how to write an essay on pros and cons

How to Write a Pros & Cons Essay: Step-By-Step Guide

Trying to convince someone to take your word on a particular subject isn’t straightforward. You must present convincing arguments backed by proof to encourage your opponent to change their mind. Moreover, the pros and cons essay must also cover the opposing standpoints.

You may wonder why this is relevant. Undoubtedly, most issues in our modern society are multidimensional and double or often triple-sided. There’s no concept clearly black and white, for the simple reason that no two people on Earth have an identical point of view.

Therefore, writing pro and con essays is vital for students of all ages. In the process, you will learn to think analytically and reason things from different angles. Whatever your thoughts on the topic, you must prove your point by offering convincing evidence and facts.

For those who never had the chance to write a pros & cons essay, the time has come to take the plunge. The start may be intimidating, but you’ll soon get the hang of it. To help you, we list a few helpful tips and examples to consider for your pro and con paper.

What Is a Pros and Cons Essay?

Before you set your aims high, let’s explain what for and against essays are. You must also understand the importance of this kind of academic assignment to write efficiently. A pros & cons essay is a written task that elaborates on the advantages and disadvantages of a specific problem. The paper covers different sides of a single topic where your argument prevails.

The most challenging aspect for students is that they can’t just list the benefits and drawbacks of a pressing matter. Instead, they must summarize ideas, like when writing a synthesis essay , and pick a side by stating their point. Moreover, the paper must have a logical flow that ends with your attitude.

The introduction should signpost the direction in which you’re steering. State your opinion only after you’ve meticulously analyzed all for and against arguments.

What to Consider When Writing a Pros and Cons Essay

A Compelling Topic

The topic you choose must have inherent positive and negative sides. Avoid themes with evident benefits and no disadvantages. Similarly, skip obviously disadvantageous topics because those are tiresome and time-consuming. For example, write about an issue with pronounced bad and good sides, such as advertising, online education, or modern technologies. However, the ultimate decision will depend on the course specifics and your professor’s guidelines.

Relevant Ideas

Your work must offer a unique perspective on a central idea. And you must support the main claim with at least three arguments. Including every possible pro and con will overwhelm the reader and won’t make your work impactful.

Instead, write about the core aspects of the issue. You can find numerous relevant examples on Paperell if you lack inspiration. Also, ensure you discuss the strongest point at the onset. Similarly, refute the most relevant con in the end to demonstrate your ability to handle opposing views.

Write in the traditional format. It should consist of an introduction, middle paragraphs (one paragraph for each idea), and a conclusion. Use short and concise sentences to avoid losing yourself in your thoughts. Run-on sentences will confuse the reader and impede seamless reading.


Refrain from copying other works without including quotations. Your paper must be 100% authentic. If you decide to seek assistance from a platform that offers online essays for sale , ensure it is reliable. Most custom paper services abide by strict academic standards and deliver plagiarism-free work.

Make sure your ideas are relevant, supported by facts, and not arbitrary. Also, typos are unacceptable for these kinds of assignments. To avoid losing points on technical aspects, review your grammatical structures and use plenty of synonyms for the keywords in the essay.

How to Write a Pros and Cons Essay?

For a rookie, the essay composition process might prove an uphill task. However, with practice, you’ll become more efficient and productive. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to write your essay.

Do Thorough Research

Examine the assigned topic and focus on important information on the subject. Try to find credible sources that are objective and fact-based. Though you probably have an opinion on the problem, don’t let it blur your objectivity.

Brainstorm the Advantages and Disadvantages

Once you find enough positive and negative sides of the matter, write them in a list. Ensure you provide examples for each point, as you’d do in exemplification essay writing for your college assignments. Write two columns and rate items by relevance. The top three benefits should go in the paper.

Draft the Essay Skeleton

Decide what outline you’ll use. One approach is to write each pro and con in different paragraphs. Alternatively, you might want to dedicate every paragraph to one aspect of the dilemma, discussing both pros and cons simultaneously.

Be Creative

Start your journey with an attention-grabbing idea that urges your audience to keep reading. To this end, choose a hook for an essay that is topic-related and amusing. Also, when writing a pros and cons paper, the thesis statement should tell the reader what follows.

In the body section, discuss the points you decided to include but with examples and facts. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence, and all explanations should relate to the main claim. The conclusion must summarize the essay, restate your position, and compel the reader to contemplate the problem.

Editing and proofreading your work is critical for an impeccable essay. Ensure your punctuation, spelling, and grammar are error-free.

Plagiarism Free Pros & Cons Essay

Writing a 100% original manuscript isn’t straightforward. As much as you try to paraphrase, sophisticated tools recognize your attempts. The same will happen with the trained eye of your professor. Consider the following tips to avoid plagiarized essays.

Cite Properly

Citations are vital, so you must give credit to all sources you’re using in your paper. This way, you show you can borrow information with integrity. Failure to include quotations and references is plagiarism. The best way to cite a study or research is to follow the APA style.

Use a Plagiarism Checker

Your teachers use specialized tools to check the plagiarism level in your essay. Doing this will spare you a lot of trouble and effort. Try your free plagiarism checker with percentage to get a detailed report on your work. If you spot copied content, rewrite it to express your ideas differently.

Be Original

Pros and cons essays reveal your side on a specific subject. Hence, there’s nothing wrong with sticking to your opinions. With original ideas, you won’t have to worry about plagiarism. Still, always base your thoughts on relevant research and use the conclusion to call for action. Need help with the pros and cons essay? You can pay for papers online to get professional help. Also, ask your instructors or teachers to help you understand the topic.

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Tips on Writing a Pros and Cons Essay

Have you ever argued with someone who thinks that their point of view is the only right point? Such people don’t even try to consider the arguments and evidence from the opposite side, that’s what makes such conversations frustrating. There are many complex issues, where it’s not easy to make a choice. Our world is not black-and-white, and if you want to make a point, you should also consider the opposite point. Fortunately, writing classes teach students analytical thinking, and pros and cons essays are the best exercises. When writing such essays, you should consider both sides of an issue, and tips from specialists at College-Writers.Com will help you with it.

What Is a Pros and Cons Essay?

To write a decent pros and cons essay, you should perfectly understand what it is. This type of writing assignments is exactly what it sounds like: it’s an argumentative essay that requires you to consider both positive and negative aspects of a subject.

Perhaps, the most difficult thing about this type of writing is that you cannot just write a list of pros and cons. Instead, you should synthesize the facts that you have, picking a side and clearly stating your own point. However, your essay shouldn’t be all about supporting your point. It should provide arguments, and your opinion must be just your personal conclusion that you came to after analyzing all the arguments.

What to Consider When Writing a Pros and Cons Essay

First, you should choose a debatable topic. It means that you must be able to provide a balanced number of both negatives and positives. For example, genocide is not debatable because you cannot say anything good about it, and charity is also not debatable because there’s nothing bad you can say about it.

Another important thing to consider is that both pros and cons should be given equal weight in your essay. You should carefully analyze both sides of the argument. When you read a good pros and cons essay, you cannot understand what is the author’s opinion until you see the thesis statement at the end. Now let’s take a closer look at the writing process itself.

Pros and Cons Essays: Step-By-Step Guide

The writing process is somewhat similar to that of any argumentative essay because it includes researching, writing an outline, writing a draft, and proofreading. However, the pros and cons essays also have their own specific features.

1. Research your topic

If you’ve got your topic assigned by your instructor, or if you’ve chosen a good debatable topic, start researching it. Make sure to look for credible sources and avoid being biased. You must be open-minded about your subject, even if you have a certain opinion. Don’t let your opinion affect your research.

2. Brainstorm the pros and cons

While researching, divide the information into two categories: pros, and cons. At this point, you don’t need to write an outline, just make a list of positive and negative aspects that will serve as the basis for your outline.

3. Write an outline

Once you’ve got a list of pros and cons, write your outline. It should consist of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the body of the essay, you should address the pros and cons. You may choose to list all the pros first and then address the cons, or you may devote each paragraph of the body to a certain aspect of the issue, explaining its pros and cons. Here’s an example:

  • Thesis statement
  • Final thoughts

4. Write the introduction

The introduction should start with a strong hook — the very first sentence that should motivate your readers to keep reading your essay. The thesis statement must provide your opinion on the subject. However, when writing pros and cons essays, you may also present your thesis statement in the conclusion. If you include your thesis statement in the introduction, it may provide a general understanding of what the body paragraphs will be about.

