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Gujarati Phrases

Essential Gujarati Phrases: Guide to Learning Gujarati

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Greetings and Pleasantries in Gujarati

  • Hello. નમસ્તે. (Namaste.)
  • Hi. હાય. (Haya.)
  • Thank you. આભાર. (Abhara.)
  • Thank you very much. ખુબ ખુબ આભાર. (Khuba khuba abhara.)
  • You are welcome. તમારું સ્વાગત છે. (Tamarum svagata che.)
  • Yes. / No. હા. / ના. (Ha. / Na.)
  • Please. મહેરબાની કરીને. (Maherabani karine.)
  • Excuse me. / Sorry. માફ કરશો. / માફ કરશો. (Mapha karaso. / Mapha karaso.)
  • Don't worry. ચિંતા કરશો નહીં. (Cinta karaso nahim.)
  • Good morning. સુપ્રભાત. (Suprabhata.)
  • Good afternoon. શુભ બપોર. (Subha bapora.)
  • Good evening. શુભ સાંજ. (Subha san̄ja.)
  • Good night. શુભ રાત્રી. (Subha ratri.)
  • See you later. પછી મળીશું. (Pachi malisum.)
  • Goodbye. આવજો. (Avajo.)
  • Bye. બાય. (Baya.)
  • How are you? તમે કેમ છો? (Tame kema cho?)
  • I am fine. And you? હું મજામા છુ. અને તમે? (Hum majama chu. Ane tame?)
  • What is your name? તમારું નામ શું છે? (Tamarum nama sum che?)
  • My name is Kavita. મારું નામ કવિતા છે. (Marum nama kavita che.)
  • I am pleased to meet you. આપને મળીને મને આનંદ થયો. (Apane maline mane ananda thayo.)
  • Bless you! (when sneezing) તમને આશીર્વાદ! (છીંક આવે ત્યારે) (Tamane asirvada! (Chinka ave tyare))
  • Cheers! ચીયર્સ! (ciyarsa!)
  • Good luck! સારા નસીબ! (Sara nasiba!)
  • Happy birthday! જન્મદિવસ ની શુભકામના! (Janmadivasa ni subhakamana!)
  • Congratulations! અભિનંદન! (Abhinandana!)

Starting Conversation Between People

  • Do you live here? શું તમે અહીં રહો છો? (Sum tame ahim raho cho?)
  • Where are you going? તમે ક્યાં જાવ છો? (Tame kyam java cho?)
  • What are you doing? તું શું કરે છે? (Tum sum kare che?)
  • Today is a nice day, isn't it? આજે એક સરસ દિવસ છે, તે નથી? (Aje eka sarasa divasa che, te nathi?)
  • Where are you from? તમે ક્યાંથી છો? (Tame kyanthi cho?)
  • I am from India. હું ભારત તરફથી છું. (Hum bharata taraphathi chum.)
  • Do you like it here? તમે તેને અહી પસંદ કરો છો? (Tame tene ahi pasanda karo cho?)
  • Yes, I like it here. હા, મને તે અહીં ગમે છે. (Ha, mane te ahim game che.)
  • How long are you here for? તમે કેટલા સમયથી અહીં છો? (Tame ketala samayathi ahim cho?)
  • I am here for three days/weeks. હું અહીં ત્રણ દિવસ/અઠવાડિયા માટે છું. (Hum ahim trana divasa/athavadiya mate chum.)
  • How old are you? તમારી ઉંમર કેટલી છે? (Tamari ummara ketali che?)
  • I am 26 years old. હું 26 વર્ષનો છું. (Hum 26 varsano chum.)
  • What is your occupation? તમારા વ્યવસાય શું છે? (Tamara vyavasaya sum che?)
  • I am a Software Engineer. હું સોફ્ટવેર એન્જિનિયર છું. (Hum sophtavera enjiniyara chum.)
  • I am a student. હું એક વિદ્યાર્થી છું. (Hum eka vidyarthi chum.)
  • I am studying Medical Science. હું મેડિકલ સાયન્સનો અભ્યાસ કરું છું. (Hum medikala sayansano abhyasa karum chum.)
  • I am retired. હું નિવૃત્ત છું. (Hum nivr̥tta chum.)
  • What is your email/phone number/address? તમારો ઈમેલ/ફોન નંબર/સરનામું શું છે? (Tamaro imela/phona nambara/saranamum sum che?)
  • Here is my email/phone number/address. અહીં મારો ઈમેલ/ફોન નંબર/સરનામું છે. (Ahim maro imela/phona nambara/saranamum che.)
  • Are you on Facebook or Twitter? શું તમે ફેસબુક કે ટ્વિટર પર છો? (Sum tame phesabuka ke tvitara para cho?)
  • Keep in touch! સંપર્કમાં રહો! (Samparkamam raho!)
  • It has been great meeting you. તમને મળીને ખૂબ જ આનંદ થયો. (Tamane maline khuba ja ananda thayo.)

Personal Pronouns in Gujarati

1. personal pronouns.

Personal pronouns refer to individuals or groups in various context. For e.g., I am driving the car. (hum gadi chalavam chum - હું ગાડી ચલાવું છું) .

  • I / Me હું (Hum)
  • You (informal) તું (Tum)
  • You (formal) તમે (Tame)
  • He / She તે (Te)
  • We / Us અમે (Ame)
  • They તેઓ (Teo)

2. Possessive Pronouns

In Gujarati, Possessive pronouns indicate ownership or possession of something . For e.g., Your house is very beautiful (Tarum ghar bahu sundar che - તારું ઘર બહુ સુંદર છે) .

  • My મારું (Marum)
  • Your (informal) તારું (Tarum)
  • Your (formal) તમારું (Tamarum)
  • His / Her તેનું (Tenum)
  • Our અમારું (Amarum)
  • Their તેમણે (Temane)

3. Demonstrative Pronouns

In Gujarati, Demonstrative pronouns are used to point out specific persons, places, or things . For e.g., Those houses are very beautiful (Te Gharo bahu sundar che - તે ઘરો બહુ સુંદર છે)

  • That તે (Te)
  • These આ (a)
  • Those તે (Te)


Getting around.

  • How do I get to the Zoo? હું પ્રાણી સંગ્રહાલયમાં કેવી રીતે જઈ શકું? (Hum prani sangrahalayamam kevi rite ja'i sakum?)
  • Can we get there by public transport? શું આપણે ત્યાં સાર્વજનિક પરિવહન દ્વારા પહોંચી શકીએ? (Sum apane tyam sarvajanika parivahana dvara pahon̄ci saki'e?)
  • What time does the bus / train / plane leave? બસ/ટ્રેન/પ્લેન કેટલા વાગ્યે નીકળે છે? (Basa/trena/plena ketala vagye nikale che?)
  • What time does it arrive? તે કેટલા વાગ્યે આવે છે? (Te ketala vagye ave che?)
  • How long will it be delayed? ક્યાં સુધી વિલંબ થશે? (Kyam sudhi vilamba thase?)
  • Is this seat free? શું આ સીટ ફ્રી છે? (Sum a sita phri che?)
  • I want to get off here. મારે અહીંથી ઉતરવું છે. (Mare ahinthi utaravum che.)

Buying Tickets

  • Where can I buy a ticket? હું ક્યાંથી ટિકિટ ખરીદી શકું? (Hum kyanthi tikita kharidi sakum?)
  • Do I need to book a ticket in advance? શું મારે અગાઉથી ટિકિટ બુક કરવાની જરૂર છે? (Sum mare aga'uthi tikita buka karavani jarura che?)
  • Can I have a one-way / return ticket, please? કૃપા કરીને શું મારી પાસે વન-વે/રિટર્ન ટિકિટ છે? (Kr̥pa karine sum mari pase vana-ve/ritarna tikita che?)
  • Can I have a 1st-class / 2nd-class ticket to the Zoo? શું મારી પાસે પ્રાણી સંગ્રહાલયની 1લી-ક્લાસ/2જી-ક્લાસની ટિકિટ છે? (Sum mari pase prani sangrahalayani 1li-klasa/2ji-klasani tikita che?)
  • I would like an aisle / a window seat. મને એક પાંખ / વિન્ડો સીટ જોઈએ છે. (Mane eka pankha/ vindo sita jo'i'e che.)
  • Can I get a day / weekly ticket? શું હું એક દિવસ/સાપ્તાહિક ટિકિટ મેળવી શકું? (Sum hum eka divasa/saptahika tikita melavi sakum?)
  • I would like to cancel / change / confirm my ticket, please. કૃપા કરીને, હું મારી ટિકિટ રદ/બદલવા/કન્ફર્મ કરવા માંગુ છું. (Kr̥pa karine, hum mari tikita rada/badalava/kanpharma karava mangu chum.)
  • Which bus goes to the airport? એરપોર્ટ પર કઈ બસ જાય છે? (Eraporta para ka'i basa jaya che?)
  • What is the bus number? બસનો નંબર શું છે? (Basano nambara sum che?)
  • Where is the bus stop? બસ સ્ટોપ ક્યાં છે? (Basa stopa kyam che?)
  • What is the next stop? આગામી સ્ટોપ શું છે? (Agami stopa sum che?)
  • I would like to get off at the shopping center. હું શોપિંગ સેન્ટર પર ઉતરવા માંગુ છું. (Hum sopinga sentara para utarava mangu chum.)
  • What time does the train depart? ટ્રેન કેટલા વાગ્યે ઉપડે છે? (Trena ketala vagye upade che?)
  • Which platform does the train leave from? ટ્રેન કયા પ્લેટફોર્મ પરથી ઉપડે છે? (Trena kaya pletaphorma parathi upade che?)
  • How much is a ticket to Delhi? દિલ્હીની ટિકિટ કેટલી છે? (Dil'hini tikita ketali che?)
  • Is there a direct train to Delhi? શું દિલ્હી માટે સીધી ટ્રેન છે? (Sum dil'hi mate sidhi trena che?)
  • When does the next train arrive? આગલી ટ્રેન ક્યારે આવશે? (Agali trena kyare avase?)
  • I would like a ticket for First Class. મને ફર્સ્ટ ક્લાસની ટિકિટ જોઈએ છે. (Mane pharsta klasani tikita jo'i'e che.)
  • Is this seat reserved? શું આ બેઠક અનામત છે? (Sum a bethaka anamata che?)
  • How long is the journey to Delhi? દિલ્હીની મુસાફરી કેટલી લાંબી છે? (Dil'hini musaphari ketali lambi che?)
  • I would like a taxi at 2pm. મને બપોરે 2 વાગ્યે ટેક્સી જોઈએ છે. (Mane bapore 2 vagye teksi jo'i'e che.)
  • Where is the taxi stand? ટેક્સી સ્ટેન્ડ ક્યાં છે? (Teksi stenda kyam che?)
  • Please take me to this address. કૃપા કરીને મને આ સરનામે લઈ જાઓ. (Kr̥pa karine mane a saraname la'i ja'o.)
  • Could you please take me to the hotel? શું તમે કૃપા કરીને મને હોટેલમાં લઈ જઈ શકશો? (Sum tame kr̥pa karine mane hotelamam la'i ja'i sakaso?)
  • Could you please take me to the train station? શું તમે મને ટ્રેન સ્ટેશન પર લઈ જઈ શકશો? (Sum tame mane trena stesana para la'i ja'i sakaso?)
  • How much does this cost? આની કિંમત કેટલી છે? (Ani kimmata ketali che?)
  • Is the price negotiable? શું કિંમત વાટાઘાટ યોગ્ય છે? (Sum kimmata vataghata yogya che?)
  • Can you give me a discount? શું તમે મને ડિસ્કાઉન્ટ આપી શકો છો? (Sum tame mane diska'unta api sako cho?)
  • Please turn on the meter. કૃપા કરીને મીટર ચાલુ કરો. (Kr̥pa karine mitara calu karo.)
  • How long will it take to get to the airport? એરપોર્ટ પર પહોંચવામાં કેટલો સમય લાગશે? (Eraporta para pahon̄cavamam ketalo samaya lagase?)
  • Stop here. અહીં થોભો. (Ahim thobho.)
  • Can you give me a receipt, please? કૃપા કરીને તમે મને રસીદ આપી શકશો? (Kr̥pa karine tame mane rasida api sakaso?)


