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The “What Makes You Unique?” Essay

how i am unique essay

By Eric Eng

Checking for typographical errors in an essay.

The college application process is a journey of self-discovery, reflection, and articulation of one’s identity. The “what-makes-you-unique” essay is a pivotal opportunity to express who you are and what you bring to the table.

This essay is more than just a written document; it’s a window into your soul, a chance to convey your individuality, and a platform to showcase what makes you unique. It’s not about boasting or trying to impress with grand achievements; it’s about honesty, introspection, and the courage to share your true self with the admissions committee.

Why Is the “What-Makes-You-Unique” Essay Important?

In a sea of qualified applicants, the “what-makes-you-unique” essay serves as a distinguishing factor that sets you apart. Colleges and universities are not merely looking for high grades or impressive extracurriculars; they are seeking individuals who will contribute something special to their community.

What makes you unique is not just a catchphrase; it’s a question that invites you to delve into your passions, values, and the very essence of who you are. This essay is your chance to demonstrate how your unique perspective, experiences, and aspirations align with the institution’s mission and how you will enrich the campus culture.

Understanding the purpose of uniqueness in college applications

The concept of uniqueness in college applications goes beyond mere differentiation. It’s about showcasing your authentic self and how your individuality will contribute to the diverse tapestry of the college community.

Understanding what makes you unique requires a deep exploration of your interests, strengths, and the values that guide your life. It’s not about trying to fit a mold or conforming to what you think the college wants to see.

Instead, it’s about embracing your true self and articulating how your uniqueness will add value to the educational environment. This understanding guides the writing process, ensuring that your essay resonates with sincerity and relevance.

How do you write an essay about yourself?

How does one go about writing an essay about themselves? We get it. It’d be that boasting about oneself isn’t your thing, or that you just prefer to keep your personal anecdotes to yourself. Both of these are perfectly valid reasons.

a female student studying with her laptop and looking at the camera

But if you are honest about who you are and share your experiences, you may demonstrate to prospective colleges and universities, and even scholarship sponsors, who you are and why you ought to be given the coveted spot . When you are writing an essay about yourself, keep in mind the following points:

Make a List of Questions

After you have finished reading the scholarship essay prompt, take a moment to collect your thoughts and create a list of several questions that you are able to answer and that are connected to the main question posed in the essay prompt.

Let’s imagine the major question that prompts you to write your essay asks, “What were the obstacles or problems that you had to work hard to overcome?” The more specific inquiries could be anything along the lines of:

What is your background?

What makes you unique in terms of overcoming challenges? What’s your greatest accomplishment? How did you get there? How have previous challenges influenced your goals?

Consider each of these questions a little provocation on its own. They assist you in describing your tale and answer the main essay prompt with more details than you would be able to provide if you simply responded to the prompt without having a plan in place.

Conceptualize and Outline

After you’ve thought about the more specific questions, it’s time to come up with some replies. Take some time to respond to each of the mini-prompts, and for your convenience, you can either open a document on your computer or get out a pen and paper.

Arrange your answers in the following order:

  • Intro to the main essay prompt.
  • Answer about 3 mini-prompt questions.
  • To conclude, rewrite your response to the primary essay prompt, including a synopsis of how you addressed the supplementary essay questions.

You will be able to keep on topic and directly respond to the prompt with the assistance of this organization. Outlining can also help you be strategic about word count restriction because you can compartmentalize words within the mini-prompt questions/subtopics.

Be Vulnerable

In your essay, don’t be hesitant to allow your personality, including your skills, struggles, and personal tales, to show through.

Scholarship and admissions committees absolutely adore it when applicants demonstrate an awareness of either their own personal shortcomings or the ways in which they have developed as a result of the experiences they have had.

The best stories can be told through writing that is sincere.

Utilize Personal Examples

The essay is going to be all about you, you need to make sure that your response is as detailed as it can be!

Avoid making broad statements like “I’m really good at music” or “I’m really good at everything.” Rather than that, you should focus on making statements that are more individualized (for example, “My fourth-grade teacher Ms. Matay really pushed me to pursue my passion in the clarinet”). Your own specific examples are what will set your scholarship application essay apart from the thousands of others that have been submitted.

Write in the First Person

Since you are the one narrating what makes you unique, you should write it from your point of view. You can tell your story in narrative form. You are able to submit a summary of what you discovered from your various encounters.

No matter how you decide to respond to the question, we advise you to write in an active voice and make frequent use of the pronouns “I” and “me” throughout your essay.

Try to discuss more but stick to the topic

The majority of students are concerned about bragging too much about themselves in their essays, but we say go for it! This is your moment to shine, so make the most of it by highlighting your previous successes and qualities.

Young woman using a laptop while sitting.

Check over your essay to make certain that you are maintaining an informative tone and that you are staying on the topic at all times. (Brag about yourself when you’re answering the essay prompt; don’t just list random things about yourself that have nothing to do with each other but are remarkable!)

Show Personality

Given that this essay is all about you, it is important to convey your own message of what makes you unique. You are allowed to make light of the situation if you are the class clown. If you’re the type of person who wears their feelings on their sleeve, don’t be scared to show how you feel.

Making an effort to convey who you are as a person will have a significant impact on the panel deciding whether or not to grant you admission or a scholarship.

Know Your Audience

Always do your homework on the organization offering the scholarship before applying for it. This may not necessarily mean that you need to write an essay worthy of a Pulitzer nomination, but you need to be conscious of including vital information about the service or college in your essay.

