• PhD Study in Malaysia – A Guide for 2024

Written by Mike Davies

One of the fastest growing economies in the region, Malaysia is quickly becoming a hub of business and research in Southeast Asia.

In recent decades Malaysia has experienced an exciting evolution of the higher education facilities in the country, with publicly funded universities, private institutions and branches of overseas universities now forming a rich educational landscape.

A PhD in Malaysia will expose you to one of the fastest growing and most vibrant countries in Southeast Asia. From the PhD process to student visas, this guide will get you prepared to start looking for PhD courses in this exciting country.

PhD opportunities in Malaysia – what’s on offer for 2024?

The Malaysian government is eager to attract talented international postgraduate students to local universities. This has led to most university instruction being conducted in English and over 100,000 international students currently studying in Malaysia.

The Malaysian government is especially keen to encourage research into areas that offer technological advancement to the country, meaning fields such as Science and Engineering receive significant government support. On the other hand, Malaysia’s natural resources and biodiversity are a great boon to those studying topics in Ecological, Medical and Natural Science fields.

There are many good reasons for studying a PhD in Malaysia:

  • Rapidly growing economy – The Malaysian economy is currently thriving, and its success has been funnelled into education, research and development
  • Affordable – Despite the rapid economic growth the cost of living is still very reasonable. Programme fees are also significantly lower than countries such as the UK and Australia
  • World class universities – Malaysia maintains high standards for universities, ensuring internationally recognised education.
  • Peace and prosperity – Along with a strong economy Malaysia is ranked as one of the most peacful countries in the world, making for a great environment for study.
PhD Study in Malaysia - Key Details
University of Malaya (1905)
3-5 years
MYR 65,000 (USD $13,900)
January to November

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Malaysian universities

It is the intention of Malaysia to become one of the go-to centres for higher education, and with the University of Malaya and other institutions performing well in international rankings, it is rapidly achieving this aim.

Malaysia’s higher education system is comprised of both private and public universities as well as several branch campuses of international institutions. The quality of all university research programmes is maintained by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).

  • Public universities - These are funded by the government but remain autonomous, managing all aspects of teaching, research and administration. Public universities are currently the most successful when it comes to both national and international rankings
  • Private universities - A relatively new form of higher education provider, private universities were first established with the passing of a higher education act in 1996. They are funded by private organisations, but their educational quality is still monitored by the MQA to ensure it meets the required standards
  • International branch campuses - An increasingly common phenomenon in Malaysia, branches of international universities are evidence of the country's drive for international collaboration. The programmes offered by these branch campuses may be accredited by the Malaysian host university or the overseas partner, but this varies between such campuses

University rankings

The efforts made by Malaysia towards becoming a world-renowned higher education provider is reflected in the university rankings, with several being ranked in the top 300 universities worldwide by the QS world rankings. This is all the more impressive as the higher education sector in Malaysia is relatively small on the international scale.

Top 5 Malaysian Universities in 2024
University THE 2024 QS 2024 ARWU 2023
University of Malaya251-300=65401-500
Universiti Teknologi Petronas301-350=307-
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia401-500=159-
Universiti Sains Malaysia401-500=137-
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia401-500188701-800
World University Rankings, and . Visit their websites for more information.

Do rankings matter for PhD study?

University rankings can help you choose a PhD project or programme, provided you know what to look at. Our guide explains how to use rankings as a prospective postgraduate.

What do PhD courses in Malaysia look like?

A PhD in Malaysia can take between three and five years, but it is often closer to three years, especially since most scholarships are often only awarded for this shorter period.

Research based

Most PhD courses are not as heavily structured as those in some other countries. You will find that you will largely be expected to conduct independent research into your chosen project. Over the course of your study you will be required to also give regular seminars on your progress.

Depending on the university to which you apply, you may need to complete a number of taught modules as part of the programme. Some universities may also expect you to publish your findings in a peer reviewed journal before they will award you a doctorate.

The final test of a PhD candidate in Malaysia is similar in structure to many other countries. In order to obtain your doctorate, you will need to produce a thesis on the subject of your research. This thesis must satisfy the examiners that it contains original work, and that it relates this to the existing body of knowledge.

You will also need to deliver a seminar on the key findings of your thesis to several experts in your field. During this seminar you will have to defend these findings and demonstrate that your subject knowledge is sufficient for the award of a doctoral degree.

PhD life in Malaysia

Sporting the tagline ‘truly Asia’, Malaysia is home to an estimated 20% of all animal species and four UNESCO world heritage sites. As a postgraduate student in Malaysia you will have the opportunity to experience a vibrant country rich in history and culture. For more information about living in Malaysia , why not check out our living guide.

Fees and funding

The fee structure in Malaysian public universities can be fairly complex so it is worth spending a bit of time researching the costs involved. In general, however, doctoral education in Malaysia is offered at lower costs that in the UK, USA or Australia.

The total cost of the programme will depend on the length and the subject studied but you can expect the university fees for a three-year PhD around MYR 65,000 (USD $13,900). This could be more or less depending on the institution.

A variety of funding packages are also available for your studies in Malaysia. From scholarships, to financial aid to teaching and research assistantships you have many options for covering the costs incurred in the course of your PhD.

PhD scholarships in Malaysia

In order to encourage international talent, there are many scholarships available to help with both tuition fees and living expenses. These scholarships may be funded by the Malaysian government, private institutions or the universities themselves.

It is worth checking with the institution you are applying to for the most up to date list of available scholarships.

Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS)

A government-funded initiative to attract talented graduate students to Malaysia. This scholarship is open to all international students with excellent academic records including a Masters degree in a field related to the PhD they intend to study.

In order to obtain this scholarship, you will need to present a research proposal that aligns with the interests of the Malaysian government therefore this scholarship tends to be focused on the Sciences , Engineering and Communications Technology.

This award covers relocation to Malaysia, university fees and a monthly stipend to help with living expenses for three years.

Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan

Similar in benefit to the Malaysia International Scholarship, this award is available to students from commonwealth countries. As with the MIS, you will need a Masters degree in a related field and be able to justify your research proposal in order to be eligible for this award.

Find out more about the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan .

Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme Scholarship (MTCP)

This award provides opportunities for international students to pursue advanced academic study in Malaysia. This scholarship is a bilateral agreement between Malaysia and other countries and is available on a government-to-government basis.

As with other scholarships, eligibility for this award depends on a Masters degree in a related field, and projects are restricted to a number of priority study areas, focused around Science, Engineering, Health and Finance.

As a recipient of this award you will be expected to make significant contribution to your home country after you complete your doctorate.

Find out more about the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme Scholarship (MTCP) for Postgraduate Studies .

University scholarships

Universities may award scholarships based on academic merit and following the recommendation of the host department/research centre. These usually include tuition fees (sometimes excluding other fees) and a stipend.

Teaching and research assistantships

Another way of funding your studies is to work for the university at which you’re studying for your doctorate. This can be done in the form of a teaching or research assistantship; the university will subsidise the cost your tuition in lieu of payment for your work.

You undertake teaching and / or research duties within their institution. You may be asked to keep office hours and to mark exam papers which will be time spent away from your PhD. However, you will also gain academic experience and may be involved directly in the research work of senior members of staff.

Alternatively, you may be expected to hold the role of a research assistant while studying for your PhD. So long as you can fulfil these conditions without it affecting your ability to complete your studies it is a good way to have your fees to wholly or partially subsidised.

Applying for a PhD in Malaysia

PhD courses in Malaysia can generally start throughout the year but some universities will stipulate two intake periods, in July and February.

There is no centralised postgraduate application agency in Malaysia. Applications are made directly to the individual universities (or even individual Graduate Schools) using an application form or via their websites (if a form is available online).

You can apply to more than one university but make sure you know what you should supply in your application as it varies from institution to institution. Some will only require a letter while others will want a complete academic history and research plan.

Academic results

In order to apply for a PhD project at a Malaysian university you will generally be required to hold a Masters degree in a relevant field and demonstrate research experience. A first class Bachelors degree may also be accepted by some universities, but many will also require you to have several peer reviewed publications.

In disciplines such as Management or Business, applicants may also be asked to demonstrate readiness for graduate study through specific entry examinations (e.g. GRE or GMAT ).

Research proposal / statement of objectives

It is common practice to submit a research proposal (or at least an abstract of your proposed research) when applying for a PhD. This should comprise a short synopsis of the background, objectives and proposed methodology of your prospective research project.

A small number of institutions (e.g. Asia e University) do not require you to supply a research proposal or to identify prospective supervisors when you apply. You will then be assigned a supervisor by the institution and you will develop your thesis proposal while at the institution.

How do I write a PhD research proposal?

The research proposal is an important part of any PhD application, regardless of where you choose to study. Take a look at our guide for some tips and advice on putting yours together.

Language proficiency

Higher education in Malaysia is almost always conducted in English. If English is not your native tongue and your previous degree(s) were not taught in English you will be required to submit scores for either the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) as evidence of your proficiency.

Don’t think that the study being in English will prevent you from learning another language though. If you are not originally from Malaysia you may be required to attend and complete a course in Bajasa Malaysia (Malaysian language) to a satisfactory level. Often such courses will be conducted at the university that you’re attending and passing this course may be a condition of the doctorate.

Health requirements

Health requirements are often part of the admission process and public universities will have strict restrictions. You may need to, at your own expense, provide a medical report that attests to the fact that you are in good health.

Some conditions will not exclude you from applying but you will need to demonstrate that they will not affect your ability to complete your study.

Student visas

In order to study for a PhD in Malaysia as an international student you will need to go through the immigration procedure. This involves first applying for a Visa Approval Letter (VAL) from the Malaysian Immigration Department.

Once you have obtained a VAL you can arrange to travel to Malaysia where you will need to present this document to the authorities when you arrive. Your passport will then be stamped allowing you to remain in the country to apply for your Students Pass .

You’ll usually apply for the Student Pass through your Malaysian university, which will then be processed by the Malaysian Immigration Department.

In order to acquire a Student Pass you will need:

  • A copy of your passport
  • An offer letter
  • Health declaration form
  • Your academic certificates and transcripts
  • Personal bond (this is through the university)
  • English language test

The student pass processing fee is MYR 1,060 (USD $240) and is non-refundable, though some institutions are entitled to rebates. You may also have to pay MYR 579 for subsequent document processing, which is refunable in the event of an unsucessful application.

If you would like more information, the Education Malaysia Global Services website has more on visas and immigration for international students wishing to study for a PhD in Malaysia.

Despite Malaysia only recently starting to grow its higher education sector, many of the universities are already performing well against regional competitors and some are now even recognised on the global stage. This, combined with the rapid economic growth, makes for a very attractive country for hi-tech industries and businesses.

A PhD from a Malaysian university lends itself to exciting employment prospects both in Malaysia and internationally.

Find a PhD in Malaysia

Want to start your PhD journey in Malaysia? Why not take a look at the PhD projects in Malaysia we have listed. Alternatively, you can view our other guides to PhD study abroad .

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What's it like to live in Malaysia during a PhD? Our guide covers accommodation, student living costs, working and other key information.

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Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)

phd malaysia

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) is University of Malaya’s premier research training degree. The pinnacle of academic achievement here at University of Malaya, the Ph.D is awarded based on the foundation of the thesis prepared under supervision, resulting in an original and significant contribution, displaying extensive knowledge and comprehension of the subject and field of study.

Judged by independent experts using current and internationally accepted standards, the University’s Ph.D programme produces human capital, which is not only intellectual and skilful in modern technology but also very versatile and able to handle problems in real life situation. Ph.D. students will carry out focused research in their area of specialisation, which is of immediate relevance to local interest. Additionally, they will be alert to the challenges faced in the international arena through the media, seminars, conferences and keynote addresses, and also through research attachments and collaborative exchange arrangements with international recognised research centres.

