
How to Create a Business Plan for Railway Infrastructure Development

By alex ryzhkov, get full bundle.


Are you considering venturing into the railway infrastructure business in the US? You're in the right place! In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of creating a successful business plan for your railway infrastructure project. With the railway industry in the US growing steadily , it is a lucrative sector to invest in. In fact, the market size of the US railroad industry is projected to reach $146.2 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 5.8% .

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Before you start your journey, conduct thorough market research and analysis . This step will help you understand the current trends, demand, and competition in the railway infrastructure sector. By identifying your target audience and potential customers , you can tailor your business plan to meet their specific needs and preferences.

The next step is to assess the competitive landscape . Determine who your competitors are, what services they offer, and how you can differentiate your business from them. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors will give you a strategic advantage.

As with any business, it is imperative to determine the legal requirements and regulations that apply to the railway infrastructure industry. This includes obtaining the necessary permits and licenses, as well as complying with safety and environmental regulations.

To guide your business, you need a well-defined mission, vision, and goals . Clearly state what your company aims to achieve and the values it upholds. Your mission, vision, and goals will serve as a compass as you develop your business plan.

A crucial aspect of your business plan is the comprehensive financial plan . This involves forecasting your revenue, expenses, and cash flow projections. Consider factors such as project costs, financing options, and potential sources of income, such as government subsidies or transportation fees.

Equally important is creating a detailed operational plan . Outline the day-to-day activities involved in running your railway infrastructure project, including staffing, maintenance, and safety protocols. This plan will serve as a roadmap for efficient operations.

To ensure your business functions smoothly, you should define your company's organizational structure . Identify key roles and responsibilities, and establish a clear chain of command. Having a well-structured organization will facilitate effective decision-making and communication.

Lastly, don't forget to identify potential risks and establish risk management strategies . Conduct a risk assessment to identify potential hazards or obstacles that may affect your project. Create contingency plans and mitigation strategies to minimize these risks and ensure the success of your railway infrastructure venture.

By following these 9 essential steps, you will be well on your way to developing a comprehensive and successful business plan for your railway infrastructure project. Stay tuned for our upcoming blog posts, where we delve deeper into each step, providing valuable insights and tips to help you navigate this exciting industry.

Conduct Market Research And Analysis

Market research and analysis are crucial steps in creating a successful business plan for railway infrastructure. This process involves gathering vital information about the industry, understanding customer needs and preferences, and assessing market trends and potential opportunities. Here are some key considerations when conducting market research and analysis:

  • Identify the target market: Determine the specific market segment or audience that your railway infrastructure project aims to serve. This could be commuter transportation, freight transportation, or a combination of both. Understanding the target market will help tailor your business plan to meet their unique needs and requirements.
  • Analyze customer demand: Study the demand for railway infrastructure in your chosen market. Look for factors such as population growth, urbanization, industrial development, and existing transportation infrastructure. Assessing customer demand will help you estimate the potential revenue and viability of your project.
  • Assess market competition: Research and analyze existing railway infrastructure providers in your target market. Identify their strengths, weaknesses, pricing strategies, and service offerings. Understanding your competition will allow you to position your project effectively and develop a competitive advantage.
  • Evaluate market trends: Stay updated on the latest industry trends and emerging technologies that may impact railway infrastructure. This could include advancements in digitalization, sustainability, energy efficiency, and customer experience. By staying ahead of trends, you can align your business plan with the evolving needs of the market.

Tips for conducting market research and analysis:

  • Utilize a variety of research methods: Combine primary research, such as surveys and interviews, with secondary research, including market reports, industry publications, and government data.
  • Engage with stakeholders: Talk to potential customers, industry experts, regulatory authorities, and local communities to gain valuable insights and gather feedback.
  • Consider external factors: Take into account economic conditions, political stability, and environmental factors that may influence the demand for railway infrastructure.
  • Stay flexible: Continuously monitor and update your market research as conditions and trends change, ensuring your business plan remains relevant and responsive to market dynamics.

Conducting thorough market research and analysis sets the foundation for a robust business plan. By understanding the market landscape, customer demand, and competition, you can strategize effectively and position your railway infrastructure project for success.

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Identify Target Audience And Potential Customers

Identifying the target audience and potential customers is a crucial step in developing a successful business plan for railway infrastructure. Understanding who your customers are and what they need will help you shape your services and marketing strategies to meet their requirements.