Furthermore, highlight what sets them apart from other providers or colleges and what motivated you to choose them. For instance, many different scholarships are supported by private businesses in the form of product sales. You should probably make some sort of mention of those items in your essay.

Edit constantly

Checking your work again should be the final step in responding to the prompt for your essay. Even one misspelling can be distracting and make the people providing the scholarships scratch their heads while they are reading the essay. We can’t stress this enough, check for typos . In addition to checking for typos and grammatical mistakes, when you proofread, you should also examine whether the structure of the sentence or paragraph makes sense.

Are you skipping the appropriate paragraphs at the appropriate times? Are you able to effectively signpost your primary ideas by utilizing topic sentences? Does the essay read smoothly?

Also, take into consideration the following “larger” structural problems. You should also consider getting the opinion of a close friend, a member of your family, a teacher, or a guidance counselor regarding your essay. They might notice something that you missed the first time, and if they do, it could be something that truly helps your writing.

What are some ideas I could use in my personal essay?

Few people are aware of the ways in which they are unique. Because of nature, each individual human might have their own set of characteristics that are distinctive. If you are the kind of student who keeps to themselves in the classroom, always turns in their work on time, and leads a seemingly typical life, it may be difficult to appreciate how exceptional you truly are.

Young woman using a laptop in a bench.

Having said that, everybody is odd in their own way. It is important to make sure that you ask yourself questions in order to produce the greatest possible essay. The questions will take you to the answers, which will reveal your true self. The following are some points to think about.

  • Where and with whom do you live?
  • What was your childhood like and how does it affect your life today?
  • What makes you unique as a family member?
  • What languages can you speak?
  • How committed are you to your religion?

If you are having trouble identifying the possible distinguishing characteristics that you possess, you can try the following:

  • Hear your friends out
  • Ask your classmates to describe you
  • Note down everything you know about yourself

What Are the Best Practices for Revising?

Revising your “what-makes-you-unique” essay is not merely a process of correcting errors; it’s an opportunity to refine your message, enhance your voice, and ensure that your unique qualities shine through. The best practices for revising involve a combination of self-review and external feedback, focusing on both content and form.

Young woman using a laptop in a library.

Seeking feedback from teachers, peers, or mentors

One of the most effective ways to elevate your essay is to seek feedback from those who know you well and those who have expertise in writing. Teachers, peers, or mentors can provide valuable perspectives on what makes you unique and how you’ve articulated it in your essay.

They can identify areas where your uniqueness may not be fully expressed or where additional examples or explanations might enhance your narrative. This collaborative process not only enriches your essay but also fosters a deeper understanding of yourself, as you see your unique qualities reflected through the eyes of others.

Reviewing for clarity, coherence, and grammar

An essay that explores what makes you unique must be clear, coherent, and grammatically correct to effectively convey your message. Clarity ensures that your unique traits and experiences are understood, coherence ensures that your ideas flow logically, and proper grammar ensures that your writing is professional and polished.

Reviewing your essay with these principles in mind requires careful reading and a critical eye. It may involve reorganizing paragraphs, rewriting sentences, or fine-tuning word choices. This meticulous attention to detail ensures that your unique story is told in a way that engages the reader and leaves a lasting impression.

Avoiding clichés and overused phrases

To truly capture what makes you unique, your writing must be fresh and original. Clichés and overused phrases can dilute your message and make your essay feel generic. Avoiding these pitfalls requires a conscious effort to express your unique qualities in a way that is genuine and distinctive.

Instead of relying on familiar expressions, strive to find your own voice and articulate your uniqueness in a way that is true to you. This doesn’t mean you have to be overly creative or unconventional; it simply means being authentic and thoughtful in your word choices.

By avoiding clichés and overused phrases, you ensure that your essay stands out, not because it’s flashy or extravagant, but because it’s a true reflection of what makes you unique.

How Can You Make Your Essay Stand Out Even More?

In the competitive landscape of college admissions, making your essay stand out is paramount. While articulating what makes you unique is the core of the essay, there are additional strategies to elevate your writing and make it truly memorable.

These strategies go beyond mere content and delve into the art of storytelling, the connection to broader themes, and the alignment with the college’s values.

Adding creative elements or a unique writing style

Creativity is not just about artistic expression; it’s about finding novel ways to convey what makes you unique. Adding creative elements or a unique writing style to your essay can transform it from a mere statement of facts into a compelling narrative.

Whether it’s through metaphor, imagery, or a distinctive voice, these creative touches add depth and texture to your story. They allow you to express your uniqueness in a way that goes beyond mere description, capturing the essence of who you are in a manner that is both engaging and insightful.

This creative approach not only enhances your essay but also reflects your ability to think outside the box and approach challenges with innovation and originality.

Connecting your uniqueness to broader societal or community themes

Your uniqueness is not an isolated trait; it’s part of a larger context that includes your community, society, and the world at large. Connecting what makes you unique to broader societal or community themes adds a layer of relevance and significance to your essay.

It shows that you are not just self-aware but also socially aware, recognizing how your unique qualities relate to larger issues or values. Whether it’s a commitment to social justice, a passion for environmental stewardship, or a dedication to community service, linking your uniqueness to these broader themes creates a powerful narrative that resonates with both personal authenticity and social responsibility.

Demonstrating how your uniqueness will contribute to the college community

Colleges and universities are not just looking for students with high grades or impressive resumes; they are looking for individuals who will enrich their community.

