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Essay on Unity In Diversity – 10 Lines, 100 to 1500 Words

Short Essay on Unity In Diversity

Essay on Unity In Diversity: Unity in diversity is a concept that celebrates the rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and beliefs that make up our society. In this essay, we will explore the importance of embracing and respecting our differences while coming together as a united community. By recognizing and valuing the unique contributions of each individual, we can create a harmonious and inclusive environment where everyone feels accepted and valued. Let’s delve deeper into the significance of unity in diversity in our society.

Table of Contents

Unity In Diversity Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by defining the concept of unity in diversity. Explain that it is the idea that despite differences in culture, religion, ethnicity, and background, people can come together and live harmoniously.

2. Historical perspective: Provide examples of how unity in diversity has been practiced throughout history. Discuss how different civilizations and empires have embraced diversity and thrived because of it.

3. Importance of unity in diversity: Explain why unity in diversity is important for a society. Discuss how it promotes tolerance, understanding, and respect for others. Emphasize that it helps to build a strong and inclusive community.

4. Benefits of diversity: Highlight the benefits of diversity in a society. Discuss how different perspectives and experiences can lead to innovation, creativity, and problem-solving. Explain that diversity enriches our lives and makes us more open-minded individuals.

5. Challenges of diversity: Acknowledge that diversity can also bring challenges such as misunderstandings, conflicts, and discrimination. Discuss how these challenges can be overcome through dialogue, education, and promoting empathy.

6. Examples of unity in diversity: Provide examples of countries or communities that have successfully embraced unity in diversity. Discuss how they have managed to celebrate their differences while also finding common ground.

7. Role of education: Emphasize the role of education in promoting unity in diversity. Discuss how schools and universities can teach students about different cultures, religions, and traditions to foster understanding and acceptance.

8. Personal reflection: Share your own thoughts on unity in diversity. Discuss how you have experienced diversity in your own life and how it has enriched your perspective.

9. Conclusion: Summarize your main points and reiterate the importance of unity in diversity. Encourage readers to embrace diversity and work towards building a more inclusive and harmonious society.

10. Proofread and revise: Before submitting your essay, make sure to proofread it for any grammatical or spelling errors. Revise any awkward sentences or unclear points to ensure that your essay is well-written and coherent.

Essay on Unity In Diversity in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Unity in diversity refers to the idea that despite differences in culture, religion, race, or background, people can come together in harmony. 2. It celebrates the unique qualities and perspectives that each individual brings to a community. 3. This concept promotes inclusivity and acceptance of all people, regardless of their differences. 4. It recognizes that diversity enriches society by fostering creativity and innovation. 5. Unity in diversity encourages mutual respect and understanding among individuals from different backgrounds. 6. It promotes the idea that all people are equal and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. 7. This principle is often used to promote social cohesion and peace in multicultural societies. 8. It emphasizes the importance of embracing diversity as a strength rather than a weakness. 9. Unity in diversity is a fundamental value in many cultures and religions around the world. 10. Overall, this concept highlights the beauty and strength that comes from embracing and celebrating differences among individuals.

Sample Essay on Unity In Diversity in 100-180 Words

Unity in diversity is a concept that celebrates the rich cultural and social differences that exist within a society. It emphasizes the importance of coming together as a community despite our varying backgrounds, beliefs, and traditions. This concept promotes inclusivity, tolerance, and understanding among individuals from different walks of life.

In a diverse society, people are encouraged to embrace and appreciate the unique qualities that each person brings to the table. By recognizing and respecting these differences, we can create a harmonious environment where everyone feels valued and accepted.

Unity in diversity also fosters creativity and innovation as people from different backgrounds come together to share their perspectives and ideas. It promotes a sense of belonging and solidarity, making it easier for individuals to work together towards common goals.

In conclusion, unity in diversity is a powerful force that can bring people together and create a more inclusive and harmonious society. It is essential for promoting peace, understanding, and cooperation among individuals of all backgrounds.

Short Essay on Unity In Diversity in 200-500 Words

Unity in diversity is a concept that promotes the idea of living together in harmony despite our differences in culture, religion, race, language, and beliefs. It is a concept that celebrates the uniqueness and individuality of each person while recognizing the importance of coming together as a community. This concept is particularly relevant in today’s globalized world where people from different backgrounds and cultures interact and coexist.

One of the key benefits of unity in diversity is the promotion of mutual respect and understanding among individuals. When we embrace diversity and appreciate the differences in others, we are able to build stronger relationships and create a more inclusive society. By recognizing and valuing the perspectives and experiences of others, we can foster a sense of empathy and compassion that transcends our differences.

Furthermore, unity in diversity promotes social cohesion and harmony within communities. When people from diverse backgrounds come together and work towards a common goal, they are able to achieve greater success and create a more vibrant and dynamic environment. By embracing diversity and working together, individuals can leverage their unique strengths and talents to overcome challenges and achieve shared objectives.

Moreover, unity in diversity fosters innovation and creativity. When people from different backgrounds and cultures come together, they bring a variety of perspectives and ideas to the table. This diversity of thought can lead to the development of new and innovative solutions to complex problems. By embracing diversity and encouraging collaboration, communities can tap into the collective wisdom and creativity of their members to drive positive change and progress.

In addition, unity in diversity promotes tolerance and acceptance of others. By recognizing and celebrating the differences in others, we can create a more inclusive and welcoming society where everyone feels valued and respected. When we embrace diversity and treat others with kindness and understanding, we can break down barriers and build bridges between individuals from different backgrounds.

Overall, unity in diversity is a powerful concept that promotes the idea of living together in harmony despite our differences. By embracing diversity and recognizing the value of each individual, we can create a more inclusive, compassionate, and vibrant society. Through mutual respect, understanding, and collaboration, we can build stronger communities and work towards a more peaceful and prosperous world.

Essay on Unity In Diversity in 1000-1500 Words

Unity in diversity is a concept that emphasizes the importance of harmony and togetherness among people with different cultural, religious, and social backgrounds. It is a fundamental principle that recognizes the existence of diversity in society and promotes the idea of living together in peace and harmony despite our differences. This concept is particularly relevant in today’s globalized world, where people from different parts of the world come together to live and work in multicultural societies.

The concept of unity in diversity is not new. It has been a part of human civilization for centuries, as people from different backgrounds have always come together to form communities, societies, and nations. In ancient times, diverse groups of people lived together in harmony, sharing their customs, traditions, and beliefs. This diversity enriched their lives and helped them to learn from each other’s differences.

Today, the concept of unity in diversity is more important than ever. With the increasing globalization of the world, people from different cultures and backgrounds are coming into contact with each other more frequently. This has led to a greater need for understanding, tolerance, and respect among people of different backgrounds.

Unity in diversity is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it promotes social cohesion and harmony among people from different backgrounds. When people are able to live together peacefully and respect each other’s differences, they can work together towards common goals and build stronger communities.

Secondly, unity in diversity promotes mutual understanding and respect among people of different backgrounds. By learning about each other’s customs, traditions, and beliefs, people can develop a greater appreciation for the diversity of human experience. This can help to break down stereotypes and prejudices and promote a more inclusive and tolerant society.

Moreover, unity in diversity can also lead to greater creativity and innovation. When people from different backgrounds come together, they bring with them a variety of perspectives, ideas, and experiences. This diversity can lead to new ways of thinking, problem-solving, and creating, which can benefit society as a whole.

In addition, unity in diversity can also promote economic growth and development. When people from different backgrounds work together, they can bring a variety of skills, knowledge, and resources to the table. This can lead to greater innovation, productivity, and competitiveness in the global marketplace.

However, achieving unity in diversity is not always easy. There are many challenges and obstacles that can stand in the way of building a more inclusive and harmonious society. One of the biggest challenges is overcoming prejudice and discrimination. People often fear what they do not understand, and this fear can lead to stereotypes, biases, and discrimination against people of different backgrounds.

Another challenge is the tendency to segregate and isolate ourselves from people who are different from us. This can lead to social divisions, mistrust, and conflict among people of different backgrounds. In order to overcome these challenges, it is important for people to be open-minded, empathetic, and willing to learn from each other’s differences.

One way to promote unity in diversity is through education. By teaching young people about the importance of diversity and the value of living together in harmony, we can help to create a more inclusive and tolerant society. Schools can play a key role in promoting diversity and teaching students to respect and appreciate people of different backgrounds.

Another way to promote unity in diversity is through intercultural dialogue and exchange. By bringing people from different backgrounds together to share their experiences, ideas, and perspectives, we can help to break down barriers and build bridges of understanding and cooperation. This can help to promote mutual respect, tolerance, and empathy among people of different backgrounds.

In conclusion, unity in diversity is a fundamental principle that promotes social cohesion, mutual understanding, and respect among people of different backgrounds. In today’s globalized world, where people from different cultures and backgrounds come together to live and work in multicultural societies, the concept of unity in diversity is more important than ever. By promoting diversity, tolerance, and understanding, we can build stronger communities, foster creativity and innovation, and promote economic growth and development. It is up to each and every one of us to embrace our differences, learn from each other, and work together towards a more inclusive and harmonious society.

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Unity in Diversity Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on unity in diversity.

Unity in Diversity is a concept that signifies unity among individuals who have certain differences among them. These differences can be on the basis of culture, language, ideology, religion , sect, class, ethnicity, etc. Furthermore, the existence of this concept has been since time immemorial. Since then, it has been used by a variety of political and social organizations to symbolize unity among various persons or communities. People from many cultures, religious beliefs, and social statuses coexisting in peace and love is a prime illustration of “Unity in Diversity.” People have consistently shown this praiseworthy behaviour almost everywhere on Earth . The concept has certainly resulted in the ethical and moral evolution of humanity.

Unity in Diversity Essay

Unity in Diversity

The phrase “Unity in Diversity” refers to harmony and peace. It is employed among various groups to ensure that tolerance is uniform. Caste, creed, race, and nationality are all examples of diversity. Physical, cultural, linguistic, and political differences are also included in unity in diversity.

It educates all humans and living beings to unify and find methods to bond with one another despite their differences. This will create an environment in which individuals can coexist harmoniously. “Unity in Diversity” is a long-standing concept that may be traced back to Western and Eastern traditions.