Here are some key steps to help you identify your target audience and potential customers:

  • Conduct market research: Begin by conducting thorough market research to gather information about the existing railway infrastructure market and its potential growth. This will help you identify the target audience and understand their demographics, preferences, and needs.
  • Segmentation: Analyze the market research data and segment the audience based on factors such as age, location, income, and industry. This segmentation will allow you to target specific groups with tailored marketing messages.
  • Identify needs and preferences: Survey potential customers to identify their needs, preferences, and pain points regarding railway infrastructure. This information will guide you in designing services that solve their problems and provide value.
  • Competitor analysis: Study your competitors' customer base and analyze their strategies. This will give you insights into what works and help you identify gaps in the market that you can capitalize on.
  • Stay updated on industry trends: Keep a pulse on the latest trends and developments in the railway infrastructure sector. This will help you anticipate changing customer needs and adapt your business plan accordingly.

Tips for Identifying Target Audience and Potential Customers:

  • Utilize social media platforms: Leverage social media platforms to gather insights about your target audience and engage with potential customers.
  • Build partnerships: Collaborate with industry associations, influencers, and relevant organizations to gain access to a wider network of potential customers.
  • Collect feedback: Regularly collect feedback from existing customers to understand their experience and identify areas for improvement.
  • Consider conducting focus groups or surveys: Engage with a representative sample of your target audience through focus groups or surveys to gather further insights.
  • Refine your buyer persona: Continuously refine your buyer persona based on new information and feedback, ensuring your strategies align with the evolving needs of your target audience.

Assess The Competitive Landscape

Assessing the competitive landscape is a crucial step in developing a business plan for railway infrastructure. It involves evaluating the existing players in the industry, their strengths, weaknesses, and market share. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of the competitive landscape, you can identify opportunities, anticipate challenges, and position your business strategically.

When assessing the competitive landscape, consider the following:

  • Identify your direct competitors: Research and identify other companies that provide similar railway infrastructure services. Understanding their offerings, pricing strategies, and market positioning will help you differentiate your business and identify potential advantages.
  • Analyze your indirect competitors: In addition to direct competitors, consider indirect competitors that offer alternative transportation solutions, such as roads, air travel, or other forms of public transport. Understanding their advantages and drawbacks will help you better position your railway infrastructure business.
  • Evaluate the market share: Assess the market share of each competitor to understand their level of influence in the industry. Identify if there are dominant players or smaller niche companies that you can target for partnership or collaboration.
  • Understand customer preferences: Study customer preferences, satisfaction levels, and pain points with existing railway infrastructure services. By understanding customer needs, you can tailor your offerings to meet their requirements and gain a competitive edge.
  • Regularly monitor your competitors: Keep a close eye on your competitors' activities, such as new projects, partnerships, or changes in business strategies. This will help you stay informed and adapt your own strategies accordingly.
  • Identify unique value propositions: Differentiate your business by identifying unique value propositions that set you apart from competitors. This could include offering innovative technologies, faster project delivery, cost-effective solutions, or exceptional customer service.
  • Identify collaboration opportunities: Consider potential collaboration opportunities with other players in the industry. This could involve forming alliances, joint ventures, or partnerships to leverage each other's strengths and expand your market reach.

Determine The Legal Requirements And Regulations

When starting a business in the railway infrastructure industry, understanding and complying with the legal requirements and regulations is crucial to ensure a smooth operation and avoid legal setbacks. Here are some important steps to determine the legal requirements and regulations for your railway infrastructure business:

  • Research Federal, State, and Local Laws: Familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations governing the railway infrastructure industry at the federal, state, and local levels. This will include laws related to construction, safety, environmental impact, labor, and permits.
  • Identify Relevant Regulatory Agencies: Determine the specific regulatory agencies that oversee railway infrastructure projects and operations. These agencies may include the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), state transportation departments, and local planning or zoning boards.
  • Consult with Legal Experts: Seek advice from legal experts who specialize in railway infrastructure or construction law. They can guide you through the complex legal requirements, help you understand any potential legal challenges, and ensure that your business is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Obtain Permits and Licenses: Determine the specific permits and licenses required to operate your railway infrastructure business. This may include permits for construction, environmental impact assessments, safety certifications, and licenses for operating trains or railway systems.
  • Ensure Compliance with Safety Regulations: Railway infrastructure businesses are subject to strict safety regulations to protect the public and prevent accidents. Make sure you understand and implement all necessary safety measures, such as installing signaling systems, maintaining track integrity, and providing appropriate training for employees.
  • Keep up-to-date with regulatory changes: Laws and regulations in the railway industry can evolve, so it's important to stay informed about any updates or new requirements that may affect your business.
  • Establish a good relationship with regulatory agencies: Maintaining a positive relationship with regulatory agencies can help you navigate any legal challenges and ensure a smoother process when obtaining permits or licenses.
  • Consider hiring a compliance officer: If your railway infrastructure business is large or complex, it may be beneficial to have a dedicated compliance officer who monitors and ensures adherence to legal requirements and regulations.

