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When is Research Assistant/Associate/Fellow a correct title for a PhD student?

What is the correct term for a PhD student who does entirely research and is paid through third-party funds?

One can see that sometimes people doing a PhD call themselves a Research Associate or Research Assistant (in a very few cases also Research Fellow). I am looking for clarification regarding which term would be appropriate and also why the others are not.

I can't find a clear definition. If this is country dependent I would like to know this for the UK and Germany.

ff524's user avatar

  • 3 I don't know whether it could be regarded as technically correct, but in the UK, to call a PhD student a "Research Associate/Fellow" is very likely to misinterpreted. These terms almost always apply to someone who has already completed their PhD and is conducting postdoctoral research. –  user2390246 Commented Aug 23, 2016 at 16:02
  • 3 "Research assistant" might also suggest a master-level student who isn't pursuing a PhD at all. –  Relaxed Commented Aug 23, 2016 at 20:46

5 Answers 5

How about "PhD student"?

Since you also asked about Germany: in German you can call yourself "Doktorand" or "Promovend". But also in Germany, "PhD student" would be perfectly fine.

If you want to leave out the "student" part, you might call yourself "PhD candidate".

Be careful to avoid calling yourself something you are not (e.g. "Dr."), since particularly in Germany that might be illegal.

Danny Ruijters's user avatar

  • I agree with your answer. However one can see that sometimes people doing a PhD call themselves a Research Associate or Research Assistant (in a very few cases also Research Fellow). Hope you can clarify which term would be appropriate and also why the others are not. –  holzkohlengrill Commented Aug 23, 2016 at 8:40
  • 1 @holzkohlengrill: as long as it isn't a protected title, you can call yourself anything. However, you need to consider what you want to achieve. If you want to achieve that people understand what you do (conducting a PhD project), then I think that "PhD student" or "PhD candidate" is more appropriate. –  Danny Ruijters Commented Aug 23, 2016 at 8:48
  • I've added the OP's comment to the text of the question, since it seems to be an integral part of what they are trying to ask. You may want to edit your answer to incorporate your own response comment. –  ff524 Commented Aug 23, 2016 at 15:59
  • 1 I'll mention that at my alma mater, there was in fact a difference between a PhD student and a PhD candidate. A PhD student was anyone enrolled in the doctoral program, but you were only admitted to PhD candidacy after a couple of years of coursework and a qualifying exam. All candidates were students, but not all students were candidates. –  Nuclear Hoagie Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 20:00

I'm not sure if it is the same in the UK and Germany, but in the US, "Research Assistant" typically means a person is being paid by a professor (typically using 3rd party funds) to work on their project, while "Research Fellow" typically means the student is being supported directly in their studies and/or research.

Fellowships are thus generally more prestigious, since they are a direct recognition of the student's value and potential by an organization, whereas assistantships simply mean that a particular professor thinks the student might be a good worker for a particular purpose.

Note that these titles are somewhat orthogonal of the question of being a Ph.D. student, as they are essentially describing one's "job" and means of support rather than one's educational program: a Masters student may also hold them, and a Ph.D. student may also hold other "job" titles (e.g., "Teaching Assistant", or even none at all).

jakebeal's user avatar

  • So the PhD student, referenced in the question, working on research and being paid using 3rd party funds would be a "Research Assistant" in the US? I'm not entirely convinced this answers the question. What was asked was what would such a PhD student be called. The answer just describes the Research Fellow/Assistant difference –  Ian_Fin Commented Aug 23, 2016 at 11:33
  • 1 @Ian_Fin I've added a clarifying paragraph that connects the dots. –  jakebeal Commented Aug 23, 2016 at 11:40

In Germany, the payment (be it from 3rd-party sources or not) usually comes as a salary for an employment. That position is typically called wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter ( research employee ).

You should note, though, that the "only research" part is not included in that title, as there is no real distinction to teaching duties, as it exists, for instance, with "RA/TA".

O. R. Mapper's user avatar

I see that this question has been inactive for almost two years, but I notice the asker was specifically interested in the UK , and none of the answers cover that country specifically.

From my last three years of experience in the UK academia, those two positions are fairly well defined, and refer to the following:

A Research Assistant (RA) is typically neither a PhD holder nor a PhD candidate. These positions are aimed at people holding a Master degree in the relevant field, and are common in short, 1-year, research projects (such as feasibility studies). They do not count for direct progress towards any degree (but could result in publications and therefore straighten one's PhD application in the future). Additionally, they are typically one pay grade lower than the Research Fellow positions.

A Research Fellow (RF) is what one would informally call postdoctoral researcher (or just post-doc ). These are typical positions one would aim at after their PhD (and usually encourage PhD candidates close to finishing to apply as well). They typically rely on funding from longer projects, and last for 2-3 years. They also do not count for direct progress towards any degree (as the holder is expected to have a PhD, the highest possible degree in the field, already), but are a logical and expected step for a young career researcher aiming at a permanent academic position. They are also better paid than Research Assistant positions, being one pay grade higher.

For immigration purposes, universities will always have the ability to sponsor non-British applicants and support their immigration application for RF positions, while some universities and some positions are unable or unwilling to do that for RA positions. (This might be restricted to sponsoring EU-immigration, unsure about this bit).

A PhD student , PhD candidate , or just doing one's PhD are all valid terms to refer to somebody working towards obtaining their doctoral degree, regardless of their funding source. (Sometimes even just "I'm a PhD" is used, but that's common more than valid in the strictest sense.) Additionally, PhD students doing only research, as opposed to having some teaching duties attached to their contract or funding, are often times referred to as lucky .

