This Was My Experience Getting A PhD In Behavior Analysis

Hand shows the brain in the sun and sky.

What did getting a PhD in behavior analysis entail? originally appeared on Quora : the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.

Answer by Dr. Abbie Maroño, PhD in behavior analysis, on Quora :

Let’s start with what a PhD is. A PhD is one of the highest academic qualifications you can achieve, and it is carried out mostly independently. Of course, a PhD is academically very challenging, but in reality, it is so much more than that. A PhD is an emotionally, financially, and mentally challenging experience. Although no two PhDs are the same, if you are considering doing a PhD, it is important you recognize that it will require you to be passionate about your chosen field, self-motivated, and ready to work hard.

Doing a PhD in behavior analysis means that you have chosen to focus your research around understanding why humans behave the way they do, and how to influence human behavior in some way. You will have supervisors, usually two, who will support you through this, but their involvement in your work will be limited.

The first step is getting comfortable with reading empirical research. As you get to know your field, it will become evident that human beings are extraordinary complex and understanding human behavior is not a simple feat. For every theory there is an equally compelling counter theory, and you must build a rich knowledge base of what is empirically known and learn to decipher robust evidence from pseudoscientific claims. Your job as a researcher is to apply this newfound understanding and design a research question aimed at expanding current knowledge.

For my PhD, I wanted to know if nonverbal mimicry could be used to influence information elicitation of an interaction partner and third-party observers. I also set out to understand the psychological mechanisms underpinning WHY nonverbal mimicry works to do so.

Once you have a question, you will conduct a series of experiments designed to answer this question. Occasionally your research may be conducted online, using surveys or questionnaires, but when studying human behavior, you should expect your experiments to be carried out in-person using human participants.

Once you have collected enough data, you can start the data analysis process. As you work through your findings, you will ask yourself questions such as: Did you get the results you expected? If not, why not? Could your findings be explained by an alternative theory? What are the underlying psychological mechanisms driving the behavior you observed? Do you need to conduct more research to answer your question effectively?

Addressing these questions will take several years, but once you are confident that you have effectively answered your research question, you will complete your dissertation write up. Your dissertation will be a written record of all the work you have done, typically in about 80,000 words.

Finally, you will defend your PhD during a viva voice examination, involving a panel of experts examining your knowledge. To be awarded with a PhD, you must be able to evidence that you have produced a novel and meaningful contribution to your chosen field.

To sum, a PhD in behavior analysis is inherently challenging in so many ways but contributing to scientific progress in understanding human behavior is phenomenally rewarding.

This question originally appeared on Quora - the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.

Amy Bucher, Ph.D.

Applied Behavioral Science for Health and Well-Being

Should I Get a PhD in Psychology?

Should I Get a PhD in Psychology?

Before I get started, keep in mind that PhD programs differ quite a bit between disciplines. If you’re thinking of getting a degree in engineering or English, your program might look a lot different from mine, so keep your grain of salt handy.

You might want to get a PhD in psychology if . . .

You want a job or career that requires a PhD. This one seems like a no-brainer, but not everyone thinks it through. In general, working as an academic in an R1 institution  (that is, a tenure-track professor role that includes both teaching and research) will require a PhD. It’s possible to get a college teaching job at a community college or liberal arts school with a master’s degree, although my guess is that this is getting increasingly competitive as PhD programs graduate new doctors faster than the academic job market can bear . Likewise, it’s possible to work in academic research (particularly in a lab manager or coordinator role) without a PhD, but these roles are not plentiful in the social sciences.

If you are interested in counseling psychology, it may not be necessary to get a PhD. PhDs in clinical psychology who receive their license (through additional training and internships) are qualified to counsel patients, but so are social workers (LMSWs), psychiatrists (MDs), and many other types of professionals. I’d recommend the PhD for someone who wants to counsel patients but is also interested in conducting and consuming research on mental health and treatment.

You can also use a PhD in psychology in a number of non-academic fields. I work in a blended role where I conduct and apply research on motivation and behavior change to health technology. Other psychologists I know work in market research and consumer insights, human resources data analytics, product development, and strategy consulting. A PhD in psychology typically comes with strong research design and analysis skills that can be creatively applied in a number of fields, although you may need to do some work to help others see that connection.

You are comfortable with intellectual uncertainty.  The more you know, the more you become aware of all you don’t know. A doctoral education is a fast way to figure out all of the many, many gaps in your knowledge. Being successful in graduate school requires getting comfortable with the idea that you will never know everything, that there is rarely an easy black-or-white answer to questions, and that your hardest work may not be in acquiring knowledge, but in sorting through it and organizing it. If you’re the type of person who loves puzzling through huge volumes of sometimes contradictory information, you will enjoy grad school more than someone who prefers just enough information to make a basically correct conclusion.

You love learning and sharing what you’ve learned.   This is a corollary to being comfortable with shades of gray. A colleague of mine once told me he can recognize people who have PhDs by their outlook when presented with a problem. He said, they’re the ones who will dive into researching and reading and figuring out the problem and want to discuss it and think about it.

I took this photo in Niagara Falls, and my friend and I dubbed it "grad school."

You have a big but resilient ego.  On the one hand, it’s hard to make it through grad school if you don’t believe in your own intellectual abilities. It’s especially important to have a healthy ego because grad school also consists of being constantly beaten down. That sounds fun, doesn’t it? But in all seriousness, the volume of work required, the depth of feedback given, and the level of competition encountered in grad school all wear down on you over time. Add to that the many rejections and set-backs that everyone encounters during grad school, including paper and conference rejections, grades or exam scores below goal, and funding crises, and it takes a resilient soul to make it through. And it takes a big ego to keep submitting the next paper, exam, or grant application after the last rejection.

This is not to imply that grad school will not also make you more resilient. It will. You will learn a lot of strategies for coping with tough days and nights, and you’ll find enduring friendship in the trenches.

Some cautions . . .

If you want to be rich, a PhD is not a quick win.  You can definitely make a very nice living with a psychology PhD, in several different types of jobs. But grad school is expensive–even if you have a stipend to cover your costs, you will not be earning enough money to save, and you may additionally be acquiring loans. Because grad school living is so lean, I am glad I went right after my undergraduate, while I was still used to having no money (although I have friends who worked between undergrad and grad school and were glad to have some savings).

Hail to the Victors! The University of Michigan Diag in Ann Arbor

Many PhD programs include a master’s degree as part of their curriculum. I’ve met people who pursued a master’s degree as a way to test the waters for a PhD program. In general, I recommend against this. Many, if not all, PhD programs in psychology include a master’s degree as the conclusion of the first few years of coursework, and I’ve never heard of a program that lets someone skip those first few years based on a prior master’s. The people I know who tested the PhD waters by getting a master’s are now people with two master’s.

PhD programs take a while.  My grad school program, like many psychology PhD programs, was approximately five years long and included two years of coursework toward the master’s along with ongoing research requirements and at least four semesters of undergraduate teaching. Students pursuing a clinical license also have to do an internship on top of these other requirements.

People will be weird to you if you get a PhD in psychology.  First, if you get any PhD, some people will want to comment on your intelligence level (at least they assume it’s high!), which I find awkward. Second, if your PhD is in psychology, prepare for comments like:

  • “Do you know what I’m thinking right now?” (Answer: No, that’s psychic, not psychologist.)
  • “Are you psychoanalyzing me right now?” (Answer: No, I’m not that type of psychologist, but even if I were, I wouldn’t be doing my job for fun right now.)
  • “So you must know everything that’s wrong with me.” (Response: Well, I know you don’t really know what a psychologist does.)

Joking aside, I think the PhD can intimidate people at times, so be prepared for those reactions and ready to either use them to your advantage or alleviate them with humor and humility.

It’s up to you.

Like I said, I can’t tell anyone whether a PhD in psychology is right for them. The decision has to be one you own. Grad school is hard and long, but also filled with many adventures and pockets of joy. I am so glad that I went and earned my PhD. I wouldn’t have my career and the opportunities it provides if I hadn’t, and I would never have met many of the people who are the most important in my life. If you want to take on this onerous journey, you have to really want it; but if you do, I promise you’ll have some good times on the way.

Related posts:

  • How to Describe What I Know: The Appeal (and Frustration) of Psychology
  • Careers in Psychology: To Counsel or Not?
  • Career Options Outside Academia for Psychology PhDs
  • Walking Away from Academia with a PhD in Psychology

4 thoughts on “ Should I Get a PhD in Psychology? ”

I’m in my last year of my undergrad in psych. In 27 and have 2 kids. I want to pursue a degree where I can do what I enjoy, and make money. I’m worried about another 7 years in school for a PhD and was told there isn’t much for me with a masters in clinical psychology. I had looked into LCSW, but was not sure if I would be content selling short my dream/goal. Can I counsel, and still do research with a masters? Or am I better with an LCSW?

Admittedly, clinical practice is not my area of expertise. However, I do know people who have counseled with an MA and I also know several people with LCSWs. Both seem like good options if you’re interested in the clinical piece.

I’m not sure about the research part–I’d imagine that depends on where you end up working as a counselor. In a university or health system setting, it seems to me that should be possible. The PhD does make research more feasible as it sets you up to run a lab (assuming you go into academia or a research-focused company).

I was very influenced by the idea that even if something takes a long time, that time will still pass and at the end of it you could have done the thing or not. There have been a few times it’s helped me make choices that seem like they take a lot of time and commitment.

I’m interested in what you decide! I am sure you will find a way to do what makes you happy while making money.

Hi Amy! Thank you so much for your posts. I’ve been STRUGGLING with the decision of whether or not to apply to graduate school for a PhD in Social Psychology. To be frank, I don’t feel qualified to apply and I’m unsure if my reasons for wanting to go to graduate school are good ones. I’m no longer an undergrad student so opportunities to work in a lab has been impossible without at least a Master’s.

