HR Mavericks

Employee Reassignment

Eva (Keri) Tancredi

What Is Employee Reassignment?

Reassignment vs promotion, what are the benefits of employee reassignment.

  • Reduce hiring. When the employee’s skills, work ethic and reputation align with company values , they make a good candidate for reassignment, reducing the need to hire new employees .
  • Retain high-quality employees. Reassignment allows the company to keep exceptional employees even if their current job is no longer needed within the company.
  • Reduce cost. A reassignment saves the company money and time because the company does not need to retrain or go through the onboarding process with a new employee.
  • Morale booster. Reassigning an employee can send the message that the company cares and wants to invest time in their human capital.

Reasons to Reassign an Employee

  • Misaligned employee. This can happen when job responsibilities do not or no longer align with the current job description of the employee.
  • Alternative position. If the company is eliminating a position, the company may reassign the employee to retain them.
  • Sometimes employees can no longer perform the essential functions of their current position without accommodations . The reassignment could accommodate their change in performance capacity.
  • This barrier may be formed when a leave of absence prevents the employer from holding a position for the entire leave period without incurring undue hardships.
  • If location creates a work-related barrier that affects employee access or commute, a reassignment may be a great solution.

How to Manage Employee Reassignment

Step 1: meet with the supervisor, business executive and/or hr manager, step 2: meet with the employee, step 3: address issues with hr or the manager, step 4: communicate details.

Eva (Keri) Tancredi

Eva (Keri) Tancredi


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Sample Letters

Sample Letters

Writing a Job Transfer Request Letter That Works

In this guide, I’ll share my unique experience and provide you with three effective templates , along with practical tips and real-life examples to ensure your job transfer request letter stands out.

Key Takeaways

Key PointsDetails
Purpose of the LetterExplain the reason for the transfer clearly.
StructureUse a formal, polite tone; include relevant details.
Persuasive ElementsHighlight benefits for the company and yourself.
Tips from ExperiencePersonal insights and actionable advice.
Real-Life ExamplesIllustrate effective strategies with real scenarios.

Structuring Your Job Transfer Request Letter

1. opening paragraph.

Begin with a polite and professional tone, stating your current position, the position you are seeking, and the reason for the transfer.

2. Middle Paragraphs

Provide details supporting your request. Highlight your qualifications, experience, and how the transfer aligns with your career goals. Emphasize how your transfer will benefit the company.

3. Closing Paragraph

Conclude by expressing gratitude for the consideration and offering to discuss your request further.

Real-Life Example

When I needed to relocate due to family reasons, I crafted my letter to emphasize how my skills and experience would be an asset to the new branch. I also mentioned my willingness to assist in training my replacement, which demonstrated my commitment to the company’s success.

Tips from Personal Experience

  • Be Clear and Concise : Avoid lengthy explanations. Keep your letter focused on key points.
  • Highlight Mutual Benefits : Show how your transfer will benefit both you and the company.
  • Be Professional : Maintain a respectful and formal tone throughout.
  • Follow Up : After sending your letter, follow up with a meeting to discuss your request in person.

Example of a Persuasive Point

In one of my letters, I highlighted how my transfer would bring continuity to a major project underway in the new department, showcasing a clear benefit to the company.

Template 1: Career Advancement

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Title] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to formally request a transfer from my current position as [Your Current Position] to the [Desired Position] within [Department/Location]. Having worked with [Company Name] for [Duration], I have gained valuable experience and skills that I am eager to bring to this new role.

My experience in [specific skills or projects] has prepared me to contribute effectively to the [Department/Location]. I am confident that this transfer will not only aid in my professional growth but also add value to the company’s objectives.

I appreciate your consideration and am available to discuss this request at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Template 2: Relocation

I am writing to request a transfer from my current position as [Your Current Position] to [Desired Position] at our [Location] office. Due to personal reasons, I will be relocating to [City, State], and I am very interested in continuing my career with [Company Name] in this new location.

With my [number] years of experience in [Your Current Department/Role], I am confident that I can seamlessly integrate into the team at [Location]. I believe this transfer will allow me to continue contributing to [Company Name] while accommodating my personal circumstances.

Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to discussing this further.

Template 3: Personal Circumstances

I am writing to request a transfer to the [Department/Location] due to [briefly explain personal circumstances]. I believe that a transfer to [Desired Position] would be beneficial for both the company and my personal situation.

My background in [specific skills or roles] has equipped me with the expertise required for the [Desired Position], and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Department/Location] in new and meaningful ways.

I am grateful for your understanding and consideration of my request. Please let me know if we can schedule a meeting to discuss this further.

Final Thoughts

Writing a job transfer request letter can significantly impact your career trajectory. By following the guidelines and using the templates provided, you can create a compelling case for your transfer. Remember to be clear, professional, and persuasive in your approach.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: what should i include in a job transfer request letter.

Answer : In my experience, a job transfer request letter should include a clear explanation of why you’re requesting the transfer, how the move benefits both you and the company, and any relevant achievements or qualifications that support your request.

Q: How should I format a job transfer request letter?

Answer : From my experience, I always use a formal business letter format, including my contact information, the date, the recipient’s contact information, a polite salutation, a concise body explaining my request, and a courteous closing.

Q: What tone should I use in a job transfer request letter?

Answer : Based on my past successful transfers, maintaining a professional yet positive and enthusiastic tone is crucial, as it shows your genuine interest and commitment to the new position and the company.

Q: How can I justify my job transfer request?