The Ph.D programme is more than just an academic distinction. The programmes are designed to ensure the fields of study remain relevant to the needs of today. At the same time, the candidates in pursuit of their Ph.D’s foresee the changes of societal & industry standards, trends and behavioural patterns; the very same qualities that make them brilliant and effective leaders.

Career Opportunity

  • Investment Banker
  • Ambassadorial Aide
  • Economic Advisor
  • Market Researcher
  • Regional Headquarters Branch Manager

Course Structure

This Ph.D programme is purely based on individual supervised research. At the end of the candidate's study, a thesis must be submitted and upon successful defense of the paper, the candidate will be granted Ph.D status. All research proposals must be approved and supervised by the Faculty.

Ph.D candidates’ theses must not exceed 100,000 words. They are required to complete their studies within 12 semesters.

Language Requirement

phd malaysia

Entry Requirement

Please click  here  (Malaysian and International)

Intake Schedule

Please click here (Local student)

Please click here (International student)

Last Update: 31/07/2023

Doctorate Programmes - UNITAR International University

Doctorate Programmes

What is a doctorate programme? Also known as doctoral, it is an overarching term for many degrees including PhD programme s. Among all the academic levels, a doctorate degree sits at the highest level. 

At UNITAR International University, we offer doctorate degrees that fall under the research category. Within this category, you will be introduced to the Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD ) programme s. 

Here are a few good reasons why UNITAR is an ideal university to pursue your PhD degree in Malaysia :

  • UNITAR’s Awards and Recognition 

Our university is among the leading tertiary institutions in the Education & Learning category while being voted by the people in the Putra Brand Awards 2021.

We are also accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC) for Quality Assurance and Enhancement, Student Welfare, Marketing and Recruitment, Learning and Teaching; Course Delivery, Management and Staff Resources and Premises and Health & Safety.

Furthermore, we are nominated as the Employer’s Top Choice by Talentbank as well as being awarded 5-Stars by the QS Rating in Teaching, Employability, Online Education, Accounting & Finance and Inclusiveness. 

Being an award-winning local private university in Malaysia, it comes as no surprise that both local and international students would add UNITAR to their list of universities to enrol at. 

  • *100% Research-Based Programmes

People pursue doctorate programmes for different reasons, be it a love of lifelong learning or a passion for their chosen career. PhD programmes are mainly focused on mastering a subject in terms of theory.

Choosing to study at our university will equip you to be a leader in your field with deep, researched-backed knowledge and expertise. Moreover, you can work on your thesis or dissertation either in English or Bahasa Malaysia . Similar to any PhD course, there is flexibility in consultation hours with your chosen supervisor. 

* Terms and conditions apply

  • Online Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

Business administration is a highly sought-after field because of its career versatility, not to mention that every organisation needs a specialised individual who can lead and manage the team to ensure smooth business operations. Our online Doctor in Business Administration programme focuses on supervised research work, equipping graduates with in-depth business and management knowledge while showing the implementation strategies. Prefer face-to-face? We also offer a conventional Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business Administration programme . 

  • Exposure Beyond Borders 

Doctorate students at UNITAR can gain local and international exposure to the education landscape. Previously, we collaborated with UNICEF and the British High Commission KL.

  • Research Funding  

Get appointed as Graduate Research Assistants that can be partially funded by the Industry and Government Research Grants which is under the Principal Investigator .

  • EPF Withdrawal Available

UNITAR doctorate students can apply for financial aid via the EPF Account II Withdrawal. Essentially, the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) (Account II) Withdrawal Scheme for Education allows Employees Provident Fund (EPF) members to withdraw from Account II to pay the fees to undertake further studies in local or overseas institutions.

Browsing for online or conventional PhD programme s in Malaysia ? Check out the doctorate programmes below.  

Find a programme

Area of Study

  • Accounting & Finance
  • Art & Design
  • Business & Entrepreneurship
  • Information Technology
  • Micro-Credentials

Level of Study

  • Bachelor Degree
  • Certificate
  • Doctorate (PhD)
  • Postgraduate Diploma
  • Johor Bahru
  • Kota Kinabalu
  • Kuala Lumpur
  • Kuala Terengganu
  • Petaling Jaya (Main)

Bachelor of Accounting - UNITAR International University

Bachelor of Accounting (Hons)

MOHE/MQA: (R2/344/6/0067) 01/29 (MQA/FA 0904)

Bachelor of Accounting | UNITAR International University

Bachelor of Accounting (Hons) – Online

MOHE/MQA: N-(DL/344/6/0556) 12/27 (MQA/PA 13957)

bachelor of animation design with game art (hons)

Bachelor of Animation Design with Game Art (Hons)

MOHE/MQA: (N/213/6/0361) 02/29 (MQA/PA 15203)

Bachelor of Business Administration Honours - UNITAR International University

Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons)

MOHE/MQA: (R2/345/6/0969) 02/29 (MQA/FA 1711)

Bachelor of Business Administration Honours Online - UNITAR International University

Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) – Online

MOHE/MQA: R2-(DL/345/6/0105) 04/29 (MQA/FA 1866)

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education - UNITAR International University

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education) (Hons)

MOHE/MQA: (R2/143/6/0214) 04/29 (MQA/FA 1746)

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education Honours - UNITAR International University

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education) (Hons) – Online

MOHE/MQA: R2-(DL/0112/6/0019) 04/29 (MQA/FA 1872)

Bachelor of Education Honours - UNITAR International University

Bachelor of Education (Hons)

MOHE/MQA: (R2/142/6/0014) 01/29 (MQA/FA 1704)

Bachelor of Education Honours Online - UNITAR International University

Bachelor of Education (Hons) – Online

MOHE/MQA: R2-(DL/142/6/0014) 01/29 (MQA/FA 1859)

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Bachelor of Fashion Design with Marketing (Hons)

MOHE/MQA: (N/214/6/0225) 02/27 (MQA/PA 15201)

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Bachelor of Finance (Fintech) (Honours)

MOHE/MQA: N/0412/6/0010 (10/28) MQA/PA 16700

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MOHE/MQA: (N-DL/0412/6/0011) 08/28 (MQA/PA 16701)

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Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons)

MOHE/MQA: (R2/481/6/0155) 02/29 (MQA/FA 1697)

Bachelor of Information Technology Honours Online - UNITAR International University

Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) – Online

MOHE/MQA: (R2/481/6/0170) 02/29 (MQA/FA 1857)

Bachelor of Psychology Honours - UNITAR International University

Bachelor of Psychology (Hons)

MOHE/MQA: (N/311/6/0115) 09/27 (MQA/FA 13904)

Bachelor of Psychology Honours Online - UNITAR International University

Bachelor of Psychology (Hons) – Online

MOHE/MQA: N-(DL/311/6/0117) 12/27 (MQA/PA 13962)

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Certificate in Art and Design

MOHE/MQA: (N/214/3/0196)(11/26)(MQA/PA15141)

certificate in business studies - unitar international university

Certificate in Business Studies

MOHE/MQA: (N/340/3/0769)(04/24)(MQA/FA11476)

Certificate in Business Studies online - UNITAR International University

Certificate in Business Studies – Online

MOHE/MQA: (N-DL/0414/3/0002)(05/27)(MQA/PA15231)

Diploma in Accounting - UNITAR International University

Diploma in Accounting

MOHE/MQA: (R2/344/4/0082) 02/27 (MQA/FA 1705)

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Diploma in Animation Design

MOHE/MQA: (N/213/4/0366) 09/27 (MQA/FA 13902)

Diploma in Business Administration - UNITAR International University

Diploma in Business Administration

MOHE/MQA: (R2/0414/4/0171) 02/27 (MQA/FA 1709)

Diploma in Business Administration Online - UNITAR International University

Diploma in Business Administration – Online

MOHE/MQA: (R2-DL/345/4/0159) 04/27 (MQA/FA 1864)

Diploma in Early Childhood Education - UNITAR International University

Diploma in Early Childhood Education

MOHE/MQA: (R2/143/4/0023) 01/29 (MQA/FA 1703)

Diploma in Early Childhood Education Online - UNITAR International University

Diploma in Early Childhood Education – Online

MOHE/MQA: (R2-DL/143/4/0028) 05/29 (MQA/FA 1883)

diploma in fashion design

Diploma in Fashion Design

MOHE/MQA: (N/214/4/0220) 09/27 (MQA/FA13947)

Diploma in Information Technology - UNITAR International University

Diploma in Information Technology

MOHE/MQA: (R2/481/4/0152) 02/27 (MQA/FA 1696)

Diploma in Information Technology – Online

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Diploma in Interior Design

MOHE/MQA: (N/214/4/0221) 09/27 (MQA/FA 13903)

Diploma in Logistics Management - UNITAR International University

Diploma in Logistics Management

MOHE/MQA: (R/0414/4/0228) 12/27 (MQA/FA 6635)

Diploma in Logistics Management Online - UNITAR International University

Diploma in Logistics Management – Online

MOHE/MQA: (N-DL/345/4/1185) 06/26 (MQA/PA13960)

Diploma in Psychology - UNITAR International University

Diploma in Psychology

MOHE/MQA: (N/311/4/0122) 09/27 (MQA/PA 13954)

Diploma in Psychology Online - UNITAR International University

Diploma in Psychology – Online

MOHE/MQA: (N/311/4/0123) 09/27 (MQA/PA 13955)

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MOHE/MQA: (N-DL/340/7/0786) 10/28 (MQA/PA 15067)

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education

MOHE/MQA: (R/142/8/0012) 10/27 (MQA/FA 3855)

Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration - UNITAR International University

Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration

MOHE/MQA: (R/345/8/0486) 02/26 (MQA/FA3740)

Doctor of Philosophy in Management - UNITAR International University

Doctor of Philosophy in Management

MOHE/MQA: (R/345/8/0487) 10/27 (MQA/FA 3741)

Doctor of Philosophy in Information Technology - UNITAR International University

Doctor of Philosophy Information Technology

MOHE/MQA: (R2-DL/482/8/0144) 01/29 (MQA/FA 1743)

Foundation in Arts - Unitar International University

Foundation in Arts

MOHE/MQA: (N/010/3/0551) 06/26 (MQA/FA 14660)

Foundation in Arts Online - UNITAR International University

Foundation in Arts – Online

MOHE/MQA: (N-DL/0011/3/0001) 04/27 (MQA/PA 15329)

foundation in information technology - Unitar international university

Foundation in Information Technology

MOHE/MQA: (R2/010/3/0424) 01/27 (MQA/FA 1700)

Foundation in Information Technology online - UNITAR International University

Foundation in Information Technology – Online

MOHE/MQA: (N-DL/0011/3/0005) 06/27 (MQA/FA 15716)

Foundation in Management - UNITAR International University

Foundation in Management

MOHE/MQA: (R2/010/3/0427) 02/27 (MQA/FA 1742)

Foundation in Management Online- Unitar International University

Foundation in Management – Online

MOHE/MQA: R2-(DL/010/3/0462) 06/27 (MQA/FA 2222)

Master of Business Administration - UNITAR International University

Master of Business Administration

MOHE/MQA: (R2/340/7/0129) 02/27 (MQA/FA 1712)

Master of Business Administration Online - UNITAR International University

Master of Business Administration – Online

MOHE/MQA: (R2-DL/0414/7/0139) 02/27 (MQA/FA 1756)