Learn practical and important phrases required for day-to-day activities.

Finding Accommodation, Booking, Checking In & Out

  • Where is the hotel? હોટેલ ક્યાં છે? (Hotela kyam che?)
  • How much is it per night? તે રાત્રિ દીઠ કેટલું છે? (Te ratri ditha ketalum che?)
  • Is breakfast included? નાસ્તો સમાવેશ થાય છે? (Nasto samavesa thaya che?)
  • I would like to book a room, please. કૃપા કરીને, હું એક રૂમ બુક કરવા માંગુ છું. (Kr̥pa karine, hum eka ruma buka karava mangu chum.)
  • I have a reservation for 2 nights/weeks. મારી પાસે 2 રાત/અઠવાડિયા માટે આરક્ષણ છે. (Mari pase 2 rata/athavadiya mate araksana che.)
  • Is there wireless internet access available here? શું અહીં વાયરલેસ ઇન્ટરનેટ એક્સેસ ઉપલબ્ધ છે? (Sum ahim vayaralesa intaraneta eksesa upalabdha che?)
  • Do you have double/single/family rooms? શું તમારી પાસે ડબલ/સિંગલ/ફેમિલી રૂમ છે? (Sum tamari pase dabala/singala/phemili ruma che?)
  • Can I see the room? શું હું રૂમ જોઈ શકું? (Sum hum ruma jo'i sakum?)
  • When/where is breakfast served? નાસ્તો ક્યારે/ક્યાં આપવામાં આવે છે? (Nasto kyare/kyam apavamam ave che?)
  • Can I use the laundry facilities? શું હું લોન્ડ્રી સુવિધાઓનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકું? (Sum hum londri suvidha'ono upayoga kari sakum?)
  • Do you arrange tours? શું તમે પ્રવાસ ગોઠવો છો? (Sum tame pravasa gothavo cho?)
  • Could I have my key, please? શું મારી પાસે મારી ચાવી છે, કૃપા કરી? (Sum mari pase mari cavi che, kr̥pa kari?)
  • Sorry, I lost my key! માફ કરશો, મારી ચાવી ખોવાઈ ગઈ! (Mapha karaso, mari cavi khova'i ga'i!)
  • There is no hot water. ગરમ પાણી નથી. (Garama pani nathi.)
  • The air conditioner/heater/fan is not working. એર કન્ડીશનર/હીટર/પંખો કામ કરતા નથી. (Era kandisanara/hitara/pankho kama karata nathi.)
  • What time is checkout? ચેકઆઉટ કેટલો સમય છે? (Ceka'a'uta ketalo samaya che?)
  • I am leaving now. હું હવે જાઉં છું. (Hum have ja'um chum.)
  • Could I have my deposit back, please? કૃપા કરીને શું હું મારી ડિપોઝિટ પાછી મેળવી શકું? (Kr̥pa karine sum hum mari dipojhita pachi melavi sakum?)
  • Can you call a taxi for me? શું તમે મારા માટે ટેક્સી બોલાવી શકો છો? (Sum tame mara mate teksi bolavi sako cho?)
  • Where is the nearest campsite? નજીકની કેમ્પસાઇટ ક્યાં છે? (Najikani kempasa'ita kyam che?)
  • Can I camp here? શું હું અહીં કેમ્પ કરી શકું? (Sum hum ahim kempa kari sakum?)
  • Who do I ask to stay here? હું અહીં રહેવાનું કોને કહું? (Hum ahim rahevanum kone kahum?)
  • Is the water drinkable? શું પાણી પીવાલાયક છે? (Sum pani pivalayaka che?)
  • How much do you charge for a caravan / tent? તમે કાફલા/તંબુ માટે કેટલો ચાર્જ કરો છો? (Tame kaphala/tambu mate ketalo carja karo cho?)

Home Staying / Staying with Locals

  • Can I stay at your place? શું હું તમારી જગ્યાએ રહી શકું? (Sum hum tamari jagya'e rahi sakum?)
  • I have my own sleeping bag. મારી પાસે મારી પોતાની સ્લીપિંગ બેગ છે. (Mari pase mari potani slipinga bega che.)
  • Can I bring anything for the meal? શું હું ભોજન માટે કંઈ લાવી શકું? (Sum hum bhojana mate kami lavi sakum?)
  • Can I do the dishes? શું હું વાનગીઓ બનાવી શકું? (Sum hum vanagi'o banavi sakum?)
  • Thank you for your hospitality. તમારા આતિથ્ય માટે આભાર. (Tamara atithya mate abhara.)
  • Where is a supermarket? સુપરમાર્કેટ ક્યાં છે? (Suparamarketa kyam che?)
  • Where can I buy souvenirs? હું સંભારણું ક્યાંથી ખરીદી શકું? (Hum sambharanum kyanthi kharidi sakum?)
  • I would like to buy vintage or antique items. હું વિન્ટેજ અથવા એન્ટિક વસ્તુઓ ખરીદવા માંગુ છું. (Hum vinteja athava entika vastu'o kharidava mangu chum.)
  • How much is it? તે કેટલું છે? (Te ketalum che?)
  • Can you write down the price? શું તમે કિંમત લખી શકો છો? (Sum tame kimmata lakhi sako cho?)
  • Do you accept credit/debit cards? શું તમે ક્રેડિટ/ડેબિટ કાર્ડ સ્વીકારો છો? (Sum tame kredita/debita karda svikaro cho?)
  • Do you accept cryptocurrencies? શું તમે ક્રિપ્ટોકરન્સી સ્વીકારો છો? (Sum tame kriptokaransi svikaro cho?)
  • Could I have a bag, please? કૃપા કરીને મારી પાસે બેગ છે? (Kr̥pa karine mari pase bega che?)
  • I don't need a bag, thanks. મને બેગની જરૂર નથી, આભાર. (Mane begani jarura nathi, abhara.)
  • Could I have a receipt, please? કૃપા કરીને મને રસીદ મળી શકે? (Krpa karine mane rasida mali sake?)
  • I would like to return this, please. કૃપા કરીને હું આ પરત કરવા માંગુ છું. (Krpa karine hum a parata karava mangu chum.)
  • I would like my money back, please. કૃપા કરીને મને મારા પૈસા પાછા જોઈએ. (Krpa karine mane mara paisa pacha jo'i'e.)
  • That's too expensive. તે ખૂબ ખર્ચાળ છે. (Te khuba kharcala che.)
  • Can you lower the price? શું તમે કિંમત ઘટાડી શકો છો? (Sum tame kimmata ghatadi sako cho?)
  • I will give you 150 rupees. હું તને 150 રૂપિયા આપીશ. (Hum tane 150 rupiya apisa.)

Safe Travel

Knowing basic phrases is one thing, but most importantly you need to know the phrases and sentences when in emergencies, reporting police regarding robberies, or visiting doctor or hospital due to health issues.