Demonstrating how what makes you unique will contribute to the college community is a critical aspect of your essay. It’s about showing how your unique perspective, talents, or values align with the institution’s mission and how you will actively contribute to campus life.

Whether it’s through leadership, collaboration, or innovation, articulating how your uniqueness will positively impact the college community creates a compelling argument for your admission.

Inspiring confidence in the application process

The college application process can be daunting, filled with uncertainty and anxiety. The “what-makes-you-unique” essay, however, is an opportunity to take control, express yourself with clarity and confidence, and make a compelling case for your admission.

By focusing on what makes you unique, you shift the narrative from trying to meet external expectations to expressing your authentic self. This approach not only enhances your essay but also inspires confidence in the application process. It shows that you are not just seeking to fit in but to stand out, contribute something special to the college community, and pursue a path that reflects your unique identity and potential.

This confidence is not just about believing in your ability to write a great essay; it’s about believing in your ability to make a meaningful impact, pursue your dreams, and create a future that is uniquely yours.

The journey of crafting a “what-makes-you-unique” essay is more than a mere exercise in writing; it’s a profound exploration of self, an opportunity to articulate your identity, values, and vision. Through this process, you not only answer the question of what makes you unique but also create a narrative that resonates with authenticity, insight, and purpose.

This essay is not just a gateway to college admission; it’s a reflection of who you are and what you aspire to be. By embracing the strategies and principles outlined in this article, you can craft an essay that stands out, not merely for its eloquence or creativity but for its truth, relevance, and impact.

Get Started With Your Scholarship Essay

It’s time to get started on that stellar application essay you’ll send off to dozens of universities. In order to help you achieve your goal of enrolling in the prominent university of your choice and subsequently pursuing your dream profession, AdmissionSight is here to help.

AdmissionSight has more than a decade of expertise assisting students just like you gain entry to their dream schools. Don’t hesitate to contact us right away so that we can set up your free initial consultation.


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Published: Aug 1, 2024

Words: 861 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

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Background and cultural identity, passions and skills, values and worldview, implications and growth.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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How to Answer ‘What Makes You Unique?’ & Stand Out in Your Next Interview

Alana Chinn

Published: April 23, 2024

Whenever I get asked ‘What makes you unique?’ or ‘What makes you stand out from other candidates?’ in an interview, I use it as the perfect opportunity to explain why I’m the best person for the role.

Marketer showing you how to answer the what makes you unique interview question

And I like to get specific. I’ve found that interviewers respond positively when I skip the generics and tie my answer back to what I have to offer based on my individual background.

Free Guide: 50 Common Interview Questions [Download Now]

Your answer could ultimately make or break your interview, so it’s important to really nail it. I’ll walk you through how to answer this question the right way.

Table of Contents

Subtle Ways Interviewers Ask 'What makes you unique?’

Why do interviewers ask ‘what sets you apart from other candidates’.

  • How to Answer "What makes you unique?"

7 Sample Answers to "What Makes You Unique?" and Why They Work

Prepare beyond ‘what makes you unique’.

There are many ways that interviewers try to tease out what makes you a stand-out candidate.

Here are some of the common questions that are actually ‘What makes you unique?’ in disguise:

  • What makes you stand out from other candidates?
  • What sets you apart from other candidates?
  • What can you bring to this role that’s different from other candidates?
  • What makes you a valuable candidate for this role?
  • Why are you the best candidate for this role?
  • Why should I choose you over other candidates?

No matter how this question manifests itself during your interview, the overarching goal remains the same.

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The interviewer is asking you this question to give you an opportunity to showcase your value.

They want to see that you’ve done thorough research about the company and the position. And they want you to connect your skills and experience back to the role you’re interviewing for.

For example, let’s say I’m trying to land a social media role, and I notice that the company could be doing a better job on TikTok.

I can use this as an opportunity to:

  • Show that I’ve done my homework — I’m already familiar with the company’s social media presence and the platforms where they’re currently active (i.e., TikTok).
  • Highlight relevant skills — I have several years of experience managing and growing TikTok accounts, so I’ll be sure to mention that.
  • Provide a light recommendation — I’ll share how my skills and experience allows me to identify and implement that recommendation.

Think about it like this: If you can show the interviewer that you can help the company meet their goals (and that you know what their goals are in the first place), that’s one great way to set yourself apart from the rest.

Plus, it becomes clear to the interviewer that you’ve taken the time to prepare if you can provide specific examples related to the role.

These are all reasons why this is such a popular interview question — so come ready, and don’t be afraid to humble brag about yourself a little.

How to Answer 'What makes you unique?'

  • Mention skills listed in the job description.
  • Provide specific examples from your background.
  • Avoid generic phrases like ‘I'm a hard worker.’
  • Include key personality traits that will allow you to deliver results.
  • Tell the interviewer how your unique skills will help the company succeed.

1. Mention skills listed in the job description.

This is one of the best ways to show the interviewer that you’ve done your research. Also, the job description is basically like your cheat sheet. Use it as a guide so you know exactly which skills to highlight throughout the interview.

My recommendation: Refer back to the job description but don’t recite it word for word. Use it in context to explain how your skillset aligns with the expectations for the role.

2. Provide specific examples from your background.

This is another smart way you can use the job description to your advantage. Reference prior accomplishments or results from past roles that relate to the position you’re interviewing for.

