
What we can learn from ‘bee movie’.

“ Bee Movie ” is one of the most important movies for understanding the climate crisis and how it relates to bees . Since its original release in 2007, the film has cemented its status as a staple of meme culture . The best example of this phenomenon is YouTube user Avoid at All Costs’ video . The video compresses “Bee Movie” into a mere seven minutes, a feat achieved by speeding up the movie every time a character says the word “bee.” Memes also abound on Tumblr and Twitter, and, if you really want to, there are websites where you can purchase a t-shirt featuring the “Bee Movie” script shrunken into an illegible block of text.

The movie follows Barry B. Benson (Jerry Seinfield), a recent college graduate who becomes disillusioned with life when he realizes that he will spend the rest of his life working for Honex Industries to support the hive. After journeying outside the hive and meeting a florist named Vanessa (Renée Zellweger), Barry discovers that humans are exploiting bees for their own personal profit through the production of various honey products. To combat this injustice, he sues the human race and wins. The bees are freed from their oppressive condition but not without serious consequences: Without pollination, the beauty of the natural world fades to gray and Vanessa is forced to close her flower shop.

Furthermore, changing temperatures affect bees during different seasons. Just because spring arrives earlier than it has previously doesn’t mean that bees are able to adjust and pollinate the flowers that are also blooming too early.

Simply introducing honey bees, the type of bee that often comes to mind when people think of pollination (Barry is a honey bee after all), to a given area can overwhelm wild bee species that may already be dealing with scarce resources. Commercial beekeepers, who typically have thousands of hives within their apiaries, are having to move their domesticated honey bees onto public lands to keep up with honey production and pollination of crops vital to the US economy. Despite the proliferation of honey bees, wild bees may be better suited for pollinating plants indigenous to the Americas. For example, the bumblebee is native to North America . Its extra fuzzy body, which allows it to carry more pollen than the average honey bee, combined with varied tongue length makes it better suited to pollinate plants like tomatoes and peppers.

Abby Worthington, Arcadia University

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12 Lessons Learned from The Bee Movie

by Jennifer Anderson | Sep 29, 2015 | career , communication , strengths | 0 comments

I f inally saw  The Bee Movie . Such a sweet movie packed with a lot of great messages about life and especially about work.

Being the ever-alert career coach, I picked up on some great life and career lessons to be learned while watching The Bee Movie; including:

  • Barry Bee questions why bees have to do the same thing for work until they die. = Why not explore different  options ?
  • Parents not listening to Barry as he explains that he wants to do something different from what they want him to do = How often do parents not listen to their kids and  force  their ideas on the kids?
  • Let go of the tennis ball = When bad things are happening, get out of the way, especially when you’re getting  hit  at.
  • Don’t fly in the rain = Know the limitations of and how to best use your  talents .
  • Barry Bee says, ”I want to do my part for the hive, but not the way they want me to do it.” =  Communicate your desires for another way to use talents that more closely aligns with your core strengths.
  • Barry Bee used his stinger in a sword fight with the warehouse worker used the thumb tack. = When fighting for a cause you deeply believe in, use all your  tools  effectively and especially use your best tool available!
  • Bee Larry King, local news. = Use  PR  to communicate your cause.
  • Shirt, jacket and tie for court. =  Image  is important for critical meetings.
  • Adam stung the lawyer to defend his friend = Stand up for what you know is right and  support  those close to you.
  • If the bees stop making honey and aren’t pollinating means that the flowers and plants won’t continue to grow. = If you don’t focus on what you do best then who will do your  part  in the world?
  • Once Barry Bee knew how important the role of bees to pollinate the flowers and plants, he apologized for his mistake = Know when you make a mistake and  own  up to it.
  • Barry tells people, ”Small jobs done well makes a big difference.” =  Everyone  has an important role, no matter the size.

There were many more interesting lessons learned in The Bee Movie. Check it out for yourself to see all the great pearls of wisdom!  Buzzzzzzzzz

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essay on the bee movie

An Analysis of the Film Bee Movie and Multispecies Theory

Exploring multispecies interactions of the honeybee and its anthropomorphic film representation.

  • Lilly Elrod Editorial

Multispecies theory is applicable to a multitude of formats for analysis. In this essay, the film Bee Movie is analyzed for its purpose in multispecies studies and how it can be used to understand the function of the bee outside of the film. Multispecies theory suggests a new form of viewing the world, of being attentive to those around you that might not warrant a second thought, like an annoying bee buzzing around your head. It asks us to analyze the interactions we see around us on a day-to-day basis and how the world functions around these interactions. This essay analyzes the interactions in Bee Movie and how they might translate to real-life interactions made by bees. This essay analyzes how bees interact with the hive, flowers, and various other parts of the world around them in their daily lives and how these interactions shape not only the lives of humans, but other species as well.