I use the word typical a lot in my descriptions, as exceptions do exist, and I was one of them, but the details go far out of scope of this question.

penelope's user avatar

  • I'm late to the party, but I found your answer nice and complete so I'd like to ask you: what about research associate ? –  Luismi98 Commented Nov 5, 2021 at 18:01
  • 1 @Luismi98 I've never heard the term used, but a quick search and comparison of pay grades seems to indicate that it's an alternative name for "postdoctoral researcher" (holding a PhD degree already). Actually the full term is more frequently used, PDRA: Post-Doctoral Research Associate. –  penelope Commented Nov 5, 2021 at 18:30

In Germany and Spain, if you're a PhD student who gets paid via assisting professors in their projects, typically the position is regarded as Research Assistant. I rarely see who wrote it down in CV as Research Fellow, while research associate sounds more of a postdoc.

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research associate phd candidate

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Research Associate/PhD candidate (m/f/d) Evolutionary Ecology of Pathogens

Leibniz institute dsmz–german collection of microorganisms and cell cultures, braunschweig.

The Leibniz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbH, Braunschweig, Germany, offers the position of a

Research Associate/PhD candidate (m/f/d)

Evolutionary Ecology of Pathogens

The position is part-time (65%) and initially limited to 3 years. The salary level will be TV-L 13. The starting date envisioned is September 16, 2024.

The project is part of the newly funded Leibniz ScienceCampus Ecopath („Evolutionary Ecology of Zoonotic Pathogens during Agricultural Transformations“) which is led by the Leibniz Institute DSMZ and conducted together with the Technical University Braunschweig, the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, the German Primate Center - Leibniz-Institute for Primate Research in Göttingen, as well the Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut and the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig. Most emerging infectious diseases that keep arising and threatening human health are zoonoses and often related to land-use change and novel contacts with wildlife. The Leibniz ScienceCampus Ecopath will apply principles of evolutionary ecology to gain a causal understanding of the mechanisms that allow zoonotic pathogens to persist, multiply, and cycle in the environment. This will allow to elucidate the persistence and cellular responses of pathogens in the environment, and the role of the animal host as reservoir and source of environmental cycling.

The successful PhD candidate will study the adaptations of Clostridioides difficile and enterococci to their environments, employing qPCR quantification of marker genes, metagenomics, and metatranscriptomics to determine the activity status of microbial cells and support niche modeling. Targeted isolation of new pathogen lineages as well as comparative genomics will then enable to determine signatures of selection and the role of mobile elements in horizontal gene acquisition and loss. This research is carried out in cooperation with the partner institutes. Thereby, the project will contribute towards the identification of environmental and agricultural pathogen reservoirs, improve the monitoring of pathogens and their transmission routes, and aid in the development of mitigation strategies for zoonoses.

What you offer:

  • Master's level university degree in the life sciences, or related
  • Strong interest in environmental microbiology and interdisciplinary work
  • Experience with microbiological and molecular biological methods will be a plus
  • A good command of English
  • Interest in interdisciplinary work
  • Class B driving license

What we offer:  

  • Research opportunities at the forefront of life sciences
  • Plenty of room for creativity & challenging topics
  • Access to state-of-the-art Omics methods, including long read DNA sequencing technologies and metabolomics
  • Access to cell sorting and high throughput cultivation technology
  • Access to in-house high-performance computing clusters (2,464 CPUs, 18 TB RAM)
  • An interdisciplinary working environment with frequent exchange of experiences
  • A motivated research team and a pleasant working atmosphere in a scientific environment
  • Education and training, mentoring programs
  • A company certified according to audit berufundfamilie, therefore flexible possibilities to combine work and family life

Is this you? Then we look forward to receiving your application.

The institutes of the Leibniz Association strive to increase the proportion of female scientists and encourage female candidates specifically to apply. Disabled applicants with identical technical and personal qualification will be preferentially selected. The DSMZ is an equal opportunity employer.

For further information and more detailed project descriptions please contact Prof. Dr. Jörg Overmann ( joerg.overmann(at) ). Please send your complete application documents including a CV, motivation letter, copies of certificates, and contact details of two academic referees with application number 16/24 in a single PDF file to bewerbung(at) .

The deadline for this application is August 2nd, 2024, but we may continue to review applications until the position is filled.

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Research Associate/PhD Candidate (m/f/d)

  • Research Associate/PhD Ca…

Research Associate/PhD Candidate (m/f/d)


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PhD student | Posted on Jul 29, 2020

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Research associate / PhD candidate (f/m/d)

Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres

Job Details

Scientific / postdoctoral posts

The position is suitable for part-time employment.

The Institute of Process Engineering in Life Sciences (BLT) - Section IV: Molecular Processing of Bioproducts (MAB) pursues research in the field of downstream processing of bioproducts especially of pharmaceuticals. We deal with all aspects of modern purification, formulation and analytics in the biopharmaceutical industry. The project work within the scope of this call is designed for the preparation of two dissertations dealing with separation processes for bionanoparticles in downstream processing with a focus on process analytical technology (PAT). Two PhD positions are available:

  • ‘Multisensory in-line PAT in DSP for in-silico model-based process monitoring and control’ (DC6)
  • ‘Investigation into analytical tools and PAT development to analyse integrity and stability of VLP and AAV during processing’ (DC7)

The positions are part of the EU-funded Doctoral Network CAARE - “Characterization and Recovery of Bionanoparticles for Vaccine Delivery and Gene Therapy”, that deals with the characterization and recovery of bionanoparticles for vaccine delivery and gene therapy. Overall, 14 Doctoral Candidates will be trained at seven institutions in five European countries and will be supported by a network of industrial and academic partners.

Compare also further information on:

This research center is part of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers. With more than 42,000 employees and an annual budget of over € 5 billion, the Helmholtz Association is Germany's largest scientific organisation.

The Helmholtz Association contributes to solving major challenges to assure the future of our society. With more than 39,000 people on staff in 18 national research centres, the Helmholtz Association is Germany’s largest scientific organization. The name Helmholtz stands for concerted research in which networks form the key principle behind inquiring thought and action. Concerted research is efficient and flexible.