Answer : I find it effective to highlight personal growth opportunities, alignment with career goals, and any mutual benefits for the company, such as filling a skill gap or addressing a departmental need.

Q: Should I mention personal reasons in my job transfer request letter?

Answer : In my experience, it’s acceptable to briefly mention personal reasons if they significantly impact your work-life balance or productivity, but always frame them in a way that also shows how the transfer benefits the company.

Q: How long should my job transfer request letter be?

Answer : I typically keep my letters to one page, ensuring they are concise and to the point while covering all necessary details to make a compelling case.

Q: When is the best time to submit a job transfer request letter?

Answer : From my experience, it’s best to submit your request during annual performance reviews or when you know there are upcoming opportunities or vacancies that align with your skills and career goals.

Q: How can I increase the chances of my job transfer request being approved?

Answer : I always make sure to research the new role thoroughly, tailor my letter to show how my skills match the position, and discuss my intentions with my current supervisor to gain their support.

Q: Is it necessary to follow up on a job transfer request letter?

Answer : Yes, based on my experience, following up shows your continued interest and allows you to address any questions or concerns the decision-makers might have, which can significantly improve your chances.

Q: Should I address my current job performance in the transfer request letter?

Answer : Absolutely, I always highlight my achievements and how my performance in my current role has prepared me for the new position, demonstrating that I’m a valuable asset worth transferring.

15 Sample Letters of Request for Transfer of Workplace

Transferring to a new workplace can be a pivotal step in one’s career. Whether due to personal circumstances, professional growth, or a change in work environment, a well-crafted letter of request can set the tone for a smooth transition.

sample letters of request for transfer of workplace

Sample Letters of Request for Transfer of Workplace

This article provides 15 different sample letters, each tailored to various scenarios, to assist you in drafting your request for a workplace transfer.

Each letter is professionally composed to communicate your needs effectively while maintaining a respectful and formal tone towards your current employer.

Sample 1: Request for Transfer Due to Commute Issues

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to formally request a transfer from our current office in [Current Location] to the [Desired Location] branch. Recently, I have encountered significant challenges with my daily commute, which have impacted both my personal well-being and work performance. After careful consideration, I believe that transferring to the [Desired Location] branch, which is closer to my residence, would greatly alleviate these issues.

I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the team here and have always strived to contribute positively to our projects. I am committed to maintaining the same level of dedication and excellence in my work at the [Desired Location] branch.

Thank you for considering my request. I am available to discuss this matter further at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Sample 2: Request for Transfer for Family Reasons

It is with a heavy heart that I request a transfer from our [Current Location] office to the one in [Desired Location]. Due to recent family circumstances, it has become necessary for me to relocate closer to my family to support them during this time.

I have deeply valued my time and experiences here and have always endeavored to contribute my best. I am hopeful that this transfer will allow me to continue delivering high-quality work while being present for my family.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I am ready to assist in any way to ensure a smooth transition.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Sample 3: Request for Transfer for Professional Development

I am writing to express my interest in transferring to the [Desired Location] office, which is known for its [specific department or project]. I believe that working in this new environment will significantly contribute to my professional development and align with my career goals.

During my tenure here, I have [mention any achievements or contributions]. I am eager to bring this experience to the [Desired Location] branch and continue to grow professionally.

Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to discussing this opportunity further.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name]

Sample 4: Request for Transfer to Improve Work-Life Balance

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to discuss the possibility of transferring from our current office in [Current Location] to the [Desired Location] branch. This move would significantly improve my work-life balance, as it would reduce my daily commute and allow me more time with my family.

I am committed to maintaining my current level of productivity and engagement and am confident that this change would positively impact my overall well-being and performance.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration of my request. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss this in more detail.

Kind regards, [Your Name]

Sample 5: Request for Transfer Due to Health Issues

I am writing to request a transfer to the [Desired Location] office due to health-related reasons. My recent medical condition necessitates regular treatment at a facility located near [Desired Location], making it essential for me to relocate.

I have always been dedicated to my work and am keen to continue contributing to our team’s success from the [Desired Location] branch.

Thank you for understanding my situation. I am hopeful for a positive response and am available to discuss this further at your convenience.

With respect, [Your Name]

Sample 6: Request for Transfer to Pursue Educational Opportunities

I am writing to request a transfer from our [Current Location] office to the one in [Desired Location]. I have recently been accepted into a [specific educational program or course] at [Educational Institution], which is located near the [Desired Location]. This program aligns with my career goals and the objectives of our company.

I am enthusiastic about the prospect of continuing my professional journey while pursuing this educational opportunity. I am confident that this will not only benefit my personal growth but also bring fresh perspectives to our team.

Thank you for considering my request. I am happy to discuss the details and how I plan to manage my responsibilities effectively during this period.

Sample 7: Request for Transfer Due to Company Expansion

With the recent announcement of our company expanding into [New Location], I would like to express my interest in transferring to this new branch. Having been part of our team for [duration] and understanding our company’s culture and processes, I believe I can contribute significantly to the establishment and growth of the new office.

I am excited about the opportunity to bring my experience and skills to a new setting and help replicate our current success in the [New Location].

Thank you for considering my application for transfer. I look forward to potentially being a part of this new venture.

Sample 8: Request for Transfer for Spouse’s Job Relocation

I am writing to request a transfer from our [Current Location] office to the [Desired Location] branch. My spouse has recently received a job offer in [Desired Location], necessitating our family’s relocation to that area.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my role here and am eager to continue my career with our company in the new location. I am committed to ensuring a seamless transition and maintaining my current responsibilities and performance standards.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this personal transition. I am available to discuss this request further at your earliest convenience.