Master of Early Childhood Education Online - UNITAR International University

Master of Education (Early Childhood Education) – Online

MOHE/MQA: (R2-DL/143/7/0027) 04/27 (MQA/FA 1873)

Master in Educational Leadership and Management - UNITAR International University

Master of Education (Educational Leadership & Management)

MOHE/MQA: (R2/142/7/0009) 04/27 (MQA/FA 1751)

Master in Educational Leadership and Management Online - UNITAR International University

Master of Education (Educational Leadership & Management) – Online

MOHE/MQA: (R2-DL/0014/7/0012) 04/27 (MQA/FA 1877)

Master in Instructional Technology online - UNITAR International University

Master of Education (Instructional Technology) – Online

MOHE/MQA: (N-DL/142/7/0033) 10/26 (MQA/PA15069)

Master in Teaching English as a Second Language Online - UNITAR International University

Master of Education (Teaching of English as a Second Language) – Online

MOHE/MQA: R2-(DL/145/7/0017) 04/27 (MQA/FA 1876)

Master of Information Technology - UNITAR International University

Master of Information Technology

MOHE/MQA: (R2/481/7/0158) 01/27 (MQA/FA 1699)

Master of Information Technology Online - UNITAR International University

Master of Information Technology – Online

MOHE/MQA: (N-DL/482/7/0166) 11/25 (MQA/PA 13958)

Postgraduate Diploma in Education Online - UNITAR International University

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) – Online

MOHE/MQA: (R/145/7/0053) 02/25 (MQA/FA 4929)

UNITAR UPSI Dual Degree Programme - UNITAR International University

UPSI-UNITAR Dual-Degree Programme Bachelor of Education (Hons) (TESL)

MOHE/MQA: (MQA/FA 10538)(R2/142/6/0014)(01/29)(MQA/FA 1704)

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PhD in Chemical Engineering ​


January / July

PhD in Petroleum Engineering


PhD in Petroleum​ Geoscience ​​

JPT/BPP(R3/524/8/0020)12/27 ​

PhD in Civil Engineering


PhD in Mechanical Engineering ​​ ​


PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering ​


PhD in Information Technology ​ ​ ​                          


PhD in Information Systems ​​


PhD in Management ​ ​ ​


​ PhD in Applied Science   ​


Doctor of Philosophy ​​ ​ ​


Important Dates and Semester of Intakes

​For Local Applicants

​For International Applicants

Duration of Programmes

​ Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Science

36 - 96 months

48 - 120 months

Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering

Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering

Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Doctor of Philosophy in Information Technology

Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems

Doctor of Philosophy in Management

Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering

Doctor of Philosophy in Petroleum En​gineering

Doctor of Philosophy in Petroleum Geoscience

Doctor of Philosophy

Note : Duration of Programmes is applicable for January 2021 Intake and onwards. ​

UTP's Vision

A Leader in Technology Education and Centre for Creativity and Innovation.

UTP's Mission

  • UT​​​​​​​​​P is an institute of higher learning. We provide opportunities for the pursuit of knowledge and expertise for the advancemen​t of engineering, science and technology to enhance the nation's competitiveness.
  • O​​​​​​ur objective is to produce well-rounded graduates who are creative and innovative with the potential to become leaders of industry and the nation.
  • Our​ ai​​​​​​​m is to nurture creativity and innovativeness and expand the frontiers of technology and education for the betterment of society.
  • Mechanical Systems Design
  • Vehicle Design
  • Advanced Engine Development
  • Advanced Materials and Processing
  • Manufacturing System Optimization
  • Energy Systems
  • Corrosion and Reliability

Electrical & Electronic

  • Intelligent Imaging
  • Communications
  • Industrial Automations
  • Sensor Technology
  • Energy Utilisation & Power System
  • System Level Integration
  • Electronic System Design
  • Power Electronics
  • Power Systems
  • Microelectronics
  • Structural Engineering
  • Off-shore Structures
  • Highway & Transportation Design
  • Environmental Engineering and Management
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Water Resources Engineering
  • Geographical Information System (GIS)
  • Construction and Project Management
  • Waste Water Engineering
  • Ionic Liquid
  • Environment
  • Material Development
  • Advanced Process Control
  • Process System
  • Process Safety
  • Reactor Technology

Computer and Information Sciences

  • Advanced Database and E-Commerce
  • Knowledge Management
  • Software Engineering
  • Data Comm. & Networking
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Network and Communication System
  • Enterprise Resource Information System
  • High Performance Computing
  • Cloud Computing
  • Green Computing

Petroleum Engineering

  • Enhanced Oil Recovery
  • Oil Field Chemical
  • Flow Assurance
  • Drilling Optimization
  • Drilling Fluid and Completion
  • Cementing Technology
  • Deep Reservoir (High Pressure High Temperature)
  • Unconventional Hydrocarbon

Petroleum Geoscience

  • Rock Physics
  • Advanced Seismic Technology
  • Non-Seismic Methods
  • Integrated Basin Analysis
  • Reservoir Characterization, Modeling & Simulation
  • Carbonate Reservoir Characterization
  • Carbonate Sedimentology, Diagenesis and Sequence Stratigraphy

Fundamental & Applied Sciences / Science

  • Mathematics
  • Statistics​
  • Process System Engineering
  • Nanotechnology
  • Renewable Energy Systems (Solar Energy and Wind Energy )
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Product Management
  • Advertising and Promotion
  • Multinational Business
  • International Culture
  • Corporate Entrepreneurship
  • Small & Medium Enterprise
  • Family Business
  • Strategic Planning
  • Corporate Governance
  • Risk Management
  • Recruitment
  • Performance Management
  • Training & Development
  • Change Management
  • Team & Group Dynamics
  • Organizational Commitment
  • Management Accounting
  • Financial Accounting
  • Corporate Finance
  • Investment and Portfolio Management
  • Financial Audit
  • Personal Financial Management

For potential supervisor, please click here.

Primarily focused on serving the Oil & Gas industry, Research Institutes conducts specific research programmes to support PETRONAS's core business and the nation's development. There are 3 Research Institutes across niche disciplines for the benefit of the industry and the nation as a whole.

Contact Persons for Programme

You may contact the various department and contact person listed below for more information.

Note: All contact persons are available only during working days, Monday to Friday (except public holidays) from 8am to 5pm (GMT +8.00).

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  • Whistleblowing

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia

Tel: 1-300-22-8887 | Enquiries: UCS Portal

Registration NO: DU003(A)

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KPT/JPS (R2/440/8/0052) (A10906) 02/25

Our Doctor of Philosophy in Science programme is research-based, allowing students to engage in an immersive research experience and fostering a deep passion for discovery.

As a doctoral student in the School of Biosciences, you will have the privilege of working closely with esteemed faculty members who are leading experts in their respective fields. They will serve as mentors and guides, supporting you throughout your research journey. Our faculty members are committed to fostering a stimulating research environment, offering invaluable insights and expertise.

School Biosciences

Intake Month

February, April, June, September and October

Study Options

Full time or part time

Accreditation by MQA

Normal and Prior Publication

Study Programme

3 to 6-year (full time) or 4 to 8-year (part time)

Interested to know more? Start your journey with us now.

Come join us for Taylor’s Open Day 2024!

Happening on 10,11, 17, and 18 August (Saturdays and Sundays), turn your knowledge into purpose for real impact at Taylor’s. Explore our world-class learning environment and industry connections, propelling you to success at our elite institutions, ranked among Asia’s Top 50 and the World’s Top 1%.

Key Highlights of Doctor of Philosophy in Science

Our PhD in Science programme is designed to develop graduates who possess a wide range of competencies. We are committed to equipping you with the skills and abilities to synthesise knowledge, adapt practical skills, conduct independent research, demonstrate leadership qualities, and critically appraise problems using scientific skills.

Throughout your studies, you will engage in advanced studies and research that will enable you to synthesise existing knowledge in your field of study. We emphasise the importance of staying abreast of the latest developments and trends in your discipline, allowing you to contribute to the expansion of knowledge in your area of expertise.

  • Full time 3 - 6 years
  • Part time 4 - 8 years

Note : All information is subject to change. Readers are responsible for verifying information that pertains to them by contacting the university.

Research Methodology

In their first year, students must complete the following modules (totalling 6 credit hours): Research Method for Science and either Qualitative Research Methods or Quantitative Research Methods.

Key Research Areas

At Taylor's University, we believe research can help shape the future. Our postgraduate research programmes cover a broad range of topics with the aim to help shape the future in the aspects of society, technology, economy, and environment.

Interested to know more?

Infection Disease

The rich biodiversity of Malaysia enables the discovery of novel compounds to fight infectious diseases. At Taylor's University, the identified natural compounds will be examined for their bioactive properties as well as their mode of action. In addition to the antimicrobial research, the host-pathogen interaction research is focused to understand the disease manifestation in host cells.

Non-Communicable Diseases

Diet, smoking, alcohol consumption, a sedentary lifestyle and stress have contributed to greater incidences of heart disease, respiratory disease, diabetes and cancer, among others. Available drugs for these diseases are often accompanied by undesirable side effects, not selective enough or simply too expensive. Hence, this cluster targets the discovery of novel lead compounds and to scientifically validate natural remedies for lifestyle-related chronic diseases.

Environmental Research

Research conducted in this cluster focuses in bioremediation, taxonomic identification of marine flora and to facilitate the development of mechanisms or processes that are in compliance with environmental laws. It will target improvement in resources savings, waste disposal and resolving environmental stress issues. In addition, researchers in this cluster also provide consultation and training in environmental management systems.

Food Science And Nutrition

The broader aim of research in this cluster is to study the fundamentals and applied aspects of new functional foods, medical foods and nutraceuticals as well as new technologies that facilitate development of novel consumer products that enhance human health, food safety and functionality.

Hiring Graduate Students

More than 300 postgraduates have chosen Taylor's to fulfill their research aspiration. Join us and contribute to our innovative and progressive research projects here.

We offered two entry pathway for this PhD programme, which is normal mode and prior to publication mode. Our PhD by Prior Publication mode provides a unique pathway for you to achieve a Doctoral award based on your existing body of work. We recognise the value of your prior publications and include them as a significant part of your submission for the Doctoral award.

Normal Mode

Master's Degree

Masters in the field of Science; OR

Bachelor's Degree

Passed Bachelor's degree in Science with min. CGPA 3.67 and registered as a Masters candidate and passed related qualifying assessment

Other equivalent qualifications

Any other equivalent qualification recognised by the Malaysian Government or accepted by the Taylor's University Senate and any of condition of the above would require student's research proposal to be approved.

English Requirement for international students : IELTS 5.0 / TOEFL 40 (Internet Based Test) (May join IEN preparatory course and achieve the IELTS score) The validity of the IELTS or equivalent is within 2 years from the date of the examination.

[1] Bachelor's degree in Science candidates who are registered for master's degree programmes in Science may apply to convert to the doctoral degree programmes subjected to the following conditions:

  • Within 1 year for full time and within 2 years for part-time candidates;
  • Having shown competency and capability in conducting research at doctoral level through rigorous internal evaluation.
  • Approval of the Taylor's University Senate.

[2] All information is subject to change. The above entry requirements serve as a guideline. Readers are responsible to verify the information by contacting the university's Admissions Department.