My recommendation: Focus on examples that tie back to the skills required for the position, and always quantify success where possible.

Using our social media example, saying ‘I ran a social media campaign which resulted in a 120% increase in traffic to our website’ is a lot more impactful than ‘I have experience running social media campaigns.’

3. Avoid generic phrases like "I'm a hard worker."

Remember, this is a very standard interview question, so that means every candidate is likely being asked this question.

Make your answer compelling. Instead of saying you're a ‘hard worker,’ give specific examples about the hard work you’ve accomplished related to the role.

My recommendation: Try to avoid the common buzzwords and instead replace those with real descriptions of your past work.

For example, you and every other candidate for a social media position probably consider yourselves to be “social media savvy.” 

Instead, make the case to prove that you are actually savvier than the competition based on your unique background.

4. Include key personality traits that will allow you to deliver results.

Someone else might have similar skills as you, but your personality is one of a kind. 

Being ‘social media savvy’ is one thing. But if you’re social media savvy and a tenacious person who is able to think quickly on your feet, that’s an asset.

Highlight the traits that have proven value in helping you grow as a professional.

My recommendation: You want to know one of my favorite ways to convince interviewers that I can deliver the results they’re looking for? Tell them how I’ve found similar success in the past and how my individuality supported that.

5. Tell the interviewer how your unique skills will help the company succeed.

This closely relates back to Tip #3. 

Don’t just talk about generic skills that most candidates have — always tie your skills back to specific projects you’ve worked on.

Your background is what makes you unique. There’s no one person that has the exact experience, skills, and traits that you do. Use that to your advantage.

My recommendation: You may not know the company's internal goals, but you should always try to connect your skills back to their mission and values when possible.

what makes you unique for a job

1. "I am a very good communicator and find it's easy for me to relate to other people."

Consider mentioning a personality trait you feel would be a good fit for the business. After reading the job description, make a list of attributes that could make you an exceptional candidate.

Additionally, including a personality trait in your answer allows you to display how you're a good fit for a role in which you have little prior experience.

For instance, if you're applying for a position as a team leader, it's critical that you demonstrate strong communication skills and an ability to connect with a diverse group of people. 

If you tell the interviewer, "I am a very good communicator and find it's easy for me to relate to other people", you're able to match your personality to components of a successful leader.

Why this works: Effective communication is a critical trait to emphasize in interviews. If you consider how 86% of employees cite lack of collaboration  as a main component of workplace failures, you can begin to appreciate why.

2. "I really enjoy learning new things and am constantly seeking out new learning opportunities."

By mentioning your passion for learning new things, you're demonstrating you're growth-focused and unafraid of challenges.

Additionally, answering the question in this way allows you to remind the interviewer why you're uniquely qualified for the role. 

Why this works: While other candidates might have more prior experience in the industry, you're proving your desire to exceed expectations of the job quickly.

3. "My prior experience in customer service has provided me with unique technical skills that I can apply to this role."

If you have prior experience in a role vastly different from the one for which you're applying, you might use this as an opportunity to explain how your background uniquely qualifies you. 

It's critical, however, that you provide specific examples of how your prior experience has provided you with certain transferable skills.

For instance, you might say the following:

"My prior experience in customer service provided me with an extensive knowledge base for how our product works. As a marketer, I will be able to use this knowledge to ensure we're meeting our customers' needs."

It's also important to highlight: Previous job experience has declined in importance when it comes to recruiters evaluating candidates. In fact, over the last few years, that number has dropped from 92% to 62% . 

So it's okay if you feel your prior work experience doesn't perfectly align with the role for which you're applying — as long as you can explain how your skills will help you succeed. 

Why this works: With an answer like this one, you're able to alleviate concerns the interviewer might have with your lack of experience in the field.

4. "Working at a startup gave me an opportunity to understand the ins-and-outs of the industry, and to take on tasks I might not have at a larger company. I think this experience gives me a slight edge over other applicants."

Similar to the answer above, this answer is a good one if you're attempting to switch industries. 

Consider how your background has allowed you to gain unique skills that others, who followed a more linear career trajectory, might not have. 

For instance, if you previously worked at a small startup and now you want to transfer to a large corporation, it's important you mention how those skills will make you successful in this new role.

Why this works: If you think your prior experience could deter interviewers from seeing you as exceptionally qualified, this is an optimal chance to prove them wrong.

5. "I'm not afraid of failure. In fact, I think it is an essential part of the experimental process that gets you to success. For example … "

This answer shows your interviewer that you're not afraid to take risks.

Of course, you'll only want to say this if you have a positive example to reinforce the importance of failure in the workplace.

You don't want to sound like you make mistakes all the time, but you'll stand out if you mention how you turned a failure into a success.

For instance, you might say, "I'm not afraid of failure. In my last role, we tried to streamline our SEO process and, along the way, found we'd accidentally decreased traffic to our site. 

However, this initial failure allowed me to see the errors in our previous procedure. My team and I came up with a more successful strategy to avoid these mistakes in the future, and ended up increasing traffic by 20%."

Why this works: With this answer, you're showing you're capable of remaining flexible and open-minded when something doesn't work right away, and you know how to take failures and use them as learning opportunities.

6. "When solving problems, I apply both logic and emotional aspects in equal proportion. For instance, I'm trained in SEO and understand how to use analytics to ensure a marketing campaign is successful, but I also majored in design and know how to apply creativity to a project as well."