  • Help! મદદ! (Madada!)
  • There's been an accident. એક અકસ્માત થયો છે. (Eka akasmata thayo che.)
  • Thief! ચોર! (Cora!)
  • Fire! આગ! (Aga!)
  • Stop! બંધ! (Bandha!)
  • It's an emergency! તે કટોકટી છે! (Te katokati che!)
  • Do you have a first-aid kit? શું તમારી પાસે ફર્સ્ટ-એઇડ કીટ છે? (Sum tamari pase pharsta-e'ida kita che?)
  • Call a doctor/police! ડૉક્ટર/પોલીસને બોલાવો! (Doktara/polisane bolavo!)
  • Call an ambulance? એમ્બ્યુલન્સ બોલાવો? (Embyulansa bolavo?)
  • Could you please help us/me? શું તમે કૃપા કરીને અમને/મને મદદ કરી શકશો? (Sum tame kr̥pa karine amane/mane madada kari sakaso?)
  • I'm lost. હું ખોવાઈ ગયો છું. (Hum khova'i gayo chum.)
  • Where is the police station? પોલીસ સ્ટેશન ક્યાં છે? (Polisa stesana kyam che?)
  • I want to report a robbery. મારે લૂંટની જાણ કરવી છે. (Mare luntani jana karavi che.)
  • I have been robbed. મને લૂંટવામાં આવ્યો છે. (Mane luntavamam avyo che.)
  • He/She has been assaulted. તેણી/તેણી પર હુમલો કરવામાં આવ્યો છે. (Teni/teni para humalo karavamam avyo che.)
  • My wallet was stolen? મારું પાકીટ ચોરાઈ ગયું? (Marum pakita cora'i gayum?)
  • I have lost my wallet. મારું પાકીટ ખોવાઈ ગયું છે. (Marum pakita khova'i gayum che.)
  • I have been wrongly accused by her. તેના દ્વારા મારા પર ખોટો આરોપ લગાવવામાં આવ્યો છે. (Tena dvara mara para khoto aropa lagavavamam avyo che.)
  • Can I call someone? શું હું કોઈને કૉલ કરી શકું? (Sum hum ko'ine kola kari sakum?)
  • Can I call a lawyer? શું હું વકીલને બોલાવી શકું? (Sum hum vakilane bolavi sakum?)
  • I want to contact my embassy. મારે મારા દૂતાવાસનો સંપર્ક કરવો છે. (Mare mara dutavasano samparka karavo che.)
  • Where is the nearest hospital/doctor? નજીકની હોસ્પિટલ/ડોક્ટર ક્યાં છે? (Najikani hospitala/doktara kyam che?)
  • I need a doctor who speaks English/Hindi/Gujarati. મારે અંગ્રેજી/હિન્દી/ગુજરાતી બોલતા ડૉક્ટરની જરૂર છે. (Mare angreji/hindi/gujarati bolata doktarani jarura che.)
  • Could I see a male/female doctor? શું હું કોઈ પુરુષ/સ્ત્રી ડૉક્ટરને જોઈ શકું? (Sum hum ko'i purusa/stri doktarane jo'i sakum?)
  • Where is the nearest chemist? નજીકના રસાયણશાસ્ત્રી ક્યાં છે? (Najikana rasayanasastri kyam che?)
  • I have been vaccinated for Covid/Hepatitis. મને કોવિડ/હેપેટાઇટિસ માટે રસી આપવામાં આવી છે. (Mane kovida/hepeta'itisa mate rasi apavamam avi che.)
  • I have a fever. મને તાવ છે. (Mane tava che.)
  • I am sick. હુ માદી છુ. (Hu madi chu.)
  • He/She/My friend is sick. તે/તેણી/મારો મિત્ર બીમાર છે. (Te/teni/maro mitra bimara che.)
  • I have been vomiting. મને ઉલ્ટી થઈ રહી છે. (Mane ulti tha'i rahi che.)
  • I have altitude sickness. મને ઊંચાઈની બીમારી છે. (Mane un̄ca'ini bimari che.)
  • I am seasick. હું દરિયાઈ રોગી છું. (Hum dariya'i rogi chum.)
  • I am allergic to peanuts. મને મગફળીથી એલર્જી છે. (Mane magaphalithi elarji che.)
  • I can't move my leg! હું મારા પગને ખસેડી શકતો નથી! (Hum mara pagane khasedi sakato nathi!)
  • My (hand/leg) is swollen. મારો (હાથ/પગ) સોજો છે. (Maro (hatha/paga) sojo che.)
  • I have a toothache. મને દાંતમાં દુખાવો છે. (Mane dantamam dukhavo che.)
  • My dentures are broken. મારા દાંત તૂટી ગયા છે. (Mara danta tuti gaya che.)
  • My gum hurts. મારા ગમ દુખે છે. (Mara gama dukhe che.)
  • I have run out of medication. મારી પાસે દવા ખતમ થઈ ગઈ છે. (Mari pase dava khatama tha'i ga'i che.)
  • I need a prescription for blood pressure medication. મને બ્લડ પ્રેશરની દવા માટે પ્રિસ્ક્રિપ્શનની જરૂર છે. (Mane blada presarani dava mate priskripsanani jarura che.)
  • I am on medication for asthma. હું અસ્થમાની દવા પર છું. (Hum asthamani dava para chum.)


  • I have a disability. મને અપંગતા છે. (Mane apangata che.)
  • I need assistance. મને સહાયની જરૂર છે. (Mane sahayani jarura che.)
  • Is there wheelchair access? ત્યાં વ્હીલચેર ઍક્સેસ છે? (Tyam vhilacera eksesa che?)
  • Is there a disabled toilet? શું ત્યાં વિકલાંગ શૌચાલય છે? (Sum tyam vikalanga saucalaya che?)
  • Is there a lift? શું ત્યાં લિફ્ટ છે? (Sum tyam liphta che?)
  • Could you help me cross this street? શું તમે મને આ શેરી પાર કરવામાં મદદ કરી શકશો? (Sum tame mane a seri para karavamam madada kari sakaso?)
  • Is there a wheelchair space? વ્હીલચેર માટે જગ્યા છે? (Vhilacera mate jagya che?)

Time, Day and Dates in Gujarati

Past, present and future time.

  • Morning સવાર (Savara)
  • Afternoon બપોર (bapora)
  • Evening સાંજ (san̄ja)
  • Night રાત્રિ (ratri)
  • Today આજે (aje)
  • Tomorrow કાલે (kale)
  • Tomorrow Morning કાલે સવારે (kale savare)
  • Day After Tomorrow ડે આફ્ટર ટુમોરો (de aphtara tumoro)
  • Yesterday ગઇકાલે (ga'ikale)
  • Yesterday Evening ગઈકાલે સાંજે (ga'ikale san̄je)
  • Day Before Yesterday ગઈકાલ પહેલા નો દિવસ (ga'ikala pahela no divasa)
  • This Week / Next Week / Last Week આ અઠવાડિયે / આગામી અઠવાડિયે / છેલ્લા અઠવાડિયે (a athavadiye/ agami athavadiye/ chella athavadiye)
  • This Month / Next Month / Last Month આ મહિનો / આગામી મહિનો / છેલ્લો મહિનો (a mahino/ agami mahino/ chello mahino)
  • This Year / Next Year / Last Year આ વર્ષ / આગામી વર્ષ / ગયા વર્ષ (a varsa/ agami varsa/ gaya varsa)
  • Now હવે (have)
  • Later બાદમાં (badamam)
  • Before પહેલાં (pahelam)
  • Until May મે સુધી (me sudhi)
  • Within a Week એક અઠવાડિયાની અંદર (eka athavadiyani andara)
  • Within an hour એક કલાકની અંદર (eka kalakani andara)
  • In (three) days (ત્રણ) દિવસમાં ((trana) divasamam)
  • In (ten) minutes (દસ) મિનિટમાં ((dasa) minitamam)

The Calender

  • Sunday રવિવાર (Ravivara)
  • Monday સોમવાર (somavara)
  • Tuesday મંગળવારે (mangalavare)
  • Wednesday બુધવાર (budhavara)
  • Thursday ગુરુવાર (guruvara)
  • Friday શુક્રવાર (sukravara)
  • Saturday શનિવાર (sanivara)
  • January જાન્યુઆરી (jan'yu'ari)
  • February ફેબ્રુઆરી (phebru'ari)
  • March કુચ (kuca)
  • April એપ્રિલ (eprila)
  • May મે (me)
  • June જૂન (juna)
  • July જુલાઈ (jula'i)
  • August ઓગસ્ટ (ogasta)
  • September સપ્ટેમ્બર (saptembara)
  • October ઓક્ટોબર (oktobara)
  • November નવેમ્બર (navembara)
  • December ડિસેમ્બર (disembara)
  • Summer ઉનાળો (unalo)
  • Autumn પાનખર (panakhara)
  • Winter શિયાળો (siyalo)
  • Spring વસંત (vasanta)

Clock Basic in Gujarati.

  • What time is it? કેટલા વાગ્યા? (Ketala vagya?)
  • Quarter past one / two. દોઢ/બે. (Dodha/be.)
  • Quarter to one / two. એક/બે ક્વાર્ટર. (Eka/be kvartara.)
  • Half past one / two. દોઢ/બે. (Dodha/be.)
  • Twenty past one / two. વીસ વીતી એક/બે. (Visa viti eka/be.)
  • Twenty to one / two. વીસ થી એક/બે. (Visa thi eka/be.)
  • It's 1:30 pm / 2:15 am. બપોરના 1:30 / 2:15 વાગ્યા છે. (Baporana 1:30/ 2:15 Vagya che.)
  • At what time? ક્યાં સમયે? (Kyam samaye?)
  • On what date? કઈ તારીખે? (Ka'i tarikhe?)
  • At ... ખાતે... (Khate...)
  • Second(s) સેકન્ડ(ઓ) (Sekanda(o))
  • Minute(s) મિનિટ (minita)
  • Hour(s) કલાક(ઓ) (kalaka(o))
  • Day દિવસ (divasa)
  • Week અઠવાડિયું (athavadiyum)
  • Month માસ (masa)
  • Year વર્ષ (varsa)
  • Decade દશક (dasaka)
  • Century સદી (sadi)

Numbers and Amount in Gujarati

Cardinal numbers.