Define The Company's Mission, Vision, And Goals

Defining the mission, vision, and goals of your railway infrastructure company is a crucial step in developing a strong business plan. These elements provide a clear direction and purpose for your organization, setting the stage for success. Here are some key considerations when defining your company's mission, vision, and goals:

In order to ensure the success of your railway infrastructure business, it is crucial to develop a comprehensive financial plan. This plan will serve as a roadmap for managing your finances and making informed decisions throughout the lifecycle of your project. Here are some key steps to consider:

  • 1. Estimate Expenses: Start by identifying all the costs associated with your railway infrastructure project. This includes expenses such as land acquisition, design and engineering, construction, equipment, permits, and operational costs. Conduct thorough research and consult industry experts to obtain accurate estimates.
  • 2. Revenue Projection: Calculate potential sources of revenue that your railway infrastructure project can generate. This may include ticket sales, advertising revenue, leasing or renting of space, and government subsidies or grants. Ensure that your revenue projections are realistic and aligned with market conditions.
  • 3. Investment and Funding: Determine the amount of investment required to finance your railway infrastructure project. Explore different funding options such as bank loans, private investors, public grants, or joint ventures with other companies. Develop a clear plan on how you will secure the necessary funds.
  • 4. Financial Projections: Prepare financial forecasts to estimate the profitability and sustainability of your railway infrastructure project over a specified period. This includes projecting revenues, expenses, and cash flow. Pay attention to key financial indicators such as return on investment, break-even point, and net present value.
  • 5. Budgeting: Create a budget that outlines how you will allocate funds for various aspects of your railway infrastructure project. This will help you track expenses, manage cash flow, and ensure that you are staying within your financial limitations.
  • 6. Risk Assessment: Identify potential financial risks and develop strategies to mitigate them. This may include contingency plans for cost overruns, market fluctuations, or regulatory changes. Conduct regular risk assessments and update your financial plan accordingly.
  • Seek professional financial advice to ensure accuracy and reliability of your financial plan.
  • Regularly review and update your financial projections as your railway infrastructure project progresses.
  • Consider conducting a sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of various market scenarios on your financial plan.
  • Remember to factor in any taxes or regulatory fees that may apply to your railway infrastructure project.
  • Use financial planning software or tools to streamline the process and improve accuracy.
  • Be prepared to make adjustments to your financial plan based on changing market conditions or unforeseen circumstances.

Create A Detailed Operational Plan

Once you have defined your company's mission, vision, and goals, it is essential to create a detailed operational plan that outlines how you will execute your business strategies and achieve your objectives. This plan will serve as a roadmap for your day-to-day activities, ensuring that your railway infrastructure project runs smoothly and efficiently.

To create a detailed operational plan , consider the following key components:

  • Project Scope: Clearly define the scope of your railway infrastructure project, including the specific tasks, deliverables, and timelines.
  • Resource Allocation: Identify and allocate the necessary resources, such as labor, equipment, and materials, required for each phase of the project.
  • Workflow: Outline the step-by-step processes and workflows involved in the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of your railway infrastructure.
  • Quality Control: Develop and implement measures to ensure the quality and safety of your railway infrastructure, in accordance with industry standards and regulations.
  • Communication: Establish effective communication channels within your team and with external stakeholders, including government agencies, contractors, and suppliers, to facilitate collaboration and timely decision-making.
  • Risk Management: Identify potential risks and develop contingency plans to mitigate and respond to unforeseen challenges that may arise during the implementation of your railway infrastructure project.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Implement monitoring mechanisms to track the progress of your project, assess performance against predetermined targets, and make necessary adjustments to optimize efficiency and effectiveness.

Tips for Creating a Detailed Operational Plan:

  • Involve key stakeholders, including government officials, industry experts, and community representatives, to gain valuable insights and ensure your operational plan aligns with the needs and expectations of all parties involved.
  • Break down your operational plan into smaller, manageable tasks and assign responsibilities to specific individuals or teams to enhance accountability and streamline the execution process.
  • Regularly review and update your operational plan to adapt to changing circumstances, incorporate lessons learned, and capitalize on emerging opportunities in the dynamic railway infrastructure industry.

