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The Effects of Media Influence [IELTS Sample Essay]

Posted by David S. Wills | Jan 14, 2020 | Model Essays | 2

The Effects of Media Influence [IELTS Sample Essay]

Today, I’m going to share with you a sample band 9 answer that I wrote for one of my students. This is something I provide as part of my IELTS writing correction service . I give every student a full essay, written by me, that would score band 9 according to the IELTS marking criteria .

Here is the question that I was given:

At present, the media greatly affects people’s lives. What impact does this have on society? Is it a negative or positive development?

Is this a real IELTS question? Probably not. In fact, I have altered it slightly to improve the grammar, which is always a warning sign. However, it is very similar to a real one and I guess that it actually did come from a genuine IELTS test.

Answering the Question

What you need to do is first analyse the question and then plan your answer.

First of all, this is a 2 part question . That mean, of course, a question with two parts. For this sort of question, the structure that you use will be simple:

  • introduction
  • answer question 1
  • answer question 2

My answer is also going to be simple. I will first say that there are many ways that the media influences us (with examples) and then say that is both positive and negative (with examples).

However, I will make it a little more complex because this is a band 9 essay. I’m going to introduce a negative example in paragraph 2 and then a positive one in paragraph 3. I will add a linking sentence that bridges the gap, linking my ideas in an advanced way.

Sample Answer

Here is my sample answer to the above IELTS writing question:

In the twenty-first century, media seems ever present in the lives of people all around the world. This essay will look into its impact and also discuss whether it is positive or negative. The role of the media is huge and it will probably continue to grow. Throughout the world, people’s opinions and beliefs are shaped by the media. Whether it is a newspaper, a TV channel, a website, or a social media app, these organizations have the power to make us vote for a political party, alter our views on particular social issues, or taken an interest in some area of life. In other words, the power that they wield is immense. In the United States, the media appears to have recently divided the population into rival political factions, with devastating consequences for society as a whole. The above example makes it seem as though the media is purely negative, but this is not true. When unscrupulous individuals use it to manipulate large numbers of people into doing something, then of course it is problematic, but that is not always how media works. There have been honest, upstanding media outlets throughout history whose commitment to spreading truth has helped solve great problems. Take, for example, the Washington Post’s expose of Richard Nixon’s crimes during the Watergate scandal. It is clear, then, that the media’s power is neither positive nor negative; instead, it is what people let it be. In conclusion, the media has a very large degree of control over people’s lives and this seems to be growing. It affects many parts of society, and in some ways this is rather negative, whilst in others it is positive.

Let’s briefly discuss the positive features of the above essay:

  • a simple but effective intro that raises the topic and states what will follow
  • two clearly structured body paragraphs
  • fully-developed ideas with examples
  • some – but not too many – transitional phrases
  • excellent grammar and accurate use of vocabulary
  • a reasonable conclusion that neatly summarises everything previously discussed

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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Hi David, I enjoy reading your well thought out essays. I noticed that your essay is a discussion essay with no direct opinion given. The question asks: Is it a negative OR positive development? To me, this sounds like this question requires an opinion and not only a discussion? Are they asking you to make a choice? I would be interested in your thinking? Peter

David S. Wills

I’d say that this is a 2 part question and I answered both parts. The first asks about the impact on society and the second is about it being positive/negative. I would say that the latter is certainly an opinion because nothing is objectively positive or negative. However, it’s also possible in such situations to give balance. As long as the explanation for the balance is clear and reasonable, I’d say it’s no problem.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 – Topic: THE MEDIA

ielts writing topics 2019

1. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following as media for communicating information. State which you consider to be the most effective.

Sample Answer

In our daily life, we always communicate information through the media, such as  television, radio, film. These media have different advantages and disadvantages for us.  Now, I am going to compare the advantages and disadvantages of books, television  and film.

Books bring us different knowledge. It bases on what Book we read. A famous Chinese  traditional verse which described books is a treasure. We can find a golden house in  there. Moreover, when we want to read it, we can find it easily, such as bookstore,  library. We can also learn a lot of words from books. And it can improve our reading and  writing skills.

However, books always are not attractive for children or youngster. It is because books  are quite boring. A lot of words and less pictures inside the books, compare to  television, television has pictures and sound, we don’t have to read a lot of words in  television. But some artist in television programme or film, bring a bad image to us.  Then some children or youngers will imitate their behaviour. Some film also bring a  wrong message to us, For example, they are always smoking in films. It seems that  smoking is good and smart. It caused many youngers imitate them smoking.

In conclusion, books, television and film have many advantages and disadvantages. I  cannot write all in here. And we have chosen the media carefully.

 (231 words)

2.  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has destroyed communication among friends and family. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

The invention of television is undoubtedly one of humankind’s greatest inventions. It is a  way of communication among people of one country and different countries and  nations. People watch TV to find out about the latest news, weather, sports, etc. It is a  great way to learn new and extend one’s range of interests. Scientists say that children  spend the same amount of hours in front of TV as they do in school. I think that this can  be said about many grown people too. Also, television is a great means of eliminating  stress and tension. One can relax and leave one’s troubles behind lying on one’s favorite sofa and watching a comedy. However, some people believe that television has  destroyed communication among friends and family.

Personally, I do not agree with this statement. A couple centuries ago people spent their  time gambling, reading, gossiping or playing chess. I do not think that television is a  cause of destroyed communication among family members and friends. First of all, if  members of a family have common interests and they want to make each other happy  they will always find many ways to spend their time together and be close. Otherwise, if  people avoid each other and they do not have anything to share with each other they  will find television a great way to escape from this miserable existence. I believe that  many people chose family and their friends over some soap operas or a movie.

Second of all, I think that television can be a great resource of subjects to discuss.  Many people watch different educational programs to find out more about their  environment, nature, wild life animals, economic situations, etc. So, when they gather  with their friends they discuss important issues and arque with each other in looking for  the truth.

My husband and I often watch the news channel to keep abreast of the latest news.  After that we always discuss some issues we concerned about. Also, we like to watch a  TV show “the funniest animals”. We like this program because it makes us laugh. I can not imagine how these programs can prevent our communication and be harmful to our  relations.

To summarize, I would like to add that if people want to communicate with each other  they will find a way to do it. Otherwise, if television were not existent, people would find  other escapes and reasons not to be with each other such as drugs, gambling, etc.

 (413 words)

3. News editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence these decisions? Do we become used to bad news? Would it be better if more good news was reported?

News editors decide what to broadcast on television and what to print in newspapers.  There are two factors that influence their decisions. The first is the kind of customers  they tend on. Because each kind of readers and watchers has its own features. For  example, if your customers are almost teenagers, you have to concentrate on  something attracting them such as stories, photographs about singer stars, film stars,  funny tales, and young fashion. It will be very silly if you try to provide teenagers with  economic, politic news. On the contrary, business men and politicians may never read  news about James Blunt or Keira Knightley. Therefore, what influence news editors’  decisions the most is the taste of their customers.

The second is the hot, the attraction of news. Who will reads or watches your news if it  was one year, one month ago even last week? The answer is nobody absolutely. In the  energetic and competitive world nowadays, people always ask for really new news. So  that to satisfy customers, there is a pressure on all editors to find continually what has  already happened not only yesterday but even an hour ago. Or else, they will lose their  customers. None of editors wants that bad future.

On television or in newspaper, we seem to become used to bad news. It is a little of  difficult for us to meet a piece of good news. We can’t deny that bad things occur on the  earth day by day. However, news editors try to gain more and more customer, which  means more and more money, by bad news. Because bad news makes us curious. We  want to know why it is bad, what it is about, whether it influences us or not. As a result,  we will buy newspapers or watch television to find out. And the happiest people are, of  course, news editors.

I think it would be better if more good news was reported. Bad news makes us worry  and sad. Whereas good news makes us happy. How much bad news is, there should  be the same amount of good news. So, we can give something bad a lot of thought  while still be joyful with good news. Any inequalities between good news and bad news  should be avoided. That is the best solution.

Now, we can’t live without news. Thereby, the role of news editors is very important. We  should support them. And what they have to do is try their best to provide us useful  news, both good and bad.

 (422 words)

4. Many people believe that television programs are of no value for children. Do you agree? Why or why not? Provide reasons and examples to support your response.

Televisual media has become a pervasive force in the lives of families around the world  today. Yet, a central question remains regarding whether watching television is harmful  or beneficial for children. An analysis of this question reveals that television programs  present three major concerns in the case of children, including depictions of violence,  the use of profane language, and the representation of poor moral role models.

Television programs that portray violence are a paramount concern for parents  nowadays. Recent research has shown that children may commit acts of violence  because they wish to emulate the behavior that they see on television. This is especially  true when violent acts are committed by well-known action “heroes.” In addition,  television programs show cartoon figures, as well as actors, committing violent acts.  Using comic situations to depict violent themes causes further problems with the way in  which young people view violence.