Prior Publication Mode

You will need to fulfill one of the below:

  • Obtain a master's degree in the field or related fields accepted by the HEP Senate
  • Obtain other qualifications equivalent to a master's degree recognised by the Government of Malaysia
  • Candidates without a related qualification in the field/s or working experience in the relevant fields must undergo appropriate prerequisite courses determined by the HEP

In addition to the above criteria, those who want to join Doctoral Degree by Retrospective or Prior Publication mode must include the below to the formal application:

  • Minimum of 5 publications or equivalent works in alignment with the theme of the specialisation;
  • An executive summary of the above publications to demonstrate the applicant’s contribution to knowledge in the field;
  • A list of scholarly published work;

The minimum language proficiency of the candidates must be determined by the HEP consistent with applicable programme standards or based on the needs of the programme,

i.e., learning outcomes and the medium of instruction.

A Selection Committee must be established to review the formal application for PhD by Retrospective or Prior Publication and recommend to the Senate to obtain approval.

Criteria for published works

  • Published work must encompass high-quality journals, monographs, books, research-based chapters in books, electronic publications which have not been used to obtain other awards or deemed a part of those awards.
  • The publications must be published within a period not exceeding ten (10) years from the date of submission.
  • For the five (5) nominated publications, the candidate must be the principal author with the contributions of others clearly defined.

All information is subject to change. The above entry requirements serve as a guideline. Readers are responsible to verify the information by contacting the university's Admissions Department.

When you've successfully completed this Doctor of Philosophy in Science programme, you could embark on any of these exciting careers, including:

  • Pharmaceutical Scientist
  • Biotech Specialist
  • Clinical Researcher
  • Environmental Consultant
  • Data Analyst
  • R&D Manager
  • Regulatory Affairs

How long is the candidature?

The minimum duration of candidature is 6 months and must not exceed 2 years.

What are the criteria for the award of the degree?

The minimum requirement for the award of the degree is to:

  • Pass thesis examination and viva-voce/ oral examination.
  • Confirmation of meeting minimum candidature period (from the first day of intake commencement to confirmation of satisfactory amendment of thesis/dissertation by examiners).

How will progression tracking be done?

Progression tracking is done by monitoring of research progress periodically through:

  • Regular consultation with the supervisors (supervisor-supervisee log)
  • Progress report; and Seminars (research seminar, thesis completion seminar)

Embarking on your journey towards a Doctor of Philosophy in Science marks a pivotal step in advancing your academic and research career. We are here to guide you through the application process, ensuring it is as seamless and straightforward as possible. To discover more about the procedure and the documents required, please visit our Admissions website for further information.

Looking for more information?

If you require additional information about the programme, our friendly team is always on hand to assist and answer any queries you may have. Additionally, you can also book a 1:1 appointment with our team for guidance in structuring your preferences and understanding the entry pathways.

Doctor of Philosophy in Science

Approximate Total Fees (Normal Mode) Approximate Total Fees (Prior Publication Mode) Local Student International Student

We offer scholarships to help brightest minds

Reach their fullest potential..

Note:  Fees will be reviewed annually. For the avoidance of doubt, Taylor’s reserves the right to revise the fee payable for any given semester.


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Copyright © 2024 Taylor’s University Sdn. Bhd. 198601000495 (149634-D) DU023 (B). All rights reserved


PHD Programmes

Our Postgraduate programs provide opportunities to our students who wish to pursue and conduct in-depth research in specialized areas, while also exploring and expanding their knowledge in their ever-growing and ever-changing fields of study. The Postgraduate programs also offer flexibility to our students as they develop their study and research portfolios. Our roster of industry and academic professional supervisors are at every student’s disposal.

Fulfil your potential

phd malaysia

Transportation & Logistics

Doctor of philosophy in transportation & logistics.

phd malaysia

Information Technology

Doctor of philosophy in informatics.

phd malaysia

Business & Management

Doctor of philosophy in management, more than academics, student experience.


Our Facilities

study abroad

Academic Partners


Industry Partners


Doctoral Degree

- application for semester 1, session 2024/2025 is now open..

* Deadline for Coursework / Mix Mode is 30 August 2024 * Application for Research Semester 2, Session 2023/2024 is still open until  31 May 2024

1) Applications must be submitted online through our application portal at https://apply.um.edu.my 2) Choose programme(s) 3) Complete your application - Personal details, academic qualifications, etc. 4) Upload document - Passport, photo, academic transcript, certificate, etc. 5) Pay application fee via Payment Gateway FPX, Debit/ Credit Card, Flywire. Payment of application fees: (a) Malaysian applicants: •⁠  ⁠Full-Time & Part-Time, Conventional Mode Programme: RM 50.00 per application •⁠  ⁠Full-Time, Online & Distance Learning Mode Programme: RM 300.00 per application (b) International applicants:  •⁠  Full-Time & Part-Time, Conventional Mode Programme: RM 300.00 per application •⁠  ⁠Full-Time, Online & Distance Learning Mode Programme: RM 300.00 per application 6) Submit your application and receive acknowledgement of your application via email. 7) Check the application status on the application portal. 8) Accept the offer on the application portal.

UM EXPERT APPLY Note : Universiti Malaya will not process any incomplete online application including those without application fees.

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  • Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Materials Engineering (Honours)
  • Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Computer Science Bachelor of Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Computer Science in Data Science Bachelor of Computer Science in Data Science
  • Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine
  • Bachelor of Human Nutrition
  • Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Psychology
  • Bachelor of Psychology and Business Bachelor of Psychology and Business
  • Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science
  • Course structure
  • Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Honours) Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Medical Bioscience Bachelor of Medical Bioscience
  • Bachelor of Food Science and Technology Bachelor of Food Science and Technology
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Applied Data Science
  • Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY) Monash University Foundation Year (MUFY) -->
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  • Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences -->
  • Master of Pharmaceutical Science Master of Pharmaceutical Science
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How to apply

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  • Monash English (ME) Monash English (ME)
  • Complete the application details
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  • Online Banking
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  • Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP): Heart vs. Brain Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP): Heart vs. Brain
  • The role of photovoltaic cells in our energy transition The role of photovoltaic cells in our energy transition
  • Heart attacks: Gone with the century? Heart attacks: Gone with the century?
  • Health interventions for health improvements Health interventions for health improvements
  • A global village to address malaria A global village to address malaria
  • Will it be us or nuclear weapons? Will it be us or nuclear weapons?
  • Harnessing a virus to fight cancer Harnessing a virus to fight cancer
  • The social psychology of globalisation The social psychology of globalisation
  • Sexual Rights: Leaving no one behind Sexual Rights: Leaving no one behind
  • Brexit: The future of healthcare in Europe Brexit: The future of healthcare in Europe
  • Epilepsy: not just a disease Epilepsy: not just a disease
  • Nanotechnology: Promise for the future Nanotechnology: Promise for the future
  • A case of state intervention in the economy A case of state intervention in the economy
  • Nobel Laureate graces Monash University Malaysia Nobel Laureate graces Monash University Malaysia
  • Food for thought Food for thought
  • China's challenges and uncertainties discussed China's challenges and uncertainties discussed
  • Expert says health conditions are linked to early microbiome composition Expert says health conditions are linked to early microbiome composition
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  • Electrical engineering: Illuminating the past, present, and future Electrical engineering: Illuminating the past, present, and future -->
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  • Diploma vs. foundation course: which path is right for you? Diploma vs. foundation course: which path is right for you? -->
  • Top reasons to choose a foundation in science before an undergraduate graduate programs Top reasons to choose a foundation in science before an undergraduate graduate programs -->
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  • IWD Series #2 - Women in Leadership IWD Series #2 - Women in Leadership -->
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  • IWD Series #5 - Women in Leadership IWD Series #5 - Women in Leadership -->
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  • IWD Series #7 - Women in Leadership IWD Series #7 - Women in Leadership -->
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  • Top PhD Programs at Monash Malaysia: Exploring Excellence Top PhD Programs at Monash Malaysia: Exploring Excellence -->
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  • Understanding PhD and Professional Doctorate Degrees: What's the Difference Understanding PhD and Professional Doctorate Degrees: What's the Difference -->
  • Postgraduate Education: Pathways, Prospects, and Possibilities Postgraduate Education: Pathways, Prospects, and Possibilities -->
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  • What Master’s Degree should I get? Top 5 steps to decide What Master’s Degree should I get? Top 5 steps to decide -->
  • From emotion to words From emotion to words -->
  • Striving for Excellence Striving for Excellence -->
  • Monash Lens Monash Lens -->
  • Research with impact Research with impact -->
  • Research & industry
  • About Research About Research -->
  • Research with impact
  • Researchers investigate pipes to reduce non-revenue water Researchers investigate pipes to reduce non-revenue water -->
  • New millennium sees biometrics bursting into the mainstream New millennium sees biometrics bursting into the mainstream -->
  • Designing an exoskeleton to assist motion Designing an exoskeleton to assist motion -->
  • Metabolic syndrome: Solace and solution through peer-support lifestyle intervention Metabolic syndrome: Solace and solution through peer-support lifestyle intervention -->
  • Medical or supernatural: Breaking stigma linked to epilepsy Medical or supernatural: Breaking stigma linked to epilepsy -->
  • Genomics: A shining light of hope Genomics: A shining light of hope -->
  • Understanding the attraction between men and women Understanding the attraction between men and women -->
  • The Nudge Theory The Nudge Theory -->
  • Managing online forums in the age of misinformation Managing online forums in the age of misinformation -->
  • Solar energy! The way towards sustainable development Solar energy! The way towards sustainable development -->
  • Turning e-waste trash into treasure Turning e-waste trash into treasure -->
  • Studying the therapeutic effects of snake venom on cancer cells Studying the therapeutic effects of snake venom on cancer cells -->
  • COVID-19 does not discriminate COVID-19 does not discriminate -->
  • Skin treatment: Moving towards natural products Skin treatment: Moving towards natural products -->
  • The quest to meet an effective hangover treatment The quest to meet an effective hangover treatment -->
  • Is the pandemic nudging people to buy life insurances? Is the pandemic nudging people to buy life insurances? -->
  • The big threat: Antibiotic resistance The big threat: Antibiotic resistance -->
  • Going stealth to preserve content quality Going stealth to preserve content quality -->
  • Drones as the new flying IoT Drones as the new flying IoT -->
  • The trailblazer of Malaysian PR The trailblazer of Malaysian PR -->
  • Bats: Bane or blessing? Bats: Bane or blessing? -->
  • A partnership to promote women’s equality and empowerment A partnership to promote women’s equality and empowerment -->
  • Extracellular vesicles: Novel and non-invasive cancer biomarkers Extracellular vesicles: Novel and non-invasive cancer biomarkers -->
  • Digital health support for prediabetic community Digital health support for prediabetic community -->
  • Identifying gender-based biomarkers to assess ageing disorders Identifying gender-based biomarkers to assess ageing disorders -->
  • Eavesdropping on cell communications to diagnose and treat cancer earlier Eavesdropping on cell communications to diagnose and treat cancer earlier -->
  • Toolkit for improving social entrepreneurs’ wellbeing Toolkit for improving social entrepreneurs’ wellbeing -->
  • Mathematical tools produce new COVID-19 transmission dynamics Mathematical tools produce new COVID-19 transmission dynamics -->
  • Aducanumab: A new hope? Aducanumab: A new hope? -->
  • Palm oil mill as a circular economy hub Palm oil mill as a circular economy hub -->
  • Using AI to combat street crimes Using AI to combat street crimes -->
  • A heartbeat away from wellness A heartbeat away from wellness -->
  • Engineering better healthcare Engineering better healthcare -->
  • Understanding the gender dimensions of Nepali migrant work in Malaysia Understanding the gender dimensions of Nepali migrant work in Malaysia -->
  • Food science and technology for a sustainable future Food science and technology for a sustainable future -->
  • Diagnosis and severity assessment of Parkinson’s Disease through machine learning Diagnosis and severity assessment of Parkinson’s Disease through machine learning -->
  • Optimising medication use in older adults Optimising medication use in older adults -->
  • Agglomeration of industries in Malaysia Agglomeration of industries in Malaysia -->
  • Sustainable drug discovery Sustainable drug discovery -->
  • Technology can benefit older people Technology can benefit older people -->
  • The power of community - Relate Me The power of community - Relate Me -->
  • Combating COVID-19 using indoor data analytics Combating COVID-19 using indoor data analytics -->
  • BAITRADAR – A clickbait detection for YouTube BAITRADAR – A clickbait detection for YouTube -->
  • Understanding the role of viruses in the human gut Understanding the role of viruses in the human gut -->
  • CARENet - An intensive care mechanical ventilation treatment CARENet - An intensive care mechanical ventilation treatment -->
  • Gaining insights into gut microbiata Gaining insights into gut microbiata -->
  • The long-term risk of traumatic brain injury The long-term risk of traumatic brain injury -->
  • The relationship between COVID-19 Stressors and health behaviours The relationship between COVID-19 Stressors and health behaviours -->
  • Lights, camera, action! Lights, camera, action! -->
  • Video annotation tool to detect mental health problems Video annotation tool to detect mental health problems -->
  • Trauma, mental health and everyday functioning among Rohingya refugees Trauma, mental health and everyday functioning among Rohingya refugees -->
  • All-in-one dressing enhances wound healing All-in-one dressing enhances wound healing -->
  • Towards a great good place on campus Towards a great good place on campus -->
  • Liquid gold: Unlocking the medicinal properties of propolis Liquid gold: Unlocking the medicinal properties of propolis -->
  • The grey wave The grey wave -->
  • Machine learning to the rescue: Preventing cyberbullying in real time Machine learning to the rescue: Preventing cyberbullying in real time -->
  • Hypnosis, and the potential to manage pain Hypnosis, and the potential to manage pain -->
  • ChatGPT: AI problems revisited ChatGPT: AI problems revisited -->
  • Understanding the informal e-waste recycling sector in Malaysia Understanding the informal e-waste recycling sector in Malaysia -->
  • Who should be held liable when AI makes mistakes? Who should be held liable when AI makes mistakes? -->
  • Will self-driving cars solve the problem of traffic congestion? Will self-driving cars solve the problem of traffic congestion? -->
  • Safeguarding the cryptocurrency ecosystem Safeguarding the cryptocurrency ecosystem -->
  • Striving for a greener world with lignin waste Striving for a greener world with lignin waste -->
  • Healthy gut, healthy mind Healthy gut, healthy mind -->
  • ‘Revenge spenders’ may be fuelling inflation ‘Revenge spenders’ may be fuelling inflation -->
  • Data-driven nudging and smart tourism Data-driven nudging and smart tourism -->
  • Zero-calorie fats and oil: the future of healthy and delicious food Zero-calorie fats and oil: the future of healthy and delicious food -->
  • Debunking the myth: Why being gay is not a choice Debunking the myth: Why being gay is not a choice -->
  • A spoonful of honey a day keeps cancer away? A spoonful of honey a day keeps cancer away? -->
  • Improving the health and wellbeing of sexual and gender-minority people in Asia Improving the health and wellbeing of sexual and gender-minority people in Asia -->
  • Tocotrienols: The overlooked vitamin E that could boost your health Tocotrienols: The overlooked vitamin E that could boost your health -->
  • Muhibah project amplifies indigenous narratives Muhibah project amplifies indigenous narratives -->
  • Taking concrete action on more sustainable construction materials Taking concrete action on more sustainable construction materials -->
  • Microbes unveiled: Unlocking nature's solutions for environmental problems Microbes unveiled: Unlocking nature's solutions for environmental problems -->
  • Preserving cinematic heritage Preserving cinematic heritage -->
  • Unveiling the wonders of fireflies Unveiling the wonders of fireflies -->
  • Revolutionising biomass processing Revolutionising biomass processing -->
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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