Warm regards, [Your Name]

Sample 9: Request for Transfer to Explore a New Region

I am writing to express my interest in transferring to our office in [Desired Location]. The opportunity to work and live in a new region has always been a personal aspiration of mine, and I believe that this move would offer a fresh perspective and new challenges that will aid in my professional growth.

My experience and skills gained from working in our [Current Location] office have prepared me for this new venture. I am excited about the prospect of bringing my expertise to the [Desired Location] branch and contributing to its success.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to the possibility of discussing this further.

Respectfully, [Your Name]

Sample 10: Request for Transfer for Better Climate Adaptation

This letter is to formally request a transfer from our [Current Location] office to the [Desired Location] branch. Due to health reasons, I have been advised to reside in a climate more suitable for my condition, which [Desired Location] offers.

I am deeply committed to our team and the work we do, and I am confident that I can continue to contribute effectively from the [Desired Location] office.

Thank you for your understanding and for considering my request. I am eager to discuss this matter further.

Kindest regards, [Your Name]

Sample 11: Request for Transfer to Join a Specific Project

I am writing to request a transfer to our [Desired Location] office, where the [specific project or team] is based. My expertise and experience are closely aligned with the work being done on this project, and I believe that my involvement could be highly beneficial.

Having contributed significantly to similar projects here, I am excited about the prospect of joining this new team and bringing my skills to bear on [specific project or team].

Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing to this exciting new venture.

Sample 12: Request for Transfer to a Larger Office for Career Advancement

I am seeking a transfer to our larger office in [Desired Location]. I believe that working in a more dynamic and diverse environment will provide me with broader exposure and more significant opportunities for career advancement.

My time at our [Current Location] office has been incredibly fulfilling, and I am keen to apply the knowledge and experience I have gained to new challenges in the [Desired Location] office.

Thank you for considering my request. I am excited about the potential to grow professionally and contribute to our company in a larger capacity.

Sample 13: Request for Transfer to Rejoin a Previous Team

With this letter, I would like to request a transfer back to our [Desired Location] office, where I previously worked before transferring to [Current Location]. The opportunity to rejoin my former team and continue the work we started together is something I am very passionate about.

I have gained valuable experience in [Current Location] that I am eager to apply in [Desired Location], contributing to the team with a fresh perspective.

Thank you for considering my request to return to the [Desired Location] office. I am looking forward to potentially re joining the team and contributing to our shared goals.

I appreciate your support and am available to discuss the logistics of this transfer at your convenience.

Sample 14: Request for Transfer for a Change of Pace

I am writing to request a transfer from our bustling [Current Location] office to the quieter, more suburban setting of our [Desired Location] branch. I believe a change of pace and environment will greatly benefit both my mental well-being and my productivity.

My commitment to our company’s goals remains steadfast, and I am confident that this move will rejuvenate my enthusiasm and creativity, allowing me to contribute even more effectively.

Thank you for considering my request. I am eager to discuss how this transfer can be mutually beneficial.

With regards, [Your Name]

Sample 15: Request for Transfer to Accommodate Educational Commitments

This letter serves as a formal request to transfer from our [Current Location] office to the [Desired Location] branch. I have recently enrolled in a part-time [Course or Degree] at [Educational Institution], which is located near [Desired Location]. Balancing my educational commitments with work would be significantly more manageable in this new location.

I am deeply invested in my role within our company and am determined to maintain my current level of performance while pursuing this academic endeavor.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I look forward to a favorable response and am available to discuss the details of this request.

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How to Write a Job Transfer Request With an Example

reassignment of work

Why You May Need to Transfer

Transfers vs. internal applications.

  • How to Write a Job Transfer Request

What to Include in a Transfer Request

Job transfer request email example.

Are you looking to  transfer to another job within your company ? What's the best way to ask for a transfer? What should you include in your request, and how can you get a transfer approved?

Read on for common reasons why employees want to transfer and advice on how to write a letter requesting a job transfer. Plus, see a sample job transfer request letter, which you can use for inspiration while writing your own. 

There are several reasons why you may need to write a job transfer request letter. Perhaps you are looking for a new role, with additional challenges and responsibilities. Or maybe you are eager to relocate for personal reasons, such as a spouse's job move, an educational opportunity, or a family illness. 

Ideally, your company will be actively trying to fill a position. In that situation, your transfer is more like an  internal application  than a personal request. If you're interested in the same job you have now in a different location, the process may be simple.

If you are instead asking to relocate to a location or department that doesn't have an open position, your job transfer may be more complicated. 

Check with your employer's human resources department for guidance on how to request a transfer. You may need to fill out a formal application or a form requesting a transfer.  

How to Write a Job Transfer Request Letter

Analyze the situation.

In any case, the first step in writing a successful job transfer request letter is to analyze the situation and know where you are starting from:

  • What are the benefits to your employer of allowing you to transfer roles or locations?
  • Why do you want to transfer?
  • What's the timing?
  • Is there a job listed?

Thinking through all these questions will help you set the tone for your letter and make a persuasive case for why your request for a transfer should be accepted. 

Show What You Have to Offer

The key to writing an effective job transfer request is to balance your skills and assets with the needs of the company.

Play up the angles that are open to you, but be careful not to come off as presumptuous or arrogant. It's important to be viewed as a valuable company asset rather than someone asking for a favor.