Television programs that contain profane or disrespectful language also worry parents  with young children. Because censorship laws have relaxed over the past few decades,  it has become very common for television programs of each and every kind to show  characters expressing impolite, rude, and insulting utterances to one another. Bearing  resemblance to the case of portrayals of violence, children unfortunately often try to  imitate these actions they watch on their television screens.

Finally, some parents are upset about the moral behavior depicted on television. As  they struggle to teach their children moral and ethical values, parents might despair  about the lack of morals and ethics represented in some of the so-called role models on  television. For instance, certain characters not only have no remorse for their immoral  actions, but also frequently go unpunished by larger society.

Because of these factors, many parents believe that television programs send their  youth the wrong kinds of messages. The emulation of this poor behavior by their  children is something they wish to avoid at all costs, and they have accordingly decided  to ban television in their households for these reasons.

 (333 words)

5.  Television has had a significant influence on the culture of many societies. To what extent would you say that television has positively or negatively affected the cultural development of your society?

It has been around forty years since television was first introduced into Australian  households and people today still have mixed views on whether it has a positive or a  negative influence on the society.

Many people believe that television damages culture. It promotes the stronger cultures  of countries such as Britain and North America and weakens the cultures of less wealthy countries. This is because the stronger, wealthier countries are able to assert  their own culture by producing more programs that are shown widely around the world.  These programs then influence people, particularly young people, in the countries  where they are shown.

Also, because television networks need to attract large audiences to secure their  financial survival, they must produce programs which are interesting to a broad range of  people. In Australia this range is very broad because we are a multicultural society and  people of all ages like to watch television. To interest all these different people, most  television programs are short in length, full of action and excitement, do not require  much intelligence or knowledge to understand, and follow universal themes common to  all cultures, such as love and crime. Television programs which concentrate on or  develop themes pertinent to one particular culture are not so successful because they  interest a smaller audience.

Nevertheless we much acknowledge that television does have some positive effects on  the cultures within a society as well. People who do not live within their own culture can,  in a limited way, access it through the multicultural station on the television. For  example, Aboriginal children who have grown up in white families, or migrants and  international students living in Australia, can watch programs from their own culture on  the television.

In conclusion, I hold the view that television promotes and strengthens those cultures  that are wealthy and influential while it weakens the cultures that are already in a  weakened position.

 (315 words)

6.  The mass media, including television, radio and newspapers, have great influence in shaping people’s ideas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The mass media have a powerful influence in shaping our lives. We have come to  depend on them for information and entertainment, and in doing so we let them affect  important aspects of our lives.

The undeniable usefulness of the media in almost instantly providing information about  events around the world is largely taken for granted. But in our dependence on the  media we have allowed them to mould our notions and opinions of events, places and  people. Though few of us probably think about it, our conceptions of, say, our elected  officials spring from television images and newspaper stories. Most of us will never  meet prime ministers or presidents, but anyone who is regularly exposed to the media  will have an opinion of them. When it is time to cast our vote, we will make our decision  based on how the media portray the candidates. We are similarly swayed by coverage  of wars. The media, representing the values of their owners, societies and  governments, tend to report wars with a bias; which is the ‘good’ side and which the  ‘bad’ is determined for us by reporters, editors and commentators, and sure enough the  public begins to form opinions that reflect the coverage they see, hear and read in the major media.

The media are also influential in the way they facilitate the spread of culture and  lifestyle. The so-called ‘global youth culture’, in which one finds young people around  the world displaying a common interest in music, clothing styles and films, is an  example of the media’s enormous sway in this regard. A popular figure such as Michael  Jackson would never be so well known were it not for the media’s extensive reach into  every society on the globe.

Thus I would argue that the mass media’s influence is certainly great. Indeed, with  technological advancements such as the Internet bringing even more forms of electronic  media to our homes and workplaces, it is likely the media’s influence will grow even  stronger.

 (332 words)

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IELTS Essay: News

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 10 Comments

IELTS Essay: News

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of whether or not people should focus on reading local or international news from the real IELTS exam.

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Some people focus on news in their own country, while others think it is more important to be aware of international news.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Many readers now feel it is more important to stay informed concerning international news items, rather than local ones. In my opinion, though international news can be interesting, local stories contain greater relevance and are therefore more important.

Consumers of international news point out its entertainment value. The majority of people reading news from other countries recognize it has essentially no impact on their own life. However, for many articles from abroad also tend to hold greater appeal. An individual in the United Kingdom, for example, might become bored of local politics and repetitive, provincial stories. There is likely to be more excitement gained in reading about global conflicts, trade disputes, foreign elections, political unrest and environmental catastrophes in distant nations. The reader may not be aware of their own intentions, but these stories are primarily a way to pass the time and be entertained.

However, the entertainment value of international news is less important than relevant local reporting. For example, local news has become essential reading during the recent Covid-19 pandemic. Individuals have little choice but to read articles about the particular strain in their nation, the number of active cases, and the restrictions being urged or mandated by public authorities. If an individual is unaware of such news, they may violate a rule and put themselves and others at risk. The value of local news applies to less pressing emergency situations as well and may include stories about local elections, corruption in politics, crime rates, and various other stories of interest.

In conclusion, despite the value of international news as a source of entertainment, local news should be prioritized given its actual significance. Individuals should strive to ignore as much news as possible and only stay informed about pertinent issues.

1. Many readers now feel it is more important to stay informed concerning international news items, rather than local ones. 2. In my opinion, though international news can be interesting, local stories contain greater relevance and are therefore more important.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. Consumers of international news point out its entertainment value. 2. The majority of people reading news from other countries recognize it has essentially no impact on their own life. 3. However, for many articles from abroad also tend to hold greater appeal. 4. An individual in the United Kingdom, for example, might become bored of local politics and repetitive, provincial stories. 5. There is likely to be more excitement gained in reading about global conflicts, trade disputes, foreign elections, political unrest and environmental catastrophes in distant nations. 6. The reader may not be aware of their own intentions, but these stories are primarily a way to pass the time and be entertained.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific or hypothetical examples.
  • Keep developing it fully.
  • Extend with some long sentences as well.
  • Finish this main idea.

1. However, the entertainment value of international news is less important than relevant local reporting. 2. For example, local news has become essential reading during the recent Covid-19 pandemic. 3. Individuals have little choice but to read articles about the particular strain in their nation, the number of active cases, and the restrictions being urged or mandated by public authorities. 4. If an individual is unaware of such news, they may violate a rule and put themselves and others at risk. 5. The value of local news applies to less pressing emergency situations as well and may include stories about local elections, corruption in politics, crime rates, and various other stories of interest.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • Continue developing it…
  • as fully as possible!

1. In conclusion, despite the value of international news as a source of entertainment, local news should be prioritized given its actual significance. 2. Individuals should strive to ignore as much news as possible and only stay informed about pertinent issues.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

readers people reading the news

stay informed keep up to date

concerning having to do with

international news items newspapers from around the world

rather than instead of

local from your area/country

stories contain articles have

greater relevance more personal importance

therefore thus

consumers people reading

point out argue

entertainment value fun to read

majority most of

recognize notice

essentially no impact basically no effect

articles stories

abroad in other countries

tend to hold greater appeal usually have more importance

the United Kingdom England and nearby countries

local politics government in your country/area

repetitive tedious

provincial related to your area

excitement enjoyment

global conflicts fights around the world

trade disputes conflicts related to economics and trade

foreign elections voting for people in other countries

political unrest problems related to government

environmental catastrophes hurricanes, tsunamis, etc.

distant nations remote countries

aware know about

intentions hopes

primarily mainly

pass the time occupy free time

entertained occupied and interested

relevant local reporting stories near them that matter

essential reading important stories

recent Covid-19 pandemic Coronavirus

have little choice but to no option except to

particular strain specific type

active cases Covid-19 currently circulating

restrictions rules

urged encouraged

mandated ordered

public authorities administrators, politicians, etc.

unaware not aware of

violate break

at risk under threat

applies relates here

less pressing emergency situations as well not such important problems

local elections people in your country voting

corruption crimes in positions of authority

crime rates how much crime there is

various other stories of interest other articles you might want to read

value importance

a source of entertainment place to read/watch stuff

prioritized made more important

actual significance real importance

strive try for

ignore not pay attention to

pertinent issues pressing problems


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search :