KPT/JPT (R2/210/8/0016) 03/27 - MQA/SWA0117

Be part of a proud tradition of research excellence.

In the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program, you will conduct independent research on an extensive project in your chosen discipline, supported by a minimum of two academic supervisors throughout your doctoral candidature. Your study will result in a research thesis of 100,000 words, which makes a valuable contribution to the current body of knowledge on your chosen topic.

Monash scientists are consistently setting new standards that influence technological developments, contribute to improvements in health and social well-being, support environmental sustainability, and result in advances in industrial practices.

By undertaking a PhD in Science, you'll become a member of a dynamic community of scholars committed to innovation and discovery and contribute to the advancement of knowledge within your area of expertise in a stimulating, supportive and professional environment. You'll have access to internationally renowned research centres and develop connections with local industry and government.

Register for course updates ⎋

phd malaysia

Eliminating parasites

Professor Qasim Ayub is studying the genetic diversity of human hosts and pathogens, and how our immune systems respond to parasitic infections to change the way we treat them.

How to apply View

Step 1: check your eligibility.

To enter Monash University, students must satisfy particular academic,  English language and  age requirements.

To apply for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program in the School of Science , you must have completed a degree with honours 1 (first-class) or 2A (upper second class) in a relevant research area.

Note: Candidature rules and other important information for Master candidates in the Handbook for Master’s Degrees and PhD candidates in the Handbook for Doctoral Degrees


For further information, please click here .

Step 2: Find Supervisors (minimum two)

Graduate research degrees involve the independent investigation of a research problem formulated by students in consultation with their supervisors. Potential supervisors can be viewed using this link .

Step 3: Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI)

Once you have identified supervisors in the research area of your choice, candidates applying for research degrees at the School of Science , Monash University Malaysia must lodge the EOI together with the relevant supporting documents (undergraduate and postgraduate academic transcripts (certified English translation as required); IELTS/TOEFL test results (must be valid for two years); Publications, awards & references; Curriculum vitae; Evidence of relevant work experience) here . Please indicate clearly in your EOI the research degree area that you would like to pursue

Please note the submission of the EOI does not constitute a formal application for a Research Degree.

Step 4: Obtain an Invitation to Apply

Applicants whose EOI is successful will then receive an Invitation to Apply from the Monash University Malaysia Graduate Research Office.

Please bear in mind that the Monash University Malaysia Graduate Research Office receives a high volume of enquiries from potential students and it may take up to four weeks to receive a response.

Step 5: Lodge a Formal Application

After you have received an Invitation to Apply from the Monash University Malaysia Graduate Research Office you can then proceed to submit an application via the formal application stage (prior to starting your application, we strongly encourage you to review our Application Submission Guide which details all required supporting documentation and provides further useful information on our Graduate Research Admission & Scholarship Application portal).

Please note the Invitation to Apply does not guarantee an offer of admission, and will be subjected to any conditions stipulated in the invitation. If unsuccessful, applicants will receive feedback and alternative pathways.

Step 6: What happens next?

Once you’ve submitted your application, it will be reviewed and you will be notified via email of the outcome. For candidature only applications, please allow 4-8 weeks for your application to be processed.

If you are offered a place at Monash University Malaysia , your letter of offer will explain the enrolment process.

For further information and clarifications, please contact the Monash University Malaysia Graduate Research Office at [email protected] .

  • At a glance
  • Areas of research
  • Why Monash?
  • Career paths

3-4 years (full-time) or 6-8 years (part-time)

Throughout the year (subject to availability of supervision)

In 2024, the annual tuition fees for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Science are:

  • RM46,080 for Malaysian students
  • RM50,880 for international students.

General fees

  • Application (once only) - RM100
  • Registration (once only) - RM200
  • General amenities (per semester) - RM100
  • International student pass application -  Click here .

PhD Student at Monash Malaysia research lab

You can explore a variety of research areas within our Doctor of Philosophy program, including:

  • Biodiversity and conservation
  • Biotechnology
  • Food science and technology
  • Genetics, genomics and bioinformatics
  • Infectious diseases
  • Medical bioscience
  • Microbiology
  • Natural products and drug discovery
  • Tropical and environmental biology.

Doctoral students at Monash Malaysia research lab

Top 100 in the world

Your doctorate degree will be recognised wherever you want to work or study in the world. Monash University is ranked (QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024):

  • No. 17 for Anatomy and Physiology
  • No. 31 for Life Sciences and Medicine
  • No. 40 in the world for Chemistry
  • No. 66 in the world for Environmental Sciences
  • No. 72 for Biological Sciences
  • No. 91 for Natural Sciences.

Research excellence

Our interdisciplinary teams of researchers collaboratively work on critical problems at the intersection of biology, chemistry and medicine to deliver solutions for food, water, environmental and health. If you’re open-minded, practical, curious, and able to question why, you have what it takes to make scientific discoveries that’ll change the world we live in.

Finest infrastructure

Our research is supported by specialised facilities and comprehensive resources that can meet the demands of academic research and industrial collaborations. You’ll have access to innovative and high-performance infrastructure providing quality research services.

Advanced genomics facility

The first laboratory and research platform at Monash University Malaysia to achieve the ISO 9001:2015 standard, our genomics facility provides moderate to high throughput nucleic acid sequencing services to support researchers from the Malaysian and Australian campuses. It has produced over 150 publications and generated more than 1.7 terabytes of sequencing data.

Delivering impact

Significant developments in biology over the past 50 years are enhancing our ability to understand and shape the biosphere. Researchers on our Tropical Medicine and Biology platform are driving transformation in Southeast Asia and the tropics in key focus areas such as food security and biodiversity, telemedicine, immunity and infection, clinical research, human genetics, systems biology, and genomics.

Be supported

We're committed to supporting young scholars who want to change the world for the better.  Click here to view our range of prestigious scholarships.

Monash Science PhD graduates are highly employable, with many pursuing careers in academia and industry around the world. You'll find employment in:

  • genetic engineering
  • agricultural support
  • pharmaceutical science
  • banking and finance
  • environmental consulting
  • hospitals and medical institutes
  • food industries.

To enter Monash University, you must satisfy particular academic,  English language and  age requirements.

To apply for the Doctor of Philosophy, you must have completed at least one of the following:

  • A bachelor’s degree requiring at least four years of full-time study in a relevant field, and which normally includes a research component in the fourth year, leading to an honours 1 or 2A in a relevant field
  • A course leading to a level rated by the University as equivalent to an honours 1 or 2A in a relevant field
  • A master’s degree that entails work, normally including a significant research component, including at least 25% of one full-time equivalent year of work, including a thesis. It is normally expected that a grade of honours 2A has been obtained for the research thesis or project. Where ungraded, examiner’s reports will be taken into account
  • Have qualifications which in the opinion of the Graduate Research Committee and Monash Graduate Research Office are deemed equivalent.

phd malaysia

"It has been a fantastic experience at Monash. I had the opportunity to work with a multidisciplinary team and learn from well-reputed scientists who are passionate about their work. The friendly atmosphere and constant support from my supervisors and lab mates also made studying and living in Malaysia a nice and memorable experience."

Urszula Krzeminska Doctor of Philosophy

Related courses

  • Master of Science (Research)

Get in touch

Visit the School of Science or contact the Monash University Malaysia Graduate Research Office at [email protected] for more information about this degree.

Curtin University, Malaysia | Miri, Sarawak, Borneo

  • Current Students
  • Staff Services
  • Curtin ePay
  • Chair’s Message
  • Higher Degree by Research
  • Thesis Committee, Assessor & Examiner
  • Forms & Resources
  • Important Information While You Study
  • Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Milestones
  • Preparing and Submitting Your Thesis
  • Research Ethics and Safety
  • Information Before Submission of Your Application
  • Application
  • Flow of Application Process
  • Application Form
  • Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

As a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) candidate, you will uncover new knowledge either by the discovery of new facts, the formulation of theories or the innovative reinterpretation of known data and established ideas. Your research will use an in-depth understanding of theories and concepts to develop practical solutions for real-world problems.