Unity in Diversity in India

The existence of oneness despite numerous distinctions is the meaning of unity in variety. India is one of the excellent examples one can learn to understand the concept of Unity in diversity. We can clearly observe that people of all religions, creeds, castes, dialects, cultures, lifestyles, dressing sense, faith in God, rituals of worship, and so on coexist peacefully under one roof, i.e. in one country of India. We can never forget the liberation movements led by Indians of all faiths, religions and castes to establish India as an independent country. In India, the struggle for freedom is a magnificent example of unity in diversity.

India is the world’s largest and most populous country, home to people of various religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism, Jainism, Christianity, and Parsees, all of which believe in the same Dharma and Karma doctrine. The Indian society is god-fearing by nature, believing in soul purification, reincarnation, salvation, heaven’s luxury, and hell’s punishments. People here celebrate their religious holidays (Holi, Diwali, Eid, Christmas, Good Friday, Mahavir Jayanti, Buddha Jayanti, Ganesh Chaturthi and so on) in a very peaceful manner, without causing harm to other religious people.

In India, Hindi is the mother tongue, but many other dialects and languages are spoken by people of various religions and regions (such as English, Urdu, Sanskrit, Bhojpuri, Bihari, Punjabi, Marathi, Bengali, Odiya, Gujarati, Malayali, Kashmiri, and so on); however, everyone is proud to be a citizen of great India.

The story of India’s unity amid variety is remarkable because it conveys a clear message that the country is more powerful than any religion or community in particular. Around 1.3 billion people live in harmony and contentment. With the world’s second-largest population of numerous ethnic and religious groupings, India is now the most important secular country, with a distinct character of unity in diversity.

Advantages of Unity in Diversity

First of all, following Unity in Diversity implies an interaction between many types of individuals. These individuals will probably have certain differences among them. This would occur also in workplaces, schools, public places, etc. Most noteworthy, working with diverse people provides an opportunity for exposure. Furthermore, this interaction would build up a tolerance in people. Hence, people would respect the opinion of others.

Unity in Diversity certainly enhances the quality of teamwork. This is because of the development of trust and bonding among people. As such the coordination and cooperation becomes very efficient. Consequently, the rate of completion of projects significantly increases.

In the world of business, a new principle is being followed. This principle is to think global and act locally. The reason for using this principle by companies is different social and cultural traditions. This principle is certainly a victory for the concept of Unity in Diversity. Also, more and more companies are doing business in different regions of the World.

The concept of Unity in Diversity is effective in solving various social problems . This is possible as diverse people tend to know each other. Consequently, this increases mutual respect among the people.

Unity in Diversity is very useful for a diverse country. Above all, the concept allows people of different religions, cultures, castes, to live together peacefully. The belief in Unity in Diversity certainly reduces the chances of riots and disturbances.

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Unity in Diversity in Politics

The phrase Unity in Diversity has become a symbol of Canadian multiculturalism. Adélard Godbout, Premier of Quebec, first used this phrase in Canada. Canada certainly is an excellent example of Unity in Diversity. Above all, there is very low racism in Canada. Furthermore, the people of Canada are warm and friendly. They are very welcoming of foreigners in Canada. There are almost no incidents of hate speech and discrimination against foreigners in Canada.

The European Union, in 2000, adopted Unity in Diversity as its official motto. Above all, this was in reference to many diverse Nations of the European Union. This diversity of European Union member states was due to differences in culture. Furthermore, the adoption of Unity in Diversity as a motto shows unity. It shows Europeans have come together irrespective of differences.

India is another brilliant example of Unity in Diversity . In India, people of diverse religions, cultures, castes, sects, etc. have been living together. Furthermore, they have been living together for many centuries. This certainly shows the intense tolerance and unity of the Indian people. Hence, India is a country that perfectly demonstrates Unity in Diversity.

In conclusion, Unity in Diversity is an integral part of ethics and morality. The concept is certainly essential for the future progress of human society. People must display faith in this concept. Above all, they must keep aside feelings of racism , discrimination, and oppression. Without Unity in Diversity, the demise of humanity will certainly happen.

FAQs on Unity in Diversity Essay

Q1 How Unity in Diversity enhances the quality of teamwork?

A1 Unity in Diversity certainly enhances the quality of teamwork. This is because Unity in Diversity causes the development of trust and bonding among people. This ultimately results in significantly increasing the rate of completion of projects.

Q2 Why India is a brilliant example of Unity in Diversity?

A2 India is certainly a brilliant example of Unity in Diversity. This is because India has people of diverse religions, cultures, castes, sects, etc. Above all, these people have been living together peacefully for many centuries.  Within a kilometer, you can discover mosques, temples, churches, and other religious buildings.

Q3. How can one sustain unity in the presence of diversity?

A3 . To keep unity in the variety by accepting other people’s choices, letting others express their opinions, and continually interacting with others without questioning their religion, caste, or financial strength. Unity in diversity can also be preserved by raising knowledge about the value of unity in diversity and incorporating the notion into primary education. Also, through instilling tolerance in all people, regardless of their culture, traditions, or values.

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  • Unity In Diversity Essay

Unity in Diversity Essay

500+ words essay on unity in diversity.

The term “Unity in Diversity” refers to the state of togetherness or oneness in spite of the presence of huge diversity. “Unity in Diversity” is based on the concept where the individual or social differences in physical attributes, skin colour, caste, creed, cultural and religious practices, etc., are not looked upon as a conflict. Instead, these differences are looked upon as varieties that enrich society and the nation as a whole. Unity in diversity is a very important principle because we all live in a diverse world. It is crucial to respect each other and support each other no matter what our culture, background, gender, orientation, or other differences may be. With the help of this ‘Unity in Diversity’ Essay, we will help students understand how we all stand together even though there exist many differences among us. Students can also practise essays on other topics to improve their writing skills.

Unity in Diversity in Indian Society

India is a land of unity in diversity. It is a vast country with numerous variations in races, cultures, languages and even geographical features. In many countries of the world, major geographical features divide international borders, e.g. Nepal and China are separated by the Himalayas. However, in India, we have learned to live in diversity, and our geographical features further solidify this bond. The Punjab region is known for being one of the most potent agricultural lands on earth. The Northern Mountainous region has come across different people and different languages. In the Rajasthan desert, we come across Rajasthani languages and culture, all part of India, yet distinct in their culture and language. To the further south come the people of Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Kerala, and Karnataka, all distinctive languages and cuisines.

India is a plural society. Its unity and diversity characterize it. Despite several foreign invasions, Mughal rule and British rule, the nation’s unity and integrity have been maintained. It is this synthesis that has made India a unique mosaic of cultures. India fought against the British Raj as one unified entity. The existence of diverse languages, religions and cultures, foreign visitors and immigration from other parts of the world have made India’s culture tolerant. The sources of diversity in India may be traced in a variety of ways.

Post-Independent India is a nation united against several odds and obstacles. The idea of the unity of India is inherent in all historical and socio-cultural facts as well as in cultural heritage. India is a secular state, and it has a constitution providing guarantees for people belonging to diverse regions, religions, cultures and languages. It covers people belonging to all socioeconomic strata. The Five Year Plans and several other developmental schemes are geared to uplift the poor and weaker sections of society.

India has been able to project itself as a single territorial unit in the face of physical, political, social and economic contrasts. The Great Plains, which is between the Himalayan ranges on the one hand and Peninsular India on the other has a unifying role. Climatically, the monsoonal rhythm of seasons provides a strong element of uniformity. The concentration of monsoonal rainfall to a few months in a year and the associated agricultural activities occur in India. Many cultural traditions are strongly tied to the monsoons. Saints have spread the message of universal brotherhood, which has helped a great deal in uniting different sections of society in India and making the country a unified nation.

India’s vast diversity is matched by its geographical features and shows the strength of the country. The extraordinary characteristic of India is that in spite of all diversity in different fields-physical, social, linguistic, cultural and religious; there is a fundamental thread of unity.

In India, there are followers of different religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam and Christianity. All religions have their sects and sub-divisions. So, there is diversity not only in regard to religious, racial compositions and linguistic distinction but also in patterns of living, occupational pursuits, land tenure systems, lifestyles, inheritance and succession law. Even the practices and rites related to birth, death, marriage and various functions are performed differently by each religion.

In the book “The Discovery of India”, Jawaharlal Nehru says that Indian unity is not something imposed from the outside but rather, “It was something deeper and within its fold, the widest tolerance of belief and custom was practised and every variety acknowledged and even encouraged.” It was Nehru who coined the phrase “Unity in Diversity” to describe India.

We hope this essay on Unity in Diversity must have helped students in improving their writing section. For more study material and the latest updates on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive exams, keep visiting BYJU’S. Also, download the BYJU’S App for interactive study videos.

Frequently asked Questions on Unity in diversity Essay

Why should students be aware of this ‘unity in diversity’ concept.

It is not only enough for students and children to be aware of unity in diversity but should also practise the same. This is one of the base concepts in our preamble.

Can essay writing preparation be done at the last minute?

Essay writing requires a detailed understanding of the topic concerned and wide knowledge of current affairs. Having a good vocabulary will be an added advantage. It also requires regular practise in structuring paragraphs and arranging ideas logically.

Why is it necessary to practise essay writing questions before the Board exam?

Essay writing requires proper structuring and framing of paragraphs. Also, the continuity of information should be sequential. Therefore, adequate and prior practice in essay writing is essential.

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  • How to Write a Diversity Essay | Tips & Examples

How to Write a Diversity Essay | Tips & Examples

Published on November 1, 2021 by Kirsten Courault . Revised on May 31, 2023.

Table of contents

What is a diversity essay, identify how you will enrich the campus community, share stories about your lived experience, explain how your background or identity has affected your life, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

Diversity essays ask students to highlight an important aspect of their identity, background, culture, experience, viewpoints, beliefs, skills, passions, goals, etc.

Diversity essays can come in many forms. Some scholarships are offered specifically for students who come from an underrepresented background or identity in higher education. At highly competitive schools, supplemental diversity essays require students to address how they will enhance the student body with a unique perspective, identity, or background.

