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The Experience Of Junior and High School Prom. (2017, Jan 04). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/the-experience-of-junior-and-high-school-prom-essay

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"The Experience Of Junior and High School Prom." StudyMoose, Jan 04, 2017. Accessed June 25, 2024. https://studymoose.com/the-experience-of-junior-and-high-school-prom-essay

"The Experience Of Junior and High School Prom," StudyMoose , 04-Jan-2017. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/the-experience-of-junior-and-high-school-prom-essay. [Accessed: 25-Jun-2024]

StudyMoose. (2017). The Experience Of Junior and High School Prom . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/the-experience-of-junior-and-high-school-prom-essay [Accessed: 25-Jun-2024]

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The Experience Of Junior and High School Prom essay

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The Classroom | Empowering Students in Their College Journey

The Advantages of Junior & Senior Prom Night

Hana LaRock

Ideas For Wacky Tacky Day

For many students, prom night is something that they look forward to since primary school. Many young kids marvel at the young men and their suits and the young ladies in their prom gowns, waiting for the day when they will get to do the same.

However, as time goes by and students suddenly find themselves in their senior year of high school, they may not feel the same attraction to prom night as they once did. But before you drop out of prom night, consider the advantages of attending this memorable evening.

What Is Junior Senior Promenade?

Prom is a tradition that some historians say has been around since the end of the 1800s. But the prom as you know it today gained popularity in the 1940s and 50s. "Prom" actually stands for "promenade," though many students these days may not know that and will simply refer to it as "prom." Junior and senior prom, or JS promenade, is a co-ed dance that has been transformed throughout the decades and has some controversy as many schools made headlines for banning same-sex or interracial couples from attending.

Today, no two schools do prom the same way, but they are all similar in being a school dance where students get dressed up and have a good time with friends. Some schools will host their proms in the gymnasium, and others will book it at a banquet hall somewhere in town. Each school may also have their own individual prom traditions that have been passed down through the generations.

Junior vs. Senior Prom Night

Although senior prom is the one that most people think of when they think of "prom," many schools also have proms for their junior class as well, often called "junior prom" or "junior banquet." While both are similar in that they are formal dances, junior prom is meant for the junior class, and senior prom is meant for the senior class. Of course, some students may bring dates from another class to attend the prom with them.

Junior and senior prom night may differ in a number of ways. For instance, the school may not put as much as a budget toward junior prom as they would toward senior prom. Junior prom may be held in a different place than senior prom, and some students may decide to attend one over the other (usually, they choose senior prom).

Usually, fewer students end up attending junior prom than senior prom, especially if senior prom is a much bigger event. Or if they do attend both, they may be willing to spend more money on their senior prom than their junior prom. But if you're able to attend both, then you'll get to experience two enjoyable life events .

Memories You'll Never Forget

Attending prom night, whether it be junior or senior prom, is a night that most students can remember for the rest of their lives. Many students turn their prom night into a big event, going to the salon together with friends to get ready or taking pictures at a pretty location before the night begins.

In addition to the actual prom, many students make "after-prom" parties and plans , spending the night or the following weekend together. Whatever you and your friends decide to make of prom night, you'll be sure to make memories that you'll never forget.

Pictures to Look Back On

Prom night is a great time to take pictures with your friends and even your family, as you'll be all dressed up and looking your best with hopefully your closest friends. When you get older, it can be fun to reminisce and look back on these photos and recall the memories you had not just that night but throughout high school.

Also, if you have a date to prom, whether it be a boyfriend or girlfriend or just a friend, it can be a sweet memory to look at pictures and think of your time together as a couple or friends in high school. And perhaps if you have children of your own one day, they would enjoy seeing your photos from prom night too.

Your Last Time with Your High School Friends

One of the biggest advantages of attending junior or senior prom is that it's the ultimately the last time you'll be able to experience something with your high school friends all together. Some people are lucky and maintain strong relationships with their high school friends through life, or even marry their high school sweethearts. But for most people, they'll go on to college or a career, which may mean moving away from their hometown for good.

You Might Feel That You've Missed Out

At first, some students might not care to go to their junior or senior prom. But when they start hearing stories from their friends and classmates about how the evening or prom weekend went, they may begin to feel that they've missed out.

Many people refer to this as "FOMO" or the fear of missing out (which is why most students will just attend prom). If you don't want to regret sitting out on prom night, then it's best to just go. Worst case scenario, if you're really not enjoying it, you can always leave. But at least give the night a try.