ˈriːdəz   steɪ ɪnˈfɔːmd   kənˈsɜːnɪŋ   ˌɪntə(ː)ˈnæʃənl njuːz ˈaɪtəmz ˈrɑːðə ðæn   ˈləʊkəl   ˈstɔːriz kənˈteɪn   ˈgreɪtə ˈrɛlɪvəns   ˈðeəfɔː kənˈsjuːməz   pɔɪnt aʊt   ˌɛntəˈteɪnmənt ˈvæljuː məˈʤɒrɪti   ˈrɛkəgnaɪz   ɪˈsɛnʃəli nəʊ ˈɪmpækt   ˈɑːtɪklz   əˈbrɔːd   tɛnd tuː həʊld ˈgreɪtər əˈpiːl ðə jʊˈnaɪtɪd ˈkɪŋdəm ˈləʊkəl ˈpɒlɪtɪks   rɪˈpɛtɪtɪv prəˈvɪnʃəl   ɪkˈsaɪtmənt   ˈgləʊbəl ˈkɒnflɪkts treɪd dɪsˈpjuːts ˈfɒrɪn ɪˈlɛkʃənz pəˈlɪtɪkəl ʌnˈrɛst   ɪnˌvaɪərənˈmɛntl kəˈtæstrəfiz   ˈdɪstənt ˈneɪʃənz əˈweə   ɪnˈtɛnʃənz ˈpraɪmərɪli   pɑːs ðə taɪm   ˌɛntəˈteɪnd ˈrɛlɪvənt ˈləʊkəl rɪˈpɔːtɪŋ ɪˈsɛnʃəl ˈriːdɪŋ   ˈriːsnt ˈkəʊvɪd -19  pænˈdɛmɪk hæv ˈlɪtl ʧɔɪs bʌt tuː   pəˈtɪkjʊlə streɪn   ˈæktɪv ˈkeɪsɪz rɪsˈtrɪkʃənz   ɜːʤd   ˈmændeɪtɪd   ˈpʌblɪk ɔːˈθɒrɪtiz ˌʌnəˈweə   ˈvaɪəleɪt   æt rɪsk əˈplaɪz   lɛs ˈprɛsɪŋ ɪˈmɜːʤənsi ˌsɪtjʊˈeɪʃənz æz wɛl   ˈləʊkəl ɪˈlɛkʃənz kəˈrʌpʃən   kraɪm reɪts ˈveərɪəs ˈʌðə ˈstɔːriz ɒv ˈɪntrɪst ˈvæljuː   ə sɔːs ɒv ˌɛntəˈteɪnmənt praɪˈɒrɪˌtaɪzd   ˈækʧʊəl sɪgˈnɪfɪkəns straɪv   ɪgˈnɔː   ˈpɜːtɪnənt ˈɪʃuːz

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

Many readers now feel it is more important to s_________________d c_________________g i_________________________s , r_____________n l____l ones. In my opinion, though international news can be interesting, local s___________________n g_______________________e and are t_____________e more important.

C______________s of international news p__________t its e_________________e . The m_________y of people reading news from other countries r__________e it has e________________________t on their own life. However, for many a___________s from a________d also t_____________________________l . An individual in the U________________m , for example, might become bored of l________________s and r______________e , p___________l stories. There is likely to be more e________________t gained in reading about g________________s , t__________________s , f__________________s , p_______________t and e______________________________s in d______________s . The reader may not be a_______e of their own i_____________s , but these stories are p_____________y a way to p________________e and be e____________d .

However, the entertainment value of international news is less important than r______________________g . For example, local news has become e_________________g during the r_________________________c . Individuals h_____________________________o read articles about the p__________________n in their nation, the number of a_____________s , and the r_____________s being u______d or m__________d by p_________________s . If an individual is u___________e of such news, they may v_______e a rule and put themselves and others a________k . The value of local news a________s to l_____________________________________l and may include stories about l_________________s , c__________________n in politics, c____________s , and v________________________________t .

In conclusion, despite the v______e of international news as a___________________________t , local news should be p_______________d given its a_____________________e . Individuals should s________e to i_______e as much news as possible and only stay informed about p________________s .

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic by watching videos from The New York Times YouTube channel below and practice with these activities :


Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice :


Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :


  • Do you prefer to read newspapers or magazines?
  • Do you like reading the news online?
  • Is it more convenient nowadays to read the news online?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related IELTS essay topic below:

Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspapers will remain the most important source of news for the majority of people.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

IELTS Essay: Newspapers as the Most Important News Source

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As per the old age theory, humans are termed as social animals. Being social, means a person is concerned about the surroundings, what is happening, whether it is for good or otherwise or vice versa. In this world, where one specie of human is divided into different countries, people are interested to keep themselves aware of the things, having news of the everything that effects them or the human civilization as a whole. Some people are interested in knowing the news related to only that part of the earth where they are living, means their own country, whereas there are many who considers that being aware of international news or events is more important. It can be said that it is the matter of the choice and one should be aware of everything, in my news focus on news in one’s own country is very important.

People interested in their own county news have view point that it reveals or make them aware of the things which are going to have direct influence upon them. For example, if any law is made in parliament of country, it is going to have direct impact on its citizens rather than the persons living in other countries. If any natural calamity is happened, or any other related thing, it is going to effect its residents on the first spot.  

People , who pay more focus or emphasize to be aware of international news have several other points to support their opinion. Due to advancement of technology, there is nothing that can be limited to one country. For example, as there are IT giant companies, having their offices in whole of the world, then how can a person working in one country will not be effected by the action taken by the organization in any other country. They treat whole world as one and feels them effected by anything that is happening in any part of the world. Whatever happens, they feel personal concerns without bothering the boundary lines.

It can be said that it mainly depends upon the view of each and every individual and sometimes also on the nature of work, a person is pursuing. If a person is having business in various countries, he would be interested more in international news, similarly if a student is keen to pursue studies in foreign country, he will feel more related to that sort of news, if someone have relatives living in different countries, then anything happening in any part of the world is going to effect them. In my opinion, a person should be aware of everything happening on international level as in the modern world, one can’t survive by being living in its comfort zone but more focus should be on the national news as it is the thing that will give its result at a very fast pace. Being aware globally should not be on the cost of being unaware locally.


Good work, Pooja but some phrases are a little informal and it is way too long for this kind of essay!

Keep working hard!


Lots of grammar mistakes, many sentences are out of topic, too lengthy. This essay will not get more than a 5 band score.

Advice from one student to another Dont write more than 300 words. Max 350. The longer your essay, the more mistakes you will make. Keep it topic related. Improvise grammar.

Brigid Maiyo

Writing task 2


Hello, in 1st body paragraph,5th sentence, There is likely to be more excitement to be gained in reading……., so can we use gained from instead of gained in?

Yes, both prepositions are fine there, Sandra.

Cool. Thanx

You’re welcome!

Hello, in last sentence is it correct to write ‘as much news as people?’

Yes sorry that is a typo – fixed now to say as much news as possible!

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The Exposure of International Media Such as Films- IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Mar 03, 2022


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The Exposure of International Media Such as Films- IELTS Writing Task 2

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The exposure of international media such as films, TV and magazines has impacts on local culture. What do you think the impacts have been? Do you agree that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Direct Question Essay


Paraphrase the essay topic and mention the view.

Body Paragraphs

International media can be a great source of information about the diversity of cultures around the world.

International media can also influence negative traits like violence in the minds of the viewers.

Summarize the essay topic and provide a concluding view.

Sample Essay

It is an undeniable fact that mass media is the most powerful instrument to influence the public. With the technological advancement that humanity has achieved, digital media has become a catalyst in spreading information and reaching every corner of the world. There is a debate on the nature of this impression left by international media. In my opinion, the overall effects are positive and even beneficial. The following paragraphs will explore the advantages and disadvantages of the impact of information media.

First and foremost, we must acknowledge the vast reach and influence that any form of media can have in the 21st century. It is quite evident that the circulation of information through television, print media or motion pictures has a colossal impact on communities and local cultures all over the globe. Consequently, this phenomenon has numerous benefits. The availability of foreign content like movies and music, especially in English, French or even German, has helped many non-native speakers to improve their understanding of these widely used languages. People are now more aware and thereby tolerant of the myriad of cultures and societies that coexist in different parts of the world, thanks to the portrayal of certain characters in films and tv shows. Additionally, the spread of positivity through similar channels has become fashionable as we can observe individuals who are constantly at work for the betterment of the entire human community. Accordingly, such endeavours are undertaken by several others who are encouraged to do the same.

Nevertheless, there are certain drawbacks to mass media and popular culture becoming an inherent part of our lives. The effect that mass culture has on a majority of people, especially the younger generation, can be upsetting and sometimes even agitating . The mania for online recognition and popularity is one of the biggest downsides of international media and its portrayal of celebrities. Furthermore, there is always a possibility of misinterpretation of information disseminated through popular forms of media like cinema and tv programmes, which seriously deteriorate the judgement and morality of the public, especially the younger generation who are more vulnerable to such experiences.

Finally, there are both pros and cons to the prevalence of international media in this current era. If employed cautiously, this facility can be a blessing to the human race.

Band 9 Sample Essay

There is no doubt that the world is a global village, where mass media plays an indispensable role in influencing people. It serves as a source of entertainment while educating the public about current events, cultural heritage, ecological sustainability, and many more topics of relevance. Some argue that media tendencies will ruin a country’s culture and have detrimental implications for people’s lives, while others oppose this notion. As a result, I believe that an exposure to international media has significant impact and  that  the  benefits  outweigh  the  drawbacks,  which  I  will  discuss  in  the  following essay.

To begin with, it is indisputable that in today’s fast-paced world, the international media has great reach and power over individuals. The media plays a crucial role in intensifying globalization, facilitating cultural interaction, and facilitating knowledge flow between countries through worldwide news broadcasts, video programming, film, new technologies, and music. Furthermore, international media allows the diffusion of diverse cultures by showcasing various cultural traditions, allowing audiences to fully comprehend and accept cultural diversity.