  • 0 (zero) 0 (શૂન્ય) (0 (Sun'ya))
  • 1 (one) 1 (એક) (1 (eka))
  • 2 (two) 2 (બે) (2 (be))
  • 3 (three) 3 (ત્રણ) (3 (trana))
  • 4 (four) 4 (ચાર) (4 (cara))
  • 5 (five) 5 (પાંચ) (5 (pan̄ca))
  • 6 (six) 6 (છ) (6 (cha))
  • 7 (seven) 7 (સાત) (7 (sata))
  • 8 (eight) 8 (આઠ) (8 (atha))
  • 9 (nine) 9 (નવ) (9 (nava))
  • 10 (ten) 10 (દસ) (10 (dasa))
  • 11 (eleven) 11 (અગિયાર) (11 (agiyara))
  • 12 (twelve) 12 (બાર) (12 (bara))
  • 13 (thirteen) 13 (તેર) (13 (tera))
  • 14 (fourteen) 14 (ચૌદ) (14 (cauda))
  • 15 (fifteen) 15 (પંદર) (15 (pandara))
  • 16 (sixteen) 16 (સોળ) (16 (sola))
  • 17 (seventeen) 17 (સત્તર) (17 (sattara))
  • 18 (eighteen) 18 (અઢાર) (18 (adhara))
  • 19 (nineteen) 19 (ઓગણીસ) (19 (oganisa))
  • 20 (twenty) 20 (વીસ) (20 (visa))
  • 21 (twenty-one) 21 (એકવીસ) (21 (ekavisa))
  • 30 (thirty) 30 (ત્રીસ) (30 (trisa))
  • 40 (forty) 40 (ચાલીસ) (40 (calisa))
  • 50 (fifty) 50 (પચાસ) (50 (pacasa))
  • 60 (sixty) 60 (સાઠ) (60 (satha))
  • 70 (seventy) 70 (સિત્તેર) (70 (sittera))
  • 80 (eighty) 80 (એંસી) (80 (ensi))
  • 90 (ninety) 90 (નેવું) (90 (nevum))
  • 100 (one hundred) 100 (એકસો) (100 (ekaso))
  • 101 (one hundred one) 101 (એકસો એક) (101 (ekaso eka))
  • 200 (two hundred) 200 (બેસો) (200 (beso))
  • 201 (two hundred one) 201 (બેસો એક) (201 (beso eka))
  • 500 (five hundred) 500 (પાંચસો) (500 (pan̄caso))
  • 1,000 (one thousand) 1,000 (એક હજાર) (1,000 (eka hajara))
  • 2,000 (two thousand) 2,000 (બે હજાર) (2,000 (be hajara))
  • 2,001 (two thousand one) 2,001 (બે હજાર એક) (2,001 (be hajara eka))
  • 2,102 (two thousand one hundred two) 2,102 (બે હજાર એકસો બે) (2,102 (be hajara ekaso be))
  • 10,000 (ten thousand) 10,000 (દસ હજાર) (10,000 (dasa hajara))
  • 100,000 (one hundred thousand) 100,000 (એક લાખ) (100,000 (eka lakha))
  • 1,000,000 (one million) 1,000,000 (એક મિલિયન) (1,000,000 (eka miliyana))
  • 1,000,000,000 (one billion) 1,000,000,000 (એક અબજ) (1,000,000,000 (eka abaja))

Ordinal Numbers

  • First (1 st ) પ્રથમ (1 st ) (Prathama (1 st ))
  • Second (2 nd ) બીજું (2 nd ) (bijum (2 nd ))
  • Third (3 rd ) ત્રીજો (3 rd ) (trijo (3 rd ))
  • Fourth (4 th ) ચોથું (4 th ) (cothum (4 th ))
  • Fifth (5 th ) પાંચમું (5 th ) (pan̄camum (5 th ))
  • Sixth (6 th ) છઠ્ઠું (6 th ) (chaththum (6 th ))
  • Seventh (7 th ) સાતમું (7 th ) (satamum (7 th ))
  • Eighth (8 th ) આઠમું (8 th ) (athamum (8 th ))
  • Ninth (9 th ) નવમો (9 th ) (navamo (9 th ))
  • Tenth (10 th ) દસમો (10 મો ) (dasamo (10 mo ))
  • Less ઓછા (Ocha)
  • More વધુ (vadhu)
  • 1/2 (a half) 1/2 (દોઢ) (1/2 (dodha))
  • 1/4 (a quarter) 1/4 (એક ક્વાર્ટર) (1/4 (eka kvartara))
  • 1/3 (a third) 1/3 (તૃતીયાંશ) (1/3 (tr̥tiyansa))
  • All / None બધા / કોઈ નહીં (badha/ ko'i nahim)
  • Some / Many કેટલાક / ઘણા (ketalaka/ ghana)
  • How Much? કેટલુ? (ketalu?)
  • How Many? કેટલા? (Ketala?)

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Translation of speech – English–Gujarati dictionary

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speech noun ( SAY WORDS )

  • She suffers from a speech defect .
  • From her slow , deliberate speech I guessed she must be drunk .
  • Freedom of speech and freedom of thought were both denied under the dictatorship.
  • As a child , she had some speech problems .
  • We use these aids to develop speech in small children .

speech noun ( FORMAL TALK )

  • Her speech was received with cheers and a standing ovation.
  • She closed the meeting with a short speech.
  • The vicar's forgetting his lines in the middle of the speech provided some good comedy .
  • Her speech caused outrage among the gay community .
  • She concluded the speech by reminding us of our responsibility .

(Translation of speech from the Cambridge English–Gujarati Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

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How to Speak Gujarati

Last Updated: July 12, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Tian Zhou and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD . Tian Zhou is a Language Specialist and the Founder of Sishu Mandarin, a Chinese Language School in the New York metropolitan area. Tian holds a Bachelor's Degree in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) from Sun Yat-sen University and a Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) from New York University. Tian also holds a certification in Foreign Language (&ESL) - Mandarin (7-12) from New York State and certifications in Test for English Majors and Putonghua Proficiency Test from The Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. He is the host of MandarinPod, an advanced Chinese language learning podcast. There are 9 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 102,733 times.

Gujarati is an Indo-Aryan language spoken by around 46 million people living primarily in India, Bangladesh, and Fiji. If you want to learn how to speak Gujarati, start by learning how to pronounce the alphabet. Then you'll be able to sound out any word you see in Gujarati. From there, you can move on to having basic conversations. Immersing yourself in the language is a good way to become more familiar with the language as well as the Gujarati culture. [1] X Research source

Pronouncing the Alphabet

Step 1 Start with basic vowel sounds.

  • a as in the English word "father"
  • i as in the English word "bid"
  • ī as in the English word "speed"
  • u as in the English word "put"
  • ū as in the English word "mule"
  • e as in the English word "men"
  • ai as in the English word "hi"
  • o as in the English word "top"
  • au as in the English word "plough"
  • â as in the English word "fur"
  • ô as in the English word "food"

Tip: Gujarati script uses a syllabic alphabet, in which each consonant has an inherent vowel sound. Vowels can be written either as independent letters or as diacritical marks added above, below, before, or after a consonant.

Step 2 Learn single consonants that have no English equivalent.

  • g (ગ) always sounds like the hard "g" in the English word "guy"
  • ñ (ઞ) sounds like the "ñ" in the Spanish word "Español"
  • d (દ) sounds like the "d" in the English word "dream" or saying a d sound while putting your tongue on your front teeth. However, ḍ (ડ) sounds like the "th" in the English word "that."

Step 3 Move on to consonant blends.

  • ch (ચ) as in the English word "child"
  • chh (છ) has two "h" sounds, like saying the "ch" followed by the "h" in the English words "church house"
  • ph (ફ) sounds like the "p" followed by the "h" in the English words "tap him." Unlike in English, this blend does not produce an "f" sound.
  • gh (ઘ) sounds like the "r" in the French phrase "au revoir" or like the combination of "bu g h im"
  • jh (ઝ) can sound like the z in "zebra", or like the j and h in "ta j h ouse
  • dh (ધ) sounds like the "d" in the English word door. However, ḍh (ઢ) sounds closer to the "th" in the English words "bro th er" or " th e".

Making Basic Conversation

Step 1 Say

  • When greeting a Gujarati Muslim, "salaam" (સલામ) may be more appropriate. [6] X Research source

Tip: You can also say "suprabhat" (good morning) in the morning. "Shubh sandhya" is an evening greeting, but it is archaic and seldom used.

Step 2 Follow up with "aapne kem chhe" to ask someone how they're doing.

  • With people your age and younger, or people you know well, you can say "Tame kem chho?" Many Gujarati people will shorten this to "Kem chho (કેમ છો)?"
  • To reply, say "mane saru chhe" (મને સારુ છે; formal) or "hu maja ma chhu" (હુ મજા મા છુ; informal).

Step 3 Ask the person their name by saying

  • To reply, say "maru naam" followed by your name, then "chhe." Don't worry about trying to translate your name into Gujarati. For example, if your name was Adam, you would say "Maru naam Adam chhe."

Tip: When someone tells you their name, you might say "tamne maline anand thaiyo," which means "pleased to meet you."

Step 4 Learn a few more basic questions.

  • Semeye śhum chhe? (What time is it?)
  • Teme ā kerī śheko mene medede? (Can you help me?)
  • Keṭelī chhe? (How much is this?)
  • Teme imgueliśhe vāte? (Do you speak English?)

Step 5 Use polite words and phrases to show respect.

  • maaf karjo (excuse me/pardon)
  • manne maaf karo (sorry)
  • dhanyavaad (thank you)
  • aabhar (formal thank you)
  • tamaarūṃ svaagata cha (reply to thank you)

Step 6 End the conversation with

  • You can also repeat "namaste," since this word is used both as a greeting and a farewell.

Immersing Yourself in the Language

Step 1 Listen to Gujarati music.

  • The Times of India has many trending Gujarati music videos available at https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/videos/entertainment/music/gujarati .
  • Your favorite music streaming service may also have Gujarati playlists or channels that you can listen to.