Prom Night is Fun

By and large, the major advantage of junior senior prom night is that it's fun. Junior year is probably the most stressful year in high school, as there are many college readiness exams and preparations to make for those who want to go to college. Then, the first semester of senior year is spent applying for colleges and waiting anxiously to hear back from them.

Prom night is a chance to let loose and have a good time , celebrating the end of your time in high school. It's a time when you don't have to think about taking tests, filling out applications or dwelling on when you'll hear back from schools. So put that all behind you and take advantage of the opportunity to have a great night with your friends.

The Disadvantages of Junior & Senior Prom Night

In spite of all the advantages to attending junior and/or senior prom night, there are some disadvantages that may push some students not to attend at all. First and foremost, prom night can be very expensive . Most schools charge their students to attend prom, and it can be rather expensive.

On top of that, you'll have to spend money on an dress or tuxedo, as well as whatever plans you have to celebrate prom, whether it be an after-party, taking a limousine to the dance or going away for the weekend with friends. Luckily, there are many ways to save money on prom, like shopping for a donated dress or opting to do the after-party at somebody's home.

Another disadvantage of junior and senior prom is that it can be nerve-wracking for some students who do not have a date to the dance or are too nervous to ask someone to go with them. Or if you recently moved to a new school, and you're not sure if your new group of friends will want to include you. But many students attend prom as a group instead of as a couple. And if you're new to your school, don't be shy to ask your new friends if you can join.

Why Go to Junior Senior Prom

At the end of the day, while there may certainly be some downsides to attending your junior or senior prom, the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages. If you're really unsure about going, try to think about your reasons and be open-minded. Even if you attend. and you decide that it's not for you, you'll be glad that you at least gave it a shot. Or you can choose to attend your junior prom first to get an idea of what senior prom will be like.

Most students generally have one chance to attend prom in a lifetime. This is one of the main reasons to go. When you think about the memories you'll make, how much fun you'll have and the pictures you'll get to look back on, it's not worth it to miss this night. Whether it's junior or senior prom, get out there and enjoy it because you won't have another chance.

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Hana LaRock is a freelance content writer from New York, currently living in Mexico. She has spent the last 5 years traveling the world and living abroad and has lived in South Korea and Israel. Before becoming a writer, Hana worked as a teacher for several years in the U.S. and around the world. She has her teaching certification in Elementary Education and Special Education, as well as a TESOL certification. Hana spent a semester studying abroad at Tel Aviv University during her undergraduate years at the University of Hartford. She hopes to use her experience to help inform others. Please visit her website, www.hanalarockwriting.com, to learn more.


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The Student News Site of Green Level High School

The Gator's Eye

Student Life

Why is Prom even important?

N. Wilson | March 25, 2022


Prom is a right of passage

Prom is more than just a dance. There’s more. It’s a part of a greater picture. This year, make Prom a priority, even if you have to get creative with how you go about it. Here are some of the reasons why Prom is such a big deal in high school.

For the senior class, prom night serves as a symbol of four years of learning, friendship, and school spirit, and it’s frequently the last time the entire class is all together before graduation. Prom, along with graduation, marks the conclusion of high school and the beginning of adulthood for students. It’s an experience that students will never forget.

Prom is a school tradition

Prom is the peak of high school tradition. Many schools have held their year-end Prom celebration since the school’s inception, and many have never missed one.  Prom is a source of pride for students, and the memories will last a lifetime. If you ask anyone who has ever attended a Prom, they will most likely be able to recount every detail of the night, including what they wore, who their date was, the Prom theme, and so on. Prom is a big occasion, and it’s something that schools look forward to every year as a chance to say farewell to the Senior class.

Prom brings students together

Homecoming is traditionally thought of as the most significant event of the year for building school spirit, but Prom is just as crucial for bringing students together. It’s frequently seniors’ last chance to have fun with their friends, reflect on their high school years, and share memories before moving on to their post-high-school lives. It’s the season’s biggest social gathering, and the best chance for students to display their pride in their school and class.

How did prom even start?

Prom, short for promenade, “the formal, introductory parading of guests at a reception,” developed in the middle 1800s at schools and institutions in the northeast to encourage social decorum and graces in each graduating class. Early references to prom include a remark in an 1879 issue of the Harvard Crimson, which links it to the yearly Ivy League ritual of presentation week, during which formal attire and dancing accompanied a promenade performance. An 1894 diary entry from an Amherst College student who was asked to attend a prom near the women’s institution, Smith College, also mentions it. After a few years, high schools began to host proms.