A little bit about me: I graduated from undergrad in 2015. I did work as a research assistant for a couple of months, but I mainly invested my time working full-time to pay for school. I liked working in a lab but it was in Human Development & Nutrition, so I often found myself watching the dynamics and social interactions between the family members rather than watching what I was tasked to focus on (whoops). I graduated with decent grades (3.75) with two majors (Communication & Psychology) and a minor (Latin – I love languages). I have a lot of supervising and training work experience from my job, and I would like to continue working in a training/educational capacity (so not really interested in being in academia).

The reason I want to study Social Psychology at the Doctoral level is because I have SO many questions on topics like resilience & life stories. As a trainer & supervisor, I would witness people crumble and thrive in the face of obstacles and (as a person who has the tendency to crumble) I would wonder: “What do resilient people do differently? How can the way we view our life stories change how resilient we are in the face of life challenges? What about in the context of training for a new position? How can programs be created to take into account differing personalities and stories?” Another reason is because I’ve read so many personal development books but I couldn’t help but think: “This is nice but show me the research behind it. I want to see it tested and understand why it works.” Not really sure if those are good enough reasons to apply.

Overall, I want to be able to take research on resilience and make it more applicable and accessible. I want to create workshops & train people on resilience & life stories (possibly do something similar to life coaching), but I’m not sure if that’s a good enough reason to apply or if I should probably go about it through another route.

I apologize for the long comment, but you’re website has been the only helpful website I have found on this topic!

Thank you for the kind comments!

As for applying–it can’t hurt to look at a few programs and see if you can’t find one that feels like a good fit. Having served on the admissions committee while in grad school (we were all required to give a year in service), I can tell you that your passion and curiosity will matter. Maybe you can find a few names of professors or grad students at schools that interest you working on resilience and grit and reach out to them for an informational interview (you may have better luck with grad students).

The other thing you could try to do is find a non-academic research job that lets you explore your questions. Agencies are a good place to look. Many big companies are also bringing behavior change teams in-house.

I’d love to know what you end up doing!

Comments are closed.

Psychology PhD Program Overview

Visit our page on BYU Graduate Studies for a detailed explanation of the Psychology PhD Program

Our graduate program has two degrees, the Clinical Psychology PhD program and the Psychology PhD program. The Clinical Psychology doctoral program is for those who want to be trained as clinicians (psychotherapists) in addition to training in research ( Click here for more information ). The Psychology doctoral program is for those who want more focused training in research, sometimes referred to as our “Non-Clinical” program.

The Psychology doctoral program offers a rigorous educational experience. The first four semesters provide broad coverage of the discipline of psychology and scientific research skills, and introduce students to the particular areas of emphasis offered in the program. During the last two years of the program, students pursue specialized coursework and training in one of three emphasis areas: Applied Social Psychology , Cognitive & Behavioral Neurosciences , & Developmental Psychology .

*Students also have the option to obtain a sub-specialty in Health Psychology within any of the above programs.

During the first semester students select a faculty advisor and a dissertation committee. By the end of the second year in the program, all students complete a second year project and poster presentation. Following the completion of these requirements, under the direction of the dissertation committee, students concentrate on coursework and research in their emphasis area. For even more reasons to come to BYU, download our graduate program brochure and visit our Frequently Asked Question page .

Program Information

While many APA programs currently prefer students to apply at the baccalaureate degree level, we welcome students with either a bachelors or masters degree.

Application Deadline: Dec 1 Entrance: Fall Semester Only Applications accepted beginning September 1st

Here is the link to the application.

If you do not have an undergraduate degree in psychology, the following prerequisite classes are required: General Psychology (Psych 111), Psychological Statistics (Psych 308), Research Design & Analysis (Psych 310), and three additional 300-level courses. Deficiencies may be addressed when admitted.

Average entrance GPA: 3.78 Approximate admissions per year: 5-8 GRE scores are required . Please click here for more information.

International students will need to receive a minimum score on the English proficiency tests. For more information on these tests please visit the TOEFL and the IELTS cites.

All applications are taken electronically. To apply for any graduate program at BYU fill out the online application. If you find it impossible to apply online please contact the Office of Graduate Studies in 105 FPH or by phone at 801-422-4091.

Barring unexpected circumstances such as prolonged severe illness, the Psychology PhD program should be completed within four years from the date of entry into the program. Even if a rare time allowance is made for an extreme circumstance, credits will become outdated after eight years.

Students must register for a minimum of 6 semester hours per academic year (September-August) to stay in the program. Full-time graduate student status requires registration for 4.5 credits per term or 8.5 credits per semester (9 credits for international students).

Financial Support

To see current tuition rates for both LDS and Non-LDS students, please click here. Financial support is offered through Teaching and Research Assistantships, Student Instructorships, Partial Tuition Support, Research, and Travel Support, Short-term and Long-term Loans, and Competitive Graduate Studies and other awards.

Fifteen hours of paid research or teaching assistantships are offered for two years of study, typically four semesters - $4,920 fall and winter, $2,460 spring or summer, or a total of $12,300 for the academic year.

Graduate students have the opportunity to teach undergraduate psychology courses each semester/term, after they have completed Psych 693, Teaching Psychology. A full stipend of around $2,600 is paid for a 3-credit hour course if enrollment reaches 20 or more.

Tuition assistance is available during the first four years of the program, with all students receiving scholarships for at least 1/2 the LDS tuition amount. During the past academic year, proceeds from endowments allowed us to cover the full cost of tuition for all students during Fall and Winter Semesters. We anticipate providing the same level of tuition support in future years contingent on endowment yields.

There is some funding from the department and college available for travel to conferences in which students are presenting research papers or posters.

In addition to federal government guaranteed student loans, BYU offers both short and long-term loans through internal resources. Contact the Financial Aid Office at (801)-422-4104 or online at BYU's financial aid website.

Some psychology students have also been successful in competing for a limited number of awards offered through the university, general through graduate studies or the College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences. Examples of these awards include Research Presentation Awards, Graduate Mentoring Awards, and the High Impact Doctoral Research Assistantship, and so forth.

Administrative support is also available:

1.  Disabilities : Students with disabilities will be accommodated in accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. University services are relatively extensive, and the program makes every effort to provide reasonable accommodations. Contact the University Accessibility Center for more information.

2. Counseling: The University provides extensive counseling services, free of charge, to all University personnel, full-time students, and their dependents, mostly through Counseling and Psychological Services. The Comprehensive Clinic also provides free services to University students.

3. Multicultural and Minority Support : Various University sponsored organization representing diverse cultures are available. Contact Multicultural Student Services for more information. The office of International Student Services provides both social and practical support to international students. A variety of support, counseling, and educational services are provided to women, coordinated through the office of BYU Women's Services and Resources.

Student Resources

For more information about program curriculum (courses, timeline, requirements, etc.) see the following links: Graduate Psychology Handbook Graduate Catalog

For more information about all things related to attending graduate school at BYU, see the following link: Graduate Studies

For more information about opportunities for grants, fellowships, and other sources of funding, see the following links: Graduate Studies funding College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences funding External Grants

Emphasis Areas

phd psychology quora

Students sit around a table and discuss with a professor nearby. Photo source: Sallie

PhD Admissions

The PhD program in Psychology trains students for careers in research and teaching. In addition to a wide range of courses, the PhD program is characterized by close collaboration between students and their faculty advisors. 

General Information

The Department of Psychology holistically reviews each candidate's complete application to assess the promise of a career in teaching and research. Consideration is based on various factors, including courses taken, grade point average, letters of recommendation, and the statement of purpose. Additionally, the Department of Psychology places considerable emphasis on research training, and admitted students have often been involved in independent research as undergraduate students or post-baccalaureate settings. Although there are no course requirements for admission, all applicants should have sufficient foundational knowledge and research experience to engage in graduate-level coursework and research.

We accept students with undergraduate degrees and those with both undergraduate and master's degrees. An undergraduate psychology major is not required; the Department welcomes applicants from other academic backgrounds.

Our application portal will open for the AY25-26 admissions cycle on September 15, 2024.

How to Apply

Application and deadline.

Our 2025-26 Admissions application will open on September 15, 2024.

Applications will be due on November 30, 2024

The deadline for letters of recommendation will be  November 30, 2024 . 

Once an applicant submits the recommenders' information, the recommenders will receive an automated email with instructions for submitting the letter. Late letters should be sent directly to psych-admissions [at] (psych-admissions[at]stanford[dot]edu) . Staff will add them to the application file if the review process is still underway. Still, the faculty reviewers are not obligated to re-review files for materials submitted after the deadline.

Generally, students will hear from us by the end of January. 

The status of submitted applications can be viewed anytime by logging in to the   application portal . 

The deadline to apply for the '25-26 PhD cohort this year is  November 30, 2024 . Applicants who are admitted to the program will matriculate in Autumn 2025. 

Our next admissions cycle will open in September 2025 and have a November 30, 2025 deadline.

In addition to the information below, please review the  Graduate Admissions  website prior to starting your application. The Department of Psychology does not have rolling admissions. We admit for the Autumn term only.


  • U.S. Bachelor's degree or its  foreign equivalent
  • Statement of Purpose (submitted electronically as part of the graduate application). You will be able to specify three  Psychology Department faculty members , in order of preference, with whom you would like to work. 
  • Three  Letters of Recommendation  (submitted electronically). A maximum of six letters will be accepted.
  • Unofficial transcripts from all universities and colleges you have attended for at least one year must be uploaded to the graduate application. Applicants who reach the interview stage will be asked to provide official transcripts as well; Department staff will reach out to these applicants with instructions for submitting official transcripts. Please do  not  submit official transcripts with your initial application.
  • Required for non-native English speakers: TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) scores, submitted by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) electronically to Stanford. 

Application Fee

The fee to apply for graduate study at Stanford is $125. Fee waivers are available for some applicants. Please visit Graduate Admissions for information on applying for an  Application Fee Waiver .

Application Review & Status Check

The Department of Psychology welcomes graduate applications from individuals with a broad range of life experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds who would contribute to our community of scholars. The review of applications is holistic and individualized, considering each applicant’s academic record and accomplishments, letters of recommendation, and admissions essays to understand how an applicant’s life experiences have shaped their past and potential contributions to their field.

