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Published doctoral theses, doctoral studies at the school of business and economics.


Generally speaking, it takes between 2 and 5 years to gain a doctoral degree. Although organization skills, self-discipline, motivation and independent studying are prerequisites for any academic degree, they are even more important when it comes to taking a doctoral degree. A doctoral degree takes several years to complete and unlike other academic degrees it is not broken down into clearly defined stages, but is a protracted process which calls for 'staying power', self-motivation and a certain degree of idealism.

Photo: Martin Braun

more... zu: Requirements

Center for Doctoral Studies

RWTH Doctoral Academy (§10)

The Center for Doctoral Studies (CDS) is the center for providing continuing education and transferable skill training opportunities for doctoral candidates. Our staff organizes, plans, and hold courses for doctoral candidates to expand their interdisciplinary skills. Methodological and social skills are particularly valued...

Photo: RWTH Aachen

more... zu: RWTH Doctoral Academy (§10)

Published Doctoral Theses

Having gained a doctoral degree, a candidate is obliged to publish a specific number of copies of her or his doctoral thesis in order to make it available to the scientific and academic communities.

Photo: Marcus Gerards

more... zu: Published Doctoral Theses

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Department of Mathematics

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Doctoral studies (phd), sub-navigation.

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Traditionally, PhD candidates in Germany are not trained in standardised programmes. Thus, various possibilities exist to obtain a PhD in mathematics at RWTH Aachen University, loosely tied together by the Promotionsordnung (doctoral degree regulations) . In particular, there is not a unified application procedure. Usually a professor has one or more assistant positions in her/his institute at his/her disposal. These offer the possibility to do research but usually come with the obligation to fulfil teaching or other duties. In addition to that there might be some open positions in research projects funded by the DFG ( German Science Foundation ), industry or other organizations. All of these positions are usually managed personally by the professor. You should definitely check the section on Faculty where all professors are named including contact details with the professors’ individual homepages for job offers. Moreover, you may write to any professor at any time to see if you could join their group in the near future. Please make sure to include meaningful resumes etc.

During the doctoral studies there are no strict regulations on the amount of coursework the candidate has to do. Usually the personal research is considered the main source of mathematical qualification to be obtained. In addition to the doctoral thesis the candidate will have to take an oral exam, the content of which should be agreed upon with four different professors and should cover four different subjects. Thus it is advisable to attend some of the Advanced Courses and Seminars offered in the Bachelor's and Master's programmes 


Doris Frank, Head of Center for Doctoral Studies

Doris Frank

Head of Center for Doctoral Studies

In addition to the mathematical qualifications every doctoral candidate has the opportunity to enhance his secondary skills in the Center for Doctoral Studies (CDS) . This programme offers courses in project management, professional presentation, personal development, foreign languages and the like. The goal of this programme is to improve certain job orientated skills alongside the subject-specific ones. The achievements will be noted in a performance record presented to the candidate along with his doctoral certificate. Further information in English is available in a Leaflet about the CDS (PDF).
There are also possibilities for Financial Aid .

Similar Topics

  • Office for Doctoral Studies
  • Current Job Openings at the Department of Mathematics

last updated: 07/09/2023

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Department of Computer Science

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Your Doctoral Studies at the Department of Computer Science

Rwth aachen offers.

  • Doctoral Studies at RWTH Aachen
  • Faculty 1 Office for Doctoral Studies

Computer Science Department Offers

Interested in Research and Innovation?

At the Department of Computer Science, roughly 30 different research groups tackle a broad range of research activities. They include work in research topics that are very relevant to modern society – in general and on a global scale – such as our involvement in international climate or space research for instance.

Top-level research, international projects and interdisciplinary collaboration shape our academic profile and form the basis of our success within the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments. The department participates in two of three clusters of excellence as well as in the Excellence Initiative's Graduate School.

You can find more information on the department's research projects on the websites of the respective research groups.

Would you like to play a part in our future success? We look forward to having you join us as a doctoral candidate.