Further, watching international movies and listening to western music in English, Spanish, and French has aided many non-native speakers in improving and enhancing their grasp of these languages. As a result, the widespread use of television and other forms of media has had a substantial impact on communities and local cultures worldwide. Finally, the more ideas and points of view are disseminated through media; the more humans will understand one another, reducing prejudice between nations.

However, some drawbacks to international media should not be overlooked, such as the fact that many people attempting to imitate the lifestyle of other cultures will ultimately result in their country’s cultural disintegration, as well as the fact that it can cause difficulties in people’s personal lives, causing a drift in their relationships. Furthermore, media culture’s impact on youngsters can be stressful and even unnerving at times. Some media content linked to violence and aggressive behavior, for example, may not be appropriate or suitable for the younger generation.

To put it in a nutshell, the proliferation of international media in the 21st century has both merits and demerits. However, its benefits exceed the drawbacks because exposure to international media can significantly minimize prejudice across nations and increase awareness of different languages and cultures.

Meaning: a person or thing that precipitates an event. Eg: The words of the minister acted as a catalyst for the protests.

Meaning: extremely large or great. Eg: The Statue of Unity was colossal.

Meaning: of very great extent or quantity; immense. Eg: The farmhouse that his family owned was vast in size.

Meaning: a countless or extremely great number of people or things. Eg: This problem can have a myriad of solutions.

Meaning: an attempt to achieve a goal. Eg: The endeavour to help the flood victims was a success.

Meaning: existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute. Eg: The competitive nature of Indians is an inherent quality of our community.

Meaning: make (someone) troubled or nervous. Eg: The audience was agitated by the comedian’s remarks.

Meaning: an excessive enthusiasm or desire; an obsession. Eg: The mania of Internet fame is destroying the youth.

Meaning: the negative aspect of something otherwise regarded as good or desirable. Eg: This solution has various downsides.

  • Disseminated

Meaning: spread (something, especially information) widely. Eg: The news of their marriage disseminated like wildfire.

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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IELTS Power of the Media Essay

by Trang Dang (Vietnam)

Media Essays

Media Essays

Whoever controls the media also controls opinions and attitudes of the people and there is little can be done to rectify this. To what extend do you agree or disagree? Since communication technology has developed rapidly, the influence of the media is undeniable. However, there have been questions about how powerful it really is. Many argue that it has the power to control others’ views and attitudes, and little can be done to remedy the problem. From my point of view, I partly disagree with this idea. On the one hand, it is reasonable that the media governs a number of people in society. Having control over the media means preferred information is selected while disliked information is censored and controllers’ opinions and attitudes could also be added to the news. As low educated people tend to believe most of what they saw, or heard, it is clear that the media has control over these people. On the other hand, there are many people whose opinions are not affected by the press (or the media). These people are able to omit distortions, and think independently. In my home country, a country where everyone is educated similarly and even forced to think similarly; there are still a range of distinctive views about a controversial issue, apart from the government’s idea. Therefore, it is wrong to say that the media controls people. There is a huge difference between these two groups of people: the education gap. According to this, may be the only way to reduce the power of the media is education. Higher educated people would not just believe with what they see or hear because they have the ability to think outside of the box. In conclusion, I am against because even if there are people being controlled by the media, there are still many who have their independent opinions. Therefore, the only solution to this problem is education, as it is the only difference between these groups. *** Please help me with this essay. Is there anything that can help improve this?

I think that getting the ideas across instantly matters; you must be relentlessly clear and waste no time in saying it. If your reader find it hard to grasp the main idea, they will give up trying-and think less of you.
Good luck with IELTS! Cheers!

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Death of Newspapers and Magazines

by Rajan (Gandhinagar)

Some people say that the Internet will soon become the preferred method of delivery of the news and information, causing newspapers and magazines to gradually disappear. Do you agree or disagree? In this contemporary world the ethical competition between internet media and printed media is quite visible. Few prefer conventional method of reading while others like digital methods. However, I tend to open that the internet delivered reading will soon prevail amongst the readers. To begin, paper based media has its own merits. Although these books are heavy to carry and requires lot of care, readers can always make notes and highlights keywords which is not possible in digital media. Another thing is that in this methodology, a reader does not require electricity, internet or any other hardware just the printed media serves the purpose. Also according to a recent study in UK, people reading printed books over digital are more likely to possess better memory than internet readers. On the other hand, with the growth of smartphones, laptops and other internet supported devices the way of reading and studying has evolved among the readers. The digital media in internet is free of cost with wide range of information, new and articles. Nowadays even the educational institutions have started to move towards digital books and libraries as internet is dominant over the young generation. Besides digital media eliminates the need of paper, which indeed helps the nature. As per a recent survey, in organizations people now prefer digital methods of sharing information as it not only saves paper and nature but is also secured. To conclude, I would reiterate the fact that internet reading has significantly increased among readers and soon paper based reading will have its place in history.

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Death of the Radio Essay

With the development of media online, there is no future for the radio. To what extend do you agree? Media online has become increasingly popular these days. While some people believe that radio might disappear soon, however, In my opinion, I totally disagree with the given statement Although media online is developing rapidly around the world, people living in rural areas may still struggle to access internet coverage. In other words, Media online can only be used if internet signal could reach. For example, a recent survey conducted by JIO stated that there will no Broadband accessibility in rural areas especially during bad weather. Otherwise, radio might remain its function to broadcast information to its audience because it does not depend on the internet coverage for broadcasting even though when bad weather or natural disaster occur. Hence, Net accessibility is totally depends on some factors nevertheless, it is not in the case of radiotelegraph. Admittedly, while Wifi is not free of charge like radio, poor people cannot afford the price of wifi payments.Furthermore, Radio is a prevalent piece of equipment installed in a car. Most people consider listening to FM will be the ideal idea when driving. Consequently, people can take full advantage of their time and obtaining the latest information, such as news, weather forecast, society, and so forth. For example, a recent survey conducted by FM stated that in the US, 90% of the population chosen FM while going long drives. Moreover, FM broadcasting is accessible to the audience with free of charge On the occasions where people cannot watch TV, read newspaper, to surf the net, they can resort to radiotelegraph. Therefore, even though there is a huge development in technology, the role of radio will never vanish. To sum up, although the Online technology is developing expansively and almost covers most areas in the world, there exist some issues regarding its signal coverage. By contrast, radio could cover almost all places around the world even in emergency period. Thus, it is evident that there will always be future for radio.

Death of Newspapers Essay

by Nia Georgieva (Bulgaria)

Newspapers Essay

Newspapers Essay

In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? After some years, people will not anymore face the need of buying books, printed newspapers or magazines, because the online network will be so developed that they could freely be able to read and gather all of the information needed online without paying a penny. I fully agree that in the near future the paper resource of information which is currently the main one, will be replaced by the easier and more convenient online method. Firstly, printed newspapers and books are no longer up-to-date, nowadays. Due to Corona virus, people have been obliged to stay particularly at their homes, which has led to times more people consuming information from online news, rather than from the traditional paper resources. What’s more is that everyone is aware that the information on the internet is more efficient, as well as better represented and organised. For example, you can find whatever you want on the net just with one click of your mouse and it doesn’t depend on which sphere of life your search concerns. Whilst if your newspaper is about horse riding , but you want to check the newest models of cars on the global market, it’s impossible to do so and then you have to buy another newspaper about cars, meaning few dollars more. Secondly, the present’s trend in recycling and acting in a more eco-friendly way will for sure reduce the producing of paper, including both books and newspapers, which, on the other hand, will increase their online version demand. For this reason every kind of paper-delivered information will be replaced by information delivered online through our computers and telephones. For instance, one step further of the eco-friendly people’s mind could be the usage of online students books saved in pdf format, instead of the commonly spread paper books. Not only this, but the fact that almost every school this year is working online, with students attending all of their classes through the network , gives us a clear need for more online information than the paper-delivered. In conclusion, I think that if we take the time machine and go into the far future, we shouldn’t be surprised if we see people using the internet as the only source of information, without any kind of need for buying newspapapers which cost money.

Radio or Television Essay

by jeordge (usa)

Some people think that radio is more enjoyable than television. What is your opinion? When people are free at home, they like to spend their time using technical products such as mobile, television and radio. There are some people who believe that free time with radio is more interesting than television, but in reality most of the people always prefer television in their leisure time. In my opinion, television is more enjoyable than radio in modern era. Due to the advanced technology, so many improvements have been made in the television .For example, there are some televisions are available in market which can be connected with mobile, and it gives access to people to watch their episodes and movies in big screen. There are so many games can be played on televisions that can keep the children occupied, and parents can do their household thing in their own time. Other than that access to the internet is also possible with the help of chrome cast, so it makes people job very easy to get information all around the world. On the second side, some people like to spend time on listening radio because this is a traditional way of gathering information, but in the advanced time there are so many limitations can be found in radio. Radio is very outdated source of entertainment, and there are limited channels available which can be based on the domestic news not internationally. Range problem is also found in radio in the remote areas which disturbs people entertainment. There is no access of internet on the radio, so people cannot find the information outside of their country too. In conclusion, some people prefer listening radio while they are free, but most of the people always go for television. In my opinion, it would be better for the radio organisations if they make radio more modernised according to the demand of current generation, but it is impossible to make people fully neglected from television.