5. Add details to your outline

Once you’ve written the thesis statement and the outline, it won’t be a problem for you to write the body paragraphs. Just elaborate on the points from your outline and add more details. Every body paragraph should only focus on one point but all the paragraphs should be related to the thesis statement.

6. Write the conclusion

The conclusion has two main purposes. First, it should summarize the whole essay. Secondly, it should leave your readers with something to think about. It may also reveal your opinion by presenting the thesis statement if you haven’t stated it in the introduction.

As you can see, writing a pros and cons essay is not a difficult task. If you’re still not sure that you can write a good essay, we suggest that you ask experts from for help. Our professional writers know everything about writing assignments of any kind, and they will provide you with outstanding papers on any topic.

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What is a Pro and Con Thesis?

Tips for writing a pro & con thesis:, 1. research your topic, 2. brainstorm pros and cons, 3. take a stand, 4. put it together, how to write a pro & con thesis statement.

You may be required to write a paper evaluating the pros and cons of a particular issue, providing both positive and negative attributes of a specific subject as well as your position.

  • It tells readers what you want them to know or consider about the topic after reading your essay.

The key to developing a pro and con thesis statement that includes the most relevant information is research.

Research helps you become better informed and determine what it is about your topic you want to examine.

  • Gather resources that help you establish inferences or raise questions.
  • Use information gathered from credible sources to determine your position, support your claim, and defend your viewpoints against opposing arguments.

Informed writers write a more authoritative thesis statement.

Once you have completed your research, brainstorm and list all pros and cons you can think of concerning your topic.

  • This can be done by separating positive from negative sides or randomly listing them together.
  • Try to develop a counterpoint for each pro and con.
  • You need at least three pros and cons for a sufficient argument.

A strong thesis statement is one that takes a stand and can be defended.

  • Decide which side of the argument you support and group all your thoughts into one central theme.

In order to take a stand, you must know opposing viewpoints and provide evidence against them.

  • Your viewpoints must be clearly defined, and all of your pro and con points should prove your thesis or disprove the opposing side.
  • Do not use words such as “I believe” or “I feel” in your thesis statement.
  • Your opinion of the topic must be a powerful statement that fits the facts.

A formula for putting together a pro and con thesis statement that shows both positive and negative benefits and chooses a position is by making a claim plus reason.

  • Make your claim and give the reason for it.

A claim plus reason thesis allows the writer to determine the focus, simplifies the relationship between ideas and keeps the reader focused on the viewpoint.

  • you may decide to write about the effects of being a child star and state the thesis like this: “Although being a child star can be a learning experience and a stepping stone to a successful adult acting career, it can be harmful because a child actor has an unstable school schedule, less social activity with other children and more exposure to adult subject matter.”
  • Using a claim plus reason formula gives your reader enough detail about the topic to grasp your argument.

<!--StartFragment-->I am a current senior studying at the University of Missouri - Columbia with a major in Journalism and a minor in Sociology. I have interests in photojournalism, documentary journalism and design fields. <!--EndFragment--><!--EndFragment-->

How to Write a Pros & Cons Essay

Kori morgan, 26 sep 2017.

A pros and cons essay weighs an issue's advantages and disadvantages.

A pros and cons essay is a type of persuasive assignment where you discuss both sides of a debatable issue before revealing your own position. The objective, balanced structure allows audiences to formulate their own opinions before hearing your final analysis. You can write a good pros and cons essay by giving fair, equal treatment to both sides of an issue, describing its advantages and disadvantages with clear, specific research and summarizing your own position in the conclusion.

Explore this article

  • Choosing a Topic
  • Balanced Topic Treatment
  • Describing Pros and Cons
  • Conclusion and Evaluation

1 Choosing a Topic

Because a pros and cons essay involves equal treatment of both sides, topics are usually controversial and debatable. This type of essay works well for these topics because the structure encourages readers to carefully weigh both positions as they read. One way to brainstorm topics is to think about issues you face in your daily life. For example, you might choose to write about the advantages and disadvantages of the growth of cell phones in society. Then, you can make a list of the issue's positive and negative aspects to reference as you write.

2 Balanced Topic Treatment

The tone of a pros and cons essay is objective and even, giving equal attention and respect to both sides. The essay should enable readers to equally weigh the different concerns instead of being pushed toward one perspective from the start. Your introduction should contribute to the balanced structure by summarizing both sides and presenting a neutral thesis statement. A sample thesis might read, "While cell phones provide conveniences, entertainment and ways to stay in touch, they also create serious distractions, enable social bullying and create an easy crutch for critical thinking."

3 Describing Pros and Cons

The body paragraphs of the essay should provide details and examples to further develop the arguments for each side of the topic. You can organize them however you want; some writers present one side of an argument and then another, while others provide a point followed immediately by a counterpoint. Either way, your discussion should be well-researched, with clear, specific examples to support every assertion. According to the University of Calgary, using transitional phrases can also provide fluency and focus within the essay. To introduce new points, you might use phrases such as "many people believe," "another viewpoint is" or "on the other hand."

4 Conclusion and Evaluation

Although the conclusion should reveal the writer's viewpoint, it still needs to be stated in an objective, unbiased manner. Using first person phrases like "I believe" corrupts the balanced tone you have set throughout the course of the essay. Similarly, tearing down the opposite position can alienate readers, even if they have found your essay useful to this point. Instead of focusing on yourself, try to center your statements on the information you've presented. For example, your concluding paragraph might begin, "Taking everything into consideration, the social and technological benefits of cell phones outweigh their potential to be misused."

  • 1 University of Calgary: Essay Writing Program for Students
  • 2 Australian National University Academic Skills and Learning Center: The Pros and Cons Essay

About the Author

Kori Morgan holds a Bachelor of Arts in professional writing and a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing and has been crafting online and print educational materials since 2006. She taught creative writing and composition at West Virginia University and the University of Akron and her fiction, poetry and essays have appeared in numerous literary journals.

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25 November 2022 | 1 comments | Posted by Robert Chapman in Academia

Tips for writing a pros and cons essay

So you were assigned to write a pros and cons essay. This kind of assignment is rather common in schools and universities as it helps teachers analyze students’ knowledge of the topic, as well as their critical thinking and analytical abilities. Read on, and we will tell you how to handle this kind of task with ease!

What is a pros and cons essay?

Before we get to practical tips for writing a perfect paper, it’s crucial that you know exactly what the pros and cons essay is. The name speaks for itself. It is a type of argumentative essay that requires you to assess a given topic based on its positives (pros) and negatives (cons).

Although the definition sounds quite simple, handling this kind of task isn’t easy. Being assigned to it, students often seek a trusted “ write my research paper ” service to delegate this matter to professionals and ensure the highest grade.

The greatest difficulty is that this paper shouldn’t be just a list of positive and negative facts. Instead, it should provide an in-depth analysis of different positions on the topic and synthesize this information in a coherent and logical way.

Keys factors to consider while writing

Now that you know the definition and the primary pitfalls, let’s get to the hardest part. So how do you write a killer pros and cons essay? Further in the article, you will find a step-by-step guide. But let’s start with the basics.

There are three key factors that will help you ensure success:

A debatable topic

The best topics for this kind of work are relevant, engaging, and, most importantly, debatable to allow you to reflect on a balanced number of advantages and disadvantages.

A clear author stance

Although you will talk about different viewpoints in your paper, there still should be YOUR own stance on the topic. But don’t get this wrong. It’s not a type of work where you can say, “my opinion is right, and all the others are wrong.” Instead, you should synthesize different opinions and state your stance that arose after evaluating them all.

Pay equal attention to positives and negatives

Finally, one more thing that helps ensure success is giving equal weight to both pros and cons. Don’t focus on one thing. Instead, provide a well-considered analysis of all sides of the matter.

Writing a convincing pros and cons essay in 6 steps

The writing process for this type of work is quite similar to a standard argumentative essay - research, outline, write, and edit. However, let us get deeper into the details and give you some extra tips to ensure success!

Research the topic

If you have already chosen a solid topic or your professor assigned one to you, the first step is to research it. Take your time and check credible sources for any information that will help you disclose the topic fully.

Pro tip: When you start researching, you may already have a specific stance on it. Nevertheless, expert academic writers advise approaching this step with an open mind. Try to leave your current opinion and prejudice behind to be able to perceive and analyze the obtained information better.

Make a list of pros and cons

This is an additional step that will really come in handy for handling this particular task. While conducting your research, start noting down the information you find.