The profile of the Helmholtz Association

The Helmholtz Association performs cutting-edge research which contributes substantially to solving the grand challenges of science, society and industry. To succeed in meeting these responsibilities, Helmholtz concentrates its work in six research fields: Energy, Earth and Environment, Health, Key Technologies, Matter, as well as Aeronautics, Space and Transport. Within each of these fields, research programs are developed by our scientists and regularly evaluated by renowned international experts. Their evaluation forms the basis for the programme-oriented funding that is allocated to Helmholtz research. Within the six research fields, Helmholtz scientists cooperate with each other and with external partners – working across disciplinary, organizational and national borders.

Promoting young academics

Helmholtz scientists, a high-performance infrastructure and modern and efficient research management are the ingredients to the Helmholtz Association‘s success and global impact. Promoting young researchers is a major priority for the Helmholtz Association. Its qualification schemes for young researchers are geared mainly towards PhD students, postdocs and young managers. The Helmholtz Association has set high standards for its talent management. Its strategy begins with targeted recruitment of highly qualified staff at all levels, followed by comprehensive support aimed at further developing their potential. Ensuring equal opportunities is an essential element in all talent management activities undertaken by the Helmholtz Association.

The Helmholtz Graduate Schools  and  Research Schools  at almost all Helmholtz Centres provide doctoral students with the general and specific skills and training they need, as well as ample opportunity to network with other working groups. The period following a doctorate is decisive in determining the direction and success of a scientific career. For this reason, we are about to establish Career Centers for postdoctoral researchers in the Helmholtz centres and a mentoring programme for especially gifted PostDocs in order to foster career orientation. This equips young researchers with the skills they need to go on to head a  Helmholtz Young Investigators Group , for example. As a Young Investigator Group leader, junior scientists can independently set up their own group to conduct research in their specialist field.

Within its talent management strategy, the Helmholtz Association pays special attention to the increased recruitment of talented female scientists both from Germany and abroad. To this end, there are currently two funding programs supporting this policy ‘ Funding of first-time appointments of excellent women scientists (W2/W3)’ and ‘Funding to recruit top-level international women scientists (W3)’ .

The increasing complexity of the content, structures and framework conditions of scientific work today requires researchers to organise their projects, their employees and, of course, themselves in a highly professional and effective way. In response to these demands, we have set up the  Helmholtz Management Academy  to provide junior leaders in science with professional management training. Furthermore, the Helmholtz network provides a platform for the alumni of the Helmholtz Management Academy and Mentoring programme to come together and share their experiences of leadership, career development and lifelong learning.

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Research associate / PhD candidate (f/m/d)

As soon as possible

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Zwick, E-Mail: [email protected]

Find all further informations here

Job description.

  • THz systems: Antennas, passive components, packaging and system concepts for highly integrated THz systems from 70 GHz to 1 THz
  • Ultra-wideband photonic-electronic systems: Packaging and interconnection technology for electronic interfacing of photonic components with wide bandwidth of up to more than 100 GHz
  • Radar signal processing for industrial, medical and automotive applications

Your responsibilities will include working on research projects as well as coordinating them independently. You will implement your research results in prototypes and be involved in teaching including supervision of student projects. The positions offer the possibility of a doctoral degree (PhD).

Personal qualification

  • You have an above-average university degree (university diploma/master's degree) in electrical engineering and information technology or physics.
  • Experience in microwave technology/radar technology is desirable.
  • Ideally, you have previous knowledge in the field of electromagnetic field simulation, antennas, circuits or radar signal processing and Matlab.
  • You have a high interest in scientific research and are able to work independently.
  • Ideally, you are familiar with the typical measurement tools used in high frequency technology.
  • Furthermore, you are able to communicate and work in a team and have a very good command of written and spoken English.
  • A good knowledge of German is a plus.

The remuneration occurs on the basis of the wage agreement of the civil service in TV-L E13, depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements.

Contract duration

limited to 1 year with the possibility of extension

Application up to

Contact person in line-management.

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Zwick, phone +49 721 608-42523, email: thomas.zwick∂ .


Please send your application including a cover letter, your CV, and all certificates/references with indication of the vacancy number in electronic form (all in one PDF) to:

We prefer to balance the number of employees (f/m/d). Therefore, we kindly ask female applicants to apply for this job.

Recognized severely disabled persons will be preferred if they are equally qualified.

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research associate phd candidate

Research associate / PhD candidate (f/m/d)

Organizational unit.

Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik und Elektronik (IHE)

Job description

The Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics conducts research in the field of highly-integrated millimeter-wave wireless modules and integrated photonic-electronic systems as well as signal processing for radar and communication systems. Multiple research associate / PhD candidate positions are available within the following research fields:

  • THz systems: Antennas, passive components, packaging and system concepts for highly integrated millimeter-wave and THz systems from 70 GHz to 1 THz
  • Ultra-wideband photonic-electronic systems: Packaging and interconnection technology for electronic interfacing of photonic components with wide bandwidth of more than 100 GHz
  • Signal processing for Joint Communication and Sensing (JCAS)
  • Radar signal processing for industrial, medical and automotive applications

The offered positions will provide the PhD students with a comprehensive set of theoretical and practical skills relevant for innovation and long-term employability in a rapidly growing sector. The candidates are expected to perform research activities independently, contribute to development of future research directions and participate in teaching and supervision of student theses.

Starting date

as soon as possible

Personal qualification

  • The candidate should have an excellent master’s degree in the field of electrical engineering/electronics and information technology or physics.
  • Experience in the field of RF engineering and/or signal processing is desirable.
  • Good speaking and writing skills in English are required.
  • Knowledge of German language is desirable.

Salary category 13 TV-L, depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements.