If you're stuck on deciding how to demonstrate your unique qualifications, start by thinking about how other people approach problems at your company, and how you differ.

For instance, most people are either logical and use analytics to solve problems, or emotional and use creativity. It's rare to find someone who is both. 

Why this works: Most people focus on highlighting one skill per question in an interview. If you’re able to demonstrate that you’re comfortable combining two unique skills, it's an impressive ability you should highlight.

7. "I'm exceptionally organized, and at my last company, I was able to apply this skill to improve our process and increase ROI by 33%."

Remember, when your interviewer asks "what makes you unique", they're really wondering "how will you help our company?" 

At the end of the day, it's critical you tie your answer back to how you will solve problems for the company. 

48% of recruiters say improving quality of hire is a top priority — so you'll want to ensure your answer highlights how you will excel in the role for the long haul.

Consider a personality trait or skill set that helped your last company achieve results. If the results are quantitative, make sure you have the specific numbers to support your claim.

However, it's also appropriate to share qualitative results, such as, "my organizational skills led my manager to trusting me with a major project within the first two months in my role."

Why this works: Ultimately, providing examples shows the interviewer you're results-driven, and aren't just saying generic phrases to answer their question.

For even more inspiration on how to answer this question effectively, check out the video below.

The age-old “What makes you stand out from other candidates” question is one of many common questions that interviewers love, so it’s important to prep accordingly.

HubSpot’s comprehensive interview guide to help you tackle over 50 different interview questions like a pro, including questions related to:

  • Who you are and what skills you bring to the role
  • How you respond to challenges and conflict
  • How you’ll fit into or add to the company culture
  • Your professional goals and desired career trajectory

Download it for free here .

Stand Out in the Crowd

Essentially, ‘What makes you unique’ really means, ‘What makes you an exceptionally good fit for this role?’ Come prepared, get specific, and use examples to prove that you’re the best option in the candidate pool.

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What Makes You Unique Essay Example

Published by gudwriter on January 4, 2021 January 4, 2021

What Makes You Unique College Essay

Universities, colleges and other institutions of higher learning are highly coveted. Hundreds of thousands of students send their applications every year, but only a few get admitted. Those who receive admission letters to their preferred schools have more than just academic performances and GPA to show. They have special personality, social and physical abilities that make them better than those whose applications are dropped. To sieve out the large number of applicants, these colleges normally require students to write up an essay about what makes them unique.

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Describing yourself in an essay may be difficult sometimes but with the help of an admission essay writing service you get to work with writers who are expert in such kind of essays and will write a quality paper for you.

It is what makes you special that will help you beat other competitors for place in the school. You need to explain how you stand out: it must, of course, be in a positive way. For instance, it could be that you are a talented athlete, singer or leader. Colleges need people with such talents to market their name. Again, they’d definitely love to develop all-round students and you need to prove that you can be one.

Additional tips

Few people know how they are special. Nature makes it possible for every human have different features that are unique. If you are the type that is quiet in class, finishes assignments on time and has an ordinary life, it may not be easy to realize how unique you are. However, everyone is indeed peculiar. If you want to write up the best essay, be sure to ask yourself some questions. The answers will lead you to who you really are. Here are a few issues to consider.

  • Where and with whom do you live?
  • How was your childhood like and how does it affect your life today?
  • What is unique about your family?
  • How extensively have you travelled?
  • What languages can you speak?
  • How committed are you to your religion?
  • Are you a sportsperson?
  • Where and how many times have you volunteered?
  • Which are the most memorable challenges you’ve faced in our life and how were you able to face them?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Perhaps you might be interested in reading an essay on Dante’s Divine comedy .

If you can’t find out the possible distinct qualities that you have try the following:

  • Hear your friends out
  • Ask your classmates to describe you
  • Note down everything you know about yourself

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Admission Essay Samples

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Sample 1: College Essay What Makes You Unique Essay?

For me, being special is a state of having distinct qualities from other people. This could be based on personality, beliefs, standpoints, or interests. Well, there has been more than forty presidents in America, but; Abraham Lincoln stands out as the one who freed slaves. William Shakespeare’s writings were unique in his time and it’s the reason we remember him today. I may be living with albinism but my uniqueness is way more than skin-deep. I have a great passion for people and knowledge, and that may summarize why I am applying for a law degree program at Yale University.

First, I have a great motivation towards justice. I dislike seeing people make others suffer. I don’t like it when I hear people getting mistreated or discriminated against. I have had to live with albinism myself, and this may have been an indelible inspiration. Yet, I was raised in a well-off elite family, but this only gave me a taste of both worlds. As a person with firsthand experience, I know how to be on both sides of the scale. And this has helped me to understand that I need to put myself in the shoes of the offender as well as the victim before passing a judgment.

I’m however distinct from other inspiring lawyers in that I don’t necessarily want to be obsessed with punishing wrong doers. Instead, I want to help them realize how wrong it is and possibly use the chance to change the society. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr . would have probably put it, the profession is all about making way for ‘justice to run like a mighty stream’.

Second, I have a heart for volunteering. Growing up, I was trained that work is not a punishment but rather, a way of playing a part in making the society and the world in general a better place. To me, it’s not about the money that people get from the profession. This has enabled me to take part in almost every volunteering chance I ever got. The majority of these camps had little to do with law, but I liked them because they provided the opportunity to interact and help people.