Moreover, separate every piece of data into the advantages and disadvantages categories right away. This way, by the time you finish your research, you will already have a compelling list of points that you might want to cover in your paper.

Prepare an outline

When you have all the information you need, it’s time to organize it in a compelling outline. As you all should know, the traditional essay structure consists of an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion . So how do you structure your work?

The first option is to state all the advantages first and then list all the downsides. However, if your pros and cons are somehow related to each other, it will be much more interesting and effective to mix them up and present one positive and one related negative per paragraph.

Craft a great introduction

When you have an outline, start by drafting a powerful introduction. Keep it short and straight to the point, and, at the same time, make sure that it captures the reader’s attention.

Pro tip: The best way to organize an introduction - begin with a hook (stats, facts, question, anecdote, or another statement that drives attention) and then provide a thesis statement that gives a brief preview of the topic, clarifies your stance and makes the readers want to learn more.

Write body paragraphs

Next, move on to the body of your paper. Craft one paragraph after another, following your outline. The most important tip we can give you here is to ensure a logical flow. Your task is to make sure that not only do sentences within one paragraph flow logically, but that paragraphs are well-connected with each other too.

Make a strong conclusion

When the rest of your paper is ready, you need to tie up any loose ends and finish it with a strong conclusion. In the final clause, you want to give a brief summary of your key points and restate your thesis.

Additionally, it’s also a good idea to leave your readers with some food for thought to make a lasting impression. Once you’re done, don’t forget to take enough time to proofread and edit your work.

The bottom line

Pros and cons essays never seem too hard to write before you start. And, after you start, it often turns out to be not as simple and clear as you thought. Luckily, now you have a step-by-step guide and a number of handy tips from professionals that will help you write a top-quality essay without a hassle. Be sure to use it to get a deserved high grade!

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  • Comparing and contrasting in an essay | Tips & examples

Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay | Tips & Examples

Published on August 6, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on July 23, 2023.

Comparing and contrasting is an important skill in academic writing . It involves taking two or more subjects and analyzing the differences and similarities between them.

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Table of contents

When should i compare and contrast, making effective comparisons, comparing and contrasting as a brainstorming tool, structuring your comparisons, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about comparing and contrasting.

Many assignments will invite you to make comparisons quite explicitly, as in these prompts.

  • Compare the treatment of the theme of beauty in the poetry of William Wordsworth and John Keats.
  • Compare and contrast in-class and distance learning. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?

Some other prompts may not directly ask you to compare and contrast, but present you with a topic where comparing and contrasting could be a good approach.

One way to approach this essay might be to contrast the situation before the Great Depression with the situation during it, to highlight how large a difference it made.

Comparing and contrasting is also used in all kinds of academic contexts where it’s not explicitly prompted. For example, a literature review involves comparing and contrasting different studies on your topic, and an argumentative essay may involve weighing up the pros and cons of different arguments.

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See an example

how to write an essay on pros and cons

As the name suggests, comparing and contrasting is about identifying both similarities and differences. You might focus on contrasting quite different subjects or comparing subjects with a lot in common—but there must be some grounds for comparison in the first place.

For example, you might contrast French society before and after the French Revolution; you’d likely find many differences, but there would be a valid basis for comparison. However, if you contrasted pre-revolutionary France with Han-dynasty China, your reader might wonder why you chose to compare these two societies.

This is why it’s important to clarify the point of your comparisons by writing a focused thesis statement . Every element of an essay should serve your central argument in some way. Consider what you’re trying to accomplish with any comparisons you make, and be sure to make this clear to the reader.

Comparing and contrasting can be a useful tool to help organize your thoughts before you begin writing any type of academic text. You might use it to compare different theories and approaches you’ve encountered in your preliminary research, for example.

Let’s say your research involves the competing psychological approaches of behaviorism and cognitive psychology. You might make a table to summarize the key differences between them.

Behaviorism Cognitive psychology
Dominant from the 1920s to the 1950s Rose to prominence in the 1960s
Mental processes cannot be empirically studied Mental processes as focus of study
Focuses on how thinking is affected by conditioning and environment Focuses on the cognitive processes themselves

Or say you’re writing about the major global conflicts of the twentieth century. You might visualize the key similarities and differences in a Venn diagram.

A Venn diagram showing the similarities and differences between World War I, World War II, and the Cold War.

These visualizations wouldn’t make it into your actual writing, so they don’t have to be very formal in terms of phrasing or presentation. The point of comparing and contrasting at this stage is to help you organize and shape your ideas to aid you in structuring your arguments.

When comparing and contrasting in an essay, there are two main ways to structure your comparisons: the alternating method and the block method.

The alternating method

In the alternating method, you structure your text according to what aspect you’re comparing. You cover both your subjects side by side in terms of a specific point of comparison. Your text is structured like this:

Mouse over the example paragraph below to see how this approach works.

One challenge teachers face is identifying and assisting students who are struggling without disrupting the rest of the class. In a traditional classroom environment, the teacher can easily identify when a student is struggling based on their demeanor in class or simply by regularly checking on students during exercises. They can then offer assistance quietly during the exercise or discuss it further after class. Meanwhile, in a Zoom-based class, the lack of physical presence makes it more difficult to pay attention to individual students’ responses and notice frustrations, and there is less flexibility to speak with students privately to offer assistance. In this case, therefore, the traditional classroom environment holds the advantage, although it appears likely that aiding students in a virtual classroom environment will become easier as the technology, and teachers’ familiarity with it, improves.

The block method

In the block method, you cover each of the overall subjects you’re comparing in a block. You say everything you have to say about your first subject, then discuss your second subject, making comparisons and contrasts back to the things you’ve already said about the first. Your text is structured like this:

  • Point of comparison A
  • Point of comparison B

The most commonly cited advantage of distance learning is the flexibility and accessibility it offers. Rather than being required to travel to a specific location every week (and to live near enough to feasibly do so), students can participate from anywhere with an internet connection. This allows not only for a wider geographical spread of students but for the possibility of studying while travelling. However, distance learning presents its own accessibility challenges; not all students have a stable internet connection and a computer or other device with which to participate in online classes, and less technologically literate students and teachers may struggle with the technical aspects of class participation. Furthermore, discomfort and distractions can hinder an individual student’s ability to engage with the class from home, creating divergent learning experiences for different students. Distance learning, then, seems to improve accessibility in some ways while representing a step backwards in others.

Note that these two methods can be combined; these two example paragraphs could both be part of the same essay, but it’s wise to use an essay outline to plan out which approach you’re taking in each paragraph.

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College essays

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  • Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay

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Some essay prompts include the keywords “compare” and/or “contrast.” In these cases, an essay structured around comparing and contrasting is the appropriate response.

Comparing and contrasting is also a useful approach in all kinds of academic writing : You might compare different studies in a literature review , weigh up different arguments in an argumentative essay , or consider different theoretical approaches in a theoretical framework .

Your subjects might be very different or quite similar, but it’s important that there be meaningful grounds for comparison . You can probably describe many differences between a cat and a bicycle, but there isn’t really any connection between them to justify the comparison.

You’ll have to write a thesis statement explaining the central point you want to make in your essay , so be sure to know in advance what connects your subjects and makes them worth comparing.

Comparisons in essays are generally structured in one of two ways:

  • The alternating method, where you compare your subjects side by side according to one specific aspect at a time.
  • The block method, where you cover each subject separately in its entirety.

It’s also possible to combine both methods, for example by writing a full paragraph on each of your topics and then a final paragraph contrasting the two according to a specific metric.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, July 23). Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay | Tips & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved July 30, 2024, from

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The Classroom | Empowering Students in Their College Journey

How to Write an Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

Erin Martise

Why Write An Advantages and Disadvantages Essay?

Tips for writing an advantage and disadvantage essay:, how to write an advantages and disadvantages essay:, why this essay is important:, the ielts exam:, other ways to say "advantages and disadvantages", what you will be evaluated on.

There are many different types of essays that students will be expected to write throughout their academic career. The same goes for students that are learning English as a second language or foreign language.

  • Teachers assign certain essays to students because they feel it gives the student a chance to practice their writing skills to the fullest, while it gives teachers a great medium through which they can evaluate their students' learning.

Out of all the different essays that are possible for a teacher to assign, one that serves both native English speakers and English learners well is an ​ advantages and disadvantages essay ​.