Our Research Areas

last updated: 29/06/2017

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  • Day of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 2023
  • Day of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 2022
  • RWTH Aachen MATLAB Day 2024
  • Professor Moser takes office as the new Dean


General information on phd.

Graduates in front of the main building

The traditional way to obtain a PhD is the candidate's integration into the teaching and research activities of an institute or chair, thereby working on an individual research project under the supervision of the candidate's coach and mentor. Typically the candidate is contracted on a time-limited basis as a teaching and research assistant. She or he is offered various training possibilities at the RWTH Aachen University in order to be well prepared for further job-related tasks.

Photo: RWTH International Academy

  • International Cooperation

If you have further questions, please contact Ms Elisabeth Böttcher.

more... zu: Contact

Further Information and Downloads

Here you will find Templates and Information Sheets for your Doctorate.

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Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences

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Office for Doctoral Studies

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  • Applications for Professorships
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  • Ombudsperson for Doctoral Studies

Doctoral Office - Important information

You are able to book personal appointments online for the doctoral office. Other appointments are not possible.

Please use the link at the bottom of this message.

Please do not come to the doctoral office without prior appointment confirmation. Please note that in all doctoral matters it will still be possible to submit your applications and documents by mail or via the mailbox next to the office rooms. Doctoral certificates are generally  delivered by registered mail.

  • Appointment

location plan of faculty

Paperwork for doctoral dissertations (thesis application) is processed at the "doctoral office" (Promotionssekretariat).

Please note that the only unit auhorized to provide reliable information in doctoral issues is the doctoral office (Promotionssekretariat) of this Faculty.

The doctoral office may still be contacted by email: [email protected]

If you contact the doctoral office, always state your field of study. Doctoral certificates will only be mailed.

Telephone consultation will be available on Mondays 09:00 to 11:00h. Phone 0241 80 99280

Designated staff & subjects:

Mrs. Wasiljew (Mathematics, Computer Science)

Mrs. Nowak (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)

Mr. Köchner (all departments)

Email: [email protected]

Availability by phone: see above

The office is located in building 1160 (Templergraben 59, upper level (above "Technologietransfer, Forschungsförderung").

  • Up to date information on oral examinations (.pdf)
  • Oral Examiniations - consent for video conferencing (form ) (.pdf)
  • Good Scientific Practice
  • Doctoral degree regulations (.pdf - German) Faculty 1
  • Checklist (.pdf - English) and template (.pdf - German) template (.docx - German)
  • Advisor agreement (.pdf - German)
  • Declaration of authorship (.pdf - English) text template for your dissertation
  • Appointment (university library) for planning the submission of doctoral dissertations
  • Information sheet on the storage of personal data (.pdf - German)
  • Center for Doctoral Studies (for your information .pdf - German/English)

last updated: 17/04/2024

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PhD at the DWI

About 65 PhD students are currently researching within the five areas of competence of the the DWI – Leibniz Institute. They participate in the DWI-internal mentoring program and some of them are members of additional graduate schools and programs.

Photo Graduiertenprogramme

DWI Mentoring Program

All doctoral candidates of the DWI—Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials are supported by the institute’s own Mentoring Program whose aims are to regularly and intensively promote doctoral projects as well as to ensure a realistic time planning and high-quality work of the doctoral students. Moreover, the Mentoring Program aims to advance institute-internal collaborations and interdisciplinary research at the DWI. Within the scope of the Program, two Mentors from two different fields of expertise are assigned to every doctoral candidate to promote efficient work on interdisciplinary research projects. During the doctoral study time (typically four years), there are three Mentoring seminars in which the attained scientific results and the total performance of the doctoral candidates as well as the quality of the Mentoring are discussed. Regular events such as the weekly Institute Seminar or the annual Doctoral Student Retreat also help to further the interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and cooperation. Moreover, the participation of young scientists at various international scientific conferences is permitted and funded.