Here is the information to include in your letter: 

  • Why you're writing:  Begin the letter by stating the reason you're writing. Be specific: If you have a set timeline for when you want or need to make a job transfer, include that information.
  • Your background with the company:  Provide some information on your work at the company as well, including basics such as your job title, department, how long you've been employed by the company, and any major accomplishments you've had in your role. 
  • Reason for transfer request:  While you do not have to share a ton of details, it's a good idea to write a sentence on why you want the job transfer. For instance, "I need to relocate due to family circumstances" or "I'm eager to increase my responsibilities and take advantage of my programming background with this new role." 
  • Make your case:  Share why this transfer makes sense, remembering to keep the focus on your employer and how this transfer will benefit the company. 

Here's an example of a letter or email message used to apply for a transfer to another position at the company where you work. Download the job transfer request letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) to use as a starting point for your own request.

Job Transfer Request Letter Example (Text Version)

Subject:   Application for Assistant Manager

Dear Ms. Lee,

I was very interested when I saw the posting for the position of Assistant Manager. I would like to respectfully submit my resume for your consideration.

I believe that my experience here at ABC Company makes me an excellent candidate for the position. I have been with the company for 5 years, and have worked in several different capacities (List). The skills I have gained in these positions over the years, and my intimate knowledge of the systems and procedures at ABC, I believe, will be a unique asset in the position of Assistant Manager.

The work environment at ABC is exciting and challenging to me, and I believe that I have made many valuable contributions to the (List Name(s) of) Department(s). (If applicable, list accomplishments). I have learned a lot from the people I have had the pleasure of working with, and look forward to growing in my professional career here.

Thank you for your time and consideration for this position. I look forward to hearing from you.

Albert Jones Customer Relations 555-555-5555

SHRM. " Transfer: Internal Transfer/Reassignment Request ." Accessed Sept. 15, 2021.

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Summary of Reassignment

This summary of reassignment covers the following topics:

  • Learning About Reassignment
  • Definition of Reassignment
  • The Agency's Right to Reassign
  • Reassignment Without Regard to RIF Retention Standing
  • Separation After Declining Geographic Reassignment
  • Qualifications and Reassignment
  • Relocation Expense Allowances
  • Additional Information from the Agency
  • Additional Information from OPM

1. Learning About Reassignment

The reassignment regulations give an agency extensive flexibility in reassigning an employee to a different position.

This summary covers the procedures in the reassignment regulations. With this summary, employees, managers, union representatives, and others will have an overview of both the agency's and employees' rights in a reassignment situation.

The appropriate human resource office (HRO) in the agency can provide additional information on specific questions relating to reassignment policies, options, and entitlements.

2. Definition of Reassignment

The regulations published in section 335.102 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations (5 CFR 335.102) cover reassignment of competitive service employees, while the regulations published in section 302.102(a) (5 CFR 302.102(a)) cover reassignment of excepted service employees.

Section 5 C.F.R. 210.102(b)(12) of the regulations defines reassignment as:

". . . a change of an employee, while serving continuously within the same agency, from one position to another without promotion or demotion."

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3. The Agency's Right to Reassign

An agency may reassign an employee when:

The agency has a legitimate organizational reason for the reassignment; and

The vacant position is at the same grade, or rate of pay (i.e., if the movement is between pay systems such as from a General Schedule position to a Federal Wage System position), as the employee's present position.

The agency's right to direct reassignment includes the right to reassign an employee from a special rate position to a non-special rate position at the same grade, or to a position with less promotion potential than the present position. (Reassignment to a position with more promotion potential than the present position requires competition under the agency's merit staffing plan.) The position to which the agency reassigns an employee may be located in the same or a different geographic area (e.g., reassignment from Houston to Washington, DC).

4. Reassignment Without Regard to RIF Retention Standing

An agency may reassign an employee without regard to the employee's reduction in force retention standing, including an employee's veterans' preference status. A reassignment to a vacant position at the same grade is not a reduction in force action even if the agency abolishes the employee's former position

At its option, an agency may adopt a policy to select employees for reassignment on the basis of considerations such as retention standing, total service with the agency, length of time in a position or in the organization, etc. Again at its option, an agency may canvass its employees to determine whether an individual employee would prefer reassignment to a specific location, a new organization, and/or to a position with different duties and responsibilities.

5. Separation After Declining Geographic Reassignment

The agency must use the 5 CFR part 752 adverse action regulations when separating an employee who declines a directed reassignment to a position in a different geographic area.

An employee who is removed by adverse action for declining geographic relocation is potentially eligible for most of the benefits that are available to a displaced employee separated by reduction in force (e.g., intra- and interagency hiring priority, severance pay, discontinued service retirement, etc.).

An employee who declines reassignment to a position in the same geographic area as the present position (e.g., from an Atlanta position to a different Atlanta position) is not eligible for any career transition assistance or other benefits.

6. Qualifications and Reassignment

The agency's basic right to reassign an employee is based, in part, on the agency's determination that the employee is qualified for the position to which the employee will be reassigned.

An agency may also reassign an employee to a position if the agency modifies or waives qualifications for the vacant position, consistent with OPM's requirements for these actions.

7. Relocation Expense Allowances

An employee is generally eligible for relocation expense allowances for a directed reassignment that requires relocation to a different geographic area

The General Services Administration (GSA) publishes its Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) in 41 CFR subpart F. The complete FTR and other relocation-related information are available on GSA's website at .

8. Additional Information from the Agency

The agency's human resources office (HRO) can provide both employees and managers with additional information on OPM's reassignment regulations. The HRO can also provide information on potential benefits, such as eligibility for:

  • Career transition assistance
  • Separation incentives (if available)
  • Rehiring selection priority
  • Severance pay
  • Unemployment compensation
  • Relocation allowances.

