GCSE Physics GCSE Biology GCSE Chemistry GCSE Mathematics

Related Topics

  • Absolute zero and the Kelvin scale of temperature
  • Pressure and volume relationship of a gas – Boyle's law
  • Volume and temperature relationship of a gas – Charles' law
  • Pressure and temperature relationship of a gas – the Pressure Law
  • The gas equation

Volume and temperature relationship of a gas

Charles' law.

The relationship between the volume and temperature of a gas was first put forward by the French scientist Jacques-Alexandre-César Charles at around 1787 and is known as Charles’ Law.

Charles’ law states :

Volume = constant

The animation below gives and explanation of Charles' law:

A sealed cylinder with no leaks contains a fixed mass. In order to keep the gas pressure constant the piston is allowed to move freely so that the internal pressure created by the gas particles can equal the constant external pressure. If the internal pressure increases the piston will move up to allow the pressure to equalise.

The above set up is used to investigate the relationship between temperature and volume for a gas. Heat energy is applied to the cylinder and the temperature of the gas increases. The average velocity of the gas particles increases resulting in an increase in the rate of collisions and the average force per collision. This produces an increase in pressure inside the cylinder, the cylinder pressure becomes greater than the external pressure and the piston moves up increasing the volume.

By plotting the recorded values of volume (V) against temperature (T) a straight line is produced. We can see from the values that the gas expands uniformly with temperature.  We can extrapolate the straight line and see the relationship between cooling the gas and the volume. Further extrapolation gives the temperature at which the volume of gas would become zero. This temperature is at -273°C and is called the absolute zero of temperature.

Converting the recorded temperatures into the Kelvin scale and plotting the volume (V) against the absolute temperature (T) gives a straight line which when extrapolated passes through the origin. This shows the volume of the gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas. Doubling the temperature will double the volume. The gradient of the slope is the constant in Charles’ Law.

Charles’ Law Example:

Using the example of the sealed cylinder above, the volume of gas at the start is recorded as 30 cm 3 with a temperature of 30°C. The cylinder is heated further till the thermometer records 60°C. What is the volume of gas?

V/T = constant
V 1 /T 1 = V 2 /T 2 V1 = 30 cm 3 T1 = 30°C = 30+273 = 303K (remember to convert from Celsius to Kelvin) T2 = 60°C = 60+273 = 333K V2  = ?   V 1 /T 1 = V 2 /T 2 V 2 = V 1 x T 2 T 1   V 2 = 30 x 333 303   = 32.97 cm 3

Boyle's Law & Charles' Law

Investigation of boyle's law.

Boyle’s Law describes the relationship between the pressure and volume of a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature.

Illustrative background for Manometer method

Manometer method

  • Use a pump to change the air pressure on one side of the manometer.
  • Use a pressure gauge on the pump side to measure air pressure, which is equal to the pressure of the air in the glass tube.
  • You can measure the volume of trapped air.
  • Record the volume for several different pressure values.

Illustrative background for Analysis of manometer method

Analysis of manometer method

  • If you plot a graph of volume against pressure, you get a monotonically decreasing curve.
  • Plot a graph of V -1 against P and the best fit straight line goes through the origin.
  • This verifies that V -1 is directly proportional to the pressure, i.e. pV is a constant or that P and V are inversely proportional to each other. This assumes that the temperature and mass of the gas is constant.

Illustrative background for Further analysis of manometer method

Further analysis of manometer method

  • Plot log(V) against log (P). It doesn’t matter what base logarithm you use.
  • The gradient of the line of best fit should be -1.
  • log(V) = log(k) - log(P).
  • log(V) = - log(P) + log(k).

Illustrative background for Further analysis of manometer method 2

Further analysis of manometer method 2

  • Compare the last line with y = mx + c.
  • If log(V) is plotted on the y-axis, with log(P) on the x-axis, the gradient = -1 and the y-intercept should be log(k).
  • You can find the constant, k, using k = Z c , where Z is the base of the logarithms (i.e. 10 or e) and c is the y-intercept.

Investigation of Boyle's Law 2

Illustrative background for Syringe and data logging method

Syringe and data logging method

  • Connect the open end of a syringe to a pressure sensor (which is then connected to data logger and computer).
  • Start recording on data logger.
  • Move the plunger in steps, i.e. decrease or increase the volume of trapped gas slowly so as not to warm or cool the gas.
  • For each new volume, record the pressure.