Step 2 Watch films and videos in Gujarati.

  • Unscripted television shows and videos are typically better for learning a language than scripted films and shows. With a script, you won't get as good of an idea of how normal people regularly talk and carry on a conversation.

Step 3 Talk to a native speaker on a regular basis.

  • Language exchange websites typically connect you with a native Gujarati speaker who wants to learn English or another language you're fluent in. They help you with your Gujarati and in exchange, you help them with their English. Most of these websites are free, although you may be able to get premium services for a monthly fee.
  • You can also find tutors online who will talk to you in one-on-one video sessions. You'll typically pay an hourly rate for these tutors, although many are reasonably priced.

Tip: When using a language exchange website, take care to safeguard your private information. Avoid getting into personal conversations with your language exchange partner, especially at first.

Step 4 Label objects around your house with the Gujarati word.

  • You can find vocabulary lists for free online. For example, an extensive vocabulary list is available at https://www.ocr.org.uk/Images/70104-vocabulary-list.pdf .
  • Once you've memorized the names for objects, you can move to adjectives and verbs. For example, you might learn the Gujarati words for colors by labeling multiple objects with the Gujarati word for their color.

Step 5 Travel to an area where Gujarati is spoken.

  • If you live in the US or the UK, you may find large populations of Gujarati speakers living near you. For example, there is a large community of Gujarati speakers in Blackburn in the UK. [16] X Research source
  • The best way to become fluent in any language is to immerse yourself in the target language environment.

  • Gujarati is an Indo-Aryan language. If you know another Indo-Aryan language, such as Hindi , you may be able to pick it up more quickly. [17] X Research source Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Make flashcards of common words and phrases. Try to tackle 20-50 words per lesson or week. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1

speech meaning in gujarati language

  • The pronunciations in this article are only approximate, not exact. The correct pronunciation of Gujarati sounds may require you to put your tongue in a different position in your mouth than you would if you were speaking English. Listening to and speaking with a native speaker will help you improve your pronunciation. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 2

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Put Accents on Letters

  • ↑ https://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/gujarati.php
  • ↑ http://mylanguages.org/gujarati_alphabet.php
  • ↑ https://reference.yourdictionary.com/other-languages/gujarati-language-words.html
  • ↑ https://culturalatlas.sbs.com.au/indian-culture/indian-culture-greetings
  • ↑ http://mylanguages.org/gujarati_questions.php
  • ↑ https://www.lingualift.com/blog/learning-languages-through-music-singing/
  • ↑ https://blog.ted.com/how-to-learn-a-new-language-7-secrets-from-ted-translators/
  • ↑ https://www.omniglot.com/writing/gujarati.htm
  • ↑ https://www.bbc.com/news/10512704

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Tian Zhou

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Speech Meaning in Gujarati

Type of Speech

noun: speech; plural noun: speeches

Definition and Meaning of Speech in Gujarati

ભાષણ, વાણી, પ્રવચન, વ્યાખ્યાન, ભાષા, બોલવાની ક્રિયા-શક્તિ અથવા રીત, કહેલી વસ્તુ, જાહેર ભાષણ, વાચા, વક્તૃત્વ કે વક્તૃત્વશક્તિ

Pronunciation of Speech in Gujarati

Speech (સ્પીચ)

Usage of Speech in a Sentence

It is a short speech that I have written for him.

આ નાનું ભાષણ મેં તેના માટે લખેલું છે.

I guess the speech went pretty well.

મને લાગે છે કે ભાષણ ખૂબ સારું રહ્યું.

Watch Speech Meaning In Gujarati on YouTube

Synonyms of Speech in Gujarati

speaking, talking, articulation, talk, address, lecture, discourse, oration, disquisition, peroration, declamation, deliverance, presentation, valedictory, sermon, homily

Antonyms of Speech in Gujarati

quiet, silence, standard, listening

Tags for Speech Meaning in Gujarati

Speech Meaning in Gujarati. Speech Meaning in Gujarati by MIG. Meaning and definitions of Speech. translation of Speech in Gujarati language with similar and opposite words. Spoken pronunciation of Speech in English and in Gujarati. What Speech means in Gujarati. Speech meaning in Gujarati. Speech definition, Speech, pronunciations and exSpeechples of Speech in Gujarati. Synonyms of Speech in Gujarati. Speechs of Speech in Gujarati. Speech in Gujarati Dictionary. Speech typing in Gujarati. Thesaurus of Speech in Gujarati. Thesaurus of Speech Meaning in Gujarati.

What was in this post

આ Website માં તમે Speech નો Gujarati માં અર્થ સમજશો અને એની સાથે Speech નું pronunciation પણ શિખશો. એટ્લે કે તમે Speech ના meaning ની સાથે સાથે એ પણ શિખશો કે Speech ને કેવી રીતે બોલાય, Speech ને બોલવાની સાચી રીત કઈ છે. તો બસ એક મિનટ માં શીખો Speech શબ્દ ને. Lets learn Gujarati Meaning of Speech in detail. Speech નો gujarati માં meaning.

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Useful phrases in Gujarati

A collection of useful phrases in Gujarati, an Indo-Aryan language spoken in India, Bangladesh, Fiji and many other countries by about 46 million people.

Jump to phrases

See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder . If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me .

Key to abbreviatizns: frm = formal, inf = informal, m = said by men, f = said by women.

English ગુજરાતી (Gujarati)
(tame kem chho) - sg
(tamane kem chhe) - pl/frm
(aapne kem chhe) - frm
Reply to 'How are you?' (mane saru chhe)
(hu maja ma chhu)

(ghana vakhate dekhana) - frm

(ghana samay thi dekhata nathi) - frm
(taru naam su chhe) - sg/inf
(tamaru naam su chhe? - pl/frm
(aapnu naam su chhe)? - frm
(maru naam ... chhe)

(tame kyaan na chho)
(hun ... no chhu) - m/sg
(hun ... ni chhu) - f/sg
અમે ... નાં છે (ame ... na chhe) - pl
(tamne maline anand thaiyo)
(shubh sandhya) -
(shubh ratri)

(tamara nasib tamne saath aape)
(bhagyavaan bhavah)
- >m/frm
(bhagyavati bhavah) - >f/frm
(shubhakamna) -

( )
તમે શમજોછો? (Tamē śamajōchō?)
(Mane samajanu)
(Mane samajayu)
(Mane samajatu nathi)
(Mane samajan padti nathi)

(Tame meherbani karine thodu dhime bolsho)

(Tame meherbani karine thodu dhire bolsho)

(Tame krupa karine thodu dhime bolsho)

(Tame krupa karine thodu dhire bolsho)

(Tame meherbani karine farithi bolsho)

(Tame krupa karine farithi kehsho)
(hu bolu te lakho)
(hu lakhavu te lakho)
(aa lakho)
(shu tame gujarati bolo chho)

(shu tame gujarati boli shako chho)
Yes, a little
( )
(ha, thodu ghanu)
(... ne Gujarati m a shu kehvai)
(maaf karjo) -
(sambhadjo) -
(aano su bhav chhe?)
(manne maaf karo)
Reply to thank you
(tamaarūṃ svaagata cha)
(souchalay kyaan chhe)?

(aa bhai tena rupiya aapi dese)

(aa bahen tena rupiya aapi dese)

(tame mari sathe dance karso?)
(hūṃ tane prem karū chūṃ)

(jaldi thik thai jaav tevi shubhkamna)
(mane eklo chhodi do!)
(madad karo!)
(police ne bolavo!)
(sāl mūbārak)
Happy Diwali (diwali mūbaarak)
(janm din mūbaarak)
અભિનંદન! (Abhinandana!)

(ek bhasha kyarey pan purti nathi)

(mari bhamti hodi eel machhalio thi bhareli chhe)

Corrections by Aalok Thakkar. Recordings by Saumil Soni and Sweetu Shah, and edited by Moshe Ash.

Download the audio files (Zip format, 1.7MB)

If you would like to make any corrections or additions to this page, or if you can provide recordings, please contact me .

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Other collections of Gujarati phrases http://utopianvision.co.uk/gujarati/phrases/ http://www.masteranylanguage.com/cgi/f/rView.pl?pc=MALGujarati&tc=CommonPhrases&vm=fc&la=&sw=1 http://www.gujaratilexicon.com

Phrases in Indo-Aryan languages

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Welcome to a vibrant and colorful world of greetings in Gujarati! Whether you’re looking to impress your Gujarati-speaking friends or simply want to expand your cultural knowledge, this beginner’s guide will teach you everything you need to know about saying hello in the beautiful language of Gujarat. From the traditional “Namaskar” to the casual “Kemcho,” get ready to master the art of greeting in Gujarati with confidence and style. Let’s dive in!

Introduction to the Gujarati Language


Gujarati is one of the 22 official languages recognized by the constitution of India and is spoken by over 55 million people worldwide. It is primarily spoken in the state of Gujarat in western India, but also has a significant presence in neighboring states such as Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and even in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Fiji. Gujarati belongs to the Indo-Aryan family of languages and shares many similarities with other Indian languages like Hindi and Marathi.

The history of Gujarati can be traced back to the 12th century when it emerged as a distinct language from its parent language Sanskrit. In its early days, it was heavily influenced by Persian due to the trading relations between Gujarat and Persia. Later on, during British rule in India, English words started creeping into the vocabulary of Gujarati. This linguistic diversity has made Gujarati a rich and dynamic language.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Gujarati is its unique writing system. It uses a script called ‘Gujarati Script’ which is derived from Devanagari script used for Sanskrit. However, unlike Devanagari which has only one letter for each sound, Gujarati has multiple letters representing different pronunciations for a single sound. This makes it challenging for non-native speakers to learn but once mastered can make reading and writing in Gujarati quite enjoyable.