9. Additional Information from OPM

OPM provides additional restructuring information on the OPM website at .

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5 Ways to Manage a Job Reassignment

Instead of laying people off, organizations are increasingly giving them new job assignments. How to manage what can be a jarring professional change.

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U.S. companies announced 42% fewer layoffs in July than in June, and 8% fewer cuts than in July of 2022. The underlying reason is unexpected, however: while companies are continuing to eliminate jobs, they’re often reassigning workers to new roles instead of laying them off. Experts believe this trend could continue.

“Chances are, these are the types of changes we can expect to see over time, whether it’s due to new technology, like AI, or economic trends,” says Korn Ferry Advance coach Frances Weir .

While it can be difficult for employees to suddenly step into a new role and work with a new manager and team, experts say reassignment can have an upside. It offers employees an opportunity to learn new skills and bolster their résumé. For instance, if you’re moved onto a team that is underresourced and needs help, there’s an opportunity for you to make notable contributions that could earn you recognition, says Mark Royal , a senior client partner for Korn Ferry Advisory.

Since a reassignment can potentially be advantageous, it’s worth considering what steps to take to help you adjust. Here are five ways to adapt to a job reassignment.

Manage your emotions.

Reassignments are often unexpected, so it’s important to take a step back from your emotions. It’s normal to feel surprise, anger, or a loss of control, Royal says. But making an immediate, emotional decision—like quitting immediately—could wind up being detrimental to your long-term career.

Be diplomatic with your manager and get ready for the new assignment. At the same time, do some self-reflection. “Understand why you feel this way, and know that if you choose to stay, it doesn’t have to be forever,” Weir says.

Treat it like a new job.

As with any new position, making a good impression during your first 90 days is important, says Alyson Federico, a career coach at Korn Ferry Advance. “No matter how familiar you already are with the team or your new manager, don’t make assumptions that you know what’s going on or what you’re supposed to do,” she says.

Remember that your relationship with these colleagues will evolve. Ask questions to understand expectations about deliverables and responsibilities, how the team communicates, and how you fit into the group, Federico says. Make sure you have a clear sense of how your new team defines success.

Determine the reassignment’s length.

“Is this an open-ended shift, or has it been presented as a short-term assignment with some expectation of other opportunities down the road?” Royal says.

Ask your manager whether there will be a probationary period. Determine how much grace you will get before you’re expected to be a full contributor. Ask if there’s an onboarding process to help you get up to speed.

Stay optimistic.

Your new role and new department might provide an opportunity to build additional skills for your résumé and provide future career options. “You might stumble into something you’re really good at that you were previously unaware of, or perhaps land on a team you really enjoy working with, or discover a new career interest,” says Tiffinee Swanson , a Korn Ferry Advance career coach.

Remind yourself that even though your old role was eliminated, your company decided to keep you. That is a strong signal that your organization values you and your work, Royal says.

Consider the role’s fit.

Even if the role seems to be a poor fit for your skills, you might consider staying if you can see a career path within the company where the fit might be better, Royal says.

Give it some time, experts say. However, if it continues to be a struggle, it’s OK to leave, especially if you have another job offer, you’re offered a severance package, or you’re burned out and don’t have energy to make a change to a reassigned role.

“The best insurance against job loss, or ending up in a position you don’t like, is consistent networking, keeping your résumé and LinkedIn profile up-to-date, and staying abreast of trends in your industry,” says Val Olson , a career coach at Korn Ferry Advance. 

For more expert career advice, connect with a career coach at  Korn Ferry Advance .

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Letter Templates , Request Letter

12 Best Transfer Request Letters Samples

Are you moving to another city or state but don’t want to quit your job? Does your current employer have a branch in your new location? You can request a transfer to continue your employment within the same company, as long as you have a valid reason. The same goes when changing your position or moving to another department without relocating.

A job transfer is an excellent chance for professional growth, as it uncovers career advancement opportunities. Asking to move to another role or location in a formal letter will supercharge your chances of approval.

Learn how to write a transfer request letter to ensure your manager takes you seriously and gives approval.

What is a Transfer Request Letter?

A transfer request letter is a formal document that an employee must submit when looking to relocate to another position, department, or branch within the same company. That branch can be in another city or state. You can submit the transfer request letter to your HR department or manager, stating the reason for the request and providing valid arguments to improve your chances of approval.

Relocating to another city or state opens the door to more career opportunities. However, you don’t have to leave your stable job just because you have to move. If commuting isn’t an option and you can keep your current employment in your new location, you can seize that opportunity by requesting a transfer.

That request can also help you switch to another position or department in your current location. Whether you seek new challenges or a lighter workload, you can express your desire to make the switch anytime.

Before submitting a request, talk to your manager or HR representative about the transfer. Ask if moving to another position or location is possible and gather the necessary information on career opportunities at a specific branch.

Informing them beforehand will eliminate surprises and confusion as they’ll expect your letter. They can also walk you through the process and explain your responsibilities in a new position or location.

Once you know what to do, write a transfer request letter to formally ask your manager or HR representative to consider your move.

Reasons for Requesting a Transfer

Here are some of the most prevalent reasons for requesting a job transfer.

Personal or family circumstances

These circumstances can be life-changing, including your spouse’s job relocation, an educational opportunity, a family illness, or your child’s admission to a school in another location. Shifting to another branch would eliminate the need to commute daily (if the distance allows) and help advance your education or be there with your family. Your employer might also approve your request if you’re moving to another city or state due to marriage.