Illustrative background for Syringe and data logging method 2

Syringe and data logging method 2

  • Use software, such as a spreadsheet, to plot a graph of volume against pressure to get a monotonically decreasing curve.
  • Use software to plot a graph of V -1 against P.
  • i.e. PV = constant or that P and V are inversely proportional to each other, assuming that the temperature and mass of the gas is constant.

Investigation of Charles’ Law

Charles’ Law describes the relationship between the volume and absolute temperature of a fixed mass of gas at constant pressure.

Illustrative background for Apparatus

  • Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.
  • Caution: it is common practice to use a kerosene-based oil, which needed a separate risk assessment because it is available via CLEAPPS.

Illustrative background for Method

  • Keep stirring the water so as to reduce temperature gradients through the water.
  • The length of the air column is directly proportional to the volume of trapped air. This assumes that the inner diameter of the capillary tube is constant.

Illustrative background for Analysis

  • I.e. extended back to -400 °C so that an extrapolation back to the temperature axis can give a value for absolute zero.
  • Notice that the values of volume and temperature are all bunched to the right.

Illustrative background for Analysis 2

  • The extrapolation is suspect because you have to extrapolate a long way before the line hits the temperature axis.
  • Repeating this with different gases, different volumes of gas and at different pressures gives different straight lines. All of the best fit straight lines should pass through the same point on the temperature axis.

Illustrative background for Plot the graph again

Plot the graph again

  • If you plot the graph again using the student’s value for absolute zero, the length-temperature graph becomes a straight line through the origin as shown.
  • This shows that the volume of gas is directly proportional to the temperature in Kelvin. This assumes that the pressure and mass of the gas are constant.