Bee Movie. Directed by Simon J. Smith and Steve Hickner, performances by Jerry Seinfeld,Renée Zellweger, Matthew Broderick, Patrick Warburton, and John Goodman, Paramount Pictures, 2007.

“Bee Movie.” IMDb,, 2 Nov. 2007,

“Colony Collapse Disorder | US EPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.” Epa.Gov, 2023,

Danforth, Bryan. “Bees.” Current Biology, vol. 17, no. 5, 2007, pp. R156-R161.

Ebert, Roger. “Bee Movie Movie Review & Film Summary (2007): Roger Ebert.” Bee Movie Movie Review & Film Summary (2007) |Roger Ebert, 1 Nov. 2007,,pull%20if%20off%2C%20she%20could.

Haraway, Donna Jeanne. “Introductions.” When Species Meet, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN, 2007, pp. 1–42.

“Honeybee.” Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, inc., 20 Oct. 2023, .

“How Honeybees Reproduce.” PerfectBee, 13 Feb. 2024,

Lutrell, Jordan. Knowing the Honey bee: A Multispecies Ethnography. 2017. Massey University

Ostiguy, Nancy. “Pests and Pollinators.” Nature News, Nature Publishing Group, 2011,,%2C%20solitary%20bees%2C%20and%20wasps.

Randall, Brianna. “The Value of Birds and Bees.” Farmers.Gov, 6 June 2022,,types%20of%20fruits%20and%20vegetables.

Robbins, Jessica. “Bees in the Ballance.” Berkeley Scientific Journal, vol. 16, no. 1, 2011, pp. 1-4.

Seinfeld, Jerry, et al. “Bee Movie.” Rotten Tomatoes, 2 Nov. 2007,

Thom van Dooren, Eben Kirksey, Ursula Münster; Multispecies Studies: Cultivating Arts of Attentiveness. Environmental Humanities, 1 May 2016; 8 (1): 1–23. doi:

Wood, T.J., Michez, D., Paxton, R.J. et al. “Managed honey bees as a radar for wild bee decline?”Apidologie 51, 1100–1116 (2020).

essay on the bee movie

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The Role of Bee Movie Characters in Highlighting Environmental and Social Themes

This essay about “Bee Movie” explores how the film uses its characters to highlight important environmental and social themes. Through the story of Barry B. Benson and his interactions with the human world, the film addresses issues like environmental conservation, biodiversity, and ethical labor practices. It underscores the interconnectedness of all life forms, promotes individuality within structured societies, and encourages reflection on human impact on nature.

How it works

“Bee Movie,” a 2007 animated film produced by DreamWorks Animation, provides a delightful yet thought-provoking narrative that transcends its apparent simplicity. The film uses its charming bee characters to highlight significant environmental and social themes, making it not only a source of entertainment but also an educational tool. Through its characters and plot, “Bee Movie” subtly addresses issues such as environmental conservation, the importance of biodiversity, and the complexities of social structures within ecosystems.

The protagonist, Barry B. Benson, is an adventurous and curious bee who challenges the norms of his highly organized and regimented hive society.

From the outset, Barry’s character is used to explore the idea of individual agency within a collective system. Bees, in reality, are known for their cooperative behavior and collective work ethic, which are crucial for the survival of their colonies. The film, however, presents a bee who dares to question and deviate from this norm, thus emphasizing the importance of individuality and personal choice within a structured society. Barry’s journey reflects the human desire to seek meaning beyond predefined roles and routines.

Barry’s interactions with Vanessa Bloome, a human florist, serve as a bridge between the bee world and the human world, highlighting the interconnectedness of all life forms. Vanessa’s character brings an essential human perspective to the film, showcasing empathy, curiosity, and a willingness to understand and protect the environment. Through Vanessa, the film addresses the human responsibility towards nature and the impact of human actions on the environment. Her supportive relationship with Barry underscores the potential for harmonious coexistence and mutual respect between humans and other species.