In the Common Application and applications for several other colleges, some main essay prompts ask about how your background, identity, or experience has affected you.

Why schools want a diversity essay

Many universities believe a student body representing different perspectives, beliefs, identities, and backgrounds will enhance the campus learning and community experience.

Admissions officers are interested in hearing about how your unique background, identity, beliefs, culture, or characteristics will enrich the campus community.

Through the diversity essay, admissions officers want students to articulate the following:

  • What makes them different from other applicants
  • Stories related to their background, identity, or experience
  • How their unique lived experience has affected their outlook, activities, and goals

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Think about what aspects of your identity or background make you unique, and choose one that has significantly impacted your life.

For some students, it may be easy to identify what sets them apart from their peers. But if you’re having trouble identifying what makes you different from other applicants, consider your life from an outsider’s perspective. Don’t presume your lived experiences are normal or boring just because you’re used to them.

Some examples of identities or experiences that you might write about include the following:

  • Race/ethnicity
  • Gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Nationality
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Immigration background
  • Religion/belief system
  • Place of residence
  • Family circumstances
  • Extracurricular activities related to diversity

Include vulnerable, authentic stories about your lived experiences. Maintain focus on your experience rather than going into too much detail comparing yourself to others or describing their experiences.

Keep the focus on you

Tell a story about how your background, identity, or experience has impacted you. While you can briefly mention another person’s experience to provide context, be sure to keep the essay focused on you. Admissions officers are mostly interested in learning about your lived experience, not anyone else’s.

When I was a baby, my grandmother took me in, even though that meant postponing her retirement and continuing to work full-time at the local hairdresser. Even working every shift she could, she never missed a single school play or soccer game.

She and I had a really special bond, even creating our own special language to leave each other secret notes and messages. She always pushed me to succeed in school, and celebrated every academic achievement like it was worthy of a Nobel Prize. Every month, any leftover tip money she received at work went to a special 509 savings plan for my college education.

When I was in the 10th grade, my grandmother was diagnosed with ALS. We didn’t have health insurance, and what began with quitting soccer eventually led to dropping out of school as her condition worsened. In between her doctor’s appointments, keeping the house tidy, and keeping her comfortable, I took advantage of those few free moments to study for the GED.

In school pictures at Raleigh Elementary School, you could immediately spot me as “that Asian girl.” At lunch, I used to bring leftover fun see noodles, but after my classmates remarked how they smelled disgusting, I begged my mom to make a “regular” lunch of sliced bread, mayonnaise, and deli meat.

Although born and raised in North Carolina, I felt a cultural obligation to learn my “mother tongue” and reconnect with my “homeland.” After two years of all-day Saturday Chinese school, I finally visited Beijing for the first time, expecting I would finally belong. While my face initially assured locals of my Chinese identity, the moment I spoke, my cover was blown. My Chinese was littered with tonal errors, and I was instantly labeled as an “ABC,” American-born Chinese.

I felt culturally homeless.

Speak from your own experience

Highlight your actions, difficulties, and feelings rather than comparing yourself to others. While it may be tempting to write about how you have been more or less fortunate than those around you, keep the focus on you and your unique experiences, as shown below.

I began to despair when the FAFSA website once again filled with red error messages.

I had been at the local library for hours and hadn’t even been able to finish the form, much less the other to-do items for my application.

I am the first person in my family to even consider going to college. My parents work two jobs each, but even then, it’s sometimes very hard to make ends meet. Rather than playing soccer or competing in speech and debate, I help my family by taking care of my younger siblings after school and on the weekends.

“We only speak one language here. Speak proper English!” roared a store owner when I had attempted to buy bread and accidentally used the wrong preposition.

In middle school, I had relentlessly studied English grammar textbooks and received the highest marks.

Leaving Seoul was hard, but living in West Orange, New Jersey was much harder一especially navigating everyday communication with Americans.

After sharing relevant personal stories, make sure to provide insight into how your lived experience has influenced your perspective, activities, and goals. You should also explain how your background led you to apply to this university and why you’re a good fit.

Include your outlook, actions, and goals

Conclude your essay with an insight about how your background or identity has affected your outlook, actions, and goals. You should include specific actions and activities that you have done as a result of your insight.

One night, before the midnight premiere of Avengers: Endgame , I stopped by my best friend Maria’s house. Her mother prepared tamales, churros, and Mexican hot chocolate, packing them all neatly in an Igloo lunch box. As we sat in the line snaking around the AMC theater, I thought back to when Maria and I took salsa classes together and when we belted out Selena’s “Bidi Bidi Bom Bom” at karaoke. In that moment, as I munched on a chicken tamale, I realized how much I admired the beauty, complexity, and joy in Maria’s culture but had suppressed and devalued my own.

The following semester, I joined Model UN. Since then, I have learned how to proudly represent other countries and have gained cultural perspectives other than my own. I now understand that all cultures, including my own, are equal. I still struggle with small triggers, like when I go through airport security and feel a suspicious glance toward me, or when I feel self-conscious for bringing kabsa to school lunch. But in the future, I hope to study and work in international relations to continue learning about other cultures and impart a positive impression of Saudi culture to the world.

The smell of the early morning dew and the welcoming whinnies of my family’s horses are some of my most treasured childhood memories. To this day, our farm remains so rural that we do not have broadband access, and we’re too far away from the closest town for the postal service to reach us.

Going to school regularly was always a struggle: between the unceasing demands of the farm and our lack of connectivity, it was hard to keep up with my studies. Despite being a voracious reader, avid amateur chemist, and active participant in the classroom, emergencies and unforeseen events at the farm meant that I had a lot of unexcused absences.

Although it had challenges, my upbringing taught me resilience, the value of hard work, and the importance of family. Staying up all night to watch a foal being born, successfully saving the animals from a minor fire, and finding ways to soothe a nervous mare afraid of thunder have led to an unbreakable family bond.

Our farm is my family’s birthright and our livelihood, and I am eager to learn how to ensure the farm’s financial and technological success for future generations. In college, I am looking forward to joining a chapter of Future Farmers of America and studying agricultural business to carry my family’s legacy forward.

Tailor your answer to the university

After explaining how your identity or background will enrich the university’s existing student body, you can mention the university organizations, groups, or courses in which you’re interested.

Maybe a larger public school setting will allow you to broaden your community, or a small liberal arts college has a specialized program that will give you space to discover your voice and identity. Perhaps this particular university has an active affinity group you’d like to join.

Demonstrating how a university’s specific programs or clubs are relevant to you can show that you’ve done your research and would be a great addition to the university.

At the University of Michigan Engineering, I want to study engineering not only to emulate my mother’s achievements and strength, but also to forge my own path as an engineer with disabilities. I appreciate the University of Michigan’s long-standing dedication to supporting students with disabilities in ways ranging from accessible housing to assistive technology. At the University of Michigan Engineering, I want to receive a top-notch education and use it to inspire others to strive for their best, regardless of their circumstances.

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In addition to your main college essay , some schools and scholarships may ask for a supplementary essay focused on an aspect of your identity or background. This is sometimes called a diversity essay .

Many universities believe a student body composed of different perspectives, beliefs, identities, and backgrounds will enhance the campus learning and community experience.

Admissions officers are interested in hearing about how your unique background, identity, beliefs, culture, or characteristics will enrich the campus community, which is why they assign a diversity essay .

To write an effective diversity essay , include vulnerable, authentic stories about your unique identity, background, or perspective. Provide insight into how your lived experience has influenced your outlook, activities, and goals. If relevant, you should also mention how your background has led you to apply for this university and why you’re a good fit.

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Courault, K. (2023, May 31). How to Write a Diversity Essay | Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from

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How to Write the Diversity Essay – With Examples

May 1, 2024

The diversity essay has newfound significance in college application packages following the 2023 SCOTUS ruling against race-conscious admissions. Affirmative action began as an attempt to redress unequal access to economic and social mobility associated with higher education. But before the 2023 ruling, colleges frequently defended the policy based on their “compelling interest” in fostering diverse campuses. The reasoning goes that there are certain educational benefits that come from heterogeneous learning environments. Now, the diversity essay has become key for admissions officials in achieving their compelling interest in campus diversity. Thus, unlocking how to write a diversity essay enhances an applicant’s ability to describe their fit with a campus environment. This article describes the genre and provides diversity essay examples to help any applicant express how they conceptualize and contribute to diversity.

How to Write a Diversity Essay – Defining the Genre

Diversity essays in many ways resemble the personal statement genre. Like personal statements, they help readers get to know applicants beyond their academic and extracurricular achievements. What makes an applicant unique? Precisely what motivates or inspires them? What is their demeanor like and how do they interact with others? All these questions are useful ways of thinking about the purpose and value of the diversity essay.

It’s important to realize that the essay does not need to focus on aspects like race, religion, or sexuality. Some applicants may choose to write about their relationship to these or other protected identity categories. But applicants shouldn’t feel obligated to ‘come out’ in a diversity essay. Conversely, they should not be anxious if they feel their background doesn’t qualify them as ‘diverse.’

Instead, the diversity essay helps demonstrate broader thinking about what makes applicants unique that admissions officials can’t glean elsewhere. Usually, it also directly or indirectly indicates how an applicant will enhance the campus community they hope to join. Diversity essays can explicitly connect past experiences with future plans. Or they can offer a more general sense of how one’s background will influence their actions in college.

Thus, the diversity essay conveys both aspects that make an applicant unique and arguments for how those aspects will contribute on campus. The somewhat daunting genre is, in fact, a great opportunity for applicants to articulate how their background, identity, or formative experiences will shape their academic, intellectual, social, and professional trajectories.

Diversity College Essay Examples of Prompts – Sharing a Story

All diversity essays ask applicants to share what makes them unique and convey how that equips them for university life. However, colleges will typically ask applicants to approach this broad topic from a variety of different angles. Since it’s likely applicants will encounter some version of the genre in either required or supplemental essay assignments, it’s a good idea to have a template diversity essay ready to adapt to each specific prompt.

One of the most standard prompts is the “share a story” prompt. For example, here’s the diversity-related Common App prompt:

“Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.”