To check the status or activity of your application, please log into your  application account . You can also send reminders to recommenders who have not yet submitted their letter of recommendation.

Due to limited bandwidth, the Department of Psychology staff will not answer any phone or email queries about application status, including requests to confirm the receipt of official transcripts.

Our faculty will interview prospective students before making final admission decisions. Candidates who progress to the interview round will be informed in January. Interviews are generally conducted in February.

The Department of Psychology recognizes that the Supreme Court issued a ruling in June 2023 about the consideration of certain types of demographic information as part of an admission review. All applications submitted during upcoming application cycles will be reviewed in conformance with that decision.

  • Diversity and Engagement in Psychology PhD Programs 
  • Vice Provost for Graduate Education
  • Stanford IDEAL
  • Graduate Application Fee Waiver Information

For More Information

Please see our  list of Frequently Asked Questions  and  psych-admissions [at] (contact us)  should you have additional questions.

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Getting a Ph.D. in Psychology

Verywell / Evan Polenghi

Ph.D. vs. Psy.D.

Job opportunities, earning a degree, specialty areas, alternatives.

Getting a Ph.D. in psychology can open up a whole new world of career opportunities. For many careers paths in psychology-related career paths, a doctoral degree is necessary to obtain work and certification. A Ph.D. is one option, but it is not the only educational path that's available to reach some of these goals.

A Ph.D., or doctor of philosophy, is one of the highest level degrees you can earn in the field of psychology . If you're considering pursuing a graduate degree, you might be wondering how long it takes to earn a Ph.D. in psychology . Generally, a bachelor's degree takes four years of study. While a master's degree requires an additional two to three years of study beyond the bachelor's, a doctoral degree can take between four to six years of additional graduate study after earning your bachelor's degree.

Recently, a new degree option known as the Psy.D. , or doctor of psychology, has grown in popularity as an alternative to the Ph.D. The type of degree you decide to pursue depends on a variety of factors, including your own interests and your career aspirations.

Before deciding which is right for you, research your options and decide if graduate school in psychology is even the best choice for you. Depending on your career goals, you might need to earn a master's or doctoral degree in psychology in order to practice in your chosen field. In other instances, a degree in a similar subject such as counseling or social work may be more appropriate.

A doctorate in psychology is required if you want to open your own private practice.

If you want to become a licensed psychologist, you must earn either a Ph.D. or a Psy.D. in clinical or counseling psychology.

In most cases, you will also need a doctorate if you want to teach and conduct research at the college or university level. While there are some opportunities available for people with a master's degree in various specialty fields, such as industrial-organizational psychology and health psychology , those with a doctorate will generally find higher pay, greater job demand, and more opportunity for growth.

In order to earn a Ph.D. in psychology, you need to first begin by earning your bachelor's degree. While earning your undergraduate degree in psychology can be helpful, students with bachelor's degrees in other subjects can also apply their knowledge to psychology Ph.D. programs . Some students in doctorate programs may have a master's degree in psychology , but most doctorate programs do not require it.

After you’ve been admitted to a graduate program, it generally takes at least four years to earn a Ph.D. and another year to complete an internship. Once these requirements have been fulfilled, you can take state and national exams to become licensed to practice psychology in the state where you wish to work.

Once you enter the graduate level of psychology, you will need to choose an area of specialization, such as clinical psychology , counseling psychology, health psychology, or cognitive psychology . The American Psychological Association (APA) accredits graduate programs in three areas: clinical, counseling, and school psychology.   If you are interested in going into one of these specialty areas, it's important to choose a school that has received accreditation through the APA.

For many students, the choice may come down to a clinical psychology program versus a counseling psychology program. There are many similarities between these two Ph.D. options, but there are important distinctions that students should consider. Clinical programs may have more of a research focus while counseling programs tend to focus more on professional practice. The path you choose will depend largely on what you plan to do after you complete your degree.

Of course, the Ph.D. in psychology is not the only graduate degree option. The Psy.D. is a doctorate degree option that you might also want to consider. While there are many similarities between these two degrees, traditional Ph.D. programs tend to be more research-oriented while Psy.D. programs are often more practice-oriented.

The Ph.D. option may be your top choice if you want to mix professional practice with teaching and research, while the Psy.D. option may be preferred if you want to open your own private psychology practice.

In the book "An Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psychology," authors John C. Norcross and Michael A. Sayette suggest that one of the key differences between the two-degree options is that the Ph.D. programs train producers of research while Psy.D. programs train consumers of research. However, professional opportunities for practice are very similar with both degree types.

Research suggests that there are few discernible differences in terms of professional recognition, employment opportunities, or clinical skills between students trained in the Ph.D. or Psy.D. models. One of the few differences is that those with a Ph.D. degree are far more likely to be employed in academic settings and medical schools.

Social work, counseling, education, and the health sciences are other graduate options that you may want to consider if you decide that a doctorate degree is not the best fit for your interests and career goals.

A Word From Verywell

If you are considering a Ph.D. in psychology, spend some time carefully researching your options and thinking about your future goals. A doctoral degree is a major commitment of time, resources, and effort, so it is worth it to take time to consider the right option for your goals. The Ph.D. in psychology can be a great choice if you are interested in being a scientist-practitioner in the field and want to combine doing research with professional practice. It's also great training if you're interested in working at a university where you would teach classes and conduct research on psychological topics.

University of Pennsylvania; School of Arts and Sciences. Information for applicants .

American Psychological Association. Doctoral degrees in psychology: How are they different, or not so different?

U.S. Department of Labor.  Psychologists . Occupational Outlook Handbook .

Norcross JC, Sayette MA. An Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psychology (2020/2021 ed.) . New York, NY: The Guilford Press; 2020.

Davis SF, Giordano PJ, Licht CA. Your Career in Psychology: Putting Your Graduate Degree to Work . John Wiley & Sons; 2012. doi:10.1002/9781444315929

US Department of Education. Bachelor's, master's, and doctor's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by sex of student and discipline division: 2016-17 .

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

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8 Reasons Why You Should Get Your Doctorate in Psychology

Are you thinking about going back to school to get your doctorate in psychology? Earning your Ph.D. or PsyD can be an excellent way to improve your career and salary prospects. Below are some of the best reasons to consider earning this prestigious degree.

#1 You Want To Be An Academic

Earning your bachelor’s degree and even a master’s degree in psychology is not enough to get you the best-paying jobs in academia. If you want to be a full-time psychology professor at most universities, you must earn your doctorate in psychology.

Many students want to get their doctorate and work in academia so they can teach students at the bachelor’s and master’s levels. Being a full-time professor provides a good salary, benefits, and job security.

Others want to perform research at universities and obtain research grants from public and private entities.

#2 You Want To Be a Researcher

Many Ph.D. students in psychology yearn to become a research psychologist. In this field, you have the chance to study a variety of complex psychological issues and treatments and come up with new solutions.

Many doctoral degree holders are employed by the government or non-profit groups to discover new treatments for mental health conditions. Others focus on discovering innovative ways to teach certain populations of students.

Research psychology is also a good path if you want your original research published in peer-reviewed journals, such as The Journal of Psychology and Cognition and The Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy.

#3 You Have Your Master’s Degree

Students interested in a psychology career can do little with a bachelor’s degree alone. Practicing as a counseling or clinical psychologist requires at least a master’s degree. However, to work independently, you must have a doctoral degree.

Most psychology students eventually earn their master’s degree, which means you are just one of many who have their graduate degree. But a lot fewer students earn their doctoral degree.

Doctoral programs are more selective and difficult. You can make yourself stand out from other psychology students with your Ph.D. or PsyD.

#4 You Want To Specialize

Some master’s programs allow you to specialize in a branch of psychology. But obtaining your doctorate in psychology allows you to focus even more on that specialization so you can become an expert and authority in the field. Some of the most popular doctoral specializations are:

  • Neuropsychology
  • Engineering psychology
  • Sports psychology
  • Forensic psychology
  • Developmental psychology
  • Educational psychology
  • Health psychology
  • Human factors psychology
  • School psychology
  • Social psychology
  • Abnormal psychology

#5 You Want to Work in Private Clinical Practice

You can work as a clinical psychologist with a master’s degree, but you must be supervised by a Ph.D. in the field. While this may be a satisfactory arrangement for some time, many professionals want to eventually start their own private practice.

#6 You Want To Understand a Psychology Subject Better

If you want to become a subject matter expert on a subject in psychology, getting your Ph.D. may allow you to conduct in-depth research in that area.

For example, if you want to understand better how the brain solves problems, or how some drugs can affect depression or bipolar disorder, doctoral study will allow you to do years of research in those areas. You may even decide to write your dissertation on the subject.

#7 You Want to Help Other People

You can counsel others with a master’s degree. But having your psychology doctoral degree means another four to six years of experience and study. You can provide more in-depth help to your patients with a Ph.D. or PsyD.

SEE ALSO: Is it Worth It to Get a PsyD in Psychology?

#8 You Want to Make More Money

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) states that the top earners in the field make at least $130,000 per year. Most of them have a doctoral degree and many years of work experience.

You also will qualify for more jobs with a doctoral degree. APA’s Workforce Studies found that 72% of surveyed psychologists with a doctorate got their top choice for work after they graduated.

What the Experts Say

We checked with experts on about this question: “Is it worth it to get a Ph.D. in psychology?”