Future of Newspapers Essay

In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. To what extend do you agree or disagree with this statement? After some years, people will not anymore face the need of buying books, printed newspapers or magazines, because the online network will be so developed that they could freely be able to read and gather all of the information needed online without paying a penny. I fully agree that in the near future the paper resource of information which is currently the main one, will be replaced by the easier and more convenient online method. Firstly, printed newspapers and books are no longer up-to-date, nowadays. Due to Corona virus, people have been obliged to stay particularly at their homes, which has led to times more people consuming information from online news, rather than from the traditional paper resources. What’s more is that everyone is aware that the information on the internet is more efficient, as well as better represented and organised. For example, you can find whatever you want on the net just with one click of your mouse and it doesn’t depend on which sphere of life your search concerns. Whilst if your newspaper is about horse riding , but you want to check the newest models of cars on the global market, it’s impossible to do so and then you have to buy another newspaper about cars, meaning few dollars more. Secondly, the present’s trend in recycling and acting in a more eco-friendly way will for sure reduce the producing of paper, including both books and newspapers, which, on the other hand, will increase their online version demand. For this reason every kind of paper-delivered information will be replaced by information delivered online through our computers and telephones. For instance, one step further of the eco-friendly people’s mind could be the usage of online students books saved in pdf format, instead of the commonly spread paper books. Not only this, but the fact that almost every school this year is working online, with students attending all of their classes through the network , gives us a clear need for more online information than the paper-delivered. In conclusion, I think that if we take the time machine and go into the far future, we shouldn’t be surprised if we see people using the internet as the only source of information, without any kind of need for buying newspapapers which cost money.

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Media and Advertising Essay Titles

IELTS Essay Questions for the Topic of Media and Advertising. All essay questions below are reported by IELTS candidates and seem to have been repeated over the years. Regardless of the years the questions were reported, you could get any question below in your test. You should, therefore, prepare ideas for all questions given below. The topics below could appear in both GT and Academic IELTS Writing Task 2.

Media & Advertising Essay Questions for IELTS Writing Task 2

Some companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some people think it is good, while others think there are disadvantages to this. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. (Reported 2017, Academic Test)
Violence in the media promotes violence in society. To what extent do you agree? (repeated topic)
Most people think that the truth should be objective rather than subjective when it comes to the news. Do you think all news is true? What is the function of a newspaper? (2020, 2021, 2022)
More and more newspapers and news channels are using photographs to support their news articles and stories. Some people think that photographs are not a reliable source of news, while others consider photographs to be irrefutable. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. (2016, 2018, 2019, 2021)
The majority of news being reported is bad news such as wars, famines, accidents and crime. Why do you think that is? Do you think the news should be a balance of both good and bad news? (quite common topic)
In the last few decades, there have been more and more cases of famous people being hounded by the press. Some people think that famous people in the media should have no right to privacy. To what extent do you agree?  (repeated topic – this is frequently a current world issue)
With the development of online media, there is no future for the radio.
To what extent do you agree? (2016, 2017, 2018, 2020)
Some people believe that what children watch on television influences their behaviour. Others say that amount of time spent watching television influences their behaviour. Discuss both views and give own opinion  (Reported in 2017, 2020)
Some people think that cinemas will one day close due to the popularity of online streaming services for films and series. Do you agree or disagree? (2023)
Companies spend millions each year on advertising online, in magazines and on billboards. These adverts can encourage people to buy goods that they do not really need. What are the positive and negative affects of consumerism?
One of the prime times for advertising on TV is when children get back from school. Some people think that advertisements aimed at children should not be allowed. What is your opinion? (common question regarding advertising and the affect it has on children)
Some people prefer to watch foreign films rather than locally produced films. Why is this? Do you think the government should spend more money supporting the local film industry? (2015, 2017, 2020, 2022)
Some people think that foreign films have a negative impact on local culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2020
Films that are based on historical events ought to be completely accurate. Do you agree? (2019, 2021, 2023)
Many people buy products that they do not really need and replace old products with new ones unnecessarily. Why do people buy things they do not really need? Do you think this is a good thing? (repeated topic)
Many people think that fast food companies should not be allowed to advertise, while others believe that all companies should have the right to advertise. What is your opinion?

Reported essay questions are from students who have taken their IELTS test. That means questions may have appeared more frequently than have been reported. These questions may vary slightly in wording and focus from the original question. Also note that these questions could also appear in IELTS speaking part 3 which is another good reason to prepare all questions thoroughly.

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exposure to international media like T.V, flims, magazines etc, has had significant impact on local culture. Do advantages overwright the disadvantages.

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Include an introduction and conclusion

A conclusion is essential for IELTS writing task 2. It is more important than most people realise. You will be penalised for missing a conclusion in your IELTS essay.

The easiest paragraph to write in an essay is the conclusion paragraph. This is because the paragraph mostly contains information that has already been presented in the essay – it is just the repetition of some information written in the introduction paragraph and supporting paragraphs.

The conclusion paragraph only has 3 sentences:

  • Restatement of thesis
  • Prediction or recommendation

To summarize, a robotic teacher does not have the necessary disciple to properly give instructions to students and actually works to retard the ability of a student to comprehend new lessons. Therefore, it is clear that the idea of running a classroom completely by a machine cannot be supported. After thorough analysis on this subject, it is predicted that the adverse effects of the debate over technology-driven teaching will always be greater than the positive effects, and because of this, classroom teachers will never be substituted for technology.

Start your conclusion with a linking phrase. Here are some examples:

  • In conclusion
  • To conclude
  • To summarize
  • In a nutshell

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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Students should focus on learning in the classroom rather than show their status by wearing fashionable clothes. Thebefore, all students have to wear school uniforms. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Every country has poor people and every country has different ways of dealing with the poor. what are some of the reasons for world poverty how can the poor be helped, some people think a job not only provides income but also social life. others think it is better to develop social life with people you do not work with. discuss both views and give your opinion., in many countries, crime rates among younger people have been rising in recent years. what are the causes of this, and what are the possible solutions, more and more people are finding it increasingly important to wear fashionable clothes. is this attitude to wearing clothes a positive development or negative.

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Band 5+: Exposure to international media, such as films, TV and magazines, has an impact on the local culture. What do you think of these impacts?

In recent times, because of the easy accessibility of internet, social platforms and film industries have gained huge popularity around the globe. Although many people get exposure to diverse customs and traditions, but some are taking this negatively, because it may causing a worse impact on the regional culture. I strongly believe that, access to diverse culture helps everyone to think more openly about the world, and if people use this opportunity sincerely, than surely it will not hamper the local culture either.

Social media, TV, and magazines play a significant role in acquiring knowledge for millions of people because they enable them to know about the current situations in the world. In other words, viewers can explore different customs, technologies, and traditions which surely help them to do well their regular life tasks. For example, children watch different science fiction movies and science related TV shows which help them a lot to enhance their core strength in science. Moreover, by knowing other cultures and traditions, people feel more enlighten about their life.

On the other hand, there are a few downsides to social media that have a negative impact on youth life. The social media and film industries are also spreading vulgar content, and many children follow these degraded cultures blindly. Many people have the tendency to follow other customs if they get attached because of these bad influences that society and local culture are constantly ruining.

In my view, the influence of international media and films tends to be more beneficial than detrimental because they bring a positive message to all.

To conclude, if people are able to use international media and magazines properly, then it will surely have a positive impact on their lifestyles and cultures.

Check Your Own Essay On This Topic?

Generate a band-9 sample with your idea, overall band score, task response, coherence & cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range & accuracy, essays on the same topic:, exposure to international media, such as films, tv and magazines, has an impact on the local culture. what do you think of these impacts.

Nowadays, exposure to international media, such as films, TV, and magazines can be shown very commonly which impacts our modern societal culture. Although these things have many advantages, some disadvantages cannot be ignored. In my opinion, people should maintain control over themselves when they are engaging with the international media to get the best benefit […]

Other Topics:

Some people believe that what children watch on television influences their behaviour. others say that the amount of time spent watching television influences their behaviour. discuss both views and give your own opinion..

Opinions are divided on whether television has an impact on children’s behavior, or whether the time they spend watching TV programs influences offspring’s behavior the most. While I may acknowledge the logic behind the former view, I am still strongly in favor of the latter. Those who believe that the content of television programs affects […]

Even though governments have worked hard to bring about improvements in the healthcare system, the overall standard of physical health in developed countries is decreasing. What are the potential reasons for this, and what are some of the long-term effects?

Health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and other chronic diseases are Widespread in developed world countries despite their advanced healthcare. Many reasons contribute to poor health. This phenomenon can have long-term effects on society. Several factors decrease the overall standard of physical health. An unhealthy diet and poor food choices majorly affect health damage. […]

Write about the future and the technological advancements we might make - Is this a good or bad thing and express what you think could happen. Wrtite at least 250 words.