This is what we offer

Become a member of staff of the only German University of Excellence that conducts large-scale research on the national level. Work under excellent working conditions in an international environment. Benefit from specific training when starting your job and from a wide range of further qualification offers. Use our flexible working time models (flexitime, work from home), our sports and leisure offers, as well as our child and holiday care services. We also pay a share of EUR 25/month in the Job Ticket Baden-Württemberg. Enjoy a large variety of dishes, snacks, and beverages at our canteens.

Contract duration

limited to 1 year with the possibility of extension

Application up to

August 15, 2024

Contact person in line-management

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Zwick .

Please apply online using the button below for this vacancy number 1262/2024.

Vacancy number: 1262/2024

Personnel Support is provided by: Personalservice (PSE) - Human Resources Ms Kehrer Phone: 0721 608-45415,

Kaiserstr. 12, 76131 Karlsruhe

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Vacancy No. 1262/2024

Research associate / PhD candidate (f/m/d)

Job description.

The Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics conducts research in the field of highly-integrated millimeter-wave wireless modules and integrated photonic-electronic systems as well as signal processing for radar and communication systems. Multiple research associate / PhD candidate positions are available within the following research fields:

  • THz systems: Antennas, passive components, packaging and system concepts for highly integrated millimeter-wave and THz systems from 70 GHz to 1 THz
  • Ultra-wideband photonic-electronic systems: Packaging and interconnection technology for electronic interfacing of photonic components with wide bandwidth of more than 100 GHz
  • Signal processing for Joint Communication and Sensing (JCAS)
  • Radar signal processing for industrial, medical and automotive applications

The offered positions will provide the PhD students with a comprehensive set of theoretical and practical skills relevant for innovation and long-term employability in a rapidly growing sector. The candidates are expected to perform research activities independently, contribute to development of future research directions and participate in teaching and supervision of student theses.

Personal qualification

  • The candidate should have an excellent master’s degree in the field of electrical engineering/electronics and information technology or physics.
  • Experience in the field of RF engineering and/or signal processing is desirable.
  • Good speaking and writing skills in English are required.
  • Knowledge of German language is desirable.

Salary category 13 TV-L, depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements.

Organizational unit

Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik und Elektronik (IHE)

Starting date

as soon as possible

Contract duration

limited to 1 year with the possibility of extension

Application up to

August 15, 2024

Contact person in line-management

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Zwick .


Please apply  online using the button below for this vacancy number 1262/2024 . Personnel Support is provided by 

Kaiserstr. 12, 76131 Karlsruhe

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Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Research associate / phd candidate (f/m/d).

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association creates and imparts knowledge for the society and the environment. It is our goal to make significant contributions to mastering the global challenges of mankind in the fields of energy, mobility, and information. For this, about 9.800 employees of KIT cooperate in a broad range of disciplines in research, academic education, and innovation.

We are looking for the Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics (IHE) as soon as possible, limited to 1 year with the possibility of extension, for a

The Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics conducts research in the field of integrated circuit design in state-of-the-art CMOS and SiGe BiCMOS technologies for various applications, such as wireless and wireline communications, satellite systems and high-accuracy radars and sensors for industrial automation. Multiple research associate / PhD candidate positions are available within in the field of high-speed integrated circuit (IC) design with a focus on:

  • Electro/optical high-speed IC design
  • Millimeter-Wave IC design for radar and communications

The offered position will provide the PhD students with a comprehensive set of theoretical and practical skills relevant for innovation and long-term employability in a rapidly growing sector. The candidates are expected to perform research activities independently, contribute to development of future research directions and participate in teaching and supervision of student theses.

Personal qualification

The candidate should have an excellent master’s degree in the field of electrical engineering / electronics and information technology or physics. Experience in the field of analog/digital circuit design and/or RF engineering is desirable. Good speaking and writing skills in English are required. Knowledge of German language is desirable.

Become a member of staff of the only German University of Excellence that conducts large-scale research on the national level. Work under excellent working conditions in an international environment and be active in research and academic education for our future. Benefit from specific train-ing when starting your job and from a wide range of further qualification offers. Use our flexi-ble working time models (flexitime, work from home), our sports and leisure offers, as well as our child and holiday care services. We also pay a share of EUR 25/month in the Job Ticket Baden-Württemberg. Enjoy a large variety of dishes, snacks, and beverages at our canteens.

We prefer to balance the number of employees (f/m/d). Therefore we kindly ask female applicants to apply for this job.

Recognized severely disabled persons will be preferred if they are equally qualified.

Please apply online until August 15th, 2024 using the vacancy number 1252/2024 to Ms Jana Kehrer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Human Resources, Kaiserstr. 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany. For further information, please contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ahmet Cagri Ulusoy, email: [email protected] .

Processing of your personal data by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) will be subject to this Privacy Policy .

You can find further information on the internet:

KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association

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Tenure-track-Professorship (W1) “Fluid-Structure Interactions”

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association creates and imparts knowledge for the society and the environment. It is our goal to make significant contributions to mastering the global challenges o...

About the employer

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

On October 01, 2009, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) was founded by a merger of Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe and Universität Karlsruhe.

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Effective Communication Strategies for Ph.D. Research Presentations

Affiliated faculty.

UVA data science PhD students present their research posters to faculty and board members

Experienced mentors often find that Ph.D. students struggle with tailoring their research presentations to a diverse audience. Deeply immersed in their research, students frequently overestimate audience familiarity with the subject matter. Thomas Stewart , an associate professor of data science and the Ph.D. program director, shares his advice for enhancing clarity and impact for Ph.D. research presentations.

"In my experience, Ph.D. students can struggle with tailoring their presentation to the audience," Stewart says. "They spend so much time in the nitty-gritty details of their work. They struggle to reset their expectations for how much the audience will be familiar with the topic and relevant details." This discrepancy can lead to presentations that are either too detailed or too vague, making it difficult for the audience to grasp the key points. 