This prompt is deliberately broad, inviting applicants to articulate their distinctive qualities in myriad ways. What is unsaid, but likely expected, is some statement about how the story evidences the ability to enhance campus diversity.

Diversity College Essay Examples of Prompts – Describing Contribution

Another common prompt explicitly asks students to reflect on diversity while centering what they will contribute in college. A good example of this prompt comes from the University of Miami’s supplemental essay:

Located within one of the most dynamic cities in the world, the University of Miami is a distinctive community with a variety of cultures, traditions, histories, languages, and backgrounds. The University of Miami is a values-based and purpose-driven postsecondary institution that embraces diversity and inclusivity in all its forms and strives to create a culture of belonging, where every person feels valued and has an opportunity to contribute.

Please describe how your unique experiences, challenges overcome, or skills acquired would contribute to our distinctive University community. (250 words)

In essays responding to these kinds of prompts, its smart to more deliberately tailor your essay to what you know about the institution and its values around diversity. You’ll need a substantial part of the essay to address not only your “story” but your anticipated institutional contribution.

Diversity College Essay Examples of Prompts – Navigating Difference

The last type of diversity essay prompt worth mentioning asks applicants to explain how they experience and navigate difference. It could be a prompt about dealing with “diverse perspectives.” Or it could ask the applicant to tell a story involving someone different than them. Regardless of the framing, these types of prompts ask you to unfold a theory of diversity stemming from social encounters. Applicants might still think of how they can use the essay to frame what makes them unique. However, here colleges are also hoping for insight into how applicants will deal with the immense diversity of college life beyond their unique experiences. In these cases, it’s especially important to use a story kernel to draw attention to fundamental beliefs and values around diversity.

  How to Write a Diversity Essay – Tips for Writing

Before we get to the diversity college essay examples, some general tips for writing the diversity essay:

  • Be authentic: This is not the place to embellish, exaggerate, or overstate your experiences. Writing with humility and awareness of your own limitations can only help you with the diversity essay. So don’t write about who you think the admissions committee wants to see – write about yourself.
  • Find dynamic intersections: One effective brainstorming strategy is to think of two or more aspects of your background, identity, and interests you might combine. For example, in one of the examples below, the writer talks about their speech impediment alongside their passion for poetry. By thinking of aspects of your experience to combine, you’ll likely generate more original material than focusing on just one.
  • Include a thesis: Diversity essays follow more general conventions of personal statement writing. That means you should tell a story about yourself, but also make it double as an argumentative piece of writing. Including a thesis in the first paragraph can clearly signal the argumentative hook of the essay for your reader.
  • Include your definition of diversity: Early in the essay you should define what diversity means to you. It’s important that this definition is as original as possible, preferably connecting to the story you are narrating. To avoid cliché, you might write out a bunch of definitions of diversity. Then, review them and get rid of any that seem like something you’d see in a dictionary or an inspirational poster. Get those clichéd definitions out of your system early, so you can wow your audience with your own carefully considered definition.

How to Write a Diversity Essay – Tips for Writing (Cont.)

  • Zoom out to diversity more broadly: This tip is especially important you are not writing about protected minority identities like race, religion, and sexuality. Again, it’s fine to not focus on these aspects of diversity. But you’ll want to have some space in the essay where you connect your very specific understanding of diversity to a larger system of values that can include those identities.

Revision is another, evergreen tip for writing good diversity essays. You should also remember that you are writing in a personal and narrative-based genre. So, try to be as creative as possible! If you find enjoyment in writing it, chances are better your audience will find entertainment value in reading it.

How to Write a Diversity Essay – Diversity Essay Examples

The first example addresses the “share a story” prompt. It is written in the voice of Karim Amir, the main character of Hanif Kureishi’s novel The Buddha of Suburbia .

As a child of the suburbs, I have frequently navigated the labyrinthine alleys of identity. Born to an English mother and an Indian father, I inherited a rich blend of traditions, customs, and perspectives. From an early age, I found myself straddling two worlds, trying to reconcile the conflicting expectations of my dual heritage. Yet, it was only through the lens of acting that I began to understand the true fluidity of identity.

  • A fairly typical table setting first paragraph, foregrounding themes of identity and performance
  • Includes a “thesis” in the final sentence suggesting the essay’s narrative and argumentative arc

Diversity, to me, is more than just a buzzword describing a melting pot of ethnic backgrounds, genders, and sexual orientations. Instead, it evokes the unfathomable heterogeneity of human experience that I aim to help capture through performance. On the stage, I have often been slotted into Asian and other ethnic minority roles. I’ve had to deal with discriminatory directors who complain I am not Indian enough. Sometimes, it has even been tempting to play into established stereotypes attached to the parts I am playing. However, acting has ultimately helped me to see that the social types we imagine when we think of the word ‘diversity’ are ultimately fantastical constructions. Prescribed identities may help us to feel a sense of belonging, but they also distort what makes us radically unique.

  • Includes an original definition of diversity, which the writer compellingly contrasts with clichéd definitions
  • Good narrative dynamism, stressing how the writer has experienced growth over time

Diversity Essay Examples Continued – Example One

The main challenge for an actor is to dig beneath the “type” of character to find the real human being underneath. Rising to this challenge entails discarding with lazy stereotypes and scaling what can seem to be insurmountable differences. Bringing human drama to life, making it believable, requires us to realize a more fundamental meaning of diversity. It means locating each character at their own unique intersection of identity. My story, like all the stories I aspire to tell as an actor, can inspire others to search for and celebrate their specificity. 

  • Focuses in on the kernel of wisdom acquired over the course of the narrative
  • Indirectly suggests what the applicant can contribute to the admitted class

Acting has ultimately underlined an important takeaway of my dual heritage: all identities are, in a sense, performed. This doesn’t mean that heritage is not important, or that identities are not significant rallying points for community. Instead, it means recognizing that identity isn’t a prison, but a stage.

  • Draws the reader back to where the essay began, locating them at the intersection of two aspects of writer’s background
  • Sharply and deftly weaves a course between saying identities are fictions and saying that identities matter (rather than potentially alienating reader by picking one over the other)

Diversity Essay Examples Continued – Example Two

The second example addresses a prompt about what the applicant can contribute to a diverse campus. It is written from the perspective of Jason Taylor, David Mitchell’s protagonist in Black Swan Green .

Growing up with a stutter, each word was a hesitant step, every sentence a delicate balance between perseverance and frustration. I came to think of the written word as a sanctuary away from the staccato rhythm of my speech. In crafting melodically flowing poems, I discovered a language unfettered by the constraints of my impediment. However, diving deeper into poetry eventually made me realize how my stammer had a humanistic rhythm all its own.

  • Situates us at the intersection of two themes – a speech impediment and poetry – and uses the thesis to gesture to their synthesis
  • Nicely matches form and content. The writer uses this opportunity to demonstrate their facility with literary language.

Immersing myself in the genius of Langston Hughes, Walt Whitman, and Maya Angelou, I learned to embrace the beauty of diversity in language, rhythm, and life itself. Angelou wrote that “Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances.” For me, this quote illuminates how diversity is not simply a static expression of discrete differences. Instead, diversity teaches us the beauty of a multitude of rhythms we can learn from and incorporate in a mutual dance. If “everything in the universe has a rhythm,” then it’s also possible that anything can be poetry. Even my stuttering speech can dance.

  • Provides a unique definition of diversity
  • Conveys growth over time
  • Connects kernel of wisdom back to the essay’s narrative starting point

As I embark on this new chapter of my life, I bring with me the lessons learned from the interplay of rhythm and verse. I bring a perspective rooted in empathy, an unwavering commitment to inclusivity, and a belief in language as the ultimate tool of transformative social connection. I am prepared to enter your university community, adding a unique voice that refuses to be silent. 

  • Directly addresses how background and experiences will contribute to campus life
  • Conveys contributions in an analytic mode (second sentence) and more literary and personal mode (third sentence)

Additional Resources 

Diversity essays can seem intimidating because of the political baggage we bring to the word ‘diversity.’ But applicants should feel liberated by the opportunity to describe what makes them unique. It doesn’t matter if applicants choose to write about aspects of identity, life experiences, or personal challenges. What matters is telling a compelling story of personal growth. Also significant is relating that story to an original theory of the function and value of diversity in society. At the end of the day, committees want to know their applicants deeper and get a holistic sense of how they will improve the educational lives of those around them.

Additional Reading and Resources

  • 10 Instructive Common App Essay Examples 
  • How to Write the Overcoming Challenges Essay + Example
  • Common App Essay Prompts
  • Why This College Essay – Tips for Success
  • How to Write a Body Paragraph for a College Essay
  • UC Essay Examples 
  • College Essay

Tyler Talbott

Tyler holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Missouri and two Master of Arts degrees in English, one from the University of Maryland and another from Northwestern University. Currently, he is a PhD candidate in English at Northwestern University, where he also works as a graduate writing fellow.

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Essay on Unity in Diversity in 100 to 200 Words

unity in diversity essay examples

  • Updated on  
  • Sep 21, 2023

Essay on unity in diversity

If you are a school-going student and searching for a good essay on unity in diversity, then this is the place where you can get some short essays on unity in diversity. Before starting you must be familiar with what is diversity. The phrase Unity in diversity beautifully holds the essence of coexistence. Unity aggregates people belonging to different religions, cultures, ethics , social, economic , and financial backgrounds. Thus, they align together to achieve a common goal. Continue Reading to learn about the significance of unity in diversity!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Short Essay on Unity in Diversity
  • 2 Unity in Diversity Essay 100 Words
  • 3.1 Significance of Unity in Diversity

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Short Essay on Unity in Diversity

Unity in diversity is a common phrase that correctly defines India. The essay on Unity in Diversity is the most popular topic for school children and students. This essay would help them learn about the importance of unity among people of different cultures and origins and also help them to know how Indian society functions.

Given below are some essays on Unity in diversity with different word limits:

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Unity in Diversity Essay 100 Words

The concept of unity in diversity is from ancient times. People belonging to similar beliefs and communities live with unity. The essence of diversity holds people together due to which people belonging to variable sectors, caste, colour, creeds, languages, and social backgrounds live together. 