Another interesting aspect of the language is its diverse dialects. Each region or community within Gujarat may have their own variations in pronunciation or vocabulary usage which sets them apart from others. Some examples include Saurashtra dialect spoken in Saurashtra region, Kutchi dialect spoken in Kutch district or Kathiyawadi dialect commonly used by people living near Kathiawad region.

In terms of grammar, Gujarati follows Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) word order which differs from English’s Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) structure. This can be a bit tricky for beginners but with practice, it becomes easier to understand and construct sentences.

Gujarati is a beautiful language with a rich history and cultural significance. Learning the basics of this language will not only help you communicate better with the people of Gujarat but also give you an insight into their culture and traditions. So let’s dive in and learn some common greetings in Gujarati!

speech meaning in gujarati language

પુસ્તક પરિચય : નવલકથા, રહસ્યકથા, વાર્તાસંગ્રહ વગેરે જેવા અનેક વિષયોના પુસ્તકોનો પરિચય

First slide

ગુજરાતના પ્રસિદ્ધ તથા અજાણ્યા સ્થળોને માણો અમારા વીડિયો વિભાગની મદદથી.

First slide

ભાતીગળ ગુજરાતની અંતરંગ વાતો માણો એક્સ્પ્લોર ગુજરાત પર.

First slide

સાહિત્યકારો વિશે, ગુજરાતી ભાષા વિશે, વિવિધ ખ્યાતનામ વ્યક્તિઓ વિશે વગેરે જેવા વિવિધ વિષયોના વીડિયો માણો

First slide

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મધ્યકાલીન ગુજરાતી કોશ

મધ્યકાલીન ગુજરાતી કોશ

મધ્યકાલીન ગુર્જર સાહિત્યના પ્રકાંડ અભ્યાસી વિદ્વાન પ્રો. જયંત કોઠારીની વર્ષોની સૂઝબૂઝ ભરેલી મહેનતના પરિણામે ‘મધ્યકાલીન ગુજરાતી શબ્દકોશ’ નામનો સુંદર સંદર્ભકોશ તૈયાર કરવામાં આવેલો છે. જેઓ મધ્યકાલીન સાહિત્યનો અભ્યાસ કરવા ઇચ્છુક છે તેમના માટે આ ખૂબ જ ઉપયોગી સાબિત થશે.

આનંંદનું આકાશ – 2

આનંંદનું આકાશ – 2

પ્રવૃત્તિ મહત્ત્વની કે પ્રસિદ્ધિ ? સમાજથી ડરવાનું બંધ કરીએ ? જિંદગી સામે ફરિયાદો કરવાનું માંડી વાળીએ ? આપણે ધીરજનો ગુણ ગુમાવી રહ્યા છીએ….. વગેરે જેવા અનેક રસપ્રદ વિષયો ધરાવતી ઈબુક એટલે આનંદનું આકાશ.

આનંદનું આકાશ ભાગ – ૧

આનંદનું આકાશ ભાગ – ૧

જિંદગી ક્યાંથી શરૂ થાય છે ? જીવનમાં આનંદ આપવાથી મળે છે કે મેળવવાથી ? સામાજિક સંબંધો કેટલા ઉપકારક છે ? અણગમો પ્રગટ કરવામાં શુંં આપ શરમ અનુભવો છો ? વગેરે જેવા વિવિધ વિષય વસ્તુઓ ઉપર આધારિત પુસ્તક એટલે આનંદનું આકાશ.

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9 પ્રયત્નની અંદર કયો શબ્દ આપેલ છે તે શોધી અને બંદરને ફાંસીના માંચડે ચઢાવતાં અટકાવો. આ રમત અંગ્રેજી અને ગુજરાતી એમ બન્ને ભાષા માટે રમી શકાશે.

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માણ્યો છે ભોજન નો સ્વાદ .

આજ ની દોડધામ વાળી જિંદગી માં માણસ ભોજન નો સ્વાદ માણવાનું ભૂલી ગયો છે, ક્યારે શું ખાધું? કેટલું ખાધું?? એ ગણવાનું પણ ભૂલી ગયો છે, એક કોળિયો હજી કંઠે થી નીચે નથી ઉતરતો અને બીજા કોળિયા સાથે તૈયાર એનો હાથ છે. આજ ના કળિયુગ માં માણસ જીભ નો સ્વાદ પણ ભૂલી ગયો છે. કઈ વાનગી […]


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“તું સાઈડ માં ખસ મારે ક્રિકેટ રમવામાં તકલીફ પડે છે” આ શબ્દો છે માત્ર 4 વર્ષ ના બાળક ના. આ બાળક ને તું અને તમે કહેવાનો ભેદ નથી આવડતો, મને એમ કે નાનું બાળક છે કોણ ઝઘડો કરે એટલે હું ખસી ગયો. પણ દિલ માં બહુ જ દુઃખ થયું, આજની નવી આવનારી પેઠી ખુબ જ […]

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શીખવ્યા વગર જ જે આવડી જાય તે માતૃભાષા.  કોઈપણ બાળક જન્મે અને થોડું ઘણું બોલવાનું શીખે ત્યારે એના મોંમાથી પહેલો શબ્દ નીકળે એ હોય છે મા અથવા મમ એટલે કે ખાવાનું. વળી આપણે બાળકને સૂવડાવવા માટે જે ગીત કે હાલરડાં ગાઈએ છીએ તે પણ આપણે ગુજરાતીમાં જ ગાઈએ છીએ અંગ્રેજી ગીતો નથી ગાતા. આમ બાળકને […]


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English Gujarati Dictionary | અંગ્રેજી ગુજરાતી શબ્દકોશ

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speech - Meaning in Gujarati

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Speech word forms & inflections, definitions and meaning of speech in english, speech noun.

ગિરા , જબાં , જબાન , જુબાન , બોલ , બોલી , ભાષા , વચન , વાચ , વાચા , વાણી

  • "language sets homo sapiens apart from all other animals"
  • lecture , talking to

પ્રવચન, ... Subscribe

  • "a good lecture was my father's idea of discipline"
  • "the teacher gave him a talking to"

actor's line , words , words

  • "the actor forgot his speech"
  • delivery , manner of speaking
  • "her speech was barren of southernisms"
  • "his manner of speaking was quite abrupt"
  • "I detected a slight accent in his speech"
  • language , oral communication , speech communication , spoken communication , spoken language , voice communication
  • "he recorded the spoken language of the streets"
  • "he uttered harsh language"
  • "his speech was garbled"
  • "they were perfectly comfortable together without speech"
  • "he could hear them uttering merry speeches"
  • "he listened to an address on minor Roman poets"

Synonyms of speech

  • actor's line , words

speech meaning in gujarati language

Speech is the use of the human voice as a medium for language. Spoken language combines vowel and consonant sounds to form units of meaning like words, which belong to a language's lexicon. There are many different intentional speech acts, such as informing, declaring, asking, persuading, directing; acts may vary in various aspects like enunciation, intonation, loudness, and tempo to convey meaning. Individuals may also unintentionally communicate aspects of their social position through speech, such as sex, age, place of origin, physiological and mental condition, education, and experiences.

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Gujarati Menu Gujarati: An overview⮞ Gujarati Lessons⮞ The Gujarati writing and numeral system⮞ Gujarati vs. English: Grammar comparison⮞ How hard is learning Gujarati for English speakers?⮞ Other languages related to Gujarati⮞ 10 interesting facts about Gujarati⮞ /*! elementor - v3.23.0 - 05-08-2024 */ .elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-stacked .elementor-drop-cap{background-color:#69727d;color:#fff}.elementor-widget-text-editor.elementor-drop-cap-view-framed .elementor-drop-cap{color:#69727d;border:3px solid;background-color:transparent}.elementor-widget-text-editor:not(.elementor-drop-cap-view-default) .elementor-drop-cap{margin-top:8px}.elementor-widget-text-editor:not(.elementor-drop-cap-view-default) .elementor-drop-cap-letter{width:1em;height:1em}.elementor-widget-text-editor .elementor-drop-cap{float:left;text-align:center;line-height:1;font-size:50px}.elementor-widget-text-editor .elementor-drop-cap-letter{display:inline-block} The Gujarati Language: A Comprehensive Overview of its Linguistic Characteristics, Historical Development, and Cultural Significance

The Gujarati language, known as “ગુજરાતી” (Gujarātī) in its native script, is an Indo-Aryan language primarily spoken in the Indian state of Gujarat. With approximately 56 million speakers, Gujarati holds an important position not only within India but also in global diaspora communities, particularly in regions such as East Africa, the United Kingdom, and North America. This article aims to offer an in-depth examination of the Gujarati language, including its history, unique linguistic features, dialects, and its role in modern culture and business.

Historical Background

The history of Gujarati can be traced back to Old Gujarati, the language from which Modern Gujarati evolved. Old Gujarati itself stems from Middle Indo-Aryan languages, which evolved into Apabhramsha, the direct precursor to Old Gujarati. The language’s literary tradition dates back to the 12th century, with its earliest texts, such as “Bharateshwar Bahubali Raasa,” demonstrating the language’s antiquity.

Gujarati saw significant development during the medieval period, particularly under the influence of Jainism, which contributed to its rich literary tradition. The 16th century saint-poet Narasimha Mehta, known for his devotional songs, is one of the foundational figures of Gujarati literature.

Writing System

Gujarati employs a script derived from Devanagari, known as the “Gujarati script.” It comprises 34 consonants and 12 vowels. Unlike Devanagari, the Gujarati script lacks the horizontal line at the top of the letters, making it visually distinct. The script is phonetic, with the written form corresponding closely to the spoken form.

Phonological Features

Vowels and consonants.

Gujarati has a range of vowels including short vowels like ‘a’ (અ) and long vowels like ‘aa’ (આ). Additionally, it features diphthongs, combinations of two vowel sounds. Consonants in Gujarati include stops, nasals, fricatives, and approximants, and they can be voiced or voiceless.