  • With this essay writing process there can be advantages to essay writing and disadvantages of essay writing for different levels of writers with different experience and knowledge on the whole process.

Advantages of Essay Writing:

While essay writing can have its difficulties, it also shows certain advantages to the writer. Here are some possible advantages of essay writing:

  • It allows for critical thinking
  • It pushed writers to make different arguments
  • Writers learn to observe different perspectives and topic points

Disadvantages of Essay Writing:

Essay writing can also be a daunting task. Here are some possible disadvantages of essay writing:

  • Writers need to have a clear organizational plan
  • Structure and placement are essential to the flow of the essay's points and topics
  • Writers will need to have a clear conclusion and thesis statement outlining the entire essay's topics and thoughts

1. Understand an Advantage and Disadvantage

Before you can write an advantages and disadvantages essay, you must first understand what these two words mean.

  • Native English speakers are likely already familiar with these definitions, however, students in primary school may need some explanation.
  • Your teacher should explain what an advantage is and what a disadvantage is by giving an example that's age-appropriate and level-appropriate.

For example:

Younger students may understand an example like,​ "An advantage of doing my homework when I get home from school is that I have the entire evening to play. A disadvantage is that I cannot watch my favorite show as soon as I get home from school." ​

After this, the teacher can give less explicit examples and see if students can come up with some ideas on their own.

College students should already have experience with this kind of essay and they will, therefore, get a much more complicated question that requires research, planning and thought.

  • In addition to this, English learners who are university students should also be given an example by their teacher that's appropriate for their age and level.

For instance:

International students might respond well to something like "What's an advantage and disadvantage of studying abroad during college?"

It's also a good idea to look up synonyms of "advantages and disadvantages" to have the best understanding of the term possible.

"Pros and cons" is quite similar and might be easier for some students to digest since it's a term they've most likely heard before.

2. Think About Advantages and Disadvantages in Your Own Life

A great exercise to help you prepare yourself for writing an advantages and disadvantages essay is to think about your own experiences with the topic.

  • Think of a time you wanted to make a decision about something, but you had voices in your head telling you to do the opposite.
  • Or you had a discussion with your parents and they were trying to convince you to do things differently.
  • Whatever it was, there's a chance that you had to write your own version of an advantages and disadvantages essay in your mind, without even realizing it.
  • This will not only help you to get in the right mindset for writing this essay, but it will maybe even inspire you to choose a topic that you've already had personal experience with.
  • Of course, anything you've had personal experience with is a good place to start.

3. Choose a Topic

If you weren't able to think of any intriguing topics to write about in your walk down memory lane, you'll have to look elsewhere to find something else to base your essay on.

  • There are tons of places you can go online
  • You can take the time to visit the library to find ideas about advantages and disadvantages topics
  • You can also talk to your family and friends to see if they have any ideas that are worth writing about
  • It will also, of course, be easier to write your essay overall.

That being said, there will also be instances in which you won't be able to choose your topic.

  • Advantages and disadvantages writing prompts are very common on English exams.
  • This has both its own advantages and disadvantages to it.
  • An advantage is that you don't have to think of a topic yourself.
  • But a disadvantage is that if you're not familiar with the topic given or you're unsure about what it's asking, it can be difficult to write a strong advantages and disadvantages essay that will get you the points you need on the test.

3.1 List of Example Topics

Unless you're given the topic directly on your test, you will otherwise have to think of your own topic, especially if it's just for a regular assignment. Luckily, there are many topic examples out there you can use to help you get started, or that will at least help you find inspiration for a similar topic:

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in the classroom?
  • Many people are able to work online and can, therefore, live anywhere. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying a home instead of renting one?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of owning a car?
  • E-readers have become extremely popular in recent years. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
  • Many products you use are imported from other countries. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
  • Today, recent graduates are choosing to live at home. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

4. Brainstorm Advantages vs. Disadvantages

Once you've decided on a topic that intrigues you, or you know what topic you're being assigned on your exam, it's time to get down the meat of the essay, which is the actual advantages and disadvantages you'll need to write about.

  • The best and easiest way to do this is by simply folding a paper in half vertically, or creating a box with two side-by-side sections.
  • Label one as "advantages" and the other as "disadvantages" and write all the ideas that come to mind beneath each section.
  • You should then add some details and examples under each idea, and ideally, you should decide on which advantages and disadvantages are the most crucial to your argument.

5. Choose a Side

Although an advantages and disadvantages essay should be rather unbiased, it's okay to be leaning toward one side more so than the other.

  • This will help you to gain more perspective when writing your essay, and also leave the reader with your own thoughts in your conclusion.
  • However, sometimes your teacher will request that you completely leave your own opinions out of the essay.
  • Therefore, just be sure of what's required on the assignment because every teacher and every class is different.

The next thing you will need to do is outline your essay and eventually write it.

  • What will need to be included in your essay will be different depending on your level.
  • For instance, young students may only be required to have two body paragraphs, whereas college students will be required to have more than that unless it's a short answer response.
  • Nevertheless, there is ultimately a widely accepted standard when it comes to writing an advantages and disadvantages essay:
  • ​ Introduction: ​ Paraphrase the question/topic and briefly mention some of the advantages and disadvantages you will discuss in the paper.
  • ​ Body Paragraph One: ​ Introduce the main advantage. Give supporting details and examples.
  • ​ Body Paragraph Two: ​ Introduce the main disadvantage. Give supporting details and examples.
  • ​ Conclusion: ​ Re-iterate the topic question. Summarize the main points and if applicable, say whether you think there are more advantages or disadvantages.

For your outline, you can create headlines and write what you plan on saying beneath each one.

  • If you have to write more body paragraphs, do the same.
  • When it comes time to write the essay, drag your points from your outline to your paper, and make sure you use transitions in order to connect each point together.

Knowing how to write an advantages and disadvantages essay is part of perfecting your skills in English proficiency.

  • People need to understand how to think about the advantages and disadvantages of the choices they make in life every day.
  • Learning how to write an essay like this will help you feel calmer when making important decisions.
  • This type of work is one of the best ways to really practice writing a solid essay
  • This will help you out in your future when your assignments are more difficult

For students studying English as an international language, at some point, it's very likely that you'll have to take the IELTS exam.

  • The IELTS exam, or the International English Language Testing System exam, is required for people of non-English speaking countries that want to study or work in a country where English is the main language for communication.

For Instance:

A student who's from a country where English is not the native language will have to pass this test in order to get accepted into a U.K. university or universities in other English-speaking countries that require the same test.

Although you'll be writing an advantages and disadvantages essay, you'll want to try and find other vocabulary words to describe this.

There are plenty of other ways to say "advantages and disadvantages," and it's a good idea if you can use these other terms as much as possible in your essay in order to add some variety:

  • Pros and cons
  • Benefits and drawbacks
  • Nice parts and not-so-nice parts
  • Good and bad aspects
  • Pluses and Minuses
  • This outweighs this

Hopefully, you had no problem with writing your advantages and disadvantages essay, and you won't be too worried as you wait for your grade.

  • This in itself is a major advantage of essay writing because you can get feedback on how you're progressing as a student.
  • Teachers will have different criteria for grading different students, and this all depends on a lot of different factors.
  • For instance, English language learners will be graded on their use of vocabulary, their grammatical accuracy and the coherence and cohesion between the paragraphs.
  • Therefore, it's a good idea to brush up on these things and ask your teacher if you need any clarification on any aspect of the essay.

If you aren't an English language learner, then there are many different reasons you'd be required to write an advantages and disadvantages essay.

  • Because of this, your evaluation will be unique in many ways, too.
  • In the case of younger students who are just learning how to exercise their writing muscles, teachers may grade a bit more generously, but will really be checking for how well the students have followed directions, made their points and worked their way through the writing process.
  • It's also important to keep in mind that while most advantages and disadvantages essays can be written based on experience and common knowledge, college students may really have to do some research to support the content in their essay.

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How to Present Pros and Cons in Formal Writing?