Max Planck School ‟Matter to Life”

The doctoral program at the Max Planck School Matter to Life will offer highly talented and motivated students a superior training in the fundamentals, methods and approaches in the rapidly developing field of Matter to Life. „What, exactly, is life?“, and „Can life-like processes, functions and objects be quantitatively simulated, predicted and created in the laboratory?“ are the overarching questions addressed in the curriculum and research training.

The Max Planck School Matter to Life is organized by Heidelberg University, Göttingen University, Technical University of Munich, Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials at RWTH Aachen and different Max Planck Institutes. Faculty and researchers from diverse scientific backgrounds, but with overlapping research interests will mentor and teach the students which may then choose from over 40 of Germany’s most renowned and successful research laboratories to pursue their research in the emerging scientific area of Matter to Life. Current Bachelor's students with backgrounds in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Material Sciences, Molecular Systems Engineering, Physics, Molecular Cell Biology, Bioengineering, or a related subject are encouraged to apply to the Max Planck School Matter to Life.

Students holding a Bachelor's degree can apply to the 5-year B.S.-to-Ph.D. direct track program, where they will begin their first two years of study at one of our three partner Universities based on their specialization of choice:  Molecular Systems Chemistry and Engineering (Heidelberg University), Complex Systems and Biological Physics (Göttingen University), or Bioengineering (Technical University of Munich). The remaining three years of the program can be undertaken at any of the Faculty's laboratories.

DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2375 ´Tumor-Targeted Drug Delivery'

Drug delivery systems improve the efficiency of cancer therapeutic agents by slowing their degradation, prolonging blood circulation times, increasing target site accumulation, and protecting healthy organs. So far, various drug delivery systems have been developed and tested, but their full potential has not been fully exploited as yet. Exploiting this potential requires close, interdisciplinary collaboration at the interface between clinical practice, tumor biology, and chemical technologies.

The research training group seeks to develop drug delivery systems and new treatment strategies to treat tumors more effectively and reduce the side effects of agents. Innovative production processes are to be established that allow the efficient, reproducible production of drug delivery systems.

Furthermore, Inter- and intraindividual differences in tumor vasculature and tumor microenvironment will be correlated with site accumulation, penetration, and drug delivery system effectiveness. In addition, pharmacological and physical complementary treatments will be examined to increase tumor uptake and the effectiveness of drugs.

Graduate school Mechanobiology in Epithelial 3D Tissue Constructs (MEƎT)

The graduate school Mechanobiology in Epithelial 3D Tissue Constructs (MEƎT) trains doctoral researchers in the burgeoning fields of mechanobiology and tissue engineering. The doctoral researchers examine how mechanical stimuli regulate tissue morphogenesis and remodeling based on the hypothesis that the micromechanical niche determines cellular responses which in turn modify the cell's mechanical niche. Understanding and controlling this mechanobiological feedback cycle offers novel prospects for steering tissue morphogenesis and remodeling in order to interrupt pathological processes and produce functional tissue Substitutes Cell biology, biophysics and bioengineering must work hand in hand to unravel fundamental mechanobiological mechanisms. MEƎT exploits the unique constellation at RWTH Aachen University by bringing together engineers and life science researchers to provide an ideal basis for meeting this demand. The doctoral researchers leverage this constellation to learn about mechanisms governing tissue mechanics and development, and use this knowledge for developing tissue engineered biological systems. Such complex tissue models are urgently sought by the pharmaceutical industry and academia for drug screening, reduction of animal use and basic research.

Research Training Program within the SFB 985 “Functional Microgels and Microgel Systems”

The SFB brings together research groups from polymer science, chemical engineering and life sciences and focuses on microgels as a group of highly functional macromolecules.

International Research Training Program 1628 SeleCa “Selectivity in Chemo- and Biocatalysis” This International Research Training Program aims for an understanding of catalytic processes on a molecular level. It proposes to bridge the gap between chemical and biological catalysis in research and education by complementary research teams and to combine chemical and biological catalysis for future chemicals’ production by providing superior solutions for selective conversions and integrating underlying processes.