Doctor of Philosophy is a higher degree obtained after a period of study primarily devoted to an extensive research project, culminating in the submission of a thesis.

The thesis must, in the opinion of the examiners, be a substantial original contribution to the knowledge or understanding of any field through the discovery of new facts, the formulation of theories or the innovative reinterpretation of known data and established ideas. It must also demonstrate your capacity to conceive, design and complete independent research.

  • Faculty of Engineering and Science

Doctor of Philosophy

  • Engineering
  • Faculty of Business
  • Business and Administration

Faculty of Humanities

The aims, objectives and learning outcomes.

The aims, objectives and learning outcomes are as follows:

Aims:  Graduates will have undertaken a programme of independent supervised study that produces significant and original research outcomes culminating in a thesis for independent examination by at least two external expert examiners of international standing.

Objectives:  The research in the programme of learning will be conducted over a period of at least two year and typically this will constitute two-thirds or more of the qualification. The programme may also include advanced coursework or training to enhance the capacity of the student to make a significant contribution to knowledge in the discipline studied.

Learning outcomes: As demonstrated in the AQF level 10 criteria and MQF doctoral level 8:

       At the end of the programme, graduates should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a critical and in-depth understanding of frontier knowledge by generating substantial and original contributions to a field and/or practice;
  • Synthesise existing and new knowledge in one or more discipline areas to develop new concepts or interpretations or applications;
  • Conduct rigorous and independent research or investigation with minimal supervision;
  • Demonstrate intellectual leadership qualities and management skills;
  • Perform research adhering to legal, ethical, professional and sustainable practices;
  • Communicate cogently in the field/s and interact with specialist and general audience;
  • Select and use suitable digital and analytical techniques to research problems; and
  • Demonstrate commitment to lifelong learning and personal development.

Admission Requirements

Academic Qualifications

  • Graduated with or qualified for the award of the degree of Bachelor with First Class Honours (CGPA of 3.67 or higher) or Upper Second Class Honours (CGPA≥ 3.0)*** in the field or related fields within Curtin University which includes the completion of a supervised research dissertation project carrying the equivalent credit of at least 25 percent of an annual full-time load; (***Candidate having Upper Second-Class Honours could be considered for a Doctoral direct entry upon demonstration of research competencies as verified and deemed by the Academic Board at Curtin University Malaysia)  or
  • Graduated with or qualified for the award of the degree of Master of Philosophy or Master of Research in the field or related fields within Curtin University which includes the completion of a publically available thesis; or
  • Graduated with or qualified for the award of the degree Master by Coursework in the field or related fields within Curtin University, and the completion of a research dissertation project carrying the equivalent credit of at least 25 percent of an annual full-time load and which has been awarded an assessed result at or above distinction level; or
  •  Graduated with or qualified for the award of the degree Master by Coursework at or above distinction level in the field or related fields within Curtin University, and the completion of substantive and relevant research experience which can be evidenced in at least one of the following forms: (1) substantial scholarly papers as sole or primary author, appearing in recognised academic journals or in volumes published by recognised academic publishers; (2) published research reports prepared for industry, government or business, which adhere to the broad conventions of academic publishing and which identify the applicant as sole or primary author; (3) a portfolio of creative work with a published critical discussion of that work, which demonstrates the applicant’s development of a scholarly approach to creative work as research investigation, for which the application is identified as sole or primary author; or
  • Obtained qualifications from another institution which are recognised by tertiary admission authorities in   Australia and which are deemed to be equivalent to any of the above four criteria.

**Candidates without a qualification in the related fields or relevant working experience must undergo appropriate prerequisite courses determined by the University.

English Requirements

All courses at Curtin University Malaysia are taught in English. Therefore, applicants are required to satisfy Curtin University’s English language proficiency requirement for postgraduate coursework and Higher Degree by Research courses through one of the following ways:

1. Tertiary degree studies undertaken in Australia

Successful completion of one semester full-time (equivalent to 0.5 EFTSL) of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree level study at a recognised University in Australia.

2. Tertiary degree studies taught in English outside Australia

a). Successful completion of at least one semester full-time or equivalent of an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree level study at a recognised University in  New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, United Kingdom; or

b). Successful completion of at least one year full-time or equivalent of an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree level study at a recognised University in Canada, Singapore, South Africa or United States of America; or

c). Successful completion of an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree from a recognised overseas University, assessed by Curtin University as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Bachelor or Master Degree in which Curtin University recognised English is the sole language of instruction*.

*Internal Assessment notes:

1) Use the World Higher Education Database (WHED) to retrieve the language of instruction. Exceptions apply, see details below.

2) Except for European countries, if the language of instruction listed in the Diploma Supplement is English, we accept this information over WHED as it is at course level.

3) Assumption University, Thailand, English is the medium of instruction for all courses except for Undergraduate Law degree.

3. Undertake an approved English proficiency test.

Any one of the tests in the following table can also be accepted as satisfying Curtin University Malaysia’s English language requirement:

Overall 6.5

W-6, S-6, R-6, L-6

Overall Score 50

W- 50, S-50, R-50, L-50

79 Internet based (Band minimum W-21, L-13, R-13, S-18)


570 and 4.5 in TWE
Listening 250

Reading 250

Writing 250

Speaking 250

Calculated average score of all components 300

Formerly known as Cambridge English Advanced (CAE)

176 with 169 in Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking

Formerly known as Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE)

190 with 176 in Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking

Where only the Written English component was taken, results are valid for two years from the date of testing, however maybe used for entry until the next immediate semester intake.

STAT format from 1 May 2010: 140

Previous STAT format between 1996 to April

2010: 145

Band 4 and no less than 200 in aggregate score

*Results for IELTS and TOEFL are valid for two years.

Applicants who do not meet the above requirement (or qualifications not listed above) will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and provided with alternative pathways where necessary.

Completion of a bachelor degree course in which English was the language of instruction is also considered as meeting the English language requirement. Each application is assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Enrolment and Duration of Study

Enrolment in the PhD shall be for a minimum period of two (2) years and a maximum period of four (4) years for full-time study, or a minimum of four (4) years and a maximum period of eight (8) years for part-time study. However, international candidates must enroll as a full-time student.

Remarks. For PhD students under Curtin Malaysia Postgraduate Scholarship (CMPRS), the full scholarships are only awarded for three years. Scholarship extensions (tuition fee waiver only) of 2 x 3 months may be granted subject to good progress of the project and approval from CMGS. Therefore, these students are strongly recommended to complete their programmes within three years. Otherwise, students and/or their supervisor may have to provide the tuition fee and stipend on their own in the fourth year.

For PhD students under external grants, such as FRGS, SMA, SRDC, etc,  the grant is generally valid for max three years. Therefore, the tuition fee waiver  duration will only cover until the grant end date. Consequently, these students are also strongly encouraged to graduate within three years. Tuition fee waiver extensions of 2 x 3 months may be granted subject to good progress of the project and approval from Chair of CMGSC. Otherwise, they may have to be self-funded for the tuition fee and stipend in the fourth year.

Study Support

Consumables Support

HDR Consumables Reimbursable Items List (subject to prior approval from CMGS)

  •  Expenses related to fieldwork/research data collection;
  • Transcription from interviews, and translation services;
  • Lab consumables purchased through an approved University provider (where not provided by the Enrolling Area);
  • Workshops and training courses (including registration, travel, accommodation and living); Specialist textbooks/manuals, journals (where not readily available in the Curtin Library);
  • Phone costs – Purchase of phone cards for participation calls to survey recipients (where access to a Curtin phone is not available);
  • Thesis binding, editing and proof-reading costs;
  • Incentives for research/survey participants on the express written permission (email) of the supervisor (this will never include tobacco or alcohol);
  • Creative production costs – e.g. Art and design equipment and supplies (inclusive of set design, technical support, post-production/editing, studio hire, film/developing);
  • Travel for off-campus students to supervisory meetings (this may extend to travel interstate or overseas where relevant);
  • Specialist software (project specific);
  • Safety equipment (project specific);
  • Other miscellaneous costs as approved by CMGS

Curtin Malaysia Postgraduate Research Studentship (CMPRS)

An awardee will receive a stipend of RM2,100 per month and fee waiver for a period of 3 years. In return, awardees are expected to contribute a maximum of 4 hours of teaching load per week and learning and teaching (L&T) activities during the semesters.

Partial Fee Waiver and/or Partial Stipend

Please contact [email protected] for the details

Other Scholarships and Financial Aid

Please contact  Loans and Scholarship Office (Student Service Department).

Facilities & Services

International Division (International Students)

  • Arrival Guide for New International Students
  • Student Visa
  • International Students Association – International Sub-Council of Student Council

Airport Reception Service

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  • Event Registration Online

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Health Services & First Aid Centre

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Each research student joins one of the vibrant research communities based on the chosen research area. You can find more information regarding research areas by visiting the relevant academic area:

Associate Professor Dr. John Lau Sie Yon Associate Dean, Research & Development Email: [email protected]

Dr Tiong Ying Ying Associate Dean, Research & Development Email: [email protected]

Faculty of Humanities & Health Sciences

Professor Dr. Roy Rillera Marzo Dean, Faculty of Humanities & Health Sciences Email: [email protected]

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Blogs | Study2Malaysia.com

Best PhD Programs in Malaysia

by Fadiyah Sameh | Mar 8, 2019 | Education in Malaysia | 0 comments

PhD programs in Malaysia are offered by some of the finest universities and one can choose from a range of subjects on offer.

A Doctor of Philosophy or PhD is the highest academic degree one can earn from a University for an original research in any faculty. While the reasons for earning a PhD degree may vary from person to person, it is one of the basic pre-requisites for a career in teaching or Research. PhD programs in Malaysia are offered by some of the finest universities and one can choose from a range of subjects on offer. There are PhD in Accounting, PhD in Business Administration, PhD in Management, PhD in Education, PhD in Finance and much more.

There are two requirements for a Doctorate Degree.

Firstly, you must have a keen interest and master one particular subject to be able to do a research on it.

Secondly, you must be able to extend the body of knowledge for that subject.

In order to pursue PhD programs in Malaysia, you must present the outcome of a research in that subject in the form of a thesis or dissertation. In some universities coursework is followed by examinations to gauge your level of understanding in the matter.

So, who can do PhD programs?

A Doctorate Degree may be suitable for you if you:

  • Want a research career?
  • Want an academic position?
  • Have a deep understanding of a subject and you want to take it forward.

PhD Programs in Malaysia

Malaysia has emerged as one of the most potent economies of South-East Asia and is also considered a “newly industrialized nation”. The nation is also one of the emerging hubs for higher education in the region with State-funded universities, private institutions and branches of international universities.

The Government of Malaysia has constantly supported research and has invested huge sums of money in research installations across the country, most noted ones being in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Engineering. A number of research centers in the country as emerged as pioneers in niche areas. Universities are also well-equipped with the most modern research facilities, encouraging students to take up research projects.

The Govt. of Malaysia aims to train 60,000 PhD students in Malaysia between 2010-2023 as part of its “Malaysian National Higher Education Strategic Plan Beyond 2020”.