The phrase “Unity in Diversity” also referred to as “Anekta m Ekta” was first coined by the first Prime Minister of India after Independence Hon’ble Jawaharlal Nehru in his famous book “The Discovery of India”.

Despite of diversity in India, people here live with love and celebrate various festivals together. All follow the rules laid down by the Constitution of India . To do so, it is important to respect every community and culture and not differentiate people on social terms.

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Unity in Diversity Essay 200 Words

The phenomenon of unity in diversity came from the rich historical times, it is rooted in ancient civilizations. India believes in the concept of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” which means the world is a family. Indians have followed this philosophy for thousands of years and therefore, we welcome guests from all over the world with utmost respect and love. This happens because there is no differentiation between people belonging to different cultures, castes, languages , colours, and backgrounds. Likewise, the Roman Empire also relied on the fundamentals of unity in diversity to maintain peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity among its citizens.

The history of the world reveals that all the great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela followed the principles of unity in diversity to bring about social and political change in the world. 

Significance of Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity signifies the following:

  • Social Cohesion
  • Economic Growth
  • Global Peace
  • Cultural Enrichment
  • Personal Growth

Thus, Unity in diversity is not just a concept, it is the way of living life, it is the feeling of embracing people around you accepting them as they are, and living without conflicts and discrimination. So, every individual must play their part to contribute to this noble cause either through interactions with others or by making efforts to bridge the divides among people.

Also Read: Revolutions in India

Unity in diversity is a concept that reflects a sense of bonding among individuals who are different from each other in all aspects but they follow the same rule and live in harmony. India is the best example that perfectly signifies unity in diversity.

Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India coined the term “Unity in Diversity”, in his famous book “The Discovery of India”. This phrase signifies the feeling of oneness among the Indians. 

India is called Unity in diversity because, here the people belonging to different cultures, speak variable languages, yet their hearts are connected and they live together in harmony and follow the common rules written in the Constitution of India.

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Essay On Unity In Diversity

unity in diversity essay examples

Table of Contents

Short Essay On Unity In Diversity

Unity in diversity refers to the idea that people can come together and form a harmonious and inclusive community despite their differences. This concept recognizes that diversity is a natural and valuable aspect of human society, and that differences such as race, ethnicity, religion, and culture can enrich and strengthen communities if they are appreciated and respected.

Unity in diversity is an important principle in promoting peace and understanding between different communities. By embracing diversity and working to build bridges between different groups, we can overcome differences and form a more harmonious and inclusive society. This is especially important in a world where globalization and rapid technological advancements have brought people from different parts of the world into closer contact, increasing the need for mutual understanding and cooperation.

In order to foster unity in diversity, it is important to educate people about different cultures and backgrounds, and to promote respect and tolerance for diversity. This can be done through cultural exchange programs, public education initiatives, and community-based programs that bring people together to celebrate diversity.

It is also important to address and overcome discrimination and prejudice, which can divide communities and prevent people from coming together in a spirit of unity and cooperation. Governments and community organizations can play a role in promoting equality and combating discrimination by implementing policies and programs that promote diversity and inclusiveness.

In conclusion, unity in diversity is an essential principle for building a more harmonious and inclusive society. By embracing diversity and promoting understanding between different communities, we can create a world where everyone is valued and respected, and where everyone has the opportunity to live a fulfilling and productive life.

Long Essay On Unity In Diversity

Unity in diversity is a concept that has been around for centuries, but it still holds true today. In this essay, we will explore the meaning behind this concept and why it is so important to embrace the unique qualities of each person. We will also discuss how unity in diversity can help us build stronger communities and foster a greater sense of understanding between people.


Unity in diversity is a concept that recognizes and celebrates the differences in people. It is the belief that despite our differences, we are all connected and should work together for the common good.

Diversity can be thought of as the “ spice of life”. It adds interest, variety and excitement to our world. Imagine a world without diversity – it would be very boring! The beauty of our world lies in its variety. We can learn so much from each other, if we just take the time to listen and understand.

Unity is like the glue that holds us all together. It is the sense of community and connectedness that we feel when we work towards a common goal. When we are united, we are strong and can accomplish anything!

So let’s celebrate our differences, and work together to create a world that is more inclusive, understanding and compassionate.

Definition of Unity in Diversity

Unity in diversity is a concept that recognizes and celebrates the differences in people, while at the same time emphasizing their commonalities. The term is often used to refer to the United States, which is home to people from all over the world.

Unity in diversity is not just about recognizing and respectin the differences among people, but also finding ways to work together in spite of them. It involves the idea that everyone has something to contribute and that a greater understanding of each other’s lives and culture can bring us closer together.

Pros and Cons of Unity in Diversity

Pros of Unity in Diversity:

1) Unity in diversity helps us appreciate the beauty in different cultures.

2) It teaches us to be tolerant and open-minded towards others.

3) It is a source of strength and resilience – when we are united, we can better withstand challenges and adversity.

4) It fosters creativity and innovation – by bringing together people from different backgrounds, we can create new and better ideas.

5) It builds bridges and understanding between people – when we come together, we can learn from each other and build strong relationships.

Cons of Unity in Diversity:

1) There can be tension and conflict between different groups – when people are too different, it can be difficult to find common ground.

2) It can lead to “tokenism” – when minorities are included just for the sake of being diverse, without any real effort to understand or embrace their culture. This can lead to frustration and resentment.

Examples of Unity in Diversity

India is a land of Unity in Diversity. It is a unique blend of various cultures, religions, languages and traditions. This makes India a very special country. Let us explore some examples of unity in diversity in India:

1) India is home to multiple religions like Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism etc. All these religions coexist peacefully in India. This shows the religious tolerance of Indians.

2) India has 22 official languages. But there are more than 1500 languages spoken in India. Hindi is the national language but English is also widely spoken. This linguistic diversity is a strength of our nation.

3) Indian cuisine is very diverse and each region has its own specialty dishes. From north to south and east to west, there is a lot of variation in the food we eat. Yet, we all identify as Indians and are proud of our cuisine.

4) Our country has a rich cultural heritage with influences from different parts of the world. From the ancient times, India has been a melting pot of cultures. This can be seen in our architecture, music, dance and literature.

5) We are a land of festivals where people from all religions and regions come together to celebrate. Diwali, Holi, Eid, Christmas, Gurupurab etc are some examples of festivals which bring us all together irrespective of our differences .

Impact of Unity in Diversity on Society

It is often said that diversity is the spice of life, and this is certainly true when it comes to society. A society that is united in diversity is one that is strong and vibrant, with a wide range of people and cultures to choose from.

There are many benefits to living in a society that is united in diversity. One of the most obvious benefits is the fact that there is more to choose from. When you have a wide range of people and cultures to choose from, you are more likely to find something that you enjoy or that suits your needs.

Another benefit of unity in diversity is that it can help to prevent conflict. If people are able to live and work together despite their differences, then it is less likely that they will fall out with each other over those differences. This can lead to a more peaceful and harmonious society overall.

Finally, unity in diversity can also be a source of strength. When people are able to come together and celebrate their differences, it can create a sense of community and belonging. This can be especially important in times of difficulty or adversity, when people need all the support they can get.

Challenges to Achieving Unity in Diversity

There are many challenges to achieving unity in diversity. One challenge is that people often have different opinions on what unity and diversity mean. For some people, unity means that everyone must be the same, while for others it means that everyone must be respected for their differences. This can make it difficult to come to a consensus on what actions should be taken to promote unity in diversity.

Another challenge is that some people may feel that they are losing their individual identity when they are part of a group. This can lead to conflict and division within groups, as people strive to maintain their own individuality. Additionally, some people may feel threatened by diversity, feeling that it will somehow diminish their own culture or way of life. This can create tension and mistrust between groups, making it harder to achieve unity.

Despite these challenges, it is important to remember that diversity enriches our lives and makes us more tolerant and understanding of others. We must work together to overcome these challenges and celebrate the beauty of unity in diversity.

How to Achieve Unity in Diversity

It is often said that diversity is our strength. And it is true – the more different we are, the richer our society is. But what does it take to make this diversity work for us instead of against us? How can we achieve unity in diversity?

Here are some things we can do:

1. Respect each other’s differences.

We all have different opinions, beliefs, and values. And that’s okay! What’s important is that we respect each other’s differences and don’t try to force our own views on others.

2. Communicate with each other.

Open communication is key to understanding and respecting each other. When we talk to each other, we can learn about each other’s cultures and experiences, and find common ground.

3. Celebrate our differences.

Instead of seeing diversity as a problem, let’s celebrate it! There are so many things to learn from each other, and by celebrating our differences we can make our society even richer.

Unity in diversity is the cornerstone of any successful society. It celebrates the beauty of differences and allows us to come together as one nation, regardless of our various backgrounds. As we strive for a better world, embracing unity in diversity should be a priority. We need to work together to create a more peaceful, equitable society that accepts and respects all its members. By understanding that we are all connected despite our differences, we can ensure that everyone has an equal voice and every person’s contribution is valued and respected.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Essay on Unity And Diversity

Students are often asked to write an essay on Unity And Diversity in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Unity And Diversity

What is unity.

Unity is when people come together as one, working towards a common goal. It’s like a team of players on a sports team, all working together to win the game. Unity is important because it allows people to achieve more than they could on their own.

What is Diversity?

Diversity is when people have different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs. It’s like a garden with many different flowers, each one adding its own beauty to the whole. Diversity is important because it makes the world a more interesting and vibrant place.

How Unity and Diversity Work Together

Unity and diversity are two sides of the same coin. They need each other to exist. Without unity, diversity would just be a collection of different people living in the same place. Without diversity, unity would be boring and stagnant.

Unity and diversity are essential for a healthy and prosperous society. When people come together from different backgrounds and work together, they can create something truly special.

250 Words Essay on Unity And Diversity

Unity and diversity.

Diversity is when people are different from each other. It can be in terms of race, religion, culture, language, and many other things. Diversity makes the world a more interesting and vibrant place.

Unity and Diversity in India

India is a country with great unity and diversity. People from many different religions, languages, and cultures live together in India. Despite their differences, they all come together as one nation. This is because they all share a common identity as Indians.