The guidance provided to Ph.D. students preparing for research presentations is crucial for ensuring their work is effectively communicated. A poster worksheet (available below), utilized during practice sessions, can serve as a key tool in this preparation. This worksheet, comprising questions related to audience, message, impact, and clarity, is instrumental in honing the students' presentation skills. 

To address this, the message and impact sections of the worksheet are designed to help students focus on what truly matters to the audience. Students may be inclined to present their findings chronologically, detailing each step of their research journey. 

"Because students arrive at their results taking steps A, B, C, D, there is a temptation to present the results as a travel log, saying we did A then B then C, etc.," Stewart explains. "The truth is that the audience doesn’t care about the journey." 

The audience is typically more interested in understanding the main message and the impact of the research. Therefore, students are encouraged to design their posters and presentations with these elements as the focal points. 

The worksheet also includes an exercise in focus. Stewart asks students to go through each section of the poster or paragraph of the talk and to identify how it communicates the main message or impact. "If there isn’t a direct link to the message or impact, I encourage them to delete it. A very common mistake is to cram too much material into too little time or space. It is hard for students to edit in this way, but it is a helpful exercise." 

UVA data science phd student NavyaAnnapareddy explains her poster presentation

A peer review session constitutes the second page of the worksheet. "After showing a poster for 15 to 20 seconds, I blank the screen and ask the students to answer the questions on the second page," Stewart says. This exercise simulates the audience's initial reaction, providing valuable feedback on the clarity and effectiveness of the presentation. 

Additionally, students practice delivering a concise two-sentence introduction, prompted by an audience member's inquiry: “Hey, tell me about your poster.” This practice is essential, as students often find themselves unprepared for such impromptu interactions. By rehearsing this introduction and focusing on how the research impacts the audience's life, students can significantly improve their communication skills. 

Stewart recalls a particularly effective introduction honed after many attempts. "My favorite intro after several iterations was from a student who said, 'Hi, my name is Joseph, and I use deep learning to make better bombs.'"

UVA Data Science PhD Jade Preston delivers a poster presentation at the School of Data Science grand opening

Students frequently inquire about presenting to mixed audiences of experts and the general public. To navigate this challenge, they are advised to use the “to-X-we-did-Y” strategy. 

Stewart shares an example: "To understand the nonlinear relationship between patient age and risk of mortality (X), age was added to the regression model as restricted cubic splines using 5 knots (Y)." This approach involves prefacing technical details with a high-level explanation of their purpose, ensuring that both technical and non-technical audience members remain engaged. 

These structured exercises and strategies help Ph.D. students craft presentations that are not only informative but also engaging and accessible to a diverse audience.

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Data Science PhD Candidate Kevin Lin shown receiving his award at the International Conference on Machine Vision and Applications in Singapore

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Students invited to a data science conference in Uzbekistan pose for a group picture.

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Research presentation day with many students and laptops

Student Perspective: Opportunities to Learn About Ph.D. Research

Headshot of Thomas Stewart

Thomas Stewart

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Associate Fellow

Jagadeesh Puvvula, PhD, PharmD

  • Postdoctoral Researcher , Perelman School of Medicine

Jagadeesh Puvvula, PhD, PharmD is a research associate in the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Informatics at the Perelman School of Medicine. His primary research focuses on gestational/childhood exposure to environmental chemical mixtures and early life outcomes. He also works on topics such as climate change and air pollution using remote sensing earth observations. He earned a PharmD from the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences in India, and an MPH and PhD from the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

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Stanford University

Clinical Research Coordinator Associate

🔍 school of medicine, stanford, california, united states.

The Clinical Research Coordinator Associate is responsible for the overall management and implementation of an assigned set of multiple research protocols assuring efficiency and regulatory compliance. These studies will be conducted at the Stanford Hospital and Clinics. He/she will work as part of a clinical trials research team and report to various Principal Investigators conducting clinical research. Responsibilities include preparation of initial study documents for IRB submission in compliance with all local, state and federal regulations; advise the IRB of amendment changes to the protocol and complete annual protocol renewals. Recruit, screen, assist in the informed consent process and enroll subjects in accordance with good clinical practice guidelines. Collect, record and maintain complete data files using good clinical practice in accordance to HIPAA regulations. He/she participates in data retrieval, reporting, and preparation of files and Case Report Forms for the various studies. The successful candidate will interact with subjects by scheduling diagnostic and research evaluation visits, perform study related assessments including collection of blood samples, processing and shipment. Maintain drug accountability, adequate study supplies and equipment. The coordinator will oversee subject compliance to the study protocol, obtain information from the study subject regarding any changes in their medications or adverse events and promptly report the findings to physicians for documentation in the subject’s medical record. Report all serious adverse events promptly to investigators, sponsors and the IRB. Protect the rights, safety and well-being of human subjects involved in the clinical trials. 

Duties include*:

  • Serve as primary contact with research participants, sponsors, and regulatory agencies.  Coordinate studies from startup through close-out.
  • Determine eligibility of and gather consent from study participants according to protocol.  Assist in developing recruitment strategies.
  • Coordinate collection of study specimens and processing.
  • Collect and manage patient and laboratory data for clinical research projects.  Manage research project databases, develop flow sheets and other study related documents, and complete study documents/case report forms. 
  • Ensure compliance with research protocols, and review and audit case report forms for completion and accuracy with source documents.  Prepare regulatory submissions, and ensure institutional Review Board renewals are completed.
  • Assemble study kits for study visits, monitor scheduling of procedures and charges, coordinate documents, and attend monitoring meetings with sponsors, acting as primary contact.
  • Monitor expenditures and adherence to study budgets and resolve billing issues in collaboration with finance and/or management staff.
  • Interact with the principal investigator regularly, ensuring patient safety and adherence to proper study conduct. 
  • Ensure essential documentation and recording of patient and research data in appropriate files per institutional and regulatory requirements.
  • Participate in monitor visits and regulatory audits. 