  • “If you enjoy research, by all means, look into the possibility of pursuing the Ph.D., which will open many career avenues even before graduation. The field of psychology is rapidly following the study into biological and genetic factors behind mental illness and is the wave of the future. This opens up many new areas of research that you may become a part of.” – Mike King, MA in Politics, MS in Psychology, Minor in Management .
  • “It depends on what you mean by “worth it.” If you don’t mind working hard for a finite number of years in order to have great flexibility in where you work (VA, academia, private practice, mental hospital, community mental health, the federal prison system, etc.) and what you do (therapy, assessment, administration, supervision, teaching, research, etc.), then yes, it’s worth it.” – Valerie Leake, Psychologist, Therapist .
  • “A Ph.D. in psychology is centrally about doing research and getting it published. Do you feel comfortable doing research? Do you aspire to become a professor of psychology? Is there any domain in psychology that you have a special passion for? If your responses to these questions are all “yes”, then go ahead [and get your Ph.D.]. – Jimmy Zhong, Student, Ph.D. in Psychology .
  • “I found it useful. I was able to teach undergraduate and graduate classes at three different universities. I worked as a school psychologist/diagnostician and earned a good salary. It was six years of hard work past my undergraduate degree, but I think it was worth it.” – Rondeall Bizzell, Ph.D. in Psychology .

Earning your doctoral degree in psychology provides you with many job opportunities and a shot at earning a top salary in the field. It is a worthy educational goal that can “result a high level of personal and professional satisfaction.

  • Psychology PhD Overview. Accessed at
  • Is a Doctorate in Psychology Worth It? Accessed at
  • Doctoral Degree in Psychology. Accessed at

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9 things you should consider before embarking on a PhD

June 23, 2021 | 15 min read

By Andy Greenspon

Andy Greenspon

The ideal research program you envision is not what it appears to be

Editor's Note:  When Andy Greenspon wrote this article, he was a first-year student in Applied Physics at Harvard. Now he has completed his PhD. — Alison Bert, June 23, 2021

If you are planning to apply for a PhD program, you're probably getting advice from dozens of students, professors, administrators your parents and the Internet. Sometimes it's hard to know which advice to focus on and what will make the biggest difference in the long-run. So before you go back to daydreaming about the day you accept that Nobel Prize, here are nine things you should give serious thought to. One or more of these tips may save you from anguish and help you make better decisions as you embark on that path to a PhD.

1. Actively seek out information about PhD programs.

Depending on your undergraduate institution, there may be more or less support to guide you in selecting a PhD program – but there is generally much less than when you applied to college.

On the website of my physics department, I found a page written by one of my professors, which listed graduate school options in physics and engineering along with resources to consult. As far as I know, my career center did not send out much information about PhD programs. Only after applying to programs did I find out that my undergraduate website had a link providing general information applicable to most PhD programs. This is the kind of information that is available all over the Internet.

So don't wait for your career center or department to lay out a plan for you. Actively seek it out from your career center counselors, your professors, the Internet — and especially from alumni from your department who are in or graduated from your desired PhD program. First-hand experiences will almost always trump the knowledge you get second-hand.

2. A PhD program is not simply a continuation of your undergraduate program.

Many students don't internalize this idea until they have jumped head-first into a PhD program. The goal is not to complete an assigned set of courses as in an undergraduate program, but to develop significant and original research in your area of expertise. You will have required courses to take, especially if you do not have a master's degree yet, but these are designed merely to compliment your research and provide a broad and deep knowledge base to support you in your research endeavors.

At the end of your PhD program, you will be judged on your research, not on how well you did in your courses. Grades are not critical as long as you maintain the minimum GPA requirement, and you should not spend too much time on courses at the expense of research projects. Graduate courses tend to be designed to allow you to take away what you will find useful to your research more than to drill a rigid set of facts and techniques into your brain.

3. Take a break between your undergraduate education and a PhD program.

You are beginning your senior year of college, and your classmates are asking you if you are applying to graduate school. You think to yourself, "Well, I like studying this topic and the associated research, and I am going to need a PhD if I want to be a professor or do independent research, so I might as well get it done as soon as possible." But are you certain about the type of research you want to do? Do you know where you want to live for the next five years? Are you prepared to stay in an academic environment for nine years straight?

Many people burn out or end up trudging through their PhD program without a thought about what lies outside of or beyond it. A break of a year or two or even more may be necessary to gain perspective. If all you know is an academic environment, how can you compare it to anything else? Many people take a job for five or more years before going back to get their PhD. It is true though that the longer you stay out of school, the harder it is to go back to an academic environment with lower pay and a lack of set work hours. A one-year break will give you six months or so after graduation before PhD applications are due. A two-year gap might be ideal to provide time to identify your priorities in life and explore different areas of research without having school work or a thesis competing for your attention.

Getting research experience outside of a degree program can help focus your interests and give you a leg up on the competition when you finally decide to apply. It can also help you determine whether you will enjoy full-time research or if you might prefer an alternative career path that still incorporates science, for example, in policy, consulting or business — or a hybrid research job that combines scientific and non-scientific skills.

I will be forever grateful that I chose to do research in a non-academic environment for a year between my undergraduate and PhD programs. It gave me the chance to get a feel for doing nothing but research for a full year. Working at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in the Space Division, I was the manager of an optics lab, performing spectroscopic experiments on rocks and minerals placed in a vacuum chamber. While my boss determined the overall experimental design, I was able to make my own suggestions for experiments and use my own discretion in how to perform them. I presented this research at two national conferences as well — a first for me. I was also able to learn about other research being performed there, determine which projects excited me the most, and thus narrow down my criteria for a PhD program.

4. Your current area of study does not dictate what you have to study in graduate school.

You might be studying the function and regulation of membrane proteins or doing a computational analysis of the conductivity of different battery designs, but that doesn't mean your PhD project must revolve around similar projects. The transition between college or another research job to a PhD program is one of the main transitions in your life when it is perfectly acceptable to completely change research areas.

If you are doing computation, you may want to switch to lab-based work or vice versa. If you are working in biology but have always had an interest in photonics research, now is the time to try it out. You may find that you love the alternative research and devote your PhD to it, you might hate it and fall back on your previous area of study — or you may even discover a unique topic that incorporates both subjects.

One of the best aspects of the PhD program is that you can make the research your own. Remember, the answer to the question "Why are you doing this research?" should not be "Well, because it's what I've been working on for the past few years already."While my undergraduate research was in atomic physics, I easily transitioned into applied physics and materials science for my PhD program and was able to apply much of what I learned as an undergraduate to my current research. If you are moving from the sciences to a non-STEM field such as social sciences or humanities, this advice can still apply, though the transition is a bit more difficult and more of a permanent commitment.

5. Make sure the PhD program has a variety of research options, and learn about as many research groups as possible in your first year.

Even if you believe you are committed to one research area, you may find that five years of such work is not quite what you expected. As such, you should find a PhD program where the professors are not all working in the same narrowly focused research area. Make sure there are at least three professors working on an array of topics you could imagine yourself working on.

In many graduate programs, you are supposed to pick a research advisor before even starting. But such arrangements often do not work out, and you may be seeking a new advisor before you know it. That's why many programs give students one or two semesters to explore different research areas before choosing a permanent research advisor.

In your first year, you should explore the research of a diverse set of groups. After touring their labs, talking to the students, or sitting in on group meetings, you may find that this group is the right one for you.

In addition, consider the importance of who your research advisor will be. This will be the person you interact with regularly for five straight years and who will have a crucial influence on your research. Do you like their advising style? Does their personality mesh with yours? Can you get along? Of course, the research your advisor works on is critical, but if you have large disagreements at every meeting or do not get helpful advice on how to proceed with your research, you may not be able to succeed. At the very least, you must be able to handle your advisor's management of the lab and advising style if you are going to be productive in your work. The Harvard program I enrolled in has professors working on research spanning from nanophotonics to energy materials and biophysics, covering my wide range of interests. By spending time in labs and offices informally chatting with graduate students, I found an advisor whose personality and research interests meshed very well with me. Their genuine enthusiasm for this advisor and their excitement when talking about their research was the best input I could have received.

6. Location is more important than you think — but name recognition is not.

The first consideration in choosing a PhD program should be, "Is there research at this university that I am passionate about?" After all, you will have to study this topic in detail for four or more years. But when considering the location of a university, your first thought should not be, "I'm going to be in the lab all the time, so what does it matter if I'm by the beach, in a city, or in the middle of nowhere." Contrary to popular belief, you will have a life outside of the lab, and you will have to be able to live with it for four or more years. Unlike when you were an undergraduate, your social and extracurricular life will revolve less around the university community, so the environment of the surrounding area is important. Do you need a city atmosphere to be productive? Or is your ideal location surrounded by forests and mountains or by a beach? Is being close to your family important? Imagine what it will be like living in the area during the times you are not doing research; consider what activities will you do and how often will you want to visit family.

While many of the PhD programs that accepted me had research that truly excited me, the only place I could envision living for five or more years was Boston, as the city I grew up near and whose environment and culture I love, and to be close to my family.

While location is more important than you think, the reputation and prestige of the university is not. In graduate school, the reputation of the individual department you are joining — and sometimes even the specific research group you work in — are more important. There, you will develop research collaborations and professional connections that will be crucial during your program and beyond. When searching for a job after graduation, other scientists will look at your specific department, the people you have worked with and the research you have done.

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At the Asgard Irish Pub in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Andy Greenspon talks with fellow graduate students from Harvard and MIT at an Ask for Evidence workshop organized by Sense About Science. He grew up near Boston and chose to go to graduate school there.

7. Those time management skills you developed in college? Develop them further.

After surviving college, you may think you have mastered the ability to squeeze in your coursework, extracurricular activities and even some sleep. In a PhD program, time management reaches a whole new level. You will not only have lectures to attend and homework to do. You will have to make time for your research, which will include spending extended periods of time in the lab, analyzing data, and scheduling time with other students to collaborate on research.

Also, you will most likely have to teach for a number of semesters, and you will want to attend any seminar that may be related to your research or that just peaks your interest. To top it all off, you will still want to do many of those extracurricular activities you did as an undergraduate. While in the abstract, it may seem simple enough to put this all into your calendar and stay organized, you will find quickly enough that the one hour you scheduled for a task might take two or three hours, putting you behind on everything else for the rest of the day or forcing you to cut other planned events. Be prepared for schedules to go awry, and be willing to sacrifice certain activities. For some, this might be sleep; for others, it might be an extracurricular activity or a few seminars they were hoping to attend. In short, don't panic when things don't go according to plan; anticipate possible delays and be ready to adapt.