Last century was full of groundbreaking inventions, although even bigger technological advancements are likely to be made in the future. In my opinion, it is a positive way to keep development in progress and improve people’s quality of life. Firstly, technological progress is crucial for humankind, as it provides new possibilities in various fields as […]

some people think that competition at work, at school and in daily life is a good thing. Others believe that we should try to cooperate more, rather than competing against each other. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In contemporary world working environment is more curial and important thing. It is often argued that many people believe competition at work, academic and daily life is a positive development, whilst others think it will lead to adverse ramifications. This essay agrees that cooperate more beneficial to society and person. On the one hand, some […]

Some people think that cinemas will one day close due to the popularity of online streaming services for films and series. Do you agree or disagree?

The idea of cinemas will one day close due to the popularity of online streaming services for films and series is advanced by a group of people. İ partially support this viewpoint and my arguments will be elaborated in following paragraphs. On the one hand, i accept that the main role of the cinema in […]

opinion essay: do you think that students have to do home tasks?

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The exposure to international media has a significant impact on our cultures, what impact does it have on local culture? Do you think its advantage outweighs its disadvantage?

The emergence of international media has changed the face of the earth. It has transformed the world into a global village, where a new uniform culture exists. Today media plays a noteworthy role in the lives of people across the world, however it can be a positive or a negative impact.

Firstly, local culture benefits from international media in myriad ways. Man knowingly or unknowingly has come to trust upon media...

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Attribute Value

Attribute Value Ideal Score: 6.5 out of 9 Category: Good Excellent No. of Grammatical Errors: 0 2 No. of Spelling Errors: 0 2 No. of Sentences: 17 15 No. of Words: 317 350 No. of Characters: 1561 1500 No. of Different Words: 187 200 Fourth Root of Number of Words: 4.22 4.7 Average Word Length: 4.924 4.6 Word Length SD: 2.804 2.4 No. of Words greater than 5 chars: 111 100 No. of Words greater than 6 chars: 90 80 No. of Words greater than 7 chars: 59 40 No. of Words greater than 8 chars: 38 20 Use of Passive Voice (%): 0 0 Avg. Sentence Length: 18.647 21.0 Sentence Length SD: 6.953 7.5 Use of Discourse Markers (%): 0.529 0.12 Sentence-Text Coherence: 0.324 0.35 Sentence-Para Coherence: 0.505 0.50 Sentence-Sentence Coherence: 0.063 0.07 Number of Paragraphs: 4 5

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When international media (including movies, fashion shows, advertisements and other TV programmes) convey the same messages to the global audience, people argue that the expansion of international media has negative impacts on cultural diversity. What is your opinion? v.2

Ielts essay when international media (including movies, fashion shows, advertisements and other tv programmes) convey the same messages to the global audience, people argue that the expansion of international media has negative impacts on cultural diversity. what is your opinion v. 2.

  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ? One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ? Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
  • ? Currently is not available
  • Meet the criteria
  • Doesn't meet the criteria
  • 6 band When international media (including movies, fashion shows, advertisements and other TV programmes) convey the same messages to the global audience, people argue that the expansion of international media has negative impacts on cultural diversity. What is your opinion? v. 1 Recently, huge international media is showing a growth and they are sharing same messages and entertainment contents to the audience all over the world. Some people argue that this situation has a negative impact, while others opine that there are more benefits for the public. This essay agrees that ...
  • 6 band Tourism has negative environmental impacts on tourist areas. What are these impacts? How can damaging impacts be lessened? v. 1 As a vacation is an inalienable part of life, in the last a few decades, the tourism industry has become one of the most important branches of economy. Unfortunately, there is a colossal failure of the worldwide business. Tourist zones are suffering from environmental impacts that are caused by tour ...
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IELTS General Writing Task 1: Letter Writing Sample & Tips

Updated on Jun 24, 2024, 12:14

Practising letter writing for Task 1 General? If you’re wondering how to score high in this task, then this page will guide you to ace IELTS writing task 1 general training.   

Whether it's an invitation, a complaint, or a thank-you note, we'll equip you with the tools and tips to ace this part of the test. 

On This Page

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1. IELTS General Writing Task 1: Key Highlights

First things first, let’s get the basics straightened out. 

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2. IELTS General Writing Task 1: Format

IELTS General Writing Task 1 in the Academic test requires you to interpret, describe, or compare the given visual data. The visual data may be a Diagram, Graph, or Table.

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3. How to Answer IELTS General Writing Task 1?

Writing is not everyone’s cup of tea, but creating a well-written piece takes only a few simple techniques.

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IELTS General Writing Task 1: Key Highlights

Here’s what we want you to keep in mind:   

  • The IELTS General Training test is usually required for vocational training, such as in the  construction, hospitality, leisure, and tourism industries.
  • In Task 1, you must write a letter in response to a situation, such as  asking for information or explaining a situation. 
  • You need to write at least 150 words 
  • The total duration of the section is about 20 minutes.

Here’s IELTS Writing Task 1 at a glance: 

Type of TasksGeneral Training: Letter Writing
Band Descriptors
Word Limit150 words
Ideal Duration20 mins

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IELTS General Writing Task 1: Format

Depending on the context, you can frame your letter to be formal, semi-formal, or in an informal setting. Your question will be in this format:   

  • Who to address the letter to
  • Main points to include in the letter


Write a letter to your friend. In your letter

  • Recommend the best time of year to visit and why
  • Describe the types of accommodation your friend could choose
  • Say what you would like to show your friend in your country

Typically, your letter should not exceed the word limit of 150. Ideally, you should complete and review the letter in the first 20 minutes of the IELTS Writing Test. Sticking to this time limit is important, as Task 2 is longer and requires more time.  

Here’s what else you should keep in mind:   

  • Stick to the letter-writing format. Ensure your letter has all the fundamental elements, such as the salutation, date and signatures.
  • Ensure that the tone of your letter is relevant to the context. For instance, if your topic was to write a letter to a recruiter, you must not make it informal! 
  • The purpose of the letter must be preserved throughout. You must not deviate away from the given context.   

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How to Answer IELTS General Writing Task 1?

Letters may no longer be delivered by pigeons, but it is still a relevant skill worth learning! Not your forte? Here are the top 3 strategies to help anyone craft a compelling letter.

  • Introduce right: Your opening paragraph is crucial and must immediately convey the purpose of your letter. 

For instance, if you were writing to enquire about a position, you would say,  “I’m writing to enquire regarding the position of a content writer at your company.”   

  • Choose a relevant tone: Depending on the letter's receiver, judge the tone you will use. 

For example, if you’re writing a letter to your friend, you might want to keep it semi-formal to informal. 

An informal letter should be conversational; you can use direct speech to achieve this. You can also use words like “Dear <name>” to establish your tone. 

However, if you’re writing a formal letter, you should say, “Dear sir/madam,” use passive language and longer sentences.   

  • Structure your letter:  Decide the order in which you will cover all the bullet points given to you. Make sure the letter has a logical flow to it. Your letter will start with an introduction (greetings and stating the purpose), move on to the body (highlighting main points) and a closing (signing off). 
  • You should write full sentences for your answers.
  • You should not use notes or bullet points.
  • Write your answers on the answer sheet.
  • You can make notes on the question paper, but the examiner won't see them.

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IELTS Writing Task 1: Bar Graph

IELTS Writing Task 1: Diagram

IELTS Writing Task 1: Line Graph

IELTS Writing Task 1: Pie Chart

IELTS Writing Task 1: Table Chart

IELTS Writing Task 1: Map

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Q. What is the structure for IELTS Writing Task 1 of the General Training test?

Ans . IELTS Writing Task 1 for General training requires you to write a letter in a formal, semi-formal or informal setting. You must pay attention to the letter writing format and write it this way,

  • Introduction: Greetings and open with the purpose of your letter
  • Body: Highlight the key points given in the question
  • Closing: Conclude your request and sign off 

Q. How to get band 9 in IELTS general writing task 1?

Ans. To get a band score of 9 in IELTS general writing task 1, it's crucial to understand and analyse the question thoroughly. Maintain a clear and logical progression of ideas, ensuring accurate and varied use of vocabulary and sentence structures. Additionally, pay attention to grammar and punctuation, and practice writing within the time constraints to improve your overall performance.

Q. How to write an IELTS writing task 1 sample?

Ans. To write an IELTS writing task 1 sample for general writing, start by familiarising yourself with the specific task requirements and understanding the purpose of the task. Then, practice outlining your response, including an introduction, overview, detailed body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Review sample responses and marking criteria to understand what examiners look for in a successful task 1 sample. 

Q. How to do IELTS general writing task 1?

Ans. To tackle IELTS General Writing Task 1, start by thoroughly reading the prompt to understand the type of letter you must write (e.g., formal, semi-formal, or informal). Address all parts of the question, maintain an appropriate tone, and structure your letter with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Practice writing different types of letters to become familiar with various formats and styles.