These proms used to be hosted in college gyms, with senior classes convening for a couple of teas and beverages, mostly for mingling and dancing under crepe paper and in the eyes of chaperones. Since the 1930s, prom has been quite popular in America, with banquets and local bands becoming increasingly popular. Proms got more costly and sophisticated in the 1950s as Americans obtained more money and leisure time, similar to today’s proms. Sophomore dances (soph hop) may have been permitted in the high school gym, but junior prom and senior balls eventually shifted to hotel ballrooms and country clubs. Competition erupted as teenagers vied for the best outfit and mode of transportation and the best-looking date. Competition for the prom court also intensified, as the designation of “prom queen” became an important distinction of popularity.

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The Student News Site of Green Level High School

Junior Prom at a Glance: Basics & Tips for a Fantastic Night

Leave your pre-prom jitters at the door with this quick guide to all things junior prom.

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Going to junior prom can feel like that last-stepping stone you get to take on your way to the mythic senior year. After all of the hard work throughout the school year, lots of students appreciate an excuse to dress up, get together with friends, and have a great time. While not every school does a junior prom, the grade-specific dance gives teens a chance to get their pre-prom jitters out before the big event.

What Is Junior Prom?

Prom is a formal dance usually for upper class high school students. There are lots of traditions involved in this big event, from finding a gorgeous outfit and delivering (or accepting) the perfect promposal to pre-prom and after-prom events. What makes something specifically a junior prom might be up to your school, and could look a little different from a combined prom or senior prom.

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How Junior and Senior Prom Are Different

Comparing junior prom vs. senior prom is pretty simple. Not all schools have an official junior prom. If you attend a small or medium-size high school, odds are there's only one prom where both seniors and juniors are invited. This is what many schools do, and it's usually called a junior-senior prom or JS prom.

If you go to a larger high school, senior prom may be open only to graduating seniors and their guests, and junior prom may be for all underclassmen. Some schools may refer to a senior prom differently and call it a graduation ball or some other name. Depending on your school, a junior prom might be less formal than a senior prom.

Deciding to Go to Prom as a Junior

If you have a combined prom, you may be debating whether to go or not as a junior. Just like seniors, there are a number of things to consider when making that decision. If you decide not to go as a junior, though, you'll still have another chance to attend prom your senior year.

What to Wear to Junior Prom

Like the senior prom, junior prom is all about formal attire. Just because you're not in your senior year yet doesn't mean you shouldn't embrace the 'one night only' kind of vibes that a glitzy outfit can bring. On top of finding the perfect outfit , you can do the whole shebang too - nails, hair, accessories, dinner, photographs, etc.

@mygirlzss silk sonic #fyp # #silksonic #prom #promdress #juniorprom #prom2022 #2022 #promlook #HPSustainableSounds #10MillionAdoptions #LENOVOJUSTBEYOU #FindYourEdge #highschool #highschoolprom Smooth asf - DuckFood

Finding a Date for Junior Prom vs. Going Solo

Probably the most nerve-wracking thing about prom is finding a date. Now, dates don't have to be romantic, but confirming who you're going with before you're in the final countdown can be super stressful. You're in luck if you go to a school with a junior prom. The dance tends to be less of a spectacle than the senior prom, and that means you've got time to grab a group of friends and just experience the night.

If all your other plans fall through, you can always go by yourself. Going stag is more common than you might think, and (if you time it right) you'll show up to the dance long after all your other friends have popped in and you won't even notice that you didn't walk in with someone on your arm.

A Quick Junior Prom Checklist

It doesn't matter if it's your junior prom, senior prom, or 8 th grade dance, any formal event can easily turn into an all-day affair. To make sure you don't forget to plan anything you were hoping to squeeze in, here are some of the most common things people mark off during their prom planning :

  • Picking out an outfit
  • Deciding on hair/makeup designs/nail (and hiring a hair dresser/make-up artist if needed)
  • Making dinner reservations
  • Figuring out who's driving you to the prom
  • Scheduling a time to take pictures

Post-Prom Parties and Other Activities to Think About

For many teens, prom is the precursor for a much less regulated after hours party. Realistically, these parties can include some illicit substances, so it's important for teens to know the dangers and responsibilities of any post-prom socializing they might be getting up to. Also, for anyone with social anxiety, it's a good idea to decide what you want to do after the prom beforehand.

But, for just as many people who keep the vibes going all night long, there are so many others who will pay for an outrageously expensive rush-priced Uber just to refuel themselves on the best, greasiest food in town before passing out in bed, clothes on and all.