* - Other duties may also be assigned


Two year college degree and two years related work experience or a Bachelor’s degree in a related field or an equivalent combination of related education and relevant experience. 


  • Strong interpersonal skills.
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office.
  • Knowledge of medical terminology.


Society of Clinical Research Associates or Association of Clinical Research Professionals certification is preferred. 


  • Frequently stand, walk, twist, bend, stoop, squat and use fine light/fine grasping. 
  • Occasionally sit, reach above shoulders, perform desk based computer tasks, use a telephone and write by hand, lift, carry, push, and pull objects that weigh up to 40 pounds.
  • Rarely kneel, crawl, climb ladders, grasp forcefully, sort and file paperwork or parts, rarely lift, carry, push, and pull objects that weigh 40 pounds or more.

* - Consistent with its obligations under the law, the University will provide reasonable accommodation to any employee with a disability who requires accommodation to perform the essential functions of his or her job. WORKING CONDITIONS: 

Occasional evening and weekend hours.


  • Interpersonal Skills: Demonstrates the ability to work well with Stanford colleagues and clients and with external organizations.
  • Promote Culture of Safety: Demonstrates commitment to personal responsibility and value for safety; communicates safety concerns; uses and promotes safe behaviors based on training and lessons learned.
  • Subject to and expected to comply with all applicable University policies and procedures, including but not limited to the personnel policies and other policies found in the University's Administrative Guide, .

The expected pay range for this position is $31.73 to $36.54 per hour.

Stanford University provides pay ranges representing its good faith estimate of what the university reasonably expects to pay for a position. The pay offered to a selected candidate will be determined based on factors such as (but not limited to) the scope and responsibilities of the position, the qualifications of the selected candidate, departmental budget availability, internal equity, geographic location and external market pay for comparable jobs.

At Stanford University, base pay represents only one aspect of the comprehensive rewards package. The Cardinal at Work website ( https:/ ) provides detailed information on Stanford's extensive range of benefits and rewards offered to employees. Specifics about the rewards package for this position may be discussed during the hiring process.

Consistent with its obligations under the law, the University will provide reasonable accommodations to applicants and employees with disabilities. Applicants requiring a reasonable accommodation for any part of the application or hiring process should contact Stanford University Human Resources at [email protected]. For all other inquiries, please submit a contact form .

Stanford is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

The job duties listed are typical examples of work performed by positions in this job classification and are not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all duties, tasks, and responsibilities. Specific duties and responsibilities may vary depending on department or program needs without changing the general nature and scope of the job or level of responsibility. Employees may also perform other duties as assigned.

  • Schedule: Full-time
  • Job Code: 1013
  • Employee Status: Regular
  • Requisition ID: 104161
  • Work Arrangement : Hybrid Eligible

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THSTI Jobs Notification 2024: Apply Online for 2 Research Scientist, Clinical Research Associate Vacancies

THSTI recruitment

THSTI Jobs Notification 2024 information for the hiring of 2 Research Scientist, Clinical Research Associate Posts has been released on the official website at Candidates Planning to start their career with Translational Health Science And Technology Institute can apply Online application on or before 2024-09-01.

Organization Name Translational Health Science And Technology Institute
Post Name Research Scientist, Clinical Research Associate
No. of Vacancies 2
Educational Qualification MD, MVSc, M. Tech, Ph.D, Bachelors Degree, Master’s degree/ diploma, MBBS, BDS, BHMS, BAMS, BPT
Official Website
Mode Online

THSTI Post Details

Research Scientist (Bioinformatics) : 1 Posts

Clinical Research Associate : 1 Posts


  • Research Scientist (Bioinformatics) : MD or MVSc or M. Tech with minimum 2 years’ relevant post qualification research experience OR PhD in Life Sciences/ Computational Science/ Bioinformatics/ Genomics from a recognized University with minimum 6 months relevant post qualification research experience.
  • Clinical Research Associate : Bachelors in Life Sciences with minimum three years of relevant clinical trial monitoring experience. OR • Master’s degree/ diploma, life sciences, pharmacy, public health, healthcare or other related discipline with minimum 2 years of relevant clinical trial monitoring experience. • MBBS/ BDS/ BHMS/ BAMS/ BPT preferred.

Salary Details

  • Research Scientist (Bioinformatics) : Rs. 1,10,000/- Per Month
  • Clinical Research Associate : Rs. 60,760/-Per MOnth
  • Research Scientist (Bioinformatics) : 40 years
  • Clinical Research Associate : 35 years

Application Fee

UR, OBC & EWS fee : Rs. 590/- SC, ST, Female, PWBD fee : Rs. 118/- Payment Mode: Online

Selection Process : Selection will be based on the Shortlisted

How to Apply : Interested and Eligible applicants may apply Online Through the Official Website on or before 1st September 2024.

Important Dates

Notification date : 12th august 2024. Application last date: 1st September 2024 .

Important Links

Notification Link Application Link

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Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres

  • Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
  • Posted on: 18 July 2024

Research associate / PhD candidate (f/m/d)

Logo of Science 4 Refugees

Job Information

Offer description.

Area of research:

Scientific / postdoctoral posts

Part-Time Suitability:

The position is suitable for part-time employment.

Starting date:

Job description:

The Institute of Process Engineering in Life Sciences (BLT) - Section IV: Molecular Processing of Bioproducts (MAB) pursues research in the field of downstream processing of bioproducts especially of pharmaceuticals. We deal with all aspects of modern purification, formulation and analytics in the biopharmaceutical industry. The project work within the scope of this call is designed for the preparation of two dissertations dealing with separation processes for bionanoparticles in downstream processing with a focus on process analytical technology (PAT). Two PhD positions are available:

  • ‘Multisensory in-line PAT in DSP for in-silico model-based process monitoring and control’ (DC6)
  • ‘Investigation into analytical tools and PAT development to analyse integrity and stability of VLP and AAV during processing’ (DC7)

The positions are part of the EU-funded Doctoral Network CAARE - “Characterization and Recovery of Bionanoparticles for Vaccine Delivery and Gene Therapy”, that deals with the characterization and recovery of bionanoparticles for vaccine delivery and gene therapy. Overall, 14 Doctoral Candidates will be trained at seven institutions in five European countries and will be supported by a network of industrial and academic partners.