Q. How to improve IELTS general writing?

Ans.  Improving your IELTS General Writing involves regular practice, expanding your vocabulary, and getting feedback on your work. Focus on writing clearly and concisely, and improve your grammar and punctuation. Reviewing high-scoring sample essays can provide insights into effective writing techniques and help you understand what examiners look for.

Q. How can I get a good score in IELTS writing task 1?

Ans.  To score well in IELTS Writing Task 1, ensure that you understand the task requirements and answer all parts of the question. Use a clear and logical structure, and appropriate language, and vary your sentence structures. Pay attention to the tone and style of your letter, and make sure to proofread your work to correct any errors.

Q. What is the common mistake in IELTS Writing Task 1?

Ans. A common mistake in IELTS Writing Task 1 is needing to address all parts of the prompt fully. Some test-takers also need help maintaining the appropriate tone or style for the letter. Additionally, grammatical errors and poor organisation can detract from your overall score. Practising writing letters and seeking feedback can help you avoid these pitfalls.

Q. How is general IELTS Writing?

Ans.  The General IELTS Writing test consists of two tasks: Task 1 requires writing a letter based on a given situation, while Task 2 involves writing an essay on a given topic. The test assesses your ability to communicate effectively in writing, including your grammar, vocabulary, and coherence. It's designed to evaluate your writing skills in everyday contexts.

Q. What is the writing pattern for the IELTS general exam?

Ans.  The IELTS General Writing test lasts 60 minutes and consists of two tasks. Task 1 is a letter-writing task requiring you to write at least 150 words. Task 2 is an essay that requires at least 250 words. The tasks assess your ability to respond appropriately to a given situation and discuss issues relevant to general or everyday contexts.

Q. How long is IELTS valid?

Ans. IELTS scores are valid for two years from the date of your test. After this period, you may need to retake the test to provide an English language proficiency score for study, work, or migration purposes.

Q. Does IELTS repeat questions?

Ans.  While IELTS may reuse some questions or topics, the exact wording and specific questions are unlikely to be repeated. The test is designed to be unpredictable and assess a wide range of language skills. The best way to prepare for the test is to practice with a variety of sample questions and topics.

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Live blog 2024: Show your solidarity this World Refugee Day

A large group of people dance outdoors while others others sit in a tree nearby

Somali refugees and local residents dance during World Refugee Day celebrations in Ethiopia’s Mirqaan settlement in June 2023.

The focus for this year is “solidarity with refugees”, whether through welcoming and including them in our communities, advocating for policies that protect and support them, or working towards solutions to their plight.

Coming the week after new data revealed the number of forcibly displaced people worldwide has risen to an unprecedented 120 million, World Refugee Day offers a chance to show our support for those whose lives have been uprooted by conflict and persecution.

We hope these examples of global solidarity will inspire you to get involved and stand #WithRefugees and others #ForcedToFlee.

Last entry of World Refugee Day 2024 live blog

That's all for this year's World Refugee Day live blog. We hope this global outpouring of support for people forced to flee conflict and persecution inspires you to show solidarity with refugees today, and every day. We'll leave you with a look at monuments around the world lit up in UNHCR blue to show support for refugees in the most visible way possible.

Two women embrace in front of a bridge lit in blue at night

A bridge at the entrance to Lago Agrio in Ecuador, near the border with Colombia.

A high rise building lit up in blue with a white point

The Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, Poland.

The exterior of a building lit in blue tooped with a red neon sign reading &quot;Tatil&quot;

The Tatil insurance building in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.

A metro entrance lit up in blue

A metro entrance in the Ecuadorian capital Quito.

The interior of a large room illuminated in blue light.

The Ombudspersons' Office in Lima, Peru.

#WithRefugees ribbon created with windows lights on the Bosnian government building in Sarajevo

#WithRefugees ribbon tonight on the Bosnian government building in Sarajevo.

Building in blue in Cuenca, Ecuador

Mayor's Office in Cuenca, Ecuador, a city that has offered displaced people a place to rebuild their lives.

Air Albania Stadium - Tirana, Albania in Blue

Air Albania Stadium - Tirana, Albania (collaboration with the National Football Association).

Clock Tower - Tirana, Albania in Blue

Clock Tower - Tirana, Albania (Collaboration with the Municipality of Tirana).

Town hall in Rzeszów, Poland in blue

Town hall in Rzeszów, Poland

Building in Blue - Madrid, Spain

Congress of Deputies in Madrid, Spain.

Neptune Fountain in Madrid, Spain in Blue

Neptune Fountain in Madrid, Spain.

Building in blue in Cluj Napoca, Romania.

Cultural House in Cluj Napoca, Romania.

Blue Night in Romania. Building of the Romanian Government in Bucharest in Blue

Blue Night in Romania. Building of the Romanian Government in Bucharest.

Pemba, Mozambique

Refugees from Burundi, Somalia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and beyond set off at sunrise for a 3-kilometre March for Hope in northern Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado Province. They were joined by around 250 people, including internally displaced Mozambicans and local students, all showing their solidarity and support for a world that welcomes refugees.

A group of people walk along a road beside a beach at sunrise.

Walkers set off at sunrise by the beach in Pemba in northern Mozambique's Cabo Delgado Province to show their support for refugees.

Refugees from four continents now living in the US have shared what gives them Hope Away from Home , from family ties to supportive local communities and economic opportunities. Their testimonies show the difference that acts of solidarity and welcome can make to the lives of people forced to flee.

international media ielts essay

Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh

Heavy monsoon rains brought devastating floods and landslides to the world’s largest refugee camp in southern Bangladesh earlier this week, affecting thousands of Rohingya refugees and claiming several lives. The disaster added a sombre tone to World Refugee Day commemorations and highlighted the continued need for solidarity and support #WithRefugees.

Happy #WorldRefugeeDay ! As the #Rohingya refugee community recovers from a difficult week with devastating rains, floods & mudslides, we still took a moment to commemorate and celebrate the day. Because on World Refugee Day – and every other day! – UNHCR stands #WithRefugees 💕 pic.twitter.com/xXS0OnkpdM — UNHCR in Bangladesh (@UNHCR_BGD) June 20, 2024

Washington DC, USA

Venezuelan star and UNHCR high profile supporter Danny Ocean will be performing a free concert dedicated to forcibly displaced people at the Kennedy Centre tomorrow. If you can’t make it in person, catch the livestream on the Kennedy Centre's YouTube channel  or Kennedy Centre's Facebook page .

🎵 Join for a free #WorldRefugeeDay concert with Latin American star Danny Ocean on the Kennedy Center's #MillenniumStage . ⚡️ Live in person: https://t.co/WmJlEZnYdx 📽️ You can join via livestream! ➡️ https://t.co/Qav144dvGe pic.twitter.com/0oerDkv3cz — UNHCR United States (@UNHCRUSA) June 19, 2024

Warsaw, Poland

Polish photojournalist Anna Liminowicz has published a novel project in collaboration with UNHCR to mark World Refugee Day featuring portraits of refugees living in Warsaw in the places that remind them of home. “This is the place” combines photography, text and handwritten notes to reveal how refugees seek to tame their new reality by finding places that evoke positive memories and help them feel at home. Her work appears today in a special feature in Canada’s Globe and Mail .

A woman in a long blue dress and head covering leans against a tree in a park

Khedi from Groznyi, Chechnya (Russian Federation), pictured in Warsaw’s Jazdow Park.

A seated woman is surrounded by family on the sandy banks of a river. A bridge, large building and a park can be seen in the background.

Carolina (centre, seated) and her family from Venezuela on the banks of the Vistula River in Warsaw.

A woman pictured standing and leaning against a table in a café

Nikita from Ukraine at the Hałas Café in Warsaw, which reminds her of her favourite coffee shop in Kharkiv.

Panama City, Panama

UNHCR and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Panama City hosted a contemporary dance performance called “The Embraces Along the Way”. The piece, created by Fundación Espacio Creativo, incorporated poetry, music and art to celebrate moments of humanity and solidarity that those forced to flee encounter as they search for safety.

As part of a dance performance, one dancer stands, leaning back with arms in the air, in the centre of a circle of people laying face-down on the floor

Over 200 people, including refugees, NGO staff and government officials watched the dance performance at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Panama City.

Dancers sit and lay on other crouched dancers as part of a performance. Behind them is a large work of art, a donut shape in shades of brown.

The performance was the result of a collaboration between UNHCR and Fundación Espacio Creativo (FEC) which have been working together since 2018.

Geneva, Switzerland

Staff at UNHCR headquarters marked World Refugee Day with an event that featured traditional Afghan tunes by musical trio Hamava, a stall of handicrafts created by refugees as part of the MADE51 programme, and a keynote speech by Ana Maria Angarita, a former Colombian refugee who co-founded Capacity, a Swiss-based entrepreneurship and startup incubator for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

Three men wearing traditional dress and seated on a rug play instruments in the lobby of an office building

Musical trio Hamava play traditional Afghan tunes at a World Refugee Day event at UNHCR headquarters in Geneva.