Keep in mind that lots of schools have safe after parties, or you can plan a fun after prom event with friends doing what feels right to you.

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Junior Prom Is Just as Fun as Senior Prom

Although high schools have largely done away with the junior prom model, some still cling to it. Interestingly, there's really not much of a difference between the two proms other than the fact that it gives seniors something to feel special about. So, if you have the chance to go, take junior prom up on its offer. You'll have a great time and will know what to expect (and what mistakes to avoid) next time around.

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Republic of the Philippines Philippine National School for the Blind Schools Division Office - Pasay City

PNSB JS Prom, a night of glitz and glamour

JS Prom, a night of glitz and glamour  February 15, 6:00 pm

The much-anticipated evening of every high school students, the Junior-Senior Prom had set the night in glitz and glamour as the grade 9 and grade 10 promenades stunned the crowd with elegance and masculinity.

The processional marked the start of the program. Promenades paved the way from the entrance of the PNSB covered court gate and walked all the way to the front section of the court then proceed to the center carrying themselves with poise and grace.

While the masters of the ceremony, Mr. Alemar Villanueva and Ms. Marian Rose Ferranco presented one-by-one each promenade in the entourage, gave a short description of his/her qualities and then gave an elaborate description of the kind of attire the promenade was wearing. This way a person who is blind or partially seeing will be able to picture in his mind the suit the person is wearing including its type, color, and style.

Moreover, the moment has come as each pair of promenades executed their final round of walk in their splendid gowns and classy suits and ties as the judges took one last look at each promenade that possesses the confidence and the charm to be king and queen of the night.

The ceremony continued with the lighting of the candles led by grade 9 student, Marco Lucero and followed by the invocation led by grade 10 student Homer Garcia.

Furthermore, the time for the turnover of responsibilities and acceptance came. Grade 9 and grade 10 students declared their pledges as the seniors transferred the torch of learning, the key of responsibilities, and the book of knowledge to its successors the juniors who gladly accepted the challenge of the seniors. 

After the poignant passing down of articles responsibilities of the seniors to the juniors, Sir Ian Carrion gave his opening remarks. It was followed by a song number rendered by the promenades most especially to their parents who steadfastly supported them all throughout their high school years. 

The most thrilling moment of the prom has come roller coaster of emotions astounded every promenade as  Jaime Ann Ladonga brought them the brilliant and well thought of Class Prophecy-foretelling every single future career possible for each senior dreamed to become 10 years from now.

After the heart-warming prophecy had been foretold, the promenades gave their all to perform their cotillion where their utmost elegance and grace was put to the test.

Finally, the ceremony ended with the encouraging message from our school principal, Mrs. Corazon B. Salvador who admonished the promenades and their parents to carry on in educating their child with visual impairment because jobs are being prepared for them as inclusive society is beginning to realize.

A sumptuous buffet dinner was served and soon all tummies were contented and satisfied. 

As the dusk of night approaches, the second part of the prom had just began. The moment of truth echoed thru the night. Who has reaped his and her hard work? Who has earned the most votes?

The top-notch award was grabbed by Grade 10 students, Gabriel Benitez and Lyka Crebillo  were crowned the King and Queen of the Night while Jaime Ann Ladonga and Nomer Rogelio were declared the Dancing King and Queen. The chosen Trendsetter of the night, Kathleen Nicole Lira wowed the crowd with her dazzling  21st century look and finally, Ayessa de Fiesta who looked stunning on her violet gown was awarded Best in Dress as she obviously captivated the crowd with her elegant yet prim demeanor and appearance. 

After a moment of thrilling excitement and awe, the promenades enjoyed dancing and prancing with friends ‘till midnight under the beat of music and the glitz of lights,

Indeed, JS Promenade experience is the most splendid time in our high school life. it is a night marked with timeless memories where we wore our princess-like gowns or suits and ties like royalties we see in Korea novels. It is when we are at our best glitz and glamour ever. 

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The Significance of JS Prom

JS Prom 2008 Opening Remarks

Dear ISA Seniors and Juniors, other ISAers, Guests, ISA facilitators, ladies and gentlemen

Good evening.

JS Prom has always been an affair of the teenagers, for the teenagers, and by the teenagers. This probably explains why in an occasion like this, I can hardly see the shadow of any of your parent. And if not because of necessity, any of us here who are 21 years old and above would be conveniently booted out at the very moment we set foot on this supposedly exclusive territory.

But why should you go through all the trouble of preparation just to have one night of JS Prom?