Prof. A. Herrmann coordinates the EU-funded training network ALERT, which deals with development of new biocides and antimicrobial surfaces.

Center for Doctoral Studies, RWTH Aachen University

The Center for Doctoral Studies, CDS for short, is the center for providing continuing education and transferable skills training opportunities for doctoral candidates at the RWTH Aachen University, including PhD students at the DWI that are enrolled at the RWTH Aachen. The focus is on skills which are important for the doctoral studies and further career.

One of RWTH Aachen's goals is for its young researchers not only to possess excellent subject oriented skills but also a broad range of skills outside of their discipline. The CDS supports doctoral candidates with their career development.

Other topics:

Working at the dwi.

Find information on opportunities to work at the DWI.

Equal opportunity and diversity are embedded in the mission statement of the DWI and belong a priori to the self-image of the institute.

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Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University

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  • MSc. in Industrial Engineering - Major in Textile Technology
  • Teacher at Vocational Schools in Textile and Clothing Technology
  • MSc. in Textile Engineering
  • Research Papers and Theses

If you hold a Master degree in engineering, you can apply for a doctorate position. We do not offer a standard <PhD> programme. Instead, our doctorate programme leads to the degree of "Dr.-Ing.".

General information about a doctorate at the Faculty for Mechanical Engineering can be found here .

How long does it take to get a doctoral degree?

What are the requirements when applying for a phd position.

  • A Master's degree in mechanical engineering or textile engineering (with a strong focus on technology not fashion or design).
  • An excellent command of German (level C2).

I do not speak German. Can I learn German at RWTH Aachen?

That would be too late. It is an absolute necessity that you already have an excellent command of German when applying. The main reason being that you

  • need to communicate with our research partners in German
  • will have to apply for funding for research projects in German
  • will have to supervise students in their scientific projects which are written in German

What is special about getting a doctoral degree from ITA?

In general:

  • In the first year, you will work on an ongoing research project so that you can gain first experiences in your field. Parallelly, you will probably need to pass exams in mechanical or textile engineering depending on your prior qualification.
  • In the following years, you will need to apply for funding for subsequent projects which will provide your funding and that of our technical staff involved.
  • One of these projects will be the basis for your actual doctoral thesis.
  • Parallel to publicly funded projects, you will also work on direct R&D projects for industry partners. These projects you will acquire yourself.
  • We put great emphasis on the constant education of our staff members. Hence you are strongly encouraged to partake in the courses offered by the Center for Doctoral Studies of RWTH Aachen .
  • During your doctorate, you will supervise students in their scientific projects which may form part of your doctoral thesis.

Hence, our doctorate does not consist of just one topic on which you work exclusively and closely supervised as is the case in a PhD programme. In the contrary, you will have to develop your own doctorate topic, apply for the respective funding, also work on other projects in or outside your doctorate field, you will be in close contact to industry and you will also gain first experience in supervising students. This qualifies you to directly take up a managing or research position in industry after you completed your doctorate.

What about payment?

We pay researchers while they do their doctorate according to TV-L 13 . This salary comes through the research projects on which you work. For these projects, you have applied the respective funding.

There are no scholarships available.

I hold a scholarship which covers all my costs. Does that affect my chances of being accepted?

No. Your scholarship will by far not cover all costs arising during your doctorate. Hence you will have to apply for research projects like everyone else. In addition, applying for funding and also doing R&D projects for industry is an integral part of our doctoral system. A scholarship does in fact complicate things a lot as most scholarships require that you obtain your degree within 3 - 4 years while it takes 5 years on average to complete it.

How and where can I apply?

If you meet the above mentioned requirements, please send your complete application in German in 1 pdf-file to Dieter Veit .

There is no application deadline.

If you have any questions prior to applying officially, please do contact Dieter Veit via email.

last updated: 14/11/2023

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Research Associates/Ph.D.

Open position via rwth job openings, ➤  job openings at rwth job database, unsolicited application.