Stress and Intonation

Stress in Gujarati is generally fixed on the penultimate (second-to-last) syllable of a word, especially if that syllable is long. Stress can play a role in differentiating otherwise similar words.

Grammatical Structure

Nouns and pronouns.

Gujarati nouns are marked for gender (masculine, feminine), number (singular, plural), and case (direct, oblique). Pronouns are similarly inflected.

Verb Conjugation

Gujarati verbs are inflected for tense, mood, and aspect. The language features simple and compound tenses, and verb roots can undergo changes when forming different tenses or moods.

The typical word order in Gujarati is Subject-Object-Verb (SOV), although this can vary for emphasis or style.

Gujarati has a range of dialects, often specific to certain regions or communities. Some of the key dialects include Standard Gujarati, Nagari, Kathiawari, Kharwa, Khakari, and Parsi Gujarati. Each dialect has its own unique vocabulary and may have distinct phonological and grammatical features.

Modern Usage and Cultural Importance

In contemporary times, Gujarati is a vibrant language with significant media production, including newspapers, radio, and television programs. The language is crucial in various cultural practices, including folk music, dance, and traditional storytelling.

Gujarat’s booming business sector has led to Gujarati becoming significant in commerce and trade. Gujaratis are known for their strong business networks and diaspora communities worldwide, which amplifies the language’s global influence.

The Gujarati language is a complex and rich language with deep historical roots and a diverse range of dialects. Its significance goes beyond its native region, extending to global diaspora communities and various sectors, including commerce, religion, and the arts. With its intricate grammatical structure and robust cultural heritage, Gujarati continues to be a language of immense importance in both India and the global community.

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How to Say Thank You in Gujarat: Formal and Informal Ways

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on expressing gratitude in the Gujarati language. In this article, we will cover various ways to say “thank you” in Gujarat, including both formal and informal expressions. Whether you’re traveling to Gujarat or interacting with Gujarati-speaking individuals, mastering these phrases will help you convey your appreciation with grace and warmth.

Table of Contents

Basic Phrases

Before we dive into the different ways to say “thank you,” let’s start with the basics. The standard phrase for expressing gratitude in Gujarati is “આભાર” (ābhār). This term is widely recognized and can be used in both formal and informal settings.

Formal Expressions

When addressing someone in a formal context, such as an elder or a respected authority figure, it’s essential to display proper etiquette. Here are a few formal ways to say “thank you” in Gujarati:

1. “ધન્યવાદ” (dhanyavād)

The term “ધન્યવાદ” (dhanyavād) can be employed to express gratitude formally. It is considered polite and respectful, and it can be used interchangeably with “આભાર” (ābhār).

2. “આભારી છું” (ābhārī chuṁ)

This phrase translates to “I am thankful” in English and is an excellent choice for expressing gratitude in a formal manner. It showcases a higher level of politeness and can be used when addressing a group or an individual.

Informal Expressions

If you find yourself in a more casual setting, among friends, or with people of a similar age group, you can use these less formal expressions to say “thank you” in Gujarati:

1. “આભાર” (ābhār)

Yes, you read that right! “આભાર” (ābhār) can also be used in an informal context. Gujarati is a versatile language, making this term suitable in almost all situations. It is widely understood and conveys a sense of warmth and gratitude.

2. “મને આભાર છે” (mane ābhār che)

Literally translated as “I have thanks,” this phrase is an informal way to express gratitude. It can be used when talking to friends, peers, or anyone you feel comfortable with.

Additional Tips and Examples

  • When expressing gratitude, always remember to maintain a warm and respectful tone.
  • Non-verbal cues such as a smile and a sincere demeanor can enhance your message.
  • Consider adapting your language based on the formality of the situation.
  • Take regional variations into account, as certain areas might have different preferred expressions of gratitude.
Friend: “Thank you for helping me!” You: “આભાર! હું સહાય કરી શક્યતો હતો!” (ābhār! huṁ sahāy karī śakyatō hatō!) Translation: “Thank you! I was able to help!”
Elder: “Thank you for your kind words.” You: “ધન્યવાદ આપના સુંદર શબ્દો માટે.” (dhanyavād āpanā suṁdara śabdō māṭē) Translation: “Thank you for your beautiful words.”

Congratulations! You have now learned several ways to express your gratitude in the Gujarati language. Whether you need to say “thank you” in a formal or informal setting, you can utilize these phrases confidently. Remember to adapt your language based on the context and always maintain a warm and respectful tone. Enjoy your interactions with Gujarati speakers and let your appreciation shine through!

Related Guides:

  • How to Say Gujarat: A Comprehensive Guide
  • How to Say Hello in Gujarat: Formal and Informal Ways
  • Guide: How to Say Hi in Gujarat

About The Author

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speech in Gujarati ગુજરાતી

  • કહેલી વસ્તુ ⇄ speech
  • જાહ ેર ભાષણ ⇄ speech
  • બોલવાની ક્રિયા ⇄ speech
  • બોલી ⇄ speech
  • ભ ાષા ⇄ speech
  • શક્તિ અથવા રીત ⇄ speech

speech in Bengali বাংলা

  • ইলা ⇄ speech

speech in Dogri डोगरी

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  • बचन ⇄ Speech
  • भाशन ⇄ Speech
  • वचन ⇄ Speech
  • वाणी ⇄ Speech

speech in Hindi हिन्दी

  • बोल ⇄ speech
  • बोली ⇄ speech
  • भाषण ⇄ speech
  • भाषा ⇄ speech
  • वक्तृता ⇄ speech

speech in Kannada ಕನ್ನಡ

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  • ಉಸಿರು ⇄ speech
  • ನುಡಿ ⇄ speech
  • ಭಾಷಣ ⇄ speech
  • ಮಾತು ⇄ speech
  • ವಾಕ್ಕು ⇄ speech
  • ವಾಕ್ಯ ⇄ speech
  • ವ್ಯಾಖ್ಯಾನ ⇄ speech

speech in Kashmiri कॉशुर

  • بوٗلۍ ⇄ speech
  • تَقریٖر ⇄ speech

speech in Maithili মৈথিলী

  • कथन ⇄ speech
  • गिरा ⇄ speech
  • भाखा ⇄ speech
  • वाक् ⇄ speech

speech in Malayalam മലയാളം

  • വാണി ⇄ speech

speech in Marathi मराठी

  • वाकशक्ति ⇄ speech
  • व्यख्यान ⇄ speech
  • व्याख्यान ⇄ speech

speech in Punjabi ਪੰਜਾਬੀ

  • ਉਕਤੀ ⇄ speech
  • ਬੈਨ ⇄ speech
  • ਭਾਖਾ ⇄ speech
  • ਭਾਖਿਆ ⇄ speech
  • ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ⇄ speech
  • ਭਾਸਾ ⇄ speech

speech in Santali

  • भाषित ⇄ speech
  • वाचा ⇄ speech
  • वाणीं ⇄ speech

speech in Sindhi سنڌي

  • ٻولي، تقرير، ڪلام، بيان، گفتگو ⇄ Speech

speech in Tamil தமிழ்

  • உரை ⇄ speech
  • சொற்பொழிவு ⇄ speech
  • பேச்சு ⇄ speech

speech in Telugu తెలుగు

  • వాణి ⇄ speech

speech in English

  • speech ⇄ indirect discourse orspeech the repetition of the substance of a person's speech without directly quoting it. (Example:) ""He said that he would come,"" instead of ""He said, 'I will come.'""
  • speech ⇄ keynote address orspeech a speech, usually at a political gathering, that presents the principal issues in which those present are interested.
  • speech ⇄ speech, noun. 1. the act of speaking; uttering of words or sentences; talk. Ex. Men ... express their thoughts by speech (George Berkeley). (SYN) discourse. 2. the power of speaking. Ex. Animals lack speech. Pity the man wh

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Speech in gujarati.

speech | Gujarati dictionary translates English to Gujarati and Gujarati to English speech words      speech phrases with speech synonyms speech antonyms    speech pronunciations .

speech meaning in Gujarati

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Thesaurus: Synonym & Antonym of speech

Indian Official Languages Dictionary is significantly better than Google translation offers multiple meanings, alternate words list of speech    speech phrases    with similar meanings in Gujarati ગુજરાતી, Gujarati ગુજરાતી dictionary    Gujarati ગુજરાતી speech translation    speech meaning    speech definition    speech antonym    speech synonym Gujarati language reference work for finding synonyms,   antonyms of speech .

This page is an online lexical resource, contains a list of the speech like words    in a Gujarati language in the order of the alphabets, and that tells you what they mean, in the same or other languages including English.

What is 'speech' meaning in Gujarati?

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Indian Official Languages Dictionary - KHANDBAHALE.COM | भारतीय राजभाषा शब्दकोश - खांडबहाले.कॉम is a digital dictionary platform for 22 Official Languages of India with an extensive vocabulary of 10+ million words, meanings & definitions. The languages offered along with English are Assamese (অসমীয়া) Bengali (বাংলা) Bodo (बड़ो) Dogri (डोगरी) Gujarati (ગુજરાતી) Hindi (हिन्दी) Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) Kashmiri (कॉशुर) Konkani (कोंकणी) Maithili (মৈথিলী) Malayalam (മലയാളം) Manipuri (মৈতৈলোন্) Marathi (मराठी) Nepali (नेपाली) Oriya (ଓଡ଼ିଆ) Punjabi (ਪੰਜਾਬੀ) Sanskrit (संस्कृतम्) Santali (ᱥᱟᱱᱛᱟᱲᱤ) Sindhi (سنڌي) Tamil (தமிழ்) Telugu (తెలుగు) Urdu (اُردُو)

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articulation meaning in Gujarati | articulation ગુજરાતીનો અર્થ

speech meaning in gujarati language

articulation  વ્યક્તિત્વ

speech meaning in gujarati language

articulation =  વ્યક્તિત્વ

Pronunciation  =  🔊 bb1.onclick = function(){ if(responsivevoice.isplaying()){ responsivevoice.cancel(); }else{ responsivevoice.speak("articulation", "uk english female"); } }; articulation, pronunciation in gujarati  =  આર્ટિક્યુલેશન, articulation  in gujarati : વ્યક્તિત્વ, part of speech :  noun  , definition in english : the formation of clear and distinct sounds in speech , definition in  gujarati : ભાષણમાં સ્પષ્ટ અને અલગ અવાજોનું નિર્માણ, examples in english :.