Yesterday, the manager of Emilion personally went to ISA to explain to you what fine dining is all about. He spent more than an hour demonstrating to you how to go through all the tiring process of fine dining. I guess, perhaps, this is one of the reasons why you have the JS prom.

Another reason I can think of, perhaps, is to give you the chance to look different with your beautiful attire plus the accessories you are wearing. The boys have the chance to learn how to fix a neck tie. Well, obviously the two reasons I have just sited are very superficial. There must be some profound reasons…. But as I said, this is an affair of the teenagers. I must be too old to feel the excitement you are experiencing right now and the days before tonight, let alone understanding the whole episode unfolding before my very eyes.

I leave it to you to ponder on the significance of the JS Prom. Based on the theory of evolution, younger generations like you are smarter than the earlier generations like me. Hopefully years from now, or even decades from now, when you have your own next generation of teenagers, you are in a better position to explain to them the reason why they should have JS Prom.

Prom Experience Essay

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Show More Bri Pinkston Holland 5A Honors English III 19 February 2016 Prom Experience “Senior prom is a big deal because it’s your last big dance together before everybody goes to college,” Lindsey McMahon, a senior at Vestavia Hills High School, tells Vollers. “It’s like your last hurrah.” For many, prom is known as an American rite of passage. It’s supposed to be the best night of your life. But for others, the night falls short of all the build up. Prom is a memorable high school experience, but it’s not worth all the money and complications because finding a date or group is too stressful. It can also provide a dangerous atmosphere for teens mentally and physically if drugs and alcohol are involved. Most importantly the expenses are far too costly …show more content… For many, spending a ton of money on one night of high school is not worth all the fuss. You remember the people you are with and the dancing and just being together. You won’t care about the six hundred dollar dress that was uncomfortable and that you only wore once. Money spent on outfit apparel and all the accessories is ridiculous. “I actually ended up hating how my hair looked. It was awful! I cried as soon as I got home and took it all out and did it myself,” (Albert). Some people, on the other hand, believe that spending money on prom is a worth every penny. “For me, since prom only happens twice in your life, it is worth investing in it. You want to look back at pictures and remember the fun you had and how it was a night you felt and looked your best,” (Galo). The Guardian also states that the average prices of prom essentials are as followed: dress $250, tickets $90 for juniors, $85 for seniors, hair and makeup $65, spray tan $25, bag and jewelry $100, and shoes $75. Not to mention the extra costs of dinner, corsages, limos, pictures, and more. Due to the outrageous prices, students with families that have lower incomes aren’t able to afford some or even any of the expenses of

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Magical JS Prom Night: Sparking Friendships and Relieving Students’ Stress

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Students experienced an enchanting evening of dancing and celebration under the starlit sky, surrounded by blooming flowers during the Junior-Senior promenade held on March 25. With the theme “Royalties in the Garden,” this event marked a much-needed break from the stress of three years of distance learning during the pandemic.

Principal Arliza Reyes of Integrated Basic Education (IBED) explained that while a promenade is a regular feature in their calendar of activities, this year’s ball was organized in response to the students’ request. “For this school year, we initially had no plans for a JHS prom. However, the Grade 9 and 10 students, through their Supreme Student Government leaders, expressed their desire for this event. Considering that DepEd allowed extracurricular activities with adherence to health protocols and proper risk management systems, we decided to grant their request. We scheduled it outside of class hours or during weekends,” she said.

The JHS prom serves as an avenue to promote holistic development among students, fostering positive interpersonal relationships and providing an opportunity to learn how to interact and mingle in formal settings.

One notable moment from the night was when Gian Carlo Manalato, a grade 10 student attending his first and final JS prom, was crowned Prom King. “The most memorable experience for me that night was when I had the chance to dance on stage with my best friends and classmates, surrounded by lively music. Winning Prom King was an incredible highlight. I hope to experience such magic again in the future,” shared Manaloto.

In addition to making new friends, the “Royalties in the Garden” prom aimed to teach students proper table etiquette and enhance their social skills. The event also served as a much-needed respite from the monotony of classroom activities, allowing students to relieve stress.

essay about js prom

Urica Loise Lalu, a grade 10 student and the Prom Queen, described the night as a once-in-a-lifetime experience. She expressed her happiness in being able to dance with her grade 7 adviser, who had mentored and guided her since transferring to HCC. “Experiencing this program in HCC was a perfect transition to another stage in our lives. It allowed us to create lasting memories with friends and classmates before we graduate,” Lalu shared.