By creating a detailed operational plan, you will equip your team with a clear roadmap, resources, and strategies to effectively execute your railway infrastructure project, driving it towards success while minimizing risks.

Define The Company's Organizational Structure

Defining the organizational structure of your company is crucial for the successful implementation and management of a railway infrastructure project. It establishes the hierarchy, roles, and responsibilities within the organization, ensuring smooth coordination and efficient operation. Here are some important considerations when defining the company's organizational structure:

  • Identify key positions and roles: Start by identifying the key positions required to manage and oversee the project. This includes roles such as project director, finance manager, engineering manager, operations manager, and human resources manager. Clearly define the responsibilities and reporting lines for each position to ensure clarity and accountability.
  • Consider the project's size and complexity: The size and complexity of the railway infrastructure project will influence the organizational structure. A larger project may require multiple departments or divisions, while a smaller project might have a more streamlined structure. Assess the project requirements and adjust the organizational structure accordingly.
  • Establish communication channels: Communication is critical for the smooth functioning of the organization. Define the communication channels and reporting mechanisms within the company. Ensure that the flow of information is transparent, efficient, and timely to facilitate collaboration and decision-making.
  • Encourage teamwork and collaboration: Foster a culture of teamwork and collaboration within the organization. Clearly define cross-functional teams and encourage employees to work together towards common goals. This can lead to increased efficiency, innovation, and problem-solving capabilities.
  • Identify training and development needs: Assess the skills and competencies required for each position in the organizational structure. Identify any gaps and develop a training and development plan to equip employees with the necessary knowledge and skills. This will enable them to perform their roles effectively and contribute to the success of the project.
  • Regularly review and update the organizational structure as the project progresses and new requirements emerge.
  • Consider outsourcing certain functions or hiring consultants to fill expertise gaps.
  • Ensure that the organizational structure aligns with the company's mission, vision, and goals.

By carefully defining the organizational structure of your company, you can establish a framework that supports effective decision-making, clear communication, and efficient coordination within the railway infrastructure project. This structure serves as a blueprint for operational success and ensures that the right people are in the right positions to drive the project forward.

Identify Potential Risks And Establish Risk Management Strategies

Identifying potential risks is a crucial step in the business planning process for railway infrastructure projects. By proactively identifying risks, you can develop effective risk management strategies to mitigate any potential negative impacts on your project. Here are some key considerations:

  • Market Risks: Changes in economic conditions, government policies, or market demand can significantly affect your railway infrastructure project. Stay updated on market trends, conduct regular market research, and have contingency plans to adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Financial Risks: Insufficient funding, cash flow problems, or unexpected cost increases can derail your project. Develop a comprehensive financial plan, including accurate cost estimations and budgeting. Consider securing multiple sources of funding and maintaining healthy cash reserves.
  • Regulatory Risks: Government regulations and permits play a crucial role in railway infrastructure projects. Stay informed about the relevant laws and regulations, seek legal counsel if necessary, and ensure compliance to avoid delays, penalties, or legal repercussions.
  • Operational Risks: Construction delays, equipment failures, or inadequate maintenance can impact the smooth functioning of your railway infrastructure. Implement sound operational plans, invest in reliable equipment and technology, and establish regular maintenance protocols to minimize operational risks.
  • Environmental Risks: Railway infrastructure projects may have environmental implications, such as habitat destruction, pollution, or noise disturbances. Understand and adhere to environmental regulations, conduct environmental impact assessments, and implement eco-friendly practices to mitigate environmental risks.
  • Regularly review and update your risk management strategies to adapt to changing circumstances and emerging risks.
  • Develop contingency plans to address potential risks and minimize their impact on your project.
  • Consider partnering with experienced professionals or consultants who specialize in risk management for railway infrastructure projects.
  • Maintain open communication channels with stakeholders, including government entities, private partners, and customers, to address any potential risks or concerns promptly.

By proactively identifying potential risks and implementing robust risk management strategies, you can safeguard your railway infrastructure project and increase the likelihood of its successful completion. Remember that risk management is an ongoing process, and regular monitoring and evaluation are essential for long-term project success.

In conclusion, developing a business plan for railway infrastructure projects requires careful research, analysis, and strategic planning. By following the nine steps outlined in this checklist, you can ensure that your business plan covers all essential aspects, from market research to risk management. The public-private partnership model can be a valuable framework for establishing successful railway infrastructure projects that benefit both the government and private companies. With a well-designed business plan, you can attract investment, navigate regulatory requirements, and contribute to economic growth through the development of efficient and cost-effective rail infrastructure.