One of the central environmental themes in “Bee Movie” is the critical role bees play in pollination and, by extension, in maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem health. The film poignantly depicts the dire consequences of disrupting natural processes when Barry sues the human race for exploiting bees and wins the lawsuit. As a result, bees stop working, leading to a catastrophic decline in plant life. This narrative arc serves as a stark reminder of the delicate balance within ecosystems and the unintended consequences of human interference. It underscores the importance of bees in agriculture and the broader environment, reminding audiences of the real-world issue of bee population declines due to factors like pesticide use, habitat loss, and climate change.

The hive society in “Bee Movie” is meticulously organized, with each bee having a specific role that contributes to the colony’s overall functioning. This depiction serves as a microcosm of human societies, where individuals often have designated roles that support the collective well-being. The film explores themes of conformity, duty, and the pressures to conform to societal expectations. Barry’s reluctance to accept a life of monotonous work and his subsequent quest for a more fulfilling existence reflect the universal human struggle for self-actualization and purpose.

Furthermore, the film touches on the theme of exploitation and ethical labor practices. The bees in “Bee Movie” are portrayed as being exploited by humans for their honey, drawing a parallel to real-world issues of labor exploitation and consumerism. Barry’s legal battle against humanity for the rights of bees can be seen as an allegory for the fight against unfair labor practices and the pursuit of justice for marginalized groups. The film encourages viewers to consider the ethical implications of their consumption choices and the importance of fair treatment for all workers, regardless of species.

“Bee Movie” also subtly addresses gender roles and equality through its characters. The hive society, while structured, shows a degree of gender neutrality in its workforce, with both male and female bees participating in various tasks. This portrayal challenges traditional gender roles and promotes the idea of equal contribution and opportunity within a community. Vanessa’s character further reinforces this theme, as she is portrayed as an independent, successful businesswoman who plays a pivotal role in the film’s resolution.

In conclusion, “Bee Movie” uses its endearing characters and engaging storyline to highlight critical environmental and social themes. Through Barry’s quest for meaning and Vanessa’s advocacy for environmental conservation, the film underscores the interconnectedness of life, the importance of biodiversity, and the need for ethical labor practices. It also challenges societal norms and promotes individuality, empathy, and social responsibility. By weaving these themes into an entertaining narrative, “Bee Movie” not only entertains but also educates its audience, encouraging them to reflect on their relationship with nature and the impact of their actions on the world around them.


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The Role of Bee Movie Characters in Highlighting Environmental and Social Themes. (2024, May 21). Retrieved from

"The Role of Bee Movie Characters in Highlighting Environmental and Social Themes." , 21 May 2024, (2024). The Role of Bee Movie Characters in Highlighting Environmental and Social Themes . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 14 Sep. 2024]

"The Role of Bee Movie Characters in Highlighting Environmental and Social Themes.", May 21, 2024. Accessed September 14, 2024.

"The Role of Bee Movie Characters in Highlighting Environmental and Social Themes," , 21-May-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 14-Sep-2024] (2024). The Role of Bee Movie Characters in Highlighting Environmental and Social Themes . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 14-Sep-2024]

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Bee Movie

  • Barry B. Benson, a bee just graduated from college, is disillusioned at his lone career choice: making honey. On a special trip outside the hive, Barry's life is saved by Vanessa, a florist in New York City. As their relationship blossoms, he discovers humans actually eat honey and subsequently decides to sue them.
  • When the bee Barry B. Benson (Jerry Seinfeld) graduates from college, he finds that he will have only one job for his entire life, and absolutely disappointed, he joins the team responsible for bringing the honey and pollination of the flowers to visit the world outside the hive. Once in Manhattan, he is saved by florist Vanessa Bloome (Renée Zellweger) and he breaks the bee law to thank Vanessa. They become friends and Barry discovers that humans exploit bees to sell the honey they produce. Barry decides to sue the human race, with destructive consequences to nature. — Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Does good necessarily follow good intentions? Barry B. Benson (Jerry Seinfeld), a bee who's just finished his education and hates the idea of picking a life-long vocation, meets a human, florist Vanessa Bloome (Renée Zellweger), while buzzing about Manhattan. She takes him to a supermarket where Barry discovers shelves and shelves of honey. Realizing it has been taken from bees - who work tirelessly and exhaust themselves for their two cups a year - he follows the delivery truck back to the honey farm, gathers evidence, and files suit against humanity. But what if Barry wins and the honey is returned to the bees, who can then slack off? An ecological cataclysm? — <[email protected]>
  • Barry B. Benson (Jerry Seinfeld) graduates from college and is now working at Honex. And then, when he flies outside the hive, he meets a human florist from New York City named Vanessa Bloome (Renée Zellweger). And suddenly, Barry finds out humans eat honey, he plans to sue them.
  • A young male bee does everything that he can to restore all of the honey that the humans have taken and are selling. Along the way, with the help of his family and friends, he discovers the true meaning of all of the balances that are out there in the world. — RECB3
  • Barry B. Benson is a bee who just graduated from college and is disillusioned with his lone career choice: working for Honex to make honey in New Hive City. Soon, Barry decides to venture into the big wide wondrous world of Manhattan and meets the quirky Vanessa, who is a human florist who's boyfriend is allergic to bees and repeatedly tries to kill the bee. Barry soon develops a relationship with Vanessa, which started with the now infamous quote "Ya like jazz?" which broke one of the laws of beedom: never talk to humans. While living in the big city of New York, getting a crash course on humans, Barry discovers humans have been stealing and eating the honey that the bees made and subsequently decides to file a class-action lawsuit against humans for stealing their honey. In the case, Barry goes up against Layton T. Montgomery, a lawyer protecting the companies. After verifying that yes, he is a talking bee. Barry sends a bear into the room to frighten Layton and to serve as evidence. A fight then breaks out, which results in Montgomery being stuck in a wheelchair-thing. At the second day of the trial, Layton asks why they aren't getting anywhere with the case, and soon after he pulls out a farming tool used for getting honey, which harms the bees. The case ends and the bees win. So, Barry succeeds and demands the shutdown of all five of the major honey producers that have been using the bees as workers unfairly. The only problem is that the bees stop pollinating flowers, so all the plant life dies and the world turns barren. Barry, with the help of all of the other bees, realizes their species made a mistake and carry out a massive operation to pollinate the world. It succeeds, and the credits roll.