Benefits of Unity and Diversity

Unity and diversity can bring many benefits to a country. Unity can help a country to be more stable and secure. Diversity can help a country to be more creative and innovative. Unity and diversity can also help a country to be more tolerant and understanding.

Unity and diversity are two important things that make a country strong and prosperous. When people are united, they can achieve great things. When people are diverse, they can bring new ideas and perspectives to the table. Together, unity and diversity can create a better world for everyone.

500 Words Essay on Unity And Diversity

Unity in diversity, unity in diversity is the idea that people from different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs can live together peacefully and harmoniously. it means celebrating the differences that make us unique while also finding common ground that unites us. unity in diversity is important for creating a strong and resilient society. when people feel like they belong and are accepted, they are more likely to contribute to the community and work together to solve problems. this can lead to a more peaceful and prosperous society for everyone., diversity makes us stronger, diversity makes us stronger because it brings different perspectives and ideas together. this can lead to innovation and creativity, as well as a better understanding of the world around us. for example, a team of people from different cultural backgrounds may be able to solve a problem more effectively than a team of people from the same background. this is because they can bring different perspectives and ideas to the table., celebrating diversity, celebrating diversity means recognizing and appreciating the unique qualities of different cultures and backgrounds. it means learning about and respecting different traditions, languages, and religions. it also means creating opportunities for people from different backgrounds to interact and learn from each other. one way to celebrate diversity is to participate in cultural events and festivals. this is a great way to learn about different cultures and traditions. another way to celebrate diversity is to travel to different countries and meet people from different backgrounds. this can help us to understand the world better and appreciate the diversity that exists., unity in diversity is important for creating a strong and resilient society. when people feel like they belong and are accepted, they are more likely to contribute to the community and work together to solve problems. this can lead to a more peaceful and prosperous society for everyone. diversity makes us stronger because it brings different perspectives and ideas together. this can lead to innovation and creativity, as well as a better understanding of the world around us. celebrating diversity means recognizing and appreciating the unique qualities of different cultures and backgrounds. it means learning about and respecting different traditions, languages, and religions. that’s it i hope the essay helped you. if you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics: essay on unhealthy food essay on unforgettable moments with best friend essay on unforgettable moment in life apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here . happy studying, leave a reply cancel reply.

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Essay on Unity in Diversity | Unity in Diversity Essay for Students and Children

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Unity in Diversity:  Unity in Diversity is the mutual understanding and harmony among groups of individuals with a multitude of differences in terms of culture, religion, ethnicity, race, language etc. The term has originated ever since the rise of the first human civilizations eons ago. Though the exact wording may change, every culture has a phrase denoting a similar meaning.

Essay on Unity in Diversity is an important topic for students to learn as it educates them about the importance of harmony and unity between various groups of individuals. From an academic perspective, the essay has the potential to be asked in all primary classes and higher. Hence, it is important to know how to write the perfect essay on Unity in Diversity.

Provided below are some important tips and tricks students can adopt to perfect their essays. Moreover, it can also help students improve their general writing and presentation skills. Consider using the following tips to secure more marks or grades in your exams:

Essay on Unity in Diversity Writing Tips & Tricks

  • Always begin the essay with a paragraph that briefs about the history or any other  relevant background information
  • Most essays are used for academic purposes, hence, they use a formal style of writing. Avoid slang at all costs
  • Avoid jargons, unless it is exclusively required
  • Present content in small paragraphs or digestible chunks of information
  • Organize content with headings and subheadings
  • Use bulleted points wherever necessary
  • Use specifics such as processes, procedures, dates, names, and places. This will provide more clarity for the essay
  • When ending the essay, use a concluding paragraph, and try to summarise the important points
  • Read through the essay once to eliminate spelling or grammatical errors.

Unity in Diversity Essay

Essay on Unity in Diversity in 250 Words

Advantages of Unity in Diversity:  Unity is diversity is a term that is used as an expression of unity and harmony among various groups of people with very dissimilar traits, culture and lives. This concept is also known by many other terms such as “diversity without fragmentation” and “unity without uniformity”.

The concept focuses on building tolerance to various areas such as culture, language, society, religion, politics and physical characteristics. The term is rather old and it dates back to ancient times. Historical records have traced the usage of the term all the way back to 400 B.C, by the indigenous people of North America.

Interestingly, from a grammatical perspective, the term is an oxymoron, which means it is a rhetorical device. This can be proved by the fact that the term is a combination of two antonyms – “unity” and “diversity”.

Unity in Diversity in Politics

Ever since humans evolved, diversity has been a permanent human condition. The rise of societies and civilizations has only exacerbated this phenomenon, with early humans warring with each other based only on these cultural differences. The term has a profound influence in politics, ever since it was first used by Ernesto Teodoro Moneta in the In varietate unitas, a popular motto during the time.

Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first prime minister promoted the concept of Unity in Diversity vigorously as stated that it was crucial for progress and national consolidation. The idea was also explored in detail, in his work, the Discovery of India.

Unity in Diversity Essay Conclusion: In conclusion, the term Unity in Diversity has a very ancient origin, but its implications are vast and far-reaching. It is also crucial to maintain peace and prosperity among humans.

Essay on Unity in Diversity 300 Words

The term “Unity in Diversity ” is used to describe harmony and unity among various dissimilar individuals. These dissimilarities may arise due to religious outlook, political beliefs, culture, and tradition. Furthermore, the concept is known by various other terms such as, “unity without uniformity”, and “diversity without fragmentation”. The term may have originated as a deterrent against war and conflict among humans.

The earliest recorded instance of this idea dates back to around 400-500 BC, by the indigenous people of North America. The term can also be much older, rising with the rise of social and civilizations. Moreover, humans, by nature, are very diverse and it is a permanent condition. Hence, conflicts are quick to arise due to these differences. Over the years, humans have taken part in many wars, with the most infamous being the two World Wars. In modern times, the Middle Eastern conflicts that had taken place in the last two decades is an example of conflict arising due to differences in ethnic groups.

From a grammatical perspective, the statement “unity in diversity” is rather intriguing. This is because the statement is an oxymoron, made up of two antonyms – “unity” and “diversity. Interestingly, the term has a profound influence in politics, with the first-ever recorded usage by Ernesto Teodoro Moneta, a pacifist and a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.

Later, the concept was incorporated by the first prime minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, in his work, The Discovery of India. He also promoted this idea activity, declaring that it was of utmost importance for the growth and prosperity of India. In the United States, a version of this term exists, which is called E Pluribus Unum, which is Latin for “One out of many”, or “Out of many, one.” It generally appears as a motto above the Great Seal, a seal used by a head of state to authenticate important and legal documents.

In conclusion, the term Unity in Diversity has vast and far-reaching implications. It is primarily used to deter wars and promote peace among the various groups of individuals and nations.

FAQ’s On Essay on Unity in Diversity

Question 1. What is “Unity In Diversity” essay?

Answer: The term “Unity in Diversity” is used as an expression of unity and harmony among various groups of people with very dissimilar traits, culture, and lives.

Question 2. What is the importance of unity in diversity?

Answer: Unity in diversity is responsible for enhancing the quality of the teamwork and completion of the projects within a stipulated time frame.

Question 3. How do you promote unity in diversity?

Question 4. What is unity in diversity in India?

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Unity In Diversity: Feeling Unified With Others

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How to Write a College Diversity Essay – Examples & Tips

unity in diversity essay examples

What is a diversity essay for college?

If you are preparing for your college application, you have probably heard that you sometimes need to submit a “diversity essay,” and you might be wondering how this is different from the usual admission essay. A diversity essay is a college admissions essay that focuses on the applicant’s background, identity, culture, beliefs, or relationship with a specific community, on what makes an applicant unique, and on how they might bring a fresh perspective or new insights to a school’s student body. Colleges let applicants write such essays to ensure diversity in their campus communities, to improve everyone’s learning experience, or to determine who might be eligible for scholarships that are offered to students from generally underrepresented backgrounds. 

Some colleges list the essay as one of their main requirements to apply, while others give you the option to add it to your application if you wish to do so. At other schools, it is simply your “personal statement”—but the prompts you are given can make it an essay on the topic of diversity in your life and how that has shaped who you are.

To write a diversity essay, you need to think about what makes you uniquely you: What significant experiences have you made, because of your background, that might separate you from other applicants? Sometimes that is obvious, but sometimes it is easy to assume our experiences are normal just because we are part of a community that shares the same circumstances, beliefs, or experiences. But if you look at your life from the perspective of someone who is not part of that community, such as an admissions officer, they can suddenly be not-so-common and help you stand out from the crowd.

Diversity Essay Examples and Topics

Diversity essays come in all shapes and formats, but what they need to do is highlight an important aspect of your identity, background, culture, viewpoints, beliefs, goals, etc. You could, for example, write about one of the following topics:

  • Your home country/hometown
  • Your cultural/immigration background
  • Your race/ethnicity
  • Your unique family circumstances
  • Your religion/belief system
  • Your socioeconomic background
  • Your disability
  • Your sex/gender
  • Your sexual orientation
  • Your gender identity
  • Your values/opinions
  • Your experiences
  • Your extracurricular activities related to diversity

In the following, we ask some general questions to make you start reflecting on what diversity might mean for you and your life, and we present you with excerpts from several successful diversity-related application essays that will give you an idea about the range of topics you can write about.

How does diversity make you who you are as a person or student?

We usually want to fit in, especially when we are young, and you might not even realize that you and your life experiences could add to the diversity of a student campus. You might think that you are just like everyone around you. Or you might think that your background is nothing to brag about and are not really comfortable showcasing it. But looking at you and your life from the point of view of someone who is not part of your community, your background, culture, or family situation might actually be unique and interesting. 

What makes admission committees see the unique and interesting in your life is an authentic story, maybe even a bit vulnerable, about your lived experiences and the lessons you learned from them that other people who lived other lifes did not have the chance to learn. Don’t try to explain how you are different from others or how you have been more privileged or less fortunate than others—let your story do that. Keep the focus on yourself, your actions, thoughts, and feelings, and allow the reader a glimpse into your culture, upbringing, or community that gives them some intriguing insights. 