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Our Business Plan

How we’re supporting our members keep britain moving with safer, smarter rail..

There are many challenges in rail. In our Annual Business Plan 2024-25, we set out the work we will undertake to help address industry’s biggest challenges. 

Meeting industry’s most important challenges.

Our activities will help industry deliver many benefits. We use ‘Track Records’ to demonstrate the value our work has delivered to industry. Track Records detail the challenge faced, how we helped, and the benefits we delivered.

We will help industry reduce excessive costs from maintenance and operations. We will do this through our tools and services that reduce industry cost and improve efficiency.

Here are some examples of work contributing towards ‘Cost reduction’:

  • Clearer track standards: improve efficiency in track design, construction and maintenance
  • Keeping trains moving and in service during GSM-R system failures
  • Revised on-track H5:H7plant standard improves safety, saves industry £70K
  • New standards make AC electrification easier and cheaper (GMRT2111, GLRT1210, RIS 2715 RST, RIS 1853 ENE)
  • RIS for nationwide collaboration in managing control, command, and signalling systems (RIS 0707 CCS)
  • Literature review boosts understanding of fatigue crack growth in steel
  • Solar reflective materials on trains to cool down carriages
  • Rail data: standardise intelligence for better safety, reliability and insight
  • Clearer signals for safer railways: revised standard optimises railway signalling .

We will continue to support industry deliver healthy and safe services that satisfy customers, even in changed patterns of passenger demand or in response to public health threats.

Here are some examples of work contributing towards ‘Safe and satisfied customers’:

  • More comfortable journeys: balancing seat comfort with passenger capacity
  • Better delivery of adhesion information improves driver action and reduces incidents
  • Common risk assessment framework aims to reduce trespass and save industry millions (RIS-3786-TOM)
  • Managing noise levels in passenger carriages
  • Making health and safety data easier find and analyse
  • Actual hours measurement and monitoring .

Operational performance in rail needs high levels of employee health and wellbeing. Sharing data effectively about failures, faults, and defects is essential too. So we will support rail leaders to improve in these areas.

Here are some examples of work contributing towards ‘Improving system reliability and resilience’:

  • Safer and more efficient integration of heritage railways on the mainline
  • Improving operational safety awareness in rail, including depots, freight terminals, sidings, and yards
  • Tracking trends in train accident risk using an interactive dashboard
  • Train dispatch when on-train camera monitoring systems are not working
  • Updated SPAD self evaluation tool for better SPAD management
  • Reasons for leaving track work objects on the line
  • Steps to implement a national system for detecting faults, failures, and defects in control, command, and signalling
  • Optimised speed limits for safe and efficient service in bad weather
  • Three projects find better solutions for very short term changes to train services with £3m RSSB funding
  • Berth-level signal and delay data may improve system performance and safety management
  • Machine learning can support SPAD reduction by estimating red signal approaches
  • Protecting wheelsets and tracks from damage by better managing flange widths
  • New understanding of leaf-induced low adhesion could help reduce associated delays
  • Boost competence and safety with new non-technical skills resources
  • Reducing ice damage to the overhead lines
  • Literature review to help rail companies manage fatigue risk
  • Matching signals to track sections is now more seamless
  • Technological interventions to mitigate over-speeding
  • Optimising driving policies can save time and money
  • Ensuring software reliability: New standard improves safety and saves £8.2m (RIS-0745-CCS)
  • Overspeed risk: a roadmap to understanding and management
  • Objects on the line: improve data collection, reduce risk and disruption
  • Maximise track circuit performance for a safer and more reliable service .

We will continue to explore how industry can benefit from new technologies and what is needed to implement them effectively. This includes artificial intelligence.

Here are some examples of work contributing towards ‘Adopting new technology’:

  • Using an app to report concerns about health, safety, and wellbeing
  • Exploring loading limits to simplify track design and lower capital costs
  • Asset Integrity: what challenges are on the horizon?
  • How to test and adopt new technology for GB Rail .

To help the freight sector meet its target of at least 75% growth by 2050, we will focus on improving operational performance and reducing complexity. We will continue to provide current safety intelligence via our interactive dashboard specifically for freight safety.

Here are some examples of work contributing towards ‘Freight safety and growth’:

  • Bespoke freight model confirms viability of low-carbon locomotives
  • Freight coupler research more freight can go by rail
  • Dynamic response analysis of axle bearings gives safety and cost benefits
  • Aerodynamic risk: is it safe for freight trains to travel above 75mph?