Career advancement opportunities

Advancing your career to earn a higher salary is an excellent reason for asking for a job transfer. For instance, you can request to move from accounting to finance management or fill any other vacant position that helps you acquire new skills and grow with the company.

More exciting responsibilities

It’s not uncommon for a job to become mundane after years of performing the same daily tasks. If you’re unhappy with your current duties, you can ask to pivot to a position or department with new or additional responsibilities. Your employer will likely approve because they don’t want you to be discontent, negatively affecting productivity and overall performance.

Asking for more exciting responsibilities will show you’re eager to take on new challenges, which might secure you a raise.

Preserving job security

Corporate restructuring due to mergers, downsizing, changes in business direction, or new technology often leads to redundancies. Asking for a transfer if you suspect your job is at risk is a brilliant way to maintain your current employment. The key is to showcase your skills and achievements and make an irrefutable argument for taking a different position.

Workplace conflicts

HR professionals should try to resolve workplace conflicts, but their efforts don’t always bear fruit. Moving to another position, department, or branch might be the best solution if you constantly disagree with a specific teammate or experience problems with a supervisor.

Medical reasons

You can apply for a job transfer if your age or a health problem makes it difficult to continue working in the current position. Reducing your workload might accommodate your needs better and reduce the risk of underperformance, burnout, resignation , or termination .

Regardless of the reason, the format of the transfer request letter should resemble a resume cover letter . Highlight your experience, skills, and expertise and explain the benefits the company and the manager will experience from moving you to another position, department, or branch. One page would suffice the need.

What to Include in a Transfer Request Letter?

Here are the essential elements to include in your transfer request letter and examples to help you better understand how to write it.

The purpose of the letter

State why you’re writing the transfer request letter after formally addressing the recipient. Be concise and specific, mentioning that you would like to move to a particular position, department, or branch.

Dear Mr. Williams, I am writing to request a transfer from my current position as an account manager at Aspire Enterprises to the same or similar role at the company’s Seattle branch.

The reason for your request

You don’t have to go into detail to explain why you wish to transfer. Instead, you can outline the reason in one or two sentences.

My wife has been promoted to another position in Seattle, so it would be difficult for me to commute daily. Moving to our Seattle branch would enable me to continue my career at Aspire Enterprises.

My daughter has received an acceptance letter from Lakeside School in Seattle, so that we will move there in three months. Transferring to our branch in Seattle would enable me to stay close to my family and support my daughter’s education.

Your history with the company

Highlighting your experience at the company, dedication to the job, and significant accomplishments in your current role will show you’re an indispensable employee who brings real value to the company.

I have worked as an account manager in the sales department for the past seven years, gaining expert knowledge in the field and promoting Aspire Enterprises’ growth. I believe that my experience here would make me a valuable asset to the Seattle office. While on the sales team, I helped cut costs to 25%, increase efficiency by 56%, and improve customer satisfaction to 43%, thus contributing to the company’s bottom line.

Arguments for your decision

When making a case for your possible transfer, explain why it would be an excellent move, highlighting the mutual benefits. The reader should instantly understand why it makes sense for you to switch to the desired position, department, or branch.

I have shown excellent organizational and analytical skills as an account manager here. I am confident that my in-depth knowledge and experience would further boost productivity and revenue for the Seattle branch. I wish to continue my professional growth with Aspire Enterprises once my family moves to Seattle, investing the same enthusiasm and excellence into our branch there.

An appreciation note for your manager

A transfer request letter is a formal document that requires proper business etiquette. Show gratitude for working with your manager and colleagues, thanking them for contributing to your professional growth. Don’t forget to thank your manager for taking the time to read and consider your request.

Working here at Aspire Enterprises and learning from brilliant mentors and colleagues has been a pleasure. I am eager to continue the hard work and build relationships with our Seattle team. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Your resume

Including a resume copy in your transfer request letter isn’t necessary. Still, it will remind your manager of your skills and expertise and serve as additional support for approval. If you attach your resume, mention it before the complimentary closing.

Please refer to the attached resume for more details on my qualifications.

Sincerely, Liam Davis Account Manager, Sales Aspire Enterprises 123 Business Road Boston, Massachusetts [email protected]

Sample Job Transfer Request Letter

Mrs. James Head of the Human Resource department Database technologies, California

{Date on which the letter was written}

From, Clinton, treasurer,

Sub: Requesting for transfer

Dear Mr. James,

I am writing to bring to your attention that I have been one of the best employees in your company for the past five years. I remained a committed and dedicated worker. Recently, my kids got admitted to a school in Atlanta. Getting admitted to St. Mary’s Convent is a chance, a one-time chance that is not worth wasting. This is the reason I am humbly requesting you to give me a transfer to our company branch in Atlanta. I would like to transfer next month when school starts.

If you transfer me to that branch, I will work hard without worrying about being away from my children. All my attention will be shifted to completing the tasks assigned to me in the right way.

I confidently believe that you will understand my position. I am looking forward to you considering my request and getting a positive response from you.

Free Templates And Examples


Tips for Writing a Transfer Request Letter

Here are additional tips for writing a letter to ask for a job transfer and improving your chances of getting the green light:

Use professional language

Professional language is necessary because you’re writing a formal business letter . Use correct grammar and spelling, avoid contractions (e.g., I’ve or I’ll), and include a formal greeting and closing.