1 Measurements & Errors

1.1 Measurements & Errors

1.1.1 Use of SI Units

1.1.2 SI Prefixes, Standard Form & Converting Units

1.1.3 End of Topic Test - Units & Prefixes

1.1.4 Limitation of Physical Measurements

1.1.5 Uncertainty

1.1.6 Estimation

1.1.7 End of Topic Test - Measurements & Errors

2 Particles & Radiation

2.1 Particles

2.1.1 Atomic Model

2.1.2 Specific Charge, Protons & Neutron Numbers

2.1.3 End of Topic Test - Atomic Model

2.1.4 Isotopes

2.1.5 Stable & Unstable Nuclei

2.1.6 End of Topic Test - Isotopes & Nuclei

2.1.7 A-A* (AO3/4) - Stable & Unstable Nuclei

2.1.8 Particles, Antiparticles & Photons

2.1.9 Particle Interactions

2.1.10 Classification of Particles

2.1.11 End of Topic Test - Particles & Interactions

2.1.12 Quarks & Antiquarks

2.1.13 Application of Conservation Laws

2.1.14 End of Topic Test - Leptons & Quarks

2.1.15 Exam-Style Question - Radioactive Decay

2.2 Electromagnetic Radiation & Quantum Phenomena

2.2.1 The Photoelectric Effect

2.2.2 The Photoelectric Effect Explanation

2.2.3 End of Topic Test - The Photoelectric Effect

2.2.4 Collisions of Electrons with Atoms

2.2.5 Energy Levels & Photon Emission

2.2.6 Wave-Particle Duality

2.2.7 End of Topic Test - Absorption & Emission

3.1 Progressive & Stationary Waves

3.1.1 Progressive Waves

3.1.2 Wave Speed & Phase Difference

3.1.3 Longitudinal & Transverse Waves

3.1.4 End of Topic Test - Progressive Waves

3.1.5 Polarisation

3.1.6 Stationary Waves

3.1.7 Stationary Waves 2

3.1.8 End of Topic Test - Polarisation & Stationary Wave

3.1.9 A-A* (AO3/4) - Stationary Waves

3.2 Refraction, Diffraction & Interference

3.2.1 Interference

3.2.2 Interference 2

3.2.3 End of Topic Test - Interference

3.2.4 Diffraction

3.2.5 Diffraction Gratings

3.2.6 End of Topic Test - Diffraction

3.2.7 Refraction at a Plane Surface

3.2.8 Internal Reflection & Fibre Optics

3.2.9 End of Topic Test - Refraction

3.2.10 Exam-Style Question - Waves

4 Mechanics & Materials

4.1 Force, Energy & Momentum

4.1.1 Scalars & Vectors

4.1.2 Vector Problems

4.1.3 End of Topic Test - Scalars & Vectors

4.1.4 Moments

4.1.5 Centre of Mass

4.1.6 End of Topic Test - Moments & Centre of Mass

4.1.7 Motion in a Straight Line

4.1.8 Graphs of Motion

4.1.9 Bouncing Ball Example

4.1.10 End of Topic Test - Motion in a Straight Line

4.1.11 Acceleration Due to Gravity

4.1.12 Projectile Motion

4.1.13 Friction

4.1.14 Terminal Speed

4.1.15 End of Topic Test - Acceleration Due to Gravity

4.1.16 Newton's Laws

4.1.17 Momentum

4.1.18 Momentum 2

4.1.19 End of Topic Test - Newton's Laws & Momentum

4.1.20 A-A* (AO3/4) - Newton's Third Law

4.1.21 Work & Energy

4.1.22 Power & Efficiency

4.1.23 Conservation of Energy

4.1.24 End of Topic Test - Work, Energy & Power

4.1.25 Exam-Style Question - Forces

4.2 Materials

4.2.1 Density

4.2.2 Bulk Properties of Solids

4.2.3 Energy in Materials

4.2.4 Young Modulus

4.2.5 End of Topic Test - Materials

5 Electricity

5.1 Current Electricity

5.1.1 Basics of Electricity

5.1.2 Current-Voltage Characteristics

5.1.3 End of Topic Test - Basics of Electricity

5.1.4 Resistivity

5.1.5 Superconductivity

5.1.6 A-A* (AO3/4) - Superconductivity

5.1.7 End of Topic Test - Resistivity & Superconductors

5.1.8 Circuits

5.1.9 Power and Conservation

5.1.10 Potential Divider

5.1.11 Emf & Internal Resistance

5.1.12 End of Topic Test - Power & Potential

5.1.13 Exam-Style Question - Resistance

6 Further Mechanics & Thermal Physics (A2 only)

6.1 Periodic Motion (A2 only)

6.1.1 Circular Motion

6.1.2 Circular Motion 2

6.1.3 End of Topic Test - Circular Motion

6.1.4 Simple Harmonic Motion

6.1.5 Simple Harmonic Systems

6.1.6 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion

6.1.7 Resonance

6.1.8 End of Topic Test - Simple Harmonic Motion

6.1.9 A-A* (AO3/4) - Simple Harmonic Motion

6.2 Thermal Physics (A2 only)

6.2.1 Thermal Energy Transfer

6.2.2 Thermal Energy Transfer Experiments

6.2.3 Ideal Gases

6.2.4 Ideal Gases 2

6.2.5 Boyle's Law & Charles' Law

6.2.6 Molecular Kinetic Theory Model

6.2.7 Molecular Kinetic Theory Model 2

6.2.8 End of Topic Test - Thermal Energy & Ideal Gases