Some of the best Universities in Malaysia for PhD for International Students

Perdana University Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Bioinformatics – 3 years Full time Refer to the University USD11,900 per course
Universiti Putra Malaysia PhD in Business Management & Administration – 5 years Full time 3.30CGPA RM78,256 (5 years)
Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) PhD in Computing – 2 to 7 years Full time and Part time Entry by Full Research Masters or Masters with minimum 30% research component with a formal taught research module. USD 10,720
PhD in Engineering – 2 to 7 years Full time and Part time Entry by Full Research Masters or Masters with minimum 30% research component with a formal taught research module. USD 10,720
PhD in Finance – 2 to 7 years and Part time Entry by Full Research Masters or Masters with minimum 30% research component with a formal taught research module. USD 10,720
PhD in Management – 2 to 7 years and Part time Entry by Full Research Masters or Masters with minimum 30% research component with a formal taught research module. USD 11, 250
Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) Doctor Of Philosophy (PhD) In Chemical Engineering – 2 years Full time Refer to University
Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Medical Science – 2 or 6 Yrs (4 or 8 Sem) Recognised Masters degree in a relevant field/Equiv.


USD 8545.45
Universiti Selangor (UNISEL) Shah Alam Campus PhD in Management – 2 years Full time Refer to University
Monash University PhD in

·         applied sciences

·         biological sciences

·         chemistry

·         food science and technology

·         medical bioscience

·         biotechnology

·         environmental science.

4 years Full time or 8 years Part time

A completed a degree with honours 1 (first-class) or 2A (upper second class) in a relevant research area.

English – English at Year 12 or equivalent


University of Malaya PhD Engineering – Max 12 semesters A master’s degree by way of research; or

A master’s degree by coursework or  by mixed mode with CGPA of not less than 3.7; or

A master’s degree by coursework or by mixed mode with CGPA between  2.0 and 3.69 and an undergraduate degree with CGPA not less than 3.0; or

and one (1) of the following criteria:

·         relevant work experience;

·         publication in the relevant field;

·         applicant is a scholarship holder;

·         applicant is a University of Malaya graduate.

TOEFL – score 550; or

IELTS (Academic) – band 6.00

RM 42,425
Doctor of Management – Min of 4 semesters and max of 12 semesters Bachelor’s degree with honours or equivalent in a related field from a recognised university, with a CGPA of at least 3.0 or equivalent;


A Master’s degree in a related field from a recognised university, with a CGPA of at least 3.0 or equivalent.

English – At least a band 6.0 for IELTS or a minimum score of 550 for the paper based TOEFL or 80 (IBT).

INTAKE – Jan and June

RM 77, 840
PhD in Business and Accountancy – Min of 4 semesters and max of 12 semesters Bachelor’s degree with honours or equivalent in a related field from a recognised university, with a CGPA of at least 3.0 or equivalent;


A Master’s degree in a related field from a recognised university, with a CGPA of at least 3.0 or equivalent.

English – At least a band 6.0 for IELTS or a minimum score of 550 for the paper based TOEFL or 80 (IBT)

INTAKE – Jan and June

RM 44,216
PhD in Economics and Administration – Bachelor’s degree with honours or equivalent in a related field from a recognised university, with a CGPA of at least 3.0 or equivalent;


A Master’s degree in a related field from a recognised university, with a CGPA of at least 3.0 or equivalent.

English – At least a band 6.0 for IELTS or a minimum score of 550 for the paper based TOEFL or 80 (IBT)

INTAKE – Jan and June


Career Prospects

Career Prospects once you complete your PhD programs in Malaysia could be any of the following:

  • Industrial Research in private or public sector
  • Academician
  • Research Scholar
  • Clinical psychologists (for Medicine)
  • Biochemists (as per scpecialization)

Final Words on PhD programs in Malaysia

Through a PhD, you will have an opportunity to give back to the society in your own little way. And when you do a PhD programs in Malaysia, you can do much more considering the high quality of education and the opportunities that the country offers.

Study2malaysia.com  also known as Malaysian Universities information center (MUIC) was set up with the sole intention of providing valuable information to those students and aspirants who want to pursue their higher education in Malaysia. We are one of the leading and specialized teams who have been associated with  assisting  students from across the world to move to Malaysia for higher education for more than a decade now. We have, till now, successfully sent around 5000 students (including medical students) to Malaysia, most of who are now successfully placed in different professional careers.

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Admission  @Universiti Sains Malaysia


  • Pure Sciences Research

PhD (Chemistry) - School of Chemical Sciences

The PhD programmes provide broad training opportunities across the chemical sciences. In-depth programmes of study are offered in the major chemical disciplines (Organic, Physical, Inorganic, Industrial and Analytical) such as those stated below:

Research Thrust Areas:

1. Organic Chemistry

  • Organic Synthesis
  • Natural Products Chemistry
  • Liquid Crystals
  • Chemical Biology

2. Physical Chemistry

  • Nanomaterials
  • Surface Chemistry
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Molecular Modelling

3. Inorganic Chemistry

  • Inorganic Polymers
  • Inorganic Synthetic Chemistry
  • Coordination Chemistry
  • Organometallic Chemistry
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Heterogeneous Catalysis

4. Industrial Chemistry

  • Corrosion Chemistry and Coatings
  • Chemistry in Oil and Gas Industries
  • Biopolymers and Modified Biopolymers (lignin and tannin)

5. Analytical Chemistry

  • Separation chemistry
  • Wastewater/Water treatment
  • Environmental Photocatalysis
  • Mechanochemistry
  • Environmental Electrochemistry
  • Chemically modified electrodes
  • Inorganic synthesis

Expertise available in the following School: School of Chemical Sciences

Applicants should possess one of the following:

  • A Master’s degree in related area with CGPA 3.00/4;  or
  • A Master’s degree in related area with CGPA 2.50-2.99/4 with additional requirements; or
  • Bachelor’s degree in related area with minimum CGPA 3.67/4 (fast-track to PhD)

(Applicable for International Applicants Only)

The minimum score for each programme can be vary from the below list, candidates are required to check for each programme requirements.

  • A minimum of Band 5 for IELTS; or
  • A minimum score of 40 for TOEFL (Internet-based); or
  • A minimum of Band 7.5 for TOEFL Essentials (Online); or
  • A minimum score of 154 for Cambridge English: Advance (CAE)/Proficiency (CPE) /Preliminary (PET) /First (FCE)/ Linguaskill Online min. score 154; or
  • A minimum score of 47 for Pearson Test of English (PTE); or
  • A minimum of Band 107 for CIEP Level (ELS); or
  • A minimum of Band 3.5 for Malaysian University English Test (MUET)

Exemption is given to candidate if:

  • English is the candidate’s mother tongue or National Language; or
  • Candidate graduated from an Institution of Higher Learning in which the medium of instruction at Bachelor and/or Master degree level is English (statement of proof required)

Full-time: Min 4 semesters / Max 10 semesters

Part-time: Min 6 semesters / Max 15 semesters

** Fees are subject to change

Institute of Postgraduate Studies Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 Penang, Malaysia. Tel : +604 653 2606 Fax : +604 653 2940 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Student Admission Unit Academic Management Division Registry, Level 2, Chancellory Building Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia. Tel : 1 300 888 876 / +604-6533196 Fax : +604 653 3328 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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UPM also offers more than 290 fields of study for programme by research that include: Master of Veterinary Science (M.V.Sc.) Master of Science (M.S.) Master of Arts (M.A) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Doctor of Engineering (Deng) Doktor Falsafah (PhD) by Retrospective The study cluster categories outlined below are applicable solely to postgraduates enrolled in UPM from Semester 1 of 2023/2024 session onwards.  For any inquiries, please contact the Students Financial Section at  [email protected] .

Aerospace System Design Engineering

Aqua informatics

Biotechnology with Bio-entrepreneurship











Updated:: 04/03/2020 [azimin]

Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang ,Selangor

Contact List by Unit Staff and Services


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At Taylor’s University, we believe research can help shape the future. Our Ph.D. courses and postgraduate research programmes cover a broad range of topics with the aim to help shape the future in the aspects of society, technology, economy, and environment.

Other than our flagship Ph.D. in Malaysia for international students programmes and Centres of Research, our efforts are further enhanced by involving faculty members from several departments to work along with our masters and Ph.D. students. We also believe in broadening our contributions by collaborating with international and industry partners.

Postgraduate Coursework Programmes

Faculty of arts & social sciences.

communication image

PhD (Education)

Taylor’s School of Education is committed to developing educators who are passionate about the teaching profession. We empower students with knowledge, skills and competencies of the best classroom practices, which incorporate cutting-edge technology.

Faculty of Built Environment, Engineering, Technology and Design

communication image

Master of Architecture

The master’s programme in architecture is a full-time professional Master’s programme that centres on the advanced study of architecture. It takes on an integrated approach to learning architecture and adopts the teaching philosophy of ‘design as research’ with areas like Community & Place, Urban Regeneration and Tropical Architecture.

communication image

PhD (Engineering)

The PhD in Engineering programme aims at equipping students with an expanded mental capacity capable of carrying out advanced research in a chosen field and contribute to new knowledge. Graduates will be able to conduct research independently and expand the boundaries of knowledge in the global context. The programme will enable students to develop research collaboration and report the research findings at an appropriate level and provide expert advice to society in the relevant field.

master-of-science image

Master of Science (Engineering)

The Master of Science (Engineering) is a one-year research programme. It prepares students to advance their careers in the industry, research and development and teaching, as well as pursue a PhD. Graduate of this programme will be skilled at conducting independent research.

Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Events

master-phd image

Master of Science (Tourism)

The Master of Science (Tourism) is a one-year research-based programme. It prepares students nationally and internationally to advance their careers in teaching and research in higher education institutions, secure employment in specialist areas in the private and public sectors, and pursue their PhD degrees.

master-phd image

Doctor of Philosophy (Hospitality & Tourism)

The PhD (Hospitality & Tourism) is a research-based programme that allows candidates to develop independent thinking and a unique expertise in their own research interest. Independent research requires diligent and thorough investigation into a topic with the aim of formulating new and original ideas, findings and theories.

Faculty of Business and Law

master-phd image

PhD (Business)

Through Taylor’s unique approach to business studies, we produce graduates who are ever ready to face the business world. Candidates pursuing the PhD (Business) must develop an independent thinking approach and a unique expertise in their own research interest.

Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences

master-of-science image

Master Of Science

Research has a profound impact on the study of life sciences and we continue to raise the bar by integrating this into our curriculum. The School's research strategy provides students with the opportunity to experience the research process to instil the passion for discovery.

sd image

Master of Philosophy (Pharmacy)

The Master of Philosophy (Pharmacy) is offered to pharmacy bachelor’s degree graduates. it is a one-year research based programme with options for both full-time and part-time programme structures. Our master’s degree programme in pharmacy gives students integrated, broad-based research training needed to exploit current advances in multidisciplinary areas of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences.

pharmchetical image

Master of Philosophy (Pharmaceutical Sciences)

Our pharmaceutical sciences master’s degree programme is suitable for candidates with a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy, chemistry or other related disciplines. The programme gives students integrated, broad-based research training needed to exploit current advances in multidisciplinary areas of pharmaceutical sciences. It is a one-year research based programme that is offered in both full-time and part-time programme structures.

communication image

PhD (Pharmaceutical Sciences)

This programme is applicable to candidates with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in pharmacy, chemistry, biology or other related disciplines. It provides rigorous research training in a range of scientific disciplines that are critical to the success of modern pharmaceutical scientists in the pharmaceutical industry, government, and academia. Taught in a highly multidisciplinary atmosphere, our graduates gain the knowledge and skills required for research related to human health and disease, as well as for the design, development and delivery of medications for safe and effective therapy.

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Study phd in malaysia.

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If you are searching for an interesting destination for education and career progress, you may want to study PhD in Malaysia.