Third, I am greatly enthusiastic about sports. I love long races. Well, sometimes – actually most times- organizers tend to insist that I should run in the People Living with Disability special sports category. But, I always desist from that. Honestly, the only difference between me and other people is my absence of melanin. I don’t possibly see how that makes me a lesser person. In fact, I have several medals from my high school where I was the reigning champion for two years. I hope to impress at the NCAA and possibly soar to greater heights in future.

Well, I am unique in so many ways that a 500 word essay cannot possibly contain each of them. I have an insatiable love for travelling and besides, I’m a computer geek. I play chess and at 18 years, I’m already rated 1795. I hope to push forward and become a grandmaster soon. I’ve been my class prefect for as long as I can remember. As the first born in a family of three, I’ve been able to learn how to be a responsible leader. My character revolves around being an open, analytical minded person who leads from the front. I believe Yale University will find me a valuable student.

Sample 2: Admission Essay: How am I unique?

Being unique encompasses the beliefs, character traits, and even physical attributes of a person that make him or her different from other people. It’s about standing out from a crowd.

First, I am an 18-year old girl with a great passion for computers. I was raised in Dallas, Texas, where we live with my Dad and step mother. My parents lived a happy life until mum left when she was giving birth to me, and that’s as far as I know. Since then, dad and our step mum have been the pillars of our life – my two elder brothers and I. The whole experience has taught me to be a person who appreciates life. I have a passion for other people and I believe anyone can be the best they want to be as long as they are dedicated to it. As a matter of fact, this is my major mantra in life; that I can achieve all my life dreams as long as I am committed in pursuing them.

I guess growing up with the boys gave me the urge to be daring. The three of us were fond of playing games on our dad’s desktop computer. We had several video games and dad bought us a play station, probably to make us leave his computer alone. However, I still had a strong desire to know how the computer worked. I wanted to check why buttons and commands were obeyed by a mere machine. My life has always revolved around this issue. It’s made me a truth seeker and this is the primary reason why I am applying for a chance to study computer science and engineering. I want to know the science behind one of the greatest inventions in the history of the universe: the computer.

In this quest for knowledge about computers, I have gone extra miles. I’ve removed the screws and opened up dad’s computer just to stare at wires. Yes, at the age of 10, I touched a bare wire and the next minute, I was receiving medical services at the hospital. Interestingly, and perhaps surprisingly, that did not stop me. My dad tried to dissuade me from electronics but I just couldn’t help it. Eventually, he gave up on separating me from this strong passion. I was maverick, literally, and I guess that sums up my desire for this course.

Throughout my school life, other students simply referred to me as ‘the comp girl’. It felt odd for them as they believed that I had misplaced hobbies. They believed that coding and computer repair was for men, and I felt an urge to challenge that. Well, I guess I won that argument so many times that they just called me the comp girl. It was me they always called when they needed a quick fix or troubleshoot. And I happily did that. It reassured me that I was on the right path to realizing my dream of becoming a computer wizard.

Noteworthy however, my life hasn’t been all about computers. I have unquenchable love for camping and swimming, as well as football. I never miss a chance to participate in voluntary activities, probably a virtue I have learnt from my family’s staunch Christian traditions. At 18, I haven’t traveled much (if travelling is visiting foreign countries). However, I have interacted with several people at school, church, and other fora. As a team player, I know how to respect other people and I’m not the kind of person to find in fights. I love children, and I intend to use the knowledge I gather from the university to create a functional app for taking care of them.

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Everybody is unique in their own way and so am I. I feel that what has had the most impact on who I am today is being brought up in a God-fearing family. Throughout my childhood till now, I have heavily relied on my family for support in whatever decisions I make. My culture is based on three essential tenets: good thoughts, good deeds, and good words. In line with these tenets, I always try to do good things to other people and do my best in my own life endeavors in order to achieve the best of results. I particularly try to do well in my academics since I saw right from my childhood the many opportunities and doors one can access through good education. For me, education is the ultimate equalizer for all humans.

Even though I am not very intelligent or highly talented, I am a very hardworking person. In high school, I used to be among the last in memorizing and understanding texts. While some students only needed to be taught the basics of lessons in order to start understanding the concepts, it took me a lot of time to understand them. This did not however bar me from always claiming the first position in class and even winning the “Best Student of the Year” prize on many occasions. Out of my spirit of hard work, I would sit down with my books after class and carefully study all the concepts that I found challenging to understand. Moreover, I would seek teachers’ help as much as I would need it. In other terms, I have the belief that what I cannot achieve through intelligence, I can achieve through sheer hard work.

Besides being a hardworking person, I am a humble and respectful person who never loses hope in life. I like telling everyone the truth while according them due respect irrespective of whether they are my elders or my juniors in terms of age. This is because as the old adage goes, truth sets people free and thus it pays to avoid lies which often turn out to be costly. My humble attitude in relating with others has enabled me to earn respect from everyone I interact with. In addition, I never lose hope no matter how physically or mentally poor a situation might make me to be. Instead, I normally make efforts to achieve my dreams by utilizing my strengths and accepting my weaknesses but never giving them a chance to bring me down. To me, a hopeful person is already a successful person!

Finally, I am blessed with a sensitive spirit and I do jump into action whenever there is need to stand up for righteousness, especially that involving people. I am a staunch Christian who lives by Christian virtues and believes that no human should be exposed to injustice. This is why whenever I see a person suffering unjustifiably; I would go to any possible lengths to help them seek justice. I am also hospitable to people regardless of where they come from because I believe that guests bring good fortunes and the best thing to do is to welcome them warmly. I may only turn hostile if the intention of the guest’s visit is to harm me because even the Holy Bible teaches us to defend ourselves from unjust aggression. This is because being receptive to evil is in itself evil.