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This research center is part of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers. With more than 42,000 employees and an annual budget of over € 5 billion, the Helmholtz Association is Germany's largest scientific organisation.

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Applications are invited from interested and eligible candidates for the following Positions. Interested Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria may submit their applications in the prescribed format along with the detailed CV / As per the Norms.

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📅 Date of Advertisement:


Indian institute of information technology una – teaching faculty recruitment 2024, 🏫 about institution.

IIIT Una is one of the 20 IIITs being setup, funded and managed by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India under the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. The partners setting up IIIT Una are the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh, HP Power Corporation Limited and HP Transmission Corporation Limited. Admissions to the undergraduate programmes in the Institute are made through the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE). At present, IIIT Una operates from its temporary premises of Transit Campus-II (DevBhumy Group of Institutes, Vill. Chandpur, Teh. Haroli, Una, H.P.) and Transit Campus-I(NIT Campus, Hamirpur). The permanent campus is coming up in the district of Una In Himachal Pradesh.

Indian Institute of Information Technology Una, Himachal Pradesh Invites Application for the following Teaching Faculty Positions of Faculty/Associate Faculty Member (On Contract) Recruitment 2024

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Applications are invited from enthusiastic and dynamic nationals with excellent consistent academic record from Secondary School to PhD for the post of Faculty/Associate Faculty Member (On Contract) on temporary basis, in the following discipline, as per the tentative vacancies listed:


  • Faculty/Associate Faculty Member (On Contract)


  • School of Computing


The details of the required qualifications & experience along with other relevant information are available on the Institute Website

Ph.D. (Degree awarded/Thesis submitted) in relevant discipline and M.E./M.Tech. in School of CSE/IT with First class or with CGPA of Computing 6.5 in 10 point scale and B.E./ B.Tech. in CSE/IT with First class or with CGPA of 6.5 in 10 point scale.


  • Rs.90,000/- per month. (Ph.D. Awarded)
  • Rs. 60,000/- per month (Ph.D. Thesis Submitted)


Una, Himachal Pradesh

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The candidates should bring the filled in application form (attached) at the time registration.

Walk-in Interview on 23, Aug.’24 Registration 23, Aug.’24 09:00 hrs. to 12:00 Noon Venue for the Interview IIIT Una Senate Room

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Indian Institute of Information Technology Una, Vill. Saloh, Teh. Haroli, Distt. Una Himachal Pradesh-177209, INDIA


Indian Institute of Information Technology Una invites applications from eligible candidates for the Teaching Faculty positions

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🔖 Post Expires on 23 rd August 2024



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  6. Shari DUDDA

    research associate phd candidate


  1. When is Research Assistant/Associate/Fellow a correct title for a PhD

    A Research Assistant (RA) is typically neither a PhD holder nor a PhD candidate. These positions are aimed at people holding a Master degree in the relevant field, and are common in short, 1-year, research projects (such as feasibility studies).

  2. 96 Research Associate Phd Candidate jobs in United States (3 new)

    Today's top 96 Research Associate Phd Candidate jobs in United States. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Research Associate Phd Candidate jobs added daily.

  3. Clinical Research Associate (PhD Candidates) in Cincinnati, Ohio

    The Clinical Research Associate position at Medpace offers the unique opportunity to have an exciting career in the research of drug and medical device development while making a difference in the lives of those around them. For those with PhD/Life Science backgrounds who want to explore the research field, travel the US, and be part of a team ...

  4. 97 Research Associate And Phd Candidate Jobs in United ...

    Today's top 97 Research Associate And Phd Candidate jobs in United States. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Research Associate And Phd Candidate jobs added daily.

  5. 29 Phd Candidate Research Associate Jobs in United States

    Today's top 29 Phd Candidate Research Associate jobs in United States. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Phd Candidate Research Associate jobs added daily.

  6. Research associate / PhD candidate (f/m/d)

    Multiple research associate / PhD candidate positions are available within the following research fields: THz systems: Antennas, passive components, packaging and system concepts for highly ...

  7. Research Associate / PhD Candidate (m/f/d)

    As a research associate and PhD candidate, you will have the opportunity to build on the Leibniz Lab "Systemic Sustainability" and advance scientific knowledge graph infrastructures in their ...

  8. Research associate / PhD candidate (f/m/d)

    Multiple research associate / PhD candidate positions are available within in the field of high-speed integrated circuit (IC) design with a focus on: Electro/optical high-speed IC design. Millimeter-Wave IC design for radar and communications. The offered positions will provide the PhD students with a comprehensive set of theoretical and ...

  9. Research associate / PhD candidate (f/m/d)

    Multiple research associate / PhD candidate positions are available within the following research fields: THz systems: Antennas, passive components, packaging and system concepts for highly integrated millimeter-wave and THz systems from 70 GHz to 1 THz. Ultra-wideband photonic-electronic systems: Packaging and interconnection technology for ...

  10. Research Associate / PhD Candidate (m/f/d)

    As a research associate and PhD candidate, you will have the opportunity to build on the Leibniz Lab "Systemic Sustainability" and advance scientific knowledge graph infrastructures in their ability to support real-world knowledge synthesis in research. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to.

  11. Research associate / PhD candidate (f/m/d)

    The PhD positions are funded for 36 months through the EU Research Framework Programme Horizon Europe at the level stipulated by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions funding rules with stipends starting at €47,300 per year. Final salary calculations take into account living costs of the recruiting country.