8. Expect to learn research skills on the fly – or take advantage of the training your department or career center offers.

This may be the first time you will have to write fellowship or grant proposals, write scientific papers, attend conferences, present your research to others, or even peer-review scientific manuscripts. From my experience, very few college students or even PhD students receive formal training on how to perform any of these tasks. Usually people follow by example. But this is not always easy and can be quite aggravating sometimes. So seek out talks or interactive programs offered by your department or career center. The effort will be well worth it when you realize you've become quite adept at quickly and clearly explaining your research to others and at outlining scientific papers and grant proposals. Alternatively, ask a more experienced graduate student or your advisor for advice on these topics. In addition, be prepared for a learning curve when learning all the procedures and processes of the group you end up working in. There may be many new protocols to master, whether they involve synthesizing chemicals, growing bacterial cells, or aligning mirrors on an optical table. In addition, the group may use programming languages or data analysis software you are unfamiliar with. Don't get discouraged but plan to spend extra effort getting used to these procedures and systems. After working with them regularly, they will soon become second nature. When I first started my job at Johns Hopkins, I felt overwhelmed by all the intricacies of the experiment and definitely made a few mistakes, including breaking a number of optical elements. But by the end of my year there, I had written an updated protocol manual for the modifications I had made to the experimental procedures and was the "master" passing on my knowledge to the next person taking the job.

9. There are no real breaks.

In a stereotypical "9-to-5" job, when the workday is over or the weekend arrives, you can generally forget about your work. And a vacation provides an even longer respite. But in a PhD program, your schedule becomes "whenever you find time to get your work done." You might be in the lab during regular work hours or you might be working until 10 p.m. or later to finish an experiment. And the only time you might have available to analyze data might be at 1 a.m. Expect to work during part of the weekend, too. Graduate students do go on vacations but might still have to do some data analysis or a literature search while away.

As a PhD student, it might be hard to stop thinking about the next step in an experiment or that data sitting on your computer or that paper you were meaning to start. While I imagine some students can bifurcate their mind between graduate school life and everything else, that's quite hard for many of us to do. No matter what, my research lies somewhere in the back of my head. In short, your schedule is much more flexible as a PhD student, but as a result, you never truly take a break from your work.

While this may seem like a downer, remember that you should have passion for the research you work on (most of the time), so you should be excited to think up new experiments or different ways to consider that data you have collected. Even when I'm lying in bed about to fall asleep, I am sometimes ruminating about aspects of my experiment I could modify or what information I could do a literature search on to gain new insights. A PhD program is quite the commitment and rarely lives up to expectations – but it is well worth the time and effort you will spend for something that truly excites you.


Andy greenspon.

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  • Psychology /

PhD in Psychology


  • Updated on  
  • Apr 28, 2023

PhD in Psychology

The human brain is the most complex and mysterious object in the world which to date puts professionals into a fix. To explore and understand an individual’s behaviour, building a research career in Psychology is one of the most suitable routes. Apart from identifying the intricacies of the human brain, Psychology, as a discipline, provides an opportunity for researchers to test how people seem to think, speak or act. While the undergraduate and graduate courses in this domain deal with the scientific study of the human mind, in the context of behaviour, feeling, attitude and reaction, a research degree in psychology delves deeper into the aspects pertaining to personality and social operation. Through this blog, we will provide you with an in-depth understanding of PhD in Psychology and related details. 

Degree NamePhD in psychology
Degree TypeDoctoral
Degree DurationThree years
Eligibility Criteria in a related field
Admission processMerit-based
Fees for the entire durationRs. 1 lakh to Rs. 3 lakh
Average SalaryRs. 8 lakhs per annum
Job profilesPsychologist, , Research Associate.
Top recruitersColleges, Universities, Healthcare Centers, Private Clinics, Hospitals, and Counselling Offices.

This Blog Includes:

Program overview, phd in psychology: syllabus, popular study destinations, phd in psychology: top universities and fees, eligibility criteria: phd in psychology, admission process, skills required, specializations, job profiles and salary, future scope of phd in psychology.

A PhD in Psychology is a doctoral-level program that provides rigorous training in research for individuals who want to pursue a career as an academician or the ones who want to practice as a clinical psychologist . The course covers various aspects of psychology such as cognition, perception, neuroscience , behaviour, etc. This program typically runs for a period of 4 years for full-time and 7-8 years for a part-time course. While in the initial years, the students undergo theoretical training, the course comes to an end with a dissertation project and thesis. The typical curriculum of this doctorate program in Psychology includes: 

  • Perception and Reality
  • Graduate Research Methods
  • Affective Science
  • Advanced Statistical Modeling
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Attitudes and Social Judgement
  • Foundations of Cognition
  • Advances in Neuroscience

Must Read: An Ultimate Guide to PhD Courses

Because there are numerous sub-disciplines available for research, the syllabus for a PhD in psychology is quite subjective. Students select extra subjects and study areas based on their interest in the issue. However, the following table summarises the common curriculum for a PhD in psychology:

Advanced psychopathologyPsychotherapeutic MethodsClinical psychology I
Psychometric assessment methodsPracticumClinical psychology II
History of PsychologySupervisor Directed Course (Need-based) and Research
Philosophical and Sociological Basis of Educational Research
PracticumClinical PsychologyInternship in clinical psychology

Apart from selecting a specialization, it is equally important to lay emphasis on choosing the best study-abroad destinations and universities to pursue a PhD in Psychology. A place that gives you access to world-class facilities and promotes achieving academic excellence. Listed below are the top destinations to study psychology.

  • United States of America
  • United Kingdom

With psychology becoming more and more popular amongst students, top universities across the world, apart from offering bachelor and master-level courses, are now offering a PhD in Psychology. Providing world-class facilities and educational infrastructure, listed below are some of the top universities offering this program: 

4,936 USD
10,952 USD
16,374 USD
17,127 USD
18,522 USD
18,643 USD
18,912 USD
20,673 USD
21,875 USD
77,866 USD

Also Read: Psychology Universities in Canada

For enrolling in the PhD in Psychology program, a candidate needs to meet certain criteria for eligibility. Although, the parameters may vary from one university to another, listed below are some common prerequisites: 

  • An undergraduate degree in psychology or any such related course, such as BSc Psychology .
  • Usually, to get admitted into PhD programs, it is necessary for the candidates to pursue masters-level courses like MSc Psychology , MSc Clinical Psychology , etc. However, this is not mandated by some universities and one can easily enrol in the PhD program just after completing a bachelor’s degree . 
  • The candidates must have a good GRE score apart from English language proficiency test scores like IELTS / TOEFL / PTE . 
  • SOP , LOR s, Transcripts , CV , etc form the other essential documents for admission. 

Must Read: How to Write a Motivation Letter for PhD Programs?

Every institute that offers a PhD in psychology course follows a similar admissions procedure. Admission is an entrance examination, and national-level counselling is used to confirm admission. The following are some of the most crucial admission steps for a PhD in psychology:

  • Prospective candidates must ensure that they meet all of the university’s qualifying requirements.
  • Prospective candidates must then take the admission examination and pass it with an estimated cutoff.
  • Following the results of the entrance exam, students must complete an application form with all personal and academic information.
  • Participants in group discussions and personal interviews are chosen from among the students.
  • Applicants who pass all of the rounds will receive their offer letters .

Candidates for a PhD in psychology must have a wide range of skills that are not only essential but also aid in their advancement. A PhD student is active in research and analysis for an extended period of time and is expected to have particular talents that will help them excel in their field. Some of the most critical abilities that a student must have are included in the table below:

Observation skills
Analytical and Interest in Business and Management
Strategic mindset
Decision-making skillsAwareness of the market and products

Being a diverse field with several specializations, students have the option of building a career in a subject of their choice. Listed below are the various courses related to PhD in Psychology that you might want to consider: 

  • PhD in Medical Psychology and Psychopathology
  • PhD in Psychology (Clinical Psychology)
  • PhD in Clinical and Counselling Psychology
  • PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • PhD in Clinical Neuropsychology
  • Doctorate in Educational Psychology and Educational Studies
  • PhD in Organizational Behaviour
  • PhD in Health Psychology
  • PhD in Community Psychology

Also Read: Clinical Psychology Courses

Candidates who successfully complete the PhD in Psychology course have a wide range of possibilities to choose from. They can pursue a profession in one of the most common employment fields for psychology graduates, social service or mental health . Professionals in these professions are in high demand; they may expect to earn a good living and work directly with patients suffering from mental illnesses and other disorders. Here are the top positions and their average salaries listed below:

Job PositionAverage Annual Salary in INR 
Clinical Psychologists3,71,000
Social Psychologist2,48,000

Must Read: Psychology Scholarships

In the medical field, the scope of a PhD in psychology is fairly broad. The degree prepares students for a broad understanding of human psychology and mental health. Aside from working as a medical professional, graduates with a PhD in psychology can also work as a student counsellors in schools and universities. Another alternative is to go into research and development and work in a medical lab with a research team. Following the completion of a PhD in psychology, candidates will have a plethora of job opportunities.

Psychology has been one of the most phenomenal fields to build a career. With a platform to understand the complexity of the human brain in-depth, a PhD in Psychology graduate can work in a multitude of organizations, schools, MNCs, social services agencies, and mental healthcare centres in both the government and private sectors. Professor , Consultant, Technical Writer , Research Scientist, Therapist, etc. are some of the major work profiles where a graduate can work in. 

Ans. Yes, a PhD can be addressed as Dr. without being confused with a medical doctor.

Ans. PhDs in psychology are designed for individuals interested in careers in research, academia, or administration. If you want to be a university professor, researcher, consultant, or programme director, the degree’s emphasis on research and analysis is a good fit.

Ans. PhD in Psychology subjects includes: Biology. Development Psychology. Psychopathology. General Psychology. Statistics. Counselling. Behavioral Neuroscience.

Thus, PhD in Psychology offers many avenues for students to explore. If you are planning to pursue PhD in this or some other field but are confused about the specializations then take the assistance of Leverage Edu ’s AI-based tool which will curate a list of the most suitable universities and the course which matches your interests. 