A visual representation of a sample formal writing piece, with sections illustrating the pros and cons clearly highlighted

Eskritor 2023-07-10

You can follow the step-by-step guide below to learn how to use the pros and cons in your writing process:

  • Identify your topic : Start by selecting content for writing. This could be an issue, argument, or concept you want to explore.
  • Define the thesis statement : Develop a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the position on the topic.
  • Brainstorm the pros and cons : Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of the topic. Consider the point of view of the audience and the context of the topic. Then, use a mind map or other visual tool to organize thoughts.
  • Evaluate the pros and cons : Assess the assets and liabilities of each point on the list of pros and cons. Consider how each point relates to the thesis statement and whether it supports or undermines the argument.
  • Organize the writing : Use the pros and cons approach to structure the writing. Begin with a clear introduction that presents the thesis statement and provides an overview of the topic. Use body paragraphs to present the pros and cons of the topic in a logical and coherent way. Also, use transitions to move smoothly between points and to create a clear and effective argument. Conclude with a summary of the main points and a restatement of the thesis.
  • Edit and revise : Edit and revise the writing for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Review the writing for clarity, coherence, and flow. Finally, make sure that the last edited writing is well-organized and that the arguments are supported by evidence.

The picture depicts formal writing in meeting.

What are the Types of Formal Writing?

Here are some of the most common types of formal writing :

  • Academic essays: These are written for academic purposes such as to demonstrate knowledge or to argue a point. Academic writing often has a specific structure including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. It is typically written in a formal tone with a clear thesis statement.
  • Research papers: Research papers are similar to academic essays but require more extensive research and analysis of sources. Research papers often have a specific structure, including an abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.
  • Business reports: Business reports are written for a professional audience and often include data analysis and recommendations. They are written for either internal or external purposes. Moreover, they require a formal tone and adherence to specific formatting and structure guidelines.
  • Legal documents: Legal documents include contracts, briefs, and other legal filings. These documents require a formal tone and adherence to specific legal requirements and formatting.

Certain techniques improve the clarity and impact of the writing. Here are some practical tips to construct effective formal pros and cons writing:

  • Be concise : Keep your writing concise and to the point. Avoid long-winded explanations or overly complicated language. Use clear, simple English to make the argument as easily understood as possible.
  • Use transitions : Use transitions between the pros and cons to make the argument flow smoothly. Transitions help to guide the reader from one point to the next and create a cohesive and effective argument.
  • Consider the audience: Pay attention to the audience’s perspective and focus on the most convincing arguments.
  • Use abbreviations and apps : To make writing more efficient and effective, consider using abbreviations and apps to help save time and stay organized. For example, use an app to help you organize your research or keep track of your sources.
  • Practice brainstorming : Spend some time brainstorming before starting to write. This helps with idea generation and thought organizing, which facilitates the creation of a concise and persuasive pros and cons essay.

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237 Original Pros And Cons Topics To Write A Great Thesis

pros and cons topics

Pros and cons writing assignments are sometimes referred to as advantages and disadvantages papers. Even though these papers are not generally difficult to write, you still need to come up with some great pros and cons. After all, these are the most important parts of your essay and your professor will grade you according to their quality. Of course, to come up with great arguments, you need to find some great pros and cons topics to write about.

Writing your paper on a topic like “the pros and cons of getting a pet cat” will most likely not get you an A+. This is why you should definitely take a look at our list of 237 100% original topic ideas. We have topics about everything you can write about. And yes, our list also includes some very thought-provoking pro con controversial topics. You can use any of these ideas free of charge and you don’t even have to give us credit. Just choose one and start writing!

What Are Pros And Cons Papers?

Did you just receive a writing assignment related to writing a pros and cons essay? Most students don’t really know what this is, so it’s time to shed some light on the matter. Pros and cons is just another name for the argumentative essay. You’ve probably heard of the argumentative essay, but do you really know what they are and why they are important?

Pros and cons essays are a type of academic writing that present the arguments for and against a particular topic. The purpose of this type of essay is to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of a particular issue, decision, or situation and provide an informed opinion. Argumentative papers are important because they:

Encourage critical thinking and evaluation of both sides of an issue Help the writer develop a well-rounded understanding of the topic Provide the opportunity to present both sides of an argument Can be used to present both personal and research-based opinions

Writing such a paper is not difficult, but the quality of your pro con arguments depends on the topic you choose. Fortunately, we have 237 unique topics for you right here on this page, so all you have to do is take your pick:

Best Pros And Cons Topics For Students

As you probably know already, we have some of the best pros and cons topics for students. Take a look at these ideas and choose the one you like the most:

  • The impact of social media on human relationships
  • The pros and cons of remote work arrangements
  • Using social media in United States schools: pros and cons
  • The ethical considerations of artificial intelligence and automation
  • The effect of the gig economy on employee benefits
  • The role of standardized testing in education in South Korea
  • The impact of climate change on global food security
  • Standardized testing in education: pros and cons
  • The future of transportation: electric cars vs. self-driving cars
  • Pros and cons of advancements in mobile technology
  • The use of drones in military and civilian contexts
  • Online learning vs. traditional classroom education: pros and cons
  • The effects of online privacy on corporate responsibility
  • The impact of automation on job displacement and the economy
  • The value of a college education in today’s job market

Pro And Con Debate Topics

Do you need to prepare for a debate? Then you should make sure that you come up with the best topic possible. Here are some excellent pro and con debate topics for you:

  • The use of GMOs in the production of agricultural products
  • The use of facial recognition technology by police
  • The effects of social media on our mental health
  • The use of single-use plastics in everyday life
  • The impact of remote work on work-life balance
  • Pros and cons of using drones in military and civilian contexts
  • The effect of the rise of automation on job displacement
  • The impact of mobile technology on social interactions
  • The role of government in regulating the tech industry
  • The impact of internet censorship on free speech
  • The use of animal testing in scientific research
  • The impact of renewable energy sources on the environment
  • Pros and cons of the legalization of marijuana for recreational use
  • The role of vaccination in public health in China
  • The effect of immigration policies on the economy

Pro Vs Con Topics Related To Animals

Who doesn’t love animals? So, why not write your paper on an interesting topic? Check out these original pro vs con topics related to animals:

  • The impact of deforestation on wildlife habitats
  • The ethics of zoos and captive animal displays
  • The role of hunting in wildlife conservation
  • The impact of climate change on migration patterns
  • The use of animal testing in cosmetics: pros and cons
  • The impact of overfishing on marine ecosystems
  • The effects of plastic pollution on marine life
  • The impact of urbanization on wildlife populations
  • The benefits and drawbacks of domesticated animals as pets
  • The role of animal agriculture in global food security
  • The impact of pollution on wildlife health and populations
  • The ethics of wildlife trade and trafficking: pros and cons
  • The role of wildlife conservation in protecting biodiversity
  • The impact of invasive species on native wildlife
  • The effects of human-wildlife conflict on animal populations
  • The impact of oil and gas drilling on wildlife habitats
  • The benefits and drawbacks of wildlife tourism: pros and cons

Pro And Cons Topics For High School

Are you a high school student? Do you need a topic idea that will get you a top grade? Pick one of our pro and cons topics for high school and start writing in minutes:

  • Summer break: pros and cons for student learning
  • The impact of technology on relationships
  • The effects of social media on self-esteem
  • The role of education in preparing students for the future workforce
  • The effects of poverty on health in the UK
  • The impact of advertising on body image
  • The effects of standardized testing on student motivation
  • The impact of cell phone use on student learning: pros and cons
  • The impact of parental involvement on student success
  • The role of peer pressure on adolescent decision-making
  • The effects of sleep deprivation on academic performance
  • Bullying in US High schools: pros and cons
  • The effects of social media on political engagement and activism
  • The role of community service in developing leadership skills
  • The impact of technology on mental health in the US
  • The effects of stress on student health: pros and cons
  • The impact of parental involvement on adolescent substance abuse

Advantages And Disadvantages Topics For 2023

Interested in some topics that are of interest right now? We have selected the absolute best advantages and disadvantages topics for 2023 for you:

  • The impact of genetically modified crops on the environment
  • The impact of internet censorship on democracy in 2023
  • The benefits and drawbacks of remote work employers
  • The advantages and disadvantages of using AI in healthcare
  • Should schools continue with online learning?
  • The pros and cons of genetically modifying crops
  • The benefits and drawbacks of smart cities in Europe
  • Should individuals be required to get vaccinated against COVID-19?
  • The advantages and disadvantages of space exploration
  • The benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy sources
  • The advantages and disadvantages of self-driving cars
  • The impact of AI on privacy in 2023
  • Should countries adopt a Universal Basic Income?