Thank you for your interest in a scientific engagement at our lab. Usually our jobs are limited in time and offer the possibility of conferral of a doctorate. We regularly have jobs to fill and would like to encourage you to a spontaneous application. Please send us the usual application documents and address the following points in your application:

  • Branch of study and fields of interest
  • Hardware und software skills
  • Practical experience
  • Other acquired professional proficiencies and skills
  • Complete collection of certificates with grades or grade transcripts
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Employment references
  • Other qualifications
  • Favoured field of activity / focus of interest
  • Possible date to start work
  • Curriculum Vitae

Please be sure to visit also Information for Incomings .

Information on the German PhD system can be found in the RWTH Aachen brochure here . The Brochure on Doctoral Studies can be downloaded here.

For further information and questions please contact Dr.-Ing. Marian Walter. Please send a written application (including c.v. and copies of transcripts) to

Institute for Medical Information Technology Helmholtz-Institute for Biomedical Engineering attn. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. med. Steffen Leonhardt Pauwelsstr. 20 52074 Aachen Germany

Please note: due to an enormous number of international applications, be advised that we only accept WRITTEN applications including copies of grade transcripts. We will NOT process nor answer applications by email.

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I appreciate all kinds of input as I am in the process of considering a phd position there :D

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RWTH University Hospital Aachen

The University Medical Center includes the occupational medical facilities for RWTH Aachen, Aachen University Hospital, for FH Aachen/Jülich, and Student Services. The team of doctors supporting lead doctor Dr. Doris Keller, is mostly responsible for occupational medicine. We meet the many demands of our work with the help of medical assistants, medical technical assistants, social workers, a medical engineer, and an administrative assistant. We dedicate our medical knowledge to the correlation between work, career, and health. In addition to the prevention and detection of illnesses that can be caused by work, this includes the prevention of accidents, contribution to reintegration and rehabilitation measures, workplace´inspections, cooperation with committees for occupational safety, and the promotion of health. Employees meet us right when they are hired. Throughout one's employment, there are medical services available to them, that are either voluntary or obligatory depending on an individual's position. They can also result from requests by employees themselves. Individual counseling is important to us in addition to physical examinations. RWTH Aachen Social Counseling is available to employees in difficult work and life situations.

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6 rwth-aachen-university PhD positions

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PhD position- Power system monitoring and quantum communication

offering you the chance to actively help in shaping the change! We offer ideal conditions for you to complete your doctoral degree: Possibility of pursuing a PhD at RWTH Aachen University supervised by Prof

PhD Studentship: Electro-mechanical Modelling and Control of Wave Energy Converters using MEGA-PTO

device to be tested in Edinburgh, and a 100kW system tested at RWTH Aachen in Germany to validate designs and control strategies. You will have the opportunity to collaborate with all partners and be

PhD student in Optimisation

components to improve the computational performance of optimisation methods used in combination with Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition. The research will be carried out in collaboration with RWTH Aachen University

PhD Position - New UHV Technologies for the Einstein Telescope for Gravitational Waves Detection

on the production and installation process of vacuum pipes and their frames Most of your work will be at ZEA-1 in close collaboration with the groups involved in the development of the ET at RWTH Aachen University as

PhDs legal aspects of the development of HVDC – Doctoral Network ‘Inter-oPEn'

same: next to a final dissertation, several peer-reviewed publications and participation in several conferences/dissemination events. Consortium Next to the University of Groningen, RWTH Aachen , KU

Next to the University of Groningen, RWTH Aachen , KU Leuven, TU Delft, TU Braunschweig, KTH Sweden, Universitat Politecnica Catalunya (UPC) and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) are involved

Searches related to rwth aachen university

  • engineering
  • phd mechanical engineering
  • materials science
  • postdoctoral
  • technical university of denmark
  • university of houston