  • The President’s speech was a perfect example of articulation.

Examples in Gujarati :

  • રાષ્ટ્રપતિનું ભાષણ સ્પષ્ટતાનું એક સંપૂર્ણ ઉદાહરણ હતું.

Synonyms of articulation

Synonyms in Gujarati અભિવ્યક્તિ, અવાજ, ઉચ્ચારણ, સંચાર
Synonyms in English expression, voicing, utterance, communication

Antonyms of articulation

Antonyms in Gujarati ગેરસમજ, ડિસ્કનેક્શન
Antonyms in English mispronunciation, disconnection

About English Gujarati Dictionary

Multibhashi’s Gujarati-English Dictionary will help you find the meaning of different words from Gujarati to English like meaning of Bhayānaka and from English to Gujarati like meaning of Awesome, The meaning of stunning, etc. Use this free dictionary to get the definition of friend in Gujarati and also the definition of friend in English. Also see the translation in Gujarati or translation in English, synonyms, antonyms, related words, image and pronunciation for helping spoken English improvement or spoken Gujarati improvement.

About English Language

English is one of the most widely spoken languages across the globe and a common language of choice for people from different backgrounds trying to communicate with each other. This is the reason why English is the second language learned by most of the people.

About the Gujarati Language

Gujarati is an Indo-Aryan language native to the Indian state of Gujarat. It is part of the greater Indo-European language family. In India, it is the official language in the state of Gujarat, as well as an official language in the union territories of Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Gujarati is one of the twenty-two official languages and fourteen regional languages of India. You can use multibhashi to learn Gujarati from English with just little efforts and Concentration. This course with help you understand, learn and use Gujarati sentences in your daily life.

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Text to speech Gujarati

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Gujarati text to speech makes it easy to turn Word documents, PDFs and articles into audio files, and make narration for videos in Gujarati language. Use our text to speech Gujarati voices to quickly and conveniently make professional audio for Gujarati voice overs, marketing materials or language lessons. Our Gujarati text to speech converters are natural and realistic, producing the sound of text similar to how a native speaker would read aloud the text.

Gujarati it is the official language in the state of Gujarat in India, spoken by more than 60 million people. It is the sixth most widely spoken language in India, and 26th most popular language in the world based on the number of native speakers, due to a large Gujarati emigration into Europe, North America and south-east Africa.

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Gujarati Text to Speech Converter

In addition to these voices, Narakeet has 700 text-to-speech voices in 100 languages .

For more options (uploading Word documents, voice speed/volume controls, working with Powerpoint files or Markdown scripts), check out our Tools .

Text to speech in Gujarati language

Narakeet makes it easy to create lots of types of audio and video materials using Gujarati accent generators, including:

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Narakeet helps you create text to speech voiceovers , turn Powerpoint presentations and Markdown scripts into engaging videos. It is under active development, so things change frequently. Keep up to date: RSS , Slack , Twitter , YouTube , Facebook , Instagram , TikTok


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  2. Parts of speech in Gujarati || Part-1 Noun || Types of noun in Gujarati

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    speech meaning in gujarati language

  6. parts of speech in gujarati#part 01@English Grammar in gujarati #By_R B

    speech meaning in gujarati language


  1. Over 319 Useful Gujarati Phrases & Sentences to Start Speaking Gujarati

    Essential Gujarati Phrases: Guide to Learning Gujarati T his essential guide contains Gujarati phrases tailored for travellers and beginner of the Gujarati language.

  2. Speech Meaning in Gujarati

    આ વિડિયો માં તમે Speech નો Gujarati માં અર્થ સમજશો અને એની સાથે Speech નું pronunciation પણ શિખશો.

  3. SPEECH in Gujarati

    SPEECH translate: બોલવાની ક્ષમતા, બોલવાની ક્રિયા, અથવા બોલાતી ભાષાનો એક ભાગ, બોલવાની રીત, બોલતી વખતે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતી…. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Gujarati Dictionary.

  4. 3 Simple Ways to Speak Gujarati

    3. Talk to a native speaker on a regular basis. When learning to speak any new language, talking to a native speaker is the best way to become more comfortable speaking and perfect your pronunciation. If there aren't any Gujarati speakers who live near you, search online for a language partner.

  5. PDF Gujarati- English Learner's Dictionary Babu Suthar

    Gujarati is a poor language of the rich people. This language does not have scientifically written grammar books. Whatever grammar books it has are mainly pedagogic. It does not have well written dictionaries either. There are some, monolingual as well as bilingual, but many of them are impressionistic and outdated. This language is divided

  6. Gujarati language

    Gujarati ( / ˌɡʊdʒəˈrɑːti / GUUJ-ə-RAH-tee; [ 5] Gujarati script: ગુજરાતી, romanized: Gujarātī, pronounced [ɡudʒəˈɾɑːtiː]) is an Indo-Aryan language native to the Indian state of Gujarat and spoken predominantly by the Gujarati people. Gujarati is descended from Old Gujarati ( c. 1100-1500 CE ). In India, it is one of the 22 scheduled languages of the Union ...

  7. Speech Meaning in Gujarati

    આ post માં તમે Speech નો Gujarati માં અર્થ અને Speech નું pronunciation શિખશો. એટ્લે કે તમે Speech ના meaning ની સાથે Speech ને બોલવાની સાચી રીત જાણશો.

  8. Useful phrases in Gujarati

    Useful phrases in Gujarati A collection of useful phrases in Gujarati, an Indo-Aryan language spoken in India, Bangladesh, Fiji and many other countries by about 46 million people. Jump to phrases See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder.

  9. How are you in to Gujarati language? A Beginner's Guide

    Gujarati is a beautiful language with a rich history and cultural significance. Learning the basics of this language will not only help you communicate better with the people of Gujarat but also give you an insight into their culture and traditions. So let's dive in and learn some common greetings in Gujarati!

  10. PDF Gujarati Language Manual

    Gujarati Language Manual Jya jya vase gujarati, tya tya vase Gujarat (Meaning: Wherever in the world Gujaratis live, there exists a Gujarat) Written by: Jessica Cantero, B.S. Caitlind Davis, B.A. Brittany Hammer B.S.

  11. Parts of Speech explained in Gujarati (ગુજરાતી) (Part 1)

    English grammar with animation in Gujarati language.In this video I'll explain parts of speech in Gujarati with animations & easy to understandable way

  12. Gujaratilexicon

    Gujaratilexicon is the world's most trusted Gujarati Dictionary, Thesaurus and literature. Find definitions, meanings, word origins, Gujarati to English translation, English to Gujarati translation, Gujarati eBooks and Gujarati videos, Gujarati songs.

  13. speech

    What is speech meaning in Gujarati? The word or phrase speech refers to the mental faculty or power of vocal communication, or a lengthy rebuke, or words making up the dialogue of a play, or your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself orally, or (language) communication by word of mouth, or the exchange of spoken words.

  14. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  15. PDF Microsoft Word

    This is a very brief outline of the Gujarati parts-of-speech I have prepared for the Beginning Gujarati and Intermediate Gujarati class. I am more concerned with specifying general properties of these parts of speech and listing sample words belonging to them.

  16. Gujarati

    The Gujarati Language: A Comprehensive Overview of its Linguistic Characteristics, Historical Development, and Cultural Significance The Gujarati language, known as "ગુજરાતી" (Gujarātī) in its native script, is an Indo-Aryan language primarily spoken in the Indian state of Gujarat. With approximately 56 million speakers, Gujarati holds an important position not only within ...

  17. How to Say Thank You in Gujarat: Formal and Informal Ways

    Welcome to this comprehensive guide on expressing gratitude in the Gujarati language. In this article, we will cover various ways to say "thank you" in Gujarat, including both formal and informal expressions. Whether you're traveling to Gujarat or interacting with Gujarati-speaking individuals, mastering these phrases will help you convey your appreciation with grace and warmth.

  18. Gujarati English translation online, dictionaries and resources

    Gujarati <> English online translation. Gujarati <> English dictionary, monolingual Gujarati dictionary and other resources for the Gujarati language.

  19. speech meaning in Gujarati ગુજરાતી #KHANDBAHALE

    speech meaning in Gujarati ગુજરાતી is a translation of speech in Gujarati ગુજરાતી dictionary. Click for meanings of speech, including synonyms, antonyms.

  20. Gujarati Language

    The language spoken in Gujarat is mainly Gujarati. There are several different dialects and many accents of Gujarati that are mutually intelligible to other speakers of Gujarati.

  21. articulation meaning in Gujarati

    Gujarati is one of the twenty-two official languages and fourteen regional languages of India. You can use multibhashi to learn Gujarati from English with just little efforts and Concentration. This course with help you understand, learn and use Gujarati sentences in your daily life.

  22. Text to speech Gujarati

    Gujarati text to speech makes it easy to turn Word documents, PDFs and articles into audio files, and make narration for videos in Gujarati language. Use our text to speech Gujarati voices to quickly and conveniently make professional audio for Gujarati voice overs, marketing materials or language lessons. Our Gujarati text to speech converters are natural and realistic, producing the sound of ...

  23. How to Say Thank You and Thank You Very Much in Gujarati

    So, if you are learning the Gujarati language, knowing how to say thank you or thank you very much in Gujarati should be very helpful as you progress to talking with someone in this language. We have provided the Gujarati phrases for both the expressions and you can choose to use whichever you want according to the contextual need.