Have a look at the excerpt below from a diversity essay that got an applicant into Cornell University . This is just the introduction, but there is probably no admissions officer who would not want to keep reading after such a fascinating entry. 

He’s in my arms, the newest addition to the family. I’m too overwhelmed. “That’s why I wanted you to go to Bishop Loughlin,” she says, preparing baby bottles. “But ma, I chose Tech because I wanted to be challenged.” “Well, you’re going to have to deal with it,” she replies, adding, “Your aunt watched you when she was in high school.” “But ma, there are three of them. It’s hard!” Returning home from a summer program that cemented intellectual and social independence to find a new baby was not exactly thrilling. Add him to the toddler and seven-year-old sister I have and there’s no wonder why I sing songs from Blue’s Clues and The Backyardigans instead of sane seventeen-year-old activities. It’s never been simple; as a female and the oldest, I’m to significantly rear the children and clean up the shabby apartment before an ounce of pseudo freedom reaches my hands. If I can manage to get my toddler brother onto the city bus and take him home from daycare without snot on my shoulder, and if I can manage to take off his coat and sneakers without demonic screaming for no apparent reason, then it’s a good day. Only, waking up at three in the morning to work, the only free time I have, is not my cup of Starbucks.  Excerpt from “All Worth It”, Anonymous, published in 50 Successful IVY LEAGUE Application Essays Fourth Edition, Gen & Kelly Tanabe, SuperCollege, 2017 .

How has your identity or background affected your life?

On top of sharing a relevant personal story, you also need to make sure that your essay illustrates how your lived experience has influenced your perspective, your life choices, or your goals. If you can explain how your background or experience led you to apply to the school you want to submit the essay to, and why you would be a great fit for that school, even better. 

You don’t need to fit all of that into one short essay, though. Just make sure to end your essay with some conclusions about the things your life has taught you that will give the admissions committee a better idea of who you now are—like the author of the following (winning) admissions essay submitted to MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) .

[…] I always thought that I had it the worst out of all my family members because I was never allowed to get anything lower than what my brother or a cousin had gotten in a class. My parents figured if they could do it, so could I, and if not on my own then with a little of their help. It was not until recently that I realized the truth in this. In my short life I have seen my father go from speaking no English to excelling in it. I have heard countless stories about migrant farmers such as Cesar Chavez and my grandfather who had nearly nothing, yet persisted and succeeded. […] When I had trouble speaking Spanish and felt like abandoning my native tongue, I remembered my mother and how when she came to the United States she was forced to wash her mouth out with soap and endure beatings with a ruler by the nuns at her school for speaking it. When I couldn’t figure out tangents, sines, and cosines I thought about my father and how it took him nearly a year to learn long division because he was forced to teach it to himself after dropping out and starting to work in the 4th grade. […] All these people, just from my family, have been strong role models for me. I feel that being labeled “underprivileged” does not mean that I am limited in what I can do. There is no reason for me to fail or give up, and like my parents and grandparents have done, I’ve been able to pull through a great deal. My environment has made me determined, hard working, and high aiming. I would not like it any other way. From “Lessons From the Immigration Spectrum”, Anonymous, MIT, published in 50 Successful IVY LEAGUE Application Essays Fourth Edition, Gen & Kelly Tanabe, SuperCollege, 2017 .

How will your diversity contribute to the college campus and community?

The admissions committee would like to know how your identity or background will enrich the university’s existing student body. If you haven’t done so, researching the university’s organizations and groups and what specific courses the university offers might be a good idea. If you are applying to a large public school, you could mention that you are looking forward to broadening not just your horizon but also your community. Or maybe your college of choice has a specialized program or student organization that you feel you will fit right into and that you could contribute to with your unique background.

Tailoring your answer to the university you are applying to shows that you are serious and have done your research, and a university is obviously looking for such students. If you can’t find a way to make your essay “match” the university, then don’t despair—showing the admissions committee that you are someone who already made some important experiences, has reflected on them, and is eager to learn more and contribute to their community is often all that is needed. But you also don’t need to search for the most sophisticated outro or conclusion, as the following excerpt shows, from an admission essay written by an applicant named Angelica, who was accepted into the University of Chicago . Sometimes a simple conviction is convincing enough. 

[…] The knowledge that I have gained from these three schools is something I will take with me far beyond college. My roommate, across-the-hall mates, and classmates have influenced my life as much as I hope to have impacted theirs. It is evident to me that they have helped me develop into the very much visible person I am today. I have learned to step outside of my comfort zone, and I have learned that diversity is so much more than the tint of our skin. My small mustard-colored school taught me that opportunity and success only requires desire. I would be an asset to your college because as I continue on my journey to success, I will take advantage of every opportunity that is available to me and make sure to contribute as much as I can, too. Now I am visible. Now I am visible. Now I am visible, and I want to be seen. From “No Longer Invisible” by Angelica, University of Chicago, published in 50 Successful IVY LEAGUE Application Essays Fourth Edition, Gen & Kelly Tanabe, SuperCollege, 2017 .

how to write a diversity essay, small globe being held, kids in a hallway

Tell stories about your lived experience

You might wonder how exactly to go about writing stories about your “lived experience.” The first step, after getting drawing inspiration from other people’s stories, is to sit down and reflect on your own life and what might be interesting about it, from the point of view of someone outside of your direct environment or community.

Two straightforward approaches for a diversity-related essay are to either focus on your community or on your identity . The first one is more related to what you were born into (and what it taught you), and the second one focuses on how you see yourself, as an individual but also as part of society.

Take some time to sit down and reflect on which of these two approaches you relate to more and which one you think you have more to say about. And then we’d recommend you do what always helps when we sit in front of a blank page that needs to be filled: Make a list or draw a chart or create a map of keywords that can become the cornerstones of your story.

For example, if you choose the “community” approach, then start with a list of all the communities that you are a part of. These communities can be defined by different factors:

  • A shared place: people live or work together
  • Shared actions: People create something together or solve problems together
  • Shared interests: People come together based on interests, hobbies, or goals
  • Shared circumstances: people are brought together by chance or by events

Once you have that list, pick one of your communities and start asking yourself more specific questions. For example: 

  • What did you do as a member of that community? 
  • What kinds of problems did you solve , for your community or together?
  • Did you feel like you had an impact ? What was it?
  • What did you learn or realize ? 
  • How are you going to apply what you learned outside of that community?

If, instead, you choose the “identity” approach, then think about different ways in which you think about yourself and make a list of those. For example:

My identity is as a… 

  • boy scout leader
  • hobby writer
  • babysitter for my younger siblings
  • speaker of different languages
  • collector of insightful proverbs
  • Japanese-American
  • other roles in your family, community, or social sub-group

Feel free to list as many identities as you can. Then, think about what different sides of you these identities reveal and which ones you have not yet shown or addressed in your other application documents and essays. Think about whether one of these is more important to you than others if there is one that you’d rather like to hide (and why) and if there is any struggle, for example with reconciling all of these sides of yourself or with one of them not being accepted by your culture or environment.

Overall, the most important characteristic admissions committees are looking for in your diversity essay is authenticity . They want to know who you are, behind your SATs and grades, and how you got where you are now, and they want to see what makes you memorable (remember, they have to read thousands of essays to decide who to enroll). 

The admissions committee members likely also have a “sixth sense” about whose essay is authentic and whose is not. But if you go through a creative process like the one outlined here, you will automatically reflect on your background and experiences in a way that will bring out your authenticity and honesty and prevent you from just making up a “cool story.”

Diversity Essay Sample Prompts From Colleges

If you are still not sure how to write a diversity essay, let’s have a look at some of the actual diversity essay prompts that colleges include in their applications. 

Diversity Essay Sample #1: University of California

The University of California asks applicants to choose between eight prompts (they call them “ personal insight questions “) and submit four short essays of up to 350 words each that tell the admission committee what you would want them to know about you . These prompts ask about your creative side (#2), your greatest talent (#3), and other aspects of your personality, but two of them (#5 and #7) are what could be called “diversity essay prompts” that ask you to talk about the most significant challenge you have faced and what you have done to make your community a better place .

The University of California website also offers advice on how to use these prompts and how to write a compelling essay, so make sure you use all the guidance they give you if that is the school you are trying to get into!

UC Essay prompt #5. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

Things to consider: A challenge could be personal, or something you have faced in your community or school. Why was the challenge significant to you? This is a good opportunity to talk about any obstacles you’ve faced and what you’ve learned from the experience. Did you have support from someone else or did you handle it alone?

UC Essay prompt #7. What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?  

Things to consider: Think of community as a term that can encompass a group, team, or place—like your high school, hometown, or home. You can define community as you see fit, just make sure you talk about your role in that community. Was there a problem that you wanted to fix in your community? Why were you inspired to act? What did you learn from your effort? 

Diversity Essay Sample #2: Duke University

Duke University asks for a one-page essay in response to either one of the Common Application prompts or one of the Coalition Application prompts, as well as a short essay that answers a question specific to Duke. 

In addition, you can (but do not have to) submit up to two short answers to four prompts that specifically ask about your unique experiences, your beliefs and values, and your background and identity. The maximum word count for each of these short essays on diversity topics is 250 words.

Essay prompt #1. We seek a diverse student body that embodies the wide range of human experience. In that context, we are interested in what you’d like to share about your lived experiences and how they’ve influenced how you think of yourself. Essay prompt #2. We believe there is benefit in sharing and sometimes questioning our beliefs or values; who do you agree with on the big important things, or who do you have your most interesting disagreements with? What are you agreeing or disagreeing about? Essay prompt #3. What has been your best academic experience in the last two years, and what made it so good? Essay prompt #4. Duke’s commitment to diversity and inclusion includes sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. If you’d like to share with us more about your identity in this context, feel free to do so here.

Duke University is looking for students with a variety of different experiences, backgrounds, interests, and opinions to make its campus community diverse and a place where ambition and curiosity, talent and persistence can grow, and the admissions committee will “consider what you have accomplished within the context of your opportunities and challenges so far”—make sure you tell them!