  12. Research Associate/PhD candidate (m/f/d) Evolutionary Ecology of Pathogens

    Research Associate/PhD candidate (m/f/d) Evolutionary Ecology of Pathogens. The position is part-time (65%) and initially limited to 3 years. The salary level will be TV-L 13. The starting date envisioned is September 16, 2024. The project is part of the newly funded Leibniz ScienceCampus Ecopath („Evolutionary Ecology of Zoonotic Pathogens ...

  13. Research associate / PhD candidate (f/m/d)

    Offer Description. The Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics conducts research in the field of highly-integrated millimeter-wave wireless modules and integrated photonic-electronic systems as well as signal processing for radar and communication systems. Multiple research associate / PhD candidate positions are available ...

  14. Research Associate (PhD candidate)

    Research Associate (PhD candidate) (Salary group 13 TV-L, working time 75 %, limited to 4 years) The department Survey Data Curation processes and prepares social science research data across a diverse range of data types to support sociological and political science research, especially in comparative perspectives across space and time. The ...

  15. Research associate / PhD candidate (f/m/d)

    Multiple research associate / PhD candidate positions are available within in the field of high-speed integrated circuit (IC) design with a focus on: Electro/optical high-speed IC design;

  16. Research Associate/PhD Candidate (m/f/d)

    Research Associate/PhD Candidate (m/f/d) PhD student | Posted on Jul 29, 2020 More info. Apply. Application deadline is over. ...

  17. Research associate / PhD candidate (f/m/d)

    Area of research:Scientific / postdoctoral posts Part-Time Suitability:The position is suitable for part-time employment. Starting date:17.07.2024 Jo

  18. KIT

    Job description. The Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics (IHE) is looking for research assistants / PhD candidate (f/m/d) for the following research topics: THz systems: Antennas, passive components, packaging and system concepts for highly integrated THz systems from 70 GHz to 1 THz. Ultra-wideband photonic-electronic ...

  19. KIT

    Multiple research associate / PhD candidate positions are available within the following research fields: THz systems: Antennas, passive components, packaging and system concepts for highly integrated millimeter-wave and THz systems from 70 GHz to 1 THz ... The candidates are expected to perform research activities independently, contribute to ...

  20. Research associate / PhD candidate (f/m/d)

    Multiple research associate / PhD candidate positions are available within the following research fields: THz systems: Antennas, passive components, packaging and system concepts for highly integrated millimeter-wave and THz systems from 70 GHz to 1 THz ... The candidates are expected to perform research activities independently, contribute to ...

  21. Research associate / PhD candidate (f/m/d)

    Multiple research associate / PhD candidate positions are available within in the field of high-speed integrated circuit (IC) design with a focus on: Electro/optical high-speed IC design. Millimeter-Wave IC design for radar and communications. The offered position will provide the PhD students with a comprehensive set of theoretical and ...

  22. Ph.D. Job Candidate Placement

    Associate Professor, Research Institute of Economics and Management, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics ... Ph.D. Job Candidate Placement; Graduate Life; Department of Economics College of Arts & Sciences Texas A&M University. Liberal Arts Social Sciences Building Building 1609 Mail Stop 4228 2935 Research Pw, ...

  23. Assistant / Associate Professor of Living Systems in Claremont, CA for

    The Kravis Department of Integrated Sciences (KDIS) at Claremont McKenna College (CMC) invites applications for a tenure-track position in Physics at the rank of assistant or associate professor. We seek candidates whose research uses experimental approaches to advance our understanding of living systems, ranging anywhere from the scale of biological molecules to whole organisms and ecosystems ...

  24. Effective Communication Strategies for Ph.D. Research Presentations

    Deeply immersed in their research, students frequently overestimate audience familiarity with the subject matter. Thomas Stewart, an associate professor of data science and the Ph.D. program director, shares his advice for enhancing clarity and impact for Ph.D. research presentations.

  25. Research Associate (PhD Candidate)

    Research Associate (PhD Candidate) (Salary group 13 TV-L, working time 75%, limited to 14.11.2026) With the BMBF-funded project KODAQS, GESIS, together with the University of Mannheim and LMU Munich, will create a data competence center for the social sciences that will provide researchers with the necessary skills for assessing, processing ...

  26. Jagadeesh Puvvula, PhD, PharmD

    Jagadeesh Puvvula, PhD, PharmD is a research associate in the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Informatics at the Perelman School of Medicine. His primary research focuses on gestational/childhood exposure to environmental chemical mixtures and early life outcomes. He also works on topics such as climate change and air pollution ...

  27. Clinical Research Coordinator Associate

    The successful candidate will interact with subjects by scheduling diagnostic and research evaluation visits, perform study related assessments including collection of blood samples, processing and shipment. ... Society of Clinical Research Associates or Association of Clinical Research Professionals certification is preferred. PHYSICAL ...

  28. THSTI Jobs Notification 2024: Apply Online For 2 Research Scientist

    THSTI Jobs Notification 2024 information for the hiring of 2 Research Scientist, Clinical Research Associate Posts has been released on the official website at Candidates Planning to start their career with Translational Health Science And Technology Institute can apply Online application on or before 2024-09-01.

  29. Research associate / PhD candidate (f/m/d)

    Offer Description. Area of research: Scientific / postdoctoral posts. Part-Time Suitability: The position is suitable for part-time employment. Starting date: 17.07.2024. Job description: The Institute of Process Engineering in Life Sciences (BLT) - Section IV: Molecular Processing of Bioproducts (MAB) pursues research in the field of ...

  30. Indian Institute of Information Technology Una invites eligible

    Interested Eligible candidates fulfilling the criteria may submit their applications in the prescribed format along with the detailed CV / As per the Norms. ... are invited from enthusiastic and dynamic nationals with excellent consistent academic record from Secondary School to PhD for the post of Faculty/Associate Faculty Member (On Contract ...