The IBED Department also recognized the following students with awards:

  • Gian Manaloto

Prom Queen:

Prom Prince:

  • John Vincent Tarifa

Prom Princess:

  • Yna Mitshie Suarez

Early Birds:

  • John Timothy Lacbu
  • Precious Edejer

Best Dressed Grade 10:

St. Michael:

  • Sean Ivan Turla
  • Lindsay Pineda

St. Raphael:

  • Choi Pangilinan
  • Marie Joyce Pangan
  • Hayden Almoquera
  • Vyanca Gaviola

St. Gabriel:

  • Clarence Lulu
  • Maria Bethlehem Cunanan

St. Jeremiel:

  • Crystal Gaza
  • Mark Louise Yanga

Best Dressed Grade 9:


  • Angel De Vera
  • Mark Andrei Flores


  • Arianne Samson
  • Loise Dizon


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Memories of my JS Prom

vuukle comment

The author and his cotillion partner Maira Cantalejo dance during their JS Prom in 1987.

It was not my wedding but that day I was wearing something new, something borrowed and something blue. Though I was dressed in white, I was also not a bride. Not at all.

But I was over the moon with excitement.

It was my JS Prom in February 1987, my Junior year at Cabuyao Institute, a private high school 30 minutes away from Gulod. At 15, I was about to experience something out of the ordinary — my first time to wear something formal, my first time to dance the cotillion.

My good friend from Gulod named Estee Encarnacion lent me his white blazer and white cotton pants. The baggy pants fit me well but the blazer was a bit oversized. Estee also lent me his mahogany brown long-sleeved shirt and navy blue tie. The brown belt and the brown Haruta shoes were borrowed from my Kuya Gadie. And for something new, my mother bought me a new pair of white socks. 

I cared very little if I was fashionable or not. I only wanted to be presentable and I was very grateful there were people willing to dress me up for my prom.

The weekend before the prom, I remember walking to the house of Estee to borrow his clothes. The heat of the noontime sun was no match to the blowing breeze. It helped that his house was a few meters away from the shore of Laguna Lake.

The Meestee 5. (From left) Rowena Monteverde-Torres, Elizabeth Osis-Tampor, Almaira Cantalejo- Cariaga, Raquel Sebastian-Dedel and Rozeña Alcauzen-Vergara.

When I arrived at Estee’s house, I was welcomed by his pants and blazer dancing to the wind as they were still hanging in the sampayan (clothesline) — freshly washed and con todo almirol (starched all over). One end of the clothesline wire was attached to a pillar in their terrace. The other end of the sampayan was tightly looped around a robust camachile tree whose trunk still bore the sign “ Sobra na! Tama na! Palitan na! ” It was the campaign slogan of Cory Aquino, a Philippine icon of democracy who defeated the dictator in the February 1986 snap election.

When prom day came, I was ecstatic. I was imagining the steps of the cotillion in my head. My classmates and I had been practicing our dance for more than a month. By lunchtime, I had packed everything in my big green Khumbmela backpack, which my mother bought installment style from Deep Singh, a tall and stout Indian with a turban. Deep roamed around Gulod with batya (basin) , kulambo (mosquito net) and desk fans all carried in his long, raucous motorcycle. 

After a jeepney ride from Gulod and a tricycle ride from the town of Cabuyao, I made it to the house of my high school dear friend Almaira Sac Cantalejo in a barrio called Bigaa. I dusted myself off before I entered her house. In those days, a long and winding rough road connected Gulod and neighboring coastal barangays to the town proper. 

Maira was my classmate from first year high school. She was my partner in the cotillion. Well, if the prom happened today, it would be best to call Maira my date. But it would be to the consternation of some of our schoolmates who had an eye on her.

I dressed up in her house. Well, many times, I also ate my lunch in her house because Nanay Belen, Maira’s mother, would always be kind enough to feed me after our morning session in school.

Maira was beautiful in her baby pink organza cocktail dress. A neighborhood kusturera (seamstress) made her dress because her father, Daddy Tony, an OFW in Riyadh, made sure his daughter would wear something nice on her JS Prom. Maira was accompanied by her mother to the parlor of Rosie Mariñas, the go-to makeup artist in those days in Cabuyao. My friend was dolled up well; her bangs teased to perfection.

So there we were, Maira in her pink dress and I in my immaculate white ensemble, by the roadside of Bigaa, flagging down a tricycle at 5 p.m. for our 6-o’clock JS Prom.