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  • Bauingenieurwesen Fakultät 3
  • Maschinenwesen Fakultät 4
  • Georessourcen und Materialtechnik Fakultät 5
  • Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik Fakultät 6
  • Philosophische Fakultät Fakultät 7
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften Fakultät 8
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  1. PhD Position in Material Science at RWTH Aachen University in Germany

    phd at rwth


    phd at rwth

  3. International PhD Position in Polymer Rheology at RWTH Aachen

    phd at rwth

  4. PhD degree at RWTH Aachen University

    phd at rwth

  5. Mohammad Zeineldeen

    phd at rwth

  6. Meet B.

    phd at rwth


  1. Multiscale optical imaging for unraveling the in vivo fate of nanomedicine

  2. Обзор факультета международных отношений и политических исследований

  3. Battle Chess Karate

  4. Quantitative hybrid fluorescence and CT to assess drug biodistribution in cancer research

  5. Phd Defence of Eva Helena Harlacher

  6. Обзор юридического факультета


  1. Applying for Doctoral Studies

    Once you have founda doctoral supervisor at RWTH, you need to apply as a doctoral candidate. Below are the steps for applying: Collect all the required documents and scan them as a PDF. The following documents are required: Documents confirming you are eligible for doctoral studies: This means your academic transcripts and diplomas.

  2. Doctoral Studies From A to Z

    Doctoral candidates at RWTH Aachen University independently work on challenging new scientific findings and write them up in their thesis. The maxim of academic integrity applies here. Certain admission requirements must be fulfilled in order to be awarded a doctorate. The legal basis for this is Section 67 of the Higher Education Act of North ...

  3. Prospective International Doctoral Candidates

    Prospective International Doctoral Candidates All faculties at RWTH Aachen University are entitled to award doctoral degrees. In order to obtain a doctoral degree, candidates have to conduct an independent research project and publish their results in form of a dissertation or doctoral thesis (Doktorarbeit). Subsequently, they have to pass an oral examination.

  4. Admission Requirements for Doctoral Studies

    Prospective doctoral candidates who have obtained their qualifying degree, usually the Master's degree, in Germany will find further information on application and enrollment at RWTH Aachen University on our Enrolling as a Doctoral Candidate page. If this applies to you, you will need an official admission to doctoral studies by the responsible ...

  5. PhD

    RWTH Aachen University. With 260 institutes in nine faculties, RWTH Aachen University is one of Europe's leading institutions for science and research. ... The latest PhD projects delivered straight to your inbox; Access to our £6,000 scholarship competition; Weekly newsletter with funding opportunities, research proposal tips and much more;

  6. Doctoral Studies

    The Center for Doctoral Studies (CDS) is the center for providing continuing education and transferable skill training opportunities for doctoral candidates. Our staff organizes, plans, and hold courses for doctoral candidates to expand their interdisciplinary skills. Methodological and social skills are particularly valued... Photo: RWTH Aachen.

  7. Doctoral Studies (PhD)

    Doctoral Studies (PhD) Traditionally, PhD candidates in Germany are not trained in standardised programmes. Thus, various possibilities exist to obtain a PhD in mathematics at RWTH Aachen University, loosely tied together by the Promotionsordnung (doctoral degree regulations). In particular, there is not a unified application procedure.

  8. Your Doctoral Studies at the Department of Computer Science

    Top-level research, international projects and interdisciplinary collaboration shape our academic profile and form the basis of our success within the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments. The department participates in two of three clusters of excellence as well as in the Excellence Initiative's Graduate School.

  9. Doctoral Studies

    General Information on PhD. The traditional way to obtain a PhD is the candidate's integration into the teaching and research activities of an institute or chair, thereby working on an individual research project under the supervision of the candidate's coach and mentor. Typically the candidate is contracted on a time-limited basis as a ...

  10. Office for Doctoral Studies

    The doctoral office may still be contacted by email: [email protected]. If you contact the doctoral office, always state your field of study. Doctoral certificates will only be mailed. Telephone consultation will be available on Mondays 09:00 to 11:00h. Phone 0241 80 99280. Designated staff & subjects:

  11. PhD at the DWI

    The Center for Doctoral Studies, CDS for short, is the center for providing continuing education and transferable skills training opportunities for doctoral candidates at the RWTH Aachen University, including PhD students at the DWI that are enrolled at the RWTH Aachen. The focus is on skills which are important for the doctoral studies and ...