Pro Con Paper Topics For College Students

The following topics are a bit more difficult than the ones we’ve listed so far. These are unique pro oncon paper topics for college students:

  • The impact of e-commerce on brick-and-mortar businesses
  • The pros and drawbacks of using drones for delivery
  • The impact of technology on interpersonal relationships
  • Advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources
  • Advantages and disadvantages of animal testing
  • The effects of personalized marketing on consumer privacy
  • Pros and cons of using autonomous drones for delivery
  • The impact of wearable technology on personal privacy
  • Pros and cons of using crowdfunding for small business funding
  • The effect of autonomous vehicles on the insurance industry
  • Benefits and disadvantages of using blockchain technology for voting
  • The impact of wearable fitness trackers on healthy behaviors
  • The benefits and drawbacks of using smart homes technology
  • The impact of 5G technology on the telecommunications industry
  • Pros and cons of using AI in financial services in the US
  • The effect of the sharing economy on the hospitality industry

Good Pros And Cons Topics For 2023

Looking for some topics that should work great in 2023? You’ll be thrilled to hear that we have some exceptional good pros and cons topics for 2023 right here:

  • The impact of telemedicine on healthcare accessibility
  • The pros and cons of using smart home technology
  • Augmented reality in education and learning
  • Renewable energy sources or traditional fossil fuels?
  • The impact of virtual reality on entertainment in Europe
  • The advantages and disadvantages of biodegradable packaging
  • The impact of robotics on manual labor jobs in the UK
  • The effect of AI on decision-making
  • Telepresence technology for remote work and meetings
  • The impact of renewable energy sources on the economy
  • Biometric technology for personal identification and security
  • Pros and cons of using autonomous vehicles for logistics
  • Effects of renewable energy sources on energy independence
  • The advantages and disadvantages of using AI in criminal justice

Pro Versus Con Ideas Related To Science And Tech

If you want to write about science and tech, our seasoned writers and editors have created a list of interesting pro versus con ideas related to science and tech just for you:

  • Is the use of AI in the workplace increasing productivity or taking away jobs?
  • The benefits and drawbacks of using robots in manufacturing
  • Is the use of biotechnology in agriculture posing a threat to the environment?
  • The impact of augmented reality on human behavior
  • Should governments invest in commercial space travel?
  • Is the use of smart home technology invading privacy?
  • The pros and cons of using nanotechnology healthcare
  • The impact of 3D printing on manufacturing
  • The advantages and disadvantages of using drones for surveillance
  • Is the increasing use of AI in the criminal justice system fair?
  • The pros and cons of using telemedicine for healthcare delivery
  • The impact of autonomous vehicles on transportation
  • Is the widespread use of social media damaging interpersonal relationships?

Easy Topics With Pros And Cons

Choose one of these easy topics with pros and cons if you don’t want to spend too much time writing your paper:

  • The impact of exercise on physical health
  • Pros and cons of spending time in nature
  • The benefits and drawbacks of living in a big city in the United States
  • The impact of a diet on mental health
  • The benefits and drawbacks of online education
  • The impact of social media on body image
  • The pros and cons of volunteering in the United Kingdom
  • The effects of stress on mental health
  • The benefits and drawbacks of living in a small town
  • The role of advertising in influencing consumer behavior
  • The pros and cons of planning for the future
  • The effect of screen time on children’s development
  • The pros and cons of practicing mindfulness and meditation
  • The advantages and disadvantages of exploring new cultures
  • The benefits of reading books and expanding your knowledge
  • The pros and cons of spending time with friends and family

Real-Life Pros And Cons Issues

The following is a comprehensive list of real-life pros and cons issues, including economic, social, and political topics:

  • Benefits and drawbacks of using blockchain technology
  • The impact of electric vehicles on the oil industry in Europe
  • The pros and cons vertical farming
  • Online education effects on traditional colleges and universities
  • Using nanotechnology in consumer products
  • The impact of social media influencers on purchasing decisions
  • Benefits and drawbacks of using AI in customer support
  • The effect of telecommuting on employee productivity and job satisfaction
  • Pros and cons of using virtual reality in real estate in the United States
  • The effect of the gig economy on traditional employment
  • The advantages and disadvantages of using biometric technology
  • Pros and cons of using virtual reality for therapy
  • The impact of the internet of things (IoT) on personal privacy
  • The advantages and disadvantages of using drones in agriculture
  • Pros and cons of using cloud computing for data management

Advantages And Disadvantages Topics About Society And Culture

The following is a list of the pros and cons of various aspects of society and culture, highlighting the positive and negative effects they may have on individuals and communities:

  • The effects of multiculturalism on cultural diversity.
  • The pros and cons of using social media for social change.
  • Effects of the decline of organized religion on spirituality
  • The advantages and disadvantages of the globalization of popular culture
  • The impact of technology on dating and relationships
  • Benefits and drawbacks of the rise of remote work
  • The impact of legalizing gay marriages on traditional family values
  • Pros and cons of the use of social media for personal expression
  • The decline of traditional gender roles and its effect on family dynamics and relationships
  • The pros and cons of the “body positive” movement on and self-esteem
  • Effects of the gentrification of urban neighborhoods on economic diversity
  • Benefits and disadvantages of the “Me Too” movement
  • The effect of the rise of the “cancel culture” movement on free speech
  • The impact of eco-tourism on local cultures and the environment
  • Pros and cons of the use of digital currencies for financial transactions

Hot Pros And Cons Topic Ideas In 2023

Below, you can find a list of hot pros and cons topic ideas that should be highly appreciated by your professors in 2023:

  • Pros and cons of virtual reality technology
  • Advantages and disadvantages of a cashless society
  • Pros and cons of gene editing
  • The advantages and disadvantages of the use of pesticides in agriculture
  • Pros and cons of the use of antibiotics in agriculture
  • Talk about the pros and cons of self-driving cars
  • Advantages and disadvantages of space tourism
  • Pros and cons of using blockchain technology
  • Benefits and drawbacks of year-round schooling
  • The advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling vs. traditional schooling
  • Advantages and disadvantages of using drones for deliveries
  • Pros and cons of having a Universal Basic Income
  • Benefits and drawbacks of plastic packaging
  • Advantages and disadvantages of electric air travel

Current Pros And Cons Subjects

It’s always a good idea to write your papers on current topics. Take a look at some of the most exciting current pros and cons subjects:

  • Advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling
  • Pros and cons of alternative medicine
  • Benefits and drawbacks of vegetarian and vegan diets
  • Advantages and disadvantages of a monarchy
  • Advantages and disadvantages of communism
  • Pros and cons of nuclear power
  • Benefits and drawbacks of using hydroelectric power
  • Advantages and disadvantages of fracking
  • Benefits and drawbacks of solar energy
  • Pros and cons of geothermal energy use
  • The advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified animals
  • Pros and cons of space exploration and colonization
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the death penalty
  • Discuss gun control laws in the US

Controversial Pro Con Topics

Our experts managed to create 14 brand new controversial pro con topics that you can use for free right now. Pick one of our ideas and get an A+:

  • The benefits and disadvantages of GMOs
  • The impact of the death penalty on crime rates
  • Pros and cons of legalizing marijuana in the UK
  • The effect of immigration policies on the job market
  • The advantages and disadvantages of embryonic stem cells in medical research
  • The impact of affirmative action policies on equality in the workplace
  • Pros and cons of using pesticides in agriculture
  • The impact of gun control laws on crime
  • The advantages and disadvantages of using animal testing for medical research
  • The effects of using hydrofracking for natural gas extraction
  • Pros and cons of using nuclear energy for power generation
  • The effect of using the controversial stop-and-frisk policing strategy
  • The advantages and disadvantages of the use of vaccine mandates
  • The impact of net neutrality regulations on the technology industry

Interesting Pros And Cons Topics Related To Health

Discussing a topic in health or healthcare can get you some bonus points. Here are some interesting pros and cons topics related to health:

  • Pros and cons of the capital punishment
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the use of biometric identification
  • Pros and cons of using standardized tests
  • Pros and cons of the legalization of marijuana
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the minimum wage
  • Pros and cons of using of surveillance cameras
  • Pros and cons of the use of the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Pros and cons of the use of smart cities
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the use of stem cell research
  • Pros and cons of the use of e-cigarettes
  • Pros and cons of using plastic surgery
  • Advantages and disadvantages using biotechnology
  • Pros and cons of the use of the dark web
  • Pros and cons of using telemedicine

Our Latest Pros And Cons Ideas (2023)

Take a look at our latest pros and cons ideas from our best research paper services writers. These have been added recently and should be a great choice in 2023:

