1. Solve division problems

    problem solving division y2

  2. Division worksheets for grade 2

    problem solving division y2

  3. Division Problem Solving

    problem solving division y2

  4. Long division (2): Reasoning and Problem Solving

    problem solving division y2

  5. Division to solve problem: Reasoning and Problem Solving

    problem solving division y2

  6. Division Word Problems—Free Worksheets for Grades 3-5

    problem solving division y2


  1. Problem Solving: Division of Whole Nos. and Decimal Nos

  2. Division Problem Solving

  3. Solving the Problem before understanding division

  4. #maths tricks #basicmath #mathproblem #mathematics maths 🙏🏾👍

  5. Mixed Number Division

  6. Mixed Number Division


  1. Year 2 Multiplication and Division Word Problems x2, x5, x10

    What is Multiplication and Division? Multiplication is to repeatedly add groups of a number together, whereas division is the opposite as it involves separating numbers into equal groups.. For example: 3 x 3 = 9 and 9 ÷ 3 = 3. How can I teach Multiplication & Division Word Problems? Help students apply their knowledge of multiplication and division to real-life situations using this Word ...

  2. Y2 Word Problems Multiplication and Division Interactive PDF

    Click on 'More Downloads' where you can find the answer sheets as a separate file. Included in this worksheets are a range of perfect for year 2 word problems on multiplication and division, which support teaching on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. This means that while children are solving the problems, they'll be enhancing their times tables ...

  3. Division Worksheets ÷

    We have created lots of division word problems for you to solve. The sheets involve solving division problems in a range of different contexts and involve both sharing and grouping. These sheets involve solving a range of division problems. Using this link will open our 2nd Grade Math Salamanders website in a new browser window.

  4. Year 2 Division Challenge Cards (teacher made)

    Australia Australian Curriculum Browser Maths Year 2 Number Multiply and divide by one-digit numbers using repeated addition, equal grouping, arrays, and partitioning to support a variety of calculation strategies (AC9M2N05) Recognise and represent division as grouping into equal sets and solve simple problems using these representations (ACMNA032)

  5. Division Maths Worksheets for Year 2 (age 6-7)

    If tables are known 'off by heart' then division becomes much easier! Beginning with finding halves and then division by grouping, children will soon understand that division is the inverse of multiplication. By the end of the year they will even be carrying out simple division calculations with remainders in the answer.

  6. Multiplication & division in Year 2 (age 6-7)

    They may solve division problems by: Sharing or grouping objects equally; Using a number line to count backwards in steps of 2, 5 or 10; Using their understanding of inverse to use multiplication to work out division problems. For example, when solving 8 ÷ 2, children may count in steps of two to find out how many groups of 2 there are in 8.

  7. Year 2 Multiplication and Division

    show that multiplication of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative) and division of one number by another cannot: solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and multiplication and division facts, including problems in contexts.

  8. Division Word Problem Worksheets

    Apply long division method to solve each problem. Download the set; Three-digit by Two-digit Word Problems. This set of word problems will require the student to perform division operations involving three-digit numbers and two-digit numbers. Verify your answer with the answer key provided in the worksheet.

  9. Y2 DiM: Step 10 Divide by 2 Activity Cards

    Use these superb Diving into Mastery activity cards to support the White Rose Maths Y2 small step 10: 'Divide by 2'. Children build fluency by learning how to divide by two using pictorial representations and concrete materials to develop their conceptual understanding. They are also encouraged to write corresponding division calculations using the ÷ and = symbols. Children solve division ...

  10. Free Printable Division Worksheets for 2nd Year

    Division worksheets for Year 2 are an essential resource for teachers looking to help their students develop a strong foundation in math. These worksheets provide a variety of exercises and problems that challenge students to apply their understanding of division concepts, while also reinforcing their basic math skills.