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Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Psychology Top Colleges, Syllabus, and Salary, 2024

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Sushil Pandey

Senior Content Specialist

Ph.D. in Psychology is a 3-year full-time doctorate degree in Psychology. In this 3-year program, aspirants learn a total of 9 subjects, 3 in each year. The course mainly focuses on the clinical psychology part and explores the various psychological treatments and methods

The candidates are required to pass their postgraduate degree in psychology with a minimum score of 55% or equivalent marks from a recognised university. Admission to the course is done on the basis of an entrance examination or merit list. Some such exams held in the country are RAT (Research Aptitude Test) and JRF (Junior Research Fellowship). 

The total course fee for the program varies between INR 20,000-INR and 1 Lakh. The top Ph.D. Psychology Colleges in India are Amity University, Lucknow, Banaras Hindu University, Awadhesh Pratap Singh University, etc.

Candidates after passing the course are hired in various job profiles such as professors, Clinical psychologists, Educational psychologists, lecturers, etc. The average salary after the completion of the course ranges between INR 1.8 to INR 6.8 LPA.

Table of Contents

  • Course Highlights
  • About Ph.D. in Psychology

2.1  Why Study PhD in Psychology?

2.2  Who Should Study PhD in Psychology?

Ph.D. in Psychology Admission Process

3.1  Eligibility

3.2  Admission 

3.3  Entrance Exams

Ph.D. in Psychology Syllabus

  • Ph.D. Psychology Distance Learning

Ph.D. in Psychology Top Institutes

  • Ph.D. in Psychology Abroad

7.1  USA

7.2   UK

7.3  Canada

7.4   Australia

  • Ph.D. in Psychology Jobs and Salar
  • Ph.D. in Psychology FAQs

Ph.D. in Psychology Course Highlights

Tabulated below are some of the major highlights of the course.

Course Level Doctorate
Duration 3 years
Examination Type Semester System
Eligibility Master’s degree with 50% aggregate marks in science.
Admission Process Counselling after qualification of entrance examination
Course Fee INR 2,000 to 1 lakh
Average Starting Salary INR 1 to 12 lacs
Top Recruiting Areas Colleges, Universities, Healthcare Centers, Private Clinics, Hospitals, Counselling Offices etc.
Job Positions Clinical Psychologist, Educational Psychologist, Industrial Psychologist, Research Psychologist, Lecturer, Professor and others such.

Ph.D. in Psychology: What is it About?

  • Psychology as an academic discipline encompassing a wide range of studies including attention, perception, comprehension, emotions, intelligence, personality, relationships, behaviour, and even the subconscious. 
  • Psychology is the study of the mind and behaviour. 
  • Psychologists examine both individual behaviours and the behaviour of groups, working towards understanding human activity, treating mental disorders, and counselling people to help them achieve emotional stability.
  • Being concerned with social behaviour, Psychology in many ways is related to the social sciences and humanities, such as Anthropology and Philosophy. 
  • They use similar research techniques as these disciplines, including conducting interviews and observing behaviour. 
  • Psychologists assess behavioural and mental function and well-being, and study how human beings relate to each other and also to machines, and work towards improving such relationships.

Know More About: Psychology Course

Why Study PhD in Psychology?

There are various reasons as well as advantages for which one can pursue PhD in Psychology. Check them below.

  • Good Compensation: After completing the PhD course the candidates will be able to earn anything between INR 1.8 to INR 6.8 Per annum. Apart from that the candidates will be able to gain bonuses and other perks that includes provident funds, DA, retirement benefits as well as medical insurances. 
  • The highest qualification in the field PhD is the highest degree a person can attain. Pursuing a PhD in Psychology will make the person highly knowledgeable in the field. The candidates after attaining the PhD Course will be able to help individuals recover from stress or have a deeper understanding in the individual psyche as well as the underlying problem.
  • Research and Development - PhD enables an individual to research and execute continuous study in the field which he pursues. Having a doctorate program in Psychology will help the individual to research and continue studying various aspects of the subject matter such as mental stress, self confidence, decision making procedure and many more.
  • Choose from various specializations - You will get a variety of fields to execute your specialization on, if you want to pursue PhD in Psychology. This includes - Neuropsychology, Sports Psychology, School Psychology, Engineering Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Social Psychology, Human Factors Psychology, Educational Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Health Psychology, and Developmental Psychology.
  • Start Your Own Practice  - A PhD in Psychology degree will also help you to practice on your own. You can open your consultancy , and start practicing. A Psychologist can earn anything between INR 500-INR 2000 for each session. .

You can help individuals recover from their mental issues - The greatest reason for which you should pursue a degree in Psychology is helping others recover from their mental issues. You can assist individuals who go through several mental problems such as anger, stress, mental fatigue as well depression. Aspirants can listen to them, and suggest effective methods to deal with it.

Who Should Study PhD in Psychology?

  • Candidates who already have a postgraduate degree in Psychology such as MA Psychology , MSc Psychology should pursue this course.
  • Candidates who want to pursue a career in research and development should undertake the PhD in Psychology Program.
  • Candidates who have the desire to pursue the career of professor or associate professor in psychology should take up the course. 
  • Candidates who have interest in understanding the psychology of criminals should take up the course.
  • Candidates who wish to turn entrepreneur and start with their own practice should take up the course
  • Also, candidates having a knack in psychology from childhood should certainly pursue the course, to fulfil their dream.
  • It is good if a candidate pursuing PhD in the Psychology field has someone in his home who is an expert in his field. A PhD degree needs a lot of guidance as well, and it would be easier if the candidate finds someone like that in his home.

Admission to the course in India is done on the basis of the candidate’s performance in a relevant written test and/or a round of Personal Interview and/or performance in a relevant qualifying examination. Candidates are shortlisted based on both academic record and performance in a relevant nation-wide screening test, such as:

  • RAT (Research Aptitude Test)

JRF (Junior Research Fellowship) through UGC NET

Ph.D. in Psychology Eligibility

Aspiring candidates for Ph.D. in Psychology program need to meet the following minimum eligibility criteria:

  • Postgraduate degree in Psychology, completed from a recognized institute/university
  • A minimum aggregate score of 55% (50 % for SC/ST candidates) or equivalent grade at the level of post-graduation
  • At least 5 years of teaching/ industry/ professional experience at a senior level
  • In some cases, M.Phil. in Psychology is also preferred

PhD in Psychology: Admission 2024

The following are some of the steps that the candidates can follow in the case of the admission process 

  • Candidates have to register themselves first in the official website of the college or the Entrance exam board. The candidates must look at the eligibility criteria and look at the various entry methods.
  • The candidates are required to fill in their application form as per the detail required and upload the documents in the format prescribed by the authorities.
  • Candidates are required to submit the application form and pay the application form fee and take out the receipt for future reference.
  • In the entrance exam, they need to score more than the cut off marks, to qualify.
  • Post qualifying the entrances, candidates need to fulfil the eligibility as per the guidelines of that particular college.
  • Final selection will follow candidates' performance in the interview and their research proposal .

PhD in Psychology: Entrance Exams

There are multiple entrance exams, which the students can crack to get permission for admission for pursuing PhD in Psychology, Check them below.

Entrance Exam Registration Date Exam Date
CSIR NET To be Announced To be Announced
UGC NET To be Announced To be Announced
September 05 – October 13 2023 February 11, 2024
To be Announced To be Announced
To be Announced To be Announced

A year-wise breakup of the course’s syllabus is tabulated below.

Year I Year II  Year III
Advanced psychopathology Psychotherapeutic Methods Clinical psychology I
Psychometric assessment methods Practicum Clinical psychology II
Practicum Clinical Psychology Internship in clinical psychology

Ph.D Psychology Distance Learning

The candidate has the option to Study PhD in Distance Mode. Let us understand about the distance admission mode for the PhD Distance Learning mode with a bit more detail

  • As of now PhD Psychology in Distance mode is available in India only from IGNOU 
  • The duration of the course is for a period of 3 years, however, the course can be stretched over a period of 6 years.
  • The course is accepted by the distance education Board of India and the UGC. 
  • The course fee is INR 16,800.
  • The admission is based on a national level entrance examination conducted by the IGNOU.
  • The candidates should have completed their masters in required stream with a minimum score of 55%.

The candidates from the reserved categories are allowed a relaxation of 5%.

Some of the top institutes offering the course in the country with the corresponding locations and fees charged by the respective colleges are listed below.

Name of the Institute City Average Annual Fees
Allahabad INR 70,000
Noida INR 55,000
Lucknow INR 33,500
Madhya Pradesh INR 24,000
Varanasi INR 1,00,000
Rajasthan INR 1,17,000
Delhi INR 16,000
Bhavnagar University Gujarat INR 22,000
Gulbarga INR 19,000
Maharashtra INR 25,000
Guwahati INR 31,850
Moradabad INR 80,000
Thiruvananthapuram INR 2,90,000
Gulbarga INR 3,960

Important Links:

PhD in Psychology: Abroad

There are various colleges abroad where you can pursue PhD in Psychology programs. Candidates often desire to pursue their favorite subjects abroad for the availability of a better infrastructure, research opportunities, etc. Though there are some things that the aspirants must keep in mind before taking this step. Check them below.

  • Candidates must have a master degree in the relevant stream from a recognised educational institution.
  • Candidates may have to appear for the entrance test, which includes the GRE exam .
  • Candidates have to submit their english proficiency proof either via TOEFL or IELTS exam.

Candidates also have to fulfil some other requirements by showing their arksheets of previous exams, letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, work experience, medical certificate, etc.

PhD in Psychology in USA

Following are the top colleges for the USA offering the PhD in Psychology program.

Colleges Fees
INR 110,000
INR 120,000
INR 26,00,000
INR 85,0000
INR 33,00,000

PhD in Psychology in UK

Check out the top colleges in the United Kingdom providing PhD in Psychology programs.