  • Pros and cons of using nuclear fusion as a source of energy
  • Benefits and drawbacks of using geothermal energy
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the use of growth hormones in livestock
  • Pros and cons of using genetically modified insects for pest control.
  • Pro and cons of using anaerobic digestion for waste management
  • Pros and cons of using incineration for waste management
  • Benefits and drawbacks of using landfills for waste management
  • Advantages and disadvantages of globalization
  • Pros and cons of the NAFTA trade agreement
  • Pros and cons of the NAFTA trade agreement TPP agreement
  • Benefits and drawbacks of outsourcing jobs
  • The advantages and disadvantages of using pyrolysis
  • Pros and cons of using plasma gasification
  • Advantages and disadvantages of using waste-to-energy facilities

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50 Pros and Cons Essay Topics

What is the point of pros and cons essay topics? They help students understand what they would like to write about. Imagine that you got an assignment: your professor asked you to craft an essay where you evaluate an object along with its advantages and disadvantages. This would be a pros & cons type of task, and it’s represented by a set of different features. You might be concerned about how much research you’re going to need and when to find time for writing, but the truth is, selecting which pros and cons subjects to explore is one of the major factors affecting your success. If you make a wrong decision, then your research and efforts won’t pay off as well as they could have otherwise. This kind of essay is essential because it develops your analytical skills and teaches you to look into the depth of an object, underlining its weak and strong sides. We hope to assist you by making it clear why choice of topics plays such a major role in writing and where to find inspiration for it.

How to Choose Pro Con Essay Topics?

All students should follow some writing strategies when they start working on a new task. We’re going to outline four of them. Take a look and try to keep these things in mind. They usually apply in all situations, and with their help, you have more chances at writing a strong and engaging essay.

  • Always make things interesting for yourself.  All topics could be made interesting, at least to an extent. If you were forced to take a topic from a professor-generated list, then it could be tough, but otherwise, you can always look for something that will trigger your honest interest. There are plenty of good pros and cons topics — all you need is take a dive into your own mind. Think about stuff that you’re invested in. Perhaps you’re an athlete passionate about swimming. Maybe you love cooking, prefer theater performances over movies, or love sea over the ocean. Why not write about this? It would be exciting for you, and if you feel interested in your topic, your writing is going to reflect it, so your readers will find enjoyment as well.
  • Preserve your objectivity.  Some pro con paper topics are less fortunate than others. Try not to pick something that is obviously good or bad. For example, if you decided on exploring the benefits and cons unemployment has, the latter will clearly prevail, so you won’t be able to write a balanced essay. If you have passion for some topic, it might be great, but it could also hinder you from being objective. Assess your reactions and attitudes, and choose a theme you could build a fantastic essay on.
  • Check if your ideas are supported.  Pro con topics could be controversial, which is something professors usually like, but you’re going to have to use sources for supporting your points. Don’t make statements that reality refutes. Even if you feel strongly about a topic, you should rely on facts, not emotions. So watch out for it and check whether there are enough articles or books that could be incorporated as you need it.
  • Discuss.  Talk about your ideas with others. This could be a teacher — in most cases, they appreciate being consulted. Classmates are also a great bet: discuss your ideas together and brainstorm. Maybe you’ll find common inspiration. Talk with your friends or family members — they could offer you ideas you haven’t considered. Write about things you like, and you’ll learn to feel enjoyment during this process.

50 Useful Pro and Cons Topics

The list below has various suggestions you could use for your essay. We devised it so that you could find inspiration whenever you need it: just look through these 50 options and settle on the ones you like. Take them and write an essay on them or shift some ideas in the way you like before doing this. The choice is yours: we are here only for boosting your productivity.

Education Pros and Cons Essay Topics

In many ways, success depends on the education you receive. These pros and cons topics could let you argue against this point or in favor of it.

  • Should Students Be Motivated to Receive Education in the US?
  • Doing Homework: Is This a Good Idea?
  • Prolonging Education by Getting a Master’s Degree: Waste of Time or Step Toward a Better Future?
  • Moving into Campus: Good or Bad Decision?
  • Sending Children to Preschool: Do They Really Need to Go There?
  • Tuition Costing Money: What Are Advantages and Disadvantages of This Issue?
  • Academic Grades As a Method for Evaluating Performance: Motivating or Discouraging?
  • What Are the Perks and Drawbacks of Online Education?
  • Taking Gap Year Before Entering College: Yes or No?
  • Purpose of Application Essays and Degrees of Effectiveness

Health Pros and Cons Essay Ideas

Billions of people all over the world are terrified for their health right now. Choose a pro con topic that speaks to you most.

  • Wearing Masks Outside: Pros & Cons
  • Hospice: Place of Hope or Despair for Those Who Are Already Dying?
  • Should Students Choose Nursing as Their Career?
  • Pros & Cons of Studying at Medical University
  • Is Personal Hygiene Really That Important?
  • The Benefits & Dangers of Alternative Medicine
  • Should People Who Want to Lose Weight Rely on Diets?
  • Reasons for Getting or Not Getting Health Insurance in the US
  • Going Vegan: Should Most People Do It?
  • Safety & Dangers Presented By Modern Vaccines

Social Media and Technology Topics

Almost all of us have an account on one of social media platforms. These pro and con topics reflect this trend.

  • What Are the Benefits and Dangers Posed By Online Dating?
  • Discuss What Makes iPhones a Great & Terrible Choice
  • Gaining Popularity on Social Platforms: A Curse or a Blessing?
  • Using Facebook For Most Communication Needs
  • Reading E-Books Instead of Physical Books: Did This Change Make People’s Lives Easier?
  • Relying on Your Cell Phone: Why Is This Useful & What Dangers It Could Lead To
  • Evolution of Technology: Did It Improve Our Lives or Made Them Unhealthier?
  • Becoming a Technician: Is There a Point?
  • Skype as a Way to Stay in Touch Visually No Matter the Distance: Pluses and Minuses
  • Twitter as a Platform for Exchanging Crucial Info.

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History and Politics

Here’s an example of advantage and disadvantage topics related to historical & political aspects of our life.

  • Was Trump a Good President for Americans?
  • Was Obama’s Presidency a Good or Bad Thing for Other Countries?
  • Different Wars from the perspective of the US: Who Got Rich & Poor?
  • Monarchy as System of Government: Should It Be Applied More Often?
  • Age Limit for Participating for President Position: Is It Necessary?
  • Being a Queen That Rules an Entire Country: Too Much Trouble or Endless Pleasure?
  • Civil Right Movements: Victories and Losses That Resulted From It
  • Should Students Be Encouraged to Study Political Science In Colleges?
  • Is There a Sense in Political Theories Or Are They All Meaningless?
  • Communism as Structure Based on Equality: In What Way Does It Work in Reality?

Morality and Social Issues Pro and Cons Essays Topics

Morality could be seen as a simple area of discussions, but at the same time, it’s incredibly complex. These topics with pros and cons could push you in the right direction.

  • Provision of Free Apartments for Homeless People: Is This a Viable Solution?
  • Discuss if Death Penalty Should Be Applied in Violent Cases Where Guilt Is Proven Beyond Reasonable Doubt
  • Living in a Third World Country: Positive & Negative Aspects
  • Adopting Pets From Shelter: Is It Always a Better Choice?
  • Having Children Despite Being Poor: Should It Be Done?
  • Living with a Person You No Longer Love for the Sake of Children
  • Giving Gifts to People You Do Not Care About: Is There a Point?
  • Helping People Despite Not Being Well Off Yourself
  • Being Brave Regardless of the Circumstances: Is It Noble or Stupid?
  • Should Children Be Punished by Their Parents If They Misbehave?

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Is a Liberal Arts Degree Worth It?

A graphic of a pencil over paper with a blue background next to an image a woman searching is a liberal arts degree worth it on her laptop

Understanding the Numbers When reviewing job growth and salary information, it’s important to remember that actual numbers can vary due to many different factors — like years of experience in the role, industry of employment, geographic location, worker skill and economic conditions. Cited projections do not guarantee actual salary or job growth.

Liberal arts is a category of undergraduate and graduate degree programs that offers a foundation in the study of the human experience.

Traditionally, liberal arts referred to writing, reasoning, mathematics, music and astronomy, according to The National Gallery . The field has evolved to focus on studies that include high levels of reading, writing and research.

Dr. Carole Beauchemin, executive director of liberal arts at SNHU

The types of degrees you can earn that fall under the category of liberal arts can vary based on the university, but they may include undergraduate and graduate degrees in communication, creative writing, English and history, as well as graphic design and fine arts.