Using the Sustainable Rail Blueprint we will build on rail’s reputation as the best sustainable transport mode. We will focus on air quality and noise. We will show rail’s key role in the net zero transport system and attract more young people to the industry.

Here are some examples of work contributing towards ‘Value to society and sustainability’:

  • Making rail careers more attractive to disadvantaged young people
  • Laying out actionable steps towards net zero and their value for money
  • Social housing and the railway: increasing our industry’s value to society .

Read our Annual Business Plan 2024-25 for more details

Strategic Business Plan 2024-29

Explore the benefits we plan to deliver to meet our members' needs over the next five years.


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South Western Railway sets out key business plans

  • South Western Railway (SWR) has published its new business plan, which sets out the company’s commitments for the year.
  • Planned customer improvements range from new live train occupancy information through to a package of station improvements.
  • With customer numbers still below pre-pandemic levels, SWR has also announced that it is deferring its planned December 2022 timetable changes

South Western Railway (SWR) has today published its business plan for 2022/23, setting out how the company will meet post-pandemic demands while still delivering improvements for customers.

The plan sets out in detail what the company expects to achieve this year in eight key areas: customer and communities, accessibility, train service operation, environment and sustainability, leadership, management and resourcing, collaboration, people and workforce, and revenue.  

Notable commitments set out in SWR’s 2022/3 business plan include:

  • Rolling out live train occupancy information on the class 444, 450 and 15X fleets
  • Boosting Wi-Fi provision across the fleet, introducing superfast connections in some locations
  • Delivering a comprehensive package of station improvements, including toilets, waiting rooms, benches and anti-trespass measures
  • A package of station accessibility improvements including installing induction loops, accessible toilet and additional wide aisle gatelines
  • Developing plans to achieve net zero
  • Signing up to the Armed Forces Covenant
  • Appointing a fraud investigation team to crack down on digital, electronic or systemic fraud

Under its National Rail Contract, SWR receives a fixed fee from the Department for Transport to deliver an annual business plan against an agreed annual budget. The operator has the opportunity to earn additional fees based on stretching targets that incentivise excellent performance for customers and the taxpayer.

SWR’s business plan comes at a challenging time for the rail industry, with customer numbers still below pre-Covid levels and the taxpayer continuing to heavily subsidise the railway to provide vital connections for customers and communities.

Over the past twelve weeks, SWR has seen its overall customer journeys stabilise at 70% of pre-Covid levels. While off peak travel has returned strongly to 100% of pre-Covid trips, commuters have been slower to return making just 53% of the peak journeys they did before the pandemic.

In light of these figures and the ongoing cost challenge facing the rail industry, SWR, Network Rail and the Department for Transport have decided to defer the timetable changes set out in the December 2022 consultation.

Instead, SWR will continue with its current service levels in December, with a limited number of targeted interventions to optimise services where demand has returned quickest. SWR and Network Rail will continue to monitor customer behaviour and act with agility to meet increased demand, subject to funding being agreed with the Department for Transport.

Commenting, SWR’s Managing Director, Claire Mann said:

“The Covid pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we work, play and travel, and the long-term future of the railway depends on it adapting to the new normal.

“Our new business plan does just this, striking the right balance between reducing the cost to taxpayers, who have subsidised the railway to the tune of £16 billion since the start of the pandemic, and delivering the improvements our customers want to see.

“Alongside our business plan, we have made the joint decision with the Department for Transport and Network Rail to defer our planned December 2022 timetable changes. While we know this will come as a disappointment to some of our customers, we cannot justify spending taxpayers’ money on a further timetable uplift while the number of commuter journeys sit at around 50 percent of pre-pandemic levels.” SWR’s business plan can be found here  and we have also  recently published our Stakeholder Annual Report, which is available to read here .  

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Control Period 7 Strategic Business Plans

Our plans deliver what customers and society value most.

Our Strategic Business Plan (SBP) for England and Wales, and our SBP for Scotland’s Railway set out how we will deliver the best railway for the funding available for the next Control Period (CP7). This includes plans in operations, maintenance, and renewals of rail infrastructure and reflects over two years of work by our regions and functions. Throughout this process we have engaged extensively with funders, the regulator and industry stakeholders. 

A key input into building our SBPs has been the DfT’s December 2022 High Level Output Statement (HLOS) which set out what our railway is expected to deliver across England and Wales in CP7, and the Statement of Funds Available (SoFA) which detailed how much funding was being made available. Separately Transport Scotland issued its HLOS and SOFA in February 2023 to inform the development of our SBP for Scotland’s Railway. 

