at the object and use your eyes to “trace” the edges of the object, while simultaneously using your pen to draw the outlines and shapes. Glance back and forth between the object and your paper. Try to get as much accurate detail as possible while still working at a quick pace. 8: Cartoon: Turn the object into a cartoon. Use abstraction methods: simplify edges, twist, stretch, pull, distort color, resize, exaggerate.
SB #81 Anthropomorphic: Anthropomorphic , derived from the Greek word anthrōposi , which means “human being”. It means suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things. Toys can move, think and can talk; candlesticks and teapots can sing and dance. Choose an object or animal to transform anthropomorphically. Medium: Colored Pencil
HOW to Draw Anthropomorphic Animals and Objects:
- Make them bipedal (walking on two legs)
- Give them clothing and human accessories (make-up, glasses, hats, etc)
- Create animated facial expressions
- Change their proportions to more human-like body proportions
- Show them holding objects and otherwise change their physical abilities to include human abilities
- Show them doing human tasks (painting, driving a car, etc)
This Website has good ideas of how to create anthropomorphic characters:–cms-30243
SB #82 Texture Rubbings: Explore physical texture through texture rubbings. Divide your sketchbook page into 10 boxes. Find 10 actual textures from your surroundings. Create rubbings from the textures in your sketchbook by placing the object under your page and rubbing a crayon (on its side) over the object. Label the box with the object. Medium: Crayons & Watercolors
SB #83 16 Circle Challenge: (Modified 30 Circle Challenge ) Use a circle template to draw 16 circles on your page in pencil. Turn each of the circles into unique recognizable objects. You can draw inside and outside the circles. Medium: Drawing Pencils
Additional Sketchbook Resource s:
Student Art Guide: Tips for Producing an Amazing GCSE or A Level Art Sketchbook
Deep Space Sparkle- The Sketchbook Project (k-5th grades)
Other HS Art Project Ideas
- Beyond the Border Pen & Watercolor HS Project
- Mixed Media Drawing Collage
- Motorcycle Mixed-Media Art Lesson High School
- Ceramics Roll-A-Beast Animal Sculptures
Have you done any unique sketchbook assignments with your students? If so, I would love to hear about them! //
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Just found your blog while doing some research on sketchbook assignments. This is a life saver! I am going to assign 10 for now to see how it goes with my students. Thank you for sharing!
Great Cynthia! These are good assignments for developing creativity & imagination. I have used all of these in my classroom & seen success with them! Let me know if you have any suggestions. Michelle
This is amazing! I always struggle with inspiring myself on what to draw, and this is perfect! Something new for every day 🙂
Thank you for the ideas! I am just starting out and find these very helpful. Are these assignments done at home or in class? What type of sketch books do you require? Spiral, bound, hand made?
Hi! These assignments are homework-outside of class (unless they finish a project, then they can work on the sketchbook assignment). I require a 70+ page spiral bound sketchbook (I like the single loop & if it has a folder that’s awesome!). I also prefer a heavier weight (80-90#). I will add a link to the top of this page with what I prefer.
Blessings on your school year!!
These are some great ideas for use as home work, thank you!
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