Dr. Carole Beauchemin , executive director of liberal arts at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), described the study of modern liberal arts as bringing attention and focus to broad areas of content that can prepare a student to be an effective communicator, someone who can think analytically and who can use those skills to contribute toward being a global citizen.

Do Employers Care About Liberal Arts Degrees?

Dr. Julie Minnaugh, a senior associate dean of liberal arts and social sciences at SNHU

The broad-based nature of the liberal arts is what makes degrees in this realm so valuable, according to Dr. Julie Minnaugh , a senior associate dean of liberal arts and social sciences at SNHU.

The ability to hone your communication skills  while adjusting your message based on your audience is a skill set that can make you very attractive to an employer. Some specific examples that Minnaugh provided are:

  • A creative writer crafting a short story to target a particular genre or market
  • An editor with an English degree preparing a work of literature for publication
  • A graphic designer putting together a visual look for an organization’s website
  • A public relations professional creating a unique brand voice across a variety of marketing materials

The unifying element to these examples is that each field requires you to communicate your ideas to meet business goals. “Those skill sets that liberal arts students learn are really the skill sets that will . . . (allow them) to be influential across a lot of different industry areas,” Minnaugh said.

Find Your Program

What are the pros and cons of a liberal arts degree.

Jacob Powers, an associate dean of creative writing programs at SNHU

A “pro” of a liberal arts degree is that it allows you to dive into your field of choice. Jacob Powers , an associate dean of creative writing programs  at SNHU, said the study of the liberal arts allows you to "think broadly, read broadly, and watch and listen broadly.”

This can be a valuable approach to education because in studying the liberal arts, you’re positioning yourself to learn from a variety of perspectives. “Learning new things lets you find different pathways and different solutions,” Powers said.

There are some challenges in studying the liberal arts as well. Paul Witcover, an associate dean of the online MFA in Creative Writing  program at SNHU, said that one of those challenges has to do with the sheer volume and diversity of information that a liberal arts program of study can include. “You’re covering thousands of years of human history,” he said.

Paul Witcover, an associate dean of the online MFA in Creative Writing program at SNHU

The upside to this is learning how to apply the knowledge you’ve gained, according to Witcover. The process of inquiry and analysis in research helps you engage in forward thinking. So, while you may find the volume of information daunting, if you love researching topics that interest you, the liberal arts can be a great path.

For Dr. Karen Wilkinson , an associate dean of undergraduate and graduate communication at SNHU, one of the challenges of a liberal arts degree is the common misconception that they are less practical than more technical or career-specific degrees.

“What we have to remember is that there are so many things that students learn through a liberal arts degree,” she said. According to her, they learn:

  • Analytical reasoning
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Effective communication

These are highly transferable skills for virtually any career field, according to Wilkinson. “And I think what’s so incredibly important (about these skills) is that when you’re in the liberal arts environment, you’re really learning to embrace a love of lifelong learning,” she said.

Can You Be Successful with a Liberal Arts Degree?

Dr. Christopher Lee, an associate dean of liberal arts for English degrees at SNHU

The process of communication, reading and understanding, as well as writing and speaking, are key parts of a liberal arts education, according to Dr. Christopher Lee , an associate dean of liberal arts for English degrees  at SNHU.

In particular, there are several key skills present in most liberal arts programs that are in demand with employers, according to Lee. Those skills are:

  • Close Reading: “Workplace hiring managers emphasize (reading closely as) something they really want from their applicants and their employees,” Lee said. The study of liberal arts can help you to understand and focus on interpreting what you read. These skills are helpful for writing documents for a variety of audiences in the workplace, Lee said.
  • Synthesizing Ideas: Taking key ideas out of what you read, processing them and drawing out the essential points is also an in-demand skill in the professional workplace, Lee said. Synthesizing ideas is another way to hone your ability to communicate what you need professionally.
  • Writing: “By the time students graduate, they’ll have had a lot of practice in writing essays and writing research papers and . . . various assignments,” Lee said. By having intensive writing practice, including editing and proofreading skills, built into their academic work, liberal arts students are positioning themselves to be desirable job applicants and employees.

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers ( NACE ), written and verbal communication skills, along with analytical skills, are among the top five skills that employers want. Degrees under the liberal arts umbrella will incorporate them into instruction.

Is a liberal arts degree worth it? #liberalarts #liberalartsdegree #college

What Are Some Careers to Pursue with a Liberal Arts Degree?

A few notable careers well-suited for people with liberal arts degrees, according to the SNHU liberal arts leadership team, are:

Sloan Kelly, an associate dean of fine and applied arts at SNHU

  • Graphic Designer – In this field, you may use text and images to communicate often complex ideas to a variety of audiences, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Some graphic design jobs may require you to demonstrate some sort of applied learning, such as a portfolio , said Sloan Kelly , an associate dean of fine and applied arts at SNHU. The median salary for graphic designers for 2023 was $58,910.*
  • Historian – A history degree  could prepare you for a career in historical research, government service or museum work, according to BLS . Your history degree could also prepare you for a teaching career at the primary, secondary or higher education levels (depending on licensure requirements). BLS cited $72,890 as the median annual salary for 2023.*
  • Media and Communication Professional – Jobs in this field may include editors , journalists or social media specialists , to name just a few options available, according to BLS. Liberal arts degrees in English or communication are just two possible avenues for preparation in the fields of new media and business communication. Median salaries may vary depending on specialty, but they generally ranged from $57,500 to $80,050 for jobs requiring at least a bachelor’s degree, as of 2023, according to BLS.*
  • Professional Writer – Writing as a profession can take many different forms. Screenwriting, writing fiction, technical writing and grant writing are just a few of the professional opportunities available for skilled writers. While the median salary can vary based on the specific job, the median salary overall for jobs as writers and authors was $73,690 in 2023, according to BLS.*

No matter which career path you choose, the most important thing about liberal arts skills is how transferable they are, according to Wilkinson. A liberal arts degree doesn't lead you to a specific career path so much as it leads you to the opportunity to find the right industry for you.

Read more: What can you do with a liberal arts degree?

So, Is a Liberal Arts Degree Worth It?

In addition to preparing you for the flexibility in choosing a career path, SNHU's liberal arts leadership team said that earning a liberal arts degree helps you with:

Dr. Karen Wilkinson, an associate dean of communication programs at SNHU.

  • Learning to Analyze Information: “I think that this is incredibly important because we’re living in a rapidly changing world,” Wilkinson said. "There’s tremendous growth within the workplace environment." That growth leads to many opportunities for you to apply the skills you'll learn earning a liberal arts degree. Liberal arts graduates are often particularly well-suited to the process of research and critical thinking.
  • Seeing Through the Lens of Others: By considering the views of others who have come before you, you are able to see through the eyes and lens of others. “Having that ability helps you manifest compassion (and) empathy ,” Powers said. “Those are all important attributes for any career.”
  • Becoming a Lifelong Learner: While studying the liberal arts can prepare you for a career in writing, communications, graphic design and more, perhaps the most important aspect of a liberal arts education is learning to become a lifelong learner. “I don’t feel like I’m ever going to get to the end of my learning,” Wilkinson said. “I’m going to constantly learn and grow. And I think that’s what’s so important and so beautiful about (a) liberal arts degree.”

A liberal arts degree can equip you with the critical thinking, communication and research skills that can help you succeed in any career you choose.

A degree can change your life. Find the SNHU liberal arts program  that can best help you meet your goals.

*Cited job growth projections may not reflect local and/or short-term economic or job conditions and do not guarantee actual job growth. Actual salaries and/or earning potential may be the result of a combination of factors including, but not limited to: years of experience, industry of employment, geographic location, and worker skill.

A former higher education administrator, Dr. Marie Morganelli is a career educator and writer. She has taught and tutored composition, literature, and writing at all levels from middle school through graduate school. With two graduate degrees in English language and literature, her focus — whether teaching or writing — is in helping to raise the voices of others through the power of storytelling. Connect with her on LinkedIn .

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About southern new hampshire university.

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SNHU is a nonprofit, accredited university with a mission to make high-quality education more accessible and affordable for everyone.

Founded in 1932, and online since 1995, we’ve helped countless students reach their goals with flexible, career-focused programs . Our 300-acre campus in Manchester, NH is home to over 3,000 students, and we serve over 135,000 students online. Visit our about SNHU  page to learn more about our mission, accreditations, leadership team, national recognitions and awards.


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