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36 Smart Answers to “What Makes You Unique?”

By Status.net Editorial Team on May 24, 2023 — 9 minutes to read

Interviewers ask the question “What makes you unique?” to determine how you stand out from other candidates: they want to know what specific qualities, skills, or experiences you possess that will bring success to the position they are filling. This question helps interviewers assess your self-awareness , confidence , and ability to effectively communicate your strengths .

Related: “What Sets You Apart”: Smart Answers

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Identifying Your Unique Qualities

To answer this question:

  • Start by reviewing the job description and pinpointing key skills or requirements for the position.
  • Identify your own experiences or qualities that align with these key attributes.
  • Focus on the aspects of your background, personality, or life experiences that make you uniquely suited for the job.

Emphasize aspects of your experience and skills that align with the position’s requirements, while also highlighting personal or life experiences that set you apart from other candidates.

36 Sample Answers to “What Makes You Unique?”

  • When asked, “What makes you unique?” you could reply: “I have a strong ability to identify problems and implement innovative solutions quickly. In my previous job, I was responsible for improving our customer support process, which led to a 30% increase in customer satisfaction. This shows my drive for excellence and my determination to always seek improvements.”
  • You might want to mention your enthusiasm as a unique trait: “I am extremely passionate about the work I do, and I bring this energy to every task I undertake. My enthusiasm positively influences my team members, and I have found it helps us achieve our goals more effectively. My passion drives me to consistently perform above expectations.”
  • Showcase your accomplishments as a factor that sets you apart: “My unique combination of skills led me to be recognized as the top salesperson at my previous company for three consecutive years. I expertly balance relationship building with a focus on meeting targets to drive growth and ensure success.”
  • You could emphasize your adaptability: “I am highly adaptable and can comfortably work in various environments or industry sectors. For example, I have experience in sales, marketing, and customer service, which has provided me with a well-rounded understanding of different business areas.”
  • Highlighting your dedication to lifelong learning might impress interviewers: “I’m committed to continually developing my skills and knowledge in my field. I consistently attend conferences, read industry publications, and take courses to stay updated on the latest trends and practices. This commitment allows me to bring fresh ideas and perspectives to my work.”
  • Perhaps you want to mention how you balance work and personal life: “I pride myself on maintaining an excellent work-life balance, allowing me to stay focused and productive during work hours but also having time to pursue personal interests and hobbies. This gives me a healthy perspective and positively impacts my overall performance.”
  • You could speak to your ability to communicate effectively: “My strong communication skills and ability to relate to people from diverse backgrounds make me highly effective in team environments. I have a proven track record of resolving conflicts and fostering collaboration, which makes our team projects successful.”
  • Draw attention to your ability as a mentor: “I enjoy mentoring and sharing my knowledge with others, which benefits both my personal growth and the development of my team members. I have a history of empowering and guiding colleagues to help them reach their full potential.”
  • Your resourcefulness could be a point of interest: “I am resourceful and creative when faced with challenges or limited resources. This enables me to find unique solutions and operate efficiently, regardless of constraints.”
  • Emphasizing your work ethic: “I’m known for my strong work ethic and dedication to always putting forth my best effort. I take pride in consistently delivering high-quality results and have built a reputation as someone my team can rely on to execute tasks on-time and accurately.”
  • Showcase your leadership skills: “I have developed strong leadership skills throughout my career, allowing me to effectively guide teams and make strategic decisions. My ability to inspire and motivate those around me helps to cultivate a positive and productive work environment.”
  • Or, you could focus on your attention to detail: “My meticulous attention to detail allows me to quickly spot errors and discrepancies that others might miss, ensuring the highest quality of work. This has saved my team considerable time and effort, as well as prevented potential issues.”
  • More examples: “My dedication to learning new skills sets me apart. I constantly seek opportunities to improve my expertise and apply that knowledge to my work.”
  • “I bring a unique combination of marketing and design experience, which allows me to approach projects with creative and effective strategies.”
  • “My bilingual background allows me to communicate seamlessly with diverse teams and clients, ensuring successful collaboration on projects.”
  • “I am an avid problem-solver who enjoys tackling complex challenges, and I have a track record of finding innovative solutions that drive success.”
  • “My exceptional time-management skills help me juggle multiple tasks without compromising on quality or deadlines, especially when working under pressure.”
  • “My strong interpersonal skills have allowed me to create and maintain great working relationships with coworkers and clients, fostering a positive work environment.”
  • “I pride myself on being very adaptable, making it easier for me to adjust to new situations, teams, and roles within a company.”
  • “As a lifelong volunteer, I bring a strong sense of community and empathy, which has aided me in understanding the unique needs of clients and coworkers.”
  • “Through my experience in diverse industries, I gained a well-rounded perspective that allows me to approach tasks and projects from different angles.”
  • “As a self-starter, I am proactive in identifying areas for improvement and taking the necessary steps to ensure the success of the team and the company as a whole.”
  • “My resilience and ability to bounce back from setbacks have allowed me to learn from my mistakes and continuously grow both personally and professionally.”
  • “I have a knack for storytelling, which helps me present complex ideas in a compelling way, making it more accessible and engaging for my audience.”
  • “ My background in both marketing and data analytics sets me apart from other candidates. This allows me to effectively analyze marketing data while also devising creative strategies for driving customer engagement.”
  • “As someone who has worked remotely for several years, I have developed strong communication and time management skills that would make me an asset to this team.”
  • “I am fluent in three languages, which makes me an asset in providing customer support to a diverse range of clients.”
  • “I am a certified yoga instructor, and I believe in incorporating mindfulness and stress reduction techniques into my work environment, leading to increased productivity and teamwork among colleagues.”
  • “I have an extensive background in nonprofit management, which includes grant writing, budgeting, and strategic planning. This experience makes me uniquely qualified to help grow and maintain the financial stability of the organization.”
  • “I have a strong track record of building rapport with clients in my previous sales role, consistently exceeding sales targets and receiving high satisfaction ratings.”
  • “With a background in both graphic design and writing, I have developed a creative approach to problem-solving that allows me to generate innovative solutions to business challenges.”
  • “As a military veteran, I have learned the importance of discipline, teamwork, and adaptability. These traits make me a valuable addition to any team.”
  • “I have experience working with both children and adults with special needs, making me uniquely qualified to meet the diverse needs of clients in this occupational therapy role.”
  • “In the past, I have taken on several leadership roles, engaging in volunteer work, and mentoring relationships. These experiences have helped me develop strong leadership and communication skills.”
  • “Having completed a coding bootcamp, I am skilled in multiple programming languages and have a strong grasp of best practices. This knowledge allows me to quickly adapt and contribute to various projects.”
  • “I have a strong background in both technical support and customer service, which enables me to give clients a seamless support experience while effectively troubleshooting and resolving any issues they encounter.”