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Jerry Seinfeld in Bee Movie (2007)

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The Bee Movie Hits Broadway, Outsells Hamilton

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By: Sherlyn Ong

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.

Jerry Seinfeld did likewise, and disregarded what humans thought was impossible and recreated the Bee Movie into a Broadway sensation that has surpassed Hamilton.

The Bee Movie, a family comedy animated film, was initially released in 2007 and was barely profitable due to mixed reviews and criticisms to the film’s premise. However, despite the fact that the Bee Movie was not that successful, in 2012-13, Jerry Seinfeld brought up the possibility of a Bee Movie 2 after a redditor brought up the topic as a joke. The public and internet responded to Seinfeld’s suggestion but the response was weak and the idea was consequently dropped.

Contrary to the previous responses, 2016 garnered an immense amount of attention to the Bee Movie once again, nine years after its original airing. On October 22nd, 2016, YouTuber wankerflaps uploaded a video titled “Bee Movie But it Keeps Getting Faster,” featuring the audio track from the film which is progressively sped up. From then on, many other YouTubers began to make variations of the original video, such as: “The entire bee movie but every time they say bee it gets faster”, “The Bee Movie But Without Bees”, “The bee movie but every time they say bee it gets more pixelated” and many more. This quickly became the meme that dominated the internet and the Bee Movie became relevant again.

Seinfeld realized that with the current reemergence of Bee Movie relevance, it would be an excellent time to start the continuation of the Bee Movie. Seinfeld then chose to collaborate with the creators of Shrek the Musical to recreate the Bee Movie into a musical as well. The decision was well-made since the Bee Movie musical managed to outsell Hamilton.

Another reason for the musical’s success includes the excellently selected cast. Barry B. Benson is played by Nathan Kress, former Nickelodeon star who played Freddie Benson on iCarly. This got fans particularly hyped because of Kress’s previous affirmation of a fan’s theory that Freddie Benson was the love-child between Barry and Vanessa, which implied that Mrs. Benson in iCarly was actually Vanessa from Bee Movie. Vanessa is played by Miranda Cosgrove, also a former Nickelodeon star, who played Carly Shay, Freddie’s love interest on iCarly. Many fans speculate that Cosgrove was chosen for the role as a joke because there were many memes about “bee-stiality” between Vanessa and Barry in the movie and considering Kress’s role, Cosgrove would bring out the romance between the two characters. This decision also brought in many iCarly fans.

The show is also unique because every Friday, the cast pays tribute to the YouTube memes that reignited the interest in the movie again by performing live versions of the YouTube edits. They change the special performances every week, variating between the kind of edits they replicated. Hence, Friday shows are the most expensive and sold out immediately when ticket sales started.

This movie’s Broadway success proved that memes are slowly integrating themselves into our daily lives and can be a huge marketing tactic. In fact, many experts have started looking into this topic to discover the miracles of memes.

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