College Fees
INR 470,000
INR 21,00,000
INR 27,00,000

PhD in Psychology in Canada

Check out the top colleges in Canada offering PhD in Psychology courses.

College Fees
INR 46,00,000
INR 16,00,000
INR 54,00,000
INR 14,00,000
INR 22,00,000

PhD in Psychology in Australia

College Fees
INR 20,00,000
INR 22,00,000
INR 21,00,000
INR 20,00,000
INR 18,00,000

Ph.D. in Psychology: Career Prospects

On successful completion of Ph.D. in Psychology course, candidates have a wide array of options to choose from. They can opt for a career in Social Service and Mental Health which are two of the most popular career fields for psychology graduates. There is a strong demand for professionals in these fields, they can expect to earn a decent income and have the opportunity to work directly with patients struggling with mental illness and other ailments.

A master’s degree in psychology is the minimum requirement for most entry-level career positions; most of the best jobs are reserved for psychologists with a doctorate in psychology.

Read more about Ph.D. courses

Some of the top most professional avenues open to such postgraduates are listed below with the corresponding salaries offered for the respective positions.

Jobs And Salary

Job Position Job Description Average Annual Salary in INR 
Clinical Psychologists Clinical Psychologists are trained in the diagnosis, treatment, assessment, and prevention of mental illnesses. They are also the largest area of employment within the discipline of psychology. They work in a variety of settings including mental health clinics, hospitals, and private practice. Their experience has a major impact on the salary earned. 3,71,000
Social Psychologist Social Psychologists are hired to study social tendencies such as attitudes, group behaviour, public perception, and leadership. They may also work in systems design, marketing research, and organizational consultation. They may find positions for teaching and researching at universities and colleges in the Psychology department. They research primarily on the field or in school laboratories. They also work for government organizations, and private business sectors also hire Social Psychologists as Researchers, Managers or Political Strategists. 2,48,000
Industrial Psychologists Industrial Psychologists use their unique knowledge of psychology to improve workplace productivity and efficiency for public companies, and organizations of every type. They also perform a variety of functions, including product design, conducting performance tests, developing corporate training programs, and hiring qualified employees and managers. A degree in psychology qualifies individuals for entry-level positions in industrial-organizational psychology, but a doctorate degree is needed for advancing in the field. 1,44,000
Educational Physiologist Educational Psychologists are often confused with School Psychologists; however, they are entirely different fields of psychology. School Psychologists assess, diagnose, and treat emotional and behavioural issues of individual students. Educational Psychologists are concerned with the overall quality of education, course structure and programs for all students. They study how students learn and work with teachers, parents, and school administration to improve academic outcomes for an entire student population.  2,70,000
Research Psychologist Research Psychologists conduct studies and experiments with human or animal participants. They often work for private businesses, universities, or government entities. Their research may focus on a wide range of specialty areas within the discipline, including cognition, psychology, neuroscience, development, personality, and social behaviour. 12,00,000

Ph.D in Psychology FAQs

Ques. What is the world of a psychologist having a PhD degree?

Ans. The significant job of a psychologist having a PhD degree is to prepare and conduct scientific research and execute professional practice.

Ques. How long does it generally take for an individual to complete the program of PhD in Psychology?

Ans. To complete the PhD degree in Psychology, it generally takes five to seven years. Also candidates have to do a one-year internship program in this time span.

Ques. Which is better in between PsyD and PhD?

Ans. PsyD (Doctor of Psychology) and PhD both are worth pursuing. Both the degrees train the students to practice a variety of clinical settings in psychology. The basic difference between these programs are, PsyD focuses more on the clinical part, whereas PhD focuses more on the research part.

Ques. Is a PhD in Psychology difficult to pursue?

Ans. Getting a PhD degree in Psychology is certainly hard work to execute. A candidate pursuing this program needs to do a lot of hard work with dedication, and is required to do coursework, come through knowledge exams, engage themselves in various internships, etc.

Ques. Is it possible for someone to work while pursuing the PhD in Psychology program?

Ans. Yes. If someone wants to balance both of them, they certainly can. Pursuing the PhD degree as well as doing a full-time job is possible, and many people do the same. However it is recommended to do a part-time job while doing a PhD, as a full-time job on one hand, and doing PhD on the other becomes very tough and sometimes affects the learning as well.

Ques. Do all Psychologists have a PhD degree?

Ans. Most Psychologists have a PhD degree. Only there are few instances where psychologists do their job with a master degree only. Though they have additional certification and license for that.

Ques. What is the basic requirement for pursuing a PhD in Psychology?

Ans. Aspirants desiring to pursue PhD is Psychology, need to have a bachelor’s degree along with in-depth training in Psychology which includes laboratory experience, research, statistics, etc.

Ques. Do Psychologists provide medicine?

Ans. No. Psychologists are not trained with a medical degree, hence can't give medicines to their patients. They can only help the patients recover from their mental issues, by applying some effective techniques.

Ques. Can anyone pursue a PhD in Psychology, without pursuing a Masters?

Ans. Yes. It is not mandatory to pursue a master degree for doing PhD in Psychology. Candidates can skip the postgraduate program in this case.

Ques. Is Psychology a good career?

Ans. Psychology is certainly a good career, especially in the present era where people have so many mental issues. It is highly rewarding and a lucrative field of study. Also, psychologist get a handsome amount of salary, depending upon the person’s area of specialization, qualification, etc.

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8 Reviews found

Course Curriculum Overview

My course of is the faculty of that college is average and the student ratio is 50 students in one section. In my college, there is 4 sections that is A, b , C,D.MAny teachers is having an experience of 14-15 years in our college. the duration of the exam is 6 months every six months there is a semester exam the exam is sem wise there is 6 sem in is not that easy and that much diffcuilt te pass .

Campus Life

there is 6th sem which is been given in college there are more than 2000 books in our library for issue a book we have to apply for an id card we are having many extra curicullar activity in my college and celebrate a sports day as well we have the basketball volleyball court in our college .

Hope you'll get the overview

Loan/ scholarship provisions.

As I've mentioned before I'm pursuing a B. A psychology Honors and the total fee is 60000 which is more affordable. And I had a merit scholarship with a 50% cut-off in my semester fees and it is mandatory to maintain the scholarship by scoring more than 7 CGPA.

Internships Opportunities

As we all know the importance of internships and webinars as they help us in increasing of experiences in our fields and knowledge and Psychology internships our provided by the Shobhit University. By the way, I was satisfied with the internship programs.

Physho phd group of RU

In my university, we participate and enjoy many annual fests and sports activities. for example dance fests, singing, art and craft, drawing and painting, and for sports activities cricket, tennis, volleyball, football, etc. in our campus a big library available for students free of cost. There you can learn anytime and grow your knowledge. There are many social groups and clubs charity on our campus

I chose psychology subject because of I'm interested in human-mind process statements and i want to research on human nature so i decide to read phycology and i want to become a psychologist in the future..there are well-qualified and best teachers are here for students. Quality for a psychology teaching job, you can qualify in NET and JRF and you can also pass phd from a qualified university.

Great environment

The candidates who are interested in taking admission in the PG course offered by Children? University must meet the criteria mentioned below: 1.The candidates should have completed 10+2 or equivalent from one of the recognized board of India is eligible to take admission in UG courses The candidates must hold a degree in the relevant subject to seek admission in PG courses. The admission process is done directly without any entrance.

Students of the college are constantly encouraged to shape up their athletic skills as well. The college has a number of sports achievements in its kitty held at various college & university levels. Infrastructure for sports includes a meticulously designed badminton court which can be played upon in day/night, equipment for cricket, table tennis, volleyball & other indoor games.


I was interested in joining the Children's University, because of my interest in the education sector, so I took admission here to enhance and learn more in this sector. I enrolled for a PhD in Education, the minimum requirement for getting enrolled as being a post-graduate in any field. The admission process was quite simple; I was interviewed and successfully reserved my seat for the course.

The faculty were skilled teachers, who had years of experience in teaching. They helped us achieve a lot in a short duration and were also quite friendly. The teachers were also highly qualified and treated us with a sense of respect as we were students of a Doctorate course. We enjoyed learning under them


Cool environment of this college

It was fantastic with more practicals and in depth theories. The period is two years and total four semesters. It has exposure to more practical coupled with theory knowledge regarding psychology and human resource. The course also has seminar for all the two years where field expert person takes the seminar with various psychology and human resource subjects and scope of it. Electives can be chosen from various subjects across the departments.

The head of the department is Dr.karunanidhi and he is the head of the department since 2004.He is the professor. There are two associate professors and two professors and two research scholars. All were PhD holders. Dr.lavanya, dr.sasikala,are associate professors dr.swaminathan (professor). dr.swaminathan has 32 years experience in teaching. dr.lavanya has 10 years experience in teaching and dr.sasikala has 6 years experience in teaching.

Neda Karbalaei

Neda Karbalaei's Review On Jamia Millia Islamia University-[JMI], New Delhi

Entrance preview.

I didn't pass entrance exam,it was interview. For foreigners there is no any entrance exam. But the procedure of interview and the following structure is so difficult to pass out from the procedure . For indian students there is an entrance exam which you should ask from the indian student of lamia itself.

There is more than 6 months source work which according to me it was somehow beneficial but one of the subject was not related to our exact field . There should be more concentration on the course choices , and it is happening in all universities there .

Ravi Pratap Pandey

Best Place to Study in India.

Banaras Hindu university is one of the best university in india and it largest residential university in Asia. Situated in one of the oldest cities that is Varanasi. University provides good and proper facility to all their student to study and develop his /her skills .BHU have largest library in india with Cyber library for poor student those who cant afford their computer and laptops with 24 hour connectivity of local area network. There is no bad thing about my college except issues that is part of our life.

Gender diversity is almost equal, and extracurricular activities are frequently organized on regular basis.

Ph.D. (English)

Ph.d. (economics), ph.d. (history), m.phil. (english), ph.d. (hindi), bachelor of arts [ba], master of science [ms], bachelor of science [] (nautical science), bachelor of science [] (psychology), ph.d. (psychology) colleges in india.