Personality Traits


Showcasing your adaptability can help set you apart. When asked “What makes you unique?” consider sharing an example of your ability to adapt quickly to new situations. For example, you could say, “I embrace change in the workplace and am always eager to learn new skills. In my previous role, my team had to switch to remote work unexpectedly, and I quickly became an expert in using remote collaboration tools to keep the team on track.”

Empathy is a valuable trait to demonstrate during an interview. A good answer that highlights empathy could be, “I’ve found that my ability to empathize with others allows me to build strong relationships with team members and clients. I actively listen to their concerns and strive to understand their experiences, which has helped me adapt my communication style to make others feel comfortable.”

Related: Examples of Empathy (and 38 Empathy Statements)

Enthusiasm can make a significant impact on a hiring manager. When answering what makes you unique, use an example that illustrates your excitement about the role, company, or industry. For example, you could say, “I am genuinely enthusiastic about my work and continuously seek opportunities to expand my knowledge. I recently completed a certification course in digital marketing, even though it wasn’t required for my previous position, because I wanted to deepen my expertise.”

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution skills are an essential aspect of effective teamwork. Prove your ability to handle difficult situations by sharing an example from a previous job. For example, “I have a strong ability to mediate conflicts and maintain positive team dynamics. In my last job, two coworkers were disagreeing over a project that was causing delays. I stepped in, listened to their concerns, and facilitated a solution that satisfied both parties and got the project back on track.”

Related: How to Choose a Conflict Management Style? [5 Styles with Examples]

By focusing on adaptability, empathy, enthusiasm, or conflict resolution you’ll demonstrate qualities that a hiring manager is likely to find attractive. Use examples from your experience to showcase these traits, and be confident in presenting yourself as a unique candidate.

Skills and Abilities

Technical skills.

When answering “What makes you unique?” in a job interview, you can highlight your technical skills that set you apart. For example:

  • “I have mastered HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and have successfully built several websites from scratch. This experience makes me a strong candidate for web development roles.”
  • “I am a certified project manager with a track record of completing projects on time and within budget. This demonstrates my ability to lead a team and ensure success.”
  • “My experience with data analysis and visualization tools like Tableau and Excel have allowed me to create impactful reports and make data-driven decisions.”

Soft Skills

You should also emphasize your soft skills which contribute to your uniqueness.

  • “I have excellent time-management skills and can juggle multiple tasks simultaneously. I believe this ability allows me to perform well in high-pressure environments.”
  • “My communication skills help me effectively convey ideas to colleagues and clients alike. I think this makes me an asset in collaborative projects.”
  • “I pride myself on my problem-solving abilities, which enables me to approach complex situations with clarity and determination. This skill helps me excel in challenging roles.”

Try to be specific about the skills and abilities you possess and how they contribute to your uniqueness in the workplace. Providing real-life examples of how you’ve applied those skills in your work history can make your answer more convincing and memorable to the interviewer.

The key to answering this question effectively is to focus on your personal strengths and abilities, providing specific examples that demonstrate how your unique qualities will benefit the company. By doing so, you’ll leave a lasting impression and increase your chances of landing the job. Good luck!

  • 5 Smart Answers to “What Areas Need Improvement?”
  • What Are Your Strengths And Weaknesses? (Answers & Strategies)
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    Essentially, ‘What makes you unique’ really means, ‘What makes you an exceptionally good fit for this role?’ Come prepared, get specific, and use examples to prove that you’re the best option in the candidate pool.

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    Sample 2: Admission Essay: How am I unique? Being unique encompasses the beliefs, character traits, and even physical attributes of a person that make him or her different from other people. It’s about standing out from a crowd.

  6. 36 Smart Answers to “What Makes You Unique?” - Status.net

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