This country offers a number of options for universities and programs. It grew to be an attractive study destination for international students.

Table of Contents

PhD structure

PhD study in Malaysia is not regular as in other countries, such as Singapore. It mainly consists of the academic research. Students have to attend research methods’ courses in their first year.

Mostly, this will be the only condition for the course. Moreover, the PhD student will need to submit regular presentations about the PhD researches, in addition to a research presentation “defense” before the final thesis presentation.

PhD Study Fees in Malaysia

The fees structure in the Malaysian public universities may be somehow complex.

So, you should spend some time searching for the costs involved. In general, PhD education is offered in Malaysia at lower costs than in other countries, such as the UK, USA, and Australia.

Most of the universities have separated fees structure for the international students.

There might be additional fees for the “international students” or they might be combined with other fees, such as the tuition fees/ research fees/ supervision fees. All vary according to the institution and subject.

PhD Costs in Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)

  • Application: MYR 150-180 ($35-45).
  • Registration: MYR 485-910
  • Tuition fees (semester): MYR 3,100-6,300
  • Personal bonds: MYR 200-2,000 Exam: MYR 1,000-2,000
  • Social card (optional): MYR 90 (per year)
  • Health insurance (obligatory): MYR 175-350 annually
  • Student pass: MYR 60
  • Official visa application varies according to the embassy in the home country.
Learn more about the costs of studying and living in Malaysia

Applying for a PhD

There is no centralized postgraduate application agency in Malaysia. Students send the applications directly to the individual universities (or even the graduate individual schools) using the application form.

They could also be submitted via the websites (if the form is available online).

You can apply for more than one university, but make sure you know what you have to submit in your application, as it differs from one institution to another.

Some will require only a letter, while others will require a complete academic history and research plan.

It is common to submit a research proposal (or at least an abstract) when applying for a PhD degree.

There are a few numbers of institutions that do not require either submitting a research proposal or identifying prospective supervisors when you apply.

Then, the institution will assign you a supervisor and develop your thesis while you are at the institution.

Admission Conditions for a PhD Study in Malaysia

In general, the program requires holding a master degree in a relevant discipline, or a master degree and research experience.

Some universities also accept the first-class Bachelors degree, namely the fast track to PhD.

In disciplines such as management or business, applicants may have to show readiness for graduate studies through specific entry examinations, such as GRE or GMAT.

Language Requirements

The international applicants from countries, in which English is not a teaching language, must submit an evidence of proficiency.

They must supply TOEFL or IELTS certificates before receiving their university admission.

In the public universities in Malaysia, the international students have to pass the Malay language course to be qualified to graduate at the end of their study duration.

Discover our tips to succeed your IELTS

Health Requirements

The health requirements are often a part of the admission process. The public universities will have strict restrictions:

The admission of the students who suffer from infectious diseases, such as malaria or tuberculosis, will be postponed until they are treated in their home country.

Furthermore, students who are positively tested for AIDS, cancer, or narcotics are not allowed to register.

Other cases, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, will not prevent the students from registration.

But, students will have to prove that their condition will not affect their study.

Top Universities in Malaysia for a PhD Study

Malaysia aims to be a top-choice center for higher education, with a number of institutions offering students several PhD programs to pick from. 

Public universities

These are subsidized by the Malaysian government while remaining independent in the matter of administration, teaching, and research. Here are some of the best universities of Malaysia offering PhD study programs: 

  • University of Kuala Lumpur
  • University of Malaya
  • UKM Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • University Putra Malaysia
  • Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Private universities

The second option to pursue a PhD study in Malaysia are private institutions. They are funded by private organizations, with their educational quality maintained by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) .

International branch campuses and twinning programs with foreign universities

This is an increasingly widespread practice of universities in Malaysia to establish a collaboration with a renown international institution. Among the most popular are the Monash University from Australia or the Nottingham University from UK.

Discover also our top universities in Malaysia

Tags Study in Malaysia

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Penerima Ijazah Kehormat dan Ijazah Kedoktoran di Universiti Malaysia / Honorary Degree and Doctorate (PhD) Holders at Malaysian Universities

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Daftar nama ini disediakan bagi kemudahan orang awam untuk mendapatkan maklumat berkenaan Penerima Ijazah Kehormat dan Ijazah Kedoktoran. The database is provided to help the public to obtain the information about the honorary degree and doctorate (PhD) holders.


  1. World Best University for Ph.D. programs in Malaysia

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  2. PhD registry for all PhD holders in M’sia

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  3. PHD Malaysia Taps David Soo as Managing Director

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  4. More int’l students choose Malaysian universities for PhDs, report suggests

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  5. PhD in Malaysia For International Students

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  6. PhD Programmes

    phd malaysia




  1. PhD Study in Malaysia

    The total cost of the programme will depend on the length and the subject studied but you can expect the university fees for a three-year PhD around MYR 65,000 (USD $13,900). This could be more or less depending on the institution. A variety of funding packages are also available for your studies in Malaysia.

  2. Study in Malaysia: the ultimate guide for a PhD in 2024

    Studying a Bachelor's or Master's programme at Malaysian public universities costs between 500 and 4,500 EUR per academic year. Medicine degrees are the main exception, with tuition fees of up to 27,000 EUR per year. So for most disciplines, you'll pay a lot less than you would at a university or college in the US, Canada, UK, or Australia.

  3. Doctorate (PhD)

    phd programme brochure programme offered by faculty medicine pharmacy dentistry health science science & technology law islamic studies education economic & management social science & humanities information science & technology engineering & built environment programme offered by institute environment & development malay world & civilization malaysian & international studies microengineering ...

  4. 77 Affordable PhD programmes in Malaysia

    1,349 EUR / year. 3 years. Step into the world of academic excellence with the esteemed University Malaysia Sarawak's Doctoral Program in Social Sciences and Humanities. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. University Malaysia Sarawak Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. Ranked top 8%. Add to compare.

  5. PhD in Malaysia: What You Should Know Before Applying

    Malaysia is a great destination for higher education, with several renowned universities offering PhD programs in various fields. If you are considering pursuing a PhD in Malaysia, there are several things you should know before applying: Choosing the Right University. Malaysia has several universities that offer PhD programmes in various fields.

  6. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)

    The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) is University of Malaya's premier research training degree. The pinnacle of academic achievement here at University of Malaya, the Ph.D is awarded based on the foundation of the thesis prepared under supervision, resulting in an original and significant contribution, displaying extensive knowledge and comprehension of the subject and field of study.

  7. Doctorate (PhD) Programmes

    Learn More. From. per. month. RM 30,940.00. Our doctorate (PhD) programmes aim to advance student's research knowledge and skills in a particular field. Apply for our online or conventional courses now at UNITAR Malaysia!

  8. PhD Programmes

    Postgraduate (Local) [email protected]. Note: All contact persons are available only during working days, Monday to Friday (except public holidays) from 8am to 5pm (GMT +8.00). . Study for a PhD in Malaysia with UTP's range of PhD programmes. Explore our research areas and achieve your academic and professional goals. Apply now.

  9. Doctor of Philosophy in Science

    Our PhD in Science programme is designed to develop graduates who possess a wide range of competencies. We are committed to equipping you with the skills and abilities to synthesise knowledge, adapt practical skills, conduct independent research, demonstrate leadership qualities, and critically appraise problems using scientific skills.

  10. PhD Programmes

    We offer PhD students opportunities to pursue and conduct research in specialised areas with flexibility to develop their study and research portfolios. ... Encorp Strand Garden Office, No. 12 Jalan PJU 5/1 Kota Damansara 47810, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Working hours : 9.00am-6.00pm T: +603-6150 8177 E: [email protected] ...

  11. How to Apply for A Doctoral Degree

    Doctoral Degree - Application for Semester 1, Session 2024/2025 is now OPEN. * Deadline for Coursework / Mix Mode is 30 August 2024 * Application for Research Semester 2, Session 2023/2024 is still open until 31 May 2024. 1) Applications must be submitted online through our application portal at https://apply.um.edu.my 2) Choose programme(s)

  12. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Science

    Unveil the secrets behind the success of women entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Study Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Science at Monash University Malaysia. Find out about the requirements, area of research, fees, and intake.

  13. PhD Education

    Degree : Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Duration: Research & Mixed Mode Programme - Full Time (Min 6 Semester) / Part Time (Min 8 Semester) Contact: Faculty of Education Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Malaysia. Tel: +603-8921 6297 / 6461 / 6238 Fax: +603-8925 4372 Email: [email protected] Website : www.ukm.my ...

  14. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    For PhD students under Curtin Malaysia Postgraduate Scholarship (CMPRS), the full scholarships are only awarded for three years. Scholarship extensions (tuition fee waiver only) of 2 x 3 months may be granted subject to good progress of the project and approval from CMGS. Therefore, these students are strongly recommended to complete their ...

  15. Best PhD Programs in Malaysia

    PhD Programs in Malaysia. Eligibility. Tuition Fees. Perdana University. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Bioinformatics - 3 years Full time. Refer to the University. USD11,900 per course. Universiti Putra Malaysia. PhD in Business Management & Administration - 5 years Full time.

  16. PhD (Chemistry)

    The PhD programmes provide broad training opportunities across the chemical sciences. In-depth programmes of study are offered in the major chemical disciplines (Organic, Physical, Inorganic, Industrial and Analytical) such as those stated below: ... Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia. Tel : 1 300 888 876 / +604-6533196 Fax ...

  17. PhD By Industry

    PHD by INDUSTRY UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA (UPM) ... PhD by Industry features are: The focus of the research is based on industrial issues or problems; Joint supervision (at least one supervisor will be assigned from UPM and one from industry). The supervisor from industry must possess substantial experience or expertise in the areas related to ...

  18. Scholarships for PhD in Malaysia

    The scholarships listed below are applicable to students of all nationalities. Please create an account to see personalized results. But we've got a lot more! Modify your filters or make a. Search and apply online for scholarships to study in Malaysia for international PhD students.

  19. Programme by Research (Phd/Master)

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Doctor of Engineering (Deng) Doktor Falsafah (PhD) by Retrospective The study cluster categories outlined below are applicable solely to postgraduates enrolled in UPM from Semester 1 of 2023/2024 session onwards. For any inquiries, please contact the Students Financial Section at [email protected].

  20. Study Ph.D. in Malaysia

    Other than our flagship Ph.D. in Malaysia for international students programmes and Centres of Research, our efforts are further enhanced by involving faculty members from several departments to work along with our masters and Ph.D. students. We also believe in broadening our contributions by collaborating with international and industry partners.

  21. PhD Law

    UKM is one of the oldest public universities in Malaysia and was awarded Research University status by the Malaysian Government in 2007. To ensure international recognition, Faculty of Law has collaborated with partner universities from Asia, and Europe to offer Summer Mobility Programmes and jointly research. ... (PhD) Duration: Research ...

  22. Study PhD in Malaysia: Requirements and Fees

    Top Universities in Malaysia for a PhD Study. Malaysia aims to be a top-choice center for higher education, with a number of institutions offering students several PhD programs to pick from. Public universities. These are subsidized by the Malaysian government while remaining independent in the matter of administration, teaching, and research.

  23. Penerima Ijazah Kehormat dan Ijazah Kedoktoran di Universiti Malaysia

    The database is provided to help the public to obtain the information about the honorary degree and doctorate (PhD) holders. *Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi tidak akan bertanggungjawab ke atas sebarang kehilangan atau kerosakan yang diakibatkan oleh penggunaan yang dicapai daripada daftar nama ini. Untuk pertanyaan lanjut sila hubungi universiti ...