Two women browse handicraft items at a stall in the lobby of an office building

Staff members browse handicrafts created by refugees as part of the MADE51 programme at a stall at UNHCR's Geneva headquarters.

Two smiling women speak together, with a crowd in the background. They are both wearing #WithRefugees blue ribbons.

Capacity co-founder Ana Maria Angarita (left) speaks to UNHCR Deputy High Commissioner Kelly T. Clements.

Aden, Yemen

The UNHCR office in Aden hosted a celebration at their refugee reception centre featuring music, dance and delicious treats highlighting the rich and diverse cultural heritage of refugee communities in Yemen.

Refugees and UNHCR staff holding up a UNHCR frame which says 'World Refugee Day&quot; and '#WithRefugees&quot;

Refugees and UNHCR staff at the World Refugee Day event in Aden.

Kutaisi, Georgia

Renowned Georgian mural artist, Giorgi Gagoshidze, has been working with young refugees and local art students to create murals aimed at raising awareness and garnering support for refugees in three cities. This one in Kutaisi shows refugees arriving in the city symbolically carrying their homes in backpacks.

On this #WorldRefugeeDay , UNHCR Georgia is delighted to support talented refugees and students of the Kutaisi Art School in creating a beautiful mural in Kutaisi, alongside the renowned🇬🇪 mural artist Giorgi Gagoshidze with whom we have teamed up in an exclusive collaboration. pic.twitter.com/FK7KatJGmY — UNHCR Georgia (@UNHCRGeorgia) June 20, 2024

Riga, Latvia

World Refugee Day coincides with midsummer celebrations in Latvia where refugees joined locals to take part in traditional songs and dances at an event in Riga, the capital.

At a #WorldRefugeeDay event in Riga 🇱🇻, locals and refugees came together to sing, dance, and celebrate Midsummer 💙. The event was organized by our partner @PatverumsDM . pic.twitter.com/h3z3RODoaS — UNHCR Nordic and Baltic Countries (@UNHCR_NE) June 20, 2024

Cairo, Egypt

Refugees took centre stage during Egypt’s World Refugee Day celebrations, which were held at the American University in Cairo. Live performances by South Sudanese dance troupe Sons of Farateet and traditional Syrian band Anwar Al Sham were interspersed with personal stories from refugees living in Egypt hailing from Yemen, Somalia, Syria and Sudan.

Dancers perform on stage in front of a large projection of a World Refugee Day ribbon.

South Sudanese dance troupe Sons of Farateet perform on stage at the American University in Cairo during UNHCR Egypt's World Refugee Day celebrations.

Two young women braid another's hair backstage.

Dancers from Sons of Farateet get ready for their performance backstage at the American University in Cairo, Egypt.

A man wearing traditional costume sings into a microphone and raises a hand to the audience while two other performers stand either side of him

Members of Syrian band Anwar Al Sham perform at the American University in Cairo.

To commemorate World Refugee Day, carp-shaped streamers known as "koinobori" designed by Shibuya Zarny, a fashion designer and former refugee from Myanmar, are flying the skies in various locations across Japan. Over 50 landmarks are also lit up in UNHCR blue, including a 25-metre statue of the Buddhist goddess of mercy in Kamakura.

A United Nations flag on a flag pole alongside three “koinobori” (decorated carp-shaped streamers) against a blue sky with some white clouds.

The World Refugee Day “koinobori” flying at United Nations University in Tokyo.

A large statue of the Buddhist goddess of mercy lights up in UNHCR blue.

Ofuna Kannon, a 25-metre statue of the Buddhist goddess of mercy in Kamakura, Japan.

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso’s capital, refugees joined UNHCR staff and partners to do aerobics together at the municipal stadium and formed a football team to compete against a team representing the Burkina Faso government for a solidarity cup. They also cleaned a market in an area of the city where many refugees live.

A group of refugees along with UNHCR staff and partners do an outdoor aerobics class

UNHCR staff and partners join refugees doing aerobics at the municipal stadium in Ouagadougou.

A group of people play football in an outdoor stadium

Refugees and UNHCR staff play football with a team representing the Government of Burkina Faso.

A group of colourfully dressed refugees help to clean an outdoor market.

Refugees helped to clean Touquin Market in a district of Ouagadougou that hosts a large number of refugees.

Several UNHCR Goodwill Ambassadors and high-profile supporters have been recording “Words of Welcome” for refugees taken from their favourite books, poems and song lyrics. Watch Goodwill Ambassadors Mary Maker, Yusra Mardini and Maya Ghazal share theirs.

For #WorldRefugeeDay , UNHCR’s Goodwill Ambassadors share their ‘Words of Welcome’ #WithRefugees . @yusramardini , @GhazalMia and @marymaker_43 know first-hand how crucial solidarity is and share powerful messages of support. 🌍✨ pic.twitter.com/tDiYOx5jfN — UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency (@Refugees) June 19, 2024

Jamjang, South Sudan

Concluding a week-long visit to Sudan and South Sudan, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi issued his annual World Refugee Day message with an impassioned plea to overcome division and resolve festering conflicts to offer refugees a chance at solutions. “On World Refugee Day and every day, we can all do more to show solidarity with refugees and work towards a world where they are welcomed or can return home in peace. With courage, commitment and compassion, solutions are within our grasp,” Grandi said.

Filippo Grandi shakes hands with Dalia, both smiling.

At the Joda border crossing in South Sudan, UNHCR’s Grandi meets South Sudanese returnee Dalia, 22, who was about to start university in Khartoum before her family fled the conflict.

Kakuma, Kenya

Members of the local host community in northwest Kenya’s Turkana County walked in solidarity with refugees from Kakuma town to the Deputy County Commissioner’s office. They planted trees there to show their gratitude to the Kenyan government for welcoming them. Refugees have been hosted in Turkana County since Kakuma camp was established there in 1992.

A large group of people walk holding a huge banner which reads 'World Refugee Day: For a world where refugees are welcomed. 20th June 2024'

Sateesh Nanduri (centre), head of the UNHCR sub-office in Kakuma, leads the solidarity walk from Kakuma town

A group of UNHCR partners and refugees work together to dig a hole in the ground.

UNHCR partners join refugees in planting trees at the office of the Deputy County Commissioner.

A man speaks into a microphone

Ajang Nyuop Bol, a South Sudanese refugee who arrived in Kenya in 2014, thanked the Kenyan government for welcoming refugees.

Refugees and forcibly displaced people dream of the same things that you do: jobs, education, health care, a home. This video voiced by UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Mary Maker explores the everyday solutions that bridge the gap between comfort and crisis and reminds us of our shared humanity.

We need a world where refugees are given a fair shot. We need a world where refugees find solidarity. We need a world where refugees are welcomed. #WorldRefugeeDay | #WithRefugees pic.twitter.com/059oUlZLui — UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency (@Refugees) June 19, 2024

Athens, Greece

The Cooking #WithRefugees Festival returns to Athens this week. Refugee chefs from Afghanistan, Guinea, Iran, Iraq and Nigeria have been working with local chefs in five restaurants and cafés across the capital to blend Greek culinary traditions with flavours and memories from their home countries.

Sardar Hasemi prepares food with Thomas Avlakiotis in a kitchen.

Sardar Hasemi (left), a refugee from Afghanistan, cooks with Thomas Avlakiotis at Myrtillo café in Athens.

Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan

Events to mark World Refugee Day have been taking place across Afghanistan, including a cricket tournament in Kunduz, an arts and crafts bazar in Kabul and this exhibition of handicrafts by internally displaced and formerly displaced women in Mazar-i-Sharif.

A group of women in colourful clothing showcase their products (clothing).

Women supported by UNHCR to start livelihood activities showcased their products at an exhibition in Mazar-i-Sharif.

Brussels, Belgium

Local and refugee artists from Burundi, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo performed at an outdoor concert at Place Jean Rey in Brussels on Sunday. A Bazaar also took place with delicious Middle Eastern, Ukrainian, Afghan and Burundian delicacies and handmade items created by refugee artisans.

All the feels after last weekend's refugee-led concerts and bazaar in Brussels ahead of #WorldRefugeeDay 💙💜💚💛 Huge thanks to everyone who joined us to stand #WithRefugees and celebrate their incredible strengths and talents! pic.twitter.com/b9tdExg1PK — UNHCR Representation for EU Affairs (@Refugees_EU) June 19, 2024

Stockholm, Sweden

For the third year running, UNHCR marked World Refugee Day in Stockholm, by passing the mic to participants from its Refugee Speakers Programme. Five refugee speakers took part in workshops and received coaching from TEDx coaches in preparation for sharing their personal stories of fleeing home, and of building a new life in Sweden. Purity performed a powerful poem and dance about her experience of fleeing homophobic and transphobic violence in Uganda.

What an inspiring evening.✨ Our #PassTheMic event tonight was filled with strong personal stories and memorable moments like this special dance by our refugee speaker Purity. Thank you to everyone who took part in the event. #WorldRefugeeDay pic.twitter.com/9c3RhV0YRQ — UNHCR Nordic and Baltic Countries (@UNHCR_NE) June 17, 2024

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