Don’t be too casual

This tip nicely ties to the previous point, but it’s worth mentioning if you have a close relationship with your manager. Even if that’s the case, you should keep the request formal because your employer or other HR representatives might read it.

Forget about slang, text abbreviations (e.g., TBH – to be honest, LMK – let me know, etc.), inside jokes, and other informal words and phrases.

Research sample letters

Sample letters are fantastic inspiration sources when you don’t know where to start or how to format your request. Your reason for requesting a change in position, department, or location might be unique, but available samples can help you understand the ins and outs. You might also find an identical case and draw inspiration from it.

We offer free transfer request templates that you can customize to your needs. Download them to explore different cases and ensure you respect the formal formatting requirements.

Proofread your letter

Proofreading is crucial before submitting any business document. You wouldn’t want typos, grammatical or spelling mistakes , or formatting errors to hinder your chances of approval of your transfer request.

Quick Summary

  • Discuss your transfer possibilities with your hiring manager or employer to inform them about your consideration and gather the necessary information.
  • Write a formal transfer request letter explaining why you wish to move to another position, department, or branch.
  • Highlight your accomplishments and the mutual benefits of your possible move to improve your chances of approval.
  • Be professional, concise, compelling, and appreciative.
  • Use samples or templates for inspiration and formatting guidelines, modifying them to your unique needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i request a transfer.

You must write a formal letter to express your desire to pivot to a different position, department, or location. Address it to your HR manager and explain why the move would support your continued development and the company’s growth.

What are good reasons for a transfer request?

Valid reasons include life-changing personal or family circumstances, career advancement opportunities, more challenging and exciting responsibilities, workplace conflicts, medical reasons, and preserving job security.

What are the types of employee transfers?

They can be lateral, voluntary, and involuntary. A lateral transfer includes moving an employee to the same position in another department or location or a similar role with the same pay grade. A voluntary transfer includes an employee asking for a lateral move. Its involuntary counterpart involves reassigning an employee due to business changes like staff reductions or budget cuts.

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How To Write A Transfer Request Letter And Email (With Examples)

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If you’re looking to relocate or want new responsibilities in a new location, filling out an application for transfer by writing a transfer letter is the best way to start that process. When writing a transfer request letter state your desire to transfer, and explain why this change would benefit both you and your employer.

In this article, we will go over how to write a transfer request letter and email as well as provide a template and example letter at the end to aid in your writing process.

Key Takeaways:

A transfer request letter is a document you write asking to move to another position or location within the same organization.

Two of the most common reasons for writing a letter requesting a transfer are wanting a different role and wanting to stay at the company even though you’re relocating.

Explain what transfer you want, why you want to transfer, and why it would benefit the company.

how to write a transfer request letter and email.

What is a transfer request letter?

How to write a transfer request letter and email, transfer request emails formatting differences, transfer letter and email example, request letter for transfer template, tips for writing a transfer request letter, job transfer letter faq.

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A transfer request letter, or transferring letter, is an official document written by an organization’s employee requesting to be placed in a position at another office location within the same organization.

Transferring is usually discussed early on with a supervisor . You want to make sure that the company is informed about your plans so that, by the time you send your formal transfer request letter, they have been expecting it.

Employees typically address these letters to their supervisors or their human resources departments . The letters contain information on the employee’s request and reasons why the recipient should grant this request.

Employees write transfer request letters for varying reasons. Some include:

A need for new, more advanced roles, especially after company mergers and acquisitions.

Relocation, but still looking to work within the same organization.

A need for a lighter workload for health-related issues.

Issues with a boss or coworker.

Many organizations are excited to do what they can to retain current employees, and transferring is a realistic option for many.

In a perfect scenario, your organization will have an open spot to fill in the location you are moving to. In these scenarios, there may even be a separate internal application process. Transferring to locations that do not have open positions within your qualifications is more difficult, but not impossible. Especially if you have a compelling letter.

When writing your transfer request letter or email, you should start with a greeting with your name followed by “dear”, followed by the reason you are writing. Below are more detailed steps for the different parts of a transfer request letter or email.

Header and greeting. If you are sending in a physical letter, the first thing that is going to appear on this letter will be your full contact information , as well as the name of your recipient and the address of your workplace.

After this will be the word “Dear,” followed by either “Mr./Ms./Mx.” and the recipient’s last name, or the recipient’s first name if you have a friendlier relationship.

The reason you are writing. After your greeting, you will begin your letter with a statement on your desire to transfer, and the position and/or location you would like to transfer to. You should also describe briefly why you are looking to transfer to a new position .

Supporting evidence. Similar to a cover letter but a bit less involved, you will want to use the body of the transfer letter to give supporting information on why your transfer is a good idea.

Detail your experience with and dedication to this particular company, and present some compelling examples of what you would bring to the table along with your key accomplishments.

Conclusion. Be sure to close your letter with gratitude. You should thank the reader for their time, and you may also want to consider expressing gratitude for the great team you have worked with and the experiences you have had . Include a complimentary closing such as “sincerely,” or “regards,” to professionally end the letter.

Additional Documents. Mention any additional documents and be sure to attach them with the letter. This will include an up-to-date resume and any other documents you would like to have considered in your transfer decision.

When writing a transfer request email, you don’t want to use the same format as transfer letter format. To do this you want to use a relevant subject instead of a formal header. Those are just some of the differences when it comes to writing a transfer request email. Below are some of the other differences you should keep in mind.

Do not include a formal header. Emails have distinct formatting differences from physical letters. Though letters contain your contact information and the information of the receiver at the beginning, emails do not. Instead, just begin your email with a formal greeting.