IIT Kanpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITK]

IIT Kanpur - Indian Institute of Technology - [IITK]

Amity University

Amity University

Lovely Professional University - [LPU]

Lovely Professional University - [LPU]

Jamia Millia Islamia University-[JMI]

Jamia Millia Islamia University-[JMI]

Chandigarh University - [CU]

Chandigarh University - [CU]

Banaras Hindu University - [BHU]

Banaras Hindu University - [BHU]

Amity University

Panjab University - [PU]

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List of Colleges Providing PhD Psychology in India

Psychology is one the vast subjects and especially at the Ph.D. level, Psychology has various areas where students can do their specialization and research work. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is one of the higher qualifications in academics and the duration of a Ph.D. degree may vary between 2 years – 5 years and the mode can be regular or part-time depending upon the University.

To get admission to a Ph.D in psychology, one needs to complete their Master’s or Postgraduate degree from a recognized university (in some of the universities, a master’s degree should be completed with not less than 55% for the unreserved category). Ph.D. Psychology is day by day becoming very important for those who are aiming for their career as an assistant professor or lecturer. Also, it is important if you want to become a researcher and analyst in the field of Psychology.

In this article, we have provided the list of the institutions/colleges offering Ph.D in Psychology with the fee structure, the number of seats, and other details.

National Institute of Mental Health and neurosciences (NIMHANS)Clinical Psychology06
Central Institute of Psychiatry (CIP), RanchiClinical Psychology04
3.LGB Regional Institute of Mental Health, TezpurClinical Psychology06
4 Banaras Hindu University (BHU), VaranasiPsychologyNA
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University Delhi, (AUD), New DelhiPsychologyNA
University of DelhiPsychologyNA
Aligarh Muslim University, (AMU)PsychologyNA
Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), New DelhiPsychologyNA
Tiss MumbaiApplied Psychology  NA
RINPAS, RanchiClinical Psychology04
Panjab universityPsychology05
Christ UniversityPsychologyNA
Amity NoidaPsychologyNA
4 Amity JaipurPsychologyNA
Kurukshetra UniversityPsychologyNA
Pondicherry UniversityApplied PsychologyNA
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Tamil NaduCounselling PsychologyNA
SGT UniversityClinical/ Counseling PsychologyNA
University of HyderabadPsychologyNA
20 Gurukula Kangri, HaridwarPsychologyNA
Bundelkhand UniversityPsychologyNA
Allahabad UniversityPsychologyNA
Prajyoti Niketan CollegePsychologyNA
PSG College of Arts and Science, CoimbatorePsychologyNA
Calcutta University of Tamil Nadu, ThiruvarurApplied PsychologyNA
University of JammuPsychologyNA
University of KashmirPsychologyNA
University of MadrasPsychologyNA
Ashoka UniversityPsychologyNA
Mizoram universityCounseling PsychologyNA
India Institute of Technology (IIT), DelhiPsychologyNA
2 India Institute of Technology (IIT), RoparPsychologyNA
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS), DelhiPsychologyNA
Lovely Professional University (LPU), JalandharPsychologyNA
REVA University, BangalorePsychologyNA
Savitribai Phule Pune University, PunePsychologyNA
NIMS University, JaipurPsychologyNA
Jain University, BangalorePsychologyNA
Utkal University, BhubaneswarPsychologyNA
40 Galgotians University, Greater NoidaPsychologyNA
National Forensic Science University (NFSU), GandhinagarPsychologyNA
University of Rajasthan, JaipurPsychologyNA
Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh PsychologyNA
Himachal Pradesh University (HPU), Shimla PsychologyNA
Singhania University, VisakhapatnamPsychologyNA
6 Magadh University, Bodhgaya PsychologyNA
OPJS University, RajgarhPsychologyNA
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), BhubaneswarPsychologyNA
Sree Shankaracharya University of Sanskrit (SSUS), KaladyPsychologyNA
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, RaipurPsychologyNA
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, IndorePsychology NA
Amity University, KolkataPsychology NA
Indira Gandhi national Tribal University (IGNTU), AmarkantakApplied Psychology NA
Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, RanchiPsychology NA
Maharshi Dayanand University MDU, RohtakPsychologyNA
Amity University Gurgaon Psychology NA
Amity University, Mumbai Psychology NA
CT University, Ludhiana Psychology NA
Adamas University, Kolkata Psychology NA
Garden City University, Bangalore Psychology NA
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam University, Indore Psychology NA
Central University of Karnataka, Gulbarga Psychology NA
Indian Institute of Technology IIT, Indore Psychology NA
IIS University, Jaipur   Psychology NA
Saurashtra University, Rajkot   Psychology NA
SRM University AP, Amaravati   Psychology NA
KK University, Nalanda   Psychology NA
Sri Satya Sai University of Technology and Medical Sciences, Sehore   Psychology NA
Bhagwant University, Ajmer   Psychology NA
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore   Psychology NA
Barkatullah University, Bhopal   Psychology NA
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur   Psychology NA
Patna University, Patna   Psychology NA
Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, Indore   Psychology NA
Amity University, Jaipur   Psychology NA
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar   Psychology NA
Ashoka University, Sonepat   Psychology NA
Jananayak Chandrashekhar University, Ballia   Psychology NA
Shri Khushal Das University, Hanumangarh   Psychology NA
Mizoram University, Aizawl   Psychology NA
St Joseph University, Dimapur   Psychology NA
Mody University – Mody University of Science and Technology   Psychology NA
3 Bhupal Nobles University, Udaipur   Psychology NA
Royal Global University, Guwahati   Psychology NA
Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan   Psychology NA
Tantia University, Sri Ganganagar   Psychology NA
Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences, Bhubaneswar   Psychology NA
Career Point University, Kota   Psychology NA
Periyar University, Salem   Psychology NA
Sikkim University, Gangtok   Psychology NA
Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati   Psychology NA
Maharishi Arvind University, Jaipur   Psychology NA
Nagaland University, Kohima   Psychology NA
Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur   Psychology NA
Shri Krishna University, Chhatarpur   Psychology NA
Starex University, Gurugram   Psychology NA
Madhav University, Sirohi   Psychology NA
Kannur University, Kannur   Psychology NA
Amity University, Raipur   Psychology NA
Amity University, Gwalior   Psychology NA
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development Sriperumbudur   Psychology NA

Other Important Links:

Click here for – MA/M.Sc. Psychology Colleges for non-psychology students

Click here for – List of Universities/Colleges offering Master’s degree in Psychology.

List of all RCI recognized Institutes for M.Phil. Clinical Psychology:

Join Online Classes to crack M.Phil. Clinical Psychology Entrance  –  Click here to see the course

Click here for guidance and help for M.Phil. Clinical Psychology :

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  1. Quora

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    Doing a PhD in behavior analysis means that you have chosen to focus your research around understanding why humans behave the way they do, and how to influence human behavior in some way. You will ...

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  4. Should I get my Masters, PhD, or PsyD? : r/ClinicalPsychology

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    9 things you should consider before embarking on a PhD

  13. How Much Does a Psychology PhD Make? (Average Salaries)

    A psychology Ph.D., or a Doctor of Philosophy in psychology, is a graduate degree that mental health experts earn to prepare for a career in psychology. After completing bachelor's degree and master's degree work in a relevant field like psychology or mental health counseling, a psychology Ph.D. may complete a doctoral program focused on ...

  14. PhD in Psychology

    Program Overview. A PhD in Psychology is a doctoral-level program that provides rigorous training in research for individuals who want to pursue a career as an academician or the ones who want to practice as a clinical psychologist.The course covers various aspects of psychology such as cognition, perception, neuroscience, behaviour, etc.This program typically runs for a period of 4 years for ...

  15. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Psychology Top Colleges, Syllabus

    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Psychology Top Colleges, ...

  16. PhD Program in Psychology

    Leadership in teaching psychology in its various fields (measurement and evaluation - educational psychology - counseling psychology) and preparing innovative research and consulting competencies that contribute to creating knowledge, building the future, and meeting the needs of society and the labor market. Second - Objectives of the doctoral ...

  17. Don't get a degree in psychology. Just don't. : r/offmychest

    In grad school you start to get into it deeper. You've chosen your area and now you've got to get your shit together. But the readings get harder. The assignments get harder. The expectations get higher. And hell, I'm only in my first semester. So don't get a psychology degree. It is so interesting, I know.

  18. PhD in Psychology Course, Subjects, Colleges, Syllabus ...

    Many private and public institutes offer Ph.D Psychology courses, popular colleges are Akal College of Arts and Social Sciences, Anugraha Institute of Social Sciences, and Government Arts College. The average course fees of a Ph.D. in Psychology range from Rs. 59,550 to Rs. 3.65 Lakhs.

  19. List of Colleges Providing PhD Psychology in India

    Psychology is one the vast subjects and especially at the Ph.D. level, Psychology has various areas where students can do their specialization and research work. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is one of the higher qualifications in academics and the duration of a Ph.D. degree may vary between 2 years - 5 years and the mode can be regular or ...

  20. Want my Psy D : r/ClinicalPsychology

    Capella University also has a PsyD program, but it is not APA accredited, and as a Virginia resident, that is a requirement for licensure. There is a form for "areas of graduate study" as a part of the application process for licensure. This is to be used by applicants who did not get their degree from an APA accredited university, which ...

  21. Best Ph.D in Psychology Universities in India

    Top Ph.D in Psychology Universities in India 2024

  22. PhDs in Philosophy: What was your grad experience like? How ...

    But as a PhD student, and as a professional, you aren't "studying" it. You are doing something else that we need a new word for. You are making the thing that you used to study. This means you are pushing yourself in an intellectually exciting way, of course, but it isn't the thing you were doing before. It isn't even close.

  23. What are the best institutes for Psychology in India? : r/india

    Fergussons and Savitribai Phule University (basically Pune University) are also better than any college in Mumbai. Gujarat Forensic Studies University also has MSc. in Psychology which I hear is pretty good. Others include University of Hyderabad, Kerala University and Pondicherry University.