A little before 5:10 p.m., we were already in school. Maira was ecstatic, too. Especially when she saw our classmates, including her four girl friends who also made up the Meestee 5: Rozeña Alcauzen, Rowena Monteverde, Raquel Sebastian and Elizabeth Osis.

I vividly remember my own group, the Reflex Battalion, looking spiffy in coats and tuxedos — and literally a battalion of them rode a jeepney to attend our prom. Most of them borrowed or rented their attire for the night. And we all sported a burnt complexion because in third year high school, we trained as cadets for the Citizens Army Training. 

There was no dinner served. But we found our way to the canteen of Aling Ising for some sopas and pancit . We were careful not to stain our suits and dresses with the orange sauce of the spaghetti. There was revelry in the air as we partook of our dinner. The girls barely ate, afraid perhaps that their lipstick would be erased.

When it was time for our dance, we readied ourselves at the school quadrangle. Then, squeaky amplifiers resounded with Johann Strauss II’s The Blue Danube and we waltzed the night away. There was spring in our steps, nervousness and excitement on our faces, joy in our souls. That night, a quadrangle the size of a basketball court was filled with third year students dressed to the nines. The Seniors watched us perform. Our teachers smiled from ear to ear. And when the 15-minute waltz was over, there was applause that thundered inside the quadrangle.

The night would not end without the awarding of Miss Dream Girl and Miss Junior, which were won by our classmates Raquel Sebastian and Mila Cynthia Leopoldo, respectively.

Right after the coronation, we had our first “sweet dance” to the tune of Janet Jackson’s Let’s Wait Awhile. Right after, we partied wildly to the songs of Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet and Eurythmics.

By 9 p.m., our principal, Ms. Teodora Monteverde, took to the microphone to announce the party was over. There were silent hushes of protest. But in a JS Prom that required a permit signed by our parents and guardians, we were compelled to honor the hour of party dismissal.

Nanay Belen was outside the school, ready to pick up Maira. Other parents were there, too, waiting for their children. I went home with my cousin Norman Hatuina, catching the last jeepney that would ply the route to Gulod.

That night, I slept with a big smile crossing my face.

(For your new beginnings, e-mail me at [email protected]. I’m also on Instagram @bumtenorio. Have a blessed Sunday!)

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Why is JS prom important?

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why is JS prom important?
  • 2 Why is prom important for seniors?
  • 3 What is a JS prom?
  • 4 What grade is JS prom in Philippines?
  • 5 Why is prom important medical?
  • 6 What does JS prom mean?
  • 7 What is the meaning of prom in high school?
  • 8 Should I go to Junior Senior Prom Night?

JS Prom is a time for students to learn on how to converse and mingle with people they are acquainted with and the strangers to them in a very formal occasion. Every student should join and experience JS prom for them to know the exact and proper table etiquettes and to heighten up their social skills and knowledge.

Why is prom important for seniors?

With Prom, seniors can feel proud, as if they’re celebrating all their hard work and accomplishments that got them this far and preparing for a new stage of life. This makes Prom more important than the usual school dance; it’s significant for seniors as a celebration of growing up.

What is the purpose of PROMs?

Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are used to assess a patient’s health status at a particular point in time. PROMs tools can be completed either during an illness or while treating a health condition. In some cases, using pre- and post-event PROMs can help measure the impact of an intervention.

What does prom mean to students?

Freebase. Prom. In the United States prom is a semi-formal dance or gathering of high-school students. It is typically held near the end of the senior year. It figures greatly in popular culture and is a major event among high school students.

What is a JS prom?

Proms are commonly known as “JS Prom”, or, junior–senior prom. Conversely, if a high school has separate dances for juniors and seniors, the term “prom” is reserved for the juniors, and the dance for the seniors is called a “graduation ball” (often abbreviated as “grad ball” or simply “ball”.)

What grade is JS prom in Philippines?

In the Philippines, proms are popular in high schools. Prom usually takes place in the junior and senior years of high school, normally around February or March. Proms are commonly known as JS prom, or, junior-senior prom.

What does high school prom stand for?

promenade dance A promenade dance, commonly called a prom, is a dance party for high school students. This event is typically held near the end of the school year. There may be individual junior (11th grade) and senior (12th grade) proms or they may be combined.

What is prom for high school?

A prom is a formal dance at the end of a school year. For many American high schools, the senior prom is a big deal. Kids get dressed up and then get embarrassed by parents who take too many photos. Students going to a prom will sometimes rent limousines to get there, and dress in fancy gowns and tuxedos.

Why is prom important medical?