6.2.9 Exam-Style Question - Ideal Gases

7 Fields & Their Consequences (A2 only)

7.1 Fields (A2 only)

7.1.1 Fields

7.2 Gravitational Fields (A2 only)

7.2.1 Newton's Law

7.2.2 Gravitational Field Strength

7.2.3 Gravitational Potential

7.2.4 Orbits of Planets & Satellites

7.2.5 Escape Velocity & Synchronous Orbits

7.2.6 End of Topic Test - Gravitational Fields

7.3 Electric Fields (A2 only)

7.3.1 Coulomb's Law

7.3.2 Electric Field Strength

7.3.3 Electric Field Strength 2

7.3.4 Electric Potential

7.3.5 End of Topic Test - Electric Fields

7.3.6 A-A* (AO3/4) - Electric and Gravitational Field

7.4 Capacitance (A2 only)

7.4.1 Capacitance

7.4.2 Parallel Plate Capacitor

7.4.3 Energy Stored by a Capacitor

7.4.4 Capacitor Discharge

7.4.5 Capacitor Charge

7.5 Magnetic Fields (A2 only)

7.5.1 Magnetic Flux Density

7.5.2 End of Topic Test - Capacitance & Flux Density

7.5.3 Moving Charges in a Magnetic Field

7.5.4 Magnetic Flux & Flux Linkage

7.5.5 Electromagnetic Induction

7.5.6 Electromagnetic Induction 2

7.5.7 Alternating Currents

7.5.8 Operation of a Transformer

7.5.9 Magnetic Flux Density

7.5.10 End of Topic Test - Electromagnetic Induction

8 Nuclear Physics (A2 only)

8.1 Radioactivity (A2 only)

8.1.1 Rutherford Scattering

8.1.2 Alpha & Beta Radiation

8.1.3 Gamma Radiation

8.1.4 Radioactive Decay

8.1.5 Half Life

8.1.6 End of Topic Test - Radioactivity

8.1.7 Nuclear Instability

8.1.8 Nuclear Radius

8.1.9 Mass & Energy

8.1.10 Binding Energy

8.1.11 Induced Fission

8.1.12 Safety Aspects of Nuclear Reactors

8.1.13 End of Topic Test - Nuclear Physics

8.1.14 A-A* (AO3/4) - Nuclear Fusion

9 Option: Astrophysics (A2 only)

9.1 Telescopes (A2 only)

9.1.1 Astronomical Telescopes

9.1.2 Reflecting Telescopes

9.1.3 Single Dish Radio Telescopes

9.1.4 Large Diameter Telescopes

9.2 Classification of Stars (A2 only)

9.2.1 Classification by Luminosity

9.2.2 Absolute Magnitude

9.2.3 Black Body Radiation

9.2.4 Stellar Spectral Classes

9.2.5 Hertzsprung-Russell Diagrams

9.2.6 Astronomical Objects

9.3 Cosmology (A2 only)

9.3.1 Doppler Effect

9.3.2 Hubble's Law

9.3.3 Quasars

9.3.4 Detecting Exoplanets

10 Option: Medical Physics (A2 only)

10.1 Physics of the Eye (A2 only)

10.1.1 Physics of Vision

10.1.2 Defects of Vision

10.1.3 Lenses

10.1.4 Correcting Defects of Vision

10.2 Physics of the Ear (A2 only)

10.2.1 Structure of the Ear

10.2.2 Sensitivity of the Ear

10.2.3 Hearing Defects

10.3 Biological Measurement (A2 only)

10.3.1 Electrocardiography (ECG)

10.4 Non-Ionising Imaging (A2 only)

10.4.1 Ultrasound Imaging

10.4.2 Ultrasound Imaging 2

10.4.3 Fibre Optics & Endoscopy

10.4.4 Magnetic Resonance Scanning

10.5 X-Ray Imaging (A2 only)

10.5.1 Diagnostic X-Rays

10.5.2 X-Ray Image Processing

10.5.3 Absorption of X-Rays

10.5.4 CT Scanners

10.6 Radionuclide Imaging & Therapy (A2 only)

10.6.1 Imaging Techniques

10.6.2 Half Life

10.6.3 Gamma Camera

10.6.4 High Energy X-Rays

10.6.5 Radioactive Implants

10.6.6 Imaging Comparisons

11 Option: Engineering Physics (A2 only)

11.1 Rotational Dynamics (A2 only)

11.1.1 Moment of Inertia

11.1.2 Rotational Kinetic Energy

11.1.3 Rotational Motion

11.1.4 Torque & Angular Acceleration

11.1.5 Angular Momentum

11.1.6 Angular Work & Power

11.2 Thermodynamics & Engines (A2 only)

11.2.1 First Law of Thermodynamics

11.2.2 Non-Flow Processes

11.2.3 p-V Diagrams

11.2.4 Engine Cycles

11.2.5 Second Law & Engines

11.2.6 Reversed Heat Engines

12 Option: Turning Points in Physics (A2 only)

12.1 Discovery of the Electron (A2 only)

12.1.1 Cathode Rays

12.1.2 Thermionic Electron Emission

12.1.3 Electron Specific Charge

12.1.4 Millikan's Experiment

12.2 Wave-Particle Duality (A2 only)

12.2.1 Newton's & Huygen's Theories of Light

12.2.2 Electromagnetic Waves

12.2.3 Photoelectricity

12.2.4 Wave-Particle Duality

12.2.5 Electron Microscopes

12.3 Special Relativity (A2 only)

12.3.1 Michelson-Morley Experiment

12.3.2 Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity

12.3.3 Time Dilation

12.3.4 Length Contraction

12.3.5 Mass & Energy

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