Our plans set out how we:

Focus on our customers.

Putting passengers first by delivering a punctual and reliable railway. Improving passenger and freight customer experience with investment into our infrastructure so it can meet the needs of the future, including challenges caused by more frequent and extreme weather events.

Support all who use the railway

Our people are key to the delivery of a safe railway. We will equip colleagues with the skills they need to undertake their roles safely and effectively.

Support economic growth and connectivity

Our plans include investment in technology and research and development – targeting investment across the network and supporting reliable freight operations.

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Download region and function strategic business plans.

Whilst our plans for England & Wales for CP7 have been developed as part of a single national framework there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach. Each region and function respond to their own unique circumstances and challenges, reflecting the priorities of stakeholders locally.

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The Rail Industry: Can You Start a Successful Business in This Industry?

Last Updated:  

March 9, 2023

The Rail Industry: Can You Start a Successful Business?

The rail industry is one that has been around for many years. It is an important part of the transportation system in many countries, and it is responsible for moving people and goods from one place to another. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in the rail industry, as more and more people are looking to start their own businesses in this field. But is it really possible to succeed in the rail industry? In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the opportunities and challenges that are associated with starting a business in this field.

Very Regulated Industry

The first thing that you need to understand about the rail industry is that it is a very regulated industry. There are a lot of rules and regulations that govern the way that railroads operate, and these rules can be quite complicated. If you're not familiar with the regulations, it can be difficult to navigate your way through them. This is one of the biggest challenges that you will face when starting a business in this industry.

Two Main Types of Business

There are two main types of businesses in the rail industry: passenger railroads and freight railroads. Passenger railroads transport people from one place to another, while freight railroads transport goods from one place to another. Each type of railroad has its own set of regulations that you will need to comply with. First, you will need to decide which type of railroad you want to start your business in, and then you will need to obtain the necessary licenses and permits . In addition, each type of railroad has its own set of challenges that you will need to overcome. For example, freight railroads are typically much larger than passenger railroads, and they require a lot more capital investment. On the other hand, passenger railroads tend to be more complex due to the fact that they transport people. This means that there are a lot more regulations that you will need to comply with.

Passenger Railroads are More Profitable

Despite the fact that freight railroads are typically much larger than passenger railroads, passenger railroads are actually more profitable. This is because the demand for passenger rail service is much higher than the demand for freight rail service. As a result, passenger railroads tend to charge higher prices for their services. If you're looking to start a business in the rail industry, you should consider starting a passenger railroad. You will need to have a good understanding of the local area in order to provide passengers with the best possible experience. In addition, you will need to have a good marketing strategy in order to attract customers.

Inside the London Underground

Two Types of Services

You will also need to decide what kind of services you want to offer. There are two main types of services: passenger service and freight service. Passenger service includes things like providing transportation for people who are going to and from work or providing transportation for tourists. Freight service includes things like transporting goods from one place to another. Each type of service has its own set of challenges that you will need to overcome. For example, passenger service requires a lot more customer service than freight service. You will also need to have a good understanding of the local area in order to provide passengers with the best possible experience. Freight service, on the other hand, requires a lot more logistics and planning. You will need to have a good understanding of the rail network in order to ensure that your goods arrive at their destination on time.

Freight Service is More Popular

Despite the fact that passenger service is more profitable, freight service is actually more popular. This is because freight railroads typically have a lower operating cost than passenger railroads. As a result, they can offer their services at a lower price, which makes them more appealing to customers.


Another challenge that you will face when starting a business in the rail industry is the infrastructure. The rail industry is very dependent on the infrastructure, and if the infrastructure is not up to par, it can be difficult to run a successful business. This is particularly true for freight railroads, as they require a lot of track in order to operate.

Another challenge that you will face when starting a business in the rail industry is financing. The rail industry is a capital-intensive industry, and it can be difficult to obtain the necessary financing to start your business. Therefore, you will need to have a solid business plan in order to convince investors to invest in your company. Additionally, you will need to have a good understanding of the financial aspects of the rail industry in order to make sure that your business is booming.


Another challenge that you will face when starting a business in the rail industry is competition. The rail industry is a very competitive industry, and there are a lot of large, well-established companies that you will be competing against. Therefore, you will need to differentiate your company in order to succeed. Also, you will need to have a good marketing strategy in order to attract customers.