PROMs help HSS improve the level of your care by: capturing the underlying reason why you seek care – to improve your symptoms. allowing us to analyze changes in your condition over time and measure your improvement. giving us data we can use to make better decisions about your care and improve care for other patients.

What does JS prom mean?

junior-senior prom Proms are commonly known as JS prom, or, junior-senior prom. Conversely, if a high school has separate dances for juniors and seniors, the term “prom” is reserved for the juniors, and the dance for the seniors is called a “graduation ball” (often abbreviated as “grad ball” or simply “ball”.)

What grade level is JS prom?

The much-anticipated evening of every high school students, the Junior-Senior Prom had set the night in glitz and glamour as the grade 9 and grade 10 promenades stunned the crowd with elegance and masculinity. The processional marked the start of the program.

What is JS prom?

What is the meaning of prom in high school?

Should i go to junior senior prom night.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of attending senior prom?

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Its Js Prom!

Filed Under: Essays Tagged With: highschool , School

Highschool life is a very challenging life as an individual.It is in our higschool life where we experience lots of things. It is also in our highschool life where we felt pain,joy and specially love. For me, among the four years of being a highschool student, the most exciting year is being a junior and a senior. I consider being a junior and a senior the most exciting year in a highschol life because of many reasons. One reason is that, in our junior year and senior year we celebrated the so-called “Junior,seniors promenade” or also known as the “JS PROM”. A prom, short for promenade, is a formal dance, or gathering of high school students. It is typically held at the end of junior and/or senior year. According to our teacher, promenade is is the passing of responsibility by the seniors to the junior who will be later become a senior.

It is the time where all the girls wear their elegant and beautiful dress with their matching shoes and make-up while for the gentlemen, they wear their formal long sleeves with a neck tie and sometimes accompanied by a vest or even a tuxedo. This is event is very nice.It teaches the students to socialize with other people. I am sure that it was a night to remember. Truly, I was very excited of it. Many junior and seniors students had their Glamorous dress for the event, and for some, they had enjoyed their fisrt dance. Junior,Seniors Promenade is one of the most memorable event in the highschool life because it is a chance for some to express their feelings to the person to whom they admire.

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Creative self expression is, above all things, an art; it allows a person to translate intangible feelings and emotions - the essence of their being-to something the world can see and, at best, understand. For me, expressing my creativity is executed in an array of behaviors, including singing and the arts, but most predominately, through writing. My greatest love will always be the manipulation ...

Whether it was a wonderful experience or a terrible one, if you went to your high school senior prom, I am sure that it was a night to remember. For so many teenagers the prom is the highlight of high school. It is the one thing so many students look forward to. Many see it as a rite of passage into adulthood. But the truth is it is a night to socialize or to mingle with others and to enjoy.

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Its Js Prom!


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  • Category: High School School

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Highschool life is a very challenging life as an individual.It is in our higschool life where we experience lots of things. It is also in our highschool life where we felt pain,joy and specially love. For me, among the four years of being a highschool student, the most exciting year is being a junior and a senior. I consider being a junior and a senior the most exciting year in a highschol life because of many reasons. One reason is that, in our junior year and senior year we celebrated the so-called “Junior,seniors promenade” or also known as the “JS PROM”. A prom, short for promenade, is a formal dance, or gathering of high school students. It is typically held at the end of junior and/or senior year. According to our teacher, promenade is is the passing of responsibility by the seniors to the junior who will be later become a senior.

It is the time where all the girls wear their elegant and beautiful dress with their matching shoes and make-up while for the gentlemen, they wear their formal long sleeves with a neck tie and sometimes accompanied by a vest or even a tuxedo. This is event is very nice.It teaches the students to socialize with other people. I am sure that it was a night to remember. Truly, I was very excited of it. Many junior and seniors students had their Glamorous dress for the event, and for some, they had enjoyed their fisrt dance. Junior,Seniors Promenade is one of the most memorable event in the highschool life because it is a chance for some to express their feelings to the person to whom they admire.

Whether it was a wonderful experience or a terrible one, if you went to your high school senior prom, I am sure that it was a night to remember. For so many teenagers the prom is the highlight of high school. It is the one thing so many students look forward to. Many see it as a rite of passage into adulthood. But the truth is it is a night to socialize or to mingle with others and to enjoy.

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  22. Its Js Prom!

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    The blood pressure rises to assist in the movement of blood. Blood is diverted from less vital organs, such as the stomach, and the respiratory rate increases to get more oxygen into the body. Our senses also become more acute. For example, pupils dilate to allow in more light and hearing becomes more sensitive.