Use a relevant subject line. The subject line of your email should give a brief description of what the letter is, for ease of organization. So, in this case, your subject line should indicate that this is a transfer request letter. You may also want to include your full name in the subject line.

Keep it professional. Even though you likely know the recipient of your letter well, you will still want to keep the email relatively formal. Remember that this is a statement of your desire to land a new job , and you need to present your best most professional self. Always use the correct formatting of greeting and closing, follow a clear objective, and proofread.

Put contact information at the bottom. After your signature, include all relevant contact information so that any recipient will be able to easily reach out to you and respond to your request. Include your email address, phone number, and any other way you would like to be contacted.

To help you write your transfer request, below are examples of a transfer request letter and email. Remember to tailor the letters to fit your specific needs.

Transfer Letter Request Example

Melissa Cook 8127 Bevel Rd. Carbondale, Pennsylvania 18407 624-789-8776 [email protected] April 11, 2021 Benjamin Snyder Marketing Director UBX 241 Cherry St. Scranton, Pennsylvania 18447 Dear Mr. Snyder, I am writing to formally request consideration for a transfer from my current role as digital marketing manager at UBX to marketing specialist at the Indianapolis, Indiana office of UBX. I am requesting this transfer because I am currently in the process of moving to Indianapolis to be closer to family. I have greatly appreciated my time working for UBX, and I have been able to grow my digital marketing skillset and make incredible connections at the Scranton office. I am excited to see how I can use my verbal and visual communication skills at the Indianapolis office to help achieve marketing and growth goals. I also believe this new role would allow me to continue growing and advancing in strategic communications planning. I have enjoyed my time at the Scranton UBX office and would love to continue helping UBX achieve its goals. I have attached my updated resume and portfolio for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Melissa Cook
Subject line: Emily Johnson transfer request Dear Mr. Peters, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to formally request a transfer within XYZ Company to the San Diego location. After careful consideration and reflection, I believe that a transfer would be mutually beneficial for both the company and my professional growth. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working at the Chicago location. The knowledge and experiences I have gained have been invaluable and I am grateful for the opportunities provided. However, I have recently identified a strong interest and passion for the San Diego location and firmly believe that a transfer would allow me to contribute my skills and expertise more effectively. I would be more than happy to discuss this transfer request further and provide any additional information or clarification you may require. Thank you for considering my transfer request. Sincerely, Emily Johnson
[Your full name] [Your home address] [Your phone number] [Your email address] [Date the letter was sent] [Full name of recipient] [Recipient’s job title] [Organization name] [Organization address] Dear [recipient’s name], I am writing to formally request consideration for a transfer from my current role as [your current position] at [organization name] to [position you would like to transfer to] at the [city and state or just city of office you would like to transfer to] office of [organization name]. I am requesting this transfer because [reason you are wanting to transfer/reason you are moving]. I have greatly appreciated my time working for [organization name], and I have been able to grow my [skill type] skill set and make incredible connections at the [city of current work office] office. I am excited to see how I can use my [skill type] skills at the [city of office you would like to transfer to] office to help achieve [goals you would help achieve]. I also believe this new role would allow me to continue growing and advancing in [skill type]. I have enjoyed my time at the [city of current work office] office and would love to continue helping [organization name] achieve their goals. I have attached my updated resume and portfolio for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, [your full name]

When writing a transfer request letter or email, be sure you do your research about know why you want to transfer. Below are additional tips you need to keep in mind when writing a transfer request letter or email.

Do your research and organize your plan. Think about why you are moving or wanting to transfer, and consider the timeline of this decision.

This is especially important if there is no job currently open and available for you to transfer to, you may need to think extra hard about this. Getting these facts and details sorted out will help you compellingly build your letter.

Consider why your employer would want to agree to this transfer. If you are a valuable member of their team, you will want to consider what possible benefits it may bring to them. You want to make a compelling argument why they would want to let you go.

A job transfer request letter is very similar to writing a cover letter. They are serving the same basic function, so write them in a similar fashion.

Use your established rapport to your advantage. You shouldn’t assume that you are guaranteed a transfer because you already work at the company, but keep in mind that you still need to be convincing and courteous. Consider the needs of this company and how you have been able to most effectively utilize your skills to meet these needs.

How do I request a transfer?

You request a transfer by writing a transfer request letter to your employer. To write a convincing and professional transfer request letter, you’ll need to do some research first.

What are good reasons for a transfer request?

Some good reasons for a transfer request are:

You’re relocating but want to stay with the company.

You have a desire to move to a different role.

You dislike your boss or team but want to stay with the company.

How do I write a transfer letter due to family reasons?

To write a transfer letter due to family reasons, you’ll want to be as open and honest as possible without going into too much detail, and you’ll need to make your case for why the transfer would benefit the company.

What are the types of employee transfers?

The types of employee transfers are lateral transfers, voluntary transfers, and involuntary transfers. There are a plethora of other more specific types of transfers, but these are the major three.

How do I accept a transfer letter?

To accept a transfer letter, you’ll write a letter to your employee in return. This letter will explain that their request has been approved and the details of their transfer.

How do you professionally request a transfer?

Writing a transfer request letter or email is how you professionally request a transfer. You should state the reason you are writing and provide information and supporting evidence as to why you want to transfer.

The Washington Post – How to Talk to Your Boss About Wanting to Transfer Offices

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Kate is a graduate of Brigham Young University, where she completed a degree in Comparative Literature with a minor in Mathematics. She lives in the Pacific Northwest and enjoys hiking and reading.

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