Another challenge that you will face when starting a business in the rail industry is upkeep. The rail industry is a very regulated industry, and you will need to comply with all of the necessary regulations. This can be costly and it can be time-consuming. If you can establish a good relationship with the relevant regulatory agencies, it will make your life much easier. On the note of making your life easier, get a good relationship going with a parts supplier, especially for those parts like diesel injector that needs to be replaced often.

Coal Fired Steam Engine

All in all, the rail industry is a challenging but rewarding industry to be in. If you are able to overcome the challenges that you face, you can be successful in this industry. Just remember to do your research, and create a solid business plan before you get started.

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Business continuity management - best practices in the rail industry.

The terrorist attacks in July 2005 sparked many firms into action to improve their business continuity plans and business interruption cover. However, firms often fail to grasp the true costs of responding to an incident threatening the survival of their business and build these into their insurance programmes and continuity plans, say James Leow and Bill Russell

The government’s national risk register has identified pandemic flu as the highest risk, clearly a large threat to the most valuable resource of any business – its people. Terrorism is a particular threat to the transport sector as well as the more traditional risks such as fire, flooding and severe weather. Any one of these incidents would cause significant disruption to employees, business processes and most importantly, service to clients.

Imagine, if you will… A rail company, be it an operator, a contractor or service supplier, suffers a complete collapse of its headquarters building when it is completely destroyed due to fire, explosion, terrorism or the like. The IT infrastructure and crucial documents are damaged or destroyed during the disaster.

Due to the high level of interdependency within the rail industry, the company may suffer indirectly where damage to the national network or at the premises of its key customers or suppliers causes a downturn in its business.

Now imagine no provision has been made for the analysis of impacts and implications for its operations as a result of loss or damage to either its headquarters or IT data centre or vice versa.

Despite strong disaster planning, our hypothetical company has failed to consider its responsibilities over the subsequent period to ensure the business starts running smoothly again as fast as possible.

One of the key factors for eroding profits will be the increased of costs of alternative resources if a terrorist attack, for example, leads to other companies looking to relocate to alternate premises or to replace rolling stock. Although these costs may be covered under a business interruption insurance policy, it is found that the company’s existing standard 12-month indemnity period and additional increased cost of working (ICOW) policy limit are insufficient. As the cost of overheads eats into its income, the company also faces the loss of existing customers and perhaps long term loss to road haulage or air transport.

In the event of a prolonged recovery period of more than 12 months, the loss event causes the key employees to seek alternative employment opportunities. This in turn has a markedly adverse impact on client retention and new business.

The best practice approach Although not considered an all-inclusive list, the following business continuity management best practice approaches are recommended to be embedded within companies to protect their trading position.

1. Ensure there is a formal policy in place in relation to business interruption, which supports the effective design and implementation of business continuity plans. This policy has to be formally ratified and should be effectively communicated across the firm, supported by local procedures

2. Ensure the firm demonstrates clear accountabilities for business continuity plans, both at a central management level and locally

3. Set objectives to undertake measures to ensure that the severity or impact of the identified risks is reduced within an agreed timeframe. Ensure the cost of risk for building collapses is quantified in a consistent manner and allow the company to understand the major exposures to its revenue generating capacities

4. Evaluate the appropriate amount of insurance cover to minimise profit erosion for business interruption stemming from the identified risks

5. Consider increasing indemnity period from 12 to at least 18 or 36 months based on the business interruption analysis

6. Ensure business continuity plan testing is undertaken or verified by a qualified and independent third party

7. The results from the testing of business continuity plans are formally reported and communicated. Any real life implementation of a business continuity plan is formally analysed and reported

8. Ensure the company has an audit programme in place capable of providing assurance that adequate controls exist over business continuity processes

9. Ensure the firm communicates its performance on business continuity management and establishes structured programmes for improving performance

It has been found that even if companies have put in place business continuity plans, they are often focused mainly on preventing an accident from occurring instead of strengthening the plans with other proactive measures that will further assist them to fully recover their business operation in the most efficient, timely, cost effective and practical way. For example, when a disaster occurs, firms often have not factored in to their business continuity planning the cost to provide IT back-up support and relocate their staff to alternate locations.

Securing an effective business interruption insurance policy goes hand in hand with having a clear and practical business continuity plan. There are limitations in the availability of business interruption cover for the rail industry, particularly if there are exposures to performance regime penalties, indirect damage, denial of access or non-damage events such as bomb threat. Where there deficiencies in insurance protection then risk management and business continuity planning become paramount.

More positively, every risk should present an element of opportunity. As such, companies should look at continuity planning as a trigger to achieve potential premium savings or enhancements in cover through improving their current mitigation controls and building upon their relationship with their insurers.

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