  12. Doctorate

    Doctorate. If you hold a Master degree in engineering, you can apply for a doctorate position. We do not offer a standard <PhD> programme. Instead, our doctorate programme leads to the degree of "Dr.-Ing.". General information about a doctorate at the Faculty for Mechanical Engineering can be found here.

  13. Research Associates/Ph.D.

    Information on the German PhD system can be found in the RWTH Aachen brochure here. The Brochure on Doctoral Studies can be downloaded here. For further information and questions please contact Dr.-Ing. Marian Walter. Please send a written application (including c.v. and copies of transcripts) to.

  14. Experience with phd at RWTH Aachen (or Germany in general)

    That being said, Germany is arguably in the top 3 counties in the world to do a PhD in. Aachen has a very good reputation, especially for engineering. They have high expectations for their students though. I will be starting my PhD soon at RWTH Aachen. I have been associated with the institute through out my MS as well.

  15. Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D.

    4.4 Read 574 reviews. For the acquirement of a doctorate supplement of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University, at least five of the following ten minimum requirements must be fulfilled within the scope of a doctorate: Supervision of student research projects and Diploma theses as well as project works, Bachelor and ...

  16. Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Ph.D.

    The traditional way to obtain a Electrical Engineering and Information Technology PhD degree at RWTH Aachen University is the candidate's integration into the teaching and research activities of an institute or chair, thereby working on an individual research project under the supervision of the candidate's coach and mentor. Typically the ...

  17. Enrolling as a Doctoral Candidate

    Enrolling as a Doctoral Candidate

  18. Civil Engineering, Ph.D.

    About. At the RWTH Aachen University, we offer our graduate students a phd programme degree in Civil Engineering. Every candidate intending to pursue doctoral studies at the Faculty of Civil Engineering from RWTH Aachen University must submit a request in accordance with §11 of the Doctoral Studies Regulation to have their admissions ...

  19. PhD

    RWTH University Hospital Aachen. The University Medical Center includes the occupational medical facilities for RWTH Aachen, Aachen University Hospital, for FH Aachen/Jülich, and Student Services. The team of doctors supporting lead doctor Dr. Doris Keller, is mostly responsible for occupational medicine. We meet the many demands of our work ...

  20. 6 rwth-aachen-university PhD positions

    PhD Studentship: Electro-mechanical Modelling and Control of Wave Energy Converters using MEGA-PTO. device to be tested in Edinburgh, and a 100kW system tested at RWTH Aachen in Germany to validate designs and control strategies. You will have the opportunity to collaborate with all partners and be.

  21. Architecture, Ph.D.

    4.4 Read 574 reviews. All faculties at RWTH Aachen University are entitled to award doctoral degrees. In order to obtain an Architecture doctoral degree at RWTH Aachen University, candidates have to conduct an independent research project and publish their results in form of a dissertation or doctoral thesis (Doktorarbeit).

  22. International Master's Degree Programs

    Physics. Software Systems Engineering. Simulation Sciences. Sustainable Management. Transforming City Regions M.Sc. Transport Engineering and Mobility, with spezialisation in Railway Systems Engineering. For detailed information on our International Master's Programs, please refer to the brochure "Graduate Studies at RWTH Aachen University ...

  23. RWTH Jobs Portal

    RWTH Jobs Portal. This web page provides you with an overview of current job postings at RWTH Aachen University. We are looking forward to receiving your application! Internal job offers can be found on the RWTH intranet by using the search term "internal jobs". Please be aware that the vocational training courses and dual training programs ...

  24. Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Experimentalphysik

    RWTH Aachen University - Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Experimentalphysik - Kontakt. h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6. Diese Webseite nutzt technisch notwendige Cookies, um bestmögliche Funktionalität bieten zu können. Weitere Informationen Verstanden! Zum Inhaltsbereich Zur Hauptnavigation Zum Footer Zur Suche. Suche. Suche nach.