Diversity Essay Sample #3: University of Washington

The University of Washington asks students for a long essay (650 words) on a general experience that shaped your character, a short essay (300 words) that describes the world you come from and how you, as a product of it, might add to the diversity of your future university and allows you to submit additional information on potential hardships or limitations you have experienced in attaining your education so far. The University of Washington freshman writing website also offers some tips on how to (and how not to) write and format your essays.

Essay prompt [required] Tell a story from your life, describing an experience that either demonstrates your character or helped to shape it.

Short response prompt [required] Our families and communities often define us and our individual worlds. “Community” might refer to your cultural group, extended family, religious group, neighborhood or school, sports team or club, co-workers, etc. Describe the world you come from and how you, as a product of it, might add to the diversity of the UW.

Additional information about yourself or your circumstances [optional] You are not required to write anything in this section, but you may include additional information if something has particular significance to you. For example, you may use this space if:

– You have experienced personal hardships in attaining your education

– Your activities have been limited because of work or family obligations

– You have experienced limitations/opportunities unique to the schools you attended

The University of Washington’s mission is to enroll undergraduates with outstanding intellectual abilities who bring different perspectives, backgrounds, and talents to the campus to create a “stimulating educational environment”. The diversity essay is your chance to let them know how you will contribute to that.

Diversity Essay Sample #4: University of Michigan

At the University of Michigan, a diversity college essay that describes one of the communities (defined by geography, religion, ethnicity, income, or other factors) you belong to is one of two required essays that need to be submitted by all applicants, on top of the Common Application essay. 

Diversity essay prompt. Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it.

The University of Michigan prides itself in “looking at each student as a whole package” and recruiting the most dynamic students, with different backgrounds, interests, and passions, into their college, not just the ones with the highest test scores. They also give consideration to applicants from currently underrepresented groups to create diversity on campus and enrich the learning environment for all students—if that sounds like you, then here is your opportunity to tell your story!

Frequently Asked Questions about Diversity Essays

What topics should i avoid in my college diversity essay.

Since the point of a diversity essay is to show the admissions committee who you are (behind your grades and resume and general educational background), there are not many topics you need to avoid. In fact, you can address the issues, from your own perspective, that you are usually told not to mention in order not to offend anyone or create controversy. 

The only exception is any kind of criminal activity, especially child abuse and neglect. The University of Washington, for example, has a statement on its essay prompt website that “ any written materials that give admissions staff reasonable cause to believe abuse or neglect of someone under the age of 18 may have occurred must be reported to Child Protective Services or the police. ”

What is most important to focus on in my diversity essay?

In brief, to stand out while not giving the admissions committee any reason to believe that you are exaggerating or even making things up. Your story needs to be authentic, and admissions officers—who read thousands of applications—will probably see right through you if you are trying to make yourself sound cooler, more mature, or more interesting than you are. 

In addition, make sure you let someone, preferably a professional editor, read over your essays and make sure they are well-written and error-free. Even though you are telling your personal story, it needs to be presented in standard, formal, correct English.

How long should a diversity essay be?

Every school has different requirements for their version of a diversity essay, and you will find all the necessary details on their admissions or essay prompts website. Make sure you check the word limit and other guidelines before you start typing away!

Prepare your college diversity essay for admission

Now that you know what a diversity essay is and how you find the specific requirements for the essays you need to submit to your school of choice, make sure you plan in advance and give yourself enough time to put all your effort into it! Our article How to Write the Common App Essay can give you an idea about timelines and creative preparation methods. And as always, we can help you with our professional editing services , including Application Essay Editing Services and Admission Editing Services , to ensure that your entire application is error-free and showcases your potential to the admissions committee of your school of choice.

For more academic resources on writing the statement of purpose for grad school or on the college admission process in general, head over to our Admissions Resources website where we have many more articles and videos to help you improve your essay writing skills.

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Essay On Unity In Diversity – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids

Shraddha Mishra

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On ‘Unity In Diversity’ For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘unity in diversity’ for kids, a paragraph on ‘unity in diversity’ for children, essay on ‘unity in diversity’ in india for kids, long essay on ‘unity in diversity’ for children, what will your child learn from this essay.

Unity in diversity is a term that has been used in socio-cultural contexts since ancient generations. It means there is unity among the people despite geographic, ethnic, and religious differences. People living together harmoniously and speaking multiple languages are great examples of unity. This article will brief you on how to write an essay on unity in diversity for classes 1, 2, & 3. The unity in diversity essay in English will cover essential factors that influence unity and highlight its importance. Kids will learn a lot from this concept and will see society in a new light.

When many ethnic groups live together and get along by choice, not compulsion, it is called unity in diversity. Living in diversity can be beautiful and show us humanity’s uniqueness. Here are some key points to remember when writing about unity in diversity for lower primary classes:

  • Start with an introduction on unity and discuss how diversity and unity are related.
  • Cover examples of different cultures, ethnic groups, and religions which demonstrate the same.
  • Discuss the strengths of unity in diversity in your essay and its positive consequences.
  • End with a concluding paragraph highlighting its importance and summarise.

Respecting everyone and learning to work together in groups is a critical skill. Unity in diversity can be a lifelong skill and reap multiple benefits for the future. It is essential for the betterment of humanity and proves that we should not judge others based on their appearance, demographic, social, or economic status. An essay on this topic for classes 1 and 2 will cover all this and more. Here are a few lines on unity in diversity for your kids:

  • India is a nation that celebrates unity in diversity, and there are many living examples of communities here.
  • India has a great constitution that guarantees people’s rights despite belonging to different religions, cultures, and languages.
  • Saints promote the message of brotherhood and practice unity in diversity.
  • India, being a united country, can protect itself from foreign invasions and has successfully prevented attacks in the past.
  • Unity promotes teamwork despite challenges.
  • A unified country is easier to protect and ensures harmony.
  • All religions are diverse in India and have their own sects and cultural philosophies.
  • Unity in diversity teaches us that all living beings can bond and be tolerant of all values.
  • Many beautiful poems teach us the importance of unity across different religions.
  • Unity also ensures honesty among people.

Finding unity despite many differences is a skill that needs to be mastered with time. Here is a short paragraph on the unity in diversity concept:

There is a saying that alone we can do very little, but combined, we can do so much. Unity in diversity translates to this, and there are many similar slogans to it. Unity in diversity encourages thinking creatively. Diversity is built from unique traits, and much can be accomplished when you get cooperation from diverse groups. The best creative ideas are born from combined efforts, and many examples in history prove this. Mahatma Gandhi once said that a civilization’s test of time depends on unity. The only way to reach unity is through accepting diversity wholeheartedly. We can learn more about cooperation, empathy, and other values through unification.

Unity in diversity is an important concept to be learnt by kids. Given below is a short essay on the same.

Unity in diversity is important so all religions can co-exist and there is peace and harmony worldwide. Without unity, there would be chaos, and times can be rough. The most significant wars in history have shown us what happens when people get along and stand together. There is no point in fighting against each other, and understanding can go a long way towards achieving happiness. Unity is a word that starts with the letter ‘U,’ and yes, it means that we must begin by working on our minds first to unify with others. Unity is a great strength and a good source of identity. The art of thinking independently and acting together is very powerful and a force to be reckoned with. The concept ensures the ethical and moral evolution of humanity in difficult times. Its importance cannot be underestimated; only time reveals the consequences of not being unified when everyone faces hardships. Forgetting the regional, religious, and ethical differences and coming together in a time of need is the real essence of this concept.

Unity in diversity is a popular concept and common phrase used by people. It makes for a great topic for discussion right before exams and can be assigned as homework. Here is how to go about writing a long essay for class 3 on it:

The meaning of unity in diversity is to get along together despite having differences. India is a great example of unity in diversity as a nation because of how people from different religions, cultures, economic strata, castes, creeds, and languages connect.

India is densely populated, and the citizens practice different religions such as Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Jainism, Christianity, and more. People worship different gods and take their word for reverence. The people also celebrate festivals such as Holi, Diwali, Mahavir Jayanti and other festivals and events peacefully without worrying about facing protests from different cultures or religions.

You can’t have an understanding like this without unity and vice versa. When we spend too much time fighting against each other, it becomes futile, and all our efforts are wasted. Unity is used to bring peace and stability to this world. Kindness does not cost; by promoting mutual understanding, we go a long way towards becoming better human beings.

Unity between many cultures also shows how different religions and belief systems get along. It feels wonderful when everyone works in harmony and there is positive energy in the environment. Unity creates a state of togetherness, and the best ideas or efforts are born from unification. Every human has a purpose or mission; sometimes, the only way to become the best versions of ourselves is by establishing unity.

What Does ‘Unity In Diversity’ Mean?

The meaning of unity in diversity is to combine our efforts, promote peacefulness, and tolerate our differences in understanding different values.

What Is The Importance Of Unity In Diversity?

The importance of unity in diversity:

  • Improves morale and balances relationships
  • Develops mutual understanding, empathy, and emotional intelligence
  • Improves cooperation, coordination, and communal productivity
  • Promotes harmony and makes it easier to finish larger tasks
  • Enhances communication and brings together people through a collaborative approach

Disadvantages Of Unity In Diversity

The disadvantages of unity in diversity are:

  • Can invite terrorist groups or attract unwanted attention when working on projects
  • Takes time to get to know people, bond, and ask them to work with others
  • It can be hard to override religious beliefs and people who are too involved in certain societies or stereotypes
  • The cost of unifying people can be very high

Difference Between Unity And Diversity

Unity is the state of being undivided or ‘oneness,’ and diversity shows the uniqueness of being different.

Factors That Can Help To Improve Unity In Diversity

Factors that can help to improve unity in diversity are:

  • The chanting of national anthems and encouraging religious harmony
  • Geographic unity, where people of different cultures and demographics live in the same region
  • Unity through language where people who speak multiple languages interact
  • Religious unity means people of different religions who understand each other, despite differences

After reading this essay, your child will learn to get along with other kids. Unity in diversity is a concept that’s absolutely essential to understand for self-development.

You can best understand the benefits of unity in diversity by working on an essay with your kids. Get your children to invite their friends over, discuss ideas, and enjoy writing!

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